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Arenaviruses, of the family Arenaviridae, include Bunyaviruses, first detected in Bunyamwera,

29 spherical, enveloped RNA viruses that have T- Uganda, belong to the family Bunyaviridae (Table
shaped glycoprotein spikes 7 to 10 nm long 66-5). The virus is an RNA virus consisting of
surrounding the surface membrane of the virion three, single-stranded RNA segments enclosed in a
(Table 66-4). The viruses can readily infect a helical nucleocapsid that is surrounded by a lipid
variety of mammalian species, especially rodents envelope. A unique feature of this family of viruses
and bats, often resulting in a deleterious effect on is their tripartite genome. The genomic structure
the reservoir rodent host. Human transmission provides a mechanism for genetic reassortment in
usually occurs through inhalation of aerosols of nature, much like the orthomyxovirus family of
infected rodent excrement (urine, saliva, feces, nasal viruses. Bunyaviruses comprise a large, diverse
secretions) or by direct contact with infected group of viruses
rodents. Disease in humans clinically displays a (approximately 300 total members with 12 human
broad range of symptoms, from asymptomatic (no pathogens), most of which are transmitted by
symptoms) to fever, prostration, headache and mosquitoes(arboviruses). The most important
vomiting, to the more severe cases of meningitis human pathogens in the United States consist of the
and hemorrhagic fever. California serogroup (CAL), which includes the
California encephalitis and Lacrosse viruses (LAC).
The arenaviruses capable of causing disease in
Although the name California encephalitis implies
humans include lymphocytic choriomeningitis
that these cases are related to the state of California,
(LCM) virus and Lassa fever virus (first detected in
they are identified primarily in Minnesota,
Lassa, Nigeria). LCM has been identified in cases
Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
of aseptic meningitis in Europe and the Americas.
Disease is typically mild and self-limiting; however,
Lassa has been associated with hemorrhagic fever,
severe, even fatal, encephalitis ensues in
shock, and death in 5% to 15% of symptomatic
approximately 2% of patients infected. Other human
patients (80% of cases are asymptomatic).
disease–causing members of the family
Lassa fever virus is a significant cause of morbidity
Bunyaviridae include the Cache Valley (CV),
and mortality in West Africa, where economic
Jamestown Canyon (JC), Snowshoe hare (SSH),
resources are limited. Capillary leak and widespread
Tahyna, Rift Valley fever, and Inkoo viruses.
organ involvement, accompanied by shock,
Bunyaviruses that belong to the Hantavirus genus
respiratory distress, and/or hemorrhage, are
are not arboviruses. The viruses are rodent borne
responsible for most deaths fromLassa fever. Other,
and transmitted through exposure (inhalation) to
less commonly reported arenaviruses may also
aerosolized rodent excreta. Rodents develop a
cause hemorrhagic fever.
chronic infection that results in shedding of the
Arenavirus infection is diagnosed using serologic
virus in saliva, feces, and urine. Disruption of these
tests or reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
animal excreta by vacuuming, sweeping, or shaking
reaction (RT-PCR) to detect viral nucleic acid. Viral
rugs aerosolizes infected particles, which are then
isolation using cell culture is not routinely
inhaled. Evidence indicates that the chance of
recommended. Cell culture for viral isolation has
inhaling these particles is greater in indoor, poorly
proven to be unreliable because of inconsistent
ventilated spaces than through outdoor exposure.
sensitivity. In addition, handling cultures and
The disease that ensues is called hantavirus
specimens puts laboratory personnel at high risk.
pulmonary syndrome (HPS). It was originally
Samples and cultures containing LCM virus require
discovered in 1993 in the four corners area of the
Biosafety Level (BSL) 3 facilities, and Lassa fever
southwestern United States (Arizona, New Mexico,
virus requires a BSL 4 laboratory. Serologic
Colorado, and Utah). The discovery of this virus
diagnosis is also difficult because the immunologic
resulted from the outbreak of an unexplained
antibody response is delayed for several days and
pulmonary illness among several young, healthy
often weeks following symptomatic illness. An RT-
people who died from acute respiratory failure.
PCR assay has been developed to detect
Diagnostic testing failed to identify a known cause
arenaviruses, but it is not widely available in the
of death. Through exhaustive analysis by the
acute care setting.
virologists at the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) using molecular testing, the
scientists were able to link the pulmonary syndrome
with a previously unknown type of hantavirus. The
new virus originally was called Muerto Canyon
virus, but later the name was changed to sin
nombre (no name) virus (SNV). FILOVIRUSES
HPS begins with generalized symptoms that include The Filoviridae family of viruses (Table 66-8) is
headache, fever, and body aches, typically after an considered the most pathogenic of the hemorrhagic
incubation period of 11 to 32 days. Subsequently, fever viruses. The term filo means threadlike,
the symptoms become much more severe, leading to referring to the virus’s long, filamentous structural
hemorrhagic fever, kidney disease, and acute morphology seen with electron microscopy. The
respiratory failure. The deer mouse (Peromyscus viruses are pleomorphic, enveloped, nonsegmented,
maniculatus) is the primary host for the sin nombre single-stranded, negative sense RNA viruses. The
virus. Transmission of the virus from rodent to filamentous morphology appears in many forms or
human has been the only documented mode of configurations under the electron microscope, such
human infection. No person-to-person transmission as the number “6,” “U,” or circular. Marburg
of HPS has ever been documented in the United hemorrhagic fever virus displays the characteristic
States. Since the discovery of SNV, several “shepherd’s hook” morphology. The term “viral
hantaviruses that cause HPS have been discovered hemorrhagic fever” is used to describe a severe
throughout the United States. The Bayou virus, multisystem syndrome in which multiple organ
carried by the rice rat (Oryzomys palustris), was systems are affected throughout the body. The
first discovered in a male from the state of patient’s vascular system becomes damaged, and
Louisiana. The cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is the the body’s ability to regulate itself is impaired.
carrier of the Black Creek Canal virus, discovered Infection with the Marburg or Ebola virus, endemic
in a resident from Florida. The white-footed mouse in Africa, results in severe hemorrhages, vomiting,
(Peromyscus leucopus) has been implicated in a abdominal pain, myalgia, pharyngitis,
case of a hantavirus infection called the New York- conjunctivitis, and proteinuria. Human case fatality
1 virus. Cases of HPS stemming from related rates for Ebola virus infection exceed 80%; the toll
hantaviruses have been documented in Argentina, for Marburg virus infection is somewhat lower, with
Brazil, Canada, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, a case fatality rate of 23% to 25%. These diseases
making HPS a panhemispheric disease. Laboratory have no cure or established drug treatment. The first
diagnosis relies on the identification of hantavirus- filovirus was detected in Marburg, Germany, when
specific IgM and or IgG antibody. By the time a group of German laboratory workers became ill
symptoms have appeared, all patients have formed and developed hemorrhagic fever after handling
hantavirus-specific IgM antibody, and most have imported African green monkeys or monkey tissue
also developed hantavirus-specific IgG antibody. while preparing polio vaccine. Simultaneous
Enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is hemorrhagic fever outbreaks occurred in
usually the method of choice for diagnosis. Other laboratories in Frankfurt, Germany, and Belgrade,
available diagnostic methods include identification Yugoslavia (now Serbia). Thirty one individuals
of viral antigen in tissue using became symptomatic, and seven individual fatalities
immunohistochemistry or the presence of were recorded. Symptomatic individuals
amplifiable viral RNA sequences in blood or included the laboratory workers, their family
tissues. Although RT-PCR assays have been members, and medical personnel. The Marburg
developed for some hantaviruses, the variation in virus was isolated from the African green monkeys
the viral genome reduces sensitivity, making routine and determined to be the etiologic agent of
identification by RT-PCR complicated for the infection. Ebola virus is the only other member of
diagnosis of hantavirus infections. Virus isolation the Filovirus family. It is named after a river in
from human sources is difficult, and to date no Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo),
isolates of SNVlike viruses have been recovered where it was first identified. The genus Ebolavirus
from humans. has five subspecies, based on the first location
where the virus was identified: Zaire ebolavirus,
Sudan ebolavirus, Cote d’Ivoire ebolavirus
referred to as Ebola–Ivory Coast), Bundibugyo
ebolavirus, and Reston ebolavirus. All of the Ebola
subspecies cause disease in humans and nonhuman
primates (i.e., chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys)
except for Reston ebolavirus, which causes disease
only in nonhuman primates. The Ebola virus was
first recognized in 1976, when a total of 602 people
became ill in Zaire and Sudan.
Infections are acute, with no carrier state, and For example, HPV-1 is associated with plantar
humans become ill after contact with an infected warts; HPV-2 and HPV-4 are associated with
animal, usually a primate. Transmission of the virus common warts of the hands; and HPV-6, HPV-11,
is rapid. Individuals caring for the sick who come in and others are associated with genital warts. Fifteen
contact with the patient’s secretions quickly develop to 20 types of HPV cause virtually all cases of
symptoms. In fact, many of the early Ebola cervical cancer, with types 16 and 18 causing more
outbreaks were attributed to “nosocomial” than 60% of cases. Type 16 is also responsible
infections. Personal protective equipment (e.g., for a subset of cancers of the oropharynx and penile
gowns, masks, and gloves) often were not used by cancer in men (Table 66-14). HPV infection is the
those caring for sick patients. Also, objects such as most prevalent sexually transmitted viral disease in
needles and syringes often were not sterilized before the United States; it is estimated that more than 65
reuse, and many people were exposed to the virus million Americans are living with an incurable
through contaminated syringes and needles. In the STD, such as HPV or HSV infection. Infection is
initial Ebola outbreak, 431 people detected using histopathologic or cytologic
died, a fatality rate greater than 70%. The natural examination of cutaneous biopsy or cells,
animal reservoir for the Ebola and Marburg viruses respectively, and DNA probe assays for
has never been determined, although the animal identification of specific genotypes in infected
source is believed to be native to Africa. Disease epithelial cells. A single, liquid-based cytology
outbreaks in monkeys have occurred in the United sample can be used for cytology and genotyping.
States in research facilities. Several monkeys Several commercial HPV assays currently are
housed in separate cages became ill simultaneously. available in the United States, including HC2
Laboratory workers working in these facilities were (Qiagen), Cervista HPR HR (Hologic), Roche
also infected and developed antibodies but never Amplicor HPV Test (Roche Molecular
developed symptoms of the disease. Reston Diagnostics), GenProbe Aptima HPV Test
ebolavirus is known to have caused (GenProbe), Abbott
infections through aerosolization of secretions. RT- RealTime High Risk HPV Test (Abbott Molecular),
PCR is used to identify the Ebola and Marburg PreTect HPV-Proofer (Norchip) and NucliSENS
viruses. Electron microscopy is also available in Easy Q HPV v1 Test (bioMeriéux). Two vaccines
some research facilities. Cell culture is available in for HPV are currently licensed by the FDA:
laboratories with BSL 4 facilities. Antibody Cervarix (Glaxo Smith Kline, United Kingdom and
production occurs after an Ebola virus infection, Gardasil (Merck & Co., Inc, Whitehouse Station,
and an antigen-capture ELISA is available to detect N.J.). The vaccines are a derivative of the protein
IgM and IgG antibodies to Ebola virus. viral coat and provide some protective immunity to

Papilloma viruses are small, nonenveloped, circular,
Parvoviruses (the Latin term parvus means small)
double-stranded DNA viruses. These viruses are
have a wide distribution among warm-blooded
abundant in nature and cause infections in humans,
animals (Table 66-16). Parvovirus B-19 is the single
dogs, cattle, monkeys, and many other species. The
human pathogen among the Parvoviridae. The virus
Papillomaviridae family (Table 66-14) includes the
is a nonenveloped, icosahedral, single-stranded
human papillomaviruses (HPVs). HPVs cause
DNA virus that may appear spherical on electron
human warts. They exhibit a tissue tropism for
microscopy. Because its replication in human cells
either cutaneous or mucosal tissue. The viruses have
is largely restricted to erythroid progenitor cells,
not been cultivated in cell culture, which prevents
adult bone marrow and fetal liver cells (thesite of
the production of type-specific antigens
erythropoiesis during fetal development) are the
and corresponding typing antisera. HPVs are
major sites of viral replication. Important diseases
divided into more than 200 genotypes based on the
associated with parvovirus B-19 infection are fifth
viral DNA sequences; approximately 80 of those
disease (the fifth of the childhood exanthems),
have been well characterized. Much attention has
aplastic crisis in patients with underlying
been focused on the more than 30 sexually
hemoglobinopathies, and fetal infection (hydrops
transmitted genotypes and their role in the
fetalis) resulting from transplacental inoculation.
pathogenesis of cancer. The various HPV genotypes
Parvovirus causes a biphasic illness in humans. The
have differing cellular tropisms, resulting in defined
first phase, marked fever, malaise, myalgia, and
variation in the clinical presentation of the warts.
chills, corresponds to peak levels of virus and
destruction of erythroblasts. This phase, when mild,
may be overlooked or considered a nonspecific viral therapy. Since the eradication of smallpox in 1980,
disease. The second phase involves rash and most vaccination campaigns against this virus have
arthralgia, which occur after the virus has stopped, and most of the world’s population lacks
disappeared but at a time when parvovirus-specific any protective immunity against this disease or any
antibody can be detected. This is consistent with the related poxviruses. Besides the smallpox virus, 10
appearance of the rash caused by immune complex other poxviruses are capable of infecting humans.
deposition in the capillaries of the skin. IgM Except for the smallpox virus and the molluscum
antibodies appear within 7 days after infection, contagiosum virus, most of these are zoonoses, or
followed by IgG at approximately 14 days. infections that result from contact with animals.
Laboratory diagnosis is accomplished using Fortunately, other than monkeypox and the
parvovirus-specific IgM or virus specific IgG eradicated smallpox virus, none of these viruses can
antibody testing with paired acute and convalescent sustain human-to-human transmission. The viruses
sera or by detection of viral DNA using PCR. normally are acquired through abrasions of the skin
Parvovirus cannot be cultivated in the typical cells and contact with an infected animal, or in the case
available in clinical virology laboratories. of human monkeypox, through the oropharynx or
nasopharynx in addition to through abrasions on the
skin. Poxvirus replicates in the epidermal cells and
POXVIRUSES causes change in the cellular structure, characterized
The poxviruses (Table 66-20) are the largest and by the “pocks” on the skin. Poxvirus infection can
most complex of all viruses. The virions consist of a take one of two courses: it can cause a localized
double stranded DNA genome. The virions appear infection at the site of inoculation, with little spread
as oval or brick-shaped structures 200 to 400 nm in from the original site of inoculation, or it can cause
length. Because of their large size, poxvirus virions a fulminant, systemic infection with spread of the
may be visualized through a light microscope. One virus throughout the body. The second type of
of the most feared viruses of history, smallpox, is infection is associated with variola virus (smallpox)
a member of this family. Smallpox played a crucial and also monkeypox, and an increased mortality
role in demonstrating the importance of vaccination rate. Monkeypox is almost indistinguishable from
to protect against disease. In 1798 Edward Jenner smallpox infection
recognized that milkmaids previously infected with except that it lacks the same level of mortality and
cowpox were immune to the disease of smallpox. transmissibility. The monkeypox virus is found in
This discovery led to the practice of inoculating the tropical rain forests of Africa, and its host
humans against smallpox by using the actual reservoir is one or more rodent species. After the
organism (virus) responsible for the disease. individual is exposed to the virus, symptoms of
Smallpox is known to infect only humans and exists fever and headache occur first, followed by the
as two distinct subtypes. Variola major, which development of a rash and lymphadenopathy. The
caused the most severe disease (case fatality rate of rash typically first appears on the face, beginning as
30%), occurred mainly in Asia; variola minor was macules (small, round changes in skin color),
associated with less severe disease and case fatality progressing to papules (slightly elevated with no
rates of 0.1% to 2%. As a result of an intensive fluid) to vesicles (containing a bubble of fluid) and
vaccination campaign, WHO declared naturally then pustules (containing purulent material
occurring variola virus eradicated in 1980. The consisting of necrotic inflammatory cells).
variola virus no longer circulates in nature. The Depending on the severity of the disease, the illness
virus is feared as a possible biologic weapon, and can last 2 to 4 weeks. Two clades of monkeypox
testing capability for this organism is maintained by exist, and the Congo Basin clade has the highest
hundreds of Laboratory Response Network (LRN) fatality rate (up to 12%). In 2003 the importation of
laboratories throughout the nation. All known rats as pets led to an outbreak of monkeypox in the
stocks of the virus are held at two WHO United States, proving that international travel can
collaborating laboratories: the Centers for Disease be a significant portal of disease from anywhere and
Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, to anywhere in the world. RT-PCR (real-time)
and the State Center of Virology and Biotechnology offers a rapid diagnostic identification tool for cases
(VECTOR) in Kotsovo, Russia. WHO has of monkeypox. Another member of the poxvirus
requested destruction of the remaining stocks of this family is the molluscum contagiosum virus, which
virus, but that has been postponed to evaluate the causes single or small
need for developing vaccines, rapid diagnostics, and clusters of lesions. Its only host is humans, and
antiviral infection occurs either nonsexually, through direct
contact or fomites, or sexually, through intimate
contact. Usually a self-limiting disease in healthy malaise, fever, fatigue, anorexia, and headache.
individuals, molluscum contagiosum can cause a Frequently (and characteristically for this disease),
more severe form of disease in symptoms include pain and sometimes “tingling” at
immunocompromised patients, resulting in large the site of exposure, which can be the first “rabies-
lesions, especially on the face, neck, scalp, and specific” symptom. After this prodromal phase,
upper body. Laboratory diagnosis of molluscum behavioral changes may start to manifest, followed
contagiosum usually is through biopsy of the by rapidly progressing neurologic symptoms that
lesions and histologic examination. Molecular lead to coma and death.
assays, such as traditional PCR, restriction fragment Only six cases of survival of a rabies infection have
length polymorphism (RFLP), and real-time-PCR, been documented worldwide. These cases include
are still under development. Orf is another member patients who survived without any complications;
of the poxvirus family and is transmitted from sheep other patients have experienced significant
to humans through human direct contact with neurologic impairment. In 2004, Randy Willoughby
infected sheep. This virus causes single or multiple developed a treatment protocol for rabies referred to
nodules, usually on the hands. These nodules may as “The Milwaukee Protocol.” This protocol
be painful and may be accompanied by symptoms requires that the patient remain in a prolonged state
such as low-grade fever and lymph node swelling. of generalized anesthesia, anti-viral drugs, and
The infection usually resolves in 4 to 6 weeks supportive, life-sustaining care until the individual’s
without further complication, although natural active immunity is capable of clearing
autoinoculation of the eye can have more serious and/or fighting the infection. Updated protocol and
consequences. An orf diagnosis is made through statistics related to patient treatment and survival
direct examination of the nodule, along with are maintained by the Medical College of
epidemiologic evidence of a recent history of Wisconsin and can be accessed at
contact with sheep or lambs. Continued Diseases/
development of PCR assays for identification of PatientCare/Rabies.htm Animal rabies presents
parapoxviruses will aid the diagnosis and much as do human rabies cases. After the prodromal
identification of these viruses. phase of the disease, a period of increased excitation
occurs, with or without aggression. Clinical
presentations of rabies often are described as
“furious” or “dumb”; the furious type is associated
RHABDOVIRUSES with heightened aggression and agitation, and the
Rhabdoviruses (Table 66-23) infect plants, dumb type with lethargy and paralysis. Rabies is
arthropods, fish, and mammals. The virion consists diagnosed by postmortem examination of brain
of single-stranded RNA with a helical nucleocapsid tissue using a direct immunofluorescent assay.
surrounded by a lipid bilayer envelope. Spikelike Specific sections of the brain are examined for the
projections approximately 10 nm long extend from rabies
the surface of the lipid bilayer. Electron microscopy antigen using fluorescent-tagged monoclonal
has shown that the virion has a bullet-shaped or antibodies and a fluorescent microscope. Prompt,
conical appearance. The rabies virus is accurate diagnosis of rabies infections in animals is
a neurotropic virus that infects all mammals; with important to ensure the success of postexposure
very few exceptions, infection terminates in the prophylaxis for human victims of animal bites and
death of the infected mammal. The rabies virus is injuries.
transmitted through the saliva of infected animals,
usually by a bite. After inoculation, the virus may TOGAVIRUSES
invade the peripheral nerves or nerve endings The Togaviridae family (Table 66-24) includes
directly. Following infection of the nerve cells, the rubella virus and the alpha viruses, a large group of
viral genome progresses centripetally mosquitoborne arboviruses. Rubella is found only
transneuronally, through retrograde axoplasmal in the human population and is transmitted through
flow to the central nervous system. In the CNS it direct contact with nasopharyngeal secretions or by
proceeds from first-order neurons to second-order congenital transmission. Rubella, sometimes called
neurons. the neurons are the site of viral replication, the “German measles,” is usually a benign disease
mainly in the brain and spinal cord; from there the characterized by fever and rash. Before the trivalent
virus spreads to peripheral nerves and to some vaccine, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), was
nonnervous tissue, including the salivary glands. developed, rubella was an epidemic disease. A risk
After a variable incubation period, human disease associated with this disease is exposure and
usually begins with generalized symptoms of infection of pregnant women. The virus can infect
the developing fetus, causing multiple congenital rates from measles infections can be as high as 20%
anomalies. Intrauterine infection during the first as a result of contributing factors such as poor
trimester may result in low birth weight, mental hygiene and malnutrition. These viruses are often
retardation, deafness, congenital heart disease, and brought into the United States by travelers or people
neurologic defects. Infection that occurs later in from other countries. The potential for an outbreak
pregnancy may result in splenomegaly or arises when infected individuals come in contact
osteomyelitis, among other birth deficiencies. Fetal with unvaccinated individuals, and prompt
infection can be prevented through vaccination of laboratory investigation of suspect cases is required.
all women before pregnancy. In arbovirus Diagnostic testing for these viruses involves
infections, mosquitoes infect a vertebrate host (e.g., serologic analysis of patient serum for IgM and IgG
birds and rodents), the virus multiplies (amplifies) antibodies and cell culture for virus detection and,
in this host and is picked up and passed along in recently, nucleic acid detection. For measles cell
subsequent mosquito bites. Humans are infected culture, the specimens of choice are respiratory or
incidentally and are not amplifiers of the virus; throat specimens; for mumps cell culture, buccal
rather, they are dead-end hosts, unable to pass on swabs collected from the inside of the cheek are
the virus to other humans or animals. Human recommended. These viruses are also shed in the
disease varies from asymptomatic infection to fatal urine; therefore, urine specimens can be examined
encephalitis and includes Eastern, Western, and for their presence.
Venezuelan equine encephalitides. Togavirus
disease is diagnosed through detection of specific
serum IgG and IgM antibodies. Virus isolation is
not practical in clinical laboratories. RETROVIRUSES
The retrovirus family Retroviridae (Table 66-22)
constitutes a large group of viruses that primarily
infect vertebrates. They are enveloped RNA viruses,
and each virion contains two identical copies of
PARAMYXOVIRUSES single-stranded RNA. The viral nucleic acid strands
Mumps is an acute, self-limiting disease are surrounded by the structural proteins that form
characterized by parotitis (inflamed salivary gland) the nucleocapsid and the matrix shell. On the outer
accompanied by a high temperature (fever) and surface of the nucleocapsid and matrix protein is the
fatigue. The mumps virus is transmitted through lipid envelope derived from the host cell membrane.
droplets and contact with infected saliva. The Proteins that mediate adsorption and penetration
measles virus causes an acute, generalized infection into the host cell membrane are inserted into the
often accompanied by a characteristic rash. The viral envelop. Retroviruses are unique,because they
hallmark rash of measles infection is referred to as have the enzyme reverse transcriptase. Reverse
Koplik’s spots, which are bluish white spots with a transcriptase allows the viral RNA genome to be
red halo located on the buccal or labial mucosa. replicated into DNA and then RNA rather than
These spots are found on the inner lip or opposite directly into RNA. Amino acid sequencing of the
the lower molars in the mouth. The virus is reverse transcriptase protein divides the retrovirus
transmitted from person to person through aerosols family into groups. The human immunodeficiency
and infects the mucosal cells of the respiratory tract. viruses types 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2) are
Measles is one of six classic childhood diseases members of this family as are the human T cell
capable of causing a rash or skin eruption lymphoma viruses types 1 and 2 (HTLV-1 and
(exanthem). The other diseases that cause an HTLV-2). HIV-1 (Figure 66-6) is the more
exanthem are scarlet fever (which is caused by a aggressive virus and is responsible for the acquired
bacterium, Group A Streptococcus); rubella immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic.
(German measles), referred to as atypical scarlet The virus was first isolated in 1983, and a year later
fever; erythema infectiosum (or fifth disease, caused was proven to be associated with early and late
by parvovirus B-19); and roseola (caused by HHV- stages of AIDS. HIV-2 was discovered in 1986 and
6). Since the introduction of the live attenuated is less pathogenic. AIDS is the end stage of a
childhood trivalent vaccine against measles, process in which the immune system and its
mumps, and rubella (MMR), cases of mumps have ability to control infections and malignant
dropped by more than 99% and measles infections proliferation is destroyed. The virus has an affinity
are rare in the United States and Europe. However, for the CD4+ surface marker of T lymphocytes. As
these viruses continue to circulate and remain a the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes decreases, the
common illness in developing countries. Mortality risk and severity of opportunistic infections
increases. Some of the most common opportunistic FLAVIVIRUSES
infections associated with HIV infection include The flaviviruses (family Flaviviridae; Table 66-9)
disseminated coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, include viruses that cause arbovirus diseases, such
cryptosporidiosis, histoplasmosis, recurrent as yellow fever, dengue, West Nile viral
pneumonia, and pneumocystis pneumonia. encephalitis, and Japanese and St. Louis
Detection of the HIV antibody is the mainstay of encephalitis. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a flavivirus
clinical diagnosis. Repeatedly reactive antibody but not an arbovirus. Flaviviruses are small, single-
tests done with EIA should be confirmed using stranded, positive sense RNA, enveloped,
Western blot testing. Clinical management of icosahedral viruses. The name is derived from the
infected individuals involves the use of highly Latin word flavus, which means yellow. The first
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and depends disease identified in this group was yellow fever,
on the measurement of CD4+ lymphocytes and the which causes yellow jaundice in humans. Diseases
viral load. Molecular methods often are used to in this viral group are transmitted to humans
quantify the viral load. Diagnosis of HIV infection through the bite of an infected arthropod, usually
in babies born to HIV-positive mothers is the mosquito.
problematic because of maternal IgG in the baby’s Yellow fever has been one of the great plagues
blood; therefore, PCR for identification of viral throughout history. In 1900, thousands of
DNA or RNA is recommended. Genome individuals died during the construction of the
sequencing is used to establish susceptibility to Panama Canal. An army physician, Dr. Walter
antiviral agents. The risk of laboratory-acquired Reed, uncovered the source of the infection. In the
infections with these viruses is a critical jungle habitat, monkeys serve as the reservoir and
consideration; the greatest caution must be the vector is a mosquito. This was the first virus
exercised in handling any specimens capable of clearly associated with transmission by a mosquito.
harboring a blood-borne agent. Infection occurs The yellow fever virus also is the first flavivirus for
through contamination of the hand and mucous which an effective vaccine has been developed. In
membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth with urban outbreaks, humans can serve as the reservoir,
infected blood or other body fluids. No evidence as long as the mosquito vector is present. The
exists of airborne transmission. Proper personal yellow fever virus primarily infects liver cells,
protective equipment must always be worn, resulting in fever, jaundice, and hemorrhage.
including a laboratory gown, good-quality gloves, Transmission through the mosquito bite is followed
and eye protection. Disposable, unbreakable plastic by a 3- to 6-day incubation period. The onset of
ware should always be used in the handling of blood symptoms is sudden and includes fever, rigors,
or bodily fluids. HTLV-1 is endemic in the headache, and backache. The patient’s clinical
Caribbean, Africa, South and Central America, condition progresses rapidly, and the patient
Melanesia, and Japan. However, only a small becomes intensely ill with nausea, vomiting, facial
percentage of people infected (fewer than 4%) edema, dusky pallor, swollen, bleeding gums, and
develop symptoms and disease. Cell-to-cell contact hemorrhagic tendencies with black vomit, melena
and TAX-induced clonal expansion of infected cells (black, tarry feces), and ecchymoses (bruising).
are the major avenues for viral replication, making Mortality rates range from 5% to 50%; when death
detection of the virus difficult. As a result, serologic occurs, it is usually within 6 to 7 days following the
detection has remained the gold standard for onset of symptoms but rarely after 10 days. The
diagnosis. Molecular detection and the development characteristic yellow jaundice typically is seen in
of PCR assays are being investigated in research convalescing patients. Prevention in urban areas
laboratories. The average time from infection to the depends on elimination of the yellow fever vector,
development of adult T-cell leukemia is the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The current vaccine is
approximately 40 years. very effective at preventing infection. Diagnosis of
yellow fever infection is often a result of correlation
of the patient’s clinical symptoms with the patient’s
location and travel history. Laboratory testing on
serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is available for
detection of virus-specific antibodies or neutralizing
antibodies. Serologic testing is also available using
IgM-capture ELISA, microsphere-based
immunoassays (MIAs), and IgG ELISA. In fatal
cases of yellow fever, patient tissues may be sent to
reference laboratories for nucleic acid amplification, in birds increases, more humans become infected.
histopathology, and cell culture. Interestingly, West Nile virus also has been
The dengue virus is the most prevalent arbovirus in transmitted person to person through blood
the world; more than 100 million people are transfusions, tissue transplantation, and in human
infected annually. It is the leading cause of illness breast milk. Infection is often accompanied by
and death in the tropics and subtropics. The virus is fever, leukopenia, and malaise and may progress to
endemic in Latin America, Puerto Rico, and encephalitis. Laboratory diagnosis typically
Mexico. Most cases reported in the United States involves detection of IgM antibody to West Nile
(more than 90%) are travel related. Humans are the virus in the patient’s serum or CSF. Several
main reservoir for this virus, and person-to-person commercial kits are available for detection of West
transmission occurs through a mosquito vector. Nile IgM and IgG specific antibodies using ELISA
Dengue virus has four serotypes that cause a variety or IFA methods. Nucleic acid amplification testing
of clinical manifestations, including nonlethal fever, has been very successful in detecting the arbovirus
arthritis, and rash. Infection with one serotype from the tissues of fatal cases and has also been
confers immunity only to the infecting serotype. used to detect the virus from the tissues of birds.
Subsequent infection with one of the three Additionally, molecular testing has used to detect
remaining serotypes results in immune-enhanced West Nile virus in mosquito pools. West Nile
disease in the form of severe hemorrhagic fever or mosquito surveillance has become increasingly
dengue shock syndrome. Of the more than 100 important in the attempt to control this disease.
million cases of dengue fever, 250,000 cases result
in dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in
approximately 25,000 deaths annually. Dengue
normally affects adults and older children. The
infection begins with a sudden onset of fever, severe
headache, chills, and general myalgia. Often a
macropapular rash may be visible on the trunk of
the body, which then spreads to the face and
extremities. No vaccine is available for dengue.
Laboratory diagnosis is based on the presence of
virus-specific IgM antibody, a fourfold rise in
specific IgG antibody, or a positive RT-PCR
amplification for dengue genomic sequences.
Scores of other arthropod-borne flaviviruses, most
transmitted by mosquitoes or ticks, cause
encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever, or milder disease
characterized by fever, arthralgia, and rash. West
Nile virus (first isolated in the West Nile district of
Uganda), a flavivirus closely related to the Japanese
and St. Louis encephalitis viruses, is endemic in
Africa, Israel, and Europe. West Nile virus has been
endemic in the United States since 1999. Since the
virus was identified in New York City in 1999, it
has spread westward across the entire United States
and into Canada, Mexico, Central America, South
America, and some Caribbean islands. The virus
accounts for the largest number of cases of viral
encephalitis in the United States.
West Nile virus is maintained in a bird-mosquito
cycle. Birds are the natural reservoir for the virus.
Currently, 59 species of mosquitos and more than
300 species of birds are infected with the West Nile
virus. Amplification of virus during warm months
results in the death of bird hosts, most commonly
crows, ravens, and jays. Bridge mosquitos (those
that bite both humans and birds) are responsible for
transmission to humans; as the viral populations

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