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Stokes' and Whiteside's Pain and Wellness Behaviours

Pain behaviours: Wellness behaviours:

l. Preoccupation with fee]ings of inadequacy 1. Preoccupation with progress
2. Reliance on stimulant or depressant 2. Choosing to create programmed relaxation
3. Anxiety and/or depression 3. Choosing assurance and enthusiasm
4. Relationship shopping 4. Choosing to rely on self as the source
5. Periodic withdrawal from social activities 5. Choosing to increase social contacts
6. Periodic withdrawal from active sex life 6. Choosing to make sex enjoyable again
7. Increasing incidents of self destructive behavior 7. Choosing to see with empathy
8. Identification with others' emotional pain 8. Choosing to focus on getting better
9. Irrational fear of being alone 9. Choosing "how I can" do more
l 0. Pessimism in relationships I0. A willingness to risk success
11. Punishment of self and other by withclrawa] of love 11. Choosing "how I can" be equal to the challenge
12. Morbid preoccupation with emotional pain 12. Accept pain as a "given" and get on with life
13. Denial of pain or responsibility for causing pain 13. Choosing to deal with the real issues
14. Manipulation instead of communication 14. Direct, honest communication
15. Suffering as an addiction 15. Choosing to own your recovery

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