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22nd Degree.
As given in the last Degree.

The preliminary portion of Reception is idsntical with
the grade of Grand Installator. (t>ide pp. 5 and 7)

AB in the last degree it became my duty to
impresB upon you the necesBity of q=lifying your-
Ilelf by the Btndy of our laws for the performance
of the dnties of InBtallation, so in thiB l have to
impress upon you the necPBs~ty which you are
under of being able to fill (when called upon) the
important office of Consecrating the Temples of
our Rite to the Bervice of the brotherhood. In
this, as in the dnty of InBlallation, a full knowledge
of BymboliBm iB of the greatest importance, and
that which applieB to the one is equally necessary
in the other.
The form and symbolism which our TempleB
t&ke are already weIl known to you, and will be
still fnrther elncidated a8 you proceed in the mystic
knowledge of our Rite. These, in our ROlemn
ceremonials, we purify and consecrate by fue and
water, 8nd Bprinkle our Lodges with corn, wine,
and oil; things which have a significant allusion,
long Binee elucidated, and may be termed the
exoteric part of the degree which we confer upon
you at the preBent time.
swords, but sweet benevolence, sell.ted at the first
Portico, extends the hand to timid beings who
arrive there te supplicate J)ivinity for admission
amongst tl1e Grand Elect of this Sanctnary.

Upon the front is tl1e image of tl1e sun in its

glory, below the Ineffable name. Tl1e stars ciron.
lattl round thE' enta.hlatnres which they decorate
with their laminons globes; the colnmns are snr.
rounded with vine leaves and ail the sl1rubs which
cling ta the trunks of t.rees, for this our temple is
an epitome of the univtlrse. Between the columns
are placed etherial statues of virtuous men, whom
the Eternal has made the instrument of happiness
ta tl1eir fellows, and who are worthy of the grat.
itude and admiratiou of the people. Upon t,he
exterior face is a comprehensi ve and immense delin.
iation of the three kingdoms of nature; the entire
world, ornamented with its diverse prodnctions, the
elements and their distioguishing characteristics.
There is displayed the imposing rising of the sun,
until his sparkling disk rails back to his conch
upon the moulltains' ridge, where he tl1rows his
last fires in the azure seas of the firmament; the
heavenly cupolas sprinkled with scintillating stars;
the sil ver disk of the moon hounding uron the
waves; the laminons phantoms which walk upon
the ocean in the midst. of profound night; a majestic
Temple hreaks tl1e level of the seas, situated upon
the mobile plains among long mountain chai na,
falling ever, and ever renewed. The same hand
bas there represented the most ben.utiful scenes of
earth; the four seasons display their charms; there
may you behold the warmand vivifying rain falling
in streaks of silver, as it traverses the rays of the
sun, to reanimate the earth with the first tokens of
spring; the torrents of nndnlating hent raised by
the fires of snmmer aD the corn6elds embraced by
the sun; a. prairie, its banks covered with a carpet
GRAND CON8EüRATOR. 2°C.-22°R. 19
The Eternal,addressing the Electsays:- Approach,
fear nothing, listen! The yon behold in the
fields of immoosity snstained in space by my
arm; no obstacles oppose their CCllJ'8e for the motive
power is my will and the execntion oE my plans;
mo, attracting and repellent movements, which,
according to hnman science, tend apparently to
their destrnction, restrain each in their orbit,s bnt
pro duce by occasional collision a shocking chaos.
My Omnipotent hand separates light and darkness.
and gives brilliancy to those torches wIDch scin·
tillate in eternal glory in the skies; the star of day
is tilled with eternal light which l have cansed to
/low in inexhanstible torrents; other snnS art> scat.
tered in the void and forro centres oE vaster systems,
W hich tnrn their luminons torrents npon the stars,
relegated to the very confines of spa.ce, again
borrowing light Erom cTOssing planets which beoome
confound"d in space, uniting ail together to enJighten
the inhabited globes which they vivify; and causing
the elements, aW-tated by these tires, to prodnce in
thaï,. proper series the being-s which embellish them.
The kernel of the earth, 1 have formed of so hard
a snbstance, that the water of the ocean, wIDch
<'overs and dissolves ail bodies, cannot penetrate it,
whilst the snrface is kept moist by tb.e permeating
waters. Two opposing forces cause tb.e oscillation
from pole to pole, of immense m~8 of earth,
and the waters accnmnlated in the abys&, which
yet are preserved by this even balance from de-
struction. Vast foresta are snrronnded with loug
chains of mountains, cappcd with clouds, from
whic" they attract the nllllrishing. wa.ters which
furni~h to the /lowel'S their inexhanstible rivers,
meandering to the sea.s by insensible si opes, and
traversingo conntries ovel' which they spread hesh.
neSR and life; these rivers are incessantly contrib.
nting to the oceans and to the waves, which maintain
tb.eir level wi'hout ever overflo wing', and rcndering
give them book to earth; fr'lm. their bosom wa.:rmed
by the sun, arise vapours, in.-ested by the twilight
and the dawn with tbe most lively oolours, which
the atmosphere receives and transforms into fer.
tilizing rains. The decomposition of certain bodies
serve for the formhtion of others, the generation of
Jiving bpings brtoathe, with tbe air, the emauations
of that which has just been extingnished; children
are the COffillS of their fatbeTS, aU set ont from tms
a.nimated matter and turn br turn ail retnrn to it;
it is the sarne mothel'.worJd reborn unceasingly
from its own ashes, llothing can depart from its
aUotted sphere or be destroyed, nothing perishes.
Such, my Brother, is the language ",hich the
Eterual hoIds to our senses.
Behold the c1Juds ",hich "rrest thy intelligence,
if thon art possessed of perseverance thou wilt
penetrate obscurity; nature will detiver to thee its
secrets, and explain the dealings of Omnipotence.
Consuit the heavens, tbe most beautiful and the
grandest of all books, beeause compospd by God
hilliself. Forget not that the myriads of beings
which people the nniverse, and the number of which
islnlOwn only to T.S.A.O.T.U., arA but members of
the sA.IDe family; they are thy brothers, for there is
but one vital essence, but one nature of sonl, but
one divine breath.
You:will perceive, my brother. thnt in the degree
of Grand Consecrator you have a double duty to
perform,-the e':Ml/aie Consecration of our Temples,
and the e.o/erie consecration of a Temple prepared
by T.S.A.D.T. U. for those who merit his favors.
Places bands on Neophyte'. bend and receive. him a.
in l;he grade oC Grand InstallatOr. ""ying finally:-
l receive yon Illustrions Brother into the rank
of .. Grand Con;;ecrator of our Antient and Prim-
GllAND CONSECRA'I'OIt. 2°0.-22°It. 23
spirit, no long'er likc !t toreh ohscured \Vith its own
v!tpours, would burn with the purest f1ame and
cast over eyery object a gentle radiance.

When thy attention shaH have contempiated Our

:xJ.ystic Temple, learned aU its beanties, and seized
the affinities between its several parts, and over-
l'un the immense labyrinth visited by the stars;
thon wilt enjoy the celestial harmony of the bodie"
coursing in space, in fixed paths and combined
distances, moved by the arms of the :Etcrnal, guided
by Omnipotent intelligence, father of thought.
Then will deveJope ta thy astonished eyes "peetacles
mOre grand and sublimc than nature can offer;
thon wilt contemplate \\"ith astoni"hment bodies of
immense volume disposerl in t.he spaee \Vhich they
traverse, aeeoml'auierl by a mnJestic galaxy of
planets and ScilltilJating stars, shedding '" lig-ht
more pure than that of the star of day, and peopled
with beings destined likc ou.rselves for eternal
fp.licity, superior beillgs ai which the forms, qualities
and manners, \Vere not belore suspectec1 by thy
weak intelligence.

The pleasures of this sublime contemplation will

fil! eternity for thee; thy faculties, ever increasiug,
will develope themselyes sa as ta r:mbrace aU the
marvels of space, and tbe charms of tmth will
glitter before thine eyes in a1l. its brilliancy; thy
intelligence will then embrace the nniverse, its
vast conceptions will comprise ail that which is, aU
tbat can be, thy spirit, all the thoughts which form
thy intelligence; thou wilt nndel'stand tbe uni..ers-
ality of affinities; the assemblage of celestial systems
accnmnlated in the powerful bands of T.S.A.U.T. U.,
system upou system, even to the confines of im-
mensity; thon wiJt comprehend the strength and the
movements of those worMs, of which tue union
and affinity create the harmony of the nniverse.
GRAND CON8ECRA'I.'OR. 2°C.-22°R. 25

spins, the bee \Vith his polie,}' aud laws; the indus-
trious ;nsect which purveys \Vith so much art fol'
the wa.nts of its momental'ily hatched little On es ;
the creeping caterpil1ar which metamorphoses
itself iuto the lovely butterfly; the plnnt whieh
"egetates, the shrub whieh grows by the aid of the
roots w hich seek it& uourishmen t; the seecl which
tbe earth reeeives into its bosom in orcier ta rencler
it back au hundredfold; tbe pippin whieh grows
for our use, trees, flowel's, and shrnbs; tbe mobile
edifice of our own body, .:Jf which Galen conld not
explain the structure, without exclaiming, with ail
the enthusiaslU of which he was capable, tbat it
&' tbe lllOSt beautifu) bymn in benour of T.S.A.
The universe is a book open ta aIL men; tbe road
wbieh conduces to the l'emple of T.S.A..O T.U. is
neither rough uor harassed \Vith thorns, and Masanry
does not require its members t.o abandon themselves
to superstitions terrors, whieh break all the bonds
"'hich attaeh thern ta the objectq by wbich they are
surrounded, or condemn theffi ta privations, the
practise of austerities, and a contemplative Iife. It
i5 astate contrary to Our institution. What man,
inflated with vain pride, dares to say? "1 l'aise
myself by thought above other men, and break the
chains which unite me ta them; I fix my attention
on di vinity alone." For moreal man it suffices ta
lo,e Bach oeher, snstain the weight of each others
feebleness and enjoy without abuse the riches which
nature produces; it suffices for each ta follow the
secret inspiration w hich they bear in their hpart,
this guide will never tUl'n them from the path of
,irtue, the mother of true happiness. The chains
which attach men to the earth a-re not weighty,
~d they are ahle hy contemplation ta raise them.
sel,es above them; the moral world is mau's true
empire and T.S.A.O.T.U. has placed immutable
bonds between His spiritual world and that of

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