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Data were collected with next sensors setting:

Range of the gyroscopes from -2000 to 2000 deg/sec.

Range of the accelerometers from -2g to 2g. Where g is gravity acceleration
Values of the gyroscopes and the accelerometers encoded by int_16 datatype.
Values of the EMGs encoded by uint_8 datatype.

Here is table with information about recorded activities:

ID Activity Time (min) Percent Description

1 walking 192 32.15 Walking and turning at
various speed on flat surface.
2 running 20 3.39 Running at various pace.
3 going_up 37 6.23 Taking stairs up at
various speed.
4 going_down 33 5.52 Taking the stairs down
at various speed and steps.
5 sitting 68 11.45 Sitting on a
chair; sitting on floor not included.
6 sitting down 6 1.14 Sitting on a chair;
sitting down on floor not included.
7 standing up 6 1.06 Standing up from chair.
8 standing 93 15.56 Static standing on
solid surface.
9 bicycling 44 7.41 Regular bicycling.
10 up_by_elevator 25 4.22 Standing in elevator
while moving up.
11 down_by_elevator 19 3.30 Standing in elevator while
moving down.
12 sitting in car 51 8.55 Sitting while traveling
by car.
Total 598 100.00

Here is table with information about participants:

id weight (kg) height (cm) age sex (M=Male, F=Female)

1 75 177 24 M
2 80 183 22 M
3 65 183 23 M
4 93 189 24 M
5 63 183 35 M
6 54 168 25 F
7 52 161 22 F
8 80 176 23 M
9 65 175 24 F
10 118 183 27 M
11 85 203 24 M
12 85 192 23 M
13 64 174 18 M
14 68 175 19 M
15 72 178 23 M
16 48 164 26 F
17 85 179 25 M
18 70 180 19 M

Every file name was created according to the following template

HGD_vX_ACT_PR_CNT.txt. Here is table with description of the file naming

TAG Description Type Comment

HGD Prefix fixed Data files start with this prefix
vX Version number integer Indicates the version of the data format
ACT Activity string Indicates the type of activity
PR Participant ID integer Indicates the subject whos data was recorded
CNT Counter integer Counter for repeated experiments

For example, a file named HGD_v1_walking_17_02.txt, contains data from participant

17 while he was walking repeated for the second time.
Each file contains header. Here is table with description of the data file header:

TAG Description Type

#Activity List of the activities string lists
the activity names in this file
#ActivityID List of the ID of activities list of integers lists the activity IDs
in this file
#Date-Time Date and Time MM-DD-HR-MN Month-
Day-Hour-Min format

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