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Machine Learning Nanodegree 
Artificial Neural Networks, TensorFlow, and Machine Learning 

Before You Start 

Prerequisites: In order to succeed in this program, we recommend having experience programing in Python, 
knowledge of inferential statistics, probability, linear algebra and calculus. If you’ve never programmed 
before, or want a refresher, you can prepare for this Nanodegree with Lessons 1-4 of I​ ntro to Computer 
Educational Objectives: This program will teach you how to become a Machine Learning Engineer, build 
Machine Learning models and apply them to data sets in fields like finance, healthcare, education, and 
Length of Program: The program is 1 term spread over 6 months. We expect students to work 10 
hours/week on average. Estimated time commitment is 200 hours per term. 
Frequency of Classes: Self-paced 
Textbooks required: None 
Instructional Tools Available: Video lectures, personalized project reviews, dedicated mentor, live chat help 

Model Evaluation and Validation 

Project 1: Predicting Boston Housing Prices 

The Boston housing market is highly competitive, and you want to be the best real estate agent in the 
area. To compete with your peers, you decide to leverage a few basic machine learning concepts to 
assist you and a client with finding the best selling price for their home. Luckily, you’ve come across the 
Boston Housing dataset which contains aggregated data on various features for houses in Greater 
Boston communities, including the median value of homes for each of those areas. Your task is to build 
an optimal model based on a statistical analysis with the tools available. This model will then be used to 
estimate the best selling price for your clients' homes. 


Supporting Lesson Content: Model Evaluation and Validation 

Lesson Title  Learning Outcomes 

TRAINING AND TESTING  ➔ Load data with Pandas, then train and test models with 
MODELS  Scikit-learn. 

EVALUATION METRICS  ➔ Learn about metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall used 
to measure the performance of your models. 

EVALUATION AND  ➔ Choose the best model using cross-validation and grid search. 

Supervised Learning 

Project 2: Find Donors for CharityML 

CharityML is a fictitious charity organization located in the heart of Silicon Valley that was established to 
provide financial support for people eager to learn machine learning. After nearly 32,000 letters sent to 
people in the community, CharityML determined that every donation they received came from 
someone that was making more than $50,000 annually. To expand their potential donor base, 
CharityML has decided to send letters to residents of California, but to only those most likely to donate 
to the charity. With nearly ​15 million​ working Californians, CharityML has brought you on board to help 
build an algorithm to best identify potential donors and reduce overhead cost of sending mail. Your 
goal will be evaluate and optimize several different supervised learners to determine which algorithm 
will provide the highest donation yield while also reducing the total number of letters being sent. 

Supporting Lesson Content: Supervised Learning 

Lesson Title  Learning Outcomes 

LINEAR REGRESSION  ➔ Difference between Regression and Classification 

➔ Learn to predict values with Linear Regression 

PERCEPTRON  ➔ Learn the definition of a perceptron as a building block for 

ALGORITHM  neural networks, and the perceptron algorithm for classification. 

LOGISTIC REGRESSION  ➔ Learn to predict states using Logistic Regression 

NEURAL NETWORKS  ➔ Learn the definition of a Neural Network 

➔ Learn to train them using backpropagation 
➔ Build a neural network starting from a single perceptron 

DECISION TREES  ➔ Train Decision Trees to predict states 

➔ Use Entropy to build decision trees recursively 


➔ Random forests 

NAIVE BAYES  ➔ Learn the Bayes rule, and how to apply it to predicting data 
using the Naive Bayes algorithm 
➔ Train models using Bayesian Learning 
➔ Use Bayesian Inference to create Bayesian Networks of several 
➔ Bayes NLP Mini-Project 

SUPPORT VECTOR  ➔ Learn to train a Support Vector Machine to separate data 

MACHINES  linearly 
➔ Use Kernel Methods in order to train SVMs on data that is not 
linearly separable 

ENSEMBLE OF LEARNERS  ➔ Enhance traditional algorithms via boosting 

➔ AdaBoost 

Unsupervised Learning 

Project 3: Creating Customer Segments 

In this project you will apply unsupervised learning techniques on product spending data collected for 
customers of a wholesale distributor in Lisbon, Portugal to identify customer segments hidden in the 
data. You will first explore the data by selecting a small subset to sample and determine if any product 
categories highly correlate with one another. Afterwards, you will preprocess the data by scaling each 
product category and then identifying (and removing) unwanted outliers. With the good, clean 
customer spending data, you will apply PCA transformations to the data and implement clustering 
algorithms to segment the transformed customer data. Finally, you will compare the segmentation 
found with an additional labeling and consider ways this information could assist the wholesale 
distributor with future service changes. 

Supporting Lesson Content: Unsupervised Learning 

Lesson Title  Learning Outcomes 

CLUSTERING  ➔ Learn the basics of clustering Data 

➔ Cluster data with the K-means algorithm 

HIERARCHICAL AND  ➔ Cluster data with Single Linkage Clustering 

DENSITY-BASED  ➔ Cluster data with DBSCAN, a clustering method that captures the 
CLUSTERING  insight that clusters are dense groups of points. 


GAUSSIAN MIXTURE  ➔ Cluster data with Gaussian Mixture Models  

MODELS  ➔ Optimize Gaussian Mixture Models with Expectation 

FEATURE SCALING  ➔ Learn to scale features in your data 

➔ Learn to select the best features for training data 

DIMENSIONALITY  ➔ Reduce the dimensionality of the data using Principal 

REDUCTION  Component Analysis and Independent Component Analysis 

Project 4: Dog Breed Classifier 
In this project, you will learn how to build a pipeline that can be used within a web or mobile app to process 
real-world, user-supplied images. Given an image of a dog, your algorithm will identify an estimate of the 
canine’s breed. If supplied an image of a human, the code will identify the resembling dog breed. Along with 
exploring state-of-the-art CNN models for classification, you will make important design decisions about the 
user experience for your app. Our goal is that by completing this lab, you understand the challenges 
involved in piecing together a series of models designed to perform various tasks in a data processing 
pipeline. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and engineering a real-world application often 
involves solving many problems without a perfect answer. Your imperfect solution will nonetheless create a 
fun user experience! 

Supporting Lesson Content: Deep Learning 

Lesson Title  Learning Outcomes 

MACHINE LEARNING TO  ➔ The basics of deep learning, including softmax, one-hot 
DEEP LEARNING  encoding, and cross entropy. 
➔ Basic linear classification models such as Logistic Regression, 
and their associated error function. 

DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS  ➔ Review: What is a Neural Network? 

➔ Activation functions, sigmoid, tanh, and ReLus. 
➔ How to train a neural network using backpropagation and the 
chain rule. 
➔ How to improve a neural network using techniques such as 
regularization and dropout. 

CONVOLUTIONAL  ➔ What is a Convolutional Neural Network? 

NEURAL NETWORKS  ➔ How CNNs are used in image recognition. 


Project 5: Train a Quadcopter to Fly 

In this project, you will design an agent that can fly a quadcopter, and then train it using a reinforcement 
learning algorithm of your choice, You will apply the techniques you have learnt in this module to find out 
what works best, but you will also have the freedom to come up with innovative ideas and test them on your 
own. The project is divided into 4 sections which cover different aspects of getting the quadcopter to fly 
such as taking off, hovering, landing and so on. 

Supporting Lesson Content: Reinforcement Learning 

Lesson Title  Learning Outcomes 

WELCOME TO RL  ➔ The basics of reinforcement learning and OpenAI Gym. 

THE RL FRAMEWORK: THE  ➔ Learn how to define Markov Decision Processes to solve 
PROBLEM  real-world problems. 

THE RL FRAMEWORK: THE  ➔ Learn about policies and value functions. 

SOLUTION  ➔ Derive the Bellman Equations. 

DYNAMIC  ➔ Write your own implementations of iterative policy evaluation, 

PROGRAMMING  policy improvement, policy Iteration, and value Iteration. 

MONTE CARLO METHODS  ➔ Implement classic Monte Carlo prediction and control methods. 
➔ Learn about greedy and epsilon-greedy policies. 
➔ Explore solutions to the Exploration-Exploitation Dilemma. 

TEMPORAL-DIFFERENCE  ➔ Learn the difference between the Sarsa, Q-Learning, and 

METHODS  Expected Sarsa algorithms. 

RL IN CONTINUOUS  ➔ Learn how to adapt traditional algorithms to work with 

SPACES  continuous spaces. 

DEEP Q-LEARNING  ➔ Extend value-based reinforcement learning methods to complex 

problems using deep neural networks. 

POLICY GRADIENTS  ➔ Policy-based methods try to directly optimize for the optimal 
policy. Learn how they work, and why they are important, 
especially for domains with continuous action spaces. 

ACTOR-CRITIC METHODS  ➔ Learn how to combine value-based and policy-based methods, 

bringing together the best of both worlds, to solve challenging 
reinforcement learning problems. 


Project 6: Capstone Proposal 

In this capstone project proposal, prior to completing the following Capstone Project, you you will leverage 
what you’ve learned throughout the Nanodegree program to author a proposal for solving a problem of 
your choice by applying machine learning algorithms and techniques. A project proposal encompasses 
seven key points: 
● The project's domain background — the field of research where the project is derived; 
● A problem statement — a problem being investigated for which a solution will be defined; 
● The datasets and inputs — data or inputs being used for the problem; 
● A solution statement — a the solution proposed for the problem given; 
● A benchmark model — some simple or historical model or result to compare the defined solution to; 
● A set of evaluation metrics — functional representations for how the solution can be measured; 
● An outline of the project design — how the solution will be developed and results obtained. 

Project 7: Capstone Project 

In this capstone project, you will leverage what you’ve learned throughout the Nanodegree program to solve 
a problem of your choice by applying machine learning algorithms and techniques. You will first define the 
problem you want to solve and investigate potential solutions and performance metrics. Next, you will 
analyze the problem through visualizations and data exploration to have a better understanding of what 
algorithms and features are appropriate for solving it. 
You will then implement your algorithms and metrics of choice, documenting the preprocessing, 
refinement, and postprocessing steps along the way. Afterwards, you will collect results about the 
performance of the models used, visualize significant quantities, and validate/justify these values. Finally, 
you will construct conclusions about your results, and discuss whether your implementation adequately 
solves the problem. 

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