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Strength of Material

Lecturer : Heng Piseth (MSc.)

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© Copyright: Phnom Penh, October 2017
Content of Lecture
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Actions
Chapter 3. Stress
Chapter 4. Strain and Deformation
Chapter 5. Mechanical Property of Material
Chapter 6. Geometrical Characteristic of Cross-Section
Chapter 7. Support Condition
Chapter 8. Reduction Element
Chapter 9. Simple Tension and Compression
Chapter 10. Simple Flexion
Chapter 11. Shear Stress
Chapter 12. Oblique Flexion
Chapter 13. Combination of Flexion and Compression or Tension
Chapter 14. Torsion
Chapter 15. Combination of Flexion and Torsion
Chapter 16. Structural Stability
Chapter 17. Concentration of Stress
Chapter 18. Failure Criteria
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction

 1.1. What is strength of material (mechanics of material)?

 1.2. Study purpose of strength of material
 1.3. Basic assumption
 1.4. Resolution method

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. What is strength of material (mechanics of material)?
Strength of material or mechanics of material is a subject which deals
with the behavior of a solid object subjecting to stresses (σ) and strains (ε)
caused by external action.

Stress is a physical quantity that expresses the internal forces that

neighboring particles of a continuous material exert on each other.
Stain is a measure of deformation representing the displacement
between particles in the body relative to a reference length. 5
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.2. Study purpose of strength of material
The purpose of studying the strength of materials is to ensure that a minimum
quantity of material in a given structure meeting the following requirement:
- Strength (resistance) (កម្លង
ាំ ធន)់ : the structure must have the ability to resist the
influence of the external forces acting upon it.
- Stiffness (rigidity) (ភាពរងម្
ឹ )ាំ : the structure must have the ability to resist the
strains (deformation) caused by the external forces acting upon it.
- Stability (ស្ថានភាពលាំនង
ឹ ): the structure must retain its geometrical equilibrium in
order to avoid conditions of instability (buckling).
- Durability (ភាពយូរអង្ងែង): the structure must ability to retain its to save its
tolerated strength, stiffness and stability without failure during the exploitation
time or under a number of variable biasing cycles (fatigue).
- Resilience (ភាពធនទ្់ រ)ាំ : in the case of dynamic loading applied, the structure must
have ability to absorb a certain quantity of energy without much damage.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.3. Basic assumption (Hypotheses)
Basic assumption which is considered in the study of strength of material is
shown as following:
- Continuity: the material is uniformly continuous in a whole body volume
without any crack or cavity.
- Homogeneity: the material is homogeneous where all points of the body have
the same material properties.
- Isotropy: the material properties are the same in any direction of a body.
- Residual stress: residual stresses ,which are caused by manufacturing
process, are the initial stresses in material before the application of external
forces. If these stresses are not sufficiently weak to be considered as
negligible, it is necessary either to take into account by measuring them in
experimental, or to reduce them by special techniques (for example heat
treatment process). 7
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.4. Resolution method
Generally, a problem of strength of material is solved using a systematic
approach that consist of three fundamental steps as following:
- Study of forces: equilibrium condition (equilibrium equation)
The requirement conditions for study of structural equilibrium are
translational equilibrium F  0 and rotational equilibrium M  0
- Study of displacement:
Law of compatibility

- Application of force-displacement relation:

behavior law (Hooke’s law) 𝑭 = 𝒌. 𝑿
Chapter 2: Actions

Chapter 2: Actions

 2.1. Types des actions

 2.2. External forces
 2.3. Internal forces

Chapter 2: Actions
2.1. Types of actions
There are many types of action which might act on a structure. These action would be
distinguished or classified as following:
a. By their action mode:
- Direct action: (general loading) point or distributed loading
- Indirect action: imposed deformation, settlement, etc.
b. By variation of time:
- Permanent action: self-weight of structure and non structural element, earth
pressure, imposed deformation by construction mode of structure, settlement, etc.
- Variable action: Imposed load (live load), weight of element during construction
phase, load of mobile vehicle, wind, deformation caused by temperature, etc.
- Accidental action: collision or explosion, fire, earthquake, etc.
c. Other: (Fixed vs free action, static vs dynamic action)

Chapter 2: Actions
2.2. External Forces
External force (load) is the load on a system by forces or couples, which allows to
quantify and idealize the interaction between two mechanical systems. For example,
operation load, pressure, wind, self-weight, etc.

F1 →
σ ε

Chapter 2: Actions
2.2. External Forces
• Contact surface forces: they are caused by the contact between two bodies in a
particular surface that is called a surface distributed force. For the particular
case, the contact surface is much smaller compared to the total surface of the
body, they can be idealized as a concentrated force (point force) that is applied
at a point. The force can be idealized as a linear distributed force if force is
applied along a narrow surface.
• Volumetric forces: a element is exerted by a contactless physically force in
direct contact with another element. This force is due to gravity or to the
electromagnetic field, and it normally represents a concentrated force exerted
at the center of gravity of the body, called the self-weight.

Chapter 2: Actions
2.2. External Forces
External forces are classified by their applied geometric shape as following:
• 1-dimension force:
- Linear uniformly

- Point load distributed load

- Linear triangularly

- Linear distributed distributed load

- Linear trapezoidal
distributed load
• 2-dimension force: • 3-dimension force:

- Volumetric distributed

- Surface distributed load

Chapter 2: Actions
2.3. Internal Forces
The study of materials reveals that there are forces of attraction and intermolecular
repulsion, forces which are in equilibrium and which maintain a certain spacing between
the molecules. Under the action of external stresses, this equilibrium is modified, which
causes the deformation of the material. The forces generated by the action of the stresses
are called internal forces. The material must be sufficiently strong to withstand the
forces of the internal forces without deterioration: this is the essence of the study of the
strength of materials. →

G For equilibrium in structure
S when part B is removed:

→  R   fi
A B M  Tensor of internal
S 
 M   ri  f i
G forces
S →  S
Cross section R
Chapter 2: Actions
2.3. Internal Forces
• Normal force (N): it is the internal force that is

→ perpendicular to the considered surface. ( Rx )
→ M
→ My
Mz • Shear force (T or V): it is the internal force that is
→ → x
G Mx Rx
→ →
→ parallel to the considered surface. ( Ry , Rz )
Ry →
Rz →
R • Bending moment or moment of flexion (Mf): it is the

y z internal torque around axis parallel to the studied

→ →
surface. ( My , Mz )
• Torsion moment (Mt): it is the internal torque around axis perpendicular to the

studied surface. ( Mx ) Shear force (T)
Normal force (N) z
z T F yT
y z
N N x
x T
Fx  N Torsion moment (Mt)
Bending moment (Mf) z
z y y
Mf Mf Mt
x M x  Mt
x Mt
My  M f
Chapter 3: Stress

Chapter 3: Stress

 3.1. Stress at a point

 3.2. State of stress in a body in a three-dimensional space
 3.3. Two-dimensional analysis of the stress tensor
 3.4. State of in-plan stress in arbitrary directions
 3.5. Exercises

Chapter 3: Stress
3.1. Stress at a point

Fi F n

• At each point M of a solid, there are internal forces which are demonstrated by
cutting the solid by a surface S into two parts A and B. The part A is in
equilibrium under the action of the external forces directly applied to it and
action of the internal forces distributed over the cutting plane.
• Consider a point O of surface S. Let ΔS be an infinitesimal element of the
surface S surrounding point O and nthe unitary vector perpendicular to S at
point O and directed towards the exterior of the part A.

Chapter 3: Stress
3.1. Stress at a point
Due to external force, it will cause the internal force  F on the surface S . The stress
vector on the surface that has the vector normal nat point O is:
F d F
 F A B
 
T O , n  lim
S  0 S

N 
 m 2    Pa 
n S
S O

 O
 F B A
   
T O , n  T O , n
The concept of stress was introduced by Cauchy (1822): stress is the intensity/ density
of the internal forces distribution on the small area around the point of the deformable
Generally, the stress vector is inclined at an angle with angle

T O, n  n with respect to the plane of the cross-section.
n  n
Normal stress on the plane of normal n at point O:  n  T .cos 
Shear stress on the plane of normal n at point O:  n  T .sin 
Chapter 3: Stress
3.1. Stress at a point
Due to external force, it will cause the internal force on the surface. The stress vector
on the surface that has the vector normal at point O is:
z x

T O, n n z
 xz T O, x 
 nz   xz 
n n   x
y  xy n x x
 ny   xy O
y O

z Fxx dFxx Fyy dFyy Fzz dFzz

 x  lim   y  lim   z  lim 
S x  0 S dS x S z  0 S
z x
S y  0 S y dS y dS z
d Sz z

 zy  zx d Sx Fxy dFxy Fyx dFyx Fzx dFzx

 xz  xy  lim   yx  lim   zx  lim
S z  0 S

x S x  0 S x dS x S y  0 S y dS y dS z
d Sy  yz x

O  xy Fxz dFxz Fyz dFyz Fzy dFzy

y  xz  lim   yz  lim   zy  lim 
 yx S x  0 S
x dS x S y  0 S y dS y
S z  0 S z dS z

y i  x y z  = component of stress each axis (x, y, z)

 x  xy  xz   x
 
Stress components: T O , ij    yx  y  yz  ; j   y  = normal axis to considered
 zx  zy  z  z
  surfaces n j 21
Chapter 3: Stress
3.1. Stress at a point
Consider a free-body diagram of a box-shaped volume element at a point O in a
member, with its sides parallel to the x, y, z axes.

O x

One surface is positive (+) when its normal axis is in the positive (+) direction of the axis.
One stress is positive (+) when its is in positive direction (+) of the axis and its surface is positive (+)
or when its is in negative direction (-) of the axis and its surface is negative (-)

Chapter 3: Stress
3.2. Stress at a point
The stresses at point O
For a point stress condition:
- Rotational equilibrium at point O around x axis:
dy dy
2 yz d x d z  2 zy d x d z  0   yz   zy
2 2
- Rotational equilibrium at point O around y axis:
dx d
2 xz d y d z  2 zx d y d z x  0   xz   zx
2 2
- Rotational equilibrium at point O around z axis:
dz d
2 yx d x d y  2 xy d x d y z  0   yx   xy
2 2
For the point stress state:
 xy   yx  x  xy  xz 
 Stress components: T O , ij    xy  y  yz 
 ij   ji   xz   zx  
 xz  yz  z 
   or Stress tensor:
 yz zy 23
Chapter 3: Stress
3.2. State of stress in a body in a three-dimensional space
The stresses at point O act on the faces of the infinitesimal parallelepiped and the body
forces act in volume of the parallelepiped.

  x  xy  xz 
 dx dx dx 
x x x
 d x d xy d xz   
    yx  y  yz 
 d yx d y d yz   
dy 
 d d zy d  z   
 zx   zx  zy  x 
 dz dz dx 
 z z x 

The condition of (static) equilibrium of the force acting in direction x:

 x  d x  dydz  ( yx  d yx )dxdz  ( zx  d zx )dxdy   x dydz   yx dxdz   zx dxdy  f x dxdydz  0
d  x dydz  d yx dxdz  d zx dxdy  f x dxdydz  0
 x  yx 
dxdydz  dydxdz  zx dzdxdy  f x dxdydz  0
x y z
 x  yx  zx
   fx  0 24
x y z
Chapter 3: Stress
3.2. State of stress in a body in a three-dimensional space
The condition of equilibrium of the force acting in direction y:
 xy  y  zy
   fy  0
x y z
The condition of equilibrium of the force acting in direction z:
 xz  yz  z
   fz  0
x y z
So, the static equilibrium of the force in a body in a three-dimensional space:
  x  yx  zx
 x  y  z  f x  0

 xy  y  zy
    fy  0
 x y z
   yz  z
 xz    fz  0
  x  y  z

For the point stress state:  xy   yx

 dx  0; dy  0; dz  0    ij   ji   xz   zx
  
 yz zy 25
Chapter 3: Stress
3.3. Two-dimensional analysis of the stress tensor
In many applications of the stress theory, one of the principle direction is known. In a
case that there is one principal direction (of three directions) which have so small
dimension comparing to the others (called thin plate element) and there is no external
forces applied in the surface body along the small direction, two-dimensional analysis of
the stress tensor is enough to compute the remaining two principal stresses and directions.
In this case, we call plane stress state. The principal stress in small dimension direction
and shear stresses which have component related to this direction are considered as zero.

z  0
 xz   zx  0
 yz   zy  0

Chapter 3: Stress
3.3. Two-dimensional analysis of the stress tensor
In plane stress state, the stresses that have component related to the small dimension
direction (generally considered z-axis) are zero. So, we consider only stress tensor in plan
xy as below:
 y
The static equilibrium: y  dy
y    yx dy
y yx
  x  yx D C  xy
 x  y  f x  0 x
fy   dx
 fx xy
 
  xy   y  f  0  xy  x  x dx
 x y dx x
y A B
 yx x
For the point stress state: y
 yx
 dx  0; dy  0    xy   yx y  xy
x x
O x
 xy

 yx
y 27
Chapter 3: Stress
3.4. State of in-plan stress in arbitrary directions
In plane stress state, the stresses that have component related to the small dimension
direction (generally considered z-axis) are zero. So, we consider only stress tensor in plan
xy as below:

 Fx  0    .d s .cos     .d s .sin    x .d y   yx .d x  0
 Fy  0    .d s .sin     .d s .cos    y .d x   xy .d y  0

x y x  y
   cos 2   xy sin 2 Eq.3.4.1
2 2
x y
   sin 2   xy cos 2 Eq.3.4.2
Chapter 3: Stress
3.4. State of in-plan stress in arbitrary directions
Mohr’s Circle
 x  y x  y

    cos 2   xy sin 2  x y 
x  y 
2 2       2
     xy
 2 

2 
  y  
   x sin 2   xy cos 2
 2
x y x y 
 Avg  ; R     xy

2  2 

    Avg    2  R 2

Principal normal stresses:

 
   x   y  sin 2  2 xy cos 2
  1 2 xy 
 0  1  arctan ;  2  1 
 2 x  y 2

The principal normal stresses σ1 and σ2 are the maximum and minimum normal
stresses when θ1 and θ2 are replaced in Eq. 3.4.1.
Chapter 3: Stress
3.4. State of in-plan stress in arbitrary directions
Mohr’s Circle
Principal normal stresses:
The normal principal stresses σ1 and σ2 are
also able to be determined by Mohr’s Circle
where its correlated shear stress τxy is zero.
1   x   y x  y 
       xy2
2  2  2 
Principal shear stresses:
 
   x   y  cos 2  2 xy sin 2
  1 2   x   y 
 0   3  arctan
 2  xy
The principal shear stress τmax is the maximum stress when θ3 is replaced in Eq. 3.4.2.

The principal shear stress τmax is able to be determined by Mohr’s Circle:

x y 
 max      xy

 2  30
Chapter 3: Stress
3.4. State of in-plan stress in arbitrary directions
Mohr’s Circle in another rotational coordinate

x y x  y
 x'   cos 2   xy sin 2 Eq.3.4.3
2 2
x y x  y
 y'   cos 2   xy sin 2 Eq.3.4.4
2 2
x y
 x' y'   sin 2   xy cos 2 Eq.3.4.5

Chapter 3: Stress
3.5. Exercise
1. For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses exerted on
the oblique face of the shaded triangular element shown. Use a method of analysis based
on the equilibrium of that element.

2. For the given state of stress, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal

Chapter 3: Stress
3.5. Exercise
3. For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum
in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding
normal stress.

4. For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses after the
element shown has been rotated through (a) 25o clockwise, (b) 10o counterclockwise.

[1]. Economic Committee of World Steel Association (2016). Steel
Statistical Yearbook 2016. World Steel Association: Brussels, Belgium.
[2] Silva V.D. (2006). Mechanics and Strength of Materials. Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: The Netherland.
[3] Timoshenko S. (1940). Strength of Materials-Part I: Elementary
Theory and Problem. D. Van Nostrand Company, INC.: New York, USA.
[4] Vong Seng (2007-2008). Résistance des Matériaux (R.D.M.). Institut
de Technologie du Cambodge
[5] Svetlana L.M., Angel M. & Dimitrina K. P. (2014). Strength of
Materials. University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy.
[6]. Several images are gotten from


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