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Graphing Logarithmic Functions. Sketch the graph of the logarithmic function f (y) = log2 y.

Solution. Observe that f (y) = log2 y = x has the inverse function f −1 (x) = 2x — an exponential
function. We have previously graphed the latter function, hence it suffices to mirror all points of
f −1 (x) across the line y = x to obtain the graph of f (y). �

Graphing Logarithmic Functions. Sketch the graph of the logarithmic function g(y) = log1/2 y.

Solution. Observe that g(y) = log1/2 y = x has the inverse function g −1 (x) = 2−x — an exponen-
tial function. We have previously graphed the latter function, hence it suffices to mirror all points
of g −1 (x) across the line y = x to obtain the graph of g(y). �
We have already exploited the fact that the function f (x) = logb x and g(x) = bx are inverse
functions, but let us now formalize this idea in a convenient way.

Properties Relating ex and ln x. Given any logarithmic function f (x) = logb x and its corre-
sponding exponential function g(x) = bx , we have that

1.) (f ◦ g)(x) = f (g(x)) = logb bx = x for any x ∈ R and

2.) (g ◦ f )(x) = g(f (x)) = blogb x = x for any x > 0.

In particular, given that f (x) = ln x and g(x) = ex , we have that

3.) (f ◦ g)(x) = f (g(x)) = ln ex = x for any x ∈ R and

4.) (g ◦ f )(x) = g(f (x)) = eln x = x for any x > 0.

5.3 Differentiation of Exponential Functions

Like we mentioned earlier, exponential functions have many very nice characteristics that are
readily observed — especially the exponential with base e. One of the most miraculous and in-
teresting properties of the exponential function f (x) = ex is that it is equal to its derivative.

Derivative of the Exponential Function. Given that f (x) = ex , we have that f � (x) = ex .

Proof. We naı̈vely attempt to use the limit definition of the derivative. We have that

f (x + h) − f (x) ex+h − ex
f � (x) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 h

ex (eh − 1)
= lim
h→0 h

eh − 1
= lim ex · lim .
h→0 h→0 h
Certainly, it follows that the limit on the left-hand side of the product is simply ex ; however, we
claim that the limit on the right-hand side of the product is 1. Unfortunately, this is unclear. Us-
ing a table of values, it appears that this result holds, so we conclude the proof here.

eh −1
We note that some authors define e as the unique number that satisfies the equation lim =1
h→0 h
so that the above proof is sufficiently rigorous; however, we will later prove this result using the
Chain Rule, the derivative of the logarithmic function, and our knowledge of inverse functions.

Derivatives of Functions Involving ex . Compute the derivative of f (x) = x2 · ex .

Solution. We note that f (x) = g(x) · h(x), where g(x) = x2 and h(x) = ex so that g � (x) = 2x and
h� (x) = ex . Using the Product Rule, we have that

f � (x) = g(x) · h� (x) + g � (x) · h(x) = x2 · ex + 2x · ex = x · ex (x + 2). �

Derivatives of Functions Involving et . Compute the derivative of g(t) = (et + 2)3/2 .

Solution. We note that g(t) = f (h(t)), where f (t) = t3/2 and h(t) = et + 2 so that f � (t) = 32 t1/2
and h� (t) = et . Using the General Power Rule, we have that
3 3
g � (t) = f � (h(t)) · h� (t) = [h(t)]1/2 · h� (t) = (et + 2)1/2 · et . �
2 2

5.3.1 Chain Rule for Exponential Functions

Chain Rule for Exponential Functions. Given a differentiable function f (x), consider the
composite function h(x) = ef (x) . We have that h� (x) = ef (x) · f � (x).

Proof. Observe that h(x) = g(f (x)), where g(x) = ex . Using the Chain Rule and the fact that
g � (x) = ex , we have that h� (x) = g � (f (x)) · f � (x) = ef (x) · f � (x).
2 +t
Derivatives of Composite Functions of et . Compute the derivative of g(t) = e2t .

Solution. Observe that g(t) = eh(t) , where h(t) = 2t2 + t so that h� (t) = 4t + 1. Using the Chain
Rule for Exponential Functions, we have that
2 +t
g � (t) = eh(t) · h� (t) = e2t · (4t + 1). �

Combining Product Rule and Chain Rule for ex . Compute the derivative of y = x · e2x .

Solution. Using the Product Rule and the Chain Rule for Exponential Functions, we have that

y � = x · (2e2x ) + e2x = e2x (2x + 1). �

Combining Quotient Rule and Chain Rule for et . Compute the derivative of g(t) = et +e−t

Solution. Using the Quotient Rule and the Chain Rule for Exponential Functions, we have that

et (et + e−t ) − et (et − e−t ) e2t + 1 − (e2t − 1) 2

g � (t) = −t
= −t
= t . �
(e + e ) 2 t
(e + e ) 2 (e + e−t )2

5.3.2 Examining Properties of Exponential Functions with Derivatives
General Exponential Growth Function. Consider the exponential function Q(t) = Q0 ekt ,
where Q0 and k are positive constants and t ≥ 0. Prove that the rate of growth of Q(t) at any
time t is directly proportional to the amount of the quantity present at time t.

Proof. Using the Chain Rule for Exponential Functions, we have that Q � (t) = (Q0 ekt )·k = k·Q(t),
from which we conclude that the rate of growth of Q(t) at any time t — i.e., the derivative Q � (t)
of Q(t) — is directly proportional to the amount of the quantity present at time t.

Inflection Points of an Exponential Function. Find the inflection points of the exponential
function f (x) = e−x .

Solution. We find the second derivative f �� (x) of f (x), and we set it equal to zero. Using the
Chain Rule for Exponential Functions, we have that f � (x) = −2x · e−x . Using the Product Rule
and the Chain Rule for Exponential Functions, we have that
2 2 2 2
f �� (x) = (−2x)2 · e−x − 2e−x = 4x2 · e−x − 2e−x , hence

2 2
0 = f �� (x) = 4x2 · e−x − 2e−x if and only if

2 2
4x2 · e−x = 2e−x if and only if

x2 = if and only if

x=± .
We note that f �� (x) =√ 2e−x · (2x2 − 1), from which it follows that f �� (x) changes

from positive
2 �� 2
to negative at x = − 2 , and f (x) changes from negative to positive at x = 2 . Checking that
f � (x) exists at these x-values, we conclude that both of these x-values

correspond√to points of in-
2 −1/2
flection, hence the points of inflection of the graph of f (x) are (− 2 , e ) and ( 22 , e−1/2 ). �

Optimal Price of Real Estate. Blakely Office Building has a market price (in √
dollars) of which
−0.09t+ t/2
the present value is estimated by the exponential function p(t) = 300000e (0 ≤ t ≤ 10),
where t is time in years. Find the maximum present value of the building’s market price.

Solution. We find the derivative p� (t), and we set it equal√
to zero. Using the
√ Chain Rule for Ex-
� −0.09t+ t/2
ponential Functions, we have that p (t) = 300000e · (−0.09 + 1/4 t). Observe that

� �
� −0.09t+ t/2 1
0 = p (t) = 300000e · − 0.09 + √ if and only if
4 t

0 = −0.09 + √ if and only if
4 t

√ = 0.09 if and only if
4 t

√ 1
t= if and only if

� �2
t= ≈ 7.72.

Checking p� (t) for t = 0, 7.72, and 10, we find that

p(0) = 300000 < p(10) = 592838 < p(7.72) = 600779.

We conclude by the Extreme Value Theorem that the maximum present value of the building’s
market price will be a whopping $600,779 in approximately 7.72 years. �

5.4 Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions

Using the fact that ex is its own derivative in combination with the observation that ex and ln x
are inverse function, we will now find the derivative of ln x.

Derivative of the Logarithmic Function. Given that f (x) = ln |x|, we have that f � (x) = x1 .

Proof. Let x > 0. Let f (x) = ln x. Using the fact that ln x is the inverse function of ex , it follows
that x = eln x = ef (x) . By taking the derivative of both sides with respect to x, it follows that
1 = ef (x) · f � (x) = x · f � (x). By dividing both sides by x, we find that f � (x) = x1 , as desired.
We can find the derivative of the logarithmic function ln x directly from the definition of the deriva-
tive, but I have reserved this problem as bonus.

5.4.1 Chain Rule for Logarithmic Functions

Like with exponential functions, there is a chain rule for logarithmic functions.

Chain Rule for Logarithmic Functions. Given a differentiable function f (x) > 0, consider
� (x)
the composite function h(x) = ln[f (x)]. We have that h� (x) = ff (x) .

Proof. Observe that h(x) = g(f (x)), where g(x) = ln x. Using the Chain Rule and the fact that
g � (x) = x1 , we have that h� (x) = g � (f (x)) · f � (x) = f (x)
· f � (x).


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