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There is no beginning or end in this artificial universe, only the
circle of Eternal Return. Like when a clock strikes 12, a new cycle
begins. All is one and one is all. As a simultaneous mass division
and disbursement, consciousness, intelligent infinity experiments
with creation as a form of greater self-exploration and self-
expression, brings energies and essences of life, extensions of
itself, into this universe and endowes those extensions with its
gifts. These extensions begin to create their own hierarchy, which
in turn create other hierarchies. For the purpose of self-
experience darkness, imperfection is allowed in equilibrium with
light, perfection.
The universe is fractal. Everything works nearly the same way,
no matter what the scale. 'As above so below'. Planets interact the
same way as humans as atoms.
Everything in our universe (from the universe itself, to pulsars,
galaxies, planets, all biology, beings, the brain, cells,
atoms,music, harmony.. ) works according the concept of the
geometric form of a outward and inward pouring Merkaba. At
the center of the universe, at the core of every cell, every Merkaba
is a wormhole, a balance point, a dimensional window. We
perceive it as a vacuum or a black hole. All energy, all
information and light, the information we perceive as the physical
world is transmitted from that core.

There are 3 'real' dimensions (not the ones we know) and 2

parallel realities (above and below), pouring into each other
through the wormhole as a matter/antimatter matrix.
The physical universe we know consists of motion in these 3
dimensions with space and time as aspects of that motion. Motion
(time) becomes fixed position (space) in the other.The outward
motion is radiation (photons,..), the inward motion is gravity
(matter). Motion in this concept is not the same as movement of
something but motion itself, a ratio between space and time that
causes change.
The law of one means: Space/time (above) = 1 = Time/space
Gravity is the foundation of all material existence, the
foundational field from which all other fields emanate, the binder
of the matter/antimatter matrix. All matter is dual, has a
counterpart. Matter features 3d atomic based matter, anti-matter
features pure energy in conscious form. Energy bursts out of a
collision between phyical bodies and/or atoms. Every outburst of
energy creates gravity.
One dimension results in electricity, two dimensions in
magnetism, three dimensions in atoms.Electricity flows from
the center as a homopolar motor. Magnetism flows from the 2
poles as the two horns of a horus (horned torus).

The universe is information and we are stationary in it. We live

in a hologram, the entire universe is just an electric signal in our
brain, with no existence outside our mind. The visible part of our
'reality' is just 1%, one membrane of many.
Temperature and the color spectrum are an emanation of the
Merkaba-form. The universe itself is conscious (magenta). It
created nature (green) as a matter counterpart of itself.
Extrememely hot temperatures (red) are nearly the same as
extremely cold temperatures (blue). All colors at the same time
form black or white, white holes and black holes are the same
When a liquid like helium is cooled below a certain temperature,
it becomes a superfluid(coöperative state). As if they were one
mind, the atoms become one thing and can teleport.
Matter can be solid, liquid, gas and plasma (ionized gas). When
it is solid (cold, blue), the atoms are tightly packed. In liquid form
(less cold), the atoms move more freely. In a gas (warmer) phase
they move unconstrained. When the gas is ionized (hot, red), it
becomes plasma, it becomes superfluid again. All space and time
works like a superfluid.
99% of the universe is hydrogen gas in the plasma state with
strong electrodynamic forces (10 to the 36th x more powerful than
gravity) and a higher frequency we can't see or hear. Plasma is
the fundamental state of matter, it has 3 modes:
-dark current mode: flow with low strenth, like the
magnetosphere, invisible to us.
-normal glow mode: significant strength like neon signs,
emission of nebulae, the sun's corona.
-arc mode: very high strength, radiates brilliantly over a wide
spectrum like electric arc welding machine, lightning, the sun's
A galaxy is a vast form of plasma clouds that contain electric
currents and occasionaly, widely distributed tiny points of matter
(nebulae, stars, planets,..).
The stars and virtually all elements are powered by fusion of
light elements. Helium is the 2nd most abundant element in the
universe with a very high nuclear binding -light elements are
easier to bind.
The sun is a star at the centre of a solar system, an electrically
charged ball of ionized gas that supports an electric plasma arc
discharge. It fuses hydrogen nuclei into helium. Like most
matter, it consists of 3/4 hydrogen (H), the rest is mostly Helium
(He) and small quantities of oxygen, carbon, neon, iron. It has a
diameter of 109 x earth and a mass 330.000 x earth (99,86% of
total mass of the solar system). In its core it fuses 620 million
metric tons of hydrogen each second. It acts as an anode, it turns
negative energy into positive -electrons enter the sun, positive
ions leave the sun. It will eventually become a red giant. It is a
portal, a convertor for energy from a higher dimension.

Planetary systems are like atoms, so quantum theory can be used

to describe these orbits, explaining quantum jumps: there is also
a Planck constant of probability waves and quantum jumps on
the scale of planets. The center of planets are thus also a sort of
wormholes: they have particular magnetic field -gravity
characteristics of intensity and density.
At the core of planet earth there's a fluid crystalline gas core,
composed of methane and ammonia (methane and ammonia can
be crystalline under the correct magnetic conductivity).
The brightest things in our universe are caused by the darkest.
Giant stars die/explode into supernova/hypernova, leading
to Gamma ray bursts. In a few seconds more energy is released
than our sun will ever produce in billions of lightyears. Gamma
rays pass through everything and send information. Celestial
events effect us because they are picked up by the cluocia in our
inner ear. The codes of the gamma rays are translated to the
nervous system and energy field and can result in an upgrade, an

Only when a star reaches a certain age, we can see it becuase of

our limited color spectrum. The redshift of a star is a sign of
youth. Outer stars rotating around galaxy don't obey Newton's
law of gravity, just electrodynamics. They have little mass so they
seem further away (leading to the theory of a dark matter).The
electric laws that plasmas respond to are codified by Maxwell and
Heaviside. The extra law of Lorentz explains the the stellar
Pulsars are 1000 x brighter than galaxies with billions of stars. A
picture of a pulsar is a picture of something that happened
billions of lightyears ago, like stars: we only see their ghosts.
When we look out in space, we look back in time, due to the finite
nature of the speed of light. Pulsars oscillate at an extreme rapid
frequancy. They radiate from the black hole at the centre of its
Black holes
What we perceive as black holes in space are formed from 1st
magnitude stars as overtone to a higher dimension, like the black
key from a piano. They consume 10 stars a year. The more it
consumes, the larger the event horizon becomes.
Black holes eject jets. They are ejected from the circuit and form
a new circuit.
When something goes into a black hole it disintegrates, followed
by conversion to anti-material energy. It leaves a 2D-imprint on
the event horizon and comes out on the other side in another
universe but not as matter.
It can not re-emerge into the material universe intact. Stars are
also portals of this nature, stars in the anti-matter universe
would be windows.
Hyperspace is 4th through 7th density, except 4th only perceives
it, as 'living in the doorway'.

The spiral
Motion can be linear, rotational, linear oscillating or rotary
One of the most fundamental forms of motion within the form of a
Merkaba/torus is a spiral (rotational). The universe itself spirals,
symbolised by the wheel of karma, or the evolutionary Swastika-
symbol found in all cultures, it is the form of typhoons,
Biological light creates biological life from a crude beginning,
following the golden ratio (a Fibonacci sequence), towards light,
complexity, where parts of a whole experience their own reality.
Photons store genetic code. Everything continuously branches
into new possibilities at an accelerating rate.
Space races
On earth there are 80 species governments are aware of. They are
not god-like, they can make mistakes and as with humans, can
have different levels of intelligence. However, their intelligence
and civilisation is obviously much more advanced than ours.
Arcturians one of the most advanced civilisations, considered as
the prototype of earth's future. They live in 5th dimension, 37
lightyears away. They are short, slender, have large almond eyes
and look alike (have no pettiness, competition or vanity). They
have total mastery of self and assimilate information 100x faster.
They don't eat but ingest energy. They have no duality because
they live in oneness, they have machines that constantly check
the vibrational frequency of every individual and can offer
immediate help. They live up to 350-400 years and communicate
telepathically. When two of them wanto give birth to a new being,
their vibration is raised to a 7th dimensional frequency, only
preserved for the most highly evolved souls.
Blue avians Blue bird like beings, connected to the Orb
beings.The orb beings have been visiting thousands of people in
the form of Blue/Indigo Balls of Light.
Grays have used our genetics to build their own, as they have
come in a situation where they can't mass produce anymore, and
their species is threatened to be extinct. Thus, they abducted
humans (and sometimes animals) to learn more and add to their
genetic libraries. They sometimes use implants for tracking or
holographic inserts. For holographic insert tremendous energy is
needed because the process involves the merging of dimensions
and a location where the dimensions are already merged, an
energy vortex like modern day Syria.
Martians are really the Orions prior to coming to Earth. They
began their incarnations on the surface of Mars and later went
underground when their atmosphere was destroyed by warfare.
The Maldekians are Orions that once inhabited Maldek, the
planet between Mars and Jupiter. They blew their planet apart
with warfare, leaving the asteroid belt. The souls incarnated on
Mars and Earth after the destruction of Maldek. The destruction
of this planet threw the other planets out of their original orbits
and created problems far beyond the solar system.
Nordics 50/50 friendly and not, original Vikings, Scandinavian
Orions look like us because almost 80% of us are Orions. The
Pleiadeans look like us because they were one of the original root
races of Earth. The Sirians are a bit taller and lighter than the
average humans. The Antareans are large, muscular and have
reddish-brown skin. The Andromedans tend to incarnate as
orientals, but the original ETs are tall and lanky with large heads
and small slanted almond eyes. The Zetas come in three main
flavors: (1) alabaster white and short with huge black almond
eyes; (2) short and grey with large black almond eyes (the most
common); and (3) tall, blue-skinned hybrids with small slanted
almond eyes.
Pleiadians (renegade) 6th density, who warn about technology.
Pleiadians The original Pleiadians, also known as Wingmakers
whom together with the Lyrans seeded mankind and started the
Living Library. According to the material they left behind at the
Ancient Arrow site in New Mexico, they planted into our DNA a
future where we would develop the Internet. Their intention with
this was for us to expand the Internet, make it more sophisticated
and eventually, when we've opened up to the cosmic community,
be able to connect to the Intergalactic Internet Network. They are
telling us that we need to do this to be able to be part of a bigger
Intergalactic community, something the Labyrinth Group and the
Corteum are also working on.
Pluto is a very active planet, Ceres too.
Reptilians or lizards are 6 to 8 feet tall. They wear clothing but
are 4th level so neither eat nor defecate in the regular way.
They have the ability to change their shape or appearance
temporarily. They work together with both a faction of the Greys,
Insectoids and one of the Nordic races. The hierachy of power is:
Orion STS humanoid in structure, resembling large human
beings-Lizards- Greys.
Sirian hybrids are similar to the beings in the movie 'Avatar'.
UFO's Spaceships use anti-gravity technology and work like a
homopolar motor, the reason they have the form of a jetted disk.
They are organic, nanobiotechnological, made of materials like
Thulium (metal but at the same time crystal). They can float in
the air without movement and are artificially intelligent, have
consciousness. They are frequently sighted over geological fault
lines because of electromagnetism, the electrical free waves are
used as fuel for power restoration. They can suddenly dissapear
because they reenter the etheric at will.
4 alien bases: Mount Perdido Pyrennee, Mount Ingyangany
Zimbabwe, Mount Ziel Australia, Mount Hayes Alaska and LOC
a Lunar Operation Command on backside of the moon, a
diplomatic neutral facility for all space programs.
Everything is neutral and has no built in meaning. We are
experiencing similar realities, but they are not the same. We are
constantly shifting to paralell realities billions of times per
second. We are what we think, we decide what reality we prefer.

Everything that exists in all realms of the universe can

experience existence in one of only two ways, a long wave cycle
and a short wave cycle. Humans chose physical existence, the
short wave cycle. A long wave cycle involves only very gradual
change in evolution in a cyclical manner, whereas a short wave
cycle involves a duality -like souls in physical bodies on this earth
plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state for half the
cycle and a physical state for the other half of the cycle. It is not
measured in time but the totality of experience is equal in each
half. A positive by-product of physical existence is an increase in
relative energy which speeds up the learning process of the soul.
Somebody watching a glass of water, decides wether it is half full
or half empty, while it's both. An observer collapses the wave
function. Synchronicity happens because all matter does not only
contain energy but also thought, design, DNA. A person co-
creates his reality field and the experiences he will encounter via
what is shining forth from his Emotional Body onto the Radial
Body to experience. When we focus our awareness on something,
there is a quantum change in that object. Consciousness affects
the very fabric of reality. 90% of the body is water and water is an
energetic matrix, crystalizes or becomes chaotic,can be
manipulated electromagnetic. There is no coincidence too absurd
to be real because everything is an illusion, a story we tell to
ourselves. Synchronicities are signs we are on the right track,
showing that all things are interconnected and not just random.
When we watch an animation movie, we accept the illusion of
movement but we know every moment is a frame. There is no
linear time. Time is an illusion, there is only the eternal now,
the expanded present. It did happen, is happening and going to
happen. Watching a tv-show can be empelling enough to think it's
happening right now, but you can easily switch the channel and
see other things are happening at the same time. There is vertical
time (a series of time aspects of millions of infinities) and
horizontal time (time aspects that manifest locally, as local time
in space/time locales or addresses in 4-spacetime). Time codes
and plays with information, allowing persons to move into
realities simultaneously by stretching, distorting, curving, and
twisting time around. A person can get on an elliptical curve of
time and experience many realities by simply going around the
elliptical curve and discovering that, as time is not solid, neither
is reality. It can change, depending how you 'slice' it.Time seems
to flow because the earth is moving through space.

Time obeys the rules of Karma. It flows into all the material
processes in the universe, and embraces all these processes as
sources feeding that flow. It flows into a system through a cause
to an effect, pulled inside by a cause and gets denser at the
location of an effect. In every process of nature, time can be
formed or spent. A flow whose source is an irreversible, out-of-
equilibrium process (Kozyrev).
If our eyes worked at a diferent wavelength, we would see that
electric charge is an innate property of matter. Everything is
radiating a light wave of electromagnetic radiation continuously.
Objects interact with the wave duality of light continuously,
forming new electromagnetic waves. This process forms the time
continuum or arrow of time itself. Everything that happened or
will happen still/already exists and can be recorded, the problem
of seeing the future is:the moment we see it, it changes. The
uncertainty of quantumphysics is the same uncertainty and
propabilities of everyday life .
Time travel When we use the number 1 as the speed of the
opposite motions and we consider a speed of space/time above
that number, it is considered as time travel. One can return to
the starting point of 1, but the location is different. People can be
transdimensional transferred by electromagnetic adjustment of
atomic structure to alter the convergence of the speed of time
cycle. First one has to artificially induce an electromagnetic field,
opening the window between dimensions of reality. Than, the
person has to channel thoughts to access the channel with the
energy focussed to the proper dimensional bridge. The electrons
must be arranged in the correct frequency wave. Then the triage
of matter/energy/perception of reality is sent through realm
window in order to balance perceptions at all density levels.
Information in the event has to be balanced or taken into
consideration to make the 'program' run correctly.
The Atom
Three dimensional radiation from the center produces atoms.
Like planets and humans atoms communicate like mini-radio
stations, have aura's and can collide or bind and become one, give
birth to new ones. As the building blocks of our holographic
reality, atoms vibrate at much higher frequency and have much
more uncertainty. They can be in more than one place at a time,
they can be anywhere until you look for them. All matter is both
an atom and a wave. The wave of probability is collapsed when
it's being observated. The way 'reality' acts, depends on free will,
the observation,and the +/- energy from the observer.

Atoms are information and the information can be relocated to
anywhere in the universe. The nucleus of an atom is the same
black hole as the center of the universe.
Time/space is a superfluid so every ponderable atom is
differentiated from a tenuous fluid, filling all space merely by
spinning motion. By being set in motion, this fluid, the ether
becomes gross matter. Atoms constantly shift from one reality to
the other.
Like a superfluid can negate our laws of space and time, it is
possible for a being in a higher density to walk through a wall, to
pass through any solid matter because the atoms of their body is
rearranged differently.
A vacuum is thus not empty but an access, a wormhole. It can
borrow energy from the future. Energy can be pulled from a
vacuum. When matter and antimatter meet, huge energy is
released. A vacuum is matter and antimatter continuously
created/annihilated (=qauntum foam). What we see and
experience as reality is a leftover from quantum foam.
Physical energy and matter is ruled by electromagnetism, the
higher realms are ruled by prana, or what modern western
science calls antimatter. When that energy increases, the pineal
gland can see in full color.
There are no subatomic particles. They are packets of motion,
often transitory.
(as with humans, huge negative energy occurs when smashed or
separated, huge positive energy occurs when fused).
For atomic nuclei smaller than iron and nickel (people who are
open minded, no iron in their blood and heart chakra), the strong
force (love, attraction, magnetism) is stronger, resulting from a
close connection. For nuclei larger than iron (close-minded, lots
iron and lead in their blood and heart) no energy is released,
distance too big so energy is absorbed.
Switching levels
An atom is mostly ether/void/black hole: something higher
dimensional, so to us it looks like electrons pop in and out of
Through devices or natural methods our cells can be opened up to
the vacuum (as engines connected to an energy source) through
auto generative ways on demand, allowing us to heal, revitalize
ourselves, and diminish the aging process ( the Priore effect). We
can re-atomize our body. The cells, when in a relaxed state,
dropping to lower brainwave (like sleep) automatically do this in
small increments, but this can also be done consciously.
Understanding the power of intent, combined with sound and the
power of a directed (emotionally) intent, a group that uses this
body technique can change weather, change future outcomes,
avoid natural catastrophes, manifest things out of thin air,
communicate with loved ones (deceased or alive) over long
distances, retrieve information from anything organic, remote
In deeper states of awareness like meditation, at a Plank scale
tiny wormholes (white holes/black holes) can be formed that
through a pyramidal vortex can absorb/emit energy or
information. Energy comes from the vacuum/zero point all the
time. People can instinctively know something because we are
antennas, because information is stored in biophotons and our
DNA and this process is far more advanced than our conscious
mind. The universe itself came from thought, so we can also
manifest things through thought. With enough energy one can
curse something/someone and one can get what he wants though
will power. People who believe in the crucifiction of jesus can get
stigmata on their hands, people who believe smoking causes
cancer, develop cancer, people who don't want to live any longer,
die and so on.
The rejuvenating Priore effect exists because time is is not
constant, like an energy unfolding and rolling backwards at once.
We can send longitudinal waves back in time. Cells can be
regenerated to the moment they weren't sick yet.
The Akashic records are a natural imprint of any event in the
etheric matrix, in the etheric structure, sub-structure of reality
itself. With proper technology you can always read what is
stored, that informational imprint. So light forces, of the
advanced races have technology to read that record directly from
the etheric substance. Crystals, physical crystals can store that
information quite effectively, they are more and more advanced
versions of our current computer hard disc. They can store more
information, more dimensionally and more effectively. Basically
Akashic records can be accessed directly from the etheric plane
with certain technology and for more involved beings they can
access the akashic records directly with their consciousness.
Everything in the Universe is energy, frequency and
vibration. All energy is at different levels of vibration and
frequency, all planets and their inhabitants vibrate at different
levels. So everything can be seen as waveform, as sound.
Dimensions are different baserate wavelengths. Unlike Density,
Dimensions encompass entire realities and overlap each other.
Change your frequency and you will disappear in this world (die).
As you go up into dimensional levels, the frequency gets higher,
the wave lengths gets shorter and shorter, with higher and higher
energy. Each Dimension consists of 12 sub-dimensions or
harmonic overtones, and there are 12 Dimensions in each Octave
of Reality, making a total of 144. We live in the 49th octave of
vibration of the electromagnetic spectrum, our dimension: 7,23
cm. Each dimension has seven planes.
7 levels of density
Everything is energy, vibration and frequency so all reality can be
seen as on octave of 7 densities. Each density has a different core
vibration. The levels of density involve, among other things, state
of being physically, spiritually and etherically, materially, and
state of awareness (state of awareness is the key element to all
existence in creation). Everything created is a grand illusion, so
state of awareness is more important than physical structure.
Once a person rises to a higher state of awareness, things as
physical limitation evaporate. When they evaporate, vast
distances, become non-existent. Being unable to see and
understand has no bearing on what is or is not possible, except
within your own level of density.
Our environment limits our awareness, it is the illusion which is
there for the purpose of learning.
Understanding that statement enables experiencing all the levels
of density, all the dimensions and all awareness and becoming
The path to illumination is knowledge. Emotion that limits is an
impediment to progress but emotion is natural and also necessary
to make progress in 3rd density. Preparing for the next density
means separating limiting emotions based on assumptions from
emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities. The denser the
vibration level, the cooler and the lower it is in the light
1st level. Light is first density, base. Light and darkness unify all
densities.When light is transferred to electrical energy, it changes
density from 1st to 3d.
For energy to go into 3rd density physical level molecules, atomic
matter move upward.
2nd level. All biological life with awareness up to the point where
there's mental and spiritual evolution and an individual sense of
3d level. Humans mainly live in 3d. The 1st step to open
consciousness union with higher levels is the dream state. The
2nd step hypnosis, the 3rd step trance, the 4th step leaving the
Preparation for transition to 4th level consists of merely being
there, it doesn‘t imply a location or preparation, but is based on
awareness and knowledge. The only thing one should be
occupying oneself doing to shift with the planetary ascension, is
gaining knowledge and focus on raising the vibration / frequency
level. As vibration levels are raised (by releasing all blockages in
the physical, emotional and mental bodies) the shift in frequency
uplifts the person to the higher planes (wanting to do anything is
automaticaly STS, 3rd density thought).
At 4th density, an individual exists as a light body, as a point
consciousness and there is no materiality unless it is
desired. Everything in reality is circular in nature, so direction is
optional, as on a mobius strip, there is no right or left -
mathematics in which you can add extra dimension which can
change left into right.
It is possible to live in the 3d and 4th: It is the environmental
surroundings that count, not the structure of the individual. We
live in the same environment as 2nd and 1st density level beings
but our planet is in the ongoing process of ascending from 3rd to
4th density, this is an ongoing process.
When 4th density beings visit 3rd density environment, they are,
in effect, 3rd density beings, and vice versa. When an
abduction/visit takes place, especially a physical one, the subject
becomes temporarily 4th density, because it is the environment
that counts, and awareness, not physical or material structure.
4th density beings can make things manifest out of a thought
pattern, into solid matter.
5th density When a person dies, he or she drifts above the body.
The experience of a tunnel and a light, might be a soul trap. The
involvement of a 'loving being' is presupposed, shaped by personal
The dreamlike state merges with reality. Entering 5th density, a
condition of ‗timeless understanding' and learning where you see
and perceive, leads to a full range of emotional responses in
profound clarity and a state of pure consciousness.
Negativity is there, but there is not the underlying fear of
physiological damage that one perceives in 3d density, related to
a genetic body response and hormonal brain swarms. 'Everyday
life' does not apply. Different people learn different things,
according to one‘s karmic resonance.
Because of the timelessness, very recently 'departed' souls are
often seen by their loved ones, imparting knowledge. Two souls
involved in 3rd density traumas together, can instructs the other
to go back.
For some people it is an instantaneous transition to 5th
density.Best results are achieved when the souls are recently
deceased as then you are most likely to play a big part in the
contemplation process because of the intensity of frequency
changes coming from those left behind.
7th level is core of existence, time does not exist at 7th.
A 'big bang' is at 7th level, when we all reach 7th level we will all
blow up. We will all become one and it will all start all over again.
Eternal return
There is no time as we know it, its all just lessons for the
collective consciousness.
At the closing of this grand cycle everything won't just start all
over again because there is no start.
A lot of souls on the earth are going to recycle into these new
bodies coming onto the earth
as ancient mankind and do the whole thing all over again, go
back to square one, that's nature.
Some of the souls, at that point, are going to move into a higher
density level. The collapse of one universe is the 'big bang' of
another one.
How the matrix works
We have a 5 dimensial consciousness, the Higher Self, through
which we live in parallel realities. Most of our DNA is turned off
and a holographic program runs through these layers of
consciousness. Because our body is a hologram, people with their
brain almost completely missing, can still function or can still feel
pain in a body part that is amputated, or people in a hypnotic
state can see through matter. In our physical 3D avatar body we
only use 6% of our brain. It is designed in a way that we
experience 8 different layers of reality.
Our brain device is connected to 5 senses, 5 little frequency
ranges in a much larger spectrum. People who have brain
damage on the left hemisphere sometimes gain new extrasensory
abilities like synesthesia and can see frequencies broadcasted as
black and white cubes. As Tesla knew, the biggest part of our
mental activity lies in a specific spectrum. That spectrum of
brainwaves is completely hi-jacked and controlled. At the
moment, we experience 1% of the universe and process it as
through a hacked computer with lots of malware.

In our heart chakra, our female creative consciousness of 432

MHz (the color green, resonating with nature, the frequency at
which water crystal normally vibrates) disharmonic reptilian
frequencies are transmitted. Our concept of love is distorted into
a loop of continuous oppression and feelings of rejection,
posessiveness, loneliness and guilt. The law of 'opposites' can be
part of a learning process for the higher self but the conflict is
4D is the astral realm, where we go to when we lower our
brainwaves to theta and dream. As Aboriginals knew, dreamtime
is more real than our reality. The pineal gland produces DMT, a
sort of password to higher dimensions and the pituary gland
produces melatonin, a hormone that anticipates darkness, related
to melancholy. In 4D there is no time between thought and
manifestation so it has limitless potential. Because of that, it is
widely monitored, like our reality, so most dreams are like the
prison experience in the matrix: trivial, fear-based, not conscious
and easy to forget. Nevertheless, some dreams are particularly
meaningful, symbolic and beautiful because Theta waves is our
original creation state (related to the primordial ocean Thetys,
Teutonia, Tiamat,..).
After a day of being awake and experiencing things in the alpha
brain state, our energy field needs to be recharged. While the
physical body sleeps and the brain goes into theta dream state,
the mind uses the original female creative theta-consciousness
waves to try to harmonise the internal thoughts and
programming with the disharmonic frequencies of experiences in
the external world, the artificial matrix. Aside from the
manipulations, benevolant beings also communicate with us
through dreams. The cabal tries to keep us subconscious as dark
as possible so it manifests in our theta consciousness, back into
This is also the frequency band people go through when people
smoke DMT and see extraordinary technology, mathematical
mandalas and machine like elves. In the ayauasca experience,
this is the Purge where the inner demons can manifest..
In 5D ('angel realm') Service To Self beings can not exist, only
beings of light and love, service to others.
However the conflicts that happen on earth still affect the higher
beings in higher dimensions, so they have to plan a new lifetime,
in cooperation with others from the same soul group, reincarnate
in a new body to try to fix the problems.
Conception and inception
When a female egg cell is fertilised, immediately a combination is
made as a result of the combination of the father and mother, a
DNA matrix code (666, Social Security (SS) number, bank
account and so on) is sent as an electric signal from the moon at
full moon to the avatar body of the mother with fertilised egg cell.
In the DNA and RNA-language a personality type is
already scripted, for instance internalizer-externalizer,
regulated-flexible, role adaptive (charismatic)-role uniform
The first DNA strand Boaz, the + female and reptilian DNA
strand revolves around Jachin, the - male mammal DNA so a
maximum of duality, distortions, imbalance and conflict with
other members of a soul group is computed and produced. For
instance, a man with an abusive, alcoholic father will meet a
woman who inexplicable is attracted to him and is bound to fall
into the same trap. This matrix code also contains an
avatars' date of death. It is symbolised by a red or black ball,
used in Minority Report, written by insider Philip K.Dick, used in
lottery systems, bowling and so on. It is what the Greeks called
Daemon (of the moon), as in the quote from Heraclitus 'ethos
antropos daemon' (character is fate). In German fatum/faith is
Schiksal (sickle). If there was no necessity to reincarnate, the
code would be nothing but a generated 0/1-number with 0, death
as the inevitable fatum, like a product made in a factory with an
expiration date.
This tree of life pattern also is the way how reincarnation in the
matrix works, the tree with its top cut off as shown by
antropomorphic beings in the shamanistic trance.
Souls in 5D have no time illusion, can choose a body and lifetime.
Depending on their karma process, they will choose an easy or
difficult level to live on earth. When their choice is made, they
can give the mother a first unconscious sign of connnection, that
later can be remembered and enter the avatar body.
This happens through a sort of tunnel system, a traumatic
process of losing layers of consciousness, after which the soul
finds itself inside a growing fetus with 2 DNA strands from their
parents, a scripted programming of duality already in place.
Birth itself is an even more traumatic process and can be
remembered through hypnotic regression or altered states of
The controllers of the matrix automatically know who incarnated
in which body because everybody has a harmonic frequency tone
and unique fingerprint and can track them.
Because the soul has a learning purpose, a long history of many
lives, owns a piece of divine female creative life force, and
interacts with other similar souls in avatar bodies, the soul group
breathes life into the script of 0/1 combinations, that generate
sacred geometric patterns, according to DNA language.
In its first 3 years, the child spends a lot of time sleeping so in the
astral realm, in theta consciousness, he or she receives extra
matrix programming or guidance from helping entities in 5D.
Through the precognitive knowledge of the higher self, the person
instinctively knows, through intuitive brain waves what to choose
at a given moment, handing the necessary tools for a learning
process, in order to eventually ascend to 5D. Once the person is
on his/her right path for soul harvest, synchronities and 'miracles'
can happen as time dilation, life saving interventions and so on,
because there's non-locality in the quantum world, so connections
between souls transcend time and place, transcend the matrix.
In a way, life on earth is a proxy war between + and - and the
script of a lifetime on earth is meant as a polarising choice
between + and -, service to self or others. Now the discovery is
made that in the mathematical codes of this reality, binary
computer codes are hidden, we can tap into a huge potential and
power of our creative mind and as a collective can rewrite the
script, change the outcome of this intergalactic war.
Mind control
Alpha: general mind control, augmented memory, splitting mind
into left/right.
Beta: sexual programming, destruction of moral inhibitions.
Gamma: mind control sytem protection, involving hypnotic
triggers to prevent deprogramming.
Delta: assasination programming.
Omega: self-destruction (mind control victims are usually killed
at 30).
The first control mechanisms were teaching humans love and
satisfaction is external while love is eternal, always present and
inside us.
Before babies are born, they already carry around 200 toxins in
the body (lead, mercury,..). All drugs in pharmacies and hospitals
in the world are only 25% of all pharmaceuticals. The remaining
75% is in our food. The drugs act as neuro-inhibitors or can be
addictive substances that give us a feeling of wanting more.

In 1945 Operation Paperclip recruited 9000 Nazi scientists to

help the US to destroy the USSR. Through techniques involving
drugs, electro-shocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, torture, rape
or starvation, a mind can be split: the mind dissociates or splits in
attempt to shield the mind from memories to painful. Sex magic
in rituals like the Key of Solomon, involving sodomy fractures the
mind into a honeycomb structure of 169 fragments, after which
multiple personalities (alters) can be inserted, not even aware of
each other's existence.
Two years later the CIA was created to handle all the covert mind
control programs that resulted from Project Paperclip. Black
budget programs have perfected the science of mind control and
compartmentalisation of the brain. It brought together the
trauma research of the Egyptians (Book of the Dead and
Necronomicon), the inquisition and the Crusaders, the Chinese
and Sovjet brainwashing techniques and the Nazi studies of
Himmler and Mengele. 1947 was also the year of the Roswell
crash. Project Oaktree was aimed at finding descendants of the
Tribes of Dan.
Since 1976 US and USSR started electromagnetic warfare and
have access to psychotronic weapons. Since 1978 the entire
neurological system of our brain is understood and mapped.
Mind control is also applied through movies, tv and other
entertainment, where most actors and singers are victims of mind
control. Through education programs like Goals 2000, which
emphasizes a decrease of critical analysis, students are mind
Life and death
The human spirit form,passive neutral in timeless existence
neutral-positive, cannot come up with its own ideas. It is a
receipiant and processor of impulses. The human spirit form
evolves independantly to a creative material consciousness.
At day 49 after conception, when the pineal gland releases
DMT spirit form and consciousness block enter the body, the
heart starts to beat. From the superior colliculus in our brain,
spiritual energy is sent throughout the body, it remains in its own
realm and can not be affected by disease. An ego, personality and
values is developed through perception, exploring, research,
conscious learning and processing results.The consciousness level
takes the previous life as starting point.
Thoughts and feelings are transferred to the spiritual
consciousness, stored for all time, making the soul wiser and
more powerful.
When the brain stops working, the spirit form and consciousness
block go to their own separate realms. Consciousness block goes
to overall consciousness block. It dissolves the ego and processes
the personality into knowledge, love and wisdom and releases it
to spirit form. Consciousness and its personality are dissolved
then stored as power and energy in a neutral storage bank, after
which the overall consciousness creates a new consciousness
block, personality and ego, ready to incarnate in a new body. The
new personality offers new views, new ideas creating progress
building up karma. When a person dies with unresolved issues,
traumatic emotionality (first 2 chakra's) linked to belief, it leaves
an imprint on the land and the bloodlines so people may want to
visit certain locations, to develop a new understanding.
Everything has a unique frequency and is stored in the planetary
storage banks (the Akashic records). Material consciousness is
influenced by them.
We don't see, we observe the electrical signals in our brain. The
interior of our brain is dark, it is never touched by light. The
brain just copies electric copies of everything it experiences.
The entire universe is just an electric signal in our brain, if the
electric signal is disrupted, there is no reality. Of course the brain
itself is also matter, just perception. There is no existence outside
our mind, we are dreaming.
We are souls, metaphysical unities, batteries, fluctuations of
electric charge.
Our body is a mass of energy vibrating. A soul chooses his
parents. A soul can even communicate from the future with
himself in a past life through channeling or 'walk in', walk into a
body and exist in co-existence with the original soul or merge.
This often happens after a traumatic experience, serious illness
or near death experience. From 2011 there is an increase of
people who claim to have had the walk-in experience.
Souls are eternal, so already exist, have no beginning and no end.
The purpose of a soul is to 'polarize' in one of two possible
directions: to the positive through identifying with others
empathetically (Service-To-Others), or to the negative through
identifying the self as separate from others, turning inward
(Service-To-Self). Souls are said to 'harvest' and proceed to the
next level once they are properly polarized.
The interaction between STS and STO creates balance in the
universe. The levels continue in polarization and 'harvests' until
the 6th density where life aims for total reunification with all.
The Brain
The brain is an electromagnetic oscillator that processes sensory
and limbic inputs, analyses and transfers information but that
can also receive other frequencies from other brains/beings,
matter, outer space,the geomagnetic sphere, the solar wind,
gamma rays,..
The brain consists out of an outside layer of grey matter,
containing white matter.Generally speaking we can make a
distinction between
Left brain thinking grey matter, male, analytical, rational
'computer thinking' , the executive attention network.
Right brain thinking white matter, female, intuïtive, imagination,
empathy, the default mode network.

Generally speaking the EAN, Executive Attention Network
(organisation and information processing) is in charge of all
things that concern this dimension of reality. It represents the
male brain, grey matter, analysing, mathmatical, spatial
thinking, alpha brainwaves.
The male brain's has 6,5 more grey matter and is 10% bigger
because its right hemisphere is slightly larger, but only because
it's not organised in the balanced, optimal way as a female brain.
The DMN, Default Mode Network is used for 'daydreaming'
(imagination), navigating through all possible worlds. The DMN,
even when it reads, doesn't think in full sentences, but in an
intuïtive, visual, mental language, a constant internal monologue,
conversation between different opponents with the illusion of one
ego. So when the EAN reads, the DMN translates it into thinking
language it forms associations and metaphors (a metaphor is not
only useful for a poem or in humour, it is essential in
understanding and recognising patterns since nature is fractal, a
microcosm works the same way as a macrocosm). While thinking
we can zoom in and zoom out, every detail can become a world -
fractality, the same way the universe works as shown
mathmatically by Mandelbrot images.
It allows abstract thinking and self-referential thought.
(The reason why people can overlook their daily problems better
at night in bed, before they go to sleep is because the DMN than
connects with our problem solving modules, the Task Positive
During creativity and imagination,the EAN is shut off partially.
Imagination is also the bridge to astral projection and the
Akashic records. The female brain likes to make more
connections, in the brain and with other people, making them
more verbal. The female brain has 9,5 more connections than the
male brain and a thicker corpus callosum, a broader bridge
between the two sides so females think more lateral and are
better at controlling anger and agression.
The more white matter, the more connections. The world is
connected as one brain, through a the internet artificial silicon
network, but also through a morphogenetic field, that transfers
information to our intuituve senses.

The pineal gland (3d eye)

The pineal gland - and pituitary gland + regulate the flow of
electromagnetic energy through the body and brain. The pineal
gland transmits frequencies and the pituitary gland receives.
Like our other eyes, the pineal gland is also a photosensitive
sensor, it turns light that touches the retinas intoserotonin -
when they register no light, it produces melatonin. It also
produces the hormone dimethyltryptamine DMT allowing
telepathy and granting access to spirit world so we can experience
our connection to the Source. The light body can leave the
physical body through the pineal gland. When the eyes see
nothing but white, (an effect noticed by Arctic explorers that
encountered blizzard conditions) it also creates altered states of
consciousness. These altered states can also be created by sound
in the same way - if pink noise is blasted through headphones
into both ears, it creates a 'sonic blizzard' with the same altered
states of consciousness that you get with a literal blizzard.
Altered states of consciousness/religious experiences are a form of
high gamma wave, can be generated through a 8 coil Shakta. The
secret 'voice of God'-technology works the same way.

While the role of the pituitary gland is to exercise control over the
physical body through endocrine, hormones, the pineal gland
exercises control over the mental and spiritual, with both working
through a well coordinated system of of hormones and nerves. In
a state of long term fasting, energy levels are no longer dependent
on the intake of foods, but from the pineal gland, the seat of
cosnciousness and the point from which our spirit exits during
sleep and death.
All religions practice the Holy Breath process: a fasting month,
fasting of all external stimuli, along with long rounds of
prayer/meditation, sleep deprivation experienced from night time
prayer/meditation in order to cleanse, to decalcify the pineal
gland (calcification) so it is activated and releases DMT.
DMT is a peptide, a hormone, an energy transporter that works
across the blood brain barrier. DMT is released from the pineal
during dreams, near-death, death, birth, and during meditation
and mystical experiences, the ‗epiphany‘ or the Alpha/Aleph.
DMT is psychoactive in nature and can cause intense visions, and
with other peptides are released during such experiences that
have been referred to as the nectar of the gods, ambrosia, the
living water, and amrita. When released a trickle down the back
of the throat it can also be experienced. DMT in turn increases all
pituitary homones and beta-endorphins, vasopressin, prolactin,
growth hormone, and corticotrophrin (cortisol).
All forms of temporary stimulation like antidepressiva or other
drugs inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, but result in a period of
less serotonin, a slight depression. Continuous spiritual practice
is the only practice that sustains an active pineal, and gives
access to greater control over our whole selves.
The pineal gland contains rhombohedron-shaped microcrystals,
that have piezoelectric properties with excitability in the
frequency range of mobile communications as GSM (cellular
phone) waves, and electromagnetic fields in general. They have
an effect on calcium channels within human physiology.
A standard pineal gland is 6 x 8 mm, through spiritual practice it
can grow to 11 mm. Modern society toxifies the pineal gland
through refined sugar, artificial sweeteners (aspartame K),E
numbers beginning with 1, vaccines, mercury found in tooth
fillings, fluoride added to mainwater supplies, certain drugs and
foods, exposure to radiation via cell phones- damaging the gland
by causing calcification.
The thalamus is a relay station (sensation, attention, alertness,
memory) and plays a key role in the physical basis of
consciousness, also called 'the bridal chamber'.
The prefrontal cortex is our short term working memory, it stores
info for 1 minute, with a capacity of 7 items.
The limbic system is a center of emotions, learning and memory.
Long term memory is stored in thehippocampus, with an
asoociated emotional response from the amygdala.
The hypothalamuscontrols the autonomic system, hunger thirst,
sleep, sexual response and body temperature, blood pressure,
emotions and hormones. it also has a pleasure center which can
cause an addiction when stimulated.
The raphe nuclei (libido, empathy, happiness, the reward
pathway) send serotonin to the cortex and body, heighten
Experience through the human brain is subjective because our
neurons use neurotransmitters to communicate their electric
signal of information/energy to the neurons in the vicinity.
The brain is made up of 2 sort of cells: nerve cells/neurons and
glia cells, glia cells produce 'astrocytes', probably related to mind
The healthy brain
To be able to accelerate (gamma waves) and to relax (Ohm-
frequency) the body/brain needs regular oxygenation, hydration,
movement, cleansing the body,..
Modern man lives on a diet of stress, fear, confusion, fat, sugar,
alcohol, pesticides and unhealthy water. High level exposure to
ELF (extremely low frequency) magnetic fields affect the
function of the pineal gland and reduces production of the
hormone melatonin. Continuous exposure leads to:insomnia,
breast/prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, fatigue, depression
(disease caused by inflammation), irregular menstrual cycle,
PMS, scoliosis, anxiety, cataracts, neurodegerative disorder (MS,
Parkinson‘s, Alzheimer‘s, ALS, etc), elevated cholesterol,an
imbalance of DEA/cortisol, high blood pressure, blood clots, heart
attack, heart arrhythmias. In other words, modern society is a
deliberate attack on physical and mental health.
Too little Gaba can lead to depression. Alcohol, nicotine, sugar
disrupt the dopamine balance. Modern media has little to do with
giving us a window on the world but is designed to give us
sensations, causing a negative effect on our thinking, decisions
and world view.
When a person can't calm down, his body, his wandering mind
will make him tired and lazy and he will choose to sit in front of a
tv and watch game shows. When the body and the mind is well
trained, everything can be food for thought.
Like people in a society who constantly change their function,
connection, structure, the representations in our brain are not
fixed. We constantly, conscious or unconscious change the
structure and connections through our habitual mental
patterns. Even two hours of repetitive activity changes the
So due to its neuroplasticity every person has the power to
change the anatomy and physiology of his brain, to change his
thoughts and genes, his vibration and energy. Like the muscles of
our body we can train the brain so it becomes bigger and
stronger, except for the fact that when it comes to brain, bigger
doesn't mean stronger.
Except brain damage, there are no mental disorders. People who
are born with more access to other planes of existence have a gift
and should be treated as such.
If you only listen to the reality processing EAN, you become a
computer, a robot, a boring human being or at least short-sighted
If you have a better balance between the EAN and DMN, the
wiring of the brain changes and your consciousness can grow.
Positive energy (happiness) seen rationally, can be viewed as
absence of discomfort or pain, dependant from materialism,
something that never lasts long.
The mind and body of course is one, positive energy/happiness
can't be obtained through thoughts alone. The human brain
works with chemical substances and they can be regulated
through our decisions about lifestyle (exercise, food, thought,
behavior, environment,..).
We need nature, sunlight, connection with others, healthy,
diverse food, meditation, creativity and intelligence to feel
happiness. Food is important to balance the acid/alkaline levels in
our body and provide the right neurotransmitters.
-Fish, eggs, meat, cheese, milk, avocado, nuts, seeds
produce dopamine for assertivity, immune system, energetic,
quick thinking. Alcohol, nicotine, sugar and other drugs disrupt
the dopamine balance.
-Soya beans, wheat products produce acetylcholine for thoughts,
memory and concentration.
-Broccoli, spinach, seeds, fresh nuts, potato's, banana's, onions
produce Gaba for tranquility, well being.
-Milk, brown rice, sunflower seeds, pumpkin and sesam seeds,
banana's produce serotonin for calmness and happiness.
All tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations,
biomagnetic fields. Whatever you thinks, turns into physiology.
The hippocampus records facts and events, holding them until
they can be formed into long-term memories during sleep.
Whenever the body is jogging or having sex or when the fully
concentrated mind is learning, the heart and breathing rate
increases and the hippocampus creates gamma-waves, the
highest brain frequencies that modulate perception and
consciousness, above the frequency of neural firing (so higher
consciousness/ spiritual emerging).
Frequency range
The contemporary human hearing range is 20 to 20.000 Hz.
Elephants and moles hear lower frequencies like the 7 Hz
frequence so they have better memory. Cats, dogs, bats, dolphins
and whales hear higher frequencies so they are more in tune with
what is about to happen. When we would see, hear, feel and
produce waves with a range of 0-160.000 Hz in a way, we would
remember everything, know the future and have unlimited
intelligence, creativity. Higher beings who live in higher
dimensions (higher frequencies) just don't live in linear time,
their atoms are not as dense and they can manifest things with
their mind. They travel through consciousness, to have contact
with us, they have to lower their vibration.

Lambda waves (200-.. Hz) do not occurr in normal waking

conditions in normal humans. As with color, the highest and
lowest brain frequencies are interconnected because they form a
spectrum that can be represented as a circle. Lambda and epsilon
waves (below 0 Hz) are thus related, both found in Out of Body
Gamma waves (30-200 Hz) high-processing information, bursts of
insights, being in the zone, feel that you can do anything, 'genius'
thoughts. 136 Hz is the frequency at which most people pray or
meditate. The powerful effect is caused by the fact that
intentions/high frequencies influence other high frequencies, after
all: our entire reality is made up out of atoms that vibrate at high
frequency and its core everything is one.
Beta-waves (14-30 Hz) are required to function in everyday
reality. During history it was the spectrum in which most people
on earth dwelled their entire life. It produces the experience of an
old-fashioned 'normal' human being, linear thinking,
concentrating, talking, being aroused, learning (too high levels
can cause anxiety, fear or flight).
Alpha waves (6-8 Hz) when we study or lie in bed at night and
start to contemplate, when a person is naturally relaxed, creative
and aware, the brain produces and increases serotonin
production. We feel a relaxed focus, light trance, learn quicker.
Children or cannabis users have more alpha waves than 'normal'
pre-sleep drowsiness, beginning of access to unconscious mind.
As Tesla knew already, the wave frequency of the human
brain, all biological systems and the earth resonates
between 6 and 8 Hz. As Tesla also predicted, the ones who con
control these frequencies electronically, can directly control the
entire human mental system. Tesla's knowledge was misused and
our human consciousness was hacked in 1958, while we were
already living in a reality, consisting of an artificial insertion of
bits and bytes in our theta consciousness.
Theta waves (4 to 7,9 Hz) extreme relaxation, meditation, peace,
calm sleep or drowsiness. 5 times a night the eyes show Rapid
Eye Movements because the brain switches 5 times to Theta
waves and creates neurotransmitters like catecholamines (
learning, memory and creativity). We live simultaneuously in
different realities, the experience is translated through
Theta is our original brain state of creative
potential. When during the day your brain is going at theta
speed, you are focused inward on your mind's eye, having visions
and receiving intuitive information from the Higher Self.
Delta waves (0,1 to 3,9 Hz) Every night when we sleep we lose
body awareness, the body starts regenerating and the right
hemisphere/DMN becomes dominant. It is the dominant wave of
infants, stimulating growth hormone.
Epsilon waves (...-0 Hz) occurr during extreme deep meditation,
intense bliss and compassion.
Calming down ( Parasympathetic )
The brain and the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) needs the
quiet, calm waves to recharge its energy.
The calm waves lead us to the 7Hz.
When a person masturbates or has sex and he/she relaxes and
surrenders to the feeling that comes up, the front part of the
thalamus is activated. The plateau phase starts (the period of
sexual excitement prior to orgasm) with an increase of
parasympathetic activity.
(When one is unable to relax, the energy is blocked, possibly
leading to frigidity and impotence).
Accelerating (Sympathetic)
-sex High activation of the front part of the thalamus creates
energy that activates the posterior hypothalamus and the
Sympathetic Nervous System.
The brain 'recruits' other neurons to join and changes its activity
toward more alpha, beta, theta and gamma waves, which means
better access to the mind/body.The energy rises and increases its
momentum . When close to orgasm, a vibration of 42 Hz the brain
tends to shut down, the hypothalamus reverses the energy which
will then seek release through the genitals (it's possible through
meditation/tantra to hold the energy without releasing it). When
afterwards the body calms down, the body has enough blood flow
and can reach a state of mind of complete tranquility so the body
calms down but the mind is accelerated. Oxytocin, a bonding
hormone is released.
-meditation When one meditates on love and compassion, the
brain accelerates to the same gamma-waves, that cause a
decrease in inflammation, and increase in immune system
When the mind and body is trained and wired that way, one is
better equiped to start using his intelligence and creativity better
and again reach these frequency peaks.
The effect of praying or meditation is caused by the frequency
136.10 hz.
The amygdala, a small section in the center of the brain that
controls the intensity and duration of how long a negative
emotion like fear or anxiety can disrupt the brain can shrink
significantly after weeks of mindfulness meditation, the physical
volume of the amygdala shrinks in meditators, and the recovery
time from negative emotional reactions quickens.
-running When the body is literally accelerating, jogging, gamma
waves are created (runner's high) and more bloodflow is supplied
to the brain.
The brain obviously reaches only a small part of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The effect of all these activities
(jogging, sex, meditation, talking and learning) are enhanced by
sunlight (also an electromagnetic wave with a frequency but
In mind control programs optogenetics are used (combining
genetic engineering with light) individual nerve cells are
manipulated to induce higher frequencies.
Geneticly the protein ChR2 is created, which sensitizes cells to
light and with an optical fiber and laser fast-spiking
interneurons, known for high electrical activity, the proteins are
activated towards higher frequencies.
Volunteer consciousness with extrasensory powers, can be
sensitivity to light, have sudden flashes of light that indicate and
predict periods of intense creativity and insight, have more
connection with animals, large imagination (vivid dreams), great
depth, intensity of emotions empathy active, lots of energy,
sensitive, heightened awareness of all five senses through central
nerve system,more energy (with these characteristics qualified to
lead and help).
When misguided these benefits can turn to disadvantages as
being workaholic, finding it hard to sit still, to find tranquility
and peace of mind, hard to shut off irrelevant information
(physical discomfort, irritation not felt by others), prone to
loneliness, suicidal depression, and extremely intense emotions.
the Subconscious
We consciously process 55 bits per second, while the unconscious
processes millions of bits per second. Our body can start to move,
before we consciously decide to move. We are under influence of
our own subconscious, other brains, other beings in 4D, the
magnetosphere, light,..The subconscious is influenced by the
geomagnetic field around the earth of 7 Hz. We as a specie share
the field and it contains enough energy to store the thoughts and
experiences of every human being.When we sleep and the brain
produce the brain produces 7Hz waves, we have access to the
field. The substantia nigra in our brain contains eumelanin and
works like a magnet. People who have less of the substance
(Parkinson's disease) sometimes hallucinate like people who try
to stay awake for days. The time required for 1 event in a brain to
diffuse in all human brains is only 10 minutes. Human can
telepathically communicate with each other when there's a close
connection between them like love, genetic relation or spiritual
similarities. Two persons in love can finish their sentences, twins
know when one of them is in trouble have the same dreams and
friends can send each other signals unconsciously.
Persons with similar DNA have similar thoughts, but when
people share thoughts, their DNA also starts to synchronize so
two people in a long relationship chose each other because they
resemble each other but through interaction they start to
resemble even more, internally and biologically.
When a person has to name/write random things, the
subconscious provides suggestions of the things it has processed
lately and the person puts his/her own overlay on it.
The subconscious guides non-verbal expression and intuitive
behavior during theta waves.
Our basic needs can easily be met so we can occupy ourselves
with self realisation. Harmony and happiness is simple and
measurable. A person gets back what he puts out. We have
rationalised and overcomplicated it with the ego and the idea that
it is unique, takes time and hard work to achieve goals.
Happiness is a natural body reaction, can be trained and is easy
to obtain in an environment where everybody is happy. When we
are doing as we should, it is effortless.
Our emotional range is +/- energy, related to our chakra's.
Human interaction
People behave the same way as atoms and planets. We are
fluctuations of electromagnetic +/- energy. Every mood, every
thought, every spoken sentence is a frequency. The heart is the
the equilibrium point from which a physical body is formed with
electromagnetic radiation and an aura (Meissner field) of
biophotons, spanning both the visible and invisible light
spectrums (200-800 nanometers)..

When two atoms 'fall in love' (quantum entanglement) they share

a connection which trancends locality.
When thoughts are transferred, they are spread in a time span of
ten minutes and it seems these thoughts were 'beamed' (quantum
The superconductivity of a superfluid (quantum tunneling) is also
reached on a human level. Electricity at a human level is
represented by will power (male) and magnetism as love (female).
Good and evil
The universe is all about balance. There is no force of darkness,
just absence of light. One can only alienate from its core by free
will, putting the ego above the Universal will but even things,
that look terribly wrong are part of the One. In the pathway of
service to others some Service To Self can be used as Service To
Others. Both pathways blend in the middle: STS is necessary for
STO. There's a perfect balance between the 2 realities.
However, it is important to treat everybody with respect and not
to interfere with somebody's free will. This is a karmic law and
the ones who do violate other's free will, are ultimately
Strong force/weak force
The strong force: + and + make more +. The weak force: + and -
attract each other/ + and + repel each other. Open minded
(lighter) interact through the stronger force and can make close
connections. Negative closed minded people attack positive
minded people and repel other negative people. Positive energy is
measurable integrative, negative energy is segregative..
Interaction of thought
The body is a complex of electromagnetic systems. Our thoughts
can be measured outside our head, this enables us to use
thought to interact with things outside ourselves. The main
aspect of the electromagnetic antenna system is the 7
chakra/endocrine centers. The main glands of the physical body
who control the chemical production correspond with the chakra's
outside the body at the etheric level. Chakra/endocrine centers
converts energy from the subtle levels into physical energy, as a
citcuit tapping in into cosmic energy. The circles or spirals of the
monopolar antennas at the physical level leads to mandala
patterns at the etheric level and by properly phasing these
monopole elements the resulting etheric patterns can by made to
rotate at various frequencies much like in ancient times.
Each chakra interfaces with the endocrine system and roots into
a neural plexus, associated with the energizing of a specific
physiological system. The electromagnetic emission has a near-
field (very close to the antenna) and far-field. In the far-field, the
energy is radiated outward and it doesn‘t return to the antenna.
In the near-field, the energy flows out and back twice each cycle
without being radiated. The etheric and more subtle energy
bodies each have their own antenna systems along with their
standing wave near-field creating multiple auric sheaths around
the body.Thus, for every level of human subtle energy, there is an
auric sheath surrounding the physical body. If we introduce a
substance, form or thought-form of electric or magnetic radiation
that interacts or resonates with a specific level of subtle
substance, it will alter the particular standing wave field and
manifest both in that subtle body, in the physical body, and
ultimately in the real world. This then is the mechanism of action
of chakra-based systems of communication and action-at-a-
distance, all of which are accompanied by intentionally directed
Until an event is observed, it does not really exist in any
particular state ; its state is simply given by a number of
probabilities. Once it is observed, the probability of what is
observed becomes one, it becomes reality, and the probability of
all other possible states goes to zero (the state vector collapse).
Until an event is observed, it is subject to the influence of
intentionally directed conscious thought, even if the event took
place in the past.
Quantum mechanics proves that our
mind, our consciousness affects matter.
Some 23.5 trillion synapses transform sensory data into thought.
Below a certain minimum firing rate of synapses, we sleep, above
it we are conscious. The data brings into being the potential
interactions - the quantum potentialities. Thus, consciousness is
the collection of potentialities that develop as electrons and
brainstructures interact. Out of the realms of everything possible,
comes an intention, determining what our next move, choice, and
thought will be. When a particular synapse out of the possible
synapses fires, everything else in the whole universe that might
be tied to that choice by the possibility of an intention must also
go into that same overall quantum mechanical state. Due
to Lorentz invariance, an intention transcends time and
Our mind affects matter and other brains, distant matter and
minds can have an effect on us. In all of this, the observer is tied
to all observers, and those observers collectively select the reality
that occurs. We can not always state even which observer is the
first observer. Relativity does not allow it, as there is no such
thing as an absolute frame of reference. So there is no single
reference point at which an observer is the only one who sees
things correctly. Time is relative so it runs at different rates in
different frames of reference, so there is no first observer, no
absolute observer who is the unique cause of intention, of
Everyone is part of the determination. Irrespective of space and
time, an observer causes the system to go into the one observed
state from the allowed collection of potential state, and these
consciousness linked hidden variables are held in common for all
observers. The perfect observer always gets what he or she wants.
For the perfect observer, desiring a state causes that state at the
same instant to become reality. The perfect observer is the one
that mirrors the experience of observation -a pair of observers
looking at the same thing and stating the same vectored
intention, even when thesignal-to-noise ratio is about 1 in 1,000.
If you were flipping a coin by yourself, you would get your choice
only 1 in 1000 tries. The wish as complete fact is 1 in 1000. But
when pairs mirror the wish and declare the identical vectored-
intention on the observed event, the odds change
considerably. Hoping, intention changes the outcome of
We must have this intention and a strong desire to achieve that
intention (need is a powerful, if you need the strength in a life
saving situation, the strength can appear) the desire has to be
shared by someone of equal or more powerful intention directed
in the same direction. Thus, the mirror intent phenomenon is the
next level of vectored-intentioning. Creating a true need for what
you want is the strongest form of desiring it. It is a way to
increase the signal strength of the intention-vectoring channel.
And so is associating our thought of what we want with strong
positive emotions. to better discriminate the signal from the noise
we can strengthen the signal and/or decrease the noise. Various
forms of meditation, biofeedback, HeartMath techniques, or
simply cool-down techniques used in remote viewing or the
sphincter-driven organismic drop to alpha-theta used in extension
neurosensing and TopoThink would help create a clearer channel
with reduced noise.
To become efficient, we have to quite our mind, use our time,
attention and caring: the experiencing of positive emotion and the
persistent intention of a desired outcome makes it happen in
reality. Thoughts are real, as real as words and used properly
have large effects. They are measurable outside of our heads and
they exert a real influence on people and objects that is not
bounded by time or space. Thought and emotions, coupled to a
vectored intention appear to be a multidimensional phenomenon
integral to the process of creating manifest reality and life
experience.We are what we think. All that we are arises with
our thought. With our thought, we create our world, and with
proper use of thought in geometries of application, we can also
affect the fate and destiny of our planet.
Group behavior
When 2 or more people are talking to each other, there is acoustic
cavitation (bubblefusion), focus on one group of impulses, leaves
out the other. Temporarily the individuals identify themselves as
part of a group. The brain is an electromagnetic oscillator so like
a beat or like a crowd that claps in a rhytm, the rythms of
different brains can synchronize, allowing slight forms of
telepathy. After a period of time people's DNA can also start to
communicate and synchronize.
Flow state

When a group of people get in a flow state, in 'the zone' (through

sport, sex, meditation, art,.. ) quantum tunneling can occur and
they can have the characteristics of a superfluid. There's
singleminded immersion and the group transmits gamma-waves,
leading to the sensation one can do anything. The reward system
secretes serotonin (joy), other needs become negligable, the
critical thinking part of the brain is shut off. More gluons and glia
are produced. The individuals develop tunnel vison and a state of
hyperfocus, lose self consciousness. Instead of thinking they
become thought.
People don't like a partner or parent who is too eager, too
desperate, too dependant or pushy because they want love as a
STS, by desperately looking for love they receive the least. STO is
only STO when it's asked for, otherwise it's a violation of karmic
Past 1 : ... - 500.000 bc
(...) The first humanoids exist in the Lyra constellation. They
would be called Nordics now, because they look similar to the
Scandinavian races, but they are taller. While most Lyreans are
blond haired and have blue eyes, some of them has red hair and
green eyes. In their society red-haired people are seen as having
extrasensory powers and kept apart for breeding purposes.
Because most Nordics come from hot dry planets, they have
hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin, a higher percentage copper in
their RH negative blood,in order to carry oxygen more
sufficiently. Therefore their skin can appear slight blueish.
Humanoids also visit and inhabit the constellation of Sirius, a
binary star (Sirius A and Sirius B), the Dog star of Canis Major.
They develop highly advanced technology.
(4 billion bc) Earth is formed.One big supercontinent slowly rises
out of the the ocean. Like all planets, it is a conscious being and
has energy lines, fault lines that regulate the energy of her
First human earth civilisations
(3 billion bc) Orion, the most heavily populated region of the
Milky Way galaxy, has thousands of inhabited planets and
artificially constructed planetoids. One half is Service To Others,
one half Service To Self.

The humanoid STS beings from Orion coöperate with Sirians

from Sirius A, mix DNA from the original Lyrans and their own
collective energy to create 4D beings, that manifest themselves in
3D as reptilian. (The legend of the 'god' of Orion parallels, where
Sirius is the dog of Orion).

Reptilians have a body of ectoplasma, can switch from 3D to 4D

but in 3D they have a scaly skin and walk upright like humans
but to reproduce they lay eggs. They are 13 feet tall, physically
and mentally strong, telepathic, fast and intelligent. They don't
communicate linear with words, but through symbolic images
with multiple layers of meaning. They don't take individual
decisions but operate as a group mind, a Rhe- blood group with
beehive consciousness (hence the worship of the hexagon).
Eventually the reptilians inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in
4th density, are brought to the Dracoconstellation and are owned
by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets. The soldier
class has no wings but the Draco elite can have a tail or wings,
flaps of skin, supported by long ribs.They often wear black
clothing. Some reptilians have horns and the highest ranking
reptiles have their powerful red parietal eye visible on their
forehead, like iguana's on earth.
They are highly telepathic, but have little empathy. They are
programmed to conquer and destroy and to consider themselves
Godlike and perfect, because they are androgynous -man and
woman in one body and because their DNA has stopped evolving
and lost most of their emotions. Mammals who are male or female
and who evolve genetically are considered weak and inferior.
Most reptilians are negative and are a parasitic consciousness,
need others to drain their life energy, especially blood of the
Nordic/Lyran like races, with blonde or red hair, whose genes
they carry and who are more susceptable for mind control. They
have a nearly 7-centimeter long pasty white phallus that remains
permanently erect and stays hidden inside the animal‘s waste
and reproductive orifice, commonly known as a cloaca. The cloaca
looks like a reptilian eye with a vertical slit.
The Orion beings also create 'Greys' in 5 varieties, as semi-
artificial cybergenetic beings, who function as a projection
mentally and psychically of the Lizard beings, like 4dimensional
probes. They have all the same capabilities of the Lizard beings
except for the fact that their physical appearance is entirely
different and their biological structure is internally different. But,
their functioning is the same and in order to remain as projection
beings they also must absorb nutrients in the same fashion both
spiritually and physically as the Lizard beings do. They live
on Zeta Reticuli 1,2,3 and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting
Barnard's Star.

They don't consider themselves evil, they are trying to survive

and don't understand human pain because they have lost most of
their emotions. Through energy focusing and a camera like
system behind their multi-segmented eyes they are able to send
signals for thought paralysis, implanting thoughts. Their eyes
work like goggles and their white skin is like a tight suit,
underneath they are pinkish and also have eyes with vertical slit
eyes. Both the reptilians and Greys are ruled by artificial
The first worlds they colonise are Vega, also already inhabited by
a humanoid species, and Apex.
(1 billion)
The original humanoid population of Lyra are an easy target for
the reptilians and is attacked. Sometimes a group of red haired
people is offered to the reptilians as an early form of sacrifice to
avoid war. The Lyrians go to Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti,
Antaries, Procyon, Pleiades, Barnard's star.
In the centre of our milkyway, there is a black hole, a wormhole
to other universes, the mythical Black Sun. It is close to the star
El or El Nath, the tip of the horns of the Taurus constellation. It
is the centerpoint of the eliptical orbit of our sun and the eliptical
orbit of its binary counterpart Sirius. As a cosmic chimney, giving
access to other galaxies, it is a highly coveted region.
The Lyrians also create first settlements on Earth.

Around Ring Nebula, at the belt of Orion, the lizard races claim
the territory for themselves. Galactic wars erupt.
A nuclear war on Apex destroys much of its surface, forcing the
Grays to live underground. The radiation also damages their
reproductive capacities, forcing them to use cloning as a way to
survive as a species.
Human settlers also move to Arcturius, where as a species, they
advance very fast.
Humanoids form an alliance against the reptilians, the Galactic
Federation, consisting of more than 100 colonies.
At the time the planet known as Saturn is closer to earth, is the
life-giving sun of our system. Earth is perfectly perpendicular and
has no tilt so only has one season:spring. Saturn as sun produces
the comet later known as Phosphorus/Venus, which shines as an
8 pointed star with Mars red planet in its middle (the trinity
concept of father, holy spirit, son).
Afterwards the Giants (gigantopithecus), a group consisting of
military renegade groups of very large humanoids, refusing to co-
operate with the federation, on the run for their ennemies ends
up in our solar system: they hide in artificial moons around
Saturn, like Mimas and Japetus, around Uranus and other
planets. They inhabit the moons who have large build outs of the
Ancient Builder race, with an artificial sun, making civilisation
possible. Using their protective grid and structures, they worship
the L's, as lion gods. They colonize Mars: they build a monolith on
its moon Phobos, and on the nexus point of Mars, they
build Cydonia, a site containing tetrahedral pyramids, a
human/feline face, a spade 'a', a vulture and a sphinx. It is
aligned with sunrise at summer solstice. They also colonize
Maldek (Tiamat or Elektra), at the time the 4th planet of our

They also inhabit the artificial hollow object we now know as the
moon, the only object known in space that does not spin around
its axis, is brought in the orbit of the earth. Like most moons in
our system, beneath it surface the moon has an ancient build-out.
When ships land on the moon, it rings like an empy shell.
(500 million bc) The reptilians attack the colonies of Mars and
Maldek. They use a small black hole as a propulsion system,
pulling a comet as a weapon (technology given to them by
humanoids from Sirius A). The inhabitants of Maldek seek refuge
on Mars.
The planet Maldek ends up in the gravitational pull between the
comet, Jupiter and Mars and explodes, leaving the Asteroid belt
between Mars and Jupiter. The close distance of the ice comet
planet has a large effect on Mars' atmosphere. The comet
switches places with Earth and after the ice is melted, becomes
the planet we know as Venus.
The moon ends up in the orbit of the earth. Because the specific
orbit around earth, never showing its dark side, with the exact
size of the sun, seen from our planet, so light and darkness, day
and night is created, the symbolic ritual of duality. The moon
appears as a sickle, to full moon and a sickle again, creating a
Lemuria and Atlantis
Earth's energy is divided amongst fault or ley-lines. Where these
lines cross, the energy spirals into a vortex of energy. On a
significant faultine, the Darling faultline, the place now known as
Perth (Birth), Australia, becomes a reptilian stronghold. It is the
beginning of an empire called Mu/ Lemuria or Kumari Kandam
(the Dragon land of the immortal serpents), that stretches from
the Himalayas to past Easter Island and South America, the
entire Pacific bassin, a horse-shoe shaped of tectonic plates, the
famous 'ring of fire'. The large monolithic Ayers Rock is
considered as the solar plexus, navel of the earth.
For humanoids, this solar system has a unique nurturing energy
and serves as a sort of rehab center, a prison colony for
undesirable outlaws. Another refugee and renegade group of the
Pleiades and the group of giant humanoids from Aldebaran and
the Plejares star system that did not participate in the Galactic
federation against the reptilians, are sent to our star system.
Beginning of first Atlantis, a colony on the north pole of earth
(and inner earth, the mythical Hyperborea). They are
technological but still depend on spiritual abilities. They breed
mammals and other animals. Lions are on top of the foodchain
and worshipped as the King of kings.
Making of artifacts like the Klerksdorp sheres in South Africa,
and the 'London hammer' .
(252 million bc) The reptilians bring and breed creatures in their
likeness, the dinosaurs. Fossils like the Burdick track, humanoid
hand print and fossilized human finger in Texas, Alvis Delk
Cretaceous footprint,...Humans occasionaly kill dinosaurs to
protect themselves, causing the first battles with reptilians.
(27 million bc) As a result from a 3600 year- cycle a giant comet of
18 miles diameter crashes into one of the oceans and creates
another huge cloud. Asteroids causing craters like the Chicxulub
crater and megatsunamis (Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
(2 million bc) A council of Andromeda develops a peace project for
the different races to co-exist: a group of 13 races (12 humanoid
and the reptilian race) start a genetic engineering project. The
reptilians of earth, withouth the consent of the original Draco
empire, agree on the condition that the reptilian body is the
foundation of the new creature. The project of creating protypes is
mainly located in the region now known as Iraq, in a domed
garden on the 33th parallel and parts of Africa like South Africa
and Zimbabwe. The most advanced primate on the planet at that
time, Homo Habilis is selected to create prototypes. Eventually
the first 'Archaic' humans, semi ape, resembling homo sapiens
and the first Homo Erectus, are genetically engineered with
98% DNA of an ape but 2% augmented, extraterrestial DNA,
created 'in their likeness', containing DNA of all the races
=>theAdamic race (Adom- 'undivided one'). As a sperm cell and
fetus, humans still develop as a reptile, before becoming more
humanoid. The human body has the same design as our zodiac,
planets corresponding to chakras, the sun corresponding to our
solar plexus.
The concept of the experiment is based on giving it some basic
knowledge while there is a rule of non-interference to see how life
Being full conscious with a 12 helix 13 chakra system (7 in the
body, 5 outside the body) the beings can manifest their needs and
desires through mental power either as a group or as individuals,
either immortal or living thousands of years in perfect health.
They are always telepathic in contact with each other and with
their higher self for advice and assistance. They don't have an
aging gene so have a long life span of hundreds of years.
Eventually about 50 epigenetic augmentations of the human
genome are made to achieve the modern humanoid Homo
Sapiens, living in the 3d and lower 4th dimension.
Most races secretly program the human DNA-sequences to make
their traits predominant, making the project, doomed to fail.
Adavanced cultures see earth as a prison planet, with the beings,
predestined for oppression or tiranny. Because the reptilians
added their own DNA so humans have mammal (caring, warm
blooded) and reptilian (not caring, cold blooded) consciousness,
that don't fit together, creating a continuous inner battle between
a caring and loving side and a coldblooded dark side in our heart
chakra. In its fetus state, the human body looks like a small
reptile with a tail and the higher parts of the brain are founded
on top of a reptilian brain.
Plants and animals are also genetically manipulated. The
tryptamine DMT, also found in the pineal gland of the human
brain is engineered as an organic commnication technology. 13
races => 13 signs of the zodiac (the sign of the dragon in the
middle). The earth grid is a dodecahedron, made up of 5 platonic
solids of 5 elements- the cube (earth-Taurus), the icosahedron
(water-Scorpio), tetrahedron (fire, Leo), octahedron (air, aquarius)
with ether as the 5th element. 4 elements, ways of taking energy
water, food, oxygen, source energy.
For a while, there are no big problems or conflicts. In later
legends, this period of time is described as the Golden age.
Religion in Atlantis consists of sun worship, is simple and
without sacrifice.
Past 2 : 500.000 -50.000
The conflict between Nordics (Atlanteans) and reptilians
(Lemurians) continues on earth. Battles are fought for control
over the new race.
The Anunaki
375.800 Because our planet fluctuates between realms every
309,000 years, there is a realm crossing. Earth is the focal point
of a cosmic imbalance. The 'Archon invasion'. A cluster of comets
hits the earth. They bring artificial bacterias with different DNA
than humans.
Humanoids of Sirius B and reptilians from Orion, who waged
war, created a hybrid race, the Nibiru bloodline. Carrying male
DNA from Orion reptilians and female DNA from Sirius
humanoids, they can be white, black, red and have horns. They
are forced to leave because of genetic damage. After infiltrating a
number of other planets, they come to earth, living in the lower
overtones of the 4th dimension. They have triangular, crab shell
or tear drop shaped craft. They are temporarily given kingship
over earth by the Draco, and a license by the Guardian race,
because they are a nemesis through which we can learn. They are
lipid, oily blooded and have silicon nerves. They breathe nitrogen
and exhale cyanogen, the famous flammable dragon breath.
Coming from methane environments, oxygen and water, our
environment is like poison to them. They are obsessed with gold,
because it is soul energy.
Looking for gold, the first group chooses the region of the Zambezi
river in South Africa on the tropic of capricorn to establish their
mining operations (the mythical En-ki, lord of earth). The second
grouprules the region of 33th parallel, the Persian gulf, and the
cedar forest of Lebanon (mythical En-lil, lord of heaven and his
garden). Cyanide and mercury are a byproduct of gold mining,
cyanide is also found in smokes of fire.
The 'peace project' goes wrong.
They change the dynamic of this solar system: the original Saturn
sun cools down until it has rings of ice, the famous 'imprisoned'
Lord of the Rings. After a period of darkness, another sun is
created, used as an important stargate in our local star cluster.
The main frequency of Saturn is 528 Hz (C, the treble clef, the 8
infinity symbol).
The hexagonal shape, found on the north pole of Saturn, bigger
than the diameter of earth, is the symbol of the black cube with 8
points in time and space, the 3D physical matrix humans are
trapped in. It is linked to the hexagonal honeycombs of bees and
the winter hexagon with the black sun inside it. The reptilian
consciousness worships Saturn because it is the Great Malific, a
strong astrological force of duality, the highest and lowest
frequency of our solar system and of the black sun, radiating
without light. Saturn is linked to the moon because it takes 29,5
year to complete the circuit of the ecliptic, similar to the orbit
sickle/cycle of the moon of 29,5 days around earth.1 5 is the
number of Saturn or Kronus the father of time, if we consider the
circle as a unity, 360 degrees divided by 15 = 24 or the also
natural hours of the day. 1/15 = 0,06666667 with 666, the so-
called number of the beast but also of the sun.
The 'fall from Eden'
They rearrange the DNA of the native human species. The
original DNA pattern is left within the human cells, but split
apart, deactivated. They reduce the 12 strands of DNA to 2, in
order to have them broadcast within a certain limited frequency
band so they can feed them those frequencies and keep them in
power in a copy/paste reality. Because DNA is a
transmitter/receiver of laser like light frequencies, humans are
connected to the matrix and having only a double helix, have
much less access to information. Humans, 6th density beings that
were STO (service to others) are turned into more primitive 3d
density creatures STS (serving the self), alienated from their true
creators and focused on the needs of their holographic avatar
The DNA in the 2 strands of our physical body, non-coding DNA
are written in a language, a universal software code. Programs of
neurological inserts, hormones and neurotransmitters are
inserted in our morphogenetic field, our light body, connected to
our chakra's and the earth, to keep us at base level. 666 is the
number of Carbon, essential for making DNA/RNA. When a log of
wood is placed in a fire, it burns down until all that remains is
the Carbon element (from ashes to ashes). 66.6000 miles/h is the
speed of earth. Humans have 23 thoraic vertebraes, human
biorythm cycle is 23 days. Tropic of cancer and capricorn are 23,5
degrees from the equator. The annual seasons result from the fact
that the Earth is tilted some 23.5 degrees in respect of the plane
of the Earth's orbit around the sun – known as the Plane of the
Ecliptic. Each parent gives 23 chromosomes.2/3=0,666. Every
human has 46 chromosomes, 46+23=69. Where humans could
reproduce through combining geometry, humans are now limited
to biology, an egg and seed cell as metaphor for the prison, 3D
matrix with no access to the higher realms.
Humans on earth now live in the 49th octave of reality, in an
avatar body with artificial neurology inside an artificial matrix as
a energy battery for the controllers. However they are still
powerful creators, because of their divine creative life force they
breathe life into the simulation. Everything we see and touch is
made up out of atoms but atoms are not solid, are mostly 'empty',
vibrating on higher frequency= ether, the fifth element.
The reptilians/greys are called Urizen, the God of the material
world or the Demiurg Yaldaboath, the evil architect who created
the matrix, the material world through the rings of Saturn,
the ourobouros, the snake eating it's own tail.
The reptilian parasitic consciousness can manifest for a short
time in our 3D world but mainly lives in 4D and has no creative
imagination, so this intermolecular space, neutral zones with no
energy source is a perfect energy field for them to feed off human
energy. When humans are frustrated, affraid, they have more
acces to our mind because of holes in our energy field. Reptilians
like to abuse humans, and have a large focus on sex. They
consider the adrenaline energy of a terrified child as a delicacy.
Substances like red adrenochrome, created by the human body
when adrenaline (epinephrine) oxidises, is their ultimate high.
Sometimes particularly evil spirits from the lowest frequencies of
the 4D astral realm can take over a person permanently (demonic
possession), creating a psychopathic mind that seeks only to harm
other people.
The human heart chakra, the 8th chakra of female creativity of
432 Hz, is distorted with dissonant frequencies. In cymatics, in
our matrix the 440 frequency (note A) shows a 6 pointed shape,
the Merkaba. A is also pictured as a spade, an inverted black
heart or clover.
They design a genetic augmentation of the reptilian brain on the
back of the head, top of the spine, the so-called bull's eye, the eye
of jealousy (N-vidia). The frequency 639 Hz, called the Devil's
tone, related to the § (6/9) hurricane symbol is a disonnance
between 2 frequencies, involving love and problem solving.
Humans become jealous of each other's women and posessions.
Through the ventral striatum, the reward system in the human
brain, they feel delight when a rival fails. The female energy
corrupted, through which we develop a distorted concept of love is
later symbolized by Eve, or Pandora who opened a box. Human
conflicts are engineered, people feel cut off from the source of life,
feel depressed and uninspired.
A sort of sky grid, a frequency fence, a multidimensional mind
control network is put around the planet to control how much the
frequencies of humans can be modulated and changed. This
plasma field around earth, resembling an octopus, interacts with
the solar wind. The grid corresponds with the earth grid, 4D
affects 3D and the other way around, hence the famous 'as above,
so below'.
Everything in our reality (the atom, the body, the brain, the
planets, the galaxy) is based on frequency, patterns of sacred
geometry like the Flower of life/the genesis pattern (how an egg
cell starts conception) or the Tree of life. Its two pillars are
the twin towers, the 2 pillars of the transmutation of man. The
two pillars form an arch, the Gates of Heaven, the Pi-symbol, the
golden stool. The Orion group connects this symbol to the Orion
symbol, with the pillar in the middle as the sword of Orion. One
of the trees symbolizing the Tree is the acacia tree, containing

The fall of Eden or the idea of 'original sin' is the fall of the
human race through the act of wanting to experience physical
reality, pleasure for the self.
The human race no longer lives in a state where they are able to
use bodies and still have a spiritual connection, they become
addicted and turn inward, fragmented units who forget they are
parts of one consciousness. They lose faith and knowledge and
have physical restrictions.
200.000 Cataclysm on Mars, the Cydonia site is left under layers
of sediment, resulting in a more underground civilisation.
Introduction of 'death'
The greys, the semi-artifical beings from Zeta Reticula
that live in an artificial universe, who had already
controlled a massive number of planets to regain their
soul essence, create/clone 8 new control layers of reality
for us. Our planet is later called eartH because they want to
make earth the Heart, the crown jewel of their prison planet
system. They have their own Archon agenda, they need humans
because they have a threefold essence of being, physical,
emotional and spiritual and they have lost this unity and can't
ascend to higher dimensions. Our matrix consists of cymatic
frequencies, based on sacred geometry, but with inserted bits and
Because of the bacteria's and the distortion of the design of the
human body, people become ill and die: through the ether, the
original soul essence leaves the physical avatar body at tropic of
capricorn, transcends to the 4D and 5D spectrum. Life and
death. Humans start to incarnate, leave this body and transcend
to 5D. In 5D they eventually choose a new body/incarnation, the
souls return to earth throught the tropic of cancer, a process
connected to the moon, the foundation of the female egg cell
fertilisation cycle.
The moon object has bases on it and has technology that works as
a soul capture machine: it can trap and store souls so humans
don't have a life review and end up in the same situation in a
different body. Because of 'the veil' of amnesia they created,
humans lose the ability of lucid dreaming, don't remember their
past lives and don't understand there is an evil wheel of karma
that keeps them suffering and incarnating (the buddhistic
Samsara). The true nature of the human soul is pure love but our
personality is the reaction of the incarnated soul on the primary
anomaly, the DNA-mixture of the DNA of our parents and the
conditions that we find here on this planet. Soul groups
reincarnate together so conflicts are fought continuously and on
different levels.
Saturn stands for the beginning and end of our time illusion,
eventually brings saturation, death. The universe can be seen as
a waveform, a double helix, two snakes intertwined.
'Sin'=sinewave and cosinewave, time (circle) and space (square).
Because of the ourobouros, eternal reocurrence, a snake biting its
own tail, humans are stuck in a temporary wave.
4D entities sometimes nibble on the human solar plexus, calling
it a love bite. When the reptilians/greys rape humans in 3D or
4D, the reptilian 3d eye, and the white phallus appearing out of
the vertical slit becomes the dreadful Evil Eye. Children born
from these 4D rapes are 'sons of the serpent'. Black cats, having
the same vertical slits become a symbol of worship and Evil. They
have a 3d eyelid that looks like a moon eclipsing the sun. When
the sympathetic branch to the eye is damaged (loss of sympathy)
the eyes can become green. Because it contains phosphor their
urine glows in the dark. In the sky the Evil Eye is the pole star
Draco with its Cat Eye Nebula or the star Fomalhaut. Fomalhout
means the mouth of the fish or whale: abduction victims describe
the experence as being raped by a fish.
In Aboriginal culture the reptilian penis that pulls back like a
rubber band or bunjee, linked to the the star/ reptilian eye,
becomes the creator deity Buunjill, pictured as an eagle showing
the reptilian facial features, the OTO-brow ridges. The black
rubber ball is worshipped as the testicle that gave life to humans.
They take a jump into an abyss with a vine attached to their feet,
as a mimic of the reptilian tongue.Water as a female force is the
many-headed underworld snake Hydra (name for the chemical
element Hydrogen).
Long necked turtles become a symbol of Saturn and the root
chakra's, the foundation of everything, below sea level. It means a
3d of the 3 of life and also a turd of El. Turtles have a big penis
that can ingest semen in 4 points, representing the 4 cardinal
points, so it becomes the Rock, the foundation. The water beetle is
the same concept, it can live underwater with a water bubble of
air attached to it, becomes the symbol of the ghost in the shell,
the being that gave the breath of life to everything.
As a downgrade from telepathic communication like most
animals, humans also have to use more verbal communication,
using phonetic frequencies. The humanoid races from Lyra, Vega,
Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades speak Tamil, an ancient language,
of which all Earth's languages will be derived from (the language
originated in Lyra and spread to the Pleaides).
The Nibiru create the black race, specifically to breed them as
slaves to work in mines. They use fire as the easiest way to put
fear in humans.
Scarification and tooth sharpening become traditions practiced
among Central African en Lemurian tribes including bloodletting
rituals as rites of passage into adulthood for both males and
females. Scar patterns resembling reptilian scales become a
symbol of manhood, being initiated, a killer like the gods. Penis
like staffs are used for penitentiary purposes. The male parts of
the female genitals, the labia and clitoris are typically removed. A
small hole is then poked through the scarring to allow for
menstruation and urine. Boys are circumsized and have to
swallow their foreskin. As an attack on the heart they are
seperated from their mother and placed in all male environments.
Young Mandan boys have to fast for 4 days without sleeping.
They are then hung from the ceiling by hooks that pierce their
skin. During the entire process they have to smile until they pass
out. When they wake up their pinky fingers are chopped off and
only then they are considered men. Humans are forced to eat
posioning ants in leaves, shaped like an Evil Eye. Some tribes
have their young boys stick two canes down their throats until
they vomit. Reeds are then forced up their nostrils and their
tongues are stabbed.
In Lemuria the elite wears bones like moon sickles through the
septum of their nose as the nostrils represent the 8 of infinity.
The dipan-bone refers to the hemipene- Skulls of ancestors, called
‗ndambirkus‘ are used as a pillow for sleeping or as a neck rest by
the ‗reigning‘ family head. They are decorated with rings like
Saturn or painted to accentuate the OTO brow ridges. The eye
sockets and nasal cavity are lined with beeswax, decorated with
red and light grey seed capsules and spinning spirals (life and
death). The red pods are the lethal ‗abrus beans‘ (abrus
pecatorius, rosary Pi/pea's, also called crab or cock's eye). They
look like a red pill and are used as an amulet to scare away the
Evil Eye. They are also used as bead, for percussion instruments
and as a measure to weigh gold. The grey are ‗tears of Job‘ (coix
lacryma jobi). The lower jaw is attached to the skull with rattan
The skulls of murdered enemies, called ‗ndaokus‘ are kept in the
central mens‘ house as trophy, as proof of the bravery and skill of
a warrior, and decorated similarly to become a ‗ndambirkus‘.
These ‗war trophies‘ always have a hole in one of the skull‘s
temples. Through this hole, the brain of the enemy was removed.
The jaw bone of the ‗ndaokus' skull s removed and given to the
women as a pendant for their necklaces – as a final, humiliating
insult toward the defeated enemy.
92.000 Mixing reptilian DNA and Cro-Magnon DNA is not
succesful so the reptilians are forced to continue interbreeding.
The natives (redskinned), and the Paranthas (resembling the
Aboriginals) are more attuned to the vibrational frequency of the
earth. The cave rituals are performed with drums and paintings
with red ochre on the walls.
83.600 The first human ruler, King Ubara-Tutu (Lamech) an
Ophite reigns over Shuruppak. Black Goo (black sister) lands on
earth through meteors, an artificial seed device.
The ark
The Annunaki have trouble adjusting to the earth's atmosphere.
At the meadows of the Euphrates, inEridu at the Persian gulf,
they install technology to create an electromagnetic wormhole to
rejuvenate themselves. The rectangle structure is sealed like a
rectangular ship with 2 horns, the mythical cherubim. The box
contains a golden box, the best material to shield from radiation
(Ra). Saltwater is used as a tunable energetic matrix. The ark as
an implosive capacitor creates a strong electromagnetic field
above the 'mercy (mercury) seat'. It rejuvenates them and
produces the white powder ORME or manna, monoatomic
gold that can phase in and out of this dimension.
The Orme state is where 2 atoms share their protons and
neutrons to create a larger nucleus, 8x larger than a regular
atom, so the electrons sometimes have to travel the speed of light
to keep the matter together and it becomes interdimensional.
It is the source of the monoatomic elements that can achieve
superconductivity and provides a lessened gravitational
attraction between large stones, which makes building through
sound levitation possible. When heated, it loses weight, the same
anti-gravity technology that makes ships fly. It enhances the
immune system and rejuvenates the reptilians, corrects all DNA,
combined with drinking blood, it gives them immortality. To
humans it is a boat and a sea at the same time, the mythical Ab-
zu, the seed of the sea, watery abyss, also the word for the ocean,
inner earth, the source of fresh (not salt) water, with positive
The reptilians, called 'chitaouri' force the black women in South
Africa to work in mines to obtain gold, copper and tin (only
woman are allowed to work with the female earth). Metals are
considered gods, sacred materialisations of the planets, of the
sepiroths of the Tree of life. Reptilians cover themselves with the
mono-atomic gold for healing, to increase their bioelectricity,
because they can't raise their vibration like humans the natural
way. So gold is seen as sweat from the sun god, silver is connected
to the moon, iron to Mars, tin to Jupiter, lead to Saturn,.. They
use metallic black balls to switch between dimensions and use
them to move other stones through sound levitation. The 'magic'
radiating stones are associated with evil Saturn, the Black Sun.
Sometimes black meteors fall from the sky, rich in iron. Wherever
the black meteors land, they are worshipped as stone of the gods,
the 'navel' of the world and a religious centre is built around it, a
Black Rock City. The radiaton of the rocks is worshipped as a
spirit, a god itself. Rocks are also used to heat so they can be put
in water to cook food. The black rocks also represents the
monoliths of the Guardian race that intervenes now and then.
75.000 Regressive types of Man roam the Earth. Cro-Magnon
man survives. Atlantis has a mix of blacks, Orions, Sirians, Draco
reptilians, Pleiarians, Andromedans, Alpha and Beta
The morning star
The comet Venus is linked to the green heart chakra. Another
Evil Eye is the lightbringer,later known in Greece
as Phosphorus, now known as Venus (V-female, -enis male),
thought to be ejected from Jupiter. At the time it is closer and
almost equally brilliant as the sun. It is It has a long green tail,
resembling fire, smoke, or even hair and a beard, dark at
daytime, luminous at night. Comet tails contain the sacred
cyanogen, the comet is called the morning star or 'torch of
heaven'. The eastern morning star V-enis (Venus Barbata, with a
beard), is Saturn/Satan in disguise, Eve seduced by the snake.
The comet rules Taurus. Because it seems as if she is going wild
and horns grow out of her head, the comet Venus is called 'the
bull of heaven', apparently possessed by a holy spirit. Because of
her horns she also is considered a child from the moon, originally
a crown jewel of Tiamat. The horns of Taurus are the sickle or
horns who points the way to Venus, the morning star. The comet
in the sky transits, 'overtakes' earth every 584 days as it orbits
the sun in a 5 point star/pentagram shaped orbit. Than it changes
from the evening star, visible after sunset, to the Morning star,
visible before sunrise. It is linked to the number 5, a sacred
number in Atlantis, represent the male, conscious outward action
of the sun, the 5th element, quintessential essence,
transcendental power. Venus is represented by an apple, like
almonds, oranges, peaches and cherries they contain pits
containing cyanide (cyanide is also used in mining gold and
silver, can cause coma and seizures). Another symbol is the rose
because of its orbit following a pine cone/rose pattern.
First priests
The ark needs to be handled with a lot of precautions (like being
barefoot for not getting electromagnetic shocks) and serves as the
ultimate proof of their divinity. It also operates on Loosh energy,
needs astral and etheric energy of sacrifice. These sacrifices of
bull, sheep and goats are taken care of by the first priests. Also
dancing rituals are performed with sistrums (4 rattling bars,
representing the 4 elements), involving alcohol (because it lowers
their vibration, slows down the brain so people only use the
primitive features of the reptilian brain).
Because of the frequency shield around the planet, it becomes
difficult and dangerous for beings in 5D (humans that
transcended and other benevolent beings) to penetrate the
atmosphere and our controlled matrix of 3D reality. Light beings
can manifest themselves as orbs, balls of light, or as an etheric
face only.
People are sometimes visited by the Ancient Builder race, the
peaceful 7 ft tall humanoids with feline, catlike appearance, to
help us in our spiritual evolution.They communicate with
humans telepathically and during DMT-experiences. Sirius is
thus held in high regard and associated with mythological beings
like the griffin (half lion, half bird) and angels, higher beings with
Because of the interbreeding and the hybridisation, program a
certain amount of people are born with more 'extraterrestial'
DNA. They might be frail, predisposed to solitude, but have more
receptivity for a trance state and genetic abilities that allow them
to communicate with the spirit world. When they show promise,
they are approached in dreams, guided from early childhood by
the beings.
These beings bring the future shaman to the spirit world, the
Venturi, the real world, the blue zone, in other words they leave
the matrix. The beings always appear as animals in human form
(therianthropes, snakes, fox, owl, dove, bear, dog, ibis,..
archetypes of the human collective subconscious). They learn
them to be healers for the benefit of the tribe, showing what
plants to use for certain sicknesses and trance, explaining the
dances and drum rythms of the shamanistic rituals to invoke the
thunder god.
The San-people of the Tsodilo Hills in Botswana worship the
reptilian gods in caves. They have different colors of spearheads,
the red ones are burned in rituals in front of a python, carved out
of rock. They have rituals where the rock is connected to a room
for the shaman, the rocks are used for channeling, called 'the rock
that whispers'.
Some tribes in the rain forest access the spirit world through a
brew of the snake like Caapi Vine, which enables them to
communicate with their ancestors and intelligence of the plant
and the earth, 'the Grandmother' goddess. In Atlantis and in the
region of Lebanon, the mythical Garden, sorcerers consume
mushrooms like the poisonous fly agaric Amanita Muscara ( the
honey from the bees, the nectar, seed from earth). The spotted
mushrooms grow as a fruit on the roots of cedars, ash or
evergreen pinetrees. They contain DMT, a tryptamine naturally
found in the brain in small doses, which activates the pineal
gland, similar to the pineapples of the pinetree. They cause
intense vision, a feeling of flying, size distortion, euphoric
laughter and a red facial glow. The muscimol ends up
unmetabolized in the urine so the urine, being less toxic is used
again. It remains potent even after six passes through the human
body and is also given to animals.

The initiate always undergoes a process of mystical death and

rebirth, a multidimensional operation, a transformation from 4D
into 5D, a superhuman condition. In a deep trance state, lasting a
few days, he might imagine he is boiled in a caldron, devoured
with spirits, reduced to a skeleton, operated and eventually
adorned with new flesh, sewn together with magical stones. From
that moment on, when he is purged and reborn, he can enter the
spirit world at will and he can cure and divine and teach the rest
the rituals through which he rest of the tribe can enter the spirit
world so he is considered as the vital essence of the tribe.

Sorcerers carry feathers of owls or other birds on their head,

referring to the top of the caduceus, the Kundalini energy that
starts from the spine and enables the pineal gland to develop a
crown and leave the body. They wear veils, animal masks on their
face or antlers on their head to disguise themselves and scare
away or become the evil spirit. In rituals venomous snakes are
used: by being bitten by them, the poison is transmuted and
enhances the immune system.
Sometimes they are instructed to choose a certain pine tree or
silver birch tree from the woods. The tree is than place at the
centre of the ritual as the Tree of Life, or the World Tree, a spirit
ladder and intermediary between the earth and the higher realms
that reaches the North star, the central axis of the universe. A
tree is a symbol of 3, three, the trinity. Becoming one with the
tree, the priest stands on top of the highest branches of the tree,
beating his drum until he falls into trance and he is caught with a
blanket by the others.
In cymatics, the sacred Ohm-frequency, the highest frequency
before leaving our dimension, shows a pattern of 3 circles, the
trinity of the father, mother, son. In alchemy the father-son-
mother connection corresponds to gold-ridium-irridium or salt
(male, solid)-mercury (female, fusible)-sulphur (binding, the son).
Knowing that nature is cyclical and has consciousness, the
process of death and rebirth of nature and its trees through the
cycle of seasons, winter and summer, is celebrated through the
green man, a living tree.
When they enter the spirit world (4D/5D), a raven or an eagle
appears as a teacher to educate the souls. they can be brought to
a tree with its top cut off, at the foot of a mountain, the holy
mountain, the mountain of Enlil, sometimes called Jokuo. The
tree and its nest is a symbolic overlay for the matrix and the
hybridisation program that abductees report: they are shown
hybrid babies, sometimes more than hundred, all stacked up in
symmetrical racks, rows of fish tanks as one geometrical big
womb, hooked to the matrix. Every branch bears a birds nest
(incubation tank) according to a hierarchy. The Osmaili Turks
say the tree has a million leaves, with a human fate written on it.
When a leaf falls, the person dies.

The Owls that can appear in the tree are spirits that offer a
learning experience, benevolant guides but sometimes also
related to the grey aliens from Zeta Reticula that appear into our
3D world as a holographic insertion of a large illuminating owl
with hypnotising large black eyes, during the shamanic rituals or
contact experience with missing time. (The owls are called 'Ikuya'
by the Brazilian Ipixuma tribe. When they are in trance, they see
light and force around it, and they can shoot arrows that go right
through it, so they know they are dealing with a humanoid in
disguise. In Mexico the myth of Lechuza narrates that Lechuza is
a black witch who whistles in the night to call the people, and
whoever responds to her call is found sleeping till the next day
arising with multiple bruises on the body.)
For humans the owl and its OTO- or 8-shaped eyes, the reptilian
wings are symbols of the gods. Grays can also manifest as a ball
of lightning/fire, simultaneous with lightning discharge, leaving
an odor of sulphur, after which people believe in a thunder god.
In the region now known as Arizona, a black nickel-iron meteorite
from Mars crashes, causing the Canyon Diablo Crater (Barringer
crater). The Kiowa tribe build a sanctuary around the 15 ton
stone. Before each hunting, they immerse their spear and arrows
in the water that gathers from the moulds of the iron meteorite,
to make them as fast and accurate as the gods. The holy iron is
traded with other tribes. Black obsidian stones are associated
with the hypnotising black eyes of these Grey/owl gods. Obsidian
mirrors are used in rituals, so people can see themselves
shapeshift into different forms.
In 4D humans are haunted and tortured by inner demons, known
to Ayuasca-experiencers as the Purge, or described as Hell,
eternal suffering, death. Some experience blackness, snakes and
demons. They sometimes lose consciousness, 'lose their head',
become catalepsic (the feeling of being 'stoned'). The visions are
internal visualisations of fears, dark entities from the astral
realm, based on the beliefs of the experiencer, feeding off the
energetic body.
The clowns, jesters and 'machine elves' who appear in the DMT
induced underworld are mimiced, dressed as skeletons, bringing
black humour, depicting the morbid absurdity of life. With the
mushroom being a symbol for human life, ancestors and the
penis, they also have to be decapitated before they are actually
The black sun above Taurus, the chimney wormhole to other
universes in the centre of our galaxy is seen as an anus or the
womb of the Mother goddess, the ourobouros, or aar-raa-nos, the
being of air and radiating light. It supposedly birthed this
universe, as a black ball of space. The black stone ball with the
zodiac ring around it as the mother womb and a cross on top of it.
The mother womb gives and takes =>the turning cosmic wheel,
the symbol of the swastika, the god Saturn/Satan who swallows
everything, for its satisfaction. The solar eclipse is of great
importance to worshipper of the Black Sun. The moon sickle
appears to castrate the sun, making the black sun shine, giving it
a corona or crown.
The second civilisation of Atlantis starts to take form. A wave of
newcomers from the Sirius star system arrives. On important
leylines, in places with a strong magnetic field crystals towers are
charged until they become Phi crystals. Pyramids mark the grid
points, can transmit energy and serve as a black hole/wormhole
to enter or leave earth's realm. They also serve for healing,
childbirth, meditation. They are tuned with a U-shaped tuning

125.000 bc Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals migrate out of

Africa, dominating the remnants of Homo Erectus. Construction
of Nan Madol.
Past 3 : 50.000 - 12.500
The Illuminated ones
50.000 The Pleiadian giants of 11 to 14 feet with elongated skull,
who once inhabited Maldek/Tiamat and Mars also crash land
with their ships on earth. Mount Hermon, the cedar forests of
Northern Mesopotamia (modern Lebanon) on the 33th parallel, a
rocky cave or the iron rocky mountain, Mount Zion=Mount Albe,
the white snow-capped mountain, also metaphor for the white
phallus of the reptilian progenitors.Their leader is the person who
later becomes the mythical Lucifer, the red haired ones from the
red planet Mars. Because they are on the run and find themselves
in a sort of prison colony, they make the decision 'better to reign
in hell than to serve in heaven', and also start interfering with
human evolution.
The giants becomes the biblical 'fallen angels' who start working
together with the reptilian genetic engineering project in the
region of Babylon/Iraq (Tiamat is the Dragon Queen). They find
human women (pictured as Eve) irresistable and interbreed with
humans, something they were told not to by the Guardians.

Their offspring through genetic slicing are 6-15 foot tall giants,
blonde or red haired humans with white skin, blue eyes, unusual
for that region. The smoke from the ark, the holy breath, Orion
Nebula=Nephele. Its offspring is later called the the Nephilim by
the Hebrews. They also have a square jaw, long ears, large eyes,
an elongated skull and typical reptilian heavy T-shaped brow
ridges. They are used as mind controlled mining slaves, enforcers
of the Nibiru hybrid reptilians. In mythology this is the child of
the Lord Ba'al ( DNA from the fallen angel Lucifer) and human
female DNA: Caïn/Quaïn, the horned one, Belial. His bloodline:
'the shining ones', the illuminated ones or sons of the serpent, the
later Tribe of Dan/Tuatha de Dana. Other humans from genetic
engineering with less Anunaki DNA =Abel, the earth people of
Mount Bel, 'children of a Lesser God'. Because they are white,
they are linked to the moon. The word mountain=mon-tang,
touches the moon, created the moon children, the mon-sters.
Because they are from Mars and Mars rules Aries, they are the

'Lilith' is the first woman created with a reptilian soul. 'Eve' is

the second with a Lyran/reptilian soul. Lucifer becomes
synonymous with the Nibiru leaders, later worshipped as En-ki (
lord of earth) andBA-AL (or BA-EL or PAAL), Lord Father,
Father of Mankind. PAAL-EA-DAUS, 'Place of Our Lord Father
the Creator' => the Pleiades, where his bloodline originated. Enki
is also linked to the Abzu wormhole, called Ea,'whose home is
water', or Eada, the Grandfather, the Creator. An(u)= the abyss,
the black hole sun where they came from.
Because the Quaïn bloodlines have a higher percentage of
Annunaki blood and more susceptible for mind control, they are
told they are superior and should rule other humans (so the
reptilians can control earth from 4D). The abduction mark of
Quaïn is a red cross in a circle, the astronomical symbol of the
earth and representation of kingship (Malhut, kingdom) over
other humans, of supposed superiority over the smaller humans.
It is the Iron Crown, the outer circle is a snake biting its own tail,
the ring of power.The mark of Quaïn =the Rose Cross, related to
the rose pattern of the orbit of Venus. Their 'golden' or red hair
represents the earth realm (red), their high percentage of copper-
blue blood represents the sky, the higher realm, 4D (blue). People
are programmed to think of life as something that is only possible
through war between red and blue, earth and sky. After
nocturnal visits they wake up with little holes in their skin along
with a material that looks like phosphor but is a silicic substance
with a base of mica. The one who takes cups=de Schepper.
Siamese twins occur a lot because of hybridization experiments.
In its female form, the Mark of Cain becomes the familiar symbol
of Venus with the cross moved outside the circle so that the
woman (the cross) is surmounted by the ouroboros of dragon
kingship. Women are considerd evil, have the golden ourobouros
around their neck as a neck-lace, a chain of slavery. Women who
are sacrificed to Saturn, are dressed in white and wear a red
The Q of Quain and the Queen is the symbol of the moon, so
Quaïn is seen as a moonchild. In reptilian hierarchy: 1. The sun,
God, gold, the Draco/dragon, 2. the moon, silver, the Queen 3.
bronze, iron, the gold-haired Nephilim. Large reptilians of the
highes caste have a powerful red parietal on their head that can
strike a man down so humans fear the 'Evil eye'. Giants who
disobey can be paralysed with a stare, remain 'stoned' as a

First gnosticism
On the 26th parallel, in Bahrein (the 2 sea's) a renegade group of
the 'fallen angels' interact with the females of the Adamic race
(symbolised by Eve). They teach them they can become like the
gods, teach them about 'magic', genetics, technology and higher
dimensions through psychoactive plants- the Tree of knowledge.
They give humans Me's, tiny objects, encoded with formulas for
all aspects of science. Female adamites become the first
priestesses and keepers of the gnosis (G, the curl of the golden
ratio, written in the shape of a snake, nr 33). Like the reptilians,
funghi rely on their host for survival.
They learn about the Tree of Life, how the Annunaki stay young
and immortal: because they drink blood and bath in nutrients.
Menstrual blood, symbolised by the pomegranate, contains
starfire, Elixir Rubeus, valuable endocrinal secretions from the
pineal and pituary. Sperm, urine and female ejaculation juice,
called amrita in tantra, is also used as 'food of the gods'. The ones
who provide the blood and amarita, are called Beloved, hence
Amor. The chalice=the yoni, the female womb, with the coiling
serpent, still the emblem of medicine. Enshi, the biblical Enosh is
the first to be taught rites and worship. The serpentholder, with
the knowledge of healing =>Set/Seth (satan) the constellation
Ophiuchus, the seed of earth, the sons of Lucifer. Golden ratio Phi
When they produced offspring, the child is said to be 'born from a
virgin'. Reptilians see their parthenogenesis, reproducing without
partner as sign of divinity. Start of the era of Nephilim 'sons of
god' and humans 'daughters of men'. As they originate from the
area around Saturn, they still consider themselves descendants of
Aboriginals in Australia already crush cypress plants to inhale
the oil vapors as medicine.
New Atlantis
When the problems start escalating and the giants even practice
cannibalism ('Saturn eating its own children'), they are stopped
by their reptilian overlords. While the group of Lucifer is left
alone, free to roam the earth, the group of Shemyaza, the
Watchers are punished and locked up (Sumerian legend of
Lucifer/Enki, who has sympathy for humans while Enlil is
opposed to enlightenment of humans). In Lybia they have acces to
fresh water from inner earth.
As a punishment, the Guardians blast the North Africa region
with nuclear weapons, leaving the Sahara desert, full of artifacts
of the civilisation (Sah means Orion). In the region only the
civilisation of Khem/Egypt remains. The artifacts and books
about the civilisation are kept at a city in the region now known
as Alexandria.
People later call the aircraft and rockets ' chariots', 'fire-breathing
dragons' and 'whirlbirds', submarines 'whales that swallow
people', weapons 'brilliances' and have no access to real
knowledge. The creator overlords also alter their own genetics
and eventually lose strenth compared to the demigods but the
knowledge of astrology and ability to predict celestial events
makes people believe the priests are magicians/descendants of
Eventually some of the younger gods of Quaïn bloodlines, equally
advanced and intelligent, rebel against their masters and leave
the Garden and move east (the mythological Quaïn is downcast
and cursed, moves to the land of Nod). Because of their lineage,
they are not attacked. They produce offspring of pure Annunaki
blood. They practice metallurgy, forging fire to create weapons.
They are the biblical Wanderers, nomads who live in tents with
camels. They live together with yellow, brown and black people.
In Lemuria or Mu they start a new technological civilisation of
great builders and sailers. They teach humans how to work
metal, the art of smithing and teach the art of war. Their spears
are also called a kane, cain. Humans start to kill each other.
Atlantis forms alliances with the renegades from the Pleiades and
Alpha Centauri who favor more hierarchy, to develop their
technology. Atlanteans become power hungry and more focussed
on technology. In the temples of Atlantis and Egypt the candidate
for initiation passes through nine degrees, the three-fold three
degrees, into the mysteries. These degrees symbolize the re-
entering of the womb in order, after the three times three months
of gestation, to be reborn into the world of Spirit-consciousness.
The Brotherhood of the snake (DNA), a cult of Saturn creates
more genetic experiments, known as beasts - half animal, half
human creatures like minotaurs, animals like hippo (horse of the
Nile), horses sometimes with horns -similar to a unicorn, pandas,
cheetahs, jaguars (meaning 'true dogs'). They start tinkering with
the DNA of feline kingdom to create lynxes and leopards
(lynx=left pillar), long necked cougars, tigers with spots like
mushrooms and snakes, as roses, evil eyes, signs of the divine.
Fruit is engineered into genital shapes like melons and ba-
nannas, golden phallus, soul of the moon.
Wolves are genetically engineered to become hunting and war
dogs/bull dogs, big mastiffs who must kill a bull, chained to a
pole, wearing a ring through its nose. Human dwarfs
(achondroplasia), similar to the 'machine elves', the little beings
people experience in the DMT-realm are associated with the
underworld, so the dwarfs are used as servants for the elite, as
court dwarves and jugglers, take care of shrines. Hairy
humanoids with cloven hoofs, worshipped as Bes.
Chameleons are bred as a way to perfect technosis, shapeshifting
into human form, through a lattice of nanochrystals.
The experimenting and the behavior of the demigods/people of
1000 years causes their lifespan to shorten dramatically to a few
hundreds and they lose heigth. The royal council of Atlantis
installs a ruling class, claiming divine authority because they
descend from Nephilim reptilian bloodlines, have powerful
psychic abilities. The genetics of the hybrid priestkings are
carefully supervised and engineered, sometimes through mating
with the mother, in genetics known as backcrossing, a technique
that can knock out certain genes and traits and recover elite
genotypes, preserve certain recessive traits.

45.000 On the remnants of eastern part of Lemuria, (what we call

Eastern island, 'the navel of the world'), descendants of the
Nephilim carve stone statues through tonal vibration, of their
ancestors, with mushroomshaped T-symbol as their nose to
worship spring equinox. As offspring of the red earth, the statues
are made of tuff, vulcanic stone. Basalt is used for the body of the
priest/shamans, white coral, black obsidian for their eyes, and red
vulcanic scoria stone for their red hair, tied in a bun on top of
their head. The backs of the statues carry the letters O and M,
and the marking of birdman/shaman. The islanders call the
power that the priestkings use to move the statues to the
platforms and raise them upright mana, or mind power of the
god Makemake. They use a finely crafted stone sphere, 75 cm (2.5
ft) in diameter, called te pito kura (‗the golden navel‘ or ‗the navel
of light‘), to focus the mana.

The red haired fallen angels become synonomous with Venus as

lightbringer Lucifer, as it is the brightest object in the sky,
rivalling the sun.
Goats are linked to Lucifer for their Ester, sexual cycle of
estrogen. They are sexually active during winter (oyster is a
symbol of the vagina and sexual desire, polyester means going
into heat several times a year). His sexual rut (the red root
chakra, root is also a phallus) is the so-called root of all evil. Bees
or gadflies are also a symbol of that divine desire (P) of the holy
sting or holy breeze. Lucifer becomes an androgynous god of lust
with a billy goat's head with the lapis exilis stone on its head in
an inverted pentagram, is linked to winter solstice and the tropic
of Capricorn, the exit gate of souls, ruled by Saturn. A vagina has
a goat‘s beard (goatee), is connected to the fish and the Vesica
Pisces.Child of Saturn/Venus, of earth and fish, sea (Isis)=the

Phosphorus (P, Pi, light bringer, Lucifer) is the 13th element,

the Devil's element. Fireflies, mushrooms, bone ash, milk, meat,
urine (pee), semen and the brain all contain phosphorus. It is the
strongest aphrodisiac know to man. It plays a major role in the
structural framework of DNA and RNA and is the body source of
chemical energy. The phosphorus atom is of the nitrogen family,
with the characteristics of fire. Phosphorus is the philosopher's
stone in alchemy, symbolizing the light within our DNA and in
nature. Collected urine or sperm, when stored for a few days and
heated until it is red hot, than glows in the dark. The phosphorus
atom is of the nitrogen family, with the characteristic of
firing. Because A.I. controlling the reptilians detests organic life
and because phosphorus is also found in inorganic rocks, these
rocks become cult objects and the chemical element P is
associated with the 'illuminated' bloodlines, the blond and red
haired giants. The P and DMT of mushrooms is also passed on
through urine so people drink P/pee to remain in trance.
Phosphor is also found in olives. In places like Crete ('creation'),
the olive tree (El-ia) which can become very old, become a sacred
source of light, because they can also be used for oil in lamps,
linked to the oily blood of the long-lived reptilians, a symbol of the
evergreen tree of life. Olives are also linked to jade eggs, used for
producing amarita. Salt is used in oil lamps to avoid smoke.
The rock, the philosopher's stone, descended from divine light
into the mind of man is also a metaphor for the optic thalamus.
Everytime the moon passes the zodiac sign of birth a seed is
planted in the human body. A special oil is made in the
claustrum, from which it travels to the pineal gland and the
pituary gland. The pineal gland (male, -), the mythical Atum
produces a substance similar to honey, the pituary (female, +) a
substance similar to milk, the allegorical land of milk and honey.
They produce an electro (-) magentic (+) signal to the spinal chord
so the seed can ascend to the highest chakra's and enlighten the
optic thalamus, the 'light of the world'. This ascension process of
Holy oil, of raising a seed, the Holy Breath process consists of
meditation, sexual abstinence.
At the time the sun is in capricorn, ruled by Saturn, worshipped
in the southern hemisphere, in Lemuria at summer solstice. The
reptilian cloaca tucked away becomes the cloak worn by reptilian
Phosphor and the white, large skull fallen angels are linked to
the brighest star, the comet later known as Venus, Lucifer the
morning star. Because of Venus‘s proximity to the Sun, its light is
often obliterated, and so it is visible only in the early morning or
in the evening, either just before sunrise or just after sun-set. It
takes eight years and one day for the appearances of Venus to
complete her entire orbit, shaped as a pentagram. Her 5-pointed
star pentagram orbit becomes the symbol of the apple, containing
5 pips. Her 8 pointed star will become the star of Isis/Ishtar in
Persia and Babylon. Her transformation is the journey in the
underworld, from the evening to the morning star.

Spreading of agraric culture in South Africa. Domestication of

cows, bulls and goats for their milk, bones and dung -horns and
intestines even for music instruments. First fertility cults
worship earth as Mahathor, the cow mother goddess, who birthed
the sun but because of its horns is also connected to the 3 stages
of the moon. Urine of cows or bulls are used as a drink, to clean
teeth, as mouthwash and as a sedative. Because of its gold color,
it is used to braid hair and color their until it becomes
yellow/orange like the illumainated race of Lucifer. They blow air
in the cow's anus, triggering the production of milk or urine. Only
the urine of virgin cows are useful.
Fertility is a matter of life and death for the first agraric tribes,
so they take the sacrifices to satisfy nature very seriously. In
temples interbreeding and drunkenness is encouraged as link to
the gods, the underworld and fertility. Because they can only see
orange/red, bulls are a symbol of spring, of El (Saturn), the root
chakra, phallic power, the cerebellum reptilian brain, the snake
that chases Venus/Eve (lady in red).Cows and bulls have a
vertical slit (ox-iris) with 4 eye muscles for up, down, left, right
(where humans can see clockwise and counterclockwise). They
have poor depth perception but can observe nearly everything
going on around them at once. Its eye becomes a symbol of the
centre of the zodiac with 4 cardinal points (bull's eye).
Especially the big horned Ankh-ola Watusi cows are considered
divine (the goddess Isis and Ba-t). Grains of wheat are seen as
braids of the hair of the sun. Bread as part of the rituals of the
ark priests, is seen as the holy breath. The process of making
bread is a female activity (loafs of bread=>love). A reed or cane is
a symbol of authority and punishment of the Lord. Cane produces
rum, corn produces vodka, gin and bourbon so every plant and
drug is known to have a unique spirit, that can be used in the
alchemical process of transmutation, so beer is seen as liquid
gold, urine of the golden son, rekindling of the fire, with the white
foam of the sea. Liquid, fluid of Oz(Osiris) expressed in a
cube/cup, ounce. 2 cubes/cups (cc-capricorn)=1
pinecone/penis/pint, 2 pints=1 L/Saturn. 4 quartz=1 Gallon.
Snails are considered divine because they contain a lot of
phosphorus, have blue blood and carry a shell with the golden
ratio.Pinecones of trees also have the golden ratio of Fibonacci
numbers, symbolize the caduceus staff, a spiral leading to an
open pineal gland 3d eye. Phi= the ratio 1:1,618033, the
mathmatics of pine cones, sunflowers, waves, typhoons, the shape
of the universe itself as a dodecahedron. The curl of the golden
ratio is than distorted into a symbol of seed of Lucifer (0 and 1,
mala and female) who gave life to everything. The strong
jaw/pyramid like A becomes the bull symbol.
Clash of the giants
Jupiter starts to take a more dominating role in the
electromagnetic interaction between the planets.
When the Nibiru realize the younger gods, the Nephilim slave
race they created but who rebelled, are are co-operating with the
Adamites, their other servant race to start new rebellion, they are
so enraged they start marginalizing women even more and attack
Atlantis. Atlanteans attack Lemuria, through electromagnetic
bombarding, for control over the human experiment. Lemuria
submerges into the ocean, leaving only Hawaï, the San Andreas
fault, Australia, Japan,..
40.000 The reptilians remove the Neanderthals and move them to
other planets. Split of Caucasian—Mongoloid races. Reptilians go
to Venus or flee to Asia. In Northern India, reptilians discover a
vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert, live in
underground cities of inner earth, the Kingdom of Agartha or
Shamballah. The main entrances to inner earth are the north
pole and south pole (Hyperborea, beyond the pole and its
northernwind), next to sub-oceanic entrances and entrances in
the Rocky mountains, Appalachian, Alps, Andes, Himalayas, the
Giza pyramids, the Shensi pyramid in China,...
At the core of earth is a nucleus of energy that acts as an inner
sun and causes the light of the aurora borealis.
Aurignacian culture in Europe, making of bone flutes, fertility
figures and sculptures like 'Lion man' ivory sculpture in cave in
Germany. The sculpture with 7 carving on its arm, represents an
early version of the God Zurvan, with a serpent coiling 7 times
around him (Lucifer originated in the 7 starred Pleiades), the
first principle of time/space, with no distinction good/bad. Origin
of the idea of free will. The +/- electromagnetic universe is
explained in terms of male/female duality, the 3 pillars of the
3/tree of life. The moon or bull horns are a symbol of magnetism,
a -/+ relation-ship, while the phallus is a symbol of El-ectricity, a
homopolar motor.
The Lapis Exilis stone
The Quain race with Niburu DNA, the new Atlanteans rule
earth and are free to manipulate mankind. The body
organism of the Nibiru reptilians who exhale cyanogen, the holy
starfire breath of the Nibiru race, the Nephele smoke of the ark
and psychoactive plants is worshipped as Atum,sometimes with
snake appearance. Atum is the one who supposedly gave the
breath of life to everything in the Garden of Atum/Eden with pine
trees, but also the destroyer that makes the sun fall, consumes
the sun at Autum, inferno, the invernal equinox. Atum is the
aether of the atom, what makes the Atum's apple in the throat of
humans, speak. It is the shape in which he created toth-ality,
everything, white light that vibrates. Atum has different aspects:
Ra(diation), Amun, the creator of the staff of life (minus, the
phallus who gave us divided matter, the mind and mundane) and
Jupiter as P-tah, the pater/father, P, pey/bey, the gulf, developer,
opening of the cosmic mouth- Taurus rules the organs of speech.
He is the arch-itect that created a metal plate as floor of heaven,
the roof and the pillars to hold it.
Because of its androgynity, the conductive quicksilver
or mercury, solid and liquid, male and female, alpha and omega
at the same time, is considered as the primeval matter. It is
female, connected to the moon, the big O, the bow/bullhorns in
the sky but also used in gold mining. Fishes like sharks and
swordfish have a high concentration of mercury and animals
higher on the food chain accumulate the mercury of their fishes
(biomagnification, the wings on the caduceus). Mercury as first
matter, universal solvent becomes linked to the moon
deity Toth/Twt. It stands for the sickle of Saturn, the tusk that
creates dusk- the reflection of the golden phallus in the water, the
sharp dragon Tooth. Toth is linked to the thought, and throat
chakra that creates vowels and words with the golden
phallus/tongue in his mouth, that raises Osiris from death.
Objects with lighter density than mercury sink, so it 'decides'
what convolutes or absolves. Toth is the recorder at Death, with 8
disciples at final judgment, when sun enters Libra and balance is
restored through harvest. Mercury is used in bowls or pools as
mirrors during DMT experiences, so it becomes a portal to Duat,
the underworld/afterlife, the substance of the primeval sea from
which Luciferian fire in a X-swastika word/whirl, created the
world. The Duat is linked to binary star Sirius. The star of
Toth/David represents male-female in one, the 2 trees
(pyramids)= 33.
He is associated with the baboon Baba, Lucifer the papa (moon-
key, macaque=rhesus=> creating moon-sters, giving monkies
rhesus negative blood), because babboons moon, show their ass
and butts, act like a lunatic and start making happy sounds when
the sun rises.Their black white feaures represent white light/seed
created from darkness. As his moon/minions, the baboons do his
measuring (mahathor/metres) as the moon is involved in high and
low tide and mercury is used for measuring. Toth is the white
moon horn that creates abundance and inundation, the moon ship
that carries the sun, the sickle/cycle that castrated the older gods
from the black sun/sea Anu and created the river Danu, the royal
blood/DNA of the moon children. Luna=Anal. Macaque, ma-cock
of El, Saturn=> Maichae-el. Gibbous half moon=> Gibbon. The
orange sun => Orang-Utang. The shape of the moon is linked to
the butt, because female monkeys have a butt with sexual
swellings, regulated by their menstruation cycle.
In the north of Atlantis, the West Indies area, another wormhole
Apsu is created, becomes the city (a)Poseida. A-Po is the river of
royal blood that came out Seidan/Saturn/Satan. Poseida becomes
their sea goddess, the creator of men and earthquakes. They
create new hybrids for sea and land, as the Merfolk, a genetic
blend of human and dolphin.
In the east of Atlantis is Aryaz (present day Azores Island group),
and Og in the south (near South America). Og/Enoch is their
(black) sun god, the one all seeing eye, or vagina Gig-na-Gog
above Orion.
The information is spread about the transmutation of man, the
'Emerald tablets of Toth', how to reach enlightenment and open
the 3d eye, the eye of Ra, the human mind reborn after a period of
abstinence, opening the third eye chakra, the Enoch. Kundalini
energy= the snake with cunt and lingua, female and male.The eye
of Ra (evil) contains a curl, the line of the Golden Ratio, the glyph
of the number 100. The golden tear is the sella turkica.

The antediluvian patriarch develop an astrological system of

constellations to serve as perpetual reminders of man's fall and
the promise of a coming redemption as well as a record of the
angelic conflict down through the ages. At the top the serpent
dragon Draco coils around the north star, the Eye of Ra, which
becomes true north every 25.858 years. This knowledge is linked
to green emerald, a stone also used in the breastplates of the ark
and the colour of Venus, and the verdant water of women keeping
their amarita.
The emerald stone is seen as a symbol of the secret knowledge
that Lucifer and his fallen angels gave them. When the female
symbol of Venus is inverted, with the cross above the circle, the
representation is that of Saturn, the Orb of sovereign regalia.The
Orb signifies completeness, representative of all things gathered
within the orbis of Omniscience that can make man rebel against
God and become a God himself. It is the jewel Lapis Exilis, a
stone who supposedly fell out of Lucifer's crown when he fell from
heaven, kept by Adam's son Seth.
As 3d layer of meaning the black orb is the lowest chakra, the
counterpart of the pineal, the highest. For Luciferians, the rock is
the Os Luz, light of Osiris, the almond bone, a bone of the loin,
the sacrum part of the body, that can't be broken or destroyed by
fire or any other element. It supposedly remains after death and
decay, thus the Rock or Seed of resurrection, the Sacrum of 12
thoraïc vertebraes. Electricity, male lust and desire is thus the
holy eternal flame, the fire of Lucifer that springs from the sacred
rock, but a fire that needs constant refueling and ashes of
destruction and death. Venus, the rock that is worshipped during
lunar fertility rituals is the rock of Lucifer but his evil female,
seductive, dark side. Genitals=tale of the jinn, the dragon, the
genes, the serpent. Women put 'jade eggs' in their vagina, loin
stones that formed out of dark-green serpentine stone layers to
exercise their vaginal muscles, stimulate the urethral sponge for
producing the sacred vaginal juice. Jade has a Nephrite version
(kidney stone, Nephilim). The jade eggs represent the birthing of
the sun by the mother womb Isis, creating first matter, base

The blue five-petaled flax flowers, with yellow gold-colored seeds

are used to spin linen for the priests, as symbol of their purity.
Because they contain a lot of phophorus, they become a symbol of
the morning star and the vulva, weaving as symbol of the cosmic
spit/spider, the DNA/snake creating the material world. Twt=Txt
(textile). The linen is also used for sails of their ships. Reed boats
have a bipod mast and a lookout stern of electrum (male) and u
curly front like the eye of Ra (female). Mummies are buried with
35.000 All Neanderthals are gone.
29.000 The Atlanteans build the Bosnian pyramid Visocica Hill,
with underground tunnels and large stones containing crystals,
based on advanced psychoacoustic knowledge about entrainment
of brainwaves to the healing earth frequency of 7,83 Hz. All
stargate vortices with the 2 mountain-shaped H as the vagina of
Hathor, are connected and provide access to 4D, serve as
teleportation sites. Atlantis reaches the highest level of
technology thusfar on earth.
17.000 Shamanic rituals in the cave of Lascaux, France with
callendars, images of the zodiac signs. Flutes with 3 holes are
made of hollow vulture bones. The concept of the evening star
dissapearing in the underworld to reappear as the brightest
morning star, the -/+ death/rebirth cycle, of a tone reaching its
octave, a flower of life becoming a seed for another seed of life is
fundamental for the elite to keep demanding sacrifice. Rituals are
timed astronomically to the period when Lucifer/Venus (the
Queen of Night) sinks below the horizon and disappears into the
'underworld' for 8 days, lifting her veils one by one as the first
belly dancer, dancing with and hypnotised by the Cosmic Serpent.
Venus takes eight years to reach all 5 points of the pentagram,
the inside of an apple also shows a pentagram, hence the symbol
of an apple as lost innocence, evil. Before dying in the cave
rituals, a print of their 5 fingers is made on the cave wall as a
memory of their death.

The Cherokee encounter slightly blue skinned Nordics when they

enter Kentucky, who mainly live underground because of the
harsh sun rays and are called 'moon people'. They have a creation
myth about a shapeshifting demon and the meaning of owls,
spiders panthers and ash, pine and cedar trees.
First Luciferianism
Building of the Yonaguni site in Lemuria at the tropic of Cancer,
now submerged on the coast of Japan. The knowledge and rituals
involving amanita muscara and psilocybe, the mysteries are
spread accross the globe, as the Tree of knowledge (Chinese Wu,
Korean Mu, Turkish bögü, Tibetan aba, Iranian magus,..). They
know all duality is an illusion, an aspect of Oneness and that all
negative thoughts are dark sprits speaking to us into reacting, so
they can feed off that energy. The class of high priests, the
Children of the Law of One (the Ascended Masters) is infiltrated
by the reptilian Nephilim. They want humans to worship
Saturn El as Ba'al, the Lord or Jupiter, the son of Saturn, and his
prophet Lucifer, Mercury=Nebo/Nabul or Ba-el, Bel, the gate of
El. They call themselves the El-ite, the sons of Bel-ial. The secret
sorcery of the wormhole Apsu is worshipped as the deity
Astalluhi (=Atlas). In Oc-eania (Pine Gap of modern Australia)
they turn the religion/knowledge into the Kaballah, build their
own temples like the Temple of Oz (o-the egg, z-the serpent,
hebrew for goat), the mythical emerald city, with the iguana-like
dark-skinned Black Robes as their sorcerer-priest class, about 5
ft. tall, wearing hooded robes. Black cats are worshipped as the
clairvoyant maiden godess Bast, sitting under the Tree of the
afterlife (4D/5D). The thinking in strong duality good/bad,
white/black enables the reptilians to make humans act more
cruel. For instance, disabled babies are considered evil spirits and
are buried alive or offered to jaguars to eat them.
The masses are given a religion, taking symbols and metaphors
literal and true knowledge is passed on with an oath of secrecy
and punishment of death, if broken.
To distort our heart chakra energy they create a society, aimed at
maximum fear and stress, try to keep humans from opening their
crown chakra, always keep them returning to our red base
chakra, the lowest point of an inverted pentagram, 6 o'clock.
Satan/Saturns number 666 is the 6th planet from the sun, with a
6-sided polygon on its north pole, worshipped on the 6th day of
the week. The Mer-ka-ba (=star of David) is a 6-pointed star,
minus the 6-sided polygon contains 6 mini-triangles. The occult
followers tap into the energy of the eye-shaped south pole of
Saturn through their astrological and blood sacrifice rituals
evoking the frequency of 639 Hz.
They invert the 'holy mountain'-metaphor of the brain where the
ascension process takes place into worship of the mountain of
Enlil and the genitals, the Mountain of Venus/Lucifer. They
invert the caduceus sign of the pineal gland with wings, to the
chakra of the sacral plexus of the underbelly with wings
(butterfly in the stomach).
The mind controlled reptilian/Nephilim hybrids who act as
watchers of humans, wear a bell-shaped headdress that works as
a psychoacoustic helmet and a club or T-shaped hammer to beat
and punish humans. People are forbidden to depict the reptilians
so they make statues of their helpers, the giants with their OTO
shaped eyes and sacrifice as the Lord, Ba'al. In the shamanistic
ritual the drum beating is used to evoke the thunder god who as a
spirit/lightning suddenly enters the body.
In cannibalistic rituals humans are sometimes given flesh of dead
reptilians or greys. It is very toxic for the human 3D body but
afterwards it leads to extremely psychedelic effects. Because the
human physical body processes oxygen the same way as funghi,
the Amanita Muscaria becomes a metaphor for gods and hybrid
demigods (cambion, champignons), a toadstool for the reptilians.
In nature P (phospor) leaks from weathering stones into flowers,
to snails, to frogs, the decomposing frogs eventually feed funghi
like the mushrooms with P. Lakes with P makes green algae grow
(=the verdant water of Venus). When the algaes consume too
much oxygen, the lakes can become a dead zone.
The nibiru colors black, white and red are the colors of the satanic
death/rebirth ritual. Black the color of darkness, death, the
underworld, burnt ashes. White, the color of male spirit, fire,
Lucifer, lust, wearing white veils.Red is the colour of the
mushroom cap, the Royal Arch ( spring/summer, 6 months of
light) the womb, blood, earth, rage, sacrifice, the root chakra
eventually returning, back to black, nox, night, the female, dark,
magnetic part of the year from which the white is reborn. The
reptilian elite sees themselves as the Amanita Regalis, a larger
species with liver-brown cap and a stem with scabs and rings.
Because they allow communication with their ancestors, people
believe their soul essence is inside the mushrooms and the
reptilian gods have the elixir of life inside them.

The first creation myths tell a manipulated creation story where

light is created by darkness:
In a primordial salt sea of darkness and nothingness the moon
(O, the female egg cycle) gives birth to a virgin (Virgo,
reproduction through genetic engineering without sexuality) who
mates with a snake (Z/S, the sons of the serpent, reptilians,
waves of water, DNA, the jinn, genes, genitalia). In the form of a
dove or other bird (the Holy spirit, spit, saliva, sperm of the
creator) she births a cosmic egg and the snake (the sickles/cycles
of half moon, growth and decay) breaks the egg in two, creating
duality (twins, yin and yang) the red earth, mountains in contrast
with the blue sea and sky, the gods and their slaves. The lizard
gods teach they created humans from ash/clay from the ash tree
by spitting in it (again the Holy spit/spirit, holy sperm/saliva).
The ash tree is a symbol of endless death and rebirth with
biparental leaves, the concept of from ashes to ashes. The
Annunaki claim that without their holy seed, P or hornyness, the
spirit of Lucifer, everything would be nothing more than dead
objects and humans just golems, made of clay.
On an atomic level Lucifer is the electron ('shining light', male
negative energy) circling around the sun, the proton (female
positive energy). The stones known as amber, later called 'el-
ectron' are considered holy, connected to Lucifer, the homeplanet
Rituals of blood sacrifice are meant to invoke demons, because
torture attaches and layers in demons.They turn the concept of
activating the pineal gland into a bloody Luciferian death/rebirth
cult with the pineal gland as a red pomegranate. The
pomegranate is a symbol of menstrual blood. The psychoactive
plants are used to put fear in humans. People are given a cap of
the mushroom, lay in a hot tub for astral projection. Medicine and
healing is represented as a snake Ophis circling a T/mushroom-
shaped chalice with the Holy Wine. They teach that
Lucifer/Venus (Egyptian Sekhmet) was released by Ra to slay
humans who were plotting against him. Made intoxicated by
blood lust, she would have destroyed all of mankind if Ra had not
taken pity on them. He tricked her by dyeing beer blood-red with
pomegranate juice which she drank believing it to be human
blood, and became drunk. She soon forgot her anger and humans
were saved from destruction. Based on this logic they have to
sacrifice bulls as an incarnation of the male Phosphor to appease
the bloodthirsty female Phosphor.
Birds are not mammals but descendants from reptilian dinosaurs
so as a morning star, reborn out of the fire and ashes,
Phosporus/Lucifer is a blue bennu bird, blue jay or peacock,
golden eagle, a red haired firebird/phoenix, like the blue star
Sirius is always followed by the red star Betelgeuse. The winged
sun is also the symbol of Anu and a pineal gland in an
enlightened state (winged). The blue king cobra of the Kundalini
energy, the awakened Hydra is decapitated.The decapitation
ritual is based on the symbolic meaning of cutting the top of the
tree, a flower growing from ashes, continuous death and
rebirth.The concept of Saturn, Mars, Venus, father, son and holy
spirit, the Holy Trinity, the new reborn out of clashing duality
=>the symbol of Pi (God), and the building concept of a trilithon -
two statues/towers/trees under a roof. This cycle of death/rebirth
of mankind at the top of a pyramid is the foundation of almost
every story ever told.
The mushroom is the penis, a alpha and the cup, the vulva,
omega, combined: the beginning and the end, above and below,
the 2 pyramids of the Merkaba. Because alcohol destroys brain
cells and the seed of the Holy Breath, reptilians make up rituals
with an emphasis on drunkenness.
Thaymir wolves and dogs,the first domesticated animal, symbol
of the dog star and of Da'at, the underworld are also regarded as
the discoverers, or bearers, of the first grapevine, because Sirius
rises in the period of the vines blossoming, shortly before harvest.
It also reaches its highest point in the sky on around Jan 1st, just
before Jan 6th , associated with the opening of the first wine. The
cap of death, invisibility is also a symbol of the underworld.
The Nephilim go to Peru and build the pyramid of Gunung
Padang. In North-America, a group of Nephilim inhabits the
region, now known as Ohio. The Grand Can-yon site is created,
an exact copy of Orion and the Pleiades, with temples dedicated
to Isis, Set and Osiris. Cheyenne=Kain.
15.000 Nomoli reptilian statues in Sierrra Leone. In South Africa
the story of Mwero is told, who challenges the giant Humbaba,
cuts of his penis, after which he carries a golden phallus.
14.000 Making of world maps, origin of the Pini Reis map,
showing the Apep being without a head. Cromagnons develop
their own culture.
12.009 'The sorcerer' painting of humanoid animal spirits, in a
cave in France, as part of shamanism. Orion at the time is seen
as a horned shaman.

Hunters use boomerangs from the ivory of mammoth tusks

because mammots and elephants embody sexual power. Native
Americans call the Orion shamans hekoyas and play his role as
black and white horned clowns. Aboriginals in Australia see
Orion as Nyeeruna, the hunter chasing the Pleiades.
the Pyramids
Triangle shaped temples are erected all across earth with 6 main
pyramids to form a merkaba. Pyramids are built in Egypt,
meaning 'fire in the middle' for 'Ra', because Egypt is the center
of the grid and will be a balancepoint for the poleshift. They have
a healing effect because like the human heart, they have a torsion
field, a self-organised vortex or spin. A crystal capstone is used as
an oscillator. An implosion vortex is used to revitalise water. At
the same time, moral codes are taught like monogamy, loyalty
and marriage (in contrast to the couples who did not live together
but went to a temple to have sex), meditation, reaching
equilibrium to avoid conflicts, because men often steal each
other's women.

Near 'Caïro' (Mars), in Giza, on the meridian marker of Earth, a

very important chakra of the earth, Atlantean descendants order
the building of a new pyramid complex. It is aligned with Orions
belt, the Great pyramid is a model of the Northern Hemisphere,
scaled down to 43.200. It is similar to the Cydonia complex on
Mars, connected to underground caverns and tunnels.
A workforce of thousands of slaves, gathers limestone, living
structures containing calcite, the crystaline form of calcium
carbonate, with the same structure as coral. They are helped by
giants who make the blocks float and levitate through sound laser
technology, using mechanical devices like brass or bronze
antenna/tuning forks, that collect, focus and enhance sound.
Black, white, pink and red granite is used in the chambers.
Than they are covered with white limestone, mined deep
underground in the city Troya, the turning point, swastika womb,
now Tora or Tura (butter, white like the moon, is Bous-Tura,
cheese, fermented milk from the Toro, the ox, cow). Initiation for
ascension happens in the King's chamber. They know that once
every year the Parent Sun is in line with the Dog Star. Therefore,
the Great Pyramid is so constructed that, at this sacred moment,
the light of the Dog Star falls upon the square ―Stone of God‖ at
the upper end of the Great Gallery, descending upon the head of
the high priest.
The Atlantic knowledge of chrystal towers degenerates into
worship of the phallus. Pyramids become phallic symbols to
disrupt the female energy of earth's leylines/'dragon lines'.
Eventually they are misused for fertility rituals involving sex and
alcohol by the Black Robes at night, linked to the moon (Sin).
Lust, desire and bloodthirst is praised as life force and star fire,
the essence of gods. Later the crystal capstone is replaced by a
golden one. Appearing white, because of the reflection of the sun,
it is a symbol of the white phallus/mountain where they were
created, worshipped as Taten, with the gold seed from Ptah. The
pyramids then represent the trinity: Saturn, Venus, Mercury,
Orion's belt, 3 torches of fire, 3 dragon Toth/teeth, a trident, with
an entrance of 3 doors, the 2 pillars of Enoch.
The golden ark of Annunaki technology, that can create an
interdimensial anti-gravity field that 'lifts the dead to higher
dimensions' through chemical laser is moved to the pyramids.
The arkpriests call their golden breastplates menat. The
pyramids are than used as stargates. The piramids are also
surrounded by water, use the salt water of the Nile. The grand
gallery serves as a tunic fork for the water as an energetic matrix.
The ark is put in the stone box in the King's chamber, that works
like the electrical insulator of a glowing lamp. It disturbs the
healing frequencies of the divine feminine energy of the earth.
At spring equinox, the fire of the 3d underground chamber heats
the salt water of the Nile. The force field of the ark inside the
King's chamber with an antechamber of 3 granite monoliths
makes the soul leave the body. The shaft of the King's chamber
points towards Taurus-Orion (Osiris) and the pole star Alpha
Draconi and the shaft of the Queen's chamber points towards
Sirius (Isis) and the plough of the celestial north pole (now Ursa
Afterwards when the water recedes, the room is filled with the
ormus powder. At the same time the Queen's chamber as a vulva
with a granite black orb inside it, lets electrified water (earth
milk) flow out of the shafts that makes the water and soil fertile.
The King's chamber releases gold sprinkled water through the
shafts blocked by a quadrant blocking stone with 2 holes,
producing the mythical golden tears of Atum (reptilians have a
golden iris).
The plateau and monument is later called by the Sumerians the
House of the Serpent, and referred to by the ancient Coptic name
Ros-Tau or ‗Rose-Cross‘: shown in the cymatic patterns formed of
infrasound standing waves transduced by the limestone and
quartz crystalline structures.
The pyryamid next to the Great pyramid is dedicated to Seth, the
other one to Toth. The two central priesthoods revolve
around Seth (Saturn, south, the Ophites, Ophanim), the other
one around the sun god HarWer, Horus the elder
(Hawer/Haroeris). His wife is Hakhet, the shapeshifting reptilian
who along with Lucifer (Khum) was responsable for creating
children from his potter's wheel with 2 hands at the celestial
north pole.
the flood
The reptilians with their tunnels and underground civilisations
become the legendary demons living in a place under earth/hell.
Whenever the Atlanteans detect reptilian activity beneath the
earth, they attack with EMP warfare (the mythical storm god
that castrates the earlier gods, slays the dragon/underworld
serpent). After a few thousand years, it starts weakening the
upper crust of the Earth's mantle, releasing magma layers. Like
their degenerating culture, their continent starts to break apart.
They establish colonies all over the remaining portions of land.
All legends tell stories of the war of the gods, between black, red
and whites, yellows, between Angels and Devils, Devas and
Asuras, Daevas and Ahuras, the Sons of Light and the Sons of
Darkness, Gods and Titans, the famous Gigantomachy.
Eventually the Earth Project is temporarily aborted by the
Guardians. The nuclear war escalates, even the Atlanteans who
started the war, flee to Khem (Egypt), the Andes (Peru/Bolivia),
Western Europe and the Himalayas.
The air irradiated, alters the magnetosphere of the earth, leading
to an axial wobble in the precession of the equinox. Earth
deviates from its normal orbit and upsets the movements of other
planets and bodies. It allows debris from the destroyed planet
Tiamat to fall on earth. The bassin of water from the Miocene
Ocean, occupying what is now Russia is emptied, turning into the
Caspian and Black sea (Bous-phorus, Ox-ford, the bringer, the
birth canal of the bull).
The Krakatoa volcano (Mount Atlas) between Sumatra and Java
erupts. The overheated water dissolved in the hot magma turns
instantly into vapor, on a worldwide scale, causes a huge
tsunami. The ashes and debris are thrown up into the
stratosphere, fall back to the earth and the sea, choking all life in
the region, and causing enormous quantities of rain. The Ice Age
glaciers melt and trigger the end of the Pleistocene.
In Hindu myths, the explosion of the Krakatoa vulcano are
allegorized as the Primordial Castration which turned the Cosmic
Phallus (Linga) into the Cosmic Yoni (or Vulva). Earth‘s Yoni =
Khasma Mega of Hesiod.
12.662 bc Shifting of the poles, the melting of the Antarctic ice
cap, and the temporary but total collapse of the Earth's magnetic
field. As described in Egyptian papyrus, 'South becomes north
and the earth turns over'.
Lucifer/Saturn, the goat is Atlas: 'the one who could not
whitstand the sky', Atlantis in Sanskrit :'deprived of its pillar,
sunken to the bottom', the castrated phallus in the sea.Atlas is
also the name for the 33d, the top cervical vertebra of the neck,
which supports the skull, the globe of the head. The mythical
spring of royal golden blood ('Dam') is remembered as the river
Danu/Eri-danus that springs from the foot of Orion, after a sting
of a crab/scorpion (Lucifer), when the moon children took over
from the original Atlanteans (moon sickle castrating its father).
Atlantis, Lemuria and most fauna and flora is destroyed. A reboot
of earth, a void of 4 days.
Past 4 : 12.500 - 6000
Creation is reversed. The magnetic The water of the flood, 3 x the
amount of the oceans today, is stored in an ocean 400 miles/600
km beneath the earth's crust, within the mesosphere ( the layer of
hot rock between Earth‘s surface and its liquid outer core) inside
blue rock called ringwoodite. Ringwoodite has a crystal like
structure and acts as a sponge, draws in hydrogen and traps
water, maintaining the balance of the oceans (underworld).

There is an overall increase of density on Earth and a drastic

lowering of consciousness, life span and memory. Out of
billions, only a few hundred million have survived the Flood,
mostly mutant humans (genetically altered into a much lower
state of consciousness), heavily traumatized. The reptilians seem
to be defeated by the Atlanteans (Jupiter with his lightning and
thunder weapons killed the dragon, he is the rock, the sacred
testicle). While earth is mainly controlled by the young gods,
associated with Jupiter, groups that created mankind see the
confusion as an oppurtinity to regain more influence.
The chakra's and vortices are now: Bermuda Triangle,
Glastonbury, Himalaya, Maui, Peru, Caïro, Mt Shasta (an
entrance to inner earth),..
The heavy rains are remembered through the constellations
Aquarius, Pisces and other sea-related signs.
Bulls are seen as an incarnation of Osiris. Taurus, the bull of
heaven, is still worshipped in South Africa as the mother goddess
Mahathor and in pre-dynastic Egypt in a fertility religion, as the
sky and cow godess Hwt hr/ Hathor ('Hat'-'Hor' - 'House of
(Phos)Horus'). Hathor is the ankola watusi cow/bull who carries
the Black Sun between its large horns and whose milk/sperm
created the milkyway. Her four legs are envisioned straddling the
earth marking the cardinal points, the four rivers of the garden of
Eden. Ploughs to work the earth are also triangular/bull-
shaped. Horus, sun/son of God, the golden man becomes an
important god, born at the equinox. A Horus is also a horned
torus, the geometric shape of all matter. Horus=the zodiac sign
Aries, spring, beginning of the cycle, the ram with 2 horns that
spiral out of the golden ratio.
The story of the divine son/sun is a metaphor for the cycle of the
seasons and enlightenment of man and ascension to the level of
the gods and linked to the death/rebirth experience of plant
medicines. The son/sun is conceived during winter solstice by
the golden phallus, the first rays of light ( through sexual union,
the 6 pointed star of David/hexagon of Saturn=> six pointed
flower of life). He is born during the vernal equinox, begins to fall
like the fallen angel at summer solstice and dies (swallowed by
the earth) during autumn, the story of duality, light/dark,
yin/yang, good/bad. Summer solstice, when the sun passes
between Gemini and Cancer is the Gate of Men. 21 december,
winter solstice, when the sun passes between Sagitarius (ruled by
Jupiter) and Capricorn is the Gate of the Gods, when the
interdimensional veil gets thinner, a paraphysical door is opened
to feed the evolutionary process of human intelligence. At this
time, the constellation of the giant Orion occupies the midway
between northern and southern hemisphere of the heavens,
commands the winter sky in upwards position, return of the
golden invincible phallus that nobody kan keep down. The
equinox, the central pillar is the equila, the equator, the aguila,
the needle, the eagle, when the sun and its twin, the black sun
Saturn meet. In the concept of Luciferianism, the male sky and
sun god puts his golden phallus in the womb of the female earth
and underworld and out of this sexual union, on the vernal
equinox, Saturn falls, the sun exalts (every 5 year venus), new life
is born=fire, Lucifer, the Morning Star, Phosp-Horus, the bringer
of dawn, of light and life. The sun rises is erect, resurrected
As the comet V-enis, the morning star he embodies male and
female, good and bad combined so it is considered the rock of
desire, 'love', passion, the fire in human hearts. The duality of
yang-yin, light-dark is the same as Saturn-sun or Venus-Mars.
Cardo=hinge, cardinal signs: the hinges of the door to heaven.
The giant gods are also pictured, carrying a wheel, the 8-pointed
star of Lucifer/Venus in a circle. It is the symbol of the 8 pointed
Saturnian box, and of the potter's wheel, used to create men but
also to mark the different sacrifice rituals on the calendar, needed
to make the sun rise. The holy spit/spirit is the sperm out of
Lucifer's phallus that created man, symbolised by the steering
rudder (root of all evil) at the stern, the mast of ships (later the 8-
pointed wheel becomes the steering wheel connected to the
rudder). The rudder is seen in the sky as star Quain/Can-opus of
the ark Argo Navis, the mother ship with the front as
lotus/vagina and the silk sails as the scrotum. The calendar wheel
has 4 cardinal points to sacrifice to the male sky and sun god (the
earth-red cross, mark of Quaïn), 4 diagonal wavy lines to sacrifice
to the earth and receive rain and fertility (galactic cross of
Taurus-Aquarius-Aquila-Leo). Femine power in the Annunaki
religion equals evil and death, that needs to be battled and
beaten with phallic power.The male fire energy of Phosphorus is
worshipped as the axis mundi, the axe, the pole warding off the
scary Evil eye of the female seductive Phosphorus (morning star
Age of LEO, ruled by the sun.
10.500 On the remnants of Lemuria, Angkor Wat with the 3
pinecone like towers, pillars of the trinity/tree of life pattern, is
designed as a star map of the constellation of Draco, by reptilian
bloodlines. Gates with 2 Lions, the shoulders of Orion, holding
the lapis exilis stone under its paw with the flower of life motive.
Close to the city now known as Caïro (meaning Mars) a statue is
build of a lion sphinx, the symbol of the morning star. Sphinx=
sphincter, a gate/ ring that regulates closing and opening. At the
time it faces the constellation of Leo at the horizon. The right paw
of the lion has a passage to the Hall of Records and a
subterranean chamber system, leading to inner earth.
Age of the first sun
The Atlanteans mix with the natives of North-America, become
the Iroqois (Haplogroup X). Blue-eyed Nephilim are known by the
Othama tribe and the Hopi Indians in North-America as Bahana,
'white brother from the skies' . In Peru they are known as the
Chinchurro, red haired fisher folk. In Meso and South America
the people call their arrival, the beginning of the Age of the First
Sun, 'age of the giant, white haired, bearded giants'. They build 3
pyramids in Yucatan, aligned with Orion's belt.
Because they came from the sea, they are called Viracocha (sea-
In Tiahuanaca, Bolivia, one of the vortices, they construct
Kalasasaya, palaces with underground pyramid, using granite. It
is dedicated to Lord Viracocha, the creator of all things, also
linked to the panther/puma as harbinger of death. The distinctive
glowing, blue eyes are painted on their statues with lapis lazuli.
Wall of humanity shows all human races, like the OTO-shaped
Nordics. Appearance of the H-symbol of Orion's belt and stargate,
swastika SS-symbol, cross-symbol and T-crosses. They build a
Sun gate that serves as a calendar with Lord Viracocha in the
middle, on top of the Roal Arch, holding lightning and axe (2
solstice poles). All their mythologies speak of the war between the
gods and the titans.The Hopi call the greys Masau'u, god of death
and underworld and the Nibiru with horns and thin waists Anu
Canary Islands
While Atlantis sinks, the Nordics of the city Gorias on the Gorgon
isles end up on the highest point that hasn't sunk yet, the region
now known as Kain/Canary Islands at the vulcano Mount
Teide with the Dragon tree. Mount Teide is the mythical Atlas of
Atlantis who held up the sky (Mount Bel, now Mount Etna in
Sicilia as the other pillar of Herakles). The natives say Guayota,
the devil kidnapped Magec (magic, Lucifer, god of light and sun)
and imprisoned him in the mountain, plunging the world into
darkness. People asked Achamàn (Aquaman, Enlil, the rain and
sky god) to release him. The dog-faced creatures are called
canars, coming from the canal, they are feared and worshipped.
Mount Teide becomes the post-deluge version of the mythical
white mountain, where 'creation' took place. Berbers of Morocco
are still related to the Irish, also using bagpipes of goatskin.
Tuatha de Danan
The Nordics of Tir-Na-Nog, the Os-Irish Atlantis with their
leader Ogma (Eremon, the 4th monarch of Atlantis) colonize the
countries now known as Ireland and England. Because they are
so tall, have red or blonde hair and blue or green eyes, the small,
dark natives consider them gods. They are known as the
matriarchal Tuatha de Danan, who worship the mother womb
of the primordial waters as Danu. Danu is the mother of Vrtra,
the demonic serpent, slain by the thunder god. The Sliabh an
Irain they land on=the iron mountain, the primordial mount of
the bennu bird, the Mt Zion legend. They use the symbol of the
axis mundi/world tree with a serpent at its feet, and an owl at the
branches, the feathered serpent. The lightning shaped Vajra:
trident/ tree reaching upward and a trident pointing downward,
roots of the underworld.
They build serpent mounds like the one in Avebury and earth
wombs, chambers linked to winter solstice and the female egg
conception like Newgrange. On winter solstice a shaft of light
enters the site as a golden phallus, 'impregnating' the 3 basins.
On the vortex of South England, a convergence of 14 ley/dragon
lines, they build Somerset and the Stonehenge site. The T-
shaped stones form a coil arrangement, with magnetic stones in
the Trilithon Pi-(pee, phosphor) shape, aligned with fixed points
in the solar or lunar calendar like summer and winter solstice,
when the sun appears between the door shaped Trilithon and the
veil is thinner. A throne of a recumbant stone and on the sides
two taller stones, two towers as an arch portal for the sun.

They have the features of a particle collider and serve as a portal.

These natural stargates open, depending on positions of the
celestial bodies. Air-bound electric currents improve seed fertility
and crop production, enlarged with the focus and intent of a large
cetemony with drumming, creating coherence. First they are
centres of peace and enlightenment but they are later invaded
and contaminated with negative energy.
The stone henges or wood henges, as symbol of man/penis/tree
and its kings and gods appear all across England, Scotland and
Europe in group, horseshoe formation or near a building, as
menhirs. The royal stones have cup marks and rings, referring to
star constellations. The stones are called dragon teeth (linked to
reptilian features). They harvest energy and can be healing. After
death, after sacrife through a 3-pointed knife they remain as a
capture of soul essence, and a seed of the moon, a navel for
rebirth of a 3-petaled flower, a new tree of life.
The druïds worship the Trinity (3 solar rays, the 3 pillars of the
three/Tree of life), a triad of the GodsEsu (sun and sky,
masculine, the father, the higher realm) (Luci)Bel (earth and
the moon, female, holy spirit, water, the terrestial
realm), (Lucifer)Taran ( fire, the son, neutral, the lower realm).
Human sacrifices are made to Esus by tying and hanging them as
a woodman to a Tau-cross, a T-shaped tree, to Bel or Teutates by
drowning them, to Taran by burning them. They even make a
huge wicker man with living people inside it and set it ablaze, the
symbolic burning of man.
They worship the oak as symbol of female chalice, male phallus
combined sexual power. They use them as World Tree in their
oracle rituals. On Bel-thane, the female fertility rite of 1st of may
on the wheel of Bel, a druïd climbs an oak, willow or holly tree
with a mistletoe to cut it as crown of the illuminated ones. In
rituals of blood sacrifice to the moon, lumps of white quartz is
used as 'moon stones' of the mythical white mountain Albe. It is a
binary crystal (vibrates at frequencies, multiples of 2) and
contains silica. Silica has memory and conducts
electromagnetism. The stones are broken and used as knives with
3 points pointing upwards, 3 points pointing downwards, symbol
of lightning and the tree of life.
In Germany, the rock is worshipped in the rocky cave
Externstein, where a ray of light falls on the altar on summer
Slaves wear the golden ourobouros ring around their neck as a
torc. The fossilized resin of pine trees, the orange amber
(barnsteen/bernstein, burning stone) the 'gold of the north' is
connected to Lucifer/Electricity and his Ambrosia, food of the
Gods. The stones are considered tears from the Children of the
Sun, the Eridanus river star constellation, holy blood. They are
transported from the north to the south, leading to the Amber
Road, beginning in the region of St. Petersburg.The nomadic sea-
faring Nephilim move to Western Europe and the Middle-East,
following the river we now call Danube, leave sites like Lepenski
Vir. The Baal-tic sea is another source of amber. The horned bull
becomes the A-symbol (aleph), king of the holy breath and
number 1. Mountain ranges like the Alps in Italy are also seen as
Age of GEMINI, ruled by the moon.
Reptilians reastablish a new kingdom at the Persian gulf and
build the city Nippur (Nibiru). They no longer control the moon
and are cut off from communication with the Draco. Syrians from
Sirius B help the reptilians to perfect the shapeshifting process
with their technology and develop a hybrid reptilian/Aryan race:
the Titans, giants of the Lucifer/Quaïn bloodlines, Semite-Aryans
/Sum-Aryans who can shapeshift from reptilian to human form,
symbolized by trees because of their height.
Sumerian civilisation is influenced by early colonies of explorers
from Aldebaran, (the red bull's eye of the Taurus constellation,
'the follower' of Pleiades, the cenTaur or Taur-get of Sagittarius
the Atlantean archer). For instance the cuniform script is
identical to the written language of the Aldebarans. Phonetically,
the language of the Aldebarans is similar to spoken German.
After the rapture, the zodiac sign Taurus becomes a sign of the
Beast from the earth: titans, elite men in rebellion against the
Gilgamesh, hybrid Annunaki/human rules Sumer, becomes the
archetype of the Orion hero who beat the lion. Kingship is
inherited through Quaïn/kinship, sky people who have royal, blue
blood, red hair or reptilian scales under their skin. Animals who
also have blue blood with copper rich hemocyanin, the crab, snail,
octopus, squid, spider and scorpion are also considered
aristocratic and divine, related to Venus, especially the snail and
scorpion because they have shells showing the golden ratio and
slugs can eat the death cap mushroom without problems.
DNA dictates energy so every organism with the right DNA can
change into another form. When reptilians carry a human DNA
package and because humans carry reptilian DNA, they can
shapeshift, transform into a much smaller human. When in anger
or frustration, their pupils can become elongated or their skin can
become slightly green again.
At Serabat Al-khadim the Ark of the Covenant technology is
installed on a mounted structure. The platinum powder called
mfktz or manna is stored in black balls at the temple of Hathor.
Lucifer/Quain is the promiscuous serpent god Enki (lord of
underworld, of fresh water/semen). He is depicted with his horned
crown (cone hat, cap of El), bathing in the Abzu with 2 wavy
water/snakes (energy, DNA) and upward swimming carp fishes.
He is accompanied by electromagnetic pole bearers, needed for
the technology to work ( sun/moon, male/female, -/+). Abzu for
them is where the sun/son rises, the fountain of youth, between
the 2 mountains, the twin peaks where the ark landed.
Lucifer/Enki is also Nin-khursag, Lady of Life who birthed the
first (white) earthlings. The ones who messed with human DNA
are thus worshipped as the weavers of life, the cosmic Yoni/vulva.
Later he evolves into fish god Oannes, Dagon and Noah. after
creation, amphibious hermaphrodite half-fish, half-human
creatures emerged from the oceans to live with the early human
beings and taught them the arts and other aspects of civilization
such as writing, law, temple and city building and
agriculture. The priests wear fish suits and give the people opium
from the poppy plant that pops open like a cosmic egg.
Intelligence is linked to long ears (the same word gestù). Enki is
accomponied by 2-faced Izimud (Mercury, binary star
Sirius=Eannes, the 2 headed eagle, two faced Janus of
January).Jupiter, the younger gods who caused the flood, is the
storm god En-lil (little El, son of El).
The priest caste that is allowed to approach the ark, has to wear
a golden breastplate with 9 different stones and has to take off
their shoes to earth them against electric shock. They eat special
bread with the material baked in it so they have the same
frequency, the same Meissner field. When a person comes close to
the object or touches it, without knowledge of the precautions, it
is a deadly nuclear weapon. The person dies because of a energy
overload, scrambling by reverse electromagnetism, because
electromagnetism turned inward, liquifies matter.
The horned headdresses the priests wear, serve as antennas (2
cones can create a torsion field). In the temple of Hathor, where
all this magic magnetism is worshipped, the mother goddess
wears a horizontal crescent moon on her head as divine horns on
her head for 'knowledge reception'.
Cities are built around these pyramid/ziggurat temple complexes
of stone baked stones, and a system of opression is installed, a
society build as a pyramid with the hybrid priests on top, as
shepherds for the sheep, mediators between the human and the
divine. The priests who handle the ark, the pole bearers of Enki,
also control the food supply. They feed and care for the people and
animals before they are sacrificed. They wear a Saturnian ring
hat/headband, and a beard resembling the crescent moon/horn.
The snake/DNA staff is the cane/Quain, the L or ?-shaped crook
staff, that shepherds wear as the ox-goad to control the oxes and
sheep by force.
Being half reptilian, the priestkings must absorb nutrients and
are annointed with oil, made from the fat from reptilians:
the holy oil, called 'messeh', the annointed priestkings thus
become Messiahs.
The build 7 cities, so Sumer becomes the land of the 7 cities.
Sumerian mythology is based on South African legends, calls the
reptilians the 'Annunaki', those who came from Anu, sky, Aar-ra-
nus, the winged black sun disk.
The children of Enlil, the shapeshifting grey owls, negative 4D
entities, that hide in stones, abduct, rape and feed on human
blood are called Ekimmu and Urukku, succubi and incubi linked
to Lilitu/Lilith (hence liliputters), the first woman with reptilian
soul. She stands on 2 lions, Betelgeuse and Bellatrix, the
shoulders of Orion. Stars are seen as pigs that suck milk from the
milyway cow godess. Lamashtu is another snake priest goddess,
always depicted as suckling a pig and a whelp, holding snakes,
standing on a donkey.
The reptilians invent a gender based religion. The number of
antropomorphic (half human/half animal) deities increases to
more than 3600, based on the 360 degrees or angles (angels) on a
circle. The most sacred angle is 90° degree, representing phallic
power, and power to raise the dead. The Kabalistic science is
taught through a creation myth and polytheïstic mythology with
the holy dragon breath as a radiating central creator/ black sun
deity En-lil, worshipped at Nippur. The trinity of
Saturn/Venus/Mars, winter/summer/spring (Osiris-Isis-Horus)
= Nimrod/ Venus as a fish-virgin goddess Sammur-amat (gift of
the sea, as an aphrodisiac fish) or Semiramis (branch-bearer, a
dove with olive branch )/ Tammuz. Tammuz is the sun at
Sammur/Summer solstice (Su-mer: 'south sea', Summair:
'Dragon'), resurrected as an egg at eastern.
The same way Isis mourns the 90° pillar/phallus of Osiris, during
the month Tammuz, when light is dimmed, the sun loses
strength, like a penis atfer an erection, Tammuz is wept by
women as a physical entity during a 6 day imaginary funeral.
Weeping women=young priestesses offering menstrual blood, the
Beloved, the scarlet women, as it contains starfire, the nectar of
the gods, the lifegiving extract of the lunar essence, the divine
menstrual blood of the mother goddess, Scarlett woman. When
this habit is restricted, their lifetimes shorten. Men who live as
hermits, practicing abstinence produce sperm. The virgins are
sacrificed at harvest, when sun moves into Virgo.
The plough is a metaphor for bull horns and virgins are seen as a
furrow, an unplowed field. When the sun/Mars is in decline and
moves from Virgo into Libra, the loin/hip part of the zodiac body,
Saturn and the femine part of the cycle (comet Venus, the virgin,
maiden) is on the rise. Than Isis and Venus is worshipped
as Inanna, the morning star, the whore of Babylon, supposedly
the lover of Tammuz, also standing on lions. Women are forced
into sacred prostitution at her Gigunu temples, houses of
nighttime pleasure, recreating the sacred Saturn-Venus, beast-
beauty, snake-Eve ritual at festival of booths or tabernacles. Men
visit the women for purification and salvation. The hybrid priests
can rape women as they wish: they have sexual access to a
woman, before the husband (the ritual defloration, the 'right of
the first night' of the Lord, Saturn raping Venus). The red ribbon,
knot of Isis, is the sign of marriage with Saturn. The sun god is
thus betrayed by evil feminity and ends up in the underworld,
Capricorn, death of the old, conception of the new. The 10 is the
sign of completion, male, female, the 10th house of Capricorn.
When Inanna descends in the underworld with a torch, looking
for the sun, she is Eresh-ki-gal, queen of the night/underworld
(Irkalla), lifts her 7 veils. Sacrifice rituals with eating samanu
and beets for laxative purging. Sagitarrius is ruled by Jupiter,
the storm god. Os-triches are one of the birds that symbolize
Osiris and the underworld, as they lay their eggs after winter
solstice. Their eggs are painted, incised and put in graves as
symbol of new life.
Sins are repented at the day of atonement (the ark is covered
again with veils), during a period of fasting until the morning
star reappears like a virgin, washed from sins, pure and white.
Out of the roasting of bodies in hell appears the rooster, the holy
cock/coque. Symbols of rebirth from the ashes are the cater-pillar
turning into butterfly, the dove, the lion, the phoenix,..Nimrod as
a winged bull=the lord of winter and darkness as the bull of
autumn/Taurus who receives his phosphor, his shennu rings and
wings at spring equinox (Aquila, eagle). On the first 3 days of the
first month of Nisan, during the Akitu new year festival when
Venus, reappears between the horns of the bull of heaven,
everybody has to give their cattle gifts, their taxes and sacrifice to
the Lord. The priestkings march through the city as the new born
son of New Year (Aries, the sheep ruled by Mars, sun of the sea
Mare) parading with a para-sol or umbrella, protection from the
reigning rain god Jupiter (later umbrellas get the obvious J
People keep plaques and figures of dogs or the spirit of male
sexuality, the reptilian faced Pazuzu to ward off the evil spirits.
For the same reason protective winged lions with human face and
ox feet (signifying the cardinal points) are placed to protect gates.
The bulla stones used for sound levitation are used as seals and
given to people as clay balls to keep the tokens together, first
money system. The bulla has to be crushed to reveal the content.
Hermetically closed vases with acid, electrolyte juices, like blood
are used as an El-ectric battery, charging iron rods (-, male) in
copper sheaths (+, female). These iron rods become the mythical
weapons of the gods, the iron spear or sword. Natron and ash is
used to make lye (soda) to cleanse clothes.
To help the hybrids maintain the human form, the Syrians advise
to feed them more human hormones and blood in the form of an
altered animal. They breed new animals from mixing DNA from
the wild bore and human DNA: pigs. They domesticate them and
slaughter them to produce pork (Ham, the son of Noa is also
thesalted, crooked hind leg of the swine). Like reptilians bred
humans to domesticate them, to kill them and eat them, they
teach humans to breed animals to domesticate, kill and eat them.
People start eating meat and drink malt beer, leading to more
spiritual degeneration.
Because of the large cultural exchange with the Semitic
Akkadian region (Syria), every Sumerian deity has an Akkadian
counterpart. In Akkadia 2 goats are chosen and lots are drawn for
them. One is liberated, the other representing evil capricorn is
draped with silver necklaces and cast out on the day of the King's
wedding (Yom Kippur) as animals who carried the evil spirit of
Oz/Azazel (the dark aspect of Saturn), dismembered or thrown of
the red cliff (hence the term black sheep and 'scapegoat'). The
11th month, when the rivers are at its heighth, ruled by Uranus
and Saturn, they remember the deluge as the zodiac sign
Ramman, the Aquarius storm god, lord of the canals, pouring
water with wavy MMM-sign. They call Aires shapparu, the wild
goat, the horn that gave the air, the breath of life. The ram horns
are also a metaphor for the uterus. The Semites don't eat pork,
because they know it is a form of cannibalism. They worship the
Evil Eye, the star Fomalhaut as half man/half fish god Dagon
(dgn meaning also grain), Saturn as El or Ilu.
The yearly cycle of the stars is seen as the movement of the
herdsman or ox keeper Saturn as Bootes with his plough, 2
hunting dogs on a leash, hunting the Big Bear, Orion killing
Taurus or Orion the archer riding on a bull, shooting an arrow
aimed at Sirius, the wolf/jackyl of Canis Major. The Black Sun is
pictured as Isis.
First calendars
The concept of the evening star dissapearing in the underworld to
reappear as the brightest morning star, the -/+ death/rebirth
cycle, of a tone reaching its octave, a flower of life becoming a
seed for another seed of life is fundamental for the elite to keep
demanding sacrifice. Rituals are timed astronomically to
the period when Lucifer/Venus (the Queen of Night) sinks below
the horizon and disappears into the 'underworld' for 8 days,
lifting her veils one by one as the first belly dancer, dancing with
and hypnotised by the Cosmic Serpent. Venus takes eight years
to reach all 5 points of the pentagram, the inside of an apple also
shows a pentagram, hence the symbol of an apple as lost
innocence, evil.
The system of 7 tones/7 planets is the foundation of the 7 day-
week and the circular calendar of a year. January 1 is
synchronized to the midpoint meridian of the binary star Sirius
and the months are defined by the moon cycle. The calendar of
sacrifice is based on the points of an 8-pointed star, the lines of
the Saturnian cube: 2 february, 19-22 march, 30 april-1 may, 19-
23 june (midsummer), 1 august (the hottest days of summer dog
days), 21-24 september (Virgo dissapears, so a virgin must be
sacrificed), 1 november. 20-23 December is the luciferian climax
for destruction, decadence and rebirth.
Their rituals are not focused on opening the 3d eye to reach
nirvana/the crown, the real alchemical transformation but to
open the 3d eye so they can meet the lower 4th density beings,
causing fear and trauma, keeping them at base level, following
their lower instinct, struggling to survive. Before dying in the
cave rituals, their hands are soaked in blood and their print on
the cave wall is a memory of their death.
Monday is governed by the moon. Thuesday by
Mars. Wednesday by Mercury.Thursday is governed by Jupiter
(the son of Saturn), the Lord, the God of Thunder, Baal Hadad,
the giant cannibal with a hammer and thunderbolt in his hand.
He is also connected to fertility, the interaction with his
counterpart death Mot rules the cycle of seasons. He throws a
chained ball on a drum. In China, humans are affraid of the
thunder and curl up in a ball, hiding their bellybutton, because
the myth of reptilians eating abdomens.

They are gathered in underground caves with torches of fire, and

given caps of mushrooms or chalices with other psychoactive
drugs as mescaline as a portal to the underworld, where they
have visions of panters and other animals. With the drugs
slightly improving visual acuity, dressed in animal skins they
undergo an 'underworld panter or jaguar transformation'.
They have to go in the woods as a hunter (Orion) and kill the
giant Tammuz/Dumuzi,(Thurs is another word for 'giant'),
dressed as a bull (Taurus constellation, the lower, animal mind,
reptilian brain). The giants are Nephilim or sometimes
genetically engineered giant hybrids (demi-gods), traumatized
with mind control and enraged so they become killing machines.
Other games involve riding a bull or killing sea creatures with a
trident (symbol of Neptune, the child of Saturn) as a test to prove
their manhood/testicles, in order to release Venus.
On friday (red), governed by Lucifer/Venus, the Queen of
Night. Friday night Sabbath begins, the slaves are free from
work. The winner who killed the bull is allowed to cut off the
horns of the beast. They can drink from the Holy Blood (drugs for
sexual arousal) from the Horn of Abundance. First humans eat
beets to produce red urine and excrement, than at night with
their vomit, piss and diarrhea they are smothered in red
(Beetlejuice, Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation, Arabic for
hand of the judge Orion, a red supergiant, the center of the
Winter Hexagon). They distort the pineal gland or 3d eye as a red
pomegranate in the head, marked with a red dot between the
Supposedly Venus mourns as a veiled black widow and out of
suffering incites fornication and divorce so noon and night is
ruled by darkness.Honey, beeswax, beer and more drugs are
offered, all the primitives get drunk, mad and 'horny'. The Holy
Blood contains alcohol, named after the Devil's star Al gol, ( the
3d eye of the head of Medusa in the constellation of Perseus) at
the head of the Golem or the ogre. The mind controlled Golem,
who supposedly is made of clay like humans, wears the word
'emet' (truth) on his forehead. People are taught alcohol (snake
oil) removes in moments of ecstasy the burden of self-
consciousness and elevates man to the rank of deity. Alcohol is
brought into the blood of children, through an enema into the
anus, to intoxicate them and to invoke demons.
Saturday is dedicated to Saturn and sadness. The star Al Gol
blinks, every 69 hours its magnitude dips for 10 hours, appears
stoned or dead. The word on the Golems forehead is now changed
to 'met' (death). A black raven or crow announces the coming of
Death, the grim reaper, the son of Saturn with a sickle to harvest.
In a ring of fire a potion or libation is offered to reach the trance
state again. Self-sacrifices are made as blood letting and penis
perforation, where blood is drawn from the penis and sprinkled
upon the remains (cremated ashes or exhumed bones and skulls)
of deceased ancestors. Altars are placed on a hexagonal shaped
floor (Altair is a star from the Summer Triangle). Humans,
children and animals are sacrificed on altars as an offer to
Saturn, the reptilian overlords. Hearts are ripped out or heads
chopped off. The heads end up in basket, used for harvest or in a
vase on top of a statue of venus, wearing the vase as the crown of
a flower of life, a hallucinogenic blue lilly/lotusflower. Corpses are
burned to show man who came from ashes, return to ashes.
Sunday is dedicated to rebirth of the orange or Golden Sun. The
horns used for drinking are now used for blowing wind, making
sounds to announce the arrival of Venus. As Ayuasca
experiencers feel reborn after the experience, Venus rises before
the sun, thereby appearing to resurrect the sun from the
underworld as the Morning Star. Everybody wears the comb of a
rooster to celebrate the Golden Dawn. Venus is pictured with
naked breasts and eggs, holding the snakes of the underworld in
her hands. The slayers of the bull receive a golden chalice or cup
as a trophy and as a (sat)urn to contain the ashes of the dead.
Cave paintings of Grays are being made in Chamara, India.
An amphibian race from a planet in orbit around the Sigui star,
visits South Africa in a metallic sphere. They give the African
Dogon people astrological knowledge about Orion (the Kanaga
symbol). They are called the Nommo. Afterwards they are
worshipped as fish gods and metal is considered a sacred, fearful
The tribe of Dan travels to Asia Minor (Turkey) builds cities like
Harran, Troy, Zela and Pessinus. Start of the Hittite empire. The
God of thunder Terah/Kvara is worshipped in temples like the
House of Tammuz (Adonis) where people stay for 28 days,
slaughter sheep, eat and drink food with mushrooms, mourning
in the house of Dilbat (Venus/Lucifer).
TAURUS(exaltation of the moon, ruled by Venus)

The Nephilim, the 'Elder-Gods' of the Aramaic culture in the

Anatolian highlands build Göbekli Tepe('belly hill'), depicting
the constellation of Taurus, lifting the sun, with the 7 stars of the
Pleiades in its neck. Using the same method and symbols as on
Eastern Island, they build mushroom/penis/T-crosses, with bulls
and holy Orion-shaped crocodiles, vultures and scorpions, as a
place for sacrifice (people are tied to the T-crosses) and the
amanita muscara religion.
Than they build the site çatal Höyük with cart ruts for cattle
worship. Bodies are buried without head, in decorated shrines for
the afterlife with walls adorned with skeletal representations of
vultures (carrier of the soul). On the walls breasts are moulded
from plaster, with actual vulture skulls with their beaks
protruding to form the nipples, as a metaphor for death/rebirth.
Red aurochs (castrated bulls) are painted with vermillion, from
cinnabars with mercury.
Building of Nabta playa, a stonehenge like structure in the
Nubian desert, Egypt, aligned with Orion and Ursa Major.
The lion statue in Giza is rebuild as Anu-bis, the sphinx dog of
the underworld. The statue of the dog is immersed in a lake, the
sacred Jackyl Lake, used for wasing ceremony for mummification
(Isis, the bitch=>beach, the shores of the afterlife). First the
embalmers wash the body with palm wine and rinse it with water
from the Nile. Then they make a cut on the left side of the body
removing the internal organs, and packing the liver, lungs,
stomach, and intestines with natron (combination of baking soda
and salt, alkaline) to dry them out. The heart is left inside the
body because it is essential for the afterlife. A long hook is
inserted through the nose and used to pull out the brain. After
this is done the body is covered and stuffed with natron to dry it
out. The body remains like this for forty days, after that, it is
washed with water from the Nile and covered with oils to help
keep the skin elastic. The internal organs are then wrapped in
linens and returned to the body. The body is stuffed with dry
materials to look life-like, and covered with good-smelling oils.
Then the mummies are wrapped in resin soaked (acid) linen and
kept in a sarco-phagus (flesh-eating box, with granite lid because
granite is slightly radioactive can hold spirits).The whole process
takes 70 days, like Sirius/Orion descends in the underworld for 70
days. Through the an alchemic reaction (battery of acid-alkaline,
natron, mercury, orme powder and the annunaki dna) the
mummies than emulate golden power, symbolic of the reborn sun.
The ritual of purification is essential to free the spirit to become
an Akh, 4D spirit.

Egypt - old kingdom

In A-nu/Iu-nu, the city of the Black Sun (later called Heliopolis

by the Greeks) is built on the east/left hand side of the Nile in the
13th nome of Egypt (nr of Luciferian rebellion). The first obelisks,
golden bull phalluses are erected that work as electric antennas,
as sun dials to measure fertitility of the earth. In Mem-
phis (mem=water, flowing in the P/Phi golden ratio), south of
Giza, the reptilian creators Enki/Lucifer/P-tah are worshipped as
a black bull in the temple of Hut-ka-Ptah representing his watery
Abzu temple. Hut-Ka-Ptah means the hut/hat with the soul the
Ka of Ptah. Its pillars form the 4x4 Saturnian cube. As an
enclosure, a capture, enclosure it is the Saturnian matrix, so-
called hat with the rabbit. Because of their horns, the shape of
the Ka, the soul, bulls are worshipped and sacrificed as an aspect
of the hornyness of the bull of heaven, the Holy Breath of Ra as a
Hat-Hor, house of Horus. In special temples, the movements of
the bull, moving one or two pens are used as an oracle of yes and
no (Iu-nu). Khem is the word for black, the color of the fertile
khem-trails of the Nile and the black bull. Egypt is called the
black land and the bull is called Kemwer, the great black one,
holding the solar disc/mother womb between its horns. The
opening of his mouth created the primordial sea/semen
(D)Anu/Nu. From the sea rose the radiating holy dragon breath,
the inferno/vernal equinox of Autumn=>Atum Ra. Priests who
can create a black hole though implosion= an El-chemist. The
temple in Greek Ayuptos => Egyptos.
Science of the atom/ lifegiving sun is explained through the story
of the androgynous Atum or Aether, 5th element the life force of
higher dimensions, Spirit or Source who breaths life from the
ourobouros into the spine and penis, P, Phosphor=the Ankh, key
to life symbol. It is the life giving sun above a Tau Cross with 4
top floors
(Amun/Amunet, Nun/Naunet, Ku/Kauket, Heh/Hauhet). These
are the Ogdoad, the 8 giant children of Og, the biblical 8 people
who survived the flood in the ark, the 4 elements and their
negative counterparts, born out of Ma'at (equilibrium) and
Toth/Tehuti (the serpent, vibration), the 8 points of a hypercybe ,
8 notes of our octave of reality. Combined with the 9th point,
spirit they are the Ennead.
They are depicted as frogs/snakes, as they survived the flood and
come from the primordial sea. The ankh corresponds with the
Djed pillar, that shows how the tree of life pattern works in the
human body because the brain also has 4 parts and 3 ventricles.
The pole star of Draco= Ma'at, the matriarch, the mouth, the axis
mundi, pillar of stability, equilibrium at winter solstice. Ma'at
weighs the heart after death with a OTO-shaped scale, the Libra
zodiac sign, the equilibrium emblem.
The Ankh is the tree of life and Orion symbol where the T-
crossbar is the belt. The Ankh is also the name and shape of their
golden sandals: because they are immune to the Ark, it appears
as if their feet have divine power (the winged sandals of Hermes
and Perseus). Ankh also means captive human/food, a source of P.
Sacrifice becomes a form of giving th-ankhs.
In their creation myth Atum (Luciferian fire, the force of life,
undivided) emerges from the womb, the primordial waters
(Da)Nu as the sun god sitting at the ben ben stone, the top of
the penis, the Great pyramid and is the creator, the Author, of
the world. Since Atum was all alone, like an Autist, he chose to
mate with his shadow (Saturn). Atum gave birth to twin children
by ejaculating or spitting out his son Shu, (air, shooting
phosphor, wearing an ostrich feather of winter solstice, Saturn,
the square) and his daughter Tefnut, (water, rain or spit,
principles of order, the lionness of summer solstice, Neptune, the
circle). Nut is another Pi-shaped cow goddess with nutritious
breasts and a nut/pot of manna on her head as symbol of the
womb, because the kings were annointed with nut oil. She
swallows the celestial bodies everyday so they can be reborn in
the morning. The three remained in an ark-boat in the watery
chaos of Nu (hence the ark of Noah) and during the flood air and
rain dissapeared so Atum was separated from his children. Ra
sends the Eye of Ra (originally 3d eye pineal gland, than the
morning star, the golden CAP-stone Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)
as their embodiment and Atum weeps golden tears of joy, amber.
When his tears hit the ground, men grow (the illuminated race,
Adam) and he then begins to create the world, through the
ourobouros, the rings of Saturn.
The ennead of 9 main deities correspond to the circles on the tree
of life pattern: the god Atum his children Shu and Tefnut, their
children sky mother Mut/Nut and earth god Geb and their
children Osiris, Isis/Iset, Set and Nephthys. Set is the devil
with hornlike ears and Nephthys as his female consort, who kills
the sun at sunset. Their world is winter, the duality of Da'at, the
underworld. The green man of the druïds, dead nature asking for
sacrifice= Osiris. Osiris-Isis is the male, female aspect of Orion-
Canis Major with Sirius, but also of the sun and mostly the black
sun Saturn.Eye of the bull/ox=os-iris.

The story is an allegory of how the sun appears to us at the 4

cardinal points (S-I-O-N) and how the holy oil reaches the optic
thalamus. After the longest day (cancer) the light dims. When the
sun sets, Osiris is cut in pieces by sun-Set. His reflection in the
water fades- the golden phallus is thrown in the sea and
swallowed by an elephant fish with phallus shaped snout (=Toth
with the head of an ibis, a bird with a sickle shaped bill that kills
serpents, like the peacock or phoenix, the bird is symbolic of
Lucifer who refused to bow for God). Isis, symbol of Sirius, the
Nile star, but also the sea, the vesica pisces fish, the black sun
mother womb, becomes the sol-id ice queen during winter. As a
black widow she betrays the sun by becoming the whore/horse,
the veiled bitch of Saturn. She manages to find all 14 pieces of
Osiris, re-members him and makes love to him during winter
solstice. The first rays, the golden phallus impregnates her so at
spring equinox, at the horizon, the golden hour she gives birth to
a new sun, the divine son Horus (as blue eyed or as a Blue
Avian/birdman), through which the sun/Osiris is reborn. Order
out of chaos: the sun out of the womb of Isis as consort of Saturn.
Osiris-Isis-Horus form a trinity. Horus, the sky God has the sun
and the moon as eyes, each shining light on Earth in succesion.
The moon is explained to be a dimmer light because his rival twin
Set gauged out one eye. The elite abuse the Eye of Ra to create
fear, the Evil Eye on top of the pyramid. The underworld is also
ruled by the underworld snake Apep, the evil lizard that waits at
the twin peaks mountain of the horizon to swallow the sun
barque of Ra, the umbilical chord of th black stone balls. In other
versions the sun dies because it is swallowed by Isis' twin sister
Nephthys, representing death, a snake or catworm coming out of
the wormhole.
Legends tell how Isis changed into a she-dog when Set tried to
rape her as a bull. Initiates of the Isis mysteries wear a dog mask.
The year begins at the helical rising of her dog star Sothis (Isis,
Sirius, the sun behind the sun, the power of darkness) in the sign
of cancer. Osiris:Orion and Isis: Sirus B, the 2 bloodlines of the
Nibiru group, ushering in new year.
-The first season is Akhet, the opening of the gates of the
underworld, death, the tears of Isis, caused by Osiris' death, flood
the Nile (july-oct). 23d of July is the rise of Sirius, the scorcher,
the red star, the Ka of the Ox (Cha-os). The slaves all get drunk
from red-dyed beer. During the hottest days of summer, the dog
days, they fear because of the heat, men become weak and women
aroused, so the elite publicly sacrifices the red haired giants
(female dogs go into heat twice a year and bleed during their
estrus, hence sacrifice for meat -hot dog ). They are sacrificed
similar to the way they sacrifice pigs, reenact the dismembering
of Osiris, because pigs and red hair both are linked to the spirit,
the golden wealth of corn, of nature of Osiris himself. The
cannibalistic reptilian elite makes them offer their hair and blood
as sacrifice to feed the evergreen Persea tree, acacia tree of life.
They are roasted alive and their ashes are scattered far and wide
by winnowing fans by the fan bearers of the pharao, supposedly
to fertilize the fields and produce a bounteous harvest. They are
called Typhonians, linked to the evil red haired Set and Typhon,
the underworld snake, the enemy of Osiris. The 70 day Sirius is
invisible behind the sun= Osiris and Isis passing through Duat,
the underworld of Toth, the Halls of Amenti. During the ka-her-
ka festival the backbone of Osiris, the djedd pillar (Djet:olive, the
olive tree, as oil a source of light) is raised. Passion plays and
processions re-enact the story of Osiris. Rituals climax in the
eucharist, eating of their god. Isis as Ma'at balances the scales of
Libra, ruled by Venus at last judgement.

-During the second season of growth, sowing Peret, (waxing

moon, nov-feb) the river retreats, the b-ankh-s of the Nile leave a
fertile layer of black silt. Worship of the evergreen ished/Persea
tree and of the black fertile phallus as Min.
-The third season is 120 days of harvest (waning moon, mar-jun).
Toth/Txt, the moon sickle represents the raising of taxes, cutting
off properties. 21 june summer solstice is the pilar of Boaz,
Bo=Oz=Osiris, the reaper, celebrated with booze, beer and wine
(blood of the underground snake/lizard Apep) as Lord of
drunkenness during the Wag festival, before another inundation.
Isis-Sirius is worshipped as a goddess of fertility and rebirth,
with the new sun between her horns, her child Horus as son of a
bitch (=the morning star reborn as red haired phoenix firebird, or
falcon, bennu bird, Nile goose, pea-cock, swan, chicken, dove or
flam-ingo on the ben ben stone). In may the priests class of Thebe
('ark') teach that the lion headed lady in red
Skhet/Sekhmet (Venus, the morning star) with the evil eye is so
bloodthirsty an annual festival of intoxication and sacrifice has to
be held, similar to her drunkenness, to stop her wrath. The
androgynous Hapi provides nectar, fills the Nile (=sign of
The turtle/water beetle becomes the cardinal water sign of
summer solstice, now known as cancer, where Sirius rises
as Khepri (khpri, bring into being, the keeper that created
himself from nothing, skarab=>the hard core crab), the ball
rolling scarab beetle, that can reproduce without female partner
and ejects sperm in a ball of dung (similar to the Ambrosia beetle
who leaves white dust and the mythical water beetle of the
Cherokee). They roll the ball up by pushing it upwards as the sun
seems to turn the heavens in opposite direction, from west to
east. The beetle casts his ball in the water for birth after 28 days,
like the moon cycle and the moon rules Cancer/Scarab so it is a
symbol of the moment the (black) sun ascends his throne/chariot
at tropic of cancer and the sun goes into the duat, the underworld
of dimmer light, the unconscious, ruled by the moon (4D, the gate
of men). In breastplates, Khepri is made of amber and in
mummies, the heart is replaced by a scarab (cancer rules the
bust). Khepri stands for the Saturnian hypercube in the Tree of
Life. J'b is the heart, Jupiter exalts in cancer.The beetle also
stands for the left and right thalamus, the 2 tales.
The 2 golden boxes of the ark are represented by 2 golden cobras
that radiate, the uraeus, the phallus glowing from urine.
Pharaos, the light of god wear the same cobra headdress and a
phallic beard of goat hair.

An underground base is build at Fayium, the City of the Crocodile

and tunnels connecting the pyramids to the academy of On,
Heliopolis. At Fayum the first bowling games are played, the
ritual of the rolling of the Rock, the lord Ba'al (ball) that glides
into a bowl, falling a bow pattern into a 10 cm square opening
(the box, Saturn). During the Isis mysteries, initiates are brought
The ark technology is linked to the black sun, shown as a golden
boat with 2 cherubim (ark angels) creating a wormhole. ET races
like the greys can make people experience a virtual reality in a
blue bubble.

Mystery schools

Another legend of how Lucifer created mankind is the goat

horned Knum or Gnoum, who made men, the human DNA-
Genome from its nut/potter wheel, the celestial north pole. The
knowledge about after sexual abstinence of 40 days to ascend, to
make Holy Bread is spread in the city Khmun (later called
Hermopolis), in the 15th province, the Hare nome of Egypt as the
chastity belt of Orion, Knot of Isis. Scriptures are made about
iron levels (the sacred black rock) in the blood to facilitate the
transition to 4th density ('open a stargate') through magnetism.
Khnum is worshipped in Elephantine, a city with rocks that
resemble elephants, representing the phallus, the red root
The initiates of the Mystery religion, 'followers of Horus', the
Transfigured Ones are given DMT and taught the insights about
transcendental existence in rituals involving Iron,B‘ja, or the
‗Divine Metal‘, the iron meteorites-as described in the Pyramid
Texts, following the example of Osiris. Stones are used to layer in
lower vibrational entities, a process where a high amount of iron
or lead in the blood is helpful. They are learned to go in a trance
to channel, so when the pyramid is used to consult the
clairvoyants and to access 4D, it is a sort of a timegate (‗Boat of
Millions of Years‘)/stargate, related to the psychedelic blue water
lily/Lilith. The cow shaped sistrum is used as a instrument to
reach 4D in a shamanistic trance before the ark.
The secret knowledge is associated with Lucifers children: the
Sirian dog Anubis (Hermanubis), the conductive fluid Mercury
and the planet Mercury (Sumerian Nabu), the planet closest to
the sun. Because rabbits have a high libido, keepers of the
knowledge about ascension are depicted with headdress with 2
plumes or rabbit/ hare ears, the later Hat of Hermes/mount
Hermon of enlightened, ascended masters, RAbbi(t) priests
(capricorn rules the knees and hair/hare). Because of the gnostic
mystery religion, Egypt, a country with almost no trees, is known
as the Land of the Tree and the Serpent. Egypt itself is build
according to star maps and human anatomy, where the Nile is
the serpent/Kundalini energy, rising from the lowest chakra
Elephantine, from Upper Egypt, the loin ruled by Seth and his
temptations, to the sun city Iunu, ruled by Osiris. Oz (osiris,
Ashtar) his phallus: Carrot=chariot with 4 horses. The owl
symbol with OTO eyes also represents gnosis, the morning star,
the only god who is shown with both eyes and not in profile.

The architects, are revered as gods wearing a measuring rod,

tuning forks to levitate and a resurrection staff or an Ankh. The
temple priests and nomarchs, regional kings are the actual rulers
of Egypt. The priestkings call themselves Pharaos, light of the
Gods and are also baptised, annointed with reptilian body fluids.
Crocodiles can send a frequency underwater for mating, that
makes the water seem to dance. The Egyptian people are made to
believe the oil, the sweat of the Orion shaped Holy
crocodile Sobek (associated with Set) is filled with magical
fertility and the reason why their hybrid reptilian kings live
much longer. They believe the Nile was created from the sweat of
the crocodile Sobek and that the crocodile, being green created
green nature, the fertile soil of the Nile. After death they are
annointed again. Born from a virgin means being born from the
MeSSeh, the crocodile star so born as a reptilian hybrid.
Saturn/Set his wife, Isis as the evil hippo Tauret with a crocodile
on its back is pictured at the celestial northpole, riding a plough
like an ox-keeper. The big and small dipper, 2 ankhs, the 2
arses/vagina of Isis and Nephtys (good and evil, 6/9, pouring out
dawn, creating a spiral) are also seen as 2 beavers, producing
castor oil. The pharaos carry a was-scepter with goathead, of the
phallic power of Set/Saturn.
While intitiates know the mythical white hoama-plant (Soma in
Sanskrit) is a metaphor for the oily substance in the claustrum,
the masses are given a substance made of opium, called
Parahaoama to feed their superstition about the Holy oil. The
pharaos and priests wear animal masks and are portrayed as
such. The elite of Annunaki origin wear the winged solar disk
with serpent emblem on their elongated skulls. They also wear
extra serpents on their hats, on the spot of their 3d eye and a
black beard like the horned mountain goats differentiate
themselves from the sheep.

Humans perform circumsizion of the foreskin, in rememberance

of Saturn emasculating Uranus and to be like their androgynous
reptilian gods. The importance of the iron ball is remembered
through the legend of Horus losing a testicle, explaining the
infertile desert (Set).
Red peppers, seen as a bull horn, a penis of the earth to ward off
the Evil Eye, are also used in Phoenicia to produce white papyrus
for writing paper and papyrus boats (moon as Twt/Txt as bringer
of the pen/penis, the written word). To explain the tree of life
concept of the human nerve system Horus and Set, (good and evil,
alkaloid and acid) are shown binding papyrus plants as lower
nerves of the inferior chakra's, of lower egypt and the lotus
plant/psychedelic blue water lilies as nerves of the superior
chakra's of upper egypt, together in the middle, in the solar
plexus. Boats or Bar-qos are symbols of half moon sickle/bull
horns with a male and female pole, of the sun that travels
through the underworld.
The cherubim of the Ark, the shoulders of Orion are sometimes
pictured as Isis and Nephtys, 2 lionesses, forming a stargate.
When a child is born, 2 midwives also play the role of lioness.
They swallow a mixture of honey and fenugreek, or a vaginal
suppository whose ingredients include incense, beer and fly dung.
Spells involve a variety of magical techniques, similar to those
used for treating diseases and accidents. Horus, the child of the
black sun, Horus the Great/ Red Horus, the falcon emblem, based
on a pentagram, wears the double crown and the shen rings of
Lilith in its claws. Shen rings are symbols of the sacred number
10 (X) female circled tied to a male 1, the upper part of an ankh,
also the libra scales of sunrise and sunset, 2 blades, handles of
the sacred bar of the equinox and the battery-vases with
electrolyte blood. People worship sexual desire as winged
phalusses, mimic them by making feathered arrows. Because for
them Horus symbolizes Jupiter, the penis, he becomes the bold,
the bald dickheaded eagle, the pillar, the builder, the aqua-ila,
water bird that catches snakes. Aquarius ruled by Saturn is the
urn that flows, Aquila is the Erne, the sea-bird of Jupiter that
brings back his thunderbolts, the Adler, the elite looking for
young boys. Because of the rigged system, the elite has
foreknowledge (Prometheus). People pray to get something from
the bird of prey.

The Nephilim turn the Eye of Horus, symbol of enlightenment of

the 3d eye chakra into the symbolic all-seeing Evil Eye, at the top
of the pyramid, to mock Horus. Temples are used as Sanctuary of
Night for sacred prostitution, consuming water lily, hasjisj,
cocaine and nicotine, while Isis is depicted as the veiled bitch,
dressed in black. Toth is depicted carrying a waxen writing tablet
and serving as the recorder during the weighing of the souls of
the dead in the judgement Hall of Osiris, the key to heaven.
The girafe is considered a animal that defies gravity, the reeve of
a shire, related to Set because of its tallness, horn like cones, ox
feet and reticulated net pattern like the python. Like a guru the
girafe acts as a watchtower for his followers who can't see as far
as him. It is pictured in the north sky as constellation
Cameleopardis. Barodh:spotted =>pardos. Like horses, girafes
and their long neck represent the bars, the longitudinal lines,
while its net like pattern represent the lines of latitude.
Minoan civilisation
European megalithic structures are built for the cow-goddess of
fertility. The worshipping of bulls as symbol of virility spreads to
Crete, France, England, India and Spain. The commercial growth
of olives makes the Minoan civilisation wealthy.

Jupiter= the Egyptian black phallus moon deity Min, when light
diminishes, and king Minos of theMinoan civilisation in Crete
(Cri-ti, creation). The Minoans are known gnostics. Gnosis =>
Gnossos/Knossos.Lucifer/Venus=> the goat Amaltheia who
suckled God (Zeus), also Britomartis, sweet bride of Mars and the
Mino-taurus, bull of heaven. The mythological labyrinth of King
Minos= the Egyptian underground base built by the Annunaki
pole-bearers (labrys) and the mind controlled splitted mind.
Humans have to leap on a raging bull and try to ride it, to show
their manhood. As hats, they wear the first berets. The palace of
Knossos on Crete shows links with the same horns and murals,
the Saqqara complex, dynastic tomb with bull friezes and 500
mummified cattle, graves with decapitated bodies.
The vulcan Thera, the holy cow, Hathor= Hera (Boopis, cow-
eyed), who created the milkyway with her boobies. She is
connected to Cancer, house of Neptune, ruled by the moon where
Jupiter exalts, with the chair/chariot symbol, drawn by firebirds.
The pearl is another symbol of the seed of Lucifer and cancer,
hence the pearly gates of heaven. Jupiter is both the fertilizer (
rules the stomach, providing stercus, feces, bull-shit) and sower
(providing hercus, semen). Orion, the hero Gilgamesh= Hera-
kles/Hercules with lion skin. His dog= Sirius, the falcon/eagle of
spring equinox=Achilles. Snails are used to extract blue and
purple dye from, an item and form of currency for luxury trade for
the priests, the ruling classes.They use the symbol of the trident
on their coins, power over heaven, earth and hell, Psi-abilities.
Enki, the fish-god Oannes son of Saturn, Set =Tan/ Poseidon, also
god of earthquakes. Saturn and his 3 suns Neptune, Jupiter and
Pluto => Noa and his sons Ham, Shem and Japhet. Horus and
Set (day and night) could be depicted as one man with 2 faces.
The island Dia (another word for Jupiter/Zeus) near Creta is the
origin of the Khan/Cohen priests who also use the trident for
offerings to Baal.
Tiamat is called Phaeton, the son of Helios who crashed his sun
chariot. The duality of Lucifer is shown in animals (white horses,
white bulls, white wolves: the sun, male sexuality, alcohol while
dark horses, bulls: Venus, the night, nightmares).
On the border of China and Tibet a space ship crashes of the
Dropa humanoids, containing the Dropa stone discs.

Scarabs (Saracene Arabs) and inhabitants of Hadramouth

(Hydra-mouth, later Rey del Taurus) move to Jemen.
The Orion/Aryans (ari meaning lion) invade Asian countries like
India, inhabited by Asian tribes and Neanderthals, beginning
of Hinduism (Hinduistic caste system based on reptilian
hierarchy), spread the knowledge about the A(t)um /Ohm-
frequency. The ormus powder =the sacred ash Vibhuti. Cities like
Mohenjo-Daro with the bull motive. Their gods also carry the
trident and have blueish skin and pinecone shaped heads. Lucifer
is symbolized by the lotus Nymphea Nucifera, with its distinctive
roots and seeds, resembling the flower of life, rich in P. Its roots
are chopped off and eaten as first chips. Mercury/vermillion is
used to mark the pineal with a red dot as a sign of Luciferian
fertility. Lucifer as creator Khnum, the root chakra worshipped in
Elephantine=> red elephant/phallus faced Ganesha.
In Persia, the stars Fomalhaut (mouth of the fish, winter
soulstice), Aldebaran (bull's eye, vernal equinox), Regulus (the
heart of the lion, summer solstice) and Antares (scorpio,
autumnal equinox) are considered the 4 Royal Stars, cardinal
points, good and evil, east-north-west-south. The Amanita
Muscaria surface becomes the weaved, flying carpet.
Past 5 : 6000 - 0
Mayans and Aztecs
The Nordics sail to Peru and creates the Olmec and Aztec culture
with central sun deity Ra. Toth's moon based calendar=the
Mayan calendar. Olmec heads have the long ears and features of
african reptilian hybrids.
Lucifer, the tall man, mastering the secrets of DNA, arts and
time= Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, the serpent Nakosh
(shining one) of Adam and Eve, the evening and morining star
who made the sun and the moon shine. In his T-form he is the
god of wind, of Holy Breath, wearing the golden ratio conch shell.
His alter ego= Xolotl. Buildings with T-shaped doorways or
windows symbolize the Sacred Tree at the Center of the World
(axis mundi) upon which the shaman's spirit may climb. It is the
portal leading to the Great Spirit, through which the breath of
life may pass. Its counterpart, the T-shaped stone stands for
Eden=mountain. Like the serpent was cast out of paradise, the
wavy serpent is at the bottom of the Mayan pyramids. During
sacrifice, when the sun is above the pyramid, the red blood
gushes down the pyramid stairs (the reason the royals still climb
stairs on a red carpet, the blood of their slaves). All the blood is
gathered in a pit for drinking and the bones are crushed to make
charcoal to light new fire for sacrifice and so on.

Anubis= the dog Oc, the guide of the sun in the underworld. The
Olmec heads are based on black slaves, stolen from West-Africa (
more reptilian bloodlines). Like the moai of Eastern Isand, they
are made of basalt and have square jaws and large, long ears. The
heads wear psychoacoustic helmets that work as amplifiers. Like
ancient Tibetan metal singing bowls, the helmets are produced
from different metals to induce hemispheric synchronization in
the brain, and a unified biorhythmic pulsation of the heart with
the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. Morning glory
flowers are used as a drug and its sulphur to vulcanize the rubber
of their balls. The holy breath process= the holy mountain with 2
rivers, one streaming upward. Aztecs call Isis, fertility sea goddes
Huixtocihuatl, goddess of salt, sister of rain god Tlaloc.
All across the world, the swastika symbol is used. Pyramid of
Caral in Peru, civilisation in Chan chan city with a top-down
pyramid society where the elite developes a basic telephone
communication system with cones and electric conductors.
Humanoids from Procyon, who also have contact with the
reptilians and Syrians, teach the indigenous people about plants.
Blue eyes are considered sacred. Under influence of the
reptilians, people are painted indigo blue and than sacrificed,
thrown into a pit with water (based on Da'at, 'the abyss', access to
the underworld of the tree of life pattern).
As a metaphor of the sun's journey, 2 groups have to kick a black
ball through 2 rings of circling snakes on a ball court. Depending
on the mercy of the 'gods' who decide wether somebody can live or
die, the losers will eventually be burned and decapitated on top of
the pyramid. They call the Lapis Exilis stone the Tecpatl and the
sacrificial knives from white flint to cut out human hearts,
represent the stone. Each year 20.000 people are sacrificed to
Lucifer as the sun god Tonatiuh, holding human hearts in its
claws and the reptilian overlords Coatlicue. Sacrifes are made for
the sun of GodHuitipochtli, so at winter solstice he can be
reborn on top of Coatepec, snake hill. The heads of decapitated
virgins are placed in the Coyolxauhqui stone, at the bottom of his
Boys pearce their ears with pierced bulla during summer solstice.
Most sacrifice are made before vernal equinox, festival of the sun.
The pyramids are connected to underground cities so the
reptilians can control the elite and ask for blood sacrifice. Llamas
(descendants of camels) and red haired children are drugged with
coca and alcohol and than sacrificed in vulcanoes because they
are also mountains of Luciferian fire. The mysteries are passed
on from Alaska, to the Guineans (Indians), Mayans and Amazons
where the vine and the potion is called Ayuhuasca. Their temple
complexes are filled with snails like the golden ratio-caracol.
Period of genetic engineering by the greys on cows, horses, sheep.
Tribes in Sego Utah paint the owl entities in their caves.
4670 The Tribe of Dan (Aeolians from Thessaly, the black sea)
moves from Asia minor to a region they call Lacedaemon, the
spirit Ammon of Lace, the axe, the lake. Sparta, Greece, known
as the Danaos, Yçbardans, the sown men. Young boys are pitted
against each other in the Kryptea for a death match/cock fight. As
the beginning of a young man‘s military career, they have to start
an officially sanctioned sexual relationship with an older man
before becoming adults.
Origin of the legend of the red haired Menelaus and Helena
(Selena, the moon) as a new version of the gnostic creation story.
The story of the abduction of Helene, is the conquering of the
moon (helix coming from the turning wheel=Troy). The moon cult
of Helena is centered in Laconia around plane trees. They wear
red plumes on their helmets as roosters of golden dawn and the
lambda phallus symbol on their shield. As kings of the earth, they
were supposedly born from the river Euro-tas, the moldy clay
river, as amber tears falling from the cosmic tree, the celestial
northpole turning point. Lucifer/venus, the morning star, orange
sun in the garden of the Persian gulf (Paradis)=the golden apple
from Isis/Paris from Troy. Paradise is the 6 monts of light that
castrates the old sun Achilles. 40 days of abstinence=40 warriors
in the horse of Troy, hippo metaphor for the phallus, the walls of
Troy metaphor for vulva. Apsu/Poseidon who sends 2 serpents to
kill Laocoon=the 2 serpents of Abraxas, the black sun,the 2
dioscouros horsemen Castor and Pollux. Lucifer/Venus as the
rose, the bringer of dawn is associated with pink, the color of
The Set/Saturn worshipping Typhonians, the red haired sea-
faring people of fishers are calledPhoenicians (from Phoinos
'blood red'). Mystery teachings about DMT and the acacia tree of
life/coffin of Osiris from Egypt reach Phoenicia with cities like
Tyre who become known for producing purple clothing, myth of
purple phoenix heron bird.
Others create the Silk Road, immigrate to the Tarim bassin,
China, where they are known as Tocharians.
4600 At the necropolis in Varna, Bulgaria, men are buried with
golden rings, golden penis sheaths. Sacrifice is made at an
omphalos stone, a stone marking an important leyline, with
hexagonal lettuce pattern. Sites like Krasnosamarskoe in Poland
and Russia, winter sacrifice of the koryos, the canine creatures
who attack the cattle.
4000 Genetic Disk, Colombia. Rock carvings of reptilians wearing
crosses, Bohuslän, Sweden.
In Sumer Enlil and his sons order the building of a new
city, Uruk (Erech) with ziggurats for sacrife, well irrigated by an
elaborate canal system. As part of the moon cult of
Inanna/lshtar,queen of the night, goddess of fertility a kakum, a
red temple is built, next to the district dedicated to Anu. At the
kakum all the wheat reserves are kept. All farmers are given
coins for their wheat as first mo(o)ney(gold - the sun, silver - the
moon, bronze for wheat), with Ishtar on it. The coins are than
used as payment for the whores of Babylon, sacred prostitution at
the temple, where priestesses in trance serve as oracles and
women have to have sex with a stranger in the temple, at least
once. Use of warka vases to sprinkle earthmilk, electrified water
('sweet waters'), depicting ox and sheep.
3600 In Malta the Phoenicia giants build neolithic complexes like
Hagar qim, the Ggiantja, a temple and 'tower of the giants' for
animal sacrifice and a cave/underground temple as a necropolis
for 7000 people. It contains trilithons, snakepits and an oracle
room for brainwave entrainment with ceiling serving as a wave
guide, causing echos of 8 seconds, felt throughout the body. It has
a strong acoustic resonance of 70 Hz, the frequency of 4D astral
projection and 114 Hz, a frequency that makes the brain shift
from left to right dominance. The site is build like a beehive, as
one of the last matriarchal societies, worshipping the queen bee.

3108 In the Indus Valley there is continuous wars against

neighboring city-states for the purpose of taking captives for
sacrifice to the gods, as divinely-sanctioned holy war.
Druïds, 'men of the oak trees' in Germany develop culture with
ornaments of gold and amber (barnstein). Like the
Sumerians/Babylonians, they perform rituals at Bel-thane on
May 1st, May Day, like the burning of children in the belly of a
huge wicker effigy of a man.
In 3000 bc the star Thuba of Draco is the north star. In astrology
the dragon snake attempts to coil around Ursa Minor, the flock,
the sheep of God. In Sumer, the Semite Sargon of Annunaki
descent establishes new capital city, Agade (Akkad) for Jupiter,
the thunder god and launches the Akkadian empire. Similar to
the fish god Oannes so the priest dress up like fishes.

Under his giant grandson Naram-Sin, wearing his royal bull

crown, the Akkadian empire reaches its maximum strentgh.
In Lagash the elite has harems to satisfy their hare libido,
controlled by slaves, castrated because they are related to V-enus
and so they can not establish dynasties and can easily be killed
(eunuchs, spados). King Gudea builds a ziggurat-temple for
Ninurta. Saturn-Venus =>Ashtar and Astarte (astaroth). The
temple prostitutes are called quadesh, dedicated, consacred
Hor(u)ses are a symbol of the cardinal points, pulling the wheel of
time ( 2 equus=equinox). They are a symbol of the elite and army,
of dark, wild, sexual power (night-mare, Orion has a horse
nebula), the shore of the sea, underworld spirit (hippo), of mind-
altering substances like cocain/heroïn. Enki is not only viewed as
sea-goat but also sea-horse. The stubborn donkeys with V-ears
are also ass-ociated with Capricorn, the long eared, red haired
people, Hyades, the underworld. Horses are used for races in
black/white race wars.
Quain/Khan/king => land of Canaan, Canis Major. In Canaan, at
the location now known as Beth-lehem, a fertility temple is built
(Beit Lachama, the House of La chama, house of bread/food, the
granary) with a shrine for Tammuz, because it has a good water
supply. At the Black Sea Phoenicians build the Scythian empire
(scythe=the sickle of Saturn). It is a common practice amongst the
reptilian/Nephilim kings to slay their father to gain power, like
Saturn slaying Uranus and the story of Set castrating Osiris,
throwing the fallus in the water. In Phoenicia the Canaanite
rulerCronus builds the city Gubal (origin of El, later Byblos). In
the 32d year of his reign he castrates and kills his father
Autochthon, deifies himself. The Phoenicians conquer the forest
of Enlil with its cedars so Phoenicia (modern Libanon) is known
for its cedar trees, also a symbolic victory/castration of their
earlier gods.
The large Scythians raise their women as androgyn warriors.
Their right breast is amputated with a red hot iron, to wear their
bow (the mythical A-mazons, without breast). They call
themselves daughters of Mars and worship the moon as Artemis.
Wearing lion skins and fighting with bows and the sagaris war
hammer, they become the archetype of the Orion female warrior,
with Herakles/Hercules as male counterpart. Scythians also
castrate their horses, to make them more calm war horses
(gelding horses, or barren, make them colder, take his gold, like
Jupiter castrated Saturn). The river Eridanus is a constellation in
the sky, that springs from the foot of Orion (mountain=hill=heel).
Orion is depicted as a female Amazon warrior, who cut off her
right breast so she could carry her bow, another worship of
genderless bloodthirst.
Bedouins keep their milk in stomachs of sheep or cattle, creating
a sort of yogurt.
2100–2000 Earliest Sumerian Gilgamesh poems 3d dynasty of Ur.
Fall of Sumerian civilisation, the royal AbRaham bloodlines move
to Haran, Enlil and the other Annunaki depart. Because the
patriarchs no longer have access to starfire, their lifespan
The Egyptians worship the black sun as Amun-Ra. Ammos:sand
of the desert. Salt of Amun=amonia, found on Jupiter, in reptiles,
aquatic animals and fertilizers like urine. Hippocampus in our
brain: the horn of Amon.
2200 In Egypt the priests as descendants from Lucifer, the goat
Djedet/Mendes, found the Court of the Dragon, using the Nibiru
rose cross and the goat of Mendes as their symbol. They let
women copulate openly with goats. Queen Sobeknefru of the
12th dynasty opens the mystery school of Ankhfn-khonsu to the
Phoenician/Scythian kings . As these kings annoint themselves
with the fat of reptilians, of the Dragon, the sacred crocodile, they
are referred to the Great Dragon or King of kings. Amenemhat 2
puts a statue of his face on the sphinx of Anubis.
2100 The story about the flood is put in scriptures. In regions like
Nepal the Veda's take form (the sacred oil is called Soma) and in
Sumer, the Sumerian tablets: The Epic of Gilgamesh. The
Annunaki destroy 2 Canaanite cities with nuclear weapons
(mythical Sodom and Gomorrah), because they are centres of
gnosticism. Aboriginals paint the Greys (the Wandjina who
created the landscape) in their caves.
2000 Phaestos disk Crete. Crete/ Mycenae becomes dominant city
in South Greece with the reocurring Lion's gate. Phoenicians
(mythical red haired Cadmus, prince of the city Tyre found
another city of Thebes in Greece and introduce the Phoenician
alphabet to the Greeks. The ritual union of Saturn-Venus at the
Holy Mountain, with their Creta Ropa (clothes of creation, naked)
=>the myth of Enlil/ Zeus who abducts Eu-ropa, the Phoenician
woman with a broad round face with pronounced chin like the
broad faced cow goddess Hathor. Europa and her pronounced chin
becomes the icon of Greek female beauty. Crete ( chalk) also
refers to the magic white manna powder.
In Chaldea and Persia ancient Zurvanism, based on a neutral
God revives as teachings of Zoroaster/Zarathustra, about the
Nordics as white spirits, Ahura Mazda. Their caste of
priest/astrologers are called Magi. Gods of rebirth, like Mithra
have an ouroboros as a halo, a ring around their waiste or a circle
around their body.
Silk, made by arachnids, moths, mayflies, beetles becomes
popular as the product of Saturn, symbolic of weaving DNA
snakes. The trade leads to the Sillk Road, similar to the road the
Wanderers followed before the flood.
2600 - 300 The black Nubians from Caucus range, the result of
genetic mixing Nephilim and East Indian aborigines build the
Kingdom of Cush and also build pyramids. The H also becomes
the shape of a throne. In Akhmim, Egypt Lucifer/Set is also
worshipped as phallus god Min (- in contrast with +) with erect
penis, also by men who work in mines. During the Min festival in
the last month of summer, Nubians climb poles before Min, to
erect a large tent and a white bull with sun disk is paraded. He is
linked to pinecone shaped long-leaf lettuce, an Egyptian
aphrodisiac, which secretes a milky substance, used in
homosexual rituals with captives. As part of rape and torture, the
whip/flagstaff and erect penis of Min becomes symbol of victory,
pillar of severity. Pharaos as masters of the world, ceremonially
masturbate in the Nile and carry a bull's tail.
1800 In Babylon, Hammurabi receives his code of law from
Marduk. He builds a ziggurat as high as a skyscraper. As a
continuation of the Orion-Sirius war he conquers Mari (Syria)
and the Babylonian empire.
The Nephilim (Canaanites, Hebrews and Philistine/Palestines)
worship Isis the mother goddess as Astarte. As the hybrid
shepherd kings (Hyk-sos), the blonde nordics like Yuya and his
wife Tjuyu/Thuya and their children Ay and Tiye gain more
influence as military noblemen on the Egyptian royal court, as
vizier or cup-bearer, meaning a private scorcerer/shaman,
initiated in Iunu/Heliopolis. Trade with the region now known as
Denmark makes the eilte wear the same beads in their ears. They
fight with bows and horse-drawn war chariots. Women of the
'divine' bloodlines wear blue headdress around their elongated
skulls, linked to Tefnut. Because of the reptilian hybridisation
diseases occur like leprosy and specific traits like gouging eyes
and a stiff upper lip.
In the rest of Africa the same religion is practised as a mask
wearing medicine man/priest class practicing Voodoo. The tribes
worship lizards, jackyls, the amphibian fish gods and and paint
themselves, practice circumsizing, mutilating clitorises, killing
homosexuals because of their creation myth involving a twin and
a serpent. The Dogon celebrate the coming of Lucifer/Venus as
Sigu Tolo.
The Hittites worship stones as Huwasi stones, give them food and
water, wash and annoint them. They call Isis/Inanna
Hannahanna, the grandmother. Lucifer, the embodiment of
golden crops=Telipinu, worshipped every 9 years with 1000 sheep
and 50 oxen as an oaktree.
1600 Making of the Nebra sky disk showing the Black sun at the
Pleiades in Germany. Concept of golden phallus => swords.
1500 The 'blow of Thera', the eruption of the vulcan Thera,
meteors, comets and their parasites destroy most Minoan cities
and Minoan civilisation. Around the Mediteranean Sea, the red
haired Venus worshipping Phoenic-ians (the red ones) or
Canaanites develop a civilisation of trade routes and city states
like Tyre, Byblos and Sidon (Sidonia on Mars). They have the owl
and the eagle as symbol. Within these Canaanite societies the
religion of Isis-Ra-El, Israel emerges. A Druïd of the temple= a
jew, Juda, judge. They also spread their alphabet to the different
cultures (the bull sign of taurus turns into A, in Hebrew the
aleph, Bet:house). The Phoenician priests establish a production
facility in Marocco to harvest sea snails so they can be used to dye
the clothes of the priests with Tyrian purple, indigo or turquose.
1457 Battle at mount Megiddo (biblical Armageddon) at 33th
parallel, confrontation between Egypt and Canaanite serpent
worshipping vasal states. At the temple of Har Meggido, huge
amounts of bones are kept of ritual sacrifice ('arms', as weapens
to 'harm' others).
1400 The Annunaki bloodlines rule Anatolia (Turkey) as the
Hittite empire from their capital Hattusa with sphinxes and lion's
gate.Through Hurrian and Hittite culture, Persian monotheïsm of
Zoroaster, spreads to Egypt as Atenism.
The Egyptian pharao Thut-moses the 3d (child of Toth, King
David supposedly reigned 33 years) as an active conqueror,
transforms Egypt into a superpower. He defeats the Tribe of Dan,
the Set worshiping Sumerian shepherd kings, the Hyksos
invaders (kills Goliath with his Rock).The order of the serpent
Zadokite priest class, Zionists and the Egyptian Dragon court
becomes the House of Judea (with the Merkaba, star of David,
Enki's wormhole, created by union of male and female energy,
666). He knows the priests of Amun are becoming too powerful.
He pretends to be part of their religion but supports the mystery
school Order of the Rose Cross and supports the Aten priests of
Iannu, loyal to the throne. The initiates are called therapuetae,
physicians of the soul. They develop techniques like sungazing
and meditating with healing rods, copper and zinc tubes,
containing hardened coal and magnetite. The symbol of the
upright, centered red cross in a circle, the mark of Quaïn=the
Rose Cross, sign of the holy bloodline, the Holy Grail.
His son Amenhotep 2, whose mummy is still intact, has red hair
and reptilian scales under his skin. His son Amenhotep 3 also
has knowledge of the Qaballa, is an alchemist and summons
demons as necromancer. King Sol-omon= the spirit of sun and
moon, universal Illumination in hieros gamos, sexual union. The
dome, temple, union of Solomon, Hieron Solomon => Jerusalem,
built on 7 hills (shalom:peace, P from sacrifice, tearing people to
pieces), built according sun/moon proportions. Mind control
through sodomy, sending an electrical signal, a vasovagal shot
that breaks up the brainstem, causing seizure, and white flashes
of light in the brain= the Key of Solomon.
Amenhotep sends his daughters to Phoenicia to gain influence.
The Nephilim build Palmyra and the temple of Enlil/Jupiter
at Baalbek ( the Lord of the source river, another Heliopolis) for
them, on a stone structure of 3 monoliths of Mount Hermon.
Because they use the same sound wave levitating technique, they
are called Djenoun, genies in service of King Solomon. The ark is
worshipped asBaal, the lord of the rings, the black sun Saturn.
1394 In his palace, his wife Queen Tiyee (=linked to queen
Sheba, queen of seven-the morning star), a red haired black
woman with elongated skull, connected to the bloodline of the
Nordic Yuya,gives birth to Akhuen-Aton (='Golden eye', =Moses,
=Menelik). His mother favors him but he is ignored by the rest of
his family because he is an androgynous bastard child, a hybrid
with black skin, natural black lined almond eyes, less dense bone
structure, larger brain size. Moses=from the sea, crocodile shaped
boat, reptilian Nephilim descent. He moves to Anu/Heliopolis, for
his education under the supervision of snake priests of the black
sun Aten (Saturn, a circle within a circle). They teach him how to
make the white substance manna/ORME, stored in the Ark.
Because of his unusual wide hips, he sees himself as a life-giver.
1352 After the death of Tuthmose, his big brother, at the peak of
Egypt's imperial glory, his mother lets him ascend the throne. As
a pharao, he tries to restore the original Atlantean/Egyptian
religion, to convert the Egyptians from the fear-based polytheïsm
of idols, sacrifice and magic amulets of Amun back to a single
controlling intelligence, represented by a sun disk. The Ankh, gift
of the life giving sun, phi 1.619 =>4 letter word YHVH, Yahweh,
representing the 4 realms, 4 elements with spirit as something
too holy to pronounce. He rides in a chariot of electrum/amber.
1346 After his vision about the Aten between 2 mountains, he
builds the city Amarna as one big sun gate to worship Aten,
hermaphrodite with a fallus/lingam and a vulva/yoni, between
Cairo and Luxor. Sungazing is a daily morning ritual. Aten=>
Day of atonement.
The priests dispise him for teaching that they are no longer
needed because God is everywhere, in everything. His mother
tries to avoid conflict but when she dies Moses becomes
tyrannical. He orders his army to disband the priesthood and
deface their idols. He becomes involved with
theLevites, (levitators) a sect of monks. They preach to the
Habiru (Nibiru =>Hebrew), an unpopular nomadic people of low
class mercenaries, raiders and thiefs from the North, they incite
war and massacre of races, invent rules and regulations, teach
the 'promised land of milk and honey' is something to be taken
literal. They worship the moon as Yam and Jupiter the storm god
as Indra. Atenism becomes a patriarchal faith.
Horemheb, Ramses 1 and Seti (Beloved of Enki), plan a military
coup against him. To prevent civil war, he abdicates the throne to
his son Tutanchaten who changes his name into Tutanchamun
and restores the old religion.
The pyramids combine male - and female+ energy, the sun and
moon (Mount Horeb, glowing heat of Horus and Mount Sinai,
mountain of the moon). In the main pyramid, through the vortex
of the ark, he experiences a projection of the Draco that deludes
him into thinking he is God. He writes down the Ten
Commandments (=Spell 125 in the Egyptian Book of the Dead).
The Levites write the Tora (words of the thunder god Thor).
Hymn to Aten= psalm 104. The knowledge about Holy Breath
process of abstince to create the Holy Bread is passed on
(metaphor of Elijah who travels 40 days and 40 nights to the cave
of Mount Horeb, 'mountain of the sun'). Lunar cult of the Moon
=>Monotheïsm. Mount Sinai=Hagar who gave birth to Ishmael.
When his followers still continue to worship bulls by building a
golden calf, Akhenaton kills them and melts the golden calf in the
ark. Grounded to powder, he straws it on the water and lets the
Habiru drink of it. Because reptilians can have golden irises, the
powder of gold in water is called the 'golden tear' from the eye of
Horus or the tears of Atom who fell to the ground and made men
grow. As the eye of Horus is a symbol of the pineal in the brain,
the tear corresponds to the sella turkica bone in the optic chiasm.
As the Annunaki in Anatolia had no starfire blood or manna and
electrified water anymore they had to go 'cold turkey'. Turkeys
who have a red dewlap, similar to the golden tear are slaughtered
to remember the loss. Killing the bull: in some cases the
conquering of the cerebellum, reptilian brain, but also celebrating
the demise of the sun, return of darkness.
The melting of the Golden Calf is the symbolic end of the age of
Taurus, beginning of the Age of Aries. Because the horned ram
Aries is the constellation where the sun is reborn, the high priests
of Jupiter/Enlil in Nippur and Uruk call themselves Ibru-um/
AbRAham/Ibrahim, the Ram people, descendant of Ra, of the
goat, royal Nibiru Annunaki bloodlines. The worshippers of the
destructive power of the wormhole technology associate it with
Jupiter as Zadok/Sydyk, the child of Saturn. The priests of the
ark are called Melchi-zedek, milk of the dick. Sara-Abraham=
metaphor for the Sahara desert, moon-sun and the cere-brum,
part of the brain with the higher mind. They create propaganda
to promote the sacrifice rams and first born children at BayRAMs
(Abraham, asked to sacrifice his son at Mount Moriah after 70
days of RAMadan). They make a distinction in their propaganda
between the brothers Lucifer/Enki as the lord and the 'lofty
mountain' of Jupiter/Enlil as the angry, punishing god
of Jehova. The Aryans who see themselves as Ari, the lion, the
light of God, connected to Aries= the angel Ari-el.

After 25 years Akhenaton returns to claim the throne, showing

his royal powers in a ritual through technology and is instantly
declared king. However, Ramses and Seti still own the army and
he must flee.
The followers of Akhenaton, the Habiru/Hebrew, led by the
patriarchal Atenists become the Is-ra-elites of the bible,
practising Judaism (worshipping Jew-Piter). They are chased
by Seti during the 19th Dynasty, and they take with them a red
haired caricature of Set as their 'Satan'. The knowledge is passed
on as hermetic literature ('the Ark is hidden in a cave under the
mountain Nebo', Mercury). A legend is created where Horus (as
Akhenaton) fights a battle on top of Mount Nebo, his eye is
damaged and killed.
They are the so-called Last Kings, Raiders of the Ark. After the
exodus, the ark ends up in Palestine (Philistine=Phoenicia),
where it is stored in the temple of Hierosalima-Jerusalim, in the
SS-sigilum solomonis, the Holy of Holies of Solomon's temple. The
temple, based on the Tree of Life, has an entrance of 2 pillars,
white and black, Isis and Nephtys, depicts cherubim of the ark.
Freemasons of the Dragon court with access to the knowledge call
themselves Templars. Frustrated because he lost his kingdom,
Akhenaton wants to reconquer the world.
Akhenaton (=Menelik), creating the bloodline of the beta Israel,
takes the Ark from the temple Jerusalem (origin of the
freemasonic legend of Hiram Abiff), moves it to Elephantina in a
box of acacia wood (closely linked to the tree of life and DMT). His
black descendants =the biblical Ham, cursed (for stealing the
More sacrifice with flint knives. Further research on human mind
control (Book of the Dead), how to torture somebody from a young
age to honeycomb, compertmentalize the mind and program
alters, creating bloodgroups like Rhe-, for efficiant hive mind
control. Use of hypnotism, sodomy, drugs and electric shocks to
create bloodlines of multigenerational abuse with special
abilities, by trauma based mind control (even myths describe how
Horus is raped by Set). Slaves are punished by lashing or
stabbing them in the back, where all the nerves meet. Women
who commit adultary have their noses cut off to ruin their looks.
Men caught in adultary receive beatings. Men caught raping a
freeborn woman is castrated. Candidates for mystery schools are
led to 3 rooms, in the last chamber they are exposed to extreme
fear and danger, like fighting a wild animal. Victims are
programmed to self-destruct round age 33. The labyrinth becomes
a symbol of the mind controlled mind, the trident (Hebrew
Shin/Sin) of the split mind, gaing 'illumination', psi-abilities,
endurance,photographic memory..
Akhenaton produces offspring with his niece Nefertiti and with
his mother Tiye. One of the children of Akhenaton and another of
his sisters and wives is the white Tut-ankh-amon. He has large
eyes and OTO-shaped brow ridges. Eventually his wife and half-
sister has a number of miscarriages of small Grays. Because of
deformation of his left foot, he walks with a cane. He restores the
Amon-Ra religion but is murdered. He is mummified with an
erect penis, and buried without heart. Because of his reptilian
DNA, he spontaneously combusts. His grave also contains a
ceremonial dagger of meteorite and leaves of the sacred olive tree,
source of P and oil for lamps. Genetic experiments lead to leprosy
and albino's (vitiligo, becoming white), the plagues of the bible.
The cruel Nefertiti becomes the bear of Ursa Major, chasing her

The templars of the Hebrews and the Nazarene sect take his
story as the foundation of the story of their prophet Jesus. The
Persian word for adversary is 'shaitan'. The dualistic thinking
Essene sect, a branch of the Rosicrucian order consider every
adversary or heretic to their sect as as a Shaitan/Satan, a
scapegoat for all evil. A Min also becomes a heretic, non jew(jew-
piter worshipper). The Cohens (serpent priests), the jews who
have the juice, who deliver the 'Holy oil' of reptilian fat and
handle the ark, have 12 stones in their breastplate, 12 hours=>
the 12 tribes. 12 leaves of showbread with manna are served on a
special acacia table for the priests, as the body of their god. Their
candles in the temple:7 pleiades, home of the lord. Saturn=L, the
12th letter Lamed ('erect'), the crook, the ox goad to spur the lazy
animals. They circumsize on the 8th day, nr of Saturn.
Hiram Abiff, king of Tyre (other word for mercury) at 33th
parallel, who helped the templars is worshipped as the new
Horus, Hrmachis.They perform the holy kiss, the sacred Saturn-
Venus prostitution as Succoth-Benoth in a box-like
booth/tabernacle with goat hair curtains on the Mount of Olives.
Waving the 4 species=weaving DNA with the 4 building blocks.
Etrog:the breast/womb, lulav:penus and 2 testicles, the 3-fold
grain Virgo holds in her hand. Like the Egyptians they build
their cities, based on the tree of life, with the Jodan as
spine/milkyway. Gaza:she-goat, Capricorn. They prepare during
lent, eating lentils in cholent (hot). Their booths where it gets
hot=hotels. The vagina, cave of the Ram=room, also X, House of
the Million (Saturn has 1000 names), the mill of rumors.
During the slow period of the ecliptic, to prepare for the spring
festival, they eat beans (lent-lentils-printemps). As a heliotropic
(sun-turning) vine plant it is a symbol of the testicles, the DNA
seeds of the penis, Pea's of Lucifer.
Meritaten (blood provider of Aten), the long headed daughter of
Akhenaton, also known as Scota. She, her Scythian husband,
their son Goidel Glas and their people flee from Egypt.
Akhenaton's vizier (the mythical Joseph or Bar-nabas) becomes
the new embodiment of Lucifer, the antichrist rebel who stole the
fire from the Gods. The strange features of the Atlantean
Akhenaton bloodline (long spider like fingers, long limbs, sunken
chest, larger pelvis, cleft palate- baring upper teeth like Ammun,
epilepsy-the holy disease)=Marfan syndrome. Pharaos like Siptah
have another holy disease, cerebral palsy: being born to early
through caesar section (Saturn is the Caesar, the harvester), stiff
muscles, having seizures,..
Akhuenaton, the sun=Hi-Ram Abiff, the son of a black widow.
With his scorpion fingers and hook sceptre he represents the
Scorpio who stung Orion. He also is the archetype of the new
Horus, with one eye poked out. Jews wear the Saturnian cube on
their head as a Tefillin. Sea peoples like the Tribe of Dan attack
and raid Egypt.
1274 Battle of Qadesh (Isis) in Syria between the Egyptian and
Hittite empire.
1259 Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty between Seti's son, the red
haired Nordic pharaoh Rameses 2, and Hittite King Hattuseli 3.
Ramses 2 builds Abu Simbel, a temple cut out of rock to brag
about his supposed victory. Next to queen Nefertari, he has more
than 200 wives and fathers more than 100 children. The high
priests of Amun at Thebes become hereditary monarchs, the real
governors of Upper Egypt, owning all the temple lands and ships.
Rameses 3 sacrifices more than 400.000 live stock in the temple
of Amun at Karnak. Castor oil is so essential for the Egyptians,
they are paid partly in oil and strike breaks out when they are
denied oil.Oil and fat is used to make cream, pomades and
perfumes, shaped into balls or cones. Many Egyptians shave their
hair (wax, like the moon) and wear wigs of braided hair mixed
with beeswax and resin, attached to a net. The sun/dragon as
ruling 13th zodiac sign, as jellyfish with hair like snakes=the
Lybian goddess Medusa. In 1200, the Hittite empire falls.

1000 In the Elam empire (modern Iran), Naqsh-e Rustam is

build, an altar for the Holy Trinity with three doors inside 3
crosses, by Aryans. The cube to worship Saturn is now called
Kabba or cube of Zoroaster (Zarathustra, the golden camel). The
Aryans are depicted as Ahura Mazda, connected to Enki and
Enlil (Ashura), the Lord giving the ourobouros ring of power to
Ardashir 1.
In the region where their giant ancestors lived, Berbers and
Phoenicians found Leptis Magna (Lybia) at a river providing
freshwater from inner earth.
the Argonauts
Scota and her people conquer Brittain and Ireland from the
Tuatha de Dana. They are known as the Scottish. Their son
Goidel Glas= Herakles, the Tor/tower of Glastonbury, the town
Glasgow. They worship the phallus like the Stone of Destinty.
Aryans pass through the Caucasus (become Caucasians) spread
to Northern Europe. The axis of imperial power shifts north.
As the mythical sailors in possesion of the ark, the 50 Argonauts
(nr of Sirius B orbit), they travel north and in the region now
known as Svalbard/Spitsbergen at the North pole, the
Hyperborea of their Atlantean ancestors, parallel with the Amber
Road, where there is no sunset in summer. Where they arrive
becomes the Advent Bay. The northpole, where the kabalist
knowledge of the ark (tablets of destiny) is stored in bar-acks,
becomes Arctica,with its white (k)nights of midnight sun.
Bar=the equinox where the new sun/son is born. The island in the
Barent Sea still has a town Pyramiden. The longitudinal line is
the mythical Longinus, connected to the legendary Spear of
Destiny, and the ancient electric iron rods. The polar bears are a
symbol of the poles, the polar circle = the oval, round tabula, the
white isle/axle (entrance of inner earth). Tabula rasa, the scraped
tablet is the honeycombed mind wiped of its memory. The spear
of Destiny is a longitudinal line that crosses Rome and Vienna,
used to divide west and east.
Archon=arctos (greek for 'bear'). The celestial northpole what the
Babylonians saw as a bear Dabu (its real meaning being a taboo),
becomes the 2 bears, Grosse Bar/ bear of Ursa Major and Minor,
who can bear the cold of the north. Ursa Major =Helice, the top of
the helix, the well, the lotus, the revolving vulva. She chases Ursa
minor=Melissa, the cub, the honey bee. The bear is a codeword of
the pedophilic elite with hive mind for themselves as honey-
eaters (Medved in Russian, mead beer drinker), abusing mind
controlled minors as honey-bees (P). The longitudinal lines,
degrees in a circle: the ark-angles. Black nobility, the Bar-ons.
Temperature measured by a Bar-ometre. Their ship is the
southern constellation of Argo Navis, following the milky way
river to the north, the winterhexagon (linked to the box, the
hexagon of Saturn). The mythical Thule=Dul Quarnayn, the 2
inner horns of the torsion field of the earth, entrances to inner
earth at the north and south pole.
The Egyptian sky goddess Nut => Nudd or Ludd.
Lucifer: Gwyn or Fynn (fair, white), guardian of Hades with his
dog Dormarth. His female alter is Gwen, Gwenhyfar, Guinevere
(Jennifer, Genève, Guinéa).
On Samhain (the original Haloween) the Celtic druïds impale
victims on stakes, perform incest, drink blood, practice
cannibalism, sacrifice children and animals. They dress up as
owls (stryx or witch) or other animals to invite and become
demons, to celebrate death.
The semi-nomadic red haired people in Russia, now known as
Udmurt (the meadow people), continue the practices of the
Atlantean sorcerers as Siberian shamanism, consuming , during
winter solstice festivals, wearing reindeer headdresses. Visitors
from the Tau Ceti constellation influence the Nordic race.
Greek oracles
700 In Egypt during a period of chaos the Osirian freemasons of
the 25th Dynasty persecute the original Priesthood of Set. Seth
has evolved into the Egyptian God of Chaos and destruction, the
manifestation of Apep or monstruous Typhon, son of Tartarus,
with a serpent's body. He has an ass's head, the elongated snout
of the ibis and long ears or is a headless demon with eyes placed
in his shoulders and a skull or a merkaba instead of a penis,
the Akephalos, the principle of all which burns, consumes with
red hair, representing the Phoenicians of the desert.
The king Shabaka and his Nubians move north, settle in
Memphis. He puts his stone at the temple of Enki/Ptah,
connecting himself with King Menes who founded Memphis but
he cannot stop the decay of Egypt, when it is sacked under
Assyrian (gang of Enlil) occupation. They spread African religion
of Lucifer (Min, Papa Legba with his large phallus, the rainbow
serpent Dan or Damballuh as the androgynous child of the
creator goddess Mawu) to Greece.
In the region of Phocis, on the 2 faultlines of Mount Parnassus
they become known as Delphos, foundDelphi (the brothers, from
delphys 'womb, matrix', yin and yang, the 2 fishes or dolphins).
Another meteorite Atum/Ohm-phallus stone is worshipped as
Zeus Baetylos, marking the new navel of the earth, shaped like a
pinecone beehive, covered by a woven net with beehive/hexagonal
letuce pattern as gift of the sea, with 2 eagles on top of it. The
stone is said to be spit out by Saturn (Kronos) and used by Zeus
to kill the evil, female underworld snake Pytha, of inner earth
(like Marduk killed the dragon Tiamat). The killing is re-enacted
every 8 years by a boy setting a hut, the dragon's house on fire.
The vulcano Mount Bel (now mount Etna) on the island Sic(k)ilia
is supposedly the place where Zeus castrated Saturn with his
sickle and hid the penis/snake. Sicilia has a river that provides
the magic Agate stones, of cryptocrystalline silica. Later Pytha is
seen as the male Python.
The Egyptian black magic rituals with young virgin priests and
priestesses as oracles of Amon continue. Young women are
selected to serve as the serpent priestess Pythia: on the 7th day
after a new moon, a psychic woman sits at the apex of a tripod
seat above the omphalos stone, the Holy of Holies. As a sacrificial
altar it absorbs the negative energy, creates an implosive vortex
(typhon). Through black magic and breathing hallucinogenic
ethylene fumes (methane and ethylene), that spring from the
underground, symbol of the earth's vulva, of the decomposing
body of the Py-tha/Python, she receives messages in a
shamanistic trance from 4D entities.
The Delphoi, the phi-ton is the black hole/womb from the
underworld, and its sea creatures, the breathing hole of the
dolphin/swordfish that ate Osiris' phallus. Apsu/ Poseidon is
helped by half man/half snake creatures (the Nibiru). The
Pelasgians call the part in the sky associated with Ea/Enki, the
square of Pegasus, where the holy seed, a winged horse/phallus,
the horse of Troy was born from the womb, phila-delphia, from
brotherly love.The square is also the Saturnian box of Pan-dora.
In Dodona the snake priestesses also serve as oracle in sacred oak
rituals with copper cauldrons (eikanus:cock/oak). They are called
cybeles, Peleiades or the Peleia Melaina, the black doves, after
the carrier-pigeons are used to communicate between Dodona,
Thebes and other oracles. They form a network of Thebes,
Bedhet, Suwa, Dodona that corresponds to the stars of
constellation Argo (Dodona has the same latitude as Mt Ararat ,
which was the mountain the Hebrews claim the ark landed) . The
dove becomes a symbol of messenger Mercury, of the Holy Spirit,
the Pleiades the 7 stars near Aries. The human body corresponds
to the 12 zodiac signs, the pleiades are in the top of the head
region, the higher mind, the philosopher's stone. The Cybele
mother godess also has a transgender eunuch priesthood. On
certain days they ingest black hembane and mount an annointed
hallucinogen-laced wooden staff in their vagina (the famous
broomstick witches ride on).
They develop stories about their ancestors, the legend of king
Danaus in the epic Danaïdes, Quadmus (qdm, from the east) who
slayed the dragon, his people who came from dragon's teeth (the
stones in Brittain). In Lacedaemonia/ Macedonia black magic
rituals are held at Mount Athos, the holy mountain, dedicated to
the Gigante Athos, their Nibiru ancestors.

700-600 Worshippers of Saturn give the epiteth Ba'al, the Lord of

Enki to Saturn and sacrifice children to Ba'al at Gehenna, vally
of Hinnom, surrounding Jerusalems Old City. A fire is kept
burning almost perpetually to consume the cadavers, to create
new phosphorus. From than on the place is cursed -later referred
to as Hades (Greek), Hell (Christianity) and Jahannam (islam).
This place of worship of death, Mors is Mount Moriah, mount of
the olive tree (the future Jerusalem).
641-609 Josiah, the new king of Judah destroys the altar of
600 In China the El-bloodline of the Li's is preserved. 1st camera
obscura is developed.
Babylonian Empire
The Sumerians build Babylon (Babilani, gateway of the gods),
the central city with a river called 'belly button river' on the 33th
parallel, tropic of capricorn, ruled by Saturn. The city Tuba
(horn), named after the star Tuban, at that time the pole star,
between the Big and small dipper, the tail of the constellation
Draco. They give Venus, the whore of Babylon, the nick-name
Melitta. On friday, ruled by Venus, the worship of Saturn as
Shabbatai, begins as the Sabbath. The moon is worshipped as
Nanna (the banana in the sky)/Sin, with Babylon as Sin City .
The Hurrians worship the Atlanteans who slayed the dragon as
the storm god Teshub, connected to Jupiter, also worshipped as a
bull god. He carries a lightning/trident weapon and a double
headed axe or mace. In myths he is conceived when Kumarbi
(Saturn) bit off and swallowed Anu's genitals (Uranus, the black
sun). His wife, the primordial goddess Isis/ Eve of the cedar
mountain is Heba(t).
The Babylonians worship Mars as the son of the storm god
Teshub, as the warlike Marduk, in myths the son of Enki, with
the evil eye of Ra. Marduk eclipses the cult of Enlil, becomes the
main deity of death worship in Babylon and Egypt as Ra.
Saturn/Satan has many epiteths: Baal-Hermon, Baal-Zebub (lord
of the flies, found during decompisition), Baal-Zephon (lord of the
northern wind/void) and Meri-Baal (lord of rebellion). Marduk's
temple is called Esiglia. They see the lord of the underworld as
Nergal, with a bow and horse body and a human and panter head
(constellation of Sagitarius). The Cohen/Khan priest of Baal
partake in the sacrifice, become canni-bals.
The surrounding countries are later called Turkey, Turkmenistan
because the bird like the roosters symbolizes Lucifer, golden
dawn. Headless turkeys are stuffed through the vagina, in
worship of Kali, godess of Saturn and the half moon sickle (evil
female energy).

Writing of the 7 tablets of the creation myth Enuma Elish. The

Atenist priests, captive in Babylon have access to the story of the
flood and write the Hebrew Bible with Genesis of 7 days. Adamu
means 'from earth' . Lucifer/Enki as Nin-khursag, Lady of Life
who birthed the first earthlings, is named Awa (life, Eve, Ev-il
created life, darkness created light) in the bible. Funnel chest is a
symptom of Marfan syndrome. Ti of her other title Nin-ti, the
longer pronunciated ti, meaning rib =made from Adam's rib,
Evening similar to Atumn, Even numbers (2) are made from Odd
numbers (1). Akhenaton's black mother is connected to Venus,
queen of Sheba and to Saturn to the black Lapis Exilis as black
(evil) but beautiful and intriguing, on her throne in the
constellation of Casseopia.
Another character symbolizing Lucifer/Eve/Venus, the whore of
Babylon is Rachab ('broad'=> broadway), living in Jericho, city of
palm trees (the V-enus 5 hand of God symbol), the lowest city in
the world at the Black Sea. She is the symbolic mother of Boaz,
the black left pillar of the temple of Solomon, Boa, the snake,
everything evil. The red ribbon, her menstrual blood: the red
cord, the velvet rope at the red carpet, royal bloodline, red light
district of scarlett is the shape of the DNA snake, her
menstrual blood. N the egyption glyph for water=>Phoenician
mem (water holds memory), N with a snake tail, the symbol of
the sea-goat Capricorn.
The rope is then used as inverted knot of Isis, for hanging as
punishment for sin.
Nebuchadnezzar descendant of Lucifer/Nabu, has access to the
Babylonian wormhole ('fiery furnace') and throws all the
disobedient jews in the blazing fire.
587 Nebuchadnezzar II destroys and plunders the temple of
Solomon, with help from the red haired giants (the Hyksos, Esau
and the Edomites, the 'red ones') on 9/11. Thousands of jews are
taken captive because of an altar dedicated to Enki (Baal, the
Adon). Out of fear they also worship Jehova as the God of wrath.
575 He builds the Ishtar Gate, with lapis lazuli bricks (color of
Taurus) and cedar roof and doors, glorifying Marduk with horned
head snake like tongue and Adad with aurochs, oxes for the Akitu
The Anunaki Nordics let Cyrus (Sirius) conquer Babylon and
help Darius to build Persepolis, as the capital for the new
Babylonian/Persian empire, on the same 30th parallel as Eridu
and Giza/Heliopolis. The Nordics ( Asura, Ahura mazda, the
blue/white gods of the wind) are the visible representers of the
Draco, in Darius' burial chamber they are depicted as winged
solar disk. Darius builds the Suez (Zeus) canal, controlled by
corrupt Amon-priests. After the captivity in Babylon, in the 6th
year of Darius' reign the jews return to Juda and begin
constructing a second temple.
Indian hindu's worship the solar God Vishnu, the eagle Garoeda,
the snake Naga. Lucifer, the morning star=> male phallus
god Shiva. The evil womb, black sun, Isis=> female star fire
goddessKali, with protruding tongue, demanding blood. The son
or sun of God, Christ =>Hare /Hemres Krishna, whose followers
shave off their hair. Tribe of Dan => Danu. Ancient Vedas
describe a pre-flood world, filled with aircraft engaged in combat,
missile launches, and descriptions of nuclear war with fallout and
radioactivity. The process of abstinence, making amrita and the
story how the milkyway was birthed=> churning of the milky
ocean on a turtle, the shield of Orion.

500 In the East the Scythians (sakkas) worship the son of God,
Hermes/ Lucifer born on 25 dec as Buddha. He wears the
swastika and has a pine cone shaped head and long ears. Rise of
Buddhism, preaching meditation in lotus position and the Four
Noble Truths :
-Nothing lasts forever in this life
-By clinging to the ups and downs of such an existence we suffer
and are continuously reborn (samsara).
-This cycle of reincarnation can only be stopped by stripping away
the unhealthy attention we place on all things impermanent.
-Through right conduct and self-examination like meditation we
can train the mind to see beyond the illusions of the phenomenal
world and our physical body and achieve liberation. The sea goat,
capricorn=the dalai llama.
551 Confucius, founder of Confucianism, is born.
550 Foundation of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great.
549 Mahavira, founder of Jainism is born.
480 The Phoenicians sacrifice children to Saturn as the Lord
(Ba'al), and as Olam (eternal time), their god Mars (Herakles) as
Melqart and their war goddess Anat, mixed with Atenism=
Tammuz=>Eshmun, who was chased by Lucifer/Venus (Ashtar,
Ashtaroth) and emasculated himself with an axe. He is
worshipped at sauna/healing centers with sleeping halls and bath
tubs using electrified water of the serpent priests (the river
Asclepius, 'from a scallop'). At the temple of Telesp-horus people
take a brew, similar to ayuasca and dance in a circle.

In the caves of Mount Ida, Turkey the Phoenicians, sons of

Hephaestos/Quaïn organize the same rituals. The amphibian
races are called Cabeiri. The cups they drink from are painted
with fat, primitive dwarves with large penisses. Through the
DMT/mystery religion of rituals the theory of Ideas of how we are
living in a matrix influences Greek philosophy. The rocky cave,
connected to underground tunnels of the reptilians is the
mythical birthplace of Jupiter/Zeus. Male sex slaves providing
body fluids (nectar):GAnYmede, 'delighting in genitals', the boy
pouring water replaces Sumerian Enki as the sewer/provider of
semen and Egyptian Hapi as the sign Aquarius. The time when
the sun is in Aquarius, jan/feb, ruled by Ur-anus, the Greeks call
Gamelion and play gaymes like gambling (gamba:leg, hieros
gamos:sexual union of the gods at solstice).
Isis/Ishtar, the mother godess is worshipped as Kybele in
Pessinunt, Phrygia and in Anatolia/Turkey. Pieces of black
meteorite are worshipped in the temple of Diana/Artemis, as the
needle, the aguila/eagle, the phallic power of Kybele. In Hebrew
the magic stones are called Bethel. The ascension process from
the rock, the sacrum to the sun, the cerebrum= Jacobs vison of a
skyladder leading to the house of God, after falling asleep on a
Bethel stone.
Monumental temples at Kition, Paphos, Amathus, Golgoi are
constructed for the fertility and sexuality cult of Lucifer/Venus in
rural sanctuaries. In Cyprus, copper is mined, related to blue
blood of the sky people. Turtoise shells are sometimes used as
contraceptive, symbolize the vulva and sea-foam (aphro) is used
in fertiliy rituals of the druïds so the flood event and a fragment
of Jupiter turning into Venus becomes a myth where Zeus cuts off
the horn/fallus of Saturn/Cronos, throws it in the sea, somewhere
in Cyprus and from a seashell (symbol of golden ratio) in the foam
of the sea Venus/Aphrodite is born, carried by a fish. She
appears as the holy spirit, a dove, is associated with myrtle,
sparrows, horses, swans, eggs, breasts, lilly, ettuce or lotuses.
Venus=Hindu godess Lakshme. The 3 stars of Orion => the 3
Graeae using one single eye, Greece. Graia/Gaia/Gay=Go
the Greek Pantheon

800 - 300 bc The Mycenean and Phrygian culture has spread

across Greece. The tribe of Dan rules Sparta, Dodona, Thebe and
Argos (named after the Ark) and the rest of Greece through its
priests, the Argead dynasty. Storm god Enlil/Marduk (Ju-piter)
and his lofty mountain, who killed the dragon=> Zeus, Zeu-pater,
Zeus the father, that rose from the sea.
Aten, Athos, Lybian Tanit/Neith, Virgo, when a virgin is
sacrificed at harvest, the equinox, central pole=>the
virgin Athena Pallas/Phallus, with her magic spear, the stolen
Spear of Destiny. She is associated with the spider of 13th sign
(Arachne) and the distaff, used for weaving, because the world
was woven into existence around her (the axis of DNA). Venus,
who rules Libra, ejected from Jupiter=>Athena born out of the
head of Zeus- also the star Athena above Orion, long spears and
other weapons made by blacksmiths on a bull head shaped anvil,
the head of Enlil/Zeus. In her temple in Athens pyromancy is
practiced. She is also associated with the Grey owls with
8/testicle shaped gleaming all-seeing eyes, depicted on the coins
of Athens. Iason and the Argonauts, looking for the mysterious
Golden fleece of the ram= July-August-September-October-
November, an imaginary arc to find Aries but also the Egyptian
kabbalists who traveled to the north pole and Northern Europe
with its large amounts of amber. The city is centered around the
pole as a polis and its politia. 300 red haired Scythian slaves act
as authority, rod-bearers who can make an arrest. Army to
protect the navel of the world: navy, navigating.
The moon/underworld cult of the Phrygian mother goddess
celebrates these Kabeiri, chosen race of descendants of Quaïn.
The red haired, fallen angels, with psychic abilities who stole the
fire from the Gods=> Prometheus (forethought). The destruction
of the planet Tiamat=> crashing of Phaëton, the shining one. The
children of the sun were changed in poplar trees and cried amber
tears, who fell in the Eridanos, the river known as the Amber
Road. The pre-flood red haired Gods carry the Orion-symbol of
the tree of life as a trident, meaning psi, having psychic abilities,
the ability to breathe life into something.
Virgins (the Beloved ones) provide fresh blood for the elite, their
blood is poured as libation from a spondé, a golden bowl,
representing the sun with the belly button in the center (hence
the word 'to spend'). They have amber rosaries to count the days
of abstinence. The expensive Laser orsilphium is used to
stimulate menstrual flow and as contraceptive- its seed is the
modern symbol of a loving heart. It is mainly found in Cyrena, so
Cyrena is said to be a lover of Apollo/Lucifer. It is the origin of the
'sirene' who change from blue to red like Sirius. Onions are an
aphrodisiac so forbidden for the celibatary priestesses.
Phosp-Horus =>Apollo, the amber stone, the angel of the abyss,
the shining pole-bearer, the order of the golden ratio, the sun/son
of God who every day rides the chariot of heaven. He becomes the
new patron saint of the increasingly popular Temple of Delphi. In
his temple, oil makes fire burn in laurel wood as an eternal flame
and goats are sacrificed. His sister, the moon= Artemis (adelphos
means twin brother, delphinius doublet).His duality is expressed
by his use of a horned lyre to soothe and the same bull horn shape
as a bow to shoot (=the small archer Eris as the embodiment of
lust, desire). A Hekatombu (100 bulls) is offered to him in a circle,
sprinkled with barley-meal and flayed. The tighbones are layered
in fat and eaten. Statues of gods representing rationality have
small penises.
Osiris=>Dio-nysus (the twice-born, 88, octavian), the Zeus from
Nysa ( Ethiopia, Lybia but also the black land, the dark side,
death ) . He is born on the 8th month Anthesteria (the soma
flower), month of Saturn. Like the druids celebrate Samhain,
when the veil to the underworld gets thinner, during the 3 days
the dead ancestors of the golden age are celebrated and children
wear flowers in their hair. In a sacrifice ritual a queen is offered
to the spirit of earth, Dyonisus to represent the sacred marriage,
the hieros gamos in the marshes (earth and sea).
During winter, at the 9th month, the ninth gate, midnight of the
year, the left brain Apollo/Lucifer travels to Hyperboria, and his
dark, right brain, irrational alter ego feminized Dionysus takes
over for 3 months. The 9th month is El-aphebolion, month of
deer-hunting, the wild hunt.
He plays the role of priest of black widow Isis- female earth, the
chtonian, subterranean, glooming underworld Hades (the V-
pitchfork of the Hyades constellation), Saturn and his children
like Plouton, enrich themselves with tears and blood sacrifice of
black animals. They are the klei-douchos, the one who has
phosphorus, the golden key (to immortality) that made humans
from clay, the keys to escape this material existence. One of his
keys is Xiphion, the sacrificial sword/flower. When the sun enters
capricorn, the golden caps or capes of the corn are harvested, turn
bloodred. People behave like wild and horny animals like Lucifer,
Enki, the mountain goat that came out of the sea, the
constellation Capricorn, Atum=Pan, ruled by Saturn, the box of
Pan-dora. Ea= Pan, the below sea-level part of the ecliptic wave,
the bowl (bowels and underbelly) and cooking pan of sacrifice.
Pan plays on his panflutes and brings his slaves into trance, to
their knees, in panic. Pan rules the underbody, with his reed
pipes. Dia-ballein (throwing across),Baal the sower, the iblis-bird
=> Diabalous, the devil. Pan is the phaun with his flora of El, the
sword of sacrifice.
Greek legends describe dolphins helping shipwrecked sailors and
playing with children so dolphins are told to be originally Tyranai
pirates that made the mistake of kidnapping Dionysus, the god of
wine. To punish the kidnappers for their deed, Dionysus turned
their ship sails into grape vines. When the pirates leaped into the
water they turned into dolphins. Taras, the founder of Sparta is
pictured as riding on a dolphin (riding on a bow or dolphin is
dancing with the devil, to the music of Capricorn, the sea-goat).
In march, when the spring equinox and Isis/Sirius as the
beginning of the wine season approaches, mind controlled sects
worship Dyon-isus through the Dyonisian Mysteries with
psychedelic wine. The festival of Dionysus is an orgy of violence
where women go to the forests or mountains outside the town,
become ecstatic on a diet of wine, dance to frantic rhythms.
Sometimes they capture rabbits, hinds and fawns and in their
del-irium tear them to pieces with their bare hands like the
ancient cannibals. Dionysus has particular power over women,
causing them to reverse their protective behaviour towards their
children, in myth they tear their own children to pieces in their
frenzy. Dyonisus usually is surrounded by 6 nymphs (the 6 points
of the star of David), rides on a pan-ther or a chariot with a bull,
panther and griffin. Like Esu, Osiris, the Thracian corn deity
Sabazius, he is worshipped as a godman hanging on a wooden T-
pole with a crown of ivy leaves. His male followers with horse
tails, horse ears and horse penises are called Satyrs, his manic
female followers of Dyonisus are called Maenads (minions,
daughters of King Minos). They wear leopard skins (beta kitten
mind cotrol), and carry a phallic Thyrsus staff, a spear enveloped
ivy vines and leaves (also used to coagulate milk), a pinecone top
with Thyia (cypress) seeds, dripping with honey. The point is said
to incite madness because Thyia/cypress is used in incense
burners to create holy smoke for prophesy. The kantharos wine
cup, the female chalice symbol is used for the drinking ritual.
Phosphorous 2-colored glass cups are made that change from jade
green to ruby red, depending on light.

He is worshipped in processions with huge phalluses and virgins

carrying serpents in baskets with salt and bread.Like offers to
Osiris, people are sacrificed to Dionysus and dismembered in a
process called sparagmos, followed by omomphagia, eating of the
raw flesh of the victim, the symbolic dismembering and
fragmenting of the Godhead Dyonisus, the universal Daemon into
conscious beings like Set dismembered Osiris. As phallus deity he
is also called Hermes (Mercury) with the nick-name (o chari-
charidote, bringer of joy).
Saturn as Isis, the Babylonian constellation the furrow/ Virgo,
holding an ear of barley or grain, announcing autum seeding
season and date palm in her other hand=>Niki/Nike, (Vikei,
Victory), an aspect of Isis, holding the laurel crown/ring of Saturn
as sign of illumination after the key of Solomon, peace after war,
victory over death. Nick-el, the demon in copper (related to
Venus)=>Nikolaus, nick-names, claustrum, closed closet.
Babylonian rituals of torches guiding ancestor spirits back to the
underworld=> De-meter (earth mother) holding wheat and a
Phosphor/semen from the underworld =Erichthonius, half
man/half snake, the constellation Auriga, with his son Tros
founder of Troy. Queen Sheba and her followers who went
north=Queen Casseopeia and Cepheus. The ark=Arcus (Ursa
Minor). The 7th sign Ma'at with Libra scales, ruling the
buttocks=Themis, and her daughter Dike, like a Dam, also a
wall/law to hold and diminish water.
Tammuz, Dumuzi, child of Saturn/Aten, the lord of Day of
Atonement=>female cult of Adonis. 4D, afterlife, land of Saturn,
the Elu-sive one= Elysium, the Abyss, where the DNA-(h)Elix
came from, the white isle -north and south pole, the white
mountain,isle of fortune. At the Elysian mysteries, people drink a
mixture of honey, mint, barley and DMT, access 4D (alous, stirred
from joy=>halluc-inate),worshipping Lucifer as Eileitheia,
goddess of childbirth. Myths are told about the drink that can
turn people into a lizard. The mind controlled priestesses at
Eleusis with honeycombed mind, are called 'melissae' (bees,
keepers of the honey, mead beer and beeswax, meli meaning both
honey and manna, juice of the ash tree). The sword of
sacrifice=fleur de Elys(ium). Pythagoras, Plato, Solon, and other
Greek philosophers are all initiated with the mystery teachings,
the Gay Knowledge. The secret healing aspect of Apollo's
knowledge, Astalluhi, sacred scallops=> the titan Atlas and
Apollo's son Aesculapios with a caduceus and his therapeutae
(worshippers). Health care centres are build with hot tubs for
sensory deprivation and astral projection ('sleeping halls where
Asclepius enters your dreams'). Initiated masters wear the
Phrygian hat, the red mushroom cap.
Myrrh is a tree resin used in Egypt for mummifying and
psychoactive ingredient for incense. Incense is part of rituals,
spread from a burner that serves as the symbolic Lapis Exilis, so
Adonis (the Lord) is worshipped in its own mystery cult at Lesbos
is said to be born from the virgin Myrrha. Prophetesses use
objects with a shiny surface until visions appear (hence the word
'mirror'). Mirak, El Marrak: Persian for the loin of the bear. The
hill where this takes place is Mira-col (miracle). Kashmir of the
kashmir goat=> cash.

Enuma Elis=> the poem of Orpheus, creation myth of the 4 ages.

The followers of Orpheus call Saturn Phanes, identify him with
They call the rocks containg the sacred calcium phosphate, tartar.
They consider the north-east as the underworld, Tartarus, the
reign of Taurus and also a region in Russia, where the
shamanistic Tartares live and a huge black meteor crashed.
Egyptian Khepri, the ball rolling beetle=> Sisyphus ('sisys' is the
goat skin), who pushes a huge ball upward in Tartarus. The black
sea is seen as the Anu, the primordial sea of blackness, linked to
Tiamat (Thalassa). The Spartans throw their disabled and ugly
babies (not having the golden ratio) and ennemies in a black hole.
Nyx (Night) gives birth to Heaven (Uranus), who becomes the
first king. Uranus (Ouranoi, the heavenly ones, the Annunaki)
and Gaia give birth to 12 Titans, who lived on Mount Othrys, a
mountain in Greece, made of a rock, called serpentine
(snakestone), symbolic of the mountain of Enlil, Nippur, the
emerald city.
the sea (male - Oceanus, female + Tethys), Coeus ( the pole star
Thubis in Draco, tail of the Dragon), Iapetus (Jafet, son of Noa,
white race), Theia (Atum, sexual heat, hence theatre), Rhea (Ra,
mother godess), Chronus (Saturn) who castrates and kills his
father with a sickle (the moon).
-Golden age immortals, in harmony and peace ruled by the titan
Chronos (Saturn, time).
-Silver age During the flood, Zeus (Jupiter, the thunder god)
castrates and kills his father with a sickle. He goes to the
sanctuary of Night, to hear the oracles. Upon hearing them, Zeus
swallows the phallus of Uranus who first had ejaculated the
brilliance of heaven. The milkyway is seen as white smoke
coming from the sacrifice on the ark, the star Altair. He and Hera
make 12 children, the hybrid priestkings, annointed with oil, the
Olympic deities who live on Mount Olympus.
-Bronze age Zeus created men out of the ash/Ashtar tree, a plant
of the olive and lilac family with opposite leaves and winged niki
seeds, that reproduces biparental. Men are though, indulge in
war and passion (ash also meaning axe/spear).
Noah = Deucalion.
-Iron age, only men with no morals, no help against evil.
Saturn =>Cronos, who makes eveything sunkronos/ syncrone,
worshipped by Satyrs. Phallus stones are placed at crossroads for
good luck, annointed with oil, called Herms =>Hermes, standing
on one leg, symbol of both stone and liquid like quick silver.
Enlil/ Amun=> Zeus and Hera (air, wind). Quaïn => their son
Hephaestos. Saturn, Capricorn, Egyptian Min=> Pan.
Eve=>Pandora. The ram people, war god Mars =>Ares wearing
conehead helmet. Phosphorus/ Venus=> Aphrodite as a symbol of
sexual arousal with afrodisiacs. Gilgamesh, the giants that built
Malta=> Heracles, the seed of Hera/air. The mother, Hathor
Inanna in the underworld=> Hades and Persephone, Medusa.
Tribe of Dan and Annunaki, the Pyramid Wars, Mycenae and
Hittite =>the wars of Troy and Thebe. Orion and Sirius, the dog
of the underworld Anubis =>3 headed Cerberus. The moon=>
Apollo's sister Artemis. Our 'heart' is derived from Hera and the
hearth of fire, used to warm houses.
Scientists already know the basic substance of everything, aether
(spirit). The widening gap of real science and the unitiated
masses leads to the concept of the mainstream and the
underground river Alpheus of hermeticism. Lucifer/Venus is
Sophia, who gave knowledge, (the white of sperm,
wizardry=wisdom, with the owl-symbol, knowing=owning,
metaphor for sex) his descendants are philo-sophia.The
pineal=the philosopher's stone.The penis/ben ben stone=> bonus.
Khan, Kunna= to know, gnosis, like the owls, have knowledge.
The evil cunt=> cunning, Kunst.
Genetically manipulated by dark olive-skinned beings from
Antarian star system, Greek society is ruled by a homosexual,
pedophilic elite, who gather at symposia. Pederasty, the ritual of
the Key of Solomon even has its own patron saints, like
Ganymede, the boy Caparyssus (cypress, symbol of mourning)
and Hyacinthus, a flower born out of spilled blood. Sexuality
between man and woman is considered as irrational. Women, as
descendants from Eve/Pandora are considered 'calon cacon',
beautiful evil, only necessary for breeding, an aspect of the Evil
Eye, the seductive Venus, the kako daemon. In Greek language,
words express everything male, upwards, white and shining is
considered good, everything black, female and earthly as bad.
Cities like Korinthe are known for their temple prostitution,
where thousands of women prostituting themselves as sacrifice to
Aphrodite, making the owners of the temple rich. As symbol of
the glowing life-giving black sun, holes are used for fellatio, the
virgins receive their extra phosphorus rich sperm and pee
through a gloria hole (gnosis, gnolia, gloria). Anal rape, the key of
Solomon continues in orgies with men wearing horse tails (Phi-L-
hippo, horselover is a metaphor for handler), origin of the horse
carrousel. The butterfly (called psyche) becomes another symbol
of the compertmentalized mind, rebirth of the caterpillar after
anal sex with butter. Bacca:cow punished with a baculus stick =>
bachelor, someone who has someone else's back, doesn't have his
own cows yet. Men who are still bachelor at a certain age, have to
march naked through the agora singing songs about their
As a tribute to the Golden Age where Cronus reigned, the
midsummer festival Kronia celebrates social equality, slaves and
their owners dine together and play dice games. Zeus is
worshipped through bull sacrifice as a 13m tall statue in the
Temple of Zeus on Mount Olympia, of chryselephantine-ivory and
gold, sitting on a cedar wood throne, carrying the Lapis Exilis,
ball with manna, symbol of world power. The statue is constantly
annointed with olive oil ( later destroyed).

The boys and girls (kouros) who are sacrificid at full moon, are
memorated by marble statues, at the side of the road leading to
the temples. At the full moon closest to summer solstice they
perform oil and sweat rituals with iron bars (=sport). Every four
year period, every Olympiad, a hekatombu, 100 bulls are
slaughtered. Reptilian flesh is sometimes used as doping.

624 - 546 Thales of Miletus. Educated in Egypt, he teaches the

Law of One.
622 Draco establishes his laws, first constitution of Athens.
Xenophanes claims there is only one God, ridiculing the
609 Another battle at Har Mageddon, between pharao Necho and
kingdom of Judea.
At the gnostic region of South france, Phoenicians/Phocians found
Massalia (Marseille), worshipping Lucifer as Apollo/Artemis with
famous gnostics like Pytheas. Another important trading outpost
is the Port Veneris, port of Venus at the foot of the Pyrennees,
where green emerald stone tablets are kept. The Greek Nordics
from Argos, the Argonauts with ships made of sacred Dodone oak,
visit the place for druïd oak rituals. Thales of Miletus knows that
certain objects like rods of amber (the golden phallus) can be
rubbed with cat's fur to magnetically attract light objects like
feathers, writes about static electricity.
570 - 495 Phytagoras (announced by the Pytha) of Samos,
disciple of Anaximander, founds his own mystery school. He
remembers his past lives. His triangle of numbers, expressing
sacred geometry is the lambda or Lamed, the 12th letter in
Greek and Hebrew alphabet. Shaped like a ^ horn/phallus, it
represents L, Saturn, lead, the mythical Lamb of God, the sheep
with golden breath/fleece, enlightened 3d eye (Aries in the sky).
The lamb=the expression 'I am', 12 hours of am, after 12 hours of
Pm, primium mobile. The moon is referred to as a 'lamp', related
to Venus, the palm, the hand of god.
560 Nine archons (rulers) rule Athens. Farmers suffer from
poverty and become debt slaves. Cities are ruled by a lodge
(Boule). To appease the protest, the aristocrat Solon puts forward
a form of fake democracy.
535-475 Heraclitus of Ephesus. He knows the universe acts like a
superfluid and time is an illusion, describing it in cryptic
aphorisms like 'Phanta rei' (everything flows). He claims
everything comes from fire 'ethos anthropoi daimon' (fire
determines fate).
525 Persian invasion destroys Heliopolis. Aristocratic elite loses
influence, kouroi statues become more naturalistic.
490-430 Zeno of Elea, also claiming motion does not exist.
485 The Annunaki descendant Xerxes rules Persia as King of
Kings and installs a monetary economy (oikos nomia, House
Law). He melts the golden statue of Marduk (Bel), causing riots.
480 Xerxes, who has an army of 10.000 soldiers of Annunaki
descent, the immortals, fights Leonidas ('the lion' of summer
solstice) and his 300 men at Thermopylae (the gates of
Hades/hell). After his invasion of Greece, his pyramid style tent is
copied as first churches, the Esiglia of Marduk=>the Siviglia of
the Bar-bar, eglisia -church.
479 End of the Persian invasion, melting of their weapons to erect
a 26 ft tripod of 3 serpents at Delpi.
465 Murder of Xerxes
458 The Rosicrucian Dyonisians invent new propaganda and
programming of the subconscious for the circular rituals (drama
to influence dreams). Sacrifice of the goat ('Tragos') => tragedies
as part of the Dyonisian Mysteries. The winged theatre is built in
the shape of a radiating black sun solar plexus, the battleground
of duality. In the middle of a black/white floor, in a hexagonal
shape, a chorus of 12, gathers in a circle or horseshoe shape
around a circular altar for blood sacrifice. Under the altar, the
fire of Lucifer is lit. As symbol of the human chest, the mounted
chest is called 'or-chestra'. From an underground passage, the
steps of Charon, an underworld snake deity can appear. A cave
with three black doors represents the Holy Trinity. The theatre
has a special seating section for the elite, the Kerkis. Because of
the location and sacred geometry, the amplified energy of pity
and fear, of emotional c(h)risis can be harvested and affects the
earth's energy as well.
The tragedies are black masses, dark theatre plays where
humans are nothing but toys of the Gods. The chorus of 50 men
(the nr of Enlil/Zeus) and 50 boys wears masks with large 8-
shaped owl eyes, dances in circles and laments the victim, who
has no free will and no power over the gods. They are guided by
auloi with double reed wind instruments. The energy is built up
towards a loosening, a sudden release or catharsis. Then the
reptilian phallus appears out of the vagina as a ghost out of the
shell: a mechanism with a wheel and a crane, the 'machine' lets
Lucifer/Venus, queen of the night or another God or hero appear
in the door in the middle, float out over the skene as a deus ex
machina to resolve the drama. The machine, the crane, itself a
phallus symbol is also used as a hook/fishing line to snatch dead
bodies from the stage. The story is always similar to the journey
of the sun/morning star: a descent into the underworld, a climax
of suffering until it is reborn.
As Dyonisus is the twice-born, once from the womb of Semele -the
moon, once resurrected from the leg of the bull, thigh of Zeus, his
style of songs is the dithyramb, coming from 2 doors.
Afterwards vulgar, insulting comedies and Satan/Satyrs playing
satire, underworld creatures, archetype of Silenus (syl:pillar,
phallus), acting silly, related to the moon (silver, silphium, silva
the woodland), who rides on a donkey (Bottom or Ass). Mime
plays with the Saturnian sad clown,funny dwarf, based on the
dwarves in the DMT-world of 4D.
The Dyonisian theatres are also built in little mobile forms as
automata (Atum), the first machines, invented by Hero of
Alexandria, who also invented the first hydraulic barrel organ
and first slot machine. The automata have a little steam engine
that produces an entirely mechanical play almost ten minutes in
length, powered by a binary-like system of ropes, knots, and
simple machines operated by a rotating cylindrical cogwheel,
making the female puppets dance around Dyonisus. The sound
of thunder is produced by the mechanically-timed dropping of
metal balls onto a hidden drum. The legend of Akhenaton and his
swollen limbs is told as Oeidipus (swollen foot).
449 The Greco-Persian Wars end.
447 Agenda of 'bread and games' to entertain the
masses. Perikles, a Nephilim hybrid with an elongated skull
orders the building of the Parthenon at Athens (based on Phi,
with 69 pillars, 46 on the outside, 23 pillars inside) and the
Odeion, a square-shaped building for musical contests during the
Panathenae games next to the theatre of Dyonisus. Contests of
manliness like torch running, wrestling, chariot racing,..
431 Peloponnesian war between the Greek city-states, mainly
Athens and Sparta, the descendants from the Tribes of Dan.
429 Sophocles's 'Oedipus the King'
427 - 348 Plato. He explains the matrix through the allegory of
the cave, theory of forms, claiming reality is an illusion and the
reincarnation cycle through the Myth of Er, celestial spheres of
the astral plane, moral people are rewarded (sky) and immoral
people are punished (below the ground), than souls can choose a
next life. He founds the first Academy school that teaches
Platonism and attacks Stoicism and Cynics. He teaches through
theatre like dialogs that revolve around the character Socates
('power of the whole').
404 End of the Peloponnesian War.
400 Zapotec culture flourishes at Monte Albán (white mountain).
Roman Empire
The Aryan Hittites and Troyans, the Etruscians from Lydia move
into Italy and are called Tyriani (Tyre, the son of Odin) . They
consider themselves as the true descendants of the warlike El
(Saturn) =>L-atin. Quaïn and Abel, Pollux and Castor =>Romus
who killed Remulus from L/Remuria. Isis, the she-wolf lover of
Apollo is their parent. Saturn and moon=Do-minus, the Lord.
On the Aquila, a red cross of fault lines, on seven hills aligned
with the Pleiades, they build the city Rome (Ram), the city of
Saturn with Capitol Hill on Mons Saturnus and Pantheon on
Campus Martius, field of Mars. As Saturn was the life giving sun,
they build their Aerarium, their sacred treasury bank for all
money on Mons Saturnus. Poets like Virgilius ('born from a
virgin') develop a mythology of birthright, based on Greek
mythology and art but have no knowledge of sacred geometry,
glorify war, power, slavery and trade. More left brain hedonism
and materialism (Epicurian philosophy). Eudaemonia, the good
demon, the new sacred Economia. Using the same tactics of
Divide and Conquer/ Bread and entertainment, they build the
Colosseum for the giant Colossus for the same underworld
gladiator games, sometimes flooding the arena in with a trident,
a net, helmet of invisibility, 10 days in december, sponsored by
the treasury of Saturn. Roman soldiers wear the lion skin, a
golden eagle conquering a snake and holding a pine cone and
lightning bolts, or the golden fleece and rooster combs.
Rome itself is considered as R-Ammon/Jupiter, king of the world
with his Aquila, summertriangle eagle, with archs as their proof
of being superior. Rome has 12 obeliks, the 13th, the pendragon
on Mons Vaticanus. The sacrificial herm stones= Terminus
stones, an aspect of Saturn. The sacrificed
virgins=Hebe/Ganymede. The cube of Saturn with sexual desire,
in the form of a young boy offering his cup=Cupid.Legions are
paid in salt=>salary. Prisoners work in mercury mines in Spain
as death sentence. The price is fixed on 70 sesterces a pound. It is
used as a cosmetic and to make red vermillion. The vermillion is
used to paint their faces at triumph marches like the face of
Jupiter, to paint red fresco's at the Villas of the mystery religion
(worshipping the horse/seed of the womb, Phila-Delphia), like the
one in Pompei, at the vulcano Vesuvius as the vulva of Venus
(Pompe is 5, nr of Venus and spiritual realm, pomme: apple).
Capri, Herculaneum, Pompei and Baia, the bay of Naples (with
the oracle of Apollo at Cumae) becomes a resort for the decadent
Victims for sacrifice, dressed in white are called candidatus
(given the cane). They are thrown in a pool of flesh eating penis
snakes like morays or cooked alive in a bull shaped oven of brass.
In the head brass tubes convert the high frequencies of the yelling
into the low frequency of an angry bull as a holy breath music
instrument. Bulls wear a bell and are branded with X, mark of
the beast at the stock market. Pigs and bulls are sacrificed to
Mars, during Lustration. Children are than registrated, boys get
a 'fascinus', a phallic amulet, a lead or golden bulla around their
neck, girls a lunula, to ward off the Evil Eye of femininity. Public
spaces are decorated with a tintinabulum, phallus with bells as
protection. The Roman shaman/birdmen who interpret omens of
the flight of birds are augurs who takes the auspices.

Hades (underworld)=>Pluto. Thunder God Zeus and Hera (cancer

in effect during june)=>Jupiter and Juno. Equinox, Athena and
her grey owls=> Min-erva. The moon =>Diana. Jupiter, Juno and
Minerva are worshipped as a Holy Trinity on the Capitol in
Rome, the empire is governed by 3 men (triumvirate). The phallic
Herm stones=> Mercury (patron of commerce), quicksilver as
combination of salt (earth) and sulphur (fire).3d leg of the bull:
lex, the law, legal.
Apollo/Dyonisus as the Greek sun/son of God and Mithras, the
Persian sun/son of God=>Bacchus and Mythraic mystries. Saturn
is worshipped during the Kronia, and Saturnalia, a carnaval of
continuous partying, gambling, sacrifice and temporary different
social rules at the Temple of Saturn, at 25 december. Than after a
period of fasting the entrance of Lucifer, the invincable sun is
celebrated as Liber during the Liberalia. The male penis has its
own cult of Mutunus Titunus. Momentary pleasure is considered
light as opposed to Saturn, god of time and death. The Aventine
triad, trinity of Sin is installed for the materialistic ordinary
plebs, of Liber, Libera (Isis/Ishtar, Demeter, female fertility, sign
of Libra, holding a torch) and Ceres (the waxing moon). Mayday
is celebrated with naked dancing and release of hares and goats
at Floralia.
Ovid tells the creation/flood story in Metamorphoses.
510 Lucretia, a housewife raped by the Tyran Tarquinius
Superbus commits suicide. Her body is paraded in the Roman
Forum, causing the rebellion that overthrows the monarchy and
installs a republic.
500 Nordics dominate Northern Europe as the Sax-Coburg-Gotha
bloodline. They conquer Brittain. The Celts build the city
Fynn/Vien (Lucifer, the bright, the fine one). The Gauls put
beeswax the bees make to produce honeycombs in their hair to
make it shine like the waxing moon.
493 The Vestal virgins (vestire, clothed) provide the amrita,
menstrual blood for the elite. Their abstinance as form of sacrifice
is called 'pieta', their prudeness and female prostate (guarding)=>
prostitutes. The effect of libation, pouring of the blood is than
celebrated as the phallic deity Liber, the concept of Libertas and
his festival Liberalia. Rituals of Ceres (wax) of candle wax during
waxing moon, festivals like Cerealis. Eventually as part of the
bread and games tactic, a new plebeian triad is installed of Ceres,
Liber and Libera. Books and the place where knowledge is hidden
=>liber and library. In Greece earth quakes no longer produce the
ethylene gasses and popularity of the oracles declines. The
beloved sex slaves of Roma provide honey, Amor. In the beginning
of may black beans are offered to the reptilian Lemurian ancestor
spirits at Lemurialia and the College of virgins make a mola
salsa, a salt and flour bread of their body fluids for sacrifice

The serpent priestess Olympia of the Argead dynasty, queen of

Molossia, known for their vicious Molosser shepherd dogs gives
birth to Alexander the Great III (Agesander, epiteth of Hades,
ApXi Khandros, Kain of the ark). He is possesed by Enlil (Zeus
Ammon). He is educated by Ari-stotle and chosen to lead the
Babylonian world empire. He distinguishes himself at his first
battle in Chaeronea. He travels to the desert oracle of Siwa in
Lybia, at another sacred mountain where a river springs from
inner earth. He is told he indeed is the son of Enlil, so he is mind
controlled to believe he is the new Lucifer, the sun of God, the
new Achilles, taking the Iliad with him during travels. On coins
he is depicted with ram horns, the Arabs call him Dul Qarnayn,
the two horned one. At the Helespont (gates of hell) he fights his
first battle with Darius III and eventually defeats him. After this
battle he wears a Persian garb, the robes of a mansa. In Syria, he
makes sacrifices at Antiocho, the House of the Evil Eye.
332 He conquers Egypt, ends the 33th dynasty. Building of
the Pharos lighthouse,a watchtower, a symbolic golden phallus,
bringer of light, on an octagonal section (Saturn) on a square
(Jupiter). As a recreation of the white Joachim pillar ( Athena,
Hermes) on the 4 corners, a statue of Triton. On top a mirror
reflects the sun, at night the fire of Saturn/Satan is lit and a
statue on zeus is placed. Masons use the interlocked stone
building technique to withstand the waves (evil feminity).
Ptolemaic Egypt has contact with emperor Ashoka in India (=>
later Ashkenazi jews). At the height of their decadence and naval
power, the court of Philadelphus stages a huge procession of
exotic animals in pairs in honour of Osiris/Dyonisus (recreating
ark of Noah). Cult of Isis and Osiris continues in Rome. Priests
have to be Egyptian, shaven and are not allowed to eat moist
food. On a specific date, priests go the sea with a cista, a basket
containg the hydria, a golden urn to take water. The water is
mixed with a lump of earth and shaped in the form of a crescent
moon as Osiris rebirth through Isis. At the 5th of march navigium
isidis a boat with gifts is slipped into the water. The initiation
ritual is called 'seeing the midnight sun'. The initiated than
wears a palm crown and a torch in his right hand, is celebrated
like the reborn son.
329 Alexander and his army sees ships in the sky and writes
about it.
326 He defeats Indian king Porus in the Battle of the Hydaspes
300 The Greek state takes control over the Mysteries, controlled
by 2 families, the Eumolpydae and the Kerykes, Luciferianism
basically is a state religion.
After 13 years of ruling, Alexander and his mother are exiled to
Ghana in Africa. His African descendants call him Doula Kara
Naini. He builds Gwynnya/Guinéa, a prison camp for the red
haired Celts (Gog and Magog). After he is poisoned at age 33, his
general Philip, also horned, becomes emperor of the Seleucid
The canon for the old testament is established: the Torah, the
story about the Israelites, 'Wisdom' about good and evil, books of
the prophets -Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings, Isaiah,
Jeremiah and Ezekiel and 12 minor prophets. The races that
controlled the garden of Eden are called Adamites (Atum, solars),
Scythians and Phoenicians ( from Phoinos, blood red). The
wealthy Pharisees and Sadducees try to gain control in Rome.
The Greeks call the Phoenician city Gubal, where the production
of papyrus originated, Byblos =>the holy papyrus book, the bible.
In France, the Celtic tribe the Parisii, immigrated Persians
install the cult of Isis at the site Paris, align settlements with the
constellation Virgo. Paris=Paradis=Elysium/4D with the Champs-
Elysees, the bar of Isis, meridian with mother energy vortex,
ending in Barcelona.
280 The Colossus of Rhodes, a statue of Helios (Lucifer) is erected
in Greece.
250 Antikythera mechanism astrology computer.
246Building of the terracotta army for the first emperor of China
of reptilian/Nephilim bloodlines, with all statues showing long
ears, heavy brow ridges. The underground is filled with mercury.
206 Han Dynasty established in China, officially becomes a
Confucian state and opens trading connections with the West, the
Silk Road. Creation of the Nazca lines in South America by

204 The Phrygian cult of Cybele is installed in Rome, based on

excess, emasculation and selfmutilation. The priests, called Galli
are eunuchs who castrate themselves under a pine tree.
200 The red haired Phoencians of Carthago sacrifice children to
Alexander as the ram headedBa'al (h)Ammon, the lord of two
horns, on the hill Jebel Boukornine, where children are thrown in
a pit of fire. Lucifer/Venus is the lion faced Tanit. The ashes of
the victim are kept in thousands of urns.
Making of the Pergamon altar, depicting the battle between
Atlantis and Lemuria, the titans and the giants, the
150 Hipparchus of Rhodes figures out the procession of the
149-146 Third Punic War between Rome and Carthage. The
Romans destroy Carthago, impose a 'Carthagian peace', conquer
Tunisia, Libya and Greece.
142 Simon Maccabee, priest and ruler of Israel, and the
Hasmonean kingdom in alliance with the Roman Senate gives
support to Demetrius 2, the Seleucid king. Although the
Maccabees win autonomy, the region remains a province of the
Seleucid Empire and Simon is required to provide troops
to Antiochus, the brother of Demetrius II. When Simon refuses
to give up territory, Antiochus takes it by force. Antiochus
promulgates anti-semitic laws, causing a revolt of the Maccabees.
The rules and regulations of Demetrius end up in the bible as
Deuteronomy. The jewish priest Yoshua helps Antiochus impose
Greek culture upon the jews, makes them wear a hat of Hermes
=>while a woman's 'head' is her husband, jewish men have to
wear the jewish keppel to prove Yoshua is their head. In
Antiocho, the house of the evil eye, christianity is developed.
129 Julius Caesar from the Iulus family, who claims descent
from Aeneas and Venus/Lucifer, has Marfan syndrome (tall, long
fingers, epilepsy seizures-caesars, Saturn is the harvester, the
Caesar). His father and forefather died when putting on their
shoes. He becomes a priest of Jupiter. He conquers Asia minor
(Turkey). Than he conquers the Gaul with their cruel druïds
(France) and the Fir Bolg who defeated the Tuatha de Dana (the
Ba'al/Bel worshipping Belgae). He marries Pompeia.
49 Roman Civil War between Julius Caesar and Pompey the
47 He interfears in a civil war in Egypt. He makes Cleopatra
queen and stages another huge Dionysian procession with royal
ark/barque and 400 ships. He builds a temple Venus Genetrix to
worship Lucifer. He decrees that 3 extra months are inserted in
the calendar to match the seasons (current western calendar).
44 Caesar is assasinated by 60 aristocrats like Brutus as a
'liberation' (bringing balance like Libra).The sacrifice is carried
out on the Ides of March (Pi-day, 3-14) birth of a new sun, with 23
stabs (2+3=5, 23 nr of discord). The sacrifice is celebrated on coins
with 2 daggers and the pileus, liberty cap. Eventually, after a
civil war the Roman Republic is turned into Roman Empire ruled
by Caesar's heir Augustus. Emperors are baptised through
drinking the blood of a dying bull in a Taurobolium, on the
Vatican hill. His title becomes Kaizer and czar.
40 When the Romans conquer Egypt, Alexandria is an important
cultural Hellenistic city with a mouseion (temple of the Muses)
and a library, containing 700.000 book rolls is neglected. The
most important books about pre-flood history are moved to the
29 In India after oral preservation the Buddhist texts, the Pali
Canon is written down, 'Cakkavatti Sihanada Sutta': the story of
humanity's decline from a golden age in the past, with a prophecy
of its eventual return. The sun=> Indra. Pandu: the yellow
phallus of the sun, Kunti: the culva.Aryan stock=>aristocracy.
Aryan=> Iran.
Not only temples but entire cities are built as a ring with high
phallusses/antennas to make cymatic patterns on the template of
the Temple of Jerusalem: an enclosure of the gentiles, ordinary
people, a ring of initiated priests and a high mount, Holy of
(black) Holies. Horus -Set, Apollo- Dyonisus, Lucifer -Saturn,
with the horns and hooves of capricorn, and the trident of
Poseidon, power over heaven, earth and hell=> Satan. The black
ball saturnian symbol of divine knowledge and saviour becomes
the Lapis Exilis, the banished stone or Globus Cruciger, the cross
wearing orb. Rings of Saturn=halo of the angels. The Goths
worship Lucifer, the goat with its white goat beard as God, with
the nr 7, representing everything 'good', from the gut.
Past 6 : 0 - 2017
PISCES (ruled by Neptune, exalting of Venus)

Christianity of the Syrian Antiochans is further developed by the

Essene sect and Hebrews as a mixture of Druïdism, Judaism,
Babylonian and Egyptian religion. The son of Enlil/ Deus,Z/Jeus
pater/Jupiter/Jehova=Hay-zeus. Dio(nysus) and his IHS (Isis,
Horus, Set), latinized IES, adding the Latin suffix -US=> Jesus.
The vesica pisces/vulva symbol of 2 fishes are used by christian in
Ephesus, Turkey, announcing exalting of the morning star in
constellation of Pisces.
They use the same concept of death and rebirth of the sun,
wearing a crown of thorns or ivy. Holy mother goddess Isis (the
sea), Rhea, Myriam, Mare Anu=>Venus the rose Mary- Maria.
Life that springs from the Ram => fish and anchor symbol, the
yin yang symbol of 2 fishes, ichtis wheel announcing age of pisces.
Story of the 3 Magi from the east (the 3 stars from Orion's belt),
showing the way to the morning star, born in Sirius (Na-Sirius,
Nazarenes, from Nazareth). 12 moons of Saturn, 12 zodiac
signs=> 12 apostles. Aquarius, fish god Oannes => the fisher
Johannes, St. John, the baptist. The moon, magnetism,
magnesium, maagd => Mary Magdalena (mm=33). Virgo is Biete
Lehem (house of Holy bread) Bethlehem, place in the body where
the christos oil ascends, place where a shrine of Tammuz was
located. He becomes christ, the annointed one, the golden phallus,
raises Lazarus/Osiris from the dead. Set as Judas Oz/O
chariot/Iscariot gives him the kiss of death (scorpio). He is
sacrificed with the inscription INRI (4 elements Iammim-fire,
Nour-water, Rauch-air, Ibeshah-earth) for claiming he was the
king of kings, the sin of pride of Lucifer. Golgatha=cerebellum. 33
vertebraes and levels of freemasonry =>Death at age 33 at Mt
Calvary. 4 seasons, 4 gospels: Ma'at theos (true god)- Matthew,
Mars-Mark, Lucifer, the sun -Lukas, Jupiter, Jehova -John. After
being killed by the Tau cross of time and space/Saturn (the
harvester and sower), meets Tomas (twin of Tammuz) he is
reborn as the Morning star Lucifer= Christ, the annointed one as
the son/sun of God, sun god Helios or Sol Invictus.
14 Death of Emperor Augustus.
15-100 Apollonius of Tyana, a neo-Pythagorean, therapeut of
Asclepius, travels to India, vegetarian,miracle worker, theory of 5
elements, universe as conscious being.
Emperor Caligula compells Patrician families to prostitute their
boys at his Imperial Palace. He is assassinated by the Roman
43 Rome conquers Brittain, called Albion, from albius 'white'
because of the rocks of Dover. Celtic knowledge about natural
stargates is destroyed. Sacrifices are made at an omphalos stone,
marking the importance of London on the map of leylines.
Emperor Claudius also has cerebral palsy.
54 Emperor Claudius dies. Emperor Nero burns the first
christians, that live in the catacombs of Rome and starts the
great fire of Rome.
66 Jewish revolt in Jerusalem.The wealth of the Israelites and
the secret cabalistic knowledge, gathered from Egypt, collected in
Solomon's temple, now the palace of Herod is divided in two.
When the Romans sack Jerusalem, they take half of the treasure
to Rome.
70 Titus destroys Herod's temple in Jerusalem on 9/11, builds a
temple for Jupiter on the same spot.
79 When the Vesuvius erupts, Pompeii (Pompe, 5 nr of Venus,
with 5 districts) is destroyed and Lucifer/Venus is worshipped
even more (firemen: pompiers).
90 John of Padmos, living on the Greek island of Padmos in exile
as a result of anti-Christian persecution under the Roman
emperor Domitian, writes the Book of Revelation.
100 Most reptilians have gone underground and live in bases in
Antartica. They build the city ofTeotihuacan (where the gods
were born), with 3 pyramids aligned with Orion's belt. The city, at
the time 6th largest city of the world, is centered around
Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, the Ourobouros: a snake
eating it's tail. 60 ft below his pyramid is a bassin mercury with
jade statues, shells and rubber balls. Avenue of the dead leads to
Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon for mass sacrifice.
Use of obsidian, huge murals of red paint show the rituals of
dragons, snakes, people getting moonshine drunk and
worshipping their ruler, an owl or feathered reptilian.
106-117 Roman Empire at largest extent under Emperor Trajan
after conquering Romania, Iraq and Armenia. Social change,
outbreak of the plague. Rise of the Germans (maternal brothers).
126 Completion of the Pantheon in Rome, with hexagon
honeycomb structure.
170-235 Hyppolytus of Rome, leader of the Gnostic sect the
132 Simon Bahr Kokhba (son of a star) leads another Jewish
revolt, is seen by the Jews as a Messiah. He takes the title of Nasi
(prince, Nazir, Na-Sirius). Near Har Megiddo, the 6th Ferrata
legion of the Roman emperor Hadrian, with the bull as its sign,
commits genocide of half a million Judeans. Hadrian calls it
Syria-Palestina to erase the memory of Judea. The Jews are
expelled from Jerusalem and are only allowed to mourn their
defeat at the Weeping Wall.
200 Sadducees of Judea introduce Atenism to Rome, to conquer
the west. Rituals are performed in the catacombs of Rome, with
Jesus replacing Orpheus, depicting fishes and
mushrooms. Marcus Aurelius, high priest at Emesa (Homs,
Syria), calls himself Heliogabalus, building a temple in front of
the Colosseum, with the holy black stone meteorite from Syria, in
worship of El Gabal (Saturn), sacrificing young children.
216–276 Mani, an Iranian prophet founds Manicheism, based on
gnosticism, influencing the Bogomils, Paulicians,
Khazars,..Lucifer= the cock headed Abraxas (numerological code
of 365), with snakes as legs.
250 Mercury mines are used as prison camps because it poisons
them. Diocletian forbids alchemy, thinking the creating of gold is
literal. The lead of their water aquaducts poisons the brains of
the Romans, the Roman Empire falls apart. The sewer, the
gutter: Enki, the goat of Capricorn.
256-336 Arius, priest in Alexandria, fighting against the concept
of Holy Trinity.
267 Athens attacked by the Goths.
300 Recovery Roman empire. Christianity dominates the religion
of Mithraism, but uses their miters as headdress. Alans (Aryans
from Iran) spread across Western europe. The population is
poisoned with lead, through red wine, mustum (thickened syrup
used to color food) and the first water of the aquadacts, leading to
a pale skin and hallucinations ('Saturnism'). Sugar is given as a
medicine so they drink Hippocras, red wine with sugar and spices
like ginger and pepper. In Germany, the elite plays modern
bowling with the kegels they use for hitting people.
312-337 Constantine.
325 1st Council of Nicaea (Nikea at the Black sea, symbolic of
Nike with her ourobouros, ring of Saturn). Church and state
unite, the masonic symbol of a two headed eagle (Sirius, two
headed lion or griffin, two faced God Janus) becomes the emblem
of most nation states. Arianism, denying the idea of a Holy
Trinity is considered heresy. The bible and New Testament is
rewritten and filled with propaganda. The metaphoric story of the
curse of the black Canaan (queen Sheba and her bloodline) leads
to the discrimination of blacks, justficiation of slavery, racism of
Mormons, Israeli's,..

331 Constantine declares himself as the new annointed one, turns

the Roman Empire into a Christian Holy Roman Empire, with its
arch/ark bishops. The Pagan sun festival of 25 december becomes
Christ Mass day. The entire ancient Babylon religion is
reinstalled and updated with Jesus imagery but priests still wear
the same costum and fish/pineapple symbols with the
snake/Satan as embodiment of evil. Jesus as the new Horus,
death/rebirth from shamanism. Slaughter of most of the Cathars,
cutting off access to the knowledge of ancient civilisations,
marginalization of Semites, anti-women doctrine.
350 – 415 Hypatia of Alexandria, female scientist who worked
in the library of Alexandria, eventually lynch mobbed by the
Christian sect. Mount Athos becomes the Garden of Virgin Mary,
sacred to the Greek Orthodox Church.
354 – 430 Augustinus of Hippo. Influenced by the neo-
Platonism of Plotinus, he converts to Christianity and helps to
reformulate the doctrine of the Holy War, and the theory of
Original Sin, giving way to the doctrine of self chastising and
the Decretum Gratiani, a collection of Roman Catholic canon
law which prohibits women from leading, teaching, or being a
witness, and the christian view on sexuality. He adresses the
issue of hybrid babies (a 'cambion' or changeling, baby by an
incubus) by demons who use sleep paralysis and denounces the
cult of the stones.
357 Constantius 2 moves the obelisk of Thutmoses 3 /king David
to the hippodrome of Circus maximus of Rome. The knowledge
about real human pre-flood history is moved to Mons Vaticanus.
360 Influx of pagan tribes, wearing the winged helmet.
410 The Visigoths sack Rome and Solomon's treasure, the
wealth and gnostic knowledge moves to Langued'oc region of
France. In that region of the Venus mountain, Caracasonne, the
Khazars/ Cathars spread gnosticism (origin of the minnestrels
and troubadours).
431 The Council of Ephesus puts more emphasis on Virgin Mary
to satisfy the pagans and convert all temples and shrines of
mother goddesses to christianity, Eve=St. Mary of Zion, mother of
476 Fall of Rome: Odoacer deposes Romulus Augustus.
The royal Annunaki bloodlines with their special iron weapons
fyr-ankhs, the Sicambrian Franks =>the Merovingian dynasty
emerges, tracing themselves to the Trojans. The ancient
trident/flint stone gladiolus sword/flower symbol of sacrifice for
the trinity becomes the Fleur-de-lis (3 dolphins symbol of the
region Dauphin).
564 Cometary explosion. Burning fragmentary shower ignites
much of the land areas in Western Europe. Heretics are veiled
and hanged.
Fathers use their daughters as a currency to pay off debt. The
right of the first night is connected to the payment of the bride's
dowry: if an unfree man wants to marry a woman, he must ask a
loan to his Lord, who not only gains a new servant but has the
right to take the woman home and perform the 'Beilager', the
ritual of first intercourse with the virgin bride (legal rape by the
authorities). Walking the daughter down the isle=the isle of
Fortune, Elysium, the abyss. Wedding=making wet, baptising,
intercourse. The bride who rides the bar is given the rings of
marriage/rings of Saturn by the groom/grim reaper. Rice is
thrown as the seed of the horn of Lucifer. Ritual of drinking mead
on full moon, honey-moon. Wallking down the isle=the white isle,
northpole, white mountain. In India and South America, this
ritual is done by servants and seen as a dangerous duty, rather
than a privelege or right, out of fear of blood.
In Japan, the little demons are called yokai, horned creatures oni,
the Lords are called Daimyo, from which a shogun was chosen,
they hire samurais as soldiers. A giant phallus, made of wood of
the cypress tree, is worshipped in march at the Honen Matsuri
festival. Reptilians are called kappa, children of the river and are
thought to be scared of the ass (moonshine) and yokai,
shapeshifters. The chinese imitate the Draco constellation by
flying kites.
Middle ages

596 In Persia the shepherds who trace themselves to the

Wanderers and Kalb (the dog) are called Berbers and Bedouins
(from Bedaya, the beginning'). Based on zurvanism and
Zoroaster's philosophy, the Sufi's promote charity and
detachment: monotheïstic faith with the same obligated fasting of
Ramadan, referring to the Holy Breath process, defying Satan,
the dryness and heat of the desert, to activate the pineal gland.
The Illuminati/Zionists distort it into Islam (submission).
Baphomet with mohair, the Abraham, Ishma-El (divine authority
of El) =>character of Muhammed, denouncing all other false
prophets. The angel Gabri-El who dictates the Holy book: the
moon. Islam and its 'crescent and morning star'-symbol
dominates Mithraism. The fountain of youth of the penis/ben ben
stone=> the zamzam well at Mecca. The reptilian green man,
Osiris=> Al-Khidr. 72 duodeacons in the zodiac=72 virgins in the
afterlife. Originally the conditions for women improve, before
they were considered less than an animal. The original Mecca of
the Quran=the city Petra, the rock. The Persian sacrifice children
to at a sanctuary of Ishtar as Manat/Maniyyah (Monad, death,
fate), walking in circles around a black stone.
691 The temple of Solomon (sun and moon) in Jerusalem becomes
the octagonal Dome of the Rock, a shrine sacred to muslims. On
the 21 parallel a site is built according to the golden ratio with
the Kabaa, the 6 sided black cube, symbol of 666, of Saturn with
twin towers. It represents the black box vulva that created the
evil world through golden ratio (Isis=1, 618). It is aligned with
star Canopus, the rudder, the wheel, the root chakra. It contains
the Lapis Exilis (symbol of Saturn, matter without mind) as the
rose cross, heart of the horn. The desert wanderers behead people
as a sacrifice to Saturn, El=>Allah-Nanar and worship its black
cube by walking around it like rotating rings (cc- capricorn,
counter-clockwise).Warring factions include rules and regulations
in the Qu'ran about insulting and veiling women. Once again,
twin towers, pinecone shaped minarets, based on the lighthouse
of Alexandria, with pentagrams and crescent moons/horn symbols
are build by rulers worshipping Kali (khalifs). Tabernacles:
maqsurah. More quarrels between groups with different
interpretations. Women are forced to walk around like black
phallus, Isis as black widow. Performing salat=salad, showing the
ass like Horus to Seth.
In Northern Europe, the Slavs call the thundergod the wooden
pole Perun, Lucifer=Balder. Mercury=the squirrel Ratatoskr,
with dusk/tusk like tootht that collects cones and allows
communication between the eagle and wormsnake, top - and
bottom + of the World Tree. 7 gods of the week : moon, Tiw
(Neptune), Wodan (Mercury), Thor (as in Ha-thor/Jupiter, riding
a chariot of 2 goats), Freya (Venus), Sater/Soeter (Saturn) and the
sun. Another name for Jupiter and his car/wagon as the seed of
Lucifer, the golden ratio curl=Carel and his Waine. The Celts call
a dog a cu. They rule Ireland with mind controlled berserk
fighters like Cu Chulainn/Cu Challeann (Cunobelin, the
pendragon). The Celts call Orion, the horned god Cernunnos. In
may, the birth of summer, at the festival Belthane, the fire of
Ba'al, they worship him as the as Beil, the Ba'alwith its belt of
Orion through sacrifice and fire ceremonies with pentagrams and
crosses and dance around poles. At winter solstice, they dance
with the devil, wearing mask to invite demons to posses them and
sacrifice children and goats at Yule. DMT is offered in the
Cauldron of Dagda, the anointing stone of jerusalem=The Lia Fail
or Stone of Destiny. The festival of the Morning star Eoster
becomes Eastern in christian calendar. Winter solstice with the
typhon/sekhina purple smoke around the sacred oak tree=
christmas or X-mas. Founding of Austria (Eosphorus- bringer of
dawn, Osterreich, the kingdom of Eastern). Scythians, called
Sacae (dogs) by the Persians, become the Saxons and Anglo-
Saxons (Abraxas=abrasax), the Saxe-Coburg bloodline.

Nordics and Celts occupy the Scandinavian countries. Beowulf

(remnants of Celtic culture). The Green man of the druids is
christianised into St.Patrick with his trinity-symbol the clover.
750-1258 Islamic Golden Age. Wisdom of Alexandria ends up in
Constantinople, containing artifacts and books from pre-flood
times. House of Wisdom academy in Bagdad, later closed by
puritan khalif Al-Moetawakkil. The chess boardgame
(Jah=>check, chess) from India reaches Persia and Europe
through the silk road. It represents the Saturnian 8x8 matrix,
number of DNA and hexagrams in Chinese alchemy, the I-ching.
Pan and his pipes rule the underbody=>men wear V-shaped
800 The Ancient Arrow site in New Mexico, created by
In Chochicalco, build on the ruins of Teotihuacan, sacrifices are
made to a monolith stele, engraved with the date year 10 cane,
day 9 reptilian eye. As in Teotihuacan, beneath the ceremonial
heart of Xochicalco, at the centre of the catacombs is a hexagonal
(8-pointed star cube) shaft, creating a glowing cone of light. On
two occasions of the year, 15 may and 28 july, when the sun
crosses the Tropic of cancer, a strong blaze of light illuminates
the chamber.
Cathar descendants, women with paranormal abilities are burned
as witches as sacrifice to Lucifer.
Black gun powder ('serpentine'), containg sulfur used in China to
fire rockets. The 7 feet tall
Charles the Great (Carl=Jupiter, Thor and his curly breath ),
member of the Ordo Draconum resides in Aachen (as in Akhen-
aton) with its one pyramid cathedral. He is crowned Holy
Emperor of the Romans by pope Leo 3 at winter solstice on
st.Peters Basilica as the new king Solomon.
911 A group of Nordic Vikings of Nephilim descent are allowed
in South France to protect the Roman empire from other Viking
invaders. Having red hair they are called Ro's, they wear furs of
wolfs and boars and helmets with bull horns and sail in boats
with dragon heads and serpent tails. Saturn, odd
numbers= Odin, with one eye and 8 legged horse, Enlil/Jupiter,
the bull=Thor, Mars=Tyr, Venus= Freya. the Tree of
Life=Yggdrasil guarded by a rooster with a golden comb. Set=the
jester clown Loki. The temple of Hercules Monoikos => the Rock
of Monaco, fortress of the elite bloodlines. The traveling
priestesses are called the völva, who have rituals at the Venus
Mountain in the Pyrennees (Perineum). Tribe of Dan=>
Denmark, with inverted templar cross flag.
1000 The reptilian bloodlines are in power at Glastonbury. The
search for the lapis exilis, divine knowledge= search for the Holy
grail. The round table of King Ar(c)thur= Arctica or Hyperborea,
beyond the northpole (space, inner earth), the polar Bear of Ursa
Major showing the way to Draco, the holy royal Annunaki
bloodline. His dog Kafall=the Cabal. Barnabas and his Amarita,
nectar =>Joseph of Arimathea who put his spear into the body of
Jesus, keeping his blood. Lancelote is the shape of the sacrificial
Fleur-de-lis stone. Set/ Camelopardis=> Camelot. The bloodline of
the bears=> Berlin. Victims are dismembered in 4 direction
The Hyksos and Scythian empire of the caucasus turns into the
jewish Kazharian empire, later Kazachstan. Yazidi's worship
Lucifer as Melek Taus, the peacock angel, cock of Pi. Virgins are
kept in moon-asteries, dressed as moon-keys, while men wear
hooded robes as moon-ks (beguins, when the jinn/gene entered,
the beginning). As serpent priests they are in charge of brewing
beer. They wear Saturnian black with a white collar, the
light/seed rising from darkness. Their prayers end with Amen
(Amun ra). Cardinals dress themselves as Amanita Muscaria
mushrooms and give their followers full moon Hostia (sacrificial
victims), Bread of the Lamb, as offering, prosphoron.
Development of Gregorian music (shamanistic music of the
Grigori, the fallen angels, based on the Ohm frequency). The flute
of Pan/Capricorn as worship of the Holy Breath=> Church organ.
1066 The Normans and Bretons of France conquer the
Norwegians and rule Brittain.Artois, representing Arctus, the
bear is the centre of weaving tapestry of whole Europe.
1091 The eagle/lion helmet turns into the knight helmet. Because
of surviving Cathar families on Montsegur in the Pyrennees (the
Tribe of Dan, so-called Mary Magdalene bloodline) the Knights
Templar, military arm of the Order of Sion and forerunners of
the Freemasons find out the other half is still in Jerusalem.
Godfrey of Bouillon gathers armies of Crusaders to go to
Jerusalem and steal the rest of the gold. Origin of the Cathar
minstrels and troubadours who travel with anti-church songs. In
the low countries the story of Lucifer turns into the allegorical
tale of a red haired trickster, Reginhard the sly fox (in England
Russel, german). Röggnvalder, fields of corn, ruler of the gods=>
Ronald, Rockafeller.
1099 Siege of Jerusalem.
1163 Construction of the Notre Dame in Paris with twin towers
and gargoyles.
1202 In Pisa, Fibonacci rediscovers the Hindu-Arabian knowledge
of the Golden Ratio.
1204 Phoenicians/Venetians and crusaders loot Constantinople
and destroy its library. Constantinople is later conquered by the
Ottoman Turks, Istanbul, the stand of the bull.
1229 Establishment of the Knight Templar Inquisition, torture
of all heretics, burning at the stake (auto-de-fe) as a sacrifice to
the spirit of the fire Lucifer/Baphomet. 12 jurors and one judge
in black as black sun/Orion with the hammer. Returning from
Jerusalem, the found the first elaborate banking system in
The Teutonic knights possess the entire treasure (gold and secret
knowledge) and found the concept of banking and create a bond
market as a means to control European nobles through war debts.
The Templars use their looted gold to buy 9,000 castles
throughout Europe and run an empire from Copenhagen to
Damascus. They found modern banking techniques and legitimize
usury via interest payments. Templars‘ bank branches pop up
everywhere, backed by their gold. They charge up to 60% interest
on loans, launch the concept of trust accounts and introduce the
first 'credit card system' for Holy Land pilgrims. They act as tax
collectors, though themselves exempted by Roman authorities,
and on the important leylines build the great Gothic ('magic',
from art Gotha, the argonauts ) cathedrals of Europe with
luminous stain glass, having found instructions regarding secret
building techniques. The cathedral of Chartes is built on a sacred
dolmen site of the druïds, dedicated to the mother goddess Isis.
The proportions are based on human body/tree of life, the 2
pillars of Boaz and Joachin, sun and moon. Cities and cathedrals
are alligned with constellation Virgo (Paris=the bar longitudinal
line of Isis).
They use the same imagery as Egyptian and jewish temples for
depicting Madonna where Isis=Madonna, Horus=Jesus. Notre
Dame=Dam (blood), the kakodaimon, the evil eye. Origin of the
Holy Grail mythology.

Djengis Khan/Quaïn conquers the biggest empire thus far, the

Mongolian Empire. His grandson Hualagu invades Bagdad and
builds a pyramid of chopped off heads.
1291 With the profits of another crusade, the Black Nobility of
Phoenicia/Venetia and its banksters found Switzerland (sisters of
Isis), with the rose cross flag, from where all wars will be
financed. Lucifer, who refused to bow for God becomes the hero
Guilyan/Willem of Tel (the mountain), the apple he shoots with
his crossbow phallus=Venus. In Germany he becomes Teil
Eulenspiegel (with his owl and his mirror).
1307 The templars are attacked by the Vatican who wants to stop
the information from spreading, they flee to Scotland. Others sail
to North America and Mexico. Friday 13 october King Phlip IV of
France orders first arrests of the Templar Knights. 22 november
Pope Clement V issues Papal bull 'Pastorales Praeeminentiae'
against the Templar Knights.
1314 Pope Clement V suppresses the Templars, burns Jacques de
1320 Dante's Divine Comedy, christian view on heaven and hell.
1347 In India a black sun temple as Konark (cone, corner anf-gle
of the ark). As a Saturnian ritual, the virus of Black Death is
brought in from the Silk Road to the Black sea to the port of
Genua. It spreads through fleas and rats kills 10 million
people,one third of the European population in 4 years. As a
biblical plague, a punishment for original sin, the blame is put on
jews, muslims, Roma and witches. After the planned economic
collapse, the venetian model is followed, Genua is ruled by a Doge
(of the underworld).
1380 In Belgica they worship Baal/bel at the white mountain
(Mont Blanc). People call themselves fleming (Venus as flamenco
firebird) with the lion as other Venus symbol. In Ghent
(Gontia=Venus/Lucifer), the descendants of Charlemagne build a
stone citadel with templar cross, a Devil stone, St. Anna church
(Anu) leading to 3 towers, like the pyramids corresponding to
Orion's belt. They install the Golden Dragon from Bruges in the
Bell tower. Quain slaying the giant Atlanteans=>Silvius Brabo
cutting off the hand of a giant=Brabo, who threw the hand
(Antwerpen). The ones with royal blood=seigneur, señore, sinjoor.
People are hanged by a noose (knot of Isis). Marriage ceremonies
are based on Saturn and Lucifer/Venus (Madonna). A marriage
candle is carried in the bridal procession and placed in the
couple's nuptial chamber as the fire of Lucifer. Another crusade is
held, the Bar-bary Crusade.
1403 Practice of fagging and whipping, sexual abuse in English
schools to create an educational system as in Greece and Sparta.
1429 Founding of the Order of the Golden Fleece, by Philip the
Good, Duke of Burgundy, wearing scarlet red.
1440 Invention of the printing press.
Artifacts and books from pre-flood times, stolen from the library
of Alexandria are now in the Vatican library. Ancient texts about
sacred geometry are rediscovered and translated into Latin by
the Italian Renaissance court of Cosimo de Medici. 'Patroni d'
onore' a secret society evolves from the Medici family, origin of
the name medical doctor. De Medici's have their own bank and
create the first bank crash. They introduce high heels, ice cream,
ballet dance,.. Figures are depicted in contrapposto, in spiral
pose, later in 'sepentine' form. The pre-flood time of the Ark and
the Wanderers is idealized by pastors and pastorale music about
Knowledge passed on to Vitruvius. Leonardo, member of the
Order of Sion studies sacred geometry, cymatics,..His painting of
Mona Lisa on populus wood stands for male and female in one
body, the morning star, Amon and El Isa/Isis, African Mawu-the
moon and Lisa-the sun. His virgin of the rocks is the Mary of
Mount Zion, giving birth to the first red haired child on earth.
Michelangelo is also initiated, the reason why he makes a statue
of Akhenaton/Moses with horns. God touching finger of
Adam:golden ratio of finger. Painters also suffer from lead
poisoning through led in their paint.
P, the rock (Ju-piter) Petra -the rock in Jerusalem, the
phallus=>St.Peter, the doorman of the underworld. In Rome, on
the Mons Vaticanus ('mountain of prophecy'), on the pagan hill of
the Taurobolium, a site is built: a Basilic after the basilisk, the
fabulous dragon that was deadly to anyone who looked at it. The
square is shaped as a chalice of the Holy Grail, a vulva Omega
with the 8 pointed star of Ishtar (hypercube) with an obelisk
Alpha inside it. A P-arrow through the Rose Cross shows the 3
stars of Orion (3 Magi) the way to Pleiades.

1453 Ottoman empire conquers Constantinople with large bronze

cannons shooting black balls and throwing granates (black
pomegranates). They trace themselves to Solomon (Sulayman)
and Alexander (Dhul Quarnayn), Quaïn of the sun god Og (Oghuz
Khan). Vlad Dragula of the Order of the Dragon, the legendary
vampire Dracula, obsessively impales victims through the
rectum, is known for drinking blood. War of the Rose between
House of Lancaster and York (red and white rose).
1466 The Venetians build a Stairs of the Giants in their city. The
Venetian Pope Paul 2 revives Saturnalia, lets jews race naked
through the city for fun. Saturnalia turns into Carnival.
1469 The Roman Empire defeat the black Moors who control
Iberia, Iberia becomes the Christian nation Spain, gloryfying
bulls and bull fighting.
1470 The same Nordics who created Tiahuanacu in Peru return
to South America and teach astronomy, building skills, the
calendar to the Incas. Machu Picchu is built for the Viracocha,
with an Altar of the Condor and a temple for sacrificing virgins.
Cusco is built in the shape of a cougar. The sun God Ra => Inti.
The city of Tenoch with twin towers, worshipping Mars
(Huitzilopochtl) at lake texcoco. The Inca culture takes human
sacrifice as debt payment to an extreme, sometimes over 80.000
people over the course of 4 days. They indulge in warfare to
obtain living bodies for continuous sacrifice. Virgins are buried
alive. Children are drugged with coca leaves and alcohol and
sacrificed on top of vulcanos of the 'ring of fire'. Hearts are ripped
out and put in jaguar-shaped bowls, while the bodies are tossed
down the steps of the pyramid. The victims, when chosen have a
celebrity status and are tied to large stones. The capital of the
Inca empire is Cusco, the 'rock of the owl', built in the shape of a

1500 Christ-opher Columbus (the dove, messenger of the holy

spirit, the column) is sent acrosses the Atlantean ocean, looking
for the city of gold as a premeditated attack on cultures with pre-
Atlantis knowledge as the Cherokee, the Hopi indians ('the
peaceful ones'), remnants of Aztecs and the Mayans. The
conquistadores of Portugal (Porto-kali, gate of Kali, gates of hell).
In the city of Tenoch with the twin towers (Mexico City) they still
expect a second coming of Quetzalcoatl and mistake Cortez as
their saviour, which steals their golden sun disks and sends them
to Europe. Confused by the similarities between their holy
Christian communion and the rituals of the Aztecs, the
Europeans banish all forms of mushroom use and burn all native
manuscripts. Millions of indigenous people slaughtered or pushed
into forced labour. Am-eri-ka=people with the soul of a lion.
English pirates (men of fire) of the Tudor dynasty led by Francis
Drake (Dragon) rob ships as with the skull and bones symbol as
their flag. They build universities with masonic fraternity
structure for their children.Tuatha, Teutonic Knights =>
Deutschland. In Genua, they built a lighthouse tower with the
rose cross, as a centre of slave trade.

On the tropic of capricorn of the black cube in Mecca, where

tropical typhoons form, they found the country 'Cuba' (part of the
Antilles, windward islands like constellation Antlia, the vacuum
pump of the sails of Argo Navis). On tropic of cancer the Brazil
(lizard) the city 'San Paulo' (sacred pole). Beginning of the
triangular slave trade: Africans are shipped to the Carribeans.
Sugar, tobacco and cotton is shipped to Europe. Textiles, rum is
shipped back to Africa. Black is introduced as the color of
mourning. Another Armada reaches India and builds a new
Calicut, a new Delphi, Goa (goat) installs a new Inquisition with
anti-Hindu laws to destroy pre-Atlantean knowledge.
1521 Exsurge Domine Pope Leo X excommunicates Martin
Luther. Paracelsus' alchemical work De rerum natura (1537) first
mention of homunculus ('little men'), created by human sperm
and horse dung.
1540 Official founding of the Jesuit society, the cult of the Black
Sun, using the same monogram IHS, in Montmartre, Mountain of
Mars in Paris. Paris is modelled after the temple of Luxor, with
the same obelisk as Osiris phallus, now at the Place de Concorde.
Agenda of creating atheism ('enlightenment') and immoral
nihilism (libertarianism). Art, religion and science are
seperated with the idea the old and new testament are just
mythological explanations. Humans start seeing themselves as
apex of evolution and the universe as a mechanistic device,
without consciousness. Shamanism is supressed in the western
world, seen as a medical condition, threat to the mechanistic
worldview. Sugar addiction makes people lose their ability of
lucid dreaming. Everyone is divided into different sects and
sectors so they are not able to see the bigger picture.
1593 Giordano Bruno is tortured and trialed for 7 years for
claiming there is extraterrestial life.
People are taught to imitate the movement of the binary stars,
flowing of the Danu, the water of the well around the central
vulva as the waltz as black and white Saturn and Venus.
1600 Rothschilds sponsor the first operas as an attempt to
recreate the Greek tragedies. 4000 boys per year are castrated so
they can sing higher notes (soprano, from above). Baroque.
Monteverdi, Bach, Vivaldi, Händel. Rococo. Mannerism. The
instrumental ouverture part of the opera turns into the concept of
the symphony, instrumental, secular music. The devil appears as
Scaramouche with his curly moustache in the shape of ram horns,
or his son Figaro (Fils Charon, Quarayn). The Lucifer
bird/Toth=the thieving mag-pie. Belthane => the marriage of
Figaro and his bride.Queen Herla, wife of Wodan during the wild
hunt=the jester Harlequin with bull horn/moon shaped hat.
Death/Saturn = il Dottore.The female goat doe=the do of do-re-mi.
British Empire
Britons is Hebrew for 'covenant', the Israeli people of the
covenant return home and build the British empire, supported by
the 'Black Venetians', Phoenicians. It represents the
Unity/Monad concept of Akhenaten, the plan to create a new
world order. Mt Calvaire => Calvinists. Osiris becomes Sir. The
protestant Queen E-liza-beth (born from lizard), hires Sir John
Dee (=Doe) as her private servant/ black magician. He lives close
to the omphalus stone of London, the London stone at Cannon
street 111 and studies it. He communicates with Greys
(Coronzon) through Enochian Magic, who give him information
about the importance of silicon, how to create matter from energy
and energy from matter. Rise of universities and buisiness
economy of British Empire.They want energy in the form of
blood/massacres in return. Catholics form conspiracy plots
againts queen Elizabeth.
The elite uses Venetian ceruse, 'spirits of Saturn', skin whitener
with white lead, causing lead posioning and syrup of snail slime
as cosmetics. They play bowling with skittles and nine pins, to
worship the ninth gate, Betelgeuse to Saturn, the 9th circle of
hell. Games are aimed at scoring like Scorpio, ruling the sex
organs.Judges wear wigs of lambs wool, the light of Aries and use
the Jupiter/thor hammer. Avocado=testicle, 2 devil's advocates,
helpers of Saturn.Baal=>paing bail. Con-tract with the
devil:stiffening, tie together. Murderers are dismembered like
Osiris by four horses.
John Dee designs the wooden Globe theatre, based on the
Atlantean science of harvesting energy, based on the hypercube,
the Kabala, cube of God. In 1614 , the audience is sacrificed in the
summer solstice fire ritual. Like most theatres they are filled
with oil lamps, trying to recreate Mt Olympus, so like a bowl,
they are perfect for trapping people in these fire rituals.
The servants of King James during the cruel mass executions are
called Jack Ketch, Jack (Joachim, Jacob, the jackyll) becomes the
proverbial name of Saturn, like John, the sun with his golden
phallus Johnny/Johnson (in Italy giovanni, zanni clowns).
Saturn/Satan in German: Hein (=>Heinz Ketchup). Jock(ey) on
his horse. The mark of Quaïn=> Union Jack. Jack-son: son of
Saturn. The cube of Saturn=Jack-in-the-box, jack-pot, his
presents, the cornucopia, horn of abundance that ejaculates.
Satan, Set=>One-eyed Jack, Jack the rabbit, wearing his jacket.
They call the appearing souls in the form of an orb (japanese
Hitodama) ignus fatuus, jack of the lantern. To worship these
spirits, during Samhain (Punkie night), death of summer,
harvested heads are lighted up. Like Dionysian satyrs carry a
phallic thyrsos-staff, the jesters carry a slapstick, marotte or
Morris, a scepter with its own jester head, given a silly voice by
the chest/jester (ventriloquism).
The child of King James V, Mary Stuart, queen of Scots (with
swollen limbs from Marvan syndrome) and marries Francis, the
Dauphin of France in the Notre Dame cathedral.
Francis Bacon, or Lord Varulam, an adviser to Queen Elizabeth
and King James, secretly writes theatre plays for the Globe
theatre at the Greenwich meridian, the same pole of St.Paul
cathedral. The plays are known as the plays of Shakespeare.
Shaking of the Spear refers to the phallus and Spear of Destiny,
south-and northpole. Orion's belt, the Graeas, sharing one eye=>3
witches of Macbeth. Satan/jack also appears as character in
theatre plays as the jester, the jack-out-of-the-box. As in the
Dyonisian comedies he is accompanied by zanni clowns, with long
penis noses and gouging eyes (eyes like pine cones, pin-okkio),
features of the reptilian hybrids.
He also translates the bible into English, keeping the
numerological codes intact and writes essais like 'New Atlantis',
one of the rosicrucian manifestoes. In it he lays out plans for
colonisation of America and announces an era of 'enlightenment',
envisioning universities as Solomon's house.

In one of these first Royal Societies,his friend Isaac Newton is

president. As a rosicrucian and Arianist he studies gravity,
alchemy,..Alchemists try to make gold out of lead through fire, in
the case of carbin coal into diamond. He writes Principia
Mathematica, develops the modern mechanistic model of science.
Testing on rodents/rats called Guinea pig, pig of the devil. The
university is called campus after the dragon, the hippo-campus,
the horns of Enlil.
1666 Great fire of London as sacrifice.
First crop circles. Rousseau, Kant, Hegelian dialectics.
Aristocratic Viennese music scene with Haydn, Salieri,
Paganini,.. Mercury is prescribed as the medicine Blue Mass
(Txt=X-mas). 1667 Paradise Lost by John Milton.
1672 In Bejing, the Ming Dynasty has more than a million
workers build a city Zjinn Cheng, city of the jinn/Draco pole star ,
with dragons and phoenixes, using golden bricks and vermillion.
Louis XIV, the sun king sends Jesuits to China. They develop the
first steam-powered vehicle (lord of genes/jinns=en-gine).The
jesuits introduce Leibniz to the I ching, the binary language of O
and 1's (0 and 1- Saturn Omega and goat Alpha, beans as penis
with P's, testicle seeds=>binary code).
1682 Louis XIV moves his court to the palace of Versailles as one
big sun gate (versailles, the turning, Enki Aquarius le Verseau).
The palace has a Hall of Mirrors, with arcaded windows and
mirrors to reflect the sun. His bedroom is the nucleus of the
palace, like the Holy of Holies of Solomon's temple. Everyday he
lets his court watch how he wakes up and starts to dress, like a
rising sun.
In America, in the state of Penn-sylvania (Pan-Silenus, silver) a
new Philadelphia is founded, to worship the Enki bloodline,
Pegasus square, the box of Pan-dora.
1688 The first multinational, the Dutch East Indian Company
monopolises the trade of sugar and opium, creates the first stock
exchange and is closely associated with William of Oranje from
the House of Orange (apple of sin) in the Netherlands. He is
financed by Jewish banking families like the German family
Bauer, who change their name to Rothschild after the seal of
Solomon or David's star, Quain, the red haired child. William
invades England and takes the throne, rules jointly with Queen
Mary.Orange: color of amber road, orange route and blonde/red
haired elite. Candidates for sacrifice becomes candy. Holland=
hell, underneath sea level with Amsterdam, city of Venus worship
with the xxx-symbol and red light district.
1690 On july 1 a ritual is performed where Rotschild puppet
William of Orange 'defeats' King James 2 of England, crosses the
Boyne, rise of templar backed protestantism, the Battle of the
1694 Central Bank of England is created, at the Omphalus
stone, the navel of the world. London as the new Babylon
becomes the capital of the emerging British Empire and system of
global banking of the Illuminati bloodlines. Most Templars are
killed by the Church, the remaining group goes to Scotland,
builds the Rosslyn chapel with cube symbolism and secret
chamber for child sacrifice. Prisoners are chained to a black ball,
the Lapus Exilis. Ships use the star of Ishtar as steering wheel.
1701 William 2 strenghtening of Triennial Act, supremacy of
parliament over monarchy. So-called democracy but economic
class as secret government and real leaders with monarch as
The conflicts between the different families are fought by
ordinary people, who believe they are fighting patriotic wars.
De Medici order the making of the first piano's with 88 keys
(there are 88 constellations, Mercury has an orbit of 88 days) with
a wing like Hermes.The white keys are the tooth/Toth moon-keys.
The rythm of the 2 tropics (Tammuz-Tomas, the team, the 2
thieves, 2 twins of father time)=> tempo, tom toms, timpani,
tambourines, drums, strumming, trom-bone.
While neoclassicism stays a form of propoganda and
entertainment for the elite, the industrialisation, the anonymous
life in big cities, capitalism and materialism, in the name of
'progress' is a heavy burden for the common people. The
illuminati offer the perfect escapism in the form of a new, even
more populistic genre of Pastorale: roman-ticism, cultivating
people's sensitivity and nostalgia for a great, mythological past
like glorified ancient Greece.. Gothic novels like Mary Shelly's
Frankenstein. Lucifer/Liber-tarian literature of Marquise de
Sade. Era of Ludwig (son of Ludd) Beethoven, Goethe, Hölderlin,
Schelling,Lord Byron, Blake,..Paganini, because of his Marfan
syndrome spider like fingers has a reach of 3 octaves becomes the
violin virtuoso his time, later inspiring Rachmaninov, also
Marfan. Goya precursor of modernism, a more overt form of
occultism, darker subjects, nightmares, owls, giants,..Archetype
of the tormented, 'genius' artist (from jin, genii, touched by
spirits). The dialectism of Hegel, these, antithese, synthese is
applied as problem, reaction, solution, to divide and conquer.

New World Order

The Carolingian bloodline of Charlemagne continues as the

presidential bloodline in America, build a clone/colony. Lake
Michigan: the primordial sea, Detroit as the Rock, the Ohio
region of giants, leading through a Route 66 to Las Vegas, the
meadows as new Sin City and Phosphorus, the Light, Los
Angeles, with NY (N snake,Y female) as the Big Apple from the
garden of eden and Florida (Miami, mummy) as sunshine state
with its oranges and keys as mother energy vortex at the tropic of
1706 MI6 creates Wahhabism, based on the same principle as
Lutherism and installs it in MI6 created Saudi Arabia with the
elite bloodline of Saudi's to create chaos in the region (sunni red
against shia blue).
1711 The New York City Common Council makes Wall Street,
(the well that runs straight) with the bull statue the city's first
official slave market for the sale and rental of enslaved Africans
and natives with bull ring in their nose (Dow Jones= the doe of
the johns, the tropics). In Bangladesh the worshippers of Baal,
the Baul become a major sect.
Work based economy.
1744 In Spain people worship the morning star, the lady in red as
flamingo fire bird by dancing the flamenco and fandango,
clapping their palms and waving the fan, the feathers of the
peacock. The gambling game Roulette, the liitle wheel is the sun
as a white ball in the zodiac with its 36 deacons.
1743 – 1826 Thomas Jefferson, tries to keep US out of the hands
of the bankers.
1776 (in roman mdcclxxvi) In Bavaria, within the freemasons and
Jesuits (Society of Jesus), on 1 may (Walpurgisnacht, may day),
the Illuminati are formed, by Adam Wesihaupt to break away
from the Catholic Church. They use the owl of Minerva symbol.
Adam Smith publishes the Wealth of Nations, a blueprint for
capitalism, concept of Invisible Hand that guides the market,
based on Satanic principle of self-preservation and social
Darwinism. They replace the old world order of priestkings by
new world order of government institutions.
His friends and fellow freemasons like Benjamin Franklin spread
capitalism, worship of Isis/ Lucifer the morning star as statue of
Liberty, slavery, the $ snake Dollar Bill green and black
(Venus/Saturn) with the all seeing eye, star of David, reading
Mason and Novum Ordo Seclorum (new world order). French
freemasons like Pierre L'enfant, design the new Rome, Maryland:
Washington DC. Capitol Hill as the new Mons
Saturnus/Capitoline Hill,
During the alignment of Sirius with the sun, freemasons sign the
US Declaration of Independance in the tavern 'the Green dragon'
in Boston. Mason Guiseppe Balsamo, Count Cagliostro, enforces
the Egyptian satanic rituals, involving a virginal boy or girl as an
oracle or priest, referred to as Columbes or doves.

1784 A.I. Archon driven 1st industrial revolution. 1st mechanical

loom, introduction of water- and steam-powered mechanical
manufacturing facilities, the concept of the Greek automata. Rise
of the Luddite movement, named after sky goddess Nut/Ludd and
Ned Ludd who became emblematic for machine destroyers. The
British government makes machine breaking a capitol crime, the
Luddite or Labour movement defended by Lord Byron and Marx
eventually turns into socialism and communism and makes
people believe there is an opposition party (left wing -right wing)
that defends its interest while both are controlled by masons.
Ludd is the inspiration for the new archetype of Lucifer as the
Robin Hood (a redbreast bird with a cap) character as the
socialist hero of the people.
The apron skirt of freemasons becomes the envelope of letters,
with stamps of one penny, representing the penis with a side of
acacia gum, which has to be licked.
In the black forest Germany, cuckoo clocks are made, at 12 the
bird Lucifer comes out of his cage for his cuckoo's call (cuckoo's is
the name the Greeks gave to the Phoenicians). The weak force in
science is called Coulumb's law (of the dove, holy spirit, Lucifer).
Mozarts Magic Flute is the masonic parable of mankind becoming
entranced by the flute of Pan, 'enlightened' by the caged bird
Lucifer as the Queen of Night.
1789-1799 George Washington is inaugurated day before 1 may
as first US president in Wall street, NY. Jesuits and masonic
lodges create the French revolution, aimed at Louis XIV as the
usual spring ritual of chopping off heads of the previous sun king.
Blue- white- red: sky, fire, earth. Fraternity (freemason secrecy)
Liberty (moral relativism), Equality (in slavery). The Bastille
prison (the beast) is stormed and libertarians like de Sade are
freed. They exercise mind control on people like James Tilly
Matthews. Spreading of the doctrine of materialism, Lavoisier,
Baron D'Holbach. John Robinson, introduced to European lodges,
influenced by Boehme and Swedenborg, exposes them in the book
'Proofs of a conspiracy'.
1791 Brandenburg Tor in Berlin, Venus/Victory, the morning star
holding the Annunaki symbols, the Anunaki rose cross, eagle and
a chariot of 4 horses, controlling the world, the 4 cardinal points.
1800 The morning star cult of Ishtar becomes legal in the US and
turns into jewish EasternHanukkah (8 days and 8 nights).
Gaelic Samhain, harvest= waning of the halo, Halloween. The
spring symbols of eggs, bunnies, fables of hobbits living in
mushrooms, Alice in Wonderland, Mardi Gras, Carnaval.
Krampus demons become helpers of Saint Nicolas. Capitalists
commercialise the story of the oil made in the claustrum- Saturn,
Old nick as Santa Claus coming from the northpole hexagon
chimney (opening the box at winter solstice, satan=soot in the
chimney, cadeau=caduceus), with canes and balls hanging in the
evergreen tree. Demonstration of the first power engined vehicle,
the Puffing Devil. Jupiter and his chariot=the Dude and his car.
1804 Napoléon is crowned as the new sun god, wearing the
ancient symbols of spotted fur, gold and insignia.
1805-1844 Joseph Smith founder of Mormonism, mind controlled
with reptilian energies.
1815 Christian slaves in Algiers. June 18, at the Battle at
Waterloo, in the heart of Europe, Napoleon is used as puppet,
defeated by Wellington (born 1 may, founding of Illuminati). The
Rothchilds use pigeons, the symbol of 'peace' to deliver the news
England won. They create a panic, making it seem like France
won and secretly start buying. Afterwards they dominate the
financial market of Britain and the world. On a mountain at the
battlefield, the Illuminati place a Lion of Juda with the lapis
exilis under its paw, the coat of arms of Willem 2 of Orange as
conquerors of Europe. Frankenstein novel 1818 setting in
Ingolstadt, city of Adam Wesihaupt.

1822 The brothers Grimm, Kabbalistic jews collect occult folk

stories. Snow white: Gypsum of Isis/Kali with references to
cocain, kissed back into life. Little red hood: blood sacrifice of
1824 Beethoven '9th symphony' (choral, the curl, Karl) with
Schiller's poem 'Ode an die Freude, tochter aus Elysium'. (Freude:
fruit of the gods, rejoicing). His Elise, 'immortal beloved' is El,
The first matches are sold as Lucifer, in a box of hexagons with a
fatal dosis of phosphor. Saxe-Coburg Gotha bloodline rules the
new state Belgium. Thomas Jefferson death 4th of july. American
illuminati Order of Skull and Bones in 1832 (322 refers to bible
verse about tree of knowledge).
1833 Joseph Smith declares Independance, Missouri near Kansas
City as nex City of Zion in Missouri.
1834 The British Empire imports 1400 tons of opium per year to
China, wages war to protect the drug cartel.
1836 The obelisk of Rameses 2 is moved to Paris. Inauguration of
the Triumphal Arch of the (Morning) Star in Paris. Venetians
build the Fenice theatre, the phoenix and with the floor as a pit,
use it several times to burn people.
1846 The Smithsonian institute is founded, with the Black Sun
logo, to distort and erase important parts of human history. They
search all skeletal remains of the giants to rewrite history.
1848 Rotschilds create communism. Birth William Wynn
Westcott who will found the Order of the Golden Dawn.
1850 1st production line. Gold rush to Golden state California
(Kali,Caillech), El Dorado, City of Gold, on the 33d degree
1856 10 july Birth Nikola Tesla.
1859 (nr 23) Masonic Lunar society with members as Benjamin
Franklin, James Watt, Erasmus Darwin introduces 'survival of
the fittest'- idea in science as Darwinism, (with the same
Beagle/beatle ship symbolism) idea of humans descended from
apes instead of creation by God. Full title of Charles Darwins
work:'On the origin of species and the preservation of the favored
species'. Herbert Spencer, Eurocentric eugenetics, research on
twins. Darwins cousin Francis Galton spreads the idea of
eradication of the unfit. Scientists deny ancient cultures were
more advanced.
2nd industrial revolution. Introduction of electrically powered
mass production, based on the division of labour.
1860 In US the number of 500.000 slaves has grown to 4 million.
1861-1865 American civil war, started by Rothschilds, Belmont,
Bismarck, Knights of the Golden Circle in Charleston on 33th
parallel. AbRAham Lincoln, descending from the melungeon
Atlanteans in Ohio, has Marfen, suffers from Saturnian Me-
lancolia, from using mercury as medicine. He visits his Atlantean
ancestors in homeostasis in Ohio. He is a tyrannical white
supremacist, who wants to send blacks back to Liberia. He makes
the North fight the South to enforce industrial revolution, in the
interests of the railroads. The only organisation allowed behind
enemy lines is the Red Cross.
Cowboys ride mechanical bulls and wear Saturnian ring hats.
The Saturn-Venus tabernacles turn into taverns, lodges, lounges,
bars and saloons. Towns are ruled by a Sherrif (giraffe, reeve of a
shire) who carries the Star of David. They call their children kids
(baby-goats) and the black humour of Pan kidding.
The US ($, Isis) Dollar (Osiris, the pillar of the doll) and his bill
(Toth) is introduced. Slavery continues as the prison economy,
owned by 3 companies, who can kill at will, using cyanide.
Copper, blue blood=> cops, wearing the 6-pointed star.
Agenda of further degeneration through art as Fin-de-siècle, end
of a cycle, century by the sickle of Saturn. The Jesuit stronghold
Montmartre is the centre of Bohemianism (wanderers), with the
black cat symbol of the Egyptians and Cat-hars as their saint.
Alice in wonderland, rabbit hole. MasonOscar Wilde helps to
spread the Decadent movement, wearing long hair and flowers,
rejecting the idea of progress, embracing the unusual, criminal
and exotic, feeding the fear of the unknown, embracing of the
Kali/Saturn worshipping Gypsy culture.Lucifer as cat with green
eyes=emerald, esmeralda, the gypsy women. European
intillegentia discovers hasjisj, artists like Baudelaire openly and
proudly call themself decadent, themes like pact with the devil,
femme fatal. HP Lovecraft first science fiction, manipulation how
we see the universe.

Nikola Tesla influenced by the Hinduistic Veda texts, invents

electric devices, x-ray, neon, radio, free energy device. He is
contacted by benign ET's who warn him the world is not ready
yet. All his inventions are stolen by Edison, Marconi, boycotted
by JP Morgan, Rothschilds. After death his work is confiscated by
FBI, and misused by US military complex, nazi's,.. Revival of
occultism, socialism Eliphas Levi and Flora Tristan (womb of
the 3 stars), feminism, aimed at masculating females. Kuklos
Klan, Knights of the Golden circle with a Dragon as leader.
1867 Marx das Kapital.
1869 Goldman Sachs is founded. King of Bavaria, Ludwig 2 who
sees himself as the moon king, builds the Linderhof fantasy castle
to worship Lucifer. He promotes the music of Wagner (Wagoner,
charioteer) : Horus, Lucifer, Hiram Abiff, son of a widow
=>Parzifal, Siegfried who slays the dragon with a sword of fire.
The seed of the three stars of Orion=Tristan. The wild hunt =ride
of the valkyries, followers of Horus. Lucifer/Venus as deus ex
machina, queen of night= Brunhilde with her winged helmet and
spear of destiny.
Friedrich Nietzsche is a fierce critic of Christianity slave
morality, describes himself as the Antichrist/ Dyonisus.10 years
before he dies, he is influenced by a spirit when passing a large
stone who makes him write 'Also sprach Zarathustra'. Concept of
Uebermensch and eternal recurrence (ourobouros) .
1871 US constitution is illegally suspended and replaced by
Vatican 'Crown' corporation, a seperate government in the
district of Columbia. The Annunaki Holy trinity of 3
states, worshipping Baal:
1-Rome, the Ram, the father, Vatican city-religion.
2-Brittain as the Bride, at the Thames (tammuz, dam of Isis) with
the Two Tower bridge, the City of (Baby)london guarded by a
Dragon statue, financial liquidity. Queen Victoria and the
templars bring the obelisk of King Twt/David to Westminster,
where the templars have their own docks. Every year they carry
their giant ancestors Gog and Magog in their procession. The
omphalos stone of the druïds at 111 Cannon Street.
3-Washington DC, as the Vesca Pisces, district of the dove
Columbia, Holy Spirit, White House and military force, the
eagle/falcon that rises out of the war between blue and red (DC is
aligned with 3 main stars of Virgo). The map of DC is designed
with owl shape, pentagrams and and the largest obelisk in the
world with a cornerstone of 12 ton marble. The statue of George
Washington poses as Baphomet/Lucifer. 4th of july is the only day
the sun and Orion's belt rise together.

The obelisk from Alexandria, Egypt is put in Central Park in NY

(near the Jackie -Kennedy- Lake), near the temple of Isis in
Metropolitan Museum. Isis as Lady Liberty with solar crown
holds the chalice with blood and starfire as torch of heaven in 11
pointed star and 111,1 ft height.
On 18 january Wilhelm/William 1 is crowned Caesar/Kaizer of
the German empire in the Hall of Mirrors in the palace of the
black sun of Versailles.
1872 First gathering at Bohemian Grove, (cave of the
wanderers) California, meeting of the elite, fire worship in front
of giant owl, homosexual orgies.
1875 12 october birth occultist Aleister Crowley, the year of
Eliphas Levi death. Oct 30 founding of Theosophic Society by
1880-1914 Scramble for Africa by European colonialist Illuminati
like Leopold 2 of Belgium who invades the Congo Free State and
kills millions of Africans. 1882 Nietzsche writes the Gay science,
announcing death of God, Uebermensch, individualism.
1885 In Chicago, Windy City of the holy breath, close to Lake
Michigan, the first skyscraper (scarab, crab, modern obelisk
phallus) is built from steel skeleton.
1886 (=23) Founding of Coca-Cola (cc=33), with the 666 logo. The
drink is modeled after french coca wine, mixed with sugar syrup.
Later it is replaced by sugar, more addictive than cocain. 33cl
reaching the reward system, the bull's eye at the top of the spine.
Statue of Liberty.
1887 Westcott, Woodman and Mathers found the Order of the
Golden Dawn.
1888 Crowley joins Order of Golden Dawn . He becomes an expert
in sex magic, harvesting sexual energy for black magic,
summoning lower vibrational entities, works as a spy of British
intelligence. Nietzsche writes the Antichrist, introducing the
satanic concept of moral relativism.
1889 To top the other phalusses, another huge phallus is put in
Paris, of iron lettuce as the Eiffel Tower. On april the 20th, day
after Feast of Moloch, beginning of Belthaine, 11 days before the
high sabbat may day, Adolf Hitler is born as son of an
illegitimate son of Rothchild bloodline (11 the nr of Horus, the
son). Adolf means noble wolf, Hitler, is a hermit shepherd who
lives in a hut=the false shepherd, symbol of Sirius the wolf star.
Zionists like Theodore Herzl begin planning a persecution of jews
(sacrifice of '6 million' ) and evacuation out of Europe to
Palestine.Saturn hexagon star of David becomes zionist symbol.
1890 Height of slavery (2 million people) in the Sokoto Caliphate.
1896 First motion pictures to work the subconscious: in Dream
Theatres, designed according sacred geometry, the fear energy is
sucked up. The screen on which the fake world is projected=the
black monolith. The industry is centered in NY, monopolised by
Edison and in Hollywood (wood of illusion), California. The sound
of Pan=Panasonic.
1897 Dracula novel by Golden Dawn member Bram Stoker. The
1st Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland.
1898 V. Poulsen discovers magnetic recording of sound image and
data. Thousands of people report airships in US. Bayer launches
the product Heroïn (H) as sedative cough syrup.
1900 Occultist Frank Baum (tree) of the Theosophical Society
writes 'the wizard of oz' (Osiris), for mind control rituals. 'Going
over the rainbow' is beyond the spectrum of light, a dissociate
state of mind, triggered at will, yellow brick road is the road to
illumination, laid out by the handler. Golden phallus, amber road
to northpole with green auroras=yellow brick ro(a)d to emerald
city. Pan=> Peter Pan and his handler Capitain Hook,
Neverland=Australia with Alice springs, 4D. Founding of
Monsanto ( holy moon).
1902 Black monolith as first film screen 'Trip to the moon'
involving Saturn, one eye symbolism of Horus.
1903 First contrrolled flight of the Wright Brothers.
Humanity approaches a point in time of awakening and shift in
consciousness where our planet is completing a 26,000 year cycle,
the precession of the equinox and completing a greater cycle in
which our solar system completes it revolution around its own
sun in Sirius.
The Eon of Horus
1904 After sleeping in King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid in
Caïro, invoking Horus, Crowley writes the Book of Law, on 8-9-10
april, dictated by an entitiy he called Aiwass. It is the central text
of his Thelema religion, ushering in the Eon of Horus, the child,
the next stage of spiritual evolution of mankind (apocalypse,
lifting of the veil). The main law is 'Do what thou willt', following
the True Will, the Cosmic Law. 22 april birth Robert
Oppenheimer. Flinders Petrie investigates Mt Horeb.
1907 First women candidates in Finnish parliament. Financial
panic of 1907. Greenwich village, the green district of NY with
becomes the new capital of Bohemian culture. As a
Saturnian/Washington square with arch, it gives birth to the
pole, 5th avenue (nr of Venus), like the Greenwich meridian
dividing east and west leading to Waldorf-Astoria (star of Ra), on
the 33th street where the illuminati elite gather. Another Mount
Parnassus is created in Paris as another centre of Bohemian

1909 The Rothschilds create the secretive Buisiness Roundtable

(Milner Group) with Alfred Milner. Industrialist Cecil Rhodes
and Oppenheimers sent to South Africa, Kipling to India, Schiffs
and Warburgs to Russia, Rothschilds and Lazards go to the
Middle East.
Colonel Lytton leads the English Rosicrucian secret society,
father of the RIIA and fascism. James Bruce supervises the
Caribbean slave trade. Breeding of Mandingo fight slaves.
Creation of the Maffia and FBI (murder of president McKinley as
The ormus power is found in the Great pyramid, it is thought to
be aluminium and silica.
1911-1913 The atomic nucleus is first identified, first model of
quantum mechanics.
First indications that we live in a hologram. The symbol of Saturn
is used for Planck's constant.
1911 Wall Street capitalists (Rogenfelder/Rockefeller,
Carnegie,JuPiter Morgan,..) finance the communist russian
revolution.Chevre (goat) => chevron, chevrolet. People dance in
honour of Lucifer on 4/4 as the fox-trot (rocking) and tango
(touching the moon).
1912 Sinking of the Titanic as ritual symbolic sinking of
Atlantis/Titans, sacrifice of the rose maiden/virgin, getting rid of
opposition of the Rothschild/JP Morgan/Rockefeller banking
union into Atlantic Ocean, to create new Atlantis. Creation of the
Federal Reserve bank by Nelson D.Rockefeller, as pendragon of
12 other banks.
Warburgs found IG Farben, birth of the modern farmaceutical
pill industry. Teutonic Knights, Templars found the Thule society
(Thule=Baal, the lord). Washington DC has one of the first
subways, with tunnels connecting buildings only accessible to the
1913 In Paris, the rites of spring, dancing around Baal, the pole,
the bar of Isis are orchestrated as ballet. On winter solstice
Woodrow Wilson (ww=33) hands over the US to the Saturn
cult/banking cartel through the Federal Reserve Act, who begin
to get rid of the gold standard to introduce meaningless Phi/fiat
money (moon eye/black sun, the 13th zodiac sign). The Germans
start moving people and equipment to Antarctica and call it Neu
Schwabenland (Antarctica has a Drake passage at Cape Horn).
In NY, the Vanderbilts build the grand central station with secret
tunnels like track 61.
1914 On summer solstice 28 june, birth of the German empire in
1871, bankers like the brothers Warburg evoke and
finance World War 1 through a false flag attack murder of Franz
Ferdinand (ff=66, nr of sun). They run both sides of the war, as a
modern form of sacrifice ritual (Tannhauser Warburg
contest=battle between Lucifer and Michael). On 23 july war is
declared in Vienna on the longitudinal line, the Spear of Destiny.
Birth of Jack Parsons.
1915 Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire. First use of
poison gas. Anti-art statement 'Black square' of Malevitch.
1916 First use of tanks. Battle of Verdun.
1917 Russian Revolution, beginning of jewish bolshevik
communism (sickle=Saturn, hammer=Jupiter, the Spartacist
revolution, Spartacus being the nickname of Adam Weishaupt as
model of Luciferian rebel/slave leader), socialism, anarchism.
Russian civil war,
US enters WW1, because of the Balfour declaration of 2 november
where British controlled Palestine is promised to the Zionists.
Rockefellers make $200.000.000 from the war. Stalin (stallion,
steel horse) tries to exterminate shamanism through
concentration camps. Duchamps anti-art statement
'Fountain'.Anti-German sentiments are orchestrated so the Saxe-
Coburg-Gotha's change their name to Windsor, to sound more
English. Crowley writes Moonchild novel about magik, capturing
4d souls to create a moonchild/'superman', preferably born out of
wedlock, as a bastard.
1918 Another battle at Har-mageddon between allied troops and
the Ottoman army. End of war ritual on 11/11 on 11.00 (11-11-11
their antichrist nr).
1919 On summer solstice, the same date the war was initiated,
Rothschild affiliates gather in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles,
palace of the black sun (salon of war and salon of P-eace) for the
Treaty of Versailles and redraw European borders and impose a
'Carthagian peace' with rules so harsh, another conflict is bound
to happen. Russia is in hands of Khazarian bolshevik communists
who want to overthrow the christian empire.
On top of the quarries of gypsym, the white mineral from
sedimentary rocks, the Jesuits build the rose cross church of
Sacré-Coeur, the heart but also the sister of Isis, Nephtys, the
black cat (Lucifer/Venus that rose like a rose out of the rock).
After the millions of deaths from WW1, nihilism (anti-art, against
the heart), the existential crisis Nietzsche predicted, is
orchestrated. Modernism(from the mother). Influenced by African
art, fauvism, futurism (Marinetti,..), surrealism (Magritte, Dali,
Verlaine,..), cubism, symbolism. Iconoclasm. Baal Hadad, the
father => Dadaïsm. Stream of consciousness, interior monologue,
models with Marfan. Modernists in US build skyscrapers as giant
black obelisks. Inversion of the ancient horror vacui, emphasis on
functionality, emptiness, minimalism ('less is more'), worship of
black squares, black cubes. First digital technology, 'RAM'
In Germany, the Thule society changes it name into German
workers party. Marie Orsic channels messages from the same
Aldebarans in the Taurus constellation, that were linked to the
Sumerians. She presents the messages to members of the Thule,
Vril and Schwarze Sonne society (the SS-swastika, Saturn). They
have high hopes about breaking free from the US and UK-
dominated petroleum cartels and an optimistic vision about a new
world order based on alternative energy, Vril energy or Prana,
life force. Where most of human technology was destructive,
satanic, based on combustion, the new technology would be based
on divine force, like the Atlantean technology and could create a
New World Order.The physics are studied by Dr Schumann at the
university of Munich.
Founding of Hilton hotels. Some rooms are modern stargates for
the elite to meet in 4D.
1920 The Milner Group turns into Chatham House (Royal
Institute for International Affairs). Consumerism: development of
modern advertising techniques, emphasizing manipulation rather
than information, through the subconscious, creating more needs,
celebrity cult based on Freuds nephew Edward Bernays. Mind
control research at Tavistock institute, London. First televisions
(tv of El, the Devil with the sacred horn, Latin tuba=> watching
the tube) become the centre of living rooms as the sun/black box
of Saturn with the leather couch as crocodile/moon sickle. Movie
stars wear sunglasses like Grey eyes and become 'cool', idea of
sun being harmful. 2 april Crowley and his Thelema followers
turn the Villa de Santa Barbra in Sicily into an Abbey of
1922 March on Rome brings Mussolini to power, to create
another Roman Empire, based on the Roman phallus and
masculinity worship, 'fascism', the dick as dictator.
Stalin takes over and becomes a dictator. Communism (workers
taking control) starts to put fear in bankers. Only Germany can
stop Russia so the New World Order chooses Hitler's party,
backed by the Draco reptilians, the Vatican, and the Vril and
Thule societies. The cult of the Black sun is now National
Socialism, with the mark of Quain/Annunaki cross, eagle, oak
leaves, skull and bones and Hitler as Fuhrer/charioteer.
Mussolini expels Crowley from Sicily and he ends up in France,
where he encounters Pauline Pierce.
1924 Birth George H Bush from Crowley bloodline. J.Edgar
Hoover takes over FBI.
1925 Mussolini gains dictatorial powers. Mein Kampf is
published. Pauline Pierce gives birth to a child by Aleister
Crowley: Barbara Pierce, later Barbara Bush, wife of George
Walker Bush.
1926 birth princess Elizabeth, 1 month 11 days later Marilyn
1927 Rockefeller funds Nazi eugenics institute for the 3d reich,
invests in Standard Oil, later Exxon. IG Farben Prescott Bush
funds Hitler. Nazi's work together with Zionists to create a
master race and Israelian state (Hitler's eagle nest=symbol of
Mount Zion). Germans are mind controlled to believe they have to
undergo purification to become Uebermensch and Jews are
underground demons/untermenschen because of their hooked
nose. SS=the 2 snakes, die Schwarze Sonne. Release of
propaganda film 'Metropolis', Baal, the paal that mothered us,
whore of Babylon ushering in era of transhumanism. In Paris the
Greek Montparnasse is recreated, Black sun press promotes
bohemian culture and modernist literature from James Joyce,
World population reaches 2 billion.
1929 Oct 29 Wall Street stock market crash.Top 1% already owns
44,2% of the wealth. Rockefellers build their tower with golden
Lucifer/Prometheus statue.
1930 Great depression. 11 april Anton Lavey. 17 may Bis Bank
in Basel, Switzerland as the new Tower of Babel, where 33 years
earlier the first Zionist Congress took place.
Ethiopian Judeaism spreads as Rastafari religion to Jamaica,
Yahweh becomes Jah. Bears, the symbol of pedophiles, made of
goat hair are given to children as toys.
In Brazil the Ayuaska religion, Sancto Daimo is founded, the
Eucharist cult of Agathodaimo (Seth).
1931 Chinese Soviet Republic by Mao. Japan invades Manchuria.
Building of another lighthouse of Alexandria in Virginia as
masonic George Washington monument. Announcement of 'A
brave new world'. Building of the Empire State building on 33th
street.Rediscovery of DMT.
1933 Roosevelt (Roosevelt=field of roses) becomes US president,
introduces the New Deal stimulus package. Jan 5, the orange
Golden Gate bridge is built near Fort Mason on 33th parallel in
San Francisco, completed on 19 april (=13) 1937. Rockefeller
center completed, 4004 local US banks are closed and merged into
larger ones. January 30 (333) Hitler becomes chancelor and Führ-
er of Germany . 3 Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) form
against 3 Allies (US, UK, Russia). The zionists declare war on
Germany. The first 60.000 jews are transferred to Palestine.
Birth Jayne Mansfield 19 april (=13), named after Mansfeld, town
of Martin Luther. A fire ritual is performed at the Reichstag and
books are burned at Belthane/May day,under the linden trees. As
the beginning of Holocaust, fire sacrifice, the first concentration
camp is opened near Oranienburg (orange=33) and Dachau,
Bavaria where the Illuminati originated and the Nazi party has
its headquarters. Einstein is sent to the US.
1934 June 30 Night of the long knives, Nazi Germany.Founding
of the Ahnenerbe institute for research on Nordic heritage.
On July 11th the US Federal goverment under President
Franklin Roosevelt has a first meeting with tall Greys, in
Balboa, Panama City. The tall greys have a twice as large
brainsize. The treaty states that they in exchange for technology,
are allowed to abduct humans for genetic breeding experiments to
create a hybrid race (because they need an emotional body to
ascend). Underground base in Miami, Florida.
Italy attacks Ethiopia and civil war in Spain. American purge,
fear of infiltrating communists. The Great Purge under Stalin.
A ship is crashed on purpose in the Black Forest, Germany where
it is studied by members of the Vril society. A treaty is signed in
the Himalayah for information and technology exchange, leading
to an acceleration in development of spacecraft. The first German
flying saucers like the Bell (Baal) craft are developed by rocket
scientists Werner Von Braun and Herman Oberth (reptilian
cloaca=>die Glocke). The Nazis disregard the intentions of the
Aldebarans and use them as war ships. 5-10 september
Nuremberg rally with Albert Speers Cathedral of Light. 12
november birth of Charles Manson. 1935 28 march (spring
equinox) Triumph of the will.
1936 1st Arabian revolt organised by Mufti Al-Husseini, Hitler's
ally. 1-16 august: Olympic games nazi Berlin, first television
transmission on earth. Concept of Olympic flame, fire that
Prometheus/Lucifer stole from Mount Olympus.
1937 Recession US. Marijuana is criminalised in the US.

Germany enslaves 12 million people.'Entartete Kunst' exhibition

in Nazi Germany. The Draco reptilians make agreements with
the Nazi's. They lead them to 3 huge caverns in Antarctica, close
to their own bases. From these 3 bases they develop interstellar
travel, a Nazi fleet, controlled by reptilians. They start exploring
Mars, first around the equator, later they move to the north pole.
The Draco, Nephilim/Black Robes become the Gestapo, wearing
the rose cross, oak leaves and crab helmets. Children are put in
special genetic breeding programs to create the perfect slave,
willing to die for Hitler as the adler, the new Lucifer/Horus with
Eve/Eva Braun as his bride. Hitler and Himmler the
G/Hermanos, brothers from the A-Delphi. The Wewelsburg castle
is used as the centre of the black sun cult centre as the new navel
of the world, where Himmler gives his 12 SS-disciples a
Saturnian ring of death. They know history happens in cycles,
through astrology they try to predict the outcome of the war.
Anschluss unifies Germany and Austria. Hitler orders the
blowing up of a factory as a false flag attack so he has an excuse
to invade Poland.
1939 After discovery of nuclear fission, nazis plan to drop atomic
uranium bomb on Manhattan. Aug 25 the Wizard of Oz, featuring
Judy Garland. In Sumerian mythology Joudy (over time Judy)
was the female form of the uttuku, a wandering demon that
feasted on human suffering. It was said that if the female and
male form (known as Ba'al) ever united on Earth, the union
would produce an even more malevolent being, hastening the end
of the world.
Hitler invades Poland. In 1940, Mussolini declares war on France
and Brittain. Jan 15 the Blue bird, movie based on nazi project
Bluebird. 9 oct John Lennon is born as child from Julia Stanley.
1941 World War 2. Orson's Welles movie 'Citizine Kane' with the
rosebud metaphor for anal sex. His MK victim Rita Hayworth
becomes the first pin up star. American companies like Ford, IBM
finance Hitler and pay back the losses. Germany invades Russia,
150 years after Napoléon. The Greys are in contact with the
German government: they offer mind control techniques and are
allowed to do what they want in the concentration camps. The
nazis build a base on Alexandra Land on the North pole. They
build a pentagram vortex of camps killing people as a fire
sacrifice (Holocaust/casting in hell, using cyanide as
Sickle/Zyklon B) on the Metro-pole in Poland. 12 sep Construction
of Pentagon/ Pendragon, based on design of Jack Parsons, high
priest of the O.T.O., who sees himself as the Anti-christ. After the
Pearl Harbour ritual (pearly gates), US eagerly joins WW2. They
use phosphorus bombs to bomb German cities, amonnia is used
for methamphetamine pills.
1942 Internment of Japanese Americans. Endlosung of the jews
by the nazi-zionists. June 18 birth Paul McCartney. November 29
birth Stanley Dunham birth of Obama's mother (Crowley's
goddess Babalon, mother of abominations) in Kansas (New Zion,
town of Wizard of Oz).
1943 Battle of Stalingrad, 2 million casualties.
A spirit dictates Maria Valtorta, a girl in Italy 15.000 pages (the
Poem of Man-God). Concern of other planets about the nuclear
threat, interventions of 'foo fighters'. Joseph Mengele starts his
experimenting and research on twins.7 jan death Tesla.
LSD is discovered in a pharmaceutical house owned by Warburg
and used as a weapon through MK Ultra experiments. John
Trump involved in study Tesla's research. August 15,
the Philadelphia experiment, based on Tesla's
teleportation/time travel research (oracle in Delphi, the womb).
1944 On 6/6 D-day. First electronic computer Colossus online.
Japan investigates possible Death Ray.
Nazis move into Languedoc (tongue of the ox) and find the
Cabalistic wealth and knowledge, hide the gold in the
Berghofbunker. In Schweinfurt the German anti-gravity ships
with magneto-gravitic drives, Thule-Tachyonators (large spheres
of vertically rotating mercury) and klystron laser cannons are
used as very effective battle ships.
Rogenfelders/Rockefellers found the IAS. IAS members
Oppenheimer, Bohr and Einstein create the atomic bomb in the
Manhattan (manna-hata) project, in a race with the nazi's, also
trying to make a nuclear bomb. John J McCloy of Chase Bank
that funded Hitler, founding of the World Bank.
1945 Dresden attack 15 february. Hitler is allowed to escape to
Argentina with its nazi regime of Peron (and his wife also called
Eva). April 12 Roosevelt dies of cerebral hemorrhage on the 33th
parallel in Georgia, Harry Truman sworn in as new president.
April 28 Mussolini hanged. April 29 marriage Hitler and Eva
Braun, April 30 Hitler's supposed suicide date at 3.30 (333).
Illuminati May day ritual (V-E day) surrender Germany, division
in two.
Trinity nuclear test in New Mexico on july 16th on 33th parallel.
The homunculus (Uebermensch/Superman) research of medieval
alchemy continues with Jumbo steel bottle to create being with
altered extraterrestial Grey DNA. Potsdam conference 17 july-2
On august 6 and 9, (in system of 13 zodiac signs crossing between
cancer and leo) 33d president and 33d degree mason Harry
Truman usheres in the nuclear age. He orders the Enola Gay
(bisexual Magnolia with red seeds) to drop the 'devil's
egg' Atomic Bomb,(uranium bomb Little Boy referring to the
homunculus Uebermensch) and plutonium bomb Fat Man on
Hiroshima and Naga-saki ( blood of the snake/reptilian) on the
33d parallel. 6/9 symbolizes cancer, intertwinning of spirit-soul at
beginning of existence in the Great Year, procession of the
equinox (nuclear fallout will cause huge amount of cancer cases),
Jesus walks to cross at 6th hour and dies at 9th hour. August 13
zionist congress to start funding of Israel.
On 2 september the war ritual is closed on the dock of ship
Missouri (the new Zion of Joseph Smith, where Truman and his
daughter was born), on a black monolith table to usher in the new
Zionist world order. Gold is moved in underground tunnels. While
some of them commit suicide by cyanide, a lot of Nazi's can flee to
Egypt, Argentina, US, where they are protected by the military
complex, with technology, mind control techniques, evolve to
'Neo-cons'. Aktion Adlerflug (IG Farben, Bosch, Siemens, Daimler
Benz, General Motors, US Steel, Standard Oil,..).
Project Paperclip, transfer of nazi scientists like Werner Von
Braun and Joseph Mengele to American military complex. US
tries to build his own space ships and uses the mind control
techniques developed by Mengele, giving him the nick-name, Dr.
Green (Osiris). Cloning of people based on Simon Wiesenthals
research. International Monetary Fund. Brain drain of scientists
to the colony on Mars. Black projects of Jesuits, Knights of Malta
under umbrella of CIA, the all-ceeing eye. Project Oaktree traces
the descendants of the Tribe of Dan. Underground bases are built
in Atlanta, Montauk, NY,.. Illuminati create the UN, with their
blue capped soldiers. They act like 'filantropists' and hand out
Peace prices named after Nobel, who invented dynamite. Jack
Parson Babalon working ritual.
1946 The Dead Sea scrolls are discovered. June 14 lunar eclipse
birth Donald Trump to become 45th president. July 1 (date of
Battle of the Boyne) bomb Gilda is dropped named after Rita
Hayworth. July 6 (aphelion) George W(23) Bush is born from the
Charlemagne/ nazi/Crowley bloodline to become the 43d
president. July 25 Bikini Atoll (one of 23 Marshall Islands)
nuclear test. August 19 Bill Clinton is born on the 33th parallel
(Hope, Arkansas), to become the 42nd US president. 18 oct
Michael Aquino.
1947 Elizabeth Short (age 22, fool card nr) Black Dahlia
murders.Start of the Cold war. Operation Mocking bird,
controlling public debate and opinion. July 7, at the 33d parallel
of Babylon, a ship is deliberately crashed at Roswell,Lincoln
County for reverse engineering, forming of Majestic 12. Start
project Montauk at Brookhaven National Laboratories and
Project looking glass, with help from Draco's and Sirians use the
same Mercy seat technology as the pyramids of Giza. During
operation High jump in Antarctica, Admiral Byrd is intimidated
by the Nazi's and their ships. UN approves jewish state Israel.
Marriage queen Elizabeth. 20/7 Founding of the Tavistock mind
control institute (backed by Rockefellers). 1 dec death Crowley in
Hastings. First role of Marilyn Monroe. Birth David Bowie, Elton
John, Camilla Parker.
1948 Universal declaration of human rights. Mantell UFO
Seizure of Palestinian land in the Arab-Israeli war by the Zionist
jesuits of Aldebaran bloodlines. Similar to the Amon priests,
Edmond de Rothschild builds the first oil pipeline from the Red
Sea (the Suez/Zeus canal) to the Mediterranean to bring BP
Iranian oil to Israel and founds Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil.
Declaration of an Israeli State as Rothschild/8 families control
the world's oil supply. After the 1948 Palestinian exodus, 700,000
Palestinians who fled are not allowed to return (the Lausanne
Conference of 1949). The rock, St.Petrus => petroleum.
Rothschilds set up the Rockefellers for US domination, through
oil, the black gold, modern version of the Babylonian holy oil,
with 7 sisters (Exxon, Shell, Mobil, Texaco,..). The Saturnian
concept of darkness creating light, the black box=the Big Bang
Orwell, aware of Project Octopus disclose the plans of the elite in
1950 Betty and Barney Hill case, tested by human/Gray hybrids.
Under regressive hypnosis she states a German nazi was
involved. Abductions are introduced in the collective
consciousness through movies. Beatnik movement in Greenwich
village, cut-up style. CIA approves Project Bluebird, later Project
Artichoke, creation of amnesia, hypnotic triggers, and the
Manchurian Candidate. Heroin sold by nazi company Bayer with
Mengele as employee.
1952 German UFO's fly in group over the White House as a form
of blackmail, US and the Germans start a Secret Space Program.
UN building as city state in the turtlebay of NY. On 6 february
(birthday Adam Weishaupt) death king George 4, queen
Elizabeth 2 ascends throne.
1953 'Discovery' of the 3D structure of DNA. Founding of Playboy,
the Ishtar/Set rabbit with the orion bow tie.
1954 Eisenhower has his 3d meeting with the Greys about the
Technology Transfer Programs, the Grenada treaty in Holloman
Air Force Base, New Mexico (operation Dandelion).
Out of NSA, other secret branches sell the technology to private
industry and government agencies, including the military like
Boeing, Lockheed,... Start of breakaway civilisation, development
of mind control techniques like Extreme Low Frequency, memory
erase technology, electronic mind control, Voice of God-
technology. Through implants, humans can be made into
mechanical toys. Human consciousness is basically 'hacked'.
Personalities can be created, inserted, reprogrammed and
combined (Multiple Personality Disorder).
Networking is 4th Density STO concept seeping into 3rd density.
At Genève (Gwenyfar), the Jesuit stronghold with the white
mountain Mont Blanc and Park Aryana, CERN, named after the
Capricorn goat- the horned god Cernunnos, with the
Lucifer/Shiva statue and 666-logo, is built on temple of Apollyon
(Lucifer/Enki). They see the Age of Aquarius as the return of
Lucifer/Enki/Vishnu, the life-giver and try to summon him. It
develops intranet as a weapon (gnostig G/6 becomes @).
First electricity from nuclear power. The illuminati build an
entertainment/news industry creating pop as the modern opium,
to program the masses. The 2 tropics: back and forth, in and out,
rock and roll, nodding yes in the 1-shape (Greek phren
heart/mind => refrain). Project Monarch continuing of the
Egyptian research on mind control. April 19 wedding Grace Kelly.
On april 20 Angela Merkel is born, on the same birthday as
Hitler from the same bloodline. Dutch nazi prince Bernhard
founds the Builderberg conferences. First Scientology Church.
1955 Guru Gobind Singh establishes the Sikh religion with the
same Amrita ceremony. Cocaine as the new manna. MI6 and CIA
rule global drugs trade to finance Black Ops. Shipping of heroïn
for black ops and opiate youth.Vietnam war (blue vs red) a war
that lasts 20 years, using chemical weapons like Agent Orange
and phosphorus bombs, while over 40% of US soldiers are
exposed to heroin or LSD. Their dead bodies are used to import
heroin into the US and sell in black neighbourhoods.Opening
Disneyland. 30/9 sacrifice James Dean. Nov 22 Russian H-bomb.
1957 Mason Mao launches 'The great leap forward' to rapidly
transform China's economy from an agraric one to an
industrialised one, causing widespread famine with a death toll
over 20 million people.10 march birth Osama Bin Laden. 6 july
(aphelion sun-Sirius) John Lennon and Paul McCartney meet.
1958 First VISA cards (based on the number 666) are used.
Building of the Atomium Merkaba hypercube, the structure of
iron crystal, the iron crown of Atum in Brussels, heart of Europe.
1959 world population reaches 3 billion. Globalisation of world
culture to make control easier. Opening of the Guggenheim at
Central Park on 88th street, as the new Solomon temple/ziggurat
built like a nautilus shell, dome of the rock with 6 pointed star.
Yellow cabs as symbol of following yellow brick road.
1960 Independance of 17 African nations. Luciferian blue-red
street gangs in US (bloods and crips/blue blood crabs with 6 and
9's). Because in Luciferianism blacks represent evil Saturn/Set
raping Horus, blacks as members of the masonic Boulé sect
always have to perform homosexual rituals.
1961 3d intustrial revolution. Berlin wall. Patrice Lumumba
assasinated by Belgium, UK, US.
Bay of pigs invasion fails at april 19. In some manuscripts of
Revelation the nr 666 is 616: 1 july birth princess Diana. 4th of
august Birth of Barry Soetoro (Obama) in Honolulu, Hawaii,
tropic of cancer, one of the 3 bars of our prison matrix. He is the
child of Stanley (Satan) Ann Dunham, twin sister of Paul
McCartney (Liverpool 53°, Kansas 55°). Paul McCartney becomes
base player of the Beatles (scarab beatle symbol of Egyptian god
Khepri), mind controlled at Tavistock institute.
1962 (6/2 birtday Weishaupt) aug 5 murder of Marylin Monroe
(M=13, mm=33), of the Crowley-Bush bloodline, mind controlled
with beta kitten programming, 400 days after birth Diana. Music
records based on Saturn's rings, played on record players with big
horns.. Mengele and other nazis continue twin research in
Argentinia and Brazil. October 5 1st Beatles single, and Dr. No
1st Bond movie (007 Tubal-Cain refers to John Dee and MI6 spy
Crowley, following True Will is the bond). 13 day ritual Cuban
missile crisis, opening of box of Pandora, the cube (Cuba).
Manchurian Candidate and How to kill a mocking bird (Project

1963 Aug 28 March on Washington, MLK speech in front of

Lincoln Memorial. Sacrifice JFK(symbolic names of John and
Jackie) on the 33d degree parallel on 11/22=33,the date of papal
bull against the Templar Knights, through the use of Monarch
slaves mind controlled with wizard of Oz (Os-wald, Jack Ruby).
death Aldous Huxley and CS Lewis. Viennese actionism, more
overt satanic rituals in art.
1964 A generation gap is created between modern youth and their
parents and the mantra 'times are changing' is spread
everywhere. Beatles for sale 4 dec.
1965 Malcolm X, of Scottish descent, linked to nation of islam is
assasinated. Kecksburg UFO incident.Postmodernism. With the
fall of communism, western capitalism is the only system that
still stands. Agenda of nihilism in Europe, childish optimism in
America (climbing up Jacob's ladder, the American Dream). All
participants, every citizen is a producer or consumer, tries to
acquire wealth to enjoy luxuary products, bombarded with
advertising to get addicted to sugar, coffee, fat,
metamphematines,..Heroin is promoted as chic in modern art,
Andy Warhol. Increase of pornography (Playboy, Crowley
connected Kinsey research funded by Rockefellers,..).
March 7 ritual in march at Selma, Alabama of crossing the
abyss/bridge by mason Martin Luther King at 33th parallel
('reaching jeru-salema'). Beating of Amelia Boynton, linking it the
ritual to the crossing of the Boyne and rise of Rothschild backed
Martin Luther protestanism of in 1690.The bridge is named after
Edmund Pettus, Grand Dragon of the KKK.
In L.A., the Osirian/Dyonisian cult continues. In the same log
cabin where the first hippie Vito Paulekes, family of the
Rockefellers, sacrificiced his son, where Frank Zappa and his
family lived, Charles Manson from the same Laurel Canyon scene
is turned into a cult leader.They manufacture bands, create a
counterculture, a continuation of the Decadence movement. Jim
Morisson and Jimi Hendrix, of military families are turned into
anti-war but basically just hedonistic rock icons.At the same time
they promote satanic cults like the Process Church of Last
Judgement as an offshoot of Ron Hubbard's Scientology, Kenneth
Grant's Solar Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis, Aryan Brotherhood
and program their musicians with Aleister Crowley and Alice in
Wonderland. Beatles movie Help about blood sacrifice Paul,
replaced by fake Paul, fool joker.

1966 March, John Lennon claims to be bigger than Jesus (John of

Revelation). On 1 may Walpurgis night, same day Illuminati were
formed (day after Hitler alleged suicide), Anton LaVey, closely
related to NSA's General Michael Aquino (connected to Mengele)
founds Church of Satan in San Francisco, keeping a black
leopard in his garden (animal of Dyonisus). Founding of Process
Church of the Final Judgement in London by Scientology
members. Creation of fake gangs like Black panthers to scare
white America. CIA creates 'Rock music' and hippie movement, as
a MK Ultra mind control experiment in Laurel Canyon,
California to undermine the anti-war movement. 31 aug Persona
Mind control projects involving Elvis, Mick Jagger, Jodorowsky,
George Lucas (Luke Skywalker=Lucifer, Darth Vader=Saturn,
father time), Francis Ford Coppola (Kurtz, the
Godfather=Saturn), Steven Spielberg, Harry Houdini, Stan Lee of
Marvel Comics, Man Ray, Salvador Dali, Walt Disney
(capricorn=peter pan and captain hook,..), Michael Bertiaux (New
Age movement worships Satan and Venus as Sanat Kumara and
Ashtar ), Rick Ruben, Robert Heinlein,.. A cubed 3 is 27, the idols
(eye-dolls) are sacrificed at 27 with the club of 27. 5 august (day
of death Marilyn Monroe) release of Beatles 'Revolver'. Last
concert aug 29, day of John the baptist.
Sacrifice of Paul McCartney on 9 november (911) in Aston
Martin car crash, replaced by a lookalike Faul. Blow up movie
(set as photographer killing isis) at 18/12, day of car crash Tara
1967 Jan 4 the Doors. 13 april Casino Royale with Le Chiffre as
Crowley. june 1st (birthday Marylon Monroe, 20y after Crowley's
death) Sgt. Pepper album with OTO Crowley cover referring to
McCartney's sacrifice (devil's pepper explained in Rosemary's
baby, published on march 12). LSD is spread and promoted as
Lucy or Lucifer in the sky with diamonds by new age guru
Timothy Leary and John Lennon.12 june You only live twice with
Dr Blofeld as Crowley. 29 june car crash Jayne
Mansfield (story of beheading, linking to John Baptist). 2 days
later, july 1 (birthday Diana) Pamela Anderson, archetype of red
rose sex slave. Summer of 'love' in San Francisco (satanic mind
control involving Charles Manson). Oct 9 death Che Guevara
(birthday John Lennon).
1968 3 april: Release of Planet of the apes
and 2001 (homunculus/moonchild, eon of Horus, revolution of
Revelation 9). Hal=doorway to Duat, red mercury used by Toth in
Atlantis bull's eye shaped stargates. 4 april: sacrifice Martin
Luther King (MLK, king Molech,Mal'akh messenger) like Osiris
bull in Memphis of Ancient Egypt. May student protests. 6 june
Robert Kennedy .
Lyndon Johnson and his 'Wise men'.Council on Foreign Relations,
Rockefeller, JP Morgan, CIA operate as one entity. Tolkien
publishes 'The lord of the rings' (Saturn), after his research in
Oxford about our real history, the 2 pillars,..
Huxley describes the new society, how the slaves will eventually
start enjoying their slavery. Kneele describes how pornographic
reality-tv will dumb the masses down. Rockefeller foundation
decides to increase the amount of pornography, violence
in human society. Feminisation of men, masculation of women.
June 12 (birthday George Bush), release of Roman Polanski
movie Rosemary's Baby (child of Isis Horus-Antichrist, written
by Ira Levin, born 12 nov like Charles Manson), shot in Dakota
Hotel, NY (God is dead, Damien theme with Maria de Lourdes
'Mia' Farrow, born in 1945, involved with pedophile Woody Allen).
November 5 Nixon is elected. November 22 (=33, JFK
assasination date) release of Beatles 9th album 'White
Album',(Glass onion about Looking Glass). It is used for mind
control of Charles Manson (charlie, the fool joker, Son of Man)
living in the Spahn Movie ranch in Death Valley as bottomless pit
of Lucifer. Revolution 9 seen as Revelation 9, assasination of
MLK as start of Helter Skelter as race war between black and
1969 In occultism 69, the number of cancer is important, because
the relation between Saturn and the tropic of cancer.
In january Manson family moves to yellow home as his 'Yellow
Submarine'. After their march 20th wedding, John Lennon and
Yoko Ono let the press watch how they rise in the morning like a
sun king (Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Ono born in 1933),
promoting 'Pax/Pea-ce' with the dove and inverted tree of life
symbol (room 702 in Amsterdam Hilton, from 9am to 9am).
feminism (cancer rules the womb). June 13 Blue movie, golden
age of porn. June 22 sacrifice Dorothy/Judy Garland, age 47.
On 3th of july, day before aphelion/independance day sacrifice of
Rolling stones member Brian Jones at 27 in swimming pool.
Nixon inaugurated as president.
On 11 july Space Oddity (trip of the fool) is released by David
Bowie (later dying from on 69th birthday from cancer) to promote
the moon landing. Saturn V launches Lucifer/Apollo rockets,
based on Parsons and Werner Von Braun's research. July 20:
moon landing hoax by the insider Ashkenazi jew Stanley Kubrick,
ordered by Nixon.
Charles Manson orders murders, mind controlled with LSD,
Revelation 9 and Beatles music (Revolution 9) on 25 july (date of
nuclear test Bikini Atoll) and august 9, date of atomic bomb
(symbolic splitting of the Godhead). One of them is pregnant
Sharon Tate, the wife of Roman Polanski (like Vincent Bugliosi,
born 18 august- 1+8=9, director of Rosemary's baby), killed in
masonic pose the Hanged man. The next night his Family
murders Rosemary LaBianca writing 'Rise' (shouted in song
'Revolution 9', interpreted as Revelation 9) and 'Death to
Pigs'(song 'Piggies'). One of the killers Bobby Beausoleil played
the role of Lucifer in 'Lucifer rising' by Crowley follower Kenneth
Anger (with Marianne Faithful, girlfriend of Mick Jagger as
Lilith). Aug 15 Woodstock festival (wood tree of life Osiris) with
headliner Jimi Hendrix, sacrificed a year later at 27. 26
september Abbey road is released (funeral procession cover, road
to abbey of Thelema, taken on aug 8, 69 crossing cancer to leo,
pisces to age of aquarius).
6 december Murder ritual during 'Sympathy for the devil' of
Rolling Stones concert by Hell's Angels, ending the dream of
peace and love and usher in the materialistic yuppie culture of
the 80's.
Multiculturalism becomes official policy in Western nations, to
create the concept of a 'final conflict' race war while white
supremacists continue to rule.
Sport turns into a commercialised religion and industry. Together
with the industry of music and films, it continously produces new
idols, new stars and gods of the people. The black ball of pool
table=Saturn. Duality of masonic checker's floor =>Chess, card
4th industrial revolution: Industrial park Stanford University
(mind control research) turns into Silicon Valley. Electronics and
IT for further automation of manufacturing.
Middle class jobs (assembly line workers, data processors,
foremen and supervisors) disappear through outsourcing or
automation. People must either move up as 'mind workers'
(engineers, doctors, attorneys, teachers, executives, journalists),
or settle for low-skill, low-wage service jobs.
1970 Club of 27(=9) sacrifices Alan Wilson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis
Joplin. Laws that make research on lsd, DMT impossible, war on
blacks as the 'War on drugs'. Pole dancing in stripclubs as
modern Sanctuary of the Night/Venus Mountains with black
bouncers wearing Saturnian black, guarding the door of the

In New Mexico the Ancient Arrow site is discovered. Pine gap in

Alice Springs, Australia.
1971 april 9, Manson sentenced to death (killing of the bull). May
day (celebrated by pagans, nazi's, socialist, European
communities) ritual disguised as anti-war protest . 17 june:
Manson trial media circus creates an Antichrist superstar. After
CIA has flooded streets with drugs, antipode Nixon declares war
on drugs (repression against blacks).Ludwig 2, the wizard of Oz
becomes Willie Wonka and his Chocolate factory. July 3
(aphelion, the door) sacrifice Jim Morisson sacrificed in
bathtub.John Lennon's Imagine on 9 sept (99). December 19, A
Clockwork Orange. Alex=Alexander Crowley, 4 droogs, the 4
angels from Revelation 9 (9th symphony). Beethoven 9th
symphony nazi/illuminati anthem of 4th reich, of what will
become European Union with ring of stars flag,
1972 Nixon gets elected after Wallace shooting. David Bowie's
alien androgynous alter ego Ziggy Stardust.
1973 Watergate scandal. David Rockefeller and members of the
Council of Foreign Relations found the Trilateral Commission.
Opening of the Twin Towers in New York (2 masonic pillars as
stargate). The Exorcist about antichrist baby. The Holy
Mountain, the Wicker man.
1974 First microchip. Companies like IBM that made the
concentration camps, make the personal computer. World
population reaches 4 billion.20 june 1975 Jaws, era of summer
blockbusters. Watergate, Nixon resigns aug 9, president Ford
abuses victims like Cathy O'Brian. The Godfather (Diana scarlett
woman as Diane Keaton).

1976 Cydonia on Mars is discovered by the Viking probe. Mind

control experiment on US embassy in Moscow as part of war with
silent weapons. 1 april Founding of Apple computers (Venus, the
forbidden fruit of the serpent) and Next (Hexed).First Apple
Computer april 11 (bday of Anton LaVey). 6/6 The Omen. Taxi
Driver announcing MK ultra killers like Son of Sam, John
Hinckley and Mark David Chapman, turning the Ma(n)son
antichrist serial killer archetype into a superstar.
1977 (77 divine nr of osiris) 25 may, Hollywood blockbuster era:
first Star Wars with Obi Wan-Kenobi (Osiris) attacked by Darth
Vader (Daath-Set/Saturn), Luke Skywalker/Moonwalker as
Lucifer/Horus with the Djedd-eye and Yoda against Dart Sith
(Apep), heavy Nazi symbolism.
Postmodernism, marketing of so-called rebellious alternative to
mainstream, creating divisions between generations.Shamanistic
rituals turn into music trends like Disco (the sun disk, Saturn
saturday night fever) in Studio 54 (9) where everybody dances in
discothecs on the masonic checker's floor in the light of Saturn as
mirror ball of illusion (Doe of the jones, the disc jockey). The lit
floor is the abyss in 2001 a space oddyssey. Orion, the Medium
Caelum, master of ceremony with disk jack/jockeys. 27 may Sex
Pistols 'God save the Queen' on the Queen's silver jubilee.
Bastille day, 13-14 july (when Sirius dissapears behind sun, when
the lights go out) a black-out lightning ritual is orchestrated in
NY for riots. Mind controlled serial killers like the Son of Sam
(Samuel/Set), are let loose to kill during the Dog Days so media
can exploit the fear. So-called birth of Hip Hop; 16 aug sacrifice
Elvis Prestley. Nov 19 Close Encounters of the 3d kind.
1978 Harvey Milk is shot to cause the White Night riots as
Belthane ritual. Jonestown, 909 people commit suicide with
cyanide. The Omen 2. Superman. Personalities/realities can be
inserted digitally.oct 5 The boys from Brazil.
1979 US has secret space program with classified space vehicles
using antigravity technology such as the Aurora and TR-3B. The
labyrinth of the Minotaur becomes the Saturnian
Terror/thunderdome of Mad Max (M-Axis). Pink Floyd 'the
wall'=yellow brick road. Apocalypse now.
1980 Because of the movie Heaven's gate (referring to Saturn), a
planned office box bomb, leading to the financial collapse of the
studio United Artists, Hollywood can move away from director-
driven film production and move towards total studio control.
Workers in the movie industry are rewarded with a statue of a
golden man (Oz-car) or golden palm/laurel crown. Actors are the
new sex slaves and candidates for sacrifice. They are bred and
mind controlled in special programs. Rise of CIA controlled
feminism (Gloria Stein), MK ultra Washington controlled Punk
rock ( Ian Mackaye, Henry Rollins, Dave Grohl,...), Hip hop (
rappers calling themselves 'dogs' and women 'bitches' like Isis,
controlled by Israeli moguls like Jimmy Iovine and Lyor Cohen,
who create bull fights/beef. Jupiter=Jay-hova Carter,
Nazirius=Nas), materialistic yuppie culture in Wall Street, cell-
lunar phones. Rise of satanic death metal in Nordic countries and
gangster rap in black suburbs as projects of project Monarch.
The Shining, about Crowlean rituals to create antichrist babys as
in Rosemarys Baby (prince William 2 years later during solstice,
portal to 4D), predictive programming of John Lennon murder on
8 december, with rose memorial in Central Park.
1981 Trans-en-Provence ufo case. 20 march spring equinox The
Omen 3 about antichrist birth prince William, president Bush. 24
february Engagement (sapphire hexagonal saturn stone ring -dr
Sapirstein Rosemary's baby, ring represent eclipse) and 29 july
wedding prince Charles and Diana.1 july Wonderland murders
Laurel Canyon. Birth Meghan Markle. 12 nov William Holden
(Omen 2). Sacrifice Natalie Wood 29 nov.
1982 Launch of the cd-player. Michael Jackson as king of pop.
Mind control program Punk(ie) rock, makes young people wear
rooster mohawks and dog chains (black sun Johnny Rotten). 9
january birth princess Kate Middleton on lunar eclipse after
winter solstice. 21 june (mirror date of Rosemary's Baby,21/6=216
(6x6x6)) summer solstice: Birth prince William (True Will,
Thelema) at solar eclipse as new king Arthur (meeting sun and
moon, eclipse as portal shown in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001).
Solstice child (feathered serpent) receives snake DNA, tribe of
Dan from mother and eagle wings, a 4D soul from sky father (in
case of eclipse Saturn/Satan, the rebirth of Osiris through Horus).
Diana becomes symbol of mother goddess.

85 days later, 14 sept car crash sacrifice Grace Kelly (birthday

Charles Manson). 1983 Thomas Aquino of the Church of
Satan/Set performs rituals in the nazi castle of
Wewelsburg.Project Montauk.
1984 22 january Launching of Macintosh as commercialised
Lucifer Lightbringer (transhumanism, artificial ascension, the
promise of Lucifer to become a God).Michael Jordan 23, the new
Osiris bull and Lucifer as Omni (omniscientist, the Lapis Exilis,
human becoming all-knowing God) as genderless Prince
enlightened by 'Purple rain' (sex magic) as genderless Madonna,
queen of pop.Michael Jackson's fire accident. 15 sept birth prince
Harry, son of Diana and James Hewitt. 26 oct Terminator (red
eye artificial intelligence). Dec 14 Dune.
1985 23 jan Material girl, Madonna as whore of Babylon.19 april
siege csa. July 3 the movie Back to the future is released about
time travel (Werner von Braun=Emmet Brown), project Bluebird,
Montauk. Predictive programming of 911 and election of Donald
Trump as the bully Biff (Chiram Abiff, the antichrist). Gremlins,
produced by Ashke-nazi Spielberg, completion of Project Octopus.
November inauguration president/actor Ronald Reagon.
1986 Burning man Nevada (horseshoe shape). Transhumanists
of Silicon Vally perform the desert wicker man ritual burning of
man, Saturn eating its children, based on occult summer solstice
ritual of Black Rock City with Terrordome. April 26 ritual with
nuclear technology at Tchernobyl ('wormwood' prediction of
Book of Revelation) to mutate human DNA.
1987 The Rockefellers plants the infection AIDS (Greek
Hades/Aïdes, hiv=hive) through the 'Hepatitis B vaccine study' in
New York City as an attack on the black race. The 'wall of sound'
in music production. Media campaign to cover up satanic ritual
1988 Moonwalker movie Michael Jackson.
1989 Collapse of the Sovjet bloc in Europe. Magnetic pole shift.
Mitterand as the new sun king builds a new pyramid at the
Louvre with 666 rhombis.
1990 Twin Peaks april 9th. NWO speech of George Bush on 911.
UN Resolution 666 with 13 votes on 13 september ushering end of
Babylon (the Gulf war, attack Saddam with psychotronics). US
builds large ambassy in Iraq for contact with technological giant
Atlanteans who retreated in ancient tunnel system in inner
earth. Internet, based on Arpanet. 3 october Reunification of
Germany (blue and red). Illuminati create Nefertiti blue flat top
headdress=> Marge Simpson, flat top hair of black kids. The 'new
man', new matriarchism.
1991 Nov 7 Magic Johnson spreading of Aids scare and condoms
as rubber snake jackets. Gulf war in Iraq. July 3 (judgement day)
release of Terminator 2 (911 transhumanism programming, with
red mercury eye). Sep 24 Nevermind: Marketing of Generation X
with Kurt Cobain (cocain), RHCP as poster children for nihilistic
drug addiction, living under the bridge. Children in black suburbs
programmed with the fivepercenters/nation of islam ideology.
Tupac Amaru ('shining serpent') of Black Panther parents, is
made into icon, a Kali worshipping thug with Nefertiti tattoo,
making the W (23) sign. Sacrifice of Queen singer F(red) Mercury
through Aids on november 24.
1992 The European Union is created to prepare for world
domination. Dance temples as Thunder/terrordomes. Instigation
of black and white race war, 'Fear of a Black Planet' (Saturn, the
terrordome). In L.A., after killing of the old sun (Rodney King), as
Belthane ritual, riots are created with fire and looting,
broadcasted live (evil). Summer Olympics in Barcelona, the bar of
isis. More blood in movies (Tarantino).
1993 Launching of the HAARP project for weather
manipulation (causing earthquakes and typhoons) and mind
control at 4th density. Building of the Lucifer-telescope of the
Vatican. Feb 26 first WTC attack. March 31 sacrifice Brandon
Lee. April 19 sacrifice of children at Waco, Texas. June 9 Jurassic
On dog day 23 july, father of Jordan (23) is killed with license
plate uncoo23. Dennis Rodman tries to commit suicide, promoted
as the new Michael Jordan. Hellraiser 3 on 9/11. River Phoenix
ritual on october 31, in Johnny Depp's Viper Club. 8 nov Paul is
Live album. Philadelpia movie.
1994 5 april Kurt Cobain is sacrificed at 27 (9). After 'it takes a
nation of millions to hold us back', a million blacks are killed in
Rwanda. Pulp fiction. 1 may sacrifice Ayrton Senna. May 13 The
Crow. june 12 (date rosemarys baby) OJ Simpson murders. 15
june Lion king (Arthur/Horus). Shawnshank redemption:
illumination through anal rape. 22 nov black album Prince.
1995 Establishment of WTO. Pornification of children in movie
'Kids'. Microsoft Windows as window on the world. Seven movie,
the 7 sins/beasts of the Whore of Babylon. April 19 blowing up
Oklahama building. oct 3 OJ Simpson trial.
7 november Stanley Ann Dunham is sacrificed, 2 days before date
Paul McCartney. 22 nov Casino (announcing Diana car crash
with Frank Vincent-15 april like Dodi Fayed)
1996 Dutroux case (kidnapping on august 9), Jean-Marc
Connerotte starts to expose pedophilia networks in Belgium but
the investigation is wrapped up. Independance day movie
(Independance Missouri, the new Zion), july 15 Charles and
Diana sun and moon divorce ritual (96-69 sign of cancer). Tupac
makes Killuminati, 7 day-theory in 7 days. After leaving Luxor
temple in Las Vegas he is shot, and sacrificed at friday the 13th
of september at age 25 (2+5=7), 7 days after being shot.
Trainspotting: more heroin glorification.
1997 Lost Highway movie. March 9 sacrifice of 'king' Biggie
Smalls in car, (known for wearing Versace, son born on 29 october
1996). March 13th UFO sightings over Phoenix (Phoenix lights).
March 20th Mind control project lets members of the Saturn cult
Heavens gate, wearing Nike shoes commit suicide on the Ides of
March in San Diego, near 33d parallel. Women inflate their lips
with collagen or silicon to have fish lips. Bags/vagina's of
crocodiles are sold to put make-up in, to make their eyes like the
Evil Eye. South Park on Comedy Central (CC).
May day ritual Tony Blair socialist victory (Bilair=Satan, red rose
symbolism). May 11 A.I. Deep Blue defeats Kasparov in chess
(Deep Blue, IBM's supercomputer Blue Gene= the same blue jinn
from the Aladdin stories, Lucifer, deus ex machina, man vs
machine). may 29 Jeff Buckley. July 11 Contact movie release.
July 15 sacrifice Versace by Andrew Philip (prince
Andrew/Philip), born 31 aug 1969. He is cremated on july 17,
50th birtday of Diana's rival Camilla Parker. Diana linked to
Dodi Fayed of Akhenaton bloodline, born on 43th birthday of
sinking Titanic. August 31 car crash moonless night (virgin
moon) sacrifice of Princess Diana (red rose, queen of hearts) in
the Alma tunnel in Paris, near the Eiffel tower, field of Mars,
similar to LaVey's victims Mansfield and Monroe. Aug 31 is the
date of Persona movie about Alma, predictive programming in
Terminator 2, 2 days after Judgement Day, day before death
Louis xiv, 100 y after 1st Zionist Congress. Lawyer of Fayed:
Michael Mansfield (birthday Crowley). 29 oct death Anton Lavey.
22 nov Michael Hutchence. 19 dec Titanic movie about 1919
sacrifice red rose, song by Celine Dion/Dian, day of death Sara
Northrup Hollister, involved with Crowley, Parsons and
Hubbard's 'dianetics'.
1998 Google is founded (Gog oeuil, the eye of Gog, goggles),
Yahweh=>Yahoo. Monica Lewinsky scandal. Dark City and
Truman show (Revelation, unveiling).30 oct American History x.
1999 1/1 Introduction of the Euro in 11 countries. Rockefeller's
Standard Oil becomes Exxon Mobile.Saddam Hussein,
president of Iraq, from the Djengis Khan bloodline, sees himself
as an incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, orders tanks called 'lion of
Babylon'. He has stargate technology and is a famous handler of
US elite like Barry Soetoro, Hawaï native who becomes Barack
(Hussein) Obama. Saddam Hussein has time travel technology
and wants to bypass the dollar. A new attack is planned against
him (propaganda in South Park).
31st of march: Release of The Matrix, the black handler
Morpheus and his ship Nebuchadnezzar turns Hawaï native
Keanu Reeves ( kyanos-blue reef, Hussein and Baraq) into Neo,
the one, the moonchild of 2001. The subway station=death, limbo,
mobil ave. Predictive programming of 'truth movement' through
movies like the Matrix and Fight Club, not exposing the fact we
live in a matrix but through video games and virtual reality
pushing us deeper into another controlled matrix, approaching
the Singularity.
20 april (birthday Hitler) sacrifice ritual Columbine high school
(shown in movie Elephant:slaying of the bull, linked to Marilyn
Manson). Eyes Wide Shut.Theme of breaking out of conformity
(Bringing out the dead, fight club,Truman show..).American
Beauty (the dream of the whore of Babylon in Metropolis), august
Polanski's the Ninth gate (ritual of ninth month sept 2001),
2000 in US all information is controlled through 5 media/mind
control companies: Viacom, News Corp, Disney, Time Warner,
Vivendi. CNN owned by Rupert Murdock/Marduk, Fox=firefox,
the animal associated with Lucifer, NBC with Lucifer peacock
logo. 10 multinationals control all brands sold in grocery stores.
The rectangle tv box evolves to the black monolith rectangle. A
new dome of the rock is built in London as the Millenium Dome

2001 On the Ides of March the Taliban blow up 2 Buddha's near

Kabul (the Ka of the bull). 21 june solar eclipse summer solstice
(eclipse of movie 2001, 33 years earlier), 8 days later release of
A.I., story of David (=David Bowman, moonchild that has a '6th
sense', a red eye, falling from building in NY), the same nazi
zionist dream of Metropolis.
Saturn is in the sign of Gemini/twins,on 9/11 strong opposition
Saturn/Pluto. the weekend of 7 sept the company of Marvin Bush
places the explosives at the WTC. 11 years after his father
announced a new world order on 9/11, when he is age 77, his son
George Bush, nazi skull and bones memeber is inaugurated. 33
weeks and 3 days later, a false flag attack is carried out on
the World Trade Centers on 9/11, following Crowley's rituals to
evoke Apollyon of Revelatin 9:11.. The buildings with each 111
floors, insured through Swiss Re (Bilderbergers group) for 7
billion $, are blown up with nukes containing thermite, while new
holographic technology of Project Bluebeam creates 2 planes (the
doubleheaded eagle) at floor 77, flight 93 hits floor 93 (important
Crowley nr, 9 nr illusion, 3 divine). The Salomon brothers
building (47 story, 1947 year of Crowley's death) is also blown up.
The Pentagon/pentagram, based on Venus orbit forms a
pentagram, 77 ft tall, located on 77th meridian west, initiated at
9/11 1941 attacked by plane call sign Venus77. Sacrifice of the
virgin Isis at harvest, when sun moves into Virgo. Two become
one, the pillar of truth, aeon of Horus.
As the usual harvest of september, the large dosis of fear at
important energy vortex creates a measurable effect on the global
consciousness grid , the impact of a lightning in a black magic
ritual of summoning entities ( silver gate ritual with time symbol
octagon colgate clock, 9th gate between 2 pillars).The stock
market plunges, Patriot Act is enforced. George W (23)
Bush(UA flight 23, 9+11+2+0+0+1=23),13th cousin of Brittain's
queen mother, descendant of the first crusader Godfried of
Bouillon, attacks Afghanistan. The blame is put on their distant
relatives, the Bin Ladenfamily,owners of the twin towers of
Mecca, with Osama ('lion') also Marfan syndrome as Set. Another
crusade is started, holy war in Afghanistan (Persia is where
Zarathustra and his teaching of good and bad originated,
inspiration for Nietzsche's Zarathustra who taught an inversion
of morality).
Using the axis of evil metaphor, people are tortured in
Guantanamo bay in Cuba, the vulva of Isis/Kali, the cube.
Ocean's (9) eleven at Antichrist Damien Thorne theme in Harry
Potter movie, alter ego of Draco as the Cursed Child, learning
magical abilities (illumination) through his philosopher's stone.
Beautiful mind, story of mind controlled math kids.
Siegried of Ring des Niebelungen about lord of the rings Saturn
becomes propaganda where Frodo with (uncle) Sam and Aragon
(holy grail bloodline) must slay the dragon, the axis of evil, evil
eye of Sauron/Saddam. 3 rings =the machine of project Montauk,
used in movie Contact and Event Horizon. Big Brother tv show
(the all seeing eye of Set).
2002 The physical euro money is brought into circulation.
February 6 celebration of the 911 sacrifice ritual as 50 year
Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth. Winter Olympics in Utah,
Nasa's 2001 Mars odyssey space probe. May sacrifice of Pim
2003 February 6 release album 50 cent rap character, born in
Queens. 20 March attack of Iraqunder false pretence, the
revenge of the tribe of Dan against Babylon, steal 10.000 pieces in
the National Museum Iraq (ancient information, useful for future
technology) and capture Saddam =After the Two Towers: Return
of the king as Lord of the rings in Babylon, the 33d parallel. The
Da Vinci Code Arago=Aragon, south of France Tribe of Dan
rhesus- bloodline.
Apple develops the Eye/I-phone, the black monolith with A.I., as
cell phone.
Summer solstice release of Hulk and Terminator 3 (rise of
homunculus A.I. uebermensch). Rise of social media, Big Brother
Second Congo war ends with 5 million dead. Mind controlled sects
like Fundamentalist Curch of Latter Day Saints.14 nov (birthday
prince Charles) release Black Album Jay-z

2004 feb 4 Facebook is founded, the digital wall -all seeing eye of
our matrix with Tubalcain-logo. feb 26 Passion of Christ. 3 march
false flag train attack Madrid 3/11 (close to north parrellel with
NY, 911 days after 9-11) near Lucifer statue.
Trend of mindfulness, healthy food, concepts like open source,
creative commons, peer-to-peer, sharing economy. Sirius
Independance day ritual june 28 june in Iraq. 10 sept Resident
Evil:Apocalypse. Fake truth movement (Fahrenheit 911,
Zeitgeist,..). Election ritual between skull and bones members
Bush and Kerry.
2005 22/1 wedding Trump and Melania. On april 19, the nazi
bishop Ratzinger becomes Pope Benedict the 16th, day before
116th birthday of Hitler (Manson from Benedict Canyon-Stars
Wars Revenge of the Sith-the Roman empire/4th reich).
July 7th (aphelion, 7/7/2'5=777) London false flag underground
bomb attack, after the day London won the bid to host the
Olympics of 2012, at Tavistock square (birthday Ringo Starr,
mind controlled at Tavistock).
29 august (birthday John McCain): Satanic Wizard of Oz/ Great
Flood- ritual creating floods in New Orleans as a sacrifice to
Catherine (wheel of Samsara, St. Catherine, wife of prince
William,..) energy oil crisis, global warning hoax -transformation
towards a new O 'Tomorrowland'/land of Oz of transhumanism,
transgender artificial intelligence, push new climate regulations.
'The singularity is near' by Ray Kurzweil (=Joker).

22 november Angela Merkel, biological daughter of

Hitler with the same name as his sister, also obsessed with
Wagner, is elected chancellor of Germany. She will lead the G8
(the wheel-Will, 8 pointed star of Isis), beginning of the Fourth
Reich. V for vendetta launches the Guy Fawkes mask as the new
2006 Twt/Toth/Horus (CIA project Bluebird): blue bird Twitter.
CIA creates controlled opposition Wikileaks with the same
masked Lucifer liberator anonymous ghost/joker theme and
Pirate Party with skull and bones symbol. Era of credit default
swaps and creation of endless debt and endless cash flow for the
Cabal. Macbook as the black sun, black book/box. May 19 the Da
Vinci Code. Al Gore's global warming scam.
After 40 years, June 6 (666) remake the Omen. June 21
Superman Returns. Aug 9 the Black Dahlia. Fritzl (Rosemary's
baby) and Kampush case. 2 Oct the God delusion. November: the
movie Casino Royale, Daniel Craig (tribe of Dan) as Bond, tricked
by Le chiffre (Osiris-Set, Jesus-Lucifer/Crowley) behind 9/11. 22
december Children of men (son of man king arthur tale). 30
december sacrifice Saddam.
2007 February 8, sacrifice Anna Nicole Smith (Howard Marshall
4/8 like Queen Elizabeth and Obama). Global recession, 'saving' of
the banks. 29 june first I-phone (black monolith). 1 july Diana
concert. 14 december I am legend, last man parable bridge to
2008 Building of Horn shaped twin towers world trade center in
Bahrein, island of Enki/Capricorn. 18 january Cloverfield (as in I
am legend, Brooklyn bridge, avenue between heaven and earth,
natural ascension is blown up).
22 january (22 nr of joker card, last book of Revelation) sacrifice
of Joker Heath Ledger, born on 4 april (april fool/joker), while
Conrad Veidt who first played the Joker was born on 22 january
and died on april 3. Iron man movie transhuman artificial heart,
Elon Musk Mars agenda.
Bastille Day 14th of july release The Dark Knight. In Crowley's
religion the dark night Nuit/Isis black sea of nothingness and
chaos creates Golden Dawn, birth of Horus/Lucifer/Venus. The
conflict between Batman and the anti-establishment Anonymous
Joker=the birdman Horus- Set. Predictive programming of
Obama in Chicago as Harvey Dent, with production designer
Nathan Crowley. True blood series, glorification of the royal blue
blood/True Will Dracula bloodline. 10 sept (date of Hellraiser)
LHC (12+8+3=23) is powered up in Geneva. 15 sept, birthday of
prince Harry, bankruptcy Lehman brothers, initiating global
2009 8 january Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus (date of charlie
hebdo, featuring Heath Ledger/Joker as hanged man). 9 jan
Bitcoin offered as open source software. 23 january Joker/Dark
Knight inspired killing in Dendermonde Belgium.
Inauguration of Hussein (Bruce Wayne) Obama, the abomination
of the Omen (born in Hawaii, female earth energy center, heart
chakra of earth, barak means lightning, barack blessing) as the
new Akhenaton/Mozes and his transgender husband Michel
Obama as Tiye, while Merkel (daughter of Hitler) reopens Neue
(neo) Museum with Nefertiti bust.
May 4 Angels and demons false prophet antichrist theme with
Ayelet Zurer (28-6-1969, date of Rosemary's Baby).
July 19 Buzz Aldrin reveals existence monolith on moon of Mars
on 40th moon landing anniversary. 25 june summer solstice
sacrifice ritual of moon king Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett.
July 22 solar eclipse, movie New Moon. Clues about liquid ocean
on moon Saturn. July 29 Moon movie by son David Bowie
9/9 movie 9 about homunculus moonchild. 12/11 Obama meets
McCartney. December movie Avatar (Eve/Awa who consorted
with Lucifer, concept of avatar bodies in matrix with Zoe Saldana
who will play mother of antichrist in 'Rosemary's baby'), 3D
glasses as preparation for total immersion 4D entertainment.
2010 Bujr Khalifa as new tower of Babel. 27 february Chile is
attacked through an earthquake, one of the 3 cities is Concepcion,
near the tropic of Capricorn.
20 april (birthday of Hitler) killing of 11 workers at Deepwater
Horizon (event horizon black hole, transition to solar power,
singularity with wormwood sunflower logo) : 5 million barrels of
oil is spilled in the Gulf of Mexico (Pensacola beach from the
movie Contact, 2010 the year we make contact) resulting in the
black birds from Revelation. Dead fish= transition from Pisces to
Aquarius. April 26 Iron man 2.
Downgrade of Greece's credit rating, resulting in European debt
crisis. May 6 flash crash, trillion dollar market crash of 36
minutes (666). May 29 (JFK) Dennis Hopper. June 18 Eminem
Recovery. July 16, 2 days after Bastille day Inception movie
(about mind control with predictive programming of attacks in
5 august masonic ritual where 33 workers (33 degrees of
freemasonry) are trapped in a gold-copper mine shaft in Chile,
and rescued after 69 days =rise, ascension of Lucifer/Horus
liberated out of the bottomless pit with rescue capsule 'Fenix' at
tropic of Cancer (69). Chilean president visits Queen Elizabeth
with a rock from the mine. Nov 22 My beautiful dark..
In 2010 the year we make contact, Jupiter turns into a minisun
called Lucifer. As a satanic fire ritual, 4 days before total lunar
eclipse at winter solstice, a revolution is staged in December in
Tunesia and Bahrein, the city of Lucifer, through FB
and Twitter (the blue bird Lucifer).
2011 Launch of OWN (NWO) on 1 jan (1-1-11)February Arab
spring, Tahrir square demonstrations and resignment of
Mubarak, which puts islamists in power. IBM's supercomputer
Watson defeats human contestants on Jeopardy.
Japan is attacked, on march 11(7 years after Madrid 11/3)
creating the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, nuclear disaster
in Fukoshima (3-11-11). 19th of march inauguration of pope
Francis (anti-capitalist prophet) at St Peter square. Game of
Thrones announcincing the ritual of the Orion/Lion king of Judah
family ruling the world, war of the roses (Christ and Lucifer).
As Belthane mayday ritual marriage between prince William and
Catherine Middleton on 29th of april, same day as Hitler and Eva
Braun, while on 2nd of may (operation neptune spear,
2/6/2011=11) assasination of Osama by Obama is announced
(Lion King Aragon wedding after defeat Sauron).European debt
crisis. Increase of television series with more violence,
pornography and dark themes. 22 july templar knight Anders
Brevik sacrifice ritual. 23 july Amy Winehouse sacrificed at 27. 5
august (5+8=13-11) Rise of planet of the apes (virus alz-113-
Charles and Will, next step in human evolution, babboons from
the Omen). August 8 Watch the throne -Niggas in Paris 13-9,
announcing 13 Paris attacks. Aug 8-10 London riots, ignited by
murder mark Duggan (birthday of prince Harry) on august 4
(birthday of Queen Mother and Obama).
17 september: Fake movement occupy wall street (the Rise of
Planet of the Apes, Luciferian rebellion against the 'Gods'). Take
Shelter (Revelation storm coming), Black mirror series,
announcing the era of nihilistic anti-politics, cruelty of internet.
Homeland series (Damien Thorne theme). 20 oct Lybian war
ending in sacrifice Khaddafi. Trump Obama birth certificate
rumors (Set accusing Horus of being bastard).
the End game
World population reaches 7 billion.14 million new cases of cancer
occurr globally.
IBM's supercomputer Watson (character of Brave new world)
wins tv quiz.
2012 Neofascists try to take over Greece (Crowley's Golden
Feb 5 Madonna super bowl ritual. February 11 bathtub sacrifice
Witney Houston, feb 12 Nicki Minaj Roman Zolanski ritual
Grammy awards. feb 26 shooting Trayvon Martin. march 23 The
Hunger Games Katniss Everdeen as Lucifer/Horus, the mocking
jay, the phoenix, Donald Sutherland as Trump. May 4 Avengers
movie about the tesseract, interacting with reptilians (chitaouri).
May 26 Eurovision contest Lucifer/Venus/Baphomet ritual
pushing the transgender agenda 'Rise like a phoenix'. June 8
Prometheus movie. June 12 Christine Lagarde speech: A triple
crisis (environmental, financial and social inequality) to evolve
towards one world religion.
16 july 'Dark knight rises' (Lucifer) movie, elite gods fighting
Isis,occupy Wall street anti-capitalist anarchy.
20 july Batman-joker inspired Aurora shooting (purple monarch
theatre, predicted in Gangster Squad). 20/07 Century 16 refers to
John Dee (007) who laid the groundwork of magik in the 16th
century.20/07=27, victim of 27y old.

27 july London (nazi-Zionistic) Olympic rising phoenix ritual-

hunger games with 12 august closing ceremony feat. Paul
McCartney playing Hey Judd (white album linked to Revelation).
30 august One World (new world order) Trade center completed
in NY. 911 riots in Egypt linked to 'Innocence of muslims'
released on 1 july (Diana's birthday), charllie hebdo (fool/joker)
Muhammed cartoons. 23 oct Skyfall (elite fighting Secret
Intelligence Service terrorist/ Isis).
22 nov abduction of James Foley to start Isis media ritual. 3
december Black swan (story Diana/Rosemary's baby), 14
december after hurricane Sandy, false flag attack Sandy Hook
(predictive programming in Dark Knight).
2013 Controlled opposition Wikileaks is allowed to reveal
surveillance of NSA.
Start of the Human Brain Project. The CEO (all seeing
eye,COW)-to-minimum-wage-ratio becomes 774 to 1.
5th industrial revolution: based on Cyber-Physical systems
(Internet of Things). Push towards transhumanism, man
becoming immortal, God (the god of the reptilians: A.I.,
singularity), post carbon age (no human body). Mind control
through splitting, creating dissasocciate personality disorders can
be done technologically. GI joe retaliation about shapeshifting
reptilians. 15 april Boston marathon ritual.
May day ritual of the maypole: installation of the spear of
destiny, the pole on the World Trade Center. June 14 (birthday
Trump) Man of steel. 4th of july (aphelion) Magna Carta Holy
Grail.july 13 (birtday Caesar) formation of fake gang Black Lives
Matter. Selena Gomez 13 august video princess Diana.
July 22th (feast of Mary Magdalene) birth prince George during
supermoon, fountains are colored purple. Zimmerman Trayvon
Marton murder. Nov 30 Paul Walker. Dec 5 death Mandela.
2014 Illuminati try to create 'clash of civilisations', another
Armageddon prophecy of 2 armies on 2 shores as destruction of
January 7 murders at Charlie Hebdo Paris (archetype of the
charlie/ fool, joker/cartoonist, victim in hanged man pose, release
of Michel Houellebecq Submission), later bought by Rothchilds,
jan 9 birthday of princess Catherine, attack at Vincennes. Jan 11
(111) march. Madonna Rebel Heart, Grammy 33 gay couples
ritual. Under the skin movie about Black Goo. February 2
sacrifice Philip Seymour Hoffman. March 28 Noah. Papacy of
Pope Francis. April 18 Transcendence transhumanism
propaganda. May 2 Amazing Spiderman 2.
May 11 (mother's day) Rosemary's Baby antichrist remake, set in
Paris. Instigation of racial tensions, muslim fundamentalism and
nationalism across Europe so zionists like Geert Wilders, Le Pen
gain more support. At the same time climate doom stories about a
flood and WW3.
John McCain (Cain, child of Lucifer and Eve/Isis), Arabia rebrand
Al Quaïda/Isil as an apocalyptic sect to create Holy War, funded
by Qatar and Saudi, worshipping their goddess ISIS (plain of
Megiddo of Ar-mageddon at 33d parallel). Sexual slavery, veiling,
stoning to death, torture, beheading, burning people, blowing up
archeoligical sites and broadcasting the propaganda on their
media channels, to eventually reconquer Babylon and prepare the
world for a new world war between west and east (solar and
lunar worship, left-right brain on Paris meridian). Anti-muslim
violence in Europe.
June 29 (death Jayne Mansfield) Isis announces khalifate. july 11
Dawn of planet of the apes (Golden Dawn after Dark Night, solar
warrior of Julius Evola, living off the grid). july 17 malaysia
ailines flight, death Eric Garner (birthday 15 sep like prince
Harry). July 25 first Isil media propaganda, Lucy movie (Lucifer
offering next step in human evolution through black goo,

August 1 Jihadi John called the Black Beatle (Khepri), beheading

people like James Foley (the fool, foal) in orange like Halloween.
Aug 9 murder of Michael Brown, causing Ferguson riots (royal
Sarah Ferguson). Aug 11 Robin Williams, aug 12 (hanged man)
and Lauren Bacall. Aug 27 Birdman (the dark knight). October 3
yom kippur ritual beheading Alan Henning. 3 nov opening one
world trade center. 7 november Interstellar.
2015 3 jan burning of Muath al-Kasasbeh. Illuminati try to
create 'clash of civilisations', another Armageddon prophecy of 2
armies on 2 shores as destruction of man:
January 7 murders at Charlie Hebdo Paris (archetype of the
charlie/ fool, joker/cartoonist, victim in hanged man pose, release
of Michel Houellebecq Submission), later bought by Rothchilds,
jan 9 birthday of princess Catherine, attack at Vincennes. Jan 11
(111) march. Madonna Rebel Heart.
15 january Man in the high castle, openly showing how nazi still
rule US.
Eurasian Economic Union. G7 commit to get the global economy
off of fossil fuels to introduce artificial Hybrid cars, connected
with the Internet of Things, 3D printing. Rise of graphene instead
of silicone (with the 6 hexagon saturnian cube structure). 15 feb
beheading ritual Isis 21 masons in Tripoli, Lybia. 19 april robot
Sophia activated, date Skynet (Google) would go online.
May day birth of princess Charlotte (the harlot of Babylon). June
12 (date Rosemary's Baby) Jurassic World. June 17 (death of
J.Parsons) Charleston church shooting, close to 33d parallel.
Series like Mr Robot (in Coney Island, with eye opening climax at
Times Square like Spiderman 2, Birdman, Avengers) use mind
control predictive programing to prepare for a fake Arab spring
like revolution of hackers and activists, thinking technology will
save them (Sony hack in dec 2014). Theme of
Disclosure/Apocalypse/Revelation, human annihilation, flood
before rebirth, Horus revenge on Set. Disinformation to promise
external saviour to the truth movement. Bridge to uebermensch
theme:series like Sense8, movies like Ex Machina, X-men,
Fantastic four, mutants who have supernatural

Merkel plans exodus of refugees the invasion of Germany of 1

million immigrants to cause chaos. Nasa announcements and
movies about missions to Mars to promote the SpaceX-Mars
agenda (movies about last man on earth-first man on mars,..).
July 1 Terminator Genesis. July 14 Bastille day, flyby of Pluto,
song 'Rise' (dark knight/horse) Kate Perry to promote summer
21 sep Piggate (linking David Cameron-9 oct to John Lennon-9
oct who wrote Piggies, used to mind control Manson).
12 november (birthday Manson) Black beatle Jihadi John is
announced to be dead. Friday the 13th (13-11, the same date Isis
was formed a year earlier,friday the 13th related to Templar
Knights ) 2false flag attacks are carried out in Paris, at
Zionist club Bataclan (predictive programming in Batman movie
Dark Knight Rises, the Monarch theatre where Bruce Wayne's
parents are killed, Cars 2 -a113, A. Abdeslam birthday prince
Harry), boulevard Voltaire as symbol of
illumination/enlightenment, freedom of speech. Man playing
beatle John Lennon in front of Bataclan. A year later Bataclan
reopens with a concert of Sting (Scorpio november, the
Joker). Attacks in Syria in coöperation with the Shia's who
indulge in more rape and torture. They conquer 5 cities in Syria
(Raqqa, Palmyra,..) to create a pentagram around the energy
vortex in the region and conquer Aleppo, the beehive, the Aleph.
Dec 22 SpaceX lands Falcon 9.
2016 David Bowie is sacrificed on 10 january dying from Cancer
(69), 2 days after his 69th birthday and release of Black Star
(Saturn, the death star). Jan 18 Glenn Frey, singer the Eagles
age 67, 67 days after false flag ritual with Eagles of Death Metal.
24 january Fox airs the first episode x-files episode of season 10,
my struggle (mein kampf). Fox through character fox mulder
announces the coming infowar of trump and his fake zionist news
man alex jones as Tad o' Malley (the cigarette smoking man who
was killed by a russian named alex, supposed to be dead like Bill
Hicks supposedly dead of cancer). Predictive programming the
bully Biff Tannen=> Trump, always tanned like an orange as the
new antichrist with Trump Tower as the golden phallus. The
new fake zionist controlled 'truth' movement (infowars,
Wikileaks,..) is started of alt right news to back zionist
Trump, create left-right division and infowar.Lightning
strike Trump tower Chicago while Trump wins march primaries.
Gods of Egypt (Eon of Horus). Right using left communism as
scare turns into left using Neo-Carthyism with Trump as big Evil.
Fake Isis attack Brussels airport as spring ritual on the
Ides of march (22/3=double of 11/3=322 nr of Skull and Bones),
one bomb at Maalbeek metro station at 09.11. Gates of Baal
placed in Times Square NY and Trafalgar Square London. 25/3
Superman red eye Uebermensch movie. Clinton teasing of
disclosure (apocalypse revealing) of the E.T. presence. Proxy war
in Syria escalates in covert WW3. Chinese Yuan declared official
19 april gate of Baal in Trafalgar Square. 21 april Purple sacrifice
ritual of Prince, on the Queen's birthday. May 9 X-men
apocalypse. Through the looking glass.
June 12, false flag attack Orange Avenue, Orlando (pushing the
gay transgender agenda) in orange state (masonic nr 33) Florida
with actor Omar Mateen. 16 june murder Jo Cox.
June 23 (summer solstice, 2 days after prince Williams birthday,
the symbolic breaking point where soul leaves body) EU
'referendum' ritual with hypercube symbol, where purple party
Ukip wins, Brittain leaves the EU.
July 14 Bastille Day (release Dark Knight 8 years earlier) false
flag attack with truck in Nice, South France. October 2 (birthday
Parsons) Westworld (artificial Truman show).
Lobbyist Roger Stone orchestrates Pizzagate, like Watergate,
Irangate (the lionsgate, stargate of Isis, the black sun), to get rid
of the previous puppets and install the new, censorship of truth
as 'fake news' with even the pope attacking it. Left and right-
mainstream alternative news conflict to give rise to
nationalism.Nov 7 sacrifice Leonard Cohen. December 4 false flag
attack Comet Pizza. Trump as the adaptable unpredictable
joker/wildcard with general Mad Dog. December 19 Berlin truck
attack, murder Andrey Karlov. dec 27 Carrie Fisher.
2017 January 20 (=21)Trump is inaugurated (quoting Bane in the
Dark Knight rises, which used Trump tower as Wayne
Enterprise) being 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old, symbolic
trumpet of the apocalypse (777). Five days later John Hurt dies
77y old.
20/3 death David Rockefeller (bday of Barron Trump, release
Omen 3, bday of Chester Bennington). False flag attack London
spring equinox 22/3 ( 322 nr Skull and Bones, 22 nr of joker card,
London has fallen movie),
31 march Ghost in the shell with Scarlett Johannson (the scarlett
woman, whore of Babylon as shown in beginning 20th century in
Metropolis) VR porn- uebermensch transhumanism agenda
blurring line between man and machine, eliminating organic life,
human connection.
3 april time cover 'is Truth dead?'. 14 april release Damn
(Damien). 23 april Rothschild puppet Macron (birthday Marjorie
Cameron) becomes French president with 66% of votes,
celebrated at the 666 pyramid at the Louvre with 9th symphony.
22 may false flag attack Manchester (23 victims , skull and bones
322 numerology with 'Somewhere over the rainbow' mind control
anthem) after another Horus-Set, King Arthur movie
release.Trump poses with Palantir Stone (the hew-stone in
magik) linked to Peter Thiel in Riyadh.
June 1, Trump announces US will withdraw from Paris
July 20 OJ Simpson (orange juice masonic code for 33) released
after 33 years, sacrifice Chester Benninton of Linkin/Lincoln
Park, on birthday Chris Cornell ('Black hole sun') who was
sacrificed on may 18th. Aug 4th the Dark tower (king Arthur
story with the man in black, dark knight Lucifer). 8/17 bus attack
Barcelona. Aug 21 solar eclipse, linked to Cornell Black Hole Sun,
when Trump (born on lunar eclipse) is 26.000 days old (26.000
years is a Great Age, the duration of the precession of the
equinoxes). Hurricane Harvey in Houston (Harvey Oswald who
killed JFK Houston street).
Sept 15 (prince Harry 33d birthday, death Harry Dean Stanton)
false flag attack underground London at Parsons Green (bomb in
Lidl bag as a pun on satanist Jack Parson and W. Parsons' Little
boy atomic bomb).
Oct 1 false flag attack Las Vegas from 32d floor with 23 guns in
front of Luxor pyramid. Harvest 91 ritual for 91 y old queen
Elizabeth 2 (last 91 days of year).Stephen Paddock (9 april -1 oct)
killed after Hugh Hefner (9 april- 27 sept) dies at 91. 15/11 after
Hurricane Harvey (blazing iron), Harvey Weinstein scandal.
November Sutherland Springs church shooting. 19-11 death
Charles Manson. 30 dec death Isaac Farris and Erica Garner.
2018 2 feb (33d day) 666 drop of Dow Jones. Rise of
decentralised cryptocurrencies, sold as rebellious
alternative to central banking, backed by A.I, to create a
hive mind and summon entities through technology
(ether=5th element, spirit).
19 may (birthday princess Grace) wedding prince Harry- Meghan
War mongering for war against Iran (one of last countries
without Rothschild controlled bank).
Enough is enough. After 100.000s of years of wars, inequality,
worshipping, sacrficing, suffering, ignorance and manipulation
where only the names and the clothing changes, we need to
progress to a higher form of civilisation, where humans finally
live in dignity and real liberty.
We are now in times that will finally bring to an end an
approximate 10,000 years of 'semi-consciousness' and regain our
full consciousness that we deserve.
Most cultures have legends about the future as an apocalypse or
an age of enlightenment, what the Hopi called the '25 years
period of purification of 4th world and the beginning of the 5th',
what the Zulu's called 'the world turned upside down' -a pole shift
resulting in consciousness shift, what the Hindu's called 'the
coming of the Enlightened ones', what the Incas called 'the age of
meeting ourselves again', what the Aztecs called 'the time of the
6th sun, of the new race', what the Tibetans called the Golden
Age, and what Christians called 'the Kingdom of Heaven', the
Kingdom of God, where the last shall be the first and the first
shall be the last.
During the endtimes Zarathustra prophecised about the
righteous, partaking of the parahaoma of the 'white haoma'-plant
(=manna), conferring immortality upon them, becoming like the
Lemurians (Amesha Spentas), living without food, without
hunger or thirst, and without weapons (or possibility of bodily
injury). The material substance of the bodies can be so light as to
cast no shadow (glowing and floating).
It tells about the end of the 3d time, a great battle between the
forces of good (the yazatas) and those of evil (the daevas) in which
the good will triumph. 'On earth, the Saoshyant will bring about
a resurrection of the dead in the bodies they had before they died,
followed by a last judgment through ordeal. The yazatas
Airyaman and Atar will melt the metal in the hills and
mountains, and the molten metal will then flow across the earth
like a river. All mankind—both the living and the resurrected
dead—will be required to wade through that river, but for the
righteous (ashavan) it will seem to be a river of warm milk, while
the wicked will be burned. The river will then flow down to hell,
where it will annihilate Angra Mainyu and the last vestiges of
wickedness in the universe.'
Because of the hybridisation programs, all across the world
children are born with extra abilities, more intelligent or
intuïtive, what Edgar Cayce called the 5th root race. The children
are sometimes telepathic, psychic, or have clear memories from
past lives or invent things at young age that scientists can not
understand. Some have supernatural strength, some can see in
the dark, can scan books with their hands or feet.

The 98% of our DNA, that scientists called 'junk DNA' is now
being activated, we are being mutated and rearranged (from 2
helix back to 12 helix system) so we regain our inner knowledge,
knowledge of self, knowledge that says there is much more than
this physical world.
2 genes: microcephalin, aspm regulate brain growth appear to be
manipulated. They mostly are diagnosed with autism and adhd
because the education system is not ready for them. The
Guardians, the original planners of the human race is sending a
mass amount of souls to reincarnate here. They reject authority
and come to bring love and spread consciousness.
A new paradigm shift is coming. Like flatlanders who discover
the earth is round, we undergo a process of radical change.

-We start to learn our history was incomplete, that science is

manipulated and in a state of denial, that our political and
economic system is outdated, that everything should be free.
-We lose the illusion of uniqueness, of postmodern relativism
where anything goes and nothing matters, that there is no truth
to base a morality upon because consciousness and human
intention affects matter. Humans have the choice between good
(light) and 'evil' (darkness), following a universal will or choosing
to cut one's self off to that plan. Everything what happens, is
recorded and has karmic effect. Making choices, using our free
will, matters. We realize we are not just humans with a body and
a mind, we are immortal souls having a 3D human experience
with a free will and a spirit.

-We start to see happiness is something universal and

scientifically measurable and easily obtainable.
We lose our tendency to judge according superficial appearance,
we start to see the disadvantages of individualism.
Adherents of religions are confirmed in their search for
righteousness but lose the illusion that their truth and book is
sacred. We learn that ancient cultures as Buddhism, Hinduism,
Jainism don't contradict science: (we are souls that reincarnate
towards a higher goal), that there is something like 'heaven'
(higher frequencies, invisible to us), and that the underworld the
ancients referred to, is related to the ocean beneath the earth's
-The 'privacy' of thought, we considered as sacred, is an illusion
because mind reading, thought projecting, interaction between
density levels exists. Once there is no capitalist system to exploit
us and manipulate our thinking, we can record our dreams, our
thoughts and imagination and there is no harm in sharing them
with everyone.We learn that our mind, our behaviour can be
mapped and measured. We start learning how our DNA really
works, instead of calling 98% of it 'junk DNA'.
-We learn we already live in an artificial reality, so the hidden
agenda of transhumanism, putting microchips and nanobots in
our brain must be exposed.
-Because of our mix of dna we have a wide spectrum of strong
emotions, a curse but also a blessing because it helps us to
activate our consciousness and inactive DNA.
Economic system
Gold is the only real money, all the rest is credit=debit for wage
slavery. It was the plan of the Cabal to eventually put a Visa ID
number in our bodies, imbedded in our skin so people would have
no choice: get the implant to conduct monetary transactions or
US inequality is the highest, higher than India, China and
Europe. The system collapses, the elite goes down. Technology
(microchips, mind control, exoskeletons, nanotechnology,..) in the
hands of the global political bankers elite would end up as a Big
Brother nightmare, eliminating all forms of free choice.
The world population is still enslaved to the 1%. There are still 30
million people, an estimated 15 million children in debt bondage
in India work in slavery to pay off their family's debts. While
American slaves in 1809 were sold for around $40.000, a slave
nowadays can be bought for just $90, making replacement more
economical than providing long term care. Slavery is a multi-
billion dollar industry with generates up to an estimated $35
billion annually.
Giving the rights to banks to foreclose on people, to repossess
their homes, farms and businesses is unconstitutional. A return
to the real government, of, by, and for the people.
The article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5 in the US Constitution
giving Congress the power to coin and print free cash flow money
must be changed. The debt, owed to the Federal Reserve System
and the nation‘s other creditors is false, and along with all debt of
the world, can be canceled now without harming anyone.
Creating this interest-free money system solves all the economic
problems of the capital wealth world and unites the people of all
nations in building the new world. Eliminating usury money and
replacing it with money that is circulated by Congress through
the commerce of the people.

All taxation is eliminated, and all bureaucratic controls over the

people end. Morality reinstated in the 'corporate world' of
billionaires and speculators. Abolition of poverty, child
prostitution through government reform, abolition of forced
marriage, genital mutilation, animal sacrifice, death penalty.
One global currency, end of fiat currency. Eventually we‘re going
into a new world beyond money, and nothing of the old world
system has any part in it, especially usury money. We will get rid
of money.
Equal rights for women,gays/lesbians, minorities. No more prison
industries. The true concept of justice is to rehabilitate people
regardless of what they have done. Humane prisons working
towards abolition of all prisons.
Trials for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bush, Cheney, McCain,
Netanyahu, criminal lodges, Alcors, IMF, Mossad, Dupont,
Monsanto, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, CIA, FBI, IMF,
military officials, zionists, banking and street maffia, corrupt
people in the world of science, space exploation, education, media,
religion, health (knowing the cure for diseases for 100 years),
keeping food stashed away to keep food prices high while others
End of Rothschild zionistic genocide. Peace in the middle East.
Government reform
The military complex along with nation-states themselves and
fundamentalist organised religions the way they exist now, have
no place in the new world.
Decentralisation of government. End of corruption.
There will be no more hierarchies controlling the people in any
way. Direct democracy.
After a while all energy (solar, wind, geothermic,..) and all food
(vertical city agriculture, no more animals killed, more ground
available) can be free and available in abundance. The
forthcoming healthy lifestyle, the end of an obligated use of fat,
sugar and alcohol, free health care and nanotechnology and a
higher form of spirituality can cures most diseases (mental and
Languages can be instantly translated.
China will be the biggest econmy of the world instead of the US.

Temporarily we can live in a Creative Commons economy with

basic income, Internet of Things (big data, social science), 3D
printing, VR and AR lenses and build new cities in the desert,
with home batteries, off the grid machines.
All basic needs can be met: 'work' will be automated (robots,
drones), paving the way for more intelligence and creativity.
All world problems can be solved.
Urbanization: people living in cities from 3,5 billion today to 6,5
billion in 2050 (the construction of a city of a million people every
five days from now for the next 40 years). We can not live in
chaotic megacities without structure with possible drinkable
water shortage. We need nature, we must start exploring space as
a species.
Once the influence of the elite on the music industry is exposed,
there is no need anymore for fake rolemodels. When copyright no
longer exists because everything is shared, all art, everything
ever created can be fully available for everybody.Through
technology, humans can work together on art projects on a mass
scale in the form of interactive art projects/games/scientific
sociological experiments.

Humanity has to free itself, but not in a clumsy, irrational,
violent way.The natural response of most people will be confusion
and anger but there has been enough violence and panic. We
must stay calm and start looking at the world differently, start
looking at nature and at ourselves differently. We need to build
the first communities and cities, designed for the transition to a
new world. Justice has to prevail, but there is no need to feel
frustrated because we can take care of ourselves and form a new
society. We lose our human arrogance towards nature and other
animals because we are not that bright after all, we are mere
students. Once our basic needs are met, real civilisation can begin
to flourish. We need a spiritual revolution before we start playing
around with atoms, planting nanodevices in our brain and body,
before we start cloning and designing humans, programming
artificial intelligence and a network that will regulate our entire
Before we move into space and start colonizing other planets we
have to make sure we are spiritual enough to respect our own
planet and other species.
We have to lose our arrogance, lose our ego and focus on the
things we negelected, morality, culture, nature and learn from
more advanced civilisations, not to choose them as new leaders
but to unlearn our mental limitations.
We need centers for meditation spirituality and embassies for
other beings.
All the world's religions, at their core, are one. The differences are
man-made, deliberately to divide us. They can merge into a
cosmic religion without leaders, rules or dogma's, not the world
religion the elite dreamed about.

Transition from 3d level of density to 4th. Activation of all the

chakra photoplasma related to our experiences, consciousness
grid to activate the crown. It is scientifically proven that the
praying/meditation of all adherents of world religion is exactly
the same process, energy field begins to energize and expand, fed
by the chakra's inside the body. The energy field begins to pulse
and synchronize with the heart beat. Human beings in that state
work like a crystal radio set for the energy field of the universe
through which we can communicate telepathically and view from
a distance, have precognition.
Modern technology is one of the biggest weapons of frequency
control. Devices for entertainment and convenience are all
involved with frequency control. Television sets are the primary
tool used to manipulate consciousness on a day-to-day basis. This
experiment is so finely tuned that we respond subliminally to
disease via the television. Sometimes liberating information is
broadcast but subliminally we are being hit with a frequency that
keeps us from original thinking, keeps us immobilized and holds
us in a silent, obeyant survival mode. There is nothing wrong
with technology but it is used against us for fear mongering and
to promote inactivity and a sedentary, obese life.
We need knowledge, a revolution in consciousness, we need to
start thinking for ourselves, stop defining ourselves by mind
constructs, look beyond our ego and 'reality', so real change can
manifest in the outer world.
We all move towards 4th level which is less physical. Eventually
men will probably some of their sex drive in favor of more
spiritual pursuits because it is at the root of most of the historical
aggression and lack of feeling on the part of the male. Everybody
is going to be less focussed on sex and learn to relate to each
other more spiritually. One of the major drives of the human
being is for contact and, up to now, this has been manifested
through sexual union. Without the sexual urge we will be forced
to find other ways to relate. Consciousness is not seperate, when
we become more loving, forgiving, in service to others,
empathetic, we break the wheel of karma.
Earth is a genetic library. The damage inflicted upon us can
easily be restored. Through eugenetics we can predict and avoid
disorders and augment intelligence but we are not ready for it.
Revolution in education
All main universities are still controlled by the Illuminati.
Compared to them, the average college graduate has a small % of
knowledge, while their knowledge concerning science, history,
mathematics is evolving. Some parts of education are a mere
preparation for wage slavery. It needs to be free, intuitive and
open for everybody so everybody can learn continuosly and
without restraints.
Revolution in sexuality
When organised religions no longer control entire populations,
the taboos and the idea of original sin dissapear and once basic
needs are met, there will be a sexual revolution. As the world
community is amost entirely connected, people will communicate
and get to know each and develop digital relationships. People
are already being cloned by the elite, for instance in Hollywood.
Sexuality is no longer is restricted to the concept of finding the
right partner to start a family. All women in the world need
sexual empowerment and free choice to have children or not.
Transhumanists want to digitalise sex through VR avatars and
bodies, connected with sensors, gesture based camera controls
and neurodevices and through pornographic total immersive
entertainment but the sexual experience can be different, less
focused on self-gratification, more on spiritual union.
Revolution in science
End of Darwinism and Big Bang theory, dark matter theory.
In 18th, 19th century most scientific and technological research
was carried out by individual inventors using their own funds.In
the 20th century, scientific and technological research became
increasingly systematised, as corporations developed, and
discovered that continuous investment in research and
development could be a key element of success in a competitive
There is too much conflict of interests: meat industry, sugar
industry, cell phone industry,.. All kind of lobby groups boycott
research instead of supporting it.
US is not doing much research, except in the process of preparing
products for commercialisation.
2/3 is funded by industries, 1/3 by
Suppression of revolutionary concepts as nuclear fusion. Abolition
of the corrupt marketing and commercialising patent system.
Lots of new technology will be rolled out, pushing the
transhumanism agenda, towards the so-called Singularity. The
religious idea of a Tomorrowland, a new Kingdom where the debt
system is abolished and everybody lives in abundance, no one is
affraid anymore they can lose their job and can pursue their
interest, a city of people where there's no conflicts or stress from
walking around in a grumpy survival mode but where
intelligence and creativity can be expressed freely.. Sustainable
cities can be built in the desert, using the desert, salt water and
CO² to produce food, freshwater and energy or on water as
floating cities or underwater cities. 3D homeprinting and 4D
(buildings that are intelligent, can adapt) homeprinting can make
houses flexible, cheaper and easier to produce on a mass scale.
People can leave the city and go live in nature for a while in
small, intelligent lifepods, the idea promoted by Elon Musk to go
off the grid. Of course all this technology could be used for a good
purpose instead of mind control of an entire planet.
Antigravity technology Technology where energy is pulled from
the vacuum, the zero point. Time and the speed of light exists
within the larger framework of gravity, anti-gravity technology is
therefore also anti-time technology. Anti-gravity technology uses
a low frequency life wave superconductor that creates a light body
(Meissner Field) that nullifies a magnetic field or gravity.
Spaceships using anti-gravity are based on articial intelligence,
have consciousness and ride energy fields through which they
negate gravity and time, the experience of interacting with them
is described as 'dreamtime', one week in this time can feel like 3
Augmented reality in the form of lenses, adding computer vision,
face and object recognition, GPS position, compass heading, time,
screenless displays, holographic television,...
Big Data Trillions of sensors gathering mass amounts of
information about society for total control. Through all the data of
the Internet of Things, sociology becomes a real empirical science
and relationships on this prison planet/social experiment can be
studied from global scale to quantum level. Conflict resolution,
meditation, peace studies, sociology of conflicts and their
solutions. Political system/state becomes a service, when a person
is unsatisfied, he can easily switch, move to another state. One
can start a small like a start-up of a company, when there's
enough interest it can evolve to a city/society/state.
Biocomputing. Retinal implants, brain implants and brain
devices like Neurosky, using electroencephalography (EEG) or
electromyography (EMG). The discharge of a single neurons is
hard to measure but 100.000s of concurrent discharges occur in
waves so it is easier to measure the contraction of muscles,
associated with unique wave patterns. Neurosky isolates these
patterns and detects 'blinks'. All electrical activity produce these
waves, thus all electrical devices create interference. The most
EEG devices pick up readings even if they're not on a person's
head and it can not measure them outside outside the skull, but
this is easy using nanotechnology. We will be able to convert
neural signals into digital information. Biotelemetry, the transfer
of human energy and vibration ( BPM, brainwaves, emotion) like
a concert without sound.
Clean tech reducing the waste, turning polluted water into clean
drinkable water.
Dreamrecorders that can record and project dreams and thoughts
as an image or hologram.
Fusion power could supply the world's energy need for million
years. ITER and DEMO will bring the first commercial nuclaer
fusion energy reactor online by 2050. It could be used in
interstellar space when solar energy is not available. The
simplest way to capture the energy is using a heat cycle to heat a
fluid with fusion reactions. Fusion of 2 nuclei with lower masses
than iron (largest binding energy per nucleon) releases energy
while the fusion of nuclei heavier than iron, absorbs energy. The
energy released in fusion of light elements is due to interplay of 2
opposing forces, the strong force which combines together protons
and neutrons and the weak force which causes protons to repel
each other. The effect of this force is not observed outside the
nucleus, hence the force has a strong dependance on distance,
making it a short-range force.
Cold fusion is possible at a normal temperature and was used for
thousands of years. In the most basic form 2 electrodes are
submerged in asolution containing palladium and heavy water.
The electrodes are connected to a power source to transmit
elecrticity from one electrode through the other through the
solution. Than a loading time, required to saturate the palladium
elctrode with hydrogen.
Geo-engineering of other planets.
Gravity motor Tesla's idea for tapping the limitless power of
acoustic resonance by generating standing waves within a drum
(also possible with a heartbeat). The rest of Tesla's ideas like the
Teslascope can also be disclosed and applied.
Healing, rejuvenation technology Using frequencies like the
Atlanteans, medicines are no longer needed. The SpectroChrome,
the ancient pyramid system,..Huge lenthening of human lifespan
is possible.
Transport (self driving electric cars), TV, home devices,
supercomputers and interactive internet merge into the Internet
of Things and the Cloud. Machine/brain interface controlling
machines, devices that amplify brainwaves like Neurosky.
Laser technology is evolving towards Zetawatt strength.
Quantumcomputers Where ordinary computer processes
information in bits 0/1, in other words 'thinks' very black/white or
yes/no, quantumcomputers can process information in qubits,
considering more variables and probabilities, can 'think' in
shades of grey thus approach the human way of processing. They
can store a lot more, 500 qubits store more possibilities than
there are atoms in the universe. Cell phones using graphene
operate on an atomic scale, as a quantum computer.
Supercomputers Big companies like IBM, who collaborated with
the Nazi's are creating supercomputers who know every piece of
text on the entire internet. These computers can be displayed on
much larger screens or spherical displays, holographic, accesible
through touch,..
Virtual reality as lenses, complementary with brain sensors,
leading to total immersion entertainment, to the option of living
in another world.
Weather manipulation more overt use of their weather
manipulation technology like Haarp. 3D-printable cars, electric
cars, high speed magnetic trains, flying cars,.. .

1/3 of all land is used mainly for animals to be eaten. They will
try to introduce decentralised vertical city agriculture with
hydroculture for plants and in vitro cloning of cows as a new way,
100 x more productive, cheaper, needs no pesticides, brings food
closer to the consumer and makes all ground available again.
Agriculture controlled by AI, that controls, regulates and discover
new tastes and recipe's. Food can be printed directly or ingested.
New technology is rolled out, agenda of even more
artificial intelligence. -More escapism, Virtual Reality,
Augmented reality, nanobots, Googlebots. -3D nanotube lattices,
parallel neural nets, genetic algorithms, pinhead-sized cameras. -
More personal advertising, digital sex with 'perfect bodies' and
even more realistic violent games, -personal flying devices,
windowless planes, -Communication with computer through
speech and gestures, images directly projected on retina, AR
lenses, -efforts to map the algorithms of the brain and incorporate
it into neural net computers, to replace VR eyeglasses and
headphones by removable or permanent computer ear and retina
implants that go into the eyes and ears, allowing direct interface
with the Internet of Things, recording what the user sees and
hears. -Introduction of 'the Cloud' (wireless internet access
everywhere through wearable or implanted computers) as
something we really need. The issue of eugenenetics. Quantum
computing, use of graphene. Computers that learn and discover
knowledge on their own, learn the entire internet, every single
piece of public information (every scientific discovery, every book
and movie, every public statement, etc.) generated by human
Brain implants are sold as a way to create a full-immersion
virtual reality with sensory stimulation, so we have our minds in
a totally different place at any moment, but controlled by them.
Technology is sold as a form of protection against diseases. All
these efforts are made to reach a 'Singularity' to create new level
of dependancy and mind control. New manipulation efforts by
spin doctors to make us dependant or afraid of other civilisations.
Regardless of all this manipulation, they will be defeated.
Green world economy grows.Work means acquiring new skills
and knowledge.
Languages are translated fluently.
Disclosure, spreading of information about aliens.
The Event, a solar, galactical event means removal of the plasma
field that controls us. Energetic changes that disrupt us in a
positive way. The financial system of slavery debt based on the
petrodollar collapses. Reset of the system with more emphasis on
other currencies, temporarily based on gold. China becomes
biggest econmy of the world instead of the US.
We heal ourselves. We face our fears, wake up out of our
collective hypnosis, cleanse ourselves from A.I. and recognize our
true potential, our multidimensionality, our creation power.
Through Tesla home batteries, off the grid machines, life pods,
community housing people can leave the system, create a new
self-sufficient, sustainable society, based on abundance. A new
World Government, but not the one that the New World Order
envisioned, based on mutual respect and sense of responsability.
More use of psychics and remote viewing, revision of history.
Release of supressed, free energy. Cold fusion, teleportation, time
travel, materialisers.
Science acknowledges we live in a hologram designed by artificial
beings, to capture the essence of being human. The mechanistic
materialistic world view crumbles, science acknowledges the
importance of consciousness.

Open source sharing, more empathic, more spiritually connected

society with more respect, less primitive behavior. Adults are
counselors and mentors to young people instead of academic

Precision farming, aquaculture, Internet of Things. Modular

buildings. Space tourism.Manipulation of the weather.

Full open contact with friendly civilisations.

Picoengineering (technology on the scale of trillionths of a meter)
becomes practical.
Science becomes democratic and interactive, independant without
competitiveness, dogma's, taboo's, bureaucratic termonology, the
academic rat race and prizes.
Companies turn into non-profit organisations, new sites where all
literature, all images and video are free available in perfect
quality, free to use.
3000 End of transition to 5th density.
one day, it will be our descendants mission to carry on the
tradition and assignment of seeding the 3rd density universe,
once we have the adequate knowledge

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