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Team Presentation

HD #341

Leslie Kerr

Evangelina Madrid-Kerr

Christopher Colas

Pacific Oaks/ Spring 2017



Evangelina Madrid-Kerr, Leslie Kerr, and Christopher Colas will be

documenting our conversation about are previous class experience in HD 341, will

discuss things that we learned and felt we could relate to work, school, and our

personal lives. We identify things we see are areas in which we could benefit

improving or enhancing, through discussion and reflections. We will close and bring

our conversation to a conclusion by seeing the thing we all could relate to


For our first group meeting about our upcoming project we exchanged phone

numbers and created a group text. We posted our first class assignment (artifacts)

on the group text and conversed about how we individually experience sharing

about that experience.

Christopher- posted picture of his bows

Evangelina- posted picture of her family pictures in government

Lesley- posted pictures of her picture frame, what was in that frame held meaning

for Leslie because they were memories of her recovery process.

We open the discussion with why we chose these artifacts and what they meant to

us personally.

Christopher- because it represent his culture and background

Evangelina- stated that she post pictures of her grandparents because they where a

major part of her life and taught her about her culture.

Leslie- stated that the picture frame had moments in her life that reminder her of

her journey and how she got here today.

On our second group meeting we discussed how we would like to present

our group presentation and in what format. We discussed various formats that we

thought would flow in conversation. We came up with a few ideas, but didn’t feel

that they would be easy to incorporate the roundtable format and wouldn’t allow us

to give each other an equal opportunity to use their voice and communication skills.

Christopher, Leslie, and I finally decided to use a familiar format that we would be

confortable using. We chose to replicate a round table meeting format, which would

allow us to share natural.

Christopher chose to focus on one and three

1) Chose to speak on Taking control of their circumstances and achieve their own

goals in their personal and working life. 3) Enhance the contribution they make both

as an individual and as a member of team.

Lesley chose to share on two and four

2) Become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and therefore be better

equipped to deal with problems and achieve goals. 4) Taking opportunities to

enhance personal growth and sense of fulfillment.

Evangelina chose to share on number four

5) Developing personal empowerment usually involves making some fundamental

changes in life, which is not always an easy process. The degree of change required

will differ from person to person, depending on the individual starting point.

We stated that we would write a little brief thing on the topic we would focus on and

why we were drawn to the topic, we want to be more authentic and stated that the

conversation would stage if practices. We reminded each that people don’t practice

sharing a meeting, which makes it more heart felt and real.

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