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Strategies/Activities Immediate Outcomes Student Outcomes Ultimate Goal

AP will meet with students on a biweekly A.Students will improve

basis to improve attendance and 1.Students will improve attendance by
attendance by 25% for the Improve student
behavior at school. 25% for the second 9 weeks.
semester attendance and
behavior amongst
2. Students will improve behavior with selected 9th grade at
Students will earn rewards for B. Students will have a decrease of risk students
a 25% reduction in referrals for the
improvement in attendance and behavior discipline referralsTby 25% for the
second 9 weeks.

AP will help students find outlets of

interests at school and get them involved 3. Students will feel apart of the C. Students will join at least one
into the school as a whole.
school culture and have a positive activity for the second semester at
impact on their school experience our school.

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