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Name: Ansley Cone

PART A: Describe how students could create and publish an original movie, audio file, podcast, or
vodcast in order to achieve required learning standards. Challenge: For an “A” provide an idea where
the learning activity reaches a LoTi level 4a or above. To do this you will have to design a project where
students engage in higher-order thinking and publish their work to an audience that will use or care about
the results. Broad feedback for their work is also a great way to boost interest and performance.
Grade Level: 7 Grade

Content Area: Reading

Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast
Other: (list)
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: ELAGSE7RL7 Compare and contrast a written
story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of
techniques unique to each medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film).
ELAGSE7W10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a Georgia Department of Education April 29, 2015 Page 13 of 22
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Brief Description of Learning Experience:

Students will have a knowledge of poems, from poems that we have gone over before this lesson. Students
will then be asked to create a short poem. This poem is going to be “free-write” this means that the student
can choose what they want to write their original poem about. As a teacher I will provide examples to show
the student what they will be doing once they have created their poem. This will cover standard
ELAGSE7W10. Then students will be reading their poem or singing/rapping it into Audacity, covering
ELAGSE7RL7. Students will then present their project to the class and explain their poem and why they
chose the music they did to support their poem. This will be over the course of a week. The first two class
periods will be brainstorming the poem and finding the music/ beats they would like to put with the poem.
Then the third day will be recording the poem, students will have the chance to spread out in the hall or
room to get their recording the best they want it. After the third and fourth day, we will present the projects.
The last day, students will pair up with someone they choose to compare and contrast the poems that they
The audience is going to be confined to the class, this way students can share their poems and feel
comfortable in front of their classmates. I think a larger audience would turn some students away from
putting forth their best effort. The students work will be assessed by me, the teacher. I would assess if they
understood the assignment and completed it to their best ability. When students pair up at the end and
compare and contrast their poems with a peer, I will then use this to assess if the student understands the
music’s ability to change the feel/emotions of a poem. Students will provide feedback to their peers when
they are comparing and contrasting their works. I will also provide feedback when I give students the grade,
I will write why I gave them the grade they received.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: What LoTi level would this lesson be and Why?
I believe that this lesson is LoTi level 5 because students will be the center of the lesson. Students will be
working in the community and using multiple technologies (ie: word, audacity, etc.). The lesson provides
them with real world experience by working on their own and creating a poem that can reflect their life.
Since students will be using technologies that are relevant for life, this is what also classifies this lesson to
be LoTi level 5.


Importance of technology:
Using multimedia authoring tools is critical in this project because it allows the student to understand how
to use the technologies properly. Most software use more than one media, for instance Word can download
more than just text. By giving students another multimedia software, this will be one more thing they can
say they can work with on their resume. No, it could not be completed without technology. Students could
perform the poem once with background music, but when comparing with their classmates it would be
harder to recall the poem after hearing all of the poems in the class. Being able to recall the poem on the
computer with an audio file it will be better. Technology that could help this lesson be better is head phones
with a better microphone for students that only have cheap head phones to record.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
When giving students the ability to work on a computer on their own can always bring up some concerns.
My concern would be that the student gets off topic and will explore the internet. This could lead to them
opening corrupted files or viewing something inappropriate. Keeping this under control might be hard when
you are dealing with a large number of students. One way to combat that, is to make some ground rules for
the students to follow when using the computer, for example define the software that the students will be
using for the assignment and only allow them to use these applications. If the rule is not follow, make the
consequences known; this way the student knows what they are getting themselves into. Another way to
minimize the concerns is having the students in a computer lab, this way the computers are all facing the
same way and you can easily stand in the back and see what students are doing. This does not insure the
student’s safety, but it can help make sure that it is. Also before going to the lab for the first time, that
school year, I will go over computer safety and internet etiquette. After the lesson, students will have full
knowledge of how they should properly act on the computer.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity: I think this lesson will
really engage students considering it is student centered. We will cover two standards and be able to
working on their presentation and communication skills as well.

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