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AGG despre Circuitul Unirea:

”Out of passion for sport and especially for weekends, we set out on a race on a Sunday
four years ago, which we named Circuitul Unirea. Our trial had nothing to do with Unirea other
than all of the contestants – including myself, were funcționari officials of the company.
Everything was our own concern, contestants and organizers at the same time. . Basically we
started strolling În definitiv porneam să ne plimbăm and if on our way, about 500 km in all/total,
we would reach 60 km/h, climb a slope in record time or attempt o pornire la rece, all these didn’t
mean much in comparison to the joy of spending a day in the nature o zi în plină natură, free,
without the usual cares.”
”Maybe back then the 12 participants in that trip (excursie) – to call that way – hadn’t
realized that they had layed the foundation for a serious competition which is now of interest to all
Romanian motoring circles. Primul concurs l-am câștigat chiar eu. It was me who won the first
contest./ I won the first contest myself. The second year’s success was on mister Gheorghe
Niculescu’s side, the head the Unirea garages in Ploiești.”

AGG: ”Our contest is a real breeding ground, from which participants in other contests are
being recruted. I’d like to point out that two of the Unirea circuit winners, care alergau poate pentru
prima dată, s-au ilustrat apoi în curse mari, chiar internaționale.” who were running maybe for the
first time, were noticed then taking part in bigger circuits, even international ones.

”În al doilea rând, mașinile trecute prin examenele impuse de acest concurs primesc o
confirmare desăvârșită. Să nu uităm că pornirea la rece este una din probele cele mai severe pentru
motorul automobilelor.
Secondly, cars passing through the exams required by this contest receive a perfect
confirmation. Let's not forget that cold start is one of the most difficult tests for the car engine.
Romanian motorists have immediatly understood that taking part in the Unirea contest îi poate
consacra și de unde la început noi socoteam cursa aceasta ca o întrecere între prieteni, funcționari
ai aceleiași instituții, astăzi ne vedem asaltați de numeroși alergători.”could make them stand
out/designate/consecrate and as from the beginning we considered this race as a race between
friends, officials of the same institution, today we are assaulted / contacted/ abused/(nu prea am
inteles daca trebuie sa aiba o conotatie pozitiva sau negativa) assaulted by many runners. "

„Dacă vom merge în același ritm, va trebui să extindem concursul, făcând ca traseul să
străbată întreaga țară și deci cursa să dureze 4-5 zile, ceeace nu ar fi imposibil, mai ales de când s-
au asfaltat atâtea șosele.”

"If we go at the same pace, we will have to expand the competition by making the route
cross the whole country and so the race lasts 4-5 days, which would not be impossible, especially
since so many roads have been asphalted."

„Dar, fără să supăr pe nimeni, dorința mea este ca numărul participanților, funcționari ai
Unirea, să fie cât mai mare. Înțelegeți că această întrecere susținută numai de entuziasmul nostru,
fără amestecul nimănui, este un bun al nostru, este o unică ocazie pentru a ne întâlni în afară de
atmosfera rigidă a birourilor.”
"But without disturbing/upsetting anyone, my desire is that the number of participants,
officials of Unirea, be as big as possible. You can understand that this contest, sustained only by
our enthusiasm, without the interference of anyone, is our good, it is a unique opportunity to meet
us apart from the rigid atmosphere of the offices. "

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