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Titles Available for Purchase

Product ID Title Author Publisher C on tra ct Year Unit Price
Pu bli sher
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
R aj ani Washi ngto Washi ngto
1701485 Gender Before Birth Bhati a n P res s n Pre ss 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Mary Jane Spr inge r
Sm i th , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
PhD, R N, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1701401 Middle Range Theory for Nursing, Fourth Edition FAA N Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
H ans - Sc ie nce &
Jü rgen B usi nes s
1700042 Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie Möll er Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wai Lup B usi nes s
1700037 PET/CT in Head and Neck Cancer Wong Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ahm e d B usi nes s
1700036 Difficult Conditions in Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery Al-Kandari Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Qi ngsong B usi nes s
1700025 Micromachines for Biological Micromanipulation Xu Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1700024 Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference Müjgan Tez Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
And re Spr inge r
Mar ti nho Sc ie nce &
P rote om ic s i n D om e stic Ani m al s: From Farm to de B usi nes s
1700019 Syste ms Bi ol ogy Alm e id a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conni e M. B usi nes s
1700015 Moral Distress in the Health Professions Ulr ic h Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lawr enc e B usi nes s
1700009 The Rise of Fetal and Neonatal Physiology D. Longo Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
José Sc ie nce &
E urope an Ps ychi atri c/Me ntal H ealth Nur sin g in Carl os B usi nes s
1700007 the 21st Cen tur y Santos Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Be rthold P ubli shi ng
1699398 Abdominal Ultrasound: Step by Step Bloc k Thieme Inc . 2015 Rp 7,196,000
Moham ad App le
Fai z Foong Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1699313 Bioresources Technology in SustainableAgriculture Abdul lah Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A n Inves ti gati on of the Caus al Infer enc e Be tw ee n Mi nsoo B usi nes s
1698985 E pid em i ology and Juri spru den ce Ju ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Mod ern Dose -Find ing De signs for Cance r Phase I Sc ie nce &
T rial s: Drug Com bi nati ons and Mol ec ularl y Aki hir o B usi nes s
1698983 Targe te d A gents Hi rakaw a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce d Te chnol ogie s for the Re habil itati on of Gi orgio B usi nes s
1698977 Gai t and B al ance Di sord ers Sand rini Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Tel m o Sc ie nce &
Mota B usi nes s
1698976 Drugs and Social Context Ronzani Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iom ec hanic s, Musc le Fi ber s, and H ow to Masataka B usi nes s
1698975 Inte rfac e Exper im e ntal Apparatus to a Comp uter Kaw ai Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Mil an Syste m for R eporti ng Sali var y Gl an d Wi ll iam C. B usi nes s
1698973 Cytopathology Faqu in Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1698964 CT and MRI of Skull Base Lesions Igor Pronin Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H este r Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1698887 Verpleegkundig leiderschap Ve rm eul e n Loghu m V. (B SL) 2018 Rp 2,799,000
Ohi o O hio
R idp ath, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1698119 Alternative Models of Sports Development inAmerica B. David Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000

E nvir on me ntal H eal th i n the 21s t Century: From R ic har d

1698095 A ir Poll ution to Z oon oti c Dis ease s [2 Vol um es ] Cr um e Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2018 Rp 5,544,000

Chrom atograp hic Te chni que s i n the Fore nsi c Ter esa CR C Pre ss
1698073 A nal ysi s of Des igne r D rugs Kow al ska CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,759,000

Katri n CR C Pre ss
1698070 Canine Infectious Diseases Hartmann CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,695,000
Spr inge r
Paola Sc ie nce &
Mas tr anto B usi nes s
1697509 Updates on Clostridium Difficile in Europe nio Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Martin Sc ie nce &
Bir khae us e B usi nes s
1697508 Pre-Menopause, Menopause and Beyond r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Xi an gpen g B usi nes s
1697505 Early-stage Lung Cancer Zhe ng Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2018 Rp 5,292,000
Inc .,
Le ster D. H eal th
R. Sc ie nce s
1697179 Head and Neck Pathology E-Book Thom pson Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp15,119,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Lu ke Sc ie nce s
1697178 Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology Rud m ik Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Davi d J Sc ie nce s
1697176 Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry E-Book Dabbs Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp26,459,000
Inc .,
H eal th
G. Pe tu r Sc ie nce s
1697175 Diagnostic Pathology: Bone Ni el se n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P rac tic al Soft Ti ssu e P athol ogy: A Diagnosti c Jason L . Sc ie nce s
1697174 A pproach E-Book Horni ck Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp22,427,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T he A nteri or Cru ci ate Li gam e nt: R e construc tion Chadwi ck Sc ie nce s
1697173 and Basi c Sc ie nce E -B ook Prodrom os Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp21,167,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Babak Sc ie nce s
1697172 Master Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation E-Book Azizzade h Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E sse ntial Ec hocardi ography: A Comp an ion to Scott D Sc ie nce s
1697171 B rau nwald ’s He art Di se as e E-Book Sol om on Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H on orio Sc ie nce s
1697170 Essentials of Pain Medicine E-Book Be nzon Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,735,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mass ac huse tts Ge ner al H ospi tal H and book of The odore Sc ie nce s
1697169 Ge ne ral Hosp ital P sychi atr y E-Book A. Ste rn Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 6,047,000
Inc .,
Martíne z- H eal th
Ji m éne z, Sc ie nce s
1697168 Specialty Imaging: HRCT of the Lung E-Book Santi ago Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp17,387,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sami r S. Sc ie nce s
1697167 Complications of Urologic Surgery E-Book Tane ja Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Jose ph J. Sc ie nce s
1697166 Volpe's Neurology of the Newborn E-Book Vol pe Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp14,363,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R ic har d G. Sc ie nce s
1697165 Principles of Neurological Surgery E-Book Ell e nbogen Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp18,899,000
Inc .,
Matthe w H eal th
R. Sc ie nce s
1697164 Diagnostic Pathology: Normal Histology - E-Book Lin dber g Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp18,899,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Al as tai r Sc ie nce s
1697163 MacSween's Pathology of the Liver E-Book D. Burt Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1697162 Hematopathology E-Book Eric D. Hsi Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2017 Rp15,119,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Che st R adiol ogy: Patt ern s and Di ffe ren ti al Jame s C. Sc ie nce s
1697161 D iagnose s E -B ook Re ed Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 9,071,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ke ndi g and Cherni ck' s Di sord ers of the R obert W . Sc ie nce s
1697160 R e spi ratory Tract i n Chi ld re n E-Book Wil m ott Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp21,167,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gol dm an , Sc ie nce s
1697159 Atlas of Retinal OCT E-Book Darin R. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp15,119,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Brand t C. Sc ie nce s
1697158 Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Procedures E-Book Wibl e Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp25,703,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Jame s D . Sc ie nce s
1697157 Aesthetic Surgery Techniques E-Book Fram e Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp17,387,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1697156 Diagnostic Pathology: Thoracic E-Book Saul Suster Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi chael E . Sc ie nce s
1697155 Aulton's Pharmaceutics E-Book Au lton Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp10,773,000
Inc .,
Vinay H eal th
Ch and rase Sc ie nce s
1697154 Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy E-Book khar a Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp18,899,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O per ati ve Te chn ique s: Shoul de r and Elbow Sc ie nce s
1697153 Sur gery E-Book Donald Lee Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp21,167,000
Inc .,
Mi chael H eal th
Bruc e Sc ie nce s
1697152 Atlas of Image-Guided Spinal Procedures E-Book Furm an Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp12,095,000
Inc .,
Steve n E. H eal th
Wei nber ge Sc ie nce s
1697151 Principles of Pulmonary Medicine E-Book r Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 5,711,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Jon A. Sc ie nce s
1697150 Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound E-Book Jac obs on Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Khan, Sc ie nce s
1697149 Drug Allergy Testing David Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi tc hel l Sc ie nce s
1697148 Challenging Neuropathic Pain Syndromes Free dm an Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D iagnostic Pathology: Lym ph Nod es an d L. Jeff re y Sc ie nce s
1697147 E xtranodal Lym phom as E -Book Med ei ros Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
R obin, H eal th
Nathani e l Sc ie nce s
1697146 Pediatric Cancer Genetics H. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Anthony Sc ie nce s
1697145 ColourAtlas of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery E-Book G. Tyers Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp20,495,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1697144 Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections E-Book Allen, G. M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp10,583,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Tod d H . Sc ie nce s
1697143 ERCP E-Book Baron Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp18,899,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Davi d X . Sc ie nce s
1697142 Geriatric Rehabilitation Ci fu Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
BU IJZ E, Sc ie nce s
1697141 Scaphoid Fractures GEER T. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 9,827,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Baum al, Sc ie nce s
1697140 Current Management of Diabetic Retinopathy Carol ine R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Chong, Sc ie nce s
1697139 Skull Base Imaging Vi nce nt Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Anne G . Sc ie nce s
1697138 Osborn's Brain E-Book Osborn Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp26,459,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bu dson, Sc ie nce s
1697137 Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Andre w E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Arc ie ro, Sc ie nce s
1697136 Shoulder and Elbow Injuries inAthletes Robe rt A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp13,607,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E sse ntials of E quip me nt i n Anae sthes ia, Cr itic al Baha Al - Sc ie nce s
1697135 Care , and Pe ri-Op erative Me di ci ne E-Book Sh ai kh Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,861,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Male ki, Sc ie nce s
1697134 Practical Cardiology Maj id Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 9,827,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R ia Rd. Sc ie nce s
1697133 Imaging Anatomy: Knee,Ankle, Foot E-Book Cr ckm
Hi im an, Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp18,899,000
PhD, Spr inge r
ACNP-B C, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
H andbook of Cl ini cal N ursi ng: Cr itic al and FNAP , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1697079 E me rge ncy Care N ursi ng FAA N Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Cel e ste M. Spr inge r
Alfe s, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
H andbook of Cl ini cal N ursi ng: Ped iatric and DNP
R onal, d Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1697078 N eonatal Nurs ing MSN,
Hi ckmRN an, Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
PhD, Spr inge r
ACNP-B C, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
H andbook of Cl ini cal N ursi ng: Med ic al -Su rgic al FNAP , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1697077 N urs ing FAA N Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kim , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1696999 Panic Disorder Yong-Ku Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Be nne tt, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cons ume rs ' Gui de to P res cri ption and Ove r the Lunawati Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1696951 Counte r Me di cations L. Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 6,440,000
Spr inge r
Ed ward Sc ie nce &
Saja B usi nes s
1696878 Systems Thinking for Sustainable Development Sanne h Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve roni ca Palgrave B usi nes s
1696876 Public-Private Partnerships in Health Ve cch i Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Anton A. B usi nes s
1696872 Das Glück des Traurigseins Buc her Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jason W . B usi nes s
1696861 Veterinary Forensic Pathology, Volume 2 Brooks Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
N ei l Wi le y- & Sons,
1696853 Practical Lambing and Lamb Care Sargi son Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,847,000
Hu man
Ale xan der , Kin etic s, H um an
1696729 Water Fitness Progressions Ch ris ti ne Inc. Ki neti cs 2018 Rp 896,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi anca B usi nes s
1696574 Arbeitsbuch Ergotherapie individualisiert gestalten Pete rs Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Satō, B usi nes s
1696568 Therapeutic Strategies for Heart Failure Naoki Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me inhard B usi nes s
1696566 Fallzahlberechnung in der medizinischen Forschung Kie se r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paola B usi nes s
1696559 Health Care Systems Engineering Capp ane ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Me ch ani sm s Unde rl ying Host-Mic robi om e Sc ie nce &
Inte rac tions in Path op hysi ology of Hum an B usi nes s
1696557 D ise ase s Jun Sun Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
The Gu il ford
A sse ssm e nt of Au ti sm Spe ctru m Dis orde r, Se cond Sam Gui lford P ubli cation
1696447 E diti on Gold stei n Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,080,000
The Gu il ford
W. John Gui lford P ubli cation
1696446 Handbook of Personality Disorders, Second Edition Live sl ey Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,640,000
The Gu il ford
Oe tti ngen , Gui lford P ubli cation
1696445 The Psychology of Thinking About the Future Gabr ie le Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,920,000
The Gu il ford
Pl ay-B as ed Interve ntions for Chi ld hood Anxi eti es , Athena A. Gui lford P ubli cation
1696444 Fe ars, and P hobias Dre we s Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Pe te r C. P ubli shi ng
1696430 Lymphedema Ne li gan Thieme Inc . 2015 Rp22,736,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Mi chael B . P ubli shi ng
1696429 Gastroenterological Endoscopy Wal lac e Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp29,932,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Indgri d U. P ubli shi ng
1696428 Vitreoretinal Disease Sc ott Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp18,844,000
Steph ani e Spr inge r
Bue hle r, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Couns el in g Coupl es Be fore, Du ring, and A fte r PsyD, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1696334 P regnanc y CST -S Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N ew of N ew
Me xi co Me xic o
1696129 Geeks, Genes, and the Evolution of Asperger Syndrome Falk, Dean Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 699,000
Dan L . Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1696043 Harrisons Hämatologie und Onkologie Longo aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,480,000
H ans -
Ulr ic h Mabuse - B ookw i re
1696011 Ethische Orientierung in der Pflege Dall mann Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 839,000

Astri d Mabuse - B ookw i re

1696010 Was war los in Hohehorst? Fel guth Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 672,000

A del he id Mabuse - B ookw i re

1695930 Hautnah und weiter von H erz Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 420,000
In te rdi szip
li näres
Au tore nte a Mabuse - B ookw i re
1695770 Heal Your Hospital m Wi tten Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,007,000

Barbara Mabuse - B ookw i re

1695767 In meiner Haut Sc hube rt Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 672,000
Chri stiane
Grüm m er- Mabuse - B ookw i re
1695684 Klopfen gegen den Stress Hohe nse e Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 839,000

R obin Mabuse - B ookw i re

1695623 Time to Care Youngson Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,007,000

Ve ra
50Mi nute s.
1695544 Retrouver l'équilibre grâce à la sophrologie Sm ayan
fr Primento 2018 Rp 168,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Orte ga, B usi nes s
1695534 Foodborne Parasites Yne s R.
Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve re na B usi nes s
1695523 Kooperation der Lernorte im Pflegeausbildungssystem Bri es e Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N adj a B usi nes s
1695521 Zervikale Bewegungs- und Kontrolldysfunktionen Bütt ner Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Montanari , B usi nes s
1695518 Thermal Treatments of Canned Foods Ange la Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Schm i dt- Sc ie nce &
Webe r, B usi nes s
1695509 Allergy Prevention and Exacerbation Cars te n B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad el E. B usi nes s
1695505 Disorders of Blood Pressure Regulation Be rbar i Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 8,652,000
R .J. Oxford
McKi nlay Uni ver sity O UP
1695489 ChromosomeAbnormalities and Genetic Counseling Gar dne r Pre ss P rem i um 2018 Rp 7,000,000
Lam , O xford
Raym ond OUP Un ive rsi ty
1695477 Depression W. Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 2,519,000
Pe rse us
T. Coli n Be nBe ll a B ooks ,
1695466 The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition Cam pbe ll Books L LC 2016 Rp 504,000
Pe rse us
John G. Be nBe ll a B ooks ,
1695445 Prevent, Survive, Thrive Wes
The t Books L LC 2016 Rp 700,000
Am eri can Am er ic an
Acade m y Ac ad em y Pe rse us
of of B ooks ,
1695437 Understanding the NICU Ped iatric s Pe diatri cs L LC 2016 Rp 475,000
Pe rse us
R obin L. Be nBe ll a B ooks ,
1695415 CellsAre the New Cure Sm i th , MD Books L LC 2017 Rp 755,000
Pe rse us
Joshua Z . Be nBe ll a B ooks ,
1695393 The Cell Rappop ort Books L LC 2017 Rp 475,000
Spr inge r
N ige l Sc ie nce &
Sh au n B usi nes s
1694209 Dislocation of the Temporomandibular Joint Matt hew s Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matthi as B usi nes s
1694206 Pflege deinen Humor Pre hm Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bagnol i, B usi nes s
1694199 StaphylococcusAureus Fabi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Ange lo Sc ie nce &
Raffae le B usi nes s
1694189 Critical Care Sedation De Gaudi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Laura Sc ie nce &
Wei ss B usi nes s
1694188 Military and Veteran Mental Health Robe rts Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
John Wil e y
H icks on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1694182 Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support Mar y Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,540,000

Antoni o CR C Pre ss
1693970 Cellular Patterns Si be r CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

L itt 's D rug E rupti on and Re ac tion Manu al , 23rd Jer om e Z . CR C Pre ss
1693959 E diti on Litt CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Ow en M. CR C Pre ss
1693956 Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man Vol. II (1984) Re nne rt CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

R . Arm our CR C Pre ss

1693952 Diet Nutrition and Immunity Forse CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Marce l E. CR C Pre ss
1693950 Collagen Ni mn i CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Corne li us CR C Pre ss
1693949 Tissue Type PlasminogenActivity Kluft CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,411,000

El li ng CR C Pre ss
1693947 Glutamine and Glutamate Mammals Kvam m e CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Karel P .
M. CR C Pre ss
1693945 Bilirubin He irw egh CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

H andbook of N utri ti onal Re qui rem e nts i n a Mi losl av CR C Pre ss

1693943 Fu nctional Context Re chc igl CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 8,190,000

Li nda H . CR C Pre ss
1693935 NutritionalAspects Of Aging Ch en CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000
Sams on T. CR C Pre ss
1693933 Enzymes of NucleicAcid Synthesis and Modification Jac ob CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Ge rald M. CR C Pre ss
1693927 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Kol odny CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Mi losl av CR C Pre ss
1693926 Handbook of Agricultural Productivity Re chc igl CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,280,000

Bandaru CR C Pre ss
1693923 Diet, Nutrition and Cancer:A Critical Evaluation S. R ed dy CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

CR C Pre ss
1693919 Steroid Biochemistry R. Hobkirk CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

R olf CR C Pre ss
1693915 Spheroid Culture in Cancer Research (1991) Bje rkvi g CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,370,000
Ti m othy
R e gulatory Me chani sm s i n Gas tr ointe stinal S. CR C Pre ss
1693913 Fu nction (1995) Gagi ne ll a CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,370,000

Pe te r E. CR C Pre ss
1693911 The FOS and JUN Families of Transcription Factors Ange l CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,370,000

Isabel le CR C Pre ss
1693906 Sports Concussions Gagn on CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000
R hoda
H eal th R isk Asse ssm e nt De rm al and Inhalation G.M. CR C Pre ss
1693905 E xp osure and A bsorpti on of Toxi cants Wang CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,190,000

R ic har d A. CR C Pre ss
1693904 Three Dimensional Biomedical Imaging (1985) Robb CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Ern est L CR C Pre ss

1693903 Smoking and Reproduction (1984) Abel CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

H andbook of Cl ini cal Toxi cology of Ani mal Jul ian CR C Pre ss
1693899 Ven om s and P oisons Whi te CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,291,000

P roce dure Manual for the Di agnosi s of Inte stinal Donal d L . CR C Pre ss
1693898 Parasi tes Pri ce CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693897 Geomedicine (1990) Jul Lag CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

And ers CR C Pre ss

1693889 Biostatistics for Epidemiologists Ahl bom CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,084,000

J. H. U. CR C Pre ss
1693888 Management In Health Care Systems (1984) Brow n CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Fu ndame ntals of R ece ptor, Enzym e, and Transpor t John C. CR C Pre ss

1693887 Ki neti cs (1993) Matt hew s CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Mari e CR C Pre ss
1693886 Herpes Simplex Viruses Stud ah l CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,280,000
T ric hothec ene Myc otoxi cosi s Pathoph ysiol ogic Ri chard CR C Pre ss
1693882 E ffe cts (1989) Be asl e y CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Wi ll iam C. CR C Pre ss
1693881 Receptor Binding Radiotracers (1982) Ecke lm an CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

H andbook of Anal yti cal The rape utic Dru g Steve n CR C Pre ss
1693874 Moni torin g and T oxi col ogy (1996) H. Y. Wong CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,370,000
Sachi nde r
Si ngh CR C Pre ss
1693873 Endovascular and Open Vascular Reconstruction Hans CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000

Brook A . CR C Pre ss
1693872 Practical Veterinary Dental Radiography Ni em i ec CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

R ic har d A. CR C Pre ss
1693871 Three Dimensional Biomedical Imaging (1985) Robb CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Mod ern Indus tr ial Mic robiol ogy and N duka CR C Pre ss
1693870 B iotec hnol ogy, Se cond Edi tion Okafor CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Steph en
Carm i chae CR C Pre ss
1693868 TheAdrenal Medulla 1986-1988 l CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 9,100,000
T ric hothec ene Myc otoxi cosi s Pathoph ysiol ogic Ri chard CR C Pre ss
1693867 E ffe cts (1989) Be asl e y CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Chapm an
Al ber t and CR C Pre ss
1693859 Statistics in the Health Sciences Ve xl e r Hal l/CRC L LC 2018 Rp 2,799,000

L aboratory Manu al for Cl assi fication an d B. A. CR C Pre ss

1693846 Mor phology of Ru me n Ci li ate P rotozoa Deh or ity CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Franz CR C Pre ss
1693839 Chemistry and Biochemistry of Flavoenzymes Mul le r CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 8,190,000

CR C Pre ss
1693837 Phosphorus NMR in Biology C. Burt CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693832 Toxicity Of Pesticides To Fish Murty CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693823 Spectroscopy in Biochemistry J.Ellis Bell CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Davi d CR C Pre ss
1693821 Ia Antigens Ferr on e CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Martin CR C Pre ss
1693820 Calcium, Vitamin D, and Prevention of Colon Cancer Lip kin CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,280,000

Jose M. CR C Pre ss
1693815 Phospholipid Metabolism in Cellular Signaling Mato CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

H ow ar d F CR C Pre ss
1693814 Chelates In Nutrition Kratz er CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

R oger L. CR C Pre ss
1693813 Chemical Reagents for Protein Modification Lund blad CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Thom as CR C Pre ss
1693802 Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Artemia H. MacR ae CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

M.D . CR C Pre ss
1693797 Biophysics of Gap Junction Channels Perac chi a CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,280,000

Steph en R. CR C Pre ss
1693795 Handbook of Animal Models of Renal Failure Ash CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

T he Chem i stry and Metaboli sm of 4' - Steph en P. CR C Pre ss

1693792 D eoxypyri doxine Cobu rn CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

P. F. L. CR C Pre ss
1693786 Dirofilariasis Bore ham CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693785 Copper Proteins and Copper Enzymes Rene Lontie CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Sek Wen CR C Pre ss

1693784 Freeze-Fracture Studies of Membranes Hui CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

B. K. CR C Pre ss
1693781 Low Calorie and Special Dietary Foods Dwi ved i CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

CR C Pre ss
1693779 Natural Toxic Compounds of Foods Jiri Davidek CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Arthur P. CR C Pre ss
1693766 Recombinant DNA Products Boll on CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

D. CR C Pre ss
1693764 The Logic of Biochemical Sequencing Blac kman CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

H andbook of Pe rc entage Points of the Invers e Jame s A. CR C Pre ss

1693762 Gaus si an Di stributi ons Kozi ol CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

H andbook of Com parati ve Pharm acokin etic s and Arthur L. CR C Pre ss

1693760 R e sid ues of Vete rinary The rapeu ti c Drugs Cr ai gm il l CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 9,100,000

Steve n E. CR C Pre ss
1693747 Fibronectin in Health and Disease Cars ons CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

CR C Pre ss
1693743 Peptides and Protein Phosphorylation B.E. Kemp CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Hi ld erbran CR C Pre ss
1693736 The Role of Phosphonates in Living Systems d CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

H andbook of Com parati ve Pharm acokin etic s and CR C Pre ss

1693735 R e sid ues of Vete rinary A ntim ic robial s Jim E Riviere CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 8,190,000

Me thyl Chloroform and Tri chl oroe thyl ene i n the D. M. CR C Pre ss
1693719 E nvir on me nt Av iado CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Arni s CR C Pre ss
1693718 Fat Absorption Kuksi s CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693716 Drug Toxicity and Metabolism in Pediatrics Sam Kacew CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,559,000
D. CR C Pre ss
1693714 Nutrition and Gene Expression Be rdanie r CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 8,190,000

H artm ut CR C Pre ss
1693709 Crystallization of Membrane Proteins Mic hel CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

M.E . CR C Pre ss
1693708 The Melanotropic Peptides Hadl ey CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693694 NutritionalApproaches To Aging Research Moment CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693690 Iron and Human Disease R.B. Lauffer CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 8,190,000
Karel P .
M. CR C Pre ss
1693689 Bilirubin He irw egh CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693688 Upgrading Residues and By-products forAnimals J. Tal Huber CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

M.E . CR C Pre ss
1693685 The Melanotropic Peptides Hadl ey CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693677 Enzymatic Peptide Synthesis W. Kullman CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

M.E . CR C Pre ss
1693675 The Melanotropic Peptides Hadl ey CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Jer om e
CR C Hand book of Ani mal Mode ls of P ulm onary Owe n CR C Pre ss
1693662 D ise ase Cantor CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Pe te r M. CR C Pre ss
1693653 Molecular Biology Of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Gre sshoff CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Arni s CR C Pre ss
1693650 Fat Absorption Kuksi s CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Val eri an CR C Pre ss

1693648 Lipid Peroxidation In Biomembranes E. Kagan CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

El li ng CR C Pre ss
1693646 Glutamine and Glutamate Mammals Kvam m e CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000
R obert
Gordon CR C Pre ss
1693635 The Lipids of Human Milk Je nse n CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Le wi s CR C Pre ss
1693634 Mammalian Egg Transfer Adam s CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

R .M. CR C Pre ss
1693630 Spectroscopy in the Biomedical Sciences Gend reau CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Err ol B. CR C Pre ss
1693629 Corticotropin-Releasing Factor De Souza CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

N or man CR C Pre ss
1693627 The Coccidian Parasites of Rodents D. Lev ine CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Ge rald M. CR C Pre ss
1693623 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Kol odny CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Ch ris top he
r Joh CR C Pre ss
1693619 Lightning Injuries Andre ws CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

She ldon CR C Pre ss

1693612 Metabolic Effects Of Dietary Fructose Re is er CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Sams on T. CR C Pre ss
1693593 Enzymes of NucleicAcid Synthesis and Modification Jac ob CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Li nda H . CR C Pre ss
1693588 NutritionalAspects Of Aging Ch en CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,348,000

CR C Pre ss
1693582 The Neuroendocrine Immune Network S. Freier CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Marci a I. CR C Pre ss
1693562 Chemistry and Biology of Synthetic Retinoids Dawson CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 9,100,000

Marce l E. CR C Pre ss
1693555 Collagen Ni mn i CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

R obert J. CR C Pre ss
1693547 Bioenergetics Of Wild Herbivores Hud son CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000
Eu stac e
Anthony CR C Pre ss
1693546 Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Biomembranes Evans CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693540 Uses of Elemental Diets in Clinical Situations G. Bounous CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Bandaru CR C Pre ss
1693537 Diet, Nutrition and Cancer:A Critical Evaluation S. R ed dy CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Eu gene A. CR C Pre ss
1693533 Luminescent Spectroscopy of Proteins Perm yakov CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

CR C Pre ss
1693532 The Nude Mouse in Oncology Research Epie Boven CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Vac lavik, CR C Pre ss

1693529 Dimensions of Food, Eighth Edition Vi cki e CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 2,799,000

CR C Pre ss
1693523 Microtubule Proteins JesusAvila CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1693521 Steroid Biochemistry R. Hobkirk CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Ifland, CR C Pre ss
1693519 Processed FoodAddiction Joan CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,639,000

N ag, CR C Pre ss
1693514 Asymmetric Synthesis of Drugs and Natural Products Ahi ndra CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,999,000

R oberta CR C Pre ss
1693512 Light Harvesting in Photosynthesis Cr oce CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,279,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Iagaru , B usi nes s
1693259 PET/MRI in Oncology Andre i Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Masai, B usi nes s
1693251 DNA Replication Hi sao Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sato, B usi nes s
1693246 Functional Histoanatomy of the Human Larynx Kim in or i Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Satapathy, B usi nes s
1693227 Sentiment Analysis in the Bio-Medical Domain Ranjan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Giovane ll a B usi nes s
1693221 Atlas of Thyroid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Markers , L uca Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
GOLD EN Pe rse us
MOR TIME R onin B ooks ,
1693214 Coca R, M.D . Publ i shi ng L LC 2017 Rp 503,000
Taylor &
She il a Franc is
1693186 Medical Law and Ethics McLe an Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Taylor &
Ve rd erbe r, Franc is
1693161 Innovations in Behavioural HealthArchitecture Ste phe n Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Taylor &
N adi ne Franc is
1692977 Untangling the Maternity Crisis Edw ard s Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
The re se Franc is
1692972 Marketisation, Ethics and Healthcare Fei le r Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 3,920,000
Gold enbe r Taylor &
g, D avi d Franc is
1692896 Cancer Therapy with RadiolabeledAntibodies M. CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 6,370,000
Taylor &
Wol f, Franc is
1692874 Educating Doctors Ste wart Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
D icti onary and Handbook of Nuc le ar Me di ci ne Iturrald e, Franc is
1692872 and Cli nic al Im aging Mar io P . CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 8,190,000
Taylor &
Im aging Atlas of the Norm al Gall bladd er an d Its Me il strup, Franc is
1692861 Var iants Jon W. CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Moos, Franc is
1692846 Evaluating Treatment Environments Rud olf H . Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Parke r, J. Franc is
1692843 Image Reconstruction in Radiology Anthony CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 8,190,000
Taylor &
Claud e Franc is
1692837 Experimental Medicine Be rnar d Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Carde r, Franc is
1692833 Handling of RadiationAccident Patients Thom as A. CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 5,460,000
Taylor &
R adiation Dosi m etry Ins tr um entati on and Franc is
1692721 Me thods (2001) Shani, Gad CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 8,190,000
Taylor &
We nde l, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1692682 Understanding Healthcare Economics Je anne y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,239,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1692616 Gastrointestinal Nursing Paul Ong Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000

Sc hriftli ch e Pati ente nbes chw erd en profes sion el l Gi se la Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1692570 be antw orten Mee se e r Verl ag Gm bH 2018 Rp 3,919,000

R ic har d
Bryant- Taylor &
1692423 Counselling a Survivor of Child SexualAbuse Je ff eri es CRC Press Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 2,939,000
R ic har d
Bryant- Taylor &
1692422 Counselling for Eating Disorders in Women Je ff eri es CRC Press Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 2,939,000
R ic har d
Bryant- Taylor &
1692421 Time Limited Therapy in Primary Care Je ff eri es CRC Press Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 2,939,000
R ic har d
Bryant- Taylor &
1692420 Person-Centred Counselling Supervision Je ff eri es CRC Press Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 2,939,000

Stic h, Taylor &

1692382 Medical Terminology, Documentation, and Coding Anne P. Routledge Franc is Ltd 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
H arr ison, Franc is
1692211 Hospital Policy in the United Kingdom Anthony Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Mi riam Franc is
1692160 Improving Health Care of the Poor Ostow Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Li ll rank, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1691975 The Logics of Healthcare Pau l y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Fl as hner ,
1691869 Genetics & Inherited Conditions Gar y M. Salem Press Salem Press 2017 Rp11,060,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Di nes , P ubli shi ng
1691804 Reverse ShoulderArthroplasty David M. Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp15,512,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Dani el H . P ubli shi ng
1691802 Endoscopic Spine Surgery Kim Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp17,752,000

Jen s-Uwe
1691648 Charité-Compendium Gynäkologie Bloh me r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2018 Rp 2,268,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Worl d P ubli shi ng
1691505 Engineering Stem Cells For Tissue Regeneration Li, Song Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 7,056,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Mol e cul ar , Ge ne ti c, And Cel l ular A dvan ces In Worl d P ubli shi ng
1691501 Ce reb rovasc ul ar Di se ase s Su, Hua Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 6,636,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Fort, Worl d
Worl d P ubli shi ng
1691423 Rho Gtpases: Molecular Biology In HealthAnd Disease Phi li ppe Sci enti
Sci enti fic
fic / Com pany 2017 Rp 4,116,000
Chem i cal W orld
Indus tr y Sc ie ntific
B rie f H istory Of Bac te ri a, A: The Eve rl as ti ng G am e Pre ss, P ubli shi ng
1691420 B etwe en Hu mans And Bacter ia Chen, Daijie Chin a Com pany 2018 Rp 3,276,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Stam ati al is Worl d P ubli shi ng
1691419 Biomedical MembranesAnd (Bio)artificial Organs , D im itri os Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 5,796,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
N g, B eng Worl d P ubli shi ng
1691408 Mental Health Of A Nation Yeong Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 4,956,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H irao, B usi nes s
1691008 CatheterAblation Kenzo Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Garcí a- Spr inge r
Moncó, Sc ie nce &
Ju an B usi nes s
1690998 CNS Infections Carl os Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gradi shar, B usi nes s
1690997 Optimizing Breast Cancer Management Wil l iam J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge orge, B usi nes s
1690993 Atlas of Bone Marrow Pathology Tracy I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Knoe pfle r, B usi nes s
1690985 Genmanipulierte Menschheit Pau l Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Ali m oham Sc ie nce &
A or ti c Dis se ction: Si mul ati on T ools for Di se as e madi , B usi nes s
1690959 Manage me nt and Unde rstandi ng Mona Springer Me
Sprdi a B.r V.
inge 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
De rkse n- Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1690727 Compendium kindergeneeskunde Lubse n, G. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2018 Rp 6,104,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1690703 Functional Materials andApplication Xu, Gu s s , L td 2018 Rp 3,920,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Scott L. Klu we r W il li am s &
1690672 Biopsy Interpretation of the Thyroid Boer ner He alth W il kins 2016 Rp37,128,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Jeff re y Klu we r W il li am s &
1690670 Cancer of the Head and Neck Myers He alth W il kins 2016 Rp38,220,000
R osane Wol ters L ipp inc ott
D iff ere ntial Di agn osis i n Surgi cal Path ol ogy: Duarte Klu we r W il li am s &
1690669 P ulm onary Pathol ogy Achc ar He alth W il kins 2016 Rp19,656,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Maste r Te chni que s i n O rthopaed ic Surge ry: Soft Steve n Klu we r W il li am s &
1690666 T iss ue Surge ry Moran He alth W il kins 2016 Rp27,300,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Mark E . Klu we r W il li am s &
1690665 Operative Techniques in Foot andAnkle Surgery Easle y He alth W il kins 2016 Rp32,760,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1690663 ECG Interpretation:An Incredibly Easy Pocket Guide LWW He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 3,836,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Anne R . Klu we r W il li am s &
1690659 Cloherty and Stark's Manual of Neonatal Care Hanse n He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 7,980,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Ed gar Klu we r W il li am s &
1690657 Henrich's Principles and Practice of Dialysis Le rma He alth W il kins 2016 Rp12,572,000
Mi chael
W. Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Mul holl an Klu we r W il li am s &
1690655 Greenfield's Surgery d He alth W il kins 2016 Rp87,332,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Jeff re y P. Klu we r W il li am s &
1690654 Quality and Safety in Medical Imaging: The Essentials Kanne He alth W il kins 2016 Rp12,124,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
R al ph C. Klu we r W il li am s &
1690653 Eye Pathology Eagle , Jr. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp19,124,000
Stanl e y Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Sur gic al Expos ure s i n O rthopaedi cs : T he Anatom i c Hopp enfe l Klu we r W il li am s &
1690652 A pproach d He alth W il kins 2016 Rp28,952,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
R ic har d Klu we r W il li am s &
1690651 Pocket Anesthesia D. Urm an He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 6,888,000

Pi em onte , The MIT

1690610 Afflicted Ni col e M. Pre ss MIT Press 2017 Rp 1,484,000
O xford
Pe rry, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1690388 Head, Neck and Dental Emergencies Mic hael Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 4,409,000

Lu cy Atl antic L ightni ng

1690148 Lady Fanshawe's Receipt Book Moore Books Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 350,000
John Wil e y
Gough, Wi le y- & Sons,
1689579 Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats Ale x Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,310,000
John Wil e y
Al mas, Wi le y- & Sons,
1689577 Glossary of Dental Implantology Khal id Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 3,500,000
Coll in s, Taylor &
John Prod ucti vit Franc is
1689348 Problem Solving for Healthcare Workers Mic hael y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,119,000
Hu man
Paolo, Kin etic s, H um an
1689324 Pregnancy Fitness Ju li a Di Inc. Ki neti cs 2019 Rp 699,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum ar, B usi nes s
1688967 Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics Dhavend ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tam amu ra B usi nes s
1688965 Mid-size Drugs Based on Peptides and Peptidomimetics , H ir okazu Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Bansal , Sc ie nce &
Pune et B usi nes s
1688962 Animal Models of Neurological Disorders Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che n, B usi nes s
1688954 NewAdvances in Statistics and Data Science Din g-Ge ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
De er Sc ie nce &
Ri chards o B usi nes s
1688953 Academic Theories of Generation in the Renaissance n, Lind a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hum ayun, B usi nes s
1688951 Retinal Prosthesis Mar k S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Khatam i, B usi nes s
1688950 Inflammation,Aging and Cancer Mah in Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
John Wil e y
T he Strategi c Manage m ent of He al th Care Gi nter, & Sons,
1688724 O rgan izati ons Pete r M. Wiley Inc . 2018 Rp 2,184,000
The Gu il ford
Gall agher , Gui lford P ubli cation
1688714 The Organized Child Ri chard. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
John S. of of
1688593 2018 Nelson's PediatricAntimicrobial Therapy Bradl ey Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2018 Rp 1,035,000

Steve n Atl antic L ightni ng

1688368 Snowball in a Blizzard Hatch Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 308,000

H altbarkei t de r Ausgangs stoffe und Karsten B ookw i re

1687674 R e ze pturarznei m itt el i n d er A potheke Albe rt Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2018 Rp 672,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1687667 Ocular Emergency Hua Yan Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
R ey- Sc ie nce &
Sal mon, B usi nes s
1687631 ChildAbuse Carol ine Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000

1687338 Current Concepts in Movement Disorder Management A. Niranjan S. Karger KargerAG 2018 Rp 7,840,000
Je an -
Pie rre Ed ic ione s B ookw i re
1687205 Teatro y dramaterapia Kle in Oc tae dro Gm bH 2017 Rp 392,000
Agustí n
Morón Narc ea B ookw i re
1687082 Investigar e intervenir en educación para la salud Mar che na Ed ic ione s Gm bH 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Frase r, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1686926 CMSA's Integrated Case Management Kathl ee n Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1685800 Water Quality Management Singh, V. P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kao, Ji a- B usi nes s
1685798 Hepatitis B Virus and Liver Disease Horng Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O SCE – Kom pete nzor ie ntie rt Prü fen in de r Schl ege l , B usi nes s
1685795 P flege ausbi ld ung Cl audi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paue n, B usi nes s
1685793 Vom Baby zum Kleinkind Sabi na Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sozial e Ve rnetz ung al s R es sourc e für Me nsc hen Lange , B usi nes s
1685785 m i t De me nz Re ingard Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hönborn, B usi nes s
1685784 Demenzsensible psychosoziale Intervention Raphae l Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oc hm ann, B usi nes s
1685783 Gesundheit hinter Gittern Nadi ne Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bru schi , B usi nes s
1685774 The Leishmaniases: Old Neglected Tropical Diseases Fabri zio Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1685771 More Harm Than Good? Ernst, E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1685768 Current Concepts in Medical Research and Practice w Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1685767 Pulmonary Disorders and Therapy w Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Myc orrhi za - Nutri e nt Uptake, Bi ocontrol , B usi nes s
1685755 E core storati on Varma,A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im aging and Inter ve ntion in Uri nary T rac t Tonol in i, B usi nes s
1685751 Infe ctions and Urose psi s Mas si mo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Orgi l l, B usi nes s
1685748 Interventional Treatment of Wounds Den nis Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000
John Wil e y
Johnson, Wi le y- & Sons,
1685589 Essential Reproduction M. H . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,987,000
N ugent, F. A. Davis
Patri ci a Com pany/
1685572 Test Success Mar y F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2018 Rp 1,315,000
F. A. Davis
Bond er, Com pany/
1685571 Functional Performance in OlderAdults Be tte F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2018 Rp 2,351,000
F. A. Davis
Towns end , Com pany/
1685570 Pocket Guide to Psychiatric Nursing Mar y C. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2018 Rp 1,399,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fast Fac ts for Curr ic ulu m De ve l opm ent i n Mc Coy, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1685512 N urs ing, Sec ond E di ti on Jani ce L. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1685511 Cardiac Diagnosis for theAcute Care Provider Janik, Leslie Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000

Dais y Fi tzcarrald L ightni ng

1685416 The Second Body Hi ld yard o E diti ons Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 210,000
Cli nk
Tom Stree t L ightni ng
1685356 The Heart Club Tre as ure Publ i shi ng Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 210,000

Steve Al le n & L ightni ng

1685195 NeuroTribes Si l berm an Unw in Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 308,000

JULIAN L ightni ng
1684916 COWS IN TREES EAR L Quiller Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 462,000

Al an L ightni ng
1684766 Tackling Mental Illness Together Thom as IVP Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 280,000

Aoi fe L ightni ng
1684706 Slow at Work McEl wai n Gill Books Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 308,000
Inde pe nde
Gus tav Thi nki ng L ightni ng
1684657 Uncivilised Genes Mil ne Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 462,000

Bai n
1684605 Das Blutbild Barbar a J. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,200,000
H anns -
P har makoge neti k und The rape utisc he s Dr ug Georg
1684594 Moni torin g Kle in De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Chri stian B ookw i re

1684266 Cannabis in derApotheke Ude Govi-Verlag EGmlsebH
vi er 2018 Rp 504,000
Inc .,
In form atio H eal th
A cute Enc ep hal opathy and Ence phal itis i n Infancy Yam
n anouc Sc ie nce s
1684155 and Its R el ate d D is or der s hi, sourc
Re H ide o
es Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1684134 Food Science and Nutrition n R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp10,780,000

Cl e me tson, CR C Pre ss
1684101 Vitamin C C. Al an B. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Fowl er , CR C Pre ss
1684100 Veterinary Zootoxicology Murray E . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Cl e me tson, CR C Pre ss
1684099 Vitamin C Alan B. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Cl e me tson, CR C Pre ss
1684098 Vitamin C Alan B. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Mondovì , CR C Pre ss
1684089 Structure and Functions of Amine Oxidases Bruno CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

H il l, CR C Pre ss
1684085 Antitumor Drug Radiation Interactions Bri dge t T. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Bu rek, Joe CR C Pre ss

1684075 Pathology Of Aging Rats D. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Bacon, CR C Pre ss
1684071 Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses Ch arl e s W . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Klu ft, CR C Pre ss

1684067 Tissue Type PlasminogenActivity Cor nel iu s CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

R il le m a, CR C Pre ss
1684063 Actions of Prolactin On Molecular Processes Jam es A. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Fre e, CR C Pre ss
1684057 Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice Alfre d H. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1684015 Handbook of Eicosanoids (1987) A. L. Willis CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Davi d N . CR C Pre ss
1684013 Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase (1988) Bri ndl ey CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000

CR C Pre ss
1684012 Handbook of Eicosanoids (1987) A. L. Willis CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,370,000

T he Cli nic al P rac tic e of Com pl e me ntar y, W. John CR C Pre ss

1683992 A lter nati ve, and W este rn Me di ci ne (2001) Diam ond CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,370,000

Enr ique CR C Pre ss

1683984 Handbook of Growth Factors (1994) Pim e ntel CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,370,000

R at Hybri dom as and Rat Monoc lonal Antibod ie s CR C Pre ss

1683983 (1990) Herve Bazin CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,190,000

Ti m othy CR C Pre ss
1683981 Hepatocyte and Kupffer Cell Interactions (1992) R. Bi ll i ar CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Jame s R . CR C Pre ss
1683979 Handbook of Nucleobase Complexes Lusty CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 9,100,000

Ed ward J. CR C Pre ss
1683975 Principles of Animal Extrapolation (1991) Cal abr ese CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 9,100,000

Bryan T CR C Pre ss
1683969 Pathology of Bladder Cancer (1983) George CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Ge orge T CR C Pre ss
1683967 Pathology of Bladder Cancer (1983) Bryan CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Mary M. CR C Pre ss
1683966 Malaria (1989) Ste vens on CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Ster il izati on Vali dati on and R ou ti ne Op eration Anne F CR C Pre ss

1683965 H andbook (2001) Booth CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000
L. B.
Vol odarsk CR C Pre ss
1683963 Synthetic Chemistry of Stable Nitroxides y CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Bri ggs H CR C Pre ss

1683962 Recent Vitamin Research (1984) Mic hael CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

L ipos ome s A s Tool s in Basic R es earc h and Jean R. CR C Pre ss

1683956 Ind ustry (1994) Phi li ppot CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Ow en M. CR C Pre ss
1683955 Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man Vol. I (1984) Re nne rt CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

R aj end ra CR C Pre ss
1683953 Lipids of Pathogenic Fungi (1996) Prasad CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000
H or ia-
Ni col ai L
Te odore sc CR C Pre ss
1683950 Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems in Medicine u CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,280,000

N on-Tradi ti onal Fee ds for Us e in Sw in e Phi ll i p A CR C Pre ss

1683948 P roduc ti on (1992) Thacke r CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Jean A . CR C Pre ss
1683947 Growth of the Gastrointestinal Tract (1990) Moris se t CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

CR C Pre ss
1683944 Glutathione (1990) Jose Vina CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp10,920,000
Igor B .
Afanas& ap CR C Pre ss
1683943 Superoxide Ion: Volume II (1991) os;e v CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000
P har macol ogic al R e gulation of Ge ne Expre ssi on i n
the CNS Towards an Un der stand ing of Basal Kalpana CR C Pre ss
1683940 Gangl ial Func tions (1996) Merc hant CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Carl os CR C Pre ss
1683937 The Ras Superfamily of GTPases (1993) Lacal CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,190,000
Al var o
Mac ie i ra- CR C Pre ss
1683933 Molecular Basis of Aging Coe l ho CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,190,000

Ge rd CR C Pre ss
1683917 Nasal Tumors inAnimals and Man Vol. I Re znik CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Kucharc zy CR C Pre ss
1683909 Nausea and Vomiting k CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Davi d N . CR C Pre ss
1683905 Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase (1988) Bri ndl ey CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Aki ra
Matsu mot CR C Pre ss
1683901 Sexual Differentiation of the Brain (2000) o CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,370,000

R ezni k, CR C Pre ss
1683895 Nasal Tumors inAnimals and Man Vol. III (1983) Ger d CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Ge orge M. CR C Pre ss
1683891 The Natural History of Rabies, 2nd Edition Baer Routledge L LC 2017 Rp20,748,000

Ge rd CR C Pre ss
1683887 Nasal Tumors inAnimals and Man Vol. II (1983) Re znik CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Mi cr osphe res : M edi cal and Biol ogic al Ap pli cations Al an CR C Pre ss
1683883 (1988) Re m baum CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Yoshi kazu CR C Pre ss

1683878 Integrins – The Biological Problems Takada CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Goyal, CR C Pre ss
1683872 Essentials of Abdomino-Pelvic Sonography Sw ati CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 1,399,000

N am , CR C Pre ss
1683871 Brain–Computer Interfaces Handbook Ch ang S. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,999,000

Pl ante , CR C Pre ss
1683870 Expecting Trouble Laure n A. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000

Govorush k CR C Pre ss
1683868 Human-Insect Interactions o, Se rgey CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000

Durvasul a, CR C Pre ss
1683864 Extremophiles Ravi CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,359,000

Kloste rm ei CR C Pre ss
1683857 Biophysical Chemistry er, Dagm ar CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Wu , CR C Pre ss
1683847 Principles of Animal Nutrition Guoyao CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 2,799,000

U nity i n D ive rsi ty an d the Stand ar di sati on of Z ai ri na, CR C Pre ss

1683844 Cl ini cal Pharm acy Se rvi ce s Eli da. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,759,000

Li tt, CR C Pre ss
1683842 Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual 24E Je rom e Z. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp11,199,000

Sugi , Pan CR C Pre ss

1683807 Mysteries in Muscle Contraction Haruo Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
App le
Sharm a, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1683805 Nanobiomaterials Ani l K. Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000
App le
Sc ie ntific and Tech nic al Te rm s i n B ioe ngin ee rin g Goyal, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1683803 and Bi ologi cal Engi nee ri ng Megh Raj Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 5,599,000
App le
H er bs for Diabe te s and N eur ol ogi cal Dis ease Kum ar, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1683802 Manage me nt Vi kas Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000

Santhanam App le
, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1683795 Biology and Ecology of Toxic Pufferfish Ram as am y Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sande r, B usi nes s
1683657 Meine Zahnarztpraxis – Ökonomie Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1683656 Praxis des Intensivtransports Hecker, Uwe Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stefano B usi nes s
1683631 Healthcare Facilities in Emerging Countries Capol ongo Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sus tai nabl e Goat Prod uction in Adve rse Sim õe s, B usi nes s
1683626 E nvir on me nts: Volum e I João Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sus tai nabl e Goat Prod uction in Adve rse Sim õe s, B usi nes s
1683624 E nvir on me nts: Volum e II João Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Tan, Sc ie nce &
Antoine tte B usi nes s
1683621 Triple-Negative Breast Cancer R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
Scott , Wi le y- & Sons,
1683464 ColorAtlas of FarmAnimal Dermatology Danny W. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
H ow el l , Wi le y- & Sons,
1683459 Cooperative Veterinary Care Ali ce a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000

Ti a Torc hflam IN scri be

1683126 Take My Hand Am dure r e Books Di gi tal 2018 Rp 224,000
Ad am i, Uni ver sity O UP
1682813 Textbook of Cancer Epidemiology Hans-Ol ov Pre ss P rem i um 2018 Rp10,500,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1682728 Soil Components and Human Health Nir, Rolf Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kame o, B usi nes s
1682727 BoneAdaptation Yoshi taka Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm ith, B usi nes s
1682711 Dysmenorrhea and Menorrhagia Roge r P . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
L exininge r
Daim , Scooks
B ie nce, a&
Tugrul B ivi
d usisinesonsof
1682706 Infrastructure and Technology Management Unsal Springer Me
R owmdi a an
B. V. 2018 Rp 6,692,000
L itt le fiel d
Stil we ll , Le xington P ubli she rs,
1682512 Discoveries of Medically Themed Media He athe r Books Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000

1682448 Ethics in Everyday Places Koch, Tom Pre ss MIT Press 2017 Rp 1,484,000
H oi t, Pl ural Pl ural
Je anne tte Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1682442 Foundations of Speech and Hearing D. Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 3,639,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Manni ng, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1682439 Clinical Decision Making in Fluency Disorders Wal ter H. Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 3,639,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Be hrm an, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1682438 Speech and Voice Science Ali son Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 2,799,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Enge l , Wi scons in W isc onsi n
1682436 Unaffordable Jonathan Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 1,539,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
McDonn el l Mi cr obi ol o
1682429 Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization , G eral d E . ASM Press gy Pre ss 2017 Rp 4,410,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1682261 Precision Molecular Pathology of Liver Cancer Liu, Chen Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sitt e, B usi nes s
1682255 Ratgeber Lebensende und Sterben Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brand ão, B usi nes s
1682250 Women's Health and Biomechanics Sofi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E vid enc e-Base d Body Contouri ng Su rgery and Swanson, B usi nes s
1682249 VT E Pr eve ntion Eri c Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A rti fic ial Intel li genc e in De ci sion Suppor t Sys te m s Suzuki , B usi nes s
1682240 for Diagnosi s in Med ic al Im aging Kenji Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sariogl u, B usi nes s
1682237 Tumor Deposits Su le n Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sil ver man, B usi nes s
1682233 Research Ethics in theArab Region He nry Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sm ith- Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Stone r, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1681796 A Guide to Disseminating Your DNP Project Mar il yn Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Gre en
Me dia
Manfred Ve rl ag Z ei l enw ert
1681378 Nie mehr Stress Backhaus OH G Gm bH 2017 Rp 294,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1680566 Intensivmedizin Fragen undAntworten Kehl, Franz Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fukushi m a B usi nes s
1680561 Enhanced Recovery After Surgery , R yōji Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
H ughes - Sc ie nce &
Kirc hube l, B usi nes s
1680541 A Battle Plan for Supporting Military Families Lin da Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
John Wil e y
Be ger , Wi le y- & Sons,
1679858 The Pancreas Hans G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp16,170,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
De mos Com pany,
1679695 Atlas of Exfoliative Cytopathology Ali, Syed Z. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 5,600,000
The Gu il ford
Le ahy, Gui lford P ubli cation
1679581 Science and Practice in Cognitive Therapy Robe rt L. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
H ou pt, John Wil e y
D om e stic Ani m al Be havior for Vete rinari ans and Kathe rin e Wi le y- & Sons,
1679573 A nim al Sc ie ntis ts A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dong, B usi nes s
1679565 The Basics of Cancer Immunotherapy Haid ong Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fre em ark, Hu mana B usi nes s
1679562 Pediatric Obesity Mic hael Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ans el , B usi nes s
1679561 Precision Molecular Pathology of Bladder Cancer Donna E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pe te r L an g Sc ie nce &
Ganti, AG, B usi nes s
1679548 Neurologic Emergencies Latha Springer
Internation Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
ale r Ver lag
E l papel d el oyen te e n l a con strucc ión de l a Consue l o de r
c onvers ac ión es pontán ea d e estud iantes i tal ianos Pas cual Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1678903 e n s u i nterl e ngua y e n su l e ngua m ate rna Esc age do afte n AG 2018 Rp 5,429,000
O xford
Bru gha, T. OUP Un ive rsi ty
1678852 The Psychiatry of Adult Autism andAsperger Syndrome S. Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 7,348,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Khwaja, B usi nes s
1677387 Minimally InvasiveAcute Care Surgery Kos ar A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Kruke me y Sc ie nce &
er, B usi nes s
1677379 Experimental Investigations Into Sarcomas Man fr ed Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Klam roth, B usi nes s
1677377 Perturbation Treadmill Training in Parkinson’s Disease Sarah Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H abi cht, B usi nes s
1677375 Care Sharing Ger hard Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Scarfe, B usi nes s
1677365 Maxillofacial Cone Beam Computed Tomography Wil l iam C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 8,932,000
Spr inge r
Man chi kan Sc ie nce &
E sse ntials of Inter venti onal Te chni que s i n ti , B usi nes s
1677364 Managi ng Chroni c Pai n Laxm aiah Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,292,000
Abramow i The Gu il ford
tz, Gui lford P ubli cation
1677349 Getting Over OCD, Second Edition Jonathan S. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 1,624,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm ith, Palgrave B usi nes s
1672781 Bargaining Power Ve rna Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Pale rm o, Sc ie nce &
Gianpi e ro B usi nes s
1672773 Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B io-Base d M ate rial s As Appl ic able , Ac ce ssi ble , an d Trac y, B usi nes s
1672771 A ffordabl e He al thcare Solu ti ons Adam A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Di Pre te John Wil e y
Brow n, & Sons,
1672749 Foundations for Global Health Practice Lori Jossey-Bass Inc . 2018 Rp 1,890,000
N ation al Taylor &
R ogersm, ie s
Acade Franc is
1672380 Veterinary Forensics Erne st R .
of CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,519,000
Sc ie nc es,
N avigating th e M anu fac tu ring Proce ss and Engi
N ationneealri n Nation al N ati onal
E nsuri ng the Q uali ty of Re ge nerati ve Me di ci ne g, and m ie s
Acade Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1672347 T herapi e s Med ic ine
of Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,372,000
Sc ie nc es,
B uil di ng a N ati onal Capabi li ty to Moni tor and Engi
N ationneealri n Nation al N ati onal
A sse ss Med ic al Counte rm easur e U se Dur ing a g, and m ie s
Acade Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1672346 P ubli c He al th E me rge ncy Med ic ine
of Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,036,000
Sc ie nc es,
N ationneealri n Nation al N ati onal
g, and m ie s
Acade Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1672342 Opportunities for Organ Donor Intervention Research Med ic ine
of Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Sc ie nc es,
N ationneealri n Nation al N ati onal
g, and m ie s
Acade Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1672339 The Challenge of Treating Obesity and Overweight Med ic ine
of Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,372,000
Sc ie nc es,
Engi nee ri n Nation al N ati onal
E nhanci ng Bi oWatc h Capabil iti es Thr ou gh g, and Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1672337 Te chnol ogy and Coll aboration Med ic ine Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,288,000
N, TEE NA M&K Up date
1672333 Transitions to Practice J. Publ i shi ng L td . 2017 Rp 980,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
X avi e r, B usi nes s
1671922 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology João Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al ió, Jorge B usi nes s
1671921 Management of Complications in Refractive Surgery L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pur ohit, B usi nes s
1671843 Optimization andApplicability of Bioprocesses H. J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , B usi nes s
1671841 Understanding Depression Yong-Ku Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , B usi nes s
1671839 Understanding Depression Yong-Ku . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stati stic al Model l ing of Survi val Data wi th B usi nes s
1671838 R andom Eff e cts Ha, Il Do Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Park, Ji n B usi nes s
1671835 Cross-SectionalAtlas of the Human Head Se o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lohaus , B usi nes s
1671832 Präsentismus Danie la. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yamauc hi , B usi nes s
1671820 Biologic and SystemicAgents in Dermatology Pau l S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ivas, B usi nes s
1671817 Digital Health Hom er o Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hwe ndi c B usi nes s
1671816 Management of Deep Carious Lesions ke, Falk Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Al - John Wil e y
Ahm ad , Wi le y- & Sons,
1671802 How-to Manual for Pacemaker and ICD Devices Am in Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch habl ani, B usi nes s
1670379 Retinal and Choroidal Imaging in Systemic Diseases Jay Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ipp le r, B usi nes s
1670373 Chlamydomonas: Biotechnology and Biomedicine Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R usso, B usi nes s
1670372 Gastrointestinal Malignancies Su zanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H os se ini , B usi nes s
1670365 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Sam ir a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E le ctrom agn etic Ac tu ati on and Se nsi ng i n M edi cal R en, B usi nes s
1670364 R obotic s Hongl iang Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi , Ji an- B usi nes s
1670363 Anatomy Atlas and Interpretation of Spine Surgery gang Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Al i, Sc ie nce &
Moham m a B usi nes s
1670362 Atlas of Lacrimal Drainage Disorders d Javed Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Di wakar , Sc ie nce &
B as ic s of Abd omi nal, Gynae cologi cal , O bstetri cs Raje ndra B usi nes s
1670360 and Smal l Par ts Ul tr as ou nd K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Satyan aray B usi nes s
1670359 Developments in Fungal Biology andApplied Mycology ana, T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ext Ge ne rati on P oi nt-of-c ar e B iom e dic al Se nsors Chan, B usi nes s
1670358 Te chnol ogie s for Can ce r Di agnosis Pranjal Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paranjape , B usi nes s
1670355 The Diabetic Patient Agent Ram an Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
H o, Sc ie nce &
Lawre nce B usi nes s
1670337 The Congruent Facelift C. Y . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Par thasarat Sc ie nce &
Mol e cul ar and Fu ncti on al Insi ghts Into the hi, B usi nes s
1670334 P ulm onary Vascul atu re Kaus hik Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ichai , B usi nes s
1670327 Metabolic Disorders and Critically Ill Patients Carol e Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi lott o, B usi nes s
1670325 Comprehensive GeriatricAssessment Albe rto Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Mum mane Sc ie nce &
ni, Prave en B usi nes s
1670324 Spinal Deformity V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000

1670212 Geochemistry of Silicon Isotopes Tiping Ding De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,864,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dun can, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1670037 Advances in Health and Disease Lowe ll Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Chow, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1670022 Parkinson's Disease Ronal d Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me rri ck, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1670016 Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2016 Joav Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kam m oun, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1670013 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Ikr am Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jose ph, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1670008 Point of Care Ultrasound for the Field Saju Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ard ing, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1670002 The Field Guide to ADHD Blake Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1670000 The Brainstem and Behavior unknown Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kore n, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1669999 Brennan Healing Science Ni na Inc. Inc . 2018 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ve rm a, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1669997 Stem Cells From Culture Dish to Clinic Vi nod Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Yam aguch i Sci enc e Sc ie nce
, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1669991 Osteoclastogenesis Mas ayos hi Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Garcí a- Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Blanc o, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1669990 The Role of Emotions in Mental Illness Ana Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kore nis , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1669989 Neuroscience for Psychiatrists Pan agi ota Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
W hy 40%-80% of Chr onic Pain Pati en ts Are H end le r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1669987 Mi sd iagnose d and How to Corre ct That Ne ls on Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Oxford O xford
Chi ld ren and E nvir onme ntal Toxins: W hat Landri gan , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1669732 E veryone N ee ds to Know® Phi li p J. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 641,000
Kom abaya John Wil e y
shi , Wi le y- & Sons,
1669728 Clinical Cases in Endodontics Takashi Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bru ner , B usi nes s
1669685 Digital Endocasts Em il iano Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1669678 Dynamic Neuroscience Chen, Zhe Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
The Gu il ford
Me ltze r, Gui lford P ubli cation
1669658 Executive Function in Education, Second Edition Lynn Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,240,000

Götz Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1669538 Achtsamkeit in der Suchttherapie Mundl e e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000

Thom as Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1669528 Schlafstörungen und psychische Erkrankungen Poll m äc her e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 7,419,000
Gil ber t Gabri el IN scri be
1669489 Vrese van 'n jong moeder Adi mor a Agbo Di gi tal 2017 Rp 84,000

Potschade l B ookw i re
1669386 Hartkapseln Ju li a Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 504,000
Me dic al
Mi shra, Inform ati o
B ig Data Managem e nt and the Inte rnet of Thi ngs Brojo n Sc ie nce
1669342 for Im pr ove d He al th Syste ms Kishor e R efe renc e BIGI
r& 2018 Rp 7,140,000
PE SI P ubli she r
Martha Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1669206 Treating Chronic Pain Te ater & Med ia (BT PS) 2017 Rp 364,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Khadi lkar, B usi nes s
1669168 Neuromuscular Disorders Satis h V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P roduc ti on of B iofue ls and Ch em ic als wi th B usi nes s
1669166 B ifunc ti onal Catalys ts Fang, Zhen Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lu dolp h, B usi nes s
1669165 Ärztliche Begutachtung vonA - Z Elm ar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe rnei ni , B usi nes s
1669157 Complications in Maxillofacial Cosmetic Surgery Eli e M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me ije ri nk, B usi nes s
1669156 Irreversible Electroporation in Clinical Practice Mar ti jn R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1669145 Translational Research in Breast Cancer Song, Erwei Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Ch erve nko Sc ie nce &
va, B usi nes s
1669142 Japanese Psychotherapies Ve li zara Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000

Bi rgi t Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1668887 Palliativ & Schule Wei hrauch e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 3,919,000
Bos ch, O xford
Mati ld a OUP Un ive rsi ty
1668816 Oxford Textbook of Nature and Public Health van de n Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 6,930,000
Oxford O xford
Sabat, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1668812 Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Ste ven R. Pre ss P res s USA 2018 Rp 3,626,000
Oxford O xford
Wats on, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1668809 Scarlet A Kati e Pre ss P res s USA 2018 Rp 1,132,000
O xford
Tatli su mak OUP Un ive rsi ty
1668807 Ischaemic Stroke in the Young , Tu rgut. Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp11,550,000
Spr inge r
Gurum oor Sc ie nce &
thy, B usi nes s
1668782 Cognitive Science andArtificial Intelligence Sasi kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Korrapati, B usi nes s
1668781 Cognitive Science and Health Bioinformatics Raghu B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gl ad stone, B usi nes s
1668776 Oculoplastic Surgery Atlas Geoff re y J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gl ad stone, B usi nes s
1668775 Oculoplastic Surgery Atlas Geoff re y J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H em atopoie tic Ste m Ce ll Tr ans plantati on for th e Brow n, B usi nes s
1668773 Pe di atri c He m atol ogi st/Onc ologi st Vale ri e I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1668772 Case Studies in Medical Toxicology Dye, Leslie R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P hycobi li protei ns: R ec ent D eve lop me nts and Kannauj iy B usi nes s
1668769 Fu tu re A ppl ic ati ons a, Vinod K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me di cal Wri ting and R e searc h Me thodology for Mauff rey, B usi nes s
1668749 the Or thop ae di c Su rgeon Cyr il . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
El ke Sc ie nce &
Mühl berge B usi nes s
1668748 Marburg- and Ebolaviruses r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu nde , B usi nes s
1668744 Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society Arm in Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tu mor Imm une Mi cr oe nvi ronm ent in Canc er Kali nski , B usi nes s
1668742 P rogres si on and Canc er The rapy Paw el Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Egl se de r, Sc ie nce &
W. B usi nes s
1668740 Atlas of Upper Extremity Trauma Andre w Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chalm e rs, B usi nes s
1668734 Bronchiectasis Jam es Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fac ci oruss B usi nes s
1668733 Colon Polypectomy o, Antoni o Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Am e taj, B usi nes s
1668732 Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows Buri m N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000

1668570 Pediatric Epidemiology Kiess, W. S. Karger KargerAG 2018 Rp 5,852,000

1668562 Intracranial Gliomas Part I - Surgery Ch ernov S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 8,540,000
Me lki , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1668225 LASIK Emergencies Sam ir A. ed ed 2018 Rp 2,519,000

E pid em i cs: The Im pact of Germ s and T hei r P owe r Loom is ,

1667784 O ver Hum ani ty Jos hua S. Praeger ABC-CLIO 2018 Rp 1,624,000

Mari juana P ol i ti cs : Un cover ing th e Troubl es ome Hardaway,

1667779 H is tor y and Soc ial Costs of Cri m inal izati on Robe rt M. Praeger ABC-CLIO 2018 Rp 1,344,000
1667568 Topology and Physics of Circular DNA (1992) DER . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000

ADA NY, CR C Pre ss

1667559 Tumor Matrix Biology (1995) ROZ A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Ge orge E CR C Pre ss
1667537 Transformation of Human Epithelial Cells (1992) Mil o CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,370,000

Mi chael H CR C Pre ss
1667535 Vitamins In Human Biology and Medicine (1981) Bri ggs CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lapc hak, B usi nes s
1667340 Translational Research in Stroke Pau l A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1667338 JIMD Reports, Volume 37 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mater ia Me di ca of N ew and Ol d H om eopathic R il ey, B usi nes s
1667337 Me di ci ne s David S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Am m ar , B usi nes s
1667329 Hydrocephalus Ahm ed Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Karm akar, Sc ie nce &
Ne mai B usi nes s
1667327 Microwave SleepApnoea Monitoring Ch and ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sundari Sc ie nce &
Ravi ndran, B usi nes s
1667326 Health Inequities in India T. K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Z akari a, Sc ie nce &
Sus tai nabl e Tec hnol ogie s for the M anage me nt of Zain ul B usi nes s
1667325 A gric ultur al Waste s Akm ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
W ie sys te m is che Kin der - und Wagner , B usi nes s
1667324 Juge ndl ic he npsyc hoth erapi e wi rkt Eli sabe th Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z irl ik, B usi nes s
1667303 Platelets, Haemostasis and Inflammation Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le itzm ann, B usi nes s
1667298 Sedentary Behaviour Epidemiology Mic hael F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre ss, B usi nes s
1667296 Aesthetic and Functional Labiaplasty Ste fan Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Boute r, L. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1667288 Textbook of Epidemiology M. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2018 Rp 3,919,000
The Gu il ford
Mc Evoy, Gui lford P ubli cation
1666041 Imagery-Enhanced CBT for SocialAnxiety Disorder Pete r M. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ofm ann, B usi nes s
1665778 Endoskopische Urologie R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wol fe, B usi nes s
1665771 Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology Joanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ol zinge r, B usi nes s
1665765 Schlafstörungen Bri gitt e Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ü bungsbe handl ungste chni ken und -me thode n i n B usi nes s
1665757 d er Physi otherapi e Geras, Paul Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Corde ir o- Sc ie nce &
Rodr igue s, Palgrave B usi nes s
1665748 Animals, Race, and Multiculturalism Luí s Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ipp le r, B usi nes s
1665747 Chlamydomonas: Molecular Genetics and Physiology Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Es quinas, Sc ie nce &
Antonio B usi nes s
1665744 Mechanical Ventilation in the Critically Ill Obese Patient M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Vahle nsi e c P ubli shi ng
1664772 MRI of the Musculoskeletal System k, Marti n. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp25,508,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Al ex V. P ubli shi ng
1664770 Wills Eye Handbook of Ocular Genetics Le vin Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 9,436,000

Kin gi, Te Hu ia L ightni ng

1664662 Maea Te Toi Ora: Maori Health Transformations K. R . Publ i she rs Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 350,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Moore , B usi nes s
1663936 Diabetes in Pregnancy Lis a E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sante sm as Sc ie nce &
es, Marí a Palgrave B usi nes s
1663923 The Circulation of Penicillin in Spain Je sú s Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chre ti e n, B usi nes s
1663922 Mothers in Medicine Kathe rin e Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R igh t Ve ntric ul ar Physi ol ogy, Adaptation and Fri ed berg, B usi nes s
1663919 Fai lur e in Conge ni tal and A cqui re d H eart Di se ase Mar k K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R omm e ns, B usi nes s
1663918 Fragility Fractures of the Pelvis Pol Maria Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Targe t Volum e De li ne ati on and Tre atm en t Le e, B usi nes s
1663910 Pl annin g for Partic le T her apy Nancy Y. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000

1663888 Breast Cytopathology Pin am onti S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 4,676,000

L ei tfade n für di e praktisc he Au sbi ldu ng von PTA- H erbe rt B owm

R ookwan i re
1663774 A nwärterInn en in A potheke n Gebl er Govi-Verlag & Gm bH 2017 Rp 336,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Lam bert, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1663745 Aging with Care Am and a Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Lu o, Sc ie nce &
Ch eng- B usi nes s
1663392 Retroperitoneal Tumors Hua Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Franke , B usi nes s
1663391 Anders leben - anders sterben Evel yn Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Di agnos ti cal ly Ch al le ngi ng Me lanoc yti c Longo, B usi nes s
1663387 N eop lasm s Cater ina Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Strau b, B usi nes s
1663385 Altern, Müdigkeit und Entzündungen verstehen Rain er H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ki nde r- und Juge ndgynäkol ogi e für die Wei sse nri r, B usi nes s
1663384 p äd iatris che Praxis Ni kolaus Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Drobni s, B usi nes s
1663369 Impacts of Medications on Male Fertility Erm a Z. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rinc ip le s of Orthope dic Pr ac ti ce for Pri mary Care Jeff re y N . B usi nes s
1663367 P rovid ers Katz Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Ward, P ubli shi ng
Matt hew De mos Com pany,
1663259 Essentials of Clinical Radiation Oncology C. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Das, P ubli shi ng
1663207 Medical Histology and Embryology Q&A Man as . Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp 4,984,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Kem p, P ubli shi ng
1663206 Pathology Q&A Wal ter L. Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp 4,424,000

Te xtbook of A ssi sted R epr oducti ve Tec hniqu es, Gardne r, CR C Pre ss
1663021 Fi fth Ed ition David K. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,159,000

Te xtbook of A ssi sted R epr oducti ve Tec hniqu es, Gardne r, CR C Pre ss
1663020 Fi fth Ed ition David K. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,599,000

R usso, CR C Pre ss
1663015 Handbook of X-ray Imaging Paol o CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp13,972,000

R e ve rsi bi li ty of Chroni c D is ease and R ea, CR C Pre ss

1663011 H ype rse nsi ti vi ty, Volu me 5 Wil l iam J. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,439,000

Im hoff, CR C Pre ss
1663008 Atlas of Advanced ShoulderArthroscopy Andre as B . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 2,800,000

Me hta, CR C Pre ss
1663006 Clinical Haematology, Second Edition Atul B . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Ball an tyne , CR C Pre ss

1663003 Veterinary Nursing Care Plans He le n CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Be ne dett o,
B otu li num Toxi ns i n Cl i nic al Ae stheti c Practic e 3E , Anthony CR C Pre ss
1663002 Vol um e Two V. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,919,000

CR C Pre ss
1663001 Handbook of Adhesive Technology, Third Edition Pizzi,A. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 9,239,000

Com putational De sign of Che mi cal s for the De vil l ers , CR C Pre ss
1662999 Control of Mosqu itoe s and The ir Di sease s Jam es CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000
huri , Si ba CR C Pre ss
1662998 Psoriasis and PsoriaticArthritis P. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Be ne dett o,
B otu li num Toxi ns i n Cl i nic al Ae stheti c Practic e 3E , Anthony CR C Pre ss
1662997 Vol um e One V. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,639,000

Le wi s, CR C Pre ss
1662991 Aesthetic Clinic Marketing in the DigitalAge Wend y CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Oc hs,
Raym ond CR C Pre ss
1662985 Metabolic Structure and Regulation S. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,639,000

H andbook of Mam m al ian Metaboli sm of Pl ant Sche li ne , CR C Pre ss

1662980 Com pound s (1991) Ronal d R . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 9,100,000

Jatoi , CR C Pre ss
1662941 Brain Source Localization Using EEG SignalAnalysis Munsi f Al i. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

T he Cor onar y He art Di se as e Pand em i c i n the R oths te i n, CR C Pre ss

1662938 Tw enti eth Ce ntury Wil l iam G. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

H andbook of N ew Ge ne ti c Di agnos ti c Sim ón, CR C Pre ss

1662932 Te chnol ogie s in Re prod uctive Me di ci ne Carl os CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,279,000
Am e ric an John Wil e y
Canc er Wi le y- & Sons,
1662875 TheAmerican Cancer Society's Principles of Oncology Soc ie ty Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li u, B usi nes s
1662863 Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan Ji anhong Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000

In form atio The Gu il ford

nPatte rson, Gui lford P ubli cation
1662825 Essential Skills in Family Therapy, Third Edition JoEsourc
Re ll en es Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1662542 Ophthalmology n R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp10,780,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tayl or, B usi nes s
1662465 Medical Writing Robe rt B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1662456 Syphilis and Subjectivity Nixon, Kari Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lynte ris , Palgrave B usi nes s
1662451 Histories of Post-Mortem Contagion Ch ris tos Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tsuki ura, B usi nes s
1662447 Memory in a Social Context Takashi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He hlm ann, B usi nes s
1662443 Kommunikation und Gesundheit Thom as Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1662429 Congenital Deformities of the Hand and Upper Limb Wang, Wei Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paribe l li , B usi nes s
1662379 Latissimus Dorsi Transfer Giane zi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N am biar, B usi nes s
1662371 The Social Determinants of Health in India Devaki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Taylor &
B iom ec hanic al E val uation of Movem e nt in Sport Payton , Franc is
1662318 and Exer ci se Carl J. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Al Knawy,
Bandar Taylor &
Abdul m os Prod ucti vit Franc is
1662309 Leading Reliable Healthcare hen y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,399,000
Taylor &
Enge lhard, Franc is
1662304 Invariant Measurement with Raters and Rating Scales George Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,620,000
H andbook of N eu rosurge ry, Ne urol ogy, and Taylor &
Spi nal Med ic ine for Nurs es and Ad vanc ed Pr ac ti ce Wang, Franc is
1662297 H eal th Profe ssi onals Mic hael Y. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
Kum ar, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1662294 Courageous Leadership Su me e t y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,119,000
Taylor &
Be rcaw , Prod ucti vit Franc is
1662290 The Lean Electronic Health Record Ronal d y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,679,000
Taylor &
Prod ucti vit Franc is
1662289 Essentials of Management for Healthcare Professionals Singh, Hari y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,119,000
Taylor &
Wi nter, F. Prod ucti vit Franc is
1662284 Service Extraordinaire David y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,399,000
Taylor &
H ol m es , Franc is
1662245 Applied Epidemiologic Principles and Concepts Larry CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
Goodm an, Franc is
1662221 Biostatistics for Clinical and Public Health Research Mel ody S. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,900,000
R ubin , Taylor &
Lawre nce Franc is
1662079 Handbook of Medical Play Therapy and Child Life C. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Ch ris te nbe Spri nger P ubli shi ng
ry, Thom as Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1660778 Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Le e Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Texas Te xas
Kel l ar, A&M A& M
Wil l iam Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1660702 Richard E. Wainerdi and the Texas Medical Center He nry. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,960,000

Ge lfand, CR C Pre ss
1659537 Hearing Stanl ey A. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Cebal los,
Rube n CR C Pre ss
1659534 Bioethanol and Natural Resources Mic hael CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Chapm an
Wahi, and CR C Pre ss
1659532 Analyzing Health Data in R for SAS Users Monika Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Boul e t,
Loui s- CR C Pre ss
1659530 Applied Respiratory Pathophysiology Phi li ppe CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000

Sin del ar, CR C Pre ss

1659526 Sports-Related Concussion Bri an CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

John, CR C Pre ss
1659525 A Guide to Cancer Mel ford CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Saei d, CR C Pre ss
1659524 Food Biofortification Technologies Agni eszka CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Santhanam App le
, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1659522 Biology and Ecology of Venomous Stingrays Ram as am y Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

Anne gre t
1659014 New Horizons in Patient Safety: Safe Communication Hannawa De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,240,000

And reas
1659009 Das Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrom Lutt kus De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,932,000

Dani el R .
1658984 Zahn- und Mundgesundheit imAlter Re ißm ann De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,148,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Egol , B usi nes s
1658710 Proximal Femur Fractures Kenne th A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schl ic h, Palgrave B usi nes s
1658708 The Palgrave Handbook of the History of Surgery Thom as Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Putri no, B usi nes s
1658707 Hacking Health David Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1658698 Oncoimmunology Zitvogel, L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
John Wil e y
Wayland, Wi le y- & Sons,
1658674 Impacted Third Molars John Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
Pl evri s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1658673 Endoscopy in Liver Disease John N. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 6,006,000

Ed ward Macro L ibre ka

1658402 Les Douze Guérisseurs Bach Éd itions Gm bH 2017 Rp 140,000

Ed ward Macro L ibre ka

1658269 Se guérir soi-même Bach Éd itions Gm bH 2016 Rp 140,000

Dykm an, CR C Pre ss

1656874 Gold Nanoparticles in BiomedicalApplications L. A . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,319,000

Gri nbe rg, CR C Pre ss

1656873 Advances in Chromatography Ne lu CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be ck, B usi nes s
1656478 Faszinierendes Gehirn He nni ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ahl ie l i, B usi nes s
1656477 Minimally Invasive Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Ode d Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pl eye r, B usi nes s
1656467 Ernährung imAlter Bri gitt e Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi gorsc h, B usi nes s
1656465 Diagnose Demenz: Ein Mutmachbuch fürAngehörige Monika Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1656464 Die geburtshilflicheAnästhesie Kranke, P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
John Wil e y
Boyd , C. & Sons,
1656370 ForensicAnthropology Cl i fford Wiley Inc . 2018 Rp 3,920,000
Cente r for
Gl obal Pe rse us
Gl as sm an , De vel opm B ooks ,
1655928 What's In, What's Out Am and a e nt L LC 2017 Rp 448,000
Brooki ngs Pe rse us
Instituti on B ooks ,
1655884 Epidemic Reid Wilson Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 728,000
The Gu il ford
Me asure m ent The or y and Ap pl ication s for the Bandal os, Gui lford
P ubli cation
1655848 Soci al Scie nc es Debor ah L. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,640,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fi nanci al and Bus ine ss Managem en t for the Doctor Waxm an, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1655731 of N urs ing Practic e, Se cond Edi tion KT Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
B arr on's
Dr. Barron's
Pe te r L an g E duc ati on a
Mati ld e Ed ucationa l Se rie s,
1655573 Healing Ways Par ente l Seri e s
Internation Inc . 2015 Rp 420,000
Bárbara ale r Ver lag
He rre ro de r
Muñoz- Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1655517 La primavera del árabe marroquí Cobo afte n AG 2017 Rp 3,469,000
Spr inge r
Isi k, Sc ie nce &
Ahm et B usi nes s
1653195 Delirium in Elderly Patients Turan Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pi rke r- Sc ie nce &
Mi ndful P reve ntion of Bur nout i n Wor kplace Bin der , B usi nes s
1653194 H eal th Managem en t In grid Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Bak, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1653189 Innovatief leerboek persoonlijke psychiatrie Maarte n Loghu m V. (B SL) 2018 Rp 3,359,000
Q uic k R efe ren ce Ne uros ci enc e for R ehabi li tation Gutm an, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1653102 P rofe ss ional s Sh aron A. e d ed 2017 Rp 1,959,000
Gatel ey, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1653098 Documentation Manual for Occupational Therapy Cr ystal A. e d e dlse vi er
E 2017 Rp 1,847,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Manu al for P ulm onary and Cri ti cal Car e Med ici ne Landsbe rg, Sc ie nce s
1653052 E -B ook Ju dd Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 6,047,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652562 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wall , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652555 Chagas Disease Sand ra R. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dobson, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652550 Antisocial Behavior Abby Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Cruz, Jos é Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fernand o Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652549 Anger andAnxiety A. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Grygoryan Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652533 The Optimal Circulation , R afik D . Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Sarai va Nova N ova
Bre sci ani, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kati a Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652512 Cryptosporidiosis in Humans and DomesticAnimals Den ise . Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cogni tive Im pai rm e nt an d Surv ival A fte r a Me guro, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652510 N atu ral D isaste r Keni chi Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kum ar, S. Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1652509 Cancer Versus Nutraceuticals Gowtham Inc. Incati. onal
N 2017 Rp 4,480,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pi er re, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1652304 Contrast Agents for MRI Valé ri e C. Chem i stry N al ati onal 2018 Rp 7,028,000
B ook
R ake sh R oyal N etw ork
Kum ar Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1652301 Hazardous Reagent Substitution Sh arm a Chem i stry al 2017 Rp 5,852,000
T he Bi ology of Se x - A Stud y of the Sex Proble m
A ccord ing to the Late st Facts Di scl ose d B y Bi ology Gi de on Otbe bookp IN scri be
1652188 & Evol ution Die tric h ubl is hing Di gi tal 2017 Rp 56,000
O bser vation s on Mad nes s and Me lanchol y -
Inc lud ing Practi cal Re m arks on Those Di se as es ;
T ogethe r Wi th Case s; A nd an A ccoun t of the John Otbe bookp IN scri be
1652160 Mor bid Appe ar anc es on Dis sec tion Hasl am . ubl is hing Di gi tal 2017 Rp 56,000
John Wil e y
Le vy, Wi le y- & Sons,
1652090 Practical Diabetes Care David Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,310,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
De le spaul , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652059 Goede GGZ! Phi li ppe . Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Z uyle n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652058 De dokter en de dood Lia van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Gunn ing, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652057 Epilepsie Boude wi jn Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652056 De dokter en het geld Levi, Marcel Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Le is ti kow, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652055 Voorkomen is beter Ian Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
N icol ai, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652054 Emotieregulatie als basis van het menselijk bestaan Ne ll eke Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Foc us op fami li e bi j d e be hande li ng van Cahn, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652052 p sychi atr isc he probl em atie k Wie pke Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Swi nke ls, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652051 Psychiaters zijn niet gek Jan A . Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ge urts, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652050 Autismespectrumstoornis Hi ld e Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Kle ins man, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652049 Veiligheid in de ggz Ale tte Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Vanaers ch Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652048 Empathie ot, Gre e t Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1652047 De DSM-5 voorbij! Os, J. van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T hyroid and Par athyroi d U ltrasound and Dui ck, B usi nes s
1652045 U ltrasound -G uid ed FNA Danie l S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Mauvais- Sc ie nce &
Se x and G end er Fac tor s Aff ec ti ng Metaboli c Jarvi s, B usi nes s
1652040 H om eostasi s, Diabe te s and Obe si ty Fran ck Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schi ff, Joe l B usi nes s
1652039 Rare and Exotic Orchids L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cre ditt , B usi nes s
1652035 Clinical Ultrasound Ange la Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi sri , B usi nes s
1652034 Paternal Postnatal Psychiatric Illnesses Sh ai la Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H udnall , B usi nes s
1652033 Precision Molecular Pathology of Hodgkin Lymphoma S. Davi d Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Chaar , Spr inge r
Cass iu s Sc ie nce &
Iyad B usi nes s
1652031 Current Management of Venous Diseases Ochoa Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Kaushi k, Sc ie nce &
Aje et B usi nes s
1652030 Advances in Personalized Nanotherapeutics Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sen , H . B usi nes s
1652028 Multimodal Imaging in Uveitis Ni da Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Appl i cati on of Urologi c Cathe te rs, De vi ce s N ew man, B usi nes s
1652027 and Produ cts Diane K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O per ati ons R es earc h App li cati ons in He alth Care Kahr am an, B usi nes s
1651893 Manage me nt Ce ngi z Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fl ynn, B usi nes s
1651886 Endophthalmitis in Clinical Practice Harry W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me ch ani cal Cir cul atory Su pport for A dvance d Morgan, B usi nes s
1651884 H eart Fai lur e Je ff rey A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Galadari , B usi nes s
1651864 Soft TissueAugmentation Hassan Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Staudh am Sc ie nce &
P räve ntion von Mac htm i ssbrauc h un d Ge wal t in me r, B usi nes s
1651863 d er Pfle ge Mar ti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cl im ate Change , Extr em e Eve nts and Dis as te r Ri sk B usi nes s
1651806 R e ducti on Mal, Suraj Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bow le s, B usi nes s
1651800 Handbook of Military Psychology Ste phe n V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Pe te rse n- Sc ie nce &
Ewe rt, B usi nes s
1651780 Transkulturell pflegen Cor inna Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Posada de Sc ie nce &
la Paz, B usi nes s
1651752 Rare Diseases Epidemiology: Update and Overview Man uel Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tous i, B usi nes s
1651735 Neuro-Geriatrics Babak Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mathe matic al and Statis ti cal Appl i cati ons in Li fe Ad hikari , B usi nes s
1651726 Sc ie nce s and Engi ne eri ng Av ishe k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
2nd Inte rnational Confere nc e for Innovati on i n B usi nes s
1651708 B iom ed ic al E ngine e ring and L ife Sci enc es Ibrahim, F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Katayama, B usi nes s
1651704 Evolution of Atopic Dermatitis in the 21st Century Ic hi ro Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Capezuti , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1651647 The Encyclopedia of Elder Care, Fourth Edition Liz Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 6,160,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
McDonal d, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1651646 Florence Nightingale, Nursing, and Health Care Today Lynn Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , B usi nes s
1651617 The Essentials of Clinical Dialysis Yong-Lim Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B est Practic es i n Pr oc es si ng and Storage for Schw ar tz, B usi nes s
1651595 H em atopoie tic Cel l Transp lantati on Jos eph Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ioe qui val enc e Re qui rem e nts i n Var ious Gl obal Kanfer, B usi nes s
1651590 Jur isd ic ti ons Is ad ore Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
R ead, Uni ver sity O UP
1651560 Congenital and Perinatal Infections Je nni fer S. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 2,835,000
O xford
Chi noy, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1651542 Myositis (ORL) He ctor Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 3,401,000
O xford
Fuc hs, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1651541 Ecology of the Brain Thom as Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 4,409,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Sitse n, J. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1651475 Geneeskundig jaarboek 2018 M. A. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pros per i, B usi nes s
1651466 Resistance to Targeted Therapies in Breast Cancer Je ni fe r R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Autoe thn ograp hie s on the Envi ronm en t and Z olni kov, Palgrave B usi nes s
1651463 H um an H ealth Tara R ava Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bono, B usi nes s
1651459 Revision Total KneeArthroplasty Jam es V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gup ta, B usi nes s
1651457 PET/MR Imaging Raje sh Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marston, B usi nes s
1651453 Mobile E-Health Hannah R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Kre di et, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1651443 Ouderenmishandeling Ger da Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Am m on, Sc ie nce &
He rm ann B usi nes s
1651440 Weihrauch - Anwendung in der westlichen Medizin P. T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sabo, B usi nes s
1651438 Rückfußchirurgie Des id eri us Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Wap pel sha Sc ie nce &
mm e r, B usi nes s
1651431 Dementia Care Mapping im interdisziplinären Diskurs Eli sabe th Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Moraru, B usi nes s
1651403 Analysis of Hydrogeochemical Vulnerability Con stanti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mac kintos Palgrave B usi nes s
1651400 The Patent Medicines Industry in Georgian England h, Al an Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P roduc ti on of P lant De ri ve d Natural Com pou nds Mali k, B usi nes s
1651399 T hrough Hair y Root Cu lture Son ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi rbrair , B usi nes s
1651396 Stem Cell Microenvironments and Beyond Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barth, B usi nes s
1651116 Uptake and Trafficking of Protein Toxins Hol ger Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Chi od o, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1651109 Foot andAnkle Fusions r P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1651108 The Physics of the Mind and Brain Disorders Opris, Ioan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chang, B usi nes s
1651103 Rectal Cancer George J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
John Wil e y
Ki ng's A ppl ie d An atom y of the Cen tral N ervou s Sker ritt , Wi le y- & Sons,
1651070 Syste m of Dom es ti c Mamm als G. C. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,771,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H op kins , B usi nes s
1651065 The Multiple Inert Gas Elimination Technique (MIGET) Su san R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Tys ome ,
E NT: An In trod ucti on and Practic al G uid e, Sec ond Jam es CR C Pre ss
1650588 E diti on Rus se ll CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Fi nk, John Wil e y
Johanne s Wi le y- & Sons,
1650439 Fuel Cells, Solar Panels, and Storage Devices Karl Scri ven er Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
John Wil e y
Pai, & Sons,
1650438 Cardiology Board Review Ram das G. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 2,520,000

R as sool, Taylor &

1650431 Alcohol and Drug Misuse G. Hus sei n Routledge Franc is Ltd 2018 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
Sis son, Franc is
1650406 Ophthalmic Imaging Ch ris tye P. Focal Press (CAM) 2018 Rp12,600,000
Ch am be rs, Taylor &
Robe rt Franc is
1650400 The 2 X 4 Model Andre w CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1650367 Adaptation in Sports Training Viru,Atko Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,879,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
R e construc tive Surge ry of the H an d and Uppe r Ge rm ann , P ubli shi ng
1650026 E xtre m ity G. Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp13,300,000

Slam a, é diti ons E diti ons

1649975 Le mal du dehors Ré m y Quae Q uae 2017 Rp 398,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
H um an Dna P olym er as es: B iol ogy, Me di ci ne And Maga, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1649882 B iotec hnol ogy Giovanni Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 6,636,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Cance r The rap euti cs And Im aging: Mol ec ul ar And R ege , Worl d P ubli shi ng
1649880 Ce ll ul ar Engi ne eri ng And N anobi om ed ici ne Kaus hal. Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 6,636,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
H eal th care Poli ci e s And System s In Eu rope And Muc el li , Worl d P ubli shi ng
1649879 Chi na: Com pari sons A nd Syne rgi es Atti li o Sci enti
Worl d fic Com pany 2018 Rp 6,636,000
Sci enti fic W orld
Sim i ć, Publ i shi ng Sc ie ntific
Ale ksanda Eu rope P ubli shi ng
1649876 Surgery For Benign Oesophageal Disorders r P. Ltd Com pany 2018 Rp 6,216,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
W hat It Take s T o Thr ive : Te chni que s For Seve re H end en, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1649852 T rau ma A nd Stre ss Re cove ry John Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 2,856,000
W orld
Juan, Sc ie ntific
Hsu eh- Worl d P ubli shi ng
1649837 Practical Guide To Cancer Systems Biology,A Fen. Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 3,276,000
Dom ini que
van de r 50Mi nute s.
1649817 Vivre l'arrivée d'un nouveau-né prématuré Kaa fr Primento
Spr inge r 2017 Rp 168,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Z uurbi er , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1649567 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ri a Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 4,984,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1649566 Techniek in de radiotherapie Froma,Age Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 6,664,000

D. J.
1649465 Dermal Fillers Gold berg S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 4,424,000
Bogouss la
1649464 Neurologic-Psychiatric Syndromes in Focus - Part II vsky S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 5,208,000
Bogouss la
1649463 Neurologic-Psychiatric Syndromes in Focus - Part I vsky S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 5,208,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Pe arl , De mos Com pany,
1649438 Inherited Metabolic Epilepsies Phi ll ip L. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fitzp atri ck, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1649437 A Guide to Mastery in Clinical Nursing Joyc e J. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
T hie m e
Pe ris - Me di cal
Ce l da, P ubli shi ng
1649369 Rhoton'sAtlas of Head, Neck, and Brain Mar ia Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp27,720,000

Gal aburda, Brooke s B rookes

1649340 Dyslexia and Neuroscience Albe rt M. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2018 Rp 2,239,000
Fran cois
Gan ghoffe ISTE Pre ss
1649243 Multiscale Biomechanics r - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,552,000
Morgan &
Yuans heng Li fe B iota
1649191 Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Hypertension Gao Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Uni ver sity
And rew Pe nnsyl va L ightni ng
1648889 Madhouses, Mad-Doctors, and Madmen Sc ul l ni a Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 1,148,000
Uni ver sity
Barbara Pe nnsyl va L ightni ng
1648878 Bargaining for Life Bate s ni a Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 3,024,000
Uni ver sity
Al ic ia E ly Pe nnsyl va L ightni ng
1648835 Power, Suffering, and the Struggle for Dignity Yam i n ni a Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Uni ver sity
De von E . Pe nnsyl va L ightni ng
1648820 Culture and PTSD Hi nton ni a Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 4,032,000
Uni ver sity
Galanti , Pe nnsyl va L ightni ng
1648703 Caring for Patients From Different Cultures Ger i-Ann ni a Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 1,148,000
Taylor &
Thom as, Franc is
1647640 Collaborating for Health Pau l Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
App le
Sachan, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1647607 Food Toxicology Ashi sh Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000

Chastai n, CR C Pre ss
1647591 Animal Handling and Physical Restraint C. B . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 2,519,000
John Wil e y
Atlas of Topograph ical and Pathotopographi cal Seagal, Z . Wi le y- & Sons,
1647578 A natom y of the H ead and N ec k M. Scri ven er Incati. onal
N 2018 Rp 5,460,000
B ook
N etw ork
Chri s Tri gge r Inte rnati on
1647394 Walk A Mile Young Pre ss al ati onal
N 2017 Rp 419,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Dhawan, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1647389 Nanotoxicology Alok Chem i stry Nal ati onal 2017 Rp 6,244,000
Profe ssor B ook
Ch ris ti na N etw ork
Fotopou lo Inte rnati on
1647324 Fast Facts: Ovarian Cancer u al ati onal
Health Press N 2017 Rp 700,000
B ook
Dr N etw ork
Fast Fac ts : Mu lti ple Mye lom a and Plasm a Cel l Karthi k Inte rnati on
1647323 D yscrasi as Ram as am y al ati onal
Health Press N 2017 Rp 700,000
B ook
Clarke , N etw ork
Profes sor Inte rnati on
1647322 Fast Facts: Immuno-Oncology Ste phe n. Health Press N
al ati onal 2017 Rp 700,000
B ook
N etw ork
Con aghan, Inte rnati on
1647321 Fast Facts: Osteoarthritis Phi li p G. Health Press N
al ati onal 2017 Rp 700,000
B ook
N etw ork
Manoop S Inte rnati on
1647320 Fast Facts: Pancreas and Biliary Tract Diseases Bhutani al ati onal
Health Press N 2017 Rp 700,000
B ook
N etw ork
Babatsou li , Mul til ingu Inte rnati on
1647314 Crosslinguistic Encounters in LanguageAcquisition Ele na al Matt ers al 2018 Rp 4,759,000
Taylor &
Be rge ron, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1647161 Performance Management in Healthcare Bryan P. y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Taylor &
Fl ew , Franc is
1647146 Social Life and Moral Judgment Antony Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Swazey, Franc is
1646920 Society and Medicine Ju di th P. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
H or n, Franc is
1646899 How Will They Know If I'm Dead? Robe rt Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Spr inge r
Shatzer , P ubli shi ng
Matt hew De mos Com pany,
1643235 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocketpedia M. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Sil ves tr i, De mos Com pany,
1643234 Neuromuscular Disorders Ni chol as J. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
N ation al
Acade m ie s Nation al N ati onal
Bal og h,
of Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1643233 Cancer Care in Low-ResourceAreas Eri
Sc iennc es, Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,232,000
Engi nee ri n
ation al Nation al N ati onal
R e des igni ng the Pr oce ss for Establi shi ng the Med ic m
Acade ineie s Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1643229 D ie tary Gui del i nes for Am e ric ans (U .S.).
of Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,540,000
nc es,al
Engi nee
Acade mriiens Nation al N ati onal
Gu id ing Pri nci ple s for De vel opi ng Di etary g, and
of Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1643227 R e fe re nce Intake s Base d on Chronic Di se ase Med
Sc ic es,
ie nc ine . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Engi nee ri n
g, and Nation al N ati onal
O ptim izi ng the Proc es s for Establi shi ng the Med ic ine Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1643226 D ie tary Gui del i nes for Am e ric ans (U .S.). Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,232,000

Thom as, OUP O UP

1643187 Advance Care Planning in End of Life Care Keri Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 4,157,000
O xford
Mi che l, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1643147 Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine Je an-Pie rre Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp51,450,000
Taylor &
Carmod y, Franc is
1642797 Nursing Older People Su san Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,611,000
Taylor &
Ans on, Franc is
1642791 Health Care in Rural China Ofra Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1642783 Catastrophic Diseases Katz, Jay Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1642632 Prosthetic Joint Infections Peel, Trisha Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carett i, B usi nes s
1642631 Glaucoma Surgery Lui gi. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Varj ani , B usi nes s
1642628 Biosynthetic Technology and Environmental Challenges Su nita J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Jold ers ma, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1642625 Oefenprogramma’s voor schouderaandoeningen Patt y Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mod el li ng P roteasom e Dynami cs i n a B aye si an Stüble r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1642611 Fram e work Sabi ne Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A ktu el le Managem e ntstrate gie n zur Erw ei teru ng H artwe g, Spri nger B usi nes s
1642606 d er Erl ösbasi s von Kran kenhäus ern Hans-R . Gable r Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Virtane n, B usi nes s
1642603 Intelligent Health Policy Petri . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patti , B usi nes s
1642597 TheAmerican Health Care System Mar co G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bron ze tti , B usi nes s
1642589 Atlas of Pediatric and Youth ECG Gabr ie le Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
John Wil e y
R ivi er e, J. Wi le y- & Sons,
1642576 Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Edm ond Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 6,300,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1642575 Quantitative Methods for Health Research Bruce, Nigel Bl ackwe ll Inc .inge r
Spr 2018 Rp 2,015,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Kui pe r, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1642564 Klinische besluitvorming voor verpleegkundigen Mar lou de Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 3,919,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H azel hof, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1642563 Gedragsproblemen bij ouderen The o Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Li en den , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1642562 Werken met een budget He nny van Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ve rbe ek, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1642561 De cliënt centraal, hoe doen we dat? Gabr ië ll e Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol e cul ar Di agn os is and Targe ti ng for Thoraci c Shi mada, B usi nes s
1642013 and Gastrointe stinal Mali gnancy Yutaka. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi kash B usi nes s
1642012 A Century of Plant Virology in India Man dal Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ski n Pe rm eation an d Di sp os iti on of Th erape utic Su gibayas B usi nes s
1642011 and Cosm ec euti cal Comp ou nds hi, Ke nji. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ie de l, B usi nes s
1642009 Ethische Reflexion in der Pflege Anne tte Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sl ee p and Com bat-Re late d Pos t Traum ati c Stre ss Ve rm ett en, B usi nes s
1641970 D isord er Eri c Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Lange , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1641859 Seating and Wheeled Mobility Mic hel le L . e d ed 2018 Rp 2,351,000
P hysi cal He al thcare and P rom oti on i n Me ntal Stan Le arning P ubli cation
1641836 H eal th Nu rsi ng Mutsats a Matte rs s , L td . 2015 Rp 2,940,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sun, B usi nes s
1641829 Mitochondrial DNA and Diseases Hongzhi . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Form er , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1641800 Informatorium voor Voeding en Diëtetiek Maj orie . Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Aaron Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1641797 Key Concepts in Substance Misuse Pycroft s Ltd s , L td . 2015 Rp 2,940,000
Mus cat, Le arning P ubli cation
1641771 Contexts of Midwifery Practice He le n Matte rs s , L td . 2015 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krone r, B usi nes s
1641756 Medikamente in der Tumortherapie Thom as . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gem bruc h, B usi nes s
1641755 Ultraschalldiagnostik in Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie Ulr ic h Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe te rs, B usi nes s
1641738 Ergotherapie individualisiert gestalten Bianc a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ari ng, B usi nes s
1641737 Evidenzbasierte Praxis in den Gesundheitsberufen Robi n Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sim on, B usi nes s
1641735 Akademisch ausgebildetes Pflegefachpersonal Anke . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ö konomi sc he Be wer tu ng de r A nwe rbung Süss , Spri nger B usi nes s
1641725 aus ländi sch er Pfle gekr äfte Re bekka. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ster ben und Tod al s Ler ngege nstand in der Mul le r, B usi nes s
1641723 Ge su ndhe its- u nd Kr anke npfl ege au sbi ldu ng. Jani ne . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1641655 PNF in Lokomotion Dietz, Britta Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Johnson, B usi nes s
1641644 Bacterial Pathogens and Their Virulence Factors Dougl as I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Rodr igue z- Sc ie nce &
Merc han, B usi nes s
1641643 The Infected Total KneeArthroplasty E. C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi lki ns, B usi nes s
1641638 Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Alastair . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yi l mazer, Hu mana B usi nes s
1641637 In Vivo Reprogramming in Regenerative Medicine Açe lya. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O per ati ve Te chn ique s in Si ngl e In ci sion Ge is le r, B usi nes s
1641630 L ap aros copi c Col ore ctal Sur gery Danie l P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jain, B usi nes s
1641627 Common Complications in Endodontics Pri yanka Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pontrem ol i B usi nes s
1641625 Hypertension and Renal Organ Damage , R obe rto. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1641624 Atlas of Endoscopic Major Pulmonary Resections Gossot, D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brzozka, B usi nes s
1641618 Cardiac Cell Culture Technologies Zbi gnie w . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L ife long Learni ng and Ed ucation in He althy and Azei tei ro, B usi nes s
1641603 Sus tai nabl e Citi es Uli ss es Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 7,812,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tamu ra, B usi nes s
1641600 Seamless Healthcare Monitoring Toshi yo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brugi avini , Palgrave B usi nes s
1641595 Vulnerability and Long-term Care in Europe Agar Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E me rgi ng Conce pts Targe ting Imm une Yoshi mu ra B usi nes s
1641593 Che ckp oi nts in Canc er an d Autoim m uni ty , Aki hi ko. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N urs e P ractiti oners and the Pe rform an ce of Defi bau gh, Palgrave B usi nes s
1641584 P rofe ss ional Comp ete ncy Staci Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Khan Spr inge r
Moham m a Sc ie nce &
d B ei gi, B usi nes s
1641577 A Clinician's Guide to Pemphigus Vulgaris Pooya. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tali b, B usi nes s
1641569 Adolescent Gynecology Hi na J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ski n Tum ors and R e ac ti ons to Canc er The rapy i n H uan g, B usi nes s
1641560 Chi ld ren Je nni fer T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Muzi k, B usi nes s
1641551 Motherhood in the Face of Trauma Mar ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Panov, B usi nes s
1641542 Modern Problems of StochasticAnalysis and Statistics Vl ad im i r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Kas ivi svan Sc ie nce &
athan, B usi nes s
1641536 The Big Prostate Ve eru . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chrom atin Re gul ati on of Earl y E mbryon ic Li neage Knott, B usi nes s
1641520 Spe ci fic ati on Jason. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Val eta, B usi nes s
1641508 The Epilepsy Book:A Companion for Patients Thali a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi le tić, B usi nes s
1641505 Dental Composite Materials for Direct Restorations Ve sna. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe bbrar o, B usi nes s
1641495 Surgical Correction of Astigmatism Je an-Luc . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu nduki , B usi nes s
1641493 Atlas of Fetal Ultrasound Vi ctor. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Low ry, B usi nes s
1641487 Nutrition Therapy for Urolithiasis Patri ck. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Dong, Sc ie nce &
Guang- B usi nes s
1641472 Ambient Air Pollution and Health Impact in China Hui . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li , Zhao- B usi nes s
1641470 Chronic Pancreatitis Sh en. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1641466 Laparoscopic Liver Resection Liu, Rong Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Sni jde rs, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1641465 Biomechanica van het spier-skeletstelsel Ch ris J. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000

De tle f Mabuse - B ookw i re

1641336 Das gesunde Unternehmen Kuhn Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 839,000

Gord on Me lros e L ightni ng

1641280 Before the Germ Theory Cook Books Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 224,000

Gord on Me lros e L ightni ng

1641273 Disease and Sanitation in Victorian Britian Cook Books Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 224,000
Mc Far land
Sn odgrass, Com pany,
1641268 World Epidemics Mar y El le n McFarland Inc . 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Chron isc h e ntzünd li che D arm e rkrankunge n – B ookw i re

1641261 Krankhe itsb il d u nd T herapi e opti one n Raja Atreya Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 588,000

Chri stiane Mabuse - B ookw i re

1641259 Wie spät ist zu spät? Sc hwarz Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 965,000

Al i Kem al Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1641028 Interkulturelle therapeutische Kompetenz Gün e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,879,000

H ans son, Arki v Ar kiv

1641005 Interpreting the Brain in Society Kris tofe r förlag Forl ag 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Taylor &
Col laborati ve Practi ce w ith Vu lne rable Chi ld ren Franc is
1640939 and The ir Fami li e s Taylor, Julie Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Taylor &
Sem i no, Franc is
1640929 Metaphor, Cancer and the End of Life Ele na Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Dow ric k, Taylor &
Ch ris top he Franc is
1640812 Person-centred Primary Care r Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000

H op croft, CR C Pre ss
1640752 Instant Wisdom for GPs Kei th CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,359,000
H enson , John Wil e y
Fran ce s M. Wi le y- & Sons,
1640633 Equine Neck and Back Pathology D. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 4,158,000
The Gu il ford
DiCl em e nt Gui lford P ubli cation
1640597 Addiction and Change, Second Edition e, Carlo C. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,380,000

H ayn,
1640454 EHealth2015 – Health Informatics Meets EHealth Die ter IOS Press IOS Press 2015 Rp 4,872,000

R yan,
1640448 Integrating and Connecting Care Ange la IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 3,052,000

Inform ati cs for H eal th: Conne cte d Ci ti zen-Le d R and el l,

1640446 We l lne ss an d Pop ulation He alth Re bec ca IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 4,620,000

D igi tal H ealth In novation for Consu me rs, Ge orgiou ,

1640439 Cl ini ci ans, Connec tivi ty and Com m uni ty Andre w IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 3,220,000

Gl obal Te l ehe alth 2015: Integrating Tec hnology

1640438 and Infor mation for Be tte r H e al thcare Gillis, Grant IOS Press IOS Press 2015 Rp 4,256,000

Ge orgiou ,
1640437 Driving Reform: Digital Health Is Everyone’s Business Andre w IOS Press IOS Press 2015 Rp 3,388,000

H ayn,
1640433 Health Informatics Meets EHealth Die ter IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Conte xt Se nsi tive He alth Inform atic s: Re de sign ing N øh r,

1640420 H eal th care Work Ch ris ti an IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 3,052,000

H ofd ijk,
1640418 Transforming Healthcare with the Internet of Things Jac ob IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 2,772,000

Am me nwe
1640413 Evidence-Based Health Informatics rth, E ls ke IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 4,032,000

E xp lori ng Com pl exi ty in He alth: A n H ör bst,

1640412 Inte rdi sci pl inary Sys te m s Ap proach Ale xan der IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 5,572,000

Fore casti ng Inform ati cs Comp eten ci es for N urse s We ber,

1640410 i n the Futur e of Con nec te d He al th Patri ck IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 3,052,000

Schre i er,
1640408 Health Informatics Meets EHealth Günter IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 3,864,000

R öhrig,
1640404 German Medical Data Sciences: Visions and Bridges Rain er IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 3,052,000

Ser me us,
1640401 Nursing Informatics 2016 Wal ter IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 6,300,000

Conte xt Se nsi tive He alth Inform atic s: Many Plac es, Boryc ki,
1640398 Many Use rs, Many Contexts, Many Us es Eli zabe th IOS Press IOS Press 2015 Rp 3,388,000

Corne t,
1640389 Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans Ronal d IOS Press IOS Press 2015 Rp 8,932,000

T he Prom is e of Ne w Tec hnologi es i n an Age of Maed er,

1640388 N ew H eal th Chall enge s Anthony IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 3,388,000
T he Practi ce of Pati e nt Cente red Care:
E mp owe ring an d E ngagi ng Patie nts in the D igi tal Enge lbre ch
1640384 E ra t, R . IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 2,912,000

1640380 Building Capacity for Health Informatics in the Future Kuo,Alex IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 4,200,000

U nive rsal De sign 2016: L earni ng Fr om the P ast,

1640378 D esi gni ng for the Futur e Petrie, H. IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 5,152,000

Sarkar ,
1640373 MEDINFO 2015: EHealth-enabled Health In dra N ei l IOS Press IOS Press 2015 Rp 5,544,000

Bor-Se n Ac ad em ic
1640173 Systems Evolutionary Biology Ch en Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
H eal th Pol ic y and Ad vanc ed Pr ac ti ce N ursi ng, Goud reau, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1640138 Se cond Edi tion Kel ly A . Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Bl ooms bur
Engl and er, y B loom sbur
1640073 Phenomenology and the Social Context of Psychiatry Magn us Ac ad em ic y UK 2018 Rp 3,920,000

1639981 Sex v lidském milování Berne, Eric. Portál Portál, s. r. o 2017 Rp 339,000

Ore l ,
1639935 Na Freuda já nemám čas, doktore Miros lav Portál Portál, s. r. o 2017 Rp 258,000

Lü tz,
1639901 Kdo je tu vlastně blázen? Man fr ed Portál Portál, s. r. o 2017 Rp 308,000

Vybir al ,
1639899 JAK SE STAT DOBRM PSYCHOTERAPEUTEM Zbyne k. Portál Portál, s. r. o 2016 Rp 294,000

Gottwal do
1639898 Jak na pasivní agresi vá, R ad ka Portál Portál, s. r. o 2017 Rp 274,000

Pe rry,
1639893 Chlapec, ktereho chovali jako pasa Bruc e D. Portál Portál, s. r. o 2016 Rp 417,000

Ore l ,
1639856 A co řeknete ted', doktore? Miros lav Portál Portál, s. r. o 2017 Rp 258,000

Matthi as
1639828 Public Health Kompakt Egge r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp12,908,000
Morgan &
Me ssi ng, Li fe B iota
1639541 Alexander Disease Albe e Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2018 Rp 2,519,000
Mah apatra App le
, D ebarshi Ac ad em ic Taylor &
1639135 Handbook of Research on Medicinal Chemistry Kar Pre ss Franc is Ltd 2018 Rp 6,439,000
Taylor &
Gl oriki an, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1639090 MoneyBall Medicine Harry y P res s (CAM) 2017 Rp 839,000

Bhargava, CR C Pre ss
1639052 Biotechnology: Recent Trends and Emerging Dimensions Atul CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 2,799,000

Mye rs, CR C Pre ss

1639046 Manual of Venous and Lymphatic Diseases Kenne
Marqueths,A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,160,000
Pau lo
Mazzonci n
i de CR C Pre ss
1639045 Medical ImageAnalysis and Informatics Azeve do CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,719,000

A ssi stive Te chnol ogy Ass ess me nt H an dbook, Fe der ic i, CR C Pre ss

1639040 Se cond Edi tion Ste fano CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,319,000
Ale m aye h Chapm an
Stati stic al Topi cs in He al th E conom ic s and u, and CR C Pre ss
1639029 O utcom es R ese arch Dem i ssi e Hal l/CRC L LC 2018 Rp 2,799,000

P har mace uti cal Dosage Forms and Drug Del i ve ry, Mahato, CR C Pre ss
1639026 T hird Ed iti on Ram I. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Chapm an
Gue orguie and CR C Pre ss
1639004 Statistical Methods in Psychiatry and Related Fields va, R al itz a Hal l/CRC L LC 2018 Rp 2,799,000
John Wil e y
H anke y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1638975 Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Obesity Cathe rine Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,820,000
Ed ward E dward
Trovato, El gar E lgar
1638823 Migration, Health and Survival Fran k Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Be ntham L B exin
entham gton
Sci enc e Sc ie nce, a
B ooks
Barne tt, Publ i she rs d
P ivi
ublisishe rs
on of
1638710 Contemporary Scleral Lenses Mel is sa. Ltd. L td
R owm . an 2017 Rp 2,492,000
L itt le fiel d
Dun son, Le xington P ubli she rs,
1638388 Sedation, Suicide, and the Limits of Ethics Jam es A. Books Inc . 2018 Rp 2,968,000

Le dford, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1638364 Principles and Practice in OphthalmicAssisting Jani ce K. ed e dlse vi er
E 2018 Rp 2,603,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R ohrer , Sc ie nce s
1638198 Flaps and Grafts in Dermatologic Surgery E-Book Thom as E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2018 Rp15,119,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fl ei she r, Sc ie nce s
1638197 Complications inAnesthesia E-Book Le e A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2018 Rp10,583,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P rac tic al Pu lm onary Pathology: A D iagnosti c Le sl ie , Sc ie nce s
1638196 A pproach E-Book Kevi n O. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2018 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pfe ffe r, Sc ie nce s
1638195 Operative Techniques: Foot andAnkle Surgery E-Book Gle nn B. Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp18,899,000
Tum or ze nt W.
rum Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1637897 Mammakarzinome Münch en rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 812,000
Tum or ze nt W.
rum Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1637896 Knochentumoren und Weichteilsarkome Münch en rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 728,000
Tum or ze nt W.
rum Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1637895 Endokrine Tumoren Münch en rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 728,000

Anne tte Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1637879 BasiswissenAltenpflege Kulbe e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 2,379,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matus ie wi Spri nger B usi nes s
1637765 Digitales Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement cz, D avi d Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N anote chn ology Ap pli e d To Pharm ac eu ti cal B usi nes s
1637763 Te chnol ogy Rai, Mahen Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Ahm e d, Sc ie nce &
Kam ran, B usi nes s
1637759 The Management of Small Renal Masses ed ti or. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Moham m a Sc ie nce &
Gl utath ione i n Pl ant Grow th, De vel opm en t, and d Anw ar B usi nes s
1637733 Stre ss Tole rance Hoss ai n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Dí az- Sc ie nce &
Ji m ene z, B usi nes s
1637726 Interventions in Pulmonary Medicine Jos e Pabl o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Es kes, B usi nes s
1637721 Alternatives for Dermal Toxicity Testing Ch antra Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gray, B usi nes s
1637719 Immunotherapy for Pediatric Malignancies Ju li et C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krutmann, B usi nes s
1637718 Environment and Skin Je an. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oatle y, B usi nes s
1637717 The Biology of Mammalian Spermatogonia Jon M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
John Wil e y
Wi ls on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1637706 Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dentistry Nair n H . F. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,520,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1637705 Nursing Practice Peate, Ian Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,568,000

1637631 The Diabetic Foot Syndrome A. Piaggesi S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 7,588,000

1637630 Lymph Node FNC P. Zeppa S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 4,676,000

1637629 Adverse Reactions to Biologics Puig, L. S. Karger KargerAG 2018 Rp 5,516,000

She ll ey,
Wil l iam Al gora Al gora
1637060 Science,Alchemy, and the Great Plague of London Sc ott Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 643,000
Joaqu ín
Cam pos
1636976 Drugs and Their Biological Targets Rosa De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,932,000

Steph an
1636957 Adipositas C. B isc hoff De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,932,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Rodr íg ue z, B usi nes s
1636914 Handbook of Disaster Research Havid án Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp10,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cagle , B usi nes s
1636913 Precision Molecular Pathology of Lung Cancer Phi li p T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1636910 Complications in Robotic Urologic Surgery Sotelo, René Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Maqbool, Sc ie nce &
Muham me B usi nes s
1636908 An Introduction to Medical Physics d. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch ium e ll o, B usi nes s
1636907 Practical Trends inAnesthesia and Intensive Care 2017 Davide Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E stabl is hin g a H em atopoi e ti c Ste m Cel l Glu ckm an , B usi nes s
1636902 T ran spl an tation Uni t Eli ane. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saha, B usi nes s
1636901 Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy Gopal B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kähle r, B usi nes s
1636898 Therapeutic Endoscopy in the Gastrointestinal Tract Georg Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Djal il ian, B usi nes s
1636896 Ocular Surface Disease Ali R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Fuc hs, Sc ie nce &
Flávi o B usi nes s
1636888 Essentials of Hypertension Danni Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chal le nging Cas es and Com pl ic ati on Managem e nt Ani tesc u, B usi nes s
1636859 i n Pai n Me di ci ne Magd al e na Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Abl a, B usi nes s
1636856 Histiocytic Disorders Ouss am a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chrom ograni ns: From Cel l Bi ology to Physi ology Ange lon e, B usi nes s
1636852 and Bi ome di ci ne Tom maso. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Abdal la, B usi nes s
1636844 Robotic Surgery forAbdominal Wall Hernia Repair Ri cardo Z. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sade ghi an , B usi nes s
1636842 3D Echocardiography of Structural Heart Disease Hakim e h. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P ubli c He al th E thi cs and the Soc ial De te rm inants Gol dbe rg, B usi nes s
1636840 of H e al th Danie l S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dre he r, Hu mana B usi nes s
1636838 Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease Mar k L. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of Ap pli ed De vel opm e ntal Sci enc e in Abubakar, B usi nes s
1636835 Sub-Saharan Afric a Am ina. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mali k, B usi nes s
1636834 Gene and Cell Therapies for Beta-Globinopathies Punam . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gubi sc h, B usi nes s
1636787 Mastering Advanced Rhinoplasty Wol fgang Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi s, B usi nes s
1636786 Information Systems and Neuroscience Fred D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Boc k, Sc ie nce &
Mod el ing, Si mu lation and Op ti m izati on of Hans B usi nes s
1636784 Com pl ex P roce sse s H PSC 2015 Georg. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cou ld wel l , B usi nes s
1636783 Skull Base Surgery of the Posterior Fossa Wil l iam T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi d, B usi nes s
1636776 The Infectious Disease Diagnosis Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi ss, W. B usi nes s
1636771 Moodiness inADHD Burl es on. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ai , B usi nes s
1636767 Metal Nanoparticles in Pharma Mah end ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cohen , B usi nes s
1636728 Prospective Memory Anna-Lis a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wall ing, B usi nes s
1636726 Academic Promotion for Clinicians Anne . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T CT P/tp t1 - Re m odel i ng Sign al in g From Stem Ce ll Tel e rman, B usi nes s
1636697 to D ise ase Adam . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fu, Tong- B usi nes s
1636681 FoodAllergens Je n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pum arie ga B usi nes s
1636672 SuicideAmong Diverse Youth , And res J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
R itchi e , Sc ie nce &
Gay Mental He althcare Pr ov ide rs and Patie nts i n Els pe th B usi nes s
1636671 the Mi li tar y Cam er on Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De y, B usi nes s
1636668 Classification in BioApps Ni lanjan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Savona, Sc ie nce &
Erne sto B usi nes s
1636657 Dual Markets Ugo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ol sson, B usi nes s
1636656 Timely Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer Loui se . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hu mana B usi nes s
1636655 Clinical Handbook of Bereavement and Grief Reactions Bui, Eric. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le e, B usi nes s
1636652 A Case-Based Guide to Eye Pain Mic hael S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conrad, B usi nes s
1636643 ClinicalApproaches to Hospital Medicine Kevi n Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Parikh , B usi nes s
1636642 The PediatricAnterior Cruciate Ligament Sh ital N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Köhl er, B usi nes s
1636641 SurgeonsAs Educators Tobias S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tsang, B usi nes s
1636625 Precision Medicine, CRISPR, and Genome Engineering Ste phe n H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he CLES-Scale : A n Evalu ati on Tool for Saari kos ki, B usi nes s
1636623 H eal th care Edu cati on Mikko Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pape nhoff, B usi nes s
1636607 BWL für Mediziner im Krankenhaus Mike Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1636605 Beatmung Larsen, R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be ubl er, B usi nes s
1636604 Kompendium der Pharmakologie Eckhard . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be chte l, B usi nes s
1636603 Mitarbeitermotivation ist lernbar Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stuck, B usi nes s
1636602 Praxis der Schlafmedizin Bori s A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1636601 Leitfaden zur medizinischen Trainingsberatung Haber, Paul. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saitoh, B usi nes s
1636582 Dysphagia Evaluation and Treatment Eii ch i. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thi e le ,
Institut B usi nes s
1636574 Angstfrei tauchen Fran
fü r k. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Ange wand Spr inge r
te Sc ie nce &
Arbe itsw is Spri nger B usi nes s
1636569 KPB - Kompaktverfahren Psychische Belastung sen schaft. Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ott o, B usi nes s
1636568 Arbeiten trotz Krebserkrankung Sand ra. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grote n, B usi nes s
1636564 Komplikationen in der Geburtshilfe Tanj a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Kruke me y Spr inge r
er, Sc ie nce &
Man fr ed B usi nes s
1636560 Experimentelle Untersuchungen bei Sarkomen Georg. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ere i ts chaft zu r Verantwor tu ngsübe rnahm e Saute r, B usi nes s
1636553 p sychi atr isc h P flege nde r Dorothea Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
H il ger, Sc ie nce &
Ste phani e Palgrave B usi nes s
1636508 New Directions in Literature and Medicine Studies M. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N azar, B usi nes s
1636496 SalicylicAcid:A Multifaceted Hormone Rahat Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rec is ion Med ici ne Pow ere d by PH eal th and Magl avera B usi nes s
1636494 Conne cte d H eal th s, N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ari ga, B usi nes s
1636485 DJ-1/PARK7 Protein Hi royoshi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1636483 Trauma in Otolaryngology Das, Jayita. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch akrabor B usi nes s
1636476 PathophysiologicalAspects of Proteases ti , Sajal . Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Sc ie nce &
Staa, Bohn B usi nes s
Ver ple e gkundi ge onde rsteu ning bij Anne Loes Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1636450 ze lfm an age m ent e n e i gen regi e van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2018 Rp 3,359,000
The Gu il ford
E ye M ove m ent Des ens itization and R ep roce ssi ng Shapir o, Gui lford P ubli cation
1636433 (EM DR) The rap y, T hir d Ed iti on Fran ci ne Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,360,000
The Gu il ford
Farre ll , Gui lford P ubli cation
1636432 Experiencing Schema Therapy From the Inside Out Joan M. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cur ric ulu m De vel opm ent and Evalu ati on i n Keatin g, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1636329 N urs ing Educ ati on Sarah B. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
John Wil e y
H and le r, & Sons,
1636310 Drug Selectivity Norbe rt Wiley-VCH Inc . 2018 Rp 5,740,000
John Wil e y
Done le y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1636304 Reptile Medicine and Surgery in Clinical Practice Bob Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,395,000
B ril l
Ac adem i c
1635905 The Comparable Body Wee, John Z. Brill P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 4,032,000
B ril l
Waska, Bri l l | Ac adem i c
1635876 Between Unknown Change and Familiar Retreat Robe rt T. R odopi P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 3,220,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
n Sc ie nce
1635867 Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science IGI Global R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp83,860,000
Bu sine ss
L egal and E conom ic Consi de rati ons Su rround ing Paraskou, Sci enc e
1635857 R e produc tive Tour ism Anastas ia R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 4,620,000
Mohd Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
5th As ia Confer enc e on Me chani cal an d Materi als Ham di Bi n Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1635787 E ngine e ring Abd s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,760,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
R ey, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1635786 Bioceramics 29 Ch ris ti an s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,760,000
Spr inge r
Codi na Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fam il y N urse P ractiti on er Certi fication In te nsi ve Le ik, Publ i shi ng Am
Come ripany,
1635780 R e vie w, Thi rd Edi tion Mar ia T. Comp an y Inc Soci. e ty of 2018 Rp 2,800,000
H eal th
Syste m
H IV Pharm acother apy 2018: T he Pharm ac is t’ s Rol e Schafer , P har maci st
1635756 i n Care and Tre atm ent Jason J. ASHP s 2018 Rp 1,848,000
Oxford O xford
Rose nste in Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1632918 The Group , D onal d Pre ss P res s USA 2018 Rp 1,222,000
Oxford O xford
H arr is, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1632917 Vanishing Bone Wil l iam H. Pre ss P res s USA 2018 Rp 830,000
App le
Kes er vani , Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1632901 Drug Delivery Approaches and Nanosystems, Volume 1 Raj K. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
App le
Kes er vani , Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1632900 Drug Delivery Approaches and Nanosystems, Volume 2 Raj K. Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000
Spr inge r
Wang, Sc ie nce &
Zhe nch ang B usi nes s
1632846 Diagnostic Imaging of Ophthalmology . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Me mon, Sc ie nce &
Muham ma B usi nes s
1632833 Hiatal Hernia Surgery d As hraf. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H anno, B usi nes s
1632806 Bladder Pain Syndrome – An Evolution Phi li p M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dolgu shi n, B usi nes s
1632804 Brain Metastases Mikhai l. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sitt el , B usi nes s
1632802 Neurolaryngology Ch ris ti an. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
John Wil e y
Chapm an, Wi le y- & Sons,
1632792 The Midwife's Labour and Birth Handbook Vi cky Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,596,000
Me nzie s- John Wil e y
Gow, Wi le y- & Sons,
1632791 Rapid Cardiac Care Em ma Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Cardi oprote ctive N atural Prod ucts: Pr om i se s And Brahm ac ha Worl d P ubli shi ng
1632782 H ope s ri, Goutam Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 5,376,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ibatti , B usi nes s
1632686 Inflammation andAngiogenesis Dom eni co. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ibáñez, B usi nes s
1632685 Neuroscience and Social Science Agustí n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bonne chè r B usi nes s
1632677 Serious Games in Physical Rehabilitation e, Bru no. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
T he Pul vinar Thalam ic N ucl eu s of Non-Hu man Sc ie nce &
P rim ate s: Arc hite ctonic and Functi onal Gattass, B usi nes s
1632666 Subd ivi si ons Ri cardo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Managem e nt of Pul m onar y Di sorde rs and Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1632658 D ise ase s w Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Ghorbanp Sc ie nce &
our, B usi nes s
1632647 Medicinal Plants and Environmental Challenges Man sour. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kruhl , B usi nes s
1632636 Living Under the Threat of Earthquakes Jör n H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
D esi gn and Evalu ati on of Pl asm on ic /Magne tic Au - Man ise kar Spr inge r
MFe 2O4 (M-Fe/Co/Mn) Core -She ll N anoparti cl e s an, Sc ie nce &
Fu nctional ize d w ith Doxor ubic in for Cance r Ravi chand B usi nes s
1632626 T herape uti cs ran . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ce ll ul ar and M ol e cul ar Appr oac hes to Lapc hak, B usi nes s
1632615 R e gene rati on and Re pai r Pau l A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Cabe , B usi nes s
1632614 Understanding the Gut-Bone Signaling Axis Laura R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Patel , Sc ie nce &
Sand ip B usi nes s
1632575 Early Phase Cancer Immunotherapy Pravin. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi el e, B usi nes s
1632561 Diagnostic Imaging in Polytrauma Patients Vi ttori o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Le vy, Sc ie nce &
Zachary B usi nes s
1632553 Absolute Neurocritical Care Review David. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Strain Vari ati on i n the Mycobac te ri um Sc ie nce &
Tu berc ulos is Comp le x: Its Rol e in Biol ogy, Gagne ux, B usi nes s
1632545 E pid em i ology and Control Se bastie n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Köni g, Sc ie nce &
Ste fan B usi nes s
1632539 Surgery of the Skull Base Ale xan der . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Phi ll i ps, Sc ie nce &
Raym ond B usi nes s
1632536 The Physical Exam E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bharadwaj, Palgrave B usi nes s
1632534 Global Perspectives on Stem Cell Technologies Adi tya Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1632530 Imaging AcuteAbdomen in Children Avni, E. F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wasse r, B usi nes s
1632523 Psychiatry and the Law Tobias. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kush ner, B usi nes s
1632521 Strabismus Burton J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Usm ani , B usi nes s
1632503 Personalized Therapy for Multiple Myeloma Saad Z. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Waubant, Sc ie nce &
Pe di atri c De mye li nati ng D is ease s of the Ce ntral Em manue l B usi nes s
1632499 N er vous Sys te m and The ir Mim i cs le L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mazzott a, B usi nes s
1632497 Management of Early Progressive Corneal Ectasia Cos im o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kli janie nk B usi nes s
1632495 Small Volume Biopsy in Pediatric Tumors o, Je rzy. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conte mp or ary Manage m en t of Jugul ar Wanna, B usi nes s
1632494 Paragangli om a George B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De lm an, B usi nes s
1632493 Malignancies of the Groin Kei th A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe ll ah i, B usi nes s
1632492 Anesthesia in High-Risk Patients Je an-Luc . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1632489 Hemomath Fasano,A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Low , B usi nes s
1632488 Clinical Cases in Coronary RotationalAtherectomy Re ginal d. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ockwe ll , B usi nes s
1632487 Vaccine Science and Immunization Guideline Pam e la G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T reatm ent of Infl am m atory Bowe l Di se as e wi th Che ifetz , B usi nes s
1632485 B iol ogic s Adam S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dri sl an e, B usi nes s
1632472 Status Epilepticus Fran k W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of D SM-5 D isord er s i n Chi ld ren and Gol dste in, B usi nes s
1632471 A dole sc ents Sam Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp10,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Covic , B usi nes s
1632470 Resistant Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease Adri an. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cano, B usi nes s
1632465 Menopause Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Szem a, Sc ie nce &
Anthony B usi nes s
1632462 Unusual Diseases with Common Symptoms M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Ful ghes u, Sc ie nce &
Anna B usi nes s
1632457 Good Practice in Pediatric andAdolescent Gynecology Mar ia. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
U ltraviol et Light in Hum an H eal th , D ise ases and Ahm ad, B usi nes s
1632454 E nvir on me nt Sh am i m I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Larhe im , B usi nes s
1632450 Maxillofacial Imaging T. A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mahajan, B usi nes s
1632448 Radiation Oncology for Pediatric CNS Tumors Ani ta. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve rm a, B usi nes s
1632446 The Biceps and Superior Labrum Complex Ni khil N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
De lane y, Sc ie nce &
Con nie B usi nes s
1632442 Big Data-Enabled Nursing Whi te Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
R occa Sc ie nce &
Ross ett i, B usi nes s
1632438 Managing Segmental Renal Diseases Sal vatore . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Von Spr inge r
He yde n, Sc ie nce &
Maxi mi l ia B usi nes s
1632366 Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen n Springer
Worl d Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,960,000
Sci enti fic W orld
Publ i shi ng Sc ie ntific
D isp osable And Fle xibl e Chem i cal Se nsor s And Kim , Eu rope P ubli shi ng
1632325 B iose nsors Made Wi th R en ewabl e Mate rial s Jae hwan Ltd Com pany 2018 Rp 3,276,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Ce reb ral B lood Flow And Me taboli sm : A Payne, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1632316 Q uanti tati ve A pproach Ste phe n Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 6,216,000

Krakau er, The MIT

1632190 Broken Movement John W. Pre ss MIT Press 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
H uckabee , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cl ini cal Le ader shi p for P hysi ci an Assi stants and Mic hael Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1632188 N urs e P ractiti oners Jos eph Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Form ul ati ng a Diff er enti al Di agnosi s for the R hoad s, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1632187 A dvan ce d Pr ac ti ce P rovid er, Se cond Edi tion Jac quel in e Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Baue r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1632176 E-Health: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit Ch ris top h Gable r Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barth, B usi nes s
1632163 Kompetenzentwicklung im Studium ermöglichen Carm e n Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P flege qual ität in de r am bulante n und stationäre n Graf, B usi nes s
1632146 A lten pfle ge Joach im Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R iss li ng, Spri nger B usi nes s
1632138 Interaction of MycophenolicAcid and Pantoprazole Ole sj a Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000

Kim , Pan CR C Pre ss

1631966 Tuning Innovation with Biotechnology Dong H wa Stanford L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Re nato M. CR C Pre ss
1631965 Biodental Engineering IV Natal CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000

n, CR C Pre ss
1631934 Fennema’s Food Chemistry, Fifth Edition Sr ini vas an CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,159,000
Taylor &
Obri st, Franc is
1631895 Cardiovascular Psychophysiology Pau l A . Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
A Fem i nis t Ethnography of Sec ure Wards for Fi sh, Franc is
1631894 W ome n w i th Le ar ning Dis abi l itie s Re bec ca Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Aue rbac h Taylor &
Ge orge, Publ i cati on Franc is
1631891 Poisons David J. s (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,519,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Arm i tage , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1631742 A Practical Guide to Parkinson’s Disease Ale x Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Codi na Spri nger P ubli shi ng
A dul t-Ge rontology Nur se Practi ti one r Le ik, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1631741 Ce rtific ati on Inte nsive R e vie w, Thi rd Edi tion Mar ia T. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1631735 JIMD Reports, Volume 36 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gram s, B usi nes s
1631732 Homöopathie neu gedacht Natal ie . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kl ini sc he Tes ts und Unte rsuc hung in Orthopädi e Konrads, B usi nes s
1631731 u nd U nfal lc hir urgi e Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le hm an n, B usi nes s
1631730 Schulter Lars-J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barnow , B usi nes s
1631729 Gefühle im Griff! Sve n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Spe cht- Sc ie nce &
Tom ann , B usi nes s
1631728 Biografiearbeit Monika. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wahlbe rg, B usi nes s
1631726 Emergency Vascular Surgery Eri c Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li nde , B usi nes s
1631723 Lebensbalance imAlter Dés iré e Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Von Sc ie nce &
Re ibni tz, B usi nes s
1631719 Wundversorgung vonA - Z Ch ris ti ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wes te nfel d B usi nes s
1631717 Operative Therapie der Hypospadie er, Martin Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kes ch, B usi nes s
1631716 Aktuelles aus Klinik und Praxis der Urologie Cl audi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1631714 Homöopathie - die Fakten [unverdünnt] Ernst, E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kogni tive Verhal te nsthe rapie für Patie nten mi t Forstme i er B usi nes s
1631711 l ei ch te r Al zhei m er-De m enz u nd ihre Ange höri gen , Si m on Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Köni g, Sc ie nce &
Ste fan B usi nes s
1631708 Schädelbasischirurgie Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ganse , B usi nes s
1631707 Das kleine Handbuch für angehende Raumfahrer Be rgita Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be nts, B usi nes s
1631706 Psychotherapie und Würde Hi nri ch Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ei de lbe rge r Me di zine rge spräche : Chefärzte u nd Chri stoph B usi nes s
1631703 i hre Karri ere we ge Jasc hin ski Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Gil ber t Gabri el IN scri be
1631401 Anxieties d'une jeune mère Adi mor a Agbo Di gi tal 2017 Rp 84,000
Arzim ano L ibbe y
1631214 Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery glou, A. John Libbey E urotext 2016 Rp 4,858,000
Dabis , L ibbe y
1631199 Epidémiologie de terrain (2e édition) Fran çois . John Libbey E urotext 2017 Rp 2,267,000
Monl éon, John
Je an-Vi tal L ibbe y
1631195 L'enfant adopté de . Doin E urotext 2017 Rp 1,043,000
Tru ong, L ibbe y
1631193 Toxine Botulique thérapeutique Danie l. Doin E urotext 2017 Rp 2,087,000
Martin, L ibbe y
1631191 Physiologie humaine appliquée Cl aude . Arnette E urotext 2017 Rp 3,598,000
Mois es de Babe lc ube IN scri be
1631087 Η Κατάρα του Αλτσχάϊμερ ΙΙ la Se rna Inc. Di gi tal 2017 Rp 112,000
Mois es de Babe lc ube IN scri be
1631081 Morbo diAlzheimer - I la Se rna Inc. Di gi tal 2017 Rp 112,000
Mois es de Babe lc ube IN scri be
1631056 Morbo DiAlzheimer II la Se rna Inc. Di gi tal 2017 Rp 112,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1630998 Het tandheelkundig Jaar 2018 Aps, Johan Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H on g, B usi nes s
1630871 Coronary Imaging and Physiology Myeong-Ki Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le e, Yong B usi nes s
1630870 SevereAsthma Ch ul. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shukl a, B usi nes s
1630859 Recent Advances inApplied Microbiology Pratyoos h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yam agis hi, B usi nes s
1630857 Diabetes andAging-related Complications Sh o-i chi Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E xe rc ise for Card iovascu lar D ise ase Pre ven ti on B usi nes s
1630856 and Tre atm e nt Xiao, Junjie. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1630841 The Structure of Healthy Life Determinants Hoshi, Tanji Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
D eve lopm e nt of Che mi stry-Base d Sc ree ni ng Sc ie nce &
Pl atform for A cce ss to Mi rror-Image Li brary of N ogu chi , B usi nes s
1630840 N atu ral P roduc ts Taro. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1630832 Multifunctional Nanoprobes Liu, Yanlan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De , Utp al B usi nes s
1630830 Issues on Health and Healthcare in India Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Kali a, Sc ie nce &
Vi pi n B usi nes s
1630824 Mining of Microbial Wealth and MetaGenomics Ch and ra. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z han g, B usi nes s
1630821 Substance and Non-substanceAddiction Xi aoc hu. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Pup el la, Sc ie nce &
Me ch ani cal Ve ntil ati on i n P ati ent w ith Re spi rator y Rosal ia B usi nes s
1630818 Fai lur e Am el iana Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000

Gui ll e ry, OUP O UP

1630780 The BrainAs a Tool Ray Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 5,039,000
Oxford O xford
Kogan, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1630777 Integrative Geriatric Medicine Mikhai l Pre ss P res s USA 2018 Rp 5,876,000
Oxford O xford
Carmon a, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1630776 Integrative Preventive Medicine Ri chard H. Pre ss P res s USA 2018 Rp 5,876,000
O xford
Szmu kl e r, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1630768 Men in White Coats George Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 6,298,000
Taylor &
Ch am be rs, Franc is
1630739 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Mar y Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Ch am be rla Taylor &
Pl annin g Qual ity P roje ct Managem e nt of in, R ic har d Prod ucti vit Franc is
1630723 (EM R/EH R) Software Prod ucts L. y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Spr inge r
H ae hli ng, Sc ie nce &
Ste phan B usi nes s
1630698 Kachexie bei Tumorerkrankungen von. Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
B ook
N etw ork
H add ad ,
COUSINS, Inte rnati on
1630599 Fast Facts: Depression Mar k. AEL Health Press N
MICH al ati onal 2017 Rp 700,000
J. B ook
GALL AG N etw ork
HER , Inte rnati on
1630598 Fast Facts: Chronic and Cancer Pain ROL LIN. Health Press N al ati onal 2017 Rp 700,000
B ook
O' K N etw ork
ane , Sci on Inte rnati on
1630533 Acute Medicine, Second Edition Dec lan. Publ i shi ng al 2017 Rp 1,470,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1630351 Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Muir, Peter Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
See ram , Wi le y- & Sons,
1630350 CT at a Glance Euc li d Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,120,000
John Wil e y
& Sons,
1630338 Mental Health in China Yang, Jie Polity Inc . 2017 Rp 643,000
John Wil e y
Wate rs, & Sons,
1630334 Translational Toxicology and Therapeutics Mic hael D. Wiley Inc . 2018 Rp 6,300,000
Keogh ,
Jam es
1630327 Cracking the Nursing Interview Edw ard De|G Press De Gruyter 2017 Rp 980,000
Gruyte r
1630302 Altfranzösisch in hebräischer Graphie Julia Zwink Mouton De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Tanja N.
1630301 Fertilitätserhalt in der Gynäkoonkologie Fehm De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,268,000

Be rge ron, CR C Pre ss

1629466 Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health Nathal ie CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000

E me rge ncy Care of Mi nor Traum a in Chil dre n, Davi es, CR C Pre ss
1629464 T hird Ed iti on Ffion C. W. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Com bi, CR C Pre ss

1629458 Process Modeling and Management for Healthcare Carl o CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,359,000

CR C Pre ss
1629457 Biomechanics of Human Motion Arus, Emeric CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Grayson, P. I. E-Pete r
M. Lang S. A., CR C Pre ss
1629453 Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics Lin dsay CRC
Éd Press L LC
itions 2017 Rp13,160,000
Sci enti fiqu
Internation Pe ter Lang
1629307 Veuves françaises de la Grande Guerre Peggy Bette ale s AG 2017 Rp 3,245,000
The Gu il ford
P sychol ogic al E val uations for the Courts, Fourth Me lton, Gui lford P ubli cation
1629164 E diti on Gar y B. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Martin, n Sc ie nce
1629111 Raising Mental HealthAwareness in Higher Education Mel is sa R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 4,900,000
Le uve n L euve n
Os sel aer, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1629085 Sign or Symptom? Tin e van Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,652,000
Patric ia Pe rse us
Barnes - Vis ibl e In k B ooks ,
1628984 The Handy DiabetesAnswer Book Svarne y Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 532,000

Pe te rson, Taylor &

1628928 Sports Injuries Lars CRC Press Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Pe rse us
Ul ysse s B ooks ,
1628905 Heal Your Frozen Shoulder Karl Knopf Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 447,000
Pe rse us
Ed wards, Ul ysse s B ooks ,
1628890 Deep End of the Pool Workouts Mel is end a. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 447,000
Pe rse us
Pame l a Ul ysse s B ooks ,
1628887 Mom's Guide to Diastasis Recti Ell ge n Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 447,000
Colu mbi a Pe rse us
Uns chul d, Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1628853 Traditional Chinese Medicine Pau l U. Pre ss L LC 2018 Rp 560,000
Colu mbi a Pe rse us
R edl e ner, Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1628812 The Future of Us Ir wi n Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 840,000
Acquavi va Harri ngton Pe rse us
, Ki m berl y Park P res s, B ooks ,
1628750 LGBTQ-Inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care D. LL C L LC 2017 Rp 560,000
John Wil e y
Thac hil , Wi le y- & Sons,
1628724 Handbook of Venous Thromboembolism Je cko Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 3,471,000
R am sl and, Taylor &
Kathe rin e Franc is
1628493 The Psychology of Death Investigations M. CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,239,000
Gup ta,
O ptic al Se nsors for Bi om edi cal Di agn ostic s and Banshi CR C Pre ss
1628320 E nvir on me ntal M on itori ng Dhar CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Der el an ko, CR C Pre ss

1628314 The Toxicologist's Pocket Handbook, Third Edition Mic hael J. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Thi l lai,
Muhuntha CR C Pre ss
1628310 Clinical Handbook of Interstitial Lung Disease n CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000
Cahil l,
Lawre nce Be rnan B ernan
1627616 Environmental Health and Safety Audits B. Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 1,568,000

N eu rowi sse nsc hafte n für The rapie u nd Ge rhard Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1627580 N eu roreh abi li tati on Ni em ann e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,879,000

Ew al d Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1627559 Endometriose Be che rer e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 3,779,000

R e chnun gswe se n und Fi nanzi er ung i n Wi nfrie d Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1627555 Kranke nhäuse rn u nd Pfle gee inr ic htu ngen Zapp e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,879,000
O pen
Ope n R oad
N ogu chi , R oad Inte grate d
1627552 The Coroner Series Thom as T. Me dia Me di a, Inc . 2017 Rp 1,064,000
John Wil e y
Si taram an and Fr ie dm an 's E sse ntial s of Sr ini vas an , Wi le y- & Sons,
1626809 Gastroe nterol ogy Sh anthi Bl ackwe ll
Inc .inge r
Spr 2017 Rp 3,234,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ste houwe r, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1626693 Leerboek interne geneeskunde C. D. A. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 8,344,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Futre ll , De mos Com pany,
1626054 Vascular Neurology Board Review Nancy Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Gors e, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1626050 True Stories From theAthletic Training Room Kei th M. ed ed 2018 Rp 1,175,000
Fairl e igh Fai rle igh
Stockey- Di cki nson Di cki nson
Bri dge , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1625894 The Lure of Hope Mic hael a Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 3,108,000
Im pact of M arke t Forc es on Ad dic tive Substance s BR END A OUP O UP
1625673 and Be haviours N. Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 3,779,000
John Wil e y
Coope r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1625547 ABC of Clinical Professionalism Ni col a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,259,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Suc ci nct Pe di atri cs : E val uation and Managem e nt In form atio Ac ad em y Ac adem y
for Ne wborn, Ge ne ti c, N eur ol ogi c, an d nFe ld, of of
1625470 D eve lopm e ntal -Beh avi oral Dis orde rs Le sourc
Re on ardesG. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2018 Rp 2,519,000
Man age m e
nt Bu sine ss
Assoc iatio Sci enc e
1625464 Medical Tourism n R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp11,900,000
Me dic al
Tangki atku Inform ati o
Com pl em e ntary and Al te rnative Me di ci ne an d mj ai , n Sc ie nce
1625443 Ki dne y H eal th Mayu ree R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 7,420,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Johns Hop kins Nu rsi ng E vide nc e-Base d P ractic e Dang, Internation Inte rnati on
1625431 T hrid Ed iti on: M od el and Gui de li nes Debor ah al al 2018 Rp 1,679,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Marre ll i, Internation Inte rnati on
1625430 The Nurse Manager’s Survival Guide 4th Ed. Tin a M. al al 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Sigm a Si gma
E vid enc e-Base d Practic e In Acti on: Com pre he nsi ve The ta Tau T heta Tau
Strate gi es, T ool s, and Tip s From The Uni vers ity of Cul le n, Internation Inte rnati on
1625429 Iowa H ospi tal s A nd Cl ini cs Laura al al 2018 Rp 2,519,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1625345 The NeuropsychologicalAnalysis of Problem Solving Lurii iaa,A. R. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,723,000
Brou we r, Taylor &
Am and a Franc is
1625293 Motivation for Sustaining Health Behavior Change M. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Taylor &
P ubli c He al th R es earc h Me thods for Partn ers hip s Goodm an, Franc is
1625220 and Practi ce Mel
al , S. Routledge N
ati onal 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Asoci aci ón B ook
Lati noame N etw ork
ric an a de Inte rnati on
1625150 Global Health Watch 5 Med ic ina. Zed Books alN ati onal 2017 Rp 2,660,000
B ook
N etw ork
Tri gge r Inte rnati on
1625146 Shiny Happy Person Cox, Terri. Pre ss al ati onal
N 2017 Rp 419,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Cros s-rel axation and Cros s-corre lation Param e ters Canet, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1625144 i n N MR Danie l Chem i stry al 2018 Rp 6,244,000

Baski n, CR C Pre ss
1625063 Oxidants,AntioxidantsAnd Free Radicals Ste ven I. Routledge L LC 2017 Rp 8,932,000

Maj um dar, CR C Pre ss

1625061 A Brief Survey of Quantitative EEG Kaus hik CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Mi jnhe er, CR C Pre ss

1625031 Clinical 3D Dosimetry in Modern Radiation Therapy Be n CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,999,000

Das, Indra CR C Pre ss

1625030 Radiochromic Film Je e t CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,319,000

Wi ar t, CR C Pre ss
1625027 Medicinal Plants inAsia for Metabolic Syndrome Ch ris top he CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,599,000

CR C Pre ss
1625026 Hybrid Imaging in Cardiovascular Medicine Liu, Yi-Hwa CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,999,000

State n, CR C Pre ss
1625025 GP Wellbeing Adam CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Ahm ad, CR C Pre ss

1625024 Aging Sh am i m I. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000

N ation al
Uri barri
Acade m ie, s CR C Pre ss
1625020 Dietary AGEs and Their Role in Health and Disease Jai me
of CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,839,000
Sc ie nc es,
T rai ni ng the Future Chi ld H ealth Care W orkforce Engi nee ri n Nation al N ati onal
to Im prove the Be havioral H ealth of Chil dre n, g, and Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1624945 You th , and Fam i li es Med ic ine . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,232,000

Nation al N ati onal

Inte grati ng the Patie nt and Care give r Voi ce Into Grai g, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1624941 Se riou s Il lne ss Car e Laure ne A . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,148,000
E ngagi ng the P rivate Se ctor and De vel opi ng Nation al N ati onal
Partne rshi ps to Advance H ealth an d the Tayl or, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1624940 Sus tai nabl e De vel opm ent Goal s Rache l M. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,344,000
M. Roc ha
de Ol ive ra
1624807 Root Caries: From Prevalence to Therapy Carri l ho S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 5,516,000
Thu n, Uni ver sity O UP
1624752 Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Mic hael J. Pre ss P rem i um 2018 Rp20,999,000

Schni de r, OUP O UP
1624741 The Confabulating Mind Arm in Oxford P rem
Am e rii um
can 2017 Rp 3,527,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Mi na K. Psyc hi atri c n
1624735 Concise Guide to Child andAdolescent Psychiatry Dul can Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi ng
can 2017 Rp 4,872,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
De wan, Psyc hi atri c n
1624734 TheArt and Science of Brief Psychotherapies Man tosh J. Publ i shi ng P Amubli
e rishi
canng 2018 Rp 7,308,000
P sychi atri c
Aver y, Am er ic an As soci ati o
Co-occ urri ng Me ntal Il lne ss and Su bstanc e Use Jonathan Psyc hi atri c n
1624733 D isord er s D. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2018 Rp 5,460,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Com pl em e ntary and Integr ati ve T reatm ents in Patric ia L . Psyc hi atri c n
1624732 P sychi atr ic Practi ce Ger barg Publ i shi ng Spr
P ubli shirng
inge 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1624699 Leerboek oogheelkunde Tan, H. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2018 Rp 4,479,000

‫واكالة الصحاافة‬
1624467 ‫ التوحد‬،‫ حازم‬،‫خالد‬ ‫ االعرباية‬Al Manhal 2017 Rp 140,000

Au gsburge CR C Pre ss
1624379 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms r, Larry L . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Chapm an
Be rge r, and CR C Pre ss
1624373 Randomization, Masking, andAllocation Concealment Vance Hal l/CRC L LC 2018 Rp 3,359,000
A ppl ic ati on s of B ioph otoni cs and Moham m a CR C Pre ss
1624371 N anobiom ate ri al s i n Biom e di cal Engi nee ri ng dE. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,159,000

O ptic al Im agi ng for Bi ome di cal an d Cl ini cal Kum ar, CR C Pre ss
1624369 A ppl ic ati on s Dil e ep CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Guo, CR C Pre ss
1624367 Biomotors Pei xuan CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,919,000
Wil l iam so
n, Thom as CR C Pre ss
1624366 Vitreoretinal Disorders in Primary Care H. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000
Taylor &
Prod ucti vit Franc is
1624330 Planning and Designing Healthcare Facilities Singh, V. K. y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,959,000

Le is s,
1624173 Zöliakie und andere Gluten-assoziierte Erkrankungen Ottm ar De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,932,000

1624166 Pregnancy and Obesity Maxw el l De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,220,000
H annawa,
N eu e Wege für di e Pati ente nsi che rhe it: Si ch ere Anne gret
1624142 Kom m uni kati on F. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2018 Rp 2,912,000
Gruyte r
Ol de nbour
1624059 Pharma-Marketing Fred Harms g De Gruyter 2016 Rp 2,618,000
Gruyte r
R osm ari e Ol de nbour
1624057 Strategisches Management von Gesundheitsbetrieben Re ins pach g De Gruyter 2016 Rp 980,000

Be njam in
1624005 Genetische Kardiomyopathien Med er De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000

1623955 Biomedical Imaging Tim Salditt De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp19,348,000

Spr inge r
Fri ed man, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
101 Car ee rs in He al thcare Managem en t, Se cond Le on ard Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1623843 E diti on H. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
H ow ar d, De mos Com pany,
1623842 Neurology Q&A Review Jonathan Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000

1623819 Healthcare in Transition Cribb,Alan. Policy Press E

lse viPress
er 2017 Rp 3,780,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R ee d, Sc ieence
Am s
ri can
1623808 Equine Internal Medicine - E-Book Ste phe n M. Saunders Di viesityonof
Soci 2018 Rp16,548,000
H eal th
Syste m
Bu chanan, P har maci st
1623806 Compounding Sterile Preparations E. Clyde . ASHP s 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Karger- Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Koc si s, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1623805 Green Convergence on Materials Frontiers Józse f s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Brow n B rown
Martin a. Walke r Wal ker
1623740 Generic Challenge: Voe t Pre ss (FL) P res s 2016 Rp 952,000
John Wil e y
B lackw el l' s Fi ve-Mi nute Ve teri nary Consu lt H or wi tz, Wi le y- & Sons,
1623594 Cl ini cal Com pan ion Debr a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1623573 Emergency Radiology Singh,Ajay Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De ave rs, B usi nes s
1623572 Precision Molecular Pathology of Uterine Cancer Mic hael T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Bai le y, Sc ie nce &
Whi tn ey B usi nes s
1623569 Family Caregiving A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1623562 GeriatricAnesthesiology Reves, J. G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1623559 From Statistics to Mathematical Finance Ferger, D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rac titione r's Gui de to E thi cs and Mind fu lne ss - Montei ro, B usi nes s
1623554 B as ed Interve ntions Lyne tte M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Majzoub, B usi nes s
1623552 The Complete Guide to Male Fertility Preservation Ahm ad Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kapre , B usi nes s
1623545 Surgery of Trismus in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Mad an Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mu lti -Param etri c Live Ce ll Mi cros copy of 3D Dm itri e v, B usi nes s
1623542 T iss ue Mode ls Rus lan I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Mora- Spr inge r
Montes, Sc ie nce &
He ctor B usi nes s
1623537 Current Progress in Medical Mycology Man uel Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Mil lan, B usi nes s
1623533 Pediatric Electromyography Hugh J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stoop , B usi nes s
1623531 Preventing Age Related Fertility Loss Dom ini c Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1623530 Understanding Prevention for HIV Positive Gay Men Wilton, Leo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sharm a, B usi nes s
1623526 The Rise of Acid Reflux inAsia Prate e k Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stur mbe rg, B usi nes s
1623508 Health System Redesign Joach im P . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De m ire r, Hu mana B usi nes s
1623496 Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation Tane r Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1623494 A Practical Guide to Biomedical Research Agger, Peter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ied a, B usi nes s
1623493 Cardiac Regeneration Mas aki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Characte rizi ng Interd ep end enc ie s of Multi pl e H os oya, B usi nes s
1623488 T im e Seri e s Yuzo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eubart, B usi nes s
1623485 Altenselbsthilfe Rain er Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Be rnhardi , Sc ie nce &
Rom m y B usi nes s
1623465 The Plastic Brain von Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Bru gge, Sc ie nce &
N eu roreh abi li tati on for Ce ntral Ne rvous Sys tem Fran s van B usi nes s
1623457 D isord er s de r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cl ini cal N urse Le ade r Ce rti fic ati on R evi ew , Kin g, Publ i shi ng R
owm pany,
1623446 Se cond Edi tion El ist W Ap p Cyn thi a R . Comp an y & Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Fox Star r, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1623387 Beyond the Baby Blues Re bec ca Publ i she rs Inc . 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Taylor &
Kowals ki, Franc is
1622846 The Mindfulness and Mindbalancing Handbook Re inh ard Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,860,000
Taylor &
Turnbu ll , Franc is
1622845 The Dysfluency Resource Book Jac kie Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,760,000

Grunw al d, Pan CR C Pre ss

1622717 Biocatalysis and Nanotechnology Pete r Stanford L LC 2017 Rp14,000,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O xi dative Stres s: Diagnos ti c Methods and Maurya, B usi nes s
1622580 A ppl ic ati on s i n Me di cal Sci enc e Paw an . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badnj evi c, B usi nes s
1622579 Inspection of Medical Devices Alm i r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum ar, B usi nes s
1622571 Handbook of Suicidal Behaviour Upde sh Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp10,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wol ff, B usi nes s
1622552 Raising of Microvascular Flaps Klaus Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Isl am an d H eal th Pol ic ie s R e lated to HIV Barm ania, B usi nes s
1622538 P reve ntion in Malaysi a Si m a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Wan, Sc ie nce &
P opul ati on He alth Manage m ent for Poly Chronic Thom as T. B usi nes s
1622535 Cond itions H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stran d, B usi nes s
1622522 Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems Vi rgi nia C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Camp isi , B usi nes s
1622520 Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Paol o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tufano, B usi nes s
1622513 Reoperative Parathyroid Surgery Ralp h P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad inol fi, B usi nes s
1622506 The Myths of Health Care Paol a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
H aas, Hu man
Jac qui Kin etic s, H um an
1622324 DanceAnatomy Gre ene Inc. Ki neti cs 2018 Rp 699,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Li ec hty, of of
1622319 Coding for Pediatrics 2018 Edw ard A. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2018 Rp 3,779,000
Spr inge r
Bru gge, Sc ie nce &
N eu roreh abi li tati on be i Erkrankun ge n des Fran s van B usi nes s
1622288 ze ntr al en Ne rve nsyste ms de r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ochs chul di dakti k d er Pfle ge und Sahme l , B usi nes s
1622287 Ge su ndhe itsfachbe rufe Karl -He in z Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le vin e, Hu mana B usi nes s
1622276 Adrenal Disorders Ali ce C. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bal l, Chad B usi nes s
1622263 Treatment of Ongoing Hemorrhage G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Doughe rty B usi nes s
1622261 The Orthopedic Educator , Paul J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jacobson, B usi nes s
1622259 Neuroanatomy for the Neuroscientist Stanl ey Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Goonew ar Sc ie nce &
de ne, B usi nes s
1622256 Surgical Procedures for Core Urology Trainees Sanc hia Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mody, B usi nes s
1622250 Neural Mechanisms of Language Mar ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Nova N ova
Be nningto Sci enc e Sc ie nce
n, Ele anor Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622139 Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research H. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li áng, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622138 Medicine Research Summaries Zhongw en Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li áng, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622137 Medicine Research Summaries Zhongw en Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li áng, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622132 Medicine Research Summaries Zhongw en Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li áng, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622131 Medicine Research Summaries Zhongw en Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li áng, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622130 Medicine Research Summaries Zhongw en Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622129 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Chow, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622128 Autism Spectrum Disorder Ronal d Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dun can, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622122 Advances in Health and Disease Lowe ll Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622117 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Martin, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622110 Psychoanalytic Theory Kevi n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622107 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
El - Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Moam l y, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622079 Medical Humanities in Education Am al A. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Arno, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622076 Recent Progress in Eye Research Fred eri k Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622074 Breast Implants Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Apr il , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622072 Pediatric Tonsillectomy Max M. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Nova N ova
Efstratop o Sci enc e Sc ie nce
ulou , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622068 The Enigma of Autism Mar ia A. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Grützm an Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622063 Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas n, Robe rt Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Lu i, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Loui sa Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622054 Palliative Care Ch euk-Y u Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Ve dam , V. Sci enc e Sc ie nce
K. Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622050 The Handbook of Tooth Morphology Vais hnavi Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A dhe renc e to Med ic al Pl ans for Active and Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622046 H eal th y Agei ng Elí si o Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Kholm uro Sci enc e Sc ie nce
dov, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1622042 Computer Design for New Drugs and Materials Kholm ir zo Inc. Inc
Spr.inge r 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Jongh, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1621865 Therapie van alledaagse klachten Tje rd de Loghu m V. (B SL) 2018 Rp 4,479,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Evans, Internation Inte rnati on
1621776 Redefining Retirement for Nurses Joanne al al 2018 Rp 979,000
Spr inge r
Camp bel l, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Si mu lation Scen ari os for Nu rsi ng Ed ucators, Thi rd Su zanne Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1621753 E diti on He tzel Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schw abe , B usi nes s
1621605 Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2017 Ulr ic h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Somm , B usi nes s
1621586 Grenzen der Standardisierbarkeit ärztlichen Handelns Ir ene Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mantel , B usi nes s
1621572 Nuclear Medicine Technology Ele anor S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R edd i, B usi nes s
1621571 Fluid, Electrolyte andAcid-Base Disorders All uru S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Passos , Spr inge r
Mau ro Sc ie nce &
Rom er o B usi nes s
1621570 Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Le al Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H il big, B usi nes s
1621562 Sensory Motor and Behavioral Research in Space Re inh ard . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mod ern Func ti onal Evaluation Method s for Anc il lao, B usi nes s
1621559 Mu scl e Str ength and Gait A nal ysi s Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Del l &ap os; Sc ie nce &
Agli o, B usi nes s
1621550 Vulnerable Children and Youth in Brazil Debor a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fam il y Contexts of Sle ep and H e al th Acr os s the Mc Hale , B usi nes s
1621549 L ife Course Su san. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jazw ins ki, B usi nes s
1621547 Circadian Rhythms and Their Impact onAging S. Mi chal . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kubagawa, B usi nes s
1621546 IgM and Its Receptors and Binding Proteins Hi rom i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Con stanti n Sc ie nce &
P rotoc ols and M ethodol ogie s i n B asic Sci en ce and ide s, B usi nes s
1621538 Cl ini cal Cardi ac MR I Ch ris taki s. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
John Wil e y
Wh aw el l, Wi le y- & Sons,
1621504 Basic Sciences for Dental Students Si m on Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,820,000

Langdon, CR C Pre ss
1621428 Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Third Edition J. D. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp11,199,000
Ve rl ag
Be rtel sm an B ookw i re
1621375 Gesundheitsmonitor 2016 Jan Böcken n Sti ftung Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,567,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1621353 Verträge zwischen Krankenhaus und Patient Ina Haag e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 7,419,000

Kay Pe te r Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1621352 Pflegehilfe und Pflegeassistenz Röpke e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 2,939,000

Donal d He rde r B ookw i re

1621336 El cerebro altruista Pfaff Ed itori al Gm bH 2017 Rp 672,000
Mi che le
Noter dae Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1621139 Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS) me e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 9,099,000
Spr inge r
Li u, Sc ie nce &
D eve lopm e nts and A ppl ic ati ons of Cal ci um Ch angs hen B usi nes s
1621003 P hosphate Bone Cem e nts g Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,812,000
Spr inge r
Ses hadri , Sc ie nce &
N utri ti onal Ad equ ac y, D ive rsi ty and Choi ce Sh ree lata B usi nes s
1621000 A mong Pri mary Sc hool Chil dre n Rao Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1620999 Molekulare Sport- und Leistungsphysiologie Bachl, N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stei ner , B usi nes s
1620998 Dopplersonographie in Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie Hors t Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1620997 Atemtherapie Rutte, Rega Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gzik, B usi nes s
1620991 Innovations in Biomedical Engineering Mar ek Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ivi c, B usi nes s
1620989 Biomaterials in Clinical Practice Fati ma Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 8,932,000
Spr inge r
Rajam ann a Sc ie nce &
n, Nali ni B usi nes s
1620981 Osteocardiology M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fortson, B usi nes s
1620980 Management of Atopic Dermatitis Eri ca A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A Transn ati onal H is tory of the Au stral i an Anim al Vi ll anue va, Palgrave B usi nes s
1620973 Move m ent, 1970-2015 Gonzal o Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Soker , Hu mana B usi nes s
1620970 Tumor Organoids Sh ay Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kvi st, B usi nes s
1620965 Apical Periodontitis in Root-Filled Teeth Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre mi ll ion B usi nes s
1620964 Temporomandibular Disorders , H en ry A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matti oli , B usi nes s
1620959 Pediatric Robotic Surgery Girol amo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le Moyne , B usi nes s
1620925 Wearable and Wireless Systems for Healthcare I Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H e, B usi nes s
1620923 Formaldehyde and Cognition Rongqi ao Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Taylor &
Mic halow s Franc is
1620897 Medical Confidentiality and Crime ki, Sabi ne Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,339,000
Taylor &
Oake s, Franc is
1620840 Bad Foods Mic hael E. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Z ysk, Franc is
1620797 Religious Medicine Kenne th G. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Food Safe ty for Farm er s Marke ts : A Gui de to H arr ison, B usi nes s
1620773 E nhanci ng Safe ty of L ocal Food s Ju dy A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rge r, B usi nes s
1620766 Focus on Gynecologic Malignancies Nathan A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mari ott i, B usi nes s
1620757 Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast Carl o Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000

Fortm an, CR C Pre ss

1620738 The Laboratory Nonhuman Primate, Second Edition Je ff rey D. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000

Athanasi o CR C Pre ss
1620734 Articular Cartilage, Second Edition u, K. A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

N on-Invasi ve Instrum e ntation and Me asure m ent N or thr op, CR C Pre ss

1620731 i n Me di cal Di agn os is , Se cond Ed ition Robe rt B. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000
John Wil e y
Costa, Wi le y- & Sons,
1620728 Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse Lais R. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000

1620724 Genetics of Human Infertility P.H. Vogt S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 6,664,000

Kaufm ann, Mac Ke i th MacKe i th

1620211 Rett Syndrome Wal ter E. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,520,000
R ic har d Je ssi ca
A R ec or d of the Ass em bl ed Imm ortals and Be rts chi ng Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1620046 Gathe red Pe rfec te d of th e Weste rn H il l s er Dragon P ubli she rs 2018 Rp 839,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Infe ctiou s Age nts Ass oci ate d Cance rs: B usi nes s
1620020 E pid em i ology and Mol ec ular Biol ogy Cai, Qiliang Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mohap atra B usi nes s
1619979 Service Quality in Indian Hospitals , Sanjay Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fl ani gan, Palgrave B usi nes s
1619921 The Ethics of Ability and Enhancement Je ss ic a Macm il l an NMeatidional
a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
B ook
N etw ork
Cuthbe rt, Lanter n Inte rnati on
1619920 Values and Ethics for Care Practice Su e Publ i shi ng al 2017 Rp 1,029,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Enge lhardt B usi nes s
1619843 Orthopädische Fußchirurgie , Pe ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H anaoka, B usi nes s
1619832 Drug-Induced Lung Injury Mas ayu ki Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Montag, B usi nes s
1619819 Eine kurze Einführung in die Molekulare Psychologie Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1619798 Midwifery, Childbirth and the Media Luce,Ann Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P ulm onary Vascul atu re Re dox Si gnali ng i n H eal th Wang, B usi nes s
1619796 and Di sease Yong-Xi ao Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Use of R oboti c Tec hnology in Fem ale Pe l vic Ange r, Internation B usi nes s
1619791 Fl oor R ec onstruc tion Je nni fer T. al
Springer Meuinte
Q di a sse
B. V.n 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
N ayl or, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1619715 Introduction to Metal-ceramic Technology W. Patri ck alGroup Incuinte
Q . sse n 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
A nes the si a Consi der ati ons for th e O ral and Mizukawa, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1619714 Maxil l ofaci al Su rgeon Matt hew Group Inc . 2017 Rp 4,228,000
Oppe nl an
de r, Jane , SAS SAS
1619691 Data Management andAnalysis Using JMP® E. Institute Insti tute 2017 Rp 784,000
Spr inge r
Al mg ren, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Gunnar Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1619656 Health Care Politics, Policy, and Services, Third Edition Robe rt Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
H unt, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Debor ah Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1619655 The New Nurse Educator, Second Edition Dolan Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000

Ani ta John Hun t

1619321 Acts of Kindness From YourArmchair Ne il son Ayni Books (N BN) 2017 Rp 475,000
Lu dger
Te bartz Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1619302 VomAnfang und Ende der Schizophrenie van El st e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,179,000
Ch oudhar John Wil e y
y, Pankaj & Sons,
1619143 Measuring Agreement K. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 3,220,000
Cavanaug Uni ver sity O UP
1617690 Hippocrates' Oath andAsclepius' Snake h, T. A. Pre ss P rem i um 2018 Rp 1,132,000

The Gu il ford
Introdu ction to Me diation, Mod eration, and H aye s, Gui lford P ubli cation
1617631 Cond itional Proc es s Anal ysi s, Se cond Ed iti on Andre w F. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Be ndiki e nė Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1617403 Materials Engineering 2017 , R e gita s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
N urs ing Kn owle dge and The ory Innovation, R ee d, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1617367 Se cond Edi tion Pam e la G. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fram e works for Advance d Nur sin g Practi ce and Utl ey, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1617365 R e searc h Rose A. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000

Vis ser s,
Mar gree t CR C Pre ss
1617300 Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Health and Disease C. M. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000

T he Cli nic al Che m is try of Laborator y Ani mal s, Kurtz, CR C Pre ss

1617298 T hird Ed iti on David M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Sure ka, C. CR C Pre ss

1617288 Radiation Biology for Medical Physicists S. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000

Ri gopoul o CR C Pre ss
1617279 Hyperpigmentation s, Dim i tr is CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000

Taylor &
Davi dson, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1617234 Leading Medicaid Managed Care Plans Arl ene y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Wi nkle r, Franc is
1617221 Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel David F. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,060,000
Taylor &
Chi lton, Franc is
1617217 A Textbook of Community Nursing Su e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Bl ooms bur
Me di ci ne , the Pe nal Sys te m and Se xual Cr im es i n We ston, y B loom sbur
1617093 E ngland, 1919-1960s Jane t Ac ad em ic y UK 2018 Rp 3,920,000
R ic k Hi story IN scri be
1616941 Celebrating Old Friends Capone Pre ss Di gi tal 2017 Rp 476,000
Taylor &
Thornbory Franc is
1616809 Contemporary Occupational Health Nursing , G reta Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rsp ec ti ves i n Tr ans lational R ese arch in Li fe Bane rje e, B usi nes s
1616801 Sc ie nce s and Bi ome di ci ne Ena R ay Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Das, B usi nes s
1616800 Endophthalmitis Taraprasad Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi lhorn , B usi nes s
1616798 Substance Use Disorders Howard T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Qu res hi, Palgrave B usi nes s
1616797 AIDS in Pakistan Ayaz Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Haarmann Sc ie nce &
T he Evol ution and Eve ryday P ractic e of Col l ec ti ve , B usi nes s
1616792 Patie nt Invol vem e nt in Eur op e Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Taylor &
Cul tural Awaren ess i n N ursi ng and He alth Care , H ol l and , Franc is
1616767 T hird Ed iti on Kare n Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mohokum , B usi nes s
1616742 Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung Mel vin Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Kon opins k Sc ie nce &
i-Kle i n, B usi nes s
1616741 Russisch - Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schne l l, B usi nes s
1616725 30 Gedanken zum Tod Mar ti n W . Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Montag, B usi nes s
1616720 Eine kurze Einführung in die Molekulare Psychologie Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E arl y Voc al Contact and Pre te rm Infant Brai n Fi li ppa, B usi nes s
1616714 D eve lopm e nt Man uel a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
F. A. Davis
Thom pson, Com pany/
1616670 Essential HealthAssessment Jani ce F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,595,000
F. A. Davis
Pol an , Com pany/
1616669 Journey Across the Life Span Elai ne F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2018 Rp 1,035,000
Spr inge r
Be tz, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Gu id el ine s for Nu rsi ng Exc el le nce i n the Care of Ce ci l y Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1616610 Chi ld ren , You th, and Fam i li es , Se cond Ed ition Lynn Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Vande nBus Spr inge r
sche , P ubli shi ng
Ch ris top he De mos Com pany,
1616609 Atlas of Pulmonary Cytopathology r J. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 5,600,000

H ei nz, The MIT

1616586 A New Understanding of Mental Disorders Andre as Pre ss MIT
E Press
lse vi er 2017 Rp 1,484,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fu ndame ntal Ne urosc ie nce for Basic and Cl i nic al Duane E . Sc ie nce s
1616581 A ppl ic ati on s E -B ook Hain es Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Paed iatric
Formu lary Pharm ace u P har mace u
1616562 BNF for Children (BNFC) 2017-2018 Com m itt ee tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2017 Rp 2,268,000
Bri tis h
Med ic al
Assoc iatio Pharm ace u P har mace u
1616561 BNF 74 (British National Formulary) September 2017 n tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2017 Rp 2,268,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matson, B usi nes s
1616450 Handbook of Social Behavior and Skills in Children John ny L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chi ld Phys ic al Abu se: Curr ent E vid enc e, Cli ni cal H inds , B usi nes s
1616441 P rac tic e, and P oli cy D ire cti ons Tanya Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Sm al le y, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1616223 LGBT Health K. B ryant Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Raje ndram Hu mana B usi nes s
1615989 Diet, Nutrition, and Fetal Programming , R ajkum ar Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Moawad, B usi nes s
1615988 Uterine Fibroids Nash S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Crystal B usi nes s
1615986 Cultural Competence in Health Jonge n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Katze nm ei Sc ie nce &
er, B usi nes s
1615979 GKV-Unterstützung bei Behandlungsfehlerverdacht Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Crame r, B usi nes s
1615952 Auditory Development and Plasticity Kari na S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Murd ock, Palgrave B usi nes s
1615949 PrivateAction for Public Purpose Ale xan der Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Gruyte r
Manfred Ol de nbour
1615797 Magnus Hirschfeld und seine Zeit He rzer g De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,932,000
Spr inge r
Al dw in, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Carol yn Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1615665 Health, Illness, and OptimalAging, Third Edition M. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,920,000
John Wil e y
Tos ta, Wi le y- & Sons,
1615594 Decision Making in Dental Implantology Mau ro Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ene , B usi nes s
1615585 Sustainable Heavy Metal Remediation Eld on R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T horaxc hir urgi e fü r de n Al l gem ei n- u nd Schne i der , B usi nes s
1615580 Vi szeral chi rurge n Pau l Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thor nton, B usi nes s
1615576 The Human Body and Weightlessness Wil l iam Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Orti z- Sc ie nce &
Rui z, B usi nes s
1615569 Sepsis Gui ll erm o Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frost, B usi nes s
1615560 Einfache lineare Regression Ir as ianty
Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barbe ra, B usi nes s
1615557 Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Food Industry Mar ce ll a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ni mal ly In vasi ve Surge ry for U ppe r Abd om i nal Cue sta, B usi nes s
1615543 Cance r Migu el A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000

Ol se n, Jan OUP O UP
1615312 Principles in Health Economics and Policy Abel Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 4,409,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chatw an i, Palgrave B usi nes s
1614954 Distributed Leadership Ne ha. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bardan, B usi nes s
1614953 Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders Eytan Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Proven zan B usi nes s
1614952 Management of Anemia o, R ober t Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Al - Spr inge r
Mam ari , Sc ie nce &
Sai d B usi nes s
1614935 Urolithiasis in Clinical Practice Abdall ah. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kir sch, B usi nes s
1614931 Schmerz, lass' nach! Joach im Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Soli m an, B usi nes s
1614918 Practical Manual of Tricuspid Valve Diseases Osam a I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000

P rec is ion Med ici ne and the R e inve ntion of Hu man Be rm an , Ac ad em ic

1614745 D ise ase Ju le s J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Chow, P ubli shi ng
1614718 OCTAngiography David R. Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp 9,968,000
Uni ver sity Du ke
Ter ry, Pre ss Un ive rsi ty
1614670 Attachments to War Je nni fer Books P res s 2017 Rp 2,659,000
Att izzani ,
Gui lhe rm e CR C Pre ss
1614491 OCT Made Easy F. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Pe te r L an g
Calde r, Gm bH, CR C Pre ss
1614486 Nutrition, Immunity, and Infection Phi li p C. CRC Press L LC
Internation 2018 Rp 4,199,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Matthi as Gm
Wi sse
bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1614378 Architektur des Lebens – DasAlter Kaufm ann Internation
afte n AG 2017 Rp 3,357,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Schl ue r, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1614372 Lexical and ConceptualAwareness in L2 Reading Je nni fer afte n AG 2017 Rp 6,325,000
Charl es C
H or ovitz, Charle s C T homas
1614221 SPIRITUALART THERAPY Ell e n G. Thom as P ubli she r 2017 Rp 1,063,000
Steagall , John Wil e y
Pau lo V. Wi le y- & Sons,
1614178 FelineAnesthesia and Pain Management M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ol l y, B usi nes s
1614064 Essentials of Spinal Stabilization Langston. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E xe rc ise for Card iovascu lar D ise ase Pre ven ti on B usi nes s
1614063 and Tre atm e nt Xiao, Junjie Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me ch anos ens or y Trans duc ti on i n D rosophi la B usi nes s
1614059 Me l anogaste r Liang, Xin. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ic hte r, B usi nes s
1614056 Schmerzen verlernen Ju tta Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Exw orth y, Palgrave B usi nes s
1614039 Managing Improvement in Healthcare Mar k Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Moi se,
T he Gut Mi crobi om e: Expl orin g the Connec tion Ana Mari a
1613899 B etwe en Mi crobe s, Di et, and H ealth R. Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,624,000
Di gire ads.
Ni ghtingal com L ightni ng
1613847 Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not e, Fl or enc e. Publ i shi ng Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 28,000

L ightni ng
1613808 Cartographies of Disease Koch, Tom Esri Press Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
The Gu il ford
Safe r, Gui lford P ubli cation
1613685 The DBT® Solution for Emotional Eating Debr a L. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 1,512,000
The Gu il ford
Col laborati ve , Parti cip atory, and Em powe rm ent Fe tte rman, Gui lford P ubli cation
1613684 E val uati on David M. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
Stee le , Gui lford P ubli cation
1613683 Handbook of Attachment-Based Interventions Howard Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le e, Sang- B usi nes s
1613658 COPD Do Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R aj enm , Hu mana B usi nes s
1613654 Nutrition and Diet in Maternal Diabetes Rajkum ar Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1613652 The Shoulder Huri, Gazi. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me yer, B usi nes s
1613650 Spielsucht Ger hard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jana, B usi nes s
1613644 Particulate Technology for Delivery of Therapeutics Sou gata. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pom pi li , B usi nes s
1613624 Phenomenology of Suicide Mau rizi o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1613623 Fitness Information for Teens hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2018 Rp 1,736,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1613622 Aging Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs
The hi cs , Inc . 2018 Rp 2,380,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Gi ll ic k, Caroli na Caroli na
1613606 Old and Sick inAmerica Muri el R . Pre ss P lse
E resvis er 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O ral , He ad and Ne ck Oncol ogy and Be ll , R. Sc ie nce s
1613605 R e construc tive Surge ry - E-Book Bryan Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2018 Rp33,516,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H avard 's N urs ing Gui de to Drugs - Mobi le Ti ziani, Sc ie nce s
1613604 O ptim is ed Site Adri ana Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 6,632,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Core Curr ic ulu m for Pain Manage m ent Nur sing - Czarn ec ki, Sc ie nce s
1613603 E -B ook Mic hel le L . Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 8,396,000

1613601 Biostatistics Using JMP Bihl, Trevor Institute Insti tute 2017 Rp 1,176,000
B ril l
N ew son, Ac adem i c
1613571 Making Medicines in Early Colonial Lima, Peru Lin da A. Brill P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Kl ine 's Ne uro-Op hth al m ol ogy R e vie w Man ual , Foroozan , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1613514 E ighth Edi ti on Rod ed ed 2017 Rp 1,903,000
Koni n, Je ff Incorp orat Inc orporat
1613509 Documentation forAthletic Training, Third Edition G. ed ed 2018 Rp 1,847,000
Incorp orat Inc orporat
1613508 PracticalAstigmatism Alpins, Noel e d ed 2018 Rp 3,219,000
Spi ege l, SLACK SLA CK
A cin g the Pancre ati cobi li ary Qu esti ons on the GI Bre nnan Incorp orat Inc orporat
1613507 B oard Exam M. R . ed ed 2018 Rp 2,631,000
Atkinson , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1613506 Pediatric Stroke Rehabilitation He athe r L . e d ed 2018 Rp 2,239,000
Keou gh, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1613505 Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Je re my L. ed ed 2018 Rp 2,015,000
Cole , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1613503 Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy Mar il yn B . e d ed 2018 Rp 2,183,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhattachar B usi nes s
1613467 A DIY Guide to Telemedicine for Clinicians yya, S. B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Skiadas, Sc ie nce &
E xp lori ng the H eal th State of a Popu lation by Ch ris tos B usi nes s
1613449 D ynam i c M od el in g Me th od s H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl um stei n, B usi nes s
1613442 Ecotourism’s Promise and Peril Danie l T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 980,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N urs ing: He alth Educ ati on and Impr oving Pati ent Sasse n, B usi nes s
1613440 Se lf-Managem en t Barbar a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Mukhopad Sc ie nce &
A ppl ic ati on s of B iotec hnol ogy for Sus tai nabl e hyay, B usi nes s
1613437 D eve lopm e nt Kunal Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ay, Gaur B usi nes s
1613431 Ergonomics in Caring for People G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sohn, Dae B usi nes s
1613430 Practice and Principles in Therapeutic Colonoscopy Kyung Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Kin i, Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Coronary Intravas cul ar Opti cal Cohere nc e Annapoor B usi nes s
1613427 T omography na S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Anall y, B usi nes s
1613423 Opioid Dependence He ath B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
T he Sec rets You Shoul d Know Abou t Sexual re adbox
Me di ci ne ; Part O ne; Obe si ty and Se xual Fi sche r, p ubli shi ng
1613204 D ysfuncti on Ju li a. BookRix Gm bH 2017 Rp 42,000
Ti er ney, Taylor &
Nathan Prod ucti vit Franc is
1612690 Value Management in Healthcare Wil l iam y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,399,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
n n
Brow ne , Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1612625 Microbiota in Health and Disease Pam e la D . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 4,788,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
n n
Wats on, Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1612623 Handbook of Nutrition in Heart Health Ronal d R . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 6,160,000
Spr inge r
Vie gas, Sc ie nce &
E xp osure to Mi crobi ologi cal Age nts i n Indoor an d Carl a Sofia B usi nes s
1612559 O ccu pati onal Envi ronm ents Cos ta Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000

H ard man, O xford

Jonathan OUP Un ive rsi ty
1612531 Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia G. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp61,950,000
Spr inge r
Inve stigations of Ce ll ul ar an d Mol ec ul ar Sc ie nce &
B ioph ys ic al P rope rti e s by Atom ic Force B usi nes s
1612520 Mi cr oscopy Nanorobotic s Li, Mi. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Kali a, Sc ie nce &
Vi pi n B usi nes s
1612517 Metabolic Engineering for Bioactive Compounds Ch and ra. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Abraham - Bohn Sc ie nce &
In pij n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1612513 Voorkoming van medische accidenten Loui se . Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
De utsch e
Ges el ls chaf Spr inge r
t für Sc ie nce &
Bl ank,
Psyc hiatrie B usi nes s
1612512 Dienstübergabe in der Pflege ,Andre as. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Psyc hothe r Spr inge r
ap ie und Sc ie nce &
Ne rvenh ei l B usi nes s
1612510 S3-Leitlinie Demenzen kunde . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bähre r- Sc ie nce &
Koh le r, B usi nes s
1612493 Global Mental Health Sabi ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shapshak, B usi nes s
1612489 Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS Pau l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,932,000

McCl el lan, CR C Pre ss

1612480 Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamines Recent Advances R. O. Routledge L LC 2017 Rp 3,723,000
O xford
Care of the Me ntal ly Dis orde red Off en der i n the Woott on, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1612447 Com m uni ty Lis a Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,417,000
O xford
Fre ddi e C. OUP Un ive rsi ty
1612446 Oxford Textbook of Urological Surgery Ham dy Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp47,250,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H inds , B usi nes s
1612436 D-type Cyclins and Cancer Phi li p W . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ayak, B usi nes s
1612418 Clinical Radiology of Head and Neck Tumors Um anath Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Boe r, Bohn Sc ie nce &
The odoor Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1612417 Het goede levenseinde in casussen Adri aan Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be ne š, B usi nes s
1612357 BrainArteriovenous Malformations Vl ad im í r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ye n, B usi nes s
1612354 Orbital Cellulitis and Periorbital Infections Mic hael T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
John Wil e y
Wal le rste in & Sons,
1612350 Community-Based Participatory Research for Health , N in a Jossey-Bass Inc . 2018 Rp 1,792,000
John Wil e y
Piantadosi , & Sons,
1612348 Clinical Trials Ste ven Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 4,620,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1612347 Canine Internal Medicine Wray, Jon Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 2,771,000
John Wil e y
Pus te rl a, Wi le y- & Sons,
1612341 Interpretation of Equine Laboratory Diagnostics Ni col a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badu ra, B usi nes s
1612206 Fehlzeiten-Report 2017 Be rnhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1612195 Pulmonary Care and Clinical Medicine w Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stange , B usi nes s
1612147 Ernährung und Fasten als Therapie Rain er Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H arke n, Sc ie nce s
1612051 Abernathy's Surgical Secrets E-Book Ald en H. Elsevier Di vivi
E lse si on
er 2018 Rp 3,611,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bre nne r, Sc ie nce s
1612050 Brenner and Stevens’ Pharmacology E-Book George M . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 5,291,000
Inc .,
We ave r, H eal th
Jol anta Sc ie nce s
1612049 Practical Guide to Obesity Medicine Urszul a Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1611976 Genetic Neuromuscular Disorders Angelini, C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Si gma Protei ns: Evol ution of the Con ce pt of Sigm a B usi nes s
1611969 R e cep tor s Kim, Felix J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Munteanu, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1611915 Advanced Technologies of Materials Processing II Danie l s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,480,000

Kor otc enk Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch

ov, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1611912 Material and Manufacturing Technology VIII Ghen ad ii s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lync h, Palgrave B usi nes s
1611909 Quantified Lives and Vital Data Re bec ca. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000

Dori s Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1611437 Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege Sc hi em ann e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 6,719,000

Cale b E. Ac ad em ic
1611168 The Role of GlobalAir Pollution inAging and Disease Finc h Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,048,000
Spr inge r
Sec or, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mim i Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1611115 Fast FactsAbout the Gynecologic Exam Cl arke Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Taylor &
Mori n, Franc is
1611015 Stroke, Body Image, and Self Representation Cathe rine Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre ten, B usi nes s
1610932 Immunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tim F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi chna, B usi nes s
1610928 Introduction to Gastrointestinal Diseases Vol. 2 Jakub Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agostoni , B usi nes s
1610925 Emergencies in Neuromuscular Disease Eli o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Masud a, B usi nes s
1610919 Temporal Network Epidemiology Naoki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vogd, B usi nes s
1610912 Entscheidungsfindung im Krankenhausmanagement Wern er Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matson, B usi nes s
1610896 Clinical Guide to Toilet Training Children John ny L.
Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
T ran sport Ac ross Natural an d Mod ifie d Biol ogic al Sc ie nce &
Me m branes and Its Im pl i cati ons in Physi ology an d Kul bac ka, B usi nes s
1610884 T herapy Ju li ta. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000

Bagshaw , CR C Pre ss
1610879 Biomolecular Kinetics Cl i ve R . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Vo-Din h, CR C Pre ss
1610877 Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine Tuan CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000
Pe arson
Fu ndame ntals of Anatom y & Phys iol ogy, G lobal Martini , E duc ati on
1610548 E diti on Fred eri c Pearson L imeite
Am d
ri can 2018 Rp 1,428,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Sed ere r, Psyc hi atri c n
1610239 Improving Mental Health Lloyd I. Publ i shi ng PAmubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 2,436,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
R ic har d B . Psyc hi atri c n
1610238 Basics of Psychotherapy Makove r Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 4,956,000
Am e ri can
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Makover, Psyc hi atri c n
1610229 Treatment Planning for Psychotherapists Ri chard B. Publ i shi ng PAmubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,124,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Manu, Psyc hi atri c n
1610228 Handbook of Medicine in Psychiatry Pete r. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 7,560,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
R iba, Psyc hi atri c n
1610227 Clinical Manual of Emergency Psychiatry Mic hel le B . Publ i shi ng PAmubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 6,132,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Cl ini cal Manual of Psyc hopharm acology in the Le ven son, Psyc hi atri c n
1610226 Me di cal ly Il l Jam es L. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 7,056,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Bu sch, Psyc hi atri c n
1610224 Psychodynamic Treatment of Depression Fred ric Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,628,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Le vouni s, Psyc hi atri c n
1610223 Handbook of Motivation and Change Petros Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 5,460,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Cl ini cal Manual of Chil d an d Adol e sce nt Mc Voy, Psyc hi atri c n
1610222 P sychop har macol ogy Moll y Publ i shi ng PAmubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 6,888,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Mus kin, Psyc hi atri c n
1610220 Study Guide for the Psychiatry Board Examination Phi li p R . Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 7,728,000
Am e ric an P sychi atri c
Psyc hiatric Am er ic an As soci ati o
Assoc iatio Psyc hi atri c n
1610219 Anxiety Disorders n. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 3,444,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
T ran sfere nc e-Focus ed Ps ychother ap y for Ye omans, Psyc hi atri c n
1610218 B orde rli ne Pe rsonali ty Di sorde r Fran k E. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 6,720,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Cep ed a, Psyc hi atri c n
1610216 Psychiatric Interview of Children andAdolescents Cl audi o Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 6,636,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Li m , Psyc hi atri c n
1610215 Clinical Manual of Cultural Psychiatry Rus se ll F. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 7,560,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Kett er , Psyc hi atri c n
1610214 Advances in Treatment of Bipolar Disorders Te re nce A. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 5,880,000
P sychi atri c
R oberts, Am er ic an As soci ati o
H andbook of Care er De ve l opm ent i n Ac ad em i c Laura Psyc hi atri c n
1610211 P sychi atr y and B ehavi oral Sc ie nce s Wei ss Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 5,796,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
D SM-5® Case book and Tre atm ent Guid e for Chi ld Galante r, Psyc hi atri c n
1610210 Me ntal He al th Cathryn A . Publ i shi ng P Amubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 6,636,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Fairm an, Psyc hi atri c n
1610208 Clinical Manual of Palliative Care Psychiatry Nathan Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,124,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Gabbard, Psyc hi atri c n
1610207 Boundaries and Boundary Violations in Psychoanalysis Gle n O . Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,964,000
Am e ric an P sychi atri c
Psyc hiatric Am er ic an As soci ati o
Assoc iatio Psyc hi atri c n
1610206 Neurodevelopmental Disorders n. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 3,444,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
KḲa mi ne r, Psyc hi atri c n
1610205 Youth SubstanceAbuse and Co-occurring Disorders Yi fr ahḲ Publ i shi ng PAmubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,628,000
Am er ic an P sychi atri c
Psyc hi atri c As soci ati o
Tre stm an, Ass oci ati o n
1610204 Psychiatric Services in Correctional Facilities Robe rt L. n P ubli
Am e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 3,104,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Psyc hi atri c n
1610201 Becoming Mindful Zerbo, Erin Publ i shi ng Am P ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 4,620,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
D SM-5® P ocke t Gui de for Chi ld and Ad ole sce nt H il t, Psyc hi atri c n
1610200 Me ntal He al th Robe rt J. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,712,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Y udofsky, Psyc hi atri c n
1610199 Fatal Pauses Stuart C. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 5,460,000
P sychi atri c
R oberts, Am er ic an As soci ati o
Laura Psyc hi atri c n
1610197 A Clinical Guide to Psychiatric Ethics Wei ss Publ i shi ng P ubli shi
Am e ri can ng 2016 Rp 6,468,000
Am e ric an P sychi atri c
Psyc hiatric Am er ic an As soci ati o
Assoc iatio Psyc hi atri c n
1610195 Sleep-Wake Disorders n Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 3,444,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
H andbook of As ses sm ent and Tr eatme nt of E ati ng Wals h, B . Psyc hi atri c n
1610194 D isord er s Tim othy Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,124,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Gol d, Li za Psyc hi atri c n
1610193 Gun Violence and Mental Illness H. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,628,000
P sychi atri c
Le wi s- Am er ic an As soci ati o
D SM-5® H andbook on th e Cu ltural Form ul ati on Fernánd ez, Psyc hi atri c n
1610192 Inte rvie w Robe
Grouprtofor Group
Publ i shifor
ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,628,000
the the P sychi atri c
Advance m Advanc em As soci ati o
ent of e nt of n
1610190 People With Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System Psyc hiatry Psyc hi atry Am P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 2,646,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Com pton , Psyc hi atri c n
1610189 Marijuana and Mental Health Mic hael T. Publ i shi ng Am P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,208,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Bl ack, Psyc hi atri c n
1610188 Study Guide to Introductory Psychiatry Donald W. Publ i shi ng Am P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,124,000
Au chi ncl os P sychi atri c
s, Am er ic an As soci ati o
Eli zabe th Psyc hi atri c n
1610187 The Psychoanalytic Model of the Mind L. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 5,376,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
McCarron, Psyc hi atri c n
1610186 Preventive Medical Care in Psychiatry Robe rt M. Publ i shi ng Am P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 6,216,000
P sychi atri c
Johnson, Am er ic an As soci ati o
P rinc ip le s and Tec hni ques of Tr au ma-Cente red David Psyc hi atri c n
1610185 P sychothe rapy Re ad Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 5,376,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
O utsid e th e Box: R ethi nki ng ADD/AD HD in Thom as E . Psyc hi atri c n
1610184 Chi ld ren and Ad ul ts Brow n Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 4,956,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Asc he r, Psyc hi atri c n
1610181 The BehavioralAddictions Mic hael S. Publ i shi ng PAmubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 5,376,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Wang, Psyc hi atri c n
1610180 DSM-5® Pocket Guide for Elder Mental Health Sop hia Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 5,460,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Lori E . Psyc hi atri c n
1610179 Integrated Care Rane y Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 4,956,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
McCarron, Psyc hi atri c n
1610178 Study Guide to Preventive Medical Care in Psychiatry Robe rt M. Publ i shi ng AmP ubli
e rishi
canng 2017 Rp 4,956,000
P sychi atri c
R oberts, Am er ic an As soci ati o
Laura Psyc hi atri c n
1610177 Study Guide to DSM-5® Wei ss Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Am e ric an P sychi atri c
Psyc hiatric Am er ic an As soci ati o
Assoc iatio Psyc hi atri c n
1610176 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders n Publ i shi ng PAmubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 3,444,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Mac Kinn o Psyc hi atri c n
1610175 The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice n, Roge r A. Publ i shi ng AmP ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 6,888,000
P sychi atri c
Phi ll i ps, Am er ic an As soci ati o
H andbook on Obse ssi ve-Com pul si ve and R el ate d Katharin e Psyc hi atri c n
1610174 D isord er s A. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2015 Rp 5,208,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Cl ini cal Laborator y Me di ci ne for Me ntal H ealth Jacobson, Psyc hi atri c n
1610173 P rofe ss ional s Sand ra A. Publ i shi ng Am P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,796,000
Am e ric an P sychi atri c
Psyc hiatric Am er ic an As soci ati o
Assoc iatio Psyc hi atri c n
1610170 Feeding and Eating Disorders n Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 3,444,000
Am e ric an P sychi atri c
Psyc hiatric Am er ic an As soci ati o
Assoc iatio Psyc hi atri c n
1610169 Depressive Disorders n Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 3,528,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Casey, Psyc hi atri c n
1610163 Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders Patri ci a R. Publ i shi ng Am
P ubli
e rishi
canng 2016 Rp 5,124,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Com pton , Psyc hi atri c n
1610162 The Social Determinants of Mental Health Mic hael T. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 5,292,000
John Wil e y
Cavai ll on, & Sons,
1610153 Inflammation JeFarin
an-Marha, c Wiley Inc . 2018 Rp21,980,000
Carl os Spr inge r
Migu el Sc ie nce &
Ri bie ro D a B usi nes s
1610145 CFTR and Cystic Fibrosis Si l va. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Corcos , B usi nes s
1610141 Consultation in Neurourology Jac ques . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matson, B usi nes s
1610135 Handbook of Treatments forAutism Spectrum Disorder John ny L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Kok, Sc ie nce &
Hong B usi nes s
1610132 Interventional Radiology for Medical Students Kuan Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fron ti er s of B iostatisti cal Me thod s and Matsui , B usi nes s
1610127 A ppl ic ati on s i n Cl ini cal Onc ology Sh ige yuki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Orphani do Sc ie nce &
u, B usi nes s
1610123 Signal Quality Assessment in Physiological Monitoring Ch ris ti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kakuk, B usi nes s
1610119 Bioethics and Biopolitics Péte r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Latham, B usi nes s
1610106 Sociopolitics of Migrant Death and Repatriation Kris ta E . SpringerMe di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Was ser ma B usi nes s
1610102 Primary Care for OlderAdults n, Mic hae l . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lu cin i, B usi nes s
1610096 The Other Side of Resilience to Terrorism Barbar a. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Brand e, J. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1610093 Kindergeneeskunde voor kinderverpleegkundigen L. van de n Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 8,904,000
Taylor &
Frase r, Franc is
1609529 Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Robe rt T. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,659,000

Jürge n
1609432 Tiefe Hirnstimulation Voge s De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,220,000
Di etm ar
Sc hl em bac
1609429 Klinische Geburtsmedizin h De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,288,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Stochasti c M od el in g And A nal ytic s In He al thcare Worl d P ubli shi ng
1609346 D el ive ry Syste ms Li, Jingshan Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 5,376,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Doore n, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1609341 Clinical Research Monitoring:A EuropeanApproach Ad van. Comp an y Com pany 2018 Rp 7,056,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
P rote i n Fol din g Di sorde rs Of Th e Ce ntral Ne rvous Ghi so, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1609339 Syste m Jor ge. Sci enti fic Com pany 2018 Rp 6,636,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Baghe ri, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1609329 Islamic Bioethics: Current IssuesAnd Challenges Ali re za. Comp an y N Com pany
ati onal 2017 Rp 3,696,000
B ook
N etw ork
Casey, Lanter n Inte rnati on
1609287 Study Skills for Master's Level Students, Second Edition Debbi e Publ i shi ng N
al ati onal 2017 Rp 909,000
B ook
N etw ork
Abdu ll ah, Inte rnati on
1609284 Understanding West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic Ibr ahi m Zed Books N al ati onal 2017 Rp 2,660,000
B ook
Unoffic ial N etw ork
Qu res hi, Gui de to Inte rnati on
1609270 The Unofficial Guide to Paediatrics Ze shan. Me dic in e N al ati onal 2017 Rp 3,528,000
B ook
Akhtar, Unoffic ial N etw ork
Moham m e Gui de to Inte rnati on
1609269 The Unofficial Guide to Radiology d R ashi d Me dic in e al 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vl amos , B usi nes s
1609241 GeNeDis 2016 Pan ayi oti s. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vl amos , B usi nes s
1609240 GeNeDis 2016 Pan ayi oti s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1609227 Wie vraagt wordt beter! Aij, Kjeld Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Son neve ld , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1609226 Basisoefeningen Bewegingstherapie M. H . Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Appe lm an, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1609225 Het Vrouwenhart begeerd en minder miskend Yolande Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pl untke, B usi nes s
1609223 Der Praxisanleiter im Rettungsdienst Ste ffe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fuc hs, B usi nes s
1609222 Handbuch Stressregulation und Sport Re inh ard Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
R aj agopal , Sc ie nce &
Se nthi lku B usi nes s
1609208 Calcium Signaling: From Physiology to Diseases mar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com bin ed Sci nti graphi c and R ad iographi c Pak, Yong- B usi nes s
1609206 D iagnosi s of B one an d Joi nt Di sease s hwi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Kühn, Sc ie nce &
Klaus- B usi nes s
1609205 Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infection Die ter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
B ac te ri al Id enti fication and Dru g Susc ep ti bil i ty Fati m a, Sc ie nce &
Patte rns i n Pre gnant and Non Preg nant UTI Sye da B usi nes s
1609200 Patie nts Sogr ah Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Lym phatic Anatomy in th e He ad , N ec k, Pan, Wei - B usi nes s
1609198 Che st and Li mbs Re n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dasgup ta, B usi nes s
1609176 Growth Curve Models andApplications Ratan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vil anova, B usi nes s
1609171 Atlas of Multiparametric Prostate MRI J. C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Lambr iani Sc ie nce &
dis , B usi nes s
1609168 Management of Fractured Endodontic Instruments The odor Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Me ie r- John Wil e y
Au gens te i n & Sons,
1609152 Stable Isotope Forensics , W olfram . Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
Pol an sky, Wi le y- & Sons,
1609140 The Complete Dentist Barry Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,680,000
John Wil e y
Teasd al e , & Sons,
1609139 ICH Quality Guidelines Andre w Wiley Inc . 2018 Rp 9,800,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Bu rnett , Pre ss of P res s of
1609106 A World View of Bioculturally Modified Teeth Sc ott E. Fl or ida Fl ori da 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
We iss , Pre ss of P res s of
1609105 Reading the Bones Eli zabe th Fl or ida Fllse
E orividaer 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Inc .,
DeL oughe H eal th
A nem i a, An Is sue of Me di cal Cli nic s of North ry, Thom as Sc ie nce s
1609041 A me ri ca, E -Book G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gl as el , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1609040 Conduite du bilan neuropsychologique chez l'enfant He rvé . Masson Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,133,000
Spr inge r
BIESALSK Sc ie nce &
E rnährung und Be we gung - W iss ens we rtes aus I, H ANS B usi nes s
1609023 E rnährungs - und Sportme di zin KONR AD. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 420,000
Morgan &
Mi chael Li fe B iota
1608980 From Gene to Therapy Dean Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Morgan &
Chri stian Li fe B iota
1608979 Sepsis Le hmann Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,779,000

Encyc lop a Enc ycl opa

ed ia e dia
1608925 Homéopathie Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2017 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop a Enc ycl opa
ed ia e dia
1608924 Microbiome et santé Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2017 Rp 140,000

Ser ruys, P. CR C Pre ss

1608865 Bioresorbable Scaffolds W. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,439,000

Pol lard, CR C Pre ss

1608851 Handbook of ClinicalAnaesthesia, Fourth Edition Bri an CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000

Pathak, CR C Pre ss
1608848 Nutrigenomics and Nutraceuticals Yas hwant CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000
Taylor &
Sm ith, Franc is
1608808 Paying for Medicare David G. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Wood , Franc is
1608752 Dynamics of Human Reproduction Jam es W. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Fi shm an , Franc is
1608733 Treating TroubledAdolescents H. Charle s Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 3,500,000

Taylor &
Szasz, Franc is
1608723 Liberation by Oppression Thom as Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Gl as er, Franc is
1608675 Time for Dying Barney G. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ker rigan, B usi nes s
1608552 Structural Dynamics of HIV Deanna. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Klotz , Hu mana B usi nes s
1608537 Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer Laure nce . Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Taylor &
Lu ske, Franc is
1608514 Mirrors of Madness Bruc e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
R eus ch, Sc ie nce &
MD, Jane Hu mana B usi nes s
1608470 Diabetes and Exercise E. B. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Taylor &
L ongitud inal Mode ls i n the Be havioral and Montfort, Franc is
1608392 R e lated Sci enc es Kee s van Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,620,000
Taylor &
Kir k, Franc is
1608327 The Selling of DSM Stuart A. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laghi , B usi nes s
1608314 Imaging in Bariatric Surgery Andre a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Steve ns, Taylor &
Robe rt Franc is
1608312 Welfare Medicine inAmerica Bocki ng Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Pow el l, Franc is
1608298 Theory of Coping Systems Fran ci s D. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
McMahon, B usi nes s
1608252 Rotator Cuff Injuries Patri ck J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ybic ki, B usi nes s
1608249 3D Printing in Medicine Fran k J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N arrati ve Med ic ine and Comm uni ty-Based H ealth Murp hy, B usi nes s
1608248 Care and P lanni ng John W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ori ot, B usi nes s
1608245 Pocket Book for Simulation Debriefing in Healthcare Den is. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Be kaii - Sc ie nce &
Saab, B usi nes s
1608243 Current and Emerging Therapies in Pancreatic Cancer Tani os. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tuff ah a, B usi nes s
1608242 Immunohistochemistry in Tumor Diagnostics Mui n S. A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gram s, B usi nes s
1608229 Gesundheit! Natal ie Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rnhard B usi nes s
1608228 Gruppenpsychotherapie Strauß Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Garne r, B usi nes s
1608226 RNA Therapeutics Am and a L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,372,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi tzany, B usi nes s
1608224 Biocommunication of Archaea Günthe r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Idow u, Sc ie nce &
Mic hael B usi nes s
1608222 Diagnosis and Management of Breast Tumors Ola. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bos tanci , B usi nes s
1608221 Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases Nagih an. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ghosh , B usi nes s
1608219 Musicality of Human Brain Through FractalAnalytics Dip ak Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ep and , B usi nes s
1608218 The Biophysics of Cell Membranes Ri chard M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum ar, B usi nes s
1608216 Probiotics inAgroecosystem Vi vek Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1608211 Water and Sanitation in the New Millennium Nath, K. J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P hotoaffini ty Label in g for Struc tu ral P robing H atanaka, B usi nes s
1608210 W ithi n Prote in Yas um ar u. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Gre ensp an Sc ie nce &
T he Diagnos is an d Managem e nt of the Acu te , Pe ter B usi nes s
1608188 A bdom en in Pre gnan cy Bogach Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Chang, Sc ie nce &
Ch ung- B usi nes s
1608187 Precision Molecular Pathology of Myeloid Neoplasms Ch e. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le wi s, B usi nes s
1608185 Imaging and Metabolism Jason Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
O' R Sc ie nce &
E xam in ing Mental He alth T hrough Soc ial ei ll y, Palgrave B usi nes s
1608182 Cons tru ctioni sm Mic hel le . Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z han g, B usi nes s
1608181 Phosphodiesterases: CNS Functions and Diseases Han-Ti ng. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm ith, B usi nes s
1608179 Bone Toxicology Su san Y. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Sil l evi s Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1608118 Dermatovenereologie voor de eerste lijn Sm i tt, J. H . Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 4,984,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Marshal l, Schol ars Sc holars
1607931 Rejuvenating Medical Education Robe rt. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,975,000
Be rnal, Cambri dge Cam brid ge
A Comp ani on to the E ngli sh Ve rsi on of J. Sol una Schol ars Sc holars
1607884 L ié bau lt's Tre ati se on the D ise ase s of W ome n Sal le s. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,863,000
Fre itag, Uni ver sity O UP
1607828 Extreme Caregiving Lis a Pre ss P rem i um 2018 Rp 1,323,000
‫دار خالد‬
،‫اباو سمياة‬ ‫اللا حيااني للناشرا‬
1607642 ‫راماي عطا اللص الصامت هشاشة العظام‬، ‫ واالتوازياع‬Al Manhal 2016 Rp 420,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Wall , L. Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1607501 Tears for My Sisters Le wi s Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 1,007,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
B reast Canc er: Di agn ostic Imagi ng and P ubli shi ng
1607489 T herape uti c Gu id anc e Fischer, Uwe Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp16,632,000
Uni ver sity
H ayne s, of
Dougl as R oche ster B oydel l &
1607110 Fit to Practice Mel vin Pre ss B rew er 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
El gazzar, Sc ie nce &
Abde lham i B usi nes s
1606998 Orthopedic Nuclear Medicine dH. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1606987 Coloproctology Beynon, J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
D' H Sc ie nce &
ooghe, B usi nes s
1606982 Biomarkers for Endometriosis Thom as . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tep e, B usi nes s
1606981 Full Stride Vi ctori a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi chael , B usi nes s
1606972 Handbook of Rural School Mental Health Kurt D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rtolaso, B usi nes s
1606955 The Hand Mar ta. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,800,000
John Wil e y
Massott e, & Sons,
1606897 Ethics in Social Networking and Business 2 Pie rre Wiley-ISTE Inc . 2017 Rp 4,340,000
John Wil e y
Pri ce , & Sons,
1606894 Building Brains David J. Wiley Inc
E lse. vi er 2018 Rp 2,100,000
Inc .,
Panc reatic Cance r and Per iam pul lary N e op lasm s, H eal th
A n Issu e of Surgic al Cl in ic s of N orth Am er ic a, E- H ard ac re , Sc ie nce s
1606888 B ook Je ff rey M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
L esbi an, Gay, B ise xual, and T ransge nde r Youth, H eal th
A n Issu e of Ped iatric Cl ini cs of Nor th Am eri ca, E- Ad el son, Sc ie nce s
1606887 B ook Ste wart L. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
N ovel App li cations of Virtual Com mu niti es in El Morr , n Sc ie nce
1606879 H eal th care Sett ings Ch ris to R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 6,580,000
Me dic al
Sm ith, Inform ati o
E xp lori ng the Pr ess ure s of M edi cal Ed ucation Ch ris ti na n Sc ie nce
1606873 From a Mental He alth and We ll nes s Pe rsp ec ti ve Ram ire z R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 6,300,000
John Wil e y
Mc Canc e, Wi le y- & Sons,
1606716 A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy David R. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,319,000
John Wil e y
Turne r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1606711 Pathology of Small Mammal Pets Patri ci a V. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 3,500,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ul ualp, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1606691 Synopsis of General Pediatric Practice Se cki n Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 1,372,000
Be ntham B entham
Dalbe n, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Crani ofac ial Di sorde rs Orofac ial Fe ature s an d Gis el e da Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1606689 Pe cu li ar itie s in De ntal Tre atme nt Si l va. Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 1,932,000

Subhan, CR C Pre ss
1606675 Phytopharmaceuticals for Brain Health Sh ahn az CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

Uri barri , CR C Pre ss

1606673 Dietary Phosphorus Jai me CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Kroki da, CR C Pre ss

1606669 Thermal and Nonthermal Encapsulation Methods Magd al i ni CRC Press L LCinge r
Spr 2017 Rp 5,319,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Dartel , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1606437 Goed verplegen Hans van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,239,000

Gre ch, CR C Pre ss

1606436 Practical Interventional Cardiology Ever D. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,439,000

Pap ani ki ta CR C Pre ss

1606434 Handbook of Primary Care Ethics s, A ndre w CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,359,000
Torr es,
Eli zabe th CR C Pre ss
1606431 Autism B. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000
The Gu il ford
U sing the Rors chach Per form ance As se ssm en t Mi hura, Gui lford P ubli cation
1606422 Syste m® (R-PAS®) Joni L . Pre ss
The s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,940,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
H ogarth, Caroli na Caroli na
1606339 Medicalizing Blackness Rana A. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,352,000

Jose ph T. Ac ad em ic
1606274 Apprentices to Genius:A Tribute to Solomon H. Snyder Coyl e Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 8,602,000
Masarykov Masaryk
a Un ive rsi ty
1606083 Integrating Physical Education and Geography Sedloň, Petr uni ver zi ta P res s 2016 Rp 28,000
Masarykov Masaryk
Dose dlová, a Un ive rsi ty
1606080 Chování související se zdravím Jaros lava uni ver zi ta E
P lse
s er 2017 Rp 521,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T oxi col ogy and Drug Te sti ng, An Issu e of Cl i nic s Bl uth, Sc ie nce s
1605931 i n L aboratory M edi ci ne , E -B ook Mar ti n H . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vi ole nce , A n Issu e of Psyc hiatric Cl ini cs of N or th Knol l, Sc ie nce s
1605930 A me ri ca, E -Book Jam es L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
McLou ghli H eal th
n, Thom as Sc ie nce s
1605929 Advances inAnesthesia, E-Book M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp14,699,000
Inc .,
Pathophys iol ogy of H um an Hi s-Purki nje Syste m , H eal th
A n Issu e of Card iac El ec trop hysi ology Cl in ics , E- Akhtar, Sc ie nce s
1605928 B ook Mas ood Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
O besi ty and Gas tr oente rology, An Is sue of Pi cke tt- H eal th
Gastroe nterol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Blake ly, Sc ie nce s
1605927 B ook Octavia. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Szefle r, Sc ie nce s
1605926 Personalizing Asthma Management for the Clinician Stanl ey J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Am e ric an Am er ic an Am e ri can
Acade m y Ac ad em y Ac adem y
of of of
1605923 Guidelines for Perinatal Care Ped iatric s Pe diatri cs Case
Pe di atri
mate cs 2017 Rp 2,799,000
P ubli she rs
& Book
Loui se V Di stri butor
1605905 How to Overcome Eating Disorders Tayl or White Owl s , L LC 2017 Rp 335,000
Taylor &
R odin , Franc is
1605665 DepressionAnd The Medically Ill Gar y Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Jul ia Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1605612 Krankenhaus-Managementlehre Oswal d e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp19,599,000

H enni ng Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1605611 GeriatrischesAssessment und Testverfahren Freu nd e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 6,439,000
Mi chael
Fal ken stei Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1605609 Fahreignung im höheren Lebensalter n e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,459,000

Ge rhard Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1605608 Hörminderung und Tinnitus bei älteren Menschen He sse e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,459,000

We rner Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1605606 Das Geriatrische Team Voge l e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,339,000
Joac hi m Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1605591 Leben mit KPU - Kryptopyrrolurie Stri en z rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 588,000
Be rnar d EDP E DP
1605221 Nouveautés en radiothérapie Duboi s Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2017 Rp 1,659,000
Ac ad ém ie
de s EDP E DP
1605220 La rationalité scientifique sci en ce s Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2017 Rp 506,000

Patric e EDP E DP
1605215 Chimie, dermo-cosmétique et beauté André Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2017 Rp 703,000
Mar ti ne EDP E DP
1605212 Doctor's blues ou le burnout des médecins Donne t Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2016 Rp 844,000
A cadé mi e
de s
te chn ologi EDP E DP
1605204 10 questions à Pierre Feillet es Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2016 Rp 563,000

H ervé EDP E DP
1605196 L’ huile de palme Robe rt Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2016 Rp 703,000

Voyage au coe ur de la rel ati on d ose-ré pons e d u Patric k EDP E DP

1605188 m é di came nt Brune l Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2016 Rp 1,378,000
A cadé mi e
de s
B ig Data : un change me nt d e par ad igm e pe ut e n te chn ologi EDP E DP
1605186 c ac he r un autr e es Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2016 Rp 337,000

Ti lm an B . EDP E DP
1605164 Le sel dans tous ses états Drüe ke Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2016 Rp 703,000

L e biol ogiste m éd ic al , nouve au m anage r d e son EDP E DP

1605163 l aboratoi re Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2015 Rp 1,547,000
A cadé mi e
de s
te chn ologi EDP E DP
1605162 Le méthane es Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2015 Rp 394,000
Stackpol e
Bradford Stac kpole B ooks
1604280 Being Your Own Wilderness Doctor Angi er Books (N BN) 2017 Rp 447,000

1604256 Expanded Hemodialysis Ronco, C. S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 5,852,000

Exerc is e Hu man
Assoc iatio Kin etic s, H um an
1602719 Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual n. Inc.
Am er ic an AmKi neti
e rics
can 2018 Rp 1,792,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
P sychol ogic al T reatm ent of Med ic al Patie nts i n Dobm eye r, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1602713 Inte grate d P rim ary Care Anne C. n er ic an Am
Am n e ri can 2018 Rp 3,359,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Dorne l as , Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1602712 Psychological Treatment of Patients With Cancer Ell e n A. n n 2018 Rp 3,359,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of ety of Soci
Soci of e ty of
Photo- Mani
P hoto-toba
1602605 Managing Madness Dyck, Erika Opti
Pre sscal P res
O s
ptical 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
Fortes , ati onety of Soci
Soci atione ty of
Pau la Engi ne ers P
Photo- E hoto-
ngine e rs
1602376 Optical Gas Sensors for Exhaled BreathAnalysis Re gina (SPIE)
Opti cal (SPIE)
O ptical 2017 Rp 868,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
ati onety of Soci
Soci atione ty of
B iofunc ti onali zed Photoel e ctric Tr ans duc ers for Knopf, Engi ne ers P
Photo- E hoto-
ngine e rs
1602375 Se nsi ng and A ctuati on George K. Opti (SPIE) cal (SPIE)
O ptical 2017 Rp 868,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
ati onety of Soci
Soci atione ty of
Engi ne ers P
Photo- E hoto-
ngine e rs
1602371 OCT-assisted Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery Sun, Hui (SPIE)
Opti cal (SPIE)
O ptical 2017 Rp 868,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
ati onety of Soci
Soci atione ty of
O ptic al Bl ood Flow Me as ure me nt i n Sir on i, Engi ne ers P
Photo- E hoto-
ngine e rs
1602367 Mi cr ocir cul atory System s Laura (SPIE)
Opti cal (SPIE)
O ptical 2016 Rp 868,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
ati onety of Soci
Soci atione ty of
Sin gh , Engi
Photo- ne ers E
P ngine
hoto- e rs
1602355 Diagnosis of Oral Cancers Su rya P. (SPIE)
Opti cal (SPIE)
O ptical 2016 Rp 868,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
ati onety of Soci
Soci atione ty of
Engi ne ers P
Photo- E hoto-
ngine e rs
1602327 Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics (SPIE)
Tuchin, V. V. Opti cal (SPIE)
O ptical 2016 Rp 2,880,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
ati onety of Soci
Soci atione ty of
Engi ne ers P
Photo- E hoto-
ngine e rs
1602326 Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics (SPIE)
Tuchin, V. V. Opti cal (SPIE)
O ptical 2016 Rp 3,070,000
Instrum e nt Instru me nt
ati on ation
Tang, Engi ne ers E ngine e rs
1602325 Electronic Imaging Applications in Mobile Healthcare Ji nsh an (SPIE) (SPIE) 2016 Rp 1,761,000

Schu ck, CR C Pre ss

1602251 Sedimentation Velocity Analytical Ultracentrifugation Pete r CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

N ew man, CR C Pre ss
1602242 Chemical Biology of Natural Products David J. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Edm onsto CR C Pre ss

1602239 Action Learning in Health, Social and Community Care ne, John CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

CR C Pre ss
1602238 Newborn Surgery, Fourth Edition Puri, Prem CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp12,320,000
Karakoch u
k, Crys tal CR C Pre ss
1602234 The Biology of the First 1,000 Days D. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mukhopad B usi nes s
1601794 Regenerative Medicine: Laboratory to Clinic hyay, Asok Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1601784 Exosomes in Cardiovascular Diseases Xiao, Junjie Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hartmann, B usi nes s
1601781 Sexualtherapie Uwe Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mehd ip ou B usi nes s
1601768 Cancer Genetics and Psychotherapy r, Parv in. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp10,892,000
Cam es el le - Spr inge r
Te i jei ro, Sc ie nce &
Jos é B usi nes s
1601763 Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Gland Man uel Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Pan tanow i De mos Com pany,
1601210 Atlas of Touch Preparation Cytopathology tz, Lir on Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 5,600,000
Je ssi ca
Justi n Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1601145 The Living Needle Phi ll ips Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 980,000
Je ssi ca
Ed die Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1601144 Chinese Medical Gynaecology Dowd Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 559,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
P ubli shi ng
1601135 Flow Diversion of CerebralAneurysms Park, Min S. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp15,512,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Kim , P ubli shi ng
1601134 Epiduroscopy Danie l H. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp14,420,000
O xford
Cowe n, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1601095 Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry Phi li p. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp13,648,000
Nus sbaum Oxford O xford
, Martha Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1601083 Aging Thoughtfully Cr ave n Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Assoc iatio Am er ic an Am e ri can
n, De ntal De ntal
Am eri can Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1599478 CHAIRSIDE INSTRUCTOR Den tal n n (ebooks) 2017 Rp 2,519,000

CR C Pre ss
1598542 Multicomponent Reactions Ameta, K. L. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Si ckl e Ce l l Dis ease and He matopoi etic Stem Ce ll Me ie r, B usi nes s
1598476 T ran spl an tation Em il y R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
N ich olas, Sc ie nce &
Anthony B usi nes s
1598474 Protein Deimination in Human Health and Disease P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1598468 Somatisatie Cox, M. F. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chand, B usi nes s
1598448 Endoscopy in Obesity Management Bip an . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le tra, B usi nes s
1598446 Obesity and Brain Function Lil i ana. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D im en sions of Com mu nity-Base d P roje cts i n Arxe r, B usi nes s
1598444 H eal th Car e Ste ven L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vre el an d, B usi nes s
1598442 Beekeeping – From Science to Practice Rus se ll H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nti trust i n Pharm ac euti cal Markets & Kobel , B usi nes s
1598438 Ge ographi cal Ru le s of Ori gin Pie rre Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Landsbe rg, B usi nes s
1598436 Canine and Feline Dementia Gar y M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
John Wil e y
Vil lal obos, Wi le y- & Sons,
1598431 Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology Ali ce Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
hyay, John Wil e y
Ch and ra Wi le y- & Sons,
1598425 BasicApplied Bioinformatics Se khar Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,639,000
Taylor &
Rumi i aani t sae Franc is
1598259 Grwth Hyperplasia Card Muscle v, P . P . Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 9,632,000
De nault, Taylor &
T he Handbook of Market R e searc h for L ife Sci en ce Je an- Prod ucti vit Franc is
1598249 Com panie s Fran cois y P res s (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Bal an, Taylor &
Yene r
Nowakow Prod ucti vit Franc is
1598213 Big Book of Emergency Department Psychiatry Aysun
ski, y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Ale xan dra
"X an Taylor &
N egoti ati ng the Em otional Chall enge s of " Franc is
1598201 Cond uctin g De ep ly Pers onal R es earc h i n H ealth C. H. CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000

R osen , CR C Pre ss
1596655 Drug Delivery Yi tzhak CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Ibrahim ,
El-Sayed CR C Pre ss
1596287 Heart Mechanics H. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,119,000
Mi lane ,
Sc he heraza CR C Pre ss
1596285 Nanomedicine for Inflammatory Diseases de CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Chi n, Te ck CR C Pre ss
1596281 Get Through Final FRCR 2A Yew CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Ibrahim ,
El-Sayed CR C Pre ss
1596277 Heart Mechanics H. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,119,000

P rinc ip le s and Practi ce of Im age -Gui de d R adiation CR C Pre ss

1596267 T herapy of Lun g Cance r Jing Cai CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu ropsyc hologi cal Asse ssm e nts of D em e nti a i n Prash er, B usi nes s
1596139 D ow n Synd rom e and Intel le ctual Di sabil iti es Ve e P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gl obal Pers pe ctive s on Wom en 's Se xual and Ch oudhur B usi nes s
1596136 R e produc tive He alth A cross the Li fe cou rse y, Shonal i. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Chandran, Sc ie nce &
Anandhak B usi nes s
1596135 Advancing Development of Synthetic Gene Regulators um ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ei nric h, Palgrave B usi nes s
1596133 When Role-play ComesAlive Pau l Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sr ivastava, B usi nes s
1596128 Protocols in Semen Biology (Comparing Assays) N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P opul ati on Agi ng and Inte rnati onal He alth- Vogt, B usi nes s
1596113 Care give r Mi grati on to Japan Gabr ie le Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patel , B usi nes s
1596105 The History of TechnologicAdvancements in Urology Su tc hi n R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre en , B usi nes s
1596101 Intramedullary Limb Lengthening Stuart A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
De Lu igi , Sc ie nce &
Arthur B usi nes s
1596092 Adaptive Sports Medicine Jason Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ikol ae v, B usi nes s
1596087 Microdomains in the Cardiovascular System Vi ache sl av. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me rson, B usi nes s
1596083 TheAIDS Pandemic Mic hael H . Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H op , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1596081 Sociale vaardigheden op de OK Mar ga Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,359,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Salkow ski, P ubli shi ng
1595978 Clinical Breast Tomosynthesis Loni e Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp14,420,000

Ac ad em ic
1595921 Advances in Cancer Research Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,746,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Me tzl, of of
1595838 Sports Medicine in the Pediatric Office Jor dan D. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2018 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Murp hy, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mar ci a Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1595834 Research forAdvanced Practice Nurses, Third Edition Penc ak Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Mayer, R . De mos Com pany,
1595833 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Oral Board Review Sam ue l Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
R e gene rati ve Tre atm e nts i n Sports an d O rth oped ic Malanga, De mos Com pany,
1595832 Me di ci ne Ger ard A. Me dic al Inc
E lse. vi er 2018 Rp 5,600,000
Inc .,
LIU, H eal th
LON GJIA Sc ie nce s
1595793 Heart Failure N. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Dodm an, of Chi cago of Chi cago
1595778 What Nostalgia Was Thom as Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 2,940,000
N ai r, Spr inge r
Balakri shn Sc ie nce &
an Kic hu B usi nes s
1595562 Geriatric Medicine R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Pl atz, Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th B usi nes s
1595554 Energy Balance and Prostate Cancer A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ute B usi nes s
1595552 Psycho-Oncology Goerl i ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Am ir ian, B usi nes s
1595551 Big Data in Healthcare Pouri a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e gulation of Inflam matory Si gnal i ng i n H ealth X u, B usi nes s
1595543 and Di sease Dakang Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nti bi oti c Pharmac okine tic/Ph arm acod ynam i c Ud y, B usi nes s
1595542 Cons ide rations in the Criti call y Il l Andre w A. Adis Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Park, B usi nes s
1595539 Facial Bone Contouring Surgery Sanghoon Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Söll ne r, B usi nes s
1595538 Kranker Körper - kranke Seele Wol fgang Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Martine z, Spr inge r
Con stanti n Sc ie nce &
H eart R ate Variabil i ty A nalysi s wi th the R Pac kage o Antonio B usi nes s
1595524 R HR V Gar ci a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1595517 Banking on Health Noy, Shiri. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Kle i man- Sc ie nce &
B ernard Mande vil l e: A T reatis e of th e Lafon, B usi nes s
1595504 H ypoch on dri ac k and Hyste ric k Di se ases (1730) Syl vi e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Strong, Palgrave B usi nes s
1595502 Medicalizing Counselling Tom Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1595494 Communicating Genetics Yu, Han Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1595490 Oncoplastic Surgery Zhou, Xiao. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Li eve rse , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1595489 Leidraad diabetes mellitus type 2 A. G. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ftahof, B usi nes s
1595479 Biomechanics of the Human Stomach Rous te m . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schi ff, B usi nes s
1595476 Cancer Neurology in Clinical Practice David Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pur ohit, B usi nes s
1595465 Inequity in Indian Health Care Bri jes h C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aase , Palgrave B usi nes s
1595447 Researching Quality in Care Transitions Kari na Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laws , B usi nes s
1595438 Transsphenoidal Surgery Edw ard R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
John Wil e y
P hysi cal Re habil itati on for Ve teri nary Te chni ci an s Gol dbe rg, Wi le y- & Sons,
1595413 and Nu rse s Mar y El le n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1595412 Equine Science Davies, Zoe Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000
John Wil e y
Gram , Wi le y- & Sons,
1595410 Chronic Disease Management for SmallAnimals Dunbar Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,220,000

Kl ini sc he Häm ostas eol ogie i n d er Gynäkologi e Sucke r,

1595401 u nd G eburts hil fe Ch ris top h De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,624,000

Thom as
1595375 Neurogastroenterologie Frie li ng De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000

Me ißne r,
1595359 Ernährung in den operativen Disziplinen Carl . De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,268,000

Be rg,
1595358 Fetale Therapie Ch ris top h. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000

1595326 Informatics Empowers Healthcare Transformation Mantas, J. IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 3,472,000

1595325 Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives Cudd, Peter IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 6,104,000
Oxford O xford
Stanl e y, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1595188 Borderline Personality Disorder Barbar a Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 6,159,000
O xford
H od ges , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1595182 CognitiveAssessment for Clinicians John R . Oxford P res s USA 2018 Rp 5,039,000
O xford
Thor ne, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1595180 Adult Congenital Heart Disease Sara Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 8,398,000
Sebasti an Uni ver sity O UP
1595171 Human Dignity andAssisted Death Mude rs Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Masarykov Masaryk
Friš au fová, a Un ive rsi ty
1594972 I Know What I ʼ m Doing Magd a uni ver zi ta P res s 2016 Rp 683,000

Spe ll man, Be rnan B ernan

1594938 Industrial Hygiene Simplified Fran k R . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,808,000
Vande rbi lt Van der bil t
Kenw orthy Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1594917 Mistreated , N ora J. Pre ss P
Amresesri can 2017 Rp 1,932,000
P sychi atri c
Am er ic an As soci ati o
Le vouni s, Psyc hi atri c n
1594706 Pocket Guide to AddictionAssessment and Treatment Petros Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Arya, Taylor &
Akshaya Franc is
1594636 Global Health Experiential Education Ne il Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Thi e mann, Franc is
1594598 Rewriting theAmerican Soul Anna Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
H ofl und, Franc is
1594592 The Intersection of Food and Public Health A. Bryce Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Dan, Franc is
1594553 Integrative Framing Analysis Vi ore la Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
Crowthe r, Franc is
1594546 Spirituality and Childbirth Su san Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1594503 Tumors and Cancers Dongyou CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 1,119,000
R e peated Me as ure s D esi gn w i th Gen eral ized Chapm an
L ine ar Mi xed Mode ls for R andom ized Controll e d Tango, and CR C Pre ss
1594502 T rial s Toshi rō Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

H eal th Prom otion in Dis ease O utbreaks and Lave rac k, CR C Pre ss
1594496 H eal th Em e rgenc ie s Gle nn CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Em manue l CR C Pre ss
1594491 A Guide to Bioethics A. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , Bu p B usi nes s
1594222 Clinical Regenerative Medicine in Urology Wan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Jaars ma, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1594219 Leven met het restless legs syndroom Joke Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Kogni tive Verhal te nsthe rapie be i m ed izin isc h Sc ie nce &
u nerkl ärten Körper bes chwe rde n und Kle ins täub B usi nes s
1594218 s omatofor me n Störunge n er, Mari a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Um bach, Spri nger B usi nes s
1594215 Erfolgreich im Pharma-Marketing Günter Gable r Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Shaban- Sc ie nce &
Ne jad, B usi nes s
1594213 Public Health Intelligence and the Internet Arash Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Murp hy, B usi nes s
1594208 Fire and Rescue Services Pete r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grosc hner , B usi nes s
1594202 Store-Operated Ca²⁺ Entry (SOCE) Pathways Klaus Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me nsi nk, B usi nes s
1594201 Air Pollution Modeling and ItsApplication XXV Cl e me ns. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patel , B usi nes s
1594199 The SAGES Manual of Robotic Surgery Anki t D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch akrabor B usi nes s
1594189 Proteases in Physiology and Pathology ti , Sajal . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Me yer, Sc ie nce &
Rain er- B usi nes s
1594176 100 Clavicula-Pseudarthrosen Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Ge rm er, Sc ie nce &
E vid enzbasi erte Visze ralc hiru rgie be ni gner Ch ris top h- B usi nes s
1594173 E rkrankunge n Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sim on, B usi nes s
1594171 Gliomchirurgie Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Egbe rt, B usi nes s
1594160 Drogentests in Deutschland Si m on Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Pun te r- Sc ie nce &
A mp erom e tri c an d Im pe dance Moni tor ing Vi ll agrasa, B usi nes s
1594152 Syste ms for B iom e dic al Ap pli cations Jai me Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ocha, B usi nes s
1594145 Optimizing Outcomes for Liver and Pancreas Surgery Flavi o G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rri , Palgrave B usi nes s
1594138 Family Business and Technological Innovation Ale ss and ra Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte rventi on Eff e ctive nes s R e searc h: Quali ty Monse n, B usi nes s
1594137 Im prove me nt and Program Eval uati on Kare n A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
H ow ar d- Sc ie nce &
Changi ng Paradi gms i n the Managem en t of Bre ast McN att , B usi nes s
1594134 Cance r Mar iss a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc ie nce of As hwagand ha: P reve ntive and Kaul, B usi nes s
1594128 T herape uti c P ote ntial s Su nil C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Arnol d, B usi nes s
1594123 Obstetrics Essentials Kateayi
Pan C.otou Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Ch aral am b Spr inge r
ous, Sc ie nce &
Ch aral am b B usi nes s
1594121 Career Skills for Surgeons os. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agarwal , B usi nes s
1594120 Neuroimaging:Anatomy Meets Function Ni ved ita Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Groh, B usi nes s
1594114 Clavicle Injuries Gordon I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce d H an dbook of Syste mi c Lupu s Arnaud , B usi nes s
1594111 E rythem atos us Laure nt. Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Pe arson
Martini , E duc ati on
1594054 VisualAnatomy & Physiology, Global Edition Fred eri c Pearson L iminge
Spr ite dr 2018 Rp 1,428,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Boi ten, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1594047 Diagnostiek in de fysiotherapie Joe annett e Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000

Claud e EDP E DP
1593757 L'influence d'une époque sur les pensées des scientifiques Stol l Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2017 Rp 984,000

De nis e é diti ons E diti ons

1593650 Les perturbateurs endocriniens Caro Quae Q uae 2017 Rp 292,000
Di Gioi a, Taylor &
Anthony Prod ucti vit Franc is
1592832 The Patient Centered Value System M. y P res s (CAM) 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Taylor &
Schal er, Franc is
1592737 Thomas S. Szasz Je ff rey A . Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Mc Lean, Franc is
1592675 Genetics and Gene Therapy Sh ei la Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp10,500,000
Ad am son, Taylor &
Ve ronic a Franc is
1592220 TheAesthetic Experience of Dying M. F. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
H anzak, Franc is
1592166 Another Twinkle in the Eye Elai ne. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,939,000

Mukhe rje e, CR C Pre ss

1592132 Cardiovascular Catheterization and Intervention Debabrata CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,280,000

Jel i nek, CR C Pre ss

1592129 ECG Time Series Variability Analysis He rber t F. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1592124 Tumors and Cancers Dongyou CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Barri ck, CR C Pre ss

1592122 Biomolecular Thermodynamics Dougl as CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000

Kaise r, CR C Pre ss
1592121 Operative Thoracic Surgery, Sixth Edition Larry R . L lse
CRC Press E LCvi er 2018 Rp10,639,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H abi f, Sc ie nce s
1592044 Skin Disease E-Book Thom as P. Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 6,047,000
Zi m me rm a
nn, EDP E DP
1591969 Nuclear Medicine Ri chard. Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2017 Rp 534,000
Camp os
Joaqu? in
1591958 Drug Design andAction M. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,932,000

D ie Be treu ung Sc hwe rkranker und Sterbe nde r i n Mi chael

1591952 B aye ri sche n Jüd is che n Ge m ei nde n he ute Pete ry De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,220,000
M& K
L ivi ng and Radi ologi cal Anatom y of th e He ad and H arr is, M&K
UN IVE RSI Up date
1591752 N ec k for D ental Stu den ts Phi li p F. PublOF
TY i shi ng Un
L tdive
. rsi ty 2017 Rp 700,000
N Mi chi gan
Bos te r, R EGION A P res s
1591675 Medicine at Michigan Dea H . L (l im i te d) 2017 Rp 671,000

R uth Arc ad ia IN scri be

1591511 Mercy Flights Ball we g Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2017 Rp 476,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li kar, B usi nes s
1591485 Lebensqualität imAlter Rud olf Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be arman, B usi nes s
1591478 Infection Prevention Gonzal o Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P ulm onary H ype rtens ion in A dul t Congeni tal Dim opoul B usi nes s
1591474 H eart D ise ase os, K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Gnanas eka Sc ie nce &
Vege tabl e Oi l Base d B io-lu bric an ts and ran , B usi nes s
1591469 T ran sform er Flui ds Dhorali . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ins ti tutional Rac ism i n Psych iatry and Cl i nic al Fe rnando, Palgrave B usi nes s
1591455 P sychol ogy Su man. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Asc hne r, B usi nes s
1591445 Neurotoxicity of Metals Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Fl orian, Sc ie nce &
Mar cos B usi nes s
1591442 DermatologicalAtlas of Indigenous People Ce sar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Monga, B usi nes s
1591437 Diagnostic Clusters in Shoulder Conditions Pune et Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com m erc ial izati on of N anote chn ologi es–A Cas e Brabazon, B usi nes s
1591436 Study Approach Der mot Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1591435 Data Interpretation inAnesthesia Raj, Tilak D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He rri ngton B usi nes s
1591432 Pathology of the Cervix , C. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1591430 Health Informatics Data Analysis Xu, Dong Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Cathol ic Catholi c
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Mi tc hel l , of Am er ica of Am e ric a
1591345 Catholic Witness in Health Care Loui se A. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
John Wil e y
Schi ff, Wi le y- & Sons,
1591200 Schiff's Diseases of the Liver Euge ne R. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 7,560,000
John Wil e y
Ch owdhu r Wi le y- & Sons,
1591199 Radiology at a Glance y, R ajat Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,344,000
Dom hoff, Uni ver sity O UP
1591156 The Emergence of Dreaming G. Wil li am Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 6,439,000

O xford
Batche lor , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1591140 Oxford Textbook of Neuro-Oncology Tracy. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp20,790,000
O xford
Fi rth , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1591139 Oxford Desk Reference: Clinical Genetics and Genomics He le n V. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp14,700,000
O xford
Castle , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1591135 Physical Health and Schizophrenia David J. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Workm an W orkm an
Lyd ia Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1591096 Quackery Kang Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 643,000

N ic ht i nvas ive Di agn ostik angi ologi sc her Knut Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1590743 Krankhe itsb il der Kröger aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 2,100,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
B rai n A rte ri ovenous Malform ations and Dum ont, P ubli shi ng
1590716 A rte ri ovenous Fi stul as Aaron S. Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp16,632,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fast Fac ts for the Cli ni cal Nur sin g Instruc tor , Kan, E de n Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1590701 T hird Ed iti on Zabat Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Mc Ke nna, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1590694 Delusions Pete r. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,920,000

1590633 Developmental Biology of Gastrointestinal Hormones Wabi tsch S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 6,580,000

Martina Bri ndl e & B rind le &

1590522 Your Heart Is the Size of Your Fist Sc holte ns Gl as s Gl ass 2017 Rp 616,000
Andre as CR C Pre ss
1590458 FoodAllergy Ludw i g CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
App le
Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1590456 Ethnobotany of India, Volume 5 Pullaiah, T. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
App le
Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1590455 Ethnobotany of India, Volume 3 Pullaiah, T. Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 4,759,000

Ciobanu, Pan CR C Pre ss

1590452 Microscopic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lui sa Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

R obinson , CR C Pre ss
1590446 Dental Enamel Formation to Destruction Col i n CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Pre e dy, CR C Pre ss

1590445 Alcohol and the Gastrointestinal Tract Vi ctor R. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

Mi ll er , CR C Pre ss
1590444 Craniomandibular Muscles Arthur J. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Manage me nt of Ani m al Care and U se Program s i n Wei chbrod CR C Pre ss

1590434 R e searc h, Educ ati on, and Te sting, Sec ond Edi ti on , R obe rt H. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Yi , Pyŏng- CR C Pre ss
1590432 Lu's Basic Toxicology mu CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,700,000

Ser uca, CR C Pre ss

1590430 Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification Raque l. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,279,000

Coope r, CR C Pre ss
1590424 Chinese and Botanical Medicines Raym ond CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,359,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1590293 Dissemination of Cartographic Knowledge Altić, Mirela Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mom eni , B usi nes s
1590292 Introduction to Statistical Methods in Pathology Am ir. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bashi r B usi nes s
1590291 Clinical Ethics Consultation Toolkit Ji wani Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Bradac , Sc ie nce &
Gianni B usi nes s
1590288 Applied CerebralAngiography Bori s. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi sra, B usi nes s
1590284 Introduction to Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics Gau ri. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ie "Kin d al s Sch ad en"-R ec hts pre chun g i m Salasch ek, B usi nes s
1590282 Ver häl tnis zu d en §§ 218 ff . StGB Sarah Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T herape uti c U se of Me dic in al Pl an ts and T hei r Al am gi r, B usi nes s
1590266 E xtracts: Vol um e 1 A. N. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dayton, B usi nes s
1590257 Evidence-Based Bunion Surgery Pau l D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Gurum oor Sc ie nce &
Com putational Inte l li genc e Tec hniqu es in thy, B usi nes s
1589598 D iagnosi s of B rain Dis ease s Sasi kum ar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N irm al C. B usi nes s
1589590 Fractures of the Foot andAnkle Te jw ani Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1589588 Soft Tissue Pathology for Clinicians Perry, Kyle. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
R ay, Sc ie nce &
H eal th care System s Manage m ent: Methodol ogie s Pradi p B usi nes s
1589582 and Appl ic ati ons Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badakhshi , B usi nes s
1589577 Bildgeführte stereotaktische Radiochirurgie Harun Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le hm an n, B usi nes s
1589576 Das schöpferische Gehirn Kon rad Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manfrè, B usi nes s
1589553 Vertebral Lesions Lui gi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wh ite, B usi nes s
1589551 Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health Wil l iam B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ibi , B usi nes s
1589540 Advances in Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Toshi um i Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1589539 JIMD Reports, Volume 35 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Qu am , B usi nes s
1589529 Primate Hearing and Communication Rol f M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rtoli ni , B usi nes s
1589523 Body MDCT in SmallAnimals Giovanna. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
X uefe ng B usi nes s
1589516 Refractory Status Epilepticus Wang Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
KATAB UC Spr inge r
HI, Sc ie nce &
HIDETA K B usi nes s
1589514 Frontiers in Ovarian Cancer Science A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1589512 Immune Metabolism in Health and Tumor Li, Bin Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E voluti on of the Br ai n, Cogn ition , and Em otion in Shi ge ru B usi nes s
1589511 Ver te brate s Watanabe Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stie r, B usi nes s
1589493 Manual Jungenmedizin Be rnhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R owe , B usi nes s
1589472 Academic & Scientific Poster Presentation Ni chol as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 980,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hu mana B usi nes s
1589465 DNA and Histone MethylationAs Cancer Targets Atsu shi
Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Al var ez- Sc ie nce &
Su ar ez, B usi nes s
1589464 Bee Products - Chemical and Biological Properties Jos é M.
Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stefano B usi nes s
1589455 Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients Mas ie ro Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
BON AMO Spr inge r
NTE , Sc ie nce &
DOMEN IC B usi nes s
1589448 Mycobacterial Skin Infections O. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Pe te r
Le hm an n
Sc höne neu e Psyc hiatrie . Band 2: Wi e Pe te r Anti psych i m bassador
1589433 P sychop har maka de n Körp er veränd ern Le hmann atr ie verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 672,000
Pe te r
Le hm an n
Sc höne neu e Psyc hiatrie . Band 1: Wi e Chem i e u nd Pe te r Anti psych i m bassador
1589432 Strom auf Ge i st und Psyc he wi rke n Le hmann atr ie verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 616,000
Pe te r
Volkm ar Le hm an n m bassador
1589431 NeueAntidepressiva, atypische Neuroleptika Ade rhold Publ i shi ng Gm bH 2017 Rp 420,000
Worl d W orld
Cance r Manage me nt Wi th Chi ne se Med ic ine : Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
P reve ntion A nd Com pl em e ntary Tre atm e nts Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1589401 (R evi se d E di ti on) Rencun, Yu Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,436,000
W orld
N athe r, Sc ie ntific
H um an Am nioti c M em brane: Basi c Sci enc e A nd Abdul Worl d P ubli shi ng
1589393 Cl ini cal Appl i cati on Aziz. Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 6,216,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Wan, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1589351 Clearly Different: Dyscovering The Differences Wil l iam Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 1,596,000
Corne l l
Fri ed man, Un ive rsi ty
1589195 The Informed Patient Kare n A. ILR Press P res s 2017 Rp 559,000
Corne l l
H arr is, Un ive rsi ty
1589174 Achieving Access Jos eph ILR Press P res s 2017 Rp 839,000
Corne l l
Qu igl ey, Un ive rsi ty
1589150 Prescription for the People Fran ILR Press P res s 2017 Rp 559,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kretsc hm e B usi nes s
1589121 ZerebraleAneurysmen und Gefäßmalformationen r, Thom as . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi rao, B usi nes s
1589079 Drebrin Tom oaki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che ung, B usi nes s
1589078 Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Hong Kong Yue t-wah Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sin gh , Sc ie nce &
U nde rstan din g Hos t-Mi crobi om e Inte ractions - An Ravi ndra B usi nes s
1589074 O mi cs Appr oac h Pal . Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
B ook
N etw ork
Karen Tri gge r Inte rnati on
1589070 Searching For Brighter Days Man ton Pre ss al ati onal
N 2017 Rp 419,000
B ook
N etw ork
Ed wards, Tri gge r Inte rnati on
1589069 LifeAfter Care Mar k. Pre ss al 2017 Rp 419,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al ire za, B usi nes s
1588961 Periconception in Physiology and Medicine Faze li Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Be the sd a System for Re porting Thyroi d B usi nes s
1588959 Cytopathology Ali, Syed Z. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
H erri ck- Sc ie nce &
Davis, Hu mana B usi nes s
1588958 G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Dimers Katharin e Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hutc hins o B usi nes s
1588957 Whole Person Care n, Tom A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kaur, B usi nes s
1588955 ClinicalApplications of Biomaterials Gurbi nde r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schnake rs, B usi nes s
1588954 Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Carol ine Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fasse tti , B usi nes s
1588944 Discriminative Pattern Discovery on Biological Networks Fabi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mod el ing the Transm i ssi on and Pre venti on of H urst, B usi nes s
1588940 Infe ctiou s Di se as e Ch ris ton J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Clarke , Sc ie nce &
Andre w B usi nes s
1588935 Vestibulo-Oculomotor Research in Space H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of P rac tic al Fi ne Ne ed le As piration and B usi nes s
1588932 Sm all Ti ss ue Bi opsi es Lin, Fan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shaw, Palgrave B usi nes s
1588929 Bioethics BeyondAltruism Rhond a M. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H eadac he and Com orbid itie s in Chil dhood an d Gui de tti , B usi nes s
1588928 A dole sc enc e Vi nce nzo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pope , B usi nes s
1588923 Treatment of Chronic Pain Conditions Jason E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
App le
Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1588794 Ethnobotany of India, Volume 4 Pullaiah, T. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

Bow man, Pan CR C Pre ss

1588792 Embedding New Technologies Into Society Diana M. Stanford L LC 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Bal og h, Pan CR C Pre ss

1588788 Nanomedicine in Cancer Lajos P Stanford L LC 2017 Rp12,600,000

R ihn, CR C Pre ss
1588787 BiomedicalApplication of Nanoparticles Be rtr and CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000
Abde l
Rahm an , CR C Pre ss
1588782 FoodAllergy Anas M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Be rbe co, CR C Pre ss

1588776 Beam’s Eye View Imaging in Radiation Oncology Ross I. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mu lti mod al Analys is of Us er-Ge ne rate d B usi nes s
1588701 Mu lti me di a Conte nt Shah, Rajiv Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, Hu mana B usi nes s
1588693 Tumor Dormancy and Recurrence Yuzhu o. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Manle y, Sc ie nce &
Geoff re y B usi nes s
1588690 Understanding the Cochlea A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Szem a, Sc ie nce &
W orld Tr ad e Ce nter Pul m onar y Di se as es and Anthony B usi nes s
1588686 Mu lti -O rgan System M ani fes tations M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che rdron, B usi nes s
1588555 Väter und ihre Söhne Ale xan der . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Ge rm er, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top h- B usi nes s
1588554 Divertikulose und Divertikelkrankheit Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Taylor &
Fi gert, Franc is
1588464 Women and the Ownership of PMS Anne E. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
R e ad ing the P sychos omatic i n Me di cal an d Farkas, Franc is
1588380 P opul ar Cultur e Carol -Ann Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Paul T.
N urs ing A pproach to the Eval uation of Chil d Cl e me nts, STM L ightni ng
1588358 Mal tr eatme nt 2e PhD, R N Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 5,600,000

Synd rome d e fatigu e chroni que : guid e de Eri ca Babe lc ube IN scri be
1588119 traite m ent, 2i è me é di ti on Ve rri ll o Inc. Di gi tal 2017 Rp 112,000

Urban Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1587973 Indikation Wie si ng e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,619,000
R utgers R utger s
H al li we ll , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1587905 Voices of Mental Health Mar ti n Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 5,264,000
Claud ia
Wel z- Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1587890 Qualitätsmanagement in Rehabilitationseinrichtungen Sp ie gel e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ad am s, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1587848 Fast FactsAbout PTSD Lis a Y. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 1,680,000

Vinc ent, ISTE Pre ss

1587840 Neurofeedback Pas cale - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,032,000

Vas cul ar Ph arm acol ogy: Cytoske le ton and Khali l, Ac ad em ic

1587827 E xtrace l lul ar Matrix Raouf A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 8,602,000

Ac ad em ic
1587788 FDA's Drug Review Process and the Package Label Brody, Tom Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

N ic oti ne and Other Tobacc o Comp ounds in Ve l jkovic , Ac ad em ic

1587762 N eu rode gene rative and P sych iatric Di se as es Em il ij a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 2,518,000

Sm ythi e s, Ac ad em ic
1587755 Direct Versus Indirect Realism John R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000
Vash ist,
Sand ee p Ac ad em ic
1587754 Handbook of Immunoassay Technologies Kum ar Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

Ac ad em ic
1587734 Non-Exhaust Emissions Amato, F. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000
John Wil e y
Bl iks lage r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1587519 The EquineAcuteAbdomen Anthony T. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 6,300,000
John Wil e y
Sel i gman, Wi le y- & Sons,
1587518 Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine at a Glance Wil l iam Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,288,000
John Wil e y
Shore s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1587517 Current Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery Andy Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,760,000
The Gu il ford
H arve y, Gui lford P ubli cation
1587437 Treating Sleep Problems All i son G. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Masse y Mass ey
Came ron, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1587430 A Nurse on the Edge of the Desert Andre w Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,344,000
B ril l
She m Tov Ac adem i c
1587282 Medical Glossaries in the Hebrew Tradition ben Isaak Brill P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,744,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Csáki, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1587205 Materials Research andApplication II Ioana s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Antoni ac , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1587204 BiomMedD VII Iu li an s s , L td 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Pin wanic h, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1587203 Materials Science and Technology IX Pee rapong s s , L td 2017 Rp 7,560,000
Kim , Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Inte rnati onal Sym pos ium on Advance d Mate rial Dong Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1587200 R e searc h Keon s s , L td 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Grant, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Pau la Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1587182 Law for Nurse Leaders, Second Edition DiMe o Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Mc Gil l -
Q uee n's
Un ive rsi ty
1586795 Look It Up! Pluye, Pierre MQUP P res s 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Moye r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586564 Anticancer Therapies George Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gi ll es , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586562 Leptin Évaris te Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Be nningto Sci enc e Sc ie nce
n, Ele anor Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586558 Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research H. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586555 Virtual Reality Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586548 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bour geoi s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586545 Delirium Jam es Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586544 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jacobs, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586543 Electrospinning and Electroplating Toby Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vohra, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586540 Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery Hunai d A. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Raude nská Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586533 Pain , Jarosl ava Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kim , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586531 Major Depressive Disorder Yong-Ku Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dorozhkin Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586530 Hydroxyapatite and Other Calcium Orthophosphates , Se rge y V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dorozhkin Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586529 Hydroxyapatite and Other Calcium Orthophosphates , Se rge y V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Degtyaryo Nova N ova
v, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dom ini que Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586517 Arterioles . Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Qu an, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586510 The Molecular Easis for theAging of Human Skin Tai hao Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Chow, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586508 Alzheimer's Disease Ronal d Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watki ns, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586505 Trigger Points Moniqu e Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Gre en , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le il i Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1586500 Simulation Training Hayati Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li n, Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1586499 Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ASCs) Yun fe ng Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mavri dis , Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1586495 Stereotactic Brain Microanatomy Ioanni s N. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ce ll ul ar Interacti ons of Probioti c B ac teri a wi th Author Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1586494 Inte stinal and Im m une Cel l s Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1586492 Preterm Delivery Gross, Lora Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Z hou, Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1586488 Neuroimaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Yongxiang Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Apr ato, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ale ss and r Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1586486 3DApplications in Hip Surgery o Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1586485 Bread Unknow n Inc. Inc .inge r
Spr 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Mac ken bac Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1586270 Volksgezondheid en gezondheidszorg h, J. P. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Em pe le n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1586269 Kinderfysiotherapie Ron van Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 7,784,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Pe ete rs, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1586267 Basisboek anesthesiologische zorg en technieken Jac ques Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Me ule n, Sc ie nce &
Anne li es Bohn B usi nes s
Detm ar- Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1586266 Mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie van de r Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Ooste rom , Bohn B usi nes s
Adri aan Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1586265 Medische fysica van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Ind epe nde
Kle i n, Spi nife x P ubli she rs
1586139 Surrogacy Re nate Pre ss Gr oup 2017 Rp 280,000
John Wil e y
Woodhou s Wi le y- & Sons,
1586118 Radiology and Follow-up of Urologic Surgery e, C. R. J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 4,158,000
Pothi er, John Wil e y
Kris ti n & Sons,
1586115 Personalizing Precision Medicine Ci ri el lo Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 839,000

We st, Uni ver sity O UP
1586089 RAINBOW Am y E. Pre ss P rem i um 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Gaber son, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Kathl ee n Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1585967 Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing, Fifth Edition B. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Koontz, De mos Com pany,
1585963 Radiation Therapy Treatment Effects Bri dge t F. Me dic al Inc
E lse. vi er 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D erm atop athol ogy, An Issue of Cl i nic s i n Bi ll i ngs, Sc ie nce s
1585938 L aboratory Me di ci ne , E -B ook Ste ven D. Elsevier Di vi si on 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Congrè s
inte rnati on
al d e Pe te r L an g
1585844 Paris-médical mé de ci ne Ltd,
Ligaran Primento 2016 Rp 28,000
O' C al
onnel l , Acteadr em
Pe L anicg Pe ter Lang
1585770 Belonging Noe l Publ i she rs AG
Ltd, 2017 Rp 3,245,000
al te r L an g
Craig, Ac ad em ic Pe ter Lang
1585769 Biological Discourses Robe rt. Publ i she rs AG
Internation 2017 Rp 4,253,000
ale r Ver lag
Pe rte r L an g
Ve nde r, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1585748 Disentangling Dyslexia Mar ia. afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 5,149,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Z HAN G, Gm Wi ssebH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1585745 English Quasi-Numeral Classifiers XU. afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 5,373,000
E val ui eru ng von Sp ie le rsc hutzs chul unge n be i ale r Ver lag
Ver tri e bspartner n de r O es te rre ic his che n L otte rie n de r
u nte r besond er er Be ruec ksi chti gung von Dori s Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1585735 Te stkaeufe n Mal i schni g afte n AG 2017 Rp 2,853,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vande npl a B usi nes s
1585665 Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children s, Yvan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
KHA N, Sc ie nce &
SH AH - B usi nes s
1585663 Handbook of Neuroendovascular Techniques NAZ H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Kum ar, C. Sc ie nce &
M. B usi nes s
1585658 Prokaryotic Chaperonins Santosh. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Le e, Sc ie nce &
Stroke R evi si te d: Di agn os is and T re atm ent of Se ung- B usi nes s
1585657 Isc he mi c Stroke Hoon Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kowe y, B usi nes s
1585634 CardiacArrhythmias, Pacing and Sudden Death Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
John Wil e y
And rad e, & Sons,
1585611 Natural Products Targeting Clinically Relevant Enzymes Pau la B . Wiley-VCH Inc . 2017 Rp 4,760,000

Marti, CR C Pre ss
1585073 Telomeres, Diet and Human Disease Am el ia CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000

Draais ma, CR C Pre ss

1585071 Language Signs and Calming Signals of Horses Rachaë l CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 1,119,000

A ple y & Solom on’s Syste m of Orthopaed ic s and Bl om , CR C Pre ss

1585070 T rau ma 10th Ed iti on Ashl ey CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,984,000
Je ssi ca
De nis e Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1585037 Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care Tir an Dragon P ubli she rs 2018 Rp 1,119,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1584822 Biomedical Technology Wriggers, P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mu lti -Mod al ity Ne uroi magi ng Study on B usi nes s
1584818 N eu robiol ogic al Me ch ani sm s of A cup uncture Tian, Jie Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T ran slation and H eal th R isk Knowl ed ge Bui ldi ng Palgrave B usi nes s
1584817 i n Chi na Ji, Meng Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu roim aging Di agnos is for Al zhe i me r's Di sease Matsuda, B usi nes s
1584814 and Othe r De m enti as Hi roshi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Von WAHN und SINN - B ehandl e r, Pati ente n und Fuhl jahn, B usi nes s
1584811 d ie Ps ychothe rap ie i hre s L ebe ns He id e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jiw an i, B usi nes s
1584800 Clinical Ethics Consultation:A Practical Guide Bashi r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marm or, B usi nes s
1584797 Foundations of Ophthalmology Mic hael F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000

Dani el H .
1584682 Neurogenetics, Part II Ges chw ind Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 9,240,000

Davi d, Ac ad em ic
1584681 Forensic Odontology Thom as J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000

Schi ff,
1584680 Metastatic Disease of the Nervous System David Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 9,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fast Fac ts for Managin g Pati e nts w ith a P sychi atr ic Marshal l, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1584665 D isord er Bre nda Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 1,680,000

She Wri tes L ightni ng

1584444 Nightingale Tales Dow, Lynn Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 279,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le e, B usi nes s
1584353 Taurine 10 Dong-He e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,932,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be chte l, B usi nes s
1584352 Pflege im Wandel gestalten – Eine Führungsaufgabe Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1584349 Viruses, Genes, and Cancer Eric Hunter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ioc hem i cal Basis and The rap euti c Im pl ic ati ons of Me hta, B usi nes s
1584348 A ngioge nes is Jawahar L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gorr, B usi nes s
1584341 Was treibt uns an? Cl audi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Purandare , B usi nes s
1584332 PET/CT in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Malignancies Ni le ndu Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ol l ar, B usi nes s
1584330 Trajectory Analysis in Health Care David W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Mc Intyre , Sc ie nce &
Te re sa B usi nes s
1584324 Educator Stress Mend onça Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kel l y, B usi nes s
1584306 The Resilient Physician John D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
The rm ann, B usi nes s
1584303 New Techniques in Foot andAnkle Surgery Hajo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Em e ric h, Hu mana B usi nes s
1584299 Cell Therapy Dwain e F. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R azzouk, B usi nes s
1584298 Mental Health Economics Den ise Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm ol ka, B usi nes s
1584290 Transcatheter Paravalvular Leak Closure Grzegorz Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H eal th Car e for Unde rse rve d W om en, An Is sue of Ni chol son, Sc ie nce s
1584223 O bstetri cs an d Gyne col ogy Cl ini cs , E -B ook Wand a K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ead an d N ec k Pathology, An Is sue of Surgi cal See thala, Sc ie nce s
1584222 Pathology Cli nic s, E-Book Raja R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B one Dis orde rs, An Iss ue of End ocri nology an d Shi eh, Sc ie nce s
1584221 Me tabol i sm Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Albe rt Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cl ini cal Managem e nt of Ches t Tube s, A n Issu e of Fi loss o, Sc ie nce s
1584220 T horaci c Sur gery Cl i nic s, E-Book Pie r Lui gi. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
T he Gut Mi crobi om e, An Iss ue of Qu igl ey, H eal th
Gastroe nterol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Eamonn Sc ie nce s
1584219 B ook M. M . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Ven tri cu lar Tachyc ardi a in Stru ctural He art Al - H eal th
D ise ase , An Issue of Cardi ac E le ctrophys iol ogy Ahm ad , Sc ie nce s
1584218 Cl ini cs , E -Book Am in Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D rug H ep atotoxi ci ty, An Issu e of Cl i nic s i n L ive r R ustgi, Sc ie nce s
1584217 D ise ase , E -B ook Vi nod K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Cur rent Controve rsi es i n Foot and A nkle T rau ma, H eal th
A n Issu e of Foot an d Ankl e Cli nic s of North Sword s, Sc ie nce s
1584216 A me ri ca, E -Book Mic hael P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
R is k, Error and Unc er tai nty: L aboratory Qu al i ty H eal th
Manage me nt i n the Age of Me tr ology, An Iss ue of Arm bruste Sc ie nce s
1584215 the Cl ini cs in Laborator y Me dic in e, E-Book r, Dav id Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
L egi onnaire 's Di sease , A n Iss ue of Infec ti ous Cunha, Sc ie nce s
1584214 D ise ase Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Ch eston B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Yi nge r, H eal th
Oli vi a Sc ie nce s
1584213 Music Therapy: Research and Evidence-Based Practice Sw er g Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vi ral and Atypi cal Pne um oni a in A dul ts, A n Issu e De la Cru z, Sc ie nce s
1584212 of Cl in ics i n Che st Me di ci ne, E-B ook Ch arl e s S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Su bramani H eal th
Mol e cul ar Imagi ng and Pre ci si on Me di cin e, Part 1, am , Sc ie nce s
1584211 A n Issu e of PET Cli ni cs, E-Book Rathan M. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Cl ini cal Issu es and Affirm ative Tr eatme nt w ith H eal th
T ran sgen der Cli e nts , An Issu e of Psyc hiatric Carroll , Sc ie nce s
1584210 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Lynne Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frank, B usi nes s
1584167 Therapieziel Wohlbefinden Re nate Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tobi as B usi nes s
1584163 Minimalinvasive Viszeralchirurgie Kec k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
John Wil e y
Cli fton , Wi le y- & Sons,
1583755 Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing Andre w Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Bors te l ,
Johanne s Pe rse us
Hi nri ch Gre ystone B ooks ,
1583618 Heart von Books L LC 2016 Rp 503,000
Spr inge r
R ic har d Sc ie nce &
Te ke Hu mana B usi nes s
1583607 MGLU Receptors Ngom ba Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Pe rse us
El izabeth Gre ystone B ooks ,
1583604 Demon in My Blood Rain s Books L LC 2017 Rp 503,000
Spr inge r
Low ry, Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th Palgrave B usi nes s
1583587 The Seybert Report Sc hl ebe r Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
El - Sc ie nce &
Kham i sy, B usi nes s
1583585 Personalised Medicine Sh eri f Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
El Sc ie nce &
Mie dany, B usi nes s
1583581 Comorbidity in Rheumatic Diseases Yas se r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl ack, Be n B usi nes s
1583578 Centromeres and Kinetochores E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Gam ul e scu Sc ie nce &
, Mari a- B usi nes s
1583572 Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachment Andre e a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Frankl in, Sc ie nce &
Pene l op e B usi nes s
1583566 Non-medical Prescribing in the United Kingdom Mar y. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Sc ie nce &
Z utphe n, Bohn B usi nes s
H. C.
Cu F. u Stafl eu van Me di a B.
rri cul
1583558 Fysische therapie in engere zin 2 vanomm i ss Loghu m
mc V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 5,544,000
ie Sc ie nce &
ople i ding Bohn B usi nes s
Oefe nther a Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1583557 Methode Mensendieck pie . Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Hu man
Kin etic s, H um an
1581627 Complete Guide to Foam Rolling Stull, Kyle Inc. Ki neti cs 2018 Rp 615,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Parks, Ne braska N ebr as ka
1581617 Medical Imperialism in French NorthAfrica Ri chard C. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Maharaj a,
Si va Om ni grap O mni grap
1581320 Women's Health Concerns Sourcebook Gan esh hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2018 Rp 2,380,000
Joyc e Om ni grap O mni grap
1581319 Sports Injuries Information for Teens Bre nnfle ck hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,736,000

H eyl ings, CR C Pre ss

1581223 McMinn's Concise HumanAnatomy, Second Edition David J. A. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 2,855,000
O xford
Carton, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1581032 Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology Jam es . Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,157,000
O xford
Bane rje e, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1581025 Revision Notes for the FRCEM Intermediate SAQ Paper Ashi s. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp10,078,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Me di cal Mi sadventur e in an Age of Tom ki ns, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1581024 P rofe ss ional isation, 1780-1890 Alannah Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
T he Search for Anti dep res sants - An Inte grative Carval ho, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1580980 Vi ew of Dr ug Di sc ove ry Andre F. Ltd. L td inge
Spr . r 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Engbe rts, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1580979 Leerboek Gezondheidsrecht D. P. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,359,000
John Wil e y
Coope r, & Sons,
1580961 ABC of Clinical Communication Ni col a BMJ Books Inc . 2018 Rp 1,232,000
John Wil e y
Fogoros, Wi le y- & Sons,
1580960 Fogoros' Electrophysiologic Testing Ri chard N. Bl ackwe ll Incati. onal
N 2018 Rp 2,547,000
B ook
N etw ork
Be nbow, Lanter n Inte rnati on
1580819 Handbook for Student Nurses, 2017-18 Edition Wend y Publ i shi ng Nal ati onal 2017 Rp 794,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Duff us, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1580564 Comprehensive Glossary of Terms Used in Toxicology John H. Chem i stry N al ati onal 2017 Rp 3,024,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
O xi dative Stres s and Re dox Si gnall ing in Franco, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1580563 Parki nson’ s D ise ase Rodr igo Chem i stry N al ati onal 2018 Rp 7,028,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
Pe te r Le arning
Schl Inte
üter sc Sc rnati
hlue onc
1580556 Becoming A Medical Educator Donne ll y Me dia
he al
he 2017 Rp 2,149,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
Be er - e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Kuhne r, m bH & m bH &
1580376 Das Glück ist ein Schmetterling Ir én. Co. KG Co. KG 2017 Rp 353,000

Klaus Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1580306 Vom Koma zum Hirntod Sc häfe r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000

Bl um e, R eaktion R eaktion
1580297 Immunization Stuart S. Books B ooks Ltd. 2017 Rp 700,000
L exin gton
Caiste r Cais
B ooks te ,r a
Ac ad em ic d
si oniof c
1580194 Bacterial Evasion of the Host Immune System Pedro Escoll Pre ss P owm
R res s an 2017 Rp 8,932,000
L itt le fiel d
Os trac h, Le xington P ubli she rs,
1580075 Stigma Syndemics Bayla Books Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000

Paxinos, Ac ad em ic
1580039 The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates: Compact George Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Sche nk, Cam pus
Bri tta- Campu s Ver lag
1580026 Behinderung verhindern Mar ie Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,515,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stroß, B usi nes s
1580008 Gesundheit und Bildung Anne tte M. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H oli stic H eal th in Chil dre n: Conce ptuali zati on , Mic hael so B usi nes s
1580001 A sse ssm e nt an d P ote ntial n, Vale rie Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Brooke , Charl es C
Ste phani e Charle s C T homas
1579873 Combining the Creative Therapies with Technology L. Thom as P ubli she r 2017 Rp 1,399,000

Pros per
1579815 L'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris en juillet et en août 1830 Meni è re Ligaran Primento 2016 Rp 28,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
R ay Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1579532 Values in Health and Social Care Sam uri wo Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 839,000

Le sko, Future L ightni ng

1579495 The Complete Guide to Autism & Healthcare Ani ta. Hor izons Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 419,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Long, B usi nes s
1579416 Man–Machine–Environment System Engineering Sh engzhao Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Guge r, B usi nes s
1579412 Brain-Computer Interface Research Ch ris top h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R att an, B usi nes s
1579394 Hormones inAgeing and Longevity Su res h I. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Orte ga, B usi nes s
1579386 GlialAmino Acid Transporters Arturo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wh ite, B usi nes s
1579380 Neurocritical Care for theAdvanced Practice Clinician Je ss ic a L. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Gord on , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1579087 Handleiding verpleegkundige diagnostiek Mar jory Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,359,000

Kanchi , Pan CR C Pre ss

1578938 Capillary Electrophoresis Su vard han Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Gardi ne r, CR C Pre ss
1578929 Regenerative Engineering and Developmental Biology David M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,999,000

Gru shka, CR C Pre ss

1578915 Advances in Chromatography Eli CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Chow, Chapm an
Sam ple Si ze Calc ul ati ons i n Cl in ic al R es earch , Sh ei n- and CR C Pre ss
1578907 T hird Ed iti on Ch ung Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Schoe ll e r, CR C Pre ss
1578900 Advances in theAssessment of Dietary Intake Dale A. L lse
CRC Press E LCvi er 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O bstetri c An esthe si a, An Is sue of Ane sthe siol ogy Onu oha, Sc ie nce s
1578636 Cl ini cs , E -Book Onyi C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
H eal th Information Tec hnol ogy for Chi ld and Inc .,
A dole sc ent P sychi atr y, An Issue of Chi l d and H eal th
A dole sc ent P sychi atr ic Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, Sarvet, Sc ie nce s
1578635 E -B ook Barry D . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Rose nkran H eal th
Ge ni tou rinary Imagi ng, An Issue of Radi ologi c tz, An dre w Sc ie nce s
1578631 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P rim ary Care of the Me dic all y Und ers erve d, An H eal th
Iss ue of Pri m ar y Car e: Cli ni cs in Office P rac tic e, E- More ll i, Sc ie nce s
1578630 B ook Vi nce nt Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 8,315,000
John Wil e y
Mi ron, Wi le y- & Sons,
1578470 Platelet Rich Fibrin in Regenerative Dentistry Ri chard J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
Gi rdl er, Wi le y- & Sons,
1578468 Conscious Sedation for Dentistry N. M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1578440 Clinical Research and Practice w. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1578416 Bioactivity of Engineered Nanoparticles Yan, Bing Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Van den Sc ie nce &
Akker , Palgrave B usi nes s
1578414 Surrogate Motherhood Families Olga B. A . Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Kayingo, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1578360 The Health Professions Educator Ger al d Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Baughm an B usi nes s
1578103 Pulmonary Hypertension and Interstitial Lung Disease , R obe rt P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Rol e of Nu rse s i n D isaste r Managem e nt i n Boni to, B usi nes s
1578102 A sia P ac ific Sh ei la Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi mi zu , B usi nes s
1578098 Early Repolarization Syndrome Wataru Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gup ta, B usi nes s
1578081 Multiple Choice Questions in Pain Management Raje sh Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,400,000
John Wil e y
Chapm an, Wi le y- & Sons,
1578043 Safe Handling and Restraint of Animals Ste ll a J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,847,000
Chase , John Wil e y
Ch ris top he Wi le y- & Sons,
1578042 Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant r C. L. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,180,000
Es ac ove, Uni ver sity O UP
1578022 Modernizing Sexuality Anne W. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,586,000
Oxford O xford
Dodi ck, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1578002 Migraine David Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp12,600,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Caval lo, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1577992 Conserving Health in Early Modern Culture Sand ra Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
Charters , Wi le y- & Sons,
1577380 Pre-Hospital Paediatric Life Support Alan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,679,000
John Wil e y
Co-de si gn i n Li vi ng Labs for H ealthc ar e and Pi card, & Sons,
1577369 Ind epe nde nt Li vi ng Robe rt Wiley-ISTE Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
O rth odontic s for Dental Hygi en ists and D ental Wi le y- & Sons,
1577364 T herapi sts Raked, Tina Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000

John Wil e y
Sc hl os sbe r Wi le y- & Sons,
1577363 Antibiotics Manual g, D avi d Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,010,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ao, M. R. B usi nes s
1577353 Long Non Coding RNA Biology S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hrei b‘s auf! - Be ss er dokum e nti e ren in Koll ak, B usi nes s
1577352 Ge su ndhe itsbe rufe n In grid . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tagaya, B usi nes s
1577346 Organelle Contact Sites Mitsu o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ap p, Spri nger B usi nes s
1577344 Von der Prozess-Analyse zum Prozess-Controlling Win fri e d Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1577339 BiomedicalApplications of Acridines Ježek, Jan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1577330 Talent Management in Healthcare Turner, Paul Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agarwal , B usi nes s
1577325 Nonunions Ani me sh. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Am er ic an
Di abe tes Pe rse us
Chi lds , Ass oci ati o B ooks ,
1577314 Complete Nurse's Guide to Diabetes Care Be li nda n L LC 2017 Rp 1,176,000
Me dic al
Langri al, Inform ati o
Si twat n Sc ie nce
1576903 Web-Based Behavioral Therapies for Mental Disorders Usm an R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 7,140,000
Me dic al
Machado, Inform ati o
N ext-Gen eration Mobil e and Pe rvasi ve H e al thcare Jos é n Sc ie nce
1576894 Sol utions Man uel R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 6,860,000
Me dic al
Kole kar, Inform ati o
Mah esh ku n Sc ie nce
1576875 Biomedical Signal and Image Processing in Patient Care mar H. R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 7,420,000

1576813 Les Plantes magiques Paul Sédir Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000
Me dizi nis c
Jose ph- h
Pie rre Wi sse nsc h
1576701 Le Merveilleux Scientifique Duran Ligaran
aftl ic he Primento 2015 Rp 196,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1576631 Mehr Zeit für Patienten Walker, D. Co. KG Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,833,000
Pe ng-
Kel le r,
1576206 eckBilder als Vertrauensbrücken Si m on. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,268,000

R al f
1576203 Die wachsende Wirbelsäule Stüc ker De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000

50MINU T 50Mi nute s.

1576017 Shiatsu for Inner Harmony and Balance ES.COM com Primento 2017 Rp 168,000
Taylor &
D' Si l Franc is
1575748 The Meat Crisis va, Joyce Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
F. A. Davis
Bie dr zyc ki, Com pany/
1575668 The Radiography Procedure and Competency Manual Ani ta. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Orton, E. John Wil e y
Ch ris top he Wi le y- & Sons,
1575632 SmallAnimal Thoracic Surgery r Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
He me nwa Mi chi gan Mi chi gan
1575568 Private Guns, Public Health, New Ed. y, D avi d Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 839,000
R ic har d G Wr itin g IN scri be
1575533 Un'intervista con Jeffery Khoury Lowe Jr Kin g Di gi tal 2017 Rp 84,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wahlbe rg, Palgrave B usi nes s
1575402 Selective Reproduction in the 21st Century Ayo Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
The Gu il ford
B uil di ng Moti vati onal Inte rvie wi ng Ski ll s, Sec ond Rose ngre n, Gui lford P ubli cation
1575391 E diti on David B. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,940,000

Pol lard, Taylor &

1574779 Evidence-based Care for Breastfeeding Mothers Mar ia Routledge Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 4,200,000
T he Proje ct M anage r’s Gui de to H ealth Taylor &
Inform ati on Te chnol ogy Im pl em en tation, 2nd H ou ston, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1574767 E diti on Su san M. y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,239,000
Taylor &
Magine ss , Franc is
1574438 Dementia and Literature Te ss Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
She phard, Franc is
1574399 PhysicalActivity and theAbdominal Viscera Roy J. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Taylor &
Me eu sen, Franc is
1574368 PhysicalActivity and EducationalAchievement Rom ain Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Gad, CR C Pre ss
1574242 Nonclinical Drug Administration Sh ayne C. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

Inte ll ige nt Pol ym ers for N an om e di ci ne an d Afl or i, CR C Pre ss

1574241 B iotec hnol ogie s Magd al e na CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000

CR C Pre ss
1574240 Eating Disorders in Special Populations Fries, Jonna CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Chapm an
Dm itri enk and CR C Pre ss
1574236 Clinical Trial Optimization Using R o, Al ex Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Chapm an
Pfe iff er, and CR C Pre ss
1574235 Absolute Risk Ruth M. Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 1,959,000
Spi zzi rri,
Um il e CR C Pre ss
1574233 Functional Hydrogels in Drug Delivery Gianfranco CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R us, B usi nes s
1574217 Child Maltreatment in Residential Care Adri an V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sin gh , Sc ie nce &
Am it B usi nes s
1574216 Medical Image Watermarking Kum ar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gh , B usi nes s
1574205 Pharmacology of Mitochondria Harpre e t Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lahi ri, B usi nes s
1574197 A Treatise on Topical Corticosteroids in Dermatology Kou shi k. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
KR GER , B usi nes s
1574196 Akupunktur bei psychischen Erkrankungen DOR IS. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be er hei de , B usi nes s
1574194 Gesundheitsgerechte Dienstleistungsarbeit Em anu el . Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O ntol ogy E ngine e ring Appl ic ati ons i n H e al thcare Forbe s, B usi nes s
1574193 and Workforc e Man age m ent Syste m s David E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ie lse n, B usi nes s
1574187 Non-medical and Illicit Use of Psychoactive Drugs Su zanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fu tu re Dir ec ti ons in Metall oprotei n and H ans on, B usi nes s
1574185 Me tal l oenzym e Re se ar ch Graem e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi sano, B usi nes s
1574180 Physics forAnesthesiologists Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pe h, Sc ie nce &
Wil fre d C. B usi nes s
1574177 Pitfalls in Musculoskeletal Radiology G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me nvie l le , Palgrave B usi nes s
1574173 The Digitization of Healthcare Loic k Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sim ps on, B usi nes s
1574168 Rethinking Rural Health Ethics Ch ris ty. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pham , B usi nes s
1574167 Safety, Ethics and Regulations Phuc Van Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fitzp atri ck, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1574075 Encyclopedia of Nursing Research Joyc e J. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 7,000,000
Spr inge r
Ed wards, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Quanne tta Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1573850 Genetics and Genomics in Nursing T. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
H usain, De mos Com pany,
1573849 Illustrated Manual of Clinical Evoked Potentials Aati f M. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Kee l ing, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Arl ene Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1573848 History of Professional Nursing in the United States Wynbe ek Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Oxford O xford
Stei nber g, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1573821 Cognitive Impairment and Depression in Older Patients Mar ti n Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,199,000
We iss man, Uni ver sity O UP
1573814 The Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy Myrna M. Pre ss P rem i um 2018 Rp 3,776,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grove r, B usi nes s
1573736 Drug Design: Principles andApplications Abhi nav. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al le n, B usi nes s
1573731 Histopathology Specimens Der ek C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Warady, B usi nes s
1573729 Pediatric Dialysis Case Studies Bradl ey A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Lacom m e, Sc ie nce &
P otato Viru s Y : Bi odive rsi ty, Pathoge nic ity, Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1573695 E pid em i ology and Managem en t . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000

Wi stow,
1573521 Studying Health Inequalities Jonathan. Policy Press Policy Press 2015 Rp 1,246,000

1573409 Understanding Health Policy (Second Edition) Rob. Policy Press Policy Press 2015 Rp 1,091,000

1573388 Working in Teams 2e Jelphs, Kim Policy Press Policy Press 2016 Rp 616,000
The Gu il ford
Thor n, Gui lford
P ubli cation
1573342 Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain, Second Edition Be ve rl y E. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Joshua, Palgrave B usi nes s
1572499 The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume IV John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1572491 Handbuch für die Genetische Sprechstunde Birgit Zirn Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
BR ITTA B usi nes s
1572490 Kraftvoll ins Wasser ST EFFEN Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Corazza, B usi nes s
1572480 Novel Psychoactive Substances Orne ll a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barbi eri , B usi nes s
1572479 Complexity and Nonlinearity in Cardiovascular Signals Ri cc ard o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cobourne , B usi nes s
1572475 Orthodontic Management of the Developing Dentition Mar tyn T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oop , R . B usi nes s
1572474 Metals and the Biology and Virulence of Brucella Mar ti n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
El torai , Sc ie nce &
Adam E. B usi nes s
1572472 Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000

Li twack, Ac ad em ic
1572328 Thyroid Hormone Ger al d Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 7,056,000

Sli kke r, Ac ad em ic
1572324 Handbook of Developmental Neurotoxicology Wil l iam Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 7,560,000

Patel , Ac ad em ic
1572310 The Liver Vi nood B. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

R osse n Ac ad em ic
1572305 Protein-Protein Interactions in Human Disease, Part A Donev Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,880,000
Protasi o
Le mos Da Ac ad em ic
1572287 Endothelium and Cardiovascular Diseases Luz Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,720,000

Boul ange r, Ac ad em ic
1572279 Skin andArthropod Vectors Nathal ie Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000
Inte rventi onal Infl am m atory Bowe l Di sease :
E ndosc opic Managem e nt and T reatm ent of Ac ad em ic
1572277 Com pl ic ati ons Shen, Bo. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

Wats on, Ac ad em ic
1572275 Lifestyle in Heart Health and Disease Ronal d R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,048,000

L owe r Uri nary T ract Sym ptoms and B eni gn Morgi a, Ac ad em ic

1572274 P rostati c H ype rpl as ia Giu sep pe
Pre ss Elsevier
E lse vi erLtd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000
Inc .,
R ee se , H eal th
Joi nt Range of Moti on and Musc le Le ngth Te stin g - Nancy Sc ie nce s
1572255 E -B ook Be rrym an. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 5,456,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ti ran, Bai ll ie re Sc ie nce s
1572254 Bailliere's Midwives' Dictionary E-Book Den ise Ti ndal l Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 3,633,000
Inc .,
H eal th
W ome n's Me ntal H ealth, An Is sue of Ps ychi atri c Kornste in, Sc ie nce s
1572253 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Su san G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1572252 IASLC Thoracic Oncology E-Book Ball, David. The
Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp17,387,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Chaney, Caroli na Caroli na
1572251 Runaway Anthony Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,772,000
R owland , Hu man
Cardi opul m onar y Exe rci se Tes ti ng i n Chi l dre n and Thom as Kin etic s, H um an
1572243 A dole sc ents W. Inc. Ki netimate
Case cs 2018 Rp 9,156,000
P ubli she rs
Pe n and & Book
Hi gginbot Sword Di stri butor
1572241 Children's Homes ham , Pe te r. Hi story s , L LC 2017 Rp 503,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi er li ng, B usi nes s
1572118 Arztpraxis - erfolgreiche Übernahme Götz. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jackows ki, B usi nes s
1572108 Zahnärztliche Chirurgie Joc hen . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sande rs, B usi nes s
1572095 Radiobiology and Radiation Hormesis Ch arl e s L . Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
B ook
N etw ork
Jackson, Sci on Inte rnati on
1572066 Healthcare Economics Made Easy, Second Edition Danie l Publ i shi ng N
al ati onal 2017 Rp 1,029,000
B ook
N etw ork
Di niz, Inte rnati on
1572062 Zika Debor a Zed Books al 2017 Rp 2,660,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1572054 Tumors and Cancers Dongyou CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Chapm an
Chan, and CR C Pre ss
1572048 Quantitative Methods for HIV/AIDS Research Cl i burn Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000

Masci , CR C Pre ss
1572043 Ebola Jos eph R . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 2,799,000

Braithw ai t CR C Pre ss
1572042 Health Systems Improvement Across the Globe e, Jeff re y CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of Chi cago of Chi cago
1571885 TheAscent of Affect Leys, Ruth Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Mc Kay, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Ri chard of Chi cago of Chi cago
1571873 Patient Zero and the Making of theAIDS Epidemic Andre w Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Ge re, of Chi cago of Chi cago
1571871 Pain, Pleasure, and the Greater Good Cathy Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of Chi cago of Chi cago
1571868 Normality Cryle, P. M. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi ci u, B usi nes s
1571647 Nuclear Endocrinology Doina. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De lfi ni, B usi nes s
1571637 Modern Thoraco-Lumbar Implants for Spinal Fusion Robe rto. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Trott et, B usi nes s
1571635 Dermal Drug Selection and Development Lion el . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Szczepe k, B usi nes s
1571630 Tinnitus and Stress Agni eszka. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of L arge -Scale D istri buted Com puting Khan, B usi nes s
1571629 i n Sm art He althc are Sam ee U . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 9,492,000
John Wil e y
Bu rton, Wi le y- & Sons,
1571329 ClinicalAtlas of SmallAnimal Cytology Andre w Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1571287 NutritionalAnemia in Preschool Children Gupta,Anil. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
John Wil e y
Marsaul t, & Sons,
1570705 Practical Medicinal Chemistry with Macrocycles Eri c Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 6,300,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yasutom o, B usi nes s
1570696 Notch Signaling Koj i. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
AMZ AT, B usi nes s
1570687 Towards a Sociology of Health Discourse inAfrica JIMO H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bre kke n, B usi nes s
1570684 Extracellular Matrix in Tumor Biology Rol f A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Kloc , Sc ie nce &
Mal gorzat B usi nes s
1570683 Oocytes a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Cardi nal i , Sc ie nce &
Danie l B usi nes s
1570673 Autonomic Nervous System Ped ro. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stage , Palgrave B usi nes s
1570669 Networked Cancer Cars te n. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mauskop f, B usi nes s
1570668 Budget-Impact Analysis of Health Care Interventions Jos eph ine . Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Al Sc ie nce &
Moustafa, B usi nes s
1570666 Development of Oral Cancer Ala-Edd in. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Journ al of B iom im e tics , Biom ate ri als an d Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1570655 B iom ed ic al E ngine e ring Vol. 33 s s , L td 2017 Rp 3,780,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Journ eys In Me di ci ne A nd R e se arc h O n Thr ee Sm ith, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1570584 Conti nents Ove r 50 Ye ars Moyra Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 3,696,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Kei di ng, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1570581 Theoretical Health Economics Hans Comp an y Com pany 2018 Rp 5,376,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Se mi cond uctor Quantum Dots A nd R ods For In Chu, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1570573 Vi vo Im agi ng And Cance r Ph otothe rapy Maoqu an Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 3,696,000
Worl d W orld
Pe teenti
r Lfic
an g Sc ie ntific
Fang, Ji - Gm
PublbH,i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1570571 Handbook Of Medical Statistics Qian Comp an y Com pany
Internation 2017 Rp10,584,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
D ata-D rive n P roble m -Sol vin g in Internation al Z ie lonka, Gm
Wi ssebH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1570376 B usi nes s Com m uni cati on Ale xan der Internation
afte n AG 2017 Rp 3,301,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Karlhe i nz Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1570361 Kontroversen im Werdegang wissenschaftlichen Wissens Lüdtke afte n AG 2017 Rp 4,253,000
Chapm an
Bl osse y, and CR C Pre ss
1570306 Chromatin Ralf Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Coope r, CR C Pre ss
1570305 Organic Chemist's Desk Reference, Third Edition Carol ine CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000

Quattroc ch CR C Pre ss
1570300 CRC World Dictionary of Palms i, Um ber to. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp27,860,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1570271 Polyneuropathie Zifko, Udo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
VIKT ORIA Sc ie nce &
Ver sorgung von Patie nten m it ge is ti ger und ALESH CH B usi nes s
1570268 Me hrfachbe hi nde rung ENKO VA. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rofe ss ions bezogene Q uali tätse ntwi ckl ung i m H ense n, B usi nes s
1570264 i nterd is zi pl inäre n Ge su ndhe itsw es en Pete r. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di ng, B usi nes s
1570258 Molecules, Systems and Signaling in Liver Injury Wen-X ing. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Myc orrhi za - Eco-Ph ysiol ogy, Se cond ar y B usi nes s
1570257 Me tabol i te s, Nanom ate ri al s Varma,A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1570252 Pancreatic Imaging Zaheer,Atif. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000

Dom ans ki,

1570160 FNA Cytology of Soft Tissue and Bone Tumors H. A. S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 6,664,000

Li n, Hs in-
1570159 Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders Ch ing S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 6,440,000

R owm an
1570158 Neuroprogression in Psychiatric Disorders Halaris,A. S. Karger & KargerAG 2017 Rp 5,516,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1570143 Enviromedics Lemery, Jay Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,148,000
Worl d W orld
Bank B ank
R am e sh Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1570137 Strengthening Post-Ebola Health Systems Govind ar aj s s 2017 Rp 840,000

Dm itri enk SAS SAS

1570103 Analysis of Clinical Trials Using SAS o, Al ex. Institute Insti tute 2017 Rp 1,680,000

K.V. Mom entu Mom e ntu

1569216 Breast Cancer Ram ani m Pre ss m P res s 2017 Rp 2,800,000

Ge nevi e ve Mom entu Mom e ntu

1569215 Introduction to General Medical Conditions Ludw i g m Pre ss m P res s 2017 Rp 2,800,000
John Wil e y
Barke r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1569088 Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience at a Glance Roge r A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H off m an , Hu mana B usi nes s
1569083 Patient-Derived Mouse Models of Cancer Robe rt M. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aksl e n, B usi nes s
1569079 Biomarkers of the Tumor Microenvironment Lars A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N icke l sen , Spri nger B usi nes s
1569069 Die Entdeckung der Doppelhelix Käri n Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Was ser ma Sc ie nce &
n, B usi nes s
1569056 Neurocognitive Learning Therapy: Theory and Practice The odore . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Karth a, C. B usi nes s
1569053 Mechanisms of Vascular Defects in Diabetes Mellitus C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gup ta, B usi nes s
1569052 Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery Raje n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H arm on, Palgrave B usi nes s
1569047 A NaturalisticAfterlife David Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Pe rse us
Shi ge ru Tuttl e B ooks ,
1568839 Japanese for Healthcare Professionals Osuka Publ i shi ng L LC 2015 Rp 1,399,000
T hie m e
Wel kobors Me di cal
ky, H ans- P ubli shi ng
1568602 Interdisciplinary Management of Orbital Diseases Jü rgen Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp17,752,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Te ac hi ng i n N ursi ng and Rol e of the Edu cator , Oe rm an n, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1568464 Se cond Edi tion Mar il yn H . Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le dbe tte r, B usi nes s
1566887 Endocrine Surgery in Children Danie l J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ozyi git, B usi nes s
1566881 Principles and Practice of Urooncology Gokhan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le e, B usi nes s
1566879 Complications in Foot andAnkle Surgery Mic hael S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Ye vzl i n, Sc ie nce &
Ale xan der B usi nes s
1566858 DialysisAccess Cases S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Rangaswa B usi nes s
1566856 Cardio-Nephrology mi , Janani . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Wyn dael e, Sc ie nce &
Je an B usi nes s
1566852 Urodynamic Testing After Spinal Cord Injury Jac ques . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H arfi n, B usi nes s
1566844 Clinical Cases in Early Orthodontic Treatment Ju li a F. de Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
R utgers R utger s
We inbe rg, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1566752 Blood on Their Hands Eri c Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,464,000
R utgers R utger s
Gottl i eb,
Uni ver sity R Un ive rsi
owm anty
1566740 Not Quite a Cancer Vaccine S. D. Pre ss P
&res s 2018 Rp 6,664,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Cohn, Jay Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1566721 Cardiovascular Health N. Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,232,000
M& K
H aye s, M&K
Internation Up date
1566720 Textbook of Podiatric Medicine Cathe rine Publ i shi ng Q
al L td . sse n
uinte 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Chu, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1566693 Color in Dentistry Ste phe n J. Group Inc . 2017 Rp 2,716,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1566690 Phase II Clinical Development of New Drugs Ting, Naitee Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A natom y for the Ge ne ric Surgi cal Sci enc es Mi rjali li , B usi nes s
1566688 E xam in ati on (GSSE) S. Al i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rogres s i n the Che m istry of Organi c N atu ral Kin ghorn, B usi nes s
1566682 P roduc ts 106 A. Dougl as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kayani , B usi nes s
1566680 PET/CT in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Ir fan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Jacob- Sc ie nce &
Hargot, B usi nes s
1566676 Sexuelle Freiheit aufgedeckt Thé rès e Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pre ntne r, B usi nes s
1566674 Heilpflanzen der Traditionellen Europäischen Medizin Ange li ka Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Damm ann, Sc ie nce &
Ulf B usi nes s
1566667 Sexualstrafrecht in Medizin und Pflege Haakon Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ofm an, B usi nes s
1566651 PET/CT in Melanoma Mic hael S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pap ad akos B usi nes s
1566650 Distracted Doctoring , Pe ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Bl ooms bur
Dru ry, M. y B loom sbur
1566479 The Selected Writings of Maurice O’Connor Drury O' C. Ac ad em ic y UK 2017 Rp 9,828,000

Lü bbert,
1566048 Gastroenterologische Infektiologie Ch ris top h. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,912,000

Gui ll e mi n, CR C Pre ss
1566032 Perceived Health andAdaptation in Chronic Disease Fran ci s. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Ash le y, CR C Pre ss
1566022 Traumatic Brain Injury Mar k J. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,599,000

CR C Pre ss
1566019 Fundamentals of Laboratory Animal Science Liu, Enqi CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

R e vival: Cli ni cal Nutri tion For Th e He al th Sci en ti st R oe, CR C Pre ss

1566014 (1979) Daphne A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000
R aj an, K.
N. CR C Pre ss
1566013 Radiation Safety in Radiation Oncology Govind a CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,639,000

Calcott , P. CR C Pre ss
1566012 Continuous Cultures of Cells H. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,460,000

Bu rg, CR C Pre ss
1566008 Engineering 3D Tissue Test Systems Kare n J. L. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 5,039,000

Al sch er, CR C Pre ss

1566007 Revival:Antioxidants in Higher Plants (1993) Ruth G. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

R ojkind , CR C Pre ss
1566005 Revival: Connective Tissue in Health and Disease (1990) Mar cos CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Chapm an
Capture -Re capture Me thods for the Soci al and Böhni ng, and CR C Pre ss
1566004 Me di cal Sci enc es Dankmar Hal l/CRC L LC 2018 Rp 3,359,000
Wi ll is ,
Anthony CR C Pre ss
1566003 CRC Handbook of Eicosanoids, Volume II L. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,280,000

CR C Pre ss
1565996 Spiritually Competent Practice in Health Care Wattis, John CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Ove rfie ld , CR C Pre ss

1565995 Biological Variation in Health and Illness The res a CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Ad el man, CR C Pre ss
1565994 Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Mechanisms Of Aging Ri chard C. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,460,000

R e vival: Cannabis Physi opathology E pi dem i ology N ahas, CR C Pre ss

1565992 D etec tion (1992) Gabr ie l G. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 7,280,000
Thom as H . CR C Pre ss
1565986 Cellular Immune Mechanisms and Tumor Dormancy M. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

R e vival: Bi ologi cal Eff ec ts of L ow L eve l Exposur es Calabre se, CR C Pre ss

1565981 to Che m ic al and Radi ati on (1992) Edw ard J. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

R e vival: De li ver y Strate gie s for Antise nse Akhtar, CR C Pre ss

1565980 O li gonucl e oti de The rape utic s (1995) Saghi r CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 6,370,000

R e vival: Al cohol Interacti ons w ith Drugs and Calabre se, CR C Pre ss
1565978 Che m ic al s (1991) Edw ard J. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

R e vival: Cel l ular and Mol ec ular Toxic ology and In Ac osta, CR C Pre ss
1565972 Vi tr o Toxic ology (1990) Danie l CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Aksoy, CR C Pre ss
1565971 Revival: Benzene Carcinogenicity (1988) Muzaff er CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Kutchi n, App le
Ale xan dr Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1565970 Chemistry and Technology of Plant Substances V. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

1565969 Problem Solving Through Precision Oncology Ell e n R . EBN Health EBN Health 2017 Rp 1,820,000

‫ محمد‬،‫حرايراي‬ ‫الكادياميون‬
1565865 ‫سراورا قواعد التحليل النفسي والمعالجة النفسية والسلوكية‬، ‫ للانشر و التوازياع‬Al Manhal 2016 Rp 756,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Khl ei f, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565718 Skeel's Handbook of Cancer Therapy Sam ir N. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 7,560,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1565715 Gastrointestinal Imaging: The Essentials Singh,Ajay He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 9,324,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Grove r, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565714 Master Techniques in Surgery: Cardiac Surgery Fred eri ck He alth W il kins 2016 Rp25,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Capri ott i, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565713 Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual! The res a He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 4,284,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
De Vi ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565712 Cancer of the Breast Vi nce nt T. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Ken ned y, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565711 Intrapartum Management Modules Be ts y B. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Khan, Fai z Klu we r W il li am s &
1565710 Khan's Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology M. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp17,640,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Yao, Fu n- Klu we r W il li am s &
1565709 Yao &Artusio'sAnesthesiology Su n F. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp11,340,000
MR and CT Pe rfus ion and Pharm acoki neti c Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Im aging: Cli ni cal A ppl ic ati ons and The ore ti cal Klu we r W il li am s &
1565708 P rinc ip le s Bammer, R. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp23,520,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Kandarpa, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565706 Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures Kris hna He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 6,300,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Baghe ri, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565705 The Wills Eye Manual Ni ka He alth W il kins 2017 Rp 7,980,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Washi ngton Manual of Patie nt Safe ty and Quali ty Fondahn, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565704 Im prove me nt Em il y He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wal dm an' s Com pre hen sive Atlas of Diagnosti c Wald man, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565703 U ltrasound of Pain fu l Cond iti on s Ste ven D. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp22,680,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
De Vi ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565702 Prostate and Other Genitourinary Cancers Vi nce nt T. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
T he Was hington Man ual H e matology and Cashe n, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565701 O ncol ogy Subsp eci alty Cons ult Am and a He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 5,040,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wal dm an' s Atlas of Diagnosti c U ltrasound of Wald man, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565700 Pai nful Foot an d Ankl e Condi ti ons Ste ven D. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp11,760,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
N iss man, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565699 Emergency and Trauma Radiology:A Teaching File Danie l B. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 5,040,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
De Vi ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565698 Colon and Other Gastrointestinal Cancers Vi nce nt T. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Garci a- Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Larre a, Klu we r W il li am s &
1565697 Pain and the Conscious Brain Lui s He alth Wati
N il kins
onal 2016 Rp 7,140,000
B ook
N etw ork
Azam, Sci on Inte rnati on
1565581 Psychiatry Mohsi n. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 1,264,000
Spr inge r
Parij a, Sc ie nce &
Su bhash B usi nes s
1565352 Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper Ch and ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sozial psyc hiatrie – the ore ti sc he Grund lagen und Schöny, B usi nes s
1565343 p rakti sch e E inbl i cke Wern er Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Form er ,
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1565327 Informatorium voor Voeding en Diëtetiek Maj orie
Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas sportorthopädi sc h-s porttr au matologi sche Im hoff, B usi nes s
1565326 O per ati onen Andre as B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dur ham , B usi nes s
1565319 Insight Into Acquired Brain Injury Ch ris ti ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1565314 Bewegungsstörungen der oberen Extremität bei Kindern Bahm, Jörg Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Evari stus Sc ie nce &
Ch ie du B usi nes s
1565301 Post-TrialAccess to Drugs in Developing Nations Obi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D eve lopm e nt of the Cere be ll um From Mol ec ul ar Marzban, B usi nes s
1565299 A spe cts to D is ease s Hassan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1565267 How to Teach Using Simulation in Healthcare Davis, Mike Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,484,000
John Wil e y
Vaughan, & Sons,
1565261 Protein Therapeutics Tri stan Wiley-VCH Inc . 2017 Rp 9,520,000
John Wil e y
Kim , Wi le y- & Sons,
1565260 Microsurgery in Endodontics Syn gcuk Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 4,900,000
Taylor &
Muha, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1565123 PROPEL to Quality Healthcare Thom as y P res s (CAM) 2018 Rp 1,119,000
Taylor &
Strau ss, Franc is
1565114 Social Organization of Medical Work Anse lm L . Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Battye , Franc is
1565045 Who'sAfraid of AAC? Ali son Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,780,000
Taylor &
A dvan ce d ICD-10 for Phys ic ians Inc lu di ng Fukum oto, Prod ucti vit Franc is
1564937 W orker’ s Com pe nsation an d Pe rsonal Injur y Euge ne y P res s (CAM) 2017 Rp10,919,000

Johnson, Taylor &

1564828 The Selective Mutism Resource Manual Maggi e Routledge SprFranc is Ltd
inge r 2017 Rp 6,580,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1564822 Basisboek operatieve zorg en technieken Bolks, Lotte Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 5,039,000
O xford
P res enti ng Me di cal Statis ti cs From Prop osal to Pe ac ock, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1564794 P ubli cation Jane t Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 6,298,000
Vande nBus Spr inge r
sche , P ubli shi ng
Ch ris top he De mos Com pany,
1564690 Atlas of Salivary Gland Cytopathology r J. Me dic al Inc . 2018 Rp 5,600,000
Mc Gil l -
Q uee n's
Le blanc , Un ive rsi ty
1564657 FearfulAsymmetry Ri chard MQUP P res s 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Arm el agos Pre ss of P res s of
1564655 Life and Death on the Nile , G eorge J. Fl or ida Fl ori da 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Fran ci s Y in Uni ver isty Un ive rsi ty
1564496 Handbook of EHealth Evaluation Yee of Vic tor ia of Vi ctoria 2016 Rp 1,203,000

1564414 La douleur ne me lâche pas Be rquin Mardaga Primento 2017 Rp 476,000
Taylor &
Tom ossy, Franc is
1564383 Human Experimentation and Research George F. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 6,020,000
Taylor &
R othm an, Franc is
1564253 The Willowbrook Wars David J. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Gals te r, Franc is
1564242 Why People Go to Psychiatrists George C. Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Wi ll is on, Franc is
1564068 Schizophrenia George . Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Szasz, Franc is
1563991 A Lexicon of Lunacy Thom as Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Bartem ei e r Franc is
1563953 Psychiatry and PublicAffairs , L eo H. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Shapir o, Franc is
1563861 Meditation Deane H . Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Fox, Franc is
1563846 Spare Parts Re né e C. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Hi hnac he
rsh, CRopl
Pe C Pree's ss
1563786 The Final FRCA Structured Oral Examination tty, Bobby.
di cal 2017 Rp 4,703,000
MD, P ubli shi ng
FRCP(C), H ouse
1563773 Teaching Clinical Research Methodology by Example FRSC, DSc USA, Ltd. (PMP H) 2017 Rp 1,008,000
N ou ghabi, Me dic al
Elh am Inform ati o
H andbook of R e searc h on Data Sc ie nce for Akhond n Sc ie nce
1563473 E ffe ctive H eal th care Practi ce and Ad mi ni strati on Zade h R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 7,140,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Day, Mar y Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1563466 Self-Neglect in OlderAdults Rose Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
O ptic al Cohe ren cre Tom ography A ngiography of H uan g, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1563457 the Eye David ed ed 2017 Rp 5,319,000
Morre ale , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1563456 The OTA's Guide to Documentation Mar ie J. ed ed 2017 Rp 1,847,000
Mois es de Babe lc ube IN scri be
1562955 Alzheimer´s Disease II la Se rna Inc. Di gi tal 2017 Rp 112,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanbe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562904 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pow el l, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562896 Rehabilitation Wend y Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Forre st, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562894 Genetic Mistakes Rose m ar y. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562888 Bronchiolitis Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
He nde rson Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562887 Enterococci and Bacterial Diseases , Cary G . Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R itsne r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562885 The Impact of Severe Mental Illness on Quality of Life Mic hael S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562855 Prescription Drugs Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
He nde rson Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562851 Estradiol , L ind se y Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A dvan ce s i n Vege tabl e Consum pti on and H e al th Schne i der , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562845 R e searc h Kathy Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sim on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562839 Neurodegenerative Diseases Anne tte Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562837 Advances in Medicine and Biology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Shahzad, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562834 Biocomposites Asi m Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp10,500,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pow el l, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562832 Virtual Reality Wend y Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
MAR TINE Nova N ova
S, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
FRAN CES Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562830 Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) CO . Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le e, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562825 FolicAcid Ste phe n M. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Murp hy, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562824 Bullous Pemphigoid (BP) Sam ue l Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
N asc hi tz, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P ost-acu te and Long Te rm G eri atri c Care Cl ini cal Joc hanan Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562822 A dvis or E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562819 Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Low e, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562814 Music Therapy Lis a A. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562809 Essureal Journey Sills, E. Scott Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Chkhotua, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562805 Innovations in Dialysis VascularAccess Surgery Arch il B. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562799 Palliative Care Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ose, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1562788 Anesthesia for Non-anesthesiologists Gre gor y Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Tamp i, Uni ver sity O UP
1562688 Psychiatry Board Review Raje sh R. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 8,274,000

Bu ijte n, Ui tge ve rij Ui tgeve ri j

1562648 Relatiegerichte begeleiding Barbar a Coutinh o Couti nho 2017 Rp 770,000

Kore vaar, Ui tge ve rij Ui tgeve ri j

1562622 Handboek rehabilitatie voor zorg en welzijn Lie s Coutinh o Couti nho 2016 Rp 1,400,000

O ntw i kkel ings psyc hopathol ogie bi j kind ere n e n R igter , Ui tge ve rij Ui tgeve ri j
1562602 j eugd ige n Jakop Coutinh o Couti nho 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pow ers , B usi nes s
1562087 Creating a Value Proposition for Geriatric Care Jam es S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gi ordano, Hu mana B usi nes s
1562080 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Patients Antonio Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Santi bañe s, Sc ie nce &
Eduard o B usi nes s
1562075 Extreme Hepatic Surgery and Other Strategies de Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ve rm eul e n Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1562074 Verpleegkundig leiderschap , H es te r Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,799,000
John Wil e y
Engl ar, Wi le y- & Sons,
1562065 Performing the SmallAnimal Physical Examination Ryane E. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
McCorm ac Wi le y- & Sons,
1562063 Person-Centred Healthcare Research k, B ren dan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,791,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Pathways to a Nu rsi ng Ed ucation Care e r, Se cond H al stead, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1562057 E diti on Ju di th A. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kang, B usi nes s
1561830 Oncologic Imaging: Soft Tissue Tumors He ung Si k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1561750 Decoding Neural Circuit Structure and Function Celik,Arzu. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Abu- Spr inge r
sitt ah, Sc ie nce &
Ghassan B usi nes s
1561747 Reconstructing the War Injured Patient Sol e im an. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000

Che m ic al Gl ycobi ology: Moni tor ing Glyc an s and Im per iali , Ac ad em ic
1561692 T hei r Inte ractions Barbar a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,720,000

H al as z, Ac ad em ic
1561682 Sleep, Epilepsies, and Cognitive Impairment Pete r Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Ganz, Ac ad em ic
1561679 Intracranial Epidural Bleeding Je re my C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Prabhakar, Ac ad em ic
1561676 Neuromonitoring Techniques He mans hu Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Cianc a, De mos Com pany,
1561674 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Cross-SectionalAnatomy John C. Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 5,600,000
Me dizi nis c
Pl ural
h Pl ural
Sasak i, Publ
Wi ssei shi
h P ubli shi ng
1561663 Laryngeal Physiology for the Surgeon and Clinician Cl aren ce T. aftl
Inc.ic he Inc . 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Ve rl ags ges
Es ch, e ll schaft
Son ja m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1561618 Stressbewältigung Mar en. Co. KG Gm bH 2016 Rp 652,000
Eri ck
Eduard o
Ortíz ABG -A qua IN scri be
1561566 Signos, síndromes y enfermedades Unzueta e dic ione s Di gi tal 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pl ötz, B usi nes s
1561400 KleineArzneimittellehre He rm ann Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cook, B usi nes s
1561395 PET/CT in Prostate Cancer Gar y Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Martin, B usi nes s
1561393 Front Line Surgery Matt hew J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ene , B usi nes s
1561361 Sustainable Heavy Metal Remediation Eld on R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O' Br B usi nes s
1561356 A Clinician's Guide to Integrative Oncology ie n, Kyl i e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ebe rl , B usi nes s
1561355 Contemporary Controversies in Catholic Bioethics Jason T. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Me ll em a, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1561339 Medische terminologie pathologie G. H. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Harvard H ar vard
Rose nbau Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1561257 Observation and Experiment m, Paul R . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 980,000
Jones ,
David E. Pan CR C Pre ss
1560870 Why Are We Conscious? H. Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 979,000

Lu kas ki,
He nry CR C Pre ss
1560868 Body Composition Ch arl e s CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Pur ic h, CR C Pre ss
1560861 The Inhibitor Index Danie l. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Wój ci k, CR C Pre ss
1560858 Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics Wal de mar CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000
Le a- Taylor &
D eve lopi ng Chi l dre n's Sp ee ch, Language and Trow man, Franc is
1560720 Com m uni cati on T hrough Stori es and Drama Jod i Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,620,000

Kathari na Mabuse - B ookw i re

1560566 Entweihung und Scham Gröni ng Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,007,000
Corne li a
Kühn- Mabuse - B ookw i re
1560565 Die generalistische Pflegeausbildung in Modulen He mp e Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,470,000
Urs ula
Im m en sch Mabuse - B ookw i re
1560564 Scham und Würde in der Pflege uh Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 630,000

Kir stin Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1560558 Evidenzbasierte Wochenbettpflege Büthe e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000

Jürge n Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1560553 Kardiopulmonale Reanimation Köh le r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,619,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Innovation of Di agnos is an d T reatme nt for Yamaue , B usi nes s
1560443 Panc reatic Cance r Hi roki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
R osen dal, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1560442 Praktijkvoering in de wijkverpleegkunde He nk Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
And res en, B usi nes s
1560438 Well-being, Poverty and Justice From a Child’s Perspective Sabi ne Springer Me dirnati
Inte a B.on
V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Suss ex Spe ci ali ze d
Gus ci n, Ac ad em ic B ook
1560417 A Very Good Sort of Man Mar k Pre ss Se rvic es 2018 Rp 1,679,000
Charl es C
Kim , Charle s C T homas
1560411 ComputationalArt Therapy Se ong-in Thom as P ubli she r 2017 Rp 1,007,000

Jaikum ar, Om ni grap O mni grap

1560264 Pain Sourcebook Pearl ine hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1560263 Surgery Sourcebook Jones, Keith hi cs hi
, Incr. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Sc ie nce &
Bu rgt, Bohn B usi nes s
Mar ie ke Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1559973 Fysiologie van de r Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 5,544,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H aug, B usi nes s
1559955 Psychiatrische Untersuchung Achi m Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kayser , B usi nes s
1559937 Repetitorium Manuelle Medizin/Chirotherapie Ralp h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Kol tsi dopo Sc ie nce &
ulos , B usi nes s
1559923 ENT Petros Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P sychol ogic al , Em otional, Soci al and Cogniti ve Proi ett i, B usi nes s
1559921 A spe cts of Im pl antabl e Card iac De vic es Ri cc ard o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Lu der t, Sc ie nce &
Ju an B usi nes s
1559918 Human Virology in LatinAmerica Erne sto. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Gri ffin, Sc ie nce &
Nathan Palgrave B usi nes s
1559917 Understanding Veganism Ste phe ns Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
De ze na, Sc ie nce &
Robe rto B usi nes s
1559916 Atlas of Endoscopic Neurosurgery of the Third Ventricle Ale xan dre Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Di rten
von Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1559864 Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Krankenhaus Sc hm el in g e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 3,919,000
In form atio
Bruggm an,
1559817 Community & Family Health Issues Amsourc
Re ber es Salem Press Salem Press 2017 Rp11,060,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt form atio Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1559798 Health Economics and Healthcare Reform n. sourc es R efe renc e IGI Global
Re 2018 Rp11,060,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1559791 Biomedical Engineering n. R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp75,460,000
Uni ver sity Du ke
Pl em ons, Pre ss Un ive rsi ty
1559761 The Look of a Woman Eri c Books P res s 2017 Rp 2,379,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Saad , P ubli shi ng
1559751 Portal Hypertension Wae l E. A. Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp13,860,000
Pe lt- Spr inge r
Ve rkui l, Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th B usi nes s
1558642 Molecular Diagnostics van Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rki ng, B usi nes s
1558640 Training emotionaler Kompetenzen Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Parry, Palgrave B usi nes s
1558634 OtherAnimals in Twenty-First Century Fiction Cathe rine Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000

Mi chael
1558556 Mitarbeiterführung im ärztlichen Dienst Wac hholz De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,288,000

1558555 Sprachgeschichte und Medizingeschichte Jörg Riecke De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,864,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Novoss iol o Palgrave B usi nes s
1558538 Governance of Biotechnology in Post-Soviet Russia va, Tatyana Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Hu man
H ans en, Kin etic s, H um an
1558392 PlyometricAnatomy Der ek Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 699,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Ad iguze l, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1558371 Research andApplication of Functional Materials Osm an s s , L td 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Os oki n, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1558368 High Technology: Research andApplications 2016 Georgi i E. s s , L td 2017 Rp 7,840,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
H on g, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1558366 Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering Se ungho s s , L td 2017 Rp 7,840,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Karti ni , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1558359 Symposium on Nanosciences and Chemistry In dri ana s s , L td 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
O rth oped ic Bi om ate rial s - Fr om Mate rial s Sc ie nce Antoni ac , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1558356 to Cl ini cal App li cati ons Iu li an s s , L td 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
O bstetri c T riage and Em erge ncy Car e Protocols , Ange li ni , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1558347 Se cond Edi tion Diane J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krüge r, B usi nes s
1558322 Acute Heart Failure Wol fgang Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Bi es al ski , Sc ie nce &
Hans B usi nes s
1558294 Sustainable Nutrition in a Changing World Kon rad . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
John Wil e y
Me hta, Wi le y- & Sons,
1558090 Manual of STEMI Interventions Sam ee r Bl ackwe ll Inc
E lse. vi er 2017 Rp 4,158,000
Inc .,
H eal th
U rgent Care De rm atol ogy: Sym ptom -Based Fitzp atri ck, Sc ie nce s
1557281 D iagnosi s E -B ook Jam es E. Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 4,535,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e sis tanc e to Mole cul ar T herapi es for Vi ll anue va, B usi nes s
1557266 H ep atoce l lul ar Carci nom a Au gusto. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Me ll em a, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1557264 Medische terminologie anatomie en fysiologie G. H. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Dud le y, CR C Pre ss
1557016 Drug Repositioning Joe l T. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

H ebe r, CR C Pre ss
1557013 Primary Care Nutrition David CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

‫ محمد‬،‫عودةا‬ ‫مكتباة الناجلو‬

1556865 ‫محمد الدليل التشخيصي للضاطرابات النمائية العصبية‬، al ‫ الماصراية‬QAluinte
Manhalsse n 2016 Rp 840,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Khade mi , Publ i shi ng Com pany
1556713 Advanced CBCT for Endodontics John A. Group Inc . 2017 Rp 3,724,000

Johnson, CR C Pre ss
1556634 Environmental Policy and Public Health, Second Edition Barry L . CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,639,000

Donalds on CR C Pre ss
1556632 Donaldsons' Essential Public Health, Fourth Edition , L iam J. CRC Press L LC 2015 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
He rasevi ch Franc is
1556627 Health Information Technology Evaluation Handbook , Vi tal y CRC Press (CAM) 2018 Rp 2,239,000

CR C Pre ss
1556625 Biomaterials Chen, Qizhi CRC Press L LC 2015 Rp 4,536,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1556618 Tumors and Cancers Dongyou CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 1,119,000
Taylor &
U nde rlyi ng Standards That Supp ort Popul ati on Bri ght, HIMSS Franc is
1556614 H eal th Imp rovem e nt Laura Publ i shi ng (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Mara CR C Pre ss
1556604 Quantitative MRI of the Brain Ce rc ignani CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
Le kka,
Mal gorzat Pan CR C Pre ss
1556581 CellularAnalysis by Atomic Force Microscopy a Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Ste phe nso CR C Pre ss

1556575 100 Cases in General Practice, Second Edition n, An ne CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

He nde lm a CR C Pre ss
1556572 The Integrated Nervous System n, Wal te r CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,599,000

CR C Pre ss
1556566 Neosporosis inAnimals Dubey, J. P. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

CR C Pre ss
1556558 Vitamin B12 Obeid, Rima CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Fe tal and Earl y Postnatal P rogram m i ng and Its Mul chand CR C Pre ss
1556548 Infl uenc e on Ad ult H e al th S. Patel CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Se ne viratn
Ch am i nda CR C Pre ss
1556547 Microbial Biofilms Jayamp ath CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Lu ndgre n, CR C Pre ss
1556542 Teamwork in Medical Rehabilitation Ch arl otte CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,480,000

Schapi ro, CR C Pre ss

1556541 Handbook of Primate Behavioral Management Ste ven Jay CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000

Gorc zyc a, CR C Pre ss

1556538 Flow Cytometry in Neoplastic Hematology Wojc ie ch CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,719,000

Mari an, CR C Pre ss

1556536 Integrating Nutrition Into Practice Mar y
Sudha, CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000
Par app urat
Narayanan CR C Pre ss
1556531 IndustrialApplications of Marine Biopolymers . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000

Li ndborg, CR C Pre ss
1556530 Microdosimetry Le nnar t CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

R e flec tanc e Con foc al Mi cr oscopy of Cutan eous Gonzále z, CR C Pre ss

1556529 Tu mors , Se cond Ed ition Sal vad or CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,439,000

Lane , CR C Pre ss
1556521 Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Surgery Vi ctori a CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Ken ney, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1556518 Disrupting the Status Quo Ch arl e s y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 839,000

Kapoor, V. CR C Pre ss
1556515 Acute Pancreatitis K. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 1,285,000
Chapm an
H aye s, and CR C Pre ss
1556513 Cluster Randomised Trials, Second Edition Ri chard J. Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Ne w N ew
Worl d W orld
1556496 Mastering theAddicted Brain Li brarys
Walter Ling Charle L ibrary
Charl es 2017 Rp 447,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
E le ktroenc efalografic ké korel áty pohybové ho Páne k, Karoli num Karol inum
1556216 c hování a výkonnostní zátě že David Pre ss s
Charle P res s es
Charl 2016 Rp 420,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Karoli num Karol inum
1556209 Kapitoly z dějin chirurgie v českých zemích Šváb, Jan Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 588,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Val te r H ouse
1556121 The Longevity Diet Longo Avery L LC 2018 Rp 1,820,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1556080 Lecture Notes Clinical Biochemistry Rae, Peter Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,567,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1556079 Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology Peate, Ian Bl ackwe ll Inc
E lse. vi er 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Koen ig, Sc ie nce s
1555894 Diagnostic Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial E-Book Lis a J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp25,703,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
P roposal Wri ting for Cli ni cal Nur sin g and D NP Bonne l , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1555892 P roje cts, Sec on d E diti on Wand a E. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Cioc co, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fast Fac ts on Com bati ng N urs e Bul lyi ng, In ci vil ity Mar gare t Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1555891 and Workp lace Viol e nce Cu rry Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000
John Wil e y
Mohl er, Wi le y- & Sons,
1555889 PeripheralArtery Disease Em il e R. Bl ackwe llInc . 2017 Rp 3,695,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lü ring, B usi nes s
1555887 Bikondylärer Oberflächenersatz Kniegelenk Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Parks, B usi nes s
1555885 HIV/AIDS in Rural Communities Fayth M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z e me ntfr ei e Hüfte ndoprothe se : l ate rale r Z ugang Lü ring, B usi nes s
1555883 nac h Baue r Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wu , Z hi - B usi nes s
1555430 Inherited Neurological Disorders Yi ng. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Trobe c, B usi nes s
1555412 Body Sensors and Electrocardiography Rom an. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mud ipal li , Hu mana B usi nes s
1555402 Essential and Non-essential Metals Anuradha Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ai naut, B usi nes s
1555401 Biobanking of Human Biospecimens Pie rre Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Patie nt Safety and Quali ty i n Pe di atri c Dandoy, Sc ie nce &
H em atology/Onc ol ogy and Ste m Ce ll Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1555398 T ran spl an tation r E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch akrabor B usi nes s
1555272 Proteases in Human Diseases ti , Sajal . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1555271 JIMD Reports, Volume 34 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Staatl ic he Ste ue rung d es ve te ri när me di zi ni sche n H öh le in, B usi nes s
1555263 A nti bi oti kae i nsatzes Carol in Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chagpar, B usi nes s
1555252 Managing BRCA Mutation Carriers Ane es B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ee p L earni ng and Convoluti onal N e ural B usi nes s
1555241 N etw orks for Med ic al Im age Com puti ng Lu, Le Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
O xford
Matthe ws , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1555187 Tropical Medicine Notebook Phi li ppa C. Oxford P res
ati onal 2017 Rp 6,298,000
B ook
Larrame nd R oyal N etw ork
y, Marc el o Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1555069 Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology L. Chem i stry al 2017 Rp 7,812,000
De Taylor &
Mönnin k, Franc is
1554691 The Social Workers’ Toolbox He rm an J. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,600,000
Vande rbi lt Van der bil t
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1554682 Abortion Pills, Test Tube Babies, and Sex Toys Wynn, L. L. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,932,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Sus tai nabl e H ealth and Long-Te rm Care Sol uti on s n Sc ie nce
1554669 for an Aging Popul ati on Fong, Ben R efe renc e IGI Global 2018 Rp 6,300,000
Fal con
Forge y, Falc on Gu id es
1554638 Wilderness Medicine M. W . D. Gui de s (R &L) 2017 Rp 587,000
Pe ngui n
Ketabi, R andom
Sahara H ouse
1553832 Ayurveda Rose . Alpha L LC 2017 Rp 1,676,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E inführ ung i n d ie N ep hrologi e und Kli nge le , B usi nes s
1553826 N ie re ner satzverfahre n Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Be he ra, Sc ie nce &
Mi cr obi al Bi om ass Proc ess Te chnol ogie s and Basanta B usi nes s
1553736 Manage me nt Kum ara Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ehg, B usi nes s
1553734 Mobile Health Jam es M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Bl ooms bur
Mar covi tc Inform ati o B loom sbur
1553720 Black’s Medical Dictionary h, Harvey n y UK 2017 Rp 3,920,000
John Wil e y
H att on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1553412 Lecture Notes: Haematology Ch ris Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,344,000
Bayé s d e John Wil e y
Luna, Wi le y- & Sons,
1553411 ClinicalArrhythmology Antoni Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,502,000
John Wil e y
Canti l lon, & Sons,
1553408 ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine Pete r BMJ Books Inc . 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Hu man
She par d, Kin etic s, H um
Am e riancan
1553208 Bigger, Faster, Stronger Gre g Inc. Ki neti
Soci e tycsof 2017 Rp 699,000
H eal th
Syste m
Introdu ction to Acute and A mbu latory Care H ol dford , P har maci st
1553200 P har macy Practi ce David A. ASHP s 2017 Rp 1,680,000

Raghavend Ac ad em ic
1553185 Advances in Cell and Molecular Diagnostics ra, Pon gal i Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

N anostructur ed Bi omater ials for Crani o- Souza,

1553157 Maxil l ofaci al and Or al App li cations Jú li o C. M. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,048,000

Krombe rg, Ac ad em ic
1553146 Albinism inAfrica Je nni fer Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Vazque z, Ac ad em ic
1553131 Overflow Metabolism Ale xei Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,157,000

Moskal ev, Ac ad em ic
1553125 Epigenetics of Aging and Longevity A. A . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

N ew man, Ac ad em ic
1553118 The Nature and Use of Ecotoxicological Evidence Mic hael C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 2,686,000

Krawc zyk, Ac ad em ic
1553117 Reasoning Danie l. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
Taylor &
Koff, Franc is
1553000 Nursing in the European Union Son dra Z . Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Tre vathan, Franc is
1552944 Human Birth Wend a R. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000

Taylor &
De lam ai n, Franc is
1552897 Reading Between the Lines Cathe rine Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,760,000
Taylor &
Ch ris tm as, Franc is
1552825 'Hands On' Dyspraxia Ji l l. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Taylor &
Shorter , Franc is
1552790 Women's Bodies Edw ard Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Sanctuary, Franc is
1552783 Playing with ... K Luc y Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 1,512,000
Taylor &
Sanctuary, Franc is
1552771 Playing with ... P Luc y Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,320,000

Volke r He i se B ookw i re
1552744 Manipulation des Erbguts (Telepolis) He nn Me die n Gm bH 2017 Rp 210,000

H ei ko Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1552739 Der pure Wahnsinn Kirs te n e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 2,659,000

H ei de gun B ookw i re
1552738 Alkohol, Coffein, Nikotin Blü ml e Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Atze m is ,
Adri en ne STM L ightni ng
1552281 Child SexualAbuse D. Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Taylor &
Bl eakl ey, Franc is
1552117 Thinking with Metaphors in Medicine Alan Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
Nord hau g, Franc is
1552091 Partiality and Justice in Nursing Care Mar ita Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1552071 Recovery, Mental Health and Inequality Tang, Lynn Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
Gaffn ey, Franc is
1552012 To Heal Humankind Adam Routledge (CAM) 2018 Rp 4,620,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1551968 Me Before/ MeAfter Ziyal, Leyla. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,620,000
Taylor &
Jen nings , Franc is
1551948 Creative Drama in Groupwork Su e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,060,000
Taylor &
Dol l, Franc is
1551861 The Prevention of Cancer Ri chard Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Parkin son, Franc is
1551850 Recovery ThroughActivity Su e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,760,000

Taylor &
She ard , Franc is
1551847 Body and City Sal ly Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Rui tenbe e k Taylor &
, H en dri k Franc is
1551846 TheAnalytic Situation Mar inus Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Stewart, Franc is
1551805 Working with Dysfluent Children Trud y Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 1,483,000
Taylor &
Martin, Franc is
1551803 Working with Voice Disorders Ste phani e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,460,000

Taylor &
Franc is
1551781 Improving Concentration Bailey, Roy. Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 3,220,000
Taylor &
Marks, Franc is
1551772 Working with Dysphagia Lizzy. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
Pow el l, Franc is
1551770 The Brain Injury Workbook Tre vor. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,300,000
Taylor &
Bu tt, Franc is
1551755 BNVR: The Butt Non-Verbal Reasoning Test Pam e la A. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp10,360,000

Taylor &
Tri es chm a Franc is
1551702 The Other 23 Hours n, Al be rt E. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
T he Good P ractic e Gui de to The rape uti c Activ itie s Franc is
1551681 w ith Old er Pe op le i n Care Sett ings Perrin, Tessa Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Taylor &
Be ver idge , Franc is
1551599 Semantic Workbooks Kay Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp13,580,000
Taylor &
Vic kers , Franc is
1551570 Drama Scripts for People with Special Needs Sh ere e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,760,000

Taylor &
Kin del l , Franc is
1551534 Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Dementia Jac quel in e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Taylor &
Goodw in , Franc is
1551470 Communicate with Me! Mar ti n. Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,620,000
Taylor &
Pros ser , Franc is
1551445 Social Communication Difficulties Resource Pack Luc y Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,900,000
Taylor &
Mason, J. Franc is
1551417 Medico-LegalAspects of Reproduction and Parenthood K. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Taylor &
Grove , Franc is
1551390 The Big Book of Storysharing Ni col a Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,760,000
Mayn eord , Taylor &
Wil l iam Franc is
1551360 Radiation and Health Vale ntine Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Boade n, Franc is
1551320 Swallowing Guidelines Eli zabe th Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,719,000
Taylor &
T he Ne w Culture of The rap euti c A ctivi ty wi th Franc is
1551309 O lde r Peopl e Perrin, Tessa Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Taylor &
R oberts, Franc is
1551263 Here's One I Made Earlier Ali son Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,760,000
Taylor &
Carde ll , Franc is
1551262 Semantic & Naming Therapy:An IntegratedApproach Eli zabe th Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,160,000
Taylor &
Arnol d, Franc is
1551099 TheAdministration of Health Systems Mar y F. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Fre id son, Franc is
1551001 Professional Dominance Eli ot Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Pawl uch, Franc is
1550944 The New Pediatrics Dorothy Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Taylor &
Dalrym pl e Franc is
1550925 TheAphasia Resource Book , Ann e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,160,000
Taylor &
Martin, Franc is
1550883 VIP Ste phani e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Taylor &
Mi ll er , Franc is
1550607 The Medical Elite Ste phe n J. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Kel m an , Franc is
1550554 Practical Intervention for Early Childhood Stammering Elai ne Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,160,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1550539 Practical Intervention for Cleft Palate Speech Russell, Jane Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 1,512,000
Taylor &
Palm e r, Franc is
1550534 Lemon and Lime Library Re bec ca Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Taylor &
Bopp , Franc is
1550358 PhysicalActivity in Diverse Populations Mel is sa. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
H IGA SH I, Sc ie nce &
YUKIH IT B usi nes s
1550355 TherapeuticAngiogenesis O. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe ll gie bel , B usi nes s
1550354 Altersdepression Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sasai , B usi nes s
1550337 Radiation Therapy for Extranodal Lymphomas Kei suke Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vonthei n, Spri nger B usi nes s
1550335 Zeig mir mehr Biostatistik! Re inh ard Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kram er, B usi nes s
1550305 Primary Well-Being: Case Studies for the Growing Child Debor ah Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T owards a Profe ssi onal Mod el of Sur rogate Walke r, Palgrave B usi nes s
1550296 Mothe rhood Ruth Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Save l ye va, B usi nes s
1550011 Cancer Vaccines Natal ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Masud a, B usi nes s
1549841 Adult Congenital Heart Disease Mune taka. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hase gaw a, B usi nes s
1549840 Haptic Interaction Sh oich i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A fte r-Sc hool Program s to P rom ote Pos itive You th De utsch , B usi nes s
1549837 D eve lopm e nt Nancy L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ove nský, B usi nes s
1549836 Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant CellArteritis Joze f. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be hre nd, B usi nes s
1549819 Human ChromosomeAtlas Cl audi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Fe rrei ra, Sc ie nce &
João N . A . B usi nes s
1549815 Orofacial Disorders R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
R ese arch &
Ed ucation
Ass oci ati o IN scri be
1549775 ATI TEAS Crash Course® Book + Online JohnAllen. n Di gi tal 2017 Rp 559,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Be noi t, De mos Com pany,
1549170 Gynecologic Oncology Handbook Mic hel le F. Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Arr as , Uni ver sity O UP
1548719 Methods in Bioethics John D. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Pe te r L an g
P romoti ng Se lf-Manage m ent of Ch ronic H ealth Uni ver sity O UP
1548718 Cond itions Pre ss
Martz, Erin Internation P rem i um 2018 Rp 8,274,000
ale r Ver lag
R osm ari e Pede te
r r L an g
Ze ll e r- Wi sse
Gm bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1548695 Morgen-Glantz 27 (2017) Thum m afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 5,429,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
D em en ti a and Subj ec ti vi ty / De me nz Un d Ri ngkamp , GmWi sse
bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1548662 Subj ekti vitaet Danie la afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 2,853,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
E yetracki ng-Analyse d es com pute rge stuetz te n Anna Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1548661 U ebe rse tzungsp rozess es Bone k afte n AG 2017 Rp 3,357,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schne i der , B usi nes s
1548459 Gesundheitspädagogik Vol ke r Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e vie ws of Phys iol ogy, B ioc hem i stry and B usi nes s
1548457 P har macol ogy, Vol . 173 Nilius, B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H al pe rn, B usi nes s
1548453 Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXIX Howard J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Avel ar, B usi nes s
1548452 Ear Reconstruction Ju ar ez M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Enne nbach B usi nes s
1548446 Wie das Leben zum Urlaub wird , Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Akhaddar, B usi nes s
1548441 Atlas of Infections in Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery Ali Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Su bramani B usi nes s
1548435 Ophthalmology in Extreme Environments an, Pr em S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R utte n, B usi nes s
1548424 The Broca-Wernicke Doctrine Gee rt-Jan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Fre em an, Sc ie nce &
The odore B usi nes s
1548417 Stinging Insect Allergy M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
John Wil e y
We ng, & Sons,
1548380 Targeted Biomarker Quantitation by LC-MS Naid ong Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
John Wil e y
Connol ly, Wi le y- & Sons,
1548201 Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound Jam es A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,220,000
John Wil e y
Askari , Wi le y- & Sons,
1548187 Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews Mar jan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
N orm al Ce ll Morp hology in Cani ne and Fe l ine R ess el , Wi le y- & Sons,
1548186 Cytology Lore nzo Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,400,000
John Wil e y
Wr ay, Wi le y- & Sons,
1548181 Essential Dental Therapeutics David Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,623,000
John Wil e y
Dur ham , Wi le y- & Sons,
1548168 Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses H. Edw ard Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,408,000
John Wil e y
Sin ha, Wi le y- & Sons,
1548165 Essential Neonatal Medicine Su nil K. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,904,000
The R oyal
Australi an
and N e w John Wil e y
Cohen , Wiealand
Z le y- & Sons,
1548133 Botulinum Toxins Joe l L. Bl ackwe
Coll ll Inc .
ege of 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Obste tric ia
ns an d Aus tral ian
Bake r, Gynae colo e Book
1548045 Assessing Fetal Wellbeing Le sle igh S. gi sts P ubli
Spr sherr
inge 2016 Rp 560,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stege man, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1547997 EBP praktisch In ge Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H azel hof, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1547993 Dementie en psychiatrie The o Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R as hid , B usi nes s
1547824 Cancer and Chemoprevention:An Overview Su mm ya Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Solom on, B usi nes s
1547797 Prevention of Injuries in the Young Dancer Ruth Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rgmann, B usi nes s
1547794 Clinical Cases in LAA Occlusion Mar ti n W . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Gunj an , Sc ie nce &
Com putational Method s i n Mol ec ul ar Imagi ng Vi ni t B usi nes s
1547789 Te chnol ogie s Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ew H ybri d Intel l ige nt System s for Di agn osis and Me li n, B usi nes s
1547777 R is k Eval uati on of Ar te ri al H ype rte nsi on Patri ci a Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brow er , B usi nes s
1547767 Physician Mental Health and Well-Being Kirk J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000

Matze n,
1547759 Neuroorthopädie Pete r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,844,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Duff au, B usi nes s
1547755 Diffuse Low-Grade Gliomas inAdults Hugu es Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1547733 Neurodegenerative Diseases Beart, P. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Werkh ei se r B usi nes s
1547732 Food Justice in US and Global Contexts , Ian Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carpal Tunne l Syndrom e and R e lated Me dian Dun can, B usi nes s
1547731 N eu ropath ie s Sc ott F. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi che au , B usi nes s
1547730 TRAIL, Fas Ligand, TNF and TLR3 in Cancer Oli vi er Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N avigated Transc ranial Magneti c Sti mu lation in Kri eg, San B usi nes s
1547729 N eu rosurge ry M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Masud a, B usi nes s
1547728 Handbook of Zen, Mindfulness, and Behavioral Health Akih iko Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me yer, B usi nes s
1547727 Radiation Therapy for Liver Tumors Je ff rey Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fre und li ch, aber be stim m t – Di e ric hti ge n W or te Sei dl , B usi nes s
1547718 fi nde n i n Ge sund hei tsbe rufen Ale xan der . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A fte r-Sc hool Program s to P rom ote Pos itive You th De utsch , B usi nes s
1547712 D eve lopm e nt Nancy L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000

H artm ut
1547685 Radiology, Lasers, Nanoparticles and Prosthetics Zabe l De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,792,000

Chi ne sis che Me di zi n i n der Gynäkologi e und Ans gar

1547669 Ge burtsh il fe Röm er De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,268,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum ar, B usi nes s
1547597 Probiotics and Plant Health Vi vek. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Strau ß, B usi nes s
1547595 Der Doppelgänger Ju li an . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E kel - P rofe ss ione ll e r Um gang m it Ekel ge fü hle n i n Je tte nbe rge B usi nes s
1547594 Ge su ndhe itsfachbe rufe n r, Mar ion Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Som asund Sc ie nce &
aram , B usi nes s
1547588 Advances in Biology and Treatment of Glioblastoma Kum arave l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Imm unol ogy of Cardi ovas cul ar H ome ostasis Sattle r, B usi nes s
1547583 and Pathol ogy Su sanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gl a, B usi nes s
1547578 Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence Ajay. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1547430 EthicsAnd Biosecurity Toolkit For Scientists, The Sture, Judi Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 3,276,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
H andbook Of Forens ic Ge ne ti cs: B iodi ver sity An d Am ori m, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1547429 H er edi ty In Ci vil And Cri mi nal Investi gati on António Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 6,216,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Gr ant Wri ti ng An d Crow dfundi ng Guid e For Le brun, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1547426 You ng Inve stigators In Sc ie nc e, The Je an-Luc . Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,436,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Kong, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1547418 Handbook Of Rehabilitation Medicine Keng He . Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 4,116,000
Gil ber t Gabri el IN scri be
1546994 Ansiedades de una joven madre Adi mor a Agbo Diati
N gi tal
onal 2017 Rp 84,000
B ook
N etw ork
P ull in gthe tri gger® Body Im age Probl em s and Call aghan, Tri gge r Inte rnati on
1546988 B ody Dys mor phic Di sord er Laure n Pre ss al 2017 Rp 559,000

Le onhard Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1546914 Gesundheitsökonomie Haje n e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000
D oe nç a de Alzhe im e r II: Quais são os si ntomas? , Mois es de Babe lc ube IN scri be
1546853 Com o é di agnostic ad a? e Qu antos são afetados? la Se rna Inc. Di gi tal 2017 Rp 112,000
Am er ic an
Di abe tes Pe rse us
A me ri can Di abete s Ass oci ati on Gui de to N utri ti on Eve rt, Ass oci ati o B ooks ,
1546773 T herapy for Di abetes Ali son B. n L LC 2017 Rp 980,000
Am er ic an
Low Di abe tes Pe rse us
Wang, Ass oci ati o B ooks ,
1546772 Medical Management of Type 1 Diabetes Ce ci l ia C. n L LC 2016 Rp 980,000

Morand, é diti ons E diti ons

1546763 Emergence de maladies infectieuses Se rge . Quae Q uae 2016 Rp 345,000
Im pl em e nti ng E vid enc e-Base d Pre venti on by Nation al N ati onal
Com m uni ti es to Pr om ote Cogniti ve, Affe cti ve, and Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1546475 B ehavi oral H eal th i n Chi ldr en Olson, Steve Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,036,000
Nation al N ati onal
Bal og h, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1546474 Implementation of Lung Cancer Screening Eri n Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,148,000
Nation al N ati onal
Keu sch , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1546472 Integrating Clinical Research Into Epidemic Response Ger al d Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Nation al N ati onal
B uil di ng Com m uni cati on Capaci ty to Counter Ogawa, V. Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1546471 Infe ctiou s Di se as e Thre ats Ayano Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,372,000
Nation al N ati onal
A National Strate gy for the E li mi nation of Bu ckl ey, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1546470 H ep ati ti s B and C Gil li an J. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Mar kowi tz Nation al N ati onal
E xp lori ng the State of the Sci en ce in the Fie ld of -Shu lm an, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1546468 R e gene rati ve Me dic ine Ari el Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,036,000
Nation al N ati onal
Thom pson, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1546466 Community ViolenceAs a Population Health Issue Darla Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,372,000

A Spe ci al Mortali ty Am ong Infants at Lough ton, B ookw i re

1546272 Ini ng R ural San itary Di stri ct Power, W. H. anboco Gm bH 2017 Rp 28,000
Joche n
Saute rm ei s Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1546258 Moralpsychologie te r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1546250 Management und Controlling in der Pflege Björn Maier e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,619,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T he A PR N’ s Com ple te Gui de to Pre sc ribi ng Wi rfs, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1545962 Pe di atri c Drug The rapy 2 Mar i J. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Kon opins k Sc ie nce &
i-Kle i n, B usi nes s
1545208 Kroatisch - Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause Ni na. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Gargi ulo, Sc ie nce &
Pas cual B usi nes s
1545203 Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update - Vol. II Ánge l. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patte rn Classi fic ati on of Me di cal Im age s: Yi n, Xi ao- B usi nes s
1545181 Com pute r Ai de d Di agnosi s Xi a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Am e lung, B usi nes s
1545180 Handbook Integrated Care Vol ke r Er ic Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, Hu mana B usi nes s
1545179 Patient-Derived Xenograft Models of Human Cancer Yuzhu o. Pre ss Meatidional
N a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
B ook
Le si ca, N etw ork
Ni chol as Inte rnati on
1545165 A ConversationAbout Healthy Eating A. UCL Press N al ati onal 2017 Rp 216,000
B ook
Inte ratri al Bloc k and Su praventri cu lar N etw ork
A rrhythm ias: Cli ni cal Im pl ic ati ons of Bayés ’ Baran chuc Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1545161 Synd rome k, Ad rian Publ i shi ng al
N ati onal 2017 Rp 7,476,000
B ook
N etw ork
H and berg, Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1545160 Acute Coronary Syndrome Eil e en Publ i shi ng al 2017 Rp 5,796,000
Noord hoff
Stege man, Ui tge ve rs N oordhoff
1544873 Voeding bij gezondheid en ziekte N. E. BV Ui tgeve rs 2017 Rp 3,602,000

Cre ati vi dad y estados psi cóti cos en per sonas Murr ay He rde r B ookw i re
1544611 e xce pci onale s Jac kson Ed itori al Gm bH 2017 Rp 616,000

Pharm ace u P har mace u

1544445 Dale andAppelbe's Pharmacy and Medicines Law Wingfield, J. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2017 Rp 2,268,000
Morgan &
Y upi ng Li fe B iota
1544241 Vascular Biology of the Placenta Wang Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Taylor &
McCracke Franc is
1544146 Global Health n, Ke vi n Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
D eve lopi ng P rofess ional Practi ce i n H eal th an d Barnard, Franc is
1544134 Soci al Care Adam Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Camp bel l, Franc is
1544125 Bioethics: The Basics Alastair V. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,220,000
Pe rkins , Taylor &
Barbar a Franc is
1544068 Cancer, Radiation Therapy, and the Market Bri dgm an Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Thom son, Franc is
1543986 Psychosocial Resilience and Risk in the Perinatal Period Gil l. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Schw ar tz, Franc is
1543916 Practical Psychopharmacology Thom as L. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,340,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cohen , Hu mana B usi nes s
1543807 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Rus se ll D. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Storck, B usi nes s
1543804 Von Game of Thrones bis The Walking Dead Tim o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1543793 Gesundheitspolitik in Deutschland Illing, Falk Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be nton, B usi nes s
1543790 The Skill of End-of-Life Communication for Clinicians Kathl ee n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe ri oper ati ve Infl am m ati on As Tri gge ring Ori gin R etsky, B usi nes s
1543787 of M etastas is De vel opm ent Mic hael W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Godbol e, B usi nes s
1543784 Why Hospitals Fail Prasad Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000

N otfal lsani täte rges etz und Aus bil dun gs- und Ge rd Mabuse - B ookw i re
1543702 P rüfungsve rordn ung Die l mann Ve rl ag Gm
E lsebH
vi er 2017 Rp 1,091,000
Inc .,
Fri ed man, H eal th
Lawre nce Sc ie nce s
1543673 Handbook of Liver Disease E-Book S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 6,047,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Logan, B. Scowm
R ie ncean s
1543672 McMinn's ColorAtlas of Lower Limb Anatomy E-Book M. Elsevier Di vi si on
& 2018 Rp10,482,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Guntupal li Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1543595 Sex and Cancer , Saketh R. Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,148,000

Pl ural Pl ural
Kim barow, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1543580 Cognitive Communication Disorders Mic hael L. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,939,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Tayl or, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1543579 Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids Bri an Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Sahle y, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1543577 Basic Fundamentals in Hearing Science Tony L . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,939,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Labadi e, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1543574 Image-guided Surgery Robe rt F. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Pl ural Pl ural
De sai, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1543573 Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Sh au n C. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 3,639,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Pl att , Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1543572 Scary Cases in Otolaryngology Mic hael P. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Nagaraj an, Ac ad em ic
1543569 Metagenomics Muni yand i Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

R ole of the Me di terr ane an Di et in the B rain and Farooqui , Ac ad em ic

1543566 N eu rode gene rative Di se as es Tahi ra Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

O' K
enne dy, Pan CR C Pre ss
1543511 Immunoassays Ri chard Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 6,999,000
H andbook of Inte ll ige nt Scaff ol ds for T iss ue
E ngine e ring and R ege ne rati ve Me dic ine , Sec ond Khang, Pan CR C Pre ss
1543508 E diti on Gil son Stanford L LC 2017 Rp22,399,000

Bouc hard, CR C Pre ss

1543506 Smart Technologies in Healthcare Bruno CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000

Wang, CR C Pre ss
1543501 Neural Cell Biology Ch eng CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Chapm an
Cri stini , and CR C Pre ss
1543500 An Introduction to Physical Oncology Vi ttori o Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

H ane ke, CR C Pre ss

1543490 Histopathology of the Nail Eckart CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 3,919,000

Prabhakar, CR C Pre ss
1543487 Manual of Neuroanesthesia He mans hu CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,239,000

Pi raino, CR C Pre ss
1543483 Diagnostic Devices with Microfluidics Fran ce sco CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Kaiho, CR C Pre ss
1543478 Iodine Made Simple Tatsuo. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

A Li fec ycl e Ap proach to Knowl edge E xc el l enc e in Calnan, CR C Pre ss

1543477 the Bi opharm ace utic al Indu stry Nual a CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,199,000
Gardne r, CR C Pre ss
1543475 Handbook of In Vitro Fertilization, Fourth Edition David K. CRC Press N L LC
ati onal 2017 Rp 7,279,000
B ook
N etw ork
Korczyk, Inte rnati on
1543467 Fast Facts: Heart Failure Darius z. Health Press al 2017 Rp 700,000
Spr inge r
Kwabi- Sc ie nce &
Addo, B usi nes s
1543423 Health Outcomes in a Foreign Land Be rnar d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vash i, B usi nes s
1543420 Dermatoanthropology of Ethnic Skin and Hair Ne el am A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H or wi tz, B usi nes s
1543419 Cord Blood Transplantations Mitch el l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We st, John B usi nes s
1543414 Breathing on the Roof of the World B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Koube is si, Sc ie nce &
Moham ad B usi nes s
1543413 Epilepsy Board Review Z. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Masarykov Masaryk
Baři nka, a Un ive rsi ty
1543331 Plastická a rekonstrukční chirurgie Ladis lav uni ver zi ta P res s 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Mukhe rje e, Masarykov Masaryk
Si dd har tha a Un ive rsi ty
1543328 Vládkyně Všech Nemocí: Příb ěh Rakoviny . uni ver zi ta P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Ne w N ew
Harbi nge r H ar binge r
Palm a, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1543301 Taking Charge of Cancer David s s 2017 Rp 379,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Em adi , De mos Com pany,
1543295 Acute Leukemia Ashkan Me dic al Inc . mate
Case 2018 Rp 5,600,000
P ubli she rs
Pe n and & Book
R EAD, Sword Di stri butor
1543270 Maladies and Medicine SA RA. Hi story s , L LC 2017 Rp 419,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Koos van Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1542674 Onderzoek en behandeling van lage rugklachten Nugte ren Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhatia, B usi nes s
1542665 3D Printing and Bio-Based Materials in Global Health Su jata K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Maxwe ll ,
Maxw el l, B ookw i re
1542500 Technic and Practice of Chiropractic Joy Joy. anboco Gm bH 2017 Rp 28,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Kie ch le , Washi ngto Washi ngto
1542485 Smell Detectives Mel anie A. n P res s n Pre ss 2017 Rp 979,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Fi tzgeral d, Washi ngto Washi ngto
1542483 Tracing Autism Des n P res s n Pre ss 2017 Rp 2,520,000
The Gu il ford
Gui lford P ubli cation
1541000 Getting Ahead of ADHD Nigg, Joel T. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Win khar dt B usi nes s
1540993 Das Herzkatheterlabor , Mon ika Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Gooneti ll e Spr inge r
ke, Sc ie nce &
Ravi ndra B usi nes s
1540992 Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manci no, B usi nes s
1540990 Management of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Anne T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi lz, B usi nes s
1540988 Das Ressourcentagebuch Gabr ie le Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Farre ll , B usi nes s
1540984 Criminology of Homicidal Poisoning Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Joshua, Palgrave B usi nes s
1540972 The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume III John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Gi nat, Sc ie nce &
Danie l B usi nes s
1540969 Atlas of Postsurgical Neuroradiology Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1540968 Atlas of Head and Neck Robotic Surgery Gil, Ziv Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z han g, B usi nes s
1540964 BreathAnalysis for MedicalApplications David Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tasnim , B usi nes s
1540963 Frontiers in Nano-therapeutics Ni shat Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Asante - Sc ie nce &
P ubli c He al th R is k Ass ess m ent for Hum an Duah, D. B usi nes s
1540960 E xp osure to Che m ic al s Kofi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ew egun g und Sport ge gen Bur nout, B usi nes s
1540959 D epr ess ione n u nd Ä ngste Oertel, Viola Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge n- u nd bi otec hnologi sc he A rbei tswe is en für d en Mühl em e ie Spri nger B usi nes s
1540958 B iol ogie unter ric ht r, Torste n Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im pact of Su rvivi n Ac etyl ati on on Its Biol ogic al Dannhei si Spri nger B usi nes s
1540956 Fu nction g, D avi d Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Colby, B usi nes s
1540946 Corneal Diseases in Children Kathryn Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Cre ati ng and Sustaini ng Ci vil i ty in Nur sin g Clark, Internation Inte rnati on
1540714 E duc ati on, Se cond Ed ition Cyn thi a. al al 2017 Rp 1,259,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
T he Nur se Manage r’ s Gu ide to Budge ting & Internation Inte rnati on
1540713 Fi nance , Se cond Ed iti on Rundio,Al al al 2016 Rp 979,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
A natom y of W riti ng for P ubl ication for N urse s, Save r, Internation Inte rnati on
1540710 T hird Ed iti on Cyn thi a al al 2017 Rp 1,539,000
Sigm a Si gma
Cri sp, The ta Tau T heta Tau
Donna Internation Inte rnati on
1540709 Anatomy of Medical Errors: The Patient in Room 2 He le n al al 2017 Rp 839,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
H igh Re l iabil i ty Organizations : A He al thcare Os te r, Internation Inte rnati on
1540708 H andbook for P ati ent Safety & Qual ity Cyn thi a al al 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Are zes, B usi nes s
1540269 Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors Ped ro M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1540248 DebatesAbout Neuroethics Racine, Eric Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R eavi s, B usi nes s
1540241 Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) Kevi n M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Engi n, Sc ie nce &
Ayse B usi nes s
1540240 Obesity and Lipotoxicity Basak Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Fl ani gan, Uni ver sity O UP
1540220 Pharmaceutical Freedom Je ss ic a Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Sne lde rs, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1540129 Leprosy and Colonialism: Ste phe n Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540101 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540098 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Be nningto Sci enc e Sc ie nce
n, Ele anor Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540095 Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research H. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vranic , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540093 Sudden Cardiac Death Ivana Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
O ccu rre nce s, Stru cture , Bios ynth esi s, and He al th Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B ene fits Based on The ir Evi den ce s of Me di ci nal Motohash i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540092 P hytoc hem i cals i n Vege tabl es and Fruits Noboru Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dorozhkin Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540091 Hydroxyapatite and Other Calcium Orthophosphates , Se rge y V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540090 Carbamazepine Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sharm a, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540089 FetalAlcohol Spectrum Disorders Su shi l Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540088 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540087 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Lani er, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540068 Cardiotoxicity of ChemotherapeuticAgents Gre gg M. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dun can, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540060 Advances in Health and Disease Lowe ll T. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Lake - Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bakaar, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540055 Portal Hypertension Ger on d V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ol m es , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540049 Complementary Medicine and Culture Tass Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Fre itas, Nova N ova
Luí s Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ale xan dre Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540046 Recent Developments in Phytomedicine Technology Ped ro de Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Z hou, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540041 Neurobiology of Multiple Sclerosis Yongxia Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R omal de, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540038 Noroviruses Je sú s L. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Uguz, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540037 Psychotropic Drugs and Medical Conditions Faru k Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Shao, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540034 Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma (CTCL) Haip eng Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dud ás , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540033 Central Regulation of Growth Be rtal an Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Motohash i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1540026 Nutraceuticals Noboru Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Sol ar -e ne rgy-abs or bing Substan ce s and Oxid ati ve Sos novsky, Schol ars Sc holars
1539986 Stre ss and Inflam matory D ise ase s George Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,975,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Sc ie nce , Publ ic He alth and N ati on -bu il di ng i n Ne el akant Schol ars Sc holars
1539985 Soe kar no-e ra Indone si a an, Vive k Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,583,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Ibaraki , Schol ars Sc holars
1539970 Progress in Medical Geology Motom u Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,975,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Kapusta, Schol ars Sc holars
1539961 Medical Humanities in Theory and Practice Andrze j Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,359,000
The o
Sti ckl ey, Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Ste phe n Schol ars Sc holars
1539929 Arts, Health and Wellbeing Cl i ft Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
The 2017 Rp 3,527,000
He bre w H ebr ew
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
,‫מו זס‬ Magnes Magne s
1539866 ‫ב ני מין להיות רופא בעידן הבערות מרצון‬. Pre ss
Cre ati ve P res s 2017 Rp 3,976,000
He alth Spr inge r
Care P ubli shi ng
Kol orouti s, Managem e Com pany,
1539567 Advancing Relationship-Based Cultures Mar y nt Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000

Fl orian Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1539438 NeuroKids - Child Neurology Workbook He ine n e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp10,499,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Y ıl maz, Palgrave B usi nes s
1539304 The Politics of Healthcare Reform in Turkey Vol kan Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li , Long- B usi nes s
1539296 RNAActivation Ch eng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lang, B usi nes s
1539295 Außerklinische Beatmung Hartmu t Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Bl ooms bur
Ili opoul os, y B loom sbur
1539235 The History of Reason in theAge of Madness John Ac ad em ic y UK 2017 Rp 3,920,000
N aar- The Gu il ford
King, Gui lford P ubli cation
1539178 Motivational Interviewing and CBT Syl vi e Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
Cogni tive The rapy w i th Chil dre n and Adol es cen ts , Ken dall , Gui lford P ubli cation
1539173 T hird Ed iti on Phi li p C. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Fl ess ner , The Gu il ford
Cl ini cal H and book of Ps ychol ogi cal Di sord ers in Ch ris top he Gui lford P ubli cation
1539170 Chi ld ren and Ad ole sce nts r A. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Bl ooms bur
Day, y B loom sbur
1538801 Consumptive Chic Carol yn. Ac ad em ic y UK 2017 Rp 2,604,000

Faugno, STM L ightni ng

1538791 Manual Nonfatal StrangulationAssessment Diana K. Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 5,600,000
John Wil e y
Fu nctional Anatomy and Ph ysiol ogy of D om e stic R ee ce , Wi le y- & Sons,
1538717 A nim als Wil l iam O. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
Curri e , Wi le y- & Sons,
1538711 ABC of COPD Graem e P. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,288,000
John Wil e y
B lackw el l' s Fi ve-Mi nute Ve teri nary Consu lt Mazzafe rr Wi le y- & Sons,
1538707 Cl ini cal Com pan ion o, E li sa M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000
John Wil e y
Gardne r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1538685 Treatment and Care of the Geriatric Veterinary Patient Mar y Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
Dalkara, Wi le y- & Sons,
1538677 Neurobiological Basis of Migraine Turgay Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 3,639,000
John Wil e y
H oop er, Wi le y- & Sons,
1538676 Neurobiology of Motor Control Sc ott L. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,599,000
John Wil e y
Sc hoen ber Wi le y- & Sons,
1538675 Management of Urologic Cancer g, Mark P. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 4,060,000
John Wil e y
Sr ivastava, Wi le y- & Sons,
1538673 Biomarkers in Cancer Screening and Early Detection Su dhi r Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mu lti scale M ec hanobi ology of Bone R em ode l ing Pi vonka, B usi nes s
1538671 and Adaptati on Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schw ar tz, B usi nes s
1538664 Cellular Therapies for Retinal Disease Ste ven D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Study of the Cal ci um R egu lation Mec han ism of Sc ie nce &
T CR Ac tivati on U sin g Nanod isc and NMR B usi nes s
1538656 Te chnol ogie s Bi, Yunchen Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T rau ma, R esi l ie nce , and H ealth Prom oti on i n Ec kstrand, B usi nes s
1538650 L GBT Pati en ts Kris te n L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Lamp ropo Spr inge r
ulou - Sc ie nce &
Adam idou B usi nes s
1538649 Total Hip Replacement , Kal li opi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ecke l , Palgrave B usi nes s
1538648 Burnout, Fatigue, Exhaustion Si ghard Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
H aaster t- Sc ie nce &
Tal ini , B usi nes s
1538647 Modern Concepts of Peripheral Nerve Repair Kirs te n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Struhal, B usi nes s
1538645 BedsideApproach to Autonomic Disorders Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Mari eb, Pe arson
E sse ntials of H um an Anatom y & Phys iol ogy, Elai ne E duc ati on
1538533 Gl obal Edi tion Ni cpon Pearson L im ite d 2018 Rp 1,386,000

H artm ut
1538437 Die schmerzhafte Kinderhüfte Gau lrapp De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000

H artm ut
1538426 PhysicalAspects of Organs and Imaging Zabe l De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp17,640,000

Wi ll ital,
1538424 Chirurgische Sofortmaßnahmen Günter H. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,912,000

Lore dana
1538423 Membrane Systems De Bartolo De Gruyter De Gruyter
N ati onal 2017 Rp 3,864,000
B ook
Unoffic ial N etw ork
T he Unoffici al Guid e to Med ic al R e searc h, Aud it Cee n- Gui de to Inte rnati on
1538406 and Teach ing Ming Tang Me dic in e al 2015 Rp 2,100,000

50MINU T 50Mi nute s.

1538389 How to Calm Your Baby's Tears ES.COM com Primento 2017 Rp 168,000

Chaney, R eaktion R eaktion

1538258 Psyche on the Skin Sarah Books B ooks Ltd. 2017 Rp 840,000

Cons ump ti on Cu rabl e - Obs ervations on the Congre ve, B ookw i re

1538245 T reatm ent of P ul monary Dis ease s He nry. anboco Gm bH 2017 Rp 28,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Journ al of B iom im e tics , Biom ate ri als an d Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1538240 B iom ed ic al E ngine e ring Vol. 32 s s , L td 2017 Rp 3,780,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Sanpo, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1538238 Innovative Technology and Sustainable Engineering Nopp akun s s , L td 2017 Rp 5,600,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Jung, Jong Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1538235 Engineering Materials and Technology Won. s s , L td 2017 Rp 7,700,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R aw al , B usi nes s
1538225 GenomeAnalysis and Human Health Le ena Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Margul ie s, B usi nes s
1538220 Onkologische Krankenpflege Ani ta Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jes sor, B usi nes s
1538203 Problem Behavior Theory and the Social Context Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Erkan, B usi nes s
1538200 Antiphospholipid Syndrome Doruk Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Vl ahovic , Sc ie nce &
Ale ksanda B usi nes s
1538190 Pediatric andAdolescent Plastic Surgery for the Clinician r M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
VanGe e st, B usi nes s
1538189 Research Methods in the Study of SubstanceAbuse Jonathan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Camp o- Sc ie nce &
Enge lste in, B usi nes s
1538180 Reproductive Ethics Lis a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Carthy, B usi nes s
1538179 Craniofacial Distraction Jos eph G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1538175 Neuroimaging of Pain Saba, Luca Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Butt erw ort B usi nes s
1538174 Marine Mammal Welfare h, A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Made for
Swi ft, Grace L ightni ng
1538167 FromAlzheimer's With Love Mar c. Publ i shi ng Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 504,000

Pe arson
A natom y and Physi ology Col ori ng W orkbook: A Mari eb, E duc ati on
1538003 Com pl ete Study G uid e, Gl obal E diti on Elai ne N. Pearson L im ite d 2017 Rp 1,176,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Butt erfie l d, De mos Com pany,
1537996 Cancer Immunotherapy Principles and Practice Lis a H. Me dic al Inc .inge r
Spr 2017 Rp 8,400,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
We nti nk, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1537808 Inleiding medische kennis E. A . F. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Klaasse - Bohn B usi nes s
Der ks, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1537807 Voedingsleer Ell e n Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Wou te rs, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1537806 (B)eHealth Evel i ne Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gh , B usi nes s
1536391 Male Infertility: Understanding, Causes and Treatment Raje nde r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n H um an Factors and Ergon om i cs in Duff y, B usi nes s
1536390 H eal th care an d Me di cal De vic es Vi nce nt G. Springer
Souza, Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 9,492,000
Lui s Spr inge r
Ronan Sc ie nce &
Mar quez B usi nes s
1536383 Atlas of Imaging in Infertility Ferr ei ra de Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ow e, B usi nes s
1536381 Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Surgery Jam es R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1536354 Mammadiagnostik Duda, V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gotta, B usi nes s
1536341 Cell Division Machinery and Disease Monic a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Fi uza, Sc ie nce &
Lid ia B usi nes s
1536337 Bacillus Thuringiensis and Lysinibacillus Sphaericus Mar iana Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Ses hadri , Sc ie nce &
Nagabhus B usi nes s
1536333 PET/CT in Cancer of Unknown Primary han Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manage me nt and The rap y of Late Pre gnancy Malvasi , B usi nes s
1536328 Com pl ic ati ons Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pham , B usi nes s
1536321 Pancreas, Kidney and Skin Regeneration Phuc Van Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chua, Su e, B usi nes s
1536317 PET/CT in Radiotherapy Planning ed itor. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin aki , B usi nes s
1536316 Non-Pharmacological Management of Osteoporosis Mehr she ed Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Karate ew , Sc ie nce &
Edw ard B usi nes s
1536313 Implant Aesthetics Dwayne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
R am e sh L .
Jos hi, R am e sh L . IN scri be
1536088 Beyond The Theories of Newton, Maxwell and Others Ph.D ., P.E . Joshi Di gi tal 2017 Rp 364,000
Taylor &
And ers on, Franc is
1536052 Autobiography of a Disease Patri ck Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
John Wil e y
Årne s, & Sons,
1535867 Digital Forensics André Wiley Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
Gre enhal g Wi le y- & Sons,
1535840 How to Implement Evidence-Based Healthcare h, Tri sha Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,455,000
John Wil e y
R izzi, Wi le y- & Sons,
1535833 Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis The res a E. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,960,000
John Wil e y
Thi l and er, Wi le y- & Sons,
1535816 Essential Orthodontics Bir git Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,847,000
Sp onenbe r John Wil e y
g, D . Wi le y- & Sons,
1535806 Equine Color Genetics Phi ll ip Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000

H udson, Teton CR C Pre ss

1535790 Atlas of FelineAnatomy For Veterinarians Lola C. Ne w Med ia L LC 2017 Rp 7,980,000

CR C Pre ss
1535784 Neurophotonics and Brain Mapping Chen, Yu CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000

Sil ver , CR C Pre ss

1535781 Placenta Accreta Syndrome Robe rt M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Frankl yn, CR C Pre ss

1535778 Military Injury Biomechanics Mel anie CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1535765 PET/CT in Colorectal Cancer Du, Yong Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li , B usi nes s
1535739 Tissue Repair Xi aom i ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gur tl er , B usi nes s
1535729 Foodborne Pathogens Jos hua B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1535727 The Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Infertility Aziz, Nabil Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sourati, B usi nes s
1535726 Acute Side Effects of Radiation Therapy Ain az Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conne cti ng the Qual ity of Life Th eory to He al th, Mi chalos , B usi nes s
1535721 We l l-bei ng and Ed ucation Ale x C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D eve lopm e nt of Qu al ity of Life T heory an d Its Mi chalos , B usi nes s
1535720 Ins tru me nts Ale x C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1535688 Medical Ventilator System Basics:A Clinical Guide Lei, Yuan Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 8,398,000
The Gu il ford
Al kin, Gui lford P ubli cation
1535665 Evaluation Essentials, Second Edition Mar vin C. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 2,520,000
The Gu il ford
Mi ll er , Gui lford P ubli cation
1535664 The Human Frontal Lobes, Third Edition Bruc e L. Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 4,620,000
The Gu il ford
A sse ssm e nt an d T reatm ent of Chi l dhood Schroe de r, Gui lford P ubli cation
1535662 P roble m s, Thi rd E di ti on Carol yn S. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,360,000
The Gu il ford
Le avy, Gui lford P ubli cation
1535661 Handbook of Arts-Based Research Patri ci a Pre ss s Inc. 2018 Rp 3,640,000
The Gu il ford
T he The rapeu ti c Re lation ship i n Cogni ti ve- Kazantzi s, Gui lford P ubli cation
1535660 B ehavi oral T her apy Ni kolaos Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
N ajavi ts, Gui lford P ubli cation
1535658 Recovery From Trauma,Addiction, or Both Lis a M. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 1,456,000

Claus -W . Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1534939 Schädel-Hirn-Trauma Wal le sc h e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,319,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1534922 Notfallversorgung und Pflege in der Notaufnahme Rolf Dubb e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000
Sylvi a
P roje kt- u nd P ote nzial entw ic klung in Sc hnöde wi Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1534919 Kranke nhaus und Ges undhe i ts we sen nd e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 6,019,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iol ogy of Vas cul ar Sm ooth Musc le : Gao, B usi nes s
1534805 Vas oconstri cti on and Dil atation Yuans heng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1534802 Hematological Disorders in Children Ishii, Eiichi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schl ic ht, Spri nger B usi nes s
1534791 Urban Health Wol fgang Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kne ze vi c, B usi nes s
1534779 Nourishing Communities Ir ena Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Bachm ann, Sc ie nce &
Se xu al l y Transm i tte d Infe ctions i n H IV-Infec ted Laura B usi nes s
1534778 A dul ts and Sp ec ial Popul ati ons Hi nkle Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Abde l , Sc ie nce &
Matt hew B usi nes s
1534774 ComplicationsAfter Primary Total HipArthroplasty P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D epr ess ion and Anxi ety i n Patie nts w i th Chroni c Sh arafk ha B usi nes s
1534770 R e spi ratory Dis ease s neh, Am ir Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
L'E RMA di L 'Erm a di
Il m etodo an atom o-c li ni co tra m e ccani ci sm o e d Z am pi er i, BR ETSCH B retsc hne i
1534692 e m pir ism o Fabi o NE IDER d er 2016 Rp 3,752,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
Pe rez, R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534584 Anatomy Of The Senses Vi nce nt Gui de s es 2016 Rp 195,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
BarCharts, R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534229 DentalAnatomy In c. Gui de s es 2016 Rp 195,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
Pe rez, R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534222 Lymphatic System Vi nce nt Gui de s es 2016 Rp 195,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
Mis kevi ch, R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534221 Microbiology Fran k Gui de s es 2016 Rp 195,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
Vinc ent R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534214 Anatomy of the Digestive System Pere z Gui de s es 2017 Rp 195,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
Pe rez, R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534213 Anatomy of the Organs Vi nce nt Gui de s es 2017 Rp 195,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
The re sa R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534207 Evaluation & Management (E&M) Coding Calculator Tropi n Gui de s es 2017 Rp 195,000
Qui ckStud
y Fi re bran d
BarCharts, R efe renc e Te chnol ogi
1534143 Anatomy Microstructures In c. Gui de s es 2015 Rp 195,000
The Gu il ford
Bi er man, Gui lford P ubli cation
1534117 Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children Kare n L . Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Casiano, P ubli shi ng
1533986 Endoscopic Sinonasal Dissection Guide Roy R. Thieme Inc . 2018 Rp10,528,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Coll ares , P ubli shi ng
1533985 Varicose Veins Fel ip e Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 7,756,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
A rte ri al Var iations in Hu mans : Ke y R efe ren ce for Wacke r, P ubli shi ng
1533984 R adiol ogis ts and Su rgeon s Fran k Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp16,632,000
Le avitt , Oxford O xford
Ju di th Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1533588 Brought to Bed Wal zer Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,222,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1533584 Clinical Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Lal, Mira Oxford P res
ati onal 2017 Rp11,128,000
B ook
N etw ork
Sci on Inte rnati on
1533577 PracticeAccounts Made Easy Tudor,Ann Publ i shi ng N
al ati onal 2017 Rp 1,029,000
B ook
N etw ork
Oakl ey, Sci on Inte rnati on
1533576 Dermatology Made Easy Am and a. Publ i shi ng al 2017 Rp 1,176,000
The Gu il ford
Tayl or, Gui lford P ubli cation
1533490 Clinician's Guide to PTSD, Second Edition Ste ven Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,156,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wu , B usi nes s
1533465 HIV/AIDS in China Zun you Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koni shi, B usi nes s
1533464 Precision Medicine in Gynecology and Obstetrics Iku o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n Mi crobi ology, Infec tious Di se as es and Done ll i , B usi nes s
1533462 P ubli c He al th Gianfranco Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n N eu roergonom i cs an d Cogni ti ve Bal dwi n, B usi nes s
1533461 E ngine e ring Carryl Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bauer sachs B usi nes s
1533457 Heart Failure , Johann Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp12,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sharm a, B usi nes s
1533455 Stroke Genetics Pan kaj Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tu tori als in End ovasc ul ar Ne uros urge ry and B usi nes s
1533454 Inte rventi onal N eu roradi ol ogy Byrne, J. V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Turgu t, B usi nes s
1533453 Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System Mehm e t Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Moni torin g the Ne rvous System for Sc ie nce &
A nes the si ologi sts and Othe r H eal th Care Koht,
Institut B usi nes s
1533452 P rofe ss ional s Antoun
fü r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Ange wand Spr inge r
te Sc ie nce &
Arbe itsw is Spri nger B usi nes s
1533445 HandbuchArbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz sen schaft Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Abdul lae v Sc ie nce &
a, B usi nes s
1533426 Nanomaterials in Daily Life Zhyp argu l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Maas , Sc ie nce &
Ange la H . B usi nes s
1533421 Manual of Gynecardiology E. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
MIF Fam i ly Cytoki nes i n Innate Im m uni ty and Bu cala, B usi nes s
1533414 H om eostasi s Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
R e flec tive Practi ce , Se cond Ed iti on : T ransform ing She rwood, Internation Inte rnati on
1533372 E duc ati on and Im provi ng Outcom es Gwe n al al 2017 Rp 1,539,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schw ei zer, B usi nes s
1533102 Neurotraining Ve ren a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1533099 Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia Ishida, Yoji Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H al enka, B usi nes s
1533084 Atlas of Thyroid Ultrasonography Mil an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wh itcup , B usi nes s
1533078 Pharmacologic Therapy of Ocular Disease Sc ott M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D rug and Ge ne Del i ve ry to the Ce ntral Ne rvous Sharm a, B usi nes s
1533077 Syste m for N eur oprotec ti on H. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000

Jeff re y S. Arc ad ia IN scri be

1532964 U.S. National Library of Medicine Re znic k Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2017 Rp 476,000

R ose, Ac ad em ic R owm an
1532936 Friends and Partners David W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd.
& 2016 Rp 2,014,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Gl ynn, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1532809 Gasping forAir Kevi n Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Charl es C
Stepn ey, Charle s C T homas
1532760 Art Therapy with Students at Risk Ste ll a A. Thom as P ubli she r 2017 Rp 1,259,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Intracrani al P res sure And Its E ffe ct On Vis ion In Maci as , Worl d P ubli shi ng
1532695 Space An d On Earth: Vi si on Im pair me nt In Spac e Brandon R. Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 5,376,000
Worl d W orld
Le ung, Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Pin g- Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1532693 FromAyurveda To Chinese Medicine Ch ung Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 3,696,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Com m em orati ons A nd M em ori al s: Expl orin g The Štrkal j, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1532677 H um an Face Of An atom y Goran Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 4,116,000
Bri ncke rho Worl d W orld
ff, Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Matri x Metall oprote inase s In He alth And Di se as e: Con stanc e Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1532675 Sc ulp ti ng T he Hu man B ody E. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 5,796,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
H ow Med ic ine s Ar e Born: The Im pe rfec t Sc ie nc e Vozza, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1532673 O f Drugs Lis a Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,856,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
R is e Of Th e Re gul atory State In The Chi nes e Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1532670 H eal th -c ar e Sys te m , T he Qian, Jiwei Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 3,696,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Sel zer, De laware De l aw ar e
1532428 A Richard Selzer Reader Ri chard Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,864,000
Spr inge r
Gi bbons, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Su sanne Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1532395 Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 34, 2016 W. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Morri son, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1532394 Stroke Certification Study Guide for Nurses Kathy Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
R osa, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1532393 A New Era in Global Health Wil l iam Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000

1532389 Medical Retina Bandello, F. S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 3,864,000

Pe te r L an g Cam pus
Gros s, Campu
Gm bH, s Ver lag
1532353 Leben jenseits des Todes? Dom ini k Ve rl ag
Internation Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,509,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Kochl er , Wi sse
Gm bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1532197 Neurolinguistik, Klinische Linguistik, Sprachpathologie Cars te n. afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 3,805,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1532154 Vom Wort zum Gebrauch Pawel Bak afte n AG
N ati onal 2017 Rp 3,805,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Fi res ti ne , Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1532053 Antibiotic Drug Discovery Ste ven M. Chem i stry al 2017 Rp 6,636,000

R abi n,
1531287 Acute Topics inAnti-Doping Oli vi er S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 7,840,000

H ow ar d, Ac ad em ic
1531268 Temporal Sampling and Representation Updating Ch ris ti na J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,677,000

Goodnow , Ac ad em ic
1531266 Platform Technologies in Drug Discovery and Validation Robe rt A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,880,000
Nation al N ati onal
D rivi ng Ac ti on and Progre ss on O bes ity Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1531099 P reve ntion an d Tr eatme nt Olson, Steve Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
N ation al
T herape uti c D eve lopm e nt in the Abse nce of Acade m ie s Nation al N ati onal
P red ic ti ve Anim al Mode ls of N ervou s Syste m of Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1531097 D isord er s Bain,
Sc ie ncLisa
es, J. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Engi nee ri n
g, and Nation al N ati onal
Med ic ine Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1531095 Review of WIC Food Packages (U .S.). Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,640,000
Ste inw ac hs Nation al N ati onal
, D onal d Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1531094 Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment M. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Nation al N ati onal
Pray, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1531093 NutritionAcross the Lifespan for Healthy Aging Le sli e A. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Nation al N ati onal
Counte ri ng Viol ent Extr em is m Throu gh Pu bli c Snair, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1531090 H eal th Practi ce Ju stin Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,176,000
Nova N ova
O' H Sci enc e Sc ie nce
earn, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531061 Medical Cannabis Sh ann on Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Doc hniak, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531059 Healing the Mind Mic hael J. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
T he Ne uroc hem i cal Organization and Adu lt Push chi na, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531056 N eu rogene si s in the M asu Salm on B rain Evge niya Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531053 Patellofemoral Pain Selfe, James Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Cin tra, Nova N ova
Luc iano Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Tavares Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531052 Guided Tissue Regeneration Ange lo Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A nti bi oti c Re si stanc e Gen es in Natural Mi rete , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531050 E nvir on me nts and Long-ter m Eff ec ts Sal vad or Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531048 Phototherapy in Dermatology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Qu iñone s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531047 Pharmacogenomics in LatinAmerica Lui s A. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Phi ll i ps, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531035 Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Vi rgi nia Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1531032 Advances in Medicine and Biology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530923 Advances in Medicine and Biology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530919 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530908 FRUIT JUICES Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Pertse m li d
is, CR C Pre ss
1530889 Endocrine Surgery, Second Edition Dem e tr ius CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,399,000

Bai ll ie , CR C Pre ss
1530880 Improving Healthcare Le sle y CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Chapm an
Cl ini cal Tri al Data Anal ysi s Us ing R an d SAS, Che n, and CR C Pre ss
1530879 Se cond Edi tion Din g-Ge ng Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000

Forbe s, CR C Pre ss
1530877 Avian Medicine and Surgery Ne il A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Ge rhard Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1530806 Schmerzen verstehen und bewältigen Opi tz rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 728,000
Mayo, Lovi ng L oving
Sh erry He ali ng H eal ing
1530786 Confessions of a Trauma Junkie Jone s Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 195,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Kle i npe ll , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1530754 OutcomeAssessment inAdvanced Practice Nursing 4e Ruth M. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
N ou ri, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530712 Beautiful Skin Keyvan Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Schal ow, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530710 Repair of the Human Brain and Spinal Cord Gis el her . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 8,260,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Dorozhkin Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530704 Hydroxyapatite and Other Calcium Orthophosphates , Se rge y V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Zi m me rm a Sci enc e Sc ie nce
n, Mic hae l Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530699 My Patients Were Mummies R. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Moore , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530696 OMEGA-3 Se an J. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Coll in s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530692 Epicatechin Mar tha Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Pe rry, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mar ti n Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530691 Gout Edw ard Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre ydan us Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530461 Children and Youth , D onal d E. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Doc hniak, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530457 Healing the Mind Mic hael J. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pascu al , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530447 Hemorrhagic Shock Jos e L. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bl evi ns, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530445 TheArt of Neuroendocrinology Le wi s S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B iopol ym ers and Nanocom posi tes for Bi om ed ic al Sharm in, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1530435 and Pharm aceu ti cal Appl i cati ons Eram Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1530350 Health Without Borders Vineis, Paolo Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 840,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1530246 Ganganalyse en looptraining Deckers, Jos Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,919,000

Katj a Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1530191 Richtig pitchen Löchte r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000

Traugott Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1530190 Spiritual Care Rose r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,319,000
Ohi o O hio
Tappan, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1530155 The Riddle of Malnutrition Je nni fer Pre ss P resinge
Spr s r 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
We nsi ng, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1530030 Implementatie Mic hel Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 4,984,000
Spr inge r
Patie nt-spe ci fic He m od ynami c Com pu tations : Itu, Sc ie nce &
A ppl ic ati on to Pe rsonali zed Di agn os is of Luc ian B usi nes s
1530012 Cardi ovas cul ar Pathologi es Mihai . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Hu man
Fre de ric k, Kin etic s, H um an
1530004 Stretch to Win Ann Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 699,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
P ubli shi ng
1529972 Encyclopedia of Football Medicine, Vol.3 Meyer, Tim Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 9,968,000

Borc zon , Barc el ona B arc el ona

1529971 Music Therapy Ronal d M. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 616,000

Pol en, Barc el ona B arc el ona

1529970 Clinical Training Guide for the Student Music Therapist Donna W. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 840,000

Wh ee le r, Barc el ona B arc el ona

1529968 An Introduction to Music Therapy Research Barbar a L. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,176,000
PLEA UX, Barc el ona B arc el ona
1529967 Cultural Intersections in Music Therapy ANN ETT E Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 868,000

Be yer s, Barc el ona B arc el ona

1529966 HISTORY OF THE MUSIC THERAPY PROFESSION Kerry L. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 700,000

Pré di ne , EDP E DP
1529950 Comprendre le langage médical par l'étymologie Je an Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2017 Rp 816,000
Ghaem m a EDP E DP
1529949 La tabacologie gham i Sci enc es Sc ie nce s 2017 Rp 1,378,000
tfm T FM
Thu rtle , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1529908 Emergency Urology David Ltd L td 2017 Rp 1,399,000
tfm T FM
Thom as, Publ i shi ng R P owm
ubli shi
1529907 All Blood Counts Dafyd d Ltd L td
& 2016 Rp 1,679,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
Murp hy, & P ubli shi ng
Eli zabe th Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1529605 How to Age-Proof Your Dog U. Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Sterl in g
Jame s Gate B ooks IN scri be
1529451 Complesso Industriale Medico Morcan Ltd. Di gi tal 2017 Rp 84,000

Corin ne é diti ons E diti ons

1529378 Alzheimer, Parkinson, sclérose... Sou lay Quae Q uae 2016 Rp 292,000
Hu man
Kin etic s, H um an
1529308 Eat. Lift. Thrive. Lee, Sohee Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 615,000
Hu man
McGu igan, Kin etic s, H um an
1529306 Developing Power Mike Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 615,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patel , B usi nes s
1529287 Cognitive Informatics in Health and Biomedicine Vi m la L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mori moto, B usi nes s
1529285 Anesthesia and Neurotoxicity Yuj i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D epr ess ion – das Le ben mi t de r schw ar z H ae nel , B usi nes s
1529284 ge kle i dete n D am e in de n Gr iff be komm e n Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schne i der , B usi nes s
1529281 Lupus erythematodes Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Bri ght Sid e and the Dark Si de of Patie nt Palu mbo, B usi nes s
1529272 E mp owe rme nt Roc co Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z arka, B usi nes s
1529265 Complicated War Trauma and Care of the Wounded Sal man Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gardne r, Palgrave B usi nes s
1529264 Rethinking the Clinical Gaze John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Góm ez- Sc ie nce &
Gl obal Dive rsi ty and Ecol ogic al Fu nction of Gutié rre z, B usi nes s
1529262 Parasi tes of Eup hau si ids Jai me . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Brow nson, Uni ver sity O UP
1529075 Evidence-Based Public Health Ross C. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 4,620,000

H an, OUP O UP
1529001 The Sociocultural Brain Sh ihui . Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Dacom e , OUP O UP
1529000 MalleableAnatomies Luc ia. Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 8,190,000
O xford
Introdu ction to Re sti ng State FMR I Func ti onal Bij ster bos c OUP Un ive rsi ty
1528951 Conne cti vity h, Jani ne. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,828,000
Manche ste
r O xford
R e thi nki ng Mode rn Prosthe se s i n Angl o-Am eri can Jones , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1528943 Com m odity Cu lture s, 1820-1939 Cl aire L . Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Ed wards, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1528941 Reframing Health and Health Policy in Ireland Cl aire Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kon dzie ll a B usi nes s
1528914 Neurology at the Bedside , D ani e l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1528913 Surgery of Complex Abdominal Wall Defects Latifi, Rifat Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kis er, B usi nes s
1528912 OralAnticoagulation Therapy Kathryn Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ensh aw , B usi nes s
1528910 Sarcoma Robe rt M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Klöp pne r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1528904 Fachkräftemangel im Pflegesektor Matt hias Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1528897 Respiratory System Diseases w. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De Kosky, B usi nes s
1528896 Decoding theAntibody Repertoire Brandon Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1528894 Ocular Tuberculosis Kumar,Atul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wu , B usi nes s
1528889 Clinical Cases in Psoriasis Jash in J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1528887 Influenza and Respiratory Care w. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Wr ite & W rite &
Pri nt P rint
Sharm a, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1528586 Information Needs of Veterinary Scientists Su pe rna. s s (NB N) 2015 Rp 6,160,000

Cory, Ac ad em ic
1528576 Finding the Nerve Phi li p C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,688,000

Sim on B ookw i re
1528288 Myokardinfarkt Sc hne id er Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 713,000

‫واكالة الصحاافة‬
1527752 ‫ الصحة النفسية للطفل‬،‫ ايمان‬،‫محمود‬ ‫ االعرباية‬Al Manhal 2016 Rp 700,000

‫ نابيل‬،‫فاحل‬ ‫دارا االعلوم‬

1527657 ‫محمد مقياس الكتئاب النفسي للمسنين‬، ‫ للانشر و التوازياع‬Al Manhal 2016 Rp 644,000
Spr inge r
De Sc ie nce &
Ruggi e ri, B usi nes s
1527504 Tumors of the Sacrum Pie tro Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lawr enc e, B usi nes s
1527491 Behavioral Neuroscience of Orexin/Hypocretin Andre w J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E ndocannabi noid s and Li pid Me di ators in Brai n Me li s, B usi nes s
1527490 Fu nctions Miri am. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Magbanua, Sc ie nce &
Isol ati on and Mole cu lar Characte rization of Mar k Jes us B usi nes s
1527486 Ci rcu lating Tum or Cel l s M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D isord er s of the Scapu la and The ir Rol e in Kibl e r, W. B usi nes s
1527482 Shoul de r Inj ury Be n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im aging in Ste m Cel l Transp lant and Cel l-base d Pande y, Hu mana B usi nes s
1527480 T herapy Taru n Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ghi di ni, B usi nes s
1527477 Atlas of Airway Surgery Ange lo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
The Gu il ford
Malc hiod i, Gui lford P ubli cation
1527453 What to Do When Children Clam Up in Psychotherapy Cathy A. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,044,000

W iss ens tr ans fe r und Popul arkultur i n de r Jürge n

1527441 Frü haufk lärung Stre in De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,136,000
Gruyte r
Al exande r Ol de nbour
1527439 Modulares Laborrobotersystem Pfrie m g De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,220,000
Corne l l
Gord on , Corne ll Un ive rsi ty
1527422 The Battle for Veterans’ Healthcare Su zanne Publ i shi ng P res s 2017 Rp 279,000
Cor din gle y Harvard H ar vard
, Mi ch ae l Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1527408 Viruses G. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,750,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ken ned y, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1527398 Designing and Teaching Online Courses in Nursing Sal ly Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cong, B usi nes s
1527316 Surgical Pathology of Hepatobiliary Tumors Wen-Mi ng. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
We rd, Sc ie nce &
Matt hew B usi nes s
1527311 Athletic Footwear and Orthoses in Sports Medicine B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hu mana B usi nes s
1527285 Sepsis Ward, Nick Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Santu ll i, B usi nes s
1527270 Mitochondrial Dynamics in Cardiovascular Medicine Gae tan o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Khas hayar, B usi nes s
1527269 Point-of-Care Solution for Osteoporosis Management Patri ci a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T ran slation al Anatomy an d Ce ll Bi ol ogy of Au ti sm Sc hm ei sse r B usi nes s
1527267 Spe ctru m Dis orde r , Mi ch ae l J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
R aj abi - Sc ie nce &
Si ahboomi , B usi nes s
1527265 Multiparticulate Drug Delivery Ali R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lu ppa, B usi nes s
1527263 POCT - Patientennahe Labordiagnostik Pete r B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gobbi , B usi nes s
1527262 Bio-orthopaedics Albe rto. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Doe rfle r, B usi nes s
1527259 Epigenetics of Infectious Diseases Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Garza- Spr inge r
Sal azar, Sc ie nce &
Jai me G . B usi nes s
1527257 Cervical Cancer de la. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Nakanum a B usi nes s
1527255 Pathology of the Bile Duct , Yasu ni. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B aye si an Cost-E ffe cti ve ne ss A nal ysi s wi th the R Bai o, B usi nes s
1527250 Package BCE A Gianl uca. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sr ini vas an , B usi nes s
1527248 Guide to Big Data Applications S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Ffre nch- Sc ie nce &
Con stant, UN IVE RSI B usi nes s
1527247 The Molecular Biology of Photorhabdus Bacteria Ri chard H. TY
OF Me ive
Un di arsi
B.tyV. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
N Mi chi gan
One al, R EGION A P res s
1527148 Paralyzing Summer Zi bby L (l iminge
Spr i te d)r 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
We nti nk, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1527056 Medische kennis E. A . F. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,359,000

Le ray, CR C Pre ss
1527020 Dietary Lipids for Healthy Brain Function Cl aude CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

CR C Pre ss
1527015 Appetite and Food Intake Ruth Harris CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000
Gord on ,
Mal col m CR C Pre ss
1527010 Animal Locomotion R. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000

CR C Pre ss
1527008 Hybrid Nanomaterials Chen, Feng CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000

Garri do, CR C Pre ss

1527004 Practical Guide to SpermAnalysis Ni col ás CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Wi sne ski , CR C Pre ss

1527001 The Scientific Basis of Integrative Health Le n. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Parry, App le
Zahoor Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1526998 Dendrimers in Medical Science Ahm ad Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Ti m pano, Franc is
1526927 Constructing the Viennese Modern Body Nathan J. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Je ssi ca
H am we e, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1526661 The Spirit of the Organs John Dragon P ubli she rs 2018 Rp 531,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Sophi e Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1526648 The Multi-Sensory ReminiscenceActivity Book Jop li ng Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Je ssi ca
Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1526647 Treating Emotional Trauma with Chinese Medicine CT Holman Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,540,000
CH ER , Al gora Al gora
1526632 The Mystery of HumanAging BJOR N. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 615,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1526310 Stroke Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hilse
E cs ,viInc
er . 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ype rtens ion: Pre -Hype rten sion to He art Fail ure , Jame rson, Sc ie nce s
1526249 A n Issu e of Card iol ogy Cli ni cs, E-B ook Kenne th. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P ET/CT i n Canc er: An Inte rdi sci pl inary A pproach Be he shti, Sc ie nce s
1526247 to Ind ivi dual ized Im agi ng Mohse n. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ko, Jason Sc ie nce s
1526243 Burns,An Issue of Hand Clinics, E-Book H. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nti m ic robial Coati ngs and Modi fic ati on s on Z han g, B usi nes s
1526109 Me di cal De vic es Zhe ng. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi chael B usi nes s
1526107 Personal Identity As a Principle of Biomedical Ethics Quante Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Bal istre ri , Sc ie nce &
Carm e la B usi nes s
1526103 Endothelial Progenitor Cells Ri ta. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jain, B usi nes s
1526102 Imaging Infections Sanj ay K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Chuang- Sc ie nce &
Ste in, B usi nes s
1526100 Quantitative Decisions in Drug Development Ch ris ty. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
F. A. Davis
D avi s's Basi c Math Re vie w for N ursi ng and He alth Come ri
Am pany/
1525796 P rofe ss ional s Raines, Vicki F.A. Davis P ublie ty
Soci sheof
rs 2017 Rp 979,000
H eal th
Syste m
P hare ri
Am maci
1525754 Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data Lee, Mary ASHP s
Soci e ty of 2017 Rp 2,660,000
H eal th
Syste m
Murp hy, P owm
R har macian st
1525753 Clinical Pharmacokinetics John E. ASHP s& 2017 Rp 2,492,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
Wats on, & P ubli shi ng
Gre tc hen Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1525727 Your Patient Safety Survival Guide Le Feve r Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,148,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Kui pe r, Internation Inte rnati on
1525699 The Essentials of Clinical Reasoning for Nurses RuthA nne al al 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ie s, B usi nes s
1523685 Arztrecht Hans-Pe te r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H is tam in e and Hi stam ine R ec ep tors i n H ealth an d H att ori, B usi nes s
1523682 D ise ase Yui ch i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H aybaec k, B usi nes s
1523678 Mechanisms of Molecular Carcinogenesis – Volume 1 Johanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Ad ede ji , Sc ie nce &
Olu fu nso B usi nes s
1523677 Cancer in Sub-SaharanAfrica Ade bold . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i dt, B usi nes s
1523670 Exklusive Gesundheit Be ttin a Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
The obald , B usi nes s
1523667 Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy for Beginners Pete r von Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1523665 Advances in QSAR Modeling Roy, Kunal Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tatul l o, Hu mana B usi nes s
1523662 MSCs and Innovative Biomaterials in Dentistry Mar co. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Gup ta, Sc ie nce &
Dharm end B usi nes s
1523659 Arsenic Contamination in the Environment ra Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bozkurt, B usi nes s
1523656 ClinicalAnatomy of the Shoulder Murat Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Josse li n, Sc ie nce &
Je an- B usi nes s
1523652 Statistical Tools for Program Evaluation Mic hel Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Bin den age l Spr inge r
Še hovi ć, Sc ie nce &
Annamari e Palgrave B usi nes s
1523649 Coordinating Global Health Policy Responses . Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Calhoun , Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th B usienes
Am s
ri can
1523647 Patient Navigation A. Springer Me die ty
Soci a B.ofV. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
H eal th
Syste m
Zd anow ic z P hare ri
Am maci
1523639 Concepts in Pharmacogenomics , Marti n M. ASHP s
Soci e ty of 2017 Rp 1,988,000
H eal th
Syste m
Sm art Infusi on Pu mp s: Im pl e me ntati on, Phe lp s, P har maci st
1523638 Manage me nt, and Dru g Li brarie s Pam e la K. ASHP s 2016 Rp 3,332,000

Davi dson,
1523529 Vaccines: History, Science, and Issues Tis h Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Kugl er Kugl e r
We inre b, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1523493 Diagnosis of Primary OpenAngle Glaucoma Robe rt N . s s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Kugl er Kugl e r
R oberts, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1523492 Corneal Biomechanics Cyn thi a J. s s 2016 Rp 3,780,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Al obid , P ubli shi ng
1523490 Nasoseptal Perforations: Endoscopic Repair Techniques Is am Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp11,088,000

We ster, Ac ad em ic
1523446 Arachnoid Cysts Knut Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

Cer rato, Ac ad em ic
1523440 Realizing the Promise of Precision Medicine Pau l Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000

Markov, CR C Pre ss
1522619 Dosimetry in Bioelectromagnetics Mar ko CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

H aye nga, CR C Pre ss

1522618 Biomaterial Mechanics He athe r N . CRC Press L LCinge r
Spr 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stel , Jaap Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1522588 Wat elke professional over verslaving moet weten van de r Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kre is, B usi nes s
1522576 Moderne Chirurgie des Magen- und Kardiakarzinoms Mar ti n E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
El Sohly, Sc ie nce &
Mah moud B usi nes s
1522561 Cannabis Sativa L. - Botany and Biotechnology A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Bru nett i- Sc ie nce &
Safety and Effic ac y of Ge ne -B as ed The rape utic s for Pie rri , B usi nes s
1522560 Inhe ri te d Dis orde rs Ni col a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Khan, Sc ie nce &
Chal le nging Topi cs i n N eur oane sthe sia and Zahi d B usi nes s
1522554 N eu rocri tic al Care Hus sain Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000

Faugno, STM L ightni ng

1522275 SexualAssault Quick Reference 2e Diana K. Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000

Se xu al As sault Vi ctim i zation Acros s the Li fe Span Gi ar din o, STM L ightni ng

1522274 2e , Vol um e Thre e Ange lo P . Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 4,900,000

Se xu al As sault Vi ctim i zation Acros s the Li fe Span Gi ar din o, STM L ightni ng

1522273 2e , Vol um e Two Ange lo P . Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 5,600,000

Se xu al As sault Vi ctim i zation Acros s the Li fe Span Gi ar din o, STM L ightni ng

1522272 2e , Vol um e One Ange lo P . Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Call aghan, B usi nes s
1522184 The Technological Singularity Vi c Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu rger, B usi nes s
1522183 Unser Baby im Ultraschall Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schäfer , Spri nger B usi nes s
1522173 Patientencompliance Ch ris ti an Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H aybaec k, B usi nes s
1522114 Mechanisms of Molecular Carcinogenesis – Volume 2 Johanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pur se r, B usi nes s
1522105 Capacity Assessment and the Law Kel ly. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Z hui ykov , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1522053 Advanced Materials Research VII Se rge s s , L td 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Lagae, Mac Ke i th MacKe i th

1522012 Cognition and Behaviour in Childhood Epilepsy Lie ve n. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Wi ls on, SAGE Sage
Ch ris ti ne Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1522005 Caring for People with Dementia Brow n s Ltd s , L td . 2017 Rp 2,772,000

Mad or B ad ?: A Cri ti cal Appr oac h to Couns el li ng Vossl e r, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1522000 and Fore nsic Ps ychol ogy Andre as s Ltd s , L td . 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Se e dhouse , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1521996 Thoughtful Health Care David s Ltd s , L td . 2017 Rp 2,408,000
Le uve n L euve n
Borr y, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1521985 The Human Recipe Pas cal Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 826,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oster rie de B usi nes s
1521695 Cell Biology of Herpes Viruses r, Kl aus Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
The Gu il ford
De nni ng, Gui lford P ubli cation
1521683 Over the Influence, Second Edition Patt Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 1,456,000
Spr inge r
Mui le kom, Bohn Sc ie nce &
H. A. M. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1521681 Handboek prostaatcarcinoom van. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
R oberts, Sc ie nce &
Laura B usi nes s
1521674 Clinical Medical Ethics Wei ss Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schü ssl er, B usi nes s
1521670 Dementia in Nursing Homes Sand ra. Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
B ook
Al - N etw ork
Ahm ad , Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1521666 Hands-OnAblation AmEN
SH in. ASA Publ i shi ng N
al ati onal 2017 Rp12,824,000
, B ook
MOHA M N etw ork
MAD, M. Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1521665 E CG Master s’ Col l ec ti on D. Publ i shi ng al 2017 Rp 8,316,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T he A PR N’ s Com ple te Gui de to Pre sc ribi ng D rug Wi rfs, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1521652 T herapy 2018 Mar i J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Korc- P ubli shi ng
Grodzic ki, De mos Com pany,
1521650 Handbook of Geriatric Oncology Be atri z Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
H andbook of P rostate Cance r and Other H aye s, De mos Com pany,
1521649 Ge ni tou rinary Mali gnan ci es Te re sa G. Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
B iol ogic al App roac he s to Spi nal Dis c R e pair an d H ärtl , P ubli shi ng
1521538 R e gene rati on for Cli nic ians Roge r Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp14,980,000
Be ntham B entham
R e cen t A dvance s i n G eri atri c Med ic ine Vol um e 2: Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A n Interd is ci pli nary App roach to G eri atri c Grabbe , Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1521537 Me di ci ne Je re my W. Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 2,212,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Att a-ur Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1521532 Frontiers inAnti-Infective Drug Discovery Volume 5 Rahm an Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Shi nnic k, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1521530 Whole Person Self-Healing:A Science andArt Phi ll ip Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 1,372,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A natom y: A Pre ssi ng Conc er n i n Exe rci se Boone , Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1521527 P hysi ol ogy Com m itm ent to Profes sional is m Tom my Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 1,652,000

Di ete r Mabuse - B ookw i re

1521481 Resilienz amArbeitsplatz Som m er Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,091,000
John Wil e y
R ee se r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1521305 Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science, Volleyball Jonathan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,310,000
John Wil e y
N asr , Wi le y- & Sons,
1521301 The Pediatric CardiacAnesthesia Handbook Vi vi ane G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,799,000
John Wil e y
El -Katt an, & Sons,
1521300 Oral Bioavailability Assessment Aym an F. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 4,900,000
DE ,
1521296 Hemodialysis Membranes DU. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Song, CR C Pre ss
1521289 Emerging Technologies in Brachytherapy Wil l iam Y. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

In Vi tro Bi oassay Te chni que s for A nticanc er Drug Suni l, CR C Pre ss

1521285 D isc overy an d De ve lopm e nt Dhanya. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000

Cao, CR C Pre ss
1521281 Silver Nanoparticles forAntibacterial Devices Hui li ang CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000

Ghafur, CR C Pre ss
1521277 The MRCP PACES Handbook, Second Edition Sai ra CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

We sson, CR C Pre ss
1521276 Pediatric Trauma David E. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,319,000

50Mi nutos. 50Mi nutos.

1521217 La peste negra y sus estragos es es Primento 2017 Rp 168,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1520955 The Right to Bodily Integrity Viens,A. M. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp10,500,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge su ndhe itsw irts chaft al s Motor de r Dahl bec k, B usi nes s
1520795 R e gionale ntwi ckl ung Elke Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
De lgado- Sc ie nce &
Morale s, B usi nes s
1520783 Neuroepigenomics inAging and Disease Raul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Taylor &
R obinson , Franc is
1520409 Translationality Dougl as Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
LaLond e, P ubli shi ng
1520298 WideAwake Hand Surgery Donald. Thieme Inc . 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Spr inge r
H unt, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Debor ah Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1520284 Fast FactsAbout the Nursing Profession Dolan Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1520242 Patient Involvement in Health Technology Assessment Facey, K. Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E me rge ncy Dep artm e nt Manage m ent of Obste tri c Borh art, B usi nes s
1520218 Com pl ic ati ons Joe l le . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Taylor &
Le vin e, Franc is
1520101 The Elderly Mar ti n Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp10,500,000
Taylor &
Ghod se, Franc is
1520064 Addiction at Work Ham id Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Taylor &
Bru gge, Franc is
1519984 Community Research in Environmental Health Doug. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Ch akrabar
ty, Ananda Pan CR C Pre ss
1519776 Three Daughters, Three Journeys M. Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Ingo W.
Sc hym an s Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1519683 Die Sprache der Seele ki rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 588,000
O pen
R oad
Sum m ary and A nal ysi s of Pati ent H .M. : A Stor y of Worth Worth Inte grate d
1519361 Me m ory, Mad nes s, an d Fam il y Se cre ts Books. Books Me di a, Inc . 2017 Rp 168,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Joshua, Palgrave B usi nes s
1519234 The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume II John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A Mode rn Ap proach to Bi ofi lm -Re l ate d Drago, B usi nes s
1519233 O rth opae di c Impl ant Infec ti ons Lore nzo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Sin gh , Spr inge r
Laish ram Sc ie nce &
Raje nkum a B usi nes s
1519227 Cellular Osmolytes r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dahm , B usi nes s
1519223 Festschrift für Franz-Josef Dahm Fran z-Jose f Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O nli ne -Marke ting fü r m e dizi nis che Ge se ll sc haften Köhl er, B usi nes s
1519222 u nd Ver bänd e Ale xan dra Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Evol ved Athl ete : A Gui de for E li te Sport Ivanc ev ic , B usi nes s
1519216 E nhance me nt Tij an a T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Itani , Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Tri als De si gn i n Op erative and Non Kam al M. B usi nes s
1519212 O per ati ve Invasi ve Proce du res F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di ng, B usi nes s
1519211 Cellular Injury in Liver Diseases Wen-X ing. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Sc ie nce &
Ve l de , C. Bohn B usi nes s
J. H . van Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1519204 Leerboek oncologie de Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,919,000
John Wil e y
Mansour , Wi le y- & Sons,
1519026 Guide to Ruminant Anatomy Mah moud Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
John Wil e y
R uiz, Jose- Wi le y- & Sons,
1519024 Supra-Gingival Minimally Invasive Dentistry Lui s Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Mi kloss y,
1518993 Handbook of Infection andAlzheimer's Disease Ju di th. IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 4,508,000

1518992 Participatory Design & Health Information Technology A.M. IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 3,052,000

Bl obel ,
1518991 PHealth 2017 Be rnd IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 3,388,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T ran sie nt R ec ep tor Poten ti al Canoni cal Chan nel s Wang, B usi nes s
1518791 and Brai n Di se as es Yi zhe ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kil dal , B usi nes s
1518790 Medizinische Fremdkörper in der Bildgebung Danie la Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1518787 Personalized Management of Gastric Cancer Wei, Jia Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Satyan aray B usi nes s
1518786 Yeast Diversity in Human Welfare ana, T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wol fe, B usi nes s
1518775 Alzheimer’s Disease II Mic hael S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Izzo, B usi nes s
1518773 Hypertension and Cardiac Organ Damage Raffae le . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre en , B usi nes s
1518772 Viral Infections in Children, Volume II Robi n J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Se le cti on of Main Me chani cal Ve ntil ators for Jha, Aj ay B usi nes s
1518769 U nde rground Coal Mi ne s Kum ar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ext Ge ne rati on Se que nci ng Base d Cl i nic al Wong, B usi nes s
1518767 Mol e cul ar Di agn os is of H um an Ge netic Di sord ers Le e-Jun C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
De ate r- Sc ie nce &
Dec kard, B usi nes s
1518764 Parental Stress and Early Child Development Kirby D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Boul oux, B usi nes s
1518758 Complications of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery Gar y F. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1518706 Geriatrie in de fysiotherapie en kinesitherapie Cambier, D. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,919,000
The Gu il ford
E vid enc e-Base d Psych othe rapi es for Chi ld ren an d We isz, Gui lford P ubli cation
1518692 A dole sc ents, Thi rd Edi tion John R . Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,640,000
The Gu il ford
Li ngi ard i, Gui lford P ubli cation
1518691 Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, Second Edition Vi ttori o Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,360,000
P räs enti sm us im H andlu ngsfe ld von Tec tum
Pe rsonal führung und Be tr ie bli che m Thom as Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1518678 Ge su ndhe itsm anagem en t Ju ng aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,064,000
M& K
Abbott, M&K Up date
1518639 Clinical Examination Skills for Healthcare Professionals Hannah. Publ i shi ng L td . 2017 Rp 798,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ezza, B usi nes s
1518408 Emerging and Re-emerging Viral Infections Giovanni Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000

Sur gery of the Live r, Bi le Du cts and Pancre as i n Dave npor t, CR C Pre ss
1518401 Chi ld ren , T hird Ed iti on Mar k CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp10,919,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nti -di abe tes and Anti -obe si ty Me di ci nal Pl ants Saad , B usi nes s
1518385 and Phytoche m ic al s Bashar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chi ac chi o, B usi nes s
1518383 Melanonychias Ni lton d i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fus te r, B usi nes s
1518379 Computational Diffusion MRI Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bani k, B usi nes s
1518369 Beta-Lactams Bim al K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1518364 Prokaryotic Cytoskeletons Löwe, Jan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000

Ale xan der , STM L ightni ng

1518356 ChildAbuse Quick Reference 3e Rande ll Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2017 Rp 4,900,000

Sachkos te n i m Kranke nhau s - Med izini sc her Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1518032 Sachbe darf Dirk Webel e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 6,579,000
John Wil e y
H ubar , J. Wi le y- & Sons,
1517999 Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Se an Bl ackwe ll NIncati. onal 2017 Rp 2,800,000
B ook
N etw ork
Loc her, Mul til ingu Inte rnati on
1517923 Reflective Writing in Medical Practice Miri am A. al Matt ers al 2017 Rp 4,479,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Canata, B usi nes s
1517882 Muscle and Tendon Injuries Gian Lui gi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Bu sch, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1517867 Inleiding complementaire zorg Mar ti ne Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H is tol ogic al D iagnosi s of Im pl ant-ass oc iated B usi nes s
1517865 Pathologi e s Krenn, Veit Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Espr egue i r Sc ie nce &
a-Me nde s, B usi nes s
1517864 Injuries and Health Problems in Football João Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge ertm an, B usi nes s
1517859 Planning Support Science for Smarter Urban Futures Stan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N utri ti onal and Analyti cal A pproache s of Gl uten- Sim ón, B usi nes s
1517852 Fre e Di et i n Ce l iac Dis ease Edur ne. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1517850 Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of theArt Varma,A. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ste une nber Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1517847 Zorg voor de oudere migrant g, B as Loghu m V.
SL) r 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1517846 Inspanningstests Takken, Tim Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,799,000
John Wil e y
A dvan ce d Pae diatri c L ife Suppor t, Australi a and Wi le y- & Sons,
1517705 N ew Z eal an d ALSG Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,155,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1517699 Hand Hygiene Pittet, Didier Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,779,000
Maksoud , John Wil e y
Moham e d Wi le y- & Sons,
1517693 Quick Reference to Dental Implant Surgery A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Barne tt- John Wil e y
H ow to Com pl e te a P hD i n the Me di cal an d Vanes , Wi le y- & Sons,
1517689 Cl ini cal Sci enc es Ashton Bl ackwe ll Inc
E lse. vi er 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T he Inte rve nti onal Card iac Cathe teri zati on Ker n, Sc ie nce s
1517478 H andbook E -B ook Morton J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 5,291,000

Pe te r L an g Taylor &
Morri ll , AG, Franc is
1517226 The Perils of Un-Coordinated Healthcare Patri ci a. Routledge
Internation (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Wei dm ann ale r Ver lag
, P ia de r r L an g
Pe te
Hol ens te in Gm
Wi sse
bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1517105 Nova Acta Paracelsica . afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 2,909,000
ale r Ver lag
Anna de te
Pe r r L an g
Krzyzano AG, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1517104 Les émotions et les valeurs dans la communication II wska afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 3,805,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
D ie e rsten Aer zti nnen in Eu ropa und Am eri ka und Marce l H. Gm Wi sse
bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1517095 d er frue he Fem in ism us (1850–1900) Bic kel afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 3,749,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Op ac ki, Wi sse
Gm bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1517035 Reconsidering Early Bilingualism Mar ci n afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 3,805,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Grys , Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1517012 Schistosomiasis Control in China Pau li ne afte n AG 2016 Rp 2,517,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mathes , B usi nes s
1516946 Ratgeber Herzinfarkt Pete r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cer roni, B usi nes s
1516941 Histopathologie der Haut Lore nzo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,812,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Caplan, B usi nes s
1516923 Pediatric Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures Roc hel le Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D eve lopm e nt of In Vi tr o Matu rati on for Hum an Chi an, R i- B usi nes s
1516921 O ocytes Ch eng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Vare las, Sc ie nce &
Pan ayi oti s Hu mana B usi nes s
1516919 Seizures in Critical Care N. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pete rmann B usi nes s
1516914 History of Human Genetics , H ei ke I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Ind epe nde
Otago nt
Jones , Uni ver sity P ubli she rs
1516886 Doctors in Denial Ronal d W . Pre ss Gr oup 2017 Rp 560,000
The Gu il ford
Stins on , Gui lford P ubli cation
1516884 Motivational Interviewing with Offenders Ji l l D . Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 1,736,000
The Gu il ford
Coachi ng Col le ge Stu de nts w ith E xe cu ti ve Ken ned y, Gui lford P ubli cation
1516722 Fu nction Probl em s Mar y R . T. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Sin gh , The Gu il ford
Anne li es e Gui lford P ubli cation
1516720 SuccessfulAcademic Writing A. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gräss el , B usi nes s
1516703 Cartilage Su sanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schne i der , B usi nes s
1516691 Das Restless-Legs-Syndrom Ve ronika Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Borgh ini , B usi nes s
1516686 Industrial Neuroscience inAviation Gianl uca Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu dd, B usi nes s
1516676 Sport and Oral Health Si obhan C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
KR Know res
1516632 Embracing Anxiety Bakkes,An. Publ i shi ng P ty Ltd 2017 Rp 644,000
R ay,
Si dhartha
1516611 Side Effects of DrugsAnnual D. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp11,525,000
Gui ll é n
Ger ad a, Ac ad em ic
1516608 Laboratory Animals Javi er Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 2,854,000

STM L ightni ng
1516605 PediatricAbusive Head Trauma, Volume Two Frasier, Lori Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000

STM L ightni ng
1516604 PediatricAbusive Head Trauma, Volume One Frasier, Lori Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000
P hysi cal Exam i nati ons of Se xual A ssaul t Pocke t
Atlas, Vol um e Tw o: Nonassaul t Vari ants and Faugno, STM L ightni ng
1516603 N orm al Fi ndi ngs Diana K. Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000

Faugno, STM L ightni ng

1516602 Physical Examinations of SexualAssault, Volume One Diana K. Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000

Inte rnati onal Re vie w of R ese arch in H od ap p, Ac ad em ic

1516592 D eve lopm e ntal Di sabil i ti es Robe rt M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

Sariasl an i, Ac ad em ic
1516585 Advances inApplied Microbiology Si m a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,771,000

Al exandra Ac ad em ic
1516578 Skin Tissue Models P. Mar ques Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

H ayat, M. Ac ad em ic
1516574 Immunology A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 7,157,000

N ajafov, Ac ad em ic
1516566 Western Blotting Guru Ayaz. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Calve y, Ac ad em ic
1516564 Brain Research inAddiction Tanya Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,677,000
DELL &ap
N eu robiol ogic al B ac kground of Expl orati on ANA , Ac ad em ic
1516563 Ge osc ie nce s PA OLO . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

Ac ad em ic
1516553 Peptidomics of Cancer-Derived Enzyme Products Hu, Tony Y. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,342,000
Moham ed
Soci al an d Adm i nis tr ati ve As pe cts of P harmac y in Moham e d Ac ad em ic
1516548 L ow- and Mid dl e-Incom e Countri es Ibr ahi m Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000

T he Rol e of Ne urop epti de s i n Ad dic tion and Thi e le , Ac ad em ic

1516546 D isord er s of E xc es sive Cons um pti on Todd E. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

G Prote in-Coupl ed R ec eptors i n Im mu ne Re spons e Shukl a, Ac ad em ic

1516532 and Re gul ati on Arun K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,485,000
Tew ,
Kenne th Ac ad em ic
1516531 Selenium and Selenoproteins in Cancer D. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,746,000

R ibatti , Ac ad
(Bri em ic B riti sh
1516526 Milestones in Immunology Dom eni co Pre ssl
Sm al Elsevier
Sm all Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000
Ani m al An im al
Ve teri nary Vete rin ary
B SAVA Manual of Sm al l A nim al Practi ce Clarke , Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1516508 Manage me nt and Deve lop me nt Carol e J. n) n 2017 Rp 4,396,000

1516453 Glaucoma Surgery Bettin, Paolo S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 7,840,000

Cohen - B ril l
Hane gbi, Ac adem i c
1516384 Caring for the Living Soul Naama Brill P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,912,000
Encyc lop a Enc ycl opa
ed ia e dia
1516299 Suicide Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2017 Rp 140,000
John Wil e y
Vanhorn , Wi le y- & Sons,
1516198 Veterinary Guide to Animal Breeds Be th Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im hoff, B usi nes s
1516085 Shoulder Instability Across the Life Span Andre as B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Castel lá Sc ie nce &
P sychos ocial We ll -bei ng of Chi l dre n and Sarri e ra, B usi nes s
1516079 A dole sc ents in Lati n A me ri ca Jor ge. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1516070 Groin Pain Syndrome Zini, Raul Me di a B. V.
Springer 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manconi , B usi nes s
1516069 Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis Ekbom Disease Mau ro Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Ai nsbur y, Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th B usi nes s
1516064 ExtendedAbstracts Fall 2015 A. Birkhäuser Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000

Vi dyasagar Pan CR C Pre ss

1516059 Radiation in Medicine and Biology , Pand it B . Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Kasuya, CR C Pre ss
1516053 Small Cetaceans of Japan Toshi o CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,439,000

Lore t, CR C Pre ss
1516047 BiomechanicalAspects of Soft Tissues Be njami n CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maie r, B usi nes s
1516016 Neugeborenenintensivmedizin Rol f F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L angu age s and Ge ne s i n N orthwe stern Chin a and B usi nes s
1516014 A djace nt R egi ons Xu, Dan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ec isi on Maki ng i n a W orld of Com parati ve Bi rnbaum , B usi nes s
1516012 E ffe ctive ne ss Re se ar ch Howard G. Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , Sun- B usi nes s
1516011 Pancreatic Cancer Whe Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gardne r, B usi nes s
1515982 Pancreatology Tim othy B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tem pl , B usi nes s
1515980 Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Ars ava, Sc ie nce &
Ethem B usi nes s
1515977 Nutrition in Neurologic Disorders Murat Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000

Franci s Profi le P rofile

1515832 Our Posthuman Future Fukuyama Books B ooks 2017 Rp 313,000
Tynd al e
Hou se T yndale
Am e n, Publ i she rs, H ouse
1515625 Memory Rescue Danie l G. Inc. (e Book) 2017 Rp 728,000

1515402 Demenzielle Erkrankungen imAlter Dic k De Gruyter
Charle s De Gruyter
Charl es 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
D iagnostika a lé čba ne jč as tě jší ch osteop oroti ckýc h Báča, Karoli num Karol inum
1515315 zl ome ni n Vác lav Pre ss s
Charle P res s es
Charl 2017 Rp 420,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
H os ák, Karoli num Karol inum
1515312 Psychiatry and Pedopsychiatry Ladis lav Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 700,000
H afe zi , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1515152 Corneal Cross-Linking, Second Edition Farh ad ed ed 2017 Rp 3,919,000
D eve lopi ng O ccu pati on-Cente red Pr ogr am s With Fazi o, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1515151 the Com mu nity, Thi rd Edi tion Lin da S. ed ed 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Van Ost, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1515150 Athletic Training Exam Review Lynn ed ed 2017 Rp 2,099,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He ndri kse , B usi nes s
1514612 This Is Our Brain Je roe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Ibrahim , Sc ie nce &
Kal ibu ll a B usi nes s
1514611 Bioinformatics - A Student's Companion Sye d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Gue rre ro- Sc ie nce &
Gar ci a, B usi nes s
1514604 HCI for Children with Disabilities Jos efin a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1514602 Neuromorphic Cognitive Systems Yu, Qiang. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Abdul lae v Sc ie nce &
a, B usi nes s
1514600 Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials Zhyp argu l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre en , B usi nes s
1514599 Viral Infections in Children, Volume I Robi n J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We ckbach, B usi nes s
1514594 Incidental Radiological Findings Sabi ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Duke r, Jay Incorp orat Inc orporat
1514353 Anti-VEGF Use in Ophthalmology S. ed ed 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1514277 JIMD Reports, Volume 33 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi nucane , B usi nes s
1514273 Complications of RegionalAnesthesia Bre ndan T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matsuda, B usi nes s
1514272 Soft Tissue Balancing in Total KneeArthroplasty Sh uic hi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Ve n, Sc ie nce &
Katri n van B usi nes s
1514266 Social Freezing de r Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laganà, B usi nes s
1514260 Chemistry and Hygiene of FoodAdditives Pas quali na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Justi ć, B usi nes s
1514257 Modeling Coastal Hypoxia Dubravko Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R enton, B usi nes s
1514253 The SAGES Manual Transitioning to Practice David B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
The Gu il ford
Fu nctional Com mu nic ati on Tr ai ni ng for P roble m Gui lford P ubli cation
1513626 B ehavi or Reichle, Joe Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Worl d W orld
X ue, Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
E vid enc e-base d Cl ini cal Chin ese M edi ci ne - Ch arl i e Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1513589 Vol um e 3: Chroni c Urtic ar ia Ch angl i Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,688,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
T herape uti c Targe ts For Infl am m ati on And Cance r: Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1513587 N ovel T herapi es For Dige sti ve D ise ase s Cho, C.-H. Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 6,216,000
Kunnum ak Worl d W orld
kara, Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Ajaiku mar Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1513584 Fusion GenesAnd Cancer B. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 6,216,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1513550 Training Of Cancer Researchers, The Russo, Jose Charle
Comp an s y Charl
Com panyes 2017 Rp 2,856,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
H ess , Karoli num Karol inum
1513544 Netradiční způsoby aplikace anestetik Ladis lav Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 420,000
Nation al N ati onal
Stal li ngs, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1513433 Finding a Path to Safety in FoodAllergy Vi rgi nia A. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Cl ini cal Managem e nt of Chil dre n wi th Cochl ear Ei se nber g, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1513408 Im pl ants Lauri e S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 3,919,000
H off m an Pl ural Pl ural
Rud dy, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1513407 Cases in Head and Neck Cancer Bari Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,639,000
Pl ural Pl ural
P rofe ss ional Comm uni cation in Spe ec h-l anguage Bu rrus, A. Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1513406 Pathology Em bry Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Logan, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1513401 Fluency Disorders Kenne th J. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,939,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Jacobson, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1513398 Balance FunctionAssessment and Management Gar y P. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,620,000
Aud itory-ver bal Th erapy for Young Chil dre n w ith Pl ural Pl ural
H eari ng L oss and The i r Fam il ie s and the Estabrooks Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1513395 P rac titione rs Who Gui de The m , Warre n Inc. Inc
E lse. vi er 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi chael Sc ie nce s
1513203 Textbook of Clinical Hemodynamics E-Book Ragosta Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Gu id el ine s for Nu rse Prac ti tione rs in A mbu latory Cibu lka, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1513191 O bstetri c Se tti ngs, Sec ond E di ti on Nancy J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Karl- W.
Frie dri chZ ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1513184 Schwindel Ham ann rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 448,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1513135 Global Surgery Park,A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rote i n and Su gar Export and Asse m bly in Gram- Bagnol i, B usi nes s
1513130 p ositi ve Bacteri a Fabi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Bates on, Sc ie nce &
Mal col m B usi nes s
1513127 Clinical Investigations in Gastroenterology C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Ch okrover Sc ie nce &
ty, B usi nes s
1513124 Sleep Disorders Medicine Su dhansu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,932,000

Thom as
1513116 Kontrazeption mit OC Röm er De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,288,000
Akade m ie
de r
Wis se nsch
1513103 Von der Freiheit, Schmerz zu spüren aften De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,148,000

Ge rhard
1513094 KörperlicheAktivität und Krankheit Sc hul er De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,220,000

Bi el fel d,
1513091 Rheumatische Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft Ale xan dra. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000
Jos ef
1513089 Lebensbeendende Handlungen Borm an n De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,220,000

Pl aaß,
1513086 Die Sehne Ch ris ti an. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Lu o,
1513081 Advances in Molecular Biophotonics Qin gmi ng De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 3,864,000
Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1513049 N eu rochi rurgi sc he Inte nsi vm ed izin Jürgen Piek rdt Ve rlag Gm
E lsebH
vi er 2017 Rp 784,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Od om - Sc ie nce s
1512794 Drain’s PeriAnesthesia Nursing – E-Book Forren , Jan Saunders Di vi si on 2018 Rp 8,904,000

50MINU T 50Mi nute s.

1512786 Maximising Your IntellectualAbilities ES.COM com Primento 2017 Rp 168,000
Poss e,
Jac obo Ac ad em ic
1512769 Saliva Protection and Transmissible Diseases Lim e re s Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,350,000
Taylor &
Chi ld, Franc is
1512720 The Communication Profile Ch arl otte Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 6,720,000
Taylor &
Stoke s, Franc is
1512663 The Essential Dementia Care Handbook Graham Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Mc Gil l -
Que e n's Q uee n's
Carson, A. Pol ic y Un ive rsi ty
1512650 Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy Sc ott Studi es P res s 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi tte k, B usi nes s
1512649 Computational Biomechanics for Medicine Adam Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1512647 Transient GlobalAmnesia Larner,A. J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Skor kov sk B usi nes s
1512645 Homonymous Visual Field Defects á, Karolí na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
O' Q Chapm an
H andbook of Me thods for De si gning, Moni toring, uigl e y, and CR C Pre ss
1512639 and Analyzin g Dose -Find ing Tri al s John Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000
App le
De Mic co, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1512634 Medical Tourism and Wellness Fred eri ck Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 6,439,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Dyne s, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1512628 Positive Communication Robi n Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Je ssi ca
Frangl en, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1512627 Blogging a Five Element Life Nora Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 559,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Cate , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1512524 Avian Cognition Care l ten Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Ad enl e, Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Ge ne tical ly Modi fied Organi sm s in Deve lop ing Ade mol a Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1512520 Countri e s A. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,920,000
The Gu il ford
Stanton, Gui lford P ubli cation
1512441 Reasoning with Data Je ff rey M. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Johns, John Wil e y
Ch ris top he Wi le y- & Sons,
1512431 Becoming a Reflective Practitioner r Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,623,000
John Wil e y
Spri gings , Wi le y- & Sons,
1512428 Acute Medicine David Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 1,904,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Guge r, B usi nes s
1512401 Brain-Computer Interface Research Ch ris top h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sei fer t, B usi nes s
1512391 Non-canonical Cyclic Nucleotides Rol an d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ai n, B usi nes s
1512390 Management of Lymphomas:A Case-BasedApproach Jasm i ne Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R aj ew sky, B usi nes s
1512386 Plant Epigenetics Ni kolaus Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Kloc , Sc ie nce &
Mal gorzat B usi nes s
1512385 Macrophages a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stolbe rg, B usi nes s
1512373 A History of Palliative Care, 1500-1970 Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Farooqi, Sc ie nce &
Kanw al B usi nes s
1512371 Rapid Prototyping in Cardiac Disease Maj ee d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch ium e ll o, B usi nes s
1512368 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Davide Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512210 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Carte r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512198 Computed Tomography Debor ah Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512187 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Sim õe s, Nova N ova
João Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Carl os Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512153 Principles and Practice of Q Fever Cae tano Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Agarwal , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512148 The Evolution of Health Literacy Ni ti n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bai le y, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512124 Sleeve Gastrectomy Gar y H. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Eis enh owe Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512045 Evoked Potentials and Electrical Stimulation r, Tim othy Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sim m ons, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1512025 Corticosterone Jonathan. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mi ll er , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1511999 Aldosterone Jac quel in e. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pe schi l lo, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511903 Brain Ischemic Stroke - From Diagnosis to Treatment Si m one. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Att a-ur- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511900 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research Rahm an . Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 2,212,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Att a-ur- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511899 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery Rahm an . Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Att a-ur- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511898 Anti-angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development Rahm an . Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Att a-ur- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511896 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research Rahm an . Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fron ti er s i n Cl ini cal Dru g R ese arch - Alzhe im e r Att a-ur- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511895 D isord er s Vol um e 5 Rahm an . Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Ed itor: Be ntham B entham
Pan agi oti s Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Georgou li a Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511890 FRONTIERS IN HEART FAILURE s Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Ed itor: Be ntham B entham
Pan agi oti s Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Georgou li a Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511889 FRONTIERS IN HEART FAILURE s Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sin gh , Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511887 Pain Pune etpal . Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 812,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H il l, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511886 Current and Future Developments in Physiology David J. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Be ntham B entham
Es cobar- Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cur rent Te ch nologi es to Incre ase the Transd erm al Ch áve z, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511885 D el ive ry of D rugs Jos é Ju an Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kaw aguc hi Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511884 Cancer Metastasis and Cancer Stem Cell/niche , Takanori. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Boone , Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511883 ASEP's Exercise Medicine Tom my. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511882 Biophysics and Diving Decompression Phenomenology Wienke, B. R. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,932,000
Be ntham B entham
Casarini , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
N ew As pec ts of the R eni n An giotens in System i n Dul ce Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511881 Cardi ovas cul ar and Re nal Dis ease s Ele na. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
N or dli nd, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511879 Skin and Psyche Klas.
CA PELL I Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,092,000
NI, Be ntham B entham
A Hand book of Atte ntion Defi ci t Hyp eracti vity SIMO NE Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D isord er (ADH D) i n the Interd isc ip li nary APAR ECI Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511875 Pe rsp ec ti ve DA. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Tanas e, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511873 Stem Cells Between Regeneration and Tumorigenesis Cr isti an a. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Be ntham B entham
Ahm e d Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D eve lopm e ntal and Ste m Cel lbi ol ogy in He alth El- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1511869 and Di sease Hashash Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,092,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Bu ettn er, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1511864 Fast Facts for the ER Nurse, Third Edition Je nni fer R. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Pe di atri c Arrhythm ias an d E KG s for the H eal th Prater , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1511863 Care Provi de r Kathl ee n J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000

Bu khar i, Pharm ace u P har mace u

1511344 Pharmacy RegistrationAssessment Questions Nadi a tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2016 Rp 1,316,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
P hysi cal Med ic ine and Re habil itation Q&A We iss , De mos Com pany,
1511329 R e vie w, Sec ond Edi ti on Lyn D . Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Taylor &
Matthe ws , Franc is
1511177 Digital Storytelling in Health and Social Policy Ni col e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Bu rken, P. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1510974 Mindfulness en fysiotherapie van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Watanabe , B usi nes s
1510973 Adult T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Toshi ki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shobei ri , B usi nes s
1510968 Practical Pelvic Floor Ultrasonography S. Abbas Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1510964 Good Clinical Practice in der Gefäßchirurgie Debus, E. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ane ir os, B usi nes s
1510944 Functional Statistics and Related Fields Ger mán Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Eghte sad, B usi nes s
1510942 Surgical Procedures on the Cirrhotic Patient Bij an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000

Mi mi
Guarne ri, Hay
1510905 108 Pearls to Awaken Your Healing Potential M.D. Hou se , Inc . Vearsa 2017 Rp 560,000
Rosal ee d e Hay
1510903 Alchemy of Herbs la Hou se , Inc . Vearsa 2017 Rp 504,000
The Gu il ford
Taibbi , Gui lford P ubli cation
1510806 Doing Couple Therapy, Second Edition Robe rt Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cole , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1510670 Freestanding Birth Centers Lin da J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Gors ki, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1510669 Fast Facts for NursesAbout Home Infusion Therapy Lis a A. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000

T he Handbook of Con ti nui ng P rofe ss ional Kli nns t, CR C Pre ss

1510625 D eve lopm e nt for the H ealth IT Profe ssi onal JoA nn. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Kore n, Franc is
1510620 Best Practices for Environmental Health He rm an Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,900,000
App le
Volova, T. Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1510612 Natural-Based Polymers for BiomedicalApplications G. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000

1510454 Management of Diabetic Retinopathy Bandello, F. S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 7,840,000

Pri nce ton P rinc eton
Patash nik, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1510381 Unhealthy Politics Eri c M . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,050,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi nters , Hu mana B usi nes s
1510223 Male Hypogonadism Ste phe n J. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H uan g, B usi nes s
1510221 Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods Kunlu n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e construc tion, Ide nti fic ati on and Im pl e me ntati on Fl ores cu, B usi nes s
1510207 Me thods for Spi king Ne ural Circ ui ts Dorian Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A R evi se d Conse nt Mod el for the T rans pl antation Be ne dic t, B usi nes s
1510206 of Fac e and Upp er Li mbs : Cove nant Conse nt Jam es L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R occi , B usi nes s
1510202 Regulated Bioanalysis: Fundamentals and Practice Mar io L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000

50Mi nutos. 50Mi nutos.

1509909 Maximiza tu potencial intelectual es es Primento
N ati onal 2017 Rp 168,000
B ook
Fre e N etw ork
W in. Los e. Re pe at: My Life As a Gambl e r, Fr om Stri ngm an , Ass oci ati o Inte rnati on
1508444 Coi n-Pushe rs to Fin anc ial Spre ad-Be ttin g Ch ris S. n B ooks al 2017 Rp 840,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Spe tzle r, P ubli shi ng
1508333 ColorAtlas of Brainstem Surgery Robe rt F. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp26,068,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Prakash, B usi nes s
1508308 Advances in Vision Research, Volume I Gyan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
The rm ann, B usi nes s
1508227 TheAchilles Tendon Hajo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Wong, Sc ie nce &
Je ff rey Y. B usi nes s
1508225 Advances in Radiation Oncology C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ie De utsch e Ges el ls chaft fü r Kre is lauff orsc hung Baum ann, B usi nes s
1508222 i m N ati on al sozial ism us 1933 - 1945 Tim o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Raffe nsp er Sc ie nce &
ger, John B usi nes s
1508214 Smart Markets for Water Resources F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wall ace, B usi nes s
1508212 Computational Psychiatry Rodr ic k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iotec hnol ogy and P roduc ti on of A nti -Canc er Mali k, B usi nes s
1508210 Com pound s Son ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kontoes , B usi nes s
1508207 State of theArt in Blepharoplasty Par as kevas Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e li gious Be li e fs , E volu ti onary Ps ychi atry, and Fl ann el ly, B usi nes s
1508206 Me ntal He al th i n Am er ic a Kevi n J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Danes hma B usi nes s
1508205 Urinary Diversion nd, Siam ak Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhattachar, B usi nes s
1508204 Translating Molecules Into Medicines Sh obha N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1508203 ChildhoodAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Vora,Ajay Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
N eube r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1508122 Diagnostic Techniques in Veterinary Dermatology Ari ane aze Bl ackwe ll Inc .
Pharm 2017 Rp 1,820,000
utisc he s
In form atio
um de s
n B ookw i re
1507815 Standardisierte Rezepturen DAC/NR
Re sourc esF Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 923,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1507740 Health Literacy n. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 8,960,000
O xford
Sabharwal , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1507723 Nuclear Cardiology Ni kan t Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 8,398,000
Ch okrover O xford
ty, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1507721 Oxford Textbook of Sleep Disorders Su dhansu Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp26,250,000
Vande rbi lt Van der bil t
Saethre , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1507702 Negotiating Pharmaceutical Uncertainty Eir ik Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,932,000

H anfri ed Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1507679 Das Janusgesicht der Psychiatrie He lm ch en e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,319,000

B ac h-Bl üte n fü r Schw angers chaft, Ge burt u nd Ilka-Maria Mabuse - B ookw i re

1507673 W oche nbett Thurm ann Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 797,000
B ril l
Fe rrè, Ac adem i c
1507550 Vestibular Cognition Eli sa R . Brill P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 3,220,000
Uni ver sity
Me yer, R oche ster B oydel l &
1507173 Reasoning Against Madness Man uel la Pre ss B rew er 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Am e ric an Am er ic an Am e ri can
Med ic al Me dic al Me di cal
Assoc iatio Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1506818 Principles of CPT Coding n. n n 2017 Rp 2,099,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Ker ins , Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1506690 Child andAdolescent Communication Disorders Mar ie R . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,939,000
John Wil e y
Mi cali , Wi le y- & Sons,
1506668 Hidradenitis Suppurativa Giu sep pe Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
John Wil e y
Cl ini cal Manual of Bl ood and Bone Marrow Abutali b, Wi le y- & Sons,
1506665 T ran spl an tation Sye d A . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1506661 Biological Effects of Static Magnetic Fields Zhang, Xin Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Van der Bohn Sc ie nce &
Som ati sc h Onvol doe nde ve rklaarde L ich am e li jke Hors t, H . Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1506660 Kl ac hten E. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
R e peti tori um Kranke nhaushygi e ne, Schu lz- Sc ie nce &
hygi e nebe auftr agte r Arzt und ABS-be auftragter Stübn er, B usi nes s
1506658 A rzt Se bastian Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maki yam a, B usi nes s
1506653 Aging Voice Kiyoshi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R iff er, B usi nes s
1506651 Die Vielgestaltigkeit der Psychosomatik Frie dri ch Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu sche , B usi nes s
1506650 Zwei Philosophen der Medizin – Leibniz und Jaspers Hube rtus Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
U nte rri chte n un d Pr äs enti ere n i n Schm al, B usi nes s
1506649 Ge su ndhe itsfachbe rufe n Jör g Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spri nger B usi nes s
1506648 Ergotherapeutische Beratungssituationen Best, Laura Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Martine z- Sc ie nce &
B as ic R ese arch an d Cl ini cal Aspe cts of Barber a, B usi nes s
1506632 A damantin om atous Crani opharyngi oma Ju an Ped ro Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000

Fri end , Be rnan B ernan

1506570 Planning and Managing the Safety System Mar k A. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Gre enw oo Spr inge r
d-Van Sc ie nce &
Mee rve ld, B usi nes s
1506414 Gastrointestinal Pharmacology Be ve rl ey Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H od le r, B usi nes s
1506411 Musculoskeletal Diseases 2017-2020 Jü rg Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi nk, B usi nes s
1506401 Mein erster Dienst - Anästhesie Tobias Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
John Wil e y
R azum , & Sons,
1506365 Epidemiologie für Dummies Oli ve r Wiley-VCH Inc . 2017 Rp 923,000

R oll s, OUP O UP
1506324 Cerebral Cortex Edm und T. Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp 7,560,000
1506321 How the Mind Comes Into Being V. Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp 4,661,000

N ick OUP O UP
1506308 Addiction and Choice He athe r Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp 3,118,000

Gre g OUP O UP
1506234 Dendrites Stuart Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp15,750,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Gre en e, P ubli shi ng
1506161 Operative Management of VascularAnomalies Ari n K. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp18,284,000
Tanner, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1506129 The Psychology of Aphasia Den nis C. e d ed 2017 Rp 1,735,000
De Iuli is , SLACK SLA CK
Eli zabe th Incorp orat Inc orporat
1506128 ProfessionalismAcross Occupational Therapy Practice D. ed ed 2017 Rp 1,595,000
Hovanes ia Incorp orat Inc orporat
1505750 Refractive Cataract Surgery n, John A. e d ed 2017 Rp 3,639,000
H eale y, Spi nney Spi nne y
1505748 Fighting Infectious Diseases Ju stin Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 840,000
H eale y, Spi nney Spi nne y
1505746 Sugar Consumption Ju stin Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 840,000
ANT ONIO Dyki nson
1505500 Curso de introducción al derecho sanitario . Dykinson SL 2017 Rp 252,000
R osen , Em e ral d
Ch ris top he Publ i shi ng E me rald
1505434 Power, Politics, and Political Skill in Job Stress r C. Li m ited P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,219,000
Em e ral d
H eal th and H eal th Care Con ce rns Am ong Wom en Kronenfe ld Publ i shi ng E me rald
1505433 and Rac ial an d E thn ic Mi noriti es , Je nni e J. Li m ited P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,499,000

Thom as, Exi sle

1505314 Understanding Type 2 Diabetes Merl i n C. Publ i shi ng Vearsa 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ue da, B usi nes s
1505289 Chemotherapy for Leukemia Takanori Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A sse ssi ng and Tre ati ng Pe di atri c Obe sity in Cadie ux, B usi nes s
1505277 N eu rode vel opm ental Dis orde rs Ade ll e M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sai tl uanga, Sc ie nce &
Be njami n B usi nes s
1505275 Himalayan Quality of Life L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Dang, Internation Inte rnati on
1505191 Johns Hopkins Nursing Professional Practice Model Debor ah al al 2017 Rp 1,399,000
O ccu pati onal The rap y Es sen ti als for Cl ini cal Jacobs, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1505190 Com pe te nc e, Thi rd Edi tion Kare n ed ed 2017 Rp 2,799,000

H um ane He al th Care for Pr isone rs: Ethi cal and Faive r,

1505179 L egal Chall enge s Kenne th L. Praeger ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 2,044,000

N ew Gove rnance of Ad di ctive Subs tance s an d And ers on, OUP O UP

1505124 B ehavi ours Pete r Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 3,779,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R obinson , B usi nes s
1505022 Single CellAnalysis J. Paul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi sche r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1505020 Die Pharmaindustrie Dagmar. Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ges enbe rg, B usi nes s
1505019 Pflegewissen Kardiologie Saski a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Kali a, Sc ie nce &
Vi pi n B usi nes s
1505017 MicrobialApplications Vol.2 Ch and ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chron isc he in trac oc hl eäre El ektros ti m ulation und Jansen , Spri nger B usi nes s
1505012 i hr Ein fluss auf das au di tori sc he System Se bastian Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
N eu ar ti ge Ansätze für die l aser bas ie rte Sc ie nce &
Mani pul ati on von Ze l le n m it Hi lfe Kraw in kel , Spri nger B usi nes s
1505008 p lasm onen ind uzie rter Eff ekte Ju id ith Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i tt, B usi nes s
1505005 Atlas of Infectious Disease Pathology Bryan H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Orte ga, B usi nes s
1505001 Cyclospora CayetanensisAs a Foodborne Pathogen Yné s R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pri tze l, B usi nes s
1504980 Warum wir vergessen Monika Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Ange l, Sc ie nce &
P roce sse s of Bel i evi ng: The Acqu isi tion, Hans- B usi nes s
1504976 Mai ntenance , and Change i n Cre di ti ons Ferd inand Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
P ubli shi ng
1504973 Pediatric Otolaryngology Clarke, Ray Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp15,512,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
R oth, P ubli shi ng
1504972 The Essential Burn Unit Handbook Je ff rey J. Thieme Inc . 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Word en , De mos Com pany,
1504969 Oncology Board Review, Second Edition Fran ci s P. Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Sim on
1504943 Sinnereignisse in Todesnähe Kel le r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000

Braunsc hw
1504931 Radiologische Begutachtung ei g, Rain er De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,288,000

1504920 Lead: Its Effects on Environment and Health Astrid Sigel De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 7,000,000

Bl ossom
1504758 Aromatherapy Koc hhar Hay House Vearsa 2016 Rp 168,000
Oxford O xford
CDC Yel low B ook 2018: H eal th Information for Bru nett e, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1504620 Inte rnati onal Travel Gar y W. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,196,000
Li ndl ey, O xford
Ri chard OUP Un ive rsi ty
1504619 Stroke Iai n. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,259,000
O xford
O xford Textbook of Chi ld ren 's Sport and Exe rci se Arm strong OUP Un ive rsi ty
1504611 Me di ci ne , N ei l Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp28,350,000
O xford
He id büche OUP Un ive rsi ty
1504610 The EHRA Book of Interventional Electrophysiology l, He i n Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp12,598,000
O xford
Agarwal , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1504608 Oxford Handbook of Operative Surgery Ani l Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,157,000
Manche ste
r O xford
O ne Hun dre d Ye ars of Warti me N urs ing Practic es , Brooks , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1504607 1854-1953 Jane Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,500,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Boye r, P ubli shi ng
1504545 100 Hand Cases Mar itin I. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 8,876,000
Spr inge r
VII L ati n Am eri can Con gres s on Bi om e di cal Sc ie nce &
E ngine e ring CLAIB 2016, Bu caramanga, Torr es, B usi nes s
1504155 Santan der , Col ombi a, O ctober 26th -28th , 2016 Is nardo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
R igde n, Sc ie nce &
Danie l B usi nes s
1504150 From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics John Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ll er , B usi nes s
1504142 Kidney Development and Disease Rache l K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe ldh off , B usi nes s
1504126 Das Kochbuch für Menschen mit Demenz Je ss ic a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sei l er, B usi nes s
1504125 Nicht verzagen trotz Muskelhypotonie Ch ris ti ane Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A sym me tric Ce ll Di vis ion in De ve l opm ent, Tassan, B usi nes s
1504099 D iff ere ntiation and Cance r Je an-Pie rre Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H agge rty, B usi nes s
1504097 SurgicalAspects of Peritoneal Dialysis Ste phe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu ropharm ac ology of Ne w Psyc hoac tive Baum ann, B usi nes s
1504094 Subs tanc es (NPS) Mic hael H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cer voni, B usi nes s
1504091 ENT in Primary Care Edoardo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sie rra, B usi nes s
1504090 Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head Rafae l J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N agata, B usi nes s
1504085 Apoptotic and Non-apoptotic Cell Death Sh ige kazu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Salge , B usi nes s
1504064 Analytische Psychotherapie zwischen 18 und 25 Hol ger. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krus e, B usi nes s
1504056 Lebensphase hohesAlter: Verletzlichkeit und Reife Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tes ta, B usi nes s
1504043 Asbestos and Mesothelioma Jos eph R . Springer
Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Me dizi nis c Spr inge r
h Sc ie nce &
Wi sse nsc h B usi nes s
1504041 Catharanthus Roseus Naeem, M. aftl Springer
ic he Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
Ge rhard h e ll schaft
W. m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1503862 DIVI Jahrbuch 2016/2017 Sybr ec ht aftl Co.icKG he Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,629,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
And reas Wi m bH sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1503861 RegulatorischeAnforderungen an Medizinprodukte Zi m ol ong aftlCo.icKG he Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,184,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Se kundärnu tzung kl i nis che r Daten – R ec htl i che Schne i der , Wi
m bH sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1503860 R ahm enbe di ngunge n Uwe K. Co.icKG
MWV he Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,925,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Wi sse nsc h Z ei l enw ert
bH &
1503859 Sucht. Gehirn. Gesellschaft. Tretter, Felix aftl
Co.icKG he Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,189,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Franz m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1503858 Gesundheitspolitik Knie ps Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,189,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
And reas h e ll schaft
Wes te rfel l h Wi
m bH sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1503857 Fokus Führung au s Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,481,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1503856 Antibiotika-Fibel Braun, Jörg Co. KG Gm bH 2017 Rp 592,000
Ди вов иж ні при годи вс ер еди ні ті ла. В ели ка Fami
Pe te rlLy an g
п одорож ві д гол ови до п 'ят (D ivovi zh nі pri godi Franci s, Le isbH,
Gm ure
1503506 vs ere di nі tіl a. Vel ika p odorozh vі d gol ovi do p'jat) Gav in Clu b
Internation Vearsa 2016 Rp 272,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Ingri d Wi
GmssebH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1502345 Sprachliche Variation in autobiographischen Interviews Sc hröde r Internation
afte n AG 2017 Rp 3,357,000
N arrati ng D ise ase and D evi ance i n Me di a for ale r Ver lag
Chi ld ren and Y oung Ad ults / Krankhei ts- un d de te
Pe r r L an g
A bwe ich ungsnarrative i n ki nde r- un d Wi sse
Gm bH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1502318 j ugen dli terari sc hen Med ie n Holst, Nina afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 3,637,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Sul ze r, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1502317 Darmgesundheit im Mittelalter Eli sabe th afte n AG 2017 Rp 2,853,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
A M:STAR s Com mon Cli ni cal Si tuati ons: A Strasbu rge of of
1502249 R e sourc e for Practi cal Care and Exam Re vie w r, Vi ctor C. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Brow n, CR C Pre ss
1502153 Musculoskeletal Trauma in the Elderly Ch arl e s M. CRC Press L LCinge r
Spr 2016 Rp 7,279,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
We rkpr oc es se n i n de p oli kli nie k e n soci al e Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1502148 ge zondhe id szor g Bijlsma, I.W. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,239,000
John Wil e y
Grant, Wi le y- & Sons,
1502138 Developing Reflective Practice Andre w Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni ver sity of
We the rby, of Mi ss ou ri
1502084 PrivateAid, PoliticalActivism Ael we n Mi ssour i P res s 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Worl d W orld
H or ch, Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Kenne th Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1502018 Neuroprosthetics: Theory And Practice (Second Edition) W. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp16,716,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Yarm ush, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1502007 Bioengineering In Wound Healing:A SystemsApproach Mar ti n L . Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 6,636,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
O pen And Shut Case, An: The Story O f Keyhol e Or Wi ckham , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1501989 Mi ni mal ly In vasi ve Surge ry J. E. A. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,856,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Mu lti -w ave Me di cal Imagi ng: Mathe matic al Am m ar i, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1501969 Mod el li ng An d Im agi ng R e constru ction Habib Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 8,316,000

R ai m und Mabuse - B ookw i re

1501852 Handbuch Präventionsgesetz Gee ne Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,259,000

Autophagy: Can cer , O th er Pathol ogie s, H ayat, M. Ac ad em ic

1501590 Infl am m ati on, Im m uni ty, Infe ction, and A ging A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Dalc a, Ac ad em ic
1501587 Imaging Genetics Adri an V. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000
E nvir on me ntal Cause s an d Pr eve ntion Measur es GEOR GE Ac ad em ic
1501586 for A lzhe im er’ s Dis ease J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 2,350,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cambri a, B usi nes s
1501558 A Practical Guide to Sentiment Analysis Eri k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Forsbe rg, Sc ie nce &
E val uati ng Ethic al Fram ew orks for the Asse ssm e nt Ell e n- B usi nes s
1501557 of H um an Cogni ti ve Enhanc em en t A ppl ic ati ons Mar ie . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Kim , P ubli shi ng
1501543 SPECT and SPECT/CT Ch un K. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp10,528,000
Fi ndi ng the Fountain of Youth: The Sc ie nce and
Controve rsy B ehi nd Extend ing Life and Cheating Z orea,
1501534 D eath Aharon W . Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 2,492,000

Me nter, CR C Pre ss
1501419 Psoriasis, Second Edition Alan CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Moi ni, Taylor &

1501300 Fundamentals of U.S. Health Care Jahangi r Routledge Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 4,620,000

Cance r Gene tic s and Ge nomi cs for Pe rsonal ized Pan CR C Pre ss
1501288 Me di ci ne Kim, Il-Jin Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

Gre enw al l, CR C Pre ss

1501282 Tooth Whitening Techniques Lin da CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Marzotto, CR C Pre ss
1501281 Stem Cell Research Toni CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Mc Ke l lar, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501212 Artificial Hearts Sh el le y Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 1,539,000
Johns Johns
Ladd - Hop kins H opki ns
Tayl or, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501208 Fixing the Poor Moll y Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,539,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Löw y, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501207 Imperfect Pregnancies Il ana Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,259,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Kush ner, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501194 On the Other Hand Howard I. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 755,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Góm ez, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501193 Geopolitics in Health Eduard o J. Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 979,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Me hle r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501187 Eating Disorders Phi li p S. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Palm e r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501182 Living with HHT Sara Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 839,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Lach enal, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501174 The Lomidine Files Gui ll au me Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 979,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Johnson, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501172 A Fractured Profession David R. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Be rge y, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501168 Global Perspectives onADHD Mere di th Pre ss P res s 2018 Rp 1,819,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Cohen , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501166 Public Health Perspectives on Depressive Disorders Ne al L . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Ad le r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1501164 Burdens of War Je ss ic a L. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,399,000

H il le ry, CR C Pre ss
1501153 Drug Delivery Anya M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp10,919,000
Hu man
Kin etic s, H um an
1501147 Complete Guide to TRX Suspension Training Dawes, Jay Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 699,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
O xyge n, the Bre ath of Li fe : Boon and Bane i n Brow n, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1501141 H um an H ealth, Di se as e, and T her ap y Ole n R. Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 1,372,000

Bu sch, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1500804 Patient's Healthcare Portfolio Re bec ca S. y P res s (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Aue rbac h
Li ebow itz , Publ i cati on CR C Pre ss
1500802 Actionable Intelligence in Healthcare Jay s L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

H andbook of Me tal -Mic robe Interacti ons and CR C Pre ss

1500800 B iore m edi ation Das, Surajit CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,399,000
Lam ba,
Dee pak CR C Pre ss
1500791 Patient-Specific Stem Cells Ashok CRC Press N L LC
ati onal 2017 Rp 4,479,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Com putational System s Pharm ac ology and Ri chards o Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1500775 T oxi col ogy n, Rud y J. Chem i stry Nal ati onal 2017 Rp 6,244,000
B ook
Dol phi n- N etw ork
Krute, Inte rnati on
1500774 Ghostbodies Mai a Intellect alake r &
B 2017 Rp 2,822,000
Ker r, Pur due P ubli she r
Andre a Uni ver sity Se rvic es
1500686 Exploring the Gray Zone DeSantis Pre ss (BT PS) 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Vande nhoe Van den hoe
T he Tri nity of Traum a: Ignorance , Fragil ity, and N ije nhui s, ck & ck &
1500630 Control E. R. S. R upre cht R upr ec ht 2017 Rp 7,560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Innovative Di agnostic s and Tre atm e nt: Jadczyk, B usi nes s
1500582 N anoroboti cs and Ste m Cel ls Tom as z Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laszi g, B usi nes s
1500581 Lust und Laster Par fe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Strau ss, B usi nes s
1500580 Wilde Erdbeeren auf Wolke Neun Be rnhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Kyche nth a Sc ie nce &
l, B. B usi nes s
1500573 Retinopathy of Prematurity André s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chaer, B usi nes s
1500571 Vascular Disease in OlderAdults Rabih Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stewart, B usi nes s
1500570 Diabetic Retinopathy Mic hael W. Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cotrina, B usi nes s
1500540 Toward Brain-Computer Interaction in Paralysis Ani bal Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
O xford
Ken dle r, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1500527 Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry IV Kenne th S. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,921,000
Oxford O xford
Krauter, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1500526 Surviving the Storm Ch eryl Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,614,000
Goode nber
ger, Oxford O xford
McKi nse y Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1500524 Practical Genetic Counseling for the Laboratory L. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 5,036,000
Oxford O xford
Bu dson, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1500523 Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory Andre w E. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,369,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Agarwal , P ubli shi ng
1500487 Endothelial Keratoplasty Am ar. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp13,300,000

N ation al Nation al N ati onal

Acade m ie s Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1500033 Health Insurance and Insights From Health Literacy Alper, Joe Pre ss
of P res s 2017 Rp 980,000
Sc ie nc es,
Engi nee ri n Nation al N ati onal
g, and Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1500030 The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids Med ic ine Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Nation al N ati onal
We ins te in , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1500028 Communities inAction Jam es N . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Nation al N ati onal
A sse ssm e nt of the De par tm e nt of Veter ans Aff ai rs Savitz, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1500025 A irborne H azards and Ope n B urn P it R e gistry David A. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Stre ngth eni ng the W orkfor ce to Supp or t Nation al N ati onal
Com m uni ty Liv ing and Partic ip ati on for O lde r Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1500023 A dul ts and Ind ivi dual s w ith Dis abi l itie s Alper, Joe Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,036,000
Mc Far land
Cic hocki , Com pany,
1500020 Living with HIV Mar k McFarland Inc . 2017 Rp 2,100,000

Tys ome , CR C Pre ss

1500009 Hearing Jam es . CRC Press N (CAM)
ati onal 2015 Rp 1,679,000
B ook
Profe ssor N etw ork
Roge r S Inte rnati on
1499977 Fast Facts: Prostate Cancer Kirby Health Press al 2017 Rp 700,000
Arnol d G. CR C Pre ss
1499943 Logan Turner's Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear D. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000

Graban, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499931 Lean Hospitals Mar k. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,567,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1499925 Molecular Detection of Human Viral Pathogens Dongyou. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,804,000

Goodw in , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499911 Mapping the Path to 21st Century Healthcare Sc ott. y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,399,000

Wi jdi cks , CR C Pre ss

1499910 Neurocinema Ee lco F. M. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,119,000

Fre nc h's Ind ex of Diff er enti al Di agnosi s An A -Z Kin irons , CR C Pre ss

1499905 16th Ed ition Mar k T. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Chatte rji , CR C Pre ss

1499903 Basics of Molecular Recognition Dip ankar CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Sgroi, Jr. , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499887 The Innovative Lean Enterprise Anthony. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,763,000

Gare ts , HIMSS CR C Pre ss

1499879 The Journey Never Ends David E. Publ i shi ng (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Jackson, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499867 Mistake Proofing for Lean Healthcare Thom as L. y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 811,000

H andbook of Syste mi c Drug Tre atm e nt in Wakel in , CR C Pre ss

1499861 D erm atol ogy, Se con d Ed iti on S. H . CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000

Gronowi cz CR C Pre ss
1499854 Personalized Medicine , G lori a CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,959,000

Garri och, CR C Pre ss

1499853 Anaesthesia Magn us A. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,007,000

Hol li ngwo CR C Pre ss

1499852 Differential Diagnosis in Obstetrics & Gynaecology rth, T ony CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Brow n,
Anthony F. CR C Pre ss
1499844 Emergency Medicine, 7th Edition T. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Mar kovitz, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499834 A Factory of One Danie l. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 783,000

Goodw in , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499816 Transition to 21st Century Healthcare Sc ott. y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,119,000

Kang, CR C Pre ss
1499806 Clinical Ultrasound Tari na Le e CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,519,000

Cle m ons, CR C Pre ss

1499801 The Laboratory Guinea Pig, Second Edition Donna J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Kol om ei sk
y, Anatoly CR C Pre ss
1499794 Motor Proteins and Molecular Motors B. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,519,000

Com pton , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499790 Achieving Safe Health Care Jan. y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,119,000

T he COST Manual of L aboratory Ani m al Care and H ow ar d, CR C Pre ss

1499784 U se Bryan. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,743,000

Davi es, CR C Pre ss

1499774 Clinical Tuberculosis Pete r D. O. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Sin gh ,
Vi jai Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss
1499768 Innovations in Healthcare Management Kum ar y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,679,000

Thom as L . Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499767 Kaizen Workshops for Lean Healthcare Jac kson y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 895,000

Managi ng a De ntal P rac tic e the Ge nghi s Kh an Young, CR C Pre ss

1499754 Way, Sec ond E diti on Mic hael R . CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,399,000

Bu tl er , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499743 Odyssey --The Business of Consulting Im e ld a K. y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,399,000

CR C Pre ss
1499739 Enhancing Surgical Performance Flin, Rhona. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Chapm an
Chang, and CR C Pre ss
1499737 Introductory Adaptive Trial Designs Mar k Hal l/CRC (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Goodye ar -
Sm i th , CR C Pre ss
1499718 International Perspectives on Primary Care Research Fel ic ity CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Fu ndame ntals of Cli ni cal Psyc hopharm ac ology, And ers on, CR C Pre ss
1499716 Fou rth Ed ition Ian M. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,399,000

And ers on, CR C Pre ss

1499706 Ocean Innovation Iai n A. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,759,000

Sharm a, CR C Pre ss
1499694 Mindmaps in Ophthalmology Abhi shek. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000

Aka, P. CR C Pre ss
1499682 Primary Tooth Development in Infancy Se m a CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 5,599,000

Gui nane, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499678 50 Policies and Plans for Outpatient Services Carol e. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,247,000

B ioe le ctrom agneti c and Subtle En ergy Med ic ine , R osch, CR C Pre ss
1499672 Se cond Edi tion Pau l J. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 6,999,000

Gui ll ebaud CR C Pre ss

1499658 Contraception Today, Eighth Edition , John. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Tayl or, CR C Pre ss

1499656 The Laboratory Bird Dougl as K. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,679,000

Sil ver man, CR C Pre ss

1499653 Skills for Communicating with Patients, 3rd Edition Jonathan. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,539,000

Palu sci , CR C Pre ss

1499649 Diagnosis of Non-accidental Injury Vi nce nt J. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,119,000
Ni chol son,
Tim othy CR C Pre ss
1499645 Pocket Prescriber 2015 RJ. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 672,000

N ume rof, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499642 Bringing Value to Healthcare Ri ta E. y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,119,000
Marci nko,
R is k Managem e nt, L iabil i ty In surance , and As set David Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss
1499640 P rote cti on Strate gie s for Doc tors and Ad vis ors Edw ard . y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000

H oe ft, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499636 The Power of Ideas to Transform Healthcare Ste ven E. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,119,000

CR C Pre ss
1499628 Writing in English for the Medical Sciences Hart, Steve CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 951,000

Stewart, CR C Pre ss
1499623 Pocket On Call Andre w. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 587,000

Li tt, CR C Pre ss
1499614 Litt's Drug Eruption and Reaction Manual, 21st Edition Je rom e Z. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 5,599,000

Houghton, CR C Pre ss
1499611 Pocket ECGs for Nurses Andre
Couchw, R. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 531,000
FAA FP, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss
1499604 Accountable Carl . y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,119,000

Marks, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1499592 Engineering Patient Safety in Radiation Oncology Lawre nce y P res s (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,399,000

Wals h, CR C Pre ss
1499585 Medical Education Kie ran CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,119,000

Ri m ington, CR C Pre ss
1499573 Echocardiography He le n CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,119,000

H arp er, CR C Pre ss

1499566 The Laboratory Zebrafish Cl audi a. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Me ar a, CR C Pre ss
1499561 Global Surgery andAnesthesia Manual John G. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000

Murc h, CR C Pre ss
1499555 The Bell Lap Muri el . CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 755,000
Locharoe n
rat, Pan CR C Pre ss
1499399 Research Methodologies for Beginners Kitsakorn Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 1,959,000

Bagasra, CR C Pre ss
1499396 A Guide to AIDS Om ar CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000

H on ari , CR C Pre ss
1499389 Sensitive Skin Syndrome, Second Edition Golara CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000

H um an Factors and Er gonomi cs of Pre hosp ital Kee bl er, CR C Pre ss

1499388 E me rge ncy Care Jos eph R . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he 16th Inte rnati onal Confe re nce on Biom e dic al Goh, J. C. B usi nes s
1498817 E ngine e ring H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Caval lo, B usi nes s
1498814 Ambient Assisted Living Fil ip po Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
John Wil e y
Bu ttri ss, Wi le y- & Sons,
1498694 Public Health Nutrition Ju di th Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,792,000
John Wil e y
Wi ll iam s, & Sons,
1498687 Forensic Science Education and Training Anna Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
The Gu il ford
R oberts, Gui lford P ubli cation
1498580 Handbook of Pediatric Psychology, Fifth Edition Mic hael C. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,640,000
The Gu il ford
H andbook of Com pe te nc e and Motivation, Sec ond El li ot, Gui lford P ubli cation
1498579 E diti on Andre w J. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,920,000

‫واكالة الصحاافة‬
1498274 ‫ الحقاائق والنصاائاح‬--‫ سن الايأسا‬،‫ فاطمة‬،‫عراق‬ ‫ االعرباية‬Al Manhal 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Isl am , Md. B usi nes s
1498138 Chinese and Indian Medicine Today Nazrul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Hol le nri ed Sc ie nce &
er, B usi nes s
1498135 Ich bin dann mal dick! Ve ronika. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spri nger B usi nes s
1498133 Medizincontrolling Raab, Erika Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Raghuku m Sc ie nce &
ar, B usi nes s
1498125 Fungi in Coastal and Oceanic Marine Ecosystems Se shagi ri Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bre gt, B usi nes s
1497913 Societal Geo-innovation Arnol d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Pape , Sc ie nce &
D am age Con trol Manage me nt i n the Pol ytr au ma Hans- B usi nes s
1497912 Patie nt Ch ris top h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thi m m, B usi nes s
1497908 Förderung von Menschen im Wachkoma der Phase F Dorothea J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
R as sia, Sc ie nce &
W orkpl ac e Envi ronm ental De sign in Arch itec ture Stam ati na B usi nes s
1497899 for Publ ic H ealth Th. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Gil ber t Gabri el IN scri be
1497678 Ansiedades de uma jovem mãe Adi mor a Agbo Diati
N gi tal
onal 2017 Rp 112,000
B ook
Jacobs, N etw ork
P rovid ing He al th Care in the Conte xt of Language Eli zabe th Mul til ingu Inte rnati on
1497672 B arr ie rs A. al Matt ers Nal ati onal 2017 Rp 4,759,000
B ook
Wi rfs, N etw ork
Pl ejei rt,
Mar J. , Mul til ingu Inte rnati on
1497671 Multilingual Interaction and Dementia Ch arl otta
PhD, MN , al Matt ers al 2017 Rp 4,479,000
APR N, Spr inge r
ANP -B C, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T he PA’s Comp le te Guid e to Pre scr ibi ng Dr ug FNP-BC, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1497658 T herapy 2018 CN E. Comp an y Inc . 2018 Rp 2,240,000
Ch akrabar
ti , Ac ad em ic
1497651 Cancer and Noncoding RNAs Jaypr okas Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

N anote chn ologi es in Pre venti ve an d R ege ne rati ve Uskokovi ć,

1497642 Me di ci ne Vuk Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,048,000

R oll ins on, Ac ad em ic

1497635 Advances in Parasitology David. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,762,000

Sport and the Brai n: The Sci enc e of Pre pari ng, Wi ls on, Ac ad em ic
1497626 E nduri ng and Wi nni ng, P art B Mar k Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,677,000

Im per iali , Ac ad em ic
1497617 Chemical Glycobiology Barbar a. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000

H asc he k, Ac ad em ic
1497604 Fundamentals of Toxicologic Pathology Wand a M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,560,000
Pre uz,
Pie rre - Ac ad em ic
1497600 Neuroepidemiology in Tropical Health Mar ie Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000

Sabita Ac ad em ic
1497592 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Sal danha Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

In Loeffle r’ s Footstep s – Vi ral G enom i cs in th e Era Be er , Ac ad em ic

1497581 of H i gh-T hroughp ut Sequ enc ing Mar ti n Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,746,000

Lal l, Ac ad em ic
1497577 Medicinal Plants for Holistic Health and Well-Being Nam rita Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000
Bharti ,
Alok Ac ad em ic
1497561 Role of Nutraceuticals in Cancer Chemosensitization Ch and ra Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,880,000

N anome di ci ne in Central Ne rvous Syste m In jury Sharm a, Ac ad em ic

1497560 and Re pai r H. S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

Tous oul is, Ac ad em ic

1497558 Coronary Artery Disease Dim i tr is. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Ve rougstra
ete , Ac ad em ic
1497548 Risk Management of Complex Inorganic Materials Vi olai ne Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,368,000

H or ney, Ac ad em ic
1497542 Disaster Epidemiology Je nni fer A . Pre ss Elsevier
Spr ingeLtd.
r 2018 Rp 2,686,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Am eronge Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1497461 Geneesmiddelenkennis voor doktersassistenten n, J. van. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 3,359,000
John Wil e y
Cardi ac Pac ing and De fibri ll ati on i n P edi atr ic and Shah, Wi le y- & Sons,
1497446 Conge nital He art Di se as e Mau ll y Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,572,000
T hie m e
Be rnal- Me di cal
E ndosc opic App roac he s to the Paranasal Si nuse s Sp reke l sen P ubli shi ng
1497428 and Skull B as e , Manu el Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp16,632,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Bu ll ocks, P ubli shi ng
1497425 Plastic Surgery Emergencies Jam al M. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 7,196,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Eks trand , P ubli shi ng
1497424 Encyclopedia of Football Medicine, Vol.2 Jan Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 9,968,000
The Gu il ford
Le avy, Gui lford P ubli cation
1497395 Research Design Patri ci a. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
The Gu il ford
CBT Strate gie s for Anxiou s and De pres se d Bu nge, Gui lford P ubli cation
1497394 Chi ld ren and Ad ole sce nts Eduard o L. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000

Sel e kman, The Gu il ford

Matt hew Gui lford P ubli cation
1497393 Working with High-Risk Adolescents D. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,268,000
The Gu il ford
H ew itt, Gui lford P ubli cation
1497392 Perfectionism Pau l L. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Wi ll iam s, The Gu il ford
T reating Somatic Sym ptoms i n Chi ldr en an d Sara Gui lford P ubli cation
1497391 A dole sc ents Eli zabe th Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
N ew York
Mul li gan, Un ive rsi ty
1497349 Unequal Coverage Je ss ic a M. NYU Press P res s 2017 Rp 3,738,000

Cen te r for N ew York

Prai nsack,
Strategi c Un ive rsi ty
1497330 Personalized Medicine Barbar a
and NYU Press CeP res s for
nter 2018 Rp 3,738,000
In te rnation Cente r for Strate gi c &
al Studi e s Strate gic & Inte rnati on
(Wash ingt Internation al Stu di es
1497280 Her Health, Her Lifetime, Our World on, D .C.) al Stud ie s (R &L) 2017 Rp 1,568,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Puc hne r, B usi nes s
1497196 Rheumatologie aus der Praxis Rud olf Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sym onds, B usi nes s
1497195 Adipose Tissue Biology Mic hael E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carval ho, B usi nes s
1497194 Immunogenetics of Fungal Diseases Agostinh o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tazum a, B usi nes s
1497190 BileAcids in Gastroenterology Su sum u Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R upp, B usi nes s
1497189 Rauchstopp Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
H od ax, Sc ie nce &
Jonathan B usi nes s
1497175 The Orthopedic Consult Survival Guide D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000

Ser gii
1497087 Radiation Risk Estimation Mas iu k De Gruyter Spr
De Gruyter
inge r 2017 Rp 4,704,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Bu rgt, M. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1496723 Omgaan met diversiteit van de r Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nnual Update in Intensi ve Car e and Em e rgen cy B usi nes s
1496722 Me di ci ne 2017 Vincent, J. L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N utri ti on Gu id e for Physi ci ans and Re l ate d Tem pl e , Hu mana B usi nes s
1496715 H eal th care Profes si onal s Norm an J. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We i, B usi nes s
1496714 Translational Bioinformatics and ItsApplication Dongqin g Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jes sor, B usi nes s
1496712 Problem Behavior Theory andAdolescent Health Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Annamal ai B usi nes s
1496699 Medical Management of Psychotropic Side Effects , Ani yi zhai Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
R ogers , Wi le y- & Sons,
1496687 Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Ni col a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,386,000

Ale xan der , Schl

STMüter sc Sc L ightni ng c
hlue ters
1496024 ChildAbuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 5 Rande ll Le
he arning Sourc
he e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Köni g, m bH & m bH &
1495798 Was die PDL wissen muss Ju tta. Co. KG Co. KG 2017 Rp 983,000

Care ers i n Chi ropractic H eal th Car e: Expl orin g a H aw k,

1495568 Gr owi ng Fi el d Ch eryl Praeger ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,344,000
Spr inge r
Wyandt, Sc ie nce &
H um an Chrom osom e Vari ati on : H ete rom orphi sm , He rm an B usi nes s
1495351 P olym orphi sm and Pathoge ne sis Edw in Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Warn aku la B usi nes s
1495350 Squamous Cell Carcinoma suri ya, S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H use bø, B usi nes s
1495349 Palliativmedizin Ste in. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Imp lant De ntis tr y and T ooth-P res ervi ng Staj čić , B usi nes s
1495326 Sur gery Zoran Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Labud de, Spri nger B usi nes s
1495309 Forensik in der digitalen Welt Dir k. Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schi es tl , B usi nes s
1495308 Plastische Chirurgie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen Cl e me ns. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Farooqi, Sc ie nce &
Mol e cul ar Onc ology: Und erl yin g Me chanis m s and Am mad B usi nes s
1495265 T ran slation al Advanc em en ts Ahm ad Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Satoskar, B usi nes s
1495259 Bacterial Infections and the Kidney Anjali A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gue st, B usi nes s
1495254 Proteomic Methods in Neuropsychiatric Research Pau l C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Conne ll y, Sc ie nce &
Rosi na B usi nes s
1495236 Health Literacy and Child Health Outcomes Av il a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ide out, B usi nes s
1495231 Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) Hardy J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi ene rt, B usi nes s
1495229 Anal Fissure Vol ke r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kobash iga B usi nes s
1495223 Clinical Guide to Heart Transplantation wa, Jon A . Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Granse , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1495206 Grondslagen van de ergotherapie Mie ke le Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 7,224,000
H unt, John Wil e y
Ger al di ne Wi le y- & Sons,
1495148 Pitfalls in Veterinary Surgery B. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000

Ale xan der , STM L ightni ng

1494679 ChildAbuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 4 Rande ll Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Morgan &
Kel l y, Claypool
T he Endoc an nabi noi d Syste m in Loc al and Mel anie E . Li fe B iota
1494520 Syste mi c Inflamm ation M. Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 6,300,000
Yale Yal e
Mason, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1494436 Babies of Technology Mar y Ann Pre ss P
Nres s
ati onal 2017 Rp 1,176,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
E sse ntial Cli nic al Handbook for th e Fou ndation Ladd s, Le arning Inte rnati on
1494420 P rogramm e Em ma. Me dia Ltd al 2017 Rp 2,686,000

In form atio
1494392 Macular Edema Gabr
Re ie l es S. Karger KargerAG
sourc 2017 Rp 7,448,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1494387 Healthcare Ethics and Training n. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp61,600,000
John Wil e y
Kubitsc hec Wi le y- & Sons,
1494341 Fluorescence Microscopy k, U lri ch Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,180,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Internation Inte rnati on
1494263 Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare Tye, Joe al al 2017 Rp 1,259,000

Inte stinal Mi crobi ome : Functi onal As pec ts i n Isol au ri,

1494262 H eal th and D ise ase Eri ka S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 1,988,000
Z eng,
Gengs hen g
1494248 Image Reconstruction Lawre nce . De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,624,000

Woodw ard Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1492890 Rethinking Patient Safety , Suze tte y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 1,679,000

Are zes, CR C Pre ss

1492888 Occupational Safety and Hygiene V Ped ro M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,439,000

Si gnali ng Me chani sm s R e gulatin g T Ce l l D ive rsi ty Soboloff , CR C Pre ss

1492887 and Func ti on Jonathan. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000

Kom i saruk CR C Pre ss

1492885 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology , B ar ry R . CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,319,000

H ofs tra, CR C Pre ss

1492884 Advances in Biomolecular Medicine Robe rt. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

KIL LPAC Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1492882 Change Rx for Healthcare K, KEE LY. y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Me ch ani sm s Lin king A ging, Di se as es and Z ap ic o, CR C Pre ss

1492876 B iol ogic al Age Es ti m ati on Sara C. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Mirand a CR C Pre ss
1492875 The Vulva A. CRC Press L LC 2018 Rp 4,479,000
Chapm an
B ioe qui val enc e an d Stati stic s i n Cl in ic al Patte rson, and CR C Pre ss
1492867 P har macol ogy, Se cond Ed iti on Sc ott D. Hal l/CRC L lse
E LCvi er 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Inc .,
Be ll i n, H eal th
Mar ie - El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1492807 Echo-Doppler vasculaire et viscéral Fran ce . Masson Di vi si on 2015 Rp13,539,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E me rgi ng Tr end s i n N eu ro En gine er ing and B usi nes s
1492768 N eu ral Com putation Bhatti,Asim Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Goul et, B usi nes s
1492757 Orofacial Pain Biomarkers Je an-Pau l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Babar, Sc ie nce &
P har mace uti cal Poli cy in Cou ntrie s wi th Zahe er-ud - B usi nes s
1492741 D eve lopi ng H e al thcare System s din Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
John Wil e y
Sm al l, Wi le y- & Sons,
1492728 Clinical Radiation Oncology Wil l iam Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,599,000
John Wil e y
Love land, & Sons,
1492727 Modern Nuclear Chemistry Wal ter D. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 4,900,000
John Wil e y
& Sons,
1492720 Human Disease and Health Promotion Beale, Leslie Jossey-Bass Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Taylor &
Sol ving Popul ati on H e al th Probl em s Throu gh Bi ale k, Franc is
1492096 Col laborati on Ronal d G. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
Mason, Franc is
1492006 Sustainable Diets Pam e la Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N g, Y . K. B usi nes s
1491982 Application of Infrared to Biomedical Sciences Edd ie Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cr istofanil l Hu mana B usi nes s
1491975 Liquid Biopsies in Solid Tumors i, Massi m o Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000

Com pl em e ntary Fee di ng: Bui ld ing the

1491881 Fou ndati ons for a H ealthy Life Black, R.E. S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 1,988,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Ari yan , De mos Com pany,
1491861 The Melanoma Handbook Ste phan Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Tatum , De mos Com pany,
1491860 Ambulatory EEG Monitoring Wil l iam O. Me dic al Inc .e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Ind ustrial
H ygie ne
Teague , As soci ati o
1491638 AIHA Laboratory Quality Assurance Manual Andre w L. AIHA n (AIHA)
Am e ri can 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Ind ustrial
H ygie ne
R e cogni ti on, Evaluation an d Control of Le gi on el la Ker bel , As soci ati o
1491637 i n B ui ldi ng Water System s Wil l iam . AIHA n (AIHA)
Am e ri can 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Ind ustrial
H ygie ne
A Str ate gy for As ses si ng and Managi ng Jahn, As soci ati o
1491635 O ccu pati onal Exposure s Ste ven D. AIHA n (AIHA) 2015 Rp 3,640,000
Harvard H ar vard
Morri s, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1491546 Eros and Illness David B. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,399,000
M& K
Dun can, M&K Up date
1491090 Respiratory Care Debor ah Publ i shi ng L
. rsi ty 2017 Rp 700,000
of N ew
Al le n, Wal es
1490864 Pioneering Bionic Ear Surgeon Bill Gibson Tin a K. NewSouth
Cre ati ve P res s 2017 Rp 840,000
He alth Spr inge r
Care P ubli shi ng
Guanc i, Managem e Com pany,
1490786 Feel the Pull Gen. nt Inc . 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Uni ver sity
Schl ic h, R oche ster B oydel l &
1490739 Technological Change in Modern Surgery Thom as Pre ss B rew er 2017 Rp 2,520,000
F. A. Davis
Gyl ys, Com pany/
1490676 Medical Terminology Systems Barbar a A . F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,435,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Park, B usi nes s
1490492 Acute Ischemic Stroke Jae chan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H annu la, B usi nes s
1490280 The Hippocampus From Cells to Systems Debor ah E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000

D iabete s As soci ate d w i th Singl e Ge ne Defe cts and

1490088 Chrom osom al A bnorm al iti es F. Barbetti S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 7,028,000
Ne w N ew
Harbi nge r H ar binge r
Tri bol e, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1490049 The Intuitive Eating Workbook Evel yn s s 2017 Rp 433,000
Pe nnsyl va
Pe nn State ni a State
Czerw ie c, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1490040 Taking Turns MK Pre ss
Cre ati ve P res s 2016 Rp 1,176,000
He alth Spr inge r
Care P ubli shi ng
We sse l, Managem e Com pany,
1489881 Primary Nursing Su san nt ati ve
Cre Inc . 2015 Rp 1,680,000
He alth Spr inge r
Care P ubli shi ng
Wr ight, Managem e Com pany,
1489879 Competency Assessment Field Guide Donna nt ati ve
Cre Inc . 2015 Rp 1,680,000
He alth Spr inge r
Cohen , Care P ubli shi ng
Mic hael Managem e Com pany,
1489878 The Power of Shared Vision He nry nt Inc . 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Canbay, B usi nes s
1489872 Unusual Cases in Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Em el Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan cin g He alth and We ll bei ng i n the Changi ng Gatz we il er B usi nes s
1489870 U rban Envi ronm en t , Fr anz W . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Scott , P . B usi nes s
1489855 Key Concepts and Issues in Nursing Ethics Anne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000

Ver lag
1489585 Das Rätsel Schizophrenie Häfner, H. C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2017 Rp 2,053,000

Maer cke r, Ver lag

1489580 Trauma und Traumafolgestörungen Andre as C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2017 Rp 613,000
Spr inge r
Mid dle bro Sc ie nce &
oks, John B usi nes s
1489352 TheAuditory System at the Cocktail Party C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R omane ll i, B usi nes s
1489350 NOTES and Endoluminal Surgery John R . Springer Me
Sprdi a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1489258 Psychiatrie Reedijk, J. S. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dötsc h, B usi nes s
1489231 Nierenerkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter Jör g. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ata Sci en ce and B ig Data: A n En vironm e nt of Pe drycz, B usi nes s
1489226 Com putational Inte l li genc e Witol d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Okazaki , B usi nes s
1489223 IgG4-Related Disease Kazui chi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bane rje e, B usi nes s
1489221 Emergency Clinical Diagnosis Ashi s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim ball , B usi nes s
1489220 Hidradenitis Suppurativa Ale xa Boe r Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1489217 Muscles, Nerves, and Pain Nix, W.A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Jassi m, Sc ie nce &
B ac te ri ophages : P rac tic al App li cations for N atur e's Sabah A. B usi nes s
1489207 B ioc on trol A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H am dan, B usi nes s
1489206 Strategic Thinking in a Hospital Setting A. L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
John Wil e y
A nal ytic s and De ci sion Support in He al th Care Ozcan, & Sons,
1489125 O per ati ons Managem e nt Yas ar A. Jossey-Bass Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
John Wil e y
H od gson, Wi le y- & Sons,
1489124 Veterinary Medical Education Je nni fer L. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Gord on , P ubli shi ng
1489067 Encyclopedia of Football Medicine, Vol.1 Jonn y Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 7,756,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1489058 Eye Care Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000

Dun nett , Ac ad em ic
1488754 Functional Neural Transplantation IV S. B . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,677,000

Byrn e, Ac ad em ic
1488752 Learning and Memory:A Comprehensive Reference John H. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp63,336,000

Schw ai d, Ac ad em ic
1488746 Board Review in Preventive Medicine and Public Health Gre gor y Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Ac ad em ic
1488742 Treating Life-Threatening Bleedings Hedner, U. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

H aem atol ogy Case Stu di es wi th Bl ood Ce ll Ac ad em ic

1488741 Mor phology an d Pathophysi ology Singh, Indu Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,350,000
T hiam ine D efic ie ncy Di sease , Dysautonom ia, an d CH AN DL Ac ad em ic
1488739 H igh Cal ori e Mal nutri tion ER . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Fri ed hel m Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1488729 Formulierungshilfen zur Pflegeplanung He nke e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 2,799,000
M& K
M&K Up date
1488692 CTAnatomy for Radiotherapy Bridge, Pete Publ i shi ng L td . 2017 Rp 1,736,000

Jürge n Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1488591 Psychotherapie und Neurobiologie Brunn er e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 5,179,000
Ne w N ew
Harbi nge r H ar binge r
Corso, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1488493 Stronger Than BPD Debbi e s s 2017 Rp 379,000

T reating Sexual Abuse and Traum a w ith Chi ld ren , Charl es C

A dole sc ents, and Young Ad ults wi th H ou de k, Charle s C T homas
1488488 D eve lopm e ntal Di sabil i ti es Vanes sa Thom as P ubli she r 2017 Rp 811,000
Spr inge r
Kne chtel , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
E KGs for the N urs e Practiti oner and P hysi ci an Mau ree n Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1488359 A ssi stant, Sec ond Edi ti on A. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Fi tzgeral d, F. A. Davis
N urs e P ractiti oner Certi fication Exam i nati on and Mar gare t Com pany/
1488330 P rac tic e P rep ar ati on A. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,603,000
F. A. Davis
Whi tw orth Com pany/
1488329 Davis Essential Nursing Content + Practice Questions , She il a C. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ai ng, B usi nes s
1488281 Immunotherapy Au ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi nagar, Hu mana B usi nes s
1488279 Inflammatory Disorders of the Nervous System Ali re za. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1488277 Life and Death Decisions in the Clinical Setting Walker, Paul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Swanson, B usi nes s
1488268 Evidence-Based Cosmetic Breast Surgery Eri c Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ei de gger , R e produc tive Tec hnol ogy, & The Be lu , Palgrave B usi nes s
1488256 Mothe rl ess Age Dana S. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1488253 Evidence-based Therapy in Vascular Surgery Debus, E. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000

T he Praege r Handbook of Chi ropr ac ti c He al th H aw k,

1488114 Care : E vid enc e-Base d Practic es Ch eryl Praeger ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,624,000

Vac ci nati on and Its Cri ti cs : A Docu me ntar y and

1488110 R e fe re nce Gui de Rosner, Lisa Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me rri ck, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488077 Pain Management Yearbook 2016 Joav Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488073 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488070 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488066 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488064 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488062 Constrictive Pericarditis and Cardiac Tamponade Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mi ll er , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488061 Thyroid Nodules and Cancer Je ff rey L. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ward, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488030 Autoantibodies Lin dse y Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sloop , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488027 Blood Viscosity Gre gor y D. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
França, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488023 Trichotillomania (hair Pulling Disorder) Katl ei n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Şahin, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488018 Case Discussions in Endocrinology Mustafa Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1488015 Diabetic Nephropathy Li, Mingxi Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Mc Gil l -
Gl as sford, Q uee n's
Sarah Un ive rsi ty
1488007 Mobilizing Mercy Carl en e MQUP P res s 2017 Rp 1,119,000

John Wil e y
R odger , Wi le y- & Sons,
1487841 Occupation-Centred Practice with Children Syl vi a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,792,000
Mate ri al s Mater ials
R ese arch Sc ie nce
Pe che va, Forum Foru m
1487826 Study of Biocompatible and Biological Materials Em il ia. LL C L LC 2017 Rp 3,500,000
Li ver man, Nation al N ati onal
R e vie w of NASA' s E vide nc e Re ports on Hu man Catharyn Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1487810 H eal th R isks T. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Mc Coy, Nation al N ati onal
Mar gare t Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1487809 Exploring Strategies to Improve CardiacArrest Survival A. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000

John Wil e y
Day, Wi le y- & Sons,
1487794 Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain Mel is sa Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,934,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dangle ben B usi nes s
1487728 Acute Care General Surgery , D al e A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pawl ik, Sc ie nce &
Case -Based Le ss on s i n the Managem e nt of Tim othy B usi nes s
1487727 Com pl ex H ep ato-Pancre ato-Bi li ary Sur gery M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ahl er , B usi nes s
1487718 Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Medicine Ger hard . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tom i oka, B usi nes s
1487714 New Horizons of Process Chemistry Kiyoshi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schre i ber, B usi nes s
1487713 Schreiben zur Selbsthilfe Bir git Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schobe r, B usi nes s
1487702 Strategic Planning forAdvanced Nursing Practice Mad rean Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Un ive rsi ty
P res s of
Hassou neh N ew
1487636 Faculty of Color in the Health Professions , D ena E ngland
Dartmouth Inte rnati on 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Spe ci ali ze d
Ne ofel is B ook
1487185 Hunger Holling, Eva Ve rl ag Se rvic es 2016 Rp 672,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Em i li en, B usi nes s
1487154 Consumer Perception of Product Risks and Benefits Ger ard . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
O xford
Wi ffe n, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1487093 Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy Phi li p. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 7,348,000
Oxford O xford
Kottl er, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1487091 On Being a Therapist Je ff rey A . Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,679,000

Shi , Pan CR C Pre ss

1486970 Deep Imaging in Tissue and Biomedical Materials Lin gyan Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 6,999,000
Be n-
Tovim , D. Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss
1486966 Process Redesign for Health Care Using Lean Thinking I. y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 3,304,000
Fi nigan- Taylor &
L inki ng H eal th and E duc ati on for Afri can Carr, Franc is
1486957 A me ri can Stude nts’ Succ es s Nadi ne Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
H asn ai n, Franc is
1486955 Health of SouthAsians in the United States Mem oona CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Akoh, CR C Pre ss
1486951 Food Lipids Casi m ir C. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,559,000

Bal e, CR C Pre ss
1486950 Pediatric Neurology, Second Edition Jam es F. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

A n Introduc ti on to Polys ac chari de Bi ote chn ology, H ard ing, CR C Pre ss

1486948 Se cond Edi tion S. E . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1486946 Laboratory Models for Foodborne Infections Dongyou CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,119,000
Taylor &
Inform ati on P rivacy in th e Evolvi ng He al thcare Koontz, Franc is
1486945 E nvir on me nt, 2nd Ed ition Lin da D. CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Podu ri, K. CR C Pre ss

1486944 Geriatric Rehabilitation Rao CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Mare tte, CR C Pre ss

1486936 Yogurt André CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

Im provi ng P opul ati on He alth Usi ng El e ctronic Gol dste in, CR C Pre ss
1486935 H eal th R ecor ds Ne al CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,760,000
H anj i, App le
Mal l ikarju Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1486929 Meta-Analysis in Psychiatry Research n B. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000
App le
Ge orge, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1486928 Holistic Healthcare Anne Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000
App le
Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1486927 Allergy andAllergen Immunotherapy Singh,A. B. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
App le
E ngine e ring Practi ce s for Ag ric ultur al Pr oducti on Goyal, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1486925 and Wate r Cons ervation Megh Raj Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000
, G abri e l Taylor &
1486831 Human Memory A. Routledge Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 5,600,000
Taylor &
Kagan, Franc is
1486830 WoundedAngels Ri chard Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,340,000
Ken dall -
Tac kett, Taylor &
Kathl ee n Franc is
1486789 Women’s Mental HealthAcross the Lifespan A. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,340,000
John Wil e y
N este l, Wi le y- & Sons,
1486739 Healthcare Simulation Education Debr a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,086,000
O pen
Sum m ary and A nal ysi s of Bel l evue : Thre e R oad
Ce nturi es of Me dic in e and Mayhe m at Am e ric a's Worth Worth Inte grate d
1486488 Mos t Stori e d H ospi tal Books Books Me di a, Inc . 2017 Rp 168,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paul a, B usi nes s
1486477 Patientensicherheit und Risikomanagement in der Pflege He lm ut Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Landwe hr, B usi nes s
1486476 Rechtsfragen der Präimplantationsdiagnostik Ch arl otte Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ter nès , Spri nger B usi nes s
1486474 Integriertes Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement Anabel Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Inte rnati onal Confe re nce on Ad vanc em e nts of Sc ie nce &
Me di ci ne and H eal th Care Through Tec hnol ogy; Vl ad, B usi nes s
1486471 12th - 15th Octobe r 2016, Cluj -Napoca, Rom ania Si m ona Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1486463 Nosokomiale Pneumonie Ewig, S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi tr a, B usi nes s
1486458 Short Pulse Laser Systems for BiomedicalApplications Kunal Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thu m, B usi nes s
1486455 Non-coding RNAs in the Vasculature Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cu mm i ngs B usi nes s
1486451 Political Violence,Armed Conflict, and YouthAdjustment , E . M ark Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mod el ing, Me thodol ogi e s and Tool s for M ol e cul ar B usi nes s
1486446 and Nano-sc al e Comm uni cations Suzuki, J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
R ojo, Sc ie nce &
Eduard o B usi nes s
1486444 Manual of 3D Echocardiography Casas Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000

1486123 Diagnosis and Therapy of Tattoo Complications J. Serup S. Karger SprKarger

ingeAGr 2017 Rp 6,664,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Cr ane nbur Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486108 Neurorevalidatie gh, B. van Loghu m V.
SL) r 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Bos ker, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486107 Leidraad cardiologie Hans. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Jünge n, IJ. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486105 Toegepaste geneesmiddelenkennis D. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486104 Leidraad neurologie Jacobs, B. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bri nk, Bohn B usi nes s
G.T. W.J. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486088 Leerboek intensive-care-verpleegkunde neonatologie van de n Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 8,904,000
Sc ie nce &
Van Bohn B usi nes s
Haaren, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486087 Klinisch redeneren en verpleegkundige classificaties Ell y Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H aar, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486085 Mechanische beademing op de intensive care Hans te r Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Gaag, Bohn B usi nes s
Mar k van Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486084 Doelgericht begeleiden in de psychiatrie de r Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Jonker , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486083 Kleinschalig zorgen Angè le Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Groothui s, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486082 Toegepast rekenen voor zorg en verpleging Ron Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486081 Inspanningstests Takken, Tim Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Vugt, A rie Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486080 Leerboek acute geneeskunde van Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 5,544,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ve rbe ek, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486077 Tijd voor zorg, zorg voor tijd Gabr ië ll e Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Wassi nk- Bohn B usi nes s
Cor nel is se , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486075 Thoraxchirurgie Je anin e Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,544,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Be li ë n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486074 Orthopedische chirurgie Mar gret Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,984,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Me ntink, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486072 Farmaceutische patiëntenzorg J. R . Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Pl oeg, E. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486071 Werken met thuiswonende kwetsbare ouderen S. van d er Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Mul de r, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486070 Keel-, neus- en oorchirugie Hanne ke Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Call afon, Bohn B usi nes s
Natal ie Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486069 Gynaecologische chirurgie Ve rsi jde -de Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Larm en é, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486068 Algemene chirurgie In grid Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,544,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
De We er t, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486067 Basisboek operatieve zorg en technieken Rol f Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Grund me ij Bohn B usi nes s
er, H . G . L . Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486065 Het geneeskundig proces M. Loghu m V. (B SL) r
Spr inge 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Me sche r, Bohn B usi nes s
Anthony Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486064 Functionele histologie L. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Sc ie nce &
Me er, J. Bohn B usi nes s
W. M. van Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486063 Anamnese en lichamelijk onderzoek de r Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,984,000
Sc ie nce &
H uizi nga- Bohn B usi nes s
Arp, C. R. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486062 Zo werkt het in de apotheek C. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Kram er, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486060 Leidraad fysische diagnostiek N. M. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bu rgt, Bohn B usi nes s
Mar ie ke Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486059 Inleiding in de gezondheidszorg van de r Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Bu rgt, M. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486058 Preventie en voorlichting van de r Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Cr ane nbur Bohn B usi nes s
gh, Ben Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486057 Segmentale verschijnselen van Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Van Bohn B usi nes s
Haaren, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486056 Risicosignalering in de zorg Ell y Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
We rkpr oc es se n i n de p oli kli nie k e n soci al e Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486055 ge zondhe id szor g Bijlsma, I.W. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
van Bohn B usi nes s
Am eronge Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486054 Medisch-technisch handelen voor doktersassistenten n, J. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,919,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Klöp pin g, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486053 Cardiovasculaire ziektebeelden C. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Jongh, T. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486052 Fysische diagnostiek O. H. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 5,544,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Bi rni e, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486051 Basiswerk maatschappelijk werk en dienstverlening Syl vi a. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
van de r Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486050 Introductie in de gezondheidszorg Burgt, M. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Li nde n, Bohn B usi nes s
F.P. G.M. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486049 Gebitsontwikkeling bij de mens van de r. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486048 Kindergeneeskunde Mul, D. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
We ze l, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486047 Weerbaarheid voor zorgprofessionals In grid van. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Schu it, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486045 Leerboek metabolisme Fran s C. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H al , Marj o Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486042 Maatschappelijke gezondheidszorg van. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Boute r, L. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486038 Leerboek epidemiologie M. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
T heore tis ch kade r voor de ve rpl ee gkund ige de Gr aaf - Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486036 be roe psui toefe ning Waar, H. I. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486033 Inleiding in de gerontologie en geriatrie Visser, M. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Dup ont, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486030 Mondzorg en beroepshouding Joos t. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Schal ken, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486027 Handboek online hulpverlening Fran k Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H os son, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486023 De CT-thorax S. M. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
R ijke rs, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1486013 Leerboek immunologie Ger T. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Trom p, J. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485982 De aanpak van onderzoek H. M. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Bous em a, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485939 Leidraad international health J. T. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485921 De thoraxfoto Tip, M.J. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H al em , N. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485896 Helpen bij persoonlijke verzorging/ADL van. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Morre e , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485892 Inspanningsfysiologie, oefentherapie en training J. J. d e. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485891 Kraamzorg Reinke, Xan. Loghu m V. (B SL) r
Spr inge 2015 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ve rstee ge n Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485890 Diagnostiek en behandeling van pijn , G erbri g J. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
De rkx, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485888 Triage Hay. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Wanrooij , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485885 Palliatieve zorg in de dagelijkse praktijk B.S. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,919,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Jünge n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485858 Chirurgie IJ. D. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Jünge n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485826 Psychiatrie IJ. D. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H ere s, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485810 Uitscheiding Wil l eke Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485804 Nicolien van den Broeken Terink, T. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 1,679,000
Sc ie nce &
Ge rm ai n, Bohn B usi nes s
Bland ine Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485787 Anatomie van de beweging Cal ai s. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 3,919,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
N ugte re n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1485779 Onderzoek en behandeling van de schouder Koos van. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2015 Rp 3,359,000
R ul es and G uid an ce for Ph arm ace utic al
Manu factur ers and D istri butors (O range Gui de) Gre at Pharm ace u P har mace u
1485753 2017 Bri tai n. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2017 Rp 3,304,000

R ul es and G uid an ce for Ph arm ace utic al Gre at Pharm ace u P har mace u
1485752 D istri butors (G ree n Gu id e) 2017 Bri tai n. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Nagen dra Ac ad em ic
1485696 Yogurt in Health and Disease Prevention P. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,712,000

She rbet, Ac ad em ic
1485689 MolecularApproach to Cancer Management G. V. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

H arr is, Ac ad em ic
1485687 Measurement andAnalysis of Kinetic Isotope Effects Mic hael E. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000
John Wil e y
Bast, Wi le y- & Sons,
1485612 Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine Robe rt C. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 8,399,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Los ee , P ubli shi ng
1485608 Comprehensive Cleft Care, Second Edition: Volume One Jos eph E. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp13,860,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Los ee , P ubli shi ng
1485607 Comprehensive Cleft Care, Second Edition: Volume Two Jos eph E. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp13,860,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hoff mann, B usi nes s
1485604 Wenn Zwänge das Leben einengen Ni col as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu robiol ogic al and Psyc hologi cal Aspe cts of Pe tr os ini , B usi nes s
1485597 B rai n Re cove ry Laura Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mic hale ws B usi nes s
1485596 Atlas of Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography ka, Z ofia Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Pawar, Sc ie nce &
Man oh ar B usi nes s
1485590 Empowering Social Workers S. Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
B ook
Ed ward N etw ork
R omford, Eve re tt Inte rnati on
1485457 The Facey Romford Papers. Days in The Life of the NHS Fac ey R oot al ati onal
N 2016 Rp 2,660,000
B ook
Ed ward N etw ork
Sikora, Eve re tt Inte rnati on
1485456 The Street-wise Patient's Guide to Surviving Cancer Karol R oot al ati onal
N 2016 Rp 1,260,000
B ook
Ed ward N etw ork
Com in g, R eady or N ot!' The R eali tie s, the Poli tic s, Spye rs, Eve re tt
Internation Inte rnati on
1485455 and the Future of the NH S John R oot
al al
Q uinte sse n 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
N oncari ous Ce rvi cal Le si on s and Cervi cal De ntin Soar es, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1485406 H ype rse nsi ti vi ty Pau lo V. Group Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Eu ropean E urope an
Al ibe rti, R esp irator R es pi rator
1485363 Anti-infectives and the Lung Ste fano y Soci e ty y Soc ie ty 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
T he Nur se Manage r’ s Gu ide to Inn ovative Staffing, Me nsi k, Internation Inte rnati on
1485244 Se cond Edi tion Je nni fer al al 2017 Rp 979,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
N urs ing Beyon d the Be dsi de : 60 N on-Hos pital Low ey, Internation Inte rnati on
1485243 Care ers i n N ursi ng Su san Eva The
al al 2017 Rp 839,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Caroli na Caroli na
1485237 The Religion of Chiropractic Folk, Holly Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000

Ale xan der , STM L ightni ng

1485233 ChildAbuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 3 Rande ll Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000

Ale xan der , STM L ightni ng

1485232 ChildAbuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 2 Rande ll Le arning Sourc
E lse vieerInc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Inc .,
Pe ndl eton, H eal th
He id i Sc ie nce s
1485159 Pedretti's Occupational Therapy - E-Book McH ugh Mosby Di vi si on 2018 Rp 7,472,000
John Wil e y
Bai n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1485127 Leukaemia Diagnosis Barbar a J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,620,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badnj evi c, B usi nes s
1485113 CMBEBIH 2017 Alm i r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp12,852,000

Matthi as Mabuse - B ookw i re

1485009 Wohnen undAmbulantisierung in derAltenhilfe Kei l Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,091,000

Mabuse - B ookw i re
1485008 Zange am Hirn Felix Leps Ve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 588,000
Bi rgi t
Pan ke- Mabuse - B ookw i re
1485007 Let's work together Koc hi nke Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 923,000

John Wil e y
R ie gel , Wi le y- & Sons,
1485004 Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine Ronal d J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2018 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
Shafe r, For & Sons,
1485000 Diabetes and Carb Counting For Dummies Sh erri Dum m ie s Inc . r&
B ake 2017 Rp 644,000
PE SI P ubli she r
E xp and ed Di al e ctic al B ehavi or Th erapy Ski l ls Pe de rson, Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1484971 T rai ni ng Manual Lane. & Med ia (BT PS) 2017 Rp 420,000

Me ule n, OUP O UP
1484919 Rethinking Cognitive Enhancement R. H. J. ter Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 6,929,000

Pe di atri c an d Ad ult N utri ti on i n Chr onic Di se as es, Oxford

D eve lopm e ntal Di sabil i ti es , and H ere di tary Ekvall , Uni ver sity O UP
1484908 Me tabol i c D isord ers Sh irl ey Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp10,500,000

Schu lki n, OUP O UP

1484895 The CRF Signal Jay Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 2,268,000
T hie m e
H am ori , Me di cal
Ch ris ti ne P ubli shi ng
1484874 Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery A. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp18,284,000
Oxford O xford
Le vin , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1484865 Understanding Your Migraines Morri s Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 879,000

O xford
Wal de mar, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1484861 Alzheimer's Disease Gunhi ld Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,417,000

1484789 Geriatrische Gastroenterologie Wern er-J. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,200,000
H annawa,
N ew H orizons in Pati e nt Safe ty: Un der stand ing Anne gret
1484787 Com m uni cati on F. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 2,576,000

Jer em ie
1484783 Laboratory Quality Control and Patient Safety M. G ras . De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,148,000
Hu man
McGu igan, Kin etic s, H um an
1484732 Monitoring Training and Performance inAthletes Mike Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 4,536,000

Pe te rse n,
1484691 Thoracic Surgery in Children andAdolescents Cl aus De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,704,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ki nde r- und Juge ndps ychi atri e im Fanger au , B usi nes s
1484690 N ati onalsozi al is mu s u nd i n d er Nach krie gszei t He ine r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge dde s, B usi nes s
1484667 Microwave Effects on DNA and Proteins Ch ris D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pavés io, B usi nes s
1484666 Scleritis Carl os E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dokos, B usi nes s
1484650 Modelling Organs, Tissues, Cells and Devices Soc rate s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ass , B usi nes s
1484646 Capsule Endoscopy David J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tandon, B usi nes s
1484639 Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis Radhi ka Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1484634 Towards Universal Health Care in Emerging Economies Yi, Ilcheong Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni ver sity of
H agan, of Mi ss ou ri
1484582 The Science of Near-Death Experiences John C. Mi ssour i P res s 2017 Rp 839,000
Skurka, John Wil e y
Mar gare t & Sons,
1484479 Health Information Management Fle ttre Jossey-Bass Inc . 2017 Rp 2,520,000
John Wil e y
Murp hy, Wi le y- & Sons,
1484478 Practical Transfusion Medicine Mic hael F. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Pe arson
Pi nel , E duc ati on
1484450 Biopsychology, Global Edition John P. J. Pearson L im ite d 2018 Rp 1,386,000
Montgom e Wol ters L ipp inc ott
D iff ere ntial Di agn oses i n Surgi cal Path ol ogy: ry, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484438 Gastroi ntes ti nal Sys te m Eli zabe th He alth W il kins 2015 Rp14,280,000
Wi lki ns,
Lip pi ncott Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wil l iam s Klu we r W il li am s &
1484437 Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! &amp ;. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Maste r Te chni que s i n O tol arygologi c Su rger y: Sn yder ma Klu we r W il li am s &
1484432 Skul l Base Surge ry n, Carl H . He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Maste r Te chni que s i n Su rgery: Th orac ic Surge ry: Mathise n, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484428 L ung R e sec tions, B ronchopl asty Dougl as J. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Al bo, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484426 Operative Techniques in Colon and Rectal Surgery Danie l. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H erron, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484423 TheASAM Essentials of Addiction Medicine Abigai l. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wyl li e , Klu we r W il li am s &
1484421 Wyllie's Treatment of Epilepsy Elai ne He alth W il kins 2015 Rp26,880,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
U ltrasound -G uid ed Re gi onal Ane sthe si a and Pain Bi gel e ise n, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484420 Me di ci ne Pau l E. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp14,700,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H icke y, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484418 The Continuum of Stroke Care Joanne V. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 6,300,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Gom el l a, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484417 The 5 Minute Urology Consult Le on ard G. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Paul man, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484416 Taylor's Manual of Family Medicine Pau l M. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
R ose n & Barki n's 5-Mi nute Em erge nc y Me dic in e Schai der , Klu we r W il li am s &
1484415 Cons ult Standard Edi tion Je ff rey. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
O per ati ve Te chn ique s in Thoraci c and Es ophageal H aw n, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484408 Sur gery Mar y T. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
O per ati ve Te chn ique s in He pato-Pancr eato-B il iary H ughes , Klu we r W il li am s &
1484407 Sur gery Ste ven J. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1484404 Nuclear Oncology Aktolun, C. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp25,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Maste r Te chni que s i n U ppe r and Lowe r Ai rw ay Rose nbl att , Klu we r W il li am s &
1484398 Manage me nt Wil l iam H. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp10,920,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Al pe rs, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484397 Manual of Nutritional Therapeutics David H. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Kaplan, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Norm an Klu we r W il li am s &
1484392 Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension M. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Johnson, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484391 JHU Manual of Obstetrics and Gynecology Cl ark T. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,796,000
Borc her s, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Andre a Klu we r W il li am s &
1484389 Handbook of Signs & Symptoms Ann He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,620,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Z yroms ki, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484388 Handbook of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Ni chol as J. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,460,000
Kli ne - Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Fath, Be th Klu we r W il li am s &
1484386 Fundamental andAdvanced Fetal Imaging M. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp23,520,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wi ll is , Klu we r W il li am s &
1484385 Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy! Laura M. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
E mbol ization The rap y: P rin cip le s and Cli ni cal Gui maraes Klu we r W il li am s &
1484383 A ppl ic ati on s , Marc el o He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Palaganas, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484380 Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs Jani ce C. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp13,440,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Coll in s, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484376 Chest Radiology Janne tte He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,652,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Ep stei n, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484373 Biopsy Interpretation of the Prostate Jonathan I. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp13,776,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Torbe nson, Klu we r W il li am s &
1484371 Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver Mic hael S. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp14,280,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
A nes the si a for Ge ne ti c, Me tabol ic , and Baum , Klu we r W il li am s &
1484368 D ysm or phi c Synd rome s of Chil dhood Vi ctor C. He alth
The W il kins 2015 Rp18,480,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Góm ez, Caroli na Caroli na
1484099 The Experiential Caribbean Pabl o F. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Ne w N ew
Harbi nge r H ar binge r
Jos efowi tz, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1484093 CBT Made Simple Ni na s s 2017 Rp 1,102,000
N ew
H ar binge r
Jason B . Context P ubli cation
1484091 Learning ACT Luom a Pre ss s ake r &
B 2017 Rp 1,102,000
Pur due P ubli she r
Kraus, Uni ver sity Se rvic es
1484059 At Wit's End George Pre ss (BT PS) 2017 Rp 700,000
In formor atio
ze nt W.
n Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1484014 Tumoren der Lunge und des Mediastinums Münch
Re sourcenes rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 728,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1484011 Oral Healthcare and Technologies n. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 8,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1483863 Perfektionismus überwinden Spitzer, Nils. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi che rt, B usi nes s
1483840 Ambient Assisted Living Re ine r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Kes ar i, Sc ie nce &
Kavi n B usi nes s
1483836 Perspectives in Environmental Toxicology Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe rtil i ty Pre ser vation and R e storati on for P ati ents Goe ts ch, B usi nes s
1483824 w ith Com pl e x Med ic al Condi tions All i son L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ifukube , B usi nes s
1483820 Sound-BasedAssistive Technology Tōru Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
John Wil e y
Bai n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1483691 A Beginner's Guide to Blood Cells Barbar a J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,540,000
John Wil e y
R aghavan, Wi le y- & Sons,
1483687 Textbook of Uncommon Cancer Der ek Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp11,200,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kiyom i Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1483674 Advances in Modern Medicine Tani yam a Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Subs tanc e and N onsubstance R e lated Addi cti on Bhatia, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1483672 D isord er : Di agnosi s and Tre atm e nt Su bhash C. Ltd. L td . mate
Case 2017 Rp 1,652,000
P ubli she rs
Burti nsha Pe n and & Book
w, Sword Di stri butor
1483623 Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots Kathryn. Hi story s , L LC 2017 Rp 584,000
Ne w N ew
De Luc a, Harbi nge r H ar binge r
Robyn Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1483608 The Hormone Myth Ste in s s 2017 Rp 379,000
N ew
H ar binge r
H aye s, Context P ubli cation
1483607 Process-Based CBT Ste ven C. Pre ss s 2018 Rp 1,567,000
Sel f-
Counse l L ightni ng
1483493 The Successful Caregiver's Guide Rick Lauber Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 252,000
Sel f-
Mary F. Counse l L ightni ng
1483426 Talk to Your Doc Hawki ns Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 336,000

Ac ad em ic
1483395 Advances in Molecular Toxicology Vol 11 Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,038,000
Al t,
Fred eri ck Ac ad em ic
1483315 Advances in Immunology W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,485,000

Sariasl an i, Ac ad em ic
1483314 Advances inApplied Microbiology Si m a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,771,000
Karabe nch
Ch ris tova, Ac ad em ic
1483306 Structural and Mechanistic Enzymology Tatyan a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,746,000

Badaut, Ac ad em ic
1483223 Brain Edema Jé rôm e Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Vard jan, Ac ad em ic
1483221 Noradrenergic Signaling andAstroglia Ni na. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

N utri ents in Dairy an d Th ei r Im pl ic ati ons for Wats on, Ac ad em ic

1483204 H eal th and D ise ase Ronal d R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Inhal ed Pharm ace utical Pr od uct Deve lop me nt H icke y,

1483203 Pe rsp ec ti ves Anthony J. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 2,350,000

Davi d, Ac ad em ic
1483194 Fe-S Cluster Enzymes Part A Sh ei la S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000

Croce , Ac ad em ic
1483193 MiRNA and Cancer Carl o Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,746,000
Fi she r,
Ide ntifyi ng and Addr ess ing th e Soc ial Issue s Mar isa Ac ad em ic
1483190 E xp eri e nce d by In div idu al s wi th IDD He le ne Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000
Sánche z
T he Pre venti on of Cardi ovas cul ar Di se as e Vi ll e gas , Ac ad em ic
1483185 T hrough the M edi terr ane an Di e t Alm ud ena. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000

Ken dall , Ac ad em ic
1483184 Cannabinoid Pharmacology David Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,602,000
Ch ans oma,
Par akram a Ac ad em ic
1483173 GERD T. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

Ku, Ja Ac ad em ic
1483169 Bladder Cancer Hye on Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

B ioe nvir onme ntal Is sue s Aff ec ting Men' s Sikka, Ac ad em ic

1483154 R e produc tive and Se xual He al th Su res h C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
P hotothe rapy And Photodi agnostic Me thod s For Chong, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1482872 T he Practi ti oner Wei She ng Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 3,696,000
Worl d W orld
Pe r Lfic
an g Sc ie ntific
Gm i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1482866 Practical Guide To Brain Data Analysis,A Comp an y
Rocha,A. F. Internation Com pany 2017 Rp 4,956,000
ale r Ver lag
Pe rte r L an g
T he Dis cur sive Di m ens ion of Em pl oyee Mar ine sc u, Gm
Wi ssebH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1482569 E ngage m ent and Di se ngagem en t Ali na Pe tra Internation
afte n AG 2017 Rp 2,573,000
ale r Ver lag
Pl ane l le s de r
Iváñe z, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1482550 Argot et crises Montser rat afte n AG 2017 Rp 3,805,000
Worl d Worl d
He al th He alth
Organizati Organi zati
1482449 World Health Statistics on on WHO 2016 Rp 1,344,000
Worl d Worl d
He al th He alth
Organizati Organi zati
1482423 WHO Technical Report Series on on WHO 2015 Rp 1,008,000

Ale xan der , STM L ightni ng

1482027 ChildAbuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 1 Rande ll Le arning Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Payk, B usi nes s
1481979 Psychologische Heilkunde The o R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Je ssi ca
O steopathic and Chirop rac tic Tec hni ques for Mi chael , Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1481853 Manu al Th erapi sts Ji m my Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Bl ooms bur
Inform ati o B loom sbur
1481707 Black's Student Veterinary Dictionary Boden, E. n y UK 2016 Rp 2,492,000

Gl ovic zki , CR C Pre ss

1481619 Handbook of Venous and Lymphatic Disorders Pete r CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Me ynial -
He thcare CR C Pre ss
1481604 Glutamine Dom
In form iniatio
que CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000
n and
H IMSS Di ctionary of He al th Inform ati on Man age m e Taylor &
Te chnol ogy Te rm s, A cronym s, and Organizati ons, nt System s Franc
Pe nguiisn
1481600 Fou rth Ed ition Soc ie ty. CRC Press (CAM)
R andom 2017 Rp 4,199,000
H ouse
Pe te r Hathe rle ig (Pu bli she r
1481568 Immunopatient Roone y h P res s Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 448,000
Bi rn, Oxford
Anne - Uni ver sity O UP
1481499 Textbook of Global Health Em anu el le Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 7,140,000

Montgom e OUP O UP
1481486 Evolution of the Cerebellar Sense of Self ry, John C. Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 2,268,000
Oxford O xford
Brom be rg, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1481479 Navigating Life withAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis M. B . Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 977,000
Me dic al
Moahi, Inform ati o
H eal th Information System s an d the Advance m ent Kgom otso n Sc ie nce
1481425 of M edi cal Prac ti ce i n De ve lopi ng Countri e s H. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,600,000
John Wil e y
Gottsc halk, & Sons,
1481386 Process Scale Purification of Antibodies Uwe Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 6,300,000
Ananthakr John Wil e y
ish nan , Wi le y- & Sons,
1481385 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Ashw in N. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,340,000
John Wil e y
Brahm ac ha & Sons,
1481320 Neuroprotective Natural Products ri, Goutam Wiley-VCH Inc . 2017 Rp 5,180,000
John Wil e y
Kocjan, Wi le y- & Sons,
1481310 Cytopathology of the Head and Neck Gabr ije l a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,499,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yang, B usi nes s
1481305 Aquaporins Baoxu e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patie nten inform ati onen Ne urol ogie – R ei me rs , B usi nes s
1481299 E mp fe hl unge n für Ärzte Carl D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Jakobs , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1481267 The Frontier Nurse Practitioner Lynn Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000

1481257 Endocrine Immunology W. Savino S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 6,328,000

Taylor &
Bu tl er , Franc is
1481105 Alcohol, Power and Public Health Sh ane Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Le e, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Win on a K. of H aw ai i of H awaii
1481059 Ho‘i Hou Ka Mauli Ola Mes iona Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000

Schu man, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1480987 Everyday OCT Joe l S. ed ed 2017 Rp 3,163,000
Thom pson, Taylor &
Si m on B. Franc is
1480722 Dementia and Memory N. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
R am on, Franc is
1480404 Mental Health at the Crossroads Sh ulam it Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Ol ivi e re, Franc is
1480227 Good Practices in Palliative Care David Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 7,139,000

Taylor &
Tang, Franc is
1480194 Health Care Transition in Urban China Sh engl an Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Anne tte Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1479953 Grundwissen Psychologie, Soziologie und Pädagogik Kulbe e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,339,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1479952 PallExcellence© Erich Rösch e r Verl ag E
vi er 2017 Rp 6,579,000
Inc .,
Ed mu nds, H eal th
Study Gui de for Introdu ction to Cli nic al Mar il yn Sc ie nce s
1479920 P har macol ogy - E -B ook W. Mosby Di vi si on 2016 Rp 3,272,000
Hu man
Bu te ra, Kin etic s, H um an
1479887 Yoga Therapy Kris te n Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 671,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sakuma, B usi nes s
1479840 The Plasticity of Skeletal Muscle Kunih iro
Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rsonal ize d Pathway-Acti vated Syste ms Im agi ng Inoue , B usi nes s
1479837 i n O ncol ogy Tom io Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1479836 Wielrennen en wetenschap Takken, Tim Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
And ers on, B usi nes s
1479826 Alleviating World Suffering Ronal d E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ke nne th Warren and the Gr eat Ne gl ec te d Dis ease s Keatin g, B usi nes s
1479825 of M anki nd Program me Con rad Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000

We ll com e P rofile
1479457 Notes on Blindness John Hull Coll ec tion B ooks 2017 Rp 268,000

A Str ucture -Func ti on T ool box for Me m brane Z ie gle r, Ac ad em ic

1479435 T ran sporte r and Ch anne l s Ch ris ti ne Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000

Be ll a We ll com e P rofile
1479419 Sound Bathu rst Coll ec tion B ooks 2017 Rp 582,000
Ne w N ew
Harbi nge r H ar binge r
H andbook of Cl ini cal Ps ychopharm acol ogy for Pre ston, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1478903 T herapi sts John s s 2017 Rp 1,337,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pfannsti el , Spri nger B usi nes s
1478797 Management von Gesundheitsregionen III Mar io A. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mainau, B usi nes s
1478788 Yoga Zurück ins Leben Cl audi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sr ini vas an , B usi nes s
1478781 Geriatric Telepsychiatry Sh il pa Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000

Ward, John Wil e y

Je re my P. Wi le y- & Sons,
1478765 Physiology at a Glance T. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,302,000
John Wil e y
Kanel , Wi le y- & Sons,
1478764 Pathology of Liver Diseases Gar y C. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
R CP sych
Bhu gra, Publ i cati on
1478762 Management for Psychiatrists Din esh. s Vearsa 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Wr ite & W rite &
Upadhyay, Pri nt P rint
Ajay Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1478576 Veterinary Preventive Medicine Kum ar s s (NB N) 2016 Rp 2,548,000
Wr ite & W rite &
Pri nt P rint
R anj ana Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1478574 Unmet Need and Reproductive Health Kar s s (NB N) 2016 Rp 3,668,000
Wr ite & W rite &
Pri nt P rint
Ans ari , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1478567 Principles of Veterinary Physiotherapy Md. Moin s s (NB N) 2016 Rp 3,388,000
Wr ite & W rite &
Pri nt P rint
A dvan ce s i n Sci e nti fic Interve ntions to En han ce Ahl awat, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1478555 B ovine P roduc ti on A. R. s s (NB N) 2016 Rp 4,788,000
Stor ey
Davi d Publ i shi ng, Store y
1478530 Healthy Bones & Joints Hoff mann. LL C P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 363,000

Be yal a, ISTE Pre ss

1478343 Connected Objects in Health Laure . - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,360,000

A R oadm ap for Curi ng Cance r, A lzhe im er 's, an d Marangos,

1478340 Cardi ovas cul ar Di se as e Pau l J. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 1,678,000

Sm alh ei se r Ac ad em ic
1478335 Data Literacy , N ei l R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,022,000
John Wil e y
Ern berg, Wi le y- & Sons,
1478276 Clinical Cases in Orofacial Pain Mal i n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000

Je ff eri es , CR C Pre ss
1478208 Counselling Victims of Warfare Ri chard CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,939,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z han g, B usi nes s
1478179 Tongue ImageAnalysis David Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1478178 JIMD Reports, Volume 32 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Maie r- Spr inge r
He in, Sc ie nce &
Klaus Spri nger B usi nes s
1478177 Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017 He rm ann Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe nti m an , B usi nes s
1478170 Male Breast Cancer Ian S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Di as , Spr inge r
Gonçalo Sc ie nce &
Nuno B usi nes s
1478153 ActiveAgeing and PhysicalActivity Figue i red o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carbonaro, B usi nes s
1478149 Managing Complications in Glaucoma Surgery Fran ci s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mack, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477881 Dermatomyositis Carm i n P. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me rri ck, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477879 Child andAdolescent Health Yearbook, 2016 Joav Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477876 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477866 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Morton, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477865 Metabolic Syndrome Jod y Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pow el l, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477862 Bioactive Peptides Kathryn Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Nakanum a Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477859 Biliary Diseases with Pancreatic Counterparts , Yasu ni Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D iff ere nt Asp ec ts on Che m oth erapy of Le on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477855 T rypanosom ati ds Le on or Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pe di atri c Surge ry H and book for R es id ents an d Choui kh, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477853 Me di cal Stu de nts Tai eb Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wi ll iam s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477850 Patient Safety and Management Euge ne Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ahm an, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1477846 Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality Sajj ad Ur Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Spr inge r
Sil va, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1477713 Shiga Toxins r J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1477711 Philosophical Issues in Pharmaceutics Ho, Dien Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Camp bel l, B usi nes s
1477693 Dental Fear andAnxiety in Pediatric Patients Carol ine Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lahai, Palgrave B usi nes s
1477691 The Ebola Pandemic in Sierra Leone John Idri ss Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al ikhani , B usi nes s
1477689 Clinical Guide to Accelerated Orthodontics Man i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Arbi se r, B usi nes s
1477687 Angiogenesis-Based Dermatology Jac k L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Taylor &
Sm ith, Franc is
1477616 A Practical Introduction to Mental Health Ethics Graham e Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000

CR C Pre ss
1477538 Handbook of Visual Optics, Volume Two Artal, Pablo. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Gatsonis , Chapm an
Con stanti n and CR C Pre ss
1477537 Methods in Comparative Effectiveness Research e. Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Call ahan, CR C Pre ss

1477536 Public Health Leadership Ri chard F. Routledge L LC 2017 Rp 1,959,000

End ren yi, CR C Pre ss

1477535 Biosimilar Drug Product Development Laszlo CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000

Standard Ope rati onal P roce dur es in Re prod ucti ve R izk, CR C Pre ss
1477534 Me di ci ne Botros CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Cole m an, CR C Pre ss

1477533 Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Mar k CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,477,000

CR C Pre ss
1477532 Textbook of Cosmetic Dermatology, Fifth Edition Baran, R. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

CR C Pre ss
1477531 Emergency Dermatology, Second Edition Wolf, Ronni CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000

1477496 Viszeralchirurgie und Schwangerschaft Wol ff De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Wil l ou ghb Chroni cl e L ightni ng

1476991 Nature's Remedies y, Je an Books LLC Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 284,000
Indi an a Ind iana
Ol se n, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1475882 African Medical Pluralism Wil l iam C. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 840,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
She ll -Shock and Me dic al Cu lture i n Fi rst W orld Lough ran , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1475815 War Bri tai n Trace y. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,920,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
P hac oem ul si fication an d Intraocul ar Le ns Fi shki nd, P ubli shi ng
1475726 Im pl antation Wil l iam J. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp20,524,000

Le wi s, Icon Books L ightni ng

1475717 The Enlightened Mr. Parkinson Ch erry Ltd Sourc
B ake re&Inc. 2017 Rp 560,000
PE SI P ubli she r
Dubi , Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1475660 Trauma, PTSD, Grief & Loss Mic hael . & Med ia (BT
E lsePS)
vi er 2017 Rp 364,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Murr ay, Sc ie nce s
1475551 Basic Medical Microbiology E-Book Patri ck R. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 3,023,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Coll ard, Sc ie nce s
1475550 Interstitial Lung Disease E-Book Harold
Aragão,R . Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Mar ia d e Spr inge r
Fáti ma Sc ie nce &
Vi ana B usi nes s
1475541 Zika in Focus Vasco Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1475540 Infectious Disease Modeling Liu, Xinzhi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Mül le r, Sc ie nce &
Wern er E. B usi nes s
1475536 Blue Biotechnology G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schaaf, B usi nes s
1475534 Morbus Menière He lm ut.
Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Sche re s, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1475527 Ondersteunend communiceren bij dementie Wil m a. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Pre fr ontal Cortex As an E xe cu ti ve, Em otion al , Watanabe , B usi nes s
1475526 and Soci al B rai n Mas ataka Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Nation al N ati onal
B ig Data and Analytic s for Infe cti ous Dis ease Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1475516 R e searc h, Ope rati ons, and P oli cy Alper, Joe Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,344,000
Nation al N ati onal
Mack, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1475515 The Ebola Epidemic in West Africa Ali son Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,148,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1475502 Fundamentals of Care Peate, Ian Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,162,000
Morgan & Morgan &
Claypool Cl ayp ool
1473274 Radiation Imaging Detectors Using SOI Technology Arai, Yasuo Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Morgan & Morgan &
Claypool Cl ayp ool
1473273 Human Factors in Healthcare Parush,Avi Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Covie l lo, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Je ss ic a Klu we r W il li am s &
1473243 ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy! Sh ank He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Fe rrel l , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473242 Nurse's Legal Handbook Kathy G . He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 5,040,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Cl ini cal Ane sthes ia P roce dure s of th e Pi no, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473239 Mass ac huse tts Ge ner al H ospi tal Ri chard M. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,208,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Strau ch, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473238 Grabb's Encyclopedia of Flaps: Head and Neck Be ris h He alth W il kins 2016 Rp27,720,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
De Vi ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473236 Cancer of the Thoracic Cavity Vi nce nt T. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Shi el ds,
Wou nd, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473235 Intraocular Tumors:AnAtlas and Textbook Je rry Ay.
Ostom He alth W il kins 2016 Rp27,720,000
Con ti ne nce Wol ters L ipp inc ott
W ound, Os tom y and Contine nce N urse s Soc ie ty® Nur ses Klu we r W il li am s &
1473234 Core Curr ic ulu m: W ou nd Manage me nt Soc ie ty® He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,720,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Bal dor, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473232 Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review Robe rt A. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Mayeaux, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473230 The Essential Guide to Primary Care Procedures E. J. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp11,760,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H ristov, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473229 Radiation Oncology - A Question Based Review Bori s He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 7,140,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Be re k, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473228 Berek and Hacker's Gynecologic Oncology Jonathan S. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp15,148,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Kantor , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473227 Issues of Cancer Survivorship Debr a He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 5,040,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Loui s, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473224 Merritt's Neurology Elan D. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp14,280,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H obbs , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473221 Thoracic Imaging:A Core Review Ste phe n. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,040,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Jen nett e, J. Klu we r W il li am s &
1473220 Heptinstall's Pathology of the Kidney Ch arl e s He alth W il kins 2015 Rp33,600,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1473216 Lippincott Nursing Procedures Lippincott He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,720,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1473213 Cardiac Imaging:A Core Review Hsu, Joe Y. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,040,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Pi zzo, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473212 Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology Phi li p A. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp31,920,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Z ie rle r,
Progr amR, . Klu we r W il li am s &
1473210 Strandness's Duplex Scanning in Vascular Disorders Eugeerinecan He alth
Am W il kins 2016 Rp15,036,000
Col l ege of
Su rgeons Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Cl i nic al Klu we r W il li am s &
1473209 Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery Re se ar ch He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Masch ke, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473208 Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Hand Ste ven. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp19,740,000
Govi ndan, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Ram as wa Klu we r W il li am s &
1473207 Washington Manual of Oncology my He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,132,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Am sterd a Klu we r W il li am s &
1473206 Antibiotics in Laboratory Medicine m, Dani el He alth W il kins 2015 Rp18,900,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Cordasc o, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473205 Pediatric andAdolescent Knee Surgery Fran k A. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp20,160,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Gravl ee , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473204 Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Support Gle nn P. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp40,124,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Ge rsc h, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473203 Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! Carol yn J. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Chi od o, Li ppi ncott L ipp inc ott
Ch ris top he Wi ll iam s & W il li am s &
1473201 Minimally Invasive Foot &Ankle Surgery r P. Wi lki ns W il kins 2015 Rp18,900,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
L ipp inc ott Ce rtifi cati on R e vie w: Pe di atri c Ac ute Kli ne , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473199 Care Nu rse Pr ac ti tione r Andre a M. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,820,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wood ruff , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473198 Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! David W. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H am e ed, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473195 Advances in Surgical Pathology: Breast Cancer Om ar He alth W il kins 2015 Rp12,600,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
R ive ra, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473191 Advances in Surgical Pathology: Brain Cancer Andre ana He alth W il kins 2015 Rp12,600,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Aaronson, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473187 Emergency Medicine Evidence Em il y He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 3,360,000
Doughty, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
W ound, Os tom y and Contine nce N urse s Soc ie ty® Dorothy Klu we r W il li am s &
1473186 Core Curr ic ulu m: Contine nc e Manage me nt Be ckle y He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,720,000
Ei de m, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
E choc ard iography in Ped iatric and Adul t Be njami n Klu we r W il li am s &
1473185 Conge nital He art Di se as e W. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp23,100,000
Sc hul thess ,
Gustav Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Kon rad Klu we r W il li am s &
1473184 Clinical MolecularAnatomic Imaging von He alth W il kins 2015 Rp25,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Pri ce , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473183 Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing Bonni e He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 8,232,000
Maste r Te chni que s i n Su rgery: Vas cul ar Surge ry: Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H ybri d, Ve nous, Di al ysi s Ac ce ss, T horac ic Ou tl e t, Darl ing, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473179 and Lowe r Extr em ity Proce dur es R. Cle m ent He alth W il kins 2016 Rp21,840,000
Di ab, Li ppi ncott L ipp inc ott
Moham m a Wi ll iam s & W il li am s &
1473178 Practice of Paediatric Orthopaedics d Wi lki ns W il kins 2016 Rp14,196,000
Li ppi ncott L ipp inc ott
Gr abb's En cycl ope di a of Flaps : Up pe r Extre mi tie s, Strau ch, Wi ll iam s & W il li am s &
1473177 T orso, Pel vi s, and Low er Extrem i ti e s Be ris h Wi lki ns W il kins 2016 Rp33,600,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Shah, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473174 Essential Emergency Procedures Kaus hal He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Maste r Te chni que s i n O tol aryngology - He ad and Ken ned y, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473169 N ec k Surge ry: R hinol ogy David W. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp24,276,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Baranoski , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473167 Wound Care Essentials Sh aron He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Landsbe rg, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473166 On Rounds: 1000 Internal Medicine Pearls Le wi s. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1473165 Telephone Triage Protocols for Nursing Briggs, Julie. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Call aghan, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473164 TheAdult Hip John J. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp33,600,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Keane , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473162 Glenn's Urologic Surgery Thom as E. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp22,148,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Abuham ad Klu we r W il li am s &
1473161 A Practical Guide to Fetal Echocardiography , Al fred Z . He alth W il kins 2015 Rp13,440,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Jankovic , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473157 Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Jos eph He alth W il kins 2015 Rp17,220,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Good heart's Photogui de to Comm on Pedi atr ic and H erbe rt Klu we r W il li am s &
1473155 A dul t Skin Dis orde rs Goodhe ar t He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Shah, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473153 Nuclear Medicine:A Core Review Ch irayu. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,040,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H ol zman, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473152 A PracticalApproach to PediatricAnesthesia Robe rt S. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 9,240,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Stoel ting' s Ph arm acol ogy and Physi ology in Shafe r, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473151 A nes the tic Prac ti ce Ste ven L. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp15,960,000
Z hai ,
Qih ui Wol ters L ipp inc ott
"Jim Klu we r W il li am s &
1473149 Advances in Surgical Pathology: Bladder Cancer " He alth W il kins 2016 Rp12,600,000

Wol ters L ipp inc ott

Porre tt, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473148 The Surgical Review Pai ge M. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp15,960,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Sanfor d, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473147 Dyad Clinical Leadership Kathl ee n He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,460,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
She rman, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473146 Atlas of Clinical Emergency Medicine Sc ott C. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp21,840,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Be rtrand, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473144 Best Practices for TransradialApproach Oli vi er F. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp12,320,000
Wi lki ns,
Lip pi ncott Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wil l iam s Klu we r W il li am s &
1473143 Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! &amp ;. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H arve y, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473141 Dosage Calculations Made Incredibly Easy! Mar gare t He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Che rn, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473137 Review Questions in Ophthalmology Kenne th C. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp10,920,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Slach ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473135 Wound Care Made Incredibly Easy Patri ci a A. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000

Wol ters L ipp inc ott

Dom in o, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473134 The 5-Minute Clinical Consult Standard 2016 Fran k J. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp16,800,000
Wi ene r- Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Cri tic al Care Hand book of the Massachu sett s Kronis h, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473133 Ge ne ral Hosp ital Je anin e P . He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,712,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Al faro, D. Klu we r W il li am s &
1473131 Age-Related Macular Degeneration Vi rgi l He alth W il kins 2015 Rp15,036,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Sarem i , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473130 Perfusion Imaging in Clinical Practice Farh ood . He alth W il kins 2015 Rp19,320,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Iyer, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473122 Pediatric Imaging Ram es h S. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 9,324,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
H aw n, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473120 Operative Techniques in Foregut Surgery Mar y T. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
De Vi ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473119 Cancer PPO 10e Primer Vi nce nt T. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Boughane Klu we r W il li am s &
1473118 Pocket Orthopaedic Surgery m, Jay He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,620,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
E yel id , Conju nctival , and Orbi tal Tum ors : An Atl as Shi el ds, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473117 and Textbook Je rry A . He alth W il kins 2016 Rp27,720,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Stahe l i, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473116 Fundamentals of Pediatric Orthopedics Lynn T. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp11,760,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Knapp, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473110 Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual! Rose He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000
Die pe nbro Wol ters L ipp inc ott
ck, Nanc y Klu we r W il li am s &
1473109 Quick Reference to Critical Care H. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Maste r Te chni que s i n Su rgery: Vas cul ar Surge ry: Darl ing, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473108 A rte ri al P roce dure s R. Cle m ent He alth W il kins 2016 Rp21,840,000
Kli ngens m Wol ters L ipp inc ott
ith, Mary Klu we r W il li am s &
1473104 The Washington Manual of Surgery E. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1473103 Core Curriculum of Addictions Nursing Rundio,Al He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Sm al l, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473102 A Practical Guide to Laser Procedures Re bec ca He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Karp, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473100 Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy Danie l D. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 4,200,000

Wol ters L ipp inc ott

Schri e r, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473099 Manual of Nephrology Robe rt W. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
O per ati ve Te chn ique s in Bre as t, En docri ne , and Sabel , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473097 O ncol ogic Surge ry Mic hael S. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Ols hansky, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Ell e n Klu we r W il li am s &
1473091 Women's Health and WellnessAcross the Lifespan Fran ce s He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,460,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
De Vi ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473090 Lymphomas and Leukemias Vi nce nt T. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 8,400,000

Wol ters L ipp inc ott

Sanel li , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473089 Neuroimaging: The Essentials Pin a. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 9,240,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
O per ati ve Te chn ique s in Orthopaed ic Surge ry Wi es el , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473087 (Four Volum e Se t) Sam W . He alth W il kins 2016 Rp50,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
We bb, W . Klu we r W il li am s &
1473086 High-Resolution CT of the Lung Ri chard He alth W il kins 2015 Rp20,496,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Be rry, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473085 Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Hip Danie l J. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp21,000,000

Wol ters L ipp inc ott

Kin i, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473083 Thyroid Cytopathology Su dha R . He alth W il kins 2015 Rp26,880,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
De Vi ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473079 Cancer of the Skin Vi nce nt T. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
W ound, Os tom y and Contine nce N urse s Soc ie ty® Carme l , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473078 Core Curr ic ulu m: Os tom y M anage me nt Jane He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 6,720,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Egol , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473077 Handbook of Fractures Kenne th A. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 7,140,000

Wol ters L ipp inc ott

Forre ster , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473074 FundusAutofluorescence John V. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp15,540,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Aver y, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473073 Avery's Neonatology Gordon B. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Cl ini cal Ane sthes ia Fu ndame ntals: Ebook Withou t Barash, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473060 Mu lti me di a Pau l G. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
COL LAB ORATE (R) for Profes sion al Case Tre i ger, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473057 Manage me nt Te re sa M. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Li ll y, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473056 Pathophysiology of Heart Disease Le on ard S. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Gre ensp an Klu we r W il li am s &
1473055 Radiology and Pathology Correlation of Bone Tumors , Ad am He alth W il kins 2016 Rp15,120,000
Stei nber g, Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Be njami n Klu we r W il li am s &
1473054 Evidence-Based Cardiology A. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Mi nde ll , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473049 A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep Jod i A . He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,720,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Camp bel l, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473048 Clinical Signs in Neurology Wil l iam W. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Ti ckoo, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473047 Biopsy Interpretation of the Kidney &Adrenal Gland Satis h K. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp13,776,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Cabana, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473043 The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult Standard Edition Mic hael He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Jose phson, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473042 Josephson's Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Mar k E. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp22,260,000
Li ppi ncott L ipp inc ott
Fl ei she r & Lu dwi g's Textbook of Pe di atri c Bach ur, Wi ll iam s & W il li am s &
1473041 E me rge ncy Med ic ine Ri chard G. Wi lki ns W il kins 2015 Rp23,520,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Sabati ne, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473040 Pocket Cardiology Mar c S. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
El de r, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473038 Lever's Histopathology of the Skin David E. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp31,920,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
We bb, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473036 Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy! Ade le A. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wol fson, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473035 Harwood-Nuss' Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine All an B. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp22,680,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Klu we r W il li am s &
1473034 Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors Fisher, Cyril He alth W il kins 2016 Rp14,280,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Dalm an, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473031 Operative Techniques in Vascular Surgery Ronal d L . He alth W il kins 2015 Rp21,000,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wal sh & Hoyt's Cli ni cal Ne uro-Ophthal mol ogy: Mi ll er , Klu we r W il li am s &
1473029 T he Ess enti al s Ne il R . He alth W il kins 2016 Rp11,760,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Vigori ta, Klu we r W il li am s &
1473028 Orthopaedic Pathology Vi nce nt J. He alth W il kins 2016 Rp29,400,000
L ipp inc ott
Apkari an, W il li am s &
1473026 The BrainAdapting with Pain A. V. IASP W il kins 2015 Rp11,760,000
Wol ters L ipp inc ott
Wil l iam so Klu we r W il li am s &
1473025 Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests n, Mary A. He alth W il kins 2015 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
H oj jat, Sc ie nce &
Tahe re h B usi nes s
1472942 The Economics of Obesity Alavi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schri m pf, B usi nes s
1472941 Deutsch für Ärztinnen und Ärzte Ulr ike Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Suc ht i m A lte r – Maßnahm en und Konze pte für B usi nes s
1472936 d ie Pfl ege Hoff, Tanja Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Aus wi rkunge n re nal-tubul ärer Aktivi er ung von Spr inge r
H ypoxie -ind uzie rbaren Faktore n auf die Sc ie nce &
E rythropoie tin-P roduktion im trans gene n Farsi jani, B usi nes s
1472933 Maus mod el l Navid Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marcu s, B usi nes s
1472928 Medical Toxicology:Antidotes andAnecdotes Ste ven M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000

Com putational The orie s and Th ei r Vai na, OUP O UP

1472870 Im pl em e ntation in the Brain Luc ia Oxford P rem i um 2017 Rp 2,268,000
O xford
O xford Textbook of Com m unic ati on i n O ncol ogy KISSA NE, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1472862 and Pall iative Care DAVID W. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,670,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1472861 Oxford Textbook of Clinical Neurophysiology Mills, K. R. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp26,250,000
John Wil e y
O ccu pati onal The rap y Evi de nce i n P rac tic e for Wi le y- & Sons,
1472843 Me ntal He al th Long, C. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,226,000
John Wil e y
Oake s, J. & Sons,
1472842 Methods in Social Epidemiology Mic hael Jossey-Bass Inc . 2017 Rp 2,744,000
John Wil e y
Monrouxe, Wi le y- & Sons,
1472830 Healthcare Professionalism Lynn Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,623,000
Le ven ,
Karl - Ver lag
1472469 Geschichte der Medizin He inz. C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2017 Rp 613,000
Pri nce ton P rinc eton
T he Pharm ac eu ti cal Indus tr y and D epe nde nc y i n Ge reffi, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1472255 the Th ird Worl d Gar y. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,850,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li n, Hu mana B usi nes s
1471906 Cartilage Regeneration Yun fe ng Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hall e nbec k B usi nes s
1471905 Modern Topics in the Phototrophic Prokaryotes , Patri ck C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R aj an, S. B usi nes s
1471902 Elderly Care in India Ir udaya Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koizum i , B usi nes s
1471901 Moyamoya Disease Explored Through RNF213 Akio Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Häger bäu Sc ie nce &
me r, B usi nes s
1471898 Risikofaktor Präsentismus Miri am. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
H agan, of of
1471775 Bright Futures: Guidelines Pocket Guide Jos eph F. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 475,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
H agan, of of
1471774 Bright Futures Jos eph F. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,959,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Los ken, P ubli shi ng
1471648 Partial Breast Reconstruction Albe rt Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp24,948,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fitzp atri ck, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1471606 301 Careers in Nursing Joyc e J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Grady, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1471605 Using Nursing Research to Shape Health Policy Patri ci a A. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
F. A. Davis
Ve ne s, Com pany/
1471591 Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary Donald F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,371,000
F. A. Davis
R e ad ing, Und ers tandi ng, and Ap plyi ng N urs ing Fain, Com pany/
1471590 R e searc h Jam es A. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,679,000
F. A. Davis
D H N otes, 2e; De ntal Hygi eni st's Chai rsi de Poc ket Praje r, Com pany/
1471589 Gu id e. Re ne e. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,119,000
H ooke r, F. A. Davis
Rode ri ck Com pany/
1471588 PhysicianAssistants S. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,127,000
F. A. Davis
N urs ing Leade rsh ip an d Managem e nt for Patie nt Murr ay, Com pany/
1471587 Safety and Qual ity Care Eli zabe th J. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,763,000
F. A. Davis
Whi te he ad Com pany/
1471586 Leadership and theAdvanced Practice Nurse , D iane K. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,679,000

Ch au dhuri Ac ad em ic
1471583 Nonmotor Parkinson's: The Hidden Face , K. R ay Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000
Indi an a Ind iana
Jasar evi c, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1471582 Health and Wealth on the Bosnian Market Laris a Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 980,000
Stuffle be a The Gu il ford
m, Dani el Gui lford P ubli cation
1471558 The CIPP Evaluation Model L. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,220,000
The Gu il ford
Le ahy, Gui lford P ubli cation
1471318 Cognitive Therapy Techniques, Second Edition Robe rt L. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,080,000

Ch au dhuri Ac ad em ic
1471218 Nonmotor Parkinson's: The Hidden Face , K. R ay Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Johnson, Palgrave B usi nes s
1471186 Gendering Drugs Eri cka Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi chael , B usi nes s
1471179 The Core Concepts of Physiology Joe l A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Je ssi ca
Mason, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1471152 Vedic Palmistry Andre w Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 531,000
H ingl ey- Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Jone s, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1471144 Observation in Health and Social Care He le n Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,203,000
Fl oati ng
The P res s
H op e, Fl oatin g L owm
R im ite d,
1471131 The Moving Picture Girls Snowbound Laura Le e . Pre ss T he
& 2017 Rp 56,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
N ovi ck, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1470965 A Gastroenterologist’s Guide to Gut Health David M. Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oon ey, B usi nes s
1470957 HowAspirin Entered Our Medicine Cabinet Ste ven M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi sic hel l a, B usi nes s
1470952 FailedAnti-Reflux Therapy P. Mar co Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1470882 Developing Multimodal Therapies for Brain Disorders Bain, Lisa J. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,064,000

1470879 Nutrition and Growth Koletzko, B. S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 5,852,000

M& K
Marsd en, M&K Up date
1470862 Ophthalmic Care Jane t. Publ i shi ng L td . 2017 Rp 1,736,000
R esou rce W ipf &
H arve y, Publ i cati on Stock
1470769 On the Motion of the Heart and Blood inAnimals Wil l iam . s P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 286,000

Krohn, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1470723 Connected Health Ri chard y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Dahl bom, CR C Pre ss

1470718 Physics of PET and SPECT Imaging Magn us CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,159,000

R uso, Juan CR C Pre ss

1470714 Biopolymers for MedicalApplications M. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,719,000

CR C Pre ss
1470708 Handbook of Visual Optics, Volume One Artal, Pablo CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,000,000
John Wil e y
Pe te rse n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470336 Infectious Diseases Eski ld Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,079,000
Arm strong
-M ens ah, John Wil e y
Eli zabe th Wi le y- & Sons,
1470331 Lecture Notes Global Health A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,483,000
John Wil e y
Wall er , Wi le y- & Sons,
1470327 An Introduction to Pharmacovigilance Patri ck Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,260,000
John Wil e y
Sim ki n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470320 The Labor Progress Handbook Penn y Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
John Wil e y
Sin clai r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470318 Diabetes in OldAge Alan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
John Wil e y
A sse ssi ng E sse ntial Skil ls of Veter inary Te ch nology Bu el l, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470315 Stude nts Lauri e J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
John Wil e y
B lackw el l' s Fi ve-Mi nute Ve teri nary Consu lt Gre co, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470311 Cl ini cal Com pan ion Debor ah S. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000
John Wil e y
Bre uni ng, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470307 Digital Planning and Custom Orthodontic Treatment K. H er o Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
Kul kar ni, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470306 Ureteric Stenting Ravi Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,780,000
John Wil e y
Wager, & Sons,
1470301 Health Care Information Systems Kare n A. Jossey-Bass Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
A Practi cal Manual of Diabe ti c Re tinop athy Scanl on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1470299 Manage me nt Pete r H . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,319,000
John Wil e y
Com pre he nsive Atlas of Hi gh-Re sol ution Cohen , Wi le y- & Sons,
1470296 E ndosc opy and Narrow ban d Im agi ng Jonathan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 6,160,000
Schapi ra, John Wil e y
Anthony Wi le y- & Sons,
1470295 Neurodegeneration H. V. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 6,300,000
El -Saye d, Oxford
Abdul rah Uni ver sity O UP
1470223 Systems Science and Population Health man M. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 4,196,000
Syber t, Uni ver sity O UP
1470217 Genetic Skin Disorders Vi rgi nia P . Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp15,120,000
H ofm an, Uni ver sity O UP
1470210 The Politics of Fear Mic hie l Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 1,222,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Orde m ann B usi nes s
1470189 Adipositas- und metabolische Chirurgie , Jür gen. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koo, John B usi nes s
1470183 Clinical Cases in Phototherapy Y. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Stati stic al Ap pl ication s for Che m is try, Sc ie nce &
Manu factur ing and Controls (CMC) in the Bu rdi ck, B usi nes s
1470181 P har mace uti cal Ind ustry Ri chard K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Taylor &
D em ystifyi ng B ig Data and Machi ne Le arn ing for N ataraj an , Franc is
1470172 H eal th care Prashant. CRC Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 1,959,000
Brou ssal- Hu man
Der val , Kin etic s, H um an
1470171 The ModernArt of High Intensity Training Au rél i en Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 559,000
Taylor &
Marks, Franc is
1470096 CBT for Managing Non-cardiac Chest Pain Eli zabe th Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,180,000
Taylor &
Bi rnbaum , Franc is
1470068 Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing Sh ira Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Oxford O xford
H arr od , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1469972 Teaching Inpatient Medicine Moll y Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,356,000
Oxford O xford
Li nares , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1469960 Plain English for Doctors and Other Medical Scientists Osc ar Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,356,000
O xford
A n Introduc ti on to Popul ati on-le vel Pr eve ntion of R ayne r, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1469955 N on-Com m uni cabl e D is ease s Mike . Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 8,398,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1469954 The ESC Textbook of Vascular Biology Krams, Rob Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp24,150,000
O xford
Carval ho, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1469951 The Treatment of Bipolar Disorder André F. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 8,398,000
O xford
Sahay, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1469950 Public Health Informatics Su nde ep Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,248,000

Iska B ookw i re
1469895 Wiegen in derApotheke Krüge r Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 881,000
Y OGI re adbox
RAM ACH p ubli shi ng
1469861 The Hindu Yogi Science of Breath ARA KA. BookRix Gm bH 2017 Rp 84,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi ls on, B usi nes s
1468986 SUMO Regulation of Cellular Processes Van Ge ne . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E ntw i ckl ungsge rec hte Be fr agun g von Ki nde rn in N ie hau s, B usi nes s
1468982 Strafverfahre n Su sanna Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cassi ld e, B usi nes s
1468976 Psychosocial Health, Work and Language Sté phani e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cavagna, B usi nes s
1468973 PhysiologicalAspects of Legged Terrestrial Locomotion Giovanni Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
A Doctor's Swor d: How an Iri sh D octor Survi ve d Jackson, Coll in s
1468677 War, Cap ti vi ty an d the Atom i c B omb Bob Pre ss Vearsa 2016 Rp 280,000
Fe mi ni st Pe rse us
Mary Pre ss at B ooks ,
1468571 The Doulas Mah on ey CUNY L LC 2016 Rp 560,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Com pl ete Gui de to Pr esc ri ption & Gri ffith, Tar che rPe r H ouse
1468136 N onpre sc rip ti on Dr ugs 2018-2019 H. Wi nter Charle
i gee s L LC es
Charl 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
H om ol ka, Karoli num Karol inum
1467684 Tuberkulóza Ji ří Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 420,000
Mol lborn, Uni ver sity O UP
1467656 Mixed Messages Ste fani e Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 3,742,000
H andbook of Com m uni ty-Base d Par ti ci pator y Coughl in, Uni ver sity O UP
1467655 R e searc h Ste ven S. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 5,876,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Kahan , F. Manitoba Mani toba
1467593 A Culture's Catalyst H. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Oxford O xford
Fore man, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1467544 The Global Pain Crisis Ju dy Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 2,833,000
Oxford O xford
Wals h, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1467543 Movement Disorders Ri chard A. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,196,000

Bi nds le v, CR C Pre ss
1467496 Drug-Acceptor Interactions Ni el s CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,720,000
Pe nnsyl va
Pe nn State ni a State
Czerw ie c, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1467494 Graphic Medicine Manifesto MK Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,176,000
Pe nnsyl va
Pe nn State ni a State
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1467493 Freedom and the Cage Topp, Leslie Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Oxford O xford
Lazenby, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1466986 Caring Matters Most Mar k Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,359,000
O xford
H arr ison, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1466981 Revision Notes for the FRCEM Primary Mar k Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 9,448,000
Tec tum
Al exande r Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1466967 Von Wohl und Wille He vel ke aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 896,000
O xford
R ege l, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1466954 Post-traumatic Stress Ste phe n Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,889,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm al l, B usi nes s
1466945 Electronic Control Fires Jam es E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
D ebora - T raini ngsm anual Sc ie nce &
R üc kens chm er zkom pe te nz u nd Mohr, B usi nes s
1466908 D epr ess ions präventi on Be ate Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
SCH NE EG Sc ie nce &
ASS, B usi nes s
1466899 Smart Textiles ST EFAN. Springer Me di
Chi a B. V.
cago 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Di stri butio
Ohi o State n Cente r
Caracc iol o, Uni ver sity (CDC
1466880 A Passion for Specificity Mar co Pre ss P res ses ) 2016 Rp 7,892,000
L earni ngE
Le arningE xpre ss
Le arni ngE xpre ss, L LC
1466858 Nursing School Entrance Exams xp res s. LL C (N BN) 2016 Rp 699,000
Bl ooms bur
y B loom sbur
1466585 Medicine in First World War Europe Reid, Fiona Ac ad em ic y UK 2017 Rp 2,268,000
Hu man
N SCA 's E sse ntial s of Tacti cal Stre ngth and Al var , Kin etic s, H um an
1466566 Cond itioni ng Bre nt A. Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 7,476,000

Atl antic
H ow ar d B Publ i shi ng
1466422 The Empty Chair Cotl er, MD Group Inc. Vearsa 2016 Rp 475,000
Atl antic
H ow ar d B Publ i shi ng
1466421 Accelerated Recovery Cotl er, MD Group Inc. Vearsa 2016 Rp 475,000
Sum m ers d
N or man Publ i she rs
1466130 Sports Scandals Fergu son Ltd Vearsa 2016 Rp 196,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
O per ati ve P roce dure s in Plasti c, Aes th etic and Hosc hande P ubli shi ng
1465958 R e construc tive Surge ry r, A ri. Thieme Incati. onal
N 2015 Rp13,860,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Vais erm an, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1465945 Anti-aging Drugs Ale xan der Chem i stry al 2017 Rp 7,812,000
Me ike
Sc hwe rm a Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1465863 Schmerzmanagement bei chronischen Schmerzen nn e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 2,239,000

Kie nzle , Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1465862 Aggression in der Pflege The o. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 2,099,000

Ge su ndhe itsförde run g und Präve nti on be i El is abe th Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1465859 Ki nde rn u nd Ju gend li che n Hol och e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000

R egi na Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1465858 Beratung als pflegerischeAufgabe Be cker e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,339,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H aske tt, B usi nes s
1465831 Child and Family Well-Being and Homelessness Mar y E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ll igan, B usi nes s
1465830 Free Fatty Acid Receptors Graem e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Axmach er, B usienes
Am s
ri can
1465826 Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory Consolidation Ni kolai Springer Me die ty
Soci a B.ofV. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
H eal th
Syste m
Soric , P har maci st
1465708 The Effective Pharmacy Preceptor Mate M. ASHP s 2017 Rp 1,036,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1465687 Learning Disabilities Information for Teens hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,736,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1465686 Disease Management Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Ac ad em ic
1465565 New Pesticides and Soil Sensors Mihai Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Acke rm an , Ac ad em ic
1465550 Designing Healthcare That Works Mar k Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000

Mahfoud, Ac ad em ic
1465548 Vital Models Tara Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,677,000

A Paradigm Shi ft to Pre ven t an d T reat Al zhe i me r's Fri el , Ac ad em ic

1465546 D ise ase Howard Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Li twack, Ac ad em ic
1465545 Erythropoietin Ger al d Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

R eggi o, Ac ad em ic
1465542 Cannabinoids and Their Receptors Patri ci a H. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000

Z eng, Bai - Ac ad em ic
1465539 Neurobiology of Chinese Herb Medicine Yun Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000
E lse vi er
Inc .,
STEIN , H eal th
HAR OLD Sc ie nce s
1465492 The OphthalmicAssistant E-Book A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 6,803,000
Inc .,
Cal an druc H eal th
Controve rsi es in Fracture Care , An Issue of ci o, Jam es Sc ie nce s
1465491 O rth oped ic Cli ni cs, E-Book H. Elsevier Di vivi
E lse si on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cardi ac R e synchr onizati on T her ap y: State of the Pade le tti , Sc ie nce s
1465490 A rt, An Is sue of H eart Fai lur e Cl i nic s, E-Book Lui gi. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fron ti er s i n Stem Ce l l and R ege ner ati ve Medi ci ne Att a ur- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1465489 R e searc h Rahm an Ltd. L td . 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Wi el and, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1465476 Behandeling van patiënten met een laag IQ in de GGZ Janne l ie n Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vi site ! - Komm un ikation auf Auge nhöhe i m Forste r, B usi nes s
1465475 i nterd is zi pl inäre n Te am Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koope ration und Inte grati on – d as un voll end ete Brandhors t B usi nes s
1465461 P roje kt de s Ge sun dhe itssys te m s , And reas Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Vande rbi lt Van der bil t
Am m an n, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1465424 Lethal Decisions Arthur J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,932,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1465137 Endemic Typhus Group Ste phe n. s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1465074 Mumps Ste phe n s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1465066 Malaria Ste phe n A. s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1465040 Hepatitis C Ste phe n. s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000

A Joosr G uid e To… The Im mortal Li fe of He nrie tta

1464914 L ac ks by Re be cca Skl oot Joosr Joosr Vearsa 2015 Rp 84,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1464906 Infectious Diseases of Suriname Ste phe n. s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1464901 Infectious Diseases of Sri Lanka Ste phe n s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1464813 Infectious Diseases of New Zealand Ste phe n. s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1464778 Infectious Diseases of Macao Ste phe n A. s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000

1464745 Good Sugar Bad Sugar CA RR . Arcturus Vearsa 2016 Rp 280,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be ll , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464673 Understanding Self-harm Eli zabe th Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464671 Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Diaz, Joan Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pe razzo, J. Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464663 Chronic Liver Disease C. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464662 Peritoneal Dialysis Bell, Marcia Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
H arr is, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Edw ard T. , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464657 Ubiquitin Ligase ed itor. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fl ores , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464655 NonsteroidalAnti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Diane Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
N utri ti onal Su ppl em e nts and The ir Rol e in Gam bert, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464654 P romoti ng Suc ce ssful Agi ng and Longe vity Ste ven R. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gri ffin, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464651 Immunosuppressives Mar gare t Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
R e ducti on of Sporadi c Mali gnanci es by Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Stim ul ati on of Ce l lul ar R ep ai r Syste m s and by Pol jsak, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464650 Targe ti ng Ce ll ul ar Ene rgy Metaboli sm Borut Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R am i rze , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464649 Rare Diseases Wand a Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H arr is, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464648 Event-related Potential (ERP) Sam ue l R. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464644 Concussions inAthletics Hall, Eric E. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464642 Palliative Care Henry, Blair Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gkori tsa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1464641 Handbook of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Ele ni Z oe Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1464578 Infectious Diseases of China Ste phe n. s In c s , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1464571 Infectious Diseases of Canada Ste phe n. s In c sE,dizi
Inc .oni 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Ce ntro
10 c os e che ogni bam bino con auti sm o vorre bbe N otbohm , Ed izioni E ric kson
1464384 c he tu sape ss i Ell e n. Eri cks on S.p .A 2015 Rp 756,000
Be rge r, Inform ati c Inform ati c
1464330 GIDEON Guide to Outbreaks Ste phe n. s In c sE,dizi
Inc .oni 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Ce ntro
Camp , Ed izioni E ric kson
1464324 Vivere con L'Alzheimer Cam er on J. Eri cks on S.p
E .Aoni
dizi 2016 Rp 742,000
Ce ntro
Mc Ke nzie , Ed izioni E ric kson
1464319 Il libro della mindfulness Ste phe n Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2016 Rp 742,000
Ce ntro
Vic ar i, Ed izioni E ric kson
1464317 Nostro figlio è autistico Ste fano Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2016 Rp 742,000
Ce ntro
Att wood, Ed izioni E ric kson
1464313 Tutto quello che vorreste sapere sul sesso Sarah Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2016 Rp 742,000
Ce ntro
Vic ar i, Ed izioni E ric kson
1464310 Corpi senza peso Ste fano. Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2016 Rp 742,000
Ce ntro
N ezir ogl u, Ed izioni E ric kson
1464303 Fuori da me Fugen A. Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2016 Rp 742,000
Ce ntro
Gre nci , Ed izioni E ric kson
1464295 Storie di straordinaria dislessia Ross el la Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2015 Rp 742,000
Ce ntro
R ec al cati, Ed izioni E ric kson
1464289 Il soggetto vuoto Mas si mo. Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Ce ntro
Scari nci , Ed izioni E ric kson
1464284 Disturbo di dismorfismo corporeo Antonio. Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2015 Rp 1,050,000
Ce ntro
Ed izioni E ric kson
1464282 L'autoterapia razionale emotiva Ellis,Albert Eri cks on E S.p .Aoni
dizi 2015 Rp 980,000
Me dizi nis c Ce ntro
h Studi
H anau, Ed sse
Wi izioni
nsc h E ric kson
1464279 Il nostro autismo quotidiano Carl o. Eri cks
aftl ic heon S.p .A 2015 Rp 742,000
Ve rl ags ges
Form e ln und Score s i n An äs the si e, e ll schaft
Inte nsi vme di zi n, Notfall me di zin und Hi nkel be in m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1464182 Sc hme rztherapi e , Joc hen Co. KG Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,488,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Sh okroll ah P ubli shi ng
1464141 Flaps i, Kayvan Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp25,508,000
John Wil e y
Di bar t, Wi le y- & Sons,
1464137 Practical Periodontal Plastic Surgery Se rge Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Morgan &
Balasubr a Claypool
Cl ini cal and Mole cul ar H ete rogene ity of mani an , Li fe B iota
1464111 O steoge nes is Imp erfe cta Mee na Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1464109 Emerging Zoonoses Fong, I. W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Egge r, B usi nes s
1464102 Dynamische Faszien Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Mc Far land
N anni nga, Com pany,
1463891 The Gland Illusion John B. McFarland Inc . 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Sin ki n, of of
1463889 PCEP Book II: Maternal and Fetal Care Robe rt A. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,875,000
M& K
BR OOKS, M&K Up date
1463888 VENEPUNCTUREAND CANNULATION NICOLA . Publ i shi ng L td . 2017 Rp 420,000
Ge orgetow Ge orge tow
n n
Ene m ar k, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1463860 Biosecurity Dilemmas Ch ris ti an Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,819,000
Worl d W orld
U ltim ate Ch ine se Martial Art, The : T he Sc ie nc e O f Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
T he Weavi ng Stan ce Bagua 64 Form s An d Its Li , Ju n Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1463729 We l lne ss A ppl ic ati ons Feng. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,436,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
R ad in, of Chi cago of Chi cago
1463662 Life on Ice Joanna Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Pe arl , of Chi cago of Chi cago
1463652 Face/On Sh arr ona Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Tes ton , of Chi cago of Chi cago
1463644 Bodies in Flux Ch ris ta Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
H anni g, of Chi cago of Chi cago
1463641 Beyond Surgery Ani ta Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spri nger B usi nes s
1463613 Gesundheitsbetriebslehre Frodl,Anas Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barne s, B usi nes s
1463611 Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Asthma and COPD Pete r J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000

Kum ar, CR C Pre ss

1463543 Fractals Din esh CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000

Encarnaç ã CR C Pre ss
1463542 RoboticAssistive Technologies o, Pe dro CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

H am bli n, CR C Pre ss
1463534 Imaging in Photodynamic Therapy Mic hael R . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 9,799,000

Mi tte ldor f, CR C Pre ss

1463531 Aging Is a Group-SelectedAdaptation Jos h CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 1,959,000

Ett inge r, Psyc holog Taylor &

1463522 Psychopharmacology R. H. y P res s Franc is Ltd 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Taylor &
Tem pl e , Franc is
1463501 Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Cancer Patients Sc ott Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,340,000
Mar gare t Incorp orat Inc orporat
1463111 Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy M. ed ed 2017 Rp 1,623,000
And ers en, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1463110 The History of Occupational Therapy Lori T. ed ed 2017 Rp 839,000
John Wil e y
B as ic Gui de to Infe ction Pre venti on and Control i n Pan khurst, Wi le y- & Sons,
1463064 D enti stry Carol ine Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,526,000
John Wil e y
She rwood, Wi le y- & Sons,
1463063 Quality and Safety in Nursing Gwe n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,988,000
John Wil e y
Mc Geady, Wi le y- & Sons,
1463061 Veterinary Embryology T. A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,100,000
John Wil e y
Maski ll , Wi le y- & Sons,
1463057 Neuropsychology for Occupational Therapists Lin da Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,526,000
John Wil e y
Bane rji , Wi le y- & Sons,
1463051 Practical Procedures inAesthetic Dentistry Su bir Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,695,000
John Wil e y
Ad am s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1463044 Pancreatitis David B. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,780,000
Shaw, John Wil e y
Ch ris top he Wi le y- & Sons,
1463043 Neural Dynamics of Neurological Disease r A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,639,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Taghi zad e B usi nes s
1463036 Pocket GuideAnästhesie h, Hadi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Teu fe l , B usi nes s
1463021 A-FFIP - Autismusspezifische Therapie im Vorschulalter Karol in e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1463019 Gemeinsame Zeit in der Partnerschaft Milek,Anne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li eh n, B usi nes s
1462807 1x1 der chirurgischen Instrumente Mar gret. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Boe ken , B usi nes s
1462806 Mechanische Herz-Kreislauf-Unterstützung Udo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Prasad, B usi nes s
1462796 Candida Albicans: Cellular and Molecular Biology Raje ndra. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Law, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1462587 Measuring Occupational Performance Mar y C. ed ed 2017 Rp 2,015,000
Bortni ck, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1462586 Occupational Therapy Assessment for OlderAdults Kevi n ed eCase
d mate 2017 Rp 1,903,000
P ubli she rs
& Book
Carroll , Di stri butor
1462206 Eat Yourself...Thin Ch arl otte . White Owl s , L LC 2017 Rp 419,000

Be rgdol t, Ver lag

1462144 Der Schwarze Tod in Europa Klaus. C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2017 Rp 1,162,000
John Wil e y
Shanan , Wi le y- & Sons,
1462117 Hospice and Palliative Care for CompanionAnimals Am ir Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ti starel li , B usi nes s
1462107 Handbook of Biometrics for Forensic Science Mas si mo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che n, B usi nes s
1462106 Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Statistical Modeling Din g-Ge ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me hle , B usi nes s
1462101 Sinus Headache, Migraine, and the Otolaryngologist Mar k E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tayl or, B usi nes s
1462100 TheAmazing Language of Medicine Robe rt B.Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
E me rgi ng App li cations, Pe rsp ec ti ves , and Malhotra, n Sc ie nce
1461719 D isc overi e s i n Cardi ovas cul ar R es earch Ashi m R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 6,300,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Im pact of M edi cal Err ors and Malp rac tice on R iga, n Sc ie nce
1461715 H eal th Ec onomi cs , Q uali ty, and Pati ent Safety Mar ina R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,600,000

Bu shm an , Hu man
Barbar a Kin etic s, H um an
1461704 ACSM's Complete Guide to Fitness & Health Ann Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 699,000
John Wil e y
& Sons,
1461646 Pharmaceutical Calculations Zatz, Joel L. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 2,239,000
John Wil e y
Mc Ki m m, Wi le y- & Sons,
1461645 Medical Education at a Glance Ju dy Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,302,000
John Wil e y
N utri ti onal Manage me nt of E qui ne Dis ease s and Wal dri dge , Wi le y- & Sons,
1461643 Spe ci al Case s Bryan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Che m istry an d Ph ysic s for Nu rse Ane sthes ia, Shube rt, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1461612 T hird Ed iti on David Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maji d, B usi nes s
1461587 Electroceuticals Arshad Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
3rd International Confer enc e on Move me nt, IBR AHIM, B usi nes s
1461579 H eal th and E xe rc ise FATIMAH . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Abraham - Bohn Sc ie nce &
In pij n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1461575 Tandarts in de knel Loui se Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
O pen
R oad
Sum m ary and A nal ysi s of Sti ff: The Cur ious Li ves Books, Worth Inte grate d
1461456 of H um an Cadavers Worth. Books Me di a, Inc . 2017 Rp 168,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Suc ci nct Pe di atri cs : E val uation and Managem e nt Ac ad em y Ac adem y
for In fe cti ous D ise ase s and De rmatologi c Fe ld, of of
1461380 D isord er s Le on ard G. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 2,519,000

A Joosr G uid e To.. . H ow Not T o Di e by Mi chael

1460778 Gr ege r w ith Gene Stone Joosr Joosr Vearsa 2016 Rp 84,000

1460776 A Joosr Guide To... Brain Maker by David Perlmutter Joosr Joosr Vearsa 2015 Rp 84,000

1460731 A Joosr Guide To... Eat Dirt by JoshAxe Joosr Joosr Vearsa 2016 Rp 84,000

A Joosr G uid e To.. . U nfini she d B usi nes s by A nne-

1460700 Mari e Slaughte r Joosr Joosr Vearsa 2016 Rp 84,000

T he Manage m ent of A DHD in Chil dre n and H arp in, Mac Ke i th MacKe i th
1460304 You ng Pe opl e Vale ri e Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,400,000

Konrad He i se B ookw i re
1460274 Neues vom Gehirn (Telepolis) Le hmann Me die n Gm bH 2017 Rp 294,000
Pri nce ton P rinc eton
Song, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1460146 Biomedical Odysseys Pri sci ll a. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,968,000
Spr inge r
Wr ight, Spri nger P urope
E ubli shian
Patri ci a Publ i shi ng Sc
Com pany,
ie ntific
1460116 Fast Facts for the Hospice Nurse Moyle Comp an y Coope
Inc . rati v 2017 Rp 1,680,000
e on
ESCOP P hytothe ra
Sc ie ntifi c py
1460107 ESCOP Monographs Com m itt ee ESCOP Ltd (ESCOP ) 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Keh l, B usi nes s
1460072 Anästhesie. Fragen undAntworten Fran z. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
L exin gton
B ssi ca, a
Cor rad ino, Singi ng Kiivi
d ngsl ey of
si on
1460037 Neuropuncture Mic hael . Dragon P owm
R ubli she anrs 2017 Rp 1,260,000
L itt le fiel d
R ic hte r, Le xington R P owm
ubli she anrs,
1460023 Witchcraft As a Social Diagnosis Roxane Books Inc .
& 2017 Rp 3,164,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
Dw orkin, & P ubli shi ng
Ronal d Li ttl efi el d Pe
1460019 Medical Catastrophe Wil l iam Publ i she rs R Inc .
andom 2017 Rp 1,232,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1459980 Deeply Holistic Pip Waller Books Se rvic es ) 2018 Rp 615,000
R CP sych
A Cli ni ci an's Br ie f Gui de to the Me ntal H eal th Act Z igm ond, Publ i cati on
1459648 (4th Ed n) Tony. s Vearsa 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Uni ver sity
N esw al d, R oche ster B oydel l &
1459315 Setting Nutritional Standards Eli zabe th Pre ss B rew er 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
Ge latt, Wi le y- & Sons,
1459280 ColorAtlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology Kirk N. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,760,000
John Wil e y
Koong, Wi le y- & Sons,
1459278 Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Be rnar d Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,158,000
Schü tte , B ril l
Jana Ac adem i c
1459247 Medizin im Konflikt Mad le n. Brill P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 5,040,000

B ril l
Ac adem i c
1459242 Praxagoras of Cos onArteries, Pulse and Pneuma Lewis, Orly Brill P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 4,228,000

And ré, CR C Pre ss

1459234 Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery Pie rre CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,999,000

Be rghe ll a, CR C Pre ss
1459233 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines, Third Edition Vi nce nzo CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Aue rbac h
H ow He al thcare Data Pri vac y Is A lm ost De ad . .. Tri nc kes, Publ i cati on CR C Pre ss
1459231 and What Can B e D one to Re vi ve It! John J. s L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Be rghe ll a, CR C Pre ss
1459228 Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines, Third Edition Vi nce nzo CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Wagner , CR C Pre ss
1459227 ColorAtlas of theAutopsy, Second Edition Sc ott CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000
Lauri a- B rush
T he Pri mary Care T ool ki t for Anxie ty and Re lated Horne r,Bru sh E duc ati on
1459179 D isord er s Bianc a Ed ucation (e BOUN D) 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1459142 Biomechatronics in Medical Rehabilitation Xie, Shane. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
We ndt, Sc ie nce &
Wol f B usi nes s
1459052 Soziale Bewirtschaftung von Gesundheit Rain er Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
E ngine e ring of Mi croorgani sm s for the P roduc ti on Sc ie nce &
of Che m ic al s and Bi ofue ls From R ene wable Goss et, B usi nes s
1459046 R e sourc es Gui ll erm o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Gup ta,
Vi jai
1458971 MicrobialApplications Kum ar De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 5,096,000
Wol fgan g
Re ntel n-
1458685 Mobilität und Verkehrssicherheit imAlter Kruse De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Mc Far land
Uni ver sity Com pany,
1458627 Yellow Fever Kotar, S. L. of
Toron to Inc . 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Pre ss,
Fri ed man- Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Pel eg, Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1458616 PTSD and the Politics of Trauma in Israel Kere n Di vis ion P res s 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Wol ff, Spr inge r
Debr a A ., Spri nger P ubli shi ng
DNS, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1458271 Advancing Your Nursing Degree PCNP, R N. Comp an y Inc N ati. onal 2017 Rp 1,680,000
B ook
N etw ork
A nxi e ty, Wor ry, O CD and Pan ic Attacks - Th e Shaw, Tri gge
Schl r sc Sc
üter Inte rnati
hlue onc
1458263 D efinti ve Re cove ry App roac h Adam Pre ss
he al
he 2017 Rp 643,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Köni g, m bH & m bH &
1458257 100 Fehler bei der Einstufung von Pflegebedürftigen Ju tta Co. KG Co. KG 2017 Rp 403,000
Morgan &
R ie ll a, Li fe B iota
1458204 Polycystic Kidney Disease Cr isti an Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Che ney, of Chi cago of Chi cago
1458074 Crying for Our Elders Kris te n E . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gonzale z, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1457909 Dioxins Arthur Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Coll in s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1457904 Antibacterials Eri ka Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Erazo Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Baham ond Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1457902 Cigarette Smoking es, Marc ia Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,460,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Pami r, M. P ubli shi ng
1457764 Chordomas Ne cm ett in Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp19,964,000
John Wil e y
Fouad, Wi le y- & Sons,
1457752 Endodontic Microbiology Ashraf F. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tri pathi, B usi nes s
1457749 Advances in Biomaterials for BiomedicalApplications Anuj Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,812,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Iber l, B usi nes s
1457743 Pflegewissen Pneumologie Gabr ie le . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol e cul ar Path ogene si s and Signal Transd ucti on Te gtm eye r, B usi nes s
1457733 by He li cobacte r Pyl ori Ni col e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
B erre tt-
Be rre tt- Koe hle r
Mintz berg, Koehl e r P ubli she rs,
1457716 Managing the Myths of Health Care He nry. Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Bradl e y, of of
1457627 2017 Nelson's PediatricAntimicrobial Therapy John S. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,035,000
Worl d W orld
VALE NT I Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Fu rth er Unde rstandi ng O f The H um an Machi ne: NUZ Z I, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457452 T he Road To B ioe ngine e ring MAX E. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 6,216,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Fi brobl as t Growth Fac tor s: Biol ogy And Cli ni cal Sim ons, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457440 A ppl ic ati on - Fgf B iol ogy And The rapeu ti cs Mic hael Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 6,216,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Pathways To Gl obal He al th: Case Studi e s In G lobal Matli n, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457438 H eal th Di plom acy - Volum e 2 Ste phe n Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 4,956,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
N aum ova, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457436 Epigenetics In Human ReproductionAnd Development Anna K. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 5,796,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457435 Brain Vs Computer: The Challenge Of The Century Fillard, J. P. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 3,164,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Y UN, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457432 Tumor Hypoxia ZH ONG . Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 5,376,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Bu nge, Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457431 Doing Science: In The Light Of Philosophy Mar io Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,940,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1457429 Pursuing The Elixir Of Life: Chinese Medicine For Health Hoong Hai. Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,436,000
W orld
B as e Exci sion Re pai r Pathway, T he : Mol ec ul ar Sc ie ntific
Me ch ani sm s A nd R ole In Dis ease De ve lopm e nt Wi ls on, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1457424 A nd T herape uti c D esi gn David M. Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 8,316,000
Evange li sc
H ofhe in z, Ve rl ags an s Z ei l enw ert
1457390 Die Moral von der Geschicht' … Mar co. tal t Gm bH Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,050,000

Bos laugh,
1457342 Drug Resistance Sarah Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,120,000
John Wil e y
H anna, Wi le y- & Sons,
1457300 Practical Cardiovascular Medicine Eli as B . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000
John Wil e y
Sc hotsm an Wi le y- & Sons,
1457294 Taphonomy of Human Remains s, El ine M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,640,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1457293 How to Pass the RACP Written and Clinical Exams Raos, Zoë Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,456,000

Me ni skus, Di sku s, Bandsc hei be n, L abr um , H aral d

1457245 L igam ente , Se hne n He mp fli ng De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 7,056,000

L aboratory Te st R equ esti ng App ropri ate ne ss and Sali nas ,

1457240 Patie nt Safety Mar ía De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 1,372,000
Danc ing
Danci ng Un ic orn
Ni ghtingal Uni corn B ooks
1457221 Notes on Nursing e, Fl or enc e. Books (N BN) 2017 Rp 84,000
Al tmaie r, W ipf &
Eli zabe th Cascade Stock
1457048 Push Back the Dark M. Books P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 504,000

1456923 Perspiration Research H. Yokozeki S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 6,272,000

Sze pi etows
1456922 Itch - Management in Clinical Practice ki S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,448,000

1456921 Pediatric Cataract P. Nucci S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 5,880,000

1456920 OCTAngiography in Retinal and Macular Diseases Bandello, F. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,840,000

1456919 Skin Barrier Function Agner, Tove S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,084,000

Stettl e r,
1456918 Novelties in Diabetes Ch ris top h S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,840,000

Bourgui gn
1456917 Puberty From Bench to Clinic on, J. -P . S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,840,000

A dvan ce d T herapi es i n Pe di atri c Endoc rinol ogy

1456916 and Di abe tology M. Cappa S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 6,664,000

Q. D.
1456915 Retinal Pharmacotherapeutics Nguye n S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp12,544,000

Calc iu m an d B on e Dis orde rs i n Chi l dre n and

1456914 A dole sc ents J.Allgrove S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 9,772,000

1456913 Tattooed Skin and Health J. Serup S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 7,784,000

1456912 Alopecias - Practical Evaluation and Management Ioanni de s S. Karger Karger
lse vi er 2015 Rp 7,448,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Koep pen , Sc ie nce s
1456879 Berne and Levy Physiology E-Book Bruc e M. Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 9,071,000
John Wil e y
Wool se y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1456610 The BrainAtlas Thom as A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,099,000

Dogra, CRhlue
Schl üter sc Sc C Pre ssc
1456173 Psychiatry by Ten Teachers, Second Edition Ni sha CRC Press L
he heLC 2017 Rp 4,115,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
100 Ti pps für d ie Pfl ege pl an ung i n d er stati onären Me sse r, m bHüter
Schl & sc Sc
m bH hlue&ters c
1456009 A lten pfle ge Barbar a. Co. KG
he Co. KG
he 2017 Rp 277,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
Pape - e ll schaft e ll sc haft
100 Fragen zu r Kom m unikation m it Me nsc he n m it Rasc hen, m bH & m bH &
1456007 D em en z Katja. Co. KG Co. KG 2017 Rp 277,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Larse n, B usi nes s
1456001 Pocket Guide Beatmung Re inh ard . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z are pour , B usi nes s
1455995 SPIONsAs Nano-TheranosticsAgents Ate feh Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1455989 Management of Prostate Cancer Bolla, M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frost, B usi nes s
1455979 Statistische Testverfahren, Signifikanz und p-Werte Ir as ianty Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Di Spr inge r
Bartol o, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris ti na B usi nes s
1455971 Pediatrician's Guide to Discussing Research with Patients A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krau tw urs B usi nes s
1455970 Taste and Smell t, Di etm ar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Gi lbe rt-
Barnes s,
1455961 Metabolic Diseases Eni d IOS Press IOS Press 2017 Rp 7,000,000
R utgers R utger s
Mus hli n, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455686 Playing the Ponies and Other Medical Mysteries Solved Stuart B . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,736,000
R utgers R utger s
Fre de ri ck N ovy and the Deve l op me nt of Kazanji an, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455683 B ac te ri ology in Med ic ine Powe l H. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,136,000
R utgers R utger s
Lam b, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455673 SuccessfulAging As a Contemporary Obsession Sarah Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 6,664,000
R utgers R utger s
McCl el lan, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455672 Lady Lushes Mic hel le L . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 6,664,000
R utgers R utger s
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455665 Eating to Learn, Learning to Eat Ruis,A. R. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 6,664,000
R utgers R utger s
H unle th, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455658 ChildrenAs Caregivers Je an Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 6,664,000
R utgers R utger s
T ran snati onal A ging an d R ec onfigur ati on s of Ki n Doss a, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455657 W ork Par in A zi z Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 6,664,000
R utgers R utger s
Mc Ki m , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455656 Addicted to Rehab All i son Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 6,664,000
Cabeza, Uni ver sity O UP
1455643 Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging Robe rto Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 5,290,000
Hu man
Kin etic s, H um an
1455620 Sedentary Behavior and Health Zhu, Weimo Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 7,980,000
O xford
Carval ho, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1455508 Mental Disorders in Primary Care André F. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 6,928,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Fe nd, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1455504 Fleshing Out Surfaces Mec hthil d. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Manche ste
H al le tt, r O xford
Ch ris ti ne Uni ver sity
Un ive rsi ty
1455494 Nurse Writers of the Great War E. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Nova N ova
Be nningto Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
n, Ele anor Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455167 Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research H. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Coll in s, Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455166 CaffeicAcid He nry R . Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
H ughes , Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455165 Huntington's Disease Ch ris ti na Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455155 StaphylococcusAureus Maluda Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Di az, Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455091 Treatment-resistant Depression (TRD) Debor ah Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Evans, Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455089 Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSCR) Patri ck Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Cole m an, Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455088 Gestational Diabetes Ir ene Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Sharm a, Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455086 Zika Virus Disease Su shi l Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Furfari , Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455083 Oncology Anthony Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Mancu so, Sci enc e
Sc ie nce
Mic hel ang Publ i she rs,
P ubli she rs,
1455077 Advances and Challenges in Stroke el o Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Mc Far land
H el li ng, Com pany,
1454925 Desperate Surgery in the Pacific War Thom as McFarland Inc . 2017 Rp 1,820,000
The Gu il ford
Em ch , Gui lford P ubli cation
1454600 Health and Medical Geography, Fourth Edition Mic hael Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Jac ked
A Cura E nergé tic a do R e iki : U m Li vro para Monke y, IN scri be
1454261 Ini ci an te s para um Me lhor Ente ndi me nto Lewis Haas LL C Di gi tal 2017 Rp 84,000
E ntr evi sta con Jeff ery Khoury - Ace rcando la R ic har d G Wr itin g IN scri be
1454246 te le m edi ci na al públ ic o Lowe Jr Kin g Di gi tal 2017 Rp 140,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1453668 Metrics That Matter for Population HealthAction Alper, Joe Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,148,000
The odor
Din germ a B ookw i re
1453642 Stratifizierte Pharmakotherapie nn Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2017 Rp 1,806,000

D NA Re pair Enzym es : Struc tu re, Bi ophys ic s, and Ei chm an, Ac ad em ic

1453615 Me ch ani sm Brandt F. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Salzer , B usi nes s
1453569 Identifying Novel Inborn Errors of the Immune System Eli sabe th Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Murp hy, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453464 Neurofibromatosis (NF) Je re my Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Syste mi c Lup us Erythem atosus (SL E): R i sk Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453463 Factors , T reatm ent O ptions and Cl ini cal Asp ec ts Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453459 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sl ee p Dep rivation: Gl obal Pr evale nce , Danger s and Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453454 Im pacts on Cogni ti ve Per form ance Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
And ers on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453453 Postpartum Depression Gar y R . Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sul li van, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453448 Chemoradiotherapy Danie l Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453447 Prothrombin Complex Concentrates Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453441 Photothermal Therapy Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Landi , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D ege ner ati ve, Traum ati c an d Infe ctious Lu mbar Ale ss and r Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453439 Spi nal Pathol ogy o Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp11,060,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le i, Ki n Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453436 Advances in Drug Testing and Drug Delivery Systems Fong Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Wang, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
David Q.- Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453433 Gallstones H. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D isc overy of Rapi d Eye Movem e nt (RE M) Sle ep by Gotte sm an Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453428 W il li am C. De m ent and Mi che l Jou vet. 1955-1970 n, Cl aude Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gup ta, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453426 Advances in Studies on Enzyme InhibitorsAs Drugs Satya P. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gup ta, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1453425 Advances in Studies on Enzyme InhibitorsAs Drugs Satya P. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
John Wil e y
Sw an wi ck, Wi le y- & Sons,
1453381 ABC of Clinical Leadership Tim Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,162,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1453380 Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance Rees,Aled Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,343,000

Be rqui n,
1453352 Les défis de la douleur chronique Anne . Mardaga Primento 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Ti m ary,
Phi li ppe
1453299 L'alcoolisme est-il une fatalité ? de Mardaga Primento 2016 Rp 476,000

1453294 Impertinente ostéopathie Yves Lepers Mardaga Primento 2016 Rp 476,000

The o Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1453071 Das Recht in der Heilerziehungs- undAltenpflege Kie nzl e e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1453010 JIMD Reports, Volume 31 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mori tz, B usi nes s
1453009 MKT+ Ste ffe n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wal kowi ak Spri nger B usi nes s
1452998 Planen und Handeln , W olfgang Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1452756 Family Practice Guidelines, Fourth Edition Cash, Jill C. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Fran kenbu
H um an Me di cal Exper im e ntation: From Sm all pox rg, Fran ce s
1452752 Vac ci ne s to Se cre t Gover nm ent P rograms Rache l Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 2,492,000

T he Laparoscop ic Surge ry R ev ol uti on: Fi ndi ng a Page,

1452750 Capable Sur geon in a Rapi dl y Advanci ng Fi e ld David W. Praeger ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,344,000

McMahon, Pan CR C Pre ss

1452629 Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging Mic hael T. Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Wi tczak, CR C Pre ss
1452627 Toxins and Other Harmful Compounds in Foods Agata. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
Jami es on,
Barri e G . CR C Pre ss
1452626 Schistosoma M. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,599,000
Vash ist,
P oint-of-c ar e G luc ose De tec ti on for Diabe ti c Sand ee p CR C Pre ss
1452620 Moni torin g and M anage me nt Kum ar. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Toum i , CR C Pre ss
1452619 Introduction to Market Access for Pharmaceuticals Mondhe r CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp10,919,000
Oxford O xford
De m ene ix, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1452599 Toxic Cocktail Barbar a. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,467,000
Li verp ool O xford
See d, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1452555 Life and Limb David. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 980,000
Spr inge r
Borl inghau Sc ie nce &
s, Rol f Spri nger B usi nes s
1452505 Die Lichtblattmikroskopie The odor Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000

1452491 Le grand livre de ma grossesse Jac ques . Eyrolles Eyrolles 2017 Rp 683,000
Fourc ad e,
Je an-
1452490 Les personnalités limites Mic hel Eyrolles Eyrolles 2017 Rp 468,000
Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1452309 The SAGE Handbook of Drug &Alcohol Studies Wolff, K. s Ltd s , L td . 2017 Rp 6,440,000

Koli nd, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1452308 The SAGE Handbook of Drug &Alcohol Studies Torste n s Ltd s , L td . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Innovative R es earch in The rm al Im aging for Vard as ca, n Sc ie nce
1452274 B iol ogy and Medi ci ne Ri cardo R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,880,000

Parke r, The MIT

1452257 Cannabinoids and the Brain Lin da Pre ss MIT Press 2017 Rp 1,484,000
re adbox
H akasi , p ubli shi ng
1452163 Reiki - Holistic Energy Work Lui se BookRix Gm bH 2015 Rp 74,000

Taylor &
Pe res , Franc is
1451806 Laboratory Imaging & Photography Mic hael R . Focal Press (CAM) 2017 Rp 8,260,000
R ac hel The
Mel tze r Expe ri me n E xp eri m en
1451368 A Teen’s Guide to Gut Health Warr en t t, LLC 2017 Rp 447,000
Stor ey
R osem ary Publ i shi ng, Store y
1451335 Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Healing for Men Glads tar LL C P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 475,000
Ajm e ra, Stor ey
Ananta Publ i shi ng, Am
Storee riy can
1451332 TheAyurveda Way Ri pa LL C P ublie ty
Soci shiofng 2017 Rp 531,000
H eal th
L ett ers From R is ing Pharm ac y Star s: A dvic e on Syste m
Cre ati ng and Advanci ng You r Caree r in a Cantr el l, P har maci st
1451156 Changi ng Pr ofe ssi on Su san A. ASHP s lse vi er
E 2017 Rp 616,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce s i n Me chani cal Ve ntil ati on, A n Iss ue of Mac Intyr e, Sc ie nce s
1450932 Cl ini cs i n Che st Me di ci ne, E-Book Ne il R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Mal e Ure thr al R ec onstruc ti on and the H eal th
Manage me nt of Ur ethral Str ictur e Dis ease , An Z hao, Sc ie nce s
1450931 Iss ue of Urol ogic Cl ini cs, E -B ook Le e . C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
The i sen - H eal th
Vol um e 6, Issu e 1, An Is sue of H ospi tal Me di ci ne Toupal , Sc ie nce s
1450930 Cl ini cs , E -Book Je ss e Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
A djunc tive R ehabi li tation Appr oac hes to H eal th
O ncol ogy, An Issue of P hysi cal Med ic ine and Che vil le , Sc ie nce s
1450929 R e habi li tati on Cl ini cs of N or th Am eri ca, E-Book Andre a L. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Morton, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1450832 Animal Vocal Communication Euge ne S. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Am ede a Ac ad em ic
1450802 Nitric Oxide Donors Barozzi Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,032,000

MEL MED, Ac ad em ic
1450799 The Pituitary SH LO MO. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000
O xford
Fox, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1450731 Oxford Handbook of Neonatology Gre nvil le . Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,409,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schre ck, B usi nes s
1450699 Rekrutierung von internationalen Pflegefachkräften Cor ina Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Ge ner al i Sc ie nce &
Deu ts chl an B usi nes s
1450671 GeneraliAltersstudie 2017 d AG Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im age-Base d M ulti le vel B iom ec hanic al Mod el in g Lu o, B usi nes s
1450660 for Fal l-Indu ce d H ip Fracture Yun hua Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Hu man
Kin etic s, H um
Pe ann
1450608 Athletic Movement Skills Brewer, Clive Inc. Kiandom
R neti cs 2017 Rp 839,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Le onard Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1450490 CBD Le inow Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 615,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Wyl de , Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1450489 Moving Stretch Su zanne Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 699,000

1450231 Summary of The Obesity Code Jason. Instaread Vearsa 2016 Rp 84,000

1450223 Summary of A Mind of Your Own Kel ly. Instaread Vearsa 2016 Rp 84,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1450004 Excellent Dementia Care in Hospitals James, Jo. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 699,000

R uzer, Pan CR C Pre ss

1449666 Nanoparticles in Humans Le v S. Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

We bster, Pan CR C Pre ss

1449664 Poorly Soluble Drugs Gre gor y K. Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 6,999,000

H eal th care Tec hnology Man age m ent – A H egarty, CR C Pre ss

1449651 Syste matic App roach Fran ci s CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,799,000

CR C Pre ss
1449647 Translating Biomaterials for Bone Graft Ong, Joo L. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,999,000

Apu zzi o, CR C Pre ss

1449641 Operative Obstetrics, 4E Jos eph J. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Casanova, CR C Pre ss
1449638 Autism Imaging and Devices Man uel F. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
App le
H ass an , Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1449632 Pediatric Behavioral Nutrition Factors Are ej Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Sid di qui, App le
Moham m e Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1449631 Plant Secondary Metabolites, Volume Three d Wasi m . Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sid di qui, App le
Moham m e Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1449627 Plant Secondary Metabolites, Three-Volume Set d Wasi m Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp12,600,000
App le
H ass an , Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1449626 Food Insecurity and Disease Are ej Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Sid di qui, App le
Moham m e Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1449625 Plant Secondary Metabolites, Volume Two d Wasi m . Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sid di qui, App le
Moham m e Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1449623 Plant Secondary Metabolites, Volume One d Wasi m Pre ss
L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000
Me en nis c
Me dia
Backh aus , Wi
Ve rlsse
agnsc h Z ei l enw ert
1449531 Großmutters Hausapotheke neu entdeckt Man fr ed OHicGhe
aftl Gm bH 2015 Rp 290,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
L ei tfade n zum D ate nsch utz i n m e di zi ni sche n Pom me re n m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1449528 Fors chun gsproje kten ing, Kl aus Co. KG Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,911,000
McDe rm o W ipf &
tt, Ger al d Cascade Stock
1449407 Famous Stutterers R. Books P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 353,000
Spr inge r
Me nzie s Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T rau ma Ce rtifi ed R egi stere d Nur se (TCRN ) Kent, Publüter
Schl i shi sc
ng Sc
Com pany,
hlue ters c
1449136 E xam in ati on R evi ew Kend ra Comp an y he
he Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft
Pe te r L an g e ll sc haft
Kre sse , m bH
Gm bH, & m bH &
1449046 100 Fragen zum Umgang mit Schmerz in der Pflege He id e Co. KG
Internation Co. KG 2017 Rp 409,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Lam me rs , Wi sse
Gm bH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1449010 Leihmutterschaft in Deutschland Rom an. afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 4,141,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Wi sse
Gm bH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1449008 Beweisvereitelung im Zivilprozess Lutz, Ina afte n
Internation AG 2017 Rp 2,853,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Fe lbe ck, Wi sse
Gm bH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1448970 Dominicanidad / Dominicanity Ch ris ti ne afte
Internation AG
n 2017 Rp 4,141,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Groskre utz Wi sse
Gm bH, nsc h Pe ter Lang
1448956 Kinder sprechen ueber (ihre) Mehrsprachigkeit , Ange l a afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 6,325,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Me di zin im Konze ntr ati onslage r Fl osse nbue rg Tanne nbau Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1448952 1938 bis 1945 m, Je ssi ca afte n AG
N ati onal 2017 Rp 3,189,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
E sse ntial Cli nic al Handbook for Com m on Sne lson, Le arning Inte rnati on
1448896 Pae di atri c Case s Edw ard . Me dia Ltd al N ati onal 2016 Rp 2,686,000
B ook
N etw ork
Inte rnati on
1448890 Fast Facts: Diagnosing Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma Haun. Health Press N al ati onal 2016 Rp 280,000
B ook
N etw ork
Vai dya, Inte rnati on
1448889 Fast Facts: Early Breast Cancer Jayant S. Health Press al N ati onal 2017 Rp 700,000
B ook
N etw ork
R am pton, Inte rnati on
1448888 Fast Facts: Inflammatory Bowel Disease David S. Health Press N al ati onal 2016 Rp 700,000
B ook
N etw ork
O' Br Inte rnati on
1448882 Fast Facts: Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer ie n, Mar y. Health Press al 2016 Rp 700,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
T he Proce e din gs of the 21st Annual H istory of Lu cyk, Schol ars Sc holars
1448815 Me di ci ne Days Confe ren ce 2012 Kel se y. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
The 2017 Rp 3,583,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Lam be, Caroli na Caroli na
1447805 Madhouse Je nni fer L. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Fri ck- Spr inge r
Sal zm ann, Sc ie nce &
Anne mari e B usi nes s
1447738 Gedächtnis: Erinnern und Vergessen . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
John Wil e y
Kel l y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1447721 Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System in Children Dei rdr e A . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 7,854,000
John Wil e y
N eu roprotec tive Eff ec ts of P hytoc hem i cals i n Farooqui , Wi le y- & Sons,
1447569 N eu rologi cal Di sorde rs Tahi ra Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,599,000
John Wil e y
Le wi s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1447568 A Practical Guide to Vulval Disease Fiona M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,619,000
John Wil e y
O ral Form ul ati on R oadm ap From E arl y D rug Kwong, & Sons,
1447563 D isc overy to De vel opm ent Eli zabe th Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jockus ch, B usi nes s
1447559 TheActin Cytoskeleton B. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1447548 EEG SignalAnalysis and Classification Siuly, Siuly. Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cl ini cal Orthopae di c R e habi l itati on: A Team Gi an garr a, Sc ie nce s
1447519 A pproach E-Book Ch arl e s E . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2018 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ype rtens ion: A Com panion to Braunw al d's H eart Bakri s, Sc ie nce s
1447518 D ise ase E-Book George L . Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 7,559,000

Matri x Metall oprote inase s and Ti ssu e Re m od el in g Khali l, Ac ad em ic

1447347 i n H eal th and D is ease : Targe t Ti ssue s an d Th erapy Raouf A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,746,000

Sport and the Brai n: The Sci enc e of Pre pari ng, Wals h, Ac ad em ic
1447324 E nduri ng and Wi nni ng, P art A Vi nce nt Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,677,000

Lari mor e, Ac ad em ic
1447319 Neuroscience Basics Je nni fer L. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 1,678,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Forsti ng, P ubli shi ng
1447318 MR Neuroimaging M. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp22,176,000
T hie m e
In form atio Me di cal
nMattl e, P ubli shi ng
1447317 Fundamentals of Neurology Hesourc
Re inr iches Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 7,756,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1447283 Pharmaceutical Sciences n R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp12,320,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
A dvan cin g Me di cal Educ ati on T hrough Strategi c Stefaniak, n Sc ie nce
1447279 Ins tru ctional De si gn Ji l l E . R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,740,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1447230 Tobacco Information for Teens hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,736,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1447228 Depression Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1447227 Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000
The Gu il ford
T reating Traum a and Traum ati c Grie f i n Chi ld ren Cohen , Gui lford P ubli
Pe nguication
1447176 and Adol esc en ts , Se cond Edi tion Ju di th A. Pre ss s Inc.
R andom 2017 Rp 2,520,000
H ouse
R obert Hathe rle ig (Pu bli she r
1447138 The Parkinson's Playbook Sm i th h P res s Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 364,000

Ker ner,
1447091 Antipsychotics: History, Science, and Issues Je ff rey Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,680,000

N ation al
Kaw animshi
Acade ie s,
1446891 ScientificAspects of Dialysis Therapy Hi
of de ki S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 5,068,000
Sc ie nc es,
Engi nee ri n Nation al N ati onal
E val uati on of the Congre ss ionall y D ire cte d g, and Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1446702 Me di cal R ese arch Program s R ev ie w Proce ss Med ic ine Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Wize mann Nation al N ati onal
E xp lori ng D ata and Metri cs of Val ue at the , T her esa Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1446699 Inte rse ction of He alth Care and Transportation M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Nation al N ati onal
Teu ts ch, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1446698 Making Eye Health a Population Health Imperative Ste ven M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Spr inge r
Mod el li e rung u nd Si m ulation von P rote i n- Sc ie nce &
Inte rakti onen am Be isp ie l von Wi rts-Path ogen- Spri nger B usi nes s
1446673 Inte rakti onen Kunz, Meik Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
We ebe r, Sc ie nce &
Si na B usi nes s
Ju li ett e.sber Springer
1446671 Der physiotherapeutische Direktzugang in Deutschland Bogen Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
ger, Spr inge r
Mar ti na Sc ie nce &
Bogen sber B usi nes s
1446670 Handlungspraktiken in der mobilen Pflegetätigkeit ger. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sup ervi si on i n d er kli ni sch-pr akti sche n Krüge r, B usi nes s
1446669 L ogopäd ie ausbi ld ung Antje . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
U nde r Obs ervation: The Inte rpl ay Be tw ee n Ad am s, B usi nes s
1446649 E He al th and Survei l lance Sam anth a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
John Wil e y
Ortutay, Wi le y- & Sons,
1446529 Molecular Data Analysis Using R Cs aba Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,799,000
R CP sych
Ch ris top he Publ i cati on
1446321 Spirituality and Narrative in Psychiatric Practice r CH Cook s Vearsa 2016 Rp 1,400,000
R CP sych
Kel l y, Publ i cati on
1446320 Mental Illness, Human Rights and the Law Bre ndan s Vearsa 2016 Rp 2,240,000
R CP sych
Wool lard , Publ i cati on
1446187 Core Skills for the CASC Jam es s Vearsa 2016 Rp 840,000
R CP sych
Publ i cati on
1446186 MCQs in Psychiatry for Medical Students Lally, John s Vearsa 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Shukl a,
Ashutosh Ac ad em ic
1446115 Electron Spin Resonance in Food Science Kum ar Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,368,000
Spr inge r
Dre he r, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
D NP Rol e Deve l opme nt for Doctoral A dvan ce d He yward Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1446114 N urs ing Practic e, Se cond Edi tion Mic hael Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
John Wil e y
Stouffe r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1446094 Cardiovascular Hemodynamics for the Clinician George A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,987,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tei sm ann, B usi nes s
1446090 Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie depressiven Grübelns Tobias. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Зи гмунд
(Z ygm und Fami l y
) Фре йд Le is ure
1445936 Вступ до психоаналізу (Vstup do psyhoanalizu) (Fr ejd ) Clu b Vearsa 2015 Rp 178,000
Hu man
Brow n, Kin etic s, H um an
1445448 Strength Training Le e E . Inc. Kilse
E neti
vi cs
er 2017 Rp 699,000
Inc .,
H eal th
L ung Cance r, An Iss ue of H em atol ogy/Oncol ogy H erbs t, Sc ie nce s
1445387 Cl ini cs , E -Book Roy S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Drake , Sc ie nce s
1445386 Gray's BasicAnatomy E-Book Ri chard L. Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp 4,955,000
John Wil e y
P rac tic al Tr ans fusi on Me di ci ne for the Smal l Sin k, Wi le y- & Sons,
1445361 A nim al Practiti oner Carol yn A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,680,000
John Wil e y
Lu ciu s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1445356 The Biology of Parasites Ri chard Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
John Wil e y
Etch ings , & Sons,
1445350 Strategies in Biomedical Data Science Jay Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 1,820,000
John Wil e y
H andbook of N eu robehavi oral Gene tic s and Wi le y- & Sons,
1445347 P henotypi ng Tucci, Valter Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,599,000
H al l, John Wil e y
Debor ah Wi le y- & Sons,
1445346 Non-Parkinsonian Movement Disorders A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Infl am m ati on-Assoc iated De pre ssi on: Evi den ce , Dantze r, B owm
R usi nesan
1445331 Me ch ani sm s and Im pli cations Robe rt. Springer Me di a B. V.
& 2017 Rp 5,572,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Gay, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1445320 Epilepsy Kathl yn Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,568,000
H eale y, Spi nney Spi nne y
1444658 Complementary andAlternative Medicine Ju stin Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 840,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Vic tor ia R ive rhead H ouse
1444255 Slow Medicine Sw ee t Books L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Je ssi ca
Dorothy Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1444230 Seven Scents P. A bram . Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 643,000
TAUB ER , Uni ver sity O UP
1444195 Immunity ALFR ED I. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fol i, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1444108 Nursing Care of Adoption and Kinship Families Kare n J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Wi ttm ann- Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ce rtifie d Nur se Edu cator (CNE) Re vie w Manual, Pri ce , R uth Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1444106 T hird Ed iti on A. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Camp o, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1444105 Medical Imaging for the Health Care Provider The res a M. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
O xford
Me dforth, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1444100 Oxford Handbook of Midwifery 3e Jane t Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,401,000
O xford
Dodd s, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1444099 Anaesthesia for the Elderly Patient Ch ris Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,090,000
O xford
Mc Cann, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1444098 A History of Haematology Sh au n R . Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 8,398,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443874 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cl ini cal Asp ects of Ps ychopharm acol ogy in Gre ydan us Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443869 Chi ld hood and Adol es cen ce , D onal d E. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be ne dek, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443866 Rheumatism Thom as G. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Ch oudhur Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A Textbook on Laboratory and Cli ni cal y, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443864 T ran sfusi on Me di ci ne Nabajyoti Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sri chana, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443843 Dry Powder Inhalers Te e rapol Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cobbs, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443839 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Bruc e Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Lam tu re, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jagannath Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443836 Understanding Cancer at the Subcellular Level B. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pathobiol ogy of H ep atoce l lul ar Carci nom a an d Mazzoc ca, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1443834 Cl ini cal Im pac t Antonio Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Spr inge r
R isi ng, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Sh aron Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1443656 The CenteringPregnancy Model Sc hi ndle r Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Morgan &
Wang, Claypool
David Q.- Li fe B iota
1443571 The Biliary System H. Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 5,880,000
Morgan &
Mayhan, Li fe B iota
1443570 The Blood-Brain Barrier in Health and Disease Wil l iam G. Sci enc es P lse
E ublivishi
er ng 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sanyal , Sc ie nce s
1442758 Zakim and Boyer's Hepatology Arun J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2018 Rp24,947,000
F. A. Davis
Jure k, Je an Com pany/
1442757 Conquer Medical Coding H. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,715,000
Curti s, F. A. Davis
Cathy Com pany/
1442756 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Success Mel fi F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Li nnard- F. A. Davis
Pal m er, Com pany/
1442755 Study Guide for Safe Maternity and Pediatric Care Luanne F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,175,000
F. A. Davis
Brow n, Com pany/
1442754 The Evidence-based Practitioner Catana F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,679,000
F. A. Davis
Taber 's Q uic k R efe re nce for Cardi ology and Ve ne s, Com pany/
1442753 P ulm onol ogy Donald F.A. Davis
Charle s P ubli she
Charl es rs 2017 Rp 839,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Kračm ar, Karoli num Karol inum
1442739 Fylogeneze lidské lokomoce Broni sl av Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 588,000
tfm T FM
Moorjani , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1442735 Key Questions in Thoracic Surgery Narain Ltd L td 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Je yanathan tfm T FM
O bjec tive Structur ed Cli nic al E xam i nati on i n , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1442734 Inte nsi ve Care Me di ci ne Je yasankar Ltd L td 2016 Rp 1,679,000
tfm T FM
Stahe l , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1442733 Blood, Sweat & Tears Phi li p F. Ltd L td 2016 Rp 839,000
tfm T FM
Sche in , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1442731 Schein's Common Sense Emergency Abdominal Surgery Moshe Ltd L td 2016 Rp 2,772,000

Mi rjam N. Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1442704 FetaleAlkoholspektrumstörungen Landgraf e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Wol fgan g Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1442702 Kooperative Kundenorientierung im Krankenhaus He ll m ann e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000
D' A R utgers R utger s
nton io, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1442648 Nursing with a Message Patri ci a Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Mc Quoi d- Juta & Juta and
Mas on, Comp an y Com pany
1442585 A-Z of Nursing Law David Jan. (Pty) Ltd L td 2017 Rp 714,000
G. Gi appi che l
Gi ap pic he l l i Edi tore
1442564 Cardiologia ambulatoriale AA.VV. l i E di tore Srl 2016 Rp 840,000

U nde rstan din g Tre atm e nt of Mi ld Traum atic Brai n Farm er, Corporatio Corpor ati o
1442378 Inj ury i n the Mi li tar y He alth Sys te m Carri e M. n n ake r &
B 2016 Rp 279,000
Pur due P ubli she r
Cre ati ng M om e nts of Joy Al ong the Al zhei m er's Brac key, Uni ver sity Se rvic es
1442373 Journ ey Jol e ne. Pre ss (BT PS) 2016 Rp 700,000

Ens ign, She Wri tes L ightni ng

1442335 Catching Homelessness Jos eph ine Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 279,000

Al li son, She Wri tes L ightni ng

1442312 Stay, Breathe with Me He le n Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 279,000

Me yer, She Wri tes L ightni ng

1442302 The Longest Mile Ch ris ti ne Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 279,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Martic h, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1442257 Telehealth Nursing Dawna Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Maio, P ubli shi ng
1442256 Essays in Medical Ethics Giovanni Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 3,332,000
T hie m e
Wol fla, Me di cal
N eu rosurgi cal Op erative Atl as: Spine and Ch ris top he P ubli shi ng
1442254 Pe ri phe ral N e rves r E. Thieme Inc . rnati on
Internation Inte 2017 Rp26,600,000
al A genc y al Agen cy
Organizati for for
on, W orl d R ese arch R es earc h
1441959 Breast Cancer Screening He al th. on Cance r on Canc er 2016 Rp 1,848,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Marke l, H ouse
1441767 The Kelloggs Howard Pantheon L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Me di cal Aspe cts of Di sabil ity for th e Re habil itati on Moroz, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1441759 P rofe ss ional , Fi fth Edi tion Ale x Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
John Wil e y
Dans, Wi le y- & Sons,
1441755 Painless Evidence-Based Medicine Antonio L. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,582,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441620 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Thom pson, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441619 Advances in Neurochemistry Research Lola Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441618 Advances in Medicine and Biology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441617 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Parsons , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441614 AscorbicAcid Em ma Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441612 Multiple Sclerosis Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
He nde rson Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441610 Soybean Oil , Carol G. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441608 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441605 Chronic Disease and Disability Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441604 Gastrointestinal Cancers Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441603 Gastrointestinal Cancers Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441601 Antidepressants Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441599 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Yam aguch i Sci enc e Sc ie nce
, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441597 Advances in Carcinogenesis Research Mas ayos hi. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
T he A rt of Ps ychother ap y: Case Studi es , P roce sse s Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441565 and Tec hniq ues Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ive ra, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441561 Progesterone Cathe rine Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Tarkow ski , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441551 A NewApproach to Stuttering Zbi gnie w Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Brooks , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441545 Biomineralization Carl os W . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ughes , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441544 Hearing Loss Je nni fer D. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Morri son, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441543 Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) Randy Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cardoso, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441542 Disinfectants Ana Sofia Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Crani ospi nal H ydrod ynami cs in Fl anagan, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441541 N eu rode gene rative and N e urologi cal Di sorde rs Mic hael Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441539 Cannabis, MedicalAspects Blair, Henry Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D anc e: Pe rce ptions , Cu ltural Aspe cts an d Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441538 E me rgi ng Th erapi es Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Ch oudhur Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A Textbook on Laboratory and Cli ni cal y, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441536 T ran sfusi on Me di ci ne Nabajyoti Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Ch oudhur Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A Textbook on Laboratory and Cli ni cal y, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1441535 T ran sfusi on Me di ci ne Nabajyoti Inc. Inc
N ati. onal 2017 Rp 7,560,000
B ook
Bl ackm an , BP P N etw ork
Doctor Le arning Inte rnati on
1441446 Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) Graham . Me dia Ltd al 2016 Rp 1,611,000

Mi chael Pharm ace u P har mace u

1441437 Disease Management D. Randal l tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2016 Rp 2,352,000

Phi li p Chi CR C Pre ss

1441423 Advances in Pulmonary Drug Delivery Lip Kwok CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000

CR C Pre ss
1441414 Smart Biomaterial Devices Bajpai,A. K. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,759,000

Szyche r, CR C Pre ss
1441412 Commercialization Secrets for Scientists and Engineers Mic hael CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
Fre em an,
Kathl ee n CR C Pre ss
1441410 Veterinary Cytology P. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,695,000

Mi te va, CR C Pre ss
1441406 A Notebook of Dermatopathology Mar iya. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,599,000

H al le r, CR C Pre ss
1441395 Horticultural Therapy Methods Re bec ca L . CRC Press L NLCati onal 2017 Rp 1,959,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Dol le r, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1441371 Allosterism in Drug Discovery Dario Chem i stry al 2017 Rp 7,028,000
Spr inge r
Sc hul thess , Sc ie nce &
Gustav K. B usi nes s
1441354 Röntgen, Computertomografie & Co. von. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Taylor &
She phard, Franc is
1441221 PhysicalActivity and the Gastro-Intestinal Tract Roy J. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,060,000
John Wil e y
Ec ker, & Sons,
1441186 TransportersAs Drug Targets Ger hard Wiley-VCH Inc . 2017 Rp 5,740,000
John Wil e y
Shi mi zu , Wi le y- & Sons,
1441174 Shimizu's Dermatology Hi roshi Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,479,000
John Wil e y
Wi tte kind , & Sons,
1441153 TNM Ch . Wiley-VCH Inc . 2017 Rp 979,000
John Wil e y
Bartle y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1441135 Mindfulness Tri sh Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 699,000
John Wil e y
Podu ri, S. & Sons,
1441018 Statistical Methodologies with MedicalApplications R. S. Rao. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Uni ver zi ta
Wi le y- ho John Wil e y
Morrow , v Inters ci enc & Sons,
1441011 Biosimilars of MonoclonalAntibodies John eOl omou ci Inc . 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Uni : zi ta
Palacký ho Pal ac ky
Štěrbová, v Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1440566 Specifika komunikace ve vztahu k sexualitě II Dana Ol omou
Ol omou cic) O lom ouc 2016 Rp 84,000
(eng. :
Palacký Pal ac ky
Kli me šová, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1440564 Základy sportovní výživy Iva Ol omou c) O lom ouc 2016 Rp 98,000
Spr inge r
Zi m me rm a Spri nger P ubli shi ng
n, Donal d Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1440557 Person-Focused Health Care Management L. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cannon, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440487 Bioglass Loui s Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ive ra, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440483 Gluten Howard Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440476 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440474 Functional Foods Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440473 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440462 The Education of a Surgeon Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ive ra, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440452 Breast Reconstruction Jani ce Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H oe ni g, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440451 Essential Guide to Clinical Neonatology Je anett e D. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vargas, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1440449 DocosahexaenoicAcid (DHA) Alfons o Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000

Bow n, Exi sle

1440375 One Woman's War and Peace Sh aron Publ i shi ng Vearsa 2016 Rp 420,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Val due za, P ubli shi ng
1440370 Neurosonology and Neuroimaging of Stroke Jos é M. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp22,176,000
H ol t, John Wil e y
Ri chard I. Wi le y- & Sons,
1440278 Textbook of Diabetes G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 9,239,000
Uni ver sity O UP
1440197 Tense Bees and Shell-Shocked Crabs Tye, Michael Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Oxford O xford
Me anin g-Ce ntere d Psyc hothe rapy in the Cance r Bre i tbart, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1440192 Se tti ng Wil l iam Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 6,716,000
Oxford O xford
Sul li van, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1440191 The Patient AsAgent of Health and Health Care Mar k D. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,888,000
Oxford O xford
Cli nton, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1440190 Governing Global Health Ch el se a Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,222,000
O xford
Stanghe ll in OUP Un ive rsi ty
1440188 Lost in Dialogue i, Gi ovanni Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,984,000
R utgers
Wals h, Uni ver sity R utger s
Ch ris ti ne Pre ss Un ive rsi ty
1440133 Clinical Trials in Ovarian Cancer S. Me dic in e P res s 2017 Rp 7,556,000
O pen
Ope n R oad
Thom pson, R oad Inte grate d
1439937 Hearts Thom as Me dia Me di a, Inc . 2016 Rp 1,008,000

1439887 L 'AUTO HY PN OSE) Oli vi er. Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 305,000
The Gu il ford
Hol lande r, Gui lford P ubli cation
1439882 Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition Mic hael Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 1,456,000

Intracrani al Ather oscl eros is : Pathophys iol ogy,

1439872 D iagnosi s and Tre atm e nt J.S. Kim S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 5,208,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H öfe rt, B usi nes s
1439722 Von Fall zu Fall - Pflege im Recht Rol f. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
U nte rw egs im Kranke nhaus - Pfle ge ris che B usi nes s
1439715 Aufgaben be im Patie ntentransp ort Hecker, Uwe Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N otfal lkom m and o - Kom mu nikation in Stem m le r, B usi nes s
1439714 N otfal lsi tuati one n für Ges undhe i ts beru fe Ju li a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
R oubal , Schol ars Sc holars
1439294 Towards a Research Tradition in Gestalt Therapy Jan. Publ i shi ng E
P lse
er ng 2016 Rp 3,331,000
Inc .,
H eal th
He rrm an n, Sc ie nce s
1439182 Clinical Cardio-oncology E-Book Joe rg Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp13,607,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E me rge ncy Ped iatric Surge ry, An Iss ue of Surgi cal Pons ky, Sc ie nce s
1439181 Cl ini cs , E -Book Todd A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Se vere Se psi s Care i n the Em e rgen cy D epartm ent, H eal th
A n Issu e of Em erge nc y Me di cin e Cl i nic s of N orth Pe rkins , Sc ie nce s
1439180 A me ri ca, E -Book Jac k Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce s i n T rau ma, An Iss ue of Cri ti cal Car e Napol itano Sc ie nce s
1439179 Cl ini cs , E -Book , L ena M . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E val uati on of the Sm all Bow el , A n Issu e of Ge rson, Sc ie nce s
1439178 Gastroi ntes ti nal Endos copy Cl in ic s, E-Book Laure n B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
U ndi agnos ed and R are Dis ease s in Ch il dre n, A n Bord ini , Sc ie nce s
1439177 Iss ue of Pe di atri c Cl in ics of N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Bre tt J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P re-Expand ed Per forator Fl aps, An Iss ue of Cli ni cs Sc ie nce s
1439176 i n Pl astic Surge ry, E-Book Pu, Lee L. Q. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B as ic Sci enc e Insi ghts Into Cli ni cal Puzzle s, An DiG iovann Sc ie nce s
1439175 Iss ue of De rm atol ogic Cli ni cs, E-Book a, John J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 8,315,000

Conn, P. Ac ad em ic
1439171 Animal Models for the Study of Human Disease Mic hael Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp10,080,000

Yang, Ac ad em ic
1439164 Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak Wei zhong. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

R ic hman,
1438857 Salem Health Sh aron Salem Press Salem Press 2016 Rp11,060,000

Qu intus
1438396 Medizinischer Rat / Liber medicinalis Se re nus De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,176,000

Jürge n
1438372 Gastroenterologische Zytopathologie Sc hube rt De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 2,744,000

A dip ositas, Di abe tes und Thom as

1438326 Fe tts toff we chs el störunge n i m Kind es al ter Danne De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,136,000

Sm ooth Mus cl e and Stromal Tum ors an d Koeh le r,

1438323 P reve ntion of Inad equ ate Surge ry Gue nte r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2017 Rp 5,880,000

Chri stoph
1438304 Klinische Hämostaseologie in der Chirurgie Su cke r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Loui s,
Be tty
Wed man- CR C Pre ss
1437269 Bariatric Surgery Patients St. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 8,399,000
Mal l inc kro Chapm an
dt, Crai g and CR C Pre ss
1437265 Analyzing Longitudinal Clinical Trial Data H. Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

CR C Pre ss
1437263 TherapeuticApplications of Adenoviruses Ng, Philip. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Viktori a Mabuse - B ookw i re

1437246 Gemeinschaft und Schweigen im Pflegeheim Ch ris tov Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 965,000
Günthe r
Del l brügge Ve rl ag B ookw i re
1437244 Aktive Pause r Urach hau s Gm bH 2016 Rp 713,000
The Gu il ford
Pri ce , Gui lford P ubli cation
1437240 Psychometric Methods Larry R . Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,920,000
re adbox
P flege zu Hause + Am bul anter Pfle ged ie nst - 15 Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1437163 P raxi se rfahr ungen m it d er Pfle ge die nstl ei stung Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 79,000
re adbox
H il fe bei Dys phagie - G esu nde Er nähr ung trotz Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1437158 Sc hluc kstörunge n i nkl . R e ze pten Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 84,000
re adbox
Chore a H untington - hil frei ch e Strategi en trotz Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1437152 E rbkrankhei ten m it p os iti ver Ene rgie zu le ben Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 84,000
P flege pl anung für Ange hörige - praxi snahe un d re adbox
e in fac h ve rstän dli che For mu li eru ngshi lfe n und Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1437146 B ei spi el e Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 84,000
re adbox
Ver fü gunge n für Pfle gend e: Patie ntenve rfügung & Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1437145 B etre uungs verfügu ng e rstel l en inkl . Formu lar Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 79,000
re adbox
P flege tage buc h - Anl e itung fü r d en Nachw ei s d er Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1437142 P flege doku me ntati on Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 79,000
The Gu il ford
Strau s, Gui lford P ubli cation
1437042 Treating Trauma inAdolescents Mar tha B. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N anomater ial-Base d Drug Del i ve ry Carri e rs for B usi nes s
1436742 Cance r The rap y Feng, Tao Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Duc los - HCP ro, a
Mil le r, di vis ion of
1436739 Improving Nursing Documentation and Reducing Risk Patri ci a A. BL R HCPro 2016 Rp 2,940,000
HCP ro, a
Mac kaman di vis ion of
1436738 Inpatient-Only Procedures Training Handbook , D ebbi e BL R HCPro 2016 Rp 4,340,000
re adbox
24-Stund en-Pfl ege - m it H il fe von pr ofe ssi one ll en Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1436643 P flege di en sten schaff t m an das Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 79,000
re adbox
Se lbs thi l fe grup pen - um fangrei che H i lfen zu al le n Schm i d, p ubli shi ng
1436639 Frage n für Pfle ge nde Ange li ka BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 79,000

re adbox
Bru ns, p ubli shi ng
1436600 Besser Leben mit Tai Chi, Qigong und Mentaltraining Sabi ne BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 74,000
re adbox
Jaspe r, p ubli shi ng
1436463 New Year Resolution Weight Loss Kaya. BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 28,000
re adbox
JASPER , p ubli shi ng
1436458 The No Diet Book KAYA. BookRix Gm bH 2016 Rp 56,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Mi lne r, De mos Com pany,
Pe ngui n
1436417 Statistics for Pathologists Danny A. Me dic al Inc
R .
andom 2017 Rp 3,360,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Abraham s Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1436372 Making Sense of HumanAnatomy and Physiology on, E ar le Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 615,000
As aku ra
P ubli shi ng
1436298 情動の仕組みとその異常 山脇成人 朝倉書店 Co., L td . 2015 Rp 2,672,000
As aku ra
Uni ver sity P ubli shi ng
1436297 情動の進化 渡辺茂 Toron to Co., L td .
of 2015 Rp 2,312,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Ge ri atri c Psyc hiatry R ev ie w and Exam Pre parati on R ap op ort, Publ i shi ng Rofowm
T oronto
1436274 Gu id e Mar k Di vis ion P res s
& 2016 Rp 3,220,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Ge orgiou , Li ttl efi el d R
1436249 Healthcare Choices Arch el le Publ i she rs &Inc . 2017 Rp 1,232,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Mangali k, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1436245 Dealing with Doctors, Denial, and Death Aroop Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 1,148,000
Spr inge r
Tkaczuk, P ubli shi ng
Kathe rin e De mos Com pany,
1436240 Handbook of Breast Cancer and Related Breast Disease H. R. Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000

Le e, Pan CR C Pre ss
1435720 Deep Brain Stimulation Kend al l H. Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Sne daker, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1435719 Leading Healthcare IT Su san T. y P res s L LC 2016 Rp 1,959,000

D esi gni ng Te chnol ogy Tr ai nin g for Ol de r Ad ul ts Cotte n, CR C Pre ss

1435715 i n Conti nui ng Care Re tire m ent Com m uni ti e s Sh el ia R . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,879,000
App le
H ass an , Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1435702 Food Security and Child Malnutrition Are ej Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Baston, Taylor &

1435649 Examination of the Newborn He le n Routledge Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
And ers on, Franc is
1435620 Health and Safety Communication David S. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,180,000
Taylor &
Coggon, Franc is
1435460 Public Health Law John Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000

Di rk K.
Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1435410 Schmerzen und Schmerzmittelabhängigkeit imAlter Wol te r
e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 8,119,000
Morgan &
X iang, Li fe B iota
1435386 Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise Lush a Sci enc es P ubli
E lse vishi
er ng 2017 Rp 4,620,000
Wi egand, Inc .,
Debr a J. H eal th
A ACN P roce dure M anu al for Hi gh Acu ity, Lynn- Sc ie nce s
1435380 P rogres si ve , and Cri tic al Care - E-Book McH al e Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2017 Rp10,752,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sche chte r, Sc ie nce s
1435373 Surgical Management of the Transgender Patient Lore n S. Elsevier Diati
N vi si on
onal 2016 Rp11,339,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Bi ttke r, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1435015 High Throughput Screening Methods Jos hua A. Chem i stry al 2016 Rp 7,028,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
R od J. P ubli shi ng
1434984 Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters Rohri ch Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp31,612,000
T hie m e
Pe te r L an g Me di cal
Inte rnal O rgans (TH IEME Atl as of Anatomy), Latin Schü nke, Gm bH, P ubli shi ng
1434977 N om enc lature Mic hael Thieme
Internation Inc . 2017 Rp 8,876,000
ale r Ver lag
Hadji afxe n Pe
de te
r r L an g
ti , Wi sse
Gm nsc h Pe ter Lang
1434925 Genetisches Screening, Thalassaemie und Ethik Ch ari tini . Internation
afte n AG 2017 Rp 2,573,000
ale r Ver lag
N ati onale und re gion al e Standard vari ante n des de r
D eutsc hen i m Unterr ic ht von D eutsc h al s Z han g, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1434891 Fre m dsp rac he fue r Chi nes en Sh enw ei . afte n AG
Sage 2016 Rp 3,805,000
P ubli cation
Sage s Indi a Pvt,
Publ i cati on L td --
1434875 A Birth That Changed a Nation Alur, Mithu. s Pvt. L td e Books 2016 Rp 840,000
R utgers R utger s
Sm ith, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1434003 Toxic Exposures Su san L. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,100,000

El - Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch

Ghannam, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1433915 Bioceramics 28 Ahm ed s s , L td 2017 Rp 8,120,000

Li ppi ,
1433855 A Short History of Medicine Donate ll a CLUEB CLUEB srl 2015 Rp 477,000

Agnol i, G.
1433854 Sistema Renina- Angiotensina-Aldosterone C. CLUEB CLUEB srl 2016 Rp 745,000

Li m a,
1433848 Minimally Invasive Pediatric Surgery Mar io CLUEB CLUEB srl 2016 Rp 1,311,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
H an, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1433608 Acquired Brain Injury Dong Y . Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
T hie m e
Salgado, Me di cal
Ch ris top he P ubli shi ng
1433556 GenderAffirmation r J. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp13,860,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Fi rmi n, P ubli shi ng
1433555 Auricular Reconstruction Fran çois e. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp21,056,000
Uni ver sity O UP
1433549 Cerebrovascular Disease Chong, Ji Y. Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 4,196,000

Fouri e, Uni ver sity O UP
1433547 What Is Enough? Cari na Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 5,039,000

Lance ll otti , OUP O UP

1433539 The EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography Patri zio. Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp24,150,000
H al abi , Uni ver sity O UP
1433529 Global Management of Infectious DiseaseAfter Ebola Sam F. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 2,457,000
McKe own, Uni ver sity O UP
1433523 A Cabinet of Ancient Medical Curiosities J. C. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 928,000
N eum ann, Uni ver sity O UP
1433369 Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine Pete r J. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,701,000

1433354 Progress in Medicinal Chemistry Witty, D. R. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,888,000

Dun nett , Ac ad em ic
1433292 Functional Neural Transplantation IV S. B . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,744,000

Rose nbe rg, Ac ad em ic

1433163 It's in Your DNA Euge ne Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,014,000
Le gato,
Mar ianna Ac ad em ic
1433147 The International Society for Gender Medicine J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,014,000
Mali k,
Aami r Ac ad em ic
1433140 Designing EEG Experiments for Studying the Brain Sae ed . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
R omas, Ac ad em ic
1433137 Practical Stress Management John A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000
Onc ology O ncol ogy
Jacobs, Nu rsi ng N ursi ng
1433089 Standards of Oncology Nursing Education Lin da A. Soci ety Soci e ty 2016 Rp 546,000
Onc ology O ncol ogy
Bl ec he r, Nu rsi ng N ursi ng
1433088 Standards of Oncology Education Carol S. Soci ety Soci e ty 2016 Rp 588,000
Onc ology O ncol ogy
Tarim an, Nu rsi ng N ursi ng
1433085 Multiple Myeloma Jos eph D. Soci ety Soci e ty 2015 Rp 2,548,000
Gobe l, Onc ology O ncol ogy
A dvan ce d On cology Nu rsi ng Cer ti fic ati on R evi ew Barbar a Nu rsi ng N ursi ng
1433080 and Re sour ce Manual Hol me s Soci ety Soci e ty 2016 Rp 3,724,000
Onc ology O ncol ogy
Brow n, Nu rsi ng N ursi ng
1433079 A Guide to Oncology Symptom Management Carl ton G. Soci ety Soci e ty 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Oxford O xford
Ch anm uga Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1433044 Infectious Diseases Emergencies m, Arj un S. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,876,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1433038 Vagueness in Psychiatry Keil, Geert. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 8,398,000
O xford
Markus, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1433035 Stroke Medicine Hugh. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,268,000
The Gu il ford
R esi ck, Gui lford P ubli cation
1432985 Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD Patri ci a A. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
O xford
Bal dwi n, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1432797 Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties Andre w Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,701,000
O xford
Sahaki an, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1432792 Sex, Lies, and Brain Scans Barbar a J. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 963,000
O xford
Evans, Dr. OUP Un ive rsi ty
1432790 Retrieval Medicine Ch arl otte . Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 7,348,000
Oxford O xford
Le vi, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1432782 Goodman's Neurosurgery Oral Board Review All an, Dr. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 7,556,000
Oxford O xford
Marcs isi n, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1432781 Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Mic hael J. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Oxford O xford
Le sl ie M. Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1432764 Ultrasound Sc outt Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp12,596,000
Hi gh H igh
Fre que ncy Fre que ncy
1432713 The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound Gill, Robert. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 616,000
Taylor &
Shamoo, Franc is
1432467 Sports Medicine for Coaches andAthletes Adi l E. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,259,000
Taylor &
Paul , Franc is
1432408 Henri De Rothschild, 1872–1947 Harry W. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
H eal ing, Pe rform anc e an d Ce rem ony in the
W riti ngs of Thre e Early Mode rn P hysi ci ans : Taylor &
H ip polytus Guari noni us and the Brothe rs Fe l ix Katri tzky, Franc is
1432321 and Thom as Pl atte r M. A. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,760,000
Cu nni ngha Taylor &
m, Franc is
1432257 TheAnatomical Renaissance Andre w Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Davi es, Franc is
1432064 Medical Self-Regulation Mar k Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,760,000
Taylor &
Schm i dt, Franc is
1431994 Melancholy and the Care of the Soul Je re my Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Wh eatle y, Taylor &
Eli zabe th Franc is
1431989 Bodies at Risk E. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Taylor &
Broom , Franc is
1431942 Evidence-Based Healthcare in Context Ale x. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Kle nne r,
Jos t Ver lag
1431771 Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte Heft X/4 Winter 2016 Phi li pp C.H.Beck C.lse
E H.viBeerck 2016 Rp 960,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Wu , Sc ie nce s
1431289 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis E-Book Jash in J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,559,000

R are Earth El e me nts i n H um an and Envi ronm ental Pagan o, Pan CR C Pre ss
1431172 H eal th Giovanni Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Shukl a, CR C Pre ss
1431145 Microbial Biotechnology Pratyoos h CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000
John W .
Sh owalter , CR C Pre ss
1431134 Mastering Physician Engagement MD, MSIS. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 1,959,000

Com pl em e ntary and Al te rnative Me di ci nes i n Hari kum ar CR C Pre ss

1431128 P rostate Cance r , K. B. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000
App le
Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1431114 Ethnobotany of India, Volume 1 Pullaiah, T. Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000
App le
Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1431112 Ethnobotany of India, Volume 2 Pullaiah, T. Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
John Wil e y
Salway, J. Wi le y- & Sons,
1431090 Metabolism at a Glance G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,483,000
John Wil e y
Ash ton, Wi le y- & Sons,
1431084 How to Be a Nurse or Midwife Leader David Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,162,000
John Wil e y
Mi nhas, Wi le y- & Sons,
1431082 Male Sexual Dysfunction Su ks Bl ackwe
Am ll
er ic an Inc .e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 4,619,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Gre enbe rg, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431054 Supervision Essentials for Emotion-focused Therapy Le sli e S.. n er ic an
Am n
Am e ri can 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
N or cross , Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431053 Supervision Essentials for Integrative Psychotherapy John C. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
Z ane , cal c al
E vid enc e-base d P sychol ogic al P rac tic e wi th Ethni c Nol an W. Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431050 Mi nori tie s S. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Lu xton, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431047 A Practitioner's Guide to Telemental Health David D. Am n er ic an n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Park, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431046 Trauma, Meaning, and Spirituality Cr ystal L . nAm er ic an n
Am e ri can 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Innovative Inve stigations of Language i n Autism N ai gle s, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431045 Spe ctru m Dis orde r Le ti tia R . Am
n er ic an n e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
H andbook of Se xu al O rie ntati on and Gen der De Bord, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431044 D ive rsi ty in Counse li ng and Psyc hotherapy Kurt A. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Barkl ey, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431043 When anAdult You Love HasADHD Rus se ll A. Am
n er ic an n e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 839,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for the Pr ac ti ce of Fale nde r, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431042 Com pe te nc y-base d Su per vis ion Carol A. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
A ffirmative Couns el in g and P sychol ogic al Practic e Sin gh , cal c al
w ith Transge nde r and Ge nde r N onconform ing Anne li es e Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431038 Cl ie nts A. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Ong, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431036 Mindfulness-based Therapy for Insomnia Jason C. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Cond uctin g a Cul tu rall y Inform ed Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1431035 N eu ropsyc hologi cal Evalu ati on Fujii, Daryl n n 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inc orporation of He te roc ycl es Into Combi natori al Babaev, B usi nes s
1431009 Che m istry Euge ne. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Morgan &
R ao, Claypool
Jal ad ank i Li fe B iota
1430876 Regulation of Gastrointestinal Mucosal Growth N. Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,780,000

De onna, Mac Ke i th MacKe i th

1430796 The Epilepsy-aphasia Spectrum Thi err y Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430789 Advances in Medicine and Biology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Yam aguch i Sci enc e Sc ie nce
, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430787 Renal Failure Mas ayos hi Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sanda Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ch ede a, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430786 Procyanidins Ve ronic a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430781 Advances in Medicine and Biology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre ydan us Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430780 Chronic Disease and Disability , D onal d E. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430778 Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Ho,Allen L. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pe tr yński , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430479 Motor Control in Humans Wac ław Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
He nde rson Sci enc e Sc ie nce
, Ke vin Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430477 Wheelchairs Rus se ll Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kapapa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430472 Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Thom as Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
H oj jati Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H andbook of R e searc h for B iom e chanic s and Zi dashti, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430462 A nth ropom etry i n Sp or t Sci enc e Zahra Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Nam bood i Sci enc e Sc ie nce
rip ad , P . C. Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1430461 Pathophysiology of Oral Diseases Ani la. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
M& K
1430263 T HER APISTS Lynn. Publ i shi ng L td . 2016 Rp 756,000

Moore , Taylor &

1430177 Clinical Skills for Nursing Practice Tin a Routledge Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 6,720,000
Taylor &
Malc olm , Franc is
1430130 Sport, Medicine and Health Dom ini c Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,200,000

L. F. Arc ad ia IN scri be
1429963 AbandonedAsylums of Connecticut Blanc hard Publ i shi ng Di givi
E lse taler 2016 Rp 476,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe di atri c Brain Tum ors Update, An Is sue of Brand ô, Sc ie nce s
1429772 N eu roim aging Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E -B ook Lara A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
A ggres sive B - Cel l Lym phom a, An Is sue of H eal th
H em atology/Onc ol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Seh n, Sc ie nce s
1429771 E -B ook Lauri e Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
MR Im aging of the Foot and Ankl e, An Is sue of H eal th
Magne tic R esonanc e Im agin g Cli ni cs of North H oc hm an , Sc ie nce s
1429770 A me ri ca, E -Book Mar y G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Faci al Sc ar Managem e nt, An Is sue of Faci al Plasti c H om , Sc ie nce s
1429769 Sur gery Cli nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook David B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R e frac tory Chroni c R hi nosin usi ti s, An Is sue of Tabae e, Sc ie nce s
1429768 O tol aryngologi c Cl i nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Abtin. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Okam , H eal th
H em atologi c D ise ase s, A n Issu e of Pri mary Care : Mau ree n Sc ie nce s
1429767 Cl ini cs i n Offic e Practic e, E -B ook M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Infe ction an d Mal ignanc y in R heu matic Di se as es, H eal th
A n Issu e of Rhe um ati c Di sease Cl ini cs of N orth Wi nthrop, Sc ie nce s
1429766 A me ri ca, E -Book Kevi n L . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Skul l Base Im agi ng, An Iss ue of R ad iol ogic Cli ni cs Aygun , Sc ie nce s
1429765 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Nafi. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A nal Canal Canc ers , An Issu e of Su rgic al Eng, Sc ie nce s
1429764 O ncol ogy Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Cathy. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Turnpe nny Sc ie nce s
1429763 Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics E-Book , Pe ter D. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,715,000
Hu man
Mangie ri , Kin etic s, H um an
1429718 Fueling Young Athletes He athe r R . Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 559,000

Bre nnan-
1429635 HIV andAging In g, Mark S. Karger KargerAG 2017 Rp 7,112,000
T hie m e
Moe ll er, Me di cal
P ocke t Atlas of Sec ti onal A natom y, Volum e 3: Torste n P ubli shi ng
1429632 Spi ne , E xtre m iti es, Join ts Be rt. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 4,424,000
T hie m e
Rose nkran Me di cal
tz, An dre w P ubli shi ng
1429631 MRI of the Prostate B. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp12,740,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Sabel , P ubli shi ng
1429630 Getting Ready for Brain Tumor Surgery Mic hael Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 2,772,000
T hie m e
KATES, Me di cal
ST EPH EN P ubli shi ng
1429629 Principles of Orthopedic Infection Management L. Thieme/AO Inc . 2017 Rp19,964,000

Kel se y, CR C Pre ss
1429473 Patient Safety Rus se ll CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Chapm an
A ppl ie d Sur rogate En dpoi nt Evalu ation Me thod s and CR C Pre ss
1429465 w ith SA S and R Alonso,Ariel Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Murp hy, CR C Pre ss

1429460 Regenerative Medicine Technology Se an V. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000
E me rgi ng N on-Cl in ic al B iostati sti cs in Chapm an
B ioph arm ace utic al D eve lopm e nt and Yang, and CR C Pre ss
1429459 Manu factur ing Harry Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

CR C Pre ss
1429458 Healthful Eating As Lifestyle (HEAL) Anil, Shirin CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kutsc her, B usi nes s
1429376 Kommunikation - Erfolgsfaktor in der Medizin Patri c P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000

Thom as Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1429182 Das Gehirn - ein Beziehungsorgan Fuchs e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,339,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1429180 Arbeitsplatzbezogene Psychotherapie Kai G. Kahl e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shore y, B usi nes s
1429099 Healthcare Engineering Raje ev Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ve rbun t, J. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1429090 Graded Exposure A. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
F. A. Davis
Jones , Com pany/
1429077 Pocket Anatomy & Physiology Sh irl ey A. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
Braks, n n
Mar ie ta A . Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1428999 Ecology and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis H. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 4,060,000
John Wil e y
H ash im , Wi le y- & Sons,
1428910 Urology at a Glance Hashi m Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,259,000
Je ssi ca
Ec kman, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1428818 Grasping the Donkey's Tail Pete r Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,119,000

Je ssi ca
Karrasch, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1428815 BodyMindCORE Work for the Movement Therapist Noah Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,063,000
Je ssi ca
Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1428810 TheArt and Practice of Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine Nigel Ching Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,660,000
De Je ssi ca
Sor iano, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1428795 Kampo Gre tc hen. Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,399,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
H il sm an, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1428794 Spiritual Care in Common Terms Gordon J. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 699,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1428734 Kompendium der Psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie Benkert, O. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Me ehan,
Wil l iam
1428355 Concussions Pau l Greenwood ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Journ al of B iom im e tics , Biom ate ri als an d Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1428349 B iom ed ic al E ngine e ring s s ,lse
E L td
vi er 2016 Rp 3,780,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Efron, Sc ie nce s
1428325 Contact Lens Practice E-Book Nathan Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2018 Rp15,119,000
Inc .,
Brockm e ye H eal th
A dul t an d Pe di atri c Spine T raum a, An Is sue of r, Douglas Sc ie nce s
1428324 N eu rosurge ry Cl i nic s of N orth Am er ic a, E-Book L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ype rtens ion, An Iss ue of Me di cal Cl i nic s of Frohl ic h, Sc ie nce s
1428322 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Edw ard D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R he um ati c D ise ase s i n O lde r Ad ul ts , An Issue of Katz, Sc ie nce s
1428321 Cl ini cs i n Ge ri atri c M edi ci ne , E -Book Jam es D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Vac caro, H eal th
Ale xan der Sc ie nce s
1428318 Operative Techniques: Spine Surgery E-Book R. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2018 Rp16,631,000
Inc .,
A nti pl ate le t and An ti coagul ati on T herapy In PCI, Angi oli l lo, H eal th
A n Issu e of Inte rve nti onal Card iol ogy Cl ini cs, E - Dom ini ck Sc ie nce s
1428317 B ook J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A ll ergi c Skin Dis ease s, An Iss ue of Im mun ology Sc ie nce s
1428316 and All er gy Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E-Book Ong, Peck Y. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N eu ro-Ophthalm ol ogy, An Issue of N eu rologi c Le e, Sc ie nce s
1428315 Cl ini cs , E -Book Andre w G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Controve rsi es in ACL R e construc tion, An Iss ue of Johnson, Sc ie nce s
1428314 Cl ini cs i n Sports Med ic ine , E-Book Darren L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fre und, K. Sc ie nce s
1428313 The RetinalAtlas E-Book Bail ey Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp26,459,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N on-Invasi ve Ve ntil ati on, An Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Yode r, Sc ie nce s
1428302 Pe ri natol ogy, E -Book Bradl ey. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
B one Grafts, B on e Graft Su bstitutes , and Bi ologi cs H eal th
i n Foot and Ankl e Su rgery, An Is sue of Foot and Li n, Sc ie nce s
1428301 A nkle Cl ini cs of Nor th Am eri ca, E-Book Sh el don Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Pe te rson- H eal th
T he Cli nic ian's Gui de to Tr eating Cle ft Pal ate Fal zone, Sc ie nce s
1428300 Spe e ch - E-Book Sal ly J. Mosby Di vi si on 2017 Rp 6,464,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Cali for nia Cali forni a
1427752 States of Disease King, Brian Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,380,000

H el li we ll , CR C Pre ss
1427746 Skills for a Scientific Life John R . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Iwu ,
Mau ric e CR C Pre ss
1427745 FoodAs Medicine M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,839,000

X u, Ju n- CR C Pre ss
1427742 Cancer Inhibitors From Chinese Natural Medicines Pin g. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp10,639,000

Khe r, CR C Pre ss
1427732 Clinical Pediatric Nephrology, Third Edition Kanw al K. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,399,000

Pe te r Pan CR C Pre ss
1427731 Handbook of Carbohydrate-Modifying Biocatalysts Grunw al d Stanford L LC 2016 Rp14,000,000
Me non, Chapm an
B iosi m il ar Cli ni cal De ve l opm ent: Sci enti fic Sand ee p and CR C Pre ss
1427730 Cons ide rations and N ew Me thodol ogie s M. Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Chapm an
Conc ise E ncyc lope di a of Bi ostati stic s for Med ic al Indrayan, and CR C Pre ss
1427722 P rofe ss ional s Abhaya Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 7,839,000

Te xtbook of Fem ale Ur ology and Urogyne col ogy, Cardozo, CR C Pre ss
1427704 Fou rth Ed ition - Two-Vol um e Se t Lin da CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp13,860,000

Karal li ed d
e, CR C Pre ss
1427687 Adverse Drug Interactions Lakshm an CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 1,959,000
Taylor &
Kagan, Franc is
1427568 Real Life Heroes Life Storybook, 3rd Edition Ri chard. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,340,000
Le ver e,
Tre vor Taylor &
1427498 The Enlightenment of Thomas Beddoes Harve y Routledge Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 4,199,000
John Wil e y
Dangas, Wi le y- & Sons,
1427469 Interventional Cardiology George D . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 8,120,000

John Wil e y
Sim on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1427458 Mount Sinai Expert Guides Ashe r B . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,547,000
John Wil e y
Rose nbau & Sons,
1427450 Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics m, Sara Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Wooln oug John Wil e y
h, He le n Wi le y- & Sons,
1427449 Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,483,000
John Wil e y
Dl ugacz, & Sons,
1427448 Introduction to Health Care Quality Yose f D. Jossey-Bass Inc . 2017 Rp 2,520,000

John Wil e y
McDonou g Wi le y- & Sons,
1427438 Necropsy Guide for Dogs, Cats, and Small Mammals h, Se an P. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
H al e, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Thom as Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1427433 Medications and Mothers' Milk 2017 Wri ght Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Be ll i ni, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1427432 NeonatalAdvanced Practice Nursing Sand ra Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Le we nson, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1427431 Nursing History for Contemporary Role Development Sand ra Comp an y Inc
al .
Q uinte sse n 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Suc ce ssful L ocal A nes the si a for R es torative Publ i shi ng Com pany
1427067 D enti stry and Endod on ti cs Reader,Al Group Inc . 2017 Rp 1,652,000
Morgan &
Ece lbarge r, Claypool
Carol yn Li fe B iota
1426910 Molecular Mechanisms of Body Water Homeostasis M. Sci enc es P ake
B ublirshi
& ng 2017 Rp 3,360,000
PE SI P ubli she r
Atkinson , Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1426869 Geriatric Pharmacology Ste ven & Med ia (BT PS) 2016 Rp 364,000
1426860 A Practical Guide to Global Point-of-Care Testing Mar k NG P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A näs the si e und Intens ivm ed izi n i n de r He rz-, B usi nes s
1426776 T horax- u nd Gefäßchi rurgi e Larsen, R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
John Wil e y
Bu tl er , Wi le y- & Sons,
1426748 Clinical Radiology of the Horse Jane t A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 7,420,000
John Wil e y
E vid enc e-base d Im pl ant Tre atm ent Planni ng and Sadow sky, Wi le y- & Sons,
1426740 Cl ini cal Protocol s Ste ven J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
R eube n, Ge riatri cs Ge ri atri cs
1426576 Geriatrics at Your Fingertips David B. Soci ety Soci e ty 2016 Rp 840,000
Nation al N ati onal
Wi dm er , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1426574 Investing in Young Children for Peaceful Societies Joc el yn Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,092,000
Nation al N ati onal
Schu lz, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1426572 Families Caring for anAging America Ri chard Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Nation al N ati onal
P oli cy Iss ue s i n the Cl ini cal De vel opm ent and Use Bal og h, Ac adüter
Schl em sc
ie s Sc
Achlueadem i esc
1426563 of Im m unother ap y for Cance r T reatm ent Eri n Pre ss
he P res s
he 2016 Rp 1,148,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Me sse r, m bH & m bH &
1426532 100 Tipps für die Validation Barbar a Co. KG Co. KG 2017 Rp 403,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
P ubli shi ng
1425294 Burghardt's Primary Care Colposcopy R owm an Inc
Reich, Olaf. Thieme N ati. onal 2017 Rp 9,436,000
& B ook
Li ttl efi el d N etw ork
R e searc hing Corporations and Gl obal He al th Internation Inte rnati on
1425115 Gove rnance Lee, Kelley al al 2017 Rp 3,275,000
Pri nce ton P rinc eton
Lam b, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1424729 Scurvy Jonathan. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,231,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni v O f of
Craddoc k, Mi nnes ota Mi nne sota
1424664 Compound Solutions Su san Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Stor ey
Publ i shi ng, Store y
1424542 Healing Herbal Teas Farr, Sarah LL C P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 475,000

Das, Pan CR C Pre ss

1424491 Biohythane Debabrata Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

Kim , Se- CR C Pre ss

1424489 Marine OMICS Kwon. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,439,000

Col om bini , CR C Pre ss

1424487 Risk Analysis and Management of RepetitiveActions Danie la CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 8,399,000

Kir by, R . CR C Pre ss

1424479 Wheelchair SkillsAssessment and Training Le e CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Ravi shank
ar, Gokare CR C Pre ss
1424474 Serotonin and Melatonin A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000

Meri l am pi , CR C Pre ss
1424471 Introduction to Smart EHealth and ECare Technologies Sari CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,599,000

Es te ves , CR C Pre ss
1424465 Clean Room Technology inART Clinics Sand ro CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1424353 Practical Hemostasis and Thrombosis Key, Nigel Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,158,000
John Wil e y
Gad, & Sons,
1424262 Drug Safety Evaluation Sh ayne C. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 9,800,000
John Wil e y
Mohan, Wi le y- & Sons,
1424261 Minor Surgery at a Glance He le n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,386,000
John Wil e y
Wad din gto Wi le y- & Sons,
1424251 Tissue Engineering and Regeneration in Dentistry n, Rache l Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,471,000
Spr inge r
Pasch ke- Sc ie nce &
T OMTASS - T heory-of-Min d-Train ing bei Mül le r, B usi nes s
1424239 Auti sm ussp ektrum störu ngen Mirj am S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Danzer, B usi nes s
1424237 Identität Ger hard . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe tr ak, B usi nes s
1424236 Ältere Menschen mit Diabetes und Depression Fran k. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pol tr um , B usi nes s
1424234 Seelenkenner Psychoschurken Mar ti n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Konrad, B usi nes s
1424232 Therapie der Depression Cars te n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Tew es
Wis chm an Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1424157 Der Traum vom eigenen Kind n e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1424152 Dialogisches Internet für Krankenhäuser (Web 2.0) Alves, Esther e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 4,899,000

Sim one Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1424149 Interne Kommunikation im Krankenhaus Hoff mann e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Ge org Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1424148 Der ältere Patient im klinischenAlltag Pin te r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp20,299,000
R olf-
Die ter Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1424147 Diagnostik in der Psychotherapie Sti egl itz e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,059,000

Be rnhard Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1424142 Bindung in Psychologie und Medizin Strauß e r Verl ag Gm bH 2017 Rp 9,519,000

H ans Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1424141 Suizid kontrovers Wed le r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Be hrbohm , P ubli shi ng
1424131 Essentials of Septorhinoplasty Hans Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp16,632,000
T hie m e
SABE L, Me di cal
T im e and L ife Managem e nt for Me di cal Stud ents MICH AEL P ubli shi ng
1424130 and Re si de nts . Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 2,772,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
McCuske r, P ubli shi ng
1424129 Mastering Medical Photography of the Head and Neck Sc ott B. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 4,984,000
Em e ral d
Bol in, Publ i shi ng E me rald
1423650 Human Capital and Health Behavior Kris ti an Li m ited P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,779,000
Em e ral d
Shostak, Publ i shi ng E me rald
1423631 Food Systems and Health Sara. Li m ited P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,779,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1423543 Diabetes Mellitus Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,660,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423299 Grossesse Et Chirurgie Dentaire Kacet, L. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,945,000

Mul le r- INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423298 Fiches Pratiques D'odontologie Pédiatrique Boll a, M . ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,900,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423297 Le Diagnostic En Parodontie Charon, J. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,945,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423296 La CFAO En Odontologie Descamp, F. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,299,000

Lazar oo, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423295 Les minivis Be rnar d ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,768,000

Boukhobza INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423294 Homéopathie Clinique Pour Le Chirurgien-dentiste , Fl ori ne ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 2,228,000

Davarpana INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423293 Les Implants en odontologie h, M. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,051,000
Vigari os,
Em manue l INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1423291 La prothèse maxillo-faciale le ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 1,945,000

T rai tem e nt de s apn ée s d u s omm e il e t de s Ti son, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423290 ron flem e nts p ar orthès e d'avanc ée m andi bul ai re Cyr il le . ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 1,945,000
1423289 ESTHETIQUE EN ODONTOLOGIE CH E. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 3,713,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423277 Dentisterie Fondée Sur Les Faits Amat, Ph. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,768,000

Dup as , P .- INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423276 Le Dysfonctionnement Cranio-mandibulaire H. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,334,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423274 Pratique De L'empreinte En Prothèse Fixée Descamp, F. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,122,000

Mar ti ne au , INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423272 Sécurité Et Efficacité En Implantologie Chirurgicale C. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,122,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423270 Variations Morphologiques Des Dents Humaines Crétôt, M. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,415,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423265 Les Matériaux De L'interface Dento-prothétique Dupuis, V. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,122,000

Tarragano, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423264 La Chirurgie Orale H. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 5,234,000

L 'as si stante En Imp lantologi e Chiru rgic ale Et INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1423257 P roth étiqu e Drouhet, G. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,900,000

Pi rnay, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423254 La Peur Du Dentiste Phi li ppe ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,026,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423253 La Carie Précoce Du Jeune Enfant Delfosse, C. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,945,000

P har macol ogie e t thér ap euti que en m éd ec ine Ou vrage INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1423252 bu cco-de ntaire e t chi rur gie orale col le ctif ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 2,299,000

P réve ntion et ge sti on du ri sque c on te ntie ux e n Tardi vo, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1423251 od ontol ogie Del phi ne . ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 3,324,000

P rép arations Coronair es Pé rip héri que s E t INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423250 P rép arations Corono-radi cul ai re s Walter, B. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,051,000

Boukhobza INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423248 Phytothérapie en odontologie , Fl ori ne. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,945,000

Dup as , P .- INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423247 L'ArticulateurAu Quotidien H. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 2,193,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423244 Mémo HygièneAu Cabinet Dentaire Meunier, O. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 548,000

N aul i n-Ifi , INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423242 Odontologie Pédiatrique Clinique Ch . ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 5,906,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1423239 Les Lasers Et La Chirurgie Dentaire Rey, G. ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 4,491,000
John Wil e y
Bri e rle y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1423179 TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours Jam es Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,623,000
John Wil e y
Karim bux, Wi le y- & Sons,
1423176 Clinical Cases in Implant Dentistry Nade em Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
John Wil e y
De lve s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1423174 Roitt's Essential Immunology Pete r J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,183,000
John Wil e y
Be lkn ap , Wi le y- & Sons,
1423167 Equine Laminitis Jam es K. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,480,000
John Wil e y
Ol ivi e r, & Sons,
1423164 Antibody-Drug Conjugates Kenne th J. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
N ai ni, Wi le y- & Sons,
1423157 Orthognathic Surgery Farh ad B. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 6,930,000

A n Em pow eri ng G uid e to Lung Canc er : Si x Ste ps

1423154 to Takin g Charge of Your Care and Your Li fe Presser, Eric Praeger ABC-CLIO 2017 Rp 1,036,000

El -Baz, CR C Pre ss
1423130 Biomedical Image Segmentation Aym an CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 7,839,000

Schu ck, CR C Pre ss

1423121 Sedimentation Velocity Analytical Ultracentrifugation Pete r CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,639,000

Gord on , CR C Pre ss
1423119 Essentials of Polygraph and Polygraph Testing Nathan J. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Charl es C
Lathom , Charle s C T homas
1422946 Peter's Music Therapy Wand a Thom as P ublivishe
E lse er r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R onner , Sc ie nce s
1422831 Netter's Essential Biochemistry E-Book Pete r Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 4,535,000
Spr inge r
Wi ttm ann- Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Pri ce , R uth Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1422819 NCLEX-RN® EXCEL, Second Edition A. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fawc ett , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1422818 Applying Conceptual Models of Nursing Jac quel in e Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Al t,
Fred eri ck Ac ad em ic
1422809 Advances in Immunology W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,485,000

Yam ashi ta, Ac ad em ic

1422699 Thyroid Cancer and NuclearAccidents Sh unʼ ic hi Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Le wi s, Ac ad em ic
1422697 The End of Alzheimer’s Thom as J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
N ew man, H ouse
1422574 Healing Children Kurt Viking L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000

Mohi nde r Hom öosan m bassador

1422370 Kindertypen in der Homöopathie Si ngh Ju s a Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,260,000

Al fred Ve rl ag A. m bassador
1422368 Der kleine Doktor Voge l Vogel AG Gm bH 2015 Rp 392,000
Dr. m ed .
Alfre d m bassador
1422365 Einfach gesund Lohni nger Cameo Gm bH 2016 Rp 504,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
De mos Com pany,
1421945 Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions Lee, Se Won Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ie de r, B usi nes s
1421670 Re-Irradiation: New Frontiers Cars te n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Gru bbs, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1421631 Taping, Wrapping, and Bracing Fro Athletic Trainers Andy ed ed 2017 Rp 1,651,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ic hte r, B usi nes s
1421365 Der ältere Mensch in der Physiotherapie Katja. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
StaKogT - Stadie nsp ezifi sch es kogniti ves Trai ning Bu sche rt, B usi nes s
1421364 be i le i chter kogni ti ver Stör ung Ve ren a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Banzer , B usi nes s
1421363 KörperlicheAktivität und Gesundheit Win fri e d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
StaKogS - Stadi e nspe zi fis che kogni ti ve Sti m ulation Bu sche rt, B usi nes s
1421362 be i le i chtgradi ger A lzhe im er -D em e nz Ve ren a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000

Dr. W.
Joach im Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1421315 Mit meinem Immunsystem stimmt etwas nicht! Stri en z rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 532,000

Ge org Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1421277 Pflege von Menschen mit Parkinson Ebe rsbach e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Pe arson
Stanfi el d, E duc ati on
1419874 Principles of Human Physiology, Global Edition Ci ndy L. Pearson L im ite d 2017 Rp 1,428,000
Pe arson
Mi cr obi ol og y wi th Di se as es by Taxonomy, Gl obal Baum an, E duc ati on
1419852 E diti on Robe rt W. Pearson L im ite d 2017 Rp 1,491,000

Mari eb, Pe arson

Elai ne E duc ati on
1419847 HumanAnatomy, Global Edition Ni cpon Pearson L im ite d 2017 Rp 1,491,000
Pe arson
H ool e y, E duc ati on
1419822 Abnormal Psychology, Global Edition Ji l l M . Pearson L im ite d 2017 Rp 1,386,000
Pe arson
H um an Bi ology: Conce pts and Curre nt Iss ues , Johnson, E duc ati on
1419821 Gl obal Edi tion Mic hael D. Pearson L im ite d 2016 Rp 1,386,000
Pe arson
Carls on , E duc ati on
1419819 Physiology of Behavior, Global Edition Ne il R . Pearson L im ite d 2017 Rp 1,428,000

Pe arson
W hat to Eat Whe n Y ou're Pre gnant Incl udi ng the Conway, E duc ati on
1419734 A -Z of W hat' s Safe and What's Not Rana Pearson L im ite d 2016 Rp 357,000
Pe arson
Martini , E duc ati on
1419704 Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition Fred eri c Pearson L im ite d 2016 Rp 1,491,000
Pe arson
Morri son, E duc ati on
1419657 Introduction to Health Psychology Val Pearson L im ite d 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Mari eb, Pe arson
Elai ne E duc ati on
1419600 HumanAnatomy & Physiology, Global Edition Ni cpon Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,470,000
Introdu ction to Comm uni cation Di sorde rs: A Pe arson
L ife span E vid enc e-Base d Ap proach, Gl obal Ow ens , E duc ati on
1419525 E diti on Robe rt E. Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,302,000
Pe arson
Fam il y T herapy: H istory, Th eory, and P ractic e, Gl ad di ng, E duc ati on
1419523 Gl obal Edi tion Sam ue l T. Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,302,000
Pe arson
Martini , E duc ati on
1419517 VisualAnatomy & Physiology, Global Edition Fred eri c Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,533,000
Pe arson
Kozie r & Er b's Fu ndame ntals of Nu rsi ng, Global Be rm an , E duc ati on
1419435 E diti on Au dre y Pearson L im ite d 2016 Rp 1,491,000
Si l verthorn Pe arson
H um an Phys iol ogy: An Integrated Appr oac h, , D ee E duc ati on
1419371 Gl obal Edi tion Ungl aub. Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,491,000
Pe arson
Bri e rs, E duc ati on
1419330 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Ste phe n Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 504,000
Wagner , Pe arson
Kathl ee n E duc ati on
1419289 High-Acuity Nursing, Global Edition Dorm an Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,281,000
Pe arson
Lond on, E duc ati on
1419269 Maternal & Child Nursing Care, Global Edition Mar ci a L. Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,617,000
Martin, Pe arson
Fred eri ck E duc ati on
1419240 Introduction to Audiology: Global Edition N. Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,113,000
Pe arson
Donatel le , E duc ati on
1419234 Health: The Basics, Global Edition Re bec ca J. Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,344,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419218 Advances in Medicine and Biology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419214 Acute Kidney Injury Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,304,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419212 Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp13,304,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419210 Amyloidosis Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp13,304,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
N el son, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419207 Liver Disease Re gina Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,304,000
Nova N ova
Ad am s, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mar gare t Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419194 Internet Addiction E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H il l, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419189 Virtual Reality Zachary B. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,327,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gom es , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419160 Advances in Natural Products Discovery Ana R ita Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,304,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Z hou, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419156 Functional Neuroimaging with Multiple Modalities Yongxia Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419142 Geriatric Orthoptics and Non-paretic Diplopia inAdults Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D ysphagia: Comp li cations , Managem e nt and Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419134 Cl ini cal Asp ects Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,303,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419133 Down Syndrome (DS) Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp13,303,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sande rs, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419130 Neonatal Intensive Care Eli zabe th Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le e, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1419123 Craniosynostosis and Rare Craniofacial Clefts Ju stine C. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,326,000
Pe arson
Fu ndame ntals of Anatom y & Phys iol ogy, G lobal Martini , E duc ati on
1419059 E diti on Fred eri c Pearson L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,344,000

Pe arson
Ol tmanns , E duc ati on
1418703 Abnormal Psychology, Global Edition Thom as F. Pearson L lse
E im ite d
vi er 2015 Rp 1,470,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ols hansky, Sc ie nce s
1418491 Arrhythmia Essentials E-Book Bri an Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 4,115,000
Taylor &
H ou gh, Franc is
1417320 Advanced Personal Training Pau l Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,060,000
Confid enti
2100, al
Equi po d e De Vec chi Conc epts,
1417155 Cómo combinar correctamente los alimentos expe rtos. Ed ic ione s Inc . 2016 Rp 56,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Jold ers ma, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1416947 Kunstgewrichten: bovenste extremiteit Patt y Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1416946 Het tandheelkundig jaar 2017 Aps, Johan Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cartw right B usi nes s
1416940 Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient , Cathy C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N iwa, B usi nes s
1416936 Aortopathy Koi ch iro Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge ne -Envi ronm ent T ransactions i n De vel opm en tal Tol an , B usi nes s
1416911 P sychop athol ogy Patri ck H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badran, B usi nes s
1416910 Water, Energy & Food Sustainability in the Middle East Adnan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le e, Sang B usi nes s
1416909 Advanced Colonoscopy and Endoluminal Surgery W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jagaroo, B usi nes s
1416905 Neurophenotypes Vi noth Springer Me
a B.on
V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Iris h Spe ci ali ze d
Kel l y, Ac ad em ic B ook
1416883 Hearing Voices Bre ndan Pre ss Se rvic es 2016 Rp 1,344,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Si gma Re ce ptors: The ir R ol e i n Di se as e and As Sm ith, B usi nes s
1416762 T herape uti c Targe ts Syl vi a B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agl io, B usi nes s
1416761 Anesthesiology Lin da S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Kin ghorn, Sc ie nce &
P rogres s i n the Che m istry of Organi c N atu ral A. B usi nes s
1416758 P roduc ts 105 Dougl as . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oya, B usi nes s
1416754 Renal Cell Carcinoma Mototsu gu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi edl e r, B usi nes s
1416753 Pflegewissen Stroke Unit Ch ris ti ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Kon opins k Sc ie nce &
i-Kle i n, B usi nes s
1416752 Polnisch-Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De sai, B usi nes s
1416741 Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy Mah esh Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Orc hard, B usi nes s
1416513 Remembering the Body Tre ena. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Orti z, A. B usi nes s
1416504 Image-Guided Percutaneous Spine Biopsy Orl and o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad le r, B usi nes s
1416496 Upper Endoscopy for GI Fellows Dougl as G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E me rge ncy Radi ology of th e Che st and Scagli one , B usi nes s
1416490 Cardi ovas cul ar Syste m Mar iano. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu rstow, Palgrave
Schl üter sc B usi
Sc nesters
hlue s c
1416488 Psychiatry Interrogated Bonni e Macm il l an
he Me di a B. V.
he 2016 Rp 980,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
H enze, m bHüter
Schl & sc m bH
Sc hlue&ters c
1416485 Aktivieren mit Handgymnastik Bir git Co. KG
he Co. KG
he 2016 Rp 479,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
Lös er, e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Ange la m bHüter
Schl & sc m bH
Sc hlue&ters c
1416484 Palliative Care in der stationärenAltenpflege Pau la Co. KG
he Co. KG
he 2016 Rp 857,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Köni g, m bHüter
Schl & sc m bH
Sc hlue&ters c
1416483 Das neue Begutachtungsinstrument Ju tta Co. KG
he Co. KG
he 2016 Rp 605,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
Garm s- e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Hom olová, Schl
m bHüter & sc m bH
Sc hlue&ters c
1416482 Schlaf- und Wachstörungen bei alten Menschen Vjenka Co.
he KG Co.
he KG 2016 Rp 605,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
P raxi sratgebe r: di e strukturi erte H ecke r, m bHüter
Schl & sc m bH
Sc hlue&ters c
1416481 Inform ati onss am m lun g (SIS) Thom as Co. KG
he Co. KG
he 2016 Rp 605,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Kämm e r, m bH & m bH &
1416480 Die neue Pflegedokumentation Karl a Co. KG Co. KG 2017 Rp 1,209,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mossade g B usi nes s
1416472 Nursing Care and ECMO h, Chi ri ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Le e, Sus an Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1416462 GlobalAdvances in Human Caring Literacy M. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
We iss man, P ubli shi ng
1416415 Noninterpretive Skills in Radiology Alan Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 4,984,000
John Wil e y
Me uten, Wi le y- & Sons,
1416412 Tumors in DomesticAnimals Donald J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 6,300,000
R and el s- Pe te r L an g John Wil e y
A cid -Base and E le ctrol yte H an dbook for Thorp, Wi lebH,
Gm y- & Sons,
1416404 Vete rin ary Tec hnic ians Ange la Bl ackwe ll Inc .
Internation 2016 Rp 1,680,000
ale r Ver lag
Z ur Foerd eru ng von Kind ern m it s pezi fisch en de te
Pe r r L an g
Spr ac hentw ic klun gsstoer unge n nach de m Mahlau, Wi sse
Gm bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1416370 R e sponse -to-Inter venti on-A nsatz Kathri n afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 4,141,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Ge ssne r, Wi sse
Gm nsc h Pe ter Lang
1416343 Yellow Fever Years In grid afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 3,805,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
O nli ne -B eratung im Gr uppe nchat fue r Juge ndl i che Ve y, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1416341 u nd j unge Erw ac hse ne Monika afte n AG 2016 Rp 3,805,000
Harvard H ar vard
Lauge se n, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1415368 Fixing Medical Prices Miri am Pre ss P lse
E resvis er 2016 Rp 1,231,000
Inc .,
Fre e Ti ssu e Transfe r to H ead and N ec k: L es sons AL De ek, H eal th
L earne d Fr om Unfav or abl e Re su lts, An Iss ue of Ni dal Sc ie nce s
1415367 Cl ini cs i n Pl as ti c Surge ry, E -Book Farh an Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp10,835,000

Kie l ian, Ac ad em ic
1415222 Advances in Virus Research Mar gare t Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,880,000

E sse ntials of Chi nes e Mate ri a Med ic a and Me di cal X i, Ac ad em ic

1414737 Form ul as Sh engyan Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Jagschi es ,
1414735 Biopharmaceutical Processing Günter Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp12,432,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Sall man, De mos Com pany,
1414686 Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies David A. Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000

And rea
1414352 Metamorfología Wei tzne r YoPublico Vearsa 2015 Rp 224,000
Profe sor
Em il iano
Sal gad o
1414341 Naturismo Deductivo Mend oza YoPublico Vearsa 2015 Rp 168,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
D iff ere ntial Di agn osis i n N eur oim aging: Brai n and Me yers , P ubli shi ng
1413632 Me ni nges Ste ven P. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp17,752,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Me yers , P ubli shi ng
1413631 Differential Diagnosis in Neuroimaging Ste ven P. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp14,420,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Me yers , P ubli shi ng
1413630 Differential Diagnosis in Neuroimaging Ste ven P. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp17,752,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Franci s, P ubli shi ng
1413629 Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Bri an A. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp12,740,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
E val uati on and Tes ti ng i n Nurs ing Edu cati on, Fifth Oe rm an n, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1413603 E diti on Mar il yn H . Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
We stera, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1413599 Spirituality in Nursing Practice Dore en Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
F. A. Davis
N or kin, Com pany/
1413324 Measurement of Joint Motion Cyn thi a C. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,875,000
F. A. Davis
De Se vo, Com pany/
1413322 Maternal and Newborn Success Mar got F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,399,000
H ol l oway, F. A. Davis
Bre nda Com pany/
1413321 Ob/Gyn Peds Notes Wal ters F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 979,000
F. A. Davis
Steve ns, Com pany/
1413320 Clinical Immunology and Serology Ch ris ti ne . F.A. Davis P Nubli she rs
ati onal 2016 Rp 2,519,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Dhawan, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1413254 The Comet Assay in Toxicology Alok Chem i stry al 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Pe nnsyl va
Pe nn State ni a State
Jen sen, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1413115 Infertility Robi n E . Pre ss P lse
E resvis er 2016 Rp 2,744,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Dabbs, Sc ie nce s
1412846 Breast Pathology E-Book David J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp28,727,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Slu ts ky, Sc ie nce s
1412845 Techniques in Wrist and HandArthroscopy E-Book David J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp22,679,000
John Wil e y
Fi sche r, & Sons,
1412843 Successful Drug Discovery János Wiley-VCH Inc . 2017 Rp 4,355,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grone r, B usi nes s
1412815 RUNX Proteins in Development and Cancer Yoram Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1412807 Liver Disease in Clinical Practice Tim Cross Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Brooks , Sc ie nce &
Anthony B usi nes s
1412803 Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being Le wi s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre ensh ie l Palgrave B usi nes s
1412802 Writing the Structures of the Subject ds, Wi ll Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tayl or, Palgrave B usi nes s
1412790 Child Insanity in England, 1845-1907 Ste ven J. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schri m pf, B usi nes s
1412737 Deutsch für Pflegekräfte Ulr ike Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Hi rsc hfiel d Sc ie nce &
, G ide on B usi nes s
1412735 Biliary Disease M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e vie ws of Phys iol ogy, B ioc hem i stry and B usi nes s
1412733 P har macol ogy, Vol . 172 Nilius, B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mam ula, B usi nes s
1412730 Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Petar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Man nher z, Sc ie nce &
Hans B usi nes s
1412716 TheActin Cytoskeleton and Bacterial Infection Georg Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1412714 Computational Neurology and Psychiatry Érdi, Péter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Bi nge n, Di pl om ica
Hi ld egard SEVER US Ver lag
1412672 Heilwissen von. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,092,000
Di pl om ica
Hahne man SEVER US Ver lag
1412667 Organon der Heilkunst n, Sami dt,
Schm ue l. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,288,000
W örterbu ch T raditi onel l e Chi ne si sche Me di zin. Muham ma
Gr undw is se n zu Ge sc hic hte, Kul tu r, Kör per , d Di pl om ica
Krankhe ite n u nd T herapi e n i n Stic hworte n von A - Wol fgang di sse rta Ver lag
1412612 Z G. A. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,652,000
Patie nten erw artun gen an
P räm e di kati onsge spräche : Kann di e Di pl om ica
N arkoseaufk l är ung p räop erative Än gste Enayatpou di sse rta Ver lag
1412586 re du zi er en? r, Golsa Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,484,000
Di pl om ica
R is iko Psyc hothe rapi e? Pos itive u nd ne gati ve Claus , Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1412565 E ffe kte p sychothe rape utisc her Be handl unge n Janko Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,288,000
Kranke nhausarzt und fre ie r Be ruf. Um fan g und Di pl om ica
Gr enze n fachl ic her We isu ngsbe fu gnis i nnerh al b Schott , Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1412561 d es ärztl ic hen Di ens te s Lothar Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,652,000
Di pl om ica
Ge su nde Ern ähr ung für De me nz-Pati ente n. Diom ande , Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1412537 E mp fe hl unge n für stati onär e Pfle gee in ric htungen Yvonne Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,092,000
Anc hor Di pl om ica
Am ir , Ac ad em ic Ver lag
1412470 ParasiticAntigens for Vaccine Development Azza e l Publ i shi ng Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,288,000
Anc hor Di pl om ica
Spatial and Te m poral Dis tr ibuti on of D engue . A Khali d, Ac ad em ic Ver lag
1412469 Case Study of Lahore Anam Publ i shi ng Gm bH 2016 Rp 924,000
Anc hor Di pl om ica
Mi ttal, Ac ad em ic Ver lag
1412455 Imaging and Implantology Divya. Publ i shi ng Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Anc hor Di pl om ica
Ac ad em ic Ver lag
1412450 Root Resorption. Pathophysiology & Management R.V, Vineet. Publ i shi ng Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,484,000
Anc hor Di pl om ica
Yadav, Ac ad em ic Ver lag
1412448 Asbestos Exposure in India Maya. Publ i shi ng Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,288,000
Morgan &
Arthur M. Li fe B iota
1411462 NG2-Glia (Polydendrocytes) Butt Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Ed itions
La Pl um e
Pail le t, e t le
1411402 Cancer, chimio, champagne ! Roc aya Parche m in Primento 2016 Rp 224,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Kranzle r, P ubli shi ng
1410393 The Greenberg Rapid Review Le on ard I. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 9,968,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Barr, P ubli shi ng
1410391 Elastography Ri chard G. Thieme Inc
B . r&
ake 2017 Rp13,860,000
Nation al Taylor
Issu es P ubli she r
Forum s Se rvic es
1410381 End of Life Jeff Menzise Institute (BT PS) 2016 Rp 56,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1410374 Immune System Disorders Sourcebook Jones, Keith hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 2,380,000

Jones ,
Om ni grap O mni grap
1410373 Fitness and Exercise Sourcebook, 5th Ed Kei th .
hi cs hilse
E cs ,viInc
er . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ce rtific ati on and Core Re vie w for N eonatal Wats on, Sc ie nce s
1410220 Inte nsi ve Care N ursi ng - E-Book Robi n L .
Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2017 Rp 7,892,000
Inc .,
Kaufman, H eal th
David Sc ie nce s
1410219 Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists E-Book Myland. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp11,339,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Tear, Sc ie nce s
1410218 SmallAnimal Surgical Nursing - E-Book Mar ianne Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 5,204,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pol lard, Sc ie nce s
1410217 Cell Biology E-Book Thom as D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 9,827,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi cozzi , Sc ie nce s
1410213 Common Pain Conditions - E-Book Mar c S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 5,876,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Phi lp otts, Sc ie nce s
1410212 Breast Tomosynthesis E-Book Liane E . Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp11,339,000

Sugi , Pan CR C Pre ss

1410106 Muscle Contraction and Cell Motility Haruo Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

H siao, CR C Pre ss
1410094 Fall Prevention and Protection Hongw ei CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,919,000

Di R enzo, CR C Pre ss
1410091 Cesarean Delivery G. C. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000

Gam m a Cam e ras for Inte rventi onal and Pe rkins , CR C Pre ss
1410089 Intraope rati ve Im agin g A. C. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Sauer , CR C Pre ss
1410088 MRCPsych Ju stin CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Pasci ak,
Ale xan der CR C Pre ss
1410081 Handbook of Radioembolization S. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,839,000

H andbook for Che m ic al P roce ss Re se ar ch and Z hao, CR C Pre ss

1410077 D eve lopm e nt Wenyi CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000

She rman, CR C Pre ss

1410073 Drugs That Changed the World Ir wi n W. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 1,959,000

Maiti , CR C Pre ss
1410072 Bio-Targets and Drug Delivery Approaches Sabyasachi CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000
Chapm an
Vi sual Tracki ng i n Conve ntional Mi nim all y Payand eh, and CR C Pre ss
1410068 Invasi ve Su rger y Sh ahr am Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

D ata Integri ty i n Ph arm ace utic al and Me dic al Lópe z, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss
1410065 D evi ce s R e gulation Ope rati ons Orl and o y P res s (CAM) 2017 Rp 3,919,000
O xford
Crouc h, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1410037 Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing Robe rt Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,530,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kraus, B usi nes s
1410006 The Frequency-Following Response Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1410004 Mental Health inAsia and the Pacific Minas, I. H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Taylor &
H ow ar th, Franc is
1409974 Last Rites Gle nnys Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp12,600,000
Taylor &
Pé re z- Franc is
1409925 Psychological Torture Sal es , Pau. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000

Taylor &
Kni ght, Franc is
1409895 The Complete Guide to Fertility Awareness Jane Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
De mos Com pany,
1409821 Radiobiology Self-Assessment Guide Yu, Jennifer Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Johnstone , De mos Com pany,
1409820 Handbook of Palliative Radiation Therapy Cand ic e Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Kal em ke ri P ubli shi ng
H andbook of L ung Cance r and Othe r T horacic an, De mos Com pany,
1409819 Mal ignanc ie s Gre gor y Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000

Thom pson, Ac ad em ic
1409515 Echinococcus and Echinococcosis, Part B R. C. A . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,762,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kang, B usi nes s
1409472 Oncologic Imaging: Spine and Spinal Cord Tumors He ung Si k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pol as ci k, B usi nes s
1409466 Imaging and Focal Therapy of Early Prostate Cancer Thom as J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Gune l , Sc ie nce &
Je nni fer B usi nes s
1409465 Malignant Brain Tumors Moli terno Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com pl ic ati ons of Fe m al e Inconti nenc e and Pe l vic Gol dm an , Hu mana B usi nes s
1409464 R e construc tive Surge ry Howard B. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Kim m ic k, Sc ie nce &
Gre tc hen B usi nes s
1409457 Cardio-Oncology G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hne ew ei Spri nger B usi nes s
1409449 Leitfaden für Laserschutzbeauftragte ss, Claud ia Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Agotegara Sc ie nce &
y, Mari el a B usi nes s
1409427 Silica-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Parry, D. B usi nes s
1409420 Fibrous Proteins: Structures and Mechanisms A. D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1409405 Onychomycosis Tosti,A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
Im pey, Wi le y- & Sons,
1409367 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Lawre nce Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,847,000
John Wil e y
Gl eadl e, Wi le y- & Sons,
1409363 Clinical Investigations at a Glance Jonathan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,708,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti ficSc ie ntific
Vas cul ar Sm ooth Musc le : Str ucture And Func ti on H ai , Chi - Publ i shi ng
P ubli shi ng
1409320 In He al th And Di se as e Ming Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 5,684,000
Worl d W orld
U nrave l li ng Com pl exiti es In Ge ne ti cs And Sci enti ficSc ie ntific
Ge nom ic s: Imp ac t On Diagnosi s Cou nse li ng And Sm ith, Publ i shi ng
P ubli shi ng
1409319 Manage me nt Moyra Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti ficSc ie ntific
Bu rdge , Publ i shi ng
P ubli shi ng
1409316 Nutrition, EpigeneticsAnd Health Graham Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 4,424,000
Worl d W orld
A lzhe im er 's D ise ase De code d: The H is tor y, Sci enti ficSc ie ntific
P res ent, And Future Of Al zhei m er's Di se as e A nd Sahyouni , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1409313 D em en ti a Ronal d Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 2,436,000
Worl d W orld
Sci enti ficSc ie ntific
Tu Youyou And The Di scove ry O f Artem i sini n: Publ i shi ng
P ubli shi ng
1409311 2015 Nobe l L au reate In Ph ysiol ogy Or Me di cin e Rao, Yi Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 2,856,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Frazze tto, Pe ngui n H ouse
Am e ri can
1409077 Together, Closer Giovanni Books L LCe ty of
Soci 2017 Rp 1,344,000
H eal th
Syste m
Bru ce P har maci st
1408955 ASHP Best Practices 2016-2017 Hawki ns ASHP s ati onal
N 2016 Rp 2,884,000
B ook
N etw ork
Sci on Inte rnati on
1408944 CSA Practice Cases for the MRCGP Naidoo, P. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 1,470,000
John Wil e y
Gi lge r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1408832 Equine Ophthalmology Bri an C. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Pe de rse n, Sc ie nce &
Kirs ti ne Palgrave B usi nes s
1408802 Organizing Patient Safety Zi nck. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,800,000

Baxte r, Me thu en B loom sbur

1408771 Applied Theatre: Performing Health and Wellbeing Ve ronic a. Dram a y UK 2017 Rp 2,492,000

Davi son, L ightni ng

1408750 Eat Yourself Beautiful Rosanna. Gill Books Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 462,000

We ndy
1408460 IBS Gre en Vie Vearsa 2016 Rp 252,000
Sum m ers d
We ndy Publ i she rs
1408456 Arthritis Gre en Ltd Vearsa 2016 Rp 224,000
Busi ne ssN Pol iti cal
ew s Book
1408112 Summary: Dread Publ is hing Sum m ari e s Primento 2017 Rp 168,000
Busi ne ssN Pol iti cal
ew s Book
1408047 Summary: The Secret History of the War on Cancer Publ is hing Sum m ari e s Primento 2017 Rp 168,000
Busi ne ssN Pol iti cal
ew s Book
1407991 Summary: The Cure Publ is hing Sum m ari e s Primento 2017 Rp 168,000
Busi ne ssN Pol iti cal
ew s Book
1407983 Summary: The Best Practice Publ is hing Sum m ari e s Primento 2017 Rp 168,000
N oc kel s
From A nesthe si a to X -R ays: In novati on s and Fabbri ,
1407646 D isc overi e s Th at Change d M edi ci ne Fore ver Ch ris ti ane Greenwood d ABC-CLIO
tv 2017 Rp 1,624,000
Ver lagsge s
dtv e ll sc haft
Koch, Ve rl ags ges m bH &
1407514 Das Vorsorge-Buch Mar ianne . e ll schaft Co. KG 2016 Rp 504,000
W ho's Tal king? Th e Effe ct of Pers onal i sed Voic e on Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Spe e ch G ene rati ng Devi ce s for the Chil d w ith Ch uil e ann, Schol ars Sc holars
1407500 Auti sm (1) Su san N ?i . Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,771,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1407324 JIMD Reports, Volume 30 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Gar gane se , Sc ie nce &
Mar ia B usi nes s
1407322 Conventional Nuclear Medicine in Pediatrics Carm e n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dalp iaz, B usi nes s
1407321 Atlas of Diffuse Lung Diseases Giorgi a. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Hoe pel m a Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1407319 Leerboek microbiologie en infectieziekten n, A. I. M. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 5,544,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi yasaka, B usi nes s
1407318 Chronic Inflammation Mas ayu ki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H oye r, B usi nes s
1407316 SozialeAngst verstehen und verändern Jü rgen Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Cle ve rt, Sc ie nce &
Dir k- B usi nes s
1407314 Atlas of Elastosonography André Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im aging Non-traum ati c Abd omi nal Em erge nci e s Mi el e, B usi nes s
1407311 i n Pe di atri c Pati en ts Vi ttori o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Le wi n, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1407298 Understanding OCD Adam B. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 531,000
Clare Je ssi ca
T he A cup uncturi st's Gui de to Conve nti onal Ste phe nso Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1407291 Me di ci ne , Se cond Edi tion n Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Je ssi ca
A n Integrative Ap proach to Tre ati ng Babi es and Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1407290 Chi ld ren Wilks, John Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,007,000
Em e ral d
Pe rre we , Publ i shi ng E me rald
1407268 The Role of Leadership in Occupational Stress Pam e la L . Li m ited P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 4,564,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Be ddi ngfie Ten Spe ed H ouse
1406823 Med School Uncensored ld, R ic hard Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 1,595,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atte nber ge B usi nes s
1406807 MR- und PET-Bildgebung der Prostata r, Ulri ke . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Ase a, Sc ie nce &
Ale xzand e B usi nes s
1406774 Multiple Sclerosis: Bench to Bedside r A. A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Urs ula W.
Ve hli ng- Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1406740 Hämatologie und Onkologie Kai se r rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 532,000
Chri stian Z ucksc
Uni hwe B ookw i re
ver sity
1406739 Kinderwunsch Gnoth rdtToron
of Ve rlag to Gm bH 2016 Rp 532,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Clu te , Publ i shisity
Uni ver ng of T oronto
1406577 The General Practitioner Kenne th F. of
Di Toron
vis ion to P res s 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Bu ckm an , Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1406521 How to Break Bad News Rob Di vis ion P res s 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Uni ver sity O UP
1406349 The Hospice Companion Fine, P. G. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 3,356,000
Ghebr ehe O xford
we t, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1406327 Health Protection Sam ue l Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,984,000
Oxford O xford
Spe nce r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1406322 Navigating Life with Epilepsy David C. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 977,000
O xford
Tayl or, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1406318 The Fragile Brain Kathl ee n. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Doum ouch O xford
ts is, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1406316 Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ste rgios K. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,474,000
O xford
Nages hwa OUP Un ive rsi ty
1406315 Drugs in Neurology ran , Sathij i. Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,039,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Koka, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406308 Stem Cells Prasad S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406305 UricAcid Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406304 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vil lal ba, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406303 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Euge nio Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Morton, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406301 Eating Disorders Ni na Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cali giani , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406300 Pomegranate Au gusta Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406296 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ruthe rford Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406295 Free Radicals and Health , Mari anne Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wang, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406251 The Secondary InsultsAfter ICH Gai qi ng Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Guha, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406247 Succeeding in MRCOG Part 2 Sh arm i stha Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Garne r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406245 Celiac Disease Patri ci a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Evans, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406239 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Lil l iana R . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wh itm ire , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406235 Photosensitizers Cod y Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mi tc hel l , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406233 Surface Electromyography Den ise . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A rac hnoi d Cysts: Ep id em iol ogy, Tre atm en t and Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406227 Cl ini cal Ou tc ome s Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
N ew Di re cti on s i n the Tr eatme nt of Aggre ss ive Li ber man, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B ehavi or for Pe rson s w ith Mental an d Robe rt Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1406226 D eve lopm e ntal Di sabil i ti es Pau l. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Mc Far land
Moul ton, Com pany,
1406063 Managing Hypertension Sand ra A. McFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ee khof, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1406059 Kleine kwalen bij kinderen Ju st A. H. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Solf, Sc ie nce &
Mar k- B usi nes s
1406055 Psychoherzchirurgie Ale xan der . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De Pe e, Hu mana B usi nes s
1406049 Nutrition and Health in a Developing World Saski a Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte rnet of Thi ngs and Bi g Data Tec hnologi e s for Bhatt, B usi nes s
1406047 N ext Ge ne rati on H eal th care Ch intan M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ew De ve lopm e nts i n Stati stic al M od el in g, Jin, B usi nes s
1406037 Infe renc e and Ap pli cation Zhe zhen Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
OW EN, Palgrave B usi nes s
1406023 Crime, Genes, Neuroscience and Cyberspace TIM. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Thom as, John Wil e y
Rache l Wi le y- & Sons,
1406010 Medical School at a Glance Kathe rin e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,259,000
John Wil e y
Di ckson , Wi le y- & Sons,
1406004 Neuroendocrinology of Appetite Su zanne L . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
R utgers R utger s
Gal arne au , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1405928 Communities of Health Care Justice Ch arl e ne Pre ss P lse
E resvis er 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Inc .,
Ed low , H eal th
N eu rologi c Em erge nci e s, A n Issu e of Em er genc y Jonathan Sc ie nce s
1405914 Me di ci ne Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ni sse nson, Sc ie nce s
1405913 Handbook of Dialysis Therapy E-Book All e n R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
Im aging in Rhe um ati c Di sease s, An Is sue of H eal th
R he um ati c D ise ase Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E - We iss , Sc ie nce s
1405912 B ook Pam e la F. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Tyri ng, Sc ie nce s
1405910 Tropical Dermatology E-Book Ste phe n K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 9,827,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ge ri atri c Pai n Manage me nt, A n Iss ue of Cli nic s in R ei d, M. Sc ie nce s
1405909 Ge ri atri c Med ic ine , E-Book Carri ngton Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ep ati ti s B Vi rus, An Is sue of Cl ini cs in Li ver Hassane in, Sc ie nce s
1405908 D ise ase , E -B ook Tare k Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Tru mbl e , Sc ie nce s
1405906 Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy E-Book Thom as Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2017 Rp18,899,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D ise ase s and Dis orde rs of th e O rbit and Oc ul ar Sc ie nce s
1405905 A dne xa E -B ook Fay,Aaron Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp20,411,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Eaton, Sc ie nce s
1405904 Case Studies in Primary Care - E-Book Je ff rey A . Mosby Di vi si on 2017 Rp 5,036,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Coughl in, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1405836 Trauma-Informed Care in the NICU Mar y Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Yale Yal e
Bl anc, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1405817 Fake Silk Pau l D. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,568,000
Morgan &
The odora Li fe B iota
1404371 Vascular Smooth Muscle Function in Hypertension Szasz Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 3,360,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
H ead, N ec k, and Ne uroanatomy (T HIEME Atl as of Schü nke, P ubli shi ng
1404365 A natom y), L ati n N ome ncl atu re Mic hael Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 8,876,000

1404306 心理療法家の気づきと想像 村瀬嘉代子 金剛出版 Shup pan 2015 Rp 1,490,000

Fall on, Kongo

1404303 サイコパス・インサイド Jam es H . 金剛出版 Shup pan 2015 Rp 1,391,000
Fe lde r-
Fle sch , Pan CR C Pre ss
1404019 Dendrimers in Nanomedicine Del phi ne . Stanford L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000

Fl öge l , Pan CR C Pre ss

1404017 Fluorine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ulr ic h Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 5,599,000

Iyer, K. Pan CR C Pre ss

1404015 The Hip Joint Mohan Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 6,999,000

CR C Pre ss
1404006 Pediatric Nail Disorders Baran, R. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Se thuram a
B iom ate ri al s and N anote chnol ogy for T iss ue Sw am i nath CR C Pre ss
1404002 E ngine e ring an CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000

Ghosh , CR C Pre ss
1404000 Pharmaceuticals to Nutraceuticals Dil i p K. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000
Pandi - App le
Peru mal , S. Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1403997 Synopsis of Sleep Medicine R. Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 5,599,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mül le r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1403985 Internetsucht Kai W. Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Baart, B owm
R usi nesan
1403973 LocalAnaesthesia in Dentistry Jac ques A. Springer Me di a B. V.
& 2017 Rp 2,772,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
Duch arm e , & P ubli shi ng
Su zanne Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1403954 Childhood Speech and Language Disorders M. Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Inte rnet of Thi ngs and Advance d A ppl ic ati on i n R ei s, n Sc ie nce
1403938 H eal th care Catarina R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,880,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Bre de se n, H ouse
1403422 The End of Alzheimer's Dale E. Avery L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
H ech t-El Sc ie nce &
Mins haw i , B usi nes s
1403320 Muslime inAlltag und Beruf Bé atri ce Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch enne vi ll B usi nes s
1403310 A Clinical Guide to Pediatric HIV e, Ti ffany Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Pe arc e, Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th B usi nes s
1403305 Iodine Deficiency Disorders and Their Elimination N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oden , B usi nes s
1403300 Mediastinal Lesions Anja C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Corrêa, Sc ie nce &
Be rnar do Internation B usi nes s
1403298 Autism Spectrum Disorders inAdults Barah ona al Springer Meuinte
Q di a sse
B. V.n 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Ter ry, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1403053 Restoring with Flowables Dougl as A. Group Inc . 2017 Rp 3,724,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kassaa, B usi nes s
1403030 New Insights onAntiviral Probiotics Im ad Al Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1403024 Current Concepts in Endometrial Cancer Patni, Ranu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rac tic al App roac h to Pe ri phe ral Ar te ri al Chroni c Bane rje e, B usi nes s
1403023 T otal Oc cl usi ons Su bhash Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ynam i c Is ol ati on Te chn ol ogi es in Ne gati ve X u, B usi nes s
1403022 P res sure Isol ati on Wards Zhongl i n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H od a, B usi nes s
1403019 Diagnostic Liquid-Based Cytology Rana S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pe rei ra, Sc ie nce &
Basil i o de B usi nes s
1403018 Model Choice in Nonnested Families Bragan ça Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badu ra, Spri nger B usi nes s
1403017 Arbeit und Gesundheit im 21. Jahrhundert Be rnhard Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
The rm ann, B usi nes s
1403016 Neue Techniken Fußchirurgie Hajo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D as Warte n auf ei ne n H ei mp latz aus Sic ht de r N eube rt, B usi nes s
1403013 A ngehöri ge n Lydi a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hashi m oto Hu mana B usi nes s
1403006 The NMDA Receptors , Ke nji Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm ith, B usi nes s
1403002 Psychotherapy Je ff ery Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cl ue s i n the Di agnosis of N on-tu moral Te sticu lar N istal, B usi nes s
1403001 Pathology Man uel Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Ne uropi li ns: R ole and Func ti on i n H eal th and N eufe ld , B usi nes s
1402997 D ise ase Ger a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H on g, B usi nes s
1402993 Radiation Therapy for Gastrointestinal Cancers The odore Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Ism ail , Sc ie nce &
Khal ed M. B usi nes s
1402992 Perineal Trauma at Childbirth K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cha, B usi nes s
1402987 Salivary Gland Development and Regeneration Se unghe e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000

Fri ed hel m Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1402911 Arbeitsbuch für die zusätzliche Betreuungskraft He nke e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
We ber, P ubli shi ng
1402889 Vertigo and Disequilibrium Pete r C. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp12,740,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Förstne r, P ubli shi ng
1402888 Osteosynthesis of the Hand Hartmu t Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp14,420,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
H irt, P ubli shi ng
1402887 Hand and Wrist Anatomy and Biomechanics Be rnhard Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 7,756,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Johnson, P ubli shi ng
1402886 Medical Speech-Language Pathology Ale x F. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 9,968,000
John Wil e y
H arr is, & Sons,
1402883 Evaluating Public and Community Health Programs Muri el J. Jossey-Bass Inc . 2017 Rp 2,520,000

John Wil e y
H andbook of Magne tic R esonanc e Sp ec tr os copy In Bottom le y, & Sons,
1402868 Vi vo Pau l A . Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 7,406,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
D iagnostic Mi crobi ology of the H ayd en, Mi cr obi ol o
1402619 Im m unocom prom i sed H ost Randal l T. ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 4,704,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Loeff e lhol z Mi cr obi ol o
1402618 Clinical Virology Manual , Mi ch ae l J. ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Drancour t, Mi cr obi ol o
1402610 Paleomicrobiology of Humans Mic hel ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 2,646,000
Morgan &
Samango- Claypool
Sp rouse , Li fe B iota
1402559 X & Y Chromosomal Variations Carol e A. Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 3,780,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P raxi s d er Manue ll en Med izi n be i Säugl in gen und Sei fer t, B usi nes s
1402431 Ki nde rn Ir mgard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
LaPrade , B usi nes s
1402422 The Menisci Robe rt F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jer os ch, B usi nes s
1402421 Kurzschaftendoprothesen an der Hüfte Jör g. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1402411 Pathobiology of Pulmonary Disorders w Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
R and el l- Sc ie nce &
Moon, Palgrave B usi nes s
1402383 Security, Race, Biopower Hol ly Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,920,000

H il l,
1399396 Inequality andAfrican-American Health Sh irl ey A. Policy Press Policy Press 2016 Rp 3,780,000
Un ive rsi ty
P res s of
Ge ie r, N ew
1399347 That’s Gotta Hurt David ForeEdge E ngland 2017 Rp 840,000
Un ive rsi ty
P res s of
Mahle r, N ew
1399346 Breathe Easy Donald A. ForeEdge E ngland 2017 Rp 1,820,000

Son nenbu r
1399325 L'incroyable pouvoir de votre microbiote g, Jus ti n Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 468,000

Be il l ouin,
1399311 L'art-thérapie pour les maladesAlzheimer Sté phani e Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 468,000
Li on L ion
Chapm an, Hu dson H uds on
1399274 Physicians, Plagues and Progress All an Pl c UK 2017 Rp 839,000
Me dic al
Moum tzog Inform ati o
D esi gn, De vel opm ent, and Inte grati on of R el i abl e lou, n Sc ie nce
1399236 E le ctroni c H e al thcare Pl atform s Anastas ius R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,740,000
Me dic al
Com parati ve Approach es to Bi ote ch nology Bas, Inform ati o
D eve lopm e nt and U se in De vel ope d and Em er ging Tom as n Sc ie nce
1399235 N ati ons Gabr ie l R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 5,740,000
John Wil e y
Stanl e y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1399113 Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare David Bl ackwe ll
Inc . 2017 Rp 1,623,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kang, B usi nes s
1398477 Oncologic Imaging: Bone Tumors He ung Si k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gru ber, B usi nes s
1398469 Ganzheitliche Pflege bei Patienten mit Stoma Gabr ie le Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ikezu, B usi nes s
1398451 Neuroimmune Pharmacology Ts une ya. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Sitz man, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1398439 Watson's Caring in the Digital World Kathl ee n Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Gyan P ubli shi ng
H etukar Publ i shi ng H ouse
1398423 Sanitation in India Jh a Hou se (N BN) 2016 Rp 840,000
Gyan P ubli shi ng
Tul ika Publ i shi ng H ouse
1398412 Access to Health Services Tri pathi Hou se (N BN) 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1398180 Leitfaden Modulare Revisionsendoprothetik Dieter Wirtz Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ari m ura, B usi nes s
1398171 Image-Based Computer-Assisted Radiation Therapy Hi de taka Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stad le r, B usi nes s
1398148 How to Overcome theAntibiotic Crisis Mar c Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Barbi eri , Sc ie nce &
Fabi o B usi nes s
1398143 Locomotion and Posture in OlderAdults Au gusto Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Thue m ml e Sc ie nce &
H eal th 4.0: H ow Vi rtuali zati on and Bi g Data A re r, B usi nes s
1398136 R e voluti onizin g He althc are Ch ris top h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inve rke hrbri ngen von Arzne im i tte ln und R ei nhardt, B usi nes s
1398085 Me di zinpr odukten David. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H abi cht, B usi nes s
1398078 Hospital Medicine Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A Gui de to Ps ychosoc ial and Sp iri tual Care at the Pe rkins , B usi nes s
1398038 E nd of Life He nry S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
of of
1397916 AM:STARs Clinical GI Challenges in theAdolescent Rosh, Joel R. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
P CE P B ook I: M ate rnal and Fe tal Evalu ati on and Sin ki n, of of
1397915 Im m edi ate N e wborn Care Robe rt A. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,875,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Sin ki n, of of
1397913 PCEP Book III: Neonatal Care Robe rt A. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,875,000
N e ricalan Am er ic an Am e ri can
Med ic m
Acade al ie s Me dic al Me di cal
Assoc iatio Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1397824 ICD-10-CM 2017 n.
Sc ie nc es, n n 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Engi nee ri n
g, and Nation al N ati onal
Med ic ine Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1395566 Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment (U .S.). Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 952,000
Nation al N ati onal
Me asuri ng R e cover y From Subs tanc e Use or Marton, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1395562 Me ntal Dis orde rs Kris zti na Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Nation al N ati onal
Fram i ng the Di al ogue on R ace and Ethnic ity to Thom pson, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
Com m itt ee Rp 952,000
1395560 A dvan ce He alth E qui ty Darla Pre ss P res s 2016
Approac he Nation al N ati onal
sButo tl er , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1395559 Health Risks of Indoor Exposure to Particulate Matter David
Asse ss ing Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,176,000
Pre val enc e
and Nation al N ati onal
Com m itt ee
Tre nds in Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
Obes ity Pre ss P res s Rp 1,680,000
1395558 Assessing Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Educ ati ng 2016
He al th
Profes sion Nation al N ati onal
s toor, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1395556 Exploring Shared Value in Global Health and Safety Racheess
Addr l M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
the Soc ial
Dete rm ina Nation al N ati onal
A Fram ew ork for E duc ati ng H ealth Profes si on al s nts of Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1395555 to Ad dre ss the Soc ial De te rm inants of He alth He al th Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Nation al N ati onal
Mack, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1395554 Global Health Impacts of Vector-Borne Diseases Ali son Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Abe l, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1393605 Living in Death’s Shadow Em il y K. Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,119,000
Johns Johns
R osen tal , Hop kins H opki ns
Pau l- Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1393581 Silicosis André Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Pe te i ro, Hod de r H odde r
Mar ia Ed ucation E duc ati on
1393541 Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Health and Social Care Ferr ei ro. Group Gr oup 2016 Rp 1,455,000
Hu man
Ell e nbec ke Kin etic s, H um an
1393537 Sport Therapy for the Shoulder r, Todd S. Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 5,376,000
Thom as L .
Hi ggins Arc ad ia IN scri be
1391507 Baystate Franklin Medical Center MD Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2016 Rp 476,000

Jame s L . Arc ad ia IN scri be

1391471 Groton-Mystic Emergency Services Stre e te r Publ i shi ng Di givi
E lse taler 2016 Rp 476,000
Inc .,
Gastroi ntes ti nal Ne oplasi a, An Issu e of H eal th
Gastroe nterol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Li m burg, Sc ie nce s
1389328 B ook Pau l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Cl ini cal Ps ychi atry: R ec ent Ad vanc es and Fu tu re H eal th
D ire cti on s, A n Issu e of Psyc hiatri c Cl ini cs of N orth Baron, Sc ie nce s
1389327 A me ri ca, E -Book David. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P rim ary Care Oph thal mol ogy, A n Issu e of Pri mary He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1389326 Care : Cl ini cs i n Offic e Practi ce 42-3, E-Book gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Pe di atri c Infecti ous Dis ease : Part I, An Is sue of Jackson, H eal th
Infe ctiou s Di se as e Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E - Mar y Sc ie nce s
1389325 B ook Anne Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bope , Sc ie nce s
1389324 Conn's Current Therapy 2017 E-Book Edw ard T. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Wi ll is , Sc ie nce s
1389323 Pediatric Prevention,An Issue of Pediatric Clinics, E-Book Earnes ti ne Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Soft Ti ssu e Pathol ogy: D iagnosti c Chal le nges , An Doyl e, Sc ie nce s
1389321 Iss ue of Surgi cal Pathol ogy Cl ini cs , E -B ook Le on a A . Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P ostme nopausal End ocri nology, An Is sue of H eal th
E ndocr inol ogy and Metaboli sm Cl ini cs of Nor th Santoro, Sc ie nce s
1389320 A me ri ca, E -Book Nane tte. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ge ri atri c A nes th esi a, An Issue of A nesthe si ology Brow n, Sc ie nce s
1389319 Cl ini cs , E -Book Ch arl e s H . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D iff use Lu ng Di se as e, An Is sue of R adiol ogic Kanne, Sc ie nce s
1389317 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Je ff rey P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H all ux R igi dus , An Issue of Foot and Ankl e Cl i nic s Sc ie nce s
1389316 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Giza, Eric Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dul t Brain Tum ors, An Is sue of N eur oim aging Brand ao, Sc ie nce s
1389315 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Lara A. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N ew T rend s i n the T reatm ent of Sarc om a, A n Issu e Farm a, Sc ie nce s
1389314 of Su rgic al Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Je ff rey M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Wol fgan g, H eal th
Cance r Sc ree ni ng and Gen etic s, An Iss ue of Ch ris top he Sc ie nce s
1389313 Sur gic al Cl ini cs, E -B ook r L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sports Car diol ogy, A n Issu e of Car diol ogy Cl ini cs, Baggi sh, Sc ie nce s
1389312 E -B ook Aaron Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Controve rsi es in El ec tr ophysi ology, An Is sue of Daoud, Sc ie nce s
1389310 the Cardi ac El e ctrophys iol ogy Cli ni cs, E-Book Em il e G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kame l, Sc ie nce s
1389309 Fluid, Electrolyte andAcid-Base Physiology E-Book Kam e l S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 6,047,000
Inc .,
H el i cobacter Pyl or i The rap ie s, An Iss ue of H eal th
Gastroe nterol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Shi otani , Sc ie nce s
1389308 B ook Akiko Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Mi ni mal ly In vasi ve Surge ry i n Foot and Ankle , A n H eal th
Iss ue of Foot and An kle Cl ini cs of Nor th Ame ri ca, Pe rer a, Sc ie nce s
1389307 E -B ook Anthony. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Com pre he nsive Care of the Pati e nt wi th Chroni c H eal th
Il lne ss , An Issue of M edi cal Cli ni cs of North Paau w, Sc ie nce s
1389306 A me ri ca, E -Book Dougl as S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Gl obal and Dom e stic Publ i c H eal th and H eal th
N eu roep ide m iol ogy, An Issu e of th e N e urologi c Younge r, Sc ie nce s
1389305 Cl ini cs , E -Book David S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe ni le , Urethr al , and Scrotal Canc er , An Issue of Spi ess , Sc ie nce s
1389304 U rologi c Cl in ic s of N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Phi li ppe E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Me di cal and Sur gic al Com pl ic ati on s i n the H eal th
T reatm ent of Chr onic R hinos inu siti s, A n Iss ue of Stanki ew ic Sc ie nce s
1389303 O tol aryngologi c Cl i nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook z, Jame s A . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce s and Chal le nge s i n Cri tic al Care , An H on ide n, Sc ie nce s
1389302 Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Ches t Med ic ine , E-Book Sh yoko. Elsevier Di vi si on 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Takiguc hi, B usi nes s
1389187 Molecular Targeted Therapy of Lung Cancer Yui ch i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shaim ova, B usi nes s
1389156 Peripheral Retinal Degenerations Ve ner a A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Kuri akose, Sc ie nce &
Moni B usi nes s
1389151 Contemporary Oral Oncology Abraham Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
O' D Sc ie nce &
P rac tic al Strate gie s an d T ool s to Prom ote ONO HUE , B usi nes s
1389144 T reatm ent E ngage m en t WILLIAM . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Capol ongo B usi nes s
1389143 IndoorAir Quality in Healthcare Facilities , Ste fano Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kate ri na B usi nes s
1389137 Light and Specular Microscopy of the Cornea Ji rsova Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,852,000

Managi ng the Laboratory Anim al Faci li ty, Th ird Sil ver man, CR C Pre ss
1388187 E diti on Je rald CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Dougl as, CR C Pre ss

1388183 DNA Nanoscience Kenne th CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,879,000

Kim , Se- CR C Pre ss

1388181 Marine Glycobiology Kwon CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,879,000

H arve y, CR C Pre ss
1388176 Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Dog and Cat Ri chard G. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

Kraus, CR C Pre ss
1388173 SmallAnimal Fracture Repair Karl H . CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Fu ndame ntal Mathe matic s and Phys ic s of M edi cal Lanc aste r, CR C Pre ss
1388165 Im aging Jac k L. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Del aney, CR C Pre ss
1388164 Ferret Medicine and Surgery Cathy A. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,527,000

Goran, CR C Pre ss
1388163 Childhood Obesity Mic hael I. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

Stabi n, CR C Pre ss
1388160 The Practice of Internal Dosimetry in Nuclear Medicine Mic hael G. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Von der em
bse, Mark CR C Pre ss
1388159 A Healthcare Solution A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 1,959,000

H am bli n, Pan CR C Pre ss

1388097 Handbook of Low-Level Laser Therapy Mic hael R . Stanford L LC 2017 Rp14,000,000

Mizoguc hi, Pan CR C Pre ss

1388095 DNA Engineering Kenji Stanford L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Duboi s, Pan CR C Pre ss

1388091 Handbook of Full-Field Optical Coherence Microscopy Arnaud Stanford L LC 2016 Rp 6,999,000

Martel , Pan CR C Pre ss

1388089 A Microscopic Submarine in My Blood Syl vai n Stanford L LC 2016 Rp 1,399,000
App le
Bhatia, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1388067 Leishmaniasis Saur abh Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 4,479,000
Santhanam App le
, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1388065 Biology and Ecology of Venomous Marine Snails Ram as am y Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Edi tor s of
Sal em
1385657 Issues of Health & Illness Pre ss Salem Press Salem Press 2017 Rp 559,000

Gr undl agen, Ge le nkfläch en, Os te onekr osen , H aral d

1385628 E pip hyse n, Im pi nge me nt, Synovi ali s He mp fli ng De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 7,056,000

And reas
1385600 Mikrobiom Stall m ac h De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,920,000

Kaine r,
1385599 Simulation in der Geburtshilfe Fran z. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,960,000

Matthi as
1385598 Schmerztherapie beim älteren Patienten Sc hul er De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,920,000

Fi tze,
1385594 Thermische Verletzungen im Kindesalter Gui do. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Gup ta,
Giri sh
1385590 Chemical Drug Design Kum ar De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,920,000

1385584 Das kindliche Knie TotalBoox De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,136,000

Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Parsons , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385400 Learning Disabilities Rodn ey Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385383 Aminoglycosides unknown Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fi guer oa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385375 Meningiomas Danie l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385373 Urinary Incontinence unknown Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre ydan us Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385363 Diabetes Mellitus , D onal d E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Par am anik Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385362 A Handbook on Estrogen Receptors in the Brain , Vi jay Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
De lgado, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385358 Traumatic Brain Injury Doris Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Johnston, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385347 Drug Development and Rare Pediatric Diseases Fred eri ck Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,736,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vasqu ez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385345 Air Travel and Communicable Diseases Ger al d Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Salazar, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385339 The Zika Virus Ve ronic a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
N urs e Staffing Wi thin the Ve terans He alth Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385334 A dm ini strati on unknown Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,736,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Morri son, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385329 U.S. Public Health ServiceAgencies Darin Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,736,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wagner , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385323 Traumatic Brain Injury Among Military Personnel Ralp h Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Om ar, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385321 Pediatric Pain Hatim A. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385315 FDA's Expedited Drug Programs unknown Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ciu rtin, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1385311 Biologics in Rheumatology Cozi ana Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B uil di ng Me ntal He al th Capaci ty in Haiti Th rough N icol as, Publ i she rs, P ubli she
R owm anrs,
1385309 Col laborati ve Partners hip s Gue rda Inc. Inc .
& 2016 Rp 2,660,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
H inote, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1385218 Social and Behavioral Science for Health Professionals Bri an P. Publ i she rs Inc . 2017 Rp 4,900,000
Dobson, The Gu il ford
E vid enc e-Base d Practic e of Cogniti ve-Be havioral Debor ah J. Gui lford P ubli cation
1385100 T herapy, Se cond Edi tion G. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,520,000

Pri se tte , INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1385027 Formation par la simulation et soins infirmiers Sop hie ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,061,000

Savatofski , INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1385026 Le toucher-massage Joë l ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 796,000
Al li n-
Pfiste r,
Anne - INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1385025 Le guide du formateur Cl aude ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 902,000
Spr inge r
Tusai e, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Kathl ee n Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1384140 Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing, Second Edition R. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
John Wil e y
Swayne , Wi le y- & Sons,
1384020 Animal Influenza David E. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
John Wil e y
Koch, Wi le y- & Sons,
1384019 Pediatric Dentistry Göran Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 4,619,000
John Wil e y
N or wi tz, Wi le y- & Sons,
1384018 Obstetric ClinicalAlgorithms Errol R . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,310,000
Fri berg, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1383991 Laryngeal Cancer Je nni fer C. e d ed 2017 Rp 1,567,000
Rubi n, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1383989 Counseling in Communication Disorders Cyn di ed ed 2017 Rp 1,847,000
Case Studi es i n Com mu nic ati on Sci en ce s and Tanner, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1383988 D isord er s, Se cond Ed iti on Den nis C. e d ed 2017 Rp 2,099,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Toth, B usi nes s
1383981 Fehlgeburten Totgeburten Frühgeburten Be ttin a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com m uni cati ng Ac ross Cultur es and L angu age s in Palgrave B usi nes s
1383978 the H ealth Care Se tti ng Penn, Claire Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inoguch i, B usi nes s
1383924 Trust withAsian Characteristics Takashi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Lu che tte , Sc ie nce &
Fred eri ck B usi nes s
1383917 Geriatric Trauma and Critical Care A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Inform ati o Inform ati o
Maddi x, n Age n Age
1380240 Neuroscience and Christian Formation Mar k A. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 1,820,000

H ans
Jü rgen Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1380080 Das Gehirn ist nicht einsam Sc he urle e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,319,000
Me dic al
Im provi ng the Qu al ity of Li fe for Dem e ntia Inform ati o
Patie nts T hrough Progre ssi ve De te cti on, Wu , n Sc ie nce
1380075 T reatm ent, an d Care Ji ngl ong R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,740,000
John Wil e y
The ore t, Wi le y- & Sons,
1380043 Equine Wound Management Ch ris ti ne Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 5,600,000
John Wil e y
Le May, Wi le y- & Sons,
1380039 RapidAdult Nursing André e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 979,000

Tubbs, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1378904 Crafts and Creative Media in Therapy, Fifth Edition Carol ed ed 2017 Rp 1,875,000
Gutm an, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1378902 JournalArticle Writing and Publication Sh aron A. e d ed 2017 Rp 755,000
Fou ndati ons of Ped iatric Pr ac ti ce for th e Wage nfel d, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1378901 O ccu pati onal The rap y Ass istant, Se cond Ed ition Am y ed ed 2017 Rp 2,127,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fukum oto, B usi nes s
1377959 Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension Yoshi hiro Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1377955 Ultraschallpraxis in Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie Strauss,A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1377953 Neuroscience in Information Systems Research Riedl, René Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com putational Anatom y B as ed on W hole B ody Kobatake , B usi nes s
1377918 Im aging Hi de fu mi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sul pri zi o, B usi nes s
1377910 Sport in der Schwangerschaft Mar ion Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad am , B usi nes s
1377908 Pflegepersonen und demente Pflegeheimbewohner Ni col e. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Wate r, Ene rgy, and Food Se cu rity N e xu s i n Am ee ric
Am r, an Am er ic an B usienes
Am s
ri can
1377899 the Arab R e gion Kam
Acade e lm y Ac
ad em y Meadem
Ac di a B.yV. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
of of of
Sc op e an d Stan dards of Practi ce for R egi ste red Am bulator Am bul ator Am bul ator
N urs es in Car e Coord ination an d T ran siti on y Care y Care y Care
1375527 Manage me nt Nur sing Nu rsi ng N ursi ng 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Basu , B usi nes s
1375446 Biomaterials for Musculoskeletal Regeneration Bikr am ji t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R otte, B usi nes s
1375430 Immunotherapy of Melanoma Anand.nbea Springer
Droge Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,412,000
uftr agte Spr inge r
de r Sc ie nce &
Bund esr eg B usi nes s
1375421 S3-Leitlinie Methamphetamin-bezogene Störungen ie rung Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Enne nbach B usi nes s
1375420 Inspiration in 108 Leitsätzen , Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We nn der Tod de m Le ben di ent - De r Me nsc h als B usi nes s
1375419 L ehrm i tte l Doll, Sara Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Mül le r- Sc ie nce &
D urch Hos pitation zur l ogop äd is che n Kol m stett e B usi nes s
1375408 H andl ungskom pe te nz r, Bir git Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le hm an n, B usi nes s
1375398 Bipolar Disorder in OlderAge Patients Su san W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E le m ents of Nonl in ear T im e Seri e s Anal ysis and Gooi jer , B usi nes s
1375378 Fore casti ng Jan G. De Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
John Wil e y
Davey, Wi le y- & Sons,
1373001 Medical Ethics, Law and Communication at a Glance Patri ck Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,386,000
John Wil e y
Wi ls on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1373000 IOC Manual of Sports Cardiology Mathe w G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,631,000
Spr inge r
Trave rso- Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Rue da, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1372765 Medical Spanish for Nurses Sol e dad Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Dw orkin, Cali for nia Cali forni a
1372764 Women's Empowerment and Global Health Sh ari L . Pre ss P res s 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sie h, Palgrave B usi nes s
1369534 Human Dignity Edw ard Macm il l an E
MelsediviaerB. V. 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ae hle rt, Sc ie nce s
1369490 ACLS Study Guide - E-Book Barbar a J Mosby Di vi si on 2016 Rp 3,104,000

Ni chol as The MIT
1369418 Ebola's Message G. Pre ss MIT Press 2016 Rp 1,904,000

Trave rso,
1369415 Glaucoma Carl o E. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 3,080,000

Aarathi We ll com e P rofile

1368791 In the Bonesetter's Waiting Room Prasad Coll ec tion B ooks 2016 Rp 313,000
Mid dle ton- Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Gre en, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1368685 End of Life Care for People with Dementia Laura Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 839,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1368680 JIMD Reports, Volume 29 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ol zman, B usi nes s
1368677 PediatricAnesthesiology Review Robe rt S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conve rgin g Cli ni cal and En gine er ing Re se ar ch on Ibáñez, B usi nes s
1368674 N eu roreh abi li tati on II Jai me Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp13,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koll ak, B usi nes s
1368673 Safe at Home withAssistive Technology In grid Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li m a, B usi nes s
1368672 Pediatric Digestive Surgery Mar io. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Pil ki ngton, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1368666 The Golden Thread Pat Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2020 Rp 419,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
A sse ssi ng and Comm uni cating the Spiri tual Ne ed s Bu ll , Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1368650 of Chi l dre n i n H ospi tal Ali ste r W. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 783,000
Je ssi ca
Longti n, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1368646 Yoga for Speech-Language Development Su san E. Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 699,000
The Gu il ford
Cre swe ll , Gui lford P ubli cation
1368603 Parent-Led CBT for ChildAnxiety Cathy Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
Mye rs, Gui lford P ubli cation
1368601 Legal Issues in Clinical Practice with Victims of Violence John E. B. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
The Gu il ford
Wi nson, Gui lford P ubli cation
1368600 The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Workbook Rache l Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
The Gu il ford
Wachte l, Gui lford P ubli cation
1368599 The Heart of Couple Therapy Ell e n F. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Q uanti tati ve Ultrasoun d and Photoac ousti c Sc ie nce &
Im aging for the A sse ssm e nt of Vasc ul ar Mei burge r, B usi nes s
1368565 Param ete rs Kris te n M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Kaaw a- Sc ie nce &
Mafi giri , B usi nes s
1368559 ChildAbuse and Neglect in Uganda David. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
X u, Tian B usi nes s
1368555 PhysiologicAnchorage Control Min Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iodi ve rsi ty and Evol uti on of Parasi ti c Life i n the Kli m pe l, B usi nes s
1368550 Southe rn O ce an Sve n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Capogna, B usi nes s
1368549 Anesthesia for Cesarean Section Giorgi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N icke l , B usi nes s
1368546 Geriatric Emergency Medicine Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi s, Palgrave B usi nes s
1368530 The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History Gayl e Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Harvard H ar vard
N ou r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1368506 Obstetrics and Gynecology in Low-Resource Settings Nawal M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,050,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Sin ki n, of of
1368494 PCEP Book IV: Specialized Newborn Care Robe rt A. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,875,000

Dattani , Mac Ke i th MacKe i th

1368232 Neuroendocrine Disorders in Children Mehu l T. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Ed itors of
Sal em
1368206 Teaching Health & Wellness Pre ss Salem Press Salem Press 2016 Rp 559,000
B ril l
H arr is, Ac adem i c
1368133 Popular Medicine in Graeco-RomanAntiquity Wil l iam V. Brill P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 3,864,000
B ril l
Bü rgel , J. Ac adem i c
1368108 Ärztliches Leben und Denken im arabischen Mittelalter Ch ris top h Brill P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 5,656,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1368098 Respiratory Disorders Sourcebook Keith Jones hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1368097 Dental Care and Oral Health Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs s
Charle hi cs , Inc
Charl es . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Koukol ík , Karoli num Karol inum
1368048 Sociální mozek Fran ti še k Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 448,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Mar quardt P ubli shi ng
1368047 Reflexotherapy of the Feet , H anne Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 5,544,000
Spr inge r
Kröne r- Sc ie nce &
He rwi g, B usi nes s
1368045 Schmerzpsychotherapie Bir git Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe te rse n, Palgrave B usi nes s
1367996 Stem Cell Tourism and the Political Economy of Hope Alan. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Basu , B usi nes s
1367989 Biomaterials for Musculoskeletal Regeneration Bikr am ji t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cri stofari , B usi nes s
1367973 Human Retrotransposons in Health and Disease Gae l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
John Wil e y
B iom ate ri al s From Nature for Ad vanc ed De vic es N eve s, & Sons,
1367911 and The rapi es Nuno M. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 6,300,000
Woodbur y R CP sych
-Sm i th, Publ i cati on
1367616 Clinical Topics in Disorders of Intellectual Development Mar c s Vearsa 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Lynn e R CP sych
Drum m on Publ i cati on
1367615 CBT forAdults d s Vearsa 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Uni ver sity Du ke
Sn yder ma Pre ss Un ive rsi ty
1367418 A Chancellor's Tale n, Ralp h Books P res
N s
ati onal 2016 Rp 979,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
N ich oll s,
Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1367410 Drug Transporters Glyni s Chem i stry N al ati onal 2016 Rp 6,244,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
She rle y,
Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1367408 Human Stem Cell Toxicology Jam es L.
Chem i stry al N ati onal 2016 Rp 6,636,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
Gre en ,Le arning Inte rnati on
1367399 Succeeding in the GP ST Matt . Me dia Ltd al 2016 Rp 2,686,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D iagnosi s and Tre atm e nt Pl anni ng in Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1367365 O rth ognathi c Su rger y Unknown Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000

Davi es, CR C Pre ss

1367221 Children and Young People's Nursing Alys on CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Dodd , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1367212 Healthcare IT Transformation John C. y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Chapm an
Iri zarry, and CR C Pre ss
1367202 Data Analysis for the Life Sciences with R Rafae l A. Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Mu lti mod al Managem e nt of Canine O steoarthri ti s, Fox, CR C Pre ss

1367196 Se cond Edi tion Ste ven M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 1,959,000

We ll man, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1367195 Leading the Lean Healthcare Journey Joan y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 1,119,000
u, Prasad CR C Pre ss
1367187 Chiroptical Spectroscopy L. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,319,000
Re nato CR C Pre ss
1367186 BioMedWomen Natal CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Jeff re y
Braithw ai t CR C Pre ss
1367183 Resilient Health Care, Volume 3 e CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,359,000

CR C Pre ss
1367182 Carbocation Chemistry Li, Jie Jack CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,319,000
Chapm an
Joi nt Mode li ng of Longitud inal and Tim e -to-Eve nt El ashoff, and CR C Pre ss
1367181 D ata Robe rt M. Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000
Su bramoni
am , CR C Pre ss
1367173 Anti-Diabetes Mellitus Plants Appi an CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,359,000
Chapm an
Earne st, and CR C Pre ss
1367172 Essentials of a Successful Biostatistical Collaboration Arul Hal l/CRC L LC 2017 Rp 2,239,000
W orld
H andbook Of Im m unol ogic al P roper ti e s Of Sc ie ntific
E ngine e red N anom ate ri al s (Se cond Ed ition ) (In 3 Dobrovols Worl d P ubli shi ng
1367154 Vol um es ) kai a, M. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp41,580,000

P rac tic e Q ue stions in Traum a and Orthopaed ic s Sharm a, CR C Pre ss

1367128 for the FR CS Pan kaj CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 756,000

CR C Pre ss
1367123 The MRCPsych Study Manual Green, Ben CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,191,000

CR C Pre ss
1367092 Dental Public Health Meera, Patel CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,191,000

Mokbe l, CR C Pre ss
1367047 Concise Notes in Oncology for MRCP and MRCS K. M. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,939,000

Brai ne, CR C Pre ss

1367029 Supporting Families and Carers Mar y E. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,939,000
Ash ton-
Key, CR C Pre ss
1367028 Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology, Third Edition Mar gare t CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,479,000

Graban, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1367027 Lean Hospitals Mar k y P res s L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Pe ac ock, CR C Pre ss
1367026 Pulmonary Circulation A. J. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 7,279,000

Chaffe r, CR C Pre ss
1367025 Effective Leadership Den ise CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Taylor &
Gre enstre e Franc is
1367024 Spirituality and Coping with Loss t, We ndy Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000

H od , CR C Pre ss
1367019 Textbook of Diabetes and Pregnancy, Third Edition Moshe CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,720,000

Stewart, CR C Pre ss
1367016 Basic Statistics and Epidemiology Antony CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,359,000

CR C Pre ss
1367015 Winning the Publications Game Albert, Tim CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,359,000

T he Pri mary FRCA Stru cture d O ral E xam G uid e 1, Wi jayas iri , CR C Pre ss
1367011 Se cond Edi tion Lara CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,619,000

T he Pri mary FRCA Stru cture d O ral E xam G uid e 2, McCom be, CR C Pre ss
1367010 Se cond Edi tion Kate CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Gur butt, CR C Pre ss

1367008 Collaborative Practice for Public Health Dawne J. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Al wan, CR C Pre ss
1366996 The Foundation Programme for Doctors Ferr as CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,435,000

Sm art Use of State P ubli c He alth D ata for H eal th Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss
1366993 D isp ari ty Ass es sm ent Lin, Ge y P res s L LC 2016 Rp 2,519,000

De pre z, CR C Pre ss
1366987 Textbook of Chemical Peels, Second Edition Phi li ppe CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Stergi ou, CR C Pre ss

1366983 NonlinearAnalysis for Human Movement Variability Ni chol as CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Gr eat Orm ond Str ee t Hand book of Paed iatric s Strobel , CR C Pre ss
1366982 Se cond Edi tion Ste phan CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 8,399,000

CR C Pre ss
1366981 Understanding HumanAnatomy and Pathology Diogo, Rui CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,879,000

Saifudd in, CR C Pre ss

1366975 Musculoskeletal MRI, Second Edition Asi f CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 8,399,000
Fird os CR C Pre ss
1366968 Biotechnology Fundamentals, Second Edition Alam CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,536,000

Liv ingston CR C Pre ss

1366966 Relationship Power in Health Care e, John B . CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 1,259,000

Ti pton, CR C Pre ss
1366964 The Science of Beach Lifeguarding Mic hael CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Sm ith, CR C Pre ss
1366963 Dementia Care Graham e CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,275,000

Sid hu, CR C Pre ss

1366962 Measurement in Ultrasound, Second Edition Pau l S. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,879,000

Shaw, CR C Pre ss
1366955 Ophthalmic Nursing, Fifth Edition Mar y E. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,955,000
Chapm an
Kuang, and CR C Pre ss
1366950 Introduction to Mathematical Oncology Yan g Hal l/CRC L LC 2016 Rp 2,519,000
W orld
E xp eri m ental Approach es For T he In ve sti gati on Of Sc ie ntific
Innate Imm uni ty: T he Hu man Inn ate Im mun ity Montgom e Worl d P ubli shi ng
1366925 H andbook ry, Ruth R. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 3,584,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Ge l s H an dbook: Fundam entals , P rope rti e s, Utkan, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1366924 A ppl ic ati on s (In 3 Vol um es ) Dem i rci . Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp46,200,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
W orld Sci en ti fic Handbook Of Gl obal H e al th Sche ffler , Worl d P ubli shi ng
1366923 E conom ic s And Pu bli c Poli cy (A 3-vol um e Set) Ri chard M. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp50,400,000
Worl d W orld
Pe rei ra,
Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
Lygia da Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1366917 Stem Cells: PromiseAnd Reality Ve iga Comp an y Com pany 2017 Rp 1,484,000
W orld
H andbook Of Photodynami c The rapy: Updates Pande y, Sc ie ntific
O n R ec ent Ap pli cation s Of Porphyri n-base d Ravi ndra Worl d P ubli shi ng
1366910 Com pound s K. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 8,540,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Fi rst T ranspl ant Surge on , T he: Th e Flawe d G eni us H am i lton, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1366900 O f Nobe l Pri ze W inne r, Ale xis Car rel David. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 4,116,000
Ni chol son, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1366825 Global Health Bri an D. s Ltd s , L td . 2016 Rp 3,584,000
O xford
O xford Hand book of Infec ti ous Di sease s and Török, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1366755 Mi cr obi ol og y Esté e Oxford P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,984,000
Crawford, O xford
Dorothy OUP Un ive rsi ty
1366748 Ebola H. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,427,000
O xford
Clark, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1366747 To Comfort Always David Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 8,398,000
H ai n, O xford
Ri chard OUP Un ive rsi ty
1366745 Paediatric Palliative Medicine D.W. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 7,348,000
Spr inge r
Kim , Sc ie nce &
Young- B usi nes s
1366738 Congenital Vascular Malformations Wook Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge dde s, B usi nes s
1366735 Reviews in Fluorescence 2016 Ch ris D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
N ogal es , Sc ie nce &
Fran ci sco B usi nes s
1366731 Pathology and Biology of Human Germ Cell Tumors F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi chna, B usi nes s
1366730 Introduction to Gastrointestinal Diseases Vol. 1 Jakub Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
H ibbs, Sc ie nce &
Anna Hu mana B usi nes s
1366729 Respiratory Outcomes in Preterm Infants Mar ia Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte rle uki n 12: Anti tu mor Acti vity and Lase k, B usi nes s
1366723 Im m unother ape uti c P ote ntial in Onc ology Witol d Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1366721 Measurement-Based Care in Mental Disorders BECH, PER. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R obinson , B usi nes s
1366718 Pediatric Forensic Evidence David L. Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Taylor an d H oyt' s Pe di atri c Ophthalm ol ogy and Lam bert, Sc ie nce s
1366685 Strabis mu s E -B ook Sc ott R. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp26,459,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B as ic & Ap pl ie d Conc epts of Bl ood B an king and H ow ar d, Sc ie nce s
1366684 T ran sfusi on Pr ac ti ce s - E-Book Pau la R . Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 6,044,000
Inc .,
Ven tri cu lar Ar rhythmi as i n Ap parentl y N ormal H eal th
H earts, An Is sue of Cardi ac E le ctrophys iol ogy Bogun , Sc ie nce s
1366679 Cl ini cs , E -Book Fran k M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mei se nber Sc ie nce s
1366677 Principles of Medical Biochemistry E-Book g, G erhard Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 5,543,000
Inc .,
Subs tanc e Use Di sorde rs: Part II, A n Issu e of Chil d H siao, H eal th
and Adol esc en t Psyc hiatric Cl ini cs of N or th Ray Chi h- Sc ie nce s
1366676 A me ri ca, E -Book Ju i Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cri tic al Il lne ss an d E me rge ncy Su rger y: P repare Wyatt, Sc ie nce s
1366668 for the M RCS E-B ook Mic hael G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 5,095,000
Inc .,
Thom as, H eal th
Wil l iam E. Sc ie nce s
1366667 General Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp12,229,000
Inc .,
Thom as, H eal th
Wil l iam E. Sc ie nce s
1366666 Orthopaedic Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 5,968,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Thom as, Sc ie nce s
1366665 Basic Surgical Principles: Prepare for the MRCS W. E. G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp11,064,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Wyatt, Sc ie nce s
1366664 Renal and Transplant Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS Mic hael G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 5,095,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vas cul ar and Card iothoraci c Su rger y: P rep are for Thom as, Sc ie nce s
1366663 the MR CS E-book W. E. G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 5,968,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Atlas of Laparosc opic and Robotic Ur ol ogi c Bi shoff , Sc ie nce s
1366660 Sur gery E-Book Jay T. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp19,655,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ype rhid rosi s, An Iss ue of Thorac ic Surge ry Li cht, Sc ie nce s
1366659 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Pete r B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Kamath- H eal th
B irth A sphyxi a, An Is sue of Cl ini cs in Rayne , Sc ie nce s
1366658 Pe ri natol ogy, E -Book Be ena D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fazi o, Sc ie nce s
1366657 Current Therapy in Colon and Rectal Surgery E-Book Vi ctor W. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp13,607,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
A M:STAR s You th Vi ol enc e Pre venti on and Ac ad em y PAcsychos
adem oziy
Inte rventi on i n Cl ini cal and Com m uni ty-base d Mi ll er , of of -Ver lag
1366600 Se tti ngs Eli zabe th Pe diatri cs Johann
Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 1,679,000
W irth u nd
ADA H an s-
BOR KEN Psyc hosozi Jürge n
1366286 Schönheitsmedizin HAGE N al-Ve rl ag N
Watiirth G bR
onal 2016 Rp 783,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
Mc Ke nna, Le arning Inte rnati on
1366282 Becoming an Occupational Therapist Ch ris Me dia Ltd al 2016 Rp 1,289,000
Grum eze sc
Mu lti fu nctional Syste ms for Com bine d Del i ve ry, Ale xan dru
1366259 B iose nsi ng and Di agn os ti cs Mihai Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,552,000
Grum eze sc
u, A le xan
1366258 Nano- and Microscale Drug Delivery Systems Mihai Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,552,000

Hi ndm ars Ac ad em ic
1366253 CongenitalAdrenal Hyperplasia h, Peter C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,350,000
John Wil e y
Jame s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1366224 Lecture Notes Ophthalmology Bruc e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,302,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Montag, B usi nes s
1366208 Internet Addiction Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lohaus , B usi nes s
1366203 Jugendliche im Stress Arnol d. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H aral d B usi nes s
1366202 Bevölkerungsschutz Karu tz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sel l in, B usi nes s
1366194 Managing Gastrointestinal Complications of Diabetes Jos eph Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Charl es C
P hotograph ic Re gi onal Atlas of Non-m etri c Traits Mann, Charle s C T homas
1366083 and Anatom i cal Variants in the Hum an Ske le ton Robe rt W. Thom as P ubli she r 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Charl es C
Charle s C T homas
1366082 ForensicAlcohol Test Evidence (FATE) Brick, John Thom as P ubli she r 2017 Rp 1,679,000

Sm ithe rs
Lope s, Sm ithe rs Inform ati o
1365876 Practical Guide to Single-use Technology Adri ana G. R apr a n Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,640,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Es sa, M. Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365777 Food and Parkinson's Disease Moham e d Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Cl ini cal Manife stati ons, Path ophysi ology, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D iagnostic Me thods, Im agi ng and Inte rve ntion in Khan, A li Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365775 Sarcoi dosi s Nawaz Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wall ace, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365772 Periodontal Disease Eli jah. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
T he Metaboli c-ps ychosom ati c Axis, Stres s and Be nnun, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365764 O xytoci n R e gulation Alfre d Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jim e nez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365742 Nanocarrier Systems for Drug Delivery Carl os Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Chavez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365731 Advances inArterial Stiffness Research Be cky Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Martine z, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365730 Myofibroblasts Anali se Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Phi ll i ps,Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365729 Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Nancy H. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P rogres s i n P ET Radi opharm ac eu ti cal s (qual ity Sharm a, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365726 Control and The ranos ti cs ) Su shi l K. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
N asc hi tz, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P ost-acu te and Long Te rm G eri atri c Care Cl ini cal Joc hanan Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1365723 A dvis or E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,560,000
Australi an Aus tral ian
Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1365545 Writing Reports for Court White, Jack. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,175,000

Nor dic N ordi c

R is k of Ai r P oll ution in Re lation to Can ce r i n the Fause r, Counc il of Counc il of
1365503 N ordi c Cou ntr ie s Patri k Mi nis te rs Mi ni sters 2016 Rp 252,000
Taylor &
Sel l man, Franc is
1365378 Becoming a Nurse Der ek Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,760,000
Taylor &
McDoug al l Franc is
1365213 Children and Young People's Mental Health , T im Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Mc Far land
W il li am Watson Cheyne and the A dvance me nt of De Paol o, Com pany,
1365059 B ac te ri ology Ch arl e sMcFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Managi ng Infec ti ous Di sease s in Chil d Care and Arons on, of of
1364942 Sc hools Su san S. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 1,679,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Bake r, of of
1364941 Red Book Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Carol J. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 2,799,000

D ie The ori e de s Coolou t und ih re Be deu tu ng für Ker sting, Mabuse - B ookw i re
1364936 d ie Pfl ege ausbi ldu ng Kari n. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,512,000
Gue z, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364868 Soigner sans se nier Evel yne ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 1,408,000

INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364865 Soins palliatifs, éthique et fin de vie Aubry, Régis ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 796,000

Caronne, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364863 La cotation des actes 2015-2016 Muri el ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 796,000
Kle rk-
Rubi n, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364862 La méthode de Naomi Feil à l'usage des familles Vi cki d e ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 902,000

H ac pil l e, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364861 Soins palliatifs Luc ie ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 796,000

Caronne, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364860 L'infirmière libérale et son organisation comptable Muri el ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 690,000

Sarrazi n, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364859 L'enfant et son alimentation Gabr ie ll e ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 902,000

Maunand, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364858 Diabéto L'infirmière en diabétologie Be rnar d ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 902,000
Im m er gout INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364857 Situations chroniques , R é gine ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 548,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H eck, B usi nes s
1364826 RepetitoriumAnästhesiologie Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pfannsti el , Spri nger B usi nes s
1364823 Management von Gesundheitsregionen II Mar io A. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Van Spr inge r
Rys ew yk, Sc ie nce &
Si m on B usi nes s
1364822 Meanings of Pain Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kli ne berg, B usi nes s
1364818 Adult Lumbar Scoliosis Eri c O . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum ar, B usi nes s
1364813 Biological Timekeeping: Clocks, Rhythms and Behaviour Vi nod Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
We ber, Sc ie nce &
Mar c- B usi nes s
1364810 Kompendium Orthopädische Bildgebung Andre Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eukart, B usi nes s
1364808 Reverse Engineering the Mind Flori an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Arora, B usi nes s
1364797 Drug Resistance in Bacteria, Fungi, Malaria, and Cancer Gunjan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Antoni , B usi nes s
1364796 Applied Physics of External Radiation Exposure Rodol phe . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P sychol ogic al T raum a and the Le gacie s of the Firs t Palgrave B usi nes s
1364751 W orld War Leese, Peter Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T rau matic Me m orie s of th e Se cond Wor ld War and Palgrave B usi nes s
1364750 A fte r Leese, Peter Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Hu man
Cu nni ngha Kin etic s, H um an
1364694 Yoga forAthletes m, R yanne . Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 615,000
Je ssi ca
Macl ean, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1364653 Clinical Handbook of Chinese Herbs Wil l Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 980,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
A nti -di scri m inatory P rac tic e in Mental He alth Tri be , Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1364649 Care for O lde r Peopl e Rache l . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,119,000

Karin Böhl au
1364560 Parahuman Harrasse r Ve rl ag De Gruyter 2016 Rp 980,000

Sonja Böhl au
1364551 Triebe, Reize und Signale Wal ch Ve rl ag De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,288,000

1364515 A Joosr Guide To... Gut by Giulia Enders Joosr Joosr Vearsa 2015 Rp 84,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
AL BER T, P ubli shi ng
1364481 Physical Examination of the Spine TODD J. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 8,876,000
Be rnard,
Soi ns d 'hygi ène buc co-de ntai re aux pe rson nes Mar ie - INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364394 âgé es et dép end ante s Fle ur ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 849,000

Baud at, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364392 Précis de nutrition Ni col e ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 619,000
Daydé ,
Mar ie - INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364391 Mémo pratique de l'infirmière libérale Cl aude ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 884,000

Claus tr es, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364388 L'infirmière et l'exercice libéral Luc ie nne ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 884,000

Mi che l, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364387 Les risques psychosociaux à l'hôpital Mic hel ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 902,000
Man ou kia
n, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364386 La souffrance au travail Ale xan dre ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 725,000
Ch au ffour-
Ade r, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364385 Comprendre et soulager la douleur Cl aire ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 796,000

Gi li oli , INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364384 Réflexion éthique et pratiques soignantes Ch ris ti an. ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 778,000

K&ap os;bi INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364383 Alzheimer di, Jacque s ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 477,000
Wanque t-
Thi bau lt, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364382 Douleurs liées aux soins Pas cale ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 849,000

Caronne, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364381 Le guide de l'infirmière libérale Muri el ES SAN TE Santé 2015 Rp 796,000
Boi ssi èr es -
Dubourg, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364378 De la maltraitance à la bientraitance Fran çois e ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 796,000
Ne ves , INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364371 La consultation infirmière Ch antal ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 884,000
Boi ssi èr es -
Dubourg, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364363 Les soignants face au stress Fran çois e ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 796,000

Arge nty, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364355 Précis de soins relationnels Je an ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 548,000
Ti ngue ly,
Ch ris ti ne INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364353 Précis de chronicité et soins dans la durée Sage r ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 619,000

Praye z, INITIATIV Ini tiative s

1364336 Le toucher apprivoisé Pas cal ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 831,000
Al li n-
Pfiste r,
Anne - INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364333 Situations aiguës Cl aude ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 548,000
Ch au ffour-
Ade r, INITIATIV Ini tiative s
1364332 Petit précis de la douleur Cl aire ES SAN TE Santé 2016 Rp 548,000
AN ITA D. Stude nt Sale m
TAY LOR , Doctor Author
1364252 HOW TO CHOOSEA MEDICAL SPECIALTY M. A. ED . Ne twork Se rvic es 2016 Rp 280,000
Ge orgetow Ge orge tow
n n
Ve atc h, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1364236 Defining Death Robe
e .V., rt M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Mar fan Spr inge r
Hi lfe Sc ie nce &
(D eutsc hl a B usi nes s
1364209 Das Marfan-Syndrom nd). Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mayers , B usi nes s
1364205 Antimicrobial Drug Resistance Dougl as L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P roce ed ings of The 20th Paci fic Basi n N ucl ear Jiang, B usi nes s
1364197 Confe renc e Hong Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ogra, B usi nes s
1364192 Metallomics Yas um itsu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol dwi n, B usi nes s
1364186 Urological and Gynaecological Chronic Pelvic Pain Robe rt M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum ar, B usi
Pe nesns
1364175 Nanomedicine for Cancer Therapy Piyu sh. Springer Me
R di a B. V.
andom 2016 Rp 1,960,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
R obert Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1363948 HerbalAllies Roge rs Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 615,000
Koo, John Wil e y
Otil ia M. & Sons,
1363075 Pharmaceutical Excipients Y. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 4,900,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H am i lton, Palgrave B usi nes s
1363018 Ethnography After Humanism Lin dsay Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Abc ari an, B usi nes s
1362995 Complications of Anorectal Surgery He rand Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge dde s, B usi nes s
1362994 Reviews in Plasmonics 2016 Ch ris D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i tt, B usi nes s
1362987 Bronchialwandvermessung in der modernen Diagnostik Ch ris ti ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kor ogod in B usi nes s
1362976 Genetics, Evolution and Radiation a, V. L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H er pes Z oster: Pos the rpe tic N eur al gia and Othe r Wats on, C. B usi nes s
1362965 Com pl ic ati ons Pete r N . Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ic har ds, Palgrave B usi nes
Jaype e s
1362929 Genderqueer and Non-Binary Genders Ch ris ti na Macm il l an B
Me di aers
roth B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Me di cal
Kazm i , Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Ati f Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1362807 ColorAtlas of Clinical Dermatology Hasnain Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Z ai di , Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1362805 A Manual of Dermatology Zohra Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 3,220,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Garg, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1362804 Textbook of Operative Dentistry Ni sha Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2016 Rp 3,220,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Cunha, Brothe rs P rivate
1362798 Antibiotic Essentials Burke A. Pvt. Ltd. L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,260,000
John Wil e y
McCul lou g Wi le y- & Sons,
1362782 Transfusion Medicine h, Je ffr ey Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,010,000
Oxford O xford
Charon, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1362765 The Principles and Practice of Narrative Medicine Ri ta. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,079,000
Oxford O xford
Kim be l, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1362760 A Guide to Graduate Programs in Counseling Tyle r M . Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp10,639,000
And reas
He inr ich
1362722 Muskuloskelettale Infektionen Tie m ann De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,568,000

O the r Rare Sarcom as , M ixed Tum ors, Ge ni tal Koeh le r,

1362709 Sarcom as and Pre gnancy Gue nte r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 5,880,000

1362708 Knorpeltherapie Jürgen Fritz De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 4,704,000

The Gu il ford
Gri m m, Gui lford P ubli cation
1362509 Growth Modeling Kevi n J. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,500,000

Wi lfri ed Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1362496 Management der Notaufnahme von Ei ff e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp11,899,000

Ac him Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1362494 Leadership und Führung Sc hütz e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
n n
Sci enti fic Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1362447 When Vectors Collide with Cultures com mi tte e Publ i she rs B
P ake
& rs 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Nation al Taylor
Issu es P ubli she r
Me ad , Forum s Se rvic es
1362437 How Should We Reduce Obesity inAmerica? Andy Institute (BT PS) 2016 Rp 56,000
John Wil e y
Lu dde rs, Wi le y- & Sons,
1362338 Errors in Veterinary Anesthesia John W. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1362330 Diagnosing Dental and Orofacial Pain Moule,A. J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
And rea
He rgen röt B ookw i re
1362053 Gerinnungspatienten in derApotheke her Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,007,000
Spr inge r
Pol uri , Sc ie nce &
Kris hna B usi nes s
1362041 Protein Engineering Techniques Mohan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Larse n, B usi nes s
1362039 Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin für die Fachpflege Re inh ard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stree ck, B usi nes s
1362038 Manuelle Therapie und komplexe Rehabilitation Uwe Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, B usi nes s
1362033 Wireless Health Honggang Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laczko, B usi nes s
1362030 Progress in Motor Control Jozse f Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mayers , B usi nes s
1362029 Antimicrobial Drug Resistance Dougl as L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp10,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Scarabino, B usi nes s
1362027 High Field Brain MRI T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1362025 Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke Jin, Kunlin Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Cr ane nbur Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1362022 Van contractie naar actie gh, B. van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kanaku ra, B usi nes s
1362021 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Yuzur u Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Franck B usi nes s
1362020 Facharztwissen Viszeral- undAllgemeinchirurgie Bil l mann Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Chi solm - Sc ie nce &
Strake r, B usi nes s
1362010 Human Trafficking Is a Public Health Issue Maki ni Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dong, B usi nes s
1362007 ElderAbuse Xi nQi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wöhr , B usi nes s
1362006 Social Behavior From Rodents to Humans Mar kus Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Walthe r, B usi nes s
1362000 Current Strategies in Cancer Gene Therapy Wol fgang. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bal erc ia, B usi nes s
1361999 Antioxidants inAndrology Gianc arl o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve roni que B usi nes s
1361986 Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia Le blond Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We hner , B usi nes s
1361944 SensorischeAktivierung Lore Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wall ace, B usi nes s
1361942 Gene Expression and Its Discontents Rodr ic k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1361935 Advancements in Clinical Research w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koča, B usi nes s
1361930 Structural Bioinformatics Tools for Drug Design Jaros lav Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Bossom aie Sc ie nce &
r, Te rry R. B usi nes s
1361928 An Introduction to Transfer Entropy J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
In form atio P ubli shi ng
n De mos Com pany,
1361881 Radiation Oncology Review for Boards and MOC Bisw
Re as, Tithi
sourc es Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1361864 Medical Education and Ethics n. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp57,400,000
Gre en bran Gr ee nbran
Saxton, ch ch
1361671 Operation Five-star Jam es W. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 1,456,000
Gre en bran Gr ee nbran
N icol e tti, ch ch
1361669 Auditing Physician Services Be ts y Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 3,668,000

Gre en bran Gr ee nbran

Baum an, ch ch
1361662 Choosing Autonomy Randy Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 1,567,000
Gre en bran Gr ee nbran
Kni ght, ch ch
1361661 Handbook for Credentialing Healthcare Providers Ell i s M. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 1,316,000
Inte r-
Mc Ray, IVP Var sity
1361652 Modern Psychopathologies Barre tt W . Ac ad em ic P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Ye ar wood,
Edi lm a Taylor &
1361606 Routledge Handbook of Global Mental Health Nursing Lynch Routledge Franc is Ltd 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Sei fer t, Taylor &

1361570 The Science of Climbing and Mountaineering Ludovi c. Routledge Franc is Ltd 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Be aussi e r, L ibbe y
1361240 Chirurgie ambulatoire Mar c Arnette E urotext 2016 Rp 899,000
Encyc lop æ Enc ycl opa
dia e dia
1361146 Pompéi, nature, sciences et techniques (Paris - 2001) Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Sel m ès , L ibbe y
1361120 Cahier d'activités 1 Jac ques Arnette E urotext 2015 Rp 899,000
L ibbe y
1361119 Visual Impairments and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Fazzi, Elisa John Libbey E urotext 2016 Rp 1,799,000
Courbi , L ibbe y
1361118 Le conseil transfusionnel Ré m i. John Libbey E urotext 2016 Rp 2,699,000
Calas, L ibbe y
1361115 Précis de physiologie André Arnette E urotext 2016 Rp 899,000
Kip man, John
Si m on- L ibbe y
1361112 Découvrir la médecine de la personne Danie l. Doin E urotext 2015 Rp 755,000
Li otie r, L ibbe y
1361111 URG' neuro Jé rôm e Doin E urotext 2015 Rp 1,151,000
Gui ffan, L ibbe y
1361110 Perfusion Gér ard Arnette E urotext 2016 Rp 827,000
P rocé dure s ane sthé si ques l ié es aux tec hni ques Mé rat, L ibbe y
1361107 c hir urgi cale s Sté phane Arnette E urotext 2016 Rp 1,367,000
Mé rat, L ibbe y
1361106 Procédures anesthésiques Sté phane Arnette E urotext 2016 Rp 1,223,000
Qu arti er, L ibbe y
1361105 L'accueil un temps pour soigner Flore nce John Libbey E urotext 2015 Rp 899,000

Garrabé, L ibbe y
1361104 Promenades dans le Paris de la folie Je an John Libbey E urotext 2015 Rp 899,000
Bu reau, L ibbe y
1361102 Síndromes epilépticos en lactantes niños y adolescentes Mic hel le John Libbey E urotext 2016 Rp 2,555,000
Be ar, L ibbe y
1361101 Neurosciences Mar k F. John Libbey E urotext 2016 Rp 2,267,000
Taylor &
Pastal an, Franc is
1360959 University-Linked Retirement Communities Le on A. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,460,000

Taylor &
Chi na's L as t Nom ads: H istory and Cul ture of Be nson, Franc is
1360875 Chi na's Kazaks Lin da. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,920,000
FitzGe rald , Taylor &
Ger ard Franc is
1360481 Disaster Health Management Jos eph Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Köni g, B usi nes s
1360369 Degenerative Diseases of the Cervical Spine Ale xan der . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kie fer , B usi nes s
1360367 Thoraxdrainagen Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ew Ad vanc es on Chaotic Interm i tte ncy and Its El askar, B usi nes s
1360362 A ppl ic ati on s Se rgi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi sch on, B usi nes s
1360353 Obesity and Cancer Tobias Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Ve m ul a, Sc ie nce &
H eal th Comm un ication in the Chan ging Med ia Ravi ndra Palgrave B usi nes s
1360336 L and scape Kum ar Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Targe ti ng the IL-17 Path way in Inflam matory Chu, B usi nes s
1360335 D isord er s Con g-Q iu. Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dakubo, B usi nes s
1360290 Cancer Biomarkers in Body Fluids Gabr ie l D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B one Morphoge neti c Protei ns: System s Bi ology Vuki ce vic , B usi nes s
1360288 R e gulators Sl obodan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1360287 Dermatology Jain, Sima Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Rodr íg ue z- Sc ie nce &
He rnánde z B usi nes s
1360261 PolymersAgainst Microorganisms , Juan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H aptic De vic es for Studi es on Hum an Grasp and Ale ss and r B usi nes s
1360252 R e habi li tati on o Altobe ll i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Joshua, Palgrave B usi nes s
1360251 The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume I John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000

B ookw i re
1360108 Extraction of the Teeth Colyer, J. F. anboco Gm bH 2016 Rp 28,000
R esou rce W ipf &
Fl etche r, Publ i cati on Stock
1359715 By Scalpel and Cross Donald R. s P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 470,000
Martine z
de Cas ti l lo, F. A. Davis
Sand ra Com pany/
1359666 Calculating Drug Dosages Luz F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,239,000
F. A. Davis
Gros sm an, Com pany/
1359665 The New Leadership Challenge, 5e Sh ei la. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,595,000
F. A. Davis
Li nnard- Com pany/
1359664 Safe Maternity and Pediatric Care Pal m er. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,519,000
F. A. Davis
Arnol d, Com pany/
1359663 Evidence-based Practice in Sport and Exercise Bre nt L. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,959,000
John Wil e y
Sutton, & Sons,
1359653 Crime Scene Management Raul Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 1,847,000
Mar ía
1359347 Psicoterapia Y ProblemasActuales Gabr ie la ITESO ITESO 2016 Rp 28,000
Z ohn
Mul doon,
1359344 La psicoterapia frente al bienestar y al malestar Tani a ITESO ITESO 2015 Rp 28,000

1359336 Desarrollo psicocultural de niños mexicanos ITESO. ITESO ITESO 2015 Rp 28,000
El li s,
E ll is 's P rim ary P hysi ol ogy; Or Good H eal th for Edw ard B ookw i re
1359271 B oys and Gir ls Syl ves te r anboco Gm bH 2016 Rp 28,000
Shi ple y,
Arthur B ookw i re
1359243 Pearls and Parasites Ever ett . anboco Gm bH 2016 Rp 28,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gzik, B usi nes s
1359191 Innovations in Biomedical Engineering Mar ek Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000

Sche rde r, Ver lag

1359141 Lass dein Hirn nicht sitzen E. J. A. C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2016 Rp 1,162,000

Fl as har , Ver lag

1359130 Hippokrates He ll m ut C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2016 Rp 1,847,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1358562 Praktische handleiding longfunctietesten Heijdra, Y. F. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ext Ge ne rati on Anti body D rug Conju gate s Grawund e B usi nes s
1358553 (AD Cs ) and Im m unotoxi ns r, Ulf Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1358548 Potato Staple Food Processing Technology Mu, Taihua. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi ge no, B usi nes s
1358546 Brain Evolution by Design Sh uic hi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tom off, B usi nes s
1358543 Positive Psychologie in Liebe und Partnerschaft Mic hael . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Ol son, Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th B usi nes s
1358535 Plants and Health Anne . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im m unopathology in Toxic ology and Drug Parke r, Hu mana B usi nes s
1358531 D eve lopm e nt George A. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im m unopathology in Toxic ology and Drug Parke r, Hu mana B usi nes s
1358530 D eve lopm e nt George A. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,972,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Johnson, P ubli shi ng
1358168 The Big Back Book: Tips & Tricks for Therapists Jane Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 7,756,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Bohnd orf, P ubli shi ng
1358167 Imaging of Bones and Joints Klaus Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp19,964,000
Spr inge r
DOR AIRA Sc ie nce &
JA N, B usi nes s
1358105 Ruptured Uterus GOWR I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E me rgi ng and Re -em e rging Infe cti ous Dis ease s of Bayry, B usi nes s
1358042 L ive stock Jagade es h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ou kin, B usi nes s
1358028 Cell Therapy Against Cerebral Stroke Kiyohi ro Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Kottapall i , Sc ie nce &
Ajay Gi ri B usi nes s
1357973 Biomimetic Microsensors Inspired by Marine Life Prakas h Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mul li gan, B usi nes s
1357971 Sexually Harmful Youth Ch ris ty A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Jen sen- Sc ie nce &
Jarol im , B usi nes s
1357970 Comparative Medicine Eri ka Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ishi zu ka, Palgrave B usi nes s
1357956 Fiber, Medicine, and Culture in the British Enlightenment Hi sao. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brant, Palgrave B usi nes s
1357817 Fame and Fortune Cl are Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me loni , Palgrave B usi nes s
1357767 The Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society Mau rizi o Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R em e dios , Palgrave B usi nes s
1357447 Knowing Humanity in the Social World Fran ci s X Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 1,540,000

Kid d, CR C Pre ss
1357346 Family Medicine Mic hael CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Gri ffith, CR C Pre ss

1357340 Bearing Witness to Change Ezra E. H. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 6,719,000

A queou s Pol ym eri c Coati ngs for Pharm ac euti cal Fe lton, CR C Pre ss
1357337 D os age For ms , Four th Edi tion Lin da A. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,759,000

Le wbart, CR C Pre ss
1357329 Ornamental Fishes andAquatic Invertebrates Gre g CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,695,000

Dud le y, CR C Pre ss
1357328 Forensic Medicolegal Injury and Death Investigation Mar y H. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,239,000

Garg, CR C Pre ss
1357322 Pediatric Pathology Sh ipr a CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp10,079,000

Phi li pp ou , CR C Pre ss
1357321 The Glycemic Index Ele na CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 4,199,000

Artings tal l, CR C Pre ss

1357314 Munchausen by Proxy and Other FactitiousAbuse Kathryn CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1357238 Rapid Perioperative Care Wicker, Paul Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,259,000
Me lo-
Mar tí n, Oxford
In macu lad Uni ver sity O UP
1357173 Rethinking Reprogenetics a de Pre ss P rem i um 2017 Rp 1,888,000
Dre ss er, Uni ver sity O UP
1357165 Silent Partners Re bec ca Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,701,000
Oxford O xford
Masi no, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1357138 Ketogenic Diet and Metabolic Therapies Su san Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 9,660,000
Oxford O xford
Bal oh , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1357137 Vertigo Robe rt W. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 5,036,000
O xford
O xford Textbook of O steoarthri ti s and Crystal Dohe rty, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1357136 A rth ropathy Mic hael Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp26,250,000
O xford
Yakel ey, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1357135 Medical Psychotherapy Je ss ic a Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 9,448,000
Me ntis
R au pric h, Ver lag
1356804 Vom Konflikt zur Lösung Oli ve r. mentis Gm
E lsebHvi er 2016 Rp 1,484,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Iked a, Sc ie nce s
1356725 Breast Imaging: The Requisites E-Book Debr a M. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356720 Veterans'Access to Mental Health Care Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,060,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356713 Acute Cholecystitis Powell, Lisa Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bre we r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356712 EllagicAcid Edm und Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vohra, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356710 Minimally InvasiveAortic Valve Surgery Hunai d A. Inc. Inc
E lse. vi er 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gol dm an , Sc ie nce s
1356708 Sclerotherapy E-Book Mitch el P. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp16,631,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R am i rez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356707 Honey Rube n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
O ccu rre nce s, Stru cture , Bios ynth esi s, and He al th Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B ene fits Based on The ir Evi den ce s of Me di ci nal Motohash i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356706 P hytoc hem i cals i n Vege tabl es and Fruits Noboru Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356705 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc
E lse. vi er 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fogo, Sc ie nce s
1356704 DiagnosticAtlas of Renal Pathology E-Book Agne s B. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp18,563,000
Nova N ova
Yong, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jam es Kah Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356699 New Developments in Gold Nanomaterials Research Ch en Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sun, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356698 Research Progress inAlzheimer's Disease and Dementia Miao-Kun Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Bu rges s, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mal col m Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356651 Psychotropic Medication for Children in Foster Care C. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P TSD and Traum ati c Brain Injury Am ong R ive ra, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356636 Se rvi cem e m bers Tanya Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sharm a, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356635 Personalized Medicine (beyond PET Biomarkers) Su shi l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Turabi án, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356625 The Family Doctors Jos é Lui s Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356612 Psychopathology Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mas care nh Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356609 Ligamentous Injuries of the Knee as , R andy Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356606 Current Trends in Cardiovascular Research Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Paul i, Eri c Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356603 Percutanous Endoscopic Castrostomy (PEG) M. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Morale s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356598 New Research on Dihydropyridines Jac quel yn Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ristova, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356595 Chronocardiology and Cardiac Research Kras im i ra Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wi lki nson, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356593 Organophosphorus Pesticides Ne il Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me di na, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356591 Knee Osteoarthritis Sc ott Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Ti rado- Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sánc hez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356588 Biological and Non-biological Therapy in Pemphigus André s Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P rogres si ve Cogni tive Im pairm e nt and Its Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1356586 N eu ropath ologi c Corre l ate s Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000

Val i dati ng P reve ntive Food Safe ty an d Q ual i ty R yan, Ac ad em ic

1356363 Control s John M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000
M& K
M&K Up date
1356362 Ophthalmic Standards & Procedures Ring, Lynn Publ i shi ng N
L td
ati. onal 2016 Rp 756,000
B ook
N etw ork
Q ues ti ons an d Ans we rs for the Sp eci alty Conway, Sci on Inte rnati on
1356330 R e crui tme nt Ass es sm ent Ci aran. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 630,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi che ls , B usi nes s
1356204 Repetitorium Internistische Intensivmedizin Gui do Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ie bau er, B usi nes s
1356196 Cardiac Rehabilitation Manual Jos ef Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R eque na, B usi nes s
1356195 CutaneousAdnexal Neoplasms Lui s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H usain, B usi nes s
1356186 Fertility Control in a Risk Society Zakir Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vanhe ul e, Palgrave B owm
R usi nesans
1356169 Psychiatric Diagnosis Revisited Sti jn. Macm il l an &Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Fe rrara, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1356112 Sacred Bliss Mar k S. Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,204,000
Spr inge r
H epp , Sc ie nce &
Wol fgang B usi nes s
1356079 Dialyseshunts Rüd ige r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me tabol om ic s: From Fund am e ntal s to Cl ini cal Suss uli ni , B usi nes s
1356076 A ppl ic ati on s Ale ss and ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Absal om, Sc ie nce &
T otal Intrave nous Ane sthes ia and Targe t Anthony B usi nes s
1356059 Control le d Infus ions R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre se le , B usi nes s
1356057 Platelets in Thrombotic and Non-Thrombotic Disorders Paol o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp10,892,000
Spr inge r
Gul li no, Sc ie nce &
M. B usi nes s
1356048 Practical Tools for Plant and Food Biosecurity Lodovi ca Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Male m ud, B usi nes s
1356046 Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Immunomodulation Ch arl e s J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Graziott in, B usi nes s
1356038 Vulvar Pain Ale ss and ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hi dde m an B usi nes s
1356028 Handbook of Acute Leukemia n, W. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schw abe , B usi nes s
1356004 Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2016 Ulr ic h,
Be igi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Pooya Spr inge r
Khan Sc ie nce &
Moham m a B usi nes s
1355985 Clinician's Guide to Mycosis Fungoides d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mu lti -Cri teri a De ci si on Analys is to Suppor t Marsh, B usi nes s
1355980 H eal th care De cis ions Kevi n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Cotli ar, Sc ie nce &
Jonathan B usi nes s
1355976 Atlas of Graft-versus-Host Disease A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
John Wil e y
We ston, Wi le y- & Sons,
1355861 Infection Prevention and Control at a Glance Debbi e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,302,000
Nation al N ati onal
E xam in ing A cce ss to Nu tr ition Car e in Outpati e nt Pray, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1355686 Cance r Ce nter s Le sli e A. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,148,000

Nation al N ati onal

T he Pri vate Sec tor As a Catalyst for He alth E qui ty And ers on, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1355684 and a Vibrant E conom y Kare n M . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Nation al N ati onal
Be rw ick , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1355682 A National Trauma Care System Donald M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Nation al N ati onal
Bl aze r, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1355680 Hearing Health Care forAdults Dan G. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Oxford O xford
Cu mm i ngs Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1355565 Neurodegenerative Diseases , Je ffre y L . Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp11,340,000

O xford
Sie be rt, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1355563 Axial Spondyloarthritis Ste fan Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,134,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Ad am s, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1355552 Healing with Water Jane M. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,976,000
Li verp ool O xford
Solom on, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1355530 Roald Dahl's Marvellous Medicine Tom Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 672,000
Hu man
Vande rbur Kin etic s, H um an
1355379 Fusion Workouts g, H el e n Inc. Ki neti cs 2017 Rp 615,000
Sigm a Si gma
T he Powe r of Te n, Sec ond E di ti on: A The ta Tau T heta Tau
Conve rsational Approac h to Tackl ing the T op Te n Hassm i ll er Internation Inte rnati on
1354744 P riori tie s i n Nurs ing , Sus an al al 2017 Rp 979,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
H om e Care N ursi ng: Survi ving in an Eve r- Marre ll i, Internation Pe
Inte rnati
ngui n on
1354743 Changi ng Care Envi ronm en t T. M . al alandom
R 2017 Rp 1,399,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1354591 The Psoas Solution Osar, Evan Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 504,000
Enc ycl opa
e dia
1354562 Foie Andre, Jean Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Enc ycl opa
Bal ie r, e dia
1354554 Gérontologie Cl aude Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Enc ycl opa
Hartem an e dia
1354549 Hygiène n, Phil i ppe Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Be rnard, Enc ycl opa
Je an- e dia
1354535 Œil humain Antoine Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop æ Enc ycl opa
dia e dia
1354531 Mémoire Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop æ Enc ycl opa
dia e dia
1354526 Nutrition Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Enc ycl opa
Camu s, e dia
1354524 Os Je an-Pau l Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop æ Enc ycl opa
dia e dia
1354519 Procréation Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop æ Enc ycl opa
dia e dia
1354518 Psychiatrie Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop æ Enc ycl opa
dia e dia
1354514 Santé et maladies Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop æ Enc ycl opa
dia e dia
1354511 Sida Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Enc ycl opa
De cour t, e dia
1354508 Surrénales Jac ques Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Enc ycl opa
e dia
1354502 Tuberculose Bretey, Jean Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Enc ycl opa
Bros soll e t, e dia
1354498 Épidémies Jac quel in e Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000

1354469 3D Ultrasound in Prenatal Diagnosis Rabih De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 2,492,000

H ofm ann,
1354462 Laboratory Diagnostic Pathways Wal ter De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,528,000

A rzt-Pati e nte n-Ge spräch e bei stre ssass ozi ie rten Vitt oria
1354434 E rkrankunge n Braun De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,960,000

Wol fgan g
1354421 Erkrankungen der Vulva Janni De Gruyter De Gruyter
B ake r& 2016 Rp 3,528,000
Pe si P ubli she r
Ri ggenbac Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1354361 Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox h, Je ff. & Med ia (BT
B akePS)
r& 2016 Rp 420,000
Pe si P ubli she r
Be lm ont, Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1354360 150 More Group Therapy Activities & TIPS Ju di th. & Med ia (BT PS) 2016 Rp 476,000
Dorothe e
Wel le ns- Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1354344 Akupressur in Pflege und Betreuung Müche r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,339,000
Z im pe l, Vande nhoe Van den hoe
André ck &
Internation ck &
1353959 Trisomy 21 Fran k R upre cht Q
al R upr ecsse
uinte ht n 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Moy, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1353901 Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry Pete r K. Group Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Wang, P ubli shi ng
1353897 AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 8: Back Pain Je ff rey C. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp12,208,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sahni, B usi nes s
1353886 GI Surgery Annual Peu sh Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kosam bi, B usi nes s
1353881 D.D. Kosambi D. D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fach arztwi sse n Psych iatrie , Psyc hosom ati k und Schne i der , B usi nes s
1353880 P sychothe rapie Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D oku me ntati on u nd Abre ch nung v on Voltz , Spri nger B usi nes s
1353868 Mange le rnährun g i m Kran kenhaus Cor inna. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of FFR -Gu id ed Per cutaneou s Coronary Gori , B usi nes s
1353854 Inte rventi ons Tom maso Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vanhoen ac B usi nes s
1353853 Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors ker, F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1353850 Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems Lecoq, P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z entne r, B usi nes s
1353849 Microactuators and Micromechanisms Le na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O cul ar Dru g De li ver y: Ad vanc es , Chal le nges and Ad do, B usi nes s
1353845 A ppl ic ati on s Ri chard T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Los ke, B usi nes s
1353844 Medical and BiomedicalApplications of Shock Waves Achi m M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N on-Re pre se ntati onal Ge ographi es of The rape utic Boyd , Palgrave B usi nes s
1353830 A rt Making Cand ic e P. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N orther n Sustainabi li tie s: Unde rstandi ng and Fondahl , B usi nes s
1353829 A ddre ssi ng Change i n the Ci rcum pol ar Wor ld Gai l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
N avarro, Sc ie nce &
Tuli o B usi nes s
1353828 Vascular Diseases for the Non-Specialist Pin ho Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1353728 Diet Information for Teens hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2017 Rp 1,736,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1353727 Contagious Diseases Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Angri sani , B usi nes s
1353501 Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Lui gi. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he CAPR ISA Cli nic al T rial s: HIV T reatm ent and Abdool B usi nes s
1353492 P reve ntion Kari m , Q . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1353474 Pediatric Lens Diseases Liu, Yizhi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R au sche r, B usi nes s
1353467 Hypnose wirkt! Matt hias Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kec k, B usi nes s
1353466 Onkologische Chirurgie bei alten Patienten Tobias Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1353446 Orthogeriatrics Falaschi, P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jue , B usi nes s
1353443 Modern Tools of Biophysics Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
John Wil e y
Schroe de r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1353413 The 10-Minute ClinicalAssessment Knut Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,310,000
John Wil e y
De nny, & Sons,
1353381 Sociology for Nurses Elai ne Polity Inc . 2016 Rp 979,000
John Wil e y
Com putational Method s for Ne xt G ene rati on Măndoi u, & Sons,
1353375 Se que nci ng Data Analysi s Ion Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000

Obradovi c CR C Pre ss
1353336 SmallAnimal Clinical Oncology h, Joyc e E. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,695,000
Pi zzo,
Sal vatore CR C Pre ss
1353331 Proteolysis in the Interstitial Space V. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,159,000
Fr? ed?
eri ch, CR C Pre ss
1353327 Biology of Damselfishes Bruno. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Rodr igue s,
Thi ago CR C Pre ss
1353326 Molecular Diversity of Environmental Prokaryotes Bruc e CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 9,800,000

Gl oss ary of Bi ote ch nology & Agrobi ote chn ology N il l, CR C Pre ss
1353322 Te rm s, Fifth E diti on Kim ball R . CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,159,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ahm adi , B usi nes s
1353306 MindfulnessAmong Students Ate feh Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R utty, B usi nes s
1353282 Essentials of Autopsy Practice Guy N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Kuri akose, Sc ie nce &
Moni B usi nes s
1353279 Contemporary Oral Oncology Abraham Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Qu esada, Spr inge r
Jos e Sc ie nce &
A ppl ic ati on of Infrared Th erm ography in Sp orts Ign ac io B usi nes s
1353276 Sc ie nce Pri ego Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1353275 Tutorials in Patellofemoral Disorders Donell, S. T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kue rbis , B usi nes s
1353271 Alcohol andAging Ale xis Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Fe rrei ra, Spr inge r
Mar ia Sc ie nce &
Is abe l B usi nes s
1353260 A World with Robots Ald inhas Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kapoul a, B usi nes s
1353257 Aesthetics and Neuroscience Zoi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Che e, Sc ie nce &
Soon- B usi nes s
1353252 Emerging Infectious Uveitis Phaik Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Inform ati o
n Sc ie nce
1353197 Public Health and Welfare IGI Global R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp61,600,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
E xam in ing the D eve lopm e nt, R e gulation, and Be njam in, n Sc ie nce
1353192 Cons ump ti on of Functi onal Food s Sai las R efe renc e IGI
Spr Global
inge r 2017 Rp 5,180,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Kuks, J. B. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1353167 Leerboek klinische neurologie M. Loghu m V.ati
N (Bonal
SL) 2016 Rp 5,544,000
B ook
N etw ork
R ens el , Inte rnati on
1353112 Fast Facts: Multiple Sclerosis Mar y Health Press al 2016 Rp 700,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Monaco, B usi nes s
1352988 Pediatric Cytopathology Sara E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kirs chni ak B usi nes s
1352980 Laparoskopie in der chirurgischen Weiterbildung , And reas Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000

Pe te r L an g
Autophagy: Can cer , O th er Pathol ogie s, Ac ad
Gm bH,em ic
1352900 Infl am m ati on, Im m uni ty, Infe ction, and A ging M.A. Hayat Internation
Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Krause , Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1352777 Sozial verantwortete Selbstbestimmung in der Medizin Fel ix. afte n AG 2016 Rp 4,645,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bryan, Hu mana B usi nes s
1352712 Nitrite and Nitrate in Human Health and Disease Nathan S. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1352708 Atlas of Robotic Urologic Surgery Su, Li-Ming Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kle i ne- B usi nes s
1352707 MolecularAllergy Diagnostics Te bbe , Jörg Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Postolach e, Sc ie nce &
Octavian B usi nes s
1352700 Sensors for Everyday Life Adri an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
In Com m and of Guardi ans : E xec utive Ser vant R usse l l, B usi nes s
1352696 L eade rshi p for the Com m uni ty of R es ponde rs Eri c J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spandau, B usi nes s
1352695 Cutting Edge of Ophthalmic Surgery Ulr ic h Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi ll iam s, Palgrave B usi nes s
1352689 Improving Healthcare Operations Sh aron J. Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thom as, B usi nes s
1352688 Rickettsiales Su nil . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Clack , B usi nes s
1352681 Evolution of the Vertebrate Ear Je nni fer A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Mi na- Sc ie nce &
N ext-Gen eration The rapie s and Te chnol ogie s for Osori o, B usi nes s
1352673 Im m une -Me di ate d In flamm ator y Di se as es Paol a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tan, P uay B usi nes s
1352467 Atlas of Differential Diagnosis in Breast Pathology Hoon Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tayl or, J. B usi nes s
1352464 The Physiology of Exercise in Spinal Cord Injury Andre w Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sobac ı, B usi nes s
1352456 Current Concepts and Management of Eye Injuries Güngör Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Pal grave Handbook of Soci oc ul tu ral Wh ite, Palgrave B usi nes s
1352455 Pe rsp ec ti ves on Global Me ntal H ealth Ross G. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
G. Gi appi che l
Gi ap pic he l l i Edi tore
1352387 Cardiologia ambulatoriale AA.VV. l i E di tore Srl 2016 Rp 840,000
Os kar Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1352367 München und die Neurochirurgie Jos ef B ec k rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 420,000

Walte r Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1352352 Delir beim alten Menschen He we r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,739,000

Pe tr a Me yer & B ookw i re

1352323 Osteopathie im Sport Mic hael is Me yer Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,007,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Shah, P ubli shi ng
1352311 Head and Neck Imaging Gau rang, S. Thieme
R EDDY Inc . 2016 Rp 5,544,000
GIRISHA Sci enti fic
M, S. , Publ i she r Sc ie ntific
1352247 TAXONOMY OF MYCOTOXIGENIC FUNGI RAO , V. K. (Indi a) P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,428,000

Ujvari , Ac ad em ic
1352216 Ecology and Evolution of Cancer Be ata. Pre ss Elsevier
E lse vi erLtd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A ll ergy Pri me r for Pri m ary Car e, An Iss ue of Malone , Sc ie nce s
1352173 P rim ary Care : Cl ini cs i n Offic e Practic e, E -B ook Mic hael A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P har macoge nom ic s and Pre ci si on Me di ci ne, An H eal th
Iss ue of the Cli nic s in Laboratory Med ic ine , E- R eynol ds, Sc ie nce s
1352172 B ook Kris te n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dver se Eff ec ts of Ps ychotropi c T re atm ents, An Mago, Sc ie nce s
1352171 Iss ue of the Psyc hiatri c Cl ini cs , E -Book Rajni sh. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Came ron, Sc ie nce s
1352144 Advances in Surgery, E-Book John L. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp14,699,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Parke r, H ouse
1352063 Medicine Ste ve DK L lse
E LCvi er 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gold sm ith, Sc ie nce s
1351980 Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate E-Book Jay P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sjogr en’ s D ise ase , An Issue of R he um ati c Dis ease Scofie l d, Sc ie nce s
1351975 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book R. Hal . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Wi ls on, Sc ie nce s
1351974 HealthAssessment for Nursing Practice - E-Book Su san F. Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,052,000
Inc .,
Evans, H eal th
Case Studi es i n N eur ol ogy, An Iss ue of Ne urol ogic Randol ph Sc ie nce s
1351971 Cl ini cs , E -Book W. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P ulm onary H ype rtens ion, An Is sue of Cardi ology Ou diz, Sc ie nce s
1351970 Cl ini cs , E -Book Ronal d J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Conte mp or ary Manage m en t and Controver sie s of R au t, H eal th
Sarcom a, A n Issu e of Surgic al Oncol ogy Cl ini cs of Ch and rajit Sc ie nce s
1351968 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Me tabol i c and Bari atri c Su rgery, An Is sue of Dan, Sc ie nce s
1351966 Sur gic al Cl ini cs of Nor th Am eri ca, E-Book Adri an G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cysti c Fibrosi s, An Is sue of Pe di atri c Cl i nic s of Marshal l, Sc ie nce s
1351964 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Su san G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pl ac ze k, Sc ie nce s
1351963 Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Secrets - E-Book Je ff rey D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 5,036,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Woo, Sc ie nce s
1351958 Oral Pathology E-Book Sook-Bi n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp17,387,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B urn Re sus citation, An Is sue of Cri ti cal Care Foste r, Sc ie nce s
1351957 Cl ini cs , E -Book Kevi n N . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P ET/MR I: Cl ini cal Appl ic ati ons, An Iss ue of PE T Tori gi an, Sc ie nce s
1351956 Cl ini cs , E -Book Dre w A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Cur rent Controve rsi es i n Th or ac ic Surge ry, An H eal th
Iss ue of Thor ac ic Surge ry Cl ini cs of N orth Lanuti , Sc ie nce s
1351906 A me ri ca, E -Book Mic hael . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
T reatm ent of L owe r Ur inary Tract Sym ptoms and Inc .,
B eni gn P rostati c Hype rpl asia: Curre nt Me th ods, H eal th
O utcom es , and Contr ove rsi e s, A n Issu e of Mc Vary, Sc ie nce s
1351898 U rologi c Cl in ic s of N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Kevi n T. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
O utpati en t Ultrasoun d-Gui ded Mu scul oske le tal H eal th
Te chni que s, An Iss ue of Phys ic al Me di ci ne and Sc ie nce s
1351896 R e habi li tati on Cl ini cs of N or th Am eri ca, E-Book Peck, Evan Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Me ad ows, R and om H ouse
1351872 The Other Side of Impossible Su sannah Hou se L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000

Makow ski , Ac ad em ic
1351863 Advances in Clinical Chemistry Gre gor y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,888,000

Old enbu rg CR C Pre ss

1351853 Participatory Healthcare , Jan CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Z ide l , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1351851 Rethinking Lean in Healthcare Thom as G. y P res s L LC 2017 Rp 2,519,000

Bagch i, CR C Pre ss
1351849 Green Coffee Bean Extract in Human Health Debasi s CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,319,000
Ire ton-
O utpati en t Nutri tion Care and Hom e Nu tr ition Jone s, CR C Pre ss
1351843 Sup port Carol S. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 8,399,000
Vi ctori a CR C Pre ss
1351840 Nutrition and the Developing Brain Hall CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 3,639,000

Ozden erol , CR C Pre ss

1351831 Spatial Health Inequalities Esra. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000

CR C Pre ss
1351830 CPHIMS Review Guide, Third Edition Himss CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp16,799,000

Stati stic al Methods for H eal thc are Perform ance CR C Pre ss
1351829 Moni torin g Bottle,Alex CRC Press Inte L LCrnati on 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Ale ksandr Suss ex Spe ci ali ze d
owi cz, Ac ad em ic B ook
1351752 Countertransference in Perspective Dov. Pre
R owmss an N Seati
rvic es
onal 2016 Rp 980,000
& B ook
Li ttl efi el d N etw ork
Case Studi es on Corp orati ons and Gl obal H eal th Kenw orthy Internation Inte rnati on
1351654 Gove rnance , N ora J. al al 2016 Rp 3,275,000
Wi tti ch, Oxford
Ch ris top he Uni ver sity O UP
1351580 Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Board Review r M. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 9,799,000
R am i rez- Oxford
Vall es , Uni ver sity O UP
1351578 QueerAging Je su s Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,888,000
O xford
Bhop al , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1351560 Concepts of Epidemiology Raj S. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,871,000
O xford
H od gkis s, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1351556 Biological Psychiatry of Cancer and Cancer Treatment Andre w. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 8,398,000

Lockw ood, The MIT

1351432 Heat Advisory Alan H. Pre ss MIT Press 2016 Rp 839,000
John Wil e y
Sr ini vas an , & Sons,
1351384 The Intelligent Enterprise in the Era of Big Data Ve nkat Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 1,399,000
Cam pus
Doi dge , Campu s Ver lag
1351264 Wie das Gehirn heilt Norm an. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,434,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badu ra, B usi nes s
1351192 Fehlzeiten-Report 2016 Be rnhard. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge ige s, B usi nes s
1351186 100 Jahre Dermatologische Klinik Zürich Mic hael L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gonzále z, B usi nes s
1351183 Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends Jos é Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,132,000
Pe rse us
Ul ysse s B ooks ,
1350989 Kinesiology Taping for Rehab and Injury Prevention Kim,Aliana. Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 364,000

1350757 Tumors inAdolescents and Young Adults E. Beghi S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,840,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350693 Heavy Metals and Health Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350691 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Es trada, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350679 New Developments inAstrocytes Research Le yl a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350678 Hydrocephalus Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Di Fabio, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350672 Neuroticism Annamari a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
O ccu rre nce s, Stru cture , Bios ynth esi s, and He al th Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B ene fits Based on The ir Evi den ce s of Me di ci nal Motohash i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350671 P hytoc hem i cals i n Vege tabl es and Fruits Noboru Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350670 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350669 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Hod de r H odde r
Atherton, Ed ucation E duc ati on
1350635 AQA PE Carl Group Gr oup 2016 Rp 1,572,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jason, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350600 SubstanceAbuse andAftercare Le on ard Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ughes , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350589 Acupuncture Cyn thi a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Marufu, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350587 Measles Tawand a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bu rke, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350585 Osteoporosis Ell i ott Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fi guer oa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350584 Ascites Ele anor Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Rodr igue z, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350583 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Kim ber ly Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350582 International Book of Erectile Dysfunction Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cope land, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1350579 Acute Pancreatitis Sh ane Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000

John Hun t
1350490 Become Your Own Doctor Paul Lloyd Ayni Books (N BN) 2016 Rp 615,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Inte grati ng B iol ogical ly-Insp ire d Nanotec hnology N ayak, B . n Sc ie nce
1350283 Into Me di cal Practi ce K. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,320,000
M& K
R ans on, M&K Up date
1350226 Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation Mar k Publ i shi ng L td . 2016 Rp 448,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Robi chaux, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1350223 Ethical Competence in Nursing Practice Cathe rine Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marx, B usi nes s
1350183 Nichtorganische Schlafstörungen Carol in Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000

Mi cali , CR C Pre ss
1350053 Dermatoscopy in Clinical Practice, Second Edition Giu sep pe CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 2,799,000
John Wil e y
Baba, Wi le y- & Sons,
1350032 Journal of Prosthodontics on Complex Restorations Nadi m Z. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Krohne , Sc ie nce &
He inz B usi nes s
1349046 Stress und Stressbewältigung bei Operationen Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hm inc ke B usi nes s
1349045 Ratgeber Polyneuropathie und Restless Legs , Chr isti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
R usoke - Sc ie nce &
Die ri ch, B usi nes s
1349044 Tauchmedizin Olaf Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e cht auf Kranke nbeh and lun g und R ec ht auf e in Wi lks ch, B usi nes s
1349043 m e nsch enw ürdi ge s E xi sten zm i nim um Flori an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n Mi crobi ology, Infec tious Di se as es and Done ll i , B usi nes s
1348869 P ubli c He al th Gianfranco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000

Cabanè s,
1348587 Les Cinq Sens Au gustin Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 28,000

Cabanè s,
1348573 Les Morts mystérieuses de l'Histoire Au gustin Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000

Cabanè s,
1348572 Les Morts mystérieuses de l'Histoire Au gustin Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000

1348552 Médecine et Médecins Littré, Emile Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 28,000

1348534 Récamier et ses contemporains (1774-1852) Triaire, Paul Ligaran Primento

N ati onal 2015 Rp 28,000
B ook
N etw ork
MacN ee , Inte rnati on
1348411 Fast Facts: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Wil l iam . Health Press al 2016 Rp 700,000

Khali l, Ac ad em ic
1348387 Vascular Pharmacology Raouf A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,602,000

Thom pson, Ac ad em ic
1348386 Echinococcus and Echinococcosis, Part A R. C. A . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,762,000

Mai, Ac ad em ic
1348384 Human Brain in Standard MNI Space Jü rgen K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
Anne tte
Im m el - B ookw i re
1348372 Beratung aktiv - Selbstmedikation Se hr Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,133,000
Montgom e Oxford O xford
ry, Erwi n Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1348282 Deep Brain Stimulation Programming B. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 6,716,000
O xford
Bu rge, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1348280 Oxford Handbook of Medical Dermatology Su san. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,871,000
Oxford O xford
Mu lti mod al ity Im aging Gui dance i n Inter venti onal N arou ze , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1348278 Pai n Managem e nt Sam er N . Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp21,000,000
O xford
O xford Textbook of Ad vanc ed He art Fail ure and Dom ans ki, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1348274 Cardi ac T ranspl an tation Mic hael J. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp26,250,000
Ne w Pe rse us
Chri s Hor izon B ooks ,
1347865 The Vaccination Debate Sp ine l li Pre ss L LC 2015 Rp 448,000

Gal eni i n H i ppocratis Ep id em iaru m li brum II Uw e

1347589 c omm e ntari orum IV-VI ve rsi o Arabic a et i ndi ce s Vagel pohl De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 6,272,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Qu aty, B usi nes s
1347559 Der Zahnarzt in der Werbung Ger d Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
R owland , Hu man
Thom as Kin etic s, H um an
1347531 Biologic Regulation of PhysicalActivity W. Inc. Kilse
E neti
vi cs
er 2017 Rp 7,476,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P har macol ogy and The rapeu ti cs for De ntis tr y - E - Dow d, Sc ie nce s
1347530 B ook Fran k J. Mosby Di vi si on 2016 Rp 8,736,000
Mc Gil l -
Q uee n's
Evans, Un iveersi ty
1347374 An Undisciplined Economist Robe rt G. MQUP P roth
B res s ers 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
R ay, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1347324 Tips and Tricks in Interventional Cardiology Sh uvanan. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,960,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Wong, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1347320 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Nathan D. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 2,380,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Brothe rs P rivate
1347318 Case Discussion onAnesthesiology Tulsi, Nag. Pvt. Ltd. L im ite d 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Ed inbur gh E din burgh
T he Edi nburgh Comp ani on to the Cri tic al Me di cal Whi te he ad Uni ver sity Pe
ive rsi
n ty
1347313 H um anitie s , Ann e Pre ss P andom
R res s 2016 Rp 7,560,000
H ouse
Mi che ll e Hathe rle ig (Pu bli she r
1347292 Reverse Inflammation Naturally Honda h P res s Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
N urs ing Practic e in Mul ti pl e Scl erosi s, Fourth H al pe r, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1347134 E diti on: A Core Curri cul um Ju ne Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cl ini cal H and book of N eonatal Pai n Managem e nt Marko, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1347131 for Nur ses Tara Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Longne au x
, Je an -
1347072 Petits essais philosophiques Mic hel Weyrich Primento 2015 Rp 364,000
Morgan &
Pi ttm an, Li fe B iota
1347012 Regulation of Tissue Oxygenation, Second Edition Rol an d N . Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 3,780,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
R ubach, P ubli shi ng
1346894 Principles of EarAcupuncture Axel Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 9,436,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pap al iod is , B usi nes s
1346790 Uveitis George N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Park, of of
Hyung Pi ttsbu rgh P itts burgh
1346777 OldAge, New Science Wook Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,399,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be nke rt, B usi nes s
1346762 Pocket Guide Psychopharmaka vonA bis Z Otto. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1346741 Management of Breast Diseases Jatoi, Ismail Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jakoby, B usi nes s
1346732 Zur Soziologie des Sterbens Ni na Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge lp i, B usi nes s
1346725 Biochemistry of Oxidative Stress Ri cardo J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rhoum a, B usi nes s
1346721 Brain and Spine Surgery in the Elderly Monce f Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schobe r, B usi nes s
1346717 Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice Mad rean Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le eu w, B usi nes s
1346715 Healthy Cities Evel yne de Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Inc .,
H eal th
We i, Fu- Sc ie nce s
1346666 Flaps and Reconstructive Surgery E-Book Ch an Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp26,459,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Chi ld hood D eve lopm e nt and B ehavi or, A n Issu e Johnson, Sc ie nce s
1346665 of P edi atr ic Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Ch et D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
E ndosc opic Ear an d E ustac hi an Tube Surge ry, A n H eal th
Iss ue of Otol aryngol ogic Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Tarabi chi , Sc ie nce s
1346664 E -B ook Muaaz Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Im aging of the Athl ete, An Is sue of R adiol ogic Z oga, Sc ie nce s
1346663 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Adam C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Donne l ly, Sc ie nce s
1346662 Fundamentals of Pediatric Imaging E-Book Lane F. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 4,115,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
B iotec hnol ogy And Med ic al Sci e nce - P roce edi ngs Z han g, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1346607 O f The 2016 Inte rnati onal Confe re nce Yong Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp10,304,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Jur idi fic ati on In B ioe th ic s: Governanc e Of H um an H o, W. Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1346603 Pl uri poten t Ce l l Re se arc h Cal vin Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 4,620,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
H andbook Of In te nsi ve Care O rganizati on And We bb, Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1346602 Manage me nt Andre w R. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 6,636,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1346600 Pharma-standard Supplements: Clinical Use Belcaro, G. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 2,744,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Wu , Worl d P ubli shi ng
1346588 Ophthalmic Disease MechanismsAnd Drug Discovery Fran ce s Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 4,284,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Mu lti dis ci pli nary Manage me nt Of Gas tr ointe stinal Sun, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1346587 Cance rs Wei ji ng. Sci enti fic Com pany 2017 Rp 5,376,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Pe rsp ec ti ves In M icr o- And Nanotech nology For Chan, Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1346574 B iom ed ic al Ap pli cations Ju li an a M. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 4,956,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
H eal ing In Urol ogy: Cl i nic al Gu id ebook T o He rbal Chughtai, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1346560 A nd Al ternative T her api e s Bil al Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 4,116,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Em me rl ing Worl d P ubli shi ng
1346559 European UnionAsA Global HealthActor, The , T hea Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Brooki ngs Pe rse us
H udak, Instituti on B ooks ,
1346088 The Medical Marijuana Mess John Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 84,000
Pe rse us
Katy Be nBe ll a B ooks ,
1346064 Simple Steps to Foot Pain Relief Bowm an Books L LC 2016 Rp 475,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345799 Psoriasis Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345798 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345794 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345792 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Montgom e Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345788 Gastric Bypass Surgery ry, Euge ne Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sim m ons, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345785 Asbestos Dean L. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me ndoza, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345784 Caseins Laure nce Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wr ight, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345712 Communication Skills Bri dge t L. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fi el ds, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345710 Resistance Training Zachary T. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sun, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345688 Research Trends in Behavior and Executive Function Miao-Kun Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Soto, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be njami n Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345687 L-arginine L. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Johnston, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345684 Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Sabri na Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
R aj agopal , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
D isord er s of Gastroi ntes ti nal Sys te m s and Cli ni cal Se nthi lku Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345681 Mani festations mar Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ol de n, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345679 Sports Nutrition Sh el le y L . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sei fer , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1345551 Anti-Müllerian Hormone David B. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Arj mand, Hu mana B usi nes s
1345018 Perinatal Tissue-Derived Stem Cells Babak Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
R oman, Sc ie nce &
Manage me nt of T hyroid Nod ul es an d Sanzi ana B usi nes s
1345017 D iff ere ntiated Thyr oid Canc er A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matus ie wi Spri nger B usi nes s
1345003 Neuvermessung der Gesundheitswirtschaft cz, D avi d. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Se rvi ce Bus ine ss Mode l Innovati on i n H ealthc ar e Pfannsti el , B usi nes s
1344999 and Hos pital Manage m ent Mar io A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Ober le itne Spr inge r
L abe l-fre e an d Mu lti-p aram etri c Monitori ng of r, Sc ie nce &
Ce ll -bas ed Assays wi th Substrate-e mbe dd ed Maxi mi l ia B usi nes s
1344991 Se nsors n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Cl oud Com pu ti ng Syste m s and A ppl ic ati ons i n Chi ntan, n Sc ie nce
1344310 H eal th care Bhatt R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,740,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Kes er vani , n Sc ie nce
1344305 Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Technology Raj K. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 6,020,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marci a, B usi nes s
1344247 Radiofrequency Treatments on the Spine Ste fano Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Factor, B usi nes s
1344239 EndovascularAortic Repair David Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Gi van, Corne l l
Re bec ca Un ive rsi ty
1343880 The Challenge to Change Kol i ns ILR Press P res s 2016 Rp 1,260,000

Di de rot,
1343838 Lettre sur les aveugles Den is gravitons Primento 2015 Rp 56,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gräss el , B usi nes s
1343831 Cartilage Su sanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n E le ctrode rm al Ac ti vi ty Proce ss ing Gre co, B usi nes s
1343729 w ith A ppl ic ati ons for Mental He alth Albe rto Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pham , B usi nes s
1343728 Liver, Lung and Heart Regeneration Phuc Van. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
França, B usi nes s
1343723 Stress and Skin Disorders Katl ei n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe laia, B usi nes s
1343722 Asthma: Targeted Biological Therapies Girol amo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1343719 The Blood Brain Barrier and Inflammation Lyck, Ruth Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
The Gu il ford
Lu by, Gui lford P ubli cation
1343715 Handbook of Preschool Mental Health, Second Edition Joan L. Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 3,080,000
The Gu il ford
Dougl as, Gui lford P ubli cation
1343714 Parenting Through the Storm Ann Pre ss s Inc. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Ind epe nde
Sche chte r, Add ic us P ubli she rs
1343639 Understanding Parkinson's Disease Ste ven Books Gr oup 2016 Rp 280,000

Dorothe a Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1343535 Die Schätze desAlters heben Be rgmann e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,079,000
H ospi zkultur und Pall iativkom pe tenz i n
s tationäre n E inri ch tu ngen entw ic kel n u nd Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1343531 nac hwe ise n Erich Rösch e r Verl ag E GmlsebH
vi er 2016 Rp 3,079,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 5, Issu e 3, An Is sue of H ospi tal Me di ci ne Che n, Sc ie nce s
1343342 Cl ini cs , E -Book Edd y J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cottre ll , Sc ie nce s
1343339 Cottrell and Patel’s Neuroanesthesia E-Book Jam es E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp18,479,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R are an d O rphan L ung Di se ases , An Issu e of Kotloff , Sc ie nce s
1343338 Cl ini cs i n Che st Me di ci ne, E-Book Robe rt M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Q uali ty Pati en t Care : Maki ng Evid enc e-B as ed, H eal th
H igh Val ue Choic es, An Issue of M edi cal Cli ni cs of Shalaby, Sc ie nce s
1343335 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Mar c Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Mol e cul ar Path ology: Pre di ctive , Prognosti c, an d H eal th
D iagnostic Marke rs in Tum ors, A n Iss ue of H or nic k, Sc ie nce s
1343334 Sur gic al Pathology Cl i nic s, E-Book Jason L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R e tur n to Pl ay Foll owi ng M uscu los kel etal In jury, Ow ens , Sc ie nce s
1343333 A n Issu e of Cli nic s i n Sp or ts Me di ci ne, E-Book Bre tt D . Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T he A PR N’ s Com ple te Gui de to Pre sc ribi ng D rug Wi rfs, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1343276 T herapy 2017 Mar i J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T ran sform ati on al L eade rshi p i n N urs ing, Se cond Marshal l, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1343275 E diti on Elai ne S. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Kozubek, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1343250 Modern Prometheus Ji m Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Erbgu th , B usi nes s
1343165 Angewandte Ethik in der Neuromedizin Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e sis tanc e to Targe ted The rapi es Agai nst Ad ul t Ti vnan, B usi nes s
1343156 B rai n Canc ers Am and a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gue st, B usi nes s
1343153 Biomarkers and Mental Illness Pau l C. Copernicus Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 700,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rogres s i n the Che m istry of Organi c N atu ral Kin ghorn, B usi nes s
1343073 P roduc ts 104 A. Dougl as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,372,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kin ghorn, B usi nes s
1343071 Phytocannabinoids A. Dougl as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,372,000
Spr inge r
And ers on, Sc ie nce &
Em ma- Palgrave B usi nes s
1343038 Dependent Agency in the Global Health Regime Loui se Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Gol dhi ll , H ouse
1342982 The Real Costs of American Health Care David Vintage L LC 2016 Rp 83,000
Oxford O xford
Grant, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1342757 Ultrasound Guided RegionalAnesthesia Stuart A. Pre ss P
ati sonal
USA 2016 Rp 9,240,000
B ook
N etw ork
P ull in gthe tri gger® OCD, A nxie ty, Pani c Att ac ks Shaw, Tri gge r Inte rnati on
1342746 and Re l ate d De pre ss ion Adam Pre ss al 2016 Rp 559,000
Me dic al
Wic kramas Inform ati o
H andbook of R e searc h on He al thcare inghe , n Sc ie nce
1342260 A dm ini strati on and Managem en t Ni lm i ni R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 9,660,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
A dvan cin g Me di cin e Through Nanotec hnol ogy Talukd ar, n Sc ie nce
1342256 and Nanom ec hanic s Ap pli cations Keka R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,460,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1342221 Handbook of Global Tuberculosis Control Lu, Yichen Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1342217 Ultrasound in Gynecology Sibel, Mala Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Pal anive lu , Sc ie nce &
Pravee n B usi nes s
1342216 Bariatric Surgical Practice Guide Raj Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Rose nbe rg, B usi nes s
1342201 Operative Dictations in Ophthalmology Eri c D . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Moni ka
Kie l- Ve rl ag B ookw i re
1342132 Wendepunkte Hi nri chse n Urach hau s Gm bH 2016 Rp 392,000
Colu mbi a Pe rse us
Choffn es, Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1341911 Nature's Pharmacopeia Dan Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 2,100,000

Colu mbi a Pe rse us

Tom asi , Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1341910 Medical Philosophy David Låg Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 1,288,000
Morse , Spr inge r
Jani ce M. , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
W ome n's He alth Care i n Advanc ed Practi ce Ale xan der , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1341842 N urs ing, Sec ond E di ti on Ivy M.),
(N urs Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
PhD Spr inge r
(A nth ro), Spri nger P ubli shi ng
A nal yzing and Conce ptual izing the The oreti cal FCA HS, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1341841 Fou ndati ons of Nu rsi ng FAA N. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Mothe r's Re m ed ie s: Ove r One T housand Tri ed and R itt er,
Te sted R em e die s From Mother s of the Uni ted Thom as B ookw i re
1341791 State s and Canad a Je ff ers on anboco Gm bH 2016 Rp 28,000

Le wi s, Ac ad em ic
1341514 Paleopathology of Children Mar y Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,038,000
Asi a-
Pac ifi c Kugl er Kugl e r
Glauc oma Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1341512 Asia Pacific Glaucoma Guidelines Soc ie ty s s 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Long, B usi nes s
1341483 Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering Sh engzhao Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me asure m ent and Analys is in Transform i ng Sax, H arr y B usi nes s
1341478 H eal th care De li very C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vagl io, B usi nes s
1341475 Systemic Fibroinflammatory Disorders Au gusto Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spi ess , Hu mana B usi nes s
1341472 Penile Cancer Phi li ppe E. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T reatm ent of N on-vitam in K Antagon ist Oral Uno, B usi nes s
1341471 A nti coagul ants Mas aaki Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schnapp , Hu mana B usi nes s
1341458 Acute Lung Injury and Repair Lynn M. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Si mp le Mathem atic al Mod el s of G ene R egu latory Macke y, B usi nes s
1341451 D ynam i cs Mic hael C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1341449 Giant IntracranialAneurysms Kocer, Naci. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Sibl e y, The Gu il ford
Pare nt-Te e n The rapy for Exec utive Fu nction Mar gare t Gui lford P ubli cation
1341304 D efic its an d ADH D H. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Me dizi nis c
h M& K
Tranvåg, M&K
Wi sse nsc h Up date
1341274 Stories of Dignity Within Healthcare Osc ar Publ
aftl icihe
shi ng L td . 2016 Rp 756,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
Sc hl üchte r m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1341273 Betriebswirtschaft und Management im Krankenhaus mann, Jörg Co. KG Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,256,000

John Wil e y
Aver y, Wi le y- & Sons,
1341255 How to Facilitate Lifestyle Change Am and a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,386,000
John Wil e y
R eynol ds, Wi le y- & Sons,
1341254 Basic Guide to Dental Radiography Tim Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,119,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1341253 Etiology-Based Dental and Craniofacial Diagnostics Kjær, Inger Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,640,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Monti, B usi nes s
1341170 Dopamine and Sleep Jai me M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Ase a, Sc ie nce &
Ale xzand e B usi nes s
1341168 Heat Shock Proteins and Plants r A. A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yong, R . B usi nes s
1341167 Pain Medicine Jason Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Gord on - Sc ie nce &
Fu ndame ntals of Di agnos ing an d T reating Eating Ell i ott, B usi nes s
1341154 D isord er s Janna Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Choudh ri, P ubli shi ng
1341085 Pediatric Neuroradiology Asi m F. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp13,300,000

R utgers R utger s
Lawr enc e, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1341031 Privacy and the Past Su san C. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,497,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e cen t A dvance s i n R obust Statisti cs: Th eory and Agostine l li B usi nes s
1340861 A ppl ic ati on s , Cl au di o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1340858 Kala Azar in SouthAsia Noiri, E. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Goss el ink, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1340849 Revalidatie bij chronisch obstructieve longziekten R. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ge rri ts e, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1340848 Over kleine dingen T. A. C. M. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Malhotra, B usi nes s
1340847 Child andAdolescent Psychiatry Savi ta Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kosaka, B usi nes s
1340845 Dementia with Lewy Bodies Kenji Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Hypothal am i c-Pi tui tar y-A dre nal Axi s i n Ge er, B usi nes s
1340832 H eal th and D ise ase Eli za B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bal on , B usi nes s
1340831 Practical Guide to Paraphilia and Paraphilic Disorders Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Gazhonov Sc ie nce &
a, B usi nes s
1340828 3DAutomated Breast Volume Sonography Ve ronika. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ei ch, B usi nes s
1340804 Top 50 Dermatology Case Studies for Primary Care Danya. Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2015 Rp 3,612,000
Inc .,
H yster ec tom y and the A lte rnati ves , An Issue of H eal th
O bstetri cs an d Gyne col ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Oc chi no, Sc ie nce s
1340793 A me ri ca, E -Book John A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Apovi an, H eal th
O besi ty, An Issu e of Endoc rin ol ogy and Carol ine Sc ie nce s
1340792 Me tabol i sm Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Infe ction Pre venti on and Con trol i n H eal th care, Inc .,
Part I: Faci li ty Planni ng and Managem en t, An H eal th
Iss ue of Infec ti ous Di sease Cl ini cs of N orth Kaye , Sc ie nce s
1340791 A me ri ca, E -Book Kei th S. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Tobe rt, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1340664 Cultural Perspectives on Mental Wellbeing Natal ie . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
Je ssi ca
Mi tc hel l , Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1340663 Daoist Reflections From Scholar Sage Damo Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
Je ssi ca
Chi ng, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1340662 The Fundamentals of Acupuncture Ni gel Dragon P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 2,660,000
Je ssi ca
A romathe rap y, Mass age and Re l axation in Canc er Mac ker eth, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1340656 Care Pete r A. Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Pe ngui n
Z itt er, R andom
Je ss ic a H ouse
1340576 Extreme Measures Nuti k. Avery L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
R osen , H ouse
1340573 Miracle Cure Wil l iam Viking L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Bund esve r
band Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1340414 Weißbuch Geriatrie Ger iatrie . e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Ken dall -
Tac kett, Taylor &
Kathl ee n Franc is
1340358 Depression in New Mothers, 3rd Edition A. Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000
Darli ngton The Gu il ford
, R i chard Gui lford P ubli cation
1340168 RegressionAnalysis and Linear Models B. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Em e ral d
Spe ci al Soc ial Group s, Soc ial Factors and Kronenfe ld Publ i shi ng E me rald
1340100 D isp ari tie s in He al th and He al th Care , Je nni e J. Li m ited P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 3,696,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Gre enbl att , H ouse
1339936 Finally Focused Jam es Harmony L LC 2017 Rp 1,428,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saud ubray B usi nes s
1339924 Inborn Metabolic Diseases , J. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mathis, B usi nes s
1339760 Chest Sonography Gebhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ath, B usi nes s
1339756 Topics in Biomedical Gerontology Pramod C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Bhat, Sc ie nce &
Tari q B usi nes s
1339754 Chromosome Structure andAberrations Ahm ad Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Supu ran , B usi nes s
1339735 Zinc Enzyme Inhibitors Cl audi u T . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D iagnostic and The rapeu ti c Nuc le ar Me di ci ne for Pacak, Hu mana B usi nes s
1339733 N eu roend ocri ne Tum ors Kare l Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vauthi er , B usi nes s
1339728 Polymer Nanoparticles for Nanomedicines Ch ris ti ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Şen tü rk, B usi nes s
1339725 Postoperative Care in Thoracic Surgery Mert Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Wats on, H ouse
1339644 DNA Jam es D. Knopf L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Bob Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1339601 De wondere wereld van dementie Ve rbraec k Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E rfas sung der Tei l habe be i Vorsc hulki nde rn mi t Waage , B usi nes s
1339597 Frü hförde rung Ju li a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1339574 Advanced Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound Milas, Mira Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rnste in, B usi nes s
1339572 Medical Problems During Pregnancy Carol yn Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We idn er, B usi nes s
1339570 NeurologicalAspects of Spinal Cord Injury Norbe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sanche z, B usi nes s
1339563 Surgical Patient Care Ju an A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Savitz, Uni ver sity O UP
1339536 Interpreting Epidemiologic Evidence David A. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,888,000
Oxford O xford
Johnston, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1339497 Neurobiology of Disease Mic hael V. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp20,999,000
Oxford O xford
Kutche r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1339493 Back in the Game Je ff rey S. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,369,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1339491 Oxford Textbook of ObstetricAnaesthesia Clark, Vicki Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp40,950,000
O xford
Schm i dt, OUP Un ive rsi ty
Die ter m itt ee Oxford P res s USA Rp 8,398,000
1339490 The End of Epilepsy? 2016
Acc ountin
g for
Soc nc e, Ac ad em ic
ioe cono
1339240 Translating Epigenetics to the Clinic Je ffcrey.
mi Status Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
Med ic are Nation al N ati onal
Paym e nt Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1339198 Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment Program s Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Nation al N ati onal
Marton, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1339191 Measuring Trauma Kris zti na Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,008,000
R odger s, Nation al N ati onal
Panel on Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1339190 Meeting the Dietary Needs of OlderAdults Brow
Re se arnch Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Methodol o
gie m itt ee
s and
on the cal Nation al
N ati onal
Inte grati ng H eal th Li te racy, Cul tu ral Com pe tenc e, Sc ie nc e of Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
Approac he Pre ss Rp 1,036,000
1339187 and Language Acc ess Se rvic es Alper,
s toangiJoe
Ch ng P res s 2016
Be havirstan
Unde oral
He alg th
din Nation al N ati onal
E ndi ng Di sc rim i nati on Agains t Pe op le w ith Mental Dri
Soc ve
ialr Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1339186 and Substance Us e Dis orde rs Norm
Fati gues Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 952,000
Fac tor s i n
Motor Nation al N ati onal
Com m erc ial Motor Vehi cl e Dri ver Fati gue , L ong- Carri e r Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1339184 Te rm H ealth, and Hi ghway Safe ty Safe ty an Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,344,000
Hum be rst Cambri dge Cam brid ge
one, Schol ars Sc holars
1338971 Ageing, PhysicalActivity, Recreation and Wellbeing Barbar a Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,771,000
Giam ber ar Spr inge r
din o, Sc ie nce &
Mar ia B usi nes s
1338866 Comorbidities in Headache Disorders Ade le Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Mößi nger, Sc ie nce &
Laura B usi nes s
1338550 Langzeitverlauf nach Fontanoperation Sop hie . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
P ubli shi ng
1338546 Handbook of Foot andAnkle Orthopedics Shah, Rajiv Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 6,664,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le one , B usi nes s
1338496 The Pathology of Cardiac Transplantation Orne ll a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Focos i, B usi nes s
1338494 Resistance to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Danie le Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H oh l, B usi nes s
1338493 Testosterone Ale xan dre Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Colom bo, Hu mana B usi nes s
1338491 GABAB Receptor Gianc arl o Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chi en, B usi nes s
1338487 Movement Disorders Rehabilitation Hsi n Fe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Se cki ne lgi B usi nes s
1338486 The Politics of GlobalAIDS n, Hakan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1338481 Evidence-Based Decision Making in Dentistry Rosen, Eyal Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Çakmak, B usi nes s
1338480 Basic Techniques for Extremity Reconstruction Mehm e t Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc housboe , B usi nes s
1338470 The Glutamate/GABA-Glutamine Cycle Arne . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ers h, B usi nes s
1338466 Fundamentals of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy Ri chard G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Soc kal i nga B usi nes s
1338463 Psychiatric Care in Severe Obesity m, Sanje ev Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le vin , B usi nes s
1338449 The Eye in Pediatric Systemic Disease Ale x V. SpringerMe di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paton , Palgrave B usi nes s
1338447 The Politics of Health Policy Reform in the UK Cal um R . Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Ni cogoss ia Sc ie nce &
n, Ar nau ld B usi nes s
1338442 Space Physiology and Medicine E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Curti n, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1338408 Strategies for Collaborating With Children Cl are ed ed 2017 Rp 1,679,000
H arr el son, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1338407 Administrative Topics inAthletic Training Gar y L. ed e dlse vi er
E 2017 Rp 2,239,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bai n, Sc ie nce s
1338382 Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology E-Book Barbar a J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 9,407,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mc Mi nn's Col or Atlas of He ad and Ne ck An atom y Logan, Sc ie nce s
1338381 E -B ook Bari M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp10,919,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Roc kwood, Sc ie nce s
1338376 Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder E-Book Ch arl e s A. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp22,679,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kram me , B usi nes s
1338326 Medizintechnik Rüd ige r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schne i der , B usi nes s
1338325 Die Geburtshilfe H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ie me yer , B usi nes s
1338324 Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie Ch arl otte Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Mi che l, Sc ie nce &
Mau ric e B usi nes s
1338320 Die Urologie Ste phan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,812,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ver sorgungs managem e nt i n de r P raxi s des Weather ly, B usi nes s
1338317 D eutsc hen Ge sund hei tswe se ns John N. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000

Schae r, CR C Pre ss
1338293 Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat, Third Edition Mic hael CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

CR C Pre ss
1338292 One World Health Crisp, Nigel CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Com putational Tool s and Tec hniqu es for Sin gh , n Sc ie nce
1338228 B iom ed ic al Si gnal P roce ssi ng Butt a R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 6,300,000
Inform ati o
E xam in ing the R ole of Envi ronm ental Ch ange on Bouzi d, n Sc ie nce
1338222 E me rgi ng Infec tious Di se as es and Pand em ic s Mah a R efe renc
Charle s e Charl
IGI Global
es 2017 Rp 5,600,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Spi lková, Karoli num Karol inum
1338010 Farmakognozie JiAm
ři naanda Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 532,000
Ch ane y, Spr inge r
MSN, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
ARN P, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1337982 Fast FactsAbout GI and Liver Diseases for Nurses FNP-BC. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
T hie m e
He ine m an Me di cal
n, Marku s P ubli shi ng
1337981 How Not to WriteA Medical Paper K. Thieme Inc
d tv . 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Ver lagsge s
Borasi o, dtv e ll sc haft
Gian Ve rl ags ges m bH &
1337877 Über das Sterben Dom eni co. e ll schaft Co. KG 2016 Rp 336,000
Cam pus
Wöhl ke , Campu s Ver lag
1337166 Geschenkte Organe? Sabi ne. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,956,000

H ete rocyc li c Che m is tr y in the 21st Ce ntury: A Scri ven , Ac ad em ic

1337068 T ribu te to Al an Katr itzky Eri c F. V. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,232,000
Al t,
Fred eri ck Ac ad em ic
1337065 Advances in Immunology W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,485,000

Taylor &
1336981 Phenomenology As Qualitative Research Paley, John Routledge Franc is Ltd 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Pe ll ock, De mos Com pany,
1336886 Pellock's Pediatric Epilepsy John M. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
E conom ic s and Fin anc ial Managem e nt for N urse s Pe nner , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1336885 and Nu rse Le ader s, Thi rd E di ti on Su san J. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Tec tum
P roble m e der Ei nwi l li gungsfähigke i t Lars Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1336825 Mi nde rjähri ge r i n ärztl i che Be handl unge n Lip pe rt aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 896,000
Inga Tec tum
Meye r- Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1336808 Bedürfnisbegegnung in der stationärenAltenpflege Kühli ng aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 756,000
Tec tum
Sandra Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1336806 Tanzen im Sitzen (Teil 1-2) Köh nle in aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 756,000
Tec tum
Tanzen im Si tze n – Tanzform e n e ins etze n und Sandra Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1336802 s el bst e ntwi cke ln Köh nle in aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 448,000
Tec tum
Sandra Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1336801 Tanzen im Sitzen – 46 Mustertänze Köh nle in aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 448,000

Li twack, Ac ad em ic
1336655 Anxiety Ger al d Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000
Ind epe nde
Otago nt
Signal , Uni ver sity P ubli she rs
1336556 Promoting Health inAotearoa NZ Loui se Pre ss Gr oup 2015 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Kaski, Sc ie nce &
Ju an B usi nes s
1336540 Essentials in StableAngina Pectoris Carl os Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte rventi onal T her api e s for Se cond ar y and Tsi oufis, B usi nes s
1336538 E sse ntial Hyp erte nsi on Cos tas Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
B ook
N etw ork
Vasw an i, Sci on Inte rnati on
1336534 Cardiology in a Heartbeat Am ar Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 1,323,000

Kathr in
1336484 Image Guidance Frie dri ch De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 784,000

1336481 Gicht RiekeAlten De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 2,744,000

Aufsätze zur ar abi sc hen Re zepti on de r Manfred

1336472 gri e chi sch en Med izin und Naturw is sen schaft Ull m ann De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 4,704,000
John Wil e y
Ko, Wi le y- & Sons,
1336388 Dermatopathology Ch ris ti ne J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
Gall , Joh n Wi le y- & Sons,
1336387 Current Practice in Forensic Medicine, Volume 2 A. M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
John Wil e y
Jain, Wi le y- & Sons,
1336382 Current Therapy in Endodontics Pri yanka Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 3,220,000

John Wil e y
Lu i, & Sons,
1336353 Crossover Designs Kung-Jon g Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,010,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kip pi ng, B usi nes s
1336344 Operation Hüfte Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Phu ng, B usi nes s
1336342 Pediatric Dermatopathology Thuy L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H obal lah, B usi nes s
1336341 Operative Dictations in General and Vascular Surgery Jam al J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e vie ws of Phys iol ogy, B ioc hem i stry and B usi nes s
1336340 P har macol ogy, Vol . 171 Nilius, B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he SAGES Manu al of Pe di atri c Min im all y Wals h, B usi nes s
1336339 Invasi ve Su rger y Danie ll e S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di ls izian, B usi nes s
1336330 Atlas of Cardiac Innervation Vaske n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De sai, B usi nes s
1336326 Primary Care for Emergency Physicians Bobby. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D iagnosi s and End oscopi c Manage m ent of Con igl iaro, B usi nes s
1336323 D ige stive Di se as es Ri ta Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E vid enc e-Base d He rbal and Nu tr ition al Camfi el d, B usi nes s
1336322 T reatm ents for Anxie ty i n Ps ychi atri c Dis orde rs David Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O per ati ve D ic tations i n Pl as tic and R e construc tive B usi nes s
1336320 Sur gery Tran, Tuan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carr, B usi nes s
1336318 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Bri an I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Oxford O xford
Cohen , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1336109 Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease Je ff rey A . Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 4,196,000
Brow n, Oxford O xford
Sam ue l Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1336108 Through the Valley of Shadows Morri s Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,321,000
O xford
Barke r, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1336106 Bioscience - Lost in Translation? Ri chard Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,298,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1336099 Men's Health Concerns Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1336098 Blood and Circulatory Disorders Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1336097 Sleep Disorders Sourcebook Keith Jones hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Di cke r, De mos Com pany,
1336037 Quality and Safety in Radiation Oncology Adam P. Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Uni ver sity O UP
1336031 Developing the Virtues Annas, Julia Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 2,797,000
The Gu il ford
Cornol di, Gui lford P ubli cation
1336025 Nonverbal Learning Disabilities Ce sare Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Cati c, Sc ie nce &
Ange la B usi nes s
1335994 Ethical Considerations and Challenges in Geriatrics Georgi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Cranioc ervi cal Junc ti on and Cervi cal Spi ne Bori ani, B usi nes s
1335985 Sur gery Ste fano. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sem b, Sc ie nce &
H andbook of Cardi ovas cul ar Di se as e Man age m ent Anne B usi nes s
1335982 i n R he um atoi d Arthri tis Gre te . Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Confid enti
Ces an a, De Vec chi Conc epts,
1335782 Diccionario de caloría s Cl ara. Ed ic ione s NIncati. onal 2016 Rp 185,000
B ook
N etw ork
Oe lofse n, Lanter n Inte rnati on
1335254 Finding My Professional Heart Natius Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 315,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tashji an , B usi nes s
1334863 The Unstable Elbow Robe rt Z . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aguh , B usi nes s
1334855 Fundamentals of Ethnic Hair Cr ystal . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al ió, Jorge B usi nes s
1334850 Keratoconus L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pham , B usi
Schl üter sc Sc nesters
hlue s c
1334848 Neurological Regeneration Phuc Van he Springer Me di a B. V.
he 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
m bH & m bH &
1334796 Praktisches Wundmanagement Mader,Ana Co. KG Co. KG 2016 Rp 605,000
Pagan o, Spr inge r
Mic hael P. , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Dr., PhD , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1334772 Health Communication for Health Care Professionals PA -C. Comp an y E Inclse. vi er 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D iagnostic Parasi tol ogy for Ve te ri nar y Tec hni ci ans H end rix, Sc ie nce s
1334731 - E-Book Ch arl e s M. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 6,128,000
Inc .,
Sanfor d, H eal th
Ch ris top he Sc ie nce s
1334730 The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual E-Book r Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 6,047,000
Worl d
Sci enti fic Charl es C
Cox, Charle
Publ sC
i shi ng T homas
1334668 Spirituality As a Working Model in Brief Psychotherapy Ri chard H. Eu
Thomropeas P ubli she r 2016 Rp 923,000
Ltd / W orld
Ghal y, Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Isl ami c Per spe ctive s On T he Pri nci pl es Of Moham m e Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1334611 B iom ed ic al E th ics d Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 5,796,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
E conom ic s O f Tobacc o Control In Chin a: From Worl d P ubli shi ng
1334602 P oli cy R e searc h T o Practi ce Hu, Teh-wei. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 4,956,000
Spr inge r
Shukl a, Sc ie nce &
E MR/ESR /EPR Spe ctrosc opy for Characte rization Ashutosh B usi nes s
1334586 of N anomater ials Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kasaki, B usi nes s
1334584 Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics B Mas as hi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he MassGe ner al H ospi tal for Chi l dre n Gol dste in, B usi nes s
1334583 A dole sc ent M edi ci ne Hand book Mar k A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Malhi , Gi n B usi nes s
1334576 The Science and Practice of Lithium Therapy S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ac te ri ophage A ppl ic ati ons - Hi storic al N icastro, B usi nes s
1334574 Pe rsp ec ti ve and Fu tu re Potenti al Je ss ic a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Ol es on, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris ti na B usi nes s
1334571 Osteoporosis Rehabilitation V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We lc h, B usi nes s
1334557 Family Resilience and Chronic Illness Ginge r L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000

1334531 Health Divides Bambra, C. Policy Press Policy Press 2016 Rp 2,520,000
He chtm an ,
Lil y Oxford O xford
Troke nber Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1334166 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder g Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,036,000
Oxford O xford
Caplan, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1334164 The Ethics of Sport Arthur L. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 3,742,000
Oxford O xford
Am in off, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1334160 Sir Charles Bell Mic hael J. Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 5,879,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Gre en e, of Chi cago of Chi cago
1334117 Therapeutic Revolutions Je re my A. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of Chi cago of Chi cago
1334096 The Distressed Body Leder, Drew Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Mukharj i, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Proji t of Chi cago of Chi cago
1334035 Doctoring Traditions Bih ari Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,780,000
Maeh le , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Andre as- of Chi cago of Chi cago
1334026 Contesting Medical Confidentiality Hol ger Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,260,000

R ei nhard B ookw i re
1333993 Selbstinspektion inApotheken Die dri ch Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,007,000

We rner B ookw i re
1333988 Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen mit der Nahrung Wei tschi es Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,554,000

Katri n B ookw i re
1333987 Schulungen erfolgreich gestalten Sc hül er Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,343,000

Chri stian B ookw i re

1333986 Notfallkontrazeption Ude Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 588,000

Sebasti an B ookw i re
1333985 Geriatrische Pharmazie Baum Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,343,000
N icol e
Lic htmane B ookw i re
1333979 Arzneimittelempfehlungen in der Schwangerschaft ker Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,133,000

Patric ia B ookw i re
1333976 Apotheke und Datenschutz Kühne l Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 923,000

Fri ed eri ke B ookw i re

1333975 Hygiene in derApotheke Sc hül le r Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,133,000

Pe te r B ookw i re
1333972 Laborwerte im Beratungsgespräch Find ei se n Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,217,000

Dorothe e B ookw i re
1333971 Medikationsmanagement Darts ch Govi-Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,638,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve rsc hake l B usi nes s
1333915 Computed Tomography of the Lung en, J. A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Bosse rhoff , Sc ie nce &
Anja- B usi nes s
1333913 Melanoma Development Katri n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Itoh , B usi nes s
1333896 TesticularAutoimmunity Mas ah iro Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Garry, B usi nes s
1333874 Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation Danie l J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Carayanno Sc ie nce &
Com pre he nsive Pai n Managem e nt i n the poul os, B usi nes s
1333866 R e habi li tati on Patie nt Ale xios Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Morgan Morgan
H ei tl e r, Jam e s Jam es
1333813 Prescriptions Without Pills Su san M. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 364,000

Ge rald Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1333591 Modernes Personalmanagement im Krankenhaus Sc hm ola e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,319,000
H enri ke
Sapp ok- Mabuse - B ookw i re
1333587 HenrietteArendt Laue Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,512,000

Ul rike Mabuse - B ookw i re

1333586 Diakonieschwestern Gai da Ve rl ag Gm bHrsi ty
Un ive 2016 Rp 755,000
of N ew
Gri ffiths, R osenbe rg Wal es
1333574 What Makes a Good Doctor? Max Publ i shi ng P res s 2016 Rp 280,000
Worl d W orld
Cu nni ngha Bank B ank
m, We ndy Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1333552 Minds and Behaviors at Work V. s s 2016 Rp 840,000

Le May,
1333531 Global Pandemic Threats:A Reference Handbook Mic hael C. ABC-CLIO ABC-CLIO 2016 Rp 1,680,000
R utgers R utger s
Ce reb ral H er niation Syn drom es and Intracr ani al Koen ig, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1333527 H ype rtens ion Matt hew Pre ss P lse
E resvis er 2016 Rp 8,396,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Faci al Re cons tru ction Contr overs ie s, A n Iss ue of Sc ie nce s
1332201 Faci al Plasti c Sur gery Cl i nic s, E-Book Wax, Mark Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
Gwathme y H eal th
H ip Arthrosc opy, A n Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Sp orts , F. Sc ie nce s
1332200 Me di ci ne , E -B ook Win ston Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
E xtranodal Lym phom a From H ead to Toe , An H eal th
Iss ue of R ad iol ogic Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E - Murp hey, Sc ie nce s
1332183 B ook Mar k D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P ET-Base d Mole cul ar Im agi ng i n E volvi ng H eal th
Pe rsonal ize d Managem e nt De si gn, An Issu e of Basu , Sc ie
Pe ncens
1332182 P ET Cl i nic s, E-Book Sand ip Elsevier Diandom
R vi si on 2016 Rp 8,315,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1332035 Fascial Release for Structural Balance, Revised Edition Earls, James Books Seati
N rvic es )
onal 2017 Rp 979,000
B ook
N etw ork
Be nbow, Lanter n Inte rnati on
1331959 A Handbook for Student Nurses, 2016–17 Edition Wend y Publ i shi ng N
al ati onal 2016 Rp 794,000
B ook
N etw ork
Stann ett, Sci on Inte rnati on
1331958 CSA Revision Notes for the MRCGP, Third Edition Je nni fer. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 1,470,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Journ al of B iom im e tics , Biom ate ri als an d Author Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1331684 B iom ed ic al E ngine e ring unknow n s s , L td 2016 Rp 3,780,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
And ers on, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1331604 Best Practices in Midwifery, Second Edition Barbar a A . Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Ch am be rla De mos Com pany,
1331603 Pocket Guide to Radiation Oncology in, Dani el Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
H ow ar d, De mos Com pany,
1331601 Neurology Image-Based Clinical Review Jonathan Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mi ll er , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1331600 ElderAbuse and Nursing Carol A. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Kope ra- Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Frye, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1331599 Health Literacy Among OlderAdults Kare n Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
n Sc ie nce
1331584 Pattern and Data Analysis in Healthcare Settings Tiwari, Vivek R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 6,020,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O per ati ve Atlas of Laparosc op ic and Robotic Patel , B usi nes s
1331534 R e construc tive Urol ogy Vi pul R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lakhani , B usi nes s
1331530 Molecular Pathology in Cancer Research Su nil R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gol dste in, B usi nes s
1331529 Assessing Impairment Sam . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Youne s, B usi nes s
1331521 Handbook of Lymphoma Anas Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stati stic al An al ysi s w ith Measu rem e nt Error or B usi nes s
1331520 Mi sc lassi fic ati on Yi, Grace Y. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P hysi ol ogi cal A sse ssm e nt of Coronary Stenos es Es caned , B usi nes s
1331512 and the Mic roci rcu lation Javi er Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm irnova, B usi nes s
1331507 Environmental Radiation Effects on Mammals Olga A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhu shan, B usi nes s
1331504 Biophysics of Skin and Its Treatments Bharat. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe lkone n, B usi nes s
1331488 Toxicology of Herbal Products R. O. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Godbol e, B usi nes s
1331487 Consent in Pediatric Urology Prasad Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stati stic al An al ysi s of P roteom ic s, Metabolom i cs, Datta, B usi nes s
1331481 and Li pid omi cs Data Usi ng Mass Spe ctrom etry Su sm ita Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sabia, B usi nes s
1331480 Urogenital Pain Mic hael L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Strate gi es to Enhanc e th e T her ap euti c R atio of Ans che r, B usi nes s
1331469 R adiation As a Canc er Tre atm e nt M. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Are f, Hu mana B usi nes s
1331459 Ex Vivo Engineering of the Tumor Microenvironment Aami r R . Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
She wfel t, B usi nes s
1331458 In Defense of Processed Food Robe rt L. Copernicus Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu roprotec tive The rapy for Stroke and Ische m ic Lapc hak, B usi nes s
1331454 D ise ase Pau l A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dube y, B usi nes s
1331453 JuvenileAngiofibroma Si ba P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dorobanţu B usi nes s
1331450 Current Approach to Heart Failure , Mari a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sel l era, Sc ie nce &
P hotod ynam i c The rap y i n Veter inary Medi ci ne : Fábi o B usi nes s
1331441 From Basic s to Cl in ic al Pr ac ti ce Par ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kre me rs, B usi nes s
1331440 Human Color Vision Jan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lagerc ran B usi nes s
1331437 Infant Brain Development tz, Hugo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aru r, B usi nes s
1331436 Signaling-Mediated Control of Cell Division Sw athi Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Martín- Spr inge r
Fernánd ez, Sc ie nce &
Jos ep B usi nes s
1331434 Compositional Data Analysis Antoni Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ai doo, B usi nes s
1331423 Acid Mine Drainage in SouthAfrica Su vani aSpringer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mid dle ton, Palgrave B usi nes s
1331419 Mental Health Uncertainty and Inevitability Hugh. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agrawal , B usi nes s
1331413 Pediatric Vascular Neurosurgery Abhi shek Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mall , B usi nes s
1331391 Frühe Hilfen in der Pädiatrie Vol ke r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rgua, B usi nes s
1331389 Das menschlicheAuge in Zahlen Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi em e yer, B usi nes s
1331382 Serious Games für die Gesundheit Jos ef Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gnadt, B usi nes s
1331377 Steigern des Niveaus in der Verbzweitstellungstherapie Mar iana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thi el sch er, Spri nger B usi nes s
1331352 Medizinökonomie 2 Ch ris ti an Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kuntsc he, Spri nger B usi nes s
1331349 Qualitäts- und Risikomanagement im Gesundheitswesen Pete r. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H erol d, B usi nes s
1331340 Coloproctology Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Targe t Dete cti on and T racki ng by B ionanose nsor Okai e, B usi nes s
1331336 N etw orks Yutaka Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gao, B usi nes s
1331333 Polymeric Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration Ch angyou Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1331332 Lymphatic Filariasis Goel, T. C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inform al Paym e nts and Re gul ati ons i n Chi na's Yang, Palgrave B usi nes s
1331329 H eal th care System Ji ngqi ng. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Coc hle ar Im plantati on i n Chi ld re n w ith Inne r E ar Kaga, B usi nes s
1331325 Mal for mation an d Coch le ar Ne rve De fic ie ncy Kim itaka. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Tsay, Sc ie nce &
Me di ci nal Plants - Re ce nt Advance s in Re se ar ch Hsi n- B usi nes s
1331324 and De vel opm ent Sh eng Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Houtkoop B usi nes s
1331323 Sirtuins er, R ie kel t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1331322 Correct tapen en bandageren Eder, Klaus. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Boe r, Be rt- Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1331321 Functioneel urologische en seksuele klachten bij de man Jan de . Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Be rde n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1331319 Capaciteitsplanning in de zorg Bart. Loghu m Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ken ney, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1331318 Inspannings- en sportfysiologie W. Larry Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 7,224,000
Spr inge r
Al thoff, Sc ie nce &
Mar ie - B usi nes s
1331304 Macht und Ohnmacht mentalisieren Lui se Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Dege nkol b Sc ie nce &
-We ye rs, B usi nes s
1331271 Resilienz in therapeutischen Gesundheitsfachberufen Sabi ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , Wan B usi nes s
1331247 Challenges in Cataract Surgery Soo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li eh n, B usi nes s
1331233 OP-Pflege Prüfungswissen Mar gret. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li eh n, B usi nes s
1331232 OP-Handbuch Mar gret. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1331231 Schizophrenien Hell, Daniel Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge ar y, B usi nes s
1331217 Pediatric Kidney Disease Den is F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fu, B usi nes s
1307301 Advanced Trauma and Surgery Xi aobi ng. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mandal, B usi nes s
1307272 Entrepreneurship in Technology forASEAN Purne ndu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chayam a, B usi nes s
1307199 Hepatitis C Virus Treatment Kazuaki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di etri ch, B usi nes s
1304752 Segmentation in Social Marketing Tim o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kubacki , B usi nes s
1304750 Formative Research in Social Marketing Krzys ztof Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cui , B usi nes s
1302280 Gastric Cancer Prewarning and Early Diagnosis System Daxi ang. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Ass on- Sc ie nce &
Batr es, B usi nes s
1302279 The Biochemistry of Retinoid Signaling II Mar y Ann Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Morgan &
Cip oll a, Li fe B iota
1302271 The Cerebral Circulation Mar il yn J. Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,940,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
El torai , B usi nes s
1302259 Rare Diseases and Syndromes of the Spinal Cord Ibr ahi m M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che n, B usi nes s
1302247 Success inAcademic Surgery He rber t Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi ffm an , B usi nes s
1302245 Pediatric Umbilical Reconstruction Mel vin A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Fahm y, Sc ie nce &
Moham e d B usi nes s
1302242 CongenitalAnomalies of the Penis A. Baky Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
El torai , Sc ie nce &
Adam E. B usi nes s
1302196 Orthopedic Surgery Rotation M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Imm une R es ponse to Im pl an te d Mate rial s and Cor rad ett i, B usi nes s
1302193 D evi ce s Bruna Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Janetzki , B usi nes s
1302191 Elispot for Rookies (and Experts Too) Syl vi a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mota, B usi nes s
1302188 Malaria Mar ia M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1302186 Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood Barr, Rachel Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H eal th care Inte rope rabil ity Standards Com pli ance Oe m ig, B usi nes s
1302178 H andbook Fran k. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mayad ev, B usi nes s
1302176 Handbook of Image-Guided Brachytherapy Jyoti Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ol se n, B usi nes s
1302170 Ageing: Lessons From C. Elegans Ande rs Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dabbagh, B usi nes s
1302169 Congenital Heart Disease in Pediatric andAdult Patients Ali Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N em atology i n South A fr ic a: A Vi ew From the 21st Fouri e, B usi nes s
1302162 Ce ntury He nka Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bake r, B usi nes s
1301184 Toxic Trauma David J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N or man, B usi nes s
1301177 The Last Natural Man Robe rt A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cardi ovas cul ar Safe ty i n Dr ug De vel opm e nt an d Turne r, J. B usi nes s
1301172 T herape uti c U se Ri ck Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rc utane ous Tre atm e nt of Car diovasc ular Pre sbi tero, B usi nes s
1301168 D ise ase s i n W ome n Patri zia. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Sc ie nce &
Cr ane nbur Bohn B usi nes s
gh, Ben Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1301164 Neuropsychologie van Loghu m V.
SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bu rgt, Bohn B usi nes s
Mar ie ke Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1301163 Patiëntenvoorlichting door verpleegkundigen van de r Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Cr ane nbur Bohn B usi nes s
gh, Ben Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1301162 Neurowetenschappen van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gros set, B usi nes s
1301127 Handbook of Tuberculosis Jac ques H . Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
H and og, Sc ie nce &
Evangel ine B usi nes s
1301096 Melasma and Vitiligo in Brown Skin B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iotec hnol ogical Strate gie s for the Conse rvati on of Shahzad, B usi nes s
1299313 Me di ci nal and Or nam e ntal Cl im ber s Anwar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000

B rush
Bru sh E duc ati on
1296677 The Canadian Clinician's Rheumatology Handbook Albert, Lori Ed ucation (e BOUN D) 2015 Rp 1,960,000
B rush
Lake , Bru sh E duc ati on
1296675 Teamwork, Leadership and Communication Debor ah Ed ucation (e BOUN D) 2015 Rp 1,120,000
B rush
Sanzo, Bru sh E duc ati on
1296671 Length Tension Testing Book 2, Upper Quadrant Paol o Ed ucation (e BOUN D) 2015 Rp 1,400,000
B rush
Sanzo, Bru sh E duc ati on
1296670 Length Tension Testing Book 1, Lower Quadrant Paol o Ed ucation (e BOUN D) 2015 Rp 1,400,000

B rush
Patte n, Bru sh E duc ati on
1296665 Epidemiology for Canadian Students Sc ott B. Ed ucation (e BOUN D) 2015 Rp 1,680,000
B rush
Pe rlau, Bru sh E duc ati on
1296659 Shortcut to Orthopaedics Robe rt J. R. Ed ucation (e BOUN D) 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Caiste r Cais te r
Wang, Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1296615 Influenza Qin ghua Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 8,932,000
O xford
Frank, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1296506 Disease Prevention John A. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 5,248,000

Oxford O xford
R uski n, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1296504 Quality and Safety inAnesthesia and Perioperative Care Kei th Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,439,000
O xford
Langdon, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1296496 Learning Microbiology Through Clinical Consultation Be reni ce C. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,298,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Te chni cal Asp ects of Toxi cologi cal Aziz, Syed B usi nes s
1296462 Im m unohi stoche mi stry A. Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R osen , Sc ie nce s
1296454 Atlas of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction E-Book Mic hael J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp18,899,000
Inc .,
Wate rstra H eal th
m-R ic h, Sc ie nce s
1296453 Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT - E-Book Kris te n M. Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp11,844,000
Inc .,
Tami m i, H eal th
Dania Sc ie nce s
1296446 Specialty Imaging: Temporomandibular Joint E-Book Fai sal Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp22,679,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol inaro, B usi nes s
1296435 Clinical Core Laboratory Testing Ross Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Be ndi x Sc ie nce &
Pete rse n, Palgrave B usi nes s
1296158 Interrupting the Psy-Disciplines in Education Eva. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Vial le , T hie m e
Lui z Me di cal
A OSpin e M as te rs Seri es , Vol um e 7: Spi nal Cor d Robe rto P ubli shi ng
1295885 Inj ury and Re ge neration Gome s. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp11,648,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Kamal , P ubli shi ng
1295884 Comprehensive Board Review in Orthopaedic Surgery Robi n N . Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 8,876,000
Auge r,
1295795 Le grand livre de l'arthrose Jé rôm e Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 612,000

Jul ie n,
1295764 Le massage Nathal ie Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 251,000

Ve rboi s,
1295762 Le langage du corps Syl vi e Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 251,000

Me yer,
1295759 Le grand livre de la posturologie Ni col as Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 612,000
Teys si er
d' Or
1295755 La méthode coué fe ui l, Lu c Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 251,000
Op rea,
Ale xan dra Ac ad em ic
1295547 Nanotechnology Applications in Food Ele na Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,880,000
John Wil e y
H ol l oway, Wi le y- & Sons,
1295509 Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare Im m y Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,344,000

1295456 The Right Therapy for Neurological Disorders Beghi, E. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 5,208,000
Woodw ort
1295455 Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis A. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,756,000
John Wil e y
Matthe ws , Wi le y- & Sons,
1295436 Diseases of The Goat John G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,960,000
O' C John Wil e y
al laghan, Wi le y- & Sons,
1295435 The Renal System at a Glance C. A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,259,000
John Wil e y
R obertson, & Sons,
1295367 Interpreting Evidence Be rnar d Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,920,000

Sc hwe itz er Ver lag

1295284 Briefe aus Lambarene , Al ber t. C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2016 Rp 750,000
B ril l
Ac adem i c
1295113 Naturopathy in South India Jansen, Eva Brill P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 3,276,000
Worl d W orld
Bank B ank
Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1295066 Sin Tax Reform in the Philippines Kaiser, Kai s s 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
H arr ast, De mos Com pany,
1295054 Sports Medicine, Second Edition Mar k A. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000

Ge su ndhe its- u nd B er ufspol itik für Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1294964 P hysi othe rape uten und we ite re Ges undhe i ts beru fe Josef Galert e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,619,000

Mabuse - B ookw
Pe ngui inre
1294962 Kinderträume verstehen Hans Hopf Ve rl ag Gm
R bH
andom 2016 Rp 630,000
H ouse
T he Par ents' Conci se Gui de to Chi ld hood Laure n Hathe rle ig (Pu bli she r
1294649 Vac ci nati ons, Sec ond Edi ti on Fed er h
alP res s Se rvic essse
Q uinte ) n 2017 Rp 280,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Al -Faraje , Publ i shi ng Com pany
1293712 Oral Implantology Review Loui e Group Inc . 2016 Rp 2,716,000
Me dic al
She khar , Inform ati o
E xp lori ng the N utriti on and He al th Be ne fits of Hoss ai n n Sc ie nce
1293697 Fu nctional Foods Uddi n R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,600,000
John Wil e y
De hm er, & Sons,
1293663 Computational Network Analysis with R Matt hias Wiley-VCH Inc . 2016 Rp 5,740,000
John Wil e y
Cabani ss, & Sons,
1293662 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Debor ah L. Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 2,547,000
John Wil e y
Gw innu tt, Wi le y- & Sons,
1293661 ClinicalAnaesthesia Carl L . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,386,000
d-Larse n, CR C Pre ss
1293653 Textbook of Drug Design and Discovery, Fifth Edition Povl CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,715,000
McDe rm o
tt, Patri ck CR C Pre ss
1293646 Tutorials in Radiotherapy Physics N. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 8,399,000

Fe ldm an, CR C Pre ss

1293644 Phototherapy Treatment Protocols, Third Edition Ste ven R. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000

Good De si gn Pr ac ti ce s for GMP Pharm ac eu ti cal Jacobs, CR C Pre ss

1293640 Faci l itie s, Sec ond Edi ti on Te rry CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 5,039,000

Barge r, CR C Pre ss
1293630 SmallAnimal Cytologic Diagnosis Anne M. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 2,799,000

Sc hwe itz er Ver lag

1293570 Aus meiner Kindheit und Jugendzeit , Al ber t C.H.Beck C.lse
E H.viBe erck 2015 Rp 682,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kappy, Sc ie nce s
1293512 Advances in Pediatrics 2016, E-Book Mic hael S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp15,539,000
Inc .,
U pdate on Spi ne Im agin g, An Issue of M agne tic H eal th
R e sonance Im agi ng Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Muto, Sc ie nce s
1293511 B ook Mar io Elsevier Diati
N vi si on
onal 2016 Rp 8,315,000
B ook
Ord óñez N etw ork
Me di cal Di scou rse in Profe ssi onal, Acade m ic and Lópe z, Mul til ingu Inte rnati on
1293362 P opul ar Sett ings Pil ar al Matt ers al 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
X ing-H ua B usi nes s
1293164 Practical Immunodermatology Gao Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
WALL E, Spri nger B usi nes s
1293099 DerAnti-Stress-Trainer für Mediziner HAR DY. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 420,000
Gooneti ll e Spr inge r
ke, Sc ie nce &
Ravi ndra B usi nes s
1292895 Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp10,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n H um an Factors and Ergon om i cs in Vinc ent G. B usi nes s
1292893 H eal th care Duff y Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Vis oc chi , Sc ie nce &
Mas si mi li a B usi nes s
1292889 Trends in Reconstructive Neurosurgery no Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N orm ati ve and Pragm ati c Dim e nsi ons of Gene tic Fanni ng, B usi nes s
1292874 Couns el in g Jos eph B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1292865 Respiratory Treatment and Prevention w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Di Sc ie nce &
T opic s on Me thod ologi cal an d App li ed Stati stic al Batti sta, B usi nes s
1292862 Infe renc e Toni o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1292857 Immunotherapy for Gastrointestinal Cancer Kerr, David Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
R au ch, P ubli shi ng
1292657 Health Through Inner Body Cleansing Eri ch Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 2,212,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
A me ri can Ac ad em y of Pe di atri cs Te xtbook of Mc Ine rny, of of
1292523 Pe di atri c Care Thom as K. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2017 Rp 5,039,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Kamat, of of
1292522 Challenging Cases in Pediatric Diagnosis Dee pak Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bu rke, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292519 Coronary Artery Disease Cou rtney Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ch ris te nse Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292513 Myostatin n, Dolore s Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292510 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ingle , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292503 Pathological Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Sac hin B. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Guti érr ez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292502 Digital Tomosynthesis Luc ía M. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sid orov, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292501 Mental Epidemics P. I. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ham mond Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292500 Forensic Medicine , E di th J. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Yam anaka, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292499 Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) Ryuya Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
E ffe ctive H eal th Comm un ic ati on for Sus tai nabl e Mali khao, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292497 D eve lopm e nt Patc hane e Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Od done , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292493 Occupational Exposure and Health Risks Enri co Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cid on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1292490 The Easy Book of Cancer Pharmacology Esthe r Un a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1292419 Cognitive Screening Instruments AJ Larner Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al -Sal em , B usi nes s
1292415 An Illustrated Guide to Pediatric Urology Ahm ed H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H os se ini , B usi nes s
1292414 Fundamentals of MALDI-ToF-MS Analysis Sam ir a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E xam in ati on Que sti ons and Answ ers i n Basi c Caon , B usi nes s
1292413 A natom y and Physi ology Mar ti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
H or ch, Sc ie nce &
Raym und B usi nes s
1292409 Deep Sternal Wound Infections E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ikl as , B usi nes s
1292401 Frühe Förderung innerhalb der Familie Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D igi tal e Transform ati on von Di ens tl ei stunge n i m Pfannsti el , Spri nger B usi nes s
1292395 Ge su ndhe itsw es en I Mar io A. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z im m ern , B usi nes s
1292391 Native Tissue Repair for Incontinence and Prolapse Phi li ppe Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
H ac kney, Sc ie nce &
Anthony B usi nes s
1292383 Sex Hormones, Exercise and Women C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z hong, B usi nes s
1292381 Wisdom Web of Things Ni ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vass il ie v, B usi nes s
1292379 Monte Carlo Methods for Radiation Transport Ole g N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1292370 Molecular Pathology of Breast Cancer Badve, Sunil Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Be rnhardi , Sc ie nce &
Rom m y B usi nes s
1292367 Glial Cells in Health and Disease of the CNS von Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
B ook
N etw ork
Kalaskar, Inte rnati on
1292340 Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Dee pak UCL Press al 2016 Rp 216,000
App le
Bhu kya, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1292283 Microbial Biotechnology Bhi ma Pre ss L LC 2015 Rp 4,759,000
Fl anagan, SLACK SLA CK
Me di cal Ter mi nology Wi th Cas e Stud ie s i n Sp orts Kati e Incorp orat Inc orporat
1292275 Me di ci ne , Se cond Edi tion Wal sh ed ed 2017 Rp 2,743,000
Davi s, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1292274 Integrative Therapies in Rehabilitation Carol M. ed ed 2017 Rp 2,043,000
Morgan Morgan
Wethe rbee , Jam e s Jam es
1290726 Controlling Risk in a Dangerous World Ji m Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 364,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ke, B usi nes s
1290695 Laparoscopic Colorectal Cancer Surgery Maki o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1290686 Pulmonary Infection and Inflammation w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1290683 Clinical Cardiogenetics Baars, H. F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Teasd al e , B usi nes s
1290681 Preventing Crime and Violence Bre nt Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D esi gn and Appl i cati ons of Nanopartic le s in B usi nes s
1290676 B iom ed ic al Im aging J W M Bulte Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Backs , B usi nes s
1290675 Epigenetics in Cardiac Disease Johanne s. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ll er , B usi nes s
1290674 Handbook of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Aaron E. Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kie fer , B usi nes s
1290673 Chest Drains in Daily Clinical Practice Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1290654 Psychoneuroimmunology Yan, Qing Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Food Hygi e ne and App li ed Food M ic robiol ogy i n Z ac che o, B usi nes s
1290651 an An thr opologi cal Cross Cultur al Pe rspe cti ve Ale ardo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Q uali ty of Li fe and Mortali ty in Seve ntee nth Jordan, B usi nes s
1290636 Ce ntury L ondon and Dubl i n Thom as E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Ri chards o Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Acqui re d Cardi ovascul ar Di se ase Imagi ng n, Randy B usi nes s
1290632 i n Chi ld re n Ray Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi she r, B usi nes s
1290627 Introduction to Surgery for Students Re bec ca A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sol ov&apo Sc ie nce &
s;yov, B usi nes s
1290626 Nanoscale Insights Into Ion-Beam Cancer Therapy Andre y V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Eve ri tt, B usi nes s
1290624 Health and Lifestyle Bri an Copernicus Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al shryd a, B usi nes s
1290622 Paediatric Orthopaedics Satt ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al katout, B usi nes s
1290596 Hysterectomy Ibr ahi m Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp10,892,000
F. A. Davis
Kette nbach Com pany/
1290529 Writing Patient/client Notes , G inge F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,315,000
F. A. Davis
R eavy, Com pany/
1290528 Inquiry and Leadership Kathl ee n F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,044,000

Ad dis on, Pharm ace u P har mace u

1290394 Minor Illness or Major Disease Bri an. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2016 Rp 1,764,000

Jones , Pharm ace u P har mace u

1290393 FASTtrack: Pharmaceutics - Dosage Form and Design David S. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2016 Rp 1,092,000
Ali stair Pharm ace u P har mace u
1290391 Clinical Pharmacy Pocket Companion Howard tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2016 Rp 1,456,000
Mc Gil l -
Q uee n's
H anaway, Un ive rsi ty
1290372 The General Jos eph MQUP P res s 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Ne w N ew
Susan Worl d W orld
Pe ngui n
1290357 TheAbandonment Recovery Workbook Ande rson Li brary L andom
R ibrary 2016 Rp 699,000
H ouse
Tony Be acon (Pu bli she r
1290204 A Surgeon in the Village Bartel me Pre ss Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 755,000
Taylor &
Pack, Franc is
1290172 Self-help for Trauma Therapists Mar gare t Routledge (CAM) 2017 Rp 4,480,000

App le
Ge orge, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1290105 HolisticApproaches to Infectious Diseases Anne Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 3,919,000
John Wil e y
Lu ker, Wi le y- & Sons,
1289740 Health Visiting Kare n A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,526,000
John Wil e y
U sing Statis ti cs i n the Soci al and He alth Sc ie nce s Abbott, & Sons,
1289733 w ith SP SS an d E xc el Mar ti n Wiley Inc . 2017 Rp 3,500,000
H eale y, Spi nney Spi nne y
1289731 Cancer Prevention Ju stin Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 840,000
Mc Far land
Hol li ngsw &
orth , Al an Com pany,
1289721 Mammography and Early Breast Cancer Detection B. McFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
H ans -
1289677 Selbstheilungskräfte undArzneimittelwirkungen Se dl ace k De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 2,352,000

Mi chael
1289663 Folsäure in der Gynäkologie Bolz De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,136,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Tappe ro, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1289615 PhysicalAssessment of the Newborn Ell e n P. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
O rth oped ic and Sp orts Me di ci ne Case Stud ie s for Myri ck, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1289614 A dvan ce d Pr ac ti ce N urs es Kare n M . Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000

Al bornoz, Barc el ona B arc el ona

1289598 Artistic Music Therapy Yad ira Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 616,000

Murp hy, Barc el ona B arc el ona

1289597 Music Therapy Research Kathl ee n Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,904,000

Cle m ents- Barc el ona B arc el ona

1289589 Voices of the Dying and Rbereaved Cor ets, A. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 616,000

Wood , Barc el ona B arc el ona

1289588 A Matrix for Community Music Therapy Practice Stuart Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 588,000

Fori nas h, Barc el ona B arc el ona

1289587 The 1982 Symposium on "Music in the Life of Man" Mic hel e . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 308,000

E val uati ng Ele ctroni c Musi c Te ch nology Re sourc es Krout, Barc el ona B arc el ona
1289585 for Musi c The rap is ts Robe rt E. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 308,000

Bru sci a, Barc el ona B arc el ona

1289584 Forms of Reflexivity in Music Therapy Kenne th E. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 392,000
Spr inge r
Ens om, Sc ie nce &
P har macoki ne ti c and Ph arm acodyn am i c D rug Mar y H. B usi nes s
1289528 Inte rac tions Assoc iated wi th Anti retrovi ral Drugs H. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saxe na, B usi nes s
1289526 Chest Wall Deformities Am ulya K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
H ard ikar, Sc ie nce &
Anandwar B usi nes s
1289521 Pancreatic Islet Biology dhan A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al ex B usi nes s
1289518 Neglected Tropical Diseases - Oceania Loukas Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Chappl e, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1289517 Underactive Bladder r R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Are zes, B usi nes s
1289507 Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors Ped ro M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n N eu roergonom i cs an d Cogni ti ve H al e, B usi nes s
1289505 E ngine e ring Kel ly S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1289502 Ratgeber Inkontinenz und Beckenbodenbeschwerden Petros, Peter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oe stre ic h, B usi nes s
1289490 Recognizing ChildAbuse in Radiology Alan E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ehal, B usi nes s
1289485 Lentigo Maligna Melanoma Kishw er S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ei me rs , B usi nes s
1289484 Percutaneous Interventions for Structural Heart Disease Be rnhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1289482 From anAssociation to a Royal College Craft,Alan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
McCorm ac Wi le y- & Sons,
1289475 Person-Centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care k, B ren dan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,386,000

John Wil e y
Mathe matic al Fou ndati ons and App li cations of De hm er, & Sons,
1289471 Gr ap h Entrop y Matt hias Wiley-VCH Inc . 2016 Rp 5,740,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Em di n, B usi nes s
1289462 The Breathless Heart Mic hel e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Chri stian Sc ie nce &
K. Palgrave B usi nes s
1289460 Politics and Policies in Upper Guinea Coast Societies Højbj erg Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Sul li van, Uni ver sity O UP
1289418 Addiction in the Older Patient Mar ia Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Inm an, OUP O UP

1289382 Oxford Textbook of Axial Spondyloarthritis Robe rt Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp24,150,000
O xford
Kul kar ni, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1289376 Oxford Handbook of Key Clinical Evidence Kunal Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,701,000
Katri tsi s, O xford
Dem osthe OUP Un ive rsi ty
1289375 Clinical Cardiology: Current Practice Guidelines nes Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp19,950,000
O xford
Su ndaram, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1289371 Training in Ophthalmology Ve nki Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,969,000
O xford
Laund y, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1289370 Antimicrobial Stewardship Matt hew Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 5,248,000

U nifyi ng the Appl ic ati ons and Found ati ons of

1289198 B iom ed ic al and He alth Inform ati cs Mantas, J. IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 3,864,000

Magl avera
1289193 PHealth 2016 s, N. IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 3,388,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
R osen thal , Pe ngui n H ouse
1289168 AnAmerican Sickness Eli sabe th Pre ss L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Pe ngui n
Dr. R andom
Cl i fford H ouse
1289146 The NewAllergy Solution Basse tt Avery L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Bal lantine H ouse
1289133 The Thyroid Solution (Third Edition) Ridha Arem Books L LC 2017 Rp 1,512,000
O pen
Ope n R oad
Cousi ns, R oad Inte grate d
1288789 Anatomy of an IllnessAs Perceived by the Patient Norm an Me dia Me di a, Inc . 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hassani en, B usi nes s
1288691 Multimedia Forensics and Security Aboul El la Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Golu sińs ki, B usi nes s
1288688 HPV Infection in Head and Neck Cancer Wojc ie ch Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Coll in s, B usi nes s
1288687 Bowel Dysfunction Bri gitt e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nal ysi s of Re sourc e Man age m ent i n Com pl ex Li n, B usi nes s
1288682 W ork Syste ms Qin gli an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Otsu ki, B usi nes s
1288681 Allergy and Immunotoxicology in Occupational Health Take mi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Houtch ens B usi nes s
1288676 Health Issues in Women with Multiple Sclerosis , Mari a K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L egal Insanity: Expl orati ons in Psyc hiatry, Law, Me ynen , B usi nes s
1288662 and Ethi cs Ger ben Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Phi li pone , B usi nes s
1288660 Oral Pathology in the Pediatric Patient Eli zabe th Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
R ai , Sc ie nce &
Pravee n B usi nes s
1288659 Geoinformatics in Health Facility Analysis Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi ffm an , B usi nes s
1288651 Adult Umbilical Reconstruction Mel vin A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
El le nson, Sc ie nce &
Lora B usi nes s
1288647 Molecular Genetics of Endometrial Carcinoma He dri ck Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Le vin - Taylor &
T he Poli tic al E conom y of the Li vi ng Wage: A Wal dm an, Franc is
1288623 Study of Four Ci tie s Ore n M. Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,900,000
Taylor &
Stie gli tz, Franc is
1288602 In a Little Kingdom Perr y Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 1,343,000
Taylor &
Sc holars' Gui de to Washi ngton, D .C. For Cen tr al Mar ti rosya Franc is
1288597 A sian and Caucasus Studi es n, Tigr an. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Taylor &
B usi nes s E th ics : Ne w Chal le nge s for B usi ne ss Pe te rson, Franc is
1288581 Sc hools an d Corpor ate Le ader s Robe rt A. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sul tan, B usi nes s
1288580 Frontiers in Gynecological Endocrinology Ch arl e s. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve rm orken B usi nes s
1288574 Critical Issues in Head and Neck Oncology , Jan B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Gup ta, Sc ie nce &
A nti -infl am m atory Nu trac euti cals and Chr onic Su bas h B owm
R usi nesan
1288570 D ise ase s Ch and ra Springer Me
& di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Gol dbe rg, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1288464 Loving, Supporting, and Caring for the Cancer Patient Stan Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, B usi nes s
1288394 Hepatitis E Virus Youchu n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rc utane ous Pen etrati on E nhance rs Physi cal Dragic evi c, B usi nes s
1288392 Me thods in Pen etration Enhance m ent Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rc utane ous Pen etrati on E nhance rs Drug Dragic evi c, B usi nes s
1288391 Pe ne tr ati on Into/T hrough the Ski n Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le ung, B usi nes s
1288387 Evidence-based Research Methods for Chinese Medicine Si u-Wai. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1288382 Botulinum Toxin forAsians Seo, Kyle K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu roethi cs and the Sci en ti fic R evi si on of Gl igorov, B usi nes s
1288354 Com m on Sen se Nada Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e gulation of Cytoki ne Ge ne Expre ssi on i n Ma, B usi nes s
1288353 Im m uni ty and Di se as es Xi aoj ing Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Karah an, B usi nes s
1288347 Motor Skills Training in Orthopedic Sports Medicine Mustafa. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Crönl ei n, B usi nes s
1288344 Schlafmedizin 1x1 Tatjana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Isl am , Md. B usi nes s
1288337 Hypertension: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice Sh ahi dul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ipp e, Hu mana B usi nes s
1288333 Nutrition in Lifestyle Medicine Jam es M. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte rnati onal Handbook on Adol es cen t He al th and Che rry, B usi nes s
1288331 D eve lopm e nt Andre w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp10,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D as Ge sund e Unterne hm en zwi sch en Utop ie un d Spri nger B usi nes s
1288326 D ystopie Petzi, Moritz Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Torr es, B usi nes s
1288311 Escherichia Coli in theAmericas Alfre do G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mager , B usi nes s
1288309 Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics Donald E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cin gi, B usi nes s
1288302 Quick Guide to Good Clinical Practice Ce m al . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Prokop , B usi nes s
1288288 Intracellular Delivery III Ale š Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chan, Kok B usi nes s
1288287 Functional Mitral and Tricuspid Regurgitation Meng John Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1288286 The Coordination of European Public Hospital Systems Dan, Sorin. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ei sm an , B usi nes s
1288284 Cancer, Intimacy and Sexuality Yac ov Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R igoard, B usi nes s
1288283 Atlas of Anatomy of the Peripheral Nerves Phi li ppe Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Varghe se , B usi nes s
1288281 Therapeutic Embolization Kiron Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Rodr íg ue z- Sc ie nce &
Merc hán, B usi nes s
1288278 Joint Preservation in theAdult Knee E. Carl os Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1288277 Adipocytokines, Energy Balance, and Cancer Reizes, Ofer. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Gup ta, Sc ie nce &
Su bas h B usi nes s
1288276 Drug Discovery From Mother Nature Ch and ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paar lbe rg, B usi nes s
1288270 Bio-Psycho-Social Obstetrics and Gynecology K. Mari eke Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Giacom i ni, B usi nes s
1288244 Case Studies in Multiple Sclerosis Pau l S. Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Val ie r, Palgrave B usi nes s
1288240 A History of Prostate Cancer He le n K. Macm il l an E
MelsediviaerB. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E xe rc ise s in Oral Radi ology an d Inter pre tation - E- Langl ai s, Sc ie nce s
1288237 B ook Robe rt P. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 5,372,000
Inc .,
R oth, H eal th
Ch ris top he Sc ie nce s
1288236 Fundamentals of Body MRI E-Book r G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 6,803,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gaw krodg Sc ie nce s
1288235 Dermatology E-Book er, D. J. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 7,570,000
Spr inge r
In formconde
atios Sc ie nce &
, Carl os
n B usi nes s
1288227 Arthropod Borne Diseases Brisourc
Re sola es Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1288189 Medical Imaging n. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp60,200,000
Me dic al
Vij aya Inform ati o
Chron ic Me ntal Ill ne ss and the Changing Scope of Prasad, n Sc ie nce
1288184 Inte rventi on Strate gie s, Di ag nosis , and Tre atm e nt Barre R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 6,160,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Kes er vani , n Sc ie nce
1288181 NovelApproaches for Drug Delivery Raj K. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,880,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
H eal th care Comm uni ty Syne rgis m Be tw ee n Bryan, n Sc ie nce
1288179 Patie nts, Practi ti one rs, and R es earc hers Vale ri e C. R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp 5,880,000
Sm ith, Vande rbi lt Van der bil t
David Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1288171 The Power to Heal Barton Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,652,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Codi er, of H aw ai i of H awaii
1288161 Teaching Health Care in Virtual Space Este ll e Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,100,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Shaya, P ubli shi ng
1288053 Neurosurgery Practice Questions andAnswers Mar k Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Spr inge r
Waltz, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Me asure m ent in Nurs ing and H eal th R ese arch, Carol yn Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1288050 Fi fth Ed ition Fehe r. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saito, B usi nes s
1287858 IgG4-Related Kidney Disease Takao Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O' Le B usi nes s
1287853 Poverty in the United States ary, Ann Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A ppl ie d D em ography and Publ i c H eal th in the H oqu e, B usi nes s
1287852 21st Ce ntu ry Nazrul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
R itchi e , Sc ie nce &
Els pe th B usi nes s
1287829 Psychiatrists in Combat Cam er on Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fong, B usi nes s
1287825 Surgical Emergencies in the Cancer Patient Yum an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi lapi l, B usi nes s
1287823 Care of Adults with Chronic Childhood Conditions Mar ie ce l. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mah mood, B usi nes s
1287821 Fundamentals of Pediatric Drug Dosing Ifte khar Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1287815 Pulmonary Dysfunction and Disease w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1287759 Diet and Nutrition Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1287758 Cardiovascular Disorders Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Gui me zan Ed itions Le

1287663 Vac ci nati on : agre ssi on ou protec ti on ? es, Anni ck Mus cadi er Primento 2016 Rp 168,000
Mc Gil l -
Que e n's Q uee n's
Carson, A. Pol ic y Un ive rsi ty
1287614 Toward a Healthcare Strategy for Canadians Sc ott Studi es P lse
E resvis er 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Inc .,
Spratt, H eal th
We i r & A brah am s' Imagi ng Atl as of H um an Jonathan Sc ie nce s
1287595 A natom y E-B ook D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 9,608,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Marshal l, Sc ie nce s
1287594 Clinical Chemistry Wil l iam J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 9,171,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Stand rin g, Sc ie nce s
1287593 Gray'sAnatomy E-Book Su san Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp29,992,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gosl in g, J. Sc ie nce s
1287592 HumanAnatomy, ColorAtlas and Textbook E-Book A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp10,482,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fi tzge ral d's Cl ini cal Ne uroanatom y and Mtui , Sc ie nce s
1287591 N eu rosci e nce E-Book Estom ih Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 9,171,000
Inc .,
Te chni cal Asp ects of Onc ologi cal He patic Surge ry, H eal th
A n Issu e of Surgic al Cl in ic s of N orth Am er ic a, E- Cho, Sc ie nce s
1287590 B ook Cl i fford S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bastar ac he, Sc ie nce s
1287589 Sepsis,An Issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine, E-Book Ju li e A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Subs tanc e Use Di sorde rs: Part I, An Iss ue of Chi ld H eal th
and Adol esc en t Psyc hiatric Cl ini cs of N or th Chi h-Jui Sc ie nce s
1287588 A me ri ca, E -Book Hsi ao, R ay Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Coronary and End ovas cul ar Stents, An Is sue of Parikh , Sc ie nce s
1287587 Inte rventi onal Cardi ology Cli nic s, E-Book Sahi l Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Stavropoul H eal th
T he Ne w NOT ES, A n Issu e of Gastrointe stinal os, Stavros Sc ie nce s
1287586 E ndosc opy Cl ini cs of N or th Am eri ca, E-Book N. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kappy, Sc ie nce s
1287585 Advances in Pediatrics, E-Book Mic hael S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp15,540,000
Inc .,
Cohen , H eal th
A lcoh ol i c L ive r D ise ase, An Issue of Cl ini cs i n Mar ti n Sc ie nce s
1287584 L ive r Di se ase, E-B ook Stanl ey Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pathology Infor matic s, An Iss ue of the Cli nic s i n Parwani , Sc ie nce s
1287583 L aboratory Me di ci ne , E -B ook Ani l V. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce of Ci rcadi an R hyth ms , An Issue of Sl ee p Z ee , Sc ie nce s
1287582 Me di ci ne Cli ni cs, E-Book Phyll i s C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
McLou ghli H eal th
n, Thom as Sc ie nce s
1287581 Advances inAnesthesia, E-Book M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp14,700,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Murr ay, Sc ie nce s
1287580 Medical Microbiology E-Book Patri ck R. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 6,803,000
Inc .,
O bstetri c and Gyne col ogic Hos pitali sts an d H eal th
L abori sts, An Is sue of Obs te tri cs and Gyne col ogy Mc cue , Sc ie nce s
1287579 Cl ini cs , E -Book Bri gid Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Branham , H eal th
Fu nctional and Cos me tic Eye li d Su rger y, An Issue Gre gor y Sc ie nce s
1287578 of Fac ial Plasti c Sur gery Cli nic s, E-Book H. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cle l and , Sc ie nce s
1287577 Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination E-Book Jos hua Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,627,000
Inc .,
Sc hizophre ni a: Advance s an d Curr ent H eal th
Manage me nt, An Issu e of Psyc hiatric Cl ini cs of Bu ckl ey, Sc ie nce s
1287576 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Pete r F. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce s i n Ac ne Man age m ent, An Iss ue of De l Ros so, Sc ie nce s
1287575 D erm atol ogic Cl ini cs , E -B ook Jam es Q. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gyn ec ologi c Pathology, An Is sue of Sur gical Clarke , Sc ie nce s
1287574 Pathology Cli nic s, E-Book Blai se A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
She nas a, H eal th
Cardi ac P otass ium Channe l Di sorde rs, An Is sue of Moham m a Sc ie nce s
1287573 Cardi ac E le ctrophys iol ogy Cli ni cs, E-B ook d Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ypogonadi sm , An Issue of Urologi c Cli nic s of Al ukal, Sc ie nce s
1287572 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Jos eph P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P rim ary Care of Adu lt W ome n, An Iss ue of H eal th
O bstetri cs an d Gyne col ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Wood ruff , Sc ie nce s
1287571 A me ri ca, E -Book Jam es N . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fe lten , Sc ie nce s
1287570 Netter'sAtlas of Neuroscience E-Book David L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,787,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cardi oem bol ic Stroke, An Is sue of Cardi ology N atale , Sc ie nce s
1287569 Cl ini cs , E -Book Andre a Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T opic s i n T ranspl antation Imagi ng, An Issu e of Bhargava, Sc ie nce s
1287568 R adiol ogic Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Pune et Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Innovations in Thorac ic Surge ry, A n Issu e of H eal th
T horaci c Sur gery Cl i nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E- Yasufuku , Sc ie nce s
1287567 B ook Kazuhi ro Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H em ostasi s i n H ead and N ec k Surge ry, An Iss ue H eal th
of O tol aryngologi c Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E - Pant, Sc ie nce s
1287566 B ook Harshi ta Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Be rnste in, H eal th
R hi niti s, A n Issu e of Imm unol ogy and A ll er gy Jonathan Sc ie nce s
1287565 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gr anu lom atou s Di sord ers of Adu lt Ski n, A n Issu e Engl i sh, Sc ie nce s
1287564 of D erm atologi c Cl ini cs , E -Book Jos eph Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Atri al Fi bril l ati on, An Issue of He ar t Fai lu re Oral , Sc ie nce s
1287563 Cl ini cs , E -Book Hakan Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Mi ni mal ly In vasi ve Re ju ve nation of th e Fac e and R othaus , H eal th
N ec k, A n Issu e of Cli nic s i n P lastic Surge ry, E- Kenne th Sc ie nce s
1287562 B ook O. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Com pl ex Coronary In te rve nti on, An Iss ue of Le e, Sc ie nce s
1287561 Inte rventi onal Cardi ology Cli nic s, E-Book Mic hael S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
O' C H eal th
P har macol ogic Th erapy, An Is sue of Me di cal onnor, Sc ie nce s
1287560 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Kim M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O bstetri c and Gyne col ogic Em e rgenc ie s, An Is sue Dantoni, Sc ie nce s
1287559 of Cri tic al Care Cli ni cs, E-Book Su san E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kel l um , Sc ie nce s
1287558 Nephrology,An Issue of Critical Care Clinics, E-Book John A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H em atopathol ogy, An Issu e of Su rgic al P athol ogy Fe dori w, Sc ie nce s
1287557 Cl ini cs , E -Book Yur i Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Inte rpre tation of Com ple x Arrhythm i as : A Cas e- Sc he inm an H eal th
B as ed Approac h, An Issue of Card iac , Me l vin Sc ie nce s
1287556 E le ctrophys iol ogy Cli ni cs, E-B ook M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Com pl ic ati ons i n B reast Re duc ti on, An Iss ue of Ham mond Sc ie nce s
1287555 Cl ini cs i n Pl as ti c Surge ry, E -Book , D enni s C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce d H eart Fai lure , An Iss ue of He art Fail ure Fang, Sc ie nce s
1287554 Cl ini cs , E -Book Jam es C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Gl obal He matology, An Is sue of H eal th
H em atology/Onc ol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, R oberts, Sc ie nce s
1287553 E -B ook David J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Tori gi an, Sc ie nce s
1287552 Radiology Secrets Plus E-Book Dre w A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 4,535,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mul rone y, Sc ie nce s
1287551 Netter's Essential Physiology E-Book Su san E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 4,787,000
Inc .,
Mayes , H eal th
Sc le rode rm a, An Is sue of R heu matic Di se ase Mau ree n Sc ie nce s
1287550 Cl ini cs , E -Book D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Me di cal Car e for Kid ney an d Li ve r Tr ans plant H eal th
R e cip ie nts, An Iss ue of Me dic al Cl in ic s of N orth Sass, Sc ie nce s
1287549 A me ri ca, E -Book David A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pai n Managem e nt, An Issue of An esthe si ology Sc ie nce s
1287548 Cl ini cs , E -Book Fine, P. G. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
T ran sfusi on Me di ci ne, An Is sue of He ndri cks H eal th
H em atology/Onc ol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, on, Je anne Sc ie nce s
1287547 E -B ook E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gastroi ntes ti nal Is sue s i n Cr itic al Care , An Issu e of N anc hal, Sc ie nce s
1287546 Cri tic al Care Cli ni cs, E-Book Rahul S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
P reve ntion of Men tal He alth Dis orde rs: Pri nci pl es Inc .,
and Imp le m entati on, An Iss ue of Chil d and Sood, H eal th
A dole sc ent P sychi atr ic Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, Aradhana Sc ie nce s
1287545 E -B ook Be la Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Grabe r, Sc ie nce s
1287544 Orthodontics - E-Book Le e W . Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp24,612,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kass, Sc ie nce s
1287543 Neurology Secrets E-Book Jos eph S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 3,527,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Me ni ngiom as, An Iss ue of Ne uros urge ry Cl ini cs of Z ad a, Sc ie nce s
1287542 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Gabr ie l Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ge ni tou rinary Pathol ogy, A n Issu e of Surgic al H irsc h, Sc ie nce s
1287541 Pathology Cli nic s, E-Book Mic hel le S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Com pre he nsive Manage me nt of Parotid Di sord ers , H eal th
A n Issu e of Otolaryngol ogic Cli ni cs of North Lari an , Sc ie nce s
1287540 A me ri ca, E -Book Babak Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Panc reatic N eopl asm s, A n Iss ue of Surgi cal Me rchant, Sc ie nce s
1287539 O ncol ogy Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Ni pun B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Od ibo, H eal th
P renatal Sc ree ni ng and Diagnos is, An Is sue of the Anthony Sc ie nce s
1287538 Cl ini cs i n Laboratory Me di ci ne, E-Book O. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Came ron, Sc ie nce s
1287537 Advances in Surgery, E-Book John L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp14,700,000
Inc .,
Pe di atri c Endoc ri nology, An Iss ue of H eal th
E ndocr inol ogy and Metaboli sm Cl ini cs of Nor th R ap apor t, Sc ie nce s
1287536 A me ri ca, E -Book Robe rt. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Os tros ky- H eal th
Fu ngal Infe ctions , An Issue of Infe cti ous D ise ase Ze ic hne r, Sc ie nce s
1287533 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Lui s Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 5, Issu e 2, An Is sue of H ospi tal Me di ci ne Thom pson, Sc ie nce s
1287532 Cl ini cs , E -Book Rache l E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E me rge ncy and Tr aum a R adiol ogy, A n Issu e of N icol aou, Sc ie nce s
1287531 R adiol ogic Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Savvas Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Vete rin ary Laboratory Med ic ine : Smal l and Exotic Le wandro H eal th
A nim als, An Issue of Cl ini cs i n Laboratory wski , Kent Sc ie nce s
1287530 Me di ci ne , E -B ook B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H ussai n, Churc hil l H eal th
Ins uli n P um ps and Continu ous G luc ose Sye d Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1287524 Moni torin g Made Easy E-Book Su fyan e Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,240,000
Inc .,
Patie nt R ep orte d Outcom e s i n R he um ati c D ise ase s, H eal th
A n Issu e of Rhe um ati c Di sease Cl ini cs of N orth Barton, Sc ie nce s
1287523 A me ri ca, E -Book Je nni fer L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Innovations in Interc ar pal Ligam en t Re pair and R izzo, Sc ie nce s
1287522 R e construc tion, E-Book Mar co Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O rbit and Ne uro-ophthal mi c Im agin g, An Issue of Guti err ez, Sc ie nce s
1287521 N eu roim aging Cli nic s, E-Book Ju an E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mul arz, Sc ie nce s
1287520 Ob/Gyn Secrets E-Book Am and a Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 3,275,000
Inc .,
Managi ng Chroni c Cond iti ons i n O lde r A dul ts H eal th
w ith Card iovascu lar D ise ase , An Issue of Cl in ic s i n R ic h, Sc ie nce s
1287519 Ge ri atri c Med ic ine , E-Book Mic hael W. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
A nti bi oti c Re si stanc e: Chall e nges and H eal th
O pportuni tie s, An Iss ue of Infec ti ous Dis ease Bonom o, Sc ie nce s
1287517 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Robe rt A. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp 8,315,000
E lse vi er
Inc .,
E me rge ncy Ne uro-Otology: Di agn osis and N ew man- H eal th
Manage me nt of Ac ute Dizzine ss and Ver ti go, A n Toker , Sc ie nce s
1287516 Iss ue of N eurol ogic Cl ini cs , E -B ook David E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P ET/MR I: Advanc es in Instrum en tation an d H eal th
Q uanti tati ve Proce dur es, An Is sue of P ET Cl i nic s, Z ai di , Sc ie nce s
1287515 E -B ook Habib Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O ptim al Care for P ati ents wi th Epi l eps y: P ractic al Schach te r, Sc ie nce s
1287514 A spe cts, an Issu e of Ne urol ogic Cli ni cs, E-Book Ste ven C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
N eonatal Hype rbi li rubi nem i a in Pre term H eal th
N eonates , A n Issu e of Cli nic s i n Pe ri natol ogy, E- Steve nson, Sc ie nce s
1287513 B ook David K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
N ew Ide as and Tec hniqu es i n Foot and An kle H eal th
Sur gery: A G lobal Pers pe ctive , A n Issu e of Foot And ers on, Sc ie nce s
1287512 and Ankle Cl in ics of N orth Am er ic a, E-Book John G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Pul l ey, H eal th
P reop erative Eval uati on, A n Issu e of Debr a Sc ie nce s
1287511 A nes the si ology Cl i nic s, E-Book Dom ino Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N er ve R e pair an d Tr ans fers From H and to Moore , Sc ie nce s
1287510 Shoul de r, An Iss ue of Hand Cli ni cs, E-Book Am y M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Im aging of Paranasal Sin use s, An Iss ue of Joshi , Sc ie nce s
1287509 N eu roim aging Cli nic s 25-4, E-B ook Varsha M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gartner , Sc ie nce s
1287508 Textbook of Histology E-Book Le sli e P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 6,047,000
Inc .,
D eve lopm e nt of a Surge on: Med ic al Sc hool H eal th
T hrough Re tire m ent, An Iss ue of Surgi cal Cli nic s Martin, Sc ie nce s
1287507 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Ronal d F. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Q uali ty of Car e and Inform ati on Te chnol ogy, An Sure sh, Sc ie nce s
1287506 Iss ue of Pe di atri c Cl in ics of N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Sr ini vas an Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
De lR osso, H eal th
Lourd es Sc ie nce s
1287505 Pediatric Sleep Pearls E-Book M.
De utsch e Elsevier
Di viinge
Spr si onr 2016 Rp 5,291,000
Ges el ls chaf Sc ie nce &
t für Bohn B usi nes s
Me llhiatrie
Psyc em a, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1287446 Medische terminologie ,G . H. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Psyc hothe r Spr inge r
ap ie und Sc ie nce &
S3-Le itli ni e/Nation al e Ve rsorgu ngsLe itl ini e Ne rvenh ei l B usi nes s
1287435 U nipol are De pre ssi on kunde . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1287431 Paar- und Familienberatung Dold, Peter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Harvard H ar vard
Gre el y, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1287334 The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction He nry T. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,231,000
Harvard H ar vard
Lapl ane, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1287333 Cancer Stem Cells Luc ie Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,399,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ful gham, Hu mana B usi nes s
1287318 Practical Urological Ultrasound Pat F. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Z ai di , Sc ie nce &
Sye d B usi nes s
1287301 Drug Dosing in Obesity Tabi sh R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sche r, B usi nes s
1287294 You’re Wrong, I’m Right Cor ey S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pavlovi c, B usi nes s
1287288 Bioengineering and Cancer Stem Cell Concept Mirj an a Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kel z, B usi nes s
1287287 Surgical Quality Improvement Rache l R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Torc hil i n, Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1287209 Smart Pharmaceutical Nanocarriers V. P. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 8,540,000

Sandra Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1287176 Kommunizieren in der Pflege Man tz e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,659,000

Sandra Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1287175 Arbeitsbuch Kommunizieren in der Pflege Man tz e r Verl ag N Gm atibH
onal 2016 Rp 3,359,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
Jyoti , Le arning Inte rnati on
1286960 BMJ Clinical Review: Neurology and Pain Babita Me dia Ltd N al ati onal 2016 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
N etw ork
Pe rcy, Sci on Inte rnati on
1286959 Contraception Made Easy, Revised Edition Laura Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 1,050,000
Taylor &
P rep ari ng D eaf and He ar ing Pers ons w ith Gl ic kman, Franc
Pe nguiisn
1286808 L angu age and Le ar ning Chal l enge s for CBT Ne il S. Routledge (CAM)
R andom 2016 Rp 4,480,000
H ouse
Prom e the u (Pu bli she r
1286765 Insane Consequences Jaffe, D. J. s Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 336,000
John Wil e y
Wüns chi er & Sons,
1286727 Wiley-Schnellkurs Bioinformatik fürAnwender s, Röbbe . Wiley-VCH Inc . 2016 Rp 419,000
Tall ey, John Wil e y
P rac tic al Gastroe nterol ogy and He patol ogy B oard Ni chol as Wi le y- & Sons,
1286702 R e vie w Toolki t Jos eph Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,771,000
Inte ll ec tu al P roper ty an d Pu bli c He al th i n the Moham m a Ope n Book O pen Book
1286691 D eve lopi ng W orld d Moni rul . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,343,000
Spr inge r
De Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ch esn ay, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1286427 Qualitative Designs and Methods in Nursing (Set) Mar y Comp an y Inc . 2015 Rp14,000,000
Schae fe r, R AND R AN D
A sse ssi ng the Im pli cations of Al low ing Agne s Corporatio Corpor ati o
1286425 T ran sgen der Pe rsonne l to Serve O pen ly Ger ebe n n n 2016 Rp 279,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Larson, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286324 Overactive Bladder (OAB) Elv ira Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Arm strong Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286310 Breast Cancer , We nde l l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre ydan us Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286301 Chronic Disease and Disability , D onal d E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pe te rs, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286299 Essential Oils Mirand a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286298 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286295 Pituitary Adenoma Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fre em an, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286292 Neurological Perspectives of Autonomic Dysfunctions Pete r Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bre we r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286290 Psychotherapy Dom ini c Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R obertson, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286285 Cystic and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Lore nzo Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Frazie r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286284 Dyslexia Mar il yn Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sossou, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me ntal He al th Condi tions and Se rvi ce s i n Se le cte d Mar ie - Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286273 A fri can Cou ntrie s Antoine tte Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Evans, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286263 Climate Change and Public Health Cass an dra Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,736,000
Nova N ova
Ow ens , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Patri ck Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286259 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Be rnar d Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286254 Comorbidities in Chronic Kidney Disease Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Agui l ar, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286247 Facial Paralysis Kei th Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Marcano- Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Re ik, Am y Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286246 Brain and Spinal Cord Plasticity Jo Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Shah, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286244 PeripheralArtery Disease (PAD) Ne eraj N. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Lakhi , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286243 Alpha-fetoprotein Ni sha Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Eze chi , Nova N ova
Oli ve r Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ch ukwu je Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286242 Amenorrhea kwu Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li , Wend y Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286241 Ageing and Mental Health Wen Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre ydan us Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286239 Medical History , D onal d E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Pastores , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre gor y Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286238 Lysosomal Storage Diseases M. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mi nov, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1286237 COPD and the Workplace Jor dan Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Le e, Oxford O xford
Ch ris top h Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1285883 50 Imaging Studies Every Doctor Should Know I. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Oxford O xford
Be ne dek, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1285881 Complementary andAlternative Medicine for PTSD David M. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 7,559,000
Spr inge r
Sone, Sc ie nce &
Inte ll ige nt N anos ystem s for Ene rgy, Infor mation Ju n' i B usi nes s
1285866 and Bi ologi cal Tec hnologi es chi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Köhl er, B usi nes s
1285865 Online-Marketing für das erfolgreiche Krankenhaus Ale xan dra. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le vai l lant, B usi nes s
1285863 Normal andAbnormal Fetal FaceAtlas Je an-Mar c Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Buse l mai er B usi nes s
1285853 Der Gen-Kultur-Konflikt , We rne r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inform ati onsm anage m en t und Komm uni kati on i n Kram me , B usi nes s
1285850 d er Med izi n R? udi ger. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Egl se er, B usi nes s
1285848 Sarkopenie und Ernährungszustand Doris Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe l vic Floor Dysfun ction an d Pe lvi c Surge ry i n the Gord on , B usi nes s
1285831 E lde rl y David A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bos wel l , Palgrave B usi nes s
1285829 The Real War on Obesity John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
Schu lm an, Wi le y- & Sons,
1285813 Veterinarian's Guide to Maximizing Biopsy Results F. Y vonne Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,120,000

R usty Arc ad ia IN scri be

1285709 Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital Tagl iare ni Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2016 Rp 476,000

Ge rald L. Arc ad ia IN scri be

1285101 Kevin Guest House Hall i gan Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2016 Rp 476,000
Encyc lop æ
dia Enc ycl opa
Uni ve rsal is e dia
1285024 Acides nucléiques (Fi rm ) Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Enc ycl opa
Choque t, e dia
1285019 Alcoolisme (Les GrandsArticles d'Universalis) Mar ia Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop a Enc ycl opa
ed ia e dia
1284975 Génétique Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop a Enc ycl opa
ed ia e dia
1284938 Neurologie Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop a Enc ycl opa
ed ia e dia
1284933 Pharmacologie Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop æ
dia Enc ycl opa
Uni ve rsal is e dia
1284909 Sommeil (Fi rm ) Uni ver sal i s Primento 2016 Rp 140,000
Encyc lop a Enc ycl opa
ed ia e dia
1284903 Système immunitaire Uni ve rsal is Uni ver sal i s Primento 2015 Rp 140,000
Kugl er Kugl e r
Gol dbe rg, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1284746 Glaucoma Ivan s s 2016 Rp 420,000
G. J. N ols t
Tre nit Kugl er Kugl e r
&amp ; Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1284741 Rinoplastia Eacute s s 2016 Rp 4,480,000

De Z ordo, Be rghahn B erghahn

1284574 A Fragmented Landscape Si l via Books B ooks 2017 Rp 4,032,000
John Wil e y
Clarke , Wi le y- & Sons,
1284554 Neurology Ch arl e s Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 8,540,000
John Wil e y
Mül le r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1284553 ComprehensiveAnalysis of Parasite Biology Syl ke Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
John Wil e y
U ltrasoni c T opographi cal and Pathotop ograp hic al Seagal, Z . Wi le y- & Sons,
1284552 A natom y M. Scri ven er Inc . 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schi ndl er , B usi nes s
1284540 Partnerschaftsprobleme? Ludw i g. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Blac kstone, B usi nes s
1284539 Bariatric Surgery Complications Robi n P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kebe be w, B usi nes s
1284526 Management of Adrenal Masses in Children andAdults Ele ctron Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sche lbe , B usi nes s
1284521 Intergenerational Transmission of Child Maltreatment Lis a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
E val uati on of He al th Care Qual ity for DNPs , H icke y, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1284487 Se cond Edi tion Joanne V. Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Nation al N ati onal
A dvan cin g the Di sci pl ine of R e gulatory Sci e nce for Bonam e, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1284486 Me di cal Prod uct D eve lopm e nt Morgan L. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 924,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ale xan der , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1284481 Reaching and Investing in Children at the Margins Ch arl e e M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1284480 Gain-of-Function Research Millett, Piers Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,372,000
Nation al N ati onal
T he Prom is es and Pe ri ls of Di gital Strate gie s i n And ers on, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1284479 A chi evi ng H eal th Equi ty Kare n M . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 896,000
Nation al N ati onal
A ppl ying an Imp le me ntati on Sc ie nce App roac h to Ad die , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1284478 Ge nom ic Me di ci ne Si obhan Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 952,000
Nation al N ati onal
Grai g, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1284477 Biomarker Tests for Molecularly Targeted Therapies Laure ne A . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Nation al N ati onal
And ers on, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1284476 Advancing Health Equity for NativeAmerican Youth Kare n M . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 924,000

We i, Fu-
1284473 FromAuto- to Allotransplantation Ch an S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 3,752,000

1284472 Sports Endocrinology Fabi o S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 6,328,000
Mi nt
Eaton, Jam e s As soci ate s
1284470 Bodybuilding for Weight Loss Jam es . Eaton L td 2016 Rp 84,000
Un ive rsi ty
Oben chain Uni ver sity of
, T heod ore Al abam a Al abam a
1284436 Genius Belabored G. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,399,000
Spr inge r
De Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ch esn ay, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1284396 Nursing Research Using Case Studies Mar y Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,800,000

Sue Expe ri me n E xp eri m en
1284347 The 2-Step Low-FODMAP Eating Plan Sh eph erd t t, LLC 2016 Rp 559,000
Dr. m ed .
Dip l. -Ing.
He rber t Ve rl ags hau B ookw i re
1284315 Schmerzfrei durch Humankybernetik Koe rne r s der Ärzte Gm bH 2016 Rp 392,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ofb e ck, B usi nes s
1284307 Doppler Echocardiography in Infancy and Childhood Mic hael SpringerMe di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Sc ie nce &
Broe k, Bohn B usi nes s
Wim van Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1284300 Nucleaire geneeskunde de n Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 6,664,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oth, B usi nes s
1284299 Orthopedic and Trauma Findings Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi hl mai er, Spri nger B usi nes s
1284295 Learning Dynamic Spatial Relations Andre as Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R aff , Gar y B usi nes s
1284288 Surgery for Chest Wall Deformities W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
St. Ge m e, B usi nes s
1284287 Advances in Understanding Kingella Kingae Jos eph W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manfred B usi nes s
1284284 Regulatory Disorders in Infants Ci e rpka Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Cel e dón, Sc ie nce &
Ju an Hu mana B usi nes s
1284283 Achieving Respiratory Health Equality Carl os Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jay K. B usi nes s
1284281 OperativeApproaches to Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy Harne ss Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1284280 Essentials of Menopause Management Pal, Lubna Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
U ti li zati on Managem e nt in the Cli nic al L abor atory Le wandro B usi nes s
1284279 and Othe r Anc il lary Se rvi ce s wski , Kent. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Tharp e, Pl ural Pl ural
Anne Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283874 Comprehensive Handbook of PediatricAudiology Mar ie . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,759,000
Pl ural Pl ural
De Ru ite r, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283871 BasicAudiometry Learning Manual Mar k Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 1,959,000
Pl ural Pl ural
IEP Goal Wri ting for Spe ec h-language Pathol ogis ts Kope l, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283870 U ti li zing State Standard s Lydi a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Pl ural Pl ural
A phasia and Othe r Ac quir ed Ne uroge ni c H al low el l, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283869 L angu age D isord er s Brooke Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Z aj ac , Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283868 Evaluation and Management of Cleft Lip and Palate David J. Inc. Inc . 2017 Rp 2,799,000
Pow er- Pl ural Pl ural
Com m on Core State Stand ard s and the Spee ch- de Fur, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283866 l anguage Pathol ogis t Lis sa A. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Pl ural Pl ural
MAT LAB Pri me r for Spee ch -l anguage Pathol ogy Bouts en, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283865 and Au diol ogy Fran k R . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Maul , Pl ural Pl ural
Ch ris ti ne Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283863 Behavioral Principles in Communicative Disorders A. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,239,000

Pl ural Pl ural
Sce ar ce , Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283861 Manual of Singing Voice Rehabilitation Le da Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Langdon, Pl ural Pl ural
He nri ette Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283860 Working with Interpreters and Translators W. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Rus hbrook Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283857 Telepractice inAudiology e, Em m a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Cacace , Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1283856 Scientific Foundations of Audiology Anthony T. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,519,000

Buratovic h
, Mi ch ae l
1283569 Cancer A. Salem Press Salem Press
N ati onal 2016 Rp11,060,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Thom as, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1283276 Toxicogenomics in Predictive Carcinogenicity Rus se ll S. Chem i stry al 2016 Rp 7,028,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1283044 Radiology of Parasitic Diseases Li, Hongjun Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Mi nim all y Invasi ve Sur gery for Lu ng and B usi nes s
1283043 E sophageal Cance r Jun Wang Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1283014 Therapy in Pediatric Dermatology Teng, Joyce Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1283012 Pediatric Neurogastroenterology Fau re Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Dabaja, Sc ie nce &
Bouthaina B usi nes s
1283008 Radiation Therapy in Hematologic Malignancies S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Izumo, B usi nes s
1283003 Respiratory Endoscopy Take hir o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi nmu ra, B usi nes s
1283001 New Theory of Discriminant AnalysisAfter R. Fisher Sh uic hi. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1283000 Mechanical Ocular Trauma Yan, Hua Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me hta, B usi nes s
1282995 Colposcopy of Female Genital Tract Su mi ta Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Buc hmann Sc ie nce &
, Knu d B usi nes s
1282969 Sterben und Tod Eike Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pur se r, B usi nes s
1282880 Handbook of Mindfulness Ronal d E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li ebe rthal, B usi nes s
1282878 What Is Health Insurance (Good) For? Robe rt D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Qu el ch, B usi nes s
1282876 Building a Culture of Health John A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ynam i cs of Di sasters —Key Conce pts, Mode ls , Kotsir eas, B usi nes s
1282875 A lgori th ms , and Insi ghts Il i as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Savari se , B usi nes s
1282872 Principles of Coding and Reimbursement for Surgeons Mar k Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ern st, B usi nes s
1282871 Homeopathy - The Undiluted Facts Edzard. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Marti- Sc ie nce &
Bonm ati , B usi nes s
1282868 Imaging Biomarkers L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Doss ena, B usi nes s
1282865 The Role of Pendrin in Health and Disease Si l via Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1282863 Surgical Principles of Minimally Invasive Procedures Bonjer, H. J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Ses ok- Sc ie nce &
Pizzin i, B usi nes s
1282859 Neonatal Transfusion Practices Debor ah Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Form an, B usi nes s
1282857 Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Lis a M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
McKi nney, Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Nor mal Imagi ng Vari ati ons of the Brain , Ale xan der B usi nes s
1282853 Skul l , and Cran ioce rvi cal Vasc ulature M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Guti érr ez, Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Asp ects of Natural and Ad de d Orl and o B usi nes s
1282847 P hosphoru s i n Food s M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Uni ver sity
Chi ld birth, Materni ty, and Me di cal Plur al is m in N guyen, R oche ster B oydel l &
1282566 Fre nc h Coloni al Vi e tnam , 1880-1945 Thuy Li nh Pre ss B rew er 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Uni ver sity
Doyl e, R oche ster B oydel l &
1282564 Psychiatry and Racial Liberalism in Harlem, 1936-1968 Den nis A. Pre ss B rew er 2016 Rp 2,772,000

Vinc el e t, Éd itions
1282397 Regarder autrement Patri ck Gl yphe Primento 2016 Rp 224,000

Ve rhe yen , Dr Marce l

1282396 Stop Stress Mar ce l. Ve rhe yen Primento 2016 Rp 476,000

Ve rhe yen , Dr Marce l

1282395 Stop Stress Mar ce l Ve rhe yen Primento 2016 Rp 476,000
John Wil e y
Dun ning, Wi le y- & Sons,
1282180 Dental Practice Transition David G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
Manu al of Vete rinary Transfus ion Med ic ine and Yagi, Wi le y- & Sons,
1282178 B lood Bankin g Keni chi ro. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Nakamu ra B usi nes s
1282162 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , H ir oyuki. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1282158 Stereo OperativeAtlas of Micro Ear Surgery Dai, Pu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Col or Atl as of P edi atr ic Anatom y, Laparosc opy, Mc Hone y, B usi nes s
1282150 and Thoracos copy Merr il l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
von Sc ie nce &
Re ibni tz, B usi nes s
1282149 Patientenorientierte Beratung in der Pflege Ch ris ti ne . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi roozi , B usi nes s
1282133 Interpretation of Basic andAdvanced Urodynamics Farze en Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cos tanti ni, B usi nes s
1282130 Female Sexual Function and Dysfunction Eli sabe tta Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Graham , Sc ie nce &
David R. B usi nes s
1282126 HIV-1 Proteomics M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gri nde , B usi nes s
1282121 The Evolution of Consciousness Bjørn Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Růži čč kov B usi nes s
1282120 Reading Rehabilitation for Individuals with Low Vision a, Kam i la. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wync hank B usi nes s
1282115 Louis Harold Gray , Si ncl air. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R am i na, B usi nes s
1282114 Tumors of the Jugular Foramen Ri cardo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu eno, B usi nes s
1282113 TheAgeing Immune System and Health Valqu iri a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oger, B usi nes s
1282111 Muscle Injuries in Sport Athletes Be rnar d. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Syste ms Bi ol ogy in Ani mal Prod uction and H e al th, Kad arm i de B usi nes s
1282110 Vol . 1 en, H aj a N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Syste ms Bi ol ogy in Ani mal Prod uction and H e al th, Kad arm i de B usi nes s
1282109 Vol . 2 en, H aj a N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
And ré Spr inge r
Lui z Sc ie nce &
Monezi B usi nes s
1282107 Innovations in the Treatment of SubstanceAddiction Andrade Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Larson, C. B usi nes s
1282102 PracticalAnesthetic Management Phi li p Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Warm uth- Sc ie nce &
Metz, B usi nes s
1282098 Imaging and Diagnosis in Pediatric Brain Tumor Studies Monika. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De La B usi nes s
1282096 Alzheimer’s Turning Point Torre , J. C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sim m ons, B usi nes s
1282095 Integrated Diabetes Care David Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Varghe se , B usi nes s
1282093 Cases in Structural Cardiac Intervention Ani tha Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Corde ro, B usi nes s
1281989 AMP-activated Protein Kinase Mar io D . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Bu ll inge r- Spr inge r
Hoff mann, Sc ie nce &
H om o Sap ie ns Digi tal is - Vi rtu el le E rgonom ie und Ange li ka Spri nger B usi nes s
1281974 d igi tal e Men schm ode ll e C. Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu mm , B usi nes s
1281973 Korrektur und Rekonstruktion der Ohrmuschel Klaus Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1281968 Normative Entgrenzung Bauer,Axel. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jel tsch, B usi nes s
1281965 DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function Albe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Swanson, B usi nes s
1281959 The Frontiers of Applied Demography David A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dom ini que B usi nes s
1281952 Studies on Binocular Vision Raynaud Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A daptive R egre ssi on for Mode li ng N onli ne ar Knafl, B usi nes s
1281942 R e lationsh ips George J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Otagiri , B usi nes s
1281870 Albumin in Medicine Mas aki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Park, Jon g B usi nes s
1281867 Cystogenesis Hoon. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sahni, B usi nes s
1281865 GI Surgery Annual Peu sh Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Saha, Sc ie nce &
Goutam B usi nes s
1281864 Dust Allergy: Cause & Concern Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1281857 Transcriptomics and Gene Regulation Wu, Jiaqian Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gh , B usi nes s
1281846 Measures of Positive Psychology Kam l esh Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Pyne , Sc ie nce &
Saum yadi B usi nes s
1281845 Big Data Analytics pta. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Sc ie nce &
Bu rgt, Bohn B usi nes s
Mar ie ke Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1281841 Medicatie in de praktijk van de r Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge ntil i, B usi nes s
1281709 The Ulnar Nerve Giu li ano. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Obi as, B usi nes s
1281708 Robotic Colon and Rectal Surgery Vi nce nt Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wond rak, B usi nes s
1281707 Skin Stress Response Pathways Georg T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1281698 Complications inAcute Care Surgery Diaz, Jose J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rtold o, B usi nes s
1281697 Bone Metastases From Prostate Cancer Fran ce sco. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li nke , B usi nes s
1281695 Complications in Corneal Laser Surgery Ste phan J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cardi ac Manage me nt i n the Frail E ld erl y Patie nt Ungar, B usi nes s
1281661 and the Old es t Ol d Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ser na, B usi nes s
1281659 Bioethical Decision Making andArgumentation Ped ro Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rote i nuri a: Basi c Mec hanis ms , Pathophys iol ogy Bl aine , B usi nes s
1281655 and Cli nic al Re le van ce Ju di th Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi she r, B usi nes s
1281653 Essentials of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Diabetes Mil es . Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D isord er ed Ve rtebral and Ri b Morp hology in Shapir o, B usi nes s
1281648 P udgy M ic e Fred eri c Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stegm an, B usi nes s
1281645 Developing Drug Products in anAging Society Sve n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cur rent Tre atm ent Options for Fu chs End othe li al Curs ie fe n, B usi nes s
1281642 D ystrophy Cl aus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
R am i ro Sc ie nce &
N ew App roache s to D eath i n Ci ti es Du ring th e Fari ñas, B usi nes s
1281641 H eal th Transi tion Die go. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oke om a, B usi nes s
1281640 Chikungunya Virus Ch iom a M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pare ntal R e sponsi bil i ty in the Con te xt of H ens, B usi nes s
1281639 N eu rosci e nce and Gene tic s Kris ti en Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cros s-Cu ltural Pe rspe cti ves on Coup le s w ith Pe rsson, B usi nes s
1281637 Mi xed H IV Status: Be yond P osi ti ve/N egative Asha Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Stati stic al Ap pl ication s From Cl ini cal Tr ials and Sc ie nce &
Pe rsonal ize d Me di ci ne to Fin anc e an d B usi nes s Li n, B usi nes s
1281634 A nal ytic s Ji anchang Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tofil on, Hu mana B usi nes s
1281617 Increasing the Therapeutic Ratio of Radiotherapy Phi li p J. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gopal B. B usi nes s
1281601 Basics of PET Imaging Saha, PhD Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Com pre he nsive Syste m ati c R e vie w for Advance d H ol l y, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1281597 P rac tic e N urs ing, Se cond Edi tion Ch eryl Comp
Am er icanany Inc .e ri can
Am 2017 Rp 2,800,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
N ew man, cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for Cogni tive -be havior al Cor y Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281557 T herapy Fran k n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for the Cri ti cal Eve nts i n Ladany, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281555 P sychothe rapy Sup ervi si on Mod el Ni chol as n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for the Fe mi ni st Brow n, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281554 P sychothe rapy Mod el of Sup ervi si on Laura S. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
T rau ma-i nfor me d Tre atm ent and Pre ve nti on of Taft, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281552 Inti mate Par tne r Vi ole nce Case y T. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for E xi ste nti al-hum ani stic Krug, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281551 T herapy Orah T. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Cogni tive Be havioral The rapy Te ch nique s and We nze l , Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281549 Strate gi es Am y n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
Be cke r- cal c al
Ble ase , Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281547 Child Maltreatment Kathryn n
Am er ic an n
Am e ri can 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for a Sys te m s App roac h to H ol l oway, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281546 Sup ervi si on Eli zabe th Am
n er ic an n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Fi she r, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1281542 Confidentiality Limits in Psychotherapy Mar y Ali ce n n 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frie de wald B usi nes s
1281490 Clinical Guide to Cardiovascular Disease , Vi nce nt E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000

Se rum Ph arm acoc hem i stry of T rad iti onal Chi ne se Ac ad em ic

1281354 Me di ci ne Wang, Xijun Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Bu tter wort
P har macol ogy for Stud ent and Pup il N urse s and Jones , He i nem an
1281329 Stude nts in A ssoci ate d Profes si on s Be rnar d R . n Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,451,000
Bu tter wort
Lawr enc e, He i nem an
1281239 Rheumatism in Populations J. S. n Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,157,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Fe ssl er, P ubli shi ng
1281180 Atlas of Neurosurgical Techniques Ri chard G. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp39,368,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
T he Com pr ehe nsi ve Ne urosu rger y Board Bi ri nyi, P ubli shi ng
1281179 P rep aration Book Pau l V. Thieme Inc . 2017 Rp 9,968,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Bi er man, P ubli shi ng
1281178 Neuro-Developmental Treatment Ju di th C. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 8,876,000
T hie m e
Gje l svik, Me di cal
Be nte E . P ubli shi ng
1281177 The Bobath Concept inAdult Neurology Bassøe Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 7,756,000
John Wil e y
Ivers on, & Sons,
1281130 Metabolite Safety in Drug Development Su zanne L . Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Me dic al
In form atio Inform ati o
T ran sform ati ve H e al thcare Practi ce Thr ough Gue
n ndali n n Sc ie nce
1281067 Patie nt E ngage m ent a sourc es R efe renc e IGI Global
Re 2017 Rp 6,020,000
Man age m e Me dic al
nt Inform ati o
Assoc iatio n Sc ie nce
1281066 Oncology n R efe renc e IGI Global 2017 Rp12,320,000

Exw orth y,
1281018 Dismantling the NHS? Mar k Policy Press Policy Press 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Oxford O xford
Fle is chm an Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1280983 Pediatric Ethics , Al an R . Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,888,000
Bal , B . Incorp orat Inc orporat
1280746 The Direct AnteriorApproach to Hip Reconstruction Son ny ed ed 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Cl ini cal Skil l s Doc um entation Gui de for Athl e ti c Am ato, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1280745 T rai ni ng, Thi rd E di ti on He rb ed ed 2016 Rp 1,847,000

Daum ann, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1280742 Wundmanagement und Wunddokumentation Ste phan. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 2,099,000

Dorothe e Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1280739 Ernährung bei Schluckstörungen Ni ßle e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Martin Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1280737 Erfolgsfaktoren Effizienz und Sicherheit Hi nsch e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,739,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Maskalyk, Doubl ed ay H ouse
1280717 Life on the Ground Floor Jam es Canad a L
lse vi er 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Inc .,
Tall ey, Churc hil l H eal th
Ni chol as Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1280698 Essentials of Internal Medicine 3e Jos eph e Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 7,307,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Myoc ar dial Infarction: A Com pani on to Morrow , Sc ie nce s
1280697 B rau nwald 's He art Dis ease E-B ook David A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp14,363,000
Inc .,
Torabine ja H eal th
d, Sc ie nce s
1280696 Endodontics - E-Book Mah moud Saunders Di vi si on 2015 Rp 9,660,000
Spr inge r
H al l, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Managi ng the Psyc hologi cal Imp ac t of Me di cal Mic hel le Publ i shi ng Pe
Com nguipany,
1280598 T rau ma Flaum Comp an y R Inc .
andom 2017 Rp 2,800,000
H ouse
Hathe rle ig (Pu bli she r
1280103 Mental Health Emergencies Benas, Nick h P res s Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 280,000
Je ssi ca
Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1280030 The Essential Teachings of Sasang Medicine Yi, Che-ma Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
R al ph, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1280029 Building Language Using LEGO® Bricks Dawn Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 783,000
Je ssi ca
Yoga T her ap y for Parki nson's Di se as e and Danford, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1280023 Mu lti ple Sc le rosi s Je an. Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Je ssi ca
Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1280009 Feeling the Way Long, Rob. Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 700,000
Je ssi ca
T he Yel l ow Mon key E m peror’ s Cl assi c of Chine se Mi tc hel l , Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1280005 Me di ci ne Damo Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
El -Bi al y, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1279996 Orthodontic Biomechanics Tare k. Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,652,000
B entham
Arauj o Be ntham Sc ie nce
A dvan ce d T op ic s on Thre e-d im en sional Jú nior, Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1279989 U ltrasound i n Obs te tric s and Gyne col ogy Edw ard . Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
R ohra, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1279970 Dementia Activist He lga Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 531,000
The Gu il ford
Johnson, Gui lford P ubli cation
1279968 Survey Scales Robe rt L. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Oxford O xford
Le Vay, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1273030 Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why Si m on Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,399,000
Oxford O xford
Gorm an, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1273007 Denying to the Grave Sara E . Pre ss P res s USA 2017 Rp 1,679,000
O xford
Le vy, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1273005 Type 1 Diabetes David Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,701,000
Pott er, O xford
Nancy OUP Un ive rsi ty
1273003 The Virtue of Defiance and Psychiatric Engagement Nyqui st Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,984,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Dohe rty, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1271910 NursesAfter War Mar y El le n Comp an y Inc . 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Modu r, De mos Com pany,
1271909 Epilepsy Board Review Prade ep N. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ezaei , B usi nes s
1271867 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases Ni ma Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sogh om on Sc ie nce &
ian, Jean- B usi nes s
1271860 The Basal Ganglia Jac ques Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1271858 Neuropsychiatry Case Studies Priller, Josef Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koczwara, B usi nes s
1271848 Cancer and Chronic Conditions Bogda Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1271844 Radiobiologie en stralingsbescherming Ru, V. J. de Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Sc he urle e r, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1271843 Fysica voor beeldvorming en radiotherapie Je l le Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kle i n, B usi nes s
1271839 Mein erster Dienst - psychiatrische Notfälle Phi li pp. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ward, Hu mana B usi nes s
1271829 STAT Inhibitors in Cancer Ali ste r C. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Rauture au, B usi nes s
1271828 Clays and Health Mic hel Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dom ene ch, B usi nes s
1271822 Radiation Safety Hayde e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vis ser , Jan B usi nes s
1271813 Pediatric Orthopedics Douwe s Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Azoul ay, B usi nes s
1271808 Surgery of the Inferior Vena Cava Danie l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
H att is,
Sh ana Be rnan B ernan
1271529 Vital Statistics of the United States 2016 He rtz Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 4,564,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Krowc huk, of of
1270469 Pediatric Dermatology Danie l P. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Kudva, Mi cr obi ol o
1269365 Virulence Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogens In dir a T. ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 4,704,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Sche ld , W. Mi cr obi ol o
1269364 Emerging Infections 10 Mic hael ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 4,410,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Le ber , Mi cr obi ol o
1269362 Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook Am y L. ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 8,232,000
Barre tt, The Gu il ford
Lis a Gui lford P ubli cation
1267129 Handbook of Emotions, Fourth Edition Fel dm an Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 4,200,000
M& K
Cousl ey, M&K Up date
1261871 Perioperative Model and Framework for Practice Ann. Publ i shi ng L td .vi er
E lse 2016 Rp 812,000
Inc .,
Jaffe , H eal th
Elai ne Sc ie nce s
1261794 Hematopathology E-Book Sarki n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp21,923,000
Inc .,
Sahani , H eal th
Dushyant Sc ie nce s
1261793 Abdominal Imaging E-Book V. Elsevier Di vi si on 2016 Rp19,655,000
Taylor &
Dyke s, Franc is
1261645 Ethnographic Research in Maternal and Child Health Fiona. Routledge N (CAM)
ati onal 2015 Rp 4,060,000
B ook
P odri d's Re al-Worl d ECGs: Volu me 6, Pac ed N etw ork
R hythm s, Con geni tal Abnorm ali tie s, El ec tr olyte Podr id, Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1261598 D istur banc es , and More Phi li p J. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 9,156,000
N ati onal
B ook
N etw ork
A Cas e-Base d A pproach to Pace make rs, ICD s, an d Fri ed man, Cardi ote xt R Inte
owm rnati
1261597 Cardi ac R e synchr onizati on Vol um e 3 Pau l A . Publ i shi ng &al 2016 Rp 8,344,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Saave dra, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1261592 Eldercare 101 Mar y Jo Publ i she rs Inc
N ati. onal 2016 Rp 1,344,000
B ook
N etw ork
Kle i n, Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1261591 Strategies for ECG Arrhythmia Diagnosis George J. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 8,344,000
The Gu il ford
Swe nson, Gui lford P ubli cation
1261497 DBT® Principles inAction Ch arl e s R . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pacyna, B usi nes s
1261493 Environmental Determinants of Human Health Joze f M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi ll iam s, B usi nes s
1261492 Formulating Poorly Water Soluble Drugs Robe rt O. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kie ss li ng, B usi nes s
1261490 SmallAnimal Imaging Fabi an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ing, B usi nes s
1261489 Breast Cancer Survivorship Ali stair Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Kid d, Sc ie nce &
Des mond B usi nes s
1261486 Neuro-Ophthalmology P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
N ugte re n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1261478 Kunstgewrichten: knie en enkel Koos van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me id an, B usi nes s
1261467 The Life Cycle of the Corpus Luteum Ri na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Charle s B usi nes s
1261462 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Sc oggins Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Von Arx, B usi nes s
1261460 Clinical OralAnatomy Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ove nský, B usi nes s
1261449 Gerontorheumatology Joze f Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
O' L Sc ie nce &
oughli n, B usi nes s
1261446 Ageing inAustralia Kate Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1261132 Chinese Dates Donghe ng. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,719,000
Taylor &
Koff, Franc is
1261117 Nursing in the European Union Son dra Z . Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Bu tter wort
Van De h-
Ve ld e, Th. He i nem an
1261077 Ideal Marriage Its Physiology and Technique H. n Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,451,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge orge, B usi nes s
1260989 Institutionalizing Illness Narratives Mathe w. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ie me r, B usi nes s
1260967 Cardiac Surgery Ger hard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Mete lm an Sc ie nce &
n, Hans- B usi nes s
1260966 Plasmamedizin Robe rt. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De ic her t, B usi nes s
1260965 Traumjob oderAlbtraum - Chefarzt m/w Ulr ic h Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me ndoza, B usi nes s
1260964 Ratgeber Krampfadern, Beinschwellung und Thrombose Eri ka Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D? au ml er , B usi nes s
1260947 Social Media für das erfolgreiche Krankenhaus Mar c Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Le na
He yel man Mabuse - B ookw i re
1260907 Nach dem Pflege-Studium in dieAltenpflege? n Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 965,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Re nne berg B usi nes s
1260897 Biotechnology in Cartoons , R e inhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mais el , B usi nes s
1260890 Cardiac Biomarkers Alan S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi chael J. B usi nes s
1260887 A How To Guide For Medical Students Engl esbe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Castel li - Spr inge r
Gai r Sc ie nce &
Hom brí a, B usi nes s
1260884 Organogenetic Gene Networks Jam es Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chugal, B usi nes s
1260877 Endodontic Prognosis Nadi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Crame r, B usi nes s
1260873 Metabolism in Cancer Thorste n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Am in , B usi nes s
1260867 Vascular Neurology Board Review Hardi k P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vald erraba B usi nes s
1260851 Foot andAnkle Sports Orthopaedics no, Vi ctor R Springer
oyal Meatidional
N a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Coll ege of B ook
Ge ner al N etw ork
Danczak, Practi tione Inte rnati on
1260834 Mapping Uncertainty in Medicne Av ril . rs al 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Os ho
Me dia Pe rse us
Internation B ooks ,
1260657 The Power of Yes Osho.
Os ho al L LC 2016 Rp 56,000
In te rnation Os ho
al Me dia Pe rse us
Foundatio Internation B ooks ,
1260655 Discovering Your Center n.
Os ho al L LC 2016 Rp 56,000
In te rnation Os ho
al Me dia Pe rse us
Foundatio Internation B ooks ,
1260654 Accepting Myself the Way I Am n. al L LC 2016 Rp 56,000

Mi chael Atl antic L ightni ng

1260578 The Telomerase Revolution Fosse l Books Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 308,000
Brooki ngs Pe rse us
Instituti on B ooks ,
1260425 Behavioral Science & Policy Craig Fox Pre ss L LC 2015 Rp 560,000

Pe te r Mabuse - B ookw i re
1260281 Nebelwelten Wißm ann Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 672,000

Tanja Mabuse - B ookw i re

1260257 Beraten, Informieren und Schulen in der Pflege Se gm ül le r Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,638,000
The Gu il ford
Morri son, Gui lford P ubli cation
1260134 Interviewing Children andAdolescents, Second Edition Jam es R . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,080,000
The Gu il ford
Cogni tive -B ehavi oral Soc ial Skil ls Trai nin g for Granholm , Gui lford P ubli cation
1260133 Sc hizophre ni a Eri c L . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
The Gu il ford
Fabiano, Gui lford P ubli cation
1260124 Interventions for Disruptive Behaviors Gre gor y A. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Sul do, The Gu il ford
Sh ann on Gui lford P ubli cation
1260123 Promoting Student Happiness M. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Evans, W. Uni ver sity O UP
1260034 Social Marketing Research for Global Public Health Dougl as Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 5,876,000
Manche ste
Ern st, Uni ver sity O UP
1260017 Work Psychiatry and Society Wal trau dPre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Maloy, Uni ver sity O UP
1259982 A Case-BasedApproach to Emergency Psychiatry Kathe rin e Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,888,000

Le ach, OUP O UP
1259950 Oxford Desk Reference:Acute Medicine Ri chard M. Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp12,600,000
Davi s, Uni ver sity O UP
1259945 Food and Nutrition Economics George C. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Jotte rand, Uni ver sity O UP
1259935 Cognitive Enhancement Fabri ce Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 3,022,000
O xford
Molodyn s OUP Un ive rsi ty
1259924 Coercion in Community Mental Health Care ki, Andre w Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 8,398,000
O xford
Saunde rs, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1259912 Addiction Medicine John B. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 9,448,000
O xford
Me thods for the Ec onomi c Evaluation of He alth Drum m on OUP Un ive rsi ty
1259911 Care Program m es d, Mic hael Oxford P res s USA 2015 Rp 4,536,000
O xford
Gi ll on, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1259907 Revision Notes in Intensive Care Medicine Stuart Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,835,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Long, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1259893 Destigmatising Mental Illness? Vi cky. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,500,000
Ge lb, Oxford O xford
Dougl as Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1259889 Introduction to Clinical Neurology Jam es Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,620,000
O xford
Jen nings , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1259887 The ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology C. S. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,298,000
O xford
O xford Textbook of Cogni ti ve Ne urol ogy and H usain, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1259878 D em en ti a Mas ud Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp26,250,000
O xford
Gord on , OUP Unngui
Pe ive rsi
n ty
1259876 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Carol ine Oxford P
R res s USA
andom 2016 Rp 1,134,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Carolyn Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1259860 The Resonance Effect McMakin Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 280,000

Stefan Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1259742 Trauerbegleitung organisieren Meye r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,659,000

Chri stian Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1259740 Mergers &Acquisitions im Krankenhaussektor Tim m re ck e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp17,499,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1259614 Hospiz- und Palliativversorgungsnetzwerke gestalten Erich Rösch e r Verl ag EGmlsebH
vi er 2016 Rp 3,079,000
Inc .,
O' T H eal th
Mos by's P ocke t Dic tionary of Med ic ine , Nurs ing & oole , Mari e Sc ie nce s
1259570 H eal th Profe ssi ons - E-Book T. Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 3,356,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fe rri, Fre d Sc ie nce s
1259569 Ferri's ClinicalAdvisor 2017 E-Book F. Elsevier Di vi si on 2017 Rp 7,559,000
John Wil e y
Pre ston, Wi le y- & Sons,
1259556 Respiratory Nursing at a Glance Wend y Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,302,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lors bac h, B usi nes s
1259480 Plasma Cell Neoplasms Robe rt B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gabel , B usi nes s
1259479 Artificial Vision Ve it Pe ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
H el le r, Sc ie nce &
B reast O ncol ogy: Te chn ique s, Indi cations, and Sam anth a B usi nes s
1259474 Inte rpre tation L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H end el , B usi nes s
1259472 Cardiology Procedures Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gup ta, B usi nes s
1259468 Pathology of Opportunistic Infections Ram es h K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thom as B usi nes s
1259466 Meine Zahnarztpraxis - Marketing Sand er Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yang, Rui - B usi nes s
1259459 Yersinia Pestis: Retrospective and Perspective fu Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe te rs, B usi nes s
1259452 Narbentherapie Bianc a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mathew , B usi nes s
1259431 Ketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression Sanj ay J. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R intala, B usi nes s
1259427 Current Concepts of Intestinal Failure Ri sto J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Végv ári , B usi nes s
1259425 Proteogenomics Ákos Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De m idov, B usi nes s
1259424 Rolling CircleAmplification (RCA) Vadi m V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mul hall , B usi nes s
1259423 Atlas of Office BasedAndrology Procedures John P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shoush a, B usi nes s
1259410 Breast Pathology Sam i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wood al l, B usi nes s
1259409 The Surgions Mate John Birkhäuser Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Barbosa- Sc ie nce &
Cánovas, B usi nes s
1259406 Global Food Security and Wellness Gustavo V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Worl d W orld
Bank B ank
Carpi o, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1259135 The Nurse Workforce in the Eastern Caribbean Carm e n s s 2016 Rp 840,000

H al lam , R eaktion R eaktion

1259114 Anatomy Museum Eli zabe th. Books B ooks Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,596,000
Taylor &
H yde, Franc is
1259014 Deconstructing the Welfare State Pau la. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1258934 TransradialApproach for Percutaneous Interventions Zhou, Yujie Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spri nger B usi nes s
1258926 Schwerbehindertenrecht in der Praxis Wien,Anas Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Ul tr as on ograp hy i n Ur ol ogy, Androl ogy, Martino, B usi nes s
1258914 and Ne phrol ogy Pas quale Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Farag, B usi nes s
1258911 Perioperative Fluid Management Ehab. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ch erni ack, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258746 Alternative Medicine E. Pau l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bu rton, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258738 Fish Oil Fran kie Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Chapm an, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258737 Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) Vi ole t Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258736 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,324,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H arm on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258733 Autoimmune HemolyticAnemia (AIHA) Je an Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Jasim Al - Nova N ova
Ju boori, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Moham m e Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258730 MCQ in Implant Dentistry d Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
O chratoxi n A, Bi osynthe si s, Dete cti on and Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258728 B iol ogic al T oxi ci ty Xu, Wentao Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Lacr oix, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258722 Targeted Therapies in Cancer Mar c Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wats on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258719 Tinnitus Joë l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me rri ck, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258718 Adolescence and Health Jova Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R am i rez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258697 Connected Health Care Elai ne Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jen nings , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258695 The National Biosurveillance Integration Center Natas ha Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H am pton, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258689 PerfluorooctanoicAcid (PFOA) Eva Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mason, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258687 Inflammasomes Angi e Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Matthe ws , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258682 Bile Duct Cancer Donna E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Syste mi c, Ce ll ul ar an d Mol ec ul ar Me chanis m s of Mitagvari i Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258680 P hysi ol ogi cal Functi ons and The ir Di sorde rs a, N . P . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Ol guí n, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Hugo Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258668 Optimization of Drug Prescribing in Elderly Ju ár ez Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Waked , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258666 Sickle CellAnemia In ts ar S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258661 Peanut Allergies Pele, Maria Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Bove ll - Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be njami n, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258650 Chronic Diseases Ade li a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Perc hyono Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B iom ate ri al s and De si gner Func ti onal A ppl ic ati ons k, V. Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1258648 i n O ral Cavi ty Tam ara Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce ozi
P sychos
Je l enkovi ć, Publ i she rs, al
P ubli
1258647 Aluminum Neurotoxicity Anki ca Inc. Inc .
Johann 2016 Rp 4,480,000
W irth u nd
H an s-
Thom as Psyc hosozi Jürge n
1258623 Körperpsychotherapie mit Säuglingen und Eltern Harm s al-Ve rl ag W irth G bR 2016 Rp 1,265,000

Posthum us
1258616 Genetics and Sports , Mi ch ae l. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 5,208,000
Gl as per , John Wil e y
Edw ard Wi le y- & Sons,
1258548 Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance Alan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,232,000
John Wil e y
Mu scu loske l etal X -Rays for Me di cal Stud ents and Brow n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1258544 T rai ne es Andre w K. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,119,000

Stati stic al As pe cts of the Mi cr obi ol ogi cal Ac ad em ic

1258462 E xam in ati on of Foods Jarvis, B. Pre ss Elsevier
Spr ingeLtd.
r 2016 Rp 3,056,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Wal, R . Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1258446 Leerboek kinderverpleegkunde Uli jn-ter Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 4,984,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre ch, B usi nes s
1258439 Disability in the Global South Sh au n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Skel l y, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1258435 Difficult Decisions in Vascular Surgery r L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jayaprakas B usi nes s
1258414 Clinical Management of Pregnancies Following ART an, K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lave r, B usi nes s
1258413 The Infected Eye Nora V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be nuto, B usi nes s
1258410 Enhancing Behavioral Health in Latino Populations Lorrain e T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gunte r, Palgrave B usi nes s
1258405 FoodAdvertising Barri e Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marcu s, B usi nes s
1258282 Discussing Migraine With Your Patients Dawn A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chi ld ren ’s He althcare and Par ental Med ia Gong, Palgrave B usi nes s
1258280 E ngage m ent in Urban Chi na Qian. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000

1258219 Voyage en mer intérieure Vi rgi nie Ker Primento 2016 Rp 336,000

Bastos, CR C Pre ss
1257810 Biocalorimetry Mar gari da CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 3,919,000
App le
Bhatia, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1257796 Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery Saur abh. Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Schi rald i, App le

David Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1257795 Chemical and Biochemical Physics Anthony Pre ss L LCinge r
Spr 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Le is ti kow, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1257618 Patiëntveiligheid I. P. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ove rdi ek, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1257604 Synoniemen van geneesmiddelnamen J. W.P .M. Loghu m Me
Sprdi a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
L ee rboek spe ci ali stis che ki nde rverp le egku nde - Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1257601 Ge dr agsp roble m en en handi caps Mulder, Jan Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ayre s, A. B usi nes s
1257595 Bausteine der kindlichen Entwicklung Je an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ebbaue r, B usi nes s
1257589 Gips- und Castverbände Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Se i den berg B usi nes s
1257568 The Hip and Pelvis in Sports Medicine and Primary Care , Pe ter H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bre nnan, B usi nes s
1257566 Management of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Murray F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Ans ari , Sc ie nce &
Moham m a B usi nes s
1257560 Atlas of OcularAnatomy d Wake el Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kothar e, B usi nes s
1257550 Sleep Disorders inAdolescents Sanj ee v V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Love itt , B usi nes s
1257549 Passing the Certified Bariatric Nurses Exam Andre w. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gue rri er o, B usi nes s
1257546 Managing Ultrasonography in Human Reproduction Ste fano Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T ran slation al R es earch i n Audi ology, Ne urotol ogy, Le Pr el l, B usi nes s
1257544 and the He ar ing Sc ie nc es Col l ee n G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu ropsyc hiatri c Sym ptom s of Cogni ti ve Ve rd el ho, B usi nes s
1257538 Im pair me nt and Dem e ntia Ana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Woni sc h, B usi nes s
1257524 Kompendium der Sportmedizin Man fr ed. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conti, B usi nes s
1257520 PET-CT Pete r S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rayi ng and Camp ai gnin g wi th E nviron me ntal Palgrave B usi nes s
1257513 Chri sti ans Nita, Maria Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,800,000
R utgers R utger s
Maw dsl e y, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1257351 Selling Science Ste phe n E . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,847,000

W her e Sc ie nce and Ethi cs Mee t: D il em m as at the Wi ll m ott,

1255960 Fron ti er s of Me di ci ne and B iol ogy Ch ris . Praeger ABC-CLIO 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Packe r, B usi nes s
1255412 Writing Case Reports Cl i fford D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
The Gu il ford
Jobes , Gui lford P ubli cation
1255385 Managing Suicidal Risk, Second Edition David A. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
R unge , P ubli shi ng
1255315 Imaging of Cerebrovascular Disease Val M. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 7,756,000
T hie m e
Mue ll e r- Me di cal
Hue l sbec k, P ubli shi ng
1255314 Complications in Vascular Interventional Therapy Ste fan Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp15,512,000

Johannes Uni ver sity

1255088 Behandlungsfehler undArzthaftung Köbbe rl ing of
Gruyter to De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,568,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Pe te rki n, Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1253934 Staying Human During Residency Training All an D Di vis ion P res s 2016 Rp 839,000
Sigm a Si gma
Im pl em e nti ng the E vid enc e-Base d Practic e (EBP) Me lnyk, The ta Tau T heta Tau
Com pe te nc ie s i n H eal th care: A Practic al Gu id e for Be rnad ett e Internation Inte rnati on
1253918 Im provi ng Q uali ty, Safe ty, and Ou tc ome s Mazur ek al al 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Vohs, The Gu il ford
Kathl ee n Gui lford P ubli cation
1253893 Handbook of Self-Regulation, Third Edition D. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,920,000
The Gu il ford
Penn ebake Gui lford P ubli cation
1253891 Opening Up by Writing It Down, Third Edition r, Jam es W. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 1,456,000
The Gu il ford
Tol in, Gui lford P ubli cation
1253890 Doing CBT David F. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Gol omb, The Gu il ford
P sychol ogic al Inte rventi ons for Chil dre n w ith Ruth Gui lford P ubli cation
1253889 Se nsory Dysre gul ati on Gold finge r Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1253840 Radiology of Influenza Li, Hongjun Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Borasi o, Sc ie nce &
Gian B usi nes s
1253829 Assistierter Suizid: Der Stand der Wissenschaft Dom eni co Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Donn, B usi nes s
1253821 Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care Ste ven M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De Vi ta, B usi nes s
1253820 Textbook of Rapid Response Systems Mic hael A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H arm on, B usi nes s
1253813 Nurse Educator's Guide to Best Teaching Practice Kee le y C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Donnadi eu Sc ie nce &
D efec ts i n T Cel l Trafficki ng and R es istance to , B usi nes s
1253811 Cance r Im m unothe rap y Em manue l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A ID S Activi sm , Sci enc e and Com mu nity Ac ross Lorw ay, B usi nes s
1253810 T hree Conti nents Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Os ad chyy, Sc ie nce &
Vol odym y B usi nes s
1253809 Processes Determining Surface Water Chemistry r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ci rcu lating Nuc le ic Ac ids i n Se rum and Plasm a – Gahan, B usi nes s
1253808 CN APS IX Pete r B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
N ation al Spr inge r
Acade m ie s Sc ie nce &
Lod a,
of B usi nes s
1253805 Pathology and Epidemiology of Cancer Mas
Sc si mo
ie nc es, Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Engi nee ri n
L ess ons L earne d From the Fukush im a Nu cl ear g, and Nation al N ati onal
A cci de nt for Im provi ng Safety and Sec uri ty of U.S. Med ic ine Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1253613 N ucl e ar Plants (U .S.). Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1253612 Health Literacy and Palliative Care Alper, Joe Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,092,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1253611 Obesity in the Early Childhood Years Olson, Steve Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,092,000
Nation al N ati onal
E li mi nating th e P ubl ic He alth P roble m of H epatiti s Bu ckl ey, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1253610 B and C in the Unite d State s Gil li an J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Nation al N ati onal
Inform in g Soci al Se cur ity's Proce ss for Fi nanci al Appe lbau Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1253609 Capabil ity Dete rm ination m, Paul S. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,176,000
Nation al N ati onal
P oli cy and R ese arch Ne ed s to Maxi mi ze Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1253608 Ind epe nde nce and Suppor t Com m uni ty Li vin g Alper, Joe Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stund enkonze pte fü r Me nsc hen m it De m enz in Schl offe r, B usi nes s
1253499 d er Pfle ge He lga. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P sychop har makologi sc her Le itfaden für Be nke rt, B usi nes s
1253498 P sychol ogen und Psyc hother ape ute n Otto. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Burge rhou Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1253490 Fysiologie t, W. G. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H ense n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1253489 Radiologie Jac ques Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2017 Rp 6,664,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H uls t, D. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1253488 Productzorg van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li tmathe, B usi nes s
1253486 Neurologische Notfälle Je ns Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1253474 Allergy and Respiration w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
El kwood , B usi nes s
1253473 Rehabilitative Surgery Andre w I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Di xit, Sc ie nce &
Ch and ra B usi nes s
1253465 Microfluidics for Biologists K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kuros aki , B usi nes s
1253460 B Cell Receptor Signaling Tom o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Ad am s, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1253429 Epidemiology forAthletic Trainers Mel anie ed ed 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Pe te r L an g Taylor &
Me e ti ng the N ee ds of Paren ts Pre gnant and O' Le Gm bH, Franc is
1253331 Pare nting Afte r Pe ri natal Loss ary, Joann Routledge
Internation (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,480,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
H eus ser , GmWi sse
bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1253018 Anthroposophy and Science Pete r afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 4,085,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
A brec hnungs betrug von am bulante n Badorff , Wi sse
Gm bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1252994 P flege di en sten und Ve rtragsaerzten Kers ti n afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 3,749,000
ale r Ver lag
de te
Pe r r L an g
Bu reš ov á, Gm
Wi sse
bH,nsc h Pe ter Lang
1252989 Self-Harm inAdolescence Iva afte n
Internation AG 2016 Rp 2,405,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Wi truk, Wi sse nsc h
Pe ter Lang
1252977 Dyslexia and Traumatic Experiences Evel i n afte n AG
E lse vi er 2016 Rp 3,413,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Iannucc i, Sc ie nce s
1252210 Dental Radiography - E-Book Joe n M . Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 3,020,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B rockl ehu rst's Te xtbook of Ge riatri c Me di ci ne and Fi ll it, Sc ie nce s
1252208 Ge rontol ogy E-Book Howard Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp19,655,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P rac tic al Cytopathol ogy: A Di agn ostic Appr oac h Fi el d, Sc ie nce s
1252207 E -B ook Andre w S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp21,923,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Farag, Sc ie nce s
1252206 Brown'sAtlas of RegionalAnesthesia E-Book Ehab Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp15,119,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pol in, Sc ie nce s
1252205 Fetal and Neonatal Physiology E-Book Ri chard A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp28,727,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gahart, Sc ie nce s
1252204 2017 Intravenous Medications - E-Book Be tty L . Mosby Di viinge
Spr si onr 2016 Rp 4,616,000
Sc ie nce &
Bri nk, Bohn B usi nes s
Gee rt van Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1252175 Leerboek intensive-care-verpleegkunde 2 de n Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Spr inge r
Baba, Sc ie nce &
A pocarotenoi ds of Crocu s Sati vus L: From Sh oib B usi nes s
1252174 B iosyn the si s to Pharmac ology Ahm ad Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Prash er, B usi nes s
1252151 Epilepsy and Intellectual Disabilities Ve e P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
John Wil e y
Som e rvil l e, Wi le y- & Sons,
1252135 Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance Mar gare t Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,302,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Male y, B usi nes s
1252127 Frontiers in Cancer Research Carl o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Gol dste en, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Jonas’ Introduc ti on to the U .S. He al th Care System , Raym ond Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1251865 8th E diti on L., DrP H. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Karuppan, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cor inne Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1251864 Operations Management in Healthcare M. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,920,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Gl obal Sc hool Fee di ng Sourc ebook: Le ss on s From Drake , Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1251694 14 Countri es Le sle y J. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 6,356,000
W orld
X ue, Sc ie ntific
E vid enc e-base d Cl ini cal Chin ese M edi ci ne - Ch arl i e Worl d P ubli shi ng
1251688 Vol um e 1: Chroni c Obstruc ti ve Pul m onar y Di se as e Ch angl i Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 4,032,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
E mp eror Of E nzym e s: A Bi ography O f Arthur Fri ed berg, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1251686 Kornbe rg, Bi oche m ist A nd N obel L au reate Errol C. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,940,000

H ow el l , Exi sle
1251639 Listening, Learning, Caring and Counselling Cate. Publ i shi ng Vearsa 2016 Rp 420,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
El is ha H ouse
1251589 This Narrow Space Wal dm an Schocken L LC 2018 Rp 1,820,000

Ac ad em ic
1251489 FromArtemisia Annua L. To Artemisinins Tu, Youyou Pre ss Elsevier Ltd.
N ati onal 2017 Rp 5,040,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
B MJ Cli ni cal Re vie w: Infe ctious Di se as es and Jyoti , Le arning Inte rnati on
1251484 P ubli c He al th Babita Me dia al ati onal
N 2016 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
H unni sett , BP P N etw ork
Profes sor Le arning Inte rnati on
1251447 BMJ 10-Minute Consultation: Primary Care Aan. Me dia Ltd al 2106 Rp 3,224,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stefan B usi nes s
1251426 Weiterbildung Radiologie Del orm e Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sel van, Sc ie nce &
Su bramani B usi nes s
1251421 Introduction to Nanotheranostics an Tam i l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
3D Vi rtual Tre atm en t Planni ng of O rthognathi c Swe nne n, B usi nes s
1251419 Sur gery Gwe n R . J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yang, Ji n- B usi nes s
1251412 Targeting Autophagy in Cancer Therapy Ming Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Cardi nal i , Sc ie nce &
Danie l B usi nes s
1251409 Ma Vie En Noir Ped ro. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Abu- Sc ie nce &
Arafe h, B usi nes s
1251398 Headache in Children andAdolescents Is haq Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Val le rand, F. A. Davis
Apri l Com pany/
1251316 Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses Hazard F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,371,000
Curti s, F. A. Davis
D avi s Esse ntial N ursi ng Conten t + Practi ce Cathy Com pany/
1251315 Q ues ti ons Psyc hiatric Me ntal H e al th Mel fi F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2017 Rp 1,623,000
F. A. Davis
Ruthe rford Com pany/
1251314 Surgical Equipment and Supplies , Col le en F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,959,000

Patric ia Mabuse - B ookw i re

1251230 Landärztliche Medizin Häne l Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 797,000

Thom as Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1251228 Krisenkommunikation - Grundlagen und Praxis W. Ull ri ch e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000

H artm ut
1250728 Biomedizinische Technik – Medizinische Informatik Dic khaus De Gruyter De Gruyter
N ati onal 2015 Rp 2,352,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Wore k, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1250636 Chemical Warfare Toxicology Fran z Chem i stry Nal ati onal 2016 Rp 7,028,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Wore k, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1250635 Chemical Warfare Toxicology Fran z Chem i stry al 2016 Rp 7,028,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Toons tra, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1250630 Voeten en nagels Johan Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al exandra B usi nes s
1250622 Fish Vaccines Adam s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
H K, Sc ie nce &
Ram akr ish B usi nes s
1250621 Medical Statistics na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1250619 Signal Processing in Neuroscience Li, Xiaoli Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1250614 Pijnproblemen in de praktijk Keizer, D. Loghu m Me
Sprdi a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Sc ie nce &
Van der Bohn B usi nes s
N eu roreval idatie bi j ce ntr aal ne urol ogisc he Brugge , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1250612 aandoe ninge n Fran s. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Os im ani, B usi nes s
1250611 Knee Imaging Mar ce ll o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hu mana B usi nes s
1250600 HematologicAbnormalities andAcute Lung Syndromes Lee, Janet S. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D iabete s Me l li tu s i n D eve lopi ng Cou ntr ie s and Dagogo- B usi nes s
1250598 U nde rse rved Comm un itie s Jac k, Sam Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Isralow i tz, B usi nes s
1250597 Mental Health andAddiction Care in the Middle East Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me di na, B usi nes s
1250593 Cancer of the Oral Cavity, Pharynx and Larynx Je su s E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi ll i ngs, B usi nes s
1250151 Inflammatory Dermatopathology Ste ven D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bre hm , B usi nes s
1250145 Die Lese- und Rechtschreibstörung wirksam bekämpfen Ri ta M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
R ejn iak, Sc ie nce &
Katarzyna B usi nes s
1250136 Systems Biology of Tumor Microenvironment A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ehfe ld , B usi nes s
1250135 Compendium of Histology Ande rs Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Soňa Sc ie nce &
Ne vší mal o B usi nes s
1250123 Sleep Disorders in Children vá Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frangou, B usi nes s
1250119 Women inAcademic Psychiatry Sop hia Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dakubo, B usi nes s
1250117 Cancer Biomarkers in Body Fluids Gabr ie l D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Cohen , Sc ie nce &
Bruc e M. Palgrave B usi nes s
1250092 Psychiatric Hegemony Z. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Me dizid nis c W orld
h B ank
R ofm an, Publ
Wi ssei cati
h P ubli cation
1249934 Demographic Change in Uruguay Rafae l s ic he
s 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnisgesc
e ll schaft
Prams tal le m bH
Wi sse & nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1249919 RETTET DIE MEDIZIN! r, Pete r P. Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2016 Rp 624,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnisgesc
e ll schaft
Bü hn, m bH
Wi sse & nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1249918 Das Krankenhaus-MVZ Rain er. Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,186,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
Ebl e, m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1249917 Gesundheitsnetzwerke Su sanne. Co. KG Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,030,000
T hie m e
Vac caro, Me di cal
Ale xan der P ubli shi ng
1249729 Spine Surgery R. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp20,524,000
T hie m e
H anasono, Me di cal
Matt hew P ubli shi ng
1249728 Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of the Head and Neck M. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp19,964,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Potsi c, P ubli shi ng
1249727 Surgical Pediatric Otolaryngology Wil l iam P. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp17,192,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Z han g, P ubli shi ng
1249726 Clinical Epidemiology of Orthopaedic Trauma Yi ngze Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp18,844,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Chi n, P ubli shi ng
1249725 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of the East Asian Face Hong-nyul Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp24,388,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Di Ie va, P ubli shi ng
1249724 Handbook of Skull Base Surgery Antonio Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp13,300,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Uns chul d, Cali for nia Cali forni a
1249721 Nan Jing Pau l U. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1249666 Operative Techniques in Liver Resection Yan, Lunan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rge r, B usi nes s
1249662 Epigenetics, Energy Balance, and Cancer Nathan A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cros s-Cu ltural and Cr os s-Di sci pl inary Samanta, B usi nes s
1249659 Pe rsp ec ti ves i n Soci al Gerontol ogy Tanni stha. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atri al Fi bril l ati on and Perc utan eous Coronary R ubboli , B usi nes s
1249648 Inte rventi on Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Choukè r, B usi nes s
1249646 The Immune System in Space:Are We Prepared? Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Karp ouzis, B usi nes s
1249645 Emotion in Games Kos tas Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
R am í rez- Sc ie nce &
Dom íngue B usi nes s
1249643 Pancreatic Islet Isolation z, Mi riam Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He de quis t, B usi nes s
1249638 Pediatric Femur Fractures Danie l J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000

Taylor &
Bu etow, Franc is
1249098 Person-centred Health Care Ste phe n Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1249019 Supporting Women for Labour and Birth Leap, Nicky Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1247653 Information Systems and Neuroscience Fred Davis Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Khali l, B usi nes s
1247651 Basic Science of PET Imaging Magd y M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe te rs, B usi nes s
1247619 The Guidebook to Molar Endodontics Ove A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Kie se - Sc ie nce &
Hi mm e l, B usi nes s
1247617 Körperinstrument Stimme Ch ris ti ane. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rsonal ize d, Evolu ti onary, an d E cologi cal N or man, B usi nes s
1247605 D erm atol ogy Robe rt A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000

Pame l a Vivi d IN scri be

1247600 Personal Change Through Self-Hypnosis Young Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2016 Rp 280,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
E me rgi ng R es earch i n the Analysi s an d Mod el ing Ivanov, n Sc ie nce
1247568 of G ene R egu latory N etwor ks Ivan V. R efe renc e IGI
N atiGlobal
onal 2016 Rp 5,460,000
B ook
Ch au dhuri N etw ork
, P rofess or Inte rnati on
1247559 Fast Facts: Parkinson’s Disease K R ay. Health Press Nal ati onal 2016 Rp 700,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
B MJ Cli ni cal Re vie w: Ge ri atri cs , Me ntal H e al th Jyoti , Le arning Inte rnati on
1247558 and Soci al Care Babita Me dia al 2016 Rp 3,224,000
Shugart, Uni ver sity O UP
1247552 Heavy He le ne A. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,323,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Uns chul d, Cali for nia Cali forni a
1247460 Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu Pau l U. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,080,000
R avi
Kum ar, M. Pan CR C Pre ss
1247457 Handbook of Polyester Drug Delivery Systems N. V. Stanford L LC 2016 Rp 6,999,000

Ve e du, Pan CR C Pre ss

1247456 Aptamers Rake sh N . Stanford L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Chapm an
and CR C Pre ss
1247453 Bayesian Designs for Phase I–II Clinical Trials Yuan, Ying Hal l/CRC L LC 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Ahm ad, CR C Pre ss

1247449 Reactive Oxygen Species in Biology and Human Health Sh am i m I. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 5,039,000

Di Bais e, CR C Pre ss
1247448 Short Bowel Syndrome John K. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000

B ody R es haping Throu gh Mus cl e and Ski n Jang, CR C Pre ss

1247435 Me ri di an The rapy Je onhe e. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Ram am ur t CR C Pre ss
1247425 Elastic Fiber Matrices hi, Anand. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,759,000

Ong, HIMSS CR C Pre ss

1247423 Medical Informatics Kenne th R . Publ i shi ng L LC 2015 Rp 2,799,000

Z al es ki, HIMSS CR C Pre ss

1247421 Connected Medical Devices John . Publ i shi ng L LC 2015 Rp 2,799,000
Im aging of the Card iovascu lar Syste m , T horax, CR C Pre ss
1247420 and Abdom en Saba, Luca. CRC Press L LC 2017 Rp 7,839,000

R e gulatory and Pharm ac ologi cal Basi s of Sin gh , CR C Pre ss

1247418 A yurved ic Form ul ati ons Am ritpal . CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,759,000
Pandi -
Peru mal , S. CR C Pre ss
1247416 Sleep and Psychosomatic Medicine, Second Edition R. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Story, Taylor &
MPHM , Prod ucti vit Franc is
1247414 Optimizing Your Capacity to Care Pie rc e. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Fri ed , Uni ver sity O UP
1247407 Medical Experimentation Ch arl e s Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,132,000
Schu lz, S. Uni ver sity O UP
1247406 Schizophrenia and Psychotic Spectrum Disorders Ch arl e s Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 6,716,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Slabý, B usi nes s
1247370 Non-coding RNAs in Colorectal Cancer Ondře j Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1247369 Inflammation: the Common Link in Brain Pathologies Jana, Nihar Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Straal en, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1247367 Klinisch redeneren voor verpleegkundigen Lia van Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1247366 Sociologie voor gezondheidszorg en verpleegkunde Stapel, Jan Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi tochond rial Me chanis m s of De ge ner ati on and Bu hlm an, B usi nes s
1247359 R e pai r in Par kinson 's D ise ase Lori M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H usain, B usi nes s
1247350 Continuous EEG Monitoring Aati f M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conrad, B usi nes s
1247324 Sports-Based Health Interventions David Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Am e ric an Am er ic an Am e ri can
Med ic al Me dic al Me di cal
Assoc iatio Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1246839 CPT 2016 Professional Edition n. n n 2015 Rp 3,219,000
R utgers R utger s
He ine m an Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1246835 Transplanting Care n, Laura L. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Gade lrab,
Sh erry
1246683 Medicine and Morality in Egypt Saye d I.B.Tauris I.B. Tauris 2016 Rp 3,332,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Cobo, P ubli shi ng
1246633 Ethnic Considerations in Facial Plastic Surgery Roxana Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp18,844,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Barkhause P ubli shi ng
1246632 Digital Breast Tomosynthesis n, Jörg Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp13,300,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Conne ll , P ubli shi ng
1246631 Aesthetic Rejuvenation of the Face and Neck Bruc e Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp19,964,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
A natom y for Pl astic Surge ry of the Face , He ad and Watanabe , P ubli shi ng
1246630 N ec k Kōi ch i Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp17,192,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Grand, P ubli shi ng
1246629 Vasculature of the Brain and Cranial Base Wal ter Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp18,844,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Tru swe l l, P ubli shi ng
1246628 Lasers and Light, Peels andAbrasions Wil l iam Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp15,512,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Dornhoff er P ubli shi ng
1246627 The Chronic Ear , John L. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp18,284,000
T hie m e
Le ite , Me di cal
D iff usi on We ighte d and Di ffus ion Tens or Im agi ng: Cl audi a da P ubli shi ng
1246626 A Cli ni cal Gui de Cos ta Thieme Inc . 2015 Rp 8,876,000
T hie m e
Franci s, Me di cal
Howard P ubli shi ng
1246625 Temporal Bone Dissection Guide W. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp 8,876,000
Spr inge r
Su bramani Sc ie nce &
A nes the si a and Pe ri oper ati ve Care for O rgan am , B usi nes s
1246513 T ran spl an tation Kathi rvel . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
R ivi el lo, Sc ie nce &
O n the Pe rce ption of Dynam ic Em otional Mar ia B usi nes s
1246506 E xp res sion s: A Cross-c ultur al Com paris on Te re sa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com pre ssi on G arm e nts i n Sports: Athle tic Enge l , B usi nes s
1246496 Pe rform an ce and R e cover y Flori an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Fernand ez, De mos Com pany,
1246464 Ultimate Review for the Neurology Boards Hube rt H . Me dic al Inc . 2017 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Com pact Cl ini cal Gui de to Arr hyth mi a and 12- Gold swort Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1246462 L ead EKG Inte rpre tation hy, Sandr a Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ken ner, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1246460 Neonatal Nursing Care Handbook, Second Edition Carol e Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Journ al of B iom im e tics , Biom ate ri als an d Author Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1246363 B iom ed ic al E ngine e ring unknow n s s , L td 2016 Rp 3,780,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Ika De wi Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1246355 Bioceramics 27 Ana s s , L td 2016 Rp 8,120,000
Trans Tec h T ran s Te ch
Antoni ac , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1246336 Biomaterials and Regenerative Biomedicine Iu li an . s s , L td 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Je ssi ca
P sycho-Em otional Pain and the E ight Farre ll , Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1246248 E xtraordi nary Ves se ls Yvonne R . Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 979,000
Je ssi ca
Ti ran, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1246247 Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice Den ise Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Je ssi ca
Att le e, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1246243 Face to Face with the Face Thom as Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Pe ngui n
DiN ic olant R andom
onio, H ouse
1245739 The Salt Fix Jam es Harmony L LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
Abu- R utgers R utger s
A rte ri al and Ve nous Acc es s i n the Cardi ac Fad el , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1245696 Cathete rization L ab Maze n Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 6,716,000
Mc Far land
Mi tu , Com pany,
1245553 Health and the Media Bianc a. McFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Oxford O xford
Eri cks on, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1245217 Epstein's Inborn Errors of Development Robe rt P. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp29,400,000
O xford
N g, Wan- OUP Un ive rsi ty
1245209 Sjögren's Syndrome Fai Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,417,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1244924 Advances in Respiratory Cancerogenesis w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Skinn er, B usi nes s
1244917 The Development of Coping Ell e n A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
R osa, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1244584 NursesAs Leaders Wil l iam Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Chi ld Be havior al and Par enti ng Chall en ges for Mus cari, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1244583 A dvan ce d Pr ac ti ce N urs es Mar y E. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Ch evall ie r, H ouse
1244570 Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine Andre w DK L LC 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R obel - B usi nes s
1244492 Dopplersonographie in der Neonatologie Til l ig, Eva. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Oxford O xford
McGre gor, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1244473 Neurology Board Review Am y Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,196,000
Oxford O xford
Wi jdi cks , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1244472 Neurocritical Care Ee lco F. M. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,196,000
Caulki ns, Oxford O xford
Jonathan Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1244471 Marijuana Legalization P. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,797,000
O xford
We bb, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1244466 Oxford Textbook of Critical Care Andre w R. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp61,950,000
O xford
Ow en, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1244465 Sports Psychiatry Bruc e. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,134,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rk, B usi nes s
1244427 Dying and Death in Oncology Lawre nce Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Ayre s-de - Sc ie nce &
Cam pos, B usi nes s
1244425 Obstetric Emergencies Diogo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le ves que , B usi nes s
1244424 Adolescents, Rapid Social Change, and the Law Roge r J. R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Langenh an B usi nes s
1244423 Adhesion G Protein-coupled Receptors , T obias Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1244420 Neurolaw Picozza, E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1244419 How to Write a Competitive R01 Grant Dey, S. K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stati stic al Caus al Infe renc es and The ir B usi nes s
1244417 A ppl ic ati on s i n P ubli c He al th R es earc h He, Hua. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Statis ti cal Phys ics of Fi xati on and Ash croft, B usi nes s
1244416 E quil i brati on i n Indi vi dual-B ase d Mode ls Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Taslaki an, B usi nes s
1244413 Procedural Dictations in Image-Guided Intervention Be dros Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Käll én, B usi nes s
1244412 Drugs During Pregnancy Be ngt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc aram uzz B usi nes s
1244411 Research Into Childhood-Onset Diabetes a, Andr ea Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gali tsky, B usi nes s
1244410 ComputationalAutism Bori s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1244409 Efflux-MediatedAntimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria Li, Xian-Zhi Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi lbru n, B usi nes s
1244407 Handbook of Cystic Fibrosis Am y G. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
John Wil e y
Vanland ew Wi le y- & Sons,
1244403 Training and Coaching the ParalympicAthlete ijc k, Yve s Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,847,000
Oxford O xford
Shi basaki , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1244393 The Neurologic Examination Hi roshi Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,725,000
O xford
Li nde n, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1244383 Neuroimaging and Neurophysiology in Psychiatry David Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,701,000
O xford
Dāśagupta OUP Un ive rsi ty
1244380 Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant CellArteritis , B haskar a Oxford P res sham
Ford USA 2016 Rp 1,701,000
Un ive rsi ty
Fordham P res s
Baxstrom , Uni ver sity (Li ghtnin g
1244343 Realizing the Witch Ri chard. Pre ss Sourcham
Ford e) 2016 Rp 3,584,000
Un ive rsi ty
Fordham P res s
Be nne tt, Uni ver sity (Li ghtnin g
1244334 Technicians of Human Dignity Gaym on Pre ss Sourcham
Ford e) 2016 Rp 2,464,000
Un ive rsi ty
Fordham P res s
Gui be rt, Uni ver sity (Li ghtnin g
1244327 Cytomegalovirus He rvé . Pre ss Sourcham
Ford e) 2015 Rp 2,828,000
Un ive rsi ty
Fordham P res s
Uni ver sity (Li ghtnin g
1244320 Plasticity and Pathology Bates, D. Pre ss Sourc e) 2015 Rp 3,220,000
Spr inge r
Katze nste
Assoc iatioi P ubli shi ng
n, An na-
n, De mos Com pany,
1244230 DiagnosticAtlas of Non-Neoplastic Lung Disease Lui se A.
In form atio Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Re sourc es Inform ati o
Man age m e n Sc ie nce
1244135 Psychology and Mental Health nt. R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp54,600,000

R oss Moon John Hun t

1244064 Shamanic Plant Medicine - San Pedro He ave n Books (N BN) 2016 Rp 391,000
Sigm a Si gma
Dre he r, The ta Tau T heta Tau
Mel anie Internation Inte rnati on
1244018 Healthy Places, Healthy People, 3rd Edition Cr eagan al al 2016 Rp 1,399,000
Me drano,
Le on ard o Ed itori al E ditori al
1243981 Prácticas basadas en la evidencia Adri án Bru jas B rujas 2016 Rp 274,000
Oxford O xford
H wang, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1243977 50 Studies Every Neurologist Should Know David Y. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Oxford O xford
And ers on, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1243972 50 Studies Every Pediatrician Should Know Ashaunta Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,919,000
O xford
H arp er, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1243958 How Population Change Will Transform Our World Sarah Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,259,000
Maxfiel d, John Wil e y
Fred eri ck & Sons,
1243758 Lysosomes R. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
He rgen roe Ac ad em y Ac adem y
de r, Al be rt of of
1243709 AM:STARs Sports Medicine and Sport Injuries C. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2015 Rp 1,679,000
Am e ric an Am er ic an Am e ri can
Acade m y Ac ad em y Ac adem y
of of of
1243693 5210 Pediatric Obesity Clinical Decision Support Chart Ped iatric s. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2015 Rp 1,035,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Camp bel l, of of
1243663 Neonatology for Primary Care Debor ah Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2015 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E thi cal Issu es in Counse l li ng and Psyc hoth erapy Bhol a, B usi nes s
1243470 P rac tic e Poorni ma. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
St. P ie rre , B usi nes s
1243464 Crisis Management inAcute Care Settings Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stem Ce l ls, Pr e-ne oplasi a, and Earl y Cance r of the Jansen , B usi nes s
1243463 U ppe r Gastroi ntesti nal T ract Mar nix. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me ch ani cs of Bi ologi cal System s and Mater ials , Korach, B usi nes s
1243462 Vol um e 6 Ch ad S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krause , B usi nes s
1243460 Immune Infertility Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
H egde , Sc ie nce &
Mah abal es B usi nes s
1243459 Omega-3 Fatty Acids hwar V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
R oos - Sc ie nce &
He sse li nk, B usi nes s
1243458 Pregnancy and Congenital Heart Disease Jol ie n W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1243457 Core Concepts in Hypertension in Kidney Disease Singh,Ajay Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu che nau , B usi nes s
1243438 Männerschnupfen Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schu lze, B usi nes s
1243424 Molecular and Cellular Biology of Platelet Formation Harald Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,412,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R inal di, B usi nes s
1243418 New Perspectives in Medical Records Giovanni Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bayli s, B usi nes s
1243417 Clinical Research Involving Pregnant Women Fran çois e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
The Gu il ford
Mazza, Gui lford P ubli cation
1243350 DBT® Skills in Schools Jam es J. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000

Sm ith, The Gu il ford

Ronal d Gui lford P ubli cation
1243349 Promoting Emotional Resilience Edw ard Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Abdu l Sc ie nce &
Qayyum B usi nes s
1243347 Neurophysiology in Clinical Practice Rana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R adiation The rapy Te chn ique s and Tr eatme nt Be ll on, B usi nes s
1243336 Pl annin g for B reast Cance r Je nni fer R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Gre gory, Sc ie nce &
A poptosis i n Cance r Pathoge nesi s an d Anti -c an ce r Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1243335 T herapy r D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000

Dais y
1243250 Das Skillslab ABC Rotzol l De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,568,000
Uni ver sity O UP
1243196 The Central Nervous System Brodal, Per Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 9,660,000
The Gu il ford
R um in ati on-Foc use d Cogni tive -Be havi oral Watki ns, Gui lford P ubli cation
1243082 T herapy for De pre ssi on Edw ard R . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000

Kathard , Van Sc haik Van Schai k

1242997 Speech-language Therapy in a School Context Harsha Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 993,000

Van Sc haik Van Schai k

1242993 SouthAfrican Family Practice Manual Mash, Bob. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 1,536,000

Cronjé , H. Van Sc haik Van Schai k

1242867 Clinical Obstetrics S. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,784,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1242764 Genetic Disorders Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sawhne y, B usi nes s
1242743 Pediatric Rheumatology Su jata Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Backe rt, B usi nes s
1242712 Inflammasome Signaling and Bacterial Infections Ste ffe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bonamont B usi nes s
1242707 Aquatic Dermatology e, D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Cu e, B usi nes s
1242703 Rational Suicide in the Elderly Robe rt. E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
M& K
T he Ophthalm i c Stud y Gui de for N urs es and Fi el d, M&K Up date
1242587 H eal th Profe ssi onals Dorothy Publ i shi ng L td . 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Spr inge r
Kim , Sc ie nce &
Se ung B usi nes s
1242543 Oncologic Imaging: Urology Hyup Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H rayr P. B usi nes s
1242541 Clinical Handbook of Insomnia Attari an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wong, Ka- B usi nes s
1242540 Big Data Analytics in Genomics Ch un Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Al - Sc ie nce &
Tubaikh, B usi nes s
1242538 Internal Medicine Jarrah A li Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242537 Laborpraxis Band 4:Analytische Methoden aprentas Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H atfie ld , B usi nes s
1242524 Selenium Dolp h L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wu , Ann a B usi nes s
1242521 Cancer Epidemiology Among AsianAmericans H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1242513 Respiratory Medicine and Science w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242508 Breast MRI Teaching Atlas Ha, Richard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z schoc ke, B usi nes s
1242466 JIMD Reports, Volume 28 Johanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Salve tti , B usi nes s
1242459 Resistant Hypertension Mas si mo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rtolaso, B usi nes s
1242455 Philosophy of Cancer Mar ta Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl andi na, Hu mana B usi nes s
1242446 Histamine Receptors Patri zio. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Falup - Sc ie nce &
Pec urariu , B usi nes s
1242438 Movement Disorders Curricula Cr isti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242437 Information Technologies in Medicine Piętka, Ewa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242436 Information Technologies in Medicine Piętka, Ewa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Vande rm e Bohn Sc ie nce &
ule n, J. A. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1242433 Niet-aangeboren hersenletsel bij volwassenen M. Loghu m Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Aarst, M. Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1242432 Sportmassage, sportverzorging en functietests van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Kee m an , J. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1242431 Kleine chirurgische ingrepen N. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sachse , B usi nes s
1242428 Konflikt und Streit Rain er. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242427 HNO Fragen undAntworten Koch, Dirk. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stand l, B usi nes s
1242411 Ambulantes Operieren in Klinik, Praxis und MVZ Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ec kam p, B usi nes s
1242405 Lung Cancer Kare n L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H yman, B usi nes s
1242404 Difficult Decisions in Colorectal Surgery Ne il Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pham , B usi nes s
1242403 Bone and Cartilage Regeneration Phuc Van Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ul lm ann, B usi nes s
1242392 Ärztliche Großpraxis Andre as. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
E ntw i ckl ungen de r Sc ie nce &
B etri ebs haftpfli ch tve rsi che rung de s Ans chl ag, B usi nes s
1242390 Kranke nhausträger s Mar c Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
R uiz, Sc ie nce &
Antonio B usi nes s
1242367 Extracellular Potentials in the Hippocampus Fernánd ez Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Ori gins and Deve lop me nt of P roble m Jes sor, B usi nes s
1242363 B ehavi or Th eory Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We ine r, B usi nes s
1242362 Translating Molecular Biomarkers Into ClinicalAssays Rus se ll . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sin gh , Sc ie nce &
Ni rbhay B usi nes s
1242352 Handbook of Recovery in Inpatient Psychiatry N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R occaro, B usi nes s
1242347 Plasma Cell Dyscrasias Ald o M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Ti nke r- Sc ie nce &
Mil l, Cl ai re B usi nes s
1242339 Nanoscale Imaging and Characterisation of Amyloid-β Loui sa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu rotoxi n Mod el ing of Brai n Di sord ers — Li fe - Kos tr ze wa, B usi nes s
1242333 l ong O utcom es in Be havioral Ter atol ogy Ri chard M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
U nde rstan din g the HIV/AIDS Ep ide m ic i n the Wr ight, B usi nes s
1242332 U nite d State s Eri c R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Bi sc iotti , Sc ie nce &
Gian B usi nes s
1242329 The Lower Limb Tendinopathies Ni col a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Thangaraj, Sc ie nce &
P har macol ogic al As says of P lant-B as ed Natural Par im el azh B usi nes s
1242324 P roduc ts agan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cao, B usi nes s
1242285 Nonparametric Statistics Ri cardo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Gl over, Sc ie nce &
Be ned ict B usi nes s
1242282 Clinical Handbook of Cardiac Electrophysiology M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pryor , B usi nes s
1242281 Gastrointestinal Bleeding Au rora D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242278 Pulse Waves Salvi, Paolo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Andre adi s, Sc ie nce &
Em manue l B usi nes s
1242270 Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Maus, Sc ie nce &
Tim othy B usi nes s
1242269 Essential Echocardiography M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , Kyu- B usi nes s
1242257 Cancer Drug Discovery Won. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242253 Functional NucleicAcids Detection in Food Safety Xu, Wentao. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Bru ini ng, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1242230 Intensieve geneeskunde H. A. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
B ehande l protocol voor autonom ie ver sterke nde Be kker , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1242228 i nterve ntie Mar rie Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spe ctral Dom ai n Optic al Cohe re nce Tom ography Me yer, B usi nes s
1242227 i n Mac ular Dis ease s Cars te n H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhatia, B usi nes s
1242184 Natural Polymer Drug Delivery Systems Saur abh Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Kulakovsk Sc ie nce &
aya, B usi nes s
1242181 Inorganic Polyphosphates in Eukaryotic Cells Tatiana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R anc k, B usi nes s
1242178 Disruptive Cooperation in Digital Health Jod y Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wall ace, B usi nes s
1242176 Neoliberal Ebola Robe rt G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1242170 The Pathobiology of Breast Cancer Russo, Jose Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me asure m ent and Analys is in Transform i ng Fabri, B usi nes s
1242169 H eal th care De li very Pete r J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Subal te rni ty Vs . He gem ony, Cuba's O utstand ing Sc ie nce &
A chi eve me nts in Sc ie nce and Bi ote ch nology, 1959- Baracc a, B usi nes s
1242161 2014 Ange lo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu rotr au ma M anage me nt for the Se vere ly Ec klu nd, B usi nes s
1242155 Inj ure d Pol ytrauma Pati ent Jam es M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me yer, B usi nes s
1242150 Neurologic Disease Mic hael A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Blac kstone, B usi nes s
1242148 Obesity Robi n P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Goud ra, Sc ie nce &
Basavana B usi nes s
1242146 Out of Operating RoomAnesthesia G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koch, B usi nes s
1242141 Nausea and Vomiting Kenne th L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bron stei n, B usi nes s
1242138 Preterm Birth in the United States Jane t M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Cu mm i ngs Sc ie nce &
-Vaughn, B usi nes s
1242131 Ethnogeriatrics Le nise Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A ffe ctive T ouch and the Ne urop hysi ology of CT Ol ausson, B usi nes s
1242129 A ffe ren ts Håkan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ingrow , Palgrave B usi nes s
1242113 The Language of CosmeticsAdvertising He le n Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Anaphora An ap hora
Walpu ck, Li terary L iter ar y
1242057 What Consumers Should KnowAbout Food Safety David Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 84,000
Wi sdom W isd om
Kozak, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1241997 108 Metaphors for Mindfulness Arnol d s s 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Be ngtson, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1241982 Handbook of Theories of Aging, Third Edition Ve rn L . Comp an y E Inc
lse. vi er 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pathologi c Basi s of Vete rin ary Di sease E xp ert Z ac hary, Sc ie nce s
1241958 Cons ult - E-BOO K Jam es F. Mosby Di vi si on 2017 Rp10,752,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E val uati on of Gas tr ointe stinal Motil ity and Its Ghosh al , B usi nes s
1241938 D isord er s Uday C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di mp fl, B usi nes s
1241935 Weiterbildung Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hoff mann, B usi nes s
1241934 Inherited Metabolic Diseases Georg F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Centauru s Sc ie nce &
E rfolgsfaktor Strate gis che s M anage me nt, De ic kert, Ve rl ag & B usi nes s
1241924 Control li ng un d Pe rsonal Fran k. Me dia Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi er li ng, B usi nes s
1241918 Arztpraxis - erfolgreicheAbgabe Gotz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vögel e , B usi nes s
1241912 Epidemien und Pandemien in historischer Perspektive Jör g Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
n n
16th Internation al Confer enc e on Pr od ucti on Com m itt ee Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1241819 D ise ase s i n Farm Ani m al s , Sc ie ntific Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,372,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Ter ris , P ubli shi ng
1241662 Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases David J. Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp16,632,000

1241660 Cortisol Excess and Insufficiency Em anu el a S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,756,000
Bi es al ski ,
1241659 Hidden Hunger Kon rad S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Moye rs, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1241592 Interprofessional Evidence-Based Practice Pene l op e ed ed 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Cole , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1241591 Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning Mar il yn B . e d ed 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Be rry, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1241590 Cram Session in Joint Mobilization Techniques David C. ed ed 2016 Rp 1,007,000
Me riano, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1241589 Occupational Therapy Interventions Cathe rine ed ed 2016 Rp 1,875,000
Chapm an
B ene fit-Ri sk As se ssm en t Method s i n Me di cal and CR C Pre ss
1241158 P roduc t De ve l opm ent Jiang, Qi Hal l/CRC L LC 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Chang, CR C Pre ss
1241156 Neurovision Rehabilitation Guide Am y CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 6,719,000
Chapm an
Ve xle r, and CR C Pre ss
1241155 Statistical Testing Strategies in the Health Sciences Albe rt. Hal l/CRC L LC 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Li u, CR C Pre ss
1241153 Molecular Detection of Animal Viral Pathogens Dongyou CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 8,959,000
Ind epe nde
Davi s, P ubli she rs
1241099 NHS for Sale Jac ky. Merlin Press Gr oup 2015 Rp 196,000
Worl d W orld
Bank B ank
Wang, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1241094 Ethiopia Health Extension Program Hui hui . s s 2016 Rp 840,000

U ltrasound Imagi ng i n Ac ute and Chroni c Kidn ey Me ola,

1241091 D ise ase Mar io S. Karger Karger
ati onal 2016 Rp 7,028,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
Me di cal Le ader ship : A Practi cal Gui de for Tutors Spurge on, Le arning Inte rnati on
1240761 and Trai nee s P. Me dia al 2016 Rp 2,149,000

Ge rvai s,
1240615 Histoire de l'hôpital Necker Raym ond Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000

L es eaux de Paris é tud ié e s au p oint d e vue de l a Li nas,

1240587 s anté pu bli que Aim é -Je an Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 28,000

Chri stian,
1240572 Études sur le Paris d'autrefois A. Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 28,000

Du Potet,
1240498 Cours de magnétisme en sept leçons Baron Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000

Dougl as John
JaypeHun e t
1240441 Advancing Conversations Lain Zero Books (N BN)ers
B roth 2016 Rp 335,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Lum broso, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240412 Diabetic Retinopathy Bruno Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Ic hhpu jani, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240411 Expert Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery Par ul Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 8,260,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Mah esh wa Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240410 Essential Orthopaedics ri, J. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,960,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Khurana, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240409 Comprehensive Ophthalmology A. K. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Lum broso, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240408 Clinical OCTAngiography Atlas Bruno. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 3,220,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Al ió, Jorge Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240407 Text andAtlas on Corneal Pigmentation L. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 3,220,000
Me di cal
R oy, Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Fred eri ck Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240406 Ocular Treatment Ham pton Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Me di cal
R oy, Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Fred eri ck Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1240405 Master Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery Ham pton . Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 8,260,000
Gom es , Me dizi nis c Me di cal
Jos e Jayp ee
h P ubli she rs
Alvaro Brothe
Wi rs h P rivate
sse nsc
1240403 Stem Cells in Ophthalmology Pere i ra Pvt.icLtd.
aftl he L im ite d 2015 Rp 4,900,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
FO TR ES - Fore nsi sch es Ope rationali si er te s Urbani ok, m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1240328 T herapi e -R i siko-Eval uati ons-System Fran k Co.icKG
MWV he Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,720,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Jaschke , m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1240327 Datenschutz im Gesundheitswesen Thom as Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,570,000
Ve rl ags ges
He izm an n, e ll schaft
Wol fgang m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1240326 Vademecum Infektiologie 2015/2016 R. Co. KG Gm bH 2015 Rp 292,000
R utgers
Uni ver sity R utger s
Phi ll i ps, Pre ss Un ive rsi ty
1240312 America's Healthcare Transformation Robe rt A. Me dic in e P res s 2016 Rp 9,240,000

Nagaraj an, Mac Ke i th MacKe i th

1240303 Neonatal Seizures L. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,820,000

Sonkse n, Mac Ke i th MacKe R owm an i th

1240302 DevelopmentalAssessment Patri ci a M. Pre ss P res s
& 2016 Rp 1,820,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
Cornwal l, & P ubli shi ng
Cl audi a Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1240058 Battling Melanoma Mar ia Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,344,000
Graham - John Wil e y
Brow n, R . Wi le y- & Sons,
1240034 Lecture Notes: Dermatology A. C. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,259,000
John Wil e y
Mattu, Wi le y- & Sons,
1240033 Geriatric Emergencies Am al Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
John Wil e y
Coope r, & Sons,
1239997 ABC of Clinical Reasoning Ni col a BMJ Books Inc . 2016 Rp 1,162,000
Carpm an ,
Jane t John Wil e y
Re ize nstei & Sons,
1239904 Design That Cares n Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Martic -
Kehl , John Wil e y
Mar ianne & Sons,
1239902 Animal Models for Human Cancer I. Wiley-VCH Inc . 2016 Rp 4,066,000

And ré Ath ene Me B ookw i re

1239876 Zahnfarbe Hoff mann di a-Ver lag Gm bH 2016 Rp 336,000
John Wil e y
Di os, Wi le y- & Sons,
1239721 Oral Medicine and Pathology at a Glance Ped ro Di z Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,162,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Wald man, H ouse
1239642 A Really Good Day Ayel et Anchor L LC 2017 Rp 1,344,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Le m onic k, H ouse
Pe ngui n
1239630 The Perpetual Now Mic hael D. Anchor L andom
R LC 2017 Rp 1,428,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Fu nctional Anatomy of the Pel vis and the John Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1239600 Sacroi li ac Joi nt Gibbons Books Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 616,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
A ppl ie d Case Studi es and Sol ution s i n Mol ec ul ar Dastmal chi n Sc ie nce
1239514 D oc kin g-B as ed Drug De sign , Si av ou sh. R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 6,300,000

1239219 3D-Sonografie in der pränatalen Diagnostik Rabih . De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,528,000

1239203 Praxisbuch Gestationsdiabetes mellitus Kör ber De Gruyter E DelseGruyter
vi er 2016 Rp 2,352,000
Inc .,
O' T H eal th
oole , Mari e Sc ie nce s
1239147 Mosby's Medical Dictionary - E-Book T. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 3,692,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mos by's D ic ti onary of Me di ci ne , N ursi ng & H ealth Sc ie nce s
1239146 P rofe ss ions - EB ook Mosby, Inc. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 3,020,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Faube r, Schl üter sc Sc
Sc ie nceters
hlue s c
1239145 Radiographic Imaging and Exposure - E-Book Te rri L . Mosby
he Di vi si on
he 2017 Rp 5,372,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
H enze, m bHüter
Schl & sc Sc
m bH hlue&ters c
1239092 Aktivieren mit Handgymnastik Bir git Co. KG
he Co. KG
he 2016 Rp 479,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
H enze, m bH & m bH &
1239091 Aktivieren mit Handgymnastik Bir git Co. KG Co. KG 2016 Rp 479,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1239075 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Pe rsi ng, Mi cr obi ol o
1239040 Molecular Microbiology David H. ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Manu al of Mol ec ul ar and Cl ini cal Laboratory De tric k, Mi cr obi ol o
1239032 Im m unology Barbar a ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 6,468,000

Fri ed hel m Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1238994 Pflegeplanung exakt formuliert und korrigiert He nke e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,659,000

And reas Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1238991 Psychische Gesundheit He inz e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,919,000

Com m itt ee Nation al N ati onal

on the Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1238960 Food Literacy Le sli eof
State e Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Sc ie nc e i n
Ovar ian Nation al N ati onal
Canc er Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1238959 Ovarian Cancers Re se ar ch Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Nation al N ati onal
P rinc ip le s and Obstacl es for Shari ng Data From Pool , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1238956 E nvir on me ntal H eal th R ese arch Robe rt Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 952,000

Wes tw ood,
1238934 Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 22 Jam es D. IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 4,676,000
Uni ver sity Du ke
Bri ggs, Pre ss Un ive rsi ty
1238855 Tell Me Why My Children Died Ch arl e s L . Books P res s 2016 Rp 2,659,000
Caiste r Cais te r
Dori t, Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1238845 The Bacteriocins Robe rt L. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 8,932,000
Jacobs, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1238834 Management andAdministration for the OTA Kare n ed ed 2016 Rp 1,707,000
Gors e, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1238832 Athletic Training Case Scenarios Kei th M. ed ed 2016 Rp 1,455,000
Mar gare t Incorp orat Inc orporat
1238831 Creative Engagement in Occupation S. ed ed 2015 Rp 1,511,000
John Wil e y
Le itm an, Wi le y- & Sons,
1238753 Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis Mar k W. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 2,267,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A ppl ic ati on s of E ll ip ti c Carl e man Ine quali tie s to Choul li , B usi nes s
1238680 Cauc hy and Inve rse P roble m s Mourad Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chrom atograp hic Fi ngerp rin t A nal ysi s of He rbal Wagner , B usi nes s
1238634 Me di ci ne s Vol um e IV Hi ld ebe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Coca, B usi nes s
1238633 Hypertension and Brain Damage Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mathe matic al and Statis ti cal Mode l ing for Chowe ll , B usi nes s
1238605 E me rgi ng and Re -em e rging Infe cti ous Dis ease s Ger ard o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stac ks, B usi nes s
1238602 Textbook of Penile Cancer Don W . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Me dic al
Graffigna, Inform ati o
P romoti ng Patie nt Engage me nt and Parti ci pation Gue ndali n n Sc ie nce
1238592 for Effe cti ve He al thcare R eform a R efe renc e IGI
Spr Global
inge r 2016 Rp 6,160,000
Sc ie nce &
Bri nk, Bohn B usi nes s
Gee rt van Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1238449 Leerboek intensive-care-verpleegkunde 1 de n Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Di erc ks, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1238448 Leerboek sportgeneeskunde Ron Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Curran, B usi nes s
1238439 Goal and Scope Definition in Life CycleAssessment Mar y Ann Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Sc ie nce &
H al em , Bohn B usi nes s
Ni col ie n Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1238435 De werkbegeleider in zorg en welzijn van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gunase kar B usi nes s
1238433 Male Infertility an, Karthik Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i dt, B usi nes s
1238431 Demenzbegleiter Si m one. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1238428 Storytelling Thier, Karin Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Ac har ya, Sc ie nce &
Margi nali zation in Gl obal izi ng De l hi: Issu es of Sanghm i tr B usi nes s
1238367 L and , Live li hoods and H e al th a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pl aza, Jos e B usi nes s
1238363 Pathology of Pigmented Skin Lesions A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Varon, B usi nes s
1238317 Handbook of Critical and Intensive Care Medicine Jos eph Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000

Le blanc ,
1238269 Le guide des couples infertiles Au dre y Ker Primento 2015 Rp 336,000

Duboi s,
1238261 Mémoire, ma petite mémoire Vi cky. Ker Primento 2015 Rp 336,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We ise , B usi nes s
1238229 Mit Tinnitus leben lernen Cor nel ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ed wards, B usi nes s
1238221 Pharmacovigilance I. R al ph Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le stuzzi, B usi nes s
1238217 Manual of Cardio-oncology Ch iara Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Damm acc o B usi nes s
1238211 Systemic Vasculitides: Current Status and Perspectives , Fr anc o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shalhu b, B usi nes s
1238208 HemodialysisAccess Sh ere ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Ertur k, Sc ie nce &
Su kru B usi nes s
1238206 Teaching Atlas of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Imaging Mehm e t. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi orane l li , B usi nes s
1238205 Integrative Cardiology Mas si mo Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sadek, B usi nes s
1238202 Clinician’s Guide to Adult ADHD Comorbidities Jos eph Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schaal, B usi nes s
1238201 Cystoid Macular Edema Sh lom it Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pe tr ov ic i, Sc ie nce &
Form Ve rsus Func ti on: The ory and Mode ls for Mihai B usi nes s
1238198 N eu ronal Su bstrate s Ale xan dru Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sche re r, Sc ie nce &
Kai B usi nes s
1238196 Grating-Based X-Ray Phase-Contrast Mammography He rm ann . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
U rinary Con ti ne nce and Se xual Functi on After R azdan, B usi nes s
1238193 R obotic Rad ical Pros tatec tomy Sanj ay. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P itui tary A den yl ate Cyc lase Ac ti vati ng R egl odi , B usi nes s
1238189 P olype ptid e — PA CA P Dora Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Starn es, Sc ie nce &
Be njami n B usi nes s
1238185 RupturedAbdominalAorticAneurysm W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
MICH AEL Spr inge r
A. Sc ie nce &
DIEFEN B B usi nes s
1238021 Handbook of Health Decision Science ACH Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
John Wil e y
L ife -T hre ate ning Card iac Em er genc ie s for th e McMi chae l Wi le y- & Sons,
1238008 Sm all Ani mal Pr ac ti tione r , Maur ee n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,400,000

R idgw ay, Pavil ion L ightni ng

1237541 Asthma Roy Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000
Hod de r H odde r
R il ey, Ed ucation E duc ati on
1237448 The People's Health C.1250 to Present Mic hael Group Gr oup 2016 Rp 815,000

Strobel ,
1237298 Mes astuces et conseils de pharmacienne Sol ange Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 431,000

Fe ret,
1237296 Je mange sain en famille Maë l le Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 431,000

De knuydt,
1237277 Ma méthode pour un ventre plat Carol ine Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 468,000
R ay,
Si dhartha
1237265 Side Effects of DrugsAnnual D. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp12,667,000

Kum ar, Ac ad em ic
1237263 AnticandidalAgents Awani sh. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000
Farsali nos,
Kon stanti n
1237261 AnalyticalAssessment of E-Cigarettes os E . Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,014,000
Charl es C
Moon, Charle s C T homas
1237216 Art-based Group Therapy Bruc e L. Thom as P ubli she r 2016 Rp 1,091,000
Cruz- Me dic al
Cu nha, Inform ati o
Mar ia n Sc ie nce
1237005 Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine Man uel a R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp37,800,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Me thods an d Al gorithm s for Mol ec ular Docki ng- Dastmal chi n Sc ie nce
1237001 B as ed Drug De sign and D is cover y , Si av ou sh R efe renc e N
onal 2016 Rp 6,580,000
B ook
N etw ork
We st, Inte rnati on
1236993 Fast Facts: Smoking Cessation Robe rt al ati onal
Health Press N 2016 Rp 700,000
B ook
N avari, N etw ork
Fast Fac ts : Che m othe rapy-Induc ed Naus ea and Rud olph Inte rnati on
1236992 Vom iti ng M. Health Press al 2016 Rp 700,000
Spr inge r
L eadi ng R es earc h and Eval uation in Sc ie nce &
Inte rprofes si onal E duc ati on and Col laborative Form an, Palgrave B usi nes s
1236437 P rac tic e Dawn Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Di jke rs, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1236435 Praktijkvoering in de huisartsgeneeskunde Fred Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Pe r L an g E urope an
Costabe l , R
irator R es pi rator
1236423 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Ulr ic h y Soci e ty y Soc ie ty
Internation 2016 Rp 2,100,000
ale r Ver lag
D er Effe kt staatl ic he r Anre ize auf d ie Qu al itaet de r
u nd d en Ve rsorgu ngsum fan g i nnovati ver R ohlf, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1235732 A rzn ei mi tte l Kars te n. afte n AG 2016 Rp 3,749,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Wadm an , H ouse
1235664 The Vaccine Race Mere di th Viking L LC 2016 Rp 1,820,000
N ew
H ar binge r
Pol k, Context P ubli cation
1235611 The Essential Guide to theACT Matrix Kevi n L . Pre ss s 2016 Rp 1,102,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H utton, B usi nes s
1235322 Pediatric Biomedical Informatics John J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e ini gungsd ie nste und Hygi e ne in We ber, B usi nes s
1235265 Kranke nhäuse rn u nd Pfle gee inr ic htu ngen Ludw i g C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Göbe l, B usi nes s
1235264 Erfolgreich gegen Kopfschmerzen und Migräne Hartmu t. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch akrabar B usi nes s
1235254 Posterior Capsular Rent ti , A rup Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wal ochni k, B usi nes s
1235253 Molecular Parasitology Ju li a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R äts el Me nsc h - E xp ed itione n im Gre nzber ei ch B usi nes s
1235251 von Phi los op hie u nd H ir nfor schu ng Ayan, Steve Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi sche r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1235247 eHealth in Deutschland Flori an Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Me yer, Sc ie nce &
L angze itre sul tate i n de r E xtre m itäten- u nd Rain er- B usi nes s
1235245 W irbe ls äu le nchi rur gie Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, B usi
Pe nesns
1235212 Medullary Thyroid Cancer Tracy S. Springer Me
R di a B. V.
andom 2016 Rp 2,772,000
H ouse
Nation al L LC
Offit, Paul Ge ograp hi Pe
bli she
n r
1235176 Pandora's Lab A. c Seandom
R rvic es ) 2016 Rp 1,005,000
H ouse
Ofri , Be acon (Pu bli she r
1235165 What Patients Say, What Doctors Hear Danie ll e Pre ss Se rvic es ) 2017 Rp 699,000
Spr inge r
Mül le r- Sc ie nce &
Mie li tz, Spri nger B usi nes s
1235161 E-Health-Ökonomie Ste fan. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe tal and Hybri d Proce du res i n Congen ital He art Bu te ra, B usi nes s
1235152 D ise ase s Gianfranco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1235151 Evidence-Based Caries Prevention Eden, Ece Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Aja- Sc ie nce &
Fernánd ez, B usi nes s
1235146 StatisticalAnalysis of Noise in MRI Santi ago Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ovel T herape utic App roac he s to the Tr eatme nt of H op kins , B usi nes s
1235145 Parki nson’ s D ise ase Cor ey R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ti ll e y, B usi nes s
1235143 New Developments in the Bioarchaeology of Care Lorna Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P itfal l s i n Di agnostic Cytopathol ogy Wi th Ke y Same di , B usi nes s
1235138 D iff ere ntiating Cytol ogic Fe atur es Von G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin jab, B usi nes s
1235137 Corneal Collagen Cross Linking Maze n M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me zzi ch, B usi nes s
1235132 Person Centered Psychiatry Ju an E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conti, B usi nes s
1235129 Mobile Networks for Biometric Data Analysis Mas si mo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H anna, B usi nes s
1235128 Nerve Cases Am gad S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ti ryaki, B usi nes s
1235119 InverseAbdominoplasty Tunc. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wie se m an B usi nes s
1235108 Moral Equality, Bioethics, and the Child n, Cl audi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kohl er, Hu mana B usi nes s
1235107 Contemporary Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction Tobias S. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hutc hings , B usi nes s
1235085 Trauma and Combat Critical Care in Clinical Practice Sam D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Frank- Spr inge r
Kam e netsk Sc ie nce &
B ioge nic —Abi ogen ic Interacti ons i n Natu ral and aya, Olga B usi nes s
1235081 A nth ropogeni c System s V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pare ntal O besi ty: Inte rgen erational Progr am m ing Gre en , B usi nes s
1235078 and Conse quen ce s Luc y R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fri dm an , B usi nes s
1235077 Discoidin Domain Receptors in Health and Disease Rafae l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E arl y Chi l dhood As se ssm en t in School and Garro, B usi nes s
1235076 Cl ini cal Chi ld Psyc hology Adri en ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Gre en e- B ake r
McCre ight, Brazos P ubli shi ng
1234924 Darkness Is My Only Companion Kathryn Pre ss Gr oup 2015 Rp 532,000
Urban, Cam pus
Ste ll a Campu s Ver lag
1234819 Forschungsbetrug in der Medizin Elai ne Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,733,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni v O f of
R eute r, Mi nnes ota Mi nne sota
1234780 Testing Fate Sh el le y Z . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,646,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni v O f of
Di ed ric h, Mi nnes ota Mi nne sota
1234767 Indirect Action Lis a Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,744,000
N ew
H ar binge r
Mc kay, Context P ubli cation
1234679 Emotion Efficacy Therapy Matt hew Pre ss s 2016 Rp 1,102,000

Charli e r, 50Mi nute s.

1234571 Maximiser ses capacités intellectuelles Mai l ys fr Primento 2016 Rp 168,000
Gre en bran Gr ee nbran
Moe ll er, ch ch
1234494 What It's Like to Become a Doctor Matt hew Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 357,000
Gre en bran Gr ee nbran
Baum an, ch ch
Jaype e
1234492 Time to Sell? Guide to Selling a Physician Practice Randy. Publ i shi ng B
P roth
ubli shi
ersng 2016 Rp 1,932,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Lum broso, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1234460 Practical Handbook of OCT Bruno Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 3,220,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Agarwal , Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1234459 Manual of Neuro-ophthalmology Am ar Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Me di cal
Tand ulw ad Jayp ee P ubli she rs
kar, Suni ta Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1234458 Art and Science of Assisted Reproductive Technology R. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 6,580,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Shah, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1234457 Practical Management of Male Infertility Rup in Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Lum broso, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1234456 Clinical Guide to Angio-OCT Bruno Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Sin jab, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1234455 Step by Step Reading Pentacam Topography Maze n M. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Agarwal , Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1234454 DrAgarwals' Textbook on Corneal Topography Am ar Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Agarwal , Brothe rs P rivate
1234452 Phacoemulsification Am ar Pvt. Ltd. L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,260,000
John Wil e y
Stewart, Wi le y- & Sons,
1234433 The Heart of Africa Si m on Bl ackwe ll Inc
E lse. vi er 2016 Rp 923,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T rave l and Ad venture M edi ci ne , An Issue of Pott inge r, Sc ie nce s
1234429 Me di cal Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Pau l S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gabbe, Sc ie nce s
1234428 Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies E-Book Ste ven G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp12,851,000
Inc .,
H ep ati ti s C Viru s: The Ne xt Epi de m ic , An Issue of H eal th
Gastroe nterol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- R edd y, K. Sc ie nce s
1234427 B ook Raje nde r Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T ic kborne Borre li a Infec tions, An Is sue of Cl ini cs The e l, Sc ie nce s
1234426 i n L aboratory M edi ci ne , E -B ook Eli tza S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
O' H H eal th
ehi r, Sc ie nce s
1234425 Middleton'sAllergy Essentials E-Book Robyn E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 9,071,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T he A cute Abdom e n, An Issue of Radi ologi c Gore , Sc ie nce s
1234421 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca 53-6, E-B ook Ri chard M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Fu nctional and Mole cul ar Im agi ng in Oncol ogy, H eal th
A n Issu e of Magneti c R es onance Im agi ng Cl ini cs Lu na, Sc ie nce s
1234420 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Antonio Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E ndocr ine Tum ors, An Issue of Sur gic al On cology Fraker , Sc ie nce s
1234419 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Dougl as L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
McPhe rs on H eal th
H en ry's Cl in ic al Di agnosi s and Manage m ent by , R i chard Sc ie nce s
1234418 L aboratory Me thods E-Book A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp14,699,000
Inc .,
MR -Gui de d Inte rventi ons, An Iss ue of Magneti c H eal th
R e sonance Im agi ng Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca 23-4, Tem pany, Sc ie nce s
1234417 E -B ook Cl are M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sarcoi dosi s, An Is sue of Cl ini cs in Ches t Me dic ine , Baughm an Sc ie nce s
1234416 E -B ook , R obe rt P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
R e produc tive Conse que nce s of P edi atr ic Di se ase , H eal th
A n Issu e of Endoc rin ology and Me tabol ism Cl in ic s Sc ie nce s
1234415 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Lee, PeterA. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kryge r, Sc ie nce s
1234414 Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine E-Book Mei r H . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp18,143,000
Inc .,
Fat Grafting: Curr ent Conc ept, Cli ni cal H eal th
A ppl ic ati on , and Re ge nerative P ote ntial , PAR T 2, Sc ie nce s
1234413 A n Issu e of Cli nic s i n P lastic Surge ry, E-Book Pu, Lee L. Q. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Corti coste roids , An Issu e of Rhe um ati c Dis ease Bol ster , Sc ie nce s
1234412 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Mar cy B . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce s i n E RCP, An Is sue of Gastroi nte sti nal Sli vka, Sc ie nce s
1234411 E ndosc opy Cl ini cs , E -B ook Adam Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pl aque Imagi ng, An Issu e of Ne uroi magi ng Cl ini cs De Marco, Sc ie nce s
1234410 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook J. Ke vin Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Atlas of Pe lvi c An atom y and Gynec ologi c Su rger y Baggi sh, Sc ie nce s
1234409 E -B ook Mic hael S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp19,655,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1234408 Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Dermatology E-Book Paller,Amy Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp12,851,000
Inc .,
Le onard, H eal th
Chi ari Mal form ati on, An Issu e of Ne urosu rgery Je ff rey Sc ie nce s
1234407 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Rus se ll Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
A eroall e rgen and Food Imm un othe rapy, An Iss ue H eal th
of Im m unol ogy and Al le rgy Cl i nic s of N orth Cox, Sc ie nce s
1234406 A me ri ca, E -Book Lin da S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Brow n, H eal th
Si mu lation in Surgi cal Traini ng and Practi ce , An Kim ber ly Sc ie nce s
1234405 Iss ue of Surgi cal Cli nic s, E-Book M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D erm atol ogy, A n Issu e of Med ic al Cl ini cs of N orth Colve n, Sc ie nce s
1234404 A me ri ca, E -Book Roy M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce s i n Chol es tatic Li ver Di se as es, An Is sue Le vy, Sc ie nce s
1234403 of Cl in ics i n L ive r Di se as e, E-Book Cyn thi a Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O besi ty Managem e nt in Pri m ar y Car e, An Iss ue of Steph ens, Sc ie nce s
1234402 P rim ary Care : Cl ini cs i n Offic e Practic e, E -B ook Mar k B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sl ee p Dis or de rs and Me ntal H ealth, An Is sue of Wi nokur, Sc ie nce s
1234401 P sychi atr ic Cli ni cs of North Am e ri ca, E -B ook Andre w Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dul t Congeni tal H eart D ise ase , An Issue of Fre em an, Sc ie nce s
1234400 Cardi ology Cli nic s, E-Book Rosari o Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
R ome o, H eal th
P roxi m al B ic eps , An Issu e of Cl i nic s i n Spor ts Anthony Sc ie nce s
1234399 Me di ci ne , E -B ook A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Fam il y-Base d T reatme nt i n Chi ld and A dole sc ent H eal th
P sychi atr y, An Issue of Chi l d and A dole sc ent R ic kerby, Sc ie nce s
1234398 P sychi atr ic Cli ni cs of North Am e ri ca, E -B ook Mic hel le L . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Manage me nt of Intra-op erative Cri se s, An Iss ue of Bl ackm on, Sc ie nce s
1234397 T horaci c Sur gery Cl i nic s, E-Book Sh and a H. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Gri ebl i ng, H eal th
Ge ri atri c Urol ogy, An Issue of Cl in ics i n Ge ri atri c Tom as Sc ie nce s
1234396 Me di ci ne , E -B ook Lin dor Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P sychi atr ic and B ehavi oral E me rge nci es , An Issu e H eal th
of E m erge ncy Med ic ine Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Kuo, Di ck Sc ie nce s
1234395 E -B ook C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E pil e psy, An Iss ue of Ne uros urge ry Cl ini cs of Z aghl oul , Sc ie nce s
1234394 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Kare e m A . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe di atri c Endos copy, An Is sue of Gastroi ntesti nal Li ghtdale , Sc ie nce s
1234393 E ndosc opy Cl ini cs of N or th Am eri ca, E-Book Je ni fe r R. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A djud ic ate d You th, An Is sue of Chi ld and Kraus, Sc ie nce s
1234392 A dole sc ent P sychi atr ic Cli ni cs, E-Book Loui s Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mand el l, Dougl as and Be nne tt’s Infec ti ous Di sease Be nne tt, Sc ie nce s
1234391 E sse ntials E-B ook John E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 5,291,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B iom arkers i n Ur ol ogi c Cance r, An Iss ue of Lough li n, Sc ie nce s
1234390 U rologi c Cl in ic s of N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Kevi n R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Manage me nt of E lbow Traum a, An Issu e of Hand Chung, Sc ie nce s
1234389 Cl ini cs 31-4, E-Book Kevi n C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R e spi ratory Em erge nc ie s, A n Iss ue of Em er genc y Vis ser s, Sc ie nce s
1234388 Me di ci ne Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Robe rt J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Fu nction Pre se rvati on i n L arynge al Canc er , An H eal th
Iss ue of Otol aryngol ogic Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Sadoughi , Sc ie nce s
1234387 E -B ook Babak Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H ead an d N ec k Cance r, A n Iss ue of Cole vas , H eal th
H em atology/Onc ol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, A. Sc ie nce s
1234386 E -B ook Dim i tr ios Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Cardi ovas cul ar Em e rgen ci es, An Is sue of H eal th
E me rge ncy Med ic ine Cl ini cs of Nor th Am eri ca, E- Tew el de , Sc ie nce s
1234385 B ook Se m har Z . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E thi cs i n Sports Med ic ine , A n Iss ue of Cli nic s in Thom pson, Sc ie nce s
1234384 Sports Me dic in e, E-Book Ste phe n R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
U ppe r Gastroi ntesti nal B le ed ing Manage m ent, An H eal th
Iss ue of Gastroi nte sti nal E ndosc opy Cl ini cs , E - Saltzm an, Sc ie nce s
1234383 B ook John R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fitzp atri ck, Sc ie nce s
1234382 Dermatology Secrets Plus E-Book Jam es E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,283,000
Inc .,
Panc reatic Cance r, A n Iss ue of H eal th
H em atology/Onc ol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Wol pi n, Sc ie nce s
1234380 E -B ook Bri an M. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cur rent Manage me nt of H e pati ti s C Viru s, A n Poord ad , Sc ie nce s
1234379 Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Li ver Dis ease , E-Book Fred Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Ell e nbogen H eal th
Cl ini cal Cardi ac Paci ng, Defi bril l ati on and , Ke nne th Sc ie nce s
1234378 R e synchr onizati on T her apy E-Book A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T ran scathete r Mi tral Valve Interve ntion, An Is sue R ogers , Sc ie nce s
1234377 of Inte rventi onal Cardi ol ogy Cli ni cs, E-Book Jason H. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Motor Ne uron Dis ease , An Issu e of Ne urol ogic Dim achki e Sc ie nce s
1234376 Cl ini cs , E -Book , Mazen M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Com pl em e nt-m e diated H em olyti c An em ias, An H eal th
Iss ue of H em atol ogy/O ncol ogy Cli ni cs of North Brod sky, Sc ie nce s
1234375 A me ri ca, E -Book Robe rt A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Stroke R ehabi li tation, An Is sue of P hysi cal H eal th
Me di ci ne and R e habi l itati on Cl ini cs of N orth Sc ie nce s
1234374 A me ri ca 26-4, E-Book Chae, John Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
O ncol ogy Imagi ng and Inte rve ntion in the Le wandow H eal th
A bdom en, An Is sue of R ad iol ogic Cli ni cs of North ski, R ober t Sc ie nce s
1234373 A me ri ca, E -Book J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P rim ary Im m unode fici e ncy D isor der s, A n Issu e of H eal th
Im m unology an d Al le rgy Cl in ic s of N orth Am er ic a Montanaro Sc ie nce s
1234372 35-4, E-Book , Anthony Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 46, Issue 4, An Iss ue of Orthope di c Cli nic s, Sc ie nce s
1234371 E -B ook Ilyas,Asif Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H eart Fai lur e, An Iss ue of Cri ti cal Nu rsi ng Cl ini cs , Kitc hens , Sc ie nce s
1234370 E -B ook Je nni fer Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Curti n, Sc ie nce s
1234369 Pain Management,An Issue of Hand Clinics, E-Book Cathe rine Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Cal an druc H eal th
Com m on Com pli cations i n Or thop edi cs , An Issue ci o, Jam es Sc ie nce s
1234368 of O rthoped ic Cl ini cs, E -B ook H. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
E ndosc opic Crani al B ase and Pi tu itary Surge ry, An H eal th
Iss ue of Otol aryngol ogic Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Sin dwani , Sc ie nce s
1234367 E -B ook Raj Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sports Injuri e s i n the Foot and A nkle , A n Issu e of Kadakia, Sc ie nce s
1234366 Cl ini cs i n Sports Med ic ine , E-Book Ani sh R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
R unni ng Inj uri es, An Is sue of P hysi cal Med ic ine H eal th
and Re habil i tation Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E - Fred eri cs o Sc ie nce s
1234365 B ook n, Mic hae l Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 5, Issu e 1, An Is sue of H ospi tal Me di ci ne Gl as hee n, Sc ie nce s
1234364 Cl ini cs , E -Book Je ff rey J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cardi ovas cul ar Di se as e, An Is sue of Cl ini cs in Chanan i, Sc ie nce s
1234363 Pe ri natol ogy, E -Book Ni khil K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Joi nt-P res ervi ng O steotom ie s for Maluni ted Foot & H eal th
A nkle Fractur es, An Is sue of Foot and Ankle R am m el t, Sc ie nce s
1234362 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Ste fan Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Coronary A rte ry Dis ease , An Issu e of He ar t Shavel le , Sc ie nce s
1234361 Fai lur e Cl in ic s, E-Book David M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Li n, Sc ie nce s
1234360 Testicular Cancer,An Issue of Urologic Clinics, E-Book Danie l W. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Su bramani H eal th
P ET/CT and Pati e nt Outcom e s, Part II, An Is sue of am , Sc ie nce s
1234359 P ET Cl i nic s, E-Book Rathan . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Managi ng Chroni c Pai n, A n Iss ue of Me dic al Argoff , Sc ie nce s
1234358 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Ch arl e s E . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Contrace ption, An Is sue of O bstetri cs an d Lotke , Sc ie nce s
1234357 Gyn ec ology Cl ini cs , E -Book Pam e la S. Elsevier Di vi si on 2015 Rp 8,315,000
E lse vi er
Inc .,
R itchl i n, H eal th
P sori ati c Arthri tis , An Issue of R he um ati c Dis ease Ch ris top he Sc ie nce s
1234356 Cl ini cs 41-4, E-Book r T. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Intravas cul ar Ph ysiol ogy, A n Issu e of Jer em ias, Sc ie nce s
1234355 Inte rventi onal Cardi ology Cli nic s, E-Book All e n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Te am -Base d Care for He art Fai lu re, An Is sue of Fonarow, Sc ie nce s
1234354 H eart Fai lur e Cl i nic s, E-Book Gre gg C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N ucl e ar Car diol ogy, A n Issu e of Card iol ogy Dorbal a, Sc ie nce s
1234353 Cl ini cs , E -Book Sh arm i la Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 4, Issu e 3, An Is sue of H ospi tal Me di ci ne Thoe l ke , Sc ie nce s
1234352 Cl ini cs , E -Book Mar k Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Manage me nt of Pancr eatic Di se as es, An Is sue of H eal th
Gastroe nterol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Ahm ad, Sc ie nce s
1234351 B ook Nuzhat A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
N eu roend ocri ne Tum ors, An Iss ue of H eal th
H em atology/Onc ol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Chan, Sc ie nce s
1234350 E -B ook Je nni fer A . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Me lm e d, Sc ie nce s
1234349 Williams Textbook of Endocrinology E-Book Sh lom o Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp15,119,000
Inc .,
Puj al te, H eal th
P rim ary Care De rm atol ogy, An Issue of P rim ary George G . Sc ie nce s
1234348 Care : Cl ini cs i n Offic e Practi ce , E -B ook A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Spe ci al Te ch nique s an d Te chni cal Advance s in Kum ar, Sc ie nce s
1234347 P ET/CT Im aging, An Is sue of PE T Cl in ic s, E-Book Rake sh Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
T he Rol e of Ge neti c Te stin g i n Surgi cal Onc ology, H eal th
A n Issu e of Surgic al Oncol ogy Cl ini cs of Nor th We ber, Sc ie nce s
1234346 A me ri ca, E -Book Thom as K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Koff, H eal th
Cysti c Fibrosi s, An Is sue of Cl ini cs in Che st Jonn athan Sc ie nce s
1234345 Me di ci ne , E -B ook L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Faci al Ne rve Re habil itation, An Is sue of Faci al Al am , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1234344 Pl astic Surge ry Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Danie l Jap an Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Soto, Jorge Sc ie nce s
1234343 Emergency Radiology: The Requisites E-Book A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
MR I of the El bow and W ris t, An Is sue of Magne tic Am ram i, H eal th
R e sonance Im agi ng Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Kim ber ly Sc ie nce s
1234342 B ook K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
E osin op hil -Ass oc iated Di sord ers , An Issue of H eal th
Im m unology an d Al le rgy Cl in ic s of N orth Kli on, Sc ie nce s
1234341 A me ri ca, E -Book Am y D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cutane ou s L ymp homa, An Iss ue of De rm atol ogic Ol se n, Sc ie nce s
1234340 Cl ini cs , E -Book Eli se A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 4, Issu e 4, An Is sue of H ospi tal Me di ci ne Dei tel zwe i Sc ie nce s
1234339 Cl ini cs , E -Book g, Ste ve n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Mar kovchi H eal th
ck, Vinc ent Sc ie nce s
1234338 Emergency Medicine Secrets E-Book J. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2016 Rp 3,527,000
Inc .,
Le e- H eal th
Sl ee p in Med ical and Ne urol ogic Di sorde rs, An Ch iong, Sc ie nce s
1234337 Iss ue of Sle e p Me di ci ne Cli nic s, E-Book Te ofil o Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Boxt, H eal th
Lawre nce Sc ie nce s
1234336 Cardiac Imaging: The Requisites E-Book M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Abbas, Sc ie nce s
1234335 Basic Immunology E-Book Abul K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,291,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cosm e ti c Inje ctabl e Fil l ers , An Issue of Fac ial Maas , Sc ie nce s
1234334 Pl astic Surge ry Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Cor ey S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N utri ti on i n O lde r A dul ts , An Issue of Cl i nic s i n Morl ey, Sc ie nce s
1234332 Ge ri atri c Med ic ine , E-Book John E. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Ch ris te nse H eal th
N eonatal He matology and Tr ans fu si on Me di ci ne, n, Robe rt Sc ie nce s
1234331 A n Issu e of Cli nic s i n P eri natol ogy, E-Book D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
E vid enc e-Base d Proce dur es in Faci al Pl astic H eal th
Sur gery, An Is sue of Faci al P lastic Surge ry Cl in ic s Sc ie nce s
1234330 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Ishii, Lisa Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cl ini cal and Ele ctroph ysiol ogic Managem e nt of R avi e le , Sc ie nce s
1234329 Sync ope, An Is sue of Cardi ology Cli nic s, E-Book Antonio Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R hi noplasty: A Mu ltis pe ci al ty Appr oac h, An Issu e Azizzade h, Sc ie nce s
1234328 of Cl in ics i n Pl astic Surge ry, E-Book Babak Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp10,835,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H eari ng L oss in Ch il dre n, A n Issu e of Kes se r, Sc ie nce s
1234327 O tol aryngologi c Cl i nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Bradl ey W. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
CT Angiogr ap hy, An Issue of Radi ologi c Cl in ic s of Sc ie nce s
1234326 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Liu, Peter S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N ew Ad vanc es in He patic Enc ep halopathy, A n Brow n, Sc ie nce s
1234325 Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Li ver Dis ease , E-Book Robe rt S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Gl obal Mental He alth, An Iss ue of Chil d and H eal th
A dole sc ent P sychi atr ic Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, Joshi , Sc ie nce s
1234324 E -B ook Par am ji t T. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 47, Issue 1, An Iss ue of Orthope di c Cli nic s, Sc ie nce s
1234323 E -B ook Ilyas,Asif Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Val ue -Based Care, An Is sue of Ane sthe si ology Fl ei she r, Sc ie nce s
1234322 Cl ini cs , E -Book Le e A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Pe di atri c Infecti ous Dis ease : Part II, An Iss ue of Jackson, H eal th
Infe ctiou s Di se as e Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E - Mar y Sc ie nce s
1234321 B ook Anne Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
L ipi dol ogy, An Issu e of Endoc rin ol ogy and Gi ll , Sc ie nce s
1234319 Me tabol i sm Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book Edw ard A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Jorde , Sc ie nce s
1234318 Medical Genetics E-Book Lynn B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,291,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Wol fe, Sc ie nce s
1234317 Green's Operative Hand Surgery E-Book Sc ott W. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp30,239,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B ipol ar De pre ssi on, An Iss ue of Ps ychi atri c Cl i nic s Be yer , Sc ie nce s
1234316 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook John L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
P reve ntion an d Managem e nt of Pos t-Op erative H eal th
Com pl ic ati ons, A n Iss ue of Thoraci c Surge ry Mi tc hel l , Sc ie nce s
1234315 Cl ini cs 25-4, E-Book John D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Battl e , H eal th
Sports Car diol ogy, A n Issu e of Cli nic s i n Sp orts Robe rt Sc ie nce s
1234314 Me di ci ne , E -B ook Webb Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B reast Augm e ntation, An Issue of Cl ini cs i n Pl as ti c Be ngtson, Sc ie nce s
1234313 Sur gery, E-Book Bradl ey P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Chron ic Pain, An Is sue of Ph ysic al M edi ci ne and R obinson , Sc ie nce s
1234312 R e habi li tati on Cl ini cs of N or th Am eri ca, E-Book Jam es P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ge ri atri c Oncol ogy, A n Iss ue of Cli nic s in Geri atr ic R ao, Arati Sc ie nce s
1234311 Me di ci ne , E -B ook V. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe di atri c Endoc ri nology and Di abe tes , An Issue of Dane man, Sc ie nce s
1234310 Pe di atri c Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E -B ook Den is Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Cardi ac R e synchr onizati on T her ap y: State of the H eal th
A rt, An Is sue of Cardi ac E le ctrophys iol ogy Cli ni cs, Pade le tti , Sc ie nce s
1234309 E -B ook Lui gi Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Deu ts chm a H eal th
n, Cl iff ord Sc ie nce s
1234308 Evidence-Based Practice of Critical Care E-Book S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 7,559,000
E vid enc e-Base d Tre atm ent Gui del i nes for Tr eating Inc .,
Inj ure d W orkers , An Issu e of Physi cal Me dic ine H eal th
and Re habil i tation Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E - Fri ed man, Sc ie nce s
1234307 B ook Andre w Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N oyes ' Kne e Dis orde rs: Surge ry, Re habil itati on, N oye s, Sc ie nce s
1234306 Cl ini cal Ou tc ome s E-Book Fran k R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Marcu se, Sc ie nce s
1234305 Rowan's Primer of EEG E-Book Lara V. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 4,535,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B ronchop ulm onary D yspl as ia: A n Up date , A n Kall ap ur, Sc ie nce s
1234304 Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Per inatology, E-Book Su has G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Conte mp or ary Antibi oti c Manage m ent for H eal th
U rologi c P roce dure s an d Infe ctions , An Issue of Fl ury, Sc ie nce s
1234303 U rologi c Cl in ic s, E-Book Sarah C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A sthma: A Mu ltid is ci pli nary App roac h, 2C He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1234302 (Cl ini cs Coll ec ti ons), E-Book gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gastroi ntes ti nal Dis ease s: A Mu ltid is cip li nary He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1234301 A pproach, 1e (Cl i nic s Col le ctions ), E -B ook gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H id raden itis Supp urati va, An Issue of Jem e c, G. Sc ie nce s
1234300 D erm atol ogic Cl ini cs , E -B ook B. E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Mass ac huse tts Ge ner al H ospi tal Stern, H eal th
P sychop har macol ogy and Ne urothe rap euti cs E- The odore Sc ie nce s
1234299 B ook A. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2016 Rp 6,047,000
Inc .,
N eu robehavi oral Mani fes tations of N eu rologi cal H eal th
D ise ase s: Diagnosi s & Tr eatme nt, A n Issu e of Mi nagar, Sc ie nce s
1234298 N eu rologi c Cl i nic s, E-Book Ali re za Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Conge nital and Ac qui red Di sorde rs of Inc .,
Mac rophages and H is tiocyte s, An Iss ue of H eal th
H em atology/Onc ol ogy Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, Be rl ine r, Sc ie nce s
1234297 E -B ook Nancy Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
O ur Shri nki ng Gl obe: Im pl ic ation s for Chi l d H eal th
Safety, A n Iss ue of Pe diatri c Cl ini cs of N orth She tty, Sc ie nce s
1234296 A me ri ca, E -Book Av inash K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A Gl obal Pe rsp ecti ve/H ealth In equi ty i n H eart Castro, Sc ie nce s
1234295 Fai lur e, An Iss ue of H eart Fail ure Cl ini cs , E -B ook Pabl o F. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
L ipi d Dis orde rs: A Mu ltid is ci pli nary App roac h, H eal th
Cl ini cs Coll e ctions , 1e , (Cl ini cs Coll ec ti ons), E- He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1234294 B ook gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sl ee p and Cir cadi an Rhythm s in th e ICU, An Is sue Mali k, Sc ie nce s
1234293 of Cri tic al Care Cli ni cs, E-Book Vi pi n. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Czerni ak, Sc ie nce s
1234292 Dorfman and Czerniak’s Bone Tumors E-Book Bogdan. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp27,215,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Infl am m atory Bowe l Di sease , A n Iss ue of Surgi cal Ham mond Sc ie nce s
1234291 Cl ini cs , E -Book , Ke rry L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P ulm onary M etastas ec tom y, A n Iss ue of Thoraci c Onai ti s, Sc ie nce s
1234290 Sur gery Cli nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Mar k W. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Che n, Sc ie nce s
1234289 Asian Blepharoplasty and the Eyelid Crease E-Book Wil l iam P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp17,387,000
Inc .,
Chron ic Obstru ctive Pu lm onary Di se ase: A H eal th
Mu lti dis ci pli nary Ap proach, Cli ni cs Col le cti ons, 1e He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1234288 (Cl ini cs Coll ec ti ons), E-Book gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pai n Managem e nt: A Mul ti di sci pl inary A pproach, He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1234287 1e (Cli nic s Col le cti ons), E-Book gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Inc .,
H eal th
O besi ty: A Mul ti di sc ipl i nary Approac h, 1e (Cli nic s He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1234286 Col le cti on s), E -Book gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vi deo Atl as of Oc ul ofaci al Plasti c and Korn, Sc ie nce s
1234285 R e construc tive Surge ry E -B ook Bobby S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp21,923,000
Inc .,
Me di cal and Ad vanc ed Surgi cal Manage m ent of H eal th
Pe l vic Floor Di sorde rs, An Is sue of O bstetri cs and Igle si a, Sc ie nce s
1234284 Gyn ec ology, E-Book Ch eryl B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P ET-Base d Inte rven ti ons, An Iss ue of PE T Cl ini cs , Kum ar, Sc ie nce s
1234283 E -B ook Rake sh Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
E ndosc opic En donasal Sku ll Base Sur gery, An H eal th
Iss ue of N euros urge ry Cl ini cs of N or th Am eri ca, Pre vede l lo, Sc ie nce s
1234282 E -B ook Danie l M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Chi ld hood Food All e rgy: Cu rre nt Manage m ent, H eal th
E me rgi ng Th erapi es , and Pre ven ti on, A n Iss ue of Gup ta, Sc ie nce s
1234281 Pe di atri c Cli nic s, E-Book Ruc hi Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Frank, Sc ie nce s
1234280 Case Competencies in Orthopaedic Surgery E-Book Rache l M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
Ge ne tics Di agnosis , Inbor n Err ors of Metaboli sm H eal th
and Ne wbor n Scre e ning: An Update, An Is sue of Gam bel lo, Sc ie nce s
1234279 Cl ini cs i n Pe rin atol ogy, E -B ook Mic hael J. Elsevier Diati
N vi si on
onal 2015 Rp 8,316,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
We bb, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1234264 Magnetic Resonance Technology Andre w Chem i stry N al ati onal 2016 Rp 5,852,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Bradd ock, Sociver
Uni ety sity
of Inte rnati on
1234263 Nanomedicines Mar ti n Chem
of Toroni stry
to al 2016 Rp 7,028,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Mitch ins on Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1234244 Obesity in Canada , We ndy Di vis ion P res s 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gum i na, B usi nes s
1234200 Rotator Cuff Tear Ste fano. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Ind epe nde
Atlas, Hoove r P ubli she rs
1234149 Restoring Quality Health Care Sc ott W. Pre ss Gr oup 2016 Rp 168,000
Re npe nni n Spr inge r
g, Kathie Spri nger P ubli shi ng
McLaughl i Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1233929 Foundations of Professional Nursing n Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cl ini cal R easoni ng and Care Coord ination in Kui pe r, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1233928 A dvan ce d Pr ac ti ce N urs ing RuthA nne Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
De mos Com pany,
1233921 Sex Differences in Sports Medicine Casey, Ellen Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Taylor &
R ens haw , Franc is
1233888 Accommodating the Chinese Mic hel le Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,640,000
Taylor &
Ci ambr one Franc is
1233863 Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS , D esi r'e e Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 5,740,000
Taylor &
Fre y, Franc is
1233849 Improving Medication Management in Home Care Den nee Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,600,000
John Wil e y
Be rthold , & Sons,
1233760 Foundations for Community Health Workers Tim Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
John Wil e y
R ie th , & Sons,
1233755 Hygiene in derArzneimittelproduktion Mic hael Wiley-VCH Inc . 2016 Rp 2,422,000

App le by, Souven ir L ightni ng

1233305 TheAPBC Book of CompanionAnimal Behaviour David Pre ss Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 630,000
Skyhorse Pe rse us
H ahne , Publ i shi ng, B ooks ,
1233289 The Pocket Guide to Prepping Supplies Patt y Inc. L LC 2016 Rp 280,000
Skyhorse Pe rse us
Sen ator, Publ i shi ng, B ooks ,
1233198 AutismAdulthood Su san Inc. L LC 2016 Rp 756,000
Pe rse us
R ic har d R egne ry B ooks ,
1233170 The Death of Humanity Wei kart Faith L LC 2016 Rp 616,000
Colu mbi a Pe rse us
Cordne r, Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1232764 Toxic Safety Ali ss a Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Colu mbi a Pe rse us
Call ahan, Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1232753 The Five Horsemen of the Modern World Danie l Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 980,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
R oberts, H ouse
1232548 The Complete Human Body Ali ce M. DK L LC 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Dobki n, Sc ie nce &
Patri ci a Internation B usi nes s
1232546 Mindful Medical Practitioners Lynn Springer
al Meuinte
Q di a sse
B. V.n 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Raigr odski Publ i shi ng Com pany
1232510 Soft Tissue Management , Ar ie l J. Group Inc . 2015 Rp 3,304,000
Cons ume r A ttitud es Tow ard Data Bre ach Abl on, Corporatio Corpor ati o
1232505 N otific ati ons and Loss of Pe rsonal Inform ati on Lil l ian n n 2016 Rp 279,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Bors ay, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1232348 Mental Health Nursing Anne Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,976,000

Oxford O xford
Kashyap, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1232343 Mayo Clinic Critical Care Case Review Rahul Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,716,000

1232335 Excellence in Otolaryngology Himi, Tetsuo S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,084,000

Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Guzzo, B usi nes s
1232333 Primer of Geriatric Urology Thom as J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iol ogy and Manage me nt of U nusual Pl as ma Ce l l Zi m me rm a B usi nes s
1232304 D yscrasi as n, Todd M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm ith, Palgrave B usi nes s
1232210 A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism Andre w F. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 700,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm art, Palgrave B usi nes s
1232203 The Philosophy of Disease Be njami n Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,820,000

Kathari na Mabuse - B ookw i re

1232145 Familiensensibles Entlassungsmanagement Gröni ng Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,428,000
N angl e, The Gu il ford
T reating Internal izin g Di sorde rs in Chil dre n and Dougl as Gui lford P ubli cation
1232139 A dole sc ents W. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
G. Gi appi che l
Gi ap pic he l l i Edi tore
1231946 Cardiologia Ambulatoriale. Outpatient Cardiology AA.VV. l i E di tore Srl 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1231885 Diabetes Mellitus in 21st Century Sen, Saikat Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sharm a, B usi nes s
1231884 River SystemAnalysis and Management Nayan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Long and Short N on-c odi ng R NAs i n Cance r B usi nes s
1231878 B iol ogy Song, Erwei Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Syste matic Change s i n B ody Im age Fol l ow i ng Inui , B usi nes s
1231876 Form ation of Phantom Li mbs Nobuyu ki Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ee khof, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1231869 Kleine kwalen in de huisartsenpraktijk Ju st Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E infach ei n gu te s Te am - Team bil du ng und Möl le r, B usi nes s
1231865 -führu ng i n Ge sun dhe itsbe rufe n Su sanne. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ski ll s-Trai ning bei B orde rli ne - und Sen der a, B usi nes s
1231864 P osttraum ati sc her Be lastungs störung Ali ce Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li nde l, B usi nes s
1231863 Survivalguide PiA Bir git. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cre venna, B usi nes s
1231862 Kompendium Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Bod iroga- Sc ie nce &
Vokobr at, B usi nes s
1231844 Personalized Medicine Nada Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sam pi etro- Sc ie nce &
Col om , B usi nes s
1231840 Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment Laura Adis Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bonate, B usi nes s
1231838 Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development Pete r L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lu o, B usi nes s
1231829 Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXVIII Qin gmi ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be ntrem , B usi nes s
1231828 Gastrointestinal Malignancies David Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vignol i, B usi nes s
1231825 Urodynamics Gianc arl o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We ber, B usi nes s
1231822 Biopoetics Andre as Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Towns end , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1231813 Verpleegkundige diagnostiek in de psychiatrie Mar y C. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Iwase , B usi nes s
1231812 ClinicalAssessment of theAutonomic Nervous System Satoshi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Controve rsi es in the Tec hnic al As pec ts of ACL Nakamu ra B usi nes s
1231810 R e construc tion , N ori masa Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be ck, B usi nes s
1231808 Krankheit und Recht Su sanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
von Sc ie nce &
Wac hter, B usi nes s
1231798 Psychoedukation bei chronischen Schmerzen Mar ti n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barnow , B usi nes s
1231797 Emotionsregulation Sve n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
We ins te in , Sc ie nce &
Ger al di ne B usi nes s
1231750 The Dental Reference Manual M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte rle uki n-27: Bi ologi cal Prope rtie s and Cli ni cal Jankow ski , B usi nes s
1231749 A ppl ic ati on Mar ek Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ao, B usi nes s
1231739 International Medical Graduate Physicians Nyapati R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badakhshi , B usi nes s
1231721 Image-Guided Stereotactic Radiosurgery Harun. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vird is , B usi nes s
1231719 Hypertension and Comorbidities Agostino Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Dahotre, Sc ie nce &
Nare ndra B usi nes s
1231718 Machining of Bone and Hard Tissues B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rdi gão, B usi nes s
1231706 Tooth Whitening Jor ge Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Sur gic al Cri ti cal Care Handbook, The : Gui de li nes Worl d P ubli shi ng
1231686 For Car e O f The Sur gical Patie nt In T he Ic u Ali, Jameel Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 7,952,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
T rad iti onal Chi ne se Med ic ine , Wes te rn Sc ie nc e, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1231674 A nd T he Fight Agai nst Al le rgi c D ise ase Li, Xiumin Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,324,000
Worl d W orld
X ue, Sci enti fic Sc ie ntific
E vid enc e-base d Cl ini cal Chin ese M edi ci ne - Ch arl i e Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1231670 Vol um e 2: Ps oriasi s Vu lgari s Ch angl i Compdan y Com pany
Worl 2016 Rp 2,184,000
Sci enti fic W orld
Publ i shi ng Sc ie ntific
She rman, Eu rope P ubli shi ng
1231658 Malaria Vaccines: The Continuing Quest Ir wi n W. Ltd Com pany 2016 Rp 5,544,000
Barnhi l l,
Kel ly Jes sic a Je ssi ca
P OTS and Othe r Acqu ire d Dysautonom ia i n McCracke Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1231646 Chi ld ren and Ad ole sce nts n Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 699,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Mi ll er , Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1231645 Integrated Care inAction Robi n. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Parke r, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1231641 The Weighted Blanket Guide Eil e en. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 475,000
Je ssi ca
Krentz man Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1231639 Yoga for a Happy Back , R ache l Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 980,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1231638 Whistleblowing and Ethics in Health and Social Care Ash,Angie. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
Je ssi ca
N ich oll s, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1231633 Go Your Crohn Way Kathl ee n Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 447,000
Je ssi ca
Kal inow sk Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1231627 Every Body Tells a Story a, Li z Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 699,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1231625 Challenges in Professional Supervision Beddoe, Liz. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me di cal and Sur gic al T reatme nt of Parathyroi d Stac k, B usi nes s
1231576 D ise ase s Bre ndan C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Torr es, Sc ie nce &
Pabl o A. B usi nes s
1231575 Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease Ure na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gooss ens , B usi nes s
1231565 Handbook of Hepatitis C Ni col as Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R adon: A Tr ac er for Ge ologi cal, Ge ophysi cal and Baskaran, B usi nes s
1231563 Ge och em ic al Stud ie s Mar k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bal me r, Palgrave B usi nes s
1231528 Synthetic Biology Andre w S. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Munyange Sc ie nce &
Chal le nges and Opportuni tie s in Publ ic Ser vic e yo, Palgrave B usi nes s
1231517 Inte rpre ti ng Thé ophil e Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E me rgi ng Te chnol ogie s for Di agnos ing Boe ni nk, Palgrave B usi nes s
1231480 A lzhe im er 's D ise ase Mar ianne Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Martin, Palgrave B usi nes s
1231468 Smart Decisions Thom as N . Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi rtchne l l, Palgrave B usi nes s
1231372 Relating Theory – Clinical and ForensicApplications John . Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Tul le , Sc ie nce &
Em manue l Palgrave B usi nes s
1231218 PhysicalActivity and Sport in Later Life le Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Managi ng the Expe rie nc e of He ar ing Loss in Gooday, Palgrave B usi nes s
1231204 B ritain, 1830–1930 Graem e Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000

1230589 Genetics of Deafness Barbar a S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 6,244,000

Fe wtre ll ,
1230588 PreventiveAspects of Early Nutrition Mar y S. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 1,988,000

Be rgdol t, Ver lag

1230574 Die Pest Klaus C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2016 Rp 613,000
Chri sta
Die ge lm an Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1230459 Ressourcenorientierte Psychoonkologie n e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,899,000

Ti lm an Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1230451 Freier Wille und neuropsychiatrische Erkrankungen Wett erl in g e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000

Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1230448 Diabetes und psychischeAuffälligkeiten Bela Bartus e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Z oll man, De mos Com pany,
1230407 Manual of Traumatic Brain Injury Fel is e S. Me dic al Incati. onal
N 2016 Rp 3,360,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
Le arning Inte rnati on
1229848 Succeeding in the UKCAT Revised 5th Edition Green, Matt Me dia Ltd al 2015 Rp 1,611,000
John Wil e y
Coope r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1229821 General Practice Cases at a Glance Carol Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,259,000
John Wil e y
Mi al l, Wi le y- & Sons,
1229820 Paediatrics at a Glance Lawre nce Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,302,000
John Wil e y
Zi m me rm a & Sons,
1229819 Introduction to Global Health Promotion n, Ri ck S. Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
John Wil e y
Ter me ie , Wi le y- & Sons,
1229809 Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications Debor ah Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
John Wil e y
Cl ini cal Skil l s for H e al thcare Assi stants and Wh el an, Wi le y- & Sons,
Jaype e
1229807 A ssi stant Practiti oner s Ange la Bl ackwe ll Inc
B . ers
roth 2016 Rp 1,162,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Ye li kar, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1229586 Practical Cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology Kanan Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Me di cal
Tand ulw ad Jayp ee P ubli she rs
kar, Suni ta Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1229585 Practical Endoscopy R. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 4,200,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
State -of-the -art Atlas and Te xtbook of Lapar oscopi c N utan, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1229584 Sutur ing in Gynec ology Jai n. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 5,460,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1229583 DC Dutta's Textbook of Obstetrics Dutta, D. C. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Khardori , Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1229581 Case Compendium in Endocrinology Rom es h. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Dhi nakara Brothe rs P rivate
1229580 ClinicalApproach to Renal Diseases in Diabetes n, T Pvt. Ltd. L im ite d 2015 Rp 2,520,000
The Gu il ford
Cassi dy, Gui lford P ubli cation
1229572 Handbook of Attachment, Third Edition Ju de . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Oxford O xford
Val ovska, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1229569 Pelvic Pain Management Assi a T. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 5,876,000
O xford
Sm ith, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1229428 Oxford Handbook of Surgical Nursing Ali son Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,530,000
Taylor &
Rose nbe rg, Franc is
1229256 Behavioral Social Work in Health Care Settings Gar y Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,920,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1229103 Breast Cancer Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Form er , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1228982 Informatorium voor Voeding en Diëtetiek Maj orie Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iom arker Di scove ry i n the De vel opi ng W orld : Sr ivastava, B usi nes s
1228958 D iss ec ti ng the Pi pe li ne for Me e ti ng the Chall e nges Sanj ee va Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tamai , B usi nes s
1228957 Advances in Shoulder Surgery Kazuya Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kip pi ng, B usi nes s
1228956 Operation Schulter Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dardi k, B usi nes s
1228914 Vascular Surgery Alan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Glaud em a Sc ie nce &
ns, Andor B usi nes s
1228912 Quality in Nuclear Medicine W. J. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Cic er o, Sc ie nce &
H ype rtens ion and Me tabol ic Cardi ovasc ul ar Ri sk Arri go F. B usi nes s
1228881 Factors G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Ól afs son, Sc ie nce &
Jón B usi nes s
1228880 Antibiotic andAntifungal Therapies in Dermatology Hjal tal ín. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li u, B usi nes s
1228876 Robust Rank-Based and Nonparametric Methods Re gina Y. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
B lack-body Radi ati ve, Th erm odynam ic , and Sc ie nce &
Chrom atic Func ti ons: Table s i n Fi ni te Spe ctral Fi sen ko, B usi nes s
1228874 R anges Anatol iy I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Senti cNe t Se nti m ent Lexi con: Expl orin g Bi agioni , B usi nes s
1228872 Se manti c R i chne ss in Mul ti -Word Conce pts Raoul Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi reaul t, B usi nes s
1228871 Humor in Infants Gina C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Bazett - Sc ie nce &
Jone s, B usi nes s
1228869 The Functional Nucleus David P.
Schm i dt, Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Carol ina Spr inge r
Witc hmi ch Sc ie nce &
en B usi nes s
1228868 Drug Therapy and Interactions in Pediatric Oncology Pente ad o Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dutt aroy, B usi nes s
1228862 Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors Asi m K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rm an , B usi nes s
1228859 Surviving Dementia Carol W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pie tsch ma B usi nes s
1228858 Principles of Osteoimmunology nn, Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li chtm an, B usi nes s
1228857 Kienböck’s Disease David M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Varga, B usi nes s
1228846 Scleroderma John . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morri s, B usi nes s
1228842 Long Non-coding RNAs in Human Disease Kevi n V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H add ad , B usi nes s
1228824 Medical Emergencies Caused by AquaticAnimals Vi dal Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1228810 Molecular and Cellular Mechanobiology Chien, Shu Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We ard en, Palgrave B usi nes s
1228805 The Psychology of Time Perception John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi sra, B usi nes s
1228802 Dialysis in OlderAdults Mad hukar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Sale m
N oye s, Publ i sh Author
1228772 ACL Injury Fran k R . Gre en Se rvic es 2016 Rp 280,000

Taylor &
1228725 Strength and Conditioning for Sports Performance Jeffreys, Ian Routledge Franc is Ltd 2016 Rp 5,320,000
John Wil e y
Abram ov, & Sons,
1228569 Computational Pharmaceutical Solid State Chemistry Yur iy A . Wiley Inc
B . r&
ake 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Dail y, Pe si P ubli she r
Cara Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1228436 The Key to Autism Mar ker & Med ia (BT
B akePS)
r& 2016 Rp 364,000
Pe si P ubli she r
O pposi tional, De fiant & Di srupti ve Ch il dre n and Publ i shi ng R Seowm
rvic es
1228433 A dole sc ents Walls, Scott. & Med ia (BT PS)
& 2016 Rp 364,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Be rge r, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1228410 Making Sense of Medicine Zackary Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Kathr in
Andre aMe yer & B ookw i re
1228146 Aquafitness für Senioren und Rehasport Lin ke Me yer Gm bH 2016 Rp 839,000
Ed itor:
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Rahm an ,
Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1227600 Advances in Cancer Drug Targets FRS Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 2,492,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Att a-ur- Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1227597 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology Rahm an Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Be ntham B entham
Ed itor: Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Atta-ur- Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1227596 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - AntiAllergy Agents Rahm an Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Yong, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1227593 Recent Advances in Geriatric Medicine Tuck Yean Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,372,000
B entham
Die ge lm an Be ntham Sc ie nce
n, Robe rt Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1227591 Frontiers in Inflammation F. Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
De l Pi no, Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1227590 Thyroid Toxicity Javi er Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 6,132,000
B entham
Fe li x- Be ntham Sc ie nce
Cl as si cal Ne urotransm itt ers and Ne urope ptid es Mar ti n Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1227589 Invol ved i n Schi zoaff ec tive Di sorde r Wern er Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 1,372,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Me se nch ymal Cel l Activation by Bi om ec hanic al N ahu m Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1227587 Stim ul ati on and Its Cl ini cal Prosp ec ts Rose nbe rg Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 1,092,000
T he A natom ic al Fou ndations of R egi onal B entham
A nes the si a and Ac ute Pai n M edi ci ne Be ntham Sc ie nce
Mac roanatom y Mi croanatom y Sonoanatom y Boe zaart, Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1227586 Fu nctional Anatomy André P . Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 2,772,000
App le
Putz , Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1227571 Quantum Nanochemistry, Volume Five Mihai V. Pre ss (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,159,000
Ghi sta,
Dhanjoo CR C Pre ss
1227570 Cardiology Science and Technology N. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,039,000

Savage , Pan CR C Pre ss

1227564 Flash Forward Nora. Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,399,000

Svend se n, Pan CR C Pre ss

1227562 Understanding Enzymes All an. Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,999,000

Muro, Pan CR C Pre ss

1227561 Drug Delivery Across Physiological Barriers Si l via Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Saxe na, Pan CR C Pre ss

1227560 Handbook of Boron Nanostructures Su mi t. Stanford (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,799,000

Pan CR C Pre ss
1227557 Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine Bawa, Raj. Stanford (CAM) 2015 Rp16,520,000

Ful da, CR C Pre ss

1227549 Pharmaceutical Public Policy Thom as R . CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Sports Nu tr ition Ne ed s for Chil d and Adol es ce nt Ker ksic k, CR C Pre ss

1227546 Athl etes Ch ad M. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Aue rbac h
Kudyba, Publ i cati on CR C Pre ss
1227541 Healthcare Informatics Ste phan s (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000

Chahine , CR C Pre ss
1227536 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship Te re sa CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,959,000

Jezi ers ki, CR C Pre ss

1227535 Canine Olfaction Science and Law Tade us z CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,079,000

Bradl e y,
1227236 Salivary Gland Neoplasms Patri ck J. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 9,044,000

Sin gh ,
1227235 Ocular Tumors Arun D. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 3,864,000
O' R
aw e Taylor &
Am enta, Franc is
1226925 Nutrition and Hydration in Hospice Care Mad al on Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Taylor &
Mar ine sc u, Franc is
1226868 The Power of the Media in Health Communication Vale ntina Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nation al N ati onal
Pl ew es, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1226794 Improving the Health of Women in the United States Thom as J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 924,000
Nation al N ati onal
Syste ms Pr ac ti ce s for the Care of Soc iall y At-R i sk Uni ted Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1226790 P opul ati on s States. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,008,000
N ew L eaf
P ubli shi ng
Call enti ne, Master Gr oup,
1226713 Complex Circulatory System, The Lainna Books Inc . 2016 Rp 559,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R and el li , B usi nes s
1226501 Arthroscopy Pie tro Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,652,000
W orkbook to Ac com pany Introduc ti on to John Wil e y
B iostatisti cal Appl ic ati ons i n He al th R es earch wi th H irsc h, & Sons,
1226366 Mi cr osoft Office E xc el Robe rt P. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 979,000
Fl em in g, John Wil e y
Pad hraig Wi le y- & Sons,
1226363 Orthodontic FunctionalAppliances S. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,010,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bradl e y, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226289 Trait and StateAnxiety Abel Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Martine z, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226287 ChildAbuse and Neglect Mic hel le Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H op kins , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226283 New Developments in Dopamine Research Gle n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226278 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226277 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Kom bogi o Sci enc e Sc ie nce
rgas , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226267 The Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts Dim i tr is Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wats on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226260 Cryosurgery and Colposcopy Lil l ian Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Rodr íg ue z, Nova N ova
Jos é Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Man uel Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226257 Grape Seeds Lore nzo Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226255 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226254 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Agui l ar, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226252 Antipsychotic Drugs Mar k L. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226248 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) King, Jared Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226240 Child andAdolescent Health Yearbook 2015 Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226239 Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2015 Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226237 Red Wine Consumption and Health Soto, Lana Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226232 Pemphigus Vulgaris Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226221 Environmental Health Disparities Rubin, Leslie Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre ydan us Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226218 Chronic Disease and Disability , D onal d E. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
O ccu rre nce s, Stru cture , Bios ynth esi s, and He al th Sci enc e Sc ie nce
B ene fits Based on The ir Evi den ce s of Me di ci nal Motohash i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226216 P hytoc hem i cals i n Vege tabl es and Fruits Noboru Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P hysi cal A ctivi ty Eff ec ts on the An thr op ologi cal Em i novic , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226196 Statu s of Chi ld ren , You th and Ad ults Fad il j Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Brow n, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226195 Diversity, Versatility and Leukaemia Geoff re y Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Gre gio, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ana Mari a Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226189 Phytotherapy Approaches for Oral Ulcers Treatment Tri ndade Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me rri ck, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226188 Children and Childhood Joav Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Badawi , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226185 Practical Manual of LaserApplications in Dermatology Ashraf Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ane si , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226178 Uveitic Glaucoma Ste phe n D. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bi shop, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226172 Pharmaceutical Industry Developments Kris ty Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wu , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226171 Diets and Diseases Wenbi ao Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Inc isi onal an d Conge nital Di aph ragm atic He rni a Coll in s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226166 (CDH ) Roose vel t Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mu si c T herapy in the Man age m ent of Med ical H ash efi, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226165 Cond itions Man dana Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fi she r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226161 Ginkgo Biloba Em me tt Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ayne s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226159 Allium Sativum Abel Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ughes , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226156 African Trypanosomiasis Ger al d T .Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Al khati b, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226154 Sedentary Lifestyle Ahm ad Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Lync h, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226150 Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Mar vin Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H andbook for N utri ti onal A sse ssm e nt Throu gh Daradke h, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226146 L ife Cycl e Ghazi Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fowl er , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226142 Ependymomas Raque l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Shao, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226141 Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) Haip eng Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R am i rez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226139 The Lymphatic System Ch ris ty Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Goodw in , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226138 Knee Injuries and Repair Je nna Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P sychi atr ic Di sorde rs Duri ng the Pos tp artum Uguz, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226136 Pe ri od i n L ight of Cu rre nt Advance s Faru k Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ay, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226134 Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) Par esh C. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226125 Significant Health Statistics Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gray, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226114 Marine Toxins Dom ini ck Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R once vic , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226113 Surgery of the Orbital Cavity Radm i lo Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Morton, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226112 Zinc Deficiency Re bec ca Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Lake - Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bakaar, G. Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226107 Alcohol and the Liver V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Barone , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226102 About the Living Body Mau ro Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mye lod yspl as ti c Syndrom es (MDS): Ri sk Fac tors , R odger s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226101 T reatm ent and Prognos is Deanna Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le is man, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226098 Neuroplasticity in Learning and Rehabilitation Ger ry Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mul li ns, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226097 Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) Hube rt Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bu chanan, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226096 Art Therapy Vi nce nt Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sajan , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226091 Aesthetic Laser Therapy Javad A. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
We lc h, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226090 Voice Disorders Der ric k Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
She lton, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226089 Superbugs Cand ic e Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Daws on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226086 Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis Be rnad ett e Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226083 The Psychological Context of Labour Pain Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ogers , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226080 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Lion el Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pre e t, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226079 Implants in Contemporary Orthodontics Devi nde r Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ee ves , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226077 Oligodendrogliomas (ODs) Ch ad Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226076 Alternative Splicing and Disease Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A n Introduc ti on to the Inte rpe rsonal-c ogn itive Cordi er , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226075 B ehavi oral T her apy Tre atm e nt System (I-CBT) Thom as A. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le is man, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226071 Considering Consciousness Clinically Ger ry Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R e cen t A dvance s on Usi ng Vi rtu al R e al ity Sharkey, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226063 Te chnol ogie s for R ehabi li tation Pau l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le chn er, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226062 Cancer Bre ann e Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le chn er, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226060 Cancer Bre ann e Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Manfred i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1226059 Probiotics in Children Mar co Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
The Gu il ford
Am aral , Gui lford P ubli cation
1224877 Living Without anAmygdala David Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Morgan &
Wr ight, Li fe B iota
1224851 Adolescent Brain Development Lis a Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mu lti dis ci pli nary Manage me nt of L ive r Me tas tase s B usi nes s
1224804 i n Col orec tal Cance r Qin, Xinyu Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Möl le r, B usi nes s
1224799 Erfolgreiche Teamleitung in der Pflege Su sanne. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He rrm an n, B usi nes s
1224796 Kindesmisshandlung Be rnd Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We hli ng, B usi nes s
1224794 Arzneitherapie für Ältere Mar ti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P har mace uti cal Care Iss ues of Patie nts w ith Gre ch, B usi nes s
1224788 R he um atoi d Arthri tis Loui se Adis Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
R e val id ere n na CVA i n he t re vali dati e cen tr um en Bu ijc k, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1224777 ve rpl ee ghui s Bianc a Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mukhe rje e, B usi nes s
1224773 Emergencies of the Orbit andAdnexa Bip as ha Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1224772 Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of the Larynx Hisa, Yasuo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
R itt er- Sc ie nce &
Wei le m an n B usi nes s
1224768 Elternratgeber Gift im Garten , Ire ne . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schne l l, B usi nes s
1224767 Praxisbuch: Moderne Psychotherapie Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gri gul l, B usi nes s
1224764 Huckepack durch die Kinderonkologie Lore nz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mathias, B usi nes s
1224761 Staying Healthy From 1 to 100 Die tger Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Moge l, B usi nes s
1224756 Geborgenheit: Quelle der Stärke Hans Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jurga, B usi nes s
1224726 Modified NucleicAcids in Biology and Medicine Ste fan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patsal os, B usi nes s
1224719 Antiepileptic Drug Interactions P. N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Syste mi m m ane nte Anre ize im P aus chal ie ren den Sc ie nce &
E ntge l ts ystem P sychi atr ie und Ps ychosom atik H or te r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1224716 (PE PP) Hanne s Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H eal th Car e Sys te m s E ngine e ring for Sci e nti sts Matta, B usi nes s
1224698 and Practi ti one rs Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1224694 Prospect in Pediatric Diseases Medicine w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gol i, B usi nes s
1224693 Biosemiotic Medicine Farzad. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De y, Hu mana B usi nes s
1224686 PI3K-mTOR in Cancer and Cancer Therapy Nandi ni Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vic ini , B usi nes s
1224672 TransOral Robotic Surgery for Obstructive SleepApnea Cl audi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu dd, B usi nes s
1224671 Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation Maggi A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tassone , B usi nes s
1224669 FXTAS, FXPOI, and Other Premutation Disorders Flora Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lanas, B usi nes s
1224668 NSAIDs andAspirin Ange l. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1224666 An Interventional Radiology Odyssey Rösch, J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Ser ra- Sc ie nce &
Re nom , B usi nes s
1224658 Atlas of Minimally Invasive Facelift Jos e Mar ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gu id e to Cl i nic al Managem e nt of Idi opath ic N athan, B usi nes s
1224653 P ulm onary Fi brosi s Ste ven D. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
La Manti a, B usi nes s
1224630 Language in Complexity Fran ce sco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bakri s, B usi nes s
1224627 Managing Diabetic Nephropathies in Clinical Practice George L . Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1224626 Laborpraxis Band 3: Trennungsmethoden aprentas Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1224625 Laborpraxis Band 2: Messmethoden aprentas Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1224624 Laborpraxis Band 1: Einführung,Allgemeine Methoden aprentas Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com m on N eur os urgi cal Conditi ons in the Gre enfie l d, B usi nes s
1224623 Pe di atri c Practi ce Je ff rey P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maffu ll i, B usi nes s
1223674 Platelet Rich Plasma in Musculoskeletal Practice Ni col a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Donovan, Palgrave B usi nes s
1223580 Drink Spiking and Predatory Drugging Pam e la. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Me dic al
Gas me l sei Inform ati o
A dvan cin g Pharm ace utic al Pr oce sse s and Tool s for d, Tage ls ir n Sc ie nce
1223146 Im prove d H eal th Outc ome s Moham e d R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 5,180,000

Mi chael Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1222819 Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik Erm ann e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,599,000
Pe ngui n
Jonathan R andom
Av iv, MD, H ouse
1222746 TheAcid Watcher Diet FACS Harmony L LC 2017 Rp 1,512,000
Athabas ca
Tem pl e , Un ive rsi ty
1222722 Community Nutrition for Developing Countries Norm an J. AU Press P res s 2016 Rp 979,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Martin, H ouse
Pe ngui n
1222656 Better Now Danie ll e. L andom
Allen Lane R LC 2017 Rp 1,820,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Sharkey, Atl antic (Pungui
Pe bli she
n r
1222638 The Concise Book of Dry Needling John Books Seandom
R rvic es ) 2016 Rp 839,000
H ouse
Tanner, Be acon (Pu bli she r
1222622 Our Bodies, Our Data Adam Pre ss Se rvic es ) 2016 Rp 811,000
John Wil e y
Am thor, For & Sons,
1222347 Neuroscience For Dummies Fran k Dum m ie s Inc .
The 2016 Rp 700,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Kin ch, Caroli na Caroli na
1222280 A Prescription for Change Mic hael S. Pre
Thess P res s 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Caroli na Caroli na
1222272 Lovie Pre ss
Yarger, Lisa The P res s 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of N orth of N orth
Buc hbind e Uni
vernasity Caroli na
1222254 Understanding Health Inequalities and Justice r, Mar a PreToron
of ss to P res s 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Wr ight, Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1222013 Doctors Beyond Borders David Di vis ion P res s 2016 Rp 1,540,000
F. A. Davis
Be ll e w, Com pany/
1221990 Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention Jam es W. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,491,000
F. A. Davis
Jones , Com pany/
1221989 ECG Notes Sh irl ey A. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 979,000
F. A. Davis
And res s, Com pany/
1221988 Coding Notes Ali ce Ann e F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 979,000
F. A. Davis
H op kins , Com pany/
1221987 MedSurg Notes Trace y F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 951,000
F. A. Davis
Mye rs, Com pany/
1221986 LPN Notes Ehre n F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
F. A. Davis
Taber 's® Q uic k R efe re nce for R eh abi li tati on Ve ne s, Com pany/
1221985 P rofe ss ional s Donald F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
Van F. A. Davis
Le euw en, Com pany/
1221984 Textbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing Anne M. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,959,000
F. A. Davis
W orkbook to Ac com pany Conque r Me di cal Com pany/
1221983 Codi ng 2016 Jurek, Jean. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,175,000
H ans -
Ludw i g
1221939 Das FetaleAlkoholsyndrom Sp ohr De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,136,000

Chri stian
1221916 ManualAmbulantes Operieren Dei ndl De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 5,096,000
R olf-
Die ter
1221911 Humangenetische Grundlagen für Gynäkologen Wegne r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 2,744,000
John Wil e y
Graham , Wi le y- & Sons,
1221492 Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Je nni fer E. Bl ackwe ll Inc
Spr.inge r 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Sc ie nce &
Li nge , Bohn B usi nes s
Rol an d Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1221413 Innoveren in de gezondheidszorg van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2017 Rp 4,479,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Abde lal im , Hu mana B usi nes s
1221410 Recent Advances in Stem Cells Essam M. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sam sonovi Sc ie nce &
B iol ogic al ly Inspi re d Cogni ti ve Arch itec ture s ch, Ale xei B usi nes s
1221409 (BICA) for You ng Sci en ti sts V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R obbins , B usi nes s
1221390 Translational Neuropsychopharmacology Tre vor W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bond y, B usi nes s
1221389 Inflammation,Aging, and Oxidative Stress Ste phe n C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Boc cardi , B usi nes s
1221387 Hemorrhagic Stroke Edoardo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e searc h and Practic e in Infant and Earl y Shul man, B usi nes s
1221386 Chi ld hood Me ntal He al th Cor y Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mül le rtz, B usi nes s
1221383 Analytical Techniques in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Ane tte Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000

John Wil e y
Li sak, Wi le y- & Sons,
1221361 International Neurology Robe rt P. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000

A nti phos pholi pi d Synd rom e i n Sys te m ic Cer vera, El se vie r

1220812 Autoi mm une D ise ase s Ri card. Sci enc e Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,216,000

Makow ski , Ac ad em ic
1220810 Advances in Clinical Chemistry Gre gor y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,888,000

A Comp reh ens ive Gui de to T oxi col ogy i n Ac ad em ic

1220809 N oncl in ical Dru g De vel opm en t Faqi,Ali S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,392,000

Ti bayrenc ,
1220808 Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Mic hel . Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,384,000

Arl e, Ac ad em ic
1220806 Innovative Neuromodulation Je ff rey E. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
G. Gi appi che l
Sibi li o, Gi ap pic he l l i Edi tore
1220742 Protagonisti o predestinati Raffae le . l i E di tore Srl 2015 Rp 462,000
H am i d,
Moham e d Ac ad em ic
1220697 Skin Diseases of Cattle in the Tropics Elam in Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,342,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Popp er, B usi nes s
1220693 Pathology of Lung Disease He lm ut. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i dt, B usi nes s
1220691 Das QM-Handbuch Si m one. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mongar di n B usi nes s
1220687 Management of Fecal Incontinence i, Massi m o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
MO Da 11 - Advance s in Mode l-Ori en te d Des ign Kune rt, B usi nes s
1220686 and Analysi s Joach im Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aki yam a, B usi nes s
1220681 Bioelectrics Hi de nori Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We im ann, B usi nes s
1220675 High Performance in Hospital Management Edd a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be igl böck, B usi nes s
1220674 Koffein Wol fgang Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lott mann, B usi nes s
1220667 Homosexualität_en undAlter(n) Ralf Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mure si an, B usi nes s
1220658 Arterial Revascularization of the Head and Neck Hori a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Acke rm an B usi nes s
1220655 Metabolic Influences on Risk for Tendon Disorders n, Pau l W . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ie de r, B usi nes s
1220653 Toward a Small Family Ethic Travis N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agrawal , B usi nes s
1220648 Safety of Health IT Abha Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ail ing th e Wri tte n Em e rgen cy Me di ci ne Board De sai, B usi nes s
1220645 E xam in ati on Bobby Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kathol , B usi nes s
1220623 Physician's Guide Roge r G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R utkove , B usi nes s
1220611 Biomedical Research:An Insider’s Guide Se ward B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Un ive rsi ty
Joins on, N ebr as ka
1220591 Vanished in Hiawatha Carl a Bison Books P res s 2016 Rp 839,000
R utgers R utger s
Bru nson, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1220527 Planning Families in Nepal Jan Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Ei gen , Joe l Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1220093 Mad-Doctors in the Dock Pete r Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
H ote z, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1220092 Blue Marble Health Pete r J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 811,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Bu rney, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1220080 Murder and the Making of English CSI Ian A . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 699,000
Johns Johns
Thom as, Hop kins H opki ns
Kare n Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1220063 Health and Humanity Kruse Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
H ogan, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1220060 Life Histories of Genetic Disease Andre w J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Pow er, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1220052 Milk Mic hael L. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hum ach B usi nes s
1220032 Alternativmedizin er, Katr in Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T ran scrani al D ire ct Cu rren t Sti m ulation in Bru noni, B usi nes s
1220023 N eu ropsyc hiatri c Di sord ers André . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Ri ghts and Wron gs of Z ebr afi sh: Be havi oral Kalue ff , B usi nes s
1220019 P henotypi ng of Z e brafish All an V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Fl eur y- Pe te r L an g Sc ie nce &
H andbook of E nvir on me ntal P sychol ogy and Bahi, Gm bH, B usi nes s
1220016 Q uali ty of Li fe Re se arc h Ghozlane Springer
Internation Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,092,000
ale r Ver lag
Ver fu egun gsbefugn iss e an m ens chl ic hen de r
Koe rpe rgew ebe n unter bes onde rer Tyc zyn ski, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1219813 B eru ec ksic htigun g de s Transpl antation sges etze s Piotr afte n AG 2016 Rp 3,077,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Miyam ura, B usi nes s
1219731 Hepatitis C Virus II Tatsuo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Miyam ura, B usi nes s
1219730 Hepatitis C Virus I Tatsuo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Baum gart, B usi nes s
1219726 Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Danie l Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl eye r, B usi nes s
1219725 Cancer inAdolescents and Young Adults Arch ie . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z avan, Hu mana B usi nes s
1219722 Dental Stem Cells: Regenerative Potential Barbar a Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iom ed ic al and Pharm aceu ti cal App li cati ons of Djoki ć, B usi nes s
1219719 E le ctroch em is tr y Stojan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sahu, Sc ie nce &
A ppl ie d Stati sti cs for Agri cul tu re, Vete rinary, Pradi p B usi nes s
1219708 Fi she ry, Dairy an d Al li e d Fi el ds Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
N obi s, Sc ie nce &
Hans- B usi nes s
1219707 Schmerz - eine Herausforderung Günter Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dom sc h, B usi nes s
1219704 Kinder im Stress Hol ger Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z im ber , B usi nes s
1219702 Gesund trotz Multitasking Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Es kes, B usi nes s
1219692 Validation of Alternative Methods for Toxicity Testing Ch antra Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tuc ker, B usi nes s
1219687 Narratives of Recovery From Serious Mental Illness Wil l iam Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bod o, B usi nes s
1219685 Taxing Soda for Public Health Yan n Le Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Payne, B usi nes s
1219680 CerebralAutoregulation Ste phe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe ac ock, Hu mana B usi nes s
1219679 Short Stay Management of Atrial Fibrillation W. Frank Pre ss Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Inc .,
Bu ttaro, H eal th
Te rry Sc ie nce s
1219360 Primary Care - E-Book Mah an. Mosby
Am er ic an Di vi si on 2016 Rp12,180,000
Me ntal
E arl y Id enti fication, Pall iative Care , and He alth
P reve ntion of Psyc hotic Di sorde rs in Chil dre n and N ich ols, Found ati o L ante rn
1219246 You th Mar y n B ooks 2016 Rp 280,000
Mc Gil l -
Q uee n's
Fe ind el , Un ive rsi ty
1219231 The Wounded Brain Healed Wil l iam MQUP P res s 2016 Rp 2,800,000
John Wil e y
N guyen, Wi le y- & Sons,
1219220 Management of Complex Cardiovascular Problems Thach Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,771,000
John Wil e y
Woodfie l d, Wi le y- & Sons,
1219209 Essential Practical Prescribing Georgi a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,847,000
John Wil e y
Mount, Wi le y- & Sons,
1219208 Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure Graham J. Bl ackwe ll Inc .
Ce nter for 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Cente r for Strate gi c &
Mui r, Strate gic & Inte rnati on
Jonathan Internation al Stu di es
1219143 Global Health Programs and Partnerships A. al Stud ie s (R &L) 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Hu man
Sc hoen fe l d Kin etic s, H um an
1219111 Strong & Sculpted , B rad Inc. Ki neti cs 2016 Rp 615,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Cl as si fication and Cl uster ing in Bi om e di cal Si gnal De y, n Sc ie nce
1219053 P roce ssi ng Ni lanjan R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 6,300,000

Chord omas an d Chond rosarcom as of the Skul l H ars h, Ac ad em ic

1218962 B as e and Spi ne Griffith R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,880,000

T he He ar t in Rh eum atic , Autoim m une and Nus sin ovit Ac ad em ic

1218961 Infl am m atory Dis ease s ch, Udi Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,048,000
N ew York
H arr ison, Un ive rsi ty
1218886 Brown Bodies, White Babies Laura NYU Press P res s 2016 Rp 3,738,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ürnbe rg, Spri nger B usi nes s
1218848 Die ärztliche Zweitmeinung Vol ke r Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wood ruff , B usi nes s
1218833 Pediatric andAdolescent Oncofertility Te re sa K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
De l Sc ie nce &
Ch iaro, B usi nes s
1218829 Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas Mar co Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu rton, B usi nes s
1218828 Geriatrics for Specialists John R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Re inke nsm Sc ie nce &
eye r, B usi nes s
1218818 Neurorehabilitation Technology David J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1218726 The Transformation of Television Sport Milne, Mike Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Nall y, Palgrave B usi nes s
1218606 A Critical History of Schizophrenia Kie ran Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z schoc ke, B usi nes s
1218460 JIMD Reports, Volume 27 Johanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Baum ann, B usi nes s
1218458 Molecular Radio-Oncology Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Döbe le , B usi nes s
1218449 Ambulante Pflege vonA bis Z Mar ti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve l mahos, B usi nes s
1218448 Penetrating Trauma George C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R enne r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1218444 DerArzt in der Wirtschaft Ch ris ti an Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Coll amati, B usi nes s
1218441 An Intraoperative Beta−Probe for Cancer Surgery Fran ce sco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Casce ll a, B usi nes s
1218437 Features and Management of the Pelvic Cancer Pain Mar co Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Landoni , B usi nes s
1218433 Reducing Mortality inAcute Kidney Injury Giovanni Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Joac hi m Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1218423 Taschenbuch Onkologie Pre iß rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, B usi nes s
1218422 LateralAccess Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Mic hael Y. Charle
Springers Me di aesB. V.
Charl 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Stoži cký, Karoli num Karol inum
1218393 Základy dětského lékařství Fran ti še k Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 588,000
M& K
Mc Leod , M&K Up date
1218019 Arterial Blood GasAnalysis - Making It Easy Anne . Publ i shi ng L td . 2016 Rp 476,000
John Wil e y
Stei n, Pau l Wi le y- & Sons,
1217941 Pulmonary Embolism D. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,620,000
Ar ab
‫ مراكزا الادرااسات‬Studi e s
،‫عميراوشا‬ ‫ العرابية للناشرا‬Ce nter for
1217322 ‫دبايشا اهداف هماية الصحة البشرية في القانون الدولي للبيئة‬، ‫ واالتوازياع‬P ubli shi ng 2017 Rp 1,400,000

1217294 Emulsions Tharwat F. De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 2,352,000

Eggi ns,
1217248 Effective Communication in Clinical Handover Su zanne De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 1,372,000

Scott , CR C Pre ss
1216801 Cattle and Sheep Medicine, 2nd Edition Phi li p R . CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,343,000

Kee bl e, CR C Pre ss
1216800 Rabbit Medicine and Surgery Em ma J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,231,000

R efin etti , CR C Pre ss

1216797 Circadian Physiology, Third Edition Robe rto CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000

Mol e cul ar Me chani sm s of Ski n Agi ng and A ge- Qu an, CR C Pre ss

1216788 R e lated Di sease s Tai hao CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,599,000

CR C Pre ss
1216781 Image Principles, Neck, and the Brain Saba, Luca CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 7,839,000
W orld
She rid an, Im peri al Sc ie ntific
E vid enc e-base d Me di ci ne: B est Practic e Or Des mond Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1216759 R e stric ti ve Dogm a J. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 4,452,000
W orld
Lyons - Sc ie ntific
Wei le r, Worl d
Worl d P ubli shi ng
1216751 Cures Vs. Profits: Successes In Translational Research Jam es Sci enti
Sci enti fic
fic / Com pany 2016 Rp 1,652,000
Hi ghe r W orld
Ed ucation Sc ie ntific
Z han g, Pre ss, P ubli shi ng
1216736 Medical Biometrics: Computerized Tcm Data Analysis David Chin a Com pany 2016 Rp 5,964,000
Spr inge r
N ai k, Sc ie nce &
Mil in d B usi nes s
1216726 Marine Pollution and Microbial Remediation Mohan Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kem e n, Spri nger B usi nes s
1216718 Mobilität und Gesundheit Ju li an e Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di Ie va, B usi nes s
1216698 The Fractal Geometry of the Brain Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Keval , Palgrave B usi nes s
1216681 Health, Ethnicity and Diabetes Harshad Macm il l an Case
Me dimate
a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
P ubli she rs
& Book
Lage rås , Oxbow Diowm
R stri butor
1216659 Environment, Society and the Black Death Per. Books s , L LC
& 2015 Rp 700,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
R osen , & P ubli shi ng
Wend y, Li ttl efi el d R
1216648 The Hidden Link Between Vision and Learning 1965- Publ i she rs & Inc . 2016 Rp 1,232,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Ans te tt, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1216646 Breast Cancer Surgery and Reconstruction Patri ci a. Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Ebom oyi, Inform ati o
P ubli c He al th Ge nom ic s and Internation al We al th Ehi gie n Sc ie nce
1216295 Cre ati on Wil l iam R efe renc e IGI Global 2015 Rp 6,580,000
The Gu il ford
P rinc ip le s and Practi ce of Ps ychi atri c Corri gan, Gui lford P ubli cation
1216284 R e habi li tati on, Se cond Ed iti on Patri ck W. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,080,000
The Gu il ford
Ken nar d, Gui lford P ubli cation
1216220 CBT for Depression in Children andAdolescents Be ts y D. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
Ors il lo, Gui lford P ubli cation
1216217 Worry Less, Live More Su san M. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 1,596,000
Spr inge r
Ad ekunl e Sc ie nce &
M. B usi nes s
1216206 Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors Ade si na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thom as B usi nes s
1216205 Protein Targeting Compounds Böld ic ke Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Magne tic R esonanc e Sp ec tr oscopy of De gene rative B usi nes s
1216194 B rai n Dis ease s Öz, Gülin Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Martin, B usi nes s
1216191 Principles of Adult Surgical Critical Care Ni el s D . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Gung a, Sc ie nce &
Cardi ovas cul ar Syste m, R ed Bl ood Ce ll s, and Hanns- B usi nes s
1216190 O xyge n T ransport i n Mic rogravity Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ll er , B usi nes s
1216188 Endurance Sports Medicine Tim othy L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T reatm ent of Cys ti c Fibros is and O the r Rare Lu ng Azum a, B usi nes s
1216185 D ise ase s Arata Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
The Gu il ford
Gre enfie l d, Gui lford P ubli cation
1215766 Treating Women with Substance Use Disorders Sh el ly F. Pre ss s Inc.
E lse vi er 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Inc .,
H eal th
El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1215657 L'actualité rhumatologique 2014 Kahn, M. F. Masson Di vi si on 2016 Rp13,976,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spi ndl er, B usi nes s
1215399 Diskurs Biogerontologie Mone Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rsp ec ti ves i n Tr ans lational R ese arch in Li fe Bane rje e, B usi nes s
1215329 Sc ie nce s and Bi ome di ci ne Ena R ay Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1215326 How Science Works: Evolution Ellis, John Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Bri de, B usi nes s
1215322 Intervention Research Nyanda Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1215321 Therapeutic and Diagnostic Nanomaterials Devasena, T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N on-surgi cal Ablation The rapy for Early-stage Kin oshita, B usi nes s
1215319 B reast Canc er Takayuki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Baune , Sc ie nce &
Be rnhard B usi nes s
1215308 Cardiovascular Diseases and Depression T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L as er-Ge ne rate d Fu nction al N an op ar ti cl e Barchanski Spri nger B usi nes s
1215291 B ioc on jugates , Ann ett e Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bibe rthale r B usi nes s
1215290 Knochendefekte und Pseudarthrosen , Pe ter . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jansson, B usi nes s
1215274 The Psychiatric Interview for Differential Diagnosis Le nnar t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R once ll a, B usi nes s
1215273 Psychotherapy for Ischemic Heart Disease Adri ana. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Staats, B usi nes s
1215266 Controlled Substance Management in Chronic Pain Pete r S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ei se n, B usi nes s
1215261 Heart Failure Howard Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
John Wil e y
Cri chton, & Sons,
1215226 Iron Metabolism Robe rt R . Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 5,460,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1215224 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Peate, Ian Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,399,000
John Wil e y
& Sons,
1215223 Sports Research withAnalytical Solution Using SPSS Verma, J. P. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000

1215168 New Insights in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Kazunori S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 5,208,000

Kantarc i,
1215167 Tooth Movement Alp dogan S. Karger Spr Karger
ingeAGr 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
R uite r, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1215079 Farmacotherapie voor de zorgprofessional Mar ike de Loghu m V.
SL) r 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
De Jong, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1215078 Onderzoekend vermogen voor verpleegkundigen Anne ke Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H irase , B usi nes s
1215077 Practical Techniques in Flap Surgery Yui ch i Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hoff mann, B usi nes s
1215061 Cognitive, Conative and Behavioral Neurology Mic hael . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mah moud i B usi nes s
1215056 Allergy andAsthma , Mass oud Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1215045 Eating Disorders Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

1215006 Imaging in Endocrine Disorders Buc hfe l de r S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,112,000
Vande rbi lt Van der bil t
Parikh , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1214996 Regulating Romance Sh anti Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 2,212,000
John Wil e y
Sid di que, Wi le y- & Sons,
1214895 The Dental Foundation Interview Guide Zahi d Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2017 Rp 1,120,000
John Wil e y
Gül e r, & Sons,
1214892 Therapeutic Nanomaterials Mustafa Ö. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
El se vie rs, Wi le y- & Sons,
1214891 Drug Utilization Research Moniqu e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,619,000

John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1214889 Systems Biology Klipp, E. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
John Wil e y
Spatial Age nt-B as ed Sim ul ati on Mode l ing in Ari fin, & Sons,
1214873 P ubli c He al th S. M. Ni az Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Taylor &
Ahm adi , Franc is
1214803 Doping and Public Health Nade r Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,060,000

Fi shbe in,
Ac ad em ic
1214616 Advances in Molecular Toxicology Jam es C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,038,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wu , Hu mana B usi nes s
1214461 Pocket Handbook of GI Pharmacotherapeutics George Y . Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gi ordano, B usi nes s
1214459 Gynecological Cancers Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Low , Su i B usi nes s
1214330 Service Quality for Facilities Management in Hospitals Phe ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sie km an n, B usi nes s
1214325 Operationsberichte Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Hol ger Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rogres s i n the Che m istry of Organi c N atu ral Kin ghorn, B usi nes s
1214323 P roduc ts 102 A. Dougl as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dasgup ta, B usi nes s
1214318 Climate SensitiveAdaptation in Health Purnam ita Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mookherj e B usi nes s
1214303 Handbook of Clinical Teaching e, Somn ath Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Carol Sc ie nce &
Sh oshkes B usi nes s
1214302 Neurotropic Viral Infections Re is s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
R ei ss, Sc ie nce &
Carol B usi nes s
1214301 Neurotropic Viral Infections Sh oshkes Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1214300 Soil in Criminal and Environmental Forensics Kars, Henk Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Mec hanobiol ogy and Mec han ophysi ology of B usi nes s
1214298 Mi l itary-Re lated Injur ie s Gefen,Amit Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We ave r, B usi nes s
1214292 Nutritional Influences on Bone Health Con nie M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Baum ei ster B usi nes s
1214291 Reconstructive Lymph Vascular Surgery , R . G. H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc hwe rzm Sc ie nce &
ann , B usi nes s
1214290 Congenital Heart Disease andAdolescence Mar kus. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D upuytre n Di se ase an d R el ate d Di sease s - The We rker , B usi nes s
1214280 Cutt ing Edge Pau l M. N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fu nctional Urol ogic Surge ry in Ne uroge nic and Carbone, B usi nes s
1214277 O ncol ogic Di se ase s Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Con ce ição, Sc ie nce &
A n Introduc ti on to Mic rowave Im agin g for Br east Raque l B usi nes s
1214276 Cance r Dete ction Cr uz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gause , B usi nes s
1214275 The Th2 Type Immune Response in Health and Disease Wil l iam C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Uni ver sity
H anl ey, R oche ster B oydel l &
1214269 Healthy Boundaries Jam es G. Pre ss B rew er 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Tol le y, John Wil e y
Eli zabe th & Sons,
1214253 Qualitative Methods in Public Health E. Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
Snow, Wi le y- & Sons,
1214240 Rapid Midwifery Sarah Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 979,000

Shi n,
Dong- CR C Pre ss
1214154 HazardousAir Pollutants Ch un CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Lópe z- App le
P hysi cal Ch em is tr y for the Che mi cal and Boni ll a, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1214153 B ioc hem i cal Sc ie nce s Jos é Lui s Pre ss (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,759,000

R oig, Jordi Pan CR C Pre ss

1214149 Isotopes in Nanoparticles Llop Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,999,000

Tamp ie ri, Pan CR C Pre ss

1214148 Bio-Inspired Regenerative Medicine Anna Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Ed wards, Pan CR C Pre ss

1214145 Liposomes inAnalytical Methodologies Kati e A. Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Chapm an
Laws on, and CR C Pre ss
1214138 Handbook of Spatial Epidemiology Andre w Hal l/CRC (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Chapm an
Mu lti regi onal Cl in ic al T rials for Si m ultaneou s Che n, and CR C Pre ss
1214135 Gl obal Ne w Drug Deve lop me nt Jos hua Hal l/CRC (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,799,000

H ou ston, HIMSS CR C Pre ss

1214127 An Introduction to Nursing Informatics Su san M. Publ i shi ng (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000

N esbe th, CR C Pre ss

1214124 Synthetic Biology Handbook Darren N. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,479,000
App le
Au gustin e, Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1214113 Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering Robi n Pre ss (CAM)
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 5,599,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A nes the si a and Anal ges ia for Ve te ri nar y Thom as, Sc ie nce s
1214111 Te chni ci ans - E-Book John A. Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 5,036,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N urs ing Del egation and M anage me nt of Patie nt Motac ki, Sc ie nce s
1214091 Care - E-B ook Kathl ee n Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2017 Rp 5,288,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kizi or, Sc ie nce s
1214090 Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2017 - E-Book Robe rt J. Saunders Di vi si on 2016 Rp 3,356,000
Graci a-
Sanc ho, Ac ad em ic
1214082 Gastrointestinal Tissue Jor di Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,048,000
Irradi ati on for Quali ty Im prove me nt, Mic robial Golan, Ac ad em ic
1214078 Safety and Phytosani tation of Fre sh P roduc e Ri vka Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Chan, Charl es C
Anthony Charle s C T homas
1214062 Biomedical Device Technology Y. K. Thom as P ubli she r 2016 Rp 2,407,000

Dow li ng, The MIT

1213925 Vision John E. Pre ss MIT Press 2016 Rp 1,344,000

Wie de rhol
1213912 Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2015 d, B. K. IOS Press IOS Press 2016 Rp 3,388,000
yya, O xford
Mad hum it OUP Un ive rsi ty
1213877 Challenging Concepts in Oncology a Oxford P res s USA 2015 Rp10,498,000
H yam , O xford
Jonathan OUP Un ive rsi ty
1213876 Surgery of theAutonomic Nervous System A. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp20,998,000
O xford
Fi oril lo, OUP
Internation Un ive rsi ty
1213865 Psychiatry in Practice Andre a Oxford
al P res
uinte sse n 2016 Rp 8,398,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Bl ic he r, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1213201 Endodontics Review Brooke Group Inc . 2016 Rp 1,512,000
El aine K Wr iteL ife IN scri be
1213147 Letters From Madelyn Sanc hez Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2016 Rp 140,000
Grove s, Stor ey
Mar ia Publ i shi ng, Store y
1213100 Body Into Balance Noë l LL C P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 979,000

R össl er, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1213083 Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement Wul f e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,339,000
John Wil e y
Ed mans, Wi le y- & Sons,
1213058 Occupational Therapy and Neurological Conditions Ju di Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,666,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kusu noki, B usi nes s
1213046 Neuroimmunological Diseases Su sum u Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad am ie tz, B usi nes s
1213045 Weiterbildung Onkologie Ir enäus A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He hlm ann, B usi nes s
1213039 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Rüd ige r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Phadi a, B usi nes s
1213034 Prior Processes and TheirApplications Esw ar G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H abi b, B usi nes s
1213033 Infective Endocarditis Gil ber t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agne tti , B usi nes s
1213032 Manual of Cardiovascular Proteomics Giu li o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi che l, B usi nes s
1213031 Pathology of Transplantation Re né P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Karanasi os Sc ie nce &
, B usi nes s
1213000 Autophagy at the Cell, Tissue and Organismal Level Ele ftheri os Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pope l ka, B usi nes s
1212997 Hearing Aids Ger al d R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ost De fens e Pep ti de s and The ir Pote nti al A s Ep and , B usi nes s
1212992 T herape uti c Age nts Ri chard M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
E thos , B ioe thic s, an d Se xu al E thi cs i n Wor k and Sc ie nce &
R e cep ti on of the Anatom ist Ni el s Ste nse n (1638- Sobie ch, B usi nes s
1212990 1686) Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B io-Psyc ho-Soc ial Contribu ti ons to Unde rstandi ng B usi nes s
1212985 E ati ng Di sord ers Latzer, Yael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Ge wi rtz, Sc ie nce &
Jonathan B usi nes s
1212973 Animal Models of Behavior Genetics C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kori n, B usi nes s
1212972 Health Promotion for Children andAdolescents Maya R om Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
H icks , Hu man
Meghan Kin etic s, H um an
1211929 Where the Road Ends M. Inc. Ki neti cs 2016 Rp 615,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rgam i ni, B usienes
Am s
ri can
1208021 Applied Photochemistry G. Springer Me die ty
Soci a B.ofV. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
H eal th
Syste m
Esc henbac P har maci st
1206651 Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator's Handbook her, L ynn ASHP s 2016 Rp 2,184,000

Clai re L. Pharm ace u P har mace u

1206615 Stockley's Drug Interactions Pocket Companion 2016 Pre ston. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2015 Rp 1,540,000
John Wil e y
Seal fon , Wi le y- & Sons,
1205840 Mount Sinai Expert Guides Stuart C. Bl ackwe ll Spr
Inc .inge r 2016 Rp 2,911,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Dore mal en Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1205126 Effectief omgaan met agressie en zinloos geweld , H ans van Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000

Samm e t, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1205094 Adipositas Is a e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Wortm ann Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1205093 Postpartale psychische Störungen -Fl e isc he r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,319,000

Wu lf Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1205087 Handlungsfelder der psychiatrischen Versorgung Röss le r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,659,000
Kugl er Kugl e r
Gl aucom a R es earch and Cl in ical Advance s, 2016 to Kne ppe r, Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1205074 2018 Pau l A . s s 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1205057 Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision Zhao, Qi. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ch avanne s Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1205055 Het astma formularium , N . H. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D rogenabhängi gkei t und Substituti on – e in Poe hlke , B usi nes s
1205052 Gl oss ar von A–Z Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carde sa, B usi nes s
1205051 Pathology of the Head and Neck Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Schm i dt- Sc ie nce &
Traub, B usi nes s
1205050 Angst bewältigen Si grun Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1205036 Bacterial Fish Pathogens Austin, B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi s, B usi nes s
1205035 Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy John W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Mukhopad Sc ie nce &
hyay, B usi nes s
1205026 Complex Surveys Par im al Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Kirc hmann Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1205022 Anatomie en fysiologie van de mens, kwalificatieniveau 4 , L . L . Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,544,000
Sc ie nce &
Boogaard, Bohn B usi nes s
Mar k van Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1205021 Ritme- & geleidingsstoornissen de n Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1205020 Klaar met leven? Vink, Marja Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jacob, B usi nes s
1205019 Mastering Endothelial Keratoplasty Soos an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jacob, B usi nes s
1205018 Mastering Endothelial Keratoplasty Soos an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gr oup-Sequ ential Cl ini cal Tri als wi th Mul tipl e Co- H am asaki, B usi nes s
1205016 O bjec tive s Toshi m itsu Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kore nkov, B usi nes s
1205014 Gastrointestinal Operations and Technical Variations Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1205000 Audiobiografie und Hörerleben Waid,Albin. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bie de rm an B usi nes s
1204975 Allergologie n, Til o Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ind fu ss, B usi nes s
1204972 Low Fertility, Institutions, and Their Policies Ronal d R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
El Sc ie nce &
Patie nt R ep orte d Outcom e Me as ure s i n R he um ati c Mie dany, B usi nes s
1204969 D ise ase s Yas se r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gr oup Se que ntial an d Confir matory Adapti ve Wassm e r, B usi nes s
1204953 D esi gns in Cli nic al T rial s Ger not Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tonni , B usi nes s
1204949 Prenatal Diagnosis of Orofacial Malformations Gabr ie le Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
R osale s- Sc ie nce &
Mend oza, B usi nes s
1204941 Algae-Based Biopharmaceuticals Se rgi o Springer Meatidional
N a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Jackows ki, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1204928 Gas Phase NMR Karol Chem i stry al 2016 Rp 7,028,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gall ami ni , B usi nes s
1204925 PET Scan in Hodgkin Lymphoma Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch ium e ll o, B usi nes s
1204923 Topical Issues inAnesthesia and Intensive Care Davide Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1204922 Molecular Cytopathology Yang, Bin Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Iocc a, B usi nes s
1204919 Evidence-Based Implant Dentistry Ore ste Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Styne, B usi nes s
1204916 Pediatric Endocrinology Den nis M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Ad eni ran, Sc ie nce &
Com m on Di agn ostic Pi tfal ls in Thyroi d Ade bowal B usi nes s
1204911 Cytopathology e J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Fonse ca, Sc ie nce &
Be lch iol ina B usi nes s
1204908 Campylobacter Spp.And Related Organisms in Poultry Be atri z Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Savir- Sc ie nce &
Baruch , B usi nes s
1204904 RadTool Nuclear Medicine Flash Facts Bital Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000

Makow ski , Ac ad em ic
1204880 Advances in Clinical Chemistry Gre gor y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,888,000
Me dizi nis c
N ew ton, Wi Ac ad sseem
1204875 Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging He rber t B. Pre sshe
aftl ic Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,056,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
Salom on, m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1204839 Praxisbuch Ethik in der Notfallmedizin Fred . Co. KG Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,421,000

Done le y, CR C Pre ss
1204420 Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice Bob CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Ch owdhu r
y, E zh aru l CR C Pre ss
1204419 Nanotherapeutics Hoque CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,599,000

A rth ropod-borne Infec tious Di se as es of the Dog Day, CR C Pre ss

1204418 and Cat 2nd Ed ition Mic hael J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,959,000

Im age-Gui de d H ypofraction ate d Ster eotactic Sahgal , CR C Pre ss

1204410 R adios urge ry Arjun CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 7,279,000

Be ddar, CR C Pre ss
1204407 Scintillation Dosimetry Sam CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,999,000
Suáre z
Pér ez, CR C Pre ss
1204402 Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA Eri ck L . CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Su bramoni
am , CR C Pre ss
1204399 Plants withAnti-Diabetes Mellitus Properties Appi an CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,719,000
Chapm an
Ge om etri c Model i ng and Mes h Ge ner ati on From Z han g, and CR C Pre ss
1204397 Sc ann ed Image s Yongji e Hal l/CRC (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000

Im aging of the Pel vis , M uscu loske l etal Sys te m , CR C Pre ss

1204388 and Spec ial App li cati ons to CAD Saba, Luca CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 7,839,000
Muham ma CR C Pre ss
1204387 Applied Molecular Biotechnology d Sarwar CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 6,159,000

Morrow , Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1204384 Leading High-Reliability Organizations in Healthcare Ri chard y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Nation al N ati onal
Sup porting Fam i ly an d Com mu nity Inve stm ents Wi dm er , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1204374 i n Y ou ng Chi ld ren Gl obal ly Joc el yn Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,148,000
Le gato,
Mar ianne Ac ad em ic
1204280 Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,544,000

Ken aki n, Ac ad em ic
1204272 Pharmacology in Drug Discovery and Development Te rry P. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,022,000

We ster, Ac ad em ic
1204252 HazardAnalysis and Risk Based Preventive Controls Patri ci a A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Gol dm an , Ac ad em ic
1204245 Gas Bubble Dynamics in the Human Body Saul . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

We ster, Ac ad em ic
1204238 Arachnoid Cysts Knut. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000
Be ndaoud,
Moham e d ISTE Pre ss
1204234 New Health Systems Lami ne . - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,032,000

B as ic Fi nite El em e nt Me thod As A ppl ie d to Inj ury Yang, Ac ad em ic

1204232 B iom ec hanic s King Hay Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,368,000

Stock, Ac ad em ic
1204231 Health Reform Policy to Practice Ronal d. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000
Androne sc
1204229 Nanostructures for Oral Medicine Ecater ina Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,552,000

A rth ropod Ve ctor: Control le r of Dis ease Wi kel , Ac ad em ic

1204221 T ran sm iss ion, Vol um e 2 Ste phe n K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

A n Introduc ti on to Ethic al , Safe ty an d Intel l ec tu al Nam bisan, Ac ad em ic

1204219 P rope rty Ri ghts Is sue s i n B iotec hnol ogy Pad ma Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,350,000

A rth ropod Ve ctor: Control le r of Dis ease Wi kel , Ac ad em ic

1204218 T ran sm iss ion, Vol um e 1 Ste phe n K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Ac ad em ic
1204214 Cytokine Effector Functions in Tissues Foti, Maria. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,704,000

R ingros e, Ac ad em ic
1204209 Epigenetics and Systems Biology Le on ie . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Che ng, Sc ie nce &
Hw ee - B usi nes s
1203969 Physiology Question-Based Learning mi ng Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum ar, B usi nes s
1203965 Signal and Image Processing in MedicalApplications Am it Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhram ar a B usi nes s
1203963 Application of Computational Intelligence to Biology mba, Ravi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lakshm i , B usi nes s
1203962 Computational Intelligence Techniques in Health Care P. V. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1203960 Handleiding medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek Zielhuis, G. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Mac ken bac Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1203959 Volksgezondheid en gezondheidszorg h, J. P. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1203958 Anatomie, fysiologie en pathologie Kok, K. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Backe rt, B usi nes s
1203951 Helicobacter Pylori Research Ste ffe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Spr inge r
Cle m ente , Sc ie nce &
Fil ip e B usi nes s
1203945 Small-Sided and Conditioned Games in Soccer Training Man uel Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Yadav, Sc ie nce &
N anoscal e M ate rial s i n Targe te d Drug Del ive ry, Su de sh B usi nes s
1203941 T heragnos is an d T iss ue Re ge nerati on Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me l atoni n, Ne uroprote ctive Age nts and Sr ini vas an , B usi nes s
1203923 A nti de pre ssant T herapy V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saji, Be n B usi nes s
1203919 Kawasaki Disease Ts utomu Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ohi ra, B usi nes s
1203916 The Liver in Systemic Diseases Hi rom as a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Toi , B usi nes s
1203915 Personalized Treatment of Breast Cancer Mas akazu. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Morava, B usi nes s
1203871 JIMD Reports, Volume 26 Eva Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1203864 Pflegewissen Intermediate Care Busch, Jutta Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Kle i n- Sc ie nce &
Voge l bac h, B usi nes s
1203863 FBL Klein-Vogelbach Functional Kinetics: Ballübungen Su sanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1203862 Weißbuch Multiple Sklerose Kip, Miriam Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Kon opins k Sc ie nce &
i-Kle i n, B usi nes s
1203861 Slowakisch-Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mohni ke, B usi nes s
1203860 PET/CT-Atlas Wol fgang Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1203847 How Can Physics Underlie the Mind? Ellis, George Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Protz, B usi nes s
1203844 Kompressionstherapie Kers ti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
She n, B usi nes s
1203841 PolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons Hui zhong Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schu lz, B usi nes s
1203839 Kompendium der Dermatoskopie Hans Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Uebe rre ite B usi nes s
1203838 Autologe Fettgewebstransplantation r, Kl aus. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kli nge r, B usi nes s
1203837 Multiaxiale Schmerzklassifikation Re gine Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum brink, B usi nes s
1203835 K-Taping in der Lymphologie Bir git Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Park, Ji - B usi nes s
1203827 Integumentary Physical Therapy Whan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
H eye r, Sc ie nce &
Ver sorgungs epi de m iol ogie de s Ulc us crur is in Anna B usi nes s
1203804 D eutsc hland Kris ti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frodl , Spri nger B usi nes s
1203770 Praxisführung für Zahnärzte Andre as Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com pl iance , Gover nanc e und Ri si kom anage me nt Schm ol a, Spri nger B usi nes s
1203768 i m Kranken hau s Ger al d Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Stuar t-
Wil son, And rew s An dre ws
1203757 Professionalism and Ethics Fiona UK UK Ltd. 2015 Rp 630,000

Be cke r, And rew s An dre ws

1203725 FundamentalAspects of Palliative Care Nursing Robe rt UK UK Ltd. 2015 Rp 854,000

Mc ve i gh, And rew s An dre ws

1203724 FundamentalAspects of Long-term Conditions He le n UK UK Ltd. 2015 Rp 798,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bake r, B usi nes s
1203721 Artificial Ventilation David J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi enc ke, B usi nes s
1203708 Healthy at Work Mar kus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Puj ad e- Sc ie nce &
laurai ne, B usi nes s
1203696 Ovarian Cancers Eri c Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rne r, B usi nes s
1203686 Clinical Decision Support Systems Eta S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
D' Al Sc ie nce &
ibe rti, B usi nes s
1203677 Ischemic Stroke Giu sep pe. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pue rto, B usi nes s
1203671 Branching Processes and TheirApplications In és M. de l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ci arm ie ll o, B usi nes s
1203668 PET-CT and PET-MRI in Neurology Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Crowe , B usi nes s
1203665 Deadly Dermatologic Diseases David R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fowbl e , B usi nes s
1203661 Skin Care in Radiation Oncology Barbar a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H od le r, B usi nes s
1203646 Diseases of the Brain, Head and Neck, Spine 2016-2019 Jü rg Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le hnhardt, B usi nes s
1203644 Verbrennungschirurgie Mar cus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kohl er, B usi nes s
1203633 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Rheumatology Review Minn a J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T reating Vul nerabl e Popul ati ons of Canc er Fitzp atri ck, B usi nes s
1203632 Sur vivors : A Bi opsych os oci al Ap proach Tanya R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ic ci o, B usi nes s
1203631 Pediatric Neurotoxicology Cyn thi a A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N on-Ne uronal Me chanis ms of B rai n D am age an d B usi nes s
1203629 R e pai r A fte r Stroke Chen, Jun Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H uan g, B usi nes s
1203625 Medication-Related Falls in Older People All e n R . Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Com putational Mode li ng of N e ural A ctivi tie s for Kolos sa, B usi nes s
1203623 Stati stic al Infe re nce Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1203622 Multimodal Oscillation-based Connectivity Theory Palva, Satu Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ig Pic ture Bi oethi cs: De vel opi ng De m ocratic Dodd s, B usi nes s
1203620 P oli cy i n Conte sted Dom ains Su san Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carey B usi nes s
1203618 Child andAdolescent Resilience Within Medical Contexts DeM ich el is Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le ake, B usi nes s
1203614 Biophysics of Infection Mar k C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oranj e, B usi nes s
1203610 Practical Pediatric Dermatology Arnol d P . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum anov, B usi nes s
1203605 Puberty Fil ip . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H o, Se ng- B usi nes s
1203603 Principles of Noology Be ng. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mus ahl , B usi nes s
1203598 Rotatory Knee Instability Vol ke r Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Garson, B usi nes s
1203592 A Critical Overview of Biological Functions Ju stin Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D iagnosi s and Manage m ent of Fem oroace tabul ar Aye ni, B usi nes s
1203590 Im pi ngem e nt Olu fe m i R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di ete r, B usi nes s
1203588 Critical Limb Ischemia Robe rt S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol e cul ar Me chani sm s of Ce ll Di ff ere ntiation in Pi pre k, B usi nes s
1203587 Gon ad De vel opm ent Rafal P . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge nom ic Arc hite cture of Sc hizophre ni a A cross Bu laeva, B usi nes s
1203584 D ive rse Ge neti c Is olates K. B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Antze le vitc B usi nes s
1203553 J Wave Syndromes h, Charl es Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L as er-Dr ive n Partic le Ac ce le rati on T owards Gi uli e tti , B usi nes s
1203551 R adiobi ology and Me di ci ne Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manage me nt and The rap y of Earl y P regnanc y Malvasi , B usi nes s
1203544 Com pl ic ati ons Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wong, B usi nes s
1203528 Alternating Electric Fields Therapy in Oncology Eri c T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Maiu ri, Sc ie nce &
Mar ia B usi nes s
1203522 Autophagy Networks in Inflammation Ch iara Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Konda, B usi nes s
1203520 Endoscopic Imaging Techniques and Tools Vani J. A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stanghe ll in B usi nes s
1203518 An ExperientialApproach to Psychopathology i, Gi ovanni Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000

O ts uki
1203509 うつ病を体験した精神科医の処方せん 蟻塚亮二 大月書店 Shoten 2016 Rp 837,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi gazzi, B usi nes s
1203508 Techniques in Minimally Invasive Rectal Surgery Ale ss io Springer Me di a B. V. 2018 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laxer , B usi nes s
1203507 Pediatric Rheumatology in Clinical Practice Ronal d M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pre i ser , Sc ie nce &
T he Stre ss R esp onse of Cri ti cal Ill ne ss: Me tabol ic Je an- B usi nes s
1203493 and Horm onal Aspe cts Ch arl e s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R izzo, B usi nes s
1203489 Dupuytren’s Contracture Mar co Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Crasto, B usi nes s
1203487 Handbook of Insulin Therapies Win ston . Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sterni , Hu mana B usi nes s
1203482 Caring for the Ventilator Dependent Child Laura M. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Changi ng Subs tance Abu se and Cri m inal Be havior Be nveni ste Palgrave B usi nes s
1203417 T hrough The rap eu ti c Re lations hip s , D ebra H . Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,820,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1203182 Animal Physiotherapy Goff, Lesley Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
Bl ythe, Wi le y- & Sons,
1203170 Essential Primary Care Andre w Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,847,000
Uzal, John Wil e y
Fran ci sco Wi le y- & Sons,
1203167 Clostridial Diseases of Animals Ale jandr o Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Me dic al
Man ol i tzas Inform ati o
E ffe ctive Me thods for Mode rn He al thcare Ser vic e , n Sc ie nce
1203147 Q uali ty an d E val uati on Pan agi oti s R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P sychos
P ubli shi ozi
E vid enc e-Base d Geri atr ic Nu rsi ng Pr otoc ols for Publ i shi ng al
1203025 B est Practic e, Fi fth Edi tion Boltz, Marie Comp an y Johann
Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
W irth u nd
H an s-
We rner Psyc hosozi Jürge n
1202987 Humanistische Psychotherapie Ebe rwe in al-Ve rl ag W irth G bR 2015 Rp 932,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1202954 Mental Health Disorders Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1202953 Alzheimer Disease Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hilse
E cs ,viInc
er . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Inc .,
Skid mor e- H eal th
Roth, Sc ie nce s
1202924 Mosby's 2017 Nursing Drug Reference - E-Book Lin da Mosby Di vi si on 2017 Rp 3,776,000
John Wil e y
H ol e nz, & Sons,
1202838 Lead Generation Jör g Wiley-VCH Inc . 2016 Rp 6,803,000
John Wil e y
Sim on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1202836 Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine Toby L . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 8,260,000
John Wil e y
& Sons,
1202831 Drug Discovery Toxicology Will, Yvonne Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
Wats on, n n
H andbook of N utri ti on and Di et i n T herapy of Ronal d Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1202488 B one Dis ease s Ross Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 6,076,000
Lore nzo, F. A. Davis
Mar jorie Com pany/
1202475 Blood Collection Sc haub F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,315,000
F. A. Davis
Brave man, Com pany/
1202474 Leading & Managing Occupational Therapy Services Bre nt F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,239,000
R ay, F. A. Davis
T ran scu ltural Car ing Dynami cs i n N ursi ng and Mar il yn Com pany/
1202473 H eal th Car e Anne . F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,679,000
R oyal , F. A. Davis
Patri ci a Com pany/
1202472 Today's Health Professions Lockam y P lse
F.A. Davis E ublivishe
er rs 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi ll er , Sc ie nce s
1202456 Mosby's Pocket Guide to Fetal Monitoring - E-Book Lis a A. Mosby Di vi si on 2017 Rp 4,112,000
Di pl om ica
T herape uti c T ouch und de ren Eff ekti vität im Sei ri nger , Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202424 onkol ogis che n B ere ic h: Ei ne Li te ratu ranal yse Monika Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,288,000
Di pl om ica
T rinkw as se r Bl ackout: Au sfal l de r öff entl ic hen De tli nger , Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202388 T rinkw as se rvers orgung und de ren Be wälti gung Rol an d Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,288,000
Di pl om ica
D ie Pfl ege kam m e r: E ine tragfäh ige , Mast, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202369 zuku nftsor ie ntie rte Ins ti tution? Ch arl otte Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 924,000
Pe ri oper ati ve Pfle ge al s profes sione l le Di pl om ica
D ie nstle i stung: Quali tätskr iter ie n d er Be tre uu ng Barkow , Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202363 von Pati en te n d urc h ni cht-är ztl ic hes Pe rsonal Mic hael Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Di pl om ica
Frakturri si ko be i Frauen m it O steoporos e: Ei ne Sor genfre i, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202361 D ate nanal yse de r E PIC-P ots dam-Studi e Jae H yong Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
R e ssourc en Integrative r R e gulations me di zin -
Me di zini sch e und Med izin nahe Sal utoge ne se : Di pl om ica
Ge su ndung im B ezi ehun gsraum zwi sc hen Pati en t Sprange r, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202340 u nd H ei l beru fler He inz Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 924,000
Di pl om ica
Bu dna, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202328 Integrale Psychoonkologie IP-Sure: Der Weg ins Leben Ewa. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,288,000
Di pl om ica
E val uati on d er Phys iother ap ie i n Schw ed en: Le in ic h, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1202286 H in te rgrün de, Fakten, Analys en Tom as . Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Gi orgi Di pl om ica
Vi ew s and Suppos ition s About the Pathogen esi s of Gogic had z di sse rta Ver lag
1202277 Cance r e. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,212,000
N eu roenh anc em e nt re vis ited : Wie Anti de pres si va Di pl om ica
d ie all tägl i che Le is tu ngsfähigke it erhal te n u nd Schu bert, di sse rta Ver lag
1202272 ve rbe sse rn Patri ck. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
B ind ungse rfah runge n un d Di pl om ica
Pe rsönl i chke itss töru ngen: Ur sache n – Fol gen – Foe rster, di sse rta Ver lag
1202259 W irku ngen Man fr ed J. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,176,000
John Wil e y
Crow and Wal shaw' s Manual of Cl ini cal Boyl e, Wi le y- & Sons,
1202093 P roce dure s in Dogs, Cats, R abbi ts and R od ents Je nni fer E. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,960,000
John Wil e y
Wang, & Sons,
1202091 Drug Delivery Bin ghe Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
Morri s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1202058 ABC of Common Soft Tissue Disorders Fran ci s Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,259,000
John Wil e y
Katz, & Sons,
1202056 Forensic Science Evge ny Wiley-VCH Inc . 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Un ive rsi ty
Muse m ec h P res s of
e, N ew
1201986 Hurt Cathe rine ForeEdge E ngland 2016 Rp 784,000
Un ive rsi ty
P res s of
H il lm an, N ew
1201984 A Plague onAll Our Houses Bruc e J. ForeEdge E ngland 2016 Rp 840,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1201892 Nanobiomaterials in Cancer Therapy Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

Loffing, Ac ad em ic
1201891 Laterality in Sports Flori an Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tol xdorff , Spri nger B usi nes s
1201707 Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2016 Th. Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
The Gu il ford
Mack, Gui lford P ubli cation
1201674 Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders, Fourth Edition Av ram H . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,640,000
The Gu il ford
Miku li nce r Gui lford P ubli cation
1201673 Attachment inAdulthood, Second Edition , Mari o Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,640,000

1201612 Malignant Lymphomas Georg Lenz De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 7,056,000

Gui dott i, Uni ver sity O UP
1201569 Health and Sustainability Te e L. Pre ss P rem i um 2015 Rp 5,040,000
Oxford O xford
I. Gle nn Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1201369 Patients with Passports Coh en. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,723,000
O xford
Jauniaux, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1201307 Textbook of Caesarean Section E. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp14,560,000
Fe rrari,
Pie r OUP O UP
1201276 New Frontiers in Mirror Neurons Research Fran ce sco. Oxford P rem i um 2015 Rp 6,929,000
Sm ith,
Kathe rin e OUP O UP
1201273 Health Inequalities E. Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp 7,348,000
Van den
Bloc k, OUP O UP
1201232 Palliative Care for Older People Lie ve Oxford P rem i um 2015 Rp 7,348,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1201189 Health Promotion Kemm, J. R. Oxford P res s USA 2015 Rp 8,398,000
R utgers R utger s
Jacobson, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1201184 Labor of Love He athe r Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 6,650,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Jones , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1201155 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, Second Edition Je ff rey S. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
O xford
OUP Un ive rsi ty
1201152 Best of Five MCQs for theAcute Medicine SCE Lane, Nigel Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,551,000

Im pact of Ad di ctive Subs tance s an d B ehavi ou rs on And ers on, OUP O UP

1201043 Ind ivi dual and Soc ie tal We ll -bei ng Pete r Oxford P rem i um 2015 Rp 6,298,000
R ehm ann-
Su tte r, OUP O UP
1200862 The Patient's Wish to Die Ch ris top h Oxford P
E rem
lse vii um
er 2015 Rp 6,298,000
Inc .,
Skid mor e- H eal th
Roth, Sc ie nce s
1200674 Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students - E-Book Lin da Mosby Di vi si on 2017 Rp 3,692,000
Am e ri can
Garci a, Soci e ty for
Lynne Mi cr obi ol o
1198477 Diagnostic Medical Parasitology Sh ore ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 6,468,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Sc hl os sbe r Mi cr obi ol o
1198476 Infections of Leisure g, D avi d ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 2,352,000
M& K
Cope , M&K Up
R datean
1198404 Smoking Graham F. Publ i shi ng L &td . 2016 Rp 812,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1198334 Understanding Fibromyalgia Ali, Naheed Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,344,000
T he Occ upational The rapi st's W orkbook for Morre ale , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1198121 E nsuri ng Cl in ic al Com pe te nce Mar ie J. ed ed 2016 Rp 1,847,000

E ndosc opic Di agnosi s and Tre atm e nt in Uri nary Ge avl ete , Ac ad em ic
1198068 B ladd er Pathol ogy Petri şor A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000
R am os-
T he Dige sti ve Inv ol ve me nt i n Syste mi c Casal s,
1198065 Autoi mm une D ise ase s Man uel . Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,392,000

Pe ral e , Wood head

1198063 Bioresorbable Polymers for BiomedicalApplications Giu sep pe Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,576,000

H al le tt, Ac ad em ic
1198057 Functional Neurologic Disorders Mar k Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cl ini cal N urse Le ade r Ce rti fic ati on R evi ew , Kin g, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1197773 Se cond Edi tion Cyn thi a R . Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Agarwal , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1197511 A Video Textbook of Glued IOLs Am ar ed ed 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Stone, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1197510 The Foot andAnkle Jam es W. ed ed 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Forse , R. Incorp orat Inc orporat
1197509 Bariatric Surgery Arm our ed ed 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Mc Far land
Faragli , Com pany,
1197375 Behind the Mask of Moebius Syndrome Cr isti na McFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,540,000

Martina Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1197272 Angewandtes Case Management Ju nk e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 3,639,000
Ne w N ew
Harbi nge r H ar binge r
H ans com , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1197203 Balanced and Barefoot Ange la J. s s 2016 Rp 379,000
Je ssi ca
Guangd e, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1197148 Dao Yin for General Health Zhang Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 699,000

Autophagy: Can cer , O th er Pathol ogie s, H ayat, M. Ac ad em ic

1196969 Infl am m ati on, Im m uni ty, Infe ction, and A ging A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,392,000

Jones , Wood head

1196967 Performance of Bio-based Building Materials Den nis Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,896,000

Egge r, Ac ad em ic
1196959 Lifestyle Medicine Gar ry Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,022,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Stee r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1196892 Heart Disease and Pregnancy Phi li p J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Ope n O pen
R oad R oad
Karp, Di stribu ti o Inte grate d
1196851 The View From the Vue Larry n Me di a, Inc . 2016 Rp 392,000

H erzbe rg, Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196776 Migraine Eil e en. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

Davi es, Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196775 Insomnia Dil ys. Books Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 204,000
Skyhorse Pe rse us
H ealy, Publ i shi ng, B ooks ,
1196673 Traumatic Brain Injury Handbook Jos eph B. Inc. L LC 2016 Rp 700,000
Skyhorse Pe rse us
H ickm an, Publ i shi ng, B ooks ,
1196664 The Burn Pits Jos eph Inc. L LC 2016 Rp 616,000

He ndri cks , Pe rse us

Ch arl otte R edl e af B ooks ,
1196558 Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood Settings Mitch el l Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 503,000

Jack Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196524 Spiritual Healing Ange lo. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

Inge Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196523 Reflexology Dougans. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000
Pe rse us
H ol dw ay, Pavil ion B ooks ,
1196522 Kinesiology Ann Books L LC 2015 Rp 204,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be nge l, B usi nes s
1196198 Psychologie in der medizinischen Rehabilitation Jü rgen Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De Lacy, Palgrave B usi nes s
1196110 The Germ of an Idea Mar gare t Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000

Marshal l, Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196021 Natural Way Epilepsy Fiona Books Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 204,000

Chri stine Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196014 Flower Remedies Wil dw ood. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

Fi ona Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196013 Epilepsy Mar shall . Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

R obin Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196012 Dyslexia Te m pl e. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196010 Colour Therapy Pauline Wills. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

Tom Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196009 Chinese Medicine Wil l iam s. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

Urs ula Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196008 Childhood Trauma Mar kham . Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

H el ena Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196005 Back Pain Bri dge . Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

H arve y, Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196004 Asthma Eri ka Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000

Jul ia Pavil ion L ightni ng

1196002 Anorexia & Bulimia Buc kroyd. Books Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 204,000
Pe rse us
Fung, Gre ystone B ooks ,
1195826 The Obesity Code Jason Books L LC 2016 Rp 532,000

Lé vi- Colu mbi a Pe rse us

Straus s, Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1195718 WeAreAll Cannibals and Other Essays Cl aude Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 784,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Ge rei ge , of of
1195605 School Health: Policy and Practice Rani S. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 1,539,000

T he Psyc hosoci al As pe cts of a Deadl y E pid em i c: Kurians ky,

1195509 W hat Ebola Has Taught U s About Hol isti c H e al ing Ju di th Praeger ABC-CLIO 2016 Rp 1,288,000
H epne r, R AND R AN D
Q uali ty of Car e for PTSD an d De pre ss ion in th e Kim ber ly Corporatio
Uni ver sity Corpor ati o
1195500 Mi l itary H ealth Sys tem A. n Toron to n
of 2016 Rp 279,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Be rco, Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1195450 From Body to Community Cr isti an Di vis ion P res
E s er
lse vi 2015 Rp 1,820,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1195386 FarmAnimal Surgery - E-Book Fubini, S. L. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2017 Rp17,556,000
Inc .,
Bu rns, H eal th
Cathe rine Sc ie nce s
1195385 Pediatric Primary Care - E-Book E. Saunders Di vi si on 2017 Rp 9,240,000
John Wil e y
Spe ctor, Wi le y- & Sons,
1195375 Understanding Cardiac Electrophysiology Pete r Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Bund esam t Spr inge r
fü r Sc ie nce &
Ve rbrauch B usi nes s
1195274 Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2014 ers chutz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 980,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thi e ne, B usi nes s
1195273 Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young andAthletes Gae tan o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Moham e d, B usi nes s
1195264 Agarwood Rozi Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1195253 Leerboek psychiatrie voor verpleegkundigen Clijsen, M. Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yamasaki , B usi nes s
1195249 C-Type Lectin Receptors in Immunity Sh o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Oc hi, B usi nes s
1195248 ACL Injury and Its Treatment Mitsu o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1195241 Weiterbildung Anästhesiologie Forst, H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koll m ar , B usi nes s
1195240 Weiterbildung Notfallmedizin Rain er. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1195239 Weiterbildung Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin Janssens, U. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Pi rke r- Sc ie nce &
Bin der , B usi nes s
1195224 Prävention von Erschöpfung in derArbeitswelt In grid Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Böhm , B usi nes s
1195222 EMDR in der Psychotherapie der PTBS Kars te n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1195196 Mutationen des Krankenhauses Bode, Ingo Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte grate d E ar ly Chi l dhood Beh avi oral He al th i n Bri ggs, B usi nes s
1195096 P rim ary Care Rahi l D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ipol ar De pre ssi on: Mole cu lar N e urobiol ogy, Z arate, B usi nes s
1195094 Cl ini cal Di agn osis , and Pharm acother apy Carl os A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Antuña, B usi nes s
1195093 Essential Techniques in Elbow Surgery Sam ue l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e vie ws of Phys iol ogy, B ioc hem i stry and B usi nes s
1195092 P har macol ogy Vol . 170 Nilius, B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1195091 Principles of Health Interoperability Benson, Tim Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schoe pf, B usi nes s
1195090 Multidetector-Row CT of the Thorax U. J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Son nens ch B usi nes s
1195087 Atlas of Breast Tomosynthesis ei n, Mar ti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R adiol ogic al Im aging of the Di gesti ve Tract i n Stafrace , B usi nes s
1195085 Infants and Chil dre n Sam ue l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H oge l ing, B usi nes s
1195065 Case-Based Inpatient Pediatric Dermatology Mar ci a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Buc hfu hre B usi nes s
1195058 Clinician's Manual on Restless Legs Syndrome r, Mar k J. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H um an N utriti on From the Gastroe nte rol ogist’ s Gros si, B usi nes s
1195047 Pe rsp ec ti ve Enzo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Con stanti n Sc ie nce &
esc u, Cris B usi nes s
1195040 Neuro-Immuno-Gastroenterology S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cai, B usi nes s
1195038 Prostatitis and Its Management Tom maso Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mune e r, B usi nes s
1195035 Prosthetic Surgery in Urology Asi f Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koibu chi , B usi nes s
1195030 Thyroid Hormone Disruption and Neurodevelopment Nori yuki . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sei ffg e- Sc ie nce &
Krenke , B usi nes s
1194963 Väter, Männer und kindliche Entwicklung In ge. Springer
Charle s Me di aesB. V.
Charl 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Kří žová, Karoli num Karol inum
1194893 Alternativní medicína v České republice Eva Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 420,000
Hu man
Tum mi ne ll Schl
Kin etic
üters,sc Sc
H um hlueanters c
1194873 Building Muscle and Performance o, N ic k. Inc.
he Ki neti cs
he 2016 Rp 671,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Ham me rl a, m bH & m bH e&
1194872 Bewegen ist Leben Monika Co. KG Co.
B roth KG ers 2016 Rp 731,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Sur gic al Te chni que s i n O tol aryngology - He ad & Laroue re , Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1194737 N ec k Surge ry Mic hael J. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Kir tane , Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1194734 Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery Mil in d V. Pvt. Ltd. L
B im
d 2015 Rp 2,940,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Err ic o, Brothe rs P rivate
1194733 Spinal Disorders & Treatments Thom as J. WorlPvt. Ltd.
d L im ite d 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Centur y W orld
Publ i shi ng Sc ie ntific
Stigm a: A n Ethnograph y Of Me ntal Il ln ess And Guo, Corporatio P ubli shi ng
1194615 H iv/aid s In China Ji nhua n Com pany 2016 Rp 4,956,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Mura, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1194599 Nanotheranostics For Personalized Medicine Si m ona Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 6,468,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Murayam a Worl d P ubli shi ng
1194598 Obesity CareAnd Bariatric Surgery , Ke nri c M . Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 4,452,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
H andbook Of Vi treo-re tinal Di sorde r Park, Worl d
Worl d P ubli shi ng
1194593 Manage me nt: A Practi cal Re fere nce G uid e Su sanna S. Sci enti fic
Sci enti fic / Com pany 2015 Rp 4,116,000
Hi ghe r W orld
Ed ucation Sc ie ntific
N anomater ials For Tu mor Tar getin g The ranostic s: Tan, Pre ss, P ubli shi ng
1194591 A Proacti ve Cl i nic al Pe rsp ec ti ve Mingqi an Chin a Com pany 2016 Rp 6,972,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Gastroi ntes ti nal Mal i gnanc ie s: N ew Innovati ve Worl d P ubli shi ng
1194587 D iagnostic s An d T reatme nt Cai, Qiang. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 7,476,000
John Wil e y
B lackw el l' s Fi ve-Mi nute Ve teri nary Consu lt H ovd a, Wi le y- & Sons,
1194560 Cl ini cal Com pan ion Lynn R. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1194556 Rook's Textbook of Dermatology Griffiths, C. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp24,080,000
Mac Gre go John Wil e y
r, Duncan & Sons,
1194554 Computational Neuroendocrinology J. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,640,000
John Wil e y
Ge orge, Wi le y- & Sons,
1194553 Colorectal Surgery Bruc e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,158,000

Makow ski , Ac ad em ic
1194291 Advances in Clinical Chemistry Gre gor y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,888,000
Tone l li ,
Davide D e Ac ad em ic
1194288 Essentials of Noncoding RNA in Neuroscience Pie tri. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Vid a,
Vl ad im i ro Ac ad em ic
1194281 The Complete Reference for Scimitar Syndrome L. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Ge raghty, Ac ad em ic
1194280 Ion Channels Down Under D. M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,736,000

Dorm an, Tem pl e ton Te mp le ton

1194268 Restoring the Healer Wil l iam E. Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 252,000
Ste phe n K. Vivi d IN scri be
1194204 Death by Carbs Fai rl ey Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2016 Rp 168,000
H art, Hi story IN scri be
1194183 Maine Nursing Vale ri e Pre ss Di gi tal 2016 Rp 476,000
Szecs y, Hi story IN scri be
1194176 The Cadet Nurse Corps inArizona:A History of Service Els ie M. Pre ss Di gi tal 2016 Rp 476,000
Nova N ova
Be nningto Sci enc e Sc ie nce
n, Ele anor Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1194019 Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research H. Inc. Inc
Un .ive rsi ty 2016 Rp 5,320,000
of N ew
H arr is, Ian Wal es
1193993 Surgery, the Ultimate Placebo Andre w NewSouth P res s 2016 Rp 364,000
Vi dal
Vad em e cu
m Spai n,
1193841 Dictionnaire vidal Collectif Vidal S.A . 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Vid al Vid al Vi dal
Vade me cu Vade m ec u Vad em e cu
m Spain, m Spain , m Spai n,
1193840 Guía farmacológica S. A. S.A. S.A . 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Vid al Vid al Vi dal
Vade me cu Vade m ec u Vad em e cu
m Spain, m Spain , m Spai n,
1193839 Guía farmacológica S. A. S.A. S.A . 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Vid al Vid al Vi dal
Vade me cu Vade m ec u Vad em e cu
m Spain, m Spain , m Spai n,
1193838 Guía farmacológica S. A. S.A. S.A . 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Vid al Vid al Vi dal
Vade me cu Vade m ec u Vad em e cu
m Spain, m Spain , m Spai n,
1193837 España guía farmacológica S. A. S.A. S.A . 2016 Rp 1,120,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1193816 Lecture Notes: General Surgery Ellis, Harold Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,343,000
John Wil e y
Lu gg, Wi le y- & Sons,
1193808 Rapid Emergency and Unscheduled Care Jason Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,022,000
Spr inge r
Wh ite, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T ran slation of Evi de nce Into N ursi ng and H ealth Kathl ee n Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1193798 Care , Se cond Ed ition M. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000

1193713 Nutrition and Growth Koletzko, B. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 5,852,000

Hu man
Cl ini cal Gui de to P os iti onal R el e as e The rap y w ith Spe ic her, Kin etic s, H um an
1193660 We b R e sourc e Tim othy E . Inc. Ki neti cs 2016 Rp 6,636,000
Nus sbaum Yale Yal e
, Abr aham Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1193646 The Finest Traditions of My Calling M. Pre ss P lse
E resvis er 2016 Rp 1,117,000
Inc .,
Logotheti s, H eal th
Dem e tr a Sc ie nce s
1193568 LocalAnesthesia for the Dental Hygienist - E-Book Daskalos Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 6,044,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N and a, Sc ie nce s
1193567 Atlas of Complex Orthodontics - E-Book Ravi ndra Mosby Di vi si on 2017 Rp16,716,000
Wi de ra-
Wysoc zańs Cambri dge Cam brid ge
ka, Schol ars Sc holars
1193534 Trauma Treatment Agni eszka. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,771,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Schol ars Sc holars
1193533 Threads of Hope Dale, Susan Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,771,000

Kne ginj a Mabuse - B ookw i re

1193438 Schlafschulung für Ältere in der Gruppe Ri chte r Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 965,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
H abe r, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1193411 Health Promotion andAging, Seventh Edition David Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Word en , SchlDe mos Com
üter sc Sc pany,
hlue ters c
1193410 Cancer Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy Review Fran ci s P. he
Me dic al Inc .
he 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
R öpke, m bH & mowm
R bH &an
1193298 Pflegehilfe Kay Pete r Co. KG Co. KG
& 2016 Rp 479,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Ge hlbac h, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1193226 American Plagues Ste phe n H . Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,316,000

Claus en, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1193082 Soziale Psychiatrie Je ns e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,339,000

Kaess , Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1193076 Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen im Jugendalter Mic hael e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,899,000

Susanne Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1193075 Palliative Wundversorgung Danze r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 2,239,000
van El st, Kohlh
R ei se am m B ookw i re
1192982 R
e ise Know und-How
ADHSWo es kei ne n Arzt gi bt - Ludge r e r Verl ag
Know- Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Me di zini sch es Handbu ch zu r H il fe u nd How
Se lbs thi l fe : Diagnose , Me dikam en te , Mal aria- Ve rl ag
P rophylaxe , Im pfunge n, Hygi ene , Ernähru ng. D avi d Pe te r B ookw i re
1192980 (Sachbuc h) Wern er R um p Gm bH 2015 Rp 504,000

Schäfer , Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1192873 Praxisleitfaden Stationsleitung Wol fgang e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,319,000

R ic ard o Me yer & B ookw i re

1192778 Anatomie & Krafttraining Cánovas Me yer Gm
N atibH
onal 2016 Rp 839,000
B ook
P odri d’s R eal-W orld ECGs : Vol um e 5, N arr ow N etw ork
and Wi de Comp le x Tac hyar rhythm ias and Podr id, Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1192274 A berration-Part B : P rac tic e Case s Phi li p J. Publ i shi ng N
al ati onal 2016 Rp 6,636,000
B ook
N icol as N etw ork
And rad e, Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
Jac ques
Jason. Publ i shi ng al Rp 7,140,000
1192273 The Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Handbook 2016
Col l ège
nati onal Sale m
de s pe r, Publ i sh Author
1192270 Authentic Healing Kathi olog Gre en
gynéc Se rvic es 2016 Rp 84,000
ues e t
obstétri ci e
ns franç ai s
1192259 Le Grand Livre De Ma Grossesse (CN GOF) Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 612,000

Com m ent M ai grir H eur eux Q uand on N' ai m e Ni Pl um ey,

1192250 L e Sp ort Ni L es Lé gum es ! Laure nce . Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 360,000
John Wil e y
De vli n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1192057 Review Questions for Dentistry Hugh Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,119,000
The Gu il ford
Straight Tal k About P sychi atri c Me dic ati ons for Wi le ns, Gui lford P ubli cation
1191015 Ki ds, Fourth Edi tion Tim othy E . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 1,484,000
H os p, The Gu il ford
Mic hel le Gui lford P ubli cation
Jaype e
1191014 TheABCs of CBM, Second Edition K. Pre ss s Inc.
B roth ers 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
De y, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1190903 Fine NeedleAspiration Cytology Pranab Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 6,720,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Mohan, Brothe rs P rivate
1190902 Textbook of Pathology Harsh Pvt. Ltd. L im ite d 2015 Rp 4,060,000
F. A. Davis
Tamp aro, Com pany/
1190890 Diseases of the Human Body Carol D. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,959,000
O' Su F. A. Davis
Im provi ng Fu nctional Ou tc ome s in Physi cal ll ivan, Com pany/
1190889 R e habi li tati on Su san B. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,959,000
We ndy Hi story IN scri be
1190153 Disasters of Ohio’s Lake Erie Islands Koi l e Pre ss Di gi tal 2015 Rp 476,000
Fre de ric Hi story IN scri be
1189978 The Jewish Hospital & Cincinnati Jews in Medicine Krome Pre ss Di gi tal 2015 Rp 476,000

Ve rstre ken, Ac ad em ic
1188555 Parkinson's Disease Patri k. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Martine z,
1188547 Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry III Ana Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 ###

Anthony Ac ad em ic
1188546 Biometals in Neurodegenerative Diseases R. Wh ite Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Fri ed eri ke Mabuse - B ookw i re

1188540 In uns und um uns Moos Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 630,000
Fac hver ba
H andbuc h Qu al itätsm anage me nt i n d er nd SAP V Mabuse - B ookw i re
1188539 s pezi al i sie rten ambu lanten Pall iativve rsorgu ng He sse n Ve rl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,436,000

H aem onchu s Contortus an d H ae m onchos is – Past, Gasse r, Ac ad em ic

1188534 P res ent and Future T rend s Robi n Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,762,000

Wood head
1188525 Metallic Foam Bone Wen, Cuie. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

N ew App roache s to Aorti c D is ease s From Valve to Ac ad em ic

1188524 A bdom inal Bi fu rcation Țintoiu, Ion Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

Anti ce vic , Ac ad em ic
1188521 Computational Psychiatry Alan. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,358,000

We xl e r, Ac ad em ic
1188515 Toxicology in the MiddleAges and Renaissance Phi li p Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 1,342,000

Chatte rje e, Ac ad em ic
1188507 Immunity and Inflammation in Health and Disease Sh am pa. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

R azavi, Wood head

1188506 Nanobiomaterials Science, Development and Evaluation Mehd i. Publ i shi ng Q
al Elsevier Ltd.n
uinte sse 2017 Rp 7,896,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
H oh mann, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1188496 Principles of Design and Fabrication in Prosthodontics Arnol d Group Inc . 2016 Rp 3,304,000
John Wil e y
Wh itaker, Wi le y- & Sons,
1188460 Instant Anatomy R. H. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,231,000
Ges chw ind John Wil e y
, Mi ch ae l Wi le y- & Sons,
1188452 Non-Alzheimer's andAtypical Dementia D. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,499,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kim , B usi nes s
1188391 Helicobacter Pylori Nayoung Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Makhni , B usi nes s
1188387 Orthopedic Emergencies Mel vin C. Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H ou tm an, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1188382 Fysiologie voor de sportpraktijk I. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,544,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Me thodi sch bege l ei de n van oud ere n m e t Dre we l, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1188381 ge dragsp roble m en Anne ke Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pfannsti el , Spri nger B usi nes s
1188376 Management von Gesundheitsregionen I Mar io A. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E xp lori ng R e sourc es, Li fe-B al an ce and We l l-Be in g Ge rvai s, B usi nes s
1188373 of W om en Who W ork i n a G lobal Conte xt Roxane L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1188372 Social, Political and Cultural Dimensions of Health Dew, Kevin Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Myoc ar dial Pe rfusi on Im agi ng - Be yond the Le ft Oates , M. B usi nes s
1188368 Ven tri cl e Eli zabe th Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
N ard i, Sc ie nce &
Antonio B usi nes s
1188367 Panic Disorder Egid io Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ikul in , B usi nes s
1188353 The Cox Model and ItsApplications M. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gi ac oni, B usi nes s
1188352 Pearls of Glaucoma Management JoA nn A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e cen t Tre nds in Antifungal Age nts and Basak, B usi nes s
1188343 A nti fungal The rapy Am it. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kre uter, B usi nes s
1188337 Seltene Lungenerkrankungen Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Pe za, Sc ie nce &
Jor ge B usi nes s
1188315 Ethical Policy and Principles in Tissue Banking Morale s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1188314 Brain-Machine Interface Zjajo,Amir Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gonzale z, B usi nes s
1188311 Non-Neoplastic Liver Pathology Raul S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
George sc u, B usi nes s
1188310 Atlas of Full Breast Ultrasonography Ari stida Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi el d Gui de li nes for Ge ne ti c Expe rim e ntal De si gns Aransay, B usi nes s
1188309 i n H igh -T hroughpu t Seque nc ing Ana M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chatte rje e, B usi nes s
1188306 Molecular Targets and Strategies in Cancer Prevention Mal ay Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Parsons , B usi nes s
1188303 Clinical Neuropsychology and Technology Thom as D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fernánd ez, B usi nes s
1188299 Physics at the Biomolecular Interface Ari el Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1188298 The Neuropsychopathology of Schizophrenia Li, Ming Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve ntura, B usi nes s
1188297 Pharmacologic Trends of Heart Failure He ctor O . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Bu ffone , Sc ie nce &
Spe rm Ac rosom e Bioge ne si s and Functi on Du ring Mar iano B usi nes s
1188296 Fe rtil i zation G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kokura, B usi nes s
1188277 Hyperthermic Oncology From Bench to Bedside Satoshi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thom as, B usi nes s
1188272 Drug Use TrajectoriesAmong Minority Youth Yonett e F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Bos ch, Bohn Sc ie nce &
W.J.H .M. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1188255 Het gynaecologisch formularium van de n Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Em oto, B usi nes s
1188236 Dendrites Kazuo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gon ad al Ti ss ue Cryopre se rvati on i n Fe rtil ity Suzuki , B usi nes s
1188234 P res ervation Nao Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z schoc ke, B usi nes s
1188226 JIMD Reports, Volume 25 Johanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1188224 Neuro-/Psychopharmaka im Kindes- und Jugendalter Gerlach, M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N o-
A Cli ni ci an's Gu ide to Syste m ic Eff ec ts of Craig, B usi nes s
surnam e Rp 3,612,000
1188220 Pe ri odontal D ise ase s Ronal d G.
Ch il dre n’s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016
He al th
Que ens lan
ospi in
tal Vivi d IN scri be
1187034 Playing GOD NowlHand
and ealth Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2015 Rp 224,000
Se rvi ce –
Pae di atri c
Pal l iative Vivi d IN scri be
1186989 A Practical Guide to Palliative Care in Paediatrics Care Se r Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2015 Rp 224,000
N ew
H ar binge r
Al pe r, Context P ubli cation
1183995 Mindfulness Meditation in Psychotherapy Ste ven A. Pre ss s 2016 Rp 895,000

Di ng,
1183987 Acute Kidney Injury - From Diagnosis to Care Xi aoqi ang S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,028,000

Gol d, Jaype e
1183986 Cosmetic Photodynamic Therapy Mic hael H . S. Karger Karger
roth ers 2016 Rp 4,424,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Lal wani, Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1183845 Recent Advances in Otolaryngology Ani l K. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Vashi shtha Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1183842 FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices , Vi pin M. Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Me di cal
Saldaña, Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Sur gic al Managem e nt in Snori ng and Sl e ep- Rodol fo Brothe rs P rivate
Jaype e
1183841 d isor der ed Bre athi ng Lugo Pvt. Ltd. L roth
B im iteers
d 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Me di cal
Jayp ee P ubli she rs
Tang, Ing Brothe rs P rivate
1183840 The Surgical Manual of Common Otological Implants Pin g Pvt. Ltd. L im ite d 2015 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
H ughes , Sc ie nce &
Graham R. B usi nes s
1181948 Hughes Syndrome V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1181941 Pediatric CNS Tumors Gupta, N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gi raud, B usi nes s
1181939 Hemodynamic Monitoring in the ICU Raphae l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Arm strong B usi nes s
1181938 Anatomic ShoulderArthroplasty , Ap ril D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
R ee ve, Sc ie nce &
Mi tochond rial Dysfun ction in Ne urode ge nerative Am y B usi nes s
1181937 D isord er s Kathe rin e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fayad , B usi nes s
1181935 3D Imaging in Endodontics Moham e d Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z han g, B usi nes s
1181934 Neural Engineering Lij ie Gr ac e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Managi ng Me tastatic Pros tate Canc er In Your B usi nes s
1181932 U rologi cal Onc ol ogy P rac tic e Balaji, K. C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Schl üter , Sc ie nce &
Klaus- B usi nes s
1181928 Cardiomyocytes – Active Players in Cardiac Disease Die ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Moore , B usi nes s
1181927 Applied SurvivalAnalysis Using R Dir k Foster Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Baue r, B usi nes s
1181925 The Essential Guide to Lithium Treatment Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im aging Com pl i cati ons of Gastrointe stinal and Tonol in i, B usi nes s
1181924 B il iop anc reatic E ndosc opy Pr oc ed ure s Mas si mo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H unter, B usi nes s
1181913 Community Wayfinding: Pathways to Understanding Re bec ca H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi s, B usi nes s
1181909 Adherence in Dermatology Sc ott A. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Was ser ma Sc ie nce &
n, B usi nes s
1181902 Depathologizing Psychopathology The odore Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi ve l y, B usi nes s
1181898 Social Inequalities in Health in Nonhuman Primates Carol A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Pons - Sc ie nce &
Lladó, B usi nes s
1181896 Protocols for Cardiac MR and CT Gui ll em Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L eadi ng Strate gi c Change i n an E ra of H ealthc are B usi nes s
1181894 T ran sform ati on Austin, Jim Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gol dbe rg, B usi nes s
1181891 Understanding Dental Caries Mic hel Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Abutali b, B usi nes s
1181890 Nonmalignant Hematology Sye d A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
T he Obje cti ve M on itori ng of Ph ysic al Ac ti vi ty: Sc ie nce &
Contri butions of Acc el e rome try to E pid em i ology, She phard, B usi nes s
1181884 E xe rc ise Sc ie nce and Re habil itation Roy J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Ll oyd, Ian Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1181881 Congenital Cataract r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ovi tsky, B usi nes s
1181880 Hernia Surgery Yur i W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shroff , B usi nes s
1181877 Biology of Orthodontic Tooth Movement Bhavna Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000

Kothiyal, Pan CR C Pre ss

1181876 Trends in Biomaterials G. P. Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Patraval e,
Vandana CR C Pre ss
1181873 Pharmaceutical Product Development B. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000

Kum ar, CR C Pre ss

1181871 Supermacroporous Cryogels Ashok CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,719,000

Z hou, CR C Pre ss
1181870 Cytochrome P450 2D6 Sh ufeng CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,999,000

Ari as, Jos é CR C Pre ss

1181869 Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery, Volume Two L. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,319,000
App le
Ac ad em ic CR C Pre ss
1181866 Clinical Nutrition andAging Cox, Chad Pre ss (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Le dge r, CR C Pre ss
1181864 Vulvovaginal Infections, Second Edition Wil l iam J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp10,919,000

Cox, CR C Pre ss
1181853 Cellular Therapy for Neurological Injury Ch arl e s S. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ni eu wen h B usi nes s
1181829 Towards a New Neuromorphology uys, R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fabbroc in i, B usi nes s
1181826 Nonsurgical Lip and Eye Rejuvenation Techniques Gabr ie ll a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koyam a, B usi nes s
1181822 Primer Effects by Murine Pheromone Signaling Sac hiko Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li nds ay, B usi nes s
1181607 Complications of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Ali stair C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
De rkatc h, of Chi cago of Chi cago
1180807 Bounding Biomedicine Col l ee n Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Jame s J
T he Ess enti al Gu ide to P res cri ption Drugs , U pdate Rybacki , MII IN scri be
1180599 on Alc ohol Pharm .D. R esou rce Di gi tal 2015 Rp 84,000
The Gu il ford
Be audry, Gui lford P ubli cation
1180050 Research Literacy Je ff rey S. Pre ss s Inc.
Am e ri can 2016 Rp 3,220,000
Soci e ty for
Wals h, Mi cr obi ol o
Ch ris top he gy Pre ss
1180027 Antibiotics r ASM Press (Te xtbook) 2016 Rp 5,096,000
Mc Far land
Com pany,
1179883 Typhoid Fever Adler, Rich McFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,540,000
John Wil e y
Ver ti cal Alve olar Ri dge Augm entation i n Im pl ant Tol stunov, Wi le y- & Sons,
1179813 D enti stry Le n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,900,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Ge lfand, P ubli
Pe nguishinng
1179774 Essentials of Audiology Stanl ey A. Thieme Inc
R .
andom 2016 Rp 8,876,000
H ouse
Nation al L LC
Ge ograp hi (Pu bli she r
1179553 Suggestible You Vance, Erik c Se rvic es ) 2016 Rp 1,005,000

Auti sm and Pervasi ve Deve l op me ntal Dis orde rs Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap
1179521 Sourc ebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
R ivard, Nation al N ati onal
Me asuri ng Sp eci fic Me ntal Il lne ss Di agnos es wi th Je anne Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1179504 Fu nctional Im pairm e nt Cathe rine Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Nation al N ati onal
Rose nbau Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1179499 Speech and Language Disorders in Children m, Sara Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Nation al N ati onal
Clai borne, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1179498 Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques Anne B. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,316,000
Nation al N ati onal
T he Rol e of Publ ic -Pri vate Partners hip s i n H eal th Tayl or, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1179497 Syste ms Stren gthe ni ng Rache l M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,008,000
N ation al
Re se ar ch Nation al N ati onal
R e duci ng the U se of Hi ghl y Enr ic hed Urani um i n Cou nci l Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1179496 Ci vil ian Re se ar ch R e ac tor s (U .S.). Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,260,000
John Wil e y
Samu el s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1179471 Advanced Paediatric Life Support Mar ti n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,155,000
John Wil e y
Em manue l Wi le y- & Sons,
1179469 Lecture Notes: Gastroenterology and Hepatology , Anton Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,302,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gh , B usi nes s
1179433 Therapeutic Perspectives in Type-1 Diabetes Prachi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Pe riope rative 3D T ranses ophageal Yi n, Wei - B usi nes s
1179432 E choc ard iography Hsi an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
W hat Ever y Wom an Shoul d Know Abou t Cervi cal Markovi c, B usi nes s
1179407 Cance r Ne nad Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z han g, B usi nes s
1179406 Progress in Cancer Immunotherapy Sh ure n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, B usi nes s
1179405 Application of Clinical Bioinformatics Xi an gdong Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1179404 Translational Research in Pain and Itch Ma, Chao Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nti -Canc er N-H ete rocyc li c Carbe ne Comp le xe s Z ou, B usi nes s
1179382 of G old(III), Gol d(I) and Pl ati num (II) Taotao Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Z hou, Sc ie nce &
T he Tre e Shrew (Tupai a Be lange ri Chine nsi s) B rain Ji ang- B usi nes s
1179374 i n Ste reotaxi c Coor din ate s Ni ng. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Qu este r, B usi nes s
1179350 Making a Difference Through Marketing Pas cale G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Anatom y of th e Fac e for Fil l er and Kim , He e - B usi nes s
1179330 B otu li num Toxi n Inje cti on Ji n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yashi n, B usi nes s
1179303 Biodemography of Aging Anatol iy I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dougl as, B usi nes s
1179302 Child Maltreatment Fatalities in the United States Em il y M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conc eptual and Methodol ogic al Iss ue s on th e Hum bol dt, B usi nes s
1179301 A djus tm e nt to Agin g Sofi a von Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
El ger , B usi nes s
1179299 Emerging Issues in Prison Health Be rnic e S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mod el ing the In jury Flow and Tre atm ent A fte r Z han g, B usi nes s
1179294 Major Earthquakes Lul u Springer Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179259 Klinisch redeneren en evidence-based practice Dobber, Jos Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179258 Neurologie Hij,Albert Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Sc ie nce &
Rue tte rm a Bohn B usi nes s
nn-Kwak, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179257 Plastische chirurgie Le on ie Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Form er , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179254 Informatorium voor Voeding en Diëtetiek Maj orie Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
O nde rzoe k e n be hande li ng van sportble ss ure s van N ugte re n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179252 arm e n h and Kooz van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
H oe ve n, Bohn Sc ie nce &
J. J.M. van Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179246 Het oncologie formularium de r Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
A-Tj ak. , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179244 Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Jac quel in e Loghu m Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Ge zondhe id sbe vorde ring en zel fmanagem e nt door Sasse n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179117 p aram ed ic i Barbar a Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Inl ei di ng w ete nsch app el ij k onde rzoek voor he t Jong, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179115 ge zondhe id sonde rwi js Anne ke de Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Jongh, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179114 Diagnostiek van alledaagse klachten T.O. H. de Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 6,104,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Me ll em a, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179105 Medische terminologie G.H . Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Vink, Bohn Sc ie nce &
Anne mi e k Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179101 Muziek en bewegen bij dementie e. Loghu m Me di
Spr a B.r V.
inge 2016 Rp 560,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
We ert, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179100 Instrumentenatlas Rol f de Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179097 Leerboek obstetrie en gynaecologie verpleegkunde Göbel, R. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Bü tter hoff, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179096 Geneesmiddeleninformatie J. J. F. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179095 Urologische chirurgie Boele, Henes Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Vl aande re Bohn B usi nes s
n, Wit-Ge le Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179094 Handboek wondzorg Kruis van Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,984,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
He ine m an , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179093 Obstetrie en gynaecologie Maas Jan Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 8,344,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
H op , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179091 Sociale vaardigheden op de OK Mar ga Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Vae sse n, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179089 Neurochirurgie Ni col Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 4,479,000
Sc ie nce &
H ave , Bohn B usi nes s
Els beth Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179087 De verpleegkundige als communicator C. M. te n Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Kirc hmann Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179084 Anatomie en fysiologie van de mens ,L.L. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 6,104,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Lohm an, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179083 Vorm en beweging A.H .M. Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
R idd er, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179081 Patiëntveiligheid in de verpleegkunde Kari e n de n Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Grol , Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179077 Implementatie Ri chard Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Sc ie nce &
Bohn B usi nes s
Boog, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179067 Verpleegkunde voor mbo Wup ke Loghu m V. (Binge
Spr SL) r 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Sc ie nce &
Dui ze nds tr Bohn B usi nes s
a-Pr ins, Stafl eu van Me di a B.
1179066 Tandheelkundige kennis voor tandartsassistenten Be rry Loghu m V. (B SL) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Be rend se n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179065 Oncologie A. J. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
H andboek di ep e h ers ens ti m ulatie bi j Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179064 ne urol ogis che e n p sychi atri sc he aand oeni nge n Temel, Yasin Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
P rotoc oll en voor be ge le id ing van me nse n m e t Sc hre ude rs Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179063 p sychi sc he klachte n , B ett ine Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Lambr egts, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179061 Bachelor of Nursing 2020 Johan Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Le eu we n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1179015 Oogheelkunde Y. van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Watanabe , B usi nes s
1178800 Synthetic Immunology Take shi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maru, B usi nes s
1178799 Inflammation and Metastasis Yoshi ro Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi d, B usi nes s
1178576 Clinical Pathways in Emergency Medicine Su res h S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi d, B usi nes s
1178575 Clinical Pathways in Emergency Medicine Su res h S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H er bal Inse cti ci de s, Re pe ll ents an d B iom ed ic ine s: B usi nes s
1178574 E ffe ctive ne ss and Com me rc iali zati on Vijay Veer Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gandhi , B usi nes s
1178573 Principles of Critical Care in Obstetrics Alp esh Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
R atha, Sc ie nce &
Ch inm aye B usi nes s
1178572 SBAs and EMQs for MRCOG II e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gandhi , B usi nes s
1178571 Principles of Critical Care in Obstetrics Alp esh Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ans ar, B usi nes s
1178570 Biology of C Reactive Protein in Health and Disease Wal iza Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
R ath, Sc ie nce &
Arabind a B usi nes s
1178566 Particle Radiotherapy Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Suzuki , B usi nes s
1178559 The Cadherin Superfamily Sh intaro T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Uc hiyam a, B usi nes s
1178557 Analytical Ultracentrifugation Su sum u Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Takeda, Sc ie nce &
Sh in&apos B usi nes s
1178552 Translational Research in Muscular Dystrophy ;i chi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yam aguch i B usi nes s
1178547 Immunotherapy of Cancer , Y os hiyu ki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kanzaki , B usi nes s
1178539 Uterine Endometrial Function Hi de har u Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Taguchi , B usi nes s
1178532 Operative General Surgery in Neonates and Infants Tom oaki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kabashi m a B usi nes s
1178529 Immunology of the Skin , Ke nji Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yamane , B usi nes s
1178528 Mechanism of Artificial Heart Takashi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le Moyne , B usi nes s
1178526 Advances for Prosthetic Technology Robe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sata, B usi nes s
1178525 Mouse Models of Vascular Diseases Mas ataka Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tobim atsu, B usi nes s
1178518 ClinicalApplications of Magnetoencephalography S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Nakamu ra B usi nes s
1178517 Immunopharmacogenomics , Y ūs uke Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saito, B usi nes s
1178516 Anesthesia Management for Electroconvulsive Therapy Sh ige ru Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Suzuki , B usi nes s
1178515 Helicobacter Pylori Hi de kazu Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ue da, B usi nes s
1178514 Osteosarcoma Takafum i Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tom i no, B usi nes s
1178513 Pathogenesis and Treatment in IgA Nephropathy Yas uhi ko Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1178512 ICG Fluorescence Imaging and Navigation Surgery Kusano, M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tanish ita, B usi nes s
1178504 Vascular Engineering Kazuo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chron om i cs and Conti nuous A mbu latory Bl ood Otsu ka, B usi nes s
1178503 P res sure Moni toring Kuniaki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kasaki, B usi nes s
1178502 Cognitive Neuroscience RoboticsA Mas as hi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E ndosc opic Di agnosi s of Sup erfi ci al Gastri c Canc er Oyam a, B usi nes s
1178501 for ESD Ts une o. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Bos ch, Sc ie nce &
Thom as C. B usi nes s
1177770 The Holobiont Imperative G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Völkl - Sc ie nce &
Kerns toc k, B usi nes s
1177767 ForensischeArbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen Sabi ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H aus er, B usi nes s
1177766 AkutesAbdomen Hube rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eonatologi sc he und pädi atri sche Inte nsi v- und Tei si ng, B usi nes s
1177739 A näs the si ep fle ge Dagmar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thöns , B usi nes s
1177734 Repetitorium Palliativmedizin Matt hias. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fl ake , B usi nes s
1177732 Kindernotfälle im Rettungsdienst Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im hoff, B usi nes s
1177728 Rehabilitation in Orthopedic Surgery Andre as B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be cke r, B usi nes s
1177726 ESSKA Instructional Course Lecture Book Rol an d Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gew eni ge r B usi nes s
1177723 Das Pilates-Lehrbuch , Ver ena. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi ffm an , B usi nes s
1177715 Liposuction Mel vin A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rge r, B usi nes s
1177712 Plastische Chirurgie Alfre d Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Kon opins k Sc ie nce &
i-Kle i n, B usi nes s
1177710 Rumänisch-Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1177709 Heilpflanzenkunde für die Veterinärpraxis Reichling, J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Baur- Sc ie nce &
Mül le r, B usi nes s
1177706 Westliche Heilpflanzen in der chinesischen Medizin Bir git Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dum ont, B usi nes s
1177704 Die erfolgreicheArztpraxis Monika Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Köhl er, B usi nes s
1177700 Online-Marketing für die erfolgreicheArztpraxis Ale xan dra Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1177699 Onkologie Basiswissen Aigner, K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Köhl er, B usi nes s
1177698 Online-Marketing für die erfolgreiche Zahnarztpraxis Ale xan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kou ntaki s, B usi nes s
1177696 The Frontal Sinus Sti li anos E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chamary, B usi nes s
1177690 50 Schlüsselideen Biologie J. V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1177681 Mitarbeitergespräche in der Pflege Welk, Ina. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rnard B usi nes s
1177675 Massage C. Kol ster Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol e kulare Marke r be im h igh-grade Gakis , B usi nes s
1177605 H arnblase nkarzinom Georgi os Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ule t, B usi nes s
1177603 Surgery of the Meniscus Ch ris top he Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al bac h, B usi nes s
1177588 Boundaryless Hospital Hors t. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wol fson, B usi nes s
1177582 Orthopedics in Disasters Ni kolaj Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1177581 Perspektiven des Gesundheitswesens Beske, Fritz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me nsc he n m it D em e nz durc h Kun st und Koll ak, B usi nes s
1177570 Kre ati vi tät aktivi er en In grid Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lach , B usi nes s
1177569 Dolmetscher für Pflegende Mar en. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Am e ric an Sc ie nce &
Col l ege of B usi nes s
1177568 ACR BI-RADS®-Atlas der Mammadiagnostik Radi ology. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E rgoth erape utis che Be handl ungsans ätze be i Schaade , B usi nes s
1177567 D em en z und de m Korsakow-Syndrom Gudru n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hwe nzer B usi nes s
1177563 Schulterdystokie und Plexusparese , T homas Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Pe de rzi ni , Sc ie nce &
Lui gi B usi nes s
1177560 Elbow and Sport Adri ano Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1177559 Ärztlicher Dolmetscher Hoyer, Gert Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n E rgonomi c De sign of System s, De m l, Spri nger B usi nes s
1177553 P roduc ts and Proce sse s Barbar a Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stöhr, B usi nes s
1177552 Ressourcen erspielen Ursu la Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Surgi cal A pproache s to Paran asal Si nuse s Fl iss , D an B usi nes s
1177551 and the Sku ll B ase M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ki nde r- und Juge ndps ychi atri e für H öw le r, B usi nes s
1177550 Ge su ndhe itsbe rufe , E rzie her und Pädagogen Eli sabe th Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Wi m me r- Sc ie nce &
Puc hinge r, B usi nes s
1177542 Irrsinnig weiblich - Psychische Krisen im Frauenleben Be ate Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi enke , B usi nes s
1177535 Aktuelle Rechtsfragen der Palliativversorgung Albr ec ht Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A me ri ka, Land de r un begre nzte n H enze, B usi nes s
1177525 ge ndi agnostis che n Mögl ic hkei ten? Cl audi a Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi nde r, B usi nes s
1177523 Kopftraining Petra Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sch? ar , B usi nes s
1177512 Paarberatung und Paartherapie Mar ce l. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Schu lz- Sc ie nce &
A nti bi oti ka bei Infe kti one n m it mu ltir esi ste nte n Stübn er, B usi nes s
1177511 E rre gern Se bastian. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dani el a B usi nes s
1177507 Medizinische Fremdkörper in der Bildgebung Kil dal Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Schm ul ts, Sc ie nce &
Ch rysalyn B usi nes s
1177503 High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma e D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Park, Nam B usi nes s
1177498 PenileAugmentation Ch eol Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Scud eri , B usi nes s
1177494 International Textbook of Aesthetic Surgery Ni col o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp11,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ic htinvasi ve physi kali sche D iagnosti k in de r B usi nes s
1177491 D erm atol ogie Julia Welzel Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H am e l, B usi nes s
1177485 Sprunggelenk und Rückfuß Johanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H arr ass er , B usi nes s
1177480 Facharztwissen Orthopädie Unfallchirurgie Norbe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vogl, B usi nes s
1177479 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Thom as J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,932,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Förtsc h, Spri nger B usi nes s
1177473 Handbuch Betriebliches Gefahrstoffmanagement Gabi Vie we g Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Bu rkert, Sc ie nce &
P sychol ogic al and Ne urobi ologi cal Aspe cts of Nathal ie B usi nes s
1177434 E ati ng Di sord ers Tatjana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schram m , B usi nes s
1177430 Diagnosekodierung in der Praxis Anja Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i tt, B usi nes s
1177425 Die Biokompatibilität peritonealerAdhäsionsbarrieren Vol ke r H . SpringerMe di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ype rbare Oxygenation in Ne urol ogie u nd Maure r, B usi nes s
1177421 N eu rotr au matologi e Dom ini k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spri nger B usi nes s
1177410 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Synergetik Haken, H. Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jer ich , B usi nes s
1177403 Wellnessfaktor psychische Gesundheit Lis beth Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sand, B usi nes s
1177366 MicroRNAs in Malignant Tumors of the Skin Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Le hne r- Sc ie nce &
E moti onal e Intel li gen z und soziale s Adam , B usi nes s
1177359 Fu nkti onsni ve au bei bi pol ar en Störu ngen Ir én Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bl anke- Sc ie nce &
Subarachn oidal blutun gen au s H irn ane urys me n al s Roe se r, B usi nes s
1177349 T odes ursac he Con stanti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pre nne r, B usi nes s
1177322 Die spirituelle Dimension in der Pflegeausbildung He mm a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kuhn, B usi nes s
1177315 Die Errichtung einer Pflegekammer in Rheinland-Pfalz Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stoffe rs, B usi nes s
1177303 Demenz erleben Tabe a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ande lfi nge Spri nger B usi nes s
1177280 eHealth r, Vol ke r P. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eune r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1177202 Psychische Gesundheit bei derArbeit Ralf. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frodl , Spri nger B usi nes s
1177179 Praxisführung für Ärzte Andre as Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Fi schbach , Sc ie nce &
Karl - B usi nes s
1177151 Erblichkeit der Intelligenz Frie dri ch. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pfannsti el , Spri nger B usi nes s
1177115 Dienstleistungsmanagement im Krankenhaus Mar io A. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ghadi ri , Spri nger B usi nes s
1177110 Trends im Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement Argang Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H eck, B usi nes s
1177009 KlinikmanualAnästhesie Mic hael . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bal le r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1177008 Kommunikation im Krankenhaus Gaby Gable r Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marzi, B usi nes s
1177004 Kindertraumatologie In go Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Jung, Sc ie nce &
Hong- B usi nes s
1176986 Foot andAnkle Disorders Geu n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Casse r, Sc ie nce &
Hans- B usi nes s
1176910 Rückenschmerzen und Nackenschmerzen Raim un d. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We nger, B usi nes s
1176003 New Trends in Medical and Service Robots Phi li ppe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm e rr, B usi nes s
1175999 Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Le ster W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Khan, Sc ie nce &
Man zoor B usi nes s
1175985 Immunopharmacology M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T ran sform ing He al thcare Thr ough Inform ati on Vogel , B usi nes s
1175978 Syste ms Doug Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ken doff, B usi nes s
1175976 Periprosthetic Joint Infections Danie l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spe ngle r, B usi nes s
1175969 Epigenetics and Neuroendocrinology Die tmar. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ts ukahara, B usi nes s
1175967 Trends in Cerebrovascular Surgery Te tsuya Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ei se nth, B usi nes s
1175965 Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Stuart J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ovel Im m unotherape utic App roache s to the R enne rt, B usi nes s
1175964 T reatm ent of Canc er Pau l D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Anul id aki s B usi nes s
1175957 Mobile Phone Security and Forensics , Iosi f I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Androu li d Sc ie nce &
aki s, Iosi f B usi nes s
1175955 VoIP and PBX Security and Forensics I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dup ont, B usi nes s
1175950 Models of Calcium Signalling Gene vi ève Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
De lgado, Sc ie nce &
Am él ia B usi nes s
1175940 Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet Mar ti ns Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 980,000
Spr inge r
Vran ceanu Sc ie nce &
T he Massachu sett s G ene ral Hosp ital Handbook of , Ana Hu mana B usi nes s
1175937 B ehavi oral Me di ci ne Mar ia Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barw ic k, B usi nes s
1175932 PET/CT in Gynecological Cancers Tara Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Am brosi ni, B usi nes s
1175929 PET/CT in Neuroendocrine Tumors Vale ntina Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tayl or, B usi nes s
1175921 White Coat Tales Robe rt B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Soml ai, B usi nes s
1175916 Neuro-Ophthalmology Ju di t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Giacop uzz B usi nes s
1175908 Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction i, Sim one Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175907 Induction Chemotherapy Aigner, K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rry, B usi nes s
1175906 Permutation Statistical Methods Kenne th J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rinc ip le s and Practi ce of R adiothe rapy Ozyi git, B usi nes s
1175905 Te chni que s i n Thoraci c M al ign anc ie s Gokhan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fus te r, B usi nes s
1175899 Computational Diffusion MRI Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad am s, B usi nes s
1175898 PIP Joint Fracture Dislocations Ju li e E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grabhe rr, B usi nes s
1175893 Atlas of PostmortemAngiography Si l ke Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ei chow , B usi nes s
1175891 Handbook of Early Childhood Special Education Bri an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jold es, B usi nes s
1175886 Computational Biomechanics for Medicine Grand R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Boardm an , B usi nes s
1175879 Intestinal Polyposis Syndromes Lis a A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Kal yuzhny Spr inge r
, Sc ie nce &
Ale xan der B usi nes s
1175821 Immunohistochemistry E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175814 Management of Bleeding Patients Teruya, Jun Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Batini ć- Sc ie nce &
Haber le , B usi nes s
1175811 Redox-Active Therapeutics In es Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lange nau, B usi nes s
1175809 Cancer and Zebrafish David M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stei nber g, B usi nes s
1175805 Extreme Weather, Health, and Communities Sh ei la L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1175801 Respiratory Contagion w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A ppl ie d Im m unohi stoche mi stry in the E val uation Pl aza, Jos e B usi nes s
1175799 of Ski n N eop lasm s A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ic hert, B usi nes s
1175795 Management of Ingrowing Nails Be rtr and Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pradh an, B usi nes s
1175789 Brief Interventions for Psychosis Basant Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Wi ls on, Sc ie nce &
The odore B usi nes s
1175785 Respiratory Mechanics A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175780 Safety of Biologics Therapy Baldo, B.A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cri ppe n, B usi nes s
1175776 The Intensivist's Challenge David Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P reve nting Abuse and Ne gle ct i n the L ive s of Crowl ey, B usi nes s
1175773 Chi ld ren wi th Di sabi li ti e s E. Pau la Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fung, B usi nes s
1175766 Bone HealthAssessment in Pediatrics Ell e n B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Caldw el l, B usi nes s
1175765 Human Physical Fitness andActivity Ann E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B iol ogic al De term i nis m, Fre e Wi ll and Moral Wi ll m ott, B usi nes s
1175763 R e sponsi bil i ty Ch ris Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ate gan, B usi nes s
1175758 On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry Ana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Akhaddar, B usi nes s
1175751 Cranial Osteomyelitis Ali Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu ronal Ne tw ork D ynam i cs in 2D and 3D in Fre ga, B usi nes s
1175746 Vi tr o Ne uroe ngi nee re d Syste ms Monic a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A ssi sted R epr od ucti ve Te ch nologi es and Infe ctiou s Bori ni , B usi nes s
1175733 D ise ase s Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175732 Liver Disorders Saeian, Kia Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Cow n, B usi nes s
1175731 Resources for Teaching Mindfulness Donald Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aw ad , B usi nes s
1175725 BeyondAssessment of Quality of Life in Schizophrenia Awad G. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pagli aro, B usi nes s
1175724 Rare Genitourinary Tumors Lance Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175721 Microfluidic Methods for Molecular Biology Lu, Chang Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi che rt, B usi nes s
1175718 Rare Hereditary Cancers Gabr ie ll a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Liam putt o B usi nes s
1175710 Children and Young People Living with HIV/AIDS ng, Pranee Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le de r, B usi nes s
1175706 The Yale Pharyngeal Residue Severity Rating Scale Ste ven B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matthe ws , B usi nes s
1175700 Treating Comorbid Opioid Use Disorder in Chronic Pain Anne tte M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Mul li ns- Sc ie nce &
Owe ns, B usi nes s
1175698 Integrative Health Services He athe r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manbachi , B usi nes s
1175692 Towards Ultrasound-guided Spinal Fusion Surgery Am ir Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me hta, Hu mana B usi nes s
1175691 Diseases of the CentralAirways Atul C. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175690 Surgical Decision Making Latifi, Rifat Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rsonal Inju ry and Dam age Asc ertainm e nt Und er Fe rrara, S. B usi nes s
1175689 Ci vil L aw D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H erzi g, B usi nes s
1175687 Metabolic Control Ste phan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A fte r Di agnosi s: Fam i ly Care givi ng w i th Hos pic e Bru hn, B usi nes s
1175686 Patie nts John G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jean M. B usi nes s
1175680 Clinical Oral Medicine and Pathology Bruc h Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Marathon R unni ng: Physi ol ogy, Ps ychol ogy, Z inne r, B usi nes s
1175674 N utri ti on and Train ing A spe cts Ch ris top h Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ye n, B usi nes s
1175669 Vascular Lesions of the Orbit and Face Mic hael T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P sychi atr ic Symp tom s an d Com orbid iti es in Mazzone , B usi nes s
1175667 Auti sm Spe ctrum D isord er Lui gi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le vitan, B usi nes s
1175662 Vascular Ion Channels in Physiology and Disease Ir ena Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Agre sta, Sc ie nce &
Ferd inand B usi nes s
1175660 Emergency Laparoscopy o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schne i der , B usi nes s
1175656 Exercise in Space Ste fan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gräss el , B usi nes s
1175655 Cartilage Su sanne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H eal th Inequ iti es Re late d to Intim ate Par tne r Larse n, B usi nes s
1175654 Vi ole nce Again st Wom e n Man di M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inzana, B usi nes s
1175653 Histophilus Somni Thom as J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175649 Acquired Neuromuscular Disorders Angelini, C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Králová- Sc ie nce &
T he Giant L ive r Fl uke , Fasc iol oid es Magna: Past, Hrom adov B usi nes s
1175648 P res ent and Future R es earc h á, Ivi ca Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Che w- Sc ie nce &
Graham , B usi nes s
1175647 Mental Health and Older People Carol yn Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che ng, B usi nes s
1175644 EndoscopicAtlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology Je ff rey Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Intraproc edu ral Im aging of Car diovasc ular Pi card, B usi nes s
1175635 Inte rventi ons Mic hael H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wang, B usi nes s
1175628 Principles and Practice of Photoprotection Ste ven Q. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bortz , Joe l B usi nes s
1175627 CT Colonography for Radiographers H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fl em in g, B usi nes s
1175626 Organization and Management of IVF Units Ste ven D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pathak, B usi nes s
1175624 Nano-Biomaterials For Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Yas hwant. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thom pson, B usi nes s
1175623 Juvenile Delinquency and Disability Kris ti n C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Szyszko, B usi nes s
1175605 PET/CT in Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer Te re sa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dur and , B usi nes s
1175603 Endophthalmitis Mar le ne L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Barakat, B usi nes s
1175602 CongenitalAnomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract Am in Y. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre enbe rg, B usi nes s
1175600 Ethical Issues in Pediatric Organ Transplantation Re bec ca A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175599 Bone Disorders Bartl, R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sazgar, B usi nes s
1175597 Controversies in Caring for Women with Epilepsy Mona Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Gre enhal g Sc ie nce &
B urn Care for G ene ral Surge on s and Gen eral h, Davi d B usi nes s
1175596 P rac titione rs G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ai yagari , Hu mana B usi nes s
1175594 Hypertension and Stroke Ve nkate sh. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
R obinson , Sc ie nce &
Ju an de B usi nes s
1175589 Orthopaedic Trauma in theAustere Environment Dios Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,652,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gi roux, B usi nes s
1175587 Naturalism in the Philosophy of Health Élod ie . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Labate , Sc ie nce &
Be atri z B usi nes s
1175586 Drug Policies and the Politics of Drugs in theAmericas Cai uby. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175585 RNA Processing Yeo, Gene W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kaufman, B usi nes s
1175568 The Hunt for FOXP5 Wal lac e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ie lsc h, B usi nes s
1175560 NewApproaches to Drug Discovery Ulr ic h Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pol lack, B usi nes s
1175555 Insect Hearing Ger al d S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Stuar t- Sc ie nce &
Sm i th , B usi nes s
1175551 Perioperative Medicine – Current Controversies Kare n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Castoldi , B usi nes s
1175548 FracturesAround the Knee Fil ip po Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Azim Jr , B usi nes s
1175547 Managing Cancer During Pregnancy Hatem A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laji ne ss, B usi nes s
1175542 The Nurse Practitioner in Urology Mic hel le Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Strec h, B usi nes s
1175539 Ethics and Governance of Biomedical Research Danie l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas an d Anatomy of PE T/MRI, PET /CT and Kim , E. B usi nes s
1175531 SPE CT/CT Edm und Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thom as, B usi nes s
1175530 Broken Pumps and Promises Evan A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tagli afi co, B usi nes s
1175529 Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Albe rto Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Styl iani dis , B usi nes s
1175527 Social and Community Psychiatry Sté li os Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Li pne vic h, Sc ie nce &
P sychos ocial Ski ll s and School System s in the 21st Anastas iya B usi nes s
1175526 Ce ntury A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Szikl ai , B usi nes s
1175519 Surgery of Stapes Fixations Is tvan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
U ti li ty of Br ome lai n and N-Ac etylc ystei ne i n Sc ie nce &
T reatm ent of P eri toneal Di sse m ination of Am in i, B usi nes s
1175518 Gastroi ntes ti nal Muci n-Prod uci ng Mal ignanci e s Afshi n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Was ser ma B usi nes s
1175515 The Business of Geriatrics n, Mic hae l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al tman, B usi nes s
1175506 International Measurement of Disability Barbar a M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhand ari , Hu mana B usi nes s
1175504 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Vi ne et Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175499 Multiorgan Procurement for Transplantation Aseni, Paolo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Be nefi ts of N atural Prod ucts for Es sa, M. B usi nes s
1175493 N eu rode gene rative Di se as es Moham e d Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Gonzále z Sc ie nce &
Vi ll a, B usi nes s
1175491 New Weapons to Control Bacterial Growth Tom ás Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gonzale z, B usi nes s
1175481 Trauma Induced Coagulopathy Eduard o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hu mana B usi nes s
1175480 Radiobiology of Glioblastoma Pirtoli, Luigi Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cur rent The rap y and Su rger y for Ur oge ni tal Kul'c haven B usi nes s
1175478 Tu berc ulos is i iaa , E . V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe le tti , B usi nes s
1175473 Extreme Sports Medicine Fran ce sco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L arge -Scale B rai n Sys te m s and Koziol , B usi nes s
1175470 N eu ropsyc hologi cal Tes ti ng Le on ard F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tutz, B usi nes s
1175464 Modeling Discrete Time-to-Event Data Ger hard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sal aj eghe h, B usi nes s
1175461 Angiogenesis in Health, Disease and Malignancy Ali Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li ndqu ist, B usi nes s
1175460 New Directions in Geriatric Medicine Le e An n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Syste m Engi ne eri ng Ap proach to Planni ng Świ er niak, B usi nes s
1175455 A nti canc er The rapie s Andrze j Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dua, B usi nes s
1175454 Pancreas and Biliary Disease Kulw ind er Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Rom agnol Sc ie nce &
o, D on ato Hu mana B usi nes s
1175450 Mediterranean Diet F. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Chan, Sc ie nce &
Kwan- B usi nes s
1175442 Endocarditis Le ung Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vie ra, B usi nes s
1175441 Management and Leadership Skills for Medical Faculty Anthony J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sabane gh, Hu mana B usi nes s
1175438 Cancer and Fertility Edm und S. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Surgic al Manage me nt of the Di abeti c Foot and He rsc ov ic i, B usi nes s
1175436 A nkle Dolfi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mod el ing in Bi opharm ac eu ti cs , P har macoki ne ti cs Mache ras, B usi nes s
1175433 and Pharm acodynam ic s P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lawton, B usi nes s
1175430 Distal Radius Fractures Je ff rey N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tre sc ot, B usi nes s
1175429 Peripheral Nerve Entrapments Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175427 Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery Mattei, Peter Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Shapir o, Sc ie nce &
T he Iden ti fication , As ses sm ent, and T reatm ent of Kenne th B usi nes s
1175424 A dul ts Wh o Abuse Ani m al s Joe l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Phi ll i ps, B usi nes s
1175423 Nutrition and the Welfare of FarmAnimals Cl i ve J. C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A nnual Update in Intensi ve Car e and Em e rgen cy B usi nes s
1175422 Me di ci ne 2016 Vincent, J. L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Pharm acol ogy: Cur rent T opi cs and Case Mül le r, B usi nes s
1175421 Studi e s Mar kus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Appe lbau Sc ie nce &
m, H eather B usi nes s
1175418 Abnormal Female Puberty L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im azi o, B usi nes s
1175416 Myopericardial Diseases Mas si mo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175415 Trends in Breast Cancer Prevention Russo, Jose Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175413 StatisticalAnalysis for High-Dimensional Data Frigessi,A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sim ps on, B usi nes s
1175407 Behavioral Neuroscience of Motivation Ele anor H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu ettn er, B usi nes s
1175406 Springer Handbook of Odor Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 8,092,000
Ash wi n Spr inge r
N. Sc ie nce &
N utri ti onal Manage me nt of Infl am m atory Bowe l Ananthakr B usi nes s
1175404 D ise ase s ish nan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H entri ch, B usi nes s
1175403 HIV-associated Hematological Malignancies Mar cus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Montem ag B usi nes s
1175401 Brachytherapy gi, Paolo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sami , B usi nes s
1175398 Autoimmune Bullous Diseases Navee d Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Koum en is, Sc ie nce &
Con stanti n B usi nes s
1175396 Tumor Microenvironment os Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tod d, B usi nes s
1175385 Oncologic Emergency Medicine Knox H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Courtet, B usi nes s
1175379 Understanding Suicide Phi li ppe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wr ight, B usi nes s
1175377 Surgical Oncology Manual Fran ce s C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Abdu ll a, B usi nes s
1175376 Pediatric Electrocardiography Ra-id Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He rrm an n, B usi nes s
1175368 Radioguided Surgery Ken Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aydi ne r, B usi nes s
1175366 Breast Disease Adnan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patel , Hu mana B usi nes s
1175365 L-Arginine in Clinical Nutrition Vi nood B. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Duqu e, B usi nes s
1175364 Osteoporosis in Older Persons Gustavo. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Wic kramas Sc ie nce &
inghe , B usi nes s
1175363 Contemporary Consumer Health Informatics Ni lm i ni Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He es akke r B usi nes s
1175353 Practical Functional Urology s, Joh n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Gi ac omo, Sc ie nce &
Giovanni B usi nes s
1175349 Shoulder Surgery Rehabilitation Di Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le al Fil ho, B usi nes s
1175347 Climate Change and Health Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grant, B usi nes s
1175339 Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Pediatrics Vi nce nt J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grzybows B usi nes s
1175337 OCT in Central Nervous System Diseases ki, Andrze j Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1175335 Natural Killer Cells Vivier, E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dom in go, B usi nes s
1175334 Quasispecies: From Theory to Experimental Systems Este ban Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hardi m an, B usi nes s
1175327 Neurodegenerative Disorders Orl a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Steph ens, B usi nes s
1175325 Basics of Oncology Fred Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cohen , B usi nes s
1175317 Growth Hormone Deficiency Lauri e E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Q uali ty Evaluation in Non -Invasi ve Til ke me i er, B usi nes s
1175315 Cardi ovas cul ar Im agi ng Pete r L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Wil l iam so Sc ie nce &
n, Thom as B usi nes s
1175313 Intraocular Surgery H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
H off m an n Sc ie nce &
Nune s, B usi nes s
1175312 Critical Findings in Neuroradiology Re nato Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n Mi crobi ology, Infec tious Di se as es and Done ll i , B usi nes s
1175304 P ubli c He al th Gianfranco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vukm ir , B usi nes s
1175303 Disruptive Healthcare Provider Behavior Rade B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me tabol i c R es ponse of Sl owl y Absorbe d B usi nes s
1175299 Carbohydr ate s i n T ype 2 Di abe tes Me ll itus Ang, Meidjie Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
A ppl ie d Cl ini cal Pharm acoki neti cs an d Sc ie nce &
P har macod ynam i cs of Psyc hopharm acologi cal Jann, B usi nes s
1175296 A gents Mic hael W. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cer ci , B usi nes s
1175295 Oncological PET/CT with Histological Confirmation Ju li an o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ew Conc epts on Abd om i nopl as ty an d Fur the r Avel ar, B usi nes s
1175293 A ppl ic ati on s Ju ar ez M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gaebe l , B usi nes s
1175292 The Stigma of Mental Illness - End of the Story? Wol fgang Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Falow ski , B usi nes s
1175287 Integrating Pain Treatment Into Your Spine Practice Ste ven M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schw ar z, B usi nes s
1175281 Atypical Elements in Drug Design Jac ob Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R and olph , B usi nes s
1175279 The Recurrent and Superior Laryngeal Nerves Gre gor y Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brady, B usi nes s
1175278 Handbook of Consult and Inpatient Gynecology Pau la C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H iggs, B usi nes s
1175276 Cosmetic Breast Cases Mic hael J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E thi cal Couns el li ng and Med ic al D ec isi on-Making Boni olo, B usi nes s
1175274 i n the E ra of Pe rsonali se d Me di ci ne Giovanni Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stai n, B usi nes s
1175272 The SAGES Manual Ethics of Surgical Innovation Ste ven C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Fri ble y, Sc ie nce &
Andre w B usi nes s
1175271 Targeting Oral Cancer M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gi gli oni, B usi nes s
1175270 Francis Bacon on Motion and Power Gui do Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
H oj at, Sc ie nce &
E mp athy in He al th Pr ofe ssi ons Edu cati on and Moham m a B usi nes s
1175268 Patie nt Care dre za Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cole cc hia, B usi nes s
1175266 Pathology of Testicular and Penile Neoplasms Mau rizi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kel ft, E rik B usi nes s
1175265 Surgery of the Spine and Spinal Cord Van d e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ac z, B usi nes s
1175263 Techniques of Neurolysis Gabor Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bri e rle y, B usi nes s
1175261 The Enteric Nervous System Stuart Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Parek h, Hu mana B usi nes s
1175258 Stigma and Prejudice Ranna Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Colvi n, B usi nes s
1175256 The Young Tennis Player Ale xis C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fuks , B usi nes s
1175255 Pediatric Endodontics Anna B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gr owth Factors and Cytokin es in Skel etal Musc le Wh ite, B usi nes s
1175251 D eve lopm e nt, Gr owth, Re gen eration an d Di se ase Jason Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ughes , Hu mana B usi nes s
1175242 Translational Toxicology Cl aude L . Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thr on, B usi nes s
1175240 VascularAnatomy of the Spinal Cord Arm in K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
And reou , B usi nes s
1175234 PET/CT in Lymphomas John A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D ifficu lt D ec isi ons in He patobi l iary and Pancre ati c Mi ll is , J. B usi nes s
1175233 Sur gery Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Pé re z- Sc ie nce &
Ri er a, B usi nes s
1175232 Left Septal Fascicular Block André s R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Loftus, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris top he B usi nes s
1175229 Anticoagulation and Hemostasis in Neurosurgery r M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve zn edaro B usi nes s
1175226 Controversies in Vascular Neurosurgery glu, Er ol Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pfe ife r, Sc ie nce &
Sam anth a B usi nes s
1175219 Congenital MüllerianAnomalies M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Prashanthi Spr inge r
, Sc ie nce &
Mar im uth B usi nes s
1175218 Integrated Waste Management in India u Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Doe rfle r, B usi nes s
1175215 Epigenetics - A Different Way of Looking at Genetics Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H erron, B usi nes s
1175209 Bariatric Surgery Complications and Emergencies Danie l M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Suvarna, B usi nes s
1175203 Atlas of Adult Autopsy S. Ki m Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R osado, B usi nes s
1175197 Calcium Entry Pathways in Non-excitable Cells Ju an A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sito, B usi nes s
1175193 Hyperhidrosis Giu sep pe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad le r, B usi nes s
1175186 Advanced Pancreaticobiliary Endoscopy Dougl as G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Es cors, B usi nes s
1175183 Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells and Cancer David Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agarwal , B usi nes s
1175180 Andrological Evaluation of Male Infertility Ashok Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Use of Coe rci ve Measu res i n Fore nsi c Völl m , B usi nes s
1175179 P sychi atr ic Car e Bir git Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T obac co Ce ssation and Subs tanc e A buse Calhoun , B usi nes s
1175176 T reatm ent i n W om en’ s H eal th care Byron C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi anchi , B usi nes s
1175175 Human and Robot Hands Matt eo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
T he Mathe m ati cs an d B iol ogy of the Kli ngens m Sc ie nce &
B iodi stri bution of Radi opharm ace utic al s - A ith, B usi nes s
1175174 Cl ini cal Pe rspe cti ve Wil l iam C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Managem e nt of the Rhe um atoi d Hand, Chung, B usi nes s
1175173 W ris t, and El bow Kevi n C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Qu erque s, B usi nes s
1175170 Macular Dystrophies Giu sep pe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Bass , Sc ie nce &
Andre w B usi nes s
1175168 Hearing and Hormones H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ow en, B usi nes s
1175167 Simulation in Healthcare Education Harry Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ti ntoiu, B usi nes s
1175165 Coronary Graft Failure Ion C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
H aq, Sc ie nce &
A nth oc yani ns and H um an H ealth: Bi om ol e cul ar Muham ma B usi nes s
1175161 and The rape uti c Aspe cts d Z ia Ul Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kem pe rm a B usi nes s
1175160 Brilliant Business Models in Healthcare n, Je roe n Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n Mi crobi ology, Infec tious Di se as es and Done ll i , B usi nes s
1175155 P ubli c He al th Gianfranco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A Comp reh ens ive Gui de to Core N ee dl e Biop sie s Shi n, B usi nes s
1175153 of the B reast Sand ra J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manfrè, B usi nes s
1175152 Spinal Canal Stenosis Lui gi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R att an, B usi nes s
1175149 CellularAgeing and Replicative Senescence Su res h I. S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Valu e of System s and Com ple xity Sc ie nce s for Stur mbe rg, B usi nes s
1175148 H eal th care Joach im P . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Mac phe rso Sc ie nce &
n, Che ryl B usi nes s
1175144 Bioethical Insights Into Values and Policy C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Nakamu ra B usi nes s
1175134 Lipids in Plant andAlgae Development , Y uki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Im am , Sc ie nce &
Sye d B usi nes s
1175128 Thyroid Disorders Khal id Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Laws , D. B usi nes s
1175127 Treatment of Sex Offenders Ri chard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1175126 Respirology w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H uts on, B usi nes s
1175122 Descent of the Testis John M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Nagaratna B usi nes s
1175121 Diseases in the Elderly m, N age s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhagat, B usi nes s
1175109 Foods of Non-Animal Origin Arpan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tayl or, B usi nes s
1175092 Interventional Critical Care Den nis A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Prada, B usi nes s
1175089 Intraoperative Ultrasound (IOUS) in Neurosurgery Fran ce sco Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Wi lhe l m, Sc ie nce &
Adalbe rt F. B usi nes s
1175086 Analysis of Large and Complex Data X. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Enge lhard, B usi nes s
1175081 Synthetic Biology Analysed M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P ost-transc rip ti onal Mec hanis ms i n End ocri ne Me non, K. B usi nes s
1175074 R e gulation M. J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi shra, B usi nes s
1175070 EpigeneticAdvancements in Cancer Man oj K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al ber ts , B usi nes s
1175063 Supportive Cancer Care David S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mec hanic k B usi nes s
1175057 Lifestyle Medicine , Je ffre y I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Roc cate l lo, B usi nes s
1175055 Connective Tissue Disease Dario Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spe ngle r, B usi nes s
1175054 Epigenetics and Neuroendocrinology Die tmar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Teoh , E ng B usi nes s
1175044 Medicinal Orchids of Asia Soon Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atane lov, B usi nes s
1175042 Resident’s Handbook of Medical Quality and Safety Le vi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Batini , B usi nes s
1175039 Data and Information Quality Carl o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stahl , B usi nes s
1175038 Anti-Angiogenic Therapy in Ophthalmology Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cl im ate Change and Hum an H eal th Sce nario in Akhtar, B usi nes s
1175028 South and Southe ast A sia Rais Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hu mana B usi nes s
1175027 Beverage Impacts on Health and Nutrition Wilson, Ted Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Longo, Sc ie nce &
Lawre nce B usi nes s
1175023 Wombs with a View D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wanner , Hu mana B usi nes s
1175018 Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Adam . Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Lacou r- Sc ie nce &
Gaye t, B usi nes s
1175016 Surgery of ConotruncalAnomalies Fran cois . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Si l berm an B usi nes s
1175014 Cancer Care in Countries and Societies in Transition n, Mic hae l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stearns, B usi nes s
1175013 Novel Biomarkers in the Continuum of Breast Cancer Ve red Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Save ri o, S. B usi nes s
1175007 Acute Care Surgery Handbook Di Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Save ri o, S. B usi nes s
1175006 Acute Care Surgery Handbook Di Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ehr enfe ld , B usi nes s
1175002 Anesthesia Student Survival Guide Je ss e M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Kuri akose, Sc ie nce &
Moni B usi nes s
1174997 Contemporary Oral Oncology Abraham Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Kuri akose, Sc ie nce &
Moni B usi nes s
1174996 Contemporary Oral Oncology Abraham Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Bhattachar Sc ie nce &
ya, B usi nes s
1174995 Human Fetal Growth and Development Ni ranjan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gros so, B usi nes s
1174991 Herbal Medicine in Depression Cl ara Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Camp iol o, Sc ie nce &
Már ci a R. B usi nes s
1174990 Medical Office Management F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gonzále z, B usi nes s
1174984 Managing Patients with Obesity Hani a Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Passe ron, B usi nes s
1174981 Atlas of Pigmentary Disorders Thi err y Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Morgan, Sc ie nce &
Kathe rin e B usi nes s
1174979 Current Controversies in Cancer Care for the Surgeon A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of Inc reti n-bas ed The rapi es in Type 2 Gough, B usi nes s
1174978 D iabete s Ste phe n Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ang, B usi nes s
1174971 Intracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring XV Be ng-T i Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,252,000
O' D Spr inge r
onnel l , Sc ie nce &
John B usi nes s
1174961 Surgical Intensive Care Medicine Merr itt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi na, B usi nes s
1174960 Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Lid a A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wong, B usi nes s
1174956 Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Bri an J.-F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Daim , Sc ie nce &
Tugrul B usi nes s
1174955 Healthcare Technology InnovationAdoption Unsal Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Montoya, B usi nes s
1174952 Biologics to Treat Substance Use Disorders Ivan D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lani a, B usi nes s
1174949 Diagnosis and Management of Craniopharyngiomas Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin kovi cs , B usi nes s
1174947 RNA/DNA and Cancer Jos eph G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ing, B usi nes s
1174946 Atopic Dermatitis Johanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Gil li ngham Sc ie nce &
, Mi ch ae l B usi nes s
1174945 The Integration Imperative Patri ck Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T hrom bosis and Em boli sm : Fr om Re se ar ch to Isl am , Md. B usi nes s
1174944 Cl ini cal Prac ti ce Sh ahi dul Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ei ssl and, B usi nes s
1174942 Fetal Development Nadja Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Bu ll , Sc ie nce &
Anthony B usi nes s
1174939 Blast Injury Science and Engineering M. J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di xon , B usi nes s
1174935 Management of Benign Biliary Stenosis and Injury Eli jah Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Masse ll i , B usi nes s
1174930 MRI of Fetal and Maternal Diseases in Pregnancy Gabr ie le Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi ngerh ut, B usi nes s
1174929 Emergency Surgery Course (ESC®) Manual Abe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Charnl ey Low -Fri cti onal T orque Arthropl asty of Wrobl ew s B usi nes s
1174927 the H ip ki, B. M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Rodr íg ue z, B usi nes s
1174922 Biomarkers in Neoplastic Neuropathology Fau sto J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Guarald i, B usi nes s
1174918 Managing the OlderAdult Patient with HIV Giovanni Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ec kstrand, B usi nes s
1174916 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Healthcare Kris te n L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Patel , B usi nes s
1174915 Endodontic Treatment, Retreatment, and Surgery Bobby. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ol ivi , B usi nes s
1174913 Lasers in Endodontics Giovanni Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H eal th Car e for Peop le w ith Inte ll ec tual and B usi nes s
1174904 D eve lopm e ntal Di sabil i ti es Ac ross the L ife span Rubin, Leslie Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp23,212,000
Spr inge r
Stefan, Sc ie nce &
Danie la B usi nes s
1174903 Pediatric Cancer inAfrica Cr isti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kozak, B usi nes s
1174902 Atlas of Wide-Field RetinalAngiography and Imaging Igor Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T herape uti c P ote ntial s of Cur cum in for Al zh ei me r Farooqui , B usi nes s
1174897 D ise ase Akhl aq A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1174885 Mobile TechnologiesAs a Health Care Tool Arslan, Pelin Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm i th erm a B usi nes s
1174884 Clinician's Manual on Migraine n, Todd A . Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Costa, Sc ie nce &
Fernand o B usi nes s
1174882 Sickle CellAnemia Ferr ei ra Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Me jía - Spr inge r
Aranguré , Sc ie nce &
Ju an B usi nes s
1174879 Etiology of Acute Leukemias in Children Man uel Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fl orez, B usi nes s
1174872 The Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes and Related Traits Jos e C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
F. A. Davis
Jure k, Je an Com pany/
1174839 Conquer Medical Coding H. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,715,000
Taylor &
Mc Cr ae , Franc is
1174801 The Story of Nursing in British Mental Hospitals Ni al l . Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
Swi nne n, Franc is
1174759 Strength Training for Soccer Bram Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Charl es C
Inte grate d H e al th Care for Pe ople w ith Auti sm Gi ar el li ,Charle s C T homas
1174692 Spe ctru m Dis orde r Ell e n. Thom as P ubli she r 2016 Rp 1,847,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ow ar d, B usi nes s
1174690 Nanomedicine Kenne th A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kaouk, Hu mana B usi nes s
1174688 Atlas of Laparoscopic and Robotic Single Site Surgery Ji had H . Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe nton, M. B usi nes s
1174685 Bat Bioacoustics Brock Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gum z, B usi nes s
1174683 Circadian Clocks: Role in Health and Disease Mic hel le L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wartofsky, B usi nes s
1174680 Thyroid Cancer L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Poi tou t, Sc ie nce &
Dom ini que B usi nes s
1174644 Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cam prod o Hu mana B usi nes s
1174618 Psychiatric Neurotherapeutics n, Joan A. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E le ctron Sp in Re sonance (ESR ) Base d Quantum B usi nes s
1174617 Com puti ng Takui, Takeji Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
N ee l, Sc ie nce &
Be njami n B usi nes s
1174616 Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases in Cancer G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Torr es- Sc ie nce &
Cabala, B usi nes s
1174613 Genetics of Melanoma Carl os A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cathom en, B usi nes s
1174610 Genome Editing Toni Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Schone rt- Spr inge r
Re ic hl, Sc ie nce &
Kim ber ly B usi nes s
1174609 Handbook of Mindfulness in Education A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We isbu rd, B usi nes s
1174608 What Works in Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation David Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
France sc o Sc ie nce &
M. Hu mana B usi nes s
1174607 Advanced Imaging Techniques in Clinical Pathology Sac erd oti Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We sson, B usi nes s
1174606 MetabolicAcidosis Donald E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mancas, B usi nes s
1174604 From HumanAttention to ComputationalAttention Mate i Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu roend ocri ne Tum ors: R evi ew of Pathology, B usi nes s
1174602 Mol e cul ar and T her ap euti c Ad vanc es Nasir,Aejaz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Vaam ond e, B usi nes s
1174600 Exercise and Human Reproduction Diana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E ffe ct of Spac efli ght and Spacefl ight A nal ogue Ni cke rson, B usi nes s
1174597 Cul ture on Hum an and Mic robial Cel l s Ch eryl A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manage me nt of Se xu al Dys functi on i n Me n and Larry I. B usi nes s
1174593 W ome n Lip shul tz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thom as, B usi nes s
1174592 In Sickness and In Health Ri chard K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Young, B usi nes s
1174591 Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Nancy M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rac tic al Managem e nt of Pe di atri c Ocul ar Traboul si , B usi nes s
1174590 D isord er s and Strabi sm us Eli as I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
The Gu il ford
T reatm ent Pl ans and Interve ntions for O bses si ve - R ego, Gui lford P ubli cation
1174534 Com pul si ve Dis orde r Si m on A. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wong, B usi nes s
1174527 Biomedical Optics in Otorhinolaryngology Bri an J.-F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Rodr igue z- Sc ie nce &
Porce l , Hu mana B usi nes s
1174525 Studies onAtherosclerosis Mar ti n Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 4,452,000
Mc Far land
Pol li tt, Com pany,
1174506 AfricanAmerican and Cherokee Nurses inAppalachia Phoe be McFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oac h, B usi nes s
1174450 Hypoxia Robe rt C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Magee , B usi nes s
1174447 Core Concepts in Dialysis and Continuous Therapies Col m C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tuszyns ki, B usi nes s
1174446 Translational Neuroscience Mar k H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di xon , J. B usi nes s
1174445 Muscular Injuries in the Posterior Leg Bryan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
Wi ll iam s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1174329 Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Roge r Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,310,000
Patestas, John Wil e y
Mar ia Wi le y- & Sons,
1174327 A Textbook of Neuroanatomy Antoniou Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1174275 Paediatric Orthopaedics in Clinical Practice Aresti, Nick Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chi ld, B usi nes s
1174270 Diagnosis and Management of Marfan Syndrome Anne H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mc Carthy, B usi nes s
1174177 Hip Joint Restoration Jos eph C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2017 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Doum ouch Sc ie nce &
ts is, B usi nes s
1174149 Childbirth Trauma Ste rgios K. Am
Springer Me di
er ic an Am e ria can
B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Vande nBos Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1174148 The Psyctherapy Teaching Guide , G ary R. n
Am er ic an Amn e ri can 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
Tum m al a- cal c al
P sychoanalyti c T heor y and Cu ltural Comp ete nce Narra, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1174147 i n P sychothe rapy Pratyu sha n n 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Spr inge r
Anne si ni , Sc ie nce &
Mar ia B usi nes s
1174142 Artificial Organ Engineering Cr isti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1174131 Neuromuscular Disease Manji, Hadi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Me dic al
Machado, Inform ati o
A ppl ying Busi ne ss In te ll i genc e to Cli nic al and Jos é n Sc ie nce
1173341 H eal th care Organi zations Man uel . R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 4,620,000
Spr inge r
Alte nbaug Sc ie nce &
h, Ri chard Palgrave B usi nes s
1173242 The Last Children’s Plague J. , au thor. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ram sbrock Palgrave B usi nes s
1173229 The Science of Beauty , Ann el ie Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wh itaker, Palgrave B usi nes s
1173210 Psychiatry Under the Influence Robe rt Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,008,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e gulating Pre im pl antation Ge neti c D iagnosi s i n Bayefs ky, Palgrave B usi nes s
1173208 the Uni ted State s Mic hel le Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Pal grave Handbook of Soci al Th eory in Coll yer , Palgrave B usi nes s
1172521 H eal th , Il lne ss and Me di ci ne Fran Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ins cri ption, Di agn osis , D ec epti on and th e M ental N ew nes , Palgrave B usi nes s
1172468 H eal th Indus tr y Cr ai g Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Bri l aki s,
Em manoui Ac ad em ic
1172414 Manual of Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions l S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,022,000

Cim az,
1172411 Pediatrics in SystemicAutoimmune Diseases Rol an do Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Am in off,
1172404 Neuroepidemiology Mic hael J. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,240,000

Markovac , Ac ad em ic
1172398 Medical and Scientific Publishing Jasn a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 2,350,000
Mathe matic al Mod el s for Ne gle cte d T ropi cal Basáñe z,
D ise ase s: Esse ntial Tool s for Contr ol and Mar ia Ac ad em ic
1172396 E li mi nation, Part B Glori a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,762,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
Me ijb oom , n n
Fran ck L . Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1172352 The End of Animal Life B. Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,744,000
Spr inge r
R ann ve i g Sc ie nce &
Traustadó Palgrave B usi nes s
1172309 Childhood and Disability in the Nordic Countries tti r Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000

Asi an Asi an
Deve lop m De vel opm L ightni ng
1172129 Gender Equality Results Case Study ent B an k e nt Bank Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 280,000
Uni ver sity Du ke
Ad am s, Pre ss Un ive rsi ty
1172080 Metrics Vi ncanne Books P
pens 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1172055 An Introduction to Family Therapy Dallos, Rudi Ed ucation O L im ite d
pen 2015 Rp 7,280,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1172054 Essentials of Pharmacology for Nurses Barber, Paul Ed ucation O L im ite d
pen 2015 Rp 5,936,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Sadle r, Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1172049 A Practical Guide to End of Life Care Cl air Ed ucation O L im ite d
pen 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Me rkur, Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1172047 Promoting Health, Preventing Disease Sh erry Ed ucation L im ite d 2015 Rp 6,608,000
Juta & Juta and
Sche ll ack, Comp an y Com pany
1172043 Pharmacology in Clinical Practice Gustav (Pty) Ltd L td 2016 Rp 656,000
Juta & Juta and
H erbs t, Comp an y Com pany
1172032 Trauma Counselling Ali da (Pty) Ltd L td 2016 Rp 605,000
Juta & Juta and
Mthe mbu , Comp an y Com pany
1172029 De Haan's Health of SouthernAfrica Si ndi . (Pty) Ltd L td 2016 Rp 575,000

Pan CR C Pre ss
1172004 Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine Bawa, Raj. Stanford (CAM) 2015 Rp16,520,000
Wie de rsc h
ai n, CR C Pre ss
1172002 Glycobiology and Human Diseases Gher man CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,039,000

Paroli ni , CR C Pre ss
1171999 Placenta Orne ll a CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,039,000

T he IACUC Adm i nistrator’s Gui de to Ani m al Gre er , CR C Pre ss

1171996 P rogram Man age m ent Wil l iam G. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
P rinc ip le s of Pharmac ology for Athl eti c T rai ne rs, H ou glum , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1171950 T hird Ed iti on Joe l E. ed ed 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Stubbs, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1171949 The Hip All ston J. ed ed 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Ste inm ann, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1171948 The Elbow and Wrist S. ed ed 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Chi deke l , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1171947 Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Sleep Disorders Aaron S. ed ed 2016 Rp 2,323,000
Proven che SLACK SLA CK
r, Matt hew Incorp orat Inc orporat
1171946 The Knee T. ed e dake r &
B 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Barkl ey Pe si P ubli she r
Phd, Publ i shi ng Se rvic es
1171185 Managing Adhd in School Rus se ll . & Med ia (BT PS) 2016 Rp 364,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D iagnostik und Be handl ung von Ess störunge n - B usi nes s
1171057 R atge be r für Pati ente n un d Ange höri ge Almut Zeeck Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Ec kar t, Sc ie nce &
Fe rdi nand Saue rbruc h – M ei sterc hi rurg i m Wol fgang B usi nes s
1171055 p oli ti sc hen Stu rm Uwe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H or nberg, B usi nes s
1171049 Medizin - Gesundheit - Geschlecht Cl audi a Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bour lai, Sc ie nce &
Thi rim ach B usi nes s
1171046 Face RecognitionAcross the Imaging Spectrum os Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
You th -Com m unity Par tne rsh ips for Ad ol e sce nt R ome ro, B usi nes s
1171041 A lcoh ol P reve ntion Andre a J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spi ke, B usi nes s
1171038 A Casebook in Interprofessional Ethics Je ff rey P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
From m le t, B usi nes s
1171035 Phenotypes and Genotypes Flori an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
Kay, Wi le y- & Sons,
1170953 Dentistry at a Glance Eli zabe th J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,623,000
John Wil e y
Lawr enc e, Wi le y- & Sons,
1170944 Dietetic and Nutrition Case Studies Ju dy Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,526,000
Asi an Asi an
Deve lop m De vel opm L ightni ng
1170935 Game Changers, Success Stories, Lessons Learned ent B an k e nt Bank Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 280,000
Asi an Asi an
Deve lop m De vel opm L ightni ng
1170934 Health inAsia and the Pacific ent B an k e nt Bank Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 280,000
Jones , Taylor &
Carw yn Franc is
1170870 Sport andAlcohol Rhys Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,060,000

N atasha Soul R oc ks John Hun t

1170825 Marrying Bipolar David Books (N BN) 2016 Rp 419,000
The Gu il ford
Bryant, Gui lford P ubli cation
1170752 Acute Stress Disorder Ri chard A. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Me di ci ne And Bi op harmac euti cal - Proc ee di ngs O f Masahid e Worl d P ubli shi ng
1170731 T he 2015 International Confer enc e Takahashi Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp17,388,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
H andbook Of Patt er n R ec ogniti on And Com pu te r Worl d P ubli shi ng
1170726 Vi sion (5th Edi tion) Chen, C. H. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 8,820,000
W orld
R enzaho, Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Gl obali sation, Mi grati on And He alth: Chall enge s Andre M. Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1170721 A nd O pportuni tie s N. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 7,812,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
N ai r, Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1170720 Injectable Hydrogels For Regenerative Engineering Lakshm i S. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 6,972,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
W hat's Wr ong Wi th My Gal l bladde r? : Loh, We i- Worl d P ubli shi ng
1170707 U nde rstan din g Laparosc opic Chol ec ystec tom y Liang. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,436,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Aaron, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1170705 Skeletal Circulation In Clinical Practice Roy K. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 6,300,000
W orld
P rac tic al Gu ide T o Surgi cal And Endovascu lar Sc ie ntific
H em odi alys is A cce ss Managem e nt: Case Base d H o, Jacki e Worl d P ubli shi ng
1170696 Il lus trati on Pei Sci enti fic Com pany 2015 Rp 4,060,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Gi nse ng An d Gi nse ng P roduc ts 101: Wh at Are Y ou Koh, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1170695 B uyin g? Hw ee Li ng Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,772,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Bu cala, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1170690 Aging Lungs, The: MechanismsAnd Clinical Sequelae Ri chard Sci enti fic Com pany 2015 Rp 6,804,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1170685 Advances in Nanotheranostics II Dai, Zhifei Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1170679 An Introduction to Neural Information Processing Liang, Peiji. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
R ic kert- Sc ie nce &
Sp erl i ng, B usi nes s
1170674 Congenital Heart Diseases: The Broken Heart Si l ke Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Martino, B usi nes s
1170672 Disorders of Movement Davide Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sen der a, B usi nes s
1170668 Borderline - Die andereArt zu fühlen Ali ce . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Kem pf, Sc ie nce &
Hans- B usi nes s
1170667 Funktionelles Training mit Hand- und Kleingeräten Die ter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl um , B usi nes s
1170666 Kompendium angeborene Herzfehler bei Kindern Ulr ike . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rc utane ous Pen etrati on E nhance rs Ch em ic al Dragic evi c, B usi nes s
1170665 Me thods in Pen etration Enhance m ent Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mathis, B usi nes s
1170663 Bildatlas der Lungensonographie Gebhard . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jagodzi nsk B usi nes s
1170649 Das Knie i, Mi chael . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manns, B usi nes s
1170648 Praxis der Hepatologie Mic hael P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Stave rt- Sc ie nce &
Dobson, B usi nes s
1170637 Health Information Systems Adri an Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Grond a, B usi nes s
1170632 Heart Failure Management: The Neural Pathways Edoardo Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
L ung Cance r and Pe rsonali zed Me di cin e: Nove l Ahm ad, B usi nes s
1170631 T herapi e s and Cli nic al M anage me nt Aami r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ser gott, B usi nes s
1170629 Optical Coherence Tomography Robe rt C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
App azov, B usi nes s
1170628 Expert Evidence and International Criminal Justice Artur. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ard er, B usi nes s
1170627 Antimicrobial Peptides Jü rgen . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ad ebajo, B usi nes s
1170621 PsoriaticArthritis and Psoriasis Ade Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me nter, B usi nes s
1170618 Handbook of Psoriasis and PsoriaticArthritis Alan Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Es quinas, Sc ie nce &
N onin vasi ve Me chanic al Ve nti l ati on and D iffic ult Antonio B usi nes s
1170617 We aning in Criti cal Care M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Form an, Palgrave B usi nes s
1170601 Leadership and Collaboration Dawn Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,220,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A Parame tric Fram ew ork for Model l ing of Mughal , B usi nes s
1170593 B ioe le ctri cal Signal s Yar M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wakefie l d, B usi nes s
1170575 Sadness or Depression? Je rom e C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Öztürk, B usi nes s
1170569 Plants, Pollutants and Remediation Müni r A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ge el en , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1170566 Dementie: van hersenlagen tot omgangsvragen Ronal d Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1170565 Centrale sensitisatiepijn in de klinische praktijk Nijs, Jo Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Muri s, J. Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1170564 Maag-, darm- en leverziekten W. M. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
N ugte re n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1170562 Kunstgewrichten: de heup Koos van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1170559 De oudere patiënt met diabetes mellitus type 2 Holtrop, R. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N akai, B usi nes s
1170553 Heat Shock Factor Akir a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Se xu al e rzi e hung u nd ge su ndhe itl ic he Aufk l är ung Sie km an n, B usi nes s
1170539 für Mädch en und junge Fraue n Tabe a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Manage me nt of Kne e Oste oarthri tis i n the Parke r, B usi nes s
1170537 You nger, Ac ti ve Pati en t David A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Freys chm i B usi nes s
1170532 Skeletterkrankungen dt, Jür gen. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Koll ak, B usi nes s
1170531 Instrumente des Care und Case Management Prozesses In grid . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Le hnhardt, B usi nes s
1170527 Grundkurs Mikrochirurgie Mar cus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ew ig, B usi nes s
1170523 Ambulant erworbene Pneumonie Santi ago. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hwandn B usi nes s
1170522 Proktologische Diagnostik er, Ol i ve r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gb artl , B usi nes s
1170518 Transfusionsassoziierte Pharmakotherapie G Šu nter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R obertz, B usi nes s
1170517 Viktimisierung junger Menschen im Internet Fran k J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krause , B usi nes s
1170514 Anogenitale Hautkrankheiten Wal ter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stei nfath, B usi nes s
1170472 Autonomie und Vertrauen Hol me r. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sm etak, B usi nes s
1170466 Praxisleitfaden Rivaroxaban Norbe rt. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 140,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ie rhut, B usi nes s
1170463 Intraocular Inflammation Man fr ed Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp10,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agarwal , B usi nes s
1170450 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Ashok Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu sse , B usi nes s
1170449 Wound Management in Urgent Care Bri ttany Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sandri n, B usi nes s
1170420 Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Microbiology Todd R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Courtois , B usi nes s
1170414 NF-κB-Related Genetic Diseases Gil le s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gi rouard, B usi nes s
1170410 Hypertension and the BrainAs an End-Organ Target Hé lè ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kle i now, B usi nes s
1170409 Plant-Virus Interactions Tatjana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Boatin, B usi nes s
1170408 Neglected Tropical Diseases - Sub-SaharanAfrica Boakye Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1170404 Neural Functions of the Delta-Opioid Receptor Xia, Ying Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Madonna, B usi nes s
1170402 Stem Cells and Cardiac Regeneration Rosal ind a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kel l y, B usi nes s
1170396 Elite Techniques in ShoulderArthroscopy John D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Toc ci , B usi nes s
1170395 Hypertension and Organ Damage Giu li ano. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Aye , B usi nes s
1170394 Fundoplication Surgery Ralp h W . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ep ati c D e Novo L ip oge ne si s and Re gul ati on of N tam bi, B usi nes s
1170392 Me tabol i sm Jam es M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
He nde rson Sc ie nce &
, B onnie B usi nes s
1170384 Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery An. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R anu cci , B usi nes s
1170383 Point-of-Care Tests for Severe Hemorrhage Mar co Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Turgu t, B usi nes s
1170382 Neurobrucellosis Mehm e t Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sbracci a, B usi nes s
1170381 Clinical Management of Overweight and Obesity Paol o Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Arthur , Sc ie nce &
Dougl as B usi nes s
1170377 Short Course Breast Radiotherapy W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ec chi n, B usi nes s
1170376 TheArrhythmic Patient in the Emergency Department Mas si mo Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Conrad, B usi nes s
1170373 Absolute Hospital Medicine Review Kevi n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ci arim bol i, B usi nes s
1170371 Organic Cation Transporters Giu li ano Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N oncl in ical Stati stic s for Pharm ac euti cal and Z han g, B usi nes s
1170370 B iotec hnol ogy Indus tr ie s Lanju Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sil ver man, B usi nes s
1170366 The Duration and Safety of Osteoporosis Treatment Stuart L . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Di Sc ie nce &
Mar ino, B usi nes s
1170362 TheAmygdaloid Nuclear Complex Vi nce nt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1170361 Percutaneous Renal Surgery Webb, D. R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Martin, B usi nes s
1170358 Diversity and Inclusion in Quality Patient Care Mar cus L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B lood Pre ssu re Monitori ng i n Cardi ovas cul ar Wh ite, Hu mana B usi nes s
1170357 Me di ci ne and T her ap euti cs Wil l iam B. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be ndi ch, B usi nes s
1170356 Preventive Nutrition Adri anne Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shapir o, B usi nes s
1170350 Pediatric Orthopedic Deformities, Volume 1 Fred eri c Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Döri ng, B usi nes s
1170346 Contextualizing Systems Biology Mar ti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,040,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Swaroop, B usi nes s
1170345 Academic Global Surgery Mam ta. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li nde fors, B usi nes s
1170344 Guided Internet-Based Treatments in Psychiatry Ni ls Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jer ich o, B usi nes s
1170343 Ethical Issues inAnesthesiology and Surgery Barbar a G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lynn , B usi nes s
1170342 Mass Casualty Incidents Mau ric io Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1170341 Arthroscopy and Sport Injuries Volpi, Piero Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Ti bon- Sc ie nce &
Czopp , B usi nes s
1170338 RorschachAssessment of Adolescents Sh ira. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pri l utsky, B usi nes s
1170336 Neuromechanical Modeling of Posture and Locomotion Bori s I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Lo, Sc ie nce &
Cathe rine Palgrave B usi nes s
1170274 HIV/AIDS in China and India Yuk-p ing Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ttra, Palgrave B usi nes s
1170248 The New Health Bioeconomy Jam es Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li m , T ong B usi nes s
1170209 Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants Kwee Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Mphand e, Sc ie nce &
Infe ctiou s Di se as es and Rur al Li ve li hood i n Fingani B usi nes s
1170205 D eve lopi ng Coun tri e s Anni e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rfe kti onis mu s u nd s ei ne vi el fäl ti ge n ps ychi sche n B usi nes s
1170201 Fol gen Spitzer, Nils Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schü le r, Spri nger B usi nes s
1170200 Die Biotechnologie-Industrie Ju li a Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E xp lori ng the Se curi ty Lands cape : N on- Masys, B usi nes s
1170194 T rad iti onal Se cur ity Chall e nges Anthony J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kaplan, B usi nes s
1170191 The Initiation of DNA Replication in Eukaryotes Danie l L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
John Wil e y
Frum ki n, & Sons,
1170146 Environmental Health Howard Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000

Moni e, Ac ad em ic
1169381 The Innate Immune System Tom . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Cou lacogl Ac ad em ic
1169380 Psychometrics and PsychologicalAssessment ou, Cari na Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
McCre ath, Ac ad em ic
1169379 Pharmacognosy Si m one. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Autophagy: Can cer , O th er Pathol ogie s, H ayat, M. Ac ad em ic

1169377 Infl am m ati on, Im m uni ty, Infe ction, and A ging A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

Gup ta, Ac ad em ic
1169376 Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Ram es h C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,400,000

Tol drá, Wood head

1169375 Lawrie's Meat Science Fide l Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,544,000

Saad eh,
1169361 Endocrine Biomarkers Hoss ei n Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

1169360 Biomarkers in Inborn Errors of Metabolism Uttam Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Fi nk, Ac ad em ic
1169357 Stress: Neuroendocrinology and Neurobiology George Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Wanger ,
1169356 Microbiology and Molecular Diagnosis in Pathology Au dre y Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

Akte r, Ac ad em ic
1169354 Tissue Engineering Made Easy Farh ana Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,014,000

Wood head
1169351 Laser Surface Modification of Biomaterials Vilar, Rui Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,400,000

Skolni ck, Ac ad em ic
1169343 Handbook of Neuroemergency Clinical Trials Bre tt E van. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,216,000

Pi tkäne n, Ac ad em ic
1169341 Models of Seizures and Epilepsy Asl a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,880,000

Kel l ey, Ac ad em ic
1169339 DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy Mar k R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,376,000

Ac ad em ic
1169338 Textbook of Nephro-Endocrinology Singh,Ajay Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,048,000

Drake , Ac ad em ic
1169328 Applications of Mass Spectrometry Imaging to Cancer Ri chard R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,746,000

Duc he yne,
1169307 Comprehensive Biomaterials II Pau l Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 ###
B entham
Tom m as o Be ntham Sc ie nce
Mal ignant Pl e ural Mes othe li om a: Pr ese nt Status Cl audi o Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1169207 and Future Di re ctions Mine o Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Dre he r,
Je an- Ac ad em ic
1169203 Decision Neuroscience Cl aude Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Thakke r, Ac ad em ic
1169197 Genetics of Bone Biology and Skeletal Disease R. V. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,720,000

Kie l ian, Ac ad em ic
1169186 Advances in Virus Research Mar gare t. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000
Al t,
Fred eri ck Ac ad em ic
1169184 Advances in Immunology W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,485,000
Al t,
Fred eri ck Ac ad em ic
1169183 Advances in Immunology W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,485,000
Tew ,
Kenne th Ac ad em ic
1169174 Advances in Cancer Research D. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000
Be ntham B entham
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P hytothe rapy i n the Managem e nt of Di abetes and Ed douks, Publ i she rs P ubli she rs
1169173 H ype rtens ion Moham e d Ltd. L td . 2016 Rp 1,652,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
R ahm an, Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1169172 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry Atta-ur- Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 2,772,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Att a-ur- Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1169171 Advances in Genome Science Rahm an Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 2,772,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Gre gers en, Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1169169 Clinical Mechanics in the Gut:An Introduction Hans Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1169167 Frontiers in Biomaterials Viness Pillay Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 4,172,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Shi mi zu , Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1169163 Comprehensive Practical Hepatology Yuki hi ro Publ i she rs L td . 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Tew ,
Kenne th Ac ad em ic
1169162 Advances in Cancer Research D. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000
Mar vel la Ac ad em ic
1168480 Cancer Disparities E. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,746,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
R e shapin g Me dic al P ractic e and Care wi th H ealth Dw ive di , n Sc ie nce
1168453 Inform ati on Syste ms Ashi sh N. R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Soci al, Ec onom ic, and Poli tic al Pe rsp ec ti ves on Rouzbe han n Sc ie nce
1168449 P ubli c He al th P ol i cy-Making i, Khadi jeh R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Som ati sc he Diff er enzi al di agn os en psyc his che r Charli e r, B usi nes s
1168432 Sym ptom e im Ki nde s- und Juge ndalte r Ni co Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kudo, B usi nes s
1168418 Practical Pharmacology forAlzheimer’s Disease Takashi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Me ndoza Sc ie nce &
Straff on, B usi nes s
1168417 Cultural Phylogenetics Laris sa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
John Wil e y
Bre m ner , Wi le y- & Sons,
1168407 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder J. Dou glas Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,639,000
Orn ia, Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Gorett i Schol ars Sc holars
1168380 Medical BrochureAs a Textual Genre Faya. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,771,000
Me dizi nis c
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Lavazza, Schol
Wi ssears
nsc h Sc holars
1168369 Frontiers in Neuroethics Andre a Publ
aftl icihe
shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 2,435,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Ehre nbau Wi m bH sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1168285 Umfassendes Risikomanagement im Krankenhaus m, Karl. Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2015 Rp 2,020,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
N ae gle r, m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1168284 Personalmanagement im Krankenhaus He inz. Co. KG Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,646,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ossi , B usi nes s
1168235 Leitfaden für Intrahospitaltransporte Rol an do Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ind ustri al Es pi on age and Tec hnic al Su rvei ll ance Anul id aki s B usi nes s
1168200 Counte r Me asure rs , Iosi f Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Rol e of Mi croe nvir on me nt i n the Control of R ibatti , B usi nes s
1168194 Tu mor A ngioge ne sis Dom eni co Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sakr, B usi nes s
1168193 Head and Neck and Endocrine Surgery Mah moud Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Li m , T ong B usi nes s
1168183 Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants Kwee Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E pige ne ti cs , the E nviron me nt, and Chil dr en’ s H ol l ar, B usi nes s
1168180 H eal th Acros s L ife spans David W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che n, B usi nes s
1168176 Illustrative Handbook of General Surgery He rber t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R edd i, B usi nes s
1168173 Absolute Nephrology Review All uru S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Santoro, B usi nes s
1168172 Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Nane tte Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Wong Kee Sc ie nce &
Son g, B usi nes s
1168161 GI Endoscopic Emergencies Loui s M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
The Gu il ford
And ras ik, Gui lford P ubli cation
1168048 Biofeedback, Fourth Edition Fran k Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Debor ah Pan CR C Pre ss
1168043 Nanomaterials M. Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Gl as er, CR C Pre ss
1168040 Glaser on Health Care IT John P. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,519,000

Kagad is, CR C Pre ss

1168037 Handbook of SmallAnimal Imaging George C. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp 7,839,000
Oxford O xford
O xford Am eri can Handbook of Hospi ce and Bru era, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1168006 Pal li ati ve Med ic ine and Supporti ve Care Eduard o Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,199,000
John Wil e y
Introdu ction to Bi ostati stic al App li cations i n H irsc h, & Sons,
1167995 H eal th R ese arch wi th Mi crosoft O ffice Exce l Robe rt P. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,500,000

Köhl er, Ver lag

1167933 Rauschdrogen Thom as C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2015 Rp 613,000

Sen ckel , Ver lag

1167926 Mit geistig Behinderten leben und arbeiten Barbar a. C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2016 Rp 1,710,000

Ge rri ts ,
Be rghahn B erghahn
1167910 Patient-Centred IVF Trud ie
Books B lse
E ooksvi er 2016 Rp 4,032,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
Pi zzorno, Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1167635 The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Medicine E-Book Jos eph E. e Di vivi
E lse si on
er 2016 Rp10,185,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Knotte nbel Sc ie nce s
1167633 Clinical Equine Oncology E-Book t, De re k C. Saunders Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp24,752,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Wi ls on, Sc ie nce s
1167631 Principles and Practice of Esthetic Dentistry - E-Book Nair n H . F. Mosby Ltd. E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp16,016,000
Bu tter wort Inc .,
h- H eal th
Introdu ction to Ve teri nary Anatom y and Asp inal l, He i nem an Sc ie nce s
1167629 P hysi ol ogy Te xtbook - E-Book Vi ctori a. n Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,729,000
Inc .,
R hi noplasty: Contem porary Inn ovations , An Issu e H eal th
of Fac ial Plasti c Sur gery Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, Davi s, Sc ie nce s
1167624 E -B ook Ri chard E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp10,836,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Infe ction Contr ol, An Iss ue of Ve ter inary Cl in ics of We ese , J. Sc ie nce s
1167622 N orth Am er ic a: Sm al l Anim al Practi ce , E -B ook Sc ott Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cari ng for the Ge ri atri c Su rgic al Patie nt, A n Issu e Lu che tte , Sc ie nce s
1167620 of Su rgic al Cl ini cs , E -B ook Fred A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ehr li ch, Sc ie nce s
1167614 Patient Care in Radiography - E-Book Ruth A nn Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 6,464,000
Inc .,
Al - H eal th
Com pl ic ati ons i n Im pl an t Den ti stry, An Iss ue of Sabbagh, Sc ie nce s
1167611 D ental Cl i nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Mohan ad Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
B ovine Cl ini cal Pharm acol ogy, An Is sue of H eal th
Vete rin ary Cli nic s of North Am e ric a: Food Ani mal Sc ie nce s
1167605 P rac tic e, E-Book Apley, Mike. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1167603 Veterinary Anatomy Flash Cards -- E-Book Singh, Baljit Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2016 Rp 3,860,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sports Hand and W ri st Injur ie s, A n Issu e of Cli nic s Mi ll er , Sc ie nce s
1167598 i n Spor ts Me dic in e, E-Book Mar k D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Chabner , Sc ie nce s
1167596 Medical Language Instant Translator -- E-Book Davi-El le n Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2016 Rp 2,600,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bope , Sc ie nce s
1167590 Conn's Current Therapy 2015 E-Book Edw ard T. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe di atri c All er gy, An Issue of Im m unol ogy and Wood , Sc ie nce s
1167589 A ll ergy Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E -B ook Robe rt A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N yl and, Sc ie nce s
1167588 SmallAnimal Diagnostic Ultrasound - E-Book Thom as G. Saunders Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp13,440,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D iagnosi s and Tre atm e nt Pl anni ng in Denti stry - Stefanac , Sc ie nce s
1167587 E -B ook Ste phe n J. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 7,304,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cons ultati ons in Li ver Di sease , A n Iss ue of Cli nic s Fl am m , Sc ie nce s
1167541 i n L ive r D ise ase, E -B ook Ste ven L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
Coronary A rte ry Dis ease and the M yoc ardi al H eal th
Isc he mi c Casc ade, An Is sue of R adiol ogic Cl ini cs Schoe pf, Sc ie nce s
1167539 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook U. Jos eph . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R e produc tive End ocri nology, An Is sue of Matthe ws , Sc ie nce s
1167532 O bstetri cs an d Gyne col ogy Cl ini cs , E -B ook Mic hel le L . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Conte mp or ary Manage m en t of Inc .,
Te m porom and ibul ar Joi nt Di sorde rs, An Is sue of H eal th
O ral and Maxi l lofaci al Surge ry Cl in ic s of N orth Wol ford, Sc ie nce s
1167529 A me ri ca, E -Book Larry M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mos by's Fu ndam entals of The rape utic Massage - Fri tz, Sc ie nce s
1167528 E -B ook Sand y Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 6,128,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Yous em , Sc ie nce s
1167524 Head and Neck Imaging: Case Review Series E-Book David M. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 5,291,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
Drake , Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1167522 Gray'sAnatomy for Students Flash Cards E-Book Ri chard L. e Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 3,023,000
Inc .,
U pdates in Car diac MR I, An Is sue of Magne ti c H eal th
R e sonance Im agi ng Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E- Ord ovas , Sc ie nce s
1167513 B ook Kare n. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mc Nall y, Sc ie nce s
1167512 GI/Liver Secrets Plus E-Book Pete r R . Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 4,283,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vas cul iti s i n Rhe um ati c Dis ease s, An Iss ue of Al ber t, Sc ie nce s
1167505 R he um ati c D ise ase Cli ni cs, E-Book Danie l A . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Jame s, Sc ie nce s
1167499 Andrews' Diseases of the Skin E-Book Wil l iam D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp16,631,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ce ntral N eu rocytom as , An Issue of Ne urosur gery Sc ie nce s
1167493 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Yang, Isaac. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi ni mal ly In vasi ve Ped iatri c Ur ologi c Sur gery, An Shukl a, Sc ie nce s
1167487 Iss ue of Urol ogic Cl ini cs, E -B ook Ase em R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R ege zi , Sc ie nce s
1167483 Oral Pathology - E-Book Jos eph A. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2017 Rp10,164,000
Inc .,
T op T op ic s i n Chi ld & A dole sc ent Psych iatry, An H eal th
Iss ue of Chi ld an d Ad ol e sce nt Ps ychi atri c Cl i nic s Tri ve di, Sc ie nce s
1167476 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Harsh K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Chatbu rn, Sc ie nce s
1167474 Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care - E-Book Robe rt L. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 9,828,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Contri bution of FDG to Moder n Me di ci ne, Part II, Sc ie nce s
1167468 A n Issu e of PET Cli ni cs, E-Book Hess, Soren. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
Mc Cl ain, H eal th
P rim ary Care for Sch ool -Age d Chi ld ren, An Issue Eli zabe th Sc ie nce s
1167467 of P rim ary Care : Cl in ics i n Offic e Practi ce , E -B ook K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
Manage me nt of H azardous Materi al Em erge nci e s, Borr on, H eal th
A n Issu e of Em erge nc y Me di cin e Cl i nic s of N orth Ste phe n Sc ie nce s
1167463 A me ri ca, E -Book W. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Me re nstei n & Gardn er's H and book of N eonatal Gardne r, Sc ie nce s
1167460 Inte nsi ve Care - E -B ook Sand ra L. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 7,976,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gastrop are si s, An Iss ue of Gastroe nte rol ogy Parkm an, Sc ie nce s
1167458 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book He nry P . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Langford, Sc ie nce s
1167453 Mosby's PDQ for RN - E-Book Rae Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 2,348,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cur rent The rap y of Tr au ma and Surgi cal Criti cal Tru nkey, Sc ie nce s
1167449 Care E-Book Donald D. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2016 Rp15,035,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N athan and Os ki's He m atol ogy and Oncol ogy of Orki n, Sc ie nce s
1167448 Infancy and Chi ld hood E -B ook Stuart H . Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp32,171,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A nes the tic Care for Abdom in al Surge ry, An Iss ue Scott , Sc ie nce s
1167446 of An esthe si ology Cl in ic s, E-Book Mic hael J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D iabete s and Aging, An Issue of Cl ini cs i n Strotm eye r Sc ie nce s
1167445 Ge ri atri c Med ic ine , E-Book , E ls a S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Klatt , Sc ie nce s
1167444 Robbins and CotranAtlas of Pathology E-Book Edw ard C. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 4,535,000
Inc .,
Clavi jo, H eal th
Vas cul ar Di se as e, An Is sue of Cardi ology Cl i nic s, Le on ard o Sc ie nce s
1167440 E -B ook C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ge ri atri c Med ic ine , A n Issu e of Me dic al Cl ini cs of Me rel , Sc ie nce s
1167435 N orth Am er ic a, E-Book Su san E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mos by's D rug R e fe re nce for He al th Profe ssi ons - H oc hade l, Sc ie nce s
1167433 E -B ook Mar yanne Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 4,196,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A rth roscop y and E ndosc opy, A n Issu e of Foot and Cer rato, Sc ie nce s
1167430 A nkle Cl ini cs of Nor th Am eri ca, E-Book Re bec ca. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fron ti er s i n N onin vasi ve Car diac Mappi ng, A n Shah, Sc ie nce s
1167427 Iss ue of Cardi ac El ec trophysi ology Cli nic s, E-Book Ashok. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Move m ent D isor der s, A n Iss ue of Ne urol ogic Jankovic , Sc ie nce s
1167424 Cl ini cs , E -Book Jos eph . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
Loukas, Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1167423 Gray'sAnatomy Review E-Book Mar ios. e Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 3,359,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N eonatal-Pe rinatal Infe cti on s: A n Up date , A n Issu e Be njam in, Sc ie nce s
1167419 of Cl in ics i n Pe ri natol ogy, E -B ook Danie l K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe tty, Sc ie nce s
1167417 Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology E-Book Ross E. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2016 Rp16,631,000
Inc .,
H eal th
D iabete s Manage me nt, An Issu e of Med ic al Cl ini cs Sc ie nce s
1167416 of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook Hirsch, Irl B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kad em ani, Sc ie nce s
1167408 Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery- E-Book Dee pak Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2016 Rp31,248,000
Inc .,
Cur rent Update on Or thobi ologi cs i n Foot and H eal th
A nkle Surge ry, An Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Podi atri c Z gonis, Sc ie nce s
1167403 Me di ci ne and Sur gery, E-B ook Thom as Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cl ini cal Com pan ion for Fund am e ntal s of N urs ing Pe te rson, Sc ie nce s
1167399 - E-Book Ve ronic a Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 3,356,000
Inc .,
Mi ni mi zing, R ec ognizi ng, and Managing H eal th
E ndosc opic Adve rse E vents, An Is sue of Sid di qui, Sc ie nce s
1167398 Gastroi ntes ti nal Endos copy Cl in ic s, E-Book Uzma D . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Langford, Sc ie nce s
1167397 Mosby's PDQ for LPN - E-Book Rae Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 2,348,000
Inc .,
D iagnosi s and Manage m ent of Ne ck Mas se s, A n H eal th
Iss ue of Atl as of the Or al & Maxi ll ofac ial Surge ry We bb, Sc ie nce s
1167392 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book David E. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ge rdi n, Sc ie nce s
1167388 Health Careers Today - E-Book Ju di th A. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 6,800,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe di atri c He ad and Ne ck Mas se s, A n Issu e of Mad dalozz Sc ie nce s
1167384 O tol aryngologi c Cl i nic s of N orth Am e ric a, E-B ook o, John. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pom e ranz, Sc ie nce s
1167382 Pediatric Decision-Making Strategies E-Book Albe rt J. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 3,275,000
Inc .,
Pe di atri c Re habil itation, An Is sue of Ph ysic al H eal th
Me di ci ne and R e habi l itati on Cl ini cs of N orth Skalsky, Sc ie nce s
1167371 A me ri ca, E -Book Andre w J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
R odak, H eal th
Be rnad ett e Sc ie nce s
1167369 Clinical Hematology Atlas - E-Book F. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2017 Rp 6,212,000
Inc .,
Makic , H eal th
Mar y Be th Sc ie nce s
1167361 Nursing Diagnosis Handbook - E-Book Flynn Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2017 Rp 4,700,000
Inc .,
H eal th
L ung T ranspl an tation, An Is sue of T horac ic Murthy, Sc ie nce s
1167351 Sur gery Cli nic s, E-Book Su di sh. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 46, Issue 1, An Iss ue of Orthope di c Cli nic s, Scud eri , Sc ie nce s
1167350 E -B ook Gil es R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Frau nfel de Inc .,
r, H eal th
D rug-Induc ed Oc ular Si de E ffe cts: Cli nic al O cul ar Fred eri ck Sc ie nce s
1167343 T oxi col ogy E-B ook T. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 9,071,000
Inc .,
H eal th
We st, Internation Sc ie nce s
1167338 Rheumatology Secrets E-Book Ste rli ng G. alMosby Diuinte
Q vi si on
sse n 2015 Rp 4,031,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Duarte , Publ i shi ng Com pany
1167313 Quintessence of Dental Technology Si l las Group Inc
E lse. vi er 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bane rje e, Sc ie nce s
1167303 Minimally Invasive Esthetics - E-Book Av iji t. Mosby Ltd. E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp16,016,000
Pap ad opo Inc .,
ulos , H eal th
Ske le tal Anc horage in Orthodonti c T reatm ent of Moschos Sc ie nce s
1167298 Cl as s II Mal occl us ion E-Book A. Mosby Ltd. E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp26,062,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
E vid enc e-Base d Physi cal The rapy for the Pe l vic Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1167290 Fl oor - E -Book Bø, Kari e Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp11,641,000
Inc .,
Autom ate d H e matology A nal yzers : State of the H eal th
A rt, An Is sue of Cl ini cs i n Laboratory Me di ci ne, E- Kratz, Sc ie nce s
1167288 B ook Ale xan der Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
H ep atoce l lul ar Cance r, Cholangi ocarci nom a, and Inc .,
Me tas tatic Tum ors of the Li ver, An Is sue of H eal th
Sur gic al On cology Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E - Wagman, Sc ie nce s
1167282 B ook Lawre nce . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi tc hel l , Sc ie nce s
1167279 Current Therapy in Exotic Pet Practice - E-Book Mar k A. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2016 Rp 9,156,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R apid Inter pretation of He art and L ung Soun ds - Kee ne , Sc ie nce s
1167277 E -B ook Bruc e W. Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 5,372,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A dvan ce s i n H em odynam ic Moni toring, An Is sue Pi nsky, Sc ie nce s
1167272 of Cri tic al Care Cli ni cs, E-Book Mic hael R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N ontuber cul ous Mycobacte ria, A n Iss ue of Cli nic s Dale y, Sc ie nce s
1167266 i n Che st Me di ci ne , E -B ook Ch arl e s L . Elsevier Di vivi
E lse si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Lough , Sc ie nce s
1167250 Hemodynamic Monitoring - E-Book Mar y E. Mosby Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2016 Rp 7,976,000
Inc .,
Cl ostrid iu m Diffic il e Infec ti on, A n Issu e of H eal th
Infe ctiou s Di se as e Cli nic s of North Am e ric a, E - Wi lc ox, Sc ie nce s
1167249 B ook Mar k H. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N am dari , Sc ie nce s
1167244 Orthopedic Secrets E-Book Su ren a Saunders E Dilse
si on
er 2015 Rp 3,527,000
Inc .,
N ew De ve lopm e nts i n Managem e nt of Vas cul ar H eal th
Pathology of the Uppe r Extre m ity, An Iss ue of Moran, Sc ie nce s
1167220 H and Cl ini cs , E -Book Ste ven L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Ravi ndran Inc .,
ath, H eal th
Chi ld hood L eu kem ia and Cance r, An Issu e of Yad danap Sc ie nce s
1167211 Pe di atri c Cli nic s, E-Book udi . Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
T ran sform ati on al T ool Ki t for Front Lin e N urs es , Farrar, H eal th
A n Issu e of Nur sin g Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E - Fran ci sca Sc ie nce s
1167209 B ook Ci sne ros Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
L owe r Li d and Mi dface : Mu lti spe ci al ty Appr oac h, Azizzade h, Sc ie nce s
1167200 A n Issu e of Cli nic s i n P lastic Surge ry, E-Book Babak. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P sori asi s: Advance s in Knowl ed ge and Care, An Me nter, Sc ie nce s
1167183 Iss ue of De rm atol ogic Cli ni cs, E-Book Alan. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
Ce rtifie d Re gis te re d N urs e A nes the si a: Cri tic al R obins, H eal th
Care Nu rsi ng i n the Op erating Room , An Iss ue of Hol ly- Sc ie nce s
1167167 Cri tic al Care Nu rsi ng Cl ini cs, E -B ook May. Elsevier Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Autoi mm une rkrankun gen mi t ch ine si sche r H ou ,
(AAO), Urban & Sc ie nce s
1167155 Me di zin gezie l t behand el n Wanzhu
Am eri can Fi sche r Dilse
E vivi
si on
er 2015 Rp 7,810,000
Acade m y Inc .,
of H eal th
Ophthalm El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1167154 Optique Clinique ology. Masson Di vi si on 2015 Rp14,122,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ful ton , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1166999 Clinical Nurse Specialist Toolkit, Second Edition Jane t S. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Je ssi ca
Kir kwood, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1166962 The Way of the Five Seasons John Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
Cente r for
Gl obal Pe rse us
Gl as sm an , De vel opm B ooks ,
1166883 Millions Saved Am and a e nt L
NLCati onal 2016 Rp 448,000
B ook
P odri d’s R eal-W orld ECGs : Vol um e 5, N arr ow N etw ork
and Wi de Comp le x Tac hyar rhythm ias and Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1166440 A berration-Part A: Core Cas es Pod, Philip. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 6,636,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Spe e ch D eve lopm e nt Gui de for Ch il dre n w ith Fre de ric k Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1166437 H eari ng L oss S. B erg. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,071,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Jack E . Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1166436 Speech Practice Material Thom as . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,219,000
Pl ural Pl ural
N icol e Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1166434 Multi-layered Transcription Mul le r. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,959,000
Taylor &
Ne wsh olm Franc is
1166166 The Elements of Vital Statistics (Routledge Revivals) e, Arthur Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,760,000

H ei ke Me yer & B ookw i re

1166031 Das gesunde Knie Höfle r Me yer Gm bH 2016 Rp 713,000
Chem i cal Che m ic al
Di ckson , Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng
1165992 The Chemistry & Pharmacy of Botanical Medicines Ch arl e s Comp an y Com pany 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Sale , John Wil e y
E nvir on me ntal E xp eri e nce and Plastic ity of th e Ale ss and r Wi le y- & Sons,
1165975 D eve lopi ng B rain o Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,639,000
John Wil e y
Sm ith, Wi le y- & Sons,
1165801 Rapid Mental Health Nursing Graham e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 979,000
Woo, John Wil e y
D iagnosi s and Tre atm e nt of Me ntal Di sord ers Ste phani e & Sons,
1165799 A cross the Li fe sp an M. Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
John Wil e y
Size r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1165796 Part 2 MRCOG: Single Best Answer Questions Andre w Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,623,000
John Wil e y
Goodm an, Wi le y- & Sons,
1165794 Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Mic hael Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 5,599,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dzie gi el , B usi nes s
1165771 Metallothioneins in Normal and Cancer Cells Piotr Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H itomi , B usi nes s
1165407 Transglutaminases Kiyotaka Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kuwana, B usi nes s
1165406 Systemic Sclerosis Mas ataka Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Es ser , B usi nes s
1165405 Environmental Influences on the Immune System Ch arl otte Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of As ses sm ent and Di agnosis of Autis m Matson, B usi nes s
1165389 Spe ctru m Dis orde r John ny L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge ne tic Influe nce s on R es ponse to Dru g Tr eatme nt Rybakows B usi nes s
1165388 for Maj or Ps ychi atri c Dis orde rs ki, Jan usz Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he SAGES Manu al Op eratin g Thr ou gh the Kroh, B usi nes s
1165385 E ndosc ope Matt hew Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N or th, B usi nes s
1165380 Vascular Tumors and Developmental Malformations Pau la E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ganti, B usi nes s
1165379 Atlas of Emergency Medicine Procedures Latha Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Taylor &
Moul de r, Franc is
1165351 Miscarriage Ch ris ti ne Routledge
Charle s (CAM)
Charl es 2016 Rp 4,760,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Tuč ek, Karoli num Karol inum
1165310 Hygiena a epidemiologie pro bakaláře Mil an Pre ss s
Charle P res s es
Charl 2016 Rp 420,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
H anu š, Karoli num Karol inum
1165309 Urologie pro mediky Tom áš Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 504,000
Pi anci no, John Wil e y
U nde rstan din g Mastic atory Functi on i n Uni l ate ral Mar ia Wi le y- & Sons,
1165222 Cros sbite s Grazi a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
Pe rle y, & Sons,
1165221 Managing the Long-Term Care Facility Re bec ca Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bü hle r, Urban und B usi nes s
1165015 Betreuungsrecht und Patientenverfügungen Ernst Vogel Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R üger , Spri nger B usi nes s
1165012 Die Wege von Staub Ch ris ti an Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1165000 The Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate Krivec, Jana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Control and Pred ic ti on of Sol id -State of Bhard waj, B usi nes s
1164999 P har mace uti cals Rajni M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gre enw oo B usi nes s
1164990 Stochastic Neuron Models d, P. E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Costan, Sc ie nce &
Vi ctor- B usi nes s
1164986 Management of Extended Parotid Tumors Vl ad Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Bi ondi - Sc ie nce &
Zoc cai, B usi nes s
1164979 Umbrella Reviews Giu sep pe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We gene r, B usi nes s
1164977 Measuring Biological Impacts of Nanomaterials Joach im Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1164976 Psychotherapy for Immigrant Youth Patel, Sita Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Datar , B usi nes s
1164969 Circulating Tumor Cells Ram H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000

R ao, M. E. WP I CR C Pre ss
1164924 Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery Systems and Vehicles Bhanoji Publ i shi ng (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,479,000

Kec k, CR C Pre ss
1164910 Conservative Infertility Management Ch ris top h. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,939,000
John Wil e y
Cre anor , Wi le y- & Sons,
1164904 Essential Clinical Oral Biology Ste phe n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
John Wil e y
Mue nni g, & Sons,
1164897 Cost-EffectivenessAnalysis in Health Pete r Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 2,660,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Goyal, of of
1164856 AM:STARsAcute Emergencies inAdolescents Monika K. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2015 Rp 1,679,000
Pl ural Pl ural
N ou raei , Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1164838 Laryngeal and Tracheobronchial Stenosis S. A. R eza Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,999,000
Fi sh, Pl ural Pl ural
Mar gare t Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1164837 Here's How to Treat ChildhoodApraxia of Speech A. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,659,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Manu al of Al le rgy and Cli ni cal Im m unol ogy for De Vos, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1164827 O tol aryngologi sts Gabr ie le S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,639,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Martin, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164812 Curcumin Vale ri a Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164808 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Z han g, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164803 Cancer Xi aoj ing Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164801 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cac opar do Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164795 Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the 3rd Millennium , B runo Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Z han g, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164794 Cancer Xi aoj ing Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pratt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164792 Encyclopedia of Dermatology Meghan Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp37,800,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164790 Dextromethorphan Wang, Xin Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Infl am m atory Mar kers , O ncoge nes and Tu mor Ve l ez, A na Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sup pre ssor Ce l l Cyc le R e gulators in Ski n G rowths, Mar ia Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164784 P re-ski n Tu mors and Ski n Tu mor s Abre u Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
She rman, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164763 Cardiac Remodeling Je rald Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sotnikov, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164757 Properties LiveAxoplasm O. S. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Shande ra, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164755 Expanding Our Calling Wayne X . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
R ugh, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mad el in e Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164754 "Green Studio" M. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Corne tt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164746 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Larry P . Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mam mi s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164744 Spinal Cord Stimulation Antonios Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Anc hang, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A ppl ic ati on of Phytobi ote chn ology i n the Control Kenne th Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164743 of T ropi cal Infe cti ous Dis ease s Yongabi Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cur rent Manage me nt of Ce ntral Ne rvous Sys te m Ve eravagu, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164741 Me ni ngiom as Anand Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
R ogers , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ch ris ti na
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164736 Aphasia T. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
R odri go Nova N ova
Sal inas, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ram ón Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164735 Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Ani bal Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sharamā, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164729 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Su shī la Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vojdani , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164728 Neuroimmunity and the Brain-gut Connection Ari sto Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1164727 Gene-environment Interactions and Human Diseases Qi, Lu Inc. Inc
E lse. vi er 2016 Rp 6,440,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P ocke t Com pani on to Gu yton & H all Te xtbook of H al l, John Sc ie nce s
1164625 Me di cal Phys iol ogy E-Book E. Saunders Di vi si on 2015 Rp 3,023,000

Bhatia, Ac ad em ic
1164489 Parkinson's Disease Kai lash Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

Z e brafi sh at the Interface of D eve lopm e nt and Sadle r, Ac ad em ic

1164487 D ise ase Re se arch Kirs te n C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

Scane s, C. Ac ad em ic
1164468 Animals and Human Society G. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Jeff er ie s, Ac ad em ic
1164464 Heart Failure in the Child and Young Adult John Lynn Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 6,720,000

N eu ropsyc hopharm ac ology: A T ribu te to Jose ph T. Schw ar cz, Ac ad em ic

1164459 Coyl e Robe rt Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,602,000
Ind epe nde
Malone y, Add ic us P ubli she rs
1164383 Life Without Glasses Robe rt K. Books Gr oup
Inte rnati on 2016 Rp 280,000
Suss ex Spe ci ali ze d
And ris t, Ac ad em ic Am
B ook
e ri can
1164380 Body, Subject & Subjected Debr a D. Pre ss Se rvic
Soci e tyesof 2016 Rp 1,540,000
H eal th
Wie czorki e Syste m
T he Pharm ac is t's Gu ide to Anti m ic robial The rapy wi cz, P har maci st
1164296 and Ste wards hip Sarah M. ASHP s 2016 Rp 812,000
Li on L ion
Atkins, Hu dson H uds on
1164282 First Steps to Living with Diabetes Si m on Pl c UK 2016 Rp 279,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Bl och, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1164241 Practice-Based Clinical Inquiry in Nursing Joan R. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Be re sford- Je ssi ca
Cooke , Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1164178 Shiatsu Theory and Practice Carol a Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pan, B usi nes s
1164108 Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (V) Xi aoc huan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp10,892,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1164079 Klinische zorg rondom de vaatpatiënt Kitslaar, P. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge hri ng, Urban und B usi nes s
1164071 Leben mit der koronaren Herzkrankheit Jü rgen Vogel Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Al di nger, Urban und B usi nes s
1164068 Künstliches Kniegelenk Pete r Vogel Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
MO DAK - Modali täten akti vie rung in de r B usi nes s
1164063 A phasie ther ap ie Lutz, Luise. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Münc h, B usi nes s
1164061 Krise in der Lebensmitte Vol ke r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Käm m ere r, B usi nes s
1164060 Auf der Suche nach dem Wort, das berührt Wol fgang. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eum ann, B usi nes s
1164038 Introvision bei Stress- undAngstbewältigung Mel anie . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Chem i stry and A ppl ic ati ons of Sus tai nable Barve , B usi nes s
1164029 N atu ral H air Produc ts Kal yani Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gosw am i , B usi nes s
1164016 Narcolepsy Mee ta Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
van Spr inge r
Vol l enhov Sc ie nce &
en, R onal d B usi nes s
1164014 Biologics for the Treatment of RheumatoidArthritis F. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Ope n O pen
R oad R oad
Di stribu ti o Inte grate d
1163802 Home Birth Gilgoff,Alice n Me di a, Inc . 2016 Rp 336,000
Oxford O xford
Me rchán, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1163680 Cajal and De Castro's Neurohistological Methods Migu el A. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,199,000
John Wil e y
H ol be ry, Wi le y- & Sons,
1163659 Emergency Nursing at a Glance Natal ie Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,260,000
John Wil e y
Coom arasa Wi le y- & Sons,
1163658 Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery my, Arri Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 6,006,000
Taylor &
McKi nnon, Franc is
1163586 Reflection for Nursing Life John Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,704,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Sc hone bau of of
m, Washi ngto Washi ngto
1163508 Novel Medicine Andre w n P res s n Pre ss 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Me dic al
Moum tzog Inform ati o
lou, n Sc ie nce
1163502 M-Health Innovations for Patient-Centered Care Anastas ius R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 6,580,000
Sale m
Fre y, Wi ll iam A. Author
1163473 Ease Into Freedom Wil l iam A. Fre y Se rvic es 2016 Rp 112,000

Lam bec k, Ver lag

1163273 Irrt die Physik? Mar ti n C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2015 Rp 888,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kearns , B usi nes s
1163242 Hyperparathyroidism Ann E . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Oxford O xford
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1163220 Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing Ferrell, Betty Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp11,718,000
Jen nings , Uni ver sity O UP
1163219 Emergency Ethics Bruc e Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,510,000
Am e ric an Am er ic an Am e ri can
Acade m y Ac ad em y Ac adem y
P ione er s i n N eonatal/Per inatal Me di ci ne : Pe ri natal of of of
1163193 P rofile s From Ne oR evi ew s Ped iatric s Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 1,119,000

O ts uki
1162046 統合失調症とのつきあい方 蟻塚亮二 大月書店 Shoten 2015 Rp 894,000

O ts uki
1162045 沖縄戦と心の傷 蟻塚亮二 大月書店 Shoten 2015 Rp 1,063,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
n n
Wats on, Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1161961 Handbook of Cholesterol Ronal d R . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 6,076,000
Wageni nge Wage ninge
n n
H andbook of N utri ti on and Di et i n L euke m ia and Wats on, Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1161960 B lood Di sease T herapy Ronal d R . Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 5,572,000

1161950 The HerbalApothecary Pursell, J. J. Timber Press Timber Press 2016 Rp 699,000

CR C Pre ss
1161837 Tunable LaserApplications, Third Edition Duarte, F. J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,159,000
Bae tge ,
N ext-Gen eration Nutri tional Bi omarke rs to Gui de Em manue l
1161706 B ett er He al th Care E. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 1,988,000

Portne y, F. A. Davis
Le sli e Com pany/
1161684 Foundations of Clinical Research Gross F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 2,604,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gl ycos ignal s i n Cance r: Me chanis ms of Mal ignant Furu kaw a, B usi nes s
1161680 P henotype s Kōi ch i Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O per ati onal R es earc h for E me rge ncy Planni ng i n Mus tafee , Palgrave B usi nes s
1161672 H eal th care: Vol um e 2 Navonil Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spe ck-
Planch e,
1161630 Multi-ScaleApproaches in Drug Discovery Ale jandr o Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,896,000

Mol e cul ar Charac teri zati on of Autophagic Gall uzzi, Ac ad em ic

1161628 R e sponse s Par t B Lore nzo Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000

Mol e cul ar Charac teri zati on of Autophagic Gall uzzi, Ac ad em ic

1161627 R e sponse s Par t A Lore nzo Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,686,000
Oxford O xford
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1161552 Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Ronco, C. Pre ss P res
lse vi er 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Inc .,
Mye rs, H eal th
Ví as anatóm i cas. Mer idi anos m i ofasc ial es para Thom as Sc ie nce s
1161517 te rapeu tas manual es y d el m ovim i ento W. Elsevier Di vi si on 2015 Rp 6,000,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sakai , B usi nes s
1160510 Laparoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer Yoshi hid e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maure r, B usi nes s
1160503 Hyperbare Oxygenation und Tauchmedizin Dom ini k Springer Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Inc .,
H eal th
He nne sse y Sc ie nce s
1160491 Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy E-Book , Iain Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 4,221,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vol um e 46, Issue 3, An Iss ue of Orthope di c Cli nic s, Scud eri , Sc ie nce s
1160479 E -B ook Gil es R . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B arr ett 's E sophagus, An Issue of G as troe nter ol ogy Iyer, Sc ie nce s
1160477 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Prasad G . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
2015 ICD-9-CM for H ospi tal s, Volum e s 1, 2 and 3 Bu ck, Sc ie nce s
1160473 Standard Edi ti on - E-Book Carol J. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,396,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A irw ay Man age m ent, An Iss ue of Ane sthes iol ogy Mark, Sc ie nce s
1160472 Cl ini cs , E -Book Lyne tte . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Proven che H eal th
r, Matt hew Sc ie nce s
1160471 Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of theAthlete T. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 7,391,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Manage me nt of Cardi ovas cul ar Di se as e, An Iss ue Wol bre tte , Sc ie nce s
1160470 of M edi cal Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E-Book Debor ah L. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Moore , Sc ie nce s
1160465 Before WeAre Born E-Book Kei th L. Saunders Di vi si on 2016 Rp 4,955,000
Spr inge r
N avari, Sc ie nce &
Manage me nt of Che mothe rapy-Induc ed Naus ea Rud olph B usi nes s
1160457 and Vomi ting M. Adis Me
E lsediviaerB. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Inc .,
Chung, H eal th
Che st Im aging, An Iss ue of Cli ni cs in Ches t Jonathan Sc ie nce s
1160456 Me di ci ne , E -B ook H. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pathology Infor matic s, An Iss ue of Surgi cal Parwani , Sc ie nce s
1160449 Pathology Cli nic s, E-Book Ani l V. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N eu rology, An Is sue of Pr im ary Care: Cl ini cs in Gre gory, Sc ie nce s
1160447 O ffice Practi ce , E -Book Pau la. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ead an d N ec k Cance r, A n Iss ue of Surgi cal R idge , Sc ie nce s
1160443 O ncol ogy Cli ni cs of North A me ri ca, E -Book John A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R am an, Sc ie nce s
1160435 Diagnostic Imaging: Gastrointestinal E-Book Si va P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp25,703,000
O' C Inc .,
onnel l , H eal th
The odore Sc ie nce s
1160432 USMLE Step 3 Secrets E-Book X. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 3,275,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kay, Sc ie nce s
1160431 Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease E-Book Mar sha Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp19,655,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N ett er 's Mu scu loske le tal Fl ash Cards Up date d H art, Sc ie nce s
1160430 E diti on E -B ook Je nni fer. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 3,023,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Intravas cul ar Im agi ng: OCT and IVUS, A n Issu e of Pri ce , Sc ie nce s
1160428 Inte rventi onal Cardi ology Cli nic s, E-Book Matt hew J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
U rogynec ology and R ec onstruc ti ve Pel vi c Sur gery Walte rs, Sc ie nce s
1160425 E -B ook Mar k D. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp12,767,000
Inc .,
H eal th
B est Practic es i n H igh-R is k Pre gnancy, An Is sue of R aybu rn, Sc ie nce s
1160424 O bstetri cs an d Gyne col ogy Cl ini cs , E -B ook Wil l iam F. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R epp , Sc ie nce s
1160423 Volume 4, Issue 2,An Issue of Hospital Medicine Clinics All e n B. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
A dre nal Corti cal Ne oplasi a, An Issue of H eal th
E ndocr inol ogy and Metaboli sm Cl ini cs of Nor th Sc ie nce s
1160422 A me ri ca, E -Book Levine,Alice Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Grott a, Sc ie nce s
1160418 Stroke E-Book Jam es C. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gri ffith, Sc ie nce s
1160412 Diagnostic Ultrasound: Musculoskeletal E-Book Jam es F. AMIRSYS E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
A rrhythm ias i n Card iom yopath ie s, A n Iss ue of Maron, Sc ie nce s
1160408 Cardi ac E le ctrophys iol ogy Cli ni cs, E-B ook Mar ti n S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Broadd us, H eal th
Mu rray & Nade l's Te xtbook of R e spi ratory V. Cou rtne Sc ie nce s
1160407 Me di ci ne E-Book y. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp30,239,000
Inc .,
H eal th
2015 ICD-9-CM for H ospi tal s, Volum e s 1, 2 and 3 Bu ck, Sc ie nce s
1160404 P rofe ss ional Edi tion - E-Book Carol J. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 9,408,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
Chang, Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1160357 Transitions in Nursing - E-Book Esthe r. e Au strali a Di vi si on 2015 Rp 5,849,000

Mi chael Mabuse - B ookw i re

1160344 Die Geschichte der Palliativmedizin Stol berg Ve rl ag Gm
E lsebH
vi er 2015 Rp 1,343,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fu nctional Oc cl usi on i n R es tor ati ve D enti stry and Kli ne berg, Sc ie nce s
1160339 P rosthodontic s E -Book Ive n. Mosby Ltd. Di vivi
E lse si on
er 2015 Rp16,307,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
Manu al Th erapy for Mus cul oske le tal Pain Dom me rh Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1160334 Synd rome s E-Book olt, Jan e Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp18,782,000
Inc .,
Monc ho H eal th
Vasall o, Sc ie nce s
1160326 Estadística aplicada a las ciencias de la salud Joaquí n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,848,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fe ssl er, Sc ie nce s
1160306 Textbook of the Cervical Spine E-Book Ri chard G. Saunders Di vi si on 2015 Rp18,143,000
E lse vi er
Inc .,
H eal th
Moore , Sc ie nce s
1160301 The Developing Human E-Book Kei th L. Saunders Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,963,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vand erah, Sc ie nce s
1160296 Nolte’s The Human Brain E-Book Todd. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,627,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1160292 Easy EMG E-Book Weiss, Jay Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,291,000
Inc .,
Mc Adam, H eal th
D iagnostic Te sting for Ente ri c Pathogen s, A n Issu e Ale xan der Sc ie nce s
1160290 of Cl in ics i n L aboratory Me di ci ne, E-B ook J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ow Nur sin g Has Chan ged wi th Te chnol ogy, An Over stree t, Sc ie nce s
1160275 Iss ue of N ursi ng, E-Book Mar ia. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
L yme D ise ase and O th er In fe cti ons T ransm itt ed by H eal th
Ixode s Sc ap ulari s, An Iss ue of Infec ti ous Di sease Au waerte r, Sc ie nce s
1160265 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Pau l G. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T he Subtal ar Joint, An Iss ue of Foot and A nkle El li ngton, Sc ie nce s
1160262 Cl ini cs of N orth Am eri ca, E-Book Kent Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ertzbe rg, Sc ie nce s
1160260 Ultrasound: The Requisites E-Book Barbar a S. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Ram akr ish H eal th
nan , Vi jay Sc ie nce s
1160251 ENT Secrets E-Book R. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 3,779,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Jhang, Sc ie nce s
1160248 Clinical Pathology Board Review E-Book Je ff rey S. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp14,279,000
N ew Ad vanc es in Pe diatri c N eu rologi c and Inc .,
D eve lopm e ntal Di sord ers i n the Era of Genom i cs, H eal th
A n Issu e of Ped iatric Cl ini cs of Nor th Am eri ca, E- Ac sadi, Sc ie nce s
1160243 B ook Gyul a Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sur gic al App roac hes to E sophageal Di se as e, An Ole yni kov, Sc ie nce s
1160235 Iss ue of Surgi cal Cli nic s, E-Book Dm itry. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
Tu mors of the Ear and Lateral Skul l Base : PAR T 2, Carls on , H eal th
A n Issu e of Otolaryngol ogic Cli ni cs of North Matt hew Sc ie nce s
1160233 A me ri ca, E -Book Luke . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,315,000
Inc .,
H eal th
El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1160205 Anatomie du visage et du cou Saban, Yves Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp17,616,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Marce ll i , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1160199 Psychopathologie générale des âges de la vie Danie l Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,221,000
Me dizi nis c Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
H ing, Li vin
Wi ssegston
nsc h Sc ie nce s
1160190 The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy - EBook Wayne eaftl ic he
Di vi si on 2015 Rp 8,950,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Klu ge, m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1160150 DIVI Jahrbuch 2015/2016 Ste fan Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2016 Rp 742,000
Ve rl ags ges
Me dizi nis c
e ll schaft
Be in , m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1160149 Intensivbuch Lunge und Beatmung Thom as Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,513,000
El st, Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
Ludge r e ll schaft
Te bartz m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1160148 DasAsperger-Syndrom im Erwachsenenalter van. Co. KG
aftl ic he Gm bH 2016 Rp 1,664,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Mar ckm an Wi m bH sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1160147 Praxisbuch Ethik in der Medizin n, Georg Co.icKG
MWV he Gm bH 2015 Rp 907,000
Ve rldizi
Me agsnis
e ll schaft
Di em e r, m bH
Wi sse &
nsc h Z ei l enw ert
1160146 Handbuch OP-Management Matt hias Co.icKG
aftl he Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,783,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
Es ch, m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1160145 Stressbewältigung Tobias Co. KG Gm bH 2016 Rp 652,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
T he Par ent's Gui de to Oc cup ati onal T her apy for Kosc inski , Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1160117 Auti sm and Other Spec ial N ee ds Cara Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 559,000
John Wil e y
Me rli n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1160070 Chronic Pain and HIV Je ss ic a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,471,000
John Wil e y
Tham , Wi le y- & Sons,
1160068 Gastrointestinal Emergencies Tony C. K. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
John Wil e y
N eal, J. Wi le y- & Sons,
1160063 How the Endocrine System Works Matt hew Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,343,000
John Wil e y
Mu lti ple Choi ce Qu esti ons for Hae matology and Bai n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1160061 Core Me di cal Trai nee s Barbar a J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,623,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1160055 How to Develop Your Healthcare Career Taylor, Lisa Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,162,000
John Wil e y
Mac Gre go Wi le y- & Sons,
1160053 Moving and Handling Patients at a Glance r, Hami sh Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,259,000
John Wil e y
H ow to Succ ee d on Pri m ary Care and Comm un ity Pe ars on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1160052 Pl ace me nts David Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,259,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1160034 Asthma Sourcebook Keith Jones hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1160032 Gastrointestinal Diseases and Disorders Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1160031 Diabetes Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
John Wil e y
Pawl ic ki, Wi le y- & Sons,
1159927 Hendee's Radiation Therapy Physics Todd Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,479,000
O xford
Wh ymark, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1159840 Preparing to Pass the FRCA Carol ine Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,134,000
O xford
Me ntali zation-B as ed Tre atm e nt for Pe rsonal ity Batem an, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1159838 D isord er s Anthony Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,701,000
O xford
Gol ubic , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1159834 Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Healthcare Research Rajna Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,871,000
Oxford O xford
Ses hadri , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1159833 Risk Factors for Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke Su dha Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,716,000
Oxford O xford
Urm an, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1159831 Chronic Pain Management for the Hospitalized Patient Ri chard D. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 5,879,000
Spr inge r
He rshbe rg Spri nger P ubli shi ng
er, Patric ia Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1159827 Fertility andAssisted Reproductive Technology (ART) E. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Gi dl ow, Taylor &
Ch ris top he Franc is
1159766 Clinical Exercise Science r Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,704,000
Spr inge r
Ve l de , Bohn Sc ie nce &
He ndri k Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1159707 Fysiotherapie en medicatie van de r Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Kali si ngh, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1159706 Handboek endoscopische chirurgie Sand y S. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gh , B usi nes s
1159705 Biofortification of Food Crops Um me d Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Ti wary, Sc ie nce &
Satyend ra B usi nes s
1159704 Ulcers of the Lower Extremity K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Knapp, B usi nes s
1159703 Radiopharmaceuticals for Therapy Furn F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H anaoka, B usi nes s
1159702 DNA Replication, Recombination, and Repair Fum io Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Tac hibana Sc ie nce &
ki, B usi nes s
1159701 Advances in Happiness Research Toshi aki Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ulatows ki, B usi nes s
1159697 Pflegeplanung in der Psychiatrie He ike . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kühne , B usi nes s
1159695 Kompendium Kinderhämatologie Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1159694 Kompendium pädiatrische Diabetologie Danne, T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1159693 Querschnittlähmung - Schritte der Bewältigung Lude, Peter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1159691 Allgemeinchirurgische Patienten in der Hausarztpraxis Purr, Jan. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1159690 Notfallmedizin. Fragen undAntworten Kehl, Franz Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Mobe rg, Sc ie nce &
Kers ti n Spri nger B usi nes s
1159689 Oxytocin, das Hormon der Nähe Uvnäs Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brandstädt B usi nes s
1159686 Interne Kommunikation im Krankenhaus er, Mathias Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H enne s, B usi nes s
1159685 Ports Rol an d. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Myl on as , B usi nes s
1159652 Sexuell übertragbare Erkrankungen Ioanni s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Mül le r- Sc ie nce &
Mai , B usi nes s
1159651 Frakturen auf einen Blick Ch ris ti an. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Garvi e- Sc ie nce &
Cook, B usi nes s
1159648 Novel (Trans)dermal Drug Delivery Strategies Hazel Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
O rgan ic Transi stor Devi ce s for In Vitro Spanu, B usi nes s
1159647 E le ctrophys iol ogic al App li cations Andre a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin gh , B usi nes s
1159643 Oncodynamics: Effects of Cancer Cells on the Body Gurm it Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sadaranga B usi nes s
1159637 Handbook of Meningococcal Disease Management ni, Mani sh Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D istri buted Com puting and Mon itorin g Klon ov s, B usi nes s
1159627 Te chnol ogie s for Ol de r Patie nts Ju ris Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bre de noor B usi nes s
1159626 A Guide to Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders d, A lbe rt J. Springer
Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi che rt, B usi nes s
1159621 Ambient Assisted Living Re ine r Me di a B. V.
Springer 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tangp ric ha B usi nes s
1159620 Vitamin D , Vi n Springer
Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
He id el bau Hu mana
B usi nes s
1159617 Men's Health in Primary Care gh, Joe l J. Pre ss
Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sin gh , Sc ie nce &
Ni rbhay B usi nes s
1159613 Handbook of Mental Health inAfricanAmerican Youth N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me hlhor n, B usi nes s
1159612 Nanoparticles in the Fight Against Parasites He inz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge dde s, B usi nes s
1159607 Reviews in Plasmonics 2015 Ch ris D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pol veri ni , B usi nes s
1159598 Personalized Oral Health Care Pete r J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ossi , B usi nes s
1159593 Controlled Drug Delivery Systems Fil ip po Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
El we ll , B usi nes s
1159589 Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXVII Cl are E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1159587 Management of Heart Failure Raman, Jai Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
A nnual Re vie w of Ge rontology and Ge riatri cs, R esn ic k, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1159474 Vol um e 36, 2016 Barbar a Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Di cki nson, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1159412 Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates Jani s L . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Com m is si o
on a- Nation al N ati onal
R e vie w of NASA' s E vide nc e Re ports on Hu man Con ner,
Global Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159288 H eal th R isks Carol
He al thE. H . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Ri sk
Fram e wor Nation al N ati onal
k for the Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159287 The Neglected Dimension of Global Security Com
Future m itt ee Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Acc ountin
g for Nation al N ati onal
A ppropr iate U se of Advance d Tec hnologi es for N ass
Soc ioe, cono Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159286 R adiation The rapy and Surge ry i n O ncol ogy Sh caryl
mi J.
Status Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Med ic are Nation al N ati onal
Paym e nt Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159285 Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment Program s Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ni chol son, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159284 Global Health Risk Framework Anna Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Nation al N ati onal
Bu ckl ey, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159283 Global Health Risk Framework Gil li an J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Nation al N ati onal
Mack, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159282 Global Health Risk Framework Ali son Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
Wize mann Nation al N ati onal
, T her esa Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159281 Global Health Risk Framework M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000
of Nation al N ati onal
A sse ssi ng H eal th Outc om e s Am ong Ve te rans of Med ic ine Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159280 P roje ct SHA D (Ship board H azard and De fens e) (U .S.). Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,148,000
Nation al N ati onal
And ers on, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1159275 Achieving Health Equity Via theAffordable CareAct Kare n M . Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Nor dic N ordi c
Lagerqvi st, Counc il of Counc il of
1159271 Human Biomonitoring and Policy Making Anne Mi nis te rs Mi ni sters 2015 Rp 246,000
Courtne y
Win ston Mom entu Mom e ntu
1159085 Weight Management and Obesity Paol ic el l i. m Pre ss m P res s 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Pri nce ton P rinc eton
Dow , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1159041 Making a Good Life Katharin e. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,450,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1158999 The Essential Guide to Becoming a Staff Nurse Peate, Ian Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,022,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Am ato, H ouse
1158982 The Pregnancy Encyclopedia Pau la DK L LC 2016 Rp 1,820,000
John Wil e y
Gre ss, Wi le y- & Sons,
1158836 Endoscopic Ultrasonography Fran k G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,471,000
John Wil e y
R oberts, Wi le y- & Sons,
1158826 The CSA Exam Rache l Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,259,000
Tanzi ,
Mar ia Wood head
1158820 Characterization of Polymeric Biomaterials Cr isti na Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp10,080,000

Am brosi o, Wood head

1158819 Biomedical Composites Lui gi Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp10,080,000

Ac ad em ic
1158790 Developing Solid Oral Dosage Forms Qiu, Yihong Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp10,080,000

Fi cai,
1158782 Nanostructures for Novel Therapy Den isa Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,552,000

H ayat, M. Ac ad em ic
1158781 Brain Metastases From Primary Tumors, Volume 3 A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Bl oom, Ac ad em ic
1158759 The Vaccine Book Barry R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,032,000
Spr inge r
Forre ster , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
David Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1158751 Nursing's Greatest Leaders Anthony Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000

Ins ec t-Pl ant In te ractions i n a Crop Protec tion Sauvion, Ac ad em ic

1158748 Pe rsp ec ti ve Ni col as Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,190,000

Li twack, Ac ad em ic
1158744 Vitamin D Hormone Ger al d Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,056,000

P rofile s of Drug Substance s, Exci pi ents and Bri ttai n, Ac ad em ic

1158733 R e lated Method ol ogy H. G. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,232,000

Schi sl er,
Jonathan Ac ad em ic
1158731 Endocrinology of the Heart in Health and Disease C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Atze ni , El se vie r
1158730 The Heart in SystemicAutoimmune Diseases Fabi ola Sci enc e Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,216,000

Makow ski , Ac ad em ic
1158727 Advances in Clinical Chemistry Gre gor y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,888,000

Pfaff, Ac ad em ic
1158716 Hormones, Brain and Behavior Donald W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 ###
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Ac ad em ic
1158711 Food Preservation Mihai Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Wood head
1158710 Biofilms and Implantable Medical Devices Deng, Ying. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1158699 Nanobiomaterials in Dentistry Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1158698 Nanobiomaterials in Hard Tissue Engineering Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

Kir ton, Ac ad em ic
1158690 Pediatric Brain Stimulation Adam Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,536,000

Bl anco, Ac ad em ic
1158673 Blanco's Overview of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Ign ac io Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Schre i ber, Ac ad em ic
1158632 Tumor Immunology Robe rt Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,485,000

Qu ah, Ac ad em ic
1158627 International Encyclopedia of Public Health Ste ll a R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 ###

Kue te , Ac ad em ic
1158612 Medicinal Spices and Vegetables FromAfrica Vi ctor Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000
Gohari an,
Am irhos se
1158603 Trauma Plating Systems in Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,376,000

Li u, Ac ad em ic
1158591 Cancer Stem Cells Hui pi ng. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,376,000

Schoe b, Ac ad em ic
1158589 Gnotobiotics Tre nton R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Ac ad em ic
1158579 Rare and Interesting Cases in Pulmonary Medicine Ataya,Ali Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

H ol ban,
N anoarc hi te ctoni cs for Sm art D el ive ry and Dru g Ali na Wi ll iam
1158574 Targe ti ng Mar ia. And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

N anote chn ology-Base d Ap proache s for Targe ting Mi shra, Ac ad em ic

1158567 and De li very of Dru gs and Gen es Vi jay. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

D isc overy an d De ve lopm e nt of Antid iabe ti c Brahm ac ha

1158561 A gents From Natural Produ cts ri, Goutam Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Sc his tosom i as is in The Pe opl e’ s R e publ ic of Chi na: Z hou, Ac ad em ic

1158544 From Control to E li mi nation Xi ao-nong Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,762,000
Am er ic an
Lave ry, Di abe tes Pe rse us
Lawre nce Ass oci ati o B ooks ,
1158394 Clinical Care of the Diabetic Foot A. n L LC 2015 Rp 784,000
Pe rse us
Ge orge, Ul ysse s B ooks ,
1158363 Freeweight Training Anatomy Ryan. Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 503,000
Tri ni ty Pe rse us
Paul Uni ver sity B ooks ,
1158361 William Carlos Williams Mar iani Pre ss L LC 2016 Rp 980,000
I Bel i eve i n Evan - My Fi ght to Save My Baby From
a D evastati ng B rai n Inj ury and the Force s Agai nst El is e John B lake L ightni ng
1158213 U s Sc hwarz. Publ i shi ng Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 245,000

Dongpe i
1157910 Traditional Chinese Medicine Hu De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 3,136,000
Fl orian
Johanne s
1157900 Endoluminale Varizentherapie Ne tzer De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Fe rnande z
Pri eto,
1157897 Microencapsulation Su sana De Gruyter De Gruyter
N ati onal 2015 Rp 5,096,000
B ook
N etw ork
Crystal, Mul til ingu Inte rnati on
1157714 Profiling Grammar David al Matt ers al 2016 Rp 5,039,000

Vi nce nt,
1157698 Vivre avec la menace terroriste Oli vi er Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 108,000

Ghes qui èr

1157691 Happy Détox e, Anne . Eyrolles Eyrolles 2016 Rp 305,000
T he Strategi c Per spe ctive and Long-term Popp er, Corporatio Corpor ati o
1157683 Soci oe conom ic Strate gie s for Israel Ste ven W. n n 2015 Rp 279,000

R oll ins on, Ac ad em ic

1157641 Advances in Parasitology D. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,762,000

Kie l ian, Ac ad em ic
1157640 Advances in Virus Research Mar gare t Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000

1157631 Progress in Medicinal Chemistry Witty, D. R. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,754,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1157626 Surface Chemistry of Nanobiomaterials Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

R obinson , Teton CR C Pre ss

1157604 Interactive MedicalAcupunctureAnatomy Narda G . Ne w Med ia (CAM) 2016 Rp 8,399,000
Podol sky, John Wil e y
Danie l Wi le y- & Sons,
1157393 Yamada'sAtlas of Gastroenterology Kal m an Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 7,980,000
John Wil e y
Kaisary, Wi le y- & Sons,
1157305 Lecture Notes: Urology Am ir V. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,344,000
John Wil e y
Macone s, Wi le y- & Sons,
1157304 Management of Labor and Delivery George A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 5,599,000
John Wil e y
Che rubi ni, Wi le y- & Sons,
1157284 Clinical Trials in OlderAdults Antonio Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Juta & Juta and
Ge yer, Comp an y Com pany
1157246 Juta's Manual of Nursing Ne loui se (Pty) Ltd L td 2015 Rp 1,145,000
Je ssi ca
Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1157232 Dry Needling for Manual Therapists Gyer, Giles Dragon P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,399,000
Oxford O xford
We ish ei pl , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1156003 Surgical Pain Management Ali son Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 8,399,000
L ebe nsqual ität in stati onären Pfle ge ei nri chtunge n Kal tene gge Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1155460 förd ern r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Susanne Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1155451 Dekubitus - Prophylaxe und Therapie Danze r e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,079,000

Fe uer le in, Ver lag

1155430 Alkoholismus Wil he lm . C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2016 Rp 613,000
Doe nges , F. A. Davis
Mar il ynn Com pany/
1155349 Nursing Diagnosis Manual E. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,931,000
Doe nges , F. A. Davis
Mar il ynn Com pany/
1155348 Nurse's Pocket Guide E. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,371,000
Dahlke m p F. A. Davis
er, Tamara Com pany/
1155347 Caring for OlderAdults Holistically R. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,371,000
F. A. Davis
Conc epts of Evi de nce -bas ed Practi ce for the Gre sham , Com pany/
1155345 P hysi cal The rap is t A ssi stan t Barbar a B. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,287,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1155232 Engineering of Nanobiomaterials Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000
Al t,
Fred eri ck Ac ad em ic
1155231 Advances in Immunology W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,485,000

Made li ne Arc ad ia IN scri be

1155053 The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Be ll Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2015 Rp 476,000
Fl orenc e Dove r
Ni ghtingal Publ i cati on IN scri be
1152428 Notes on Hospitals e s Dilse
E givitaler 2015 Rp 251,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Marwi ck, Sc ie nce s
1151833 Crash Course Psychiatry Updated Edition - E-Book Kati e Mosby Ltd. E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,823,000
Inc .,
Ch urchh o H eal th
use , Sc ie nce s
1151830 Crash Course Cardiology Updated Edition - E-Book Antonia Mosby Ltd. E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,823,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Crash Course Ge ne ral M edi ci ne Upd ate d E di ti on - Le ach, Sc ie nce s
1151829 E -B ook Oli ve r Mosby Ltd. Di vivi
E lse si on
er 2015 Rp 5,823,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Crash Course Me di cal Ethi cs and Soci ology Pap ani ki ta Sc ie nce s
1151827 U pdated Edi tion - E-Book s, A ndre w. Mosby Ltd. E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,823,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Park, Sc ie nce s
1151781 Cardiología pediátrica Myung K. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp11,197,000
Inc .,
Martíne z H eal th
Sol í s, Sc ie nce s
1151775 Manual de fitoterapia Is abe l Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,594,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bonow , Sc ie nce s
1151771 Braunwald. Tratado de cardiología + ExpertConsult Robe rt O. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp25,215,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N el son, Sc ie nce s
1151768 Wheeler.Anatomía , fisiología y oclusión dental Stanl ey J. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 6,926,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Urban & Sc ie nce s
1151760 Innen Nährendes Qigong - Nei Yang Gong Yafei, Liu Fi sche r Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 7,810,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Schne i der , Urban & Sc ie nce s
1151751 Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie - Mündliche Prüfung Rud olf Fi sche r Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,364,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Döl cke r, Urban & Sc ie nce s
1151746 Differenzialdiagnostik und Leitsymptome kompakt Dagmar Fi sche r Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 3,253,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Me i ster de r kl as si sche n H om öop athi e. Urban & Sc ie nce s
1151744 H om öop athi sch e Ar zne i mi tte lbi l der Tyler, M. L. Fi sche r Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,949,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gassi e r, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151730 Mémo fiches - CAP Petite enfance Jac quel in e Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,328,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Conc ours IFSI 2016-2017 - Cul ture gé nér al e - 1 200 Pe rche , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151728 Q CM Oli vi er Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,765,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gol se , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151727 Le développement affectif et cognitif de l'enfant Be rnar d Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,949,000
Inc .,
H eal th
El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151720 Anatomie et physiologie pour lesAS et AP Ramé,Alain Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,658,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Qu intil l a, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151717 Thérapeutiques en psychiatrie Yan n Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,803,000
Inc .,
Le frèr e, H eal th
Je an- El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151716 Transfusion sanguine Jac ques Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,677,000
Inc .,
H eal th
El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151714 Médecine physique et réadaptation AJMER. Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 3,056,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R exhaj, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151712 Se rétablir de la schizophrénie Sh yhrete Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,221,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Lambaud i El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151707 Chirurgie robotisée des cancers gynécologiques e, Éri c Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp11,355,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kum ar, G. El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151697 Orban's Oral Histology & Embryology - E-BOOK S. Indi a Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 1,827,000
Inc .,
Tall ey, H eal th
Ni chol as Sc ie nce s
1151695 Clinical Examination Essentials - E-Book Jos eph Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,871,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Yogarajah, Sc ie nce s
1151694 Crash Course Neurology Updated Edition - E-Book Mah ind a Mosby Ltd. E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,823,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1151692 ClinicalAromatherapy - E-Book Buckle, Jane e Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp10,185,000
Inc .,
H eal th
N ette r, Sc ie nce s
1151581 Netter’s Cranial Nerve Collection E-Book Fran k H. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 1,091,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mi sch, Sc ie nce s
1151557 Prótesis dental sobre implantes Carl E . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp15,688,000
Inc .,
Al pe ri H eal th
Lópe z, Sc ie nce s
1151556 Manual SER de Reumatología Merc ed es Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 7,017,000
Inc .,
Ser ra H eal th
Grim a, J. Sc ie nce s
1151555 Cardiología en el deporte R. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 6,529,000
Inc .,
Costa H eal th
T omografía com putarizada di ri gid a a té cni cos Su bias, Sc ie nce s
1151554 s upe riore s en im agen para e l diagnósti co Joaquí n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,871,000
Inc .,
H eal th
E cografía e n m e di cin a inte nsi va + ac ce so w eb + Lu mb, Sc ie nce s
1151553 E xp ertConsu lt Phi li p D. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp12,701,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sir era, Sc ie nce s
1151551 Inmunoterapia del cáncer. Realidades y perspectivas Rafae l Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,793,000
Inc .,
Canal , H eal th
Jos eph M.a Sc ie nce s
1151549 Patología básica del sueño Montser rat Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,661,000
Inc .,
Güe i ta H eal th
Rodr íg ue z, Sc ie nce s
1151548 Terapia acuática Javi er. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,661,000
Inc .,
Barbe ría H eal th
Catás trofe s: id enti ficaci ón d e víc ti m as y otros Mar calai n, Sc ie nce s
1151547 asp ec tos m édi co-fore nse s Ene ko. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,793,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fl erl age, Sc ie nce s
1151546 Manual Harriet Lane de pediatría + acceso web Jam ie Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,856,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Lu ce ndo, Sc ie nce s
1151544 Esofagitis eosinofílica Alfre do J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 4,661,000
Inc .,
R as cón, H eal th
Pil ar Sc ie nce s
1151542 Manual clínico del perro y el gato Muñoz Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 3,457,000
Inc .,
Pé re z H eal th
A bor daje in te gral de la enfe rm edad infl am atoria Gis bert, Sc ie nce s
1151541 i ntes ti nal Javi er Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,661,000
Cu atre casa Inc .,
s H eal th
Caste ll sag Sc ie nce s
1151535 Sanidad lean ués , O riol . Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2015 Rp 2,793,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Be rm an , Sc ie nce s
1151534 Enfermedades raras y medicamentos huérfanos Ju le s J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,127,000
Inc .,
Dí az H eal th
Mohed o, Sc ie nce s
1151533 Manual de fisioterapia en Traumatología Esthe r Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,259,000
Inc .,
Costa H eal th
R e sonanci a magné tic a dir igi da a té cni cos Su bias, Sc ie nce s
1151530 s upe riore s en im agen para e l diagnósti co Joaquí n Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,871,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Maibach , Sc ie nce s
1151529 Dermatosis ambientales Howard I. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,803,000
Inc .,
Pons , H eal th
Jaum e Sc ie nce s
1151528 Monitorización inmunológica del trasplante Mar tore l l Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,793,000
Inc .,
Be snard- H eal th
Ch arve t, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151520 Homéopathie en gynécologie Ch ris te ll e Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,531,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Souch ard , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151519 Déformations morphologiques de la colonne vertébrale Phi li ppe Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 6,842,000
Inc .,
H eal th
L a moti li té en ostéopathie . Nouve au c once pt basé Au bervi l le , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151518 s ur l 'e mbr yologi e Alai n Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 9,171,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Gade t, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151517 Fiches pratiques d'anatomie palpatoire en ostéopathie Phi li ppe Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,221,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Fe rrand, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151516 Kinésithérapie de la face, du crâne et du cou Ghis lai ne Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,007,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mose s, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151515 Le grand manuel illustré d'anatomie générale et clinique Kenne th P. Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp12,666,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Conc ours A S/AP - Spé ci al adm i ssi on s ur d ossi er et Be noi st, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151514 e ntre ti en - Entraî nem e nt Ghysl ai ne Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,328,000
Inc .,
Es ti en ne- H eal th
Dej ong, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151513 Les bégaiements Fran çois e Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,803,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sauvage , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151512 Guide de rééducation vestibulaire Je an-Pie rre Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 6,987,000
Inc .,
H eal th
H ule t, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151510 L'arthroscopie Ch ris top he Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp39,747,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Ser guee f, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151508 L'ostéopathie pour les patients de plus de 50 ans Ni ce tte Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 9,754,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Pe yrefi tte , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151507 CAP Esthétique Cosmétique Parfumerie Gér ard Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 2,474,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Kram er, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151506 La psychothérapie centrée sur les émotions Uel i Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,221,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Lacr oix, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151505 La maladie thrombo-embolique veineuse Phi li ppe Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp12,957,000
Inc .,
H eal th
De rue ll e, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151504 Chirurgie en obstétrique Phi li ppe Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp17,179,000
Inc .,
Eti enne - H eal th
D u m éc anis me d 'ac tion des m éd ic am e nts à l a Se l loum , El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151503 thé rapeu ti que Ne ll y Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,968,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Battu t, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151502 105 fiches pour le suivi post-natal mère-enfant Anne Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 4,949,000
Inc .,
Duboi s, H eal th
Anne - El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151501 Art-thérapie et enfance Mar ie Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 3,930,000
Inc .,
H eal th
El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151499 Traité d'imagerie vasculaire Joffre, F. Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp22,567,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Matthe w, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151497 Guide d’imagerie médicale pour l’ostéopathe Thom as Masson Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 6,987,000
Inc .,
H eal th
P ris e en charge de s m aladi e s rare s en ane sthé si e et Fuzie r, El se vie r Sc ie nce s
1151496 analgé si e obstétri cale s Valé ri e Masson Di vi si on 2015 Rp10,773,000

L anzkow sky's Man ual of Ped iatric H em atol ogy Lanzkow s Ac ad em ic

1151463 and Onc ology ky, P hil ip Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,712,000

Ac ad em ic
1151460 The Neurobiology of Schizophrenia Abel, Ted Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Saddow ,
1151455 Silicon Carbide Biotechnology Ste phe n E . Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

P rinc ip le s of An im al Re se arc h for Graduate and Suckow , Ac ad em ic

1151450 U nde rgraduate Stud ents Mar k A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
Bu tter wort
Cle m ents, He i nem an
1151441 Disasters and Public Health Bruc e n Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Be rczi ,
1151433 Insights to Neuroimmune Biology Is tvan Elsevier
Charle s Elsevier
Charl esLtd. 2016 Rp 5,880,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Karoli num Karol inum
1151427 Stručná anatomie člověka Fiala, Pavel Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 420,000
Sigm a Si gma
Waddi ll - The ta Tau T heta Tau
Goad , Internation Inte rnati on
1151365 Nurse Burnout: Overcoming Stress in Nursing Su zanne al al 2016 Rp 979,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
E me rge ncy Nurs ing: T he Profes sion, T he Pathw ay, Internation Inte rnati on
1151364 T he Practi ce Solheim, Jeff al al 2016 Rp 1,679,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1151354 Nanobiomaterials in Drug Delivery Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1151353 Nanobiomaterials in Soft Tissue Engineering Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1151351 Nanobiomaterials in Medical Imaging Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

R ossi gnol,
1151350 Neurobiology of Epilepsy Els a. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,677,000

R aats, Wood head

1151344 Food for theAging Population Moniqu e. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp12,768,000

Stei ner , Ac ad em ic
1151341 Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function He inz Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,216,000

Kovac s,
1151326 Neuropathology Gabor G. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,240,000

E sse ntial Cli nic all y App li ed Anatom y of the Ac ad em ic

1151323 Pe ri phe ral N e rvous Sys te m i n the He ad and Ne ck Rea, Paul Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,350,000

Lave ll e, Ac ad em ic
1151309 NuclearArchitecture and Dynamics Ch ris top he Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,712,000

Pap age orgi

ou, Ac ad em ic
1151304 Cardiovascular Diseases Ni kolaos. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

1151291 Nanotechnology in Cancer Anshu B. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,678,000

Si tti g's H andbook of T oxi c an d H azardou s Pohani sh, Wi ll iam

1151285 Che m ic al s and Carci nogens Ri chard P. And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp23,352,000

Me di cal Bi ose nsors for Poi nt of Care (POC) N arayan, Wood head
1151284 A ppl ic ati on s Roge r Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,904,000

Ac ad em ic
1151283 Food Safety Ades, Gary Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Cole m an, Ac ad em ic
1151271 Molecular Pathology Wil l iam B. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 5,040,000

Clarke ,
1151269 Clinical Challenges in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Wil l iam Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,678,000
Fathe lrah
man, Ac ad em ic
1151255 Pharmacy Practice in Developing Countries Ahm ed . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Proud lock, Ac ad em ic
1151253 Genetic Toxicology Testing Ray Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

B iom ate ri al s and R ege ner ati ve Med ici ne i n Chi ril a, Wood head
1151221 O phthalm ology Traian Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp12,264,000

T hin Fil m Coati ngs for Bi omater ials and Gri es se r, Wood head
1151214 B iom ed ic al Ap pli cations Hans J. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,904,000
Gunnhi ld u
r Inform ati o Inform ati o
Óskarsd ótt n Age n Age
1149310 The Brain Controls Everything ir Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Chapm an
and CR C Pre ss
1148937 Statistics in Toxicology Using R Hothorn, L. Hal l/CRC (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Di ete rt, H ouse
1148188 The Human Superorganism Rodn ey R. Dutton L LC 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Pe ngui n
R obynne R andom
Ch utkan H ouse
1147888 The Bloat Cure M.D. Avery L LC 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Jen ki ns, H ouse
1147322 ContamiNation Mckay. Avery L LC 2016 Rp 1,344,000

R obert Arc ad ia IN scri be

1146151 Tufts Medical Center Bloom be rg Am
Publeri shi ng
ic an Di gietal
Am ri can 2015 Rp 476,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for the Integr ati ve Mc Ne il l, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1145304 D eve lopm e ntal Mod el Bri an n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Me thodol ogic al Iss ues and Strategi es i n Cli ni cal Kazd in, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1145303 R e searc h Alan E. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
R ubin , Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1145302 Humanistic Psychotherapies Sh aw n n
Am er ic an n
Am e ri can 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Monastra, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1145300 Teaching Life Skills to Children and Teens WithADHD Vi nce nt J. Am
n er ic an n e ri can
Am 2015 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
A Stu de nt' s Gu ide to As se ssm en t an d Di agnosi s Schaff er, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1145299 U sing the ICD -10-CM Jac k n n 2016 Rp 2,519,000

Furm an,
1145292 Neuro-Otology Jos eph M. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,240,000

Cabral ,
1145272 Stem Cell Manufacturing Joaqui m S. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,062,000

Ges chw ind

1145264 Neurogenetics, Part I , D ani e l H . Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 9,240,000

Pi ggott, Nor th
1145257 Handbook of the Economics of PopulationAging John Hol l and Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,208,000

Pi ggott, Nor th
1145256 Handbook of the Economics of PopulationAging John Hol l and Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,208,000

Fre em an, Ac ad em ic
1145254 Forensic Epidemiology Mic hael D. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,366,000
H ac kney,
1145237 Exercise, Sport, and Bioanalytical Chemistry C. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,846,000

R edd y,
A dvan ce s i n Pathobiol ogy and Man age m ent of Sakam uri Ac ad em ic
1145236 Page t’ s Dis ease of B on e V. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000

ISTE Pre ss
1145224 Biodiversity and Health Morand, S. - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,360,000

Le R oux, ISTE Pre ss

1145203 Navelbine® and Taxotère® Muri el - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Sawyer ,
1145186 Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine Dougl as B. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp60,480,000

Bé ranger , ISTE Pre ss

1145184 Big Data and Ethics Jé rôm e - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,368,000

Ac ad em ic
1145182 History of Risk Assessment in Toxicology Bobst, Sol. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 1,678,000

T he Com pl e x Connec ti on B etwe e n Cannabis and Com pton , Ac ad em ic

1145170 Sc hizophre ni a Mic hael T. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

Wood head
1145169 Bioinspired Materials for MedicalApplications TotalBoox Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,904,000
Bu tter wort
Lym an, He i nem an
1145164 Ambulatory Surgery Center Safety Guidebook Dale n Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 2,350,000

Azm i, Ac ad em ic
1145156 Conquering RAS Asfar S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,376,000

Os trove , Ac ad em ic
1145153 How to Validate a Pharmaceutical Process Ste ve Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,678,000
R ome ro-
Gonzál ez,
1145149 Applications in High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Robe rto Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,368,000

1145145 Design of Hybrid Molecules for Drug Development Decker, M. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

Che n,
1145141 Validamycin and Its Derivatives Xi aol ong Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000
Ghane i, Ac ad em ic
1145133 Mustard Lung Mostafa. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,360,000

Ac ad em ic
1145124 Key Advances in Clinical Informatics Aziz Sheikh Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
Syed -
Abdul , Ac ad em ic
1145123 Participatory Health Through Social Media Sh abbi r. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,678,000

ISTE Pre ss
1145097 DynemicinA, Uncialamycin andAnalogues Best, Daniel. - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,696,000
Garci a-
Gar ci a, Ac ad em ic
1145095 Chronic Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations Gui ll erm o Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Ac ad em ic
1145094 AnAtlas of Skeletal Trauma in Medico-Legal Contexts Soren Blau Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,400,000

Vid ić , Ac ad em ic
1145086 Atlas of the Human Body Branis lav Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,384,000
Love ,
Bri an Ac ad em ic
1145081 Biomaterials Jam es Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,360,000

Ac ad em ic
1145075 Adverse Events and Oncotargeted Kinase Inhibitors Tridente, G. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000
Arum uga
Japanes e Kam po Med ic ine s for th e Tre atm ent of Som asund Ac ad em ic
1145074 Com m on Di se as es aram Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

She ets, Ac ad em ic
1145071 Fundamentals of Biologicals Regulation Re bec ca Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru
1145068 Nanostructures for Cancer Therapy Mihai Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,552,000

Am itava Ac ad em ic
1145067 Alcohol, Drugs, Genes and the Clinical Laboratory Dasgupta Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000

Phi ll i p S. Ac ad em ic
1145066 Conservation for theAnthropocene Ocean Le vin Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,182,000

Wats on, Ac ad em ic
1145065 Addictive Substances and Neurological Disease Ronal d R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

D ie tary Fibe r for the P reve ntion of Car diovasc ular Samaan, Ac ad em ic
1145063 D ise ase Rodn ey A . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,032,000

Jiang, Ac ad em ic
1145061 Neurotoxicity of Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine Xi nguo Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

N arayan, Wood head

1145056 Nanobiomaterials Roge r Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 8,904,000
Dei se nham
me r,
1145047 Cerebrospinal Fluid in Neurologic Disorders Flori an. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,240,000

Spe tzle r,
1145044 Arteriovenous and Cavernous Malformations Robe rt F. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,240,000

Czł onkows
1145042 Wilson Disease ka, Anna Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,240,000

Fi nk, Ac ad em ic
1145016 Stress: Concepts, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior George Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Ac ad em ic
1145006 Network Functions and Plasticity Jing, Jian Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Vald ram i di ISTE Pre ss

1144999 Modeling in Food Microbiology s, Vasi li s P . - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,184,000

1144998 Nanostructures forAntimicrobial Therapy ANT ON. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,552,000
Androne sc
1144997 Nanostructures for Drug Delivery Ecater ina. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,552,000

De ssai n, Ac ad em ic
1144988 Preserving the Promise Sc ott Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 1,678,000

Ac ad em ic
1144984 Toxicology: What Everyone Should Know Bast,Aalt. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

She lton, Wood head

1144977 Biocompatibility of Dental Biomaterials Ri chard Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

R ozanov, Ac ad em ic
1144976 Stress and Epigenetics in Suicide Vse vol od Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,014,000

Wil l em se n, Ac ad em ic
1144973 Fragile X Syndrome Rob Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000
Bu tter wort
A mbi en t A ssi sted Li vin g and E nhance d Livi ng Dobre , He i nem an
1144970 E nvir on me nts Ci pri an n Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,032,000

Mi gli s, Ac ad em ic
1144969 Sleep and Neurologic Disease Mitch el l G. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

T he Ne urobi ology of Brain and B ehavi oral Gi bb, Ac ad em ic

1144968 D eve lopm e nt Robbi n Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Gall agher , Ac ad em ic
1144967 Ethical Challenges in Oncology Col l ee n Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Bl um , Ac ad em ic
1144966 Adenosine Receptors in Neurodegenerative Diseases David Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Bi rre r, Ac ad em ic
1144964 TranslationalAdvances in Gynecologic Cancers Mic hael J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Wi jdi cks ,
1144962 Critical Care Neurology Part II Ee lco F. M. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,400,000
Sid haye ,
L ung E pithe li al Bi ol ogy i n the Pathogene si s of Ve nkatara Ac ad em ic
1144961 P ulm onary D ise ase mana K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Evans, Ac ad em ic
1144960 Rhythmic Stimulation Procedures in Neuromodulation Jam es R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Wi jdi cks ,
1144958 Critical Care Neurology Part I Ee lco F. M. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,400,000

Pl astic s i n Me di cal De vic es for Cardi ovas cul ar Pad salgi ka Wi ll iam
1144956 A ppl ic ati on s r, A jay And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,048,000

A nal ytic al Che m istry for Asse ss ing Med ic ati on Tanna,
1144954 A dhe renc e Sange eta Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,678,000

Gup ta, P. Ac ad em ic
1144953 Fundamentals of Toxicology K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000

Conn, P. Ac ad em ic
1144952 Conn's Translational Neuroscience Mic hael Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,544,000

Gre en , Ac ad em ic
1144949 Linked by Blood: Hemophilia andAIDS David Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,350,000

Fanos, Ac ad em ic
1144942 Metabolomics and Microbiomics Vassi li os. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,032,000
He mans hu Ac ad em ic
1144940 Essentials of Neuroanesthesia . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,720,000

Mari n, Ac ad em ic
1144930 Global Health Informatics He im ar F. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,022,000

P har mace uti cal Med ici ne and Transl ati onal Vohora, Ac ad em ic
1144920 Cl ini cal R ese arch Divya Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,200,000

Be rge r,
1144912 Gliomas Mitch el S. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,240,000

Wats on, Ac ad em ic
1144908 Nutritional Modulators of Pain in theAging Population Ronal d R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Laws , Ac ad em ic
1144892 Cushing's Disease Edw ard R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,350,000
Arge nzi an
o, Ac ad em ic
1144889 Cutaneous Melanoma Giu sep pe Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Ahm ad, Ac ad em ic
1144888 Introduction to Cancer Metastasis Aami r Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,880,000

H andbook of Sup portive and Pal l iative R ad iation Kri shnan, Ac ad em ic

1144870 O ncol ogy Monic a S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Busc hm an Wood head

1144868 Biomechanics of Tendons and Ligaments n, Johanna Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,896,000

Wall , J. Wood head

1144866 Functionalised Cardiovascular Stents Ger ard . Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,576,000
Sie dl ec ki,
H em ocom patibi l ity of B iom ate ri al s for Cli nic al Ch ris top he Wood head
1144865 A ppl ic ati on s r A. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 9,576,000
Vi sw anath
an, Ac ad em ic
1144864 Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Sow m ya. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

Kurtböke , Ac ad em ic
1144860 Microbial Resources Ip ek Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Wats on, Ac ad em ic
1144846 PhysicalActivity and theAging Brain Ronal d R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

N ie mi , Ac ad em ic
1144844 Notes in the Category of C Ste ven M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 1,510,000

Li twack, Ac ad em ic
1144840 Klotho Ger al d Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,056,000

Casanue va Ac ad em ic
1144835 Growth Hormone in Health and Disease , Fe l ipe F. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000

E me rgi ng N anote chnol ogie s for Di agnos ti cs , D rug Mi tr a,

1144831 D el ive ry and Med ic al D evi ce s Ashi m K. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,048,000

Ge orga, Ac ad em ic
1144819 Personalized Predictive Modeling in Type 1 Diabetes Ele ni I. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 4,368,000

Mi ttal, Ac ad em ic
1144811 How to Develop Robust Solid Oral Dosage Forms Bhavis hya Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,350,000

Parikh , Ac ad em ic
1144809 How to Optimize Fluid Bed Processing Technology Dil i p M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,182,000

Shaml e y, Ac ad em ic
1144808 A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Clinical Trials Del va Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,022,000

Mi cr osize d and Nanosi zed Car rie rs for Čali ja, Ac ad em ic

1144796 N onster oidal Anti-Inflam m atory Drugs Bojan Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
Athanasi o
Athe roscl er oti c Plaque Character izati on Me thods u, Ac ad em ic
1144795 B as ed on Coronary Im aging Lambr os S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,048,000

Cl ini cal Gui de to P rinc ip le s of Fi be r-Re inforc ed Val li ttu, Wood head
1144786 Com posi tes in De ntistry Pekka Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,896,000

Fowl er , Ac ad em ic
1144781 Electronic Waste Bruc e A . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,200,000

R e cen t De ve l opm ents in Polym e r Macr o, Mi cr o P. M., Wood head

1144780 and Nano B le nds Vi sakh. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,400,000

Ac ad em ic
1144772 Biomarkers inAlzheimer's Disease Khan, T. K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Z ie buhr, Ac ad em ic
1144762 Coronaviruses John Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000

Prabhakar, Ac ad em ic
1144755 Complications in Neuroanesthesia He mans hu Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Zahe er-ud - Ac ad em ic
1144749 Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services din Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

Farooqui , Ac ad em ic
1144748 TraceAmines and Neurological Disorders Tahi ra Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Manage me nt of H em ostasi s and Coagul opathie s N guyen,

1144746 for Su rgic al and Criti call y Il l Pati ents Andy Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Mant, Ac ad em ic
1144741 Beyond the Bones Mad el ei ne Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,342,000

Phi lp ott, Ac ad em ic
1144740 Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation Jonathan. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,368,000

Ud din, Ac ad em ic
1144729 Salience Network of the Human Brain Luc ina Q . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 1,342,000
Introdu ction to EEG - an d Spe ec h-Base d E moti on Pri yanka Ac ad em ic
1144719 R e cogni ti on A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000
Par ede s, Ac ad em ic
1144711 Core Concepts in Clinical Infectious Diseases (CCCID) Carl os Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Sum ner , Ac ad em ic
1144701 Spinal MuscularAtrophy Ch arl otte J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Gottl i eb, Ac ad em ic
1144700 Cardio-Oncology Robe rta A . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,048,000

D rug D isc overy Approach es for the Tre atm e nt of Ad ejare , Ac ad em ic

1144696 N eu rode gene rative Di sorde rs Ade boye Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Pre e dy, Ac ad em ic
1144693 Handbook of Cannabis and Related Pathologies Vi ctor R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,400,000

Khali l, Ac ad em ic
1144689 Endothelium Raouf A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,602,000
Mus oke,
Mar ia G. Ac ad em ic
1144679 Informed and Healthy N. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,014,000

Moni torin g and E val uation of Bi om ateri als and N arayan, Wood head
1144666 T hei r Pe rform ance In Vi vo Roge r Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,392,000

El iade s, Wood head

1144659 OrthodonticApplications of Biomaterials The odore Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,400,000

Pi attel l i, Wood head

1144655 Bone Response to Dental Implant Materials Adri ano Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,904,000
D' A
Intrace ll ul ar Conse que nce s of Am yl oid in ndre a, Ac ad em ic
1144652 A lzhe im er 's D ise ase Mic hael R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,350,000

Krabbe, Ac ad em ic
1144621 The Measurement of Health and Health Status Pau l. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000

Chan, Ac ad em ic
1144618 The Norovirus Pau l K. S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

Ve l ayati, Ac ad em ic
1144606 Atlas of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Ali Akbar Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Al ber t, Ac ad em ic
1144599 Hyperpolarized and Inert Gas MRI Mitch el l S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,880,000

Mi ll er , Wood head
1144598 Managing the Drug Discovery Process Su san M. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,056,000

Ac ad em ic
1144594 Drug Metabolism in Diseases Xie, Wen. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Wood head
1144593 Material-Tissue Interfacial Phenomena TotalBoox Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,904,000
ELIZ ABET Wood head
1144591 Mechanical Testing of Orthopaedic Implants H. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,400,000

Jen nings , Wood head

1144590 Chitosan Based Biomaterials Volume 2 J. Am ber Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,904,000
Grum eze sc
N anobiom ate ri al s i n Gal e nic Form ul ati ons and Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1144580 Cosm e ti cs Mihai And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000
Grum eze sc
Ale xan dru Wi ll iam
1144579 Nanobiomaterials inAntimicrobial Therapy Mihai . And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

Utham ant Ac ad em ic
1144578 Patient Derived Tumor Xenograft Models hil , Raje sh. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Z ahr , Ac ad em ic
1144575 Imaging theAddicted Brain Natal ie . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,056,000
Skw ar czyn
1144572 Micro- and Nanotechnology in Vaccine Development Mar ius z Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 6,048,000

Canal es , Ac ad em ic
1144568 Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus Ju an J. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000

Fröhl ic h, Ac ad em ic
1144567 Network Neuroscience Flavi o Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Calcu tt, Ac ad em ic
1144551 Controversies In Diabetic Neuropathy Ni gel A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,056,000

P har macol ogic al M ec hani sm s an d the Modu lation Barre tt, Ac ad em ic

1144546 of P ai n Jam es E. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,602,000

Ac ad em ic
1144535 Campylobacter Klein, G. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 2,686,000

B io-Instruc ti ve Scaffol ds for Mus cul oske le tal Brow n, Ac ad em ic

1144532 T iss ue Engi ne eri ng and R ege ner ati ve M edi ci ne Ju stin. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000
Sc ognami g
B iose nsors for Sus tai nable Food - Ne w li o,
1144528 O pportuni tie s and Tec hni cal Ch al le nge s Vi vi ana. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,568,000

Ni chol son, Wood head

1144525 Materials for the Direct Restoration of Teeth John . Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,224,000
Van Der
Lin de,
1144508 Aneurysms-Osteoarthritis Syndrome Den ise Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 5,040,000

Sc ie nce and Pri nci pl es of Bi ode grad abl e and Z han g, Wood head
1144503 B iore sorbabl e M edi cal Pol ym ers Xi an g Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,904,000
Özde m ir,
N anote chn ology Me thods for N eur ologi cal Yas em i n Ac ad em ic
1144497 D ise ase s and Brain Tum ors Gürsoy Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000

Orte ga, Chandos

1144491 Social Network Sites for Scientists Jos é Lui s Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,653,000

Coope r, Wood head

1144478 Advances in Polyurethane Biomaterials Stuart L . Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp10,584,000

H yl and, Ac ad em ic
1144477 The Gut-BrainAxis Ni al l . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,384,000

Gi nsbur g, Ac ad em ic
1144473 Genomic and Precision Medicine Geoff re y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2018 Rp 3,864,000

P yran te l Paras iti ci de The rapy i n H um ans and Mar chi ond Ac ad em ic
1144471 D om e stic Ani m al s o, Al an A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000
Kum ar,
Raje ndra Ac ad em ic
1144469 Gonadotropins: From Bench Side to Bedside T. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000

Ac ad em ic
1144458 Life-Threatening Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs Manu, Peter Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Kon, Ac ad em ic
1144435 Antibiotic Resistance Kate ryna. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Ge rli , Ac ad em ic
1144429 Sjogren's Syndrome Robe rt. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,326,000

Che lation The rapy i n the T reatme nt of Me tal Ac ad em ic

1144425 Intoxic ati on Aaseth, Jan. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

R ic ke, Ac ad em ic
1144423 Producing Safe Eggs Ste ven C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

H ou ssam i, Ac ad em ic
1144419 Breast Cancer Screening Ne hm at Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,544,000

Wol fe, Ac ad em ic
1144417 Developing Therapeutics forAlzheimer's Disease Mic hael S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

Ågre n, Wood head

1144405 Wound Healing Biomaterials - Volume 2 Magn us S. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp12,264,000

Ågre n, Wood head

1144404 Wound Healing Biomaterials - Volume 1 Magn us S. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,904,000

Dow ney, Wood head

1144388 Advances in FoodAuthenticity Testing Ger ard . Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp10,080,000
H ubbar d,
Jac quel in e Ac ad em ic
1144374 Astrocytes and Epilepsy A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000

Malagol i, Ac ad em ic
1144371 The Evolution of the Immune System Davide Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Modjarrad, Ac ad em ic
1144370 Human Vaccines Kayvon Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,032,000

Dziu bla, Ac ad em ic
1144366 Oxidative Stress and Biomaterials Thom as Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

A dvan ce s i n N an om e di ci ne for the De li very of N im es h, Wood head

1144365 T herape uti c N ucl e ic Aci ds Su ren Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,224,000

R apid Im mu note sts for Cli ni cal, Food and Goryac hev
1144359 E nvir on me ntal Ap pli cations a, Iri na Yu Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,568,000
Lance ll otti , Ac ad em ic
1144348 Anticancer Treatments and Cardiotoxicity Patri zio. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

El H ad y, Ac ad em ic
1144347 Closed Loop Neuroscience Ahm ed . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000

Soci al A spe cts of Drug Dis cove ry, D eve lop me nt Os akw e, Ac ad em ic
1144344 and Comm e rci al i zation Odi li a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000

Fe igi n,
1144342 Huntington Disease Andre w S. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 9,240,000

Bal lari n, Ac ad em ic
1144338 Lessons in Immunity Lori ano Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Di xon , Ac ad em ic
1144317 Health Information Exchange Bri an E. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Parke r, Ac ad em ic
1144316 Atlas of Histology of the Juvenile Rat George A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

Mous a, Ac ad em ic
1144315 Anti-Angiogenesis Strategies in Cancer Therapies Sh ake r A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000
Davi d,
Se an P. , Ac ad em ic
1144301 Genomic and Precision Medicine ed itor. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,864,000

N eu ronal and Synaptic Dysfun ction in Au ti sm Ac ad em ic

1144300 Spe ctru m Dis orde r and In te l le ctual Dis abi l ity Sala, Carlo Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Ac ad em ic
1144296 Immune Rebalancing Boraschi, D. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Jel l iff e, Ac ad em ic
1144295 Individualized Drug Therapy for Patients Roge r W . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Bos e, Ac ad em ic
1144294 Materials and Devices for Bone Disorders Su sm ita. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000
Me se nch ymal Str omal Cel ls As Tum or Strom al , Marc el a Ac ad em ic
1144288 Mod ulators F. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,376,000
Ibr ahi m Ac ad em ic
1144284 3D Bioprinting Tari k. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

T he Cere bral Cor te x i n N eur odege ne rati ve an d Cec he tto, Ac ad em ic

1144276 N eu ropsyc hiatri c Di sord ers David F. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

N oh mi , Ac ad em ic
1144275 Thresholds of Genotoxic Carcinogens Take hiko Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,368,000

Sir oi s, Ac ad em ic
1144267 Procrastination, Health, and Well-Being Fusc hia M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,518,000

Lazar ov , Ac ad em ic
1144264 Genes, Environment andAlzheimer's Disease Orl y Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

H am bli n, Ac ad em ic
1144262 Imaging in Dermatology Mic hael R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000
Me di na-
Fran co, Ac ad em ic
1144260 Epi-Informatics Jos é L. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

N ei gh, Ac ad em ic
1144247 Sex Differences in Physiology Gre tc hen Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,704,000

Le e, Sang Ac ad em ic
1144243 In Situ Tissue Regeneration Ji n Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

T he Innate Im mu ne Re spon se to Noni nfec tious Am adori , Ac ad em ic

1144240 Stre ssors Mas si mo Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000

N eu roim aging Per sonali ty, Soci al Cogn ition, and Absh er, Ac ad em ic
1144234 Characte r John R . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000

N eu ropath ology of D rug Ad di ctions and Pre e dy, Ac ad em ic

1144232 Subs tanc e Mis use Volu me 3 Vi ctor R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

N eu ropath ology of D rug Ad di ctions and Pre e dy, Ac ad em ic

1144230 Subs tanc e Mis use Volu me 1 Vi ctor R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,718,000

N eu ropath ology of D rug Ad di ctions and Pre e dy, Ac ad em ic

1144229 Subs tanc e Mis use Volu me 2 Vi ctor R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

Jen nings , Wood head

1144225 Chitosan Based Biomaterials Volume 1 J. Am ber Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,904,000
H ess e,
Bradford Ac ad em ic
1144223 Oncology Informatics W. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Isaac s, Ac ad em ic
1144216 Hsp90 in Cancer: Beyond the Usual Suspects Je nni fer Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,746,000

Kradi n, Ac ad em ic
1144212 Understanding Pulmonary Pathology Ri chard L. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,704,000

Ac ad em ic
1144208 Translational Neuroimmunology in Multiple Sclerosis Arnon, R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000

A Hi stori cal In tr od ucti on to Mathem atic al Foppa, Ivo Ac ad em ic

1144202 Mod el ing of Infec ti ous Di sease s M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,686,000

Mol e cul ar Bi ologi cal Marker s for T oxi col ogy and Fowl er , Ac ad em ic
1144198 R is k Ass es sm ent Bruc e A . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Baski n, Ac ad em ic
1144191 Ensuring National Biosecurity Carol e R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000

Mohl er, Ac ad em ic
1144189 Regenerative Medicine for PeripheralArtery Disease Em il e R. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Ac ad em ic
1144187 Mass Spectrometry for the Clinical Laboratory Nair, Hari. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Ebara, Wi ll iam
1144183 Biomaterials Nanoarchitectonics Mitsu hiro And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000

H igh -T hroughpu t Form ulation De vel opm ent of Kle e mann, Wood head
1144179 B ioph arm ace utic al s Ger d R . Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000
Le xa,
Fran k Ac ad em ic
1144171 Leadership Lessons for Health Care Providers Jam es Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,678,000

Pande y, Wood head

1144158 Predictive Modeling of Pharmaceutical Unit Operations Pre etanshu Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 7,056,000

Patward ha Ac ad em ic
1144148 InnovativeApproaches in Drug Discovery n, Bhush an Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,022,000

Laure nc e, Ac ad em ic
1144143 Translating MicroRNAs to the Clinic Je ff rey Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 4,704,000

Gi nsbur g, Ac ad em ic
1144125 Genomic and Precision Medicine Geoff re y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,864,000

Forni to, Ac ad em ic
1144106 Fundamentals of Brain Network Analysis Ale x Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000
Cardi ac MR I i n D iagnosi s, Cli nic al Manage me nt,
and Prognos is of Arrhythm ogeni c Ri ght Abi dov, Ac ad em ic
1144095 Ven tri cu lar Cardi om yopathy/Dys plasi a Aid en Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Pi ttoc k,
1144072 Autoimmune Neurology Se an J. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,240,000
H ol l is-
Saw yer, Ac ad em ic
1144066 Women and PositiveAging Lis a A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,014,000

Kum ar, Ac ad em ic
1144065 Medical and Health Genomics Dhavend ra Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,022,000

Cardi oske le tal Myopathi es in Chil dre n and Young Jeff er ie s, Ac ad em ic

1144056 A dul ts John Lynn . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 8,398,000

Pi ggott, Nor th
1144049 Handbook of the Economics of PopulationAging John Hol l and Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 9,912,000

Dale fie ld ,
1144026 Veterinary Toxicology forAustralia and New Zealand Rosal ind Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2017 Rp 3,358,000
R atcl i ffe ,
Mic hael Ac ad em ic
1144023 Encyclopedia of Immunobiology J. H. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp82,320,000

Arc ad ia IN scri be
1143367 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Bob Kelley Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2015 Rp 476,000

J. Gregor y Arc ad ia IN scri be

1142320 Pennhurst State School and Hospital Pir mann Publ i shi ng Di gi tal 2015 Rp 476,000

DaNi ta Arc ad ia
Internation IN scri be
1142308 Vetter Health Services Naim ol i Publ i shi ng Q
al Diuinte
gi tal sse n 2015 Rp 476,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Ale xan der , Publ i shi ng Com pany
1141339 TheAlexander Discipline R. G. Group Inc . 2016 Rp 3,528,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
Vi rtual R e al ity Enhance d Robotic Syste ms for n Sc ie nce Pe ngui n
1141262 D isabi li ty Re habil i tation Hu, Fei. R efe renc e RIGI Global
andom 2016 Rp 5,880,000
H ouse
Tanaka, No Starc h (Pu bli she r
1141164 The Manga Guide to Physiology Etsuro. Pre ss Se rvic es ) 2015 Rp 447,000
John Wil e y
Che stnutt, Wi le y- & Sons,
1140956 Dental Public Health at a Glance I. G. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Baum , Oxford
Matt hew Uni ver sity Am
O UP e ri can
1140408 The Neuroethics of Biomarkers L. Pre ss P reme ty
Soci i um
of 2016 Rp 4,759,000
H eal th
Syste m
Boyl e, P har maci st
1140093 Career Paths in Inpatient Pharmacy Jac lyn ASHP s 2016 Rp 308,000
The Gu il ford
McCaule y, Gui lford P ubli cation
1139937 BehavioralActivation withAdolescents Eli zabe th Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Taylor &
Franc is
1139901 The Ethics of Pregnancy,Abortion and Childbirth Watt, Helen Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,920,000

Vardanyan Ac ad em ic
1139874 Synthesis of Best-Seller Drugs , RḲ ube n Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,718,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mc Carthy, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1139873 Nursing Concept Analysis Ger al di ne Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
O xford
Warin g, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1139869 The Healing Virtues Duff R . Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,268,000
M& K
A Str ate gic Gui de to Contin uing Profe ssi onal M&K Up date
1139865 D eve lopm e nt for H eal th an d Care Profe ssi onals Hearle, Deb Publ i shi ng L td . 2016 Rp 672,000
Hu man
R ie ger, Kin etic s, H um an
1139833 EuropeActive's Essentials for Personal Trainers Thom as Inc. Ki neti cs 2016 Rp 2,940,000
Cam pus
Ehre nber g, Campu s Ver lag
1139827 Das erschöpfte Selbst Alai n Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 950,000
ew John Wil e y
Eld re dge, & Sons,
1139685 Planning Health Promotion Programs L. Kay Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000

Grum eze sc Wi ll iam

1136703 Fabrication and Self-Assembly of Nanobiomaterials u, A le xan And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,552,000

E me rgi ng Tr end s i n Me di cal Pl as ti c Engi nee ri ng Sc hönbe rg Wi ll iam

1136702 and Manufacturi ng er, Markus And rew Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000
O xford
Fe rtl e man, OUP Unngui
Pe ive rsi
n ty
1136700 The Child Protection Practice Manual Carol ine Oxford P andom
R res s USA 2016 Rp 6,298,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Clayton, Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1136652 Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Piriformis Syndrome Pau la Books Se rvic es ) 2016 Rp 699,000
The Gu il ford
Mund y, Gui lford P ubli cation
1136316 Autism and Joint Attention Pete r Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,940,000
John Wil e y
Pe rcy, Wi le y- & Sons,
1136277 Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits Dean H. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000

Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1136163 Practical Lean Leadership for Health Care Managers Aij, Kjeld H. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,119,000

N ie lse n, CR C Pre ss
1136147 Aquaporins in Health and Disease Sør en CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,999,000

Barbato, CR C Pre ss
1136143 Mapping of Nervous System Diseases Via MicroRNAs Ch ris ti an CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Kraft, CR C Pre ss
1136142 TheA–Z Guide to FoodAs Medicine Diane CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,959,000

Wi klu nd, CR C Pre ss

1136140 Medical Device Use Error Mic hael E. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Dus ton ,
A nal yzing Form , Fu nction, and Financ ing of th e Pau la CR C Pre ss
1136139 U .S. H e al th Care System Stam ps CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,519,000

Me yer, CR C Pre ss
1136138 Fluid Balance, Hydration, andAthletic Performance Flavi a CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000

R owe , CR C Pre ss
1136136 Visual Fields Via the Visual Pathway, Second Edition Fiona J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000
X ie ,
Hong- CR C Pre ss
1136135 Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics Guang CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000

Gi bson, CR C Pre ss
1136134 Rehabilitation Barbar a E. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
The Gu il ford
Striano, Gui lford P ubli cation
1135912 Doing Developmental Research Tri ci a Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
The Gu il ford
Dond ers , Gui lford P ubli cation
1135911 Neuropsychological Report Writing Jac obu s Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Ac ad em ic
1135542 Amphioxus Immunity Xu,Anlong Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,048,000
Sm ith,
Blai ne Pharm ace u P har mace u
1135492 Remington Education: Physical Pharmacy Te m pl ar tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2016 Rp 1,624,000

Fl orenc e, Pharm ace u P har mace u

1135489 Physicochemical Principles of Pharmacy A. T. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2016 Rp 2,212,000
The Gu il ford
P romoti ng Suc ce ssful Tr ans iti on to Adu lthood for Morgan, Gui lford P ubli cation
1135435 Stude nts wi th Di sabil iti es Robe rt L. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Os hins ky, H ouse
1135294 Bellevue David M. Anchor L LC 2016 Rp 1,428,000
A Hi stori ograp hic al Inqu iry In to th e T heor etic al N ie lse n, The E dwi n E dwi n
and Me thod ologi cal Im pl i cati ons of Borde rs in the May-B rith Me ll en Me l le n
1135284 Studi e s of G reat Ep ide m ic s Ohm an Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 4,479,000

Fe rraro, Mom entu Mom e ntu

1135111 Diet and Disease Kati e m Pre ss m P res s 2016 Rp 2,800,000

O' D Mom entu Mom e ntu

1135109 Nutrition Support ay, Br end a m Pre ss m P res s 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Camm , John Wil e y
Ch ris ti an Wi le y- & Sons,
1135071 Clinical Guide to Cardiology F. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,343,000
The Gu il ford
Cli ffor d, Gui lford P ubli cation
1135047 Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and Fitness Dawn Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,100,000

Obuc hows John Wil e y

H andbook for Cl in ic al Tr ials of Im agi ng and ki, Nanc y Wi le y- & Sons,
1134920 Im age-Gui de d Inte rventi ons A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,799,000
John Wil e y
Lozano, Wi le y- & Sons,
1134918 Neuromodulation in Psychiatry A. M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 5,082,000

Katze, Ac ad em ic
1134894 Viral Pathogenesis Mic hael G. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000
The Gu il ford
Schae fe r, Gui lford P ubli cation
1134864 Essential Play Therapy Techniques Ch arl e s E . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000

John Wil e y
Di mm oc k, Wi le y- & Sons,
1134859 Introduction to Modern Virology N. J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,239,000
John Wil e y
Tayl or, Wi le y- & Sons,
1134858 Forensic Odontology Jane A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,634,000

R ing,
1134787 Problem Solving in Older Cancer Patients Alastair EBN Health EBN Health 2016 Rp 1,820,000
O xford
Bai d, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1134683 Oxford Handbook of Critical Care Nursing He athe r Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,530,000
O xford
Le vy, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1134682 Oxford Handbook of Dialysis Je re my Oxford P res
ati onal 2016 Rp 1,871,000
B ook
N etw ork
Pavord, Lanter n Inte rnati on
1134676 Communication and Interpersonal Skills Eri ca Publ i shi ng al 2015 Rp 823,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Duff y, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1134503 Professional Practice Models in Nursing Joanne R . Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Sm ith, Lovi ng L oving
Auti sm Spe ctrum D isord er and T raum ati c Inc id ent Cathy He ali ng H eal ing
1134482 R e ducti on (TIR ) Dodge Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 56,000
Lovi ng L oving
T he Gen tl in g Workbook for Tee n and Adul t Kri ll , He ali ng H eal ing
1134476 Sur vivors of Chi ld Abuse Wil l iam E. Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 84,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134460 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ee ves , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134457 Osteoclasts Ce ce l ia Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Be rtucc i, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Danil o Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134456 Strength Training Rodr igue s Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
And ers on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134450 Advances in Oxytocin Research Evan Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ow el l , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134449 Alzheimer's Disease Brooke Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134448 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ow ens , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134444 Phthalates Migu el Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Daws on, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134431 Neuroinflammation in Disease Re bec ca K. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ussai n, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134430 Toxicology Del war Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R am os, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134405 U.S. Nutrition andAgricultural Research Arl ene Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp13,301,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Murp hy, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134392 BileAcids Ail e en Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Morale s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134388 Drug Overdoses andAlcohol Withdrawal David P. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Le chn er, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134385 Cancer Bre ann e Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sil va, Gyl Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Eanes Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134383 Lupus Renal Involvement Barros Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Johnson, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134355 The GUT Microbiome David A. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Moore , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134354 Pharmaceutical Formulation and Medicinal Chemistry Bruc e Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ayne s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134340 Advance Directives for End-of-life Care Je rom e Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Bryant, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134336 Abdominal Obesity Col l in Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fi she r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134335 Parkinsonism Cyn thi a Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Coll ie r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134334 Handbook on Ovarian Cancer Be thany R. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Ott o- Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A lter ati ons i n Gl uc ose Hom e ostas is in Chil dre n, Buc zkow s Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134326 A dole sc ents an d Youn g Adu lts -- W hat' s N ew ? ka, E. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Orc hard, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134325 Interprofessional Client-centred Collaborative Practice Carol e. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Stei n, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134322 Super-spreading in Infectious Diseases Ri chard A. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Porte r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134318 Ochratoxins Danie l Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Santi ago, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1134314 Abdominal Trauma andAbdominalAorticAneurysms Loui se Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000

Ege land , Ac ad em ic
1134277 Relationship Inference with Familias and R Thore Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 3,358,000
Be ntham
Ch oudhar Sci enc e
1134264 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy: Volume 1 y, M. Iqbal Publ i she rs Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 6,048,000
Be ntham
Madura, Sci enc e
1134260 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry: Volume 1 Je ff ry D. Publ i she rs Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 5,544,000

Autophagy: Can cer , O th er Pathol ogie s, H ayat, M. Ac ad em ic

1134258 Infl am m ati on, Im m uni ty, Infe ction, and A ging A. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,392,000
Be ntham
Ul -Haq, Sci enc e
1134256 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry: Volume 2 Zahe er Publ i she rs Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 5,544,000
Tsokos, Ac ad em ic
1134254 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus George C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,704,000
Du ned in
Dun ded in Ac adem i c
Ac ad em ic P res s
1134051 Trauma Informed Care in the Perinatal Period Seng, Julia Pre ss L im ite d 2015 Rp 1,092,000

R ibe yre,
1133839 J'aide Mon Enfant À Bien Parler Mar ion. Eyrolles Eyrolles 2015 Rp 251,000
Harvard H ar vard
O' M Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1133830 Why Torture Doesn't Work ara, S. M. Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,050,000
Spr inge r
She a, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Sh ei la Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1133794 Geriatric Emergent/Urgent andAmbulatory Care Sanni ng Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
She a, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Sh ei la Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1133792 Family Emergent/Urgent andAmbulatory Care Sanni ng Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
H oyt, K. Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1133791 Pediatric Emergent/Urgent andAmbulatory Care Su e Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000

Phi lp ott, Be rnan B ernan

1133687 Critical Government Documents on Health Care Don Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,848,000
Dohm ann, HCP ro, a
Te am -Bu il di ng H and book: Ac countabil ity Eil e en di vis ion of
1133132 Strate gi es for N urse s Lavin. BL R HCPro 2015 Rp 2,800,000
HCP ro, a
Mc carth y, di vis ion of
1133127 ICD-10 Compliance Mau ree n BL R HCPro 2015 Rp 4,340,000
Oxford O xford
Fre em an, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1133061 McWhinney's Textbook of Family Medicine Thom as Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 5,876,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1133048 Counselling Skills for Dietitians Gable, Judy Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,310,000
John Wil e y
N urs ing Cal cul ati ons and IV Th erapy For Boyd , For & Sons,
1133044 D um mi es - UK Cl aire Dum m ie s Inc . 2016 Rp 420,000
Corne l l
Lazris , Un ive rsi ty
1132893 Curing Medicare Andre w ILR Press P res s 2016 Rp 559,000
Corne l l
Laske r, Un ive rsi ty
1132892 Hoping to Help Ju di th ILR Press P res s 2016 Rp 447,000
Gotto, Corne ll Corne l l
Antonio Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1132883 Weill Cornell Medicine M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 882,000
Corne l l
Fre ric hs, Un ive rsi ty
1132881 Deadly River Ralp h R . ILR Press P res s 2016 Rp 559,000
HCP ro, a
T he Re si de ncy Program Di rec tor 's H andbook, Mul tere r, di vis ion of
1132781 Se cond Edi tion Sara BL R HCPro 2015 Rp 4,340,000
HCP ro, a
Ac el lo, di vis ion of
1132779 Home HealthAssessment Criteria Barbar a BL R HCPro 2015 Rp 5,740,000
HCP ro, a
Waxm an, di vis ion of
1132773 Finance and Budgeting Made Simple KT BL R HCPro 2015 Rp 2,380,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
of of
Corburn, Cali for nia Cali forni a
1132454 Slum Health Jason Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Wi klu nd, CR C Pre ss

1132075 Usability Testing of Medical Devices, Second Edition Mic hael E. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000

Gl oms ki, CR C Pre ss

1132068 Erythrocytes of the Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkeys Ch este r A. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000

CR C Pre ss
1132066 Singular SpectrumAnalysis of Biomedical Signals Sanei, Saeid CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,079,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1132044 Allergies Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Taylor &
Ch am be rs, Franc is
1131952 The Fiction of Bioethics Tod Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,480,000

Sil ver s, Taylor &

1131840 Americans with Disabilities Ani ta Routledge Franc is Ltd 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Taylor &
Vande Cree Franc is
1131719 Spiritual Care for Persons with Dementia k, L ar ry Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,500,000
Taylor &
Gosw am i , Franc is
1131700 PsychosocialAspects of Narcolepsy Mee ta Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,940,000
Taylor &
Sul le nde r, Franc is
1131643 Losses in Later Life R. Scott Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,640,000
Taylor &
R usso, Franc is
1131618 Handbook of Psychotropic Herbs Ethan Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Rasm uss en Nation al N ati onal
, Kathle e n Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1131310 Review of WIC Food Packages M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,960,000

1131302 Zelluläre Diagnostik und Therapie Ulrich Sack De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 3,920,000
Nation al N ati onal
Marton, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1131275 Measuring Serious Emotional Disturbance in Children Kris zti na Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 952,000
Wize mann Nation al N ati onal
A ppl ying a He al th L ens to Bu sin ess Prac ti ce s, , T her esa Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1131272 P oli ci es, and Investm en ts M. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Nation al N ati onal
Pool , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1131268 Bringing Public Health Into Urban Revitalization Robe rt Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,036,000
Nation al N ati onal
A sse ssi ng the Im pact of App li cations of Di gital Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1131265 H eal th R ecor ds on Al zhe im e r's Di sease R es earc h Bain, Lisa J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,036,000

1131258 Atlas of AIDS Co-infection Liu, Jinxin De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 5,488,000
IP Doc torZe d
Byrn e, Comm un ic P ubli shi ng
1131133 Psychosocial Dimensions of Medicine Ger ard ati ons P ty Ltd 2016 Rp 1,400,000
The Gu il ford
Caudi ll , Gui lford P ubli cation
1131125 Managing Pain Before It Manages You, Fourth Edition Mar gare t. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
The Gu il ford
H ofm ann, Gui lford P ubli cation
1131122 Emotion in Therapy Ste fan G. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
T he Em oti on R e gulation Skil ls System for Brow n, Gui lford P ubli cation
1131121 Cogni tive ly Ch al le nge d Cl ie nts Ju li e F. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000

Ac ad em ic
1131105 Drug-Like Properties Di, Li Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,720,000
Alzhe im e r Mi nt
's Al zh ei me r' As soci ate s
1130843 What Is Vascular Dementia? Soc ie ty. s Soc ie ty L td 2015 Rp 56,000
Alzhe im e r Mi nt
T he Progre ssi on of Al zhei m er' s Di se ase an d O the r 's Al zh ei me r' As soci ate s
1130842 D em en ti as Soc ie ty s Soc ie ty L td 2015 Rp 56,000
Alzhe im e r Mi nt
's Al zh ei me r' As soci ate s
1130841 Carers Soc ie ty. s Soc ie ty L td 2015 Rp 56,000
Alzhe im e r Mi nt
U nde rstan din g and Sup porting the Pers on w ith 's Al zh ei me r' As soci ate s
1130839 D em en ti a Soc ie ty. s oyal
R Soc ie ty N L td
ati onal 2015 Rp 56,000
Coll ege of B ook
Ge ner al N etw ork
Charlton, Practi tione Inte rnati on
1130811 Compassion Rodge r. rs al 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
R iss e, of Ill i nois of Il li noi s
1130717 Driven by Fear Gue nte r B. Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 2,660,000
Spr inge r
Moss , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mar gare t Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1130703 American Indian Health and Nursing P. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000

Sc hwarzko Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1130676 Praxiswissen für Hygienebeauftragte pf, An as e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,779,000

Gri m me r, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1130671 Psychoandrologie Be rnhard e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,179,000

H el lm ann, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1130669 Krankenhäuser zukunftssicher managen Wol fgang. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 6,579,000
Appe lbau
m, John Wil e y
Fred eri ck Wi le y- & Sons,
1130636 Thomas' Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation R. Bl ackwe ll Inc
N ati. onal 2015 Rp13,160,000
B ook
N etw ork
Patte rson, Mul til ingu Inte rnati on
1130601 Multilingual Perspectives on Child Language Disorders Jane t L. al Matt ers al 2016 Rp 4,759,000
Am e ri can
Soci e ty for
Schw ar z, Mi cr obi ol o
1130314 Zoonoses Tin o F. ASM Press gy Pre ss 2016 Rp 2,940,000
Stor ey
Gail Publ i shi ng, Store y
1130002 The Chicken Health Handbook, 2nd Edition Dame row LL C P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 979,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Kang, Tar che rPe r H ouse
1129769 The Self-Motivated Kid Sh im i K. i gee L LC 2015 Rp 1,512,000
Morgan &
Shaw- Claypool
Mol e cul ar Basi s of Deve lop me ntal An om ali e s of Sm i th , Li fe B iota
1129541 the H um an Gastrointe stinal Tr ac t Ch arl e s Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 3,780,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Le vin e, H ouse
1129470 Run, Don't Walk Ade le Avery L LC 2015 Rp 1,344,000
Mye rs, Vande rbi lt Van der bil t
Ne el y Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1128732 Recovery's Edge Laure nzo Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,372,000
Pe ngui n
R obynne R andom
Ch utkan H ouse
1128572 The Microbiome Solution M.D. Avery L LC 2015 Rp 1,344,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Gangul i, Internation P ubli shi ng
1128259 Interventional Oncology Su vranu Thieme
al Incuinte
Q . sse n 2015 Rp 8,876,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
R obbins , J. Publ i shi ng Com pany
1128258 Global Diagnosis Wil l iam Group Inc . 2016 Rp 3,304,000
John Wil e y
Stati stic s for He alth Care Managem e nt and Kros, John & Sons,
1127818 A dm ini strati on F. Jossey-Bass Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Sigm a Si gma
T he Care e r H and off: A H eal th care Le ad er’ s G uid e The ta Tau T heta Tau
to Know le dge & Wis dom Tr ans fe r A cross Mall och, Internation Inte rnati on
1126721 Ge ne rati ons Kathy al al 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Sigm a Si gma
A Practi cal Gui de to Fore nsi c The ta Tau T heta Tau
N urs ing: Inc orporating Fore nsic Pr inc ip le s Into Am ar, Internation Inte rnati on
1126719 N urs ing Practic e Ange la al al
Case mate 2016 Rp 1,679,000
P ubli she rs
Pe n and & Book
Thom as, Sword Di stri butor
1126453 Cholera Am and a J. Hi story s , L LC 2015 Rp 504,000
Pe ngui n
Van der R andom
Kol k, Pe ngui n H ouse
1124969 The Body Keeps the Score Be sse l A . Books L LC 2015 Rp 1,512,000
McDoug le , Oxford O xford
Ch ris top he Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1124769 Autism Spectrum Disorder r J. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,719,000
Oxford O xford
Gup ta, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1124764 Spine Imaging Sh ivani Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 8,274,000
Un ive rsi ty
Mi ll er , of Al be rta
Barbar a Pol ynya P res s
1124672 Idioms of Sámi Health and Healing He le n Pre ss (e BOUN D) 2015 Rp 1,176,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Groot, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1124542 Het kinderallergie formularium Hans de Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Taylor &
Le wi ndon, Franc is
1124373 Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Danie l Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,432,000
Taylor &
Mal m qvis t Franc is
1124299 Bodily Exchanges, Bioethics and Border Crossing , E rik Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,144,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pl atz, B usi nes s
1124224 Therapeutic RTMS in Neurology Thom as Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge dde s, B usi nes s
1124221 Reviews in Fluorescence 2015 Ch ris D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kurtycz, B usi nes s
1124213 The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology Danie l F. I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Stefan, Sc ie nce &
Cance r Re se arc h and Cli nic al T ri al s i n D eve lop ing Danie la B usi nes s
1124210 Countri e s Cr isti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Pe rse us
Be nson, Icon Books B ooks ,
1123819 Introducing Psychotherapy Ni gel . Ltd L LC 2015 Rp 224,000
M& K
Pri ce , M&K Up date
1122193 Ward-based Critical Care Anne M Publ i shi ng L td . 2016 Rp 1,372,000
John Wil e y
H orizontal A lve olar R i dge Au gme ntati on i n Tol stunov, Wi le y- & Sons,
1121791 Im pl ant Den ti stry Le n Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,900,000

Thou and , Pan CR C Pre ss

1121787 Bioluminescent Microbial Biosensors Gér al d Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Jose ph, CR C Pre ss

1121784 Paediatric Orthopaedics Be njami n CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,599,000

Khardori , CR C Pre ss
1121777 Food Microbiology Nancy CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Am ábil e-
Cu evas, CR C Pre ss
1121773 Antibiotics andAntibiotic Resistance in the Environment Carl os F. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,940,000

He rrm an n, CR C Pre ss
1121766 Avian Cognition Debr a S. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Patric k J. Bl ue R ide r H ouse
1120888 A Common Struggle Kenne dy Pre ss L LC 2015 Rp 1,428,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
De Vri es , Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1119349 Handboek POH-GGZ Ie tje Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1119324 Advances in Nanotheranostics I Dai, Zhifei Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eubart, B usi nes s
1119320 Repetitorium Geriatrie Rain er Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Am e ln, B usi nes s
1119319 Organisationen in Bewegung bringen Fal ko von Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
We itze , Sc ie nce &
W iss ens chafts komm uni kati on - Sc hl üsse li de e n, Mar c- Spri nger B usi nes s
1119318 A kte ure , Fal lbe i spi el e Den is Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ie ber, B usi nes s
1119311 Das transformationale Führungsstilmodell Mar kus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu che nau , Spri nger B usi nes s
1119307 Chefsache: Best of 2014 | 2015 Pete r Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ass ad i, B usi nes s
1119304 Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Farahnak Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi gnata, B usi nes s
1119292 Laparoscopic Surgery Giu sto Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oukis , B usi nes s
1119291 Primary and Revision TotalAnkle Replacement Thom as S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H em ne s, Hu mana B usi nes s
1119289 Gender, Sex Hormones and Respiratory Disease Anna R . Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Ge orge, Sc ie nce &
Anthony B usi nes s
1119287 ABC Transporters - 40 Years on M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
MH e al th Ec osyste ms and Soc ial Ne tworks in Lazaki dou, B usi nes s
1119286 H eal th care Athi na A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paner , B usi nes s
1118910 The Kidney Glade ll P . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Es calante, B usi nes s
1118909 Oncologic Emergencies Carm e n P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1118903 Paediatric Orthopaedic Trauma in Clinical Practice Aresti, Nick Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Doi dge , Pe ngui n H ouse
1118366 The Brain's Way of Healing Norm an Books L LC 2015 Rp 1,512,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Casarett , H ouse
1118202 Stoned David J. Current L LC 2015 Rp 1,820,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Son nenbu r Pe ngui n H ouse
1117936 The Good Gut g, Jus ti n Books L LC 2015 Rp 1,428,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Jose ph Pe ngui n H ouse
1117527 Anxious Le Doux Books L LC 2015 Rp 1,512,000
Pe ngui n
Ananthas R andom
wamy, H ouse
1116959 The Man Who Wasn't There Ani l. Dutton L LC 2015 Rp 1,344,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
El li ott, Pe ngui n H ouse
1116567 The Ghost in My Brain Cl ark Books L LC 2015 Rp 1,428,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Grange , H ouse
1116340 Lights and Sirens Kevi n Berkley L LC 2015 Rp 1,344,000

Bharadwaj, Be rghahn B erghahn

1114634 Conceptions Adi tya Books B ooks 2016 Rp 3,696,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bhattachar B usi nes s
1114531 Introduction to SNOMED CT yya, S. B . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P olypharm azi e i n de r B ehand lung psyc his che r Schm auss , B usi nes s
1114513 E rkrankunge n Max Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Kne he, Sc ie nce &
Hi lke B usi nes s
1114502 Die Haftung der Hebamme Mar ie Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me rkle , B usi nes s
1114490 Risk Management in Medicine Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Däum le r, B usi nes s
1114475 Social Media für die erfolgreiche Zahnarztpraxis Mar c Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Ch oudhar Sc ie nce &
O rde red Data Analysi s, Mode li ng and H ealth y, Pankaj B usi nes s
1114442 R e searc h Me thods K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Agarwal , B usi nes s
1114440 Prominent Feature Extraction for Sentiment Analysis Basant Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me di cal and Sur gic al Com pl ic ati on s of Si ckl e Ce l l Al -Sal em , B usi nes s
1114429 A nem i a Ahm ed H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
S, Spr inge r
Kathe em Sc ie nce &
P rospe cts of Organic Waste Managem en t an d the Kiyasude e B usi nes s
1114426 Si gnifi cance of E arthw orm s n Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Jay- Sc ie nce &
Rus se ll , B usi nes s
1114423 Food Safety Risks From Wildlife Mic hel e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ahm ad, B usi nes s
1114421 Lung Cancer and Personalized Medicine Aami r Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rry, Hu mana B usi nes s
1114414 Health Disparities in Respiratory Medicine Cr isti ne E. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ion Ch anne l s and Transp orte rs of Epi thel i a in H am i lton, B usi nes s
1114382 H eal th and D ise ase Kirk L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sunaer t, B usi nes s
1114381 Diffusion Tensor Imaging Ste fan Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Li nde n, Pe ngui n H ouse
1113429 Touch David J. Books L LC 2015 Rp 1,428,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Pri ce , Pe ngui
Schl üternsc Sc
H ouse
hlue ters c
1113415 Vitamania Cathe rine Books
he L
heLC 2015 Rp 1,512,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Staack, m bH & m bH &
1111593 LEBEN statt therapeutischerAkrobatik Sw en Co. KG Co. KG 2015 Rp 605,000

John Wil e y
Com bs, C. & Sons,
1110434 The Digital Patient Donald Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Minarovi ts B usi nes s
1109924 Patho-Epigenetics of Infectious Disease , Janos Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi lhe l m, B usi nes s
1109920 Non-coding RNA and the Reproductive System Dagmar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R agl and, B usi nes s
1109919 Early Modern Medicine and Natural Philosophy Evan R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T rai ni ngs- u nd Inte rventi onsprogr am m e zu r R oth, B usi nes s
1109915 Förd eru ng von Em path ie Mar cus Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maure r, B usi nes s
1109908 Hyperbare Oxygenation bei Wundheilungsstörungen Dom ini k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Wall , Sc ie nce &
Wil son B usi nes s
1109887 The Search for Human Chromosomes John Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N guyen, B usi nes s
1109879 Systems Biology of Tumor Physiology David H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Paul , Sc ie nce &
Jos eph B usi nes s
1109878 Understanding Phase Contrast MRAngiography Su res h Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Guge r, B usi nes s
1109875 Brain-Computer Interface Research Ch ris top h Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
O xford
Scarth, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1109706 Drugs inAnaesthesia and Intensive Care Edw ard Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,984,000
O xford
Bartle tt, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1109699 Secure Lives Anni e Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,701,000
Oxford O xford
Wi ll iam s, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1109697 BasicAnesthesiology Examination Review George Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 9,240,000
Oxford O xford
Starke , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1109694 Handbook of Child andAdolescent Tuberculosis Je ff rey R. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp10,500,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi le gaar d, B usi nes s
1109681 Chest Wall Deformities and Corrective Procedures Hans Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Santu ll i, B usi nes s
1109678 MicroRNA: Cancer Gae tan o Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B ene fic ial Mic roorganis ms i n Me di cal an d H eal th Li ong, B usi nes s
1109676 A ppl ic ati on s Min-T ze Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P rogres s i n the Che m istry of Organi c N atu ral Kin ghorn, B usi nes s
1109666 P roduc ts 101 A. Dougl as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Santu ll i, B usi nes s
1109665 MicroRNA: Medical Evidence Gae tan o Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Santu ll i, B usi nes s
1109663 MicroRNA: Basic Science Gae tan o Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Fens te m ac Spr inge r
her, Sc ie nce &
Pam e la Hu mana B usi nes s
1109656 Post-Acute and Long-Term Medicine Ann Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cre ma, B usi nes s
1109655 Imaging in Sports-Specific Musculoskeletal Injuries Mic hel D . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe tty, B usi nes s
1109652 Basic Electrocardiography Bre nt G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000

Swi nne n, transcr ipt T ran scri pt

1109485 Popularizing Dementia Aagje Ve rl ag Ver lag 2015 Rp 1,372,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Forse e n, De mos Com pany,
1109463 Imaging Anatomy of the Human Spine Sc ott E. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
E sse ntial Proc edu res for E me rge ncy, Urge nt, and Camp o, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1109462 P rim ary Care Sett ings , Se cond Ed ition The res a M. Comp an y Inc . 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Sw i tankow Un ive rsi ty
sky, Ir ene P res s of
1109406 A Patient-CenteredApproach for the Chronically-Ill S. UPA Am e ri ca 2016 Rp 952,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Popp er, B usi nes s
1109195 The Effects of Noise onAquatic Life II Arthur N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp13,692,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Woe stij ne, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1109193 Het urologie formularium P. van de Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Are f, B usi nes s
1109185 Advanced Glaucoma Surgery Ahm ad A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Abraham - Bohn Sc ie nce &
In pij n, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1109183 Antibiotica en infecties Loui se Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
H ol trop, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1109182 Dichter bij diabetes Roe lf. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Y uri Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1109181 Een eigen praktijk Fiss che r Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stagge , B usi nes s
1109135 Multikulturelle Teams in derAltenpflege Maya. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me lc har t, B usi nes s
1109123 Gesundheitsförderung für kleine Unternehmen Die ter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 280,000

Jacono, Me thu en B loom sbur

1109046 Theatre and Cognitive Neuroscience Vi ctor Dram a y UK 2016 Rp 3,920,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Morse , Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1108997 Frontiers in HIV Research Gene D . Publ i she rs L td . 2015 Rp 1,092,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Cal cul ator, Sci enc e P ubli she
Jaype e rs
1108995 Angelman Syndrome Ste phe n N . Publ i she rs L
B td . ers
roth 2015 Rp 3,052,000
Me di cal
Jind al , Jayp ee P ubli she rs
W orld Cli ni cs - Pul m onar y & Cr itic al Care Su rin der Brothe rs P rivate
1108837 Me di ci ne - Tuber cul osi s, Vol um e 3, N o K. Pvt. Ltd. L im ite d 2015 Rp 2,380,000
O xford
R il ey, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1108827 Manual of Simulation in Healthcare Ri chard H. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp10,498,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1108824 Microvascular Decompression Surgery Li, Shi-Ting Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce s i n N eu rote chn ology, El ec tr on ic s and Lond ral, B usi nes s
1108797 Inform ati cs Ana R ita Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Khanna, Sc ie nce &
Vi nod B usi nes s
1108791 Implantable Medical Electronics Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Erd em i r, B usi nes s
1108784 Esthetic and Functional Management of Diastema Ugur Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sur gery Duri ng N atu ral D isaste rs, Combat, Li m , B usi nes s
1108781 Te rrori st Att ac ks, and Cri si s Si tu ati on s Robe rt B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cambri a, B usi nes s
1108780 Sentic Computing Eri k Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gup ta, B usi nes s
1108778 Advances in Healthcare Informatics andAnalytics Ashi sh. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Katz, Sc ie nce &
Mu lti mod al ity M anage me nt of B orde rli ne Matt hew B usi nes s
1108777 R e sec tabl e Pan cre ati c Canc er H. G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
O' D Sc ie nce &
onohue , B usi nes s
1108776 Forensic Interviews Regarding Child SexualAbuse Wil l iam T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chalasani , B usi nes s
1108775 Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Naga Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sackhe im , Sc ie nce &
Kim ber ly B usi nes s
1108773 Pain Management and Palliative Care A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mahe r, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1108768 Care of the Obese inAdvanced Practice Nursing Lis a L. M. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
John Wil e y
Young, Wi le y- &owm
R Sons,an
1108756 Medicines Management for Nurses at a Glance Si m on Bl ackwe ll Inc .
& 2016 Rp 1,259,000
Pre nde rga R owm an L itt le fiel d
st, & P ubli shi ng
Ste phani e Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1108597 Pelvic Pain Explained A. Publ i she rs Inc . 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Ge orgetow Ge orge tow
Gre ig, n n
Jason Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1108388 Reconsidering Intellectual Disability Re im e r Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,679,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fale tti , B usi nes s
1108387 Traumatologia scheletrica Carl o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schi nne rl, B usi nes s
1108381 Risikomanagement in der prähospitalen Notfallmedizin Adol f Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sature ja: E thn ome di ci ne, Phytoc hem i cal Dive rsi ty Saei dni a, B usi nes s
1108370 and Pharm acologi cal Acti viti es Sood abe h Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1108365 Pathophysiology of Respiration w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Radw ans k B usi nes s
1108364 Novel Mechanisms of Memory a, Kasi a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ayashi , B usi nes s
1108356 Geriatric Home-Based Medical Care Je nni fer L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jacob, B usi nes s
1108353 The SAGES Manual of Groin Pain Bri an P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1108352 Advances in Clinical Science w Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Te m porom and ibul ar Joi nt Total Joi nt R epl ace me nt Me rcur i, B usi nes s
1108351 – T MJ TJR Loui s G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chrom osom al Transl ocations and Ge nom e R owle y, B usi nes s
1108350 R e arr ange m ents in Canc er Jane t D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
H ou se r, Sc ie nce &
Ch ris ti ne B usi nes s
1108345 Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 2 M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
John Wil e y
Magro, Wi le y- & Sons,
1108311 The Cutaneous Lymphoid Proliferations Cyn thi a M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 9,799,000
John Wil e y
H andbook of Sm all Ani mal R egi onal A nesthe si a Le rch e, Wi le y- & Sons,
1108310 and Analge si a Tec hniqu es Phi ll ip Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
John Wil e y
Gi erl i nski , Wi le y- & Sons,
1108306 Understanding Statistical Error Mar ek Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,623,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N eu ropsyc hologi sch es Be fundsys te m für di e Götze , B usi nes s
1108250 E rgoth erapi e Re nate Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Mol e kulare Me chani sm en de r Z el l al teru ng und Sc ie nce &
i hre Be de utung fü r Al te rse rkrankun gen de s Be hl , Spri nger B usi nes s
1108248 Me nsc he n Ch ris ti an Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mi ll er , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1107970 You CAN TeachAdvanced Med-Surg Nursing! Mar y A. Comp an y Inc . 2015 Rp 2,800,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Carozza, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1107960 Communication andAging Lin da S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 1,763,000
Pl ural Pl ural
Be nninge r, Publ i shi ng, P ubli shi ng
1107959 The Performer's Voice Mic hael S. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Bal te au, Icon Books L ightni ng

1107765 Monsieur Le Vet Syl vai n Ltd Sourc e Inc. 2016 Rp 280,000
Au y Etne r
1107754 Je Mange Sans Gluten Mar ion. Eyrolles Eyrolles 2015 Rp 305,000

Gui lb aud ,
1107750 Je Ne Mange Pas De Produits Industriels Sté fane . Eyrolles Eyrolles 2015 Rp 305,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
A n Inves ti gati on R e port on Large Publ ic H ospi tal Z han g, B usi nes s
1107725 R e form s in Chin a Lul u Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Pe de rse n, Spr inge r
Anne Sc ie nce &
Mar ie B usi nes s
1107713 Oral Infections and General Health Lynge Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sandhu, B usi nes s
1107711 Urinary Dysfunction in Prostate Cancer Jasp ree t S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z utshi , B usi nes s
1107709 Anorectal Disease Mas sarat Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mu lti dis ci pli nary Manage me nt of Com mon Bi le H azey, B usi nes s
1107708 D uct Stones Je ff rey W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wi ld t, B usi nes s
1107704 Ethical Concerns in Research on Human Trafficking Roos de Springer
Charle s Me di aesB. V.
Charl 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Such ard a, Karoli num Karol inum
1107671 Základy klinické medicíny Petr Pre ss s
Charle P res s es
Charl 2015 Rp 420,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Mě štták, Karoli num Karol inum
1107669 Základy plastické chirurgie Jan Pre ss s
Charle P res s es
Charl 2015 Rp 420,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Kos, Karoli num Karol inum
1107668 Survey of TopographicalAnatomy Jaros lav Pre ss s
Charle P res s es
Charl 2015 Rp 420,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Vil iku s, Karoli num Karol inum
1107666 Výživa sportovců Zd eně k Pre ss s
Charle P res s es
Charl 2015 Rp 420,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
R ozs ypal , Karoli num Karol inum
1107660 Základy infekčního lékařství Hanuš Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 644,000

E nvir on me ntal and He alth Is sue s i n

1107655 U nconve nti onal Oi l and Gas Deve lop me nt Rose, Tracie. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 4,032,000

R omán, Ac ad em ic
1107653 Cuban Blindness Gustavo C. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 2,518,000

Mauri ci o, Ac ad em ic
1107649 Molecular Nutrition and Diabetes Did ac Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 4,368,000

H el le r, Ac ad em ic
1107647 FORWARD to Professorship in STEM Rache l le S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 1,678,000

Rodr íg ue z, Wood head

1107644 CAPA in the Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries J. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 6,888,000
O xford
Ker r, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1107585 Oxford Textbook of Oncology David J. Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp51,450,000
O xford
Dalbe th, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1107584 Gout Ni col a Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,134,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Gi tl i n, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1107544 Behavioral Intervention Research Laura N . Comp an y E Inc
lse. vi er 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
Os chm an, Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1107532 Energy Medicine - E-Book Jam es L. e Di vi si on 2015 Rp 8,729,000
Mobi l itäts unters uchu ngen und
B el as tungsm es sunge n an Sim one
1107529 O bers che nkel amp utie rten Oeh le r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 3,136,000

Joac hi m
1107528 Medizinethik als Ethik der Pflege He il De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 1,960,000
John Wil e y
H am aid e, Wi le y- & Sons,
1107437 Complications in SmallAnimal Surgery Anni ck. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Sin nott- Oxford
Arm strong Uni ver sity O UP
1107421 Finding Consciousness , Wal te r Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 5,879,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
N ie nhui js, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1107379 Het tandheelkundig jaar 2016 M. E . L. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stel , Jaap Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1107378 Psychische gezondheidszorg op maat van de r Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mam e row, B usi nes s
1107373 Praxisanleitung in der Pflege R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Haber stro B usi nes s
1107372 Kommunikation bei Demenz h, Ju li a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1107371 Ratgeber angeborene Herzfehler bei Kindern Blum, Ulrike Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E xp erte nstandards in de r Pfl ege - ei ne Schm i dt, B usi nes s
1107370 Ge brauc hsanle itun g Si m one Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lang, B usi nes s
1107369 Beatmung für Einsteiger Hartmu t Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H am ada, B usi nes s
1107362 Varicocele and Male Infertility Alaa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1107361 Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry Spina, E. Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Gre enbe rg, Spr inge r
Tam ara Sc ie nce &
McCl intoc B usi nes s
1107360 Psychodynamic Perspectives onAging and Illness k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Pokors ki, Sc ie nce &
Mie czysl a B usi nes s
1107359 Ventilatory Disorders w Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
John Wil e y
Jahnke, & Sons,
1107229 Fragment-based Drug Discovery Wol fgang Wiley-VCH Inc . 2015 Rp 3,639,000
John Wil e y
Arons on, Wi le y- & Sons,
1107217 SmallAnimal Surgical Emergencies Lil l ian R . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000

More land- Oxford

Rus se ll , Uni ver sity O UP
1107140 Prevention, Policy, and Public Health Sarah. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 5,460,000
Com pl em e ntary and Integr ati ve T her ap ie s for Lavre tsky, Uni ver sity O UP
1107132 Me ntal He al th and A ging He le n Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp10,500,000
Oxford O xford
Boi son, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1107131 Homeostatic Control of Brain Function Detl ev Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 9,799,000
O xford
Wi lki ns, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1107126 Basic Sciences for Core Medical Training and the MRCP Robe rt Oxford P res s USA 2015 Rp 7,978,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni ver sity of
R anki n, of Mi ss ou ri
1107096 Healing theAfrican Body John Mi ssour i P res s 2015 Rp 1,820,000

Kam phaus Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1107087 Prophylaxen in der Pflege en, Ul ri ch. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Schu lze
Hoi ng, Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1107086 Pflege von Menschen mit geistigen Behinderungen Anne le n. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,899,000

Strac k, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1107085 Grundwortschatz für Pflegeberufe Ri chard e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,819,000

Bartel s, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1107081 Aktivierend-therapeutische Pflege in der Geriatrie Frie dhi ld e. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000

A nde re se lten e Sarkom e, Misc htum oren , ge ni tal e Günte r

1107029 Sarkom e und Schwange rsc haft Köh le r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 5,880,000

B ig Data i n Me di cal Sci enc e an d H eal thc are Langkafel ,

1107028 Manage me nt Pete r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2016 Rp 3,528,000

Gal eni D e loci s aff ec tis I–II / G al en . Übe r das

1107019 E rken nen erkr ankte r Körp erte il e I–II Galenus De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 9,800,000

Gau sm an n
1107014 Patientensicherheitsmanagement , Pe ter . De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 3,920,000

Günte r
1107013 Glattmuskuläre und stromale Tumoren Köh le r De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 5,880,000
R ote rm an -
Kon ie czna,
1106988 Simulations in Medicine Ir ena De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 2,744,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Dre nth, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1106975 Informatorium voor Voeding en Diëtetiek Jac quel in e Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Juška, B usi nes s
1106965 Analysis of Biological Processes Alfons as Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Schm uhl , Sc ie nce &
D ie Ge se ll sch aft De utsc her Ne urol ogen und Hans- B usi nes s
1106963 P sychi ate r i m N ati onal sozial is mu s Wal ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Krause , B usi nes s
1106962 Mit dem Glauben Berge versetzen? Ch ris ti n. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Martin B usi nes s
1106953 Alternative operative Therapien in der Uroonkologie Sc hostak Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
John Wil e y
E choc ard iography in Ped iatric and Congeni tal Lai , Wi le y- & Sons,
1106925 H eart D ise ase Wym an W. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 8,959,000

Araúj o, John Wil e y

Eustáqui o Wi le y- & Sons,
1106891 Recognizing and Correcting Developing Malocclusions A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Brash ear, De mos Com pany,
1106864 Spasticity All i son Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Skyhorse Pe rse us
Pal anis am Publ i shi ng, B ooks ,
1106592 The Paleovedic Diet y, Aki l Inc. L LC 2015 Rp 700,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Palgrave B usi nes s
1106102 Democratizing Health Care Nam, Illan Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schäbe rle , B usi nes s
1106095 Ultraschall in der Gefäßdiagnostik Wil he lm Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bu che nau , Spri nger B usi nes s
1106092 Chefsache Gesundheit II Pete r Gable r Me dirnati
Inte a B.on
V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Monash Spe ci ali ze d
H ighl ey, Uni ver sity B ook
1106019 Dancing in My Dreams Kerry Publ i shi ng Se rvic es 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge rste, B usi nes s
1106010 Der Graue Star Ronal d D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Löwe nste i Sc ie nce &
n, B usi nes s
1106009 Förderung der Lernkompetenz in der Pflegeausbildung Mec hthil d Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Bal al i- Sc ie nce &
Mood, B usi nes s
1105999 Basic and Clinical Toxicology of Mustard Compounds Mah di Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H unter, B usi nes s
1105997 Improving Patient Treatment withAttachment Theory Jonathan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ser vil lo, B usi nes s
1105996 Percutaneous Tracheostomy in Critically Ill Patients Giu sep pe Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Padoa, B usi nes s
1105995 The Overactive Pelvic Floor Anna Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Val de z, B usi nes s
1105993 Infectious Diseases in Pediatric Otolaryngology Tuli o A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chan, B usi nes s
1105988 Animal Models of Ophthalmic Diseases Ch i-Chao Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R and al l , B usi nes s
1105984 Metastatic Bone Disease R. Lor Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000

Bouc hard, Me thu en B loom sbur

1105854 Performance and the Medical Body Gianna Dram a y UK 2016 Rp 3,920,000

Langenh ov Wood head

1105743 Advances in Smart Medical Textiles e, L. van Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp10,080,000

Steve ns, Mom entu Mom e ntu

1105726 Practice Management for Healthcare Professionals Dre w. m Pre ss m P res s 2016 Rp 2,800,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1105722 UrbanizationAnd Public Health In China Li, Mu Pre ss Com pany 2015 Rp 6,804,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Si ngapore' s H eal th Car e Sys te m : W hat 50 Years Le e, Chi en Worl d P ubli shi ng
1105700 H ave Ac hie ve d Earn Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,856,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Gm o Sapi en s: The Li fe-ch angi ng Sc ie nce O f Knoe pfle r, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1105693 D esi gne r Babi es Pau l Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,856,000
John Wil e y
Jen ki ns, Wi le y- & Sons,
1105683 Dementia Care at a Glance Catharin e Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,232,000
Tavare s,
Man uel R . CR C Pre ss
1105677 Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing V S. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,879,000

Bu sch, CR C Pre ss
1105663 Leveraging Data in Healthcare Re bec ca S. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Schu ck, CR C Pre ss

1105660 Basic Principles of Analytical Ultracentrifugation Pete r. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,799,000

R adiation Prote ction in Med ic al Im aging and Ve tte r, CR C Pre ss

1105659 R adiation Onc ology Ri chard J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,519,000

N iazi , CR C Pre ss
1105651 Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics Sarfaraz CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,319,000

N iazi , CR C Pre ss
1105650 Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics Sarfaraz CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,319,000

Saha, CR C Pre ss
1105648 Bioreactors Goutam . CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 5,459,000
John Wil e y
R apid R es earch Me thod s for Nur ses , M idw ive s Wi le y- & Sons,
1105625 and He alth P rofess ional s Rees, Colin Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 923,000

H il l, Ac ad em ic
1105594 Endocannabinoids Matt hew Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 7,056,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1105581 Nursing Informatics for theAdvanced Practice Nurse Tietze, Mari Comp an y E Inc
lse. vi er 2016 Rp 3,920,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sports Injuri e s i n the Mi li tar y, An Issue of Cl in ics Ow ens , Sc ie nce s
1105518 i n Spor ts Me dic in e, E-Book Bre tt D . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,316,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Mc Gahan, Sc ie nce s
1105512 General and Vascular Ultrasound John P. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 4,535,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Abubake r, Sc ie nce s
1105511 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Secrets A. Om ar. Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,540,000
Inc .,
H eal th
We nig, Sc ie nce s
1105510 Atlas of Head and Neck Pathology Bruc e M. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp28,727,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Sc ie nce s
1105509 PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum Schick, Lois Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 9,660,000
Inc .,
H eal th
R osen stie l, Sc ie nce s
1105507 Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics Ste phe n F. Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp14,196,000
Inc .,
Churc hil l H eal th
H iggi ns, Li vin gston Sc ie nce s
1105501 Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Jam es P. e Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 8,820,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bu ck, Sc ie nce s
1105500 Review of Plastic Surgery E-Book Donald W. Elsevier Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2016 Rp 7,559,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Cifu, Sc ie nce s
1105499 Braddom's Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation David X. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp22,679,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Topol , Sc ie nce s
1105498 Textbook of Interventional Cardiology E-Book Eri c J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp21,167,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Lawr enc e, Sc ie nce s
1105495 Breastfeeding E-Book Ruth A . Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 5,627,000
Inc .,
H eal th
T ype II Di abe tes Me ll itus: A Multi di sci pl inary He id el bau Sc ie nce s
1105493 A pproach, 1e (Cl i nic s Col le ctions ), E -B ook gh, Joe l J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 5,039,000
Inc .,
Hargre ave H eal th
s, Kenne th Sc ie nce s
1105491 Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp M. Mosby Di vi si on
E lse vi er 2016 Rp15,036,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bu ck, Sc ie nce s
1105489 2015 ICD-10-PCS Draft Carol J. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,396,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Bu ck, Sc ie nce s
1105488 2015 ICD-10-CM Draft Carol J. Saunders E Dilse
vivisi on
er 2015 Rp 8,396,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Swanson, Sc ie nce s
1105486 Sabiston and Spencer Surgery of the Chest E-Book Sc ott J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp28,307,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Connol ly, Sc ie nce s
1105485 Autopsy Pathology:A Manual andAtlas E-Book Andre w J. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp18,143,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Convi ssar, Sc ie nce s
1105484 Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry Robe rt A. Mosby Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2015 Rp16,128,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Vas cul ar and In te rve nti onal Imagi ng: Case R evi e w Saad , Sc ie nce s
1105483 Se rie s E-Book Wae l E. A. Elsevier Dilse
E vivisi on
er 2016 Rp 4,115,000
Inc .,
H eal th
Spe ci alty Im aging: Pi tfal ls and Cl as si c Si gns of the El sayes , Sc ie nce s
1105471 A bdom en and Pe lvi s E-Book Khal ed M. AMIRSYS Di vi si on 2015 Rp18,899,000
IP Doc torZe d
Farre ll , Comm un ic P ubli shi ng
1105220 Addiction Medicine Mic hael ati ons P ty Ltd 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl ock, B usi nes s
1104878 Komplikationen in der Neurologie Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
H aus , Sc ie nce &
Karl - B usi nes s
1104877 Praxisbuch Biofeedback und Neurofeedback Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schol z, Spri nger B usi nes s
1104873 Die Lean-Methode im Krankenhaus Andre as. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
San- Sc ie nce &
Ju li an , B usi nes s
1104870 Cañadell's Pediatric Bone Sarcomas Mike l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B rai n Functi on and Re spons ive nes s i n D isor der s of Sannita, B usi nes s
1104867 Cons ciou sne ss Wal ter G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1104857 Psychosomatische Grundversorgung Richter, D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be ck, Spri nger B usi nes s
1104855 Faszinierendes Gehirn He nni ng Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cashfl ow-orie ntie rte s Li qui di tätsm anage m ent im Spri nger B usi nes s
1104847 Kranke nhaus Wurm,Aline Gable r Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1104842 HIV and Young People Jones, Gary Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tarlatzi s, B usi nes s
1104840 Frontiers in Gynecological Endocrinology Basil C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
O' Br Sc ie nce &
ie n, B usi nes s
1104838 Head and Neck Injuries in Young Athletes Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ayne r, B usi nes s
1104837 Understanding Kidney Diseases Hugh Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1104832 Childbirth-Related Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Riva, Diego Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tom ar, B usi nes s
1104830 Multiscale Characterization of Biological Systems Vi kas Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
O xford
Was ser ma OUP Un ive rsi ty
1104825 Suicide n, Dan uta Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,298,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1104640 Drug Information for Teens hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 1,932,000
Mc Far land
R ezne k, Com pany,
1104589 Peddling Mental Disorder Lawri e McFarland Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Ed wards- O xford
Jone s, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1104511 Essential Microbiology for Wound Care Vale ri e Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,828,000
Oxford O xford
Wals he, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1104510 Neurological Concepts inAncient Greek Medicine Thom as M. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,759,000
O xford
Thom pson, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1104506 Oxford Case Histories in Geriatric Medicine Sanj a Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 8,398,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Me tzle r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1104500 Fools and Idiots? Ir ina Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,500,000
O xford
Maie se , OUP Un ive rsi ty
1104495 Embodied Selves and Divided Minds Mic hel le Oxford P res s USA 2015 Rp 2,268,000

Te xtbook of Evol utionary P sychi atr y and Brü ne, OUP O UP

1104474 P sychos omatic Me di ci ne Mar ti n Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp 2,551,000
Pe ngui n
R andom
Thom as, Bal lantine H ouse
1104400 The Vaccine-Friendly Plan Pau l Books L LC 2016 Rp 1,512,000

Li ston, Ac ad em ic
1104373 Regulatory T Cells in Health and Disease Adri an Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 5,746,000

Shahzad, Ac ad em ic
1104371 Translational Medicine: ToolsAnd Techniques Aami r Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

H ogan, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1104288 Wirksam führen Barbar a. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000

O ts uki
1104223 認知症になった私が伝えたいこと 佐藤雅彦 大月書店 Shoten 2015 Rp 894,000

O ts uki
1104222 依存症者を治療につなげる 水澤都加佐 大月書店 Shoten 2015 Rp 894,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
T he Li ce nsi ng Exam Re vi ew Gu ide i n N urs ing Al le n, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1104184 H om e Ad mi ni strati on, Seve nth Ed ition Jam es E. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1104183 101 + Careers in Public Health, Second Edition Seltzer, Beth Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Jeff re ys, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Te ac hi ng Cul tu ral Com pe tenc e in Nur sin g and Mar ianne Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1104182 H eal th Car e, Thi rd Edi tion R. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
A n Introduc ti on to Inte rm ed iate and Advance d John Wil e y
Stati stic al An al yse s for Sp ort and E xe rc ise Ntoum an is & Sons,
1104138 Sc ie ntists , N ikos Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 2,547,000
John Wil e y
U sing Pati e nt Re porte d O utcom es to Imp rove App le by, Wi le y- & Sons,
1104137 H eal th Car e John Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,162,000
Spr inge r
Ye n, Sc ie nce &
Eli zabe th Hu mana B usi nes s
1104135 Nutrition in Cystic Fibrosis H. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Asc ie rto, Hu mana B usi nes s
1104134 Developments in T Cell Based Cancer Immunotherapies Paol o A. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Joube rt, B usi nes s
1104130 Strategic Scientific and Medical Writing Pie ter H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kuri an, B usi nes s
1104124 Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mar ina S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Inte rnati onal Confe re nce for Innovation in B usi nes s
1104121 B iom ed ic al E ngine e ring and L ife Sci enc es Ibrahim, F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lu , P u- B usi nes s
1104120 Diagnostic Imaging of Emerging Infectious Diseases Xuan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pie rgi ovan B usi nes s
1104116 Food Packaging Materials ni, Lu ci ano Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Utz Spri nger B usi nes s
1104110 Controlling & Management Review Sonderheft 3-2015 Sc häffe r Gable r Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e vie ws of Phys iol ogy, B ioc hem i stry and B usi nes s
1104108 P har macol ogy Vol . 169 Nilius, B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Love , B usi nes s
1104107 Clinical Cases in Skin of Color Porci a B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ol ive ir a, B usi nes s
1104095 Sertoli Cell Metabolism and Spermatogenesis Ped ro F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ou ld- B usi nes s
1104088 Functional Statistics andApplications Sai d, El ias Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1104074 Non-Surgical Control of Periodontal Diseases Levi, PaulA. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N icass io, B usi nes s
1104065 Psychosocial Factors inArthritis Perr y M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R adiofre que ncy A blation for Smal l He patoc el lu lar B usi nes s
1104052 Carci nom a Lau, Wan Y. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Mook- Sc ie nce &
Ju ng, B usi nes s
1104050 Aging Mechanisms In hee Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,160,000
Spr inge r
In Vi vo Cryote chni que i n Bi om edi cal R ese arch and Sc ie nce &
A ppl ic ati on for B ioi magi ng of L ivi ng Ani m al Ter ad a, B usi nes s
1104049 O rgan s Nobuo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maure r, B usi nes s
1104046 Hyperbare Oxygenation in der Infektiologie Dom ini k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fl ee nor, B usi nes s
1104034 Arterial Stiffness Bradl ey S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ibatti , B usi nes s
1104033 The Development of Immunologic Competence Dom eni co Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Louki de s, B usi nes s
1104029 Medical Data Privacy Handbook Grigor ios Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wood , B usi nes s
1104026 Pathology Practice Management Jane Pi ne Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fadare, B usi nes s
1104023 Precancerous Lesions of the Gynecologic Tract Olu wol e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pham , B usi nes s
1104022 Breast Cancer Stem Cells & Therapy Resistance Phuc Van Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Korkus uz, B usi nes s
1104019 Musculoskeletal Research and Basic Science Feza Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tufik, B usi nes s
1104018 Rodent ModelAs Tools in Ethical Biomedical Research Se rgi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me ntal He al th and Soc ial Issu es Foll owi ng a Sh ige mu ra B usi nes s
1104014 N ucl e ar Acc ide nt , Jun Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
D iagnostic and Inte rve nti onal Ul trasou nd i n Schol z, B usi nes s
1103998 Pe di atri cs and Pedi atr ic Surge ry Ste fan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Capp abi an B usi nes s
1103997 Midline Skull Base Surgery ca, P aol o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H op pe, B usi nes s
1103996 Catastrophes Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ci rcu lating Mic roRN As in Di sease D iagnostic s B usi nes s
1103995 and The ir Poten ti al B iol ogic al R e le vanc e Igaz, Peter Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
John Wil e y
P rac tic al Gu ide to Cathete r Abl ati on of Atrial Stei nber g, Wi le y- & Sons,
1103681 Fi bri ll ati on Jonathan S. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,354,000
John Wil e y
Fayers , Wi le y- & Sons,
1103660 Quality of Life Pete r M. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,471,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1103657 Medical-Surgical Nursing at a Glance Peate, Ian Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,120,000
As tral
Ne w Indi a Inte rnati on
Publ i shi ng Am
al Pri
e rivate
1103346 Immunology Nandi, S. Age ncy L im eitetydof
Soci 2015 Rp 2,128,000
H eal th
Cué ll ar , Syste m
Lourd es P har maci st
1103118 Preceptor's Handbook for Pharmacists M. ASHP s 2016 Rp 1,372,000

P rinc ip le s of Physi ology for the A nae sthe ti st, Thi rd CR C Pre ss
1103098 E diti on Kam, Peter CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 2,239,000

Costel lo, CR C Pre ss

1103097 Practical Laryngology Dec lan CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,779,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
We lsc h, Spri nger B usi nes s
1103091 Romeis - Mikroskopische Technik Ulr ic h Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kl ini km an ual P sych iatrie , Psych osom ati k und Schne i der , B usi nes s
1103090 P sychothe rapie Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Es quinas, Sc ie nce &
Antonio B usi nes s
1103089 Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,092,000
Spr inge r
R omano, Sc ie nce &
Mu lti mod al Tr eatme nt of R e curre nt Pe lv ic Giovanni B usi nes s
1103083 Col orec tal Cance r Mar ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
S3-Le itli ni e Sc re eni ng, Diagnose u nd B ehand lun g B usi nes s
1103078 al koholbe zoge ne r Störunge n Mann, K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kirc hstei ge B usi nes s
1103071 Prediction Methods for Blood Glucose Concentration r, Harald Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Larrañaga, B usi nes s
1103069 Cyberbullying Across the Globe Eli sa Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Ch anc el l or Sc ie nce &
, Mi ch ae l B usi nes s
1103064 The Underactive Bladder B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
De Sc ie nce &
Fran chi s, B usi nes s
1103063 Portal Hypertension VI Robe rto Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me hner t, B usi nes s
1103061 Melanoma Jani ce M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ovbi agel e, B usi nes s
1103058 Ischemic Stroke Therapeutics Bruc e Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bos worth, B usi nes s
1103057 Prevention Science in School Settings Kris Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ser es, Hu mana B usi nes s
1103052 Nutrition Support for the Critically Ill David S. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i dt, Hu mana B usi nes s
1103051 Extracorporeal Life Support forAdults Gre gor y A. Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ouli m , Hu mana B usi nes s
1103050 Hepatitis B Virus in Human Diseases Fabi en Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Uni ver sity
Wall och, R oche ster B oydel l &
1103027 TheAntivaccine Heresy Kare n L . Pre ss B rew er 2015 Rp 2,520,000

Arons on, El se vie r

1103014 Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs J. K. Sci enc e Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp84,000,000

Ac ad em ic
1103003 Engineered Nanoparticles Singh,A. K. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 4,200,000

Cohen , Ac adüter
Schl em sc
ic Sc hlue ters c
1103002 Mitochondrial Case Studies Bruc e H. Pre ss
he Elsevier
he Ltd. 2015 Rp 3,358,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
Form ul i eru ngshi lfe n Expe rten stand ar d Er hal tung H el lm ann, m bH & m bH &
1102903 u nd Förd er ung d er Mobil ität i n de r P fle ge Ste fani e Co. KG Co. KG 2016 Rp 353,000

Wood head
1102855 Biosynthetic Polymers for MedicalApplications Green, R.A. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,400,000

Wood head
1102853 Medical Textile Materials Qin, Yimin Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 8,400,000
Bae ts ,
Kenne th Ac ad em ic
1102851 Fossil Parasites de Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 7,762,000

Ari mond o, Ac ad em ic
1102816 Drug Discovery in Cancer Epigenetics Paol a Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,712,000
Jacobs, Oxford O xford
Lawre nce Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1102807 Health Care Reform andAmerican Politics R. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,626,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mayer, B usi nes s
1102782 Weiterbildung Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin Kon stanti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Rasti nehad Sc ie nce &
, Ar des hir B usi nes s
1102780 Interventional Urology R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
S3-Le itli ni e Sc re eni ng, Diagnose u nd B ehand lun g B usi nes s
1102774 d es sc häd li che n u nd abhängi gen Tabakkonsu ms Anil Batra Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1102773 Mentales Training Mayer, Jan Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Karas aw a, Spr inge r
Mar ine s Sc ie nce &
Mar li B usi nes s
1102767 Reproductive Diversity of Plants Gnie ch Springer
Charle s Me di aesB. V.
Charl 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
Karoli num Karol inum
1102514 Psychiatrie a pedopsychiatrie Pre ss s
Libiger, Jan Charle P res s es
Charl 2015 Rp 672,000
Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Bartoš a i n Prague , i n P ragu e,
kole kti v, Karoli num Karol inum
1102513 Diagnostika poruch vědomí Ale š Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 420,000

Walte r, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1102498 Persönlichkeitsstörungen und Sucht Mar c e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 4,899,000

Jager, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1102491 Konzepte der Psychopathologie Mar kus. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Gouzouli s-
Euph rosyn Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1102484 Kriterien stationärer psychiatrischer Behandlung e e r Verl ag GmN atibHonal 2016 Rp 6,579,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pre e dy, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1102405 Betaine Vi ctor R. Chem i stry N al ati onal 2015 Rp 7,812,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Carey, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1102400 Epigenetics for Drug Discovery Ne ssa. Chem i stry alN ati onal 2015 Rp 7,028,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Mee rsm an Internation
Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1102399 Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Magnetic Resonance n, Thom as . al
Chem i stry Q al uinte sse n 2015 Rp 7,028,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Sur gic al De si gn for Dental Re cons tructi on w ith Chi n, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1102392 Im pl ants Mar ti n Group Inc . 2015 Rp 4,312,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Varne y, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1102349 A History of Midwifery in the United States He le n Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,640,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kum brink, B usi nes s
1102155 K-Taping in Pediatrics Bir git Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Coope r, B usi nes s
1102150 Thyroid Cancer David S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi cr obi al Endoc rin ology: Inte rki ngdom Si gnal i ng B usi nes s
1102149 i n Infe ctiou s Di se ase an d H eal th Lyte, Mark. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1102147 Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery Avci, Cavit Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ei nz B usi nes s
1102144 Neuropsychodynamische Psychiatrie Böker Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ovel Pol ym eri c Bi ochi ps for Enhanc ed De te cti on H os se ini , B usi nes s
1102141 of Infe ctiou s Di se ases Sam ir a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gasparri , B usi nes s
1102137 Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism Gui do Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1102117 Ovarian Cancer in Elderly Patients Freyer, Gilles Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Şakar, B usi nes s
1102111 Removable Partial Dentures Olc ay Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
John Wil e y
Al tun, Wi le y- & Sons,
1102099 Abdominal-Pelvic MRI Ersan Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 9,239,000
John Wil e y
Wate rs, Wi le y- & Sons,
1102095 Neurological Illness in Pregnancy Jane t Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 3,695,000
John Wil e y
Ken ny, Wi le y- & Sons,
1101362 The Nuts and Bolts of Implantable Device Therapy Tom Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 2,239,000
F. A. Davis
Di ll on, Com pany/
1101286 Nursing HealthAssessment Patri ci a M. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,595,000
F. A. Davis
Pre ntic e, Com pany/
1101285 Get Fit, Stay Fit Wil l iam E. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 1,959,000
F. A. Davis
Fi nnegan, Com pany/
1101284 Medical Terminology in a Flash! Lis a F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,379,000
John Wil e y
Sm ith, & Sons,
1101255 Depressionen überwinden für Dummies Laura L. Wiley-VCH Inc . 2015 Rp 322,000
John Wil e y
Dutt a, & Sons,
1101042 Communicating Health Mohan J. Polity Inc . 2015 Rp 811,000
Gord on , Taylor &
Peggy Franc is
1100865 Psychosocial Interventions in End-of-Life Care Stur man. Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,564,000
Ch am be rla Taylor &
in, John Franc is
1100760 Medicine, Risk, Discourse and Power Mar tyn Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,144,000
John Wil e y
& Sons,
1100710 Professionalism Cribb,Alan Polity Inc . 2015 Rp 643,000
John Wil e y
H ol l and , & Sons,
1100706 Public Health Ethics Ste phe n Polity Incati. onal
N 2015 Rp 699,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
N ew H orizons in Pre di ctive D rug Me tabol i sm and Wi ls on, A. Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1100696 P har macoki ne ti cs G. E. Chem i stry al 2015 Rp 6,860,000
Kasse l
Kasse l Un ive rsi ty
Söd erfe ld t, Uni ver sity P res s
1100632 Überwindung der Körperlichkeit Ylva Pre ss Gm bH 2015 Rp 448,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kandouz, B usi nes s
1100584 Intercellular Communication in Cancer Mustapha Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stei gel e, B usi nes s
1100582 Bewegung, Mobilisation und Lagerung in der Pflege Wal trau d. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me tas tatic N eop lasm s i n Fine -Ne ed le Asp iration B usi nes s
1100574 Cytology Gong, Yun Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Lo Re , B usi nes s
1100573 Crohn’s Disease Giu sep pe Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ch iappari B usi nes s
1100571 Prognosis of Neurological Diseases ni, Lu isa Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Miyakoshi , B usi nes s
1100570 Osteoporosis in Orthopedics Naohis a Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sali s- Sc ie nce &
Kl ini sc he Unter suc hung d er Stü tz- und Sogl i o, B usi nes s
1100569 B ew egun gsorgane Georg von. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1100557 Hemo-Dynamics Zamir, M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stec k, B usi nes s
1100553 Brain and Mind Andre as Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P hysi cal Sc ie nce s an d En gine er ing A dvance s i n Janme y, B usi nes s
1100552 L ife Sci enc es and Oncol ogy Pau l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bootz, B usi nes s
1100532 Bildgebung HNO-Heilkunde Frie dri ch Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tej wani, B usi nes s
1100522 Fractures of the Tibia Ni rm al C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wagh, B usi nes s
1100521 Pancreatic Masses Mihi r S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ttal, B usi nes s
1100519 Targeting the Broadly Pathogenic Kynurenine Pathway Sand ee p Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
MT OR Inhi bition for Cance r T herapy: Past, Mi ta, B usi nes s
1100518 P res ent and Future Monic a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
John Wil e y
Larki n, Wi le y- & Sons,
1100485 Palliative Care Nursing at a Glance Phi li p Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,259,000

Laure nc e, Ac ad em ic
1100415 Translating Regenerative Medicine to the Clinic Je ff rey Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,368,000

Tan, Se ng- Ac ad em ic
1100412 Translational Immunology Lai Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000
R oyal
Bre nne r, Hi stori cal B oydel l &
1100365 Leprosy and Charity in Medieval Rouen Elm a Soci ety B rew er 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100345 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Malone , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100338 Quercetin Gre gor y Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Be nningto Sci enc e Sc ie nce
n, Ele anor Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100333 Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research H. Inc. Inc . 2016 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vil lal ba, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100321 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Euge nio Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
More no, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100318 Neurogenesis Ali ci a Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Garza, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100316 Endocannabinoids Te rry Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100315 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Garne r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100313 Phytosterols Deanna Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Wongsi ri s Sci enc e Sc ie nce
uwan, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100307 Minimally Invasive Surgery for Pituitary Adenoma Methe e Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R usso, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100305 Pacemakers and ICD Vi nce nzo Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ape trei , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100304 Corn and Coconut Oil Con stanti n Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100303 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vi lal longa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100295 Management for Failed Bariatric Procedures Ram on Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Garza, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100292 Acute Myeloid Leukemia Ju an M. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Den drami s Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100288 Brugada Syndrome , G regory Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Chaban, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100286 Unraveling the Enigma of Visceral Pain Vi ctor V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Mazu r, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Den nis Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100283 Science in Medicine John Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Mandal, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100282 Handbook of Diabetes for General Practitioners Ani l K. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H ussai n, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100268 Toxicology Del war Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Santi ago, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100265 Stuttering Dom ini ck Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Mi r, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ole of Natu ral H e rbs i n Stroke Pre ve nti on and Man zoor Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100258 T reatm ent A. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
T he Rol e of Imagi ng Te chnol ogy i n Curr ent Tsoul fas , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100257 Sur gic al Pr ac ti ce Georgi os Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Coll in s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100252 Health and Wellness of People with Disabilities Re ne e Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,360,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be nne t, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100241 Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Ch ris ty Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100240 S100B Ruiz, Rafael Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Shaw, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100239 Brugada Syndrome Hube rt Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ahm e d, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100234 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors inAdults and Children Ati f A. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P hysi cal A ctivi ty Be haviors and Dete rm inants i n Pope , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100233 Chi ld ren and Ad ole sce nts Zachary Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
A dre nal Gl ands: From Pathophys iol ogy to Cli ni cal Santu ll i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100232 E vid enc e Gae tan o Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Par as kaki s, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Em manue l Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100230 Paediatric Pulmonary Function Testing N. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Mod ulators of Glu tam ate rgi c Si gnali ng As Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P ote ntial Tre atm e nts of N eu ropsyc hiatri c Pavlovi ć, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100229 D isord er s Zoran M. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Caron, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Rose m ar y Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100223 Health Communication M. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vasqu ez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100221 Thyroid Nodules Mar sha Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gre en , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100220 Leg Ulcers and Chronic Wounds Si m on Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Kore nis , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100208 Psychiatry Board Review Pan agi ota Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Argal ious , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100204 Perioperative Neurosciences Mage d Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ad am s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1100194 Achilles Tendon andAnkle Injuries Arthur Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Franks, EMR E
Sh irl ey Non -
1100143 A Foreign Nurse's Guide to America Lorrain e. Fi ction Vearsa 2015 Rp 140,000

Be rnard,
1100105 Introduction à la médecine expérimentale Cl aude Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000

R ené
1100053 Le Corps humain Vaucai re Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 28,000
Oxford O xford
Sondak, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1099923 Melanoma Ve rnon K. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,860,000
O xford
Cosyns, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1099921 The EACVI Echo Handbook Be rnar d Oxford P res
ati onal 2016 Rp 6,298,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pre e dy, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099557 Selenium Vi ctor R. Chem i stry al
N ati onal 2015 Rp 7,812,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pre e dy, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099556 Calcium Vi ctor R. Chem i stry al
N ati onal 2015 Rp 7,812,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Gosl an, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099549 Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water Em ma Chem i stry al
N ati onal 2016 Rp 4,900,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pe te rson, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099547 Green Chemistry Strategies for Drug Discovery Em il y A. Chem i stry N
al ati onal 2015 Rp 7,028,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pre e dy, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099544 Imidazole Dipeptides Vi ctor R. Chem i stry N
al ati onal 2015 Rp 7,812,000
B ook
Dall ' R oyal N etw ork
Asta, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099540 Masked Mycotoxins in Food Ch iara. Chem i stry al
N ati onal 2015 Rp 5,852,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Li pi na, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099537 Drug Discovery for Schizophrenia Tatiana V. Chem i stry Nal ati onal 2015 Rp 6,636,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pe plow , Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099533 Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Phi li p. Chem i stry N
al ati onal 2015 Rp 7,028,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Bräse , Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1099527 Privileged Scaffolds in Medicinal Chemistry Ste fan. Chem i stry al 2015 Rp 7,028,000
Nation al N ati onal
Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1099373 Health Literacy and Consumer-Facing Technology Alper, Joe Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,036,000
T he Rol e of Cli ni cal Stud ie s for Pets wi th N atural ly Nation al N ati onal
O ccu rri ng Tum ors in Transl ati onal Canc er Gorby, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1099362 R e searc h He athe r Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 952,000

Nation al N ati onal

Pray, Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1099360 PhysicalActivity Le sli e A. Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 1,232,000
Nation al N ati onal
U sing Exis ting Platfor ms to Integrate an d Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1099359 Coord inate In ve stm ents for Chi ld ren Olson, Steve Pre ss P
pens 2015 Rp 1,092,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Conne r, Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1099351 Predicting and Changing Health Behaviour Mar k Ed ucation O L im ite d
pen 2015 Rp 7,728,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Cragg, Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1099348 Health Promotion Practice Liza Ed ucation O L im ite d
pen 2015 Rp 5,488,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Be nne tt, Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1099339 Clinical Psychology Pau l Ed ucation O L im ite d
pen 2015 Rp 7,392,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
A sse ssm e nt an d Care Pl ann ing in Mental He alth Wr ycraft, Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1099337 N urs ing Ni ck Ed ucation O L im ite d
pen 2015 Rp 5,264,000
Inte rnati on
McG raw - al
Bl aber, Hi l l P ubli shi ng
1099329 The Student Paramedic Survival Guide Am and a Ed ucation L im ite d 2015 Rp 4,816,000
Karach evts
ev, Vic tor Pan CR C Pre ss
1099107 Nanobiophysics A. Stanford (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,199,000

Pastorin , Pan CR C Pre ss

1099106 Controlled Release Systems Giorgi a Stanford (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,199,000

Machtoub, Pan CR C Pre ss

1099105 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Lin a Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

She rma, CR C Pre ss

1099103 Planar Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Jos eph CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Johnston, CR C Pre ss
1099096 100 Cases in Clinical Ethics and Law, Second Edition Carol yn CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,007,000

El -Baz, CR C Pre ss
1099089 Stochastic Modeling for Medical ImageAnalysis Aym an S. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,319,000

We bster, CR C Pre ss
1099080 Telehealth and Mobile Health John G. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,636,000

Franck, CR C Pre ss
1099075 Forensic Biomechanics and Human Injury Harold CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,799,000

We bster, CR C Pre ss
1099073 Telemedicine and Electronic Medicine John G. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,599,000
Mi shra,
Munm aya CR C Pre ss
1099072 Handbook of Encapsulation and Controlled Release K. CRC Press L LC 2016 Rp11,199,000

Brogan, CR C Pre ss
1099067 Integrative Therapies for Depression Kel ly CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,799,000

Vohora, CR C Pre ss
1099066 Safety Concerns for Herbal Drugs Divya CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000

Buc kingha CR C Pre ss

1099064 Natural Products Desk Reference m, J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000

B iom ate ri al s, Me dic al D evi ce s, and Com bin ati on Gad, CR C Pre ss
1099062 P roduc ts Sh ayne C. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,479,000

Kum ar, CR C Pre ss

1099059 Developability of Biotherapeutics Sand ee p CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

Sakurada, CR C Pre ss
1099056 Aromatherapy T. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Aue rbac h
Bi eh l, Publ i cati on CR C Pre ss
1099054 Data Warehousing for Biomedical Informatics Ri chard E. s (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jonkm an, B usi nes s
1099026 Autoimmune Bullous Diseases Mar ce l F . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
H an, Sc ie nce &
Byong- B usi nes s
1099020 Therapy of Social Medicine Hyon Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
IN T - Te rapi a neu rocogni ti va i nte grata nel R oder , B usi nes s
1099018 trattam ento del la schi zofr eni a Vol ke r. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tom asi ts , B usi nes s
1099017 Leistungsphysiologie Jos ef Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kir eye v, B usi nes s
1099007 Cardiac Imaging in Clinical Practice Dm itri y Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Abo, B usi nes s
1099006 Rehabilitation with RTMS Mas ah iro Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1099004 Performing Arts Medicine in Clinical Practice Bird, H.A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,452,000
R ay,
Si dhartha
1098997 Side Effects of DrugsAnnual D. Elsevier Elsevier
N Ltd.
ati onal 2015 Rp12,667,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
R e new abl e Re sour ce s for Fu ncti on al Pol ym ers and Pe te r Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1098963 B iom ate ri al s Wil l iam s Chem i stry al
N ati onal 2015 Rp 5,488,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Pre e dy, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1098961 Fluorine Vi ctor R. Chem i stry al ati onal
N 2015 Rp 7,812,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
Wi ls on, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1098958 Chocolate and Health Phi li p K. Chem i stry al ati onal
N 2015 Rp 2,352,000
B ook
R oyal N etw ork
H ow ar d, Soci ety of Inte rnati on
1098954 Fragment-Based Drug Discovery Ste ven. Chem i stry al 2015 Rp 6,636,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Atlas of Ne onatal El e ctroenc ep halography, Fourth Mi zr ahi , De mos Com pany,
1098951 E diti on Eli M . Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H erol d, B usi nes s
1098898 Dictionary of Rheumatology Man fr ed Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Ti car, Sc ie nce &
Johanna Spri nger B usi nes s
1098890 3DAnalysis of the Myocardial Microstructure Mar ia Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe di atri c Psyc hosoci al Oncol ogy: Te xtbook for Abram s, B usi nes s
1098886 Mu lti dis ci pli nary Care Annah N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Matti oli , B usi nes s
1098884 Endoscopic Surgery of the Lacrimal Drainage System Fran ce sco. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1098883 Rat Experimental Transplantation Surgery Balaz, Peter. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
A OSpin e M as te rs Seri es , Vol um e 6: Kand zi ora, P ubli shi ng
1098837 T horacolu mbar Sp ine T raum a Fran k Thieme Inc . 2016 Rp11,088,000
T hie m e
Me di cal
Kanekar, P ubli shi ng
1098835 Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disorders Sangam G. Thieme Inc . 2015 Rp18,844,000

Wood head
1098831 The Life-Cycle of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment Peake, B. M. Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,888,000

Lappas, Ac ad em ic
1098830 Forensic Toxicology Ni chol as Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000

Augus ti n
1098810 Moeurs intimes du passé Cabanè s Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000
De nis
1098770 Sur L'Histoire de la chirurgie par M. Peyrilhe Did erot Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 196,000
John Wil e y
Stroobandt Wi le y- & Sons,
1097994 ECG From Basics to Essentials ,R. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 2,043,000
B ril l
Le igh , Ac adem i c
1097873 On Theriac to Piso,Attributed to Galen Robe rt Brill P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 4,564,000
B ril l
Pe tr idou , Ac adem i c
1097844 Homo Patiens Georgi a Brill P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 6,104,000

De nis
1097773 Lettre d'un citoyen zélé Did erot Ligaran Primento 2015 Rp 28,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fast Fac ts for the Cli ni cal Nur se Manage r, Sec ond Fry, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1097022 E diti on Barbar a Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000

Panom a
1097006 Teach Don't Tell Alam, Áine Pre ss Vearsa 2015 Rp 196,000

1096493 A Joosr Guide To... Do No Harm by Henry Marsh He nry Joosr Vearsa 2015 Rp 84,000
Sum m ers d
Publ i she rs Pe ngui n
1096446 The Other Side of Silence Linda Gask Ltd Vearsa
R andom 2015 Rp 252,000
H ouse
Nor th L LC
Abson , Atl antic (Pu bli she r
1096083 Healing Massage Mau ree n. Books Se rvic es ) 2016 Rp 839,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bi swas, B usi nes s
1096033 Uveitis:An Update Jyoti rm ay Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Ge ige r, Sc ie nce &
Mar gare th B usi nes s
1096024 The Serpin Family e Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ndful ne ss and Bu ddhi st-De rive d Ap proache s i n Shoni n, B usi nes s
1096021 Me ntal He al th and A ddi ction Edo Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of E vid enc e-Base d Ste reotacti c Sethi , B usi nes s
1096020 R adios urge ry and Ste re otacti c B ody R adi othe rapy Rajni A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gatche l, B usi nes s
1096016 Handbook of Return to Work Robe rt J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 9,772,000
Janic ak,
Ch ris top he Be rnan B ernan
1095788 Safety Metrics r A. Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 3,108,000

Bi rkne r, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1095785 Kaufmann/Kauffrau im Gesundheitswesen Barbar a. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,159,000

Im pl em e nti e rungsw is se nsch aft für Pfle ge und H obe n, Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1095784 Ge rontol ogi e Matt hias. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 5,319,000

Köhl er, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1095782 Event-Handbuch Ve ra e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Hoff mann, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1095779 Markenbildung im Krankenhaus Si m one. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Sc hwe rm a Uni
Kohlhveram m B ookw i re
1095777 Schmerzmanagement bei akuten Schmerzen nn, Mei ke. of
e r Toron
Verl agto Gm bH 2016 Rp 2,099,000
Pre ss,
Ste phanso Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
n, Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1095745 The Secrets of Generation Raym ond Di vis ion P res s 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ti em e ns, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1095744 Implementatie van evidence based practice Be a Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Wil de rvan Bohn Sc ie nce &
ck-De kker, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1095743 Reumatologie C. M. J. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Kardi oprote kti on d urch Aktivi er ung d es Spr inge r
m i toc hondri ale n Si gnal T ransduc er and Ac tivator Sc ie nce &
of T ranscr ipti on 3 nach is chäm is che r Ge di k, B usi nes s
1095718 P ostkon diti onie rung im Sc hwe in Ni lgün . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z em p, B usi nes s
1095705 Neue Medien und kindliche Entwicklung Mar ti na Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Loe nhoff , B usi nes s
1095693 Telekommunikation gegen Isolation Je ns. Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pfli chthofe B usi nes s
1095685 Spiel und Magie in der Psychoanalyse r, Diana Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Köche rt, B usi nes s
1095665 Geschlechtsspezifische Prävention des Diabetes Typ-2 Ju li an . Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fre ric hs, B usi nes s
1095637 Fachlaufbahnen in derAltenpflege Frer ich Springer VS Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Me dic al
Inform ati o
R osie k, n Sc ie nce
1095591 Organizational Culture and Ethics in Modern Medicine Anna R efe renc e IGI Global 2016 Rp 6,300,000
Santana, Hu man
Ju an Kin etic s, H um an
1095585 Functional Training Carl os Inc. Ki neti cs 2016 Rp 615,000

T he Impor tanc e of Nutri tion A s an Inte gral Part of Me ie r,

1095546 D ise ase Managem en t Ré m y F. S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 1,988,000
Lu cas,
Cathe rine L ightni ng
1095433 Coping with a Mental Health Crisis G. SPCK Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 408,000
Skyhorse Pe rse us
Publ i shi ng, B ooks ,
1095408 Medicinal Power of Cannabis Hicks, John Inc. L LC 2015 Rp 420,000
Grosve nor
Evans, Houüter
Schl se sc LScightni ng c
hlue ters
1095098 Statins Toxic Side Effects David Publ i shi ng he
he Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 40,000
Ve rl ags ges Ver lagsge s
e ll schaft e ll sc haft
H am e tne r, m bH & m bH &
1094882 100 Fragen zu Palliative Care In grid Co. KG l Mars
Marshal Co. KG hal l 2015 Rp 353,000
Cave ndi sh Cavend is h
Internation Inte rnati on
Yi m ing, al (A sia) al (Asi a)
1094665 Living WithA.D.H.D Dr Cai Pte Ltd P te L td 2015 Rp 224,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Waydhas, B usi nes s
1094652 Weiterbildung Notfallmedizin C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl eu le r, B usi nes s
1094651 New Trends in Medical and Service Robots Hanne s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Cance r Ste m Cel ls : E me rgi ng Conc epts an d Futur e Babashah, B usi nes s
1094650 Pe rsp ec ti ves i n Tr ans lational Onc ology Sade gh Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me yer, B usi nes s
1094645 Multiresistente Erreger Eli sabe th Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe te rson, B usi nes s
1094637 Practical Urodynamics for the Clinician Andre w C. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pott s, Sc ie nce &
Je anne tte B usi nes s
1094636 Men's Health M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000

Oster brink Ver lag

1094576 Gewalt in der Pflege , Jür gen C.H.Beck C. H. Be ck 2015 Rp 1,162,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
B iostatisti cs for Ep ide m iol ogy and Publ ic H ealth Chan, B. Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1094549 U sing R K. C. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Asadi - Oxford O xford
Pooya, Al i Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1094433 Antiepileptic Drugs A. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Oxford O xford
We ine r, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1094431 Listening for What Matters Saul J. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 3,359,000

Bu tany, Ac ad em ic
1094377 Cardiovascular Pathology Jagdi sh Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 8,400,000
Spr inge r
Vi zcaychi p Sc ie nce &
i, Marce la B usi nes s
1094063 Key Topics in Management of the Critically Ill P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Thul uvath , B usi nes s
1094055 Disease RecurrenceAfter Liver Transplantation Pau l J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
De lorm e , B usi nes s
1093978 Weiterbildung Radiologie Ste fan Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be har, Spri nger B usi nes s
1093974 Modernes Krankenhausmanagement Be njami n I. Gable r Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1093973 ApoB in Clinical Care Graaf, J. de Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schu ster, B usi nes s
1093972 Sepsis und MODS Hans-Pe te r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ubé, B usi nes s
1093965 Hemodiafiltration Mens o J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi cc iol i, B usi nes s
1093962 Bones Andre a. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000

Litt le wood Be rghahn B erghahn

1093932 Cosmos, Gods and Madmen , R oland Books B ooks 2016 Rp 3,192,000

Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1093883 Telehealth in Rural Hospitals Rhoads, CJ. y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000

Los so, CR C Pre ss

1093878 The Maillard Reaction Reconsidered Jac k N. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,239,000

Mi nagar, Ac ad em ic
1093872 Multiple Sclerosis Ali re za Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000
Un ive rsi ty
H atch, Uni v O f of
Anthony Mi nnes ota Mi nne sota
1093866 Blood Sugar Ryan Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,450,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni v O f of
Maul din , Mi nnes ota Mi nne sota
1093854 Made to Hear Laura Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,450,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni v O f of
Bre nne r, Mi nnes ota Mi nne sota
1093845 So Much to Be Done Barbar a A . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,254,000
Un ive rsi ty
Uni v O f of
Sin gh , Mi nnes ota Mi nne sota
1093842 MultipleAutisms Je nni fer S. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 2,646,000
Oxford O xford
Abuj ude h, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1093787 Emergency Radiology Hani H. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp16,519,000
Hu man
Am brosi ni, Kin etic s, H um an
1093782 Instructing Hatha Yoga, 2E Diane M. Inc. Ki neti cs 2015 Rp 4,116,000
Busi ne ssN Pol iti cal
ew s Book
1093700 Summary:A Second Opinion Publ is hing Sum
al m ari e s QPrimento
uinte sse n 2017 Rp 168,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Wei nstock, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1093475 Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice Robe rt J. Group Inc . 2016 Rp 1,736,000

You r Gu ide to U nde rstandin g and Deal ing wi th Souter,

1093422 T ype 2 Di abe tes Kei th M. Vie Vearsa 2015 Rp 252,000

Al as tai r
1093375 Never Mind the Sprouts Wil l iam s Vie Vearsa 2015 Rp 224,000

R oac h, E.
1093299 Neurocutaneous Syndromes Ste ve Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 9,240,000

Patel , Ac ad em ic
1093287 MolecularAspects of Alcohol and Nutrition Vi nood B. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,368,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Saw, Hu mana B usi nes s
1093194 Left AtrialAppendage Closure Jac quel in e Pre ss Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Chowd ri, Sc ie nce &
Ni sar B usi nes s
1093193 BenignAnorectal Disorders Ahm ad Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Astuto, B usi nes s
1093191 Perioperative Medicine in PediatricAnesthesia Mar ine ll a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Tri ul zi, B usi nes s
1093187 Perinatal Neuroradiology Fabi o Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kohanski , B usi nes s
1093178 Advances in Geroscience Ronal d Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Me hlhor n, B usi nes s
1093176 Host Manipulations by Parasites and Viruses He inz Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fi nnel l, B usi nes s
1093175 Clinical Informatics Study Guide John T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ivanova, B usi nes s
1093173 Antibacterial Surfaces Ele na P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Im aging of Comp li cati ons an d T oxi ci ty Foll owi ng Kauczor, B usienes
Am s
ri can
1093172 Tu mor The rapy H. -U . Springer Me die ty
Soci a B.ofV. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
H eal th
Syste m
H ol m es , P har maci st
1093154 NICU Primer for Pharmacists Am y P. ASHP s 2015 Rp 1,568,000

Brooke s B rookes
1092903 Let's Talk Paul, Rhea. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2016 Rp 839,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
De mos Com pany,
1092710 Neoplastic Mimics in Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology Jo, Vickie Y. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fast Fac ts for the Cardi ac Surge ry N urs e, Sec ond H od ge, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092709 E diti on Tanya Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Al le n, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092708 Nursing HomeAdministration, Seventh Edition Jam es E. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Spr inge r
Cioc co, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Mar gare t Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092706 Fast Facts for the Nurse Preceptor Cu rry Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
P hil osophy of Sci enc e for Nu rsi ng Pr ac ti ce , Sec on d Dahnke , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092705 E diti on Mic hael D. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Curl ey, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ann L . Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092704 Population-Based Nursing, Second Edition Cu pp Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
L as hle y's Ess enti al s of Cl i nic al Ge ne ti cs i n N ursi ng Lashl e y, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092703 P rac tic e, Sec ond E di ti on Fel is sa R . Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
H aw kins , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Gu id el ine s for Nu rse Prac ti tione rs in Gyne cologi c Joe l le n Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092702 Se tti ngs, 11th E di ti on Watson. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Sorre ll , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Je anne Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092696 Expert Clinician to Novice Nurse Educator Merkl e Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Kee l ing, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Arl ene Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092694 Nurses and Disasters Wynbe ek Comp an y Inc . 2015 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Barry, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ch arl otte Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092693 Nursing Case Studies in Caring D. Comp an y Inc . 2015 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
B uil di ng and Sustaini ng a H ospi tal -Base d N ursi ng Al ber t, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092691 R e searc h Pr ogr am Nancy. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Gi roux, P ubli shi ng
Moniqu e De mos Com pany,
1092689 Optimal Health with Parkinson's Disease L. He alth Inc . 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Corm ac k, De mos Com pany,
1092688 Brachytherapy, Second Edition Robe rt A. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 7,000,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
H usain, De mos Com pany,
1092687 Practical Epilepsy Aati f M. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Sip es, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092686 Project Management for theAdvanced Practice Nurse Carol yn Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Gl obal Popul ati on H eal th and We l l- B ei ng i n the Lu edd eke , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092685 21st Ce ntu ry George R . Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Mi ll er , Spri nger P ubli shi ng
E MDR The rapy for Sc hi zoph reni a and Other Pau l Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092682 P sychos es Wil l iam Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Be ck, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Ch eryl Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1092681 Developing a Program of Research in Nursing Tatano Comp an y Inc N ati. onal 2016 Rp 2,240,000
B ook
Jyoti , BP P N etw ork
B MJ Cli ni cal Re vie w: Ge ne ral M edi ci ne , Doctor Le arning Inte rnati on
1092575 H aem atol ogy AndR he um atol ogy Babita. Me dia Ltd al N ati onal 2015 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
B MJ Cli ni cal Re vie w: Cardi ology and R es pir atory Jyoti , Le arning Inte rnati on
1092574 Me di ci ne Babita Me dia Ltd N al ati onal 2015 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
B MJ Cli ni cal Re vie w: Orthopae dic s, Vasc ular Mahade v, Le arning Inte rnati on
1092573 Sur gery and EN T Gopal K. Me dia Ltd N al ati onal 2015 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
BP P N etw ork
B MJ Cli ni cal Re vie w: E me rge ncy M edi ci ne , Jyoti , Le arning Inte rnati on
1092572 Pe ri oper ati ve and Cri ti cal Car e Babita Me dia Ltd N al ati onal 2015 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
Jyoti , BP P N etw ork
Doctor Le arning Inte rnati on
1092571 BMJ Clinical Review: General Practice Babita. Me dia Ltd al N ati onal 2015 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
Jyoti , BP P N etw ork
Doctor Le arning Inte rnati on
1092570 BMJ Clinical Review: Clinical Oncology Babita. Me dia Ltd N al ati onal 2015 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
Mahade v, BP P N etw ork
Mr Gop al Le arning Inte rnati on
1092569 BMJ Clinical Review: General Surgery K. Me dia Ltd N al ati onal 2015 Rp 3,224,000
B ook
Jyoti , BP P N etw ork
Doctor Le arning Inte rnati on
1092568 BMJ Clinical Review: Paediatrics Babita. Me dia Ltd al 2015 Rp 3,224,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sin ge r, B usi nes s
1092392 Phototherapie Se bastian Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 280,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Love , B usi nes s
1092383 Clinical Cases in Skin of Color Porci a B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rtass oni, B usi nes s
1092382 Engineering Mineralized and Load Bearing Tissues Lui z E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H abi ba, B usi nes s
1092380 UterineAdenomyosis Mar wan Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
John Wil e y
Carls on , Wi le y- & Sons,
1092363 Salivary Gland Pathology Eri c R . Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 5,600,000

Gi ers berg, Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1092286 Alkoholabhängigkeit Ste ffi e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 5,319,000

P roje kti ve Diagnos ti k be i Kind ern, Juge ndl ic hen Wi enand , Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1092278 u nd Fam il ie n Fran z. e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 9,519,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Sin gh , Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1092232 Depression Pune etpal Publ i she rs NL td
ati. onal 2015 Rp 1,372,000
B ook
N etw ork
Kac har ava, Cardi ote xt Inte rnati on
1092159 Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization Andro G. Publ i shi ng al 2016 Rp 4,956,000
Spr inge r
P roce ed ings of the 2nd Inte rnati onal Col loqu ium Ism ail , Sc ie nce &
on Sports Sc ie nce , Exerc is e, Engi ne eri ng and Sh ari m an B usi nes s
1092076 Te chnol ogy 2015 (ICoSSE ET 2015) Is madi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,852,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sabatowsk B usi nes s
1092071 Weiterbildung Schmerzmedizin i, R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1092070 Weiterbildung Anästhesiologie Heller,A. R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1092066 Lasers in Cardiovascular Interventions Topaz, On Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1092064 Neonatal Head and Spine Ultrasonography Poretti,Ana Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rc utane ous Pen etrati on E nhance rs Ch em ic al Dragic evi c, B usi nes s
1092063 Me thods in Pen etration Enhance m ent Ni na Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ø hrstrøm , B usi nes s
1092058 Philosophy and Psychology of Time Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Courage, B usi nes s
1092056 ShoulderArthroscopy Oli vi er Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Maron, B usi nes s
1092055 Pulmonary Hypertension Bradl ey A . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,012,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1092052 Breast Disease Soran,Atilla Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Me nche tti , Sc ie nce &
Pie r Paol o B usi nes s
1092051 Cervical Spine Mar ia Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mansi , B usi nes s
1092050 Clinical Nuclear Medicine in Pediatrics Lui gi Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol e cul ar Path ogene si s and Tre atm e nt of Chroni c Kizaki, B usi nes s
1092043 Mye loge nous Le uke mi a Mas ah iro Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H jortdal, B usi nes s
1092024 Corneal Transplantation Je sp er Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Öztürk, B usi nes s
1092021 Neurological Disorders in Clinical Practice Şe re fnur Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mutō, B usi nes s
1092002 Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging Man abu Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Byrn e, B usi nes s
1091993 Functional Mapping of the Cerebral Cortex Ri chard W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sivan, B usi nes s
1091992 Handbook on 3D3C Platforms Yes ha Y. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pathogen -H ost Inter ac ti ons: Anti geni c Variation V. B usi nes s
1091991 Som ati c A daptati on s Hsu, Ellen Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Skali cky, B usi nes s
1091989 Ocular and Visual Physiology Si m on E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Scatena, B usi nes s
1091985 Advances in Cancer Biomarkers Robe rto Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,132,000
Spr inge r
R oguez- Sc ie nce &
E nvir on me ntal G erontol ogy in Eu rope and L ati n Rogue z, B usi nes s
1091981 A me ri ca Vi ce nte. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ural Ethni c Minori ty Youth an d Fam il ie s in the Crocke tt, B usi nes s
1091980 U nite d State s Lis a J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Badu ra, B usi nes s
1091976 Fehlzeiten-Report 2015 Be rnhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Akbarni a, B usi nes s
1091975 The Growing Spine Be hrooz A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oede r, B usi nes s
1091974 Medizin - Haftung - Versicherung Norbe rt Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hynd man, B usi nes s
1091968 Sodium and Water Homeostasis Kel ly A nne Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N ai ni, B ita B usi nes s
1091967 PracticalAtlas of Transplant Pathology V. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Hopp man Sc ie nce &
n, Ri chard B usi nes s
1091966 Practical Point-of-Care Medical Ultrasound A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ge notoxic ity and Carc inoge ni ci ty Testi ng of Graziano, B usi nes s
1091965 P har mace uti cals Mic hael J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shuri n, B usi nes s
1091964 Infection and Cancer: Bi-Directorial Interactions Mic hael R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sabharwal , B usi nes s
1091962 Pediatric Lower Limb Deformities Sanj ee v Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl aivas, B usi nes s
1091961 Trauma Team Dynamics Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chao, B usi nes s
1091960 Computer-Assisted Musculoskeletal Surgery Edm und . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Magee , B usi nes s
1091958 Practical Pediatric Cardiology Alan G. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Cogl i ane se Incorp orat Inc orporat
1091956 Clinical Exercise Pathophysiology for Physical Therapy , D ebra ed ed 2015 Rp 2,631,000
Val ovic h SLACK SLA CK
McLe od, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1091955 Quick Questions in Sport-Related Concussion Tam ara C. e d ed 2015 Rp 1,399,000
Re bec ca Incorp orat Inc orporat
1091954 Quick Questions in Heat-Related Illness and Hydration M. ed ed 2015 Rp 1,399,000
Pl ish ka, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1091943 A Clinician's Guide to Balance and Dizziness Ch arl e s M. e d ed 2015 Rp 1,931,000
Wi kstrom , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1091942 Quick Questions inAnkle Sprains Eri k ed ed 2015 Rp 1,399,000
Bl ive n, SLACK SLA CK
Kel ly C. Incorp orat Inc orporat
1091941 Quick Questions in the Shoulder Huxe l ed ed 2015 Rp 1,399,000
John Wil e y
Gantt, & Sons,
1091884 Healthcare Simulation Laura Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 2,519,000
John Wil e y
Pap age orgi Wi le y- & Sons,
1091882 Clinical Communication in Medicine ou, A le xi a Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,623,000

B iom ed ic al Im age A nal ysi s and Mi ning De y,

1091679 Te chni que s for Imp roved He alth O utcom es Ni lanjan IGI Global IGI Global 2016 Rp 6,300,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Inc reti n Bi ol ogy - A P rac tic al Gu ide : Gl p-1 A nd R utte r, Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1091545 Gi p Physi ology Guy A. Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 4,452,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Sm ith, J. Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1091544 Women's Cancers: Pathways To Living Ri chard Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 2,436,000
W orld
Im peri al Sc ie ntific
Mater ials For Total Join t A rthropl as ty: Sonntag, Coll ege P ubli shi ng
1091543 B iotri bology O f Potenti al B eari ngs Robe rt Pre ss Com pany 2016 Rp 7,476,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Pfaff, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1091537 Neuroscientist LooksAt Robots,A Donald W. Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,016,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
N athe r, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1091525 Planning Your ResearchAnd How To Write It Aziz Sci enti fic Com pany 2015 Rp 3,864,000
W orld
D enve r H eal th Me dic al Ce nter Handbook Of Sc ie ntific
Sur gic al Cri ti cal Care: Th e P ractic e A nd T he Pi er ac ci , Worl d P ubli shi ng
1091520 E vid enc e Fred ric M. Sci enti fic Com pany 2015 Rp 8,652,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
H eng, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1091518 Debating Cancer: The Paradox In Cancer Research He nry H . Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
Moyse , Sc ie nce &
R e ad ing Karl B arth, Interr uptin g Moral Tec hniqu e, Ashl ey Palgrave B usi nes s
1091405 T ran sform ing Biom e di cal Ethic s John Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Hannabac Palgrave B usi nes s
1091399 Blood Cultures: Medicine, Media, and Militarisms h, Cathy Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,820,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N or din , Palgrave B usi nes s
1091352 Supporting Sleep Mar ia Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,890,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl ank, Palgrave B usi nes s
1091240 Cognitive Enhancement Robe rt H . Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bates , Palgrave B usi nes s
1091226 Sexual Forensics in Victorian and Edwardian England Vi ctori a. Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Prasad, Palgrave B usi nes s
1091105 Cultural Politics of Hygiene in India, 1890-1940 Sr iru pa Macm il l an Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,660,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R eve nson, Palgrave B usi nes s
1091103 Caregiving in the Illness Context Trace y A. Pi vot Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,820,000
Oxford O xford
H al l, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1090981 Human Malformations and RelatedAnomalies Ju di th G. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp13,440,000
Ch and rase
kar, Oxford O xford
Pranathart Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1090980 Infections in the Immunosuppressed Patient hi H. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp12,596,000
Wei nber ge Uni ver sity O UP
1090979 Neuroimaging Genetics r, Dan ie l R. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp15,540,000
Oxford O xford
R oberts, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1090978 Social Cognition and Interaction Training (SCIT) David L. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Oxford O xford
Sel i gman, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1090975 The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience Re bec ca. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp14,839,000
O xford
Turne r, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1090971 Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology Ne il N . Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp94,500,000
Fi nebe rg, Uni ver sity O UP
1090970 Readings in Global Health Harve y V. Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Morgan &
Li fe B iota
1090969 Science and Ethics in Dialogue Boyd,Ann. Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 4,200,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1090889 Medical Tests Sourcebook Jones, Keith hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1090888 AIDS Sourcebook Jones, Keith hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000
Un ive rsi ty
P res s of
N age l, N ew
1090863 Needless Suffering David ForeEdge E ngland 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Un ive rsi ty
P res s of
Wahrm an , N ew
1090851 The Hand Book Miryam Z . ForeEdge E ngland 2016 Rp 1,820,000
R osen , B ril l
Ralp h Ac adem i c
1090812 Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic Mar k Brill P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 5,432,000
Bl üm cke , L ibbe y
1090714 Surgical Neuropathology of Focal Epilepsies In gmar John Libbey E urotext 2015 Rp 2,627,000
Bl ay, E ric John
Raym ond L ibbe y
1090713 Métastases Je an-Yve s. John Libbey E urotext 2015 Rp 935,000
H ar vest
Harve st H ouse
Le ssl i e, Hou se P ubli she rs,
1090656 60 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Robe rt D. Publ i she rs Inc . 2015 Rp 364,000

H ubin,
1090632 Je sexopositive! Ale xan dra Eyrolles Eyrolles 2015 Rp 305,000

We ttste in,
1090630 10 minutes par jour pour se sentir bien Pas cale Eyrolles Eyrolles 2015 Rp 342,000

Mol e cul ar and P hysi ologi cal Mec hanis ms of More l, CR C Pre ss
1090611 Mu scl e Contrac tion Je an E mi le CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,199,000

H uan g, CR C Pre ss
1090597 Measurement of Soft Tissue Elasticity in Vivo Yan -P ing CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000
R uben , Charl es C
Dougl as Charle s C T homas
1090586 Behavioral Guide to Personality Disorders (DSM-5) H. Thom as P ubli she r 2015 Rp 1,203,000
Ind epe nde
Fanthorp e, Eni tharmo P ubli she rs
1090522 Berowne's Book U. A . n P res s Gr oup 2015 Rp 280,000
P raxi sw iss en zu m SOP-Managem en t im GxP Di pl om ica
U mfe ld : E in Wegw ei se r i m pharm aze utis che n Somm e r, Ver lag
1090368 Q uali tätsm anage m ent Mic hael a Igel Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Di pl om ica
Com pute rspi el e und Com puter spi el abh ängi gke it: Strie gl, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1090351 Subj ekti ve T heor ie n von Com pu te rsp ie le rn Kris ti na Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Di pl om ica
Vegane Er näh rung i m Säugli ngs- und Kind esal te r: R ubne r, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1090319 D ie re in pflanzli ch e Ernährung in de r Übe rs ich t Lis a. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 560,000
Di pl om ica
A rzn ei mi tte l für N eu ar ti ge The rapi en (ATM P): Konur, Di pl om i ca Ver lag
1090309 N eu e Wege zur im m unol ogisc hen Tum orther ap ie Abdo Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,540,000
D ie Pharm aind ustri e al s Ve rsorgun gspartner? Di pl om ica
Mögl i che R oll en für d ie Pharm aind ustri e al s Koch, di sse rta Ver lag
1090290 Partne r i n d er Ges undhe i ts vers orgung Kris ti an. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Di pl om ica
Lange , di sse rta Ver lag
1090277 Eugenik: Geschichte und Gegenwart Katri n. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Di pl om ica
We l lne ss und Med ic al We l lne ss: Vom H erm e s, di sse rta Ver lag
1090275 Ge su ndhe itskonze pt zum Li fes tyl ep rodukt Kirs te n. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
R is ikop rofile d er Kopfher ddi agn os ti k: System i sche H om m e l, Di pl om ica
R e gulations me di zin – El ektroakupunktur nach Hube rtus di sse rta Ver lag
1090266 Vol l R. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
D eutsc he Notfall me di zin im Spannu ngsfel d von
E thi k u nd Ö konomi e : Ausw i rkunge n de s Di pl om ica
fe hle nde n Fac har zte s für Notfal l me di zi n auf di e Stockfisc h, di sse rta Ver lag
1090201 Q uali tät d er Pati ente nver sorgung Ve ren a. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,288,000
Se gregation ode r Inte grati on be i Dem e nz? Ü ber Di pl om ica
d as Erl e ben von Pfl ege nde n i n d er stati onären Parsi , di sse rta Ver lag
1090186 A lten hil fe Paj am R ais Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
A nwe ndung de r CT-Schw ächun gskorre ktu r i n d er
B as al gangli en diagnosti k: CT - Di pl om ica
Sc hwächu
Q uali tät i nngskorre ktur vs . Korr
d er Urogynäkologi ektur nach
e und di sse rta Ver lag
1090141 Koste
CH ANG nei nsp ar ung – ge ht das? Mögl ic he Siljic, Zoran. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 2,240,000
E ins parungsp ote ntial e d urc h Verl ageru ng de r
Se nkungs- und Inkonti ne nzop eratione n (Me sh- Di pl om ica
u nd Subu rethral ban d) aus dem intram urale n i n Pe te rs, di sse rta Ver lag
1090131 d en tage sch irur gisc he n Be re ic h Andre as Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Di pl om ica
GE NE RATIN G EN ER GY : B urnout-Proph yl axe Urach , di sse rta Ver lag
1090114 u nd -Th erapi e durc h Shaol in-Qi Gong Hans. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Di pl om ica
Kutz, di sse rta Ver lag
1090113 Patientenorientiertes Qualitätsmanagement Rud olf. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Di pl om ica
E rgogene Subs tanze n: Aus gew ähl te Kraus, di sse rta Ver lag
1090106 N ahrungse rgänzunge n für de r Ausd aue rsp ortle r Wal ter. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
P sychi sc her Zw an g - e in path ologi sche s Di pl om ica
P hän om e n: Ätiol ogie for schu ng un d N euhof, di sse rta Ver lag
1090073 E rklärun gsm odel l e Ortrud Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Di pl om ica
A D(H)S und Er nähr ung: Mythen, Fakten, Be rgmann, di sse rta Ver lag
1090064 Z usam m enhänge Kris ti na. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Ohi o O hio
Graboyes , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1090052 The Experiment Must Continue Mel is sa Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 3,387,000
Ri chard K. Incorp orat Inc orporat
1090049 The Shoulder N. ed ed 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Wang, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1090045 Refractive Lens Exchange Ming X. ed ed 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Stei ner , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1090044 The Little Book of Pediatrics Mic hael J. e d ed 2016 Rp 755,000
Mc Cl ung,
John Ac ad em ic
1089853 Translational Research in Coronary Artery Disease Arthur Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

Jame s, Ac ad em ic
1089852 The Health of Populations Jac k E. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 2,350,000

Stoke s, Ac ad em ic
1089846 Vascular Responses to Pathogens Kare n Y . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 6,384,000

Bokpê , San Es pri t Z ei l enw ert

1089840 amazinGrace Anne tte Ltd. Gm bH 2015 Rp 102,000
Ne w N ew
Harbi nge r H ar binge r
Agui rre , Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1089764 Coping with BPD Blai se A. s s 2015 Rp 396,000
Ohi o O hio
Boyd , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1089761 Preaching Prevention Lydi a Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 3,360,000
Hoff mann-
Ri chte r, Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1089625 Die psychiatrisch-psychologische Begutachtung Ulr ike e r Verl ag Gm bH 2016 Rp 6,579,000

Le ic es te r, Kohlh am m B ookw i re
1089621 Leben mit Tourette-Syndrom Mal e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 2,379,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
A Cre ative T oolki t for Com mu nic ati on i n Marshal l, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1089606 D em en ti a Car e Karr ie Publ i she rs P
Nubli she rs
ati onal 2016 Rp 783,000
B ook
N etw ork
Be nbow, Lanter n Inte rnati on
1089532 A Handbook for Student Nurses, 2015–16 Edition Wend y Publ i shi ng al 2015 Rp 794,000

Porte r, And rew s An dre ws

1089352 Dental Nurse Survival Guide Kathryn. UK UK Ltd. 2015 Rp 476,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Chun, B usi nes s
1089173 Therapeutic Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Hoon Jai Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pons , José B usi nes s
1089171 Emerging Therapies in Neurorehabilitation II L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Shi ffm an , B usi nes s
1089166 Breast Reconstruction Mel vin A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 9,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Wh itne y, B usi nes s
1089159 Balanced Ethics Review Si m on N . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bl ackm on, B usi nes s
1089155 Atlas of Esophageal Disease and Intervention Sh and a H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Eu te ne ie r, B usi nes s
1089151 Handbuch Klinisches Risikomanagement Ale xan der Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
N age l, B usi nes s
1089121 Prioritization in Medicine Eckhard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Bhattachar Spr inge r
ya, Sc ie nce &
Val i dati ng N eu ro-Com pu tational Mode l s of Basabdatta B usi nes s
1089119 N eu rologi cal and P sychi atr ic Di sorde rs Se n Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,612,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rtonc el l o B usi nes s
1089113 Stem Cells in the Lung , Ivan Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1089102 Veterinary Parasitology Taylor, M.A. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 6,440,000
John Wil e y
Okuj i, Wi le y- & Sons,
1089098 Dental Benefits and Practice Management Mic hael Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,960,000

John Wil e y
Hoffb ran d, Wi le y- & Sons,
1089096 Postgraduate Haematology A. V. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 8,091,000
John Wil e y
Fe li ppe , Wi le y- & Sons,
1089093 Equine Clinical Immunology M. Ju li a B. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
Le vy, Wi le y- & Sons,
1089083 The Hands-on Guide to Diabetes Care in Hospital David Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,008,000
Be rl inge r, Uni ver sity O UP
1089069 Are Workarounds Ethical? Nancy Pre ss P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,132,000

Yale Yal e
De Sal le , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1088911 Welcome to the Microbiome Rob Pre ss P
B res
akesr & 2015 Rp 1,274,000
Kaze m i H. R yan P ubli she r
Dm d, H. Kaze m i Se rvic es
1088880 Wise Guide to Wisdom Teeth Extraction Ryan. Dm d (BT
B akePS)
r& 2015 Rp 84,000
Kaze m i H. R yan P ubli she r
DMD, H. Kaze m i Se rvic es
1088879 The Painful Dental Implant Ryan. Dm d (BT PS) 2015 Rp 84,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be nrath, B usi nes s
1088874 Repetitorium Schmerztherapie Ju stus Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve rre l , B usi nes s
1088861 Patientenverfügungen Torste n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
N oya, Sc ie nce &
Be lki syolé B usi nes s
1088858 Trypanosoma CruziAs a Foodborne Pathogen Alarc ón de Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Giovane ll a B usi nes s
1088856 Atlas of Head and Neck Endocrine Disorders , L uca Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Syed , Sc ie nce &
Mushabba B usi nes s
1088855 Basic Principles of Cardiovascular MRI r A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sis ner os , B usi nes s
1088852 Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics Jos eph A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Chl ad ni, Spr inge r
Ernst Sc ie nce &
Flore ns B usi nes s
1088850 Treatise onAcoustics Frie dri ch Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Choctaw, B usi nes s
1088849 Transforming the Patient Experience Wil l iam T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Avadhana B usi nes s
1087963 Next Generation DNA Led Technologies m, Sharada Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Bibe rthale r B usi nes s
1087957 Fractures of the Proximal Humerus , Pe ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sowa, Sc ie nce &
Przem ysl a B usi nes s
1087953 Governance of Hospitals in Central and Eastern Europe w Marc in Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Casil l as, B usi nes s
1087950 Multidisciplinary Teaching Atlas of the Pancreas Javi er Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp11,172,000
Spr inge r
Carlos, Sc ie nce &
Ir ac il da B usi nes s
1087937 Sporotrichosis Ze ppone Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
R ome ro- Cambri dge Cam brid ge
L ate Mi ddl e Engl is h Vers ion of Constanti nus Barranco, Schol ars Sc holars
1087899 A fri canu s' Vene rabil i s Anatomi a i n Lon don Je sƒ us . Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 2,435,000

John Wil e y
Katona, C. Wi le y- & Sons,
1087875 Psychiatry at a Glance L. E. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,203,000
Al ex, John Wil e y
Ale xan der & Sons,
1087869 Attrition in the Pharmaceutical Industry A. Wiley Inc . 2015 Rp 3,780,000
The i l, John Wil e y
A DME and Trans lational Pharm ac okin etic s / Fran k- & Sons,
1087866 P har macod ynam i cs of The rape utic Prote ins Pete r Wiley Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000

Swi ndl e, CR C Pre ss

1087852 Swine in the Laboratory M. M ic hae l CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,479,000

CR C Pre ss
1087846 Mitochondria in Liver Disease Han, Derick CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000
Covie l lo,
Tom masi n Pan CR C Pre ss
1087826 Polysaccharide Hydrogels a Stanford (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,039,000

H el li we ll , CR C Pre ss
1087818 Perspectives in Crystallography John R . CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000

Dutt aroy, CR C Pre ss

1087810 Human Placental Trophoblasts Asi m K. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000

Lour o, CR C Pre ss
1087809 Redox Proteins in Supercomplexes and Signalosomes Ri cardo O. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 5,600,000

CR C Pre ss
1087806 Marine Biomedicine Baker, B. J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000
Chapm an
D isc re te E ve nt Si mu lation for He alth Te chn ology Caro, J. and CR C Pre ss
1087802 A sse ssm e nt Jai me Hal l/CRC (CAM) 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Aue rbac h
Sm ie rs, Publ i cati on CR C Pre ss
1087787 Oracle Case Management Solutions Lé on s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,959,000

Mayzel l, Prod ucti vit CR C Pre ss

1087786 Population Health George y P res s (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000

Bouh ann a, CR C Pre ss

1087784 TheAlopecias P. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,359,000

CR C Pre ss
1087781 Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Plant Drugs Khare, C. P. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,759,000

Sm ith, CR C Pre ss
1087779 The Health Effects of Asbestos Dorse tt D. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,919,000

Syne rgi c Infl uen ce of Gase ous, Partic ulate, and Pastuszka, CR C Pre ss
1087776 B iol ogic al Pol l utants on H um an He alth Joze f S. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 3,639,000
Mc Far land
Dach, Com pany,
1087765 Cannabis Extracts in Medicine Je ff rey McFarland Inc . 2015 Rp 1,820,000
N ew T rend s i n B as ic and Cl i nic al R es earc h of
Gl aucom a: A Ne urod ege ner ati ve D is ease of the N ucc i,
1087750 Vi sual System – Part B Carl o Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 9,677,000

Spe ll man, Be rnan B ernan

1087177 Safety and Environmental Management Fran k R . Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 3,668,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ayat, M. B usi nes s
1087173 Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 13 A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Control System Des ign for El ec tric al Stim ul ati on i n Fre em an, B usi nes s
1087169 U ppe r Li m b R ehabi li tati on Ch ris T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1087152 Recent Progress in Brain and Cognitive Engineering Lee, S.-W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1087151 Onderzoek en behandeling van zenuwcompressie Winkel, Dos Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P robiotic s and Bi oactive Carbohydrates i n Colon R am an, B usi nes s
1087150 Cance r Manage me nt Maya Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,052,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sugi yam a, B usi nes s
1087149 Myopia and Glaucoma Kazuhi sa Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Yokom izo, B usi nes s
1087148 Bioactive Lipid Mediators Take hiko Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mol e cul ar Me chani sm s i n the Pathogene si s of Kaneko, B usi nes s
1087147 Idi opathic N eph roti c Syndrom e Kazunari Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Che m ic al and Pharm ac ologi cal Per spe ctive of Lone , B usi nes s
1087137 A rte m is ia Am ygdali na Sh abi r H . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,100,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gui dott i, B usi nes s
1087132 Health Risks and Fair Compensation in the Fire Service Te e L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Spr inge r
R itchi e , Sc ie nce &
P osttraum ati c Stre ss Di sorde r and R el ate d Els pe th B usi nes s
1087131 D ise ase s i n Com bat Ve te rans Cam er on Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z ad a, B usi nes s
1087130 Atlas of Sellar and Parasellar Lesions Gabr ie l Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H azani, B usi nes s
1087118 Clinical Diagnosis in Plastic Surgery Ron Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Wi ll iam s, Taylor &
Eli zabe th Franc is
1086689 Organizations, Communication, and Health A. Routledge
Am er ic an (CAM)
Am e ri can 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Sup ervi si on E sse ntials for P sychod ynam i c Sarnat, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1086688 P sychothe rapie s Joan E. n er ic an
Am n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
Dre we s, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1086686 Play Therapy in Middle Childhood Athe na A. Am n er ic an n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
cal c al
El kin s, Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1086683 The Human Elements of Psychotherapy David N. Am n er ic an n e ri can
Am 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Psyc hologi P sychol ogi
Chapm an, cal c al
Ale xan der Ass oci ati o As soci ati o
1086681 Managing Therapy-interfering Behavior L. n n 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Taylor &
Goode y, Franc is
1086595 Learning Disability and Inclusion Phobia C. F. Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,564,000
N ew T rend s i n B as ic and Cl i nic al R es earc h of
Gl aucom a: A Ne urod ege ner ati ve D is ease of the Bage tta,
1086506 Vi sual System Part A Giaci nto. Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 9,677,000
Tec tum
H al lal , Wi sse nsc h B ookw i re
1086443 Diversität in der humanmedizinischenAusbildung Houd a. aftsve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 756,000
Wol fgang
1086356 BiologicalAspects of Suicidal Behavior P. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 4,900,000
Spr inge r
O' D Sc ie nce &
onohue , B usi nes s
1085792 Integrated Primary and Behavioral Care Wil l iam T. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Idri ss, B usi nes s
1085791 Atlas of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Rachi d F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Waal , Sc ie nce &
Is aäc van B usi nes s
1085779 Atlas of Oral Diseases de r Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
D er me di zini sch ni cht i ndi zie rte Eingr iff zur Sc ie nce &
kogni tive n L ei stungss te i geru ng aus rec htli che r Suhr, B usi nes s
1085778 Si cht Katharin a Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Food Pove rty and Ins ec uri ty: Intern ati on al Food Carah er, B usi nes s
1085766 Ine quali tie s Mar ti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ao, Lu igi B usi nes s
1085760 Digital Pathology K. F. Springer Me di
Am e ria can
B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Soci e ty for
Mi cr obi ol o
Skalka, Internation gy Pre ss
1084783 Principles of Virology Anna M. ASM Press Q
al (Teuinte
xtbook) sse n 2015 Rp 9,878,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Düzgün eş, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1084749 Medical Microbiology and Immunology for Dentistry Ne jat Group Inc . 2016 Rp 2,968,000
O xford
Al lm an, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1084663 Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia Kei th Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 1,984,000
O xford
El li ott, OUP Un ive rsi ty
1084661 Trauma for the FRCS (Tr + Orth) Examination David Oxford P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,268,000

O xford Hand book of Chil dre n's and Y oung Ri chards o OUP O UP
1084659 Pe opl e's N ursi ng n, Ji m Oxford P rem i um 2016 Rp 1,417,000
Hu man
Johnson, Kin etic s, H um an
1084552 Postural Correction Jane Inc. Ki neti cs 2016 Rp 3,024,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me rri ck, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084550 Forensic Psychiatry Joav Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Pawl ik, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Tim othy Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084546 Cholangiocarcinoma M. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sum m ers , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084536 Lichen Planus Yvonne L . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
McCorm ic Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084529 Obstructive and Central SleepApnea k, Joan Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R eynol ds, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084524 Botulinum Toxins and Botulism Ch arl otte Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
N ew ton, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084520 Kyphosis Janc ie Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H aw kins , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084512 Encyclopedia of Lung Cancer Andre a Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pratt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084506 Behavioral Pediatrics He le n D . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Davi s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084500 Phonetics Jasm i ne Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wang, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084483 Organ Manufacturing Xi aoh on g Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084482 Mycotoxins Rios, Cesar. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Craig, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Wil l iam Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084480 Integrated Psychological Services in Primary Care Sc ott. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ge rm ano, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084470 Glioblastoma Multiforme Is abe l le M. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084469 Synaptic Fundamentals of Memory Performance Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
P sychone uroc ybern etic Conque st of Kli m ek, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084467 Carci noge nes is and Cance rs Rud olf Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084450 Psychological Health and Needs Research Developments Wolfe, Raul Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Swanson, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084449 Oligodendrocytes Dana Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me thyle ne te trahydrofolate Re duc tas e (MT HFR ) i n Evans, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084448 H eal th and D ise ase Roge r Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cole , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084447 Endophthalmitis Barbar a Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Author Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084445 The 2015 Compendium for HELLP Syndrome Unknow n Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R ic e, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084444 Neurobiology of Men's Mental Health Tim othy R . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Li vel y, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084443 Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Sc ott T. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 2,296,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Gri veas, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084436 Principles of Renal Medical Procedures Ioanni s Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Cur rent Status of Proin flamm ator y Cytokine s i n Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pe ri odontal D ise ase and D uri ng Pe riod ontal Shah, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084415 T herapy Nachi ket Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H age m an, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084412 Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis Jos eph R . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Itatani, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084410 Advances in Hemodynamics Research Kei ic hi Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Fe rrares i, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084408 Physical Exercises Cl e ber Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
She me r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1084404 Superficial Mycoses Av ner Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1083976 Neurodegenerative DisordersAs Systemic Diseases Wada, Keiji Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,452,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1083973 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of theAbdomen Baluška, F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gup ta, B usi nes s
1083971 Endometriosis Sajal Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fanger au , B usi nes s
1083963 Urologie 1945–1990 He ine r Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,380,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Moyad, B usi nes s
1083949 Integrative Medicine for Breast Cancer Mar k A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gl obal Bioe thic s: The Im pact of the UN ESCO Sem pl ic i, B usi nes s
1083947 Inte rnati onal Bioe thic s Com m itt ee Ste fano Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1083946 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Raue, F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Fe rrer as , B usi nes s
1083940 Glaucoma Imaging Antonio Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Davi es, B usi nes s
1083938 A Case-Based Guide to Clinical Endocrinology Te rry F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,892,000
John Wil e y
Dyson , Wi le y- & Sons,
1083931 Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Diabetes Pam e la Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,736,000
Morgan &
Li fe B iota
1083670 Biologically Active Peptides in Invertebrates Yu, Qing Sci enc es P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 4,620,000

R yan, Ac ad em ic
1083637 Food Fraud John M. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,006,000
a-R ie ra, Ac ad em ic
1083633 Computational Immunology Jos ep Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 3,358,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Bu nik, of of
1083575 Breastfeeding Telephone Triage andAdvice Maya Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 1,959,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
A M:STAR s Advanc es in the Tre atm e nt of Sil l s, Ire ne of of
1083574 E ndocr ine Di sord ers i n Adol es ce nts N. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2015 Rp 1,679,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
R idd le , of of
1083573 Pediatric Psychopharmacology For Primary Care Mar k A. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 2,379,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Kamat, of of
1083571 Textbook of Global Child Health, 2nd Edition Dee pak M. Pe diatri cs Pe di atri cs 2016 Rp 2,239,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Ac ad em y Ac adem y
Suc ci nct Pe di atri cs : E val uation and Managem e nt Mahan, of of
1083568 for Com m on and Criti cal Care John D. Pe diatri cs Am
Pe dieatri cs
ri can 2015 Rp 2,519,000
Am er ic an Ac adem y
Jackson, Ac ad em y of
Mar y of Pe di atri cs
1083566 Spanish Red Book 2015 Anne Pe diatri cs (R ed Book) 2015 Rp 4,199,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Cayl e ff, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1083530 Nature's Path Su san E. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Johns Johns
Hop kins H opki ns
Tri m ble , Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1083497 The Intentional Brain Mic hael R . Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 839,000
The Gu il ford
T rau ma Sys te m s T her apy for Chi ld ren an d Te ens , Saxe , Gui lford P ubli cation
1083441 Se cond Edi tion Gle nn N. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
Tobi n, The Gu il ford
Re né e Gui lford P ubli cation
1083440 DSM-5® Diagnosis in the Schools Mar gare t. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
Daws on, Gui lford P ubli cation
1083439 The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success Peg Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 1,456,000
The Gu il ford
Vil latte , Gui lford P ubli cation
1083438 Mastering the Clinical Conversation Matt hie u. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,520,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1083380 Bioethics Singer, Peter Bl ackwe ll Incati. onal
N 2016 Rp 2,099,000
B ook
N etw ork
Pe rcy, Sci on Inte rnati on
1083348 Contraception Made Easy Laura. Publ i shi ng al 2015 Rp 1,029,000
Taylor &
Pond , Franc is
1083278 Routledge Handbook of Water and Health Kathy Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 6,860,000
Nation al N ati onal
H ow Mode li ng Can Inform Strate gie s to Imp rove Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1083254 P opul ati on He alth Alper, Joe Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,148,000
Nation al N ati onal
A sse ssi ng and Imp roving the In te rpre tati on of N ass , Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1083252 B reast Im ages Sh aryl J. Pre ss P res s 2015 Rp 952,000
N or ris , Nation al N ati onal
P rovid ing Su stai nable Me ntal and N eurol ogic al Sh ee na M. Ac ad em ie s Ac adem i es
1083247 H eal th Car e in Ghana an d Ke nya Pose y Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Swe et, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1083240 Colonial Caring He le n M. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,500,000
Manche ste
r O xford
H is tor ical Ep iste m ol ogy and the Maki ng of Chi ang, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1083239 Mod ern Chin ese Me di ci ne Howard Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 4,060,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Fe al y, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1083232 Histories of Nursing Practice Ger ard M. Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 3,500,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Di cki nson, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1083205 'Curing Queers' Tom my Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 2,940,000
Manche ste
r O xford
Camp bel l, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1083201 Gerry Fitt and the SDLP Sarah Pre ss P res s USA 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R obinson , B usi nes s
1083182 Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care Patri ci a J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Z hou, B usi nes s
1083179 Dental Caries Xue dong Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Chávez d e Sc ie nce &
Paz, Lui s B usi nes s
1083178 The Root Canal Biofilm E. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H äns el , B usi nes s
1083176 Aktiv für die Psyche Fran k Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Sid hu, Sc ie nce &
Sh aranbi r B usi nes s
1083173 Glass-Ionomers in Dentistry K. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Es coffr e, Sc ie nce &
Je an- B usi nes s
1083171 Therapeutic Ultrasound Mic hel Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,572,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mul a, B usi nes s
1083169 Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Epilepsy Mar co Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pugi a, B usi nes s
1083167 Inflammatory Pathways in Diabetes Mic hael Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Frankl e, B usi nes s
1083166 Reverse ShoulderArthroplasty Mar k A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Be rgam i ni, B usi nes s
1083162 Injection Laryngoplasty Giu sep pe Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
At the Found ati ons of B ioe thic s and Bi opoli tic s: Sc ie nce &
Cri tic al E ssays on the Thought of H. Tri stram Rasm uss en B usi nes s
1083160 E ngel hardt, Jr . , L is a M. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1083156 Radiation Therapy Study Guide Heath,Amy Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Am er ic an Am e ri can
Chun, Ge riari cs Ge ri atri cs
1083143 Geriatric Care by Design Au dre y. Soci ety Soci e ty 2015 Rp 1,091,000
F. A. Davis
H op kins , Internation Com pany/
1083109 Lab Notes Trace y B. al F.A. Davis P Qubli she
uinte ssersn 2015 Rp 979,000
Qui ntes se n c e
ce P ubli shi ng
Bu rstone, Publ i shi ng Com pany
1083018 The Biomechanical Foundation of Clinical Orthodontics Ch arl e s J. Group Inc . 2015 Rp 4,508,000

Mol e cul ar Me chani sm s T hat O rche strate the Murr e, Ac ad em ic

1082982 A sse mbl y of An ti gen R ec eptor Loci Cor nel is Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 6,485,000

Markus Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1082948 Gesundheitsökonomie Lünge n e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 4,899,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sonne x, B usi nes s
1082928 Sexual Health and Genital Medicine in Clinical Practice Ch ris Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,960,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Prokop , B usi nes s
1082927 Algal Biorefineries Ale š Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Sutte r- Spr inge r
Dall ay, Sc ie nce &
Joi nt Car e of Par ents and Infants i n Pe ri natal Anne - B usi nes s
1082918 P sychi atr y Laure Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stone, B usi nes s
1082917 The Prostate Cancer Dilemma Ne ls on N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ahm ad, B usi nes s
1082912 Obesity Sh am i m I. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ave ll i, B usi nes s
1082911 Handbook of Juvenile IdiopathicArthritis Ange lo Adis Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,400,000

Barne s,
1082779 Ethics of Care Mar ian Policy Press NPolicy Press
ati onal 2015 Rp 3,780,000
B ook
N etw ork
H oop er, Sci on Inte rnati on
1082728 GraphicAnaesthesia Tim Publ i shi ng al 2015 Rp 1,911,000

Ad el man, Ac ad em ic
1082722 Genetic Control of Malaria and Dengue Zach N. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 3,022,000
Taylor &
Di ck, J. Franc is
1082555 Defective Housing and the Growth of Children Lawson Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Paffrath, B usi nes s
1082502 Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2015 Die ter Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Cross , Sc ie nce &
Raym ond B usi nes s
1082495 Telemanagement of Inflammatory Bowel Disease K.
Sali s- Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Sogl i o, Spr inge r
Georg Sc ie nce &
Frei he rr B usi nes s
1082490 Die Neutral-0-Methode von Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 420,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1082480 Essentials voor de preventieassistent Voet, D. M. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Gans, R . Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1082479 Differentiële diagnostiek in de interne geneeskunde O. B. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,520,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Krui ni ng, Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1082477 Uit de pedicurepraktijk Ell e n van Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1082476 Praktische echocardiografie Pieper, P. G. Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Suda, B usi nes s
1082474 Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Through the Liver Take shi Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Me dizi nis c Spr inge r
h Sc ie nce &
Wi sse nsc h B usi nes s
1082471 The Foot Klaue, Kaj aftl
ic he Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Ve rl ags ges
e ll schaft
Jorch, m bH & Z ei l enw ert
1082344 DIVI Jahrbuch 2014/2015 Ger hard . Co. KG Gm bH 2015 Rp 614,000

John Wil e y
Lu ber, & Sons,
1082336 Global Climate Change and Human Health George Jossey-Bass Inc . 2015 Rp 2,380,000

A rti fic ial Ne ural Ne twork for Dru g De si gn, Pur i, Ac ad em ic

1082013 D el ive ry and Di sposi tion Muni sh. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 5,040,000

N ic oti ne Us e in Mental Ill nes s and Ne urol ogic al De Bi asi , Ac ad em ic

1082012 D isord er s Mar ie ll a. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 7,056,000

E sse ntial Chem i stry for For mu lators of Se m isol i d Kul kar ni, Ac ad em ic
1082011 and Li quid Dos age s Vi tthal S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Anke B usi nes s
1081960 Der diabetische Fuß Eckardt Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Gu id e to Targe ted The rapi es: Tr eatme nt R es istance Capp uzzo, B usi nes s
1081959 i n L ung Cance r Fed eri co Adis Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Sin gh , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1081601 NURSING, Second Edition Nadi a R. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
N eop lastic Gastroi ntesti nal Pathol ogy: An Lam ps, De mos Com pany,
1081599 Il lus trate d G uid e Laura W. Me dic al Inc . 2015 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Grol l, Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Cass ie Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1081598 Fast Facts for the L&D Nurse, Second Edition Gil es . Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
De mos Com pany,
1081596 Physics in Radiation Oncology Self-Assessment Guide Xia, Ping. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Ch ris top he
r J. Spr inge r
Vande nBus P ubli shi ng
sche MD , De mos Com pany,
1081590 Atlas of Gynecologic Cytopathology PhD. Me dic al Inc . 2015 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Fast Fac ts for E vide nc e-Base d P ractic e in Nur sin g, Gods hal l , Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1081589 Se cond Edi tion Mar yann Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Gall oway, De mos Com pany,
1081586 Clinical Neurophysiology in Pediatrics Glori a M. Me dic al Inc . 2015 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Pe ri natal and Pe di atri c Be reave me nt i n N ursi ng Bl ack, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1081585 and Othe r H ealth Profes sion s Be th Per ry Comp an y Inc . 2015 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Bord en, De mos Com pany,
1081584 Imaging Anatomy of the Human Brain Ne il M. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 5,600,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Strakows ki De mos Com pany,
1081583 Introduction to Musculoskeletal Ultrasound , Je ffre y A. Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 2,800,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
R owle s, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1081582 Long-Term Care in anAging Society Graham D. Comp an y Inc . 2015 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
And ers on, Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1081579 TheAdvanced Practice Nurse Cardiovascular Clinician Kel le y M. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 3,360,000
Spr inge r
P ubli shi ng
Laposata, De mos Com pany,
1081575 Clinical Diagnostic Tests Mic hael Me dic al Inc . 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Spri nger P ubli shi ng
Publ i shi ng Com pany,
1081573 Adult-Gerontology Practice Guidelines Cash, Jill C. Comp an y Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
A Nu rse ’s Ste p-By-Step Gui de to Tr ans iti on ing to Thom as, Internation Inte rnati on
1081549 the Pr ofe ssi onal Nur se Rol e Cyn thi a M. al al 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Oxford O xford
Paic e, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1081528 Care of the Imminently Dying Ju di th A. Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 2,519,000
Podol sky, John Wil e y
Danie l Wi le y- & Sons,
1081524 Yamada's Textbook of Gastroenterology Kal m an Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp16,800,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kuhn, B usi nes s
1081516 Vitreoretinal Surgery: Strategies and Tactics Fere nc Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 6,972,000
Spr inge r
R ahm an, Sc ie nce &
B rie f Gui de l ine s for Methods and Statisti cs in Jam all udi n B usi nes s
1081514 Me di cal R ese arch Ab Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
D end riti c Ce ll s: Bi ophysi cs , Tu mor Sc ie nce &
Mi cr oenvi ronm ent and Chi nes e Tradi ti onal B usi nes s
1081513 Me di ci ne Zeng, Zhu Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,100,000
D esi gn, Synthesi s, Mul tifunc tionali zati on and Spr inge r
B iom ed ic al Ap pli cations of Mul tifun ctional Sc ie nce &
Me sopor ous Si li ca-Base d D rug D el ive ry B usi nes s
1081512 N anosystem s Chen, Yu Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Torr es, B usi nes s
1081491 Clinical Management of Bacterial Pneumonia Antoni Adis Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,400,000
Taylor &
Sil ver s, Franc is
1081429 PhysicianAssisted Suicide Ani ta Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Chow, Comm un ic L ightni ng
1081355 Pain Robe rta T. ati ons Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 1,638,000
Tem pl e - IP
Sm i th , Comm un ic L ightni ng
1081353 Sexual Health Mere di th. ati ons Sourc e Inc. 2015 Rp 1,512,000
Sándor, John Wil e y
George K. Wi le y- & Sons,
1081345 Cleft Lip and Palate Management B. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 3,500,000
John Wil e y
Fi she r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1081339 The Hands-on Guide to Midwifery Placements Mar gare t Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,008,000
John Wil e y
H al l, Al an Wi le y- & Sons,
1081338 Toxicology of Cyanides and Cyanogens H. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 5,460,000

Makow ski , Ac ad em ic
1081333 Advances in Clinical Chemistry Gre gor y S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 6,888,000

Om nigrap Om ni grap O mni grap

1081057 Complementary andAlternative Medicine Sourcebook hic s, Inc. hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Om ni grap O mni grap

1081056 Arthritis Sourcebook Keith Jones hi cs hi cs , Inc . 2016 Rp 2,380,000

Le vin e, CR C Pre ss
1081016 Intraperitoneal Cancer Therapy Edw ard A. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 6,999,000

Vowl es , CR C Pre ss
1081015 Gnotobiotic Mouse Technology Ch ris s J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,679,000

B ioi nformatic s and Bi om edi cal Engi ne eri ng: Ne w Chou, CR C Pre ss
1081006 A dvan ce s Jam es J. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 6,439,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ypnose i n P sychothe rapi e, Psyc hosom ati k un d Bu rkhard, B usi nes s
1080808 Me di zin Pete r Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R itt ger, B usi nes s
1080804 Interventional Cardiology in the Elderly Harald Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Muc ic , B usi nes s
1080802 E-Mental Health Davor Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sen gupta, B usi nes s
1080793 Determinants of Health Status in India Keya Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,492,000
Spr inge r
Ge rtz, Sc ie nce &
He rm ann - B usi nes s
1080790 Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen Jos ef Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Ec kar t, Sc ie nce &
Wol fgang Spri nger B usi nes s
1080785 Rudolf Virchow und Gustav Adolph Spiess Uwe Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Jen ner, Spri nger B usi nes s
1080784 Jenner Edw ard Spe ktr um Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 560,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mod el ing Bi nary Corre lated R esp onse s U sing SAS, Wi ls on, B usi nes s
1080782 SPSS and R Je ff rey R. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Pl ebani , Sc ie nce &
Ale ss and r B usi nes s
1080778 Agammaglobulinemia o Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,920,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R ind fu ss, B usi nes s
1080772 Low and Lower Fertility Ronal d R . Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H anks , B usi nes s
1080769 Controversies in Thyroid Surgery John B. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Appl egate, B usi nes s
1080768 Brain Edema XVI Ri chard L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,252,000
Spr inge r
Le cka- Sc ie nce &
Cze rni k, B usi nes s
1080766 Diabetic Bone Disease Be ata Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1080765 Aesthetic Septorhinoplasty Çakir, Bariş Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H andbook of Q uali tative H eal th Re se arch for Schu ltz, B usi nes s
1080764 E vid enc e-Base d Practic e Izabel a Z . Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp11,452,000
Bouhassi ra Publ i cati on P ubli cation
1080758 The SAGE Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research , E ric s, Inc s Inc. 2015 Rp21,924,000

Pe te r L an g
Papotti , AG,
1080571 Neuroendocrine Tumors:A Multidisciplinary Approach Mau ro S. Karger KargerAG
Internation 2015 Rp 8,540,000
ale r Ver lag
de r
Im N ad el korse tt au f Tourne e – Me taph ern- Kin g, Wi sse nsc h Pe ter Lang
1080555 A kkom m odation im T herapi e gesp raech Sarah afte n AG 2015 Rp 4,757,000
State s, J. John Wil e y
Ch ris top he & Sons,
1080459 Arsenic r. Wiley Inc . 2015 Rp 5,460,000
B ril l
De Vrie s, Ac adem i c
1079861 Wounds and Wound Repair in Medieval Culture Kel ly Brill P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 6,300,000

T he Epi gen om e and Deve l op me ntal Origi ns of R osen fe ld , Ac ad em ic

1079830 H eal th and D ise ase Ch eryl S. Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 4,200,000

Wood head
1079828 Pharmaceutical Microbiology Sandle, Tim Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 7,056,000
Sigm a Si gma
The ta Tau T heta Tau
Curran, Internation Inte rnati on
1079778 Nurse on Board: Planning Your Path to the Boardroom Con nie L. al al 2016 Rp 1,119,000
Spr inge r
Bohn Sc ie nce &
Ch avanne s Stafl eu van B usi nes s
1079713 Het COPD formularium , N .H . Loghu m Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Mi shra, Sc ie nce &
Inte rac tion Betw ee n Att enti on and Lan guage Ram es h B usi nes s
1079712 Syste ms i n H um an s Kum ar Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Pi nhe iro- Sc ie nce &
A dvan ce d Conce pts in Lum bar De ge ner ati ve D isk Fran co, B usi nes s
1079707 D ise ase João L uiz Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 8,372,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
FE TASS - Fre ibu rger El te rntrain ing fü r Autis mu s- Bre hm , B usi nes s
1079705 Spe ktrum -Störu ngen Be ttin a Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Brandm e y Spri nger B usi nes s
1079702 Medizin trifft Marke er, Kl au s Gable r Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
John Wil e y
Wi le y- & Sons,
1079676 Medical Pharmacology at a Glance Neal, M. J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,259,000
Drae los, John Wil e y
Zoe Wi le y- & Sons,
1079672 Cosmetic Dermatology Kec eci ogl u Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 6,860,000
John Wil e y
De porter , Wi le y- & Sons,
1079664 Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery Dougl as Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,200,000
John Wil e y
Sm ith, Wi le y- & Sons,
1079663 Questions andAnswers in SmallAnimalAnesthesia Le sle y J. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Ts im be rid o
u, John Wil e y
Apostol ia- Wi le y- & Sons,
1079660 Targeted Therapy in Translational Cancer Research Mar ia Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 4,199,000
Mari anne W.
Pete rs- Z ucksc hwe B ookw i re
1079629 Fistelversorgung Gaw li k rdt Ve rlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 672,000
Gl azov, Incorp orat Inc orporat
1079578 What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring for Patients Sh ei la N . ed ed 2016 Rp 643,000
Le vin , Incorp orat Inc orporat
1079577 Acing the Orthopedic Board Exam Bre tt R . ed ed 2016 Rp 2,799,000
Slavi n,
Kon stanti n
1079576 Stimulation of the Peripheral Nervous System V. S. Karger KargerAG 2016 Rp 7,840,000

1079575 Immuno-Oncology George S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 7,840,000
Ch ris ti anse
n, Ni na
1079574 Progressive Neuroblastoma Mere te S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 7,672,000

Le onard,
1079573 Pain in Psychiatric Disorders B. E. S. Karger KargerAG 2015 Rp 5,516,000

1079499 Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability David A. NOLO Nolo 2016 Rp 5,599,000
Charl es C
Steve ns, Charle s C T homas
1079466 Solving the Puzzle of YourADD/ADHD Child Laura J. Thom as P ubli she r 2016 Rp 1,007,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Murr ay- B usi nes s
1079148 Testing and Validation of Computer Simulation Models Sm i th , D . J. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Schm i dt, B usi nes s
1079146 Endothelial Signaling in Development and Disease Mirko HH Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sen ninge r, B usi nes s
1079140 Therapeutische Endoskopie im Gastrointestinaltrakt Norbe t Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kräm er, B usi nes s
1079137 Cancer of Unknown Primary Alw in Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Sc hwarzer , B usi nes s
1079134 Meta-Analysis with R Gui do Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,680,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R e gulation of Imp lantati on and Establi shm e nt of Ge is ert, B usi nes s
1079131 P regnanc y i n Mam mal s Rodn ey D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
R oss, B usi nes s
1079130 RoboticApproaches to Colon and Rectal Surgery Howard Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Coll en , B usi nes s
1079128 The History of Medical Informatics in the United States Morri s F. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,492,000

R ufat, ISTE Pre ss

1078954 Resilience Imperative Sam ue l - El se vie r Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 4,368,000

H ow to Scale -Up a W et Gr anu lation End Poin t Le vin , Ac ad em ic

1078953 Sc ie ntific al l y Mic hael Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 1,678,000

H eck, Ac ad em ic
1078949 The Neuronal Codes of the Cerebellum Detl ef H . Pre ss Elsevier Ltd. 2016 Rp 3,358,000
Ve l as quez, The Gu il ford
Mar y Gui lford P ubli cation
1078918 Group Treatment for SubstanceAbuse, Second Edition Mar den . Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
The Gu il ford
P rinc ip le s and Practi ce of Struc tu ral E quati on Gui lford P ubli cation
1078917 Mod el ing, Four th Edi tion Kline, Rex B. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 3,360,000
The Gu il ford
Fe in, Gui lford P ubli cation
1078916 TheActivity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk Debor ah Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 1,456,000
The Gu il ford
Gui lford P ubli cation
1078915 Adaptive Disclosure Litz, Brett T. Pre ss s Inc. 2015 Rp 2,240,000
The Gu il ford
B uddh ist Psych ology and Cogniti ve-Be havioral Ti rch , Gui lford P ubli cation
1078914 T herapy Den nis D. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,380,000
The Gu il ford
Ter rel l, Gui lford P ubli cation
1078913 Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation Ste ven R. Pre ss s Inc. 2016 Rp 2,240,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pi cano, B usi nes s
1078907 Stress Echocardiography Euge nio Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Dem c henk B usi nes s
1078906 Introduction to Fluorescence Sensing o, A. P. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Ve rhage n, B usi nes s
1078904 Ethical Dilemmas for Critically Ill Babies Eduard Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,332,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Mi ni mal Stim ul ati on and Natural Cyc le In Vi tro All ahbad ia B usi nes s
1078899 Fe rtil i zation , G autam Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1078898 Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Asai, Tohru Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Borasi o, Sc ie nce &
Gian B usi nes s
1078896 Demenz und Palliative Geriatrie in der Praxis Dom eni co Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,260,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Voll m an n, B usi nes s
1078893 Zwangsbehandlung psychisch kranker Menschen Joc hen Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,120,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Stati stik und quantitati ve Me thod en für Schäfer , B usi nes s
1078892 Ge su ndhe itsfachbe rufe Axel Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 840,000
Spr inge r
Ori an, Sc ie nce &
E me rgi ng and Evol ving Topi cs in Mul ti pl e Jac quel in e B usi nes s
1078884 Sc le rosi s Pathogen esi s and Tr eatme nts Moniqu e Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Ul lah, Sc ie nce &
Moham m a B usi nes s
1078876 Critical Dietary Factors in Cancer Chemoprevention d Fahad Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,080,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ou pt, B usi nes s
1078875 Learning to Lead in theAcademic Medical Center Je ff rey L. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
E xc ip ie nt Appl i cati ons in Form ulation De sign and N arang, B usi nes s
1078872 D rug D el ive ry Aji t S. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Innovations in Soci al Marke ting an d Pu bli c He al th Wym e r, B usi nes s
1078871 Com m uni cati on Wal ter W. Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,732,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kas hche nk B usi nes s
1078870 Models of Wave Memory o, Se rgue y Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
T he Pri mary Aud itory Ne urons of the Mam m ali an Popp er, B usi nes s
1078867 Coc hle a Arthur N. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 3,612,000
N urse
Pre scri be rs
Advi sory Pharm ace u P har mace u
1078156 Nurse Prescribers' Formulary 2015-2017 Group. tic al P res s ti cal Pre ss 2015 Rp 840,000
John Wil e y
Porte r, Wi le y- & Sons,
1078119 Diseases of Coral Jam es W. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 6,999,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Me hanna, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078113 Deep Brain Stimulation Raja Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Carte r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078111 Age-related Macular Degeneration Mel anie Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078110 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Costa, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078109 Horizons in Neuroscience Research Andre s Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Evans, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078107 Accidental Falls Bre nda Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Watanabe , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078101 Horizons in Cancer Research Hi roto S. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Paes de Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Carvalh o, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078097 Adenosine Signaling Mechanisms Robe rto Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078095 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Stie gli tz, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078091 New Developments in Clinical Psychology Research Rol f-D ie te r Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Ál am o, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078089 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Ce ci l io Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 7,560,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Madonna, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078088 New Developments in Myocardial Ischemia Research Rosal ind a Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078087 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be rhardt, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078085 Advances in Medicine and Biology Le on V. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
O rth oped ic Managem e nt of Chil dre n wi th Des lande s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078077 Ce reb ral Pal sy Jac ques Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078075 Arteriovenous Malformations Ding, Dale Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H arr is, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078067 Macrosomia and Birth Weight Larry P . Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
We ave r, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078066 Suicidal Ideation Bradl ey. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Vis nje vac , Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078065 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Ognje n Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
H arp er, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078061 Sarcoidosis Darren Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
R am i rez, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078059 Default Mode Network (DMN) Den nis Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Barne s, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078058 Oral Health Ju li a Re ne e Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
He nde rson Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078057 Compartment Syndrome , Ann a P. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Pi ttm an, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cam er on Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078055 Cardiac Tamponade L. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,080,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Pe ri oper ati ve Practic e in Traum a and O rthopaedi c Khan, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078053 Sur gery Was im S. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078050 Fighting Lung Cancer with Conventional Therapies Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Yam aguch i Sci enc e Sc ie nce
, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078049 Genistein and Daidzein Mas ayos hi Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078046 Heterotopic Ossification Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,320,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sharm a, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078039 Alleviating Stress of the Soldier and Civilian Su shi l K. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 6,440,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Jen ki ns, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078033 Myotonic Dystrophies Sand ra Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Nova N ova
Qi an, Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Cur rent Im m unosu ppre ssi ve The rapy i n O rgan Sh iguang, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078031 T ran spl an tation ed itor. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 8,680,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Be ne dek, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078030 Rheumatism Thom as G. Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 3,780,000
Nova N ova
Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Schal ow, Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078029 Neural Network Learning in Humans Giu sel he r Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 5,880,000
Nova N ova
R aj aram , Sci enc e Sc ie nce
Sr i Publ i she rs, P ubli she rs,
1078028 Critical Care Procedure Book Su janthy Inc. Inc . 2015 Rp 4,480,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
P hysi cal A ctivi ty, Fi tnes s, Nutri tion and Obe si ty Jana Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1077996 D urin g Grow th Pař íz ková Publ i she rs L td . 2015 Rp 1,372,000
B entham
Be ntham Sc ie nce
Good Qu al ity P ractic e (G QP) i n P har mace utic al Sci enc e P ubli she rs
1077995 Manu factur ing Botet, Jordi Publ i she rs L td . 2015 Rp 3,612,000

Ve rstrae te , CR C Pre ss
1077904 Veterinary Dentistry Fran k J. M. CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 1,231,000

De pan, CR C Pre ss
1077902 Biodegradable Polymeric Nanocomposites Dil i p CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,479,000
Lie be rm an CR C Pre ss
1077899 Vitrification inAssisted Reproduction, Second Edition n, Ju erge n CRC Press (CAM) 2016 Rp 3,639,000

O per ati ve Su rgery of the Colon, R ectum and Anus , Solom on, CR C Pre ss
1077883 Si xth Edi tion Mic hael J. CRC Press (CAM) 2015 Rp11,172,000
W orld
Le ung, Sc ie ntific
Com pre he nsive G uid e To Chi nes e Med ic ine , A Pin g- Worl d P ubli shi ng
1077642 (Se cond Edi tion) Ch ung Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 4,844,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
Camp bel l, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1077619 Losing Our Way In Healthcare: The Impact Of Reform Kevi n R . Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 2,016,000
W orld
Sc ie ntific
A dvan ce s In P harmac euti cal Cel l The rap y: Günthe r, Worl d P ubli shi ng
1077618 P rinc ip le s O f Cel l-base d B ioph arm ace utic als Ch ris ti ne Sci enti fic Com pany 2016 Rp 7,308,000
Ale ith, Taylor &
Saviou r Si bli ngs and the Re gul ati on of As sis te d aMal col m Franc is
1077602 R e produc tive Tec hnol ogy K.
Loew en au, Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 3,499,000
Kel se y
Luc yk, Cambri dge Cam brid ge
T he Proce e din gs of the 20th Anni vers ary Hi story Fran k W. Schol ars Sc holars
1077558 of M edi ci ne Days Confe re nce 2011 Stahni sch. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 3,079,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Schol ars Sc holars
1077533 Traditional Chinese Exercises Qu, Jianmei. Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 2,771,000
Cambri dge Cam brid ge
Stoyanov, Schol ars Sc holars
1077531 Towards a New Philosophy of Mental Health Drozdstoj Publ i shi ng P ubli shi ng 2015 Rp 3,079,000

Sun, Wood head

1077326 A Practical Guide to Rational Drug Design Hongm ao Publ i shi ng Elsevier Ltd. 2015 Rp 7,056,000
Taylor &
R uch, Franc is
1077281 Researching Critical Reflection Gil li an. Routledge (CAM) 2015 Rp 4,480,000
Lam bert, Taylor &
Patri ci a Franc is
1077255 Managing Arts Programs in Healthcare Dew ey Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,340,000
Taylor &
Thom as, Franc is
1077234 Mental HealthAcross the Lifespan Mike Routledge (CAM) 2016 Rp 4,704,000
Jes sic a Je ssi ca
Brooke r, Kin gsle y Ki ngsl ey
1077129 Person-Centred Dementia Care, Second Edition Dawn Publ i she rs P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 839,000
Je ssi ca
Kir kwood, Singi ng Ki ngsl ey
1077076 The Way of the Five Elements John Dragon P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 700,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
H ayat, B usi nes s
1077061 Tumors of the Central Nervous System, Volume 14 M.A. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1077056 The Essential Guide to N-of-1 Trials in Health Nikles, Jane Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Atlas of Intraop erative Froze n Se ction Diagnosi s in B usi nes s
1077050 Gyn ec ologi c Pathology Hui, Pei Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Di salvo, E. B usi nes s
1077042 Membrane Hydration Ani bal Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,852,000
O pen
Ope n R oad
R oad Inte grate d
1077031 Ten Days in a Mad-House Bly, Nellie. Me dia Me di a, Inc . 2015 Rp 56,000
John Wil e y
Bow er, Wi le y- & Sons,
1076896 Lecture Notes: Oncology Mar k Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2015 Rp 1,386,000
F. A. Davis
Cowe n, Com pany/
1076873 Pathophysiology for Massage Therapists Vi rgi nia S. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2016 Rp 2,295,000
F. A. Davis
Carp, Com pany/
1076872 Peripheral Nerve Injury Ste phe n J. F.A. Davis P ubli she rs 2015 Rp 2,547,000

Software Innovati ons i n Cl in ical Dru g

1076799 D eve lopm e nt and Safety Nagal,Amit IGI Global IGI Global 2016 Rp 6,300,000
Al ber t Gruyte r
1076618 Handbuch Sprache in der Medizin Busc h Mouton De Gruyter 2015 Rp 7,056,000
H ans -
1076593 Arzneimittelforschung Se dl ace k De Gruyter De Gruyter 2015 Rp 5,096,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Carrasc osa B usi nes s
1076516 Dual-Energy CT in Cardiovascular Imaging , Patri ci a Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Gargi ulo, Sc ie nce &
Pas cual B usi nes s
1076504 Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update Ánge l Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 6,692,000
Spr inge r
Kle i n, Sc ie nce &
Cl ini cal Low Fi el d Stre ngth Magne ti c Re sonance Hans- B usi nes s
1076503 Im aging Mar ti n Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1076497 Anticoagulation Management Rose,Anne Adis Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 2,772,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Pe rdi gão, Uni ver sity B usi nes s
1076496 Restoration of Root Canal-Treated Teeth Jor ge Toron to Me di a B. V.
of 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Pre ss,
Schol arly Un ive rsi ty
Maunde r, Publ i shi ng of T oronto
1076487 Love, Fear, and Health Bob Di vis ion P res s 2015 Rp 2,100,000
John Wil e y
Jacobs, Wi le y- & Sons,
1076485 Principles of Veterinary Parasitology Den nis E. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 1,820,000
Sm ith, John Wil e y
Fran ci s W . Wi le y- & Sons,
1076484 Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult K. Bl ackwe ll Inc . 2016 Rp 3,080,000

Kunze , Kohlh am m B ookw i re

1076480 Psychisch krank in Deutschland He inr ich . e r Verl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 4,339,000
Hu man
Kin etic s, H um an
1076336 Beth Shaw's YogaFit Shaw, Beth Inc. Ki neti cs 2016 Rp 615,000
Azeve do, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
Mar io Pre ss of P res s of
1076207 The State of Health and Health Care in Mississippi Joaqui m Mi ssi ssi ppi Mi ss iss ipp i 2015 Rp 5,250,000
Caiste r Cais te r
Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1076171 Arboviruses Gubler, D. J. Pre ss P res s 2016 Rp 8,932,000
Caiste r Cais te r
Gas Plasm a Ster il izati on i n M icr obiol ogy: T heory, Shi ntani , Ac ad em ic Ac adem i c
1076169 A ppl ic ati on s, Pitfall s and Ne w Pe rspe cti ve s Hi de har u. Pre ss P
Amresesri can 2016 Rp 7,252,000
Am er ic an Ac adem y
Jackson, Ac ad em y of
Mar y of Peowm
R di atrian
1076143 Red Book 2015 Anne Pe diatri cs &(R ed Book) 2015 Rp 4,199,000
R owm an L itt le fiel d
& P ubli shi ng
Agroni n, Li ttl efi el d Gr oup,
1076107 The Dementia Caregiver Mar c E . Publ i she rs Inc . 2015 Rp 1,260,000
Oxford O xford
Gri sso, Uni ver sity Un ive rsi ty
1076099 Animal Maltreatment Thom as Pre ss P res s USA 2016 Rp 6,716,000

Im provi ng H eal th Managem en t Through Cli ni cal Gale a,

1076032 D ec isi on Sup port Syste ms Mar y P. IGI Global IGI Global 2015 Rp 6,300,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
P roce ed ings of the 10th Inte rnati onal Sym pos ium Chung, P. B usi nes s
1075986 on Comp uter Sc ie nc e i n Sp orts (ISCSS) W. H. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp10,892,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Münz, B usi nes s
1075983 Epstein Barr Virus Volume 2 Ch ris ti an Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,292,000
Spr inge r
R ic kman, Sc ie nce &
Cathe rine B usi nes s
1075981 Retinal Degenerative Diseases Bowe s Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 7,532,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
B usi nes s
1075980 Approach to Internal Medicine Hui, D. Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 1,540,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Kusu noki, B usi nes s
1075974 Colitis-Associated Cancer Mas ato Springer Me di a B. V. 2016 Rp 4,172,000
Spr inge r
Sc ie nce &
Spandau, B usi nes s
1075964 27-Gauge Vitrectomy Ulr ic h Springer Me di a B. V. 2015 Rp 5,572,000
H andbuc h für He il praktike r: Marketi ngmi x für Di pl om ica
H ei l prakti ke r (Psyc hotherapi e ) im R ahm en der Bod e, Ver lag
1075818 ge se tzli ch en Be stim m unge n Thom as Igel Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Di pl om ica
D er inte grie rte Bus ine ss Plan: Erfol gre ich e Hütt em an Ver lag
1075795 Gr ündu ng e ine r e rgothe rap euti sch en Praxi s n, Sonj a Igel Verlag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Di pl om ica
Was tu n be i gehörl ose n Ki nde rn m i t Ali be gov ic di sse rta Ver lag
1075760 Ver hal tens störunge n? , Fr ank Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Di pl om ica
Inte nti onale Wahrne hm ung und Auti sm us: Ei ne Kal ai tzi di s, di sse rta Ver lag
1075755 p hil osophi sc he A nal yse Dim i tr ios Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,288,000
Pe rsp ekti ve n Postmod ern er Sexualp äd agogi k: Ker sche r, Di pl om ica
L ustvoll e s Verl angen , tradi tione ll e Tabu s un d Karl -He in z di sse rta Ver lag
1075752 Se xu el le Me nsc he nrec hte Ign atz Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
T rau er als Entwi ckl ungs prozess :
Sozial pädagogi sc he Be gle itung von T rauer arbe i t Di pl om ica
u nte r besond er er Be rücks ic hti gung kreative r di sse rta Ver lag
1075751 Me di en Jope, Ingrid Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,484,000
Com m uni ty Re inforc em e nt Appr oac h als Di pl om ica
T äti gkei tsfel d d er Sozi ale n Arbe it: Posi tive Bade nschi e di sse rta Ver lag
1075723 Ver stärku ng i m Suchthi lfe syste m r, Dörthe Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
P rofe ss ional ität und Autori tät i n d er
p sychi atr isc hen Pfl ege : E ine e m pir isc he Studi e Di pl om ica
zum Ver hal ten von p sychi atr isc hen Me yer, di sse rta Ver lag
1075719 P flege fachkräfte n in Kon fliktsi tuati one n Be rnd Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Intri nsi sche M oti vati on und Advance d Nur sin g Di pl om ica
P rac tic e: Unte rstützungs mögl i chke iten i m di sse rta Ver lag
1075706 U nte rri cht Eder, Karin Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
Di pl om ica
A dip ositasc hiru rgie : Ei wei ßm al nutri tion nac h Kre uter, di sse rta Ver lag
1075691 E
R ntw
oux ieckl
n yung
un d EByp
val as sO
uati onperation
e i nes falenl - und Mar ti na. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,540,000
w ebbasi er te n T raini ngspr ogram m es
(d3w eb.T rain): als begl e iten der Kurs zur Obe rüc k, Di pl om ica
Vorl es ung d er kli ni sch en Im m unol ogie / Ste phan di sse rta Ver lag
1075686 R he um atol ogi e an d er Uni ve rsi tät Würzburg Matt hias. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,288,000
P hysi othe rapi e zw is che n H ei lp äd agogi k un d Di pl om ica
Me di zin: Kin der betre uung in Wi ens Wi kus, di sse rta Ver lag
1075679 Inte grati onski nde rgär te n Pri ska. Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 2,240,000
E -H e al th i n de r bi om ed izin isc hen Analyti k: E in Ram pets re Di pl om ica
Gr obkonze pt für di e el ektroni sc he Über tr agun g ite r, di sse rta Ver lag
1075668 von Labordaten Ch ris top h Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,540,000
D ie m agi sc he Kraft d er Be rühru ng: Ch anc en und Di pl om ica
Mögl i chke iten i n de r P ers on enze ntr ie rten Ste inbac he di sse rta Ver lag
1075652 P sychothe rapie ? r, Doris Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
„ Ec ht krasse Mu tp robe“ - Juge ndl ic hes Di pl om ica
R is ikove rhalte n, Mutprobe n und Jost, di sse rta Ver lag
1075638 Se lbs tü bers chätzung Mic hael Ve rl ag Gm bH 2015 Rp 1,652,000
U nse re Nahrung – uns ere Krankhe it: Sie ben
ve rbre ite te E rnährungs

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