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Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Types of Matter and weather

Content Area: Earth and Space Science
Grade Level(s): 1
Content Standard Addressed: S1E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate weather data to identify weather patterns.
b. Ask questions to identify forms of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, and hailstones as
either solid (ice) or liquid (water).
c. Plan and carry out investigations on current weather conditions by observing, measuring with
simple weather instruments (thermometer, wind vane, rain gauge), and recording weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and
weather events) in a periodic journal, on a calendar, and graphically.

Technology Standard Addressed: 2 Digital Citizen

Selected Technology Tool:
☐ Socrative ☐ iRespond ☐ Quizlet ☐ Plickers ☒ Kahoot! ☐ Office365 Forms
☐ Other:
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):
Technology that student will use to respond to questions/prompts:
☒ Computer ☐ Hand-held student response system (like iRespond) ☒ Phone ☒ Tablet (such as iPad)
☐ Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Type of session:
☐ Teacher-Paced ☒ Student-Paced
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):
☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

To address Universal Design for Learning Principles or UDL I will take the appropriate actions to make sure that students have a chance to excel in this
activity. I will do the by providing the question on the Kahoot! To be read aloud for students that are more auditory learners. I will also be sure to
include pictures that allow or a visual representation of what I am looking for. I will activate background knowledge by watching some clips about
things that were previously covered. I will also create engagement by allowing the students to work in groups of 3-4 to create three questions and
answer choices to be included in a new Kahoot!.
Describe the instructional activities that will occur PRIOR to the SRT activity and how you will introduce the SRT activity.
Prior to the start of the activity the students will have learned all about the standard and this activity will be used to go over what they have learned as

Spring 2018_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools

a stud tool. To introduce the Student Response Tool activity, I will have each student individually get a laptop or iPad out to input their response to the
Kahoot! that I have made.
Describe the purpose of the SRT activity (check all that apply):
☒ Assess prior knowledge ☒ Anticipatory set (Create interest in a topic) ☒ To illuminate common misconceptions ☒ Formative assessment
of content knowledge (for purpose of differentiation and mastery for ALL students) ☐ Summative assessment of content knowledge ☒ Test
☐ Survey/Poll ☐ Discussion starter ☐ “Homework” collection ☐ Other (please explain):

Briefly describe what will happen DURING the SRT activity: (What will the students do? What will the teacher do? What materials are needed?
How long with the activity last?)
After the second Kahoot! game is made I will be able to see where the students are at and who still needs to go over what parts of the content
standard. After the SRT activity I will be able to further plan my lesson on which students need help and which students could benefit from more
difficult instruction.
Type of questions/prompts used in this activity (check all that apply):
☒ Multiple choice ☐ Multiple select ☒ True/False ☐ Yes/No
☐ Short open-ended response or fill-in the blank ☐ Longer open-ended response

If you are unable to provide a working sample of your questions, please list them below (8-10):

Right/Wrong answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions?

☒ Yes ☐ No
☐ Mixed (Some will have correct answers, other will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback: Will you pre-select correct answers to some of all of the questions and display correct response to the class after the
SRT activity?
☒ Yes
☐ No
Why or why not?
To help the students understand what they answered incorrectly and why their answer was wrong.
Describe what will happen AFTER the SRT activity?

After the second Kahoot! game is made I will be able to see where the students are at and who still needs to go over what parts of the content
standard. After the SRT activity I will be able to further plan my lesson on which students need help and which students could benefit from more

Spring 2018_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools

difficult instruction.
How will the data be used?
The data that will be collected as a result of this activity is where each student is in terms of how much the understand and know about the content
standard. The data will be used to differentiate instruction based on which students need more practice with what. The top two students who get the
most Kahoot! answers correct will be awarded one sticker each. I will also be able to use this activity to help monitor individual progress. I will discuss
with the entire class what the final result of activity where.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.
My personal goal for this activity will be to see how well SRT work with a first grade class and to see if the activity will generate accurate responses as
opposed to students just putting in any answer to get the stickers. I hope that students will learn from this activity by understanding what they still
need to practice and what they may be confused with.
Reflective Practice:
I feel that the activities that I created can impact student learning by allowing student to self-reflect on how they can improve their learning skills. To
extend this lesson I could have the students create their own SRT by using a different program or the same one to help them review for future quizzes
or tests.

Spring 2018_SJB

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