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Rodgers Elementary Agenda

Meeting Date: 3/14/18 ‐ 3:25pm

Title: February SIT #1
Location: Media Center

I. Attendance: E. Mizell, M. Barber, L. Bullock, S. Speed, T. Haislip,

H. Revels, S. Cecil, K. Chadwick, L. Hudson, L. Hombirg, L. Rogerson

II. Celebrate recent successes:

● The pass the mailbox, “I’ve been hugged” was a neat idea to brighten
someone’s day.
● 20 out of 20 TWS completed
● Literacy Night

III. Review and respond to coaching comments: N/A

IV. Approval of last meeting's minutes: Approved

V. Old Business:
● Needs Assessment: Worked on part of the Assessment Completed
all of Part A


VI. Indicators to Assess‐ Create‐ Monitor

Assess Indicators:
Create Plans and Tasks:
Monitor (see Tasks Report):

VII. Other Business

● Schedules and Planning for next year (vertical planning for grades 4-
5): K-2 Makes sense for those teachers to have a common planning
time, but 3-5 since only 2 per grade doesn’t make as much sense.
Hopefully will get Swift and Griffin full time next year. Can have PE
twice a week. 3-5 teachers would have same planning, for example
ELA would have common planning and Math have common planning.
This would be nice for at least once a week. Hudson says that she is
going to visit a school were they have 90 planning/PLC once a week,
each grade level. 3-5 teachers say that they would be interested in
this if it were possible.
● Instructional Coach: Mrs. Higgs She will be here on Wednesday’s.
She can help with Reading and Math. (Yay!)
● RES Nights - Proposed that next year one night be worked K-2 and
EC while the other meeting would be worked by 3-5 and
Encore...thoughts? Yes for next year!!
● Schoolwide Title 1 events for next year - Math Night? Literacy
Carnival? STEM? - need to look at dates once a 2018-2019 calendar
is approved. If we are using Title 1 funds to pay for events, they must
be schoolwide not grade specific. If we don’t have Title 1, we can’t
have food or prizes. If the concern is not wanting to work all of the
nights, small school and everyone has to work. Thinking that it’s
been a lot of events in a short amount of time. If child care issue,
bring your kids with you, Cecil has never said that we can’t bring our
kids. Posted long enough ahead of time, that arrangements can be
made. In the Fall do Math/Science then in the Spring Literacy Night.
The Science Fair is due to grant, 5:30-7:30.
● New we want to rotate off before or after summer SIT
meeting? Possible dates for Summer SIT? Summer SIT will pick
new dates for all RES activities. New team should be doing Summer
SIT. May/June the current team will rotate off.
● Propose another dance for Friday, May 4th from 6 to 8.
(Attendance/participation by staff would be optional) - Funds would
be used to pay for EOG incentives for students and awards for EOY.
Staff is not required to participate. Money raised, can use the cash
to buy gift cards for incentives for students. We’re still going to ask
for donations, and be able to buy items also.
● Consider having a six weeks class for computers at the beginning of
the year for Kindergarten to give them an orientation of how to use
the computer and the mouse to be ready for the iReady placement.
Numerous students did not know how to move a mouse, etc. at the
beginning of the year. Cecil agreed to look at that.
● EOY TRC/DIBELS testing - Mrs. Barber and Ms. Bryant will be pulling
and testing every K-3 students in the PLC room. Cecil will be looking
at schedule of how to test most students and scheduling for them.
Teachers will still need to make notes for Bryant and Barber about
their students.

I had already typed this so gonna leave as was presented….

Staff Concerns/Problems - Proposed Solution:
1) Consider having Literacy Night for K-2 students only and combine
Math/Science night for 3-5 students. Attendance seems to be better
for these events on a Tuesday or a Thursday, not on Fridays.
Literacy for K-2 continue around Dr. Seuss in March. Activities can
be continued as they have been. Seems to appeal to the younger
age group of students. Encourage them to dress up as their favorite
book character that evening versus during school hours. Costumes
can be a little difficult for smaller children. Popcorn and the cotton
candy seemed appealing to them. Math/Science can be geared to
upper grades with STEM activities and also help parents understand
the science fair project process as well. Perhaps have some science
experiments during this time. Make/take? Begin these nights earlier
since staff mostly stays and prevents traveling staff from getting
home later. 5:00-7:00 pm Combine these activities around that same
night as PTA to pull in more attendance. Supper can be served,
stations until 6:30, PTA @ 6:30. If children are to sing, etc. for that
particular PTA, just make an announcement for them to go to their
classroom/music room at that time.
2) Work with PTA about increased participation on their part. Let them
be in charge of dances. Parents come out anyway, ask them to help.
This would be a great time for parents to get to know each other and
meet the children their child goes to school with. Let PTA be in
charge of social events and staff take care of the educational events
listed above. Work with PTA about using some of these funds for
PBIS. Ask PTA to provide candy for literacy and math/science night.
3) RES nights at restaurants: Consider having a K-2 night and then a 3-
5 night and teachers of those grades handle the time frame instead of
the entire staff. Put EC with one group and encore with the other
group. This would also help with teachers who travel. Time 5-7pm A
concern that parents don’t get off in time to make it.

VIII. Next Meeting

Date: March ___, 2018
Time: 3:20pm
Location: Media Center

IX. Adjourn

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