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Markowitz Portfolio Optimization ← Click here for more Financial Modeling spreadsheets

Desired Portfolio Return 0.15 Constraint in Solver

Stock Returns Portfolio Allocation

0.111 0.223 0.122 0.05 GMC 0.392 Values to be changed
0.114 0.46 3.00E-03 0.05 USX 0.120 by Solver
0.323 -0.09 0.111 0.05 TBIL 0.352
1.00E-03 -0.107 0.054 0.05 Total 1
-0.209 0.12 0.169 0.05
0.223 0.309 -0.035 0.05 Constraint
in Solver
0.26 0.411 0.133 0.05
0.21 0.05 0.732 0.05 Covariance Matrix
0.144 0.1 0.021 0.05 ATT GMC USX
0.412 0.445 0.131 0.05 ATT 0.0412268 0.0227 0.0305628
-0.013 0.123 6.00E-03 0.05 GMC 0.0226614 0.0479 0.0150006
0.553 0.55 0.908 0.05 USX 0.0305628 0.015 0.0903057
Mean Returns 0.177417 0.2161667 0.19625 0.05 TBIL 3.5017E-35 -2E-34 -1.401E-34
Variances 0.0024706 0.0093 0.00249

Set your desired portfolio return
Start the Excel Solver and
i) Minimize the Portfolio Variance
ii) Change "By changing variable cells" to the range of cells containing the Portfolio Allocation
iii) Set the constraints (the total portfolio allocation must add up to one, and the portfolio return should be you d
iv) Click Solve
Values to be changed
by Solver

5.25E-35 Porfolio Variance
Value to
-3.16E-35 0.014247 be minimized

o return should be you desired value)

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