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Group ”B”

Application date: March 2nd, 20018.

This questionnaire was applied to twenty students, they are currently in second grade of high
school and it was after the researcher’s interventions.

Questionnaire analysis.
To the first question if students consider that the implemented activities were different to0
the ones that had been applied commonly, nineteen students answered yes and only one
student answered no, these responses clearly represent a majority of opinions in favor of a
manner in which students perceived the activities implemented by the researcher. In this
question, the students were asked to give a reason for their answer; in general, these were
their appreciations: They expressed that in the past they only answered pages in the book,
they did not have the opportunity to practice conversations in English; they considered that
the classes were more dynamic, more interesting, the activities increased their vocabulary
and they had more verbal interactions among themselves.

In question number two, students were asked in case they answered “yes” to the first question,
what made the dynamic of the class different.

From twenty students, nineteen who answered “yes” to the first question, stated these
reasons: In the past exams had a higher value and they had fewer opportunities to interact
among themselves and with the teacher, this interac6tion was in English all the time and they
kept them busy all the time, they had the opportunity of showing what they know in English
through the discussion of everyday topics improving their pronunciation and their vocabulary
increased more speaking the language than learning about the language.

To the yes / no question number three Did you have more opportunities to participate in the
group discussions?

All the students answered “yes”, supporting the former questions where they had to express
if they had noticed a difference.
To the yes / no question four: To have researched by your own about the topic favored you
to have more elements to participate in the discussions?

The twenty students answered yes, showing again a notoriously difference in favor of the
researcher’s interventions.

To the yes / no question five: Do the videos, web-sites, documents provide by your teacher
were useful to know more about the topic discussed in the conversation circle?

All the students answered: yes.

To the yes / no question six: Do student’s arrange in pairs, small groups or in teams, favored
you to participate in English?

All the students answered yes.

Question number seven offered three options: very interesting, fairly interesting and a little
interesting; and a reason for their answer.

Sixteen students answered very interesting, four students answered fairly interesting and
none answered a little interesting.

The reasons they stated were: very interesting because: they were contemporary topics and
very entertaining, they were voted by ourselves and according to our interests, movies,
teenagers problems, students future, etc. which motivated us to participate, they were an
opportunity ot know more about the different opinions we have, vocabulary was acquired
without memorizing it, etc.

The four students who answered fairly inter3esting, expressed that some topics were
interesting whereas other ones not, there are better topics, some of them are very relevant in
our lives but not all of them.

To the question number eight: Do you think that you had more social interaction in English
when speaking to your classmates and why?

Eighteen students answered “yes” while two students answered “no “and these are their
reasons for their choice:
The students who answered “no” explained that: Due to the fact that it was a foreign
language, our vocabulary and expressions were limited and one student explained that not all
the students spoke English because some of them only read the information without
understanding it.

The researcher observes in this question that the majority of the students considered that they
had more opportunities to socialize in the target language, only two students have a not so
positive opinion about this question, even though, they are only two, their opinions are
important and they reflect the manner they felt.

To the question number nine, why do you think it would be important to implement this way
of working more frequently in class?

Students affirmed that: to practice more, to develop fluency, to understand better the target
language; to avoid routine, because these activities increase vocabulary and improve
pronunciation, the topics are interesting and impact positively on their vocabulary, what they
learn it is easier to remember it, all the classmates are motivated to participate, anxiety is
reduced and these activities make you develop more than grammatical abilities.

To the question number ten: do the exercises assigned as homework by your teacher helped
you to cheer yourself up to speak more in class? Why?

Only two students express that not, because one of them affirms that he or she already speaks
the language and another one mentions that not always had the opportunity which seems to
be an external factor to the researcher and the activities; in general, they express a positive
opinion about this question and the other eighteen who answered yes, considered that they
could take material to speak, the material and the information helped to gain self-confidence,
to participate more actively in the conversations with a better pronunciation with information
about the topic, students do not laugh at you and if there are corrections, classmates do them
at the moment of speaking respectfully.

In the number eleven, more than a question, students were told to enlist the exercises as
homework assigned by the teacher which helped them to express better in class; this activity
arose a confusion in two students because they categorized from the most important to the
least important the activities carried out in class, one student did not answer anything and the
other seventeen

Summarizing, this is what students expressed: that the most significant activities were to
watch movies, videos, search for information, reading articles sent by the researcher,
preparation of expositions for class (life project), not all the students enlisted the ten activities
because some of the them were the same, the only difference was the topic.

Question number 12, Once in class, what activities do you remember that helped you to speak
in English: The life project, round tables, debates, expositions, ideas club, brainstorms, small
conversation clubs, conversation with a different teacher, etc.

Question number 13 inquiries about the relevance of having researcher for information
previous to the activities in class, do students feel that they had more opportunity of analyze
the information to be discussed in class?

They expressed that they can work more comfortably and more relaxed, at home when
looking for information, provoked more self-confidence to speak in class, they think that the
searched more information and had more opportunities to organize their ideas and to go
deeper when analyzing the information to their own pace and in their own style; etc.

It can be observed in this question, that students responded favorably to the flipped classroom
model in which students look for information at home, they can spend more time if they want
to understand a topic or other kind of information rather than in class because they can
advance at their own speed and going deeper in topics they are more interested.

To the question fourteen about classroom arrangement, which one did you like the most, in
pairs, teams of three, lager groups, when you presented your goals by yourself in class?

A quarter of students expressed that they liked when they passed alone in front of the group
to talk about their goals because they could express their ideas in front of all their classmates,
some students liked to work in teams because it is more fun and in pairs you can know the
person better, you can have a closer conversation and you feel more confident to speak in
English, with the whole group, there is more connection and you can concentrate better, in
larger groups because you can know different points of view, express your opinions, there
are more polemics. In general, students showed more interest in speaking in front of other
peers expressing themselves and in pairs where they find more opportunities of speaking.

Question number 16; what did you discover you needed more to participate: vocabulary,
good pronunciation or grammatical structures?

Four students answered vocabulary, nine how to structure sentences, 2 students both
grammar and vocabulary, two students both vocabulary combined with a good pronunciation,
two students expressed that they needed a better pronunciation and one student did not
answer the question.

The researcher did not expect that the majority of the students considered that they discovered
that they needed more grammar; it can be a traditional way of perceiving how a language is
learned or they really think that when speaking they did not have they did not have the
structural elements to build up their opinions; the students expressing lack of vocabulary and
pronunciation are what the researcher expected; it is more confusing this information because
on one hand they are affirming that in these lessons they had more conversation opportunities
instead of working on the language analysis; however, in this response, they seem to go back
to the traditional model.

To the question number 16: How did you feel in general during the activities (more anxious,
less anxious, did you acquire more confidence?

One student did not answer the question, another one felt more anxious and the other eighteen
expressed that at the beginning they felt anxious; however, as time passed and they
participated in the activities they started feeling more confident.

To the final question where students were asked if they preferred the first traditional model
in which they usually study English or the second one with the implementation of the flipped
classroom, conversation circles, etc.

Nineteen students expressed that they liked more the researcher’s intervention through the
use of flipped classroom and the conversation circles, because they had more time to read,
discriminate and prepare the information obtained from different sources.

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