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Kenansville Elementary School 

PBIS Parent Manual  

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support 


Table of Contents 

Parent Letter  

Goal and Components  

The Tiger Way  

Behavior Matrix  

Tiger Success  

Parent Involvement  


Dear Parent/Guardian, 

Welcome to the second semester of the 2017-2018 school year! We hope everyone had a wonderful 
first half of the year! The staff at KES is looking forward to a great second half of the school year!  

Kenansville Elementary faculty and staff would like to introduce or reacquaint you with “Positive 
Behavioral Interventions and Supports” otherwise known as PBIS. PBIS is a school-wide initiative 
allowing KES students, staff, and parents to all be “on the same page” with regards to discipline and 
behavior. We know that when good behavior and good teaching come together, our students will 
excel in their learning. Our staff has been trained in this program, and it will be explained to all 
students during our kick-off celebration. , We are looking to fully implement PBIS by the first week 
of March. 

Implementing PBIS at KES will allow the opportunity for all students to achieve social, emotional and 
academic success. The overall goals of PBIS consist of:  

Teaching students the behaviors we expect  

Providing a safe environment where students achieve academically and socially  

Encourage positive behaviors and interactions  

Decrease problem behaviors  

Reduce the number of office discipline referrals  

As part of the PBIS program, we have established several clear rules for the behavior we expect in 
all areas of our school. We will continue to explicitly teach the expectations to students and reward 
them for their great behavior. The expectations for all student behavior will be clear throughout our 
building in the cafeteria, gymnasium, and classrooms. You will be able to ask your child, “What are 
the rules in your school?” “How do you follow those rules?” “What happens when a teacher sees 
you following the rules?”  

Our school expectations specifically address behaviors, provide for a safer school environment, and 
give more time for instruction. We apply consistent consequences and positive reinforcement for all 
students. By detailing every expected behavior and teaching students in a positive way, we will 
provide a common language for everyone in our building, including students, teachers, front office 
staff, and our paraprofessionals.  

We believe that by helping students practice good behavior, we will build a school community where 
all students have an environment where they can succeed and grow.  

Thank you for your continued support. Go Tigers!  

The KES Staff 


What is PBIS? 

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), is the behavior component of the 
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). PBIS at KES is a school wide initiative allowing us 
to be on the same page with regards to discipline and student behavior. We will use a 
continuum of positive supports for all students in all areas- classroom and non-classroom 


Teach all students the behaviors we expect. at KES 

Provide a safe environment where students achieve academically and socially 

Increase academic achievement through consistent behavioral expectations 

Encourage positive behaviors and interactions 

Decrease problem behaviors 

Reduce the number of disciplinary referrals 


Matrix- guideline of behavioral expectations  

PROWL Stamps- given to the classroom for positive behavior to be displayed outside of 
classroom that can be exchanged to participate in bi-weekly celebrations  

Classroom and Office Disciplinary Referral Forms- data collection system used to monitor 
student behavior  

The Tiger Way and Behavior Matrix 

Kenansville Elementary School has developed a Behavior Matrix which includes the Tiger 
Prowl. The Tiger Prowl is ​P​ractice self-control, ​R​espect yourself and others, ​O​wn your 
actions, ​W​ork hard, ​L​earn responsibility. Each standard is then broken down into different 
categories along with an explanation of how each standard should look for that specific 

During the first week of the second semester school, students are introduced to PBIS and 
the Tiger Way. Teachers discuss the Tiger Way. During this time, students are taught the 
expected behaviors for each category of the Behavior Matrix.  

KES has also developed a Parent Matrix that can be used at home. This matrix is also 
broken down into different areas with specific behaviors listed for each category. This will 
provide a common language for students both at school and at home.  


The Tiger Way 

Practice self-control 

Respect yourself and others 

Own your actions 

Work hard 

Learn responsibility 

Tiger Success 

Tiger Success is a series of behavioral lesson plans that structure how the staff teaches the 
expected behaviors from our school- wide Behavior Matrix.  

They are taught using examples taken from classroom and non-classroom settings and 
situations. Staff members model and role-play in order to teach new skills and reinforce 
expected behaviors. We also provide students with practice opportunities.  

We decide which cool tools to teach based on data we have gathered and feedback from 
staff members.  

Parent Involvement 

In order for PBIS to be successful at KES, we need your help! Below is a list of suggestions 
of how you can help support PBIS:  

Remind your child of the Tiger Way on a daily basis (before leaving for school is a great 
time to review these): ​P​ractice Self Control, ​R​espect yourself and others, ​O​wn your actions, 
W​ork hard, ​L​earn Responsibility! PROWL like a TIGER! 

Use the same language that is being used at school with your child. Review the KES 
behavior matrix and consider using a similar matrix at home. The next page contains a 
matrix you can use!  

Ask your student if they received any PROWL tickets each week and how they earned 
them. Reinforce the positive behaviors that they are showing at school.  

If you can donate any items that are middle school age appropriate to be raffled during the 
celebration, KES staff and students would greatly appreciate them.  

If you are contacted because your child has not followed the Tiger Way, please review the 
KES behavior expectations at home.  

Working together as a community will help our students continue to be successful at KES! 

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