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Art I: Foundations in Visual Art

Mt. Hebron High School Art Department

Ms. Jennifer Sherman

Welcome to Art I!

Course Overview:
In this class you will be given the tools and methods to enable you to
understand the visual world in which we live. You will apply concepts
about the elements of art, principles of design through a variety of
experiences in learning the language of art. Activities are designed to
build creative problem solving skills through drawing, printmaking,
sculpture, crafts, and other art disciplines. As you gain a sense of the
ways artists find and interpret ideas, they develop an understanding of
the role of the artist in a culturally diverse world.

Fundamental Experiences:
In this course you will learn how to:

• Connect your life with your art

• Identify and apply the elements of art and the principles of
• Use various idea-generating approaches, including: imagination,
observation, memory, verbal-to-visual, and experimental
• Develop creative problem solving skills as well as design and
technical skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, collage,
sculpture, and crafts.
• Use Feldman’s four step process for making critical judgments
• Develop an art portfolio

This class is performance based. You will earn points towards
your grade for all parts of your process in making art. You will be
graded on your own performance and progress- on individual growth
and improvement-not how your finished work compares to that of your
peers in class. At the completion of projects you will assess your work
before turning in for a grade. There will be tests and quizzes given
throughout the year to assess knowledge learned during a unit, please
be sure to take detailed notes in your sketchbook.
Learning to make art is similar to learning math or English, or any
other subject. Therefore, sometimes you may grasp concepts and
techniques with relative and ease, and others you may have to spend
more time accomplishing. There will be time available in class to
complete assignments but extra work may have to be completed
outside of class in order to receive top grade. Remember, that if you
work hard, listen, and keep an open mind, you will be amazed with
what you are able to accomplish.

Grading Policy:
1. Incomplete work will not be accepted, only finished work will
receive a grade.
2. Deadlines will be set at the discretion of the instructor. For each
day late, assignments will a letter grade.
3. Mostly, major assignments will be graded on a 100 point scale.
The following areas will be taken into consideration when a
project is graded:
a. Presentation
b. Craftsmanship
c. Design/ composition
d. Studio Skills
e. Objectives
4. The grading scale is as follows:
a. A- 90-100
b. B- 80-89
c. C-70-79
d. D-60-69
e. E-0-59.
5. Extra Credit assignments will be given at the discretion of the
instructor. However, applying 100% of your effort during class
time and electing to come after school to improve your piece, to
complete it on time, or take it further, will work in your favor.

Absences and Tardiness:

If you are legally absent, you have the opportunity to make up missed
work. You are permitted a one day extension for every day that you
were absent. Asking the instructor for missed work is the
responsibility of the student. There will be opportunities for work to
be made up after school, since the nature of the work may make it
difficult to complete at home.

All students are expected to observe and adhere to all policies defined
in the Student Handbook regarding lateness, attendance and conduct.
Lateness will not be tolerated. As a studio class, attendance and
promptness are critical to the success of the student in Art I. Multiple
tardies will result in detention and affect the student’s participation
grade. Attendance will be taken daily.

Studio Expectations:
1.) All tools and materials must be handled with care, respect,
and safely.
2.) No electronic devices are allowed (Cell phones, iPods, etc.)
3.) Care for and clean up in the studio as if it were your own.
4.) No food or drink except bottled water.
5.) For some people, conversation helps them to make art; for
others, quiet, focused thought is best. In this class, talking
quietly while you work is okay – as long as your conversation is
not adversely affecting your work, or the work of those around
you. I will be the judge of how much talking is too much talking.

Homework assignments will be assigned throughout the semester.

There will be a variety of homework assignments given, including
weekly and quarterly outside projects. Please be aware that sometimes
classwork assignments need more time, therefore often whatever is
not completed in class becomes homework. Most often, the
assignments will be completed in your visual journal/sketch book; you
should expect to spend on average, two hours of work outside of class.
The homework must be turned in on the due date in order to receive
full credit.

Required Materials:
• A spiral bound notebook, if you choose not to purchase a
• A usable #2 pencil with eraser

Please bring these materials with you to class everyday!

Strongly suggested Materials:

(You are not required to purchase these materials. However you may
find that they are needed throughout the school year)

• A Spiral Bound sketchbook. (No tablet bound sketchbooks please,

they fall apart due to wear and tear throughout the school year)
• A set of drawing pencils ( a variety of H and B leads)
• A thin black sharpie & a thick black sharpie
• A set of colored pencils
• A glue stick
• A Box of baby wipes (essential for clean-up of the classroom
throughout the year )

Please see Ms Sherman if you have any questions about the materials
stated above. In addition, students get discounts at art supply stores
such as Plaza and Utrecht. There are also coupons in the newspaper
for Michaels and A.C. Moore.

This syllabus needs to be kept in your visual journal for the remainder
of the school year. You may want to reference back to the policies and
procedures later in the semester. This is also a contract with me that
you and your parents have read the information.

Parent-Student-Teacher Contract:
I have read and understand the expectations of me and agree to
the guidelines outlined in this syllabus. I also understand that failure to
uphold my end of the bargain may result in disciplinary action.

_____________________________ _____________________________
student name (please print) student signature

I have reviewed the expectations for this course with the student in my

_____________________________ _____________________________
parent name (please print) parent signature

_____________________________ _____________________________
phone number (home) email address

phone number (work or cell)


Some of the work we will be undertaking this year will be used

for building a school-based visual arts website. For this
purpose, I, the teacher will photograph some of your artwork,
students working in class, and take some quotes from
reflective statements.
As most of you are under 18 years of age, please ask your
parents / guardian to sign below giving permission for your
artwork to be reproduced for/in the school based website and
art education publication. (I can publish and post only student
work for which parental permission has been granted.)
Permission is not required, and this website will in no way
affect the assessment and grading of student work throughout
the year.

I grant permission for the Mount Hebron Fine Arts Department to

document my child, their artwork, and reflective statements for
publication in school-based websites and art education journals.

_____________________________ _____________________________

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