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1. Prof Basant K Misra

Head Dept of Neurosurgery & Gamma Knife Radiosurgery at P D Hinduja National Hospital
& Medical Research Centre
Macquarie Univeristy Hospital, NSW, Australia, National Borad of Examinations, Mumbai,
Maharshtra, India
Currently 1.President Elect, World Federation of Skull Base Societies (WFSBS), 2.Chairman,
Education Committee Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons (AASNS) and 3.
Assistant Secretary, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies( WFNS), 4 Treasurer

Previously 1.President, Neurlogical Society of India, 2. President, Asian Congress of

Neurological Surgery, 3. President, Skull Base Surgery Society of India, 4. President, Indian
Society of Cerebrovascular Surgery, and 5. President, Bombay Neurosciences Association

Areas of Interest: 1. Skull Base Surgery, 2. Cerebrovascular Surgery, 3. Gamma Knife

Radiosurgery, 4. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery. 4. Acoustic Neuroma Surgery, 5. Giant
Aneurysm Surgery and 5. Complex Neurosurgery
 Clinical professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, Australian School of Advanced Medicine,
Macquarie University Hospital, NSW, Australia (Jan 2012-Present)
 Head, Department of Neurosurgery, hinduja Healthcare Surgical (Sep 2011-Present)
 Head Dept of Neurosurgery & Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, P D Hinduja Nationa
Hospital & Medical Reseach Centre (Nov 1995-Present)
 Professor (additional) Dept of Neurosurgery Shree Chitr Thirunal Institute of Medical
Sciences, Trivandrum (Feb 1984-Nov 1996)
 University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Des 1984-Jan 1987)
 National Board of Examinations, Diplomate National Board, Neurosurgery (1984-
 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Master of Chirurgie (MCH), Neurosurgery
 University of Delhi, Master of Surgery (1977-1980)
 VSS Medical College, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS),
Medicine, First (1971-1976)
 Demonstration Multipurpose School, Higher Secondary (1966-1969)
2. Prof Kate Drummond
Department of Computer Science University of Toronto 10 King’s College Road, Rm. 3302
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G4 Canada, Email:
PhD Computer Science, University of Toronto, (expected) Spring 2017.
Co-advisors: Allan Borodin, Kate Larson
Achieved Candidacy: Spring 2015
Relevant Courses: Algorithms for Solving Propositional Theories; Intro to Graph Theory;
Topics in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Advanced Microeconomic Theory I
GPA: 3.83
M.S. Computer Science, University of Toronto, Spring 2013.
Advisor: Craig Boutilier
Relevant Courses: Decision Making under Uncertainty; Advanced Inference Algorithms;
Algorithm Design, Analysis, and Theory
GPA: 3.93
B.S. Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, December 2010.
Research Advisor: Diane Litman
Minor: Theatre Arts.
Honors: Graduated Magna Cum Laude with Departmental Honors; Dean’s List, Fall 2006
to Spring 2010; Dean’s Stars List, Spring 2007; Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Member
Relevant Courses: Human Language Technologies; Intro to Artificial Intelligence;
Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence: Speech and Natural Language Processing for
Educational Applications (Graduate Course); Algorithm Design; Machine Learning
(Graduate Course); Intro to Theory of
Computation GPA: 3.73
Strategy-Proofness in the Stable Matching Problem with Couples, Perrault, A., Drummond,
J., Bacchus, F., Proc. of the Fifteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), pages 132–140.
SAT is an Effective and Complete Method for Solving Stable Matching Problems with
Couples, Drummond, J., Perrault, A., and Bacchus, F., Proc. of the Twenty-fourth
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15).
Preference Elicitation and Interview Minimization in Stable Matchings, Drummond, J. and
Boutilier, C., Proc. of the Twenty-eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-14),
pages 645–653
Elicitation and Approximately Stable Matching with Partial Preferences, Drummond, J., and
Boutilier, C., Proc. of the Twenty-third International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI-13), pages 97–105.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation of an Automatic User Disengagement Detector for an
UncertaintyAdaptive Spoken Dialogue System, Forbes-Riley, K., Litman, D., Friedberg, H.,
and Drummond, J., Proc. of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2012).
Examining the Impacts of Dialogue Content and System Automation on Affect Models in a
Spoken Tutorial Dialogue System, Drummond, J., and Litman, D., Proc. of the Special
Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL) 2011 conference, pages 312–318.
A State Transition Model for Student Online Discussions, Seo. S.W., Kang, J.H, Drummond,
J., and Kim, J., Proc. of the 17th Conference on Knowledge Discover and Data Mining
(AMC SIGKDD 2011) Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Educational Data.
Using Graphical Models to Classify Dialogue Transition in Online Q&A Discussions, Seo,
S.W., Kang, J.H., Drummond, J., and Kim, J., Proc. of the 15th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), pages 550–553.
Role of Elaborated Answers on Degrees of Student Participation in an Online Question-
Answer Discussion Forum, Drummond, J., and Kim, J., Presented at 2011 Annual Meeting of
the American Educational Research Association (AERA). I
n the Zone: Towards Detecting Student Zoning Out using Supervised Machine Learning,
Drummond, J., and Litman, D., Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (ITS 2010), pages 306–308.
Evidence of Misunderstandings in Tutorial Dialogue and their Impact on Learning, Jordan,
P., Litman, D., Lipschultz, M., and Drummond, J., Proc. of the 14th International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2009), pages 125–132.
Working Papers
A Natural Equilibrium for Stable Matching with an Interviewing Budget, Drummond, J.,
Borodin, A., and Larson, K
Awards and Academic Activities
Program Committee, CoopMAS 2017, (8th Workshop on Cooperative Games in Multiagent
Systems). Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship Program Finalist, 2016. Reviewer,
Algorithmica, 2015.
Reviewer, SAGT 2015, (8th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory).
Reviewer, AAAI-15, (Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence).
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2014. Scholarship includes $15,000 in funding.
Reviewer, COMSOC-2014, (Fifth International Workshop on Computational Social Choice)
3. Prof Andrew Kaye
Professor Kaye graduated from The University of Melbourne in 1973, and subsequently trained
in Neurosurgery at The Royal Melbourne Hospital and The Royal Children’s Hospital in
Melbourne. He undertook further neurosurgery training in Oxford, London and at The
Cleveland Clinic. On returning to Australia in 1983 he was appointed Neurosurgeon at The
Royal Melbourne Hospital, and commenced research into neuro-oncology at the Ludwig
Institute for Cancer Research. He was appointed Professor of Neurosurgery at The University
of Melbourne in 1992, and the James Stewart Professor of Surgery and Head of the Department
of Surgery at The University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital in 1997. He is the Head
of the Department of Neurosurgery at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. For the past ten years
he has been the Chairman of the Board of Examiners for final year Medicine at the Faculty of
Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at The University of Melbourne. In 2010 he was
appointed by the New Zealand Government to Chair the Board of the New Zealand South
Island Neurosurgery Service.
His main clinical and research interest involves neuro-oncology and cerebrovascular disease.
In 1992 he was awarded the John Mitchell Crouch Fellowship by the Royal Australasian
College of Surgeons, and in 1997 was appointed the Sir Arthur Sims Commonwealth
Travelling Professor. In 2003 the American Association of Neurological Surgeons honoured
him with the Ronald Bittner Award for contributions to the treatment of brain tumours and in
2006 the Paul Bucy Award for his contribution to neurosurgery education. In 2004 he presented
the Sir John Eccles Lecture at the Australian Neuroscience Society.
In 2010 he was awarded the Medal of Honour from the World Federation of Neurosurgical
Societies for ...”outstanding contribution to neurosurgery..”
He was awarded the Commonwealth of Australia Centenary Medal in 2003 and Order of
Australia in 2004.
He is a Director of the Hawthorn Football Club, Australian Football League. He is the President
of the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons and a Vice President of the World
Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.
He is the foundation Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. He has authored
and co-authored over 150 journal articles and book chapters, as well as five books including
being the co-author of “Brain Tumours”, a text recognised as being the definitive work on the
4. Prof Bhawani Shanker Sharma

Associate Professor of Physics

 Vice principal , R R college alwar, University of Rajasthan Jaipur Kota Area, India
(Agustus 2016-Sekarang)
 Senior Lecturer, Govt College Kota, (Agustus 2003-Juli 2015)
 Univeristy of Rajasthan Jaipur
5. Zhang Liewi
6. Yong Kwang
7. Wan Tew Scow
8. Kazuhiro Hongo
9. Dong-Kyu Chin
10. Prof Dr Zainal Muttqin, PhD, Sp. BS (K)
S1 Kedokteran : Universitas Diponegoro (1981)
Dokter Umum : Universitas Diponegoro (1983)
Spesialis Bedah Saraf : Hiroshima University (1993)
S3 Ilmu Bedah Saraf : Hiroshima University (1993)
Adaptasi Spesialisasi : Universitas Padjadjaran (1994)
1. Gambaran CT Scan dan prognosis pada Cedera Kepala Berat ( Peneliti ). Biaya Sendiri, th.
2001 (telah dipublikasikan)
2. Gambaran MRI pada Epilepsi Parsial Komplek Intraktabel (Peneliti). Biaya Sendiri, 2001-
2004 (diterima untuk publikasi)
3. Perubahan hasil test IQ pasien Epilepsi 1 tahun pasca Lobektomi Temporalis Anterior dan
Amigdalo-Hippokampektomi (Peneliti). Biaya sendiri ( sedang berlangsung )
4. Gangguan Koagulasi pada Cedera Kepala Berat dan pengaruhnya pada prognosis (Peneliti
pembantu) Biaya sendiri, sedang berlangsung

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