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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 73, NO. 2 共MARCH-APRIL 2008兲; P. B11–B23, 14 FIGS., 1 TABLE.


Case History
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Visualization of active faults using geometric attributes of 3D GPR data:

An example from the Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand

Alastair F. McClymont1, Alan G. Green1, Rita Streich2, Heinrich Horstmeyer1, Jens Tronicke3,
David C. Nobes4, Jarg Pettinga4, Jocelyn Campbell4, and Robert Langridge5

ABSTRACT key aspects of the fault zone and observe important features not
apparent in the standard images. This selection also provides in-
Three-dimensional ground-penetrating radar 共GPR兲 data are formation that improves our understanding of gravel deposition
routinely acquired for diverse geologic, hydrogeologic, archeo- and tectonic structures at the study site.Anew depositional/struc-
logical, and civil engineering purposes. Interpretations of these tural model largely based on the results of our analysis of GPR at-
data are invariably based on subjective analyses of reflection pat- tributes includes four distinct gravel units deposited in three
terns. Such analyses are heavily dependent on interpreter exper- phases and a well-defined fault trace. This fault trace coincides
tise and experience. Using data acquired across gravel units over- with a zone of stratal disruption and shearing bound on one side
lying the Alpine Fault Zone in New Zealand, we demonstrate the by upward-tilted to synclinally folded stratified gravels and on
utility of various geometric attributes in reducing the subjectivity the other side by moderately dipping stratified alluvial-fan grav-
of 3D GPR data analysis. We use a coherence-based technique to els that could have been affected by lateral fault drag. When used
compute the coherency, azimuth, and dip attributes and a gray- in tandem, the coherence- and texture-based attribute volumes
level co-occurrence matrix 共GLCM兲 method to compute the tex- can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of 3D GPR
ture-based energy, entropy, homogeneity, and contrast attributes. interpretation, especially for complex data collected across ac-
A selection of the GPR attribute volumes allows us to highlight tive fault zones.

INTRODUCTION face features is limited by our inability to delineate and describe the
typically diverse reflection patterns quantitatively.
Attributes used extensively for interpreting 3D reflection seis- Most analyses of 3D GPR data are based on subjective assess-
mic data are relatively uncommon in 3D ground-penetrating radar ments of reflection-pattern character. Such assessments are heavily
共GPR兲 analyses. Recent advances in acquiring and processing 3D dependent on interpreter expertise and experience. Over the past few
GPR data have created new opportunities for mapping the shallow decades, similar issues in reflection seismology have been addressed
subsurface 共Lehmann and Green, 1999, 2000; Young and Lord, by the introduction of attributes 共Chopra and Marfurt, 2005兲. A seis-
2002; Streich et al., 2006, 2007; Grasmueck and Viggiano, 2007; mic attribute is a quantitative measure of a seismic characteristic of
Streich and van der Kruk, 2007兲. Although correctly migrated GPR interest. The extensive use of attributes has significantly improved
data volumes can provide vivid images of complex geologic units the quality and efficiency of 3D seismic interpretation in the petro-
viewed from arbitrary directions, our knowledge of many subsur- leum industry.

Manuscript received by the Editor 17 May 2007; revised manuscript received 25 July 2007; published online 10 January 2008.
Institute of Geophysics, ETH 共Swiss Federal Institute of Technology兲, Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail:; alan@;
Formerly Institute of Geophysics, ETH 共Swiss Federal Institute of Technology兲, Zurich, Switzerland. Presently SINTEF Petroleum Research, S. P. Trond-
heim, Norway. E-mail:
Formerly Institute of Geophysics, ETH 共Swiss Federal Institute of Technology兲, Zurich, Switzerland. Presently University of Potsdam, Institute for Geo-
sciences, Golm, Germany. E-mail:
University of Canterbury, Department of Geological Sciences, Christchurch, New Zealand. E-mail:; jarg.pettinga@;
GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. E-mail:
© 2008 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

B12 McClymont et al.

Most seismic investigations are designed to achieve one or more deep oil and gas deposits. Moreover, the form and appearance of typ-
of the following goals: 共1兲 determine the distribution of key physical ical GPR and reflection seismic data sets are very similar. Yet, at-
properties, 共2兲 map the boundaries and identify the lithologies/facies tributes based on 3D GPR data have only been reported in a relative-
of geologic units, 共3兲 estimate the locations and quantities of fluids, ly small number of publications 共Grasmueck, 1996; Young et al.,
共4兲 delineate potential fluid-flow pathways, and 共5兲 reconstruct the 1997; Sénéchal et al., 2000; Corbeanu et al., 2002; Tronicke et al.,
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geologic histories of investigated regions. Careful analysis and in- 2006兲. Most of these papers are concerned with single-trace at-
terpretation of processed data are necessary to meet these objectives. tributes or with multitrace attributes computed from picked hori-
To complement the expertise and experience of the interpreter and to zons.
increase the efficiency of analyzing large volumes of 3D seismic Young et al. 共1997兲 were the first and only group to present coher-
data, a variety of mathematically defined attributes are available. At- ency, dip, and azimuth attributes computed directly from 3D GPR
tributes can emphasize features distinguished by specified charac- data. Although they successfully imaged the boundaries of a sand-
teristics 共e.g., reflection amplitudes, frequencies, dips, azimuths, stone channel, the shallow ⬃8-m depth penetration, long ⬃2-m
and continuity, and general texture and form兲 or to extract informa- dominant wavelength, relatively coarse 0.61⫻ 1.22-m grid spacing,
tion that is not obvious in standard images. Some attributes are deter- and small number 共2626兲 of traces allowed only limited structural in-
mined directly from the processed data; others are based on picked formation to be extracted from the data. Other groups of researchers
horizons. Combinations of attributes are the basis for automated or 共Rea and Knight, 1998; Tercier et al., 2000; Moysey et al., 2003,
semiautomated seismic facies classification schemes. 2006; Dafflon et al., 2005兲 have developed and applied a variety of
The use of single-trace seismic attributes increased significantly statistical and texture analysis techniques to 2D GPR data sets.
after the publication of the Taner et al. 共1979兲 classic paper on com- Quantitative measures of texture require sufficient data samples to
plex trace analysis, and new multitrace seismic attributes have been represent each facies 共Gao, 2003兲. Consequently, the resolution of
introduced nearly every year since the mid-1980s 共see a comprehen- texture images derived from 2D cross sections is constrained by the
sive review by Chopra and Marfurt, 2005兲. Two suites of multitrace dimensions of the necessarily large analysis windows. This problem
attributes that have proven particularly useful in analyzing and inter- is significantly reduced for 3D data sets as a result of the additional
preting 3D seismic data are the coherence-based coherency, dip, and information available from the volume of samples surrounding each
azimuth attributes 共Marfurt et al., 1998兲 and the texture-based ener- sample point. Furthermore, by including information from both the
gy, entropy, homogeneity, and contrast attributes. 共Note: Some of inline and crossline directions, interpretational bias is reduced 共Gao,
these attributes are given different names by different authors, e.g., 2003兲.
West et al., 2002; Gao, 2003, 2004; Chopra and Alexeev, 2006.兲 We use complementary information provided by coherence- and
The goals of GPR investigations are similar to those of seismic texture-based attributes to interpret a relatively large 共28,304 traces兲
studies 共points 1–5 above兲, except the key physical properties are high-resolution 3D GPR data set collected across a section of the Al-
electromagnetic rather than elastic/aneleastic and the fluids of inter- pine Fault Zone in New Zealand, which is rich in structural detail.
est are shallow-water occurrences and contaminants rather than Our primary geologic objective is to map shallow-sediment defor-
mation produced by past earthquakes along the
fault zone. From the multitude of attribute vol-
a) b) umes, we identify subtle features that would have
been missed using traditional approaches to 3D
GPR interpretation.
After briefly reviewing the geology of our
study site, we describe how the 3D GPR data set
was acquired across the Alpine Fault Zone and
the subsequent data processing. We then outline
the essential elements of the two suites of at-
tribute techniques and apply them to the Alpine
Fault Zone data set. Based on their information
content, we choose a reduced suite of attribute
c) volumes to help us interpret the data in terms of a
simple structural/tectonic model.


The Alpine Fault Zone is a major continental
transform fault zone on the South Island of New
Zealand that accommodates relative motion be-
tween the Pacific and Australian Plates 共Figure
Figure 1. 共a兲 New Zealand Plate boundary setting and location of the Calf Paddock survey 1a兲. Despite average plate-convergence rates of
site. 共b兲 Sketch showing the extent and location of the 3D GPR survey and CMP lines rel- 30–40 mm/year, the fault has not ruptured during
ative to the Alpine Fault Zone and monitoring wall. D and U indicate the locally the nearly 150 years of European settlement in the
downthrown and upthrown sides of the Alpine Fault Zone. Note also the location of the country 共Wells et al., 1999兲. Ongoing paleoseis-
83-m-deep drillhole and the shallow paleoseismic trenches. 共c兲 Topography of the survey
area, displaying late Holocene vertical and horizontal displacements. The trough of an mic investigations attempt to explain the poten-
abandoned stream channel is indicated by the curved arrows. tial effects of future earthquakes along the fault
Active faults and 3D GPR attributes B13

共Cooper and Norris, 1995; Yetton, 1998, 2002; Sutherland et al., To produce a reliable structural image of the subsurface, we had to
2006兲. migrate the data using an algorithm that accounted for the topo-
At our Calf Paddock study site, the Alpine Fault Zone has a graphic relief across the survey site 共Lehmann and Green, 2000;
transpressive character, rupturing various late Pleistocene and Ho- Heincke et al., 2005兲. Of the wide range of tested velocities, the 0.08-
locene fluvial deposits of the Maruia River 共Figure 1兲. A succession m/ns velocity estimate based on the CMP data analyses produced the
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of offset terraces and stream channels provides direct evidence of re- most coherent migrated images. This value was used for the migra-
cent vertical and horizontal displacements 共Wellman, 1952; Garrick tion and time-to-depth conversion. Application of a 3 ⫻ 3-trace f-xy
and Hatherton, 1974; Yetton, 2002兲. Unfortunately, the interpreta- deconvolution filter reduced minor random noise yet preserved
tion of offsets is complicated by the probable presence of overlap- short-wavelength features in the migrated images. Finally, the air-
ping fault strands 共Yetton, 2002兲. A wall erected across the principal waves and ground waves were muted 共Figure 2c兲.
fault strand in 1962 as a rough gauge of aseismic strain 共Figure 1b兲
shows no evidence of disturbance.
An early investigation at Calf Paddock involved acquiring gravity
and seismic refraction data 共Garrick and Hatherton, 1974兲 and drill-
ing a vertical hole 39 m southeast of the monitoring wall center 共Fig- The gridded surface elevations determined by the self-tracking la-
ure 1b兲. The hole passed through 30 m of gravel before penetrating ser theodolite clearly illustrate the location of the fault trace and the
basement schist to 83 m depth. Although the hole intersected a vertical and lateral offsets of a fluvial terrace 共Figure 1c兲. The terrace
steeply dipping crushed zone in schist bedrock, it did not transect the is offset vertically by approximately 1.5 m 共downthrown to the
principal fault plane. As a consequence, Garrick and Hatherton northwest兲, and an abandoned stream channel is dextrally displaced
共1974兲 inferred the fault must dip more than 65° to the southeast at
this site. Yetton 共2002兲 conducted a paleoseismic study of the site
that included excavating and face-logging trenches that crossed the a)
projected location of the fault 共Figure 1b兲.


Our 3D GPR data were recorded with a semiautomated acquisi-
tion system composed of a standard PulseEKKO GPR unit linked to
a self-tracking laser theodolite with automatic target-recognition ca-
pabilities 共Lehmann and Green, 1999兲. We used a broadside acquisi-
tion geometry with 1.0-m-offset 100-MHz antennas to record GPR
traces 共sampling rate, 0.5 ns兲 at roughly 0.25-m intervals along 61 b)
approximately 116-m-long lines separated by 0.5 m. The survey
was located on a terrace above the paleoseismic trench site, and re-
cording lines were oriented perpendicular to and centered about the
principal fault trace 共Figure 1b兲.
After applying a standard median filter to remove low-frequency
system-dependent noise 共wow兲, coordinates were assigned to the in-
dividual traces and the airwave arrivals were aligned using a cross-
correlation technique. The irregularly spaced traces were then inter-
polated onto a regular 0.25⫻ 0.5-m grid using Delaunay triangula-
tion 共e.g., Streich et al., 2006兲. Division by spatially averaged Hil- c)
bert transforms 共i.e., the amplitude envelopes; Gross et al., 2004兲 of
the data and frequency filtering yielded traces in which coherent re-
flections were observed from near the surface to at least 300 ns 共Fig-
ure 2a兲. 共For all time sections in this paper, the vertical exaggeration
is based on a velocity of 0.08 m/ns.兲
Semblance analyses of reflections observed on common-mid-
point 共CMP兲 data collected at different locations 共Figure 1b兲 yielded
velocities of 0.08 Ⳳ 0.01 m/ns. A strongly dispersive ground wave
observed on all CMPs was attributed to a thin, low-velocity
共⬃0.07 m/ns兲 surface soil layer that acted as a waveguide 共Streich et
al., 2006; van der Kruk et al., 2006兲. Diffractions from boulders
within this layer exhibited the same dispersive character in the com- Figure 2. 共a兲 Unmigrated inline GPR cross section at y ⳱ 15 m.
mon-offset data 共Figure 2a兲. They could not be collapsed using stan- Blue arrows indicate a steeply dipping diffraction tail affected by
dard migration techniques, but they were well separated from the dispersion in an overlying waveguide. 共b兲 As for 共a兲 but after 3D f-k
filtering to remove steeply dipping diffractions. 共c兲 As for 共b兲 after
more shallowly dipping events in the frequency-wavenumber 共f-k兲 3D topographic migration, depth conversion, and f-xy deconvolu-
domain. They were effectively removed by 3D f-k filtering 共Figure tion. Black arrows delineate the projected location of the Alpine
2b兲. Fault Zone. Vertical exaggeration is 3:1.
B14 McClymont et al.

by roughly 10 m 共Figure 1c兲. These observations are consistent with gorithm 共Figure 4兲. For the Alpine Fault Zone data, semblance is cal-
Yetton’s 共2002兲 geomorphological investigation. culated for hypothetical planes with ranges of apparent dips ␪ x 共in-
The chair diagram representation of the migrated and time-to- line兲 and ␪ y 共crossline兲 varying between ⳮ40° and Ⳮ40° — the
depth converted GPR volume in Figure 3 shows many nearly planar minimum and maximum values corresponding to the steepest dips
reflections with variable dips and dip directions. The structural con- observed in the topographically migrated data. The coherence of
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trast generated by the fault is evident from the change in reflection each sample point is defined to be the maximum semblance calculat-
pattern at x ⳱ ⬃55 m, which coincides with the vertical offset of the ed from all combinations of apparent dips 共Figure 5兲. The apparent
terrace. dip pair with the highest semblance is then used to find the true dip ␪
and azimuth ␸ of the plane as follows:
␪ ⳱ tanⳮ1共tan2␪ x Ⳮ tan2␪ y兲1/2 共1兲
Rather than follow the normal procedure of interpreting 3D GPR
reflection facies from multiple vertical and horizontal sections and
共Beres et al., 1995, 1999; Grasmueck, 1996; Green et al., 2003; ␸ ⳱ tanⳮ1共tan ␪ y /tan ␪ x兲. 共2兲
Gross et al., 2004兲, we want to classify the different reflections ob-
jectively on the basis of their 3D geometric attributes. Numerous Examples of applying the semblance algorithm to two reflections
geometric attributes have been developed for analyzing 3D reflec- observed in the Alpine Fault Zone GPR data set are shown in Figure
tion seismic data 共Taner et al., 1994兲. They include coherence-based 5. One reflection is practically horizontal, and the other has a notice-
attributes that are helpful for characterizing structures 共Bahorich and able apparent southwesterly dip 共in the northwest-southeast sections
Farmer, 1995; Marfurt et al., 1998; Cohen and Coifman, 2002兲 and shown in many figures, the southwesterly dipping reflections have
texture-based attributes that are valuable for facies discrimination apparent southeasterly dips兲.
共West et al., 2002; Gao, 2003, 2004; Chopra and Alexeev, 2006兲. We
have written MATLAB codes for generating coherence- and texture-
Calculating texture-based attributes
based attributes from the processed Alpine Fault Zone GPR data vol-
ume. In addition to determining the geometry of individual GPR reflec-
tions, we want to describe and delineate objectively any distinctive
Calculating coherence-based attributes reflection patterns associated with the various geologic units without
predefining their boundaries. To achieve this goal, we use texture
Bahorich and Farmer 共1995兲 introduce the coherence cube as a
analysis techniques originally developed for the automated and
means to locate faults within 3D reflection seismic data. Coherence
semiautomated interpretation of 2D digital images 共Haralick et al.,
is defined by waveform similarity in both the inline and crossline di-
1973; Weszka et al., 1976兲. Such techniques are already applied in
rections. Faults and other discontinuities are distinguished by abrupt
analyzing diverse medical, biological, satellite, airborne, and side-
truncations of coherence. The original algorithm of Bahorich and
scan sonar images as well as gravity, magnetic, and seismic data. Al-
Farmer 共1995兲 uses normalized crosscorrelation to estimate coher-
though the concept of texture in everyday life is intuitively obvious,
ence. Marfurt et al. 共1998兲 develop a second-generation algorithm
it is not precisely defined. For many purposes, texture is a measure of
using semblance as a coherency measure. Their algorithm estimates
the coherency, dip, and azimuth for the most coherent dipping plane
within a 3D analysis window of data surrounding each sample point. a) b)
Unlike other methods that derive dip and azimuth from picked hori-
zons, these attributes are calculated directly from the data.
Our MATLAB code for estimating coherency, dip, and azimuth
from 3D GPR data is based on Marfurt et al.’s 共1998兲 semblance al-


Figure 4. Sketches showing the principle of the semblance-based al-

gorithm for calculating coherence-based attributes from 3D GPR
data. 共a兲 Top 共x,y兲 view of 3 ⫻ 3 共dark gray shading兲 and 5 ⫻ 5 共light
and dark gray shading兲 rectangular-analysis windows centered on an
analysis point. 共b兲 A 2D cross section 共x,t兲 showing a coherent mod-
erately dipping reflection. The analysis window extends over five
traces in the x-direction and has a time width of ⌬t. The algorithm
Figure 3. A portion of the fully processed 3D GPR volume from the searches for the most coherent dip in both the x- and y-directions 共␪ x
Alpine Fault survey. Top mute was applied to mask the airwave and and ␪ y兲. These apparent dips are used to calculate true dip and azi-
ground wave. The blue line identifies the ground surface. Vertical muth relative to north. 共c兲 An example of a relatively low-coherency
exaggeration is 3:1. shallow-dipping reflection.
Active faults and 3D GPR attributes B15

the visual characteristics of objects or features. As examples, tex- sity values within the respective 3D analysis window. A range of sta-
tures can be described as simple or complex, smooth or rough, tistics applied to the GLCMs then defines the attributes that quantita-
coarse or fine, linear or curvilinear, parallel or divergent, ordered or tively describe the textures.
nonordered, flat or undulating, even or uneven, etc. For 2D and 3D For 3D reflection seismic or GPR data, the analysis window con-
digital data, texture attributes provide quantitative representations sists of Nx ⫻ Ny ⫻ Nz data points in the inline, crossline, and vertical
directions, respectively 共Gao, 2003兲. After specifying the orienta-
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of these qualitative characteristics.

Texture attributes computed for a given data point determine the tion and distance, each GLCM is obtained by summing the co-occur-
statistical relationships between all data within a predefined 2D or rences 共i, j兲 throughout the 3D analysis window. Although GLCMs
3D analysis window centered on that point. The data are pixels or can be calculated for any 3D orientation 共West et al., 2002兲, we limit
voxels in 2D and 3D digital imaging terminology, respectively, and our analyses to the three orthogonal directions, x, y, and z共t兲. Prior to
the texture analysis windows are texels 共textural elements兲. The size computing the statistical relationships, each GLCM is normalized
of the analysis window is defined according to the scale of textures such that the sum of all elements is equal to one.
observed in the data. To convert an entire 2D or 3D data set to a suite Figure 6 shows GLCMs computed along the orthogonal direc-
of texture-attribute planes or volumes, we need to compute texture tions for two 3D analysis windows extracted from different parts of
attributes for all data points.
Following the work of West et al. 共2002兲, Gao 共2003, 2004兲, and
Chopra and Alexeev 共2006兲 on the application of texture-analysis a)
techniques to 2D and 3D seismic data, our algorithm for computing
texture-attribute volumes from 3D GPR data is based on the gray-
level co-occurrence matrix 共GLCM兲 method of Haralick et al.

Time (ns)
共1973兲 共see Appendix A for a review兲. The computational process
begins by discretizing GPR amplitudes to a limited number of inten-
sity or gray levels Ng. Chopra and Alexeev 共2006兲 demonstrate that
Ng ⳱ 16 levels are sufficient to obtain meaningful statistics from 3D
seismic data.AGLCM is then created at each data point by determin-
ing the spatial distribution and frequency or co-occurrence of inten- b) c)

Time Time
Time (ns)

d) 140 e) 80
120 60
5 100 5
80 40
10 60 10
40 20
15 20 15
5 10 15 5 10 15
f) 250 g)
5 200 5 40
150 30
10 100 10 20
Time Time
50 10
15 15
5 10 15 5 10 15

h) i) 200
5 5 150
10 100 10 100
50 50
c) 30
15 15
20 5 10 15 5 10 15
10 10
0.4 Figure 6. Computations of texture-based attributes for the Alpine
Fault Zone GPR volume. 共a兲 Cross section extracted from the topo-
θ y (degrees) 0 θ y (degrees) 0
0.3 0.3
–10 –10
graphically migrated data. Vertical exaggeration is 3:1. Analysis
–20 –20 windows centered on each analysis point are extracted from the 3D
0.1 0.1
–30 –30 volume. They should be large enough to characterize the texture of
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
θ x (degrees)
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
θ x (degrees)
each reflection facies. 共b兲 Analysis window extracted from a portion
of the GPR volume where relatively flat and continuous reflections
Figure 5. Coherency as measured by semblance for two typical have been rediscretized into 16 intensity levels ranging from one
points within the Alpine Fault Zone GPR volume. 共a兲 Cross section 共red兲 to 16 共blue兲. 共c兲 Second analysis window extracted from a por-
extracted from the topographically migrated data. Vertical exaggera- tion of the volume where the reflections have moderate dips and are
tion is 3:1. 共b, c兲 Volumes of data surrounding the points. 共d, e兲 Sem- only quasi-continuous. 共d, e兲 GLCMs calculated along the x-axis of
blance values determined for 196 combinations of apparent dip the analysis windows shown in 共b兲 and 共c兲. 共f, g兲As for 共d兲 and 共e兲 but
共14⫻ 14 values兲. for the y-axis. 共h, i兲 As for 共d兲 and 共e兲 but for the time axis.
B16 McClymont et al.

the Alpine Fault Zone GPR volume. To capture the fabric of the re- disorder or complexity. It is large for nonuniform textures that gener-
flections, we use 9 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 30 analysis windows 共i.e., nine traces in the ally yield low GLCM values. Although energy and entropy are relat-
x-direction, seven traces in the y-direction, and thirty time samples, ed, when used together, they can draw attention to different features
equivalent to a volume of 2.0⫻ 3.0⫻ 0.6 m兲. In contrast to analysis in the data.
windows used to calculate coherence-based attributes, those used Homogeneity yields details on the similarity of pixels and is a use-
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here should be large enough to capture repeating amplitude patterns ful indicator of overall image smoothness and reflector continuity. It
within the data. However, overly large windows will smooth fea- is high for GLCMs that have elements located near the diagonal.
tures within the transformed attribute volume. The data are redis- Contrast 共or inertia兲 highlights local image variations and differenc-
cretized to 16 intensity levels from 1 共red兲 to 16 共blue兲. One analysis es between adjacent data values. It is high for GLCM elements scat-
window contains continuous flat reflections 共Figure 6b, d, f, and h兲; tered away from the diagonal. When homogeneity and contrast are
the other contains discontinuous moderately dipping reflections used together, they provide greater discrimination capabilities than
共Figure 6c, e, g, and i兲. either attribute alone.
The different textures in the two analysis windows control the dis- From the three GLCMs in Figure 6 and equations A-1–A-4 in Ap-
tribution of co-occurrences in the resultant GLCMs. For example, pendix A, we derive 12 statistical measures for each analysis win-
the strong continuous reflections within the first analysis window dow. These computations are repeated for every sample point in the
produce a tight distribution along the diagonals of GLCMx and original GPR volume, yielding a suite of 12 texture attribute vol-
GLCMy 共Figure 6d and f兲. In contrast, the dipping and more chaotic umes.
reflections within the second analysis window produce a wider dis-
tribution about the diagonals 共Figure 6e and g兲. APPLICATIONS OF COHERENCE- AND
To derive meaningful texture information from the GLCM repre- TEXTURE-BASED ATTRIBUTES TO THE
sentations of our 3D GPR data, we must analyze them statistically. ALPINE FAULT ZONE GPR DATA
Haralick 共1973兲 proposes 14 different statistical operations for ex-
tracting a variety of texture information from the GLCMs. Fortu- Coherence-based attributes
nately, most of the useful texture information in wavefield data is The size of the coherency analysis window is a controlling factor
contained in four statistical parameters 共West et al., 2002; Chopra in the resolution of the attribute volumes 共Marfurt et al., 1998兲. De-
and Alexeev, 2006; see Appendix A兲: energy, entropy, homogeneity, pending on the data, overly small windows can yield noisy attribute
and contrast 共inertia兲. volumes, and overly large windows can result in excessive smooth-
Energy supplies information on texture uniformity. It is lowest ing and loss of detail. To address this issue, we tested a range of anal-
when all elements of the GLCM are equal and is helpful for empha- ysis windows on the migratedAlpine Fault Zone GPR data. In Figure
sizing reflector continuity and geometry. Entropy is a measure of 7, we present the results of three such tests in the form of horizontal


b) e) h)

c) f) i)

d) g) j)

Figure 7. 共a兲 Horizontal slice extracted at 6 m depth from the fully processed Alpine Fault GPR volume. 共b-d兲 Coherency, azimuth, and dip at
6 m depth calculated using a 3 ⫻ 3 共0.5⫻ 1 m兲 trace analysis window. 共e-g兲 As for 共b-d兲 but for a 5 ⫻ 3 共1 ⫻ 1 m兲 trace analysis window. 共h-j兲 As
for 共b-d兲 but for a 5 ⫻ 5 共1 ⫻ 2 m兲 trace analysis window. The algorithm performed a dip search up to a maximum value of approximately 40°.
Azimuths and dips with coherencies less than 0.5 are not plotted. Various cross sections along A-A⬘ in 共a兲 are shown in Figures 8 and 12. Arrows
identify the projected location of the Alpine Fault Zone.
Active faults and 3D GPR attributes B17

slices extracted at 6 m depth from the coherency, azimuth, and dip- azimuth slice at 3 m depth, except the orientation of the stream chan-
attribute volumes. The first three attribute slices are based on analy- nel changes abruptly near x ⳱ 70 m 共Figure 9f兲. This change is not
sis windows containing 3 ⫻ 3 traces 共0.5⫻ 1 m; Figure 7b-d兲, the obvious in the original GPR image in Figure 9b.
second three are based on 5 ⫻ 3 traces 共1 ⫻ 1 m; Figure 7e-g兲, and On the 5.0- and 7.0-m depth slices, the reflections can be divided
the final three are based on 5 ⫻ 5 traces 共1 ⫻ 2 m; Figure 7h-j兲. All into three domains: 共1兲 mostly subhorizontal reflections at x
calculations were performed using a 10-ns vertical window 共equiva-
Downloaded 02/05/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

⳱ 0–25 m, 共2兲 northwesterly dipping reflections at x ⳱ 25–55 m,

lent to about 0.4 m in the depth-converted volumes兲. Samples for and 共3兲 southwesterly dipping reflections that extend from the fault
which the analysis windows overlap the borders of the GPR volume near x ⳱ 55 m to at least the southeastern boundary of the survey.
are excluded from all figures. Although the azimuth and dip at- Close inspection of these deeper slices demonstrates that reflections
tributes can be displayed together in a single figure using hue and in- within a 20-m-wide zone are deflected approximately 30° from a
tensity to represent azimuth and dip magnitude 共Marfurt et al., general southwest to west-southwest orientation as the fault is ap-
1998兲, we find it easier to interpret the attributes using separate fig- proached from the southeast. This deflection is illustrated best in the
ures. Azimuths and dips for which the coherencies are less than 0.5
are blank in Figure 7c, d, f, g, i, and j.
Except for the region between x ⳱ 20 m and x ⳱ 50 m, the GPR a)
reflections have generally low coherencies 共Figure 7b, e, and h兲. This
is a consequence of the types of sediments being imaged; coarse flu-
vial gravels are rarely well layered. Azimuths and, to a lesser extent,
dips change abruptly at x ⳱ 55 m 共Figure 7c, d, f, g, i, and j兲, coinci-
dent with the estimated surface trace of the fault. Reflections south-
east of the fault have 210°ⳮ250° azimuths and moderate 20°ⳮ35°
dips, whereas those immediately to the northwest have ⬃340° azi-
muths and somewhat shallower 10°ⳮ25° dips. Farther to the north-
west at x ⳱ 0–30 m, the reflections are mostly subhorizontal. All of
this information can be discerned in the three suites of attributes. For b)
further analysis of our data, we use the attribute volumes based on
the larger asymmetric 共1.0⫻ 2.0 m兲 window because their resolu-
tion is sufficient and they contain less noise than those based on the
smaller asymmetric 共0.5⫻ 1.0 m兲 and symmetric 共1.0⫻ 1.0 m兲
Cross sections through the attribute volumes also provide useful
structural information. Relatively continuous reflections in the orig-
inal data of Figure 8a are emphasized in the coherency section of
Figure 8b. We interpret two bounding surfaces that separate domains
of different reflection coherency and azimuth on either side of the
fault. Southeast of the fault, a prominent shallow reflection 共s1-bs in
Table 1 and Figure 8b and c兲 separates shallow easterly dipping re- c)
flections from underlying weakly coherent southwesterly dipping
ones. Northwest of the fault, an onlap relationship exists between
shallow nearly horizontal features and a dipping reflection 共s2-bs in
Table 1 and Figure 8b and c兲. The azimuth cross section shows excel-
lent discrimination between the different reflection facies on either
side of the fault, demonstrating that the division of facies can be
traced to at least 15 m depth below the surface 共i.e., f2-tf and f1af in
Figure 8c兲. Complementary structural information supplied by the
original 3D data, the three coherence-based attribute volumes, and
the texture-based attributes 共see next section兲 can be interpreted in
terms of four reflection facies and two bounding surfaces 共Table 1兲.
A selection of horizontal azimuth attribute slices at 2.5, 3.0, 5.0,
and 7.0 m depth is sufficient to characterize the geometries of the Figure 8. 共a兲 Cross section from original GPR volume 共for location,
principal structures recorded in the 3D GPR data. In Figure 9, azi- see Figure 7a兲. 共b, c兲 Coherence-based attribute cross sections calcu-
muths with coherencies less than 0.5 are not plotted, and azimuths lated using the semblance-based coherency algorithm and 5 ⫻ 5
trace analysis windows. 共b兲 Coherency. Two bounding surfaces are
with dips less than 5° are plotted in gray. identified 共s1-bs and s2-bs described in Table 1兲. 共c兲 Azimuth. Unre-
At 2.5 m depth, we see only reflections from the topographically liable data points with coherencies less than 0.5 are not plotted.
higher 共upthrown兲 block southeast of the fault 共Figure 9a and e兲. Pre- There are three radar facies 共f1-af, f2-tf and f3-fl; see Table 1 for de-
dominantly horizontal reflections 共gray in Figure 9e兲 within radar fa- tails兲 characterized by distinctive azimuths.Afourth radar facies 共f4-
cies f3-fl 共Figure 8c, Table 1兲 are transected by the northeast- and fl in Table 1兲 is inferred above the s2-bs boundary. Arrows identify
the projected location of the Alpine Fault Zone. Dotted lines delin-
southwest-facing banks of an ancient stream channel 共blues and yel- eate a zone of reduced reflection continuity and steeper dips 共best
lows in Figure 9e兲. Sediments draped over the fault scarp produce seen on the texture-based attribute in Figure 12a兲. Vertical exaggera-
the band of pink at x ⳱ 55 m. Similar features are observed in the tion is 3:1.
B18 McClymont et al.

Table 1. Description and interpretation of radar stratigraphy. Labeling system is after Neal (2004).

Description Geologic interpretation

Radar facies Subparallel southwesterly dipping reflections with Foreset beds of a prograding alluvial fan. Their
Downloaded 02/05/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

f1-af limited lateral continuity. Reflections have orientation indicates a northeasterly source. This
moderate 共20°ⳮ35°兲 dips. deposit was probably formed during a period of
late Pleistocene aggradation sourced from the
Maruia River catchment 共Suggate, 1965兲.

Radar facies Subparallel northwesterly dipping reflections that Postseismic alluvium beds deposited in the
f2-tf are moderately continuous. Reflections have accommodation space provided by the repeatedly
shallow to moderate 共10°ⳮ25°兲 dips. downthrown block northwest of the principal fault
trace. The current alignment of the dipping strata
with the fault plane suggests they were tilted
upward by the fault.

Radar surface Laterally continuous undulating reflection. Erosional surface formed by the Maruia River
s1-bs downcutting into radar facies f1-af on the
southeast 共hanging wall兲 side of the fault zone.

Radar facies Subhorizontal reflections that are moderately Fluvial deposits of the Maruia River.
f3-fl continuous.

Radar surface Laterally continuous to discontinuous undulating Contact at base of late Holocene river gravels
s2-bs reflection. Subhorizontal reflections of radar resting unconformably over tilted alluvium beds
facies f4-fl onlap this surface. on the northwest 共footwall兲 side of the fault zone.

Radar facies Subhorizontal reflections that are moderately Late Holocene fluvial deposits of the Maruia
f4-fl continuous. They onlap radar surface s2-bs. River.

automatically generated rose diagrams of Figure

10, which show azimuths within 10-m-wide
a) e) strips extracted at 7 m depth from the azimuth at-
tribute volume. The ancient stream channel at
y (m)
y (m)

3 m depth also appears to be deflected by roughly

the same amount 共Figure 9f兲. We interpret the de-
b) flection of the ancient stream channel and deeper
reflections as the result of displacement-induced
y (m)

y (m)

drag close to the fault. Drag in this instance refers

to deflected markers that are convex in the direc-
tion of slip 共c.f. Reches and Eidelman, 1995;
c) g) Grasemann et al., 2005兲. The channel on the shal-
y (m)

lowest slice at z ⳱ 2.5 m has not been deflected,

y (m)

indicating that it has been significantly less af-

fected by fault displacement共s兲.
d) h)
Y (m)

Y (m)

Texture-based attributes
As for the test examples shown in Figure 6, the
GLCMs we used are based on 2.0⫻ 3.0⫻ 0.6-m
Azimuth (degrees)
analysis windows. Horizontal slices extracted at
6 m depth from the 12 texture attribute volumes
are displayed in Figure 11; these attribute vol-
Figure 9. Horizontal slices extracted from 共a-d兲 the original Alpine Fault volume and
共e-h兲 the azimuth volume at depths of 2.5, 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 m. Azimuths with coherencies umes are generated from GLCMs calculated for
less than 0.5 are not plotted, and azimuths with dips less than 5° are plotted in gray. Ar- adjacent points in the x-, y-, and z-directions. Al-
rows identify the interpreted location of the fault zone. though the numerical values of the color scales
Active faults and 3D GPR attributes B19

vary for each plot, we highlight only relative variations 共i.e., high to cies identified within the gravels correspond to three stages of depo-
low values兲. Some attributes emphasize certain features better than sition:
others. For example, because the dipping reflections northwest of
the fault mostly strike in the y-direction and those to the southeast 1兲 An episode of late Pleistocene aggradation 共Suggate, 1965兲 that
strike in other directions, all four attribute volumes based on GLCMy involved the progradation of an alluvial fan from northeast to
Downloaded 02/05/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

show excellent discrimination between the different reflection pat- southwest 共GPR facies f1-af in Table 1兲
terns on either side of the fault 共Figure 11兲. Reflections northwest of 2兲 A period of postseismic aggradation that led to a distinct se-
the fault have higher energy, lower entropy, higher homogeneity, and quence of alluvial sediments accumulating in the accommoda-
lower contrast than those to the southeast. Similarly, entropyx and
tion space provided by the repeatedly downthrown block north-
contrastx based on GLCMx and homogeneityz and contrastz based on
west of the principal fault trace 共GPR facies f2-tf in Table 1兲
GLCMz provide very good differentiation between the subhorizon-
tal reflections at x ⳱ 0–30 m and the moderately dipping reflections 3兲 Holocene base-level lowering, during which the Maruia River
at x ⳱ 30–55 m. incised into the aggradational valley fill and left a thin veneer of
Three of the 12 texture attributes are sufficient for objectively de- fine- to coarse-grained flood deposits blanketing the degraded
lineating the different reflection patterns recorded in theAlpine Fault river terraces 共GPR facies f3-fl and f4-fl in Table 1兲
Zone GPR data: contrastx, homogeneityy, and contrastz. Figure 12
shows cross sections extracted from these attribute volumes along Of primary importance is the steep southeasterly dip 共⬃80°兲 of
profile A-A⬘ of Figure 7a. Each attribute cross section is shown as a both the principal fault strand and the zone of shearing and stratal
semitransparent layer overlying a variable area plot of the original disruption across the main fault zone. These structures can be fol-
GPR data 共positive amplitudes are dark shades兲. Some regions of lowed from the surface to at least 15 m depth at this location 共Figure
low signal-to-noise ratio at depths greater than 13 m produce anom- 13兲. This is generally consistent with the steeply dipping crushed
alously high attribute values. zone encountered in the drillhole and the moderately to steeply
High contrastx values occur where reflections
show little continuity along the profile. The high
values at x ⳱ 45–60 m outline a distinct zone of
reduced reflection continuity across the fault and
increased reflection dip on its northwestern side
共Figure 12a兲. Assuming the disrupted reflections
are a consequence of fault movement, we inter-
pret this zone as a band of shearing and stratal dis-
ruption within a broader zone of shear-induced
folding identified in the coherence-based at-
tribute volumes. In addition, moderate and low
contrastx values improve discrimination of radar
facies f3-fl from f1-af on the southeastern side of
the fault 共compare Figures 8c and 12a兲.
The homogeneityy attribute highlights contin-
uous dipping reflections perpendicular to the
plane of the cross section 共Figure 12b兲, whereas
the contrastz attribute highlights high-frequency
Figure 10. Rose diagrams of azimuth values sampled within 10-m-wide fault-parallel
reflections within the cross section. The location corridors from northwest to southeast across the fault zone. Dashed lines define the strike
of the Alpine Fault Zone is well delineated on the of the fault zone. On the southeastern side of the fault zone, the dominant azimuth chang-
homogeneityy cross section 共Figure 12b兲. Thin es from west-southwest to southwest at x ⬎ 75 m. The number of values n used for the az-
subhorizontal reflections of radar facies f3-fl and imuth estimates are shown at the bottom of each diagram.
f4-fl yield high contrastz values, whereas the un-
derlying dipping reflections produce low values
共Figure 12c兲. This attribute differentiates be-
tween radar facies f4-fl and f2-tf on the north-
western side of the fault and does a better job of
defining radar facies f3-fl on the southeastern side
of the fault than the azimuth attribute 共Figure 8c兲.

Cross sections extracted from the original 3D
GPR data and two of the most informative at-
tribute volumes are plotted at true scale Figure 11. Horizontal slices extracted at 6 m depth from the suite of texture-attribute vol-
umes calculated from the Alpine Fault Zone GPR data. Each column shows, in descend-
in Figure 13; a sketch of our geologic interpreta- ing order, the attributes calculated for the x-, y- and time 共or z兲 directions. Dashed lines
tion is presented in Figure 14. The four GPR fa- identify the projected location of the fault zone.
B20 McClymont et al.

southeasterly dipping shears of the main fault zone observed in the fault strand 共Figures 8a and c, 13a and b, and 14兲. A second 20-m-
nearby 1.0–1.5-m-deep trenches 共Figure 1b; Yetton, 2002兲. Similar- wide domain that forms the southeast hanging wall is characterized
ly steeply dipping expressions of the Alpine Fault Zone are observed by lateral fault drag of alluvial-fan deposits and an ancient river
in trenches about 12 km to the southwest and 45 km to the northeast channel that approaches the principal fault strand 共Figures 9, 10, and
of our study site 共Yetton, 2002兲. These observations do not preclude 14兲. The two domains of folding are divided by an approximately15-
Downloaded 02/05/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

the Alpine Fault Zone from dipping more shallowly at greater depth m-wide steeply south-southeasterly dipping zone of shearing and
共Norris et al., 1990; Davey et al., 1995, 1998; Norris and Cooper, stratal disruption of the main fault, which coincides with the zone of
ground surface-fault displacements 共Figures 12a, 13c, and 14兲.
1995; van Avendonk et al., 2004兲.
Consequently, it appears that the lateral and vertical components
In the near surface 共⬍⬃15 m兲, the Alpine Fault Zone is character-
of transpressive strain across the fault are partitioned into quasi-in-
ized by a nearly 50-m-wide zone of deformation that can be parti-
dependent domains of off-fault folding that affect the hanging wall
tioned into three overlapping domains. A roughly 30-m-wide do- and footwall, respectively. Nicol and van Dissen 共2002兲 report a sim-
main that forms the northwest footwall to the main fault zone is char- ilar mechanism of upper crustal-scale oblique slip partitioning at the
acterized by asymmetric synclinal folding, within which we observe free surface for the transpressive Clarence Fault to the northeast of
upward tilting of older river gravel beds approaching the principal the study site.

a) a)




Figure 13. The same cross sections as in Figures 8a and c and 12a but
plotted with no vertical exaggeration. The azimuth 共b兲 and contrastx
c) 共c兲 sections show that both the principal fault trace 共arrows兲 and the
zone of shearing and stratal disruption 共defined by dotted lines兲 dip
steeply 共80°兲 to the southeast.

Figure 12. Cross sections of the most useful texture attributes ex-
tracted from the respective Alpine Fault Zone volumes along profile
A-A⬘ 共Figure 7a兲. Note the color scale at the base of the figure. The
texture attributes are plotted as semitransparent colors overlying a
variable area representation of the original GPR data. Annotations
refer to the reflection facies described in the text and Table 1. Arrows
identify the projected location of the Alpine Fault Zone. Dotted lines
define a zone where reflections have reduced continuity and steeper Figure 14. Structural and depositional model based on the original
dips 共highlighted by the contrastx attribute in 共a兲兲. Vertical exaggera- 3D GPR data recorded across the Alpine Fault Zone and various at-
tion is 3:1. tribute volumes.
Active faults and 3D GPR attributes B21


Our 3D GPR data have provided significant new information on GLCM METHOD AND STATISTICAL
fault-generated deformation within late Pleistocene and Holocene
fluvial deposits overlying the Alpine Fault Zone in New Zealand. A
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variety of 3D coherence- and texture-based attribute representations GLCM method

of the data enabled us to emphasize important characteristics of the
The GLCM method is described comprehensively in a number of
fault zone, extract information not obvious in the standard GPR im-
publications 共Haralick et al., 1973; Reed and Hussong, 1989; Gao et
ages, classify the depositional facies, and describe key structures.
al., 1998; West et al., 2002兲. Here, we review briefly the method for
Reflection coherency, azimuth, and dip attributes were calculated
2D digital images using an Nx ⫻ Ny analysis window. The extension
using 1.0⫻ 2.0⫻ 0.4-m analysis windows. The coherency attribute
to 3D digital data sets is relatively straightforward 共Gao, 2003, 2004;
yielded limited new knowledge, but the azimuth and dip attributes
Chopra and Alexeev, 2006兲.
enabled us to differentiate between prograding alluvial-fan deposits
A GLCM is defined by the number of times that data with intens-
southeast of the fault and tilted alluvium beds to the northwest. In ad-
ity level i occur with a specified spatial relationship 共i.e., orientation
dition, the azimuth attribute helped us to map the principal fault trace
and distance兲 relative to data with intensity level j, where i
to roughly 15 m depth and to identify a zone of lateral fault drag on
⳱ 1,2,3, . . . ,Ng and j ⳱ 1,2,3, . . . ,Ng. The Ng ⫻ Ng matrix P can be
the southeast side of the fault.
evaluated for arbitrary orientations and distances within the analysis
A multitude of texture-based attributes, generated from GLCMs
window. According to Reed and Hussong 共1989兲, effective texture
using 2.0⫻ 3.0⫻ 0.6-m analysis windows, provided information
analyses can be performed using two GLCMs, one with adjacent
overlapping and complementary to that supplied by the coherence-
data points in the x-direction 共orientations 0° and 180°兲 and one with
based attributes. For example, a thin layer of shallowly dipping flu-
adjacent points in the y-direction 共orientations 90° and 270°兲.
vial sediments that was only partially defined by the azimuth at-
To illustrate the method, consider the following data that have
tribute was well defined by a combination of contrastx and contrastz
been discretized to Ng ⳱ 4 intensity levels in an Nx ⳱ 5 by Ny ⳱ 5
attributes. The texture attributes also highlighted subtle features not
analysis window:
recognized in the coherence-based attribute volumes. In particular,
high contrastx values revealed a 15-m-wide zone of discontinuous,
moderately dipping reflections that we interpreted to be a domain of
intense shearing centered about the principal fault trace.
Our interpretation of the 3D GPR data and associated attribute
volumes was constrained by information provided by earlier geolog-
ic, paleoseismic, and geophysical investigations. The resultant dep-
ositional/structural model of the Alpine Fault Zone at the Calf Pad-
dock study site included distinct gravel units formed during three
phases of deposition and a well-defined principal fault trace. Differ-
ential motion generated a band of intense shearing on both sides of
the fault, the upward tilting of formerly flat-lying gravels on the
northwest side and lateral fault drag on the southeast side. The GLCM for this analysis window evaluated for adjacent data
Many critical details of our analysis strategy and depositional/ points in the forward and reverse x-directions is
structural model were fundamentally dependent on the 3D nature of
the Alpine Fault Zone GPR data set. Based on this experience and
experience gained by others in analyzing seismic data, we propose
that various statistical, textural, and automated classification tech-
niques recently developed for 2D GPR data could be even more ef-
fective when applied to 3D GPR data. Nevertheless, we would argue
that pragmatic approaches to 3D GPR data analysis should continue
to include a large degree of interpreter quality control in addition to
applications of semiautomated or automated classification tech-

The 共i, j兲 element of this GLCM is the number of times data points
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS with intensity i occur adjacent to data points with intensity j. For ex-
ample, the number four at i ⳱ 2 and j ⳱ 3 represents four occur-
We greatly appreciate the contributions of the ETH-University of rences of a data value with intensity level two adjacent to a data value
Canterbury field crew. This project was supported by grants from the with intensity level three along the x-direction. The calculations are
Swiss National Science Foundation and ETH Zurich. performed in the forward and reverse directions, so adjacent data
B22 McClymont et al.

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