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10 Jantlar. 1969. Volume 163.

Number 3863 SCI:ENCE

groove. Detailed formnal analysis seems
pedantic and superfluous. The object is
seen as an axe becaLtse axes are part
of the observer's personal knowledge
and cultuLral backgrouLnd; however, a
nd prehistoric stone axe need not have
Ethnographic Analogy a] been Lised in exactly the same way as a
steel one in our cultuLre.
Archeological Interpretati On Few artifacts are so instantly recog-
niizable as the stone axe, and physical
traits alone do not reveal the intended
Past and present southwestern Indian cultures se,rve tise of an object. Insight into use re-
as a test of the interpretation of prehistoric artifa ~CtS. 4quires
cts.Iormation backgrouLnd
a of cultural in-
that can be logically manipu-
lated, such as the trained archeologist
Keith M. Andet has. This knowledge is often related to
his own discipline through a glossary of
more or less defensible tise-names tra-
dlitionally applied to artifacts. In the
literatuLre of American archeology there
Interpretation of the ulse of prehis- tenuous. Nevertheless, understanding is a plethora of terms handy as common
toric artifacts is one of the most basic the evoluLtion of human culture depends labels of form but inexact or quLestion-
and challenging problems of archeology. upon suLch interpretatic)n. One of the able as terms of use. Thus, the arche-
More than 99 percent of hUrman history most important tasks of the archeologist. ologist is bound by his professional
belongs to an era before writing; under- working as a cultural anthropologist, categories. However, almost every ex-
standing how men coped with natuLre is to determine the con text and uLses of cavation produLces unfamiliar objects
and each other during this time muLst prehistoric artifacts. IIi doing so, he whose interpretation requires ingenuity
derive primarily from their physical must exercise careful logic and draw' and research.
remains-tools, crafts, art, architectuLral upon every souLrce of comparative in- If certain featLtres of an artifact,
remiiains, andl burials. Insofar as pre- formation. Interpretatican of 13th-cen- suLch as a cuLtting edge, sharp point, or
historic technology is regarded as an tury artifacts from Ari2zona by analogy abrasive sturface, suggest that it may
adaptation to, and modification of, with historic Pueblo Indian cUltUre have been used as a tool, the investiga-
natuLral environment, environmental re- provides an example c)f the problems tor can infer the utility of this feature
malins are also relevant to cultural re- and potential involved iin stuch analvsis. in terms of a range of possible purposes.
eonstrLlction. Pollen analysis, geologic Few artifacts are so specialized in form
stLldies, and identification of plant and ais to be uLsefull for just one task. The
animlal species are used to reconstruct Resources of lnterpreta tion next step is to consider the prehistoric
the natuLral world which simultaneouLsly environment, both cultural and natural,
fostered and limited prehistoric tech- Interpretation of an artifact depcnds to infer the tasks for which the imple-
nology. Fanmiliarity with the environ- first on careful descript[ion and consid- nment is most appropriate. To confirm
ment of an extinct Cul,ture gives knowl- eration of its physical ft catuLres, with the inferredl uLses, the tool may be tested
edge of the resouLrces available for man- puLrpose of delimitinjg its logicall.y to see if it will perform these tasks.
uLfilctUre of artifacts as well as clues to possible uses. For examlple, in analyzing There have been innumnerable similar
behavioral characteristics of plant and a 1 3th-centUry stone ax.e from Arizona cxperiments, and many have provided
animal popuLlations. From this informa- (Fig. 1) the hard ston we (basalt) tisedl. valulable clues to uLse of artifacts.
tion, we can infer problems that men size, and weight, the en circling concave Excavation and observation can pro-
had to solve in order to survive, and groove, the polished and scratched vide evidence of the use of an object
the technological devices appropriate sharp-edged blade, an Id the battered f1ront the materials and other artifacts
for their solution. However, even with poll would all be considlered. These are atssociated with it at a site. For instance,
carefuLl analysis of the total assemblage the features pertinent tc) the use of the North American Paleo-Indian kill sites
of artifacts, reconstrutCtion of the natu- object, whereas other characteristics, of large mammals freqLtently include
ral environment, and inferred systemic such as color and mine ralogic content, tools for both hunting and butchering
relations between the two realms, the would be deemed irrele vant. To almost that are associated with skeletons (1).
specific uises assigned artifacts may be any observer this wouLI J be interpreted The occasional significant association
only vague statements of probability. as a chopping and poun(ding implement, of artifacts and their context of use is
If the social and ritLual context of primi- and its use would be miore apparent if
tive technology is considered as well, the object were found vvith the original The author is a staff archeologist at the Na-
tional Park Service Sotithwest Archeological Cen-
interpretation becomes increasingly withe handle fastenei d arotund the ter, Globe, Arizona 85501.
10 JANUARY 1969
The data of archeological associa-
tion may not be completely satisfactory.
In 13th-century Indian burials in north-
east Arizona, it is not uncommon to find
)fl.' ) (. (.( D.) the head pillowed with thick wooden
tablets (Fig. 2b). But these probably
served for more than headrests as evi-
denced by the fact that many bear
scratches, punctures, and cuts on one
or more flat surfaces, and are commonly
Fig. 1. Stone axe from 13th-century site regarded as lap-held working platforms
in northern Arizona site. A "universal" or billets. This is a reflection of the ex-
tool; front and side views. pectable variety of cultural uses for any
given object. In any culture an item
may have different purposes in differ-
one of the most telling arguments for ent contexts-such as tool manufacture,
disciplined and sensible excavation and food preparation, or ritual. Conse-
recording techniques. Unfortunately, quently, interpretation of any artifact Fig. 3. Location of Tsegi Canyon, home of
on the basis of one type of archeolog-
13th-century Kayenta cliff dwellers and of
lack of such data has been a common their descendants, the Hopi Indians.
failing of archeological research in the ical association cannot be assumed to
past, and the rare instance of an in- define the total use pattern of that ob-
place find indicating use of an artifact ject. In fact, chance association may a few exceptions, to tools made from
may serve to identify a well-known item well result in an artifact receiving a stone and bone, and in graphic art. The
which has been unidentified for years. name reflecting only one of its minor few historic hunting and gathering cul-
For example, in the American South- purposes. tures that can be used for comparison,
west, a frequent find in prehistoric cliff such as the Bushmen, Eskimos, and
dwellings has been a rectangular Australian aborigines, have progressed
wooden tablet, often slightly dished Ethnographic Analogy beyond the simple technologies of the
(Fig. 2a). Many of these have been Paleolithic, and their environments
excavated, but their use has been The most confident interpretation of rarely duplicate those of Paleolithic
conjectural. Only recently was one a prehistoric artifact comes from dis- cultures. Even with more advanced
found in place at Mesa Verde, Colo- covery of a similar or identical imple- Mesolithic cultures, which are more
rado, in a meal-grinding bin, evidence ment used by a living people. Ideally appropriately compared with extant (or
that the tablet was used as a scoop for such ethnographic data should be based recently extinct) hunting and gathering
picking up freshly ground cornmeal (2). on observation of the objects during cultures, cultural reconstruction is se-
manufacture and use, so that complete verely limited by the dearth of tech-
information may be obtained on the full nology preserved. The technological
context and range of use of the imple- inventory of living Mesolithic peoples
r ment, and on the other tools required includes a number of wooden tools and

fi(7 for its manufacture. The comparison of

archeological and ethnographic tech-
nology is most meaningful if we can
compare context of the analogous items.
The information should come from a
group closely related to the prehistoric
crafts that depend on the use of wood,
other plant material, and animal re-
sources rarely preserved in prehistoric
sites. Therefore, reconstruction of early
prehistoric cultures, usually based on
interpretation of implements of stone

I culture being studied. With such his-

torical connections, the best guess is that
the prehistoric use of the item is the
and bone, is limited to what was prob-
ably a small part of the original tool
kit. Later Neolithic cultures, with sed-
same as its historic analog. This lessens entary farming villages and craft elabo-
the number of possible interpretations ration, undoubtedly included even more

1 [
jI ij I of an artifact, although it cannot guar-
antee completely valid interpretation.
The archeologist can never assume com-
plete cultural stability through time-
the opposite is almost certainly the case
-and hence the likelihood of loss or
change of meaning of an artifact.
perishable artifacts. Inferences about
our prehistoric ancestors may often be
limited to a mere fragment of their

Kayenta Anasazi-A Special Case

aZ2mzZb Comparison of prehistoric artifacts
with ethnographic analogs is limited in In the American Southwest, circum-
a many parts of the world, chiefly be- stances have reduced to a minimum the
cause of the biased nature of archeo- obstacles to interpretation of artifacts.
b logical collections, and because few pre- In this high and arid region, prehistoric
Fig. 2. Wooden artifacts interpreted by historic cultures have close analogies in remains have been found preserved in
archeological associations. (a) Scoop; (b) living cultures. Artifacts remaining from excellent condition, and the artifacts
billet. Paleolithic cultures are restricted, with have close analogies in existing Indian
134 SCIENCE, VOL. 163
cultures. One prehistoric culture in par-
ticular, the Kayenta Anasazi of north-
eastern Arizona, has provided an
excellent object for interpretation by
ethnographic analogy.
The prehistoric cultures of Arizona.
Utah, southwest Colorado, and New
Mexico are anmong the most intensively
studied in the world. Partly because of
this thorouLgh work, they present a
uLnique laboratory for study of cultural
development. At about the beginning of
the Christian era, cultures of the arid
Southwest began to assume the seden-
tary patterns of life associated with con-
trol of domestic plants, particularly
corn, beans, and squash. During a span
of about 1000 years the final steps were
accomplished in the transition from
seasonally mobile hunting and plant-
collecting bands to fixed communities
of horticulturists. With this develop-
ment came clear-cut tribal parochialism, Fig. 4. Keet Seel, largest Kayenta cliff dwelling, occtupied between A.D. 1245 and
ritual elaboration, and ingenious adapta- A.D. 1300. [National Park Service]
tion of farming to special environments.
BecaLlse of the intensive excavation and
reconnaissance done in the area, cul- aL distinct culture in sites about 1200 over the years, others remain in muse-
tural boundaries and relations of pre- years old, Kayenta culture is preserved uims. Most field records are inadequate,
historic souLthwestern tribes have largely today in the Hopi towns on the southern but because of the excellent tree-ring
been defined. Their historical inferences edge of Black Mesa between Tuba City dates for the cliff dwellings that show
are given added control by the tree-ring and Keams Canyon, Arizona (Fig. 3). that they were occupied for no more
calendar, which provides closer chronol- than 50 years, all artifacts can be as-
ogy for these cultures than for perhaps signed to the period from A.D. 1250 to
any other prehistoric cultures in the Tsegi Phase Sample 1300.
world. This period, the Tsegi Phase of the
The best-known southwestern cul- The Kayentans occupied most of Kayenta tradition, has one of the best
tures belong to the Anasazi tradition of northeast Arizona east of the Colorado assortments of technological materials
northeast Arizona, southern Utah, River, but the classic definition of their of any prehistoric phase in the world.
Southwest Colorado, and northeast New culture is based on excavation and re- Materials used in Tsegi Phase technol-
Mexico. The Anasazi lived in compact connaissance in the region of Tsegi ogy (Table 1) show the advantage of
villages, or pueblos, consisting of dwell- Canyon. From 13th-century cliff dwell- sLIch dry cave sites for preserving a
ings, storerooms, and ceremonial rooms ings in the Tsegi comes one of the good representation of prehistoric cul-
(kivas). Buildings were of masonry, largest collections of perishable artifacts tures. Of 273 artifact classes, 78 per-
adobe, or wattle-and-daub, and the well- in the Southwest. cent are of perishable plant and animal
preserved remains of Anasazi sites Tsegi Canyon is a tortuous, many- materials and only 23 percent of mate-
usually permit good definition of the fingered gorge about 30 miles (50 kilo- rials (stone, pottery, horn, and bone)
total village pattern. In later periods of meters) long, cut by erosion to as much which would ordinarily be preserved in
Anasazi history, villages were built in as 1000 feet (300 meters) deep. Exfolia- an open site.
shallow caves in canyon walls. In these tion and weathering carved sheltering
sheltered "cliff dwellings," a wide range alcoves in the sandstone walls, occupied
of perishable artifacts has often been by prehistoric people since at least A.D. Hopi Culture and
found, providing an excellent sample of 500. The most complete use of these Analogic Interpretation
Anasazi technology. sites came in the 1 3th century, when
Important for interpretation of the they were occupied by small villages of For analogic interpretation of this
Anasazi is the fact that they are the Kayenta farmers (Fig. 4). These cliff- well-preserved material, we can use the
close ancestors of living Pueblo Indians. dwellings were among the first ruins to cLulture of the Hopis, whose villages lie
Anasazi cultural patterns are still pre- attract the attention of archeologists in about 55 miles (90 kilometers) south of
served in the conservative Pueblo Indian the Southwest. In the masonry-walled Tsegi Canyon. Although the Kayentans
villages of New Mexico and Arizona, rooms, often with roofs still intact, they abandoned Tsegi Canyon by 1300, they
and the history of some of these still- found a remarkable array of wooden have persisted on the southern rim of
occupied villages can be extended back artifacts, baskets, sandals, cloth, hide, Black Mesa until the present day. One
1(000 years or more ago. Such is the and similar perishable objects which Hopi village, Oraibi, is well known for
case in northeast Arizona, the location would not ordinarily be preserved in an its long occupation, extending back to
of the division of the Anasazi tradition exposed prehistoric site. Although some A.D. 1100 or earlier.
called the Kayenta. First identifiable as of these early collections have been lost Anthropological descriptions of Hopi
10 JANUARY 1969 135
tion with modem American culture Hopi Culture and
have made marked changes in Hopi Ethnographic Comparisons
culture, but basic elements remain. The
traditional economy based on hand- Data on Hopi culture used for in-
I -
tilled gardens of desert corn persists, terpreting artifacts from the Tsegi Phase
I I and most Hopis still live in masonry come from ethnographic descriptions,
pueblos (cover photo), though some small collections of Hopi crafts, and re-
WIII villages include modem houses. Al-
though social organization is no longer
sponses of Hopi informants who were
shown the prehistoric collections. The
-I I
as strictly structured as in the past, most copious records of Hopi technol-
Hopis retain the elements of a tightly ogy come from the late 1800's and early
integrated social system. Membership in 1900's, from observations made at a
family, village, and clan defines rights time when American anthropology was
/l if and obligations within and among vil- in its infancy. Hopi technology was fre-
lages. Reinforcing and facilitating these quently observed and recorded by early
a b %c~ social relations is the highly organized ethnographers, but prime emphasis was
Fig. 5. Artifacts of specific known use. religion, well known to anthropologists on the exotic aspects of Pueblo cere-
(a) Loom anchor; (b) feather box; (c) and tourists, which centers on the cult mony. Descriptions of artifacts are
pipe lighter. of masked dancers representing super- often incomplete and lack adequate
natural beings called Katchinas. While illustrations. Nevertheless, it is possible
the expressed purpose of Hopi cere- to find in these reports a number of
culture abound in the literature. Pro- mony is to bring rain, cure illness, and items analogous to prehistoric artifacts.
tected by isolation from Spanish mis- promote the general welfare, religious Direct identifications came from
sionizing and conquest that did much to organization and ritual include a sys- showing artifacts to Hopi informants.
change Pueblo tribes to the east in New tem of roles and expressive devices They were asked to identify items that
Mexico, the Hopis preserved much of that have probably contributed more they recognized, and this usually re-
their original culture. In recent decades, than any other elements of Hopi culture sulted in short discussions of use and
education, wage work, technological to its continuity and smooth function- cultural context of the objects. Time for
borrowing, and increased communica- ing village life (3). response was limited, since a large
quantity of artifacts was displayed, and
the informants had come away from the
village to view the objects. Conse-
quently, there was no opportunity to
compare them with presently used
items. This use of informants could not
be called sophisticated ethnographic
I5 technique, but was an introductory at-
tempt. Nevertheless, worthwhile results
were obtained, and this experiment in-
dicated what might be achieved with
more thorough and systematic question-
/II ing, following the pioneer study of

a -1 Ingalik material culture by Osgood (4).

Questions used to obtain information on
primitive technology must be as care-
fully prepared as those used to obtain
data on social structure or ritual. It does
not suffice merely to ask "what is this,"
because this fails to communicate the
I information desired. If possible, one

should witness demonstrations of how
the object is made and used. Failing
this, thorough questioning and discus-
sion should be directed toward eliciting
as complete information as possible.
Some examples of questions follow.
What kind of material is used? Are al-
ternative materials acceptable? Why is
such material used? What are the steps
of construction? What kind of tools are
used? Who makes the object? Who uses
it? What other items are used with it?
e f Where is it stored? What happens when
Fig. 6. Multipurpose artifacts. (a and b) Hammerstones; (c) bone awl; (d) wooden it wears out? Who owns it? Is there
awl; (e) grass brush; (f) wooden dowel. more than one kind? If so, which is
136 SCIENCE, VOL. 163
best? Why? When during the year or Table 1. Materials used in Tsegi Phase tech- (iii) identification by Hopi informants
nology. or reference to ethnographic reports or
day is it used?
Such a list of questions should result Artifact types collections. Most of the informants who
in enough information to allow full Num- Per- observed the artifacts were middle-aged
comparison of the ethnographic object Material ber centage or elderly men whose memories of their
with its prehistoric analog. Only such Stone 35 12.8 culture reach beyond the last few dec-
data can permit confident assessment of Pottery 12 4.4 ades of rapid change. Because Hopi
Wood 142 52.0
the analogy. Other plants 53 19.4 society is on a relatively small scale and
Often identification of artifacts Cotton cloth 5 1.8 members rarely possess esoteric knowl-
depended on only one source of ethno- Hide and sinew 7 2.6 edge except about ceremony, one might
Horn 3 1.1
graphic information-books, or re- Bone 12 4.4 expect the technological knowledge of
sponses from informants or Hopi collec- Hair and fur 2 0.7 one person to be much like that of an-
tions-but in some cases it was possible Feather 2 0.7 other. This is not necessarily true. For
to compare data from more than one example, many weaving materials were
source to provide verification or con- identified because two of the informants
tradiction of the original identification. and their use is well established. This were practiced weavers. Some weaving
Occasionally, too, it was possible to kind of anchoring device is no longer implements drew no response from
compare ethnographic data with in- used by the Hopis, and its identifica- other informants.
formation from archeological context, tion as a medicine bundle came from From 273 classes of artifacts, 62 are
although the field records were often men who are accomplished weavers. identified on the basis of ethnographic
inadequate. One of the rare cases when Such incidents make it clear that in- analogy, 48 are interpreted by form and
informant response, ethnographic litera- formants' identifications must be care- general knowledge, and 10 are identi-
ture, and archeological association com- fully considered before being accepted. fied by archeological association. This
bine to provide identification of an Often Hopis saw analogies between pre- makes a total of only 44 percent of all
object is the feather box shown in Fig. historic items and their own culture artifacts whose use could be determined.
5. This incomplete wooden box, made that were based on vague or insufficient The balance, or 56 percent of the arti-
from an oval cross-section tube with an similarities. In one instance a dished facts, comprises 153 unidentified classes
opening in the side, was identified by wooden tablet measuring 19.8 centi- of which many are represented by in-
two Hopi informants as a repository for meters by 7.4 centimeters by 1.0 centi- complete specimens.
feathers used in ceremonial regalia. An meters was tentatively identified as a In a number of cases there are simply
almost identical ceremonial feather box cover for a feather box, such as the one no reasonable analogies for prehistoric
is illustrated in an early ethnographic shown in Fig. 5b. While the form of artifacts in historic Hopi culture. This is
account of the Hopi (5). The specimen this tablet is generally appropriate for understandable, since culture change
contained no feathers when it was such a cover, it is too large. between A.D. 1300 and A.D. 1900
found, but its ceremonial context is must have caused the loss of some ele-
confirmed by archeological association ments of culture. Pottery, baskets, cloth-
since it comes from debris which very Success in Identification ing, and multipurpose tools lost most
likely originated from a Tsegi Phase or all of their cultural significance due
kiva, or ceremonial room. In Table 2, artifact classes of the Tsegi to disappearance or change during this
In a few cases, contradictory evi- Phase are listed on the basis of identifi- 600-year span. Many of these items
dence comes from different sources and cation by (i) form and general anal- were replaced by European or Amer-
leads to inconclusive identification, or ogy, (ii) archeological association, and ican implements. Some basic crafts-
requires a choice from two or more
alternatives. Contradictions in identifica-
tions by various informants often gave Table 2. Types of activities inferred from Tsegi Phase artifacts and the basis of inference.
insights into the basis for their interpre- Interpretive basis
tations. In some cases they were view- Cultural use Form and Associa- Specific ethno-
ing objects unfamiliar to them, and general analogy tion graphic analogy
they relied on common sense as much Horticulture 2 2
as the archeologist would. This was Weapons 2 5
generally true in the case of objects Hideworking 2 1
Stoneworking 2 1
which have stone components. Stone Woodworking 2 2
technology has been much reduced Fire tending 1 3
among the Hopi since the introduction Burden carrying 2
Food preparation 1 7
of metal tools, and identification of Pottery containers 5 1
stone arrowheads, knives, and axes by Baskets 3 1
Bags 3
Hopis is not based on current use. In Pottery making 1 3
some cases, archeological context di- Basketmaking 1 2
rectly contradicted the informant's re- Clothmaking 2 2 11
Clothing 9 1
sponse. An item tentatively identified as Multipurpose 7 3 2
a medicine bundle by Hopis (Fig. 5a) is Miscellaneous 3 3
unquestionably an anchor to attach a Smoking 2
Musical instrument 1
vertical handloom to the floor. Such Games 2 5
loom anchors have been found numer- Ceremony 2 7
ous times in place in archeological sites, Burial 3

10 JANUARY 1969 137

hideworking, stoneworking, woodwork- graphic analogy, if the collection had sary to make inferences concerning the
ing-were recently lost or modified; included a series of charred-end speci- use of particular artifacts. However,
hence comparative data for these activi- mens from different sites, or from dif- there are limitations to the exactness of
ties come only from ethnographic rec- ferent locations within a single site. This a systemic model.
ords dating from around the beginning would have indicated that the charring
of the 20th century. was a significant feature of the artifact,
Ethnographic identifications are often but it would not have shown specific Conclusion
limited by lack of accuracy of descrip- use, unless chance had left the lighter
tion in the literature, or by limitations in association with a pipe. Archeologists are far from exhaust-
in informants' knowledge. Frequently, The aim of interpretations of artifacts ing the resources of inference about
prehistoric artifacts can be tentatively is reconstruction of as much of the pre- man's prehistoric past. With careful and
identified from brief descriptions or historic culture as possible. The logical consideration of physical fea-
sketchy illustrations in ethnographic Kayenta-Hopi case exemplifies the tures, archeological associations, cul-
reports, but this information is usually problems of interpretation and cultural tural and natural context, and use of
too vague to provide certain identifica- reconstruction, and indicates that even ethnographic analogy, we can greatly
tion. if we view prehistoric artifacts solely in increase knowledge of past cultures. As
Even with the relatively low percent- their utilitarian roles, for modifying the the Kayenta-Hopi case shows, we can
age of positive identifications through physical environment, reconstruction of never expect neat reconstructions. Even
ethnographic analogy, use of Hopi in- culture will be less than complete. Not under the best of circumstances we must
formants and the ethnographic litera- only are we limited by imperfect preser- be content with statements of probabil-
ture produced some surprising insights vation of artifacts, loss of cultural sig- ity, gross purposes, and flexible perform-
into the general problem of interpreta- nificance through time, error of the in- ance of tasks, since we will never have
tion of artifacts. One of the most inter- formant, inadequate samples, lack of complete knowledge of the total cultur-
esting was comparison of naive data on association, or inadequate ethno- al context of prehistoric technologies.
interpretation, based on formal charac- graphic record, but also the nature of the We are limited, as well, by the nature
teristics and common sense, with an artifacts may be such that their use may of our subject. Prehistory is, after all,
ethnographic identification. An example never be exactly determined. Such are the indirect study of human behavior,
is an object from Keet Seel pueblo the "multipurpose" tools included in which is inadequately represented in a
made of a hollowed-out branch or root, Table 2. These are objects sufficiently rigid and stereotypical cultural scheme.
12.7 centimeters long and 2.5 to 3.5 generalized in form and physical char- Careful analysis and comparison of
centimeters thick, with a small piece of acteristics to have had a number of uses archeological remains, the use of rigor-
charred corncob inserted in the open (Fig. 6). Hammerstones-pebbles or ous analytical techniques, and statistical
end (Fig. 5). stone cores with battered ends or faces manipulation may lead to precise defini-
Encircling the center of the tube -were probably used to shape other tion of significant and comparable tech-
was a thin crooked groove, and stone objects but could also have been nological elements. However, these
trapped in the hollow branch were two used to crush or fracture bone, wood, techniques do not by themselves in-
juniper berries. The feature of this item or plant materials. Bone and wood awls terpret prehistory. Such interpretation
that impressed Anglo-American observ- are piercing tools, but ethnographic depends on ethnographic analogy. A
ers was the presence of the berries analogy indicates they could have been number of existing societies still pre-
which rattled softly when the object was used to punch hides, to pierce basket serve primitive technologies analogous
shaken. This led everyone to call the walls to make holes for the weaving to prehistoric cultures, but they will not
object a rattle. But when it was shown splints, to separate warp threads to aid exist for long. The study of extant
to Hopi informants their attention was in handweaving, or to pierce corncob primitive technologies, conducted with
immediately drawn to the small piece stems before the corn was hung to dry. the same rigor and care now given to
of burned corncob. The consensus of Brushes of grass or the yucca plant social systems, is one of the most crit-
the informants was that the specimen were used by Hopi women to comb ical needs in anthropological science.
had been used as a lighter for cere- their hair, to sweep the floor, to scoop
References and Notes
monial pipes, and that the slow-burning up ground meal, and to strain food
corncob was left alight in a ceremonial coloring. 1. F. H. H. Roberts, Jr., Smithsonian Inst. Misc.
Collect. 95, No. 10 (1936); E. W. Haury,
room during ritual occasions so that it One of the most common items in E. B. Sayles, W. W. Wasley, Amer. Antiquity
the Tsegi Phase collections, a shaped, 25, 2 (1959); J. B. Wheat, Sci. Amer. 216, 44
could be used anytime during the day. (1967).
This charring had been considered a worn-end wooden dowel made from a 2. A. C. Hayes, Archeological Research Service
National Park Service No. 7-A (U.S. Govern-
result of fire in the ruin by the writer cut branch, was simply shrugged off ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1964).
and other archeologists, but a review of by informants because, as one observed, 3. F. Eggan, Social Organization of the Western
"how many things can you use a stick Pueblos (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago,
the ethnographic literature confirmed the 1950); M. Titiev, Old Oraibi Papers of the
Hopi identification. Logical analysis of for?" To attempt to reconstruct a more Peabody Museum of American Archaeology,
Ethnology No. 22 (Harvard Univ. Press, Cam-
form depends as much on perception of specific set of uses for such items is not bridge, 1944); L. Simmons, Sun Chief (Yale
the object, which is conditioned by cul- only impossible for an archeologist, it Univ. Press, New Haven, 1942).
4. C. Osgood, Yale University Publications of
tural background, as by any universal would probably be difficult for an eth- Anthropology No. 22 (Yale Univ. Press, New
principles. In retrospect, the use of this nographer. Knowledge of the systemic Haven, 1940).
relations between components of tech- 5. J. Stevenson, Bureau of American Ethnology
pipe lighter might have been more Report No. 2 (U.S. Government Printing Office,
closely approximated without ethno- nology and the rest of culture is neces- Washington, D.C., 1883).

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