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(;oYERNt\t EN'r O!' lNDIrr

{ ta -i:xrerqt I\INISTRY oF ltAtlw,ts$q.l{. sTt?';r'{r S WrqJe,
(frFrA #)fn,ttlwAY
(vaE B();\RD
qTG)/RAILWAY iiO;\I{D fJ(, Wdt i

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../ No.zot 0t1/16-llMisc. Nerv Delhi, datecl$&,8.2010

Chicf N'ledical Directors,
tsty{. i': t

$Y,rtt Indian Railrval's and r\,

de" fI ...r
CI\4SiDLW, Varanasl. t'. ?
W.g ft fi -,'. ;.,1..,*..' rtsi'
C N4S/CLW, Chittranjan.
CIvIS/lCF/Chennai. 'r
\, itq. l!, Pq. ti'. >...6'
{.ii.:'{ 5
fc'g. R. ft. t-"ii' fl )"""'-'-i*

f \1 S/l)Nl \\/. Patiala.

C irri SlnC f lKap t rrt hal a. q u*ipr.. 9 ,=+".- -
C\'iSi RWI;/Bangalore 4,*o'

Sub : Studics on Occurrational llcalth issucs in Intlian Railrvavs.

In order to lurtherstrengthen Occupational Flealth Seruices over Indiart

Raihvays, DG/RIIS desires that Scientific Studies be condttcted on .variotts issues
related to Occupational Health in Indian Raii'ways.

Fer.v Areas identified are is tbLlorvs :-

l. Epidemiology of lv{edical Invalidation and De-categorization on 7 AU6 2010

Medical Grounds. -;*r,€1' ' l-'Nr
2. Epidemiology of Sickness absenteeism*- Oir-c ' \3rr.-
3. Epjrle}Liclogll of Workp.'lace Injur:ies.
p>c r V{Per
4. Analysis of lvlortality Pattern of Servilg Raifi.vay Employees.. eid.t' HQ
5. Epidemiology of Musclo-skeletal Disorders (lt4SD)in Workplace. -
6. Epiderniology of Noise Induced Hearipg loss at Workplace.; Rt-t
7. -"s Epiderniology of Occupational Visuai Disorders. J
.,,-_.--,-,,:'"- i=:'=' Stucly on Ambient Air Quality. Respiratory Symptoms anci Lung Function
of employees.
g. Relationship betu'een lvlodif-rable l-ife style associated Risk Factors and
lvletabolic S)'ndrome. J.R'l'l
10. ()ccupational Stress anlons Raiir'r'a)'Engine Pilots (Drivers)'f RH
1i. Prevaience of Occupational Dermatitis. .e


he Scieltific Studies to be conducted may not be restricted to above topics.

T'he N{etlical Oft-rces ,vfro:ri-Jr",,,,n*, capable on,i hav" interest in

Occupatiolal Flealth issnes should be supported. guided and motivated fbr planning
and execution ol studv. compilation and collation of data and resr"rlts, conclusion and
recomurendations. It lror-rlcl also be r-rseful to forr-n teams fclr couducting the above
scientific sttrdies.

The l4edical Officers shoulil also be encouraged to become life rtlentbers of

IncJial Association of Occupational Health (IAOIJ) especiall,v- irl vierv of the Board's
Lerter No. E(G)2009 FEI-3 ciated 2-1.10.09 vide u'hich Railrvay lt''Iedical Ofl'icers are
entitled to 90% reimburserperlt of'melllbership fecr olIAOH.
6l" Nation^, r",,rnffIn<Jian Associaiion of occuparionai Hearrh (vorsrIE
-20111 is scheciuleci to be held ironr l6'h to ig'h Feb. 20il ar Vadrdara.,'(jujarat.
confcrence 'lJrenre is "Voice for occupationar Safet1.. and Hcahh".

DG/Rt"lS desires that Scientific Studies on Occuparional Health issues conclucred

lndian Rails'ays should be submitted lor presentation at this rQonference. Conespopr
adJress for subrnitting scicntific papers and. also, registration loithe above Confcrence i

Dr J R Kamath
Organising Secrerary - VOISI{ECON
6lst National Conlerence of IAOH
J - B, Shivashish Flats
lvlahe Teen Rasta, iVlujmahucia
BARODA - 390020.
Gujrat. INDIA.
Tel. (+91; (26s)235 6869 and 2327737
Emai I : iaohvadodara@gniai
i aohvadodara@si fy. coni

The time schedule for activities related to the Studies on Occupational

Health issues over Indian Railu,ays to be conducte<l, as above, shall be as foliows:-

S.No. Activity Dead line

Selection of area of study and Medical office. conauctr'gl 7.9.20t0
coordinatin_s conduct of the study

2. Finalization of objectives and methodo-ogy of the studies 1s.9.2010

4. Cornpletion of Studies 30.I0.2010

5. Presentatio' of results, conclusion and recommendation to 22.t1.2810


6. Finalization of abstract for submisslon to Oryanizing 6.12.2010

Secretary - VOISHECON -2011 €

7. Presentation of the final studies to oGlRu- fo. prese,rtatlon 7.1.20Lt

at the 6l't National Conference of Indial Association of
Occupational Health (VOISI{ECON -20I I)
8. Presentation at 6l'r National Conferffi 16.2.24fl tu
Association of OccLrpational Health (VOISFIECON -201I t9.2.:2011

DG/RHS desires that the above tinre scliedule is adhered to striitly.

For any ftrrther information w'etrsite : n' nray be accessed.

" \\"1
!\tedical officers shose parfrs are acccptetl for'prcscnrarion ar rhe abor.c
..t .f
('onfcrcncc should be considered for nomination as Oftlcial
Action in this regard may plcasc be inlonned to rhis ol'ljcc accorclingly.

Please acknorvledge recei pt.


vraft"qF TR *{XDr. Rajiv Kumrr Jain)
, fttsr6.(rqr. Tq u.o.)/Dircctor (ll&FW)
H #lnaitrvay Board.
E.rnai I : tlhfrv@irb. rai lnet. gov. i n
Rly No. 43395, MTNL : 23388373
Iele Fax : 0l l-23388373, Fax: 2330i9g5
Mobile :09910487408
DA : As above.
Genera'"ffiiil Ra'wavs and
: 3ili:.?):;:xr',*
. PFS to DG/RHS,
o EDH(P)
. jDIH
...,.i:1;:;z- Dr J R Kamath, organising Secretary - voISHECoN, 6lst National
'j.''i';:11'' Conference of IAOH, 7 - B,Shivashlsh Flats, Mane Teen Rasta, IVujmahuda,
BARODA - j90020, Gujrat. INDIA.
. . Sr. Prof. (HM). Railr,vay Staff College. Vadodara,
' Exe. Director/Medical Services/ Konkan Railways/Navi Murnbai

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