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Tommy Gaertner

Anthropology Research Paper

Teresa Potter

Race throughout History

One of the most hotly contested issues in society, not only today but also throughout the course

of a large portion of human history is race. It has been a subject which has both divided and unified

groups, organizations and sometimes even entire countries such as the American Civil War. In the

1940’s, Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, launched an offensive on a big portion of Europe with race

being one of the primary factors. Seeing as race has played a seemingly significant role, one could find

themselves asking “how has it gotten to where it’s at today”? It’s certainly a fair question to ask but one

that could be difficult to find an exact answer for. Although difficult to pinpoint the exact answer, it

really helps to gain an understanding of the concept or origin of race. According to an article on this

particular subject, race has often separated or categorized a population based on the following reasons:

1. Race mirrors, in some way or another, a type of biological basis. 2. Due to this biological basis or

foundation, racial groups are formed and suggest that their biological features are unique to only them.

3. The biological basis is then passed down from one group to another. 4. Family or ancestral

examination can help locate someone’s regional origin. More often than not, that examination will

conclude with origins in North or South America, Asia, Africa, or Europe. 5. Lastly, racial or biological

features will take form physically such as the color of skin, body height and weight, bone structure and

even mental or behavioral traits as well. (James, Michael. “Race.”) If you combine all of those with the

biological definition of race, which is: geographically patterned physical differences of local populations

of the same species, someone can obtain a rather undeveloped, but basic understanding of race.

Upon getting a basic understanding surrounding the concept of race, it is evident that several

biological aspects are covered. The American Association of Physical Anthropologists suggests that in the
Tommy Gaertner

Anthropology Research Paper

Teresa Potter

19th and the early 20th centuries, ideas of race were results of external physical features, primarily skin

color, but also facial features and body weight/height rather than some of the biological perspectives we

have learned today. The AAPA has conducted their own extensive research on many aspects

surrounding race and have developed more scientific positions on race; Throughout different races,

there is a rather massive genetic or biological variety. A lot of these varieties or diversities, imitate

hereditary as well as natural and social environments. Throughout the world, people have traits or

physical differences based on their geological locations. Many of these differences are either results of

the environment and geological conditions or influenced by nutrition and ways of life. (Biological

Aspects of Race) Although it took the human race quite some time to understand that race has roots in

biology, we have been able to use information and evidence we collected to conclude more factual

aspects surrounding race from a biological or environmental standpoint.

Obviously, race is very connected with biological factors. Aside from these biological factors

though, there are also social influences brought about by the concept of race. In our present-day

society, it seems that race has been the topic of controversy almost on a daily basis. There have been

several events which have caused a great divide or friction between races, particularly the African

American community and the Caucasian community throughout our country. A lot of these cases have

included both an African American person and a Caucasian member of the law involved in some sort of

altercation which often resulted in the death of the African American person. Although it was a matter

of law, the fact that deaths are occurring is sparking outrage and a social tension between some

members of these races. Another common social opinion surrounding race can be connected to the

President of these United States. In the most recent Presidential election of 2016, many people voiced
Tommy Gaertner

Anthropology Research Paper

Teresa Potter

concern over electing a candidate who they believed to be somewhat racist as our President. Although

there was that concern for some people, others believed this to be untrue and supported Trump by all

means capable. Ultimately, Trump won the election and took office. Fast forward to 2018, just 2 years

later, and a survey conducted by CNN shows that a staggering 57% of the country believe Trump is

racist. (Cillizza, Chris. “57% Think Donald Trump Is a Racist. So ...”) If 57% of the population believe

that the person leading them is racist, it is a certain sign that race is in fact a social issue which is ever

present in our modern-day society.

As was stated at the introduction of this paper, race has been and will continuously be a heated

topic of in our society. One of the especially challenging issues that results from race, is whether or not

it is considered ethical to categorize whole populations by their race. This is a topic that is left open for

debate and interpretation per individual but looking at some of the negative issues that have taken

place due to race over the course of history, it is probably not wise to do so. In certain circumstances,

such as scientific research or information gathering, it might make sense to categorize populations by

their race, however. We have seen this done often in the form of surveys, asking how a certain

demographic feels about a particular issue or person. It is still a fine line to walk though because in the

world today, it seems like everything someone does or says is analyzed microscopically. By generalizing

entire populations purely by their race, it can bring about certain negative connotations or stereotypes

that are untrue and potentially demeaning. A good way to avoid this is to exert caution when discussing

someone’s race or culture as to not offend or insult. In countries with a diverse population, such as the

United States, at just about any given place, you can find people ranging from a multitude or races or
Tommy Gaertner

Anthropology Research Paper

Teresa Potter

cultures so it’s extremely important to consider that not everyone around you may have the same

background culturally or share the same views as you.

Tommy Gaertner

Anthropology Research Paper

Teresa Potter


 James, Michael. “Race.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 28

May 2008,

 Cillizza, Chris. “57% Think Donald Trump Is a Racist. So ...” CNN, Cable News Network, 2

Mar. 2018,

 Biological Aspects of Race,


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