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I want to share the sections in International Article which ia written by Mapruza Idrissova, Batagoz

Smagulova, and Madina Tussupbekova.

1. The title

This international article has title "Improving listening and speaking skills in mixed level groups (on the
material of New English File)".

2. The abstract

The author has done a good abstract. The author state that they want to investigate works of scholars
about the problems of listening and speaking in learning foreign languages. The author also try to
analyze the difficulties in doing listening and speaking exercises in mixed level groups focusing on “New
English File” (Intermediate) textbook. 1

3. The introduction

In the introduction, the author explain that the students in mixed level groups in Republic of Kazakhstan
have difficulties in pronouncing words, understanding the meaning of the words, phrases, using the
linking words, grammatical structure, expressing their ideas, thoughts, sharing their opinions in English,
and analyzing the problems. 1

4. Method

In the method, the author's study was based on the collection and search of the theoretical and practical
materials. The subjects of the study are 20 first-year students from different groups, they were randomly
chosen. They range from 16-18 years of age. Of the 20 students, 8 students finished schools in villages.
The duration of English classes at school was different. Some have learnt English for 4 years; some of
them have learnt English for 3 years. 1

5. Results

In this research, author prepared a questionnaire for students of mixed level groups. There are question
to identify what places students lived and finished schools before entering the university, question to
identify the duration of learning English, question about positive attitude of students to listening and
speaking skills, and question about difficulties that the student's have.
6. Discussion

The solutions for these difficulties is do role play. Role-plays help students work together as a team or a
group, and communicate in order to understand each other. Rope play can improve students speaking
skills in any situation. We start to listen to short dialogues from "New English File" textbook. After
listening to short dialogues, students do exercise for comprehension. These tasks helped students to
improving listening and speaking skills.

7. Conclusion

In this conclusion, this study is believed to be useful for working in heterogeneous groups. It is hoped
that the teachers of English can benefit from this study new ideas and fruitful suggestions to improve
listening and speaking skills. Further studies will be carried out in order to get more convincing results. 2

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