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Evidencia 9: Frases claves globalización

Basados en el material “Globalization and cultural choice" realizar el taller de

inglés, el cual solicita la creación de 15 frases que expliquen los puntos clave
dentro de la globalización y tendencias del mercado, usando el vocabulario
estudiado con el objetivo de ir ampliando el léxico, de tal forma que este
posibilite, una adecuada proyección como negociador internacional.

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1. Accommodate the religious and cultural differences of immigrant


2. International institutions must respect other cultural traditions and create

conditions conducive to the development of local cultural resources.

3. Globalization can bring recognition to the independent people who have

developed their resources over the centuries.

4. Restricting foreign influence does not promote cultural freedom.

5. Addressing the concerns of indigenous peoples will require global, national

and counting policies that promote human development goals.

6. The global financial system is constantly changing. The uncertain outlook

poses both opportunities and risks for financial institutions, alternative asset
managers, and other companies in need of funding.

7. readjustment between developed and emerging economies, between the

public and private sectors, and between global institutions and nations
8. the digital revolution has changed the way we work and play, almost making
it almost unrecognizable

9. A key point to note is the slow but sure growth of clean technologies for the
benefit of business

10. Globalization is already a reality, but it is still an ongoing process. The main
objective of economic globalization - which is what drives the process - is to
move from an inter-national market to a single world market.

11. In societies with little cultural identity, the phenomenon of acculturation

imposes fashions and modes that make its inhabitants the consumers of a

12. Globalization is a new stage in the development of capitalism. Globalization

involves the extension of a mode of production to the whole of the planet
(capitalism, in its phase of financial expansion); Of an ideology and of
government recipes (neoliberalism); And a commercial and cultural domination
by the most developed countries.

13. The ongoing process of globalization or globalization is not a natural

process. It is not something that responds exclusively to objective elements,
such as the technological revolution, the expansion of transport or the increase
of trade.

14. In developed countries globalization, this type of liberal globalization, is

aggravating two types of inequalities: structural inequalities, which separate
social groups, and dynamic inequalities, which are those that divide
homogeneous social groups.

15. In the field of culture the characteristics of globalization have been affecting
in some way the identity of the peoples of the world.

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