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Delta Lesson Plan

Background Information


Candidate Number
LSA Number Internal 3
LSA Focus (Systems/Skills) Writing
LSA Area (Grammar/Speaking/Lexis, etc) Skills
Date of Lesson 27/07/2017
Level Elementary

Class Profile
(please give a brief general overview of the learners and the course)

The majority of the learners are refugees from Turkey, Iran and Aghanistan who seem to
have fled their country for political or economic reasons. Their main objective is to immigrate
to another European country to better their lives. All of them are high school graduates while
some of them have received higher or vocational education as well. There are also learners
from Greece, Albania, Uzbekistan of similar educational backgrounds, which means that
there are no problems relating to literacy since all students can read and write in English.
The average age of the learners is mid 30s but there are some older ones, e.g. in their
60s.The majority are unemployed and some of them have to commute from far, so they
might be late. This might mean that some are more regular attenders than others.
It is a mixed-ability group with some learners dominating and others being very silent
because of lack of confidence. There have been some new students in the last two weeks
who seem to be false beginners. So, there might be some need to revise language already
They seem to function well as a group and, inevitably, tend to form pairs with specific and
some, due to their psycological make-up.

Individual Learner Profiles

(please fill in the table below with information about individual learners relevant to the topic and
learning objectives of this lesson)

Name Background Information relevant to this lesson

Pepy She's Greek, 48 She learns English to improve her job prospects.
Zaharopoulou years old and she's She is one of the most active students in the
been learning group and this lesson write more cohesively and
English for 4 years. generally develop her discourse.
She’s a production
Cahit He's from Turkey. He is eager to participate. He needs to improve
He's been living in his vocabulary and his fluency, so this lesson
Greece and he's could help him organize his discourse, consolidate
been learning some recently taught vocabulary and structures.
English for 3 months.
He’s a teacher.
Kadir He is a teacher from He is eager to participate but he is really a false
Turkey and has been beginner. This lesson could help him consolidate
learning English for 3 vocabulary and structures we did in the previous
months. lessons.
Lokman He comes from His language profile is similar to Cahit and Kadir.
Turkey and he's 43
years old. He's a
teacher of History
and has been in
Greece for four
months. He's been
learning English for
two months.
Ali A science teacher He seems to love English and is an eager
from Turkey. participant. Lessons like this could help
consolidate recently taught vocabulary and
improve his discourse.
Marianna She is 54 and comes She seems to be enthusiastic and eager to learn
from Bulgaria but she cannot attend lessons as regularly as she
would like because she sometimes works in the
mornings. She wants to learn English to
communicate with her granddaughter who lives in
England. The lesson could help her revise some
recently taught vocabulary, consolidate some
basic structures and boost her confidence.
Giota She is 55-year-old She wants to be able to communicate with her
civil engineer from friends in America and she seems eager to
Greece. improve her English. However, she does not
attend regularly, so the lesson could help her
revise vocabulary and structures and, hopefully,
boost her confidence.
Anna She comes from She does not attend very regularly, so there are
Uzbekistan and she gaps in her knowledge. However, she seems to
has been learning enjoy the lessons, so this lesson might help to
English for two revise some vocabulary and consolidate some
years. basic structures.
Mustaba He comes from He is a new student in the group and he seems to
Afghanistan. be false beginner but he is very eager to learn.
The lesson could help him learn some basic
vocabulary and produce some coherent
Halit He is a journalist He is quite eager to participate but he has
from Turkey. problems with his discourse despite good
knowledge of vocabulary. So, this lesson could
help him produce more organized discourse.
Lesson Aims
(Please fill in the table below. Provide a clear description of the main and secondary learning
objectives of the lesson in the first column and explain, in column 2, how you are planning to
check the extent to which the learning objectives have been achieved)

Learning Objectives Evidence of achievement

1) The main objective of the lesson is for 1) Production of an acceptable text that
the students to produce a simple parallels the model one.
descriptive text of a house. 2) Successful completion of the relevant
2) A related objective is for learners to task.
recognize the typical organization of 3) Successful completion of the task with
such a text so that they can apply it in relevant information
their own description.
3) To learn some planning techniques so
that they can note down their ideas in a
more effective way.

Language Analysis

(Please provide a clear and detailed analysis of the forms, meaning/use and phonology of the
target language if this is a systems lesson OR the linguistic, discoursal and communicative
features if this is a skills lesson)

The model text is a description of a house which is commonly found on online platforms
like AirBnB where you can rent houses while on holiday or house swapping sites where
you can exchange houses with other people. Of course, the particular text is a simplified
version of such texts so that it is appropriate for elementary learners.
The main communicative purpose of such a text is to attract the attention of potential
Concerning the organization of the text, it follows the conventions of the particular genre. It
starts with some general information about the location of the house and some general
characteristics before highlighting some important features the writer thinks will suit his
purpose. Finally, there is reference to services, facilities and some relevant information
like important landmarks nearby. On the whole, the text is structured in such a way so that
it creates the particular impression the writer wishes to convey to potential readers.
As for the linguistic features of the text, the main features are:
 a number of content words like descriptive adjectives (quiet / great / beautiful / big)
and nouns (view, street, garden, park)
 There is grammatical cohesion by means of reference. More specifically, there is the
personal pronoun ‘it’ in both its subject and object form which is used to avoid
repetition (It has one bedroom. You can use it as an extra bedroom.)
 There is mainly paratactic structure of sentences with the use of the conjunction ‘and’.
 Regarding lexis, the text contains words from lexical sets that have superordinates like
‘Home’ (living room, study), ‘Furniture’ (sofa bed, table, chairs), ‘Facilities & Services’
(park, underground station, landmarks).

Timetable fit

(Please outline links between this and preceding and following lessons)
The regular attendees have covered 10 modules of Cutting Edge Elementary, so they
should be familiar with basic verbs and structures. In my previous lessons with them, we
did a reading text about an unusual house where as a post-reading activity they had to
write a description of an unusual house of their own. We also did some vocabulary work
with the lexical set ‘Household appliances’ and some of them should be familiar with the
lexical set ‘Furniture’. So, I think this writing lesson is a natural follow-up of what we have
been doing so far. A possible follow-up to this lesson would be to write an email where
they describe their own house to an Internet pen friend.


(Please outline the assumptions this lesson is based on about the learners’ previous knowledge,
interests and abilities)

Based on the information above, it should be assumed that the regular attendees will be
able to cope with the linguistic demands of the lesson. As for the new students, who seem
to be false beginners, they might know some basic vocabulary relating to the lexical sets
described above.

Anticipated problems and suggested solutions

(In the first column, please describe potential problems in relation to the learning objectives,
the learners and learning context, as well as the materials, resources and equipment. In the
second column, suggest appropriate solutions to these problems)

Anticipated Problems Suggested Solutions

1) Students might have difficulties in 1) I will provide them with the main
recognizing the organization of the information of the text, which they will
model text need to put in the right order.
2) They might not be able to recognize and 2) I will give them some examples and
extract the grammatical structures from provide the necessary scaffolding.
the text.
3) They will probably have difficulties with 3) I will give a table which they will fill in
making notes and planning their text. with information similar to the one they will
have done in the model text.
4) They might have difficulty transforming 4) I will show them how this was done in the
their notes into a coherent text. model text, and I will refer them to the
useful language that was elicited before.
Whenever needed, I will provide the
necessary individual support.
5) Some new learners have just joined the 5) I will have to provide them with extra
class, some of which seem to be support or pair them with some stronger
particularly weak and might not be able students.
to cope with the writing task.
List of resources and materials

(Please list all resources and materials to be used. Include copyright information for any
materials that were not created by yourself)

Reading text: adapted from English File Elementary, 3d edn, p. 114 (Oxford University
Picture used in the text:

Pictures used in writing:

(Please give a clear rationale for the lesson, referring to the learners’ needs and characteristics
as well as your background reading and research in the background essay. Use between 500
and 750 words)

My main objective in the lesson is to help students make notes in an organized way so
that they can produce a simple, coherent, descriptive text based on a model of a similar
text. I do not expect them to be able to write something original but through a kind of
‘parallel writing’ (Harmer: 29) they should be able to produce some acceptable imitation.
Also, there are some new students who have just joined the group and might not be
familiar with the vocabulary work we did in the previous lessons.
So, I will start the lesson by trying to make think about the topic and elicit schematic
knowledge they might have. I will also pre-teach some lexical items like ‘landmarks’ which
the learners might not know. Then, I will ask them to think about the kind of information
they expect to find in similar texts so that they have a reason to read the model text for
gist and verify their guesses.
An important aspect of such texts is for learners to be aware of how the text is organized
in a way which follows certain conventions typical of the genre, so that they can produce
something similar. So, I will give them a task where they have to put in the right order the
sentences which summarize the information in the text. This will help them see how the
text is organized in a coherent way. The next exercise where they will need to fill in a table
with details from the text will help them become aware of one of the ways we can write
down notes in an organized way, something which they will use in the planning stage later
in the lesson. I feel that it is essential that learners should be shown first various effective
ways of making notes as ‘this can contribute to the generation of ideas themselves’
(Harmer: 88).
In the next stage, I will focus on linguistic features of the text. So, I will ask the students to
spot the verbs in the text (be, have) typical structures (There is / are), lexical sets, and
useful expressions (… has a great view) so that they can use similar ones in their own
Most learners have problems with planning their writing and end up producing incoherent
texts, so I will ask the learners to fill in a table, similar to the one they completed for the
model text, with information of houses based on pictures I will provide them with. Of
course, they will be able to use their imagination and come up with extra information
similar to the model text. I will have them work in pairs so that they can support each
other. Of course, I intend to provide the necessary support especially to the weaker
Finally, using their notes, the typical structures and useful expression elicited earlier, they
will write their texts in pairs. When they have finished, I will ask them to check their text by
giving them a checklist with the points we discussed earlier like the order of the
information and the appropriate linguistic features. It is very important for learners to get
accustomed to checking their work before submitting it.
As a post-writing activity, they can stick their texts on the board and read each other’s
description so that they decide where they would prefer to stay if they were on holiday.

• Harmer J., (2007) How to Teach Vocabulary, Essex: Pearson
Lesson Procedure

Stage Teacher Activity Learner Activity Objective Time Interaction Materials and
Lead-in  Introduces the topic of Learners respond accordingly To introduce the 5-7 T-S Picture of
summer holidays. making use of their topic topic and activate mins S-S AirBnB
 Elicits different places knowledge. schematic S-T website on
people can stay in while knowledge. IWB.
on holiday and how they
can book them.
 If necessary, presents
online platforms like
AirBnB and explains how
they work.
 Asks learners what kind
of information there is in
house descriptions on
such websites.
Reading  Gives students a text with Learners perform the task Read for gist to 3-4 T-S Worksheet
information about a flat. verify their guesses mins S-S
 Asks them to read it and during the lead-in
find what kind of and find what other
information it includes. information can be
 Learners work found in such texts.
individually, then in pairs
and then as a class.
Task  Gives students a table Learners respond accordingly Make students 3-4 T-S Worksheet
(ordering) with the information aware of the way mins S-S
included in the text. information is S-T
 Tells them to put the organized in the text.
information in the right They will apply it
order after doing one or later in their own
two examples to make writing.
sure they understand.
 Learners work in pairs
and then as a class.
Fill-in task  Gives learners a table to Learners perform the task Extract information 4-5 T-S Worksheet
fill it in with information in note form. They mins S-S
from the text will be using a S-T
 They work in pairs and similar table later to
then as a class. make notes about
their own text.
Language  Elicits and presents Learners, depending on their Identify useful 5-6 T-S Whiteboard
analysis useful language from the language competence, come language included in mins S-T
model text which is up with ideas. such texts
typical of such text types.
Planning  Gives learners photos of Learners perform the task To help them plan 7 mins T-S  Worksheet
task flats in Athens from the their text in a S-S  Pictures
AirBnB site. coherent way and
 Gives them a table where train them in
they need to make notes appropriate ways of
regarding the flats. planning
 Guides them to the
proper way of doing it by
reminding them of the
task they performed with
the model text.
 Tells them to work in
Writing  Tells students write their Learners perform the task To help learners 7-10 T-S Worksheet
description in pairs based produce an mins S-S
on their notes acceptable text
 Reminds them to consult depending on their
the useful language language
displayed on the board competence.
and the model text.
 Provides guidance and
the necessary support
Post-writing  Instructs learners to stick Learners respond To give them 3-4 T-S The texts the
their work on the wall. accordingly. incentive to read and mins S-T learners have
 Tells them to imagine compare each produced.
they are tourists in other’s work.
Athens. They read the
descriptions and decide
which flat they prefer
Feedback  Presents some language Learners try to spot the To make them 2 mins T-S WB
samples from the problems and suggest aware of typical S-S
learners’ work on WB. corrections mistakes that they S-T
 Elicits feedback from can correct through
students concerning proper guidance if
language problems in the necessary.
samples presented

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