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Softtcall Gina WS eng Satisfactory = 2 [Needs Improvement - 1 “The por has no ile The pose has tte LENGTH The finaleraft of The final Graf ofthe The final draft ofthe The final draft of the the oc bas four stanzas poem hastwoto pcm has one stanza ‘or Conising tree oe thee stanzas ‘contiting of thre lines ing of ince more lice, ‘comulting of tec or or Teas ‘Se marlin, more lines. STYLE “The poem is i ‘The pocm is written The poem lacks syle scemewhal with syle. andthe thoughts di not ‘Thoughts are clear to come out clearly on 6 VOCABULARY The pom filed The pm incr by jpive many descriptive ‘re ‘ements an ae ‘appealing. There are Aiece examples of examples of There ar no examples figoraive amguage. figurative language, of figurative langage, work! T enyoyél code hearer le “Styl fremt My (Ulla —

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