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Class : 1 Arif
Time : 11.50 a.m. – 12.50 a.m.
Date : 12th February 2018
Day : Monday

Focus Skill : Lesson 1 (speaking 1)

Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic : Friends
Hi. What’s your name?
Language/Grammar I’m (name)
Focus He’s, She’s (name)

Content Standard : 2.1

2.1.4 Greet, say goodbye, and express thanks using

Learning Standard :
suitable fixed phrases
: 2.3
Content Standard
: 2.3.1 Introduce self to an audience using fixed phrases
Learning Standard
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :-

Main: introduce their name using the phrases taught.

Complementary: share their name with their friends using
the phrases taught.

Cross Curricular Language


1. Introduce target language
(Hi, I’m … What’s your name?) using yourself and
Pre lesson : pupils as examples.
2. Pupils report back
(I’m… He’s… She’s…) …
3. Pupils practise target language in pairs.
4. Pupils report back to the whole class
: e.g. I’m … he’s/she’s …
5. Divide pupils into groups of about 6:
- they repeat step 3.
6. Make larger groups of about 12:
-pupils report names within the larger group.
7. Pupils report back to whole class
8. Ask pupils to stand in a line in alphabetical order of
their first names.
9. In pairs, pupils remember as many names as they
(e.g. He’s Ahmed, She’s Regina).
Post lesson :
10. Finish by eliciting the names of everyone in the line.
11. Teach pupils Bye!
12. Divide pupils into groups Pupils say Bye! to each
(e.g. Bye Nur!, Bye. Amir!). and Bye! to you.
Materials : -
CCE : Knowledge acquisition and multiple intelligences

Teacher Reflection :

Remarks :

Class : 1 Arif
Time : 10.20 a.m. – 11.20 a.m.
Date : 13th February 2018
Day : Tuesday

Focus Skill : Lesson 2 (Listening 1)

Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic : Friends
Language/Grammar Point to something (green) …
Focus Colours: blue, green, yellow, red, white

Content Standard : 1.2

1.2.4 Understand short basic supported classroom

Learning Standard :
: 4.1
Content Standard
i) Form upper and lower case letters of regular size and
**preliterate pupils only

ii) write letters and words in a straight line from left to right
: with regular spaces between words and spaces*
Learning Standard
*all pupils

iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency words and

phrases correctly*
*all pupils

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :-

Main: Listen to and identify at least 4 out of 6 colours

Learning correctly.
Complementary: colour the picture correctly based on
teacher’s instruction

Cross Curricular

Pre lesson : 1. Introduce and teach pupils names of colours.

2. Give pupils instructions’ Point to something

(red/green etc)
** Pupils point to things inside or outside the
classroom. Listen to the words and identify the
relevant sounds
Lesson 3. Pupils do step 2 in small groups.
Development 4. Play Simon says.
** If your instruction is Simon says point to
something green, pupils do this. If you just say
Point to something green, they don’t do it.
5. Pupils do step 4 in groups.
6. Pupils write the names of the colours.
7. Extend the colour sequence by adding a colour e.g.
Post lesson : Point to something red and something blue.
8. Pupils do step 7 in groups.
Materials : Flashcards for colours
CCE : Knowledge acquisition and multiple intelligences

Teacher Reflection :

Remarks :

Class : 1 Arif
Time : 10.20 a.m. – 11.20 a.m.
Date : 15th February 2018
Day : Wednesday

Focus Skill : Lesson 3 (Reading 1)

Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic : Friends
: Colour words

Content Standard : 3.1

3.1.1 Identify and recognise the shapes of the letters in the

Learning Standard : alphabet

: 3.1
Content Standard
Complementary 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning,
Learning Standard medial and final sounds in a word
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :-

Main: recognize at least 6 words correctly by reading the

: flashcards.
Complementary: sing the colour song

Cross Curricular Language

Review colour words by playing Simon Says
Pre lesson :
(the same as Lesson 2)
1. Have pupils sit or stand in a circle. Ask the pupils
their names and practise any other spoken
language they may know at this point
** (e.g. How are you? How old are you?).
2. Show each letter/letter card and ask pupils which
: letter is it. Elicit the sound of the letter, too, as
appropriate. Put the letters in the middle of the
3. Show pupils the colour flashcards and ask them to
tell you the colour in English.
**What colour is this?
4. Next ask them which sound the colour starts with
**e.g. green starts with g-. Nominate pupils to take
the letter from the circle. Repeat.
5. Have pupils sit down at their desks. Show pupils a
set of colour word sound cards and elicit the
sounds on them.
6. On the board, show them how to put together the
colour word sounds cards to make the colour word.
7. In pairs or small groups, pupils put together the
colour words.
8. Next, pupils take their notebooks. They copy the
colour words into their book using the appropriate
colour pencil/pen.

Post lesson : Sing or play the alphabet song or other appropriate song.
Materials : Alphabet cards and Flashcards of colours
CCE : Knowledge acquisition and multiple intelligences

Teacher Reflection :

Remarks :

Class : 1 Arif
Time : 11.20 a.m. – 12.20 p.m.
Date : 8th February 2018
Day : Thursday

Focus Skill : Writing 4 (lesson 20)

Theme : World of Stories
Topic : Units 30- 36
: Review for Lessons 16-18

Content Standard : 4.1

i) Form upper and lower case letters of regular size and

Learning Standard : ii) write letters and words in a straight line from left to right
with regular spaces between words and spaces

iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency words and

phrases correctly
: 3.1
Content Standard
3.1.1 Identify and recognise the shapes of the letters in the

3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning,

Complementary medial and final sounds in a word
Learning Standard
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)

3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :-

Main: recognize at least 6 letters correctly by matching the

Learning pictures to the correct words.
Complementary: sound out at least 3 phonemes correctly
with support.

Cross Curricular
: Language
1. Review the sounds they have learnt
Pre lesson :
2. Write the letters in the air
1. Tracing lines
2. Tracing the letter
Lesson 3. Write the words
Development 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct sound
5. Copy the phrases
6. Rearrange the phrases
1. Match the pictures to the correct words
Post lesson : 2. Read the chant and answer the questions
3. Recite a poem
Materials : Phonic song, year 1 phonics module and digital flashcards
CCE : Knowledge acquisition and multiple intelligences

Teacher Reflection :

Remarks :

Class : 1 Arif
Time : 9.00 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Date : 9th February 2018
Day : Friday

Focus Skill : Lesson 1 (speaking 1)

Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic : Friends
Hi. What’s your name?
Language/Grammar I’m (name)
Focus He’s, She’s (name)

Content Standard : 2.1

2.1.4 Greet, say goodbye, and express thanks using

Learning Standard :
suitable fixed phrases
: 2.3
Content Standard
: 2.3.1 Introduce self to an audience using fixed phrases
Learning Standard
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :-

Main: introduce their name using the phrases taught.

Complementary: share their name with their friends using
the phrases taught.

Cross Curricular Language


13. Introduce target language
(Hi, I’m … What’s your name?) using yourself and
Pre lesson : pupils as examples.
14. Pupils report back
(I’m… He’s… She’s…) …
15. Pupils practise target language in pairs.
16. Pupils report back to the whole class
: e.g. I’m … he’s/she’s …
17. Divide pupils into groups of about 6:
- they repeat step 3.
18. Make larger groups of about 12:
-pupils report names within the larger group.
19. Pupils report back to whole class
20. Ask pupils to stand in a line in alphabetical order of
their first names.
21. In pairs, pupils remember as many names as they
(e.g. He’s Ahmed, She’s Regina).
Post lesson :
22. Finish by eliciting the names of everyone in the line.
23. Teach pupils Bye!
24. Divide pupils into groups Pupils say Bye! to each
(e.g. Bye Nur!, Bye. Amir!). and Bye! to you.
Materials : -
CCE : Knowledge acquisition and multiple intelligences
Remarks :

Teacher Reflection :

Remarks :

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