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Unit Plan: Persuasive Writing


Name: Ivelisse Gonzalez-Lozano Content Area: Writing

Grade Level: 2nd Dates: April 3, 2018


Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply
reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and
provide a concluding statement or section.

Prior learning: This is the first time students will be introduced to persuasive writing; therefore, I must take
it as slow as possible, and make it clear.

Allowing students to voice their opinions far and wide is appealing to little ones who are
Rationale: eager not only to be seen but also to be heard. If given the opportunity, students will
happily share their opinion about everything from toys to food, to clothes. Teaching
children at an early age to write their opinions will not only help them to express their voice,
but as adults, persuade others on what they believe, and possibly take action on those

Objective(s): Students will explain and support their opinion on a given question asked by their peer
during a partner activity by using linking words and concluding statement.

Materials Needed:

1. Video from you tube

2. Anchor chart with favorite food
3. Anchor chart with sentence frames
4. Anchor chart with broccoli paragraph
5. My examples: mom give me my own room, and favorite food
6. State an opinion sheet with linking words
7. Questions sheets
8. Graphic organizer given by Ms. Richards for writing’
9. Tape for anchor charts

: -Persuade

1. “I will be showing you a video with several different commercials in them. I want you to pay close attention
and tell what the commercials have in common, so what are they all trying to do.”
a. Play

2. “What did you notice? (Answers should be that they are trying to get us to buy their product.)

3. “Convincing someone to do something is also known as persuading. Repeat the word with me, persuading.)
To persuade is to try to get somebody to do something. But in order for you to persuade someone you have
to give them your opinion as to why they should do what you say! So giving and opinion is very important.”

4. I will give you an example of how I tried to persuade my mom to give me my own room I was 16 years old.

5. “Close your eyes, and think of a time that you persuaded someone to do something. I will tell you when to
open them.” (Listen to 2-3 students)

6. Excellent! Persuade is when we try to get somebody to do something we want!

7. “For the next three days we will learn about persuasive writing. We will be writing about convincing
someone to do what we want. But first let’s learn some more about what persuasive writing is!”

8. Anchor Chart 1: Display and ask students what their favorite food is (write downs answers on anchor chart)

a. Students will give me their opinion as to why they chose their favorite food. I will write it down on
the anchor chart. (details)

b. “I noticed that none of you said broccoli. What’s up with that? Broccoli is delicious! If I tell to eat
broccoli would you eat it?

c. “How about if I say: Eating broccoli is so yummy! One reason why I believe broccoli is so yummy is
because I could eat it with ranch. Mmmm, I love ranch. Another reason is because I could pretend
to be eating the biggest tree in the world! And the last reason is because it is very healthy for my
body. Broccoli is so delicious.” HAVE THIS WRITTEN ON ANCHOR CHART

d. Did I convince you now to eat broccoli now? Even a little bit?

e. In order for me to get you to even think about eating broccoli I had to persuade you by giving you
my opinion as to why broccoli is yummy. This is exactly what persuasive writing is.

9. BRAIN BREAK: Macarena

10. “You are going to convince your friend about why your food is the best, but first let me give you some tips
and tools to use when you are explaining. Let’s look at how I wrote this broccoli scenario.”

11. I wrote about broccoli in a specific way. I used and intro, linking words, and conclusion. (direct students to
sentence frames anchor chart.)

a. “This anchor chart here helps us to use what are called linking words. When you give your opinion
about something, such as I said in the broccoli story, I use linking words.” Let’s circle the linking
words that you see on this anchor chart.” I will also explain the concluding statement.

12. “Now, let’s practice convincing our classmate of our favorite food.

13. Whole Group Activity: “

a. Students will sit criss-cross facing each other. One student will ask the questions and the other will
answer using the linking words, and give three reasons why they believe ____ is their favorite food.
b. Give my example.
c. I will say the questions what is the food you have ever eaten? Students asking the questions will
repeat it to their partner. Their partner will answer using the linking words/frame and concluding
statement. (Charts will be displayed for student use)
d. Partners will switch tasks.

14. Partner Practice: After the whole group guided practice, we will split into partner practice doing the same
exercise as the whole group instructions except students will be given a separate questions/prompt as well
as a sheet with the linking words/frame listed. I will choose partners again to avoid chaos and chattiness.

a. The student with the prompt paper asked the question and student with the linking words paper
responded. After asking and answering, students switched papers and found a new partner. We did
a few rounds of this then came back together whole group.
b. Give example
c. I will roam and take notes for my formative assessment.

BRAIN BREAK: opposite sides (stand up, blink with right eye while at the same time snapping fingers with left
hand. Do the same with left eye and right hand.)

**IF I notice that students are a bit overwhelmed with info I will leave this next step for the following day.

15. Example: “Now we are going to write our own persuasive writing.” We will write this one together in order
for you to understand how to do it. We are going to use the linking words/frames to write on our graphic

16. “How many of us like to chew gum? Are we allowed to chew gum in school? How about if we could write to
principal __________ and convince him to let us chew gum in school? Let’s write together…

17. “This is a graphic organizer. It helps us organize our thoughts. You will be using this in your writing today
and tomorrow. How should we start?”

18. “Anyone have any reasons why we should be allowed to chew gum in school?” Write example…
a. What linking words/frames should we begin our writing with?
b. What linking words/frames should we start with for our opinion?
c. Complete graphic organizer and read together.

19. Turn and talk to the person next to you and tell them what persuade means. If you want to give an example
that is fine.
20. Closure: I want you to go home tonight and think of what you would like to write about tomorrow. What
would you like to persuade someone about? Maybe you want to convince your mom to buy you a new
video game or a new toy. Maybe you want to convince your teacher to let you have extra recess, so think
about it and tomorrow we will review what we learned and start writing!

Differentiation -For students that need support I will go to their group first and help if need be.
-For advance students, I could have them use deeper level linking words, such as I feel very
strongly that… or personally I believe that….

-I will listen in on students, take notes, as they speak and participate in the partner activity
Assessment: with the sentence frames sheets.

Unit Plan: Persuasive Writing

Name: Ivelisse Gonzalez-Lozano Content Area: Writing

Grade Level: 2nd Date: April 4, 2018


Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply
reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and
provide a concluding statement or section.

Yesterday I introduced persuasive writing to students for the first time. We spent time in
Prior learning: class practicing persuading using several activities. In addition, we completed a graphic
organizer convincing the school principal to let students chew gum in school.

Objective(s): Rough Draft: Students will demonstrate their understanding of persuasive writing by writing
a paragraph about a topic they choose while stating reasons to support their opinion, using
linking words, and a concluding statement.

Materials Needed:

1. Anchor chart with favorite food

2. Anchor chart with linking words/frames
3. Anchor chart with broccoli paragraph
4. State an opinion sheet with linking words
5. Questions sheets
6. Graphic organizer given by Ms. Richards for writing

: -Persuade


1. “Good morning! Yesterday you all worked so wonderfully! I hope today we could work just as great.”

2. “Let’s review what we learned yesterday about persuasive writing. Give me thumbs up if you need a
refresher? Anyone want to take a shot and convince me of their favorite food using the linking words we
learned about yesterday?”

3. “Let’s review my paragraph of why you should eat broccoli” (review linking words and supporting reasons)

4. Repeat whole group activity:

a. Students will sit criss-cross facing each other. One student will ask the questions and the other will
answer using the linking words, and give three reasons why they believe ____ is their favorite food.
b. Give my example.
c. I will say the questions what is the food you have ever eaten? Students asking the questions will
repeat it to their partner. Their partner will answer with and intro, linking words and concluding
d. Partners will switch tasks.

5. “Excellent! I heard many linking words/frames and lots of opinions. Now, does anyone remember what we
wrote about yesterday?”
a. Read it, point to the intro, linking words, and concluding statement.

6. “I want to tell you that when it’s your turn to write I want you to think and write like you are talking to the
a. Give example of how my thinking would be as I write.

BRAIN BREAK: students vote for either Macarena, opposites or exercise.

7. Whole group example:

a. We will write together again with the graphic organizer. I will ask students what they want to write
about and reasons why.

8. “ Now it’s your turn to apply all that you learned yesterday and today and practice writing your own
persuasive writing! How exciting is that?” I will give you all a graphic organizer like this one. And you will go
to your desk and begin writing. You may use your linking words tools that we used yesterday to help you in
your writing. I will give you some options about what you could write about, but you could totally choose
something else. This will be a practice or sloppy copy. Tomorrow we will finish up and write our paragraphs

9. Also, depending if you are focused and working to the best of your ability, tomorrow we will celebrate our
writing with some snacks.

10. Students go off to work. I will go and work with the students that need most support.

-For students that need support, I could help them in creating the intro to the paragraph,
and have them move closer to the board in order to read the linking words/frames

-For advance students, they could write to graphic organizers or more than four opinions.

Assessment: -I will collect the graphic organizer as an assessment and determine what students still need
additional help, and in what areas.

Unit Plan: Persuasive Writing

Name: Ivelisse Gonzalez-Lozano Content Area: Writing

Grade Level: 2nd Dates: April 5, 2018


Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply
reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and
provide a concluding statement or section.

Prior learning: This is the third day of persuasive writing. On Tuesday, students were introduced to
persuasive writing by interacting in different activities, on Wednesday, students,

Objective(s): Final Draft: Students will complete their persuasive writing by finishing and revising their
persuasive paragraph on their chosen topic.

Celebration: I will celebrate students’ hard work by sharing each other’s writing while
enjoying some cookies/snacks. The intent is to make students feel proud of their learnsing
and the writing process.

Materials Needed:

7. Anchor chart with favorite food

8. Anchor chart with linking words/frames
9. Anchor chart with broccoli paragraph
10. State an opinion sheet with linking words
11. Questions sheets
12. Graphic organizer given by Ms. Richards for writing
13. Final copy papers
14. Snacks: cookies, juice/water.

1. “Welcome back students! It’s so nice to be with you again for the third day in a row! Let’s all come to the
center here.“

2. “I went through all your graphic organizers yesterday and must say that many of you are doing quite well,
and some of you still need to add your linking words, etc…”

3. “Do you have any questions for me? Raise your hand if you need help today with your writing?”

4. Well before we begin writing let’s look at the writing we did together yesterday. (If a student wrote a good
example I will demonstrate his or hers)

5. I will review with students once again the graphic organizer and procedure.

6. “I will pass out your papers and we will get to work. If you have any questions please raise your hand and
wait patiently. If you are done with the graphic organizer, and I have reviewed your writing please let me
know and I will give you one of these papers to write your final copy.”

7. “Remember, if you focus and word hard on your papers, we will be able to celebrate today!”

8. Students go off to work. I will keep busy stopping by to help. This is where we will spend most of the
class period.

9. Students are to wrap up and then we will meet at the center again for the celebration.

a. Students will have an opportunity to read.

b. I will pass out snacks.

-Support: I will meet with those students whose papers needed additional support/help.
Differentiation -Advanced: For students that did a stupendous job, I will ask them if they wish to write
another persuasive assignment or to extend their current one with more reasons.

The assessment will be their final product in their persuasive writing.


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