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High School Department

“In Communion with Jesus: Being the Spark of Change We Want to See”


 PRE  SELF  FOR  SUM 2
NO.: :
Contemporary Issues
TITLE: __ __ __
ASSESSMENT Environmental Issues, Globalization and
TOPIC/S: Sustainable Development 6 9 10


I. KNOWLEDGE. Match Column A with Column B. Write the capital letter of the correct answer
on the space provided before each number.


_____ 1. climate change A. it is the Philippine’s blueprint for sustainable development

B. this policy acknowledges the idea of sustainable

_____ 2. greenhouse effect development and responsibility of the State to work for a
balanced and healthful ecology and development of the
Filipino people without compromising the natural
_____ 3. Climate Change Act of 2009 environment

C. refers to the periodic and long term change in the earth’s

_____ 4. sustainable development climate conditions

D. it is the natural process that warms the Earth’s surface

_____ 5. Philippine Agenda 21
E. is a process of interaction and integration among the
people, companies, and governments of different nations,
_____ 6. globalization a process driven by international trade and investment
and aided by information technology.

F. it refers to development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs

II. PROCESS. Given the following quotations, interpret its meaning based on your
understanding in not more than three (3) sentences.




10-12. tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5zZ2nv7PVAhWBx7wKHXGbAIwQ9C8IHw&biw=1280&bih=621&dpr=1#imgrc=IjVOlpAynAdhlM:




13-15. YCPEfEvL9SbygJjKhIJYaWklizu3zERdfKwwDiBgCUqEgmkEPxvq7X5sxG_1G7fKDxXsMSoSCbY2T7EAvXFBEQs_1gOGG_1VZf&tbo=u&




Rubric for Short-answer Questions

3 - Answers are comprehensive, correct and clear. Three statements are given as supporting detail.

2 – Answers are correct and clear. Two statements are given as supporting details.

1 – Answers are correct. One statement is given as a supporting detail.

0 – No answer is given.
III. UNDERSTANDING. Read and analyze the given article. Explain how this article how technology
becomes an effective agent of globalization and how it affects the economic
development of the country. Justify your answer by providing concrete

The Role of Technology in Globalization

Advances in technology are one of the main reasons that globalization has escalated in the past decade. In
information and communication technology, innovations have become smaller in size, more efficient and often
more affordable. In transport technology, vehicles have tended to become larger and faster, as well as
becoming more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run. Whether for personal use or for business,
technology has made the world seem a smaller place and assisted in the rise of globalisation.

Information and communication technology

Developments in information and communication technology have changed our way of life, whether it is at
home, at work, at school or at leisure. The internet and the development of digital technology (computer-based
technology) in particular, have made the most significant impact in the field of information and communication
technology in the past decade.

Information technology
The internet is essentially a network of computers across the world which is linked through global
telecommunications. Although it was originally only used by defence personnel in the United States, easy
access to computers and related technology have made using the internet a common activity in more recent
The World Wide Web (www) is a collection of interconnected documents which are accessible using the
internet. It enables people from almost anywhere in the world to access information on almost any topic from
shopping to weather forecasts; and from research to downloading music and movies.

In addition to the internet, global media networks (corporations which include television and media companies
with branches in multiple countries) also bring news and information about current events to people all over the
globe. It is now possible for someone in Australia to pick up a copy of an American fashion magazine, or for
someone in the United States to watch the Mandarin news.

Communication technology
The last decade has seen dramatic developments in telecommunication technology. Communication has
moved on since the days of 'snail mail' where it would take several weeks for mail to arrive from overseas.

The internet has had an important role in connecting people. It allows people in countries around the world to
instantly contact each another through email, chat programs and video calls. This instant communication has
revolutionized business and social lives.

In addition to the internet, mobile phones, voice mail, and text messaging allow instant contact across states
and countries. In 2003, 31 percent of 10- to 14-year-olds owned a mobile phone and almost half of Australia's
10- to 14-year-olds sent text messages every day.

Satellites have outgrown their original use in government activities and research and are now used by people
in a variety of ways. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use the information provided by satellites to provide
accurate information on locations on the land, in the sea and in the air.

Satellites are also used to provide information on weather patterns around the world; tracking hurricanes or
tropical cyclones. This information helps meteorologists make better predictions about the weather and also
warn the public of any dangerous weather systems.

Transport technology
Developments in transport technology have played a major role in globalization. Over 100 years ago, the
Industrial Revolution changed the nature of transport with the invention of the steam engine and the
combustion engine. Since then, technological development in the transportation industry has affected
transformation in road, rail, sea and air travel.

Transport for personal use has improved dramatically. Cars are now built to be faster, safer, more fuel efficient
and therefore cheaper to run, as well as being more environmentally friendly and costing less to purchase.

Airline transport has also enabled the expansion of tourism and trade across continents. Although passenger
planes only began to move groups of people around half a century ago, they have dramatically improved within
that time. Airline travel has not only become more affordable in the last 20 years but it has also become faster.
In the mid-1930s, eleven people could fit into an aircraft on a flight from London to Bangkok which took eight
days. In 2002, almost 400 passengers could take the same journey in just ten hours.

Transport has also changed the way we do business. Super tankers have increased the scale of trade
between countries, as these massive container ships are able to carry larger quantities of goods, including oil
and grain. As a result, trade has become increasingly international.

Innovations in transport often involve the use of information and communication technology. Larger aircraft and
container ships use satellite navigation systems, GPS and computers to function.

Attempts are also being made to make transport more affordable and also more environmentally friendly by
utilising things such as solar power, electricity and ethanol fuel.
Retrieved from: Skwirk Interactive Schooling
Sydney wiliam -

Explain how this article how technology becomes an effective agent of globalization and how it
affects the economic development of the country. Justify your answer by providing concrete
























5 – The answer presents cohesive standpoints. All concepts presented are accurately used.

4 – The answer presents coherent standpoints. Most of the important concepts presents are accuracy used.

3 – Most of the answer show valid standpoints. Most concepts learned in class are applied.

2 – There are some relevant standpoints present. Some concepts learned in class are applied

1 - Most standpoints and concepts used to support the answers are unclear

0 – The answer does not show coherent and substantial standpoints. Vital concepts on the topic are stated.


5 – All ideas presented are organized and coherent.

4 – The ideas presented are substantially organized.

3 – The ideas presented are adequately organized

2 – Some ideas presented are organized

1 – Most of the ideas presented are somewhat disorganized

0 – all ideas presented are disorganized

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