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We form the Present Continuous with the verb to be + a
verb ending in -ing. We often use the Present Continuous
for actions that are in progress at the moment of speaking.
For example:
a) It’s raining.
b) I’m working.
We can also use the Present Continuous to describe
temporary situations. For example:
a) I’m living with my parents for a while. (I usually live on my own.)
b) She’s working in Paris this week. (She usually works in London.)
And we can also use it to talk about things that are in the
process of changing. For example:
a) Unemployment is falling.
b) House prices are rising.

However, there are some verbs that are not usually used with
the Present Continuous. These include verbs to describe
mental or emotional states, such as believe, like, love, hate,
know, prefer, recognise, feel, remember, understand, want,
etc.). For example, we say, “I understand it,” NOT, “I am
understanding it.”
Other verbs that aren’t used with the Present Continuous Facebook?
include communication verbs (agree, disagree, mean,
surprise, promise), sense verbs (hear, see, smell, sound, Sign up for our
taste) and permanent state verbs (be, belong, consist, fit, newsletter:
owe, own, possess). For example, we say:
a) I agree with you. (NOT, I am agreeing with you.)
b) It smells nice. (NOT, It is smelling nice.)
c) She owns three houses. (NOT, She is owning three
d) I promise I’ll do it. (NOT, I am promising I’ll do it.)

However, there are exceptions to the rule. Some of those

verbs can be used to describe a temporary state. For example:
a) I’m feeling a bit ill. (temporary state)
b) You’re being silly. (temporary state)
Or they can be used to describe an action. For example:
a) The cook is tasting the food.

Like Us.
b) I’m thinking about it.
And then, of course, there are always
people who like to break the rules. Do
you remember the McDonald’s slogan,
“I’m loving it!”? Because We Like You.
1 Exercise
What’s the difference between these two questions?
1. What are you doing?
2. What do you do?

Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the Present Continuous.
1. They (play) on the computer.
2. We (talk) to him about it right now.
3. She (make) a copy of the CD.
4. He (not work) very much these days.
5. Food prices (rise) rapidly.
6. I (not feel) very well this morning.

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