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if Government of Karnataka Water Resources Department (Minor Inigation) GUIDELINES FOR | : * PREPARATION { OF | LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES March 2003 - Government of Karnataka while constituting the Technical « Appraisal for Winer Ireigation during Januery 2000, assigned certain . ‘Ues to the said Committee which included formulation of standards 7 |< Minor Irrigation Projects". Accordingly, the earlier Techical 1 Fo ounittee for Minor Irrigation, during March 2004, brought out re j eouration of Minor Irrigation Tank Projects". Likewise, the ins (or vreparation of Lift Irrigation Schemes was a fang felt need. ihe then Cliet Engineer of Minor Irrigation and Public Health Engineering, ausions, os“) back as 1876, issued guidelines fer Preparation of Lift tration & However, these guidelines are brief and require updating with slop nology. To achieve this objective, the Technical Appreisal nistee (or finer Irrigation, during May 2002, constituted a Sub Committee a guidelines for Lift Irrigation Scheme as under; Sriyuths: ©.4,URAEAD, = Chairman Ve aChjaf (Retd.), ieayatin Oepartment, sinkooud Of Karnataka. - Member ner (Retd.), Sun Department, vingrt of Karnataka. U5, BANANT SHANKAR, = Member sr (Retd.), Guver sient of Madhya Pradesh, 1POASAD, = Member rate netd.), « * Institute of Science, - Member VTS ATAH, bygiiens ia- Chief (Retd.), hs Department, sanent of Karnataka. Gut. AANGATAL; = Member ‘ural Registrar of Co-operative, cietics (Retd.), 5S, GOPALASWAMY, = Mensber Deputy Accountant Generat (Retd.), an Former Spucial Officer, PWD Finarice Cel, Government of karnataka, 5B, N. RAJAGOPAL, = Member ‘Superintending Engineer (Retd.), . Irrigation Deperiment, Government of Karnataka, ; 9. Director, : Member KERS., KR Sagar. 10. Chief Engineer, + Member Minor Irrigation (South), Bangalore The sub-committee have veferred several information avaliable on the subject in the {orn of existing guidelines, Government of India Manuals, Standard Books, r#icvant 1 5. Codes and gct up the guidelines for Preperation of Uft Irrigation Schemes. These guidelines tude terminology, field Investigations, hycrology, design of component parts arid benefit snst ratio, Emphusis has been given to the design of unitised sump, criteria for selection of Pumping machinery, effect and control of water hammer pressure, classification and proper selection of pressure pipes for the rising main ete., which are crucial to the satisfoctory ~' fwacaoning af Lift Irrigation Schemes, Sample designs, operation and maintenance aspects aw aisy included. These guidelines are exhaustive and cover al! aspects required in the framing oF project proposals for lift Irrigation schemes in Minor Irrigation Department 1 hope these guidelines will be usctul £0 all the Ungineers of the Minor Irrigation Department in getting Up realistic project reports of Lift Irrication Schemes. the committee thanks the Government of Karnataka for all the facilities extended in Preparing these guidelines. 1 am very thankful to all the Members of the Sub-committee, Sri K.S.Venkatesh, Assistant Engineer, Sri Prakash Dandin, Computer Operator, 2-3 ather staff af office of the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation (South), Bangalore who have ~ assisted in bringing out these guidelines. ° hus Boh (C.N, BABU) Chairman Technical Appraisal Com nittes ‘Minor Irrigation, Bang es GUL | chaprel 3 FOS PREPARATION OF LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES _ CONTENTS 1 eaég¢§ ———— Terminology . 3 Surveys and collection of data ca iiveivolegy and Design discharge oO 9 | Design components 7 | 11-81 | 15.01 ce well a “ke pipef channel W ckweWvSump a (507 Bump Fiouse 3 16 Suction Pipe, Delivery Pipe, Valves & Manifold. 7 Pumping Machinoyy SSS 6 siecitic Molors at (eee Sane a7 (309 ~ Panels — a if t 48 tansieemer Sub Slation 4] Rising Wisin Waler Hammer Pressure i | Appurtenances [ * Delivery Cistern GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES 1 INTRODUCTION 1.00 Definition and Scope: Lift Irrigation Schemes are sehomes where pumping machinery arc installed ‘on the banks of perennial rivers and streams, seasonal rivers with barrages, in ‘or above foreshore of storage reservoirs, wells ete, for pumping water and Uansporting it rough a rising main (o higher elevations for irrigation where water cannot be supplied by gravity, The scope of these guidelines is limited 10 only surface water sourees, 1.01 Present Seenario: ‘At present, there are about 460 Lift Irigation Schemes with a coutemphuted alchkal of 99,781 hectares in the Slate, under the control of Water Resources Department (Minor, Irrigation), Informetion reveals tha. about 60% of these schemes are sick snd’the ‘other Sclicmes are not furciioning to the'r full capacity, due 1o one or more of the following reasons; (1) Non-avcilability, of required water in the source, during the eropaing season due fo-reasons'like subsequent upstream absteaction, 91 estimation of yields at design stage ele. (2) "The intake fovel of the scheme being higher than low water Ievel during cropping seasons. (3) Reduction of capacity of intake arrangements duc to silting and improper maintenance. (4) Iadequate pumying machinery including motors (reiating to both type and capacity) due to wrong selection of pumps and motors, (5) Rusting of column assembly pipes due to aging resulting in higher fictional losses and damage to pipes with consequent reduction of the working efficiency of the pumps. (6) Provision of inadequate class of opening of joints and bursting of pipes, (2) Suitable valves like Reflex valves, Air valves, Sluice valv tcliaf valves not being provided and even if pravided, beings inappropriate places. (8) Canal distribution network not being desiyaéd and mointained properly resulting in loss of water and affecting ils proper distribution main pipes resulting in frequent Pressure el oO (10) . Disconnection of power (11) Lick of proper participa Inadequate power supply (ode selemes both in relation 19d ation und stipulated voltages. ipply, to schemes duc to’ nor-payment of electrival charges. ’n n by the beneficiuries of the Scheme Co vlilise nud mainsain the assets created, ° Remedial sneasures Keeping in view the above Siciors adversely affecting the fanotioning of Lil Irrigation Scheme, the suecess of the sehesne shon!d be ‘ensured by a) Selection of dependable source of Water Lo ensure requisite wtsr supply {a the schome throughout its cropping period. sfcl planning and design of the scheme including ProPtt selection of » type and capacity of pumping mechinery and size ‘and classification of pipes for the rising min. Pipes uot adequate power supply (pola quantity and eel) Active participation vf the benefciries in the ‘management an! snaimienanee of the seteme trough societies Anicuts end yes Uh Untikeyother Minor fiigation works tke 1 eawy whit Lan tation Selcmies involve high Hinplementaion © ‘ eae haages duc 10 power chges, ceprecstin raiment} Ng ‘enae, th Lift Irigavon Seltemes should be planet ‘ Caste gent eare only afterall eer apons are eXHNHSICS Nuie 2 24 TERMINOLOGY Many tem ‘on for Lift Irrigation Schemes and other Minor Irrigation Projects. For items vet defined in this Chapter reference may be made 0 “ 1 Preparation of Minor Irrigation Tank rojecis” March ts 1 narans for canal distribution system and erase drainage works Source ul W (0) Persusiat Rivers ¢ Streams: Which ensures requisite water for traraessiny: slough the Lift Inigation Scheme for Innigation during Gulldcout coopping seasons. Scusnmat Streams: With barrage (vented dams) for backup storage. toraze (\eservoirs /‘Tanks: The water storage in an existing reservoir or (kot reshore, ie idlake structures of the Lift Irrigation Scheme will be located Intake Well: 2 slruoture located in the bed of river / stream depending on its ‘hve intake welt ater Jevel for drawing water to the Jack well / sump of the Lift wid acid Le ion Hedi pipeline connecting the intake well to the Jack well / sump ‘osiganoa Scheme for conveying water for onward Pumping. The pipe shall be as short as possible. There one or more + intake pipe depending on the xequiced discharge. intake channel: ivers where it i8 not possible (o locale the iniake weil close to he 6 it ease of reservoir source where water is to be diner fiom decy, oiveir fils MDDL, 2n open channel of trapszoidat sh an having harye is provided 10 drove inside Ve suitieical capacity (0 accommodate the requited 2.05 aT is divcetly from te source (0 the Jack well / & -me for onward pumping, In such cascs, ayy oF thee Lill ntuke wells are nol neces. Jeo well /Sump ta) The water drawn through the intake pipe Pehl is Yet ft tae Jor well sup For onward pumping,” ‘The Jack Svelhf sin wii be Uncitest othe sa Pets ot the source whore the HLF. of the river / Susann oO the Tavnt level, (0 fellate casy eppreach, Mine fowds | Fe ir mouree, this will be loented above the M.W T enatent. aera arvee Wiley {0 is to provide Circular jack wells rt 8 asses vevea hat cieut jack well fm is aula Itieicts due ae Mion of wurbufent and vortex flows side the wet wy die 1 ormspexfon assembly of pups. Henet liyraiicalls ro cifteions xe angular Jueke well / Sump with separate BAYS {unitized sunnp)¥os oh ppunnp ave recommended. (by Pump House ‘tiie pump bouse is astrvese 0 ccomymodate the purity Machinery tay _ he ease of cotifuga! pars te pump lise wil be Insc hr above * er by the side of Jack well / suenP- fin In ease of Deep well Turbine My Hae na Fess HE HE ated roove tlne Jack soll sain. Pump ) Duty condition for a pump, means the head spend and discharge for tine purnp is vequired 10 operate. wo wo a pains Shall vo. adopted wie the svolion HM does net area gers, Ceuiikagal pups ae eT ICN sioyple in construction, sively fee fr ple und casy 19 install and mainte fc) esp Well Turbine Pum Shall bo adopted where the eU6H ee 1G ceoneds 5 meters. These PUMPS Ate comparatively sopuisticated eanire special care and mainenane® (@_ Stzndby Pomp: This is on tee gx of pups of equivalent make, ied vo the Lilt Inigation scheme, addition to the Feared number of pUBAPS AB PE sign, ft isnot necessary 10 Keeh 16 goes out of order. a with “the standby pumps should also 6 dig other pumps, on rotation ‘basis, so that the 104) ‘on in operation at any given (IS Manifold chamber: ‘This és @ chamber Gabricoted from Mi pipes of the pumps to the rising mai. *"> stcel plales and conneets the delivery Y- Junction : This is another device to connect the deliveiy pipes to rising main directly. Rising main: inwin is the pipeline, whieh conveys the prnipad water fe the delivers “dal ie ridge point. ‘The pipes of rising main ae subjected to heave tic and water hammer pressures. Hence care must be taxen to provide class of pipes which ean sustain such pressures. Prestressed concrete, Mild Steel, cast iran, ductile iroa and ribbed bar pipes are suitable for rising main, ‘There may be one or more rows of rising main depending on the discharge. xs iusulled iv the pipe line to perfor specific feustions Sing, Valves are appun like regulation of Now, draiaing of pipes, 19 release and udmit air inta pi prevention of weverse Low in the pipe line ete, The size, location and their easy accessibility for operation and maintenance are important aspects of ‘cansideration Delivery cistern: This is a sectanyular cistom of required size constructed at ridge point wherein the puunped water will be delivered by the rising main. . This is not 2 storage cistern ‘Uut facilitaies distribution of water to the irrigation channels taking off from the cistem. \ Suetion head: The Moor 6f the pump house where pumps wre located shall be 1.00 meter above {he HLP.L. / M.W.L, of the water source. The vertical distance between the axis level of pumps and the L.W.L/ M.D.D.L of sowie is termed as the ‘Static Suction Lif, In addition there will be friction head in the suction pipe. “Thus, suction head = Pump exis level ~ LAWL / MISDL of source + Friction head of suction side, 2s Delivery Head: he delivery hres is tbs difference of level between the top most point of the rising main a Ge delivery estern and the pump exis level. ta addition there will re Tose due to velocity of flow and frictional losses in the rising maine “Thus, Delivery ead = Level of the top mst point of the Xs 1g min at dslivery water pomp axis level + velocity had + frictional head . of delivery side, Votal head: “the tla bend against which the water sto be pumped wil be Ke sun oF S00 head and delivery bead = soegisiaioe “Thus, Total cad = Suction head + Delivery head vin this, an extra 3 mete head is «0 Ge added os Fer of salary to caver rltioats Hydraulic Mean acfivnt Hay ae ston: dhe eerie 6 she Uyateutie Mean Grek Hine i the Hyatt 210% diye tengitighve soxtion of the TS nein Fa Hoe rage out 8 delivery cistern. srs tovel of this Hie atthe nunping paints Te total designed hexd (11) for the pumps rechoued trom "LW.Le of ares and frrna ting at Mie «thee Peper ata Level or" SL" ofthe cistern, . Water Hanimer Pressure: During stating ard stopping of puns of ropid eperation ef valves, pacsre rar ions aze caused inde ising main. These Aueuuatioas travel wp and dovr the pipeline inducing very high peeisures fond eause hammering noise i tse ipeting, I the even of these east ceding te enna peur fA Woe the ising wna may Borst Teak at he joints. “Phrust Block: say eer dine 1 1h staight tignment is Weal for the rising won, Bu ts topograpiicat conditions, it nay be inevitable ¢o Tay te piping ¥P veitical & Peeremtat bests. Age Now in the Ts sainga is rer igh presser, Ue pipeline at the bend may BEL woealad,, To scene ae pipeline (aut ae fc hast blocks ae pro at bends with suitable een 3.0 3.0 3. SURVEYS AND COLLECTION OF DATA Selection of site» wiiesns ie, With the help of topo sheets; the availability of site for locating the scheme shall be studied and after establishing its suitability preliminary surveys are taken up. The prelintinavy surveys consist of reconnaissance of the acca, (@) A wach of river / strdam having adequate water flow and with dotined banks is a suitable site for the Lift Irrigation Scheme, The places where the formation of shoals is likely shall be avoided: The site shell not be prone to sediment deposition at or above the intake level as per us possible ‘and scour below the intake foundation level. (b} In ease of Reservoir foreshore Lift Irrigation Scheme, the suitable site is one, which gives the minimum length of intake works. (c) Vroper identification of the site shall be established with reference to a permanent structure if existing or otherwise permanent reference points sholl be established, ‘The selected site shall be inspected by the ‘competent authority and approved before toking up detailed survey, as indicated below: ‘Estimated casi Rs in Lakbs |” Site should be Inspected by | pio Soo Laks “Above 28 50.00 Lakhs and below Rs 100.00 Lakhs [3 [Rs 100,00 Lakhs and above Chief Engineer ta HE 7 Surveys: ~ Detailed surveys shall be-carried out at the sclected sile to facilitalc preparation of designs, estimate etc., to establish the technical and financial feasibility of the scheme.’ uperiniending Engines (@) Establishment of Benel Marks: Bench marks ere (0 be established or: locally available permanent fealures such as plinth of buildings, rocky out crops etc, at the sile aid shall be Gonnceted to the nearest G.T.S. bench mark level. * ei (b) Block levels of Mead works area; Block levels covering the huaa works cea (from intake well to jack well / sump) and sufficiently extending about 30 meters beyond on all sides shall be taken at every 5 meter interval: 3.02, () @ fe) oO Longitudinal section of the scheme: . * The « longitudinal scet ‘long the conterline ofthe scheme (from intake well up to detivery esters) sill bé wken with levels at every 30 meter interval. The erass seeilons shall be token along the Longitudinal section at every 30-meter interval for 4 width of 30 meter on either side of the centerline with levels at every 15- meter interval. Jf the configuration of alignment changes abruptly the level shall be taken at closer interval, Cross section of river/stream: The cross scction of riveristreim shall be taken at site as well ag 250mis ws and d/s with level” at every {Smis interval or at closer interval iF the terrain is uneven, Ibluck levels of Delivery cistern a Block Wels siete covering the area of aout (50m x50m) alround ihe proposed eis cistom shall be taken at every 5 meters interval 10 ficslitale jdentifleation of ridge fo locate the cistern, Survey for channels : * Manual on norms for canal distributivn system aud cross drainage works- 1991" may be referred to. Collection of Data: Vhe (allowing: sats are ta be collected. @) Long range records of discharge / stage measurements ofthe river/streun based oa actual gauging at site or neatby. ‘The low water level 275% dependability ducing ivrigation season el high flood level correspanding to $0 years retum pened of the save « f rainfall da a of rain gauge stations influencing the propos Meikay area of the scheme for considerable mumnber vf yeats Reservoir operation table of the reservoir source indicat Jevels duriag several months jn ayear, Maaimum water level and Minimum draw down level of te reservoir. ‘Availability of power to the scheme, nearest power fine aid jarobable Jongh of power line to be drawn to the scheme. Praveiling market rates for different types and makes of puns, motorb, transformers and other accessories, cost of pipes, valves ele, 10 ciliate preparation of realistic estimate for the seheme. ‘Taisl pit datels near the location of intake structures like intake Ww", Jack {vel / Semp ete, and along the rising main, delivery cistern. Ame other relevant dita reyuired tw work out water rertte Benelit Gost Ratio ete. Soc ocounumie status uf the siake holders! bene ial cope aries. 4.00 Hydrology: he es (a ay 4.01 4, IIYDROLOGY AND DESIGN DISCHAR' Peveuniat River / Stream; (0) A Litt tigation Scheme with perennial River # Steam (without backup Storage) as souree is a ‘Run of the River’ Scheme. ‘The scheme shali be designed for the maximum water requirement of erops in the envisaged cropping seasons of the scheme. ‘The required extent of water low dering ‘any point of tinwe in the envisaged cropping seasons shall be available in the some for proper functioning of the scheme. This aspect hus to be Justified with the gauge details of the souree at site or nearby, Gi) The availabibity of water to the scheme shall not affect the commited utilisation of thé upstream and down stream works,. Also the proposed Uiltsation of scheme shall be accommodated within the overall woler allocation for Minor Inigation Projects far the euncerned Sub ~ D3 Git) The low water ievel (L.W.L) and the High Mood level (HPL) af the fiver / stream at site are deciding Tuctrs in Gxing the intake level and installation of pumps, ReservoirfBarrage () ta case of Lift trigation Scheme with reservoir/Barrago os source, the proposed utilisation by the sclxeme. shall be met out of the overall allocation of the conceined teservoir/Manage. Gi)_—The minimum draw down level (M.D.D.L.) and the maximunt water Isvel (M.W.L) of the reservoir/Sarage as indicated by the working iable, deciding factors in fixing the intake level and installation of pumps. Design Discharge: The Lif Irrigation Scheme shall be economically designed for growing semidry ‘erops al least in «wo cropping seasons in a year except for caastal disticts where (here is cupious cainlall during Kisoetf season. ‘The design discharge ‘or the schems hss to be worked as fellows; “Duty methods ‘The "Duty' adopted for semidry crops during Khariff' and Rabi seasows for 1 {ovigation scheme are arrived at basea! om te corresponding duty considered for 5 follows: Now irigation Sg Details Koa? fed ‘Diay w pipe owt for semidry eons for | 208 eres / cusee | 1a Aeres/ Cusee _| dow irrigation Deduct 20% Los ~_ [a heres | Cusee. [a Acres Pevwses_| * Balance 166 Acres / Cusce ‘96 Acres / cusee M4 [yr santanrape organ mada 11 “4 | Ssheme considering 16 fours of pumping 2 — Acres / Cusee SSS cn iy Gomtdering the abowe uly” the dschavee required i proposed atchkat areo in ench cropping SoH by the consegending dats. THe Orin discharge out of she above isthe design discharge ar the soem bas tO ' iarge “Rielikat ischarye Vsanpeo) [0= 270 Fata | d= 408 Togo | 300 Acres: ALL Cusecs: 64 Cusecs: L a a \Exwnple—2 a= 2.70 Tsoeces jis 2.34 To eusees [aaa acres. | HL Cusees nl 6H CCS lt ears Water requirement method: w (‘The %Crop Water reqlrement” 8s Pet CConstmptive use anothod shall be vviyed out as per guidelines incited 16 Chapier§ af ‘Guidelines of - preparation of M.Ltaink Projects-March 2001, The toil wat regpirement For different erops for he extent of are ‘proposed, for cack mou ding soe aged cropping sasons tabulated: THE Or requirement for the month in which it is maximum jg Wemlified as “peak demand”. ‘The Jesign discharge for the scheme jg then worked ot fram the peak demand tuased on the pumping schedule, Exsmplet fa ‘Month of peak ‘demand [peaks demand for erops . » dgeharge for the Lif Ireigation Scheme reving » purnping schedule of 31 days 16 hows lay 19,60.x.10" BrxiGxG0xG0 _ 31xiGs60x60 aS ogeusces ore 0.17 cumees_— Hence, the dity n-rhod crop sa or: 9.30.10 \ The crop Water requ ment method is more ration May be pie in ese of any sell LIN ise ‘Shes ae HE reqainement method sh “tt be adopted for big Lift Irrigation Shem 10 3.01 SoLor 5.01.02 5.01.03 5.02 5.02.01 5, DESIGN COMPONENTS Aligin sent of structu The cente fine alignment of the intake"Well, intake pipe / channel, jac well / sump, pump house, manifold chamber, rising main and delivery cistern shall as fr as possible straight. ‘The dimenston paralfel (0 the cente line is termed as Jength and the dimension perpendigular to it as width. Litake well, hie intoke well is a structure builtin the bed / bank of river / stream to draw water thorough an intake pipe to the Lift Irigation sehent.c. It shall be iocated al a piace where water is available to the intake well at the low water level of the source uring entire cropping season. The intake well shall be circular ii shepe and up to 3 meters diameter in R.C.C. ‘The top of intake well is covered by a roof slab. The top level of the intake wel! shall be above the low water level. The foundatfon of intake well shall be taken up to lard strata or up to maximum scour depih whichever is met with earficr Intake opening for drawal of water shall be provided preferably oa the down stream face only below low water level. The opening shall be of sufliciem size te draw the #oquired quantity of water. Trash rack of suitebie mesh size shall ve provided to the intake opening to preveitt entry of trash ele. Intake pipe / Intake channel Tntake pipe (a) Intake pipe connects the intake well to the jack wall / sump. This is pretarable whan the distance between the (wo is short, : (0) | Intake pipe shall be designed to camry double the design diseharye for the scheme. The limiting velocity in the pipeline stall be 1.20 nueters per second and should not be less than 0,9 meter per sceond tw avoid deposit. of sil = (0) “Intake pipeline is a gr vity line! < Non:pressure R.C.C. pipes shall be provided. At the intake point, the top level of pipe shall be sufficiently ‘below the low water level. The pipes ate then laid in down grachea! to the intake well to jack well J sump, sufficient to eccsite the sev ni velocity uf flow. Since the intake pipes are to be lie wudlergrovind with at superimposed load of eexth, itis desicoble to uso N.P.s class KCC, pipes. Necessary inspection chunber / man hole shall ke provided wl comvenient intervals. 5.02.02 5.03 5.03.01 9.03.02 5.03.03 Intake channel « (a) ifthe souroe is a reservoir or if economic conditions dictate, a cha inslond of pip is provided fo coimest the source 10 the Jack swell / sts In such cases intake wells are not necessary. \ (b) ‘The fntake channel shall be designed with a trapecoida e100 of requirsd Ts te cary double the design discharge forthe scheme, Dell meri size to co) or lvan to Ue ake cannl, The bevel of chet 1. entrance aall be sifiiently below th low wate: AE) i MDDL ef source to cnsure driving. ‘head. The bed slope ‘of channel shall be in n downward gradient towards the jack well Tsump. The limiting velocity in the intake: chaanel shall be | Pe second. Jack well / Sump “The water drawa from the sone through the intake is delivered to the jack weil! Sumnp from were the pimping operation sar. THE objectives of providing @ Jee weil / surap art . fi) twprevent vortex formation fi) twodiain uniform cistibutin of inflow To all operating Ci) prevent taration of any par far WT FFovater ant imps. fix), twins sufficient sph af water sla ext yi eas” a ‘The jack well / sump ‘shall be located on the defined bank ofthe source 83 oe s shal HEL. of the source euts the ground level. In ote of reservoir source. arse aed above the M.W.L, contour. This wil facilitate casy approve to the jace well / sump during foods, ‘the jck well J sump shall be reerangilar in shape having sufficien: size 'o ree aecate the puns inlets (Suetion asseinbl)) Of all he pumps incledine standby pump. commenied Figures 1 (ab, ¢, ond d )ilusteate the recommended md the not practies for sump designs. Following paris sre Ta be noted in this respect. Note rig the diameter ofthe suction bell mouth ‘a, Avoid mutual interference betweey (5 adjoining puss by msi mance, te dimamsin *S i Fags. VD an (b) cues! cre nviable t0 provide diving ells PN ‘l iiown in Sig 1 (0). Tire walls shoutd have rounded cls tA shawn in Fige 1(0), avoid deal sm bby keeping, reat coms. 1 reton *B? to about Dr? fram the cenve ie Gf the puny, A aloeaey sul y be provided if mecessary. ce. As shown in Fig, Me), provi As ahs sp. By this te velocity should ede sgroduaiy a pump. This aso haps w avoid sudden change in the da ass saining, Vabio thy tapered was between he apereael CHINE aut 12 8 Hon of th : b 4 Avoid dead spots at the suction bell mouth by maintaining the botiom clearance, C in Fig. 2, between Di4 to D/2, preferably D/3. The suction flow becomes guided by providing vertical splitters under the centr linc of the pump, See Fig. 3(a).,A cose may be added to reduce the possibility of submerged vortex formation. See Fig 3 (b). Avoid sudden drop betsteea the approach channel and the suinp. A slope of ‘maximum 15° 1s recommended as shown in Fig. 2. The flow underacath the pump suction should be flat up (0 3D. £. Keep adequete submergence of the pump under the LWL; dimension H in Fig. 2, soas (o prevent entry of air during dcow-lown and to satisfy NPSHr. For the typical proportions illustrated if Fig. 2 recommendations for the values of the dimensions A and H, based on the recommended mainstream velocity of 0.6 ms are given in Table 1. ‘The dimeusion Dis generally the diameter of the suction bell measured at the inlol, ‘This dimension may vary depending upon pump design. Refer to the pump manufacturer for specific dimensions. TABLE -1 RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING INTAKE-DESIGN. aie atthe ‘Minimum submergence Position of bash red " Dimensior ‘H’, m limension ‘A\ 1000 tars 2 3.28 16007 gree 1 520 2500 24-8 I 8.07 _ 4000 S60, 12.83 “AO 20.37 — 10000 = 1) 3.61 “| 16000 157 25000_ pte a 40000 — Wor 13 RECOMMENDED [NOT RECOMMENDED \ aut \ # ‘Ye-us mi AnD AnOv eg “iva ess tay a eet — $+ thow 0 Hig. (a) sh ue sarc en ran 0D Ee joven nwa MET GIR At NETRIEORMENIEDOAR vacuo TyGWINGOr Max \abnLS Ycapetanent INGE MAX: WIDIESECTON Yi Oat no LESS YPISAME AS CHART TOLD aoa $2 BORATLRTTANS Big. @ FIG. 1: MULA [PLE PUMP PITS: 14 ‘TRASH RACK IStMAK. ¢ ) OR LESS PREFERRED T FIG.2 SUMP DIMENSIONS ELEVATION VIEW lDASTIED LINES (VERTICAL "LITTERS) ADDED UNDER CENTER LINE OF PUMP MIN wi . CONE ADDED TO REDUCE POSSIBILITY OF SUBM YORTEX FORMATION FIG.3 VERTICAL SPLITTERS IN THE SUMP 15 5.04 Pump house @) &) ©) @ ‘A pump, house shalt be provided to locate the pumps, motors and other eccessories. In case of centrifugal pumps, a rectangular pump bause is generally provided adjacent to the jack well J sump. In ease of dee}. swell mps, the purng- house shall be located above the jack well / sunip ‘ee rectangul:r in shape and such a structure is termed \s jack well cum pamp house, ‘The floor of the pump house shall be one meter (1.00 meter) abr the TLR.L/ MUL of the source to avoid submergence during floods ‘The size of pump house shall be adequate to Tucate the pumps, motors, valves, fittings, control panel and cable trays with easy access and with sufficient space around each equipment for maintenance and repairs. The tninimom clear spacing between adjacent pumps or motors shall be (0.60 rm for small and medium units and 1,00m for large units, The spare ler control panel shall be planned as per Indian Electricity (IE) roles as gives: delow. + Clear space not tess than 915 mm in width shall De. provided i feat of the switchboard. + Incase of large panels, # draw out space for circuit brea exceed 915mm, — In such cases the recommendations of inunwutacturers should be followed. + I there are any attachments or bare connections at the back of the switchboard, the space, if any behind the switchboard shall be citer Jess than 230mm from the farthest point of any attachinei!, oF mote than 750mm measured from the conductor, +10 the avwitehboard exeseds 760mm in width there shall be 4 passer ‘way from ther end ofthe switch board lear toa height of I83Cu0 9 + A service bay should be provided in the station with sich space the largest equipment could be accommodated for overhavling 2 repalrs. 4 A’camp of a losding and unloading bay should be provide! iy WB ‘nolallations. ‘The floor should be so planned that al pings anal valves weer be laid on the lower floor and Ue upper floor shonid permit Fu movement. ‘The height of the pump house shall be mot ess.than 2.90 tes 1 height ST_p! = from the floor to the top of pump to, facil 3 “for maintenance and repairs. A noist and crane f \Ceapacity shall be provided at the top, jaside the pump house fer handling the equipments dering maintenance and (e 16 Suetion pipe, delivery pipe, valves and manifold chamber 50501 Suetton pipe": a pipe is provided on the suction side of pump (o draw water from + weil / sump. The suction pine shall be as short and straight as possible and bends shall be of hang ridi (©) The suction pipe shall be ene of wo sizes larger than the nominal suction ize of pump. The sizs.of suction pipe shall be such thu the velocity is about 2 meters per sevoi we of bell mouths the size of bell musili » jet should be such that the velocity Typically the Bell mouth diamerer (D) shall be 1,5 to 1.8 times Me digineter of suction pipe (d) (c) Where suction fift is enzounured Lhe suetion pipe shoals! nut be bigher «) the eener Line of paw. (@) When a restover is used. it should be of geventele type. When on sucieat Iii, the taper side of the reducer shoul be below the ventertine af pump. (©) The suction strainer shouk! have minimum net open arva exral (0 thee Annes the area oF the suetion pipe 5.05.02 Delivery pipe {Delivery pipe is provided on the delivery side of the pampte deliver water he eiving, nun theouph the mnifolt chamber, (b) The ehvery pipe shall be one size ly pump. The size of deliv 2.50 meters Parsee suction pipe. (©) The suction and delivery pipes shall be preferably of mild stcc!. (A dismantling joint shall be provided on the delivery pipe between the pump and valves nominal delivery siz.oF the velocity is about pe shall be Jess tan the VALVES jou Vulves: (4) When suetivn lif is encountsred, «foot valve is provided to facilitate jriming. ‘The pump can be primed algo by 2 vacuum pump, if the pump is of large size, asually with suetion-pipe larger than 300 min. The foot valves. are normally eaitable with strainers, The strainer of the foot valve should have a vet wes oF Hs ‘pening, sileast eq yo three times the ares OF the suction pips, (b) Waen there is positive suction head, a sluice or « butterfly valve 38 weuvided om vialves shoul be installed with th in the dante vf tLe sluice valve lui pockets the punp suetion, for axis horizontal wv avoid Formation of Delivery valves. ‘Near the pump, non-return fix) valve wd w delivery valve (sles or wuiterfly valve) siiould be provided. ‘The non-return valve shold be between the puriP and the delivery ; ‘valve. The size of the valve shiould match the size ofthe piping i) Supports Alf valves (hcuting the fool valve, when necessary) and piping should be supports independent of each other and independent of the pump foundations. 5.05.04 Y~Junetion / Manifold chamber f ¥ - Junetion is provided where ouly two oF three del very pipes 27M be ¢omected to the rising main otherwise a manifold comisiing of 8 coment! tylindvical chamber fabricated fom mild steel plate of su Hci thielotess sho + be provided for linking the delivery pipes of pumps t0 the rising mai v pipes shall be cenuiceled tothe common manifold by a radicl tee oF by 30" oF = bend 5.46 Prinping Machinery 5.06.01 Type ‘The cominon types of pump adopted for Lift Irigation Sche nes a” contsifisgil puns an! deep well turbine punaps. The sietion Thead decides the type of pamip — ia be adepied. Cemrifugal pumps sual! be wopted for sictine {if less shan 5.00) treiery and deep well Lufbime punyps shall be adopted! Tor sue Jon itl exewerting $.60 meters. - 5.06.02 Capacity fa) The brake horse power (DAHLE) of the pany arvived by: the fornauta; “ BuP = WOH, Bn Where W = Density of eater (1000 Kys per Cum) = Design discliarye in ewes 1 = Total head in meters . |, = Theotetieal cfficieney of pumps (lake from » Vs specific sgpee.t chat ig. 4) (b) The total head "11" comprises of the following SI. | Description Pi 5 No. jf Suetion pipe Rising main — Remarks J. | Static lift in | Pamps axis level | Level of top most = meters -LWL Point of rising main at delivery cistern lL. pump axis level. _ | Velockyy Bhirance loss | V7 head ~ in| =05¥? 2g meters __ L 3° | Friction Where bead in fy vi? ‘Vi Var Respective velocities in meters meters / seen in suction pipe Dads fd rising main. Lila + Respective lonathe of svetion pipe an rising sin | Inchudiog equivalent lengths for waves an iting in meters ri fs frction factor (0.01 :9 002) = acceleration due to gravity | in meter / sect, O81 meter 7 Fe enicow 4 Nic meters This is provided fo caver | unforeseen condition. Suction head __.[Deliveryhead | — __| By = 14243) y= (42434) — | — Total head H = Hy +B meters 06.03 Criteria for pump selection (a) Consideration of the paramete-s of Head, Discharge and Speed ‘The abuve paranwtess-are combined toguthér jn terms of specific speed af a pump, is calculated by the following ferenula, iq =3.65N Q* 71105 Where Specific speed erating speed of the pump in epm. ae of flow in cubie meters per second. ied head per sage ol the pump in meters. 19 Inthe case of multistage pumps, specific spent is code caleulated considesimhead dovelnpt for one stage. sed on ‘The performance charactersties of different (eS cof pumps ean be compared. their specific speed. Useful observations are summarized below () Positive dixplacenent pumps are predominately ‘ased when high beads ae 10 Pe develope for small discharge and thus they have low specific speeds. @)_Ceotsifugel pumps are made with specific speeds above 36, The relationship amongst the pump efficiency, the shape of the impeller and the nature ofthe CUES of head (Gi versus discharge (Q), Power ws Q and afficienoy vis Q as influenced by We Specific speed of the pur. is shown in the figure 4. The figure 1s0 helps 1 Staining estates of pump efficiency, which are ‘asefal in stunning & pumps plant. 100 ni 1 2 0 SS 6 | ABOVE 2 oo lls 570 = bao is Ste set fs 0 t : 3559 40 100 140200 300” ‘500 1000 SPECIFIC SPEED- raat mi rare bE EEE BEE AND EEFICIUNCY CHTARACT PRISTICS IGA SPRL 0 ©, Forhigh dischorges, by which specific speed becomes hig. the correspon: Positive Svetion Head required (NPSHI) (refer pera b) algo becomies high it arranged that the discharge be shared by two impellers or by two sides of an impeller as in a double suction pump. While estimating the atiainable efficiency frora figure 4 only half the total Q should be considered. {ii) Similarly, for high heads, by which the specific speed becomes low, and hence the attainable efficiency becomes low, it can be arranged that the head be disuibuted arnengst a nuinLer of impellers as in multistage pumps, thus improving the specific speed of each sthge and consequently the attainable efficiency. ‘The shutoff !x..d of ts: pump should be greater than the difference in level betwee the sump LW! and the highest point on the rising rain. Consideration of the suction Lif. ‘Meaning of NPSHr. ‘The permissible suction lift of « purnp depends on its NPSLir characteristics. The meaning of NPSHreun be explained by considering an instellation of a pump working urder suction as illustrated in Fig. 5 H, = Suetion litt H, = Delivery head H’ = Static tit — H, = Gross Head — FIG.$ |” SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF NPSHr ‘When a pump installed as shown is primed and started, it pushes up the pitti. "water and has subatmuosplieric pressure developed at its suction. The atmospheric pre fore acting on the water in the suction sump then pushes the water through the fot Nalve. into the suction line, raising it up to the suction of the pump. While reaching up tiie suction of the pump, the pressure of tater, which Was one atmospliere when it wis a aii) cay ‘pushed through the foot valve, would have reduced, parly in overcoming the f tinea the foot valve and the piping and the pipe fittings, partly in achieving hs ki enesgy appropriate to the velocity fn the svtion pipe and pany in rising uplo the wimp suction, ‘The presswwe of water at the suction face ‘of the pump is thus less than enc: atmosphere end wii here th flow is fairly streamlined flow. Once the water enteis the impeller, i follows + euceed path along the valves and further ceduction in presi tenant inspite of the energy imparted by the impeller. 1 the pressure at nay point i impeller decfeases to vapour pressure cavitalion occur resuting in noise, Vibattons inpelicr damage and redaved efficiency. ‘The head atthe pomp suetion needel to prevent this is called NPSHr of the pump ‘The NPSHr of a pump increases with flow rate, Pumps of high specific speed have high NPSH. Vapour pressure. “The vapour pressore in meters of water colmn (move) or water dlfferent temperatures in degrees Celsius is given in Table 2 Table 2 VAPOUR PRESSURE OF WATER Te 0.054 3 0.092, 10 z 0.125, 15 O17 20 0.238 25, 0329 30 [ea 35 0.579 = Os bee 0.762 45 1s 30 | = 1281 © If the pressure of water at the pump siciion is Tess than the vapour pressures the water would tend to evapora. Vapour bubbles so formed will eve) entrained in the Fray omt they collapse, ‘This phenomenon is known as,eavitaion 1p adly designed pumping systems, cavitation can eause extensive damage de (0 ‘cavitation erosion a due aaree ie ion and noise agsoriated with collapsing of vapour bubbles, Net pasitive suction head available (NI'SH) “Vo engure against cavitation, the pumping systent Its 40 be sar alesipied hal th water at the pomp section will have adequate energy. Providing such sequirecient i n i called us providing adequate Net positive suction Head available (NPSH#), The formals for NPSfla is as follows. NPSHa = Pressure of the water at the pump suction, Ha=fs- Vg ~Hs Vp. » Where Atmosphesie pressure ictior Toss across the fost valve, piping and pipetting. locity at the pump suction. His = Difference between the levels of pump centre line and the water in suction sump. Vp = Vapour pressure. While calculating NPSHa, the atmospheric pressure at the site should be considered, as the atmospheiic pressure is influenced by the altitude of the place above the mean sea level (MSL). Data on the atmospheric pressure in mwe for cifferont altitudes above M.S.L. is given in Table 3 Tabled ATMOSPHERIC PRUSSUNRE IN MWe AT DIFEERENT ALTITUD! Aliitude above MSL in m Tawe 103 98 93 a8 83 78. 73 268 (WY) Guidelines on NPSHr. = : ‘The NPSHa in the systems should be higher than NPSHe of the punp. The characteristics of the pump's NPSHr are to be obtained from the"pump manvfucturers. However some general guidelines for maximum suction lift or minimum NPSHa based con the type of the pump range of head arid specific speed are given in Figures 6, 7 and 8. 2B MAX.SUCLIFT _ MIN. NPSHr 208- 4 2, ct 1 i S a ‘ wet —_ a | s . g e 4 z & + .. ee Cees i » L | i E ee F 1) Max. 4 suc e I AP LaeS BG ‘ i i Ty: NOE 6 yn . BB th t mw SPECIFIC SPEED =" 9.85497 fais ie 14 PIG,600 _NPSIlr FOR SINGLE SUCTION PUMES WITH OVERHUNG IMPELLE 24 HEAD IN Mire sae. iste A) wax * om ote SPECIFIC SPEED = ae itis FIG.7.00 NPSHr FOR SINGLE SUCTION PUMPS WITH” + SHAFT THROUGH EYE OF IMPELLER a °, ARS 1 > om Kn S016 leo » specivic sppep = 26s22™ Jas fs is NPSIir FOR SINGLE SUCTION, MIXED FEOW AND AXTAE. FLOW PUMPS 28 FIG.8 (x) General observations yyction Hilt should be provided. 7 x the first Le for wetes ly () Hoorizontal cenuiigal pumps are jnstalied with svetion Ht. {0 For vertical pumps snsialy of dhe ‘yertical iwrbine type # origed. or these paps: ee enim subimergone® mninimum submerpence soquired! may ‘at ime: be sufficient to subst the puny. Hesiod e, checked whet aubmergence wow be we free operation. (Table ~ 4) ibs Tabled ‘Head rany Suction litt Tigh | ow a | Mediom | High Low up upto 10 | above | 1030 ing to be total : Tow Pump type | 35m | Sm }tolom Prom | 4om| US .)5 Conitiogal | cae | on | oes | OF eno suction Centrifugal Horizontal . at spit) OF no. |: 0K casing Cent Horigontal ox | NO (@) Jet consifugel combinations have very ibw efficiencies. (CONSIDERATION OR:THE SYSTEM HEAD CURVE: seeds of poring ste ‘APomp or 0 sot of purnps has sotisty the A atuate tue head needed 10 Be developed by the pam for different val Pras ree, System head is sue of sta plot of these val friction head and 26 @ — Statichead “This is the dfercace between the level of water i the suction sump andl the outlet delivery pipe, The stalic head is more atthe low water level (LWWL) and les at the high water level (WL) “ a ee ee STATIC HEAD er $e c ee ” t Xe os al a a on ti She sant a= or sberon | o — " casas ex L088 FEDER TO fl wee PARTIAL. VALUE — * CLOSURE 7 = FIG SYSTEM HRAD CURVE (i) —Frictlon head. sie i suo of the total frieton fosses in the entre Jeng of de pbk fron the Trot yale the final point of delivery piping, the losses in al (he valves Toagen in all the'pipefitings. The Friction head varies a hn square of rate of flow. (ii) Velocity head (W293. . ‘At the point of delivery, the Kinotc energy is lst othe atmosphere. To recover at ofthis loss a bell mouth is often provided at the finalpoint of delivery, The Kinetic energy at the final point of delivery has to be & part of velocity head. ig. 9 (a,b and 6) show typical system oud curves. As shown in Mig 9 (0) the system head curves for HWL and LWL are parallel to each other. ¥ “the system head curve will change for any changes made in the sysien such 2% change in te length or size of the piping, change in the size and / oF numer ef ripefittings, changes in the number and size of apening of valves. These changes tan cause the system head curve to he steep or flat as shown in Fig, 9 (©) (@)_ DBRINING THE OPERATING POINT OR OPERATING RANGE OF & PUMP “The operating point of a pump is the point of intersection ofthe system head curve ith the Hovis Q cliacacterstic of the pump. (Fig 10.) | SYSTEM. Operating Point \ nme * N CURVE > OPERATING POINT Statie Head a ¥IG.10 OPERATING POINT OF THE PUMP Ie opreration joan of Shitting of he systems head curve will cause lange ump. The following points are worth noting, Qo he fevel of water in the suction sump depletes duis pamiping from HSL 28 (o LWL, the operating point of the pump would vary from aluw head high discharge point "°C" (oa high ead Jow discharge point "D" as in Fig 11. - ait ee IL RWL yes — VIGIL CHANGE IN OPERATING POINT OF PUMP WITH CALINGE IN WATER LEVEL IN SUCTION SUMP Gi) tn the pumping System, the discharge “s sometimes re-circulated to the suction sun, as often ia the case of testing set-ups al the manufacturer works. The theoilling of the detivery valve from full open to close, shifis the system head curve from a flat curve, the pumps 11-Q curve at high flow initially to « steep system head curve intersecting the pump H-Q curve at high head as in Fig 12. ‘The change in the system head curve is ue 10 increase head Joss through the partly closed valve. _ DELIVERY VALLE PARTIALLY DELIVERY VALUE OPEN c= HIG 12 CHANGE IN OPERATING POINT OF PUMP BY OPERATION OF DELIVERY VALVE 29 © Av] ‘Throtding the delivery valve would shift the system head eurve from sk fo steep. ‘The average water level io the suction pomp and the average systems head Saris would define the design operatiag point of the pump. The pump should have i point of maximuin efficiency at or near such operating points. To provide for marginal ake in the opera. pe ‘en in between HWL and LWL, the nature of the efficiency characteristics of the pamp should be as flat as possible in the vicini fficienc; serene oie ae possible in the vicinity of its best efficiency DRIVE RATING. so ‘After the operiting point of the pump is decided, the efficiency of the paump cv be estimated from Fig 4. The rating of ‘the drive showld be such that it would not get overloaded when the pump would be delivering the high discharge, as with the HWL in the soction sump, Ako the drive rating should be adequate to provid> for the negst®e tolerance on effcieney and the postive tolerance on discharge, apical for waratons im sietal pump performance from the rated performance, -The needed power input to the pump isthe power to be out put by the "=, oo the pump shaft). Since most drives are coupled direct tothe pump, the powst ah the pump hak denotes the brake power of the drive. All drives are rated only as pst (17 brake power cepacity often quoted in Brake Kilowatts (RW). To provide margins over BkW required at the operating polit, Se that the «er lozding does nothappen at HWL the following margins are recommended, ; TABLES MARGINS TO DECIDE DRIVE RATING. BEW required at Multiplying factor to the operating point. decide drive rating, STABILITY OF PUMP CHARACTERISTICS In the 1.0 characteristic of the centrifugal pom the flow ote ne head increases. If the head “ucreases ‘continuously until zero flow or watil full oe i ty si ie 0 be sia vrehe delivery valve, as shown in Fig 13 the H-Q elvaracteristic is sai 30 owever, itis also probable that the shut off head of a pump may be less than the maximum head, as shown in Fig,13, which may be realized at some positive flow, Such a characteristic of a pump is called as unstable characteristic. When operating such a punap at any head between the shut off head and the maximum head, the flow may keep hunting between two valves. Because of this, the performance of the pump may become erratic and unstable, o om VIG.13 STABLE AND UNSTABLE CHARACTERISTICS OF PUMPS o> While selecting 2 pump, it ought (o be checked that the highest head indicated by the intersection of the system head curve with pump characteristic would be less than the shut off head, in the case of pemps with unstable characteristics. (g) CONSMERATIONS WHILE SELECTING PUMPS FOR SERIES OR PARALLEL OPERATION In order to avoid too high and (oo low specific speed more than one pump may be provided ‘and pumps are operated in parallel (discharges from different pumps delivered toa common pipe) orin series (discharge from one prop. going to the inlet of We next pump) respectively. (When pumps are to sun in parallel, to obtain the combined H-Q characteristic, for different values of head, the values of the flow of individual pumps are to be found and to be added, Ser Fig 14. The system head curve then intersects the combined H- Qcharacterisiic at higherbead and discharge than single pump characteristic. Ew: h {individual punnp ought (o be capatle of developing such high head, Watton within ‘ts zone of stability. Rather, itis alwoys desirable to put in to parallel operation enly ‘pumps having stable H-Q characteristics. a a) ‘A pumping system is often sought to be modified to meet increasing demand by ovmissioning additional pumps in parallel. It must be noted however th because. the system head curve intersects the combined H-Q carve at # pois having the head also higher, an additional pump would not inerease the ¢'scharge proporticnately, ie, by making two identical pumps. work in parallel, wien one is previously operative, the discharge would not double, “This is clear frow Fig - 14, which show that if a single pump is operated, the discharge is Qi, but if ‘another identical pump is operated in parallel , the combined discharge Q2 is less than 2Q1. Each of the two pumps delivers a discharge of Q2/2, which is fs than QI. Similar analogy applies to three purnps vide Fig. 15. ¥IG.14 ¢ 1 t i i ‘TWO IDENTICAL | PUMP; PUMPS IN PARALLEL 1 | t ' ‘ I L { { ee a Ge COMBINED CHARACTERISTICS OF TWO PUMPS IN PARALLEL ‘NO.OF FLOW pues «| OF IN TACK OPERN. ruMP 1 0, 2 o, en 3 9, Gi) 3 @ Qt ore |» -FIG, 18 + ONE. OR MORE PUMRSIN PARALLEL Conversely, if systema is to un with @ amber of pumps in parallel, tut is modified to co vithaaly a few ofthe pumps asin summer, for example, then the duly Mow of ea: pump becomes more thon when all he pumps are running, The individal purap wort amend higher NPSH¢ atthe higher duty flow. Ifthe NPSHa would not be adequete the ppomps would cavitate. To proveat such possibility, individual punips, which wre Wo 6 vain to parallel operation, would beso selected tat the duty flow ‘of combined por slel Bperdtion, would be to the left of the BEP of the individual pump. By this, when ov ya 3 tiv) ) a @ few pumps ere to nun, the duty flow of the gexer to BEP Fe ** imps in series are similar to mul stage pumps. Rather. multi stage pumps ere only 2 compact consrvtion, where series operon is built in, To Mie ihe combined BO crc of pugs ‘er trious values of discharge, te values of head rom dhe H-Q characteristics of indvidal amp soto be note added. The system- head curve would intewect the combined HF.Q St ta point of igher head. and dischorge, The individual pomp in this case ought to bbe capable of giving tie bigher discharge. It should bo noted that two dential pumps in series would not develop (°° the head of single pump. vidual pump would shift to the higher Hew Ifthe system head curve comprises high static head and a flat curve, its intersection wit the combined H-Q cliaracteristics may be at such higher discharge ‘where the NPSH¢ of ae coda panyp would be Bigh and the pumps may cave Series operation is most appropriate, where the system head eve is steep. For the pumps to be putin series ‘operation, each purap sould be capabie of withetand the highest pressure that i Hikely to be developed in the system. “the head equal to the level difference between ihe Feit tine of one puanp and 1 Pita of the next pump, plus the friction Toses it Oe pipatine baxween the delivers! ‘ne pump up to he suction of Ue mext PUD A a ccusidered es part of the total east ore pump giving, the delivery. In series Sys the wotal head of each pump may UAVs cope. individually calculated, especially ‘hen the features contributing, 10 hhoad to alone are cigniicantly diferent, es 19 the ce of booster rations along @ 16M conveyance pipeline. CONSIDERATION OF THE SIZE OF ‘THE SYSTEM AND THE NUMBER OF PUMPS TO BE PROVDED. or small pumping systems, goneily of capacity Tess than 0.17 cures, 100 pups (One daly and one standby) should be provided. Alteruatvely, (wo duties and O88 Standby, each of 50% of toral capaci Meade provided. Alunough tis ees ‘woul sat per space i facies flexiilty regulating the flow. Also in an emergency of two pumps going ou ef order Mexntancousy, eh tind helps to rnin at Jeaat partial supply. CONSIDERATION REGARDING PROBABLE DUTIES FROM THE RATED DUTIES. VARIATIONS OF ACTUAT- Affinity Laws. Jndetion motors is aasip from synohronens sp4 -The manning speed of the motor is in actus ing can be worked out from the declared characteristics, by using the follossang altinity Jaws ir wnt= then Q°7Q" = ky IAL = By ond PA" hs tn the above formulue, n denotes the spoed of the purap, P denotes the power inp to the pump, the superscript " denotes the values at the cetual speed and the superseript” dlcnoles the values af the nominal speed. Recaleulasing the pump performance at the actual speed would reveal the Following, (a) 1f the actual speed is tess than the nominal speed, then the values of the discharge, head and power required to be input to pump would all be less han the values from the declared charseteristies. (h) Similarly, if the actual speed is more than the nominal, higher purer input required would nat overland the miter. (©) When the actual speed is more, because the discharge is also conesponuingly ave, the NUSHr would also be move, varying as per the following formu should b3 checked that the NeSHr” /NPSH =k. (ii) Scope for adjlisting the actual chnracteristics. To avoid overloading or cavilation, marginal adjustment to the pump performance may bbe dune at site either by employing speed change arrangements oF by reducing, he cuter diameter of the impeller, The modification in the pesformance on lrinnung the impeller cane estimated using the following relations. If D'/D' = then QUQ’ =k "AY =i, and PVP = Such modifications are recommended to be within 10 to 15 % of the largest diametrs of Aho inupeller, ‘The percentage depends upon the desiyn, size und sluape of the ieyptler ‘The pump manufacturer should be consulted on this 5.06.04 Pump testing: “The objective of puimp testing is (0 verify that the performance characteyiaties of the pump are appropriate for the service desired. “The testing is done both at the manufacturers" works for perforance verification end inthe field for preventive maintenance with the following limitations: (1) The testing at the manufacturers’ work is done with water under when conditions. Is not practical @ exactly Juplicate the site corslitions, viz. sv thon Sump, pipiny lay out, amospheric pressure, fluid temperature 2nd pressures © Gy 33 (2) Fur the testing at the site, At is offen mmpraciicas Ge yesstten inarumstnin of proce class of accuracy. Sciting up the instrumentation =r deol operation of the pump. Field west of the pup has to be vihealulal considering, when the disruption oF he on-yie operon cha Pe irate. Apt fro the disruption, certain temporary unvxificelions wall be needed tr introduce Now-measuring devices like on ustions where water Ul jee plates, ele, in te Tw. th sina ly to contain sediments, this s Hikely 10 cause the anc Insets eb to give erratic reading or even suffer damage, Then the eld eno ‘bs feasible at all. The fiekd-test even were feasible, is fen lore to keep a track of deterioration in efficiency duc to increase in minnie Resrancos, pargeutarly at the wearing rings, The objective of the field tet is ove to the fl preventive in mre sue to-ussess whether any adjustments are sete pump. (3) In the standards igs Viz, 1S: 9137-1978 or 18; 10981-1983 permissitte sence Tor te vaialion of west rosulls rout guaraniged deg are 8) ET Gov of dese twy stindinds, 1S: 9137-1978 datas class C code of EAE TE 1s ads? - 1983 details class B code of testing, The cass B code of xin specifies roe cr bart for tolerance, Ths implicit sringeney affects buh the cs snl the period of delivery, The elas C cue of testing i the most widely followed al adequate in most of the cases ase of testing inckides taking readings, doing ecleulstions and plaiting of ‘The H-Q characterislies ‘The P-Q characteristics and jit, ‘The eflicieucy ~ Q characteristics. re qatual speed of te shaft the time ofeach rears wale Pe ident fev rae al gpeed, "The value ofthe (til head, ox# rate and power input isto be are mtd 4 Wve nominal speed, using ce aint OWS “re reaings of powersinput, noted during testing 76 ‘often the values of power inpat to the avotur, Values of power inp the purnp Have to Ix derived BY tnaliplying the values of power inpat to the motor ils the appropriate values of motor efficieney. . vor the volas of motor eMisiensy, reference ft 10 made to the meio" Hor the aes, Oflen these are aveable we motor OWPA ‘motor efliieney anergy Since dhe readings during the est oe for the motor iyput, the molor ‘characteristics eed to be converted into the appropriate motor-iaput 0 inate: efficicney relationship. ‘After he performance characteristics are plowed assessment has to be made te Eheck whether the plotting reveals, vasitions from the guaranteed duties. pump can be upproved if she enations are wivhin the perntigsiD¥e LO}eanees: TS; 10981- positive vy may be motes thatthe tolerances specified in 1S; 9137 1978 TONS give mits also for postive variances. HOWeves jin most situations, 36 cy would not be critical, if the sniolor would : 11346-1985, which deals ws'h nces on discharge and effici not got avertoaded. This aspect, is provided in| testing of pump for agricultural purposes. ” Only occasionally she testing is extended to"cover the NPSHr characteristics of the pump. Basically care is always to be taken to provide NPSHa such thot it as adequate margin over NPSHr at all flow vates in tho operating range. Hence the data of NPSHr provided by the manufacturer need not be verified by actual text “This is so advocated considering that 1 Conkhueting test for NPSITr requires elaborate snd often special arrangemcirs ‘on the test bed and becomes costly sind tine consuming, b, Even on readily available test rigs, the actual conducting of the test jtsell becomes lane consuming ard exerting and a cust-clentent, ‘c The vasiativns trom the dectared data are mostly on the safer side. However, if the site plan is luden with such constraints that NPSita ea not have aciequate margins over NPSItr, den testing for NPSUe may be stipulated very clearly in the purchase specifications. Unksss stipulated, routine testing of pr mp docs not custprise in its seope the test for NPSL 4.060% Lustallation of pumps ‘The procedure of the installation depends upon whether the pump is to bz mounted horizanial or vertical, Most pumps to be mounted horizontal are supplicd hy the manufacturers as a whole, fully assembled unit, However, pmps to be mount {eitcally are supplied as sub assemblies. For the installation of these -umps Ure proper oquence of assembly has to be clearly understood from the manuacturers drawings. “The installation of u pump should prosced through five stages in the following onter. ’) Preparing the foundation and Locating the foundation bolts, ii) Locating the pump on the foundations bolts, however resting on level wate, ‘ubieh permit not only easy leveling but also space for filing inthe grout Inter on, il) — Leveling , w) Grouting ‘ y) Alignment {a ‘The founcuion should be suffiiently substantia! to absorb vibrations and to form a 1 it support Lor the base-plate. A typical fournlation és illustrated inthe (ip, 16. (6) “The expacity of the soil or of the supporting structure should be adequate (@ withstand The cats toad ofthe foundation and the dynamic toad of the machinery. As mentioned pean G22 and G.2.3 of IS: 2974 (Part iv) 1979 the (tel load of the puny as the ide the followt el tigi Tiomidation should i. Constructional loads ji, Three times the weight of the pump fii, Two times the tatal weight of the motor. iy, Weight of water in the column pipe. ¥. Halfot the weight of the unsupported pipe connected fo the pump Manges. {c}_ Ifthe pumps are mounted on steel structures, the location of the pump should be nearest ‘as possible to the main members (i. ,, beams or walls), The sections of structurals should: have allowance for corrosion also. (a) A vurb ring of eole plate will machined top should be used as a bearing surface for the support lange-of a- vertical wat pit pump. The mounting face. should be machined because the curb ring or sole plate is uscd to align the pump. Fig, 17 shows (pica! ayrangement with curb ring and with sole plate, (c). Punaps kept in storaye fora long time should be thoroughly cleaned before installati (0) Submersible pumps with wet type motors should be filled with water end the oper should be properly plugged after filling the water. () Alignment of the panup sels should be shhecked even if dey are received aligned! by the ‘nunufaeturers. The alignment should be proper botk: for paalletism (by filler gouge) aud for coaniality (by swaighntedge or by dial gauge). 8 During ell alignment checks both the shafts should be pressed hard, ever to one side while taking the readings fer, periodically Alignment should olso be checked after fastening the pipiny and theres ‘\Fetgp OF FOUNDATION LE “ty ROUGH CLEAN /HD ME yicure'16 }TYPICAL FOUNDATION DESIGN 38 ules se JOATION BOLT (9) ROUNO Tt OR ABOVE GROUND VERTICAL PUMP LATE (b) GROUTING FORM FOR VERTICAL PUMP SOLE 4G. 217 FOUNDATION FOR VERTICAL PUMPS 29 5.06.06 Commissioning of pumps Itehould be ensured that the direction of retation of the motor axces with the arrow On the pump. A specimen test should be conducted to derive the system ead eure and to understand dhe etuataperaing point /range ofthe pump axe the variation, Ii, fron the original ae ested dates, In the cage of variations some annlysis may be cond to explore 6 Coasts modifications of the 6yatem 10 bring (¢ nearer to the exiinal esis 6x10 fpemerlly improve the syst ao that it ean werk beller and work evblefiee for long. $.06.07 Operaclon of the pumps ‘Summarized below are a few points to be observed while operating the jampe- (6) Day running of the pumps should be avoided, Centrifugal pumps have (o be primed before skirting. (b) Pumps should be operated oaly within the meeane charaeleristies of the pump. fed range an the LQ Operation near tothe shelf should be avoided, as in the operotion nay stint off trove pene substantial reeieulation within the pump, which causes over NeAnS isa bz (©) Whether the delivery valve should be open or elosed atthe Une of stat ducided bysstudying the pawer characteristics of tee pump. ‘Aa sexnin Fig, 4 pumps of low and mediuin specific ices draw more pow the aren tcoaes, So 10 minimize the load on the motor while stating, such puma Te spd with the delivery valve closed. Conversely pumps of high specie speed draw hore powwer at shut off Such pumps should iene be started Witt the delivery valve pen, While stopping, the postion of the delivery valve shoul) be w= 2 he time of starting. (& The delivery valve should be operated gradually 12 avoid sires {6) When pumps are fo operate in paralle, the pump should be started and stopped with verehog between two pumps. The time lag should be equate 10 It ‘he pressure suye stabilize, () When the pumps are to operate in series they should be stivted and st pped Sevqrtally, but vith Ue nin ae tag a y ossble, Any Dn 8 atin sex! ene raid oe started immicdiatly after the deliver volee of the previous PAENP even paniy opened. aaa ope choatd be taken to Keep the aur vent of the purap Fest i SeQUENES /° belive starting that pump. {g9 The sufTing box should have a drip of leakage (0 ensure tht no AT passing an 10 the posup and d sis geting ndequate water For coon ane lubsicaion, When tre js box i groase sealed adequate reli of the grease souk Ge wales 40 5.07 ELECTRIC MOTORS; 5.07.01 GENERAL: For pumping systems, mainly three types of motérs are used, + Induetion (A.C) motors. ! + Synchronous (A.C) motors. + D.C, motors, Among these, induction motors are used in Lift Irrigation Scheme. $.07.02 SELECTION CRITERIA: Type of ntors has to be selected considering various eriteria such as 110 consiructional features desired, envirormert conditions, type of duty ete. Squi cage motors are most commonly used. Normally the starting torque requiren of centrifugal pumps is quite low and squirrel cage motors are therefore suitable Method Of Starting: Squirrel cage motors when started direct on line (with DOL, stater) draw starting current. If the starting current has to be within the regulatory limits specilied by the Power Supply Authorities, the squirrel eage motors should be provided with (hye star delta stutter or auto transformer starter. Voltage Ratings: ‘Table 6 gives genesal guidances on the standard voltages and corresponding range ‘of motor ratings ‘The motors of the ratings 225 galure rise Up Le 325- ‘At cool places having ambien temperature upto 30°C, motors with class E insulation can also be considered. At hot places having ambient temperature above 40°C, motors with Css F insulation should be considered. 7 SOTO Selection of Motor Rating: Motors are rated as per the outprt shaft horsepower (Brake kilowails, BKW). The motor rating should be selected as to provide margins, over the required EKW, -alculated fo: the pump. 5.08 STARTERS: 5.08.01 ‘TYPES: Stoners are of different types, viz, Direct on-line(DGL), Star Delia, auto ‘ator rotor. OF these, the last one is used with shp ting oto used with squirrel cage motors. transformer ni 3 The oxher three 5.08.02, STARTERS FOR SQUIRREL CAGE MOTORS: Starters draw starting current, which is considered as # multiple of the full loxd current (FLC) of the motor. Different types of starters ely contrat th ‘current required. General guidelines arc given in Table &. TABLE 8 GUIDELINES POR STARTERS FOR SQUIRREL CAGE MOTORS: f Typeofstarter | Porcentage of ‘Starting current Ratio of sterting. voltage reduction | torque to locked | ___|_fotor urques, 7 Nil 6xFLC 100 Star delta 58% 2xFLC_ 33 ("Auto transformer, Taps0o% | 1,68 x FLC 25 I Top 65% 2.7 xFLC ao “fap 80%, 4x FLC a Note: As per the torgue speed characteristics of the motor, the torque of the motor ut the chosen percentage of reduced voltage should be adequate to accelerate the pump (o the full speed, 5.08.03 Selection of the Tapping of Auto ‘Type Transformer: ‘The torque available from the motor is generally much higher than the starting: torque required by the pump, as the starting torque requined by the puny i aa \ oepenun ag the pump with the delivery valve closed or 07 Power vfs Q charactetisties of the puuap Fog) hy star upon the naire af the The torque available from the motor being more han the stating forge ty te pump draws an unnecessary excessive current, This can be controlled as ie torque avalible from te motor varies as the square ofthe applied voltage. ‘or reducing the excessive torque available from the moter, the voltage to be applied to the moter ean be reduced by selecting the appropinte percenseh tappi wtotransformer starter, The value of the percentage for the tapping, position eat be decided by the following formu’a, : c Tappim 100 Tanne for pawn ‘Foique for motor Where, aba ify monnimiait “Torque for pimp i the torque required by the pump at its rated spec power demand; and ue available from the motor st its full hed capactty at is Torque from motor is the tora nied speed at rated voltage. sion of tapping sould 5 er availabe po: Based on the above caleulation, the nearest hi selected, 5.09 - PANELS: 5.09.01 REGULATIONS: provided around the panel “The regulation, as per LB. Rules, in xespect of space t be are deiailed under pera 5.04(0). 5.09.02 VARIOUS FUNCTIONS: “Tg various functions, which the panel has to serve and the corresponding provisions to be made in the panel are detailsd below: 1) For receiving the supply --ciult breaker ‘of switch and fuse units 3} For dstibution ~Bus bars, switch fuse units, ‘circuit breakers. 3) For controls ~ Starters; evel controls ifneeded; Time delay relays. 4) As protections Under vollage selays Over ‘uncent relay, Hot foul gle Phasing Preventor. 5) For indications and readings equemsy meter, power factor ane of relay, indications for levels, incieations of ve are power nelunted. i relay. _ phase indicating larips, voltmeters, At ameter, teunperuture seanniers, Teds ve positions, af valves 44 “The scope and extent of provisions to be made on the pane} would depend t pon the size and impostance of the pumping station. 5.09.03 IMPROVEMENT OF POWER FACTOR: + ti + Ifpower facto is iow, the current drawn will be high for the sane load, For improvement of power factor, appropriate capacitors shoul! © provided. Capacitors may be located in the control panel er separately Some weft guidelines tegarding the selection, operon and muaafenanee OF Ue power eapacitors are compiled in the following parsgeaphs: 5.09.03. Selection OF Capacitors: It is yonecally adviseble that capacitors be installed across individal snaehine However, in the case of intermittently nining machines, itis advisable to select tive capoeltor of raling appropriate to the average active load for a prop of such machines, installing the capacitor across the mains through w fuse switch. A rutionslized combination of individual machine mounting of capacitors and s mains installation of capacitors, for a group of machines running; Intetittenthy, tun algo be made in order to maintain a power fuctor yielding opti Je have a fiéxible arrangement for nvintaining the power factor within set Tits would require an automatic power factor correction panel, monitoring a bank of nacitors through a power factor sensing relay and appropriate contactors ‘The recommended capacitor rating for direct connection to induction motors is yi in Table - 9 09.03.2 Installation of capacitors: . foe While installing « capacitor, ensure following: 1) A capacitor should be firmly fixed to a base. L) Cable lugs of appropriate size should be used. ¢) Two spanners should be used to fasten or loosen capacitor senminals: Tie lowes nt route be held by one spanner anc the. upper mut should be held by the other to void damage to or breakage of terminal bushings and leakage of cl 4) To avid damage to the bushings, a cable gland should alway s be used andit be firmly fixed to the cable entry hole... 2) ‘The eapacitor should always be earthed appropriately at the carting, terminal 10 avoid accidental leakage of the charge. 1) ‘There should be a clearance of at least 75mum on all ses for every ceopacitor nail doable cooler nunaivg and maximums thermal stability. Ensure good ventitaticn se avoid proxinsity to any heat source. oul the copdeitors sooule Heyes we 1d be indircelly connected 2 @ bank, the bus bar connecting unduly stresses 2) While waking mounted discelly on the eapacitor terminals. It shou! through fleaible lends go tat the capacitor bushings do not get ‘This may otherwise result in oil leakage and / or porcelain breakage. h) Ensure that the cables, fuses and switchgear are of adequate rating. ‘TABLED RECOMMENDED CAPACITOR RATING FOR DIRECT CONNECTION. TO INDUCTION MOTORS, . factor to 0.95 or better) (Po impove power a gin KVAr when motor sj peed ~~ Capacitor matin 3000 | 1500} 1900 | 750 “T 600 epm._| rpm, | cpm. | opm. . i {1s 2 25, 3 35 4 45 “4s |_| 5. Note: The recommended capacitor ratings given in the above table are only for the guidence purpose. (The capacitor rating should correspond approximetely (0 the apparent power lof the moter on no-load). a 5.10 CABLES: The Table 10 gives the types of cables to be used for different voltages. TABLE 10 ‘TYPES OF CABLES FOR DIFFERENT VOL Ss Range of Voltage "Pype of cable to be used 7 isker 0-230 Vor 30-415 V_| PVC Insulated, PVC sheathed _ sis to GGKV PVC Insulated, PVC sheathed Is.1554 [Paper insulated, cad sheathed [ XLPF, Cross linked, Polyethylene insulated, PVC sheathed | Paper insulated, lead sheathed sa “The size ofthe cable should be sv selected that the total drop in voliagt. when caloulated qe the produet of current end the sistance of the cable shel nt exceed 39% values of the esistance of the cuble age available from the cable manufacturers. Insclecting the size ofthe cable the following points sould be considered i. The current carrying capacity should be appropriate for the lowed. voltage, power factor and die worst condition of installation je det condition. ii The cable should also be suitable fur carrying the she circuit eurent forthe the fault iii, The duration of the sevting. iv, Appropriete rating factors shou! or Isid below ground. vy. For laying cables, suitable trene the lowest aration of by preper relay 1 fault should preferably be restricted to 0.1 second be applied when cab es ac laid in group (paralle}) snes or racks should be provided. s11 TRANSFORMER SUBSTATIO 5.11.01 Essential fentures Normally outdoor substations are provided. However O”, considerations of public sfety voter protection from exposte to environmental polity the substatious mj) BE indoors. The essential factors arc: 9 Tow point ie the Tine, but if the main goes under the strain or drains it Tait Completely érained into the channel, In such a situation it is belie te focute as. ut cotetion at the Towest point that wll drain by gravity and provide for pumpitg out he pratt below the drain pipeline, -Vheve should be'no direct connection to sewers oF polluted wateresne except throu 2 specially designed trp chamber or pil, For safety, io ‘lows wit valves are placed in Seay out ince the chianae! should be above the high water fe IF the outlet must be below high water, a check valve must be placed to prevent ‘back flow. ‘rhe’sine depends on Yocat circumstances especially upon the time i whieh w given eaton of line is design2d fo Le emptied and upan the resulting velucity of Slow. Air valy profile thereby When a pipeline is filed, air could be trapped ot penkt along, sbie 10 inerwasing head losses and redueing the eapacity of the pipeline, It is also unde Ihave sir pockets i he pipe as they may cause water Paine pressure fluctuations dering Tot of the pipeline. Ouber problems duc to air include COT sedured pump ‘nes or vibrations. Ai valves fe ited ro release the vaso to pecanit ain tw cmker the pipeline od iy nalfanetioning of when a pipaline is being filled Stein envpited, Additionally air valves have asp 1 relvase any’ ent eyed at nigh points in the pipeline dung nermal operons which might by foceur at pals aad Avion a pomp stops she water inde pipe wilh drain and are the pipe coud ase of itinay not be possible to drain tle pipeline completely 1 such a siphon breakers. wo o Ac valves require care in selection wha « plan the pipeline alignment to avoid air troubles alto possible air problems is necessary at le corrective measures rat the desiyn stoge itse ther than pesitioning ‘and provision should be mace arbicury air valves al pipeline Locations of air valves can be at both sides of gates'at summits, the downsirean side oF corber gates and chang protected by ai valves, i rade 10 steeper slopes in sections of Hine ot otheawise ‘The val usually takes the form of rigid buoyant waleanite or rubber covered ball seated ova ruber or metal rng, The sealing element ic., the bal is slated against an opening at : Tall and seals the opening, When the pressure inside the pipe lls below external pressure, the ball drops thereby permitting air tobe dra available in two for, either single-ball or double the top of the valve when the pips is into the pipe. The valves are mainiy ball, The single ball type ean have being only suitable for emptying oF orifice in one uni a triple orifice valve either & ku xe orifiee of & small orifice, the former 0 le filling of pipelines and latter for discharging small quantities of entrained sic, Double ait valves are available with a targe ofli'e ‘and small pressures, stainless stecl floats ure uged instead of the vue Special designs of air valves are alt velocity air discharges. If normal ai 130 available which ir valves are used Un Ganger that the ball might be carried on (0 Hts soul aocumulated air has been fully released. ‘Air valves con be provided with an integral stop val ‘standard sluice valve ean be bolted to the inlet tlange, its duty. Regular mainten ‘ensure thal the balls are fiee to move and that the seals diainage is essential to prevent sny possibility o centering the pipeline. ‘The following’ ratios of air valves estimates of needed sizes: For release of air only For admission as, well as release of air r yalves: Incase of ordinary air valve, single rising main is admitied in the ball dis dowin even when ar ages with tis type of val tapas i Uke ball chamber and (b) due te aie we 412 1s otifice (small or large) type, the chamber of the vole ” ste that (a) once the ball goes up, it Gees nel * with a common connection to the main, For large equedut pipelines, Mwailable with two large orifices. and one small, For “ugh zanite-vowereal bull foperite satisfactorily with high der these conditions, there 13 # by the air stream before the Wve or alternatively and preferably, # ‘which must be of adequate size for ve checks aifeast on an annual bass should be cated Ou do not leak. ‘Trapped chamber f stagnant or polluted water or air fo conduit diameter provide common but vous air or water from the all, The f¢ from one side 0! in, ities the bull magi aek 19 the upper oping which doesnot fall down unless the pressure in the main drops. ‘The Kinetic air vaive overcomes these deficicacies since the air ar wile enters fom, the bottom side of the ball and the air rushing around ball exes the pressure and fodiens the eaatact with the top openiys and allows the bal! x0 drop dows, (y) Pressure retiet valvest hese, also called over-itow towers, swe provided im one or more simanits cenveyance main to keep the pressure in the line below given value by Tow 1 waste when the pressure builds up beyond the design value, Usually they fe ‘or weight loaded and are nol sufficiently responsive fo rupid factuatiens of presstte 10 be used 2 surge protection devices. (iy) Check valves: Ciieck valves, also ealled on-retum valves or reflex valves, automatically pre reversal of flow in a pipeline, They are particularly useful in pumping mains pesifoned ncar pumping stations t0 prevent backflow, wien puns li loin, Phe vreau of the valve should be such that ic will not set up excessive shock conditions trun the aystem, For tare detsils of swing check reflex valves, reference may be mnede tg 1S $312 -PC1-1984 & Pr 11-1986. @ rigedl on a contra binge pi at sequin buat plate check valves employ twa spring-londed plates When the flow decieases, the plates close by torsion spring action’ were tow, As compared to conventional swing check valve which operates WH NN ve vmoment the Dual plate check valve are provided with aveurtcly ds ped aud tested ronson springs to suit the varying flow conditions. The Dual plave ‘checks valves are of F reversal of flow. Presently there is wo 1S “These are used to automatically. maintain a reduced pressure wwithia ceasonable Fimits in race are aneam side of the pipeliae. This type of valve is always in movernont ane requires scheduled maintenance on a regular bass, This work ig facilitated if the valve is ‘Hhed ona bypass with isolating valves to permit work to proceed without taking the mato ree ervize, I the pressure-reducing, valve is fited on the main pipeline, « bypass eun ‘be provided for emexyency use. ty a (k). Zero velocity valve: The principle behind the design of this valve is to ‘arrest the forward’ moving, ¥ column:at zero moment it i s ju zero moment BF en its velocity is zero and before any retuin velocity 5 the valve fited i the pipeline consists of an oute sie and am mer fined dduie leavi aan raatined annular passage for water, A closing dise is mounted of ie sal 1 peripheral guide rods and is held in the closed position by one or more springs when thes is no flow of water. & bypass connects the upstream and downstreann sis of the dise : ihe springs are so designed that the dise remains in fully ope position for velocity of renee ae 28¥e of ie designed maximum velocity in te pipeline - With sud don soppaye of nuns the fr svatd velocity of water colum goes on decree HE de to ition and gravis. When the Tersvand vetocity becomes lrs6 Usan 2396 of #2 a joven, the ap stars closing atthe same rate a8 the slocity of water. The lap co.tes tothe fully closed pesition when forward velocity oprouches acto magnitude, WA) teimnn ‘on the upstrca side of the valve 8 tus prevented from acquiring # £8 Seloeity and taking part in creating surge Pressures. Fis bypass valve maincars balanced : reeaures on the dise and also avoids vacuum the downsirenm side of valve if thot Column expericnees certain reversal. 8c Lye main advantages of zeo velocity val¥as sre: {() Controtled closing characteristics, and {ii) Low lass of hen ue 10 stccanslined design. 5.13.02 Spacing of valves au interconnections? “The pipeline should be divided into scotions by valves to avoid the nocetY of emplyint the whole pipeline in case of repaity ach section being provided with an 2 valve ane scouring facilities. The need for scone valves should be particitlarly bome anind wher Tayout of the pipeline an, iting tang valves is finsiaad, 28 Whey CORNY always be eranged in the best positidn due 10 ikely dtfiulty in disposing of te discharge They ing he ris and hence should Be proportion to the size OF are necessary for Scout ein. It's desirable to have valves close Loge sn igre densely built up areas. Base of Te wales is also important as the fine in a ating of a vale imam ence | ‘Bay be mosly spent in reaching In gievity"inain, automalle aves, self-closing tf ' pipe bursis, may also be provided for proteetion £0 Drapery as,\ell a6 12 POW cessive wastage of Waler . ‘are there is more than one pipeline, they should be interconnects 32 we. so that only shortest possible fengih of one pipeline need Be Pe commission at « time. The Fnicrconnection will entail only negligible kss of ea eas Ua orth tat oF TNE Tangest mai. ‘Also, when tivo or more mains are connected - more musing are conn parillel, the seour valves niay be interconnected so that either main can be refilled from dhe other while tne master valve is atst Chaging dough 8 seu valve ean be done speedily with less risk than charging vera suhimit, the danger of sufging {rom trapped air being much reduced. Bypasscs around the main valves are convenient fer repulating Ws ow during th. chumging oF empiying ofa pipeline and may be a part of tie main valve itgeif, or armany ai vronnecting betiveen tees on each side of the velve, Bypasses may alsoibe essentia i 2 eo rnetglance up prostures an each side ofthe main valve before atlemniini 19 RS 5.13.03 Manholes: aa Access manholes are spaced 300 to 600m apart an lange condits They ate ‘Gurine-coastction and serve Tater on for inspection ‘and repairs. Their most uset pusitions are at summits, valleys an downstream ‘of main valves. They are less come recast iron fines tian on steel and conerete lines.” 5.13.04 Lusulation joints: “Tey ane use fo introduce sesstance 10 the flow Of SY electric currents atong metallic pipelines and shay help in the contecl of qleetrolysis. Modem insulation joints make use pe ber poskets of Fangs and of rubber covered sestions ‘of pipe if they are sufficiently longs peeciable resistance. introduce 5.13.08 Fspansion joints: expansion joints ére not needed if the pipe joints themselves take care of the erat induced ave to teiperature changes 1 fy is mostly the case for Fong buried . ir transverse joints perticularly ut pifies without any bend or dip. Steet IPs Jaid with ; y aormspen, must cithor be allowed (> expand ot ‘definite points r ils motion 02 rigidly Teatained by anuoring tbe Tie 06 Auchorages coessary to resist the tendency of the pipes to pall apart ot beards or cathcr points of unbalanted Pressures ‘when they’are laid om steep £ aiticnsts aid > ie olats to fongitudinal Gheaing) es titer nxcecded or inadequate. They ate wlso cused to resitain or direct the expe id coniraction of Tigally joined pipes under the influence cof temperature charige- alagced i x ends computed by the expression (4 rid p sin a2) with the (vo component cing wand’ ap ( jyere d= dia of pipe, & * te rnagitec Anehorages ae presses ithe direction of each PAPE log b err bce can te water pressure tive pipoting) is compared Hane pips Jom sie 48 H.06 Kay €" for lea joint) ive force. of une resi sane designed to resist the B vst Fat Bend = 2.A (isin @/2, where p = inter press A= art of pipe in sy ems, and ais angle of deviation of pipe in degrees. Anchoiages take. many forms. For bends, both horizontal and vertical they inay De designed ‘as concreie buttresses or ‘Kick blocks’ that resist the unbalanced pressur by their weight, in much the same manner as a gravity dam resists the pressure of the water that it impounds, The resistance offered by the pipe joints themselves, by the fiction of the pipe exterior and by the bearing value of the soil io which the block is buried may be taken into consideration if the cost of the block is to be a minimum. Steet ateips attached to Feavy boulders or to bedrock are used in place of butesses wuere it is possible and convenient to do $0, a 7 ded The unbalanged thrust may be counteracted by longitudinal tension in a alley pipeline, or by a concrete thrast block bearing apainst the foundation material. In the fo a jointed pipeline the size of the block may be celeulated nsing soi! mechanics theory. tio ail resistance on the bottor: of the thrust block and the eeu Of the pipeline, there isa Jleral resistance agaist the outer face of the pipe andl block Tine maxinvus resisting pressure a soil mass will offer is termed the passive resistancr and is given by . tp = fys x hx [(l4singy(-sind)}) + 20x [G+singy(-sin6)}'7} Ihe lateral resistance of soil against the thrust block p= ys(H2/2) L [(1-+sin0)((1-sin0)] + 2CHL [(l4sin0V(1-sind))!* This ma Imani possible resistance will only be developed if the thrust ‘lock is able ove ato te soit mass slightly. The corresponding maximtum soil pressure is termed fassive pressure, THe misismum pressure, which may occar on the thrust Dloc, i he vive prosure, which may develop ifthe dhust block were ftee to yield nvay fory the il mass fa =ys x h{(1 - sin@)/(1 + sin®)]-2C [4sindV-sind)}"* Fp, (p= Lateral resistance of soil against the thrust block in tons, {i = Lateral resistance of soil against the projection of pipe in tons’, ‘¥ 5= soil density in TJ hee depth iam, = angle of internal friction in degrees, (C= cohesian of soil in N/m? (G0 for gravel and sand, 0.007 for sil, 0.035 for dense clay, and 0.15 For soft saturwed clay), = height of thrust block in m, « the fength of thrust black in ms, ssury and yl oaly be The active pressure is cousiderably less than the passive pre sy fron te seid eating; cevelyped if the fore on which it is acting is Tree to move zee the pressure. 4 A thrust dlock should be designed so that the line of action of the resultint of the resisting, forces coincides with the line of thrust of the pipe. ‘This wil: prevent overturning, -+ unbalanced stresses. This may best be done graphically or by taking moments about the centre of the pipe. Anelor blocks for expansion joints ean also be designed on Ge basis of 1S. 5310-1986 “Vhrvst blocks are necded not only at changes in vertical or hotizonsat al pipeline, but also, at fiKings that may not be able to transmit exible couplings. ment of the Fomgittinal fowes such a Whos haying 9 pig parallel to an existing pipe, the euch excavation fos bend woute ddoprive the cxisting pipe of the needed support. The siniplest solution is to stop the flow in the enginal pipe while the work is carried out and x new thnusi block is constructed, bout where ths is not possible, one altemnotive is to anchor the thiust black of the argc pipe to as antehor block of concrete by means of steel bars, Another metho iy jot Additional suppoct by piling on the outside of the bend before excavation com ht talvisale to avoid sharp bends above 45° and in soft ground it is better not to put te ‘herds together but to separate them by atleast a length of straight ripe, Cast iron p ‘and fittings can be cast with lugs throagh which tie rods are passed! when itis desired to prevent :noveneat of the pipe. Where steel pipes with welded joints are used, (ll Anchorage is not gererally necessary, since the longitudival continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the forces ‘no the ground. If the pressures are high enough to merit it and sleeve joints are being used, che joints on the bends acd ox twe pipes either side of them should be fully’ welded inside and outside and the wonch refilled with concrete (0 150 nim above these pipes and bends. About half the thrust will be (ken by the weight of the concrete and the remairider by the longitudital stress in the pipes. In ‘osder fo restrain the motion of steel pipes or force it to Luke place al expansion jaints that have been insested for that purpose, the pipe may be anchored in much the same -say 2s described lor bends. Uae. attention must be paid to the bounling of the pipe to the nchors. Pipes laid om steep inclines should be anchored by trensverse blocks or other precautions taken to prevent slippage and measures to overconic unbalanced pressures provided. E ach side of gates ne! In the absence of expansion joints, steel pipes must be anchored at fare vee, they may be meters in order to prevent their destruction, Where gate cluumber so dssigncd, of steel and conerele, that they hold the two ends of the stvel Lin risidly is plies, In the absence of anchors, flanged gates are sometinnes bolted to the pipe on O° Fide and to a cast icon nipple on the other side that is connected to the pipe by means 0 sleeve or expansion joint. A (ypical thrust block is given in Fig. 18 18 5.14 WATER HAMMER: 5.14.01, Oceuprence 0.01 Aprons Pump bypass reflux valve (CNo7 gle) 2> > 1 ‘Some water may sis0 be eave . dee through pump. incline retlux valve (Gio rgihe) 2> 1 forinally wed in conjunction 1 with ‘some other ‘method of protection. Water column separation possible. Sorge tank Wemall Pipeline slioud bo Os hydraulic grade line so height een ERE eee eee | ot tank is practic. __ “Automatic release yalve (oT stn 21 Praise “profile should be (UIC) 2 > S secs. convex, downwards. Waler | — ‘column separton likely. | Discharge tanks = | (C¥o/gh) 274 Ty = pressure head al tank, 7 Pipeline prefile should We ey | eawver upwards. Air vessel (Ve! hi) 2<1 Pipeline profile wei | coriver downwards a = Moment of Inertia of rotting pats of pump, motor and errsined walt (mass x radins of gyration’) N= Pump speed in.xpm W = Wi, of water per unit volume [A= Pipe eréss section Area L = Pipeline length Ho=Pumping head”, : H pitscuce head : C= Water hammer wave velocity © “Vo Tilial.velocity fg = Aceoeraton shu © ravity 5.15 DELIVERY CISTERN 6.18.01 This isa ground lovel cistern cither of size stone masonry oF cement concrete located at the end of the rising natin at the ridge poi Tris eisiern reocives the pumped Water jes to the channels. 80 5.1502 ‘The cistern shall have a sizato accommodate 3 minutes stor “rhe eisiern may be rectangular or squtate in shape aud shall bs cee the F'S.L, The required number of irrigation chanuels takes of fron: ghis eer Cor ‘oa of eomemplated nfelikat uuder the Hf irrigation scheme, Necessary enstreling vente shill he provided fo the eistern for regutatina of eater to Uae el ree FS. stat 5.15.03 Mid cistern Ifthe total bead for the Lift trrigati a mid point delivery at eonvenic ‘ow canal system and cover alle 1 scheme execeds 30 meters, it is desisable .o provide location. The mid point delivery cistern shell have its 20% of the total atchkat o: ths Lil Erissitio s See the rising pipeline, shall have soitable eontrlling the mit point to deliver water, HV multiple fines oF rising wan some of the Bp may’ be fake upta the midpoint cistern and the balance upto the ridge point cslets ‘iteratively 1 wo stage pumping scheme may be comatered pe ‘pumping equipment forthe mid eistern and the ridge cistern. Howeve:, Sherrutive proposal shell be worked oot before adopting, porticutar propel iding sepacate 16 IRRIGATION CHANNELS he Manual ox Norms far equal, Distribution system published by the Chief Engineer, Minor Terigction, Bun aspects of irrigation channel and C.1avorks. nal eruss sfvinage works = LL ay be Follower ot te BI 603 G. SEINE IE Ua Aaa ‘The chapor 8 - Benefit Cost Rai’ gives in "Th Guide Lines for Preperation of Minor Inrigation Tek Projects" March 2001 may be referred to in this regard. Other things being common, in case of Lift Irigation Scheme, the annual cost shall comprise roject at 5% and 10% ral of nie est (2) Interest ainaunt on Capita: 60st of Ps per annum, ° a charg ()_ Forpumping machinaties- 7.50% ofits cost (ii) Forpipe line system ~ 4% of is cost. Gi) Forcivil works - 1% of its cost per acre taking into account ty toa crue 8 Vopsidering annual power charges, 1ecurrink ‘and establishnient charges. (©) Administrative Expenses siull be worked out petution, maintenance, ‘Atypical example of Benetit Cost Ratio saleulations for a Lift Irrigation Scheme is appended. SAMPLE © 1L.CULATION OF BENEFST COST RATIO. DATA > 1. Type of Project + Now Lift Inigation Scheme 2 inated Cost of preject Ks110,00 Lakhs, 3. Atchkat benefited Kbarith + $00 Actes Rabi 200 Acres 800 Acres Cropping pattern + Khhariff Semidry and Rabi Seovidey : Operating: 2 of 50 HP each D.W.T, Stand bye; 1 uf SO 14P each DW. 5. Pumping Mael & Cust aspeets: 1) Cost of pumping machinaries Rs.41,00 Lakhs. ii) Coxt of pipe line system {intake pipes if provided + rising main) Rs 31.00 Lakhs, iii) Cost of civil works: Intake channel, Jack well eur purap house, ridge efste ‘chaunels Approach road ete, Rs.33.00 Laks 7, Benefit Cost Ratio } Caleulation sheets enclosed tthe ealculations ave only for illustration and puidanee. sieht # sere of erops, the cate /quintal the raf aete for ss, iid be wot confirmed fron: the Agnculture: #2enarumcnt ay Society. Tatyoan ele, Sh Ayriculiaral produce nares sthowhd be got eantiimed! by: Ris Kannatsta Poser “Francaise 3 Tae Hater chan Cope 3 RUCTION OF NEW LUT IRRIGATION SCHEME Annual Maintenance Charges DATA: . i) Fistimnted cost of project Rs, 110 Lakhs ii) Atehkat benefited (cropped area) 1 800 acres” iil) Pumping machinery ‘Operating 2 of $0 HP DWT Pumps Staad bye I of 5 HP DWT pump iv) Nowof working montks/days/Hours per day per month § months (25 days per mouth / 16 hours per day. J, Depreciation charges Lakhs i) On pumping machinery at 7.50% of cost (7.50% of Rs.41 Laks) 3.08 ii) On pipe tine system at 4% of cost (@% of Rs.31 Lakhs) 124 iii) On civil works at 1% of cost (1% of Rs.33 Lakhs) at “Total Depreciation charges “FR A.G5 Laks . Energy charges (Total H.P, operating 100 HP) i) Energy consumption per Month (working for 25 days / month and 16 hours / day ) 100 x 25 x 16x 0.746 = 29,840 Units ii) “Total Energy consumption for 8 Months is 29,840 x 8 = 2,38,720 Units. iii) Bnorgy charges as per KPTCL for load of 100 HP = ¥Rs.0.80 per unit subject {0 annual minimum per HP of Rs 1,000 which ever is higher. iv) Total Energy charges is 2,38,720 x 0.80 = Rs, 1,90,976 of Rs, 1.91 Lakhs (\vhieFeas Annual Minimum Charges works out t0 Tod 8 1000 + Hs.1,00,000) 4 Recurring charges: Lax! 1) Maintenance of civil works at 2% cost (2%6 of Rs. 33 Lakhs) 0.66 i} Renewal of Replacement of purnping shechinery at 2% of cost (2% of Rs.4l Lakhs) 082 iy Oi and Lubrication charges at 0.5% of coxt of pumping machinery. (0.5% of RAT Lakhs) 92 “Total recursing charges Bs. Laks 4, Establishment charges: us i) One pump operator at Bs.1500/ month for 12 months os ii) Two Helpers as 1200/mordh for 12 month 029 ii) Two Sowidies at Rs.1200%month for 12 months 029 iv) One watchman at Rs.1200/month for 12 month os. “Total Establishment charges Rs, 9.91 Labs 1) Depreciation charges Rs, 4.65 Lakhs 2) Brergy charges 2 Rs, 1.91 Lakhs 3) Recurring charges 4 Rs, 1.69 Lakhs 4) Establishment charges >) Re O91 Lakhs Total: 2) Annwal Maintenance charges / nore considering Depreciation charges +) Annual Maintenance charges / acre 4,51,000 = Rs. 564 without considering depreciation charges ‘800 . {Rs.9.16 - 4.65 = 4.51 Lakhs) NOWE: ‘The Fneray elasges should be_ got confirmed by the Mis Kamnataka Power Trausmissign Corpus von Limited. CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME - BENEFIT COST RATIO : Primary Benefits (Direct) Resin Lakhs 1. Net benefit of agricultural produce . 7 ‘After the advent of irrigation 49.19 ‘ 2. Net benefit of agriculturst produce 74 ‘etore’ the advent of nrigation 490 Net benefit 44,29 Laks —Finterest | inierest : 1 Anmual costs | 15% | at 10% 1 Jil 1. tnterest on capital eest of Project (Rs110 Lakhs) 550 8 2 Depreciation on 2) Pumping machinery a 7.50% of cost 50% ghsal Lakhs) 3B OE 8) Pipe Ping ayscins a 4% of cost (4% oF RS. 31 Lats) 1 ) Civik works at of ost (IH OTRS 33 LAKHS) 03333 : 4a, Aduinstaive expense fv B00 acres at Rs. S64 PEE isis ; ae forwaed from Le Annual Milena 1g? without Deo pateiaton eaeuttionenelosed) R40 Rs S08 asi AS ‘Total Cost] 14.665 | 2016 \ Jjenefit cust ratio at 5% interest : ag 302 14.66 ienet east ratio at 10% interest 4429 29 20.16 86 Total Gross receipts Expenses pendituse on Hived labour ete. (Col. 13) 1s 8.30 Fodder expanses at 15% of gross value of produce (15% of Rs.23.53 Lakhs) (2.701% of Rs,23.33 Lakhs) : Orn ge Share and es oP Geass value of produce Lakh) Lakhs) = Depreciation ef implements a 2.70% of Gross value of produ Total Gross v Deduct total expenses ~ Net value of produce 'Before' Advent of irrigati Land revenue at 2% of the gross value of produce (2% of Rs.23.33 r 330 <éginog Bopm HE somposd asmajnauBy SANTEL aw pe muaTEEIC > {ct -t00) “orp anoger past Cot “100) asnzepy (102) sp29 305 98/ STFA (910°) 88 nouhy oop wos Pa ant sod 392 cee any | Teer {_seez ae et eo | ose | oso | oer Tee T 06h See ues 1 set} cos | seo] ook Tos z | _ oe Pease [sot | osor | oro [aoe sxe | sey 1 Sre[ occ] ort [oz | avo | 08 “Joba 108 3] “se swe | any | suey | ay “oul | sed | “seul wnowy | dey | wrowy | ove esnuey spoag }-quewe;3s uoneBia}, Jo jueape ayy ,220}88, eonposd [euMIPaLBY Ou) Buymoys wewerers AW3HOS NOLLVOINN! 1311 MAN SO. NOLLONYLSNOD STATEMENT - IL (CONTINUED) e vt Farm produce (Col. - 7) 8. | expedite on Hired labour ete. (Col 13) dllgr expenses al 15% of gross valuc of produce (15% of &5.10%.3. Lakhs) 3 [Depreciation of implements at 2.70% ‘of Gross value of prod 2.20% of Rs 104.73 Lakhs) 6. | Shweta edshment at 5 Rs. 104.33 Laklis) Tevenue at 2% Of the gross value of produce (2% OF Rs. 104 Value of produce (at 3% of Sak ¥ Tou Expenses iit Netvalucofproduce Total Gross receipts Deduct total expenses Net value of produce ‘Atte the Advent of irrigation tt 89 oad sannsw3¥y synjeg aip pu wowenedacy ssMainaE-SW SA Ayajo0g BunorsEyy 2 at (oo) teu s99 aves 120) 299 (g1 joa) saruoyy (§'102) spo2s 203 239 yoB 99 0) 9004 (ZI 129) { [ser erat — {oer T 1 Se vOr T i $19 SBE {sez ireror | [oo | oane oe ooeE sro | 061 see | oy ere{ conse [see | cost [ome | Oozy i erie | at feet aco Loot] oor | ura [ oo: swe | onet a [see ‘OSES. - oo oro | oor 1 096 | coz Tanoquns | ad oor | ooer 7 szzz | 0S8) wropuaog |e oS stot oor) cost | ost senor |e! aSE_ oosr_t eo | age | sete Toa zen | 1 moO} SaeT | oll vd ) sy | ser | ov | u usoy | “syst | aad huey {score | wrowy | sew | sen | : { syuL | sun dog | omuen | __spaag "| punowy | sod teu 10 5WeN I1-juewaes JO JUDAPE ay} Joy, eONpPOd jeanynopBy eu) Buymous yUeWE}23S BW3HOS NOLLVOIYY 1417 MN 30 NOILOAYLSNOD z OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LIFT IRR! iN SCHEMES. CATION 1.0 Introduction: Once the tisk of creating a Lift Irrigation seheme is completed, the aspoet which «ill have t be given the top most priority #8 the "Operation and Maintenance’ of the systeu instanece of poor operation and maintenance practices have on many occesions Targchy contributed to decrecsed uiility, or even fo an curly failure, of newly corstructed Lift fripation Scheme, Therefore proper operation aud maintenance is the srswer for derivin, the kenefit edatinually from the investments made, Atthongh each LAS. my have ils evn peculiar probleus, of operation and wuaintenss thote are many features of operation 23d maintenance, which ave eommon is ull hen: 7.01 Operation and Maintenance: “The mainienance of Lift Inigation Scheme may comprise Keeping the civil, Hel cal ser eiMineal components of a plan: through normal repairs, so thot they ave aaa ree i fesigred capacity for their design period, It may forte refer to «veh fave reps as are nsoeseary to prevent the components from maifaneio tenet ‘the poration of the sebeme consists of hourly and dally opera ‘of curtain ee: part such as plants, equipments, valv cay ete, whieh are reguited to be st to by avi operator or his assistant, tis inn routine walk, Operators "eves eereined properly before they are entrusted with the tsk of overs ‘of speritig phew’ quipment, valves, machinery ete. Maintenanes should be canied out in fs to avoid proble ns and unscheduled shutdowns. 4.02 Common features of operation and maintenance: ayy aud anesiaten 7.02.01 Availability of detailed plans, draw ‘When a scheme i taken over for opération and rainfenance, i! Mt be ers That atleast fv. t0 six sets of tho detailed drawings, 1h of each of ccomponerts of the scheme along with al rele ‘and M Maral are sails cpa tie aperating authority. One of the sets may be Drese® red a5 6 master Sex office far referenec.. The other sets may be distribaied 10 sah ofFHEes 1 ‘forge of relevant operation activity. AN mess me vst be conrected pcated whenever any aMjons / alterations / deletions arc dene te amy a Ce structures and equipment, 7.02.02 7.02.03. 7.02.04. 7.02.08. 1.02.06. ‘Schedule of Daily Operations: For each of the activity where oporators are emplayed, @ detailed scheme and schedule of unit operations should be worked out and a copy of the seme should be available with each operator. This schédule of unit operations may Lave eee i chunger in availablity of water, power, and mechanical breakdowns ote Schedule of fuspeetion of machinery: ‘Ak regular schedule of inspection of machinery, equipment their IuricaO® and Servicing programme must be prepared and circulated, Approprite supervisory Control should be exercised to sce that these inspections, lubscations and servicing are being regularly carried out Records: For each picce of eguipment and machinery a record registe should be fhaintained in which all detils of carried out such 2s servicing Wbricating, Toplacement of parts, operating hours (inchuding cumulative) and otter important ditta are entered. Records of key activities of O & Me in operation, For planning future augmentation and improvemerts of 2 iS tortota key records such a daily and cumulative suaply of wa er over the y2a1s areto be maintained. Inventory of stores: Stores and spate parts of machinery required over a petiod of Ue 3¥5 half year Srone year should be assessed and an inventory of the, same Pret ‘wed, Issues and replacentent of sore articles could be watched and pict rement procedutes Ini¢ tlowa and supervised, ‘The ain should ‘oe that sny material require for replteement is available a any time for the msintenane Oy 7.03 Features of operation and maintenance of Lift, brrigation Scheme components Water source: Quarrying of saud from the river bed down stream bed of ft inrigatien schenie should be avoided as the Jow water level goes below qhe desiyay level. 7.03.01 Maintenance of storage structures. 3) during and post monsoon inspection of storage siruetres shuld be rr to observe settlement, longitudinal transverse erick iy the cemabaikment / masonry structures. b) —Tiehavior of spillway shauld be observed during floods, Procedures far foulpront llway yates should be preset anal ular ved ‘esse of earthen embankments special attention souk! be pit sa slippine slopes, damages and water seepage. In case of masonry structures, sweating, leakages, leaching of mortar of appreciable magnitude from trasonty should be immediately attended to. Pointing of damaged faces of. masonry swould > ationded to promptly. ° WO Maintenance of hitarkess 4) If the water level in the sump is less than the designed niininnum water le ely puumps should not be operated. b) All intake steainers should be cleaned ct frequent intervals particwlarly du noasoan lo prevent entry of fish oF Moating nvaler in to intake work ©) All danmges © structural components of inke works particularly during, tleoss shiouid be promptly repaired, 4) Sullicient stocns of rubble should be maintained at intake work povatily overcome the problenvs of scours. ©) A sckedule of painting of steel and other structural pasts of the intake works should be prepared and followed scrupulously to avoid darsayes (o the struct 1) All components of intake works should be desilted during and immediutely st nyensoon to remove settled sil. ue ie Foe ara 7.03.03 Mai jcnance of panyps and 9umptog machinery: FMR Perindig inspeetion and test: ‘The mnaintenanes schedule should enlist items 10 be auended to at periods, such as daily, sensi annually, annwally ete 93. 13.2 Daily observations: {A loghook should be maintained to record the observations, which should coves the following ems i. ‘Timings when the pump was run daring the previous 24 hours, ib Atihedime ofcbservatfon, whether the Ieskage throug ths stufing bax isehighy iii, Bearing temperature! iv. , Whether any induc noise oF vibration. ‘ 'y. | Readings at pressure, voltage and current Semi annus inspections i. Free movement of the gland of the stuffing box, ii, Cleaning and oiling of the gland bolts, iii, Inspection of the packing ad sepack iv. Aligement of the pump and the drive, ” Glcening of the oll lubricated beatings and replenishing fresh oil (beatings are grease Turion, the condition of the grease should be cheeked and replace -lenished to arrest quanti. An anti fiction Dearing should have is housing so pacts ‘with grease hat the void spaces in the beatings and the housing be 1/3 (0 1/2 lied with grease. A fally packed housing wil enus the bearing 0 overheat and svill result in reuuced life of the bearing. necessary. Annual iuspectiont - a, Cleaning and exerination of all bearings for fs developed, if any }, Examination of shaft sleeves for wear or scour. ¢. Cnecking clearances. Chearanees at the weiring rings should be within the Tins recommended by the coca eeserExeossive clearances cause & drop in the eft one) ‘of the pump. If the veut is only on on side, itis indicative of misalignment "Not only the misaligament Tesi be eel right, but also the eases fo the diturbanes of the alignment sbouss be investigated. When the clearances have to be redeemed to the values ‘recommended by ‘the manufacturers, Some general guidelines detailed jn Table 18 would come handy ir the clearance on wear is seen to be 0:2 or 025 min me than the original clearance, ao cam tng should be renewed or replaced to et Ine igjnal clearance In using the tolerance given in Table 18, they should be used unitaterally. For extmp=s Rte machining dhe inne diametcs of she wearing ing of basic size, sey 175 mat We ets for rmacining, woutd be 175.00 minima ed 175.04 muximem, For the ampaponnding, exter Gnzelet, at the Lub of the rape, the basie size sll be ih areca of G35, hence 174,65 rnmy an the machen Thmnits swift be E465 uncial and 174,61 nuinimani, a TASLE 18 WEARING RING INTERNAL DIAMETER CLI TOLERANG EARNACE AND MACHINING Diametrat elearanee nin clict hubs and vane tips should be checked for any pitting or erosion. y of the bearings should be checked. All instruments and flow meters should be reealibrated. Pump should be tested to determine whether proper performance is being abiainad. in ave of vertical Laine pups, the nspeetion can be | isto antvinabbe, beau iLiavolves distarbing the algnaen sival, Amuubal ineppection UAMA.S Wacilities for maintenance and repa a. Coasumabtes ame labs Adlequat ‘naintained. tock of such items as gland packing belts, lubrie: ing oils, greases shu! be b. Replacement sj ‘Yo avoid downtime, a stock of fast moving spares should be maintained. A sct of recommicadsd spares for two years of trouble free operation should be ordered aon, with the punyp. A list af spares to be maintained is given in fable 19 enclosed. Apia ay ESSENTIAL SPARES FOR PUMPS AND MOTOR SUPPLIES Description 5 i ~ Unit_| Quant Line shaft bearings for pumps _ ‘No. oa 4 Thrust and guide bee-ing for pump and motos No. ° Gland packing raat Ne. [ Supply of set oF tools for maintainence and operation consisting ef ‘a 1 set of double cr spanner suitable for pump sets [b. LNo. of | Kg hemmer | i 1 sversaJ ems — I. 2 Nos. 0} end _ 4 ¢. 1 No, of fine booster "Nos. of rubber mat fm x im x smm ['g_1 set of 11 KV hand gloves z [h. | sot of insulated cutting players = 25 cms, on » i. get of box spanners _ No 1set . FfeThexa frame with bisdes KL sel of ring spanners _ : 11 no, of grease gun ee ec. Repair workshop: “ihe repair workghiop should be equipped wit © Tools such as bearing, pullers, clamps, pipe wrenchies cle. J Genoral purpose machinery, suc as welding set erie blower, sitting machine, ¢tc., 7,03,03,6. Trouble shvoting: ‘The check charts detailed in Table 20 provide guidelines for diagnosing the causes of vreuibies likely to arise during the operation of centifugst peas "As wennedial Measanes the cause/s of the trouble: ‘will have to be corrected. TABLE 20 CHECK CHART FOR CENTRIFUGAL PUMP TROUBLES yj S¥MPToms Pemba eause ot rents ‘each number is defined io the ist below) — Fmp dees net deliver water: vaufficien capacity delivered: develop 20, ($a | 12, 32, 24, 30, 31, 30, 35.34, 36,97, 18. 11, 12, 22, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 4, 35, 36, 34, icking leas short Bf 38. i Pump vibrates or is noisy 2, 3,4,5, 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 03.34, a 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. Bearings have short life: 22, 24, 25,26, 33, 34, 39, 40, 4 up over heals wid seizes: 1,4, 19,20, 22, 25,26, (a) Suetinn troubles: yy) © Pump rot primed Pump or suction pipe nat completely filied with water, Suction hilt too high. Insufficient margin between suction pressure and vapour pressure Excessive amoun’ of air in water. Air leaes in to pump through stuffing boxes. q 10. iniet of swetion pipe insult 11, Water-seal pipe plugged. 12. Seal cage improperly located in stuffing box, preventing sealing fluid frovs ering space to form the seal Systems froubtest 1G, Total head of system higher than design head of pump. 17. Total head of systens lower than design head of pump. 18, Specific gravity of water different from design. 19. Operation at very Tow capacity. 20. Parallel aperssion of pumps unsuitable for such operstion. Mechanical troubles: 21. Foreign mater it impeller, 22. Misaligniicn 3B. Foundations net rigid. 24, Shalt heat. P cating pant zubiditg on stationary part. rings woun, 27, Weaving tings worn. 2S. lanpellee dasa 29. Casing gasket defeetive, permiting internal leakage. 30, Shaft or shal sleeves worn or scored at thr packing. 31. Packing improperly installed 32. Incorrect type of packing for operating conditions. 33, Shafi sunning off centre because of worn bearings or misalignment. 34, Rotor out of balance, causing vibration. 5 35. Gland too tight, resulting inno flow of liquid to'Tubricate packing 36. Failure to provide cooling liquid to water-cooled stuffing boxes. \ i ‘bottom of stuffing box between shaft und essing, causing 7 pump interior. 38. Dirt oF ei ing ligaid in Leading 10 scoring of shaft oF shaft sleeves, Sear fre unas by u chante! fuuro Inside the pump or by the are ofthe hydraulic balancing device, if a s¢ ur oil in ant ‘etion beuring housing oF lack of cocting, causini, 41, Lack of lubrication. 42, [nproper installation of antifec ion bearings (damage during assembly, incorrect ‘ings, use of unmatched bearings as pair, ete) 43. Dirt Bs. 44, sting of bearings frou water in housing. ae or goolang of water-cooled bearing, resulting in condensation of moisture 0") the atmosphere in the housing, Mahnfenanee and repairs of electrical equipments 1034.1 Consumables: Adequate stock of labssating oil and trunsfdsmer off should be maintained. 7.03.42 Iteplacenent spares: i To avoid downtime, stock of fast moving, spares and of spares likely to be eet ator eivuit should be mintin2d. A sct of reommended spares two years of trouble free operation should be ordered oleng with he ‘equipments, List of spares to be maintaining is given in Table 21. ‘Table 21 FSSENTIAL SPARES FOR SWITCH GEARS . No. | — Deseri ~"T Vagnum eftouit breaker cord ripping coils of eontractor__ ecu) gonial nkerruplers—_— Pracuun iterupes for bres motor Feder of suitable eapucity _~_. 98 Tcquited wate “Required volts HRC fuse provided for PT's Required volts: 177] Tedicating tavaps i277] Conmel switch cone 2 sels te pit | | 73.4.3 Tools and test equ ‘Tools such us crimping tools, soldering, br Faoakt be 7003.44 Preventive maintenance: ‘As preventive sisintenanee, itis advisable to follow a scliedule for nutinten mee of coquipiieats, ‘The seleule cow avenues far vive to bie observed al dabferwt peviodicities sul ax daily, msouthlyy amunvally and bisannnalty. a Daily: i. For motors (a) Check bearing temperatures. (b) Check for any undue noise oF vibration. ii, For Paitel, circuit breaker, starter. {(@) Check the phase indicating lemps “+ (b) Note readings of voltage, current, frequency ete., (@) Note energy meter readings. iit, For transformer substation (a) Note voltage and current readings. hb. Monthly: for: - nothing special other than the daily checks, wane}, circuit breaker, starter unine contacts of relay and circuit breaker, ( bb, Check setting of aver current relay, no volt coil mechanisms and oil in the dashpot relay. can, if ewes y nd trippin. 9 iii, For Transformersubstation a. Check the level of the transformer oil. bb Check that the operation of the GOD is okay. ¢, Check contacts of GOD ‘and of over-current (OC) relay. é € Cheek temperature of the oil and windings. ‘Clean radiators to be free ‘of dust and scales. f, Pour 3 to 4 buckets of water jn each earth-pit. ce Quarterly: i. For motor ‘a. Blowaway éust and clean any splashing of oil er Breas t, Chock wear of sip ring and bushes, smoothen contact faces or replt 2 it sesossay. Check spring tension. Check bush testing for proper contact on te stip ring, g. Check cable connections and tentials and insulation of the cable near the lugs, Sen all contacs, if ingulation is damazed by overheating ‘investigate and r=ctfy. All contacts should be felly tight. i. For panel, circuit Lreuker, starter etc. Check fixed and inoving contacts of the cirult Dreskers switches, Cheuk and Smnoothen contacts with-fine pless paper or ile. ty Check condition and quantity of oilliquid in ct siarier and rotor controller. ireuit treuker, autotransformer iii, For transformer substation: a. Check condition of the HT. bushing. Check the condition of the dehydrating breather and replace the silica gel chang» sftnecessary. Reactivate old change for reuse 4, Semi annual: i, For motor a. Check conditions of ail or grease end replace if necessary, While grcasitt, avoid excessive greasing. be, Test insolation 100 i For panel, ete Check for corrasicn and take remedial messures. Cheek by meiner he insulation tesistance of switches, bus bar, starter terminals, auto transformer, cic.. for phase 10 ccarth and phase-ta-phase, resistance. For transformer sub station, a. Cheek die-ctee bh. Test insulatio ¢. Cheek epmin strength ued acid test of transformer oil and filter, Pasco by megeer. for proper earth connections. Amuval: i. For motors: 4s Examine beating for faws, clean and replace if necessity Check endl play of earings and reset by lock nuts, whatever promt i. For panel, ete; 1 All indiccting meters should be exlibrated. + transfirmer substat Check resistance of earth pit / earth electrede. 1 BieAnawat i. For moto; same as annual ii Forpanel, etc, same as annual iii, For transformer substation t Conmplete examination including inserual eannestins, cor 98 windin: 5030,3 Trouble shooting for electrical equipment wose and tang Trouble-shouting comprises detecting the (ouble, dragnosing, the stat action, Dewecion of the trouble is prorapted by noticing the sympons “Ws plons. rer renuble shooting detals are hence outlined hereunder for various $5 Moto? gets everhente i. Check whether vollage és foo high oF too low, Change an wy of teantonnnen, HLL supply is aval, Otherwise approuch power supply wuthorlics er correction of tie supply voltage 101 , si. Check whether se ventilation passage of motors blocked. Clean the PASTE se Gheck whether the motor beerings gre propery lubricated or darmaged. Re i provide proper lubrication. priate at dhe tnotar are foo Toose. Tighten he terminals, the py. Motor gets over loaded: (drawing nore than the rated current al dhe rated voll ag) ny excessive rubbing inthe pump or eny elogeins of he inapolier passages Greet Beer the charatoristies of pump (he the mated drive uipament) are tive overloading type. iii, Chtoek for any vortices fn the 8 vy @heok that there is no short-circuting or single phasing. * Check whether any foreign matter has entered the air Bap, causing obstruction fe singoth running of the motor. he ¢. Starver/breaker tripst i Check whether the relay i set properly. Comect, he setting, ifnecessury i Sapling ean also oecur, If motor i drawing more than (he rated current, for whi details are mentioned above. iii, Oil in daehpot may be either inadequate Or of low visvosily. iv. Cheek that there are no: Toose connections. y, Check whether the timer setting of star delia or autotransformer star Her is A. Vibration in stor: se Check for structural rigidity of supporting framed foundation. Check alignment of pump and motor. vr Ghrcek thatthe nuts on foundation bolts are tight iv, Check if rotor has an imbalance . iy CREEK the resorance from supporting stscture or foundation oF fron: critical speod of olor of from vibration of adjoining equipment. ‘e. Cables get over heated: mat ser ease 20 «Check whether the cable is undersized, Change the cable ot pro parallel. ji. Check for loose termization or joint, Fasten te i heck whether only a few strands of the cable s46 1 insert al) Strands using « new Tug, if necessary. w2 6 Operation and misiatenance of eapa (0) ‘The supply voltage atthe capscitor bus should always be nect about the ried ¥4t sind the supply voltage including the allowable Muctuations should not exeend 41 ‘ov the rated voltage of the capacitor. ; {o) frequent switching of the copector should be avoided. There shoul sisays be sa interval of about GO sceoncls between any two switching operations. tuv-the discharge resistance efficieney should be assessed peritalally by rin hosting. is required 0 dise eateitur even afer one mngete a oe ag I'he viseharge resistance fails to bring dowa the voltage te SUV an one munuley 1 ineads to be replae (e) Leakage oF break, 'e should be mended immediately. Care should be sakea tat ve pprecisbie quantity of impregnant has leaked out. (0) Revere physically handling the capacitor, short minute alter disconnection frowt the supply 10 yracitor, cuit the capacitor tei ssc total aliseboingny, ee tie 7.028 Maintenance of trans issfon system: 3) MS.Pipes Laid above Ground: i) Pipes should be punted atleast once it five years 19 prevent eaten’ {iy Appurienances such as siice valves, wit valves, expansion JO‘ rollers suid be checked, cleaned at least twice a year and worn-out Dae feplaced, ‘The cleacing and lubrication of rolless should also bs done twice a year, preferably pre and post monsoon. (ii) Expansion joints should be inspected every month (iv), The eatei drais provided for the persion of pips lemed before onsot of monsoon so thal no, water accurnutates im 7 Calling portion, resulting in uplift pressure on pipes by) all Pipes: § specials should be sumtaited tow 1) Sulficieat stoek of spare pipes joplacen.ent of damaged ones. ii) Regular leak deteation surveys should be undertaken particularly for bursting of pipes and leeking joints. : oa od rotor’ of breakowns and leaks observed il tensed shou'd oninatined seetion-wise f0 that more. vulnerable ienals could bs Pientifed and spacial measures to repair 7 Teper hem could undertaker iy) Assegular schedule of irspection toll valves melulang amet sould be draw up the same followed seul sateation should be given to air valves. 103 (C) Allowable leaks ge: “the allowable leakage during the maintenance slage of pipes carefully Laid and well tested ducing construction however should not exceed; qu = ND(PY PAS » Where, 4g, Allowable Ieakage in em3/nour N = No of joints in the leugth of pipestine 1) Diiaueter in mm Pr -Thhe average teat pressive during the leakage testi hy/ em? cates leakage greater than that specified ss per the abo bbe repairedireplaced vali the Loaksg> is Where any test of pipe lai formula, the defective pine(s) ar joznt(s) shall within the specified allowance. “the abeve is applicable to spigot and socket Cast ron pipes whereas, twice this figure ey cuay be taken for steel and prestressed concrete pipes. 104 AS. 3370 __| Code'of practice for plain and reinforced concrete Cade of pructice for concrete stewciures fox the oj Parl 17 1908 18. 1996 iste Toad Pact Lio (chiar Tin} art 132-1976” | Specific requirements for crosses, all sockets. - 19 (Q Part 20:- 1976 i = requirements for raised flanges eral noguitements wressedl conerels slfuetures tables sr pt Sealy exe eon poets pipes is torres ines af pies nd fil — Spesifi equgements for sandard fangs deling of Filanged p poy and faving ifie requirements for Tees. all sockets. Specie requirements for double socket Tes wth anja Specific requirements for double socket ti fie requirements for cans. 7 57 Specific requirements fur plugs. ‘Spel ineris for bell moll pie ie requirerients forall flanged crosses. ‘Specific requitements for double flanged taper. a [ Specific requirements for spit puddle ot body Manze fw Pant 253-1976 Sree seyuitements for blank anges, (x) Part 24:- 1875 —| Specific requirements forall flanged radial Tees Bf 1879: 1975 Malleable cast ron ings. Cele of preg Horizontally gust non shout Recommendations for eement mortar lining east ior transportation of water. 105 ‘Conrete pips (with ard without reinforcements), strgssed eonorei pipes (Ineluding fit icel cylinder reinforeed concrete pipes. vs of test far conerete pipes Je oFphities fur bying eoneralapipes | ly welded stecl pipes for waler, gas aid sewoge (130i to 2000 mm |, | 19 | 3589: 19ST cif normal ize), z 382; 1986 ‘Cous of practice for laying of welded sieel pipes for water supp) pal [780: 1984 TS clus for water wrk pupans G06 JOD —_ | 2906: 1984 [ Sluice. valves for water works purposes (350 to 1200 mm size) - 26851971 T Gods of practicg fir sefcetion, installation and maintenarce of sluice valves. | 3042-1965 {Single ood sluice eats (20 1200 mm sizes) | SEW DMP vales for wor muro 32 Ssh pees (oe etn) aves RE S3450TaA TOSI Single dor ptm SHAPE IS8S| Mali dor pater : 9338: 1984 ‘Cast iron screw down slop valves and stop & cheek valves: Tor water works supose [CTT Ts30r oR. ‘Horizontal contifial pumps fotelews cold trosls water | TAI: 972 cal wbias pups To clear cold ai fea) wit osarieul 5 G55. aU Vor-zontal centeifiygal punsps for clear, cold aud fi i _| purposes, a RTE for ge eo a nied ow aes Tn tive for selection, installation, operation and cminienianes fer Part Part =a: 1980 | Muinenance — — . 10805: 1986 ‘Foot valves, reflux valves or non relwin valves an bore valves ioe use! in | suction lines of xgsiculiual pumping systems. a « phase induclion molors Code of practice ation and Guide for testing three phose induet! a motor “Throe phase squinel cage indution woior for centrifugal motors. = Values of performance characteristics for three phase induction motors ‘Recommendation for liquid flow mea urement in open cheunels by weits ard nots 4a | 6059: 1971 “| lanes — weirs of final crest width for (ree diselng . as] 6062: 1977 Mlivods of measurements of flow of vate in open chants using standin sty | 6b0k: 1971 ‘Melind of measuremait of Naw of wat ring, wave | Aumes: Liquid measurement open channels rials by weirs aid { ‘Recommendation for liquid flow mes open ch ‘ ‘Monies ~ end depth method for estiniation of flow in) yontectanyular ehianiets L swith a fice over fll, (Approximate method). a oa 106 Appendix -11 Checklist for selection of pipe materist G _ ‘Auribate wt 4 Pies [ume | Cl Hydraulic smoothness (C value) Structural svenath for external load Seng 40 guste imernal pressure Ease in handling, transportation and storage Capcity to withstand damage in handling and maintenance - Resistance to internal corrosion 7__| Resistance to external corrosion 1 4g."| Sustainabilit a ae al lity and effective joins ie to absorb surge pressure 37. VBettavior of pipstine anid tins fr reps interruptions duc to leakage, bursting bhictiest quality) may’ be considicte ce 0-te 11) numbers in relation to He stands fai the significance of the attribute: 1? Data: 0 6) APPENDIX = HL SAMPLE DESIGN OF A NEW LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME Source uf water ‘Type of Lift Inigation Scheme Availability of water a the source Existing agriculture practice Proposed irrigation through the Lift tnigation Scheme Levels in moters (All arbitrary) i) Low water level of river ii) Lowest round level along the longitudinal seetion iii) High Mood level of river iv) Full supply level of delivery cistern Length of rising main Sia head Number of hours of pumping nikola Gangavalli river near Dong vil Taluk, Ustara Kannada District Run of river scheme 6.12 ime of water is available in the river during non-monsoon moaths KhorilF ; Reinfed paddy crop Rabi: Fallow. Khaciff + NIL Rabi: 300 acres of semidry ereps 9127 98.80 1.57 127.00 1440 meters 35.79 meters 16 hours/day 108 Construct gation Scheme Near Dongr Period: 16) Unit Crop Water Requirement Oe Ground Nut, Sez HONTES .ge In Ankola Taluk November to 31st March = : smo | 73000 ee | | a= | a 146.667 | om oa | ef TOTAL 0.758 Romtr Ob r ~ 7 Zeck | WLOL \ t et iemes S| og 8. Sr dubai Ore |___ ered aes | “2 est ' L_seo7 | cH 6gor | aS ay : oo7 snpuj indeyea | z % -Addns sejem Jo paunsse 8) alosd ayy YONS Sy a —e a 7] * “OWL $'0 JO 29pi0 Jo SI aigeweae AyquenD 12104 HL, (ain) sueak of WON ES ELS = LUN L89'rL = ——IRIOL 40} payoaloid ! : fouebe | : WW Li8'O= yoe[oad siyy 40j pauinbas Amuend jo} UL} dos eu AQ ° quawounbai + fouedy| “oN l SW 18°E} = 2.60 ms say £06 +9 J We is feed as 1,00 mn, | = ; . Pensieck 0.2m ea bm | (i = | yo Penstock 0.7m ia tin... Wid of unitised sump including central walle # 3.6 an Wich at the entrance of the unitised bay = 12 m : . rams eat xe a 4m, hich gives a convergence angle at 16.70° less han 20° as . Funai staje should not be steeper than 15° . . : {A sloyte of 0.3m is fumished wich is less than 15°, ‘Therefore Bed level of unitised sump = 89.70 ~0,3 = 89.40 m, Setting level of Bell mouth suction entrance should be D/4 to D/2. - Therefore lovel = £9.40 + (0.525/3) = 89.375 m, + Requirement of wae ~ twice the quantum is considared for calculating the area ‘of connector pipe to be provided for connecting intake to unitised sump = 0.138 x2=0.276 m'isec. : + Diameter of pipe require 44/12 = RDS DH O.S80M gar + ot . Provide ?550mm a1a.,NP.2 Class pipes + Maximum water Fevet noticed iy RL 101.57 m. . 2. ‘The power house over the unitised sump is kept ut KL, 102.50 2 Low water level RI; 92.27 vel considered for designs Is 91.87. et 95 w= SM SLL LI? Smee oe! Sitiag eS, oe Sm ee See - ie eae st 1) Gb a 9097 peos : . crn ap tigge Fre AIP 1 UBA.05 298 “ 6 : | | Vengiit (ats): 7440 lees Fuil Supply lovel of Cistem (Mis). 427.00 | ] Lowest waler Level at Pumping paint | 07.27 Lowest Ground Level of BW or | 92.80 or Jn.GLRL (Mis), ___| Lowest RL in {Section (Mts). ‘Stalic Head (Mts) 35.73 | Static Head (Mis) 28,20 Driving Head (Mis) 3.00 - TO | Common Frictional Head (Wis) ~ ~) | : | Eliciency % 70% a | na sopeayesds ©. Lys 20,3 96d aig WEETT 7 W050) 1800 CaSiIviidv9 + 1809 GasMytidvo W101 | FOL LS'Zs | sez‘oee's sez’: SLiat6,Tseeriie wosoore Ts 0 30 1809 O3ZNWLeVo | 1 bO6ZSy 8009027 a 1 SE@ZS5S_ 1SO9 WLidVvo WLOL 1 Goveror [oasssse__foorzsoe —lorseyve Tpo003:2 | FSUNi sald 30 1509 1 (on8z ‘Ovse Ogsz Tooet TSUN SW Sdid 30 SLveT 0962524 SOEEEL E8ZSOvE BP709S! Ss0uvVHO WFO | 9PAGE_ Lebly OLeey ToLeey SS98VHO NOW VIOS¥d3G ewnd | iiges "| 8oveys [gees agdend__[vezesz AUSNIHOWN ONIaWId 3O 1503 | wboeszt ~ [izboeel | Z9e19eb pezzisi —fe6vecet | S39 SV ALIOSLOS 13 IVANNY. oe ee vas jess. Veet : ‘Cauinoad My S90b. 260b wStl geee vest suINDsY dHE | “Ob egy Ter hy S077 i687, acos | - ‘G¥SH SSOUD WLO. e| Y GVSH TWNOID Ie NOWNOS [8 00°E Oo OOF GYSH ONIARG |Z e296 else er Se OvaH SuvIS | —“S [62's 00E [ees jb rs “(SHAD SSO WNOWDINs WLOL ¢ Yast [vest rest (SAAD NIV ONIS 30 HIONS1 GSNOISS0 |? | Orel TOver TOvet (Siva) Nv SNISIY SO HISNST | _E! ob oy Tor _____ SHRGH ONIdWod [Z| _ tHe SSuvHOSIO | t ___ BSA Bd Wiqsig Epecuey BieRH UNIEL ejonuy u ua Bi sisfjpuy eojeucos WATER HAMMER DESIGN jn Ankola Taluk, Uttara Kannada District DESCRIPTION T C [xe 360 400 460 300 | TYPE OF PIPE 1 PSC. PSC PSC. L PSC. PSC CLASS OF PIPE - t t 7 THICKNESS OF PIPE (MM) T 560 | 5.60. 6.40 | 6407 $401 DISCHARGE (LPH) I F56E00.00 | 496500.00 | 496850.00 496800.00 FULL SUPPLY LEVEL OF RESERVOIR (Mts) 127,00, 427.001 4127.00 427.00) GL-RL OF LOWEST L-SECTION (Mts) 98.80] 98.80, __ 98.60. STATIC HEAD. 28.20 28.20 28.201 HAMMER PRESSURE VELOCITY: (Mts) 4073.62 | 1073.82 4020.1) a1 [WATER VELOCITY IN PIPS (Mts/Sec.) 1.43 7101 0.70] WATER HAMMER PRESSURE (Mts) 157.04 420.211 73.08 TOTAL PRESSURE, — T8521 7aBA1 eas | som BARROS Plan and Section of collector weil anc unitised sump 417

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