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Analysis of a three-flight free standing staircase-2*

A. B. Choudhury
Continuing the analysis oi a three-flight free standing staircase, the second stage of the direct
general method of analysis using the principles of rotational com@atibility, is presented here.
A numerical example concludes the paper.
(ii) Secondary analysis

Step 5 - Evaluation of displacements of joints [A

mrd [3]. Referring the axial forcediagram and the
bending moment-diagram for elements A and B as
shown in Fig 12, the displacements 2 of joint [2] in
X-Z plane due to axial force and bending moments
respectively, are given by

= H& a + (HI seca -I-

2A W sin a) i,

z (ZZ&ec a + W, sin a)L,

(2A,kos a )

(6EZ+m a)
Similarly for joint [3]
B a= (2H5ec a + W,sin k) Lb

The rigidity of the flight element C is very very high in

the plane of landing; i.e. X-Y plane, compared to its
rigidity in the plane perpendicular to it; i.e. X-Z plane.
The behaviour of the girder element C in X-Y plane,
due to displacements of the joints [2] and [3] needs
laboratory investigation. However, on purely emperical
Lc IS* less
basis, it is assumed that (i) when the ratio i

than 2.5, the girder behaves like an extremely rigid

continuous deep beam in plastic range and it does not
allow any differential displacement between the ends
[2] and [3] in X-Y plane6; (ii) when the ratio : is

Fig 1 2 Mri and NI diagrams

A 8. Choudhury. BE. DCT (London). MSc(EnBg). CENG. MICE(Lcndon).
clvll rnghaerl~ expmt Secretedat of Housing, Gowmment of Libya, TripoIL
LibVr Tttntlnuul fhxo the F&nury 1982 ieauo of the Jtwmal


“more than 2.5, the girder behaves like a normal
continuous flexural beam in elastic range.

Considering the directions of displacements of joints

[2] and [3] as shown in Fig 12, the net displacement 6,
of the girder element C and the differential displacement
d, between the ends [2] and [3] in X-direction, are
given by

For the first assumption-

6, = 6, - 6, = (S:cos a - 6, sin a)

- (S,“cos a - 6, sin a)

= (81 - 635cos a - (8, - 6,) sin a ; d, = 0

For the second assumption-
(6, - 8,)sin a
s x = @2.x - 63J = (s”, _ &os a _
2 2

d, = (6, + a,,) = (a:+ &OS a - (8, -I- a,)sin a

Fig 13 Overall deflections
The rigidity of girder element C in Y - Z plane is
comparatively small and the girder will behave as a
For rotational compatibility-
normal flexural beam in elastic range. For both the cases
as mentioned above, the net displacement 8, of the
girder C and the differential displacement d, between . .(21)
the ends [2] and [3] in Z-direction, are given by

6 = @, + S3zl
1 Mtiib + M&-b -LO
(3E1,, @E&i) ib
n n (6, + S,)-cos a
= (6, + S,)sin Gc +
. . (XI)
d, = Szz - S3=

= (8: - 8:)sin + a (6, - S3) cos a

Step 6-Secondary stresses due to net displacements
6, and 8,; Referring to Fig 13, the overall deflection of For equilibrium
girder [2] - [3] in Y - Z plane is given by
M,:: + Mz, = - H&n a ..(W

-ME,-- H>= tanac+ Vr&,,+M’+ 12Erya 8”=0. . (25)

with, /?, and fib = angle made by the deflection a,, with e
the flight elements A and B, respectively
-4 - H,;L + Lb + c) tan a + y:I(Lo, -Lb)
From geometry, Pa = tan-’

j?b = 180” - a - tan-* ia i

Solving equations (21) to (26)

The perpendicular components of S,, on flight elements
A and B, respectively are given by Hz= [F;- 1.5 (La -&I ]xF:
6 a = az3sin &; 6, = S&n /lb (Lo JW;

Let 63, Vi, HIi are the joint moments/vertical/ &=F;- fLct-WG+2Ql
horizontal reactions respectively, at supports due to (&+Kb+4Q)
overall deflection in Y-Z plane. Proceeding in the same
manner similar to analysis in step, 1 the following equa-
tions are obtained.

MARCH 1982
K + & 4 4Q)
Step 7- Seconabry stresses due to d,: Referring to
Fig 14, the differential deflection d, in X-direction, Fig 15 Differential deflection in Z-direction

will primarily develop the support reactions H:i = H,“: For equilibrium-
given by
H* _ 12EU..
. . (27) Mi;+Mz3= +H:ctana . .(31)
x -7
c Solving the equations (28) to (31)
Proceeding in the same manner as in step 1, the support
f M~EH~c~na(X,+2Q)
moments MY, and the vertical reactions V, are
(Ka + &+4Q)
evaluated as follows :
For rotational compatibility- ,:;=&-a(Kb+2e)
a- s” (K, + Kb + 4Q)
Myz .M”
M;=+T, y 4 =+33 . .(28) and (29)
vs; = i”:2 + M;) _ H”’ tan a
x . . (XIV)

+ (-- M;: + 2M,S ib . .t3oj

Considering the directions of support reactions H:’ and

H,” as shown in Fig 13 and 14, the total horizontal

reactions at supports due to secondary analysis,
are given by

HI -1 H,” - Hf . . (32)
Proceeding in the same manner as in step 2, the support
reactions H, will in turn develop the joint moments
MZi given by
s 2
j,,/, = ,,,f:, = Hx Lc(rzaLb)

(I, L,’ + hb L:)

The joint moments iU1, will in turn develop the joint

Fig 14 M= diagram moments Mxi given by


M;* = MyI - M;, - Miyr

Mi2 = M; + M;;

v:* = v:* + v:, - v:;

M; = Mz4 -M; +M;
Step S-secondary. stresses due to d,: The differential
deflection dz in Z-direction will primarily develop the MI3 = M- + M-3

joint moment Mz and the support reaction VI as v:, = v:, + v:, + v: . . (XvIll)
f” C’
shown in Fig 15. The support reactions V, = V,
are given by When d, is - ve, the direction of the joint moments M:
/” =
. . (33) and the support reactions y,:‘will be reversed.
JL Step g-balancing the imaginary support reactions at
Proceeding in the same manner as in step 4 the joint joints [Z] and [3] due to seconakry analysti: Considering
the direction of moment vectors and proceeding in the
moments Mz are given by
same manner as in step 2, the imaginary support reactions
R: at joints [2] and [3] are given by

. . (XVII) R; = CM:2 - 1M:d + (ML _ M”x2) -

(M,“, + 63)
L a - - - -
12EK, 6, cos a
+ La
Referring to Fig 16, the support reactions Vz
CM: - ML
will in turn develop the joint moments M,,, given by R; = CM;3 - 64) + (Md3 + Me )
x x3-

12EKb 86 CQS Cc
+ -

(R: - R;,
therefore rs = 2 435)

This balancing force rS will induce the total couple rsLo

Considering the direction of moment vectors and the to the structure, which in turn will develop the joint
support reactions, the final joint moment Mz, and the moments M,, given by
vertical support reactions Vii are given by

The final secondary joint moments Mi, are therefore

given by

MI, = Ml; - Mx; + M:;’ = Mz2

M;4 = MI4 + Mz4 - M;; = M:,

If rSis is -ve, the direction of the moment vectors Mzl

and M x4 will be reserved,
The final joint moments and the support reactions due to
primary and secondary analysis combined, are given by

My, = M; + M;

M.r- = MIi + Mzi

Fig 16 Support reactions I$’ Mz, = M: + M:,

MARCH 1982
M,, = Mx,cos a - M,,sin a Total u.d.1. on landings, w,=6.00+5.00=11.00 KN/m*
Mfi = Mxi sin a + Mzicos a Sectional properties:
&z=zyb= (+‘r> X 1.50 X 0.20’ = o.~lfh14
H, = H,p+ H: h=&b = (A) X 0.20 X 1.50s= 0.05625m’
Yzi = KY+ v:, . s 1.50
For L = 0.20 = 7.5, 8 = 0.39775

The ha1 torsional and in-plane bending moments for Therefore, & = & = 0.30775 X 1.50 x 0.208 = 0.003693m”.
the flight element C, are given by Assuming half the width of the element C is efiective for the girder
section, thickness at centre of element C =(0.225+0.125)=. 175m
Mt21-2 = Myz - ‘?;;1-’ Therefore,
zxc = 0.75
@iz + My3 > (0.175’ + 0.175a x 0.225 + 0.175 x 0.225’ + 0.225)’
W3 -3’ = My3 - L x (s/2) X 48
= 0.0005078m4
Cn;,, + Mz3
J&-2 = .X2 - -L + (s/2) zzc~0.753x(0.175s+4x0.175x0.225+0.2252)=0 oo69946m4
36 x (0.175+0.225)
Cn;, + Mz3)
NW-3 = Mz3 - (L, x ($2) For SC = ;G5 = 3.75, 6 = 0.2903
therefore, JC = 0.2903 x 0.75 x 0.175’ = 0.00116687m4
i&m3 = Mt2~-2 cos a + Mf2-, sin u
- M,38-2 cos a + Mfrv3 sin a
Stress resultants:
M13 -2, -
From formulae (I)
Mfz--3, = M,zp-2stn a - M~~-z’~~~ U. LC = c+s=1.20+1.50=2.7Cm
Mf3c-2, = Mt3,-3 sin a - Mf3,-3 cos CC K a = O-~lO x 0.8944 =o oc@22g3m3
Kb=O.OOIO x 0.8944
Conclusions = 0.0002981m3
Normally the secondary stresses are very small compared E x 0.0002293 x 0.0002981 x 2.70 = o O003g54m3
to the primary stresses. In particular, when the end Q= (0.00116687 x 0.4E)
flights are equal or almost equal, and the ratio of the Ka + 2Q = 0.0002293 + 0.0003954 = 0.001020m3
length to the width of the intermediate flight is less than &+&+4Q = 0.0002293+0.0002981+0.0003954
2.5, the secondary stresses can be altogether neglected = 0.002109m3
for practical purposes. ~=14.10x1.50x3.90=82.485KN
The method of analysis presented in this paper, is straight W=2x11.OOx1.50x1.50+13.35x1.50x1.20=73.53KN
forward and comprehensive. The mathematical calcula- W*La 82.485x3.90
tions are reduced to a minimum. All the assumptions = 26.8076KNm
-IT= 12
are well within the design accuracy. With the help of the WbLb 63.450x3.00
simplified formulae presented, a three-flight free standing = 15.8625KNm
12 = - 12
staircase with any flight lengths and loaded with any type wet 73.53x1.50
of loading, can be analysed without consuming much = 55.1475KNm
2= 2
time. The method may therefore be recommended for
general design office practice. &+,=0.5x - 1.5x1.2x(3.90 -3.00)

The author would like to express his gratitude and F2=~x(82.485+63.450)+73.53+(3)x73.53x g
sincere thanks to Mr Abel Qasem Ajaj, Director of
Design, Secretariat of Housing, Government of Libya, = 155.82938
for his encouragement to publish this paper. Thanks F,= 0.0002981x26.8076-0.0(302293x15.8625+0.001020
are also due to the authors’ colleagues, Mr D. V. S. 1
Sinha, M r Muhammed B a s i r C h a u d h r y a n d
Mr Muhammed Ahmed Mahmood for their help in
preparing the paper in its present form.
x73.53x 7 /0.002109 =28.73987
1.5 x (3.90 - 3.00) x 28.7387 x 1 26651
Hz =155.82938 - (3.90 x3 .OO)
Appendix = 120.42019KNm
Numericalexample-&a:& = 3.9Om;Lb = 3.OOm;c = 1.2Om;
s = 1.50m; t=l.SOm; &=&=0,20m; tancr=0.5; sina=O.4472; M-z2 =28.7387 - $+$$f$) x 120.42019 x 1.2 x 0.5
cosa=O. 8944; a=26.56’; It is assumed that the landings and the - 6.20884KNm
flight C are tapered in section having thickness of 0.225m at the
line of intersection and 0.125m at the free edge. ,The reinforce- MrI 182.485 x 7 - (-6’y84) = 43.31585KNm
ment tends to be concentrated towards the line of intersection
The total deadload of the tapered section is assumed to be
uniform for analyais purpose. <3 = 73.53 x ‘2 - 120.42019 x 1.2 x 0.5 -(-6.20884)
Loads on flights A and B, DLt9.70 kN/m*; LL=5.00 kN/m* = - 10.89.577KNm
Loads on flight C, DL-8.35 kN/ms; I&=5.00 KN/m* M; = 63.45 x T - (-“y) = 2g.x163KNrn
Loads on landings? DL=6.00 kN/m*; LL=5.00 KN/ma
v? _ 82.485 (-6.20884-43~31585) + 120 4201g x o 5
Laaak , 21 2 3.90
T$;&Tk, on flights A and B, wa = wb = 9.10 -I- 5.00 = = 114.15123KN
I’;, = 82.485 + 63.45 + 73.53 - 114.15123 = 105.31377ICN
Total u.d.1. on flight C, w~=8.35+5.00=13.35 KN/ma


From formulae (11)
dx4 = Mz, = 51.1884 - 3.4907 = 47.6977KNm
d E= g =120.42019x2.70x(0.05625x3.0a)
21 22 (0.05625x3.0s+0.05625x3.9*)
= 120.86785KNm From formulae (VIII)
Mp = M” = 120.42019~2.70x(0.05625x3.90x) M; = id% = 33.93029 x 0.8944 - 120.86785x0.4472
23 24 (0.05625x3.0’+0.05625x3.90~) = - 23.7048KNm
= 204.2666KNm
ML = MFs = 47.6977 x 0.8944 - 204.2666x0.4472
From formulae (III)
0.8944 = - 48.6872KNm
x= (li0 x 1.5 x 1.58 X -g- + 13.35 x 1.5 x 1.2s)
M; = MI” = 33.93029 x 0.4472 + 120.86785 x 0.8944
4 X (3 x 1.2 + 1.5 x 0.8948) 1 *
= 2.065579KNm = 123.2778KNm
R = 11.0X1.5x 4 +13.35xl.5~~+2X~~ i$, = Mf’ = 47.6977 x 0.4472 -I- 204.2666 x 0.8944
= 20.956605KN = 204.0264KNm
From formulae (IV) From formulae (IX)
‘0 = (0.003693
2 f6Ex x 0.4E
x 2.7x x3.90
0.8944) =5’33099 MP = _ 6. 20884- (- 6.20884 - 10.89577)
2 + 6E x 0.0005078 x 3.00 2.7 x Y
‘b = (0.003693 x 0.4E x 2.7 x 0.8944) =4’5623 = - 1.4575KNm
MI; =<;= (4.5623-1)x1.5x 1.5x20.956605x(2X1.2 (- 6.20884 - 10.8947)
1 <y-s = - 10.8957 -
+l$,,.yy -(4.5623-l)x[3+&] x11.0 2*7x(Y
=: - 6.14448KNm
X 1.5 X y + 0.5 x [4.5623 x (5.33099-- 2) M” = 120 86785 - (120’8678 + 204*2w) =-Jo 5527mm
fz'--2 . 2.7 x (1.5) ’
x 120.86785 - (4.5623 - 2) x T
(5.33099 x 4.5623 - 1)
MPf3’-3 = 204.2666- (120.8678 + 204.2666) = 113 9514KNm
= 31.24519KNm
M’,; = ME; = (5.33099 - 1) x 1.5 x 1.5 x 20.956605 x 2
[ M”
(~--+-;.~m] -(5*33099 -1) x P-3’ = -1.45755 X 0.8944 f 30.5527 x 0.4472
= 12.3596KNm

1 3- (4Z.7) 1
x11.0x1.5x + +0.5x
[5.33099X(4.5623-2)X204.2666-(5.33099-2)x 120.867851
id,,, = - 6.14448 X 0.8944 + 113.95148 x 0.4472
= 45.4635KNm
=51.1884KNm MP - 1.45755 x 0.4472 - 30.5527 x 0.8944
fz’-.3’ =

From formulae (V) = - 27.989lKNm

Rp = O.5x82.485 (- 6.20884 - 43.31585) MP/y--2 = - 6.14448 x 0.4472 - 113.95148 x 0.8944
2 + 3.90 + 0.5 x 73.53
= - 104.6658KNm
+ (31.24519 - 51.1884)
2.7 From formulae (X), (XI) and (XII)
= 57.92248KN an = (2 x 120.42019 x 1.1180 + 82.485 x 0.4472)x3.90
it; =0.5x63.450 + (- 3 10.89577 - 29.24163) 2 Z(1.5 x 0.20) x E x 0.8944
=- 2224.9043
+ o 5x73 53 + (51.1884 i 31.24519) E
2.7 82.485 x 3.90 - 2 x 43.3158 - (-6.20884) x 3.90’
= 62.4972KN 4
a2 =
rp _ (6E x 0.0010 x 0.8944”
- (62.4972
- - 57.92248)
2 - 0.3644
= 2.28736KN E
8n ,(2 x 120.42019 x 1.1180 + 63.45 x 0.4472) x 3.00
From formulae (VI) 3 2(1.50 x 0.20) x E x 0.8944
SF 1663.8774
"1 XI
=2.28736 x 2.7 x (0.003693 x 3.00) a3 = 63.45x ‘F -2x29.24163 - (- 10.89577)
(0.003693 x 3.00 + 0.003693 x 3.90)
= 2.685KNm
x (6E x 0.0010 x 0.8944)”
MI; = d’ 0.01875
x3 =-
(0.003693 x 3.90)
= 2’28736 ’ 2’7 ’ (0.003693 x 3.00 + 0.003693 x 3.9@ LC 2.70
F o r r = lTo = 1.80<2.5
= 3.49WKNm
8 =(2224.9043 _ 1663.8774) x o 8944 _ (0.3644
- - 0.01875)-
From formulae (VII) x E E
dxl = dx, = 31.24519 + 2.6851 = 33.93029KNm xO.I72 - 501fE

MARCH 1982
From formulae (XIV)
dz = 0
d = O ; H”=il; M;:O; Vz;=O
2224.9043 + 1663.8774
E _ ) x0.4472+(+
E Fro; form$ae (XV) and (XVI)

+ 0.01875 x 0.8944 H” = 0.26083iN

E 2
0.26083 x 2.70 x 3.00’
_ MI1 = Ml2 =
(3X@‘+ 3.90’)
E = 0.26179KNm
d = (2224.9043
- - 0.26083 x 2.70 x 3.902
I E Mz4’= MI, =
(3.W + 3.90’)
0.01875) xo 8944 = 0.44244KNm
- E- .
I 251.200

From formulae (XIII)

23 =( s,,,,) + ( 869r9 )’ _ loo;998
x 4.5623x (5.33099-2) x 0.26179-(4.5623
, (5.33099 x 4.5623-l)
= 0.06098 KNm
- 2) x 0.44244
MS’ = M, =
-1 (869.7029) _ 26 560 x4
n = tan .

= 33.449”
b = 180”.-tan-’
(501.6278) *

(869.7029) _ 26.560

= Ck. 11087KNm
(5.33099 x 4.5623 - 1) 1

(501.6278) From formulae (XVII)

= 93.42”
1003.998 553.2452 Vz’ = (12xE~0.000.CO78~ 251.200)
=- E
a =BX sin33.449” E 2.708
1003.998 1001.904
_ = 0.0775KN
b B
E x sin 93.42’ E S” s” 0.0775 x 2.70 x 3.00
MX, = MXz = (3.00 + 3.90)
“;’ = Fl = 1.26651
= 0.0909KN
553.2452 x 0.8944
F;=9x E x 0.0002293~~ j$=+-.0.0775x2.70x3.90
(3.94 (3.Oc+3.90)
0.0002981 x v
Mc;=O.0775x3.90 =0.3022KNm

Ef= 6Ex0.0002293 x 0.0002981 x 0.002109

0.8944 I
Mz; =0.0775x3.00 = 0.2325KNm

From formulae &Vm

Mz, = 0.1083 - 0.3022 = - 0.1939KNm

:. Hf = 1.26651 0.3342-l.5-(3’90 - 3’00)

x (3.90 x 3.00) x 0.03341)
ML = - 0.0422KNm
= 0.26083KN
” = 0.03341 - 0.26083 x 1.2x0.5 x ML = 0.3242 + 0.2325 = 0.5567KNm

= -0.0422KNm
MS E - 0.1142KNm
!-!g?&(-O~) r3
M;, =3x0.0002293x553.2452x
v:, = 0.0795 - 0.0775 = 0.0019KN
= 0.1083KNm

My= - 0.26083 x1.2x0.5-(-0.0422)= -0.1142 KNm v:, = - 0.0795 + 0.0775 = - 0.0019


M” =3x0.0002981x1001.904x”+~ (2LyE) From formulae (XIX)

R; = -“‘w~~-1939 +(+0.06098-0.0909)
= 0.3242KNm
( >
1; -0.26083 x 0.5 - - od422 -$1o83 -12 x 0.0002293 _ 0.11087+0.1182 +12xEx0.0002293~553.2452
0 8944
x 553.2452 x ‘&$! X eE =O.O3251KN

=O.O795KN j$ =(-“~1142-o~5567)+(0.11087+0.1182)
3 3.00
VI, 30.26083~ 0.5 - -12x0.0002981
- (“*060~;~~0909) + 12x0.0002981 x 1001.904

x 1001.904 x’;+ = -0.0796KN 0.8944 ’

x 3 .


-0.27046KN = 121 12964- (121.12964 + 204*7090! I 3o 6’9)fwm
D-2 - 2.70x(1.5/2)
r* ,(0.27046-0.03251)
-o 11897~~
M -2fJ.’ 7090- (‘2’*‘~ht-~-7~~ * “4 6 ls8-
P’ a-’ f3’-3 * 2.70x(1.5/2)
M PM = 0.11897x2.70x3.00
Xl x2 WQ+3.90) M -(-1.4563)x0.8944+30.6194x0.4472
-0.13966KNm P 12.39048KNm
a-’ a-’ M -(-6.21519)x0.8944+114.1988x0.4472
M -M - 0.11897x2.70x3.90 13’-2’
x4 . x3 (3.00$3.90) - 45.5108KNm
=O.l8155KNm Mf2’-3,=(-l.4563)x0.4472-306194x0.8944=28.0372KNm
M ~y-r=(-6.21519)x0.4472-l14.1988x0.8944
therefore, M’ = M”
xl x2
’ - - 104.9188KNm
cheek for overall equilibrium: In X-Z plane-
M;=Ma -0.11087+0.1182-0.18155=Q.04745KNm 2X*==O
x3 -My,-H(L t-Lb+cBana+t'JL -Lb'
x 0 0
From formulae (XX)
My, = 43.31585 + (- 0.1939) = 43.1219KNm
M - - 6.20884 + (- 0.0422) = - 6.25104KNm
Ai; = - 10.8957 + (- 0.1142) = - 11.0099KNm
Left hand side =-43.1219-120.6810x(3.90-3.00+1.20)
Mfi - 29.24163 + 0.5567 - 29.7983KNm x0.5+114.1532x(3.90-3.00)+82.485
Mxt - 33.93029 + 0.10974 - 34.04OKNm
x (3.00- y) +63.45x 7 +73.53x
MA = 47.6977 + 0.04745 =47.74515KNm
M - 120.86785 + 0.26179 = 121.12964KNm (3.00+ y) -29.7983+12x0.8944x
Ma, d u)4.2666 + 0.44244 = 204.709OKNm 0.0002293x553.2452+ 0.0002981x 1001.904
H = 120.42019 + 0.26083 = 120.68lOKN 3 . 9 3.00
-0.0010 = 0; which is safe.
;, - 114.1513 + 0.0019 - 114.1532KN
In X-Y plane-
Y = 105.31377 + (- 0.0019) - 105.31187KN
a4 T=O
M = 34.040 x 0.8944 - 121.12964 x 0.4472 - HL-A4 - M = O ;
t1 al 24
- 23.7237KNm
IA& hind side =120.6810x 2.70-121.12964-204.7090
M -47.74515x0.8944-204.7090x0.4472= = 0 3000 which is safe.
- 48.8426KNm In Y-Z plane-
Mn - 34.040 x 0.4472 + 121.12964 x 0.8944 = x5=0
123.56lOKNm M - - Y L i- wL+ IYLC
xl :I e c-r
Mn = 47.74515 x 0.4472f204.7090 x 0.8944 -M :;
= 204.4433KNm
Left hand side -34.04&114.1532~2.70f82.485~2.70
M = -6.25104- (-6.25104-11.0099) i= -, 4~KNm
a-2 -1-73.53x ‘9 - 47.74515 - 0.0561-O;
2.70x(1.5/2) ’
which is safe.
M = -,,.f,t,%(-11*oo99-6~251w)= -6.2152~m
,3’-3 . (Concluded)

(Coutinued from page 75) = 2 5 5 x2+50x 1-120x3

uplift RA with W=O 6
weight required at D = 9 x 6
- E 18m
to make the reaction at A I 3 = 35KN
Therefore, weight W 35 x 6 = 70KN
Thus, with a 10 percent increase in live load, the structure required to prevent =-
designed according to the working stress method becomes unsafe. 1 3
A 10 percent increase in live load will not endanger the structure
(ii) Limit state method since the actual weight needed will only be 18KN as c$cutated
previously. In fact, percent excess needed before the uplift would
The arrangement of loads for maximum uplift is shown in exceed the downward reaction may be calculated as fob+‘s:
pis 2(b)
design dead load for BC -1.5x20x2=6OKN -6 x 2 = 70, solving x = 1.56
design dead load for AB =l.Ox2Ox6=12OKN
Thus, an increase of 56 percent in live load is necessary before
design live load = 1.5 x 170 = 225KN the beam will lift up at A.
The sequence of the various phases of work for eaeh
segment was a follows:

(9 shifting of the mobile trolley with the formwork, a

combined weight of approximately 15t

(ii) positioning of the trolley and formwork

accordance to the predetermined geometry;
placement of the reinforcement

( i i i ) pouring of concrete (average 27.5m* for the two


6% two or three days after pouring, application of

tension of the suspension cables equal to
28 to 38 percent of maximum comprehensive
stress; application of the arch prestressing of
300t for ribs

(4 moving of the trolley to the following segment.

By this method it was possible to construct one

segment of 6.25m each week.

To give an idea of the deformations, the extremities

of the arch settled during the pouring of concrete for
segment no 17 by 32Omm, while for segment no 22, by
125mm. These deformations were in order to maintain
the lines of the arch desired. In addition, it was necessary
to predetermine the tension of the suspension cables for
all phases of the construction. At a certain point it was
necessary to reduce the suspension cable tension of the
preceding segments in order to remain within the allow-
able stress limits of the reinforced concrete. All these
numerous calculations were be made by a computer. All
deformations and the tension of suspension cables were
Fig 3 A low angle view of the completed bridge controlled in all phases of construction according to a
precise programme.
(Continued from page 62)
The design of the bridge was by the firm of G. De ’
the arch. This reduction presented in addition to economy Kalbermatten, F. Burri, P. Missbauer, of Sion. The
of material, a simplification of site work reducing the contractors were a consortium of Ed Zueblin and Cie
number of regulatory interventions for the tension of SA, of Sion; Evequor and Cie SA, of Pont-de-la-Morge;
the suspension cables. and E. Kalbermatten, of Viege.

Fig 4 Another completed view of the bridge


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