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Growing Success: Report Card

Grading Scale
A Excellent B Very Good
C+ Good C- Adequate

Criteria for Mark Evidence

Growing success is feasible for teachers as it can be implemented by teachers in a manageable way.
Prior to this document, there were several other documents regarding evaluation and assessment
which according to me is extremely hard to navigate as information and policies could not be found
in one concise document for all grade levels (K-12). However, now, with the release of Growing
Success, the policies and procedures are easily accessible in one single, simple document.
Furthermore, the simple discourse and language used in this resource makes it easier for all
Feasible for teachers

teachers to comprehend the key concepts of the document. With the support of the visual
A component presented on pg. 20-25 of the Achievement Chart, as well as a digital copy of the book
online, it is easier for teachers to locate the seven fundamental principles, understand the primary
purpose of assessment, distinguish easily between assessment for, of and as learning and apply this
knowledge in their classrooms to improve student learning. There are four categories of knowledge
and skills (K/U, T, A & C) presented in the book which highlights the expectations for all subject
areas. Though, these four categories are separated in order to assess student learning,
according to Growing Success, these categories should be regarded as interconnected
reflecting the complexity, yet “wholeness of learning” (p.17). Overall, I believe this policy
document is feasible for teachers as it is not only clear and easy to navigate, it is also accessible
and manageable for teachers to apply the principles within their classroom.

Growing Success is practical for each and every student because assessment and evaluation are
Practical for Students

demonstrated in a way which is equitable and consistent for all students across Ontario. The
principles highlighted in Growing Success encourages students to be part of the assessment process
so that every student has a chance of being successful; in other words, success looks different for
A everyone but everyone can succeed. As discussed in the document, “some students require more or
different support than others in order to work at a level appropriate to their abilities and needs.” (p.
7). Therefore, this document encourages that multiple opportunities should be presented to every
learner in order to be successful which can be achieved through descriptive feedback, clear learning
goals, co-constructing success criteria and differentiated instruction.
I believe that Growing Success is powerful for learners as the primary purpose of assessment
according to this document is to “improve student learning.” The document takes into
consideration the diverse needs of learners and offers various methods and strategies to assess
Powerful for learners

student learning. In other words, it moves away from and challenges traditional forms of
assessment and changes the dynamics between student-teacher relationships in that students
become part of the assessment process (assessment as learning), ultimately taking ownership of
A their learning. Simply put, student participation in assessment is integral to the learning process as
it helps all students “develop their capacity to be independent learners.” (p. 28). This means that the
learner plays an important role during the process of assessment as they become aware of their
strengths and weaknesses through engaging in self-assessment. This permits learners to not only
view and monitor their progress throughout their educative journey by engaging in self-reflection,
but also helps them become responsible and autonomous learners as well as successful citizens by
empowering them to take accountability of their own learning.

Overall Grade: A

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