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TYPE OF DISEASE: Self-limiting disease of childhood Self-limiting disease of childhood
CONTAGIOUSNESS Contagious Contagious
CAUSATIVE AGENT: Varicella-zoster virus Parvovirus B19

INCUBATION PERIOD: usually 14-16 days but ranges from 4-28 days average: (16-17 days)
10 to 21 days.
RESERVOIR: human human
PERIOD OF COMMUNICABILITY: 1 day before the rash to 5 to 6 days Contagious during the week prior to the
after its appearance, when all the appearance of the rash. By the time the rash is
vesicles have crusted evident, the person is probably beyond the
contagious period.

MODE OF TRANSMISSION: Mode of transmission: Highly Vertical transmission from mother to fetus, by
contagious; spread by direct or respiratory tract secretions or Droplets, and
indirect contact of saliva or vesicles percutaneous exposure to blood to blood

EPIDEMIOLOGY (AGE): Most common on adult School age between 5-15 years old
SEASON Later winter and early spring Later winter and early spring
RASHES present present
MORPHOLOGY Vesicles on an erythematous “Slapped cheek” appearance, lacy reticular
base,crust “pearl on a rose petal”. rash.

DISTRIBUTION Begins on the face and trunk and Erythematous cheeks, Reticular extremities
spreads centripetally.
FEVER Low-grade fever Low grade fever
ASSOCIATED FINDINGS Pruritus, Varicella Zoster Rash waxes and wanes over weeks,Athritis,
Aplastic crisis
VACCINES MMR, Chickenpox or Varicella NONE
TREATMENT No specific treatment, Intervention No specific treatment, Intervention depends
depends on symptoms on symptoms
ISOLATION Patients with a possible/confirmed Doesn’t need isolation like other
diagnosis of chickenpox should be disease,unlikely to be contagious after the
placed in a single room or rash appears and a diagnosis has been /made.
segregated from other non-
immune clients until all vesicles are
dry and have crusted over.

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