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Liddell and Scott

Abridged Edition
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Abridged from

Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon

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THE Abridgment of Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon is in-
tended chiefly for use in Schools. It has been reduced to its present
compass by the omission
I. Of passages cited as Authorities, except where examples seemed
necessary to explain more clearly the usage of a word ;
II. Of discussions upon the Derivation of words
III. Of words used only by authors not read in Schools, or of
the particular meanings of words not in general use, such as
medical or scientific terms. But words used by Theocritus, the
writers of the Anthology, Lucian, and Plutarch in his Lives, have
been retained and especial care has been taken to explain all

words contained in the New Testament.

Words are printed in Capitals, when they are when no
radical forms, or
form nearer the original Root is known to exist. The Derivation, when it
is certain, is placed before the English explanation when this is not the

case, some notice will be found at the end of the word.

Many additional tenses and cases, mostly Homeric or Doric, have been
inserted to give a clue to the simple word, when there seemed to be any
difficulty or irregularity in the formation. All tenses and forms of words in
the Gospels that presented any difficulty have been inserted in their place.
The quantity of doubtful syllables has been marked, except in such tenses
of Verbs, cases of Nouns, and words, as are regularly derived. In such forms
the quantity ought to be known to young students from grammatical rules.
For the sake of clearness, the parts of which compound words are made
up have been marked by placing a hyphen between them, as, a7ro-/3aA\a),
d^-fy/xi, a-/3aro?, e<£-o8o?. But when a word is compounded of two parts, one
of which is already a compound, this latter compound is left undivided, and
must be sought in its own place, as <£iA.o-Kio-o-o<£opo?. And a word imme-
diately derived from a compound is left undivided, so that the elements of
the derivation must be sought under the word from which it is derived, as
the elements of <£iA.o/xoWo> under 4>iAo-fiov<ro?. In Verbs compounded of a
Preposition and a simple Verb, and whenever the component parts remain
unaltered by the composition, mere division has been considered sufficient
to mark the formation.

The present Edition has been completely revised and has also been

considerably enlarged chiefly by the addition of a number of irregular
tenses of Verbs.

Oxford, October, 1871.

For convenience, the following Abbreviations have been used :

r= means equal or equivalent to Lat. = Latin

absol. = absolute, absolutely lengthd. = lengthened
ace. = accusative ace. to = according
: to masc. =
Act. = active voice Med. «= medial or middle voice
act. = active signification med. a= medial or middle signification
Adj. = adjective metaph. = metaphorically
Adv. = adverb metri grat. = metri gratia (for the sake of the metre)

Aeol. = Aeolic, in the Aeolic dialect n. pr. >c nomen proprium (proper name)
aor. == aorist tense N. T. = New Testament
Att. = Attic, in Attic Greek negat. = negativum (negative)
c. = cum (with) neut. = neuter
c. ace. with cognate accusative, i e. with a
cognato - nom. = nominative
Subst. which has the same or a similar signification opp. to = opposed to
with the Verb opt. or optat. = optative mood
c. gen. pers. = cum genitivo personae orig.= originally
cf. = confer (compare) part.= participle
collat. = collateral Pass. = passive voice
Com. = Comic, in Comic Greek pass. = passive signification
Compar. or Comp. = comparative pecul. = peculiar
Conjunct. = conjunction perf. or pf. = perfect tense
contr. = contracted, contraction pi. or plur. = plural
cp. = compare plqpf.= plusquamperfectum (pluperfect)
dat. = dative poet. = poetically
Dep. = Deponent Verb, i. e. a Verb of Middle or Prep. = preposition
Passive forms with Active sense pres. = present tense
deriv. = derived, derivation priv. or privat. = privativum
dissyll. = dissyllable q. v. = quod vide
Dor. = in Doric Greek qq. v. quae vide
e. g. = exempli gratia radic. =* radical
Ep. = in Epic Greek regul. = regular, regularly
esp. = especially shortd. «= shortened
etc. = et cetera signf. bs signification
f.or fut. = future tense sing. = singular
fem. = feminine sq.= sequens (the following word)
fin.m ad finem or fine sub. = subaudi, subaudito
freq. = frequent, frequently subj. = subjunctive mood
gen. or genit. *» genitive Subst. = Substantive
Horn. = Homer syll. »* syllable

i. e. = id est Trag. = Tragic, in Tragic Greek

imperat. or imper. =
imperative mood trans. = transitive
imperf. or impf. = imperfect tense trisyll.-= trisyllable
impers. = impersonal usu. = usually
indie. = indicative mood v.= vide
inf. = infinitive mood verb. Adj. = verbal adjective
intr. or intrans. = intransitive voc. = voce, vocem
Ion. = Ionic, in the Ionic dialect vocat.=» vocative
irreg. = irregular
— :

A — 5^Xr?x^?.

A j
but a = iooo.
a, 4\4>a,
r6, indecl., first
As numeral, a
— els,
of the Gr. d|3aKT|s, is, (a privat.,
d-|3dKX€VTOS, ov, (a privat., Baxx^vw) without Bac-
and irpufros,
chic frenzy, uninspired, joyless.
$dfa) speechless.

In Ion. Greek d becomes ij, as <ro<pla. ffo<pin. d-|3dirTioTOs, ov, (a privat., Bavri^oS) not to be
In Dor. Greek d is used instead of n, as, abvs for dipped, that will not sink, Lat. immersabilis. II.

j)8vs but the verbal term, oto is changed into rjro, unbaptized.

as kicvv^lxTO into iievv^qro. d-0&pT|s, is, (a privat., Bdpos) not heavy : not bur-
a, as prefix in compos.: a privativum, not, as densome.

oocpos wise, a-a<xpot unwise. II. a copulativum, d-Pdcrdvurros, ov, (o privat., Baffavi£aA not ex-
together, as in d-TaXai/TO*, d-/foXov^o*. III. a iii- amined by torture, unquestioned. Adv. -tois, without
tensivum, very much, as in d-revrjs, d-oirepxis, though question or trial.
this is very rare. IV. a euphonicum, affecting d-jfoo-iXcuTOS, ov, (a privat., &aai\cvaj) not ruled
the sound only, not the sense, as d-/3X»7xpd» f° r B^rj by a king. [T]
d-avalpoj for ffiraipo), d-j3do"KavTOs, ov, (a privat., BaoKaivaj) unenvied.
a-arepoirrj for anpotrff.
d, d or dd, exclamations used express strong Adv. -rajs, without envy.
emotion, like our ah I a-Pa-ros, ov, also 17, ov, (o privat., Baivai) untrodden,
d &, to express laughter, like our ha ha. inaccessible: of a river, notfordable; of holy places,
d, Dor. for artic j). 2. &, Dor. for relat. pron. not to be trodden, inviolate : hence pure, chaste.

3. £
Dor. for 77, dat. of os. d-(3(|3<uos, ov, (a privat., fiiBaios) unsteady, waver-
d-daTOS, ov, (a privat., dd<u) not to be hurt, invio- ing, fickle.
lable, of the Styx, by which the gods swore but —
a.'pif}r\kos, ov, (o privat., &iBn\oa) not profane,

dc0\os d-ddros a dangerous or difficult task. inviolable.

d-dYT|s is, (a privat., dyvvfu) unbroken, not to be
dpeXrtpCa, i}, stupidity: from
broken, bard, strong. d-^cXrcpos, ov, (a privat., PiKrtpos) good-for-no-
d-airros, ov, (a privat., airrofmi) not to be touched thing, silly, stupid.
invincible. d piaoTos, ov, (a privat., Bid(ofiai) unforced.
dWa, dao-d|ii]v, ddo-9r)v, v. 'AA'Xl. d-{3ios, ov, (a privat., Bios) not to be lived or sur-
d-do*xeTos, ov, lengthd. poet, for d-ox fT °*- vived, intolerable, insupportable ; Bios dPios. II.
dd-ros, contr. &tos, ov, (a privat., dco, daai to sa- without subsistence, poor.
tiate) insatiate, drot iroXifwio insatiate of battle. d-PioTOS, ov, (o privat., Bioros) = dBtos.
'AA'H, old Ep. Verb, used chiefly in aor. 1 act. A-0ia>TOS, ov, (a privat., Bi6<u) = dBios.
d&oa contr. daa, med. dd.o'dfirjv, contr. dodjirjv, and dpXd^cia, 7), freedom from barm: security: from
pass. ddaBrjv the pres. occurs only in 3 sing, of
: d pXd/3r]s, is, (a privat., B^-dBrj) without barm : I.
Med., ddrai —
all in Horn. : to hurt, damage, esp. pass, unharmed, unhurt. II. act. harmless, inno-
to hurt mentally, mislead, infatuate : so too in Med., cent : preventing barm: —
Adv. -Bais, Ep. -Bios,
"Attj j) irdvTa* ddrai II. But the Med. and Pass. usu. without harming, without infringement.
have an sense, to go astray, to be infatuated or be-
intr d-f3XaJ3ia, jj, poet, for d-£Ad/3em.
wildered, to go wrong, err, sin, do foolishly. [Horn, has 1), (a privat., BdWa>) not thrown or
d-p3\T|», Titos, 6,
&5.oat, aaoiv, aaoav so too daadfi-qv but ddodTO.]
: , shot,of an arrow.
ddo>, = d<u, to satisfy, whence 3 sing darai. o-/3Xt)tos, ov, (a privat., BdWoj) not bit by a dart
&0a, Dor. for {jBtj. or arrow.
dj3djc«i>, (d&aJCTjt) to be speecbUis,
^-P^TlX n«. i; (o privat., /SXi^q) without bltatingu
: :

2 &fi\rixj)6s — 3yaA/xa.
a-0\T)xp6s. 4, df, (a euphon., $\r/)(p6$) weak, feeble, thomed: generally, unfathomable, enormous. II.

: —
of death, easy, hght. as Subst. 1) c-Pvaaos, the abyss, bottomless pit.
d{3\T]Xpa>8T)S, €S, i@\T]xpu*- dydao-dai., dydao-Oc, v. sub dyafiat
o.-{3oItC, Dor. for d-Ponri. d-ya-yeiv, redupl. aor. 2 inf. of 070; : d/yayov, Er\ for
d-|36aTOS, oy, Dor. for d-/3d»/To*. 77cryof, aor. 2 ind.
d-(3o^|0T)TOS, of, (a privat., porjBioj) helpless, dydY^H'i'. Ep* ° r «7 <*7 tW . aor. 2 subi of dyto.
d-PoTjrt, Dor. -5/rl, Adv. (a privat., 0odcj) uncalled, aYa^opai, poet, form of dya/xat, to admire.
without summons. dya6o-€iOT|S,is, {dyaOus, ftbos) seeming good.

d (36titos, Dor. -d/ros, ov, (a privat., {Soau>) un- dyaOocpyfcj, contr. -oupy&o, to do rood ; and
called. II. unmourned. dyaOoepyta, contr. -ovpyia, #, a good or »oW«
dpo\tu>, « df ri0okia>, to meet. deed : good service. From
d-|36o-KT]Tos, of, (o privat., (36<tkcS) ungrazed. dyaOo-epyos, contr. -ovpyos, 6v, (dyados, ipyov)
d-povKo\T|Tos, ov, (a pnvat., PovkoXcoj) uutended, doing good : ol 'Aya$o(pyoi, at Sparta, the five oldest
unheeded. knights, who went on missions for the state.
d-{3ov\«i>, ^ow, = ou (5ov\ofiai, to be unwilling. aYaOoiroico), = dyado-tpyiu and ;

d-PovX-nros, ov, (c privat., Pov\ofiai) unwilling, dYavoTTOita, i},= uyaOo-ipyia. From

involuntary. Adv. -raw. d,Y<ido-iroi6s, 6v , {dyaOos, iroiiw) - dya0o-cp~f6s.
d-^ovXta, •$, /'// counsel, thoughtlessness : from *ATA'0O'2, 4), 6v, good in its hind, opp. to kqk6s,
d-|3ovXos, of, (a privat., /SovXi^ inconsiderate, ill- bad: I in Homer usu. of heroes, brave, nolle:
advised: —
Adv. -aw, superl. dPovXSrara. later in moral sense, good, virtuous. 2. of things,

d-Powrrjs, ov, d, (a privat., /3ous) without oxen : etc., good in their kind: neut. rd dyadd the goods of
hence poor. fortune, wealth, also good fare, dain'ies ; rb dyaOov,
d-Pp«KTOS, ov, (a privat., Ppix&) unwetted. Lat. summum bonum. — There are no regular forms
d-0pi0T|S, is, (a irivat.. ppiOw) without weight. of comparison. The Comp. in use are ySfArtW,
Appo-Pdrns, {dPpos, /3atV<u) softly or <&/*- also dfiuvojv, Kpuaaaxv, AcuiW \(pojv) Ep. Pi\rtpos,
ov, 6, :

cately stepping. [j9d"( Xofttfp'ts, also (peprtpos. Sup. Pi\rtaros, dpiaros,

&Pp6-yoos, Of, {dpp6s, 70W} womanishly vjailing. KpdriaTos. \wiaros (Avotos) Ep. Pi\raros, <pipra- :

dppo-oiatTOs, ov, d/3/jos, StatTa") living delicately or ros. <pipiaros. Tie Adv. in common use is ev, well.
effeminately : t6 dPpoSiairov effeminacy. dYaOovpYcco, contr form of dyaQotpyioj.
&Ppo-ic6p.T)S, ov, 0, (d/3pos, tfd/117) iwVi delicate, luxu- aYaWva), (dyaOos) to make good, exalt. II. to

riant hair or leaves. do good Pass, to be of good cheer. —

d-Ppdfiios, of, {a privat., Bp6/iios) without Bacchus. dyaQtaarvvj], 1), (dyaOus goodness, kindness.
d Ppojxos, ov, (a copul., Ppojios) noisy, boisterous. dYcuopai, (dyn) collat. form of dya/jtai, dydofuu,
dppo-irf8 Xos, ov, {dPpus, iriSiXov) soft-sandalled. only in bad sense, to be angry at : to envj.
&Pp6-ir\ovTOs, ov, (dPpos, irXovros) richly luxu- aYa-KX€T|s, is, (dyav, tc\ios s very glorious, famous,
riant. renowned gen. dyaK\rjos shortd. poet, forms, ace.

"ABPO'2, d, 6v also 6s, 6v, delicate, pretty, dainty, sing. dya/tXid, pi. d7a*A*'as. dat. sing. dyaK\ii.

soft, luxurious. (Akin to tj&tj.) dya kXcitos, 17, df, dyaKKeqs.

dPpoo-uvnr), 1^, = dPporrjs. dYa-KXih-ds, ov, \dyav, kXvtos) like dyajc\irjs, Lat.
dppoTd(o>, f. a£<u, to miss, c. gen. —Ep. word inclytus.
formed from dftPporuv, q. v. oYa-KTr |Xfvn. (dyav, mifa) a poet. fern. = ev/CTinivt},
dppo-rrjs, ijtos, if, (d/Spos^ delicacy, luxuriousness. well-built or placed.
dpporos, ov, also rj, ov, (o privat., fSporos) like dfi- d-YdXa,KTOS, ov, (a privat., 70X0^ without milk,
Pporos. afi(ip6oios. immor'al, divine, holy. giving none. II. getting none, weaned, Lat.
dppo-dnrfjs, is, (atfpus. <pv<t>) tender of nature. lacte depulsus.
&$po-xoxrtyi, ov, o, \dpp6s, xaiTTJ) = dPpo-KOfins. dYaXXiacns, tats, rj, exceeding great joy. From
dPpo-xirwv, {dPpls, xtTdV) softly clad:
ojvos, 6, %, aYaXXidw, aor. it yaX\ia(ra also as Dep. dYaXXid-
with soft coverings. [I] ojxat, f. dao/Mt [a], strengthd. for dydWo/juu: to re-

&-f$poxos, ov, (a privat., Ppix<») unwetted, waterless. joice exceedingly.
Adv. x "* 'ArAAAI'2, ib~os, fi, a plant, the iris ox flag.
&Ppvv<o, f. vvS> aor. 1 fj0p~<va (a&p6s)
: . to make : —
'ArA'AAH, f. 070X0; : aor. -77^7X0. inf. 07^X0: : -
delica'e, treat delicately : — Pass, to live delicately, o7Xaof iroiw. to make glorious, ghrify, honour, esp.
wax wanton, give oneself airs; dPpvvccrOai tivi to a rod : also to deck, adorn : mostly in Pass. u7dX-
pride oneself on a thing. Ko/mi, to glory, delight, exult in a thing, c. dat.
d-Pp<os, dVros, d, ^, a-fSporrot. Hence
d-ppcirros, ov, (a privat., PiPpaxTKoS) not having dyaX-xa, aros. rd, that wherein one delights, a glory,
eaten. II. pass, not to be ea'en, uneatable. delight,ornament : a pleasing gift, esp. for the gods:
d-Puo-o-os, ov, (a privat., fivaaos) bottomless, unfa- hence. 2. a statue in honour of a god ; the image
: — — : : :

ayaX/xaroTTOtos ayyeXfjia, 3
of a god as an object of worship. 3. any statue or dyairevvrts, Ion. for dTaircDi/Tf*, pres. part. pi.

image. dYdirr), 7), (dyairdoj brotherly love : charity. [fi.y&~\

dYa\naTO-iroi6s, ov, 6, (dyaXpa, iroteaj) a maker of dYdirTjfxa, to, {dyairdoj) an object of love, Lat.
statues, a statuary, sculptor. deliciae.
"ArA'MAI, 2 pi. dyaaOe Ep. ayaaode, inf. dyaaOai dY<vrr-if|va)p, opos, 6, (dyairdoj, dvqp) =* ^vopirjv dya-
Ep. aydaoOai impf. '/ydfirjv, Ep. 2 pi. ^ydaade
: fut. : rrwv, loving manliness, manly.
uydaofMii [a.] Ep. dydcaoftai the aor. I mostly in : dydir^a-is, ecus, 7), (dyairdoS) the feeling of love,
Pass, form ^ydadrjv, but also Med. i)yaadfirjv (even affection.
in Att.\ Ep. 7/y aa ad firjv, dyaaadfxrjv Dep. I. : dYairrjT«os, ov, verb. Adj. of a7a7rda;, to be loved,
/o wonder: more freq. to wonder at or admire a acquiesced in.
person or thing, Ttra, but also rivi, Lat. admi- aYairrjTiKos, 77, 6v, (dyairda) disposed to love, affec-
rari. II. in bad sense, /o ewvy, be angry at, ri, tionate. Adv. -/ecus.

rivi, v€pi tivos. — Homer uses in this sense only aor. 1 aYoliTTjTos, i\, verb. Adj. of a7a7rd<y, beloved,
r)yaadfXT]v, and as pres. uydofiai or dyaiofuu. dearly beloved : worthy of love. 2. to be acquiesced

dya^-ia, 7), celibacy. From in, as the least evil. II. Adv. dyairnrois, cheer-

a-yap-os, ov, (a privat., ydfios) unmarried, unwed- fully, contentedly; dyawnrus %x uv t0 oe contented,
ded, single, Lat. coelebs : — Tragic phrase, ydfj.os d-ya- like dyairdv. 2. in Att. prose, so as only just to
fios a marriage that is no marriage, a fatal mar- content one, only just, scarcely = fi6Xis.
i. e.

riage. aYdp-poos, ov, contr. dydp-povz, ovv, {dyav, fiico)

"AT AN, Adv. very, much, very much: the word ge- strong or swift-flowing.
nerally is only Dor. and Att., Xirjv being its equiv. dyaaQai, of dyafiai.
pres. inf.
in Ep. and ion. II. too, too much", Lat. nimis, dyacrQtLs, aor. of dya\uu.
I pass. part,
as in the proverb fxrjSev dyav. Lat. ne quid nimis, not dYao-(j.a, r6, (dyaftai) that which is admired, a won-
too much of any thing, [aydv, but later sometimes der, marvel.
ayav.~\ dYacro(j,ai [a], poet, dydaffofiai, fut. of dyafxai.
dyavS.KT(<a, f. i\o<u, (dyav) to feel irritation: — to be aYacro-aTO, poet, for ?}7aoraTO, 3 sing. aor. I of
vexed, displeased, or angry at a thing. Hence dyafxai.
d'Yava.KTnais, €<vs, tj, irritation, vexation. dYa-OTOvos, ov, (dyav, CTtvai) much groaning,
d-ydvaiernTiKos, 77, ov, (dyavaKriw) irritable. howling, of the waves, loud-wailing.
aYdvaKTrjTOS, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of dyavaKT £oj, irri- dYao-Tos, 77, 6v, {dyafiai) admirable. Adv. -rws.
tating, vexatious. aYaT6s, 77, ov, poet, for dyaaros, as Oavfiaros for
d-ydvaxTiic6s, 77, ov, irritable, = ayavaKTnTiic6s. Adv. Oavfjaoros.
aYavos, 77, 6v, (dyaftai) illustrious, noble.
dY&vrjori, poet, for dyavals, dat. plur. fern, of aYavpos, a, 6v, akin to dyavos, stately, proud : sup.
dyav 6s. Adv. dyavporara.
uYav-vt4>os, ov, (dyav, v'upcS) much snowed upon, dYd-<j>0«Y KTOS ov (dyav, (pOiyyofjuai) loud-sounding.
» *

snow-capt, "OXv/xiros. dyydptvuy, f. 000, {dyyapos) to despatch a courier or

d-ylvopeios, a, ov, Dor. for dyrjvSpeios. messenger : to press one to serve as a courier.
d-"v<Sv6s, 77, ov, (a copul., ydvos, yavvfiai) mild, dYYapT|ios, 0f i on- form = dyyapos to dyyapfj'iov —
gentle, kindly: esp. of the arrows of Artemis, to which the business of an dyyapos.
sudden death was ascribed. Only poet. aYY^pos, 6, Persian word, a mounted courier, such
dYSvo^poo-uvT), 7), gentleness, kindliness. From as were kept ready at regular stages throughout
d-yovo-^pojv, ov, gen. ovos, (dyavos, <ppi\v) kindly Persia for carrying the royal despatches.
disposed : benign. dYY«w>v, Ion. -Tji'ov, to, (07704) a vessel, pail: a
d*yavwms, 180s, 7), (dyavos, cfy) mild-eyed. reservoir.
aY-dvwp, opos, 6, 7), Dor. for dy-i\vwp. dYYcXtct, Ion. -£tj, t), (0776X0*) a message, tidings,
d-ydopuu, Ep. form of dyaym, only found in part. news, dyyekirj (firj a message concerning me ; dyye-
dywfitvos, in act. sense admiring. \Lr)s kXOciv to come on account of a message. 2.
dYaird£co, f. dacu, see dyairdod. a proclamation : a command, order.
oYairuTOS, ov, Dor. for dyavrjTos. tYY^wi-^opos, Ion. dYY €^ lTl- <t> 6pos, 6, (dyyeXia,
aYairda), f. rjacv aor. riydirqaa, Ep. dydnrjaa
: pf. : <pipw) a messenger.
f/ydirvKa (dyayuii, dyd^ofiai):
: of persons, to wel- — dyyik\.v>Tr\$, ov, 6, (dyy(Xia) a messenger.
come, entertain, in which sense d7<X7ra£a; and Dep. dya- dyy tW<o, 1. 077^X0), Ep. d77«A.f a; : aor. I fjyydXn :

vd£opai are used by Homer :

—also to take leave of: pf. TjyytXfca, pass. TjyytXfiai : aor. I pass. -qyyfXOrjV
— generally, to be fond of, to love dearly. II. of (dyw) to bear a message, bring tidings or news, to


things, to be well pleased, to be contented at or wi'b a proclaim, report, tell —

Med. to announce oneself:
thing: c. inf. to be wont to do, like (piXiw. iaya] Pass, to be reported of. Hence
Hence dyytX'jLa, r6, a message, tidings, news.
— :

&yy(\os — ayivko*.

ayycXos, o, 1$, (dyyiWoj) a messenger, envoy, II d-Y«pa<rros, ov, (a privat., yipas without * gift of 1

a messenger from God, an angel. honour, unrecompensed, unrewarded.

(ryY^iov- T0 Ion. for dyyctov.
dY<p€cr0ai, Ep. aor. 2 med. inf. of dyupu.
'AIT02, fos to, a vessel of any kind, a jar, pan, uytpfcv, Ep. for ^yipdnaav, 3 pi. aor. 1 pass, of
pail : a chest, box. dyeipco.

<ry8t]v, Adv. {dyoj) by carrying. aY«povTO, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 med. of dydpoj.
dye, <1'"V€T€, properly Imperat. of dyoj, used as Adv. dyipo\os, ov, ~ dyipco^os.
like (pipe, come! come on! well! Lat age! ciYepcris, ecus, r), ^dyupco) a gathering, mustering.

d-yeipw aor. i rjyeipa

: pf. dyqytpica (aya>)
: : : a.yip(ti\o%, ov, in good sense, brave, high-minded,

to bring together, gather togethr collect. II. Pass, lordly : in bad sense, overweening, haughty, fierce.
iyeipop-ai : aor I qyipQqv, Ep. 3 pi. fjyep9ev : pf. Adv. -x^*- (Deny, uncertain.)
dyqyepnat, Ep. 3 pi. dyqyiparai: Ep. 3 pi. pK»pf. aY€o-KOv, Ion. impf. of dyw.
dynyiparo: to come together, assemble: in which dyi-<npd,TOS, 6, r), (dycj, arparos) leading the host.
sense we also have an Ep. aor. 2 med. dyiptodai, ayerr\s. 6, Dor. for -qyir-qs.
dyipovro, partic. syncop. dypopevos, rj, ov, assembled, d-Y«faTOS, ov, (a privat., yevofiai) not tasting:
gathered together. without taste of, c. gen.
d-YciTiov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., yeirojv) without *YH L"] "h*
(ayapm) in good sense, wonder, awe,

neighbour : solitary, desolate. reverence. 2. in bad sense, envy, hatred, spite: of

dyeXaSov, Dor for dyekrjdov. the gods, jealousy., Pass, {dyikrj) to live in herds, to be *YH [<*]» #» {dlyvvpLi) a fragment, piece, splinter.

gregarious. oyt|, Ep. for kdyrj, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of dyvvya,

dycXaios, a, ov, (dyikn) belonging to a herd, feeding to break.

at large. II. in herds or shoals, gregarious. 2. °nY*P aTat > dYTjY«pa-TO, Ep. 3 pi. pf. and plqpf.

of the herd or multitude, common. pass, of dyeipo).

d-yfeXdpxrjs, ov, 6, (dyi\n, apx 00 ) the leader of a dYT|Y € P Ka -epp-a-1
pf- act an(* P ass °f dyeipoi.
. - -

company. aYTjXat, aor. of dydWoj.

I inf.

d-YeXacTTi, Adv. (a privat., yc\dco) without laugh- ay-T)\a.T*<o r)a<v, (ayos, i\avvco) to drive away pol-
ter. lution or a polluted person, Lat. piaculum exigere :
d-Y«Aa<rros, w, (a privat., y€\a<u) not laughing, cf. dvhp-nXaria).
grave, sullen. II. not to be laughed at, not ayr\\L<x. to, {dyoS)Lat. agmen, a body or division of
trifling. an army, a corps, esp. of the Lacedaemonians.
dyeXcia, 17, (ayoo, \eia~) epith. of Athena, =\ijitis, aY-T|v6p€ios, Dor. d ydvop -, a, ov, - dyqvojp.
\eiav dyovaa, she that drives off the spoil. aY-Tjvopia, r), manliness, manhood, courage.
dyi\-r\, r), (dyoj) a herd of oxen or kine. Lat. ar- aY-T|VG>p, Dor. aY-dvcop, opos, 6, 1), (ayav, cwrip)
mentum, grex : — later any herd ox company. manly, heroic : also headstrong, haughty : and some-

u"V6\t|86v, Adv. {dyi\rj) in herds or companies. times stately, splendid.

Also dytKrjb'd. aYT|oxa, pf. act. of dy<u to lead.

d-y^XijOev, Adv. (dyikij^ from a herd. d-Y"T|pavTOS, ov, = sq.

o.yi\r\tyi, Ep. dat. of dyi\n. d-YT)p&os, ov, (a privat., yrjpas^) free from old age,
dycpovevpa, dycpovcva), dyepwv, Dor. for r)y(fi-. not growing old: generally, undying, undecaying.
ay€v, Dor. and Ep. for kdyqoav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, Contr. dyTipcos, (W ace. sing, dyqpojv or dyrjpai:

from dyvvui [a] : 2. Ep. 3 sing, for fjycv, impf. nom. dual dyqpa), nom. and ace. plur. dyfipajs.
from dyu to lead. d-YTlp&TOS, ov, ~ dyqpaos.
d-Y«v€aX6yr|TOS, ov, (a privat., ytvtaXoyioj) without d-YTjpcos, <uv, contr. for dyqpaos.
pedigree, of unknown descent. dYTjo-i-xopos, ov, (dyiofMLi Dor. for jjyiopai, X°p6')
dytveta, r), (dytvr)s) low birth : meanness. leading the chorus or dance.
d-*ycv6tos, ov, (a privat., yivetov) beardless, boyish. dyr|TT|p, rjpos, Dor. for f/yr)TT)p. \a]
d-Y€VTjs, is, (a privat., yivos) unborn, uncreated: dyriTos, rj, ov, (dya/Mi) admirable, wondrous, [aj
but usu. II. of no family, i. e. low-born, opp. to aYid^a), (dytos) to hallow, consecrate.
dyaOos. aYiao-0T)To», 3 sing. aor. I pass, imoer. of ayidfa.
d-ytvTjTOS, ov, (a privat., ytvioQai) unborn, un- ayiaa-\ia, aros, to, (ay idfa) that wb cb is hallowed,
created. II. not having happened, Lat. infictus a holyplace, sanctuary.
hence false, groundless. dyiacrpos, ov, 6, {dyidfa) consecration, sanctification.
d-Y«vvT|s, is,= dytvfjs n. Adv. -vats. aYiaoTT|piov, to, = dyiaofia.
d-Y«vvT]TOS, ov, {a privat., y(vvdoj) unbegotten, un- dylfa, f. Att. XS>, (0710s) to hallow, make sacred,
born : without origin. II. like dyevr)s II, low- Lat. dedicare.
dyZvim, fjaa} Ep. pres. inf. dyivipevai impf.
born, mean. f. : :

dYtop.a.1, Dor. for r)yioyutu.. riyivtov. Ion. dyiveoKOV : lengthd. Ion. form of aya>,
: — : —— :::

ayLoypa<t>o$ — ay\d Co-pa.

t* carry, bring — Med. to have brought one. II dY- K P l <'"''S, poet, for dvd-Kpiais.
to bear fruit., poet, for dva-Kpovofiai.
a-yio-Ypd^os, ov, (ayios, ypd<p<v) written by inspira- dyKvXjr] v], f], like 07*0X77, the bend of the
tion : ra dyio-ypcUpa ^sub. tfip\ia), the Psalms and arm. II. a loop in a cord esp. the thong of a :

other books of the Old Testament as distinguished from javelin, by which it was hurled, Lat. amentum: also
the Law and the Prophets. the javelin itself. 2. any thong or string, e. g. the
ayios, a, ov, (070$) devoted to the gods, Lat. sacer, leash of a hound, a bow-string.
sacred, holy : of persons, pious, pure : as Subst., dyiov, dyKHKryros, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of dyKvKiofMit,
to, a sanctuary. II. sometimes like Lat. sacer, thrown from the bent arm : as Subst., to dyKvkrjrov, —
accursed. —
In old Att. dyvos is used instead, [ay] a javelin.
d-yiOTTis, tjtos, 77, {ayios) sanctity, holiness. oykuXiov, to, Dim. of dyKvXrj, a small dart or
OYurreta, 7), mostly in pi. holy rites, the service of\ javelin. II. rd dytcvkia used to translate the

the temple or sanctuary. From Lat. ancilia.

dywrTciiw, f. cvaco, (aylfa) to perform sacred rites oykvXo-yXwxiv, Ivos, 6, (dyKvkos, y\a>xis) with
hence to be pious, live piously. hooked spurs, of a fighting cock.
d-ywiMTwrj, J), {ayios) dyiorrjs. dyKiiX-oSovs, ovros, 6, 7), {dyKvKos, obovs) crook-
dy< -, poet, abbrev. for avaic- in compds. of the toothed, barbed, of weapons.
prep, dva with words beginning with *, e. g. dynei- aYrcvXo-p/tyrns, ov, 6, 77, (oVy*7JXo$, A"? Tts ) crooked
aOai for dva-Kua6ai. of counsel, wily.
d-vi<d£, f. dooyuai Dep. : (ayteas, 07*77)
: to dYKvXo-rrovs, vow, (dyKvXos, tto»j$) with curved

take or lift up in the arms. feet, b"i<ppo$ dyK. the Roman sella curulis.
d-yKoOev, Adv. for aynas, on the arm, i.e. resting on oykvXos, 77, ov, {dyKos, Lat. uncus'* crooked, curved,
it, Lat. cubito presso : also in the arms. of a bow of the eagle's beak, hooked, [p J :

ay-KdXiu), poet, for dva Ka\ea>. aYKvX6-To£os, ov, {dyKv\os, ro£ov) with curved bow.
dycdX?), tj, (0.7/07) the bent arm, mostly in dYKi/Xo-xctX-rjS, ov, 6, {dytwKos, x**Xo$) with hooked
plur. II. metaph. anything closely enfolding, beak.
as the arms of the sea, etc. |_*a] dYKvXo-XT|XTjs, ov, 6, (dyKvXos, x»A»7) with crooked
dyKaXi^oiJuu, f. Att. ibtJuat : aor. I qyKakiadfi.ijv : claws.
pf. i)yKa.\iOfw.i : Dep.: (07*0X77) : = dy/cd£of*ai, to aYKvXoa), f. woo) pass. pf. qyKvXojfjai (dy/cv\ot)
: :

take in the arms. tomake crooked or booked. Hence

d-yK&Xis, 180$, 77, in plur. - 07*0X01, arms. II. oYKvXcdTos, 77, ov, of javelins, furnished with a
a bundle, Lat. tnanipulus. thong, thonged.
d-yKd\i<r|ia, to, (dytcaXifafiai) that which is em- aYKvpfi, (07*0$, dyKuv) 77, Lat. ancdra, an anchor,
braced. »o called fromits shape, first in Pind. for in Homer ;

(07*0X7;) an armful : a bundle.

d-y koXos, 6, we read only of tivai, i. e stones used as anchors.
dyKas, Adv. (07*17) into or in the arms. dyKvpi£<o, f. Att. tui : aor. I yyKvpiaa : (07*1/00) :

aY-K€, poet, for dvd-Kfipiai. to hook, catch as with a fish-hook.

'ArKH', 77, =07*0$ or 07*0X77, an arm. oYKvptov, to, Dim. of dyKvpa, a small anchor.
dY-KTjpv<r<rw, poet, for dva-Krjpvoao}. aYKvp-ovxta, »), {dyKvpa, €Xo>) a holding by the an-
dyKioTpeia, 77, (dyKiarpov) angling. chor ; (v dyKvpovxiats when safe at anchor.
dYKicnrpevTiKos, 17, ov, (dyKiarpov) of or for 'ArKfl'N, wvos, 6, like 07*0X77, the bend or hollow
angling to" dyKiarpevriKov, angling.
: of the arm, the bent arm, the elbow : hence II.

dyKio~rpiov, to, Dim. of dyKiarpov, a small book. any bend, as the angle of a wall, the bend of a river,
aYKioTpo-BcTOS, ov, (dyKiarpov, biai) with a book a bay or creek of the sea ; also the curved horns of
bound to it, of a fishing-rod. the lyre. Hence
dYKi<TTpo-€ioT|S, (s, {dyKiarpov, elbos) hook-shaped. uYKamaKOS, o, Dim. of dyKuv.
dytciarrpov, to, (akin to 07*05, 07*1^X0$) a fish-hook. CYXa-e'Gcipos, ov, (dyXaus, eQeipa) bright-haired.
oy-kXivo) and aY-KXip.a, to, poet, for dva-K\iva}, dyXdia, 7), (07X00$) splendour, beauty, brightness
dvd-K\tfM. hence as opp. to what is useful, pomp, show, vanity,
aYKoivrj, 7), (dyKuv) poet, for 07*0X77, used only in and in plur. vanities: also festive joy, triumph, and in
plur. the bent arms. II. metaph. anything closely plur. festivities.
enfolding; cf. 07*0X77. dYXai€io-0<n, fut. med. inf. of dyXatfa, with pass,
aY-Kopifo), poet, for dva-KOfi'ifa. sense.
dy-Kovim, for dva-Kovio), to hasten. dyXSl^ot, f. Att. Yw: aor. 1 777X0x0-0: (07X00$): to
*ArK02, cos, to, a bend or hollow, esp. of the make splendid, adorn an ornament
: also to give as
arm hence a mountain-glen, dell, valley.
— Pass, to be adorned with a thing, be proud of it,
dY-Kpep.d<ras, poet, for dvaKpffidaas, aor. I part, of delight in it. Hence
dvaKptfidvvv/M. oYXdicrpa, r6, an ornament ; cf. dyaXfia.
— : : : :

6 d.y\aoyvios — dyopd.
dyXdd-yuios, ov (dykads, yvtov) with beautiful limbs.
dyvo-rp-iKos, i\, 6v, apt to err from ignorance.
dyXd6-8«vSpos, ov, (dykaos, Sevdpov) with beautiful dyvoift, ?), (dyvoecu) want of perception, igno-
trees. rance. II. = dyvorjfM, a fault of ignorance.
dyXd6-6*>pos, ov, (dykaos, Suipov) bestowing splen- [poet, sometimes dyvoid : cf. dVota.]
did gifts. dyvoi€o>, poet., esp. Ep., form for dyvoioi.
dyXdd-dpovos, ov, (dykacs, 6povcs) with splendid dyvoiTjo-t, Od. 24. 218, 3 sing. aor. 1 opt. of
throne. dyvoiai : but if written dyvouti ai, it is 3 sing. pres.
dyXdo-Kapiros, ov, (dykaos, /capir6s) bearing or be- su.>j.

stowing goodly fruit. dyvoovvTtos, Adv., pres. act. part, of dyvoioj, igno-
dyXdo-icovpos, cv, (dykaos, xovpos) rich in fair rantly.
youths. dyvo-ptrros, ov, (dyv6s, pi<v) pure-flowing.
dyXdo-Kcopos, ov, (dykaos, Kuiftos) gracing the feast. dyvos, i\, ov, pure, chaste, unsullied : holy, sa-
'APAA'O'S, r/, ov, also 6s, 6v, splendid, stately, cred. II. c. gen. pure from a thing. Adv.
beautiful, brilliant, bright : of men, famous, noble : c. -vibs. (Akin to afa, dyios, dyos )
dat. famous for a thing. Adv. -ws. (Akin to al- *ArN02, 1), Att. 6, ^Kvyos, a tall tree like the
7X17, dyaWofMu.) willow, the agnus castus.
dyXdo-Tpta{vi)s, ov, 0, ace. -av, (dyka6s, rpiaiva) dyvoTTjs, rjTos, j), (dyv6$) purity, chastity.
the god of the bright trident. "ArNTTMI, 3 dual dyvvrov fut. d£w : aor. I iafa, :

dyAa-wvJ/, wnos, 6, ?), (dykaos, u>\p) bright-eyed : ge- Ep. ijfa, imperat. d[ov, inf. d£ai, part. a£as : aor. 2
nerally, flashing. pass, kdyijv [d"t v. sub fin.] : pf. tdya, Ion. trrya — to
d-yXeviefjs, is, (a privat., ykevKts) not sweet : sour, break, snap, crush, shiver, Lat. frango : — Pass, with
harsh. pf. act.taya, to be broken, to snap, shiver in pieces
*ArAI"S, aykldos, only used in plur. dykWes, a of sound, to spread around : of a river, to flow in a
bead of garlic, which is made up of several cloves. broken, i. e. winding course. \a in pf. €070, Ion.
d-vXi/KTjS, es, = a-y\evic?is. trjya but in aor. 2 pass, edynv, & in Horn., d long

dyXcixro-ia, Att. dyXa>TTia, fj, dumbness. From in Att.; v. Kardyvvfu.)

d-yXwcro-os, Att. d-yXciyrros, ov, (a privat., ykwaoa) dyva>pov€o>, f. rjoa), (dyvcjfiojv) to act without judg-
without tongue : silent, dumb, Lat. elinguis. II. ment, act ignorantly or unfairly.
speaking a strange tongue, = 0dp0apos. dyvcoudveos, Adv. of dyvuipuav, senselessly.
dyp.a, r6, (dyvvfii) a fragment. dyvojpoo-vvrj, 1), want of sense or judgment I.

dyp6s, 6, (dyvvfit) a breakage, fracture of a senselessness, ignorance. II. senseless pride, ar-
bone. II. a broken cliff, precipice. rogance. III. unfairness, unkindness, Lat. ini-
d-yvap/nros, ov, (a privat., yvd/iirTOj) unbending. quitas : in plur. misunderstandings. From
d-yvaiTTOS, ov, — sq. II. also not cleansed. d-yvwpcov, ov, ovos, (a privat., yvwfxrj) wanting sense
d-YvdcJ>os, ov, (a privat., yvdirro)) of cloth, not orjudgment : senseless, thoughtless, headstrong. II.

carded, i. e. new. unfeeling, unkind: unjust.

dyvcia, 1), (dyvevoi) purity, chastity. d-yvws, wtos, 6, ij, (a privat., yvwvat) pass, un-
ayvevpa, to, (dyvevo)) chastity. known : obscure. 2. obscure, ignoble. II. act.

dyvcvco, f. (dyvos) to observe scrupulously,

(va<u, not knowing, ignorant of a thing.
make a point of conscience of, c. inf. : also simply, to — dyv&s, Adv. of dyvos.
be pure or chaste: c. gen. to keep oneself pure from. dyvioo-ta, 77, (dyvws) a not knowing, ignorance. II.
&yvt£ci>, f. Att. Xw : aor. I ijyviaa : (dyvos) : to — a being unknown, obscurity.
make pure, purify, cleanse, Lat. lustrare. II. dyv<oo-o-ao-K€ or dyvwo-ao-Kc, Ion. and Ep. for f/y-
to offer, burn as a sacrifice. vorjac, 3 sing. aor. 1 of d7J>o«u.
dyvtos, a, ov, (dyvos) made of withy or agnus castus. dyvwo-o-w, pres. formed from foreg. = dyvoea).
dyvurpa, to, (dyvifa) a means of purification, d-yvcocrros or a-yvwTOS, ov, (a privat., yiyvwoitcS)
atonement. unknown, dyvaioros y\waaa an unknown tongue un- :

dyvurpos, 6, (dyvi(co) purification, expiation. heard of, forgotten. 2. not to be known. II.

dyvirns, ov, 6, (dyvifa) a purifier, [t] act. not knowing, ignorant of, riv6s.
dyvocca, Ep. dyvoicco f. r\o<a aor. I rjyvdrjaa,
: : dy^-rjpdvai, aor. I inf. of dva£rjpaiva).
Ep. dyvoirjoa. Ion. and Ep. 3 sing. dyvwoaoK* pf. : dyovCa, ij, unfruitfulness. From
JjyvoTjKa: — Pass., aor. I TjyvorjOrjv: pf. i)yv6rjiMii: (as d-yovos, ov, (a privat., yovrj) pass, unborn. II.

if from *d-yvoos = d-voos) : not to perceive or know, act. not producing, unfruitful, barren : c. gen. not
to be ignorant, Lat. ignorare : in Homer mostly, ovk productive of, destitute of; tokos dyovos, fruitless
dyvoirjoev be perceived or knew well —Pass, not to travail, when the mother dies before the child is

be known. II. absol. to mistake, be wrong ; hence born. 2. left childless.

dyvowv, by mistake. Hence
in part, d-yoos, ov, (a privat., y6os) unmourned.
dyvorjpa, to, a fault of ignorance, oversight; and dyopd, as, Ep. and Ion. dyop-rj. 77s, 1}, (atyiipoS) any
: : : — : : : : :

iyopdacrOe — (LypiaCva).

assembly, esp. an Assembly of the People, opp. to the dyopifivBe,Adv. to the Assembly or market.
Council (PovKJ]). II. the place of Assembly, dyopTjo-oTO, Ep. for tfyoprjoaTo, 3 sing. aor. I med.
used not only for public debating, elections, and of dyopdofuu.
trials, bur also for buying and selling, and all kinds oYop-nTTjs, ov, 6, (dyopdopuu) a speaker, orator.
of business, Lat. forum:
market- — especially, the dyop-rjTvs, tJo«, j), (dyopdofuu) the gift or power of
place. III. a speech made in the forum, speak- speaking, eloquence.
ing, gift of speaking, Lat. concio. IV. things dyopos, 6, poet, for dyopd.
sold in the forum, esp. provisions, Lat. annona; ayos or dyos, €os, to, (nfyftai) any matter of reli-
dyopdv irapixWt to hold a market. V. as a gious awe: hence 1. pollution, guilt, Lat. pia-
mark of tune, dyopd jikrjOovoa, or dyoprjt irk-nOwprj, culum: also the curse which follows it. 2. the
the forenoon, when the market-place was full: opp. person or thing accursed, an abomination. 3. an
to ayopTit SiaXvats, the time just after noon : when expiatory sacrifice.
they went home from market. a leader, chief. dyos, ov, 6, (d-yftA
d-yopdacrOe, Ep for dyopdaSt, 2 pi. pres. ind. of of the band dyoords,
II. the bent arm, 6, the flat
dyopdopai. [ayopduaoBt like dynojv, dyttoan). (Akin 10 dyieuv, dyvvfu.) ^d]
dyopd£<i>, f. daa>: aor. jjySpnaa: pf ^ySpaxa: —
"ATP A, Ion. t/ypij. ^, a catching, bunting; dypav
Pass., aor. ^yopaaOrjv pf. .[yupaafuu (dyopd): to c<p£iruv to follow the chase
: :
also, a way of catch- —
be in the market-place, to attend it : hence 2. to ing. II. that which is taken in bunting, the booty,

do business there, buy or sell : Med. to buy for one- prey of birds or beasts, game ; of fish, a draught —
self. 3. of idle people, to haunt the market-place, or haul.
lounge there, cf. sq. dypaupxma, 4), want of learning : from
dyopaios, ov, in, of or belonging to the market- d-Ypappdros, ov, (a privat., ypdp/jui) without learn-
place, an epith. of several gods. II. frequenting ing (ypdfipMTa), unlettered, Lat. illiteratus, esp. un-
the market-place —
ol ayopaioi (with or without dv- able to read or write. II. =dypa<pos, unwritten.
6pwiToi): I. hucksters, petty traffickers, retail- d-ypairros, ov, (a privat., ypd<f>a)) unwritten; dyp.
dealers. 2. idlers or loungers, like Lat. subros- vupupja the unwritten moral law : cf. dypa<f>os.
trani, and so generally the common sort hence the — dypavXf'cD, f. ijaa), to be a:. aypavKos, to dwell in
word used of things, low, mean, vulgar.
is III. the f. elds, of shepherds.
generally, proper to the assembly, suited to forensic dyp-avXos, ov, (dypCt, av\^ dwelling in the fields,
speaking, business-like: dyopaios (sc. ijplpa), 1}, a —
of shepherds : of things, rural, rustic.
court-day. d-Ypd(J>os, ov, = dypairros, unwritten ; dypacpoi vo-
dyopavopueds, i\, 6v, of or for the dyopavhpot or poi, unwritten laws, which are I. the laws of na-
bis office, Lat. Aedilicius. ture, moral law. 2. laws of custom. II. not
d-yopdv ojxlov, to, the court of the dyopavouoa. registered in a written list.
d~Yopa.-vop.os, 6, (dyopd, vtfioj) a clerk of the market, dypci, dyp€iT€, 2 sing, and plur. imperat. of dypico
who regulated the buying and selling there, like the in Hcmer as Adv. just like dye, dyerc, cornel come
Rom. Aedilis. on I quick I
dyopdopoi, Ep. aor. 1 dyop/nadp.t]v : Dep. (dyopa) dypeios, a, ov, (dypos) of the country, rural, rustic :
— tomeet in the Assembly, sit in debate: also to speak

also, clownish, boorish, like dypoaeos. Hei ce

in the Assembly, Lat. concionari. dypetoo-uvrj, 1), clownisbness : the life of a clown or
aYcpdcrSo), Dor. for dyopdfa. boor.
d-ydp&cns, «ut, 17, (dyopdfa) buying, purchase. *ArPEr*NA, ijy, $, a barrow, rake.

d-yopaarp^i, t6, {dyopdfa) that which is bought or dypepios, ov, (dypa) taken in bunting.
sold in plur. wares, merchandise.
: dypeo-ta, "f/, = dypa, spoil taken in the chase.
d-yopaa-Hfis, ov, 6, (dyopdfa) the slave who bad to uypevpa, t6, (dyp(voj) that which is taken in the
buy provisions, the purveyor, Lat. obsonator. chase, booty, spoil. II. a net, toil.
dyopcurrvicds, i\, ov, (dyopdfa} of or for trafficking dypevs, ia)t, 6, (dyptvtu) a hunter.
or trade: i) dyopaan/cq (sub. ri^yr)) commerce, trade. dypcvrrip, rjpot, 6, = dype vtJjs.
d"yop«iHi>, impf. ^yoptvov, Ep. dy ptvov : fut. dypevTT|S, ov, 6, a hunter, like dypeve. II. as
-*vow : aor. f,y,'p(vaa, Ep. dy- : pf. i\y,'.ptvKa : Med., Adj. used in bunting or fishing ; dyp. Kvvtt, bounds;
aor. rryoptvodfiTjv Pass., aor. Tt yoptv9rn>
: pf Jryupev- : dyp. KaXapot a fishing-rod.
uat (but
: Att the fut in use is (pu>, pf. ttprjica,
i.i dypcvTucds, -fj, iv, fit for, skilled in bunting. From
aor. (Twov) (dyopd) :

to speak in the Assembly, to dypevw, f. fvau, (dypa) to bunt, take by bunting,
counsel: —
generally to speak; naxbv or koku/i dyo- catch : metaph. to bunt after, pursue eagerly.
pvUiv nvd to speak ill of one. 2 to proclaim, de- dyp&o, Aeol. form of dypdoj, to bunt after, pursue
clare : Med. to get a thi g proclaimed. eagerly : see dypa. dyptirt.
d-vop^i Ep. and Ion for dy>pd. Fence aypT]. 7). Ion. for dypa.
dyopijfkv, Adv. from the Assembly or market; and dyptaivaj, f. dVw: aor. jjypiava: (dypiot) — I. intrant.

to be savage, provoked, angry, 2. causal, to make dypoTT|p, rjpos, 6, = iyp6njs, a countryman: fem.
angry, provoke dypuTctpa, as Adj. rustic.
dypi-c\avos, ov, (dypios, fKaia") of a wild olive dyporns, ov, 6, fem. dypdris, tSos, {dypos') a
is Subst. dypieKaios, i), a wild olive, oleaster. countryman, countrywoman. 2. as Adj. living in
dypio-Saifns, ov, 6, {dypios, Saivvfiai) eating wild the country, rural, rustic.
fruits, like &a\avr)<pdyos. dypo <j>v\o|, Sjcos, 6, {dypos, <pvAa£) a watcher of
dypio-iroids, ov, {aypios, voiioi) making wild : of a the country.
poet, writing wildly. dypuirvco), f. ^o<u, (dypvrrvos) to be wakeful, lie
dypios, o, ov, also os, ov, (dypjs) living in the fields, awake :dypvirveiv tivi or (is ri, to be watchful for or
living wild: hence I. of animals, opp. to ri6ao6s, intent upon a thing, Lai. invigilare rei. Hence
wild, savage, Lzx.ferus; avs dypios a wild boar. 2. cypvima, t), sleeplessness, waking, watching.
of trees, opp. to fjfJiepos, wild. 3. of countries, wild, dyp-virvos, ov, {dypioi, virvos) = durrvos, sleepless,
uncultivated, unreclaimed. II. of men and wakeful.
animals, I in moral sense, wild, savage, fierce, dypuKnra>, =dyp(v<u, to catch.
Lz\..ferus,ferox. 2. in Att. also opp to daruos, dypwo-rqs, ov, 6, (dyp^s) = dyp6rijs, a country-
(as Lat. rusticus to urbanus) boorish, rude. 3. man. II. {dypa) a hunter : fem. dypJ>o-ris,
also of any violent passion, wild, vehement, fu- 180s, Tj, a huntress.
rious. III. Adv. -10*, also neut. pi. aypia, dypworts, 10s and ecus, tJ, a grass that mules feed
wildly, fiercely. Hence on.
dypioTT]S, 77x0s, 1), wildness, fierceness, Lat. feritas. dypuVrr)S, ov, 6, = dypoTrjs, a countryman: as Adj. —
dypi6-<|>a>vos, ov, {dypios, (pojvrj) with a rough voice, of the field, wild.
like 0ap(iap6-<pan'os. dyvtd, 77, (dyo>) a way or road : in towns, a street,
dypioo>, f. a/(7a> : aor. qypiojffa: — Pass., aor. -qypidj- a public place; in plur. a city, town \dyvia] Hence
$t)v: pf. riypiwftat: {dypios):— to make wild or sa- dyuiaT-ns, ov, 6, Ayvuvs : voc. 'Ayvidra. [ayuta]
vage. II. mostly in Pass, to grow wild, and in dyvt&Tis, ibos, 17, fem. of foreg. a neighbour. II.

pf. qypiojfiai, to be wild, of plants, etc. :

—of men, to as Adj. Ayvidrtdes Ocpantiai, the worship of Apollo
be savage or fierce, Lat. efferari. Agyieus.
dypi<f>t), ij, = dypeupva. t] ( 'Ayuicvs, ecus, 6, (dyvtd) name of Apollo as guar-
dypi-uSS-ns, «*, (dypios, (TSos) of a wild nature. dian of the streets and public places.
dypi-wnos, ov, (dypios, aftp) wild-looking. dyvpvacria, i) want of exercise or training. From

dypo Pottjs, ov, 6, {dypos, (Hooko*) feeding in the d-yvjivao-TOS, ov, {a privat., yvpvafa') without ex-
field, dwelling in the country. ercise, untrained ; dyv/xvaaros rivos unpractised in a
dypo-y€iTo>v, ovos, 6, {dypos, yetTcw) a country thing, also us or trpis n. 2. unharassed, undis-
neighbour, opp. to doTvytiToiv. turbed. II. Adv., dyvfa/dorws
%x eiv to De un ~
dypo-8d/rns, ov, 6, {dypa, Wiaifu) a giver of booty. practised.
dyp60€v, Adv. of dypls,from the coun'ry. dyvpis, 10s, 1), Aeol. form of dyopd, a gathering,
dypoiKia, ?). {dypoiKos^ boorisbness. coarseness. II. crowd, assembly, [a]
country life, the coun'ry »•!. country bouses. dyuppos, a collection.
ov, 6, {dytipoS)
dypoiKi£, f. Att. -lovfjai, Dep. to be boorish. From uyvpTdJo), {dyvpTrjs) to begging, [3]
collect by
dyp oikos, ov, {dypos, oIk(oj) living in the country, dyvp-rrjs, ov, 6, {dy(ipoj') properly a ga'herer, col-
rustic: hence 2. of men boorish, rude: opp. to lector : hence a beggar, vagabond, mountebank, cheat.
dffTftos. 3. of fruits, grown com-
in the coun'ry, Hence
mon, opp. to ytwaios but also 4 of land, rough,
: dyvpnKos, 6v, like a mountebank.

uncultivated, like dypios. Hence dyvprpia, ij, fem. of dyvprrjp.

dypoiKws, Adv like a clown, rudely. dyx*-paxos, ov, (dyx«, fj.dxofw.i') fighting band to
dypotoVnjs, ov, 6, poet, for dypoTijs, a countryman, band; dyy. oirKa arms for close fight.
clown. II. as Adj. rustic. *ArXI, Adv. of place, = «yyvs, near, nigh at hand,
dypo k6u,os, 6, {dypus, koucco} a land-steward. close by, c. gen. :

Comp. dyxiov and dooov Sup. :

dyp6p.cvos, 77, ov, part. Ep. aor. 2 med. of dyeipw, dyxtora, dyxordroj. Cf. dyxou, dyxtCTos. [t]
assembled. dyxt&Xos, ov, also 77, ov, {dyxi, d\s^ near the sea,
dypovSe, Adv. of dyp 's. to the country. of cities but of islands, near the sea on all sides, sea-

dypo-vopos, ov, and in Anth. 77, ov, {dypos, vluo- girt, like djMpi-a\os.
ftai) bunting the country, rural : also = dypios, wild. dyxt-0ci0T|S, 4s, {dyxi, fia$6s) deep close to shore.
'ArPO'2, ov, 6, Lat. AGER, afield, land: also dyxi y€iTO)V, ov, gen. ovos, (dyxi, ytirojv) near,
the country, as opp. to the town. neighbouring.
dyporepos. a. ov, (dyp„s) poet, for dypios wild of dyxi yvos, ov, (dyxi. yva> of a neighbouring land.
plants of men, rustic.
: II. (dypa) fond of the dyxi-6cos, ov, {dyxi, 6*os) near the gods, i. e. like
chase : hence ?) dyoripa, the huntress. gods or dwelling with the gods.
: : :

ayx(Ovpos — bytoyifjios. 9
oYX^"(top os ' ov, (dyxi, Ovpa) near the door, neigh- 'ArXOT' =dyxi, near, nigh at hand: absol., or
bouring. ;f c. gen. also c. dat., ci.
o.YX l H *XTrins. ov, 6, = ayx*fxa X 0S
, "ATXil, impf. r)yxov : f dy£<»: aor. y£a: — Lat.
dYX^-p-°^°s, ov, \dyxi, poXtiv) coming near: al- AN GO, to press tight, esp. the throat : to strangle,
ways in neut. a» Adv. urf\ifiokov kkOtiv or arfjvai throttle, bang.
to come or stand near ; «£ uyxit*u\oio from mgvb at dYX-wp-ctXos, ov, {dyxi, 6/m\6s) nearly equal; dyx-
band. WfiaKos fidxr] a douhful baale. Adv. dyxai/xaXcus,
a,YX*--ve4>T|S, is, (ayxi, vecpos) near (he clouds. also dyx^uaKa, doubtfully, Lat. aequo Marte.
LyXyvJuk, i), {dy\i, voiai) a ready wit, shrewdness, *Arn, Lat. A GO : impf. r)yov, Ep. dyov, Ion.
Lat sagacitas. dytOKOv : fut. d£<v ; aor. 2 r)yayov, inf. dyayuv
d-yx^-voos. ov, contr. aYX^-vovs, ovv (^7X 4 vovs) less freq. aor. [ %a, inf. d£ai Ep. df«V or <\e-
> »

ready of mind, shrewd, Lat. sagax fitvai pf. j)x a redupl.

07770x0 Med., fut. d£ouai:
: . —
d"yx lov C> mp Adv. of 07x1, nearer.
a< >r. I r)(dfiT]v, aor. 2 i)yay6fiT]v. Pass., fut. dx#i7- —
dYX^-^oos, ov, contr. GYXt-'irXovs, ovv 0*7X'» aofMi, but also fut. med. ago/Mi, with pass, signf.


wAoCs> near by sea; dy\. Topos a short voyage. aor. I pass. TJxOr/v pf. r)ypuai. verb. Adj. dnrtov : :

dYX^- 1T0 ^ t s. poet. aYxt-T°tas> ens. 6, r), {dyxi, q. v. I. Act. to lead, lead away, of persons,

voKis) near the city, dwelling in the land. <ptpav being used of things ; dyav /cat <ptpetv to
dYxt- iro P°S, ov, (dyxi, tropivoyuai^ passing near; carry off the spoil of a land, both cattle and
x6\aKes dyx'nropoi flatterers at one's elbow. movables, like Lat. agere et ferre : dyuv (Is di/cnv
dYX^-TToXis. poet, for dyxi-no\is. or oifcaaTt)piov, or dyav em robs oiKaards, to carry
ay\i<rra, v. dyxio'ros. before a court of justice, Lat. rapere in jus. 2.

dYX l<rr€ ^a ^» (dyxiCTTtvoj) nearness of kin.

> II. to lead on, lead towards ; dyfv Oavdroio reXoaoe led
rights of kin, right of inheritance. on to death c. inf., dyfi Oaveiv it leads to death ; :

aYX k(rr €ia, T°-> = dyxi0T(ia. hence to lead, as a general to guide, as the gods, ;

dyxi&T&'S. ecus, u, {ayxtora) the next of kin : (be etc. 3. to bring up, train, educate, tcakuis or Ka-
heir at law. kws t)xOr)vai. 4. to draw out in length ; tuxos
ayXicrrevu, f. a' aw, (dyxiOTOs) to be near to one, dyav, Lat. murum ducere, to build a wall. 5.
c. dat. : esp. to be next of kin, to be heir at law. like Lat. agere, to bold, celebrate, koprr\v, etc. : also
o.yyyrrt\o. r)pos, o, pont. for dyxivrcvs, dyxiorr)p to hold, keep, observe, elpf)vrjv, anovbds, etc. : dyav
rod irddovt immediae author of the suffering. 0iov, Lat. agere vitam, to lead a life, live. 6. like
*YX wr™ v °S, *7» ov poet, lengthd. form of ayxio'ros,
Lat. ducere, to hold, consider ; iv n/jy dyuv or 070
close-packed, in a heap adat, to bold in honour, etc. 7. like ekieeiv, to
dy\urros, ov Sup. Adj. (d7x*^ next or nearest:
< weigh so much e. g. dyav /uvdv, rpiaKoaiovs Sapti-
dyxiOTo$ yeva nearest of kin neut dyxiorov, or : kovs, etc., to weigh a mina. 300 darks, etc II.

dyxtara, as Sup. Adv. most nearly, dyxiora eoi/cas Med. tYOfiai, to lead away for oneself, carry off, as
most nearly like; oi ayxivra the nex' of kin: freq. Xpvaov re icai dpyvpov oiKao' dye< 0ai. 2. dyeaOai
c. gen. as dyxicrrd rivos, nearest to him. II. of yvvaiKa, Lat. uxorem ducere, to tah to oneself a
time, last, Lat. proximus. wife; absol. dyeaOai, to marry; but also of the father,
dYxt-OT"p°4 °S. ov, (dyxi, arp4<poS) turning near,
> to choose a wife for bis son 3. bid ar6jxa dye-
quick-wheeling, of a bird. 2. quic 1 -changing, a6ai jjivOov to let pass through the mouth, i. e. to
changeable, sudden : neut. pi. dyx<-<JTpo(pa as Adv. utter. 4. dyeaOai t» es x«(pas, to take a thing
suddenly. into one's hands.
dyxi-rfp\iwv, ov, gen. ovos, (07x1, ripfw.) near the d-you-yd-los, ov, (dywyf)) fit for leading by, of a dog's
borders, neighbouring. collar or leash.
dyxi-roKos, ov, (dyxi, tokos) near the birtb. dyutyevs, iws, 6, (dyw to lead) a leader, one that
dyxoQev, Adv. (dyxov) from nigh at band. draws or drags. II. that by which one leads, a
aYXoOi., Adv. - 07x06, nigh at hand, c. gen. rein, leasb.
aYXovrj, *), (dyxai) throttling, strangling, banging uy<jiyr\, r), (dyaj) a leading away, a carrying away
uptiaaov dyxdvrjs worse than banging; dyxovrjs or off: also in intrans. sense, a going away. 2. a
ne\as as bad as banging; dyx6vr) Kai \vtrn anguish bringing to or in, bringing before an assembly. 3.
and grief. 2. a rope for banging, baiter. a leading towards a pomt, guiding : the leading of
*YX ovt °5» a ov, (dyxovn) Jit for
* strangling or an army, guiding a state. 4. a training, educa-
banging. ting : and intrans. conduct, mode of life.
dy-xopebto, poet, for dva-xoptvcu. dYwY*P- os ov, (dy<u) easy to be carried: rd. dyit- >

oYX 0TaT °s, tj, ov, Sup Adj. (dyx^ nearest, next: yiua, fbings por'aHe, a cargo of wares. II.
mostly as Adv. dyxordroj, like a7x«0"ra, c. gen.; 0/ that may be carried away of persons, outlawed, or :

dyxordro) npoat)KovTe$ the nearest of kin. delivered into bondage. III. easily led, com-
aYXortpos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. (dyxi) nearer. plaisant.
. — ; : :

10 &y<ayiov — aheia.

dv w*yiov, t6, (dyed) the load of a wagon. Adv -kws, dyojviffTiicws (X (IV to he disposed for
ay*ty6s, ov, {,aya>) leading, grading: as Subst., combat.
a-y coy 6s, 6, a guide; dyatyot an escort. II. dyuvoOeTH*, f. -qoo), to be a judge or director of the
leading towards. 111. drawing to oneself, eli- games : generally, to direct, promote, judge, decide.
citing, c. geu. : attractive, to dyojyuv, attractiveness. From
'Arfl'N, wvos, o, an assembly, like o/yopd esp. : dYa>vo-0€n)s, ov, 6, (dywv, Ti&nfu) a president in
an assembly met to see games. 2. a place of thegames : a judge.
assembly: a place of contest, the arena or sta- dSayixos, 0, Ion. for 6bay/i6s, an itching, sting.
dium. II. the assembly of the Greeks at their d8dTip.ovia or dSa-rjjxoo-vvT], -q, ignorance, unskil-
great national games, as, 070^ 'OXvfivids, dywv fulness in doing. From
OXv/ivikSs, etc. : hence the contest for a prize at (a privat., uafjvau) unknowing, igno-
d-8&T||j.ojv, ov,

their games. 2. generally, any struggle or con- rant of,gen. imlxijs dtiaripw. but, dS. kokwv

test, dywv irtpl rfjs fax!'- 3- a battle. 4. an beyond the knowledge, i. e. reach of" ill.
action at law, trial. 5. metaph., karlv dywv ii8aY|s, is, (a privat., 8ar}vat)= foreg. unknowing,

koyojv, fjuixyi* etc., now is the time for speaking, ignorant of, c. gen. also c. inf. unknowing bow to.
fighting, etc. d-8dT|TOS, ov, (a privat., bafjvat) unknown.
aywv-dpx'ns, ov, 6, (dywv, dpx8") a president or d-Sdios, ov, (a privat., Sdtos) Dor. for dbffios.
judge of a contest. d-8aiTos, ov, (a privat., baivvficu) not to be eaten,
aY'jJvia, 1), a s'ruggle for victory. gymnastic
2. unlauful to eat.
exercise, wrestling. 3. of the mind, agony, d-SaKpvs, v, gen. vos, (a privat., Sajcpv) = dddxpv-
anguish. tos 1. II. = dScucpvTos 11.
dycimda) impf ffywviwv f. data [a] aor. 1 -fjyw- d-8oKpvrC, Adv. without tears. From
vidaa pf. fjywviaiea

to be engaged in a contest, to
: :

d-Sdicptrros, ov, (a privat., bcutpvu) without tears:

compete, like dywvi^ofxai. II. to strive eagerly, hence I. act. not weeping, tearless. II.
to be anxious about a thing. pass, unwept.
dyuvCSaTai, v. dywvi^o/juu. d-8uA*ris, 4s, Dor. for d-&f)\rjTos.
dyo)vt£o|juu, fut. laoftat, Att. tov^tat, aor. I -qyajvi- dSapdvnvos, ov, (add/His) adamantine, of steel:
ad/jfnv —
for the pass, forms see signf. n. 2 {dywv): heni e, bard as adamant, stubborn. Adv. -vws.
— to

contend for a prize, esp. in the public games


dSauovTo-BeTOs, ov, (d5d/ias, S4w) iron-bound.

dywvifaQai ordhiov to contend in the foot-race 07. ; d-8dpas, avros, 6, (a privat., Sa/idw) unconquer-
irrpl tivos to contend for a prize ; 07. tivi or vpos able : hence as Subst. adamant, i. e. the

rtva to contend with one. 2. to fight. 3. to hardest metal, prob. steel : also the diamond. II.
contend for the prize on the stage, act. II. to as Adj. inexorable.
contend against in a law-suit ; dy. biierjv, ypa<f>-f)v. to d-8dp.curTos, ov, (a privat., od/ut£a>) properly of
fight a cause to the last; dy. <p6vov to fight against a horses, unbroken, untamable — metaph. inexorable.
charge of murder. a. in Pass, to be won by a bard d-8dp.&Tos, ov, Trag. form of foreg.: also of fe-
contest, but rarely save in pf, e. g. voKkol dywves males, unwedded. [dSa- : but also <35- as in a-Sdva-
dywviharax (Ion. for i)ywvio fiivot elai), many battles TOS.~]

have been fought ; so also in aor. 1 r)ywvio-0r)v. d-SdirSvos, ov, (a privat., t&ndirn) without expense,
dywvios, ov, (dywv) presiding over the contest or costing nothing. Adv. -voos.

the games, as an epithet of the gods: ox°^ dywvios d-8ao*p.os, ov, tribute-free.
cessation from combat, [d] d-SacTTOs, ov, (a privat., ZdoaoOai aor. I of odW-
dywyto-is, 1), (dywvl£o[xai} a contending for a prize. oiuu) undivided.
dyuvio~|jLa, t6, (dywvi^ofjuu) a contest for a prize, d88ccs, Ep. vocat. oi dZefjs.
generally, a contest: in plur. achievements, ex- d88-qKOT€S, poet, for dSrjKores, pf. part, of dSe'cw.
ploits. II. an object to strive for : the prize of d88ijv, poet, for aSijv.
contest, distinction. III. that with which one d88r)o-€i«, aor. I opt.of dSe co.
an essay, declamation.
contends, sub dSij<f>~.
d88r)-<f>a7c&>, etc., v.
dyomcrp^s, 6, (dywvi^ofuu) rivalry. a8e, 3 ring. Ep. aor. 1 ofdvhdvej. [3]
aY«ovurT€Ov, verb. Adj. of dywvi£o/uu, one must dSca, Dor. poet, for r)8ua, fem. of ^Svs: also as
con/end. Dor. ace. masc. and fem.
oYcovwrrfjs, ov, 6, (dywvifafjuu) a combatant, rival, d-8€T|s, Ep. d-8«T|s, 4s, Ep. voc. dSSe4s, (a privat.,
esp. at the games: an advocate: also an actor; hence 84os) fearless, shameless. 2. fearless, secure : rb
irpwr-aywviaT^s, devTfp-aywviar^s, etc. 2. a duels, security — Adv. dStws, without fear or scruple,
champion. confidently, abundantly. II. causing no fear,

&Y<ovurruc6s, if, dv, (dywvi^ofmt) fit for contesting no' formidable.

or striving: also fitted for winning: 1) d7a.f1- — d8eia, j), (dSt^s) freedom from fear, safety, secu-
ariirij (sub. r4xyr]) *he art °f winning or prevailing. rity; dSctav bibdvai, imp4x*w, etc., to grant an am-
: — — ;

(£5«?7S dbid<t>$apro$. 11
nesty ; iv dScip tTvai to feci secure ; fter' ddeiat with d-&T|ios, contr. d-Sfjos, Dor. d-8di'os, ov, (o privat.,
a promise of security. bfi'ios) unassailed.
a-6«iT|s, is, Ep. for d-5ef)s. o-8t]ktos, ov, (o privat., bd/cvu) not gnawed or
d-8«ipavTOS, ov, (a pnvat., oupaivoS) undaunted: worm-eaten : not carped at.
c. gen. without fear for a person. Adv. -t<w*. dS-n\c<i>, (adrjXos) to be at a loss about a thing.
dSeiv, aor. 2 inf. of d^Sdj/<y. d-8T|\TjTOS, ov, (a privat., dijXiofiai) unhurt.
d-8eiirvos, ov, (o privat., 8«Woj') without foodt dS-nXta, »} , (0877X0*) uncertainty.
unfed. d-S-rjXos, ov, unknown, ignoble. II. unknown,
d-ScicaoTos, ov, (a privat., Seitafa) unbribed. Adr. unseen, secret; dbrjKuv iariv d. , or on.. , it is un- .

-reu». certain whether . . . Adv. -\<us, secretly : Sup. dbij-

d-8eKaT€VT0s, ov, (a privat., Sc/eaVeww) not tithed. X6rara.
d-8«KTOS, ov, (a privat., bixoftai) not received at doTjX^TTjs, rjTOS, »), (abrjXos) uncertainty.
believed. II. act. not receiving, not capable of% d8-r]|AOV€<i>, f. -qao}, to be in great distress or anguish
TLVOS. at a thing . (Deriv. uncertain.)
d8e\4><d, r), Dor. for doe\(p^. d8t]p.ovia, t), great distress or anguish.

d8eX<j>ef|, r), Ion. fur dd(X(pr}. &oi\v, Ep. d88i)v, Att. &8tjv, Adv. (*dbi<u) Lat.
d8cX<i>€ios, 6, Ep. for d8€X<p6s. SATIS, enough, abundantly; 2o>«/cu abbr/v to eat
d5eX4>€o-KTovos, ov, Ion. for d5c\<po-Kr6vo$. their fill, of horses ; ahrjv iro\ifioio enough of war
dScX<j>€6s, o, Ep. and Ion. for dbe\<p6s. dSrjv to have enough of a thing.
$x €lV tivos
d8cX<|>rj, t), fem. of dd(\<pos, a sister. d-8i)pts, «<y«, 6, »), (a privat., bijpis) without strife.
dSeAd^iSeos, ou, contr. dBeXdnSovs, ov, 6, (d8fX<p6$) d-8T|piTOs, ov, (a privat., drjpiofiat) without strife or
a brother's or sister's son, a nephew. battle, uncontested. II. unconquerable.
doc\$ior[, r), Att. contr. for dde\<pidii], (doe\<p6s)
a brother's or sister's daughter, a niece.
£8tjs or'AiS-ns, ov, 6, Att., but also 'AtSrjs
ao and ea; :
[ «],
Hades, the god of the lower world, Lat.
dScXduSiov, to", Dim. of d8e\<p6s, a little brother. Pluto : flv and tls 'Atoao, Attic iv and is "AiBov
dSe\4>C£u>, fut. Att. iw, (dbc\<p6s) to adopt as bro- (with or without dofios), in or into the house of
ther. Hades. II. later, the grave, death.
dSeAduKos, 17, 6v, brotherly. Adv. -kws. d8r)o-eic, aor. 1 opt. of dSiu.
uStXd^o-KTovos, Ion. dScAdieo-KTovos, ov, (d5t\<p6$, dS-fjo-o), fut. of dvidva).
KTfivoi) murdering a brother or sister. d8i)-<)>dYos, or, (dSr;^, <p&yt?v) eating to excess, de-
dSeXdws, (a copul., 5€A<pi;s) I. as Subst. vouring, gluttonous.
doe\<p6s, Ion. -<p(6s, Ep. -<p(ios, 6, a brother; in pi. d-8-rjwros, ov, (a privat., &now) not wasted.
d8e\(pol brothers and sisters. II. as Adj. afcX- d-8idpu.TOs, ov, (a privat., Siafiaivw) not to be
<pdt, if, 6v, brotherly or sisterly: hence like Lat. crossed, impassable.
geminus, in pairs, twin, also twin to a thing, just like d-Skdrcptros, ov, (a privat., Utatcpivw) undistin-
it. Hence guishable: unintelligible. 2. undecided.
d5tA<|>6T7]S, rjrot, J), brotherhood, brotherly kind' d-SidXturros, ov, (a privat., SiaXefaoj) uninter-
ness. 2. a family of brothers, a brotherhood. mitting, unceasing. Adv. -<us.
d-SrvBpos, ov, (a privat., SivSpov) without trees. d-8tdXXaiCTOs, ov, (a privat., SiaWdaaw) irrecon-
d-8«£ios, ov, (a privat., bt£i6s) awkward. cilable, allowing no reconciliation. Adv., d&aAXd/f-
&-8cpicf|s, is, (a privat., bipKOfMu) unseen, invisible. ro)t ix uv to De irreconcilable.
d-SepKTos, ov, (a privat., bipnofiai) not seeing, d-SidXvTOs, ov, (a privat., btaXvw) undissolved : in-
sightless, ofifMira. Adv. -ran, without looking. dissoluble. 2. irreconcilable. Adv., dhiaXvrojt
d-Sto-pos, ov, (o privat., Sca/xdt) unfettered, un- ix (iv to ^e irreconcilable.
bound; Lat. libera custodia, of
ddfCTfiot Qvkaicfi, d-8iavdi]TOS, ov, (a privat., otavoiofxat) incompre-
prisoners suffered to be at large on parole. hensible. II. act. not understanding, silly.
d-8«nroros, ov, (a privat., Seanorrjs) without a d-8iavros, ov, also 17, ov, (a privat., htaivoS) un-
master ;—of writings, anonymous. wetted: —
d8Covrov, t6, a plant, maiden's hair.
d-Stros, ov, (o privat., Siu) unbound : free. d-8idirovoTOS, ov, (a privat., dianavoj) not to be
d-SevTCtjs, it, (a privat., S(vkos) not sweet, sour, stilled, incessant, violent.
bitter, Lat. acerbus. d-8id-mrci>TO$, ov, (a privat., Siairiirroi) not liable
d-Scd/TjTOS, ov, (a privat., be^/ioj) untanned. to error, infallible. Adv. -r<vs.
'AAE'Xl, to please, obsol. pres., whence dvhdvo) d-Stdo-rrooTOS, ov, (a privat., hiao-n&w) not torn
has its fut., aor. 2, and pf. : v. dvbavai. asunder, unbroken. Adv. -rout.
'AAE'fl, to be sated, obsol. pres., whence come d-SidrpwrTOs, ov, (a privat , biarpiiroS) immovable,
aor. 1 opt. d55^«r<t€ or d&fjcruf, may be be sated; headstrong. Adv. -root. Hence
and pf. part. dStytcdrtt or dorjKdrts, sated. Cf. 6m, dStarpttj/Ca, r), immovableness, obstinacy.
d-8td4>9apTos, ov, (a privat., SiaxpOeipw) incorruptible.
— :

12 dhiatyQopla — 'AbpCas.
d8ia<j>0opCa, if, freedom from corruption. From d8p.T)Tis, jSos, ace. o?>htjtiv, fern, of dhpcfjt.
d-8id4>0opos, ov, (a privat., Siacp6tip<u) incorrupt, d-8p.T]TOS, rj, ov, (a privat., lafidai) poet, for d8d-
incorrup'ible. II. imperishable. fiaros, unnamed: of cattle, unbroken, wild; of mai-
d-5id4>opos, ov, (a privat., 8ia<ptpaj) not different : dens, unmarried.
indifferent. PdTTjs, ov, 6, {atirjs, /3a«Vo>) one
qtf>o who has gone
d-SiSaKTOS, ov, (a privat., Siddateaj) of persons, un- toHade*. [03]
taught, unlearned, rude. II. of things, not a8oi, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of dvSdvcj.
learnt : also, learnt without teaching. d-8oKT)Tos, ov, (a privat., dotttaj) unexpected. II.
d-8i€£tp"yaxrTOS, ov, (a privat., 8ie£fpya£ofMii) not inglorious. Adv. -tws, also neut. ado/enra. as Adv.
to be wrought out ox finished. unexpectedly ; so also, and rod ddoKrjrov.
d-Sie£o8os, ov, (a privat., Si(£o5os) without out-, ov, (a privat., boKifidfa) untried,
let. II. act. unable to get out. unproved, [t]
d-8i«pYaoTOs, ov, (a privat., ftepyd^opiai) not d-8oKtp.os, ov, (a privat., Sotctpos) unproved, spuri-
worked out, unfinished. ous, base, mean. II. rejected as spurious, re-
d-8iep€wr|TOS, ov, (a priv., Sifpewaoj) unexamined. probate
a-Bi-i\Yr\ros, ov, (a privat., btrj^tofuii) indescribable. d8oX€ax«w, fut. i)at>}, to talk idly, to prate, [a]
d-8ticao-TOS, ov, (a privat., StKafa) without judg- From
ment given, undecided. d8o-X«rxT)S, ov, 5, also d86-X€<rxos, ov, (dSos, \i-
dSiKCiucvos, Boeot. for ^SiKTjfievos, part. perf. pass. °XV) a prating fellow. II. in good sense, a
of ahlKiQ). keen, subtle reasoner. [a] Hence
d8lK€b> impf. rjdiitfov, Ion. tvv : f. -qau : aor. I
: d8o\€o-xia, 77, prating, frivolity. II. keenness,
•qhiK-qaa : pf. ifiiterjKa med. dSiKTj-
: Pass., with fut. subtlety, [a] Hence
ooiMi pf. ijSiKrjfMii (ddtieos)
: to do wrong.
: II. : dSoAeo-xiKos, 17, ov, disposed to prate, frivolous, [a]
trans, c. ace. pers. to do one wrong, to wrong, in- d-8oXos, ov, guileless, artless : in Att. esp. of trea-
jure : c. dupl. ace, d8. rivd ti to wrong one in a ties, without dishonest intent. II. of liquids, un-

thing : — Pass, to be wronged or injured. mixed, pure. Adv. -Kws, without fraud.
dSiKT)p.a, t6, (dSiKta;) a wrong done, a wrong, in- d8ov, Ep. for eadov, aor. 2 of dvSdvat.
jury, Lat. injuria : c. gen., d5. tivos a wrong done iji8ov, impf. of dScu.

to one. d-86vrjTOs, ov, (a privat., Soveoj) not shaken.

d8iKT|T€ov, verb. Adj. of aditcea), one ought to do dSovis, i'5os, 17, poet, for drjdovis. [a]
wrong. d-86|ao-Tos, ov, (a privat., dogdfa) unexpected. II.

dSiKia, 1j, (dSiKtoj) a wrong, offence, *» dM/cn- not matter of opinion, i. e. certain.
pa. II. injustice. dSo£tci>, f. rjoa), (dbofos) to be of no reputation, stand
dSiKiov, to, = dSiiajfia, an act of wrong. in ill repute. II. trans, to bold in no esteem.

q-81kos, ov, (a privat., hinrj) of persons and things, Hence

doing wrong, unrighteous, unjust; dhiKos ets rt d8o£ia, %, ill repute, dishonour.
unjust in a thing, rtva in respect to a person
ittpi d-So£os, ov, (a privat., 8d£a) disreputable, disgrace-

ddiKos Koyos a plea of injustice ; ddiKcuv xupwv dp£at ful. 2. obscure, ignoble.
to begin lawless acts of violence ddiKos irKovros AA02, tos, to, satiety, loathing.

unrighteous gain. II. wrong, improper, ill- dSos, (os, to, Dor. for ^Sos, joy.
matched, as horses. III. dSitcos rjixipa, i. e. dvtv d-8oros, ov, (a privat., dib'ojfi.i) without gifts.
Sikuv, a day on which the courts were shut, Lat. dies d-8ovXos, ov, (a privat., SovXos) without slaves, un-
nefastus. Hence attended, deserted.
d8iKo>s, Adv. without right or reason. d-8ov\o>TOS, ov, (a privat., SovKooj) unenslaved.
dSlvos, (dbnv) close, thick: hence
rj, 6v, I. d-Sov7rr)TOS, ov, (a privat., SovTrtco) noiseless.
crowded or thronged, close-packed. 2. vehement, dSpdveia, Ep. dSpavu], ^, inactivity. From
loud, esp. of sounds: —
more freq. as Adv. ddivu/s, d-8pdvT|S or d-8p&v€Y)s, «s, (a privat., SpaivoJ) in-
also neut. ddtvov and ddivd, vehemently, loudly; active, listless, feeble.
Comp. dhivwrcpov. [a] 'A8pdo-T€ia, Ion. 'A8pT|<rT€ia, 1), a name of Neme-
d-8io(icqTos, ov, (a privat., tioiKiaS) unarranged. sis,from an altar erected to her by Adrastus later :

aSiov, Dor. for T^hiov, neut. Comp. of t)5i5s. as Adj., epith. of Hffieais, not to be escaped, as if
d-8iop0<oTOS, ov, (a privat., Stop96oj) not corrected from btSpdaKu, cf. sq.
incorrigible. d-8pao-Tos, Ion. d-8pTj<rros, ov, (a privat., ditipda/ew)
d-8£<TTaKTOs, ov, (a privat., b*i<TT&£a>) without doubt- not running away, not inclined to run away.
ing. Adv. -t<w$. d-8p€iTTOs, ov, (o privat., SpeW) unplucked.
a-Sid/os, ov, (a privat., Slif/a) without tbirst, not d-8pT|OTOS, ov, Ion. for d-dpaaTos.
thirsty. 'A8pCas, ov, Ion. 'A8pii)s, <«, d, the Adriatic Sea.
d-8p/f|s, rjrot, 6, ^, = aSfiT]Tos. Hence
: : — —:

'Abpiariris — actpat. 13
'ASpicmicos and 'A8pit)v6s, 6v, of the Adriatic.
rj, 6 del Kparu/v the ruler for the time being, whoever is
d-5pip.vs, v, (a privat., bpi^ivs) not tart or pungent. QaoiXevs the reigning king. Besides dd
ruler ; d dd
&, Pass, (dd'pos) to grow ripe: to come to the Ion. and poet, forms aui and aiev are very com-
one s strength. mon in Dor. also alts, dis, and di. :

'AAPO'2, d, 6v, properly stout, thick: hence full- dci-fjoXos, ov, (dd, fidXXoj) continually thrown.
grown, ripe : well-grown : stout, large, fat : gene- a€i-Y€v«Tr|S, poet. oi€L-Y€V€Tr|S, ov, 6, (dd, ytviaOai)
rally, strong, great in any way. Hence epith. of the gods in Homer, like aiev iovrts, ever
aSpoovvT], j), = sq. existing, immortal.
&8pOT"f|s, yros, -fj, (dSpSs) stoutness : ripeness, ful- d6L- y€VT|s, is, Att. for dft-ftvir-qs.

ness, esp. of the body. II. abundance. dciSe, Ep. 3 imperf. or 2 imperat. of dd$<u.
aSpuvto, (dSpd*) to make ripe — Pass, to grow ripe. d-ci8cXos, ov, (a privat., * d8w) unseen, dark.
a8v--yXcoo-o"os, -*ttt|S, -p.€XT|s, Dor. for i)8v~. d-€t8Tjs, «s, (a privat., *u8<o) unseen, without bodily
d-8vv&|xia, (a privat., Svvafiis) want of strength, form.
7), II (a privat., dotvat) unknown, obscure.
weakness : poverty. dei-SivrjTOS, ov, {dd, Sivitu) ever revolving. [l\
d-8vvdcria, i), = ddwapua. 'AEIAfl, Att. contr. <£8co : impf. fjtioov, Ep. atihov,
d8CvdT€0), f. tjcoj, (dbvuaTOs) to want strength, Att. rfhov: fut. adao/tai, Att., Dor. dcrcG/xat;
power, or abiliy. Hence rarely detect), Att. aocu, Dor. qau> : aor. 1 ijtiaa, Ep.
dSvvdria, i), = dbvvafiia. dttaa, Att. yea : — Pass., aor. 1 -QoO-qv : pf. -nopai :

d-Svvdros, ov, unable to do a thing, c. inf. a. to sing : hence of

kinds of voices, to crow, twitter,

absol. without strength, powerless, weakly : of things, croak, etc. —

also of other sounds, of the bow-string
disabled —
t6 dSwarov want of strength. II'. to twang, of the wind to whistle, of a stone to
Pass, unable to be done, impossible : to d5. impossi- ring. II. trans.: —
I. c. ace. rei, to sing, chaunt,
bility. III. Adv. -reus, without power, feebly, [i/] descant on. 2. c. ace. pers. to sing, praise. 3.
o8vs, (a, v, Dot. for rjdvs. Pass, to resound with song.
d-8vros, ov, (a privat., dv<v) not to be entered: — dei-£coos, ov, Att. contr. det-£<i>s, ow, (dd, (<vq)
hence as Subst. dbvrov, t6, the innermost sanctuary everliving, everlasting.
or shrine, Lat. adytum : also abvros, 6. d€i-0&XT)s, €s, (dd, OaXos) ever-green.
dSco, Att. contr. for dd5<u, q. v. d-eiK€iT) or -Ctj [t], Att. contr. alxta [i], ij, un-
a8uv, ovos, t), Dor. for drjhwv, the nightingale, [a] seemly treatment, an outrage, insult, affront.
'ASuvia, rd, the mourning for Adonis. d-ciK(Xios, a, ov, also os, ov, poet, form for sq.
'A8a>vul£o>, to keep the Adonia. Hence contr. aixtAios. Adv. -Iojs.
'A8o>viaap.6s, ov, 6, the mourning for Adonis. d-€iKT|s, €*, Att. contr. o.Ikt)s, «s, (a privat., (Tkos)
*A8o»vts, iSof, 6, Adonis. 2. 'ASdwibos /djirot, unseemly, pitiful, mean, shameful, Neut. dtucis as
pots for sowing quick-growing herbs in. [ct] Adv. in unseemly manner.
d-8upT)TOS, ov, (a privat., SwptofMxi) = d-5a>po». d-ciKiT), fj,=dtticdr).
d-8a>po8oKT|TOs, ov, (a privat., ZojpohoKicS) = sq. deuu£u>, Att. contr. aiKi^co, fut. Att. -iSt: aor. I
Adv. -T<vt. quKioa, Ep. dt iKiocra :- Ep. aor. pass- inf. du/a-
d-8fa>po8oKOS, ov, unbribed, incorruptible. aOfjvai : (d(iicqs) to treat unseemly, insult, abuse.

d-Swpos, ov, (a privat., bwpov) without gifts, taking dei-KivijTOS, ov, (dd, Kivioi) ever moving, in perpe-

no gifts, unbribed: dbojpa dwpa gifts that are no tual motion. [?]
gifts. II. giving no gifts, fruitless. d€iKicr0T)p.€v<u, aor. I pass. inf. of deudfa.
d-Sdmjs, ov, 6, (a privat., 8ida>fu) one who gives dciKio-aa, d«iKio-adp.Tjv, Ep. aor. I act. and med. of
nothing. daiclfa.
o«, Dor. for dfi. [a] deuciu), Att. fut. ot dtiielfa.
d-«8vos, ov, (a privat., tSva) undowered. dciKus, Ion. dciKccos, Adv. of d( iktjs, shamefully.
dedXevo), Ep. and Ion. for dOXevcv. dci-XdXos, ov, (dd, XaXtoS) ever-babbling.
dc6X(ci>, Ep. and Ion. for d6X(<u : Ion. impf. diOXtov. dciXo-yCa, if, as Att. law-term, duXoyiav irap- t^
and Ion. for dOX-qrrit.
d€0\T)TT|s, Ep. *X €lV irpoTUVfodai to court continual inquiry. From

deOXtov, to, Ep. and Ion. for dOXov properly neut. : d6i-X6"Yos, ov, (dd, A€7a;) always talking.
from dei-pvqaTos, ov, also tj, ov, (dd, fiifwrjOKoiMi) bad
d«0Xios, ov also a, ov, (atOXov) running for the in everlasting remembrance: ever-memorable, ever-
prize ; diOXiot timos a race-horse deOXiov piTJXov the ; lasting. Adv. -tojs.
apple of discord. dci-vaos, ov, contr. dci-vws, ojv, (dd, vdtu) = divaot,
d*6Xov, to, Ep. and Ion. for dOXov. ever-flowing.
a«eXos, d, Ep. and Ion. for dOXos. uci-vTjons, ios, 6, j), ever-fasting.
dc6Xo-<t>6pos, ov, Ep. and Ion. for d$Xo-<p6pot. dtUirXSvos, (dd, irXavdofiai) ever-wandering.
dei, Adv. ever, always, for ever : dfvp' dd ever up deipa, Ep. for rjeipa, aor. I of ddpoi.
to this time also tl$ dd or elaati.
: With the Artie. dcipai, aor. I inf. ofddpat.
— : : : ;

14 attpoos — fepo-nrdrrjs.

del-poos, ov, contr. del-povs, ow, sq. = expected: to be despaired of: atXirra, neut. pi. as
dcl-ptfros, ov, {del, >4<u) ever-flowing. Adv. unexpectedly. It. act. hopeless, desperate.

'AEITfl, Att. ai'pco: fut. apu> [a], contr. from deAirrws, Adv. of deXirrqs, unexpectedly.
depu>: aor. I act. ijeipa, Ep. deipa. — Med., fut. dpov- dt-vaos, ov, also Ep. dei-vaos, contr. deC-vcos, <w,
fjuu [a], contr. from depov/Mu : aor. I qeipdfMjv — (del, vooj)ever-flowing : generally, everlasting, never-
Pass., aor. I T\epQr)v, Ep. depOrjv: pf. Tjepjuii: Ep. 3 sing, failing. Adv. -dxus.

plqpf. dwpro : for the Att. forms, v. a/pa; :

to lift, d€-vdo>v, ovaa, ov, = devaos.
heave, raise up, hence to bear, carry : to carry off as devT€s, part. pi. of drjfu.

plunder: but also, to band, offer: Med. to — lift up ael-l-yvios, ov, {de£<v, yviov) strengthening the limbs.

for oneself, i. e. bear off, win, take for oneself: Pass. —

dc£t-voos, ov, contr. deiji-vovs, ow, {de£a>, voos)
to be bung hang ; naxaiPa trapd £i<peos KovXebv strengthening the mind.
up, to
awpro the dagger bung beside the sword sheath. 2. a€££-4>v\Aos, ov, (de£<u, <pvXXov) making leaves
to raise or stir tip ; deipaaOai rd iaria to hoist sail grow, leafy.
Pass, to raise up, arise. d€£i-<f>th-os, ov, (de£a>, <pvrov) making plants grow.

aeio-a, Ep. aor. I of delTka. 'AE'HH, Ion. and poet, for AT"Hn, av£dv<v, Lat.
dfctom, part. nom. pi. fern, ofaqju. A UGEO : used by the old poets only in pres. and
deiox, 3 pi. of arj/it. later poets have a fut. de£4)0(v, aor. I j)i^-qaa
dcurpa, to, poet, and Ion. for acyui, as delfu for d'So;. fut.

med. de^-fjcrofxai, pf. pass. i)e£T)fjuu to make to —

dcuropai, fut. of de/5a>. grow, increase, foster, strengthen : to heighten, mul-
a€i-<j>avqs, it, (del, <pavfjvai) ever-shining or ap- tiply —
Pass, and Med. to increase, wax great:
pearing. prosper.
d€i-4>povpos, ov, (del, <ppovpd) ever-watched or ever- depy dr\ or -It] [t], Ion. for depyia.
watching, ever-wakeful. d-€pYTjS, es, = d-epyos.
dti-fytiyia, J} t (del, (pvyff) exile for life. depyia. Ion. -Lr\ [t], 1), a not working, idleness.
dei-xpovios, ov, (del, xp^ vos ) everlasting. [t] 2. of a field, a lying fallow or waste. From
d€Ka£6p.evos, r}, ov, (deie<uv) unwilling, resisting; d-epyos, contr. dpyos, ov, (a privat., *epy<u) not
iroXX' deica$upevos, Virg Ts multa reluctans. working, idle. Adv. -ya>s.
d-eKT|\ios, ov, for deiKeXios. depS-nv, contr. dpS-qv, Adv. (delpoj) lifting up.
a€KT)Tt or a6KT]Ti, (diicajv) Ep. Adv. against the depQeis, aor. I pass. part, of delpa).
will, often in Homer c. gen.; aev deicnrt, Lat. te in- dcpdev, Dor. and Ep. for i^epOrjaav, 3 pi. aor. 1 pass.

vito; Oeaiv diictjTi, Lat. Diis non propitiis. of delpa): a€p0q, 3 sing, of same tense.
d-cicovo-ios, ov, also o, ov, Att. contr. dtcouarios, ov, dcpios, ov, also a, ov, Ion. -qcpios, t), ov, (drjp t fy,
(a privat., k/covfftos) against the will, forced, invo- ?lpi) in mist, or thick air : cloudy. II. in the air,
luntary. high in air.
d-cKcov, Att. contr. okwv \a\, ovoa, ov, (a privat., a-epKTOS, ov, (a privat , epyoS) unfenced, open.
Ikuv^ against the will, unwilling : without design or dcpofftiT&i), f. {foot, to tread in air, walk the air.
purpose. From
dcAios, Dor. for -rjeKios, fjXios. dcpo-0aTT)S, ov, 6, (&qp, fialvoj) one who treads in air.
dfXXa, Ep. dcXXi), rfs, 1), (da>, aijfu) a stormy wind, depo-8tvr|S, Ion. -q€po-8iVT|S, es, (drjp, Sivia)) wheel-
a whirlwind. 2. metaph. of any whirling mo- ing in air.
tion [ae \
depo-Sovq-ros, ov, (dijp, hovioi) tossed in mid air,
deWaios, a, ov, (deXXa) stormy, swift as the storm. soaring.
dtXXds, alios, ij, = deXXatos. depoSpouco), f. 4\oo), to traverse air. From
dfXXTjs, 4s, (deXXa) eddying. depo-Spopos, ov, traversing air.
dtXXo-pidxos, ov, (deXXa, (xaxo/xou) struggling with a€po-€i6T)s, Is, (dfy, elbos) like the sky or air, misty:
the storm. [<J] see yepoeiS^s.
dtXXo-iros, Homeric form of sq. dcpo-Kopa|, Sjcos, 6, an air-raven.
deXXo-irows, 0, %, now, to, gen. troHos, (deXXa, depo-Kowoip, amos, 6, an air-gnat.
voijs) storm-footed, swift as the storm, only found d«po-p4x£ct, 1), (dijp, fidxn) a battle in the air.
in Ep. form deXXo-iros, like dprl-iros, irovXv-vos, etc.: depo-perpca), f. "qaoi, (dfip, fierpeai) to measure the
dat. pi. deKXoirobeooiv. air : to lose oneself in vague speculation.
de\irrca>, (deXirros) to be without hope, to despair. dtpo-vqx'H5 , £*> (MjPf ^X
/* *) floating in air, of

cUeXirrqs, is, (a privat., tXiro/juu) unhoped for, un- the clouds.

expected. dcppto, Aeol. for delpa).
dcXirria, ^, an unloosed for event : If deXirrirjs, depo-i-Kdpqvos, ov, (delpai, K&prjvov) carrying the
Lat. ex insperato, unexpectedly. 2. despair. bead high. [k&]
From d«po-t-ir6Tqs, ov, 6, and a€po-t-iT6TT|TO«, •*, (d«tp«^
dx-An-rot, ov, (o privat., (Xwo/uu) unlookedfor, un- vordofuu) hovering on high.
: : : : : : ;

&€p(TLTTOVS — hdavaTifo. IS
d«pari-rrovs, 6, ij, vow, r6, gen. itobos, (dtipcj, vovs) dT|86vtos, ov, (avbdv') of or belonging to a nightingale.
lifting up tbefeet, brisk-trotting. aTjSovCs, ibos, 7), uTjbuiv, a nightingale.
u«pTd£u>, poet, form of dtipw, to lift up : impf. dt]5a), ovs, >), ^ dnhwv, a nightingale.
jjipTa£ov. d-rjbwv, Att. 6, gen. drjbuvos or tt775oC», (de/So)

dtprdu, = dtprdfa — aor. I jjiprtjaa : pf. pass. i)ip- nightingale ; properly the songstress.
rnfitu. i-rjojjs, Adv. of dnbrjs, drjbws e \ av to be unfriendly.
d«s, Dor. for dti. [a] dt)0cia, Ion. unaccustomed-
utj0(ttj |_r, t), ^d-qO-qs}
dtcra, 1 pi. and daafifv, 3 pi. dcoav, inf. being unaccustomed to a thing dq$.
ness, novelty, the :

dioai, aor. I prob. from an obsol. root dioj, tvdu, nvos inexperience of a thing
to sleep ; no other tenses in use. Akin to drjfii, lavoj, d-r|0«rcra>, poet, for 077^0; to be unaccustomed to a
dwrtoj. thing, c. gen. : impf. d-qOtooov.
a«<ri4>poo-uvT], »}, silliness, folly, in plur. deaicppo- d-rj0T]S, es, (a privat., fjOos^ unwonted, unusual,
avvai. From ttrange —Adv. 6<us. 1. unused to a thing, c.
d€cn-4>po)v, ov, gen. ovos, (ddw, <ppfjv) injured in gen. II. without ?t 0os or character.

mind: witless, silly, infatuated, [a] aTjOiTj, 1), = dqOua, q. v.

'AETO'2 or alcr6s, also poet. <ut]t6s, ov, o, an d-n0i£, Dep. {dq&qs) to be unaccustomed.
eagle, Lat. aquila. II. an eagle as a stan- dt)9a>s, Adv. of dfjOqs, unexpectedly.
dard, [a] d-r]p.a, to, (at] fit) a blast, wind.

deT-a>?njs, c*, (dtros, ethos) eagle-like, [a] dr|p.€vcu, Ep. for drjvai, inf. of dqfu.
•'AE'n, to sleep, v. deaa. *AHMI, 3 sing, drjat 3 dual dr/rov (,not &erov}, 3 pi.
*AZA, properly dryness, beat: also mould, (v. sub Aeia imper. 3 sing, d^rat inf. d^j/ai, Ep. urj^evat


a fa.) Ep. 3 sing. impf. drj, 3 part, act* : pi. dtoav r'ass.

d£d\cos, o, ov, (d£<u) pass, dry, parched: hence Ajfxai, part, dr/fievos: Ep. 3 sing impf. d-nro: — to
iar 0, cruel. 11. act. parching, scorching. hrea'he hard, blow, of the wind the pass, forms :

d£dvu, (a£o») /o </ry or parch up. sometimes mean to be beaten by the wind, but more
a{t] via, i), freedom from jealousy : simplicity. From often to toss or wave about as if in the wind; hence
6-£t)\os. ov, like d^AcuTos, unenviable, miserable to be spread abroad.
inconsiderable, mean. dfjVai, inf. of dnfu.
d-ftjXwTos, ov, (a privat., £77X000) wor to be envied, drjp, dipos, i], Att. 6, Ion. and Ep. d^jp or Tpfjp,
d-£T)u,ios, ov, (a privat., fouia) without loss, scot- f^ipos % : —
in Horn, and Hts. the lower air, the at-
free not deserving punishment :— Adv. -iojs, with
: mosphere or thick air th;it surrounds the earth, opp.
impunity. 2. not amounting to punishment, to aWyp the pure upper air v esp. II. 14. 288 : hence
harmless. misty darkness, mist, gloom : but later generally air.
££t)tcu, 3 sing. pass. subj. of dfa. (From *dw, dnfu.) [a]
d-^Tfrr|To$, ov, (a privat., fyita)) unexamined. d-r|<Tis, f<us, 7), {drjfu) d-qput, a blowing. [S]
d^T]XT|S» «, unceasing, exces.iv : more frcq. as Adv. d-T|croTjTOS, Att. d-T|TTT)TOS, ov, (a privat., »J<rad-
i^7X* s » unceasingly, beyond measure. 11. iarcf, OfiatS unconquered, not beaten : unconquerable.
rough. (Dcriv. uncertain.) dr|<rOXos, for aiavkos, wicked.
d-£vyos, ov, =d-£u£, ill-mntrb'd : unmarried. d-fjerupos, ov, ( da>, drjfu) light as air: little.
d-£tip.os, 0*, (a pr.vat.. C1S/X77 unleavened : rdd^v/xa, aTfrrj, 7), = d-fjrns.
the feast of unleavened bread. dt|nrjs, ov, 6, (da;, drjfu) a blast, gale, wind.
d-£v£. C70S, 6, 1), (a privat , £vyf}vai) unyoked, un- d-rjTO, Ep. 3 sing. impf. pass, ofdrjfu.

paired : unmarried, un' edded. dijTov, 3 dual pres. of dijfu.

"AZfl, to oVy, dry up, parch Pass, to be parched —
d-rjTos, ov, an old word, only in II. 21. 395, prob.
up, fine away through grief. from drjfju, hence orig. stormy, and so violent, terrible;
"AZH, mostly used as Dep. a£, and only in cp. atrjTos.
pres. and impf. : to stand in awe cj, dread tie gods drpra), 3 sing, imperat. of dnpu.
or one's paren s: also followed by inf. to be afraid of d-ddAao-aos, Att. -ttos, ov, ^o privat., OdXaaaa)
doing ; or y.r\ to fear lest
. . , —
absol. to be awe- without sea, inland.
struck. — Cf. ai$o). d-0d\dcro-o>TOS, Att. -ttwtos, ov, (a privat., ^o-
d-£a><rro*, ov, (a privat., {wwv/u) ungirt from Xaaa^oi^ never having been at sea.
huiTy : generally, not girded. d-0a\T)S. i*. (a privat., OaXos) not verdant.
drj, 3 sing. impf. of arjfju. d-0a\irY)S, is, (a privat., ddkvos without warmth. \

d-t]6T|s, €*, (a privat., root} unpleasant, annoying: d-0ap^T|S is, (a privat., O&fi&os) fearless.
of persons, unfriendly, morose Hence d03 4o-(a, 7), {udavaros) immor'ality.
t'-rjBCa, 7), (drj^Tjt a being displeased, disgust, dis- d0Svar{£a>. (dOnvams^ to make immortal: — Pass.
like. II. unpleasan'ness, odiou>ness. to become or be immorcal. II. to bold oneself
dt)8ovt8«vs, ion, Ep. gen. rjos, 6, a young nightingale. immortal.
— :

16 addvaros — addpvfios.

d-0dvaTOS, ov, also ij, ov, not subject to dea'b, un- 'A0TJVQO-1, Adv. at Athens.
dying, immortal, opp. to Ovnrus and ftporus :— hence d0T)vid(d, tolong to be at Athens.
dOdvaroi, oi, the Immortals, of the Gods, also of a *A0T|vo0€v, Adv. from Athens.
body of troops that is kept at a certain number : of 'A0H'P. epos, 6, the beard or spike of an ear of
things, everlasting. corn, an ear of corn itself, Lat. spica. II. the

d-OaiTTOS, ov, {a privat., 66,tttu) unburied. II. point or barb of a weapon, [a]
unworthy of burial. d-0T)pdTos, ov, (a privat., OrjpdoS) not to be caught.
oddp-n., also dOiqpTj, ?), groats or meal, porridge d-0Tjpevros, ov, {a privat., Orjpevai) not hunted.
made of it. [50a-] dOrjp'n-Xot'Yds, o, (d6r)p, \ocy6s) consumer of ears of
d-6apo-f)s, es, {a privat., Odpaos) discouraged. corn, of a winnowing fan : cf. dOr/po-Ppwros.
d-Oavp-aoros, ov, (a privat., Oavpafa) not wonder- d0Tjpo-|3p&)Tos, ov, {dOrjp, Bifipwo/toj) devouring ears
ing at anything. Adv. -reus. II. not admired. of corn : dOrjpv&pajTOV opyavov a winnowing fan.
d-0«a,TOS, ov, (a privat., dmofxai) unseen, invisible d-0T)pos, ov, (a privat., 6f)p) without wild beasts or
secret. II. act. not seeing, blind to. game.
dOcet, Adv. (dOeos) without the aid of God. d-Orjo-avpioros, ov, (a privat., Bnoavplfa) not fit
d-0eiao~ros, ov, (a privat., Otiafa) uninspired. for boarding up.
a-OeXKTOS, ov. (a privat., 6e\ya)) implacable. d-Gl-yTiS, is, {a privat., Oiyuv) = a6ucros.
d-0€Uis, itos, 6, r), lawless. d-0iKTOS, ov, {a privat., diyydvou) untouched : c. gen.
d-9€p.torTtos, d-0*u,urTOS, and d-0«u.tTOS, ov. (o untouched by a thing ; nephwv dOucros untainted by
privat., Oefits) lawless, without law or government, money ; also c dat. vuoois dducros. 2. not to be
godless, Lat. nefarius. Adv. -tws. touched, holy, sacred. II act. not touching.
d-0€os, ov, without God, denying the gods: gene- d0\evc»>, contr. from Ep. dtOXevoj: fut. (vow. \jd0\os):
rally, godless, ungodly. II. abandoned by the — to contend for a prize, combat, wrestle. 2. to
gods. Hence. struggle, endure, suffer.
d-0€OTns tjtos. t). godlessness, ungodliness. d0\ea>, f. -qaa) aor. I rj9\rjaa pf. fjOXrjica : (aOXos):

: :

d06pSirevaCa, t). want of attendance or care : c. gen. to contend for a prize. 2. to endure, suf-
neglect of a thing. From fer. II. to be an athlete.
d-0€pdir€vros, ov, (a privat., OepdirevoA not attended c0Xir]u.a, to, (ddKtcu) a contest, struggle. II. an
to,neglected. II. unhealed, incurable. implement of labour.
d-0epi£<>) Ep. aor. I d6epi£a or -icaa : (a privat.,
: dd\r\o-is, caw, ?}, {dfiKew) a contesting : a struggle,
Qepw = 6(pairtvcj) : to slight, make light of, Lat. nihil bard trial.
curare, c. ace. form of d6\r]Tf)s.
d0\-n,TT|p, rjpos, 6, older
d-0«pp.avTOS, ov, (a privat., Otpfuiivco) unhealed; not d0X"T]TT|s, from deOXnT-qs, ov, 6, (dOKeoi) a
excited by passion. combatant, champion: a prize-fighter, Lat. atble-
d-0€pp.os, ov. without warm'b. ta. II. generally one practised or skilled in a
d0€o-ta, t), (&0(tos) unsteadness, fickleness. thing, master of a thing, c. gen.
d-Oea-pos, ov, lawless. Q0Xios, a, ov, also os, ov, contr. from diOXtos,
d-0to-<j)dTos, ov, impossible even for gods to tell, in- (ae6\ov, d6\ov) subject to the toils hence
of conflict

expressible : hence marvellously great, enormous. generally, wretched, Lat. miser. Hence
d-0€Tew, f. rjacu, {dOfros) to set aside, disregard. d0XiOTns, tjtos, r), suffering, wretchedness.
d0«Ti]O-is, e<vs, r}. (dderfco) abolition, rejection. d0Xo-0€T*f|p, rjpos, 6, (a6\ov, Ti6t)fxi)=d9\o6tTns.
d-0fTOS, ov, (,a privat., tiOtjui) not placed, set aside, d0Xo-0«T-ns, ov, 6, (a0\ov, t'iOtj/u) one who awards
useless: Adv. aJdtrojs = d04afxa>s, lawlessly. the prize, the judge in the games, also BpaBtvs.
d0fci>s, Adv. of dd(os, in a godless manner. 'A0AON, to, contr. from Kp. dt0\ov, the prize of
d-0ij\os, ov, (a privat., Orjkfy unsuckled, weaned. contest, generally a gift, present: a reward, recom-
d-0f|\wTOS, ov, (a privat., Otj\vvqj) not made wo- pence. II. in plur. also = a0Aos a contest, combat.

manish : masculine. *A0AO2, o, contr. from Ep. deBKos. a contest either

'A0rjva, as, ff, contr. from 'AOrjvda or 'AOrjvaia, Ion. in war or sport, esp. contest for a prize : a conflict,
AO^vrj, 'A6rjva.iT), Dor 'AOdva, AOavaia, Aeol. A- trouble.
Brjvda, Athena, Lat. Minerva, the tutelary goddess of d0Xo<ruvnr], r), = a$\os.
Athens. d0Xo-<|>dpos, ov, (S.0Xov, <pipw) bearing away the
'A0T)vaf€, Adv. to or towards Athens. From prize, victorious, of horses.
'AOi'val, wv. at, the city of Athens, used in pi like d-0oXos, ov, {a privat., $o\6s^ not muddy, clear.
QrjBai, MvKrjvat, because it consisted of several parts. d-06Xo>TOS, ov, (a privat., 6o\6a>) not muddied, un-
'A0tjvaiov, to, {'AOrjvd^ the temple of Athena. troubled.
'Adrjvatos, a, ov, (AOrjva) Athenian, of or from d-0op-''|3T)TOs, ov, (a privat., Oopv$iw) undisturbed.
Athens. d-06pv3os, ov. ya privat., 6upv@os) without uproar,
'A0t)vt)0cv or -0«, Adv. from Athens. undisturbed, tranquil. Adv. -&<ut.
&dpav<rros —AITAH. 17
t-9pav<rro9, ov, (a privat., 9paijaj) unbroken. al,Exclam. of strong desire, O that! would that I
*A0PE'fl, Att. aOpco) f. : r)a<u : aor. a rjdprjaa : — Lat. utinam, in Horn always al yap. See ai$«.
to look closely at, gaze at, observe. 2. later, of the AI*A, gen airjs, poet, for Tofa, yrj, earth, land.

mind, to consider, think on, ponder: esp. in pres. — atavpa, to, a wailing cry, lament. From
and aor. I imperat. ddpti, dOp-naov, see, look, consider. ald£(o, f. £a>, to cry alai or ah I to wail, and c. ace.
ddp-n/rtov, veib. Adj. of ddpia), one must cotisider. to bewail.
dGpo £u> or d0poi£<o : f. <r<w: aor. I ijOpoioa: Pass., — olat, Exclam. alas I Lat. vae.
aor. I i)9poia&T)v pf. f)0poiafuu : (d6p6os) :
: to gather — aiatcTos, >7, ov, verb. Adj. of aldfa, lamentable.
together, collect, esp. to levy forces ; irvevpua. dOpoi- oidvT|s, Ion aiTjvTjs, is, prob. from aid, and so
£tiv to collect one's breath :
— Pass, to be gathered or properly, everlasting, never-ending : hence wearisome,

crowded together : of armies, to muster : <j>60os rjdpoi- irksome : then generally, dismal, horrible.
crai fear has gathered, i. e. has arisen. Aio.vt18t|S, ov, 6, (Aias, gen -avTo*) son of
ddpourvs, ((us, r), (dOpoifa} a gathering, levying. Ajax. II. at Athens, a citizen of the tribe
dQpoio-pa, to, (dOpoifa) that which is gathered, a AlavTis, named after the Hero.
ga'bering, collection. aidvws, Adv. (alavt)s) for ever.
dOpoioreov, verb. Adj. of a$poifa, one must collect. Atas, avros, 6, Ep voc. Atav, Ajax.
ddpdos, a, ov, old Att. aOpovs, ow : Comp. dOpo- alfioi, faugh! exclam. of disgust or astonishment.
irrfpos, later dOpovarfpos {apua, Opuos) assembled in
: atY-o/ypos, o, (ai£ d-/pos) a wild gnat ,

crowds, collected together : ddp >oi in crowds. II. Alvatos, a, ov, Aegaean: Alyaiov vtXayos the
all at once, once for all; to ddpuov the whole body, the Aegaean sea, also called AlyaCtDV, wvos, d.
mass : collective ; ddp^a irdvr' dirtnafv he paid the aiyavit], r), (ai£) a bunting-spear, javelin.
penalty of all at once: —
Adv. dOpoov and ddpuus. at arycios, a Ion. rj, ov, (a/'£ ) lengthd for a'ytot, of
once, suddenly. III. immense, vast : also con- a goat or gnats, Lat. caprinus: as Subst. alyttij (sub.
tinuous, incessant. lopd), r). a goat's skin
d-0pvrrros, ov, (a privat., 6pvirT<u) unbroken^ im- AITEIP02, rj, the black poplar, Lat. populus:
perishable. II. not enervated. Cf. XfVKTf.
d0vu«i>, f. rjcat, (dOvpios) to be disheartened, to de- aiY-«Xdrr|S, ov. 6, (a?£, (Xavvoj) a goatherd. [Si]

spond at ox for a thing. alyf os, a, ov, = atytios.

d0vp.TjTcov, verb. Adj. of dOvfieat, one must lose di'YTaXiTTjs, ov, 6, fern. tris. 100s, on the shore. From
heart. aiYtdXds, (dloo<u.a\s) the sea-shore, beach, strand.
d0vu(a, t), (aOvfios) want of heart, faintheartedness, al-yi-Poo-is, (0)S, jj, (aif P^okcu) a goa'-pasture, ,

despondency. aiYT-J36TT|S, ov, o, (af£, &ott)s) feeding goat*.

d-0vp.os, ov, without heart or spirit, spiritless, faint- aXyi-fioros, ov, (af(, Boohw) browsed by goats.
hearted. Adv., dOvficos ix (lV to De despondent ai-yi-OaAAos, d, a bird, the tit, Lai parus.
dOvppa, to, (ddipoj) a plaything or toy : a delight. ai'yC-KVTip.os, ov, (ai(, Kv-qu-q) goat-shanked.
ddvppaTiov, to, Dim. of foreg., a little toy, a pet. axyX-Kooils, (<w, 01, (a?£, Koptvvvfu)feeders of goats,
ddvpo-yXwTTOS, ov, (dOvpos, yXCjrra) unable to goatherds.
keep one's tongue within doors : a babbler, chatterer. alyl-\i.i\>, Tiros, 6, fj, (a?£ \11ruv) properly, deserted
d-0vpos, ov, (a privat., Ovpa) without a door. even by goats : hence steep, sheer [yt~\
d0vp6-o"ropos, ov, (ddvpot, oTuua) = ddvpuyKarrToe, arylXos, 17, (aff) an herb of which goats are fond.
babbling, of Echo. alyt-vopos, ov, (a«£, vipxxi) browned by goats. 2.
d-0vpo-os, ov, (a privat., Ovpaos) without thyrsus. as Subst., atytvv/jios, 6, a goatherd.
'A9TTH, to play, amuse oneself. II. c. ace. to ai-yf-oxos, ov, (aly'is. «(x&>) aegis-bearing.
play at a thing, do it in play. [aOv] 0171-11 6ot)S, ov, 6, (at£, irovs) goa '-footed.
d-0vpwros, ov, (a privat., $vp6<u) not closed by a al-yC-irovs, 6, 17, now, to. gen nobos, - alytirSirjt.
door aiyl-triipos, 6, (aff) a plant with a red flower, of
d-0i>ros, ov, (o privat.. OvoA not offered, not to be which goats were fond.
offered, not accepted in sacrifice : generally, unhal- olyts, ibos, the aegis, ox shield of Jupiter, described

lowed II. without sacrificing.

act. in II. 5. 738 (from diooa>, to rush or move violently):

d-0uos, ov, (a privat 8<vt)) unpunished, scot-

, hence 2. later a rushing storm, hurricane, ter-

free 2. c. pen. free from the penalty of, ddyot rible as the shaken aegis. II. from ai{, a goat-
nk-qyajv. II. act harmless. skin coat.
d-0wirevTOs. ov, (a privat., $ojtt(v<v) without flat- al-yio-Kos, o, Dim. of ajf(, a little goat.
tery : hence, rough, rude aryXdcis. Dor. for alyKr/fts.
d-OwpdmoTOS. ov, (a privat., dcupcurtfu) without aryXds, dvrot, contr. for alyXaas.
breastplate. AITAH. 1). the lipbt of the sun. daylight: any
*A0u>s, oj, Ep 'AOoos, ow, o. Mount Atbos. bright light, glitter, lustre, gleam, of metaL 2.
mi. Conj., Ep and Dor. for il, if. metaph. splendour, glory. Hence
— :

18 alyXrjcts — ai$rjp.

aiyXTjeis, (ffcra, ev, beaming, radiant. AI'AOMAI, impf. alSofiijv, Ep. for alMopat, p8«-
aiYXo-<J>dvT)s, ts. {aiy\i], <pavrjvai) I 'earning : bril- 6firjv.

liant, lustrous. 'A'iSos, "AiSt, Ep. gen. and dat. of Atbrjt, from an
aiYo-poo-Kos, ov, (eu£, Qockoj) tending goats : as obsol. nom. "A'is '.
"Aib^obt, and (It "A'Cb^abf, to the

Subst. a goatherd. dwelling of Hades: dv "Aibos (sc. oiicq>), Att. iv

aiyo-K^pcus, ojv. gen. a>, also alyoKcpcos, euros, 6, qbov, in Hades. \_SXb-, but d sometimes.]
(at£, K(pas) goat-horned. II. as Subst., aly6- alS6-<t>p<ov, ov, gen. ovos, (aibws, <ppijv) feeling re-
Kepws, 6, Capricorn in the Zodiac spect in mind, compassionate.
cu-yo-y6p.os, 6, = aiytv6fxos, a goatherd. d-t8p€iT) or It)
J], ^, Ep. and Ion. word (cubpis')
aly-owl, Ox 05 0- ^ ( a 'i' t»vv£) — atywvu^.
- wan' of knowledge ignorance: Ep. dat. pi. dxtpd-Qfft.
aiYO-iroSijs, 6, - aiyiirobrjs. d-iSpis, (, gen. 10s and cos, (a privat., ?op«) un-
aiYo-TTpoo-coiros, ov, (af£. irpJff<wwoi') goat-faced. knowing, ignorant.
oi-yo^Tplxsw, f. i7<7a>. (ai£. 0pt£ ) /o have goat's hair. di5po-8iKT)s, ov, Dor. -Sheas, o, 6, (aXbpis, Suaj)
atyihrids, 6, (7vif) a vulture, Lat vuliur. unknowing of right or law. lawless, savage. [bt]
Ai-yvnTiafu), f. doa;, /o s/>*a£ Egyptian. d-i8pvTOs, ov, = av-ihpvTos, unsettled, unsteady.
AiyxnrnorL, Adv. iw Abe Egyptian tongue. H. 'AiSojvciis, it, lengthd. Ep. form of 'AtSrjs.
/*'£* an Egyptian, craftily AI'Afl'2, 60s, contr. ovs, -ff, sense of shame, bash-
A iYvirTO- y€VT|s, is, (AtyvnTot, ykvos) of Egyptian fulness, modesty : a sense of shame or honour, alSai

race. 0to9' kvl 0vfi'f : regard for others, respect, reve-

Alyvtrros, 6, the river Nile. II. Atytnrrot, i), rence. II which causes shame or respect,
Egypt : as Adv., A>yvirr6vbf ft> Egypt. , and so I. a shame, scandal; aiSwt, 'Apyuoi
aly-Ctw^, vx°*» o» i). (a»£, ovv£ ) goat-hoofed. shame, ye ArgivesI 2. = to aiboia. 3. dignity,
'AtSas, Dor lor 'Aibns, ""Aibrjs. majesty.
aiSeio, Ep. for atbco, aidov, pres. imperat. of aibi- aiei. Ion. and poet, for ad.
•/uu. aUi-'y€V€TT)S, i, poet, for aei-ycvkrrjs, ever existing.
AI'AE'OMAI : fut. aibtao/Mi, Ep. -kcrao/mi : aor. I (For compds. of aid here omitted, v. sub ad-.)
pScadnTjv. Ep. imperat. atbtaaat ; also in pass form aUX-ovpos, 0, 1j, Ion. for atkovpot.
jjbtodrjv, Ep. 3 pi afdeoOtv. Dep.: to feel shame, be axkv, = aiei.
ashamed or fear: also to respect, reverence a per- auv-virvos, ov, (alkv, vwos) lulling in eternal sleep.
son : — c. inf. to be ashamed or afraid to do a aUs, Dor. for ad, aid.
thing. 2. as Att. law-ierm, to feel pity for, hence altTos, 6, lengthd. form of Aerot, an eagle.
topardon, esp in aor. I albkoaaOax. ai^Tjios, lengthd. form of ai£r]6s.
al8eo0ev, for albtadijaav 3 pi. aor. I of aibkofuu. ai(-r)6s, 6, an active, vigorous, lusty person : a man.
cu8«o-0t)ti, aor. I imper. of aibtofiat. (D<riv. uncertain.)
<u5co-ip.os, ov, (aldiofiai) venerable. o?tjtos, like drjTOS, terrible, mighty.
cuSco-is, «vs, j), {aibtofjuit) reverence, compassion. an ea%U.
oitjtos, 0, Dor. of deri/S, cu'ctos,, Kp. fut. of aibto/jai. atOdXT), ri,= a'OaXos, soot. [Oa]
d-t8i)Xos, ov, (a privat., ibdv) making unseen: ald&Xtuv, ojvos, (aA0a\os) swarthy dusky.
hence annihilating, destroying. II. pass. unseen t ai6&A6eis, of aaa, o(v, contr. aidaXoOs, ovaaa, 9%v,
unknown, obscure. (ai6a\os) smoky, sooty, black. II. burning,
ai8T)p.a)v, ov, gen oi/o», (aibkonai) bashful, modest: blazing.
Sup. alSrj/ioviaTtpos. Adv. -fiuvcvs. AI*0AAO2, 6, like Xiyvvs, a smoky flame, the
unseen: destroyed.
d-i8T)s, <s, (o privat., iSftV) thick -moke of fire, soot. [0&] Hence
'Ai8t|s, «w, 6, Att. "AiStjs or <jT8t)S, ou, (dt5ljs) ai0aX6'o, f. iia<o, to burn to soot or ashes — Pass, to
Hades, the god of the world below, Lat. Pluto. lie in ashes.
dtSios, ov. (dfi) everlasting, for ddbtos. ot0€, Dor. and Ep for u9e, O that! would that!
d-i'8v6s, 17, jv, (a privat., ibdv) poet, for a-ibijt, un- Lat. utinam. a'tff 6<pf\ts O that thou hadst c. inf. . ,

seen, bidden, dark al9ep-cp.{3&TC<i>, (aWrjp, kufSarka]) to walk in ether.

ai6oLto-T€pos, kararos, Comp. and Sup. of al- aidcpios, a, ov or os, ov, (aWrjp) of or belonging to
boios. the ether or upper air, as opp. to i)*pios, and so I.
aiSoiov, t<5, mostly in plur. rd alSota, the genitals, high in air. on high. 2. ethereal, heavenly.
pudenda : properly ueut. from ai0«po-P&Tca> t (alOfy, fJaTtai) = aiOtptufSarko), to
aiSoios, a, ov Comp. aiboi6rrpos and -karcpos,
: walk in ether.
Sup. kararos {aibionai) regarded with awe or
: ai0epo8pop,«co, to skim the ether. From
reverence, august, venerable: of women, deserving al0cpo-8pop.os, ov, (al&fip, hpapuv) skimming ibt
respect, tender : of things valuable, excellent. II. ether.
act. bashful,modest. 2 reverent. ai0T|p, kpos, in Homer always 1), in Att. prose
at8o(<Ds. Adv. of aiboins, reverently. always 6, in Pindar and Att. Poets common : (alOtu) :
: : : ;:

AWioirijas — alfxoppoco). 19
", tbe upper, purer air, opp. to afjp {tbe lower fi-tKTOs, ov, (a privat., licvlopm)unapproa^ahle.
air or atmosphere) —
hence tbe clear sky or heaven, cu-Xlvos, o, a mournful dirge, (from of, Aivov, ab
as the abode of the gods. Cp. drjp. me for Linus /) 2. also Adj. 09, ov, plaintive,
AUhoirfjas, irregular pi. ace. of AiOioxf/. mournful.
AUK-oiJ/, orros, 6, fem. Ai0ioms, *5o$, (cu6oj, 6\f)
aiX-oupos or aicX-ovpos, ov, 6, t), (alu\os, oipd) a
an Etbiop, negro, properly Burnt-face. cat, so called from the wavy motion of tbe tail.
alOos, to, and 6, (aiOoi) hurning beat, fire. AI'MA, oto9, T(5, blood ; in plur. streams of blood :
al06s, t), ov, (aidw) burnt :—fire-coloured, fiery. —also bloodshed; fipyaorai pqrpyov alfja a mother's
ai0outra (sc. orod), t), (aiOw) tbe corridor or vesti- blood has been shed ; aifta irpdrruv to shed blood
bule of a house mostly looking East or South, to
; l<p' at/MLTi <pevyeiv to be banished for homicide. II.
catch the sun, —
whence the name. like Lat. sanguis, blood-relationship, kin.
aW-ovj/, ottos, (aidvs, cty) fiery-looking, of metal, alfid-KOpCai or atfxa-KOvpCai, wv, ai, (aTfia, Kopiv-
flashing; of w ine, sparkling. II. metaph.yfcry, vvfii)offerings of blood, made upon the grave to
hot, keen. appease the manes.
aiOp-q, later atdpa, i), (aWrjp) clear sky, fair weather, aljxaKTos, tj, 6v, verb. Adj. of alfiaoao), stained with
Lat. sudum. blood, bloody.
al0pi]-'y€v«Tijs, ov, 6, = alBp-qytvrjs.
tupdXc'os, a, ov, (aTfia) bloody, blood-red.
a!0pT]-Y€VT|s, aipds, dSo9, t), (alfia) a gush or stream of blood.
M, (atOpn, ytvioOai) born from ether.
ai0pia, i), = a(9pn used absol. in gen. aidplas (sub.
: aipacrCa, i), a wall of dry stones, Lat. maceria : a
ovo-qs), in fine weather, Lat. per purum. II. tbe fence. (Deriv. uncertain.)
open sky. atpdcri-wS-ns, €9, (alfiaaia, eTSos) like a fence or
ai0pia£ci> or -idea, to be clear, of the sky. hedge.
al0pio-KoiT«<i>, f. 4)Ooi, (aiOpia, koitt]) to sleep in tbe alp<icrcra>, Att. aipa.TTu> : f. d£a) : aor. I fl/jaga
open air. (alfjLa): —
make bloody,
to stain with blood: hence to
at0pios, ov, (aiOprj) clear, bright, fhir. II. in wound, draw blood, slay — Pass, to welter in blood,
tbeopen air : hence cold, chill. be slain.
ai0pos, 6, = aiOpn : esp. the clear chill air of morn. atpfiT-€Kxi5<rCa, i), (aTfxa, Ik x«<w) shedding of Hood.

AIy 0TIA, t), a sea-gull or diver, Lat. mergus. alp-dTTjpos, d, ov, (aTfia) bloody, blood-stained, mur-
at0UKTT|p, fjpos, 6, {aldvooaj) one that darts rapidly. derous. II. consisting of blood.
ai0wo-ti>, f. v£<u, (cuBoj) to put in rapid motion ; to alpSrr]-<t>6pos, ov, (alfia, <pipcu) bringing blood:
kindle : — Pass, to move rapidly, quiver. murderous.
AI"©n, only found in pres. and impf. rfdov, to light cup&TOtis, eo"cra, ev, (aTfia) bloody, covered with
up, kindle: — Pass, to burn. 2. rarely intr. to burn blood. 2. blood-red, or consisting of blood. 3.
or blaze. bloody, murderous.
ai0u>v, ojvos, 6, (aiOoj) properly fiery, burning. II. atp,&TO-\oix6s, ov, (alfja, \eixw) licking blood; tpws
of metal, flashing, glittering. III. of animals, a"ft. thirst for blood.

fiery, fierce ; or perh. of their colour, yellow, tawny, oipSTO-7ru>n)S, ov, 6, {oXfWL, irlv<u) a blood-drinker,
like Lat. fulvus, rufus. blood-sucker.
oiKa, conj., Dor. for ef ice, kdv, with subj. if aip<XTop-p6<j>os, ov, (aTfia, f>o<pico) blood-drinking.
haply. alpcVrop-piiTOS, ov, (a fta, p'icn) blood-streaming.
APKA'AAfl, f. oXkSXu), properly of a dog, to wag alyLd.TO-<rrS.yf\s, is, (aTfia, ardfa) blood-dripping.
the tail fawningly : to wheedle, fondle. atpdTO-4>upTOS, ov, {al/M., <pvp<u) blood-stained.
axKt, aiKcv, Conj., Ep. and Dor. for idv. alpdTO-xdpp,t]S, ov, 6, (alpia, x^P 00 ) delighting in
aUcCa, i), = alfcla, q. v. blood.
auccXios, ov, = dtiftt\ios. alpaTou), f. d>au : aor. I rjfidTwoa — Pass., pf. jjjid-
cukt), r), (dioooj) rapid motion, a rush, Lat. im- rcufxat : (alfia) to make bloody.
petus. [?] atpdT-a>8-r)S, €9, (alfw., eJSos) looking like blood,
ctiKT)s, «9, poet, for duieqs, contr. aiK-fjs, unseemly. blood-red.
Adv. cukuis, in unseemly fashion. aifi.aT-wTT6s, 6v, and alpaT-iid/, W7T09, 6, >;, (alfia,
aiKta [t], t), Att. for the Ion. afucri-n, injurious «&//)bloody to behold.
treatment, an outrage, insult, affront: oft. also in alpviov, to, (a Tfjia) a basin for blood.
plur. blows, stripes. a!p,o-pa<^T|s, is, (ai/ua, fidirTu) bathed in blood.
oIkC£(i>, (o1kt)s) to treat injuriously, to affront, out- atp.o-|36pos, ov, (atfia, Bopd) greedy for blood.
rage, esp. by blows, to plague, torment : mostly as aipo-Sid/os, ov, (alpa, Slipa) bloodthirsty.
Med. oucijopoi : f. looftai, Att. lovpai : aor. I tjki- alp.op-pdYT)S, is, {alfm, fiayijvai) bleeding violently.
adyenv in same
: sense as Act. :
— Pass., aor. I rJKt- aiu.6p-pa.VTOs, ov, (affta, faivtu) blood-sprinkled.
o9t}v ; pf. rJKiayai : to be tormented. alpoppotoj, f. 1)00), {alfiuppoos) to loi>e blood: to
oxKujy.a., oto9, to, (abcifa) an outrage, torture. have a discbarge of blood. Hence

20 alfidppoia — alircivSs.

alfioppoia, i), a discharge of blood. alvo-X«<ov, ovto», 6, (alvds, Xtew) a dreadful lion.
atp.6p-poos, ov, (alfia, pioj) streaming with blood. alvo-Xtvos, ov, (alvos, hivov) of fearful destiny, in
atuop-pvros, poet, oljxo-pvros, ov, (alfia, peai) allusion to the thread of life.
blood-streaming. alvo-XijKOs, 6, (alvos, Xvkos) a horrible wolf.
ATM05, 6, a thorn. aivo-u.opos, ov, (alvos, fiopos) doomed to a sad end.
alp-o-o-Tayris, (s, *= alfiaro-arayrfs. alvo-ira0T|S, is, (alvos, vaOuv) suffering dire ills.
atfio-4>6pvKTOs, ov, (al/xa, <popvoaoS) defiled with Alvo-irapvs, 6, (alvos, Ilapts) terrible Paris : cp,
blood. Avairapis.
ai\i6u>,=aifMT6a). alvo-iTdTT|p, epos, 6, (alvos, irarrfp) unhappy father.
aluvXios, ov, (at fivXos) flattering, winning, wily, [tf] AI'NOS, 6, a tale, story, elsewh. fivdos ; alvtiv
alfii}Xo-fi.T|TTjs, ov, 6, (alfivXos, nrjris) of winning alvov to tell a tale: a fable, like Aesop's: generally,
wiles. a saying, proverb. II. later, that which is said

AI*MT'A02, r], ov, also os, ov, flattering, winning, to one's praise, praise.
wheedling, wily. [C] AI*NO'2, i\, 6v, Ep. word = duvos, dread, dire : of
aiua>v, ovos, 6, — baifiow, haiffuav, knowing, skil- persons, dread, terrible, esp. of Zeus : — neut. pi. alva
ful. II. (alfia) bloody. as Adv. terribly ; Sup. alvorarov, most terribly.
al(x-oj-rr6s, ov, -alftaTanros, bloody to behold. alvo-TOKeia, ^, as fem. Adj. (alvos, tokos) unhappy
oiv-dptTTjs, ov, 6, (alvos, apcrr}) terribly brave. in giving birth, unhappy in being a mother.
Aivcias, ov, 6, Aeneas, Ep. gen. Alveldo or fdvtia). alvo-Tiipawos, o, (alvos, rvpavvos) dreadful tyrant.
aivecris, «vs, 17, (aivicu) a praising, praise. AI"NTMAI, defect. Dep. used only in pres., and
olvtTos, 7], ov, verb. Adj. praised, praiseworthy . From impf. without augm., like aipco. dpvvfuu, to take, lay
aivcu) : impf. yveov, contr. rfvovv, Ion. aiveov : fut. hold of, c. gen. : also to enjoy, feed on.
-T]o<v, Att. too) : slot, i yvrjaa, Att. r\vkoa, Ion. af- aivus, Adv. of alv6s, terribly, i. e. very much, ex-
veoa: pf. Att. yvaca: — Mid., —
aor. nvtodfirfV Pass., ceedingly ; alvus mitpos terribly bitter.
aor. 1 r}vi6r)v
: pf. rjvrjfMi
but usu. to
— properly

speak in praise
or speak
to tell ai|, 0176s, 6, 1), dat. pi. atytoiv, (ataaca) a goat;
cu£ d.7pta or aypios, the chamois ; ai£ i£a\os dypia,
of (cf. ; of, praise,
approve, c. ace, Lat. laudare. 2. to allow, recom- the ibex.
mend. 3. like dyairdo), to be content with, acqui- di£aorK€, Ep. 3 sing. aor. of dtaaoi.
esce in. 4. to decline courteously, like Lat. lau- di£b), fut. of diaooj.
dare. II. topromise or vow. AI'O'AAn, to shift rapidly to and fro :— Pass, to
ATNH, 1), = alvos, praise, fame. change in colour or hue; ofupaxts aloKKovrai the
cuvTrjp.1, Aeol. for aivia). grapes be? in to turn, Lat. variegantur.
aivr\ax, Ion. for aivais, dat. pi. of alvos. aloXo-Ppovrns, ov, 6, (aloKos, fipovTrj) wielder of
alvrjTos, "h,
vv, poet, for aiverus. forked lightning.
aiviY(xa, aros, to, (alviaaoftai) a dark saying, aioXo-9upT)g, ijkos, 6, (aloXos, Owprjf) with gleaming
riddle : oft. in plur. Sid or c£ alviyfuntin/ in riddles, breastplate.
darkly ; also iv alviyfiaaiv. aioX6-u.Tr]Ti$, 10s, 6, ij, (ai'oAos, fifjTis)full of various
aiviY|iaT-<i8T|S, «, (atviyfia, (TSos) riddling, dark. wiles.
aivi.Yu.6s, 6, (alviaaoftai) a speaking in riddles: aloXo-piTp-ns, ov, 6, (aloXos. fiirpa) with gleaming
mostly in plur. like atviyfia. belt (for it was plated with metal)cf. aioXodw- ;

aivi£, Dep. = alvtoj. pr)£. with variegated turban.

aivtKTT|pkOs, ov, (alviaaofiai) riddling. Adv. -iocs, aioXo-TTcoXos, ov, (aloXos, itu/Xos) with quick-moving
riddlingly. steeds.
aiviKTos, if, ov, expressed in riddles, riddling : from AI'O'AOS, t], ov, quick-moving, rapid : of worms,, Att., f. i^ofiai : aor. I T/Vt- wriggling : as epith. of armour, easily-wielded, ma-
(d/xrjv : Dep.: speak darkly
{alvos) :— to or in nageable. changeful of hue, gleaming,

riddles, to bint a thing, give to understand. II. glancing ; aloXrj vv£ spangled night aloXrj adp£ ;

in pass, sense, aor. I pass, yvixfyv, pf. rjviyftai, to be flesh discoloured from disease. III. metaph. I.
spoken riddlingly. changeful, shifting, varied. 2. wily, slippery.
alvo-(3ias, Ion. aivo-fK-ns, ov, 0, (alvos, f3ia) fear- As prop, n., proparox. AioXos, ov. 6, Aeolus, the
fully strong. god of the winds, properly the Changeable.
atv6--ydu.os, ov, (alvds, yafiioS) fatally wedded. aLoX6-o-Top.os, ov, (aloXos aroyua) of various mean-
alv60€v. Adv. of alvCs, — k£ alvov, in the phrase ing, riddling.
alvoOtv alvws, from horror to horror, very horrihly. aloX6-xp<os, x/K"7
*. o, 17*, (aldXot, XP^*) «"'*
aivo-OpviTTOS, ov, {alvos, Opvirro/iai) dreadfully spangled skin.
enervated. aotrt, Dor. dat. pi. of -qidv.
aivo-\au.irf|s, is, (alvos, XafincS) horrid-gleaming. aiir€iv6s,ri. 6v,(alirvs) high, lofty, of cities on heights:
aiv6-\cKTpos, ov, (alvds, Xiitrpov) fatally wedded. metaph. lofty, high-flown. a. steep, bard to climb.
: :> — : ;

•tonjetj-—altrtos, 21
aiirf|«.s, (09a, tv, po8t. foralnuvSe. AI'PXl, Att for detpw : f. ap& L^f] : aor. fjpa,

aiiroXcu), f. r)<ra>, (alnuKos) to be a goatherd — Pass. imperat. apov, inf. apai : pf. fipxa —Med., impf. rjp6-
to feed, browse. uqv: fut. dpovfiat [dj : aor. 1 qpa^qv : aor. 2 r)p6pqv,
aL-iroXiKos, q, ov, (alwuXos) of or for goatherds. Ep dpop.qv : Pass., fut. dpdqcrofiai : aor. I qpOqv :

aliroXiov, to, (ainu\»s) a herd of goats. II. a pf.jpfMU.

goat-pasture. Act. to raise, raise or lift up, to carry; atpuv
ai-iroXos, for aiy-n6\os, 0, (off, ttoA&u) a goatherd. ndba to walk; aip. oqp.(Tov to hoist a signal; alpuv
AI'IIOS, (os, to, a height, a steep; npus aJnoe vavs to get ships under way : hence 2. intrans.

up-bill. to get under way, start, set out ; alpuv rats vavaiv
AI'ITO'2, q, ov, Ep. for ainvs, high, lofty, of cities to set sail ; aipuv ry orparq to march :
— Pass, to
alrrcLpitOpa rapid torrents. mount up, ascend II. to raise, exalt, alpav
aiirD-p.TpT]s, ov, 6, {ainvs, nqris) with high thoughts. 0vfx6v to raise one's courage, etc. 2. to raise by
atiru-vwTos, ov, {ainvs, vwres) high-bached, on a words, extol, exaggerate, Lat. tollere Pass, to rise —
high ridge. \y\ to a height, increase. III. to lift and take away,
AI'IIT'2, high and steep, of cities on steep
(id, v, to take away, put an end to : later to kilt.
rocks ; /3pJx # »* noose banging straight
o-invs Med. to lift, raise for oneself: hence to carry
down. 2. headlong; ainvs 6\(9pos sheer, utter off, win, gain. II. to take upon oneself, undergo,

destruction ainvs x^os lowering wrath.

; 3. me- bear. 2. to undertake, begin. III. of sound,
taph. bard, difficult ; ainv »l ercrefrat it will be bard aip(oGai <p<uvqv to lift up one's voice.
work for him. AF2A, 17, as pr. n., like Moipa, the goddess offate,
alpco%p,os, ov, (alpia:) that can be taken. Lat. Parca. II. as appellat. the fatal decree of

aipeo-is, *wt } f],(alp(aj) a taking, conquering, esp. of a god; Aids aTcta the fate decreed by Jove. 2.
a town. II. {alp(Ofuu) a taking for oneself one's appointed lot, fate, destiny, /ra/c/7 atari by ill
choosing, choice; aip(oiv di56vai to give choice; atp(- luck: —
one's share or lot in a thing; \qidos dloa one's
oiv Kan&dvav to have choice given one. 2. choice share of booty. 3. one's due or right ; Kar alaav,
or election of magistrates. III. a choice, plan, like Mara fioipav, fittingly, rightly.
purpose. 2. a sect or school of philosophy. 3. aUr6dvop,ai, impf. rjadavofiqv fut. aioOfoouai : :

a heresy. aor. 2 qadofiqv, later aor. 1 jjodqodftqv Dep. (diet), : :

alpertov, verb. Adj. of alp(<v, one must take or diodoj) to perceive or apprehend by the senses, and

choose. II. olp€T«os, a, ov, desirable. therefore sometimes to feel, sometimes to see, some-
alptTtfco, f. ifoj, (alp(<v) to choose. II. to belong times to bear or learn. Often followed by ace; but
to a sect. also c. gen. to be sensible of, to take notice of a thing.
aipenicfc, i\, ov, (alpioS) able to choose. 2. here- Hence
tical. aior0T]|xa, aros, r6, the thing perceived : perception
alper6s, -fj, 6v, verb. Adj. of alpio), that may be or sense of a thing.
taken or conquered. II. (atpiopai) to be chosen, <uo~0t)O-is, (ojs, q, (aioddvouai) perception by the
preferable, desirable. 2. chosen, elected. by feeling, but also by seeing, hearing,
senses, esp.
AITPE'H impf. jfp(ov, Ion. aip(ov
: fut. aipqffoj: : a sensation, sense of a thing atoOqoiv (X*w '0
etc., ;

pf. riprjua, Ion. dpaiprjKa Ion. plqpf. dpaipqK(a.

— have perception of a thing atoBqoiv napixav to ;

Med., fut. alprjoofMii : aor. I ypqcrdfiqv. — Pass., fut. give the means of perception. II. in plur. the
alpffhfjffoftai, also r'pqaofMu : aor. I ippiOqv : pf. qpq- senses. III. like alaOqiM, a perception: in
/jcu : plqpf. qpqfxqv. — Also from the root *"EAn, aor. hunting, the scent.
7 dkov, Ion. 3 sing. (\(ck(, inf. (\(tv fut. med. : <uo-0T)TT|piov, to, (aioddvofjai) an organ of sense.
iXovpai aor. 2 (i\6fiqv
: Ep. 3 sing, ytvro, for : oio-Otjttis, ov, 6, (aioddvopLai) one who perceives.
(K(to rarely aor. 1 uXdfxqv.
: alo-OrjTiKos, <7, ov, {aloddvopni) of or capable of
Act. to take with the hand, grasp, seize. 2. to perception, perceptive. 2. pass, perceptible.
take away. II. to get into one's power, conquer, aur(fo|T6s, 17, 6v, verb. Adj. of aioddvouai, perceived
overpower, seize: to kill. 2. to ca'cb, take : to by the senses, sensible.
win, seduce. 3. generally, to win, gain. 4. as dta-6a>, (*cuu, dqui) to breathe forth, Lat. expiro
Att. law-term, to convict a person of a thing. 5. 6 dv/xbv aXod( he was giving up the ghost, was expiring.
\6yot alpu, Lat. ratio evincit, reason proves. III. aloxpia, 1), happiness. From
to grasp with the mind, take in, understand. afo-ipos, ov, also q, ov, (aloa) Lat. fatalis, ap-
Med. aipiofioi, to take for oneself. II. to take pointed by fate, fated, destined ; ataifiov fjuap the
to oneself, choose : hence to take in preference, prefer fated day, i. e. the day of death. II. agreeable
one thing to another: also pdXXov aiptioQai to choose to fate, meet, right ; ataipa (ih&s knowing what is
in preference, Lat. porius malle. 2. to choose by right and proper.
vote, elect to an office. cucrwos, ov, also a, ov, (aTitra) boding well, lucky,
*A-tpos, 0, "Ipt "A-ipos, Irus unhappy Irut. happy: opportune.
: : : : :

22 &C<ros — aiTiov.

d-icros, ov, (a privat., Tffos) = Sv-iaos, unlike, un- alayyyrt], (alaxos) shame done one, disgrace, dis-

equal. honour. II. shame for an ill deed, Lat. pudor :

'AFSSn, Att. £o-<ra> or £tt&> : impf. jjicffov, Att. generally, shame, the sense of shame. [0]
tfaoov, Ion. aiootoicov : fut. di'^tw, Att. cj£<y: aor. ala-\wriuv, verb. Adj. of aicxvvo/juu, one must be
jj|i'£a, Att. »j£a, Ion. ai£aoKov.— Med., aor. i i^dnrfv. ashamed.
— Pass., aor. Tji'xOfjv, I° n « dtxOrjv '• — '° move with a al<rxwTTj\6s, 17, 6v, (cuaxvvofiai) bashful, modest.
quick shooting motion, to shoot, dart, glance, Lat. alo-xvvTTjp, qpos, 6, {alaxvvu) a dishonourer, a
ruere, impetu ferri —
so also in aor. I med. ai£ao~6ai, seducer.
and in aor. I pass. ai'xOjjvat. i. later, to be eager altrxuvrnpos, d, 6v, — al<rxwTrj\6s, bashful.
after. II. trans, to move a thing quickly, [o in alo*xuva» : f. ijvw, Ion. vvtco: aor. 1 yffxyva: pf.
Homer : in Trag. a when trisyll.] jjexvyita. — Pass., fut. med. in pass, sense, alax^ v °v-
d-iaros, Att. aurros, ov, (a privat., I8uv) unseen, fiai; also alaxwOriaoftat: aor. yoxvvOrjv: pf. jf^x 1'/*-
unknown, not to be seen and beard : hence vanished, /*u :

(alax *)' t0 make ugly, disfigure, mar. 2.
destroyed : see atdrjKos. II. act. not seeing or to disgrace, dishonour, tarnish, ycvos alffxwi-
knowing, ignorant of, c. gen. pcv. II. Pass, to be ashamed, feel shame: but
dicrTOoj, Att. aicrrocj : f. wffat : aor. i fjiarwoa, Att. more freq. to be ashamed at a thing, c. ace. rei : also
rjOTOioa. — Pass., aor. I -qiar6j6ijv, Ion. aXardiOijv: c. ace. pers. to feel shame before one c. part, to be


(aiffTos) : to make unseen, to destroy : to slay, kill. ashamed at doing a thing : but c. inf. to be ashamed
dtcrra)p, opos, 6, i), (a-ioos) unknowing, inexpe- to do a thing.
rienced. AI'TE-fl : impf. rfreov, Ion. alrtov : fut. ahrjaoj
&tOTa><r€iav, 3 pi. aor. I opt. of cuarSoj. aor. I iJTrjoa : pf. rjrrjfta — to ask, beg, usu. c. ace.
aicrtiXos, ov, opp. to atatfios, unseemly, evil, im- rei, to ask, crave, demand something ; odbv afreiv to
pious. (Deriv. uncertain.) beg leave to depart : c. ace. pers. to ask a person; air.
alo*vp,vd<i>, f. rjcra), (alaa) to give each bis due or riva rt to ask a person for a thing ; c. inf. to ask one
portion of a thing, hence to be ruler over, c. gen. to do: Med. to ask for oneself, for one's own use or—
Hence purpose, to claim, Lat. vindicare sibi Pass, to have —
alcrvp-v-fp-ns, ov, 6, a regulator of games, chosen by a thing begged of one.
the people, a judge or umpire. II. a ruler, an-npa, aros, to, (airiu) that which is asked, a re-
king, esp. one chosen by the people: a president, quest, demand.
manager. atrnpi, Aeol. for atria).
atcrxCojv, ov, gen. ovos, and aicxurros, tj, ov, diTTjs, ov, Dor. dtras, or tot, 6, a favourite.
Comp. and Sup. of alaxpos, formed from aJaxos. ali-no-is, ecus, 1), (alriai) a request, demand.
AI'SXOS, 6o», r6, shame, disgrace. II. ugli- al-njT«ov, verb. Adj. of airlo), one must ask.
ness or deformity. airt\r6s, fi, 6v, verb. Adj. of circa;, asked for,
aUrxp^jjuuv, ov, gen. ovos, (aTo~xos) shameful. begged.
aUrxpoKcpScia, 7), sordid love of gain. From AITTA, ?), a cause, origin, ground, occasion ; al-
aUrxpo-K«p8T)s, 4s, (aioxpos, KepZos) sordidly greedy riav irapix^v to give occasion. II. the occasion

of gain, covetous. Adv. -5a)*. of something bad, a charge, accusation, blame, a

aio-xpoAo-yta, if, foul language, abuse. From fault, Lat. crimen . remonstrance, expostulation with
aUrxpo-XaYos, ov, (alaxpos, \iy<u) foul-mouthed, a friend ; alriav ex* tV > Lat. crimen habere, to be ac-
abusive. cused; alriav virex* 1 " to ue una< er a charge; iv al-
aUrxpi-p.-nns, *•», &, #, (al«xfos, fjnjns) forming Ti'a <fx €t " to no guilty i T ty o*Ttov im<pipeiv rivi ^
base designs. to impute the fault to one* anoKveiv rivci rija alrias
alo-xpo-irou6s, oV, (aUxpt't iroiiai) acting shame- to acquit of guilt.
fully. aiTtdacrOai, Ep. pres. inf. of alrtdo/xai.
aicrxpos, a, 6v, also 6s, 6v, (aTcx**) in Homer aiTid£, Pass, (airia) to be charged or accused.
causing shame, disgracing; alaxpa «rea abusive ai-rCapa, aros, r6, a charge, guilt imputed. From
words. II. opp. to uaXis: 1. ugly, ill- aindopai, f. dffofuu [a] : aor. I jjTiao&fiijv, Ion.
favoured. 2. in moral sense, shameful, disgrace- alTiT)o~anTjv : (airia) : I. as Dep. to give as the
ful, base, infamous ; ri KoXbv koX rb alaxp6v, Lat. cause or occasion : esp. of a fault to charge, accuse, :

bonestum et turpe, virtue and vice. Instead of the — blame ; curiaaOai nva nvos to accuse of a thing. II.
regul.Comp. and Sup. aloxp6r*pos, alaxp6raros, the as Pass, in fut. aiTtddrfaofjun, aor. I qtioBijv, perf.
forms aloxiojv, ataxioros are used. Hence jJTia/jiai — to be accused. Hence
altrxporns, tjtos, i}, ugliness. 2. shame, infamy. on-Cdcns, ««*, ij, a complaint, accusation.
aicrxpovp-yta, 1), contr. for al*xp»tpy'ia, (dio~xp6s, atTtaT«ov, verb. Adj. of aiTidofiai, one must accuse.
tpyov) lewd conduct. <UTt(w, (alrioj) to ask or beg for a thing, c. ace.
aio-xpws, Adv. ef aiaxp 6s, shamefully. rei : c. ace. pers. to beg, solicit.
aUrxwOtjvAi, aor. 1 pass. inf. of aiixwoi. atnov, t6, neut. of atrios, = airia, a cause.
— : ; . ;

alrio? aKCLfiavToiA&xrjs. 23
alno«, a, •¥, mere rarely o«, ov, causing, occasion- age, generation, period. 3. an infinitely long
ing ; hence chargeable with a thing, but n»os \y in space of time, eternity. II. one's age or time
bad sense, causing ill, blamable, guilty: 6 alriot, — of life.
the party to be blamed, the culprit, Lat. reus to — cuwvios, ov, also a, ov, lasting, eternal.
airiov the cause of a thing. auopa, 1), (a(ipaj) a machine for suspending bodies:
oiTt6u)VTai, Ep. 3 pi. pres. indie, of alTiaofiat. a chariot on springs. 11. a hovering in air,

ainowo, aiTiourro, Ep. 2 and 3 sing pres. opt. of oscillation.

cuTiao/Mu. aiupcui, f. r)0<D, (deipw) to lift and hang bang:
up. let
airCaora, Ep. aor. of alrifa.
I and so to wave, or set waving. 11. more t'req.
Alrvaios, a, ov, of or belonging to Etna : of a in Pass, aitopcouai, aor. bang, to vi-
1 rjajpT/fTju, to

horse, Etnean, Sicilian ; or big as Etna, enormous. brate, to wave or float in

hover or flit about.air,2.
AT«£NH2, Adv. = tiupvoj, cupvws, on a sudden. metaph. to be in suspense, Lat. suspensus esse : but
Hence alupttaOai tv nvt to depend upon a person, Lat. pen-
<u4>v(Sios, ov, unforeseen, sudden, quick. Adv. -dicus, dere ab aliquo ; aicopttjQm vtrlp /xfyaAouv to play lor
alsC -b"iov, suddenly. a h'gh stake Hence
dix^vai, aor. I pass. inf. of ateoo). alc»pT)p.a, arcs, to, that which is bung up : c bang-
d£xdr|Trjv, 3 dual aor. 1 pass, of utaaca. ing cord nr hal'er. II. a being hung up, hover-

aixp-djcu, f. daoj : aor. 1 px/xaoa :

( a ^XA*^) • —'° ing : a hanging.
throw the spear, to fight with the spear. 11. to alwp-n/ros, ov, verb. Adi. of alojpiu, hovering.
arm with the spear. oko, ( I/07 2). Adv. = a.KT)v, sofly, gently.
aixp&Xuala, 77, (atx/wAarrts) captivity. II. *
\<oZr\\L*\.b\, fj, a so written 'AKaOTjp-Ca [f], a gym-
a body of cap'ives. nasium in the suburbs of Athens, where Plato taught:
aLx|i.&\a>T6Vu>, f. evau, (alxjt&Xotros) to make pri- hence the Platonic school were calhd Academics.
soner of war. &Ka0apo-(a, ?). (a/eaOopros) uncleanness.
aixp&Wrt£w, f. io~<v, = aixHoXarreva) also Dep. — a.Ka0dpTT|s, t)tos, /}, = foreg.
«.iXH-4\a>Ti£ou,ai in same sense fut. iaopuai
: aor. I d-xdOapros. ov, (a pnvat.. KoBaipoo) uncleaned, im-

jjXfm\cuTia6.(jiT]v pf. r)Xfw.\<LmcrfM.i.

: pure : unclean: unpurified. Ac v. -tws.
aixp&Xfamicos, i). 6v, (ai'x^aAaTo*) befitting a pri- f. ifoonai, (ajcaipcs) to be without op-

soner. portunity, or occasion.

alxpSXcurCs, foot, ij, a captive woman. From dicaipCa, 1J, (aKatpos) an unseasonable time: want
aixp.-aXu)TOS, ov, (ai'xA"7, oAcutos) ta?en hy the of opportunity, unseasonableness. II. impor-
spear or in war ; 01 ai-xjJuaXairoi prisoners of war tunity.
ro\ aixfML\ura booty. d-Katpos, ov, not in season, unseasonable, ill-timed
aixFH' point of a spear, T at. cus-
^. (aloooS) the is aieatpa irovuv, Lat. operam pen/ere: Adv. —
pis. II. a spear: als<> a staff or a sceptre. 2. -pws. II. of persons, importunate, Lat. molestus :

as collective n un a body of spearmen, as aairis a ill-suited to do a thing, c. inf.

body of shielded men. 3. war, battle. 4. also, d-K<iKT)s, (s, poet, for a#a**os, guileless.
warlike spirit, mettle. uK<i.KT]Ta, Ep. for &Kaicr)TT)S, — d/saKos, benignant,
aixp.T)€is,«raa, tv. (alxf*fl) armed with the spear. gracious.
alxfiifrd, 6, Ep. for a^Xr17) 7"!*' axd. Ca, j). guilelessness. From
alxixtpTJs, ov, 6, (cu'xA"7) a spearman, warrior. II. o-kSkos, ov, without evil, unknowing of ill, guile-
as Adj. warlike, brave. Fern alxp^.Tts, toos. less : esp. without malice. Adv. -kqjs.
alx^o-4>6pos, of, (a/xM> ^P*") bearing a spear. df&XavOis, ibos, 1), the goldfinch.
AI A, Adv. quicHy, with speed, on a sudden ok&\ p-pei-nrjs, ov, 6, ( koKos, f €<v) soft-flowing.
alU/T)p«-KcXeu6os, ov, (altfnjpot, K(\(vOos) swift- 'AK A AH <i»H, 1}, a nettle, Lat. urtica : the sting as
speeding. of a nettle. [Sxi]
ald/rjpos, d, dV f (aT^a) quick, speedy, sudden. d-tcaXXT|S, «, gen. los, (a privat., kclWos) without
'Al^il, used only in pres. and impf. SXov, to perceive, charm-
become aware of esp. to hear : but also to see, observe, d-Ka\Xt€pT]TOs, ov, (a privat., tcaXkitpioj) not ac-
know, c. gen. and also c. ace. [a long or short, ace. cepted in sacrifice, ill-omened.
to the metre.] d-KoAXonrurros, ov, (a privat., KaWamifa) un-
*Ar*n [4"], used only in impf. Ai'ov [a],^&r}fu t adorned.
to breathe. 2. = ajo~8aj, to breathe out, expire; d-Kd\vTTTOS, ov, (a privat., KaKvrrrcu) uncovered.
<pi\ov cuov Ijrop I breathed out my life. a-v oAt"4>T|s, is, = dyfdXi»7rT0S.
aliliv, 6vo$, 1), Dor. for 'Jim. [5X~\ aKdpavro XdyX'HS.oi', 6,(&ica.(MS.\6yxv} unwearied
Am'N, Sjvot, 6, also 1), sometimes with shortened with thf spear
ace. aia> — the Lat. AEVUM.
a space or period of cKau.avTo-p.dx'nS" ow » °t (Axd/Mit, ho-xji) unwearied
time, a lifetime, life. 2. of longer periods, an infgbt. I

24 iicaiiavToirovs — (Wpcuo?.
ditdpavri-irovs. S, If, trow, r6, gen. iroSos, (a/cafuu, d-KaTdxplTos, ov, (a privat., ttarajcpivej) uncon-
irovs) untiring of foot. detuned., 6, (djedfias, \CLpfxri) unwearied d-KardXijicTOS, ov, (a privat., KaTaXrjya)) without
in fight. end : of verses, acatalectie.
d-tcdpas, avros, 6, (a privat., xajxtiv) untiring, d-KaTdXijiTTOs, ov, (a privat., KaTaXafifiavoi) not
unresting. [#d] to be conquered. II. incomprehensible
d-tcdp-dTos, ov, also ?/, «w, (a privat., /fd/xoro*) «*'/& &-KO.TdXXaKTOS, ov, (a privat., KaraWaoooJ) irre-
o«r sense of toil, hence untiring, unresting neut. — concilable. Adv. -too*.
aKafxara as Adv. untiringly. d-KaTdXirros, ov, (a privat., KaraXvoS) indissoluble.
d-Kap/nros, ov, (a privat., Ka/iirraj) unbent, stiff: — d-KaTap.dxTjTos, ov, (a privat., /«XTa/*dx Atat ) not
from which none can return. II. unbending, to be subdued, unconquerable.
inexorable. d-KaTavoTjros, ov, (a privat., Karavoio)): inconceiv-
duavda, rjs, l), (d/r^) a thorn, prickle : hei ":e I. able.
a pricHy plant, thistle : also a thorny tree. 2. d-KaTdTrav<rros, ov, (a privat., Karairavai) not to be
f&e backbone or s/>m* of animals. 3. metaph. a set at rest, incessant : unable to cease from a thing.
thorny or difficult question. dKOTaoTdo-ta, 1), a state of disorder, anarchy, con-
dicdvOivos, 7, ov, (d/raf 0a) thorny : of thorns. II. fusion. From
of the thorn-tree (dicavOa). d-'-oTdordTOS, ov, (a privat., KaOicTijfii) unstable,
dicavdis, ibos, 17, (dicavOa) a small bird, A?>*goldfinch unsettled : unsteady, fickle : — Adv., d«aTaordTa;*
or linnet, Lat. fringilla spinus. II. as fern Adj. %X flV to De unstable.
d-KaTacrx«TOs, ov, (a privat., /raWx*") not to oe
dxav0o-{3aTT]s, ot/, o, fern, -pdns, t8o$, ^, (dtfaj'fla, checked, unruly. Adv. -Ttw*.
/9atV<u) going on thorns. d-KaTa4>p6vT)Tos, ov, (a privat., ttaraeppovia)) not
aKavOo-Xo-yos, ov, (dicavda 3, Xiyai) picking out to be despised, imporant, Lat. baud spernendus.
thorny questions, wrangling. dKOTiov, to, Dim. of dieaTos. a light boat, esp. of
"AKAN0O2, ij, Lat. acanthus, bear's breech, a pirates, Lat actuaria. II. a small sail.

plant, used in Corinthian capitals. "AKATOS, j), a light vessel. Lat. actuaria : esp. a
d%p.v0-u>S-ns, €i, gen. fos, (ajtavBa, ttbos) full of transport-vessel: generally, a ship, [dtedt]

thorns, thorny. d-KaiKTTOS, ov, (a privat., Kaiu) unburnt.

d-tcAirwoTos, ov, (a privat. Kairvifa) vnsmoked. dicaxetaTO or -TjaTO, Lp. for rjicdxnvTO, 3 pi. plqpf.
a Kairvos, ov, (a privat., *a7rvc*) without tmoke, not pass, of dx«<u
smoking, making no smoke. aKax*\o~<a, redupl of dx^a>.
d-Kap8ios, ov, (a privat., Kapbia) wanting the heart: aKaxTjcra, Ep. for Ka\r>oa, reHupl. aor. t of dx&w.

metaph. heartless, Lat. excors. aKaxTjO^ai, aKaxT|p-«vos Ep. for ,]Kaxrjo0ai, *'«a-
d-Kap-rjvos, ov, (a privat., xapnvov) headless. yijfxevos, inf. and part, of -<}/raxi7fuxt, redupl. pf. pass,
d-*dpT|s, «s, (a privat., Kaprfvai) properly of hair, of dx^eu,
too short to be cut: generally, short, small, tiny: aKdxTjrai, redupl. aor. 2 med. subj. of n\i<u,
mostly of time, drape's a moment, cv ditapu xpuvov aKdyi^cu, redupl. from dx«'a>, to trouble: — Pass, to
in a moment of time aicapTi biaXtirwv (sc ypovov)
: be troubled.
having waited a moment; ovh aKaprj not a bit: but — dicaxp-fvos, ij, ov, (dicff) poin'ed, sharpened, a part,
also of things, unapt s a morsel. pf. pass., as if from *ajta> to sharpen, but with no verb
d-Kapiaios, a, ov, (drapes) momentary, brief. in use.
aKap-iria, 1), (d/mprros) vnfruitfulness. dicdxoiTO, redupl. aor. 2 med opt. of d\io).
d-Kapmoros, ov, (a privat., Kapiri^oS) = dtcdpiro)- dicdxovTO, Ep. for T|icdxovTO, redupl. aor. 2 med.
tos, where nothing is to be reaped, unfruitful, of the of dx«w.
sea. dic€i6u,evos, Ep. part. pres. pass, of dtcio/Mu.
d-Kaprros. ov. without fruit, barren. II. act. dtceipe-Kopas, ov, 6, — aK(poiKop.rjs.
making barren, blasting. Adv. -ireut. d-Kt'XtvoTos, ov, (a privat., KtX(voi) unbidden.
d-KdpTTG»TOs, ov, (a privat., Kapnooi) not made fruit- d-K«vnr)TOS, ov, (a privat., icevTe<v) ungoaded, need-
ful, without fruit, fruitless: of an oracle, unfulfilled. ing no spur.
uicacncd, (atcq 2) Adv. gently Hence a-K€VTpos, ov, (a privat. icivrpov) sfingless.
aKao-Katos, a, ov, gentle, delicate. dtctopat; Ep impf. atcfdfiqv: f. d.K(oofiai. Ep. d/rctr-
o-KaTdpXijTOS, ov, (a privat., naTa&6\\a)) not to copai, Att. dttovfiai : aor. I rjKeodftTjv, Ep. imper.
be overthrown, irrefragable. dntaoct: Dep. : (d/cos): — to heal, cure 2. to
o-tcoTaYvwo-TOs, ov, (a privat., KaTayiyvufKu) not stanch, quench, b"nl>av. 3. generally, to amend,
to be condemned, blameless. repair, make good : to mend or darn clothes.
d-KaTaicdAvTrros, ov, (a privat., naTaJtaXvmv) un- d-iclpaios, ov. (a privat., Ktpawvpi) unmixed, pure:
covered. pure in blood: guileless, Lat integer. 11. un-
: : : :

ix^patrror—"&kl$. 25
harmed, unravaged, of countries : generally, unim- unburied. II. act. without care or sorrow, Lat.
paired, untouched, inviolate: fresh, active. securus. 3. heedless, careless.
d-KcpaoTos, ov, [a privat., K(pdvvvfjti) unmixed, o.KT|Koa, pf. med. of aKova).
pure from a thing. d-KT|XTjTOS, ov, (a privat.. KqKioj) to be won by no
d-KcpdTOs, ov, (a privat., nipas) without horns. charms, not to be charmed or won over, inexorable,
d-K€pavva)TOS, ov, (a privat., K(pavvooj) not struck unassuageable.
by lightning. aKTjpa, to, = d/ce#>«x, a cure, remedy.
diccpSeia, q, (dtctpb-qs) want of gain, loss. From aKTjv, properly ace. of d/cq 2, but used only as Adv.
d-Kcp8r|S, «'s, (a privat., Ktpdos) without gain, bring- stilly, softly, silently.

ing loss. Adv. -8ws, gratis. d-KTjpdo-ios, ov, (a privat., Kepdwvfii) unmixed,
dicepicun-os, ov, (a privat., Kfpnifa) unwoven. pure : hence untouched, Lat. integer : generally, pure,
d-K6pcr€-K6fXT)S, ov, 6, (a privat., K(ipa), Ko^rf) with fresh.
unshorn hair, epith. of Apollo also ever-young, for : d-KT|pSTOs, ov, (a privat., Kepdvvvfii) unmixed, pure,
the Greek youths wore their hair long, till they clear : of persons, incorrupt, undefiled, upright c. —
reached manhood. gen. pure from, free from taint of II. unim-

d-KCpcos, ojv, gen. <w, and d-Kcpcoi-os, ov, = oxcarts. paired, inftdl vigour, fresh, unbroken.
diceo-acrOe , aor. I imperat. of d/ceo/wu. d-K-rjpios, »v, {a privat.. itrjp) unharmed by the fates,
aKCO'C-voo-os, Ep. aK€crcr(-, ov, (cutiofMu, v6a»s) uninjured. II. act. unharming, harmless.
healing disease. d-KT|pios, w, (a privat., Krjp) without heart or soul,
axtaxs, ecus, ?}, (dxiofxat) a healing, cure, remedy. lifeless II. without heart or courage, heartless,
<XK€o-p.a, t6, (aieeofiai) a remedy, cure. spiritless, Lat. vecors.
aKfcropat, fut. of &K€Ofiai. dKTjpoTaTOS, Ep. for dtcqpaTWTaros. Sup. of dtcfjparos.
aKta-cr-, for words so beginning, v. sub cuc(0~. aKTjpvKTet and dicnpvKTt, Adv. without proclama-
dK€OTT]p, fipos, 6, (aKcoftai) a healer, restorer, physi- tion : esp. without a flag of truce. From
cian; dictarf/p x^^ds the rein that tames the steed. d-KT|pviKTOs, ov, {a privat., Kqpvaaoj) unannounced:
aK€OTT|s, ov, o, = aKtOTTip a mender of torn clothes.
: unproclaimed ; d/cqpvKTos voXffios a war without an-
dK€cn-opia, ?), (aKeoTtup) the healing art. nouncement, sudden, or, one in which no herald was
aKeo-Tos, -q, 6v, (d*€o/*at) curable : easy to be cheered admitted, implacable. 2. inglorious, unknown. 3.
or revived. unheard sending no tidings.
of, Hence
diceo-Tpa, i), a darning-needle.
(djccofiai) dKTjpVKTUS, Adv =dKTJpVKTt.
oK€o-rpui, of dictOT-qs, a sempstress.
t), fern, d-KT|pci>TOS, ov, (a privat., /eqpooj) not covered with
aK«rrpov, to, (d/eeofMi) a remedy. wax, unwaxed.
atcto-rvs, vos, q, Ion. for aiccois. aKT|X<8aTai or aKT)x«""ai, Ep. for rjicq'xV VTai > 3 P^
dictoT&jp, opos, 6, (a/ceo/Mi) a healer, saviour. redupl. pf. pass, of dxiai.
aK€o--<j>6pos, ov, (cLkos, (pepaj) bringing a cure, dKT)x«p.cvos, Ep. for dicaxiwivos, part, of redupl. pf.
healing. pass, of dx«w.
dK€o--u8vvos, ov, (dx€«/4cu, bbvvq) allaying pain. d-KipS-nXos, ov, (a privat., Ki&bqXos) unadulterate,
d-K€'4>&Xos, ov, (a privat., Kt<pdkq) without a head unalloyed, pure : also guileless, honest.
without beginning. diciSvos, 77, ov, weak, feeble, faint, in Homer only in
dKco>v, aKcovo'a, (djcqv) in form a participle, used Comp. aKtbvoTfpos. (Deriv. uncertain.)
by Horn, as an Adv. stilly, softly, silently : mostly in d-KiOdpis, t, gen. tos, (a privat., Ki$dpa) without tbt
sing. nom. even with a plur. verb, as dittojv baivvaOc harp.
feast ye in silence: —
the dual d/ciwre occurs once, okIkvs, vos, 6, 77, (a privat., kTkvs) powerless, feeble.
the plur. form never. Although fern, diec»vaa is dtclvdicns, ov, or eos, 6, Lat. acindces, a Persian
found, yet d/tiojv stands also with the fern., as 'AOrj- word, a short sword.
vairj d/t(<uv 77V. d-icCvSvvos, ov, without danger: hence shunning
'AKH', •?), a Subst. said to have 3 senses I. a danger, cowardly. Adv. -vojs.
point, edge, (whence cutis, d/eco/cr/, d/cftf}, aixjxfi, dicovq, d-KCvirjTOS, ov, rarely -q, ov, (a privat., Kivioi) un-
dxpos, and Lat. acies, acuo). 2. silence, (whence moved, motionless : hence idle, sluggish. 2. unal-

dieqv, a/ceojv, clkol, ajcaaKa). 3. healing, (whence tered, settled, steady. II. immovable, bard to
aKeoficu). move. not to be stirred or touched, inviolable,
d-KT|8€o-TOS, ov, (a privat., /cqbiaj) uncaredfor, un- like Lat. non movendus : not to be divulged, [t]
heeded : without funeral rites, unburied. Hence d-Ktos, ov, (a privat., kis) without worms, not worm-
dtcnSwrrcos, Adv. of dit-qhfOTos, but in act. sense, eaten, sound: Sup. djctwraTos.
without heed for any one, remorselessly. dtctpos, ov, =dKifvos.
aK-nSew, f rjcra) : aor. r rjicqbqaa, Ep. dKqfeoa — to dtas, 1S08, 7), (aKq, Lat. acies) a point, barb, a
neglect, slight, c. gen. From pointed instrument: metaph. a sting; rtuQaiv ditiSts
o-kt)8tjs, is, (a privat., kt}50*) pass, uncaredfor: the stings of desires. [#J

i.KCxv T09 — &kovit(.

A-iaxTTOs, ov > (a Pnvat «» *<X^"*^ not to be reached, dxpo-Oerov, t6, (ojtfiojv, rflhjfju) the anvil-block.
unattainable : of persons, net to be r$acbed by prayer; "AKMflN, ovos, 6, an anvil, Lat. incus.
inexorable. d-Kvuro-os or rather d-icvio-os, ov, (a privat., levied)
d.KKiJo(jiai. Dep. (d**^ to pretend indifference to z without fat, esp. without the fat of sacrifice.
thing, to affect coyness : generally, to dissemble. dKOT), Ep. dtcovrj, 3), {ajeovw) bearing I. toe

cikkw, %, a bugbear : ace. to others a vain woman. sense of bearing : the ear esp. in plur., itcoats Zi-

dic\dpu>TOS, Dor for a/c\T)parros. X«yOat to hear, etc. II. a bearing, listening
d-KXacrros, ov, {a privat., k\ooj) unbroken. to ; ajtorjs d£tos worth bearing. III. the thing

d-icXavoTos or d-KXavros, ov, (a privat., K\aia>) beard, a report, saying, fame ; axori tibivai to n
pass, unwept : without lamentation. II. act. un- know a thing by hearsay.
weeping, tearless. d-Kotp.i)TOs. ov, \a privat., /cot/A&ofiai^ sleepless.
o-kXctjs, €$, gen. 4os ace. a/t\ea, Ion. d/cXci}, poet. d-KOivuvnros, ov, (a privat., Koivoivioj) not shared
&K\e&: <a k\4os)

without fame, inglorious,
in common. II. act. not sharing in, not par-
ignoble : neut. axXets as Adv. ingloriously. taking of: hence unsocial.
d-icXcta, i), {a-K\ef)s} ingloriousness. d-KoiTTjs, ov, 6, ^a -> afia, koIttj) a bedfellow, spouse,
d-KXei-qs, it, Ep. for djcXeqt Ep. Adv. 6j<\uS>t. : husband : fem. d-icovrts, 10s, ij, a wife.
o-kXciotos, ov, Ion. d-icXirjiOTOS, Att. contr. u-kX|j- d-KoXdtctvTOS, ov, {a privat., KoXweevtv) not flat-
<rros, ^o privat., K\.tio)) not shut, not bolted or fas-
: tered, not won by flattery.
tened. dicoXcfcrta, {aicoXaoToi) licentiousness, intemper-

dicXcws, Adv. of QjcXefjs, ingloriously. ance : excess, extravagance

: opp. to aaxppoavvij.

d-KXT)T]S, is, poet, for aK\eqs. dicoXao-Taivca, (ojcoXaaroi) to be licentious, de-

dicXT|ioTOS, Ion. for okKuotos. bauched, intemperate : to live a riotous lift.
&-tt\i\pos, ov, without lot or portion, poor, needy. 1. d-KoXaoT-os, ov, {a privat., /eoXafa) Lat. non casti-
without lot or share in a thing, c. gen. II. unal- gatus, uncbastened, undisciplined, unbridled' also
lotted, without an owner. uneducated. 2. intemperate, opp. to o&xpponr.
d-KXrjp&n-os, ov, {a privat., K\rjp6ai) without lot or Hence
portion in a thing, c. gen. aKoXdcrrtos, Adv. intemperately : Comp., aJcoXaffro-
dicXflOTOs, ov, Att. for aK\eiffTos. ripcus %x uv ""pv* ti to be too intemperate in a thing.
d-KXrjTOS, ov, (o privat., iea\i<u) uncalled, unbidden. o-koXos, ov, 6, (a privat., k6\ov) a bit, morsel.
d-icXtvT|s, is, {a privat., K\Tvfjvai) bending to neither dKoXovOco), f. -fjata, {atcoXovOot) to follow, go after
side : unswerving, stedfast. or with. II. metaph. to follow or obey one in a
d-icXvo-TOS, ov, also rj, ov, (a privat., K\v£ai) un- thing. Hence
washed by waves. ecus, j}, a following, sequence.
dKp.d£a>, f. aaoj, (dif/x^ to be in full bloom, be at the dtcoXov6i)TCov, verb. Adj. of ajco\ov0io), one must
prime or perfection : hence to flourish, abound in a follow.
thing, a/cfjidfav vXovrtv, etc. : c. inf. to be strong OKoXovdCa, ij, (&ko\ov6SoS) a following, attendance,
enough to do ; but impers. atefxafa, c. inf., it is high train. II. agreement or conformity with.
time to do. d-KoXovOos, ov, (a copul., KtktvOos) following,
dKji-aios, a, ov, {djcurj) in full bloom, at the prime, attending on : —
as Subst. (1k6Xov0os, 6, a follower,
blooming, vigorous; dJefiatot <pvaiv in the prime of attendant ; ol okoXovOoi the camp followers. II.
strength. II. in time, in sea on, Lat. opportunus. following after; agreeing with, suitable to, like, c.

dicp.T|, /), {ajcf), Lat. acies) a point, edge; proverb. gen. but also c. dat. Adv. -0ws, in accordance
inl (vpov uKfiTJs on the rasor's edge, i. e. at the criti- with, c. dat.
cal moment ; an<pihi£ioi anyuai the fingers of both d-K6Xvp.J3os, ov, unable to swim.
hands, like irobuv d/cfxai. 2. the highest point of d-KopAcrrCa, Ep. -(tj [t], ij, want of tending. From
anything, the bloom, flower, prime, esp. of man's age, d-K6|UOTOS, ov, (a privat., /co/xifa) untended.
ajijjiT) tj&tjs, Lat. flos aetatis ; anpir) Oipovt midsum- d-Kopos, ov, {a privat., tc6fin) without hair, bald:
mer : —generally, strength, vigour. 3. like itaipot, of trees, leafless.
the time, i. e. most fitting time ; aKfXTj iari],
the best, j
d-ic6pira0TOS, ov, (a privat., /cofiir&fa) unboastful.
c. inf., 'tis high time to do; lir' olk/xtjs thai, c. inf., to d-Kopiros, ov, wi'bout boast, unboasting.
be on the point of doing. d-Kopij/os, ov, unadorned, simple, plain, Lat. sim-
dKjATjv, properly ace. of olkh^, but used as Adv. in a plex. II. rude in speech.
moment, directly : even now, still, like It*. dicovdco, f. -qoo), [Ajcovif) to sharpen, whet.
dKp.T)vos, 17, vv, (a/eprj} full-grown, in full vigour. d-Kov8vXos, ov, (a privat., kovSvXt)} without blows.
aKp-nvos, ov, fasting from food. (Deriv. uncertain.) aK6vT|, ^, (d\/cq) a whetstone, bone, Lat. cos.
d-Kp.T|s, fjros, 6, 1), {a privat., tedfivco) = d/rd/zas, un- o-kovTti. Adv of .lie viros. \a privat., Koviofi with-
tiring, fresh out the dust of the arma, hence without combat, toil,
d-K^TjTos, w, [a privat., /ca/ivat) unwearied, untiring. j
or effort, Lat. sine pulvere.
— : — : :

clkovitov — &Kp&Ti<rro$. 27
&k6vTtov, t6, a poisonous plant, aconite, monkshood. d-Kovpos, ov, (a privat., rcovpos^ childless, without
okovtv, later form for detcovri. male heir. II. {a privat., xovpd) un:horn.

clkovt(£(i>, f. iooj, Att. tw aor. I fjtcovTiaa, Ep. dicouo-eiav, Aeol. form of duovoaiev, 3 pi. aor. I


djcovTicra: (okojv): to hurl a javelin : also to throw, opt. of aKovoj.

fling, dart : to dart at, c. gen. pers. later c. ace. : dicovcrcCci), Desiderat. of dicovoi, to wish to bear.
pers. to bit or strike with a javelin, to wound ; and aKovai-Ocos, ov, {d/toioj, 6ei,s) beard of God.
Pass, to he so hit or wounded. 2. to shoot forth dKOVcipos, rj, ov, {dtcovoj) audible.
rays, of the moon. II. intrans. to dart or qkovitios, ov, Att. contr. for detcovatos, unwilling,
pierce. under constraint —
Adv. -Iojs, unwillingly, or in an
dtcovnov, to", Dim. of okojv, a dart, javelin. unwelcome manner; Sup. aKovoiwrara, most un-
0k6vtIot.s, rj, {d/covTtfa) the throwing a javelin. willingly.
aKovTiap-a, to, (aicovTifa) that which is darted, a aKOvcrpa, {ditoioj) a thing heard, a sound,

javelin ; evros ajcovria /mtos within a dart's throw. Urain. a rumour, report, tale, [a]
2. Hence
a,KOvnoT-f|p, rjpos, 6, and ukovtiott|s, ov, 6, (dnov- aKouo-paTiov, to, a little tale.
rifa) a darter, burler of javelins. aKovffT«ov, also aKovcrrca, verb. Adj. of ditova), on*
dtcovTuruKos, 17, ov, ^ajcovri^a)) skilled in throwing must hear or hearken to, c. gen.
the dart. dKovo-T"f|s, ov, 6, {d/toiKo) a bearer, listener.
okovtvo-tus, vos, -fj, Ion. for djeuvriais, the game of okouotos, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of dtcovoj, beard, audible:
the dart, a contest at throwing the dart. that should be beard.
oxovto-66kos, ov,
i. e. shunning it.
(aicojv, lex 1)
watching the 'AKOY'Xi, f. a/covaouai aor. I ijieovaa: pf. Att.
Dor. dfcovna plqpf. dfcrjKofiv, Att. d/erjKoT) :

dart, &jcf)Koa, :

o-kottos, ov, without weariness : I. un-

pass, —Pass., fut. d/eovoOrjoopxu aor. I ^kovoQtjv: pf. :

wearied, untiring. II. act. not wearying, f/Kovopai to bear,

: used both with gen. and
easy. 2. removing weariness, refreshing. ace. 2. absol. to bear, give ear ; d/covere A.f$5 bear,
aKopeoraTOS, most shameless, a Sup. either from O people. II. to listen or give ear to, mostly c.
a-Kop-qs = aKopfOTos or shortened for dKopearoTa-
; gen. more rarely c. dat., hence to obey.
; III. to

ros, Sup. of ajc6p(OTo$, like fieooaros, viaros. bear oneself called, be called, pass for ; with an Adj.
d-KopeoTOS, ov, {a privat., Kopivvvfu) insatiate, un- or Subst., d/tovetv na/c^s, Lat. malus audire; or with
ceasing : c. gen. insatiate of, undated with. II. an Adv. ev, kokws d/covftv, Lat. bine, male audire.
act. not satiating : not disgusting. dicpa, Ion. ^properly fern, of dtcpos^ the end,
atcp-r], ij,

d-ic6p€TOS, ov, = ajcCptaros. point, esp. the highest point, the top of the bill, peak,
d-Kop-nros, ov, (a privat., Kopiwvfii) insatiate : c. headland: a citadel, Lat. arx Kar dtcprjs v(p9fiv,—
gen. unsated with, 6.K. iro\4fM>v, airu\5iv. 2. (a Att. kot' d/epas, to destroy from top to bottom, i. e.

privat., Kop4oj) unswept, untrimmed. utterly, Lat. funditus evertere.

d-Kopos, ov, = dKvprjTos, insatiate: metaph. cease- dicpdavTOs, ov, = dtcpavTOS, without result, unful-
less,Lat. improbus. filled, fruitless, Lat. irritus.
*AKOS, tos, to, a cure, relief, remedy, help, re- d-Kpayqs, «s, (a privat., /cpayeiv) not barking.
source for or against a thing, c. gen. dfeos t4/xvuv to dxpa-f), contr. form of ditpaia, ace. masc. of aKprtr/s.

prepare a remedy. aKp-drvs, &, (d/cpos, drffii) of certain winds, blowing

dicoo-pcu, f. rjffoj, (aJcocnos\ to be disorderly, un- Urongly, fresb-blowing.
ruly : to be out of order, to offend. dicp(U<|>W)S, contr. from aKfpaio-<pavqs, (d«e-
d-K6o*p.T)TOS, ov, (a privat., KoafiioS) unarranged, unmixed, pure, sheer: hence
pcuos, (pavijvai) II.

disorderly. 2. unadorned, unfurnished. unharmed, Lat. integer: c. gen. untouched by a thing.

d*ocru.ia, ^, disorder : extravagance : unruliness, d-KpavTOS, ov, {a privat., icpaivoj) unaccomplished,
offence. From unfulfilled, fruitless, idle. II. endless.
d-Koa-pos, ov, without order, disorderly : in moral dKpdo-ta, 1), {d/cpaTTjs) the character of an dKparr\%,
sense, unruly, rebellious —
Adv. -pais, without or- incontinence, Lat. impotentia, opp. to lyKparua.
der. II. Kofffios aKoafios a world that is no d-KpdT€ta, f), earlier form of f>reg. [a]
world, like yajios dya/ios, etc. dtcpuTcorepos, irreg. Comp. of dtepdros.
dKoordo) or Jkoo-t«i>, only used in aor. I part. d-KpSTT|S, «, (a privat., lepdros) powerless : not
aKoo-rqo-at, well-fed, over-fed. From having power or command over a thing ajepar^s ;

'AKOSTH', 17, barley. opyfjs, Lat. impotens irae : esp. in a moral sense,
dicovd£opat, Dep., like a/covoj, to hearken to, C. without power or command over oneself, incontinent,
gen. II. to be called, bidden; bairbs d/eovd£e- Lat. impotens sui.
a$ov ye are bidden to the feast, like KaXueQai, Lat. d-KpdTi£opai., fut. Att. YovfJtai, Dep. to drink pure
vocari. wine \djcparos, merum). II. ro breakfast, btcause
dk-ovT), ij, Ep. for dKof), bearing; Trarpbt aucotrfi this meal consisted of bread dipped in wine. Hence
tidings of his father :
a sound. dtepdrurros, ov, having breakfasted. [*pa]
: — : — :

28 CLKparoirocrCa — aKpoOiviov.

17, a drinking of fused, disorderly : countless. 2. lasting, unceasingt

dKp&TOiro<r(a, Ion. &icpi)Toiroo i'n i

unmixed wine. From of mountains, continuous. II. undecided,

oKpaTO-rrfi-rns, ov, Ion. dKpTjTO-iroTns, <a», 6, (d- doubtful. 2. unjudged, untried, of persons

Kparos, irivoj) a drinker of unmixed wine. and things aKpnov rtva tcreiveiv, to put to death ;

d-Kparos, Ion. d-icp-nTOS, ov Conip. and Sup. d/fpa- without trial, Lat. indicia causa : also not subject to
: —
rianpos, -iararos (a privat., Kfpdvvvfjii)
: un- trial. III. act. not giving judgment.
: 2. not

mixed, pure, sheer, unadulterate : esp. of wine, clk- exercising judgment, undistinguisbing.
paTOt (sub. olvos), 6, wine without water, sheer wine, dKpiTo-<}>vXXos, ov, (aKpiros, <pv\\ov) of blended
Lat. merum; metaph., atcparos vovs pure intel- foliage.
lect. 2. untempered, unrestrained, excessive: in- dKpiro-<}>vpTOS, ov, (aKptros, <pip<u) undistinguisb-
temperate, violent. ably mixed.
d-icpdrup, opos, 6, =e d-Kpar-qs, without control. \jtpa\ dicpod£op<u, Dep. = dxpodofiai.
dicp&T&s, Adv. of ajtparrp, without control ; aKparws dupoapa, to, (oKpoaofiat) Lat. acrodma, anything
*X UV t0 oe incontinent. heard with pleasure, anything read, recited, played or
aKpaxoXco), f. rjaa), to be passionate. From sung : a play or musical piece.
dtcpd-xoXos, Ion. dicpTj-xoXos, ov, (aKpos, x^Kos) 'AKPOA'OMAI: impf. TjKpowfirjv: fut daofuu
quick or sudden to anger, passionate ; kvojv axpaxo- [a] aor. 1 rjKpododfxnv pf. TjKpudfMu Dep. :to : :

\os an ill-tempered dog. \jtpa] hearken or listen to, esp to bear or attend lectures;
dicpcp.<i>v, ovos, 6, (aKpos) the end of a branch or 6 oKpotv/xfvos a bearer, student. II. to obey.
bough, a small branch, spray, twig. dicpoao-is, €<ws, j), (aKpodofuii) a hearkening or lis-
dKp-«rir«pos, ov, {aKpos, toirtpa) at the beginning tening to. 2. obedience.

of evening, at eventide. dicpoaTcov, verb. Adj. of aKpodopxti, one must

aKp-T^-ns, ts, and dicp-Y|{3os, ov, (aKpos, fj&n) in listen to.
earliest youth, very young. dKpodTT|piov, to", (oLKpoaopm) a place of audience
d-KprjTOS, ov, Ion for aKparos, unmixed, pure. lecture-room. II. an audience.
dicpTj-xoAta, aKpTj-xoXos, Ion. for &Kpaxo\ia, etc. aKpoa.TT|s, ov, 6, (aKpodofiai) a hearer : a pupil.
aKpias, ace. pi. of anpis. dicpoaTiKos, 17, ov, (aKpoaofiat) proper for bearing
aKp(J3eia, -fy,
exactness, accuracy, precision : perfec- or attending lectures; /xioOus djcpoartKus, Lat. hono-
tion. II. strictness, severity : parsimony, frugal- rarium, a pupil's fee.
ity. From dKpo-P&Ttco, {aKpos, fialvoj) to walk on tiptoe or erect.
dKpi{3r|S, is, exact, accurate, precise, perfect in its &Kpo-J3S<J>T|S, is, (dxpos, 0&<p7)vai) wetted at the
kind of thoughts, clear, definite, precise.
; II. tnd. 11. tinged at the point, or slightly.
of persons, exact, strict, scrupulous also frugal, — dKpo-peX-qs, is, (aKpos, fiiKos) with a point at the
stingy. (Deriv. uncertain.) end.
dKpi^, Dep. (aKpt0o\6yos) to be exact, dicpoJ3oXfa>, (aKpofiuXos) to be a slinger, to skirmish.
accurate, or precise in language : c. ace. rei, to weigh aKpofjoAi^opai, (&Kpofio\i(o) Dep. to throw or strike
accurately. Hence from afar : to skirmish. Hence
dtcpiPoXo-yta, 1), precision of language. aKpofjoXtoas, cojs, J}, a skirmishing.
dicpij3o-X6YOS, ov, (aKpL@7)s, \6yos) exact in lan- aKpofjoAicru.6s, ov, 6, = aKpofioXiois.
guage. dKpoPoXiOTT|S, ov, o, = a.Kpo06\os.
aKpipoa), f. uo~a), (dKpi0rjs) to make exact or accu- dtcpo-fjoAos, 6, (aKpos, PaKuv) as Subst. one that
rate arrange precisely : but commonly, to examine
: to throws from afar, a slinger, skirmisher : but II.
or understand thoroughly : to express accurately — as Adj. proparox. &Kpu-fio\os, ov, struck from afar.
Pass, to be made exact or perfect. OKpoPvoTta, 1), (aKpufBvoros) uncircumcision.
dtcpip&s, Adv. of aKpiQ-qs, exactly, accurately, pre- a.Kp6-f}varros, ov, (aKpos, @voj) uncircumcised.
cisely. II. sparingly ; aKpifiws kox poXis, Lat. aKpo-ycovicuos, ov, (aKpos, yewia) at the extreme
vix et ne vix quidem. angle; dxp. XiOos the corner foundation-stone.
dicpl8o-0T|KT), )), (aKpis, riOnui) a locust-cage. aKpo-SeTOs, ov, (aKpos, Sico) bound at the end or top.
dicpis, (OS, ij, Ion. for dxpa, a bill-top, peak ; mostly aKpoSpva, rd, (aKpos, 8pvs} fruit-trees. II.

in pi.. aKptes I'jVffiocoo-ai the windy mountain-tops. fruits, esp. bard-shelled fruits.
'AKPI'2, ioos, ?), a locust, Lat. gryllus. dicpo-tXiKTOS, ov, (aKpos. kkiacroj) twisted at the end.
dtcptcrla, if, (djcpiros) want of distinctness and order, aKpo-Oiyfis, is, (aKpos, Oiytiv) touching on the sur-
confusion. II. want ofjudgment. face or lightly.
aKplTo-SaKpvs, v, gen. vos, (aKptros, SaKpv) shed- dicpo-Oiva, rd, v. 6jcpo-6iviov.
ding floods of tears. dKpo6ivia£op.<u, Dep. (aKpoBiviov) to take of the
dKplTo-p.vOos, ov, (aKptros, /ivOos) talking reck' best, pick out for oneself.
lessly. II. hard to interpret. dicpo-Oiviov, to, (aKpos, Bis) mostly in plur. dKpo-
d-tcpl-ros, w, (a privat., Kpivoi) unarranged, con- Oivta, also dxpoQiva, properly, the top of the heap, the
: : :

&K.poK€\aivi&(ii — a.KTrj. 29
best or choice parts hence the first-fruits of the field good, excellent; dxpot Aavawv, itoitjt&v the first
: ',

of booty, etc., like uirap^a :

properly a neut. Adj. among the Greeks, the poets ipvx^v vix dxpos not ;

from ^xpo$ivios, whence 6vn ixpoOivia offerings of strong of mind. IV. neut. dxpov and axpa, as
first-fruits. [0i] Adv. very, exceedingly, highly : v. dxpeos.
axpo-KeXaxvidu), {dxpos, xeXaivos) only used in Ep. dicpo-criSTjpos, ov, (dxpos, aib-qpos) pointed or shod
part. dxpoxe\aivt6ajv, growing black on the surface. with iron.
dxpo-Kvt4>aios, ov, and aKpo-Kvednjs, is, {dxpos, dicp6-o-o4>os, ov, {dxpos, ao<pos) high in wisdom.
xvi^as) at the beginning or end of night, in twilight. dxpo-aToXiov, to, {axpos, otoXtj) the gunwale of
Q.Kpo-Kop.os, ov, {dxpos, KufiTj) with hair on the a ship.
crown. II. with leaves at the top. aKpo-o-4>dXT|S, is, {dxpos, 0(pa\fjvai) apt to stumble.
ciKpo-KopivOos, o, the citadel of Corinth. dxpoTd-rr], fern. Sup. of dxpos.
aKpo-Kvparoa), f. wo~oj, {axpos, xvfia) to float on the dtcpo-TeXeuTiov, to, {dxpos, r^Xevrrf) the fag-end of
topmost waves. anything, esp. of a verse.
dxp6-\i0os, ov, {dxpos, KiOos) with the extremities aKpoTT|S, t)tos, 57, {dxpos) a summit, height.
of stone, epith. of statues of wood with marble head, dtcpoTopca), to lop off or shave the surface. From
hands, and feet. dxpo-Topos, ov, {dxpos, Ttfitiv) cut off at the edge.
axpo-Xtviov, to, {dxpos, Xivov) the edge of a net. aKp-ov\(it), {dxpov, 6x«) to inhabit the heights.
dicpD-Xoyeu), {dxpos, Xiya>) to gather at top. dxpo-dviJo-iov, to, {dxpos, (pvoa) the snout or pipe of
aKpoXodn-rns, [<], »v, 6, {dxpos, x6(pos) a moun- a pair of bellows.
taineer. aKpo-xavTjs, is, {dxpos, \av(iv) wide-yawning.
dxp6-\o(f)os, 6, {dxpos, Xo<pos) a mountain-ridge. dKpo-x€ipf£, Dep. {dxpos, X €l p) to struggle at
*Kpo-\vT€u), {axpos, Ai5<y) to untie only at the end. arm's length, of a kind of wrestling, in which they
dKpo-p.avT)s, «y, {axpos, fiavrjvai) at the height of grasped one another's hands, without clasping the
madness, raving mad. body.
dtcpo-p.6Xi(33os, ov, {axpos, (x6Xi&$os) leaded at the d-Kpvirros, ov, (a privat., icpviTTOj) unhidden.
edge, epith. of a net. d-KpwTaXXos, ov, without ice, unfrozen.
dxpov, ov, t'j, neut. of axpos, the highest or topmost dxp-wXtviov, t6, {dxpos, wXivrj) the point of the
point I. a mountain-top, peak. II. metaph. elbow.
the highest pitch, the height of a thing. III. pi. dKp-ojvt>xi a *)\ {dxpos, ovv£) the tip of the nail

dxpa, of persons, the chiefs. hence any extremity, the ridge of a mountain.
a.Kp-ovv\i, Adv. {axpos, 6vv£) with the edge of the aKp-wvvxos, ov, {dxpos, ovv£) with nails, claws, hoofs.
nail. dicp-a>p€ia, 77, {dxpos, opos) a mountain-ridge.
dicp-ovvxos, ov, {axpos, 6vv£) = dxpcjvvxos. dxpeos, regul. Adv. of dxpos, very exceedingly.
dicpo-vtixos, ov, {axpos, vv£) at nightfall, at even. dKpcoTT|pid£(i>, f. aoi aor. I rjxpQrrrjpiaaa pf. pass.

: :

dKpo-irev0T|s, is, {axpos, irivOos) exceeding sad. rjxpojTrjpiaafiai to cut off the extremities, esp. the
hands and feet, to mutilate. From
aKpo-iroS-nri, Adv. {dxpos, irovs) on tiptoe, stealthily.
aKpo-iroXxs, ea;?, 17, {axpos, dKpcoTT|piov, t6, {dxpos) any topmost or prominent
irCXis) the upper or
higher city, hence the citadel, castle : in Att. esp. part ; dxp. ovpeos a mountain-/>*fl£ ; dxp. vr]6s a ship's
the Acropolis of Athens, which served as the trea- beak, Lat. rostra. I. in plur. the extremities of the
sury. II. metaph. a tower of defence. 2. the body, hands and feet. 2. in sing, a promontory.
highest point. dKTaivoco, — dxraivoj.
dtcpo-iroXos, ov, {axpos, Tro\ia>) high-ranging : ge- aKTatvco, seems to be a strengthd. form of dyco, to
nerally, high. put in motion, or, if intr., to move rapidly.
aKpo-iropos, ov, {dxpos, Tretpaj) boring through, dieratos, a, ov, {dxrr)) on the shore or coast. II.

piercing with the point. 'Axrala (sc. 777) tj, Coast-land, an old name of
aKpo-irrcpov, to, {dxpos, TTT(p6v) the tip of the wing. Attica, also 'Plxtt).
aKpo-TTToXis, 17, poet, for axpuiroXis. 'AKTE'A, 17, the elder-tree, Lat. sambucus.
dxpos, a, ov, {dxTj) at the end, i.e. either outermost, d-KTf'uvos, ov, {a privat., xriavov) without property.
Lat. extremus, or at the top, Lat. summus ; dxpa X €/

d-KT€Vurros, ov, (a privat., XTtvtfa) tmcombed, un-
dxpot tt68(s, etc., the end of the hand or feet, etc. ; kempt.
iroXis dxprj - dxpotroXts, the citadel vScvp dxpov the ;
dKTtov, veTb. Adj. of 0170;, one must lead: (tprjvrjv
surface of the water so also, in dxpots (sc. Saxrv-
; dxriov one must keep peace. II. intr. one must

Xois) on tiptoe ; ovx att' dxpas <ppcvus not from the go or march.
surface of the heart, i. e. from the inmost heart ; d-KTeptio-TOs or a-KT«purros, ov, (a privat., kt€-
dxpoiai Xal<povs xpaairidots with the outermost edges pdfo or xT(p'i^oS) without funeral-rites.
of the sail, with a close-reefed sail. II. of Time, dKTT], 77, {dyvv/xi) the place where the waves break,
dxpa koiripa the end of evening, night-fall. III. i.e. the beach, sea-shore, strand; in plur., dxral irpo-
•f Degree, the highest in its kind, first, exceeding, /3A?7T€S jutting cliffs. 2. a tract by the sea. IL
: : — —
30 awirj — aXairafa.
generally, any raised place or edge, like the sea- apu/ws, the bounding race ; by others from S\s, 8/><5-

coast, Lat. ora. fios,a race over the sea.

dicTTj, i), (ayvvfu) properly fem. of tiucrut (broken, dXa£oveia, i), (dXa^an') the character of a braggart,
bruised), bruised corn, Lat. mola : groats, meal, bread vain-boasting, imposture.
made of it. d\a£6vevp.a, to, an imposture. From
a-KTT|p.<i>v, ov, fcrrjfjia) without
gen. ovos, (a privat., dXagovevopai, f. euooyjtu, Dep. to swagger, use

Property, c. poor
gen., dtcrrifiiuv xpvooio in gold. false pretensions. From
o-kttjtos, ov, (a privat., Kraofiat) not worth getting. dXa£u>v, ovos, 6, i). (Jxkrf) a wanderer about the
oktivco-o-iv, Ep for atcrioiv, dat. pi. of a/cris. country, vagabond hence, a false pretender, an —
oKTtvT)86v, (J«Tts) Adv. like a ray. impostor. II. as Adj. making false pretences,

dimos, ov, (djcrrj) of or inhabiting the sea-shore. swaggering, braggart, Lat. gloriosus : Sup. dX«£#- —
aKTis, Tvos, 17, a ray, beam, esp. of the sun ; \iiaaa viararos or -iararos.
ajcris midday also the flash of fire and lightning
: dXd0€ia, d\a0Y)S, Dor. for a\$Cua, dXijO^t.
metaph. brightness, splendour. II. like Lat. cX(i0€is, Dor. aor. 1 pass. pan. of aXdvfjuu.
radius, the spoke of a wheel. dXaivio, = dXaofmi, to wander about.
dierCTijs, ov, 6, (aiCT-q) a dweller on the coast, [t] oXokoto, ij, Dor. for yXaKarrj.
o-ktItos, ov, (a privat., tcrifa) uncultivated. dXdXd, Dor. for dAaA.77.
dicTcop, opos, 6, (ay<v) a leader, chief. aXaXayi], i). (dXaXdfov) a shouting.
d-KtjfJtpvrjros, ov, (a privat., Kv/Zepvatv) without dXdXavu.os, d, = 0X0X0777.
pilot, not steered. dX&Xd£co, f. d£opxti : aor. I ijAdXafc, poet. &\d-
"AKT A02, 1), an esculent acorn, fruit of the ilex. Xa£a (0X0X17) ~~ t0 raise the war-cry : generally
: :

d-Kvaavros, ov, (a privat., Kvpaivaj) not washed by to shout aloud in sign of joy viicnv aXa\a£av to ;

the wives, waveless, calm. shout the shout of victory.

o-kvuos, ov, = ajcvfjiavTos : metaph. calm, serene. (IXoXtj, Dor. dXdXd, 77, alala ! a loud cry : the
d-Kvp.a)v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., Kvfia) = dtcvfjtav- battle— hout, war-cry.
tos. [5] dXdXi]pai, a pf. form of dxdbpai, but only used in
d-Kvucov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., Kvtai) without pres. sense, to wander or roam about, like a beggar.
fruit or offspring, barren, [p] d-XdXijTos, ov, (a privat., \a\(<u) unspeakable.
d-Kvpos, ov, (o privat., Kvpos) without author- dX&XTiTos, ov, d, (0X0X17) the war-cry, shout of vic-
ity. I. of laws, sentences, etc., no longer in tory : also a cry of woe, wailing.
force, cancelled, annulled, set aside; ajevfos yiyve- dXoXicetv, aor. 2 inf. of dXt^cu.
oOai, ttvai to have no force, be set aside. II. of dXaXtctp-evai, -4p.€v, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of dXe£<w.
persons, having no right or power, c. gen. Hence 'AXaXKO-p.6VT)is, tbos, 1), (dXaXnetv, /livos) the guar-
aKvp6a>, f. waco, to cancel, set aside. dian goddess, name of Minerva.
d-KVpo>TOS, ov, verb. Adj. unratified. d-XdXos, ov, (a privat., \a\os) speechless, dumb.
d-KOJodtvicrros, ov, (a privat., KwhowifyS) untried, dXdXt>K-rnuoi, a pf. form as if from aXvicrto} (dkvu),
unexamined. but like 0X0X77^0* only used in pres. sense, to winder
dKwKT), »), (d/«7) a point, edge, Lat. acies. about in anguish : to wander in mind from grief.
d-KcoXvTOS, ov, (a privat., *<wXiJa;) unhindered. Adv. d-XdpTreros, ov, (a privat., Xduwou) without light,
-raw, without hindrance. darksome.
d-Kwua>ST]TOs, ov, (a privat., KUfuvbia)) not made d-Xap.irr|S, is, = d\6.ftir(T0S ; akafiirfjs fjXiow without
the subject of comedy : generally, not ridiculed. of the sun.
the light
okojv, ovros, 6, (djcrj) a javelin, dart, smaller and aor. I i)\"fj$t)v, Ep. dX^-
dXdopai, impf. rjXcOu^i/ :

lighter than tyxos. d\a\r/fMi Dep. (0X17) :

0T]v : pf. to wander, stray,
: :

ok&jv, ajcovaa, atcov. gen. -ovros, Att. contr. for or roam about : sometimes c. ace, aXdaOai yijv to
deKOJv, against one's will, perforce. II. = clk»v- wander through or over the land : also to wander
aios, involuntary, [a] from home, be banished. II. metaph. to wander

d-Kcouos, ov, (a privat., kojitij) without oars. in mind, be distraught.

dXoPo<rro-6T)KTj, 17, (dXd/3aoros, Otjkt)) a case for dXdos, ov, not seeinz, blind; aXaoi, as opp. t«
alabaster ornaments. ScSopKoTts, the dead ; aKaev tX/cos o/i/wtw a wound
dXdj3aoros, o, uXoj3oo"tCttjs, d, dXa|3do~n.ov, t6, that brings blindness. II. dark, obscure.

Att. for aXatSaorpot. dXoo-o-KOiTi,T|, 17, (dXaos, aK^irioj) a blind, i.e. use-
dXdf3acrrpov, to, and uXdfioo-Tpos, d, also 1), a less, careless watch.
calcareous spar, alabaster. II. that which is dXdoo), f. ua<a : aor. I inf. aXawaai : (dXoo») : to
wrought or made of it, a casket or case of alabaster. make blind.
aXaSe, Adv. (a\s) to or into the sea : in Homer also dXdira8v6s, >5» & v (dXairdfiw) easily mastered, weak-

(Is a\a$t. ened : powerless, feeble.

dAd-Cpooos, uv, i, by some derived from dXXoftat, d-Xdird^cD, Ep. impf. dXdiroC*>K : f. dXoird£« : Ep.
— — — — — ::

&\ay dKiiiaro*. 81
•or. &\iirq£a : (a euphon., Xan&fa) : to empty, dXcyciv6s, -ff, 6v, (dXeyi, cf. AXyuvSs) painful,
drain, make poor : esp. to drain of power and grievous, troublesome c. inf., Inrtu dX(yuvol datf-

strength, overcome, slay. fievai horses bard to break.

&Xas, iros, salt. to, > aXs, dXcYtgw, only used in pres. and Ep. impf. AXiytfav :
dXao-Ttw, (aXayros) to be wrathful, bear hate. (dXiy<u) :to trouble oneself about a thing, to care
dXdcTTopos, ov, {aXaarvp) under the influence of for, mind, heed, c. gen. rei.
an avenger. dXc-yvvo), chiefly used in pres. and impf. (d\4ya>) : :

d-Xcurros, ov, (a privat., XavOdvofiau) not to be for- in Odyssey with SaTra and Scutch, to care for a meal
gotten, insufferable, unceasing: abominable, accursed. generally afterwards to prepare a meal for guests.
Hence d-Xryo), (o copul., \ty<u) only used in pres. to trouble
d-Xdcrrcop, opos, 6, $a privat., XavQdvopm) be who oneself, have a care, mind, heed; mostly with the
forgets not, the Avenging Deity, Lat. Deus Vindex, negat., ovie dX(y(iv to have no care, heed not; rarely
with or without halpjuv : then, generally, an avenger, without negat., Airai dxiyovai Kiovaai they are heed-
persecutor, tormentor ; (SqvkoKojv dXdarwp the herds- ful in their course ; also c. ace. vel gen. to care for
men's plague. II. pass, one who suffers from a person or thing. —
Pass., dx4y(o$ai lv rtffi, to be
divine vengeance: a sinner, evil-doer, accursed and regarded or counted among
polluted man. dXccivds, i\, ov, (dXia, aX<u) hot, warm.
dXaTas, 6, Dor. for dA^Ti;*. dXccivw, only used in pres. and impf. = dXio/Mu,
dX&T€ia, ^, Dor. for akrjreia. dXevofJUu, (aX(a, aXrj) to shun, avoid.
dX&ro, 3 sing. Ep inipf. of aXdopxu. dXrq, 1), Ion. for dX4a.
dXcuoTVS, vos. ij, (dAooeu) a making blind, blinding. dAetap, iros, to, (dX(<u) wheaten flour.
dXycivds, i\, ov, (aXyos) giving pain, painful, griev- dX€iu.p.a, ctos, to, (dX(i<p<v) anything used to anoint
ous : —
Adv. -vws. II. act. feeling pain, suffering. with, an unguent, fat, oil.
For Conip. and Sup., v. aXy'uav. dX€Cim]S, ov, 6, (dAffycu) an anointer : a trainer,
dXyco-C-Seapos, ov, (d\yos, bwpcv) bringing pain. master, properly in the wrestling-school.
dX Y«t*>, f. ijao) : aor. I tfXynoa : (aXyos) : — to feel dXets, (taa, iv, aor. 2 pass. part, of uXo).
bodily pain, suffer pain : metaph.
to be sick. II. ci-Xeicrov, to, (a privat., Xuos) an embossed cup,
to feel pain of mind, to grieve, be troubled or dis- generally = otiras.
tressed : to suffer pain at or about a thing. dXeiTijs, ov, 6, (a\rj) one who leads or goes astray,
dXynSwv, ovos, i) (dXytai) a sense of pain, pain, a sinner.
grief, of body or mind. dXei4»a, T6, = a\ei<pap.
dXyr]u,a, aros, r6, (dXy(<u) pain felt or caused. dXcujxip, &tos, to, (a\u<pai) unguent, oil, used in
dXyijo-is, «us, (dXy(<v) sense of pain.
-?/, funeral sacrifices. II. generally, anything for
clXyivocis, (ooa, (v, (aXyos) painful, grievous. smearing with, pitch, resin.
oXyuay, ov, gen. ovos, and dXYioros, r], ov, irreg. 'AAEI'*^, f. \froj : aor. 1 ijXenpa, Ep. dX- : pf. dX^-
Comp. and Sup. of dXyavos, formed from Subst. \Y<(>a: — Pass., aor. I ^Xe'upO-qv, also aor. 2 i)\l(pr]v [t] :

dXyos (as tta\\i<w, koWictos from icdXXos). [i Ep., pf. aX^XififMi to anoint with oil, oil the skin

but i Att.] Homer joins dXuipat or dXeiipaoOai \irr' e\aia> to

"AAr02, (os, to, pain, Lat. dolor, whether of body anoint with oil (see Xina) ; esp. of anointing for gym-
or mind pain, sorrow, grief distress.
; II. later, nastic exercises ; ol aXf«f>6fievoi the athletes. II.
anything that causes pain. Hence like tir-aX(i<pw, to anoint, besmear; ovara dXetiftai
dXyuvci), f. vvS) : aor. I fjXyvva. — Pass, with f. med. to stop up the ears. Hence
aXywovfuu : aor. i ^XyvvOrjv : to pain, grieve, dis- dXciif/is, f(us, ij, an anointing, dyeing.
tress : — Pass, to feel pain, be grieved or distressed at dXetcTopiScvs, (uXtKTojp) a chicken.
(<us, 6,

a thing. dXfKTopis, i5os, j), (d\(KT<vp) a ben.

dXScuvc*, aor. 2 rjXi&vov: —
to make to grow, nourish, dXeKTopCo-KOS, o, Dim. of dXtKToip, a cockerel.
strengthen; ijX8av( p.(X(a she filled out his limbs: to dXeKTOpo-dwvta, ij, (dX(KTwp, <p<uvq) the crowing of
increase, multiply.Only poet. (From *aX<v, Lat. alo.) a cock : cock-crow.
grow, wax, thrive.
dXST,cr»cw, to II. trans. = d-XeKTpos, ov, (a privat., Xi/tTpov) vnwedded; a-
dXSaivoj. (From Root *AA -, as in Lat. alere.) XacTpa ydpjojv d/xiXXTf/MiTa an unlawful contest of
dXca, Ion. uX«tj, i), (aXr), dX(ia) an avoiding, es- marriage dXatrpa is also used Adv. wi bout marriage.

caping : c. gen. flight from a thing, shelter from it. dXeKTpvatva, ^, a ben, comic fern, of dXatrpvuv,
'AAE A, Ion dXrrj, 17, = dXij, heat or warmth, of by analogy of Xtaiva to X(ojv.
the sun, or of fire Hence dXcKrprkov, ovos, 6, 1), (dX(KTwp) a cock or ben.
dXcatvu, to warm, make warm, sun in*, to greiw 'AAE'KTflP, opos, 6, a cock. Lat. gallus.

warm, be warm. 'AAE KXl, less common form for dXifaj, to ward
dXlcurdai, dXceurdc, Ep. aor. I inf. and imper. pi. of off, avert, nvi ti.
iXiofitu. dXtp-aros, Dor. for T)X(ftaT0t.

: —
: — : : ;

32 okev — <&r]KTO$,

dXsv, Dor. and Ep. for (dXrjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, dXtrns, ov, 6, (aktv) a grinder; dxir-nt Svo$ a
of €?Acu: —
but dX«v, aor. i pan. neut v. dXfis. , mill-sione.
dX«£-av8pos, ov, (dAe£cu, dvqp) defending men. II. dXeTOS, 6, (dkecv) a grinding.
the usual name of Paris in the Iliad. dXcTpeuco, f. (vaoj, longer form of dA«u, to grind, [ft]
dA.€£-dv€p.os, ov, (dA*£co, dvefxos) keeping offthe wind. dX«-TpC|3dvos, o, (dA«a>, T/»/3a>) that which grinds or
dX^aaOat, aor. 1 med. inf. of dkegoj. pounds, a pestle.
dXe£cp.6v<u, -€p.ev, Ep. inf. of dke£oj. dX«Tpis, 180s, 77, (dkea)) a female slave who grinds
dXc|T]p.a, to, (dAe^a;) a defence, guard, help. corn, Lat. molitrix. [a]
dXe^Tjo-eie, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of dk(£c». dXev or dX«u, prob shortened for dA«eu, imper. of
dXt^cris, «a>s, 77, (dAcfco) a keeping off, resistance. dkfofxai. avoid! cease!
dXe^Tjo-o), fut. of ak(£aj. dX€vdp.T|v, aor. I of dkiofMtt.
dXf^TjTtipa, 17, fern, of dkffarqp. dXcvpov, to, (dAt'co) wheaten flour, fine meal, mostly
dX«£"nrr|p, rjpos, 6, who (dke£co) one keeps off, a in plur. dA€u/>a, distinguished from dk<pira (barley-
helper, guardian ; ak(£r)Tf)p ftaxTjs one who keeps the meal).
fight off the rest, a champion. Hence dXcvco, f. dkcvav, aor. 1 rjkevca, used as Act. to
aX€£"nTT|pios, a, ov, able to keep off, defend or help, dkiofMi or dkcveftai (v. dA«'o/xai) :
to remove, keep
esp. as epith. of the gods, like Lat. Averrunci. II. far away.
d\t£r)T7ipiov (sub. <pQpfia.Kov),Tu, a remedy, protection. 'AAE'H, impf. fjkovv. fut. dkiaa): aor. I ^Accra,
dXc^TjTcap, opos, 6, — dkegrjrrjp. Ep. dkecrcra pf. dkT)kena, pass. dkrjkeafMH or dkrf-

dX6^i-dpT|,17, (dAt^cu, dpd) she that keeps off a curse ; kefML :

to grind, bruise, pound, Lat. molere.
or (from akt£o), "Aprjs) she that guards from death dX€topT|, Att. dXccopd, 17, (dkeopMi) an avoiding,
and ruin, [qp] shunning, escaping. 2. a means of escape from,

dXcli-PeXep-vos, ov, (*ki£w, fiekffxvtv) keeping off a defence against a person or thing, Srjicov dvb'pwv
arrows or darts. dAto^T? absol. help, succour. :

dXeijl-KaKos, ov, (dA«£co, Ka/tov) keeping off evil. "AAII, 17, (dAao/xcu) ceaseless wandering or roam-
a\e£i\i.-fipoTOs,ov,(dk€£aj,Bp3Tus) protecting mortals. ing. 2. metaph. a wandering of mind, distrao-
dXc£i-p.opos, ov, (ak(£w, pCpcs) warding off death. tion, madness, Lat. error mentis.
dAe£i-4>dp|j.a.Kov, to, a means of keeping off poison, dXir|0€ia, poet. dX"T)0€ia, 7), (akr]9rjs) truth. II.

an antidote. the character of one who speaks truth, frankness,

'AAE'Hfl :
— formed partly from
the tenses are sincerity.
ak(£ea), partly from dkiKoj
ak^-qao} 3 sing, : — fut. ; dX-r|0«OT€pov, -€OTOTa, Comp. and Sup. of dAj;0cD».
aor. I act. opt. akftfadt fut. med. dke^rjanfuai ; :
dXijOevco, f. evaoj, (dkrjOrjs)of persons, to speak
but also fut. dX(^oj aor. I r/At£a fut. med. dA«£o- truth, to be truthful : of things, to be true : of divina-
— dXqdivaov
. ;

/Mi aor. I i)k(£diJ.T)v

; also an Ep. aor. 2 without
: — tions, in Pass, to come true, be fulfilled
augm. (as if from *d\K(v) dkakifv, inf. dkakufiv, irdvra speak truth in all things.
-ificvai, €fJL(v, part. dkakKwv whence again is; d-XT|0"f|S, (s, (a privat., kr)6cv) without reserve: —
formed a fut. dkaknr)o~a) —
to ward or keep off, turn of persons, true, sincere ; truthful, frank, hottest : of
away or aside, hence to defend, assist, aid: — Con- things, real, actual. 2. neut. as Adv. with ironical

struct., c. dat. pers. ct ace. rei separately, as, ake£€iv signf. ;

proparox. dkrjOes itanef indeed? in sooth f ;

rivi to help one ; Z«i»s to7* dk^-qeeu may Jove avert but to" dkrjffis, in very truth, really and truly, Lat.
this ; but most freq. together, as, dke£uv Aavaois re vera.
micbv f/fjap to avert the day of evil from the Danai dX-r|0t?ou,ai, Dep. = dkrjOfvoj.
cf.dkakK e : —
Med., dkt£(odai nva to keep another oXt]0iv6s, 17. 6v, (dkr/OTjs) agreeable to truth — of
offfrom oneself, defend oneself against him, Lat. de- persons, truthful, honest : of things, real, actual, ge-
fendere: also absol to defend oneself. II. in Med. nuine. Adv. -vws.
also, to requite, repay, recompense. dXTj06-p.avris, ecus, 6, 77, (dA77c*77s, /xdi/Tis) prophet, contr. dXeupai, 3 sing, also dXtvopcu : of truth.
opt. aAtoiTo part, dkevfievos
: but chiefly used by : dXt]0oo~uvr), fj, poet, for dAT^t^fto.
Homer in 3 sing. aor. I r/AeixiTO or dAfwiTo imper. ; dXT)0o>, fut. rja<u, = dk(OJ, to grind.
dkevai, dktaoOf subj. dkejjrai or dktverat
; opt. ; dXi]0Jis, Ion. -ecos, Adv. of dkr]0T)s, really, truly;
dAcajTO inf.
; dkeaaOai, dkevaaOat part. dAtvd- ; also us dkrjOws : — Comp. dkrjdtarcpov, more truly
fifvos : Dep. (dktvcu): to avoid, shun, usu. c. ace.
: Sup. akfjOtcrraTa, most truly.
rei, dA. Qikos, Qdvarov, rarely c. ace. pers. also : *AAT|i*ov ircBiov, to, (dAr;) land of wandering, in
c. inf. to avoid doing, omit to do : absol. to escape, Lycia or Cilicia.
flee, avoid : to neglect : cf. dktv. d-Xti'ios, ov, (a privat.. Ai^i'ov) without corn-land, poor.
dXetro-av, Ep. for fjkeaav, 3 plur. aor. 1 of dA«w. o-Xtjktos, Ep oXXtjktos, ov, (a privat., krjyoj) un-
dXcTcu, Ep. for akrjTai, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of dAAo- ceasing, incessant; dkkrjKros dvpus implacable anger ;
fwu, to leap. akXrjKTos x^kov abating not from wrath.
: — : — : —
aXrjktKtL — akiiropQvpos 33
d\T|X«Ka, d\T|X€ or -«pat, Att. pf. act. and dXCGios, Dor. for yXifaos.
pass, of aXitv, to prind. d-Xi0os, ov, wi'bout stones, not stony.
dXi]Xt<j>a, dXif|, Att pf. act. and pass, of dAiida, j), Dor. for fjXiKia.
d\€l(pOJ. dXC-fcXvaros, ov, (aAs, n\v£a>) sea-beaten.
aX-qjia, to, (dAe'cu) prrperly that which is ground, dX£-Kp.T]Tos, ov, (aAs, Kafivw) wearied by the sea.
fine flour : meuph. a wily knave. dXiKos, a, ov, Dor. for rjXiKOS.
d\Y)p.€vai, Ep. for aXrjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of tikoj. dXt-KTtiTros, ov, (aAs, KrvnioS) sounding in the sea,
aXr\\i.(x>v, ovos, 6, tj. (dKaofMxi) a wanderer, rover. sea-beaten, of ships. II. act.roaring over the
dX-fjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of u\qj. sea, of waves.
d-XTjirros, ov, (a privat., XafiPdvoS) not to be laid dXt-Kt»p.&>v, ov, gen. ovos, (dAs, kv/m) surrounded
bold of, bard to catch: Comp. dKrjrrToTfpos, less by waves, [u]
amenable. 2. incomprehensible. dXt-fJuSwv, ovros. 6, (5 As, fi^oW) lord of the sea.
'AAH'2 or uXt|s, is, Ep. and Ion. Adj. = Att. d9poos, d-Xtp.€vos, ov, (a privat., Xifify) without harbour,
thronged, in a mass, Lat. confertus. [&] I/at. importuosus : generally, giving no shelter, inhos-
aX-nTat, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. of aWofiai. pitable. Hence
eX-rjTeCa, Dor. dXureta, fj, a wandering, roaming. d-Xip.evo'rrjs, t), the being without harbours.
From dXi-p.vpT|€US, (.aaa, ev, (dAs, jivpoj) flowing into the
dX-rjTciJci), f. evacv, (a\fjTT]s) to be a wanderer, live sea, of rivers.
a vagrant life. dXiv8if|9pa, 1^, a place for horses to roll in, Lat.
(aKaopai) a wanderer, stroller, rover,
dXTjTT)3, ov, 6, volu'abrum.
vagabond. 2. as Adj. vagrant, roving. dXiv8u>, aor. 1 ijXIaa, inf. dXiaai : pf. ffAZVa :
cXtjtos, o, (d\ia>) a grinding in the mill. make a horse roll — Pass. dXivocopxu or,
'AA0OMAI, Ep. impf. u\06fj.T)v fut. d\9^ao/iat : to roll like a horse ; also to wander up and down,
— to become whole or sound; dXdero x €l P- roam about.
dXia, Ion. dXCrj, j), (dKrjs) an assembly, gathering dXt-vT|KT6ipa, 17, fern, noun, as if from atd-vrjftT-fip
of the people, Dor. and Ion. word for the Attic ck- (dAs, v-qx *) swimming in the sea.
KX-qala. dXl-vrjXTis, is, (dAs, V7)x°fiai ) swimming in the sea.
dXid, fj, (dAs) a salt-cellar. aXtvos, T), ov, (aAs) made of or from salt.
dXidSai, Siv, oi, (dAs) seamen. d-Xtvos, ov, (a privat., \ivov) without a net, without
dXt-deros, poet. dXicueTOS, 6, (dAs, deros) the sea- bunting toils.
eagle, osprey. dXi|, Dor. for ^Atf.
dXt-uTjs, is, (dAs, drj/jLi) blowing on the sea, blowing dXC-^avTOS, ov, (dAs, £aW) worn by the sea.
sea-ward. aXios, 6, Dor. for rjAtos, the sun. [a]
dXi-av0T|s, is, (dAs, dvOos) sea-blooming, i.e. purple. aXios, a, ov, also os, ov, (dAs) of, from, or belong-
d-XtaoTOS, ov, (a privat., Aid£o/«n) unyielding, un~ ing to the sea, Lat. marinus. [d]
abating : neut. d\iaarov as Adv., incessantly. dXios, a, ov, - fxdraios, fruitless, unprofitable, idle,
dXi-|3aTos, ov, Dor. for ?',At/3aTos. erring : also in neut. as Adv. in vain, [d] (Deriv.
dXi-{3p€KTOs, ov, (dAs, fipix<v) washed by the sea. uncertain.)
dXtYKtos, a, ov, resembling, like. (Deriv. uncer- dXto-Tp€<J>T|S, is, (aXios, rpi(poS) sea-nurtured.
tain.) [a] dXtou), f. waco : aor. I Tj\iwaa, Ep. akuuaa : (dAtos
dXi-Sovos, ov, (dAs, Sovia) sea-tossed. 11) : to make fruitless, disappoint.
dXi-€pKT|S, is, (aAs, epicos) sea-girt, surrounded by d-XlirapT|S, «, not fit for a suppliant.
the sea. dXiir«8ov, to, (dAs, v-cb'iov) a plain by the sea, a
dXievs, gen. icos, Ion. 770s, 6, (dAs, aAtos) one who sand tract, esp. one near the Piraeeus.
has to do with the sea, and so I. a fisher. II. dXt-irXaYKTOS, ov, (dAs, 7rAd£a;) roaming in or by
a seaman, sailor : with another Subst. epiras dXifjas the sea.
rowers on the sea. dXCirXaKTOs, Dor. for dkiirXrjKTOs.
dXievrucos, 17, ov, (d\ieua)) of or for fishing. dXt-irXavTjs, £s, (dAs, irKavrj) sea-wandering, wan-
dXievco, f. aw, (a\i€vs) to be a fisher, to fish. dering over the sea. Hence
dXi£o>, f. iaoi : aor. fjKXaa : — Pass., aor. I tfXioBrjv : dXiirXSvia, j), a wandering over the sea, wandering
pf. ijKionai, Ion. akiOfMi : (dXrjs) : to gather toge- voyage.
ther, assemble — Pass, to assemble, meet together, [a] dXC-TrXfjKTOS, Dor. -irXaKTOS, ov, (dAs, irX-fjaaw)
dXC£a), f. ia<u, (dAs) to salt, [a] sea-beaten, lashed by the sea.
dXt-£a>vos, ov, (dXs, (u/VT)) sea-girt. dX£-irXoos, ov, contr. dXC-irXovs, ow, (&\t, rrXioj)
dXiT|, 1), Ion. for dAia. merged in the sea, covered with water.
dXt-T|pT]S, ts, (dAs, ipioaw) sweeping the sea. dXi-ir6pos, ov, (dAs, vfipct}) ploughing the sea.
dXifl<n, Ep. dat. plur. of d\irj. dXi-7rop4>vpos, ov, (dAs, iropcpvpa) of sea-purple, Cf/
dXiT|Tup, opos, 6, poet, for dAttvs. deep purple dye.
— ;: — :

34 aXippayrjs — aAA<£<r<ra>.

i\Lp-p4yr|S, (&Xt, fi&yfjvou) breaking the waves,

is, dXiTpaCvw, - dXtTcuvai.
against which the tide breaks. dXtTpia, r), (aXiTpJs) sinfulness, wickedness, mischief.
dXtp-pavTOs, ov, (dA«, paiuco) sea-surging. dXirpd voos, ov, (dXtrpo*, voos) wicked-minded.
dXip-p-qKTOs, ov, = aXippayfjs. dAtxpos, 6v, syncop. for aXirrjpos, (aXiruv) sinful,
aXip-poGios, ov, also rj, ov, (SXt, fi69os) roaring sinning : as Subst., aXirpot, 6, a sinner, a knave.
with waves, sea-beaten. dXC-Tpuros, ov, also 17, ov, (aXs, rpvw) sea-beaten,
&Xip-po0os, ov, — a\ipp60ios. sea-worn.
aXip-pvTOs, ov, (aAs, fitai) washed by the sea. oXi-tCitos, ov, (dX*, rvirroi) sea-beaten, sea-tossed:
"AAI2, Adv. (0X775) in heaps, crowds, swarms, in as Subst., dXirvnos, 6, a seaman.
abundance, enough, Lat. satis : also c. gen., a\ts dp- dXl-rvpos, 6, (otX«, rvpus) a salt cheese.
yvpov silver enough, Lat. sat argenti; a\tt ex * Tivut I dXt<J>f,vax, aor. 2 pass. i.if. of dXtitpu.
have enough of a thing: rarely just enough, = fierpicus. dAi4>Jopia, r), shipwreck. From
akicrax, aor. I inf. of dXti/Sa/. dXi 4>06pos, < v, (aXs, <p9(ipoj) destroying on the sea
'A AISTE H, f. t)(t<u, to pollute. Hence as 'ubst. dXidOopos, d, a pirate.

aXio-y^p-a, aros, r6, a pollution. dXius, Adv. of a\ios t in vain.

aXio-Kop.av, a defect. Pass., the Act. of which is dAicaios, a, ov, (dXmJ) strong, mighty.
supplied by aipio) : impf. r)X.iOK6nrjv : fut. akwaofuu : dAxdp, t6, only used in nom. and ace, (aXxt)) a
aor. 2 syncop. 1j\<uv, Att. also tak<uv []""] ; subj. aku, safeguard, bulwark, defence.
Ep. aXuxu ; opt. 0X0/171', Ep ak^tjv ; inf. dXcDecu [d] uAk<jls, avrot, 6, r), Dor. contr. from aWfcaus, — dx-
part. d/W* : pf. fjXojfca, Att. also kakwtca [d] : plqpf. Kf)(lS.
j)Au;*€iv :

to be taken, conquered, fall into the enemy's uXkt), r), (dXaX^cri') bodily strength, force, prowess,
band. 2. to be caught, seized. 3 to be power, might: in plur. aX/cai, feats of strength. II.

taken or caught in hunting : also absol. to be over- spirit,courage. III. a safeguard, defence; and
powered. 4. rarely in good sense, to be won, so help, succour. IV. battle, fight.
achieved. II. to be caught or detected in a dXitTJ«is, fO"Ta. tv
Dor. dXicdcis contr. aXxas, gen.

thing : as Att. law-term, to be convicted, and so con- iXfcqvros : (aXict)) valiant, mighty.
demned, c. gen. criminis ; dXcjvai kXotttjs to be con- dAict, heierocl. Ep. dat. of dXjcr), formed as if from
victed of theft. axf
dXi-oT€<|)dvos, ov, - sq. dXKi-paxos, ov, {aXfcfj, fjuixofiai) bravely-fighting.
aAt-OTt^Tjs, is, (aX», ari<pw) sea-girt. dXKtpos, ov, also 17, ov, (ukicfj) strong, stout, brave.
aXC-OTOvos, ov, (iX», arivw) sea-resounding. dXxi-c|>p<Dv, ov, gen. ovot, (dXtct), <Ppr)v) stout-hearted.
oXutt6$, f), 6v, (dXi{<u) salted, pickled. dXKTT|p, i)pot, 6, {aXaXneiv) one who wards off, a
&XC-oTp€irTos, ov, (oXt, oTpk<pa)) whirled or rolled protector.
to and fro in the sea, sea-tossed. dAicfiovlScs, al, with or without r)fiipai, (aXKvwv)
dAtTaivcd, f. dAiTrjacu : aor. 2 r)\irov, inf. dXiruv halcyon days, the 14 winter days during which the
later also aor. 1 f)\irrjaa. — Med., aor. 2 i)\iTOfAijv, halcyon builds its nest, supposed to he quite calm.
3 Ep. dXirovro, inf. aXiriodai : see d\irt)ix€vot
pi. 'AAKT'Xl'N, 6vot, r), the kingfisher, halcyon.
(0X17) : to sin or offend against, to transgress, err. 'AAAA', pi. of aXkot, but with a
Conjunct., neut.
d-Xtrdvevros, ov, (a privat., Xnavivca) not to be change of accent in another way, otherwise :

moved by prayer. to oppose single clauses, but, Lat. autem. II. to

dXlTetv, aor. 2 inf. of dXiralvoj. oppose whole sentences, but, yet, Lat. at: it may —
a\t-T€VT|s, is, (dX«, rtivoS) stretching along the sea, even be used with imperat., to encourage, persuade,
and so level, flat. etc., like Lat. tandem ; dXX' tOi, dXX' dye, well come,
6At-T«ppo)v, ov, gen. ovot, (aXs, ripfua) bounded by come now. III. joined with other Particles I. :

the sea, bordering on it. dXX' ovv, but then, however. 2. dXXd yap, Lat.
<iX(-rr|p.a, aros, t6, (aXXrctv) a sin, offence. enimvero, but really, certainly.
dXtTT|p.€vos, a part. med. of aXiTaivo), with accent dXAayrj, r), (aXXaoaa;) a change : exchange, barter.

and of pres., sinning, as if formed from dXirrjfu.

signf. aXXayp-a, arot. rd, that which is given or taken in
Compare Ti6i)fi€vos, Ep. for nOipavot. exchange, the price of a thing.
dXr.T-Tjp.epos, ov, (aXiruv, r)/i(pa) missing the right dXXavroirwXcd), to sell sausages. From
day or right time : hence untimely born. dXXavro-iTwXTjs, ov, 6, (dXXdt, naiXioj) a sausage-
dAlTYJpxi>v, ov, gen. ovot, (iXirttv) sinful, wicked. seller.
d\lTT|pios, ov, (dX«T«i/) sinful, laden with guilt: dXXd|ai, dXXd|aaOai, aor. I act. and med. inf. of
SXtTTjptos Tivot sinning against him. aWaoaoj.
oXCtovto, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of dXlrati'eiJ. 6Wagis, tut, r), (&Waaaa>) a changing, interchange.
oXIt6-£«vos, ov, (aXiretv, £ivot) sinning against a 'A AAA'S, avrot, 6, a sausage.
guest. dXXdcrcru), Att. -tto), f. dfo> aor. I ^XXafo :pf. :

dXlTO-4>poovvT], r), (dXircfv, <ppi)v) a wicked mind. rjWaxa : —

Pass., fut. I aXXaxfy'o/uu, fut. 2 oXXot^-
: — : : — —
&\\axv —#AAo rt. 35
oofMU aor. I TjAAdx^", aor. 2 -^XXdynv
tfXXay- dXXo8o£cci>, f. rjffoi, (dXX6oo£os) to mistake one thing
: pf.


pai : (dXXos) to make other than it is, to change, for ano'ber.

: Hence
alter. II. to give in exchange, to requite, re- dXXoSo£ta, ij, a mistaking one thing for another.
pay. 2. to change, and so leave, quit. III. dXX6-So|os, ov, (aAAos, S6£a) holding another opinion.
to take in exchange, exchange, ri tivos or dvri rivos dXXo-6i8-fjs, <s, (aXXos, ttdos) of different form,
one thing for another. 2. to go to, c. ace. loci, looking differently.
like Lat. mutare. IV. Med. to change or alter dXXoO', Ep. elision for d\\o9t.
one's own, but oftener to exchange for oneself, ex- dXXodcv, Adv. (aXXos) from another place, Lat.
change, interchange : hence to barter, traffic: and aliunde. —
6o. either I. to buy, or 2. to sell. oXXo6i, Adv. (dXXos) elsewhere, in another place,
dAAoX'TJ, Adv. {aXXos) elsewhere, in another place, Lat. aliH. II. in another way, in another case,

Lat. alibi ; aWort dXXaxrj at one time in one place, otherwise, Lat. alias.
at another in another. dXX6-0poos, ov, contr. -flpovs, ow, (dXXoj, $p6os)
dXXaxodev, Adv. (aXXos) from another place : by speaking another tongue, strange, foreign.
another way. dXXoios, a, ov, (dXXos) of another sort or kind, dif-
dAXfix°0 l Adv. (aAAos) elsewhere, somewhere else. ferent, other
> Comp. dXXoi6repos, different. —
aWa\6a-€, Adv elsewhther, to another place. dXXoioo), f. d>aco : aor. I rjXXoiwaa Pass., pf. 17X- : —
dAAdxov, Adv. elsewhere, somewhere else, Lat. alibi. Xoioj/mu : (aXXoios) to make different, to change, :

dXAeyov, dXXcjjai, Ep. for dvtXtyov, dvaXe£ai, v. alter —

Pass, to become different, be changed: esp. to
dvaXtyo). be changed for the worse.
aXX-rj, Adv. properly dat. fem. of dXXos, I. dXXoCws, Adv. of dXXoios, otherwise.
Adv. of Place 1. in another place, elsewhere, Lat. oXXoKa, Aeol. for oXXotc.
alibi. 2. to another place, elsewhither, Lat alior- dXXoKOTOs, ov, (aXXos) of unusual kind, strange,
sum. II. Adv. of Manner, in another way, monstrous : also utterly changed. Adv -rws.
somehow else, otherwise, Lat. alias. "AAAOMAI, Lat. SAL-IO : fut. dXovpMi : aor. 1
dXX' T), i. e. dXAo fj, except. jjXdfirjv, inf. aXaaOai : aor. 2 %x6ut]v ; Ep. syncop.
dXX-T]Yop«ci), (aXXos, ayopevoj) to speak so as to im- 2 and 3 sing, (without aspirate) SlXoo, aXro ; 3 subj.
ply other than what is said, to express or to interpret aXrjTai, Ep. dXcrcu ; inf. dXiaOai ; part. dx6fievos, Ep.
allegorically. aXftwos Dep.: to spring, leap, bound.

oX-Xtiktos, ov, poet for d-XrjKTOS. dXXo-irp6<r-aXXos, 6, i. e. dXXoTf irpos aXXov, one
a\Xr]\o^>dyia. i), an ea'ing one another. From who inclinesfirst to one side then to the other, uncertain.
dXXnXo-<J>d"yos, ov, (, <pdyuv) eating one "AAA02, rj, 0, Lat. ALIUS, another, other : I.
another. dXXos ns, or tis aXXos, any other, some other : el rts
d\\T|\o<f>6opla, 1$, mutual destruction. From dXXos, Lat. si quis alius, whoever else. 2. dXXot
dXA-nXo-^Gopos, ov, (aXXrjXojv, <pdc'tp<u) destroying is often joined with other of its own cases or adverbs
one another. derived from it,aXXos aXXo Xcyft one man says
dXX7j\o4>ovia, ij, mutual slaughter. From one thing, one another. 3. joined with the Art.,
clXXt|Xo-<J>6vos, ov, {aXX-qXojv, *<ptvw) murdering 6 aXXos, the other, the rest ; in plur. ol dXXoi, all the
one another. aXXa, Lat.
others, the rest, all besides, Lat. ceteri; ra,
which has no nom. dat. dX- cetera, reliqua, in Att. often used as Adv. for the rest,
oXXt|\(i)v, a gen. plur. :

XrjXois, ais, ots ace. dXXl^Xovs, as, a

: (ciXXos) of besides: o'i tc &XX01 icai. all others and especially
: : . .

one another, to one another, one another. Hence so also aXXcjs re Kai both otherwise and , i. e. . . , . .

d\ATjX&>s, Adv. reciprocally, mutually. especially. 4. aXXos is used with numerals, when
dX-XicTTOs, ov, poet, for d-Xtaros, (a privat., kio- it means yet, still, further, etc. vkymros rrorafidt ;

oopuai) inexorable. aXXos, yet a fifih river. II. more rarely like
dX-XwdvevTos, ov, poet, for d-XtTavevros, (a dXXoios, of other sort, different : hence I. other
privat., Xiravevw) inexorable. than what is common, strange, foreign. 2. other
dXXo-"y€VT)s, is, (aXXos, yivos) of another race : a than what is, untrue, unreal.
foreigner. dXXo<r€, Adv. (aXXos) to another place, elsewhither,
dXX6-"YXo)0-<ros, ov, (aXXos, yXwoaa) of a strange to foreign lands, Lat. aliorsum.
tongue, foreign. oXXot€, Adv. (aXXos, ort) at another time, at other
dXXo-Yvo«o, Ion. aor. I part. dXXoyvuaas, (aXXos, times ; dXXorf , aXXorc , at one time, at another.
. .

votoj) to take one person or thingfor another, to mistake. dXXo ti; Adv (aXXos, ns) anything else? Lat.
dXXo-YvooTOS, ov, (aXXos, yiyvwoKoj) mistaken for numquid aliud ? when followed by ij, the sentence is
another person or thing, unknown. elliptic, e. g. d\Xo tj ^ iruvrjaovo'i ; i. e. dAXo rt
dXXo-S&iros, i\, 6v, strange, foreign, belonging to an- vtioovrai, ^ vuv'qaovai ; will they feel aught else
other people or land : dXXoSarrr) (sc. 77)) in a strange but hunger, i.e. how shall they escape hunger? but
land. (Deriv. of -Zatrot uncertain.) 1} is sometimes omitted.
: : ::

86 aWorpidfa — dXvKr^fo).
dXXorpid^w, (aWSrpios) dXoy«o, f. -fjffo), (dXoyos) to pay no regard to a thing,
to be estranged.
dXXoTpio-cirlaxoiros, ov, (dAAorpio*, knicfcoiros) a take no heed of it, Lat. rationem rei non habere. 2.
busy-body in other mens matters. to be out of one' s senses. Hence
aXXorpio-TTpayiia, (dXk&rpios, irpaaaoS) to meddle dX o y Ca if, want of regard or esteem, contempt. II.

with other people's business. Hence want of reason, senselessness, folly.

dXXoTpioirpdyta, i), meddlesomeness. d-X6ytaros, ov, (a privat., \oyi(ofw.i) unreasoning,
d\X6Tpios, a, ov, (aAAos) of or belonging to another, thoughtless, silly. II. not to be reckoned. 2.

Lat. alienus, opp. to idios dWorpiojv xapi°~ao~Oai to not to be heeded, vile.


be bountiful of what is another's; dWorpiois yvaOfioti a-Xoyos, ov, I. without speech, speechless. 2.
ycKdv to laugh with a face unlike one's own, Horace's unspoken, i. e. unutterable, Lat. infandus. II.

ridere malts alienis. II. foreign, Lat. peregrinus without reason, irrational. 2. not according to
hence strange, alien : also estranged, hostile. reason : contrary to reason, absurd. 3. not reck-
dXXoxpi6TT]S, rjros, i), (dAAoVptos) estrangement. oned upon, unexpected.
aXXoTpio-xpws, xpojros, 6, iff, (dWorptos, XP^$ ) 'AAOH, ii, the aloe, a plant.
of divers colours. dXoT)T6s, 6, (dKodoj) threshing or threshing-time,
dXXoTpioco, f. djff<v, to make strange, estrange, make dX60€v, Adv. (dXs) from or out of the sea.
hostile or ill-disposed —
Pass, to become estranged, be dXola, 3 sing. Ep. impf. of dKoidw.
made an enemy. II. to bring into another's hands: aXoiaco, poet, for d\odo).
— Pass, to fall into strangers' bands. Hence aXoCny, aor. 2 opt. of dXioKopm.
dWoTptos, Adv. of dAAoVpio*, strangely; dAAo- d-Xot86pT|Tos, ov, (a privat., XoibopteS) unreviled;
rplajs (x €LV to De estranged. not to be reviled.
dXAoTpCoxTis, can, $, estrangement. d-XoC8opos, ov, not reviling.
dXXov, Adv. elsewhere, in another place, Lat. alibi. dXoi4>Tj, rj, (a\(l<paj) anything for smearing : hog's
dX-Xo<f>os, ov, Ep. for a-\o<poi. lard, grease : also anointing-oil, unguent : generally,
dXXo-4>pov«i>, f. rjaoj, (aXXos, <ppovi<u) to be of an- ointment, varnish, paint.
other mind : to give no heed to a thing. II. to dXoKi£o, f. o<v, (d\o£) to tracefurrows, to write, draw.
think otherwise than as one should, to think wrong- dX6vT€ [a], dual aor. 2 part, of d\iaKopxu.
ly. 2. to be absent or unheeding : also to be sense- "AAOH, okos, ^, a poet, form of av\a£, never used
less, lose one's vjits. in nom. sing., a furrow ploughed in a field ploughed :

dAA6-4>0\os, ov, (aXXos, <pv\-fj) of another tribe, land, corn-land. 2. in the skin, a gash, wound.

foreign, strange. 'AXoo--v8vt), 1), (aXs, vSvrjs) the sea-born : child of

dXX6-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ow, (aWos, XP&O the sea, a name of Amphitrite and of Thetis.
of another colour, changeful of hue. dX6-Tpid/, Tfios, 6, (a\s, Tpi&oS) a pestle for pound-
dXX6-xp«s, ojtos, 6, i), — d\\6xpoos, foreign. ing salt.
dXXvSis, Adv. (a\\os) = dAAotre, elsewhither: Horn, aX-ovpyf|S, see dKovpySs.
has it only with aXKos, e. g. dXXvSis d\\os one hither dX-ovpyls, ibos, i), (dkovpySs) a purple robe.
another thither. dX-ovp-yos, oV, and dX-otipyT|S, <s, (aAs, *(pyco)
dXAvco-Kt, dXXvovcra [0], Ep. for dviXve, dvaXi- purple-wrought, i. e. dyed with sea-purple, of a genuine
ovaa : see dvaXvu. purple : in pi., rd dkovpyrj purple robes.
dXXtos, Adv. of a\Ao», in another way or manner, dXovs, dXovo-a, aor. 2 part, of dXto/cojMi. [£]
otherwise ; aXXws irais in some other way ; dWojs rt dXovo-ia, j), want of the bath. From
Kal both otherwise and
. . , i. e. especially, above
d-Xotrros, (a privat., \ovcu) unwashen.
all. II. otherwise than differently: hence in d-Xo<)>os, Ep. dX-Xo<j>os, ov, without a crest.

good sense, better. 2. otherwise than as should d-Xoxos, ov, i), (a copul., Xtx os ) tbe partner of one's
be : heedlessly, without purpose : without reason : also bed, a wife.
in vain : for nothing, like irpoiKa, Lat. gratis : hence dX6b>, Ep. for d\dov, pres. imperat. of dXdofxai.
=zp6vov, only, merely. dXirvio-TOS, 17, ov, Sup. of obsol. aXirvos, sweetest,
aXpa, t6, (aWopai) a spring, leap, bound. loveliest.
aXp,T|, i), (aKs) sea-water that has dried : also the *AA2, dXos, 6, Lat. SAL, Engl. SALT: in sing, a
sea. 2. salt-water, brine. II. saltness. grain or lump of salt; in plur. salt as prepared for use.
dXp.T|€is, coca, €v, (a\fi7)) salt, briny. "AA2, dXos, -q, the sea.
dXpvpos, d, 6v, (a\nT]) salt, briny. 2. metaph. &X0-0, AXto, Ep. 2 and 3 sing. aor. 2 of akXofuu.
bitter, distasteful, like Lat. amarus. "AA202, cos, to, a place grown with trees and
'AAOA'fl, poet. dXoida> : 3 sing. Ep. impf. d\ola grass, a grove, esp. a sacred grove : also a glade.
fut. aWoTjooj'. aor. 1 i,\6r)oa, Ep. i)\oiTjoa : Pass., — dXo--<o8T]S, €$, (aX<ros, efSos) like a grove, woodland.
aor. I rj\of)6riv : pf. j'jKdrjfMi —
to thresh, thresh out dXTtK6s, if, 6v, (dXKofiai) good at leaping, nimble.
to cudgel. dXijKos, ii, 6v, (a'As) salt.
d-Xopos, ov,witb alobewanting, ofthe livers ofvictims. dXvKTa^w, f. daw, (uXvqj) to be in trouble or dis~
— : : — :

iXvicroiribTj — &fiakhvva>. 37
tress : also pf. pass. dXaX^irrrifuzt, as if from a pres. dXcoT), Dor. dXtod, poet, for Att. SAou^ I. a
dXVKT(O). threshing-floor. II. any levelled plot of ground,
A\vKTO-iT^8T) f ij, (aXvKTOS ii, irihrf) an indissoluble a garden, orchard, vineyard, etc.
bond ox fetter. &Xu>-q, Ep. for dX<2, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of akiaieo-
dXvKTOS, ov, (aXvoS) troubled. II. (a privat., ftai. II. aX(pT], Ep. for dXot'17, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt.

kvco) = aAi/TO*, indissoluble. of same verb.

dXv£<u, aor. I inf. of oXvokoj. aXcotT-ns, ov, 6, (dXojfi) a husbandman, gardener, [fi]
dXv£ts, ea)$, i), (a\vo~Ka)) an escaping, avoiding. dX<op.cvak, Ep. for aKwvat, aor. 1 inf. of dXtV/co-
A-\vin)TOS, ov, (a privat., Atnrca;) not pained or fiai. [a]
grieved. II. act. »o/ paining or distressing. dXu>fJicvos, r\, ov, part, of dXdo/xou.
d-Xviros, •v, (a privat., Xi/jt?/) without pain or griV/", dXcov, ojvos, 1), = dXa>s.
unpained. II. act. »o/ paining, causing no pain dXuvai, aor. 2 inf. of dxiaicofuu. [&}
•r £Tt>/» harmless. dXum€>cfj, 1), Att. contr. from Ion. akamtKei] (sub.
d-Xupcs, ov, (a privat., Aupa) without the lyre, un- Sopd) : (o\witt]£) a foxskin.
accompanied by it : hence mournful. dXeo-rrtKLas, ov, 6, (d\dnrn£) branded with a fox.
aAvo-is, ea;*, i), a chain, bond. (Deriv. uncertain.) dXa>ircKi8cvs, icos, 6, (dKdmrjg) a fox's cub.
d-Xt5o-tT€XT|S, is, useless, unprofitable : hence hurt- dXwircKi^b), f. iooi, (a\urn7)£) to play the fox, Lat.
ful. Adv. -\ws. vulpinari.
dXucn<d£ci>, strengthd. for aAvffKa}, used only in pres. dXuircKiov, to, Dim. ofaXamrjg, a little fox.
and impf. ij, {d\unrq£) a mongrel between fox
dX<i>ir€Kis, i5»s,
dXvo-Kava), lengthd. form of dkvfffca). and dog. II. a fox-skin cap.
dXvo-Kcii, o\v£oj and d\v£ofxai : aor. I i}\v£a,
fut. 'AAn'UHH, «*•*, ij, a fox, Lat. vulpes : metaph.

Ep.a\v£a: (dXiat) : to flee from, shun, avoid, forsake. of men.
dXvcrcra), f. vfca), (aXvco) to be uneasy, have no rest. "AAIX2, oi, fj : gen. &\a> or &Xax>s : ace. &\<v, &\<uv
d-Xfrros, ov, (a privat., Kvtv) not to be loosed or or dXaw: pi. n. dXcw: a threshing-floor. II. the

broken, indissoluble : continuous, ceaseless. disk of the sun or moon.

d-Xvxvos, ov, without lamp or light. dXwalfios, ov, (aKufvai) easy to take, catch, win, or
'AAT'Xl, Att. olXvw, used only in pres. and impf. conquer. 2. of the mind, easy to apprehend. II.

(SXrj, aXdofMu) : to wander, of the mind, to be ill (aXawTts) of or belonging to capture or conquest.
at ease, be troubled, distraught : to be at a loss, like aXoio'is, «us, 1), (dXaWt) a taking, capture, con-
airopiai : more rarely to be beside oneselffor joy. [p quest. II. as law-term, detection, conviction.

in Horn., v in Att.] dXwo', fut. of aXioicofiai.

'AA^A'NXl ; aor. a 1}\<pov, 3 sing. opt. dk<f>oi — dXarros, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of aKcuvai, to be taken,
to bring in, yield: to get, acquire : metaph. <p96vov caught or conquered : to be acquired.
&\<pdvuv to incur envy. dXuxo, Ep. for d\uf, aor. 2 subj. of aXioKifm,
dX<^€iv, aor. 2 inf. of d\<pdvoi. dp., for dvd: —
but dp., for dua.
dX<j>€o-t-|3oios, a, ov, (aXcfxiv, fiovs) bringing in "AMA, I. Adv. at once, Lat. simul. II.

oxen : hence of maidens whose parents receive many Prep. c. dat. a/ /&« sam« time with, together with.
oxen as presents from their suitors, much-courted. dp.d, Dor. for apa.
dX<j>T)o-TT|S, ov, 6, (a\<psiv) always in phrase dvdpfs 'Ap.ajdiv, ocos, 1), mostly in plur. /&£ Amazons: also
aXifynarai, gain-seeking, enterprizing, industrious 'A/ja£ov*'8€s.
men : esp. applied to trading, sea-faring people. dp-ddaCvo), (d/ia^s) to be ignorant, stupid.
aXdrtT-dfioiPos, 6, (aX<pirov, dfi€i0(u) a dealer in d-p.a0T|s, is, (a privat., fjuaSilv) untaught, unlearned,
barley-meal. stupid, dull : also coarse, rude :also without know-
*AA#ITON [r], t6, peeled or pearl-barley, Lat. po- ledge of a thing. II. pass, not learnt, unknown.
lenta: sing, only in phrase d\<f>irov dtcHj, barley-meal: Hence
elsewhere in plur. dXcpira, barley-groats, and the cakes d|A&0£a, ij, want of knowledge, ignorance.
or porridge made of it. metaph. one's daily
2. dp.&0o€is, oeaoa, 6(v, contr. dpadovs, oivama, ovv,
bread, one' s substance: irar^(faaX<pira one's patrimony. (dpaOos) = Ep. r'/fmOuds, sandy.
dXcfuTO-n-oua, 1), a preparing of barley-meal. From "AMA002, it), (dfxfios) sand, a sandy soil; see
dX<|)VTO-Troios, 6, (iroiiw) a preparer of barley-meal. if/dfifios. [&n&-~\
dX4>tTO-o"iTt<»>, f. i\aoi, (aX(f>iTov, ani<u) to eat, live dp.&9vvci>, (d/M$os) to level with the sand, utterly
on barley-meal, or bread made of it. destroy.
£X$oi, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of dXcpava). dp.a0JJs, Adv. of dfia$T]S, ignorantly; dftafu/s $x etv
&Xw, ace. of dXws. to be ignorant.
4Xw, aor. 2 subj. of dAiWe/jcu. [X] d-p.aip.dK6TOs, rj, ov, lengthd. form of d^iax # *» Ir"
&X(i>cvv6s, i\, ov, (dXo») used on a threshing-floor. huge, enormous.
dXo* vs.t wi, Ep. f)o$, 6, (dXo^) a thresher, vine-dresser. dpaXSvvcj, poet, for dftaXwoj, (d/iaX<$*) properly to
: :

38 dix6\0aKTO$—diJif3o\6Zriv.
soften : hence to crush, destroy, ruin. a. metaph. d-pap-rtpos, ov, (a privat., ftdprvs) without witness,
to bide, disguise. unattested.
d-p,AX0ctKTOs, ov, (a privat.. (*a\Odooa>) unsoftened. dpapTcoXT), ^,=dfMpria.
duaAAa, a bundle of ears of corn, sbeaf.
^, (dfiaa.) dp,ap-uoX6s, ov, (d/iaprdj/a)) sinful, hardened in sin.
d)iaXXo-8cTT)p, fjpos, and dp.aXXo-8cTT)s, ov, 6, dp,&pvYT|, 1), = fiapfxapvyr), a sparkling, twinkling,
(a/iaAAa, 8«<w) a binder of sheaves. glancing, of objects in motion. [v, but in Ep. 0.]
apaX6s, Att. dpaA6s, 17, ov, = 0.-00X6%, soft, light, dpdp v Ypa, to, a sparkle, twinkle, quick motion. From
Lat. tener. 2. weak, feeble. 'AMAPT'52n, only used in pres. and impf. to
Gpa£a, Att. Spa£a, 1), (070;) a carriage, a wagon sparkle, twinkle, glance.
or toatn. a. the carriage of the plough, Lat. cur- dpds, Dor. for r)ixds.
rus. 3. Charles' wain in the heavens, /2>e £T«j/ dpa-Tpoxdu), only used in Ep. part, dfiarpoxoow,
bear. 4. a carriage-road. Hence (a/Mx,rpix01) t0 run together, run along with. Hence
&p.a$evouai, Pass, /o o« traversed by wagons, to dparpoxid, i], a running together or clashing ofwheels.
have wagon-roads through it. dpavpos, d, ov, dark, dim, faint, obscure. 1.
&pa£cvs, cojs, 6, (a/ui£a) a wagoner. having no light: hence blind, sightless, dusky,
dpa£-TjXaros, ov, (&fjut£a, Ikavvoj) traversed by gloomy. II. metaph. dim, uncertain. 2. ob-
wagons. scure, unknown. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence
d|xa£-T|pT]s, es, (&fia£a, *dpoj, Root of dpapioKoi) at- dpavpoo), f. 6i<j<a aor. I i^iavpcvaa pf. jJLtavpaiica
— :
'. :

tached or belonging to a wagon or carriage. to make dark or dim mostly in Pass, to become —
dp.a|iaios, a, ov, (Sfiafa) Jit for a wagon : large dark or dim ; also to come to nothing. II. me-
enough to load a wagon, of stones. : to weaken, impair.
taph. to eclipse
dp.a£ls, foot, Dim. of afia£a, a
-fj, little wagon, Lat. dpaxeC, Adv. of dyua\os, without resistance.
plostellum : a go-cart. d-p,dx<Tos, ov, poet, for dfidx>jTos.
ap.a£(rns, ov, 6, (d/iafa) of or belonging to a dpclxT|TC, Adv. of dfmxV T0S > v/itbout fighting.
wagon, [f] d-pdxT|Tos, ov, (a privat., pdx !101 ) not t0 be fought
&p,a£-tr6s, 6v, (d/iafa, clfu) traversed by wagons : as with, unconquerable. II. never having fought.
Subst. 6\jjui£it6s (sub. d56s),-f), a high-roadfor wagons. d|x&xt» Adv. of dyuaxos, = d\{. o-tr\T)9-r)s, 4s, (d/iafa, irXijdos) large enough to d-pdx os ov % (a privat., fidxri) without battle, and

fill a wagon. so I. with whom no one fights, unconquered:

&p.a£-ovpY6s, oV, i&im^a, *epyai) making wagons or unconquerable, of persons: of places, impregna-
carriages. ble. II. act. not having fought. 2. disin-
ip-ap, arcs, r6, Dor. for Ijfiap. clined to fight.
'AMATA, 1), a trench, conduit, water-course. [a/iapa] \AMA\Q contr. impf. Ijuuv : f. dfifow : aor. 1

dpapdvTtvos, 17, ov, = dfidpavTos. fjfirjoa : — Pass., aor. 1 i)fit)9i]v : pf. rjiiTj/Mu :
— to reap,
d-pdpavTos, ov, (a privat., fiapaiva>) unfading. to fnow : also gather in, as a reaper does corn, to
'AMAPTATin, fut. cLfiapr^ao/Mii, later -^ffu: collect, [generally, d Ep. & Att.] :

aor. I -fjfj.apTT]aa : aor. a fjfiapTov, inf. dfutpruv, Ep. dp0-, for dvafi-, at the beginning of words.
by metath. (with fi inserted) ij/xfipoTov: pf. tjixap- dp.0a(Tj, Ep. for dva&airj, 3 sing. aor. 3 opi.of dva/Saivcu.
TtfKa : Pass., aor. 1 ^fMipT^Oijv pf. JjfidpTijtiai to : :
— dp.f3aAAup.e9a, Ion. and Ep. for ava@aW-.
miss, miss the mark, c. gen. hence 2. generally,: dp.0do%s, 1), poet, for dvd-fiaats.
to failof doing, fail of one's purpose, go wrong: to dp|3AicrKcj and dp.j3A6o>, f. d/ifiX&ffat: aor. I 1jfi-

be deprived of a thing, lose it. II. to fail, do fi\<uaa : pf. ij/x,0\<uKa : (d/x/3Xdt) :— to have an abor-
wrong, err, sin. tion, miscarry.
dp-aprov, Ep. aor. a of dftaprdvoj. dp.{3Am'a> [y], f. vvS) '. aor. 1 ijft$\vva: — Pass., fut.
dp-aprtiv, aor. a inf. of dpuaprdvos. d/jifj\vv6rio~ofjia.i jjn&Kvfiiun :
aor. I ^fifi\vv0rjv pf.
dp.apTTj, or dfiaprg, Adv. (a>ta) together, at the same (d/i0Xvs): — :

to blunt, dull, take the edge off, Lat.


time, at once. [a;*-] bebetare —

Pass, to become blunt or dull, lose the edge.
&p,dpTT)pa, to, (dfiapruv) a failure, error, sin. 'AMBAT'2, eta, iJ, blunt, dulled, with the edge or, fut. of duaprdvu. point taken off, Lat. bebes: metaph. dull,faint, feeble;
dpapTTjTtKbs, t), ov, (dfJiaprctv) prone to fail or err. of persons, spiritless, sluggish. Hence
6-p.apTia, j), (dfjuapTitv) a failure, error, sin. dp.pAvTTjs [if], 17T0*, j), dulness : sluggishness.
duapri-voos, ov, {dfiapTfiv, voos) erring in mind, dpj3Av-<i>iros, ov, = dfif3\<uiros.
distraught. dppXvwercro), Att. -ttw, (dfifixfo) to be dim-sighted
dudpitov, r6, = dfidpTr)/ia. or blind.
dpapTo-«Trqs, is, (dfiapruv, tiros) failing in words, du|3A-o>ir6s, ov, and dp.^A-ud/, Snrot, 6, 1), (dfifUXvi,
speaking at random or idly. &np) dim-looking, dark, obscure.
d-p.apTvpTjTOs, ov, (a privat, ftaprvpioj) without dp.-/3oAd&nv, Adv., poet, for dva-fJokdZrn', (dva-
witness. /SdAAw) bubbling up. II. (dmjSoAf?) like a prelude.
: — : :

c?/x/3o\(i? diier&Tpejrros. 39
dp-0oXds, &va-0oXds, 6Zot,
for ij, (dva/3dAAa>) yrj d-peATjs, 4$, (a privat., pi\ei) careless, heedless, neg-
aptfoAds earth thrown up. ligent. II. pass, uncaredfor, unheeded.

dpffoXi-cpyos, oV, (uvafidWcj, Zpyov) poet, for dyo- apcX-nTtov, verb. Adj. of dfieAeco, one must neglect.
0oA., putting off work, lazy. dpcXijTOs, ov, (d/icAla;) like dfiiX^s, not cared for:
dp/Jpoo-ia, Ion. -Ctj, j), (properly fem. of dfiPpSffios) unworthy of care.
ambrosia, the food of the gods. dpeXta, j), poet, for d/tiXeta, heedlessness.
dp.-ppoo-vos, o, ov, lengthd. form of dfi-Pporos, im- d-peXX-qros, ov, (a privat., piWcu) not delayed: not
mortal, divine, of divine nature. II. of things to be delayed.
belonging to the gods, ambrosial, divinely fair. apcX|is, «us, ij, (d/itXyoS) a milking.
dpSporciv, Ep for aftapruv, aor. 2 inf. of dfiaprdvo). dpeXws, Adv. of d/ieX^s, carelessly : dpcXws ?x €lv
dp-pporos, of, (a privat.. 0por6s) immortal, divine. to be careless.
dppwo-os, Ion. for dva&vfjoas, aor. I part, of dva- d-p,«p,irTOs, ov, (a privat., pifjupo/iat) not to be
fiodoj. blamed, blameless : of things, perfect : -Adv. -rws, so
dp* or dp*', Dor. for i)/mU. as to merit no blame II. act. not blaming, find'
d-pt-yapTos, ov, (a privat., peyaipoS) unenvied, un- ing no fault, well content.
enviable, unhappy: as a reproach, wretched, miser able : d-p«Ep4>T|S, is, - dflfflTTTOS 11.

also horrible. dpep<j>ta, ij, (dfjLffup'qs) blamelessness, freedom from

dpcOvorovos, 17, ov, of amethyst. From blame.
d-pt (Wtos, ov, (a privat., /xedvw) not drunken. II. dpcvai, for d« pet/at, Ep. inf. of dcu, to satisfy.
as Subst. aplOvorot, i), or dfitOvorov, to, a remedy d-p€VTiv6s, ov, (a privat., fievos) faint, feeble: weakly
against drunkenness : \. a kind of herb. 2. or sickly. Hence
the precious stone, amethyst. d-p€vnv6ti>. Ep. aor. I dficvrjvwo-a, to make weak,
'AMETBfi, Ep. impf dfieifiov. fut. apriif/a: aor. I deaden the force of.
flfitiipa : I. Act. to change, exchange ; \d\Kta durpa, Dor. for ijfiipa.
Xpvodw Ttv\ea aptifitiv to exchange golden arms 'AMETrn, f. (a, to pluck or pull, Lat. decerpere.
for brasen esp. of place, to change it, and so to pass, dpcpoca, f. a<a aor. I tffiepoa, Ep. d/t-: aor. 1 pass.

: :

cross : like Lat. muto, either to quit a place, or to go to jjpep&nv : (prob. from o privat., pipos) to deprive of
it II. intrans. in part, kv dfieiBovri = apot@a8is, one's share, bereave one of: — Pass, to be bereft of a
in exchange : dfieifiovTCs ol, rafters that cross each thing, lose it.
other. III. Med. to d-pepipvos, ov, (o privat., fiipt/iva) free from care,
change one with another,
do in turn or alternately. unconcerned.
2. to II. pass, uncaredfor, unheeded.
answer, reply III.
to. 3. to repay, requite, avenge. 4. like Act. driving away care.
to change, esp. of place, to pass either out or in dptptos, Dor. for ijpipios.
metaph. to surpass. d-pcpio-TOS, ov, (a privat., /zrpi£a>) undivided.
d-peCSrjTos, ov, (aprivat ,fx€iba\ej) not smiling, gloomy. dpcpd-KOiTOS, Dor. for ijfifpu-KOirot.
d-pctXiKTOS, ov, (a privat., fiuXioffcu) unscathed: dpcpos, Dor. for fjpepot.
harsh, cruel. dpeparc, dpcpcrai, 3 sing, and inf. aor. I of dpipbot.
d-ptCXtxos, ov, = foreg. harsh, severe: relentless, un- dpes or dpes, Dor. for faus.
assuaged. d-pcTdOcros, ov, (a privat., fitraTiBrjiu) unchange-
dpeivcov, ov, gen. ovot, irreg. Comp. of dyaOus, better: able : to dfierdQerov, unchangeableness.
of pe rsons, abler, stronger, braver. d-p6TaKCvTTT0s, ov, (0 privat., fiera/civeto) immovable.
'AMETPn, = d/i«>oa;. d-pcraKXacTTOS, ov, (0 privat., /xcrcucAdo;) not to be
dpcupdpcvos, dpttyaoOai, aor. I med. of dfiel0cj. broken: unalterable.
dpctvjns, «o», 1J, (dpct&a) exchange : succession. d-pcTapcXrp'os, ov, (a privat., fitraft(\ti) unre-
•AME'Arn,(.to>,toMILK, Lzt.MULGERE. II. pented of. II. act. not repenting, unchanging.

to press or squeeze out : metaph to drain, exhaust. .III. d-peravoTjTOS, ov, (0 privat., fitravoioj) = unre-
to sip, drink. pented of. II. act. unrepentant.

dpcXci, imperat. of dficXioj, never mind. Hence as d-pcrdirciOTOs, ov, (a privat., ncrairtiOoS) unper-
Adv. by all means, of course. suadable.
dpcXcio, if, (dfi(\-fjt) heedlessness, indifference. d-p€Ta-irra>TOs, ov, (0 privat., /ieramirra) unchange-
dpcXerrprla, 1), want of practice or attention. From able.
d-pcXenrjTot, ov, (a privat., peKerdv) unpractised, d-peTooTxiTOS, ov, (o privat.,/i€0«m7jtt) unalterable.
unprepared. d-peToo^renTcC, Adv. (a privat., ^CTaarpc^xv) with-
dpeXcw, f. i\aoi\ aor I fjpiXrjffa, Ep. dft~: pf. Jjpi- out turning about.
XfjKa. : (dpcXfy) —
to be careless, heedless, negli-
: d-p€TdcrTpo<po$, ov, (a privat., fi€Taffrpi<pu) unal-
gent. 7. to neglect, have no care for, slight. 3. terable.
to overlook, and so to let, suffer. 4. to neglect to d-peTttTpeirros, ov, (o privat., utTarplvot) unalttr*
do — Pass, to be neglected, slighted, overlooked. able.
— —

40 hfiirepos —dfjurqarevros
dperepos, Dor. for -7|p«T€pos. d-(xCp.T)TOs. ov, (a privat., fxifilopuii) inimitable.
d-fieTpijTOS, ov, (a privat., fitrpkoi) immeasurable, dpi£ia, Ion. -it), 1), (dfiitCTos) a being unmixed,
immense, Lat. immensus : unnumbered, exbaustless. purity. 2. want of intercourse, unsociableness.
dp.€Tp6-|3ios, ov, (dfxerpos, fiios) of an immeasurable ap-iirrros, ov, (dfia, lirtros) along with horses, i. e.

life. fleet as a horse. 2. dfiiirnoi, oi, infantry mixed

dp.€Tpo-€irfjs, 4s, (dptTpos, twos) immoderate in with cavalry.
words, unbridled of tongue. 'AMI'S, iSos, 1), a chamber-pot.
dp.6Tpo-ir6Tirjs, ov, 6, (dfJtTpos, it6tt]$) drinking to dp."TT|s, 4s, (a privat., fiToros) without hatred, not
excess. hateful: Comp. dfiiaianpos.
d-p.eTpos, ov, (a privat., fiirpov) without measure, dp.10-61, Adv. of dfiioBos, without reward.
immense, boundless, incessant. 2. immoderate. a-p-io-Gos, ov, (a privat. , fuaOus) without pay or reward.
d-perp&js, Adv. of dfierpos, infinitely. d-plcrOajTOS, ov, (a privat., fitoOuoj) not let out on
dpeuori-iropos, ov, (dfitvai, vupos) = rploSos, Lat. hire, not leased.
trivium, where three paths cross. d-p,iTpo-xiTo>v€s, ol, (a privat., fxirpa, xit&v) wear-
dpevci>, Aeol. for afxd&a) aor. I med. inf. dfiev- : ing no girdle with their coat of mail.
aaaOai : to surpass, excel, conquer. d-p.tx0aXo€is, eaca, fv, lengthd. form of dfweros,
*AMH, i), a shovel or mattock. 2. a water-bucket, inaccessible, inhospitable.
pail, Lat. bama. 3. a harrow, rake. dpp-, poet, for dvafi-. For words omitted under
dpf), Att. apt], Adv., properly for dfifj, dat. fem. d/i/x-, see under dvafi-.
of dfius = Tis, in a certain way: dfxrjyiirn, in some appa, aros, t6, (airTa>) anything tied or made to
way, somehow or other, [a] tie: 1. a knot. 2. a noose, baiter. 3. a
dp-rjv, Hebr. Adv. verily, of a truth: so be it : also cord, band.
as a Subst. rb dfvqv, certainty. dppe, Aeol. and Ep. for Jj/ids.
d-p.T|VLTOs, ov, (a privat.. fxrjvi<u) not wratb/ul. dp.-p.evG>, poet, for dva-fiiva).
"AMH2, rjros, 6, a kind of milk cake. dppes, Aeol. and Ep. for iffius.
dp.7]o-dp,€vos, aor. 1 med. part, of dfj&oj. dp-p«rov, poet, for dvd fxkaov.
dpTj-rfjp, fjpos, 6, (dfidco) a reaper : metaph. one who dppcwv, Aeol. for 17710V.
cuts down, a destroyer, [d] dppi, Aeol. and Ep. for ij/MV,
ap/nro*, 6, (dfidcu) a reaping, harvesting : also har- dp-ptya, Adv. poet, for dvd-fitya.
vest, harvest-time. II. a harvest or crop. dpp(£as, Ep. aor. I part, of dvafdyvvfu.
d-|XT|Twp,opos,6,^, (a privat ,firjTrjp) without mother, dppvdo-ei, dppvdo-eiev, Dor. for uvafivfjaci, dva-
motherless. II. unlike a mother. ijvqotuv, fut. and aor. I of dvafUfivqaKoi.
d\iT]\3,vioi, impf fjfJ-Tjxdvovv fut. •fjaoj: (dfirjxa~ dppo-Sv-rns, ov, 6, (dftfios, Svco) sand-burrower, a
vos) :
— to be at a loss or in want. Hence

kind of snake.
dp.T]x<ivLtt, Ion. -Ctj, 1), want of means, helplessness, dppopia, Ion. -ii\, fj, {dfifiopos) ill fortune.
distress. II. hardship, trouble. dppopos, ov, poet, for d-fiopos, without lot or share
d-jiT)x* v0 3 ov, (a privat., firfxavrj) without means in a thing : abs 1. unfortunate, unhappy.
or resource, helpless. II. more freq. in pass, sense,
AMM02 or dppos, %, sand : also a sandy place,
impracticable, irresistible : also inexplicable. race-course. See

up.T)xavoo)o-L, d|XT)xavd(*)v, Ep. 3 pi. and part, pres., dppd-Tpod>os, ov, (, Tpi<paS) growing in sand.
as if from dfirjxa-vcuv. dpp-uS-ns, "> (dftfios, eTBos) sandy.
d-piavros, ov, (a privat., fuaivoS) undefiled, pure. 'Appomds, dSos, or 'Apptovis, foot, 17, (^Afifiuv) of
dp(-0eos, Dor. for iffii-Ocos. or belonging to Jupiter Ammon, i. e. African.
d-piK-ros, ov, (a privat., fiiyvvfit) unmixed,pure. II. dpvdu-wv [a], Dor. for dfiv4jfjuxjv.
not mingling with others, unsociable, savage. III. dpvaorto), opvaoTOs, Dor. for dfivrjar-,
not to be mingled, irreconcilable: Adv. dftiKTOis, — dpv€LOs, a, ov, (dfxv6s) of a lamb.
Sup. dfiiKTUTaTa. dpvT|, ff, fem. of dfivus, a ewe-lamb.
"AMIAAA, 77*, j). a contest for superiority, rivalry; d-pvr]u,6vevTOs, ov, (a privat., fivnfiovttej) unmen-
generally, a struggle, conflict, [a] Hence tioned, unheeded.
dpiXXdopai, fut. ^aofiat aor. 1 med. ^fiiWrjffdfirjv: dpvnpovcu. f. i\oco\ aor. I iffivrffiovqaa: to be —
and pass. ^fuXXijOrjv pf. 7jfj.i\\7)fjai Dep.
: to com- dfivrjfjxav, be unmindful: to make no mention of,

pete, vie, or contend with one, Lat. aemulari. II. pass over.
generally, to strive, struggle, exert oneself. Hence upvnpoorvvT), j],forgetfulness. From
dpi\XT)T«ov, verb. Adj. one must compete. d-pv^pwv, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., fivfffxrf) un-
dp(W-npa, r6, (dfuXkdofjai) a contest, conflict. mindful, forgetful. 2. pass, forgotten, not men-
dp.i\\T|Tr|p. rjpos, (dfuWaofjai) a competitor, rival. tioned.
dp,ip.T)Td-/3kOs, ov, (dfxi/jLijTos, fiios) inimitable in d-pv^<rr€VTOS, 1), (o privat., lAvrjCTtvu) unwooed,
one's life. not sought in marriage.
: : :

&nvr)(rr4<i> — &fxirkdKr]TOS. 41
dp.vrjorc'ce, (afivrjarot) to be unmindful, to forget duoTOs, ov, insatiate, ravening, savage: neut. aptorov,
— Pass to be forgotten. as Adv. insatiably, incessantly. (Deriv. uncertain).
a\ivy\crr\.a, f)
forgetfrdness : an amnesty. From duot), Att. dpov, Adv. of dfius, somewhere.
d-p.VT)orTos, ov, (o privat., pivdo^at) Jorgotten, no dpovcrCa, 17, want of harmony : rudeness, grossness t
longer remembered. boorisbness. From
poet, fut. of dvapupivqffKOJ.
du>VY)o-u), d-uouaos, ov, (a privat., MoOoa) without the Muses,
duviov, to, a bowl in which the blood- of victims was without taste for the arts, unpolished, rude, boorish
emugbt. (Deriv. uncertain.) of things, coarse, vulgar, gross.
dpvis, ibos, r), = dfivr). du.ox6eL, Adv. of dpLoxOos, without toil or trouble.
duvo-tcwv, ovvtos, 6, (dfivSs, KoioJ) sbeep-minded, d-u.6x0ilTOS, ov, (a privat., (loxOecu) = sq. Adv. rut.
i. e. simple. d-u.ox0os, ov, (a privat., pUtxOos) without toil or
'AMNO'2, 6 and r), a lamb : declined dpvus, dpvi, trouble. II. not weary.
dpva, dpva, etc., as if from a nom. *dps., poet, abbrev. for dvarr-, under which will be
duvo-<f>6pos should be piavvo-<p6pos. found many words beginning with .

d|Aoyr|TC, Adv. without toil or effort. From du-irc8tov, dp,-irc8kT|pcis, du-ireXa/vos, should be
d-p.6yr|TOs, ov, (o privat., puyyioj) without toil, un- written b\\i irtbiov, i. e. dvd, ire&iov, etc.
wearied, untiring. duirctpavrcs, Ep. aor. I part, of dvaneiptu.
dp.60€v, Att. dudGcv, Adv. (a/x6s) from some place du.-TTcXa"yos, for dvd n4\ayos.
or other. durrcXciov, wvos, 6, poet, for dpirtX&jv, a vineyard.
dp.60i or dpoOcC, Adv. (d/xos) somewhere. duircXtvos, ov, also rj, ov, (dpweKos) of the vine.
dpoi, Adv. (dfi6s) somewhither. durrcXiov, to, Dim. of dpt.irc\os.
&p.oiJ3dSios, a, ov, = dfiot&aios. duTrcXts, ibo$, 17, = foreg., a vine-plant. II. a

<5p,oij348t$, Adv. (dfwi&r)) by turns, Lat. alternatim. kind of bird.

dp.oiPaios, ov, also rj, or a, ov, (dpioi&ri) interchang- du.TT€X6ets, taoa, tv, (apureXos) rich in vines, vine-
ing, alternate : of verses, amoe^aean, answering one clad.
another. II. giving like for like, retributive — dpireXo-epyds, 6v, = contr. dpnreXovpyos, q. v.
Adv. -ojs, in requital. aprrcXo-p^Ca, t), (apnrekos, pu^is) an intermixture
du.oi.pds, dbos,
r), pecul. fern, of dfwt$aios xXafva ; of vines.
cloak for a change.
dfioifids a "AMTTEA02, 17, a vine, Lat. vitis.
?}, (d/ie('/3eo) a recompence, return : hence dpircXovp-ycw, to dress or prune vines. From
repayment, atonement: revenge. 2. an an- du/ircX-ovpYds, o, (dpiircKos, epyov) a vinedresser.
swer. II. change, exchange, barter. duircXo-d^vTGop, opos, 6, (dfineKos, <pvcv) producer of
du.0kj3T)SCs, Adv. (dfiot&rj) alternately. the vine, a name of Bacchus.
dpoiJ36s. d, (dfid&a}) a successor, follower. II. dp-ireXuv, wvos, 6, (d/«rcAo«) a vineyard.
as Adj. in requital or in exchange for. dp.-ire'iraXiov, Ep. for dvaircn-aAwv, redupl. aor. »
dpotpcto, to have no share in a thing. From part, of dvarrdAAa;.
d-uoipos, ov, (a privat., fioipa) without share in a duTrcpts, Adv. only found in compd. St-afivepls,
thing, bereft of it. II. absol. unfortunate. 5' dprrtpes, (or bia/Antpls be.
resolved, as, bid
dpoXyatos, a, ov, (dfx4\yoj) of milk, made with milk. du/rrerdo-ov, dpircTao-as, poet. aor. i imper. and part,
dpoXycvs, caw, 6, (dpiKyaj) a milk-pail, Lat. mulctra. of dvaircTawvpu.
du-oX-yds, 6, (dfifXyai) the milking time, i.e. morning u\iirt\6vi\, 1), (d/iTre'xo) a fine upper garment.
and evening twilight; the four hours either before day-
1 and dpir-Cox" Ep. impf. dfxnex ov fut.

: •

break or after sunset, and so generally night-time. dpupi^oj'. aor. 2 tfumaxov, inf. d/xnioxfiv, part, dpnr-
d-p.ou,<f>os, ov, (a privat., fMfKprj) blameless. tcxdv : — Med. ixopjat and dpLnio\opjai : impf.
duopPos, ov, 6, a follower, attendant. qpiTteiXopi'qv : fut. dfi<pe^ofiai : aor. eoxu(jLT} v
3 >

dpdp-ylvos, ov, made offine flax. From part. dfini(Tx^lJL€V0S • (df»#*, tX *) '• —
t0 surround,
dp-op-yCs, ibos, r), fine flax from the isle of Amorgos. cover, Lat. cingere. II. to put round or over t
d-uopos, ov, (a privat., fiCpos) without share of, de- Lat. circumdare. See d/x7rt0"xvc'o/ioj.
stitute of. II. absol. unlucky, wretched. du/iTT|8T)o-«, for dvc 7^5770*.
duop4>La, »} ill shape, deformity. From dp.-TriirXijpt, for\r)pn.
a-p.op4>os, ov.(a privat.,/zop<^i7) shapeless, misshapen, dp,Trto"XGiv, aor. 2 inf. of duw-c'xa>.
unshapely, unseemly : Comp. dfiopcptorepos. dumcrxvtouaL, — d/ijrc'xof«it, to put on, Lat. circum-
dpds or uuds, 17, ov, Aeol. and Ep. for t)hCs, fffiirfpos. induor.
duos, in Att. Poets for cuo*. dpirurxo), v. sub d/XTrc'xa;.
duos, Att. duds, an old form for e*», and io - rls, duTrXaKeiv, aor. 2 inf. of dpmKaKiaKa).
but only used in the Adv. forms dp.?}, dpU>Qtv, dfiov, duTrXdKT|ua, aros, t6, (dpLTrXatcfiv) an error, offence.
dpuut. duTrXaKTjTos, ov, (dfmXtutuv) sinful, loaded with
&\io%, Dor. for t}/xo», as, when. guilt.
— :

42 tynr\aKCa — aficpekCcrao).

dp.TrXa.KCa, r), = d/MrAd/n/jtti. dp.wn.Kds, 6v, (dftiSvai) able to

defend or avenge.

dp.TrXaKi.ov, to, = dfivAdfenfMi. dp.vvTcop, opos, 6,

a helper : an avenger. = dfivvrqp,
dp.TrXaKi<TKO), fut. dnir\aieq<ro) : pf. »}/«rXd/n7/«x : 'AMTNil [p], Ep. impf. apwov: fut. dpvvw, Ion.
aor. 2 rjiirrKSjcov —
Pass., pf. rjfivkdjeripMt. :
: —
like d/ivviu : aor. I rnwva, Ep. dyvva : poet. aor. 2 ijiii-
dftaprdva), to miss, fail, fall short of, c. gen. vaBov.—to keep off, ward off, Lat. defendo; to de-
6p.-Trvevp,a, p.Trv€v<rai, etc., poet, for avanv-.
v fend, fight for, aid: rarely to require, repay. II.
a\nrvv(, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 imper of dvanvioi. Med. to keep or ward off from oneself, to defend one-
d(i7rvvv0T)v, Ep. aor. I pass, of avaweu. self. 2. to avenge oneself on another, requite, re-

djiirvvro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of dpirvfo. pay, punish.

dfi-irovov, for dvd rruvov. dp.v£is, eojs, t), (dftiffffu) a tearing, scratching.
dp.TTTdp.evos, d\iitrair\v, v. avoir Irofjuu. 'AMY'52fl, Att. -tto> : Ep. impf. dfivaaov : fut.
dp.TrvKa.Jci): aor. I pass. jjfiirvKao~$i]v: (d/wrvf): to d/iv£a) : aor. I r}fiv£a:—to tear, scratch, wound: to
bind the hair with a band : generally, to bind, wreathe. tear in pieces. II. metaph., Ovpb'v dfivtus x«d-
djxTrvKTT|p, rjpos, 6, = (d/nrv£) a band, fillet : also a ficvos thou wilt lacerate thy heart with rage. [X]
horse's bridle. Hence d-pivorC, Adv. (o privat., fivw) properly without
dp,TrvK-rf)ptos, a, ov, of a bore's bridle or frontlet. closing the mouth, i. e. at one draught. Hence
dpvrrvf , vkoz, 6 or t), (d/itr^x*') a band or fillet for dp.vcrTCJ&>, f. aw. pf. TJfivaTt/ca: to drink deep,
binding the hair, a head-band, snood. II. the tipple. From
bead-band of horses : also a bridle. III. any- d-p.vcms, tos and iSot, t), a long draught of
thing rounded, a wheel drink. II. a large cup, used by the Thracians.
dpvirams, r), gen. eo» Ion. tot, shortened from dvd- dyLVX-f], %, = dftv£is.
irojTit (dvaitivoS) a being drunk up : of the sea, the and poet, abbrev. for dvatp-; cf. d/«r-.
Qp-4>-, old
ebb-tide. only used in pres. and impf. (d/upl,
dp.<j>-ay a-rrd£to,
dp.vy8aXta, contr. -oXyj, »), the almond-tree. dyandfa) to embrace with love, treat kindly, greet
'AMTfTAA'AH, t), an almond. [od] Hence warmly.
dp.vySdXlvos, 7, ov, of almonds. = dfupayairdfa.
u p.^-dyaTrdo),
dp.vyp,a, aros, to, (d/*iW<u) a tearing, rending : a Ep. aor. 2 med. dfupaytpSfiijv : (d/upl,
tear. dydpoj) —
to collect around: Med. to gather around. —
dp.vyij.6s, d, (djuiWa/) a tearing, mangling. dp,<j>-&yep<6op.<uand ay«, poet, for aycipoftai.
dp.C5ts, Adv. = d/ja, of Time, together, at the same dp.4>dST|v, Adv. ^dfupahuv.
time : oftener of Place, together. dp.4>doios, a, ov t (d/np&Sus) public, known: d[iupaZirjv
'AMTAPO'2, d, 6v, akin to dfiavp6$, dark, dim, as Adv. pub.icly, openly, Lat. pa lam.
faint, indistinct. Adv. -Spa/*: alsoneut.d/ivopJi/asAdv. dp<|>l86v, Adv. publicly, openly, without disguise.
d-|iVT)TOS, ov, (o privat., fivfo)) uninitiated, profane. From
d-pv8hf]TO$, ov, (a privat., fivOio/uu) not to be told, dp,-<f>d56s, »/, 6v f (dva-<paivw) public, notorious.
inexpressible. <ip,-<f>aivu>, poet, for dva-<paip<o.
without lowing
d-p.vier)TOS, ov, (a privat., fimdofiai) dp.<|)-utcr(, Pass. (u(i<pi, dtaffoi) to rush onfrom
or bellowing : of places, where no herds low. all sides, flu !er ox float around.
'Ap,vicXat£co, to speak in the dialect of Amyclae (a dp.<|>dKT)$, Dor. for ufjuprjicrji.

Laconian ciiy). dp,-<|>av86v, Adv. poet, for dva-<pav?i6v.

d-p.vXos, 6, (o privat., pv\r}) a cake offine meal, so dp,4>dve6iv, poet, for dva<pavfiv, fut. inf. of dva<patvw.
called from the meal not being ground at a common C p.4>-apap«ci), f. 4\o<>}, (dfKpi, dpapioj) to rattle or ring
mill. about.
d-p.vp.tuv, ov, gen. ovos, (o privat., /teDftot) blameless, dp.c|>-apaf3t£c >, l only used in pres. and impf., — dmp-
excellent. [S.fiv\ apafita).
dp,vv30c, dp,w&0ctv, 3 sing, and inf. poet. aor. 2 of dp-4>acrC-r) ( t), poet, for d-<paffia (with ft inserted),
dftvvu. speechlessness from fenr, amazement, or rage.
dpwdOoO, 2 sing poet. aor. 1 med. of dfivvoj. up4>a4>dacr9ai, Ep. for dfMpa<pdcr6ai, pres. med. inf.
dpvvcu, up.vvao-&u, aor. I act. and med. inf. of dfjivvo). of dfi<pa<pda>.
'Ap.wtas, ov, 6, masc. pr. n. used as Adj. (d/ivva) dp.<J>-a4>da>, and Med. dp.4>-a<|>, (dfupl, d<pda>)
on its guard. to touch all round, feel on all sides : tofondle: to handle.
dp-wov, aor. I imper. of dfivvo). dp.<j>a<t>6fa>v, -oouaa, Ep. for d/x^a<pwv, Sioa, pres.
dp.vvTcov, verb. Adj. of d/ziW, one must assist; so part, of dfji(pa<pda).
too dp,vvr*a, II. one must repel. dp,4>a<t>6u>vTO, 3 pi. Ep. impf. med. of &p.<pa<pdoj.
dp,wrr|p, rjp^t. 6, (d/iiv<u) a defender. dp,dj><6eTO, aor. 2 med. of ufKpiridrjfu.
dp.wTTjpvos, ov, (dixivo))fit for defending, defensive; dp.<t»-«XiKT6$, 6v, poet for dfjuptfk coiled round. ,

inwHjpia onka defensive armour. II. d/iwrt}- dp.4>-6X[orcru>, Att.-TTw, f. i£a>, poet, for dfupiekiaaea,
puov, to, as Subst. a means of defence. to wrap, fold, or twine round.

: :: :: : :::

d/x</>&ra>—&/z<p£5<>xfioj. 43
dp<|>-«ira>, poet, for &p*pi-4wa>. round: I. a large fishing-net. 2. a gar-
d(jL4>-€p€'4>co, f. \f/u, (dfuf>i, tpi<p<u) to cover around. ment. 3. a fetter, bond.
a\i.^>-ipxo\iai, aor. 2 dfupTjkvOov or dfi<prj\6ov: Dep.: djji<}>CpXT)TOS, ov, (d/^>t/3aAA<w) put or thrown round.
(d/upi, epxofiun): — to come round one, surround. dp.<j>i-j36"r]Tos, ov, (dp<pi, fiodoj) noised abroad, far-
d|x-4>€pa). poet, for dva<pfpw. famed.
ap.4>t'cTTav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 of dfi<picrrrjfu. dp.<j>i(3o\(a, 1), the state of being attacked on both
Qp.4>e<TTacn. for dtitycarq/edo'i, 3 pi. pf. of dfup- sides. II. uncertainty, doubt. From
ioTTJfil. dp^/BoAos, OVf (an<pi($dWoj) thrown round : hence,
a\L-$€vyu>, poet, for dva<ptvyw. to d^<pifio\ov a garment. II. struck, attacked on

a\i.^>i\&vov, aor. 2 of afupix<uvco. both or all sides. 2. act. striking with both ends,
6.\i^\vQr]v [C], aor. I pass, of d/upixia). double-pointed. III.ambiguous, doubtful.
a\L$t\vTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of d/K/xxlai. dp<f>(-p*ovAos, ov, {dp\<pi, f}ov\-fj) double-minded,
a\i.$-T]KT]s, €s, (dfupi, aicfj) two-edged, double-biting doubting.
of lightning, forked. II. metaph. that will cut dp-4>C-ppoTos, 17, ov, also os, ov, (dfupi, fiporos)
both ways, false or ambiguous. covering the whole man, of a large shield.
dfi^TjAvOe, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dfupepxopxu. dp4>C-Ppcxos, ov, (dfjupi, £p€'x<w) thoroughly soaked,
d|i<j>-^)pc4>T|S, 4s, (dfMpl, ipt<f>w) covered all round, dp4>i-p u>p.ios, ov, (dfiipi, 0<»fi6s) round the altar.
close-covered. dp.<j>i-Yn,0ta>, to rejoice around or exceedingly.
dn4>-T]pT|s, «t, (d/jupl, ipiffffoj) having oars on both d|x4>i-Yvo€<a, impf. ^/i<p(yvuow : f. dficpiyvorjacv
sides. 2. (*ap<o) fitted or joined on all sides, well- aor. I j}p<peyv6i>)ffa: — Pass., aor. I part. dn<ptyvorj9(is
fitted. Hence (d/icpi, yvoi<u Aeol. for voioS) —
to be doubtful about
dn4>-7)piKos, t/, ov, worked by sculls, of a boat. a thing, not to know or understand it : Pass, to be —
dp.4>-T]picn-os, ov, (dfjupi, tpifa) contested on both unknown.
sides, disputed. equal in the contest.
2. d|x4>i--yonTOs, ov, (dfupi, yodcS) bewailed all round.
'AM#I', Praep. c. :— Radic. signf. 'Ap.4>i-YVT]€ts, 6, (dfupl, yvtos) be that halts in both
gen., dat., et ace.
on both sides, around. I. c. oen. about, for, for feet, the lame one, name of Vulcan.

the sake of a thing : about, concerning a thing, of dp<j>t-Yi)os, ov, (d/i<pi, yvtbv) properly having limbs
it. 2. rarely of Place, about, around. II. —
on both sides: in Homer of a spear, double-pointed
c. DAT. I. of Place, about, around, round about in Sophocles of men, well-practised.
~at, by, near, with. 2. not of Place, about, for, dp<j)t-8aico, to light up around: intrans. in pf. —
on account of, for the sake of: regarding, concern- dpupi-hi$r)a, plqpf. -SeS^tiv, to burn around.
ing- 3- by means of. III. c. acc, of Place, dp,<f>i-Sdicvci>, f. -SftoiMii, to bite all round.
about, around, on, at: near about: mostly with —
dp<j>i-8dicpvTO$, ov, (dfi<pl, Saitpvoj) causing tears on
motion implied. IV. without case, as Adv. all sides : all mournful.
about, around, round about, on all sides. V. In dp.<j)i-8fio-us, ua, v, (dp:<pi, Saavs) fringed all round.
Compos, about, on on both sides.
all sides, dp<j>i-Scai, al, (du<pi, 84a>) anything that is bound
dp.<f>(-aXos, ov, (dfitpi, &\s) sea-girt, esp. having the around, bracelets, anklets.
sea on both sides, between two seas, Lat. bimaris. dM.4>i8t'8-r]a, -8*8t|€iv, pf. and plqpf. of dfxcpiSaiaj.
a.^-id\ui, (dfupl, l&x®) t0 sound on all sides : to dp<j>i-8«'£ios, ov, with two right bands, very dextrous,

fly about shrieking, in irreg. pf. part, dp<pTaxd>t, via. Lat. ambidexter. 2. ambiguous, Lat. anceps: two-
dp<{>i-0alv<i>, f. -d^ffopuu : pf. -Pe&Tjica —
to go about edged. 3. sometimes simply like d/jupdrtpos,
or around. 2. to bestride: hence to guard, pro- dfi<ptde£ioi djcfMii both hands.
tect. II. to surround, encompass, wrap round., pf. -bibopita, Dep. to look round
Ap4>i-p\iAA», f. -p&Xat : pf. ~04&\t)Ka : Med., Ion. about one.
fat. -0a\ev/Mi : aor. 2 inf. -QaXioOai to throw or —
dp.<{>(-SeTOS, ov, (dfitpl, 81a;) bound all round.
put round, esp. of clothes, etc., to put them on a per- dp.4u-8TJpT.TOS, ov, (dfupi, Srjpiofiai) disputed, doubtful.
son, Lat. circumdare —
Med. to put on oneself, put dp.<j>i-8iaiva>, to water around.
on, Lat. accingi. 2. esp. to throw one's arms du.<j>i-8iv«o, f. rjcoi, to wind or roll a thing all round
round, embrace : also to grasp. 3. to surround, hence in pf. pass. dn<ptbtbivquai, to befitted close.
encompass : but also to strike on all sides. II. dp4>i-8oKcva>, f. evao), to lie in wait for.
intr. to go to another place ; so also in Med. dp<j>i-8ov€u>, f. rjoo}, to whirl round, agitate violently.
dp^ipVis, aor. 2 part, of dfi<pi-0aiv<». dp<j>t8o£«D, to be doubtful: Pass, to be disputed. —
dp.ejx.Pdcrta, 7), y. dfupta^aaia. From
dp4>ipaor.s, (cut, lj, (dfjupifiaivw) a going round, en- dp.<J>(-5o£os, ov, (dfjupi, 06(a) of double sense, doubtful.
compassing. dp.4>i-8opos, ov, (dfjupi, dlpcu) skinned all round,
dp.4>if3X-r]p.a, arot, to", (dfupifidXXeJ) something thrown quite flayed.
round, an enclosure. II. a garment. dp.4>C-8oxp.os, ov, (d/upi, 80x^17) as large as can be
dp.<})CpXT]OTpov, t6, (ifuptfiaXXu) anything thrown grasped.
: : —
44 £/*</> Cbpofios
—& ri<j>in&x r1T0 S'
dp4>(-8popos, ov, (dfMpi, Upafiuv) running round: dp4>i-K€, used as Pass, of dfupiTiOrffu, to lie close
encompassing. upon : to lean on.
dfi<|)i-8pvTrros, ov, — dfMpihpv<pos. d|x4u-K€tpa>, f. K*pw, to shear or clip all round.
dp.<j>i-8pvdvT]S, is, (dfMpi, Spvcprjvai) tearing both cheeks. dp.<j>iK€<f>aXos, Ep. -K€<J>aXXos, ov, (dfMpi, K€<paX^)
dp.<t>(-8ptKJ>os, ov, (dfMpi, SpvcpTJvai) torn on both sides. double-beaded.
dp.<j>t-8tip.os, ov, (dfMpi, Svofxai) approachable on both cp.4>i-Kia)v, ov, gen. ovos, (dfMpi, kiojv) with pillars
sides. all round, [/ft]

dp<f>i-Svu>, f. Svaoj[y], to put round or on: — Med. dp.<|>£-K\ao-TOS, ov, (dfMpi, /fXdcu) broken all round.
to put on oneself. dp.<j>t-icXwros, ov, (dfMpi, k\v(w) flooded around.
dp.4>i€XiKTos, ov, (dfMpi(\io~9<v) turned round and apdn-Koptco, f. rjow, to tend on all sides or carefully.
round, circling, revolving. dp4>(-Kopos, ov, (dfMpi, /f 0/177) with bair all round,
dp.4>«XioTra, fern. Adj. rowed on both sides : or thick-haired : of trees, thick-leafed.
swaying to and fro, rocking. From dp.<J>u<pavos, ov, (dfMpi, mpa) = dfMpifti(pa\os.
dp.4>i-€\to-o-oo, f. i£a>, to wind round., Pass, declined like dvvajxai : (dfMpi,
dp,(j>i-€vvup.i and dp.<J>i-€W\)u> : fut. dfMpiioo), Att. Kp(fxdvvvfxi) :hover or flutter round.
to Hence
IjKpiaj aor. I rj/jupUoa, Ep. dfMpUoa : — Pass., aor. I dp<J>i-Kp€p/f|s, is, banging round one : banging round

fifJKpifo-drjv: pf. rj/Mpifafuu, poet, afupitifiat :

— to put the shoulder.
round, to put garments on a person, Lat. induere — dpduKpTjpvos, ov, (dfMpi, Kprjfivos) with cliffs all
Pass, to be clothed in, to wear, esp. in pf. II. round.
Med. dfi<pL(vvvfxat : aor. i rifMpitadfiTfv, 3 pi. dpapiia- dpduxp-nvos, ov, Ion. for dficpiKpavos, surrounding
oavro, imperat. dfMpiicaoOc :
— to put on oneself, dress the bead.
oneself in. dp4>i-KT(ov«s, <uv, ol, (dfMpi, KTifa) tbey that dwell
dp.4>t-€iTO), poet, also dp.<j>-€iro) aor. 2 dfupienov and round or near. Hence


dfuparov : (dfi<pi, tnoj) to go about, encompass. II. *Ap.4>i-KTUov€s, ojv, ol,Amphictyons, a Council
to be busy about, take care of: to do honour to : esp. composed of deputies chosen by all the states of

to tend, protect. III. Med. to follow and crowd Greece. II. the presidents of the Pythian games.
round. Hence
dp.<j>U<rav, dpdutaavTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I of d/Mpi- 'Ap.<})LKTVOvCo, if, the A mphictyonic League or Council.
ivvv/xi. 'Ap.<|>iktvovik6s, 17, 6v, of or for the Amphictyons or
ducj>-i£dva>, (dfMpi, l£dvaj) to sit around or on a their League.
thing, settle upon it, as dust does, [a] 'Ap4>iktuovCs, ioos, 7), fern, of 'AfMpiKTvovi/tos : I.

dp.<j>[-£€UKTOs, ov, (dfMpi, fcvyvvpu) joined from both (sub. iroXis), a city or state in the Amphictyonio
sides. League. II. a name of Artemis at Antbela, the

d|A<J>i-0dAao-o-os, Att. -ttos, ov, (dfMpi, OaXaaaa) meeting-place of the Ampbictyonic Council.
sea-girt : near the sea. dp.dH-KvXivS(i>, f. -KvXiaa) [t], to roll about or upon.
dp4>i0&XT|$, is, blooming on both sides : hence dp,<j>i-KvireXXos, ov, (dfx<pi, /cvrreWov) in Homer
flourishing, rich. From always with divas, a double cup : cf. dfMpi0€TO$. [0]
dp<J>i-0dXXa>, pf. dfi<piT(9r)\a, to bloom all round, dp.<f>i-X&Xos ov, (dfMpi, \d\os) chattering everywhere.

to be in full bloom. ap.<j>i-XadW|S, is, (dfMpi, \if3uv) far-spreading : bence

dp4>i-0aA-rra), f. j/w, to warm on all sides, warm generally wide, large, vast: also excessive, violent.
thoroughly. dpdu-Xaxatvco, to dig or hoe round.
dp.<j>t-6«aTpov, to, (dfMpi, Oiarpov) a double theatre, f. {a, to speak on both
dp.<j>i-XcY<o, sides, dispute.
amphitheatre. Hence
dp.4>i0€TOS, ov, (dfupniOrffti) of a cup, that will stand dp<j>(X€KTos, ov, discussed on all bands, doubt-
on both ends, or with bandies on both sides. ful. II. act. disputing, captious.
dp.4>i-0€u>, f. Qevoofuu, to run round about. dpduXo-yCa, 7), dispute, doubt. From
dp.dH.-0T]YT|s, «'s, = sq. dp.<j>(-XoYOS, ov, (dfMpi, \iyoj) disputed, questionable,
dp<|)(-$7]KTos. ov, (dfMpi, OrftoS) sharpened on both doubtful. II. act. disputatious, contentious
sides, two-edged. dp4>i-Xo4>os, ov, (dfMpi, \6<pos) encompassing the neck,
dp.<J>C-0p€irros, ov, (dfMpi, Tpe<paj) clotted around, dp.<j>t-Xvicrj vv{, t), (dfMpi, \vkt), Lat. lux) the morn-
congealed, of blood. ing-twilight, gray of morning, [y]
dp,<j)L-0i5pos, ov, (dfMpi, Ovpa) with a door or opening *dp4>i-pdopai, (dfMpi, fidcu) pres. of Ep. aor. I dficpi-
on both sides : as Subst. dpupiOvpov, to, a hall. fuxadfir\v, to wipe or rub all round.
dp.4>i-Ka\virT0), f. \po), to cover all round, enfold, dp<J>i-pdo-xaAos, ov, (dfMpi, fiaax^v) covering both
shroud. II. to put a thing round as a veil or shoulders, two-sleeved.
shelter, to envelope in. dpdn-pdTopes, Dor. for apxpi-pdiTopet.
dp.<^i-Kcd£a> : Ep. aor. I part. dfMpiKfdoaat : — to apdHudx^Tos, ov, contended for, contested on both
cleave asunder. bands, [tij From
— : — : : ——
ifi<f>Lfidxpjjiai — d/m<J>iT6a>a>. 45
au$i-pax oual f. -iiaxovyKii : Dep.
> to fight (<pl, itovtoS)
—to bestow labour about, attend — to,

round: I. to attack. 2. to fight for. [S] provide for.

duda-ucXds, aiva, av, black all round, wrapt in du<J>t-iroTdouai, Dep. to fly or flutter around.
darkness. dp4>i-Trp6o-a>Tros, ov, (dfi<pi, npoocunov) double-faced,
dp4>ip<p.vx€, 3 sing. pf. act. of dfi(pi-fiv/{dofMi. Lat. bifrons.
dp<|>i-u€pi£ouai, Pass, to be completely parted. f. £oj, to clasp around.
dp.<J>i-iTTva<rci>, Hence
d|i<j>i-p.T)Topes, ol,al,(a(Mpi, fiTjT-np) brothers or sisters dp^tTTTvx^i
« clasping round, embrace. 17,

by different mothers. dp<j>i-TruXos, ov, (dfi<pi, vv\t]) with two entrances.

dp4>i-p,vKdop<u, pf. act. fxi^vKa Dep. to low or
: dp<j>£-TTt)pos, ov, (dfx,(pi, nvp) surrounded byfire, with

bellow around, properly of cattle ; SdneSov dfi(ptfi4- fire all round.

fivtce the floor echoed all around. dpdu-pthros, 77, ov, poet, for dp.<j>ip-pvros, ov, (dfifi,
dp.<J>i-veiKT|s, es, (dpupi, vukos) made an object of /5e'a>) flowed around, sea-girt.
contest, eagerly wooed. 'AM^I'2, as Adv. I. on or at both sides :
dp.<l>i-V€tKT)Tos, ov, (dfx<pl, vtiKea)) = dfKptveiKOS. hence 2. apart, asunder; yaiav «at ovpavbv dfi(pls

dpdu-vcuouai, Med. to dwell round about, in- %X (LV to keep heaven and earth asunder. 3. gene-
habit. rally, around, round about. II. more rarely as

du<J>t-vo«o, f. -qooj, to think both ways, doubt. Prep. c. gen. around: apart from, far from. 2.
d(x4>i-£€a>, f. 4oqj, to smooth or polish all round. rarely c. dat. like dfjxpi, round about. 3. c. ace.
dp.<j)(£oos, ov, contr. dp4>££ovs, ovv, (dfMpi£toj) about, around, when it always follows its case.
polishing all round. dudn-craXetiouai, Pass, to toss about, like a ship
dp.<f>£-ira\TOs, ov, (dfi<pl, ird\\<v) reechoing. at sea.
dp.<j)t-irdTdo-o-o), f. on or from all sides.
£oj, to strike dp4>io--|3aiva, 77s, 7), (dpepis, Qaivoj) a kind of ser-
apdu-TrcBos, ov, (dficpi, rrtdov) surrounded by a plain. pent, that can go both ways, forward or backward.
apdu-rreXouai, Dep. to be all round, hover around. d^^a.O'iy], 7), Ion. for dfi<picr-0r)T7)Ois.
dudu-irevouai, Dep. to be busied about, take care of, dp.4>io--p-r|T«i> impf. -qntyiofiriTovv, or with double

pay heed to. augm. "qiKpfofiriTovv : so, aor. 1 i)n<pio$T\Tnoa or 77ft-

dp.<J)t-ir6piKTiov€s, oiv, the dwellers round about. <p(oPrjTrjoa : — Pass., fut. med. in pass, sense dpupiofiT)-
dp^t-TrepiirXcYOTjV, Adv. (d/z</><, irepnrXiKOj) twined TTjaoftai : — aor. I "qfMpioPrjTrjOrjv or rjfupfofi— : (dfMpis,
round about. @rjvai aor. 2 of fiaivoj) : to stand apart, and so to
dp.4>i-'ir€pio-Tt4>Q>, to put round as a crown. dispute, differ, argue — Pass, to be the subject of dis-
dp.<t>i-Tr€pio-Tpci>4>d<i>, to keep turning round about pute. Hence
or in every direction. dp<|)io-pT|Trjp,a, aros, to, a point in dispute. And
dp.<t>i-ir€ptTpv£G), to chirp or twitter all round. dp.<|)iorpT|TT|o-tp.os, ov, debatable, doubtful.
dp4>i-7T6pi-<j)0ivv9a>, (dfupi, n(pi, <f>6ivw) to decay or dp.<j>io'PT|TT|<ris, cojs, 7), (dn<piofir)Ti<u) a dispute, con-
die all around, [u] troversy, ground or occasion of dispute or debate.
ovaa, 6v, aor. 2 part, of dpuptirirrroi.
dp.4>i7T€crGjv, dp4>io-pT)Tr|TOS, ov, disputed, debatable.
dp4>i-md£u>, f. d£oj, to press all round. dp<J>, v. dfKpio-Tijfit.

duda-miTTO), f. rrecroOftat, to fall around, embrace d uda-o-TtXXw, to fold about another : — Med. to fold
eagerly. round oneself, deck oneself in.
duda-TTiTvco, = dfKpi-winTQJ. dp4>i-aTC(j>av6o|xai, Pass, (d/upi, oricpavos) to stand
dp<j>i-irX«KTOS, ov, (dfx<pi, it\€koj) twisted on both round like a crown.
sides, intertwining. dp.<{>i-o-T€<}>Y]$, «, (dfupi, arl<pw) placed round like
dp.<J>i-irXijKTOS, ov, (dfupi, irX-qooo)) beating or dash- a crown.
ing on all sides. dp<J>-Co-fr|p.i, to place round: — Pass. dfuplaTafiat,
dp.<t>i-Tr\Ti£, 7770s, 6, ij, (dfupi, irX^aaoj) striking with with the intr. act. tenses, aor. 2 dficpeoTTjv, pf. dfup-
both sides, double-biting. ioTrjKa : to stand around.
QpcfuiroXetKo, (dfjupinoXos) to be an attendant: be du<J>(-aTop.os, ov, (d/x<pi, o"ro/za) with double mouth
busied about, take charge of: of slaves, to serve, to or opening : double.
minister to. dp.4a-o-TpaTaop.a1, 3 pi. Ep. impf. d(i<pcffTpaT6<uvTO :

dp4>iTroXc<t>, = djjHpiirokcvo). Dep. (dfi<j>i, OTparos) : to beleaguer, besiege.

dp<j>i-rroXis, poet. dp.<J>t-TrroXis, 6, 7}, (dfupi, ir6\is) du<J>t-o-Tp€4>T|S, «, (d^upi, arptcpoj) twisting round,
around a pressing a city on all sides.
city, 2. as turning all ways.
fem. Subst. a city between two seas or rivers. dp<t>iTa9eis, aor. I pass. part, of dfjupireivw.
dp4>C-rroXos, ov, (d/jupl, irt\a>) properly being about, du<j>i^rdpvu, Ion. for dfx<pi-Tefnv<u.
busied about : generally as fem. Subst. a handmaid, du<t>i-raV\Ki>, = d/Mpi-rdvoj.
waiting -woman : as masc. an attendant, fol- dp4>L-Tapdo-crca, to trouble all round.
lower. II. as Adj. much frequented. dp4>iT€0€is, aor. 1 pass. part, of dficpiTiOrjfU.
dp.4>i-7rov€, Dep. with aor. I pass. dfupenovfiOijv dp<$>i-T£Lvu), to stretch out and throw round.
— — : — :

46 &ii<j)i.T€ixrjs
d[x4>i-T€ix"fjs, ft, (dfi<pi, Tf?xot) encompassing the "AM«£fl, tw, ra, rd>, also 61, al, rd, Gen. and Dat.
walls. of two, Lat. A
dfjupotv, both MBO
: (same Root as dpupi.)

dpdu-Ttpvw, Ion. -Tajivo), to cut off" all round, to dp4>d)8oXos, 6, {ufjupi, d/SoAos) a double spit.
intercept. dp<j>-<oT|s, €s, (dfupi, ovs) two-eared, two-handled.
dp<|>i-T£0T]pi, imperat. -riOfi : i.'6ijoca : aor. I fOrj/ea: dp,<j>-ams, ibos, 17,ols) a two-handled pail.

aor. 2 d/x<pf0T]v : aor. I pass. dfupfTfOrjv : to put dpdworos, ov, = foreg., two-eared, two-bandied.
round, to put on : Med.
put on oneself.
to dpuev, for dfiAonv, 3 pi. pres. opt. of dfida).
dn<|>i-Ttv<4,<ro-c>, shake around.
f. a£a), to d-pap/nros, ov, (a privat., fuufiio/icu) unblamed,
I p,<j>i-Ti/rrBpi£a>, to twitter around. blameless. Adv. -tojs, blamelessly.
dp<j>i-Topos, ov, (a/i<pi, rafifiv) cutting on both sides, dpcopov, to, amomum, an Indian spice.
two-edged. d-pxopos, ov, (o privat., /w/tos) without blame,
dp<J>i-ropvos, ov, {dyupi, ropvooi) well-rounded. blameless.
dp.<j>i-Tpf pa>, to tremble all over. apis, Att. dpws, Adv. from the absol. d/x6t=rlt,
dpd»t-Tp€X w » to run round, surround. compd. dyuua-yi-'ncos, in a certain manner.
esp. in
dp,<j>t-rpT|S, rjros, 6, 17, = dfjupirprjTot. "AN, a conditional particle, used like the Ep. and
dp.<j>i-TpTjTOS, ov, {dfjuf>i, *rpda> Root of TfTpaivot) Lyr. particle *c, Kfv.
bored through, with double entrance. A. with indicat. ov makes an assertion, instead of
dp.du-Tpop.ea>, f. "fjaoj, (d/i«/>t, rpifiw) to tremble for. being positive, dependent on circumstances : hence 6v
dp<j>i-d>&€iva>, (dpupi, <pdw) to shine around. cannot be joined with pres. or perf, because that which
dp.<j>t-<j>a\os, ov, with <pd\ot all round; see <pd\ot. is, or has been, cannot be made so dependent. I.

dp4>i-(j>avrjs, (s, (d/x<pi, <pavrjvai) visible all round. —

with lNDic. : with fut. (only in Ep. poets) dv ex-
dpda-4>o{3«opcu, Pass, (dpupi, (po(3eco) to fear or presses that which certainly will happen, if something
tremble all round. else happens first —
with imperf. dv expresses the
dpdH-4>op€vs, gen. tcvs Ep. fjot, 6, (dpupi, <p£pcu) a frequent repetition of an act under certain circum-
large jar or pitcher with two bandies. stances, what would always happen; dv he fA^y
dp4>u-4>pdfopai, Med. to consider on all sides. would say (whenever he had an opportunity) ; xkai-
dp,dn-xaiv<i>, aor. 2 dpup-tx&vov to yawn round, : fOKtv dv he would keep on weeping :

with aorists dv
threaten to swallow : to yawn wide. expresses what would have happened on a particular
dp.du-x«i>, f. -x*& aor x dfupixfa • - Pass. aor. I — occasion ; ftirtv dv be would have said. II. with

dfi<pfx^rj v [P] : Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass. dpupixvro : optat. it turns the wish, which the mood expresses
pf. -KfxvfMii :to pour or shed around: Pass, to bt — when alone, into a conditional assertion. III.
poured around : to embrace. with subjunct. dv belongs rather to the particle
dp<)>i-xopcva>, f. ceo, to dance around. on which the verb depends, than to the verb it-
&p.<j>(-Xpvo-os, ov, (dfupi, xpvoot) gilded all over. self. IV. with infinit. dv is used in cases
apdnxtiOets, aor. I pass. part, of dfi<pi-xfO}- where the indie, or optat. would be joined with it.—
dpduxfo-os, ov, (dfuptxfoj) poured around, heaped dv never begins a sentence, and regularly follows the
up around. word whose signf. it limits, as €?x o " °vx Dut when
dpd>(-xo)Xos, ov, lame in both feet. words dependent on the verb precede it in the sen-
dp<J>-o8ov, to, (dfupi, 6o6t) part of a town with tence, dv may follow any of them, because, in sense,
streets round it, a quarter of a town, Lat. vicus. they follow the verb, as irplxpaaiv dv tlx ov — ^Xov &"
dpd>-o8os, 1), (df*(pi, 606s) a road round, a street. vpo<paaiv.
dp>dtopevs, fcos, 6, shortened form of dfttpi-<popfvt, dv, Conj. = \dv, with subjunctive, [a]
ajar, also a cinerary urn: as liquid measure, I J: = dv or dv, shortd. Ep. form of dvd. [&]
Roman amphorae, or nearly 9 gallons. dv, shortened from dva, for dvianj (like tvi for
dpc^OTtp-g, as Adv. (dfupoTtpot) in both ways, Lat. fVfart), be stood up, arose.
utrinque. dv-, sometimes for a privat. before a vowel.
dpd>orcpos, a, ov, (dfupcj) Lat. uterque, both : tear' 'ANA', Prep. c. gen., dat. et ace, used also in forms
dpuporfpa on both sides, Lat. utrinque; iw' dfj.(p6repa dv-, ay-, dpi- : in general signf. opp. to Kara. 1.

towards both sides. Hence c. gen. on board; dvd vijot on board ship. II.
dp4>OT€pu>0ev, Adv. from or on both sides, Lat. ex c. dat. on, upon. HI. c. acc. the common
utraque parte : from both ends. usage, implying motion upwards, I. of Place, up:
dp.<j>orcpa>0i, Adv. on both sides. — throughout. 2. of Time, throughout. 3. in
dp<j>OT€pa>s, Adv. in both ways. And numbers, up to. 4. taken distributively, e. g. dvd
dp<j>OT€pa)or€, Adv. to or on both sides. vdaav day by day for dvd icpdrot, v. sub
Ijfifpav :

du.<j>-ovS($, Adv. (a/Mpit, ovSas)from the ground. Kpdros. IV. as Adv. thereon, thereupon : through-
dp4>pdo-cra,iTO, poet, for dva<ppdaaairo, 3 sing. aor. out, all over. V. in compos, up to, towards, up,
I opt. of dva<ppa£o/juit. opp. to Kara hence with a sense of strengthening.

dp.-4>vw, poet. dva<pvoi. Also back, backwards — Lat. re-, retro-. [Ova]
: — —
: — —
&va — toayKcuos. 47
&va, for ivdarnOi, up! arise! dvdj3\ci}/is, *oj$, t), (dva/SAtVa;) a seeing again, re-
ova, vocai. of dVa£, king, only addressed to gods. covery of sight.
dvdjfa, Att. for dvdp-rjOt, aor. 2 of uva&aivaj. dvapXr|5T|v, poet, shortd. dupXY)ST|v, Adv. (ova-
dvoPdSi)v, Adv (dva&aivcu) going up, mounting: BdWouai) boiling up: with sudden bursts. —
being up on high, aloft ; opp. to Kara-BdSnv. [/3a] dvdpX-rjcrvs, tous, (dva&dWa}) a putting off, delay.
dva^a0u6s, 6, (dvaBaivoj) a means of going up, a

dva-pXvfw, f. vaaj: a>>r. 1 &V(0 Kvaa: to gush forth; —

/light of steps, stair. 4waB^v(i iv tXaiov to gush out with oil.
dva-^dOpa, )), (dvd, Bddpov) a ladder. dva-fJXtoo-Kto, aor. 2 dvifioKov, to go up or back.
dva-j3aivco, f. -Brjo-ofiat : aor. 2 uviByv also aor. I dva-podco, Tjaofiat : aor.
fut. avtBorjaa, Ion. inf.

; 1

rned dviBrjad^v, Ep. 3 sing. dvePriotro pf. dva- : d/x/3aiaat dvaBofjaai)

(for to cry or shout aloud,
Be0T)Ka I intrans. to go up, mount, to go on utter a loud cry : to cry out something. II. to

sbip-board, put to sea. II. in aor. l dvt&rjoa, call on.

Causal, to make to go up, make to go on board ship, , Adv.
dvaj3oXd8-r)v, poet. dp,p (uvaBoXif) bubbling

make to mount: Pass., aor. 1 part. dvaBaOe^s, mount- up. as a prelude ox beginning of song.

ed : so also pf. part. dva(3t£a(Xtvos dvaPoXds, shortd. duPoXds, dbos, i), (dva@dW<»)
dva-^aKxcvb), f. a<u, (avd, Bd-^Kos) to rouse to Bac- thrown up, of earth.
chic frenzy. 2. intr. to break into Bacchic frenzy. dva-PoXt|, popt. dp-PoXi], 1), (dva&dWcu) that which

uva-J3aicxi6ci>, = dva&aKx* va>. isthrown up, a mound of earth. 2. that which is

dva-pdAAcj, f. -Pa\u> : pf. BlBX-qica :
— to throw or thrown around one, a cloak. II. a lifting up of

toss up. II. put back, put off:

to — Med. to lift up the voice, a prelude. 2. a putting off, delaying.

one's voice, to make a prelude begin to sing. III. ovaPoXCa, poet. <-'p.p-, 1), (dvaBokr)) delay.
to pw off, delay: in Act. and Med. IV. in Med. dva-Ppdo*o-o), Att. tto>: Pass., aor I dvfBpdaQijv
to throw one's cloak around one. — to make foam or boil vp, to boil. Hence.

dva-PairrCJo), f. aoi, to dip repeatedly. dvd-Ppao-ros, ov, boiled.

dvaP^s, aaa, dv, aor. 2 part, of uvaBaivu. *dva-Ppdx«, only found in 3 sing. aor. 2 dviBp&x ( v,
dvdjTa oris, ecus, 1), (dvaBaivaj') a going up, mount- q y-
ing. 2. an expedition up from *dva-Ppdx«i aor J dviBpo^a, opt. dva0p6£<ia, pf.
the coast, esp. into
central Asia, like that of the y-'unger Cyrus. &vaBiBpo\a, to swallow again, gulp down : also aor. 2
the rising of a river. 1 1, a way up, the ascent of pass. part. dva-Bpoxtis, (iaa, iv, swallowed back, swal-

a moun ain, etc. lowed down again. Cf KaraBpvxoj.

dva|3d-nrjs, popt. cp^d-rrjs, ov, 6, (uvaBaivoS) one dva-Ppvdfw, aor. I -(Bpva£a,to shout aloud for joy.
who is mounted, a horseman. [<£] dva-ppvxdopm. Pep. to roar aloud.
dvaP&TiKos, 17, iv, (dvaBatvaj) skilled in mounting. dvaP<Lo*ai, Ion. for dvaBoijoai, aor. I inf. of dva-
cvoJ3ot6s, poet. cu.j3aTos, 6v, (ilva-Baivoj) that may Bodiu.
be mounted or scaled, easy to be scaled. dvd-yatov, to, = dvw-yaiov.
dva0(3'nKa, P 1 oi avaBaivoj.
6\v-ayyiWu>, for the tenses see d77«AAai to carry :

cvaP«fipiJxev, pf. of an obsol. dvaBpvfa, to boil or back tidings of a thing, report, Lat. renunciare.
bubble up. cva-yeXdu, f. daofuu [&]: aor. I -tyikaaa: to
dvdp-rjSi, avafjf vat.aor. 2 imper. and \nf."fava0atvaj. laugh aloud.
dva-j3t0d£td, med. -0ific aouai, At.-0iBu/pjai:
fut. dva-Y€wdo), f. 1\a<u, to beget anew, regenerate.
aor. dveBificioa, med. -acdfirjv
1 Causal of d^a- —
dv-uY', Dor. for dv-Tjjtofmt.

Baivai, to make go up: I. to mount one on horse- dva-yevo, f. cqj 2 r. 1 avtytvaa to give to taste. : :

back. 2. to draw a ship up. 3. in Med. to put dva-Yi'yv >o K<0 ater dvayivwo-Ko) f. dvayvwaofmt,
'* >
' :

on board ship. 4. to bring up to the bar of a c^urt aor. 2 uvtyvojv aviyvwua to know accurately. 2. : :

of justice. Hence to I now again, rec gnise, own. Lat. agnoscere. 3.

dvafJtpaoTfov, verb. Adj. one must set on. to distinguish, discern : hence to read. II. in

dva-^ioca, f. dvaBioJOouai aor. 2 dvfBlajv, inf. Ion. Greek the aor. 1 uvtyvaaa is used in causal sense

dvaBicuvai, rarely aor 1 dveBtooaa (avd, Bios) to to persuade; and aor. I pass. dvtyvwaBrjv, pf. dvt-
: :

come to life again, return to life yvaionat. tn be persuaded.

dvapCcooas, (OJt, ij. (dvaBiocv) recovery of life. dva-yKofo), f. daoi pf. r\vdyKaKa: (dvdytCT}) to : :

dvapuooxoum, aor. I ivtBiwod\i-nv, Dep. to bring force, compel: to constrain, esp. by argument: also
back to life. to force by torture, and so to harass, annoy. 2. to
dva-pXoordvco, f. -B^aarrjco} aor. 2 dvlB^aoTov prove of necessity, to demonstrate. 3. with double

: :

to shoot t grow up again.

1 ace. to force a ptrson to do a thing., arot, to. a look cast upwards. From dvaY<ca(-r], ij, Ep. and Ion. for dvdyKrj.
dva-pXtiru), f. \pw, to look up. 2. to look back dva*yicatos, a, ov, also os, ov, (dvayK-q) of or with
upon, Lat. respicere. II. to see again, recover force: I. Act. cons'raining, forcing, pressing: r)ysxp
one's sight. Hence dvayncuov the day of constraint, i. e. slavery. a.
— — — : : ::

48 avayKaC(os — avabibda-KO).

forcible, convincing. of things, requiring to be

i. up : hence anything by which one leads, a rein,
done. II. pass, force J: hence painful. 2. thong, etc.
necessary : tcL avaynaia, necessaries : also absolutely uva-ywyiri, //, (dvdycv) a leading up : a putting to
necessary, barely sufficient. 3. connected by neces- sea. 2. a leading back, referring.
sary or natural ties : as Subst., dvayKaioi, oi, Lat. dv-dycoyos, ov, (a privat., dycvyrj) without guidance
necessarii, relations. or education, ill-bred : of horses and dogs, unbroken.
dvayKaitos, Adv. of dvayicaTos, of necessiy, per- dv-ayoviorros, ov, (a privat., dyojvi£ofjai) without
force; dvaynaia)$ «x 64 li is necessary : Sup. dvay- contest, never having contended for a prize.
Ka.iuTa.Ta. dva-Saiti>, to divide anew: generally to divide or
dvayicacrTtov, verb. Adj. of dvaytcdfa, one must apportion a conquered laud.
compel. dva-Sa(a), p> «t. dv-8aia>, = dvaKala), to light up.
dvayKaoTiKos, 17, Lv, (avayadfa') compulsory. dva-Sdaao-dai, aor. 1 med. inf of dvahaTtofMii.
dvayKaoTos, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of dvaynd£cv, forced, c. va.8acru.6s, d, (dvabdoaaOai) a re-distribution : ge-
constrained. nerally a distribution, division.
'ANATKH, Ion. and Ep. dva/yKa(T], 1), Lat. ne- dvdSacrros, ov, (dvabdcraodat) divided anew, redis-
cessitas, force, constraint, necessity: often in dat. dv- tributed: generally, distributed.
dy/qi as Adv. perforce, of necessity, also forcibly, by dva-8aT«ou,<u, f. Sdcrofiat: aor. I dvfSaadprjv, — to
force. 2. necessity, natural want or desire, such a< divide again, re-distribute.
hunger. 3. actual force, violence : hence bodily dvaScSpopu, pf. 2 of dvarpix *'

pain, suffering. II. like Lat. necessitudo, the tit dvaSet-yu-a, fuxTOs, to, a means of shewing forth : a
of I in, relationship. mouth-piece used by criers.
dvo-YvdfjnrTto, f. xpoj : Pass., aor. 1 dvtyvd\i<pQr\v : dva-SeiKvup.i and dva-Sciicvuco fut. -8ei£<», Ion.
to bend back or round. 2. '0 undo, loose. -S^cu: — up and shew, shew forth.
to lift

II. to
dvayvot-nv, dva-yvuvai, aor. 2 opt. and inf. of dva- make public, declare. Hence
yiyvwaKoj. dvd8ci£is. €ojs, 1), a shewing forth, display : a pro-
av-ayvos, ov, (a privat., ayvos) impure, unchaste, claiming, election.
generally unholy, guilty. dva-8«Kop,ai, Ion. for dva-tix !**11 '

dva-Yvci>pi£o>, f. ia<u, Att. XS> to know again, re- : dv-dScAcfxJs, ov, (a privat., &8f\<p6s) without brother
cognise. Hence or sister.
dvayvciipto-is, ton, fj, recognition. dvdSepa, poet. dvScpa, aTOS, to, (dfacUoj) a bead-
ovdyvwo-is, (cos, rj, {dvayvCjvai) a knowing again, band.
recognition, owning. II. reading. dva-Sc^ai, Ion. for ava5ei£at, aor. I inf. of dva-
dva-Yv<uo-p,a, /mtos, to, (dvayvwvai, aor. 2 of dva- o't'iKvvpi.
yiyvwoKcu) a passage read aloud. dva-StpKopat, aor. 2 av-ibpaxov — to look up, to
dvayopevcris, ecus, 17, a crying aloud, proclamation. open the eyes again.
From dva-Scpco, f. bdpQj : to draw off" the skin, esp. to strip
dv-dyopetJCtf the Att. fut. is dvepw, aor. 2 dvftirov : off the scar of a wound, Lat. refricare ulcus : hence


to cry aloud, proclaim publicly : —

Pass, to be pro- to rip up old sores.
claimed : to be generally called or surnamed. (dvaS^oj) a binding on.
dvdSecns, (ojs, ij,
dvaypairros, ov, (avaypd<poS) written up or out, and dvdSecrpos, 6, (dvabi<v) a band
dva8«ru/r), 1),

registered. ox fillet for women's hair, a headband.

dvcrypa.4>€us, 4a>s, 6, (dvaypatpw) a notary, secretary. dvdSeros, ov, (dvabiai) binding up.
dvaYp&<t>T|, 17, a writing out: that which is written dva-8ev<o, to dye, imbue.
out, a public record. From dva-8*x°p at mt med. -hi^oftai aor. dvfSe^dnrjv » - :

dva-ypdctxi), f. \pco aor. T dviypaipa

: to write up, : —
but Ep. aor. 2 pass. dvfStyfiijv pf. dvab ebtyfiai :

generally to enter in a public register or record. II. Dep. to take up, receive : also to take back.
: II.

to describe, [ypa] to take upon oneself, submit to. 2. to undertake,

dvo-ypvfo), strengthd. for ypvfa, to mutter. promise to do also to be surety to one. ;

dv-dyto, f. dva£<v: aor. 2 dvrjyayov: {dvd, dy<u): f. -d^aoj

I. aor. I -iorjaa
dva-8co>, poet, dv-8eo>

: :

to lead up from a lower place to a higher, but in pf. pass. -biSffiai to bind up, bind round; dvabuv
Homer = 070;, to conduct, carry. 2. dvdytiv vavv Tiva (iayyiXia to crown one for one's good news. II.

to put a ship out to s?a ; and then dvdyuv or dvdye- dvabrjaat tavTovs es Tiva to trace up one's family to a
cOat, absol. in same sense. 3. to lead up into the founder. III. Med. to fasten with a rope to one-
interior of a country. 4. to lead up, raise up, con- self; dvaSovpevos iXjceiv (sc. vavt), to take a ship in
duct, hence to celebrate. 5. to bring up, edu- tow.
cate. II. to bring back : to refer. III. in- dvd&T)u,a, poet. dv8T]u,a, oto», t6, (avaoia)) a bead-
trans. (sub. iavrov) to withdraw, retreat. band.
dvaycuyevs, 4a/s, 6, (dvdycu) properly one that leads dva-SlSacricca, f. dfa, to teach over again l to teach
— : — : : — : — —
&va&i8a>/xt &vatp4<ti. 49
otherwise or better, Lat. dedocere : also simply — biSd- dva0€T€ov, verb. Adj. of dvariOnpu, one must refer :

okw. to teach : —
Pass, to learn better. II. to ex- one must defer.
pound, interpret. dva-dcu), f. -$evoofiai and -6(voovfiai. to run up or
dva-Sc8a)(j.t, poet. dv8i8ajp.i : f. -bwaw : to give up: back, return.
to give forth, esp. of the earth, to yield. 2. intr. dva-0c<opca), to look at or observe carefully; to view
of springs, fire, etc., to burst forth. II. to give or observe again.
round, distribute : also to give hack, restore. dva-OrjXeo), like dva-6d\\w, (dvd, OfjKvs) to grow
dvd-Sticos, ov, {dvd, diKTj) tried over again. green, bloom, or sprout afresh.
dva-Siir\6ci>, f wow, {ova, 5iv\ovs) to make double. dvd0T]p.a, aros, to, {dvariOnfii) that which is set up,
dvdSoTos, ov. {dvabibw/u) given up or to be given up. esp. as a votive offering : in Homer only used of a
dvdSov, for dvddoao, aor. 2 imper. of dvabidwfu. delight or ornament. Cf. dyakpua.
dvaSovvcu, dvaSovs, ovaa, 6v f aor. 2 inf. and part, dva-0\i(3u>, f. ipw, to press bard.
of uyadiSwfxi. dva0op«iv, aor. 2 inf. of dvaOpwoKW.
dvaSovvrcu, dva8otjp.evos, 3 pi. and part. pres. med. dva-0opv|3cci>, f rjow, to shout in applause.
of dvabiw. dvd0pcp.p.a, aros, to, {dvarpicpw) a nursling.
dvaSoxT), 1), (avadixofuii) a taking up, acceptance dv-a0pcci>, {dvd, dOpiw) to look up at : observe closely.
dvaboxt) iruvwv the undertaking of labours. dva-OpwoTKa), poet, and Ion. dv0pw<xica> : fut. dva-
dva8pa(j.6LV, aor. 2 of dvarpex 01
inf. - $opovfiai : aor. dvkOopov, inf. dvaOopuv : to spring
dva8pd(i.oji,at, poet, for -ovpai, fut. of dvarpexv- up, bound up, rebound : to spring upon.
dvaSvvcu, aor. i inf. of dvabvopuai. dvaiScid, Ep. and Ion. dv<u8etr|, fj, {dvaib-qs) sbame-
dva-8vva), to come to the top of the water. lessness, assurance, effrontery.
dva-Svopxu, f. Svaofiat Dep. with aor. 2 act. dvi-
: dvaiSevopai, Dep. {dvaibrjs) to behave impudently.
Svv, pf. dvabibvica {ava, bvw) : to come up, rise, : dv-ai8"f|s, (S, (a privat., albcopuii) shameless, un~
esp. from the sea but absol. of the sun, to rise, of abashed, reckless : the stone of Sisyphus is called


springs, to gush forth. 2. to draw back, retire \das dvaibfjs, reckless, ruthless.
c. ace. to shun : c. inf. to delay to do, avoid doing. dv-aiQvo-o-w, to fan the flame.
dvaS&v, Att. pres. part, of avabiw. dv-ai0b>, {dvd, a'lOw) to set on fire, to inflame.
dv-d«8vos, ij, (o privat., ebvov) without presents dv-aip.aKT(, Adv. of sq., without bloodshed.
from the bridegroom, without bridal gifts. dv-aCpxiKTOs, ov, (a privat., alfxdocrw) bloodless, un-
dvaetpoi, aor. I inf. of dvaeipw. stained with blood, Lat. incruentus.
dv-attpco, {ava, delpw) to lift or raise up. dv-aip,STOS, ov, = avaifios.
dv-deXirros, ov, (o privat., (\irofMi) unhoped, un- dv-aijxos, ov, and dv-aipo>v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat.,
loosed for. affia) without blood, bloodless.
dv-aepTao), lengthd. for dv-adpw. dv-cup.a>Tt, Adv. like dv-aipwcTi. [rt]
dva-£db>, inf. ^qaw to return to life.
dvatfjv : f. dvatvopai, impf. qvaivopLrjv, Ep. dvaivofirjv
: fut. :

dva-fcvyvvfjit and vo>, f. &v£w, to yoke or harness dvavovpai (not in use) aor. I rjvqvdpiijv, inf. dvrjva- :

again : hence to prepare to go away again, esp. with cOai, subj. dvqvrjrat Dep.: to refuse, reject, spurn: :

an army, to break up, move off: and so of ships, vfjas c. inf. refuse to do hence to excuse oneself from a :

dv. to set sail again. 2. intr. (sub. orparov, etc.) thing, renounce, disown : to repent, be ashamed of
to march off. Hence doing a thing. (Deriv. uncertain.)
dvd£eu£is, (ws, ij, a marching away. dvat£as, aor. I part, of dvatoow.
dva-£eo>, f. £4crw, to boil or bubble up. dv<upe0TJv<u, aor. I pass. inf. of dvaipiw.
dva-£i)T€c0, to search into, examine, Lat. anquirere : dvaCpco-is, «us, 1^, a taking up of dead bodies : 6m-
to search out, discover. Hence rial. 2. a taking upon oneself, an undertak-
dva£"frr»)OT.s, tws, 1), investigation. ing. II. a destroying, destruction. From
dva-£aryp«o, to recal to life. dv-oup«w, f. 170-00 pf. dvrfpr\Ka, pass, dvriprjpai : (v.


dva-£u>vwp.i, f. (waw, to gird up. alpew) to take up, Lat. tollere, and so I. to

dva-£o>irttpc<i>, to light up again — Pass, to gain bear away, carry off, esp. of prizes simply, to take :

fresh life. up, lift. II. to take away, destroy : of laws and
dva-0iX-rra), to warm again. customs, to abolish. III. to appoint, ordain,
dva-9apo-€oj, Att. -0appc<i>, to regain one's courage. esp. of an oracle's answer but absol. to answer, give

dva-0ap<ruvu, Att. -0appvva>, to fill with fresh a response.

courage. II. intr. = dvadapatw. Med. to take up for oneself : hence to gain, win,
dva-0civat, dva-0eis, aor. 2 inf. and part, of dvariOrjpu. receive : exact. 2. to take up dead bodies for
dvd0cp.a, oto», to, {dyaTiOrj/u) anything devoted or burial. 3. to take up newborn children, Lat. tol-
accursed. Hence lere, suscipere liberos. 4. to conceive. 5. to take
dva-06p£T(£<i>, to makeaccursed, to bind by a curse. up money at interest. II. to take upon oneself
dva-0«ppaiv«>, to warm or beat again. undertake. III. to take back to oneself, cancel.
: : : —
: : :

50 iwaCpa) — &vaKov<f)CCoo.

dv-a (p<i>, f. av&puj. to raise up., Ion. for &v&-KCifuu.

dvato-0-rjtrta, 17, want of perception, insensibility. From dva-K€pdwup,i and va> f. icepdaa) [&] : to mix :

ov a£o-0T|TOs, ov, (a pr vat., aloOecOai aor. 2 of al- again : generally, to mix up, mix well.
aOavo^at) unfeeling, without feeling. 2. without dva-KC^SXai6o>, i. d>o-a>, (ova, K«pa\T)) to compre-
common sense, senseless. II. pass, unfelt. hend in a summary, sum up.
dv-a.10-tu.6w, impf. dvaiolfiow aor. I dvaiaifjuuoa: dva-KT|Ki(d, to spout up, gush forth : also, to throb
— Pass., aor. 1 dvaioifjwfmt: (o priv.,
dvai 01 fJwOrjv : pf. violently, [t Ep.]

ataifios, —
the simple aiaifiuoi being never used) : an — dva-KT|pwo-<o, Att. -tto>, f. v£a>, to publish, to pro-
Ion. Verb =Att. dvaXioKco. to use up, use; of time, claim, esp. to proclaim as conqueror: to offer by voice
to spend: of food, to consume. Hence of herald : and so to put up to auction, which was
dvaicrtu,a>p.a, aros, t6, that which is used up, = Att. done by proclamation of the Ki}pv£.
barrdvq, expenditure, outlay. dva-KivSuvcvo), f. aat, to rush into danger again, to
dv ato-cro), Att. dv-qfoxrw, dv-qfTTa> (dVd, dtaaoS)- — run afreb risk.
to start up, rise up quickly, spring or burst forth: c. dva-Kiv&D, to move upwards, to sway to andfro. 2.
ace. to leap upon, [avd ] to rouse, awaken, Lat. suscitare. Hence
dvaicrxwTKi), {avaio-\wTos) t0 oe shameless, behave dvaxlvrjo-is, ecus, 1), a swinging to and fro. 2.
impudently. excitement, emotion, [let]

d.vaxo-\\rrrla., i), sbamelessness. From dva-Kipvfip,ai, Dep. = dva-tc cpdwvfii.

dv-ato*xvvTOS, ov, (a pnvat., alaxvvr}) shameless, dva-KXdf a>, f. -K\dy£<u aor. 2 dvitcXHyov to cry :

impudent : of things, abominable, detestable. aloud, scream out : of a dog, to bark, bay.
dv-aiTT|TOS, 17, ov, (a pnvat., alrioj) unasked. dva-icAatw, f. -K\avo~ouai. to weep aloud, burst into
dv-ainos, ov, (a privat..o/Ti'a) without cause, ground'
tears, also to weep for, to bewail.
less. dva-KXdw, f. -K\dam [S] : aor. 1 dvUK&oa
II. of persons, guiltless, not chargeable, to —
not to blame. break upwards or back, to break in pieces.
dva-Ka6aipu, to clear thoroughly Pass, to become dvdic\T|o%s, (cos. if, —
(dmraAf'o;) a calling on, invo-
quite clear. cation: a summoning. II. a recalling, esp.
dva-Ka0t£o>, to set up or upright: Med. to sit from banishment. —
up. II. intr. to sit down again. dva.KXi0T|o*, fut. pass of dvatcXivw.
dva-tcaivi£<i>, f. iaat, Att. ia) to renew. dvaxXivOtts, later dvaxXiOets, poet. aor. 1 pass, of
dva-Kaivovp-ytw, to restore anew. dva-KXivo>, poet. dy-KXCvo [t] : fut. -KkXvSi aor. I
dva-Kaivda>, (uva, KaivCi) to renew, restore. Hence dviicKiva —
to make to lie back, to lean one thing
dvaxaCvbxris, «vs. -fj. renewal, restoration. against another: Pass, to lie, sink or lean hack. II.
dva.Ka.iov, to, a prison. to push or put back a trap-door, and so to open it.
ava-KaXfa), aor. 1 dveitavaa, to kindle, light up: — dvdicXlTOS, 17, ov, {ava.Khi.voj) leaning hack.
Med. to light oneself a fire: metaph. to fire, rouse, dva-KOYx*^ l dfco, f. a<u, (dvd, tcuyxv) t0 open and
encourage : in Pass, to burn with anger. counterfeit a seal.
dva-kct\fa>, poet. dy-KaXwo:
low. to call up, fut. — dva-Koivoa), f. waai, to communicate or impart some-
esp. 'be dead. upon or call again
II. to call thing to another : to communicate with another, con-
and again, and so to invoke the gods. 2. to sum- sult him. — Med. with pf. pass. -tetKoivoj/Mii. to commu-
mon. 3. to call by a name. III. to call back, nicate what is one's own to another : to impart.
recal, esp. from exile. dva-KOipdvco>, to rule in or over.
dva-KoXvTTTO), f. \f/(u, to uncover, unveil. II. dva-Ko\ird£a>, f. aw, {dvd, k6\ttos) to gird up into
intr. to unveil. a fold (Lat. sinus) absol. to gird oneself up.

dva-Kdp.TrT6), f. bend upwards or back.

tpoj, to 2. dva.Kop.TSTi, j}, recovery of a thing or from an illness.
intrans. (sub. eavriv) to bend back, return. From
dv-dtcav0os, ov, (a privat., ajcavOa) without thorns dva-KopI£<i>, poet. dy-icop.(£a> : f. ioco Att. id:
or bones .•
without a spine. aor. I dvticuftiaa — to carry up : esp. to carry up or
dva-KdirT<i), f \fw, to snap up, swallow, gulp down. against stream : Pass, to go up. II. to bring

dvaKcaTai, Ion. for dvcucfivrai, pi. of i, back, recover: —

Med. with pf. pass, to bring back, poet. ay-Keip-ai: f. -KficrofMi: — used as with one : to recover one's own : to bring to pass
Pass, of to he laid up, as a votive offering;
.'ivaTiOrj/jii, again : — Pass, to go back.
and so, to be dedicated ; also, to he set up, as a sta- dv-aKovTi£<o, f. iou, to dart or fling up. II.

tue. II. to be referred to, depend upon. intr. to shoot up, as blood from a wound.
'A vdKciov. to, the temple »f Castor and Pollux. From avaKOTTT), a heating back ; a recoil. From
'AvaKes, ol, old form of dvatcrts, the Kings, i. e. dva-KOTrTG>,

f. \f/<v, to beat, force or drive back

Castor and Pollux. Pass, to stop short.
dva-K'i', poet, for ava-Ka\4a), to call out. dva-Kov<|>i£<t>, f. loo), Att. tw, to lift or raise up:—
dva-K<\dSos, 6, (dVd, Kf\o/uu) a loud shout. Pass, to be lifted up, lightened in spirits. Hence
— — — — :: —
: : — : :

ava.KOV<pi<Tis — avdkvu). 51
dvaxo v4>tcns, «a», i), a lifting up, lightening : relief dvaXaficiv, aor. 2 inf. of dvaXafi/idvot.
from a thing. dva,-Xa£opai, Dep. to take again.
dva-Kpd£<>>, f. afofiai : aor. 2 dviKpdyov : to cry dv-a\d\d£a>, aor. I dvr)kd\a£a : to raise a war-cry:
out, lift up the voice. to cry aloud.
dva.-Kpu.0tis, aor. pass. part, of dvaxtpivvvpu.
I dva-XapJ3dvo>, f. -\rppofmi : aor. 2 dvc\&fiov : pf.
dva.Kpo.o-is, (ojs, (avaKcpavvvfu) a mixing up.
i), avu\7)<pa —
to take up, take into one's bands : gene-
dva-Kp<Kop.<u, Dep. to begin to play : of a bird, to rally, to take with one. 2. to take into one's ser-
tune its voice. vice, to adopt. 3. like Lat. recipere, to take upon
dva-Kpcp.dvwp.1, poet. dy-icpep> f. -KptpAffoj aor. : : one: esp. in Med. to undertake, ava\afSio$ai iro\t-
I dvticpluaoa : to bang up upon a thing Pass, to :
— fiov. 4. to take up again, resume, dvaXafieiv \6-
be banging up : metaph. to be in suspense, Lat. sus- yov. to take back, regain, retrieve, re-

pensus esse. pair. pull short up, of a horse.

III. to IV.
dva-KpCv<i> [t] : (for the tenses, v. icpivw) to exa- : to gain quite over, attach to oneself.
mine well, search out. II. to examine before- dva-\d\itru>,(. -\dfvpw, to flame up, take fire.
hand : — Med., dvajcpivtadai irpbs kavrovt, to question dva\yr|o-ia, ^, insensibility, want offeeling. From
one vjitb another. Hence dv-dXyTjTOS, ov, (a privat., 0X760;) without pain : I.

dvdicplo%s, poet. dyKpurvs, cats, i), an examination, of persons, unfeeling, bard-bearted, ruthless Adv. —
inquiry. -Tojs, unfeelingly. II. of things, I. not pain-
dva-Kporco), f. up and strike together ful.
fjaw, to lift 2. very painful, cruel.

absol. to clap with uplifted bands,applaud vehemently. dv-aXorjs, €», (a pnv., d\5atV<y) not thriving, feeble.
dvdicpovo-is, fus, t), (avatipovoj) a pushing back, dva-Xeyo), Ep. impf. aWeyov: fut. dva\e(<v: aor. I
checking, esp. pushing a ship back, backing water. df€\(£a, Ep. inf. dW(£ai to pick up, gather up: : —
dvoxpovo-rtov, verb. Adj. of avajtpov<u,one must check. Med. to pick up for oneself. 2. to recount. II.

dva-tcpova), f. au, to thrust back, check: in Med. to read aloud. —

of a ship, dvaicpovtaQai km npvpvrjv to put her back dva-Xeixw, f. £<», to lick up.
sternwards, by backing water. 2. Med. also in dvd\t)v(/is, (od$, if, a taking up: a
music, to strike the strings, make a prelude, like dva- taking again, a means of regaining: a repairing, mak-
(iaWeoOai. ing amends. II. a being taken up : the Ascension.

dva-Kraopai, f. -KT^ffopMi pf. dvenTTjpiai Dep. : : : dv-aA(fcf|S, €*, (a privat., aXQopai) not healing.
to regain for oneself, recover, retrieve. II. to dvdXiiros, ov, Dor. for dvrjKiiros, barefoot.
win a person over, gain bis favour. dv-uXCcrKoj, f. dvdXwaoi aor. I dvqXojca or dvd-:

dvdicTeoa, Ep. for ava£i, dat. pi. of &va£ . \uffa pf. dv-fjXojHa or dvakwxa :
: Pass., fut. dvd\<o- —
dvoucTopios, a, ov, (avaKTwp) belonging to a lord or 6-qoopM aor. I dvrj\w0r}V or dvd\u6t]v pf. dvrj\<u-
: :

king, royal : dva/crupiov, to, = sq. a temple. puti or dvdXwpm : the pres. dv-aXoco, impf. dvaXow
dvdicropov, tv, (avaKTOjp) a king's dwelling, palace are rare : to use up, spend, esp. in a bad sense, to
also a temple. squander: —
metaph., dv. tinvov to use to the full, i. e.
dvdicrcop, opot, o, (dvdoocv) a lord, king. enjoy, sleep. II. of persons, to kill, destroy.
dva-KVKaa), f. rjoai, to stir up and mix : to confuse. dvdAima, 1), want of strength. From
dva-tcuicXeu, to turn round again: Pass, to revolve, — dv-aAicus, 180s, 6, i), ace. -i5a or -iv, (o priv., d\jcfj)
come round again. Hence without strength, impotent, unwarlike.
dvaicvKAi)cns, «us, a coming round again, a
ij, cir-, Dep. to leap up.
cuit, revolution. dv-aXpos, ov, (a privat., aKfit}) not salted.
dva-Kvp^33\id£<i>, (dvd, tcinfiaXov) to rattle like KVfx- dva-Xo-yCa, 1), (dvd, \6yos) proportion, analogy.
&aXa 8i<ppoi dv(ievn(3a\ia£ov the chariots were over-
: dva-Xoyi^opai, Dep. to count up: sum up: to think
turned with a rattling noise, like that of cymbals. over, calculate, consider. Hence
dva-KVTTTti), fut. and -Kvipopuu aor. I dvi-
-/evtf/<u : dvaXoyicrpos, 6, a counting up, calculation, reason-
KtApa pf. dvaK€Kvcpa
: to lift up the bead : esp. to
ing with oneself: also a course of reasoning.
come up out of the water : hence to rise out of diffi- dv-aXos, ov, (a privat., d\s) not salt, without salt.
culties, to recover,emerge. dv-aX6a>, a rare form of dv-a\ioK<ti.
dva-KCDK-uoj, f. wail aloud, [y]
vo~oj, to dv-aXros, ov, (0 privat., a\Oofiai) not to be filled, in-
dvSxus, Adv. = kmp.t\ws, carefully, dvajtus tx €tv satiate, Lat. inexplebilis.
TivCt to look well to a thing. (From avaxos, Adj. of dvdXwts, €fc>s, -fj, (dvaXvai) a loosing, releasing:
dva£, a manager.) dissolution, death.
dvaKwxevcj, f. crew, to bold back, stay, esp. of ships, dva-Xvo), Ion. and Ep. dX-Xvco : f. -\vo~oj [v] pf. :

to keep them riding at anchor: but ov. rbv tovov twv -\i\vKa, pass, -\k\vfiat —
to unloose, undo again
tirXojv to keep up the tension of the ropes, keep also to set free. II. to do away, get rid of: to
taught. 2. intr. (sub. kavrov) to keep still. From stop, put an end to. III. intr. (sub. tirirov, vavvt
dvaicb>x^» #• incorrect form of dvoKouxv- etc.) to loose for departure, and 10 to depart, return.
— — — — —
52 av6Xa>Ka — todirauTTos.
dvdXa>Ka, -topai, pf. act. of dvaXta/caj.
and pass, dv-ap-rrXdicTjTOS, ov, (a privat., aprrXaJcnToi) un-
dvdXwpa, cltos, to, (uvaXucu) that which is used or erring, without wandering.
spent : expense, cost, outlay : in plur. expenses. dva-pvx(K£opai, Dep. to groan deeply.
dvdXaxra, dvdXJxrai, aor. I of dvaXicr/caj. dv-ap<t>tXo-yos, ov, (a privat., d/MpiKoyos) undisputed,
dvaXcocris, €ws, 17, (dvaAocv) expenditure, [aVa] undoubted.
dv-dXa)TOS, ov, (a privat., d\wva.C) not taken, not to dv-ap<(>to-pT|T-rjTOS, ov, (a privat., dfMpia/S^Trjros)
be taken, impregnable. undisputed, indisputable, about which there is no dis-
dva-patpda>, to rage through or throughout. pute. II. act. without dispute or controversy., f. -/xdOrj a opat, to learn again or anew, dvavSpia, 17, unmanliness, cowardice. From
learn differently: to inquire closely. dv-avopos, ov, (a privat.. dvrjp), I =dV«v dvSpos, .

dv-op.d£€VTOS, ov, (a privat., dfjua^eva}) impassable without a husband : without men, desolate. II.

for wagons. unmanly, cowardly, unworthy of a man.

dv-apap-rrj-ros, ov, (a privat., dfiapruv) without mis- dv-avSpou, f. dicrcu, to deprive of a husband. Hence
sing ox failing, unfailing : in a moral sense, faultless. dvdvSpurros, ov, widowed.
Adv. -tcvs, without fail. dva vcdjw, f. daw, (dvd, v&os) to make young again.
dva-pdirdopai, Dep. to chew over again, Lat. ru- dva-vcpo>, poet. dw€pa>, to divide or distribute
minari. anew. II. Med. to count up, recount: to rehearse.

dva-pdo-o-o), Att. -tto> : f. -fid^oo : aor. I avifjua^a : dva-v€opai, poet. dw«opai, Dep. to mount up, rise.
to wipe up, wipe off; epyov, o a Kf(paXn dvafid£tis a , dva-vcoopat, f. uaofMi aor. I dvtviooadfiqv, poet :

deed which thou wilt wipe off on thine own head, (as if inf. dwtwoaoOai Dep. to renew, revive.

it were a stain). II. Med. to knead one's bread. dva-veiio), f. aiu, properly to throw the bead bach in, f. -fjtaxwf10 1 sometimes -fia\(O0fjiat - * token of denial hence to deny, refuse.

or -J]o~ofMi Dep. :to renew the fight, to retrieve a

dvav€o>o-is, coos, 7), (dvaveoofiai ) a renewal, revival.
defeat. dva-vrjdw, f. \p<v, to become sober again, come to one's
dv-dpP&Tos, ov, poet, for dv-avd$aTOS, (a privat., dva- senses. 2. trans, to make sober again.
(iaivu) of a horse, not to be mounted- unmanageable. dv-avra, Adv. of dv-dvrrjs, uphill, opp. to Karavra.
dva-p«X-rro>, f. tf/oo, to begin to sing dv-avTaytovwrros, ov, (a privat., dvTayojvi£o/Mii)
dva-p«va>, poet, dppevco : f. -fievu) aor. I dvififiva: without a rival, without a struggle : undisputed.


wait for, await : absol. to wait, stay.

to 2. to dv-dvrns, €*, (dvd, dvrdaj) up-hill, steep, opp. to ko.t-
await, endure. 3. to put off, delay. dvTrjs :hence like Lat. arduus, difficult.
dvd-peo-os, ov, in the middle. dv-avTippTjTOs, ov, (a privat., dvrtpcv) not to be
dvd-p.€OTOs, ov, filled full. Hence gainsaid. Adv. -cos, without contradiction.
dvapccrrou), f. wow, to fill up, fill full. "AN AH, dvoKTOS, 6 Ep. dat. pi. dva/cTfai a lord,
: :

dva-pcTpfo), f. 170-00, to measure back or over again, king, applied to all the gods, esp. to Apollo. II.

to remeasure the same road one came by : generally, any earthly lord, prince, chief, king : also of the sons
todo or say over again, repeat. II. to measure or kinsmen of kings, and generally, the chief persons
out. Hence of a state. 2. so too the master of the house, Lat.
dvap.€TpT)o%s, cojs. a measuring out, admeasurement.
-fj, berus. 3. generally one who is lord or master over
dvd-pt-ya, poet, appi-ya, also dva-piySa, Adv. pro- anything, as kwtttjs dvatcrts: cf. x (lP'^ vai'
miscuously. dva-£atvco, to rub or irritate afresh.
dva-ptyvvpt and -vo>, f. -fii^co: aor. I dvi(x.i£a, to dvd£ao-0ai, aor. I med. inf. of dvdoooi.
mix up together, to mingle. II. Med. to have dva-^Tjpaivco, f. avuf : aor. I -egrjpava, poet. inf. dy-
social intercourse, join company. (rjpdvai : to dry up.
dva-ptpvT)o-KO) f f. dvajivrjooj. poet, dfifivfjaa} : aor. I dv-d£ios, ov, also a, ov, (a privat., agios) unworthy,
dv(fjLVT)o~a : to remind one of a thing : c. inf. to re- not deemed worthy, c. gen. : absol. worthless. 2.
mind one to do also to recal to memory, make men- undeserving of evil.
tion of: — Pass, to remember. dva£i-4>6pp.iY£, 1770s. 0, 1^, (dvdaaco, (popfiiyf) lord
dva-pipvu), poet, for dva-fiiva>. of the lyre.
dva-pt£, (dvan'iyvvfu) Adv. mixed up, pell-mell. dva£uos, Adv. of dvd£tos, unworthily.
dvdpi£is, e<us, J}, (dvafuyvv/ju) social intercourse. dva-£vv6a>, {dvd, £vvos) - dva-KOivuo).
dva-picrya>, poet, and Ion. for dvafuyvvfu. dva£vp(Ses, 16W, al, the trowsers worn by eastern
dvapvrjcrOeis, part. aor. I pass, of dvafiifivrjateo). nations. (Persian word.)
dvd-pvrjcns, ecus, 1), (avafJUfivrjcrKOj) a calling to dva-£uo>, f. vao) [y] : aor. pass, dve^vffdrjv : — to
mind, recollection. scrape off.
dva-poXeiv, inf. aor. 2 of dvaBXoooKcu. dvd£b), fut. of dvdaao).
dva-poppvpto./o roar loudly, foam up, of the sea. [0] dv-aoivo), f. £<u, poet, for dv-olyoj.
dva-poxXcvKD, (dvd, fiox^ds) to lift with a lever: to dva-TratStvu), to educate afresh.
force open. dvdrraurros, ov, (avawalw) struck back, rebounding:
— : : : : — : —— — — :

ivaTTa(d) — hva-noXh 53
as Subst. dvdmiarot (sub. dvd-mrjpos, ov, (dvd, mjp6s) maimed, crippled, halt.
rrotit), 6, an anapaest, i. e.

a dactyl reversed. dva-mova), f. vow, to make to spring up.

dvo.-n-a.ia>, f. aw, to strike again or 6aci. dva-irtpir\T|pt, f -irKrjoaj : aor. 1 dvi itK-qaa to :

dvd-irdXuv, Adv. back again. II. over a- fill up, Lat explere: to fulfil, accomplish. II. —
gain. III. reversely. to fill up, appease. III. to Jill full of z thing,

dva-irdXXa>, poet. dp irdXXco : fut. dvairaXS) aor. I esp. with the notion of defiling whence in Pass, to

: :

dvlirqKa Ep. aor. 2 part. dfiirenakuiv

: to swing to . be infected.
and fro, to put in motion Pass, with £p. aor. 2 dv- — dvo-iriirrco,

f. -ireaovfjiai : aor. a dvincoov : pf. dva-
inaXro, to dart or spring up. iriirTQjKa : to fall back. 2. to fall back, give
ova-irao-a-to), f. dacu, to scatter upon. ground: hence to slacken, lose heart, Lat. concidere
dvdiravXa, rjs, r), (dvavavoj) rest, repose, ease from animo.
a thing of watches, Kar' dvavavkas dtyprjodai to be
: dva-irCTVTjpi, poet, for dva-verdvvvfu.
divided into reliefs. II. a resting-place. dva-irXdo-o-to, Att. -irXaTTto, f. -irkdaco [et] : aor. I
dvdirauaxs, poet, dpiravoas, ccys, i), (avairavoS) rest, dviirKacra : to form anew, remodel, recast, generally,
repose, ease : rest from a thing, cessation. to mould, shape.
dvairavorTT|ptos, Ion. dpir-, ov, {avairavoS) belong- dva-ir\cK(o, £to, to braid up, entwine, wreath.

ing to resting or rest — as Subst. dvairavo-rT|piov or dva-irXc-io, f. or -ir\evoovfxat : aor. I

dvairavrfjpiov to, a resting-place : the time or hour dvenXevoa : Ion pres. dva-irXuW : to sail upwards,
of rest: also (sub. arjfiuov), the sound of trumpet for to sail up stream : also to put out to sea. II.

all to go to rest. to sail the same way back again, sail back . of fish, to
dva-iravu), Ion. dpiravco, (for the tenses, v. iravai): swim back.
— to make cease, stop from a thing : later to give rest dvd-irXecos, ojv, gen. tu : also fern. dvairXea : — Ion.
or relieve from a thing. II. Med. to cease, leave and Att. for dvdirKeos: (dvd, irXtws = irAtos) :—filled
off, desist from a thing: absol. to take one's rest, sleep: up, quite full of a thing. II. defiled or infected
also to die. 2. to stop, bait, rest. 3. to regain with a thing.
strength. dva-irXr|p6(o, f. waca, to fill up, fill full. II. to

dva-ir€i0o), f. -ire/crcy : aor. 1 dveiruoa'. — to bring Jill up again: — Pass, to return to one's full size, of
over to another opinion, to persuade against one's will: the sun after an eclipse.
also in bad sense, to seduce, mislead. dvairXijo-at, dvairXTjcras, aor. I inf. and part, of
dva-impdopcu, f. rjoofiai, Dep. to try or attempt dvanifiirkrj/u.
again, to make trial of. II. as a military and dvdirXoos, contr. dvdirXovs, 6, (dva-nKtoS) a sailing
naval term, to exercise, practise. upwards, esp. up stream : also a putting out to sea.
dva-rretpto, f. -irepw : aor. 1 dvinupa, Ep. part, d/i- dv-airX6to, f. waoj, to unfold, open.
wupas Pass., aor. 2 dvtndprjv [a] : pf. dvaniirap/xat, dva-irXcoci), Ion. for dvanhio).


poet, dfiireirapfxai to pierce through, spit. dva-irv€tco, Ion. dpirvcico, Ep. for dvairvia).
dva-?rciaTT|pios, a, ov, (dvaireiBoj) persuasive. dvairvetKr€i€, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of uvairvia).
dva-ir€pird£ci> and -d£opai, to count over again. avdirvevo-is. (ojs, j), (dvairviou) a breathing again:
dvairtpiro), poet, dp.ircp.irci>, f. \f/oj, (for the tenses, v. respite, rest from a thing. II. a drawing breath.
W/iirco) send up orforth:
to Med. to send up from — dvdirv€ittrros, ov, poet, for dwevaros, without draw-
oneself. II. to send back. ing breath, breathless.
dvair€irrSp.€vos, pf. pass. part, of dvairerdvvvfjii. dva-irv«i>, f. -irvevcrofuu : aor. I dviirvcvaa : — to
dvairecreiv, dva-rreo-wv, aor. 2 inf. and part, of dva- breathe again, have a respite, rest oneself from a
V11TTCU. thing (for the forms dfxirvvc, dynrvvro, dfiirvvvSij

dva-Trcrdwupt and dva-ir€Tavvvo>, also dva-ircTdco v. sub voce). II. to draw breath, breathe, Lat.
fut. -vfrdcoj, Att. -ttctcD aor. I dvarcraoa, poet, im- respiro. III. to breathe forth, send forth.


per. and part, dfinfraaov, dpurfrdaas to spread out : dvairvo-f), poet, dpirvot), ij, (dva-nvtoS) recovery of
or open, expand, unfold, unfurl pf. pass. part, dva- — breath, rest. II. a drawing breath, Lat. respiratio.
wcnTcLfiivos, rj, ov, outspread, open. dvdirwe, poet. pres. imperat. of dvairviw.
dva-rrtToptu, f. irrqaofMu : aor. 2 dveirrSfirjv or dvt- dv-air68€iKTOS, ov, undemonstrated, indemonstrable.
TrdfiTjv, poet. part, dfiirrdfifvos ; and in act. form dva-iroS(£ci>, f. io<v, Att. IcD : aor. I dvarobna
dvinTrjV. poet. opt. dfiirrairjv : (v. itcto/xcu) : to fly (dvd, irovs) : to make to step back, call back and
up, fly up and away. question ; dvawoSifav kavrov to correct oneself. II.
dvairec})T)va, pf. of dvacpaiva). intrans. to step back.
dva-irf)Yvu F' 1 or ""°> t0 transfix, spit. ' dv-diroivos, ov, (a privat., diroiva) without ransom
dvo-mr)8dco, poet. dpirnSdto f. riao^ai (v. m/oVW) or reward : neut. dvdiroti'OJ', Adv. without recompense.
— :

spring up orforth, start up; dv. «V tpyov to

to leap, dva-iroX«D, poet. dpiroXcw, properly to turn up the
jump up to work : of springs, to gusbfortb. II. ground again, plough up : hence to go over again,
to spring back. to repeat, reconsider.
: — : — : : — :

54 &vairo\6y rjTos—bvapx (a.

dv-airoX6yi]TOS, ov, (a privat., dnokoyiopuu) in- countless : without bounds in a thing : c. gen. taking

de/ensible, inexcusable. a. act. unable to defend no account of a thing.

oneself, without excuse. dv-apKTOs, ov, (a privat., apx*>) not governed or
dvairo|iirT|, r), (avairifiirai) a sending up; 6-qoavpHjr subject : not submitting to be governed.
dv. a digging up of treasures. dvappocrrta, 1), unsuitableness : discord. From
dva-iro|xiT6s, 6, (avanifinoi) one that sends up or back, dv-dppoo-TOS, ov, (a privat., dppofa) unfit, incon-
dv-airoviiTTOS, ov, (a privat., airovifa) unwasben. gruous : of sound, inharmonious : of persons, ab-
dva-iroTdopai, Dep. = dvairiropxu. surd. 2. unfitted, unprepared.
dva-irpdcraci>, Att. -ttg>, fut. -irpd£<v, to exact, levy; dvapirfiyri! "h,
recapture. From
dv viroax*o~iv to exact the fulfilment of a promise. dv-apird£a>, fut. d£<o, Att. da<o or doopuu [X] : aor. I
dva-TrpT|0ci>, f. a<u, properly to set on fire, light up : dvrjpnaaa to tear up, snatch up. :

II. to hurry
haKpv dvanprjcas letting tears burst forth. along, to carry off, to drag by force, esp. before a
dva-irrepoo), f. (oaoi: aor. I dv-emipoioa pf. -errri- magistrate, Lat. rapere in jus.
: III. to take by
pw/ca —
to furnish with wings or to raise the wingt storm, and so to plunder, generally, to treat with vio-
for flight generally, to raise, set up.
: 2. of the lence. Hence
mind, to set on the wing, excite vehemently Pass. —
dvap-rrao-Tos, 6v, also i\, 6v, torn away, carried off,
to be on the wing, be in a state of excitement. II. esp. into Persia, treated with violence.
to furnish with new wings —
Pass, to get new wings. dvap-pcu, f. -pevaofuu, (dvd, ptoS) to flow back or to
dvairrfjvai, dvanrdo-wu, dvairT€o-$at, inf. of dv- the source.
inrrjv, avcnT&pvnv, avetrToprjv, aor. 2 of dvairkrofuu. dvap-pTi-yvvpA or -va> : f. -p^£<u : aor. I dvkpprjfa
dva-irrwo-o, fut. v£<»: — Pass., aor. I dvarrvx^m*, — to break up, break through or open. II. to
aor. 2 dvfirrvyrjv [C] : (v. irrvoooi): — to unfold, undo, make break forth ; dvappf}£ai iirn, like Lat. rumpere
esp. of rolls of books ; and so, like Lat. evolvere, to voces .-—Pass, to burst forth. IH. intr., like Pass.
unrol for reading : hence to unfold, bring to light, to burst forth.
Lat. explicare. II. as military term, rty <p&* 1 pass, of aor. 2 act. dvuwtiv.
dvap-p-nO-fjvai, aor.
A.0770 dvanrvaffuv to fold back the phalanx, i. e. dvapp-qgas, aor. I part, of dvapp^yvvpu.
deepen it by wheeling men from either flank into dvap-purra) or -&>, f. -ptyaj aor. I dvippixpa '.— :

rear; but, to ickpa* dvanrvoauv to open out the to throw up ; dvappiirruv OXa irnbQ to throw up the
wing, i. e. extend the front, Lat. explicare. Hence sea with the oar. II. dvapp'nrrtiv Kivhwov to run
dvairTtfx '). $> an opening, unfolding ; an expanse.
1 the hazard of a thing, run a risk : also without kxv-
dva-Tnrvtt, f. va<o [y], to spit up or out: absol. to tvvov, (Is airav to virdpxov dvappiitruv to throw for
sputter. one's all, stake one's all.
dv-dirro, f. \f/Q) : aor. I dvrjifa : —
to hang up to,, impf. dvcppixd>f*nv : fut. dvappixfl-
fasten on or to a thing ; dyaXpuna dvdirrtiv, ^ ffofiat : aor. I dvtppXxrjodpvrjv : Dep. :
to clamber up
dvariOevai, to bang up votive gifts ; fiwjiov dvdvruv and feet, to scramble up.
with the bands
to fasten disgrace upon one: Med. to fasten for one'
dvdppoia, 1), (avappecv) a /lowing back, reflux, ebb.
self; dvdvTtoOai vavv to fasten a ship to oneself and dvap-poi08cu, to swallow back, gulp down again.

tow it away : Pass, to be fastened or fasten oneself dvdp-pvo-ts, caw, 1), (dvd, fiv<»=epvat) a snatching
on, cling to. II. to light up, light, kindle : me- away, rescuing. 2. the second day of the festival
taph. to inflame. 'Kitarovpia.
dva-irwOdvouai, f. -vevaopuu aor. 2 dvctrvdopajv i
: dvap-pwwvpA and -vo>, fut. -pwaw : aor. 1 dv4p-
Dep. : to search out, inquire into : also to learn by pojoa to strengthen again: —
Pass, to regain strength —
inquiry. Hence or spirit.
dvdirucrros, ov, searched out, ascertained, notorious, dv-dpoxos, ov, also a, ov, (a privat., dpfftos) not fit-
dvdirwTts, shortened dpirums, gen. eus Ion. 10s, If, ting together: hence hostile, unpropitious, implacable :

(dvamvw) a being drunk up: of the sea, the ebb-tide, of things, untoward, strange, monstrous.
returning of the waters. dv-aprdu, f. ^au aor. dv^prrjaa :to bang up or :

dvap-, in compds. of dvd with words beginning with upon, to attach to, make dependent upon. Med. with —
p" the /5 is usually doubled, as in dvap-paifa, etc., pf. pass. dvi\pTr\pvn, to attach to oneself: also to sub-
though in poets and Ion. Greek it is sometimes single. —
due : Pass, also with pf. dvfjprrjpiai, to be dependent
dvapaipT)Kws, Ion. for dvpprjKws, pf. part, oidvaipicu. upon; irtp vdvra (Is tavrbv dvrjpTtjTai who has
dv-ap-yCpos, ov, (a privat., dpyvpos) without silver: everything dependent on himself; but dvrjprijTai,
without money. to be prepared to do.
c. inf.

dv-ap6pos, ov, (a privat., apBpov) without joints : dis- dv-dpnos, ov, (a privat., apnos) uneven, odd; cf.
jointed, nerveless. 2. of sounds, inarticulate. dprtos., f. Tjcrofxai, to count up, enumerate. dv-apxat£u>, f. era, to make old again.
dv-Spt0p,-rjTOS, ov, (a privat., dpi0fxr}r6s) = sq. dvapxla, ij, the state of a people without government,
&v-dpi6p.os, ov, (a privat., dpiOpos) without number, anarchy. From
: :: — — : : : : ::

&vap\os — foarapdicrvto. 55
dv-apx°*t <*i (a privat., &pxQ) without bead or dvdcPTdros, ov, (iviarafuu) made to rise up and
chief. I. without beginning. depart, driven from one's boui>e and home : hence
dva-o-€ipd£a>, I. aaw, (dvd, aeipa) to pull back with laid waste, ravaged. Hence
a rein, draw aside. dvacTTfiToto, f. warn, to ruin, put in confusion.
dva-cr€Lca, poet. awuTcrtLto, f. <r«t<r<w, to shake up or dva-oravpoco, f. waco, to impale or crucify, like dva-
back : to swing to and fro, move up and down. aicoKonifa. 11. to crucify afresh.

dvacr€crvp(j.t'vos, part. pf. pass, of dvaavpai. dva-o-TcXXo), f. -oTtkw (for the tenses, v. ariWoS)
dva-o-cvco, to move upwards Pass, with Ep. aor. 2 — — to send up, raise : — Med. to gird up one's
dveaavfiT]v t 3 sing, dviaavro, to spring up ox forth. clothes. 2. to keep hack, check: — I
'ass. to go back,
dva-oxdirrxo, f. \fw, to dig up. retire. 3. seemingly intr. (sub. iavTuv), to with-
dva-oxlirTOfiat, see dva-OKoiriai. draw.
dva-crtctvaf a), f. daat pf. dvecKtvaica
: Pass., aor. I : — dva-o~revd{o), f. 6{<v, = dvaorivo).
av((7Kt vaadrjv pf. dveatcevafffiai
: opp. to Kara- — dva-orevdxf^t = dvaarivw.
oxevafa, to pack up the baggage (rd ck(vtj), Lat. dva-OT€vaxo>, to groan aloud over, bewail aloud. [#x]
vasa colligere : hence of an army, in Med., to break dva-OTtvto, to groan aloud. 2. to bewail aloud.

up their quarters, march away. 2. to disfur- dva-orcdw, f. xj/Q). to crown, wreath Pass., pf. dvi- —
nisb, dismantle a place Med.: to dismantle one's OTCfi/iai Kapa I have my head wreathed.
house. 3. to waste, ravage. 4. in Pass, to dva-crTT|p({c<>, f. £<o, to fix on a firm base.
be bankrupt; dvcfffcevdo-frtOa we are undone. dvao~nr)cr€£u>, Desiderative from dvaor^aoj (fut. of
dv-doTcnros, ov, (o privat., da/tew) unpractised, un- dviorrjfju), I desire to set up.
exercised. med. and act. of dvianj/u.
dvao-rr|trop,ai,-<rTT|o-o), fut.
dva-o-KoXo-rrCJo), f. lata, on a pole or stake,
to fix dvaorroXTi, ^, (dvaor i\\<v) a putting back.
impale: — fut. med. inf. dvaaKoKontuaOcu occurs in dva-orop6a>, f. wood, tofurni.b with a mouth; dva-
pass, sense. ffTo/iovv rd<ppov to open, clear out a trench.
dva-oricoircco, fut. -fftchpofjuu : aor. dvcatc&f/dnTjv : dva-<TTpc<f>ci>, f. xf/co : pf. dviarpafifuu :
— to turn up-
to look at, view attentively, inquire into. side down, to turn up by digging. II. to turn
dva-crrrapdo-cru, f. £<w, to tear up. back, around or about ; dvaorpeQuv irdXtv to repeat
dvdoTrcurros, ov, dragged up, esp. from one's to rally. 2. intr. (sub. kavriv), to turn back, re-
country up into central Asia. 2. of a door, drawn turn. fut. med. -o-rptyopai, to
III. Pass, with
back, i.e. opened. From turn oneself about in a place, tarry there, like Lat.
dva-o-Trdoj, poet. dvo"irda> : f. -arr&aoi [X] : aor. I versari; yatav dvaaTp4<po(Mi to go and dwell in a
ivlov&oa: — draw or pull up: to draw a ship
to land. 2. to be busied in a thing. 3. to re-
to draw or suck up : to draw back. volve. 4. of soldiers, to rally. Hence
% 2.
put on an important air; \6yovs dvaoitdv to utter

dvaandv to draw up the eyebrows, and so dvaorpoA>T|, ij, a turning hack or about, a return
a turning about in battle, whether to flee or rally. 2.
boastfhl words. a turning about in a place, dwelling in a place:
dvao-aa, i), fern, of ava£, a queen, lady, mistress. hence the place where one tarries, an abode.
dv-do-o-a-ros, Dor. for dv-^aaijTos. dva-o~Tpa>4>u<i>, poet, for dva-arptqxv, to turn every
dvouro-ctao-Kc or -ecrtct, Ion. for aviaeie, 3 sing, way.
impf. of duaat ia>. dva-crvpto \v~\, f. -avpS) aor. I di'Savpa — to draw or
dvdcrcrto , impf. fjvaaaov, Ep. avaooov : fut. dvd£aj : pull up : in Med. to pull up one's ch'bes.
aor. I ijvafa, Ep. dva£ a : (dra£) : to be lord or dvo-o-<|>d\Aci>, f. -a^>aXat : aor. I dvia<prj\a — to re-
master, to rule, reign over: Med., rpls dvd£ao0at cover from a fall, recover.
yevca dvhpwv to have reigned for three generations :— dvaoxcdcciv, contr. dvaxrx€0€tv, inf. of dvia\tdov,
Pass, to be ruled. poet. aor.2 of dvix 01 '

dv-aVo-w, Att. for dvataao). dvaxrx«iv, dvacrx«a0ai, aor. 2 act. and med. inf. of
dvdora, for dvdoTTjBi, aor. 2 imperat. of dviarrj/u. dvf\oj.
dvcwrrd86v, A) v. {aviffrrj/u) upright. dvao~x€T6s, poet. dvo~x«T6s, 6v, (dviypiuu) to be
dvacrrds, dvaoT-qvat, aor. 2 part, and inf. otdviar-nfu. undergone or suffered, tolerable.
dvdo-rdoxs, gen. fwt Ion. 10s, % I. causa] dva-o-xijco, f. «ra>, to spht up, rip up.
(dvia-rnfu) a making to stand up, awakening. a. dvaoxwv, aor. 2 part, of dvtx<v.
a making to rise and leave their place, removal : usu. dva-o-u>£o>, f. -citato', aor. I dvkoaioa'. — to recover
in bad sense, laying waste, destruction 3. a re- what is lost: — Med. to regain for oneself. 2. to
building. II. pass, (dviarafjuu) a standing or bring back, restore — Pass, to return safe. 3. to
rising up, esp. in token of respect : dvdaraais k£ keep in mind.
vnvov an awakening : the Resurrection. dva-T&pdo-o-co, Att. -rr<a : fut. -rapd(a> : to stir up
dvoo-ra-rfip, rjpot, 6, (&viarr)fu) a destroyer. and trouble: hence to excite, rouse to pbrensy : p£
dvoardnjs, ov, 0, — dvaaraT-fjp. pass. part. Avar trapaypivot, in confusion.
: : : — :: —
56 toartbtrtm — &va<f>p6hiros.

ava-rao-a-ot, Att. -ttco f. : to set in order

-rd£oj dvoTpoirrj, i), (dvarpiira)) an overturning, upset.

again : —
Med. to go regularly through again. dva-TVpf3d£o>, f. daw, to stir up and confound.
dvaT*6pappcu, pf. pass, of dvaTp£<p<u. dv-avyr)TOS, ov, (a privat., 011717) rayless.
dvareC or dvari, Adv. of dvaros, with impunity. dv-av8ijTOS, Dor. -aros, ov, (a privat., avSdw) un-
dva-TtCvu), poet. dvTCivo f. rtvw aor. I dvirava : utterable, Lat. infandus. 2. speechless.

: :

to stretch up or forth ; X 6 ^*1 dvaruveiv to lift up dv-avSos, ov, (a privat., auS^) speechless, voiceless :
the hand in adjurations fidx ai Pav dvaTfrafxcvos preventing speech.
; II. unutterable.

having his sword stretched forth. II. intrans. to dv-avXos, ov, (a privat., av\6s) without the music of
reach up. III. to stretch or spread out, as a line the flute: hence joyless, sad.
of battle. *a-vavs, gen. dvdos, 6, 1), (a privat., vavs) without
dva-T€ixt£a>, f. iaoi, Att. Xw to rebuild or repair ships ; vdes dvacs ships that are ships no more, Lat.

new walls. Hence naves nenaves.

dvareixurjAos, 6, building of new walls. dva-dmtvo), poet. dp<f>atva>, f. -<pavu> aor. 1 dv4<pr)va,


dva-r^AXxo, poet. dv-T«XAa> f. -rt\w aor. I dvi- or -*<pava: to make shine: to bring to li«bt, shew
rcika — : :

to make or let rise up, Lat. submitto : hence forth: to proclaim. II. Pass, with fut, med.

to bring forth, bring to light. II. intr. (sub. dva<pavrjCOfMu, pt. act. dvan4<pr]va, to be shewn forth,
kavrov), to rise up, come to light, rise, esp. of appear plainly : also to reappear : to be seen or shewn
the sun and moon: of the rising or source of a to be, hence to be accounted.
river : <p\b£ dvareKKofxivn a flame blazing forth dva<f>dvas, aor. I part, of dva<paiva>, having made to
to grow. appear, having come in sight of. l<pa]>, f. reftw (for the tenses, v. ripveS) :
: dva<f>avSd, Adv. (dva<paiva>) visibly, openly.
to cut up, cut open : to cut off. dva<j>av86v, Adv. = toreg.
dv&Ti, Adv. = dvard. dva<t>dveis, aor. a part. pass, of dva<paivoj.
dva-rfthrjfu, f. dva6i]acu (for the tenses, v. riOrjfu) dva-4>tpo>, poet. dp<f>€pa> f. dvoicoj aor. I dvff-
— : : : :

to layon as a burden ; but also to attribute or as- veyxa, Ion. dv-qvuica, also dvtpaa to bring or carry

cribe in token of honour : to entrust. II. to set up, esp. into central Asia: —
Pass, to rise up: Med. —
up as a votive gift, dedicate, hence the votive gift to carry up for oneself or what is one's own: dvavei-
was ava$T)fia. Ill to put back, remove : c. gen. KaaOai, absol. to heave a deep sigh. 1. to lift up,
to remove from; irpoaOetaa KavaOuaa rod y( KarOa- praise. 3. to uphold, take upon one. II. intr.

vuv adding to or taking away from the necessity of to rise, as the stars. III. to bring or carry

death. IV. Med. to take upon oneself, under- back: I. to bring back tidings. a. to bring
go, a. to place differently, rearrange : in Att. to back from exile. 3. to throw back upon another,
retract one's opinion. refer something to him : absol. to refer to a person,, f. rjaw, to raise in price. consult him. 4. to bring back to oneself, restore :

dva-rtvdo-o-w, f. (oj, to sway to and fro, brandish. intrans. and in Pass, to refresh oneself, recover.
dva-rXds, part, of sq. dva-<f>€vy<i>, f. -<p(v£ofMii, to flee back, escape.
dva-rX-qvat, inf. of aor. 2 dv-irX-qv, with no pres. dva4>T)vai, aor. I inf. of dvacpaivco.
Ava-rkrjfu in use (dvaroXfuuu being used instead) dv-d<j>T|S, 4s, (o privat., d<prj) untouched, not to be

fut. -Tkijaoftat — to bear, suffer, sustain. touched.

dvaroXTj, poet. dvro\T|, i), (di/areAAo;) a rising, dva-4>9«, Dep. to call out aloud.
esp. of the sun and moon : the East. dva-<j>, Pass, to be undone, perish utterly.
dva.--ro\p.da>, f. r\aoi, to regain courage. dva-<j>X€Yo>, f. £<u, to light up, rekindle: hence to
dv-dros, ov, (a privat., drrj) without barm, unpu- inflame.
nished. II. act. not harming, harmless. dva-^XoytJca, f. oa>, = dvaxpX tfo).
dva-Tpeirw, poet, avrpcirci) : f. -rptyo* : aor. I dvi- dva-<j>Xva>, to bubble up like boiling water.

rpt^a: to turn up or over, upset. a. to over- dva-<j>o{3*'a>, f. i\ao), to frighten away.
throw, Lat. evertere. 3. Pass, with fut. med. -rpi- dva4>opd, as, if, a carrying up, rais-
if/ofiai, to be cast down, disheartened. ing. 2. intr. a rising. II. a carrying

dva-Tpc<j>a>, fut. -Qptyo) : aor. 1 dv46pe\pa :

— to bring back: I. a referring, a reference. 2. a giving

up, nourish, educate. way, respite, remission. 3. inir. a going bach : a

dvo-rpcxo), and dvaSpafiov/Mu means of recovery.
fut. :

aor. a dvfdp&fiov to run back. 2. to start dva-<f>op€a>, = dva<pipa).

up. 3. to go straight up; dvaSiSpofie rrirprj dvd<f>opov, to, (dva<p4pa>) anything to carry with ; a
(pf.with pres. sense) the rock runs sheer up. 4. yoke or beam for carrying.
to run up, shoot up, of plants thence of cities. :
dva-4>pd(op.<u, f. daofiou, Med. to observe again,
dvd-Tptjons, ««*, 1), (dvd, rerpaiva)) a boring through. recognise.
dva-TpCpu>, f. ifw, to rub well, rub clean. II. to dv-o-4>p68iTos, ov, (a privat., A<f>pob"iT7)) without the '

rub in pieces : Pass, to be worn away, [f] favour of Venus : without beauty.
: : — : : : : —
ava<fipov€iD — &ubprj'ios. 57
&va-4>pov*a>, f. ^ffo), to come back to one's senses, dv-8«pa, poet, for di/d-8f/ia.
come to oneself. dvStjpov, t6, mostly in plur. dvbqpa, quasi dv$rjpa,
ava^Hyi], t), (dva<pevyoj) a fleeing bach, escape, re- rd, a raised border, flower-bed : any earth dug or
lease from. II. a retreaf. thrown up.
ava-4>vpto [v], pf. pass. -v((pvpfuu, to mix up, con' avB-rjcdp-evos, poet. part. aor. I of dvabio).
found, defile. dv-8tx<i. Adv. (dvd, 8i\a) asunder, in twain.
dvo, <J>vo-da>, f. qaw, to breathe up or forth : — Pass. dv8p-ava0€co, f. i}oa>, (dv-qp, dyad6s) to be or behavi
to be puffed up or arrogant. likea brave man. Hence
dva.-4>vonda>, to blow or spout up, like a dolphin. avSpctyaOia, r), the character of a brave good man,
dva-4>vw, f. vow, to make to grow up, to produce. bravery, manly virtue. Hence
Med. with aor. 2 act. dvityw, pf. dvav€<pviea, to grow dvSpaY56(£, f. laofiai, Att. tov/jat : Dep. :
up : to grow again. act bravely, honestly, play the honest man.
dva-4>covf a), f. rjocu, to call aloud, proclaim. Hence dvSp-d-ypta, tuv, rd, (dvrjp, aypa) the spoils of a slain
dva4>u>VT)iia, aros, to, a proclamation. enemy.
dva-xd£a>, f. acta), to make give way, drive back — avSpaxas, Adv. (dvrjp) man by man, like xar dv-
mostly used as Dep. dva-xdfop.<n, f. dao/xat, Ep. bpas, Lat. viritim : generally, separately, apart.
aor. I av(xaaa°-yLrl v t0 draw back, retire. dv8paTr6S«crcri, heterocl. dat. of dvbpdnoSov, for
dva-xatvou, aor. 2 dvixdvov,

pf. dvaKtxW1 :
— to open ivbpairuSois, as iffrom dvbpdrrovs.
the mouth wide, gape wide. dv8pa~iroSi£, Dep. dvbpanobifa. =
' >
dva-x<UTl£a>, f. io<u, (dra, xa iTV > ot" a horse, to throw dv8pa-rroSi£a>, fut. iooj, Att. iw : aor. 1 -qvbpano-
the mane back, rear up — c. ace. to rear up and throw bioa : — Pass., fut. avSpanobioOrjoofjiai, but also med.
the rider; hence to over 'brow, upset. dvbpairobiovfMii : aor. 1 r'jvb'panoSiodqv pf. qvbpa-tro-


dva-xdcTKco, = dvaxaivoj. biapjxi : (dvEpdnobov) to reduce to slavery, esp. to

-X € ^i t0 P our
over ' sell freemen into slavery, (and so worse than 5ov\6<u,)
dva-xvoaivop,ai, (ova, x^oos) Pass, to get the first Lat. vendere sub corona: — Pass, to be sold into slavery.
down on the chin. dvSpcvrroStous, ecus, r), and cv8poTro8io-p.6s, 6, (dv-

dva-x<>p€vo>, f. aoj, to begin a choral dance intr. — bpairobi^ofmi) a selling a freeman into slavery,
to dance on high. enslaving : kidnapping.
dvdxforis, ca>», jj, (dvax^oi) a pouring over, spend- dv8pairo8urTT|S, ov, 6, (dvbpa-rrobi(ofjLai) a slave-
ing : excess. dealer, one who kidnaps men to sell them.
dva-x<«>wOp,t, f. xwca;, to heap up. dv8pdiro8ov, a slave, esp. one made in war and
dva-xcop&o, f. rjow, to go back, retire, retreat, with- sold : Homer uses it in dat. dvbpanobiooi as if from
draw. II. to come back, revert to the right owner. dvbpdnovs. (Deriv. uncertain.)
Hence avSpa-rroS-idS-ns, ( s, (uvbpdnobov, (Ibos) slavish, ser*
dvaxcopijo-vs, cojs, a going back, retiring,
Ion. 10s, 7), vile, Lat. servilis, opp. to tXtvOepos.
retreating. 2. a means or place of retreat, Lat, dvSpdpiov, to, Dim. of dv-qp, a manikin, [dp]
recessus. dvSpdox, dat. plur. of dvr\p.
dva-xcopCfoj, f. iooj, Att. iu, to make to go back or dv8p-ax0T|S, es, (yvi)p, d^dos) loading a man, as
retire. much as a man can carry
dva-tjnrj^ifto, fut. iooi, Att. tu : (ova, \pq<pos) to put dv8pcia, Ion. -rft), 77, (di/r/p) manliness, manly spirit,
to the vote again. Hence courage, Lat. virtus, fortitudo.
dvav|rf|4>toxs, <a>*i »7> <* putting to the vote again. dvSp-euceAov, to, {dv-qp, (tfcekos) an image of a man,
dvdij/v£is, €0)$, (avwpvxai) a cooling, refreshing.
>}, a statue. II. a flesh-coloured paint.

dvav|/v5x^|, »), a cooling, refreshing. W. recovery dvSpeios, a, ov, Ion. dvSpTjios, 77, ov, (dv-qp) of or
from a thing : rest. From belonging to a man, manly, masculine: neut. to dv-
dva-\Jrux w » fut. -ipv£a) — Pass., aor. I avtif/vxQqv bpetov, manliness. II. t& dvbpeia, the public
aor. 1 averjwxyv [p] : (dvd, ipvxos) — to revive by

meals of the Cretans, also the older name for the

fresh air, to cool, refresh : generally, to cheer : vavs Spartan (pubiTia. Hence
ava\pvx ClV t0 overhaul the ships, make them sound avSpckdrns, »7tos, t), = dvbptia.
again : —Med. to breabe fresh air again, revive, [v] dv8p€i-cj>dvnr|8, ov, 6, (dvqp. *<peva) man-slaying.
dv-8atco, poet, for dva-baiw. dv8p€iu'v, wvos, 6, poet, for dvbpeaw : see dvbpwv.
dvSdva), impf. rjvbavov, Ep. k-qvbavov, Ion. kdvbavov. dvSpeo-cri, Ep. for uvbpdoi, dat. plur of dn7p.
fut. dfrfjow aor. 2 tdhov, Ep. tvtiZov and dbov Td]
: : dv8pevp.cvos, Ion. for dvbpov/xevos, pres. pass, part
pf. aSrjKa, also taba, Dor. (aba (the Root is 'AA-, : of dv5p6<u.
which appears in aor. 2 and fut.): to please, delight, dvSpevopai, Dep. ^dvbpi^ofiai.
like {jbofMii in homer and 1'erodotus always c. dat.
: dv8p€a>v, wvos, u, Ion. for dvbpjjv.
pers. dvbavu fxoi : impers., dvidvu /iol voiav, like dvBpj\it], Ion for dvbptia.
Lat. placet. dv8pT|'ios, 17, ov. Ion. for dvbpttos.
: — :

58 &vhpr)\ area) &cCkr)<f>a,

dv8pT]\&T<<i>. foot, to banish from borne.

f. From dvSpo-d^dyos, ov, (dvfip, <p&ytTv) eating men: 61
dv8p-T]\aTT|S, ov, 6, {dvrjp k\avvw) be that drives 'AvSpocpdyoi, Cannibals, mentioned in Herodotus.
one from bis borne, the avenger of blood in cases »f dvSpo-4>06pos, ov, (dvqp, (pOfipw) man-destroy"
murder. [3] ing. II. pass. dvbpL<p&opos, ov hence al/ta :

dvSpia, late form of dvbprfa. dvbpC<p$opov the blood of slain men.

dvSpiavTOiroicu, {dvbpiavTorroios) to he a statuary. dvSpo-<j>6vos, ov, (dvqp, *<piv<o) man-slaying: fem.
Hence if dvbpo<p^vos, murderess of her husband.

avSptavTOiroua, 17, statuary, sculpture. t.v8po-<J>6vTT|S ov, 6, — dvbpu-<p6vrqt. a man-slayer,

av8piavTO-iTOi6s, ov, 6, {dvSptds, iroitaj) a statue* homicide.
maker, statuary, sculptor. dv5pd<o, f. &oa), (dvqp) to rear up to manhood: —
dvSpids, avros, 6, (yvt)p) the image of a man, a Pass, to become a man, reach manhood.
statue. dvSp-u>S-ns, €s, (dvqp, elbos) like a man, manly.
dvSpi£a>, f. toco, (av-qp) to make a man of: Pass, to —
Adv. 6*aw Sup. avSpajbiarara. :

become a man, to think and act lite a man. dv8pci>0cis, aor. 1 pass. part, of dvbpoo).
dvSpiKos, i\, 6v, (dvfjp) of or for a man, masculine, dvSpuv, Ion. dvSpcwv, Stvos, 6, (dv-qp) a maris
manly : also of things, strong, stout —
Adv. dv?piKws, apartment.
like a man; Sup. dvbpiKiyrara. II. composed dvSpwvins, iSos, 1), = dvbpLv.
of men. dv-8vcrat, poet, for dvabvtrax.
dvSpiov, to, Dim. of dvt)p, a manikin. dv^xoKc, poet, for dvtbwtec, aor. I of dvablbwut.
dvSpioreov, verb. Adj. of dvbpifa, one must play dv-^ny, aor. 3 of dva&aivat.
the man. dv-€]3T|0-eTO. Ep. 3 sing, aor I med. of dva@aiva).
dvSpiorC, Adv. after the manner of men. dv6f3ib>o-d|rnv, aor. I of avafSiwoKOuai.
dvSpo-pptos, WTo* f 6, j), (avrjp, (Jippwffiav) man- dv-€|3pax€, 3 sing aor. 2 with no pres. in use, of
eating, cannibal. armour, to clash, ring loudly ; of doors, to creak or
dvSpo-Yovos, ov, (avjfp, ytvioOai) begetting men. grate loudly.
dvSpo-yvvos, ov, (^vi}p, yvvrf) a man-woman, her- dvcj3o>o-€, Ion. for avefforjaf. sot. I of dvafiodcj.

maphrodite : a weak effeminate person. IL &v-*yyyos, ov, (a privat., lyyvij) not vouched for:
as Adj., of baths, used both by men and women. vnwedded.
dvSpo-SdiKTOs, ov, (dvrjp, baifa) man-slaying, mur- av-tyeipto, f. -tycpu/: sot. I dviyetpa: to wake up, —
derous. rouse, esp. fr< »m sleep metaph. to rouse, encourage

dvSpo-Sdpas, avros, 6, if, (dvfjp, ba/JLcuu) mart- — Pass, to he awaked, wake up. Hence
taming : man-slaying. [4] dveycppo>v, ov, gen. ovos, waked up, wakeful.
dvSpo-SdKos, ov, (dvfjp, btxofxax) receiving men. dv-tY^A-rjTOs, ov, (a privat., iyica\tai) not accused:
dv8po-0ca, i), (aurfip, Ota) the man-goddess , i. e. without reproach.
dvSpddev, Adv. (dv-qp) from a man, from men.
dvcyvapij/a, uveyv&r1
1)*! aor * l act an ^ P ass °^ - -

dvSpo-KpTJs. fjros, 6, %, (dvqp, Kafivai) man-weary- dvcyvcoKa, dveyvaiv, pf. and aor. a of dvaytyvwffitoi.
ing : —man-slaying, murderous. dve8«YP«0a, 1Ep. aor. 1 pass, of dvahi\oi»ai.
dvBp6-Ku.T)Tos, ov, {dvqp, Kaiivoi) wrought by men's dvc8ei|a, aor. 1 of dvabdfcwju.
bands. dv-«8-ny, Adv. (dvirjut) let loose, without restraint
dv8po-KTS<r£a, ^, (dv-qp, tereivoS) slaughter of men. carelessly. II. without more ado, simply.
dvSpOKTOvcw, f. ifao), (dvbpottTovoi) to slay men. dveBpaKCv, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dvabtpKOfjuu.
Hence dvcSpapov, irreg aor. 2 of dvarpe \at.
dvSpoirrovCa, i), = dvbpo/eraffia. dv«8vcreTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. of dvabvoftai.1

dvSpo-KTovos, ov, (dvqp, ktuvo)) man-slaying. dv6CpY<>>, impf. dvttpyov, old Ep. form of dvipyco,
dvSp-oXcTCipa, ^, (dvrip, oWvfu) a murderess. dv(ipyo).
dv5po-pdx°s, r), ov, (dvqp, fidxouai) fighting with dvc^o-a, aor. 1 of dva£deo.
men : hence the prop. n. Andromache. 13] dv-€0«\TjTos, ov, (a privat., W^Xcu) unwished for:
dv8p6p.€OS, 0, ov, (dvqp) of man or men, human. melancholy.
dvBpo-pTjK-ns, ts, (dvqp, fjLrjKos) of a man's height. dv-f 9tjv, aor. I pass, of dvirjiu. a. aor. 2 act. of
dvSpo-ircus, 6, (dvqp, irais) a youth near manhood. dvariOijfu.
dvSpo-trAridcia, 1), (avrjp, -rrKrjdos) a multitude ofmen. dvcC-nv, opt. aor. a act. of dvlrj^u.
dvSpd-o-tvxs, tbo$, J), (dn7p, oivopxu) hurtful to men. dv-^iXetOvta, if, (a privat., Ei\€t6vta) without the aid
dv8po-o-4>iY$, 6, (^vqp, 2<piy£) a man-sphinx. of Eileitbyia.
dvSpdrns, rjTos, 1), = dvtpua, manhood. dv-€iAco>, f. -qao), (v. (T\<v) to wind up or roll together:
dvBpo-T^x'ns* <*• (dvfjp, tCx« , gett* ng a man <W — Pass, to crowd or throng toge'ber.
husband, dvbp. fiiorot wedded life. dvcCX-q^a, dvtCX^ppat, pf. act. and pass, of dva-
dvSpo4>aY^uj, f. yaw, to eat men. From Aa/x/Sdvo).
— : :: — :

AuetX o v —&ve£ eraoroj. 59

dv«tXov, -o'p.'nv, aor. 2 act. and med. of dvaipkai. dv-tXtcco, f. dv(\£a), but in Att. dvfXKvffoo [tfl, with
of avdfitvos, pf. pass. part, of dvi-
dv€L(x«'vci)s, A.iv. aor. I dveiX/cvaa, pf. pass. dvuXKvopai (as if from
t)fu, let loose, carelessly
: without restraint. dv-(\Kvo}) : to draw up, to bold up : esp. to draw
av-€Lp.i, (ova, dpi ibo) to go up : to sail out to sea up a bow to its full stretch: dveX/cvaai vavs to haul
but also to go up inland. II. to approach, as a and dry : to drag
up ships high to light, to drag into
suppliant. III. to go bach, go home, return. open court: Med. to draw to — oneself; dviXKioQai
dv-€ipi(i>v, ov, gen. ovos, (a pnvat., tlpa) without rpixas to tear one's own hair. II. to draw back.
clothing, unclad. dv-cXms, ioos, 6, fj, (a privat., k\ms) wi'bout hope.
dv-«iir€iv, (di>d, eliruv) aor. 2 with no pres. in use dv-tXmo-TOS, ov, (a privat., kXirlfa) unhoped for,
aor. I pass. dvtppTjOrjv (as if from avap-piaiS pf. unlooked for. : II. act. of persons, having no

dvfiprj/Mu (from dv-epioj) —

to say aloud, proclaim, hope, hopeless. 1. of things, leaving no h pe, bope-
give notice. \less. III. Adv. -tojs, hopelessly; dviXmarois

dv-€tpY<o, f. (ai, to keep back, ward off, in poet, €X €IV to be in despair.

impf. dviipyov. dv-cp.|3aTOS, ov, (a privat., IpfiaivoS) inacces-, pf. pass., V. dvuiruv. sible. not going to or into.
II. act., Ep. and Ion. dvepopai, (dva, fipoptai, d-v€p.€OTjTOS, ov, (a privat., i/f/xeerda>) free from
tpofiai) : to inquire of, inquire about. blame, without offence.
uv-eipvaj, f. i;aa> [v], poet, and Ion. for dv-epvaj, to d-v*p,TjTOS, ov, (a privat., vipoS) not distributed. II.
draw back. having no share.
dv-cipco, (for the tenses, r. cipu) to fasten on or to dvepicuos, a, ov, (avtfios) full of wind, windy.
to wreathe together. dveptfopax, (dVe fios) Pass, to be driven with the wind.
dveis, part. aor. 2 of dviij/ii. dvep.vT|o-0T]v, aor. I pass, of dvafuvvqOKO).
dv-cic50€v, (avoj, was) Adv. of Place, from above dvep.o-8pop.os, ov,(a.v€fios,bpajx(Lv) swift asthewind.
cf. dyicaOev. II. of Time, from the first. dvepoeis, cava, ev, (dVe/xos) windy, exposed to the
dv-cxds, Adv. (dV<u, kicds) upwards, on high, Lat. wind : like wind, swift as wind, airy, [a]
sursum. "ANEM02, 6, a wind, ; OvtXXa dvepoio Lat. ventus
dv-CK^5ros, (a privat., iiefiaivaS) without outlet.
oi', a whirlwind ; avisos 0opeav io~TrjKws the wind

dv-€K8tT)yrjTos, ov, (a privat., iicb'inytoiMi) inde- being in the north. Homer and Hesiod mention four
scribable, extraordinary. winds, Boreas, Eurus. Notus (in Hes. Arges'es), and
dv-cicSpop,os, ov, (a privat., kKhpapeiv) without es- Zephyrns Aristotle gives twelve, which served as

cape, inevitable. points of the compass. [5]

dv-€KXdXi)Tos, ov, (a privat., kicXaXiaJ) unspeakable. dv6po-oTK€irf|s, «s, (avf/ios, fffciiTT]) sheltering from
dv-cicA€i7rTOS, ov, (a privat., eiiXtiira}) unfailing. the wind.
dveKAt(h]v [r], aor. I pass, of dva/iXivaf. dv6p.o-Tp€<j>T|S, (s, (avf/ws, rpicpoj) fed by the wind,
dvcicXiva, aor. I act. of dvaKXivai. of a wave tyx os dvepoTptcpis a spear from a tree

dv-€Kmp.irXT)p.i, fut. -€KirXr)aa>, to fill up or again. made tough by the wind.

dv-eicirX-nKTOS, ov, (a privat., tKirXrjo'aa;') undaunted: dvcpoco, f. waaj pf. pass, ffvi/wfuu : (avf/xos)
: to :

to dveirXrjKrov dauntlessness. expose to the wind —
Pass, of a wave, to be raised by
dvcKpdyov. aor. 2 of dvatcpdfa. the wind.
dv-«KT«os, ov, verb. Adj. of dvix<>f<tai, to be borne. dv-€p.iro8urros, ov, (a privat., !/z7ro8t'£a>) unhindered.
dvcicros, ov, later ^, ov, {dvixofMi) bearable, toler- dvcp-u>K7)S, f«, (dVcftos, wkvs) swift as the wind.
able : —
Adv. dvcKTws, so as to be borne. dvepuAios, ov, (avtfjios) windy, i. e. vain, fruitless.
dv-€K<J>paoTos, ov, (a privat., kic<ppdfa) unutterable, dvcptovT), i), (av€fios) the wind-flower, anemone.
indescribable. dv-€v8€Tjs, «, not in want.
dv-eXevKTOS, ov, (a privat., iX*yx<u) safe from dv-ev8«KTOS, ov, (a privat., ci/Stx /"*') inadmissible.
being questioned : not to be refuted, unrefuted. dvtveiKCL, poet, for dvrjvfiiea, aor. I act. of dvacpipaj:
dv-tXc-fipxjv, ovos, 6, i), (a privat., ikefjfiojv) un- dv€V€tKaTO, aor. I med., dvtvux6*i$ aor. I pass. part.
merciful. dv€vr|vo0e, see (vrjvoOe.
dvcXciv, dveXe cr0ai, aor. 2 act. and med. inf. of dvaipia). dv€vr«s, aor. 2 part. pl. of dv-ir]fu.
dv-cXcos, ov, (a privat., tXcos) unmerciful. dv-e^dXeiirros, ov, (a privat., k£aX€i<paj) indelible.
dveXcuOcpta, ij, (dvektvOfpos) illiberality. dv-€|«X€"yKTOS, ov, (a privat., e£cXeyx<») not yut to
dveXcv0€pidri)S, rjros, i), = dveXevdfpia. From the proof, not convicted or refuted : impossible to be
dv-tXevOepos, ov, illiberal, slavish, Lat. illiberalis : refuted : irreproachable.
in money matters, niggardly. dv-«£ep€wnTOs, ov, (a privat, k£(ptwaxu) not to be
dveXTK^Orrv, aor. I pass, of dvaXan&dvoj. searched out, unsearchable.
-ttw, f. £<u, to unroll, like Lat. evol-
dv-€Xur<r<i>, Att. dv-€|tTourros, ov, {a privat., t'crdfa) not searched
vere,of books in rolls, and so read and explain. 2. out, not inquired into. 11. fiios dvi^iraaron a
metaph. dvtXloouv fiiov to pass one's life. life without inquiry.
: — :

60 focgevpcTos — av€V&(a>.
dv-cgevperos, ov, (a privat., t£cvploic<») not to be dvfnvevaa, aor. I of dvairvioj.
found out. dv6irTdp,Tjv, dv«irrnv, aor. 2 med. and act. of dviir-
dve£i-Ka.Kos, ov, (avixco, xaieov) enduring evil : for- rapuai ; cf. dvairiropLai.
bearing., aor. i dvqpdoOrjv, Dep. (dvd, kpdw) to
dv-€£txviaoros, ov, (a privat., e£ixyidfa) not to be love again.
traced out. dv-tpaoros, ov, (a privat., ipdoS) not worthy of
dv-«'jjo8os, ov, (a privat., l^oSos) with no outlet, love. II. act. not loving.
without return, Lat. irremeabilis. dv-ep-yos, ov, (a privat., ipyov) not done; Zpya dV-
dveoi or dveot, v. sub dveojs. tpya, Lat. facta infecta.
dvcovTat, see dvecuvrai. dv-«p"y<0, old form of dv-eipyoj.
dv-copTOS, ov, (a privat., ioprrj) vAtbout festival; dv-Epe6i£b>, f. ioo3, to provoke again.
iveopros lepwv without share in festal rites. *dv-ep€iiropai, {dvd, ipeiirw) Dep., only used by
dv-€iral<rxvvTOS, ov, (a privat., iTrattrxwo/iCu) Homer in 3 pi. aor. I dvrjpiixfjavTO : to snatch up and
having no cause for shame. carry off.
dv-eiraXro, Ep. for av-(Trd\tTO, 3 sing. aor. a med. dv-epewdco, f. 7}Ooj, to search out.
from dvairdXXoj with pass, sense, be was thrown up, dv-€p€vvnros, ov, (a privat., kp(wouu) not searched
rushed up. out : not to be searched out.
dvciravca, aor. I of avairavco. dv-cpop.<u, Ep. dveipopai aor. dvijpufjujv Dep. : :

dv-€irax0T|S, es, (a privat., kiraxOrjs) not burden- (dvd, tptopat) : to question, ask.
some, without offence. Adv., dvtiraxO&s cptpav not dv-«piro», aor. I dvuptrvoa (as if from dvcpirvfa) :—
to take /'//. to creep up.
dveireo-ov, aor. a of dva-iriirroj. dv-cppb), aor. I dvrjppijaa :
to come or go away,
dv-€irtPo\>\€VTOS, ov, (a privat., tm0ov\cvaj) with- with notion of bad luck : dveppt, away with you, Lat.
out plots : act. not plotting. 2. not plotted against. abi in malam rem.
dv-€irC8tKOs, ov, (a privat., knidi/cos) undisputed: of dv-€pv0pidco, f. daai [d] : to begin to blush.
an heiress, about whose marriage there is no dispute. dv-€pv&>, Ion. dv-€ipvu> : f. vow \y\ : to draw up.
dv-emBoKijTOS, ov, (a privat., imboKiai) unexpected, dv-cpx<>p.<u, fut. dv(\tvoofiat : aor. 2 dvqkvdov or
unforeseen. ivrjkdov pf. dvfkrjkvOa
: to go up, of trees, to grow —
dvemeticcia, ff, unfairness. From up : of the sun, to rise : of fire, to blaze up. II.

dv-€iucucT|s, is, (a privat., imuicqs) unreasonable, to go or come back, return : recur to a thing. 2.
unfair : Adv. -kws. (U nva dvipx^odai to be referred to or made depen-
dv-€irticXi)TOS, ov, (a privat., iiriKaXeoj) unblamed. dent upon one.
Adv. -tqjs, without censure. dv-epcordb), f. foa), to ask again or repeatedly.
dv-tirCXTjTTTOS, ov, (a privat., tmXafi&dvoftai) not to Gvecraipi, Ep. aor. I opt. of dvinfii.

be laid hold of or attacked : blameless. Adv. -raw. dvecrav, 3 pi. aor. a of dvinju.
dv-€iri£€0"ros, ov, (a privat., im£(<v) not polished dvto-av-res, part, of dvuoa, aor. I of dvifa.
over, not finished off. dvtcrti, Ep. for avrjcrei, 3 sing. fut. of dvirjfu.
dv-em-rrX-nKTOS, ov, (a privat., kmir\rjoa<u) not to be dvco-is, ecus, Ion. tos, ii, (dvirjfu) a relaxing, as of
reproved : faultless : but in bad sense, incorrigible. the strings of a lyre, relaxation : listlessness : dveots
dv-«Tripp6KTOs, ov, (a privat., imppifa) not used for KanGjv an abating of evils. 2. a letting loose, esp.
sacrifices. of the passions, licence.
dv-cmo-iccirTOs, ov, (a privat., kmaKeirrofiat) not dvco-o-vro, 3 sing. aor. a pass, of dvaoevej.
examining, inattentive. II. pass, not considered. dvlornv, aor. a of dvicrnpii.
dv€iriaTT)|xoo-uv-q, 1), ignorance, inexperience : want dv-eoTios, ov, (a privat., taria) without hearth or
of skill or science. From borne.
dv-«irwrrr)px0v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., \mor4\pjuv) dv«rx60€, dv€ax*0op.€v, poet, lengthd. for dviax**
unknowing, unskilful : unscientific: c. inf. not knowing ivioxoptv, aor. a of dv-4x a> -

bow to do a thing. Adv. -fiovojs. dv-€Td£o>, search thoroughly.

f. o<u, to

dv-€iriTaKTOS, ov, (a privat., lirtrdaffoi) not com- dvcrciXc, 3 sing. aor. I of dva-rtkka).
manded, subject to no one. Adv. -raw. dv«T\i)v, aor. 2 of dvdrKrj/u.

dv-€iriTT|8€ios, ov, Ion. dv-€iriTT)8«os, rj, ov, (a dv-eTOS, ov, (dvirj/ju) relaxed, slack; properly of a
privat., tiriTrjfatos) unfit, inconvenient, not suitable: bow. 2. set free from labour, ranging freely.

prejudicial, hurtful. a. of persons, ill-disposed, dv€Tpddvnv [a], aor. a pass, of dvarpicpa).

unfriendly. dvev, Prep, with gen. without; dvcv 6ewv, Lat. sine
dv-€iriTip.irjTOS, ov, (a privat., kniTifidw) not to be Diis, without divine aid dvtv tov KpaivovTOS, Lat ;

censured. injussu regis. a. away from, far from. 3. in

dv-€ir(4>0ovo5, ov, (o privat., Wi<p6ovot) without prose, except, besides.
envy or reproach : not invidious. Adv. -vote. dv-«vd£a>, to honour with cries of evatl
— : ; : :

&vev6e — farqkvais. 61
<5v€v0«, before a vowel cXvevGev, (dvev) : I. Prep. dvityvxQev, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of dva-^vx0J'
with gen. without. 2. apart from, far from. IL dvctp or dveco, see dvews.
Adv. far away, distant : out of the way. of dvoiyoj, part, avtwyu/s, always intr. dviuya, Att. pf.

ov-«v0€tos, ov, (a privat., cvOeros) not well placed, dveco-yov, impf. of dvoiyw.
inconvenient. dv««>£a., aor. I oi dvoiyoi.
dv-€v0vvos, ov, (o privat., tvdvvrj) not having to dvccovrai (not dvtovrai), for dvuvrai, 3 pi. perf.
render an account, irresponsible : hence guiltless. pass, of dvirjfu (as if from dv-tvoi), they have been
dv-«viCTO$, ov, (a privat., tvxoyuai) not wished given up or devoted.
for. II. act. not wishing or praying for. dv€u)s, gen. (a, 6, 1), Att. form, of an obsol. Adj.
dvevpetv, aor. 2 inf. of dvt vpiaKco. dvavos, dvdos (a privat., avw to cry), without a voice,
dveupeo%s, ecus, i), (dvtvplc/caj) a finding out. mute : dvew nom. plur.
dv-«vpeTos, ov, (a privat., evpiaKu) not found out, dv€cpx0tjv, aor. I pass, of dvoiyw.
not to be found out. dVrj, 1), (avw) fulfilment.
dv-€vpto-Ku>, f. avivp-qao}'. aor. 2 dvevpov: un-Att. dv-T|j3dco, f. r\ow, to grow young again, Lat. repu*
aor. I med. dvevpdfirjv : aor. I pass, dvevpedrjv — ro erascere. Hence
find out, discover; — Pass, to be found out or dis- dvrjPT|TT|ptos, a, ov, making young again.
covered to be. av-T)Po$, ov, (a privat., ij0rj) not arrived at mans
dv-€v<j)7]|j.€w, f. 1)003, to cry out, eixpTjfiet, ev<pi]fiuT€ : estate.
to shout aloud with joy. dvTjY<ry ov » aor. 2 of dvdyw.
dv-€ux°H- cu Dep. to recall a prayer.
. dv-T|Y€|JLdv€VTOS, ov, (a privat., i)ycpLov(vw) without
d-vf(J>fc\os, Ep. dwc<j>€\os, ov, (a privat., vc<pi\r)) a leader.
cloudless : unveiled. dv-T)Y«, f. rjffOjjuu, Dep. to tell as in a narra-
dv-€x«YY* os ov (a privat., lx«77vos) unwarranted. tive, relate.
» >
°' v
"*XT] l v sub sq. » - dv-T|8wTOS, ov, (a privat., ijdvvw) not sweetened or
dv-t'xo), impf. dveixov: also dv-urx«, dvio~x ov: seasoned. **•

dve£oj, also dvaaxv cr<u aor. 2 dveaxov, poet. dW- dvTjfj, Ep. for dvrj, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of dvirjfu.

ax^Oov: pf. dv4oxV Ka Pass., aor. I dvfffx^ijv: pf. '•

dvrj0ivos, t), ov, (avrjOov) made of dill.
dviaxrjliai :

a 3 sing pres. ind. dvexv ai a so occurs » "ANH0ON, to, dill, anise, Lat. anetbum : also dv-

as if from dvexym {dva, ?x<w) to bold up, lift up vrjOov ; Ion. dvvnaov or dvrjaov : poet, dvvnrov or
: :

•ne's hands in prayer or in battle to bold up and dvrjTov. :

shew to one dvix^v <pdos, to bold up a light ; esp.

; dv^|i£a, aor. I of dvatacroj.
in phrase dvexe, ndpex* <£<£*> or simply dv^x** fdp€x«, dvt|tov, Ep. for dv-QUV, impf. of dveifu.
bold up and shew the light to lead the nuptial proces- dvtJKa, aor. I of dv-in/jii.
sion, make ready, go on. 2. to exalt, extol. 3. dv-T)K6OT0s, ov, (o privat., dtciouai) not to be healed,
of land, dj/«x«f" rfv ajcpnv to put forth a head- incurable: avrjieeoTa vomiv riva to do one irremediable
land. 4. to uphold, support : to continue to do hurt : dvqKcara irdax €iv to same.
suffer the II.
c. part., OT4p£as dvex*i continues to love of the : act. damaging beyond remedy, deadly Adv., dvrj- —
nightingale, av^x^v maaov to keep constant to the Kiarcus hiariOivai to treat with shocking cruelty.
ivy. II. to bold in, keep in ; Zeii* dvix uv dv-T|Koos, ov, (a privat., dKoij) without hearing
°PP- i

to vojv, holding up, stopping the rain. III. in* never having beard a thing, ignorant of it. 2. not
trans, to rise up, rise, esp. in form dvioxw, of the sun: willing to bear, disobedient.
of events, to happen : c. gen. to rise from, recover dvrjKovo-Tcto, f. rjcraj, to be unwilling to hear, to be
from. 2. to come forth, project: of a headland,
esp. disobedient. Fiom
to jut out into the sea. 3. to bold on, keep doing. dv-TiKouoros, ov, (o privat., d/eovoj) unheard of. II.
B. Med. dv-cxop,<u: f.dW£o/«u or dvaaxV <T0liai '• act. unwilling to bear, disobedient.
Att. impf. and aor. 2 c. dupl. augm. TjVfixofirjv, tjv(- dv-T|K<i>, f. £co, (dvd, jjkoj) to reach up to. 2. to
exo^v properly to hold oneself up, and so to hold
: have come up to a point, Is rd niyiara dvfiiceiv : to
up against a thing, endure, allow, hold out, last : so refer or pertain to a person or thing.
in part., dv^xofifvoi <pipovoi they bear with pa- dvTjXdXafov, dvT]\dXa£a, impf. and aor. I of dva-
tience. 2. dv(x f ^dai £eivovs to allow the presence \a\dfa.
of guests, and so to receive them. II. to bold up dvrjXaTO, 3 sing. aor. I of dvdXKopiai.
what is one's own ; dv4x ( cr6ai X^Pas b°ld UP one s
dv-ifjAticos, ov, (a privat., i}A.t£) not yet arrived at
hands to fight . III. rarely, to bold on by one man's estate.
another. dv-T|Xios, ov, (a privat., 1j\io$) sunless, gloomy.
dvevjfid, fj, fern, of dvvpios, a female cousin. dvTjXtiros, Dor. dvdXiiros, ov, (a privat., ijkiif/ a
dvevj/taSoOs, ov, 6, a first-cousin s son. From kind of shoe) unshod, barefoot.
ANE¥IO'2, 6, a first cousin, a cousin. Hence dvT|XtfoT.s, «us, 1), (dvtpxofuu) a going up. 2.
AvciJuoT-ns, rjTOt, jj, cousinsbip. a coming back.
— — —
62 carfXuMTa — avOvrrntvoa.

dvT)Xaxra, aor. I of dva\iffK<u. bold of, seize, attack. II. to lay bold of in re-
dv-rpeXicTOs, ov, (u privat., '.fieXyan} unm'lkpd. turn.
av-T)(i€pos, ov, (a privat., fj^tpus) not tame, wild, dvOetov, to, (dvOos) a blossom.
savage : of p ants. wild. dv0-€KT«ov, verb. Adj. of dvTt^cu, one must bold to,
&vr|v<ur0cu. aor. I inf. of dvaivofiai, of which tense cleave to : so also plur. dv0€KT«'a.
avTjv&TO is 3 sing, ind., dv-qvijTai 3 sing. subj. dv0-€Xicb>, f. £a>, to draw or pull against.
dvnyepia, 77, a calm. From dv0cpa, aros, to, p et. for dvdOffM or dvd9rjjja.
dv-Tjv«p-os, ov, (a privat., dv(fxos) without wind, dv0€piov, to, = dvOos dvOtfiiov koTiypivot tattooed

calm; dvrjvcpLos xuhwvojv for dvev dvepiov x^riUVCUV t with flowers.

without the blast of storms. dv0epis, t'Sos, ij, = dvOos.

dvrjvoOe, Ep. pf. 2 intr , with pres, signf. : Hornet dv0epo€ks, toaa, €v, also (is in fern., flowery, flowered:
has it twice, a pa <lvqvo9tv i£ ujtuXtjs blood gushed of works in me;al, embossed with flowers. From
from forth the wound icviarj uvqvoBcv steam mounted
; dv0€pov, to, (dvOioj) - dvOos, a flower.
up. (Formed as if from a Verb uviQoj.)
dv0€pop-pvros, ov, (dvdefiov, piai) flowing from
dv-Tjvvaros and dv-Tjvihros, ov, (a privat., dvvoS) not flowers.
to he accomplished, endless, aimless. dvOep-ovp-yds, 6v,(dv0€p:ov, *epya}) workinginfl wers.
dv-rjvwp, opos, 0, (o privat., dvqp) unmanly, dastardly, dv0€p.-u>8T)s, fs, contr. for dvOtpo-tih-qs, (dvOtpov,
like dvavbpos. «75os) flowery, blooming.
avrynrai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of dvdirroj. dv0«^-opai, fut. med of dvTex *-

dv-T|irucj, f. ao), to cry aloud. dv0€o, Ep. for dvdOov, aor. 2 med. imperat. ofdvaTiOrjui.
'ANH'P, 6, gen. dvbp^s, dat. dvSpl, ace. avSpa, voc. dv0ep€uv, wvos, 6, (dvOia)) the chin, Lat. mentum.
dvtp: plur. dvSpes, -dpwv, -Spdffi, Spas. Ep. also gen. dv0€pCKTj. and dv0«p»,Kos, 6, = dv6ipi£, a stalk.

dvipos, etc., dat. pi. dvhptooi : a man, as opp. to dv0€pi£, ikos, 6, (dOrjp) the beard of an car of corn,
woman, not b<m>).
Lat. vir II. a man, as opp. the ear. 2. a stalk.
to God, re 0(u>v re.
irarfjp dvhpujv III. a man, dv0ecrav, Ep. for dvtOeaav, 3 plur. aor. 2 of dvaTidrjtu.
as opp. to a youth. IV. a man, emphatically, a dv0-eoTidt«>, to feast in return.
man indeed, opp. to dvOpamos iroWol fitv dvOpamoi, ; 'Av0eoTT|pia <uv, Ta, the Feast of Flowers, the three
okiyoi 5e dvSpes. V. a husband; alywv dvfjp, days' festival of Bacchus at Athens, in the month
Virgil's vir gregis. Anthesterion.
dvnrjp, Att. crasis for 6 dvf)p. 'Av0€o~nrjpia)v, wvos, 6, the month Anthesterion,
dvQpt'0-ny, aor. I pass, of dvatpeco. eighth of the Attic year, answering to the end of
dv-T)pi0p.os, ov, poet, for dv-dpiOfios. February and beginning of March.
dvr)p6p/nv, aor 2 of dvepofiai. 'Av0€o-<J>6pia, wv, Ta, the Anthesphoria, a festival
dv-t|pOTOS, ov, (a privat., dpucv) unploughed. honour of Proserpine, who was carried
in off while
dvrjpTTjo-a, dvqpTT), aor. I act. and pf. pass, of gathering flowers. From
dv-aprda). dv0€cr-cj)6pos, ov, (dvOos, <pipai) bearing flowers.
dvrjerov or awnrov, r6, Ion. for dvqOov. dV0«ro, Ep. for dviOtTo, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of dva-
dv-T|<r<TT)Tos, Att. d-T|TTT]TOs, ov, (a privat., ^aadxu) ridrjfu.
unconjuered, uncon/uerable. dv0c(d, f. t/crco, to bloom, blossom : metaph. of the
dvTjrlvos, Tj, ov, Dor. for dvqdivos. »ea, dvOuv vtrcpois to be overspread with corpses of :

dvrjTOv or dvvrrjTOv, to, Dor. and Aeol. for dvrjOov. colours, to be bright: metaph. to bloom, flourish,
dv-T|-m)TOS, ov, Att. for dv-Tjao-ijTos. iv$eiv dvSpdai to abound in men : to be at the height,
dv-Y|dm.urros, ov, (a privat., t\<paiaTos) without real as a disease.
fire ; rrvp dv^cpaiarov, i. e. the fire of discord. dv0rj, 1), =dv6os, a blossom.
dvr|({>0-nv, aor. 1 pass, of dvdirro). dv0-qpos, d, ov, (dv6ioj) flowering, blooming : hence
dvT|4>0a>, 3 sing. pf. pass, imperat. of dvdirru. fresh, young: metaph. in full force, in perfec-—
dv^x^iv, aor. 1 pass, of dvdyoi. tion. 2. bright-coloured. 3. of sty\e, florid.
avqu/a, aor. I of dvdirrca. dv0-Tjo-crdopat, pf. dvOrjoorjfJLat : Pass. : to be beaten
dv0-aip<, f. -qaopai Dep. (dim, alpiaj) : to in turn, give way in turn.
: :

choose one thing instead of another to prefer, cboost dv0T]-<j>6pos, ov,
: = dvOco<popos, flower-bringing.
instead. II. to dispute, lay claim to. dv0i£<i>, f. io~oj, (dvOos) to strew with flowers : to deck
dv0-d\io-KopaL, f. -a\waofuu, Pass, to be caught at as wih flowers ; and so, to dye with colours : Pass. —
killed in turn. to bloom: to be dyed; part. pf. r/vdiOfiivos, metaph., rjaopat, Dep. to vie with another, of one whose hair is sprinkled with white.

he rivals : one another. From

to race dv0ivos, tj, ov, (dvdos) offlowers, blooming, fresh.
dv0-dp.iXXos. ov, (dvTi, dfuKXd) rivalling. dv0-tinrd£, f. daopuai Dep. to ride against. Hence :, Ion. avT-dirropai, f. \pofioi Dep. dvOiinrfio-ia, ij, a sham-fight of horse.


to lay bold of, meddle with, engage in. 2. to lay dv0-tirir«vo), = dvOtirird^Ofiai.
: — :

&vdCorr)ixi — av0viraTO9. 65
Av9-C<rT»ip.i, (dvri. '(TTrj/u). Causal in pres. 'AN0PH'NH, 17", a wild bee : a bee or wasp. Hence

and impf, in ful. dvaarrjaoj and aor. I aviar-qaa. to dvOptjviov, Tv, the honeycomb of a wild bee : a wasps'
set against, esp. in battle to set over against : to nest.

compare, Lat. componere. II. int ans. in Med. or dv0pcim-dpco-icos, ov, 6, (dvOpamos, aploKoS) a man-
Pass. dvOioTapai, also in pf. act. dvOiorrjua, aor. a plea: er.
avTiarrjv, to stand against, withstand, oppose. dv0po>irdpLov, t6, Dim. of dvOpamos, a manikin.
dv0o{3oXea), f. foai, to bestrew with flowers ; Pass. —
dv0p<i>ir€Tj, contr. dvOpomrj (sub. 5opd), J), a man's
tohave fl wers showered upon one. From skin.
dvdo-po\os, ov, (dvOos, fid\\a>) garlanded with dvOpvo-rreios, a, ov, Ion. dvOpOTTTjios, 17, ov, (dvOpa)-
/lowers. nos) 'for belonging to man, befitting mans nature,
dvOo-SCcuTOS, ov, (dvOos, Biaira) living on fl wers. human : Adv. -cos, by human means, in all human
dvOo-SoKos, ov, (dvOos Sixofiai) receiving flowers. probability.
dv0oicop.c<i), f. rjaa), to produce flowers. From dv0pci)irr)tos. rj, ov, Ion. for dvOpumeios.
dv0o-K6pos, ov, (dvOos, KOfiiai) bearing flowers. dv0p<i)-rri£<i), f. iacu, (dvOpamos) to behave like a man :
dvdo-icpoKOS, ov, (dvOos, Kpitca)) woven or worked Pass to become man.
wi'b flowers, partly-coloured. dvOpomtKos, 17, ov, of ex for a man, human.
dv0oAo*y«o, f. 170-cw, dv0pumlvos, 77, ov, (dvOpamos) <f,from or belonging
(dv0o\6yos) to gather flowers.
Hence to man, human ; irdv to dvOpumivov all mankind ; rd
dv0o\o-yta, 1), a fl- wer-gafbering : 'AvOoXoyiai were avOpwmva the fortunes of man. Adv., dvOpamivajs —
collections of small Greek poems, which one editor d/xoprdvav to commit human, i.e. venial, errors.
made up it were) into a nosegay. dvOpwmov, to, Dim. of dvOpamos.
dvOo-Xoyos, ov, (dvOos, \iyaj) gathering fl' Avers. dvOpwn faKOs, o, im. of dvOpamos, a little man,

I, Dep. (uvti, ufxo\oyiofw.i) : to I

manikin, Lat bomuncio.
make a mu'ual agreement or compact. *. to con- dvOpomo-Saipcov, ovos, 6, ?}, (dvOpamos, halpuuv) a
fess or give thanks in turn man-god, i. e. a deified man, hero.
dv0ovopc<i>, to feed on flowers. From dv0p(D7ro-ci8-f)s, is, (dvOpamos, (iSos) in the shape of
dvOo-vopos, ov, (dvOos, feeding on flowers. a man.
dv0-oirXC£co, f. law, to arm against Pass, and — dv0p<i)iro-KTovos, ov, (dvOpamos. ktuvoj) murdering
Med. to be armed, arm oneself against. men, homicidal. II. proparox. dvOpam6-KTovos,

dvQope, p' et. for dviOopc, 3 sing aor. 2 of dvaOpwoitoi. murdered by men; /Sopd dvOp. a feeding on slaughtered
dv0-oppeu>. f. T}oa), to lie at anchor, be moored oppo- men.
site nne another. avQpwirOTTOita, J), a making of man. From
"AN0O2, cos, to, that which buds, a young bud or dvOpamo-iroios, iv, (dvOpamos, -rroiiaj) making man.
sprout ; a flower ; the bloom <f a flower : also of "AN0PnTIO2, 6, man, Lat homo (not vir) : plur.
things, the froth or scum on water: dvOos o'ivov, Lat. of dvOpamoi, men in general, mankind ; so, fxaKiara

flos vini, the crust on old wines. II. metaph. the or fjKioTa dvOpdjnojv most or least of all men. Like
bloom or flower of a thing, fj@r)S dvdos the bloom of dn7p. it is joined to another Subst.. as dvOpamos vSittjs
youth generally, grace, pride, honour : also the height
: a wayfaring man. As opp. to Cvrjp, it expresses con-
of anything bad as well as good. 2. brightness of tempt, as Lat. homo opp. to vir : used in addressing
colour, brilliancy as of gold. slaves a; dvOpame. The fern. dvOpamos, 17, (like homo
dvG-oopias, ov, 6, (uvti, uop-q) redolent of flowers fern, in Lat.) a woman.
generally, sweet-scented, as epithet of wine. dvOpamos, Att. crasis for 6 dvOpamos.
dv0oo-uvT). 17, (dvOos) a flowering, bloom. dv0panro-o-(j>aY€G), f. 170"«, (dV0pa/7ros, ccpaTToi) to
dv0o<f>opcu>, f. tjooj, (dvOo<p,pos) to bear flowers. slay o> sacrifice men.
dv0o<j>opCa, Ta., = 'Av9ro(pi'pia. From GV0pu>-iro(paY(<*>, f. tjoa}, (dvOpamocpdyos) to eat men
dv0o-<j>6pos, ov, (dvOos, (pipaj) bearing flowers, or man Hence
s flesh.

fl'wery : blooming. dv0pa>Tro4>a-yia, 17, an eating of men.

dv0o-4>trf|s, is, (dvOos, <pvr/) of the nature offlowers, dvOpa>iro-<pd'yos, ov, (dvOpamos, <pay€?v) eating men,
bri ^bt-coloured. cannibal.
dv9pai«vs,«'a>s. 17. (dvOpa() a charcoal-burner. Hence dv0pa>-rro-4>vh?|S, is, (dvOpamos, <pvq) of man's nature.
dv0pdK€\Ki>, f. acu, to be a charcoal-burner : to burn dv-0puMTKa>, poet, and Ion. for dva-0pu>OKa).
to a cinder. dv0-vppt£a>, f. ioa), to abuse one ano her, abuse in
dvOp&xid. as. Ep. c vOpaKiT), fjs. i), (dvOpa£) a heap of turn.
coal or charcoal, ho' coals. 2. blackness as of coals. dyO-ima-yctf, to bring to trial or indict in turn.
dvOp&Koouai. pf. ,) : Pass. : (dvOpa£) : to dvQi'nrS.TCvai, f. ecu, to be proconsul. And
be burnt to cinders. dvOv-rraTiKos. 17, ov. proconsular. From
'AN0PAE, olkos, 6, coal or charcoal, mostly in plur. dv0-viraros, 0, a proconsul, for dvTi viraTov, Lat.
dv0pT)8u>v, 6vo$, 77, a wasp or hornet. pro consule.
— :: : : : : : : ;:

64 toOvncUa* — itvCarrjfXL.

dv0-vir€iKO), f. (a>, Ep. subj. dvr^ for dvri, opt. dveirj, inf. dv eivai,
(dvri t vituhoj) to yield in turn. but in
Hence dvlvTts Pass. dvUpuan part.
aor. I dveOrjv : pf. dv- — :


dv6virei|is, «a>s, ^, a mutual yielding. tifiai {dvd, irjfii) to send up or forth, make spring : :

dv0-viroKptvopai, fut. -icplvovnai Dep. (fori, imo- up, produce, as the earth esp. to send up from the
: : :

Kpivofjiai) to dissemble or make pretences instead, or nether world.

: II. to semi back. III. to let
in answer. [Tv~\ go. 2. dviivai rivl to let loose against one, set

dv0-vir6p.vvp.i, f. -ofioau, (dvri, vwSfivvfu) to make upon him, like Lat. immittere alicui : hence generally,
a counter-affidavit. to set on. 3. to let alone, let Med. dvUfjiai, to —
dvO-viro-irrevco, (avrl, xmoimvoS) to suspect mutually. loosen, undo Pass, to be let go, go free ; part. pf. —
dvO-virovp-yk), {avrl, inrovpytoj) to return a kind' pass, dvufievos going free, left to one's will and plea-
ness. Hence sure ; dvctfxevos cts ri wholly engaged in a thing
dv0virovpYrjp.o, aros, r6, a kindness done in return. hence IV. like Lat. remittere, to relax, properly
dv0-v<{>aip€<i>, (dvri, v<paipi<u) to take away in return. of a bow, to unstring : hence to neglect, give over,
dv0-v<j>Corau,at, fut. vvoar-qoofuu : aor. 2 -xnri- remit Puss, to be slack or unstrung. V. intrans. —
ottjv :(avri, v<pio~Tr]fit) :

to place oneself under z in Act. to relax, be remiss, Lat. remisse agere.
thing in another's stead, to take on oneself, undertake dviTjpos, 17, ov, Ion. for dviapus.
for another. dvLKa, Dor. for i)viica, \_Y]
dv0b>ir\io*, pf pass, of dv6on\i£<». dv-iKdvos, ov, (a privat., ikovos) insufficient.
'ANI'A, Ion. dvC-q, 1), grief, sorrow, distress, trouble : dv-licfrevTOs, ov, (a privat., i/cerevw) not entreated:
Homer uses it act. of a person, Sairos dvin the annoy- act. not entreating.
ance of our feast, [dvlrj in Horn., later aula or some- d-vvicnTos, ov, (a privat., vik6.oj) unconquered, un-
times avta.~\ Hence conquerable.
dvid£<o, aor. qviaoa, to grieve, distress.
I II. intr. dv-£X<=o>s, <w, gen. w, Att. for dv-i\ao$, (a privat.,
to be grieved or distressed, feel grief, sorrow. [H] ikeojs) unmerciful, [t], fut. doofjuu [a], Dep. to cure again, restore. dv-tp.db>, f. rjoofiai (dvd, Ipuds) — to draw up water


dviapos, d, 6v, Ion. and Ep. dvu)p6s, i\, 6v, (dvidoj) by leather straps : generally to draw
or haul up
grievous, distressing : \TTeg.Comp.dviT)p(o~Tepos. II. Pass, to get up, mount up ; s* also intr. (sub. iavrov),
grieved, distressed. Adv. -puts. [In Homer dvir)p6s, to mount up.
later also dvt-.] dvtos, ov, (dvia) = dviap6$.
dv-Caros, ov, (a privat., Idofiai) incurable : of men, dv-iovXos, ov, (a privat., tov\os) beardless.
incorrigible. dv-nrir€vo>, f. o<o, to ride on high.
dvtdcd, fut. d<r<w [a], Ion. ^a<w: aor. I rjvidaa, Dor. dv-iiriros, ov, (a privat., imros) without a horse, not
dviaoa pf. rjvidfca — Pass, with fut. med. dvidoonai serving on horseback: of countries, unsuitedfor horses.

aor. I r'jvidOnv :

pf. -qvidfiai : (dvia) :

— to grieve, dis-, Dep., = dva-iriTOfuu.
tress : — Pass, to be grieved, etc. : dviaoOai tovto to dviiTTO-irovs, o, 1), now, to, gen. voSos, (aviirrot,
be vexed at this :
— Homer has Ion. aor. I pass. part. irovs) with unwasben feet.
dviTjOus, as Adj a joyless, melancholy man. [I in d-viirros, ov, (a privat., vifa) unwasben. t. not
Homer always, later also T.] to be washed out.
dviBciv, aor. i inf. of a pres. *dv-t I5w, to look up. dvis, Boeot. for dvev, also Megarean.
dv-£8pvros, ov, (a privat., Ibpvoj) unsettled, restless dv-io"os, ov, also t), ov, (a privat., toos) unequal, un-
esp. having no fixed borne, vagabond. even : metaph. unfair, [t Ep., t Att.] Hence
dv-l8pom, Adv. of dvibpcuros, without sweat : hence dvicroo), f. waa), to make equal, equalise Med. and —
lazily, slowly. Pass, to be equal in a thing.
dv-i8parros, ov, (a privat., iSpooj) not thrown into a dvtora and dvioT-i), for dviarnOi, imperat. of dv-
sweat, not exerting oneself. icTTJfJU.
dvUis, dvUi, 2 and 3 sing. impf. of dvinfu. ov-iotAvg), later form for sq.
dvieis, 2 sing. pres. of dviijfu. dv-ionrjux, (dvd, "iarvfii) : I. Causal in pres. and
dvi€u.<u, Pass, and Med. of dvirj/xt. impf., in fut. dvaorrjaoj and aor. I dvioTrjaa, to make
dvicvai, pres. inf. of dv-irj^u, to send up. 2. pres. to stand up, raise up set up : to raise from sleep,
inf. of dv-eifu (dpi ibo) to go up. Lat. excito, and from the dead: later, to set up, build:
dv-tepos, ov, (a privat., Upus) unholy, impious. [*f] also to build up again. 2. to rouse to acion : to
dvCeo-KC, Ion. impf. of dvitjjii. stir up to rebellion. 3. to make people rise to leave
dv-ifoj, aor. 1 dvuoa, (dvd, i£<u) to set up. their homes : transplant them ; though in Pass., and
dviT)0cis, Ion. for dvidOds, aor. 1 pass. part, of dvidoi. intr. tenses, it usu. means
unpeopled, laid waste to be
dv-iijpx, impf. dvinv ; also 2 sing. pres. dvius, 2 and X&pa dvfOTTjKvid a wasted land also to make sup- :

3 sing. impf. dvieis, «

Ion. 3 sing. dv'uoKt (as if from
; pliants rise and leave sanctuary. 4. to raise men
dviioi) : fut. dvrjacj, also dviou : aor. I dvrJKa, Ion. for war. II. in aor. 1 med. also trans., dvacrij-

AvirjKa, Ep. also dVtcra : aor. 2 not used in sing, ind., aaaBcu v6\iv to raise a city for oneself. IIL
: :

&VL<TTop€a) — &vopylaoTO$. 65
intrans. in Pass, dvlarapxu, with aor. 2 act. dviffrrjv, dv-otpcoieK, Adv. of AvolfiWKTot, without wailing:
pf. dviarrjKa and pl-,pf. wrqictiv, >o stand up, rise: also without need to wail, i. e. wi'h impunity, t]

to start up for action, dv. nvi to rise up against one : dv-oipcoicros, ov, (a privat., olfjuvfa) unmourned.
to rise from one's seat as a mark of respect : to rise dvoi£ai, aor. of dvoiyvvfti.
I inf.

from sleep : to rise from the dead : to rise from an dvoi|is, «us, ^, (dvoiyvvfii) an opening.
illness : to rise to go, set out. dvoicrreov, verb. Adj. of dva<p(pco, one must report.
dv-ioroptco, f. rjao), to make inquiry, ask. dvoiorTds, Ion. dvuioros, i\, ov, (dva<p4pa>) reported,
ov-ioto), for dviaraao, imperat. of dv-iarafiai. referred for decision.
dv-iox<D = av-€x<», to raise, lift up. 2. intr., dvi- dv-oio-Tpf co, f. "qaoj, (dvd, olarpos) to goad to madness.
CX*1 ^Xtof the sun rises. dvoicrco, fut. of dvaipfpai.
dvicrcus, Adv. of avXoos, unequally. dvouxo, 3 sing. pres. pass. opt. of dVcu.
dvurcoo-is, ecus, 1), (aviOuoS) an equalising. dvoix0<*>°' lv . 4 P'- aor - * P rtSS « SUDJ> of dvoiyvvfu.
dv-ixvevo), f. crew, to trace back, of a hound. dvoKtoxv), *), (dv-uHojx<i pf. of dv-ix 03 ) a cessation
dweparo, Ion. for dvidoivro, 3 pi. opt. of dvidofiai. of arms, armistice. II. a hindrance.
dv-veipvrj, poet. aor. 1 subj. of dvavefioj. dvo\|3ta, the state of an dvo\&os, misery.

dweiTcu., poet, for dvavetrat, 3 sing, of dvaviopxu. dv-6\|3ios, ov, = avo\&os.

dwt'4>«\os, Ep. for dve<p€\os. dv-oX|3os, ov, (a privat., ok&os) unblest, wretched.
dwewcracrOcu, poet. inf. aor. I of dvaveoofiai. dv-6\€0pos, ov, (a privat., 6\f0pos) not ruined.
dv-|Tjpaiv<i>, poet, for dva-^rjpaivoj. ovoXkti, "fj, (dviXteoj) a drawing up.
dv-o8TjY^o>, f. ijaa), (dvd, dSijyico) to guide back. dv-oXoXv£o>, f. v[a), (dvd, oXoXvc/w) to cry aloud, to
dv-o8os, ov, (a privat., 656s) having no road, im~ shout with joy. 2. to wail or bewail loudly. II.

passable. Causal, to make one shout.

dv-o8os, ij, (dvd, 686s) a way up : esp. into central dv-oXo<f>vpopat, Dep. (dvd, 6Xo<pvpofxai) to break
Asia. II. a way back. into loud wailing, [v], Dep. to set up a wailing. \y] dv-op(3pos, ov, (a privat., ofifipos) without rain.
d-voT|pcov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., voioj) senseless. dvopeco, f. -qoa), (dvofxos) to act lawlessly.
d-voTjTOS, ov, (a privat., vo4oj) not thought on, not dvopXa, Ion. dvop.iT), 1^, (dvo/j-os) lawlessness.
to be thought on. II. act. not understanding, dv-op.iXTjTOS, ov, (a privat., 6fu\e<v) having no in-
foolish : unreasonable, Lat. amens tercourse with others, unsociable.
avoid, Ep. dvoiT), fj, (dvoos) want of understanding, dv-op-pSros, ov, (a privat., ofipia) without eyes.
folly. dv-6poios, ov, also o, ov, (a privat., ofioios) unlike.
dv-oiYvvp.1 and dv-oiyu, Ep. dva-otY«> : f- dvoi(<u dvopoi6TT)s, tt]to$, i), (dvdfioios) unlikeness.
with double augm., impf. dviwyov, Ion. dvaoiycaicovz dvopoidco, (dvofioios) to make unlike: Pass, to be so.
aor. I dveq>(a, Att. ijvoi£a, Ion. avoi(a or dv<f>£a dvopouooxs, ews, ij, a making unlike : unlikeness.
pf. I dviyxa, pf. 2 dvcqrya : Pass, dvoiyvvfjuii : fut. — dv-opoXo-ytopai, f. foofjiai : pf. dvq>fio\6yrjp:ai
dvoix&rjo-ofjicu, fut. 2 dvoiyfjo-ofiat, fut. 3 dv«$£o/MU : Dep. (dvd, dfwXoyta))
: :

to agree upon a thing.
aor. I dv«px0V v "if- dvoixOrjvai: (dvd, olyoj)
> I. to : dvopoXoYOvpcvos, 77, ov, (a privat., 6/jio\oyioj) not
open, undo. 2. metaph. to lay open, disclose. 3. agreeing, inconsistent : not admitted, not granted.
as nautical term, absol., to get into the open sea : — d-vopos, ov, (a privat., vofios) without law. lawless,
Pass, to be open. impious. Adv. -/x<ws, without law. II. (vvfios 11)
dv-oty", f. £<*>, v. foreg. unmusical.
dv-oi8cuvci>, (dvd, olbaivoS) fut. dvot&qoo) pf. dvtp- dv-dvrjTOS, Dor. dv-6voTOS, ov, (a privat.. ovivrjfu)
hrjKa :
— to swell up:

to swell with passion.


: neut. pi. dvuvqra, as Adv., un-

unprofitable, useless
dv-oiKifco, fut. ha), Att. Tu>, to rebuild. II. to profitably, in vain.
make a person change bis dwelling, to remove him d-voos, ov, contr. dvovs, ow, (a privat., vdos) with-
from his abode:—Pass, and Med. to migrate. 2. out understanding, foolish.
dvoiKi&iv irukiv to dispeople a city. III. in Pass. dvoirata, Adv., either (from a privat., oipoftai, fut. of
to be built up the country, away from the coast. opdoS), unnoticed; or (from ovoj} upwards, up in the air.
dv-oucoSopcco, f. ijaoj, (dvd, oi/foSo/iccw) to build dv-oirXos, ov, (a privat., ov\ov) without the large
up. II. to rebuild. III. to wall up. shield which distinguished the hoplite, not heavy-
dv-oiKos, ov, (a privat., oT/eos) houseless, homeless. armed : generally, unarmed.
dv-oucT«ov, verb. Adj. of dv-oiyoj, one must open. dv-oirros, ov, (a privat.. orpopai) unseen.
dv-oiKTtpp<ov, ovos, (a privat., o'lKTipfiuv) unpitying, dv-6ptvros, ov, also d-6pivros, (a privat., tfy>da;) =
merciless. foreg.
dv-oiKTurros, ov, (a privat., olfCTtfa) unpitied. dv-6pYavos, ov, (a privat., Spyavov) without instru-
dvoiKT6s, i\, ov, (dvoiyvv/jii) opened. ments.
dv-oucros, ov, (a privat., oTktos) pitiless, ruthless. av-opylatrros, ov, (a privat., opyidfa) attended by
&v-oi|judgci>, fut. fyofwu, to wail aloud. no orgies. II. in wbost honour no orgies are held.
w — : : : —
66 avopia — ivraTrobiUvvfiL
dvop«a, Ion.Tjvoper],^,(<li^)> manhood, courage, [a] dvr-<lYCi>v(£ou,<u. f. ioouai, Att. tdvuai : Dep. : to
dvopeos, a, op, {dvqp) ma/uy, courageous,, like dV- struggle a (ain~t, vie wi h, esp. in war : 10 dispute
Spctos. a] with: as Pass, to be set against. Hence
dv-op06a), f. wow with double augm., impf., -f/vwp-
: dvTSY t,m<rrns, ov, 6, an adversary, rival.
6ow, aor. <]vwp9woa:
I —
to set upright again, restore: dvT-aSiicc(i>, f. rjow, to wrong or injure in return.
to set straight again, set right. dvT-acipta, = dvr-aipw dvraeipeoOai \upd*— Med.,
dv-opu,os, ov, (a privat., opfios) without harbour, in- hands against one.
tivi to raise one's
hospitable. dvr-aOXos, ov, {avri, d$kos) struggling against,
dv-opovo), f. ovow : aor. I avupovaa : to start up, rivalling.
leap up : to moun swiftly., f. ioopai, Med. to respect one another.

dv-dpo<f>os, ov, (a privat., opo<pos) roofless. dvratos, a, ov, {dvra) set over against, right oppo-
dv-opTa\i£a>, f. tow, (dvd, 6pra\i£w) to flap the wings site : dvraia (sub. tr\rjyfj), a wound infron'. 2.
and crow, to strut. hostile. II. besought with prayers ; rd dvraia

dv-opvaao), Att. -tto> rut. ( (dvd, opvoow) — 6twv prayers to the gods.

: :

todig up whai has been buried dv. rd<pov to break ; dvT-aipci), f. dvrdpw : aor. I avrfya : to raise
open a grave. against. II. seemingly iiur. (sub. x^V«0» t0 re~
dv-opx«, f. rjoopxii, Dep. to jump up and dance sist, withstand.
about. dv-r-aiT«i>, f. i\aw, to demand in return.
dv-6<rvos, ov, or a, ov, (a privat., 0010s) unholy, 'ANTAKAI 02, of sturgeon.
6, a sort
wicked, Lat. pro/anus : dviaiot viitvt a corpse with dvT-dKovw, f. ovoofMi, to bear in turn : to listen in
all the rites unpaid. Hence return.
dvooxoTtjs, tjtos. if, unholiness. dvT-aKpodopai, t. doopxu, Dep. = dvraicopw.

d-vocros, Ion. d-vovo-os, ov, (a privat., vooos) with- dvT-dXdXd^u), f. d£a», to return a shout.
out sickness, healthy, sound: of things, free from all dvTdAAa'Yp-a, aros, ro, that which is given or taken
defect, healthy; dvooos Katewv untouched by ill. in exchange, an exchange. From
dv-6crr€os, ov, (a privat., oor(ov) without bones. dvT-aXXdao-a), Att -ttw. fut. £a»: aor. I rj\\a£a;
u-v6crrtp.os, ov, (a privat., vdoripios) not return- — to give or take in exchange Med. to take one —
ing. II. not to be retraced. thing in exchange for another.
d-vo<rros, ov, (a privat., vuoros) without return. dvT-dp.€i|, f. ipofiai, Med. to give or take in
dv-OTOTuJo), (ava, ororoi) to break out into wailing. exchange, to exchange. 7. to give punishment in
dv-ov&ros, ov, (a privat., ovs) without ear: without exchange for ill-conduct, to requite, punish. 3. to
handle. give words in exchange, answer. Hence
a-vovs. contr. for d-voos. dvrdp.6i.vpis, (ojs, 17, an exchanging.
d-voviaos, ov, Ion. for d-vooot. dvr-dpvvopai, Med. to defend oneself against an-
dv-ovrdTOS, ov, (a privat., ovrdw) unwounded. other, resist. 2. to requite.
dv-ovnjTi, Adv. of without wound. \t\
fort-g.. dvT-ava/3rpdfa>, to make go up in turn.
dvox^|, 1), (uf«'x<y) a holding back, stopping, esp. of dvT-avaY<D, f. £a», to lead up against, esp to put out
hostilities, an armistice. II. (dvixpiMii) long- to sea against : generally to attack. 2. to bring

suffering, forbearance. up instead.

dv-oxpd£(i>, f. daw, to bold up, Ift up. dvT-avdXio-HO), f. -avaXwaw, to destroy in return.
dvora, Ep. shortd. impcrat. for uvdora, dvdorrjOi. dvr-avapwi), to wait instead.
dvords, dvorTT|p,€vai, Ep. for dvaords, dvaorrjvai : dvT-avaTTipirXTjpi, to fill in 'urn or in opposition.
aor. 2 part, and inf. of dviorrj/u. avr-avarrXcKft), f £a\ to plait in rivalry with.
dv<rrr|<r<i>, Ep. f >r dvaori]Ow, fut. of dviorrjfu. dvT-avairXi]poci), f wow, '0 put in as a complement.
dv<mfjTi]v, Ep. for dveor^rijv, 3 dual aor. 2 of dv- dv-r-dvevuA, ydvri, dvd, tlfu ibo) to go up against.
ioTTjfu. dvT-avi<rrn,p.t, Causal in pres. and impf,

dv<rrp«vj/€iav, for dvaorptytiav. fut. and aor. 1, to set up against or instead of. II.

dvcrx€0«iv, dva-yjto, Ep. for dvao\€$€tv, dvdoxov, inir. in Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., to rise up
and imper. med. of dv«xa>.
aor. 2 inf. act. against.
dv-<rx€Tos, Ep. for dva-o\(r6s. dvr d£tos, a, ov, worth just as much as, equivalent
dvra, {dvri, dvrrjv) Adv. over against, face to face, to. Hence
Lat. coram. II. as Prep. c. gen., over against; dvra£i6a>, f. <l/(7a», to demand as. an equivalent or
dvra vapfidwv before he cheeks, of a veil confronted : in turn.
with : most freq. in hostile sense, against, dvra Aid* dvr airaiT«o, f ^aw, to demand in return.
wo\tfu£civ. dvT-aTrau.€i(3op,ai, Med. to obey in turn.
ovT-dYopoJo), f. daw, to buy in return. dvT-air«pv -<i), to keep off in turn

avT-ayoptwa, f. a<u, to speak against, reply : to con- dvT-airoSeiicwpA, f. -6*i(w, to prove in return or
tradict. answer.
— : — — : — — : :

bvr aiTob i8a>/u &vrrj\ toy. 67

dvT-airo8i5a)jXL, f. -Swaw: aor. I ivraitihoiKa'. — to Av-r-ef aiTfw, f. 4)ao), to demand in return.
give back, repay. 11. to render, i. e. make, so and dv*r-ej-€ip,i, (tint ibo) to march out agatnst.
so. answer, correspond with.
III. intr. to IV. dvT-€f-€, Dep = dvTt£tifii.
to deliver in turn : to explain in turn. Hence dvT-€|€rd{a), ow, to try one by the standard of an*

dvTa-rr68o|xa, aros, to, requital, recompense. And other : — Med.

measure oneself against Another.
ovrairoSoo-ts, «ws, 77, a giving back in turn, repay- dvT-€|iinr€v<i>, f. aw, to ride out against.
ment : reward. dvT€£6ppvr)oas, «ou», j), (avri, i£opixdw) a sailing out
dvToiroBovvai, aor. 2 inf. of dvrairob'idwfu. against.
dvT-airoicp(vop,ai, Med. to answer again. ivT-*ird.y<a,{.£w, to lead or (intr.) to advance against.
avT-otroKTeivft), f -kt€vu>, to kill in return. dvT-€iraivea>, f. tow, to praise in return.
dvT-a-n-oXa[ij3dvG), f. -Xrjipofiai, to receive in return., Med. to put to sea against.
dvT-air6XXv(ii, to destroy in return: — Pass, and avT-cimpa, rush upon, attack.
Med., with perf. 2 act. -6\w\a to perish in turn. dvT-€ir€|dY<o, f- £w, to lead or march out against.

dvT-aTrorCvu), f. -riaw, to requite. march out against.

dvr-€ir€|«tp,t, («7/xt ibo) to
dvT-a-rro<j>atva>, f. -<pavw, to shew on the other band. dvr-€ir«£«Xavv&>, march out against,
f. Att. -c£(\w to
dvr-diTTO}i.oi, Ion. for dvO-dirrofrnt. dvT-€ir€^€, Dep. = avrtv^dfu.
dvr-apKcai, f. low, to hold out against : to hold out. dvT-€iriPov\ev<i), f. ow, to form counter-designs.
dvT-ao-irdJojjiai, f. doofiai: Dep.: to greet in turn: avT-emfceCicvvpA, f. hei£w, to shew forth in turn.
to receive kindly. dvT-€irt0\ip€a>, f 4)aw, to desire in turn : — Pass., dvr-
avravyi(o, f. i\aw, to reflect light, to reflect. From fmOvfiuoOai tivos to have a thing desired from one.
dvT-avyT)S, ts, (avri, avyrj) reflecting light. dvT-emicovpcci), f. "fjow, to help in return.
dvr-au8da>, f. flow, to speak against, answer. dvr-«irip.eX«', fut. med. -r\oo\xn.i : aor. I pass.
dvrdw, Ion. dvr«i>, f. rjcw aor. I ijurrjaa : (avra, : '€JTfne\-q6TjV : Dep. :
to give heed in turn.

fori) : of persons, to come opposite to, meet face to dvT-€morpST€VG>, f. ow, to fake the field against.
face : also avTrjaai nd\7]s, o^urds, etc., to meet with, avT-emTdoxrco, f. £w, to enjoin in turn.
take part in, partake of. dvT-€iriT€txt£, lao/xai, Att. lovftat pf. :

avrt^oXwra, aor. T of dvriflo\(w. pass. -T€TUxt0(uu : Dep. to build forts against in


dvT-«Y K <*^«*» *"•

<o' ft to accuse in turn. retaliation.
dvT-€iKd£a>, f. doofxai

aor. I -rj/eaoa:to compare — dvT-€iivri0T)p.i, fut. 6rjow, to entrust in answer.

in return. dvT-€p&vi£o>, f. low, {dvTt, tpavos) to contribute one's
dv-reivco, poet, for dva-rcivw. share in turn — Pass, to be repaid.
dvr-€iirov, aor. 2 without any pres. in use, to speak dvT€pa<TTT|S, ov, 6, a rival in love. From
against or in answer, gainsay. Cf. dvr-tpw. dvT-cpdo), to love in return : to rival in love.
dvT-cipo(xai, Ion. for avr-tpoftai. dvr-cpcCSci), f. aw, to set firmly against, to plant
dvT-*wrdy<a, f. £<v, to introduce instead, substitute. firm. II. intr. to set oneself steadfastly against.
dvT-€icr4>tpa>, f -uooiow, to pay or contribute for Hence
another: cf. eiocpopd. II. to substitute one thing dvTcpci<ns, (ws, »}, obstinate resistance.
for another. cvT-«popai, Ion. -ttpopai : aor. 2 -rjpofiijv : Dep.
dvT-tKicA&irTtt, f. ipw, to steal away in return. to ask in turn.
dvT-«cic6irr<i>, f. knock out in return.
rpw, to dvT-cpvopai, Dep. to make equal in weight with:
dvT-*KTr«p-irci>, f. ipw, to send out in return. hence, to value equally with. [CJ
dvT-CKirXco), f. -v\(vao[mi, to sail out against. dvT-€pw, fut. without any pres. in use: pf. dvrti-
dvT-«icTc£va>, f. -fKT(vw, to stretch out against: hence prjKa (cf. dvT(tTTov)
: to ipeak against, gainsay :
— —
to compare one with another. fut. pass., ovdtv dvTtiprjoeTcu no denial shall be
dvT-€KTp«x<">. f. -(KSpafwvfMii, to sally out against. given.
dvTe\a{36}iTjv, aor. 2 med. of dvTi\afi(3dvw. dvr-cpci>s, wros, 6, return-love, love-for-love.
dvTcAAoicra, Dor. for dj/rtAAovaa, part. fern, of dvT-^pon-do), f. i\aw, to ask in turn.
ivartWw. dvT-€0"TT)v, aor. 2 ind. of dvOiarrjfii.
dvT«XX<i), poet, for dva-riXXw. dvT-€vcpY€T€<i), f. i\aw, to return a kindness.
dvT-tXm^u), fut. Low, Att. tw, to hope instead. dvT-€W0€w, f. rjaw, to wish well in return.
dvT-€p.pdXAw, f. -€fi0SXw, intr. to make an inroad dvr-€X« or dvT-£o*x«, f. dv6i£w (dvri, t^w or :

in turn. f(TX<w) hold against ; Xftpa Kparbs avrexuv to

: to
dvT-€p.J3t0d£<i>, f. dow, to put on board instead. hold one's hand so as to shade one's eyes. II.

dvTcp.irSYl). 3 sing- aor. 2 pass. subj. of sq. intrans. to hold out against, withstand: absol. to bold
dvT-*fMrf|Ywp.i, f. ~eiMirri£a}, to stick right in. out: hence to suffice, be enough. III. Med. to

dvT-€p.irf'rrpT)jn, -tp.vpi]Ow to set on fire in return.

f. % bold out against something later, with gen. only, to :

dvT-€v8(8<a>p.i, -tvSwow, to give way in turn.

f. bold on by, bold to, cleave to.
dvT-«£dY<.>, £ 4£ w > to export instead. dvT-rjXios, ov, (dvTt, ijktot) opposite the sun: i.e.
: — : — :

68 &VT€(0 aVTlh0K€(O.

looking east, eastern ; Sai/wvts dvrfaioi, statues of dvnpCijv, Adv. against, withforce toforce. Properly
gods facing the sun. II. like the sun. ace. fem. from
dvTtco. Ion. for dvrda). dvTl-|3ios, o, ov, also os, ov, (dvri, @ia) opposing
fivrrjv, Adv. (dvri) against, face force to force ; dvrifiiois kireeooi with wrangling
to face. 2. face
to face, openly, before all. 3. dvrijv tpxcaOai to words: neut. dvri&iov, as Adv. = dvrtfiiijv.
go straight forward; dvrrjv jSdAAecrfat to be struck dvn-pX«Tr<o, f. ipw, to look straight at, look in the face.
in front. ovrtpXevJ/is, ecus, j), a looking in the face.
dvT-T|vo>p, opos, 6, 1), (dvri, dvi]p) instead of a man. dvTV-SoTj0€<i>, f. i\oo), to help in turn or mutually.
dvT-ijp«TT|S, ov, 6, (dvri, ipirrjs) one who rows dvripoX&o, f. i\o<i) aor. with double augm. t)vrt06-


against another generally, a rival.

: \ijaa, Ep. dvrefi- (dvrifidWaS) : to meet by chance,

dvT-V|pTjs, €*, (dvri) set over against, opposite; ir\n- bit upon, esp. in battle. II. to meet with, partake
yai aripv<av dvrqpeit blows aimed straight at the of, c. gen. rei. III. to meet as a suppliant, en-
breast. treat, c. ace. pers. Hence
dvTTjpCs, foot, ij, (dvrtpetooS) a prop: a beam to avTiPoX-qo-ts, caw, ?}, and dvnjfoXCa, $, an entreaty,
support the outer timbers of a ship's bow, in case of prayer.
a shock. dvTv-'ylvtova, perf. with pres. sense, to return a cry.
dvrf|or€i€, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of dvrda). dvn-'yevcaXo'Y^w, f. -fjaoj, to rival in pedigree.
dvT-Tjx** * Dor. -dx<*>, f Ji aa)t t0 re-echo. dvTtYVCi>p,ov€0), to be of a different opinion. From
'ANTI', Prep, with gen. : orig. sense over against: I. dvTx-yvu>|xa>v, ov, gen. ovos, (dvri, yvwfiij) of a djf'
of Place, opposite, before. II. to denote worth, ferent opinion.

value, put for, for, Lat. pro, ins tar; dvri itoXXwv dvriYpS<j>€vs, icos, 6, (dvnyp6<paj) one who keeps a
Kawv tori, he is worth many people : hence I. counter-reckoning, a check-clerk.
in return for. 2. for the sake of. 3. instead dvTiYpdd/fj, fi, (dvriypd<p<u) a reply in writing. II.

of, for. 4. to mark comparison; %v dvd' tv6s one as law-term, properly the answer put in by the de-
set against the other, compared with it. 5. with fendant ; but also of the plaintiff, an indictment.
verbs of entreaty, like irpos with gen., by, Lat. per. dvriYpS4>os, ov, copied: hence as Subst. dvriypa<pa,
In Compos, it signifies I. over against, as in rd, copies. From
dvri-rtopos. 2. in opposition to, as in dvri-iro\€- dvTi-vpddw, f. \f/o), to write against or in answer,
/icai. 3. one against another, mutually, as in dvri- write back —
Med., with pf. pass, dvriykypa\mai, to
8e£i6opai. 4. in return, as in dvrt-0or)$eoi. 5. put in as a plea, to plead against : cf. dvnypaxp^.
instead, as in dvr-i\v<ap. 6. equal to, like, as in dvTi-Sdicvb), f. -SfyofMU : pf. pass, -didrjyfjai to —
dvri-0eos. 7. corresponding, as in dvri-fiop<pos. bite at or in turn.
dvria, Adv.^dvrijv, properly neut. pi. of dvrios. dvri-8c|i6opai, Med. to give one another the right
dvndav, Ep. pres. inf. of dvrtdo). band, to greet in return.
dvridacrOe, -6at, Ep. 2 pi. ind. and inf. Med. of dvTi-ScpKopai, Dep. dvri0\iira>. =
dvridco. dvn-8cxopai, f. £o/*cu, Dep. to receive in return.
dvTui^co, f. Dor. d£<w: aor. 1 rjvriatra: (dvri):
d<ra;, dYn-Sy\\La.ya>yi(a, f. ^<r», to rival as a demagogue.
— to come or go towards, meet, as friend or foe. 2. dvTi-8iapaivco, f. fi-qaoftai, to cross in turn.
of things, to meet with, obtain. II. to approach dvn-8ia,Ti0T)pi, f. -Orjoo), to dispose or arrange in
with prayer, entreat. turn: — Med. to set oneself against others, offer re-
dvTi-civeipd, 1), fem. Adj. {dvrl, dvrjp) a match for sistance.
men, as good as man, of the Amazons. dvTi-SlSdo-K&Xos, 6, mostly in plur. of poets who
dvTtdw, f. dffcj Ep. pres. dvnoaj, 3 pi. imperat.
: bring rival plays on the stage : cf. sq.
dvTio6jVT<w, part. dvrioojv, 6aiaa, miktm, inf. dvrtdav, dvn-8t8do-KO), f. -8i8d£a>, to teach in turn or against:
med. dvriaaoOai : (dvri, dvrios) to meet, as friend — of dramatic poets, to bring rival plays on the stage.
or foe: to match, measure oneself with: rarely in dvri-8iSa>)U, f. -8woo), to give in return, repay. II. '

sense of coming to aid. 2. of things, to go to meet, as law-term, to offer to change fortunes with one : cf.
go in quest of, c. gen. rei : of an arrow, to bit : of the dvriSoais.
gods, to come to meet an offering, i.e. accept graciously dvTt-8i«f eipt, (etui ibo) to go through again.
of it so, generally, to partake of a thing.
: II. dvTtSlKcco, f. i\oo)'. the augm. is prefixed to the prep.,
c. dat. to meet with, light upon. III. c. ace. to impf. rjvTidiKow, aor. I T/vriSiienaa, or with double
arrange, prepare, Acx°* dvriowaa. augm., TjVTtdiicovv, qvreSi/crjo'a to be a defendant,

dvTi-/3a(vo>, f. -fi-qaofMu : aor. 2 dvrefirjv : to with- or generally, party in a suit. From

: to stand in the gap ; dvri&ds l\dv to
stand, resist dvri-8tKos, ov, (dvri, 81*77) an opponent in a suit,
against the oar, going well back
pull stoutly properly the defendant, but also the plaintiff: ol dvri-
dvn-^dXA&>, f. -@a\a>, to throw against or in turn. dtKoi the two parties in a suit.
dvTt/3So-is, cats, 1), (dvri&aiv<») resistance. avTi-SoKcid, f. -boiefjaw or -oo£oj, to be of a contrary
dvTv-(3ui{ojjun., f. aofjuu, Dep. to retort violence. opinion.
— : : . — :

dvrChopos — avriii&ypixai.

dv-T-C-Sopos, ov, (dvri, Sopd) elotbed with something dvTi-KcXatc(vo), f. aw, to flatter in turn.

instead of a skin. dvTi-Kopifoj, f. iaw Att. iw, to bring back in reply.

dvriSoo-is, «us, i), (avTiSiSufii) a giving in return, avrt-Kdirrco, f. xjhu, intr. to resist, oppose.
an exchange: repayment. 2. at Athens, a form, dvTt-Kopvo-o-op,at, Dep. to take arms against.
by which a citizen charged with a public charge might dvTi-KpaTtco, f. 1)00), to bold instead.
call upon any other citizen, whom he thought richer dvrtKpovo-is, (cos, 1^, a striking against: hence, a
than himself, either to exchange properties, or submit hindrance, sudden check. From
to thecharge himself. dvTi-Kpovco, f. aw, to strike or push back, stop, bin-
ovtCSotos, ov, {dvriSidojfu) given as a remedy against der. 2. intr. to be a hindrance, stand in the way.

poison as Subst. dvriSoTOv, r6, an antidote.

: dvTucpv and avriKpus, Adverbs, {avri, dvrrjv) have
dvTt-SovXcvu), f. a<u, to be as a slave to another, to generally distinct meanings I. dvrlitpv, over

be no better than a slave. against, right opposite. 2. in Horn. also = dvri-

dvTi-8ov\os, ov, instead of a slave, no better than a Kpvs, straight on, outright, entirely. II. avrXicpvt
slave. (never in Homer), straight, right. 1. outright,
dvTi-8oviros, ov, resounding. thoroughly, without disguise or reserve. 3. of Time,
dv-n-Spdw, f. aaoj, to do in return, retaliate, requite. straightway.
dvTi-Scoptopai, f. TjffofMii, Dep. to present in return ovti-kt6vos, ov, {avri, /creivw) killing in return.
with a thing. dvTV-KTvn-€(i), f. 4)oa), to clash against, re-echo.
dvn-fnriw, f. f)0~o), to seek in return. dvn-Kvpw [£>], f. Kvpoo), to hit upon something, meet.
dvrv-Jwyptw, f. rjoai, to save alive in turn, dvTi-Kfa>p.a>Sca>, f. i\aw, to ridicule in turn.
dvTt-ddirTO), f. \po), to bury opposite. dvri.X<J{3T|, i), (dvri\an&dvw) a handle, Lat. ansa.
dvri-0€os, t], ov, godlike, equal to the gods. dvTi-XaYX&va>, fut. -\r}£ofjiai: pf. avTCtA^xa to :

dvru-6€pdiT6'u<i), f. co), to take care of in return. draw lots for, obtain in turn.
dvTi0eo-is, ecus, 77, {dvriridijfxi) opposition, antithesis. dvri-Xd£o|xai and -Xd£, Dep. to receive in
dvn-0«i>, f. Btvoofiai, to run against: to run a race turn. 2. to holdfast by : to take a share of.
with avTi-Xaierifw, f. iaw, to kick against.
dvT(-0i)pos, ov, (dvri, 6vpa) opposite the door : as dvTi-Xap.|3dvci), f. -Ai^o/ttu pf. dvreiKrjtpa
: : aor. a
Subst. dvTiOvpov, to, the inner part of the bouse oppo- dvrikafiov: — to receive instead of or in turn. II.

site the door. Med. gen., to lay bold of: hence,

c. I. to take
dvTt-Ka9c£op.<K, fut. -KaOctiovfiai : aor. 2 -Ka0t£6- part with, assist. 2. to lay claim to. 3. to take
firjv Med.
: to sit over against.
part in a thing. 4. to take bold of for the purpose
dvTt-Ka6cuSci>, f. ( vb-fjacv, to sleep opposite to. offinding fault. 5. to captivate, charm. 6.
dvTV-KdOrjpxti, Ion. -KaTT|p,ai, Dep. = dvriKaOi^o/jai. to grasp with the mind, apprehend.
dvTt-ica0U;&>, to set opposite — Med. = dvriKaOelofuu, dvTi-Xdp.iro>, f. \pw, to light up in turn. II.

to sit opposite. intr. to reflect light.

avTi-Kadumjin, I° n avTtHcaTurrrjfu : f. -Kara-
- avrv-Xcyw, f. A«£(u, to speak against, gainsay. Hence
arfjooj: Causal in pres., impf., fut. and aor. I,
I. dvTiX€KT«ov, verb. Adj. one must gainsay ; and
to lay down or establish instead : to set against, op- dvTiXcKTOS, ov, questionable, to be disputed.
pose: to set up again. II. intr. in Pass., with dvTt-X«ov, ovros, 6, {dvri, \iccv) lion-like.
aor. 2 act. dvrtorrjv and pf. avOtOTnica, to be put dvTi-XT|irT€OV, verb. Adj. of dvri\ajifidvofiai, one
in another's place, to succeed, supersede. 2. to must assist or take part in. II. one must check.

resist. dvTiXT)4»tS, cevs, 1), (dvnKaftfidvw) a receiving in

dvTV-KOKOvpY«w, to injure in turn. turn. II. (from Med. a laying bold of, seizure

dvn-K&Xeo), f. tow, to call or invite in turn. hence a claim to a thing. 2. a bold, support:
avTV-KaTaOvrjo-Kd), aor. 2 -i$avov, to die in turn. help, succour. 3. an attacking, attack, objection.
dvTt-KaToXXdwro-ci), Art. -tt<i>, f. £a>, to exchange one dvmAc yid>, f. i\ow, = dvriKkyw.
thing for another. dvnXo'yta, 1), {dvriKeyw) controversy, discussion,
dvn-icd', dvTt-icaTCJopxu,, dvTV-KaTCanjju, Lat. disceptatio : generally, opposition, resistance.
Ion. for dvTi-Ka6~. dvTu-XoYi£°fJtal Dep. to calculate on the other band.
'>, f. -Ktiao/Mii, used as Pass, of dvTiriOrjfu, avnAo-yticds, tj, 6v, {dvrtXiyw) given to contradic-
to lie opposite to. tion, disputatious.
dvTt-K€A«VG>, f. aw, to command in turn. avTiXo-yos, ov, (dvrt\4yw) contradictory
dvTi-K€VTpos, ov, {avri, icivrpov) sharp as a goad. dvri-Xoi8op«i>, f. rjaw, to rail at or abuse in turn.

dvn-KT)8€v<i>, f. aw, to take care of instead. dvrCXvpos, ov, {dvri, Xvpa) in harmony with the lyre.
dvrv-KTjpvo-o-u), f v£w, to proclaim in answer to. dvTiXvrpov, ov, to, {dvri, Kvrpov) a ransom.
dvTi-KXdJu), f. -K\dy£w, to sound in answer: to —, f. -fi&vrjaotMi, Pass, to rave against.
sound by striking against, rtvi. dvTi-uavGdvto, f. -fiddricrofjiai, to learn instead.
AvrvHcvryitov, r6, {avri, kv^/xtj) the sbin, leg. 1 dvn.-p.dxoitai, f. -fju&xhooiiai, Dep. toflgbt against.
— :

70 camyL^6€\KUi — h.vT(.itoU(o.

avn-\t(B(\K(D, to drag to the opposite side. dvTt-irapayY€XXco, f.<Xa), to countermand, to order

dvn-p,e0i<rrr]|ii, fut. -ar-qooo'. Causal in
I. in turn. II. to compete for a public office.
pres. and impf., fut. and aor. I, to remove from one dvrw-irapdYco, f. £a>, to lead on against. II. intr.
side to the other: to revolutionise. II. intr. in to advance against or parallel with.
Pass., with aor. 2 act. -fiiriar-qv, pf. -piiOiarrjKa, to dvTi-irapa0€Ci), f. $(vaopMi, to run past against : to
pass over to the other side, give way. outflank.
dvrt-p.€XC£<i>, to rival in music. dvn-irapaKfiX«i>, f. tow, to summon in turn or con-
ovTv-fieAAto, f. -fieWr/aw, to wait and watch trariwise.
against. dvTi-irapaK€A€, Dep. to exhort in turn or to
dvTi.-p*p.(f>opai, f. ipofiai, Dep. to blame in turn, the contrary.
retort upon. dvTt-iTapaXimeci), f. -qaoo, to annoy in turn.
dvri-u,«pifopai, Dep. to impart in turn. dvTv-irapairXcQ), f. -nKtvaopxii, to sail along on the
dvTi-p.eTp«a>, f. rjaoj, to measure out in turn. other side.
dvTt-p,€TO)iros, ov, (avri, fiiromov) front to front, dvri-', f. daofxai : Dep. to prepare
face to face. oneself in turn : to arm on both sides. Hence
dvTV-pT), Dep. to contrive or scheme against: dvn-irapacrK«vr|, 1), hostile preparation.
to counteract. dvTt-TrapaTdo-aw, Att. -ttw, f. £« to draw out :

avTV-pip/qa-vs, (<vs, rj, cloze imitation, aping, [/xt] against, in order of battle Pass, to stand in array : —
dvTi-p.L[xos, ov, (dvri, fxi/j.tojj.a.1) closely imitating, against.
aping : modelled after. dvTv-irapaTi(hr]p,i, to set side by side against, com-
dvn-|ito-«i>, f. rjaoj, to hate in return. pare closely.
dvTvptcrOia, 1), a reward, requital. From dvTt-irdp€ip,t, (ftfti ibo) to march parallel to.
dvTi-p.wr0os, ov,for or instead of a reward. dvn-Trap«, = dvriirdpufu.
dvn.-poipia, as, ij, (avri, fiotpa) a compensation. &vri-rrapix<a, to supply in turn.
dvr(-|ioXiros, ov, (avri, fioKirq) sounding against, dvTt-irdco(a>, f. -irtioo/Mi : pf. -iriirovOa — to suffer
differing in soundfrom: dvri/ioXirov a/cos vnvov song, or endure in turn : rb dvrnreirovOos, neut. part, pf.,
sleep's substitute. retaliation.
dvTi-vavirrj'Y€<o, f. i\oo), to build ships against,fit out dvri-rrarayloa, f. f)o<u, to clatter against.
a navy against. dvTwrtp.iro), f. tyoo, to send back an answer : to send
dvn-viicd<i>, f. r\<y<a, to conquer in turn. in return. II. to send against. III. to
dvTigoe a>,
f. i\oo3, to set oneself against. From send instead.
ovtC-|oos, ov, Ion. dvrt-£ovs, ovv, {avri, £ioS) pro- dvTi-7T«paivG), f. -irepavw, to pierce through in turn.
perly scraped against; hence opposed to, hostile : rb avTi-ircpaios, a, ov, lying over against, esp. beyond
dvri£oov opposition. sea.
ovtCov, Adv. of avrios ; see avrios. dvn-irepuv, Ion. -rripr\v. Adv. dvriirepas also as = :

dvrtov, t6, (dvri) a part of the loom. Adj. in phrase 'Aatab' dvrineprjv re Asia and the, fut. med. wco/mii : aor. I pass. ijvnit- opposite coast.
0-qv : Dep. : to meet in battle, to resist, oppose. dvTi-ir«pas or -ir/pa, Adv. over against, on the other
ovtCos, o, ov, (dvri) set against, and so, I. over side of, opposite. Hence
against, opposite : c. gen. meeting, confronting. II. dvrv-ir€pTj6€v, Adv. from the opposite side.
opposite, contrary. III. as Adv., dvria and dv- dvTi-iT€pT)v, Ion. for dvruripav.
riov, like dvrrjv and avra, opposite: against, straight dvn-'irepiXap.pdvfc), f. -\rjtpofmi, to embrace in turn.
at. against one's will.
2. dvn-ir€pixtop€0), to go round in turn or against.
dvTt-ox«, Pass, to drive against. dvrC-irerpos, ov, (avri, ltirpa) bard as stone,
dvTio-<rrfiT«a>, poet, for dvBiara\xai, to oppose. rocky.
dvrioci), dvTidwv, -6(a<ra, dvnowvrwv, see dvridoj. dvTf-in)£, 1770*, j), (dvri, irriyvvfii) a chest, ark.
dvTi-irS0T|S, is, (avri, rrdOuv) in return for suffer- dvri-iriiTTa>, f. -ircoovpxu, to fall against. 2. to
ing. II. of opposite feelings ox passions. strive against, resist.
avn-iraijco, to play one with another. avn-irXtco, f. -vKtvaofjuii, to sail against.
dvTi-ircws, vaibos, 6, %, like a child, no better than a dvri-irXT|£, ijyos, 6, j), ydvri, irX-fjaau) beaten by the
child. storm.
dvrCiraXos, ov, {avri, it6\r)) properly wrestling dvn.-irXT|p6cD, f. koo), to man ships against. 2.

against: hence antagonist, rival: matched against to fill up by new members.

each o'ber, nearly balanced: corresponding to. II. dvTV-Trv«o, f. trvevaofMu, to blow against. Hence
fighting against the enemy. 111. as Subst., dvri- avrCirvoos, ov, contr. avriirvovs, ovv, blowing
ita\ot, o, a rival, adversary. 2. a champion. against, caused by adverse winds.
dvTt-Trapa|3d\Au), f. /3aAa>, to bold side by side, com- ovn-rroOctt, f. ifaco, to long for in turn.
pare closely. Avrt-iroiio), f. foai, to do in return, opp. to darn-
:: —
bmliwivos — &vriT($riiu t 71
wdayw. II. Med. to lay claim to : to contend d\nrl-<7Ta0p.o$, ov, (aVrf, ordBfiT)) balancing: equi-
with one for a thing. valent to.

dvrC-rroivos, ov, {juvri, rroivfy in requital: as Subst. dvTt-OPTdo'tdfo), form a party against.
f. dffa), to

dvrivoiva, rd, = diroiva, requital, retribution. dvHorSo-ws, {dvdiorafMi) an opposite faction.

ecus, i),, f. rjaw, to wage war against one. avri-OToUruo-rns, ov, 6, one of the opposite faction.
dvri.-iroXtp.ios, ov, - dvTiir6\(fJios. dvTto-TflTeto, f. t/aa>, to stand against, resist : esp. to
dvrt-iroXepos, ov, warring against : ol dvTiir6\fpoi be a political opponent. From
enemies. dvri-o~rdTns, ov, 6, (dvOiorapxii) an adversary, [d]
dvn-rroXiopic«i>, f. Jjaat, to besiege in turn. dvT-Co-rrjpi, Ion. for dv$iarijfit.
dvn-iroptvopai, Pass., with med. -evaonai aor. I
f. : dvTtaToix«c«>, f. t)aw, to stand opposite in rows : to
pass. dvTcnoptvOrjv :
— to advance against : march to be ranged opposite. From
meet another. dvTi-OTOixos, ov, ranged opposite in rows: standing
dvTt-irop9«i), f. r/<7a>, to lay waste in return. over against.
dvr(-Trop0pos, ov, on the opposite side of the straits. dvTt-oTp4T€V»opai, Dep. (dvri, arpartvw) to take
on the opposite coast, over against.
dv-rt-iropos, ov, the field, make war against.
avTv-irpdcro-w, Att. -tto>, Ion. -rrpTjao-w ; fut. £<w dvTv-o~rpdTrjYos, 6, a rival general, the enemy's
to act against, oppose. general:— also the Rom. Propraetor or Proconsul.
dvn-Trp€o~(3€vop.ak, Med. to send counter-ambas- dvTi-aTpch-OTreSttKtf, and Med. -orpaTOirco'tvopai,
sadors. (avri, CTpaToir(Oov) to encamp over against.
dvTv-TrpT)o o-o>, Ion. for dvTt-irpaaow.
dvTt-o-Tp€<|>a>, f. if/w: pf. dvrloTpo<pa:— to turn to the
dvu-irpotipi, (cT/u ibo) to come forward against. other side : to retort. II. intr. ^sub. iavrov, etc.),
dvTC-TrpotKO, Adv. for next to nothing, cheap. to turn about, face about.
dvTv-TrpoKaXtopai, Med. to challenge in return. dvTtarpo4>T|, %, (dvTtoTpi<pw) a turning back or
dvTv-rrpooupdopat, Med. to heap in turn. about. II. in the dance of the chorus the anti-

dvTv-irpda'ei.pi, (t7fM ibo) to go against. strophe or returning of the Chorus, answering to a

dvu-rrpoo'curov, aor. 2 without pres. in use, to ad- pievious orpo<pri, except that they now danced from
dress in turn : aor. pass. dvTtirpoafppriOrjv. left to right instead of from right to left.
dvTv-Trpoo-KaXcopcu, Med. to summon in turn. dvTCo-rpo<J>os, ov, (dvTiOTpi<p<») set over against:
dvTi-rrpocr4>«pw, f. -vpoaoiaw, to bring in turn. rb dvriOTpo<pov the opposite of a thing, or its coun-
dvT\-rrp6o-(i>iros, ov, {avri, irp6camoi ) with the face terpart. Adv. -<p<us, contrariwise to.
towards, face to face. avTV-orwavrdw, f. t)aw, to meet face to face.
dvTV-irpoTc£v<i), f. -revw, to hold out in turn. dvTV-o-<f>aip[£co, f. iaw Att. Xw: {avri, oQcupa): to —
dvTt-Trp<ppos, ov, (avri, irpypa) with the prow to- play at ball against.
wards, prow to prow : hence fronting, face to face. dvTto~X€iv, aor. i of dvrt\w. inf.

dvTt-irtXos, ov, {avri, vv\rj) opposite the gate. dvTurx«o-0€, 2 med. imperat. of dvrk\w.
pi. aor. 2
dvTi-irupYos, ov, like a tower. dvT-to-xvpC£<o, fut. iaw Att. Xw, to strengthen against'.
dvTV-TrupYow, f. wooi, to build a tower over against: Med. to maintain stoutly a contrary opinion.
dvr. ir6X.iv to build up a city as a rival. avT-Loya>, collat. form of dvrix 01 '

dvTtp-p«iro>, f. \f/w, to counterpoise. Hence dvTV-TaXavT€Vw, f. evaw, = dvTiarjKOw.

dvTippoTros, ov, counterpoising. dvri-Tdpeiv, aor. 2 inf. of dvriripivw.
dvTt-o-rjKow, f. wow, to weigh against, to compen- dv-rCTajjis, €a>$, t), a setting in array against another,
sate. 2. intr. to be equal in weight, to counter- an opposite line of battle. II. opposition. From
poise; Sis dvTiOT)Kwacu f>otty to weigh twice as heavy. dvit-rdao-oj, Att. -rd-nxa, fut. rd£w,to range in battle
Hence against another : —
Pass, to be ranged against.
dvTWJT|Ko»oa$, (us Ion. tos, 1}, a restoring the ba- dvTV-rtCvo), -revw, to offer in return, repay.
f. II.
lance: hence, compensation, retribution. intr. and Med. to strive against, counteract, resist.
dvTi-oui>Trdci>, f. jjaofiai, to be silent in turn. dvTt^r€ixl£«, to build a fort against. Hence
dvTvo-Kfvd£opai, f. daopuu, Dep. ($vti, oicfvafa) ovTVTtixio'p.o, aros, r6, a counter-fortification.
toarrange in turn. dvTi-T«pv(o, f. -Tfpiw aor. 2 dvTirafiov :to cut :

dvT-Uroopcu., Pass. (dvri, loow) to stand against one against, provide a remedy or antidote.
i. e.
on equal terms. dvn-T€Xvdop,a,t, Dep. to form a counter-plan.
dvTvoTrao~p,6s, 6, {dvnairdw') a convulsion. dvn.T«x vT]<"'S, «u», 4), counter-manoeuvring.
dv-Ko-iraoros, ov, drawn in the contrary direction dvTi-T€X v °S» ov, {dvri, t^x"*)) rivalling in an art
hence spasmodic, convulsive. II. as Subst. dvri- or craft
ciraaTos, 6, an an'ispastus, a foot m'de up of an dvTi-TC0r|pA, f -&f/aw, to set one aerainst the other,
iambus and trochee, as kXi^av^pot. From compare, oppose: —
Pass, to be compared or matched
dvTv-crrrd*», f. daw [&], to draw the contrary way, one against another. II. to place in return:
drag back. give one thing/or another.
: : : : : : : —

72 dyrtrtfx4a)—'ANTTE.
dv-rt-Ttpdua, f. ^<ro;, ft> <fo honour to in return — dvr(-<po>vos, ov, (&vtI, <pwvq) returning a sound, rt-
Med. as law-term, to fix a counter-estimate of da- sponsive to. 2. disagreeing with.
mages. Hence dvTi-xaCpo), to rejoice in turn.
dvTVTiftijo-is, t<v$, if, as Att. law-term, a counter- dvTi-x&pt£, fut. ioofMi Att. tovpuu, Dep. to
estimate of the penalty made by the defendant in shew kindness to in turn.
answer to the rifiijais of the plaintiff. dvTt-x€ipoTOV€<o, f. rjau, to vote against.
dvTt-Tl|Awp€'j>, f. r/o<u, to punish in return —Med. dvTtxopT)Y«i>» to be a rival cboragus. From
to revenue oneself on in turn. dvTi-x6pt)Yos, 6, a rival cboragus.
dvTV-rivft), f. riaoj, to pay or suffer punishment for a dvTt-xpdto, aor. I avrexprjoa, to be sufficient.
thing. II. Med. to exact or inflict it in turn. dvTt-xpto-ros, 6, antichrist.>, f. i/oco, to dare to stand against an- dvn-d/dXXtt, f. -\pakw, to play a stringed instrument
other. in accompaniment. Hence
dvTi-roXp.os, ov t (&vti, ToXpa) daring against, dvTidra.Xp.os, ov, responsive.
over-bold. dvTi-d/T)4>os, ov, voting against.
ovtCtojios, ov, (avriTafi(tv) cut as a remedy for dvTt-vj/vxos, ov, (clvt'i, ^v\r}) instead of life, given
as Subst. dvTvrofiov , to, a remedy, antidote. for life.

dvrtTOvos, ov, (dvTiTeivai) stretched contrariwise, dvrXeco, f. i)G<a, (dvr\os) properly, to bale out bilge-
well-strung. water, bale the ship: generally, to draw water. II.

dvn-TOJjevci), f. ao), to shoot arrows in turn. metaph. to drain, use to the last, exhaust, of resources:
dvn-Top«i>, f. i\o<ii, to bore right through. of toil, etc., to drain, i. bear to the last, like Lat.

dvrtros, ov, for ova-Tiros, (avar'tva)) requited, re- exantlare, exhaurire : but also to squander.
venged ; avTira <tpya works of revenge. dvTXTjpa, otos, to, \dvT\iw) a vessel to draw water
dvTi-Tp«4>a>, to maintain in turn. with.
dvTi-Tvyx<iv<o, f. -revfcoiuu : aor. a -irvxov — to dvTXCa, if, (dWAos) the hold of a ship. II. bilge-

meet with in return. water, filth.

dvri-Ttiiros, ov, (avri, TSirrjvat) struck back, echoed; dvrXiov, t6, (avT\os) a bucket.
Tvnos dvTiTvnos blow against blow —answering to, "ANTAOS, 6, the bold of a ship where the bilge-
correspondent — as Subst., avriTvirov, to, an antitype, water settles, Lat. senlina. II. the bilge-water

exact representation. II. act. striking back: hence itself; ovtKov 8«xf(T0ai to let in water, leak; ovt\ov
resisting: stubborn, obstinate: adverse; dvT'nvnot cipytiv, Lat. sentinam exhaurire, to pump it out :

Aios the adversary of Jupiter. poet, the sea, sea-water.

dvTt-rviTTtt, f. tya), to beat in turn. dvT-oiiCT«ipc»>, to pity in return.
dv"n.<J>€pC£o>, (avTHp4p<u) to set oneself against, match dvT-OlKTlJo), f. OOJ, = dvTOlKTiipQ).
oneself with : to fight for a prize wi'b. dvToX"f|, if, poet, con r. for dvaTo\if.
dvTL-<j>€pvos, ov, \avTi, fepvif) instead of a dower. dvTopai, only used in pres. and impf.
L)ep. (&vra, :

dvTi-<j>cp&>, f. dvoiooi, to set against: — Med. and Pass. avTi) —

to meet or light upon. II. = dvTid(<u, to

avTi<pepofjai, to set oneself against. approach with prayers, entreat.

avn-$€vy<a, f. -<pev£ojMi, to flee in turn. dvT-6p.wp.i, fut. -op:6o<u and -ofiovfxai : aor. I dvrdj-
dvTi-4>6<'YYop,ai, f. -<p0ey£ofiat, to return a sound, fiooa :

to swear in turn. It. as Att. law-term,

re-echo. II. to contradict. Hence toswear in answer, take an dvrojfioaia.

ovti<J>0oyy°S, ov, echoing, imitating. dvT-ovop,d£a>, f daoi, to call by a new name. II.

dvn.-<J>i\«i>, f. i7<7<w, to love or Hss in turn. to speak in tropes.

dvn-<j>iXov€iK€Ci>, to strive zealously against. dvT-opiio-o'w, f. v(<u,to dig against, dig a countermine.
dvTi-<j>i\oTip.cop,ai, Pass, to be moved by jealousy dvT-o<J>€tXu>, f. -o(p€i\rjoo}, to owe one a good turn
against. dvT-o<p0aXu,c<o, f. rjcoj, (ovti, 6<p$a\fjivs) to look in
dvTi-4>iAo4>pov€, Dep. to receive kindly in turn. the face, withstand, bear up against.
dvTi-<j>X£yci>, f. £a;, to light up o as to meet. dv-Tp€iro>, poet, for dva Tpirroj.
dvTi-<j>ovos, ov, in return fur slaughter. II. dvTpids, dSos, j), (dvTpov) of or belonging to a cave;
Sdvarot dvTi<povoi deaths by mutual slaughter. NvfMpat dvTpidbes grot-Nymvhs.
dvTi-<t>opTi£opcu, f. iaofiat, Dep. (ovti, (poprot) to dvTpode, Adv. from a cave. From
import in exchange for exports. "ANTPON, to, Lat. antrum, a cave, grot, cavern.
dvTi-4>pdo-o-co, Att. -TT«, fut. fa>, to block up. "ANTTH, Vyos, if, properly any rounded body, and so
dvn.-<pi5XSK«fj, if, a wa'cbing against one. in Homer, rim of the round shield.
I. the 2.
dvn-<j>vXa|, a/cos, 6, a watch posted to observe an- the rail round of the chariot, sometimes
the front
other. [Cl made double it point, on which
rose in front to a
dvTi-4>i)Xdo-o*<i>, Att. -ttoj. f £<y, to watch in turn the rHns might be hung —after Hon,., in plur., the
— Med. to be on one's guard against. chariot itself. 3. the frame of the lyre. 4. the
dvri<j>b>vc<i>, f. i\ao), to sound in answer, reply. From orbit of the planets.
: : : : : ;::;

ivr VTTOKpivOfJLai — fa'vyev. 73

dv-r-rrn-OKpivofxai. dvr-vrrovpY/o), Ion. for dv9 i/ir-» Awards, 6v, (dvv\u) to be accomplished, possible
AvT-<p86s, ov, (fori, dotbos) singing in answer to, aiyfi wt dvvoTov as silently as possible.
responsive. dvvTtKos, i\ 6v, = dvvotfiot,
dv-r-wp-oora, i), (avr-dfiWfu) an oath taken by on* dvvro, Dor. for fyrvro, 3 sing. impf. pass, of&vvfti.
against another : and so as Att. law-term, the oatb dvvT« or dvvTco [C], Att. form of dvvw, only used
taken on the one side by the plaintiff, on the other by in pres. and impf.
the defendant. (dvd, v<paivw) to weave anew.

<lvT-<i)V€Ofiai, Dep. to buy ins fead : to bid against. dv-vt|/6ci>,wow, to raise up on high.

avr-iimos, 6v, (dvri, wxf) looking straight at, facing, dvww, Att. dvvTCi) or better Avvtw [y], poet. avtipU:
fronting, straight opposite. f. dvvow C] : aor. I ijvvoa, Ep. dvvooa pf. fjvv/ca



dvT-<i><t>€A<a>, f. ^jow, to benefit in turn: — Pass, to Pass., aor. I i,vvoOrjv : pf. tfvvofuu : (dvw) to
derive benefit in turn. accomplish, complete, Lat. conficere; ovbtv rjwe be
Av-v^purros, ov, (a privat., v&pl£w) not insulted. II. did no good —
Med. to accomplish for one's own
not insolent, decorous. advantage — Pass, to be finished, and of persons, to
dwSpia, want of water, drought. From
i), grow up. a. to make an end of, destroy. 3.
dv-uSpos, ov, (a privat vbwp) wanting water: ^
, to come to the end of a journey, absol.; dvvruv tit .

dvvbpos (sub. yrj), or rb dvvdpov (sub. \ojpiov), the for dvvTuv obbv els , to make one's way to a place

region without water. also, dvvTfiv 6&Kafxov for dvvruv (Is OdXafiov, to
dv-tip.eva.ios, ov, (a privat., v/ievatos) without the arrive at the chamber. 4. to attain to, get, pro-
nuptial song, unwedded. cure. with a Partic, ovk dvvw <p$ov4ovoa I
II., Dor. for yjvvfiev, I pi. impf. of dvvfu. gain nothing by grudging in Att. like <p6dvw, in the :

dvvp.i, = dvvw —
Pass, dvvfxat, impf. jjvvro ipyov the sense of doing a thing speedily ; awe •npdnwv make
work was finished. baste about it ; but more freq. dvvcas, with impe-
dv-vp.v«o, f. i\ow, (dvd, vjjlv4w) to praise in song. rat., make baste and. . , as dvioas dvoiye make baste
d-vvu,d»euTOS, ov, (a privat., vvfupevw) unwedded; and open, etc.: also dvvf alone, make baste I dis-
ivvfupevTov yovijv tx eiV t0 De b° ra of an ill mar- patch I III. less freq with inf., orparot fjvvot
riage. wcpav the army succeeded in crossing
d-vu^4>o$, ov, (a privat., vvfupn} not bridal, un- "ANH, impf. vov, to accomplish, finish
f, Pass, to —
wedded; dvvfjupa yduwv afiiW^fiara unhallowed em- come to an end, be finished; esp. of a period of time,
braces. II. without bride or mistress. vvfc dverai the night draws to its end; (rot dy6/i(vov
dv-vircppX-nTOS, ov, (a privat., virep0dX\w) not to the waning year, [a]
be surpassed or outdone. aW, Adv. (dvd) up, upwards, Lat. sursum, c. gen.,
dv-vrcr€v0vvos, ov. (a privat., virevOvvos) not liable alOipot dvw up to ether absol. above, on high, Lat.

to account, irresponsible, absolute. supra. 2. of the quarters of the heaven, north-

dv-virooWia, j), dwiro8€T€&>, dw-irdSeTOS, ov, are wards, opp. to kotw, southwards. 3. of countries,
laterforms of dwirobnoia, -brjTfw, -bnros. inland, up from the coast. 4. of time, formerly
dwiroSrjoxa, j), a going barefoot. From its rb dvw reckoning upwards ; ol dvw Otol the gods
dwirooT|T€<i), f. i]aw, to go barefoot. From above, Lat. superi ol dvw the living, opp. to ol tcdrw

dv-viroo'TjTos, ov, (a privat , imobioS) unshod, bare- the dead ; dvw nal itdrw up and down, topsy-turvy,
foot : also wib old shoes, ill-shod. also up and down, to and fro, always in the same
clv-uiToSiKos, ov, (o privat., virobiKos) not liable to place. II. as Prep, with gen. above. III.
action. Comp. dvwripw higher up: as Prep., dvwripw Xajwv
dv-iMTOKplro*, ov, (a privat., vnoKpivojtai) undis- beyond Samos Sup. dvwrdrw, : highest up.
guised, without dissimulation. dvw, aor. 2 subj. of dv'ujfu. [d]
dv-\nrovoT]TOs, ov, {a privat., birovotco) unsuspected: dvcoya, old Ep. pf. with pres. sense, to command,
unexpected. II. act. unsuspecting. bid, order, Lat. juheo : also to advise, urge one to
dv-viroTTTOS, ov, (a privat., vttoittos) without suspi- do From dvwya we have I plur. ind. dvwyu-tv
cion, i. e. I. pass, unsuspected. 2. act. un- imperat. dvwyt and dvwxOt, 3 sing, dvwyirw and
suspecting. dvwx^o), 2 pi. dvwytrt and dvwx^( inf. dvwyifxtv ;

dv-viroo-T&TOS, ov, (a privat., wpiarnfu) not to be plqpf. fjvwyeiv, without augm. dvwyav, Ion. i)vwyea.
withstood, irresistible. II. without foundation. There is also a 3 sing. pres. dvwyu (as if from dvwyw);
dv-viroTaKTOs, ov, (a privat., imoTaoow) not mad* whence we have an impf. dvwyov, fut. dvw(w, aor. 1
subject, unruly. ijvw£a.
dvw€t«, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of dvvw. dvu-yaiov, to. (dvw, yaid) properly anything above
dvvoo-«p"y6s, ov, (dvvw, tpyov) industrious. ground: a raised building, the upper floor of a bouse:
cvuo-'pos, ov, (drvaO efficacious, effectual. used as a dining-room, like Lat. coenaculum
dVfcois, tan, i), {dvva>) accomplishment, end. dv&>Y«v, Ep. for d^ra^f^, 3 sing. impf. of d>-
dvwo-a, Ep. for ijwoa, aor. I of dvvw. olyvvju : but avcoycv 3 sin£- °f dvwya.

avw-Y«G>v, oj, r6, and dv^-yccos, 0), 6, 7}, dvdryatov d-|€OTOS, ov, (a privat.. giai) unhewn, unwrought.
dvu.»Y(J.«v. Ep. •
plur. ind. of dvarya. o£tj, aor. I subj of dyvvni.
dvo>Y'«»>» see oivojya. d££a, 7), properly fern of agios, the worth or value d
dv-u>8vvos, of, (a privat., SbvvTJ)freefrom pain. II. a thing of persons, worth, rank : generally, a man's

act. allaying pain. due or deserts; kot dgiav according to bis desert, vrr4p
avu)0ev, Dor. dvu>0a, Adv. (dVcu) of place, /rom or Trap dgiav contrary to bis desert.
above, from heaven. 2. above, on high, and so of d£i-d-yacrros, ov, (agios, dyapxu) worth admiring,
dvouOev, the living, opp. to oi Kara) . c gen., dveuOi admirable. [ay]
yrjs ahove ground. II. of time,/rom the beginning. d£t-dKovoTOS, ov, (agios, dicovaA worth bearing.
uv-«0«u), tut. -cvQ-qaa) and -waoj'.—to push up or d£i-aKp6uros, ov, (dgios, dttpodopvai) worth listen-
forth, of a ship, to shove off; dvojo~avTts w\4ov ^sc. ing to.
tt)v faOi^ ri>*y pushed o/f and sailed : — Med. to put d£i-a4>T|YTTTOS, Ion. d£iairiYy-, ov, (agios, d<prjyt*-
away from oneself. fiai} worth telling.
dv outtC, Adv. of sq..unloosed for. [rl] d£i-«'ir<uvos, ov, (agios 4ifaiv4a)) praiseworthy.
dv-wurros, ov, \a privat., oiofnai) unloosed for, un- d|i €pa<rros, ov, {agios, tpapjai) worthy of love.
foreseen II. Ion. for dv-oiaros, (dva<p4pa>) re- d£ivTj, 77, (dyvvfu) an axe, esp. for hewing wood
ferred, submitted to a person. a battle-axe. [t]

uv-wXeOpos, ov, (a privat., oXetpos) indestructible. d£io-fjici>ros, ov, (agios, $ioo)) worth living for.
dv-iijtaAos, ov, (a privat., dfiaXus) uneven, unequal, djjio-cp-yos, 6v, (agios, ipyov) capable of work.
irregular : r<» dv. unevenness of ground. d|to-0avp,a<TTOS, ov, (agios, Qavpudfa) worthy oj
ov-wjaotC, Adv. of dvwfioros, without oath. wonder, marvellous.
dv-uju,OTOs, (a privat., ofivv/u) unsworn, not
ov, d;io-0caT«s, Ion. -ijtos, ov, (agios, iedt/Mu) worth
bound by oa b. II. not sworn to. seeing.
dv-o)v6p.aoTros, ov, (a privat., bvopud^o) not to be fipfjvos') worthy of lamentation.
d£io-0pT|vos, ov, (d£i«s.
named, indescribable. d^id-KTTjTOS. ov, (agios, /crdofMi) worth getting.
dv-owupci and dvcovuui, Adv. of dvwvvuos. d|io Xoyos, »v, (agios, \6yos) worthy of mention,
dv-wvvjjtos, ov, (a privat., ovvfia Aeol. tor ovo/w.) remarkable. Adv. -701s.
without name, anonymous. II. nameless, inglorious. d£io-p.S*dpio-TOs, ov, (d£i»s, /ja/#apiX<y ) worthy to be
dvl»|ai, aor. I inf. of dvarya): see dvarya. deemed happy.
dvu>|ci>, fut. of dvwyoj see avarya. : d£u6 p.dxos, ov, (agios, juixofMi) a match for in
dvcopia, t), untimeliness ; dvoupia t*v trovs the bad battle : fit to give battle.
season of the year, i. e. win'er. From d£io\iIcr(\s, 4s, (agios, /iioos) worthy of hatred,
av-tupos, ov, {a privat., wpa) like i-wpos, untimely, hateful.
unripe, Lat. immaturus. d£io p.vTju.6v€VTos, ov, (agios, pvnpovfvw) worthy of
dv-copvopcu, Dep. (dVd, uipvofiai} to bowl aloud. mention.
dvio-at, Ion. for dvoToai = Att. ivcv4ynai, a«r. i act. dfio-viKOS, ov, (agios, vifcrj^ worthy of victory.
inf. of dva<p4pa>. d^io-ir€v0T|s, 4s, (dgi*s, ir4vPos) worthy of lament-
dvltcras, aaa, av, aor. I part, of dvajieo). ation, lamen'able.
dvwTaros, -q, ov, Sup. formed from av<v, topmost. d|id-moTOS, ov, (agios, viaros) trustworthy.
dv<ordT<i», Sup. Adv. of dvoi, highest up, at top. d|io-Trp€iTT|S, 4s, (agios, vp4nai) becoming, goodly.
dvcorepiKos, 17, ov. (dvarr4pa)) ufper or higher. d£i-6pa.TOS, ov, (agios, updai) worth seeing.
dvwT€pov, Comp. Adv. (dvo)^ higher up : above. d|ios. a, ov, (dya) weigh) of like value, worth
iv, to
dvo)Ttpa>, Comp. Adv. of dva>, higher up, ahnve. as much as, c. gen. ;
worth an ox iroAAou
/3oos agios ;

dv-b>4>e\T|s, 4s, (a privat., oxpeA&u) useless: also dgiov worth much: also c. inf., agios Oavuv worthy of
hurtful, like I. at inutilis. death. 2. absol. worthy, goodly : in Homer the
dv-o><|>f\TjTOS, ov, (a privat., dxpe\4a)) fruitless, un- word gives the notion of high price: in Att. it has also
profitable. 2. worthless. an exactly opp. sense, not overpriced, cheap. II.

dva>x0i, dva>x0o>, 2 and 3 sing. Ep. pf. iroperat. of worthy, estimable : hence befitting, deserving ; agios
avarya dva>x0«, 2 plur. of same.
: tifu I deserve to be, as agios fiyn oiKTtipto9ai I de-
d£cu, aor. I inf. of dyvvfu, to break; d£avro, 3 pi. serve to be pitied.
med. d|id-o"K€irTOs, ov, (agios, oK4irroiiai) without con-
dfa<r0€, aor. imperat med. of dya), to lead.
r sidering.
d-£civos, ov, Ion. for dgtvos. II. "hg'ivos (sc. dlio-o-rrov^aoTos, ov, (agios, airovtidfa) worthy of
itovros^, 6, The Axine or Inhospitable, a name altered zealous endeavours.
(for the omen's sake^ to Evgeivos. the Eux>ne. d^io-o-TpaTTfYos. ov. (agios, nrparTjyos) worthy of
d*cp.ev<u, d£tp.€v. Ep for dguv fut. inf. act. of dya). beinsr general, worthy of a great general.
d-£«vos, Ion d-£eivos, ov, (a privat., g4vos) inhos- d£io-Tficp.apTO$, ov. (agios, T€/f/jatpou) worthy of
pitable : uninhabitable. being brought in evidence, credible.
— : — :

a£io(f>[\r]TOS — tinrayopevio. 75
d|io-4>iXi]TOs, ov, (d£«os, <pt\i<v) worth loving. qoi5o-tokos, ov, inspiring song.
d£to xp*°S, ov, Ion. for sq. d-oC»cTjTOS, ov, {a privat., oiKtw) uninhabited : bouse-
d|io xp*us> f0JV gen. cu
Ion. d£i6-xpeos, ov, neut.
: less, without a borne.

pi. &£ioxp*a: {d{ios, \pios) worthy of a thing, and so d-oiKOs, ov, (a privat., oTkos) houseless, without borne
worth considering, considerable, remarkable. 2. or country.
serviceable, sufficient. II. with inf. able, suffi- d-oivos, ov, (a privat., oTvos) without wine: not
cient to do. III. like d£tos, with gen., worthy of worshipped with oblations of wine : of men, drinking
a thing. no wine, sober : of a place, having none.
d£ioci>, f. a;(w: pf. rj£iaj»a —
Pass., fut. d£uv9ri<TOfM.i,
: dotos, a, ov, Aeol. and Dor. for rjoios.
but also in med. form d£iwo-*fM.t pf. frfiwfiai
: d-oKvos, ov, (a privat., onvos) without fear or bes*
(d£tos) :
to think or deem worthy of a thing of tation, untiring, restless. Adv. -vous.

things, to value at a certain rate: also absol. to doXXca, doXXc'as, ace. sing, and plur. of d»Wrjt.
esteem, honour. II. but mostly with inf. to think doXAT)8T]v, Adv. of doW-qs, in a body, together.
one worthy to do or be hence : i. of others, to doXXTjs, €$, (a copul., fiKou) all together, in throngs,
think Jit, expect, require, Lat. postulare ; a£iw tcofd- shoals or crowds. Hence
$to6ai I think I have a right to receive absol. to make : doXAi£u, f. tcoj, to gather together :— Pass, to come
a claim. 2. of oneself, to think Jit to do or be; together, assemble.
d£iw Oavtiv I consent to die d£iuj -npaooftv I dare,
; d-oirXos, ov, (a privat., oirXov) without armour, un-
determine to do esp. to design, condescend to do so armed.
: :

in Med., d£ioi>odai peXuv to deign to caie for. 3 dop and Sop, dopos, to, {dupoi) a sword, properly a
to think, suppose; to lay. down, maintain. Hence banger; later, any weapon.
d|iwp.a, aros, to, that of which one is thought worthy, dopas, ace. pi for dopa, from dop, to, a sword.
and so, esteem, reputation, rank, Lat. dignitas. II. d-op&TOS, ov, (a privat., 6pda>) unseen, invisible.
that which is thought Jit, a decision, a purpose. 2. d-optoros, ov, (a privat., upifa) without boundaries
in philosophy, a self-evident proposition, an axiom. indefinite, indeterminate. II. 6 dvpioros (sub.
<i£uds, Adv. of d£ios, worthily, as becomes. Xpovos), the aorist tense.
d|ifa>cns, ton, Ion. tos, r), (d^iOu) a being thought d-opvos, ov, (a privat., opvis) without birds.
worthy : estimation, reputation, character. II. dopTTj, r), (dtipai) a knapsack. II. the aorta or

(from Med.) a thinking oneself worthy, a demand, great artery.

claim. III. a thinking Jit, an opinion, maxim. dopTT)p, rjpos, 6, (dupcv) a strap over the /.boulder to
d£op,cu, fut. med. (with pass, sense) of dy<u. bang anything to, a belt, a sword-belt; but also a
d£6vios, a, ov, (a£ojv) belonging to the axl* knapsack-strap.
d|os, 6, Cretan word for ay fids. dopTO, Ion. for fjopro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of dtlpoj;
d-£\ryKp6rnTOs, ov, for davyt., (a privat., ovyicpo- cf. awpro.
t«'o>) not welded together by the hammer : of rowers, docrcrtui, f. r)au, (dofys) to help, aid. Hence
not rowing in time. doaoTjTT|p, rjpos, 0, a helper, aider.
d|i)\ia, 17, {d£v\os) want of wood. q-ovtos, ov, (o privat., ovrdw) not wounded, unhurt.
d-£t»\os, ov, {a privat., (vkov) unfelled, unthinned, array ytlXai, dirayyetXas, aor. I inf. and part, of
hence thickly wooded. 11. wttboutwood, ill-wooded. drrayyeWoj.
d £v|x-, d-£w-, v. dovfi-, daw-. diroYY«Xta, r), a report given in : a narrative, re-
d-£v<rrdTos, ov, v. dovar-. cital. From
d£wv, ovos, 6, (dyo)) an axle, Lat. axis : also the dir-ayy*XAco, f. -cAw, Ion. »eAca>: aor. I -i777«tAo
whole wheel : also, the supposed axis of the heavens, —
Pass., aor. I --nyyiXO-qv, aor. 2 -rjyyi\r}v pf. :

the pole. II. oi d£ov(s, the wooden tablets of the -r)yy(\fw.i : to bring tidings, report, announce : to
laws in Athens, made to turn upon an axis. relate, tell: —
Med., ird\iv dvayyiWeaOat to bring
do£o$, 6. an attendant, minister, esp. belonging to a back tidings. Hence
temple. (Deriv. uncertain.) dTra.YY«ATT|p, VP°*> ^» a messenger.
doi&T|. contr i$>r\. r). (d(iboj) song, a singing : also 6,-n-ayt, Adv. away! be gone!' Lat. apage! properly
the subject of song ; hence a legend, tale. imperat. of dndyou (sub. aiavTov).
doiBidw, poet, for dti&u. d-irdYTiS, is, (a privat., irayrjvai) not firmlyJixed:
doiStpos, ov, (dtibtu) sung of, famous in song: in of loose texture.
bad sense, notorious. aTT-&yiviut, Ion. for drr-dyu. esp. of paying tribute.
doi8o-6fTT]s, ov, 6, (doibr), ridrjui) a lyric poet. dir-oy\at£<t>, f. io<u Att. td>, to deprive of orna-
doiSo-iToXos, 0, (d»tbr), noKtw) one busied with song% ment.
atoet. a.Tt-d.yopewa,f. aej. (the Att. fut. i$dw(ipw,pf. dittiprjita,
ooiSdt, 0,(dtibw) a singer, minstrel, bard, Lit. aor. duunov): — to forbid: absol. to dissuade. II.

vales : fern, a songstress, of the Sphinx. II. at intr. to bid farewell to, to renounce, c. dat. : c. part.
Adj. doiSdf , 6v, tuneful, musical. to give up doing : also to grow weary of. 2. to
: — : : : : : ;

76 faraypiooiiai — airakKdaaoi.
fail, sink, give way ; also of things, rcL drrayopevovra oTr-oto-o-o), Att. -oWw, f. fda : Att. aor. 1 dirrj^a:
things worn out. — to rush down : generally, to dart away.
dir-aYpi6op,<u, Pass. (dir6, ayptos) to become wild dir-aiT€Ci>, f. tjcoj, to demand bach, or simply to de-
or savage. mand of one :
— Pass, to have a thing demanded of
^ f-

f- iao}

Att '*»
= a^ayX
t0 strangle, throttle

— Med. to
one. Hence
dirainjo-is, ccos, $, a demanding back, demand.
bang oneself; to be ready to choke. dir-aiTt£<o, f. Laa>, — diratrea), to demand back.
dir-dya), f. a£a> (for the tenses, v. dyw) : to lead dir-aio>pcci>, f. 170-0;, to makebang down, suspend:
away, carry off:

— Med.
away for one-
to Pass., with fut.
take — med. -rjao/uii, to bang down from,
self. II. to HI. to return what hover about.
take home.
one owes, pay. IV. as Att. law-term, to bring d-rr-aKpipoopat, pf. dirrjKpifiojpm : Pass. (dir6, dxpi-
before a magistrate and accuse. 2. to lead away &rjs):

to be finished off, carefully finished: pf. pass,

to death. V. to lead away, perplex : to divert part. dirT)icpi0a)p:ivos, highly wrought ox finished.
from a thing. VI. as if intr. (sub. tavrov), to d-irdXaurros, ov, (a privat., naXaioj) not thrown in
make off, go away, esp. in imperat. dirayc, q. v. wrestling: generally, unconquerable.
Hence d-iTdX<uo-Tpos, ov, (a privat., irSXaiorpa} not trained
d-nrSY<«>Y"n» ^» a leading or dragging away. II. in the palaestra, awkward. II. not customary on

a taking home. III. payment of tribute. IV. the palaestra.

as Att. law-term, a bringing before the magistrate. d-rrdXaXice, dirdXaXicoi, 3 sing. aor. 2 ind. and opt.
diraSciv, -«tv, Ion. for acpao-, aor. 2 inf. of of dira\e£a), but formed by redupl. from *diraXjca> —
aupavddvco. Ep. inf dna\a\nifi€v.
d-rr-^Boj, f. -aaofiat, to sing out of tune : metaph. to d-TrdXap.vos, ov, = dvd\afxos, helpless, silly. II.

dissent from: to wander away from. unmanageable, lawless., Pass, to depart from. d-irdXSp.os, ov, (a privat., irakdprj) without hands
dir-a0avaTi£a>, to aim at immortality. or without the use of them : helpless, lazy. II.
dirddeia, r), insensibility to suffering, apathy. From which cannot be helped, unmanageable., Pass, to go astray, wander.
d-Tro0T|S, is, [a privat., irdOos) without suffering, not
suffering: insensible, apathetic. unwilling to dir-aXyeco, f. rj<xaj, (diro, dXyta)) to be without sense

suffer, impatient of. 3. not having suffered, un- of pain, to be past feeling.
harmed. air-dXetyto, f. \poj pf. dir-a\t)\l<pa to wipe off, :

diraOJ>s, Adv. of diraOrjs, without passion. expunge, esp. from a register.
dirax, poet, for diro. dir-aXe£o>, fut. -akegrjaoj : aor. I opt. dnakefrjffatpu:
dirai8€uoria, 6, want of education, ignorance: Ep. aor. dird\a\KOv, see diraXaXjee : (airo, d\i£<u) :
coarseness. II. want of control over a thing. From to ward off from another, c. ace. rei et gen. pers.
d-TrcuSevTOS, ov, (a privat., naidevo)) uneducated, dira\e£(iv 0e\o$ rivos to ward off'a dart from a man:
ignorant, boorish. Adv. dnaidevT<us *x uv to he also c. ace. pers. et gen. rei, to keep one from, as dv.
boorish. Tivd KaKuTTjros to keep a man from evil Med. to —
diraiSCa, fj, (dnais) childlessness. defend oneself against.
d-rr-ai.0pid£u), f. aWpia) to drive away
aoa), {air 6, dir-SXTjOcvco, f. ooj, to speak the whole truth.
[clouds], and make fairweather., f. t)oopuai : Dep. (diro, d\0ioj) to heal
dir-atvup.a.1, Ep. diro-a(wp.<u, Dep. (diro, aivvpnt) thoroughly.
— to take away, withdraw : pluck off

diraX0T)o-€o-0ov, 3 dual fut. ind. of dira\0(optai.

diratvvTO, 3 sing. impf. of foreg. diraXXaYT), 1), (d7raXAd<r<ro;) deliverance, release,
diraioXdco, to cheat : to perplex, confound. From riddance from a thing. a removal, a di-
dir-aioXij, rj, (airo, aiokos) cheating, duping, any vorce. III. (from Pass.) a going away, escape:
means of cheating. departure.
dirai6\T)p.a, aros, to, a knavish dir-aXXa| elu>, Desiderat. of diraWdaaopuu, to wish
diraiptOcw, Ion. for of to be rid of.
a<f>aip(6u>, aor. I subj. pass,
d(paip(<u. diraXXd£is, ecus, -r), = diraWayr).
dir-aipeto, Ion. for d<p-aipe<u. dir-aXXdo-o-ci), Att. -tto> f. £a> aor. I -q\Aa£a :


d-rr-aipa), Ep. lengthd. dir-aeipo) Ion. impf. dirai- pf. -t)\\axa

: to set free, release, rid of a thing. 2.
peoitov : fut. dncLpui aor. I dvrjpa pf. dirrjpKa
: to to :put —
away from, remove from : also to get rid
lift °ff : hence to carry, take away. II. to lead of. II. intrans. to get offfree, escape, esp. with
away an army or fleet; hence, as if intr. to sail away, an Adv., e. g. cu, «a«cDs dnaWdaativ to go away, :

march away: generally, to set out, depart: also c. gen., depart.

dnaipuv x^ovos to depart from the land. Pass., fut. and aor. 1 med., diraXXd^opai, dir-
d-irats, dnatdos, 6, r), (a privat., 7rafs) childless : c. rjWagdfiijv but also fut, pass. ditaXXax^oopai,

gen., dnais epatvos yovov without male heirs. aor. I dirijWdxOrjv or aor. 2 dirnWdyrjv : pf. dirt)\-
— — — — —
: : : :

diraAAor/Hoo) dTrapaCrrjTos. 77
Kayftai :- be set free, released from a thing, get I d-mtv^tjo-is, «vs, r), a fading, withering.
rid of it. 2. to getdir-av6i£<o, usu. with
dir-av6ito>. f. iao), {diro,
ojf, dvOos) to pluck
(euro. dv6os) some
pluck off
cne Adj.
Adi. or
flowers I

Adv., e. g. tcaXws, dfantos °ff metaph., yua.TO.iav ykCjooav diravOi^uv to cull the
<liTaWaxOv vai t0
g et
well, without injury, etc., like the intrans. Act.: hence flowers o/idle talk, i. e. talk as boldly as they please.
alone, to be let off, acquitted. II. to remove, de- dir-av0paKi£co, f. iaoj Att. tut, to broil on the coals, j

part from, go away, hence to depart from life, to be roast. Hence

deceased; (K iraibojv dnaWaxOfjvai, like Lat. e pueris dir-avOpaxts, iSos, f}, {diro, dv6pa£) a small fish,for
excedere, to come forth from a boyish state, to become broiling. II. a cake baked on coals.
a man : to be far removed from. 2. to leave off dir-av6paic6fa>, f. waai, to burn to a cinder.
from, give over, cease. dirav6pa>ma, rj, inhumanity. From
dir-aAAoTpi6u>, f. wow : pf. -7)WoTpi<vita: (a7r<5, dX- dir-dvOpcoiTos, ov, far from man, inhuman, sa-
Korpios) : to estrange. vage. II. unsocial : of countries, uninhabited.
dir-cAodu), poet. -aXoido), f. 7)00), properly to thresh
I. Causal in pres. dir-avt<rrr)p.i, fut. -avaoTijaoj
out :hence to bruise, crush. and impf., fut. and aor. 1, to make rise up and de-
a-niXo 0pt|, rpixos, o,i), (diraXos, 9pig) with soft hair. part, take or send away. II. Pass, diravioTapai,

'AIIA'AO'2, rj, ov, soft, tender: metaph. soft, with intr. aor. 2 act. -(Ottjv, pf. -ioT-qica, to arise and
gentle : delicate. Hence go away : leave one's country, emigrate.
diraXdrris, 77TOS, t), softness, tenderness. diravTaxo^ 1 . Adv. = diravraxov.
aiTuAo-Tp€<J>T|S,«'s, (a.Tra\6s,Tpt<t(o) well fed, plump. d-rravTdxo'O, Adv. (dira$) everywhere.
&Tra\6-4>p(i>v, ov, (dna\6s, (pprjv) soft- earned. dir-avrdci), Att. impf. dirrjVTOJv : f. a-navTr\oopxxi
dirdXo-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, -Xpwv, (dira\6$, aor. I dirfjvTnoa : pf. dirrjVTrjiea — to come or go to
Xfioos) oft-skinned : also with heterocl. gen., dira\6-
- meet, encounter, whether as friend or foe hence : to

XP 00S > -XP oi t e tc

dzt. resist. 2. to meet with, light or fall upon. 3.
diroXwo), f. vvu, ydiraK6s) to soften. of things, to happen, come upon one: also to turn out
Q7T-au.aX8vva>, to destroy utterly. well, prosper. 4. to go or come to, arrive ox be, f. t)ao}, to cut off. present at also to have recourse to a thing.

dir-ap^3Xvva>, f. vvut: — Pass., pf. dirt)fi$\vp:p)ai. To dirdvTT), Adv. (diras) everywhere. II. every-way.'
blunt, dull the edge of a thing : Pass, to be blunted, dir-avrrj, Dor 3 sing. impf. of dnavrdu.
lose its edge. dirovTrjarts, «us, f), {diravrdoi) a meeting, encoun-
dirap^poTetv, inf. aor. 1 of acpap.apTa.voj. tering.
d-rr-&|X€i|, f. -aficiipofiai : aor. 1 -rjfxcicpOijv dir-avriKpv, Adv. (diro, dvriKpv) right opposite.
Dep. (dvu, d/xe//3ai)
: to reply to, answer. : dir-avTiov, Adv. (diro, ovtiov) right opposite.
dir-apctpu, to deprive of share in a thing : Pass, to dir-avrXeo), f. i)ooj, to draw off like water from a
be bereft. ship's hold hence to lighten, lessen.

dir-ap,eXc<o, f. t)a<u, to neglect utterly., = dv-avrdw.

dirappcvos, rj, ov, Ion. for cupij/iptvos, pf. pass. part, dir-oviia), vooj [y], to accomplish or finish entirely:

of dtpdirraj. dnavvttv [sub. uSuv] to finish a journey.

dir-ap-TrXaKCo-KO), f. Jjcoj: aor. 2 dirr)fJiv\aKov, inf. "AIIAH, Adv. once, once only, once for all, Lat.
dnafj.TT\aK(tv : = d<panapTava). semel. without any notion of number, after

vvw, to keep off, ward off,

d-rr-ap-vvu), fut. to repulse: knei, ws, etc., like Lat. ut semel; w* &mi£ rjf^aro
— Med. keep off from oneself, to drive back, re-
to when once he began.
pel. to defend oneself
2. dira£-diras, aoa, Sv, mostly in plur. all at once, all
d-rr-dvaivopai, aor. I dirnvijvdfiijv Dep.: to refuse : together: in sing, every one.

or reject utterly. diral-airXws, Adv. in general, upon the whole.

dir-avaurxvvT€0), f. "qaoi, to be utterly shameless : to dir-a£(a, 1), (drro, agios) unwortbiness.
be shameless enough to do or say. dir-d£tos, ov, {diro, agios) = dvdgios, unworthy of.
dir-avaXlo-Kw, -avaXuaoj pf. -avaXwKa
fut. to dir-a£i6a>, f. waoi, to deem unworthy of one : to dis-

utterly consume or expend. claim as unworthy, disown, Lat. dedignari.

diravdoTioas, (ojs, (dvaviffrafuu) a removing dirdopos, ov, Dor. for dirqooos.

from one place to another. d-irairiros, ov, (a privat., vditift) with no grand-
d-rr-av8p6opai, pf. dirr\vopw\uw. Pass.: (dird, dv8po$ father or ancestors.
gen. of dvrjp') to become a man.
: dir-dtrro), Ion. for dtp-dnTV.
diT-dv€v0« and -0«v, srrengthd. /or dvcv6t, Adv. afar d-irapdp&TO$, ov, (a privat., irafafSaivoJ) not trans-
off, far away. II. as Prep, with gen. far away gressed. II. act. not passing over to another:

from: alooffrom : but also out from. not passing away, unchangeable.
dir-avT)vacril>ai, aor. 1 med. inf. of dirava'u'opxu. dir-dpaipT|p.€vos, Ion. pf. pass. part, of d<p-aipiai.
dir-av0«o, f. 4\o(u pf. dirqvdijica to leave off
: : —
d-irapaCTT]T08, ov, (a privat., irapanioA not to be
blooming, fade, wither. Hence turned away by prayers > not to be begged off, in-
— : : :

78 &TTapaKdkvnTos — d7rav$aa>.

evitable. II. of persons, not to be entreated, inex- dir-ap-rf-XoYCa, ^, (dn6, dprios, \6yos) a round,
orable : Adv. -rut, inexorably. full, even number or sum.
d-irapaKaXvirros, ov, (a un- privat., irapaKaXvirroS) dirapTiapos, o, (d»rapT<£a>) completion.
covered : Adv. -tojs, undisguisedly. [/&] dir-dpvo-T€ov, verb. Adj. one must draw off. From
d-irapaicA'nTOS, ov, (a privat., vqpaicaKio)) unsum- dir-dpvu), f. vow \y\, to draw off, skim off.
moned, without being called upon. dir-apxT|, i), mostly used in plur. d-rrapxaC, the be-
d-irapdWaKTOS, ov, (a privat., irapaWdoau) un- ginning of a sacrifice, the first part of offerings, of
changeable. the hair cut from the forehead. 2. the firstlings
d-TrapoAoYurros, ov, (a privat., irapa\oyi£ofiai) not for sacrifice, first-fruits. From
to be deceived., f. £opm, Dep. to make a beginning,
d-iropap,v0rjTOS, ov, (a privat., vapafivOioftai) not esp. in sacrifice ; rpixas dirdpx*o-Oat to begin the sacri-
to be persuaded: hence incorrigible: also inconso- fice with the hair, i. e. by cutting off the hair from the
lable. II. not to be entreated, inexorable, [v] forehead and throwing it into the fire. II. c.
d-irapdu,x)6os, ov, = dirapajAvdnros, inexorable : un- gen. to cut off part of a thing to offer it : to offer
bending, stubborn, savage. [Aesch. dirdpa-, like aOd- part of. 2. to offer the firstlings or Jirslrfruits of
varo$.~\ a thing absol. to begin a sacrifice.

dirdpai, aor. I inf. of diraipa. d-rr-dpxw, f. £a>, to lead the way.

dirapa£a, Ep aor. I of dirapdoaa). d-nds, 'dvaaa, dirav, (d/ia, itds) strengthd. for ird»,
d-irapao-KCuaoTos, ov, (a privat., irapaaieevafa) = sq. quite all, all together : tv airaa and eis diravra, en-
d-Trapdo-Kcvos, ov, (a privat., rrapao/eevri) without tirely: —
in Att. also like vds in the sense of every
preparation, unprepared. one, Lat. unusquisque.
dir-dpdo-oro), Art. -ttw, fut. £a) : aor. I dirr)pa£a :— dir-ao-iralpw, to struggle convulsively.
to strike off: to sweep off, Lat. decutere. diraoria, i), a fasting, fast. From
d-rr-apYP-a, aros, to, {atrapypfjuai) = dnapx-r). d-iraaTOS, ov, (a privat., irdnp:ai) not having tasted.
dir-apco-Kb), f. -apioai, to displease, be disagreeabU dir-ao-xo\, Dep. to have no leisure.
to. 2. Med. with ov vf/ifonrbv fiavi-
pass, sense, dir&Tda>, f. r\ooi: aor. I rjirdrnaa, Ep. dir-: pf. rjird-
Krfa dvSpa dnapiaaaoBai one must not take it ill that rrjua: (dwdrn) —
to cheat, trick, outwit, beguile : like
a king should be displeased. Hence Lat. fallere tempus, to beguile the time: Pass, to be —
d-irdpco-o-ao-Oai, Ep. aor. I med. inf. of ditaptOKOi. deceived, mistaken.
d-irapdcvcvTOS, ov, (a privat., nap0(vtvv) unmaidenlyt d-nr-dTepdc and -0€V, Adv. (diro, artpOe) far apart,
unfitting a maiden : in neut. pi. as Adv. aloof, all alone. II. Prep, with gen. far from,
d-rrdp0€vos, cv, (a privat., rrapOivos) no more a maid; away from.
vviupnv dvvfHpov irap9ivov r dndpOfvov 4 virgin wife d-rr&Ttu), Ion. for dirardu.
and widow'd maid.' dirST«a>v, wvos, 6, a cheat, rogue. From
dir-5pi0p.€<i>, f. ijtrcw, to count over : to reckon 'AIIA'TH, t), cheating, trickery, fraud, guile, deceit:
up. II. to reckon or pay back. Hence in a less bad sense, cunning, craft: a stratagem in
dirSptOp/qoxs, «us, -r), a counting over. war. Hence
dir-apKcw, f. 4au, to suffice, be sufficient. II. dirdTrpXios, ov, deceitful, wily.
intr. to be contented, acquiesce. aTr&frjAos, rj, ov, dirari)\ios. —
dn-apvtopai, fut. med. qaopyai : aor. I pass, dirrjp- dirdTT)p,a, otos, to, {dirardw) a deceit.
vqdnv: Dep. :
to deny utterly, deny: — fut. ditapvn- dira-rnTiKos, 17, ov, (dnardw) fallacious.
6t)otrax in pass, sense, it shall be denied. d-iTdTT|TOS, ov, (a privat., irartoj) untrodden.
d-rr-apvos, ov, (diro, dpvtopm) denying utterly; airap- dir-aTtp,d£o>, f. daw, = dnaTiudw.
vos ion vocitiv he denies that he is sick c. gen.,
fi-r) ; dir-aTipdw, f. t)o(a, strengthd. for dri/toa), to dis-
dnapvos ovdcvos she denied nothing. II. honour greatly.
pass, denied, refused. 'Airaroupia, <av, rd, the Apaturia, a festival at
dir-apTdco, f. r)Oa) : Pass., pf. -fyrnpai — properly, Athens in the month Pyanepsion, lasting three days,
tobang from : to bang, strangle. II. to take during which the Athenians had their grown up sons
away and bang up Pass, to be in — suspense. III. enrolled among the citizens. (Prob. derived from
to remove, part : then, seemingly intr. ^sub. iavToV), varr)p or <ppaTpia, with a euphon.)
to remove oneself, go away. a-irdTtop, opos, o, ij, (a privat., it&r^p) fatherless,
d-ir-aprt, {diro, dprios) Adv. completely: in numbers, orphan : disowned by the father.
exactly, just. II. just the reverse, quite the con- dir-avYd£<0, f. a<u, to beam with light. Hence
trary. HI. of time, = dwo dpri, for diri rov diravYao-pa, otos, to, a reflection.
vvv, from now, from this time: just now. even — dir-av8d(i), f. ijow, to tell or bid plainly, Lat. edicere,
now. c. inf. II. to forbid, foil, by ft-q and inf., ditavbui
air-ap-rCf a>,
f. get ready, complete
iaa) Att. iu, to :— rtva /if) iroifiv I forbid his doing. III. to decline,
Pass, to be completed, exactly made up. renounce. IV. to deny. V. intr. to be wanting
— — : :

d-navdabCCofJiai —aimpivios 79
towards: anavSav <t>l\<f>, to fail a friend also to faint, diruXrjOeU h diroptijv. Is dvayitairjv driven into great
sink, airavbav Kuirqj to faint with toil. straits
a.-ir-av6u5(£, f. ioopau : Dep. to speak or act dirciXcco, f. ijao), {dirfiX-l}) to threa'en, Lat. minari:
boldly, speak out. c. inf. to threaten to do. II. to make boastful
dir-av0T)p.€pt£<u, f. ia<u, Att. tco, (dn6, avOrjfUpos) threats : to boast, brag, Lat. gloriari. III. to
to do thing on the same day, to go and return on
a assure, promise, vow: — Pass, to be terrified by threats.
the same day. diT€tXTj, 77, mostly in plur. direiXai, threats . also
Q.TT- lvpaco, only found in impf. with aor. sense, boasts, braggart words : in sing a threatening.
dmjvpojv, dtrqvpat, dmjvpd, to which must be added (Deriv. uncertain.) [3]
the aor. I part. act. and med., dnovpas, dirovpdpc- dir-€t\Tj0e(s, aor. I pass. part, of dtr-ciXioj (dir6,
vos : (avpdoj the simple verb isnot found): totake away elX(aj).
from, wrest from, rob of, rivd n. II. to receive dirciArip.a, aros, r6, = dirtiX-q.
good or ill, to enjoy or suffer : (but wherever this dir-«i\T|p.«vos, pf part. pass, of dir-u\£a)(dir6, tlXiaj).
sense occurs, airni'pa, etc., should be altered into dir-€i\T|, perf pass, of diroXafifidva).
kiravpfi, etc.) dir6i\T|TT|v, Ep. for j)rrfi\ciTT]v, 3 dual impf. of
d-iravoros, ov, (a privat., vavu) not to be stopped dn(i\(a> (dirnXrj).
or assuaged : never-ending. II. c. gen. never dir€i\TjTT)p, rjpos, 6, (diretXiw) a threatener, boaster.
ceasing from. Hence
oir-avrtKa, Adv. forthwith, on the spot, dimXT)TT|pios, o, ov, threatening, menacing.
d-rr-avTop.oX.tu), f. r/acu, to go of one's own accord, dim\T}TT|S, ov, 6, = dvfiXrjT-qp.
desert. d7r€iXirjTiK6s, i\, 6v, = aTTfiXrjT^pios.
d-rra^u'crKto, fut. dira<p^aoj : aor. 2 f}ira<pov, part. diretXT|<|)a, perf. act. of diroXan&dvo).
dmvpwv ; aor. 2 med. opt. dirdcpoiTO in act. sense dir-«ip.i, fut. diriaopvai, (dir6, dfu sum) to be away
— like uirarau, to cheat, beguile. from : absol. to be away or absent : of things, to be
dir-axOofiai, D< p. to be hateful or grievous : to be- wanting. Horn, mostly uses impf. Ep. dirrjv, dirirjv,
come disliked, incur odium. 3 pi. dneoav, and Ep. fut. d-nkaooytai.
diref3aXov, aor. 2 of dnoPaWa). atr-apx, {diro, dpi ibo) to go away, depart: the pres.
dircfJTjv,dirc(BT|0-a, aor. 2 and I of dirofiaivu. mostly as fut. / will go : imperat. dmOt, part. dmwv.
air^Xto-a, aor. I of diro&Xirro). dimirc, = direnrc Tv, v. sq.
dircS&vos, ov, Dor. for j)ir(5av6$. dir-€iirov, inf. airetirttv, Ep. dirofiiretv : also aor. 1
d-ir«8tXos, ov, (a privat., iriSiXov} unshod, barefoot. dnfiira, med. dirtntd\i7\v fut. dnrpw, pf. dirtipniea


d-rreSos, ov, (a copul.. irt&ov) even, level, flat. the p- es. being supplied by diro<pr)}H, dirayopfvcu : to
dir«5pv4>^T]V, aor. I pass, of d7ro8pt/7TTa/. speak, say, or tell out, tell plainly. forbid, II. to

dir-cSu, see dir-toO'uxi. foil, by pi) with inf. ; dituirov avrbv pf) itoiuv 1
diT€TjOT.v, 3 sing. pres. subj. of dnttfu forbade him to do : to dvfiprjfj.ivov, a forbidden
Ep. for dirjj,

(rffu sum). thing. III. to renounce, disown, give up: direiirac-

d-rr-ttiTrt, Ep. 3 sing, indie, of dirt Tirov. 6ai tvv vlov to disown his son; dirciiriiv oxpiv to avert
dirc'epY*, 3 sing, imperf. of dvoipyoj. a vision by offerings. IV. to deny, refuse. V.
d-rrt'Oavov, aor. 2 of drroOvqaHO). intrans. to give up, be worn out, fail: c. dat. pers. to
dir-«t8ov, inf. dirldtiv, aor. 2 without pres. in use, fail or be wanting to one ; aTr(ipT]Kivat <pi\ois to fail
serving as aor. to dxpopacu to look away from other one's friends ; but.direiprjKtvai to be bankrupt:

things at, and so simply to look at. —

c. part., air. Ka$Tj/ifvos to be tired of sitting.

direideia, 1), (dnfifrfjs) disobedience. d-ircCpavros, ov, (a privat., irtpas) endless, boundless.
dim6(<i>. f 4)<jw, (dirud-qt) to refuse compliance, to d-impaoTOS, ov, (0 privat., irapafa) inexperienced.
be disohedient. d-Tmpu,T0s, ov, {a privat., irfipdopai) Dor. for drrti-
dir-€i0T|. QTr-^CfrTjo-av, Ion. for dtp-dd-q, dtp-fiOijoav, prjTos, untried.
3 sing, and plur. aor I pass, of dupirjfu. dir-«ipYo0ov, Ep. 3 sing. diro-tpYate, inf. dir-€pYa-
d-fr«i0T|S, it, (a privat., irddoftai) disobedient : of Ociv, poet. aor. 2 of drreipyoj.
ships, unmanageable. II. (irti6<u) act. not per- dir-eCpYw, in Herodou* mostly dir-«pYw, Ep. also
suading. diro-tpYw f. £a> aor. 1 dir(Tp£a : poet. aor. 2 dircip- : :

dir-«iKd£<i>, f. data, to copy, represent, express by diroipyadov a yaOov,

Pass., pf. dtrupyiwx, Ep.


comparison : compare with, Men to.

hence to II. dntpypat to keep away or shut out from : pari
u>$ diru/coaai, to conjecture, Lat. ut licet conjicere. from: to keep or binder from, to keep back: of a river,
dir-€iKov(£<i>, (diru, duwv) to represent or portray in dtrfpyjxtvos, shut out from its old course. II. to

a statue. part, divide, and so to bound, of seas and rivers,

dimicd-rus, g.7t-«lkojs, see dncoiKUit. etc. III. to shut up, confine.
dircLXciw, Ep. for dnfiXto}, to threaten. d-rrcipto-kos, a, ov, and o», ov, lengthd form for
dir-«iAfci>, f. Tjaoj. tdv6, tlxioj) to press bard : Pass., dnapos. II. boundless, endless, countless.
: — : : :

80 fareCprjKa — ctar«rXoy.

dir-cCpi)Ka, inf. direiprjKhai, perf. of dirctirov. expel. II. aire Xavve iv arparSv, to lead away
dir-cipT|U<u, perf. pass, of dvetirov. an army : hence as if intr. to march, go away : also
i-imp-nros, ov, also rj, ov, away
(a privat., ireip&opm)Pass, to be driven away
(sub. iirirov), to ride —
without trial, and so I. act. without making trial hence to be excluded from a thing generally to be :

of, or absol. making no attempt • also without experi- far from.

ence of, inexperienced or unskilled in a thing. II. dir-eXdw, = direXavvo).
pass, untried, unattempted. dirfXeypa, t6, and dircXcYH-fc, ^» #/ repute. From
dimpCa, r), (aireipos 1, ireipa) opp. to efureipia, want\eyx<a, iyS^ to refute thoroughly.

of skill, inexperience. II. (aireipos 11, irepas) d-ir«X«9pos, ov, (a privat.. iriXeQpov) immeasurable:
infinity. neut. as Adv. immeasurably far.
d-ireCptTOs, ov, Ep. for direipeoios. dircXcuJ/a, aor. I of diroXei@a;, not of diroXetiro).
dimpo-Scucpus, v, gen. vos, (aireipos, haitpv) weeping aireXio-Qai, direXdpevos, Ion. for dtpeX-, aor. 2
to excess. med. inf. and part, of d<patpi<u.
dirapo-Spocros, ov, (aireipos, Spoaos) unbedewed. dueXcvOcpCa, r), (direXevfitpos) the enfranchisement
d-irapd-KSicos, ov, (aireipos, Kaieos) inexperienced in of a slave.
ill : to direipoKOKOv simplicity. II. unused to evil. dircXcvOepiicds, t), 6v, in the condition of a freedman.
a, 1$, ignorance of the beautiful, want of From
taste : in plur. vulgarities. From dir-eXevOepos, 6, an emancipated slave, a freedman,
dirapo-K&Aos, ov, (aireipos, koXos) without taste, Lat. libertus, libertinus. Hence
coarse, vulgar. Adv. -Xa«. dir-cXevOepoco, f. wcraj, to set free, emancipate.

dimpo-XexTjS, is, (aireipos, Xixos) unmarried. dire\r\\S.Ka, pf. of direXavvca.

dimpo-udxT)S, ov, Dor.-p.dxas, a, 6, (aireipos, /*dxv) dirtX-qXtiOa, perf. of diripxofMU.
untried in battle. [#] direXOelv, aor. 2 act. inf. of diripxofMU.

d-impos, ov, I. (a privat., ireipa, ireipdofjuai) dir-«X»ctt, Ion. for d<p-iXK<u.

without trial or experience of a thing, unused to it dircXXd^o), Laconian for iKKXrjaidfa.
ignorant of: hence absol inexperienced, ignorant. . 1 1, dir-€Xm£a>, fut. ioai Att. tut, to drive to despair. 1.
(o privat., iretpas, irtpas) like direipeoios, boundless, = eXirifav diro nvos
hope from one. to
endless, countless. 2. of garments, etc., endless, dirtXov, 3 sing, old Att. impf. of diroXova; (formed
i. e. without end or outlet. from diroXow).
d-impoo-vvT), fj, = direipia, inexperience. dir-epc'co, f. iatu, to spit up, throw out.
dimp6-TOKOs, ov, (aireipos, tukos) without expe- dir€pvT|o-avTo, 3 plur. aor. I med. of dirofit nvt)aKOj.
rience of childbirth, not having yet brought forth. direpdp£aTO, 3 sing. aor. I med. of uirofiupyvv fit.
d-rmpwv, ov. gen. ovos, (a privat., ireipap, Ep. for dir-ep-iroXdo),f. t)aw, to dispose of by sale or bar-

irepas) = aireipos 11, boundless, endless, countless. II. ter. buy and sell, betray.
2. to
(a privat., veipa) = aireipos 1, inexperienced. dir-«vavTi, Adv. (diro, evavn) over against, opposite,
dir-€is, Ion. for d<p-eis, aor. 2 part, of oKp-irjfu. c. gen. : also
dir-«K, Prep, with gen. away out of. dir-€vavTiov, Adv. dirivavn. =
dir-€K-8fxofJLai, f. 8e£o(Mii, Dep. to expect. dir-evdpi£<0, despoil one of bis arms.
f. i£a>, to

dir-€K8vvo> or -Svm, f. hvaai \y], to strip clothes off direvdoro-aro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I med. of dirovaio).
from another. II. Med. dir€K8vopai, fut. -hvoo- direvcYKaardai, aor. I med. inf. of diro<pepa).
fjai [v] : aor. 2 act. aire£eovv, perf. direxb'ebvHa : to dircvciKa, Ep. for dirfjvema or dirr)veyica, aor. I of
strip oneself; to put off one's clothes. Hence diro-ipepco : aor. 1 pass. inf. direvetxOrjvai.
dircicSfcrkS, «<ws. r), a putting off the clothes. dir-€V€ir&>, v. drr-evviiro).
dircKi^c, a Dor. aor. I (as if from * diro-Kixa) = diri- d-ir€v0T|s, es, (a privat., iriv$os) free from grief.
&a\e, be lost. d-ircv0T]TOS, ov, (a privat., ve v6e w) not subject to grief.
dir-€K\av6dvopat, Med. to forget entirely: Ep. — dir-cviavTtd), f. -qaa, or dir-eviavrlfa, f. iaou, (dirS,
aor. 2 med. imperat. direitXeXdOeode Oa/xfieos forget evtavTos) to go into banibment for a year.
entirely your surprise. dir-€W€ira>, to forbid; direvviira) ae /x-r) iroieiv J for-

dircicXeXddco-de, v. foreg. bid thee to do. II. to order away from ; direwe-
air -ttcpe LiaVa, aor. I of diroKpefidwvfu. ireiv rivd OaXdfsxuv.
dir-«KTavov, aor. 2 of airo/tre'iva) dir-€£, v. direK.
air-eKTaVro, pf. pass, plqpf. of diroKreivoi. direoucus, Att. dimicws, vh., 6s, perf. part, of diri-
d-irtK-nrp-os, ov, (a privat., ire/crico) uncombed, un- oiKa, unreasonable, unfair. Adv. direiKurais.
kempt. d-Trfir€ipos, ov, (a privat., ireireipos) not ripe.
dir-eXavvco, aireXw pf. direXt)-
fut. direXao<u, Att. : dir€irXdYX^n v aor » - J
P ass ot" d»ro7rXd^a;.
Xaiea —
Pass., aor. I dmjXdO'nv [&}
: p{..direX^Xao (Ml : dir€irX«vo"a, aor. I of d7rowX^<u.
and -It/Mi —
also d-rriXa as imperat. of simple pres. d-ireirXos, ov, (o privat., ir<7rXo») without the triirXot
dircXdw : Dor. aor. 2 dirr)Xaov : to drive away, — or robe, clad in the tunic only.
: — — —: — — ;

dir&rAco kncyfitia 81
Air-firXto, shortd. for air-iir\axrt, which is Ion, for -e\tjkv0a:— to go away, depart from; diripx^cOai
&w-(irAtvo<, 3 sing. aor. I act. of dirovAtoj. \fls , to go from one place to aiiot
. er.
dir«irv€vo"a, aor. of dno-nvttu. i , dir-cpu, Ion. direpco), fut. without pres. in use pf. :

oireirTdfnjv, aor. 2 of diroir<ro/*ai. dirt'ip-qica fut. med. dirtpovpai

: aor. I pass, dntpprf- :

d-ir€iTTOs, ov, {a privat., viaaoi, f. to speak plainly out.

wtyoS) uncooked, II. Qtjv : (see dirfinov) :

undigested. ae fifj vpdrruv I forbid thee to I to forbid ; dirtpui

direp neut. pi. of oairfp, q. r. In Att. oft. used as do. III. to renounce, disown. IV. to deny, re-
Adv. - wairtp, as, so as. fuse. V. intr. to give up, sink, fail : see in diruirov.
d-ir«pavTos, ov, \a privat., vfpaivoj) boundless, infi- direpcocus, kvs 6, one who thwarts. From
nite, endless. dir-cpwcb}, f. i)o<u, to withdraw from.
dir-ep-yd^ouot, f. dco/icu : pf. dnfipyafffiai used dir-cpo)T|, 7), a drawing back. II. a hindrance.
both in act. and pass, sense : Dep. :
to work off, dir€p<i>Y|0-€ias, 2 sing. aor. I opt. of dvcpwioj.
finish off; pf. part, dirfipyaofitvos. completely finished dir-«p<i>T0S, ov, (diru, cpojs) unloving.
of a painter, to Jill up with colour, to represent per- aires. Ion. for d(pts, aor. 2 imperat. of d<pir}/u.
fectly generally to form, create.
: 2. to finish a dir-eaOtco, f. diribopm : pf. dv(8ri5oKa : aor. I pass.
contract Hence dirrjhioOTnv : to eat or gnaw off: to eat up.
dircpydo-ia, i), a finishing off, completing : a creat- dir-co-KcSao-a, aor. 1 of dirocrtct Sdvvvfii.
ing, causing. dir-co-o-ciTai, for dirctrerai, 3 sing. fut. of airtiut.
oit-«pyw, Ion. for dndpyaj. dir-eo-o-ova, Lacon. for dirtaovTj, aor. 2 pass, ot diro-
dir-cpSo>, bring to an end, finish.
f. £<u, to aevoj, be gone, i. e. is dead.

direp-cC, Adv. = warrepu, from dirtp. dir-co-o-uuTjv, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of dirootv'a).
d-rr-«p€i8aj, to fix firmly —
Med., fut. dirfpclffofjuu, dir-^ornv, aor. 2 of dxpiaTn/u.
aor. ancpao-dfirjv, but pf. pass. dir(pf)peio-fxai to fix : direcTTpd<t>aTO, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of dvoarpi^xa.
oneselffast upon, i. e. to support oneself upon a thing: dir-co-Tw, ovs, 1), {arreifii abibo) Ion. noun, a being

to dwell or insist upon, also to settle in a particular away, absence : see tvtori).
part absol. to lean or bend away.
: d-rr«TT)Xos, ov, (o privat., irtTnKov) leafless.
dircpctcaos, ov, poet., = dvctp(atos in phrase dir€- : dirtTpfiirov, aor. 2 of dirorpiiroj.
ptloia diroiva, a countless ransom. d-ir«v0T|s, «'s. (a privat., irvvOdvofiai) not inquired
dir-«pTiu6a>, f. waw, to make utterly desolate. into, unknown, Lat. ignotus. II act. not in-
d-TrepiAdX-nTOS, ov, (o privat., irfpiXaXeco) not to be quiring, ignorant, Lat ignarus.
outdone in talking, [a] dir-6u0uvd> [y], f. vva> to make straight again : to
d-ireptATjirTOS, ov, (a privat., irepi\a(i&dva>) uncir- set up again metaph. to restore : to guide, rule

cumscribed. X*pa* oeo/xois drrtvQvvnv to guide the arms with

d-ircpip.rpip.vos, ov, (a privat., irepi, iiipipwa) care- chains, i. e. bind them.
less. Adv. -vcus, carelessly. direvKTOS, 6v, (dirivxopxu) to be deprecated, abo-
d-rcploirros, ov, (a privat., vepioipopai) unregard- minable.
ing, reckless of. dir-€wd£&>, f. daoj, to lull to sleep.
d-irepCo-KCiTTOs, ov, (a privat., nfpiaKtirrofw.i) in- direvx^TOS, ov, = dvevKTus. From
considerate, thoughtless, heedless. Adv. -tojs., f. £ofiat, Dep. to wish a thing away, to
d-ircpCcirooTos, ov, (a privat., irepiairdw) undis- wish that it may not happen, Lat. deprecari.
tracted. Adv. -tojs, without distraction. dir-«<J>0l0ov, Ep. aor. 2 of dvoipOivoj.
d-ircpuro-08, Att. -ttos, ov, (a privat., nfpiaous) dire4>0lTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of dvocpOivea.
without superfluity, simple. aTr-€<J>0os, ov, for dfp«p8<>s, (dxp-tyoj) boiled down,
d-TT*p(xTTaTOS,ov, (a privat.,7rfpuaTa/«u) defenceless. refined; air. xp V(T <-> s refined gold, Lat. aurum re-
d-irepiTp-TfTOS, ov, (a privat., irtpiTt/ivoj) uncir- coctum.
cumcised. dir-ex0aipa>, f. -cIpcD : aor 1 dirr^x^VP -
•' —
t0 bate
d-irepiTpoiros, ov, (a privat., vepirplnoi) not return- utterly. II. to make utterly hateful.
ing : also not heeding. dir-6X0dvouai, -cx^V (X0rlai aor 2 dirr)xOurlV v>
f. : -

dir«ppT|0T]v, aor. I pass, of direput. inf. P 1"* dirrix^Vr104 Pass.: to be bated:

dn(x0*°8ai '

airtpplyaxn, 3 plur. perf. of diroppiyioj. [t]

2 to incur hatred or odium, also to be roused to hatred;
dir-cppfa), to be gone quite : away
imperat. dircppe, ovtc rt fiot ttos bfjfxos dvfx^^fJLfV0S xoXfvaivd nor
away, begone, Lat. abi in malam rem. does all the people being roused to bate against me
dir-€pv$pido>, fut. daoi [d], to put away blushes, be distress me. II. Dep. in causal sense, to cause
past blushing. hatred; \6yot dir«x^av ^fJLfV01 words that cause hatred:
dir-cpvKu, f. (oj, (dir6, cpvKcv) to keep off, scare c. dat. pers. to be or become baleful to one.
away: — Med. to abstain, desist, [v] dir«x0«w*> i)» (d7rf x&V s ) enmity, hatred ; in plur. en-
dir-«pixi>, f. vaoj [y], to tear offfrom. mities ; Si' direx6 (ia * Tiv i t^Qtw to be hated by him,
dir-<pxopxu. fut. -tkevoofjuu: aor. 2 -^MOov.-fjXQov: like hC dpyrjs i\dtiv, etc.
: :

82 &ne)(9r]na — forATj/cros.

d-ir^x^u-a, aros, r6, (dir«x0dVo/*at) that which is dir-C7]p.i, Ion. for Acpirjfu.
bated, the object of hate. d-mOovos, ov, not winning belief, incredible, un-
dir-ex^s, is. (*ir6, 4x^ os ) hateful, hostile. likely. II. not persuasive. [T]
dir-€x0ofiat, like d7r-«x^a»'o/ioi : Pass.: {drr6,ix^os ) : dm0€co, Ep. aor. I diri$rjaa, poet, for diru$4at. From
— to be bated or hateful. d-irl0t|s, 4s, poet, for d-muQ-qs.
dir€X©<is,Adv.of tt7r«x0>7S; dir. %X eiv t0 De at enmity. dm0WT*r|p, ijpos, 0, a restorer. From
dir-«x w » f- d<p€£a> and diroaxV°~0J aor a dir«'o'xo»' dir-i0v»v<0, = dir-evOvvat.


to bold off, keep off, away from : to part Med., —, drr ik6|xtjv, Ion. for d<piK-.
airixfoOai x € *P as twos to bold one's hands off him d-irtvvo-orw, (a privat., irivvros) to be without one's
but d7r«x«r0ai absol. to bold oneself off a thing, ab- wits, to be senseless.
stain or desist from. II. intrans. to be away or diri|is, Ion. for &<pi£is.
far from, c. gen. loci : rfjs iroXtws ov iroXXi)v 656v dirtov, to, (dirios) a pear, Lat. pirum.
aTri\(i it is not far distant from the city: also like "AIIIOS, r), a pear-tree, Lat. pirus.
Med. to abstain from a thing. III. to have in dmos, 77, ov, (diro)far away, far off, far, l£ dirty*
full ; dir4x € IV f^tad6v to have a full reward. yairjs Horn. II. "Amos, a, ov, Apian, i. e. Pelo-
dir-«4/&>, Ion. for dcp-iipu. ponnesian, said to be so called from Apis, a king of
dircuo-a, aor. 1 of drraidia). Argos, hence 'Atria 717, or 'Airia alone, the Pelopon-
dir-T)'y€, dir-T|Y T a
lH' ' dir-^YTjoas, Ion.
for dtp-iiy-. nese : also 'Arris, idos, t). [The former sense has &,
dir-T)06<i), f. 170-0;, to strain off filter. the latter a.]
diTT|\d0T)v, aor. I pass, of direXavva). dir-iTx6a>, f. &jo<o, to squeeze out.
dir-i)X6Y€{DS,Adv. formed as if from *dirn\ey^s, 4s, dir-to"6o>, wow, to make equal or even.
(diro, dxiyiu) wi'bout caring for anything ; ftvdov dmo-T€Ci>,

f. T/ao> : (antOTOs) :
pf. ijiricrrfKa : to dis- —
dir-qXeytws avouiretv to speak out reckless of conse- believe, distrust : absol. to be unbelieving or distrust-
quences, bluntly. ful : — Pass., with fut. med. dmori\ao\uu, to be dis-
dirf,X0ov, aor. 2 of dir4pxofiat. trusted. II. = dirti64a>, to disobey.
dir -rjXtao-TTjs, ov, I, ydrro, 'HXtala') one who keeps dir-to-TT)Ui, Ion. for dtp-iaTrjfii.
away from the 'UXiala, i. e. an enemy to law, with dmo-ria, Ion. -Ctj, t), \dmOT4oS) disbelief, distrust;
allusi n to ijXios, not fond of basking in the sun. voKKds diriarias 4x u tne thing admits of many
dTr-fjXt£, Ion. for d<p-r)Xi£. doubts. II. want offaith, unbelief: faithlessness.
dir-T)Xia>TT|s (sub. avefios), ov, 6, (dir6, IjXtos) the east d-Trurros, ov, (a privat., iriaros) : I. pass, not
wind, Lat. subsolanus. to be trusted, and so, I. of peisons,faitbless. 2.
d-irT|navTos, ov, {a privat., vrjfiaivoj) unharmed, of things, not credible, beyond belief. II. act.
without misery. not believing or trusting, mistrustful. 2. not
dir-T|nf3poTov, Ep. for Sup-r)f*apTov, aor. 2 of d<pa- obeying.
liaprdvoj. dmo-TOO-uvT), = dmaria.
dir-f p.€V, I pi. impf. of airctfii (dpi, sum).
dir(crrci>s, Adv. of diriaros: I. act. suspi-
dirn,p.oavvT|, r), (dnrjfuw) freedom from barm, safety. ciously. II. pass, beyond belief, incredibly.
dmr)p,7r6Xa, 3 sing. impf. of dirtfiiroXdtu. dir-wrxvp£Jop,aw, f. laopai Att. iov/iai : Dep. :—to
d-TTTJp.a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., iri)/ia) unharmed, oppose or resist stoutly.
unhurt : without sorrow or suffering. II. act. doing dir-to-x&), poet, for d7r«xa;, to keep far away.
no barm, safe, kindly : of the gods, propitious. dir-txtov, verb. Adj. of air u pi, one must go away.
dinf|v€ta, t), (dirnvjis) harshness, roughness. dirX&Kca), dirXaicta, etc., see d/xirKa/eia), etc.
dmfjVK), r), a four-wheeled wagon : later,any car- d-irXiVTjs, 4s, (a privat., irXavdoftai) not wander-
riage, a car, chariot. II. like (cvyos, a yoke, ing : fixed.
pair, couple. ^Deriv. unknown.) a-rrXaaros, ov, (a privat., irXdaocu) not moulded:
dirr|VT|vavTO, 3 pi. aor. I med. of diravaivo/MU. hence genuine, sincere. II. (a privat., ire\d£a>)
dir-T)VT|s, is, barsb, rough. See irpoa-rjvrjs. shortened for d-rrtkdoTos, unapproachable, terrible.
dirfivOov, Dor. for dirr)X$ov, aor. 2 of dirtyxofiai. d-irXaros, Ion. d-rrXT)TOS, ov, (a privat., irf\dw,
dir-T|opos, Dor. and Att. dir-dopos, Ep. air rjcapos, poet, for ireXdfa) shortened for &ir4\&Tos, unap-
ov, (diru, dfipw) hovering on high, Lat. suspensus. proachable, terrible.
d-mrjpos, ov, (a privat., trqpa) without a scrip. II. d-irXeKTOs, ov, (a privat., ir\4KoS) unplaited.
(a privat., irrjp^s) unmaimed. d-TrXeros, ov, collat. form of arrXaros or of &rrXn-
dinrjvpcov, -pa, 1 and 3 sing. impf. of diravp&u. aros, only used in the sense of immense, extraordi-
dir-T|XT)s, 4s, (diro, r)xos) discordant, noisy. nary.
dirT|x0«T °. 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of d7r€x0dVo/«tt. d-irXevoTOS, ov, (a privat., irXevaonat fut. of irX4ai)
dir-T|a)pos, Ep. for dirqopos. not navigable, not navigated.
dirfa 777, v. dmos. d-rrXTjKTOS, ov, (a privat., irXi)ooa)) unstricken : of
dir-idXAu, Dor. or Lacon. for dirorrifiiret. a horse, needing no whip or spur.
: : :: — :

&Tr\rj(TTCa — aitofipvyu). 83
dirXTjorfo, r), insatiate desire. From diropdOpa, 1^, steps or a ladder for descending from
d-irXtjo-ros, ov, (a privat., itihttXtj^i) not to be filled, a ship, the gangway. From
insatiate : c. anX. aipuaros insatiate of blood.
gen., diro-Paivu), f. -f3r)<rofxai Ep. 3 sing. aor. I dir(Bf)-


dirXota, Ion. arrXoiT], r), (dnXovs) difficulty of sail- CfTO : aor. 2 diriBrjv : pf. drroPffirjKa to step off,
ing, from stress of weather. dismount, alight or disembark from. 2. to go away,

dirXot£, Dep. {dirXoos) to deal openly or frankly. depart. II. of events, to issue or result from :

dirXots, tdos, i), {dirXoos) a single garment. absol. to turn out, end or issue in a certain way, Lat
drrXoos, 6rj, 6ov, contr. dirXoGs, rj, ovv, Lat. sim- evenire ; rb drroBaivov the issue, event; tcL diroBai-
plex, one/old, (opp. to 5tirX6os, Lat. duplex, two/old), vovra, tcL diroBavra the results ; toL diroBrjaopava the
single. II. single-minded, simple, and that probable results : also diroBaiveiv alone, to turn out
either (in good sense) frank, open, sincere; or (in bad well, succeed. 2. also of persons and things, with
sense) silly. III. simple, opp. to compound: an Adj., to turn out, prove or be so and so, Lat. eva-
hence, absolute, sheer. (Derived from apia, all in one dere; diroBaivtw tcotvoi to prove impartial. 3. of
way, as is Lat. simplex from simul.) conditions, etc. ; diroBaivciv us ti to come at last to,
d-rrXoos, ov, contr. d-irXovs. ovv, (a privat., irXicv) end in.

not sailing I. of ships, unfit for sea, not seawor- B. Causal, only in aor. I diriBrjaa, to make to dis-
thy. 2. of men, never having been at sea. II. mount, disembark, land.
pass., of the sea, closed to navigation. diro-f3dXAo>, f. -BaXa> aor. 2 drriBaXov pf. diro-

: :

d-irXos, f), 6v, poet, for dirXoos, drrXovs. BiBXrjKa to throw offfrom : c. ace. only, to throw

dirX6Tns, rjros, r), (dirX6os) like Lat. simplicitas, away. 2. to throw away, reject : also to throw
simplicity, plainness, frankness. away, sell too cheap. 3. to lose.
dirXovs, rj, ovv, contr. for dirXSos. diro-pdirTG>, f. rf/cu, to dip entirely.
d-irXovs, ow, contr. for d-irXoos. diropds, Bdaa, Bdv, aor. 2 part, of diro-Baivoi.
a-irXovTOS, ov, (a privat., irXovros) without riches. d-nd/Jctcris, (cos, r), (diroBaivcv) a stepping off, dis-
dirXws, Adv. of dirXovs, Lat. simpliciter, simply, mounting a disembarking, landing : also a landing-

plainly: absolutely. II. in a word, Lat. denique. place.

d-irvevcTTOS, ov, (o privat., rrvivaopuxi fut. of itv(oj) diropTJvai, aor. 2 inf. of diroBaivcv.
without breath, breathless : hence lifeless. d-iro-pid£o|xa.L, f. daopuai, Dep. to force away: aor. I

d-irvoos, ov, contr. d-irvovs, ovv, (a privat., irvtai) pass. drroBiaoOrjvai in pass, sense, to beforced away.
without wind, calm. II. without breath, lifeless. diro-pt|3d£cD,f. -BiBdacv Att. -BiBw :— Causal of diro-
'AIIO', Prep, with Gen. only,= Lat. AB, ABS, Baivcv, to make to get off, esp. from a ship, to disem-
whether place, time, or any object be denoted I. bark, set on land.
of Place, implying motion from, away from : also d?ro-Pij3puo-Kci>, aor. I pass. dirtBptvQqv :
to eat off.
down from. 2. without motion implied, far from, diro-j3XdiTTa>, f. tycv, to ruin utterly — aor. I pass.
at a distance from. II. later of Time, from, diroBXa<p6fjvai, to be robbed of.
after, since ; and Seiwov ycviaOai to have done sup- diro-pXacrrdvo), f. -BXaoTqacv: aor. 2 drriBXaarov.
per. III. of Origin of all kinds, as, I. of — to shoot forth from, spring from.
descent, birth ; ovk diro Spvbs ov8' diro rrkrpr^s not diro/BXeirTos, ov, looked at, gazed on by all, hence
sprung from oak or rock diro 'Zirdprrjs of Sparta by
; admired. From
birth. 2. of the means or instrument; dirb BioTo d-Tro-fJXeiro), f. \pcv, to look away from all other ob-
irt<pvfv with arrow/rom his bow. 3. of the cause jects at one, to look steadfastly at, gaze at or upon.
or occasion ; dirb hiKaioavvrjs by reason of. 4. of dir6J3XT|TOs, ov, (diroBdWw) to be thrown away as
the material of which a thing is made dirb £vXov ; worthless.
made o/wood.
vtirotrjfiiva d-iro-pXio-oxo, Att. -ttco, f. ioo) : nor. I diTcBXtcTa :

As Adverb, without case, far away : but almost to cut out the comb from the hive, take the honey
always with verbs in tmesi. metaph. to steal.
In Compos., from, asunder, as in dirorifivo}
I . : diro-pXu^o), f. atu, to spirt out ; dnoBXv^uv oivov to
and hence away from, as in diroBaivca. 2. ceasing spirt or slobber out some wine.
from, as in diraXyia) and hence, finishing, complet-
: diro|3oXTJ, rjs, r), (dvoBdWo)) a throwing away,
ing, as in dirfpyd^ofiai. 3. back again, as in diro- losing, loss.
Zi^wfu. 4. byway of abuse, as in drroKaXtoj. 5. diropoXip.atos, ov, (diroBaX\<v) apt to throw away.
almost = a priv., as in diravSaxv, dirayoptvoj : also with II. pass, apt to be thrown aside.
Adjectives, as in drrooiros., Dep. to eat up.
dwo, anastroph. for diro, when it follows its noun. d-n-o-|3ovKoX&i>, f. f)ccv, to let cattle stray : hence to
dtro-atvC'^ai, poet, for drr-aivvfiai, to take away. make to lose. 2. to soothe, beguile., poet, for d(p-aip(Ofiai. d-Tro-Ppufo), f. £a>, to sleep without waking, go sound
d-rr6/3a, Att. for dir6&r)0i, aor. 2 imperat. of diro- asleep.
Bcuvoj. d-rro-Ppvxw, to bit* offfrom.
: : —— : —
: ::
: — :

84 a-noj3(afJLLOs — aTTobtb&crKoo.

dTro-pwjjLios, ov, (&ir6, Pcopio*) far from an altar, law. 2. to appoint or assign; \&pos diroSeScy/z^*
godless. vos an appointed place. 3. to shew by argument,
diro-yaios or airS-y&os, ov, (diro, yrj) from land, prove. II. to shew forth a person or thing as so
coming off land. and so, hence, 1. to appoint, name, create. 2.
diro-yewroa), to make jut out like a coping or cornice. to make, render. 4. to prove
3. to represent as.
diro-yeva), f. au, to make another taste of a thing : that a thing is. ordain a thing to be
5. c. inf. to
Med. to taste of it oneself. — Med. to shew forth something of one's own diro- ;

diro-Y€<J>vp6<u, f. ft/aw, to furnish with a bridge or bu£ao0ai yvwfi-qv to deliver one's opinion ; dirobet£a-
with dykes. oQai dperds to display high qualities.
diro-Yqpdo-Kw, daofmi, to grow old.
f. diro-SeiXidco, f. daco [a], to be a coward, shrinkfrom
diro-YiYvo rlal '.-ytvopai
'ate Att.
fut. -yevf)Oopai : : danger.
aor. 2 a-nfyiVQfirjV pf dtroy*yevnjMii : to be away : dir68ei£is. Ion. -8*£is, f<us, ^, (dvobelicvvfju} a
from, have no part in. II. absol. to be taken shewing forth : hence I. a setting forb, delivery,
away, and so to depart life, die : ol diroyfvufuvoi the publication. 2- a shewing, proof, demonstra~
dead. tion. II. (from Med.) a display, achievement,

dtro-YtYv<ooTKO), late Att. -"yivu»crKa> : fut. -yvwaofjuxi performance.

aor. 2 aireyvojv : pf. diriyvwica : to depart from a diro-86tirv£8ios, ov, (dv6, beim/ov) wi'bout supper.
judgment, give up an intention of doing, c. gen. : to diro-8€LpoTop€o), f. i\a<a, to cut off by the neck, be-
resolve not. 2. to despair. II. c. ace to give bead.
up as useless. III. as law-term, to refuse to re- diro-Setpco, Ion. for diro-btpw.
ceive an accusation : hence to ac/uit. diro-SeKfrroo), f. woo), to pay tithe of. II. to
d-n^yvoia, i), (diroyiyvwa/coj) despair. take tithe from, rivd.
diroyovos, ov, (dnoyiyvopai) descended or sprung diro-8€, Ion. for &no-hixopuu.
from: in plur. descendant. diro8«KT«ov, verb. Adj. of dirodixoiiai, one must re-
diroYp&<M|, $, (aTroypi<poj) a copy of an indictment ceive or accept.
(ypacprf), a deposition. II. a list, register, esp. diro8€KTTjp, rjpos, 6, {dirobixopai) a takerfrom, re-
of property alleged to belong to the state, but held by ceiver.
a private person. diroSeKTos, 6v, (d7ro8exo/«u> acceptable.
diro-ypddw, f. if/at, to write out, copy, esp. to enter diroS<£ao-6<u, aor. I inf. of dirodixofjuai. 2. Ion.
in a list, register —
Med. to have a thing registered by for dnobei£aoOai, aor. 1 inf. of dirobeinvvpH.
others, or to registerfor one's own use. II. Att. diroSe^is, €ojs, 1), Ion. for dirobu£is.
law-term, I. dvoypdtyeiv rivd to gve in a copy of diroSeppa, aros, to, (dirobepoj) a bide stripped off.
the charge against a person esp. to give in a list of diro-Scpci), Ion. -8eCpo> f. -htp<2> aor. 1 dnebeipa:
: :

property alleged to belong to the state, but held by to flay or skin completely ; dirobipav rr\v Ki<pa\i\v to
a private person. 2. dvoypacpciv rd virdpxovra to scalp. II. to fetch the skin off one's back by flog-
give in such a list of property. ging-
airo-yvi6a>, to deprive one of the use of bis limbs, to diroSexfcCs, Ion. aor. I part. pass, of dirobtl/cvvfju.
enfeeble, unnerve. diro-0€xopai, Ion. -Sctcopai f. -bi^ofjuu aor. d7r«-: :

diro-Yup<vd£<i>, f. dau, to bring into bard exercise, to 8c£ofirjv pf. -S<5«7/xat

: Dep. to accept in full,

ply bard. accept gladly, be content with. 2. to accept as a

diro-Yvp,v6co, f. koo), to strip quite bare: esp. to proof: to admit, allow, approve. 3. to accept as
strip of arms, disarm Pass, to be stript bare —Med. — a teacher, follow : air. twos to receive from another,
to strip oneself. agree with him. 4. to take or understand in a cer-
diro-8dicva>, f. -dfyopai, to bite off a piece of, c. gen. tain sense. II. to receive back, recover.
absol. to bite. dtro-Sco), f. -hriaoj, to bind fast.
diro-8aKpva>, f. iao) [y], to weep much; c. ace. to diro-8!fa>, Ion. fut. -8 r)aco: — to be wanting, to lack:
weep much for, lament. — impers. dno-Sei. there lacks.
diroSdo-pios, ov parted off ox from. ,
From diro8T]>, f. ijaoj, {dirobijfios^ to be away from
diro8acrp6s, 6, a division, part of a whole. From home, to go abroad, dnobtjfxfiv (is ®6TTa\iav to go and
diro-Sarcopxti, f. -Sdaofiai [a], Ep. -ddoaofiai : aor. live in Thessaly. Hence
I dvfdaadfinv, Ep. diroddooaadai to portion
inf. : diro8Tjp,*rjTTjs, ov, 6, one who is abroad.
out, apportion. II. to part off, separate. diro8T]p(a, j), a being from borne, a going or being
diro-8€i, Ion. diro-Seei, impers. of diroStoi. abroad. From
diTo-S€, Dep. to frighten away. dird-S-qp-os, ov, away from borne, abroad.
diro-6€iKwp.i and -von : f. -5«t£a>, Ion. -Segai — airo-Siai/rda*, f. r\aoi, to decide for i. person in an
Pass., aor. I dircbcixOnv : pf. dirobibtiypai, Ion. -bi- arbitration.
beyfiai : I. to point out, shewforth, make known diro-8tSd<ncta>, f.-&5a£a>, to teach not to do, Lat. dt-
hence, i . to bringjorward, shew, produce, publish as a docere.
: — —
— — a — : :

A-7ro5t5pcia-Ka) dirodpacrvvofxai. 85
Airo-8i8pd(j'ic<0, Ion. -8i8p-f|o-KO) : f. -bpnaopai, Ion. to stripanother of his arms, etc. ft. intrans. in

•Sprjaofuu : aor. 2 dirlbpqv, part. diroSpds :

to run Med., with aor. 2 act. airibvv (formed as if from dtr6-
away or flee from, esp. fcy stealth. 2. in prose 8vfii\ and pf. dirode bvtca to strip oneself, undress:
also c. ace, to flee, shun. diro8v(o$ai np6$ ri to strip for a thing, to strip and
diro-SiBojp.i, 1. -5d»acw: aor. I diribojna: — to give back, get ready for. 2 metaph. to put away.
restore : back what is due.
esp. to give 2. to ren- d-iro-€iKo>, f. £<v, to withdraw from.
der, yield, of land. 3. to grant, allow. 4. to diro-6tirov, «s, e, Ep. for direiirov, aor. 2 without
render or make so and so. 5. to deliver over, give pres. in use.
up. e. g as a slave also to deliver a letter, Lat red-
: diro-€pYa0€, 3 sing. poet. aor. 2 of dnepya, dirtlpyoi,
dere. to opoiov d-rrobiboi is avfaaiv
II. intr., (I to keep faraway, keep offfrom.
[sc. ij Kiywros], where it seems to be = i mbibojfu : a-noipyu), poet, for drripya), dncipya) : partic. drro-
Med. to give away of one's own, sell; also to let out (pyfievrj for direpyofxtvn.

for hire. d-iro-cpo-c, an old Ep. aor. 1 only found in 3 pers., to

diro-StKd£a>, f. daw, to acquit, opp. to Ka.Tabiit6.fa. hurry or sweep away, of running water; subj. diro-
dtro8lK€iv, inf. of airioiicov, poet. aor. 2 without ipar), opt. ditoepaeie. (Deriv. uncertain.)
pres. in use, to throw off: to throw down. d-iTo-Jdaj, f. £qoco, to live off; oaov dirotfjv enough
d-rro-SlKfU), f. rjaoj, {diro, 81/07) to defend oneself on to live off.
trial. oTro-fevyvvH' 1 and -v<o, f. -&v£ w to unyoke, part :

diro-8lv&i>, f. rjffcj, to turn or whirl violently about. — Pass, to be parted from, tiv6s absol., bevp' dir(£v- :

diro-8loucu, Dep {diru, bicu) poet, for dirobiouKOJ. yrjv vobas on foot did I start and come hither.
diro-Siopi.£<i), f. iao) to mark off, distinguish. diro-£eo>, f. -fc'ow, to boil off, throw off by fermenting.
diro-5ui>K<i>, fut.-8ta/£o/«xt, to chase away. dTr-6£<o, fut. -otfiow, to smell of something. II.

diro-SoKct, impers., (and, boKfai) mostly with pvfi impers., dir6fa rjjs 'Apafiirjs there comes a scent from
and inf , dirfbo^i <r<pt pr) Trpdrrfiv it seemed good to Arabia.
them not to do : absol., ws o<pi drtibo£t when they diro 0d\\co, f. -6a\u>, to leave off blooming.

resolved. diro0dv€iv, aor. 2. inf. of dttodvqciKOi

diro-Soictp.d£a>, f. dew. to reject on proof or trial,, fut. of an oOvrj kw.
generally, to reject. Hence dTT»-0appcco and duo-Gapo-cco, f. rjatu, to take cou-
diro8oKi|ia<rT€ov, verb. Adj. one must reject. rage, have full confidence.
dir-o8os, Ion. for hep-obos. dTro-0avud£co, Ion. aTro-0copd^co, f. aoo), to wonder
diro86o-ip.os, ov, (dnobibcufu) meet to be restored. at a thing : absol. to wonder much.
dir68oo-is, (ws,r), (dnobibcufju) a giving back, resti- diro-6€, Ep. for d-nodiwyuai, diroOwfJiai, aor. 2
tution, return repayment, payment.
: med. subi. of diroTi$T]fii.
diro86T€OV, verb. Adj. of dirobibatfu, one must give diro-Ocioco, f. waai, poet, for diroOeooj.
back, refer. diroOcv, Adv. (dTro) from afar. II. afar off.

diroSovvai, aor. 2 of ditobibwpu. inf. diro-0€os, ov, far from the gods : hence godless.
diroBox 1?!, r), {dTrodtxofxai) a receiving back, opp. to diro-Ococo, 1. wow, to deify.
m.iTob'oais : reception. II. praise, approbation. dTro-6epi£<i>, fut. (Va> Att. Xw, to cut off like ears of
diro-8oxp-6oj, bend backwards or sideways.
f. wooj, to corn.
diroSpaOciv, aor. 2 int. of dirobapOdvoj. diroOcaOai, aor. 2 med. inf. of aitor'tO-nfii.
diro8pds, aor. 2 part, of dnobibpaaicoj. dir60€o%s, «us, 1), (ditoridrini) a putting off ox away :
d'TroSpdo'is, Ion. dir68pTjoT.s, (ous, ij, (dirobibpaffKO)) —a putting away, laying up in store : exposure. —
a running away, escape. dir60€oros, ov, {dnoTiOnfjii) despised, abhorred.
diro-8p«, Dep. = dirobpeirtu. diTO0«Tai, wv, at, a place in Lacedsemon, into which
diro-Sptiru, f. ift<u, to pluck off: Med. — to gather for all misshapen children were thrown on birth. From
oneself dir60€TOs, ov, {diroridrjfii) laid by; hence bidden,
diro8pijv<u, Ion. for -bpavai, aor. 2 inf. of dirotii- mysterious, reserved.
IpdaKw. diro-0€<«>, f. StvoopMi, to run off or away.
d-n-o-SpvTTTO), f. if/a) : aor. I dircbpmf/a aor. 2 dvi- diro0T|KT), anyplace wherein to lay up


bpv<pov : aor. 1 pass. dirfbpvcpOrjv to scrape off, to a thing, a granarya magazine, storehouse.
: II.

graze by a slight wound. anything laid by or stored up; dwoOrjtcqv nouTaOcu fU

d-iro8pv4>oi, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of drroSpvirroj. riva to lay up a store of favour with another.
diro-8vvu>, to pull or strip off; v. dvobveu. [y] d7ro-0Tj<xavpCJo), f. iaco, to treasure or board up.
d-rr-o8vpo|xai [0], f. -obvpovpuai, to lament bitterly. diro-0XiPa), f. tf/w, to press bard, crowd upon. [1]
diro8vs, aor. 2 part, of dirobvoj. d7ro-0vTjo-Kco, f. -Odvovfxai : aor. 2 dniOavov — to die
diro8\rrr|pi,ov, to, an undressing room. From off, to die, serving as Pass, to dnoKTcivoj.
diro-8i»G), I. trans, in fut. dirobvacu, aor. I dir4- diroOopciv, aor. 2 inf. of diroOpwatca).
Svaa, to strip offxhe arms fr»m the slain : c. ace. peri. d7ro-0pcwruv«ucu [y], f.vvovfiai, to be very bold.
: : : : : — ::
: : : : — : :

86 d-noOpavm — tooKivhweva).
d-n-o-Opavo), break off orfrom :
f. fftu, Pass., aito-
to — diro-Ka0(£(i>, fut. lou, to set down: — Med. to sit down,
6pav(o6ai rfjs w/cKeias to be broken offfrom, i.e. lose diro-Ka6wTTdva> and diro-Ka0t<m)p,i, fut. -KaraoT^-
all, one's fair fame. I. Causal in pres. and impf., fut. and aor. cu :

diro-0ptd£a>, f. ecu, (dir<$, dptov) properly, to cut off I, to re-establish, restore. II. intr. in Pass., with

fig-leaves : generally, to cut off, curtail. aor. 2 and pf. act., to be restored.
diro-0pvirTo), f. ipoj, to crush in pieces : Pass, to be diro-Ka(vv}iai, Pass, to surpass, excel.
broken in spirit, enervated. diro-Katpios, ov, = atcatpos.
diro-0pu>o-Ka>, f. -Oopovjmi : aor. 2 awtfiopov — to diro-xaio), fut. -Kavou, to burn off: also of intense
spring or leap offfrom. II. to leap up from, rise cold, to freeze off.
from : absol. to rise sheer up, of steep rocks. diro-KctXeo), f. iou : (for the tenses, v. KaXiu) to :

diro-6vp,ios, ov, (arr6, Ovfws) not according to one's call back, recal from exile. 2. to call away. II.
mind, unpleasant, hateful. to call by a name, esp. by way of abuse. III. to
diro-0vu>, f. vaco, to offer up. warn off.
d-irotT|TOS, ov > ( a privat., woi&y) not done, undone dtroKaXvTTTO), f. if/u, to disclose, uncover —Med. to
not to be done. reveal oneself. Hence
diroiKcu, f. ijaoi, (airoifcos) to go away from home, diroicdXvdns, (ojs, ?}, revelation.
to settle in aforeign country, emigrate. II. to dwell airo-Kau-vcj, f. -Kd/xovfiai : (for the tenses, v. icd-
afar off, generally, to live far away : t) KopivOos l£ fivw): — to grow quite weary, to flag utterly, c. inf.
ifiov (xafcpav dirq)KciTO Corinth was inhabited far away to cease to do. II. c. ace, airoicafivuv irovov to
from me, i. e. I settled far from Corinth. III. c, flinch from toil.

ace, = airoiicifa, to colonise. Hence d-iro-Kdp.irrco,f. \pu, intr. to bend off, turn aside. 2.
d-rroiKia, »), a settling away from home, a colony, trans, to turn aside from, shun. Hence
settlement. dir6icap.dns, (us, tj, a turning off the road.
dir-oiiu£u>, hoj Att. Xw Pass., aor. 1 airwKiaO^v
f. : diro-K&irva), Ep. aor. I -(Katrvooa : (airo, tedirru) —
pf. -qjtcifffiai —
to send away from home, trans- to breathe out; airoKanveiv tyvyfyv to give up the
plant : generally, to send or carry away Pass, to be — ghost.
settled in afar land: to emigrate. II. to colo- diro-K&p&SoK&D, to expect earnestly. Hence
nise a place. diroK&paSotcCa, »}, earnest expectation.
diroiicCs, foot, ff, fem. of anoircos — ?} airoiKis (sc. diro-KapTCpcoi, f. -fjcru, to kill oneself by fasting.
voXts) a colony. diro-KaTaXdo-o-ft), Att. -ttco, to reconcile again.
dir-oiKo8op,<b>, f. iiaoi, to cut off by building, to wall diroicaTdo"T&o~vs, ecus, 7), (dnoKaBiarrjfu) a complete
off, wall up. restoration, re-establishment.
utt-oikos, ov, (air6, oTkos) awayfrom home, abroad d-rro-KaTirmai, Ion. for ano-KaOrjfJtai.
hence as Subst., I. of persons, a settler, colo- dirOKavXlgci), f. iao), Att. tw (dv6, Kav\6s) to break
nist. 2. of cities, aitotKos (sub. iroXti), »}, a colony. short off.
d"n--oiKTt£, fut. -iaofuu Att. -lovfuu : Dep. :
to diroKavcns, (us, »), (dvoicalu) a burning off.
complain loudly. diro-K€ipai, fut. -lerfoofiai : used as Pass, of ditori-
d-irotjiavTOS, ov, (a privat., irotfiaivu) unfed, un- Orjfii, to be put away, be laid up in store : hence to be

tended. kept in secret, be in reserve — impers., ditoKurai nvt

bewail loudly.
dir-oi)ib>£<i>, fut. -oifiw£o/Mii, to it is in store for one.
diroiva, wv, rd, only used in plur., (o copul., iroivij) diro-K€ipto, fut. -Kcput, Ep. -/cipaa) : pf. -Kinapita,
a ransom or price paid, either for life or liberty. IL pass. -KfKapfxai —
to shear or cut off: generally, to cut
generally, compensation, repayment : reward. Hence in pieces, cut through metaph. to cut off— —
diroivdco, f. rjacj, to demand a ransom or price :— diro-KcpSaCvco, fut. -Kepirjaa and -KfpSSvw: to have
Med. to bold to ransom. benefit or enjoyment from or of a thing.
d-rroivo-SlKos, ov, (airoiva, Si/cn) exacting the pe- diro-K€pp.aTi£o>, to change into small coin, dissipate.
nalty : atoning. diro-K€t|>aXC£<i>, fut. iao) Att. XSt, (avo, ice<paX^) to
t ir-oicrr€tKo, f. tvea, to kill with arrows. behead.
diroicro, fut. of diro<pip<u : cf. (ptpoj. diro-K-nScvco, f. <r<v, to cease to mourn for.
d-rr-oixop-at, fut. -otxyaofiai : pf. -oJ^/ttu : Dep. :— diro-KT)Sc<i>, fut. fjoa), = 0*778 €*«, to put away care, be
to be gone awayt to be far from : absol. to be gone, to careless.
have departed : hence to be dead and gone. II. diro-KTjpvKro-o), Att. -tto>, fut.£a>: to proclaim pub-
more rarely, to go away, withdraw from. licly, esp. to offer for public sale. II. to renounce pub-

dtro-KaOaCpo), fut. -&p£>, to clear off cleanse — Pass. son : also to declare outlawed.
licly, disinherit a- III.

removed by cleansing.
to be Hence to forbid byproclamation.
diroicd0apo-is, (us, r), a lustration, expiation: a d-iroKiv&vv€vcns, ecu*, »), the making a venturous at-
purging off tempt, [v] From
diro-icd0T))iai, Ion. -k4ttju.<u, Pass, to sit apart* diroKiv8vveva>, f. co), to make a bold stroke, make .a
: . — : : :

venture — Pass., with paullo p. fut- diroKtKivb'wtvoo- d-rrdKoppa, aro$, r6, (dvoKSirraj) a piece cut or
pju, to be put to the uttermost hazard. knocked off, a splinter, chip, shred.
diro-Ktvos, d, (dnu, Kivicu) a comic dance : dv6/civov diro-Kop/n-d£u>, f. break with a snap.
dacu, to
tvpi find some way of dancing off, escaping. diroKOirrj, tj, (diroKuirTco) a cutting or knocking off:
diro-KAa£<i>, f. -Kka-yl<u, to ring or shout forth. dirotcoirf) XP €WV — Lat. tabulae novae, a cancelling of
dir-oicXd£a>, f. aou, (dn6, dtckafa) to bend one's knees, all debts.
and so to rest, like Kdftrrreiv yuvv. diro-K6iTTo>, f. \poj. to cut off, hew knock II.
d-rro-icXako, Att. dTrotcXcuo [do;] : fut. -tckavcrofwu — to beat offfrom a place. Med. to smite the III.
off. off.

to weep aloud : c. ace. to bewail much, mourn deeply breast in mourning, hence, to mourn for.
for. II. to cease to wail. diro-Kopi''<f>6<t>, f. wacu, to sum up briefly.
diroKA<j[£<i), din>KAci£ov, Dor. fut. and aor. I imperat. duo-Koo-ptu), f. Tjoai, to clear away so as to restore
of diroK\(ia). order.
dird-tcXdpos, Dor. for dir6-K\rjpos. diro-KOTTaf3i£<i>, f. laoi Att. iu>, to dash out the last
diro icAdo), f. daco [&], to break off. drops of wine, as in playing at the cottabus.
diro-tcXdo), Att. for diro-icKaioj. [a] diro-KOv<j>i£o>, fut. Low Att. XS), to relieve or set free
dTroKXeicns or dirdtcXTjo-vs, tout, ^, (diroK\(laJ) a from.
shutting off or out. diro-icpdSios, ov, (and, Kpdoij) plucked from the
dirdKAcvaros, ov, shut off, enclosed. From fig-tree.
diro-tcAeki}, f. -K\tioa) Ion. -kXtjIo), f. -KKrjtaoj: Att. diro-KpavC£o>, f. io<u, to strike from the bead.


hcA-qw, f. -kXtJooj: Dor. fut. -Khq£<u\ to shut offfrom diro-KpdTco), f. rjaoi, to overcome, surpass.
or out of. 2 to cut off or binder from a thing — diro-Kpepdwvpi f. 'Kpffxdooj a], Att. -Kpffiut (for
Pass, to be cut off" or hindered from. II. c. ace.

the tenses, v. /cpt/xdvvvpu): — to let a thing bang down,


only, to shut up, close : to cut off, prevent, binder. let bang. II. to bang up.
diro-icA^irrt«>, f. ipw, to steal away. dird-Kp-rjp,vos, ov, precipitous, craggy.
d-iro-tcAT]Ui), f. -K\T)t£<v, Ion. for uiroK\tioj, f -tcXfiooj. diroKptpa, aros, to, {diroKpivoj) a judicial sentence,
dir6-K\"r)pos, Dor. dird-icAdpos, ov, away from ^i. e. sentence of death.
without) lot or share of a thing. diro-Kptv0€ts, diroKpt0€ts, aor. I pass. part, of sq.
diro-KAi)p6<i>, f. wa<u, to choose by lot from among a diro-Kpivu) [(], fut. -Kpivu) Pass., aor. I dircKpiQrjv


number, to elect by lot. \t\ : pf. -KfKpXfiai — to part, separate, distinguish :

diroicXivdcCs, later diroicAtOcCs, aor. I pass. part, of Pass, to be parted or separated one from another ;
dirotcXivat. uTTOK(Kpio6ai els iv ovofia to be separated and brought
diro-KXtvci) \t] , fut. -k\XvS> under one name.
: aor. I II. to choose out, choose.
dirticklva : pf.III.
-KiicXlKa, pass. -KlicKXfuu. to turn off or aside: to turn
: Med. to give answer or reply to a question esp. to :

back. II. intr. to turn aside : metaph. to turn off answer charges ; diroKpivfoOai ti to give an answer :

to something worse, fall away, decline. Hence so also in aor. 1 pass. dirfKpiOrjv. Hence
dirotcAlots, (ojs, jj, a turning away : of the sun, sinking. d-iTOKpicris, ecus, ij, a separating. II. (from
diro-ic\v£o>, fut. voai [{?], to wash away, avert by Med.), an answer.
purifications. diroKplTtov, verb. Adj. of diroKpivoi, one must sepa-
diTo-Kvatoj, Att. -Kvdco f. -Kv-qoa) (for the tenses, rate. II. ^from Med.) one must answer.
v. KvdoS) to —
scrape or rub off; dirotcvrjv riva to
: :

dird-icpoTOS, ov, beaten ox trodden hard, esp. of earth.

wear one out, weary to death: Med. to wear away, —
diro-icpova>, f. oai, to beat offfrom a place, c. gen.
diminish. — Med. to beat offfrom oneself, beat off: I'a^s. to be —
dir-OKvc<i>, f. f]0a), to shrink from, hesitate about a beaten or knocked iff; kotvKiokiov to \ei\os drro/f€-
thing, c. ace: absol. to shrink back, hesitate. Hence Kpovfiivov a cup with its rim knocked off.
diroicvT]OT.s, tcus, ij, a shrinking from. diroKpurrrao-Ke, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of diroKpvnTa).
diro-Kvt£c«>, f iaoj, to nip off. Hence diro-KpVTTTa),f. \//<u, to bide from, keep bidden from :

dirotcwo-jia, to, that which is nipt off, a little bit. dvoKpvTTTfiv Tivi ti, or c. dupl. ace, air. Tivd ti, like, Pass, with f. med. -/coifxTjoofMU, to Lat. celare aliquem aliquid, to bide or keep back from
sleep away from home. 7. to get a little sleep. one. 1. to hide close: to obscure. II. to lose
diroKOiT€b>, f. -fjacu, to sleep away from one's post. from diroKpvvTav yijv to lose sight of land, as
sight ;

From in Virgil, Pba>acum abscondimus arces. Hence

dir6-»coiTOs, ov, (dir6, koitos) sleeping away from. diroKpti^os, ov, bidden; kv diroKpiKpw in secret. II.
d-rro-KoXvpSdcD, f. 170-co, to dive and swim away. obscure, bard to understand.
a carrying away.
diro-Kop,rj>T|, ?J. II. ^from diro-KTduev, -KTaptvai, Ep. for -kt&vuv, aor. 7 inf.
Med.) a getting away or back. From of dnoKTtivoj.
diro-Kop.i£u, fut. iota Att. Xa>, to carry or conduct diroKTapcvos, Ep. aor. 7 pass. part, of diroKT(iv<u.
away: — Med. to carry off with one: Pass, to take — diro-KT6ivu», f. -kt(vu> hot. I dniicTUva aor. 2 dtr-
i :

oneself off, get away. IktSvov, poet, dni/crdv, as, a ; Ep. also in pass, form
— : : ——: : — : :

88 diroKThwo*—'Att6X\(ov.
ivfierAfirjv perf. dirlicTwa, more rarely diracrovtjKa, to leave behind, as in the race, to distance, to sur-

Avf/erdKa, and diriierayKa to kill, slay: of judges, — pass. III. to leave utterly, forsake, abandon: of
to condemn to death; of the executioner, to put to things, to leave alone, leave undone. IV. intrans.
death: metaph., like diroxvduv, to weary to death, to be wanting, to be away or absent: of rivers, to fail,
Lat. enecare. sink. 2. to be wanting of or in a thing; dird rtaal-
dTroKT«wtt>, later form of dirotcreiva). fxav iti)yjto» ditokt'vnw rpus daimjkovt wanting three
airo-icCeo), f. -fjaw, to bear young, bring forth. with part, to leave off
fingers of four cubits. 3.
diro-icuXtv8a>, f.-Kvkioa) [t], to roll away. V. Pass, to be left
doing. 4. to depart from.
diro-Ktmrco, f. \p<u pf. -gcicvtpa :away from. behind, inferior to.
: to stoop2. to be parted from, be absent
diro-K&JKtio), f. vao) [0], to mourn loudly over. from,c.gen.; nokv ttjs dkrjOrji-qt dvokcku/ificvot being
d-rroKwXvcrts, €<us, j), a hindrance. From far distant from the truth to be deprived of. 3. to :

diro-K(i>Xv(i>, f. veto \y], to binder or prevent from be wanting in a thing, also c. gen.
a thing : c. inf., to prevent from doing : absol. to diro-XeCx'** ^ f°». t0 °ff<
tick UP- l^
keep off. dirdXeujas, tut, ^, (dirokiiirw) a leaving behind,
diro\&P<ov, -XafSdpcvos, aor. 2 part. act. and med. forsaking. II. intr. a failing, deficiency.

of airoXafifBavw. diroXcKTOS, ov, (dirokeyoj) chosen out, picked.

diro-Xa-yxavo), £ -^io/uu : aor. i dtrk\a\ov to diroXeXttpcu, pf. pass, of dirokva). —
obtain a portion of a thing by lot; dirokax^iv ficpot d-rroXepos, poet. dirroXcpos, ov, unwarlike, unfit
rtvot : generally, to obtain. for war : peaceful. II. not to be warred on, in-
diro-Xd£vu,<u, Dep., poet, for diro-ka/i&dva). vincible. III. ir6k(p,os dvukffios a war that is
diro-XaicTi£a>, f iaoj Att. ia>, to kick off or away, no war, i. e. a hopeless struggle.
shake off: generally, to spurn. Hence diro-X&iro), f. \po), to peel off, take off the skin : pf.
diroXaKTUTfios, o, a kicking away. part. pass, avkckt/ipievot.
diroX&Xcca, f. t](tqj, to chatter much. diroX&rOai, aor. 2 med. inf. of dirokkv/it.
diro-Xafk{3dvo>, fut. -krpftofiat, in Herodotus -ka/jabo- diroXccrK€TO, Ep. for dir&kero, 3 sing. aor. 2 med.
(Mi : pf. dircikr)<pa, pass, dircikrjfifuu
: for the aorist, of dirokkvfu.
we have only aor. 2 dnikH^ov, in pass, only aor.
in act. diro-X'rJY'*. poet. diroXX"T|Y a, » f* (&> *° leave off or
I dirfk-fi<pOt]v Ion. dir€kn/juf>6ijv. To take or receive desist from a thing : c. part, to cease doing.
from another : absol. to receive what is one's due. 2. diro-XT|p«i>, f. i\oo>, to chatter at random.
to carry off. 3. to bear or learn, like Lat. acci- dir6XT)4ns, tut, j), (dnokafi&dvu) a taking from:
pio. II. to take back, regain, recover. 2. taking back, recovery. II. an intercepting, cut-
to have a thing rendered to one. III. to take apart ting off-
or aside. IV. to cut off as by a wall : to stop, diro-Xi|3d£a>, f. ( u, to drop off.
arrest, Lat. deprebendere, esp. of contrary winds. diro-XiYoCvco, to make a great din, talk loud.
diro-Xap/rrpvvci), to makefamous — Pass, to become so. diro-Xip.irdvo>, Ion. for dno-ktiiru.
diro-Xdu,ira>, f. ipco, to shine forth, to reflect light, to d-7roXis, neut. t : gen. ibos, also tut, Ion. tot : dat.

fla^h ; alxfiys dirikafiire (sc. <pSts) light beamedfrom diroki : one without cify, state, or country, an out-
the spear-head law. II. itokts drtokis a city that is no city, a
diro-Xdirrw, f. \po), to lap up like a dog. ruined city.
diroXavo-is, «ws, 1), (dirokavo)) enjoyment: c. gen. dir-oXwrOdvw, f. -okiodTjoo) : aor. I -wkiaOtjaa : aor.
enjoyment or advantage derived from a thing. 2 -wkio&ov :
— to
slip off ox away from.
diroXavoriKos, 4), 6v, of or for enjoyment. From diro-XtrapYCfo), f. io<v Att. iw, to slip off, pack off.
diro-Xatxo. f. diroXavao/xai impf. direkavov, aor. I :, f. -fjaofiai, Dep. = dvokeix<*>, to
dirikavoa, sometimes written dirqkavov, dmjkavaa : lick off
— to take of a thing, enjoy : also to get something diroXXriYco, Ep. for dnok^y<u.
from or by another, dyaObv dvokavtiv nv6t.
e. g. 2. dir-dXXvpi or dir-oXXvu) : impf. dit&kkw or dirwk-
ironical, to come finely off, profit, whence also in bad kvov fut. dvokeaai, dirokioooa, Att. diroku, Ion. :

sense, to get barm or loss by a thing. (The simple dirokfa: aor. I dirwkeca, Ep. dvokeaaa: pf. dirwke/ca,
kavaj is obsolete. No doubt the Root is kav-, i.e. Att. dvokcjke/ca: — to destroy utterly, kill, slay: of
kaf-, ka0-, which is also the Root of ka/x&dvoj.) things, to demolish, to lay waste. II. to lose
diroXax ^.
6 aor 2 f- of dnokayx aV(°'
- m utterly.
aTTO-Xiyta, f. £<» pf. pass, dirokekfy/iai or direlkcy-
: Med. dnoXXvfmt : f. dnokovfiai, Ion. diroktoficu
ftat : to pick out from among, choose Med. to pick — aor. 2 dtrojkofiTjv : perf. d7r<5Aa;Xo: plqpf. dnokwkeiv
out for oneself: —
Pass., dirok(keyfi4vot picked men. or dirojkwkuv — to perish, die : also simply to fall
d-iro-XfCpoj, f. \p(u: aor. I dnekfiipa : to let drop off, into ruin, to be undone. II. to be lost, fall away,
pour a libation .- — Pass, to drop or run down from. fail. III. to be wretched or miserable.
wot, 6 : ace. an/a or 00: voc. "AwoXAor:
diro-Xetira>, aor. 2 diriktirov to leave over
f. ipco : :

or behind. II. to leave behind one, i. e. lose. 2. Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona.
— — — ;: : : :

'AttoXXvvclov — aicoixiaQ6<&

*Arro\Xwvtiov and 'AiroXXwwov, t6, a temple of part. III. Pass, to be released, let free from. 2.
Apollo to get clear : to depart, go away.
ano-\oyio\iax, fut. TfOOfMU aor. I med. 6.we\oyr)- d-rro-Aa>pdo|xai, f. rjoofuii, Dtp. to insult grossly

oayxp, pass. antXoyrjd-qv pf. avoktKuyrjfUU Dep. aor. I dircKajfirjOnv in pass, sense, to be insulted.
: :

(uwd, kuyos ) to speak in defence : also to speak in

: dirdXcoXa, pf. med. of diroWv/u.
defence of a fact. 2. atroKoyuaOai n to defend diro-Xfa>Ti£b>, f. too), (dvo, \orr6s) = diravOifa, to pluck
oneself against a charge. 3. airoKoyetaQat Siicnv offflowers : hence generally, to pluck off.
davdrov to speak against sentence of death being diroyuayhSXia, 1), (dirofidaow) the crumb or inside of
passed. Hence the loaf, on which the Greeks wiped their hands at
diroXoynna, arot, to, a plea alleged in defence. dinner, and then threw it to the degs.
d-noXo-yia, 7), (uvoKoyeofUii) a speech in defence, d-rro-paivopai, fut. -fjuivrjaofiat pf. dirofiifinva Dep. :

defence. to rave till one is satisfied : to rage violently.

diro-Xo-yi£op.ak. f. iaoftai Att. lovfuu : aor. I -e\o- d-n-o-pavOdvoj, f. -fuidrjaofiat, to unlearn, Lat. de-
ytadfirjv : pf. Dep. to reckon up, give
-\(\6yia fim :
in an account, Lat. rationes redder e. II. to give dTro-u.avTev>, f. aopai, Dep. to announce as a
a full account of, recount fully. 2. to calculate or prophet : hence to divine, presage.
consider well. Hence diro-papaivopai, Pass, to dry up, wither away : to
AiroXoYurpos, 6, a giving an account, a statement die away, of a tranquil death.
offacts or reasons. d-n-o-papTupopai, Dep. to confirm by witnesses,
diro-Xo-yos, 6, a story, tale; drr6\oyos 'AXkivov maintain stoutly, [v]
proverb, of long stories, from thai told by Ulysses to diro-u.d<r<ra>, Att. -ttci>, fut. £<u, to wipe off, to wipe
Alcinous in Od. 9-12. II. a fable, like those clean : —
Med. to wipe one's hands. 2. to sweep off

of Aesop, an apologue. or level corn with a strickle; xcvtav dirofid£ai (sc.

diroXoiaro, Ion. for clitSXoivto, 3 plur. aor. 2 opt. XoiviKa) to lose one's labour. II. to make an

med. of airoWvfu. impression of: —

Med. to stamp or impress something
dir-oXoXvgd), f. £on, to utter a loud cry. on oneself, copy from another.
diroX6p.€vos, aor. 2 med. part, of anoWvpi. diro-p.aari'Ydo), f. warn, to scourge severely.
diroXovpoi, fut. med. of dirdkXvfu. aTTo-paTat^co, f. too), (dvo, fidraios) to behave idly
dirdXovoas, com, 77, a washing off, ablution. or unseemly.
From drro-paxopai, f. -fMx^ <T °fMl contr. -fiaxovfiai —


diro-Xovw, f. wash off:

-Xovaoj, to Med., dXfirjv from a fort t«ix«o
to fight from, as ; i/tavd dirofidxe-
aifiwiv airokovaofjai I will wash the brine from off my oOai strong enough to fight from. II. dnofidx f "
jhoulders. II. c. ace. pers. to wash clean. aOal Tt to fight off a. thing, decline it. III. diro-
dir-oXodvupouxu, f. -vpovfuit, to bewail loudly. 2. lidx<oOo.i riva to drive off in battle. IV. to finish
to cease from wailing. a battle, fight it out.
diro-Xvpatvopai, f. -\v&vov\tm Dep. (dir<5, \dfia) : dird-pdxos, ov, (dird, ^Xl) not fighting unfit for
— :

to cleanse oneself by bathing. service.

diroXvp*ivTT|p, 7700*, 6, (utto, \vfiaivoftai) a de» aTro-peipopai, f. -fxtpov/Mi, Dep. to distribute. 3.
stroyer. waster. Pass, to be parted from another.
diroXvo-ipos, ov, (airoKvai) deserving acquittal. diro-Li6pi£a>, f. ioa> Att. iw, to give a share of, dis-
diroXtjoxs, «ut, 7), (diro\vaj) release, deliverance: tribute. II. to distinguish from a number.
c. gen., /card tt)j/ dn6X.voiv tov davdrov as far as ac- diro-p,epp.T)p(£<i>, fut. tow and t£a/, to slumber and
quittal from a capital charge went. forget one's cares.
diroXln-ucos, 17, 6v, (dvoXvoj) disposed to acquit. diro-p.€OT6a>, f. wata, to fill to the brim.
Adv., diroKvriKws «x €tv *° De disposed to acquit. drro-peTpeu, f. tjooj, to mete out, distribute.
diro-XvTpoto, f. duacu, to release on payment of ran- diro-piiKvvw [ul, f. vvS), toprolong, draw out.
som: — Med. to redeem for money. Hence diro-u.T)VUi>, f iaco [t], to be very wroth.
diroXvrrp<uon.s, «vt, 7), a releasing, redemption., f. -qaofMii, Dep. to copy after, to re-
diro-XvKi>. f. -kvaw \y] : aor. I diriXvaa : pf. drroke- present faithfully.
XCko : to loose from : to set free or release from d7ro-ptpvT|o-Kop,ai, Pass., with fut. med. -fivrjcofiai,
diroKvciv oItit)* to acquit of a charge : absol. to aor. 1 dirffivTjadfXTjv : pf. dirofitfivrjitai — to recollect,
acquit. 2. in II. always = dvo\vrp6(u, to release a remember.
prisoner for ransom; and in Med. to ransom him, dird-pwr0os, ov, like a\xio~Bot, without pay : de-
Xpvaovfor gold. 3. to disband an army : to dis- frauded of pay. II. paid off, i. e. past service,

cbarge a debt. II. Med. to release for oneself, Lat. emeri'us.

redeem. 7. dvo\v(o6ai 8ia&o\ds, etc., to do away dfro-p,to-06u>. f d>oo), to let out for hire, let : c. inf.,
with calumnies against one, like Lat. diluere : hence diro/xioOovv iroitiy ti to contract
for the doing of »
absol. to defend oneself. 3. to get free, de- thing, Lat. locare aliquidfaciendum.
: : : — : : — :.

90 aTTOjjLvao^aL — kno£t}palv(ji>., Ion. for diro-pup.vr\aito\Jiai. diro-v«o», f.-n}o*<u, to unload: Med. to throw off a —
dirouvTmovevpa, to, mostly in plur. a narrative of load from.
sayings and doings, memoirs, Lat. Memorabilia, as dirovT|pevos, aor. 2 med. part, of dirovivrjpt.
those of Socrates by Xenophon. From dirovTjTt, Adv. of airovrjTos, without fatigue.
diro-uvrjpovevw, f. act, to remind. II. to relate dir-6vi]TO, Ion. for dir.-wvrjTO, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of

from memory, recount : hence to remember, bear in dirovlvrjfii.

mind. 2. diroixvrjftovevtiv rtv't ri to bear some- d-irovnTOS, ov, (a privat., irovtv) not worked or
thing in mind against another, owe him a grudge. wrought. II. without trouble, easy : Sup. dirovn-

diro-nvT)OUKaic«<i>, t. fjaoj, to bear a grudge against. Torara with least trouble. 2. without sufferings.

dir-6p,vvp,i or dirouvvw : 3 sing. impf. dirwfivv fut. dirovia, jj, (dirovos) freedom from toil, laziness.

airofiovpai (v. ofivvfxi :)— to take an oath against

: diro-vt£ci>, f. -v'af/a) (as if from airo-WiTTo;, which is

doing a thing, swear that one will not do. 2. to a late form) to wash off: Med. to wash off from :

swear one has not done : to deny with an oath, dis" oneself. 2. to wash clean : Med. to wash oneselj
claim upon oa'b. II. strengthd. for 6/xvvfit, to clean.
take a solemn oath. dir-ovlvrjut, f. -ovqoo). to give enjoyment. II.

diro-pov6co, f. wa<u, to leave quite alone —

Pass, to mostly in Med., dir-ovivapai fut. -ovqaoptat aor. 2 : :

be excluded from a thing. dirojvrjurjv, Ep. without augm. dirovrjfirjv, 2 opt. dv6-
diro-popYvvipi or dir-opopYvvps also dirou.op yvv<i>: vato, part, dvovr)p:€vos

to have the use or enjoyment :

Ep. 3 sing. impf. dnopupyvv —
Med., Ep. aor. I a7ro- of a thing twv5' dirovaio mayest thou have joy of ;

pop£duT)v : — Pass., aor. I part. dirofiopxOeis : (dir6, these things.

popyvvfii or oftvpyvvpt): —
to wipe off or away from: dir6-vtirTpov, to", water for washing the bands, etc.
to wipe clean : —
Med., arrofi6p£aa8ai irapfids to wipe from
one's cheeks ; airop:6p£ao9ai ba/epv to wipe away one's diro-v£irr<o, see dirovifa.
tears. pf. dirovevSijpm : Dep.
diro-vocopai, fut. -^co/jai :

dirop,6p£ <xto, 3 sing. Ep. aor. t med. of foreg. have lost all sense.
to be out of one's mind,
I to
diropoom, aor. I inf. of dnofivvpu. of fear, to be desperate: dv6pwnot dnovevorj pivot, Lat.
dird-povo-o$, ov, like d/iovaos, (dir6, Movaa) away perditi, desperate men. 2. of shame, o dwovtvorj-
from the Muses, coarse, rude. Adv., diropiovaais ypd- fifvos an abandoned fellow. Hence
(pto&aa. to be painted in unfavourable mlours. dirovoia, 1), loss of all sense, folly, madness : esp., f. t)aopyat, Dep. to dissuade. desperation., f. t)aofMt, Dep. to bellow loud. d-rrovos, ov, c. irreg. Comp. and Sup. dnovioTtpot,
diro-pvKTcov. verb. Adj. of dnofivacofMu, one must -loraros, without toil or trouble untroubled: gentle,
wipe one's mouth. easy. 2. of persons, not toiling, lazy. 3. of
diro-pvcoxa, Att. -tto>, f. £a;, to wipe a person's things, pass, done without trouble, easy.
nose : hence to sharpen his wits ; comp. Horace's vir diro-vooT€b>, f. ijaoj, to return borne. Hence
emunctae naris —
Med. to blow one's nose. dirovoonjo'is, «us, t), a return borne.
dirovaio, 2 sing. aor. 2 opt. med. of dnovivrjpu and diro-v6o-<j>i, before a vowel -<}>iv, (diro, v6a<pt) Adv.

dirovaCaTO, 3 pi., for dirCvatvro. far apart or aloof. II. as Prep, with gen. far

*diro-vda>, obsol. pres., whence aor. I act. dirivdaa, away from, mostly following its case.
Ep. dirivaaoa (drro, vdw): to remove one to an-
: diro-voo*4>i£<i>, f. too) Att. to), to put asunder, keep
other place: also to send back: —
Med., in 3 sing. alooffrom: to bereave or rob of: Pass to be robbed —
aor. 1 dirfj/dcaTo, Ep. dtnvdaaaro, to remove oneself of c. ace. II. with ace only, to flee from, shun.

to another place, depart : but also to send away :— dir-ovvxC£o, f. iffo> Att. lu> Pass , aor. diravvxi-
aor. I pass. dirovaadfjvat, to be taken away, depart odrjv pf. ditojvvxiopai (dir<$, bvv\i^cS) : :t0 P are l^ e •

from a place. nails. II. to tear with the nails. III. to

diro-v«uci>, fut. -v€fia> and later -v(ptr)aw : aor. I d7r£- try or examine by the nail ; d/cpi&ws dircuvvxtcnevos,

vetua: to portion out, distribute, assign severally: Horace's ad unguemfactus, closely tried by the nail.
to impart —
Med. to assign to oneself, fake. 2. to diro-vwrtfco, f. iao) Att. tw, to make turn his back
feed on or off. II. to part off. separate. and flee — Med. to turn the back and flee.
dirovcvoTjpcvws, Adv. pf. pass. part, of dirovoiopyou, diro -£€vos, ov, like d£cvos, inhospitable. 1. dir6-
desperately. fevos 777s far from a country.
diro-vcopai, Dep. to go away, to go back, return^ diro-|6v6a>, f. how, to drive from house and home,
Ep. word, used only in pres. and impf. [d Ep.] generally, to estrange or banish from : — Pass, to live
dirov4or«po5, -totos, Comp. and Sup. of dvovos. away from borne, be banished, migrate.
diro-v«va>, f. ooj, to bend away' from other objects diro-£*w, f. -£co<». to shave off: cu' off
towards one, bence to incline towards : cf vtro- diro-jjiipai'v'i), f. &vu>, to dry up. drain off* river:—
0\cnco. II. to refuse by shaking the bead, Lat. Pass, to be dried up, to become dry ; hence ion. gart.
abnuere. pf. diro^Tjpao'fi.ivos.
— —
: — ;
: — : — —
&Tro£vv(t> — d-TToiTporifjivai. 91
dir-ojvvw [0], f. vvcv, to bring to a point, make taper. pat or -vKfvaovfiai : aor. I dnlnKt vera :
— to sail
diro-|vpdo>, Ion. «•>, f. shave clean.
rjaca, to away, sail off: to sail back.
diro-£vpa>, = dno(vpdai: — Med. to be clean shaved, [y] dirdirXTiKTOS, ov, {d-noirK-qcraoj) stricken or disabled
diro£v<i>, f. x/oai [v~\, to shave or scrape off: hence by a stroke, 1. in mind, dumb, astounded. 2.

to strip o^like skin. in body, crippled, paralysed. Hence

diro-frairraiva>, f. -ravravu), Ion. -io) aor. I part. : dirOTrX-rj^ta, j), a stroke <f apoplexy.
airo-nairr-qvat : to look about one, as if to flee. diro-irXT|p6w, f. waai, to fill uuite full, satisfy, Lat.
diroircVr«i>, f. ijccu or ycrofuii, to retire from the way. explere. II. to fulfil.

From diro-irXT|crcrc0, Att. -ttw : fut. -£<u :— Pass., aor. I

airo-frS-ros, o or )), a going out of the way : els dird- —en\-qx9 r} v aor - 2 -*n)<*)~wv : P^- -ir«7rA.7/7/iat
to :

varov to ease himself. strike to earth, disable in body or mind Pass, to lose —
uirdirovon.s, ecus, t), (airoTravoS) a stopping, binder- one's senses, become dizzy, be struck by apoplexy.
ance. II. ^from Med.) a ceasing, end. diro-7rX£crcrop,<u, Att. -^, fut. £ofuii, Dep. to
diro-iravci>, f. o<u, to stop or binder one from z trip off
thing: c. inf. to binder from doing: c. ace. only, to d-rroirXoos, contr. dirdirXovs, 6, (diroirKiai) a sailing
stop. II. Med. to leave off or cease from a thing. away : an outward-bound voyage.
d-rro -impci, i), (dnu, irupa) a trial, venture. diro-irXvvfa) [y], f. vvu>, to wash off or away: Ion.
d-rro-trcipd^co, f. daoi [d], rarer form of sq. impf. diroirXvveaKOV., with fut. med. daojuai [a] : aor. I diro-irX(du), Ion. for dno-nXeoj.
pass. dirtirtipdO-qv, Ion. -t/Otjv : Dep. :
to make trial, diro-irvua, Ep. -irvciw : f. -irvtvaofiai : aor. I awi-
essay, or proof of a person or thing. Rare in Act., wevaa: — to breathe forth ; dvfxov or \pv\ty diroirvtiv
diroirupacrai tov TJcipaiojs (aor. I inf.) to make an to give up the ghost, Lat. expirare atiimam. 2. to
attempt on the Peiraeeus. blow from a particular quarter. 3. to breathe or
diro-TreAcicdib), f. tjctoj, to bew off with an axe. smell of a thing.
diro-ir€p.irto, send off or away, to dismiss
f. t^cu, to Airo-TTvlyio, f. -nvi£<v or -irvi^o^ai, to choke, throttle:
also in bad sense, to drive off. 2. to escort : of —Pass., f. -TrvtyqaofMu: aor. 2 -firviyrjv [t] pf. -TreTr- :

things, to give back : —

Med. to remove from oneself, Vtyfiat to be choked : to be drowned : to be choked :

get rid of: of a wife, to divorce her. Hence Vtitb rnge.

d-n-6ireu,ijns, «us, j), a sending away : a dismissal, d-iro-TroXcp.c<t>, f. rjcraj, to fight off or from.
divorcing. diro-TroXis, poet. dTro-rrroXts, t, gen. ibos and «eu»,
diro-irepdci), f. daai Ion. ifO(u, (diro, rrcpdoj) to carry over. far from the city, banished.
diro-ircpSopxu., fut. -irapS^oro/itu : Dep. with aor. 2 diroTrop.irTj, 17, {diron(fiir<u) a sending away, getting
act. tiraphov :
— break wind, Lat. pedo.
to rid of.
diroirccrrjcrt, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of diroiriirroj. diro-irov«w, f. tjcoj, to finish a work : stop working., fut,-irrr]crofMt aor. 2 direTTTd/xijv, part. d-rro-TTopeuopai, Pass, with fut. med. -tvoofuu, aor.


diroTrrdfifvos, and act. d-nk-mr\v : to fly off or away. I pass. dir(Trop€v9Tjv :

— to depart, go away.
diro-irT|Yvv l u >^ -1rt7^ cu t0 make to freeze or curdle airo-rrpavvw, f. vvui, to soften down.


Pass., fut. -irayqao^uu, of men, to be frozen : of diro-irptacrOcu, aor. 2 inf. of dir-wvtofMt, with no
blood, to curdle. pres. drro-npiafiai in use.
diro-mjSdw, f. -qaoi and ^aofJtu, to leap offfrom : to diro-7rpi£o>, f. icroj [fj, - dnoirpia), to saw off.
turn away from. d-n-0-Trpico, f. ioo), to saw through, file off. t]
diro-mp.Tr\T)p.i and -mp/irAdw, poet, also -TrCirX'rjp.i, Airo-irpd, Adv. far away, afar off. 2. as Prep,
-mirXeuo: fut. -vKrjffoj: aor. I diriirkr]aa: — to fill up, with gen. far from, away from.
fill to the brim : to fill up a number. II. to satisfy, diro-rrpo<upc<i>, to take awayfrom before: aor. 2 part.,
fulfil : to appease, Lat. explere. cirov dnoTTpotXwv having taken some of the bread.
diro-mvw [1], fut. -iriofMi, to drink up, drink off. diro-rrpocT)Ka, Ion. aor. I of drrorrpoiijfu.
dfro-mirTo*, f. -veaovuai : aor. 2 dniittoov tofall : diroirpoeXuv, aor. 2 part, of diroitpoaipicj.
offfrom. diroirpodc, before a vowel -0€v, Adv. (diro-irpS) from
diroir\ayxQ*L*, aor. of diroirXd^o;.
I pass. part, afar : far off, far away.
diro-trXd^fc), fut. -n\dy£ai, to lead astray, lead away dirdirpoOi, Adv. {diroirpo) far (ff,far away.

from : Pass, to go astray, be driven off: Homer uses diro-rrpoicts, part. pres. of
only aor. I pass. dirtirKdyx^V 1'* t0 stray from, be de- diro-irpott)jii, f. -vporjacu: Ep. aor. I -irpoiijKa: — to
prived off; rpixpdXua dvov\.a-fxQ ( * <Ta * helm struck throw away. 2. to shoot forth. 3. to let fall.
of- dTro--n-povocr4>i.£u>, fut. iaw Att. Tw, to remove afar
diro-irXavdaj, f. rjooi, to lead astray — Med. to go off, carry far away.
astray. diro- irpoT€p,v<«>,
f. rtputt : aor. 2 -«Ta/iov : to cut
dTro-n-Xdercrou-cu, f. -rKdffouai [ct], to copy. offfrom ; vurov dnoirporaiidiv having cut off a slic*
otto-itX«d, Ep. -irXttw, Ion. -ttXuxi> : f. -irX«iJ<ro- from the chine.
92 CLTTOTTpO^eVyO) aiTO(T€fXVVV<t).

diro-irpo^cvyw, f. -(ptfyofjuu, to flee far away. diroppavTT|pkOv, to, (diroppalveS) a vessel for holy
diroirrdp,evos, -q, ov, aor. 2 part, of dnoircTo/Mu, as water.
if from aipitrraiMLi. dirop-pdirrco, f. iff<u, to sew up again.
diroirrrjvcu, aor. 2 inf. of dnoirerofiat, as if from dTrop-pad/cpSew, f. -r)ow, to utter like a fxupyb'os, to
dtpiirrrj/ju. speak in fragments of Epic poetry.
diro-m-oXis, poet, for drr6iro\is. dirop-peo), f. -pevoopuii or -pvrjffo/juu aor. 2 pass.
diromros, ov, {dvo^/ofuu, fut. of d(popdoS) seen or to diTfppvrjv: — to flow away from, run

offfrom: absol.
be seen from a place. 2. seen at a distance, hence j
to stream forth, of blood. 2. to fall off, as fruit,

far away from; l£ dirSirrov from afar, opp. to kyyv- etc. 3. to melt away.
$fv hence
: II. dimly seen. dirop-pT|Yvvp.i or dirop-pTj'yvtKo: f. -pi)£<v: — to break
diroimjoros, ov, spat out; loathed, detested. From off, snap asunder —
Pass., aor. 2 direppdyr/v [fi], to
diro-irTiKo, f. vata [u], to spit out or up ; of the sea, be broken off or severed.
diroiTTVd d\6s dxvqv vomits forth its foam hence to : diropptjOcv and diroppT)9-f|vai, aor. I pass. part, and
loathe, spurn, Lat. respuere. inf. of dirtpS).

diro-irw0dvop,cu, f. -vtiaoimi : Dep. to inquire or dir6ppT|oxs, ecus, ij, {dir-cpw) a prohibition. 2. a

ask of. refusal : renunciation.
diT-opd<i> and dir-op«i>, Ion. for dcpopdcu. diroppTp-os, ov, {dir-epai) forbidden ; roL dirhppr\ra
diro-pcirco, f. if/cu, to slink away. forbidden exports. II. not to be spoken, that should
diropeo), f. rjacu, {diropos) to be without resource, to not be spoken; dir6ppr]Tov, to, a state-secret: hence mys-
be at a loss, not know what to do, be in doubt, mostly tical, sacred, diruppijrov iroietoOat to keep secret. 2.
followed by a Conjunction, ditoptiv otrois hia^-qafTai rd drropp-qra things unfit to be spoken.
to be at a loss how he shall cross c. inf. to be : at a loss dirop-piY«o, f. rjao}: pf. diripplya: to shrink shiver- —
bow to do ovk diropsiv to have no doubt.
: II. ing from a thing, shrink from doing it.
Pass, to be made matter of question : also to be left un- dirop-pCirrco, poet, diroplirrto, later also dirop-
provided for. 2. c. gen. rei, to be at a loss for, in piirrco) : fut. diroppiipw : aor. I throw
direppiipa :
— to
want of, e. g. rpo<prjs. diropuv tivi to be at
3. but, away, throw aside : tothrow off a. garment. II.

a loss because of, by means of something. Hence to cast forth, e. g. from one's country to reject, re- :

dirop-r]p.a, aros, t6, a matter of doubt, disputed point. nounce. III. to shoot forth bold words, riva U
diropT)Tiic6s, t), ov, (diropeo)) inclined to doubt. at one.
d-irop(h)Tos, ov, also rj, ov, (a privat., iropOloS) not diroppoT) and d/rroppoia, -r), (diropptai) a /lowing off,
sacked or taken. stream. II. an emanation, efflux.

dir-op66a>, f. dj<T<v, to make straight again, restore, dirop-poipS&d, f. "fiffu, to shriek forth.
guide aright. Hence d<rroppo<J>da> or -ew, f. 170-0;, to gulp down, swallow
dir6p6<dO-is, «u«, $, a a part of.
setting upright, restoring.
diropta, ij, of passing
{diropos) of places, difficulty dirop-pVTJvat, aor. 2 p. inf.,with act. sense, of diroppia).
of things, difficulty, straits : of questions, a diffi- d-rrop-pvT), fut. of dnop-pia).
culty. II. of persons, difficulty of dealing with diropp©TOS,oj/, =diroppoos, flowingfrom; diroppvra
or finding out. 2. want of means or resource, em- OTaO)ui stables with drains.
barrassment, hesitation. 3. diropta nv6s want of diropp<o£, dVyos, 6, {diroppr)yvv/Ju) broken off, -r),

a thing : absol. need, poverty. abrupt, steep. II. as Subst. fem. a piece broken off

dir opvtyuu, (diro, opvvpu) Pass, to startfrom a place. or divided from anything; Zrvyos vbaros diroppw[
d-iropos, ov, without passage, and so of places, im- an off-stream of the Styx.
passable, trackless : of things, hard to see one's way dir-op4>avi£opai, f. iaopxu, Pass, to be taken away
through, impracticable : rd diropa difficulties, straits, like an orphan from, to be torn away from.
iv diropois tlvai to be in great straits. 2. bard to dir-opxcop,(u, f. t^aopyai, Dep. to dance a thing away,
get, scarce. II. of persons, bard to deal with, un- i. e. lose by dancing.

manageable, impracticable : c. inf., diropos irpoo*<pipc- &iros, eos, t6, = Kafxaros, weariness.
aOai impossible to deal with. 2. without means or diro-o-aXetKo, f. tvaoi, to lie to in the open sea or
resources, and so at a loss, not knowing what to offing metaph. to keep alooffrom. —
do. poor, needy. diro-o-&4>«o, (dir6, ca<(yt)$) to make clear.
dir-opovco, f. ov, to leap off, dart away.
f. "r)ooi,

diro-o-|3€wvp,i or -<r|3€wva> : f. -oflloo) — to extin-

dtropp-, p is doubled in Att. in all compds. after guish, quench : to destroy, blot out — Pass, with fut.

dir6, but in Ion. it remains single. med. -ff^ao/Mi ; intr. aor. 2 act. ivifffiTjv, pf. act.
dirop-p$60p,co, f. t)ffo), to neglect from carelessness dvto-firjKa : to go out, vanish, die.
to leave off in despair. diro-o-cCco, to shake off:
f. <ro>, Med. to shake off —
dirop-paXvo, f. ~pS.vSi, to spirt or shed about. from oneself; of a horse, to throw his rider.
dirop-pa(a>, f. aw, to bereave of; jjrop diroppaleiv diro-o-€p,vwo», to extol pompously: — Pass., with f.

nvd to deprive one of life. med. diroacfivvvodfMi, to give oneself airs.

: : : : : : : : —
airoaeua) — airooTcpeo) 93
d-rro-o-tvKu, to chase away — Pass, to dart away, aor. diro-<rirctpdcrcrb>, Att. £w, to tear off. -ttw, f.

I dirfGavOrjv [C] ; 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, dneoovTO. dirdcriracrua, aros, to, that which is torn off, a
ciro-<rr]p.a(vo), announce by signs, to give
f. avu>, to shred. From
notice: to give a sign, to confirm or prove by a diro-cnrdw, oirdow [d~|, to tear or drag away,
f. -

sign. II. Tiva to allude to

diioaT]fiaiv(iv ('is sever or part from ; diroondv trvka* to tear off the

him. Ill Med. to seal up as confiscated, to con- gates dn\ to oypardvibov to draw off the army :—

fiscate : of persons, to proscribe. Pass, to be dragged away from : of an army, to bt

diro-<n?|irci>, f. ipw, to make rotten, spoil utterly — separated or broken.
Pass., fut. -aair-qaonai, aor. 2 dirfodwrjv [a] ; with diro-criT€v8o>, f. -oirtiaw, to pour out wine as a
intr. pf. act. dirooiorjira : to rot off, lose by morti- drink-offering at sacrifices, Lat. libare.
fication. diro-o-n-«v8co, f. -airevaw, to be eager in preventing,
di-ro-o-Iuoco, f. wow, to make fiat-nosed — Pass, to be to dissuade earnestly.
so. II. dirooifiovv rds vavs to turn the line of diro-cnTo8«o, f. 1700;, to rub off, knock off.
sailing aside, make a movement sidewards, so as to dirocr-cr€ija>, poet, for diro-ocvw.
avoid the direct shock. dirdcrrct, for diroortjdi, aor. 2 imperat. of d<pioTr)fU., Ion. for aup-ooidofxai. diro-crrd86v, Adv. (dtyiOTrjfii) standing afar,far off.
diro-o-lomdco, f. fjoofxai, to be silent after speaking, diro-crrd£a) f f. £w, to let fall drop by drop. II.

be quite silent. II. trans, to keep secret. Hence intr. to fall in drops ; /jiavlas otivuv diroordfa fi(V0$
diroo"lunrr|cn.s t ecu*, 17, a becoming silent. 1. a the fury of madness is trickling, is ebbing away.
rhetorical figure, when the sentence is broken off, as dirocrrds, dirocrrtp/cu, aor. 2 act. part, and inf. of
in Virg. Eel. 3. 8, Aen. 1. 139. dxpiarrffii.
diro-o-tcdirrto, I. \pw, to cut off ox intercept by trenches. cVrroardcria, 1), (d<piorauai) later form for &v6-
diTO-o-KeSdvvvui., -oxeSdow [a] contr. -ok(8w araots, defection, revolt, apostasy.
— to scatter abroad

— Pass, to be scattered, straggl*


diroordcriov, r6, {d< a divorce; dvoorS,-

away. aiov 0i@\iov, to, a writing or bill of divorce. The
diro-crxevdja), f. daw, to pack and carry away :-— nom. is not found in good authors.
Med. to pack one's baggage, prepare for a journey. dirdordoas, «w«, /}, (d<f>ioTafuii) a standing away
dirocrKciJ/oucu, fut. of dnoOKOirew. from, and so 1. a defection, revolt. 2. depar-
diroo-KTjvctri, f. 170-01, to encamp apart from. From ture or removal from. 3. distance, interval.
dird-o-tcqvos, ov, (diro, otcnvrj) living and messing dirocrrdTtov, verb. Adj. of dipiarafuit, one must re-
alone, opp. to ovooiros. cede from.
f. \f/<u, to prop one thing upon another,
diro-cncrprrtt, dirocrTdT«i>, f. 170*01, to stand off or aloof from : to
to dash one thing upon or against another; esp. of the differ from: to fall off or revolt from. II. absol.
gods, dirooicqirTUv @(\ea U ti to hurl down thunder- to stand aloof, be absent. From
bolts upon or at a thing. II. intr. to burst or dirocTTaTif)s, ov, 6, (dtpiorafiai) a runaway, deserter,
break forth, like thunder diToaKrfnruv Is <p\avpov to ; rebel. Hence
come to a sorry ending, end in nothing. dirocrraTiKos, 17, ov, rebellious : Adv., diroorariicwa
d-rro-cncici£ci>, f. aw, to cast a shadow. Hence ix eiV i0 oe rebelliously inclined.
d-rroo-KiicuT-ua, arot, to, a shade, shadow: an adum- diro-crravpcKi), f. wow, to fence off with pales.
bration. diro-OTt-ydJco, f. dow, to uncover, unroof.
d-iro-crKi5vduai, Pass., = diroOKfddvvvfiai, to be scat- d-n-o-cTTt yco, f. £w, to shelter from — to shelter, keep
tered. safe. II. to keep off water, and generally to keep
diro-o-KX-f]vai, aor. 1 inf. as if from dir6-OKkrj/u (see off, as, 6x*.ov irvpyot dirooTcyu.
ck(Ww) to be dried up, withered. diro-o-TCivdo), poet, for diro-OTtJ'ooi.
d-iro-o-KCHircco, f. -oKtipofmi, to look away from other diro-o-Tctxto, f. £01 : aor. 2 dvi.OTX\ov : to go away,
objects at one, and so to look steadily at, gaze at, esp. to go back.
irpotnva or n
c. ace. to look to, regard.
: diro-o-T«AAo>, f. -OT€\eo : aor. dir«0T«-Aa : pf.
diro-<nc6mos, ov, (dvo, OKoitot) away from the mark. -ioraXKa

— Pass., aor. 2 dircoTaKijv [a] pf. -«'otoA- :

diro-o-tcvSuaXvu, to be enraged with. fuu : to send away from : absol. to send away, ba-
diro-<TKC0t£w, f. iaw Att. tw, to strip off the scalp nish. II. to send off, dispatch, on some ser-
like the Scythians, to scalp : metaph. to shave bare. vice. III. to drive back : Pass, to be sent off: —
diro-oTcvXexxi), f. aw, to plunder and carry off. also, to go away. IV. intr. to go back.
d-n-o-o-Kwirrw, f. j^o/icu, to banter, rally. diro-a-T€vdto), poet, -o-mvow : f. wow : to straiten :

diro-cruvrrci), f. £<u, to deceive — aor. 2 pass. part. dnfOTtivwvTO 3 pi. plqpf. pass.
diroaiixrfivTtt, being deceived. diro-o-T«pYti>, f. £0), to love no more — to deprecate.
diro-croP«»>, f. i\ow, to scare away, as one does diro-o-Tcptw, fut. 770-0), to rob, bereave, or defraud
birds. II. intr. to be off in a hurry, in phrase one of a thing c. : ace. rei only, to take away, with-
oil* ivooo^out ; be off! —
hold : Pass, with fut. pass, and med. -orfprjOrjOOfuu
94 airo(rT€prj<TLS — diroretva).

and -artp'qaofuu, pf. dirfffriprjuai : to be robbed or diro-orC^cACfw, f. £<y, /o c&a** away by force.
in want of. II. impers., dirooTtpti /x« there diro-o-uicd£<i), f. doco, (u.iro, ovkov) to squeeze figs, to
fails me, I lad. Hence try whether they are ripe : metaph. of informers.
diro<TT€pT)<ris, ecus, j), a robbery : deprivation. diro-oTj\d(o, f. 1700;, to strip off spoils from a per-
airoo-T«pT|TT|s, ov, 6, {airoortpkoj) a robber, cheat: son : to rob or defraud one of a thing.
fern. diroo-TepTjTis or -rpis, ibos, i), as Adj. a7ro- = airo-crwdyayos, ov, (diro, owaywyij) put out of
CTfpiJTlKrj. thesynagogue.
diroorep-nrucos, i\, 6v, (diroarepSoi) able to rob or diro-o~vpi£o>, f. £co, to whistle aloud for want of
deprive; yvufirj dvooTfpTjTiKi) tukov a device for cheat- thought.
ing one of his interest. d-rro-o-upo) [t>], f. -avpw, to strip off, tear away: lay
diro<rr€pT)Tpis, t'Sos, ij, v. sub. diroffTfprjr^s. bare.
diro-o'TcpicKW, = airoarcpeaj. d-iro-or<|>d£b>, Att. -o-4>dTTO), f. (co : (for the tenses,
diro-o-njpijo, f. £<u, to fix firmly. v. Oipdfa) to cut the throat ; diroa<pdfav nvd es

diro-o-nA|36a>, f. woo), to make to shine. ayyos, so that the blood runs into a pail : generally,
diro-<rriXJ3a>, f. \poi, to be bright with. to slay — Med. to kill oneself.
diro-orXeYY^**. f- foot Att. iw, to scrape with a diro-o-<t>&K€Ai£ci>, f. low, to have one's limbs mortified:
strigil — Med. to scrape off sweat from oneself; pf. to die of mortification.
pass. part. dirco~T\eyyio~ncvoi, scraped clean, Lat. lauti, diro-0-<f>d\Aci>, f. -a<pS\Si : aor. I -ia<pT)\a — to lead
diroo-ToAevs, ecus, 6, (diroOriWcv) one who equips astray, drive baffled away; diroo<pdWtiv rtvcL vrovov
a feet. to male one miss the fruits of toil : Pass., esp. in aor.
i), (diroariWco) a sending
aiToo-roAr), off, a mis- 2 dneo<pdXrjv [a], to be cheated of a thing, miss it.

sion a dispatching.
: II. (from Pass.) an expedi- diro-o-<J>dTT<i>, as dnoocpdfa.
tion. III. the office of an apostle, apostleship. diroo-4>T)\ei€, diroo-4>T|\a>o%v, aor. I opt. and subj.
dirooroAos, 6, (uiroaTt Woj) a messenger, ambas- of diroo<pd\\w.
sador. 2. an apostle. II. = aroXos, a naval diro-o-<j>paYi£<«>, Ion. o-$pr\y -, f. loco Att. XS> : to seal
expedition. up, shut up
diro-<rTop.aTi{co, f. lew Att. tw, - dird arofxaros cl- dir-oo-<|>pa£v<i>, f. -o<r<ppr}Oco, to make to smell.
ireiv, to speak from memory or off-band. II. to put diro-o~xa\iS6<>>, f. d><ra>, to prop nets on poles. Hence
questions to, so as to require an immediate answer. d-Troo-x&XCScufxa, aros, to, a forked piece of wood
d-rr-ocrrpa <i£a), f. tato Att. to), to banish by ostracism. for propping bunting-nets.

d-n-o-o-Tp&TO-rrtSevKo, or Dep. dTroo-TpaxoireSe-uopcu, diroo*XTjo-o>, fut. of dirix01 -

to encamp away from ; dvooTpaToneSfvtoOat itlpaot diro-o~x€iv, -<rx^o-0at, aor. a act. and med. inf. of
to encamp at a distance. direx *'

dirocrrpacjxi, > s, ij, aor. 2 pass. subj. of diro-o~x(fo>, f. loco: aor. I pass. drrecx^Vv '- — *°
d-TTo-o-Tp«4>a>, f. \f/w: 3 sing. Ion. aor. 1 diroarpk- split or cleave off. 2 . to sever, part, or detach from
\paoKe — Pass., aor. 2 direaTpcuprjv : pf. d-nkarpap.- esp. in Pass., of a river being parted from the main
pat. To turn back, either to turn to flight, or to stream, a tribe detachedfrom its parent stock, etc.
turn back from flight ir65as kcu x ( ip as dvoorpi-
; d?ro-o-u>£<t>, f. -owoco, to save, restore again: an. ot-
<puv, to twist back the hands and feet so as to bind icaSe to bring safe home Pass., diroacvOrjvat is to
— . .

them. 2. to turn away or aside : hence to dis- get safe to a place, to get off safe.
suade from a thing. II. intr. (sub. tavrov, etc.), diroraKTos, ov, (dirordoaoj) set apart for a special
to turn oneself, turn back: Pass., with fut. med.— use, specially appointed.
-orpiipopat, to be turned back; awcoTpdtpOai tovs «/*- diro-Tdp,vo>, Ion. for airo-T^/iva*.
fioKovs, of ships, to have their beaks bent back. III. airo-Too-oxo, Att. -tto, f. £co, to set apart or assign

to turn oneself from or away, abhor, Lat. aversari, specially; dirfrcraKTo itpus rb de£tov be bad been
c. ace. ; ftfi pi dwoaTpacpTJs do not turn away from stationed on the right. II. Med., dnoTaaoofMU
me, like Lat. avertor ; dirtaTpap.p.ivot \6yoi hostile nvt to bid adieu to a person or thing.
words. 2. to get away, escape. 3. to turn and, Pass, to act like a bull; Sipy/tara
flee. Hence dtroTavpovoQai to cast fierce glances on.
airoorpodW], 1), a turning away, averting. II. diro-Ta<f>pev<i>, f. ooi, to fence with a ditch, intrench.
(from Pass.) a turning oneself. 2. an escape, or diroT€0vao-av, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. of diroOvfjoieco, they
a place of refuge from a thing, resource ; dv. Kanwv were dead.
a refuge from evil ; vSaros ditoorpotyi) a resource diroT«0v€uis, for diror(9vc&$, drroTtOvrjickt, Ion. pf.
against the want of water, a means of getting it. part, of diroOvrjOKO).
dir6-orpo<f>os, ov, (diroo~Tpe<pco) turned away, averted. diro-T«iva>, fut. -Ttvw: (for the tenses, v. rtivoi): —
diro-OTvycci), f. -<ttv£oj aor. 1 -earvyrjaa and -Lo~- to stretch out, to lengthen : c. part., to continue doing:
rv(a: aor. 2 -iarvyov: perf.

-toTvyrjita.'. — to bate — Med. to exert oneself. a. intr., like Lat. conten-

utterly, loathe. dere, to hasten onwards.
: : : : : :

airoT€Lx(C<*>—oiTTO(f)aCvai. 95
diro-T«ix^w » f- lffej Att. f£, /o u>a// oj^ I. so as d-irOTO«, ov, (a privat.. words} not drunk, not drink-
to fortify. i. so as to bhc 7,
ade. Hence
never drinking : without drink. able. Ii. aci
airor«ix'o^S, «a>», i), the walling of a town, block- inf. of dirorpiuyoj. diTOTp4Y«tv, aor. 2
ading. And d-n-o-Tpt'iro), f. \f/o), to turn away from a thing; and

airoT*lxi<r\La, to", walls built to blockade, lines of so to hinder or dissuade from. 2. c. ace. only, to

blockade. turn away or back : to avert evil. 3. also to turn

dirOT6\«VT<ia>, f r\nw, to bring quite to an end. 1. awny from others at one, hence to aim at. II.
intr. to come to an end, cease, us ri in a thing. Med. and Pass, to turn from a thing, to desist
airo-T«A«i>, f. -Tf\(aoj Att. t(Xw : pf. -TfrcXuea from. 2. to turn away. 3. to turn one's face

— Pass., aor. I -(TtXioOrjv pf. -tct txurfjuii. To away, like Lat. aversari.

bring quite to an end: pf. pass. part. dTrortTcXto- diro-TptxWf fut. -6pe£onai, also -opafxovfMii : aor. 2
fiivos, perfect. 7. to fulfil an obligation. 3. drriSpd^ov (from obsol. op(fioj): to run off"or away. —
generally to accomplish perform, do. 4. to render diro-Tptpo) V, f. \p<u, to rub or scour clean; d-norpi-
or raafo of a certain kind; t^p voXlv diroTtXuv (idai- fiuv rub down a horse.
irtitov to II. to rub off:

fwva to make the state quite happy. Med. rub offfrom oneself, get rid of.
oiro-T€p.v<o, Ion. and Ep.> : fut. -rcpa/ : aor. diroTp6iratos, ov, turning away, aver ting, esp. of the
3 dirirduov : pf. a-noriry^nKa :

to cut off; dnort- gods that avert ill, Lat. Dii averrunci. II. pass.
pyuv tiv6s to cut off part of a thing. 3. to separate that ought to be averted, ill-omened. From
or cut offfrom —
Med. to cut offfor oneself, esp. with diroTpoirT|, 1), (dnoTpfnoj') a turning away, avert-
view of appropriating. ing. 2. a turning off of wat er. II. a hinder-
diro-TT)i«i>, f. to melt away
(<v, to mah :
— Pass , esp. ing. III. (from Med.^i a desertion of one's party.
in aor. 3 dwerdfcnv d~|, to melt away. diroTpoiTos, ov, (dnoTptna)} turned away, banish-
diro-n]Kov, Adv. far away ed. 2. from which one turns away. II. act.
d-Troripdros, ov, Dor. and poet, frr d-wpoo&a-Tot. turning away, averting.
diro-ri0T)p.i, f- -O-qatv, to put away: to stow away: — dir6-Tpo<^os, ov, {and, rpo<pfi) reared away from
Med. to put from put off; lay aside.
oneself,2. to one's parents.
put by for oneself, stow away. 3. diroriQujOai tls dir-OTpvvw, f. -orpvvSi to excite.
avOis to put aside for another time. diro-rpvw. f. vow v] to rub away, and so lose. II.
diro-riAAti>, f. -tXXoj aor. I -irlXa to pluck out.
: : to vex, harass; so in Med., drrorpvujdai yqv to vex the
Hence earth.
diroTtXfMi, aros, r6, that which is plucked, a shred. diro-Tpwyw, f- -Tp&£ofuu : aor. 2 ditirpdyov — to
diro-Tt(id<i>, honour, to slight.
f. Tjou, not to II. bite or nibble off.
to value, fix a price by valuation ; oifivccvs diroTt- diro-Tpwirdco, poet. Frequent, of dirorpfna/.
pqadjjLtvoi having fixed their price at two minae : diro-TVYX "'w <
-t€i/£o/jcu, to fail in hitting, miss,
hence III. as Att. law-term, Act. to mortgage lose. II. absol. to be unlucky, fail : to miss the
a property according to valuation Med to lend on : — truth, be wrong.
mor'gage —
Pass, of the property, to be pledged or diro-Tvp/iravCfo), f. iaw Att. i£>, to beat or cudgel se-
mortgaged. Hence verely
drrorl\xy\yua., t6, a sum se'tled by valuation. diro-ruirro>, f. iptu, to cease beating Med. to cease —
dir6-Tip.os, ov, [dno, Tifirj} - drifios, di: honoured. beating oneself in s gn of mourning. ;

diro-rtvdo-oxj, Att. -ttw, fut. £<v, to shake off. dirovpas, Ep. aor. I act. part, of dnavpaoj, to fake
diro-riv*pxw, Dip., poet, for diro rivofxai. away : part. aor. I med. dirovpdfM vos in pass, sense
diro-Ttvto, f. -riato [f], to pay back, repay what is occurs in Hesiod.
owing — Med. dnoTivonai, f. —Tiaoyua.i,to get paid one, dtr-ovpCJu). f. Iooj, Ion. for d<p-opifa, to mark off
exact; diroT,oaodai Tiva to avenge oneself on another: the boundaries ; aXXot yap
dttovpiaaovoiv Cpovpas, 01
absol. to take vengeance. others will mark off, i. e. lessen, the boundaries of his
diro-rp.T|Y<i>, f. £<v, Ep. for dno ri^voj, to cut off fields: others read ditovp-qaovai, as if from *dirovpdw
from; kXitvs dn. to cut up or plough the hills. = dnavpaoj, will take them away.
diroTp.T|£€i€, a, sing. aor. I opt. of dvoTfji^ycu. d-ir-oupos, ov, (dno, ovpos Ion. for Zpos^ far from
d-iroTfios, ov, unhappy, ill-starred. the boundaries ; dnovpos irdrpasfar away from one's
diro-ToXp,d(»), f. t)<toj, to make a bold venture. II. fatherland.
absol. to be fearless, bold. d-irovs, 6, i), dirow, r6, gen. dnooos without foot
dirorop.T|, 7), {d"OTifivu} a cutting of. ox feet wi'hout the use of one's feet : slow of foot.

diroTOu-Ca., j). steepness, severity. From dirovo-Ca, ?), (dnttvai) a being away, absence. II.
dir6rop.os, ov, (dnori fivcu) cut off, abrupt, precipi- deficiency, want.
tous, l.metzph.barsb.rougb: Adv. -fia>s. sharply. airo<f>&Y€iv, aor. 2 inf. of dntnOiw, to eat up.
diro-To|«v«, f. ooj, to shoot off arrows : to aim at a diro-$aiSpvv<t> jD"l, f. vvu>. to moke quite bright.
thing. diro-4>a(vii>, f. -<p&vu> : aor. I dir{<pijva — to shew
96 amtycurt? dirox^vwixL.
forth, display: to shew by word, declare. 1. to shew diro-<J>paYvvp.t and -vo>, fut. -<pp&£w, to fence off, block
by reason ng, shew, prove. II. like diroouKWfxi up. hence
to shew, and so to make or render : Med. to shew — dird<(>pa£is, ta>s, ?), a fencing off, blocking up.
forth something of one's own, to make a display of diro-d^pds, ados, 17, {duo, <ppd£aj) properly not to be
oneself; dno(paiv(o0ai yvw/xr/vto declare one's opinion: spoken of, like Lat. nefandus, unlucky, ominous
Pass, to be shewn or declared. III. to appear, come diro<ppd8(s r)fifpai, Lat. dies nefasti, days on which
to light. no assembly or court was held, opp. to xaOapai
dir6<t>&o%s, «us. r), (dnocprjfu') a denial, negation. f)fiepai.
dir6<j>cUxis, «us, r), (dno<paivoj) = dv6<pavais, a sen- aTro-<J>pdcrcru> Att. -rr<a, = dito<ppdyvviu.
tence, decision. diro-<j>vds, dSos, 17, (diro, <pvofMii} an offshoot.
diro-cjmo-icco, =dn6(pr)fit, to deny. diro<j>uYT|, 17, {d-rro(p€vy<u) an escape, flight, place of
diro-^OTiKos, f), uv, {dvu<pt]fu) denying, negative. refuge.
aTTO-4>€p|3o(xai, Dep.
to feed, off ox on. dird-<|>v£is, v. sub dn6<pfv£is.
diro-<j>cp<i>, f. dnoiacu : aor. dirrjvfyKa, Ion dr,iv(iKa : with aor. 2 act. dnecpvv and perf.
diro-<j>tio|JL(u, Pass.,

(v. <pcpai) : to carry off ox away. II. to carry diro-necpvKa, to grow out like a shoot.
or bring back : hence 2. to report. 3. to pay dir-odxdXios, ov, (diro, o</>eA.os?) empty, vain, idle,
back, return : generally, to pay what is due. III. Lat. irritus.
to deliver in, give in an accusation, etc. IV. intr. diro-xd£opai, f. -xdo'ofw.i, Dep. to withdraw from.
in imperat., like diraye, aTr6<pcp€, begone: —Med. to diroxaA.curp.6s, 0, a slackening. From
take for oneself, gain, obtain. diro-xuXdco, f. daoi [a], to slack or loose away, as
diro<|>€VYo>, f. -<p€v£ofiai : aor. 2 dire<pvyov: — to flee one pays out a rope.
from, escape. II. as law-term; dirocpevyciv robs diro-xfiXivoto, f. waai, to unbridle.
oiwKovras to make good one's defence: absol. to be diro-xa\K€vti>, f. a<a, to forge of brass.
acquitted, opp. to dXinKo/Mu. Hence diro-xaAiafco, f. crew, to strip of brass.
diro<J>€VKTXK6s, f), ov, ready for escaping; tcL diro- diro-xeipo-pCcDTOs, ov, (diro, X"P> &i6a>) living by
<f>€VKTitcd means of escape. And one's hands, i. e. by manual labour.
dir6<f>€v£is, (ojs, r), an escaping, getting off. diro-x€ipoTOv«i>, f. 7)001, tovote o charge away from
dir6-<|>Tjp.i, f. -<pf)aoj, to speak out, declare plainly. 3. one, acquit him. II.of persons, to reject, to super-
to say no, to deny : also to refuse. sede, depose. 2. of things, to reject, vote against
diro-4>0€"yY°p. at » f. -<p6(y£oiiai, Dep. to speak one's to abrogate, annul. Hence
opinion plainly. Hence d-n-oxcipOTOvrjoT-s «u«, 77, rejection by show of bands.
diroc^Oe-yicTos. ov, = a<f>6eyKT0S. dir-ox€T€vcu, f. draw off water by a canal.
coj, to
dird<j>9e"Y|xa, aros, to, (dirocpOtyyofiai) a thing ut- diro-x«i>, f.
-x*^ aor. l dn(x (a Pass., aor. I dne-
• :

tered: esp. a sententious answer, a terse saying, an XvOtjv [v] : pf. dnoKfxvfuu :— to pour out, spill, shed.
apophthegm. diro-xpaCvu), to soften off the colour, shade off.
diro-<}>0eip<i), f. -<p6epuj pf. drrecpOapKa : to destroy diro-xpdo), Ion. -XP«°» ^ airo X/>^ ,/ » I°n -XP^ v: m
utterly, ruin : — Pass., wuh

med. dvocpOcpovfiai, to
fut. impf. dn€xPV v ^ut d7roxpi7C<w
'• aor. I difixP r}°'a
- :


be lost, perish, ovk els Kopaicas dirotyOtpei pov wilt ; to suffice, be sufficient, be enough, (tcarbv vUs dno-
not be gone with a murrain ? Lat. abi in malam rem. XpoJai. 2. with dat., wora/xos ovk dncxfm<T( T V
diro-4>0ivtp0u> [t5], to perish. II. trans., drto- CTparirj was not enough for the army : with infin.,
(pOivvOetv Ovfiov to lose one's life. a7roxpa fJ-oi iroiuv 'tis sufficient for me to do ; also 3
diro-<|>6ivb> ; Ep. aor. 2 act. direcpOWov : also as in sing. impf. med. d-n€xP^ T0 = ^ ir ^XPr}' 3- Pass to be
Ep. aor. 2 pass. direcpOifnjv [t~], part. dno(p9ifievos : contented with a thing diroxp«»pevajv tovtois raw ;

to perish utterly, to die away. II. Causal in fut. Mvawv the Mysnns being satisfied therewi'b. II.

dno<p&ioa), aor. dir€<p$ica, to make to perish, to destroy. Med. to use to the full. 2. to abuse, misuse, Lat.
d-n-o4>9i<rda>, 3 sing. Ep. aor 2 pass, imperat. of foreg. abuti.
dirocj>9opd, r), {diro<pdfipoj) utter destruction. diro-xpf'opai, -xp<a. Ion. for ditoxpaofuu, -xpact.
d-n-o-4>Aavpu£o>, f. iaoi Dor. i£<v, to treat very slight- dir6-xpT|, impers , v. diroxpao).
ingly, make no account of. diro-xpT|paTOS, ov, (otto, XP^A40 ) not t0 ^ e Pa *d ™
diTo-cj>Aoi6a>, f. doooj, dno, <p\oius} to strip offthe rind.
( money.
dTro-<f>oiTd(i), f. 7)oa), to go quite away: esp. of scho- dirdxpT)o-is,c<ws, r), (diroxpaoiMi) a using to the
lars, to leave their masters. full, misuse a getting rid of.

diro-<f>ovos, ov, murderous. diroxpwvTws, Adv. pres. part, of diroxpdoj, dirSxprj,

diro<f>opd, r), (dno<p(p<v) a carrying away. II. enough, sufficiently.
a bringing what is due, paying: also that which is paid, diroxi50€(s, aor. 1 pass. part, of dirox^oi.
tax, tribute. d-iTO-xcoAoco, (diro, x&^v*} 'o make quite lame.
d"Tro-<J>opT({ou<u, f. iaofuu, Dep. to unload oneself, diro-xwvwpi, f. -x<t«ra>, to dam up, bank up the
to unlade. mouth of a river, etc.
— :: :

a-noyonpita — difpo(f>&<j lotos. 97

Airo-X'«>p&», f« ^« vu or "hvoyuau, to go from or away d-Trp&Tos, ov, (a privat., niirpa.Tai, 3 sing. pf. pass,

from, c. gen. 2. absol. to go away, depart : to re- of mirpdoKcu) untold, resaleable.

treat. 3. avo\o^>ilv etc , to withdraw from a d-TxpdWros, Ion. dtrprjvvTos, ov, (a privat., irpavvai)
thing, give it up.
i. e. II. /o />ass q^ esp. of the implacable.
humours of the body. Hence d-irp€-irr|S,«Y(a privat. ,irp(ir<v) unseemly, unbecoming.
diroxu>pT]a%s, tax, r), a going away or q^j retreat dirpcma, t), poet, for dtTptireia, unseemliness.
a place or means of safety. d-TrpTiKTOS, Ion. for dnpa/CTOs.
oiTro-xwpiJu, f- iVcw Att. *£>, to />ar/ or separate dirptai-qv, Adv. without price or ransom, [arl From
from : to set apart. d-irpidTOs, 77, ov, (a privat., irpiapyai) unbougbt.
diro-d/cto, inf. dtroifijv: impf. dirixprjv : aor. I dW- d-irpcySa, prob. = dnpi£.
1/7700 : to wipe wipe clean :
off. Med. to 2. to — dirpiKT6-irXT|KTOS, ov, {dvpi£, irX-qooai) struck un-
wipe offfrom oneself. 3. to wipe one's nose. ceasingly.
diro-i|rr]<^i£op.<u, fut. iaofiai Att. tovfiai, Dep.: I. d-irptf, Adv. (a copul., npicv) properly with closed
c. ace. pers. to vote an office away from one, to reject teeth, like o$a£, Lat. mordlcus: metaph. importunately,
him : —
aor. I dv(\prj<pio6-qv and pf. an(\pr}<pia pa* are ceaselessly.
sometimes used in pass, sense, to be rejected. II. d-irp6/3ovXos, ov, without previous design, unpreme-
c. ace. rei, air. ypatyrjv to vote against receiving the ditated. Adv. -\cus, rashly, thoughtlessly.
indictment ; an. vo\xov to reject the law ; ahiav d-irp60iip.os, ov, not ready, disinclined, backward.
dnotpijcpi^ofiai tivos to vote a charge away from d irpo'CoT|S, «s, (a privat., irpo'Cbuv) unforeseen.
one, acquit : absol. to vote an acquittal. III. d-irpop,Y|0TfjTos, ov, unforeseen.
aiio\prj<pi{todax fii) voteiv to vote against doing. d--rrpovoT|Tft)S, Adv. of diJpov6rjT9S, (a privat., 7rpo-
Hence vofo)) without foresight ov forethought, heedlessly.
dirod/T|(^uns, ecus, »}, an acquittal. d-irpo£€Vos, ov, without a irpo^tvos.
d-n-o-iJ/iA6a>, woa> t to strip of hair, make bald : ge-
f. d-fxpooirros, ov, unforeseen.
nerally, to strip bare, bereave of a thing. d-irp6o-j3&Tos, Dor. diroTi|3aTOs, ov, inaccessible:
dirovj/ts, (ojs, r), (anoxf/ofiai, fut. of axpopaoj) a look- of disease, not to be healed.
ing from, a view, prospect. d-irpoo-86KT)TO$, ov, unexpected, unlooked for :—
dir-64/, fut. from an obsol. pres. dv-orrTfiai, Adv. -reus. II. act. not expecting.
used as fut. of a<popaw. d-irpocrT|Yopos, ov, (a privat., rrpoaijyopos) not to be
diro-v|rux« [v], f. £cv pf. pass, dittyvypuii'. (and, spoken to, stern, savage. II. act. not accosting,


tfaxn) : t0 have off brea'hing , to faint, swoon. 2. not greeting.

c. ace, *° breathe out life : absol. to
airoifn!>x (lV *P v xh v d-Trpoo-iKTOs, ov, (a privat., irpoai/cvio/iai) not to be
expire, die. (and, ipvxos} to cool, refresh II. — reached or won.
Pass, to be refreshed, recover, revive Med., ibpwra : d-irpoo-tros, ov,(a pri vat., irpoV-tt/xt) unapproachable.
aveipvxovTo they got the sweat dried off. III. d-irp6o-K€irTOS, ov, (a privat., vpoaKt^/oyuai, fut. of
impers. airoipuxei, it grows cool, the air cools. irpoaKov(Oj) unforeseen, not thought of beforehand.
dir-iTtudm, Ep. contr. for dtrovipypei. d-irpoo-KX-nTOS, ov, (a privat., vpooicaAiw) not sum-
dirpa-yuovus, Adv. of dnpdyfiojv, easily. moned to attend a trial.
dirpa-yuoo-uvT), J), freedom from business, public af- d-rrpooTKOiros, ov, (a privat., vpoaicoiTTOj) not striking
fairs and law-suits : love of ease, Lat. otium. 2. against, not stumbling, void of offence.
easiness, supineness. From d--rrp6crp.axos, ov, (a privat., wpoafidxofuu) irre-
airpay [uav, ov, gen. ovot, (a privat., irpay/xa) with- sistible.
out business, free from business, state-affairs or law- d-Trpoo-p-iKTOs, ov, (a privat. vpoafiiyvvfu) holding
suits (vpayfiara) roirot dirpdy fjwv , a place free from
; no intercourse or commerce with others.
law and strife. 2. of things, not troublesome or pain- d-rxpoo-oioros, ov, (a privat., ttpoaoiao) fut. of vft-
ful. II. pass, got or to be got without pains. <pcpw) not to be withstood, irresistible.
dirpoKTco), f. 170-0;, to do nothing, to be idle. 2. d-irpoo-6p.lXos, ov, unsociable.
to gain nothing. From d-irpooTokrCow ypatyrj, 1), (a privat., irpoardrrjs) an
d-irpaicTOS, Ion. d-rrpqicros, ov: I. act. doing indictment laid against a piroiKis at Athens, for not
or effecting nothing, unprofitable, idle d-rrpoKTOs vit- having cb»sen a vpoardr-qs or patron from among the
oQai to depart without success, Lat. re infecta

— citizens. The nom. dirpoordcrvov, to, is not used.

Adv. -raw, unsuccessfully. II. pass, against d-rrp6o-<|>opos, ov, (a privat., npoa<pip<u) unsuitable,
which nothing can be done, unmanageable, incur- inconvenient, dangerous.
able. 2. not to be done, impossible. 3. oai'- d-trpoo-<Diro-XT|'nTa>s, (a privat., vp69omw, Aa/i-
ritcrji dvpajcrot vpxv unassailed by your divining arts. Pdvco) Adv. without respect of persons.
Hence d-TrporCuaoTOS, ov, Dor. for d-irp6o~fiafTot, (a private
d-rrpa^ia. ?}, inaction : ill-success. II. a being npoffudacToS) untouched, undefiled.
at a loss, embarrassment, helplessness. d-irpo^dcrtoros, ov, (a privat., vp»<paai(ofim) offer'
&.irp6<r<l>aTos — apafiia).

tng «• excuse, ready. Adv. -tvs, without evasion, dircodcv. Adv. = dnoOev, from afar.
honestly. d-n--a>6cu, f. -ojOrjau and -wow. aor. I dirlojcra or
d-irpocr^&TOS, ov, (a privat., irpo<pr]fu) un/oretold. dmvoa : to thrust off, drive away: of the wind, to heat
d-rrpo$vXaiCTOS, ov, (a privat., irpo<pv\daaofW.i) not off, beat from one's course : later, to drive away from
guarded against, unforeseen. the land, banish. z. to repel, drive back. 3. in
d-Trrawrros, ov, (a privat., vraioj) not stumbling; Med. to reject, disdain. Hence
airraioTuTtpov irapixw top invov to maJ^the horse dira>0T)TOS, ov, thrust or driven away, rejected.
le^s apt to stumble. dirwXeia, ^, (diroWv/u) destruction : loss : waste.
d-m-epos, ov, {a privat., vrepov) without wings, un~ dirwXecra., aor. I of dituWvfii.
winged: in Homer, rfj S' dirrepos enkfro fivOos the dir(i)X6p.7)v, aor. 2 med., in pass, sense, of dnoWvpu.
speech was to her without wings, i. e. flew not away d-iTwp,a<rTOs, ov, (a privat., iru/fta) without a lid.
again, sank into her mind dnrfpa jrarrrjfiaTa wing-
; diru>p.o<ra, aor. I of dvouvvpu.
less flight; of arrows, unfeathered ; of young birds, dir<op.oo-ia, 1), (ditufivvui) a denial upon oath, as Att.
etc., unfledged, callow ; dnrepos (pans an unfledged, law-ierm, opp. to k.tupooia.
i.e. unconfirmed, report. dira>p.OTOS, ov, {drrofjivvfii) forsworn, abjured, de-
a-nTT|v,gen.d7rr77i'os,o,^:^<rt : (o privat., clared impossible with an oath, Lat. abjurandu* ; 0po-
vttjvos) unfledged, callow, of young birds: unwinged. Toioiv ovbtv iar dmunoTOv mortals should never make
d-irTO-«Trr|s, is, (a privat., irroiaj, |jr»s) undaunted a vow against anything. II. act. under oath not
in speech. to do a thing.
d-irToXep-os, ov, poet, for dvdXffios. dirwo-cu, aor. I inf. of dnwBioj.
airr6s, -q, ov, (airra>) touched, handled: to be touched, dTrxao-dp/qv, -<racr0ai, aor. I med. ind. and inf. of
subject to the sense of touch. dvcuOla),
"AIITn, f. d^cw fya :—Pass., aor. I ijcperjv,
: aor. I dir(i>o-i-Kvp.a,TOS, ov, (drnvOto}, Kv/xa) repelling waves.
Ep. id<p6t]v : appai. To fasten, fasten
pf. ^fiuat. Ion. diraxris, «w», 17, {dmoOiw) a thrusting or driving away.
to or on, fix upon a thing km 5' dams kd<p9r) his
; dirtooros, 17, ov, (dvwOioj) thrust or driven away
shield was fastened, i. e. clung closely, to him more from. —
II. that can be driven away.

freq. as Med., etirro/xat, fut. axpopuat aor. 1 ijipdfirj atrwTcpos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. (diru) further off:—


to fasten oneself to, hence to cling to, bang on by, Sup. dirwraros, 77, ov, furthest off
grasp ; a\pao6ai yovvcuv to cling to one's knees later, dirwrtpa), Comp. Adv. of dnwrtpos dirwTaTO), Sup.
: :

to engage in, undertake, begin. fasten upon, 2. to Adv. of dmuraros.

attack. 3. to touch, affect. 4. to gra>p with the dp, Ep. before a consonant for dpa.
senses, apprehend, perceive. 5 to reach, overtake "APA, Ep. pd (which is enclitic), and before a con-
to gain. II to kindle, set on fire Pass, to take — sonant dp: I. Epic usage: i. then, straight-

fire : to be set on fire. way ; &s

dp ovapos thus he spake and
(para), fir} 5'

d-irrws, uros, 6, jj, (a privat., itiitT<u) not falling or then the dream proceeded
then, next in order, ol :

failing, unfailing. dp 'AOrjvas tlx ov 8' 2 explanation of a thing ' -

d-irvXfc>TOS,ov,(a privat., vvKoa)) not closed byagate. going before <prj /$ dtK-qri 6(u>v (pvyifiv for he said

d-irupyos, ov, without tower and wall, unfortified. that he would flee: w th relat. Pron. dpa makes it
d-TrvpyuTOS, ov, (a privat., nvpyou) not girt with more precise ; etc S e0op( KKrjpos, t»v dp' f/OcKov avroi
towers. just the one, the very one, whi< h they wished. II.

d-irvpos, ov, (a privat.. irvp) without fire, in Homer Attic usage: —

here it always is like ovv. then,
only of tripods, that have not yet been on the fire, i.e. therefore, so then; ledWiaTovdpa 17 dperr) therefore you
new ; dirvpos oTkos a cold, cheerless house xP va &* must allow virtue is best fidrrjv dp', ws totKfv, ij/co-

; ;

dvvpos unrefined, opp. to dn«p6os Upd dm/pa sacri- fitvso it seems tbenwe are come in vain
fices in which no fire was used, but also not offered by

t'is dpa fivaerat

in questions,
who then is there to save ? *A/xx

fire, and so like dOvra, unoffered : an. aphis a sting cannot begin a sentence.
not forged by fire, i. e. of the gadfly. Adv. -pws. dpS, interrog. particle, a stronger form of dpa, usu-
d-TrupwTos, ov, (a privat., irvpvoo) not yet exposed to ally expecting a negat. answer, Lat. numt 2. if

*?• an affirmative answer is expected, apa ov is used, =

a-irvoTOS, ov, (a pT\vzt.,irw$avo(w.i) of which nothing Lat. nonnet 3. apa is also used in exclamations:
has been learnt, unknown. II. act. having learnt 65vvT)p<>s dp' 6 rrkovTosl grievous then is wealth 1 In —
nothing, ignorant : c. gen. ignorant of. prose apa always stands first in the sentence.
dirvTTjs, o, Dor. for jjirtmjs. [awt?-] 'APA', Ion. 'APH', t>, a prayer : in Homer mostly
dmiai, Dor. for -qirvo). a prayer for evil, a curse, hence the effect of the curse,
'AII^T'2 or dirdws, gen ios, 6, a term of endear- mischief, ruin. II. 'Apd personified is the god-
ment used by children to their father, papa, Hebr. dess of destruction and revenge, Lat. Dira.
Abba. dp3/3c<i>, f. r/aoj, to rattle, ring, clang, always of ax-
dir-<t>86s, 6v, (dn6, <j>Mj) discordant, out of tun*. mour. From
— : — —
"APAB02— apyos. 99
"APAB02, 6, a rattling; dpafios oSoVtcw gnashing dpY&cis, Dor. f»r dpynfis.
or grinding of teeth. ap-ydXcos, a, ov, (d\yos, as if &\ya\i»s) bard.
cpa.Y|Aa, aros, t6, and dpa.Yp.6s, 6, (npdaaaA a clash- painful, grievous, Lat. gravis : also of persons,
ing, rattling ; dpaynos aripvuv beating of the breast troublesome.
in grief, Lat. planctus. dpyds, contr. for dpyaris.
dpai, aor. I inf.of atpa). 'ApYei--4>6vTTjs, ov, 6, for 'Apy-^vtvrfjs, ("Apyos,
'APAIO'2, Att. dpaios, d, 6v, also 6s, 6v, thin, (povfCoS) slayer of Argus.
narrow, weak, slight. dpYeAo<f>oi, ojv, oi, the feet of a sheepskin : gene-
dpcuos, a, ov, also os, ov, (dpd) prayed to or en- rally, offal, refuse. (Deriv. uncertain.)
treated ; Zeis dpaios, i/daios. 2. prayed against, dpY€w6s, 17, 6v, Aeol. and Dor. for dpySs, white,
accursed. II. act. cursing, bringing mischief mostly of sheep.
upon. [&] dpY«o-TT|s, ov, 6, (dpyos) white. II. paroxy-

dpaXp-rjica, apaiprjKcus, dpaip-qpLtvos, dpalprjTO, Ion. South wind, clear-

tone, dpyiar-ns, ov, 0, epith. of the
redupl. for rip-qxa, TJprjKws jjpnpivos, j'prjTO, pf. and ing, brigb'ening, like Horace's Notus albus, detergens
plpqf redupl. forms fiom aipico. nubila caelo. 2. later, from being the epithet of
dpdpevos, aor. I med. part, of a'po). Ze<pvpos, it was the north-west wind, the Athenian, f. aaojjxii [a], Ion. rjaofiai : pf. rjpapuu iKiposv.
only found in compos. : Dep. : (dpd) : to pray to a dp-y«Tt, dpy«Ta, poet. dat. and ace. for dpyqn, dp-
god. 2. to pray or vow that a thing may happen, 777TC1, from dpyqs, white.
c. inf. 3. to pray something for one, sometimes in dp yi<ji, f. rjoo), (dpyos = d(py6s) to be idle, do no-
good mostly in bad. to imprecate upon one;
sense, but thing : of a field, to lie fallow. II. trans, to leave

esp. with cognate ace, dpd* dpdoBai tivi to imprecate a thing undone: —
Pass, to be left undone: to be
curses upon one. fruitless.
dpdpc, Dor. for dpnpf, 3 sing. pf. med. of dpaplotcoj dpYneCs Dor. dpY&cts, taaa, tv, contr. dpyds, gen.
it is fixed, decreed: but,
in intr. sense, II. dpapf, dpydvTos, = dpyqs.
Ep. for rjpapt, aor. 2 in trans, sense, appeased, satisfied. cpyris, fjros, 6, ij, also with poet. dat. and ace.
dp&pciv, aor. 2 inf. of dpapioK<u. dpyiri, dpyira (dpyos)

white, bright, vivid.

dpapio-KO), redupl. pres. from the Root *dpa) : I. dpYT|0'TT|S, ov, 6, = dpyqs, white, glancing.
trans, in pres. and impf., in f. dpcD Ion. dpaai'. aor. I dpyla, if, = dtpyia, (dpyos = dtpyot) idleness, lazi-
r)paa Ion. apaa aor. 2 -qpapov Ep. dpdpov :
: to join, ness : in good sense, leisure.

fasten, fit together : fit or furnish with a thing. II. dpYi-Kcpawos, ov, (dpyqs, mpawos) with while,
intr. in Pass, and Med., in prrf. dp?7pa Att. dpapa, vivid lightning.
Ep. part. fern, dpapvia : plqpf. r)pdpeiv [a] : also pf. dpYiXAos or dpYtXos, 1), (dpyos) white clay, potter's
pass. part, dprjptfifvos, and Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, dp- earth, Lat. argilla.
Hfvos: — to be joined closely together: to be fitted dpYtXX-u>8TjS or dpYiX-w8T)S, ts, (apyiXXos, «75o*)
cloie!y,fit well: to be fixed : to be fitting, meet, or like clay, clayey.
suitable. apYtvocis, (oca, tv,=* dpyos, white, shining.
dp&pov, Ep. aor. 2 of dpapiOKO) part, dpapuv. dpY«--6Sovs, obovros, 6, ij, (dpyCs, obovs) wbite-

dpupus, dpapvia Ep. dpapvia, dpapus, perf. part, of toothed, white-tusked.

dpapiofcaj, fitted, fitting Adv. -otojs. — dpYi-Trovs, 6, 1), -trow, r6, gen. vobot, (dpyos,
dpdo-o-u, Att. -n<ti f. dpd£oj Dor. -ct£w
: aor. novs) swift-footed or white-footed.

r/pa£a Ep. dpa£a —

Pass., aor. I i pd\drjv\ (a euphon.,
t dpYP-a, to, (dpxoS) only used in plur.. dpypxna =
fdaaai) : to strike hard, dash in pieces, with collat. dirapxai, the firstlings at a sacrifice.
notion of rattling, clanging, as of horses irvKas 'ApYoXifw, f. io<u, to lake the part ofArgos. From

dpdaativ to knock furiously at the gates nietaph., 'ApYoXCs, ibos, 17, Argolis, a district in Pelopon-

dpdaativ uvdb'toi to strike with reproaches : Pass, to nesus. —

2. as Adj. d, %, of Argolis, Argolic.
dash one against other with a noise, to clash, rattle, [a] "ApYos, cos, to, name of several Greek cities, of
dpdTos, Ion dpijros, rj, ov, (dpdopxu) prayed which that in the Peloponnesus is best known in :

for. 2. accursed, unblest. Homer it is also put for the district Argolis, or even
dpdxv€ios, a, ov, of or belonging to a spider. From for the whole Peloponnesus.
'APA'XNH, 37, = dpdxvrjt. II. a spider's web, 'APrO'2, rj, ov, shining, bright, glistening; it6bas
cobweb, Lat. aranea. dpyoi as epith. of dogs, swift-footed, because rapid
'APA'XNHS, 6, a spider, Lat. araneus. Hence motion is accompanied by a kind of flickering light.
dpdxviov, to, a spider's web, cobweb. dpyos, ov, contr. from dtpyos, (a privat., ipyov) not
*Apai|/, a&os, 6, an Arab: also'ApaPos, ov, 6. working, esp. not working the ground: hence doing
'APBT'AH, r), a strong shoe, coming up to the nothing, idle, lazy : c. gen. rei, idle at a thing, free
ankle, used by hunters, travellers, etc., a half-boot,
[y] from it, dp7d» tt6vqjv of land, lying fallow. II. :

dpj3v\is, idot, r), = dp0vKn. pass, not done, Lat. infectus : unattempted.
100 &pyvp&yxri — iperfj.

dpYvp-Ayxt), j} t (apyvpos, dyx *) f. dpcv:

silver-quinsy, "APAXl,
aor. I ^po*a: to water cattle,
which Demosthenes was said to have, when he held give them to drink Pass, to drink. 2. of rivers, —
back from ap} earing in public on the plea of quinsy, to water land, Lat. irrigare. II. metaph. to re-

though really (it was alleged) because he was bribed. fresh, foster.
dp-yvp-dpoifios, d, (apyvpos, d/xttjScu) a money- 'Ap€0ovo-a, %, name of several fountains, perhaps for
changer. "Ap8ovora, waterer: the most famous was at Syracuse.
dp-yCpelov, to, a silver-mine. Properly neut. from dpeid, Ion. dpetTj, 1), (dpd) cursing, threatening lan-
dpyvpcios or dpytipeios, ov, = dpyvpcos, dpyvpiia guage.
UtTaXka si/i/er-mines. "Apeios, ov also a, ov, Ion. 'Ap-qios, rj, ov, (^hprjs)
dpyvpeos or dpyvptos, a, ov, contr. dpyvpovs, a, warlike, martial, Lat. Mavortius : Comp. 'ApctoT«po»,
ovv, (apyvpos) silver, of silver. a, ov, = ap€iajv.
dpYi5p-^|XfiTOs, ov, (apyvpos, i\avvai) wrought of "Apctos irdY°s, of Ares, Mars' Hill, over
o, bill
silver. against the Acropolis at Athens on the west side.
dp-ytipCSiov, ri, Dim. of apyCpiov. Here was held the highest judicial court, called by
dpyupiov, t6, (apyvpos) a piece of silver: hence the same name capital crimes came specially under

• silver,' i. e. money, cash.

its jurisdiction.
ap-ytipis, loos, i), (apyvpos) a silver vessel. dpfiorcpos, a, ov,=dpuoJV.
dpYupti-ns [t], fern. dpyupiTis, 100s, i), (apyvpos^ of 'Apci-ToXp-os, ov, ("Ap^s, ToKfia) full of martial
or belonging to silver: as Subst. (sub. 777), silver-ore. boldness.
dpYvpo-SivTjs, ov, 0, (apyvpos, hivt}) running in sil- 'Ap€i-<j>aTos, Ep. 'A p-r|t<j>aTos, ov, ("Apys, trl<payai
ver eddies, epith. of rivers, [t] 3 pass, of *<pevw) slain by Ares, i.e. slain in
dp<yvpo-€i8T)S, ^ s> ^apyvpos, e78os) like silver. war. 2. later generally = 'Apeto», martial.
dpYi>p6-T)Xos, ov, (apyvpos, fi\os) silver-studded. dpeicov, o, 17, -ov, to, gen. ovos, better, stronger,
apY^po-K^iros, 0, (fyyvpos, Koirrw) a worker in sil- braver : it serves as Comp. of dyaOos. (On the deriv.,
ver, silversmith. set "Aprjs.)
dp-yftpoXoycco, (apyvpt\6ys) to levy money : c. ace. d-p€KTOS, »v, poet, for dppf/cros, undone.
country under contribution.
to lay a Hence dpcopai, Ion. for dpdopm.
dpYupoXoyta, ij, a levying of money. dptaai, dpco-aadai, aor. I inf. act. and med. of
apYvpo-Xoyos, ov, (apyvpos, \fyco) levying money. apiaico).
dpYwpo-ireJa, 1), {dpyupos, irifa) silver-footed: also dpeo-do-Ow, Ep. dpeo'O'doOw, 3 sing. aor. I med.
dpYvpo-ir€£os, ov. imperat. of dpkcKcxi.
dpyupo-iroios, 0, (dpyvpss, iroiioS) a worker in silver. dp«r0ai, aor. 2 med. inf. of aipu.
dpYupo-irovs, o, ij, --now, to, gen. -irobos, (dpyv- cpeo-KeCa, 1), (apioicw) a desire to please, complai-
pos, novs) with silver feet. sance : in bad sense, obsequiousness, flattery.
dpYi5pop-pvn)S, *v, 6, (apyupis, piat) silver-flow- opeo-KovTos, Adv. pres part, of aptc/cat, agreeably.
ing. Lpu] dpeo-Kos, rj, ov, desirous to please, complaisant : in
dpY-tpos, o, (dpyos, white) like Lat. arg-entum, the bad sense, obsequious, flattering. From
white metal, i. e. silver, first in Homer. 2. silver- dpco-KQ), fat. apeow aor. I Tjpeaa, inf. dpkaax : pf.

money, money. dprjpfKa: —

Med., fut. dpeatuai Ep. dpeaaopuu: aor I
dpYtipo-Tof os, w, (apyvpos, to£ov) with silver bow, r)p(o-dp.r]V, Ep. part, dpeaad/xevos — Pass., aor. I rt pk-
epith. of Apollo. o&tjv : ('dpco, dpnoj): —
make good, make it up,
dp Yupo-4>tYYT)S, 4s, (dpyvp»s, <ptyyes) silver-shining. TavTa dpecaofieda tkis will we make up among

dpY^poco, f. wo~<u, (apyvpos) to turn into silver. 2. ourselves dpeoai to make amends : c. ace. pers.

to reward with silver —

Pass, to be so rewarded. to conciliate, propitiate, avTov dpeaodoOw hirUaaiv ;

dpYvp-wS-rjs, (s, = apyvpouhrfs. 2. rich in silver. c. gen. dpkaavro (frpevas atpuaros they sated
dpYvpcopa, fMTos, to, (apyvpuoS) silver-plate. their heart with blood: —
Pass, to be contented, ac-
dpyi5p-wvT)Tos, ov, (apyvpos, wveo/jat) bought with quiesce. II. c. dat. pers. to be pleasing to, gra-
silver. tify , please, flatter, Tavra dptaitei p.01
dpeoiteiv :

dpYi»4>eos, a, ov, (apyvpos) silver-white, [w] Tpoirms Ttvus to conform to his ways: impers., ^peo^ —
dp y^4>os, ov, = apyv<p*os, epith. of sheep. <7<pi TavTa iroieiv it pleased them to do so

ApY<o, dot, contr. ovs, v, (apy6s, swift) the Argo or dpeo-Tos, i\, 6v, verb. Adj. of dpioKOJ,^ pleasing,
ship in which Jason sailed to Colchis. grateful : acceptable, approved. Adv. -tws.
dpSevu, f. <ra>, «= Updw, to water, Lat. irrigare. dpcTdo), f. i\aoi, (dptrt)) to befit or proper, to thrive,
dporrv, Adv. contr. for ddpSrjv, (alpu>) lifted up, prosper.
raised on high. II. utterly, Lat. penitus. dp€TT|, 1), goodness, excellence, of any kind ; but in
"APAI5, e«s, 17, the point of anything, an arrow- Homer, like Lat. virtus (from vir), manhood, prowess,
bead: a sting. valour: also manly beauty, dignity, etc. 2. in Prose,
dp8p6s, 6, a watering: a watering-place. From of the virtues of land, fountains, etc 3. excellence
: : :

iprj — ipioreCa. 101

in art or workmanship, skill. II. in moral sense, 'API*-, insep. Prefix, like Ipi-, strengthening the
goodness, virtue : — also character for virtue, reputa- notion conveyed by its compd. of same root with :

tion, merit. (For deriv. see "Aprjs.) dprjs, dpdajv, dpiarros.

dpT|, 17, Ion. and Horn, for dpd. dpi-yvws, wros, 6, 1), = dpiyvarros.

dp-qcu, Ep. for dpy, 2 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. of atpa). dpt-yvtoros, rj, ov, also os, ov, easy to be known,
apr)yoo~vvT), i), - dprj^is. well-known : in bad sense, notorious, infamous.
'APHTH, f. £a>, to help, aid, succour in war, c. dpi-Saicpvs, v, gen. vos, (dpi-, hdjcpv) much weep-
dat. 2. absol. to be of use, be fit ; ciydv dprjyu it ing, very tearful.
is meet to be silent. II. c. ace. rei, to ward off, dpi-8a\os, Dor. for dpiSrjXos.
prevent, dprjyciv dXaxjiv : also, dprjyttv rivi ti to ward dpi-ScbccTOS, ov, (dpi-, ScifcvvpA) much shewn
offfrom one, to avert the capture, as <povov riicvoit hence famous : Homer also uses it as a Sup., dpiSci-
dprjyeiv. (Same Root as dpK(o>, Lat. arceo.) K€tos dvhpwv most renowned of men.
dptiyutv, ovos, 6, f), a helper, aid. dpi-8T)Xos, ov, very clear or conspicuous, far-seen,
'ApTjt-Ooos, ov, {Apijs, $o6s) swift as Ares, swift in of mountains : manifest, much known.
war. dpl-£-r)\os, ov, also 17, ov Ep. form of dpidrjKos, very
'Ap7]r-KT<S.p.€vos, t), ov, (Aprjs, KTtiviu) slain by Ares conspicuous or manifest. Adv. -\<us.
or in war. dpi,-(|T|Xo)TOs, ov, very enviable.
'ApT|ios, t), ov, Ion. for "Apuot. dpiOpa-Tos, ov, Dor. for dpiOfxrjrSt.
'ApT|t-<(>aTOS, ov, Ion. for 'Apfi-(parot. dpi0p.€vvTt, Dor. for dpiO/xovai, 3 pi. of
*ApT|t-<j>tXos, 6, i), also rj, ov, ("Ap^s, <pi\*s) dear to dpiGpfu), f. -qua), (dpi8/x6s) to number, count, reckon
Ares. up: to count out. 2. to reckon, count.
dpT)fi€vai, an Ion. infin., prob. for dpdv, to pray, an dpi0p.T|0T|p.€vai, Ep. for dpt6fir)6rjvai, aor. I pass. inf.
act. form of dpdaOai (from dpdopuai). of dpiOfxioj.
dpT|p.€vos. rj, ov, distressed, harassed, = fiePXaft- dpt0p.T)p.a, aros, to, (dpiO^eoj) a number.
p.(vos. (Origin uncertain.) dpCOpTjcTLS, (us, a counting or reckoning up.

dpi)gis, «vs, j), (dprjyoj) help, succour. II. C. dpi0p.T)Tvic6s, 77, ov, of or for numbering or rec-
gen. rei, help against a thing, means of averting it. koning, skilled therein : r/ -kt\ ^sc. Tiyyn), arithmetic.
dp-rjpa, pf. med. of dpapioKO) : plqpf. dpr|p«,v. Adv. -kws, arithmetically.
dp-npeprvos, of dpapiaKoj.
pf. pass. part, dpi0p.T]T6s, T), ov, easily numbered, few in number:
and pass, of apoot.
dpTjpoica, dpT), pf. act. ovk dpidfiijTos not counted, held of no account, Lat.
dpT|pop.€vos, pf. part. pass, of dpuai. nullo in numero habitus.
*APH2, 6 gen. 'Aptos or "Aptws (never 'Apovs)
: : dpiOpos, 6, number, a number, Lat. numerus. a.
dat. 'Apti, Att. contr. 'Apet, poet. 'Apr) : ace. "Apj;, amount, xp^vov.
size, etc.; iroXvs dpiOfjidt 3. num-
also ' Apr)v and "Apea
voc. "Ap*« Ion. and Ep. de-: : ber, as a mark of worth, rank, etc.; per' avSpu/v i£e-
clension "Aprjos, Ares, Lat. Mars, son of
rfi, rja. oOai dp<0(j.u> to sit in rank among men ovk kv upiBfiw ;

Jupiter and Juno, the god of war and destruction, the ctvai, like Lat. nullo esse in numero, to be in no ac-
spirit of strife, plague, famine. Hence often used to count. 4. mere number, quantity, opp. to quality
denote war, slaughter, murder, etc. (Akin to dpprjv, or worth ; \6yojv dpidyos a mere set of words so of ;

dparjv, as the Lat. Mars to mas. From the same Root men, ovk dpiOfibs aXXcus not a mere lot, like Horace's
come dperq, dpi -, dpi'uuv, dpiaros, the first notion of nos numerus sumus. II. a numbering, counting;

goodness being that of manhood, bravery in war: cf. dpi6fiov vitioOai rfjs orpaTirjs to hold a muster of
Lat. virtus.) the army. 2. numeration.
dpT)TT)p, rjpot, 6 : fern. dp-fjTeipa, (dpdopjxi) properly d-ptv, = dppt*.
*ne that prays : hence a priest, priestess, [a] "Apios, a, ov, old word for MtjBikSs, Median.
dpTTTOS, Ion. for dparot. dpi-irpcirTis, «, (dpi-, Trpinoj) very stately or showy,
dp0eis, aor. I pass. part, of aipu. very splendid.
dpGev, Aeol. for fipO-qaav, 3 pi. aor. 1 pass, of aipcu. d-pts, — appis.
dp0p«i>, f. 170a;, (dpdfios) to be joined together. dp£-OT]pos, ov, (dpi-, oriixa) very remarkable: very
dp8pios, a, ov, joined, united: at peace with another plain or manifest.
— as Subst. dpdfua, <w, rd, peaceful relations, concord. dpioT-a0Xos, ov, (apioros, dd\0v) victorious in the
6 pOp-ds, 6, (dpapiOK<v) a bond, league : friendship. contest.
dp0pov, to, (dpaptoftoj) a joint, esp. the socket of the dpurT-apxos, ov, (dpiaroi, dp\os) best-ruling.
joint: in plur. the limbs; often joined with some dpi-o-Ta<pvXos, ov, (dpi-, OTatyvXrf) rich in grapes.
other word, as dpCpa irobotv the ankles; dpflpa twv dpurrdo, f. 4)Ooj: pf. ^piarrjKa, syncop. I pi. r/pt-
kvkKojv the eyes; dpOpa aroyjarot the mouth. Hence orafjifv, syncop. inf. i piardvai
: (dpiorov) — to take
opGpooj, f. watt), to fasten, by joint*: to articulate, the morning meal, Lat. prandere : generally, to take
utter distinctly : also to nerve, strengthen. any meal, cf. dpiarov.
dp6p-w&r|S, €«, (dpOpov, ttbot) well-jointed. dpurrcta, 1), (dpiaTtvoS) the feats of the hero that
102 A/>i<TT€ta h pnaTr)\&Tr]s.

won tbe meed of valour (rd dptarua), any great, manifest: clearly visible. Adv. dpi<ppaZl(us, very
heroic action. Single books of the Iliad were so plainly.
called, in which the deeds of some one hero are de- dpKcios, a, ov, = dp/crcios, of a bear.
scribed, e. g. Book 5 is Atofir}8ovs dpiareta. dpKcovTcos, Att. contr. dptcovvrais, Adv. pres. part,
dpKrrcia, ra, always in plur., (dpiartvai) the prize of dpiceoj, enough ; dpncovvTws <fx«i it is enough.
of the bravest, meed of valour. dpKeo-is, ecus, r), (dpK(tu) help, aid, service.
dpurrepos, a, ov, left, on the left ; kit' dpiarepd to- dpK*r6s, 17, ov, (dp/tea) sufficient. Adv. -rut.
wards the left; «£ dpiartpSiv on the left. 2. ^ dpt- dpKevv, Ion. for dpitovv, pres. part. neut. of
artpd (with or without x c '/>)» &e left band. 3. 'APKE'fl,


tooi : aor. I rjpxeoa :
— pf. pass, ijpicc-

metaph. boding ill, ominous, because to a Greek au- Ofjuii : Lat. to ward! off, keep
off: c. dat.
gur, looking northward, the unlucky signs came from only, to assist, aid. II. to be of use, avail, be strong
the left. 4. of men, left-banded, clumsy, like French enough, mostly c. inf. also c. dat. to suffice, satisfy:

gaucbe. (Deriv. uncertain.) absol. to be enough, be strong enough. 2. impers.,

dpurrcvs, «o», 6, (apiaros) tbe best man : in Homer dpiett pot it is enough for me, I am well content; dp-

mostly in plur. dpiarrjfs, Lat. optimates, tbe noblest Ktiv Sonet it seems enough, seems good. III.

chiefs, princes. Pass, to be satisfied, contented with a thing. (The

dpurr€V<i> 3 sing. Ion. impf. dpiarcvfoicc : f. (vera Root is the same as that of dp-qyw.)
(apiaros) —:

to be tbe best or bravest ; Tpuxuv dpt- dpKios, a, ov, also ot, ov, safe, sure; vvv dpiciov 1}
OTtixoK* be was tbe best of the Trojans ; dpiorfvuv diroXioQat tj\ oaaidrjvat now it is safe that we perish
rt to be best in a thing ; c. inf., dpioTtviOKt yaxtoOa* or be saved ; aptciot fiiaOut a sure reward. II.

be was best at fighting. enough, sufficient.

dpMmf|iov, Ion. for dpiaruov. dpKovvrcos, contr. for dp/eeSvrwt.
dpurr(£&>, f. icoj, (apiorov) to give one breakfast: — dpKTCios, a, ov, (dpieros) of a bear.
Med. to breakfast. dpKTcov, verb. Adj. of dpxopat, one must be-
dpi<rrCv8i]v, Adv. (apioros) according to rank or gin. II. (from apx<») one must govern. 2. in
merit. pass, sense, one must be ruled, i. e. one must obey.
dpurro-KpaTia, 1), (apiaros, Kpartiv) tbe rule of tbe "APKT05, and $, a bear. 2. "Apicrot, 1), tbe

best-born or nobles, an aristocracy. Hence great bear or Charles' wain, elsewhere dfxa^a : hence
dpio-roKpaTiKos, 17, ov, aristocratical. tbe north pole, or generally, tbe North.
dpioTO-pavns, ea», 6, 1), (apiarot, fidvris) best of 'ApKT-ovpos, 6, (dp/crot, ovpos) Arcturus or Bear-
prophets. guard, a bright star close behind the Bear, also called
dpuTTO-u.dxQ8, ov, (apiaros, f*axr]) fighting best. Bootes. II. tbe time of bis rising, tbe middle of

'API2TON, to, a morning meal, breakfast, taken September.

at sunrise : later, tbe midday meal, the Roman pran- 'ApKTO-<J>vXo|, a/cot, 6, (apicrot, <pv\a£) — 'Apicrw-
dium. pos, Arctophylax, tbe bear-keeper.
apwrrd-voot, ov, (apiarot, voot) of tbe best dis- "APKT2, Att. dpKvs, vot, 1), a net, hunter's net,
position. Lat. cassis ; dpitvtt £t<povt tbe toils, i. e. perils, of the
dpiarro-iroilo), f. ^au, (apiorov, iroieai) to prepare sword.
breakfast; ra dpiarovoiovyuva things prepared for dpKv-orSoxa, #, or
breakfast — Med. to get one's breakfast. dptcu-ordo-iov, to, (apicvt, tarrjfu) a line of nets.
dpurros, 17, ov, best in its kind, used as Sup. to dptcv-araTOS, 17, ov, or ot, ov, (apicvt, tarrjfu) sur-
AyaOot of persons, best,
: bravest or noblest : c.
i. e. rounded with nets; dp/cvaraTtj itrjp.ov{f death amid
inf.,apiarot /u»x«x0cu best to fight ; apiarot dirara- the toils : dptcvararov, t6, a net or place beset with
adai best, easiest to cheat In Att. best, i. e. most
— nets.

excellent: neut. pi. apiora as Adv., best, most excel- dpKV-wp6s, b, (apicvt, ovpos) a watcher of nets.
lently : contr. with article, wpioros Horn., apiarot, &P|xa, aros, to", (same Root as appos, dppofa) a
Att., wpiaros Dor. (On deriv., see "kprjs.) chariot, war-chariot, car. 2. chariot and horses,
apurroT6K€ia, 1), poet. fern, of tbe yoked chariot : also tbe horses.
dpurro-TOKOs, ov, (apiarot, r(ieeiv) bearing tbe best dpp.aXCa 1), (apfiofa) sustenance allotted, food.
children. dp|x-dfxa£a, tjs, j), (dpfia, afia£a) an eastern carriage
dpior6-x«ip. upot, 6, 1), (apiarot, x € *p) with tbe with a cover, esp. for women and children.
best band; dyuv dptarox^ip a contest won by tbe app-d-mos, a, ov, (dpfia) of or belonging to a chariot:
stoutest band. esp. of music, whether of a mournful or martial cast.
dpioT-<o8rv, Tvot, 6, 1), (apiarot, wSis) bearing tbe dppSr€v<o, f.ocj, (dpfia)to drive a chariot, go therein.
best children. dpp,&rn\&0-ia, jj, chariot-driving. From
dpi-a<$>aXT|s, it, (dpi-, a<pSXuv) very slippery or appd-rnXaTta), f. i\aoi, to drive a chariot. From
treacherous. dpp,aT-i]XdTns, ov, 6, (ap/ia, iKavvoj) a driver of
dpi-<J>pdOT|$, it, (dpi-, <ppd£oiuu) easily known, very chariots, charioteer.
. : — :: — ;

&pfMar6KTVTTOS — *AP0'X2. 103

apparfi-iCTUiros, ov, (dppa, icrvitioS) rattling with dpv6o-6oCvT|S, ov, 6,(dpv6t, Ooivdw) feasting on sheep.
chariots 'APNJ2 OMAI, fui. rjaopai aor. 1 pass. ^pvrjOnv,

dp^dTO-irq-y^s, 6v, (dp pa, rrqyvvpi) making chariots; but also aor. med. 1 ^pvrjadprjv Dep.: opp. to tlnuv,
: —
dppaTumryos, o, a wheelwright, chariot-maker. to deny : opp. to Sovvai, to refuse: absol. to say no,
apporo-rpoc^ta), f. -qncu, (appa, rpicpoi) to keep cha- decline : c. inf. to refuse to do.
riot horses, esp. for racing. Hence dpv«vTT|p, (apveva) a tumbler: also a diver.
rjpos, 6,

dppdTOTpoc^io,. a keeping of chariot horses.

r), dpvcvkd, f. o<v, (apws)
to frisk like a lamb, tumble.
&pp.&TO-rpoxia, Ion. -it), r), (dppa, rpox^s) the dpvr)o-ipos, r\, ov, (dpviopai) to be denied.
course of a chariot, wheel-track. dpvTjo-is, ecus, r), (dpviopai) denial.
dppdrcoXta, r), = dppaTt)kaaia. dpviov, to, Dim. of dpvos, a young lamb, lambkin.
appeva, rd, the tackle or rigging of a ship: any 'APNO'2, tov, rfjs, gen. of an obsol. nom. *dps,
tools or implements, like on\a. (From same Root as the nom. in use being dpvos dat. dpvi, ace. dpva

apuos, dppufa.) du. dpve ; pi. dpva, gen. dpvojv, dat, dpvaot (Ep. dp-
dppcvos, t), ov, Ep. aor. 1 pass. part, of dpaptcncco. vtooi), ace. dpvas : a lamb, Lat. agnus, agna : also
dpp68ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (dppufa)fitting together: a sheep.
hence well-fitting, agreeable. dpvvpai, defect. Dep., used only in pres. and impf.,
dppo£co, Att. dpp.6TTu>, Dor. dpp6o-8co f. dpp6(ro)'. lengthd. form of atpopai, to receive for oneself, gain,

aor. I rjppoaa pf. r)ppotea

: —
Pass., aor. I r)pp6a0riv
; earn, carry ojf as a prize.
pf. Ijppoapai (dppos, dpw)
: to fit together, join,
: dp£, Dor. for dp(opai, fut. of dpxopai.
esp. of joiner's work —
Med. to join for oneself, put
: dpopTjv, Ep. aor. 2 med. of atpw.
together: to prepare, make ready. 2. of marriage, dpov, -drcj, aor. I imperat. of atpai.
to give in marriage —
Med. to marry, take to wife dpoo-ipos, ov, {dp^w) arable, fruitful : metaph. fit
— Pass, to be married to. 3. to bind fast. 4. for engendering children.
to set in order, arrange, govern. II. intrans. to dpocrts, tws, r), (up6w) a ploughing, tillage. II.
fit, fit well: to be adapted, fit for. II!. impers., ara'de land, corn-land, Lai. arvum.
dppo^ti it isfitting, Lat. decet, c. inf. crrydv Av dpp6£oi. dpoTfjp,
; rjpos, 6, (dpuw) a ploughman, husbandman ;
dppot, Adv., = d/>Ti, just, newly, lately. (Properly fiovt dporrjp a steer for ploughing. II. metaph.
an old dat. of dppot.) a father.
&.p\io-\oyi(0, f. -qao), (dppot, X«7cu) to join together. uporrjs, ov, 6, = dpoTr)p, a ploughman; Tli(pib\w
dppovta, r), (dppofa) afitting together: a joint. II. dpurai labourers of the Muses, i. e. poets.
a union between persons, covenant. III. an ordi- dpoTos, 0, (dpow) tillage, ploughing, husbandry; (rjv
nance, decree ; hence fate. IV. as a term in dir' dpdrov to live by husbandry. 2. the crop, fruit
music, harmony, concord. 2. in Rhet. the intona- of the field: also afield. II. the season of tillage,
tion of the voice. 3. generally, harmony, agree- seed-time.
ment, etc. ivarpoiros yvvaiKuv dppovia woman's
; dpoTpatos, a, ov, (dporpov) of corn-land.
perverse temper. dpoTpevs, 4ojs, 6,=*uport)p. Hence
dppowKos, r), ov, (appofa) skilled in music: to dporptvco, f. aoj, = dpu<u, to plough.
ippovixd the theory of music. dpOTpi)TT;$, 01'', o, of or for the plough.
dppos, 0, (d for apa, apw) a joining, a joint; dppbt dpoTpidco, f dexew Ld], = dpoa;, to plough.
Xwparot XtBoarradrjt a joint or opening in the tomb dpoTpo-SiauXos, 6, (dporpov, diavKos) one who
made by tearing away ploughs to and fro, like a runner in the SiavKot.
the stones.
dpp6o-Sco, Dor. for dppufa. dpoTpov, to", (dpvw) a plough, Lat. aratrum.
dppoo-pa, arot, to, (dp/zJ£a>) joined work. dpoTpo-ir6vos, ov, (dporpov, novos) labouring at
dppooTT)p, ijpos, 6, — sq. poet., also dppoorwp, a the plough.

commander. dpoTpo-cpopcw, f. r)co}, (dporpov, <f>(pa>) to draw

dpp,o<rrqs, ov, 0, (dp/xo£cu) one who arranges or the plough.
governs, a governor: esp. a harmost, the governor of [a], fut. med. of deip<u: but [a]
the Greek islands and towns in Asia Minor sent out of atpw.
by the Lacedaemonians during their supremacy: also apovpa, r), (dpixo) tilled or arable land, seed-land,
the governor of a dependent colony. corn-lanJ, Lat. arvum: also generally, soil, land;
dpu-OTTw, Att. for dppofa, q. v. varpis apovpa fathti-land : — meuph. of a woman as
dpva, ace. with no .10m. in use, dual &pvt, plur. giving birth to children. Hence
ipvtt, etc.; v. sub dpvot. dpovpatos, a, ov, belonging to corn-land, rustic; pvt
dpv&Kis, foot, r), (dpvot) a sheep's skin. dpovpatos a field-mouse.
dpv«u>s, o, ov, (dpvot) of a lamb or sheep ; dpvuot dpoupiov, to, Dim. of dpovpa.
<p6vot slaughtered sheep. dpoupo-TTOvos, ov, (dpovpa, rt6vot) working in the
epv«i6s, 6, (dpvot) a young ram : but as Adj., dp- field,
vudt Sit a malt sheep. \ *APO'fl f. 6<ru, poet. <Wa> : aor. I Ijpoaa : pf.
104 &p6a><n — &pT&a>.

ipfjpo/ca — Pass., aor. I r)p69rjv : pf &pr)pojiat — to that may be published and must not be told. 2.
plough, till, Lat. arare. sow, dpovv els II. to that cannot be told, horrible, shocking, Lat. nefandus',
ktjitovs. 2. metaph. of the husband, to beget dpprjr dpprjrwv things most horrible. 3. shame-
Pass, of the child, to be begotten. ful to be spoken; fhjrd /ecu dpprjra, Lat. dicenda
dpocjorv, Ep. for dpovai, 3 pi. pres. of dpow. tacenda.
apirayri, r), (apira^Q)) seizure, robbery, rape. II. dppT)<j>opca>, f. rjaw, (dpprj<popos) to carry the peplos
the thing seized, booty, plunder. III. rapacity. of Pallas. Hence
opirAyrj, (apnafa) a hook for drawing up a
r), dppi)<J>op(a, r), the procession with the peplos in
bucket. a rake, Lat. barpdgo.
2. honour of Pallas.
apiraypa, jmtos, to, (dpndfa) that which is seized, 'App-q-dwpoi, al, (dpprjra, <pipw) at Athens, two maid-
booty, plunder. ens who carried the peplos and other holy things (dp-
dpira-ypos, 6, (dpirdfa) robbery. a. anything that prjTa) of Pallas in the Scirophoria.
is seized, plunder. dp-ptynTOS, ov, (a privat., plyiw) not shivering from
'APIIA Zn, fut. dpira{w, Att. dpndaw or dpwdao- cold or fear.
fjuu aor. I tfpna£a, Att. rjptraaa
: pf rjprr&Ka Pass., : : — dp-pi£os, ov, (a privat., pifa) not rooted.
aor. I r)prrd\drjv or rjpnaadrjv: aor. 2 rjpvdyrjv [a] : dp-pis, Ivos,6, r), (a privat., pis) without nose, with-
pf. ijpnayfiator rjpiraa juxi to ravish away, to carry : out smell.
off; in part.,apneas (pipeiv, Lat raptim ferre. 2. "APPIX05, 6, Att. r), a basket. \t]
to grasp hastily, snatch up : also to grasp with the dp-pv0p.os, ov, (a privat., fivO/xos) without rhythm or
mind, apprehend. 3. to seize and overpower. II. proportion : in undue measure, unsuitable, not fitting.

to plunder. Hence Adv. -pais, out of time.

dpiraKTrjp, 6, a robber. Fern dp-irdirmpa. — dp-pvTi8a)TOS, ov, (a privat., /Jtm's) unwrinHed.
apTraKTos, rj, ov, (dpirdfcu) seized in baste. dp-pu>£, wyos, 6, r), (a privat., f>w£) without cleft,
dp-rrSAcos, a, ov, and os, ov, (dpndaw) grasping, unbroken.
greedy: also attractive, pleasant. Adv. -iws, eagerly. dppo>o-T€co, f. rjaw, (dppwaros) to be weak or sickly.
Hence Hence
&p?raA(£c0, f. [aw, to catch at, seize upon, receive. dppwcrrr|pa, jmtos, to, a sickness.
apiro£, 070*, 6, r), (dpndfa) robbing, rapacious Lat. dppwarta, r), (dppwariw) weakness, sickness, ill
rapax. II. as Subst. dpira£, 6, a robber, plun- health; appwaria rod arpareveiv inability to serve
derer. 2. &pira£, r), robbery, rapine. from ill health.
opireSovT), r), a rope, cord, for snaring
(apird^w) dp-pcoo-Tos, ov, (a privat., jidrvvvju) weak, sickly
game : the twist or thread of which cloth is made hence languid, remiss.
also a bow-string. upcrai, dpo-ov, dpcravTes, and dpedpevos, aor. I

opmrj, 'h, (dpndfa) a bird of prey, a kind of fal- act and med. of dpapianw.
con. II. a sickle : a scimitar. dpo-e, Ep. for r]pae , 3 sing. aor. I of dpaplatcw.
apirmai, al (apirdfa) the snatcbers, i. e. whirlwinds. dpcrtviKos, f), 6v, = appwiKus.
In later mythology they appear as winged monsters dpo-€vo-Koimr)S, ov, 6, (dparjv, Koirrj) one guilty of
who snatched away food from table. unnatural offences.
'APPA'BXl'N, earnest-money, caution-
wvos, 6, "AP2HN, ev, Ion. and Att. for later dpprjv.
money : a pledge, earnest, Lat. arrhabo, arrba. dpcrios, ov, (dpw) fitting, agreeing, friendly.
<xp-pa<J>os, ov, (a privat., jkuprjvai) unsewed, without dpaC-irovs, 6, r), vow, to, gen. rroSos, contr. for
seam or suture. depaiirovs (alpw, irovs) lifting the feet.
op-p€KTOs, poet. a-p€«Tos, ov, (a privat., /5*£iu) dpo-ts, ews, rj, (aipw) a raising or lifting. II. in

undone: unfinished. prosody, the rise of the voice on the first syllable, arsis,
dpprviKos, 17, 6v, (dpprjv) masculine, male. ictus, opp. to diais the letting it sink.
dppevo-irais, naib'os, 6, rj, (dpprjv, wais) of male dpcrw, Ion. for dpw, fut. of upapiaiew.
children. 2. with a boy. dprd|3T), r), a Persian measure, artaba, = I medim-
dpptv-wiros, ov, (dpprjv, an//) masculine- looking, nus + 1 choenices.
masculine. dprfipeco, f. ijaw, to cut in pieces, cut up. From
dp-pr)KTOS, ov, (a privat., frrjyvvju) unbroken, not to *APTAWM02, 0, a butcher, cook.
be broken or wounded : metaph. untiring. Adv. -rws. dpTdvi] [a] , r), (dprdw) that by which something is
"APPHN, 6, r), dppfv, t6, gen. tvos old Att. dp- bung up, a rope, halter.

<rt\v: Ion. ipant\v : opp. to Orj\vt : hence mas- dprd<i>, Ion. dpT«o : f. f)aw : pf. rjprrjKa : — Pass.,
culine, manly, strong : as Subst. apprjv, 6, the male. aor. I r)pTr)drjv'. pf. dpriaTai:
fjpTtjttai, Ion., 3 pi.
dppT]VT)s, is. (dpprjv) fierce, savage. (same Root as dpaotcicw) to fasten to, bang one —
dp-pT)TO«, ov, also rj, ov, (a privat., drjOrjvai) unsaid, thing upon anothei : —
p£«s. to he bung upon, bang
Lat. indictus : not divulged, un'aught. II. not to upon, (H tivos: hence to depend upon, Lat. pendere ah
be told, secret, mysterious; oiiaxrd r appenrd rt things aliquo. II. Pass, to befitted, prepared, made ready;

ipriaraL — &pv<€vos. 105

dpT&mu, Ion. for fjprrjvrcu or ^prnfiivoi ciai, 3 pi. vvfii) just put together, just made . -of cheese, just
pf. pass, of ilpraoj. coagulated, Lat. recens coactus.
dpT€p.T)S, it, {dprios) safe and sound. Hence dp-ri-irXovTOs, ov, newly gotten, epith. of money.
dpT€(xia, ?), safety, soundness. dpTi-iros, Fp. for dpri-irovs.
"APTEMI2, gen. 180s, ace. iv or iba, ij, Artemis, dpTt-trovs, 6, j), irovv, to, gen. 7ro5os, {dprios, irovs)
the Roman Diana, god.iess of the cha>e, daughter of to x<w^*- II. coming
sound or swift offoot, opp.
Zeus and Leto, of Apollo. In Homer women just in time.
who die suddenly and without pain are said to be dpTio-is, (ms, 1), {dprifa) a preparing, adorning.
slain by her dyavd (iikea, as men by those of Apollo. dpTi-o-Kairros, ov, {dpri, aKdirrcu) just dug.
Hence dp-rC-cr-rop-os, ov, {dpri, oroua) speaking readily.
'A prepurtov, to\ a temple 0/ Artemis. dpTi-TOKOS, ov, {dpri, reictiv) just born. 7.
month, answering to part
'Ap-repio-vos, o, a Spartan paroxyt. dpriruKOS, ov, act. having just given
of Att. Elaphebolion. birtb.
dprtpcov, ovos, 6, {dprdw) (be foresail; or top-sail, dpTt-4>SvT|s, is, {dpri, <pavrjvai) just become vi-
supparum. sible.
dpT€Ci>, Ion. for apron. dpTi-<pp(ov, ov, gen. ovos, {dprios, <Pprjv) sound of
dp-rripa, to, (dpraoj) that which bangs down, a mind, intelligent.
banging ornament, pendant. dpri-<J>vT|S, is, and dpT(<|>i/T*s, ov, {dpri, <pvw) just
dprnpia, {ddptu) the windpipe or trachea.
-fj, born, just made.
"APTI, Adv. just, exactly: just now, even now: dpTt-xfivT|s, is, {dpri, xdviiv) just yawning or
straightway, forthwith: but also of something just opening.
past, opp. to nd\ai. II. in compos, it mostly dpTi-xvous, ovv, {dpri, xyoos contr. \vovs) with the
denotes what has just happened. down just growing.
dprid£(i>, f. daw, {dprios) to play at odd and even, opTi xp*-o"Tos, ov, {dpri, xP ta just smeared over,
Lat. par impar ludere. II. to count. ready spread.
dp-ndicis, Adv. [aprios) an even number of times. dprtus, Adv. of dprtos, like dpri, just, exactly.
dpTi-f3p«XT|S. is, {dpri, &pix<*>) just steeped. dpTO-Koiros, ov, [dpros, kuvtoj) working at bread,
dpTt-Ydpos, ov, (dpri, yd^ios) just married. baking bread : as Subst. a baker.
dp-rt-Y€V€tos, ov, {dpri, yiveiov) with the beard just dpTO-Xd-ywos, ov, {dpros, kdyvvos) with bread and
growing. bottle in it, epith. of a wallet
dpTi-Y«wTjros, ov, new-born. dpTO-iroios, ov, {dpros, voiiw) making bread: as
dpTi--y\ti<J>T)s, is, {dpri, y\v<poj) newly carved. Subst. a baker.
dpri-yovos, ov,just born. dpTO-rru)XT|S, ov, 6, {dpros, nwKio^ai) a dealer in
dpTi-8oT|s, is, (dpri, barjvai) just taught. bread: baker. Hence
dpTi-SaKpvs, v, {dpri, haKpv) just weeping, ready to dproTToiXiov, to, a baker's shop.
weep. dpTO-TrwXts, toos, ij, fern, of dproir&jXrjS, a bread-
dpTi-Sopos, ov, {dpri, oipai) just stript off. woman.
dpTicTreta, -fj, pecul. fern, of "APT02, 6, a loaf, esp. 0/ wheat, for barley-bread
dpTV-€irT|S, is, {dprios, enos) ready of speech, glib. is fidfa: when it means bread it is commonly in
dpTV-ffrywi, r), {dpri, £vyos) a late union; dvop&v plur.
dpn^vyia newly-married husbands. dpTO-oT,T«u, f. iqao}, {dprts, airiofxai) to eat wheaten
dpTi£<i>, f. ia<v, (dpnos) to get ready, perform. bread, opp. to dX<piroairioj to eat barley-bread.
dpT\.-0&X.T|s, is, {dpri, 6aAc(v) just blooming. dpTO(f>dY«w, to eat bread. From
dp-rv-0dvT)s, is, (dpri, Oavtiv) just dead. dpro-ipd'yos, ov, 6, [dpros, <paytiv) bread-eater.
dpTi-KoXXos, ov, (dpri, koWoxu) close-glued, cling- dprvipa, to, {dprvvaj) seasoning, spice.
ing close to. II. metaph. fitting well together ; dpruvas, 6, {uprvvco) a magistrate at Argos and
tls dpr'moWov in the nick of time, opportunely. Epidaurus, like dpfioarrjs
dpTt-KopTjs, ov, 6, {dpri, KOfidoj) just having got bair dpTUvw [t>], fut. dprvvSf, Ep. aprvviat: aor. I ffp-
or leaves. two: aor. I pass, .[prvv&nv : — also dpruci* : fut. dp-
dpn-Xo-YOS, ov, {dpri, \iy<u) speaking readily. rvaoi [0] : aor. 1 fiprvaa : pf. jjprvita, pass. TJprvuai :

dpTt-Xdx«VTOS, ov, {dpri, Xoxcw*;) just born. (same Root as dpapiaKoi.) To arrange, manage,
dpn-p&&T]s, is, {dpri, uaduv) having just learnt. contrive : in bad sense, to scheme, hence boKov dprv-
dpnos, a, ov, {dpapiaKoj, dpri) complete, perfect of v(iv, Lat. insidias struere, to contrive a trick : gene-
its kind, exactly fitted ; dpria &d£(iv to speak to the rally, to prepare, make ready — Med. to prepare,
purpose; dpria -ijhn thought things fitting or agree- ma^e ready.
able. 2. active, quick, ready, c. inf. II. of dpv(3aXAos, 6, {dpvw) a pail for drawing water,,
numbers, even, opp. to vtpiooos, odd. bucket, larger than the dpvraiva.
Apn-iraYTit, €i, {dpri, vdyTJvcu aor. a pass, of irfjy dpverdptvos, aor. I med. part, of dpvoi.
106 &pvc -apxyriKTOiv.

opt'crtrw, Ion. for dpvoj. dpxruo), f. aa>, (&px°>) to command, lead.

dpvcrrfjp, rjpos, 6,3=dpvrr)p. *PX«-X°p°S, ov, (dpx f -> X°P^ S ) fading the chorus
dpv»<rrtx os » °» Dim. of u.pvrr)p, a small ladle. or dance.
dpirraiva, rjS, r), = dpvrr)p, a ladle : cf. dpv0aWos. 'APXIT, r), a beginning, first cause, srigin ; hot
dpCrrjp, rjpos, 6, (dpvoo) a vessel/or taking up liquids, dpxos in the beginning, at first ; i£ dpxrjs from the
ladle, cup. first; absol., dpxr)v atfirst; ovtc dpxr)v not atfirst, i.e.
dpvrf|o-tp,os, ov, (dpvoj)fit to drink. never at all, not at all, like Lat. omnino non. 2.
'APT'H, Att. dpvro) [C]r
f. vaiu [p~\: aor. 1 r/ptioa: a first principle, element. 3. in plur., dirapxai, =
— Pass., a pv$rjv [0] or i/pvaOrjv : cf. dvvoj, avvroj. firstlings.
r. I i
4. the corner of a sheet. II. supreme

Lat. HA UR-IRE, to draw water for another : Med. power, sovereignty, dominion, Aids dpxr) ; c. gen. rei,
to draw for oneself: c. gen., dpvrfoOai NciAov vbd- dpxr) rrjs 'Aaias power over Asia : also an empire. 2. —
tojv to draw from the waters of the Nile metaph. :
— in Att. prose, a magistracy, office in the government
to win,gain. they were mostly obtained in two ways, x^poTovrjrsU
ap\-6.yyi\os, 5,(dpx^s, dyyeXos) an archangel. by election, K\rjporrai by lot
dpxaiKos, r), 6v t (upxcuos) old-fashioned, anti- opxij-y^s, is, (dpxu yeviaOai) causing the first

quated. beginning of a thing.

dpxoio-Yovos, ov. (dpxatos, yovr)) of ancient race. dpxTY€T€v&>, f. 00), to be a leader or ruler; and
dpxaio\o*y«u>, f. r)oa>, to discuss antiquities or things dpxTY€T«0, f- r)a<u, to make a beginning. From
out of date. From dpx-"n"Y«TT|S, ov, 6 fern. dpxTyeTis, «8o», but dat.

apxaio-Xdyos, ov, (upx * ** Mf ") one wio writes dpxvyert: Dor. dpxoY«-r|s: (dpxfj, ^yiofuu) a
ancient history. leader : the founder of a city or family. II. a
dpxoio-p.6XTj-o"r8o)vo-<|>pvvtx-^|pSTOS, ov, (dpxcuos, first leader, prince, chief.
fxc\os, 2ibwvios, Qpvvixot, ipards) ni\rj dpx> dear old dpx-ryos, Dor. dpx-ayos, 6v, (dpxr). rjyio/uu) he-
songs from Pbrynicbus' Phoenissae. ginning, originating. II. as Subst. like dp ^77-

dpxaiov, (sub. hdvtiov), r6, properly neut. of dp- yirr/s, a leader, founder, Lat. auctor ; a first fa-
Xcuos, the original sum, the principal, Lat. sors. ther. 2. a prince, chief.
apx«u6-irXovTOS, ov, (dpxcuos, vXovros) rich from dpxf^ev, Adv. (dpxr)) from the beginning.
olden time. dpxT|iov, to, Ion. for dpxeiov.
&pXaio-?rp€irF|S, 4s, (dpxcuos, irpinat) distinguished dpxV, Adv -» v "PXV

of old, time-honoured. 'APXI-, insep. Prefix from dpx«"» like &p\t:

dpxatos, a, ov, (dpxr) 1) from the beginning, ancient: dpxtSiov, to, Dim. of dpxr), a little office.
in good sense, time-honoured ; but in bad sense, like dpxiepaTiKos, r), 6v, (dp K ifp&js) belonging to the
dpxaiKos, antiquated, gone by: also simple, silly. 2. Chief Priest.
ancient former. dpx-iepcvs, itvs, 6 : Ion. nom. dpxilpcus, eat ; also
dpxcuo-rpoiros, ov, (dpxcuos, rpSnos) old-fashioned. dpxipevs, whence ace. pi. dpxipias (dpx<*>> l*(>*vs) a :

apx-aipecla, 17, (dp \r\, aipeais) an election of ma- chief priest, high priest.
gistrates, Lat. Comitia. Hence dpx-"pcoo~uvT], r), (dpxt-, Upwavvrf) the chief priest-
dpxaipeoxd£co, f. aa>, to bold the Comitia : also to hood.
canvass for election. dpxi-O&Xoo-o-os, ov, (dpxt-, OdXaaaa) ruling the
dpxaicos, Adv. of dpxcuos, anciently. 2. in anti- sea.
quated style. dpxi6eo>pc<i>, f. r)a<a, to be dpxiOi&pos. From
dpx«-, insep Prefix from &px°>, with idea of excel- dpxi-Ocwpos, 0, (dpxi; Otojpus) the chief of a devpia
lence or superiority. or sacred embassy.
dpx«tov, Ion. dpxTJiov, to, properly neut. of an Adj. dpxt-KXud/, amos, 6, a chief of robbers.
dpxcios, a, ov: (dpxr)): —
a public building, such as dpxtKos, r), 6v, (dpxr)) royal. 2. fit for rule
a town-ball, senate-bouse, residence of the chief magis- skilled in government.
trates, Lat. Curia. dpxt-KvpepvrjTTjs, ov, 6, a chief pilot.
dpxc-KdKOS, ov, (dpx*"» taftos) beginner of ill. dpxi-p.ip.os, d,a chief comedian.
dpxe-Xdos, ov, Att. dpx«-X«os, <av, (dpx € ~» Xaos) dpxi-oivoxoos, 6, a chief cupbearer.
leading the people, a chief contr. dpx«-Xas. dpxi-ir€tpoT#|s, ov, 6, a chief of pirates.
dpx«p.€vat, £p.inf. of apx *- dpx«.-irotp,T)v, gen. evos, 6, (dpxi-, irotfir)v) a chief
dpx«-irXovros, ov, (dpx € "> v\ovros) enjoying ancient shepherd.
wealth. dpx-ipcvs, 6, Ion. for dpxifpf vs.
dpx«ra«, 6, Dor. for dpxirrjs, (dpxoi) a leader, opxi-o-wdYw-yos, 6, (dpxi; owayojyr)) the ruler of
prince. II. as Adj., dpx^TO* 0p6vos a princely a synagogue.
throne. dpxtTCKTOv^w, f. r)ao), to be a chief builder or archi-
dpx4-TVirov, t<5, (dpx € "»
nJiro*) an archetype, pattern, tect : to construct, contrive, Lat. struere. From
model. dpxi-T^ierttv, evos, 6, a master-builder, director of

d.p\LT€k<avrjs — aoiiiws. 107
works, architect, engineer: generally, an author, con- ao-dtuv0os, 1), a bathing-tub. (Deriv. uncertain.)
triver. 'Ao-Avd, 'AoxLvai, 'Ao-avaios, Lacon. for 'Adrjvij,
apx i "T *^ *,VT
s » ov, 6, a chief collector of taxes, chief 'Adrjvai, 'AOrjvatos.
publican. d-o-dvSaXos, ov, (a priv., advSa\ov) without sandals.
apx»--TpticXlvos, 6, the presidentof a banquet or a-o-avTOS, ov, (a privat., aaivoS) not to be flattered,
triclinium, so called because the guests reclined on harsh, morose.
couches placed along three sides of the table. d-o-opKos, ov, (a privat., odp£) without flesh, lean.
dpxos, 6, a leader, chief commander. From do-aro, contr. for ddaaro, 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of dda),
"APXfl, f. dp£a): aor. I ?jp£a : pf. 7jp\a:— more to hurt.
commonly in Med. dpxopai : fut. dpgopxu : aor. I dcracrOai, aor. I med. inf. of dew, to satiate.

Tjp£anr)v: pf. jj/ry/ttu: — Pass., fut. dpx 0f]O~o(iai:

aor. I dcrd4>€ua, 1), indistinctness. From
fip\6rjv. of Time, to begin : c. gen. to make
I. (a privat., aa<p-qs) indistinct, dim, faint,
d-o"ct4>T|s, is,

a beginning of a thing, apxeiv vo\ifioio with inf. or : uncertain, obscure. Adv. -<pws, indistinctly.
part., dpxtaOai oitcotioficiv to begin to build; j) ipvxh dcrdco, f. rjaoj, (da-n) to surfeit, cloy, satiate: — Pass.
dpx €Tai anoXtivovaa the soul begins to sink. 2. dcrdopai, with aor. I pass, darjdtjv, and med. dod-
to begin from or with; dpxcvOai &*&* to begin from fxnv, to feel loathing or nausea, to be disgusted or
Jove, Lat. a Jove principium. 3. c. gen. rei et vexed at a thing.
dat. pers., ap\uv 6(ois hour 6s Jo make preparations d-o-pco-TOS, ov, also rj, ov, (a privat., afitaros) un-

for a banquet to the gods : Med. also in a religious quenched, not to be quenched : endless, cease-
sense, like airapx^oOai, apxeodai (icKiojv to begin a less. II. as Subst., da&effTOS (sub. riravos), 17,

sacrifice with the limbs. 4. c. ace, ap\eiv 686v unslaked lime. 2. asbestus, a mineral which resists
rivi to shew him the way: —
imperat., dpx* begin! — the action of fire.

part. &px6fi€vos, at first. II. of Place and Sta- "A2BOA02, 1), rarely 0, also d<r$okt\, 1), soot.
tion, mostly c. gen. to rule, be leader of: more — aae, for daat, 3 sing. aor. of ddo>, to hurt. I

rarely c. dat., dvSpdoiv dpx* iv s— c. ace. cognato, ap- dacfjeia, j), (datfi'fjs) impiety, profaneness.
X««v apxyv to bold an office. 2. Pass, to be ruled derefjeo), f. rjaw, (doefiris) to act profanely or impi-

or governed : ot dpxofievoi subjects. ously, sin against the gods. Hence

&p\<av, ovtos, 6, (properly part, of dpx&) & ruler, dcrffj-r]u.a, aros, to, an impious act, a sin.

captain, chief, king. 2. ol "Apxovrts, the chief d-aepTjs, is, (a privat., ai/Bo)) ungodly, unholy,
magistrates at A tbens, nine in number, the first being profane.
called emphatically 6 "'Apx 6"' or "Apxow inuvvfios, aortiv, fut. inf. of do), to satiate, [d]
the second BaciXcvs, the third 6 TlokifMpxos, the d-otipcoTOs, ov, (o privat., otipooS) not drawing by
remaining six ol QcafioOirai. a trace (but by the yoke), of the two middle horses
**APfl, a form assumed as the Root of apapiaKO). in a team of four abreast, the outer two being called
dpw [a], fut. of adpcu: but apui [pi], of a'ipa>. ffCipa<popoi.
dpwyf), 1), (apJryoj) help, succour, protection ; dparft d-<r«XooTOS, ov, (a privat., aikas) not lighted.
voaov help against disease. da-fXyaiva, f. avu> pf. pass. it oi\yqiuu : (dot\- :

dpcL>YO-vavT-r]S, ov, 6, (aparyos, vavrrjs) helper of 717s) to behave licentiously. :

sailors. do-cXyeia, ij, {doeKyqs) licentiousness.

dpco-yos, 6v, (aprryo)) helping, aiding, propitious; c. d-<T6X"YT|S, is, (a privat., OiKyoj) licentious, brutal.
gen. useful in a thing. II. as Subst. dpco-yos, 6, Adv. -ws, extravagantly.
a helper, defender, an advocate before a tribunal. d-o-tXtjvos, ov, (a privat., afX-qvrf) without moon.
'APHMA, to, any seasoning, spice. do-€iTT€(i>, = daefiiw, to act impiously. From
dpwpa, to, (dpooj) corn-land, Lat. arvum. d-o-€irros, ov, (a privat., oi0a>) not to be reverenced,
dpwp.€vai, Ep. for dpovv, contr. from dpoifievai, pre*, unholy.
inf. of dpooj. do-€o-0c, 2 pi. fut. med. of d<w, to satiate.
dpcjpalos, Dor. for dpovpaiot. oo-eOpai, Dor. for duoopai, Att. qaofxai, fut. of da'Sai.
&$, as or d$, Aeol. and Dor for ton, till, until. doTj, ij, (da;, to satiate) surfeit, loathing, disgust. 2.
is, Dor. gen. for ^«, from ot, fj, 0. generally, anguish, distress.
dcrcu, contr. for aaaai, aor. I inf. of dda;, to hurt. d<rr)0^s, do-r|0TJvat, aor. 1 pass. subj. and inf. of doao).
aotu, aor. of aw, to satiate.
1 inf. d-o-rjLiavTos, ov, (a privat., o-nyuaivw) without leader,
90-04, contr. for duoai, aor. 1 inf. of dti5a>. untended. II. unsealed, unmarked.
do-cupi, aor. I opt. of atu, to satiate. (o privat., afjfia) without sign or mark;
d-0-rjp.os, ov,
d-o-axTOs, ov, (a privat., aaxrot) not trodden down. darjfws xpvoot uncoined gold ; dar\\ia 6n\a arms with-
d-croA4|j.(vios, ov, (o privat., 2aA.a/xu) not having out device. II. of sacrifices, etc., giving no sign,
been at Salamis, no true seaman, [fu] obscure. III. indistinct, unseen, unheard: of
a-o-dXevros, o*,(a privat., aaXfvr 6s) unshaken, calm. sounds, inarticulate. 2. of persons and places, un-
dcrapev, I plur. aor. 2 of dm, to sleep. known, obscure, ignoble.
108 btrriimv — &<rnapros.

d-o-nptov, ov, gen. ovot, - darj/xos. tise or endeavour to remain such. 3. absol. to
do6cv€ia, i), (aodevfy) want of strength, weakness, practise, train.
sickliness. 2. a disease. do-KT)(W|s, is, unhurt, unharmed: unscathed. (De-
darOcvcw, f. -qaw, (daOfvrjs) to be weak, feeble, sickly. riv. uncertain.)

do*6evT]pa, aros, to, (daOivioi) an infirmity. ao-K-ryxa, aros, t6, (doKioS) an exercise.
d-<r0€VT|s, is, (a privat., adivos) without strength, d-onenvos, ov, (a privat., a/erjvij) without tents.
weak : feeble, sickly. 2. of property, poor ; ol daOe- do-KTjo-is, e<us,r}, (daitiw) exercise, training; danrjais
viarfpoi the weaker sort, i. e. the poor. 3. insigni- tivos practice of or in a thing. II. a trade, pro-
ficant : so of streams, small. fession, Lat. ars.
d-o-0€v6o>, f. woo), (doOevqs) to weaken. d<ricnT€os, a, ov, verb. Adj. ofdafciai, to be practised.
do-Qcvus, Adv. of daOcvfjs, weakly, feebly, slightly. do-Kir]TT|s, ov, 6, (daicia)) one who practises any art
&o-0pa, aros, to, (do), to blow) bard-drawn breath, or trade, opp. to IdiwTrjs : an athlete. Hence
panting, gasping from toil. II. a breath, breathing. do-KtjTtKos, 77, ov, industrious : athletic.
dcrOpatvco, (aoOfjta) to breathe hard, gaspfor breath. do-KTjTos, f/, ov, (doici<») curiously wrought. a.
'Ao-i-dpx'ns, ov, 6, ('Aaia, dpx<») an Asiarch, the exercised in a thing. 3. to be acquired by practice,
highest religious official under the Romans in the as opp. to SiSaieros.
province of Asia. d-o-Kios, a, ov, (a privat., OKid) without shade.
'Ao-tds, aSos, 1$, ('Aaia) fern. Adj. Asiatic: 7} 'Aaids d-orKiir<ov, ovos, 0, r), (a privat., aieiirojv) without a
(with or without Kiddpa), the lyre as improved by staff, [r]

Cepion of Lesbos. 'AcrKXijmetov, r6, the temple of Aesculapius. From

'Ao-iaTO-Y€vr|s, it, ('Aaia, yivos) of Asiatic descent. 'AencX-nmos, 0, Asclepios, Lat. Aesculapius, in
d-aCS-qpos, ov, (a privat., aiorjpos) not of iron. 2. Homer a Thessalian prince, famous as a physician:
without sword. later, son of Apollo and Coronis, tutelary god of
d-o-tvT|s, is, (a privat., aivopat) of persons, unhurt, medicine.
unharmed : of things, undamaged. II. act. not d-cr* ottos, ov, (a privat., aKoitiu) not seeing: im-
harming, doing no harm : innocent. 2. protecting prudent : unregardful of, tivos. II. pass, un-

from harm. Hence seen. 2. not to be seen, obscure: incredible.

d-o-tvws, Adv. innocently : Sup. daivioTara. \A2KO'2, 0, a leathern bag, a wineskin. 2. ge-
doxos, a, ov, (dais) slimy, miry. nerally, an animal's bide: proverb., doitbv hipuv —
"A2I2, ecus, t), slime, mud. TLvd to flay one alive; daieos dehdpOai to be flayed alive.
do-iTcco, f. rjaa), go without food,
(dairos) to to fast. do-KuAia, rd, (daieos) the second day of the rural
do-irCa, 1), want offood, fasting. From Dionysia, on which they danced upon wine-skins.
o-oTtos, ov, (a privat., atros) without eating, fasting. Hence
do-KaXaSos or do-K&\&pcornS, 6, a kind of lizard. 'Ao-KcoXid^o), f. aw, to dance as at the Ascolia.
o-o-kSXos, ov, (a privat., atcd\ka>) unhoed, undug. padding of
do-Kcopa, aros, to, (da/tot) the leather
doxdvrns, a mean bed.
ov, 6, II. a bier. the hole which served for the row-lock, put there to
d-<ncapSap.VKT€i and -ktC, Adv. of daKapSdjAV/tros, make the oar work easily.
without winking, without unchanged look. o!o-pa, t6, (d8a>) a song, lay.
d-crtcapodpuKTOs, ov, (a privat., aicapda/J.vaoco) not o!o-pfiTO-KdpirTrjS, ov, 6, (cxtr/xo, Kdfiirrrjs) twister
blinking, with steady impudent look. II. of time, of song.
in a twinkling. do-pevos, 77, ov, as if for f/apivos, perf. pass. part,
d-<rK«\T|s, is, (a euphon., aKiWoo)
dried up, of fjdonai : well-pleased, glad : often in dat., dafiivq)
withered. 2. neut. datceKis, as Adv., also daKf- Hoi dv urj it would be to me well-pleased, glad should
\iojs, obstinately, stubbornly. I be of it :

Comp. dafievdrrepos, -iarepos and -aire-
d-o-K€irapvos, ov, (a privat., aninapvov) unhewn. pos. Adv. -vojs, gladly, readily.
d-o"K6irros, ov, (a privat., oatyoyuai fut. of aKoniai) aVopai, contr. for deiaopuai, fut. of ddS<u, to sing.
inconsiderate — Adv. - tojs, inconsiderately. II. a-croc^os, ov, (a privat., ao<p6s) unwise foolish.
unconsidered, unobserved. 'ASIIA'ZOMAI, fut. daofuu Dep. :— to welcome :

d-o-K€infjs, is, = da/twos. kindly, bid welcome, greet, Lat. salutare : also to greet
d-oxeuos, ov, (a privat., aitevfi) unfurnished : c. gen. on taking leave. 2. to embrace, kiss, caress.
' 3.
unfurnished with daxevot daviSajv tc teal arparov. to cling fondly to, cleave to, as a disciple to his mas-
. ,


'A2KE'fl, f. tjoo} pf. jjaterjKa, pass. TjaKrjfiai

: to ter. 4. daird£ea$ai on . to be glad that . .

work curiously, fashion, dress out, adorn : also, 1. impf. dairaipea/cov, (a euphon., airai-
d-0"rraip<i>, Ion.
to honour a divinity, Lat. colere. II. in Att. p<u) to pant, gasp, struggle convulsively.
and prose, to practise, exercise, Lat. exercere ; said do"irdXa0os, o, a sweet-scented shrub.
either of the person, as, daxeiv rb aw/xa to exercise do-irdpa-yos, Att. do^dpevyos, 6, asparagus.
the body ; or of the thing, as, daieciv riyyrjv to prac- d-o-irapTOs, ov, (a privat., airupw) of land, unsown,
tice an art. 2. c. inf., daxSi roiavrrj fiivav 1 prac- unfilled : of plants, not sown, growing wild.
acrjr&noy— 'ASTH'P. 109
doTrdcrtos, a, ov, also o», or, (dtrnd^o/tfii) welcome, aVo-a, Att. aTTO, Ion. for dViva, neut. pi. of bans,
well-pleasing. II. well-pleased, glad. Hence which, whichsoever, what, whatever.
do-n-aatas, Adv. readily, gladly. dcrcra, Att. aTTa, Ion. for nvd, something, some.
a<rna<r\ia, aros, to, (daird(ofmi) a welcome, greet- do-o-dpiov, to, Dim. of Lat. as, a farthing.
ing : in plur. embraces. io-o-ov, Adv., Comp. of dyx i > nearer : sometimes c.
do-ira.o-p.6s, 6, (do7rd^o^at) an embrace: affection. gen., daaov ifxuo nearer to me : —
also Adv. daao-
do-iraoTos, 17, 6v, = dandaios, welcome. T(pw, whence was formed the Comp. Adj. do-o-dre-
d-o-imoros, ov, (a privat., anivbofiai) to be appeased pos, Sup. doooTaTos, Adv. daaoTaroi.
by no libations, implacable. (jo-o-o), Att. contr. for diaaoj.
d-oir€pp.os, ov, (a privat., airipfm) without seed, i.e. d-o-Ta0T|s, is, (a privat., iaTapiai) unsteady, unstable.
without posterity. d-a-TdOp/nros, ov, (a privat., CTa6fxdo^iai) unsteady,
d-OTT€px«s, Adv., (o euphon., airipxw) hastily, hotly, unstable : of things, uncertain.
unceasingly. d-o-TaKTOs, ov, (a privat., ordfa) not trickling, i. e.
d-o"ir€TOS, ov, (a privat., cliruv) unspeakable, unut- gushing in streams :— Adv. doraKTi, in floods.
terable, unspeakably great: neut. dairerov as Adv., d-orao-Caoros, ov, (a privat., araoidfa) without
unspeakably: — but, <puvf} doircTos an indistinct party-spirit, quiet. Adv. -tojs.
voice. doT&T«o, f. 770-cy, to be unstable: be a wanderer. From
dciTi8-airop\T|s, rjros, 6, (dams, dirofidWco) one d-o-T&Tos, ov, (a privat., fora/xcu) not steadfast, un-
that throws away bis shield, a runaway, coward. certain, unstable.
do-irt8Tj-OTp64)0s, ov, (dams, CTpicpoS) wielding a doradrfSiTis, tbos, -fj, fern. Adj. consisting of raisins.
shield. [St] From
damorj-dsopos, ov, (dams, <pipcu) shield-bearing : as d-o-ra<j>ts, ibos, fj, (a euphon., oralis) a raisin.
Subst. a shield-bearer, warrior. d<rra\v€aaiv, dat. pi. of
do-iriSidmjs, 6, (dams) shield-bearing, a warrior. d-o-Taxvs, vos, (a euphon., crdxvs) an ear of corn.
do"triS-ov\os, 6, (dams, Ix^) a shield-bearer. a.-0-riyaorros, ov, (a privat., creydfa) uncovered, of
do-m8omr]Y«iov, to, an armourer s shop. From a ship, undecked; bid to dariyaoTov from their hav-
do-irtSo-irriYOS, 0, (dams, vrjyvvpu) a shield-maker. ing no shelter.
do-m8o-<J>€ppxov, ov, gen. ovos, (dams, <pipfia)) liv- do-T€t£opai, Dep. to be witty. From
ing by the shield, a warrior. doT€ios, ov, also a, ov, (doTv) of the town; then,
d-o-irlXos, 6, 1), (a privat., airi\os) without stain, like Lat. urbanus, courteous, polite, witty, elegant,
spotless, pure. neat, pretty ; opp. to dypoi/cos.
'A2UI'2, ibos, 1), a round shield, Lat. clipeus, made d-crT€HTTOS, ov, (a privat., oTftPaJ) untrodden.
of bull's hide, overlaid with metal plates, with a boss d-<TT€p.<|>T|S, is, (a privat, CTifxficu) unmoved, un-
(dfji<pa\6s) in the middle, and fringed with tassels shaken : Adv., dcTfficptcos tx etv TiV °- to hold one
(dvoavoi) : the long oblong shield was ott\ov, Lat. fast. 2. of persons, inexorable.

scutum. 2. in common language used for a body d-orevaKTOS, ov, (a privat., OT(vdfa) without sigh
of men-at-arms (oitKitcu), dKTaKiox 1 ^-'11] &°~ ms 8000 or groan : without need for groans.
heavy-armed men ; in' dairibas irivre Kal tiKoai Ta£a- ^o"T«ov, verb. Adj. of aboj, one must sing.
cdai to draw men up twenty-five deep; in damba, d-orrctrTos, ov, (a privat., ariipw) uncrowned: hence,
nap' daviba on or to the left, right shoulders forward, unbonoured.
because the shield was held with the left hand, opp. doTcpY-dvcop, opos, 6, 1), (darepyqs, dvrjp) without
to em hipv. II. an asp, a kind of snake. love of man, bating wedlock. [7a]
doirxonqp, 77pos, 6, and do-morT|S, ov, 6, (dams) d-o*T€pYT)S, is, (a privat., aripycu) without love, un-
one armed with a shield, a warrior : also damorwp, kind, hateful.
as Adj., kXovol domoTopts din of shielded warriors. daT€po-€i8T|S, is, (daTTjp, (Ibos) starry.
d-OTrXoYX v °S, ov, (a privat., air\dyx va ) without do-Tepdeis, eaaa, ev, (daT-fjp) starry : sparkling,
bowels : metaph. heartless or merciless. glittering.
do-irov8«(, Adv. implacably. From dorepoirf), j), poet, for daTpairq, lightning. Hence
d-o"n-ov8os, ov, (a privat., anovbfj) without drink- daT€poirr)TT|s, ov, 6, the lightener.
offering, to whom no drink-offering is poured. II. doT€p-o>irds, 6v, (doT+ip, wip) starry : star-like, bright.
without regular truce (which was ratified by ottoj'- d-or«4>Svos, ov, (a privat., oricpavos) without crown,
bai) t6 danovbov a keeping out of treaty or covenant ungarlanded.

with others. III. admitting of no truce, impla- d-oT€<J>dvci>ros, ov, (a privat., aTt(pavv<v) not crowned.
cable ; danovbos dpd a deadly curse. do-TT), >), fern, of do"ro», a female citizen.
d-o"irov8aaros, ov, (a privat., onovbdfa) not zeal- d-o-T7)Xos, ov, (o privat., 0-T17A.77) without tombstone.
ously pursued. II. not worth zeal, mischievous. 'A2THT, 6, gen. ipos : dat. pi. doTpaai, Lat.
d-o-irov8€i and d-o"irov8i, Adv. (a privat., ovovbij) ASTRUM, a star. 2. any luminous body, a
without zeal : without a struggle, ignobly. meteor.
110 aarrip(.KT0S — a<rvAos.

a-<rrf|pncT05, ov, (a privat., orrjpifa) not firmly dorpoXoyCa, %, astrology. From

fixed, unsettled, unstable. darpo-Xdyos, 0, (darpov, \iyoj) an astronomer:
a-orl|3T|S, «*, (a privat., areifiaj) not to be trodden, later, an astrologer.
holy. untrodden, solitary.
2. "A2TPON, to, Lat. ASTRUM,a star, constellation.
do-TiKos, ov, (darv) of a city or town, opp. to
17, do*rpovopeu, f. 1700*, and dcrrpovouifu), f. iooj, to be
country ra dan/ccL Aiovvaia, like ret, tear' darv, the
: an astronomer, study astronomy : and

Dionysia celebrated in the city ; cf. sub Aiovvaia n do-Tpovopia, if, astronomy. From
also native, opp. to fevtKos foreign. II. = daretos, dorpo-vopos, ov, {darpov, vefioj) classing the stars:
neat, pretty. as Subst., dwrpovofxos, 6, an astronomer.
d-oTXKTOs, ov, (a privat., orifa) not branded, not turning
d-o~rpo<j>os, ov, (o privat., orp4<pu) without
marked with spots. round, Lat. irretortus ; darpo<pos iXQtiv to go without
d-orXeyyurTOS, ov (a privat., ar\€yytfa) not
turning the back.
scraped with the strigil, unclean, dirty. do-rpwos, a, ov, (darpov) of the stars, starry.
o-otoXos, ov, (a privat., aroKrj) without the stole. do-Tp-omds, ov, = darepamos.
d-oropos, ov, (a privat., orofta) speechless. II. d-o-Tpo>Tos, ov, (a privat., arpwwv/ju) without bed
of horses, hard-mouthed, unmanageable. III. of or bedding : unsmoothed, rugged.
dogs, bad-mouthed, unable to bite. IV. of a sword, "A2TT, to gen. tos, contr. ovs, also caw : a city,

without edge. town : the Athenians called their own city "Aarv, as
do-T6-£«vos, S, i), (darv, £cv$) the public guest of the Romans called theirs Urbs ; though darv also de-
a city. noted the Upper Town, as opp. to Peircpeus.
a-aropyos, ov, (a privat., aripyai) without natural darrC-dva£, cueros, 6, (darv, dva£) lord of the city.
affection, heartless, barbarous. do-TC-Pocin-ns, ov, 6, (darv, (3odoj) crying through
dords, 6, {darv) a townsman, citizen, fellow-citizen, the city, epith. of a herald.
opp. to £tvos. do-ru-ytiTcov, ov, gen. ovot, (darv, yelrojv) near or
dorTOX«o, f. tjoq}, to miss the mark : to/ail. From bordering on a city : as Subst. a neighbour.
d-oroxos, ov, (a privat., aroxos) missing the mark, dorvSc, Adv. (darv) into, to, or towards the city.
aiming badly : aimless, absurd. do-rvKos, 17, ov, = dan/cot.
d-arrpdptj, -fj, a pack-saddle, an easy saddle. From d-orxiXos, ov, (apriv., arv\os) without pillar or prop.
d-orp<XpT|S, <*, (a privat., orpacprjvat) untwisted, dorv-viKos, (darv, v'uen) victorious.
straight. dorCvouea), to be an darwojwt. From
dorrpay6Xr\, i), Ion. for darpdyaXoe m. dcrti-vofios, 6, (darv, vifu») a magistrate at Athens,
do-TpdyaXos, 6, one of the vertebrae of the neck. II. who bad the cart of the police, streets, and public
the ankle bone, Lat. talus. III. mostly in plur. buildings : they were ten in number, five for the City
darpdyaXoi, oi, dice, which at first were made of the and five for the Peiraeeus. II. as Adj. protecting

ankle-bones, Lat. tali : hence the game of dice. cities: also public, social ; bpyal darwofioi the feel-
They had only 4 flat sides, whereas the kv&oi had 6: ings of social life.
they played with 4; the best throw was when all dcrrti-oxos, ov, (darv, 2x<w) keeping the city.
came different, 'A<ppodirrj, Lat. jactus Veneris ; the d-7rtid>cXiKTOS, ov, (a privat., arwpc\.i$v) unshaken.
worst, when all came alike, kvqjv, Lat. canis. d-o-Tt»4>€\os, ov, (a privat., arv<pek6t) not rocky.

A2TP'Aim', i),a flash of lightning, lightning. [&r] a.-o~vyyv&\uav, ov. (a privat., avyyvwjiojv) without
do*rp£inr)<j>opc<i>, f. 170-0;, to carry lightnings. From forgiveness, relentless, merciless.
doTpairr|-<|>6pos, ov, (dorpa-irq, <pip<v) lightning- d-avYK«paoTos, ov, (a privat., ovyKtpaaret) not to
bearing, flashing. be mixed.
doTpd-iTTft), (darpairq) to lighten: impers.,
f. \frto, d-ovyicdpaorTOS, ov, (a privat., ovyKoyxarot) not
dorpdirru it lightens: trans, to flash forth. IL gathered together, unreaped.
intr. to flash or glance like lightning. d-ovyKptTOS, ov, (o privat., ofryttpires) not to be
doTpdou, dat. pi. of darrjp. mixed, unsocial.
d-oTpdTeCa, j), (a privat., arparttu) exemption from d-o-vyicp6n|TOS, ov, see d^vyKp6rryT0t.
service. 2. a shunning of service, which at Athens d-o~0Ko4)dvTT]TOs, ov, (a privat., avtcoipavrtoS) not
was a heavy offence <pevyeiv ypa<p^v darparuas to
; calumniated.
be indicted for it darparuas dXwvai to be convicted
; do-uXatos, a, ov, (d-av\ov) of an asylum.
of it. d-o-uX-nros, ov, (a privat., ov\da>) inviolable.
d-orpdT€VTOS, ov, (a privat., arp&rvuoS) exempt from acrvXCa,

17 , (davXos) inviolability, security, esp. of a

service. 2. never having served. suppliant.
d-orrpeiTTOS, ov, (a privat., orpi<poS) not to be bent d-o~vXX6Yurros, ov, (a privat., avWoyifafuu) un-
of persons, unbending. able to reason: — Adv., davXXoyiarojt lx uv to ^ e
dorpo-'ycCT&w, ov, gen. ovos, (darpov, ycirojv) near unable to reason.
the stars. d-<rvXos, ov, (a privat, ot/Xi;) free from plunder:
; :

aoT^aroy— 'ATA'P. Ill

unharmed, inviolate : also c. gen., ydpuuv davXos safe do-<J>a\Tos, ov, asphalt or bitumen, forming in

from marr age. lumps on the surface of water near Babylon, where it
d-o-v|i{3aTos, ov, (a privat., avfi&alvcu) not coming was used as mortar. (Foreign word.)
to terms : incompatible. Adv. -to>*. do-<i>a\iI>s, Ion. -«a>s, Adv. of da<pa\T)S, firmly, se-
d-<ru|x/3X"nTos ov, (a privat., avfi^aXXaj) not to be curely : Comp. da<pa\(0T(pov, Sup. -(arara.
guessed, unintelligible. d-o-d^ap&Y&o, (a euphon., acpapayico) to ring, resound.
d-crOfi.po\os, ov, (o privat., ovfiBoXov) without pay- dcrdmpd-yos, 6, (a euphon., acpdpayos) the throat,
ing one's contribution or subscription. gullet.
d-o~0|i.p.6Tpos, ov, (a privat., ovfXjxfTpos) incommen- dada, aa4>€, Aeol. for a<pi, acpk.
surate. II. disproportionate, unequal. do-dwScXos, o, asphodel, a plant like the lily. II.
d-o-up. ira0Tjs, «, \a privat., avfinadrjs) without sym- as A.d].,do'<poO€Xds Xeifiwv the asphodel meadow, which
pathy. the shades of heroes haunted. (Deriv. unknown.)
d-o-up.$opos, ov, fa privat., avpKplpoj) inexpedient, do-xdXdo), only used in pres.: Ep. 3 sing do~xo.\dq:,
useless : prejudicial, like Lat. inutilis. Adv. pus. 3 plur. doxaXowai, inf. dax^Xaav, part. daxaXoaw
d-o~up,<f><ovos, ov, {a privat., avfi(pojvos) not accordant. — another form is do*xdXX<i). To be vexed, grieved,
d-o*vv8«TOs, ov, (a privat., avvSecu) unconnected. c. part., daxoXdav u-ivcov to be vexed at waiting
do-W€o-£a, r/, (aavvcTos) want of understanding or daxo-Xav tivi to be vexed at a thing c. ace, daxdX- ;

apprehension, stupidity. Xuv ddvarov to feel a horror of death. (Deriv.

d-o-uveros, Att. d-|vveros, ov, (a privat., owctos) uncertain.)
void of understanding, stupid. II. unintelligible. d-o"x*TOS. ov, (a privat., o"x««/, aor. 2 inf. of %x w )
Adv. -reus, [u] not to be checked or restrained, irrepressible.
d-<rvvT|p-o)v, Att. d-|wf|}Ki)v, ov, gen. •vos, (o privat., doxn,p.ov€», to behave unseemly, act indecorously;
ffwlrjpu) without understanding. and
d-<rvv0eTOS, Att. d-|trv0«TOS. ov, (a privat., awri- daxTUioo-uvT), fj, deformity, indecency. From
Ofpxii, cf. owdrj/crj) bound by no treaties, faithless. d-<rxT)p.a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., cx^A"1 ) shape-
Adv. -TO/*. less unseemly, shameful.
: Adv. daxrj^ovojs.
d-o-vvTOXTOS, Att. d-|vvTaKTOS, ov, (a privat., aw- doxoXCa, -fj, occupation, industry, business. II.
raaaoj) not arranged together, esp. of soldiers, not want of leisure : a hindrance from other things; do~xo-
in battle-order : hence disorderly. II. un- Xiav Ttapix*w Ttvi to be a hindrance to one. From
social. III. ill-proportioned. IV. not as- d-oxoXos, op, (a privat., a xoXrf) without leisure, busy,
sessed, free from taxes. industrious. Adv. -Xcvs.
d-o-uvTOvos, ov, {a privat., awruvoS) not strained, do-x°X6(i)v, dcrxoXowo-i, Ep. pres. part, and 3 plur.
slack. Adv. -vojs, lazily, Sup. -drrara. of daxaAdo;.
d-o-uo-KevooTOs, ov, (a privat., avatcevafa) not well d-o-b>p.&ros, ov, (a privat., cuipia) without body, in-
arranged, not convenient. corporeal.
d-o-uo-rdTos, Att. d£vorciTos, ov, (a privat., ow- do-o>Tia, 1), prodigality, dissoluteness. From
ioTafiai) not holding together: metaph. irregular, d-o-oTOS, ov, (a privat., ctlifa) not to be saved: aban-
uneven, uncouth, rugged. doned, profligate, Lat. perditus. Adv. -tojs, disso-
do-udnrjXos, ov, vile, dishonoured : also dishonouring, lutely.
reproachful. (Deri v. unknown.) dTaxTcci), f -qao}, to be undisciplined or disorderly.
. 2
do-uxta, d<rux i rl °s> do-uxos, Dor. for f/avx-. generally, to lead a disorderly life. From
d-o-4>d8a<7TOs, ov, (a privat., o<pabdfa) without con- d-raKTOS, ov, (a privat., rdaacu) out of order, not in
vulsion or struggle. order of battle, not at one's post. 2. undisciplined,
d-crdniKTOs, ov, (a privat., o<paTToS) unslaugbtered. disorderly, irregular, lawless. Adv. -reus.
dcrcJxiXtia, i), (da<paXr)s) firmness, stability. 2. d-T&XaCirwpos, ov, (a privat., raXai-ncupos) not toiling
assurance from danger, security, personal safety : also patiently, careless, indifferent.
a safe conduct. 3. certainty, surety. d-rdXavTOS, ov, (a copul., raXavrov) equal in
do-dnlXcios, ov, of Neptune, the Securer. From weight, equivalent or equal to.

d-o-4>d\T)S, is, (a privat., o<pdXuv aor. 2 inf. of dTaXd-4>ptov, ov, gen. ovos, (draX6s, <ppr}v) tender-
<T<pdXXa>) firm, fast, steadfast. 2. of persons, un- minded.
fading, sure, trusty : of things, sure, certain. 3. aTaXXaj, only used in pres. (draXSs) to gambol, sport
safe, secure ; iv do~<pa\tt or t£ dacpaXovs in safety about. II. trans, to bring up a child, rear,
rh do(pa\ts safety. Hence foster: —
Pass, to grow up, wax.
ua<J)&Ai£w, f. iatu Att. XSj, to secure, guarantee. ut&Xos, 17, 6v, (akin to dnaXos) tender, delicate.
do"4>aAi<r$TJv<u, aor. I pass. inf. of d<r<paAi£a>. aTaXo-U/Oxos, ov, {draXos, ipvxrj) soft-hearted.
d<r<^a\TiTT]S, ov, 6, fern, -ins, 1), of asphalt, bitu- aTa^ia, (draKTos) a want of discipline.
-fj, 2.
minous : KifjLVT) ' ho<pa\TiTis, Lat. Lacus Aspbaltites, disorder, confusion, licentiousness.
the Dead iea. [i] From 'ATAT, fcp. aurdp, Conjunct, but, yet, Lat. at, to
112 ardpOKTOs — &ri^<£<|a>.

introduce a« objection; drdp wv %<pr)s still thou didst straightforward. 3. unbending, stubborn. II.

say it often stands for 5c after fiiv.

: Adv. drevws, or drtvis, exceedingly. Hence
d-Tdpaicros, ov, (a privat., rafdvrai) without confu- aT€vi£<i>, f. ia<u, to look at intently, gaze at.
sion, cool, steady.Hence "ATEP, Prep, with gen. without, except, besides. TL
aTapa|Ca, i), freedom from passion, calmness. aloof, apart, away from.
d-rap{3-rjs, is, (a privat., rdp(ios) fearless ; drap/S^s d-Tcpap.vos, ov, (a privat., ripmfjivs) unsoftened, un-
rfjsBias having no fear about the sight. feeling, inexorable.
d-Tdp|3T|TOs, ov * ( a privat., rapfiioj) undaunted. d-T€pdp.b>v [a], ov, gen. ovos, Att. for Aripapwi.
dTapirtrds, t), Ion. for drpamros. £rep0€, before a vowel artpdev, = &rep.
drapirds, %, Ion. for drpavSs. d-Tcpp.(»v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., rifpm) without
i.raprr\p6s, 6v, Ep. for dr-qpos, mischievous, baneful. bounds : having no outlet, inextricable.
aTao-d&Xta, ij, (drdoQaXos) blind folly, presume &Tcpos [a], ov, Dor. for tT(p*$, ov. 2. &repos
tuous sin, recklessness. [d], Att. contr. for tripos, gen. ddripov, dat. $arip<p,
aTao-GaXXw, to act presumptuously. From Baripa etc., or with mark of crasis, Odripov, etc.
drdcrO&Xos, ov, (draco, drioi) presumptuous, reckless. d-T«pirfj$, is, (a privat., riprroS) unpleasing, joyless,
d-Tavp<i>TOS, ov, also r), ov, (a privat., ravpos) un- sad. II. not enjoying a thing, twos.

wedded, virgin, pure. d-T«piros, ov, = drtpir-qs.

d-r&<J>os, ov, (a privat., r&pfjvai) unburied. d-T6vxTjS, is, and d-T€iixT|TOS, w, (a privat., tcvx»0
drdw, f. ijaoj, (art]) to hurt, barm : Pass, to suffer, unarmed.
be in distress. d-T€xvos, ov, or d-rexv^S, is, (o privat., rixyrf) with-
&T€, ace. plur. neut. of oare, used as Adverb, like out art, unskilled, rude: of things, inartificial. II.
airep, just as, as if, so as. II. only in Prose, without art or cunning, simple.
inasmuch as, seeing that, Lat. quippe, utpote. d-T€xvws, Adv. of arexyv** ana d-rexveos, of ar*x-

d^rcyKTOS, ov, (o privat., riyyco) unwetted, not soft' vos, without art or skill, rudely. II. really, abso-
ened: bard-hearted, relentless. lutely, utterly, Lat. plane, prorsus, in which sense it is

d-T€ipT|S, is, (o privat., retpw) not to be worn away: mostly written are-xyujs; as drtxy&s £iva>s Ix " I am
untiring, unwearied: also stubborn, unbending: an utter stranger.
wearisome. aria, only in part, drionr, fool-hardy, reckless.
d-TetxwTTOs, ov, (a privat., T«x*Ctt without walls From
and towers, unfortified. II. not walled in, not &**!> tit (dcuu) distraction, folly, delusion : judicial

blockaded. blindness sent by the gods. 2. ruin, mischief: o\

d-TCKp.apros, ov, (a privat., re/tfiaipoficu) not to be persons, a bane, pest. 3. "Arn personified, the god-
guessed, obscure, vague, dark: of men, uncertain. dess of mischief: the Airai come slowly after her, u»-
Adv., areKfjidpTajs tx €LV to be ,#n &e dark. doing the evil she has worked, v. II. 9. 500. [a]
drcKvCa, ^, childlessness. From d-TTjKTOS, ov, (a privat., ttjkoj) unmelted.
d-TCicvos, ov, (a privat., ritcvov) childless. drr|u.cXc(d, f. ijCfo), to be careless. From
drcXcia, i), (drekfjs) at Athens, exemption from pub- d-njp,€\"rjs, is (a privat., rrjfiek^s) careless.
lic burdens (rikij), Lat. immunitas. drrjp.c\T|TOS, ov, (drijfifkicS) unheeded, uncared
d-TcXeoTOS, ov, (o privat., rekico) without end or for. 2. baffled, disappointed. II. act. taking

effect : unfinished —
neut. pi. driktora, as Adv., in no heed : Adv., drty/xcA^rau %X etv wo* to take no
vain. II. uninitiated in. heed of a thing.
d-TeXevnrpros, ov, (o privat., rtkevrdw) not coming dTTjpos, d, 6v, (&rn) deluded, driven to ruin. II.

to an end, unaccomplished. II. endless, im- baneful, ruinous. Add. -pws. [a]
practicable. 'AtOCs, idos, ij, Attic; cf. 'Attik6s. II. as

d-rcAevTOS, ov, (o privat., rtkivrff) endless. Subst. (sub. 717), Attica. 2. (sub. yXarra), the
d-TtXiqs, is, (a privat., rikos) without end, unaccom- Attic dialect.
plished. 2. ineffectual, Lat. irritus. 3. imper- d-rtcTOS, ov, (a privat., riu) unbonoured. II.

fect, unripe, II. act. not bringing to an end, not act. not honouring.

accomplishing a thing. III. at Athens, free from d-rt£<a, f. ho), (o privat., ri^oj=ria>) not to honour:
public burdens (rikrj), exempt, Lat. immunis. IV. absol. in part, drifav unheeding: but c. ace. to slight,
uninitiated in a thing, rivos. treat lightly.
dreXCTj, ^, Ion. for drikeia. d-Ti0d<rcvTOS, ov, (o privat., nOaotvo)) untamed, not
drcp^o), only used in pres. to bring to barm, to mal- to be tamed, wild.
treat, confound —Pass, to be bereft of a thing; drtfi- dTip,-&-yc\T]S, ov, 6, (drifiAw, dyiXrf) despising or
fiovrat vcSnjros they are deprived of, i.e. past, youth. forsaking the herd,feeding alone.
(Deriv. uncertain.) [&] d-Tipd£w, f. dao) : aor. 1 ^rifidaa : pf. jjrlfiaxa —
o-tcvt|s, is, (a copul., reiva/) strained tight : hence Pass., aor. 1 i\rlyudaQr\v faiftae/mu : (a privat.,


intent, intense: excessive. 2. straight, direct: rt/idw). To esteem lightly, dishonour, slight Pass.

£^l/xa<rrefos ,

-&Tpo<f)£to, 113
to suffer dishonour or insult. II. •* drt/ida; in droXpia, ij, want of daring, cowardice. From
legal sense, to deprive of civil rights. d-ToXpos, ov, (a privat., roKpa) wanting courage,
aTijKurrcos, o, ov, verb. Adj. of dripd^oj, to be de- cowardly. 2. not over daring, retiring.
spised. 2. dripaariov, one must dishonour. apropos, ov, (a privat., roprj) uncut: unmown. II.

OTifKurnip, rjpos, 6, (dripudfa) a dishonourer. not able to he cut, indivisible; iv drupup in a moment
di-Cpao-ros, ov, (dTF/id£a>) dishonoured, despised. of time.
d-Ti|xdxo, f. r/oa) aor. I rprifirjaa pf. r)ripr)Ka :— d-rovos, ov, (a privat., rtivoi) not stretched, slack, lan-

: :

Pass., aor. I f)Tipf)dr)v: (a privat., TipMw) : to insult, guid, Lat. remissus. II. (tovos) without accent.
slight, dishonour. Hence d-ro^os, ov, (a privat., ru£ov) without bow or arrow.
dTtp/nros, ov, unhonoured, despised. II. in aTOirta, r), strangeness, oddness, absurdity: unusual
legal sense, not estimated; biter) dripnTos a cause in nature: unnatural conduct. From
which the penalty is not assessed in court, but fixed d-roiros, ov, (a privat., rdiros) out of place, out of
by law. the way, strange, marvellous, odd. 2. absurd, Lat.
d-ripta, r), (dripos) dishonour, disgrace. 1. at ineptus. 3. unnatural, disgusting. Henc*
Athens, the loss of civil rights, Lat. deminutio capitis. drdTrus, Adv. absurdly.
d-Tl(j.os, ov, (o privat., rijxt) i) unhonoured, disho- 2ros, ov, contr. for daros, insatiate, c. gen.
noured : c. gen. without the honour of. a. at aTpaKTOs, d, and 1), a spindle. II. also an
Athens, of a citizen deprived of bis privileges ei'her arrow, cf. 77X0*0x77. (Deriv. uncertain.)
totally or in part, Lat. capite deminutus, opp. to kni- d-TpairtTOS, Ep. aTapiriTOS, r), a path.
rtpos: cf. cLTifila. II. (ripr) n) without price or d-rpa-rros, Ep. d-Tapirds, r), (a euphon., rpiiroj) a
value. 2. unrevenged, unpunished. Hence path that does not turn, a path, way, road.
d-rlpou, f. dwrco, to dishonour : —
Pass, to suffer dis- drp«K€ia, ij, reality, strict truth, accuracy. II.

honour. 2. in legal sense, to punish with loss of justice, uprightness. From

civil privileges (drtpua), Lat. aerarium facer e. 'ATPEKH'2, is, real, true, exact. II. strict,
dTi(xu)v, Ep impf. of drtpudtu. just, upright.
d-TipwpnreC, and d-Tipc>pT)TC, Adv. of d-rpepd, and before a vowel d-rptpSs, Adv., (a
d-T4JUripi|TOS, ov, (a privat., ripuupiopai) unavenged, privat., rpipuu) without trembling. 2. quietly,
unpunished. 2. unprotected. calmly, gently.
d-rl^juos, Adv. of artfios, disgracefully. d-rpepaios, a, ov, poet, for drpepLfjs, calm, gentle;
d-ri(xcocris, coos, r), (dri/zoey) a dishonouring, [rt] drpcpala 0od a whisper.
dTtrdXXu, aor. I Ion. an'r^Aa: {draXos): to rear, —
dTpcptoo, not to tremble or move, to keep still or
foster, tend : generally, to cherish. quiet. From
d-rtTos, ov, also rj, ov, (o privat., rico) unhonoured, d-Tp€p"f|s, €9, (a privat., rpepuv) not trembling, un-
dishonoured. 2. unavenged. II. unpaid. moved, calm: Adv. drpept, quietly.
d-rio), (o privat., rt'cw) not to honour, not to re- drpepCa, 1), (drpfpifjs) a keeping still : calmness.
venge, [r] aTpept£<i>, f. too) Att. Xw, {drpepeqs) to keep quiet:
'ATXa-^cWis, is,CAT\as, yivos) sprung from Atlas. ovk drpepifav to be restless or unquiet.
'ATXavTts, iSos, r), daughter of Atlas. From d-rpcirros, ov, (a privat., rpiiroj) unmoved, indif-
"A-tXos, ovtos, 6, (a euphon., rXijvai) Atlas, one of ferent.
the older gods, who bears up the pillars of heaven d-Tp€OTOS, ov, (a privat., rpioi) not trembling\fearless.
also one of the Titans. 2. the pillar of heaven, d-TpiaKTOS, ov, (a privat., rpidfa) unconquered.
Mount Atlas in West Africa. d-TpCpaoros, ov, (a privat., rpifioS) not accustomed
drXryri^, to be unable to bear, be impatient. From d-Tpi|3T|s, is, (a privat., rpifftiv) not rubbed:
d-rX-nros, Dor. d-rXdTOS, ov, (a privat., T\r}vai) not of places, not traversed, pathless : of roads, not
to be borne, insufferable. II. not to be dared. used. 2. of clothes, not much worn, new, Lat.
aT\ir\, 17, — dr/xo*, smoke, beat. integer.
d-rp/rp-os, ov, (a privat., ripvoj) uncut: of a coun- dTpiov, t<5, Dor. for f/rpiov.
try, unravaged, not laid waste. 2. of mines, un- d-rptiTTOS, ov, (a privat., rpi^w) not worn lard by
opened. work. 2. of corn, not threshed. 3. arpntTOi
uTpi£a>, f. iaoi, (drpAt) to smoke : of water, to steam. dnavOat thorns on which one cannot tread or walk.
aTpts, itios, 7), (da), aqpu) steam, vapour, [f] d-Tp6pT)TOS, ov, (a privat., rpopiai)fearless, dauntless.
di-pos, 6, (dai, arjpu) smoke, Lat. vapor. d-rpopos, ov, (a privat., rpipuu) fearless, dauntless,
d-roixos, ov, (o privat., roixot) unwalled. Lat. intrepidus.
d-roKos, ov, (o privat., rtKtiv) never having had aTpoirta, r), obstinacy. From
a child. II. without interest, of borrowed d-Tpoiros, ov, (a privat., rpiiroj) not turning, un-
money. changeable. 2. of persons, inflexible: 1) "Arpovos,
d-r6Xp.Tp-o«, ov, (a privat., roKpAw) not to be dared: name of one of the Mofpai or Pare*.
also not to be endured, insufferable. dTpod>c<o, f. tjooj, to pine away. From
114 &TpO(pOS av07]fX€pO9.

a-Tpo4>os, ov, (a privat., rpi<p<o) taking no food: avdXcos, a, ov, (avos) dry, parched, withered: of
pining away, ill of an atrophy. hair, rough, squalid : of eyes, sleepless.
d-TpV»Y€TOS, ov, also rj, ov, (a privat., rpvydoj) un- Avao-ts, r), ="Oaois, the name of the fertile islets
fruitful, barren : generally, waste, desert. in theLibyan deserts.
d-Tpvyf|S, es, (a privat., rpvyrj) not gathered. audra, Aeol. for drrj, calamity, mischief; to be pro-
o-Tpvp-cov, ov. gen. ovos, - drpvros, c. gen., drpvyjcaif nounced ifJird.
mttwv not worn out by ills. [0] airyd£a>, f. data : aor. I rjvyaaa : (avyf)) : to see
d-Tpvros, ov, (a privat., rpvoS) not worn down, un- distinctly, discern, behold : so also in Med* II.

abating: of a road, wearisome. intr. to shine.

'A-TpvTcSvT), the Unwearied (Lengthd. form from ATTH', a bright light, esp. of the sun, and so

drpvrrj, as 'A'idcuvfvs from Aiorjs.) in plur. the rays,beams of the sun ; vir' alyds \ioio r)

d-rpo>TOS, ov, (a privat., rirpwaKOi\ unwounded. under the light of the sun, i. e. still alive aiyns Keva-
d-rra, Att. for rivd, otto, for ariva, v. daoa, daaa. oeiv to behold the light, i.e. to be alive; kKv^uv irpos
"ATT A, a salutation used to elders, father; cf. dmra, avyds to rise surging towards heaven. any light, 2.

dir(pa, ndirira, [tcl] I esp. < f the eyes ; dfjtfjtarojv avyai and avyai alone,
d-Trd-yds, a, 6, Lat. attagen, prob. the godwit. I
like Lat. lumina, the eyes. 3. any gleam on the
aTTarai, a cry of pain or grief: sometimes pro- surface of bright objects, sheen.
longed, drarrarat, etc.: also used ironically. I
au8d£ouai, f. dfofiou aor. I : T)vZa£dpriv : Dep.
dTT«\a|3os, Ion. dTT€A€/3os, d, a kind of locust (av8r}) : —to cry out, speak.
without wings. auSdu, impf. tjv5ojv : f. tjao} Att. aa<u aor. I rjv-


'Attiki£ci>, f ia<u Att. Tut, (' Attikos) with the

to side hrjoa, Ion. 3 sing avbt)aaaKC : pf. rjvdrjKa: also
Athenians, Atticize : later, to live like an Athenian, auSdopai, as Dep. :
to talk, speak : c. ace. rei, to
esp. tospeak Attic. Hence speak, say a thing: of oracles, to utter, proclaim. 2.
'AxTVKio-p.os, 6, a siding wi'h Athens, attachment to to speak, to address. 3. c. inf. to tell, bid, order
her. II. an Attic expression. Atticism. I to do. 4. to call by name; avoupiai vats AxtAAews
'AttvkCojv, Dim. of 'Attik.js, a Athenian.
little I
I am called Achilles' s»n. 5. kke \tyuv, Lat.
*Attuc6s, r), ov, (djerr)) Attic, Athenian: r) 'Attik^ dicere, to mean. From
(sub 777) = 'A.r9is, Attica. I AT' AH , i), the human
voice, a voice, tone : metaph.
'AttikwvIkos, f), ov, a comic alteration of 'Attik6$, any o'her sound, e. g. the twang of the bowstring. 2.
imitated from the form of AatcajviKuS. a report, account. Hence
Slttov, Art. for aaaov, nearer. au8T|cis, €(raa, (v, speaking with human voice.
arru, Att. for aooa>, dtaaou. q. v. au-cpvb> (i. e. av tpva>), aor. I avipvaa : to draw
aTu£o|i.<u, aor. 1 part, drvx^fis: Pass.: (drdoS) : to back : to draw the bow in a sacrifice, to draw back :

be distraught from fear,

amazed, bewildered ; drvty- the victim's head, so as to cut its throat.
nevos nfbioio flying wildly over the plain also : auOdScia, poet. audlSia, r), self-will, wilfulness,
distraught with grief: c. ace. to be amazed at a stubbornness, presumption. From
thing. II. rarely in Act. arvfa, f. v£<», to strike au6-d8-ns [a], €S, (avros, fjSo/iai) self-willed, wilful,
with terror. stubborn, headstrong: also unfeeling. Adv. Sojs.
d-TtipdweuTOS, ov, (o privat., rvpavvevw) not ruled au9-u8ia, r), poet, for avddofia.
by tyrants, free from ty runts. au0a8i£, f. iaopuu {av$dSr]s) : : Dep. : to be
d-TV)4>os, ov. (a privat , rv<p<u) not puffed up. telf-willed or stubborn.
arijxiw, f. rjaoj, (drv\rjs) to be unlucky or unfortu- au0a.5i.K6s, f), 6v, (avddHns) disposed to be self-willed.
nate, fail, miscarry: gen to fnil getting or gain-
c. m a,u0dSio-|i.a, aros, to, (avOddijs) an act of self-will,
ing a thing. 2 aivyfiv irpos riva to fail with wilfulness.
another, e. fail in one's request.
i. Hence a\iQa$6-o~TO\LOS,ov,(av0db'i]$, arSfia) wilful or proud
dTuX TlP' a arus, to. a misfortune, mishap. Of speech.
d-riixT|S, ^s, (a privat., rvxttv) luckless, unfortunate^ au0-aCp.wv, ov, gen. ovos, (aiirds, al/jux) of the same
unsuccessful. Adv. -x<*>s blood : as Subst. a brother or sister, near kinsman.
drv\ia, 1), {drvxteo) ill luck, bad fortune. II. au0-aip€Tos, ov, (avros, alpio)) self-chosen, self-
a miscarriage, mishap. elected. II. taken upon oneself, self-incurred:
AT*, Adv. of Place, back, backwards, Lat. re- volun'ary, optional. Adv. -rois.
tro. II. of Time, again, anew, afresh, once more% au0evTC(i>, f. i)oo3, to have power over. From
Lat. denuo. III. further, moreover, besides, Lat, avi0-€v-rrjs, ov, 6, contr. for avroivrrjs, (airds, Ivrta)
porro. 2. on the other band, in turn, Lat. vicissim. an actual murderer : e«p. of murders done by those of
avtaivoi, impf. avaivov: f. avavut: aor. I pass, avciv- the same family : also a self-murderer, suicide. 2.
drjv: (avco) —
to dry.
: 2. to wither or parch up ; an absolute master or ruler. II. as Adj., av6ivrr]S

fHiov avaiveiv to waste life away: fut. med. auavovfiai <p6vos death by murder.
in pass, sense, / shall wither away. atiO--qp.epo«, ov, (airrds, r)fi4pa) made or happening
: : : :.

aitOi — avairrjpoT-qs. 115

on the very day: Adu av&TjfitpSv Ion. avrn/itpov, on avXis, 100s, fj, (avXtfrftai) a stall, fold, tent, esp. for
the very day. passing the night in avXiv OioOai to pi;ch one's tent.;

ov0i, Adv. shortd. for avroOi, of Place, on the 'pot, auXi.o-Kos, 6, Dim. of avAds, a small reed, a pipe.
here, there: of Time, forthwith, straightway. auXicrrpis, ibos, 1), (avXifafJuii) a female inmate in
yevioBai) born on
ovt)t- ycvT|s, Ion. avriy-, is, (avdt,
a bouse.
the spot, born in (be country, native, Lat. indigena : oaiXo-Sokt], »), (avXos, Sixo/tai) a flute-case.
of rivers, rising in (be country; abOiyevts vScup spring aviXo-dcTcco, (aiXus, ri&nfu) to make flutes or pipes.
water. 2. genuine, sincere. auXo-notos, 0, (avXos, iroiicu) a flute-maker.
avOis, Ion avris, Adv., a lengthd. form of av: I. auXos, 6, (*avaj, to blow) any wind-ins'rument, a
of Place, back, back again. II. of Time, again, flute, made of reed, wood, bone, ivory, or metal av- ;

afresh, anew : also hereafter. III. moreover, Xol dvSprjioi nai yvvaiicfjToi, prob. like Lat. tibia dextra
besides, in turn, on the other band. et sinistra, i. e. bass and treble; avXbs 'EvvaXiov the
au0-6pxu|xos, (avros, ofuuftos) akin, of the selfsame pipe of Mars, i. e. a trumpet. 3. any tube, pipe,
blood. groove, socket.
au-taxos, laxy) shouting together or
ov, (a copul., atiXwv, twos, »), (avXos) a hollow way,
0, poet, also
in common, of the Trojans marching to battle. defile, ravine : a canal, aqueduct : a channel, strait
avXo£, ajeos, 77, = a\o£, a furrow : also 2>Xa£, fot u.vXwv(s it6vtioi the sen-straits, i. e. the Archipelago.

which Homer used w\£. (Deriv. uncertain.) auX-wms, iSos, 1), (avXos, unp) epith. of a helmet,
avXcios, a, ov, sometimes also os, ov, (avA.17) of or with a tube (avXos) to bold the plume (X6<pos).
belonging to the avXrj or court; in avXti-nai Qvprnai at AT'SA'Nn or AT"E&, poet. de£&>: f. av(r)o-<»:
the door of the court, i. e. at the outer door, bouse- aor. I rjv^rjaa : pf. r)v£r)Ka : —Lat. AUGEO, to make
door. grow, increase: to promote to honour, exalt, ex-
av\iw, f rjao), (avXos) to play on the flute Pass., — tol. II. Pass., with fut. med. av^r/oofiat and pass.

of tunes, to be played on the flute; abXttrai irdv fxtXa- av^-qO-qoouai : aor. I r)v(f}0T)v : pf. rjv^r/fMi to grow,
6pov the whole house ts filled with music Med. to — wax, increase : of a child, to grow up : of the wind,
get oneself played to, bear music. to rise; rjv^avofirjv dtcovojv I grew taller as I

avXt), (*dw, ar}fu) in Homer the open court be-

1), heard. III. intrans. in Act. to grow, wax. Hence
fore the house, the court-yard, surrounded with out- av|T|, ^, growth, increase.
buildings, the altar of Z«t/» 'Eptcctos being in the av|T)6eis, aor. 1 pass. part, of av(dv<o.
middle it had two doors, one the house-door (cf.
; Au^rjo-ia, t), (av(oj) the goddess of growth.
avX(ios), and one leading through the aXOovaa into av|r]oxs, %, (av(<v) growth, increase.
the irpobofws. II. after Horn., the auA.17 was the avjjtpos, ov, (av£<v) promoting growth.
court or quadrangle, round which the house was au|o-o-«XTjvov, to, (av£av<v, ofXr/vrj) the new moon.
built, having a corridor (nfpioTvXtov) all round, from av|u>, ovs, (av£ava>) the goddess of growth, called

which were doors leading into the men's apartments; to witness in an Athenian citizen's oath.
opposi'e the house door (cf. avKeios) was the inner av£o>, v. sub av£ava>.
court (fiiaavKos or ptTavkos), leading into the avovT|, »), (avos) dryness, withering.
women's part of the house. III. generally, any avos, 77, of fruit
ov, (av<u) dry, dried, ; avov &\>Ttiv
court or ball. IV. any dwelling, abode, chamber. to dry and harsh, of metal.
ring 2. withered,
av\T)fia, cltos, to, (avXiaj) a piece of music for the parched. 3. drained dry, exhausted.
flute. dijirvia, 7), sleeplessness. From
auX-n/xevvTt, Dor. for avX-qaovai, 3 pi. fut. of avXtoi. fiv-irvos, ov, (a privat., virvos) sleepless, wakeful;
au\T]TT)p, rjpos, 0, and avXT)TT|S, ov, 6, (avXioj) a tnrvos ainrvos a sleep that is no sleep.
flute-player. Hence at'pa, Ion. avpT), ai/, (*aev, drjfju) air in motion,
auXTjTtKos, 77, ov, of or for a flute-player ; fj avXrj- breeze, esp. the fresh air of morning, Lat. aura.
Titer} (sub. rixvij), bis art. avpiov, (from aiws, Aeol. for qws) Adv. to-morrow;
aviX-nTpis, ibos, r),fern, of avX-nrfip, a flute-girl. h avpiov on the morrow, next morning or till morn-
avXids, dbot, 7), (avXf)) protecting cattle-folds, name ing: 77 avpiov (sub. »)/x*pa), the morrow; also, ») is
of a Nymph. avpiov 77/it'pa, 6 avpiov ypovos.
auXifopai, fut. med. avXioofiar. aor. I rjiiXiadu-nv. dwai, aor. 1 inf. of avcu to shout.
aor. I pass. rjvXiaOrjv pf. T)vXtcr/xai Dep. (011X17): auo-ios, Dor. for rrjiaios.

: : :

to lie in the ai/X-q or court-yard, to lie out at night: awTaXtos, poet. dvaTaXfos, a, ov, (avos) sun-
generally, to take up one's abode, lodge, live : as a burnt, shrivelled, parched, Lat. siccus.
military term, to encamp, bivouac. atKrrr)pos, a, ov, (*dcu, avoj, dfa) making the tongue
uvXiov, to, (avXn) any country bouse, a cottage : a dry and rough ; rough, bitter. 1. metaph. like Lat
fold. II. a chamber, cave. austerus, stern, barsb, austere. Hence
avXios, a, ov, (avXrj) of or belonging to cattle-folds, atKrrr)p6"rr|S, 77Tot, 7), roughness, rough flavour. 2
rustic. metaph. harshness, sternness, austerity.
116 avrayycAos — avn^cawoj.
avr-dYY*X°S» w
(avrSs, iyyiWoj) carrying one's
> avTO-Yvwp,b>v, ov, gen. ovos, (avrSs, yv&ftij) acting
own message : bringing news of what one has seen. of one's own will or judgment. Adv. -(jlovojs.
aur-aYP €TO '' ov * ( avT ^ s * dypioj) self-cbosen, left to auTo-yvtuTos, ov, (airos, yiyvwcKw) self-resolved,
one's choice. II. act. chousing for oneself. self-cbosen.
avT-d8c\<{>os, ov, (avros, dScAxpos) related as brother avTO-Yilos, ov, (air6s, yvrjs) :

dporpov avroyvov a
or sister : one's own brother or sister. plough in which the yvrjs is of one piece with the t\v/ia
avT-av8pos, ov, (airos, dvr)p) with the men them- and lorofioevs.
selves, men and all. avTO 8olt]S, is, (avros, bafjvai) unpremeditated.
aur-av«4*u>s, a, (airos, dvepi6s) an own cousin, auTO-8diKTOs, ov, (avros, baifa) ^elf-slain or mutu-
cousin-german. ally slain.
aurdp, Conjunct., Ep. for ar&p, but, yet, however, avrr-o8d|, Adv. (airds, 6bd£) with clenched teeth:
still, besides, moreover. Like drdp it always begins hence stubborn.
a proposition. auro-ScKa, (avr6s, bim) just ten.
aurdpiceia, r), (airdpKrjs) sufficiency in oneself, in- ovto-StjXos, ov, (airos, 8rj\os) self-evident.
dependence. auro-SCSaKTOS, ov, (avros, bibdoKO)) self-taught.
auT-Apicrjs, ts, {avros, apnea)) sufficient in oneself, aviTO-SlKos, ov, (airos, b'uer)) with one's own law-
independent of others wo\is airdp/cqs a country that
; courts : conducting one's own suits at borne.
supplies itself, thatwants no imports ; c. inf., airdp- auToBlov, Adv. (airos) straightway.
ktjs dvayiedfav fully able to compel. avTO-cXiKTOs, ov, (airos, ikiaaoj) curling naturally.
avT€, Adv , I. of Time, again, over again. II. avTO-evnjs, ov, 6, = aiBivrrjs, a murderer.
to mark Sequence, again, furthermore, like Lat. au- avTO-€TT|s, is, (air6s, cros) in or of the same year
tem. 2. however, on the contrary. Adv. airof res, in the same year, within the year.
avr-«K\iay\ia, aros, to, (avros, iie/idcrao/Mu) an avTO-OeXcC, Adv. of airo$(kr)s, voluntarily.
exact impression, true portrait. auTO-0€\T|s, is, (avros, 0i\w) of one's own will,
auT-€$o«o ios, ov, (avros, i£ovaia) in one's own
power rb airt^ovoiov free power.
: auToOev, Adv. (avrov) of Place, from the very spot
avT-€ir<i"YY€XTOS, ov, (avros, inayyiWoptai) offer- where one isjrom hence, from thence, Lat. Mine. II.
ing of oneself of oneself, freely, Lat. sponte.
, of Time, on the spot, at once, Lat. illico.
avr-€irwvi5u,os f ov, (avros, iirwvvjjios) of the same atrroOt, Adv. for avrov, on the very spot, there.
surname. avTO-K4o-iYVT)TOS, 6, and -nj, r), (avros, /caaiyvn-
aur-€p«Ti)S, ov, 6, (air6s, kpirrjs) rower and soldier ros) an own brother or sister.
at once. auTO-KardicpiTOs, ov, (avros, Karaicpivw) self-con-
dvrcio, Ep. impf. dvrcw, only used in pres. and demned.
impf., to cry, shout : also in Act., to call. [0] From avTO-KcXeudos, ov, (air6s, ici\ev$os) going one's
duTT|, r), (avoj) a shout, call, esp. a battle-sbout t own way.
war-cry, hence also the battle itself, [v] avTO-KcXevoTOS, ov, (air6s, Kc\evoS) self-bidden, of
out-^|koos, ov, (avros, dieova)) one who has himself one's own accord.
beard, an ear-witness. outo-kcXtjs, is, (airos, iciXoimi) = foreg.
aurr--fip.ap, Adv., = av9rj fit pov, on the selfsame day. avro-KXTjTos, ov, (avros, Ka\iw) self-called, i. e. un-
auTX-yevTis, is, Ion. for ai0iy(vr)s. called, unbidden.
aurixa Adv. (avros) forthwith, straightway, im-
[t], auTo-Kou,os, ov, (air6s, Kofiy) with natural bair,
mediately ; air'uca kou ftfriirtira now and hereafter shaggy. II. bair and all.

presently, direcdy, Lat. mox. II. for example, ovro-KpaTT|S, is, (avros, xparos) ruling by oneself,
just to give an example ; airiita yap dpx«* bid t'iv' 6 having full power, absolute : to airoKparis free will.
Zcvs for example, by what means does Zeus rule the
auTO-Kpdrwp, opos, 6, r), (avros, Kparioj) one's own
gods? master: I. of persons or states, free and inde-

turns, Ion. and Dor. for av9it. pendent, Lat. sui juris. 2. of ambassadors, etc.,
dvTpT), (*da>, av<v, to blow) breath : the blast of a possessing full powers. 3. of rulers, absolute
vellows. II. a scent, odour. peremptory.
dvrp.T|v, fiivos, 6, = d'0rfif). avro-KTtTOS, ov, (avros, trrifa) self-produced, made
*uto-|3o€i, Adv. (avros, &ot)) by a mere shout; av- by nature.
ro&oel k\(iv to take without resistance. avroKTOv«o, to slay themselves or one another. From
avr6-|3ov\os, ov, (avros, (Zov\-q) self-willed. ovto-ktovos, ov, (avros. nrtiva)) selj"-slaying: II.

»uto-y«vvtjtos, ov, (air6s, ytwaxu) Koifi^futra slaying one another; Odvarot avroKrovos mutual

fiijrpot air. a mother's intercourse with her own death by each other's band.
child. auTO-Ki5p€pvT|TTjs, ov, 6, (avr6s, /cv0(pv6.oo) one who
auroYvwpovtco, f. rjcra*,. to act of one's own will or steers himself.
iudgment. From avTO-Komos, ov, (avrdt, Kinrrj) together with the
; :

avTOjAa&ris — avTOcr\€bCa<Tfxa. 117

handle ; (Ji\n avrS/conra weapons with a handle, i. e. of oneself, of one's own accord. 3. by oneself, alone,
swords. -* fxuvos avroi iafiev we are by ourselves.
; 4. in
avTO-jw!0T|S, is, (avr6s, fioOuv) self-taught, rivSs in dat. with a Subst., together with ; dvupovatv avrfi ovv
a thing. (popfuyyt he sprang up lyre in band : but mostly with-
avn-6-napTOs, vpos, o, f), (airSs, fxaprvs) oneself the out avv, tinrovs avroiaiv 6x^a<piv horses, chariot and
witness, i. c. an eyewitness. all; this use is freq. in Att., avroiai cv/xfidxotai al-
airrop.&Ti£<i>, f. iaoi, to act of one's own will, to act lies and all ; aurots rots tvirois horses and all. 5.
of oneself, and so to act unadvisedly. From added to ordinal numbers, e. g. iripirros avros himself
auTO-p^h-os, rj, ov, also os, ov, (avros, fiifMa, pf. of the fifth, i. e. himself with four others, ciutos being
*(Moj) acting of one's own will, of oneself, unbidden the chief person. wth the personal
6. also joined
esp. self-moving ; rb\ avroyuara self-moving machines, Pron., iyib avTos, avrov, etc., always divisim in

automatons. 2. of plants, growing of themselves, Homer sometimes the personal Pron. is omitted, as,

spontaneous. 3. of events, happening of them- avrov c\(t)cov, for ifxe avrov again owtos is joined :

selves : without cause, accidental ; dirb rov avrofid- with the reflexive kavrov, avrov, etc., to give greater
rov, naturally or by chance. Adv. -tojs, Lat. ultro, force, as auTOS «a0' avrov. 7. Comp. avrortpos,
sponte sua. more himself ; and Sup. auToVaTos, Lat. ipsissimus,
auTop.o\fa>, f. ijao), (avrdfiokos) to desert. Hence bis very self
avrop.<S.\TjO%$, ecus, 1), and auropoAia, ij, desertion. II. He, she, it, Lat. ille, for the simple Pron. of
auT6-p.o\os, ov, (avros, fw\(tv) going of oneself: as third person, only in oblique cases, and never at the
Subst. a deserter. beginning of a sentence. On the difference between, Dep. (avrovofxos) to live by one's the oblique cases avrov, avrQ, avrov, and the reflex.
own laws, be independent. Pron. avrov, avr$, avrov, v. sub lavToC.
auTovopia, 1), independence. From III. with Article, 6 avros, J) avr-q, rb avr6, Att.

avr6-vop,os, ov, (avros, vifioj) living by one's own contr. avrSs, dvT-q, ravrd and ravrov gen. tovtoC,
laws : independent. II. (vifiofuu) feeding at will. etc. ; Ion. uniros, rtuvro the same, Lat. idem.— It

auTO-vOxt, Adv. (avr6s, vv£) that very night. freq. takes a dat., like ofxoios, etc., 6 avros t<£ \i9<p
avrr6-£vXos, ov, (avros, £vkov) of mere wood. the same as the stone rb avrb rrpdaativ or rrda\uv

avTO-rrais, iratSos, 6, j), (avrds, ircus) an own child, nvi to fare the same as one also in phrases /card rav-

son or daughter. ro, tnrb ravro, at, about the same time, Lat. sub idem
avTO-irTjfia>v, ov, gen. ovos, (avros, irijfjia) for one's tempus : ris ravro, iv ravrw, 4/c tov avrov, to, in,
own woes. from the same place.
auro-irouos, 6v, (airSs, iroiioS) self-produced. IV. in Compos., I. of itself, i. e. natural, na-
auTO-iroXis, ecus, 6, (auros, iro\is) self-administered, avroKTiros.
tive, as in 2. of mere, of nothing but,
independent. Hence as in avro£v\os. 3. of oneself, as in avrohi-
avTOiroXii-ns, ot», 6, a citizen of a free state. [1] hanros. 4. the very, the ideal, as in avrodyaOov,
atrro-irovT^os, ov, (avros, iroviu) self-wrought, avrodvdpaxnos, etc. 5. just, exactly, as in avrd-
natural. hena. 6. rarely, with reflex, sense of ourou and
ouTO-irpepvos, ov, (airSs, irpifivov) together with dAAi7A.<uv, as avOevrrjs, avroKrovioi. 7. together
the root, root and all; avronpffjws oWvadai to perish with, as in avroroKos young and all. 8. alone, by
root and branch. oneself, as in avrooicnvos.
avTO-irpoo-uMros, ov, (airSs, irpdaarnov) in one's avroo-€, Adv. (aurou) to the very place, Lat. illuc.
own person. avTO-aC8r|pos, ov, (avros, a'ibr^pos) of sheer iron,
auT-6irrr|S, ov, 6, (air6s, btyojMi, fut. of opaxu) se+ auToar-o-OTOs, ov, (avros, aevofjai) self-moved.
ing oneself, an eyewitness. avTO-or<l8£a, i), (avros, tarafiai) a stand-up fight,
avTO-7ra)XT)s, ov, 6, (avros, iroj\i<v) selling one*s close fight.
own goods. out6-otoXos, ov, (avr6s, ariWofiai) self-sent, going
avTop-ptfos, poet, aur6pi£os, ov, (avros, fiifa) self- of oneself.
rooted. II with the roots, roots and all. auT6-crTovos, ov, (ai>r6s, arivw) sighing for or by
avTop-pirros, poet. avTO-pvros, ov, (avrSs, fiioS) oneself
self-flowing. auTO-o-4>5Y r|S, ,
is, (avros, ff<payf}vat) slain by oneself
ATTC2, avrrT|, avr6, Pron. of 3rd pers., self, Lat. or by kinsmen.
ipse: in oblique cases often for the person. Pron., him, avTO-o-x&6., Adv. = avroax^v.
ber, it: with artic. 6 avros, fj avrrj, rb air6, the same. auTOo~X€8tdJa>, f. daoi, (avroax^ 10 *) t0 act or sP ea ^
I. self, myself thyself: 1. oneself, i. e. the part off-hand : hence in bad sense, to act or speak unad-
properly called self, as the soul, opp. to the body: or visedly : 2. in good sense,
to judge superficially.
oneself, as opp. to others, e. g. the king to his sub- to devise Hence
a plan off-band.
jects : hence it is used emphatically for a master, as auToo-xtBiacrpa, aTot, r6, work done off-band, an
in the Pythag. phrase Auto* i<pa, Lat. Ipse dixit. a. impromptu: and
118 avTO<r)(€htaaTi]s — affiafiaprdvu).

avro<rx€8tcKrnfjs, ov, 6, one who acts or speaks off- auTO-x6«vos, ov, lengthd. for afiroxdavot, (avrds,
band: a novice, Lat. tiro. Xoavrj) rudely cast, shapeless, of a quoit.
auTO-<rx«8ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (avros, (Jx«'8tos) atiTo-xptjpa, Adv. (avros, XPVI ) indeed, really: M
band to band: —
as fern. Subst. avTO<rxe8iT|, (sc. at once, plainly.

fxdxv) V> a dose figbt, fray ; ace. avroox&riv as avTcos, Adv. of avros with Aeol. accent, even so,
Adv. close at band. II. off-band, on the spur of just so, as it is; yv/xvbv idvra, avrus, being unarmed,

the moment. just as i am. 2. just so, no better; often joined

aviro-crxcSov, Adv. (avros, o~x € $"v ) near at band, with other words implying contempt vqitios avrus a ;

band to band, Lat. cominus. mere child. II. just as before, as it was; XtvKov

auTOTaTOs, see avros I. 7. tr' avrus still white as when new.

auTO-TtXea-TOS, ov, {avros, rc\iu) self-accomplisbed. auxevi£<i>, f. iou Att. Xu, (avxv v ) to cut the throat
ouTO-TeXTjs, is, (avros, ri\os) complete in itself, of, behead.
sufficient: — Adv. avrore\ws, absolutely, arbitrari- aux«vios, a, ov, (avxty) belonging to the neck; aw-
ly. II. taxing oneself. xivioi rivovrts tbe sinews of tbe neck.
ouT6T€pos, sec avros 1. 7. aux«fa>, f. -qou: aor. 1 rjvx'no'a: like Kavxdofiat, to —
outo-tokos, ov, (avr6s, tokos) young and all. boast, pride oneself: c. inf. to boast that: generally,
auTO-Tpcryucos, 17, ov, (avros, rpayutos) arrant tragic. to protest, declare. From
auTO-Tpo-mqaas, aor. I part, as if from airorpoirdu, AT'XH', 17, boasting, pride.
(avros, rpiitu) to turn straigbtway. •^)PWM*» aros, rd, (avxic) a thing boasted of, tbe
atrroO, Adv., properly gen. neut. of avr6s, at tbe pride, boast. II. a boast: also = oux^» boasting.
very place, tbere, bere, on tbe spot, Lat. illico. ATfXH'N, ivos, 6, tbe neck, throat: metaph. a nar-
avrov, Att. contr. for iavrov. row passage, a neck of land, isthmus ; also a narrow
auTOvpYta, 1), a working witb one's own band; av- sea, strait : tbe narrow bed of a river a defile. :

Tovpyia <p6vov self-inflicted murder. From avx^o-is, fus, %, (avx«'<w) boasting, exultation.
out-oupy6s, ov, (avros, tpyov) self-working. 1. auxp-f w, f. ijffu, (avxfios) to be squalid, Lat. squalere.
as Subst., one who tills bis own land, a busbandman, at>xpT|€is, tooa, tv, = avxi*i]pds.
farmer. II. pass, self-wrougbt, extemporary. auxp.t)p6s, a, ov, (avxpi<») dry, parched, dusty,
aurodn, avrodnv, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, and plur. squalid, Lat. squalidus. 2. impoverished, needy.
of avros : in' avro<pi or 7rap' avro<pi on tbe very auxpos, 6, (du. avu, ados) drought : dearth.
spot ; an' avrotpt from tbe very spot. avxp-a>8T)s, ts, (avyjj-os, itbos) looking dry and
auTo-4>\oios, ov, (avros, <p\oios) bark and all. dusty ; ro avxf*u8*s drought.
auro-<j>6vos, ov, (avrds, *<pivu) self-murdering, AT'il, Att. avu, to dry, wither : also to singe, set
murdering ones own kin. onfire.
outo-<|>6vttjs, ov, 6, (avrds, *<pivu) a murderer. AT"fl, f. atau: aor. tf'vffa: — to shout out, shout,
avTO-<j>opTOS, ov, (avros, <popros) bearing one's own call aloud: also of things, to sound, echo: c. ace.
baggage. pers. to call upon.
avro-dulT|s, is, (avrds, <pdu) self-growing, self-exist- avcDS, -r), Aeol. for &&is, rjus, morning.
ent. 2. of borne growth or production. 3. na- d<j>-a,Yvi£a>, f. iou Att. iu, to purify —Med. to de-
tural, opp. to artificial
; avro<pvus \6<poi in tbeir hills vote oneself witb purifying offerings.
natural state, not quarried or mined. Hence ddvatpeco, f. rjaw. pf. acprjpr/ica: Pass., aor. 1

avTO<pvus, Adv. naturally. dxpTjpiOijv : pf. acpyprjfiai —from the Root 'EA- we
avT6-<J>vTOS, ov, (avros, <pvu) self-caused. have aor. 2 a<ptt\ov, fut. med. acptkoiifMi : (ano,
avrro-duopos, ov, (avros, <pup) caugbt in tbe act of aipiu). To take from, take away from another ; c.
tbeft; iir' avrocpupu KafxPdvfiv to catch in tbe act; dupl. ace, axpaipttv rivd n to rob of a thing ; axpai-
in' avro<pupu dXuvai to be caught in tbe very act. puv nvos to take from a thing, hence to diminish : to
auTO-x«tp, pos, 6, x*'lP) working witb let off, pardon.
1), (avros, II. Med. more freq. than Act.,
one's own band: c. gen. tbe very maker or worker of to take away for oneself, bear off: cupaipetaOai rivd
a thing. II. absol. one who kills himself or one n
to bereave, deprive, rob of a thing, always with
of bis kin: a murderer, homicide. III. as Adj. the notion of taking for oneself. 2. followed by
murderous. Hence /07 and inf., to prevent, binder from doing. III.
auroxetpi, Adv. witb one's own band. Pass, to be robbed or deprived of a thing.
avTOxeipta, (avrox^-p) a doing with one's own
-r), d<fxuoTOs, Dor. for "H<paiaros.
hands ; dat. avrox^ipia witb one's own band. d<j)-<iXXouai, f. acpakovfiai : aor. I &<fyn\dfitfv : Dep.
auro-xOovos, ov, (avros, x^uv) country and all. (dird, aWofiai) 1 —
to spring off or down from : to
avTo-xOwv, ov, gen. ovos, (avros, x&dv) of tbeland jump off
itself Lat. terrigena
: avroxOovcs, ol, like Lat. Abori- d-4>aXos, ov, without tbe <pd\os or metal boss in
gines, Indigenae,
of the original race, not settlers. which the plume was fixed.
auro-x6XwTOs, ov, (avros, x°*>6u) angry at oneself. d4>-apapTdvco, f. -a/mprqao/juu : aor. a atpjjimpTOVt
: — : : —: : — ::

&(f>6.napr€ — &$r)y£oiLai. 119

Ep. by metath. dirfjuBporov : (dn6, dfiaprdvu) : to d<|>€iSc<rrcpov, Comp., d<j>ci8<<TTaTa, Sup., of Adv.
miss one's aim, fail in gaining. I axptibws.
ddmp.apT€, Ep. 3 aor 2 of toreg. I d4>ciSca>, f. rjaoj, to be unsparing or lavish of; Supei-
d4>ap.apTO-€irT]S, is, (dtpafiapTtiv, tiros) missing tbt duv ttuvov to be careless of, i.e. to neglect, avoid toil:
point, talking at random. absol., dxpubrjoavTes recklessly. From
a4>-av8dvu>, f. -ad-qooj : Ion. aor. 2 inf. dnSSieiv. d-<f>ei&T|s, is, (a privat., <pdbofxxii) unsparing, lavish:
(dno, avbavoj) : to displease, fail to please. bountiful. 2. unsparing, cruel, harsh. Hence
d-4>dv€ta., »7, darkness, obscurity. II. disappear- d4>ei8ta, -fj. profuseness. 2. harshness, severity.
ance, utter destruc ion. From d<j>ci8us, Ion. -«cos, Adv. of u.(p€i8r]s, lavishly.
d-4><SvT)s, is, (a privat., <pavrjvai) unseen, invisible: d4>eiT|,3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of dipirjfii.
inscrutable. 2. vanished: bidden, secret: hence d4>ci\ov, -6(jit)v. aor. 2 act. and med. of dcpaipioj.
unknown to depavis uncertainty.
: 3. d<pavr\s d4>€?p,ai, pf pass, of axpirjfu.
oixjia personal property, which can be secreted, opp d<j>eip.€v, I pi. aor. 2 of dxpirj/Ai.

to (pavepd, real, as land. Hence dd>€Ls, ( 10a, aor. 2 part, of d<piTjfu.

d<j>dvi£u>, f. 1001 Att. tu> : pf. i,(pavtKa — to make un~ d<j>CKTcov, verb. Ad|. of dirixoj, one must abstain.
seen, bide, suppress : to make away with. 2. to ddu'Xeia, 1), (d<p(\-f]s) simplicity, plainness. From
rase to the ground, erase writing : to obliterate foot- d<j>€\«iv, d<)>cX€O-0ai, aor. 2 act. and med. inf. of
steps, etc. 3. to secrete, steal, embezzle. 4. to &<paipioj.
darken, obscure, tarnish : to efface. II. Pass, to d-<j>€\T|s, is, (a privat., <pf\Xfvs) without a stone,
disappear and be beard of no more, vanish : esp. of level, smoob. II. metaph. of persons, simple,
persons lost at sea. 2. to keep out of public, live plain.
retired. Hence f. -i\£<u: but the usu. fut. is d(pe\Kvo<» [Hi],
d4>dvtcrvs, ecus, J}, a making away with. II. a aor. d(p*i\Kvoa (as if from dtpeX/cvco) :
I to dra« away,
vanishing, disappearance. draw back: to draw aside. 2. to drink up.
d^avuTpos, 6, = dcpdviais. dd^eXoTijs, tjtos, 7), (SupcXfc) smoothness, evenness
d-($>avTos, ov, (a privat., <paivouai) invisible, for- hence simplicity, sincerity.
gotten : obscure, secret. 2. unlooked for. d<J>eXu>v, aor. 2 part, of d<paipia).
dd^-dirno, fut. xf/oj : pf. pass, dcprjfj-fiai : (dird, dirraj): d<j>e\ws, Adv. of dxpehrjs, rudely, coarsely.
— to fasten from or upon; Sup. dymaTa to tie knots on c<j>€vos, t6, wealth, abundance.
a string: —
Pass, to be bung on, bang on; dna/xfiivoe a4>-epK-ros, ov. (dirfipyo;) shut out from.
Ion. pass. pf. part, for dxp-qmiivos. d<j)-€pir&), f. if/a : but aor. I dcpfipiwoa (as if from
d4>Sp, Adv., I. straightway , forthwith : at once, &<p(pirvfa) :

to creep off, steal away.
quickly. II. thereupon, then, after that. III. d-4>€pros, ov, (a privat., <pepaj) insufferable.
continuously, without intermission. dd-€S, 2 imperat. aor. 2 of axpirjfu.
d-4>apK-ros, ov, old Att. for axppafcros. \A 4>€ouos, 6, (a<pirjfti) the Releaser, epith. of Zeus.
d<^-apird£ci>, f. d£a>, Att. dooj or rather daopai — d<j>€(ris, ea>s, (d<pir}fu) a letting go, setting free
Pass., aor. I -rjprrdaOijv : pf. -Tjpiraafiat — to tear off a quittance,

discharge : remission, forgiveness : a

or from : to snatch away : to snatch eaperly. starting of horses in a race, the starting-post itself.

d<}>dpT€pos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. from depap, hastier. d<J>€<rra(T|, shortened for cUpeorrj/tot, 3 sing. pf. opt
d-4>&oia, 1), (cuparos) speechlessness. of dcplOTTJ/U.
d4>d<r<r<i>, f. dxpaxroj; aor. I fi<paoa, imperat. &\paaov: d4>«T6s, oV, (d<pirjfu) let loose, freely ranging, esp.
(d*TO>, aupdoj) — to take bold of, handle, feel, touch. of sacred flocks that were free from work : hence
<5-4>4tos, ov, (a privat.. (parot) not named, nameless: dedicated to some god.
that should not be named or uttered; dupara xpVfMlTa d-<f>€VKTOS, ov,=d<pv/eros. q. v.
untold sums : dtparov ws . . there's no saying how. 2. d<f>-€tKo, aor. I acpfvoa (without augm.) pf. pass. :

unutterable : huge, monstrous. jj<p(vfwi — to singe off. 2. to toast, roast.

d^-avaivo), fut. pass. ai>av9rjaouai,= Supavu. dd>-«4"»>, Ion- dircvj/to : fut. oupfiprjooj :— to boil off,
d4>aupos, d, 6v, weak, feeble. (Deri v. uncertain.) boil down. II. to boiLfree of all dross, to refine,
d<j>-avKo, (dno, av<v) to dry up, parch, Lat. torrere : purify : to boil young again.
— Pass, to become parched, to pine away. d^ecuKa, Dor. for dtpftxa, pf. act., and d^iwvrai,
d4>da> or ddKuo, (dWa;, dtpf)) to handle, feel. Dor. for Supftvrai, 3 plur. pf. pass, of d<pir}fii.

d-<^6YTn s » £*> (
a privat., <piyyos) without light, dark: d<J>T|, -fj, (S.irr<v) a fastening, joint: 2. a ligb'ing,
metaph. ill-starred. 2. dim, faint. kindling. II. (d7rro/xcu) a touching, handling:
dc|>-«8pd)v, twos, 6, (air6, ihpa) the draught: a the sense of touch.
privy. a<fr-nt)yio\iax, f. -rjy^aouai. to lead away, lead off:
d<^erj. Ep. for 6\*pr>, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of Supirjfu. generally, to lead the way, go first. II. to tell,

d4>«T|tca, Ep. for SupfJKa, aor. I of Supirjiu. relate, explain. III. the perf. dariryrmai is used
d4*(K)o-op*u, fut. pass, of Supin/u. in pass, sense. Hence
120 ixfyrjyr]iJLa — fyoCfiavros.

A^YnF * 1 I° Q * &'>r^nFia > aT0 *» T<$» a tale, narra- d4>-ticdvci>, =a\<piKviofiai, to arrive at.
tive: and d<j>iKeo~0<u, aor. 2 med. inf. of dxpiieveoftat.
d4>T)yr]cris Ion. dirfiyTjoxs, e<us, j), a telling, narra- d<j>iKco, Dor. for dcpiicov, 2 sing. aor. 2 of sq.

ting ; a£iov airi/y^o-ios worth the telling. d<j>-iKV€opai, f. dfpi^opMi : aor. dtpl/eofinv : pf. pass.

a<|>f]ica, aor. I of oupirjfu. cupiyfuu : Dep. :

to arrive at, to come to, to reach
d$-"f)Xi£, Ion. dir-tjXt|, iKot, o, 1j, beyond youth, cupiKtodai eiri or els iravra to try every means ; d<pi-
elderly: mostly used in Comp. and Sup. &&t)\ik4- KeaOai es rb eax<^ov kokov to come into extremest
arepos, -eararot. misery; Std ndxt]s, 5i' ex^pas dcpuceoOai rivi to come
d<^-T)|xcu,, Pass, to sit apart. to battle, or into enmity with one. II. to come
dcjrgpTjKa, pf. of dcpaipio). back, return.
d<j>-T)TO)p, opos, 6, (acpirj/jii) the archer. d<JHKou.€vos, aor. 2 part, of dxpiicve'opai.
d<j>0apo-ta, fj, incorruption, immortality. From *-&}\\-6.yaQos, ov, (a privat., <pi\os, dya$6s) un-
d-<J>0ap-ros, ov, (a privat., <pdeipo)) uncorrupted, in- friendly togood men.
corruptible. d-^iX-dpyvpos, ov, (a privat., <pi\os, apyypos) not
d-<j>0€YKTOS, ov, (a privat., <p$eyyofMi) speechless loving money, not avaricious, not covetous.
not to be spoken of; ev cupBeytcrcp vdirei in a grove d-<j>t\"qTOS, ov, (a privat., <pi\e<u) unloved.
where none may speak. d<f>?Xo8o£ta, 1), want of ambition. From
a$fh), Ion. and Dor. for JjQBtj, 3 sing. aor. I pass, d-4> tX 68 o£os, ov, (a privat., <pi\os, 86(a) not ambitious.
of airrw. d-<j>tXos, ov, of persons, friendless. 2 . of persons and
d-<J>0iTOs, ov, later also rj, ov, (a privat., <{>0iv<u) un- things, unfriendly, disagreeable, hateful: —Adv. -\<us.
destroyed, undecaying, imperishable. d<t>igis, dm£ts, r vs, 1), (d(ptieviofMu) an ar-
d-4>0oYY°s> ov, (a privat., <p6eyyof*ai) voiceless. rival. a going home again, departure.
d<J)0ov€crT€pos, -corai-os, Irreg. Comp. and Sup. of d<J>iinr€iK0, f. eiam, (aspimros) to ride off, away, or back.
ajpOovos. d<j>iiriria, ij, bad riding. From
d-<J>06vr|TOs, ov, (a privat., <p$ovi<u) unenvied. dijainros, ov, unsuitedfor riding orfor cavalry. II.

d<t>0ovia, 1), freedom from envy, readiness : more riding badly.

often of things, plenty, abundance. From impf. dcplo'TTfv: f. diroffr^ao): aor. I du-
d-<)>0ovos, ov, act. free from envy ungrudging,
: ioTTjca and aor. 1 med. dTrearrja&iinv in which —
bounteous. II. pass, not grudged, bounteously tenses it is causal : to put away, remove, separate
given, plentiful. 2. = dveiri<p0ovos, unenvied, pro- hence to hinder, frustrate : but mostly, to make re-
voking no envy. III. Adv. -vus, dxpOovcos ix iiv volt. 2. to weigh out ; p^i XP«°* drtoarijaojvTai
nvvs to have enough of a thing. lest they weigh out, i. e. pay in full the debt. II.

d<t>0op(a, ij, incorruption, purity. From intr. in Pass., with aor. 2 act. diiearm". perf. d<pe-
d-4>0opos, ov, (a privat., <p6dpw) uncorrupt, chaste. OTTjKa plqpf- QApeari^Heivand fut. med. diroorjj-

: :

d<t>-iSpva>, vao) [y]

f. : — Pass., aor. 1 -vOrjv [v] or oofuu: to away, or aloof from; dno-
stand off,
-ijv07]v pf. d<pidpvfuu : to place elsewhere, to remove. arrjvai irpayfidrtw, etc., to withdraw from business

f. uxja> : pf. pass, acpiipojpuu — to purify, diroaTrjvai dir6 rivos to revolt from, and freq. absol. to
hallow. revolt; also c. inf., diroarTJvai eparrrjoat to give over
d<t>-iT]fjLi: impf. (as if from dipteai) ij<piow, 3 sing. asking. absol. to stand aloof, keep off.
jj<plu Ep. dxpiei, 3 pi. ri<piovv, j}<pieaav : fut. axpr/aco : d<£Tx0ai, pf. inf. of dcpiKvtofiat.
aor. I auprjKa : pf. axpuica Dor. axptojxa : — Pass., fut. d<j>XacTov, t6, Lat. aplustre, the curved stern of a
dcpeOrjCOfiat : aor. 1 dcpeiOrjv : pf. acf>ujun, Dor. 3 ship with its ornaments (Deriv. uncertain.)
pi. d(p(aJVTai with pres. sense : to send forth, dis- d4>Xourp.6s, 6, a foaming or gnashing of teeth.
cbarge, Lat. emittere, esp. of missiles: in prose, to (Prob. like tpXotafios, formed from the sound.)
send forth on an expedition, send out. II. to ddwcios, ov, also i\, 6v, (acpevos) rich, wealthy : also
send away, let go, Lat. dimittere: hence to throw rich in a thing, c. gen.
away. 2. to let go, set free, esp. from an accusation, d<j>v6os, d, ov, collat. form of d/pvei6s.
etc.: to remit: absol., d*pievcu nvd to acquit. 3. *A4»Nri, Adv. unawares, of a sudden : also axpvojt.

to dissolve, disband, break up, of an army so also : o-<|>6j3tjtos, ov, (o privat., <poP4ofMu) fearless, with-
of the council at Athens. 4. to put away, di- out fear of, c. gen.
vorce. 5. dtpievai irXotov els to loose ship for d-<)>o(3os, ov, (a privat., <p60os) fearless. 2.
a place. III. to give up : hence to leave off, let causing no fear, not to be feared.
alone; to let pass, neglect. IV. to let, suffer, d<}>o(3d-o"n-Xa'yx vo s* ov t
(dtpofJos, ffir\dyxvov ) fear"
permit to do or to be done. V. seemingly intr. lessof heart, stout-hearted.
(sub. arparov, vavs, etc.), to break up, march, sail. d4>6(3a)s, Adv. of d(po(ios. without fear, securely.
B. Med. to send forth from oneself, to send d<j>-o8os, 1). (dir6, 606s) a goim away, departure:
forth. 2. to loose oneself from: freq. in Att., c also a going back. II. «=dirdVoTo».
geu. only, depov ri/evcuv let go the children. d-<t>oCpavTOS, ov, (a privat., Qotfiaivoj) uncleansed.
— : :

<5.<J>-op.oi6a>, f. ixroj, to liken, make Hit. II. to d-4>pacn-os, ov, (a privat.,
<ppdfa) unutterable,
compare. III. to portray, copy. strange. 2. untold, numberless. II. (a privat.,
d<f>-oirXCJ w, disarm, strip of arms :
f. tea), to Med., — (ppd^ofiai) not thought of, unseen, unexpected. Hence
dtpoirki^foOai ivrta to put off one's armour. d<f>pdcn-u>s. Adv. unexpectedly.
d4>-opdaj, impf. d<p(wpoJV : pf. deptipaxa with bor- : d<J>pta>, f. rjoa), (deppos) to foam : c. ace. to cover
rowed fut an uipopai (as if from dir-uirrofxai), and with foam.
aor. 3 dnfiSov {zs if from dtr-ddw) — to look away d<|>pT)-X6Yos, ov, (dtppus, \eyoj) gathering froth,
from all others at one, and so to look at, Lat. respi- skimming.
cere : — to see clearly, have in full view. II. to d4>p-r]CTTT|s, ov, 6, (d<ppi<v) the foaming one.

look from a place. III. rarely to look away, d<j>pT)To>p, opos, 0, Ion. for dippdrwp, (a privat., <ppd-
have the back turned. rpa) wi bout brotherhood, bound by no social tie.

a-4>6pi)TOS, ov, (a privat., <poprjTos) unbearable, in- d<f>pi£co, f. ioco, - deppioj, to foam.

sufferable. d<j>pio6is, eo~oa ev, (dtppos) foaming.

d4>opto, ij, (dtpopos) a not bearing, dearth of a d<j>poy€V€ia, 1), the foam-born. From
thing. II. barrenness. d<j>po--y€VT|S, es, {depp^s, yeveoOai) foam-born.
droplet, 3 sing. fut. act. or 2 sing fut. med. of 'A<|>po8io-ids, ados, fem. Adj. sacred to Venus.
d<j>-op(£o>, f. iacv Att. iu> : aor. d<pwpiaa : pf. pass. 'A<j>poStoxos, a, ov, also os, ov, belonging to
d<pwpiafiot : mark off by boundaries : to part off,
to Venus. II. 'A<ppo5i<nov, to, the temple of Venus:
determine, define. —
Med. to mark off for oneself, 'A<ppo5iata, rd, her festival. From
appropriate. II. to set apart, ordain : also to 'A4>po8iTi] (d<ppU) Aphrodite, Lat. Venus,
[t], ij,

reject, banish. the goddess of love and beauty, bom from the sea-
d4>, f. -qaca, to make to start from a place. II. foam. II. as appellat. love, desire: — also beauty.
intr. to start from a place, set off: so in Pass, to go d<t>pov€o-Tepos, -«o-TaTOS, Comp. and Sup. of d<ppajv.
forth, start, depart. d<t>povca), f. rjoco, (acppojv) to be silly, to act foolishly.
d4>-opp.T|, J), a starting-place, means of
(tt»ro, opurj) d<j>povTi<rr«ai, f. rjow, to be heedless: to have no care
starting, base of operations : hence also a place to of a thing. From
retire to, a place of safety. 2. a starting-point, the d-4>p6vTicn-os, ov, (o privat., <ppovrifa) thoughtless,
occasion or pretext of a thing. 3. means, re- heedless so in Adv., dtppovriaTODS cx €iv to oe thought- —
sources : esp. the means or sinews of war, as money, less. II. pass, unihoaght of, unexpected.

ships, etc.: capital, Lat. fundus. II. a making d-4>p6vo)s, Adv. of dcppaiv, foolishly.
a start, undertaking. 'A*PO'2, 6, foam, froth.
d4>opp.T)0ci€v, 3 pi. aor. 1 pass. opt. of dcpoppAa. o4>poo-uvT), ij, (a<ppojv) folly, thoughtlessness.
d4>-opp.i£, Med. to unmoor ships from harbour. d-d^povpos, ov, (a privat., <ppovpd) unwatcbed.
d-4>6p|j.iKTOs, ov, (a privat., <poppu£tx>) without the lyre. d<f>po-4>v-qs, c's, (d<ppos, (pvai) froth-producing, milky.
d4>-opp.os, ov, (diro, op/xos) without harbour in a d-<t>pc0v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., (pprjv) senseless, wit-
place. less, foolish, crazed, silly Lat. amens, demens. Comp.
d-<f>opos, ov, (a privat., <pipcu) not bearing, barren. and Sup., deppovearepos, eararos.
d-<t>dpvKTOS, ov, (a privat., <popvaow) undefiled, un- d<)>-vSpaiva>, (diro, v8paiv<u) to wash clean: Med. to
stained. wash oneself, bathe.
oowt) to purify or liberate
d<^-o<rvdo>, fut. dVa», (dv6, ddwT), 1), a sort of anchovy or sardine.
from guilt: — Med.
purify oneself from sins of
to d-<|>vT|S, ^», (a privat., <pvr}) without natural talent,

negligence; dcpooiovoOai rep 6*$ to make expiatory dull : naturally unfit for a thing. II. in good
offerings to the god. II. Med. also to acquit sense, simple.
oneself of service due ; dcpooiovoOai t£6pKa)Oiv to dis- d-4«iicTOs, ov, (a privat., (pvicros) not to be shunned,
cbarge oneself of the obligation of an oath. inevitable : of arrows, unerring. 2. act. unable to
d(J>ov, aor. 2imper. med. of dtpirjpu. escape.
&<j>6covTa, Ep. for dcpwvra, pres. act. part. ace. of ddwXaKT&D, f. i\aa>, to be off one's guard: c. gen.
&<pd<v. to be careless about, neglect. From
d4>p48ta, f. fiao), to act without sense. From d-dwXaicTOs, ov, (a privat., <pv\daaoj) unguard-
d-4>p4ST)«, i$, (o privat., <ppd(o{uu) thoughtless, silly: ed. II. of persons, unguarded, unheeding ; dtpv-

of the dead, senseless. Adv. dtppahiojs, foolishly, sense- \aier6v nva Kafifidvciv to catch one off bis guard.
lessly. Hence Adv. tojs. Hence
d<J>paSia, if, folly, thoughtlessness, silliness. d4vCXa|(a, if, want of vigilance, unguardedness.
d-4>pd£pxi)v, ov. gen. ovos, = dtppa&fjt, thoughtless. d<j>-ijXU;a>, f. iaw, (dv6, vkifa) to strain off.
d4>paivu, {a-<ppojv) to be silly. d-<J>vXXos, ov, (o privat., (ptWov) leafless, of dry
fi-4>pa»rro$, old Art. d-4>apicTos, ov, (a privat., wo>>d ; dtpvWov orSfw. speech not seconded by the
(ppaaooj) unfenced, unguarded. II. off one's guard. suppliant's olive-branch.
d-^pdo-puuv, ov, gen. ovot, m cuppad^uv. d4>v£civ, fut. inf. of depvaau.
122 &(f>v7rvCC<o
d<J>-vrrvi£a>, f. lata, (dir6, (hrvos) to wake from sleep. dxeSwv, ovos, Dor. for fjx €0^JV -
d<j>-VTTv6a>, f. wooj : aor. I cupvirvuoa : {dito, virvdoj): d-xeip-avTOs, ov, (a privat., x^H^v^) not vexed with
— to wake or rouse from sleep. II. to fall asleep. storms.
&<J>vo-y€t6s, 6, (axpvooa}) the mud and dirt which a d-x€ip, pos, 6, 1), (a privat., X e ^) without bands
stream carries with it, rubbish. without dexterity, awkward.
'A*T'22n, fut. dcpv£a> Dor. -£w : aor. r ^<pt5o-a d-xeipT|S, es, without bands.
Ep. axpvaaa : aor. I med. i)<pijcafir)v Ep. dcpvoadycqv : d-x»poirolT]Tos, ov, not made by bands.
— /o rfrau/ liquids ; iriOcw i)<pvaroero ohos wine «/as d-x^pos, ov, = dx*ip'- "rd dxapa. the binder parts of
drawn from the casks: — Med. to draw for oneself to the body.
drink, quaff. 2. to pour in a heap, to pile up, d-xeipwros, ov, (a privat., x« ipo<u) not trained by the
rrXovrov a<pv£(iv — Med., <pvWa ifivadpnv 1 heaped band. II. unconquered.

me up a pile of leaves. 'AxcXcoos, poet. 'AxeXwios, 6, Acbelbus, name of

d-<J>VT€VTOS, ov, (a privat., <pvrcv'<o) not planted. several rivers the best known ran through Aetolia

d<f>vl>s, Adv. of axpxrqs: d<pv£>s ix eiv to have no and Acarnania. II. as appellat. any running

natural talent. water, as in Virgil, Acbeloia pocula.

d-d/wvrjTos, ov, (a privat., <pwveaj) unspeakable, un- "AXEPAOS, 1), more rarely 6, a wild prickly shrub,
utterable. II. voiceless, speechless. used for hedges the wild pear. :

d4>u)vCa, fj, speechlessness. From 'AxepovTios and 'Ax«poixrios, a, ov, of or belong-

d-4>a)vos, ov, (a privat., (pojvrj) voiceless, speechless, ing to Acheron : fern, -wis, dSos.
dumb : inarticulate. Adv. -vojs. dx*puis,t8os,tbe white poplar, supposed to have been
dx& [a], Dor. tor rjxV' brought by Hercules from the banks of Acheron.
'Axata, Ion. 'Axaitij, -fj, (dxos) epith. of Demeter 'Ax«p«v, ovtos, 6, Acheron, a river in Hades. (De-
in Attica. rived from dxos, as Kojkvtos from kojkvoj.)
dxatvi]s, S, (dteis) with single points to bis horns, dx<ras, ov, 6, Dor. for ^x« T,?*» (^X"") sounding:
epith. of a young stag : also dxatvrj, if, a deer. esp. the male cicada, from its chirping.
'Axcats, Att. *Axuts, tSos, j), the Acbaian land, with dx^vo), (<*x°*) 'o mourn, be sad, rtv6s for one.
or without yaia. 2. (sub. ytnrq) an Acbaian wo- d\(o>, (dxos) to mourn, be sad, only used in part.,
man : so also 'Axauds, dSos, i). K7jp dx«W sorrowing in heart. II. from the

'Axaios, Acbaian, Lat. Acbivus.

d, 6v, II. as same Root 'AX-, came 1. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 tficd-
Subst., I. *Ax«uot, ol, the Acbaians, in Homer the Xov, in causal sense, to make to grieve, vex, distress
Greeks generally. 2. 'A\aia, j), Acbaia, in Pelo- so also redupl. fut. djcaxrioai, aor. 1 djcdxT]0~a (as if
ponnesus. from dx«t>)' 2. Med. and Pass, to grieve, $ubj.
d-xaXivos, ov, (a privat., xaXivos) unbridled. dicdxijrat. opt. dtcdxoiro, impf. 3 pi. ajcdxovro :
d-x4Xiv&)T0s, ov, (o privat., x a v ^0J ) unbridled. ^ pf. p.tss., djcdxrifMi, Ep.
3 pi. d.«7/x^o"aTa' or dicqx'*a

d-xd\K€Os, ov, (a privat., xa^ Ku ^ t ) without a rat (for dK^xV VTai ) ! 3 P^ P^ (for d«i^-
farthing. Hence XV VT0 ) 'W ajcdxrjaOan ; part, ditaxripcvot, Ep. also '* -

dxoXicco), to be without a farthing. durixipevos.

d-xdAK€VTOS, ov, (a privat., x<*Ak€V(u) not forged of dx«» [d], Dor. and poet, form for fa*01'
metal. dxTjp-a, Dor. for f/xijfM..
£-Xo\kos, ov, without brass, esp. without brasen 'AXH'N, ivos, 6, 1), poor, needy, [a] Hence
arms ; dxaXxos = dvev davifxw xa*> K'*'v
donib'ojv . dxTjvia, i), need, want; dfifxarcuv dxqvia the eyes*
d-xdAKiiyros, ov, (o privat., x a ^ K^ 0J ) = dxdXKftrros. blank gaze.
dxdvr) [ax«-], fl, a Persian measure, = 45 fifSifivot. dxdcivos, if, 6v, (d\0os) burdensome, oppressive.
o-xSvt|S, is, (a privat., xav€ * v ) not opening the Adv. -vojs, unwillingly, Lat. aegre, moleste.
mouth. II. (a euphon.) yawning, vast. dx6cts, aor. 1 pass, part of dytu.
d-x JpaKorros, ov, (0 privat., xaPaK ^ a>) n(>t palisaded. dx6ijBa>v, ovos, 1), (dxOo/xai) grief, annoyance.
d-x&pts, 6, ^, axapt, to, gen. ito*, (a privat., xfy lS ) d\Qi\o-o\, fut. pass, of dyoj.
without grace or charms, unpleasant, wretched. II. &\Bo\iai, Pass, with fut. med. dxOiffofuu and pass.
ungracious, thankless, Lat. ingra'us. dx0(o6rjaofw.i aor. 1 Jjx8* ff 0v v P^ ^X^V UCU ("X"

'• '•

dx<JpwrT€(j, f. i7<ra>, (dxdp«rros) to oe ungrateful. ^o«) :

burdened, loaded:
to be to be weighed down,
dxapio~rCa, 1), ingratitude, ungraciousness. discontented, vexed, disgusted.
d-xdpto-TOS, Ion. and poet. d-x&pi-TOS, of, (a privat., "AX0O2, eos, to, a weight, burden, load; &xOot
Xapi^ofMii) unpleasing : without grace. II. un- dpovprjs a dead weight on earth. II. a load of
gracious : ungrateful, thankless. 3. pass, un- grief: sorrow, grief, distress.
tbanked: Adv., ovk dxapifrrcvs fx fiv Ttv 1 fhanks are dx0o4>opfo>, f. tjo-o), to bear burdens, to bear as a
not waning to him. 3. with an ill will: hence burden. From
in Adv., dxapifTws infoOat, to follow with a bad dx6o-<f>6pos, ov, (dxOos, <pip<u) bearing burdens.
grace. 'AxtXXuos, o, ov, of or belonging to Achilles:
— — :

'AxiXAevV—"All 123
'AxlWaai fid(at, cakes of fine barley-meal, dainty o5. III. Adv. of manner, to the uttermost, utterly,
food. From Lat. penitus.
'AxiXXevs, tcui, Ep. also 'A\iA.€ws
F.p. r\os, 6 d-xpwpd-ros, ov, (a privat., ypar/ia) without colour.

Achilles, son of Peleus and Thetis, chief of the Myr- d-xpoKrros, ov, (a privat., xp^Cai) uncoloured : un-
midons, hero of the Iliad. touched.
d-xtTwv, ov, gen. ojvos, without tunic, thinly clad. dxtipiTis, iSos, (dxvpov) fern. Adj. of chaff.
d-xXcuvia.. j), want of a cloak : generally, want of dxvppXa, i), (d^fpov) a heap of chaff.
clobing. From dxvpo-SoKi), 77, (d\vpov, Stx /* 1 a chaff-bolder. - *

d-xXcuvos, ov, (o privat., \kaTva} without cloak. "AXT^PON, to, mostly in plur. chaff, bran,
d-xXoos, ov, contr. d-xXovs, ovv, (a privat., X*-"a ) busks.
without herbage. dxCp6-Tpu|/, rptfSot, 6, {dxvpov, Tpif3a>) threshing
dxXt'oeis, tooa, ev, (ax^us) murky, gloomy. out the busks.
'AXAT'2, vos, t), a mist, gloom, darkness, Lat. ca- d\ut, 1) Dor. for t)x^
ligo: in Homer also the mist which comes over the eyes d-xwpioTOs, ov, (a privat., x<*Jpt0"ros) no* parted. II.
of the dying or swooning: metaph. trouble. Hence (a privat., x&pos) without a place assigned one.
dxXvcj, f. ureu [v] aor. i fjx^vaa: to be or grow
: "AW, Adv. of Place, backwards, back, away from,
dark. away. 2. of actions, again, over again.
*AXNH, Dor. dxva, t), anything that comes off the dv|/du.€vos, aor. I med. part, of drrTOfuii.
surface of a thing, as of liquids, foam, froth; d\vn d-d/awros, ov, (a privat., \fiavaj) untouched. II.
ovpavia the dew of heaven ; daicpiwv dxvn dewy act. without touching.
II. of solids, chaff: the down on fruit (a
tears. III. d-t|/€Y"ns, «, privat., ^fyy) unblamed, blameless.
dxvrjv in ace. as Adv., a morsel, a little bit. d-d/eKTOs, ov, = atp(fr)s.
dxyv\iax, Dep. only used in pres. and impf.: (&xos): dd/cvScux, 1), truthfulness ; and
to trouble oneself, grieve. dd/evSeco, f. rioo), not to lie, to speak truth. From
d-xoXos, ov, (a privat., X°*-v) lacking gall: metaph. d-d/ev8T)S, is, (a privat., xf/evbos) without falsehood,
meek, gentle. II. allaying bile or anger. truthful: of things, genuine, pure. Hence
dxoLiou, Dep. (&x os ) t0 mourn, bewail oneself. dd/cvSus, Ion. -«os, Adv. really and truly.
d~xop€VTOS, ov, (a privat., x°P ( voj) like dxopos, not d-d/cuoTOS, ov, (o privat., ypivhofxai) unfeigned.
attended wi-h the dance, joyless, wretched. d-d/rjKTO$, ov, (a privat., ^\o>) not rubbed off.
d-xopos, without the dance : mournful, sad.
ov, d-ij/T|4>i<rTOs, ov, (o privat., \pr)<pi£opxu) not having
"AX02, eos, to, an ACHE, pain, distress, in Homer voted.
only of the mind. dv|n8dopai, pf. fyteojfuii: Pass.: (d\pls): — to be tied
d-xpa.T|s, e», = dxpovrot. in a circle or curve.
d-xpavTOS, ov, (a privat., xPalv,u ) undefiled. ddn-Kopos, ov, (aTrro/xcu, icSpos) satisfied with touch-
dxpds, ados, i), a kind of wild pear. ing, fastidious, dainty.
d-xpcios, ov, rarely a, ov, Ion. d-xpT|ios, (o privat., a\Jslu.axia, 1), a skirmishing. From
X/>€«i) useless, unprofitahle, unserviceable in war. II. dd/C-p&xos, ov, (airro/juu, pax 7}) skirmishing.
neut. dxptiov as Adv., dxpfiov iSwv giving a helpless dduvGiov, to, Lat. absinthium, wormwood. From
look, looking foolish; dxpfiov ye\av t<> laugh without *A¥IN0O2, p, wormwood.
use or cause, make a forced laugh ; dxpfiov K\d£civ ddns, Ion. dvj/Ls, toos, 1), (d7rra;) a juncture: a loop,
to bark without cause, of dogs. Hence knot; dtf/Tdfs \ivov the mesbes of a net. 2. the

dxpeiou, f. ui(j(u, to make useless, disable. felloe or felly of a wheel, A&* wheel itself; kvkKos
d-xpT|u>s, ov, Ion. for dxpetos. aiplhos the potter's wheel. 3. an arc& or vault.
dxpT]p.dTia, i), want of money. From &\|/io~i, dat. pi. of dipis.

d-xpTjp-dTOs, ov, (a privat., xPVf"1 ) without m<,ney dvj/op-poos, ov, contr. dd/oppovs, ow, (dY, ^<w)
or means : ol dxpv^arot the poor. back-flowing, /lowing back into itself.
dxprip-oovvT], want of money. From
>). duVop-pos, ov, shortd. form of foreg. moving back-
d-xpT||x<Dv, ov, ^en. ovot, (a privat., XRVt"1 ) = °-xM- —
wards, going back : neut. d\J/oppov as Adv., back-
Iuitos, poor, needy. [<\] ward, back again.
dxpt]o^r(a, )), uselessness, unfitness. From dd/os, (os, to, (a7TTa;) a juncture: a joint.
d-xp^oros, ov, (a privat., XP 7 "™')
useless, un- d-4/64j>T|TOS, ov, (a privat., \f/o(pi<u) without noise; c.
profitable, unserviceable ; dxprjctTos l« ti an/fr /or a gen., <fyo<p7)Tos KOJKVfiaTOJV without cry of wailing.
thing: without effect, Lat. irritus. II. unkind, d-v|/o4>os, ov, (a privat., if/6<pos) = dipcxprjTos.
cruel. III. act. making no use of, c dat. d-d/vKTOS, ov, (o privat., ipvx w ) vncooled, warm.
dxpt, and before a vowel dxpis, (cucpot) Prep, with dd/vxta, 1), cowardice. From
gen. un/iV, Lat. ttsyn* a<f ; dxpt AtdAa Kvicpaos until d-d/vxos, ov, (a privat., ^vxv) lifeless. II.

deep in the night as far as, dxpt rrjs napbiat.

II. spiritless, fainthearted.
Conj. until, to the time that, Lat. donee : so also dxpt Afi, root of di7/,u, /o o/ow ; cf . d^iw, avw.
124 *AX2 fiaOvvc
**Afl, root of la&o), darrioj, to sleep : aor. I deffa, pdSlcrts, eott, J/, a walking, going.

Ep. dtooa, contr. doa. Pa8ioT«ov, verb. Adj. of fiaSifa, one must go.
"Ail, to hurt, contr. from ddoj, q. v. PaSiarqs, ov, 6, (fiabifa) one that goes on foot, a
**AA, to satiate, inf dfievai [a], contr. for dipevai, walker, goer ; raxvs fiabior-qs a quick goer.
Ep. for octj' aor. I aaa: verb. Adj. aTo* [a]; but
: PaSicrnKos, 17, ov, (fiabifa) good at walking.
with a privat., daros [da], contr. dros. (3d8os, 6, (fiaivoj) a walk.
duOev, Adv. Dor. for fjwOev. BA'ZH, f. fid£<», to speak, say: 3 sing. pf. pass., Iiro*
auv, dovos, -?/, Dor. for ^taw. fiifiaKrat a word has been spoken.
a -topi, Adv. of dwpos, at an untimely hour. (3a0ca, Ion. for fiaOeia, fern, of fiaOvs.
d-topia, i), (dcopos) untimely fate or death, an unsea- Pd0€ws, Adv. of fiaOvs, deeply.
sonable time : in ace. as Adv., dapiav tjkuv to have pdOicrros, rf, ov, Sup. of fiaOvs.
come too late, [d] Pa0p.Cs, iSos and TSos, ij, a step. From
d-topios, ov, = dojpos. |3a0p.6s, 6, (fiaivoS) a step, stair. II. metaph.
dupo-WKTOS, ov, (dwpos, vv£) at midnight, Lat. in- arank, Lat. gradus.
step, degree,
tempesta node. pd0os,
eos, to, (/3a0i;s) depth or height, Lat. altitudo;
d-wpos, ov, (a privat., Sjpa) untimely, unseasonable, km fidOos file, of soldiers.
X^iiJtuJV, Odvaros. II. before the time, unripe. III. PaOpeia, 17, = fidOpov.
misshapen, ugly, [d] pd0pov, to, (fiaivw) A&a/ on tt/Wc& on* stands, a base,
dcopro, Ep. plqpf. pass, of deipat. pedestal: foundation. 2. a ste/> or set of steps, the

'Au>s, i), Dor. for 'Hd>s, *Ea;s. Hence round of a ladder: in plur. ladders. 3. a threshold:
'Ab>ar-<^6pos,o, = 'Ea><T<p6pos, the bringer of light, the metaph. an edge, verge. 4. a bench, seat.
morning-star, Lat. Lucifer. |3a0v-aYKT|s, is, (fiaOvs, dyxos) with deep vales.
do>T€o>, f. rjaoj, (da>) to sleep soundly. From (3a0v-pov\os, ov, (fiaOvs, fiovkrf) deep-counselling.
dtoTOv, t6, and dtoros, &, the best or choicest of its Pa.0u--yci.os, Ion. Pa0v-yeos, ov, Att. Po.0vy«os, <w,
kind, the flower of the whole: in Homer of theses/ (fiaOvs, yrj) with deep soil, fruitful.
wool, olds darrov ; also of the finest linen, \ivoio Aeir- j3a0v-YTjpft>s, cjv, (fiaOvs, yrjpas) in great old age,
rbv darrov. decrepit.
fiaQv-ykvirTOS, ov, (fiaOvs, y\v7rroj) deep-carved.
Pa0v-SivT|€is, eoaa, ev, (fiaOvs, Sivdai) deep-eddying.
Pa0v-8ivns, ov, 6, (fiaOvs, Sivrj) deep-eddying, [t]
B Pa0v-So|os, ov, (fiaOvs, So^a) farfamed.
j3a0v-£covos, ov, (fiaOvs, $d>vq) deep-girded, i. e. not
B, p, Ptjtci, indecl., second letter of the Greek al- under the breast, but over the hips, so that the gown
phabet hence as a numeral, fi' — hvo and hevrepos,
: fell over the girdle in full folds; esp. of the Ionian

but Jfi = 2000. dress : cf. fiaOvKo\iros.

The Aeol. and Dor. used it as the simple aspirate {3a0v-0pi£, rptxos, 6, 1), (fiaOvs, 0pi£) with thick hair:
before p, as fipodov fipdtcos, for fiooov pdicos. It was of sheep, with thick wool.
often inserted between f*\ and ftp to give a fuller sound, 0a0v-Kap.irY|s, is, (fiaOvs, Kdfxirrw) strongly curved.
as in fxeorjfifipia, yapfipos, cf. d/xfiporos. Pa0v-KT|TT)S, «*, (fiaOvs, ktjtos) very deep.
The change of other consonants was
fi into Pa0v-K\£r)S, «, (fiaOvs, icKios) far-famed.
chiefly owing to the different pronunciations of the Pa0v-Ko\iros, ov, (fiaOvs, koXitos) deep-bosomed, with
several dialects I. into n, e. g. fiaruv for ira- the dress in deep, full folds, like fiaOv£cjvos. 2.
Ttiv. II. Arcad., into £, as £ip(Opov for fiiptOpov, with swelling breasts. II. of the earth, with deep

fidpaOpov. III. into 7, as y\fjx(OV for fi\rjxon'- valleys.

Pd, shortd. form of fiaotKtv, O King Pa0v-Kp-r]pvos, ov, (fiaOvs, Kpr)nv6s) with high cliffs.
Pa.pd£ci), redupl. for fidfa, to chatter. Pa0v-Kpucrra\Xos, ov, with thick ice.
PaPaC, PaP<u&!, Lat. papae, exclamation of surprise, Pa0v-KTc&vos, ov, (fiaOvs, teriavov) with great pos-
bless me 1 dear me sessions, esp. of flocks and herds.
pdpa£, 6, a chatterer. PaOv-Xeipos, ov, and Pa.0u-Xtip.tov, ov, gen. ovos,
PapuKa, 1), Lacon. for yi<pvpa, a bridge. (fiaOvs, Xu/idjv) with rich meadows.
pd-ypa, aTOS, to, (fid(<u) a speech. Pa0u-Xqios, ov, (fiaOvs, Xrfiov) with deep, thick crops.
Pd8r)V, Adv. (fiaivai) step by step, pacing, Lat. pede- Pa6v-paXXos, ov, (fiaOvs, ixaXKas) thick-fleeced.
tentim, opp. to quick running. II. marching Pa0v-p/f|Tns, ov, 6, also PaOvp/qra, (fiaOts, /xtjtis)
on foot, opp. to riding. III. gradually, Lat. deep-counselling.
graddtim Pa0u-voos, ov, contr. Pa0u-vovs, ow, (fiadvt, voos)
PaSC^&j, fut. Att. lovfxai, later tar aor. I kfidSioa : profoundly wise.
pf. fiffidSixa (fidSos, fiaiva)) — :

to go on foot, to walk: pa6vvo> |v], fut. fia&vvw pf. fiefidOvyiea. : (fiaOvs) :

: 1

to go slowly, pace: generally, to go. Hence to deepen, hollow out, excavate; fiaBvvtiv r^v <pa-
: : ;

PaBv£vkos— BA'KXOS. 125

kayya to deepen the phalanx by increasing the num- ivvia kviavTol PfPdacri nine years have come and
ber of ranks. gone. 6. to mount, P. S'uppov ; of animals, to

f3a(K»-£vXos, ov, (PaOvs, £v\ov) with thick wood. cover; tiriroi Paivofxevat brood mares. 7- w ' tn co 8*
0v-ir€8os, ov, (PaOvs, it (8ov) forming a deep vale. nate ace, Paivfiv Kt\tv0ov to go a path; Paivuv iroba
PaOv-ircXpos, ov, (PaOvs. iriX^a) thick-soled. to advance the foot: also later c. ace, alvov iPa i<6po%
PaOii-irAovTOS, ov, (Pa6vs, nKovros) exceeding rich. disgust comes after praise ; XP* 0S *&a u€ debts came
Pa0v-ir6X«p.os, ov, (PaOvs, iroAe/ios) plunged in war. on me.
Pa0vp-petTTis, ov, 6, (fita>) = Padvppoos. II. Causal in fut. act. Pr)a<u: aor. I tPnoa (an-
{3a0vp-p-nvos, ov, (PaOvs, frfjv) with thick wool. swering to pres. PiPafa):— to make to go; <pu>ras Prj-
J3a6vp-pi£os, ov, (PaOvs, pifa) deep-rooted. ocv a<p' Xititojv be made the men dismount from the
(3a6vp-poos, ov, contr. PaOiip-povs, ovv,(Pa9vs, p'ioj) chariot.
deep-flowing, with deep, full stream. flaiov, to", (Pais) a palm-branch.
BA-0Y'2, Padua, Ion. Padea, padv Comp. PaOv- : BAIO'2, a, ov, little, slight, short, small, humble
rtpos, poet. PaOicvv, Dor. Pdoaajv'. Sup. fiaOvraros, i\wpu Paws he was and
travelling with small escoit;
poet. PdOiOTos. Deep or high, Lat. alius. 2. deep, Paiys (sub. r)\iieias) from childhood; Paiov, as Adv.
thick, luxuriant, as of the hair and beard generally, a little. :

large, abundant: of the voice, deep: of thought, BA12, r), a palm-branch.

deep —
then in various senses, of time, age, etc. Pa- BAI'TH, 7), a peasant's coat of skins.

9is CpQpos morning-prime PaOv yrjpas great

; old age; QaxeXas, 6, a priest of Cybele.
fiaQiia <pd\ay£ a column deep in file. B&Kt£a>, f. tow (Ba/w's) to prophesy like Bacis.
Pa0v-o"Kd4>T|S, f's, (PaOvs, OKa-nroi) deep-dug. PaKK&pis, 180s or (cus, t), baccar, an aromatic plant
Pa0v-cncios, ov, (PaOvs, o/ctd) deep-shaded. PaKTT|pia, t), = PcucTpov.
{3a0v-<nropos, ov, (PaOvs, ontipw) deep-sown, fruit- PaKTTJpiOV, TO, = PdlCTpOV.
fid. Pa.KTp€vp.a, aros, to, a staff, support. From
ov, (PaOvs, ortpvov) deep-chested;
Pft.0v-OT€pvos, PaxTpcvb}, f. aw to lean on a staff.
, From
PaQvortpvos ala deep-bosomed earth. Pdxrpov, to, (*Paw, PiP&fa) Lat. baculus, a staff.
Pa0v-OTo\p.os, ov, (PaOvs, aroX/xos) with deep, full PaKTpo-irpoo-aCTns, ov, 6, (Pampov, npoaairns) one
robes. who begs leaning on a staff.
fJa0v-o-Tp<tfTOS, ov, (PaOvs, OTpwwvfu) deep-covered, Baxxaw, (Ba«xo«) to rave with Bacchic frenzy.
well-covered, of a bed Ba.Kx«'-pa.Kxov doai, to raise the strain Bd«x«,
|3a0v-o~xoivos, ov ' (&oJOvs, axoivos) deep grown with Ba/fx* » to invoke Bacchus.
rushes. BaKxcia, r), iBdjt\os) Bacchic revelry.
{3a0vi-4>pu>v, ov, gen. ovos, (PaOvs, <ppt)v) deep-coun- Baxxetov, to, the temple of Bacchus. II.
selling. = Ba«x«t'a, r).

(3a0v-4>vXXos, ov, (PaOvs, QvWov) thick-leafed. Ba.Kxei.os, a, ov, (Bd«xos) Bacchic, belonging to
Pa0v-xcuTT|S, ov, 6, also PaOvxaiTTqcis, f)eaaa, r)(v, Bacchus or bis rites : like a priest of Bacchus, inspired,
(PaOvs, x aiTT]) Wlth deep thick hair, with thick mane. frenzied.
fia&v-xQ<av, ov, gen. ovos, (PaOvs, \6ojv) of deep BdKx*vp.a, <xtos, to, (Ba/cx*vaj) Bacchic revelry.
soil, fertile. Baxxevs, «a>s, 6, = Bd/exos. Hence
SaiTiv, Tjs, rj, aor. 2 opt. of fSaiva. Ba.Kxt-uo-Tp.os, ov, Bacchanalian, frenzied.
BAxNA, formed from the Root */3d<u fut. Pf/ao- : BaKxcuo-is, ecus, r), (Bokx^voj) Bacchic revelry.

fuu, Ep. and Pciouai, Dor. Pdoevfiai

/3«'o/icu pf. — BaxxevKa, f. tvoai, (Bd/cxos) to keep the feast of
PkPnua, Ep. 3 pi PePdaat, PtPdoi; inf. ; Bacchus. 2.speak or act like one frantic, Lat.
part. PfPaws, PtP&vm, contr. PfPws, PePa/aa, pePws: bacchari. II. causal, to inspire with frenzy.
— aor. 2 iP-qv, Ep. 3 sing. Prj, Ep. 3 dual Pdrnv [a]; BdicxT), r), (Baxxos) a Bacchante. II. any in-
imperat. PrjOi, in compds. /3d (as naraPa) subj. /3a), ; spired or frenzied woman.
Ep. Pucu, Ep. 3 sing. Pr)n opt. Pairjv ; inf. Prjvat,
; Ba.KXid£to, = BaKxtvco.
Ep. Prjptvai; part. Pas, Pdoa, Pdv Med., Ep. 3 sing. BaKxtos, a, ov, and Bukxikos, r), 6v, = Bdicx ftoa *

aor. 1 ip-qatro, for ip-qaaro Pass., aor. I iPdOrjv

: — Bacchanalian : generally, inspired, raving. II.

[&] in compds. as awtPdOrjv pf. PiPapuii : in compds. as Subst., 6 Bd/cx*os (sub. Of 6s), the Bacchic god, i. e.
as napaPepaucu. To go, walk, step. 2. Ep. with Bacchus.
6" tfj.(v,
inf., Prj P6\v 8' iivou he, they set out to go; BaKxis, l8os, r), = BaKxr).
pr) 81 Ottiv he started to run. 3. Paivttv fiera ti BaKxtamrjs, ov, o, (Bdfcxios) a Bacchanalian.
togo after a thing Paivuv in i\ni8os,
; etc., to pro- BATQCOS, o, Bacchus, the planter of the vine, god
ceed upon hope, e. to feel hope, etc.
i 4. the pf. of wine and inspiration, and particularly of dramatic
Piprj/ea chiefly has the sense of being in a place, be is poetry. The same word with "Ta^xo*. an ^ so fr° m
set/led. (Z
p(0i)Kivat to stund fast oliv TfKtt P*P5r Idxoj. II. a Bacchanal : generally, any one in-

t«« they who are in office. 5. of lifeless things, spired or frantic with passion.
126 fiaXav&ypa — (3apfiap6a).

PsX9.v-i.ypa, i), (BdXavos, aypa\ a book to pull out |3du.a, to, Dor. for Bfjfta.
the lidxavos or bob-pin, a key. |3apj3atva), to chatter with the teeth: to stammer.
|3o\dv€iov, to, Lat. balneum, a bath, batbing-room. (Formed from the sound.)
BAAA NET'S,, eus, 6, the batb-man, Lat. bal- {, Dor. for Ba/fiev, 1 pi. aor. 2 subj. of Baivw.
nedtor. Hence Pdppa, otos, to, (Bdmoj) that in which a thing is
PdXdvcvu, f. oca, wait upon a person at the batb :
to dipped, dye : see Bdnra).
generally, to serve, wait upon. pdv, Ep. for eBay, eBrjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 of Batvo).
j3d\&vr|-<|>a YOS, ov, yBaXavos, <payetv) acorn-eating.
P&vavo-ia, rj, (Bdvavaos) handicraft, the life and
pSXdvn-4>6pos, ov, (jBdXavos, <pep<u) bearing acorns habits of a mechanic : hence vulgarity, bad ta*te.
or dates. Hence
(3&\dvi£u>, (Bdkavos) to shake acorns from a tree. PSvavo-iKos, 17, Cv, of or for mechanics; reyyr] 8a-
|3a\dvuxcra, j), fem. of BaXavevs. vavoiKT) a mechanical trade, Lat. ars sellularia.
BA'AAN02, tj, an acorn: also of other fruit, esp. Pdv-avo-os, ov, (for Bavvavaos, from Bavvos, avoi)
the date ; Aios BdXavos the sweet chestnut. IL working by or with fire: hence generally a mechanic:
an iron peg, Lat. pessulus, passed through the bat metaph. low, vulgar, illiberal.
into a hole in the doorpost behind and taken out it, PavavCT-ovpyta, 1), (Bdvavoos, *epyai) handicraft.
wiih a hook (BaXavdypa) when the door was to be Pd£is, ecus, 7j,(Bdfa) a saying, report, atinouncement,
opened, a bolt-pin. Hence esp. of an oracle; dxdjatfios Bd£ts the telling or tidings
pdXdvoo), f. w<tqj, to bar the door with a bolt-pin, to of the capture.
close up. Pairr..£w, fut. Att. Bairnw, {Bdirroj) to dip repeatedly,
SaXavTnj-Tojxos, o, (BaXdvriov, refxeiv) a cutpurse, dip under: — Med. to bathe. II. to baptize. Hence
BAAA'NTION, to, a bag, pouch, purse. Pdirrio-pa, otos, to, that which is dipped. IL
6aXavTiOTO(jicu), to cut purses. *= BaTTTKT/AOS.
BAABI'2, iSos, j), mostly in pi. BaXBities, Lat Pam-urpos, 6, a dipping in water : baptism.
career es, the post of the race-course, whence the racers Paimo-TT|S, ov, 6, one that dips, a dyer. II. a
started and to which they returned, both in running baptizer : 6 BanTiorrjs, the Baptist.
and driving any starting point. II. any point Pairr6s, ov, dipped, dyed: bright-coloured. II.

: 17,

to begained, the battlement of a wall: an end, term, drawn like water. From
PdXe, for eBaXe, 3 sing. aor. 2 of BdXXaj. BATITX1, fut. Bdipaj. — Pass., aor. e8d<p0r)v, aor. 2
PaXtjv, also (3o.\\tjv, rjvos, 6, a king, akin to Hebr. eBcupT)v [a] : pf. BeBaufxat. I. transit, to dip,
Bel or Baal, Lord. dip under, Lat. immergere. 2. to dye, colour,
|3a\i6s, d, ov, (BaXXcu) spotted, dappled. steep : proverb., Bdrrreiv tivcL Bdfipui 'S.apoiaviicov to
PoXAdvTiov, to, = BaXdvriov. steep one in Sardian dye, give him a bloody cox-
paXATjvaSe BXeiretv, a play on the words BdXXa) and comb. dipping in, draw.
3. to fill by II.
the Auic deme naXXrjVTj. intrans. to dip, sink vavs eBaipev the ship sank.

BA'AAfi, fut. BaXu, Ion. BSXea), rarely BaXXrjffo): Pdpadpov Ion. PepeOpov, to, (akin to BdOpov, B6-
— aor. 2eBaXov, Ion. inf. BaXeojv: perf. BeBXij/ea: — 6pos) a gulf, cleft, pit : at Athens a cleft behind the
plqpf. eBeBXrjtcciv, Ep. BtBXrjKfiv. Med., Ion. impf. — Acropolis, into which criminals were thrown, = Spartan
BaXXeaKero : fut. BaXov/mi —
aor. 2 eBaXofjnjv, loa hence, II. metaph. ruin, perdition.
teedbai :

imperat. BaXev. —
BXrjO-qaoyxu, fut. 3 Be-
Pass., fut. Pappapi£u>, f. iaco Att. Xw, {BdpBapos) to behave or
Bkrioofuu : I aor.
eBX-qOrjv : 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 speak like a barbarian, speak a foreign tongue: to ape
eBXijro, subj. BX-qerai, opt. 2 sing. BXeto, inf. BXtj- foreigners. II. to bold with barbarians, esp. the
aOai, part. BXrj/xevos —
pf. BeBXrjfuu, Ion. 3 pi Be- Persians; cf. M^StXcu.
BXTjarai plqpf. eBeBXrinrjv.
: I. Act. to throw, BapPapiKos. tj, ov, barbaric,foreign, like aforeigner,
cast, burl at, properly of a missile as opp. to striking, opp. to 'EWtjvikos. Adv. -kws, in a foreign tongue,
to bit with a dart : metaph. of sound, to strike, ktvttoi i. e. Persian. From
ovara BaXXei —
of ships, to dash, strike : also to BATBA-P02,
ov, barbarous, i. e. not Greek,

push: to let fall: and of tears, to shed: also to put foreign : as Subst., BdpBapot, oi, all that were not
on or over, tcvitXa dfupl ox^oai Bake. 2. intr. /• Greeks, or that did not speak Greek. Plato divides
fall, tumble, irorayibs eis aXa BdXXwv. II. Med. mankind into Barbarians and Hellenes, as the He-
to weigh with oneself, ponder, deliberate. 2. to brews gave the name of Gentiles to all but them-
throw around oneself; £i<pos dfi<p' wfiois BdXXeoQat selves. II. from the Augustan age, the term
to throw over ones shoulder. 3. to lay a founda- was applied by the Romans to all nations except
tion,BdXXeaOai darv to found a city. themselves and the Greeks: but the Greeks still af-
PaXoiaai, Dor. for BaXovaai, aor. 2 part. nom. pL fected to look upon the Romans as Barbarians.
fem. of BdXXa). pappdp6-<+>o>vos, ov, (BdpBapos, <p<uvri) speaking a
(3dA6s, ov, 6, Dor. for BrjXos. stranze or foreign tongue.
/3a.Au>, fut. ind. and Bd\a> } aor. 2 subj. of BdXXoj. Pappdpow, f. wow. (BdpBapos) to make barbarous

BA'PBITON- -fiatravKrfxos. 127

©r foreign : Pass, to become barbarous : to be inar- papv-p-fjvtos, ov, and Papvpirjvis, c, gea. 10s, (fiapvs,
ticulate. prjvis)exceeding wrathful.
BA'PBrTON, to, and pdpPiTos, o or r), a musical Papv-pttrOos, ov, {fiapvs, piatOCs) exacting heavy
instrument of many strings, like the lyre : used also turns.
for the lyre itself. Papti-poxOos, ov, (fiapvs, pSxQos) very toilsome or
PdpSioros, 77, ov, by poet, metath. for fipaSiaros, painful.
Sup. of fipaovs: so Comp. fiapSvrfpos for fipadvrfpos. pdpuvGcv, Ep. and Aeol. for kfiapvvQrjoav, 3 pi. aor.
j3Spro>, (fiapos) intr. in Ep. pf. part. fiefiaprjws, I pas-, of fiapvvoj.
weighed down, overcome, otvcv fiefiap-qorts. Papvvu) \v\, f. vvu>, (fiapvs) to load heavily, to bur-
|3ap<a>s, Adv. of fiapvs, heavly, grievously; fiapecos den: to torment —
Pass, to be weary, oppressed: fia-
<pep<tv. Lat. aegre ferre to take a thing ill; fiapeais pvvfoOai x e <P a i0 be maimed in hand: nietaph. to be —
olkovuv to hear with disgust. vexed, annoyed, I -at. gravari.
pdpis, 180s, Ion. 10s, r), Ion. plur. fiapis, al, an Papv-oTrrjs, ov, 6, (fiopvs, v\p) loud-voiced.
Egyp'ian boat, a sort of raft: generally, a canoe, Papu-opynTOS, ov, (fiupi's, tpyrj exceeding angry.
boat. Lat ra is. Papu-irdXapos, ov, (fiapvs, -naXd/xr} beavy-hnnded.
BAYOS, cos, to, weight, burden, pressure: hence Papv-ir€V0T (
s, is, (fiapvs, irivQos) grievous
grief, misery : also a quanti'y, excess. woe.
Papv-oXyr|S, h, (fiapvs, d\yos) grievously suffer- Papu-irev6T)T0S, ov, (fiapvs, rrfvOioj) mourning
ing. 2. very grievous. heavily.
Papv-dXynros, ov, (fiapvs, dKyioA very grievous. Papv-ir€0"T|S. ts, (fiapvs. irtociv) heavy-falling.
Papv-OXTIS (s, (fiapvs, axos) groaning heavily. Papv-Trorpos, ov, (fiapvs, ?tot/zos) wih heavy fate,
Papv-a\T|s, ts, Dor for fiapvr)xv s - Ul-fated, ill-starred.
Papv-Ppep.€T7]S, ov, 6, and -«TT|p, fjpos, 0, fem. Papv-irovs, 77, -now, to, gen. rroSos, (fiapvs, irovs)
-€T€ipa, 17, (fiopvs, fipifioj) loud-thundering. heavy-footed heavy at the end.

|3apv-Ppop.Tf)TT|S ov, u, (fiapvs, fipofxeoj) loud-roaring. BA"PT'2, ua, v Comp. fiapvrfpos. Sup fiap-ura-

Pap\j-(3po|j.os, ov, (fiapvs, fipe^w) loud-roaring. ros: heavy, Lat. gravis: burdensome, grievous, op-
Papv-ppus, cotos, 6, t;, (fiapvs, fitfipujOKOj) greedily pressive : of persons, troublesome. 2. in good

eating : gnatoing, corroding. sense, weighty, impressive. II. of soldiers, heavy-

Papv-YSoviros, ov, (fiapvs, Sovrros) heavy-sounding, armed. III. of sound, strong : deep, bass, opp.
loud-roaring, thundering. to o£vs.
papv-yovvaTOs and Papv-yowos, ov, (fiapvs, yovv) Papv-o-C8T|pos, ov, (Papvs, alSrjpos) heavy with iron.
with heavy knees, loitering, lazy. Papv-o-Taupos, ov, (fiapis oraO^s) weihing heavy.
Papij-yiaos, ov, (fiapvs, yviov) weighing down the Papv-arr€vdx&>v, ovaa, ov, (/3apos, o'Tfj'dxa') sobbing
limbs. heavily.
Pa.pu8aip.ovta>, f. rjcra), (fiapvUal/Muv) to be possessed Papi'-orovos, ov, (ffapvs OTivcv) groaning heavily.
by an evil genius : generally, to be unlucky. Hence Papv-o~up<|>opos, ov, ((iapts, ovjMpopa) weighed down
PapvSaipovia. 7), a heavy fate, ill luck. by ill luck.
papu-Saipov, ov, gen. ovos, (fiapvs, Sallow) pressed Popv-a<|)dpSYOS, ov, (fiapvs, o<papayos) loud thun-
by a heavy fate, unlucky. dering.
Papv-oaxpvs, v, (fiopvs, Sd/cpv) weeping grievously. Papvrqs, T7TOS, r), (0apvs) weight, heaviness : impor-
Papv-otKOS, ov, (fiapvs, Sikt]) taking heavy vengeance. tunity: harshness, oppression; gravi'y of manners [o]
Papu-8oT€ipa. 77, (fiapvs. boTTjp) giver of ill gifts. Papv-rlpos, ov, (papvs, Tifirj) of great worth : vener-
Papv-Sotnros, ov, = fiopvyZovtros. able, cos'ly.
Papv-f-qXos, ov, (IBapvs, £t)\os) exceedingly jealous. Papv-rXTjTOS, ov, (j8ap»js, TX^vat aor. 2 of *r\iw)
Papu-T)X"T|S, es, (Pap's, r/xos) heavy-sounding. heavy '0 bear.
Papvdvpia, 7}, sullenness. From Papv-^Oo-yyos, ov, (fZapvs, (pOoyyrj) heavy-sounding,
Papv-0i)pos, ov, (fiapvs, Ovpos) heavy in spirit : in- loud-roaring.
dignant, sullen. Papv-<}>pa>v, (ppovos, 6, 17, (fiapvs, (ppr]v) weighty of
Papv9<i>, (fiapvs) to be weighed down: to be heavy, tnind or purpose.
dull, sluggish, [v] Papv-x^tXos, ov, (fiapvs, x f fXos) thick-lipped.
Papv-Kopiros, ov, (fiopvs. KOfiirtaj) loud-roaring. Papv-xopSos, ov, (fiapvs, x°P^V^ deep-toned
Papv-tcoros, ov, (fiapvs, kot(w" grievous in wrath. Papv-ij/vxos, ov, (fiapvs, if/vxy) heavy of soul, mean-
Papv-KTthros, ov, (fiapvs, KTvtria)) heavy-sounding, Ipirited. dejected.
loud-thundering. Pas, Pao-a, pdv, aor. 2 part, of fiaivcu.
Papv-XcuXavJ/, ottoj, 0, t), (fiapvs, \a?Ka\f) loud- Pao-avi£<o, f. laoi Att. Xw, to rub upon the touch*
storming. stone {fidcravos) : to try the genuineness of 2. thing, test,

Papv-Xoyos, ov, (fiapvs, \6yos) vexatious of speech; make proof of: to convict : to put to the torture.
fiapiXoya ex^ fa nate vented in bitter words. P&or&vi<rp6s, 6, (fiaaavifa) torturing, torture.
128 f$a(ravi(rrrjs — /S8eAtf<r(ra>.

Pa<ravurrf|S, o3, 6, pecul. fem. Pacraviarpia, >}, P&<r<ra, Dor. for Pfjotfa.
(feaaavifa) —
an examiner, questioner, torturer. Paao-dpa, rj, = aXu-nrj^, a fox. (Of Thracian origin.)
BA'2AW N02, t), the touchstone, Lat. lapis Lydius, Pao-adpiov, to, Dim. of [Saooapa.
by which gold was proved, see iraparpiPoj. II. Pdo-awv, ov, gen. ovos, Dor. comparat. of 0a$vs.
metaph. a test to try whether a thing he genuine or PdoTaYjio, aros, to, that which is borne, a bur-
not. III. inquiry, esp. 6y torture, the ques- den. II. that which bears, a
staff. From
tion. 2. torture, anguish, disease. BASTA'ZH, f. ico>: aor. 1 i&aoTaoa, later i£d-
J3a<r€\))Jiai, Pao^vvrat, Dor. for ^-qaofMu, Ptjowtcu, ara£a: aor. I pass. kjiaaraxOr}V —
to lift, lift up,
rut. of /3a<W raise: metaph. to extol, exalt. II. to bear, sup-
pacriAaa, t), (j3aatAet/s) a queen, princess, lady of port, bold upright : to bear in mind, consider. III.
royal blood. to carry off. IV. to handle, touch. Hence
pao-lXcid, t), (£a(7iXfva>) a kingdom, dominion : he- Pao-TaKTos, 77, 6v, verb. Adj., to be borne.
reditary monarchy, opp. to rvpavvis. PdrdXos, 6, a lisper.
Pfio-iXeuov, to, mostly in plur., a palace : also /fo Pdrtto, f. 77<ra>, (0aivoS) to mount, cover, of animals.
rqya/ treasury or ten/. Strictly neut. from PdTTjv, Ep. for (Ptqttjv, 3 dual aor. 2 of 0aiv<u.
PdorCXcios, op, and a, ov, Ion. Pa<rtXT|ios, 77, ovt {Sd,Tr\pls, iSos, 77, ^ari<u) fem. Adj. for mounting.

kingly, royal. From PaTia, 7), = /Sdros, a bush, thicket.

BA"5rAET'2, (ojs Ion. 770*, o, ace. PaotKta, Pa/riSo-o-KOTTos, ov, (/3drts, CKOviu) looking after
contr. fiaoiXrj'. pi., nom. fiaai\tis, old Att. -77s, Ion. roaches or skaits, greedy for them.
-r}ts :
— a king, prince, of gods and men —hence are : Pdris, 180 », 77, (Pdros) the prickly roach or the skait.
formed the Comp. QaaiKtvTfpos, a, ov, more kingly; Pa-ro-8p6Tros, ov, (&6.T0S, 8piir<u) pulling thorns off
Sup. fiaoiXeuraros, 77, ov, most kingly. II. the or up.

second of the nine A r ebons at Athens was called 0a- BATOS, 1), a bramble or any prickly bust.
ai\€vs he had charge of the public worship, and the Pd-ros, 6, the Hebrew liquid measure bath.

conduct of criminal processes. III. after the Potos, 77, ov, (@alva>) passable.
Persian war the king of Persia was called @aa\tvt PaTpdxeios, ov, (fiarpaxos) of or belonging to a
(without the Art.), or 6 fieyas &aat\cvs. Hence frog : PaTpdxuov (sub. x/^A"1). frog-colour, pale
pacrlAevo), f. ecu, to be king, to rule : in aor. 1 fiaffi- green.
\tvaai, to be made king. II. c. dat. to rule over Barpaxts, iSos, and ibos, 7), a frog-green coat. From
a people —
Pass, to be governed by a king, to be under 6, a frog, Lat. rana. 2. the frog BA TPAX02,
a king. of a horse's hoof. [3]
Pao-tX-qti], 7}, Ion. for fiaoiXua. PaTTapifo), fut. Att. tat, (B&ttos) to stammer.
P<£crt\T)ios, 77, ov, Ion. for @aol\uos. Pa.TTO-XoY«0, = PaTTapifa, (Bclttos, \6yos) to
Pao-tX-nts, ISos, 77, pecul. fem. of fiaai\€ios, royal. babble, use vain repetitions.
Pa<ri\(£(i),f. aai, (&aoi\(vs) to be of the king's party. Ban-OS, o, Stammerer, name of a king of Cyrene\
P&crtAiKos, 77, 6v, like &aoi\uos, royal, of a king. 7. (Formed from the sound.)
of or for a king, princely. II. as Subst., Paai- P<ii'i£u>, Dor. Pavo-8o>: fut. 0av£(u: to cry fiav, 0av, —
\ik6s, 6, a courtier, nobleman. to bark : hence to wail, mutter : to reproach. II.

PatriXtvaii, barbaric form of &aoi\ivva, $aai\iaaa. transit, to cry aloud for.

Pao-CXiwa and pacruXtcrcra, = (Saoi\u&, a queen.
77, PavKaXis, ioos, 77, a wine-cooler.
PaalXis, ioos, 77, = fiaaiXeiS,, a queen, princess. 2. Pavvos or Pawos, 6, (avco) a furnace, forge.
as Adj. = i8a(rtX77is, royal. Pav<r8o>, Dor. for (iaiifa.
Pdo-Ljxos, ov, (fiaiva)) passable : accessible. pac{>T|, 7), {(Sanra)) a dipping, as of red-hot iron in

Pdo-is , ((us, 7), (QaivoS) a stepping : a step, walk. II. cold water. II. a dipping of cloth in dye, dyeing:

that whereon one steps, ground : a pedestal. also the dye itself.
pao-Kaivco, fut. avui : aor. I (Paatcrjva : aor. I pass. Pa^-qvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of fidirro).
iJ3aatca.v07)v : (/3d<j7«u) : to use ill words of another, Pd\j/is, fws, 7), (BdnTOj) a dipping, dyeing.
esp. to slander, disparage. II. to use ill words to BAE'AAA", 7), a leech, Lat. birudo.
another, bewitch by spells or by means of an evil eye, pScXvypo., to", (PSekvoaw) an abomination, esp. of
Lat. fascinare. idols.
Pao-Kcivia, (Pda/eavos) slander, envy, malice.
7), P8«XvKTos, i\, 6v, (&oe\vaooi) disgusting, abominable.
pdo-Kdvos, ov, (fHaaKalva)) slanderous, envious, ma- pScXvK-Tpoiros, ov, (ffdtXvKTus, rpovos) - foreg.
lignant. a sorcerer. 2. AEATTO'2, a, ov, abominable, disgusting. Hence B
paa-Kas, d8os, 7), a kind of duck. P5eAvcro-a>, Att. -ttu) fut. ^<w to cause to stink, : :

Pdo-KC, imperat. of an obsol. verb Rcloko), another make loathsome. II. mostly used as Dep. P8«- I

form of fiaivoj, as x aaK<u OI" Xa ^v<u » /3aoV 161, speed XvTTopai, with fut. med. and pass. /38fAt5£o/xat, /3S«-
thee 1 away I fSaoKerc away I XvxOrfaofjuu, aor. I med. and pass. efi5c\v£anT]v,
f3ao-u.6s, Ion. for /3a?/*o*. k^biXvxOrjv to feel disgust mt, to detest, have a :
BAE'G—fifrrp, 129
horror of. But all these forms, as well as perf. (P8(- P«t), 2 sing, of Pioftai, Ep. fut. of Paiva).
occur in pass, sense, to be aoomtna ed.
\t/*)/zcu |, Ep. for /j^ao/xat, fill, of paiva), I will walk
BAE'fl, f. phiooj, to break wind: to stink. or
pSvXXw, = fib£<v c. ace. to be afraid of.
: fitloi, Ep. for PS), aor. 1 subj. of Paivoi.
(3e0auo-i, Ep. 3 pi. pf. of Paiva). P€KK€-o-e\T)vos, ov, (Peru's, oeK^VT]) old-fashioned,
j3ef3aios,a, ov, also os,ov,{PaivoS)firm,steady : stead- out of dae, dotard : simple, silly.

fast, trusty, sure, safe: to PePaiov certainty. Hence Pcic's, t , bread: saul to be a Phrygian word.
PcPaiorns, 77TOS. 7) firmness, steadfastness, safety. {3«X€p.vov, to, p er. f r P(\os, a dart, javelin.
^€(3at6u>, f. a»aa>, to male firm, establish: — Med. to PeXovrj, 77, (/3«A.os) an arrow-head: point of a spear:
establish for oneself, to confirm, secure. a needle.
{3€J3aui>s, Adv. of P(Paios, steadfastly, firmly. PeXovo-ircoXTjs, ov, 6, (P(\6vq, vojXiofJuu) a needle-
fkpcucocris, ecus. 7). a makingfast or sure, establishing. seller.

f3e|3a}icv, fie&dvat, Ep. syncop. forms of P(Pt]i(£vat, P«Xos, (os, to", (PoWoj) like Lat. jaculum (from
inf. of (laivaj. [a] jacini),anything thrown, a bolt arrow, dart. 2.

f3*'{3a|JLu,cu, pf pass, of Pdirra). metaph., dyavd Pe\ea of Apollo and Artemis are used
PePSp-nus, weighed down, Ep. pf. part, of papeoj. of sudden, ea y death; Svao/xPpa Pi\t] the arrows oi
P«,3dTav, Ep. * pi. plqpf. of Paiva). the storm dfi/xaToiv P(\os glances shot from the eye.

Ptfiaox, Att. contr. from P(Pdaai, Ep. 3 pi. pf. of fJe'XTepos, a, ov, = P(\tiwv, poet. Comp. of d-yadus,
Paiva). be'ter. Hence also a rare Sup. PeXraTOS, tj, ov.
|3€/3aa>s, PePdvta, Ep. for P(Pt]Kws, pf. part, of Paiva). P^X-rior-ros, r), ov, Sup. of dya9^s, best.
PcpTjxa, pf. of Paiva). PcXtCwv, ov, gen. ovos. Comp of dyaOos, better.
j3fj3r]K€iv, Ion. for (P(Pr)K(iv, plq'f. of Paiva). pcjxfjlKtdw, (PepPig) to ipin like a top.
P*PtjXos, ov, (Paivoj, Prjkus) allowable to tread, Pep.fJiKi£<i>, f iooj, (PenPi£) to spin as one does a
permitted to human use, like La\ proj anus, opp. to top, to set a going.
sacred. II. of men, unhallowed, profane, unholy. BE'MBIS, i/cos, j), Lat. turbo, a top.
Hence, A&* temple ofBendis, (a name ofDiana).
PeP-nXiw, f. wow, to profane, to pollute. BE'N0O2, cos,, to, (poet, for pdOos, as ntv6os for
P€fJiao*p.<u, pf. pass, of /3td£cu. irddos) the depth of the sea, Lat. fundus ; PivQoaot
j3e{3iT|Ka, pf.of Ptdoj. to the bottom ; PivO(a ijXrjs the depths of the wood,
P€J3Xa.o~nf)Ka, pf. of PXaardva). Pfv-riOTOS, a, ov, Dor. for PiXnaros.
pc'PXa<|>a, j3epXd|, pf. act. and pass, of /SXdirra;. P«o|xat, Ep. for Prjaoyuai, fut. of Paivoi.
PePXdtj', fut. 3 pass of PXdirTa). |3«p€0pov, to, Ep and Ion. for pdpaOpov.
P<pXe<j>a, P«(3X€, pf. act. and pass, of PXino). fjeps'o-xtOos, o, a booby.
pe'PX-nai, 2 sing. pf. p .ss. of PdWoj. {3tj, poet, for ePr], 3 sing. aor. 2 of paivo).
P«j3XTjarai, P«pXT|aTO, Ion. 3 plur. pf. and plqpf. (3\0t, Pf,vai, aor. 2 imperat. and inf. of Paiva).
pass,of Pd\\o). fJTjXos, o, (Paivaj) the threshold, Lat. limen.
P€pXT|Ka, PtSX-rip-ai, pf. act. and pass, of Pd\\o). P\p.a, otos, To, (Paivoj) a pace, step, footstep : a
|3€/3Xt|K€iv, p€J3XT|p.Tjv, Ep plqpf. act. and pass, of place to set foot on. II. a raised step : a tribune

Pd\\a). to speak from, esp. in the Pnyx at Athens, Lat.

P*PXt)t<h, PIPXtjto, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. pass, of rostra, suggestum or -us.
PdX\a). p-f,(x«v, Ep. for tPr)ix(v, 1 plur. aor. 2 of Paivoi.

P«'pXtKa, pf. of PKittoj. fJT)p.€vai, Ep. for Pijvai, aor. 2 ii.f. of Paivoi.

P«PoXt|cito, 3 plur. plqpf. pass., and Pej3o\-r)p.cvos, P^v, Ep. for 1/3771', aor 3 °^ P<uv<a. -

pf. pass, part., of Po\(oj for pdXKa). P"f,vai, aor. 1 inf. of Paivco.
fjefio\JXT), pf. of PovXo/mu. P*l£» P"nX°s» ^> or o> {Prjaa<u) a cough, Lat. tussis.
0c|3otiX€VKa, PePovXeupai, pf. act. and pass, of fjripvXXos, 7), a J«i/e/ 0/ sea-green colour, beryl.
QovXtva). P-fjaa, tp. for iPrjoa, aor. I act of Paiva).
P<Ppao-}tai, pf. pass, of Ppdaaot. Puerto, Ep. for Prjoa.t,3iOT I med. imperat. of Paiva).
P«'Ppi0a, pf. of PpiQa). Pt|o-€to, Ep. for (fif/oaro, sing. aor. I med. of Paiva).
fjePpoTwp.€vos, ff. P art -
P ass of
- fSportxo. pT|, fut. of Paiva).

P«Pp\>X€, v. Ppvxo-opai. Pfjao-a, Dor. P&o-cra, 1), (Paivai) Lat. saltus, a

Pe(3pui8w, poet, form of PiPpwoKai, to eat up. wooded valley or glen; ovpeos iv p-qaarfat in the
fjc'PpcjKa, P<ppa>(xai, pf. act. and pass, of PiPpkaica). mountain glens. Hence
PePpcos, syncop. for P(Ppa)Kus, pf. part, of PifipwoKaj. p-rjo-cnf|«is, (oca, (v, woody.
Pefjpwo-op.<u, fut. 3 pass, of piPpwoKO). BH'22n, Att. Pt|ttw, f. Prita) : aor. I iPi]£a :— to
fii{}vo~\La.\., pf. pass, of Pvfa. cough.
P€|3<is, p«PvLcra, Att. contr. of PtQaws, Ep. pf. part, Pi^r-app-cov, ovot, 6, (Paiva), dpfidt) a dancer.
of Paiva). Ptjttjv, poet, for (P^ttjv, 3 dual aor. 2 of Paivco.
BI' A. Ion. |3Cti, ^, bodily strength, force, might, Lat. Pio-ddXpios, ov, ($ios, $d\\oj) lively, strong, hale.
vis : often peripbr. with a gen of ihe person, Plrj Pio-Optppcov, ov, g^n. ovos, {&ios, Tpi<pw) support'
'HpcLKkfjos the strong Hercules. II. force, an act ing life.

of violence ; fiiativ6s against one's will, [t] Hence BI'OS, 6, life, the course of life: lifetime. II.

P?d£a>, f. aaa), to force, constrain : Pass aor. I manner or means of living : one's living, livelihood.


iPidaOnv : pf. &e0iao-j*ai: to have violence done BIO'S, 6, a bow.

one, to suffer violence ; fttafanai radc I am wronged Pio-aT€pT)S, is, {filos, OT(piaj) robbing of life or
herein. II. Dep , with aor. I med. kfiiaadfirjv, means. II. pass, in want of means.
and (sometimes) pf. pass. 0e&iaa{iat to force a man, — Piorcia, 7), (0ioT(va)) a way of life, livelihood.
constrain, overpower; @ia£todat avruv to do oneself Piot€V(i>, f. oca, (piocv) to live, subsist; (5i0Ttvi.iv
violence : to carry by force or assault : absol. to use &tto tivos to live by a thing.

force, force one's way Piott|, r), Lat. vita, = (3ioTos.

Piaio-p.<ixttS, a, 6, (0iaw$, f*dxr}) fighting violently. PioTns, fj, - (5'lOTOS.

Piaios, a, ov, also os, ov, {(Ha) forcible, violent: Piotiov, t6, Dm. of fiioTos, a scant living.
acting wi 'b violence ; tip s to 0'taiov by force. 2. pCoros, 6, ^t^a;) life : means of life.
piss, forced: compulsory. Hence Piovs, aor. 2 part, ot 0i6<u.
Plaiorns, TfTos, r) violence. pio-<j>»8T|s, is, (Pios, <pti5ofiai) stingy, sparing.
PiaCcos, Adv. of Piaios, by force, perforce. Pioco, f. fiiwaofjai, later fZidjaw: aor. I iflicvoa: —
0t-apKT)S, it, (@ios, aptctco) supplying the necessaries aor. 2 i/Blcuv (as if from a verb Piojfu) ; 3 sing, im-
of perat. 0iwtoj subj./3ia): opt (Siu-nv; [ni'.fliwvai: part.


BTcurrrjs, ov, 6, (f3id£oj) one who uses force, a vio- &iovs : (/Sic-*, to live, esp. to live hap-
Lat. vivo) :

lent man. pily : — one lives, Lat. vivitur.

Pass., PiovTai
ptcnnf)s, ov, 6,-* 0iaar^s. pi6a)VT(u, Pi6(i)vto, Ep. 3 plur. pres. and imperf.
Ptdw : —older Ep. f^rm of &idfa,
perf. PefiirjKa : to med. of Pidoj.
force, constrain— Med., : force, /3tdo/xat, f. rjaofmi, to Puparo, for &i'~vto, 3 pi. pres. med. opt. of 0tdw.
treatwith violence: overreach, defraud, vwX also to PicpTjv, aor. 2 med. opt. of Plow.
pioOov he cheated
0i7)!jaTO of our pay: — us Pass, {3uLvai,inf. of Pi6oj.

aor. I (0itjOt)v, to be constrained or overpowered. pLiiacpos, ov, (/3io<y) to be lived, worth living, pos-
Pi0d£u>, f. dooi Att. /3t/3«, Causal of 0aiv<u, to make sible to live.

to go up, lift up, exalt. piwcTis, ((us, 1), (&i6<v) a living, manner of life.
ptpds, daa, dv, part. pres. formed as if from a verb PicocTKOLtat, Dep., causal of Piocu, to quicken, make
0i0T)iJU,=fiaivai. alive: 2 sing. Ep. aor. I i&iwoao.
ptpdcrOwv, ovaa, ov, part. pres. of a verb 0i0d<xd<», Picdtikos, 77, 6v, (Piooj) fit for life, lively. II.

= /3atV<w, to stride; fmKpcL fiifidaOojv \ox\g-striding. of or pertaining to life.

0ij3dfa>, poet, collat. form of flaivco, to stride : iri\a)pa Plcotos, i\, 6v, = (0t6<o) to be lived, worth living for.
&i@civ to take huge strides ; part /3t/3av, fBtfiwo-a. PicoTU, 3 sing, imperat. aor 2 of (3i6oj.
pcpXdptov, t6. Dim. of ftt(3\o$, a little book or pXdpcv, Ep. for ifiKd&ijaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of
scroll — so also j3i|3\apiSiov, to. ,6\drTTOj.
BcpXcvos olvos, 6, Biblian wine, from Biblis, a hill LAdPep6s, d, ov, (0\dirT<v) hurtful, noxious.
in Thrace. pXdprj, 1), (0\ditTu) hurt, barm, damage : fiXdPrjs
J3if3\io0T|K:T], r), (0i0\iov, 6f)icn) a book-case: library. liter) an action for damage done.

PipXtov, t6, Dim. of /S//3Aos, a paper, scroll. PA&P^vai, aor. 2 pass, inf of P\Airro).
(0i@\iov, mvkio)) a bookseller.
6t.p\io-'rra>\T|S, ov, 6,, fut. 2 of P\dirra).
BI' BAOS, 17, the inner bark of the papyrus. II., •^PXd-iTTOfiai, only in 3 sing. PXd&eTai.
the paper made of this bark : hence a paper, book. pXapos, eos contr. ovs, to, = frkdfi'q, hurt, damage.
B)BP£V2Kfl, Tut. fSpwaofMu : aor. I i(Sp<voa : aor. BAAI2C2, 17, 6v, having the legs bent inwards:
2 t&pojv : perf fSi$pojKa, part. PePpcuKws, by syi .cop. generally, crooked.
Peppujs — Pa^s., fut. QpajOrjaofMi : fut. 3 Pefipajo-o/mi: pXaiceia, 1), {PXa/cfvaj} slackness, sloth, stupidity.
aor. 1 ifipwOrjv : pf. Pi/Bpajfiai : — to ca/, gnaw, eat up, pXaKcvco, (&\d£) to be slack, lazy, indolent.
consume : c. gen. '0 *a/ 0/ a thing. pXaKtKos, 17, 6v, (/3Ad£) indolent, stupid. Adv. -k£is.
ptpw, Att. offaPdfa. fut. pXaKcoStjS, (0\d£, eldos) lazy, sluggish.

PiPJw, contr. from fiifidojv, part, of /3ij3dcu. DAA'2, PXckos, 6, i), (akin to fjua^axCs) lazy, in-
PLT)o-aTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of /3tda>. active, sluggish. Irreg Comp. /3A.a«tcTTcpo* or /SXa-
BI*K02. o, a« earthen wine-vessel. /.-a>Tfpo»
BI~NE'.ft, coir?, of illicit intercourse, opp. to owvioj. BAA'IITn, fut. /SXrVa>: Ep. aor. 1 $\dipa'. pf.
pio-86n]S, 6, (&ios. didajfit) the giver of life ox food. Pi(3\&<pa or €(3\&<pa.— Pass., fut. 2 P\&p7jaofuu, fut.
Pio-Scopos, ov, (ftios, Swpov) life-giving, bounteous. 3 (3e$Kdrl/ofiai ; fut. med. (ikdipopuai, used as pass.:
Pio-5u>tt)s, 0, poet, for JBioSuttjs. aor. 1 i&KdtpOrjv, more usu. aor. 2 e&Kd&tjv [&] : pi
p\ — fiod<o. 131
fli&Xanpai —
to binder, weaken, stop : c. gen. to bin- |3X-n9TJcrop;ai, fut. 3 pass, of 0dXXot.
der from; tSXafUvra XoloO'mjv dpo^uvv arrested in pXf p.a, aros, to, \$aXXoi) a throw, cast. 2. a
its last course &Xa<pdtls iv o£a> caught in the
shot, wound. 3. a coverlet.
branches. 2. of the mind, to blind, deceive, mis- PX-qp-evos, 77, ov, Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, of fidXXn.
lead. 3. to barm, damage, hurt, mar. pXfjvai, aor. 2 inf. of 0dXX<o.

pXaordvu), fut. PXaoTTjOoj aor. 2 e&Xaorov later : ; /3Xt)o*0<u, Ep. aor. 2 pass. inf. of pdXXoi.
aor. I cPXaorrjaa pf. @e0XdoTr)Ka or kfiXaoT-qtca.
: : j3XT)o-op,ai, Ep. fut. of /3dAAa>.
(0\aoT6(u) :

to bud, sprout : generally, to burstforth, pXtjT€OS,a,o»',verb. Adj. of PdXXw,to be thrown. 2.
grow. PXtjt«ov, one must throw.
pXAoTPT), 17, = 0XaaTos, a bud, sprout, leaf. II. pX-fp-o, 3 sing Ep. aor. 2 pass, of (BaXXcu.
increase, growth. PXt]t6s, r), ov, (PclXXoj) burled, struck.
BXdcrnma, aros, t6, and j3XcMmr]u6s, 0, = PXdffTjj. pX-iyrpov, t6, (fiaXXcu) an iron nail.
BAA2T0'2, o, a bud, shoot, sucker, Lat. germen. j3X-r)xdop,<u, fut. 1700/iat :Dep. : (PXtjx*)) : — to bleat,
|3\ao-4>T)p.€u3, f. 170-0; : pf. (3(P\ae<prjfir)tta : (0Xdo- of sheep and goats.
(prjfws) : — to drop
profane words, speak pro- BAHXH', ij, a bleating : generally, the wailing of
fanely. speak ill or to the prejudice of one,
2. to children, Lat. vagitus.
to defame: to blaspheme. Hence |3Xir]Xp6s, d, 6v, weak, feeble, sluggish : also with o
{3\acr4>T|u.ia, r), profane language. 2. evil-speak- euphon., dflXijxpus. Adv. -pus, slightly.
ing, blasphemy. BAH'XHN, ojvos, r) : ace. PXf)x<» : Ion- YX-qx*^
p\d<r4>i)tios, ov, (£A.d£, <pr)fJ.rj) speaking pro- Dor. -yXaKcov : pennyroyal. Hence
fanely. 2. evil-speaking, slanderous. pXtjxwvtas, ov, 6, prepared with pennyroyal.
BAAT'TH, r), mostly in plur. pXavrai, uv, al, a BATTTft, Ion. {3XCao-a>: f. pxiow. aor e0XTca:
kind of slippers or sandals, Lat. soleae. — to cut out the comb of bees, to take the honey.
pXav-rtov, to. Dim. of PXavTij. (From ficXi with added, as 0Xd£ from fiaXajcos.)
p\a4>0€is, aor. I pass. part, of (HXa-moi. BA02T"P0'5, d, 6v, grim, stern: also burly,
p\axa. Dor for PXrjxf). manly, valiant, or coarse, rough.
(3\diJ/a, Ep. for tfiXaipa, aor. I of fiXairrai. pXoo-vp-aViris, 180s, r), (PXocvpus, unp) grim-looking.
PXdij/is, «us, r), (&XdiTTCj) a harming, hurting. BAT'Zfl, f. pXvoa) \y\: aor. 1 t&Xvoa, = &Xv<».
0Xat|/i-$pu>v, ov, gen. ovos, (PXairT(u, <ppr)v) mad- Hence
dening. 2. mad: Adv. &Xaif/i<ppuva)s, madly. pXvo-is, «vs, r), and pXvo-pos, 0, a bubbling up.
fJAeio, 2 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med opt. of fiaXXa). pXtio-o-ete, poet, for fiXvoai, 3 sing. opt. aor. 1 of
{3Xep.ea.ivb>, (f3p(fuv) to vaunt or be proud of a thing; /3Av'Co>.
odiveT fiXffieaivajv exulting in his strength. BAY'Xl, f. fiXvaa) [v], to bubble, spout, or gush
pX€fAjj.a, aros, to, (@X(irco) a look, glance : the eye. forth: hence to be full, to be haughty.
pXciroura, Dor. for &Xeirovoa. j3Xu>, aor. 2 med. subj. of /3dAAai.
(3 A tiros, to, = ftXenfia, a look. |3Xb>0p6s, d, 6v, (fSXwoKoS) shooting up, high grow-
PXenreov, verb. Adj of fiXiiroi, one must look. ing, of trees.
pXeirnxis, f), 6v, (ftXcirw) of or for sight. fJXwcTKto (tenses formed from Root MO'AH), f. :

pXeirros, 17, 6v, seen, worth seeing. From fioXovficu, aor. 2 ejioXov (cf. Opwoicoi, Bopovfuu, tOo-
BAE'Iin, f. \pa> aor. 1 tPXt\pa pf. &(0Xe<pa :— pov) pf. p.(pi@X<uKa (for fitfioXwKa) to come : —

; : :

Pass., aor. I t0X(<p6rjv : pf. fiepXefx^uit to look, or go.

see: to look on, look at: also c. ace, "Apr], <po@ov Pod-yptov, t6, a shield of wild bulFs bide. From
(HXtvciv to look fury, terror; in Comedy, *dp5a/xa, (36-<rypos, r), (&ovs, dypios) q wild bull.
vairv HXtituv to look cress, mustard, i.e. to have a Poa-06os, Dor. for Por/doos.
sour or bitter look. II. to look in a particular f36ap.a, aros, to, (0odw) a shriek, cry: a loud strain.
direction, to turn towards : esp. of aspects olfcia irpbs (3odrr)S, ov, 6, fern. {Joans, «So», r), (^oda») crying,

(i((jT]tiPptay fiXiirovoa a house looking towards the screaming, [a]

south. III. to see the light, with or without P6-avXos, 6, Po-avXov, to, (&ovs, avXf)) an ox-stall.
<pdos, hence, to live. IV. to look and long after j3oda>, Ep. 3 sing. /3oda, 3 pi. (ioowoiv, part. 0o6<w:
a thing, c. inf. 2. to take care of, look to or to f. fSor\o<», Att. PoTjaofiat, Ion. contr. /3d/ocw, fidjaofuu:
beware of a thing. aor. I chuT/aa, Ion. eftojoa: pf. PcPorjita'. — Med.,
pX«4>dpis, iSos, r), an eyelash. From aor. 1 kfior)(Tdfir}v Ion. ((HwodfiTjv — Pass., aor. I

{3X<<J>Spov, to, (0X4ir<u) an eyelid. II. in plur. l&o-qOrjv Ion. ^dua$rjV. pf. /3e fiorj fiat Ion. Pifanai:
the eyes : d/zeoar &X((papov, eye of day,
i. e. the sun (Por)) :—to utter a cry from joy or grief, to shout:
vvktos (iXicpapov, the moon. i. e. of things, to thunder, roar, bowl : to echo. IL
j3Xt)€tch for 0Xr)T]Tai, Qxijrai, Ep. aor. 2 pass. subj. trans., c. ace. pers. to call to one, call on : to call to
of 0dXXa>. aid. 2. to demand in a loud voice. 3. to noise
pXqdets, aor. I pass. part, of 0dAAa/. abroad, proclaim.
132 f$0€lK6$ j3o<TKr)T€OV.

0o€ik6s, ov, (Bovs) of or for oxen; Cft/777 Boa/ed Po\t|, (Pd\Xoj) a throw, stroke, the wound of a mis-
— metaph. a glance —po\al
77, 7),

wagons drawn by oxen. sile : rj\iov sun-beams.

Pocios or /36eos, a, ov, (Bovs) of an ox or of oxen, Po\t£a>, acv, (PoKis) to heave the lead, sound.

of ox-hide : 7} fioda or Boca, contr. Pot}, (sub. dopd), PoXis, i'Sos, 7), (PdWw) anything thrown, a missile :
an ox-bide, a shield of ox-bide. the sounding-lead. II. a cast of the dice.

|3o€ijs, €ft>s, 6, (Bovs) a thong or con/ of ox-leather. PoXitivos, 77, ov, of cow-dung. From
|3otj, t), contr. from Bokr\, v. Buaos. PoXitov, PoXitos, (PoKos) cow-dung.
BOH', 1), a cry, shout, whether of joy or grief: the poXXopcu and PoXopcu, Aeol. for PovXoftai.
battle-cry, the battle itself; Borjv dyaOus good at the PoXo-KTvma, 77, (P6\os, KTvrriaJ) the rattling of the
battle-cry or in bat'le : also of the roar of the sea. II. dice.
= Porjdeia aid called for, succour. PoXos, 6, (PdWcv) a throw with a casting-net : also
|3oT|--y€VT|S, € Sj(Bovs, yevecdai) born of an ox. the thing caught ; Bo\os IxOvojv a draught of fishes.
(3o-nSpofj.eG>, (Borjb'pufjLos) to run on bearing a cry, II. a throw with dice.

baste to help, succour. PopP-avXtos, 6, (Bu/xBos, nvXvs) a bagpiper.

BoTj-Spopuov, wvos, 6, the third Attic month, in which PopPevvTi, Aeol. for BofiBovat, 3 pi. of fio/iBiu.
the Borjdpufiia were celebrated, in memory of the PopP&i), f. 770-0;, (Bo/xBos) to make a bumming noise,
conquest of the Amazons by Theseus ; answering to to sound deep or hollow : to bum. buzz.
the latter half of September and beginning of October. Pop.pT)€i$, 100a, ev, (BofiBioj) buzzing, bumming.
PoT|-8p6pos, ov, (Borj, Spufxos) running to aid: as Poppt]TT|s, ov, a buzzer, bummer.
6, (PofiPetv)
Subst. a helper. BOMB02, o, Lat. BOMBUS, any deep hollow
PoT)0€ia, 7), (PorjOos) help, aid, rescue, support. II. sound, humming, buzzing. (Formed from the sound.)
an auxiliary force. PoppvXios, ov, 6, and 7), (Bo/iBos) a buzzing or
j3oi)0c<i>, Ion. 0cj6cci>, f. 770*0;, (Botj06s) to assist, suc- bumming insect, a bumble bee.
cour, come to the rescue. Hence P6pPu|, vkos, 6, the silk-worm.
Pot|0t)t«ov, verb. Adj. one must assist. POO-0VTT]S, OV, 6, = BOV0VT7)S.
Pot)0t)tik6s, 77. oV, (Bo-qOeoS) ready or able to help. Poo-KTdo-ia, 7), (Povs, ktuvoj) a slaying of oxen.
Pot|-06os, ov, (Bo-h\, Oeoj) basting to the battle-sbout, Poo-vopos, Poo-crd^ayLa, etc., = Bov-.
warlike ; BotjOoov apyux a chariot basting to the battle. ^oo-a^iyia, 77, (Povs, a<pd£a>) a slaying of oxen.

(3ot]06s, 6v, contr. from PorjOuos : as Subst., PorjOos, Po6b>, Ep. for Boda).
6, an astis'ant, auxiliary, ally. BOPA', ^, food, meat.
fjoTjXacria, 77, a driving of oxen, cattle-lifting, cattle- f}opf}op6-Q\>\LO$,ov,(P6pPopos, 6v/x6s) muddy-minded.
stealing. II. a place where oxen feed, a pasture. BO'PBOPOS, 6, slime, mud, mire, Lat. coenum.
From PopPopo-rdpa£is, 6, (fiopBopos, rapdaaoi) a mud-
Po-T|\dTns, ov, 6, fern. Po-nXd-ris, *8o$, 7), (Pods, stirrer, mud-lark.
i\avva>) one that drives away oxen, a cattle-steal- PopPop-a>8-rjs, «, (PCpBopos, eTSos) miry, slimy.
er. II. a drover. ov, 6 BOPE'AS,
Ion. Boprns, contr. Bopf,s, io) ;

Po-rj-v6p,os, ov, = fiovvofios. Boppds, a the North wind: more strictly, the
Att. :

Pans, ov, 6, (Podaj) a crier. wind from NNE., Aquilo. II. the North, npbs

Porjo-ts, «us, Ion. Potjtvs, vos, »), (Podu) a crying, Boprjv dvepov towards the North ; vpbs Bopiav tivos
shouting : esp. a cry for assistance. northward of a place.
BO'0PO2, 6, a pit or hole dug in the ground, a Bopeds, dSos, tJ, Ion. Bopcids, poet. Bopeids, Bo-
trench, Lat. puteus. pi] is, a Boread, daughter of Boreas. II. fem.

PoOvvos, 6, — Pu9pos. Adj. northern.

PoiSdpiov, t6, Dim. of Povs. Bopeios, a, ov, also os, ov, (Booias) belonging to the
PoiSiov, to, Dim. of Povs, a young cow or ox. North wind, northern.
Boicorapxcu, f. 770*0;, to be a Boeotarch. From Bopcums, tSos. 7), = Bopfds.
Boia>r-dpx"ns, ov, 6, (Boicurus, dpxoj) a Boeotarch, Boprjios, 77, ov, Ion. for Bopeios.
one of the chief magistrates of Boeotia. Hence BopTjts, tfos, 77, = Bopeds.
BouoT-apxta, 77, the office of Boeotarch. Popds, d, oi', (Popd) devouring, gluttonous.
Boiama, 17, Boeotia, so called from its rich cattle- Boppaios, a, ov, or os, ov, = Bopeios.
pastures. Hence Boppds, a, 6, Att. for Bopeas.
Boi<i)Tid£u> and Boi(<>t(£g>, to be like a Boeotian : to Pdpves, 01, unknown Libyan animals.
be heavy, dull : to speak Boeotian. II. to side Poo-is, €ojs, 77, (B60 Koj) food, fodder.
with the Boeotians. P6o-K«, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of Booko).
BoudtISiov, t6, Dim. of Boiojtos, a little Boeotian. Poo-kt| or P60-KT). 77, (Booko)) food, fodder.
BouiiTt-ovp"yTis, ts,(Bota)Tia,(pyov) ofBoeotian work. Poo-K-rjpa, aros, fo. {Bookoj) that which is fed or
Boudtos, ov, 6, a Boeotia/. fatted, cattle: a herd of canle or sheep. II food.

BO ABO' 2. 0, Lat. BULBUS. a bulb, bulbous root. Po<tkt|t«ov, verb. Adj. of Booko), one must feed.
f3o<TKO$ — fiovKevto. 133
herd of the cattle. From
g><r»c6s, 6, the feeder or Pov-0vros, ov, (Bovs, 6va>) of or belonging to sacri-
O'SKfl, fut. Bootcfjooj. as if from obsol. Book(oj: fices : sacrificial.
— Act. of the herdsman, Lat. pascere, to feed, drive Poukcuos, 6, (Bovkos) one who ploughs with oxen.

*o pasture, nourish, support, maintain Pass., of — Pou-Kcpcos, ojv, gen. Bovmpo), ace. pi. Bovxepajs,
cattle, Lat. pasci, to feed, graze. (Bovs, K(pas) horned like an ox for the accent see —
Boo-iropios, a, ov, of the Bospborus. Wordsw. Gk. Gr.
140. p.
B6o--TTopos, o, {Bovs, iropos) Bospborus, i. e. ox-ford, Poyi-K€<|>&X.os, ov, (K«pa\Tj) bull-beaded : epith. of
name of several straits, esp. the Thraciau and Cim- horses, because branded with a bull's bead : Maced.
merian. BovK€<j>dXas, gen. a, name of the horse of Alexander
P6orpv|, S\os, &, = Boarpvxos, the Great.
8oo-Tpvx tov to, Dim. of Boarpvxos.
> PovkoXco), f. 7j<TO), (BovkoXos) to tend cattle Med. —
BO'2TPTX02, o, in plur. also B6arpv Xa, r&, a to graze, range over the pasture. II. metaph. to

curl or lock of bair: poet., anything twisted or delude, beguile : Med., (Xirldi BovkoXovjmli I feed
wreathed, as a flash of lightning, the tendril of a vine. myself on hopes, cheat myself with them.
f3oTap.ia, w, rd. (Bookoj) pastures. PovKoXia, 77, (BovkoXos) a herd of cattle. II.

Po-ravn., i), (Bockoj) pas'ure, grass, fodder. a byre, ox-stall. Hence

poT-qp, fjpos, d, (PocrKco) a herdsman, herd; olcuvwv PouKo\ux£, Dor. P<ok-, f. a^ofxai, to sing or
Bor-np a watcher of birds, a soothsayer : kvw Bor-qp write pastorals. Hence
x herdsman's dog. PovKo\iaerrf|s, ov, 6, Dor. P<ok-, a singer or maker
Po-rriptKos, t), or, (Borijp) of or for a herdsman. of pastorals.
Pot6v, r6, (B6ck<v) anything that is fed, a beast. PovkoXikos, ij, 6v, Dor. PcokoXikos, d, 6v, (Bovko-
|3oTpi)86v, Adv. (B6rpvs) like a bunch of grapes, in Xos) rustic, pastoral : to BovkoXiko. (sc. iroirjfxara)
clusters. pastoral poetry.
Porpvios, a, ov, (Borpvs) of grapes. PovKoXtov, r6, a herd of cattle. From
Porpv6-8o)pos, ov, {Borpvs, hwpov) grape-producing. pov-KoXos, Dor. Pco-koXos, 6, (Bovs, and obsol. KoXia>
PoTpvocts, ccraa, (v, (Burpvs) clustering. = Lat. colo) a cowherd : herdsman.
jJoTpvo-irais, iratSos, 6, ij, (Bdrpvs, nais) child of PoOkos, Dor. Pujkos, 6, (Bovs) = BovkoXos.
the grape. PovXaios, a, ov, (BovXtj) of or in the Council.
PoTpvo-xaCrns, ov, 6, (Borpvs, xairrf) with cluster- PovX-dpxos, 6, (BovXrj, apxoS) the adviser of a plan,
ing bair ; or with grapes in one's bair. Lat. auctor consilii.
BOTPT2, vos, d, a cluster or bunch of grapes, Lat. PovXcCa, jJ,
(BovX(voj) the office of counsellor.
racemus. II. = Borpv^os, Boarpvxos, a curl. PovXcvpa, aros, r6, ((3ovX(v<v) a decree of the Coun-
Parpvxos, 6,^ Boarpvxos. cil : generally, a resolution, plan, design.
PoTpvx-«8"ns, *«i {Borpvxos, c75os) like curls, curly. povA€vp.aTiov, to, Dim. of BovXfvfja.
PoTpv-fa>8i)S, €*, {Borpvs, elbos) like a cluster of PovXevo-is, (ojs, ij, {BovXeta)) deliberation.
grapes. PovX«trr«ov, verb. Adj. of BovXevw, one must take
Pov-, a form of Bovs used in compos, to express counsel.
something monstrous, e. g. Bov-vais, Bov-cpdyos ; as PovXcvTTip, Tjpos, b, = BovXtvrijS. Hence
we say horse-chestnut, horse-radish, etc. PovXcimqpios, ov, fit for counsel. II. as Subst.
BOT'BA'ATS, tot, ij, an antelope. BovXfVTTjpiov, to, a Council-chamber, court-bouse.
BOT'BA^AOS, 6, Lat. bubdlus, a buffulo. PovX€Vtt|S, ov, 6 t (BovXevw) a councillor, one who
Pov-Pottjs, ov, d, (Bovs, P6ok<u) feeding cattle : as sits in Council. II. a counsellor, adviser. Hence
Subst., BovBorrjs, 6, a cowherd. PovXevrtKos, ij, 6v, of ox for the Council or a Coun-
Pov-Potos, ov, (Bovs, Boo/cofiai) grazed by cattle. cillor ; ZpKos BovXcvtikus the oath taken by the coun-
Pov-Ppcdoris, ecus, ij, (Bov-, BiBpwono)) a ravenous cillors. 2. as Subst., rb BovXtvriieSv in the Athe-
unnatural appetite : metaph. grinding poverty or nian theatre, the seats next the orchestra, belonging
misery. to the Council of 500. II. of or for a counsellor,
BOTBXl'N, wvos, 6, the groin, Lat. inguen. Hence able to advise.
Pov>p<imdci), to suffer from swollen groins. PovXcvtos, ij, ov, devised, plotted. From
Pov--ydios, 6, (Bov~, yaicu) a braggart, bully, [a] PovXevco, f. ecu: pf. B(BovX(v/ca — Med., fut. -tvao-
Pov-86pos, oipw) flaying oxen : gall-
ov, (Bovs, fxai : aor. I eBovXfvo&fxrjV.^-PsiSS., aor. I (BovXtvOrjv:
ing. II. as Subst. a knife for flaying. pf. BfBovXtvfiat : but fut. med. is also used in pass,
Pov-0cpr|s, is, (Bovs, Oipw) giving summer pasture : sense and aor. 1 and pf. pass, in med. sense, (BovXij) .-

summer-feeding. — ;

to take counsel, consider : in past tenses, to have con-

flov-OotvTjs, ov, 6, (Bovs, OoivaoS) beef-eater. sidered, and so to determine or resolve upon a thing :
povQOa-ia, ij, a
sacrifice of oxen. From Med. with oneself, and so much like
to take counsel
PovOvTcw, to slay, sacrifice oxen : generally, to sacri- the Act. —
Pass, to be determined or resolved on.
: II.

fice or slaughter. From to be a member of the Council : to give counsel.

134 fiovkfi — fipabvvco.

Pov\t|, t), (fiovXopMi) will, determination, Lat. con- yXwaoy fiifirjiee, fiovs (irl yX&ffffTjt l-mfialvu, like Zs
silium : —
a project, plan, intention. 2. counsel, kiri OTufxa, of people who keep silence from some

advice, whether taken or given. II. also like weighty reason, from the notion of a heavy body
Lat. concilium, the Council or Senate, esp. that of the keeping down the tongue.
500 at Athens. Povs, contr. from fi6as, ace. pi. of foreg.
PovXtjai, Ep. for fiovXy, 2 sing. subj. of fiovXopuai. J3oii-aTa0|AOv, to, (fiovs, araBfios) an ox-stall.
fiov\j\tis, fcraa, ev, (fiovXrj) of good counsel, sage. Pov-araais, (cos, r), «= foreg.
J3ovX-n0€is, part. aor. I Pov-oTpo^-riSov, Adv. (fiovs, aTpotyij) turning like
of fiovXofiai.
Pov\-qp.a, aros, to, (fiovXofw.1) a will, purpose. oxen in ploughing : of the early Greek manner of
PovXtjctis, €ft>s, 7}, (fiovXofiai) a willing: will, purpose writing, which went from left to right, and right to
fiov\r\ao\iai, fut. of fiovXofiai. left alternately. So Solon's Laws were written.
|3ovX-r]-4>6pos, ov,{(3ov\t], <p£paj) counselling, advising. Pov-orpo4>os, ov, (fiovs, crce^eo) ox-guiding: as —
Pov-Xl|xla, 7}, (fiov-,Xifius) ravenous hunger. Hence Subst. an ox-goad.
povXlp.i(ia>, f. daw, to suffer from ravenous hunger. Pou-<r4>aY«D {fiovs, a<pdfa) to slaughter oxen. t

PovXios, ov, (fiovXrj) =fiovXevTiKus. PovtuXis, 1 os 7), a night bird.

BOT'AOMAI impf. ifiovXofirjv, Att. also Tjfiov- Povrns, ov, 6, (fiovs) a cow-herd, herdsman.

\6fiT]v fut. fiovXr/aofiai

: aor. I ifiovX-qOrjv, Att. also
: Pov-^xiyos, ov, (fiovs, <p&yuv) ox-eating.
r)&ovkr)0riv pf. fiefiovXTjfiai, in compos, also med.
: Pov<f>ovco>, f. 770a;, (fiov<p6vos) to slaughter oxen.
fiifiovXa(irpo-): Dep. —
to will, wish, be willing:
: Pov4>ov(a (sub. i(pa),ra, a festival with sacrifices of
usu. c. inf., but also c. dat., Tpueaaiv kfiovKcTo viktjv oxen. From
be willed victory to the Trojans, or in full, TpJuwaiv Pov-<f>6vos, ov, (fiovs, <povos) ox-sacrificing. 2.
ifiovXero kvSos bpi£ai. BovXti or fiovXfaOt, with at which oxen are slain.
the subj. adds force to the demand, fiovXei <ppdo~<u Pov4>oppca>, f. i\ao), (fiov<popfios) to tend cattle.
would you have me tell 6 fiovXofifvos, Lat. quivis, Pov<j>6pPia, ojv, rd, a herd of oxen. From

the first that offers, any one that likes. II. to flov-d>opB6s.6v,{fiovs,(p(pfi<u)ox-feeding: as Subst. —
have rather, choose, prefer, mostly with 77, as, fiovXofx Pov<J>opP6s, o, a herdsman.
iyu Xauv aoov efifntvat, f) dnoXioOat I bad rather the Pov-<£opTos, ov, (fiov-, (pvpros) with a great load.
host were saved than lost. Pov-xo,v8t|s, is, (fiovs, xavSdvoj) holding an ox.
j3ovX6-}i£x os ov (fiovXofiai, fiaxv) strife-desiring.
> i Pov-xiXos, ov, (fiovs, x i ^s) rich in fodder.
fiov\vo\os, ov, Jit for unyoking the oxen, [v]. From Pouv, contr. part, of fiodoi. 2. gen. pi. of fiovs.

Pov-Xvtos, &, (fiovs, Xvw) the time for unyoking oxen, Po-wvt]s, ov, 6, (fiovs, wviojuu) one who buys oxen
evening : in Homer only as Adv., f}ov\vruvb'e towards for sacrifice.
evening, at eventide. Po-wms, 180s, ?), (fiovs, dnf-) ox-eyed, i. e. with large,
Pov-ftoXyos, 6, (fiovs, dfitXyoj) cow-milking. full eyes.
Povvirns, ov, 6, (fiow6s) a dweller on bills. Poem-leu,f. tjooj, to plough. From
Pov-vopos, ov, (fiovs, vifuu) cattle-feeding. II. Powttjs, ov, 6, (fiovs) a ploughman. II. Bootes,
{3ov-vo|i.os, grazed by cattle ; dylXai fiovvopoi herds a name of the constellation Arcturus.
of grazing oxen. PpdPeia, 77, (fipaficvw) the office ofjudge or umpire,
BOTNO'2, 6, a bill, mound. presidency of the games : generally, arbitration.
Pov-irais, irailos, 6, (fiov-, wais) a big, lubberly PpdPciov, to, (fipafifvev) a prize in the games.
boy. 2. of bees, born of the ox; see Virg. Georg. BPA~BET'2, (us, 6 : Att. ace. sing, fipafirj, nom.
4. 281. plur. fipafirjs \— the judge who assigned the prizes at
|3ot»-iraXis, cots, 6, 7}, (fiov -, irdXr)) bard-struggling. the games : generally, a judge, arbitrator, umpire : a
/3ov-irap.<ov, ov, gen. ovos, (fiovs, iriirdfiai pf. of irdo- chief, leader.
ftai) rich in cattle. PpSPeiko, eu, (fipafievs) to be a judge or umpire:

Pov-trXTjKTpos, ov, (fiovs, irXrjKrpov) ox-goading. govern.

to arbitrate, direct,
Pov-?tXt|£, 7770s, 6, 7}, (fiovs, ttXtjoooj) an ox-goad t
PpApoXov, to, a kind of plum or sloe.
an axe for felling an ox. PpdptiXos, t), the tree which bears fipdfiv\a.
Pou-iroip.Tjv, evos, 6, (fiovs, voifir/v) a herdsman. BBATX02, 6, hoarseness, sore throat. Hence
(3ov-iropos, ov, (fiovs, irupaj) ox-piercing ; fiovnopos Ppayxos, "f} dv, hoarse.
dfitXos a spit that would spit a whole ox. PpaSccos, Adv. of fipahvs. slowly.
Pou-irpwpos, ov, (fiovs, trpypa) with theface of an ox. Pp&Stvos, 0, 6v, Aeol. for paZivot.
BOX 2, 6 or 7} : gen. fiods, also poet. fiov : ace. PpaSCcdv [t], PpASiaros, poet. Comp. and Sup. of
fiovv, Ep. fiuv, poet, also fioa: plur., nom. fides, — fipaSvs.
rarely contr. fiovs : gen. fiouv, rarely contr. fiwv dat. PpdSos, tos, to*, (fipab'vs) slowness.


poet. fiUooi, rarely fioai

fiovcri, a bullock or cow, : PpaSvvu, f. vvu), (fipabvs^ to delay Pass, to be de-
an ox; in plur. cattle. IL j8ovi, 1), a shield layed. II. intrans. to be slow about a thing :

covered with ox-hide. III. proverb., fiovs iirl Med. to be slow, to loiter.
: : :
: :

PpahvireiOfc — /3pcf/xoj. 135

{Jpa8v-ir«i0T|s, is, (PpaSvs, vcido/uu) slow of persua- Ppaxt»-<|>vXXos, ov, 'Ppaxvs. <pv"\\ov) withfew leaves.
sion, slow to believe. 'BPA'Xfl, only used in 3 sing. aor. 2 *Ppax* or
Ppa8v-irAotu>, f. •qaw, (Ppafivs. ir\i<v) to sail slowly. Ppax* t to rattle, clash, ring, roar.
Ppa8v-irovs, 6, i), now, tu, gen. irodos, (Ppadvs, itovs) ppt'ypa, aros, to, (Ppix<») the top of the bead, Lat.
slow offoot. sinciput.
BPA ATCS, ( ?a, v : Comp. Ppabxirtpos by poet, me- Pp€K€KCKc£, sound to imitate the croaking of frogs.
and Ppaacojv :
tath. PapSurtpos, poet, also Ppah'uuv [t] BPETMA., only used in pres. and impf., the Lat.
Sup. Ppadtrraros, poet. Ppdhiaros, and by metath. FREMO, to roar, of the wave or wind ; to clash, of
PdpbiOTos slow, heavy ; pdpSiaroi 0(Uiv slowest at
: arms to roar, clamour, of a crowd. Also in Med.

running: —
metaph. slow of understanding, slow. II. BPE'N©02, o, an unknown water-bird, of stately
of time, late. bearing: hence II. arrogance. Hence
PpaSv-o-Ka\T|s, (Ppafvs, a/ce\os) slow offoot.
4s, Pp€vt>vopai, Dep., only used in pres. and impf., to
Ppa8t5TT|S, fjTos, (Ppabvs) slowness : dullness.
i), be of a proud carriage, bold one's bead high, swagger.
PpaKOS, to, Aeol. for paxos, a rich female garment. 6p€^ts, tecs, 17, (Ppix&) a wetting.
Spaarfcis, aor. I pass. part, of Ppdfa. BPETA2, t6, gen. jSpcVeos, nom. pi. Ppirrj, a
BPA'22H, Att. PpAtto* f. Ppdaa> [X] aor. I wooden image of a god.

: :

ePpaaa: Pass., aor I iPpaoOrjv pLpiPpaafiai: to ; BPE'«£02, eos, to, the child unborn, Lat. foetus, =
shake violently, to throw up, of the sea : to winnow or tfiPpvov. II. the new-born babe, whelp or cub.
sift grain :
— Pass, to boil up. PptXH-os. 0, = Ppeyfia.
Ppaoroxw, ov, gen. ovos, poet. Comp. of PpaSvs. BPE'Xfl, £w : aor. I (Ppe£a :— Pass., aor. I cPpix-

Ppax«, see Pp 6t)v ippdxOijv [a] : pf. PiPpeypat

aor. 2 to wet —


PpdX*^, uaa, hr, aor. 2 pass. part, of Ppix&* on the surface, moisten, sprinkle, opp. to Tiyyoj
Ppax«^s, Adv of Ppaxvs, shortly. Pass, to be wetted or drenched. 2. impers. Ppix*h

PpaxLcov, oi'of , 6, (Ppa x us) A&e arm, Lat. brachium. [t] like vet, Lat pluit, it rains.
Pp3xCo>v, or, gen. ovos, [Ion. f, Att. t], ppdxtoros, BPI-, [r], insepar. intensive Prefix, whence come
Comp. and Sup. of Ppaxvs. Ppiaa), Ppiap!,s.
Ppdxos, cos, to, plur. (Spa-xta, contr. Ppaxt], (Ppa- Bptdpcws, o, Strong, a hundred-handed giant, so called
Xys) shallow, stagnant pools, Lat. brevia et syrtes. by the gods, but by men Aegaeon. [In Ep., trisyll.
Ppaxu-|3u)Xos, ov, (Ppaxvs, Pw\os) with few clods, BpTap'ojs.]
PpaxvP<u\os x*P aos a narrow piece of land. Pptdpos, d, 6v, Ion. |3pi€p6s, i\, ov, (PpiaoS) strong.
Ppfixti-Yvupxav, °"» g en> ovos, {Ppaxvs, yvd/firj) of Pptdcj, (Ppi ) to strengthen, to make strong. II.
small understanding. intr. to be strong.
Ppaxu-Spopos, ov, (Ppaxvs, tyofios) running a short BPI'ZH, fut. £a, to nod, slumber, sleep.
way. Ppl-Tjiriios, ov, (Ppi-, dirvoj) loud shouting.
PpaxvXoyta, ij, brevity in speech. From Pptdos, eos, to, (PptOoj) weight.
Ppaxv-Xo-yos, ov, (Ppaxvs, Xc'70;) short in speech, of PpiQooTJvTj, ij, (PpTOos) weight, heaviness.
few words. PptOv-voos, ov, (PpiOvs, voos) grave-minded, thought-
Bpaxvvo), f. vv&, to make short. From
BPA"XT'2, «a, v: Comp. PpaxvTtpos and Ppa- PpiOvs, ua, v, (PptOoj) weighty, heavy.
Xiojv Sup. PpaxvraTos and Pp lx i<jtos °f Space '• —
BPI0H, f. Ppiaa), Ep. inf. ppiaefuv: aor. I iPpiaa:


and Time, short; of Number and Degree, few, little perf. PiPpWa to be heavy, to be weighed down or
Ppaxv", a little, a short time or distance ; iiri Ppaxv heavy laden with a thing Med., /irjKOJV Kapnqi Ppi- :

for a short distance ; Kara Ppaxv little by little iv OofievT) a poppy laden with fruit ; epis PePpidvta, Ep.

Ppaxfi shortly, briefly ; hih Ppaxtow in few words, for PePpWvta, weighty strife. 2. of men, to out-
Lat. brevibus, paucis ; SicL Ppaxvr&Tuv or Iv ppaxv- weigh, prevail : to be superior in the fight, to be mas-
rdrois, Lat. quam brevissime. ter. II. trans, to load, press.
Ppaxv-o-C8T|po$, ov, (Ppaxvs, aiSrjpos) : cuetuv Ppaxv- and, Dep. to snort with anger,
aiSrjpos a dart with a short, small bead. be wrathful, furious. (Formed from the sound.)
Ppaxv-OTc«XT|S, Is, (Ppaxvs, citeKos) short-legged. Ppio--dppaTOS, ov, (PpiOoj, &p(uC) loading the car.
0paxv-<rup£oXos, ov, (Ppaxvs, ovjjlPoXov) bringing BP0TX02, 0, the windppe, trachea.
a small contribution. Ppopc to, = Ppefia, to buzz, bum, of gnats.
Ppoxv-Tovos, ov, (Ppaxvs, TfivaA reaching a short way. Ppopadgopai, Dep. to revel like Bacchus. From
Ppaxv-rpdx'nXos, ov, (Ppaxvs, rpdxrjKos) sbort- Ppopaos, a, ov, (PpS/xos) roaring, boisterous hence —
fecked. 6 Bpofuos, the boisterous god, a name of Bacchus. 2.
Ppaxvrn,s, ijtos, ^, (Ppaxvs) shortness : scantiness, = Bnicxctos, Bacchic.
deficiency. BpopwuS-rjs, (s. (BpSfios. fV)"s) Bacchic.
{3paxv-<}>*YYtTT)S, ov, 0, (Ppaxvs, (piyy *) S™ ng <* Ppopos, 6, (Ppifiw) Lat. fremitus, any loud noise or
short or scant light, [t] roaring, as of fire, etc.
136 fipovTd(&-—l3u>d4<i>.

Ppovraw, f. ifoo), to thunder: Ppovrq, impers., it BPT'H, mostly in pres. and impf. ; rare in fut.
thunders, La t. tonat. From Ppyow : — to be full of anything, swell or teem
BPONTH t) thunder., .II. /& s/o/« 0/ om s/r«c* with. cause to burst forth.
II. trans, to

with thundery astonishment. Pp«A)p.a, aros, to,(0i0pwoK<u)tbat which is eaten, food.

8p6vrr)p.a, 0.7-os, t6, (fipovrdw) a thunder-clap. Pp<i>u>dou,ai, aor. I k^pojfiijadfjiijv: Dep.: (Ppifioj): —
Bp6vrr|S, ov, 6, {fHpovT-q) Thunderer, name of one of to bray like an ass, Lat. rudere.
the Cyclopes, who forged the bolts of Zeus. Ppwp-rj, t), {PiPpwoKai) - 0puijia,food.
PpovTT)OT.-Kepawos, ov, (0povTcuv, Kcpavv6s) sending ppuio-ipos, ov, (&pa>oi$) eatable, solid.
thunder and lightning. Ppukris, «w», 7}, (fiifipwoitoS) meat, opp. to irotns
PpovtkoStjs, «, {fSpovrfj, ttbos) thundering. (drink). II an eating into, corrosion, rust.
Pporewos, ov, also a, ov, Ep. Pporcos, 17, or, {f3por6s) Ppo>TT|p, f}po», 6, ((Si&pwoKQ)) an eater, devourer.
mortal, human. —
So also SpoTrjoaos, a, ov. PpojTos, t). ov, verb. Adj. of (SifSpwoKw, eatable: —
Ppo-ro-pdpojv, or, {fipoTOt, £77 /«x) trampling on men. PparrSv, to, = fipwais.
Ppwrus, t/o», 7}, (0c0pwaK(u) Ion. for fipuiffis.
ppoTO-yrjpvs, t/, gen. vo*, (0porot, yrjpvs) with hu- P^pXivos, rj, ov, (&vfi\os) made of byblus.
man voice, of a parrot. BT BA02, 7), the Egyptian papyrus. II. its
Pporocis, eatro, ev, (fipbros) bloody, gory. coats or fibres, of which were made ropes, paper, etc.:
pporoKTovto), f. T/Vcy, /o murder men. From /3v/3Xoj, ai, leaves of byblus; hence, a book: also in
Ppoto-kt6vos, ov, (Pporos, KT(ivo)) man-slaying. pi Td0v0\a. [v"\

QpOTO-Aoi^s, or, (0por6s, \01y6s)bane of men. Pv£t)v, Adv. (/3t5<y) close-pressed, closely, thickly.
BPOTO'2, 6, a mortal, man, opp. to dOdvaros or Pv0£fo>, (0v66s) to sink in the deep, immerse.
f. iooi,
Of us : as Adj. mortal. pvOtos, a, ov, (0v66s) in the deep, sunken, deep IL
BPOT02, d, blood from a wound, gore. of the deep; fivdia (sub. £fa) water-animals. [0]
PpoTO-o-K ottos, ov, (@por6s, okovIoS) watching men. poOiTTjs, ov, 6, PvOtTis, »8o», 1), = fivdtos.
f$pOTO-arlJY{]s,ls,{l3poT6s,OT\rfioj) man-hating. II. BVeO'X 0, /Z>^ depth, the deeps of the sea.
pass, hated by men. Pvkttjs, ov, 6, (j9wu) masc. Adj. blustering: Ep. gen.
PpoTO-<j>€yyT|s, is, (0por6s, <piyyos) giving light to pi. (ivKTaajv.
men. fiOvcu), Att. for fivo).
PpoTo-<J>06pos, ov, (£por6s, <p0cipw) man-destroying. BTPSA ij, /ie s*/» stripped off, a hide.
Ppot6oj, (/3pJros) to stain with gore. Pvpor-aCcTos, 6, ((ivpaa, ai(Tus) leather-eagle, nick-
ppox«T6s, 0, (/Sp^x ") a netting, rain. name of Cleon the tanner.
6pox<(»s, Aeol. for /3pax&*>». Pvpo-cvs, tojs, 6, a tanner. From
BPO'X0O2, 0, the throat. pupo-evco, f. (Pvpca) to dress bides, tan.

SpoxCs, (0p4x <u) an ink-born.

r), Pupo-(vTj, j), a leathern thong, [f] Fern, from
BPO'XOS, 6, a noose or slip-knot, for hanging or Pvpo-ivos, rj, ov, ((Hvpoa) made of skin or leather.
strangling ; a snare for birds ; the mesh of a net. Pupo-oStxpco), f. Jjoa), to dress bides, be a tanner.
*BPO*Xfl, aor. 1 t(Spo£a, to gulp down : cp. dva- From
&pox<», KaraPpoxa). Pvpo-o-8«i|/T)S, ov, 6, (fivpoa, hixpoi) a tanner.
Ppv<££&>, (Ppva)) to teem with plenty, overflow. Pvpo-o-Tra<|)AfiYwv, vvos, 6, ()Si5p<7a, Ha<p\ayd>v) the
PpvYOTjv, Adv. (JSpvKw) snarling or with clenched leather-Papblagonian, nickname of Cleon.
teeth. Pupo-o-TTcoXTjs, ov, 6, (0vpoa, ira>\eoj) a leather-seller.
PptrYp6s, 0, {$pv\oS) a snarling, biting : a grinding Pvpc-o-T€vV|S, 4s, and Pupao-rovos, ov, (fivpaa,
or gnashing of tee'b. tcivoj) with skin or leather stretched over.
BPTTtft, f. £o> : aor. 1 ?0pv£a : to bite, devour. Cf. Pvoro-tvos, 77, ov, (Pvaaos) made offine linen.
0pv K u. [v] Pvo'o-o-Sop.cixo, (pvoods, bofiiw) to build in the
BPT'A AH, = fyvv elirav, v. sq. deeps : hence to meditate deeply.
PpOv, ppt)v tliruv to cry for drink. Pvo-o-60ev, Adv. (PvoaCs) from the bottom.
Ppii£, only in ace. £pt'x a the depth of the sea.> Pvo-o-o-p.€TpT)S, ov, 6, (fivoous, jiCTpioi) measuring
Ppv>x&op,cu, fut. med. fyvx-fjaopm, aor. I pass, k&pv- the deeps.
XT)6t)v: Ep. pf. PiPpvxa {so fii^rjKa, fieftviea from Pv<ro-6s, 0, = $v$6s, the depth or bottom of the sea.
fiijKaofMii, fiv/cdojtai} : Dep. : {jipvx *) : — t0 roar, BT'2202, t), fine flax fine linen. :

howl, bellow, Lat. rugire. Hence Pvo*o-6-<(>pwv, ov, (favooos, <ppf)v) deep-thinking.
PpttX^H- 01 aT0 *t T °. a roaring : and BT'il, f. pvao) [v]: aor. 1 Ifrvoa :— Pass., aor. I

Ppvxtjtt|S, ou, 0, a bellower, howler. (0vo9t]v : pf. &e&v(Tfw.t — to stufffull ; vrffiaros 0c-
Ppvxios, ov, also a, ov, (0pv£)from the depths of the (Svonivos stuffed full of spun-work ; oitoyy'kv p€0v-
sea, Ppyx't-a /'yet/ an °cho from the deep. [y\ auivos bunged up with sponge.
BPT'Xft, fut. 0p^o> aor. 2 tfipOxov Pas «-» aor « '• — P&, aor. 2 act. subj. of 0aiv<u.
ifrpvx^iv — tne same

I '-
as Ppfaw. [0] Pd>0«i>, Ion. contr. for (Sorjdiai.
; :

fi(OKo\i6.orba> — yafjLCco. 137

fWoXido-So, Dor. for Bovk-.
-ao~r*f|S, except in late Poets), like am, poet, for 717, eartb,
f&uicoXos, P<0ko\ik6s, Dor. for Bovk-. ground, soil: one's country.
fj»Z>Kos, 6, Dor. for Bovkos. Yaidoxos, ov, Dor. for 701^0x0*.
pwXdKios, a, ov, (fiw\a{} forming clods, of rich loam. 7aiT|Y6vfjs, is, poet, for ynyevys.
(3uAa£, olkos, fj, = /3a)Xos, a clod of eartb. YaiTji'os, 17, ov, {yata) sprung from Eartb.
pujXiov, to, Dim. of /3wXos, a c/oc/. Yat^|-oxos, ov, {yaia, €X<») poet, for 7170UX0*, eartb-
BH'AOS, i), Lat. GLEBA, a clod of eartb: a piece vpholding, earth-surrounding, epith. of Poseidon : of
of land, ground, soil : generally, a lump or mass of other gods, protecting a country.
anything : so even of the sun. Yaios, ov, Dor. for yqios. on land.
Pu)Xo-t6jaos, ov, (fiuikos, T(fxfiv) clod-breaking. TAI'Il, only used in partic, KvSf'C yaiojv exulting in
P -up.ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (/Seouos) on or at tbe altar. his strength.
(3o>|xis, tSos, Dim. of (ioofius a step.
i), : TA'AA, gen. yaXa/eros, to, milk. (Lat. LAC ap-
j3o>uoX6x€vp.a, aros, t5, a ribald jest. From pears in gen. 7a-Xa#-Tos).
f3a>|, Dep. to practise coarse buffoonery, Y&X&8t]v6s, ov, (70X0) sucking, infant.
indulge in ribald jes's. From YoXoktIvos, 17, ov, milky, milk-white.

Po>|ao-X6xos, ov, (Pcvfios. Xoxda>) lurking about tbe Y<JXaKTO-Tf&Y^|S, is, (70X0, iroT^vaj) like curdled

altars, for tbe scraps that could be got there, a starve- milk
ling, beggar : hence a low flatterer, ribald jester, YaXaKTO-ir6Tns, ov, 6, (70X0, iri-irorai, 3 sing. pf.
buffoon. pass, of iriv<u) a milk-drinker.
pco|i.6s, 6, (BaivoS) any raised placefor standing on, a YaXdva, -yo-Xavos, Dor. for 70X^1/77, yaXrjvSt.
stand, Lat. suggestus: a raised placefor sacrificing, an rAAETI, t7)s, contr. YaXf), rjs, 1), tbe marten cat or
altar; later also a funeral mound, cairn, hat. tumulus. polecat, Lat. mustela.
P&v, Ep. for Bovv, ace. of Bovs: also contr gen. plur. YoXepos, d, ov, cheerful. Adv. -pu>s.
f3u>cras, contr. for Borjaas, aor part, of Boa<v. i YdXeconjs, ov, (70X^17) a kind of spotted lizard.
3 plur. aor. 2 subj. of Baivu. yS\i\, 1), contr. for 70X^77.
f&ixrrpcca, (Boaoo) to call on, to call to aid. YdXTjvaios, a, ov, = ya\ijv6s.
{3wras, Dor. for BovTnt. YdA.T]V€ia, Dor. YoXdv€ia, i), = sq.
Pa>Tt-dv«ipoi, f/, {BoaKo), dvrjp) man-feeding, nurse TA'AH'NH, 1), stdlness of wind and wave, calm,
of heroes, [a] yakrjvrjv k\avveiv to sail through the calm: gene-
f3wrwp, opos, o, -« Borffp, a herdsman. rally, calm, tranquillity. Hence
YaX.T)vida>, Ep. part. fern. yaKrjviowaa, to be calm.
YaX-rjvds, ov, {ya\r)vr]) calm, still, serene : esp. of
the sea, in neut. pi., 70x17yd a calm, 70x17V 6pu> I see
a calm.
rdXXos, 0, a priest of Cybele : a eunuch.
y3\-ovpyia>, -ovpYOS, -ovx«w, -ovxCa, = 7aXa«T-.
1 , y, y6.\i.\ia, indecl., third letter in Gr. alphabet TA'AOnS, 1^, gen. 70X00;. nom. pi. 7aXoa» : Att.
as numeral y =, three, third: but t y = 3000. — Before YaXcos, gen. 70X0;, a sister-in-law: the corresponding
the palatals 7 « x an(* before (, 7 is pronounced like masc. is ha-qp. [a]
n in «£, as 0770s 017*0* ayx 1 ay^u. Yauai, Dor. for 717/xai, aor. I inf. of yafj.i<u.
For the digamma, v. sub 0*.
Yap-Ppos, o, (ya(j.£<v) any connexion by marriage,
Homer uses 7 as an aspirate before some words, Lat. ajfinis : I. a son-in-law. 2. a brother-
as ala yata, Sothros ySovnos : so also in Att., before in-law. 3. a father-in-law. II. in Dor. and
X and v, e. g. X17/Z17 7X17^17, vi<pos yvo<pos. Aeol. a bridegroom.
In Dor. 8 is sometimes put for 7, as 5a Sv6<pos Yducv, Dor. for eyrjficv, 3 sing. aor. I of ya/jiiat.
for yrj yvutpot : also 7 for B, /3Xe'(papov y\i<papov Yfip.€TTj, 1), fern, of yafi€TT]S, a wife.
but in Att., B for 7, 7x17x0V B^yx *" J a ^ so f° r *» Y&jirrns, ov, Dor. gen. yafiird, 6, a husband,
7»/a7rTct; kvclh toj : and for A., 717*01/ Xyiov. spouse: and
y&, Dor. for 7*. Y<Sp.€Tis, tdos, f}, a wife. From
701, Dor. and Aeol. for 717, eartb. Yop-cu, fut. yan£<v, Att. 7a/zw, later yafirjffa)

7aY7ap.T), or y<*YY&|* v, to, a sma/J round net.

1), aor. I tyrjfia ; later kya/jirjoa : pf. yeydfxrjKa. — Med.,, 1), (ypaw, ypaivoj) a gangrene, an eating fut. yafiiaofxai, Ep. 3 sing, yafxeaoerai, Att. yafwv-
sore ending in mortification. (mi: aor. I iynnafirjv. — Pass., aor. I iyanrjOrjv,
y6Xa.,-q, tbe royal treasure: riches. (Persian word.) poet. part, yafitdds (7duo«).
pf. yeyafirj/xai :

ya£o-4>t)Xdxiov, to, (ya(a, <pv\djcf]) a treasury, Lat. marry, to take to wife, Lat. ducere ; Ik kokov, !£
aerarium. o/yatfoO to marry of a good or bad stock.
T^^at II

yZQiu, Dor. for yijOiu. Med. give in marriage,

to I. of the woman, to
yala, 1) gen. 7010s, Ep. yairjt (but not 70(17 in nom.,
, give herself in marriage, to wed, Lat. nubere. 2.
138 yaprJAevfia — ytyp6.\\rofxai.

of the parents, to get their children married, betroth, yapvu>. Dor. for yrjpvoi.
to get a wife for the son or a husband for the Yacrrf|p, gen. yaoTtpos syncop. ya<TTp6s. dat. plur.
daughter. III. Pass, to be wedded or taken to yuarpdoi [a], ^: the paunch, belly, Lat. venter; 70-
wife. crr-qp do-mhos the hollow of a shield. 7. the womb,
yduT|X«vp.a, aros, to, = ydfios. kv yaorpl <pipuv or i\* iV t0 he with child. 3. me-
yauT|Xios, a, ov, (yapeai) bridal, Lat. nuptialis taph. appetite, in a bad sense, gluttony. Hence
yafiTjkia {sub. Ovoia), i), a marriage-feast. y&crrpa, Ion. ydcrrpT|, i) the belly of a jar, etc.
rojiTjXuiv, wvos, 6, the seventh month of the Attic yaoTpiSiov, to, Dim. of yaarqp, yaarpiov.
year, from yafitco, because it was the usual time for yaoTpt£a>, f foot, (ydarpis) to Jill one's belly. II.

weddings it answered to the end of January and be-

: to bit on the belly, a trick in boxing.
ginning of February. See Arjvaiwv YOOTpi-p-apYOS, ov, (yaar-qp, pudpyos) gluttonous.
yaui£u>, f. iaoi, (ydfiot) to give in marriage. YaarTpCov, to. Dim. of yaa-rqp.
ySuiKos, -q, 6v, {yafios) bridal ; to* yafund a wed- ydcnrpts, tos, 6, j), (yaaTTjp} pot-bellied : a glutton.
ding, Lat. nup'iae. Adv. -kws, as at a wedding. Yaarpo-pap^js, (S, (yaoT-qp, fiapvs) heavy with child.
y<Xp.icrKu>, =yapu^<u. Y<Mrrpo-<f>op€a>, f. rjo<v, (yaoTrjp, <pipo)) to bear in the
ydp-o-tcXoiros, ov, (yapos, k\4ttto>) adulterous : as womb, be pregnant.
Subst. an adulterer Yaorp-wS-ns, <*, (ya-OTrip, ethos) pot-bellied.
yu-popos, 6, Dor. for ynpMpos. yavXticos, 7j, ov, (touXo*) of or for a merchant
TA'MOS, o, a wedding, marriage: also wedlock, ship.
matrimony : in pi. a marriage-feast, Lat. nuptiae. yavXiTticos, 4), ov, - yavki/cos.
yap-o-oroXos, ov, (yafios, ariWoj) preparing mar- TATAO'2, 6, a milk-pail : a water-bucket : any
riage. round vessel, e. g. a bee-hive : hence II. yav\os,

yap.<t>r)Xai, uv, at. (ya/uf/os, yvapirr6s) the jaws of 6, a round built merchant-vessel, galley.
a beast ; the beak of a bird. yavpido, only used in pres. to bear oneself proudly,
yap.\J/6s, 17, ov, (ttanrtraj) bent, curved, crooked. pride oneself. From
yav, Dor. for yrjv, yaiav. yavpos, ov, also a, ov, (ya'uu) exulting in a thing
ySvcui), (ydvos) to shine, glitter, gleam : to look bright haughty, disdainful : skittish. Hence
and fresh, Lat. nitere : metaph. to be cheerful., Pass, to exult in a thing: to be haughty,
r A'NOS, (os, to, brightness, sheen : beauty, a charm, disdainful. Hence
delight. [&] Hence yavptoua, aros, to, a subject for boasting.
yctvow, to make bright or shining : pf pass. part. TE, Dor. ya, enclitic Particle, Lat. quidem, at least,
yfyavaifievos, glad-looking, joyous, Lat. nitidus. at any rate ; 6 7' ivOdht \tws at any rate the people
yavotov, ocuaa, Ep. part, of yavdu. here: often attached to pronouns, tycuyc, avye,
ydvtyuu, Ep. fut. yavvooopai Dep. (ydvos)
: : :
— to oyc. 2. well then, then, implying unwillingness,

brighten up, be delighted at a thing. Hence (Tfii y( well, I will go. 3. and indeed, too; kclXujs
yawcrfia, aros, to, = ydvos. 7« ttoiwv and quite right too I 4. to strengthen
yd-ircBov, to, Dor. for yrjvcb'ov. [a] oaths, v^i Ato y( with a word between, to which
. . ,

ya-ireTT|S, ya-irdvos, yi-iroros, Dor. for yrjir-. 7< usu. refers. II. even ; %\0ov 'Afi<pidpta> yt

TA'P, Com unction, for, Lat. enim, and like it irpds fiiav against even Amphiaraus' will.
placed after the first word in a sentence. Its chief yco-oxos, ov, Dor. for 70*170x0*.
usages are I. to introduce the reason : when the Y«yda, Ep. for yiyova, perf. of ylyvofxai, to have
reason precedes that of which it is he reason, it may been born, to be, live: pi. ycydLfiev, yfydare, yeyd-
be rendered by since or as ; 'Arpeidrf, voWol 70^1 d<jt but yfydficv [ct] inf., for ytyaivat, Dor. 7*70-

TtOvdaiv Axauoi since many Achaeans are dead, etc.; Ktiv [d"l :part, ytyaws, -dwaa, Att. contr. 767^$,
so in parenthesis, as koI, t)V ydp 6 MapaOwv kitnn- waa, like t3e$adjs, $e(3ws.
hfurrarov, etc., and, since Marathon was the fittest Y«ya0a, Dor. for ytyrjOa ; pf. of yrjOio)
place, etc. II. to strengthen 1. a question, yeyctKeiv, Dor. pf. inf. of yiyvofuu see yiyaa. :

like Lat. nam, Engl, why, what, tis ydp ce fj/cw why yryapev, y«, see yiyaa.
who hath sent thee? 2. a wish, kcikcvs ydp l£o- y€ydp,T|Ka, pf. of yafxia).
\oio O that you might perish! in Homer usu. at ydp, yeytvTjuoi. pf. of yiyvo/juu.
Att. €i or (i8e ydp, Lat. utinam, O that I so also vais y tyevpai, pf. pass, of 7eu<w.
ydp would that y«yr|0a, y€yr|Oeiv, pf. and Ep. plqpf. of yrj$ioj.
yapyatpca, f. apu>, (ydpy&pd) to swarm with. ysyrjpuKa, pf. of yrjpdaKO).
yapydXt£<i>, Att. for yayyakifa, (ydpya\os) to tickle. ytyXvpaai, pf. pass, of y\x><po).
Hence yey6p,<^<, pf. pass, of yopupSu.
yapyaAi.crp.6s, ov, 6, a sickling. y«yova, pf. of yiyvopxu.
TAPrAAOS, 6, a tickling, itching. [3] ycypa<(>a, ytypaup-ai, pf. act. and pass, of ypdtpto.
rATrATA, rd, heaps, lots, plenty. ycypdij/opai, fut. 3 pass, of ypd<pv.
: ;

yeyvfivaKa — y«/eiaco. 139

Y«yuftvaKa, Y € Y^rlva<r rl<u » P^ act - an<* P ass -
°^ fut. ycXaaofjuit : aor. 1 tyiXSca, Ep. hylXaaoa, Dor.
yvfxvafa. ky£Xa£a. —
Pass., aor. I eyeXaadrjv pf. yeyiXaafiai
TETHNA, with pres. sense, part, yeyowdjs,
perf. — to laugh, Lat. rideo ; kyiXaoot <piXov nijp his hear
: :

plqpf. iytyd/vtiv with impf. sense the other tenses : — laughed within him. II. to laugh at, sneer at.

are formed as if from pres. ytywvco or yeycuvtaj, inf. — TE'AriS, iSos, 1); pi. yeXyiSfs or ytXytis — dyXis, :

ycyarvuv, Ep. y(yoJV(fJ.ev impf. eyeyuivtvv or ytyd>-

; a head, clove of garlic, Lat. spica allii.
vfvv for eyeywveov, 3 sing, also (ytycwe aor. I inf. ; Y«Xouos, Ep. for yiXoios.
7€7cw77(rcu : verb. Adj. ytyojvrjTtov. To call or cry Y«Xoios, a, ov, also os, ov, (yeXdcu) laughable, ab-
so as to be beard, to call aloud; oaov rt 7t'7cui'e #077- surd. humorous, facetious
II. : ycXoia jests.
aas as far as he could make hitmilf heard by shout- yeXoloiv, Ep. impf. of yt Xd<u.
ing: c. ace. rei, to call out, proclaim aloud: of things, Y€\oC(ovt€S, part. pres. of yeXoidco.
to sound, ring, etc. Y«X6co, y«X6<i)vt€s, Ep. for yeXdco, yeXdovres.
yty(avt\T(ov, verb. Adj. of Y^eww, one must pro- y*\G)VTi, Dor. for yeXwai.
claim aloud. Ye\u>ovT€s, poet, for ycXowvTfs.
yeyvivlo-Kv, lengthd. pres. for yiyaiva, to proclaim. Y«Xa>s, 6: gen. wtos Att. 0;: ytXarri Ep.
ytydivos, ov, Acij. from part, ycyowws, (like dpapos, ycXy : ace. yiXorra Ep. yiXcu, in Att. Poets yiXuv :

ov, from dpapws), loud-spoken, loud-sounding. (7eA.d<w): laughter, Lat. risus ; iirl ytXourt for laugh-
yeytos, u>oa, ws, Att. part. pf. of yiyvopai, for 76- ter's sake, for a joke. II. a subject of laugh er,
yovws, yeyaws, see ytyaa. Lat. ludibrium; yiXwra iroiftoOai ri to make a joke
r«wa, 17, Hcb. Gehenna, i. e. the valley of Hinnom, of it.
in which the corpses of the worst malefactors were Y«Xu>TOiroita, j), buffoonery. From
burnt :
—hence as a name for hell-fire, hell. YeXojTO-irotos, ov, {yiXcus, iroiioj) exciting laughter:
Y€T|-ir6vos, etc., v. yeam-. as Subst., y^^tottoios, ov, 6, a jester.
7€t-dpoTT|S, oi>, 6, a plougher of earth.
(777, apooS) ysXciajv, Ep. impf., y«^«vt«s, Ep. part, of yeXdoi.
Y€tvdp.€vos, aor. I part, of ydvojMi. Ycp-CJo), f. low, Att. iu), {yefuu) to fill, load or freight
ytlveai, Ep. for yfivijai^2 sing. aor. 1 med. subj. of tvi'b a thing : — Pass, to be freighted.
yuvofuu. Y€p.os, to, = 7o/xos, a freight. From
Y€, Pass, to be begotten, be born. II. the TETVin, used only in pres. and impf. to be full ofz
aor. I kyuvdfxijv, yeivaadai is always used in causal thing, to be full.
sense, = ytwdu, of the father, to beget; of the mo- Ycvcd, as, Ion. Y ev6 ^» ^«. 17, ('ytvoi) birth; birXo-
ther, to bear, bring forth; ol yeivdjievoi the parents. repos yevcy younger by birth; Ik ytvtrjs from
yti.o-p.6pos, etc., = ycwfiSpos. birth. race, descent; yevef) iirlprtpoi
II. birth,

"Ysio-<f>6pos, ov, (777, <plpoS) earth-bearing. higher by blood of horses, breed.

: III. a gene-
rEI'SON or Y€icro-ov, to, anything projecting so as ration, Lat. saeculum; St'tw ytveal ftfpoirojv av6pw~
to shelter, the eaves of a roof, the cornice, coping: the ttwv. IV. offspring, descendants.
bem of a garment. (Of Carian origin.) Y6V€dXoY«o>, f. rjaoi, (ytveaXCyos) to trace a pedi-
Y€iTviao-is, (ojs, ?} , neighbourhood : the neighbours. gree ; yeveaXoyciv riva to trace his pedigree : Pass. —
From to derive one's pedigree. Hence
Y€t,Twaci>, (yfirojv) to be a neighbour, to border on. Y€V€dXoYfa, T), a tracing one's descent, genealogy.
Y«itov€tjo) and yenoviot, = yurvidcv. From
YetTOo-uvos, ov, neighbouring, near. From Ycvea-XoYOS, 6, (ytvtd, At'7oy) a genealogist.
TEI'TUN, a neighbour.
ovos, 6, -fj, II. as Adj. Y«v€^|, ^s, 1), Ion. for ytvtd : Ep. dat. ywefjept.
neighbouring bordering metaph. akin — to, like. Y€V«0Xt|,iJ, birth, origin, descent : of horses, breed. 1.
Y«Xcucras, Aeol. for ycXdcras. birth-place ; dpyipov yeviOXt] a mine of silver.

Y«Xd£as, Dor. for yeXdaas. Y€V€0XC8ios, ov, = yeviBXioz.

7cXttVT|s, «, (y(Xaoj) laughing, cheerful. Y€V€0Xios, ov, belonging to one's birth, Lat. natalis
YcXavTt, Dor. for yfXuvn, dat. part, of yeXdw. yev€$Xiov fjfiap one's birth-day ; to y( viOXia a birth*
ycXdoiaa and ytXtvaa, Dor. for yeXaovaa. day feast ; yeve6Xioi Ofoi the gods of one's race;
yeXdaa, Dor. for yfXwaa, fern. nom. part, of yeXaw. yevtOXiov alpa kindred blood.
yt\a.o~tuo, Desiderat. of 7€\da>, to like to laugh, to YtveOXov, To, — y(vi6Xr], descent. 2. offspring.
be ready to laugh. Y€vcid£<i) Dor. -d<r8&), (ytvciov) to get a beard,
Y«Xa<xpa, aros, r6, (yeXdoj) a laugh; kv/mltov eome to man's estate.
ytkaafia the many-twinkling smile of
avfjpi$fiov '
Y€vetds, ados, 1), (yh(iov) a beard. 2. in plur.
Ocean.' the cheeks.
Y«X<wrTT|s, ov, 6, (y(Xdoj) a laugher, sneerer. Y€vcido"Ko>, = yevadfa, to get a beard.
JeXaords, if, 6v, laughable, laughed at. From Y«v€idTns, Ion. Y €V « n'rns» fern. Y evcl °'Tl * or ,,i :

'EAA'fl, Ep. ycXdco, Ep. part. pi. ytXtxuvrts, 76- -«oTt$, ioos, (yfvuds) bearded.
X&ovrtt, or ycKoiojvres: Ep. impf. ytXoituv or -&av: yevcido), f. i\ato, = ytvtidfa, to get a beard.
140 yivtiov — TEYQ,.
Y«v«tov, t6, (yews) the part covered by the beard, ration. IV. sex: gender. V. kind, genus,
the lower part of the face, the chin. opp. to (Tfios, species.

ytveo, Ep. for lylvov, 2 sing. aor. 2 of yiyvopxu. Y«vto, be grasped, = t\af}(v, 3 sing, of an old Verb,
•ycvtcrOai, aor. 2 inf. of yiyvofmi. only found in this form prob. Acol. for (\(to, :
y —
y€v«<n.os, ov, — ytvedkios II. T<i yfviaia a representing the digamma. II. contr. for eytvcTo.

birth-day feast — also, a day kept in memory of the TE'NT 2, 77, gen. yivvos dat. ykvvi plur., dat. ; :

dead. ykvvai, Ep. yevvooi ace. ytvvas, con r. yevvs.

, The
•y«v€(n,s, ecus, j), (*yev<u) an origin, source: birth, under jaw; ytvvts, both jaws, the mouth : hence also
race, descent. the cheek, chin. II. the edge of an axe, a
Y€v«tk€to, Ion. for ky4v(T0,z sing. aor. 2 ofyiyvopiai. biting axe.
Y€V€T6ipa, fern, of y(v(Tb\p, (*y(vai) she that gives TE'NXl, obsol. pres., Root of yiyvofjuxi.
birth, a mother. II. she that is born, a daughter. Y«pa, Ep. contr. from y(p(a, pi. of yipas.
ytvrrr\, 7),=y€V€7i, birth. Y«paios, a, ov, {yipajv, yrjpaios) old: venerable.
Y€V€TT|p, fjpos, 6, y(V(Trjs. — Comp. yepa'ntpos; 01 yfpa'iTtpoi the elders, Lat.
•yevtTrjs, ov, 6, (*yevaj) the begetter, a father, an- senatores. Sup. ytpairaTos.
cestor. 2. the begotten, son. II. as Adj., = Yepcuo-dAoios, ov, (ytpaios, (pXoios) with wrinkled
ycve$\ios. skin.
•ycveruXAts, ibos, ij, (*7fVcy) goddess of one's birth Yepcupto, f. yepapw : aor. I cyeprjpa, inf. ytpapai
hour. aor. 2 kyepapov : {yipas) :
— to honour or reward with
y€v«T(op, opos, 6,=ycvtTr}s, a father. a gift : generally, to honour.
yivev, Ion. for tyivov, 2 sing. aor. 2 of ytyvofiai. Y€paiT6pos, -raros, Comp. and Sup. of ycpaios.
y€VT)(K)TCi>, 3 sing. aor. I pass, imperat. of yiyvoyuat. TEPA-NOS, 17, Lat. GRUS, a crane.
•yevTjts, 17: gen. yevrjibos, contr. y(v> 80s **y*vvs, : Y^paos, rj, 6v, — y(paius.
the edge of an axe : an axe, pickaxe, mattock Ycpdpos, a, 6v, (ytpaipej) reverend, stately ; yepapoi
Y«VTjpa, aros, to, ytvvrjfxa. — priests, y (papal priestesses.
Y'vvd, 17, poet, for yivos, descent, offspring. TE'PAS, aos, to, nom. pi. ytpara, Ion. ytpca, Ep.
Y€vva8as [al, ov, 6, plur. ywvabai, ^yivva) noble, contr. yipa —
a gift of honour, prize, generally, a
inmind or birth, Lat. generosus. gift,honour ; metaph., yipas OavovTcw the last honour
Y€waio-irp€Trf|s, (s, (yevvaios, irpi-nw) befitting a of the dead. 11. a privilege, prerogative. Hence
noble. Adv. -ttujs. Yepa.crp.Los, ov, honouring. II. honoured.
Y€vvatos, a, ov, also os, ov, (yiwa) suitable to one's TepdaTios, a Spartan month.
birth or descent ; ov fioi yevvaiov it fits not my high Y€paa-<}>6pos, ov, (ytpas, <p(poS) winning honour.
blood: noble both in mind and blood, bigh-born, Y«pea, Ion. nom. pi. of 7 (pas.
high-minded: of animals, thorough-bred: of things, Y€povraYwY«w» f. rjau, to guide an old man. From
good of their kind: but also, ycvvaia bvrj genuine, YepovT-aY^Y^s, 0, {y(p(uv, dycu) guiding an old man.
intense misery. Hence Y«povTia, 17, Lacon. for y(povoia.
YcvvaioTTjs, tjtos, 97, nobility, nobleness of character YtpovTiov, to, Dim. of ytpow, a little old man.
of land, fertility. yepovcria, 17, (ytpajv) a Council of Elders, Senate,
Y€wai(os,Adv. of ytvvaios, nobly: Sup. yzvvaiorara. esp. at Sparta, where it consisted of 28. II. an

Y€vvau>, f. "fjacv, (ytvva)of the father to

to beget, ; embassy.
bear, bring forth, of the mother
ytvvrjoavTfs the
; 01 y( povo-ios, a, ov, (yipaiv) belonging to the elders or
parents. II. to generate, produce. Hence chiefs ; olvos y(povoius wine reserved for them.
Y*vvnr|p.o, aros, to, that which is produced, a child Y«'pp ov to, ((ipcu) Lat. gerra, anything made of

any product. II. one's nature. III. a begetting. wicker-work, esp. an oblong shield, such as the Per-
Y^vvrjo-is, cojs, 77, a begetting, producing. sians wore. 2. a wattled hut.

Y€vvt|tt)s, ov, 6, (y(vvaw) a parent, Lat. pater- Yeppo-4>6pot, 01, {yippov, <p(pa>) troops that wore
familias. wicker shields : v. foreg.

Y€wtjt6s, i\, 6v, (yevvaw) begotten or born. rE'PflN, ovtos, 6, an old man, Lat. senex : ol ye-
YewTjTtop, opos, 6, = y(virwp. povTfs Elders or Chiefs, who with the King
Y«vvik6s, r), ov, = ye vvatos, brave, spirited. Adv. -ws. formed the chief Council: hence the Senators, like
Y«voiaTO, Ep. and Ion. for yivoivro. Lat. Patres, esp. at Sparta, where they were 28 in
Y^voipav, Dor. aor. 2 opt. of yiyvofuu. number. II. as Adj. yipojv, ov, but almost al-

Y«vos, (os, to, ('ytvou) race, descent: freq. In ace. ways with masc. Subst. as ykpoiv \oyos yipov acutos :

absol. yivos, as (£ 'Waicns yivos dfii I am of Ithaca however occurs in Homer.

by descent; so in dat., yivet iroXiTTjs a citizen by YevLta, aros, to, (ydai) a taste of a thing.
birth. II. a descendant, a child, as Virgil's Divi ytvo~ao~Qai, aor. I med. inf. of ycwu.
genus. a race in regard to number, a na-
III. JTET'Xl, f. 7€t/<ra; : aor. I tyevoa — to give one a
tion. 2. a race in regard to time, an age, gene- taste of a thing. II. Med. ycvofiai, fut. yevaofuu:
— —
\;: —
TE'<I>rPA yiyvopai. 141
aor. I iyevo&fiqv : with pf. pass, ylytvfiai : to taste YT|0€v, Adv. of 777,out of ox from the earth.
or eat of a thing 3 pi. p qpf. eyeycvvTo, tbey bad
; YTjOtw, f. Tfow : aor. kyrjQrjoa, perf. yiyrfOa, Dor. 7^-
tasted, eaten hence to try, make proof, have experi-
: yaOa ^rsed in pres. sensed: plqpf. l7€7770€ii/: (yaiaj):
ence of; dovpos yevoaoOai to taste, i. t.feel, the spear — to be delighted, to rejoice.
to et^oy. Ytj0oo-uvt], 77, {yrfOtw) joy, delight.
rE'«^T"PA, a mound of earth to dam or bar a
r), Y"T|06o-tivos, 77, ov, {yr)6eaj) joyful, glad.
stream, or a bridge to cross it, used by Horn, always TH0TON,
to, Lat. gethyum, a kind <fleek.
in plur. —
in Horn, also, itoKifioio ye<pvpai tbe lane
: YT)'ivos, ov, and Y^'t0 S, ov, {yrj) of earth or clay.
between two lines of battle, tbe battle-field. II. yvjtrr\%, contr. YT) T11 S ou 0, {yrj) a husbandman. » >

later in sing, a bridge, y£<pvpav £evyvvvai or yf<pvpa YT)-Xo<{>os, o, = y(w\o<pos, a bill.

{cvyvtvai -norap.6v to build a bridge over a river, Yf|, Y"HH- a s, yr\\Lo.a-Qai, y'HP-^H^vos, aor. 1 inf.
Lat. ponte jungere fluvium. Hence and part. act. and med. of yafiioi.
Y«<J>tip6a>, f. wacv, to make passable by a bridge, to Y*r|-p.6pos, 6, = ytwfiopos.
bridge over; yccpvpcuoe iroTafiov [the tree] made a YT|-ox«<«>, (777, €X W ) t0 possess land.
bridge over the river; yeepvpajoe k4\€v0ov made a Ytj-ttcSov, to, — yeunreb'ov, {yrj, rriSov) a plot of
bridge-way : —
Pass., eyccpvpwOrj 6 trvpos the strait ground.
bad a bridge made over it. YT|-ir€TT|s, (S, (777, it (ouv) falling to earth.
yeurypadua, 77, geography. From YT|Tfovos, o, - ytwirovos.
•y60)-Ypd<j>os, ov, (777, -)pa<poj) earth-describing : as Y"fi-irOTOS, Dor. y^tto-tos, ov, (777, irt-iroTai 3 sing,
Subst., yecoypde^os, ov, 6, a geographer. pf. pass, of irivoj) to be drunk up by Earth.
-y€u-\o<)>os, 6, (777, \6<pos) a bill, hillock: also 7610- Y*r)pai6s, a, 6v, (yfjpas) old, aged.
Xocj)ov, to, and 7€a>Xo<|>ia, 17. YT|paA«>s and Y*npdXios, a, ov, - yrjpaiSs.
7€fa}p.€Tpco), f. r)<ja), to measure land, to measure. From YT|pdvat, aor. 1 inf., or YTjpdvai, aor. I inf o(yrjpaaKO). ,

7€u)-p.eTpT|S, ov, 6, {yrj, iiiTpiw) a land-measurer YT|pdvT€cro-i, Ep. for yijpaoi, dat. plur. of yqpas,
geometer. Hence part. aor. 2 of yrfpaofca).
7€o>p.€TpCa, land-measuring, geometry : and
77, Y"T|pa6s, d, ov, poet, for yrjpaios.
7ea>p.€TpiK6s, 17, ov, of or for land-measuring, geo- YT)pds, aor. 2 part, of yrjpaoKw.
metrical: 77 7co>p.€TpiKT| (sub. t^xvt]'), geometry: yno- TH'PAS, to, gen. yrjpaos, Att. contr. yffpws dat. :

fieTpi/cus, ov, 6, a geometrician. Adv. -tews. yfjpai, Att. contr. 777^01: old age, Lat. senectus. Hence
•yecju-opia, 77, a division of lands : tillage. From YTjpdo-Kca or YHpdo) fut. aata Att. aoofiai [a]: aor. :

7ecd-p.6pos, also 7T|-p.6pos, 7a-p.6pos, and 7610- I lyifpaaa: aor. 2 kyrjpav, inf. yrjpdvai [a], part. 777-
u.6pos, 6, 77, (777, a sharer in the division pds {as if from a verb in fxi) pf. yty-qpaica: to :

of lands, landholder : ol ytojfiupoi tbe landowners or grow aged, become old and infirm. II. in aor. I
nobles in a state, Lat. optimates. kyrjpdaa, Causal, to bring to old age.
Ycw-rreBov or Y€w-iT€8iov, to, Ion. for y-qireSov. YT|popWK«»>, f. -fjaoj, to feed and cherish in old age:
Yeca-ircCvTjs, ov, 6, (777, Tr(vofxai) poor in land. Pass, to be cherished in old age. —
Ycamdvos, o, (777, irovtw) a tiller of tbe earth, hus- Y^jpo-Poo-Kos, oV, (777PCXS, fiCoKto) cherishing in old
bandman. age ; esp. of one's parents.
Y€a>PY«o, f. rjoco, (ytaipyos) to be a farmer : also to YT|po-ic6p.os, ov, {yrjpas, KOfx(Oj) cherishing tbe old.
till, cultivate : metaph. to work at, practise a thing. YTjpvpa, aTos, to, {yrfpvw) a voice, sound, tone.
YewpYta, 7), (yewpyus) agriculture, tillage. II. THEFTS, vos, 7), a voice : speech. Hence
in plur. tilled lands. YTjpvco, Dor. yapvoi f. taai \y] aor. 1 eyrjpvaa
; : :

YewpYiKos, 77, 6v, (yeajpyus) of or for tillage, Med., fut. -vaofiai aor. 1 iyrjpvodfxrfv, but also in


rustic. II. skilled informing. same sense pass. kyrjpvOrfv \y\ : to utter, speak, say,
Y«opY"-ov, to, afield: cultivation: a crop. From sing, cry, Lat. garrire.
yt-v>pyo$, ov, {yrj, Zpyov) tilling tbe ground : as YTjptos, contr. for yrjpaos. gen. of yrjpas.
Subst., y*inpy6s,ov,6, a tiller of tbe earth, husbandman. YT|T6iov, to, Att. for yf)6vov, a leek.
Yeci>pvx«o, f. 77(70;, to dig or trench tbe earth. From YTp~r)S, 6, contr. for yrfiTrfs.
Y«-<opvxos, ov, (777, upvoaca) trenching the earth, [y] YH-Topos, ov, (777, Tffxeiv) ploughing the earth.
Y«o-rop.os, ov, {yrj, Tifiiiv) cutting the ground: YiY aVT" ^* TT]S. ov o, (yiyas, 6\\vfii) giant-killer.

ploughing. Y'YavTO-<J>6vos, ov. (yiyas, *(p€VQj) giant-killing.

TH . 77, land; yrjv teal vScvp
contr. for 74a, earth, TITAPTON, a grape-stone. [t\
oibovai to give earth and water as token of submission riTAS, avTos, voc. yiyav, 6,
(777 or yata) mostly
Kara yrjv on land, by land, opp. to KarcL daXaaaav ;
in plur. tbe Giants, a rebellious race, destroyed by the
also Karo\ yfft, which means beneath the earth: irov gods. In Hesiod. tbe sons of Gaia or Earth, whence
777s Lat. ubi terrarum t where on the earth t
; the name = yTjyevr)$.
Y^-Y^vriS, «'*, (777, ' yivoS) earthborn : indigenous. II., syncop. from yi-yivofiai, which is formed
as Subst., YnY €v-ns. ov. 6. a son of tbe Earth, a giant. by redupl. from the Root TE'Nfi : from this root

142 yiyvuxTKoa — ykvKVTUKpos,
come fut. yfvqffofMii : aor. 2 lytvdfirjv : yXd<j>{!p6s, A, 6v, (yXcwpw) hollow, hollowed: hence
perf. y(ylvr)~
fxai and yiyova aor. I (in late authors) ky(frjOr]v 7A. Xi/atjv a deep harbour. II. smoothed, polished,


for the Ep. pf. yiy&a, see ycyaa: to become, to of persons, critical, exact. Adv. -pus, smoothly, nicely,
happen : to be born : to be ; in perf. yiyova to be by prettily.
birth, or to have become so. 2. of events, to occur; TAA'^fl, to hew, carve: of a lion, to tear the
happen. II. with Preps, or Advs. of motion, to ground with his feet.

be at, as eylyvero h
Aa/eedaifiova. 2. irdvra, yXAxwv [a], Dor. for y\ijxo)v.
vavToios, navrodanos yiyveoOai to take all shapes, yXevKO-trdrris, ov, 6, (yXev/ros, iri-irorai 3 sing. pf.
turn every way ; kavrov ytvicrOai to be master of pass, of 7TiV<w) drinker of new wine.
oneself; tiros kavrov ytviaOat to recover oneself. 3. yXeuKos, (os, to, (yXu/cus j Lat. mustum, must, sweet
ri y4v(UfM.t ; more rarely ris yevupuii ; what is to be- new wine.
come of me t 4. yiyvtadai St' vpyrjs, Sid Xoyoiv, yX€<j>apov, t6, Dor. for 0X("<f>apov.
periphras. for opydv, X(y(tv, etc. 5. c. gen. pretii, TAH NH, 7), the pupil, eye-ball : and, II. be-
.'0 much, as, o/3oAou yiyveoOai to cost an obol. cause figures are reflected small in the pupil, a puppet,
cost so
yi-yvoio~K<a, formed by redupl. from the root esp. a girl, cf. Kuprj, Lat. pupilla : as a taunt, ippt
•rNOF/fl, raff NAI, Lat. NOSCO : fut. yvuffofmi Kan$i 7A77V77 away, weak girl 1 :

aor. 2 lyvow, imperat. yv£>&i, opt. yvoir\v, inf. yvCjvax, YAH. N02, to, in plur. things to stare at, wonders.
part, yvovs: perf. tyvuKa, pass. eyv<uar/Mi aor. 1 pass. rAH'XHN, ojvos, 7) ace. yXrjxoJva, by apocop.
: :

tyvwoOnv. 7X77x0;:— pennyroyal, Ion. for &XrjxoJt'.

To perceive, gain knowledge of, mark, and so to yXwrxp-avTiXoY-€|6TrCTpnrros, ov, comic word in
know, of persons and things to be aware of, under- Aristophanes, a greedy pettifogging knave.
: (yXt-
stand: sometimes c. gen. instead of ace, to know of. . expos, dvTiXoyia, ({(mrpniTos.)
yvu> xuopwov he knew that be was angry: rarely TAI'SXPOS, a, ov, gluey, clammy, slippery. II.

also c. part., iyvojv f)TTT)fi(vos I perceived that I was metaph. sticking close to, importunate. 2. close,
beaten. II. to examine, to form an opinion, de- greedy, stingy. 3. of disputations, quibbling, petty.
cide upon, determine, decree, yvwvai ra\ 5'iKaia. yXCcrxpcov, ovos, 6, (y\io~xP os ) a niggard.
•, Ion. and in late Greek for yiyvopuai. yXiaxpws, Adv. of yXloxpos, importunately : scan-
yivo)crKft>, Ion. and in late Greek for yiyvwoicoj. tily : aho pettily.
yXaydfc), (7X01705) to be milky, juicy. rATXOMAI
[t], Dep.,only used in pres. and impr.,

yXayepos, a, 6v, {yXdyos) full of milk, milky. a thing, struggle for it, c. gen.
to strive after 1.
yXaydeis, (oaa, ev, (yXdyos) full of milk, milky. y\iX(oOai ir(pi rivos to be eager about or for a thing.
yXayo-irT|£, 7770s, o, 77, (7X6:708, irqyvvfu) of ox for rAOI'A or yXotd, 7), glue. Hence
curdling milk. yXoios, o, anything sticky or clammy, as oil and
TAAT05, (os, to, poet, for 70X0, milk. dirt. II. as Adj. y\oi6s, d, ov, slippery, knavish.

yXaKTo-<f>dyos, ov, (yaAa, (paydv) contr. for ya- TAOTTO'2, 6, the rump : plur. the buttocks.
katCTO<pdyos living on milk., Pass, to become sweet.
TAA'MH, 7), ^krjfiTj, humour in the eyes. yXuKtpos, d, 6v, = y\vKvs, sweet.
yXdp.a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (yXd/^) blear-eyed.
[3] yXuK€p6-xpws, <uros, 6, 77, (y\vK(pot, XP™ S ) w ^
yXavKidw, (yXauiros) only found in Ep. part. sweet, fair skin.
Kiucuv, glaring with the eyes. yXuKios, a, ov, = yXvtevs. [u]
TAATKO'2, 77, 6v, Aeol. yXavtcos, a, ov, gleam- yXvKv-SaKpvs, v, gen. vos, (yXvicvs, hdjcpv) causing
ing< gla nc ' ng> bright-gleaming. II. with no- sweet tears.
tion of Colour, pale-green, bluish-green, gray, Lat. yXvKV-Scopos, ov, (yXv/cvs, hwpov) with sweet gifts.
glaucus, of the olive, of the willow, and also of the yXuicu-T|XT|S. (s, (yXvicvs, t)x(<») sweet-sounding.
vine- III. of the eye, light blue or gray, Lat. yXvKuOvpia, 7), benevolence. From
caebius : of persons, blue-eyed. yXuKti-Ovp-os, ov, (yXvtevs, 6vfios) sweet-minded. II.

yXavKo-xpoos, 6, 7), ace. yXavfcoxpoa, (yXavxds, act. charming mind, delightful.

Xp^os) gray-coloured, gray. yXvKv-p,dXov, Aeol. and Dor. for y\vKv/xt]\ov.
yXavK-wms, tbos,7) ace. ida, but also iv
: (yXau- : yXuKv-p.€iXtxos, ov, (yKvicvs, /JCi'Atx *) sweetly win-
k6s. u-p) epith. of Minerva, with gleaming eyes. ning.
y\avK-<a\\t, uinos, 6, 77, = yXavKwms. yXuKi5-p,vXov, to, Dor. for yXvtcvfJiTjXov (yXvtcvs fifj-
yXaiij-, Att. yXaC£, k6s, 7), Xov) a sweet-apple.
(yXau/cos) the owl, Lat.
noctua, so called from its glaring eyes. Proverb., yXvKvpO0€O), f. 770-eu, to speak sweetly. From
yXavtc' 'AOrjvafc, yXavK (Is '\6-qvas, like our carry yXuKV-p.v0os, (yXvicvs, pvOos) sweet-speaking.

coals to Newcastle:' Athenian coins were called 7X01/- yXvKV-irats, aiSos, 6, 7), (yXvicvs, vats) having a
*€s AavpivTi/cai from the stamp
of the owl on them. fair offspring.
yXd<J>tJ, T 6, (yXdfoj) a hollow, cavern. yXvKv-irdpOevos, 7), (yXvicvs,irap9(vos) a sweet maid.
yXa^vpCa, 7), smoothness, polish. From yXvKv-TUKpos, ov, (yAuxus, micpot) sweetly bitter.
— : ::

rATKTS yvaxrifiaxtu. 143

TATKT'2, sweet to the f aste, sweet metaph.
ua. v, • ' yvo^-wBtjs, <», (yvScpos, eTSot^ darfcome, dark,
sweet, deligb'ful: of men, dear, kind. Comp. and "yvvf Adv. (y6vv) with bent knee; yvv( ipmtiv to
Sup. yKvKiojv [f], y\vKiOTos: also yXvinnepos, -raros. fallon the knee.
yXvKvrrjs [tfv], ijtos, 17, (yAv/cus) sweetness. yvw, Icn. for €7^0;, 3 sing aor. 2 of yiyvwoKW.

•y\\nrTT|p, rjp>>s, 0, and YXviirrqs, ov, 6, (y\v<pw) a yv&, ws, <p, aor. 2 subj. of yiyvwottw.
carver, a sculptor. Yvu>0i, -jvwtw, aor. 2 imperat. of yiyvwoicw.
•yXvnros, ij, ov, verb. Adj. of y\v<pw, Jit for carv- yvd\ia, aros, to, (yvwvai) that by which a thing is

ing, carved. known, a mark, token, like yvwpuwv. 11. judgment.

-yXv^Svov, t6, (ykvipto) a knife or chisel for carving. yvwpevai, Ep. for yvwvai, aor. 2 inf. of yiyvwoicw.
y\v$[.%, idos, ij, mostly in plur., y\v<pi5(s the notch (yvwvai) a means of knowing, a mark,
yvt!i\ir\, ^,

of the arrow, which fits on the string later, the arrow : token. II. the mind, the judgment ; yvwfirj Ty

itself. II. — y\v<pavov, a knife. From Apiary to the best of one's judgment. 2. will,pur-

TAT'^n, f. \f/w: aor. I iykvxf/a: -Pass., aor. I cy- pose; uxp' kavrov yvw/xr/s of his own accord. 3.0
Kv<p$Tjv, aor. 2 ky\v(pr)v
\p~\ pf. yty\vfxfiat and : judgment, opinion; yvwyirjv airo<paivto~Oai to deliver
iykvupai : — hollow out : esp. to engrave or
/0 an opinion; also a mistaken juasfment, fancy ; yvwpuit
cart/*. II. to K/riV* on a tablet. the opinions of wise men, maxims. 4. a purpose,
TAH'S, a>xo«, i}, to* 6«zrd of corn, only in plur. intention, resolution : a vote, tecree.
rAn*22A, Att. yXwrTa, V*. 5). ^* tongue, Lat. yvcouaSiov, to, Dim. of yvwpn], a fancy.
lingua ; av6 ykwaorjs by won/ 0/ mouth ; oi* diro "Yva>p.o-Xo-y£a, ^, (yvwpiT), At^cw) a collection of
y\uaarjs not from another's tongue, not fr«>m foar- maxims.
say; yAcuaaai/ i«Vcu to let loose one's tongue, speak Yv<i>u,ovik6s, ij, 6v, (yvwfiwv)fit to give judgment
freely. a tongue, language; yXwaaav
II. vojil- experienced or skilled in a thing. II. of or for
(eiv to use a language or dialect. sun-dials.
•yXajo-o-aXyCa, Att. YXwo-o-ap-yta, 1$, endless talking, •yvup-oo-wn, 17, (yvw/xuv') prudence, judgment.
wordiness. From •Yvtou,OT0ir«<i), to coin maxims : and
YXwop<r-aXYos, Att. Y^" <ro a PY 0S
0,, » (7Awao-a, Yvcap-ordiriKos, 17, ov, clever at coining maxims. From
d\yos) talking till one's tongue aches, very talkative. Yvtup-o-TViros, ov, (yvwfiij, rvnuv) maxim-coining,
•yXuxrcr6-KO|AOv, to, (yXwaaa, fco/.ttw) properly a sententious.
case for the mouthpiece of a flute : a case or ta^ for yvu)u.a)v, ovos, 6, (yvwvai) one that knows, a judge,
money. interpreter. the gnomon or index of the sun-

yXwTTa, jj, Att. for yXwaaa. dial. III. ol yvwfxovt* the tee b that mark a
•yXo>TTO-arTpo4>«i), f. 770-a;, ^A&TTa, <rrpi<pw) to ply horse's age. IV. a carpenter's rule, Lat. norma:
the tongue. 1
hence a rule or guide of life.
TAHXI'N or "yXtoxls, gen. tvos ij, any projecting Yv«iv, Ep. for tyvwv, aor. 2 of yiyvwoito)*
point : the end of the yoke-strap. 2. the point of yv«Lvat, aor. 2 inf. of yiyvwoitw.
an arrow : the arrow itself. •yvwou-ev, Ep. for yvwpav, 1 pi. aor. 2 subj. of -v*-
Yvo.9u.6s, 6, the jaw, poet, form of yva.6os. 'yvwoKw.
rNA'0O2, ij, the jaw, mouth : properly the lower •yvupifo), f. /o"a» Att. Tw pf iyvwpiKa: to make —
jaw. II. like yivvt, the point or edge of a known, declare. 2. to discover, detect : to acknow-
weapon. Tdf] ledge, recognise. 3. to be acquainted with. From
Yvau-irros, ij, 6v, curved, bent: supple, pliant: me- yvuptpos, ov, rarely rj, ov, (yvwrCs) well-known
taph. bending, yielding. From as Subst., yvwpipios, 6, an acquain ance, a friend, Lat.
FN A MIITfl, f. tyw : slot. 1 tyvapupa : — to crook, familiaris. II. ol yvwptfioi the notables, Lat.
bend. opnmates.
Yva-n-T&i ^, 6v, (yva-rrrw) carded, fulled. yvcopipus, Adv. of yvwpip.os so as to be known, in-
rNA'IITH, "yvaTTTtop "yva-^iov, -<|>€vs, -<|>€Vtv- telligibly, familiarly ; yvwpipMS ex ClV rivi to De on

•cos, -<J>€Vti», 4>lkos Yvd<t>os -U/is. v. sub kvcltttw, etc. friendly terms with him.

YVT]ot.os, a, ov, syncop. for ytvinms, belonging to •yviopto-vs, fws, ij, (yvwpifa) acquaintance : know-
the true race, legitimate, opp. to vodot genuine, true; ledge. :

yvTjCiat ywniKtt lawful wives, opp to TtaWnKihn yvdjpia\ia, aros, to, (yvwpiCp)) that by which a thing ;

yvTjaioi "EWrjvtt true Greeks <ppovuv yv-qaia to is made known, a mark, token.

have a noble mind. yva)ptcr|x6s, ov, 6, (yvwptfa) a making known.

YV)o-U>s. Adv. of yvqoios, laufully, really, truly. •Yva>pio-TVK6s, 17, 6v, {yvwfjifa) capable of making
Yvot-rjv, T)t. 7], aor 2 opt. of yiyvwoKW. known.
yvoiftev, £p. for yvo'njfitv, 1 pi. aor. 2 opt. of yi- yv«f>s, 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. of yiyvwoxoj.
yvwoicw. yvcoa0T|, fut. pass, of yiyvwanw.
yvovs aor. 2 part, of yiyvwaKw. yyCtai, 3 pi. aor. 2 subj. of yiyvwaKw.
rNO'*02, &, = tv6<po$, darkness. Yv<i>OT.-pax«'o>, f. yaw, (yvwffit, fjtaxojiai) to dispute
144 yv&vis — Topy<a.

one's own opinion, i.e. to confess oneself in the wrong, rO'M^OS, a large wedge-shaped bolt or nail,
change one's purpose, give way; yvcoaipuax^v /*t) elvai for shipbuilding any bond or fastening: in pi. yufupoi,

ofiotov to con/ess that one is not equal. the cross-ribs of the Egyptian canoes. Hence
yvdais, «o$, f/, (yvcovat) a seeking to know: a judi- yo\nc\>6co, f. cboco, to fasten with bolts or nails: yey6p>

cial inquiry, Lat. cognitio. II. knowledge: tpoorai cTKacpos the ship's hull is ready built. Hence
wisdom. 2. acquaintance with a person. 3. a Yop<j>ci>p.a, fxa.Tos. t6, framework.
recognising. Yop,<j>&>TT|p, ?7pos, 6, (yopxpuco) one that fastens with
Yvucrop.<u, fut. of yiyvcooKco. bolts or nails, a ship-builder.
yvoxrrnp, ijpos, 6, (yiyvioaicco) one that knows or Yovcvs, ecus, 6, ('yivco) a father, ancestor : in pi. the
warrants the truth of a thing, Lat. cognitor. parents.
Yvcoo-rns, ov, 6, = yvcoor-qp. Yovt|, jj, (*yivco) that which is begotten, offspring, a
yvcocrros, 77, oV, collat. form of yvcoros, known : as race, family. II. the seed. III. generation,
Subst. a friend. II. to be known. childbirth : the womb. IV. birth, descent. V.
yvSne, 2 pi. aor. 2 imperat. of yiyvcocrKco yvcorov, — a generation.
yvwrrjv, 2 and 3 dual aor. 2 indie. Yovip.os, ov, also 77, ov, (yovos) productive, fruitful ;

yvcoTos, rj, oV, also 6s, ov, (yvcovai) known, well- iroiT)Tr]s yovipcos a poet of creative powers, of true

known : as Subst. a friend, kinsman, brother ; yvco- genius : hence genuine, true.
Toi tc yvcorai tc brothers and sisters. Yovos, o or 17, (*yivco) that which is begotten, a child,
yvuxo, Ep. for yvco, aor. 2 snbj. of yiyvcocTKo). offspring: also the young of animals, the fruit of
yvuKoo-i, Ep. for yvcoat, 3 pi. aor. 2 of yiyvcooicco. plants, the produce of anything. II. race, birth,

yodao-Kev, Ion. for kyua, 3 sing. impf. of yoaco. descent. III. a begetting.

yoaoetv or "yocupev, 3 pi. opt. of yoaco. rO'NT", to, gen. 70'vaTos, dat. pi. ybvaai Ion. :

Yoaovrt, Dor. for yodovai, 3 pi. of yoaco. y6vv, yovvaros, etc. Ep. 701/u, yovvCs, yowl, pi.

rOA'fl, Ep. inf. yorj/itvat ; Ep part, youoov, ococra yovva, yovvcov, yovveacri of. 8opu : Lat. GENU, : — —
Ep. impf. tyoov, also yoaaonov : fut. yo-qoopuxi, later the knee ; axpaoBai yovvcov to clasp the knees as a sup-
yorjffa): aor. I kyoijffn: — Pass., aor. 1 kyorjOijv: (yoos): pliant dvTfcrOai, \iooeo6ai riva vpos yovdrcov to


to wail, groan, weep, II. c. ace. to bewail, mourn, entreat one by clasping his knees yovv KCLfiirreiv to ;

weep for. bend the knee, i. e. sit down, take rest, but also to
rOITY'Zn, f. a<u, to mutter, a word formed from bend the knee in running, to run ; ri6tvai rd yCvara
the sound. to kneel down Qtwv \v yovvaai KfTrai it lies on the

yoyyv\r\, 7), and yoyyvKis, ISos, 7), (yoyyv\os) a knees of the gods, i. e. depends on their will and plea-
turnip. sure : —
metaph. from warriors stricken down, Is yuvv
yoyyv\X<a, to round, round off. From PdWeiv, K\iveiv, piirreiv, to throw on the knee. II.

rOrTT'AOS, 77, ov, also yoyy^Xios, «» ov,= the knee or joint of grasses, such as the cane, Lat.
aroyyvXos, round, spherical, [v] geniculum.
Yoyyw'Kl ° s °» (foyyvfa) a muttering.
> Yovu-KpOTOS, ov, (yovv, Kporicv) knock-kneed.
yoyyvcrri\s, ov, 6, (yoyyvfa) a mutterer. YovviT€T€a>, to fall on the knee : yo> virtrtiv rivt or
YoeBvos, 17, 6v, = yotpos. riva to fall down before one. From
Yoepos, &, ov, (yoaco) lamentable, mournful: of Yovv-Tr6TT|S, €$, ^7oVv, TrfCTeiv) falling on the knee;
persons, lamenting, mourning. tdpa yovvirtT-qs a kneeling posture.
rO'H, »}, = yoos, Karauhovris yoyoi T$ avtpup Yoov, Ep. for kyuaov, 3 pi. impf. of 700*0.
charming the wind with howls. rO'OS, 6, a weeping, wailing, groaning.
YOT|p.€vat, Ep. for yodv, pres. inf. of 7000;. yoinov, ocoaa, Ep. part, of yoaco.
YOT|piov, ov, gen. ovos, = yoep6s. TopYeios, Att. r6pY€ios, a, ov, (Topyu) of, belong-
Yoi]S, tjtos, 6 dat. pi. yorjai (yoaco) one who howls ing to the Gorgon.
: :

out enchantments : a wizard, sorcerer: a mgglet, cheat. TopYO-XocJxis, ov, 6, (Topyco, XoVrjos) be of the Gor-
YOTjo-opai, fut. of yoda). gon crest: fern. TopYoXocJxi, 77s, 7).
YOTjTeta, 7), (yoriTtvcu) sorcery, witchcraft. TopYovctos, ov, = TopycTos.
yor\nv<a, f. aco, (7077s) to spell-bind, bewitch. Topyo-vcoros, ov, (Topyco, vcotos) with the Gorgon
Yot|ttjs, ov, 6, (yoaco) a wailer. on its back.
Yo-fjTis, iSos, t), pecul. fern, of 7077s, a witch. YopYoopat, Pass, to be spirited, of a horse. From
Yopos, 0, (yipuo) a ship s cargo, a freight, load. rOPrO'2, 17, ov, terrible, fearful, fierce yopyov ;

Yop.4>i6-8ovn'os, ov, (yop.<pioi, Sovttos) rattling 0\inav to look fierce; yapybs denhdv fearful to be-
against the teeth. hold : of horses, hot, spirited.
Yop,<|>ios, 6, (yopi<po$) a grinder-tooth, Lat. molaris, ropYO-<J>6vos, ov, (Topyco, *<pivco) Gorgon-killing :

opp. to vpoadios. II. the tooth of a key. fern. Topyocpovrj, a name of Minerva.

Yop.4>6-8cTos, ov, (yofupos, bico) nail-bound. rO'PrTTA, 17, an underground dungeon.

Yop^o-TrdY-ns. it, (y6/i<po$, irayijvai) nail-fastened. TopYw, 60$. contr. ovs, -fj ; later decl. Topyi), 6vo»,
— : :

yopyo)7ris —rpr<i>02. 145

and in pi. Topydvet : Gorgon, 2 mon-
(70^7^ : the to mark the starting or winning place. III. the

ster of fearful a. pert ; Hesiod names three Gorgons, middle line on a draught-board called 1) ftpd ; rov dwb
Eurvale\ Stheino, and Medusa, the last the most fear- ypau,u,f}s ictvetv KiOov to move a man from this lint,

ful: her snaky head was fixed on the aegis of Athena, i. e. try one's last chance.
and all who looked on it became stone. Ypao-o-6f3T)S, ov, 6, (ypavs, oofiLco) scaring old women.
Yop-y-wms, 180s, rj. pecul. fern, of yopydnp. Ypairreos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of ypcupw, to be written :
yopy-tiMros, ov, (yopy6s, dnp) fierce-eyed, terrible. Ypairr^ov, one must write.
yopY-wd/, wiros, o, j), - yopyanrus. YpairTrjp, Tjpos, 6, (ypacpa)') a writer.
yovv, Ion. y^ v (7* °vv) restrictive Particle, at least
Ypairr6s, rj, dv, verb. Adj. of ypd<pw, painted:
then, at any rate
: rfa truth, in sooth, freq. in answers. marked with letters : written.
Yovva, yovvojv Ep. plur. of yovv, also found in Trag. Ypaimis, vos, rj, {ypd<poj) a scratching, tearing.
YOwd£co, Ep. imperat. of yowa^onai. rPAT"2, ypaos, fj, nom. pi. ypats, ace. 7pai5s Ion. :

Yowd^opxu., f. aouai Dep.: {yovv): to fall down — decl. YP^S' 7/"7 oS » P°& a so
YP^^ 1- a gray w0~
and clasp another's knees, to entreat, supplica'e ; vnip man, old woman. II. scum, as of boiled milk.
rivot and tivos in behalf of another but also yovvd- : Ypctyevs, (ojs, 0, (ypa<p<u) a painter. II. =
(tcrOai rivot and irp6s tivos to entreat by such and ypau.uaTtvs, a clerk.
such things. Ypct4>T|, 1), {ypd(pa)) representation by means of lines :
Yovvaros, yovvan, yovvara, yovvaoi, Ion. and poet, drawing, painting; oaov ypacpjj only in a pic-
decl. of yuvv. ture. 2. writing. II. a painting, a figure,, Dep., = yowa^ofiai : Ep. impf.yowovfirjv. shape. (ypd<pouai) as Att. law term, an in-

YOvrvo-irdY*riS, «'s. (701/v, irqyvvfii) cramping the knees. dictment for a public offence, prosecution, opp. to Sikt]
Yowo-irdxT)S, €*, {yowos poet. gen. of yuvv, vaxvs) a private action ; doTpaTeias ypa<pij an indictment for
thick-kneed. neglect of service.
70W0S, poet. gen. of yovv. YP<M>ik6s, 77, ov, able to draw or paint : i) ypacpttcfj
Yowos, 6, (y6vos, yovrf) corn-land, fruitful land, (sub. t4x v v) (b e art of painting. 2. suitedfor writing.
Lat. uber ; yowos dXojrjs a fruitful vineyard. Ypa<}>ls, ibos, 1J,
(ypdcpai) a style for writing on waxen
YpfSiov, to, contr. for ypatbiov. tablets. embroidery.

Ypclcs and YP*]*S, pi- n. irom ypavs and yp-qvs. rPA'4»fl, f. xf/oj pf. ytypa<pa, later y€ypd<prjKa

Ypaia, Ep. YP a ^ Tl> ^» special fern, of ypaios, an old Pass., fut. ypa<pr}<J0uai, fut. 3 yeyp ^o\iai : aor. 2
woman. II. as fern. Adj. old, ypaicu baifwvfs, kypd(pt]v, later aor. I fypd<p6rjv : pf. yiypapiuai to —
ypaia x<pi, etc. GR A VE, scratch ; arjfxara yp \pas *v irivam having
Yp&tSiov, to, Dim. of ypats, ypavs, an old bag. scra'cbed marks or figures on a tablet. II. to Pass, to become an old woman. From draw lines with a pencil, to sketch, draw, paint. III.

Ypaios, ypaia,ypaiov. (syncop. for yepaios) old, aged, to write; ypd<f>eiv els dupOtpas to write on
gray ; uva passa, raisins.
ypairj OTa<pv\r), Lat. skins. 2. to inscribe, e. g. ypd<pciv (is ottjKtjv :

Ypduu-a, aros, to, (ypcKpai) that which is drawn or Pass. ypd<p€o~dai ti to be inscribed with a thing. 3
written, a written character, letter, Lat. litera: in plur. to write down. ypd<p(iv nvd ainov to set him down as
letters, the alphabet. 2. a note in music. 3. a the cause : to register, enrol. 4 to write down a
drawing, pic'ure. II. in plur. also, like Lat. law hereafter to be proposed, hence to propose, move.
literae, a letter ; an inscription : state-papers, docu- B. Med. to write for oneself or for one's own use,
ments, records, accounts : also a book, treatise. III. note down. 2. as Att law-term, ypruptodai nva
leters, learning, = paBripuaTa. to indict one. tivos for some public offence; in full,
Ypau.u.&T€iov, t6, (ypd<pa>) that on which one writes, Sifojv or ypacpTjv ypdxpaaOai nva also c. inf., ypd<p€- ;

tablets, a note-book. oQai Tiva abitcuv to indict him for wrong-doing; absol.,
Ypau-pxtrcvs, (cut, 6, (ypd<pw) a secretary, clerk, Lat. ol ypaif/dfievoi the prosecutors ; but ypdxpeaOai tj to
scriba. Hence denounce a thing as unlawful Pass, to be indicted. :

Ypau-ftaTcuo), to be secretary. Ypa-a>8r)S, «, {ypavs, dbos of or belonging to an
Ypau.u,aT(£a>, (ypafifuna) to teach rudiments. old woman. Lat. anilis : silly, trifling.
Ypap.u.a-n.Kos, i), 6v, (ypduuaTa) knowing one's let- ypj\yop((o, to be awake, be watchful, a late pres.,
ters, grounded in the rudiments : as Subst., ypau.fw.Ti- formed from the pf. iyp-qyopa.
kos, o, a grammarian. Adv. -kws. YpT|vs, 1), Ion. for ypavs, poet, also yp^ts.
Ypau.p.o/rurrf|S, ov, 6, (ypau.uaTifa) one who teaches Ypiirevs, ecus, 6, (ypinos) a fisherman: whence fem.
the rudiments, a schoolmaster. 2. = ypapiuaTtvs. Adj.. ypirrrjis T(x v V tne art offishing.
Ypap,u.aTO-Kv4>o)v, ojvos, 6, (ypdpiuaTa, kvtttqi) one rPCTI02, 6, a fishing-net.
who pores over musty records. Yptwcov, o, = ypnrtvs, a fisherman, [t]
Ypau.u.-f), j), (ypdqxv) a stroke in writing, a line : if rPI"«K)2, o, like ypinos. a fisbing-net or basket,
panpn. the long line of condemnation, drawn on the made of rushes. 2. anything intricate, a dark say-
tablet of the dicast. II. the line across the course, ing, riddle.
146 ypi<f)(ti&r)$ — yvvaiKCC<t>.

Ypt(|>u>8T]S, es, (yptcpos, (T8os) riddling. YvjivSo-tapx^w or Med. - fopat, to be gymnasiareb

rPO'24»OS, 6, a kind of javelin. Pass, to be supplied with gymna-iarcbs. From
TPT', a grunt, like that of swine ovoi ypv airo- ;<n-dpXT|S and Yvp.vcwri-opxos, 6. (yv/ivaaiov,
tcpivaaOai not even to give a grunt ; ovhl ypv not even <5pX<y) a gymnasiareb, who superintended the palae-
a syllable, not a bit. Hence strae, and paid the training-masters : a training-mas-
Ypv£(i>, f. £a> or £ofia.i aor. i typv£a : to say ypv,
: ter. Hence
grunt, Lat. grunnio: hence to grumble, mumble, mut- Yvp.vao-ta.pxla, i), the office of gymnasiareb.
ter Yvp.vdcriov, to, (yvpva^o}) the place where exercises
ypvWiJo) or YP^^£ w i
(7/wAAos or ypvKos) to were practised, the gymnastic-school; Ik O'/jxeripov
grunt. yvfivaoiov from our school. II. in plur. bodily

Ypv\Aos or yp^Xos, 6, (ypv) a pig, porker. exercises. [5]

*ypuir-(J,€TOS, 6, (ypv\p, aerus) a kind of griffin or Yvpvaarrcov, verb. Adj. of yvfwafa, one must
dragon. praefse.
rPT~IIO'2, 4} 6v, curved, esp book-nosed, with an Yvp.vao-rf|s, ov, 6, (yv/ivafa) the trainer of the ath-
aquiline nose, opp. to cifj.6s Hence letes. Hence
i), bookedness of the nose.
YpSiroTTrjs, t]to$, Yuu.vao"TtKos, ^. iv. fond of athletic exercises : ^
YpviiToto, kao} \ypwos\ to curve or bend.
f. yvfxvaoTiicfi (sub. rix™}) gymnastics. Adv. -kvs,
YP^J/, gen. ypvir6s, 6, (ypvnvs) a griffin, bippo- like an athlete.

griff. Yvp.vT|s, jJtos, o, (yv/xvcis) a light-armed foot-soldier.

YP jvt], f), a cavern : a kneading trough. YvpvTjTcvo), to be light-armed : to go naked. From
riTA., t), a piece of land, field. Yvp.\nf|TT)S, ov, d, fem yvpLvrjTis. iSos i) = yv\uri)t.
Y'Kua, ra. (yvo.} cables made fast to land.]T(a, ff, (yvpivrjs) the ligbt-armed troops.
rr'A'AON, Homer, $wpij£ yvaXoi-
To, a hollow; in Yvp.\nrjTiKos, 17, ov, (yvfivijs) for a ligbt-armed sol-
ffiv 'iprjpws the body-armourcomposed of back-piece dier.
and breast-piece, joined under the arms : any hollow: I Y u rtvlKOS » V' ° v ' (7 U/X,/ ^
of or for gymnastic exer-
irirpas yvaKov a cave, grot; Kparfjpos yvaKov the cises ; yvfiviKos aywv a gymnastic contest.
hollow of a bowl :

in plur. hollow ground, vales, a i yv\iv-iTtv(o, - yvfxvrjTfvaj.
Yu rlV0 "irai ^'a ' ^» (f v tJlV0's> vaiSla) mostly
a in plur.,
rr'H"S ov. 5 the curved piece of wood in a plough, I yearly festival in honour of tho-e Thyrea, who fell at
to which the share was fitted, the tree, Lat. bu- at which naked boys danced and went through gym-
ris. II. =yva, afield. nastic exercises.
Yvi-ap«<T|-,. is, (yviov, dpnioj) strengthening the limbs. TTMNO'S, 17. 6v. naked, unclad: unarmed, defence-

Yvio-j3aprjs, is, (yviov, fiapos) weighing down the less of things, yvjxviiv to(ov an uncovered bow, i. e.

limbs. out of the case c. gen. stripped of a thing, yvjtvos


Yui-op6pos, ov, (yviov, (3opa) gnawing the limbs. oir\ojv: yvpvos often meant lightly clad, i.e. wearing
Yuto-8ap,as, ov, 6, (yviov, 5a/zaa/) limb-subduing, i.e. the tunic or under garment only ( \ira/v). without the
vicarious. cloak (Ifianov) : ra yvyva the exposed parts of an
rTrON, r6, always used by H>m. in plur., the army, the flanks. 2. also bare, mere. Hence
limbs. Lat. membra : esp. the lower limbs, the knees. rupvo-o"o<J>ioTa(, 01, (yvfxvos, 0o<pio~TT)s) the naked
Yvio-iraVyT|S, is, (yviov .v-qyvv pi) stiffening the limbs. philosophers of India.
Yv»v.o-7T€St|, i). (yviov, iridrj) a fetter. Yvpv6TT|S, J7T0S, 17, nakedness.
rriO'2, d, ov. lame. Yup.v6a>, f. waoi, (yvfivCs) to strip naked or bare:

Yuto-rd c-fjs. is. {yviov, ttjkcu) wasting the limbs. Pass., of warriors, to be stript of arms, to be left de-
Yvto-Topos, ov, (yviov, ropioj) piercing the Imbs. fenceless ; of things, rei \os lyvpwwQi) the wall was
Ywo-xoXkos, ov, (yviov xaktcos of brasen limb. left bare: but also to strip oneself naked, be naked;
Yuto'd. (yvi6s) to lame: —
Pass, to be or become lame; lyvfivdjOrj paicicuv be strips him elf of his rags.
yviojdeis aor. part., lamed.
i Yvpvwo-vs, ecus, o, (yvfxvooj) a stripping naked. II.

Y^'Xt-av^-nv, (vos,6. (yvKios, avx^jv) lonsr-necked.

i). nakedness : the naked parts.
rT'AEOS, 6, a low* -shaped wallet or knapsack. Yvvat, voc. of ywrj.£to, f. ana pf ycyv fjivatea Pass., pf. ycyvft-
Ywatx&pbov, t6, Dim. of yw^, a weak, silly
vaaptai : (yvp.v6s) :
— to train naked, to train in gym- woman.
nastic exercises, to train, exercise; c. inf., yvfxva^eiv Yvvaucetos, a. ov, also o« ov, Ion. Y o"-'c"r|U, s, rftr}, w
rovs naidas troitiv to train them to do a thing : - Pass. (yvvfj) of or belonging to women, feminine, Lat.
to practise gymnastic exercises : then, generally, to muliebris. 2. as Subst., ij yvvancntT} = ywaiK<bv,
prac'ise or exercise oneself the women s part of the bouse. II. womanish,
Yv|xvis. aSos, properly fem. o(yvp:v6s, naked. II. effemina'e.
trained or exercised. Ywatictfco, f. i<ra> Att. tu>, (ywj) to be womanish,
Yvp,va<ria, j), (yvpvafa) exercise. play the woman.
yvvaiK6fiovko$ •haiftdWoi. 147
ywauco-PovXos, *v (yvvaixSs, $ov\r)) devised by a •yumacrpos, 6, a squaring the angles; (vwvyojv taa^bt
woman. nicely-fitted, well-finished verses.
ywaiKO-YTipVTOS, ov, (yvvf), yrypvoj) proclaimed by Yg>vi-o>8t)S, fs, (yoov'ta, tlbos) angular.
women. rXlPTTO'2, 6 or f), a bow-ca>e, quiver.
*yvvai,K6-0vu.os, ov, (yvvaiKos, 6vfi6s) of womanish
yuvaiKO-Kpao-ia, r), (yvvrj, updois) a woman's
ywvaiKO-KT|pVKTOS, ov, (ywaiKos, Krjpvaffo}) pro-
claimed by women. A. 8, Se'XTa, indecl., fourth letter of the Gr. alpha-
ywaiKop.dWto, to be mad/or women. From bet : as numeral, 5' = rtooapts and rerapros, 5 »«
YwaiKO-p.dvTjs, (s, (ywatttos, ftaivo/Mu) mad for 4000.
women. Changes of 8 in the dialects : I. Aeol. into

"yvvaiK6-|Jup.os, ov, (yvvaiKos, fxiuiopiai) aping wo- /3, as 6fit\6s into 6be\6s. II. Dor. into 7, as
men, womanish. 777 yvo<pos into 5a bvo<pos. III. Ion. into
YuvaiKo-p.op<|>os, ov, (yvvaiKos, uopcpr)) in woman's as Zfvs, £d- into A(vs, 5a- while Dor. £ changes

shape. into ad, as pcKifa <ppd£o(Mi into fxeXiaSoj <ppao8o-

yuvaiKO-irXT]0T|s, is, (ywaiKos, rrXrjOos) full of wo- j Af
' sometimes into 58, as yvpivd^ofiai into yvpivdS-
men. Sofiai. IV. into k, as 8a/a> tcaioj. V. into
ywaiK6-irotvos, ov, (ywaiKus, iroivt)) woman-aveng- A., a* bd/cpv lacryma, baavs \doios. VI. into a,
ing. as oSfif) oapur), also with another consonant added, as
yOvaiKos, gen. of yvvfi, whence derivatives are Patios jlaofios, ebon (c9'ta>. VII. sometimes 5 is
formed. inserted to give a softer or fuller sound, as dvkpos
*yuvaiKo-4>i\-ns, ov, Dor. -<f>iXas, a, (yvvr), <pi\ew) VIII. at the beginning of some words 6 is
loving women. added or omitted, as in bdKrj u\r}, br) r), biduKw Icjkoj.
Ywauco-<ppcov, ov, gen. ovos, (ywaiKos, <ppr)v) of 8d-, intensive prefix, = fa-, as in bd-aicios.
womanish mind. 8d, Dor. for 7a, yrj, mostly in voc. ace. bav. :

Ywaiico-cfxuvos, ov, (yvvat/cos, <powr)) with woman's Sdypa, to, Dor. for brjyfia.
voice. hayys, vbos, r), a waxen image, used in magic rites,
•ywaiKwv, Ovos, 6, (ywaiKos) the women's part of a puppet. (Thessal. word.) [v]
the bouse, opp. to dvSpwv. 60.80 v\(<t>, f. r)au, to be a torch-bearer, esp. in sacred
yuvai-pavTjs, It, = ywatteofiavrjs, mad for women. processions. From
•yvvcuov, to, Dim. of yvvf), a little woman. SaS-cuxos, ov, (bas, €X<U^ holding torches : as Subst.,
•yvvaios, a, ov, of or belonging to a woman. From 5a5oux os >)> a torch-bearer at the festival of Eleu-

rY~NH', r), gen. ywaiKos, ace. yvvai/ca, voc. yvvat sinian Ceres, whose torch represented her as searching
pi.ywaixfs, ywaiKuiv, etc., (as if from yvvat£) —a for her daughter Proserpine.
woman, Lat. femina, opp. to man vocat. yvvat, a term : 8a8o4>opcb>, f. rjacv, to bear torches. From
of respect, mistress, lady : Homer often joins it with a 8a8o-<)>6pos, ov, (bas, <pipw) torch-bearing.
second Subst., ywr) rafiirj, bioiroiva, etc. II. a 8a€iT|v, aor. 2 opt. of *bda).
wife, spouse. a mortal woman, opp. to a
III. hatis, aor. 2 part, of *5d<u.
goddess. IV. the female, mate of animals. 8d€i<o, Ep. for bau>, aor. 2 pass. subj. of *bdo).
•yvwts, tbos, 6, (ywr)) a womanish man, weakling. 8ar|pevai, Ep. for barjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of *5aa>.
Yvmxptov, to, Dim. of yvrrq, a nest, eyrie, cranny. 8dT|pa)v, ov, gen. oi'os, (barjvai) knowing, experi-
yvTTttrow, dat. pi. oiyv\f/. enced in a thing.
Yuin )> ^» (fty) a vulture's nest : generally, a bole, Sd-rjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of *bd<u.
cranny. Hence A A"H'P, epos, 6, voc. bdep, a husband's brother, bro-
yvmds, 17, fern. Adj. vulture-haunted. ther-in-law, answering to 70X0*, r), a sister-in-law.
Yvpij-Top-os, ov, (yvpos, rcfiftv) tracing a circle. SaTjcropai, fut. of * 5aa>.
TT'PIS, tut, r), the finest meal, Lat. pollen. 8dr)Tai, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. of bai<v (a).
nfPO'S, d, ov, round, Lat. curvus; yvput iv wfioiai 8at, (877) used after interrogatives, expressing wonder
rownrf-shouldered. or curiosity, ri bai ; what then t rrws bai ; how so ?
TTTOS, 6, a ring, circle. 8dt, Ep. apocop. for 5a/5t, dat. of 5af*. [f]
TT'^F, yxhros, 6, a vulture, Lat. vultur. 8ai8d\cos, a, ov, also os, ov, cunningly or curiously
rT^02, J, chalk. 2. later, gypsum. Hence wrought. From
yuU/6<i), f. wow, to rub over with chalk. 8ai.5a.XXco, used only in pres. act. but pass. aor. 1
7<Lv, Ion. for yovv, as uv for ovv. «bcuSd\(h)v, pf. bebaibaXfUii (baibaXos) :to work


rilNI'A, r), a corner, angle. II. a joiner's cunningly, work with curious art : to deck out, embel-
square. Hence lish. Hence
148 baCbaXna—AAVQ.
Sa(8aX(xa, aros, to", a work of art. 8aCvfl, Ep. for lhaiw, 3 sing. impf. of Zaivvpt.
8ai8a\6cis, tooa, «/, = haihdXeos. 8aivu', Ep. for (Saivvo, 2 sing. impf. med. of baivvfu.
SatSaXo-tpYos, ov, (ScuSaAos, tpyov) curiously 8aivua,TO, for (baivvvro, 3 pi. impf. med. of baivvpi.
working. 8aivvp, 2 sing. pres. med. subj. of baivvfu.
AAI'AA'AOS, 77, ov, Adj. cunningly or curiously Saivvu.1, also Saivuco Ep. 3 sing. impf. baivv fut. : :

wrought; daiSaKa vdvra all cunning works. II. baiacv aor. I (baiaa (dais) to give a banquet or : : :

as prop, n., AalSaXos, 6, Daedalus, i. e. the cunning feast ; baivv boura yepovoi be gave a feast to the
worker, the Artist, of Cnossus in Crete, contemporary elders; bcuvvuv rtvd to feast a person. II. Med.

with Minos, mentioned by Homer as the maker of a baivvfuu, fut. baiaofiat: aor. I t baiadfirjv to have a —
\op6s (q. v.) for Ariadne. feast given one, to feast : also c. ace. Saira, Kpia, etc.,
5ai8a\6-x€ip, tipos, 6, 77, (SatSaXos, x €lP) cunning to feast on, consume, eat : to eat, burn like poison.
of hand. SaCwo, Ep. for kbaivvoo, 2 sing. impf. med.of8ouVv/u.
Sai8a\6o>, = 8eu5d\Aai: poet. inf. fut. SatbaXcoaificv. ScuvOto, Ep. for baivvoiro, 3 sing. opt. med. of 5cu-
8at£a). f. £<u : aor. I kdai£a : — Pass., aor. I part. 8at- VVfiX.

X^<«* : pf. part. SeScuyuivos : (Sato)) : — to cleave Sdios, a, ov, also os, ov : Ion. and Horn. 8tjios, 77.
asunder, x iTava *" € OT-qdiooi 8at£at ; deb" aty pivot ov : Att. contr. Bqos (6auu, bdis)
: hostile, destruc-
jjrop pierced through the heart :
— also of doubts, (Sat' tive: as epith. of fire, burning, consuming: in pi.
(ero Qvfios ivl ffTrjOfoaiv his soul was divided within Sdi'oi, enemies. 2. unhappy, wretched. II.

him ; Sai^o^evos nard Ovpov SixOdbia divided i» (barjvai) knowing, cunning.

mind between two opinions. Hence 8aCp(>>, f. baput: aor. I inf. brjpai, poet, for bipw,
8di-KT(i|jL€vos, rj. ov, (Sai's, Kreivoj) or in two words 8cip<v, to flay, cudgel.
hdi KTOLfievos, slain in battle. 8ats (A), gen. batbos, Att. contr. 8os. babos, »},
Saucrqp, rjpos, and 8<uktt|S, ov, 6, (5a/£(u) only (Satco A) a fire-brand, pine-torch, Lat. taeda : pine- :

joined with masc. Subst. heart-cleaving. wood, such as torches were made of. II. war,

8aip.ovaa>, (Salfiojv) to be subject to an avenging battle, 1), mostly in apocopate dat. hdi and ace. Sdiv.
deity ; haipovq. 56fxos tca/cots the house is plunged by 8a(s (B) gen. bairus, fj, (daioj B) a meal, feast, ban-
the divinity in woes. 2. c. ace, daiftovdv a\rj to quet, Lat. PES. 2. meat or food itself. DA
have griefs decreed one. II. absol. to be possessed 8aio-ao-0ai, 8aiad|i-€vos, aor I inf. and part. med.
by an evil spirit, be driven to madness. of Saivvfu.
8aip.ovi£°H-cu, Med. {haifuov) to have an allotted SaiToXcvs, das, 6, (daivv/u) a guest, banquetter.
fate. II. Pass., with aor. I part. haipovtoOtis, to 8a(Ttj, 17, poet, for dais, a feast, banquet.
be possessed by a devil. 8a£TT)6€v, Adv. of SaiTTj, from a feast.
8aip.6viov, to, (properly neut. of SaifiSvtos) theDeity% oaiTptvco, f. aw, {hairpos) to cut up or carve, to por-
Divinity, or divine operation, Lat. numen. II. tion out, distribute.
the SaifiSvia were an inferior race of divine beings, 8airpov, to, (Sat'oj B) one's portion.
demons, opp. to Otoi. 2. the name by which So- 8aiTpos, 6, (Saia) B) a carver, distributer. Hence
crates called his genius. 3. in N.T. an evil spirit. 8aiTpo<ruvi],i7, the art of carving: a helping at table.
8<up.6vios, o, ov, also os, ov : (baipwv) I. used : 8aiTup*>v, 6vos, 6, (bais H) an invited guest. 2. in

by Homer only in vocat. batfwvie, in good sense, plur. guests who bring each bis own provisions.
noble sir; but more freq. as a reproach, unhappy 8aiTt»s, vos, ij, Ion. for Sou's, a meal.
man, wretch: in Att. mostly ironical, my fine fellowl 8at-4>pa>v, ov, gen. ovos (Sai's, <ppr)v)
: of warlike

my good sir II. of things proceeding from the mind, eager for the fray, bold. II. {ba^vai) of

Deity or from Fate; (I fir) ti Saifiuviov urj were it knowing mind, prudent, thoughtful.
not a divine intervention ; rd Saifiuvta divine visita- I part, of Satfa.
8aix©6ts, aor.
tions. III. of persons, divine, godlike. A AITI (A\ = ica'uu, only used in pres. and impf., to
8aip.ovt-a>8t)S, €«, [baipdviov, ethos) devilish. light up, kindle; hatt oi (K *6pv0os iwp she (sc.
8aip.ovia>s, Adv. of Saifiovios, marvellously, strangely. Minerva) made fire blaze from his helm -Pass., aor.
8aC(xcov, ovos, 6, 1), (Satcw) a god, goddess. II. Ipart. Saiadfis: pf. part. SeSavfifvos —
to burn. blaze;

the Deify, Lat. numen : fate, destiny, fortune, good or daterai oaac ibe eyes sparkle : to this also belong pf.
bad : fate ; ci/v Saifiovi with the
irpos Saifiova against 5*8770 plqpf ihfhijdv, poet, feb^eiv iroKifios hihrjf

favour of the gods, non sine

diis ; in Trag., death, like war blazes forth; 60 aa SeSiJci the report spread like
Lat. sors. III. one's genius, one's lot or for- wild-fire.
tune. IV. 8ai/.wv(s was a name given to the AAI'H (B), to divide, part out, distribute ; in Act.
souls of men of the golden age. who formed the con- sense haifa is used, but in Med. and Pass, haiofiai ;

necting link between gods and men : hence later, de- Med., Kpia haidfitvos distributing portions of meat
parted souls, Lat. manes, lemures. V. an evil Pass., haUrai ^rop my heart is divided; Ep. 3 pi.
spirit, devil. ScSamTCu. —
But thaioa, (baiadfirjv belong to Saivvtu:
Salfjuw, d, as Adj., ^iaripwv, skilled in a thing. SdoojMt, idaadjjiqv, hihaauai to bariofuu.
baK46v[xos — hav. 149
8&k{-0$u.os, ov, m*bT)£ iOvpos, heart-eating. a finger's breadth, = about -J^- of an inch, III. a
5a.K€, £p. for eSane, 3 sing. aor. 2 of bditvoj. metrical foot, dactyl, — v/ w ; e. g dftos.
8aKCiv, aor. 2 inf. of bd/cvoj. 8aKTiiXcWpi'rrTOS, ov, (bdjcrvXos, rpiPoS) worn by
8dtc€rov, to, = bd/tos, a venomous animal. tbefingers.
6aKvd£u>, poet, for bcucvtu : SaXcopai, Dor. for brjXiofiai.
Pass, to be sore vexed.
AA'KNH, f. b~ri£ofjuu: pf. SfSrjx*1 8&Xiov, to, Dim. of baXos.
- aor. 2 Ibtixov.
Ep. inf. baxeeiv. —
Pass., aor. 1 khi}\6rjv. pf. 8^8777/xai 8dX6s, 6, (daicj) a firebrand, piece of blazing
— /o bite, esp. of dogs and gnats aro/uov bdtevuv to wood.; II. a burnt out torch, of an old
cbamp the bit ; Sd/cvuv tavrov to bite one's lips for man. III. a beacon-light.
fear of laughing. II. metaph. to bite, sting, S3|ici£c0, later form of da/iaw see bafi&ct). :

prick —Pass., naphiav bfbrjyfiai I was vexed at Sctpaios, 6, (bafidoi) epith. of Neptune, the Tamer.
heart. SaLidXT],

17 , = bd/xaXts.
Sclkos, fos, t6, (Sa/cfTv) an animal wbose bite or 8apaXTj-|3oTOS, ov, {bafidXn, /3oV/mu) fed on by
sting is dangerous, any noxious animal. young cattle.
AA KPT, vos, to, poet, for Sdftpvov, a tear, Lat. 8apaXfi-<J)dvos, ov, (SapdXt], <payetv) beef-eating,
LACRYMA. II. a drop, as of gum. epith. of Hercules.
8axpv8iov, t<$, Dim. of bdtepv. SSu.&Xi£a>, f. ia<v, poet, form of 8a/id<u, to subdue.
SdicpvLia, aros, to, (baKpvu) that wbicb is wept-for, SapctXis, (cos, 7), (Sa/xaa>) a young cow, heifer, calf,
a subject for tears. II. a tear. Lat. juvenca. II. like pooxos, a girl.
8aKpvo--yovos, ov, (bcuepv, *ytv(v) author 0/ tears. 8dp,u.Xos, 6, (bafxaoi) a calf, Lat. vitulus.
Scocpftoeis, (aaa, ev, (bditpvov) tearful ; of persons, Sdiiap, apros, 77, (dafidcv) a wife, spouse.
much weeping; of things, calling forth tears barcpv- — Sapdo-Su, Dor. for bafxd^a).
6w yekdaat,v as Adv., to smile through one's tears. 8&p.acrtp-|3pOTOS, ov,{ba/xdoj, &por6s) man-subduing.
AA'KPT ON, to, = Sdxpv Ep. gen. pi. Sa/cpv6<pt. : 8apdo--nnros, ov, (bapMOJ, i'ttttos) horse-taming.
8aKpv-ir\axi>, (Sdicpv, 7rA.€(u) to swim with tears. 8dpctcris, fas, 7), (ba/xdoj) a taming, subduing.
Saicpvppocco, f. i\aai, to melt into tears. From<j>po>v, ov, gen. ovos, {Jbafidw, tpp^v) heart'
Saxpvp-poos, ov, (hajcpv, pioj) melting into tears. subduing.
Sdtcpvcra, Ep. aor. I of ba/cpvai. 8Sp.acrC-c}>a>s, <utos, 6, fj, (5a^d(u, <p6js) man-subduing.
Scucpvoi-crraicTOS, ov, (Sd/cpv, ardfa) dropping with 8au.aT€ipa, 7), fern. Subst. a tamer.
tears. Ad|ia.T€p, Dor. vocat. from ArjfirjTrjp.
Saxpvcru, Dor. for Sa/tpvaco. AA'MA'fl, Ep. 3 sing. Sanaa, 3 pi. tiafiotofft : fut.
SaicpvTos, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of baKpvoj, wept over, Safidaa) [/*o], Ep. Safidacroj : aor. I khdpuaaa Ep. *5d-
tearfd. fjuaaaa,bdp.aaoa'. pf. deddfrn/ca: — Pass., aor. I ebfit)0r)v,
8a.Kpv-xapT)s, is, (Sdfcpv, xaiP<u ) rejoicing in tears. part. bixrjOus ; aor. 2 kbdfirjv, inf. bUpcn^ivai, part.
8aKpv-x«wv, ovaa, ov, a participial Adj., (Sdicpv, dapLfis : pf. 8€8fj.Tjfxai —another aor. I part. bS.iw.adds,
X«'o>) shedding tears, weeping. pf. part. os are found, as if from Sandfa.
Satcpvco [u], fut. va<o: aor. 1 Ibatcpvaa: pf. Sebd- To tame, to bring under subdue, over-
the yoke,
Kpvita: {ba/epv): — to weep, shed tears: — pf. pass. power. II. of maidens, to yoke in marriage, give
SedaKpvfiai, to be tearful, be all in tears ; part. SeSa- to wife: also to force, lie with, Lat. subigere. III.
KpvpLtvos, all in tears : c. ace. cognato, Sa/cpvetv yuovs generally, to subdue, conquer, esp. in war :
— Pass, to
to utter tearful groans. II. transit, to weep for be subject, to obey. 2. to slay, kill.
a thing, lament —
Pass, to be wept for. III. 5. 8cT|xeiT]v, aor. 2 opt. pass, of 8afm<u.
&\e(papa to flood one's eyes with tears. 8apcC(», Ep. for Safiu, aor. 2 pass. subj. of ba/wMi
SaxpiMoS-ns, (s, (Sdfcpv, itbos) like tears : tearful. 2 and 3 pass. Sap-fas, -t|\)> Ep. for oafif s, bapy t
: 2
8aKTv\T)0pa, 77, {8olktv\os) a finger-sheath. pi. 8ap€i€T€, for bafiTJTf.
8a.KTt5Xl8i.ov, to, Dim. of SoktvXos, a toe. Sdpcv, Ep. for kbd/xrjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of ba-
8aKTt5\iKos, 77, 6v, {bd/trvKos) of or for the finger, fxdeu.
Lat. digitalis ; av\6s
da/rrvKitC' s a flute played with 8&u/f|u.€vcu, Ep. for Safxrjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of
the fingers. of metre, dactylic.
II. bauaot.
8a.KTuAios, 6, (Sd/ervkos) a ring, seal-ring. Sdpva, Ep. for (bd/jiva, 3 sing. impf. of bdfivrjfii.
8aKTt)Xo-8eiKT6s, ov, (baKTvkos, dufcvvfju) pointed Sapva, 3 sing, of bafivdw; also 2 sing. pres. Med. of
at with the finger, as in Horace digito monstrari. bdfivrjfii.
8ciktOXo-€i8t|s, e's, (SdicrvXos, dbos) like a finger. SaLLvdco, = ba/xdoj, only in pres. and impf.
8o,ktC\os, 6, plur. Sa.KTv\oi, poet, also bd/trvXa
—a 8du,vT|LU, = bafidco : — Pass, and Med. SdfAvafiai.
(beiicvvfu): finger, Lat. digitus; tnl baftrvXcov Sdpos and Sapdcnos, 0, ov, Dor. for 5t//z—.
avfi(3dXXca$ai to reckon on the fingers. 2. bd/c- SaLLOwcri, Ep. 3 pi. of bafidxo,
tv\os tov irobos a toe also without no86s, like Lat. 8&u.(t>LLaTa, rd, (Sa/jLos) hymns sung in public.
digitus. II.

the shortest Greek measure of length, 8dv, Dor. for brjv, yfjv — ob bdv, No, by earth!
— — —
: — : :

150 AANAOr ba<j)oiv(6s.

AANAOF, ol, the Danaans, subjects of Aavaos, indie. baadaK 6to ; IbaaalfxcOa: baauTai is
pi. opt.
king of Argos in Homer for the Greeks generally
; fut. Dor. from irariofiai.
Cf. iraoaoOai
Aavaibai, uv, ol, the sons or descendants of Danaus : Sacrtcos, Adv. of baavs baaiws ix €iv to be hairy.

Aavaibes, al, his daughters. Hence a Comic Sup. Ao- 8d-o-Klos, ov, (5a-, CKid) thick-shaded, dark.
vauTaros, oldest of the Danaans. [Ad] Sdo-p.evo-is, eojs, ij, (Saa/xos) a dividing, distributing.
8dv€i£o>, f. dacu: pf. btbdveiiea, pass, bebdvucpiai Sao-p.o\oY<'fa), f. rjow, to exact as tribute: c. dupl.
(bdvos) :to put out money at usury, to lend: — ace. to exact tribute from a person. Hence
Pass., of the money, to be lent: Med. to have lent to — 8curu.oXo-yia, ij, collection
of tribute.
one, to borrow. 8ao-p.o-Xo'Yos, 6, {baofxvs, A iyoj) a tax-collector.
8dv€iov, to, (bdvos) money lent or borrowed, a loan. 8ao~p6s, 0, (bdcaodai) a division, sharing of spoil
Sdveicrpa, aros, to, (bavtifa) = bdvaov. distribution. II. in an impost, tribute.
8dv€uru.6s, o, (bavfifa) money-lending. Sacrpocjjopc'a), f. rjocu, pay tribute
to —
Pass., baff/xo-
8dv€urrf|s, ov, 6, (bavtifa) a money-lender, usurer. (popurai tivi tribute is paid one. From
8av€i(rriK6s, 17, ov, {baveifa) disposed to lend. Sao-po-<j>6pos, ov, {baojids, <pipai) paying tribute,
AA'N02, cos, to, a gift. II. money lent out tributary.
at interest, a loan, debt. Sacropai, fut. of bariofmi cf. bdaaoOai.

8dvos, rj, 6v, (bala> A) burnt, dried, parched. 8ao--Tr\T|S, TjTos, 6, rj, and 8ao--irA.TJTts, 1^, (8a-,
8dos, (os, to, (bai*> A) = ba\6s, a firebrand, torch. irX-qoooj) horrid, frightful.
Sd-irdvdco, f. tjCoj: — Pass., aor. I ibairavqdrjv, pf. 5c- 8do-o-ao-0ai, Ep. for bdaaoOai, q. .
dairdvrjfim,both used also in med. sense to spend : 8ao-u-0pi£, Tprxos, 6, ij, (baovs, Opi£) thick-haired.
Sanavav efs ti to spend upon a thing Med. to spend :
— 8acrO-K€pKos, ov, (baovs, Ktpitos) bushy-tailed.
of one's own. II. Causal, bairavdv ttjv iroXtv to and 8ao~u-Kvr|p.u)V, ov, gen. ovos,
8ao-u-KVT)p.os, ov,
put the state to expense, exhaust the state. From (baovs, KV-qpLtj) shaggy-legged.
AATIA'NH, fj, cost, expense, expenditure. II. oacrv-paXAos, ov, (baovs, fiaXXos) thick-fieeced.
money spent : also money for spending. III. ex- Sdo-uvb) [5], f. vvw, {baffvs) to make rough or
pensiveness, extravagance, [itol] hairy : Pass, to become rough or hairy.
8Sirdvi)p.a, otos, to, money spent, expense. 8ao~u-irovs, irobos, 6, (baovs, irovs) hairy-foot, i. e.
8dirdvr)p6s, a, ov, (bandvrj) of men, extravagant: a hare or rabbit.
of things, expensive. Adv. -pws, expensively. Bacrv-Trutyuiv, ojvos, 0, ij, (baovs, irwyojv) with shaggy
Sdiravos, ov, = banavi]p6s, extravagant. beard.
Sd-ircBov, to, (J>a-, iribov) land, soil: the floor of a AA"2T'2, fem. baaia, thick with hair,
eia, v, Ion.
chamber : in pi. plains, flat country. hairy, rough : downy, opp. to ipi\6s : of places, thick
AA Til 2, ibcs, ij, = TairTjs, a carpet, rug. [dfj grown with bushes, busby; baoia 6piba£ a lettuce
8aTTT€H,€v, Ep. for bdirrav, inf. of SdirTat. with the leaves on. II. like Lat. densus, thick,

AATITXl, f. Zaipo), to devour. crowded.

AdpSdvos, Dardanus, son of Jupiter, founder of
o, 8aav-oT€pvos, ov, (baavs, oripvov) shaggy-breasted.
Dardania or Troy. As Adj., Adpbavos dvijp a Tro- 8ao-u-xaiTTjs, ov, 6, {baovs, xatTT?) shaggy-haired.
jan, mostly in plur. AapSavoi AapSdvios, a, ov, 8dT«opat, fut. bdcrojxai : aor. 1 ibaadjitjv Ep. kbao-

Trojan : AapSavis, ibos, ij, a Trojan woman : Aap- adfXTjv pf. bibaofmi (for the forms, cf. vaTiOjtai, : :

8avia, ij, Troy : AapBaviSrjs, ov, 6, a son or de- iiraadfirjv) ; Dep. : to divide among themselves, to
scendant of Dardanus : AapSaviuves, ol, sons of share in : to tear in pieces ; x^ova iroaal baTtvvTO
Dardanus. they measured the ground with their feet. 2. to cut
SapSdirrco, lengthd. form of bdirrai, to devour. in two. 3. to divide or distribute to others.
8ap€LKos or Sapcucos o-Ta-nf|p, 6, a Persian gold 8aT«0vTO, Aeol. 3 pi. impf. of bariofiat.
coin, = 20 Attic drachmae : so that 5 = a mina, 300 8dTT|pwos, a, ov, (barcofiai) distributing ; and
= a talent. (Said to have been first coined by Darius, 8dTr)TT|s, ov, 6, a distributer.
but prob. derived from Persian dara, a king, cf. Aa- 8a<j>vaios, a, ov, of or belonging to a laurel. From
our sovereign.)
pttos, like AA'4>NH, ij, the laurel or bay, sacred to Apollo.
Adpetos, 6, Darius, ace. to Herodotus = Gr. (p£u7]s, f. 170-0;, to bear laurel-boughs.
8a<(>v-r)<|>op(a), From
q. v. a Greek form of Persian dara, a king.
: 8a<j>vr)-4>6pos, ov, (bd<pvrj, <pipoS) planted with lau-
SdpTjcropai, fut. 1 pass, of bipai. rels. II.bearing laurel-boughs.
AAPOA'Nft, aor. 1 ibapOov, poet. IbpSJdov '.—to 8adnadKos, 17, lv, (bdcpvij) belonging to a laurel.
sleep, Lat. tcaTabapddvu. 8a<j>vo-y»j0T|s, is, {bd<pvrj, yq9ioi) delighting in the
8dp6-0ios, ov, = brjpoPios. laurel.
8dp6s, a, 6v, Dor. and Trag. for brjpos. 8a4>vo-Kop,os, ov, (bd<pvrj, fcofiij) laurel-crowned.
8dp<2», fut. of Stpco. Sa^v-wSiis, €«, \bd<pvn, ttbos) laurelled.
8as, gen. babos, ij. Art. contr. for Soft. 8d-<j)oiv€os, 6v, = ba<potv6s; iljta ba<poiv(o~v axjtari
oacracrflai, aor. I med. inf. of Sariopuu ; Ion. 3 sing. a garment red with blood.
; : ;;

ba<f>oivds —AEf\ 151

8a-4>oiv6s, 6v, (8a-, <potv6t) of wild beasts, blood- 8f8fLxa,, pf. act. and pass, of bd/evvfu.
red, lawny ; or perhaps bloody, murderous. 8f8tKa,, pf. act. and pass, of b4w, to bind.
Saij/iAcia, i), abundance, plenty. From SeSe£o, imperat. pf., and 8e6f£, p. p. fut., ot
8av|/iXT|s, «, (Sdirroj) abundant, plentiful : of per- S^xofiat.
sons, liberal, pro/use. Adv. baif/iku/s, lavishly : Sup. 8e8eTO, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of bia>, to bind.
tiaipiXtaraTa. ScScxarai, Ion. for bebey/iivoi clai, 3 plur. pf. of
» AA'fl, an old root meaning to learn, which some- b^xo/Mii.
times takes a causal sense, to teach : I. Causal, 8f 8r]Yp-au, pf. pass,of baKVO).
/o teaci? : only in redupl. aor. 2 act. 5e"5ae, be taught, ScStjc, 8c8t|ci, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. of baioj.
like Lat. doceo ; later also eckioj'. —
The pres. in this, pf. pass, of brjfMvoj.

sense is bibaoico) II. to learn : fut. barjaofuu 8e 8T) and, fut. pass, of 5e<y, to bind.
(€>eu barjocai thou unit learn from me) : pf. 5€5d»;yfo, 8eS-r|xa, pf. of batcvo).
part. SeSarjKous, bebaws, also pass. bebarjfMevos aor. 1 : 8e8ua, poet. SeC8ua, pf., with pres. sense, of btiboj
£00171', subj. Sow, Ep. 5atta>, inf. Sa^rai, Ep. barffievai, imperat. bebt$t ; part, bebius.
part. oaei* :

from bibaa, is formed a pres. med. inf. 8e8uaK6vT)Ka, pf. of biaieoveo).
btbdaaBai, to search out. —
The pres. in this sense is 8e8u8dxOau, pf. pass. inf. of bibaoKOi,
btbdoKOfuu. SeSfrJTrjKa, pf. of Statrda;.
8ou>p,ev, i pi. aor. 2 pass. subj. of *56w., = beibio/cofiai.
AE, but : conjunctive Particle, with an opposing or, Att. for bubiaaofjuu.
adversative force. It answers to /xeV, esp. in Prose, SeSCcoYpau, pf. pass, of bidiKw.
when it may be rendered by while, on the other band, 8e8p,TJaTO, Ion. for ebebjxrjvro, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of
see /xev. 2. it often serves merely to pass from bafiCLQ}.

one thing to another, when it may be rendered, and, 8eSp.T)Ka, pf. of bifioj.
further. II. 5« properly stands second in the, pf. pass, of bapdw ; also of bifioj.
sentence, but it is also found third or fourth, when 8«8p.TjTO, -TjaTO, 3 sing, and pi. plqpf. of bafuhoj.
the preceding words are closely connected., pf. pass, of 5o/ce'a>.
-8«, enclitic Particle joined ; I. to names of StSouKa, pf. with pres. sense of beiboj.
Places in ace, to denote motion towards, as if it were SeSoiKco, Dor. pres. formed from beboiica = btibo).
an enclitic preposit. ; olicCvbe home-wards, OvAv/*-, pf. pass, of boKfOJ.
iruvb* to Olympus, Ovpa^t (for Ovpaabc) to the door 8e8o(CT)p.e'vos, Ep. pf. part, of 8e*xo/«ii, with sense of
more rarely repeated with the possess. Pron., oV5« pres., waiting/or, lying in wait.
bopovbt and sometimes even after (Is, as els akabe :
; 8e8o«:Cpacrp,au, pf. pass, of boicifmfa.
in Att. often added to the names of cities, 'hB-qva^,, pf. pass, of bibcofii poet, j, pi. blbovrai. :

©r//3a£e (for Adrjvaabt, ©7//3acr8e) sometimes it

: — 8e86vaTO, Dor for kbtbuvrjTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of bovio).
denotes purpose only, fi-qn <po(3ovff ay^peve speak ScSopfca, pf. of blpicopai, with sense ot pres.
naught tending to fear. II. to t' e demonstr. 8f Sovrra, pf. of boviriu.
Pron., to give it greater force, ode, roi6abt, etc., such 8e8paYp.fvos, pf. part. pass, of bpaacoj.
a man as this, Att. 681, etc. 8f SpdKa, pf. of bibpdaKOJ, also of bpdw.
8«d, 1), Dor. for 6ca, Lat. dea., pf. pass, of tpdoj.
8«Sto, Ep. for cSc'ctTo, 3 sing. impf. of an obsolete 8eSpdp.T)ica, pf. of Tpe'x<w (formed from *bp8./x£o)).
Verb dfafiai, = boK€<u, he seemed. SfSpopxu, poet. pf. of t/>«'x«o (formed from r bpifMOj).
8fyp.€vo$, Ep. aor. 2 part, of c5e'xo/«xi. 8e8voTux"r|Ka, pf. of bvarvx^o).
8e8dacr0au, Ep. pres. med. inf. of baxa. 8e8coKa, pf. of bibcupii.
SeSac, 3 sing. aor. 2 act. of Scuy. '
Sf'f Xos, 77, ov, resolved form of brjKot.

8e8d-r]Ka, 8e8aT|, pf. act. and pass, of *oa<y. 8€Tj0fjT€, 2 pi. aor. I subj. of Se'oftai.
8eSauaTau, Ion. for bibaivrai, * pi. pf. pa=s. of daico B. 8fT)pa, aros, t6, (Se'oftai) a prayer, entreaty.
8e8a.iYp.fvos, pf. pass. part, of batfa. 8fT)Oxs, ecus, 1), (btofiai) an entreating.
8e8au8a\pevos, part. pf. pass, of baibaWat. 8e', fut. med. of b(<v, to want.
8rSoxov, redupl. poet aor. 2 of bd/evo). AEI* subj. b4t} contr. brj; opt. bSoi; inf. btiv;

8<8axpvica. pf. of ba/epvoj. part, biov Att. 5et>: imperf. I5e/ Ion. «8e( fut. btrjou: :, Att. for Sebpay/jm, pf. pass, of bpaoaopiai. aor. 1 ISe'r/cre. Impers. from btcv, to bind : I. c.

hi Sappxiu. pf. pass, of bipw. ace. et inf.. bet riva iroiijoai it is binding on one to
8f'8acrpau, pf. pass, of barioimi. do a thing, one must, one ought, Lat. oportet, decet
8e8a<is, pf. act. part, of *8aco. so, bit riva oirojs noiijfTu. II. c. gen. there is
8c8eYpxu, P 1^ OI bi\ofuu, (also Ton. pf of bfliewfit). need of, Lat. opus est re
iroWov bft there wants •

8«8fr)p,ai, pf. pass, (in med. sense of bioj, to want.

"l much, far from it; 6\iyov b(i there wants little, all, paullo p. fut. of btxofiai. but ; v\(vvos bet it is still further from it with the —
8«8«iTrvdvai, irreg. pf. inf. of btirrviw. person added, 8ef fioi twos, Lat. opus est mihi re.
: —— :

152 belyixa — fctzxfc.

8«ryp.a, aros, t6, (belicvvfu) a sample, proof, speci- bcX°lJL(V0S > Scfiov'u.fvot, welcoming, greeting: 3 pi.
men, Lat. documentum. i. a place in the Peiraeeus, pf. bubixarai, 3 sing. <ind pi. plqpf. beibmro, btibi-

where merchants set out their wares for sale, as in an Xaro, are used in the same sense ; rovs filv xvirik-
Eastern bazaar. Hence kois bctbixaro they pledged them with the cup;
Sci"Y}i3ti£<i>, f. ao), to make a show of. bubkxaro fw$oioi they greeted them with words.
8ci8«kto, 3 sing, plqpf. of buKvvui, in sense of impf., SeiicTcos, o, ov, verb. Adj. of beiievvui, to be
to welcome : SciScxarai, for bebeyuivoi tioi, g plur. shewn. II. Sciktcov [€«TTt], impers., one must shew.

perf. : 8€i8«x aTO, 3 pi. plqpf. SeiXaios a, ov, lengthd. form of beikus, fearful
8et8T|p.(i>v, ov, gen. ovos, (bciboS) cowardly. and so wretched, sorry, paltry, miserable.
8ei8ia, as, e, like 8i5ia, pf. of bubo) with pres. signf., SeiXaicpuov, cavos, 6, properly, a coward, but mostly
Ifear ; plur. beibiuev, bfibtTf imperat. beibTdi inf. ; ; in addresses, poor fellow \ From
bcibiftev; part. betbicjs, dual SetSiorc : SeiSurav, 3 SeiX-axpos, 0, ov, [btikos, aiepos) very pitiable.
plur. plqpf. AEI'AH sub. &pa), r), properly, the time when the

8«i8(cTKop.av, Dep. (bcitcvvfu) to greet with out' day is hottest, i. e. just after noon ; then generally,
stretched band, to welcome, bid hail; beibiontTO bimu afternoon, eaacrai 1) t)ws i) bdkrj t) \ikaov quap; b(ikr)
he bailed with the cup. 2. = b€iKvvut, to shew. irpoi'i'a and beikrj oipia early and late afternoon; after-

&€i8Co-crou,ai, Att. BeBCTTOfiai : fut. igouat : aor. 1 wards 5€*'X77 alone stood for the later part of the
i5u5i£afir)v : (5«8<w) : —Causal of bdbco, to frighten, afternoon, evening; bfikr/s or be'iXnv, as Adv., in the
alarm. evening.
SciSoiKa, Ep. for beboitca q. v. SetXia, ij, (SeiXor) timidity, cowardice ; tittkiijv 6<f>-
AEI AH, the pres only used in first pers., I fear: \€tv to be charged with cowardice.
fut. bcioouai : aor. 1 ibtioa Ep. ebbuaa : pf. in pres. SeiXidci), f. aaco, {bakta) to be afraid.
sense biboitea ; also bibta, Ep bcibia (see brfbta) :
3 5€, Dep. (beikT)) to decline towards evening.
pi. plqpf. kbcibioav, Ep. beibiaav I. intr. to be SetXos, ii, ov, (bios, Sciboj) cowardly, craven : vile,

afraid, to fear, mostly with utj .

. , like Lat. vereor worthless. II. miserable, wretched, unhappy, like
ne .
, I fear it is . . ; but, dabw ur) ov , vereor ne .
Lat. miser. Adv. -\u>$.
non .
, vereor ut .
, I fear it is not. 2. c. inf. to 8eip.a, aros, to, (SeiScj) fear, affright. II. an
fear to do. 3. beibuv ittpi tivi to be alarmed or object offear, a terror, horror. Hence
anxious about. 4. c. ace. to be afraid of, to fear, 8€i(xaiva), only used in pres and impf., to be afraid,
stand in awe of. 5. perf. part, to btbtus one's to be alarmed: c. ace. to fear a thing.
fearing, one's fear, like beos. 8eip&Xeos, o, ov, (bapa) timid. II. horrible,

8ct€\ido>, f. fjoco: aor. I kbete\ir)oa: (SeteXot): to fearful.

wait till evening. Setups, aor. I part, of Sffua.
8cicXiv6s, f), ov, = sq., at evening. From StCjjiaTO, 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of bifuo.
8eU\<>s, ov, (8fi\r}) <f or belonging to evening; Sciu-droeis, eoaa, tv, (b(ifia) frightened.
btieko. r)uap eventide. II. as Subst., btitkos Seiu-aToo, f. &}oo), (Stf/xa) to frighten.
(sub. &pr]), = 8(i\n, evening., Ep. pi. aor. 1 <ubj. of biota.

Seucavdaoxe, 3 sing. Ep. impf. of oei/cavdcj. 8€i(xos, 6, (bios) fear, terror, Lat. timor.
Seuc&vdco «= be'ucvvui, to point out, shew. II. 8€iv, inf. of bko). II. Att. for biov, part. neut.
Med xButevvfjuu, Sex /**", to salute, welcome, greet. of bci, as irkfiv for irXtoi'.
SeucavouvTO, 3 pi. Ep. impf med. of beiKavacu. AEI NA, 0, j). to, gen. bcivos, dat. bfivi, ace. bfiva,
SeixeXov and SciktjXov, to, (btucvvui) a representa- such an one, a certain one, whom one cannot or will
tion, exhibition. not name ; also pi. buv.
SeiKvv, Ep. shortened form of bcitcvvffi. 8eivo-0€TTjs, ov, 6, (beivSs, tiOtjui) a knave.
8«ikvvu.€V, -vp.€vai. Ep. for bci/cvvvai. [0] 8€ivo-Xo-y«o|xai, f. Jjoouai, Dep. (beivos, kiy<u) to
AEIKNYMI and Seucvtico, imperat. bei/cw or complain loudly.
bei/evvc fut. beiga) Ion. bi(<u: aor. I cScifo Ion. 2d€(a: Seivo-frade'w, f. 4\o<», (beivos, ird6os) to complain
pf. 8e'8eix o: — Pass., fut. b(ix8rjaofM.i, and fut. 3 8e- loudly of suffering.
Zd£ouai aor. I kbfixOrjv Y n. ibix^nv. pf. bibetyfxai;
: 8€iv6-irovs, 0, ij, vow, t6, gen. irobos, (buvSs, vovs)
on the forms b€ib4xa- T°", beibetcTO, see below n: to terrible offoot.
shew, point out, Lat. monstro; impers. 5«'£«, time 8ctv6s, 4\, 6v, (bios): I. terrible, fearful, in

will shew ; buicvvvai cis nva to point towards a per- milder sense, awful : later, rb beivuv danger, suffer-
son. 2. to bring to light, display ; 0ed« t)iuv 8«£« ings; ovbev beivoi, ut) diroOTiouo'iv no fear of their
ripas the god shewed us a marvel Med. btitcvvjiai, :
— revolting bctvov noitiv or iroiuaOat to take ill, Lat.

to set before one. point out by words, to tell,

3. to aegre ferre. II. implying Force or Power, mighty,

explain, teach : to shew, prove ; (8(i£av iroifioi 6vtcs powerful, for good or ill. 7. wondrous, marvellous,

they shewed that they were ready. 4. of accusers, strange; t6 ovyyevis toi bav6v the ties of kin have
to inform against. II. pres. part. buKvv/xcvos ** strange power. III. the sense of powerful
bflvos — 5f/carott>. 153
wondrous, passed into that of able, clever, skilful, as 8€ko8«vs, 4att , 6, (tetca) one of a decury or party of
in phrase Stivot re /cal ocxpJ* ; often c. inf., Seivbs ten soldiers.
Ktyuv clever at talking; also c. ace, Savus rfjv 8eicd-8vo, ol, at, rd, « 8vu>8(ica, twelve.
T *X y V v skilful in his art. Hence 8€t«i Scopos, ov, (Siica, Swpov n) ten palms long or
Setvos, gen. of btiva, 6, )). broad.
86iv6ttjs, i]TOt, j), terribleness : harshness, stern- 8cKa-(Tr|pos, ov, (Siica, eros) ten-yearly.
ness. 2. natural ability, cleverness. 8axa-€TT)s, <s, {8(Ka, tros) lasting ten years.
8eiv6o>, f. wo<u, {peivCs) to make dreadful or formi- 8€Kd£<o, f. daw, (5e«a) to bribe, corrupt, Lat. decu-
dable : to exaggerate, enhance. riare.
Seiv-omos, ov, (Setvos, aty) terrible to behold. Bckoxis, Adv. (Seta) ten times : ten-fold.
8civJ>s, Adv. of 8eiv6s, terribly : marvellously, ex- Seicd-icXivos, ov, (8e/«x, tckivai) holding ten dinner-
ceedingly. couches.
Setvwo-vs, w*, j), (Seivocu) exaggeration. 8€Ka-Kvpia, j), (8kita, Kvyua) the tenth wave, Lat
8civ-o)«|r, ojnos, 6, j), - 8civ<vnoS. flnctus decumanus ; cf. rpiKvpia.
Stl^O), fut. Of SflKVVfll. Scxd-pTjvos and 8eica-p.T)viaios, ov, (5t«o, pyqv) ten
Stios, t6, Ep. for 8(os,fear. months old. 2. in the tenth month.

8€iitv€vvt€S, Dor for SeinvovvTfs. 8cKa-p.vovs, ovv, ^St/fa, fxvd) worth 'en minae.
Sei-rrvto), f. 7)0(v : pf. 8f8(lirvnica, Att. pf. 2 818( iirva, Sex-apropos, ov, (84/ca, dfMpoptvs) holding ten d/x-
inf. 8t8«iirvdvai : (Stiirvov) :
— *o ma^e a mea/, <#««„• (popeis, i. e. about ninety gallons.

in Att. always meal : c. ace, Stnrveiv

to take the chief Sexd-TraXai, Adv. a very long time ago.
dprov to make a meal on bread. Hence 8€Kd-TT€VT€, ol, at, rd,fjf een.
BciirvtjOTos or Bct-irvrjoTos, 6, meal-time. 8€icd-irr)xvs, v, (8cica, tttjxvs) 'en cubits long.
8«iirvt|TT|piov, t6, (bairvtoj) a supper-room. 8€Ka-TrAdoTos, ov, (8tKa) tenfold: c. gen. ten times
8«iirvT]TT|s, ov, 6, a supper guest. Hence greater than: 17 8eicaiT\aoia (sub. Tt/zjJ) as Subst. ten
8€iirvnrjTVKos, 17, ov, qf or for dinner. Adv. -kws, limes the amount.
like a clever cook. Seicd-irAedpos, ov, (8(Ka, v\46pov) enclosing ten
8eiirv(£co, f. loot Att. iw, (Sctirvov) to entertain at plethra (v. ir\4$pov It.-)

dinner. 8€KaTrXoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ow, — 8fica-irkdo~ios.

8€iirvo-X6xos, rj, ov, (8tnrvov, Aox<i<») fishing for 8€Ka-iToXis, 1), (5c«a, tt6\i$) a district including ten
invi'ations to dinner, parasitic. cities, Decapolis.
8«iirvov, to, a meal or meal-time, sometimes = apt* S«icd-irovs, 6, 1), irow, to, gen. tro5os, ten feet long.

arrov, the early meal, sometimes 8lpttov the late one : 8€K-dpxT|S, ov, 0, (8eKa, apx w ) a decurion. Hence
in Att. the chief meal, answering to our dinner, Lat. Seic-apxia, i), the government of the Ten.
coena; avo hdirvov straight from, i. e. just after, Scicds, d8os, 17, (5«'«a) a body of ten men, Lat. decu'
dinner. 2. generally food, provender. ria. II. the number ten.
8€tirvoTroi«i>, toprepare a meal : Mtd. to dine. From 8cKd-o-Tropos, ov, (8cica, oirfipco) consisting of ten
8€iTrvo-irot6s, ov, {ffiirvov, noic<v) preparing dinner. seed-times, i. e. ten years
8npds, ados, fj, (Seipri) the ridge of a chain of bills, 8eKaT<uos, a, ov, \84fcaros) on the tenth day.
like \6\pos, Lat. jugum. II. * 8cip-q, the neck. 8€Ka-TdXavros, ov, {Sltca, rdXavrov) weighing or
8c(pas. aor. I part, of 84pa>. worth ten talents : estimated at ten talents.
AEIPH Att. 8«' P t), if, the neck, throat.
, II m 8€Ka-Tlo*<rap«s, pa, four 'een.
Sfipds, the ridge of a bill. 8€KOT€vrf|piov, to, the tenths-office, custom-house : and
8€Lpo-rop.^co, f. Tjffco, (Seipr}, tI/ivco) to cut the throat 8eicaT€vrf|S, ov, 6, a farmer of tenths, titbe-collecor.
of a person, behead bim, Lat. jugulo. Lat. decumanus. From
AEITH, Ion. for 8ipw. BtKartvcj, f. oa, (ScKdrrj) to exact the tenths, to
8«ur-*|VG>p, opos, 6, 1), (St/So;, dvfip> fearing man. tithe,take tithe of a person: to take the tenth of booty,
8eioo8aiu.ov(a, h,fear of the gods, religion. 2. esp. as an offering to the gods : - also to exact the
in bad sense, superstition. From tenths as a tax on all imports.
8cio*v-8aCpxov, ov, gen. ovos, (dfitiw, 8ai pew) fearing 8eKaTT|-X6Yos, 0, (5**aT?7, Xiyoj) = St/caTevT^s.
the gods : in good sense, pious, religious. 2. in BetcaTO-o-iropos, ov, (S^«aTos, attopa) in the tenth
bad sense, superstitious, bigo'ed. generation.
AE'KA*', 0/. at, ra, indecl., Lat. DECEM, our TEN, 8€kStos, r), ov, (8(ica> tenth. II- as Subst., 8c
Germ. ZEHN : ol Mica, the Ten, Lat. Decemviri: ol /cdrrj (sub. fitpis), the tenth part, tithe.
2. 8f-
StKa [irrj dtp' 1j$rjt those who are ten years past 20, Kdr-q (sub. l/fiipa), 17, the ten'b day: at Athens, the
the age of military service. festival on the tenth day after birth, when the child
Sdcd-fBoios, ov, (8<*a, (iovs) worth ten ox»n. had a name given it rty 8iKnrr)V Bvuv to give a

8«KdS-apx°S, o, {8i/ca, a.pxp>) a commander of ten feaston the day of naming the child.
men, Lat. decurio. ScKarou, f. watu, (5t/raTo«) to take tithe ofz person.

154 h€KCL<f>v\0S he£lT€p6s.

8«Kd-4>i)\os. ov, (bi/ea, <pv\ri) consisting of ten tribes. bib^njKa: pf. pass. bibpirjfxai. To build; Med.. Ibtt-
8€icd-x<iA.Kov, to, (bixa, xakttovs) a coin worth ten fiaro oikovs be built him houses generally, : to con-
XoXkoi, Lat. denarius. struct, make ; bipuv ubov, Lat. munire viam.
BeKd-xlAoi, at, a, {bifca, x& i0t ) ten thousand. SevSiXXco, to give a glance at, so as to make a sign.
8«K-€TT]pOS, OV, 8(K(TT)S. 8«v8ptcv, to, Ion. tor bivbpov, a tree. Hence
8€k-€tt]S, ov, 6, (bi/ta, (tos) lasting ten years. II. 8€v8p6t«>v, aivos, o, (bivbpov) a grove.
ten years old. 8€v8pT)6is, taoa, tv, woody.
8eK-€Tts, ibos, pecul fern, of 5(kcttjs.
i), 8ev8piaic6s or 1x6s, rj, ov, (bivbpov) of a tree.
Scxopai, Ion. ami Aeol. for o^'xofiai 8*v8piov, to, Dim. of bivbpov.
BcK-dp-ymos, ov, (biica, upyvia) ten fathoms long. 8€v8piTns, ov, 6, fern. 8ev8piTis, «8o*, o/or belong-
8«KTT|p, ripos, 6, = htKrqs. ing to a tree.
ov u, (bixofiat) a receiver : hence a beggar.
BtK-rrjs, 8€v8po-P&T«o, (bivbpov, &aiva)) to climb 'rees.
Sckto, 3 sing. tp. aor. 2 of hi\oiM.i. Sevopo-icop/ns or Sevopo-tcopos, ov, {bivbpov, ko^itj)
8cktos, -q, ov, verb. Adj. of bixopMi, received: to be shaggy with wood.
received, acceptable, Lat. acceptus. 8€v8po-icoir«{D, (bivbpov, koittoj) - bevbpoTOfilo).
8<KTpia, j), poet. tern, of bettrrjp, bitcT-ns. AE'NAPON, to, Ion and Att. 8«v8pos, «os, t6, a
8cKT(op, opos, poet, for biKTrjs, be/eTrjp, one who takes tree bivbpov iXaas an olive-tree : generally, bivbpa

upon himself. are fruit-trees, opp. to vXrj, timber.

8€K-u»pv*yos, ov, more correct form of be/copyvios. 8ev8poTop,eci>, f. rjoa, to cut down the fruit-trees, to
ScXcd^w, aow, ybiktap) to entice by a bait : to al- lay waste a country.
f. From
lure, entice, each. II. c. ace. cognato, vojtov lot 86v8po-r6p.os, ov, {bivbpov, Tffiftv) cuttin <r down trees.
btXta^nv to put the chine of a pig as a bait. 8evSpo-<f>6pos, ov, (bivbpov, <pipa)} bearing trees.
AE AEAP, aros, to, a bait, Lat. esca. 8€v8p6-(J>VTOS, ov, (bivbpov, <pva>) plan'ed with trees.
BeXe-dp-iral, 070s, 6, 1), (5*A.«xp, apndfa) greedy of SfvSp-uS-ns, es, (bivbpov, tibos) tree-like; bevbpwbas
the bait, biting freely at it. HvH<pai wood-nymphs.
8eXca<rp.a, aros, to, = btXcap. SevSp^/Tis, ibos, 77, (bivbpov) wooded.
AE ATA, to, indecl., v. sub A. 2. a name for Sevvd^o), f. aoa), to abuse, revile. From
the Hands formed at the mouths of large rivers, esp. AE
NN02, 0, a reproach, disgrace.
of the Nile, so called from their shape. 8c£ai, aor. I med. imper. of bixopiai.
BcXtiov, to, Dim. of 8«Xtos Se^apcvY), j), (^properly aor. 1 part. fem. of tiixofuu)
8«Xto-yp<i<J)os. ov, (bikTos, ypacpoj) writing on a a receptacle of water, a reservoir, tank.
tablet, registering, recording. Se£id, Ion. -t-fj, (fem. of be£tos, sub. X c &e right ^
ScXtos, t), a writing-'ablei, so called from the letter band ; i/c bt£ias on the right hand; be£iav bibuvai to
A, the old shape of tablets metapn., bikroi (ppsvwv salute by ottering the right band.

the tablets of the heart. Hence S€£i-p/nXos, ov, (bixofMt, fiij\ov) receiving sbeep,
BcXtoci), f. wam, to note down on tablets, record. rich in sacrifices.
SeXfycLKiov, to, a sucking-pig, Dim. of bi\ya£. Se^io-yutos, ySegws, yvtov) ready of limb, nimble.
8f\<j>tt<6opai, Pass, to grow up
to pi^hood. From 8c|io-Xdf3os, 6, (b(£to$, \a@eiv) a spearman, guard.
AE'A^AS, a young pig, porker.
Sucos, 6, Se^ioopai, f. waopai : aor. 1 ibefiajo'afiTjv: Dep : to
A«X<|>ivios, 0, (A(\(poi) Delphian, epith. of Apollo. offer the right band, greet with the right band. From
8cX({>tvo-4>dpos, ov, (beXcpis, <pipai) bearing dolphins; AE2lO'2, a, ov, Lat. :DEXTER I. on the
Kcpaiai b. beams with pulleys to lower the beX<pis. right band or side ; im b(£ta to /be right. II.

AEA4»I'2 and 8cX4>iv, ivos, 6, the dolphin. II. fortunate, boding good, of the flight of birds and other
a mass of iron or lead shaped like a dolphin, which
, omens. III. metaph. dexterous, ready : and of
was hung at the yard-arm, and then suddenly let the mind, shrewd, clever.
down on the enemy's ships. 8e£io-o-€ipos, o, (be£ios harnessed by traces
AEA4»OI', uv, al, Delphi, a famous oracle of Apollo on which was not put under
the right side, of a horse,
in Phocis at the foot of Parnassus. II. AcXd^oC, the yoke, but attached as a third abreast with the
ol, the inhabitants of Delphi, Delphians. regular pair.
AETM \2, t6, used only in nom. and ace, the body, 8€£torr|S, ijTos, $, (be£ios) dexterity, activity; of
esp of man; properly the living body, owpva. being mind, cleverness.
the corpse ; fuiepas bifias small in stature. II. Scgi6<{>iv, Adv., old gen. of bt£t6s ; irrl Se£i6<piv to-
as Adv., like biicnv, bifias wvpbs alOofiivoio inform wards the right.
or fashion like burning fire, Lat. instar ignis. 8«£t-ir0pos, ov, (bixopiai, vvp) fire-receiving.
8«pviov, to, (b(fxw) a bed, bedding; mostly in plur. 8^is, (oos, -fj, (bixo/Mi) reception.
8«p.vio^rTjpT]S, «*, (bipvtov, TTjptcj) keeping one to 8e£iT«p6s, d, 6v. poet, form for bc(i6s, right, the
one's bed; fioipa bffivioTTjpTjs a lingering fate. right; b<£iT(pa, like be£id (sub. x (lP » tbe ri8bt
AETVin, aor. 1 act. Zbtijxa, med. ifaifta/iijv : pf. band; oc(iT€pfj<pi, old dat., on the right band.
— : :

8e£ mfia —A evs. 155

8t£Ca>pa, aros, To,(fo£i6ofxai)a pledge offriendship. [Hi] : pf. Bebapnai — to skin, flay. II. also to
8e|i-<ovi)p.os, ov, (8t£i6s, ovofia) lucky in name. cudgel, thrash.
8e£uT<s, Adv. of 8t£ios, dexterously: Sup. h^iurara. Sco-pa, aTos, t6, (8ecu) poet, for Sefffius, a bond,
Se^ioxris, «us, ij, (Se^tooftat) an offering of the right fetter. II. a bead-band.
band : greeting, salutation : canvassing. 8eo-p.€Vu>, f. o<u, {deafios) to fetter, put in chains: to
8«|o, 2 sing. Ep. aor. 2 imperat. of 5«'xo/«u. tie together, as corn in the sheaf.
Sc£, fut. of 5e\ofiai. 8«o-p«o, f. Tjo-a), {5eafi6s) = Secrfieva).
8<£<o, 8t£, Ion. for dei£oj, 5et£o(iai, fut. act. and 8*'o-p.T], a bundle.
-fj, (o*€«)
med. of heitcvvfu. 8* crpiov, to, = dec fids.
Stopiai, /o «£*</, K/an/, as/t; v. sub Seu (B). Seapios, ov, also o, ov, (Zeafios) binding : hence
8«>v, oj/tos, to, Att. 8«tv, part. neut. of the impers. binding with a spell. II. pass, bound, captive.

Su, that which is binding, needful, right, proper; Seo-pos, o, pi. heafxoi or becrfid, {£ea>) a band, bond,
fiaXKov tov SeovTOS more than needful; ev deovn fetter: a baiter: a mooring cable: a door-laicb. 2.
(sub. Kaip'f), in good time, Lat. opportune; els to bonds, imprisonment.
deov for needful purposes. II. used absol. it 8ecrp.o-4>v\a£, 6kos, 6, j), (8eau6s, <pd\a£) a gaoler.
being needful ; ovSev 8eov there being no need. hecr\i6(o, = deo'iJieii(u, to bind, fetter. Hence
8«ov, Ion. for eieov, impf. of decu, to bind. 8 to-pop. a, aTos, to, a fetter.
Seovrcov, 3 pi. imperat. of Stew, to bind. 8€o-p&)TT|piov, to, (Sea/xoeo) a prison.
AE'02, gen. 8eovs, to : poet. Scios : fear, alarm, 8eo-puTr)S, ov, 6, (b~eo~fi6<v) a prisoner. 2. as Adj.
affright. II. awe, reverence. III. a terror, in chains, fettered : fern. SeapiuiTis, idos.
means of inspiring fear. S€0"jt6£ci>, f. oooj, (SecrnoTTjs) to be lord and master
AE IIA2, aos, to nom. : pi. Zeira ;
poet. dat. pi. of, c. gen.: absol. to gain the mastery. II. to make

devdeoai and dtvaooi : a beaker, goblet, chalice. oneself master of a thing ; and so, to comprehend.
Zep-ayxt\, (Sepn, dyx<») a collar.
j), 8«riroiva, 17, fern, of SeoTroTijs, the mistress or lady
8€p-aYXT|S, es, (Sept), dyxoj) throttling. of the bouse, Lat. bera : often joined with the name
Scpcuov, to, iieprj) a necklace: a collar. of goddesses.
Sepaio-frcSt], i), (hepaiov, -rredij) a collar. 8€o-iroo"tos, ov. = heait6awos.
8«pas, oto», to, poet, for Scp/xa, skin, bide. Seo-irocruvTj, j), (SeanoTTjs) absolute sway.
Sepds, ados, j), = 8etpds. Bea-iroavvos, ov, (deoiroTrjs) of or belonging to the
Scpypa, to, (dep/to/jLai) a look, glance. master, arbitrary. II. as Subst. = hea-noTns.
Bepr\, Att. for leiprj, the neck.
i), 8«o"itot«i), f. rja<u, — ieovdfa — Pass, to be despot-
SepKt'cTKtTO, Ion. 3 sing. impf. of tiepfeofjiai. ically ruled.
SepKidopai, Dep., poet, for Sepvofiai, to look. AE2nOTH2, ov, 6, voc. Seairord.: Dor. nom.
AE'PKOMAI, Dep. fut. Up£ouai : : pf. with pres. BwiroTas : Ion. ace. sing, and pi. deairoTea, -eas, but
sense 8e8op/ca : aor. 2 ehpaitov : also aor. I pass. loYp- prob. these
are incorrect a master, properly of : —
X^v, aor. 2 ehpdicnv and aor. I med. e8ep£dfXT)V, slaves: hence a despot, absolute ruler, whose subjects
aor. 2 edpaKOfjLijv :
— ;

to look, see : hence to behold the are slaves. II. generally, an owner, master, lord.
light, to live. 2. to look on or at: generally, to Hence
perceive, be aware of. II. of light, to flash or 8€o irOTtK6s,
17, 6v, of or for a master. 1. fit to
gleam, like the eye. be a master : inclined to tyranny, despotic.
8tppa, erroj, to, (8ep<u) the skin, bide of beasts, I at. BcairoTis, tSos, j), = heanoiva.
pellis : also of skins prepared for bottles, etc. the : Bco-itotCo-kos, o, Dim. of dean^Tqs, little master.
shell of a tortoise. 2. generally, one's skin, Lat. 8ctt| (sub. \a finds), ij, sticks bound up to make a
cutis. Hence fagot, a fagot. Fern, of
Scpp-dTivos, 17, ov, of skin, leathern. 8€t6s t), ov, verb. Adj. of Situ, bound.
8€p£oro, Ion. 3 sing. aor. I med. of SepKO/iai. Beveo-Kov, Ion. impf. of b~evaj, to wet.
8epov, Ep. for eSepov, impf. of Sep<u. 8«vT|o-€o-0ai, fut. med. inf. of 5fv<w, to want.
8«pos, €01, to, poet, for 8tp;>a, skin, bide. Sevpa, aTos, to, (Sevcu) that which is wet, soaked;
Scppis or Septs, evs, 1), (bepos, Sep^a) a leathern ScvffaTo fcpewv boiled flesh.
covering. II. in plur. screens of skin, hung to 8«voia.TO, poet, for bevoivro, 3 pi. pres. opt. of
deaden the enemy's missiles. Lat. cilicia. Scifo (B).
ScpTpov, t6, (5ep<u) the caul or membrane which con- 8cuopai, v. Seva) (B).
tains the bowels, Lat. omentum ; Seprpov eao) Svvov- 8€vpC, Att. strengthened form of tievpo.
Tet penetrating even to the bowels. AET PO, Adv. of Place, hither, come bitber I Sevre
Scpxdtts, part. aor. I of SepKopxit ; 8«px0r)Tt, im- is used with plnr. II. of Time, until now, up
perat., and SepxOi.vai, inf., of same tense. to this time, hitherto; Sevp' del continually up to
AETXl, Ion. 8cip<n fut. &epu> aor. 1 iheipa : : : this time.
Pass., fut. 2 ddprjaofMt : aor. I ibap9rjv, aor. 1 ibaprjv Acvs, Aeol. for Zevs.
: ; : — :

156 be&rcLTos — brj'Coa).

ScvtStos, r), ov, the last, Sup. of btvrepot. plqpf. iSfStj/eeiv —

Pass., fut. be$^crofiat, fut. 3 8«8tj-
Scvtc, Adv., p ur. of btvpo, hither I Come hither I aofiat aor. I ihiOrjv pf. dedtfiai plqpf. tStbtnT/v,

: : :

8€VT€p-AYamoTf|s, ov, 6, (Seurepos, dycuviar-qs) the Ep. 3 sing, bibtro ; to bind, tie, fasten, fetter : ab-
actor who takes the second part, cf. irparrayojviOTTjs : sol. to imprison. 2. metaph. to bind fast, enchain

metaph. the second advocate in a court of law. later, to bind by spells, enchant. 3. c. gen. to let,
8evr«paios, a, ov, (bfvrfpos) on the second day. prevent, binder from a thing. II. Med. to bind

S«VT€p«ta ^sub. &9\a), rd, (bci'rfpos) the second prize or tie on oneself; voaal 5' vrroi. kiirapoioiv ibfjoaro
in a contest generally, the second place or rank.
: na\a ir45i\a tied them on bis feet but in plqpf. ;

8€UT€pid£<i), f. 6.001, to play the second part. pass., irfpi Kv-qfiTjOi nvrjiubas bibero be bad greaves
8€VT«p6-rrp«TOV odfifiarov, rd, the first sabbath bound round his legs.
after the second day of the feast of unleavened bread. AE'fl (B), fut. beqoo) aor. I ibirjoa, Ep. 3 sing. :

Scvrepos, a, ov, the second, Lat. secundus : as a brjotv pf. bcbirj/ea :to want, lack, miss, stand in :

Comp., !/«fo bcvrepoi after my time : in neut. as need of, c. gen. oXiyov Sew / want little, i. e. am ;

Adv., htvrtpov av, bevrepw aZrit, secondly, next near iroWov bcoj I want much, i. e. am far from

afterwards, a second time. II. in point of Place, oXiyov bi<v ba/cpvaat I want little of tears ; bvoiv
second, i. e. inferior; Stvrtpos ovbtvSs second to Ziovra reooapdicovTa forty lacking two, like Lat.
none :rd 5(vr(pa, = ocvrfpua, the second prize or duodeviginti. II. for bet impers., and biov, see

place. III. the second of two; devreprj avrrj her- the words. III. Dep. fut. btrjaopai : :

self with another. aor. I iSerjOrjv : pf. bebfrjfuu. To stand in need of,
8€in-€po-OTaTn$, ov, 6, (bfvrepos, tarafMi) one who want, c. gen. hence, to long or strive after, wish, :

stands in the second file of the Chorus. beg for : c. dupl. gen. to beg a thing from a per-
AET H (A), Ion. impf. SeveaKov f. Sfvoai aor. I son. 2. absol. to be in want or need, mostly in

: :

coevaa : —
Pass., pf. StStv^at to wet, soak, steep part., as ndpra beufiivot.
Med., rmpd hfvfrai oA/zt? wets bis wings in the AH', Particle, properly of Time, now, already;
brine. II. to fill with liquid, fill up. III. to 6/ctoj Srj irpoirjiea oiarovs already have I shot . .

make to flow, shed. tioWclki 817, Lat. jam saepe: with imperat. and fut.
AET'fl (B), f. btvfioai, Aeol. and Ep. form for Sea;, now, forthwith, directly. II. marking Connec-

to need, miss, want ; (Sevrjatv 8' olrjiov cucpov iicioQai tion, then; in summing up numbers, yiyvovrai 87)
be missed reaching the top of the mast. II. more ovtoi \i\toi these then make up a thousand; teal 817
often as Dep., f. Sftrqaofmi: —
to feel the want marks the thing meant to be emphatic, tU Atywrrov
or loss of, to be at a loss for : hence to be wanting, aniiccTO teal 8?) koI is Ztapbts, he reached Egypt,

deficient in ; aXXa iravra bevfcu 'Apytio/v thou art and what is more Sardis also also to put a supposed ;

inferior to them in all else. case, koI 8^ dtbeyfiuu well suppose I have accept-
AE'^fl, f. oi\f/at, to soften by working by the band, ed. III. belonging to the word which it follows,
to make supple, to tan bides. with Verbs, dye 817, <p(pe 817, do but come, only come;
8cx-&p.p.aTOS, ov, (Siiea, dfifta) with ten meshes. with a Sup., fii"yiOTo$ 8)7 the very greatest. 2. in
8«xarai, Ep. for btSey pivot eiffi 3 pi. pf. of 5«'xo^at. ironical sense, Lat. scilicet; fiarjyaye rds iraipihas
8€X-TJH«pos, ov, { beita, -r)ixipa ) lasting ten days. 2. 877 he brought in the pretended courtesans. 3.
terminable at ten days' notice. with Pronouns, </xe 87) c&8« SiaOeTvai thus to use a
8<x0ai, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of Sc'xo/wu. man like me aif St) kroXfirjaas you of all per-
; ;

8cx6eCs, aor. I part, of 8<xo/jat, in pass, sense. sons. 4. with other Particles, 817 adds explicitness;
Sexvftp.<n, poet, for Sexo/icu. us 5rj, tva 5r), that [it may be] exactly so, just so
AE'XOMAI, Ion. and Aeol. 8*ko|acu fut. bi(ofmi also uis 817, &re 817, 01a 817 in that, inasmuch as.

and d€di£o(Mu : aor. 1 eStxOijv (also used in pass. 8i|-aXa)TOs, ov, contr. for 87/taAarro*.
sense): pf. bcbeyfMu plqpf. ibebeyfiTjv:
: Ep. aor. 2— &f,YP<a-» ctTos, to, (bd/evw) a bite, sting.
kSiyfxrjv or $(ypT)v,$ sing, biicro, 2 sing, imperat. 8i£o; 8-n,YU.6s, 0, = 8777/ia.
inf. Sc'x&m; part, bey/xfvos: Dep.: of things, I. 8T|0a, = Adv. long, for a long time.
to take, accept: esp. to take well, receive kindly or 8tj0€ and Adv. (817) perhaps : I suppose
graciously ; rbv oiojvbv Sexeoflat to accept or bail the mostly iron., like Lat. scilicet, to wit, forsooth : with
omen hence to approve : c. inf. to take rather, to
: uis, as ifforsooth ; ws dypyjv Sijdev pretending it was

choose. II. of persons, to receive hospitably, en- game.

tertain. 2. to receive as an enemy, to watch for: to 8ij0vv<o [u], f. HvSf, (dt)9d) to tarry, be long, delay.
await the onset. 3. to expect, wait for. III. 8T)idacricov, Ep. impf. of brj'iooj.

of events, to succeed, come next, Lat. excipere. 8t]i-ciXo>tos, ov, (8^i'o«, aAaVeu) taken by the enemy,
8ci]/c<i>, f. -qntu, Lat. depso, = oc<poj, to soften ; befri- cap'ive.
aat KX)pdv having worked wax till it is soft. 8t|ios, r], ov, Ep. for bdXos, hostile. Hence
SciJKo, = foreg. 8rjioTf|S, rJT0$, r), battle-strife, battle.
AE'Xl (A); fut. Mjffot: aor. I ibtfffa: pf. fibtm: 8t)i6<>>, Att. &rj<l, inf. byovv: part. SywvEp. SijtSwv:
: —— :

bY)KTripios~~-hr)ixoKpaTLa. 157
impf. ttytow Att. ISrjovv Ion. *8rj(w Ep. tirjovv 8t|p,-apxos, 6, (brj/xos, Apx ^ at Athens, the president
fut. 5t)w<toj: aor. tSj^iWa, Att. khricoaa, part. Spctiaa*: of a brjfios, who kept the registers, a demarcb — at
pf. ScSrjWa :
— Med., Ep. 3 pi. impf. Stjiuojvto : aor. 1 Rome, a tribune, Lat. tribunus plebis.
e8r)o>>oa.H7]V : — Pass., aor. I cSguOijv, part. SjjajOeis 8tjp€vctls, (cos, 77, confiscation. From
pf. Sidrjojfiat: (817*05) : — to frvar as an enemy: to cut 8t)p«ijco, f. declare public property : to
ecu, (877/ios) to
down, slay, rend, cleave. II. /o waste or ravage confiscate a citizen's goods, Lat. publicare. 2. gene-

a country, rally, to make public.

8ijKTT|ptos, ov, (Sclkvcu) biting, torturing. 8r|p.T)-yopcci>, f. 7700;, (Srj/xijySpos) to be a public orator;
8tjktik6s, 77, ov, (SdJtfcy) biting: pungent. to harangue the people, Lat. concionari.
8t]Xa-8T|, Adv. (^877X05, 877) clearly, plainly, of course: 8-r)p.T|Yopia, 77, a deliberative speech : a speech in the
in answers, yes plainly. public asembly ; and
8T)\atvcj, collat. form of S-qkiofxat. STjp.Tj'yopiKos, 17, ov, of public speaking, qualifiedfor
AHAE'OMAI, fut. T)OOfxai : pf. heZ-qX-q^tai, inf. it. From
Se5r]\TJa0ai in pass, sense : Dep. :
— /o 2>wr/ greatly, 8Tjp.-Tj-yopos, 6, (dijfios, dyoptvco) one who harangues
do a mischief to, destroy, Lat. delere : absol. /o do the people, a public speaker, Lat. concionator.
mischief, be hurtful: of things, Kapirov hrjX-qaaoOai. 8T]p.T|Xao"Ca, 77, exile. From
to waste the fruit ; opicta b-qXijoaoOai to break oaths. 8tjp>t|Xotos, ov, {brjjj.os, iXavvco) publicly exiled.
Hence A-r)-p.T|Tr|p, 77 : gen. Tfpos and Tpos : ace. Tepa or
8Tj\T|u.a, aros, to, mischief, ruin, bane. Tpa, also Arj/xrjTpav : (87} for 777, fi^rrjp) : Demeter,
8ij\T|p.<i)v, ov, gen. 01/05. baneful : as Subst., fipoTuiv Lat. Ceres, goddess of agriculture, mother of Proser-
5r]\r}fx(i}v destroyer of men. pine.
8tjXtjo-is, tajs 77, (SrjXio/jiai) ruin, bane. 8-r|pi8iov, to, comic Dim. of Sijfxos. [18]
8-rj\T|Trjp, fjpos, 6, {brjXeofmi) a destroyer. Hence 8T)p.i£u>, f ioco, (877/405) to affect the popular side,
8t)\tjtt|pios, ov, baneful, destructive. cheat the people.
AYjXia, ra, v. sub A^Xto*. 8T)p,i6-irpdTa, rd, (877/ztos, iriitpdaKoi) goods seized
At]Xlql4, dSos, 77, (A77X0S) a Delian woman. by public authority, confiscated goods.
AtjXios, a, ov, (A77X0S) Delian: ra ArjXia (sub. 8if)p.ios, ov. Dor. 8dp.ios, a. ov : (877^05) : belong'
Upd), the festival of Apollo at Delos. ing to the people ; 817/uoj alavfivrJTai judges elected by
8t)Xov-6ti, Adv. for brjXov on, = 877X0817, it is plain the people: —
as Adv., Srjfxca nivuv to drink at the
that, clearly, of course : also namely, Lat. videlicet. public cost. 2. brjfxios, 6, as Subst., the public exe-
S-nXo-iroUo), f. -qoco^SfjXos, voUqj) to make manifest. cutioner.
A-fjXos, r), Delos, one of the Cyclades, birthplace of Sr|p.iovp-Y€<0, f. a workman, to work ; and
7700, to be
Apollo and Artemis : called also 'Oprvyia. From 8T|pioupvLa, workmanship, work ; and

8tjXos, 77, ov, also 05, ov contr. from S«Ao«, visible, ; 8-r|piovp-yiic6s, 17, ov, of or for a workman. Adv.
clear. 1. manifest, evident, certain; dfjXov as Adv. -/ecus, in a workmanlike fashion. From
clearly, plainly. Hence SfipA-ovp-Yos, poet. 8irjpto-€p y6s, ov: (dfjfios, tpyov):

StjXoci), to shew, make visible or clear : to working for the people : as Subst., drjfiiovpyus, 6, a
point out, make known. 2. to prove : to declare, workman, handicraftsman : generally, a maker, author:
explain, set forth: also to signify. 3. to point out, metaph., opOpos hrjuioepyus morn that calls man to
order. II. intrans. 877X05 dpn, to be clear or — work. 2. the Maker of the world. II. name
plain ; h-qXot on ovk 'OyLrjpov rd Kvirpia, «7red kon of a magistrate.
it is clear that. . Hence 8i]M-o-p6pos, ov, (877/xos, &opd) devourer of the people.
8t|Xo>s, Adv. of SrjXos, manifestly. 8T)p.o-"Y«p<«>v, ovtos, 6, {dijfxos, yepcov) an elder of the
8tjXwo-is, €<us, 17, a pointing out, explaining. 1. people ; generally, an elder, chief: in plur., the nobles,
a direcion, command. chiefs, like Lat. senatores.
5-qp.dYco-ytco, f. -fjaa}, (5r]fiaya)y6s) to be a popular 8i]p60€v, Adv. (877/105) at the public cost. II.
leader or demagogue. by deme or birthplace.
h-r)\i.d.yi»yla, 77, the conduct or character of a public Srjpo-Opoos, ov, contr. -Opovs, ovv (Srjfios, 6piw)
leader : and uttered by the people.
Sijpd-yio-yiKos, 77, ov, fit for a popular leader. From 8tjpokott«u>, f. 1700;, to curry mob favour ; and
8T)p.-<vy<i>Y6s, °» (.^7M 0S > dyai) a popular leader, a S-rjpoKomKos, 77, ov, suited to a demagogue. From
mob-leader, demagogue. 8"r|p6-Koiros, o, (877/105, kotttoj) a demagogue.
8-rjp.dKi8i.ov, to, a comic Dim. of Sfjfios. 8T)p6-KpavTOs, ov, (S77/XOS, Kpaivu) ratified by the
cW][j.-dpdTos, ov, (877/10$, dpdofjai) prayed for by the people.
people : prop. n. of a king of Sparta. 8-r|po-KpaT€opui, Pass. (S77/105, Kpartoj) to have a
8i)p,apx<b>, f. ?70"<y, to be demarcb or tribune. Hence democratical constitution, live in a democracy. Hence
B-rjpapxta, t), the office of demarcb, tribunate; and 8i)p,oicpaT£a, ij, democracy, popular government.
8T)papxiKOs, ij,6v, tribunician. From Hence
: : : :;

158 brjfWKpaT i/co j —A I A'.

&i)p.OKp&Ttic6s, 17, 6v, suited to a democracy. AH'NEA, t<£, counsels, plans, arts : only in plur.
8T)|i.6-X«v<rTOS, ov^Srjfios, \tvw) stoned by the people; 8Tj|i-0tip,os. ov, (Saicvai, Ovimjs) heart-eating.
Srjfi6\cv<TTOt cpuvos death by public stoning. 8t|£, fut. of doucvoj.
8t))x6o|i,at, Dep. (5y/xos) to talk popularly, to jest. 8rjovv, inf. : of
but S'jjow, Ep. impf.

St]|AO-irt0T)icos, 6, (Sfjfios, itiOtjkos) a mob-monkey, 8Tj-iro0€v, indef. Adv. from any quarter, Lat. unde-
charlatan. cunque ; dwoOev b{jtro$iv from some quarter or other.
ST)|xop-pi<}>T|$, is, (Sfjfios, fiiirTOj) burled by the people. 8t|-TroT€, Dor. 8t|-iroKa, indef. Adv., often written
AH MOS, d, a country-district, opp. to vo\is iv 817 iron, at some time, once, once on a time (I bf/vort, —
brjfKv 'Wdicrjs fxaXa iriova Srj/xov, etc.
; II. tbt

Lat. si quando — ri byirore ; Lat. quidnam f

commons, common people, plebeians, Lat. plebs, Sfffiov 8-q-irov, indef. Adv., often written 5i) vov, perhaps,
avrjp, opp. to &ao~t\(vs also hypos liiv being a com-
; it may be : doubtless, I suppose, Lat. scilicet, nimi-
moner. III. in democratical states, esp. at Athens, rum. II. as interrog. imp.ying an affirm, answer
the commons, the people, the citizens : hence 2. a rfjv alxnaXonov KarotoQa &r)nov you know the cap- ;

popular constitution, democracy. IV. Sfjfioi in tive woman, I presume t

Attica, townships or hundreds, Lat. pagi, subdivisions Z4\-Tro\fQtv, indef. Adv., «• 8rjrrov.
of the <pv\a> ; in the time of Herodotus, 100 in num- Sijpidopcu, Ep. 3 dual t-npidaoOov, 3 pi. Srjpioojvro,
ber, 10 in each tpt/AiJ. inf. inpidaaOai Dep.: (8r)pi$): to contend, fight

AHMO'5, bjat. to quarrel, wrangle.
8f]p.ocria, Adv. see SyftSaiot. 8Tjpiv0Tprnv, v. sub sq.
8-n,p.oo-i€va>, = 5r)fjL€vaf, to confiscate. II intr. AH"PI2, 10s and ecus, f), fight, battle, contest.
to lead a public life, opp. to ISiarrcvo), to belong to tbt 8i]pi-{(>dTOS, ov, {brjpis, (pdco) slain in fight.
stale. From 8-rjpio), aor I kdyplcra, = Med. Srjpiofjtai,
Srjpidofiai: —
5-rjp.6cn.os, a, ov, (Srjpot) belonging to the people or fut. dnpiaoftat [t] :
3 pi. med. Sijpiaavro ; also
aor. 1
state, Lat. publicus. II. 6 brjfwaios (sub iov- 3 dual aor. I pass. hnpivOr/rnv, as if from Sijpivofjuu.
\os), a public officer or servant of mean rank, as tbt 8-r)p6-|3ios,Dor. Sap6fi\.os,ov,(8T}p6s,fiios)longlived.
public crier, or watchman. III. as neut., 8t}/jl6- 8-rjpos, o, ov, (817V) long, too long in bad sense, —
oiov, t6, the state, Lat. respublica. 2. any public neut. h-qpov as Adv., all '00 long.
building: the public prison IV. Doric fern. 8ijcracrK€TO, Ep. for iSr/oaro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of
if banoaia (sub. OKrjvrj), the tent of the Spartan
kings. 2. dat. Srjfioaia. Ion. -iff, as Adv., in pub- 8Tja«, Ep. for iHrjot, 3 sing. aor. I of 5<-cu, to bind:
lic, at the public expense. Hence also Ep. for cSc-qcrc, aor.I of Stew, to want.

6t)p.oortoo>, f. waa>, = hrjfxe> <u, to confiscate. 8f,Ta, Adv. (817 ) certainly, to be sure, of course ; in
S-n.po-TeAir|s, <», {hrjfws, rckos) at the public cost, answers, yes certainly; oi dfjra, certainly not. In
public, national. questions, ri drjra ; what then t
OTjporepos, o, ov, (Srffios) common, vulgar. 8t)x0€us, 8-rjxOfjvai, aor. I pass. part, and inf. of
8t]p.6tt|S, ov, 6, (Stj/jios) one of the people : a com- taJCVQ).
moner, plebeian. II. a member of the same 877/xof, AH'fl, 1 shall find: pres. with fut. sense.
a fellow-citizen. Atju), t), gen. 60s, contr. ois i =Arj^.r)Tqp, Lat. Ceres.
8t)u,otik6s, 17, com-
6v, (Srjfios) suiting the people, 8-Qu.v, contr. for St]iu(vv } pres. part, of Srj'ioai.
mon : public. of the populace, one of them,
II. Atjuos, a, ov, (Atju) sacred to Demeter {Ceres).
Lat. plebeius. III. on the democratic side, Lat 8-rjwcras, SrjuCcts, aor. 1 part. act. and med. of
popularis : generally, popular : —Adv. -kSjs, affably, hrfiooj.
kindly. V. at Athens, of ot belonging to a deme,
I S^^o-co, fut. of Srjtoo).
opp. to Snfxoaios AC, contr. for A«, dat. of Zeus ; v. *A(*.
ht\\L-ov\o%, ov, (brjfios, ex<»} protecting the people, AIA', poet. StaC, Prep, with gen. and ace. —Radic.
tutelary, of divinities as Subst., Srjfiovxoi yis guard-
. •ense, right through.
ians of the land. With gen., of Place or Space, through, out

8i)p,o-<J>ci.YOs, ov, (brjfios, <p&y(tv) = b'r]ixoP6pos. at ; St' jJposalOip' i'/eavfv quite through the lower air
8irjpo-xSpicrTT|s, ov, o, {Srjfios, xap'C /^') flatterer even to the ether tK-npiitt not bio, iravroiv he stood

of the people out from among them. 2. of Intervals of Space,

8r)p-u>cnr)s, «», (%xo«, Jtios) like the people, popular, ha iroWov at a great distance ; Sia irevrt oraZioiv
common. at a distance of 5 stades did Sena eira\£e<w at in- ;

8t|v, Dor. 8ov, f^

Adv. Lat. diu, long, for a
(817, tervals often battlements, i.e. at every tenth battle-
long while, this long time : long ago. Hence ment. II. of Time, through, throughout, dur-
8i)vaios, Dor. Suvaios, a, ov, long-lived : aged, ing, and, of" the past, since ; 8m xpovov after some
ancient. time 2. of Successive Intervals; bid rp'ir-qs
8nv<ipiov, to", a Roman coin, not quite = Gr. bpayjiy, f)l*tpi)s every third day ; Sid irevre irwv every five
being about 8$d. years. III. arising from, through, by means of,
— — :: : — ::

Am bidyvaxris. 159
per ; Si dyyiXov Xiytiv, etc. hence of the
by, Lat. : absol c. part , fieXtrwv Sia&tfii<uidvai to spend one's
Maimer in which a thing is done, Sid oirovSrjs with life in practising.
earnestness. Sia-fJXcirci), f. ipofiat, to look through: to look straight
acc. of Place, through, throughout ; Sid SS/fia before one. 2. to see clearly.
throughout the house. 2. of Time, during, by; SiapX-rjdcis, aor. 1 pass. part, of SiafiaXXcu.
Sid vvkto. by night. II. with a view to, on ac- 8iafJod<o, f. -f)cofuii, to shout or cry out, proclaim,
count, for the sake, by reason of; bid voXXafor manjr publi b — Med. to contend in shouting.
reasons. Sioj3o\t|, ?), (SiafidXXa)) false accusation, slander,
Without case, as Adv.. throughout. calumny.
In compos., I. all through, across, as in Sia- SiafjoXta, 7), = SiafSoXT).
fiaiva). 2. to the end, as in Sia-&iCw, Sia-pM\o- SidfjoXos, ov, (5ta/3aAXa>) falsely accusing, slander-
fuu: hence simply to add sirength, throughly, com- ous, calumnious : —
as Subst., Sid@oXos, 6, a slan-
pletely. II. between, partly, esp. in Adj., as Sid- derer; esp. 6 Sid&oXos, the Slanderer, the Devil. Adv.
Xfvtcos, etc. wi-b or against another , SiafioXtos, invidiously.
as St-qScv. IV. one/rum another, asunder, Lat. SiafJopos, ov, (SiafSifipwOKO)^ eating through : c. acc,
dis-, as in Sia-Xvcu. vvaos Siafii-pos iruSa a sore that eats through mj
Aid, of Z(vs; v. nom. *A/s.
acc. foot. II. Sid&opos, ov, pass, eaten through, con-
Sia, t), the godlike one, fern, of Sios Sia Otdojv or : sumed
ywaiKwv, a goddess among goddesses or women. 8ta-fJovX€, Dep., to deliberate well.
Sia-pa5i£o>, f. iota Att. iG), to go across. Sia-fjpcxu, f. £w, to wet through. Hence
Sia-{3aiv<i>, f. -Prjaofiat SiaQds
: aor. 2 (finv, part Sidfjpoxos, ov, very wet, wet, moist. 2. soaked,
pf. -@(07]Ka I. intr. to make a stride, stand with
: steeped ; vavs Sidtfpoxoi soaked, i. e. rotten ships.
the legs apart, and so to standfirm, of warriors. II. 8ia{3pticro|iai, fut. of Sia&i@pwo~K(v.
c. acc. to step across, step ovtr : also absol. to cross 8ta-fjvvca), 8to-Pvvo>, 8ia-pvo), to thrust through —
over, like Lat. trajicere. Pass to be thrust or past ed through.
8ia-pdAXw yiox the tenses, v. fidXXtu), to throw over 8ia.pj), rjs, rj, aor. 2 subj. of SiaPaivco.
or across, carry over or across : seemingly intr. (sub. 8ia--yfiXT)vt£o>, f. iow, y Sid, yaX-qvrj to makeqvite calm.

iavrov, arparov, etc.) like Lat. trajicere, to pass over, Bi-ayysXXto), f. -(Xw to send as
: aor. I SirjyydXa :

cross over. II. to accuse fal ely, slander, calum- a message : generally, to give notice, notify, proclaim :
niate : to accuse a man to another. III. to mis- c. inf. to order to do : —
Med. to pass the word of com-
lead, impose upon. mand from man to man, inform one another.
8iaf3as, aor. 2 part, of Sia&aivtu. St-d-yYeXos, °» a messenger between two, Lat. inter-
8uxj3&o-is, ecus, 17, (SiafZaivco) a crossing over, pas- nuncius : a go-be'ween, spy.
sage. 2. a means or place 0/ crossing. 8ury€, Dor. for 0*1777*, 3 sing. impf. of Sidyu.
Frequent, of Sia@a!v<v, to s'rut about.
8ia(3do-icco 8iaY€Y* v Tlrwu P 1 °f Siayiyvofiai.

' -

Sia-(3ao-Ta£fa>f. dca>, to wngh in the balance. 8ia-"Y€Xda>, f. doovai [ol, to laugh at, mock.
Sia-^Srcos, a, ov, verb Adj. of SiaPaivaj, that must 8i(rY€VT), fut. of
be cros ed. 8taY€v6p.evos, aor. 2 part, of sq., ov, (Sia$aivoj y with a view to a fortu- Bia-Yiyvop-ai, f. -ytvqaopuai, pf. -yeyivn/xat —
nate passage : Siafiarrjpia {l(pd), rd, offerings for a to go hrough, pass : absol. to go through life, sur-
happy passage. vive, live. 2. to be between, intervene, elapse.
8ia{3&T6s. 17, ov, verb. Adj. of Sia&aivoj, to be crossed Bia-Yfyvcao-KG), f. -yvwoofxai : to discern between
or passed, for dable. two, to distinguish, Lat. dignoscere. II. to re-

8ia-j3t{, Dep. to maintain strongly. solve finally, de ermine, vote to do so and so. 2.
of biafiaivco.
8ia{3€j3T)Ka, pf. as Athen. aw-term, to give judgment, decide.
Siafj€j3ib>Ka. pf. of StaPi^co. 8ia-Ytvop.(u, Ion. and in late Greek for Siayiyvofiai.
8iaP«3XTjKa, pf. of Sia&aXXoj. hiayivdiO-Kdi, Ion. and in late Greek for Stay lyvu/o km.
8iaf3«j3pfa>p.a.i, pf. pass, of Sia@i(3pajaK<v. 8i-aYK'uX{£ou,<u, f. ioofiai, Att. wvfxai, Dep. {Sid, :

Siaf3T|p.€vai. E for Sia0vvai, aor. 2 inf. of Siaftaivot. dyKvXrj)

. to bold the javelin by its tbong ; pf pass,

SiafJT|o', fut. of Sia&aivaj. part. SnjyKvXiOfxevos, with the tbong ready fastened,
8iap-f|TTjs, ov, o, (bia&aiva)) a pair of compasses. ready to throw or shoot.
Sia-Pia£opai, f., strcng'hd. for fiic^opuai. 8t-aYKf;X6opai, = StayKvXi(onai.
Sta-pipdLJw, fut. -piPdaw Att. -&i0u>, Causal of 8ia-YXd<f>u>, f. \pcv, aor. 1 SityXatpa, to hollow out.
SiaBaiva). to carry across. 8id-YXvTf*ros, 77, ov, [Sid, yXvcpo)^ all carved.
Sia-fJifJpuo-Kb), f. -fipu/oofjuii pf. pass. fHQpupai 8ioyvu>|xt), 77, a final decree, resolution. From
— to devour.

8uryvu"ivai. aor. 2 inf. of SiayiyvwoKcu

8ux-pi6u>, f. -uaopai : aor. 2 -e&icuv, inf. -fHiuivai (as 8ui-Yva;p(£a>, f. inai Att. iw, to inquire accurately.
if irom a pres. Sia-^iojpu) : to live through, pass. 2. 8id,Yva>o-ts, fa;*, f},(Staytyvu)OK<v) a discerning between
: —— — : : — —

160 Siayv(ic>croiAai — bia£d(o

two, distinguishing, discrimination, II. a resolv 8td8T]pa, aros, r6, (Siabiw) a band or fillet : esp.
ing, deciding. the blue band worked with white which went round the
8iayvu)cro(xai., fut. of biayiyvojoKO). turban (jidpa) of the Persian king: a diadem.
8ta-YOYyv£a>. f. a<u, to mutter, murmur. 8ia-SiSpdo"K(o, f. -Spdffofiai (a) : Ion. 8ia8k8pY|0"Kci>,
bi-S.yoptv<o, (for the tenses, v. dyopevai) to speak -Sprjaofiat : aor. 2 ibpav : pf. -btbpaita : to run off,
plainly, declare. II. to speak of. escape, get away.
SiaYpappa, aros, to, (biaypdtyw) it f. that give from band to band, pass
which Sia-SiSopi, baarai, to
marked out by lines, afignre,form, plan : a geometri- on, give over, Lat. trader e. 2. to distribute, as-
cal figure, diagram. 2. a register. 3. an edict. s *gn 3- t0 spread about, publish. '

8taYpa4>-fi, 1), (biaypdcpoj) a marking out by lines 8ia-StKd£ci>, f. dao), to give judgment in a case : c.
a diagram. ace rei, to decide, rule Med. to go to law : to plead —
Sia-Ypd4>a>, f. \po), to mark out by lines, draw one's cause.
out. II. to cross out, strike off the list, Lat. cir- 8ia-8tkai6a), f. waoj, to bold to be right.
cumscribere ; 5. ditcrjv to strike a cause out of the list, SiaSucao-Ca, rj, (5ta8t/cd£<u) an action to settle dis-
cancel, quash it : in Med., biaypdtf/ao6at Siicnv to cross puted claims.
one's own cause out, withdraw it. 8ia-8i4>pcu(o, f. aw, to run a chariot-race.
8to-YpT)Yop€(i), f. rjaoj, to remain awake. SiaSoGeis, aor. 2 part. pass, of bia^ibwfu.
8i-aYpiaiv<i>, to be much provoked. Sia>Soiclp.d£(v, f. doa, to test closely.

8i-a,YpvTrv«i>, f. 7)OQ), to lie wide awake. 8Ca8os, orai, aor. 2 imperat. of biaSibcofu.
8k-aYX<>>, f» Y^w. to strangle to death. 8td8ocris, «<us, 77, (biabibwfii) distribution.
8l dy<*>, f. d£w : aor. 2 bir)yayov : to carry over or SiaSovvai, aor. 2 inf. of Siabiboj/xi.
across, take across. of Time, to pass, spend;
II. 8io8oxt|, 7, (8ia8e'xo/«u) a succession tic biabo\r)% ;

diayuv fiiov, etc.: but often without 0iov,to live, pass or Hard biaboxv v lw turn. 2. a relief on guard.

life, like Lat. degere : also to delay, put off: c. part. SidSoxos, 6, 17, (StaStx /^') succeeding ; as Subst.,
to continue, go on doing. III. to make to con- diiboxos, 6, a successor ; virvov (pcyyos biaboxov Sleep's
tinue, keep, support. TV. to entertain. V. successor, Light 8m5#xot icpo'nojv they went to work

to keep, celebrate. Hence in gangs or reliefs.

hi&yioyt], 1), a carrying across. II. a passing SiaSpaKoi, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of btabipKOfUu.
of life, a course of life : also a way of passing time, Sia8p3peiv, aor. 2 inf. of biarpex *-
amusement, pastime. SiaSpavai Ion. -Spfjvai, aor. 2 inf. of btabibpdoKO).
8t-dY<»>vi£op,ai, Dep. to contend orfight against. II. 8ia-8pair€T€vco Ion. Sta-Bp-qir-, to escape entirely.
to struggle earnestly : to fight to the end. 8ia8pu.o-i-TroX.iTai, 01, (biabibpacKOJ, rroKiTTjs) citi-
Sia-8dirrci>, f. xf/u, to tear asunder, rend. zens who evade public duties.
8ia-8dr«opai, fut. -8do~ofUxi aor. I -c5aadji.r)v (cf., Ion. -bprjaofiai, fut. of biabibpdoicat.


SartofMi) to divide among themselves.

: 2. to 8ia-8pT)OT€v«, lengthd. Ion. form for biabitpdoKO).
distribute. Sia-8pop.T|,ij, (biabpafiuv) a running through a
8ta8e8tYpai, pf. of StaS^x /-""- place. 2. a passage through.
SiaScSpaica, pf. of 5ia8i5pao~K<v. 8kdSpop.os, ov, (Siabpa/ifiv) running through or
5ia-SciKWLu, f. -5ci£<u, to shew through : hence to about, wandering : vagabond, stray.
make clear, shew —
Pass, to be shewn clearly, btabu- Sia-Svvo) or -8vw also as Dep. fut. :


kvvoQojv Iwv rrokfuios let him be declared the king's ovaofxai aor. 2 bubvv to pass through : slip away, :

enemy. II. sometimes intrans. in Ion. aor. I get off, escape.

&U5t£€, it was clear, manifest. SiaSOs, aor. 2 part, of 8ta5ua>, Siabvopxu.
8ia8cKTb>p, opos, 6, (SiaSixoftai) as Adj. inherited. 8ux-8vcj, v. biabvva).
8ia-8t£ios, ov, {did, de£ios) of right good omen. 8i-a!Sfa>, f. aao/iai, v. diaddoj.
Sia-StpKopai, aor. 2 ibpanov Dep. to see a thing : : 8ia-8a>pcoLuu, Dep. to distribute in presents.
through another oi/b" b\v van' Siabpcucoi he would not
, 81-dei, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of Sidrjfu.
see us through it, sc. the cloud. *8ia-€i8a>, f. -tiaouai aor. 2 Sifibov (q. v.V. : to
SidScTOS, ov, {btabetu) bound fast ; xa*'*' * biddcroi shew forth, prove : as Pass., aperi) Siauberai courage
ytvvoiv Imruojv firm-bound through the horse's mouth. isdiscerned.
8ia-8cxopAk, f. -dfyofuu : pf. -bcbeynai : Dep. : to Si-acCSw, Att. contr. btabtu f. -aefoonat contr. -<f<ro-


receive one from another, Lat. excipere: to take up: (juu : to sing for a prize.
c. dat. pers. to succeed to, relieve on guard : hence in — 8ia-€ipcvos, pf. part, pass of bitrjpit.

pf. part, diadebcyncvoi, in turns, by turns, Lat.vicissim. Sia-eiiretv, 8ia-€fir€p.6v, Ep. inf. of btuvov.
8ia-8cci>, f. h-qow, to bind round, bind fast : generally, Sia-fdcu, Siatfv : impf. bti^rjv fut. bia^rjao):
inf. :

tobind on, fasten. to live through, pass: absol. to live: c. part, to live
8ui-8t]\(0|juu, Dep. to tear in pieces. by doing so and so, dia(£>oi iroiijcpaycovTcs : bia.£r}v
8u£-8tj\o«, ov manifest or distinguished among others.
, iv6 rtvos to live off or by a thing.
: — : : : : : :

dia^yvvfM l — &clk Lvbvv evoo. 161

8ia-t«vywp.i, f. -£fi/£a>, to disjoin. Hence 8i-4iot6&>, f. warn, (Sid, SXaros) to make an end of.
8id£ev|is, «a»s a disjoining.
j), AI' AIT A j), life, a way of living,
, mode of life. 3.

8ta£T)T€a>, f. rjoat, to search through : to seek out, a place for living, a dwelling. II. at Athens, av
invent. bitration. Hence
8ia£tryia, 1), (Sid, fyydv) =- Sidfafit. Siai-rdco, f. 170a; : impf. iSia'nojv or SvyTow : aor. 1
Sid£u>p,a, aTos, t<5, /&a/ «/£/ci; is girt, the waist. II. kSiairrjaa or Si-prrjaa : pf. StSi^rrjKa : plqpf. toedir}-
that which girds, a girdle. From TrjKuv —
Pass., aor. I biriT-fjd-qv : pf. SeSirjTrjfiai :
— to
8ia-£u>wi)u.t or -va> : fut. -£a>ffcu :
— /o g'i'n/ round: maintain, support — Pass, to lead a certain course of
Med /o g-zW oneself with a belt, etc. II. to be arbiter or umpire : gene-
life, to live.

8io-£uki), Ion. for 5m-(da>. govern. Hence rally, to regulate,

Si-d-qpi, Ep. 3 sing. impf. Sidei, to blow or breathe Sia(rr)p.a, aros, t6, mostly in plur. rules of life, a
through. mode or course of life.
8ia-0edop,ai, f. daoyuai [a], Ion. ^co/xat Dep.: to 8iaiTTjTT|piov, t6, (Siairdoj) dwelling-rooms.
: —
/oo£ through, look closely at, examine. 8taiTi]TT|s, ov, 0, (Siairdoo 11) an arbitrator, umpire,
8ia-0ei6u>, f. wacu, to fumigate. Lat. arbiter.
8id0eo*ts, ea», 17, (SiariOrjfu) a disposing in order, Sia-K50atpo>, f. -Ka0ap£>, and Sio-KaOaptgw, f. iG>,
arrangement. 2. = Sia6i}K-q. II. (from Pass.) to cleanse or purge thoroughly.
a disposition, state, condition. 8iaKa0apiei, 3 sing. fut. of StamOapifa.
8ta9«TTjs, ov, 0, (SiariOrjfu) one who disposes in 8ta-Ka0i£a>, fut. -ttyooj and -tut, to make to sit
order, a regulator, arranger. apart, set apart.
Sia-0«a>, f. -devaofuu, to run about: of reports, to Sia-Katu>, f.-Kavaa) pass. pf. StaniKav/iai to burn : :

spread. through, set on fire, beat to excess.
8ia0T|KT), fj, (BiariBrj/u) a disposition of property by 8ia-Kavdo-o-co, aor. I Suicdva£a, of liquid, to run
will ; a will and testament : also a covenant. gurgling through. (Formed from the sound.)
Sia-0opti{3«i>, f. -qca), to confound utterly. 8ia-KapT€p«a>, f. T}o<», to endure to the end, last
Si-a0pca>, f. "qao), to look through, look closely into, out.
examine closely. 8ia-KaTe\c-yx<0, impf. med. SiaKarr)kcyx^V v > to —
8ia-0po«a>, f. 170-0;, to spread a report, give out. confute utterly.
8ia-0pv\ca> or -0pvXA«o, f. rjow, to spread abroad Sidtcavpa, aros, to, (SiaicaioS) burning beat.
— Pass, to be the common talk, be commonly re~ Sia-Kawid£<i>, (/cavvus) to determine by lot.
ported. II. in Pass, also to be talked deaf; pf. 8ia-K€a£a>, f. daoj, to split asunder.
part. 8iaTC0pv\r]fJL6VOS. 8id-K€ipai, inf. -KuoOat fut. -K€iffOfW.t used as : —
8ia-0pvmr&>, f. ^cu : aor. 2 pass. Sterpvcprjv [Hi] : — to Pass, of biaTiOrjyu, to be disposed or to be in a cer-
break in pieces, shiver. II. metaph. to weaken, tain state: to be disposed or affected in a certain
enervate: —
Pass, to be broken down, enervated: to live manner; often with Adverbs, <pi\iKa>s 8ia/ttio6ai to
riotously: —
Med. to be affected, give oneself airs. be friendly disposed; viroirrus Sia/suoOai to be suspi-
8uH0pidgco, f. aao}, to be quite clear andfine. From ciously disposed; nanus Siatcuadai to be in a sorry
St-aiOpos, ov, {Sid, aidpa) quite clear andfine. plight, etc. II. of things, to be settled, fixed; rd.

8i-ai0v 0-0-b), to rush or dart to and fro. Siandfifva certain terms.

81-aip.os, ov, (Sid, olfta) blood-stained. 8ia-Ke(p<i>, fut. -K(pw and -K(paoj: pf. -KitcapKa: —
Statva), f. &v£i: aor. iSirjva: —
much like laivo), to wet, to cut in pieces : to make null and void, frustrate
moisten —
Med., Staivtodcu oooe to wet one's eyes : deprive of; OKtvapia 8iaK€Kapfxevos stripped of bis
absol. to weep. II. to weep for, bewail. trappings. II. to break through, transgress.
8ia(pco%s, «vs, ij, a dividing, division, esp. of a class 8iaK tKvawxpcu, pf. pass, of StaKvaio).
into its constituent parts and ; SuuccKplpai, pf. pass, of hiattpivo).
8icup€Tos, t), ov, divided: divisible: hence distin- Sia-KeXevopai., Dep. to give orders to different per-
guishable. II. distributed. From sons, to exhort. 2. to encourage one another. 3.
8k-aipf<o, f. i\oo)\ aor. 3 SiuKov: — Pass., aor. 1 Sirj- to admonish, inform. Hence
piOrjv : pf. Siyprjucu : — to divide, part or cleave in 8iaK€\ct;<ru.6s, 0, an exhortation, cheering on.
twain : to cut open, to tear away, pull down. II. 8id-K6vos, ov, quite empty, hollow.
to divide, distribute — Med. to divide among them-, Ion. for Jk&Ktifuu.
selves. III. to determine, put an end to : to de- Sia-tceppaTigu, f. iaa> Att. tat, {Sid, /ctpfjia) to change
fine, interpret. into small coin.
8i-atpo>, f. -&p5), to raise up, lift up. II. to part 8iaKcpo-ai, aor. I inf. of hianupo).
asunder; Siaiptiv to crofta to open the mouth., Dep. to negotiate by herald.
8i-au70*a>, f. -at£<u : Att. 8i-a'o*o"&>, -arroi, fut. q£ai : 8ta-KT)puo"cro), f. £<w, to proclaim by herald : to sell
aor. 1 Siv(a to rush through or across
: of sound, by auction.
to shoot through the air. 8ka-Kiv8vvevo>, f. ou, to run all risks, make a deep*-
: : : — : : : —
162 hiaKLvica — htakavddvca.

rate effort: —
Pass, to be hazarded; Sta/cacivSwcv- 8ia-Kpe\<t>, f £a\ to strike the strings of the lyre.
pivot, 77, ov, desperate. 8ta-KpT)v6a), Dor. Kp^vou : f. woo) : (Std, tcp^vq) :

8ia-Kivcc>, f. -qocv, to move throughout, throw into dis- to make to flow, pour forth.
order. II. to sift thoroughly, scrutinise, Lat. ex- 81-aKplfjow, f. wao), (Sid, d/cpi^s) to inquire closely

eutere. III. Pass, to be put in moHon, move. into,have an accurate knowledge of

Sia-xXdco, affo) [dT\ : aor I SiiieXdaa, Ep. part. 8iaKpt86v, Adv. (SiaKpivoj) separately: eminently,

— to break in twain: SiaKticXao pivot — above all, Lat. eximie.

enervated. 8iaKpt0T|, fut. 1 pass, of SiaKpivta.
Bia-KXcTTTco, f. xpto, 'o carry off by steal'h. II. Siaxptdto, aor. I pass. subj. of SiaKpivoj.
to save by stealth — Med., with aor. 2 pass SiercXd- SiaKpiveic, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of Siaicpivo).
wtjv [a], to steal away, get safe off III. to keep 8iaxpiv0€is, Ep. for SiaicptOeis, aor. 1 part. pass, of
back by stealth. SiaKpivcv.
8ia-ic\T)p6b>, <ju(jq}, to assign by lot, allot. 2. 8taKpiv0T|p,€vai,Ep.for SiatcpWfjvai, aor. r inf. pass, of
to choose by lot:

— Med. to cast lots. 8ia-Kpivo>, f. tvu>: (for the tenses, v. Kpivcv): — to

8ia-icXiva>, to turn away, retreat. Hence separate, divide : to part combatants : — Pass, to be
SidicXtoris, ecvt, r), a turning away, retreat. parted or dissolved : to disperse. 2. to distinguish,

8ia-tcXv£<i>, f. vow [ff], to wash thoroughly, wash. tell one from another. 3. to settle, determine, decide
8ia-tcvai<0, f. Kvaiacv : — Pass , fut. SiaKvaioO-qoopai : a dispute; Siatcpiveiv alptoiv to make a choice :
— Med.
pf. SiaK(Kvai<ifun :
— to scrape or grate to nothing: to get a dispute decided: —Pass, of persons, to come to
to wear away crush in pieces : Pas«. to be worn
: to — a but also of a thing, to be decided.
decision : II.

away, destroyed; rd \pwpa SiaKtKvaiopivot having to make a distinction : set apart for holy pur-
lost all his colour. poses. III. in Med to doubt, hesitate. Hence
Sia-Kvi£ca, f. oat, to pull to pieces. 8iaxpToas, (cos, 7), a separating, parting. 2. a
8ia-KoipSv€a>, to rule through or over. deciding, judgment : the faculty of distinguishing.
8iaKop.l8T|, t), a carrying over or across. From 8wtKplT€ov, verb. Adj. of SiaKpivto, one must decide.
8ia-tcoui£a>, (for the tenses, v. Koplfa) to carry over BuitcplTos, ov, (SiaKpivoj) distinguished: excellent.
or across : — Med. to carry over what is one's own — SiaxpoTcu, f. -qou, to stride or break through.
Pa«s. to pass or cross over. 8i&Kpovoas, ea», r), a driving away, putting off.
8i&kovcci>, Ion. Sit)kov€o> : f. t)Ooj : impf. iSid/eovow 8ia-Kpov<o, f. acv, to try or prove by knocking. II.
and SitjkSvow, aor. 1 eSidfcuvrjoa and Sirjicovrpra : pf. Med. to drive from oneself, to put off, get rid of,
StSiaKuvnica : — Pass., aor. I iSidjeovTjOrjv : pf. SeStdico- evade or elude by delays.
vrjyuai : (Stdnovot) : to wait on, serve : to furnish, SiaKTOpos, ov, or Siaxrop, opot, 6, (Sidyoi) the
supply —
Med. to serve oneself. Hence Conductor, Guide ; epith. of Hermes.
8idKOvia, fi, service, business. attendance on
2. 8ia-tcvpda>, (kv/Sos) to play at dice together.
a duty, ministry. 3. the office of a deacon. Sia-Kvicdco, f. ^ooj, to mix together.
Siaicovucos. rj, 6v, (SiaKovicv) serviceable. and creep through: to 8ta-Kvirrii), f. \poj, to stoop
SuIkovos [a], Ion. 8iT|KOvos, 6, »), a servant, waiting- peep through, pry into.
man : a messenger. 2. a minister of the church, 8iaKo>\vTT|S, ov, 6, a binderer, obstructer. From
esp. a deacon. (Deriv. uncertain.) 8ia-KCd\tki>, f. vaci), to hinder, check : to prevent.
8i-&kovtI£o>, f. incv, to throw a javelin at Med. to 8iaKci)X*n. incorrect form of Siokux^- —
contend with another at throwing the javelin. 8ia-Xayx^v(i), f. -Xrj£opat : aor. 2 SiiK&xov to :

8ia-K6irrft>, f. i/w, to cut in two, cut through: to divide or part by lot : to tear in pieces.
break asunder, break through. II. intr. to break 8iaX&0€iv, aor. 2 inf. of SiaXavddvoj.
through, burst through. 8ia-\aK«o, f. 'fjffcv, to crack asunder, burst.
8ta-Kopco> and -Kopcvw, (Sid, leopi]) to ravish. 8ia-XatCTi£ci>, f. iffca, to kick away.
8ta-KopKoptry«o>, £ V <T0J> i0 rumble through. Sia-XiXcco, f. ifaoi, to talk over with.
5id-Kopos, ov, (Sid, Kopivvvpi) satiated, glutted. 5ia-Xapj3dva>, f. Xrjtpopai : aor. 2 -i\8,f$ov : pf.
Si-axooxoi, Ion. 8iT)ic6<rioit ai, a, (Sis, e/caruv) two -(i\t](pa ; pass. -uXijppai or SiaXiXrjppai, Ion. -\£-
hundred, Lat. ducenti : in sing, with noun of multi- — to take or receive separately. II. to
tude ivirot SiaKoaia two hundred horse. grasp with both bands, embrace, Lat. complecti : as, f. rjaoj, to divide and arrange: to mus- Gymnastic term, to clasp round the waist. 2. to
ter : — Med. to set all in order. grasp with the mind, comprehend. III. to sepa-
fuaKocr|A7]0€?p.€v, Ep. for StaKoo-prjOeirjpfv, I pi. aor. rate, divide, Lat. dirimere: to distinguish: also to in-
I opt. of Siatconpicv. terpret. 2. to cut off. intercept. 3. to distribute.
Si-dicovto, f. ovffopai : pf. -aicqKoa'. — to hear through, 8ia-Xdp.iro>, f. if/<v, of the
to shine or
: flash through
bear out hear from another.
: to day, to dawn.
8uL-Kpd£<i>, f. £<v, to cry aloud: to scream against 8ia-Xav0ava>, f.-A^<ra>: aor. 2-iX&6ov: pf.-XiXijOa:
another. —to escape notice: c. ace. pers. to escape the notice of.
—— — : —— : :

bLaXa\€LV — 5ia/xeu/ai. 163

8iaXa\ctv, aor. 2 of tiaXayxdvoj. int. calculation, consideration, reasoning. 2. discourse,
Zi-aXyrfi, ts, {Sid. d\yos) giving great pain, griev- conversation.
ous. II. suffering great pain. SidXo-yos,6, (8ta\(yo(uu) a conversation, dialogue
Gta-Xryo), f. £a>, to pick out, choose. II. 8taX«- Sia-XoiSopcopai aor. I pass. 5ie\oidopr}$Tjv Dep.

: :

•yopcu, Dtp., with fut. med. -\t£onai, also pass. to abuse, rail at.
-XfXOrjo-ofuii aor. 1 med. bieKf^dfirjv, pass, Sie-
: hioXvOi(vai, aor. I inf. pass, of biakveo.
XiXdrjv : -ttktyfuu; to converse, reason, talk
jjf. —, aor. 1 8ie\vfidv0T)v : pf. 8<oa«Av-
with. 2. absol. to use a dialect or language. 3. imo-fxai : Dep. :
to maireat shamefully.
to discourse, argue. 8idXtio-is, ecus, i), (biaXvoj) a loosing one from any-
8ia-Xeiirco, f. \po) : aor. -iXitrov : pf. -\e\011ra, pass. thing, parting: a breaking up, destroying. II. an

-XiKdfijxat to leave an interval: plqpf. pass. Ste-

: ending, cessation : cessation of hostilities, peace.
\4\eiiTTo impers. a gap bad been le/t. 2. intrans. 8iaXvori-4>iXos, ov, (5ia\vcu, <pi\o$) love-dissolving.
to be placed at intervals; to SiaKunov a gap. II. 8ta-XvTT|s, ov, 0, (biaAvw) a breaker up, dissolver.
to leave off, cease: c. part, to leave off doing. 2. of 8iaXvT6s, i\, 6v, (5taAvcw) dissolved: capable of dis-
Time, to intervene, elapse. solution.
Sio-Xeixu, f. (<», to lick clean. 8ia-Xva>, f. vera) [v] pf. -\t\vica : aor. I pass.


SiaAeKTiKos, 77, ov, {diaXeyofiat) skilled in discourse -fkvdrjv [y]: pf. -\i\vfiai: to loose on? from
or argument : j) SiaAe/cntrf] ^sub. Ttxyrj), ^e art °f anoher, part asunder : to break up, dismiss, dis-
debating or arguing. band. break off, put an end to.
2. to 3. to re-
SioXcktos, 1), (SiaXcyw) discourse, conversation: de- concile. 4. StaXveiv Sia&oX-qv to do away with false
bate, argument. II. speech, language. 2. the accusations also to pay off, discbarge.
: II to relax .

language of a country, technically a dialect, to make supple and pliant.

8iaXcXT)0a, pf. of 8ia\av9av <u. 8i-aX<j>tTO&>, f. wow, (bid, aX<pnov) to Jill full of
8iaXcXi]puai, pf. of SiaXapPavcj. barley-meal.
8iaXcXvica, SiaXeXtipai, pf. act. and pass, of biaXvw. Sia-Xa>J3dopai, pf. -XeXufj^pai (in pass, sense), Dep.
SiaXcXvpoo-pai, pf. of biakvfiaivofjuii. to maltreat outrageously.
BiaXe^is, (ojs, 1), = Sid\( ktos I. 8i-apa0uvci>, to grind to powder, raze to the dust,
SiaAt£, fut. of hiaXiyofjai. utterly destroy.
8iaXeirTO-Xo'Y«, Dep. {btdXeirros, X£y<w) to dis-, f. evaofiat, to decide by means of
course subtly. an oracle.
Sux-Xcirros, ov, (Sid, \tirros) very small or narrow: Si-apaprdvio, f. ijao/iat: aor. 2 -/jfiapTov: pf. -rjfidp-
very subtle. T-qica. To miss entirely, go quite astray from, c.
Sid-XcvKOS, ov, marked with white. gen. 2. to fail utterly of, fail Hence of obtaining.
8iaXcx^| val aor * ^- or Sia\4yofuu.
- m "
Stapap-rCa, ij, a wrong reckoning.
a total mistake :

8ioXt|o-o>, fut. of SioXavOdvQ}. Sia-paprvpcw, f. ^<ra>, as Att. law-term, to use a

SiaXlimv, aor. 2 inf. of biaKtivo). biafuxprvpia (q. v.), to call evidence for or against an
8taXXSYT|, %, (SioAAdaaeu) an interchange: a change objection :— Pass., aor. I btepapTvprjOijv, to be affirmed
from enmity to friendship, a reconciliation, treaty of on evidence. Hence
peace : usu. in plur. Siaparvpia, ij, a calling evidence to support or re-
SidXXa-ypa, aros, to, (biaWdaaou) that which is put fute an objection.
in the place of another, a changeling. Buapaprvpopai [v], f. VpovfJiai, Dep. to call
8iaXXaKTT|p, fjpos, 6, and SiaXXaKTYjs, ov, 6, (SiaX- solemnly to witness, to protest solemnly : also to ab-
Xdaacu) a mediator. jure solemnly . to asseverate. II. to beg earnestly

Si-aXXdo-crco, Att. -ttg>: fut. £«: pf. brfWaxa — of, to conjure.

to give or take in exchange: hence to interchange, Sia-pdo-o-to Att. -ttw, fut. £<m, to knead thoroughly,
exchange. 2. to change from enmity to friendship, knead well up.
to reconcile one to another. II. Pass., with fut. 8wt pdxopoi, fut. -fw.x*°' liai Att * -^xovnai, also >

med. diaWdfofiai aor. 1 SirjXXdxOijv, also aor. 2

: -pxix'no-ofjuii Dep. : to fight with, struggle against

oiijWdynv [d] pf. birj?^\ayfMu : to be reconciled, be- :

to fight one with another. 2. to fight through, fight
come friends. III. intr. to differ from one in a out, Lat. depugnare.
thing so Pass., esp. in aor. I SiaWaxOijvai, to be

61 apdcD, fut. ijoco : aor. 2 oiij^irjaa (?id, dfidoS) — to

different. mow or cut through. 2. to scrape or clear away
8i-dXAo|iai, -aXovfmi, Dep.
to leap over or across.
f. so also in the Med.
8ia-Xo-ya£opai, iaopat Att. tovfiai : pf. -\e\6-
f. 8ia-p€0CTjpi, to leave quite off: to give up.
yiofjuii : Dep.: to settle accounts: hence to take full 8i-«p€iP<o, f. ^a>, to exchange. II. Med. to change
account of, consider fully. II. to converse, argue. oneselffrom one place to another : to pass through or
Hence over. 2. absol. to change, alter.
StaXo-yvo-pds, 6, a settling of accounts. II. 8iapcivai, aor. I inf. of Starve).
— :. : —
: : : —

164 Sl&fA€l\lft$ hlOLTttiV&Od.

Sidpcidns, «us, i), (Siafi€i0aj) an exchange. among themselves — Pass, to spread abroad. U,
8ia-|i.€\atvw, f. avu>, to make quite black. to set in order, govern.
Sta-jxeXticrTi, Adv. (did, jxe\os) limb by limb, piece- Sia-vcopai, Pass, to go through.
meal. Biaveorrjv, 8iav«rrnKa, aor. and 2 pf. ofdiavlcrrrjfAi.
8iap.tAA-r]o-is, €01$, i), a being always on the point to Sia-vevo), f. nod, beckon to.
oa>, to

do, continual delay. And 8ta-vta>, f. -vevoopuu, to swim across: swim through.
8io(x,€XX-r)TT|s, ov, 6, one who continually delays. 8ta-vT|Xopau, Dep. biavi<u. =
From 8ta-vi£a>, f. -vixpoj, to wash out, rinse.
8ia-p«XAa>, f. -pifW^aaf, to be always going to do a Sia-viao-opai, Dep. to go through.
thing hence to delay continually.
: 8i-avto-TT|p.i, fut. hiavaoTTjooi to set up, — make to
8iap.ep.evr|Ka, pf. of dia/itva>. stand. II. Pass., with act. aor. 2 karr\v, pf.
of dia/xtfiVTjaKOficu.
8iafA«|AVT)fxai, pf. -(CTijKa, to stand alooffrom, depart from.
Sia-pep<j>opai, Dep. to blame exceedingly. Sta-vot'opat, fut. -votj/to/mi aor. 1 -fvoJjOijv pf. : :

Sia-pivoj, (for the tenses, v. fitvw) to remain by, -vevorjfiai Dep. to think over, intend, purpose, :

continue with. 2. to be constant, persevere. 3. Lat. meditari. Hence

to continue, last, remain. 8iav6t]pa, aros, to, a thought, notion.
8ia-p€pi£a>, f. iaco Att. iui, to divide : metaph. to 8iavor|TiK6s, 17, ov, (biavotofuii) intellectual.
cause dissension : — Pass, to disagree. Hence SidvoiS, also Siavoid, 17, (biavoeofiai) I. thought: :

8iap.6piorp.6s, 0, division : dissension. the intellect, mind. a thought, intention : a II.

8ia-p€Tp€b>, f. rioa), to measure through, measure out notion, belief: the sense or meaning of a thing
or off: to measure out in portions : Med. to have — Si-avoi-yw, f. £oj: to open: hence to explain, expound.
measured out to one, receive as one's share. Hence 8iavo(x0T|Ti, aor. I imper. pass, of Siavoiyoj.
8ta-p€TpTjr6s, 17, ov, measured out or off. Siavopcvs, ecus, 6, (biavejuu) a distributer.
Sidpcrpov, to, Lat. dimensum, a portion measured Suavoptj, 17, (8iavcfia>) distribution.
out,a soldier's rations. From 8t-avTatos, a, ov, going right through ; 1) Siavraia
Sid-pcrpos, j), (81a, fierpov) a diameter or diagonal (sc. v\T)yrj) a home-thrust: metaph. unchanging, —
line. 2. the rule for drawing the diameter. remorseless., Dep. to bring about, contrive. 8i-avr\co>, f. rjaoj, to drain out, exhaust: metaph.
81-ap.iXAdopai, f. rjrrofMii aor. I SajfiiXA-qOrjv : : to drink to the dregs, Lat. exhaurire.
Dep. :
to contend furiously huj. -wKTepeijaj, f. aco, (did, vv() to pass the night., f. nvqaofuu : pf. fiafiinvrj/juii : 8t-avvw or 8i-avvTo> [u] f. vaoi [0] to bring : :

Pass. :
to keep in quite to an end, finish ; bhbv Siavvreiv to finish a
Sia-pivupopai, Dep. to sing plaintively. journey; so also diavvrciv, without 686v.
8ia-pio-Tti\Aci>, f. v\a> aor. I -ffuarvXa : to cut — 8ia-£atvo>, f. avu>, to tear in pieces.
up piecemeal. j
8ia£eis, Dor. for bid£€i$, 2 sing. fut. of bidyoj.
8ia-p,VT)povcva>, f. ffa), to call to mind, remember: ;
8ta-£t<j>i£opai, Dep. (bid, (i<pos) tofight to the death.
hence to record, mention. I 8ia-irai8€, Pass, to go through a course of
8ia-p,oipaa>, (Sid, fioipa) to divide, rend asunder. 2. education.
Med. to portion out. Sia-TTctXato), f. aco, to go on wrestling.
Sidp,-ira£,Adv. right through. 8ta-irdAT|, 1), a hard struggle.
8i-apirepes, (bid, dvanupco) Adv. of Place, through 8ia-TrdXXco, f. -itaXu), to distribute by lot.
and through, right through all in a piece. 2. of — 8ia-irS\vvo), f. vva>, to shiver, shatter.
Time, throughout, for ever. 8ua-iravTos. Adv., = 8m iravrSs, throughout.
8ia-pvSa\4os, a, ov, drenching. 8ta-iraTrTaCvo), to Iwk timidly round.
Sia-pvOoXoyco, f. -qaoo, to tell by word of mouth, to 8ui-TrapaTpt|3Ti, 1), (5id, irapaTpiPw) an useless study:
speak, converse. vain altercation.
Sia-pvWaivco, f. aVa>, (816., pvWw) to make mouths 8ta-rrap0€V€V»o). f. aw, (bid, napO(vos) to deflower.
(in scorn or Bta-rrao-o-dXcvo), Att. -trarraXixxa : f. ff<u : (Sid,
8i-ap<J>t8ios, ov, (bid, dfupis) utterly different. irdaoaXos). To stretch out by nailing, e. g. of a
8i-ap<j>ko-^T|TC(i}, f -qaa}, to dispute, disagree. hide/or tanning: also to fasten the extremities, as in
8ia-vavpa\€a>, f. rjaai, to maintain a long sea-fight. crucifixion.
8t-dv8fxa, Adv. two ways ; bidvbtxa. ftepjjiTjpifav to 8ia-Trdo-o-(o, Att. -rr<a : f. -ttdaoi — to sprinkle about.
halt between two opinions. 8wt-Trava>, f. o<a, to make to cease utterly : Pass, to
Siaveipai, aor. I of biavifMOJ.
inf. cease to exist.
8t-av€KTJs, ts, Dor. and Att. form of birjvtieqs. 8i-aTT€i\c<0, f- ^°' ft'. to threaten violently: — also in
BtaveuTjois, €oo», 17, distribution. From Med.
8ia-vf-xaj, f. -vtfxw: aor. I Sieveipa: pf.-vcviprjiea: 8ia--imvdw, inf. -ireivrjv, to hunger one against the
—to distribute, divide into portions :

Med. to divide other, to contend which is the most hungry.
— — — : —: : —— : ;

bi&irfipa — hiairr&aOai, 165

8id-impa, t), an experiment, trial. 8i-a/rrX6(«>, f. wo<o, (Sid, dirKdos) to unfold. fut. dcro/iat [a] : aor. I -ttrcipaOrjv 8ia-Trv«i>, Ep. —rrvtud f. -nvcvao/Mi aor.
: : I St-

pf. -weirupafiai Dep. :to make trial or proof of a

: (Trvfvaa : to blow through, refresh, revive. II.

thing c. gen. /o have experience of a thing.

to breathe at intervals, revive. III. Pass, to
Sta-Treipco, f. -vtpw, to drive through. evaporate.
Bia-Trep-TTO), f. if/cu, to send about in different direc- 8ia-iroiKtXXo>, variegate, adorn.
f. X\u>, to

tions. II. to send over or across. SiaTToXepeo), carry the war through, end the
f. Tjacv, to

StaTT€Trao", pf. pass, of Siairaoatu. war, Lat. debellare. 2. to carry on the war. II., pf. of oiaTreipdofxai. to force from another by war. Hence

8iair€TroX.€pT|0-opai, fut. 3 of btarroXe/xc'oj. 8ia-TroX«pT)o-is, (ws, 7), a finishing of the war.
8iaTT€Truo-pat, pf. of StairwOavopat. 8ta-rroXiopK«a), f. tjocd, to besiege to the end, to
8ia-rr€paiva>, fut. avw, to bring to an end. blockade.
Bia-rrepaiooj, f. wacv, to take across, ferry over :
— 8ia-Trop.TT€va), f. ocv, to carry the procession to an
Pass, to be carried over, go across. 2. to draw en- end. carry all round.
2. to

tirely out of the sheath. 8taTropTTir|, 7), (SianffiTrco) a sending backwards and
8i.air€pavai,, aor. I inf. of oianepaiva). forwards : negotiation.
5ia-Tr€pda>, f. aa<u [a] : to go over or across, to 8ia-Troveo>, f. 7)<r<v, to work out with labour, Lat. ela-
pass : to pass through. borare : to practise — Pass, to be administered : also
8ta-Trep0o), f. nepacv aor. 2 hiirrpaOov, Ep. inf. hia-
: to be troubled. I!, intr. to work hard, toil.

npaOiiiv: aor. 2 med. 8i€irpa6(T0, in pass, sense: to 8id-rrovos, ov, having gone through many labours.
destroy utterly, to sack, waste. 8ia-TrovTios, ov, (Sm, ttovtos) beyond seas, foreign,
Sian-cpo-ai, aor. I inf. of bian (p6<x). Lat. transmarinus : going beyond seas.

8iaTr€0"€iv, aor. 2 inf. of hiam-ma). SiarrovQis, Adv. of Sidirovos, laboriously.

8uiTr€o-€io-9ai, fut. inf. med. of dtawiirra). 8ia-Tropcva>, f. ecu, to carry across. II. Pass.,

8ta-Trerapai, = SiaireTOfxai. with fut. med. -ivaopxu, aor. I pass. SttitopevOrjv : to

8ia-Trerdvwpi or -va> : f. -verdacu [a] : to open and go through, pass along.
spread out. 8i-airop«i>, f. Tjoaj ; and Dep., aor. I
Sia-rrcTopai, fut. -wTr/co/zat : aor. 2 -cnTOfirjv or 5i7]irop7)67]v : to be quite at a loss.
-enTa.fx.7jv : Dep.: to fly through. 2. to fly away, 8ia-rrop0ea>, f. 7)0-00, = SiavepOoo, to ruin utterly.
vanish. Sta-TropSpevo), to carry over or across : to
f. ao),
Suvn-evaropai, fut. of 8ia7rw9dvo/xat. carry a message; SianopOficvuv vora/iov, of ferry-
8taTT€<{>oij3do-0ai, pf. inf. pass, of 5ia<poifid£oj. boats, to ply across a river.
8iair€<|>pd8a, pf. of bia<ppd£ofiat. Sia-TrpaypaTcvopai, Dep. to treat f thoroughly.
8ta-TTT]Yvvpt, f. -Trt)£oj : aor. I med. StfTrij^dfirjv : to SiairpdOcciv, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of SiavipOco.
fasten together. 8ia-Trpdo-o-o>, Att. -irpdrTa) Ion. - irpT|0"0*ci)

: :

8ta-TiT)8da>, f. f)aofiat, to leap through or across. II. to accomplish, Lat. conficere : accomplish
intr. to
intr. tomake a leap one's way across. 1. to bring about, effect: Med.,
8ia-maivo>, f. avw, (Sid, tnW) to make very fat. to effect for oneself, gain one's point. 3. to make
8ia-mpTr\T)pi, f. -itKrjaoj (for the tenses, v. m/x- an end of, slay.
w\7)fu), to fill full of: Pass, to be quite full of. 8iaTrp€TTT|s, es, eminent, conspicuous. From
8ta-rriva>, f. -niofiai, to drink against one another, Sia-rrpcTrci), to be eminent, conspicuous, or distin-
challenge at drinking. [1] guished above others.
8ia-mTTTCi>, f.-TTfaovfxat (for the tenses, v. irluroS) :
— 8uLTrpcTru>s, Adv. of Siairpcnrjs, conspicuously: Sup.
to fallthrough, fall off or away, escape: to fail utterly, omirpeircoraTa.
go quite wrong, turn out ill. 8ia-rrp€o-J3euopai, Dep. to send embassies to different
8ta-m<rT€VG>, f. o<u, to entrust in confidence Pass. — places.
to have a thing entrusted one. 8ia-irpT|cro-a>, Ion. for Sianpdcraa/.
8ta-TrX«K{o, f. £<v, to interweave, weave together. II. 8ia-Trpta> [t] fut. -vpiovtiai : pf. pass, -irtirpioiiat

: :

to weave asunder, i. e. unweave; SianXeituv rbv fiiov to saw through or in two : to cut to the heart
to end the web or tissue of one's life. SiavpUiv rovs oSSvras to gnash the teeth :
— Med. to
BtairXctJo-as, aor. 1 part, of gnash with the teeth.
8ux-rrX«o, f. irkevaoiiai, to sail through. Siairpo, Adv. thoroughly.
8ia-rrXT]KTi£opat, Dep. to spar or skirmish with. Sia-rrpticrtos, a, ov, (Siairepdoi) going through, pene-
Sta-TrX-fio-o-ft) Att. -tto*, f. £a>, to break in pieces, trating, piercing, thrilling, of sounds : neut. Siairptj-
split, cleave. atov, as Adv. piercingly, tbrillingly. 2. far-stretch-
8id-rrXoos, contr.-irXovs, 0, (8iair\4<v) as Adj. sailing ing ; vpwv neoioio Siarrpvaios t€tvxtjkws a hill run-
across, passing over. II. as Subst., t)idir\ovs, 6, ning/ar into the plain. 3. manifest.
a voyage across, ^passage. 2. a channel. 8i.aTrrdo-6at, aor. 2 inf. of Stairirafjat.
: : : : — : — : —
166 hiamroito — buunrdto.

8ia-irro«o, f. ijo~o) Ep. aor. I Zitirroirjaa

: : to scare 8iap-poi£(o>, f. 170-ai, to whizz through.
away, startle : to strike with panic. SiappvSav, Dor. for -vStjv, Adv. (Siappiaj) melting
Sia-HTUoxrw, f. £<u, to unfold, disclose. away, vanishing.
8ia-irri5x^|, f), a fold, folding leaf.
(Sid, irrvxh) SiappvTJvai, aor. 2 inf. of Siappiot.
8ta-irTV<i), f. vaoi [C], to spit upon, despise utterly. SiappvTjcropai, fut of Siappia).
8ia-iruKT€tK»>, f. aw, to box or fight with. 8iappw£, wyos, 6, 7}, (diappriyvvfu) rent asunder., f. -irtvoopat : pf. -nemo fiat : aor. 81-apTSpcw, f. 770*0;, to cut in pieces.
2 -tirv66fJiT]v — to search out by questioning. Si-aprdw, f. -qaoj, to suspend and interrupt.
Sid-irt/pos, ov, (Sid, irvp) red-hot: hot, fiery. Hence Sta-caCva), to fawn upon.
Siairvpow, f. dVa>, to set on fire. Sia-o-aipw, pf. -oia-qpa, to grin like a snarling dog.
8ia-Tra>X«o, f. -qaoj, to sell publicly. 6ia-o-&AdK<i>v££o>, strengthd. for oakajcojvifa.
Sidpai, aor. I inf. of biaipcu. SiaaacrOai., aor. I inf. med. of SiqiSu.
SiapaCpTjpai, Ion. for Siyprjfiai, of Siaipioj.
pf. pass, Sta-odcJ) <a>, f. rjaoj, {Sid, aa<p^s) to make quite manifest.
8i-dpd<ro-a>, Att. -ttw, f. £a», to break through, 8ta-<r3<j>T)v(£b>, f. aoi, to make quite manifest.
strike through. 8ka-o-ci<o, aw, to shake violently: intr., Staauuv

8i-dp vepos, ov, flecked or spotted with white. rrj ovfxf to keep wagging with the tail. 2. to con-
8i-ap9p6co, f. djow, (Sid, dpOpov) to divide by joints, found. II. to harass, oppress.
to articulate. 2. to complete in detail, describe 81.a-o-cvop.a1: Ep. aor. 2 Suaavfirjv [C], 3 sing. Siiff-
distinctly. avro : Pass. to dart or rush through.

8i-Spi0p,€Ci>, f. i\aoi, to reckon or count up : also to 8ia-o-npaivo>, f. 6vSi, to mark or point out: to make
distinguish, Lat. enumerare. known, explain.
8i-apKtu>, f. too), to have full strength : to endure, 8id-o-n,uos, ov, (Sid, arjfia) quite clear, distinct.
bold out, prevail. II. to nourish. Hence Aido-ia, rd, (Aius) the feast of Jupiter at Athens.
8iapKT)s, is, sufficient: lasting. Adv. -nwt, Sup. Sta-o-lcD-rrdu), f. r\aoyxn, to remain silent. 2.
-fffrara, in complete competence. trans, to pass over in silence.
8i.-app.6fto or -ma, f. o<u, to distribute in various oia-o~KavSiic(£<i>, to dose with
f. o~a>, (Sid, oicdvSi£)
places, to dispose. wild chervil, in allusion to Euripides.
8iapir&Y^)i %> plunder. From Sia-o-Kdirru, f. \f/<u, to dig through, make a breach in.
8i-apirdg<i>, fut. daopai (for the tenses, v. dpirdfa) 8ia-o-Ke8dwvpi,, {.-ofetSdooj [&), Att.-OKeSa>: aor. I
— to tear in pieces :

to plunder, Lat. diripere : to -(OKtb&aa: — to scatter abroad: to dissipate: to

carry off as plunder. dhband.
8iappdY"nvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of Siapprryvvm. Siao-KcSdo-cicv, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of foreg.
8iappdYT|, fut. 2 pass, of Siapp-qyvv/u. 8ia-a"Ktvd£a>, f. data, to set in order: Pass, and —
Stap-paiv<u, to besprinkle: Pass, to flow in various — Med. to arm
or equip oneself.
directions. Siao-Ktvpopai, fut. of SiaoicoirfOi.
8uip-paio>, f. aot : aor. I liippaiaa — to destroy 8uj.-o*KT|vda) or -«i>, f. i\ao)\ and 8ta-o*icr]v6a>, f.wffco:
utterly. —to take up different quarters : to retire each severally
8kap-pco>, f. -pevaofuu aor. 2 pass, (in act. sense) to bis quarters. 2. to leave a comrade's tent.


-eppvnv : pf. -tppvTj/ca : to flow through: to slip 8ia-orKi8vnr|pi, for SiaaKtSdwvfu, to disperse.
through : absol. to leak — pf. part. SitppvrjKws, gap- 8ta-o~Koirc<i>, in pres. and impf.: fut. -Gietyoiuu (from
ing. II. to fall away
water, waste away. like root oKenTOfiai) : pf. -(ffKffiftou : to look through,
Siap-pTiyvoipi, f. -pifca* (for the tenses, v. fVqyvvfu) examine, consider. II. to look round one, keep
to break, rend in twain, cleave Pass, to burst. — watching.
8iappT)8i)v, Adv. (Siepw, Siapprjdrjvcu) expressly, dis-, Dep. (Sid, OKomd) — : to look out
tinctly. from a watch-rower, to spy out.
8tappr||as, aor. I part, of Siapp^yvv/ju. 8ia-o-KopiTffa>, f. aoi, to scatter abroad.
8tdp-pippa, aros, to, a casting about. From 8ia-o-Kto-n-rco, f. —Med.
^<u, to jest to jest one with
SkappCirrao-KCv, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of Stappiwroj. another, pass jokes to andfro.
8iap-piirr&i>, only used in pres. and impf., = Siap- 8ux-o-pau>, Ion. -o-ptw — : f. tjoqj: to wipe out, to
pinToj. II. intr. to throw oneself, plunge. rinse, clean.
8iap-p£irr6>, poet. SiapCirrci), f. if/o), to throw, fling, 8ia-o-p.-f|x<o, f. £oj, to cleanse by rubbing.
burl, dart about. Hence Sia-o-o^ifopai, f. laofiai, Dep. to act or speak like
Siappid/is, a throwing about, scattering.
€a>», ?), a sophist.
8iappoT), »}, (Siappitu) a flowing through, a channel StaorirSpaKTOS, j, 6v, torn to pieces. From
or pipe to flow through. 8«x-o-tTdpdcrcroj, Att. -tto>, fut. £a>, to rend in sunder
8iap-po0ca>, f. 770-0/, to roar or rustle through. or in pieces.
Stappoia, 7), » dtappor), a flowing through : esp. as 8iao-irapTJvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Ikaontloo).
Medical term, diarrhoea. 8taHjiraa), f. dooj or more commonly doopai : (for
: : : : —— ,, : . : : : — : :

biacmtLpa) — fitarofevoo. 167

the tenses, . or-daA: to tear asunder, part, Lat. 8ia-Tdpvto, Ion. for oiariuva).
divellere : to break through, pull down : of the laws, SiaTa£is, ecus, i), {biardoau') di position, arrange-
to break through, transgress : to separate Pass., of — ment ; esp of troops in order of battle.
soldiers, to be distributed in quarters. 8ia-Tdpdo*crci), Att. -ttw, f. £a>, to throw into great
Sia-o-ireipa>, f. tpS), to sow, scaler or spread abroad: confusion, confound.
to squander. II. to separate. 8ia-rdo*crft),Att. -ttc>: f.£a>: — Pass., aor. I -trdxO-qv,
Siao-TTopd, 17, (Starrirupoi) dispersion. aor. 2 -CTayqv -rtraypim [2] to arrange : to
: pf. :

8i-a'crcra>, SiaTTto, Att. for oiaiaaoi. set in order, draw up in order of battle: also to draw, f. rjao/Mt, Dep. to order by rule, up separately. 2. c. ace. et inf. to appoint one to
regulate. do or be: Med., — aor. 1 part, in pass, sense oiaTafa-
Staoras, 8tao-rr)vai, aor. 2 part, and inf. ofSitar-nfu. fievot posted in battle order — Pass, to be in battle
8tacrT4tris, (ojs, t), {biaarrivai) a standing apart: order. II. in Med. order by will.
also, to
distance, an interval. 2. disagreement, dissension. 8iaTa\0€LS, aor. I pass. pa<t. of oiamoaa).
Buwrravpow, f. waoi, to fortify with stakes or a Surrcdpvpjjuu, pf. pass, of oiaBpvmoj.
palisade. 8ia-T6ivu), f. -T€j/cD: — Pass., aor. 1 -ct6.9t]V [X): pf.
8ia-<rT6ix«, aor. 2 oiiorXxov, to go through or across: -TeT&fjtai (for the tenses, v. ruvw) — to stretch out,
to continue. stret b to the full: — Med. to strain oneself: to exert
Swi-otcAAg), f. -<rT«Xa;, to separate, to distinguish, oneself, strive bard : to maintain stoutly.
determine. II. to command, give orders. 8ia-T«txi£a», f. io<o, Att. tut to cut off and fortify

8idcTTT|pa. aros, to, (biaarfjvai) an interval. by a wall : to draw a wall across : to divide as by a
SwwrrfjTrjv, Ep. for 8i€<niiTt)v, 3 dual aor. 2 of wall. Hence
iliaTtJfU. 8iaT€ixurpa, otoj, to, a place walled off.
Sia-ortXpaj, f. ipo), to gleam or dawn through., Dep. (Sid, rixpiap) to mark out.
8ia-cn-oi{3d£a>, f. daw, to s'uffin between. Bia-TcAcvTaw, f. ijaai, to bring to fulfilment.
8ia-crroixi$opai, f. Laofuai, Dep. to apportion re- SiaTcXca), f. kao), to bring quite to an end: to fulfil:
gularly. to continue doing. From
8tao-To\T|, 1), (JiacrrcAAa;) distinction, difference. 8ta-T€\-f|s, c'», (5td, T«\os) incessant : permanent.
8ia-OTpaTijY«», t. rjav, to serve as a general. 8ia-Tcp,v<o, Ion. -Tapvco : f. reput) : (for the ttnses,
8ia-crTp«'4>o>. f. \po) (for the tenses, : to v. refivtu) to cut through, cut in twain : to sever,
v. orpecW) : —
distort : turn aside : to pervert
to Pass, to be dis- part —
Pass , SiaTpajOrjvai Ktiradva to be cut into —
torted, to have one's eyes dis'orted: to squint. Hence strips.
8(.dcrrpo4>os, ov, dis'orted: metaph. perverted. 8iaTCT&x a, pf act. and pass, of 8«x- »

Sia-o-upco, pf. -atavpica, to tear in pieces : to worry rdaao},

disparage 8ia-T6Tpaivo>, f. -rtTpSvw, Ion. -rcrpavia) and
Sia-0-<f>d£ci> Att. -<r<f>aTTci>, f. £<w, to cleave asunder, -Tprjooj — to bore through, make a bole in.
to slaughter. hux tt)koj, f. £a» (v. rrjicoi), to soften or melt by beat:
8ia-o-<t>aipC£<i>, f. low Att. tw, to throw about like a — Pass., with pf. -T€Tt)/ca, to melt entirely, thaw.
ball, to to*s about. 8ia-TT)p€a>, f. -Jaw, to watch closely. II. (sub.
8ia-cr<j>dAAu>, /o/ot7 or overturn utterly. lavrov), to keep oneselffrom, abstain from.
8iacr<J>a£, iyos, 17, (Piaotpafa) any opening made by 8iaTi ; for 8id tv, wherefore f Lat. qunmobrem T
force, a cleft, a roc^y gorge. 8ia-ri9t)pi, f. -6-qaw. Pass., aor. I SiCTtOrjv: pf. —
Sia-o-<j>€vSovd(i>, f. 170*0;, to scatter from or as from Siartdtipiai :

to place separately, arrange. 2.

a sling —
Pass, to fly in pieces. to dispose, manage: to treat Pass, to be disposed —
8ta-o-<j>T|K6opai, pf. -c<T(pT)KWfiai, Pass. (Sid, o<frfi£) of treated.
, 3. to set forth: to recite. II Med.
to be compressed at the waist a wasp.
like to set out for sale, dispone of. mutually; ?. to settle

8ia-o"xt£a>, f. iota, to cleave asunder Pass., aor.— I bianOevai hiaO-qtcqv rivi to make a covenant with one
oi(a\ia9Tjv, to be cloven asunder, to be parted. absol. to make an agreement with, promise.
8iao~xuv, aor. 2 part, of oiixu- 8ui.-Tip.da>, f. ^o"a», to honour greatly.
8ia-aw£u>, f. -awaoj : (for the tenses, v. odifa) : to 8wa-Tlvdcrcra>, f. £a>, to shake asunder, shake to pieces:
keep safe through, bring one well through: also to fut. med. Tiva£opuat is used in pass, sense.
keep in memory:— Med. to preserve to oneself: Pass. — 8ia-Ttv0oXcos, a, ov, = rtv6a\(os.
to come safe through; HiaawfeaQat tit . . or vp6s.. hia-r^-f^fdi, aor. I -4rpir](a : aor. 2 -iry&yov, pass.
to come safe to a place. -iTpAyqv, Ep. 3 Sierftayfv Ep. for hiaripLvo),
pi. : —
8ta-cra)Trdopai, f. daopuai [a]. Dor. for oiaaiorndm. to cut in twain, divide, sever; Siirpuiyfv Iv <ptX.6rrjTi
hux Tdyf'**, f. <w, (016.. rdySt) to arrange. they parted friends : absol they were scattered abroad.
8uitSyt|. 17*, ?) (Siarayfjvcu) a disposition. 8iaTpfj£ at, aor. I inf. of oiarluvo)
8iaT4*ff,vai, aor. 2 af biardaaoj. inf. pass, 8ia-rofcixi>, f. ow, to shoot through or across: — Med.
Btardypa, aTot, to, (jbiardoow) a commandment. to contend in shooting with.
: — — : : : — : ::

168 biaropos — hia<f>pdywijLi.

Sia-r6pos,ov, act. piercing: of sound, thrilling, II. 8ia4>€p6vra>s, Adv. pres. act. part, of Sta<pSp<u, dif-
Sidropos, ov, pass., pierced. ferently from : especially, extremely.
Suvrpdytiv, aor. 2 inf. of Siarpwyo). 8ia-<|>(p(d :
— fut. Sioiacu and Sioiaopai, formed from
Sia-rpeirto, f. ipco, to turn, divert, dissuade — Pass, *oioj — aor. I SirjveyKa, Ion. Si-fjvd/ca ; aor. 2 Siif-
with fut. med. -Tptipofiai, aor. I med. -fTpaTrofirjv, vey/cov formed from * ivtytca}
to carry : (v. <p(ptu) :

aor. 2 pass, -erpdirqv : to turn or be diverted from over or across. carry different ways: to tear
2. to

a thing. asunder; Siacpipuv rr,v xprjcpov to give their votes a

8ta-Tp«<|>ft), f. maintain, support throughout.
Opiipo), to different way, i. e. against one but also to determine :

8io-rp€x&>, -$pe£onai (/or the tenses, v. rpe'x<«)t

f. : by vote : metaph. to disperse reports. 3. to carry
— to run through or over: metaph. to exhaust. II. through, bring to perfection. 4. to bear through,
intr. torun about, Lat. discurrere. endure, go through with. 5. absol. to continue, to
8ia-rp€&>,f Jaw, to run trembling about, flee all ways. live. II. intr. to differ, to be different from. 2.
8iaTpiptj, i), a wearing away, a spending of time. 2. impers., Siatycpti ftoi it makes a difference to me, oi

a pastime, amusement. 3. serious employment, 8ia<ptpct it makes no difference; rd Sia<p4povra points

study : a discussion, argument. 4. a way of life, °f difference. 3. to be different from a man, to
living. II. in bad sense, a waste of time, loss of surpass, excel him. III. Pass, to differ or be at

time, delay. From variance with, quarrel with.

8ia-rptf3<i> [t] f. xj/qj — Pass., aor. 2 SieTpi&rjv [t] 8ia-4>€VYa>, f. -<p€v£ofJiai aor. 1 -4<pvyov pf. -iri-
: :

: :

pf. SiaTCTpinfiai : — to rub between; x €P a^ Starpiipas: cpevya: (v <ptvyo)): to flee through, get away, escape.
— to rub away, consume : to waste, destroy. II. Hence
metaph. to spend time, live. 2. to busy, employ 8id<J>ev£is, tax, 1), an escaping, means of escape.
oneself. 3. to waste time, delay. III. to put 8ta.-dvqu.ija), f. too), to make known, publish.
off by delay, thwart, binder. Hence 8ia-4>0€Cp&>, f. -<p$€pu> Ep. -<pdepa<u: pf. -(<p9apica:
8iaTpLirriic6s, 17, 6v, dilatory. — to destroy utterly, kill : generally , to spoil, barm. 2.
8ui-Tptxa, Adv. in three ways. to lead astray, corrupt, ruin: esp. to bribe: to se-
8td-rpoiros, ov, various in dispositions. duce. II. Pass., fut. <p9apr)O0fMii, also fut. med.
SuoTpo4>T), 1), (Starpi<poj) sustenance, support. -(pOapovfiai, Ion. -(pOfpiofiai : aor. 2 -e<p6dprjv [#]
8ia-Tpoxa£<», f. oai, of a horse, to trot. go pf. -4<p9apfjiai :
to be destroyed, to ruin, perish
8ta-rpv r ios, ov, (Sid, rpvyn) planted with vines, esp. to be disabled : 8ie<p6ap(x4vos corrupt. III.
ripening one after the other. the perf. SU<p$opa is sometimes intr. to be deranged,
StaTpvcJjeU, aor. 2 part. pass, of SiaOpwrTO). mad: also to be dead. Hence

huL-rpwyo, {.-Tpu£ofiai aor. 2 Siirpayov: to nibble, Sia<t>9opd, f) y destruction, ruin, death. t. in moral
gnaw through. sense, corruption, seduction. 3. l\6vaiv SiaxpOopd
8t-^TTa) or 8i-Atto>, fut. Sta£a>, Att. for Siaioow. a prey for fishes. Hence
8i-avY<i£a>, f.shine through, dawn.
aa>, /o 8ia<j>9opev>s, €<w», 6, a corrupter, seducer.
8t-avYi]S, avyq) transparent, radiant.
«'», (Sid, 8i-a<l>iT)p.i, f. i\ooi, to dismiss, disband.
8ia.vXo-5p6p.-ns, ov, 6, (SiavXos, Spo/jios) a runner in 8ia-4>oipdga>, f. ow, to drive mad — Pass, to rave.
the race. 8io-<f>oiTd<i),Ion. -€o>, f. rjcroj, to wander abroad, run
8t-avXos, av\6s) a double pipe or channel: about : to get abroad.
6, (Sis,
in the race, a double course, where the runner ran to 8ia<f>opd, ij, (5ia<ptpaj) difference, distinction. 2.
the furthest point of the ardSiov, turned round the variance, disagreement. II. distinction, excel-
post, and ran back by the other side: metaph., Siav\ot lence. III. advantage, profit.

KVfidTtw ebb and flow, Lat. fluctus reciproci. II. 8ia-<f>opcci>, f. i\aoi, to drag about, spread abroad. 2.
a strait. to carry off as plunder, to plunder : also to rend in
8ia<f>dY«tv, aor. 2 inf. of Si€o$i<u, to bite through. pieces, destroy. II. to carry through or across.

SukJnxStjv [4], and 8ia<J>dv8nv, Adv. openly. From Hence

8i.a-4>a(vci>, f. -<pava> (for the tenses, v. <paivw)
: to :

8ta4>6pT|cris, 6<w«, ij, a plundering.
shew through, make to shine through. II. Pass., 8td<j>opos, ov, (5ia<pip<u) different, unlike. 2.
aor. * -t<pavTjv [#], to be seen, appear through. 2. to differing with another at variance with. II. :

glow, to be red-hot. 3. metaph. to be proved : to superior, excellent. 2. advantageous, profit-

be conspicuous among others. III. intr. in Act. able. III. as Subst., Sidcpopov, r6, difference:
to dawn. 2. to be transparent. Hence disagreement.
Sia<t>&v-rjs, is, seen through, transparent. %. glow- Sia4>6pci>s, Adv. of 8id<popot, variously. 2. at
ing, red-hot. II. metaph. well-known, manifest: variance. 3. excellently.
illustrious —Adv. -vws, manifestly. 8u£4>p<rypa, aros, t6, (Siatppdaaoi) a partition-
8ta-4>avo-Kfa>, Ion. -4>wctkw : (Sid, <pdos) : to shew wall. II. the membrane which divides the lungs
light through, dawn. from the stomach, the midriff.
8ia-<|>CYyr|S, «'»» (Sid, <plyyoi) transparent. 8ia-4>p& yvupA, £ia<ppdcracu. —
: : : — —
— :

bLa(ppd(oo — bCbvfxvos. 169

8ia-<J>pd£o>, to tell clearly: Ep. aor. 2 8i-tir$<ppa8ov. i 8ia-v|rvx«>, f.
£a>, to cool, refresh : of ships, to haul
8ta-4)pao-cra), f. fa>, to separate by a fence. high and dry : to make water-tight.
8ia-cj>ptiD, f. -ipprjaiu, (Sid, <ppia>, which only occurs 8i-j3o\os, ov, (Sis, jSdAAcu) two-pointed. \t]

in compos., v. tlatpptaj, kK<ppia>) to let through, — 8C-yXtjvos, ov, (Sis, y\r}vr}) with two eyeballs.
let out. 81-"yAo>o"0"os, Att. -ttos, ov, (Sis, yXuxjaa) speaking
$ia-4>vYy<£va>, = 8ia<pt vyoi. two languages Lat. bilinguis : as Subst., Siy\<uaaos,
h\.<x$vyi]. i), (Siacptvyoj) a means of escape. 6, an interpreter. II. double-tongued.

8ia4>vT], i), (8ia<pva}) any natural partition, as A&« 8C-yovos, ov,(Sis, *y4vaj) twice-born: twin; double. —
jotn/s in bodies : a cleft, division, as in nuts. SiSaypa, aros, to, (SiSaofcaj) a lesson.
8ia-4>v\do"O-<0, Att. -ttu, f. £<v, to watch vigilantly, 8i8(Lkkt), Dor. for SiSdoitti.
preserve: keep, maintain. 8i8o.ktik6s, 17, ov, (SiSaaKO)) apt at teaching.
8ia-<t>t)o-da>, (.rjnoj, to blow or breathe through. II. 8l8aKTOS, ij, ov, (SiSaoKw) of things, taught: that
to blow away: Pass, to be scattered to the winds, can be taugh' : that ought to be taught. II. of
vanish. persons, taught, instructed.
8i-ad>wcrcrw, f. £<u : aor. I Sif/QHaa : to draw out, 8lSd£o>, fut. of SiSaoKto.
draw off. II. to tear up, rend. 8i8ajis, (cos, ff, (SiSaoKoS) teaching, instruction.
8ia-<t>v<i>, f. <pvao), to make to grow through. II. 8l8ao-K&\ctov, to, (SiSaoKoj) a teaching-place, school.
Pass., with aor. 2 act. 8ii<pvv, pf. 8iairc<pvica : to in- SlSao-K&Xta, if, (SiSaoKoS) teaching: education, train'
tervene ; \p6vot 8it<pv time elapsed. ing. II. the rehearsing of a drama; cf. SiSdoica) 11.

8ta-<t>a>ve&>, f. "qau, to sound discordantly, to disagree. SiSaox&XiKos, tj, ov, (SiSdatcoi)Jitfor teaching, in-
8ia-<J>uia-Ka>, Ion. for 8ia<pavaK<v. structive. Adv. -Ku/s, instructively.
8ia-xafa> or xd£, to draw back, withdraw. SkSao-KdAiov, to, (SiSdo-K<u) a science, art.
8ia-x&\aa>, f. daa> [&] : —
to loosen : to open, un- BlSdo-K&Xos, and ij, (SiSaoKoS) a teacher, master
bar. II. to make supple by exercise. a dramatic poet was called SiSdatcakos, because he
8ta-x<ioTc<i>, to gape wide, yawn. himself taught the actors.
Siax<ai, aor. I inf. of Siaxta). 8i8a.o-iccp.cvai,, Ep. inf. of SiSaff/cv.
8ia-x€ip.d£a>, f. daa), to pass the winter. 8t8ao-Kf|cr<H, poet, for 8i8d£ai, aor. I inf. of
8ia x«Lpt£a>, f. iaoj Att. i£>, to have in band, eon- 8l5do-Ko>, fut. 8i8d£a) : aor. 1 iSiSa£a, poet. iSiSd-
duct, manage. Hence from SiSaffKtoj) pf. 8t8i88.x a (redupl.
cicrjaa (as if


SiaxcCpicris, «us, f), management, administration. causal form of *8dw) to teach; with double ace,

8io-X€ipOTOv«w, f. rjaa), to choose between two persons limoavvas at k8iSa£av they taught thee riding Med. : —
or things by show of bands, or by open vote. Hence to have a person taught; also, to teach oneself, learn:
8iax€tpo-rov(a, ?), a choice between two persons or Pass, to be taught, to learn. II. StSda/etiv is

things. used of the scenic poets, who taught the actors their
8ua-x«w, f. -\fu>: aor. I -^x fa Ep. -4x^va:
> to — parts. Hence
pour different ways : to pout out, dissolve : of metals, 8i8axT), 1), teaching : doctrine.

to soften, melt: also to disperse: metaph. to con- 8(ST]p.i, :

3 pi. pres. tV
Ep. for Sioj, to bind, fetter
found. II. Pass, to be poured from one vessel Siaoi 3 sing, imperf. 6/817, ^P- f° r ($&*)•

into another: to be melted: to fall to pieces: metaph. — 81801s or 8i8oto-0a, 81801, Ion. « and 3 sing. pres.
to be relaxed. of SiScofii, formed from " 8186a).
8ia-xX€va£a>, to mock greatly., 8i86p.€vcu, 8i8ovvai, Ep forms for SiSovai,
8ux-xob>, old form for Staxann/vpi ; in inf., Siaxovv to inf.of SiSajfii.
X^/xa complete the mound.
to 8£8ov, 2 sing imperat. and Ep. 3 sing. impf. of 8i8a>m,
8ia-xpdop.cK, f. -qaonai, with Dor. 3 sing, Staxprj- formed from *Si5ocw: 8i8o\iv inf.; 8i8o£crt 3 plur.
otirai —
to use constantly : also to meet with, suffer 8i8pdcrK(i>, fut. Spdaofxai [d] pf. SiSpdica : aor. 2 :

under. II. c. ace. pers. to destroy, slay. iSpav, inf. opdVcu, part. Spas, imperat. Spdt^t, subj. 8pa>,
8ia-xp«o| Ion. for foreg.: Siaxptcufxai, Ion. subj. opt. Spairjv: Ion. 8t8pTjo-K<o, f. Sp-fjao/Mii, aor. 2 tSpijv:

8ia-x«vwpA, -x&oo), to carry a mound across.

f. (* Spaai) :
— to run away, escape.
Sia-Xtapioi, f. 4)00), to go or pass through : imoers., 81-Spaxpos, ov, (Sis, Spaxw) of two drachms ; Si-
kcltcu Sttx&pti avroit they laboured under diarrhoea. Spaxpoi 6ir\?Tai soldiers with pay of two drachms a
8ia-x<<>p££ci>, f. iaat Att. iu>, to separate. day. II. SiSpaxpov, to, a double drachm, = half a
8ia-vJ/afpco, to sweep away, blow away. shekel, paid annually to the treasury at Jerusalem.
8ia-4/€08co or -v|/«v5ou,ai, to deceive utterly. II. 8t8fcu-dvo>p, opos, 6, 1), to, (SiSvpos, arfp) touching
8ia\p(v8o/Mii also as Pass., aor. I Sitrf-tvoOrjv : pf. 81- both the men. [a]
bptvofuii —
to be deceived, mistaken. 8t8vp.d-roKOS, ov, Dor. for SiSvfirjTOicos, (SiSvfios,
8ia.-\|/T)4>t£ f. ioomu Att. lovfuai : Dep.: to vote Tttc(iv)bearing twins.
with pebbles : decide by votes. Hence 8t8«udo)v, ovot, 6, i), (8i8vpos) a twin-brother, [a]
8ia\|rr)4>Coas, tais, i], a deciding by vot*. 8C8vp.vos, poet, for SiSvpos.
: : : : — : - — I : :

170 hthvuoyevrjs — hUvrai.

8t8tfji.o-Y€VT|S, is, (8i8vu,os, *»ftvo)\ twin-horn. pf SidpTjHa : (81&, tTirov) : to tell at length, detail,
8i8vpos, tj, ov, or os, ov, (8tV double, twofold; 8i- explain. one with another, converse.
II. to speak
Sv/xos Kaaiyvrjros a /«/m-brothcr ; 8L8vp:oi twins. Si-cip-yco, f. £a>: Ep. and Ion. BUpy<a, Ep. also 81-

8i8<*>t]v, = 8i8o'it}v, opt. of 8t8a)fit. ecp-yu to keep asunder or apart : to keep off.
: II.

8C8o)di, Ep. for 818061, imperat. of biSu/u. in:r. to lie between.

8iScop.v, fut. Sa»o-a> : aor. I thwica : aor. 2 (8ojv : pf. 8ie(pT]Ka, used as pf. of Sieiiruv, to say clearly.
hiho)Ka: —
Med., aor. 2 e86p:i]v: Pass., fut. SoOrjoo- —, poet, for 8t-iponat, to question closely.
uat: aor. 2 k 866rjv pf. 8i8opai: ('SCai): to give, 8l-€ipv<i>, Ion. for 8i-(pvo), to draw across.
givefreely, present

in pres. and impf. to offer. 2. 8i-€ipci> : aor. I 8iupaa: perf. 8itipica: — to pass ot
of the gods, to grant : so of ihe laws, to permit or draw a thing through.
sanction. 3. to devote, offer to the gods : to give 8i-€ipcov6-£€vos, ov, {bid, fipcuv, fevts) dissembling
up. surrender, in good or bad sense. 4. of parents, with one's guests.
to give their d uglver to wife. 5. 8i86vai kavruv 8i-€K, before a vowel 8i-e£, Prep, right through.
Tivt to put oneself power.
in his 6. 8i86vat 8itcr)v, 8i€Kava|a, aor. I of 8iaKavdooo).
v. sub Siietj. II. in vows, to grant, allow, cause SieKt'^piTO, 3 sing, pi pf. pass, of Sia/epiva).
that; 86s fie riaaoOai give me to avenge my- 8ifKXa.Tnrjv [fil, aor. 2 pass, of btaKXiirro).

self. III. seemingly intr. to give oneself up, de- 8i-€Ktr€paivb>, f. &vw, to bring quite to an end.

vote oneself 8i-€K7T€pdu>, f. qao) and daa), to pass out through. II.

8t8u>v, part, of 8l8a)p:i, formed from *8i86ok topass by, overlook.

8i8u>o-co, Ep. for Suaoj, fut. of bibajfii. 8i-€Kir\co>, f. -v\f iaopxn Ion.-trXwo), aor. 1-iirXej-


8t€, vocat. of 8tos, godlike. aa : to sail out through : to sail out. II. in

8Ce, poet, for 18k, j sing. impf. of 8la>. naval tactics, to break the enemy's line by sailing
8i€(3t)v, aor. 2of 8ia&aiva). through it. Hence
SicPtwv. aor. 2 of 5ta|3i<$<y. Sick-ttXoos, contr. SitKirXovs. 6, a sailing across or
8i€p\T|(h)v, aor. I pas*, of 8ia@aWa>. through. 2 a breaking the enemy's line in a sea-fight.

Si-tyyvata, f. r\ao), to give bail for : Med. to take 8i-€KirX&><0. Ion. f<>r 8kkvX(o).
bail for — Pass, to be bailed, set free on his se- Si-cKpiOev, Ep. for buicpiO-qoav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of
curity. Staicpivoj.
Bi'ty tlp<a, to arouse : Ep. aor. 1 pass. 8iiypiTo, be 8t-€«poos, 6, (81a, i/cpico) a channel through.
was aroused, awaked. SicXsOov, aor. 2 of 8iaXav6avo).
8ie-yep0€is, aor. 1 pass. part, of Sicyeipoj. SicX&o-is, f <us, Jf, a driving through. II. a charge
hiiyvatv, aor. 2 of SiayiyvdiaKo). or exercise of cavalry. From
8i68a.0-4p.-nv, aor. 1 of 8ta8aT(0f*ai. 8i-«Xovvo). fut. 8ie\d<r<», Att. 8ic\G): (for the tenses,
8i<8e£a, [on. for 8ie8u£a, aor. 1 of 8ta8citcvvfU. v. (\avvo)) — to drive through or across : to thrust
SitS-n\-n,o-dp.T)v, aor.of 8ia8t]\€opxu. I through. II. intr. to drive or ride through.
8lc8CSoto, 3 s ng. impf pass, of SiaSiSupu.

SicXcTv, aor. 2 inf. of Staipio).

8«860tjv, aor. 1 pass, of SiaSiSapu. 8i€XeXftirro, plqpf. pass, of SiaXfinai.
8itSpa>ov, aor. 2 of 8iaTpi\o). SicXcXoiira, pf. of Siakeivw.
SicSpav, aor. 2 of 8ia.8t8pa.OKO). 8icXc|dpi]v, aor. I of StaXiyofUU.
8ic8w, aor. 2 of 8ia8voj or 8ia8vopxu., fut. of SUpxopxu.
Sittpyov, poet. impf. of Siipya), 8ieipyo>. 8i«Xex0T)v, aor. I of 8ia\tyoftai.
Sic£-nv, impf. of 8ia£doj. 8ieX0€iv, Ep. 8icX0€, aor. 2 inf of Sicpxopou.
8ic^o)o-a, aor. 1 of 8ia§6jvwni. 8i«Xtirov, aor. 2 of SiaXeiiro).
8ic£o>o-p,ai, pf. pass, of 8ta^wvvvfu. 8i-cXko>, fut. (X/cvaa) v\ : aor. -tlXjcvffa (v cXmu)
SitOttcocra, aor. I of 8ia$cioa). — to tear asvnd°r, pull open ; 8i4\kuv robs 6\f>6aX-
8«0«to, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of 8iari0Tjp:i. ftovs. 2. to pull through. 3. to keep on drinking.
8ict8ov, inf. 8ii8(Tv, aor. 2 of Siopaoj, which supplies 8t«Xv0Tiv [C], aor. 1 pass, of SiaXvo).
the pres., to look through, discern, distinguish. 8i€Xvp.av0T)v, aor. I of SiaXvpuiivopxu.
SieiXcypat, pf. pass, of 8ia\iyofxai. AI'EMAI, Pass, (as if from * Sirjpu) to speed, press on.
Si€i\-r]p.p.fV(i>s, Adv. pf. pass. part, of biaXapfiava, 8w€papTupo) [vl, 2 sing. aor. I of SiafjutprvpofMi.
distinctly, precisely. 8u'p.€iva, aor. I of Siapiva).
8i€i\T](j>a, pf. of 8ia\an&dvo). St-ep/rroXau), fut. i\oo)'. pass. pf. Sir) /tn6\rj fiat — to
SutXov, aor. 2 of 8iaipia). make merchandise of, sell, dispose of: hence to betray.
8(-€ip.i, fut. bitiaofjiai : (8ta, ttyn ibo} —
to go about Si-cvcyicai, Ion. -cvciKai, aor. I inf. of 8ia<pipoj
to go away. II c. ace. to pass or go through BieveyX^vai, aor. I inf. pass.
hence to discuss a subject. 8i-€v0up,(op,ak, Med. to think wi'bin oneself.
8i-€iirov. aor. 2 with no pres. in use (Siayopevoj being 8i-cviavr(£ci>, f. iaa>, (8ta, *viavr6s) to live out the year.
used instead) ; inf. buiirtiv, poet. Siaairuv: fut. bitpS) : StcvTai, 3 pi. of Siffjuu.
— —: : : :

bievripevfjua* —8iex&>. 171

8i-«VT*p€vp«, arot, r6, (Sid, evrtpov) a looking AIEPO'S, A, 6v, moist, fresh, juicy : metaph. of
through entrails —
Comic word for sharp-sigbtedne^s. men, fresh, quick, active: later, wet, liquid.
Sk-«£ato-o-<i> contr. -^auw Att. -drria fut. a£a> : : 8i-€piro), f. \p<v, to pass through.
to rush or spring forth. 8iepp-n£a, 8icpp<i)-ya, aor. I and pf. of Siapp^yvv/u.

8k-c£ciLU, (Sid, c£ci(u) to go out through : to pass Sieppvnv, pf. and aor. 2 of Siappiw.

through : hence to count over, to number. 8i-cpxo|xai, fut. -e\(voofMxi aor. -rj\9ov : Dep.::

8i-€|€\avvG>, f. -e\da<u [4] Att. -eXw to drive — — to go through or across, pass through. 2. to come

through. II. intr. to ride or march through or across. to the end, arrive at. II. intr. to pass, of time :

8t-€^cXi(ro-<o Att. -tto), f. £a>, to unroll, untie. to go abroad, prevail, of a report. III. to go
8i-€^€pto(xai, to question closely. through, narrate.
5(.-€^6p€wdo), f. rjaoi, to examine closely. 8i€pu>, used as fut. of Siuirov.
hi-t^(pxo\iax,{.-(\(vaof*ai: aor. 2 -fj\6ov: pf.-fX^- 8i-cpb>Td(i>, f. i\o<a, to cross-question, to question con-
Aitfa: (cf. fpx /*1 *) 1 —
t0 g° out tbrougb,pass through: tinually.
get to the end of. 2. to go through in order : to 81'co-dai, inf. of SUpxu : also pres. inf. med. of Sia>.

set forth, recount in full. II. intr. to be past, 8t-€o*0to), fut. Si (So fiat, to eat through.
gone by, of time. 8i€crKt8ao-a, aor. I of SiaaKfSdvvvfxi.
8i-*£^|Y*°lJWU » strengthd. for .kfayeo/Mit. 8ico*K€p.Liak, pf. of Siaanovia): —
hence 8i-wk€u.-
Si-€£it)lu, f. fioo), to let go through, give free pcvcos, Adv. of the part., prudently, considerately.
passage. II. intr. (sub. iavruv), of a river, to, pf. pass, of Stao Kopvifa.

empty itsehf. 8ic<nrdpi)v [4], aor. 2 pass, of Siaoirfipo).

8i6££|i€v<u, Ep. inf. of SUgcifu. 8k€a-irdo*a, 8i€O"irdo-0T)v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of Sia-
8i-c£o8os, 1J,
a way out through, a passage, outlet Girda).
the issue or event of a thing : also the sun's orbit. II., pf. pass, of Siaairda.
a full account. 8i€0"ir€ipa, aor. I of Siaaireipo).
8i-€£v4>a(vu>, avw, to finish the web.
f. 8i€O"o-0to, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of Siaaerjo/Mii.
8i-€oprd£<i>, keep the feast throughout.
f. ooj, to 8i€OT6tXd|X"rjv, aor. I med. of SiaareWai.
8i€imp&0T|v [a] , aor. I of Sianeipdofiai. 8u-€ott)v, Siio-rnKa, aor. 2 and pf. of Suottjiu.
BieircTrawTO, 3 pi. plqpf. of Sianavoj. 8i€ortx ov » aor. 2 of Siaarfixo).
8k€ircpaui>&T)v, aor. of Siairepaiou. 8i€OTpap,kuu, pf. pass, of 5iaoTpi<pa).
8k€7rcpao*a, aor. I of Stanepda}. 8i€CTTpd4vnv [4], aor. 2 pass, of Siaarpicpai.
8icir€$p&Sov, Ep. aor. 2 of Sia<ppd£<». 8i-60-tu>s, perf. part, of Siiarrjpu.
8icir\€£a, aor. I of SiairKifcat. Si€o-4>T]Ka>LL€vos, pf part. pass, of Siaa<pT]K6ofMU.
SicirAcvo-a, aor. 1 of Sian\ia>. 8i€arx«, 3 sing. aor. 2 of SUx *-
8kcirv€vo*a, aor. 1 of Sianvioj. 8i€oxtoa, Si€vxio-(h\v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of (TXiC "*
8icirop€v9i]v, aor. 1 of Siairopevo/Mu. Si€Ta£a, aor. I of Ziardaoo).
8i«irp40ov, -6luiv, aor. 2 act. and med. of SiairipBtu. Bierapdxdiiv, aor. 1 pass, of biarapdoaw.
8wirT«iu.T)v or -otiTjv, aor. 2 of SiairirafMu. 8i€T60pv\TjTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of 8ia6pv\ea>.
8teirTOiT]o-a, Ep. aor. I of Siairroeai. 8i-€rf|s, (s, (Sis, €T0«) of two years : two years old.
8i€imi£a, aor. I of StairTvaaoj. 8i-«tt|o-ios, ov, {hid, iros) lasting through the year.
8uiri/d6Lii]V, aor. 2 of Siawvvddyopuu. 8t-€Tia, 1), (Sier-qs) the space of two years.
8t-«'trco, f. \f/w, to manage, order, arrange. SUr\id.y-v, Ep. for Sierfidyrjo-av, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of
Si-epydjouiai, f. daoficu : pf. -eipyaafiai : plqpf. -«p- Star firjyu : 8ierttaYov, aor. 2 act.
ydafiqv: Ion. -epyaapxu, -(pydafirjv : aor. I pass, tip- 8icTp.a£cv, Dor. for hUr^rj^v, aor. 1 of SiaTfirjya).
ydaOrjv Dep.: to work at, esp. of land, to cultivate
: 8t-€Tp4ir6p.T]v, 8ieTpdinjv, aor. 2 med. and pass, oi
it. II. to destroy, ruin, kill, Lat. conficere; also hlOTpiVO).
plqpf. in pass, sense, Sikpyaaro rd trpdyyuara, Lat. 8t-«vKplv«co, f. -qao), (Sid, evirpivqs) to separate ac-
actum erat de rebus, the affairs were ruined. curately, arrange carefully in order.
8i-cp<ya>, Ep and Ion. for Stfipyu. 8i-€v\ap*€ouiai, Dep. to take good heed, beware of.
8i-cpet8<0, f. aco, to prop up Med. to lean upon. — 8i-ewd<o, f. daw, to lay asleep.
Sk-cp&roxa, fut. Sitpiaw : aor. 1 Sirjpeaa, poet. Siif- 8i-€vtCx«w, f- ^o-<u, (Sid, fvrvxfjs) to continue pro-
ptooa : to row about, xepol Supiootiv to swim to : sperous, to prosper throughout.
swing about. Sie4>dvT)v [pi], aor. 2 pass, of Sia<paiva).
8i-€p€wcLa), {.fjo<v,to search through, examine closely. 8i-€<|>0dpaTO, Ion. for Si€<p$apfM(voi 7} aw, 3 pi. plqpf.

Hence of Sia<pBdpoj.
8icp€WTp™qs, ov, 6, a scout or vidette. 8ie<j>0dp-nv [4], aor. 2 of SiacftOelpoi.
8i€pu.i|v€VTT|S, ov, 6, an interpreter. From 8i-«4>9cpa T intrans. pf. of Sia<p$tipoj.
8i-«p)jki]vcua>, f. ffoj, to interpret, expound. 8i^4>l»YOV, aor. 2 of hia<ptvyw.
Sirlpopxu, Ep. for Sieipopjcu. 8i-tx w > f- Si^ew, to keep apart, divide. XL

: —: :

172 AI'ZHMAI hiKaioKpi<r(a.

intrans. to go quite through : to stretch across, 8t-T|pTjs, (s, (Sis, *ap<v) double ; Sirjpet niKaOpov, an
reach. 2. to stand apart, be distant —of time, to upper story, upper chamber.
intervene. 8tT)p0pow, BiTipOpcocra, impf. and aor. I of SiapOpooj.
AI'ZHMAI, Ep. 2 sing. Sifyai : Dep. :
to seek out SiTjpKa, pf. of Siaipaj.

to seek after, try for a thing. II. to seek the 8it]t<u, 3 sing. pres. subj. med. of Sioj.
meaning of. III. c. inf. to demand or require 8i-r]'-rr|o-a, 8it)tt|0t|v, aor. I act. and pass, of Siairaw.
that. BiTi^uao, aor. i of Siacpvaaaj.
8i£opcu, = Sifyfiat. 8i-04Xaoraos Att. -ttos, ov, (Sis, OaXaaaa) between
8t-£^Y os ov, and 8i£v§, vyos, 6, i), (Sis, (vy6v)
> two seas, where two seas meet, Lat. bimdris.
doubly-yoked, double. 8t-0TjKTOs, ov, (Sis, 6-qyoS) twice-sharpened, two-
Al'Zfl, Ep. impf. 5i(ov, to be in doubt, at a loss. edged.
Si-£(oos, ov, (Sis, £an)) amphibious : living twice over. 8i-0povos, ov, (Sis, Opovos) two-throned.
8rr)PoX(a, -q, Ion. for Siaj3o\ia. 8i0vpapj3o-Si8do-K&Xos, 6, (SiOvpanftos, SiSaOKaXo*)
hi-i\yHyov, aor. 2 of Siayco. the dithyrambic poet who taught his chorus.
8iT)YY €L^a »
aor - l or "
SiayyiWoj. 8i0vpap.po-Troios, o, {8i6vpap(Sos,iroitoS) a dithyram-
8i-T|Y«, Dep. to describe or narrate in full. bic poet.
h\.-i]yT)o-is, (ojs, rf, (StTjyiofjai) narration, the state- 8i0vpap.j3os, 6, the dithyramb, a kind of lyric
ment of the case. poetry. II. epith. of Bacchus. (Deriv. un-
8t-T]«pios, ov, Ion. for Siatpios, through the air. known.)
8i-T)0€a>, f. rjaoj, to strain through, filter, sift. 2. 8i-0upo-os, ov, (Sis, Ovpaos) with two thyrsi.
to wash out, cleanse. II. intrans., of the liquid, Ait, dat. of Zevs ; v. *Ais.
to filter through, percolate. 8u'8€tv, inf. of SieiSov.
SiT)KOvcb>, 8it)kovos, Ion. for Stan-. 8i-tT)p.t, fut. -r\ao3\ (for the tenses, v. 117/u) :
— to send
8it|kovow, SiTjKovrjo-a, impf. and aor. I of Siaicovca). through or across, let go through. 2. to thrust
8itjk6o*ioi, ai, a, Ion. for Siaieoaioi. through. II. to dismiss, disband. 2. to dis-
8tT|YKvXiarp.tvos, pf. part. pass, of Siay/cvXifa. solve, melt ; Si4fievos aor. 2 part, med., in pass, sense,
8u]YK'uXa>p.«vos, pf. part. pass, of SiayKvXuu. being melted.
8i-t|ko), f. £a>, to go through, extend along or be- 8i-i0vvo>, to direct by steering straight.
tween. II. to pervade, fill. 8i-iKvcopat, fut. -i£ofiai : aor 2 -iKOfirjv : Dep. : —
8iT|\&<ra, aor. I of SifXavvco. to go through, in telling a story. II. to reach.
8if|X0ov, aor. 2 of Sitpxo/Mii. Au-tt€tt|s, es, (Aios, *it€Tqj, Root of m-rrTw) fallen
8i-tjXI4>t|s, is, (Sia, dkf'upaj) smeared all over. from Zeus, i. e.from heaven, epith. of streams swollen
8iT|X\dyrjv, 8iT|\XAx0if|v, aor. 2 and I pass, of SiaX- by rain : later, heaven-sent, divine, holy, pure.
\aaoo). hovering in air.
Ai'i-irtTTjs, €s, (Aios, irirofiai)
8iT|\Xaxa,, pf. act. and pass, of SiaX- 8uo-T€ov, verb. Adj. of SiciSevai, one must inquire.
Xaaaoi. 8i-to-rr|pi,f.8ta(7T^cr<u: aor. I Suvr-noa'. — to set apart,
8iT|p.apTT]Ka, 8iT||iapTOv, pf. and aor. 2 of Siafiap- divide, distract. with aor. 2 act. -earrjv,
II. Pass.,

rdvoj. pf. -4oTT)na, plqpf. -coTTjtcfiv to stand apart, to be —

Gi-T|p.cp€iJO), f. a<u, (Sti, fjnipa) to pass the whole divided : hence 2. to differ, be at variance, quar-
day. rel. 3. to part after fighting. 4. to stand at
8nmiXA^|0T]v, aor. I of SiafiiWaofiai. certain distances or intervals. III. aor. I med.
8iT|v€YKa, aor. I of Sia<ptp<» whence : SicoTTja&nTjv used trans., to separate.

8i TjvcK-fjs, is, stretching evenly along, stretching the 8t-icrxt3pt£opai, Dep. to lean upon, rely on. II.

whole length, unbroken, uninterrupted. Adv. Sitjvc- to affirm confidently.

K(cus, Att. -Kws,from beginning to end: clearly, dis- SitxOai, perf. inf. of Sunvkofxai.
tinctly. 8tKa£o>, fut. SiKaa<v contr. Swob : aor. I ISltc&oa :—
8t-t|vfp.os, ov, (Sid, avtfios) wind-swept. Pass., f. 3 SfSiKao-o/xai : aor. I kSl-
8iKao0r)Oopai, f.

8iT|Voix0T)v, aor. I pass, of Siavoiyco. kclo-Otjv pf. SiS'iKaafiai

: {S'lktj) I.e. ace. rei, to
: :

8it|vtXi)Om, aor. I of SiavrXtat. judge, adjudge : to decide, determine. 2. c. dat. to

8iTjvt><ra, 8it|vCko, aor. I and pf. of Siavvat. decide for a person, judge his cause. 3. absol. to
8iTjfa, aor. I of Siaioa<w. but 8i-f)|a aor. I of Srfj/ca). be judge : to give judgment : generally, to come to a
8ii]^a, aor. I of Siaoaca, contr. for Siataooj. decision. II. Med. to plead, speak before the
8iT|TopT|0T]v, aor. I pass, of Siairopioi. judges : absol. to go to law. III. Pass, to be
8t-Tjir6pow, impf. of Siairopioj. brought before the judge, to be accused.
Si-fjpa, aor. I of Siaipoj. 8ticaia, 57, poet, for Si/cn.
8iTjp60-a, aor. I of Siepiaaoi. 8iKai€vv, Ion. for Si/caiovv, inf. of Si/cai6a> : Sucatr
8i"Qp«0ijv, aor. i pass, of Siaiptoj. even, Ion. for StKatovai, 3 pi. pres.
8irjpi)ri ai, P^ P ass °^ - Staipiai. Stxaio-Kplo-Ca, j), (Sitcaios, Kpivoi) just judgment*
: : :

hlKCitOTToXlS — blv<0. 173

8i.Kai6--n-o\is, €<vs, 6, ij, (Slrcaios, ir6\is) just in pub- 8lkXis, ibos, r), (bis, kXivoj) double-folding, of doors :

lic dealings. as ?>ubst., biK\ib(s, al, folding-doors.

SiKaios, a, ov, also os, ov, (biKTj) observant of 8lKo-\«KTrjs, ov, 6, {bi/erj, Ktyaj) a pleader.
right, righteous, just. II. equal, even: strict, 8tKo-X6-yos, 6, = 5iko\(ktt)s.
exact. III. right, lawful, just. 2. fair, mode- 8iKOp-pd4>cco, (0*1/07, fianTcu) to get up a law-suit.
rate — In phrase biteaws tlfii, with the infin., / am 8i-Kopin|>os, ov, (bis, Kopvcprj) two-beaded.
bound to do, / have a right to do. 81-Kpavos, ov, (bis, Kpavov) two-beaded, two-pointed,
SiKdioavvT], 77, justice, righteousness. as Subst , binpdvos, 6, a pitchfork.
SiKaioTrjs, 7770s, T/, = 5iKatoavvn. 8t-KpclTTjs, «'s, (bis, KpoiTos) colleague in power,
8lKai6u>, fut. (jjaoj and waofiat — Pass., aor. I ISt- jointly-ruling : double-slaying.
Kaiw$T]v : (bitcaios) :— to make right : to think right 81 KpoTOS, ov, (bis, KpoTtoj) double-beating : double-
to consent: also to claim as ones right: c. inf. to oared, with two banks of oars on a side.
desire one to do. II. to judge: to condemn : to 8iktOPoX«co, f. rjaoj, to cast the net. From
punish. III. to make just, bold guiltless, justify. 8tKTu-{36Xos, ov, (5'tKTVov, /SdAAw) casting nets : as
Hence Subst., biKTvfioXos, 6, a fisherman.
8iKaiu)jxa, aros, t6, an act ofjustice, the making good 8iktv€S, 01, unknown animals of Libya.
a wrong. 2. an acquittal, act ofjustification. II. AiKruva or AiKTwva, 7), (8iktvov) epith. of Arte-
a plea of right, just claim. mis the goddess of the chase.
BiKaicjs, Adv. of SiKaios, justly, rightly. Slktuo-kXwo-tos, ov, (biKTvov, KXwdoS) woven in
SiKauocrts, ecus, 77, a setting right, doing justice to : meshes ; a^upai biKTvonXworoi the net's meshy folds.
punishment. 1 a claim, demand of right.
1 . III. AI'KTT"ON, t6, any net-work, a fishing-net : a
judgment, good pleasure. hunting-net. Hence
Sikov, contr. for buedofiv, of btieafa. fut. inf., Pass, to be caught in a net.
Sucaviicos, ij, ov, (biter)) belonging to trials, judi- Sikiottco), f. yaw, to ply a pair of sculls : generally,
cial. II. skilled in law, lawyer-like. to work double-banded ; and
5i-icdpT]vos, ov, (bis, Kap-qvov) two-beaded. SiKcoTria, r), a pair of sculls. From
BiKacr-rroXos, a law-giver, judge.
0, {hix-n, TToAt'cw) 8i-kg>itos, ov, (bis, Kumrj) two-oared.
8uca<rTT]pi8iov, to, Dim. of biKao~TT)piov a little , 8iXo-y«o>, f. 770-0;, (biXoyos)to say again, repeat. Hence
court ofjustice. SiXo^ia, 77, repetition. From
SiKao-Tqpiov, to, (biica{a)) a court ofjustice. 8i-X6yos, ov, (bis, Xiyoi) saying twice, repeat-
8iKcwrTT)s, ov, 6, (SiKa^aj) a judge or juror. ing. II. double-tongued, deceiful.
8ucao-ruc6s, 77, ov, (bi/tdfa) of or for law or trials : 8i-Xoyx°s, ov, (bis, Xoyxv) w ^^ two spears : double-
to biKaoriKov the juror's fee, at first one obol, after- pointed, twofold.
wards three obols. Adv. -kuis. 8i-Xocj>os, ov, (bis, \6<pos) with two crests.
AIKEI'N, inf. of tbi/cov, an aor. with no pres. in 81-p.vaios, a, ov, Att. 8i-p-vtcos, fiva) of or oov, (bis,
use, to throw, burl. worth two minae ; bifivaiovs dirorifirjoaaBai to value
8i-K€AAa, r/s, 7), (bis, iceWoj) a mattock or pickaxe at two minae.
with two teeth, Lat. bidens : cp. fiajctWa. Sipoipia, 7), a double share : double pay. From
Si-iccpaios, ov, {bis, K(paia) two-horned, two-pointed. 81-p.oipos, ov, (bis, fioTpa) divided between two; as
5i-K€pcos, gen. euros or <v, 6, 7), neut. bimpcuv {bis, Subst., bifioipov, to, a half-drachma.
Ktpas) two-horned. 8iv€ov, Ep. impf. of blvia).
AI'KH, 77, right ; the orig. sense was custom, usage, 8Cvevp.a, otos, to, anything whirled round : a whirl-
manner; 7) yap bi/cr) tori ytpuvrcuv for this is the ing, dancing. From
manner of old men ace. biK-nv as Adv., in the way
; Slvevco, f. €vaa), aor. I tbivtvoa ; and Sivcco, f. t^o*<w,

of, after the manner of. II. order, law, aor. 1 ibivrjoa: Ion. impf. biv(v(OKov — Pass., aor. I


right. III. in plur. judgments : generally, a (btvrjOjjv, pf. b( : (bivrj) to make whirl or spin
sentence. IV. an action at law, law-suit : pro- round : to drive round a circle. II. intr. and Pass.
perly, a private suit or action, opp. to ypacprj (a towhirl about in the dance: generally, to roam about.
public prosecution). 2. a trial. 3. the satis- AI'NH, 7), a whirling : a whirlpool, eddy : a whirl-
faction or penalty awarded by the judge ; biftrjv or wind. Hence
b'ueas bibovai togive satisfaction or suffer punish- 8lvTj€is, (Oo~a,(v, whirling, eddying. II. rounded.
ment, Lat. poenas dare; bixas Xapfidvuv, = Lat. 8ivir]0TJvai, aor. I pass. inf. of bivtw.
sumere poenas, to inflict punishment; bix-qv cptvyav 8ivt)t6s, 77, ov, verb. Adj. <>f bivtcu, whirled round.
to be the defendant in the trial, opp. to bitcrjv biuKuv AITtfOS, a whirl, eddy.
o, like 5/7/77, 2. also the
to prosecute. circular area where the oxen trod out the corn, a tbresb-
8iK7)-cJ>6pos, ov, (biKT], <p(pw) bringing justice, aveng- ing-floor. 3. a large round goblet.
ing : as Subst., bi/cn<p6pos, 6, an avenger. 8lv6w, f. (uco;, to turn with a lathe, to round.
8u(8tov, to, Dim. of b'uen, a little trial. 8ivw, (btvos) to thresh out.
: : — : : : :

174 ftlVWTOS — AiSaKopoi.

Sivcdtos, i\, 6v, (fiivoaj) turned on the lathe, rounded: 8iov, ace. of Stos : but 8Cov Ep. for ttiiov, Impf. of
worked round. Sioj.

8i£6s, 17, ov, Ion. for Siaaos, double. Atovvo-ict (sub. Upd), rd, the feast of Atovvaos or
Aio- or 810- in compos, means sprung from Jove Bacchus, esp. at Athens : four distinct feasts in four
(Ais, At<5») or from the gods, hence excellent, god-like. consecutive months : viz. I. rcL icar' dypovs or

81-6, Conjunct, contr. for St* o, wherefore, on which fii/cpd, in Poseideon (December). II. rci iv
account: therefore: with enclit. added, Sioirep, Lat. Aifivais or Arjvaia (in the At/wat, where the Afyaiov
propter quod, propterea. stood), in Gamelion (January). III. rcL 'Av0e-
Ai6-{3o\os, ov, (At's, Pa\\ai) burled by Jove. arrjpia, in Anthesterion (February). IV. rd
Aio-"y€V€TO)p, opos, 6, (At's, yevtrajp) giving birth to fteydKa, rd darind, rd hot darv, or simply rd Aio-
Jove. vvoia, in Elaphebolion (March), the most famous of
Aio-Y€vf|S, €*, (At*, *yivai) Jove-born. all. Hence
Aio-yvT]TOS, ov, contr. for Aioyivt]Tos, = Atoyev^s. Aiovwi&kos, i\, 6v, belonging to the Dionysia, or to
Ai6-yovo%, ov, = Atoyevqs. Dionysos.
8i-o8eva>, f. <r<u, to travel through. AiovtJoros, 6, and poet. Ai6jvvoos, Dionysos, Bacchus,
Si-oSoiiropcu, (otd, dSoiirilpos) to travel through. god of wine, vineyards, and dramatic poetry. (Deriv.
8t-o8os, 1), (Sid, 656s) a way through, thoroughfare, uncertain.)
passage : the orbit of a star. 2. permission to pass, Ato-irais, iratSo*, 6, (Ais, ireus) son of Jove.
a pass-port, safe-conduct. 8i-6irep, v. sub 5io-.
Aiofcv, (At's) Adv. sent from Jove. Ato-ir€Tr|S, ts, = Auirfr^s.
Si-otywLU or 81-0 Lyut, f. -oi£a>, to open. SioiretKa, to be in charge of a ship's cargo. From
St-oiSa, pf. of Sittdov, to know the difference, distin- Sioiros, 6, (dieiro)) a director, ruler: a person in
guish, decide. charge of a ship's cargo.
Sk-oucca>, f. Tjcroj : impf. Siqjkow : aor 1 hupicqoa 8i-oirr€va>, f. ooj, (5td, otpofiai) to watch accurately,
pf. bt(fKrjKa: —Pass, aor. I SiajtcrjOyv pf. hi<pKT)iuu, spy about : to gaze upon.
but also irreg. hihi^K-qyuai — to manage,

direct : to 8v-oimf|p, rjpos, 6, (dioipoftai) a spy, scout.

conduct the affairs of a state : to treat or feed in a 8t-6irTT|S, ov, 6, (bivipofuu) a looker through.
certain way. II. to inhabit distinct places : — Bi-opdto, fut. Siorpofuu, to see through, discern.
Med. to live apart. Hence Sk-opymos, ov, (fits, opyvid) two fathoms long.
SioiKTjoxs, ecus, f), management, go-
house-keeping : 8i-op0€vci>, f. ao), to judge rightly of.

vernment. II. a government: a province, a diocese. 8i-opd6(i>, f. wooj, to make straight : to set right : to
8i-oiki(co, f. too) Att. tu>, to make to live apart, to make good, amend, make amends for: to tell
disperse — Pass, to be scattered abroad. aright: —
so also in Med. Hence
8i-oiico8op,€<i), f. i\oo), to build across, wall off. 8i6p0o>Lia, aros, to, a making straight, correction
Sioicnrcov, verb. Adj. of Sicupipo) (f. htoiaw) one must amendment: and
move round. 8i6p0o>oxs, «y», ij, a making straight, correcting,
8w-oiOT€tMi), f. cot, to shoot an arrow through. amending of a fault : reformation.
8ioio*<i> and, fut. of Siacptpo). 8i-opt£b>, Ion. -ovpt£o> : f. tow, Att. X5> — to divide
SCoito, 3 sing. opt. med. of Situ. by limits, separate. 2. to distinguish, determine, de-
8i-oixvca>, to go through : to wander about. fine: to ordain.
f. fjcra>, II. to carry abroad, banish, Lat., -oixnaofmi pf -oixqfuu, Dep.: to ex-terminare.

f. : III. intr. to pass the boundaries.

be quite gone by : of persons, to be clean gone, to have 8i-6pvuLL<u, Pass, to hurry through.
perished. II. to be gone through, ended. SiopfcYV01 1 ' aor « 2 P ass '"*• °f Siopvffffoj. '

8ioko>x^|, "ff, (Si-oKcaxa pf. of 8t-«xcu) a cessation. SiopvvLia, oto», t6, a through-cut, a canal. From
Si-o\i<r6atv<i> and -dvo>, f. ~o\i<t6t)oqj, to slip Si-opvo-o-co, Att. -ttci»: f. (oj: (for the tenses, v.
through, slip away from. opvaaw) to dig through : metaph. to undermine. :

8i-6\Avui, fut. -oXtoo), Att. -o\w (for the tenses, 81-opxcoLLai, Dep. to dance a match with one.


v. oWvfii) to destroy utterly, bring to naught : to

: Atos, Sia, Siov, (Ais) godlike, excellent, mighty;
put out of mind : hence toforget, opp. to owfa. II. joined with a genit., Sia Otdojv, Sia ywancS/v, with sup.
Pass, and Med., with pf. 5i6\u\a to perish utterly. force, most divine of goddesses, of women.
: a. noble,
8i-6Xov, for Sid, o\ov, Adv., altogether. honest, trusty. 3. divine, marvellous.
8i-ou,aAi£a>, f. aw, to be always even-minded. Aios, gen. of Zevs v. *Ais. ;

Aiop.€i-aAa£wv, 6vos, 6, (Aio/xeta, aAo^iwJ') the brag- Ai6o--8otos, ov, (At*, biSojfit) given by Jove, heaven-
gart of the deme Diomeia. sent.
8i-6|AvO|At, fut. -ofiovfiai : aor. I med. -wfioadpyv — Aio-crr|uia, ij, (At*, of}fia) a sign from Jove, Lat.
to swear solemnly : on oath.
to declare ostentum : a portent.
8i-op,o\oY<ci>, f. faa), to make an agreement : Pass. Aioo--Kopoi, ot, Att. and poet, for AiSoKovpor. (Ais,
to he agreed on : Med. to agree mutually to a thing. Kopos, Kovpos) : sons of Jove, esp. the twins of Leda,
: ;

AlO(TKOVp€LOV —A I<l>A'i2. 175

Castor and Pollux. II. the constellation named 8i-irp6o-<i>iros, ov, (Sis, irp6oamov) two-faced.
from them the Twins, Lat. Gemini. The Dioscuri 8i-TrT€ptryos, ov, (Sis, irripv^ two-winged.
were tutelary deities of sailors, cf. Hor. Carm. I, 3, 2. 8C-irH5xos, ov, (Sis, vrvxr)) folded together, doubled;
Hence SivTV\ov StKriov a pair of tablets. II. = 8to*-
Aioo--Kovp«tov, r6, the temple of the Dioscuri. 06s, twofold, two, Lat. geminus.
8i-6n, Conjunct, for Sid. tovto &ti ,for the rea- . . 8t-irvXos, ov, (Sis, irvKrj) wi'b two gates or entrances.
son that, since, Lat. quocirca, quamobrem. 2. in- 8t-irupos, ov, (Sis, vvp) with double lights.
direct, wherefore, for what reason. 3. interrogat. Sip-pvpos, ov, (Sis, pvfit,s) with two poles.
wherefore f II. «* on, that. 8ts, (Svo) Adv. twice, double
8io-Tp€<}>T|s, is, (At«, rpi<po}) cherished by Jove. -8is, inseparable Suffix, like Sc, signifying motion
8t-ovpi£o>, Ion. for Siopifa. to a place, as in aXKvSis, of/caSis, x^A^St*.
8i-oxX«ui, f. annoy exceedingly.
tjooj, to *AI'2, an old nom., = Z(vs, which appears in the
8i-6uVou> .w, fut. of Siopdxv, formed from *Si6irTOftat. oblique cases Ato't, A« contr. At, Ata, and the Lat.
St-Trcus, iraiSos, 6, r), {Sis, irais) with two children; Dis, Diespiter, Dijovis.
0pfjvos Sinais a dirge chanted by one's two children. 8(o--a/3os, ov, Dor. for Sia-r)@os, twice young.
8t-Trd\<uoTTOS, ov, {his, TtaXaiOTr)) two palms broad. Blcr-tvvos, ov, (Sis, evvrj) with two wives.
8t-iraXTOS, ov, (Sis, ird\\w) brandished with both 8io--0S vTjs, is, (Sis, Oavfiv) twice dead.
bands ; SiiraXra (i<pr] two-banded swords. 8io*kcv(i>, f. a<a, — Sto/cia).
8i-m]xvs. v, (bis, injx vs ) two cu bits long, broad, etc. Siotkco), f. t)oo), (Sio/eos) to pitch the quoit: gene-
8iTr\d£c>, (Siir\daiov)to double: — Pass, to be doubled, rally, to throw, toss. Hence
to be made twofold. II. intr., rd 8iir\d£ov kokuv 8icrK7]u.a, aros, to, a thing thrown. II. the
the twofold evil. Hence pitching of a quoit.
8ittXo£, Sjcos, r). a double-folded mantle or cloak. 2. 8t-o-KTjirTpos, ov, (Sis, OKr)irrpov) two-sceptred.
SiirKaKes are sbip-planks (which double one over the Buncos, d, (SiK(tv) a round plate, a quoit of stone
other), and poet, for ships, like Lat. trabes. II. as later of metal or wood. II. anything like a

Ad]., folded double. quoit : a trencher : a mirror.

8iirXacn.d£a>, f. dau, to double. From 8icrK-oupa, rd, (Sintcos ovpov) a quoit's cast.
8iirXdoT.os, a, ov, Ion. 8iirXT)o-ios, rj, ov, (Sis) double, 8io--p.vptot, at, a, twenty thousand : sing. Siopvpios,
twice as much, as many, etc. : r6 Stn\doiov as much a, ov, with collective nouns, as, tirnos Siaftvpia 20,000
again. Adv. ws. doubly. Hence horse.
8tirX<Io-i6a>, to double —
become twofold.
Pass, to 8io-o--dpX'T)S, ov, 6, (Siaaos, dpx&O partners in sway,
8i-irX€0pos, ov, (Sis, v\i0pov) two tr\iOpa long or joint-riding.
broad. 8ura6s Att. 8tTrds Ion. 8i|ds, t), 6v (Sis) : two- :

Si/TrX-fj (sub. x^ow'a). >)• <* cloak folded double. fold, double : also divided, disagreeing, doubtful.
SiirXfj, Adv. twice, twice over. 8urcrws, Adv. of Stereo*, doubly.
8iirXo(£a>, = Sw\d£a}. 8tord£o>, f. doai, (Sis) to doubt, be at a loss.
BiirXots, tSos, r), a double cloak. Hence 8i-o~rlxos, ov, (Sis, ari^ of two rows, lines, or verses:
SiirXoos, 6rj, oov, contr. 8iirXo€s, r), ovv, twofold, as Subst., SiarTxov, to, an elegiac couplet.
double. 2. doubled, bent double. II. in plur., = 8C-otoXos, ov, (Sis, ari\h<v) in pairs, two together.
dfupa) or Svo. both, two. III. metaph. double- 81-oTop.os, ov, (Sis, OTujxa} double-mouthed, with two
minded, treacherous, Lat. duplex, opp. to dirXovs. entrances, double. II. of a weapon, two-edged.

(From Sia- see dnAoo*.)

; 8i-o-uXX&Pos, ov, (Sis, cv\\a0Tj) of two syllables.
8iirX6s, i), 6v, = SittKoos neut. Comp. StirXdrtpov
: 8io--xCXtow [xt* at, a, two thousand: also in sing.,

as Adv. twice as much. Siaxi^os, a, ov, with collective nouns, as, nriro* Sio-
SiirXocd, f. &aa), (Siir\6os) to double, bend double. II. XtAt'a 2000 horse.
to repay twofold. 81-TdXavTOS, ov, (Sis, raXavrov) worth or weighing
8i-tt6otjs, ts, (Sis, irovs) two feet Ions;, broad, etc. two talents.
Al-tT-oXeta, rd, contr. of Au-rroXta, (A<s, iroXis) an 8i^tokos, ov, (Sis, T(K(tv) twin or twice bearing.
ancient festival of Jove at Athens. Hence 8ittos, etc., v. sub Sioa-.
AiiroXi-wo^ns, (s, (AtnoKfia, (TSos) like the feast of 81-vvpos, ov, thoroughly wet : melting.
the Dipoleia, i. e. obsolete, out of date. 8i-vX£fa>, {Sid. vKt]) to strain or filter thoroughly: to
8i-iroXos, ov, (Sis, iroXiaj) twice ploughed. strain off.
8(-rropos, ov. (Sis, irCpos) with two passages. 8i-virvi£ci>, f. ia<u Att. ta>, to wake from sleep : so
8i-»r6Tap.os, ov, (Sis, TTorafios) lying between or on also in Med.
two rivers. 8i<J>dcrios, a, ov, twofold, double, Lat. bifarius : in
8C-TTOVS, iroSos, 6, r), (Sis, irovs) two-footed, Lat. Ion used also for Svo.
hipes : — as Subst., Siirovs, &, a Libyan kind of mouse, Ar^A'H, Ion. -€<d, to dive after : seek after, bunt
the jerboa. II. two feet long, broad, etc. for. Hence
— : :

176 bt(f)rJT(i)p OICOKOO.

°P a searcher after.
*' ^' 81-xoivTkos, ov, (Sit, x°i vi £) holding i xolviiees, i. e.
Si<j>0cpa, i^, (Siipoj a prepared bide, leather, and so nearly 3 pints.
opp. to btppas which are unworked hides. II. 8i-xo\o>tos, ov, (Sis, xoA<5o/ww) doubly enraged.
anything made of leather : a leathern garment worn 8ixo-p.T)vts, tSos, 6, ff, = Sixop-rjvos.
by peasants a leathern wallet.
: Hence 8ixo-p.T|vo8, ov, (Sixa, ixfy) in the middle of the
Si4>0«plvos, t), ov, of tanned leather. month, at or of the full moon.
8i-<t>0epis, iSos, ^, = Stcpdipa. 8ixo-p,ti0os, ov, (Sixa, jxvOos) double-speaking.
8l-<j>0o-yYOS, ov, (Sis, <p6 4yy ofxai) with
two sounds: as 8ixop-p&yf|s, is, (Sixa, fiayrjvai) broken in twain.
Subst., Si<pOoyyos. if, and di<p9oyyov, tu, a diphthong. 8ixop-poiros, ov, (Sixa, '^kitoi) wavering. Adv. -na>$,
8i-4>6pos, ov, (Sis, (ptpcp) bearing fruit twice in the doubtfully.
year, Lat. biferus. 8txoo-Tdo-(a, 1), a standing apart, quarrel, dispute
5icJ>pa£, cLkos. poet for Si<ppos, a seat, chair.
i), dissension. II. doubt. Fr« m
8uj>peia, j), (Supptvu) chariot-driving. 8ixo-<rraT«i), f. rjo<v, (Sixa, OTT)vai) to stand apart,
8i<j>p-6\a.Tetpa, rj, fem. of Supp-qXdTns. disagree.
8L(|>p€VTT|S, ov, 6, a charioteer. From 8txo-o-Top,os, ov, S<xa, arofw.) = Siaro/xos.
8i<j>p€vco, f. acu, (Si<ppos) to drive a chariot. di\o-ro\L((a, f. rjacu, (Sixa, rffivco) to cut in two, cut
8i<j>pTj\ao-ta, ^, chariot-driving. From asunder.
8t4>pT|\aT«i>, to drive in a chariot. From SixoO, Adv., = 5t'xa-
8icj>p-T|\aTr|S, ov, 6, {Si<ppos. khavvaj) a charioteer. 8txo-4>pa)v, ov, gen. ovos,(Sixa, <pprjv) apart in mind,
8icj>pios, ov, ySlppos) nf a chariot: neut. pi. Sicppia as at variance, discordant, disagreeing
Adv., at the chariot-wheels. 8ixws, Adv., like Sixa, doubly, in two ways.
5i(j>pLo-Kos, o, Dim. of Sicppos. AI'^A, 77s, 17, thirst. Hence
8C-(^povTis, iSos, u, f], (Sis, (ppovTis) of two minds, 8nj/a\«os, a, ov, thirsty, dry ; and
distraught in mind. 8ii|/ds, dSos, ij, fem. of Sixpios.
Sicppos, 6, and later i) (contr. of Supupo*, bearing 8t\j/ao), r.s, ij, inf. Sixprjv : impf. eSiiprjv, rjs, rj : fut.
two), in plur. ol S'uppot or to. Sitypa : the chariot' tixp-qaw : aor. I kSiiptjaa: pf. StSixprjKa: - to thirst: of
board, on which two could stand: the war-chariot : a the ground, to be dry, parched. II. metaph. to
travelling-chariot. II. generally, a seat, couch, stool. thirst after, long earnestly for.
8i<t>p-ov\iccci>, f. t)0~co, {Sifpos, i\fcoj) to draw a 8ii|nos, a, ov, (Sitpa) thirsty, atbirst, dry, parched.
chariot. 8iij/os, (os, to, — Sixpa, thirst.
8i<j>po4>opcu>, f. ijOQ), to carry a chair or litter :— 81-d/vxos, ov, (Sis, ipvxv) double-minded, wavering.
Pass to be carried or travel in one. II. to carry AITi, an Epic verb : in Act. always intr. to run
a camp-stool, as the female fxeroifcoi had to do for the tituay, take to flight, flee : to be afraid. II in
Athenian women in processions. From Med., subj. ^i<u/xai, Sirjrai, SiojvTai, opt. Siono, inf.
8i<{>po-4>6pos. ov, (5i<ppos, (pepcv) carrying a chair. SUc9at, mostly trans., to frighten away, chase, put to
8i-4>Ot|$, 4s, (Sis, <pvh) of double nature or form: ge- /light : to drive : to bunt : but 2. also, like Sioj,
nerally, twofold, double. to be afraid, [t]

8£-4>uios, ov, (Sis, <pirf)) of two families. Suo'Yp.a, aro*, t6, (Siqjkoj) a pursuit, pursuing,

I. Adv. in two, asunder, apart.

8(x&- (Sts ) 2. chase. II. that which is chased, the chase.'
at two, at variance : differently, oppositely. II. Btcoypos, 6, (StuKco) the chase. II. persecution,
Prep, with gen. apart from, without : differently from, harassing.
unlike : like dvtv, against the will of: of Place, away 8t-<o8i)vos, ov, (Sid, oSvvr}) piercing with anguish.
from. 2. except. Hence 8uo)0ca>, fut. -aj9rjO~a> and -wow : (for the tenses, v.
Stxaf co, f. doco, to cleave asunder, disunite, make to diOfco): —
to push or tear away: Med. to push asunder
disagree. for oneself, break through. 1. to thrust away: —
f>L \o\kov, to, a double xa^Kods, a copper coin. Med. to push from oneself, purb away: to repulse,
8t~xaXos, Dor. for 8i-xr)\os. drive back. 3. to reject : to refuse.
= Sixa, in two : in two ways.
8ixt), Adv., 8lcoKa0f iv, poet. aor. 2 inf. of Siukoj.
8i-xt|Xos, ov, (Sis, XV^V) cloven-hoofed. II. 8io>Kcp.ev, Sui>Kcp,€v<u, for SiwKfiv, inf. of Thwkoj.
as Subst., Sixt)\ov, tu, a forceps, pincers. 8t<oKT)Ka, Sta>KT), pf. act. and pass, of SioiKta).
8ixT|pT)S, «*, (Sixa) divided. 8icoKT)cra, Sia>K^|07]v. aor. I act. and pass, of Sioiicea).
8ix0a, Adv., poet, for Si\a, like rpi\9a for t/m'xo, SluKTCos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Siukoj, to be pursued,
in twain. Hence aimed at.
8ix0d8ios, a, ov, double, divided. [S] 8ui>KTT|p, rjpos, 6, and SuSkttjs, ov, 6, a pursuer.
8lx0as, dSos, i). fem. of SixOdSios. From
8tx6-J3ov\os, ov, (Sixa, &ov\rj adverse. 8lu>K6>, f. [a or ( ouai : aor. 1 (Si<v£a 1 poet. aor. 1
8txo-YV'jp.ov«to, (Si\a, yvunrj) to differ in opinion. i5twK&0ov: — Pass., aor. 1 iSiwx^v: pf. SfSiojyfim:
8lx60ev, (Sixa) Adv. on or from both sides. I
(Sioj) I. to pursue, chase, bunt : of persons, to
: — :

Zta>\£vios — bo\ixoypa<f>Ca. 177

seek after, follow closely: — Med. to chase. II. to Sokciko, f. tvaoi, (8ixopun) to watch closely, to lie in
drive on, drive away, cbase away : to expel, to banish: wait for.
SiwKftv apfia to drive a chariot hence seemingly intr. ; AOKE'fl ; but many tenses are formed from pres.
to drive; also to speed, baste. III. as law-term, to *ot/K<v : fut. do/crjooj and 8u£<u : aor. 1 iboirnoa and
prosecute, bring an action against ; 6 Silukcw the pro- I8u£a: pf. SeSutcnKa: — Pass., aor. I (SoktjOtjv: pf.
secutor, plaintiff, opp. to 6 <p(vycuv the defendant. 8(8oKT]fxai and Seooypuai: I. to think, suppose,
8i-ci)\(vios, ov, (8ia, uj\ivT)) with outstretched arms. expect, imagine. II. intr. to seem, appear: esp.
$iuAco-a, aor. I of SioWvpu. in 3 Soku, e8o£t, it seems good, seemed good
8nDp.oo-dp.Tjv, aor. i med. of 8i6fivvpu. as Att. law-term, e8op( rfi &ov\ri, t£ 8r]na>. it was
8i-u>|i.oTOS, ov, (8i6fivv/j.i)on one's oath, bound by oath. decreed ov enaaed by.. but also in I pers., 8oku> fiot, :

Aiwvtj, r), Dione, mother of Venus (Jove being the J seem to myself, metbinks, Lat. videor mibi; e8o£a
father). II. daughter of DionS, Aphrodite. fwi metbougbt. 2. to appear to be something, to
8i-u)vv(i.os, ov, (Si's, Cvvfia = 6vofia) with two names: be of repute ; ol 8okovvt(s tlvai ti men who are held
named together. to be of some account. 3. aor. I neut. part. 8o£av,
Sui)£i-Kc\evOos, ov, (8i6jk<u, KtXtvQos) urging on used absol., and plqpf. 8e8oypiivov, it having been re-
the way. solved, Lat. quum statutum esset ; so Sokovv, it being
8lto£-iirrros, ov, (Stu/ea), Tmrot) horse-driving. resolved, Lat. quum statueretur.
S(u>£is, (cos, r), (8iwkqj) a chasing: cbase, pursuit. 2. Sokt), t), = Soxt), a vision, fancy. (8o/cea>)
as law-term, prosecution. 8oKT)pa, to, (80 Ktu) a vision, fancy. 2. an opinion,
8iu>pto-a, aor. I of 8topifa: 8u£, pf. pass. — expectation.
8uup\ryp.ov, pf. pass, of hiopvooco. SoKiicris. ecus, -f], (8ok(oj) an opinion, belief: a conceit,
8i-u)pi'Y°s, ov, more correct form of Siopyvios. fancy, suspicion. II. good report, credit.
8iwpu|, t/x°*. o, r), (bicpioocu) dug or cut through: 8oKT)o-i-oro<|>os, ov, (poK-qois, oocpos) wise in one's
SiwpvP (sub. 777) 77, a trench, canal; Kpwrr}) 8iwpv£ own conceit.
a covered passage. 8oKipd£a), f. doo) : aor. I eSonifiaffa : — Pass., aor. I
8tuKra, aor. I of 8ioj$iai. \80KiyAoQr\v pf. 8(8o/<ipuiOfiai : (8oKipios)
: to as- :

8pT)0tis, aor. 1 of bapAoj'. 8p.T)0T|T<i>, 3

p^ss. part, say metals to prove, test : hence generally, to prove,

sing, imperat., may be be prevailed upon. to examine. II. to approve, sanction : to bold as

8p.fjons, eons, r), (bafidcu) a taming, breaking in. good, pure, after trial. Hence
8p.T|TCipa, r), a tamer, subduer ; fem. of sq. 8oKtp.&o-ia, an assay, proving, examination.

8p.TjTT)p, fjpot, 6, (oa/xdai) a tamer, breaker., ov, 6, (Soteifxafa) an assayer, examiner.
8p.u>c, dual nom. of 8fid>s. 8oKtp.T], 7), a proof, examination: approved character,
Spcorj, r), (bapuioj) a female slave taken in war : ge- Lat. probitas : and
nerally, any female slave, Lat. ancilla. SotclpAov, to, proof, trial. From
Sp^oVos, a, ov, (dfiws) in servile condition. 8oKtpos, ov, (Sexo/iou) tried, assayed, genuine: of
8p.0)lS, t8ot, j), = 8pU0J7}. persons, approved, esteemed, Lat. probus, probatus
8pws, 000*, 6, (5a/iaa>) a slave taken in war : hence of things, worthy, excellent ; also notable, consider-
any slave. able. Adv. -fiojs, really, truly.
Svott&Xi£ci>,f. £a>, to swing or fling about. 8okCs, i8os, 7), Dim. of 8ok6s, a stick.
8vo4>«pos, d, 6v, dark, dusky, murky. From A0K0'2, 7), a wooden beam or bar : a shaft.
AN0'«K)2, 6, = Kvi<pat, darkness, dusk, gloom. 8oku>, 60s contr. ovs, 7), = boK-nois, an opinion.
8oA<ro-aTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 1 in impers. sense, = Att. 8o\cpos, a, 6v, (86\os) deceitful, treacherous.
(bote, it seemed : 8odo-«r€Tai, Ep. for -tjtcu, 3 sing. 8oXi6-p/r)Tis, 180s, 6, 7), (86\ios, fifJTis) crafty-pur-
subj. = 5o£7j. posing.
86-ypui, arot, t6, (8ok(w) that which one thinks true, 8oXi6-ttovs, 6, 7), now, t6, gen. ttoSoj, (86\ios, vovs)
an opinion. a resolution, decree.
2. Hence of stealthy foot.
8oYp-4Tt£ci>, f. iota Att. tai, to lay down a decree: — 86Xios, a, ov, and os, ov, (SoXos) crafty, deceitful,
Pass, to submit to ordinances. treacherous, wily.
8o0T|, fut. pass, of StSai/xj. 8o\i6-4>po)V, o, 7), gen. ovos, (86\tos, (pprjv) crafty of
AOOlH'N, fjvos, 6, a small abscess, boil. mind, wily.
8oid£u, f. aooi, (80101) to consider two ways, hesitate BoXiou, f. woa>, (86\ios) to deal treacherously.
be'ween —
Med. to douht, to imagine. 8oXix-avXos, ov, (SoKixos, av\6s) with long tube
8oi8v»KO-froi6s, 6, (boidvP, rroi(cu) a pestle-maker. or socket.
AOFATS, vKot, 6, a pestle. 8oXtx-avxT)v, tvot, o,t},(5o\<x^ j avxhv)long-necked. >

8ott|, t), doubt, perplexity. From BoXix-cyx^Sj * s (8o\ix6s, tyx os ) with tall spear.

Soitjv, aor. 2 opt. of 8i8cupu. 8oXix-Tlp€Tp.os, ov, (SoAjxo*, <p«T/xo$) of 3. ship,

8oio(, a, — 8vo, two, both: 801a, Adv. in two ways. long-oared : of persons, using long oars.
BouL, m 80101, of which it is the dual, = 8vo. 8oXixo-'ypd$ia, 7), (6oAjx<5», ypdcpu) prolix writing.
— : :

178 AOAIXO'2 topfakrjKTos.

A0AI"X0'2, -q,of Time, long, weari- Jisbing-rod or limed reed (see Sovaicotis).
ov, long :

tome. Il as Subst., SoAtx^s, o, the long course, bridge of the lyre. From
in racing, opp. to ihe course of he ardSiov. AONE'fl, f. rjaoj, to shake, stir : to excite, agi'ate
8o\ixo-o-iclos, ov, (boAix^s, OKia) casting a long drive about Pass., i) 'Aoii) ibovitTO Asia was in —
shadow; or 5o\tx-6o'Kios, (SoAi^os, Lox )
os wj i> long commotion. Hence
shaft. 86vr)p,a, aros, to, agitation, waving motion; and
SoXocis, eaoa, tv (SoAos) subtle, wily. II. of Bovtjtos, t), ov, verb. Adj. shaken.
things, craftily contrived, artful. 86vt€S, nom. pi. ofSoiJs, aor. 2 part, of Sidojfti.
8o\o-p.T)8T)S, ts, gen. eos, 1 8 A^s, /i^Sos) tt/?7y, crafty. 86£d, 37, (80/ff'a;) a notion, opinion, Lat. visum : ex-
8oXo-p.T)-rr|S, ov, o. and SoXo-jiTjTts, i, gen. tos, ^So- pectation. 2. a sentiment, judgment : esp. a philo-
Aos, firjTis) crafty-minded, wily sophic opinion, Lat. placitum. 3. mere opinion, as
8oXo-p.T|x* vo S, ov, (SoAos, firjxo.vTj) contriving wiles. opp. to knowledge. 4. a fancy, vision. II.
8oX6-p.u0os, ov, (8oAos. fivOos) false-speaking. /2>e opinion o.'bers have of one, one's reputation, Lat.
8o\o-n-XoKia, jJ, sub ley craft. From existimatio : good report, credit, honour. 2 glory,
8oAo-irX6tcos, ov, (SoAos, TrXitcoj) weaving wiles. splendour. Hence
8oXo-iroi6s, 6v, (SoAos, noiioj) treacherous. 8o£d£<i), f. dooi, to bold an opinion, think, believe,
8oXoppa4>ia, ij, artful contrivance, sub/ley. From judge. II. to glorify, extol. Hence
8oX6p-pa<t>os, ov, (SJAos, pdnrw) contriving wiles. 86£ao-p.a, otos, to, an opinion : a fancy.
86Xos, 6, (from AEA-, the Root of St'Atap) properly 8o|oKOTrCa, rj, love if popularity. From
a bait for fish : then a piece of deceit, any cunning 8o£o-k6itos, ov, (8o£a, koittoj) seeking popularity.
contrivance : craft, cunning, treachery, Lai. dolus. 8o|o-p.dvT)s, is, (Sofa, fiavTjvat) mad after glory.
8oXo-4>6vos, ov, (SoAos, *<pivoj) slaying by treachery. Hence
SoXo-<J>p&St|S, is, (SoAos, <ppa(oj) wily-minded. 8ogop.avta. 1), mad love of glory.
8oXo4>povf(ov, ovoa, ov, {Sokucf pojv) craft-devising. So£o-p.&Tai6-o-o<t>os, 6, (5o£a, fmratos, ao<p6s) a
8oXo<j>poo~uvT], i), subtlety, wiliness. From would-be philosopher.
8o\6-4>pa>v, ov, gen. ovos, (86Aos, <pprjv) = SoAo- 8o£o-<r64>os, ov, (5o£a, ao<pos) wise in one's own
ippab'Tjs, crafy-minded. conceit.
8oX6(o, f. wow, (SoAos) to beguile, ensnare. II. 8o£6a>, f. wo-qj, to give one the character of being so
to counterfeit, adulterate, disguise. Hence and so : Pass, to have such a character.
SoXtopa, cltos, to, a trick, deceit. 86£<*>, fut. of boKfo.' 86£ai, aor. I inf.:

86Xa>v, ojvos, 6. (SoAos) a small sail. II. a dagger. Sopd, /), (dipou) a skin, bide.
8oX-J>ms, toos, ^, (SoAos, unp) artful-looking. 86para, nom. pi., 86pa.Tt, dat. sing., of Sopv.
86\coo%s, eons, f), (8oAoa>) a tricking, ensnaring. 8opa-n.ov. to, Dim. of Scot/, a small spear, dart.
86pa, aros, to, (StSw/zt) a gift. 8oparo-irdxT)S, is, (Sopv, irax°t) of a spear-sbafts
Sopatos, a, ov, (8ifioj) of or for building. thickness.
86p.evai, 86p.€V, Ep aor. 2 inf. of S/8aj/ii. 86paros, gen. of oopv.
86pov8«, Adv. borne, homeward; 6V8e SofiovSe to 8opT)i'os, a, ov, (86pv) wooden.
his own bouse. From 8opi-aXa>Tos, ov, (Sopv, dXwvai) captive of the spear,
86(jlos, 6, (5ifuu) Lat. domus. a house : also the taken in war. [&]
household. II. a part of the house, chamber, SopC-yau-Ppos, ov, (86pv, ya/xioj) wooed by battle.

room. Ill any'bing that is built up ; Sid. rpa\- 8opt-0T|paTOS, ov, (Sopv, 0-qpdoj) taken by the pear.

Kovra Sofutiv vKivQov at every thirtieth layer of 8opi-KaVf|s, is, {Sopv, Kav(tv) slain hy the spear.
bricks. Sopi-Kp.Y)s, rjTos, 6, $, (S^pt/, hcluvoj) slain by the
8op.o-o-4>&Xr|s, is, (dofios, a<pd\\w) ruining the spear.
bouse. Sopi-Kpavos, ov, (Sopu, Kpdvov) spear-headed.
Sov&<<€uop.<u, Dep. (5oVa£) to catch birds with reed 8opC-KTTjTOS, ov, (Sopv, /rrao/wu) won by the spear.
and birdlime. 8op(-icrCiros, ov, {h^pv, KrvtiioS) spear-c)'ashing.
Sovaxevs, iojs, 6, (Sova^ a thicket of reeds. 8op£-Xf|irTOS, ov, (d^pv, \a.fji&a.voj) won by the spear.
BovaxiTts, «8o$, fern. Adj. (Suvag) of reed. 8opi-pfivT|S. is, (8c'pu, fjuavrjvai) raging with the spear.
8o>d o-yXv4>os, ov, (Soj/af, ykvfoj) reed-cutting. 8opi-pap yos, ov, (Sopv, ftdpyos) raging with the spear.
8ovd«-6«ts, tooa, (v, (Sova^) abounding in reeds; 8opi-pT|crTU)p, opos, 6, (Scpv, fxTjoTOjp) master of the
86\os fiovateufis a reed covered with birdlime. spear.
8ovdKO-rp6<|>os, ov, (b~6va^, rplcpoj} reed-producing. 8op(-iraXTOS, ov, {hlpv, iraAAoy^ wielding the spear;
8ovd»<6-xXoos, ov, contr. -xXovs, ow, (56va£, x^-° a ) \(\p ^opitraKros, i. e. the right hand.
green wi'b reed*. 8opt-ir€TT|S, is, (dopv, *iriroj Root of iriirroj) fallen
86va£ Ion. 8o0va£ Dor. 8wva£, &kos, 6, a reed, by the spear
Lat. calamus, arundo. II anything made of reed: 8cpi-rrXTjKTos, ov, (Sopv, v\i]aoo)) stricken by the
a dart, arrow. 2. a flute, shepherd's pipe. 3. a spear.
: :

bopfaovos — bovprjv€K4s. 179

8opi-irovos, ov, (bopv, v6vot) toiling with the spear, 86o*kov, Ep. aor. 2 of blbaipu.
bearing (be brunt of war. 86r«ipa, 1), fern, of borrjp.
8opi-o-$€VT|S. is, v. sub bopvoOtvqs. 8ot«os, a, ov, verb. Adj. of bibwpu, to be given. II.

6opi-crT€<}>avos, ov, (bupv, ori r avos) crowned for boriov, one must give.
bravery in war. 8orf|p, fjpos, 6, (blbaipu) a giver, dispenser.
8opi-TivaKTOS, ov, (SJpi/, Tivaao<u) shaken by battle. 86tt)s, ov, (5, - bOTTJp.
8opi-Tp.T)TOS, ov, (b6pv, Ttfxvco) pierced by the spear. BovX-iycoyio}, f. r\atu, (bovXos, aycu) to bring into
8opi-ToXp,os, ov, (oVpv, TuKpxi) bold in war. slavery; bovKaycuyuv to owfia to mortify the body.
SopK&Xts, ibos, 1), — bopfcas. SovXdpiov, to, Dim. of bov\os.
8opicds, ados, (bibopva) an antelope, gazelle, so
r), 8ov\eia Ion. 8ovX*rjtT|, 1). (bovKtvoj) servitude, sla-
called from its large bright eyes. very, bondage. II. the body of slaves, the bond-
Sopos, 6, (bipw) a leathern bag or wallet. men, servile class.
8opirt'<i), f. r/ooo, (buptrov) to take supper. Hence SovXcios, a, ov, or 05, ov, (bovKos) slavish, servile.
8opirno-TOS, o, supper-time, evening. SouXcvpa, aTos, to, (bov\fvco) a service. II.

Aopirwi, t), (dopnov) the first day of the feast Apa~ a slave, Lat. mancipium.
turia ; ttjs upTrjs ttj bopiria on the eve of the feast. SovXevo), f. aco, (bovKos) to be a slave : generally,
AO PIION, to, the evening meal, Lat. coena, the c. dat. to be a slave to another, be subject to, to serve,

chief meal of the day, dinner or supper. obey, Lat. inservire alicui.
AOTT", to : Ep. 6ot5paTO» bovpos,
gen. bSpdros, BovXtj, »}, fern, of bovKos.
in Att. poets also bop6s dat. bupari. Ion. Sovpcrn
: 8ovXijtTj, Ion. of bovXfia.
bovpi, in Att. poets abo Supti or bopi. Ion. dual —
SovXta, j), poet, for bovXua.
bovpt. —Plur. nom. bopara, Ep. bovpara bovpa, in Att. 8ovXik6s, 17, ov, bovKios. Adv. -kws, like a =
Poets also bCpn'. gen. bCpwv, Ep. bovpaiv: dat. bopacri, slave.
Ep. bovpacri bovpfaoi. The stem of a tree, but only SovXios, o, ov, (bovKos) slavish, servile; bovkiov
when cut down : timber for ships, a beam, plank, jj/iop the day of slavery, i. e. a slave's lot or life.
hence like Lat. trabs, a ship. II. the wood or 8cvXi.xo-oei.pos, Ion. for boKixobdpos, (boXtxos,
shaft of a spear; hence the spear itself: a bunting- bctpri) long-necked.
spear : since the spear was held in the right band, 8ovXix6«is, tooa, ev, Ion. for bo\tx6fis, poet, for
irrl bopv meant to the right band, opp. to kn dairiba So\ix>js.
to the left. 8ovXo-irpeiTT|s, is, (Soi5Xo», wpivoj) befitting a slave:
8op\j-aAa)Tos, false reading for bopiaXorros. low-minded, mean.
8opv-0apcnf]s, is, (bupv Oapoiw) daring in war. A0T~A02, 6, a slave, bondman, properly a born
8opv-£cvos, o, r), (bopv, £ivos) a friend at the spear, slave, opp. to di/8pa7ro5ov (a slave taken in war). II.
an ally in war : or a friend made in war. as Adj., bovKos, 77, ov, slavish, enslaved, subject; Comp.
8opv-|6os, ov, contr. -|ovs, ovv, (bupv, £«u) spear- bovKonpos, more rf a slave.
polishing : as Subst., bopv£oos, 6, a maker of spears; 8ovXoo-vvtj, »), (5ovXo») slavery, slavish work.
alsoSopv£6s, 6. 8ouX6o-wos, ov, (bovXos) enslaved.
Bopv-TroY^s, is, (bopv, vayrjvai) built of beams. 8ovXoTepos, a, ov, Comp. of bov\os.
8opv-Tra\TOs, -ir€TT|s, -'irXT) «TOS, v. bopin-.,
8ovX6<i>, f. uioco, (bovKos) to make a slave of, en-
8opv-cr0€VT)s or SoptHxOcvrjs, is, (bopv, oOivos) mighty slave — Med. to subject to oneself. Hence
with the spear. SovXuo'kS, «us, 7), enslaving, subjugation.
8opuo--aoT)s,i7To*,6,masc.Adj., = bopv caoot, warlike. 8ovva.L, aor. 2 inf. of bibco/xt.
8opv<r-<r6os, ov, contr. Sopuo-Hrovs, ovv, poet, also 8ovva|, SowaKocis, Ion. for bova£, bovan6(ts.
8opv-<7-6os, bopv, o(vco) brandishing the spear. Sovirca), f. r)Ocu Ep. aor. I bovirrjoa: pf. bibovna:

8opv>-oT«4>&vos, 8opv-TivaKTOS, v. bopi-. (boviros) — :

to sound heavily, of the heavy fall of a

8opv4>op<(i>, f. 170-0;, (bopv<p6pos) to attend as a body- corpse : generally, to fall in battle.
guard : to keep guard over. Hence 8ovirT|Ta>p, opo», o, (bovniaj) a clatterer.
8opv4>6pT)p.a, paros, to, a body-guard ; and AOT IT02, 0, any dead, heavy sound; boviros ukuv-
8opv»4>opia, r), a keeping guard over. tojv hurtling of spears ; the sound of soldiers
8opv<J>o;>ut6s, 77, ov, (bopv<popia) of or for the guard; marching the bum of a multitude ; the din of war
; ;

to topixpopiKov the guard. the roar of the sea.

8opv-4>6pos, ov, (bopv, <pipaj) spear-bearing, Lat. 8ovpcrra, syncop. 8ovpa, r&, Ep. plur. of bupv.
basfatus; ol bopv<pi,poi the body-guards of kings, who 8ovpaT€os, a, ov, of planks or beams.
were distingui.-hed by carrying a spear. 8ovpdn.ov, Ion. for bopariov, a dart.
80s, aor. 2 irrperat. of bibupu. 8ovp€ios, a, ov, = bovpdrf os.
800-iSiKOS, ov, false reading for bwaribiHOS. 8oup€cro*v, Ep. dat. pi. of bopv.
86(rvs, tajs, /}, (bibwpu) a giving. II. a gift, 8ovp-Tjv«K€s, (bopv, ivcy/ceiv) Adv. a spear's throw
present : a bequest. III. a portion : a dose. off ox distant.
— — : : :

180 5ovpid\a>roj — 5pi/xr/rr/s.

8ovpi-aXa>TOS, ov, Ion. for iopi&Xarros. I which fell in pieces so as never to be drawn out of
Sovpi-icXeiT6s, ov, Ion. for bopi-K\(iTos, (hopv, k\u- the urn.
t6s) famed for the spear. SpdircrtS'ns, ov, 6, = tpaiiiTTjt.
8ovpi-KXvr6s, f), 6v, Ion. for Sopi-K\vTos, (bdpv, Spdircns, ibos, r), fern, of bpanirr/s.
k\vt6s) famed for the spear. SpaTrerCo-KOS, 6, Dim. of bpc-niTrjs.
Bovpi-Kfnros, Sovpi-Xtjirros, 8ovpi-p.avr|s, Ion. Spas, bpdaa, aor. 1 part, of opdcu.
for 5opi-. Spdo-cCo), Desiderat. of bpdta, to have a mind to do,
Sovpios, = ooipeios. to be going to do.
8ovpC-irXT)KTOs, ov, Ion. for bopiirXrjKTOs. 8pao-0cis, aor.I part. pass, of bpdtu.
8ovpi-r0irf|S, is, (bopv, tvittoj) wood-cutting. Spdcrtpos, ov, (Spaa) active; to bpdaifiov action.
8ovpo-8oKT), r), {bopv, 80x17) a stand for spears. Spacpos Ion. 8pT)crp6s, 6, (Spavai) a running away,
6ovpo-0T]KT], r), (bopv, Otjkt)) a case for spears. fight.
8ovpo-pdvTjs, is, Ion. for dopifjtavfjs. 8pdo*opai, fut. of SiSpdoitat. [a]
8ovs, aor. 2 part, of Sibojfu. APA'22t>MAI Att. Span-opai: fut. Spd^oym:
8ox«iov, Ion. 8oxT|tov, to. (Sixofuii) a holder. aor. I iSpagdfirjv : pf. SiSpay/xai Att. SiSapyfiai :

8oxt|, r), (oixopat) recep ion, entertainment. II. Dep. :

grasp with the band, grasp a handful of:
a receptacle. to lay bold of: —
c. ace. rei, to take by handful.

Soxp«t|, r), a measure of length, a span. 8paoT«os, a. ov, verb. Adj. of Spaa;, to be done. II.

Soxp-ios, a » 0,, » (.Soxfos) across, sideways, aslant. Spaoriov, one must do.
8oxp-6\o4>os, ov, {bo\y.6s, Xocpos) wearing one's 8paoTTjpi,os, ov, vigorous, active, efficacious.
plume aslant, with nodding plume. 8pao~ms, "V, 0, (Spda>) a Worker : servant.
AOXM.O'5, r), 6v, slanting, sideways. Hence SpcuTTiKos, 17, ov, {Spdcv) active., aor. 1 iboxiwuOrjv, Pass, to turn sideways Spdros. f), 6v, metath. for Sapros, verb. Adj. of Sipu,
or aslant. skinned flayed.
Spdypa, arot, r6, (bpdaaopiai) as much as one can 8paxpTj, 17, (Spdaoofxai) a drachma, a coin worth 6
grasp, a handful, truss, sheaf, Lat. manipulus. obols, i. e. 9^d, nearly = Roman denarius. II. an

Spa-yparq-cpopos, ov, (bpdy/ia, <f>tpoj) carrying Aitic weight, = about 66 gr. Avdp. (Properly as
sheaves. much as one can bold in the band, cf Spay pa.)
Spaypcvci), f. ao), to collect the corn into sheaves. APA'fl, f. opdoa) L d] aor. I ibpaoa pf. SibpdKa : :

Spaypds, 6, (bpdaoofjuxi) a taking hold of handling.

, — Pass., aor. 1 €8pda0T]V : pf. bfbpdfxat — to do, be
8pd9eiv, aor. 2 inf. of bap&dvai. doing, accomplish :— c. dupl. ace, tv or ttaiews dpdv
8p&9i, 8paiT]v, aor. 2 iniperat. and opt. of btbpdoita). nva, to do <>ne good or ill.

Spaivco, f. bpdvw, (bpdcu) to be going to do. 8p€irdvr}, i), (bptircu) a sickle, reaping-hook, scythe, [d]
Spdicaiva, rjs, r), fern, of Spd/cow, a she-dragon. 8p€irdvT]-<^6pos, ov, (bpeir&VT), <pipw) bearing a scythe;
op&tceiv, aor. 2 inf. act. of hipttopai. apua 8peiravTj<p6pov a scythe-armed car.
SpSKTJvat, aor. 2 inf. pass, of bipKopai. 8 crrdvo-€i8-f|S, is, (tpiiravov, itbos) sickle-shaped.
Spdicopevos, aor. 2 part. med. of bipKOftat. 8p«irdvov, to, {bpiiroj) — bpeirdvrj, a sickle, a curved
Spdicov, Ion. for ibpaxov, aor. 2 of Sip/eofiat. scimitar.
8pa.KovTe los, o, ov, (bpdicav) of a dragon. 8peirdv-ovpy6s, 0, (bpi-navov, *epya) a sword-maker.
8paKOVT-oXeTi)S, ov, 6, (Spdtcwv, oAAv/u) serpent- 8p«"TrT<i>, poet, for bpiiro), to pluck, cull.
slayer. APE'Iiri, f. \po)\ aor. 1 tbpeipa: aor 2 (Spdirov:
SpaxovTo-paWos, ov, (Spdiaw, fiaWos) with snaky — Med., Dor. fut. Sp(if/evfM.t: aor. I ebp(\f/dfiT)v —
locks. Pass., aor. 1 ebpi<p6r}v : break off, pluck: Med.
8pa.KovT-<iI>8ns, es, (bpdicojv, fTSos) snake-like. to pluck for oneself, cull, gather : met.iph. to poisess,
8pdKwv, aor. 2 part. act. of oipKOftai. enjoy.
SpdiKwv, ovros. 6,(SpaKuv) a dragon: later a serpent. Sptfirerns, «o, 6, Ion. for bpaTtirrjs.
Spdpa, aros, t6, (Spdcu) a deed, act, acting : a busi- 8p-r|0-poo~uvT), "ff, bprjOT'-ovvq.
ness, duly. 1. an action represented on the stage, 8pTjcrTT|p, rjpos, 6, (bttpdofcai) Ion. for Spaar^p, a
a drama. run-away.
SpdpciV, aor. 1 inf. of rpk\o). 8pi)o-TT|p, rjpos, 6, Ion. for SpacTt)p, (Spdco) a la-
Spap-rjpa, aros, t6, (bpa/jiuv) a course, a race. bourer, worker : fern. SpTjoreipa., 8papwv, fut. and aor. 2 part, of Tp«'x<y. 8pTjo-TY|S, ov, 6, Ion. for £pao~Ti)s.
Spdvai, aor. 2 inf. of bibpaa/ea). 8p-n,oToo*vvT), t), Ion. for IpaaToowi), (Spaa) service.
8pd£, bpat{6s, = 8payiia. SpIpvXos, ov, Dim. of bpifj.vs, sharp, piercing. [0]
8pdir€T€va), f. au, to run away, flee. From APrMT'2, (ia, v, piercing, stinging, biting, pun-
8pdir€Tns, ov, Ion. 8pT)ir«Tns, eco, 6, (Spdvai) a run- gent. II. metaph. like Lat. acer, sharp, keen,
away : esp. a runaway slave. II. as Adj., bpa- : shrewd.
bitter Adv. -icos. Hence
wirrjs K\fjpo$ a fugitive lot, i. e. a mouldering clod, 8pipvn]s, ttjtos, 7), sharpness, pungency : shrewdness.
— : ;:

API'OS— hvv&rris. 181

API'02, rd, plur. Spia, rd, (as if 8pv4>aKTOv, rd, and Spvd^axTOS, 6, (bpvs) a railed
from Spiov) copse- i

wood, thicket, brushwood. tyence, railing, paling: at Athens the bar of the courts
APOITH, r), a bathing tub, a bath. of law or the council-chamber.
Spopaios, a, ov, or os, ov, (Spoyos) running at full 8pudvf)V(u, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Spvrrro}.
speed, swift, fleet. Spud/a, Ep. aor. of Spvwrcv. 1

Spopds, ados, 6, t), (Spafi(iv) running, whirling. 8pvd/ia, rd, (Spvirrw) scrapings, parings.
Spoptiis, ecus, 6, (Spajxtiv) a runner. Spwoipi, Ep. for Sp&fu, lengthd. opt. of Spdxv.
Spop.T|pa, aros, to, = Spdfirjfia. 80, Ep. for «8v, 3 sing. aor. 2 of Svcv.
8popos, 6, (Spayeiv) a course, race, running: flight: Sudxis, Adv. twice, = 5is.
a fleeing, escape: i)yiprjs Spdfios a day's running, i.e. Suds, ados, 77, (bvo) the number two.
the distance one can go in a day. 2. the length of Svdu, (Sdrj) to plunge in misery.
the stadium, a course; !£(u Spdyov (peptaQat to be car- hvelv, later Att. for bvoiv, gen. and dat. dual of bdo.
ried out of the course. II. a place for running, AT'H, 17, woe, misery, anguish : toil, pain : bard
race-course : a public walk. usage, [y]
Spocrepos, d, 6v, (Spoaos) dewy, watery. 8vnv, (as if for Suit;?/), aor. 2 opt. of Svpu.
Spoo-tjo), f. tow, (Spoaos) to bedew, besprinkle. 8vi]-ira9tT|, r), misery. From
Spoo-ivos, rj, ov, (dp >oos) = 8poo-(p6s. 8vT)-ir40os, ov, (81/77, itaduv) suffering woe.
Spoaoeis, eaaa, ev, poet, for Spoaepus. 8O61, aor. 2 imperat. of bvev.
APO 202, r), Lat. ROS, dew: also the time of dew, Suios, a, ov, (81/77) miserable.
dew-fall. 2. pure water: tears. 3. metaph. any- Svpcvai, Supev, Ep. for bvvai, aor. 2 inf. of 8i5ct;.
thing tender, the young of animals. Hence 8vpi, assumed as a collat. form of Svcu, dvvca.
5poo-6u), to bedew: pf. pass. part, SeSpoacvpevos, 80vai, aor. 2 inf. of Svco.
dewy. 8vva, Att. 2 sing, of bvvapuai.
Spocr-wB-rjs, cs, (Spoaos, (loos) dew-like, dewy. AT'NAMAI, in pres. and imperf. declined like
Apvds, abos, 77, (Spvs) a Dryad, a wood-nymph tarapiai, 2 sing. Svvaoai, Att. bvva, Ion. bvvrj bvveai;
whose life was bound up with that ot her tree 3 pi. bvvavrai Ep. bwiarai ; subj. bvvcvfiai, Ion. 2
Spuivos J ,T), ov, (Spvs) oaken; Spvivov rrvp a fire of sing. SvvTjai — impf. kbwdp:r)v, 2 sing,
kbvvoj, 3 pi.
oak-wood; fii\i hpvivov honey from a hollow oak. kbvvavro Ion. Ibvvtaro'. fut. hwqaofxai —
aor. I ebv- :

8pv-Ko\dirrns, ov, 6, = Spvo-KoKdirrrjs. vrjcrdfj.rjv and eSwrjOrjv (or !8ui'd<7077i' Ep. bvvdaOrjv)

Spvpos, 6, pi. Spvyoi and Spvfxd (Spvs) an oak- : : — pf. bebvvrjfjiai : —

in Att. the double augment ifiwd-
coppice, a coppice, wood, [v, except in neut. pi.] firjv, j,bvvT)dr)v is often used Dep.: I. to be abU,

Bpvpuiv, urvos, r), (Spvs) an oak-coppice. capable, strong enough to do, c. inf. also c. ace, :

8pvo-yovos, ov, (Spvs, *yivcv) oak-grown. bvvaaOai anavra to be able to do all things, Lat. omnia
8pvo-KOi-rns, ov, 6, (Spvs, Koirrj) couching on the posse : absol., ot bvvdfifvoi the powerful. II. to

oak, epith. of the t(tti£. pass for, to be worth, Lat. valere ; 6 ciyKos Svvarai
8pvo-KoXdirrns, ov, 0, (Spvs, no\drrrcu) the great (ttt& 6(l6\ovs the shekel is worth seven obols to :

woodpecker, Lat. picus major. avail : to signify, denote.

8pvo-TTd"yTlS, is, (Spvs, Ttayqvai) built of oak. 8vvfip,ws, r) gen. «ous Ion. 10s: Ion. dat. Svvafii
— srength,

Bpv-oxoi, 01, or 8pv-oxa, rd, (Spvs, ex* ) l ^ e oaken (biivaftai) : might, power, ability; /caret
ribs or cross-timbers of a ship, which hold her toge- Zvvafiiv to the best of one's power, Lat. pro virili
ther ; Spvuxovs riOivat Spdfxaros to lay the keel of a rrapd bvvafiiv or virtp bvvay.iv beyond one s power. 2.
new play. a force for war, forces, Lat. copiae. 3. a quantity,
8pvovj/, onos, 6, (Spvs, 6\p) akind of woodpecker. Lat. vis, g xPVtiaTQr/
e. 4 deforce of a word,
8pv-TT€irr|s, is, (Spvs, Tremoj) ripened on the tree, etc., meaning, Lat. vis. 5. d faculty, power:
quite ripe : over-ripe, decayed ; or 8pv-TT€TT|s, is, hence a faculty, art, as Logic. 6. worth, value, as
(Spvs, *niroj Root of ir'nncv) ready to fall from of money.
the tree. 8vvap.6o), f diacv, (bvvafus) to strengthen,
APT'IIITA", 7), an over-ripe, mouldy olive. 8wdo-0rjv, Ep. aor. of bvvafiat. 1

APTTTTn, f. ^cv: aor. 1 tSpvifa Ep. SpviPa:— Pass., 8vvaaas, fevs, r), poet, for bvvafiis.
aor. I kb~ph<f)6rjv : pf. SiSpvyyai :

to tear, scratch, 8trvaoT€ia, r), power, lordship, sovereignty. II.
wound ; Spvureadat napeidv to tear one's cheek; also an oligarchy. From
absol. 8vvao-T€vo), f. aco, to bold power or lordship, be
APT'2, r). gen. bpvds, ace. Spvv : pi. nom. and powerful : to be high in rank. From
ace. Spves, tpvas, contr. Spvs : the oak, sacred to 8vvdo~rns. ov, 6, (bvvayai) a lord, master, ruler; ol
Zeus. II. any timber tree; mttpa Spvs the re- bvvdarai the chief men, Lat. optimates.
sinous pine. III. metaph. an old tree, i. e. wi- BwdoTup, opos, 6, — bwdarr/s
thered old man. BxrviTfui, f t)(jcu, (Swards) to be powerful.
8pv-r6pos, ov, (Spvt, rtfiuv) felling timber. 8wd-nr]$, ov. 6, poet, for bwdarrjs.
182 bvvdTos — bvatKeva,
8vv4t6s, 4), 6v, (hvva/iai) strong, mighty : powerful, 8vcr-dvcop, opos, 6, 1}, (hva-, dvfip) with a bad bus-
able. of things, possible.
II. band, [a]
8wo.tws, Adv. of hvvaros, strongly, powerfully; hv- 8vo--a.TrdAAa.KTOs, ov, (hva-, diraAAatraw) bard to
varus (X u lt *s possible. get rid of.
Bvve, Ep. for thvvi, 3 sing. impf. of SuVou. 8vo--d.Trtcrros, ov, very disobedient.
Svveai, 8uvtj, Ion. 2 sing, of hvvafiai. Sucr-arroKplTOS, ov, (hva-, diroKpivopat) bard to
8wcaT<u, Ion. 3 pi. of hvvafMt. answer.
Suvrjai, Ep. 2 sing. pres. subj. of hvvapxu. 8va-aTr6Tp€Trros, ov, (hva-, airorpiirai) bard to turn
Swr|0-op,ai, fut. of hvvafxat. away, stubborn, refractory.
8vvtc, aor. 2 part. nom. dual of Svat. 8vo--dp€OTOs, ov, (Sue-, apioKO)) ill to please, im-
Bvvm, see Sucu. placable : peevish, morose.
AT'O, 8tia> : gen. and dat. Svotv, in later Att.
Ep. 8vo--&ptaro-T6K€ia, i), (Sua-, dptaros, tokos) un-
hvctv : only in Ion. and late Att., gen. hvwv, dat.
plur. happy mother of the noblest son.
Suai Ion. hvotat : sometimes indecl., e. g. twv hvo Sw-apieros, ov, (Sua-, dpx<") bard to govern.

fwipaav: Lat. DUO, our TWO;
avv Ho two toge- SvaavAia, ij, ill or bard lodging. From
ther, by twos ; eis hvo two and two. 8t'»cr-avAos, ov, (hva-, auA.17) ill for lodging.
Svo-xai-SeKa, ol, at, rd, twelve, Lat. duo-decim. Sw-avAos, ov, (Sua-, av\6s) ill-suitedfor the flute.
8uoKai8«K<i-|x^vos, 8voKai8eKas, 8voKak8cKaTOs, Bva--a\-f\s, is, Dor. for hvarjxv s -
see 5oj5€Ka.-fX7]vos, hwhetcds, etc. Svo--&xr\s, is, (Sua-, dxos) sorely painful.
8u6a>o-iv, Ep. for hvwaiv, 3 pi. of 5uda>. 8va--pdo-TaKTOs, ov, (hva-, 0aardfa) grievous to be
Svpopai, poet, for ohvpofiat. borne.
8fc<r-, insepar. Prefix, opp. to cu, like our un- or 8w-P5tos, ov, (hva-, 0aivai) bard to pass, impass-
mis- in un-lucky, mis-chance, always with a notion able; to hvafiarov difficult ground. 2. trodden
of hard, bad, ill, etc., destroying a word's good sense painfully.
or increasing its bad sense. 8va-fJdvKTOS, ov, (hva-, (Haifa) full of wailing.
8vs, hvaa, hvv, aor. 2 part, of hva). 8va-ptOTOS, ov, (Sua-, fSioros) making life wretched.
8vo--ayK6|i.uTTOs, 8vo"-dYKpiTos, poet, for hva-avaic-. 8vo-povA(a, rj, ill counsel, folly. From
8v<r-aYv°S, ov, (hva-, dyvus) unchaste, impure. SW-povAos, ov, (dva-, @ov\t]) ill-advised.
8vo--aYpfo>, f. i}oa), to have bad luck in fishing. 8t»o--Pci)Aos, ov, (dva-, /ScDAos) of ill soil, unfruitful.
8vo--d8tA4>os, ov, unhappy in one's brothers. 8vo--Y&pos, ov, ill-wedded.
8vo--aTjs, is, (Sua-, drjfit) ill-blowing, stormy, ad- 8vcr-YdpY&Ais, t, (hva-, yapyaXifa) ticklish, skittish.
verse ; hvaarjajv Ep. gen. pi. for hvaaiojv. 8vo~y€V€ia, 1), low, mean birth. From
8vo--dd\ios, a, ov, also os, ov, most miserable. 8vo--y«vt|S, is, (Sua-, yivos) low-born : low-minded.
8v<r-atavT|S, is, most direful, most horrible. 8uo -Yvoi3,
if, (Zva-, yvwvat) ignorance, perplexity.
Sucr-aidpios, ov, (hva-, axOpa) not clear, murky. Bvo-yvwo-ta, V> difficulty of knowing. From
Bva--aloiv,<uvos,6,77, miserable in life, most miserable. SW-yvwo-tos, ov, (fva-, yvwvat) bard to know or
Zva--aXyr\s, (hva -, d\yos) very painful.
is, recognise.
8vct-oiXytitos, ov, (Sua-, uA7«'a;) unfeeling, hard- Sucr8aipov(a, jj, misery: wretchedness. From
hearted. Svo-8aip.cov, ov, gen. ovos, (hva-, haiiuw) ill-fated.
8vop-d\ios, ov, Dor. for hva ij\tos. [a] 8vo--8dxp vtos, ov, (hva-, haKpvoS) much wept. II.

8v<r-d\ci>T0s, ov, (hva-, dXwvai) bard to catch or con- much weeping.

quer; hvadXcoros KaKwv hard to be reached by ills. 8w-8&|xap, apros, 6, if, ill-wedded.
8ua-dp/3dros, ov, by poet, syncop. for hva-avafiaros. 8vo--8id0€TOS, ov, (hva-, htari9rjfu) bard to settle.
8uor-du.|xopos, ov, m>)st miserable. 8vo--e8pos, ov, (hva-, thpa) bringing ill luck to one's
8va-avdf3&Tos, ov, bard to mount. abode.
8vo--avai«6p.iOTos, syncop. Svo--aYK6fii<rTOS, ov, 8vo--«i8t|S, is, (hva-, ethos) unshapely, deformed.
(hva-, avaieonifa) hard to bring back or recall. Sucr-eipaTOs, ov, (hva-, clpa) meanly clad.
8w-a.vaKpT.T0s, syncop. 8vo--aYKpiTos, ov, (hva-, 8va-€taj3oAos, ov, (hva-, €ta/3dAAa;) bard to enter
dvaitpivai)bard to distinguish or examine. or invade : Sup., -wraros, ov, most inaccessible.
8vo"-avao"X€Teco, f. "fioca, (hva-, dvaax*Tos) to bear 8vo--eK0vros, ov, (hva-, itcOvoj) bard to avert by
ill, unable to bear.
to be sacrifice.
8vo--avdTpcirTOS, ov, (hva-, dvarpiiroj) bard to 8uo--«kAvtos, ov, (hva-, ««\ua>) bard to undo, inex-
overthrow. plicable: —Adv. -t<u$, indissolubly.
8v<r-dv6KTOs, ov, (hva-, avixw) hard to bear. 8ucr-€KTT€paTos, ov, (hva-, (KTrepdw) bard to pass
8w-dv€p.os, ov, Dor. for hvo-Jjvffios. from, bard to escape.
8vo--ovTCpX€TTT08, ov, (hva-, avrifiXiiroj) bard to 8vcr-tK(j>vKTOs, ov, (hva-, itc<ptvyw) bard to escapt
look in the face. from.
8vo-avro, for ihva-, pi. aor. I med. of hvoi. Sva-cAcva, ill-starred Helen.
3 1),

bv(T€\TTLS * (Tk6i11<TT0S. 183

8w-«Xius. witb ill hope, desponding.
itiot , 6, f). Bvff-Oep&'n^VTOS, ov. (ovff-, Otpttirtvai^ bard to cure.
Svo--«Xitvotos, ov, (8vo , (Xirifa) unhoped for; Ik 8vo--06T€u>, f. rjffcu, (bva-, Tidrjfu) to be in bad case:
ovatXiriaraiv, Lat. ex insperato, unexpectedly. Med. to take a thing /'//, Lat. aegrt ferre.
8vo"-«'|x{34tos, ov, (bvo-, ififiaivaj) bard to walk on, 8va-0vTjo*K(i), = dvoOavariai.
rugged : inaccessible. 8va-0pT)vT)TOS, ov, (Sua-, 6pT)via>) most mournful.
Sv<r-cp£oXos, ov, (ovff tpfiaXXai) bard to invade. , 8uo--0poos, ov, (dvff-, 6pi<v) of harsh sound, grating.
8ua-«vT«pCa, i), and 8vo"€VT€piov, to, (boo-, tvrtpov) 8u<r0vp.atvo>, = 5vff6vfxi<u.
a bowel complaint, dysentery. 8uar0i)p.((i), f. 170-0;, to be down-hearted, despond: Med.
8v<r cvTevicTOS, ov, (bvff-, ivTiryx avoJ} not affable. to be melancholy, angry. From
8u<r-e{oiTdTi]TOS, ov, (Sua-, (£avaraw) bard to de- 8vo--0vp.os, ov,(8v(j-, 6vfi6s) down-hearted, dispirited,
ceive. desponding, anxious.
8vo"-«|airTOS, ov, (8va-, i£dirra)) bard to unloose. 8va-Caros, ov, (Sua , laoiiai) hard to heal or cure.
8va eJtXcYKTOS.ov, (bvff-, i£tXiy \a>) bard to refute. 8vo-t-0aXoo"O"OS, ov, (ova;, OaXaaaa) dipped in the
8v<r-«f tXtKTOs, ov, {Sva-, i£tXiffffoj) bard to unfold sea.
or explain. Bva-iiriros, ov, (Svff-, tirnos) bard to ride in; ra\
Bv<T-*£-i\vv<rros, ov, (oW-, l^avvToi) bard to make bvfftima ground unfit for cavalry.
away witb : indissoluble. Swis, (ojs, ij, (ouco) a sinking or setting of the sun or
8vcr«o, aor. med. imperat. of 5uV<u.
I stars ; hvois -ffXiov the west.
8vo--«m{3ovX€VTOs, ov, (hva tmfSovXcvouai) bard 8vo--icA0apTos, ov, (8va-, K&0aipai s bard to cleanse

to plot against or attack secretly. or expiate : bard to appease, inexorable.

8vo--«pcurros, ov, (ova-, (paw) unfavourable to love. 8v<r-K<i0€KTOS, ov, (8vff-, icari \<u) bard to bold in.
8va-cpi]p.os, ov, very desolate. 8vKT-Kairvos, ov, (8v<x-, Kanvos) very smoky.
8tKT-€pi$, t, gen. ifos, {ova-, tpis) most contentious, 8vo--KaTa.irav<TTOS, ov, (Sua-, tcara-navai) bard to
very quarrelsome, peevish. check: restless.
8w-^pwrros, ov, (Sua-, ipifa) caused by evil strife. Svo'-KardirpaKTOS, ov, (ovff-, Karavpaffffco) bard to
8vo"-«pp.^|v€VTOS, ov, (Sua-, kpfi-qvevoS) bard to ex- bring about, bard to effect.
plain. Sva-KaTAo-rdTOs, ov, (8v<r-, KaBiffTijjxi) bard to re-
80cr-€pcos, orrot, 6, (hva-, tpojs) passionately lov-
i), store or reestablish.
ing, sick in love witb, Lat. perdite amans. II. 8vo"-KaTa<J>p6vnTOS, ov, (8v<r-, tearaippovioj) by no
hardly loving, insensible to love. means to be despised.
hwrero, r-.p. for ovaaro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of Svoj. Svo'-KaTfpyo.o'TOS, ov, ($vff-, Kar€pya£opxu) = hva-
8\wr-cinrfpxi)p, opot, 6, (Sue -, (vvrj) an ill bedfellow. Kara-npaKTOS.
8vo-«vp«Tos, ov, (Sua-, (vpiffKoS) bard to find out: 8vo*K6, Ion. for iov, 3 sing. aor. 2 of Sua*.
hard to get : bard
get through, 8var-KcXs8os, ov, shrill-screaming, grating : harsh.
8ixr-{t]Xos, ov, (oW-, (^Aos) exceeding jealous. 8vct-ki)8t|S, is, (ovff-, icfj8os)fullof care, painful.
8va -{TjTrp-o$,
ov. {5vo~- -, (tjtco)) bard to seek out. 8vo--KTf]Xos, ov, (8vff KT)\ioj) past remedy.

8vo--£faK>s, ov, (ovff -, (arfj) most wretched. 8vo*-kX€T|S, is: ace. SvfficXfia poet. hvoK^ia: (Zva-,
8vo--tjic€0"tos, ov (tivo-, CLKtofiai) bard to cure. icXios) injurious : infamous, shameful. Hence
Svc-tikoos, ov, (Sua-, atcovcu) bard of bearing. Suo-kXcul, 17, ingloriousness, dishonour: an ill name.
Btxr-TjXeYTjs, e'f, (ovff-, Xiyai to lay asleep) of death, Svo-kXcus, Adv of ov<tk\(T]S, ingloriously.
stretching one on a bard bed : bard, painful, uneasy 8w-kXt)POS, ov, unlucky.
of men, bard-bearted, unfeeling. 8vo-kXtjs, poet, for ovfffckffis.
8vo--T|Xio$, ov, unlit by the sun, sunless, without the 8vo*KoXaiv<a, f. aval, (bvo/toKos) to b* peevish, dis-
light of day. conten'ed. annoyed.
©w-imepCa, 1J,
(oW-, fj^.lpa^ an unlucky day. 8vo-Ko\ia, 1), (ovffieoXos) peevishness, discontent.
8vo-- nv€p.os, ov, (oW-,dVf/xos)

wib ill winds, stormy. 8vo--k6XXt|TOS, ov, (5va KoKKaai) iil-cemented.


8ixr-i]pts, iBos, 6, older form of fivo-fpis, very

ij, BvoxoXo-KapiTTOS, ov. (bvOKoXos KaurrToi) bard to
quarrelsome, contentious. bend ; bvoKoXoKa^Lirros Kafxrrr] an intricate flourish in

Svo^HXTI*. is, (bva-, t)x«'<w) ill-sounding : hateful to singing.

bear of, hateful. 8vo-koX6-koitos, ov, (bvfficoXos, KoiTTj ) making one's

8vo -6aX'irfjs, is, (ovc-, BaXiros) bard to warm :


chilly. bed uneasy.

8v<r04vdTf w, f. dea 'h. From
"qaw, to die a lingering 8vkt-koXos, ov, (&v<T-, KoXov) bard to satisfy witb
8w-0dv4Tos, ov, dying bard, struggling witb food : bard to please, fretful, peevish, discon-
death. II. act. bringing a painful death. tented. II. of things, harassing: unpleasant.
tva- (tohrfjs, ^«, (ovff-, Baviiv) having died a bard Bva-^oXiros, ov, wi'b ill-farmed womb
death. 8vo-k6Xcds. Adv. of hvoKoXos, peevishly; SvfficoXais
8w-0«&tos, ov, (ovff-, Btdofiai) ill to look on. tyuv to be peevish.
8w-0«os, ov, godless, ungodly., ov, (Svff-, KOfilfa) bard to be borne.
184 bvaKpaaia — tvo-Tiapevvos.

Svcncp&o-ia, i), bad temperament. From 8t)o--voos, ov, contr. -vovs, ow, ill-disposed, ill-
8u<T-KpdTos, ov, (hva-, Ktpavvvfit) of bad tempera- affected, disaffected.
ment. 8vcr-vo<rros, ov, not really a return.
8v»o'-KptTOs, ov, (hva-, Kpivaj) bard to discern : bard 8vo--vup.<J>€VTOs, ov, (hva-, vvfupevoj) disagreeable
to determine, doubtful. Adv. -tojs, doubtfully ; hva- to marry.
tcp'trus (X (tv to be * n doubt. 8vcr-wp4>os, ov, (hva-, vvfupif) ill-wedded.
8v<r-Kijp.avTOS, ov, (hva-, KVfxaivaJ) of or from tbe 8vcr-£vp.|3oXos, ov, (hva-, £vfi&o\ov) bard to deal
stormy sea. with.
Svo-K<i)<}>£a>, f. ijao), to be stone deaf. From 8var-£vv€TOS, ov, (hva-, (wirj/u) bard to understand,
8vo--Kfa><f>os, ov, (hva -, Kai<p6s) stone deaf. obscure, enigmatical.
8vo*-XeKTOS, ov, (hva-, \eycu) ill or bard to tell. Svo*o8p.Ca, fj, = hvaoafiia. From
Sw-Aoyiaros, ov. (Sua-, \oyi£ofMi) bard to reck- 8W-o5pos, ov, = hvaoa/ios.
on. II. misdirected, misguided. Bvo-oSo-iraC-mXXos, ov, (hvaohos, lravnaXrf) rugged
8vo--X64>os, ov, (hva-,\6<pos) bardfor tbe neck, bard and steep.
to bear. II. impatient : Adv. -<p<vs, impatiently. 8vo--o8os, ov, bard to pass, scarce passable.
8vo"-\vtos, ov ,(hva-, \voj) bard to loose, indissoluble. 8tKT-ot£ii>, to be sad, anxious : Med. to be afraid.
8vcrp.&0((i>, f. T)Ow, to be slow at learning. From (From hvs, and 01 alas!, as olfxwfa from oifxoi.)
8vcr-p.&0T|s, is, (hva-, fiadtiv) bard to learn, diffi- 8vo--oikt|tos, ov, (hva-, oIk€cj) dwell in.bad to
cult. slow at learning, dull
II. act. Adv. -6m, : — 8vcr-oip.os, ov, (hva-, with a bad path.

SvajiaOcJS f x €tV to be s ^ ow °f learning. hvo-'Oiaros, ov, (hva-, oioat fut. of <p€pa>) bard to bear,
Svo--\L&x*i0, f r\a(u, (hva-, fiaxofiai) tofigbt in vain; insufferable.
to figbt an unholy fight with. Hrnce Swopcu, fut. med. of hva).

8vQ-fAaxTr * ov verD Adj. one must struggle bard.

> - 8W-op.ppos, ov, tempestuous.
8wo--p,axos, ov, (hva-, fiaxofiai) hard tofigbt with, 8vo--6plXos, ov, with an ill company, bringing evils
unconquerable : generally, bard, difficult. in one's train.
8wp.eva.ivco, (hvafi(vrjs) to bear ill-will. tva- opp&TOs, ov, (hva-, 6ftfxa\ scarce- eeing.
Svarpeveia, i). (hvafi(v-f)s) ill-will, enmi'y. 8vo--6p&Tos, ov, (hva-, opaoj^ hard to see.
Svo-pevctov, ill-affected, bearing ill-will, hostile: masc. 8vo--6pyr|TOS, ov, (hva-, upydtu) = hvaopyos.
Adj. with particip. form. From Svcr-op-yos, ov, (hva-, opyq) quick to anger.
8vo--p.«vT)s, (s,(hva-, fiivos) ill-affected, bearing ill' 8tKr-oppos, ov, with bad anchorage. II. act.
will, hostile; hvafxevits enemies. •nvoal hvaop/xoi gales that keep ships at anchor.
8vo--p,€Tax€ipto-Tos, ov, {hva-, fieTaxcipifa) bard 8vo--opvis, Idos, 6, J), {hva-, opvis) boding ill.
to take in band or manage : hard to conquer. 8uo--6p4>v<uos, a, ov, (hva -, tp<pvq) du ky.
8wp.T] Dor. 8v0p.T|, 17, (hiiw) — hvais, a sinking, Svo-00-p.ia, 1), an ill smell, raii^ness. From
setting, esp. of the sun ; mostly in pi., opp. to dva- 8txT-ocrpos, ov, (hva-, da/XT]) ill-smelling, stinking,
roXai rank. II. bad for scent.
8v<rp.T)vis, t, gen. 10s. savage, wrathful. 8vo--ovpi<rTOS, ov, (hva-, oiplfa^ driven on by a too
8tio--p.T|viTOS, ov, (hva-, firjv'uu) visited by heavy favourable wind, prospering unhappily.
wra'h. 8vo-ira0«(«), f. rjaai, to suffer a bard fate, be in afflic-
8vor-p.T|TTjp, epos, if, a cruel mother, not a true tion. II. to be impatient, Lat. aegreferre. From
mother. 8v»o--ira0T|S, (hva-, rr&Oos) impatient of suffer-
8vo-p.Tjx*v « t0 » f-
V™* t0 be at loss. From ing. II. hardly feeling, impassive.

8va-p.T)X^ v °S» ov, (hva-, u-qxo-vif) quite at a loss. 8vo--ir£X<noTOs, ov, {hva-, vdXaioj) bard to wrestle
8w poipos, ov, (hva-, fioipa) = hvafiopos. wi'b, bard to conquer.
Svo-popta, j), a bard fate. From 8vcr-TrdAfip.os, ov, (hva-, vaXdfirj^ bard to struggle
8vo*-p,opos, ov, ill-fated, ill-starred. with. II. hardly helping oneself, helpless : Adv.
8vo*p.op4>ia, badness ofform, ugliness.
if, From —fUUS.
5va--|Aopct>os, ov, (hva-, fiop<prj) misshapen, ugly. 8vo--itSXtis, «'s, (hva-, na\t]) bard to wrestle with:
Avo--p.ov<ros. ov, (hva-, Movaa) not favoured by tbe generally, bard, difficult.
Muses, unmusical. Sva-TrapapX-nTOS, ov, (hva-, irapa0a\ka>) incom-
8iio--viirTOS, ov, (hva-, vifa) bard to wash out or off. parable.
8v<t-v6tjtos, ov, (hva-, voiai) bard to be under- 8vo--TrapA|3ovXos, ov, (hva-, irapd, PovX-fj) bard to
stood. persuade, stubborn.
Svovocci), f. 4\ae), (h{>avoos) to be ill-affected. 8w-Trap&6eXKTOS, ov, (hva-, vapaBiXyoj) bard to
8vo-voia, if, (hvavoos) dislike, ill-will. soothe or assuaee.
Svavopia, if, lawlessness : a bad constitution, had 8vo"-Trapa(TT)TOs, ov. (hva-, itapairioftai) bard to
code of laws. From move by prayer, inexorable.
ow-vopos, ov, lawless, unrighteous. Svcr-irdpcwos, ov, (hva-, irapd, eivrj) ill-mated.
: ::

bv<nraprjyopos — bv<r<t>r)ixca>. 185

8\KT-irap'f|Y P *» oy >
(bva wapijyopioj) bard to 8uor-iTp6o-tTOs, ov, (bva-, vpSacifii to approach)
console or appease. bard to approach, difficult of access.
8vo"-irdp9«vos, i), an unhappy maiden. 8 vo-irp 60-0805, ov, bard to get at.
Ava-irdpis, toot, 6, ill-omened, ill~starred Paris 8w-irp6aroiaTOS, ov, (bva-, npoaolaa) fut. of trpoa-
cf. Alvdnapis. <pipw) bard to deal or bear with, morose.
8v<r-irdptT0S, ov, (ova-, irdpeipu to pass by) bard to 8vo--Trp6o-oirTOS, ov, (bva-, irpoaoxf/ofiai f. of rrpoa-
pass. opaw) ill to look on : of ill aspect.
8v«r-irei(W|s, is, (bva-, iruBopai) bardly obeying, Sva-irpoo-ireXaoTOs, ov, (bva-, irpoaireXafa) bard
self-milled, stubborn : ill-trained. to approach.
8v»o--iT€i<rTos, ov, (bva-, ireiScu) bard to persuade, 8va -Trp6(rc0iros, ov, (bva-, irpooamov) of ill aspect.

stubborn, disobedient. Adv., bvonuoTMS %x uv to be 8v<r-pI yos, ov, (bva-, piyos) unable to bear cold.

incredulous. bvcro-ifitia, ij, impiety : a charge of impiety : and

8vo--ir€Aaaros, ov, (bva-, ir(Xafa) dangerous to 6vcro-€p€ci>, f. -fjaoo, to be impious : to act impiously.

come near. From

8vcr-ir€p.irTOS, ov, (bva -, vifiircu) bard to send away. 8vo--ct€0t|s, is, (bva-,ai0ofmi) ungodly, impious.
hwr-TT(\L<b*kos, ov, {bva-, irifi<pi£) of the sea, rough Svao-epta, poet, for Svooi&fia.
and stormy : metaph. rude, discourteous. 8w-croos, ov, (ova-, ow£oj) bard to save, ruined,
8va-ir€v6T|s, is, (Sva-, irivdus) bringing sore afflic- Lat. perditus : to* bvaaoa the rogues.
tion, grievous. 8va-rdXds, aiva, av, very wicked, most miserable.
8vcr-irfpaT0s, ov, (Sua-, vtpaaj) bard to pass 8vorTavos, ov, Dor. for bvarrjvot.
through. 8vo--T€icpapTos, ov, (bva-, nKyuaipoyuai) hard to
8w-ir€TT|S, is, (bva-, *itiro} Root of mvroS) falling conjecture: dark and riddling.
out ill. grievous, difficult. Adv. bvonerivs, Ion. -ecus, 8v<t-t€kvos, ov, (bva-, riicvov) unhappy in one's
with difficulty. children.
8vo--irr)p.avT0s, ov, (bva-, irnp.aiv<u)full of grievous 8vo--T€pirT|s, is, (bva-, riptrw) ill-pleasing, displeas-
evil. ing.
hva--rrXvr\s, it, (bva-, vivos) squalid. 8vo-rnvos, ov, wretched, unhappy, unfortunate. II.

8w-irXdvos, ov, {8va-, irKdvr)) wandering in misery. like Lat. miser, wretched, profligate. (Deriv. uncertain.)
8w-irXoCa, Ion. -itXoitj, jJ, difficulty of sailing. 8vo--rXT|p,ci)v, ov, gen. ovot, (bva-, rkrjfjuuv) suffer-
From ing evil, wretched.
ow-irXoos, ov, (bva-, ir\i<v) bad for sailing. 8v<x-tXt|tos, ov, (bva-, rXfjvai) bard to endure.
8v»o--irX<irros, ov, — bvanXoos. 8v<r-roK«vs, i<vs, 6, (Sva-,roK(vt) an unhappy parent.
8vo-rrvoia, 77, difficulty of breathing. From Svcttokcw, f. ijow, to have a hard labour. From
8w-irvoos, ov, contx. -irvovs, ow, {Sva-, vvioS) scant 8w-tokos, ov, (bva-, t(kciv) bringingforth with pain.
of breath, breathless. II. unfit to breathe. III. 8va-Topcco, f. 4\au, to speak evil of. From
wtocu ovairvooi contrary winds. Bti-oropos, ov, (bva-, ar6pa) evil-speaking. II.

8vo--fl-oX€pTjT08, ov, (bva-, iroXenitu) bard to war of a horse, bard-mouthed.

with. 8v-o"tovos, ov, (bva-, arivoj) lamentable.
hvo"-v6\(\LOs, ov, unlucky in war. 8w<r-r6ira<rros, ov, (bva-, ronofa) bard to guess.
8\KT-iroXiopKTjTOS, ov, (8va-, no\iopi<ioj) bard to 8v-o-Toxa<rros, ov, (bva-, oroxa^opm) bard to bit
take by siege. upon.
Sva-rrovTqs, (bva-, irovicS) toilsome.
it, 8va-TpdTr€£os, ov, (bva-, rpairefa) fed on borridfood.
8\w-tt6vt)tos, ov, (bva-, irovioj) bard-earned II. Bva-rpdircXos, ov, (bva-, rpiiroj) bard to turn
bringing toil and trouble. stubborn, unmanageable. Adv. -\<ut, awkwardly.
8w-irovos, ov, toilsome, wearisome. 8v<r-Tpoiros, ov, (dva-,rpiira))bard to turn or direct:
8va-ir6p€VTOS, ov, (bva-, iropevopuii) bard to pass. stubborn, wayward.
Bvo-iropCa, 1), difficulty of passing. From 8v<rri5x«», f. faa) pf. b(SvoTvxV Ka
{ovarvx^s) ' :

8iio"-iropos, ov, bard to pass, scarce passable. —to be unlucky, unhappy: of things, to fail. Hence
8w-iroTp.os, ov, unlucky, ill-starred. Adv. bvaird- hvo-rvxTMia, aros, to, a mischance, a failure.
Tfwt, miserably. 8v<r-r*xT|s, is, (bva-,™xv) ™ducky, unfortunate.
8vo*-iroTOs, ov, (bva-, it6tov) bard to drink, un- Adv. -x^*- Hence
palatable. 8v<rrtJxCa, ill luck, ill fortune.

&wr-irpayi<a, f. "fjaoj, (bva-, irpayoi) to fare ill. 8vo--vttoiotos, ov, (bva-, xmolatu fat. of vrro<pipoi)
8vo--irpa|ia, 1), (bva-, irpdaaoj) ill success, ill luck. bard to endure.
8w-irpaTO«, ov, (bva-, mnpdoKOj} bard to sell. 8vo--4>apos, Dor. for bva<pr}fJio$.
8w-iTp€irf|$. it, {ova-, irpinoj) base, unseemly 8v<r-<j>dTOS, ov, (ova , <prjpJ) bard to tell, unspeak-
6v<r-irp6<rPdTOt, ov, (bva-, vpoofSaivoj) bard to able, horrible, Lat. infandus.
approach, scarce accessible. 5uo-4>T)p« w, f. rjaoj, (ova<prjfwt) to speak evil words

186 hv(T$r]}j.(.a — h(ta%€Kanr)vo$.

esp. words of ill omen. II. trans, to speak ill of, 8vcr-cuptop,ai, f. i]ao\x<u : Dep. : (6W-, wpot) :—to
blaspheme, slander. Hence keep a troublesome, painful watch.
8t>cr<Jvn.p.£a, i), evil language : esp. words of ill omen, 8vo--o>pos, ov, (bvo-, wpa) unseasonable.
lamenta 'ions. 8Ct€, 2 pi. aor. 2 imperat. of bvej.
8var-<J>tmos, ov, (5t/<r-, <pr)urj) of ill omen, bod- 8vrns, ov, o, (bvoj) a diver.
ing. slanderous : evil.
II. 8va>, Ion. for bvo, two.
8v<T-<f>tX"f|S, is, {Svo-, <pi\iw) hateful. AT'H or 8vv<i> : fut. ovcoj [5] : aor. 1 act. ?57><xa :—
Svo-^opcca, f. 4)00), (bvo<popos) to bear ill, to bt Med., bvo/Mi : impf. ibvup.rjv : fut. bvoouai v] : aor.
grieved, Lat. aegreferre ; to be discontented. Hence I kSvoafirjv, with Ep. 2 and 3 sing, ibvoeo, khvotro,
5v<r4>6pTj --os, ov, bard to bear. imperat. bvoeo, part. bvo6fievos used in pres. sense :
8v<r-4>op(u-Y£, 17705, 6, ^, ill suited to the lyre, mourn- with the Med. the aor. 2 and pf. act. agree in sense,
ful, melancholy. aor. 2 tbvv, vs, v, dual i^vrrjv [51, pi. tbvutv, ibvrt,
Stkr-<J>opos, ov, (5W-, <pipoS) hard to bear, oppress- tbvoav Ep. eSw; imperat. biQi, bvrt, subj. bv<u ; opt
ive, heavy insufferable, grievous :
: Adv., bvo<pCpa>* — hvirjv or Svijv ; inf. bvvai, part. bvs : pf. bebvica :

II. {bva-,<pipoyuax) moving

*X UV to be intolerable. I. Causal in fut. and aor. i,bvow,tbvja, to put clothes

with difficulty, slow of motion. on another. II. infr. in all other tenses of Act.,

8v<r4>p6vo)S, Adv. of bvo<ppwv, foolishly. and in Med.: 1. of clothes, to put them on oneself,
8vo-<j>pocrvvT], jj, anxiety, care. From put on ; mc taph., tt fii) ov ye bvoeai oXktjv if thou wilt
8vcr-4>pcov, ov, gen. ovos, {Sv<r-, <ppr)v) heavy in heart, not put on strength. 2. of places, to enter, make

sorrowful. II. ill-disposed, hostile. III. one's way into ; bvvai koXvov 0a\aoor\t to sink into
senseless. the lap of ocean notefiov bvvai and bvoaoOai to
Suo*-4>vAaKTOs, ov, (JW-, <pv\aoo<t}) bard to watch plunge into the fight ; uvnffrrjpas bvoaoOai to go in
or keep. II. bard to keep off. among the suitors. 3. to come over or upon ; tea-
8vcr-x€ip.€pos, ov, (bvo~, xcifta) very wintry, stormy. uaros yvta bibvtcc weariness came upon his limbs ;
8vo--x<ipa>p.a, aros, r6, (bvo-, \tipuoj) a thing bard Kpoaipj) k Xvooa bebvice madness came over him. 4.
to subdue, a hard conquest. absol. to sink in : to dive : to set, of the sun and stars.
ov, (8u<r-, xfipoai) bard to subdue.
8vo -x«ip&>Tos, 8vw-8«kcl, ol, at, ra, poet, for Sa8( tea.
Suoxepatvb), fut. 5vu>, to bear with a bad grace, Lat. 8v<i>8ck6-0oios, ov, (bvwfifKa, fiovs) worth twelve
aegreferre : to be discontented, displeased. IL beeves.
to make a thing bard, to make difficulties; fir/ para 8vo>8€Ka-8popos, ov, (StwSctfa, running
Zvox^povavTa (aor. I part.) vexatious words :
— and twelve courses.
Svaxlpeia, fj, difficulty. II. annoyance, trouble. 8v<»8cKd-p.T)vos, os, (SvwSexa, fify) twelve months
2. of persons, peevishness, ill-temper, moroseness. old.
From 8vcoS€K<L-p.oipos, ov, (pvwicKa, uoTpa) divided into
8vo--x«p^|S, ts, (Svff-, x«*p) hard to manage. II. twelve parts.
annoying, unpleasant, troublesome. 2. of persons, SvoScicaTatos, ov, twelve days old.
peevhb, ill-tempered —
Adv., bvox (P<^* *x uv t0 De 8v<i>8cKaTos, ov, poet, for buBiKaros.
annoyed. 8va>KaiciKOo-i-p.€Tpos, ov, (bvai Kal tiKotn, fUrpov)
8vo~xtp.os, ov, (from JW-, as ut\ayx tuo * from pi- holding two-and-twenty measures.
Kas) troublesome, dangerous, fearful. 8v(i>Kai€iK0cri-irr)XVS, v, (Sva) koi tiKOOi, rnjx vt )
SvoxXaivCa, j), scanty, shabby clothing. From twenty-two cubits long.
8tKr-xAaivos, ov, (5W-, x^x"*^) shabbily clad. 8ui, to, Ep. apocopate form for bwua, only in nom.
8iio--xopTOS, ov, ill-supplied with fond. and ace. Also as plur for bw/iara.
8v<r xp^otos, ov, (Sva-, xpaopnt) bard to use, in- 8w, bZt, By, aor. 2 subj. of bidv/M.
convenient intractable.
. 8w-8cKa, ol, at, ra, (bvo, Sfica) twelve, Lat. duodecim.
8v0--x<*pia, 1), (bvo-, xfyos) difficult ground. 8a>8cK<i-Yvap.irros. ov. (pwbaca, yvauirra) bent twelve
8v<tu>8t|S v
(s, (bvff-, ofa) ill-smelling. times ; bubtKayvauirrov rfpfxa the post that bas been
8vo--w8ivos, ov, {bvo-, bbiv) causing grievous doubled twelve times.
pangs. 8&>8€icd8-apxos,6, (8w8oca, dp\eS) a leader of twelve.
8v<rcovta, f. f\o<a, to beat down the price, cheapen. 8u8cK&-8<i>pos, ov, {bwbeiea, bwpov 11) twelve palms
From long.
8vo--wvtjs, ov, i, (bvo-, bviopai) one who buys with
8<o8cK-dc6Xos. ov, conqueror in twelve contests.
difficulty, a bard customer. 8to8€Ka-«TTis, 4s, (bwbata, (tos) of twelve years :—
8vo--tjvdp.os, ov, (bvo-, ovoua) bearing an ill name, but, 8o>8cKa<TT)S, ov, 6, twelve years old.
bearing a name of ill omen, such as Aias. 8w5«k<4.kis, Adv. (bwbf/ca) twelve times.
8v<r-ioir«i>, f. ijoo), (bvo-, £np) to put a person out of SuSetrd-Kpowos, ov, wi'b twelve springs.
countenance, to bt importunate : —
Pass, to be ashamed, 8ci>ScK<£-\tvos, ov, (bwb(/ca, \ivov) of twelve threads.
sby, timid. 8w8«K(l-pT]vos, ov, {ZwbtKa, uty) of twelve months.
: — : : :

boahfKanyJxavos — 2a. 187

S^Soca-fi-fixSvos, ov, (B&Bfiea, prqxavr)) knowing AcopCcrSco, Dor. for AojpiCa).
twelve arts Acopicr-ri. (Auipos) Adv. in Dorian fashion.
Sfa>&«K<i-irais, -rraidos, 6,?}, with twelve children. SupoSoKto), f. rjaco, (BajpoBoitos) to accept as a pre-
8u)5«Kd-iTdXai, Adv. twelve times long ago, i.e. ever sent, to take as a bribe: — Pass, to have a bribe given
so long ago. one : c. ace. to receive as a bribe. Hence
8u)8*kq. -rrriyvs, v, twelve cubits long. 8a>po86iCT)p.a, aros, r6, a bribe.
ScoStKa-iToXis, i, gen. 10s, formed of twelve united 8<i>po8okt]o-tC, Adv. (Sa>po5oKicu) in bribery fashion,
states. with allusion to the Dorians.
8a)S«K-dpxT)S, ov, 6, = BcuBiK-apxos. 8a)po8oKia, ?}, (B<vpoBo/c4<v) a taking of bribes, open-
8uj8«Kds, dBos, ?), (BwBena) the number twelve: a ness to bribery.
number of twelve, a dozen. 8a)po-8oKos, ov, (Bwpov, bixopuii) taking presents or
8u)8€Ka.-<TKaA(jios, ov, twelve-oared. bribes.
8ci>8€K<i-<rKVTos, ov, made of twelve 8ojpo-86-rr|S, ov, 6, (Bwpov, BiBojpu) a giver of presents.
different coloured
pieces of leather. 8upov, to, (BiBajpu) a gift, present : a votive offering
8a>8tKa.Tcuos, a, ov, on the twelfth day. From to a god ; Bwpa Oi&v gtfts of or from the gC>ds. II.

8a>8tKa.Tos, r), ov, (BwBttca) the twelfth. the breadth of the band, the palm.
8a>8€Ka-4>vi\os, ov, (BwBeica, <pv\r)) of twelve tribes S<i>po-<j>dYos, ov, (Bwpov, <p&ytiv) devouring gifts,
to &v8(ita<p v\ov the twelve tribes of Israel. greedy of presents.
Sci>$€K-tTT]S, ov, 6, (BwBe/ca, trot) twelve years old; 8o)po<|>opc(i), f 770*07, to bring presents or bribes. From .

fem. 8*>8«ic-£n.s, tbos, J). 8u>po-4>6pos, ov, (Bwpov, <pipw) bringing presents
AwScuvt], t), Dodona, a town in Thesprotia, the seat hence tributary.
of a very ancient oracle of Jupiter. 8wpvTTopai, Dor. for Swpeofiai.
owq, Su^joa, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of BiBojpu. 8u)s, t), Lat. dos, = Boons, only in nom.
8cpT]v, hp. for Bolrjv, aor. 2 opt. of BiBojpu. Soo-eico, Desiderat. of BiSwpu, to be ready to give.
Su>kcl, Ep. for tBatKa, aor. I of BiBojpu. 8(i>aeu.€v<u, -<i(i€v, Ep. fut. inf. of BiSwpu.
8u>Xos, Dor. for BovXos. hifox, 3 pi. aor. 2 of BiBwpn.
8<2>u,a, arot t6, (Sipw) a bouse, dwelling. II. a 8b><ri-8tKOS, ov, (b"i5<vfii, Si/cn) giving oneself up to
part of the bouse, a chamber, room. III. a bouse, justice, abiding by a sentence.
household. 8u>o-ci), fut. of SiSojfjii.
8w(xdTtov, to", Dim. of 5wfia. 8cl>ctujv, Dor. for Suaojv, fut. act. part, of BiBupu.
Swpa-rlTns, ov, 6 fem. -ms, tBot,
: ») : (Bwpri) : of, 8ci/TT)p, »^po», 6, (diSojpn) a giver.
belonging to the bouse or household. 8ojtt|s, ov, 6, = Barrqp.
8a>p.a.To-4>0op«a>, f. -fjocu, (Bwpia, <p6cipw) to ruin 8ci>Tivd£c>, f. doro;, to receive presents. From
bouse and borne. SwrtVT), 17, a gift, present : ace. Borrivnv as
8o>fiaTO<i>, f. d/ffoj, (bw/Mi) to bouse. Adv., as a free gift, freely, like Svptdv. [t]
8a>u.dw and, Dep., (S(pM) to build. SwTcop, opoi, 6, = Bo.TT)p.
8d)va|, Dor. for B6va£, Bovva£. 8(11(1}, Ep. for BS/, aor. 2 subj. of BiBwpu.

8wop.€v, Ep. for Butpicv, i pi. aor. a subj. of BiBojpu.

8u>ptd, Ion. -rf|, a gift, present

»} , Ace. Baiptdv —
used as Adv., as a free g ft, freely, Lat. gratis : hence
undeservedly, in vain. From
$a>p«i>, f. -fjao) or 8wp«ou,ai, Dep.,
: f. i\ao\uax — to E
give, present : one with, Lat. dono. Hence
to present
8o>pT|u.a, arot, r6, that which is given, a gift. Ej, «, called I \pt\6v, the fifth letter of the Gr. alpha-
SoopTp-os, if, ov, (6ojp«'a») open to gifts or presents, to bet : as numeral e' = itivrt and rtinitTot, t = 5000.
be appeased by gifts. II. freely given. When the archonship of Euclides (R. C. 403) the
Ao>pid£<i), f. daw, *= Aaipt C,oj. Athenians adopted rj from the Samian alphabet to re-
Awpufvs, iojt, 6, (Awpos) a Dorian : in plur. the present long e, the Gramm. introduced the name of £
Dorians. xpiKdv, e without the as irate, because E was one way
Awpif w Dor. -(478(0 f. lota (Awpot) : to imi-
: : of writing the rough breathing.
tate the Dorians. 2. to speak Doric G.'ek. 3. €, him-, her-, or it-self, Lat. se, ace. sing, and plur.

to dress like a Dorian girl. reflexive Pron. of 3rd pers., without nominat., and
Aupiicos, 17, ov, and Awpiot, a, ov, (Awpos) Doric, always enclitic. A rarer Ep. form is €«, never en-
Dorian. clitic. II. without reflexive sense, for avr6v,

AupU, Hot, f/, (Au>pot) fem. Adj. Dorian: I. avrrjv, avrd, bim, her, it. See ov, Lat. fin*.

(sub. 777) the Doria* land, i. e. Peloponnesus. 2. «4, exclam. of wonder or displeasure: Lat. vabl
(sub. *oirt») a Dorian knife u«ed at sacrifices. cd, for tid, 3 sing. impf. of idej.
A«pCo-8cv, Dor. inf. of Awpifa. id, Ion. for tjv, I sing. impf. of tlpd sum.
: :

188 ^—-Zpv™-
id, lengthd. Ep. i&q., 3 sing. pres. of Ida). let alone. III. Med., idoBal tivI ti to give up a
«dav, lengthd. Ep. inf. of idxa. thng to another.
iaya, pf. of dyvv/jit with pass, sense. cduv, Ep. for ir)ojv, gen. pi. of (vs.
«dyrjv [d], aor. 2 pass, of dyvv/u. cffaXov, aor. 2 of /SaAAcw.
cdSa, pf. of dvSdva). tfiav, Ep. for tfirjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 of fiaiva>.
taSov, aor. 2 of avSavcu. €fjdo-KT|va, t|3acrKa.vOTjv, aor. I act. and pass, of
«dXt) or «a\i] [d], 3 sing. aor. 2 pass, of et\a>. fiaoKaiviu.
cdXuica [a], pf., IdXcov [~d], aor. 2 of dXiaitofuu. «Pdo-Towra, «6ao-Ta|a, aor. I of flao-rdfa.
«dv, Conj. (properly ft dv), if haply, if so be that, in «Pa4>0T]v, ef3a4>T|v [a], aor. I and 2 of fidrrTOJ.
case that, followed by Subjunctive, whereas d is fol- ipSop.-a'yt-njs, ov, 6, (k^Zofirj, dyoj) epith. of Apollo,
lowed by Indie, and Optat. : Homer uses for it d K( to whomthe Spartans offered sacrifices on the seventh
or ai k( the Att. contract it into r)v and dv.
: II. of every month.
with Verbs of seeing and inquiring, it answers to Lat. cpSop,atos, a, ov, (((ib'ofios) on the seventh day.
an, if, whether ; anurtd idv Ixavbv rj see if or whether r), a number of seven.
€J3Sop.ds, alios,
it be enough. III. idv feat even if, granting that; ip86p.aros, ov, (efiSofios) the seventh.
(dv (if) if not, except, unless ; kdv dpa fir) if perhaps 4J38op,T|KovTa, 01, al, Ta, (irrrd) indecl. seventy.
not. IV. after relat. Pronouns and Particles idv 4p8op.-qKOVTa-«£, seventy-six.
stands for dv hs kdv whosoever ; orrov lav whereso-
; ?p5o(xos, rj, ov, {irrrd) the seventh. II. r) e&So-
ever ; but only in very late writers. fiij (r)fiepa), the seventh day of the month.
t&vov, t<5, v. sq. lf$({i-i\K(iv, plqpf. of fiaivco.
cavos, r), 6v, (evvvfii) used of all things fit for put- «{3€|3Xt|K€iv, if}(fi\-i\\Lr\v, plqpf. act. and pass, of fidWat.
ting on or wearing; and so, generally, fine, light; «P«vivos, rj, ov, of ebony. From
iavos Kaaaircpos tin beat out thin and made fit for "EBEN02, r), the ebony-tree, ebony.
wear. II. as Subst., e&VoV (sub. dfja or Ifjuxriov), «;|3t|v, aor. 2 of flaivoj.
to, a rich slate-robe. iPn^a, aor. I of f3f)aacu.
€a£a for ?j£a, aor. 1 of dyvv/xi. €J3-r|o-a, causal aor. I of 0aiv<».
"EAP, eapos, to ; Ep. clap, dapos contr. fy, rjpos: ; «'Pt|o-€to, Ep. for ifir)oaTo, aor. I med. of Qalvo).

— Lat. VER, spring ; eapos vkov larafiivoio in early tfjtdo-dpTjv, i^ida-Qj\v, aor. I med. and pass, offlidfa.
spring ; metaph. of anything early or fresh, the prime €|3nri0T)v, aor. I pass, of fiidoj.
or first bloom of a thing ; 7€nW
tap the first down ifiloiv, aor. 2 of fiiou.
on the chin. tfjuocrao, 2 sing. aor. I of fiiwanofiai.
eapt-8p«TTTOs, ov, {tap, Spirroj) plucked in spring. tfiXafiiv, Aeol. and Ep. for ifikdfirioav, 3 pi. aor. 2
<api£a>, f. ia<u Att. iu>, (lap) to pass the spring. pass, of /3A.d.7TT<y.
cSptvos Ep. clapiv6s Att. T|pLv6s, f), 6v : {tap) €pXdo-rr)Ka, pf. of (SXaoTavo).
Lat. vernus, of or belonging to spring. ^pXdo-nfjo-a, €|3XaoTov, aor. 1 and 2 of (3\aoTdvo).
lapo-rpe<f>T|S, is, (iap, rpicpoi) spring-nurtured. €|3Xa(j>a, pf. of (HkdrrTO).
«as, Ep. for r)s, 2 sing. impf. of dfu sum. €'pX«irrjv, aor. 2 pass, of (3\iira).
cao-a, Ep. aor. I of law. €J3X€<|)0ijv, aor. I pass, of fSkirra).
edert, Ep. for 3 plur. of dpi sum.
tlai, «pXr|p.T)v, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of &dWa).
caoxov, Ion. of inu.
for dcuv, impf. ?pXlo-a, aor. 1 of &\iaa<u.
cSrat, Ion. for r)vrai, 3 pi. of rffxai. ipXCo-a, aor. I of Pkvfa, but (fiXva-a, of P\va).
eaT€, Ep. for r)rt, 2 pi. impf of dpi sum. t^ovXeucra, €|3ot;Xev0T)V, aor. 1 act. and pass, of
iarios, a, ov, verb. Adj. of id<o, to be suffered : to 0OV\(VO).
be let alone. «J3ovXy|0t]v, «povX6p.ijv, aor. 1 and impf. of Qovko/Mii.
Idro, Ion. for r)vro, 3 pi. impf. of r)fmi. 'EBPAF OS, a Hebrew : "Eppots, tSos, fern. Adj.
l-avrov, r)s, ov, pi. iavTuv, etc.; Ion. iavrov, etc.; (sub. Sidk(KTos), the Hebrew dialect. Hence
Att. contr. ati-rov, etc. : (?, q.v., avrov) : Reflexive — r
EPpaioTi, Adv. in the Hebrew tongue.
Pron. of 3rd pers., of himself herself, itself, etc., used cPp&ra, «Ppdo-0i]v, aor. I act. and pass, of fdpdaaoj.
in gen., dat., and ace. sing. tfjpdx*, see /3pdx<w.
!d<|>0Tri, Ep. for r)<p6rj, oVtw.
3 sing. aor. I pass, of ePpdxTjv [d], aor. 2 pass, of $pi\0}-
TSA'il, contr. iu>, Ep. du> impf. dcuv, Ep. without : c'Pp^a, «Pp€X0Tjv, aor. 1 act. and pass, of Ppix03-
augm. iwv fut. lava) [d] aor. 1 ddaa, Ep. idea
: : : tppijja, aor. I of Ppifa.
pf. dd/ca —
Pass., f. med. in pass, sense, idaopai pf. : tpp tcra, aor. 1 of PpiOoj.
tidfiai. To let, suffer, allow, permit : with notion of i;Ppvx°v, aor. 2 of Ppvx " [5]»
carelessness, to leave alone. II. to let go, let alone, €ppa>0T|v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of (3i(ipwoK<u.
let be: heed not. 2. 6(6s t6
to let alone, let be; ?3pwv, aor. 2 of fStfSp&oKO).
fxiv tiwaei, to 5' idati he will give one thing, the tppwo-a, «Ppw0i)v, aor. I act. and pass, of faftpkaiw.
other he will let alone, i. e. not give; lav \alpuv to iPvo-a, <Pvo-0i)V, aor. I act. and pass, of flvw.
— —
: — : : ::

l/3co<ra 2yKadibpVQ). 189

?So><ra, contr. for k&Srjca, aor. I of $ocuu. «Yyw® 1. (^77™) Adv. hard by, near. II. of
ty-yaios, a ov, also «Y"Y elos ov, (kv, 777) in or of «
Time, nigb at band.
the land, native. II. of property, in land, con- ly-yvos, ov, (€771/77) giving surety or bail. II.

sisting of land. III. in or beneath the earth, like as Subst., = kyyvrjTTjs,

a surety.
\66vios. 'EITT'S, Adv. I. of Place, near, nigb at
ky-ykyia, Ep. pf. of kyyiyvofiat. band, absol. or c. gen. II. of Time, nigb at

iyyiy\vp.\Lai, pf. pass, of kyy\v<pw. band. III. of Numbers, nearly. IV. coming
«Yy<, pf. pass, of kyypdxpw. near, like, akin to. Comp kyyiaiv, ov, and I77U-
iyy(yvj]Ka,, see (yyvdxu-. Ttpos, a, ov Adv. kyyvrcpa), nearer
; Sup. tyyiaros —
iy-y*lvii)vra\, 3 pi. aor. 1 subj. of *kyy(ivofuii in and kyyvraros Adv. iyyiora and kyyvrara, as near

causal sense, to engender or breed in. as possible: see kyyicuv.

€-y-"y«.os, see cyyaios. iy-y&vios, ov, (kv, ycuvia) angular, forming a right
«YY€XAo*ttjs, ov, a mocker, scorner. 6,From angle ; \1601 kv ro\ir\ kyywvioi stones cut square.
i y-y e\a.b>, f. aaouai [a] : for the tenses, v. ye\doj kyho\)tr(\a-a, Ep. for kSovnnoa, aor. I of Sovniw.
— to laugh at mock at one: absol. to mock, jeer. iykywe, 3 sing. impf. of ytyuvoj see ykyoiva. :

iy-y*YT\%, ts, (kv, ykvoi) in-born, native, innate, na- «Y€"Ywv€iv, plqpf. of ykycuva.
tural ; kyywus Otoi gods of the race or country. II. €*Y€Y<«>v€W, impf. of ycyojvka) see yky<uva. :

born of the same race, kindred. €Y€ivafiTjv, causal aor. I of yuvopai, to beget.
ky-yr\pLa-Kui, fut. aooftai [a], to grow old in a place. eYe'Yovel and kyfytvryTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of yiyvofjuii.
^y-Yiyvopxu, fut. yevrjaofuu for the tenses, v. 7*- : 'ErEITfl, fut. kyepw : aor. 77764^0. : pf. kyfjyfptca

yvofuu (kv, ylyvofiat) Dep.

: to be produced in, :
— Pass., aor. I i)ykp9r]V Ep. 3 pi.iyipQtv : pf. kyfj-
grow in : to take place, happen, arise in, or ytpuai : — for Ep. aor. 2 and pf. med., see typtro, kyp-
among. II. to intervene, pass. III. ky- rjyopa : Act. to awaken, wake up, rouse, stir
yiyvtrai, it is allowed, like e£eo~rt. — metaph. to rouse, stir up. 2. to raise from the

<YY (£<>, (kyyvs) to bring near.

f. ioaj, II. mostly dead. 3. to raise, erect a building. II. Med.
intrans. to draw nigh, be at band. and Pass, to wake, rise up from sleep : in aor. to keep
iy-yivopai, Ion. and in later Gr. for kyylyvofiai. watch : be awake. 2. to rouse oneself, be excited
iyylwv, ov, Comp., and cyykttos, 77, ov, Sup. of by passion, etc.
kyyvs. iykXaa-o-a, kyt\a£a, Ep. and Dor. aor. I of ye\6w.
iy-y\v<r<T<i), (kv, y\v/cvs) to have a sweet taste. iyevro, syncop. for kyivtjo, 3 sing. aor. 2 of 71-
cyyXv^xo, f. if/oj, (kv, y\v<fxu) to cut in, carve. yvofuu.
iy-y\<iyno-Timk<ji, f -qao}, (kv, yXwaoa, TvnroS) to iykpi\pa, aor. 1 of yepaipw.
strike out with the tongue, to be always talking of. kytpQtls, aor. 1 part. pass, of kycipw.
«Y-Yovos, 6, (kv, yovos) a grandson descendant. : iytpo-L-yikvs, euros, 6, (kydpaj, yi\cv$) laughter-
iy-ypatyi}, f. if-ca: for the tenses, v. ypdxpw: to — stirring.

mark in or on : to paint or write on : Med. and Pass. kyepox-Qtarpos, ov, (kyeipoj, Okarpov) exciting the
to have written on ; kyyeypamitvos rt having it writ- spectators.
ten on, as in Virgil, inscripti nomina. II. to enter I Yepo-i-fiaxas, Dor. for -pax1!*' & : ^em# ^7 fp0"'"
in the public register, to set down : also to indict. fM\T} (kyeipaj, ii&xi) battle-stirring.

iy-yWfXLfa, f. £<u Ep. aor. 1 kyyva\i£a (kv, yv- €Y*po-ip.os, ov, (kytipoS) waking, easily waked; kyip-

: :

aXov) to put into one's bands, grant in full, give

: cinos thrvos sleep from which one wakes.
to one's charge. tytpaxs, cojs, 7), (kyeipoj) a waking, exciting.
kyyvaxit, impf. -qyywuv : fut. kyyvqoa) : aor. I 777- cY€po-t-<j><lT|s, If, (kyupo), <paos) light-awakening.
71/770*7, : pf. t)yyvr]/ea : — Pass., aor. I r\yyvrfir]V : pf. kyeprl, Adv. (kyeipcu) wakefully, busily.
qyyurium : (this Verb
often treated as a compd., is €Ytj7«paTO, Ion. for iyijytp pivot fjoav, 3 pi. plqpf.
and the forms given as kveyxxuv, kvfyvrjaa, £77671;- pass, of kydpoj.
77*0 but it is derived from kyyvrj, and these forms
€YHY6pKo, 011
P^ act and P ass of «7 €tP<u*
tYnYW ' - -

are erroneous) to band over as a pledge, to plight,

«yr|p.a, aor. Iof ya/xkw.
betroth: to engage, promise, answer: Med. to pledge — kyf\pa, 3 sing. aor. 2 of yqpaoKW.
or plight oneself, to give a pledge Pass, to be plighted — kyi]pao-a, aor. I of yqpaoKoi.
or betrothed : to accept as plighted husband or wife. €YT|pvo-a, aor. 1 of yrjpva).
«Y-Yvtj. *), (*v, yviov or yvakov) a putting a pledge ly-KaQap\i6£<i>, f. vow, to fit in.
in one's hand : hence generally, surety, security, bail. iy-KaAQop.a\, f. -Ka0(5ovfiai, Dep. to sit or takt
*yyvrrri\s, ov, 6, (kyyvatu) one who gives bail or ones seat in : to encamp in a place.
security, a surety. €YK<5.0€tos, ov, (kyKadirjfu) suborned.
«YYvt]t6s, 77, 6v, (kyyvaoj) plighted, betrothed. tY-^tt^nPioj, f. T)o~cv, to pass one's youth in.
iyyvQev, Adv. (tyyvs)from nigh at hand, hard by, <Y-K<i6T|p.<u, Dep. to sit in or on, lie in ambusb.
near. II. of Time, nigh at band. <Y-Ka0i8pvu>, f. vaoi [v], to set up in.

190 h/KaOtfa — ZyKCpirqui.

«Y-Ka0ifw, f. iffa Att. ta>. to seat in or €YKaTaX-q4>is, <a>$, ^, (iyicaTaXafifia.VQ>) a catching

upon. II.

intr. to sit in ot upon : and holding fast : a being caught in a place.

to take one's seat on.
<Y-Ka0iT)p,i, f. Tjaw, to let down into, send in. €Y~icaTapiYvv M' l ~lxi ^ 0) t0 mi * UP **• »

iy-Ka9io"rt)\ii, t. -KaTaarrjaa}, to place or set ly-KaTairi\yv\>\u, ^ ~'n v£ a)i t0 thrust firmly into : to
in. II. Med. and Pass., with aor. 2 act. kyua- fix in.

rtarnv pf. iyKaOiarrjKa plqpf. tyKaOeo-rrjiceiv to

ly-KaTaTrlTTTta, f. -veaovptat, to fall in or upon.

be placed or established in. €Y-KaTairX«Ka), f. -ir\e£oj, to interweave, entwine.

Att. lu>, to fcrmg into harbour: eY-KO'TappAtTTOi). f. if/co, to sew in.

t'Y-Ka9opp.i£w, f iacu
Med. /o rw« into harbour. tY-KaTao-KTiiTTOj, f. ipco, to fall upon : of epidemics,
iy-KaOvflpifa, f. iaa> Att. ta>, to riot to excess in z to break out among. II. trans, to burl down

thing. upon.
€Y-Kcuvta, rd. (ev, ttaivus) a feast of renovation or «Y-KaTao-<J>dTT<»>, f. £a>, to slaughter in.
dedication. Hence iy-KarariQT]\x.i, f. -6t}0(v, to put in or upon : Med., —
«YKaivi£a>, f. ooj, to renovate, dedicate, consecrate. T(\afiwi>a kr) ey/cardero Tc\vn be included the sword-
ty-Kai(t> f. Kavaw, to burn or heat in. II. to belt in bis art, i. e. wrought it by bis art.
€Y-KaTax«w, f. -X e<^. t0 P our * n besides.
cy-KdActi), fut. iyKaXiaoi pf. iyK(K\t)Ka to ra//
: : —
kyKo.'Tt\ky'r\v, aor. 2 pass, of iyKarakiyoi.
m. II. to summon for the purpose of accusing, to kyKotrkKXirov, aor. 2 of f7«aTaA€*ir<u.
accuse, indict; tyuvov iytcakuv rivi to bring a charge «Y K <iT€'irTj^a, aor. I of lyKaran-qyvvfu.
of murder against one of actions, to blame, censure.
: «Yko.t0€o, Ep. for kyttardOov, 2 sing, imperat., and
t Y-KaAAam££, Pass, to pride oneself in a thing. eYKa,T0€TO, for tyKariOtro, 3 sing, ind., aor. 2 med.
Hence of kyicaTaTiOrjfii.
t'YKaXXwmo-pa, aros, to, that of which one is proud: iy-KariK\toTrr<a, f. xpo), to scoff at.
an ornament, decoration. «Y-kotoik«0, f 17CCW, to dwell in.
cYKa\v|xp.6s, 6, a wrapping up. From on a spot, €Y-KaTOuco8op«o, t. rjaco, to build
iy-K3\viTT<i>, f. \p<u, to veil in : to wrap up Med. immure. — also 2. to build in,
to bide oneself, esp. one ± face: hence to be ashamed. cY-KCtpai, Pass, with fut. med. -Ktiaoyuu, to lie in,
iy-K6.]nrT<a, f. \pw, to bend in. to be wrapped in. II. to press upon, urge, im-
iy-K&vao-o-to, f. ( a>, to pour gurgling in ; aor. I im- portune, attack : to be vehement against : to press one
perat. (y/edva£ov. (Formed from the sound.) bard. 7. to be devoted to.
€*, Dep. (lv, Kavaxh) to make a sound CY-K«ipt>, only in pf. pass, part., iyKtitapnivy ttdoa
in or with a thing. wi'b shorn head.
ty-K&irru, f. \p<u: pf. (yK(/ea<pa: — to gulp in greedily, e YKCKavpai, pf. pass,of cyKata).
to >nap up, bolt. €YK<Kd(t>a, of iyndir r oj.
eY-Kapiros, ov, containing fruit : fruitful, prolific. «YK«KXT)Ka, pf- of kyxaXioj.
«Y"K<ipo"ios, a, ov, cross, transverse, oblique. €YKcicXj)pai, Att. pf. pass, of tyitXeio}.
€Y-KapT€p«i), f. -qaoj, to persevere or persist in. II. <YK(, pf. pass, of eyickivo).
toawait steadfastly. III. absol. to bold out. «YK€Krr|, pf. of eyKTaofjiai.
cYxara. ra, (kv) the entrails, bowels : dat. Zytcaat. (YK€Kt)K\b)pai, pf pass, of eyicvK\6a).
ey-Karafialvd), to go down into : to put oneself in. cYKcXeupa or -Xevcrpa, aros, to, (iyKeXevaJ) an
•jj-KaTdYTipao-Ku f daofiat [a] to grow old in. : encouragement, cheer, bi<zzab.
iy-Karatfu, f. -8170-0;, to Hndfast in, involve in. «Yk«X€vo-tos, ov, urged on, bidden, ordered. From
«Y-KaTa8vva>, to creep down into. t'Y-KcXeva), f. ooi, to urge on, cheer on.
ky-Karaltvyvvyw., f. -£t{{a), to associate with, adapt. iy-Ktvrplfa, f. iooi, to goad on. II. of plants,
«YKaTa6oiTO, 3 aor. 2 nied. opt. of kyKarariOnfu. to inocula e, ingraft.
<Y-KaT<iK€, Pass. >o lie in : to lie d"wn. CY-Kevrpis, i8os. j), (t v, Ktvrpov) a sting : a spur.

€Y-Ka.TaicAivfa), to lay down or put to bed in a place: €Y-Kepdwvp.i, fut.-/ffpd(7co [a]: (lv, Ktpavvvfu) : to
— Pass, to lie down or go to bed in. mix in, mix : metaph. to concoct, contrive.
CY-Ka.TaK04j.dop.a1, Pass, with fut. med. -rjaofmi, to €Y-KcpTop«o), f Tjoct), to mock at.
lie down and sleep in. iy-K*$8\os, ov, (ev, teefaXri) within the bead; o ky-
«Y-KaTaxpova>, f. ow, to beat in ; eynaraKpoveiv x°- /e4(pa\os (sub. fiv(\6s), I. the brain. II. the
pdav to tread a meaure or dance among. edible pith of young p;;lm-shoots.
€Y-KaTa\ap|3dva), fut. -A^o/xat, to catch in a place : cYKcx<iXivti>, pf. pass, of iyxaXivoa).
to catch and
holdfast, to bind or trammel. <YK(xo8a, pf. of iy\tfa.
ly-K*Takiyu>, f. fa>, to lay in or build into a *Y" e XP 1lH-*Vos. pf. part. pass, of iyxpia).
wall. II to reckon among : to enlist soldiers. iyK(\f' pf. pass, of ky\io).
CY-tcaTaXetirctf, f \(/oj, to leave behind: to forsake: — *y-Kl9d.pllto, f. 'utcu, to play the harp among.
Pass, to be left behind in a race. «Y"KtpvT)p.i, = iy/eepdvvvfu.
— ——
: : — : —
fyxAefo) iypr/yopa. 191
iy-K\(idi, f. oo), to shut in, confine within. II. bea' or keep time — Pass., irvyfial iyitpoTovfievai fists
to shut o, but fust. dabbed one against the other.
£vkAt]6cis, aor. I part. pass, of iytcaKioj. iy-Kpovoi, f. aw, to knock in : to strike against. II.
iy-Kkyjtu, Ion. for iyKkdcu. to dance.
ty-Kky\\La, arot, to, an accusation, charge, com- «y-Kpvirru>. f. ^<u, to hide or conceal in.
plaint : a bill of indictment. «YKpv4Ho£a>, f. daw, {iyKpinptos) to keep oneself bid-
<-yKAT|p.fa>v, fiovos, 6, {iytcaXicu) censorious. den : to act underhand.
ty-K\f)pos, ov, {iv, K\fjpos) having a lot or share in «Y»cpv4>iAs, doos, 1), fern. Adj. bidden or baked in
an inheritance, an heir, heiress. the ashes, of loaves. From
iy-Kkjju, Ait. for iytcKfioj: aor. I part. iyKXrjoas. e'YKpt»4>tos, ov. {iyicpvvTcu) hidden in.
€Y-icXt86v, Adv. {iyickiva)) leaning sideways, aslant. iy, Dep with fut. iyKT-qaofiai. pf. iy/eiicTT)-
(y-Kkivo), f. k\ivu>: pf. -KticXtKa, pass. -fcixkipxii : fiai, to acquire possessions in a foreign counry. Hence
to bend, incline to or towards, Lat. inclinare — Pass. *Y»cri)p,a, aros. to, property held in aforeign country.
to lean over or on. weigh upon one. II. intr. to Jeykttjo-is, (qjs,7), yiyKTaopai) possession of property

bend, incline. give way, flee, Lat. inclinari.

2. to in a foreign country.
iy-KO\\aiv(o, f.>, to hollow out, scoop out. ky-KVKa.m, f. -qaoj, to mix up in.
ty-KO\Xos, ov, {iv, koTXos) hollowed out, hollow. €y-kvk\ios, ov, {iv,/cv/ckos) circular, rounded. II.
«, Pass, with fut. med. rjoofiai, to revolving in a circle, periodical, going round in suc-
sleep in. cession : hence general, common.
t-y-Koip.t£u>, f. laoj, to lull to sleep in a place. «Y-kvk\os, ov, {iv, kvkXos) circular.
iy-Koio-vpou, f. wooj, {iv, Koiovpa) hence per f. part, «Y-kvkX6o), f. wow, {iv, tcvxkos) to move about in a
pass.lyKiKOiovpwuivT), as luxurious as Coesyra (a circle — Pass, to go round about, and in trans, sense,
female name in the Alcmaeonid family). to surround, encircle.
«Y-koit&s, dSos, i), {iv, koitt]) serving for a bed. iy-Kvp.biv, ov, gen. ovos, {iv, tevfia 11) pregnant.
jY-koXt)8cl$cl), f. ecu, to gulp down like a tcuWapos, «Y-Ki3os, ov, {iv, kvw) = iyKv^wv.
swallow. in, to pry into. iy-K\rm(0, f. xpw, to stoop and peep
cY-kov«»>, f- rjow, to hasten, be and
ly-Kvp(o, inipf. ivi/cvpov: fut iyKvpow: aor. I ivi-
quick active.
Hence Kvpaa to fall in:o or upon, Uubt upon, meet with. :

iy-KOvyyrl, Adv. in baste, diligently. iyKvpaai, aor. I inf. of iy-Kipw.

«, Med. ij kCvis) to roll in the dust or
, iyKvra, tcl, Lacon. of tytcaTa.
sand, sprinkle sand over oneself. {'y-Kco fjLidJco tut. daw and doopai pf. iyKfKWfxlaKa , : :

iyKotrr\, i), {iyKoinjvai) a binderance. Pa>s aor. I ivtKwyudaBnv pf. iyK(KWfJ.utafAa — , : t :

«YKOirf|Vat, aor. inf. pass, of iyKomo). (the augm. tenses are formed as it the Verb were a
^YKOiros, ov, (iyKoirTJvcu) wearied. compd., .mi not derived directly ironi iy/ewfuov): to —
iy-Koitru, f. \po), to knock in : metaph. to binder, prai-e, laud.
w ary. €Y«*>p-<-ov, to, see iyKWfiios 11. 2.
*y-Kopha\t<i>, f. rjcroj, {iv, KcpSvXr]) to wrap up in cy tcwp-ios, ov, {(v, kwut)) at borne, of the same vil-
coverlets : pf. part. pass. iyKucopbvkr] pivot. lage. II. {iv. HUfios) belonging to a Bacchic
iy-Koap.iv, f. r/co), to arrange in order. festival or revel : in which the victor was led home
iyKoriw, now, to be indignant at.
f. From in ptocession. 2. as Subst eyKwpLiov (sub. tiros),
€Y-kotos, ov, {iv, kotos) beating a grudge, spiteful, to, a hymn in honour of the victor : a song of praise,
malicious. II. tyic-'Tos is also found, like kotos, panegyric.
as Subst., a grudge, hatred. tyKv>, pf. pass, of y\v<p<v.
iy-Kpd^b), f. -icpd^ofuii : aor. 2 ivixpayov : to cry fyvuxca, «Y Vtl* cr lJtat ' P^- act - ail(^
P ass °^ "HlvtoOKco.

aloud at, to rate loudly. iyvu>v, <us, a), aor. 2 of yiyvu/OKOJ.

€YKpaT«ia. 'h, self control, Lat. continentia : and «Yvo)(t9tjv, aor I pass, of 7/7' wokoj.
€YKpST«vopaL, Hep. to exercise self-control. From iy -£«:i), f. «'cra>, to scrape.
«Y-KpflTT]S, <*i («" KpaTos) with a firm bold: stout, «Ypi4)Tl v L*]i aor - 2 P ass of ypd<p<u.
strong. II. having the mastery over, having pos- tYpaij/a aor. I act. of ypd<p<o.
session of. 2. having control over oneself, self-dis- iyp-,-K\)hoip.os, ov, {ly(tpcv, KvSoifxos) strife-stirring.
ciplined, Lat. con.inens. 3. in bad sense, unyield- «YP«-p-<ixnS, ov, 6, and c'YP«-pdxos, V^ ov > {^y t l P <u '

ing, stubborn. fiaxT]\ rousing the fight.

iyKparCiS, Adv. of tytcpaTrjs, strongly, strictly : €Yp€0"t->cu>p.os, ov, {kydpaj, kuiaos) stirring up to
temperately. revelry.
iy-Kpivot, f -KpXvS), to reckon in or among: to ap- iyptro, 3 sing. F.p aor. 2 med. of c ytipa) imperat. ;

prove, admit, sanction. II. to reckon as. sub. « ypy inf iyptoOai.
<7P f °; 3 sin.;, ;

«YKp°T€ourai, Dor for - iovoai, fern. part. pi. of «Yk>T|Y P a » t0 oe awake, watch, intrans. pf. of *y(ipa>,
ry-KpoTM), f. fjoai, to strike against : of a dance, to whence part, iyprjyopwt, 2 pi. imper. iyp-fiyopOt (Ep.
: : : : : : — : :

192 cyprjyopooiv — £5ai(ra.

for iyprjySpaTc), inf. kyprjySpOai (Ep. for kyprjyopi- ty-xOovios, ov, (kv, xQ&v) tn or °f the country, Lat.
vai) :

plqpf. kyprjyuprj, 3 sing, kyprjyupu. Homer
uses the Ep. form typrfyopda in 3 pi. kyprjyopOaat.
"ErXOS, t6, a spear, lance, consisting of two parts,
CYpf]Yop6b>v, Ep. part., as if from a pres. kyprjyopaa), alXhl anQ< oopv, bead and shaft. II. generally,

formed from kyprjyopa, watching, awake. a weapon, a sword, an arrow: metaph., <ppovridot —
«YptjYopT(, (kyp-qyopa) Adv. wakefully, awake. eyxos weapon of thought.
iypr\<T<T<i>, from eyprjyopa, to be awake or watchful. <ty\ovara, ij, = ayxovaa, q. v.
JrypoiTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. opt. of iyeipw. iy-Xpalv<ti, = sq.
CYpou.€vos, Ep. aor. 2 med. part, of kydpai. «Y Xpi* ana «Y"XP a^w t0 dash against; kvixf>avfV

«Y-X3\tv6co, f. woo), to put the bit in the mouth of, is to rrpoaomov to OKTJinpov he dashed his staff in his
bold in check —
Pass, to have the bit in one's mouth. face. The
pf. pass, also occurs, eaav irpos nvas Kai

«YX av€^Tal 3 sm g- mt °f cy-xao-Ko)

» «YXavTl 3 -
— J
aWovs ^
iyKcxpvt1 01 ( sc tr6ktfioi) there were wars -

sing. aor. 2 subj. I urged on against others also.

cY-X&pt£op-ai, f. iao/juu, Dep = xapi{ofjiai. I «Y XP*P-'TrTO H' ol Dep. to expectorate.

iy-\acrK(a; (tenses formed from *ky-xaiva>), rut. *Y"XPT)£ W to want, have need ; tcL kyxprj{ovTa ne-
kyx&vuv —

(yxavovfiat: aor. 2 kv-kxavov, inf. to cessaries.

yawn or gape in one's face, to scoff at, jeer. *Y"XP^rl ,rTa> '
f.iftv: aor. I evixpi/jaf'a P art <YX/"V-
P cycex 00 —

iy-xifa, *• -X* aa} a ^ so -X*


*'/"1 ' : 1
^1 : tpas — Pass., aor. 1 kvexp'il MP9v v P art eyxP !1 ^"* 1 '•

Lat. incaco : c. ace. to fo m a horridfright at one. — to bring near dash against; I7-
to, to strike or

cyxcumw* Ep. gen. pi. of kyx*in. Xpifurruv t^v fiapiv Ty yr\ to bring the boat to land
«YX< l -ppop°s, <w, (€7X 0S /3pe/«w) thundering with - absol. to come to land : hence to approach : also to
the spear. attack, press bard. II. also intr. both in Act

*YX € "1> ^» (*7X 0S ) a spear, lance. and in Pass., to fall upon, attack, pursue.
«YX«^"D» EP- for «7X«'?7> 3 sin g- subJ- of hxto' «Y"Xp'irT0> collat. form of kyxpifurra).

*YX €l" K *P avv0 Si ov, («7X 0S » nepavvos) touching the «YXP t<rr °s» ov, applied as an unguent. From
thunderbolt. «Y-XP"°» to rub in, to anoint. II. like €7xp*V 7rT(W

iy-Xfipia, f. foe*' aor. I kvexfiprjoa: (* v > X c *ip) : — to attack, assail.


/o /afo m
band, undertake. Hence <Y"XP ov ^ Cl>» f- i ao) Att. «D (kv, xpovos) to b* :

iyXtlpr\\ia, aT0S T(5» a " undertaking : and

long about a thing, tarry, delay.
«YX f fpTjots, f <ws, 1), a taking in band, an undertaking. iy-Xvrpifa, f. a<a, to expose in a pan or pot.
«YX €t PTr « ov verb. Adj. of kyx*ip*&, one must un-
> *Y"X <0 P* ft> f> t)G<», to give room for doing a thing:

dertake. to make way for, yield: to concede, allow, admit. 2.

ryX €l P Tl TT|S, ov, 6, (cyx €lP* w ) on€ w^° takes '« band: impers. kyxojpei, it is possible or permitted; fn I7-
an adventurer. X°>P ( i there is yet time.
*YX €t PTrtK °s, 17. &, (eyxetpiaj) enterprising. ey-\(apios, a, ov, also o», ov, (kv, x^P ) n * or oe~
ty-XeipCSios, ov, (kv, x (l p) n e^e band.
* II. as longing to the country.
Subst., eyxctplb'iov, t6, a band-knife, dagger. 2. ty-x^pos, ov, = kyx&pios.
a manual, band-book. 'ETri', Lat.EGO, Germ. JCH, our I: pers. Pron.
*y-Xeipi£d), f. low Att. iu>, (kv, x flp) t0 P ut tnt0 one's of the person, Ep. and Aeol. iywv before vowels:

bands, entrust a thing to another Med. to take in :

— — strengthd. by compos, with enclit. ye, eyojye, Lat.
band, take on oneself. equidem, I at least, for my part ; Dor. kywya and
€Y-X««-pt-9eTOS, ov, (kv, x«/>, Ti'077/xt) put or delivered kywvya : Boeot. iwvya or iuya:— gen. 'EMOY/\ en-
into one's bands. clit. MOT, Lat. MEI, Ep. and Ion. kfxeo, kfiev, ficv,
«Y-X€ico, Ep. for I7X&U. Ep. also kfieto, k/itOtv, Dor. kfievs;
Aeol. and
iyX^Xtiov, to. Dim. of eyx&vs, a little eel. Boeot. kfxovs — Dat. kfioi, Dor. kfiiv
enclit. fwi ;

iy\(\(ios, ov, (cyx^Xvs) of an eel. Ace. kfik, enclit. pe. Dual, nom. and ace, Nfl', Ep.
"ErXEAT2, vos, tj : pi. kyx*^v*s, Att. eyxfodt, vuit, Lat. NOS gen. and dat. vuv, Ep. vaiiv. Plur.,
(qjv —an anguilla:— proverb., kyxfoas
eel, Lat. Oij- nom. ^fxtis, Dor.

a/zts, Aeol. afifies :

— gen. fjnurv, Ion.
pdaOat to be fond of fishing in troubled waters. and Ep. iJ/ztW, Ep. also fjfjieiojv, Dor. ctfikajv, Aeol.
iy\ta-i-\i<jipos, ov, fighting with the spear. (Deriv. afXficojv: — dat. -/jfirv, also Tjftiv or Dor. apiv,
fjn'iv IT!,
uncertain.) dfi/j.i, Aeol. Afifiiai —ace, ij/*as, Ion. fatas, Ep. and
CYX^-irdXos, ov, (6yxos,ird\\o)) spear-brandishing. Aeol. dfifif, Dor afii.
*YX €tr -4>6p°S, ov, (eyxos, <pipoj) spear-bearing. eYci>Ya, Dor. for eyosy*.
tyXtvvra, Dor. for kyxtovra, part. pr. of kyxkeo. e'ycoSa, Att. crasis for €70; o75a.
*Y;X«">» f.
-X«&: aor. 1 li/f'xfa, Ep. IWx«va: Pass., €Y«pai, Att. crasis for £70; oTfiat.
pf. (yK(xvf*<u ' — to pour in: — Med. to pour or flow «Y<»»v, «Y" vYa »
D OT ' f° r *7^» tfOH*'
in, be poured in. II. to fill by pouring in ; lyx*<u t'Sd-rjv, 1;*, 77, aor. 2 of A AH.
KprjT7)pa to fill the bowl. ISouo-a, -£p/nv, aor. 1 act. and med. of Saivvfu.

ibaKOV tbvV, 193

ZS&kov, aor. a of b&tcvaj. cSikov, v. btKCiV.
«Sdp.-ny [4], aor 2 pass, of bapAa). €8tv€vo-a, t'Sivrjcra, aor. I of bivcvw, bivioj.
t'Sdvos, ij, ov, (ibai) eatable. t8id/T|o-a, aor. J of bnpaw.

484v6s, 17, ov, (dSffc) pleasant, grateful, agreeable t'8ico£a, tSuox^ny, aor l act a »d pass, of hwnw.
- -

or excellent. eSpcvai, Ep. pres. inf. of 15a/.

toapijv [d], aor. a pass, of beipw. t'8|AT)0T]v, aor. I pass, of bapAoj.

tSapOov, aor. 2 of bapdavoi., Dep. = cbvow. From

tSapKov, metath. for cbpaxov, aor. 2 of btpicopm. "EANA, Ep IcSva, t&, nuptial eifts, I. from
t8dcrdfiT]v, aor. I of bar lopuai the suitor to the bride. 2. from tbe suitor to tbe

«8a4>if o>, f. «<w Att. Tw, ro mai< /«/*/ : /o /«*/ with bride's father. 3. a portion or dowry, given to
the earth. From the bride by her parents, also tykpvi) or irpol£. 4.

t5a<J>os, cos, to, the bottom, or base of anything : fie wedding presents to the wedded pair from their guests.
ground: cbcupos vrjos the bottom or bold of a ship: Hence
also /&* ground-floor, pavement: level ground. (From tSv6<o, f. wow, to promise or betroth for presents.
the same root as bdn-cbov, rdir-rji.) Hence
tSScura, Ep. for cbuoa, aor. I of bciboi. I8va>nf|s Ep. «€8vcott|s, ov, 6, a betrotber, of a father
e8fyp-Tjv, Ep. aor. 2 of btxopuu. who portions a bride.
tSeStaTO, Ion. for ISt'SfVTo, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of biu. t860i)v, aor. I pass, of bibwpu.
iZchcy]i.t]v, plqpf. ofbixofwu. c8oKc€p.€s, Dor. for cboieovfxcv, I pi. impf. of Soxioj.
{ScStjkciv, plqpf. of bio), to bind. tSoK-qcra, aor. I of boKcw.
cStSio-av, 3 pi. plqpf. of bciboj. t'SoKipao-a, tSoKip,do-0T]v, aor. I act. and pass, of
€8«8p.T|aTO Ion. 3 plur., and ^StSpvnro 3 sing., plqpf. boKipafa.
pass, of bcpuu. fut. of iboj and caOico.
cSeSoticco-av, 3 pi. plqpf. of bcibu. tSoptv, c8ot€, tSocrav (Dor. tbov), aor. 2 pi. of bibcupu.
eScSop/ny, plqpf. pass, of bibatpu. €8ovxt, Dor. for ebovai.
c8e8wK€iv, plqpf. of bibwpu. ISo^a, aor. 1 of boKeoj.
c8ct|0t]v, aor. I pass, (in nied. sense) of 5«u, to want. cSo£u>07]v, aor. I pass, of bo(6oj.
tSf^o-a, aor. I ot biu, to want. «8os, cos, t6, (tfrpuai) a thing to sit on, a seat. 2.
cSctihrpy, aor. I pa«s. of bcu, to bind. a seat, abode, esp. of the gods. 3. a foundation, base,
cSeiSa, aor. I of bcibo). a statue: also tbe statue itself. II. tbe
tbe pedestal of
c8ciSt|Mv, -fcrav, Ep. I and 3 pi. plqpf. of Setbu.
tbos tori 'tis no time for sitting still.
act of sitting; oix
tStipa, aor. I of bcpuu. tSovpat, fut. of i^opai.
?Sci£a, aor. I of bc'ncvvpu. ?8pa Ep. and Ion. tSpij, ij, (t^o/xai) any seat, a chair,
cScipa, aor. I of bipai. bench, etc. 2. a seat, abode, esp. of the gods, a
cSckto, Ep. 3 sing. sync. aor. 2 of o^xo/jcu. temple, altar. 3. a foundation, base. II. a
tStptv, Ep. for cbciv, inf. of «-5<y. sitting still, being idle or inactive, delay; ovk tbpas
<8c£a, -dp-ny, Ion. for cbu£a, -apvnv, aor. I act. and a.KpL-1] it is not the season for sitting still. 2. a
med. ofbciievvpu but t8t£dp.T)v also aor. 1 of b*x 9 l '- sitting, session.
; M
III. tbe seat, fundament.
t8tcrp.a, aros, to, (cbw)food, meat, a disb. tSpadov, poet, for tbapOov, aor. 2 of bapQavco.
«8«ott|S, ov, 6, (cbw) an eater, devourer. cSpcuos, a, ov, (cbpa) sitting, sedentary. II.
tSeoTos, ij, 6v, (cbw) to be eaten, eatable. II. steadfast, firm, constant.
eaten : consumed. tSpaioco, f. aVa>, = cbpiaw. Hence
<8cvT]<rct, aor. I of bcvoj, to need. ISpaCaipa, aros, t6, a foundation, base.
tO^Sto-p-ai, pf. pass, of iaQ'nu. cSpaKop/qv, aor. 2 med. of 8tpnopm.
(S-fjSoKa, pf. act. of caOloj. tSpdKov, tSpdKTjv, aor. 2 act. and pass, of bipHO/uu.
cB-qSoTat, 3 sing. pf. pass, of tboj. cSpapov, aor. 2 of Tpt'x<w.
tOT|Oa>s, pf. part, of cbaj. cSpdv, aor. 2 of bibpdaicoj.
cS-ntow, Att. f8"rjovv, impf. of Srjtu. tSpdvov, to, (tbpa) a seat, abode, dwelling.
cS-rjaa, aor. 1 of bccv, to bind : also Ep. aor. 1 of Situ, tSpdaa, aor. I of bpaoi.
to want. ISpT), Ep. and Ion. for tbpa.
€8t|tvs, vos, i), (cbw) meat, food. [C] tSpTjo-a, Ion. for ibpaaa, aor. I of Spaa;.
€8T)X^n V aor X P asS OI baKVCD. (Spidopai, Pass, (tbpa) to sit : Ep. inf. cbpi&aoOai
> - -

«8-rjto<ra, «8-rju)07]v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of brjtaj. Ep. 3 pi. impf. kbpiucxjvTO.
tSiaifrjcra, aor. 1 of biairaoj. t8po-<rrp64>os, b, (tbpa, ffTpi<pcu) a wrestler who
c8iSa|a, poet. «8i8do-icT|cra, aor. I of bibafficai. throws bis adversary by a cross-buttock.
cSiSow, impf. of bibwpu, formed from bibou. «8pu\|/a, «8pt»4>0Tjv, aor. I act. and pass, of bpvirro).
48t^Tjp,Tjv, impf. of bi^rjpuau. «8vv, sing, aor 2 of 6vcw; but also Ep. for ibvaav,

i8C-r)va, aor. I of biaivaj.

3 pi. of same tense.
: ;

194 ihvvdcrdrjv — lOrirjaavro.

t'Suvao^Tjv or --f|0T)v, aor. I of tivvaftai. «t|or0o, Ep. for Jjs, 7 sing. impf. of t 1/m sum.
ihvvlaro, Ion. 3 pi. impf. < f bvvafiai. Cflo-w, Ep for #, m
\ sing. subj. of tlfii t,um.
cSvarco, -€to, Ep. for idvaaj, -aro, 2 and 3 sing, cdaXd/a, e0dX<p0T)V, aor. I act. and pass, of BaXim.
aor. 1 nied. of oica. €0dvov, aor. 2 of 6vt)okw.
«5vomix,l <ra aor » -
l °f 5v<ttvx(<u- €0ds, &8os, 6, 1), (tOos) accustomed, used.
"T2An, Ion. impf. toeaicov : tut. «f8o/*eu : pf. act. <0ad/a, c0d<^0t]v, aor. I act and pass, of Qairroj.
iSrjda, pass. (5tj5o/mi:— these are all Ep.c forms for «0€ir]o-dpTjv, Ion. aor. of Otdofiai
— 1

the Att. tenses, see iaO'ua: to eat, devour: metaph., "E0EIPA, -ff, hair; in Homer, a horse's mane, or the
oTkov ibovat eat up, i. e. consume, waste, house and horsehair crest on helmets a Lon's mane. : Hence
home ; Ovfibv idovrts eating their heart, i. e. wasting, c0€ipd£<i>, f daw, to wear long hair.
consuming their spirit. Hence €0€ipa>, to tend, fake care of, till. { Deriv. uncertain.)
«8<d5t), 1), food, meat, victuals for men fodder
: for <0eXr]u,6s, ov. (kOt\oj) willing, voluntary.
cattle : a bait for fish. Hence t0«Xx)o-0a, for €06\t)S, Ep. 2 sing. subj. ot t0t\oj.
«8u>8ipos, ov, eatahh : rd ciajSi/M provisions. «0cXt]t6s, 17, 6v, (l$tk<u) willed, voluntary.
cSaxa, aor. I of Si8a>/u. €0eX£a, €0€Xx^1 v « aor * ' act anc P ass of dikyw. - ' -

IBwXtov, to, (?5o$) a seat, dwelling, abode. II. €0«Xo-, in empos., signifies voluntarily or gladly.
of the rowers, a rowing-bench, Lat.
in a ship, the seat c0eX6-8ovXos, ov. a willing slave.
transtrum. l0eXo-0pT)o-K€ia, jJ, (hdeko , 9pijaK(vw) will-worship,
it, poet, for %,him, ace. of ov. superstitious observance.
ccSva, €c8v6o>, u»TT|s, Ep. for tSva, 18v6oj, -cn~qs. cOcAokSkcw, f. fjaoj, to be slack in duty, play the, Ep. for eidofmi, Med. of ei8a>. coward purposely : to be beaten on purpo e. From
<€uco<rd-0oios, cciKoo-i, ccucdo-opos, cciKO(rr6s, Ep. c0eX6-K&icos, op, wilfully bad, neglectful of one's duty,
for (Ik -.
esp. in war, cowardly.
cc(Acov, Ep. for (i\(ov, impf. of dXtco. e0€XovTTj86v, (!0eAa>) Adv. voluntarily.
cciira, as, e, ccittov, ts, e, Ep. for (lira, ttrrov. «0eXovTT|v, (!0€A(u) Adv. voluntarily.
ccis, Ep. for (Is. «0€XovTT|p, ijpos, 6, (kOi\i») a volunteer.
cetarao, ceio-aro, eeio-do^ny, Ep. 2 and 3 sing., and €0€Xovtt|S, ov, 6, {iOiXoi) a volunteer.
3 dual, aor. 1 of eT/u ibo. c0cXovtC, Adv. = iOtKovTTjb'uv.
Uiaaro, ccio-dpcvos, Ep. 3 sing, and part. aor. I of €0«Xovrv, Dor. for iOtXovoi, 3 pi. of kO(\<u.
c06\oirovCa, ^, love of work, diligence. From
IcXSop-Ol, cc\8(a)p, Ep for (Xbo/Mil, (XboJp. tOtXd-irovos, ov, (!0cAo -, ltuvos) willing to work.
ttXpcu, ccXpevos, pf. pass. ind. and part, of tt\aj. «0tXo-irp6£€vos, ov, (e6t\o-, vpo£(vos) one who, Ep. for eXvojtai. voluntarily charges himself with the office of -npuftvos
ccXarat, Ep. for i\aat, aor. I inf. of et\<u. (q. v.) to a foreign state.

ccpY&0ov, Ep. for etpyaOov. cOeX-oupyos, ov, (k9tXo-, ipyoj) willing to work.
ccp-yc,cepyprvos, ccpyw|j.i, *ipy<a, Ep. for «tp7~. c0eXowios, a, ov, {lOtKcci) voluntarily. 11. of
ccppVvos, pf, part, pass of ctptv. things, optional.
ccpoT), ccpcrr|€is, Ep. for epo-17, (parjas. *E0E'An, impf. fj$€\ov: fut. h0*\r]o-<t): zox.iifii-
ccpro, Ep. 3 sing, pi ipf. pass, of tipat. Xrjaa : pf. ^OfKrjKa :— like OiXw, to will, be willing,
ccpxaTO, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of tipya). wish, desire: sometimes also merely as the sign of the
iia-a-aro, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of tvvvfH. fut., will or ihall. 2 wi h a negat., almost like Svva-, Ep. 3 sing aor 1 med. of i£<w. frni, to be able, have the power; as of a stream, ov&
«oto, Ep. 3 sing plqpf pass, of tvvv/u. (9t\c npopetiv dAA* iax €TO 3* '° oe wont or

cgetrypevos, pf. part. pass, of (cvyvv/xi. accustomed, to do a thing readily. 4. to mean,

c£cv£a, €j«vx0rjv, aor. 1 act. and pass, of £cvyw/u. purport, Lat. volo; often in phrases, such as, ri idtXei
"EZOMAI, fut. (dovfULt : impf. and aor 2 l&fiijv : to ripas; Lat. quid sibi vult? what means, what pur-
(the Root is 'EA-, see tSos) to seat :
— oneself, sit ports the prodigy?
kni xO° vi t&oQrjv they sank to the earth. c0ep.€v, pi. aor. 2 of riOijfu.

c(uyi)v [C], aor. 2 of £tvyvv/u. «0€v, Ep and Att. poet. gen. for ?o. ov, of him, of her.
I fojcrpai, pf. pass, of (uvvvfu. c0€Vto, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of TtOrjfit.
cr, Ion for ]7, 3 sing. subj. of tlfii sum. tGtpu/rjva, aor. 2 of Oepfxaiva).
ti\, fem. of ius, bis. ?0€T6, c0co-av, 2 and 3 pi. aor. 2 of TiOrj/u.
ci)K€, Ep. for fjfc€, 3 sing. aor. I of lijfu. ?0€v, Ion. for tOov, 2 sing. aor. 2 med. of TiOrjpu.
fijv. Ep. for tJi', 3 sing. impf. of tlfii sum. €0tj€ito, c0T]Cvpc0a, «0Tje{)vTO, Ion for tOearo, iOt-
lTjv8dv6, Ep. for fjvSavt , 3 sing. impf. of avtiavat. 6ifi(9a, iOfiuvTo, 3 sing., I pi 3 pi. of OeaojMu. ,

•fjos, gen. masc. of I s. good, brave, noble. €0T)€tip.€O-0a, Ion I pi of 0edoiMi.

?T)S, Ep. for %*, gen. fem. of 6s, 9, 5, who, what — «0t]tjo-ovto, Ion. for iOtaoavro, 3 pi. aor. 1 med. of
but ftp gen. fem. of ius, bis. Btaoftai.
— — : ; : :

(OrjKa— EI'Aii. 195

Iftrpca, I sing, a or. I of rlOrjfu. el 8* dye, used in cheering, on then, come on 1 The
*(h\v, tor. l pass, of irjfu : but 60T|v, aor. 2 act. of phrase is elliptic, and would be in full, d 6° i6i\ti$, &yt.
Tl&TJfU. 6iSa.Xip.os, 77, ov, (dbos) shapely, comely. II.

cOlyov, aor. 2 of fli-y^a^a;. like, looking like.

tfK£u>, f. ia<u Att. ia) : aor. I ttOioa : pf. tlOiita : clSap, aTos, to, (ebai)food, meat, victuals for men
Pass., aor. I tlQioO-qv pf. tlOiapxw. (t9os) : — ro ac- fodder for cattle : a bait for fish.


custom, use: Pass, ro 6« accustomed or tts*a* /o. cIScitjv opt., and clSwai inf. of olSa; v. *6f5<u 8.
Hence cl 8t p.Tj, elliptic for d Si pi) tovto ion, if otherwise,
«0i(rr«ov, verb. Adj. o/j* raus/ accustom. Lat. sin aliter.
«0Xdcra aor. I of 6\d<v. 6i5tu), for dbu, subj. of olda; v. *d8<u B.
td\i\\ia., aor. I of 9\ifiai. cl 8t|, if now, seeing that, expressing conviction: also
«0v-opXTjs, ov, 6, (tOvos, apx ") a rule* of a nation in indirect questions, whether now.
prefect: an etbnarch. 6i8t)u.wv, ovos, 6, 17, (
eiSw) knowing or expert in
«0vlk6s, 17, 6v, national. II. foreign: gentile: a thing.
—Adv. -Kwt, like the Gentiles. From Ep. for db-qativ,
6i8T)o-tp.6v, fut. inf. of * dbcu B.
"E0NO2, a company, body of men.
eos, to, 2. a Of *dbo3
6lSt)CTCi), ^fut.

race, /no*. 3. a nation, people; rd eOvn the nations,, Por. for dbopev, I pi. aor. 2 of *dbuA.
Gentiles, i. e. all except Jews and Christians. 4. ct6ov, aor. 2 of dbw A.
a particular class of men, a caste. ciSos, tos, t6, (*e<5a>) that which is seen, the form,
cOopov, aor. 2 of OpwoKot. shape, figure, Lat. species. II. generally, a form,
"EB02, tos, to, custom, usage, manners, babit. a particular state or plan of
sort, particular kind :

cdpavo-a, aor. I of Opatoo. opp. to genus. action. III. species,

«0p«|a, aor. I of Tp4\<u. clSooa, dat. pi. of dbws, part, of olda, v. *ttSw B.
c6pc<t>6r)V, aor. I pass, of rptcpoj. clSora, ace. sing, of tldus, part, of olda, v. *€i8<u B.
c6pcv|/a, aor. 1 act. of rpi(p<u. €i86tci>s, Adv. ot tidus, part, of olda, knowingly.
«0pT|V€w, Dor for iOp-qvow, impf. of Oprjvioi. ciSvta, fern. nom. part, of olda, v. *6to\u B.
(Opiaa, poet, for hOiptaa, aor. I of Otpifa. eiSvXXtov, to, Dim. of c78o». a short, descriptive
E0fl, to be accustomed, to be wont. The Att. use poem, mostly on pastoral subjects, an idyll.
the pf. ti<u6a Ion. ta£a as pres., and the plqpf. dw- *EI"An(or more properly f I'an.the Lat. VIDEO),
Btiv Ion. iwdea as impf. to be wont or accustomed, to see, obsol. in pres. act., which is supplied by 6paw

to be in the babit : part. da£ws as Adj., accustomed, its meanings fall under two heads, one to see, the

customary, usual ; to dajQCs one's custom. other to know.

El a conditional Particle, Dor. and Ep. ai : Lat.
, —
A. to see, mostly in aor. 2 cl8ov, Ep. tSov, Ueoieov;
61, if : with optat. or indie. :

see d yap or at yap, subj. i5a), Ep. also tSwfii ; inf. ISuv, Ep. also Ibitiv
and ci-Oe. part. iSwv. The same sense belongs also to aor. 2
ci, Att. 2 sing, of dpi ibo. med. tib'ofx.Tjv Ep. loufirjv imperat. ioov ; subj. tbw- .

«to, and trisyll. tto, Interj., Lat. eta, on! upl away! fiai inf. IhlaOat. The aor. 2 imper. med. Idov is ;

also come on then ! da vvv well now. mostly an exclamation, see! lo ! behold! Lit. ecce.
cid, 3 sing. impf. of kaw also 7 sing imperat. pres. 'Opaw is used as pres., ewpafea or kopdtca, as pf., 6\po-

€id0Tjv,, aor 1 and pf. pass, of taw. fxai as fut. II. in Ep. and Ion. we find Pass, and
clip.€VT|, 7), a river-side pasture, meadow. (Deriv. Med. dSopm aor. I tiaapvnv, Ep. also keicdfjiijv, ao, :

uncertain ) aro, in pass, sense, to be seen, appear, seem, Lat. vi-

ci dv, Ep. and Ion. d
k(, contr. into iav, r\v, and dV. deor ; tidtTai aarpa the stars are visible, appear:
tldvos, 77, ov, Ep. for tavos. hence, 2. to have or take the appearance of a
6iap, cl&ptvos, Ep. for tap, tapivos. thing: and c. dat. to make oneself like ; itiaaro <p6oy-
tiap6-p.acr9os, ov, ((Jap, paodus) withyouthful breasts. yfjv noAt'7-77 she made herself like Polites in voice.
6ids, 2 sing. impf. of iaa>;— cido-a, aor. I of the same. B. to know: the pf. oiSa, / have seen, is used —
6ioo*kov, Ion. for dew, impf. of kaw. as a pres. in the sense / know, (for what one has
6ioTai, cmlto, Ep. for Ion. taTai, faro, which is for seen, one knows); so also plqpf. / bad seen, in sense
fjvrat, fjVTo, 3 pi. pres. and im( f. of fjpai. of impf. I knew: indie, olda, oTaOa (poet, also —
6idTO, Ion. for tlvro, 3 sing, plqpf. med. of tvvvpt. oThas) 1 pi. XoyLtv (Ep. and Dor. tdfiev), iot*, ;

Ei'BH, Ep. form of \ti(3a), to drop, let fall in tadai imperat. iaOi, ioto): subj. ubw, Ep. also — —
drops : —Med. to trickle or run down. iSta) opt. dbtirjv inf. tidivat, Ep. tdfitvat and — : —
«l -yap. for if; and express ng a wish, O if .. ! O idfitv
! would that
part. (I8ws, Ep. fern, ibvid impf, jjb'ttv, :
— : —
that I Lat. utinam ! Ep. 7766a, Att r/brj Ep. 2 sing, iftih-qt for rjbrjs, Att. ;

d-yt, if at least, if then, Lat. si-quidem. rjdrjada; 3 sing., Ep. 7jti8rj, Att. 77677, rjSttv plur., ;

6i y°vv, if at any rate, implying that the thing is rjbnpifv, tjbtiTf or rjbtTt, yb'tioav or rjbeoav, Att.
unlikely. fjOfxtv, jjare, fjaav (Ep. iaav) : — fut. uoopai, more
: ! : — : —
196 (lh(a\€LOV €lX6.TLV0S.

rarely and mostly Ep. clSrjao). To know; «u o7Sa 6iK6\6-()>o>vos, ov, (eiKfXos, <pejvfj) of like voice.
/ know well; eu io0i know well, be assured; voi\iJuara, cuccvai, Att. for iomtvai, inf. ot eoiica.

pAfiia otht he is knowing, skilled in counsels ; and so EI'KH", Adv. without plan or purpose, heedlessly,
with Adjs., ircirvvfiiva, <pi\a. dpna tiSivai, etc., to be rashly, at random, Lat. temere.
skilled in prudent, fitting things, etc.; often in Part.; 6ucovi£ci>, f. so), (eifewv) to mould into form. Hence

so also, <u ft'Sttis well skilled. In this sense to be 6ik6vi0-|, fiaros, to, an image, copy.

skilled in, the word in Homer,

also 6ik6s Ion. oIkos, otos, t6, neut. part, of eoi/ra, Lat.
takes a genit.
to£cvv tv cunning with the bow. Aiso with ace, veri-dmile, like truth, likely, probable, reasonable, fair,

\dpiv eibevai nvi to acknowledge a debt to another, equitable ; irapa t<) ei/tos unreasonable.
thank him —
old' on, otoO' on, / know, you know it eiKocrd-poios, Ep. tttKocrdpoios, ov, (eiKOffi, /3ov»)
well: —
also, oTod' on, otoQ' o and oio9' ws. followed by worth twenty oxen.
imperat., give a command without specifying what, as 6iKoo-a-6TTis, «'*, (ttKooi, €tos) of twenty years.

if this was known before esp. in phrase, oTaO' h 5pa-

; €LKOcra.KLS, {(ikooi) Adv. twenty times.
aov, for Spaoov, 0T0O' 6 do, thou knowest what. eiKocrd |i.T]vos, ov, (fXitooi, firjv) twenty months old.
€i8<i>X.€iov, to, (tiScuAoi/ an idol's temple. ) EntOSI before a vowel, eticoo-iv, Ep. teucoo-i,
€iS<o\6-0iiTos, ov, {(idoj\ov,6vQ) sacrificed to idols; Dor. eiKan, 01, ai, ra, indecl. twenty, Lat. viginti.
as Subst., to eioajKuOvrov meat offered to idols. 6iKoo-i-vT|ptTos, ov, twenty-fold without dispute; cl-
clScdXoXaTpia, t), idolatry. From KOOivqpiT airoiva a twenty-fold ransom.
ei8a>\o-\dTpT]S, ov, 6, ?), (eiScokov, \drpis) an idol- 6ikoo-i-ttt]Xvs, v, (t"iKoai, trfjx vs ) °f twenty cubits.
worshipper, an idolater. *iKoo--6pyvios,ov, (tiicocri, opyvid) of tweny fathoms.
6i8a>Xov, to, (eldos) a shape, ima*e, spectre, phan- 6iKoo-opos, p"e' . 66IK-, ov, (€t/foai) with twenty oars.
tom ; PpoTwv ud(o\a napiovnuv the phantoms of dead 6lKOO"rT|, ?), See 6l«00"TOS 11.

men. II. an intake in the mind, idea : a vision, 6ikooto-X6yos, o, fj, (et«oo*T)7, \ifoS) one who col-
a fancy. " III. an image, portrait, esp. of a god: lects the tax of a twentieth, a tax or toll collector.
hence an idol, false %od. 6ikoo-tos Ep. 66ikoo-t6s, i\ ov, the twentieth- II.

elSu>s, part, of o75a, pf. of *«?5co B. eiicoo"TT|, 1), a tax of a twentieth, Lat. vicesima.
«t€v, Att. for drjaav, 3 pi. opt. of dfil sum. 6ucoo--fa>puY<>s, ov, (ei/eoai, opyvtn) of twenty fathoms.
6i€v, Particle, well, good, proceed, Lat. esto. 6ik6tci>s, Adv. of ei/cos, in all likelihood, probably,
eiTjv, opt. of ufii sum. naturally: fairly, reasonably.

6itjv, aor. 2 opt. of !i]fu. fiKTOV, Ep. for eoiKarov, 3 dual of loina.
6i0ap, Adv. ((bOvs) at once, forthwith €Ikto, etKTrjv, Ep. for toiKd, koiKarrjv, 3 sing, and
6i-06, Dor. and Ep. ai-06 Interj. that! O would that! 3 dual plpqf.
Lat. utinam *EI"KX1, fut. c1(co, to be like; 3 sing. impf. (Tkc,
6t0rjv, Ion. «0tjv, aor. I pass, of trjfu. Att. 17*6, it was like or likely, seemed good but the —
6i0i£(o, f. iaoj, poet, for kOifa, pf. ioiKa, plqpf. ecpntiv were used for the pres. and
ci0io-a, 6i0iKa, aor. I and pf. of kOifa. impf. ; see eouta.
«lica, Att. for coiKa. ErKH, f. £tw : aor. 1 e?£a : poet. aor. a tttcaOov : to
6iKa, pf. of 07/u. yield, give way to, draw back, retire. 2. to submit
€LKa$a), f. aaco : aor. I yKaaa Ion. ctfeacra —— Pass., to, obey, follow; 9; Ovfiv u^as following his own bent;
aor. I -QKaaQ-qv : pf. -QKaopai Ion. efwac/ww : {citeos): to vtviri iiKcav urged by poverty: hence to yield to another
make like to, represent by a likeness : — Pass, to be like, in a thing, to be weaker or inferior. II. trans, to

resemble. II. to liken, compare : to infer from yield up, abandon, resign : to grant, allow. III.
comparison, to conjecture, guess. impers. it is allowable, possible.
6ucd0ov, poet. aor. 2 of (ikoj to yield ; subj. dttaOaj; 6iKu>v, -fj, gen. ovos, ace. ova : Ion. gen. «\kov$, ace.
inf. tltcaOuv part. ditaOwv. ; etKu>, ace. pi. cbcovs : afigure, image,
(*(ikoj, eottca) :

61KCUOS, o, ov, ((Ikt)) without purpose : random, likeness. II. a semblance, phantom, wraith. 2.
hasty. II. common, worthless. a simile.
6iKas, dSos, r), ^eixoffi) the twentieth day of the month 60CUS, part, of (oiKa. pf. of **iKa), to he like.
(sub. i)/i€pa). eiXaSov, Adv. (61X77) ~ i^n^iv, in a troop.
6iKdcria, rj, (rfitafa) a likeness, image : a conjecture. 6iXairivdfa>, (d\airivT)) only used in pres. to feast in
ciKao-p.a, otos, to, (dicafa) a likeness. a large company, to be a boon-companion. Hence
cucao-p.6s, ov, 6, («</fdC<w) a conjecturing. elXairtvourrris, ov, 6, a banqueter, boon-companion.
ciKa<n-T|s, ov, 5, (clitafa) one who conjectures, a elXamvT], 7), a feast or banquet given by a single
guesser, diviner. host, opp to ipavos. (Deriv. uncertain.)

( iKao-TOs,6v, (d/e&fa) to be
rj, compared, like. 6iXap, apos, to, (€tX<u a covering : a protection, shel-

cIkSti, Dor. for (iKoat. ter ; d\ap vrjwv re nal avrivv a shelter for ship and
ciK6\-6v6ipos, ov, {uKtXos, ovupos) dream-like. crew : but cT\ap Kvfxaros a defence against the wave.
•(kcXos, rj, ov, (duds) like, after the fashion of. ciXdrlvos. 17, ov, Ep. for i\dnvos, offir or pine.
: : ——
: :

etXaxa d^C. 197

tt\SL\a, Dor. for e'Xrjyn, pf- of \ay\dvoj. plqpf. i6\r)TO. I. Act. to roll or ru/i'sr //£&/ «£,
€tX«Ynat, for \t\typai, pf. pass, of Ktyco. to press bard or force together: to coop up or
c/os* ; to
ElXtiOvia, j), Ilitbyia, (from iXrjkvdvla, fern. part. pf. shut up in a place. drive violently along, smite,
2. /o

of tpxopai) trie goddess of child-birth, who comes to strike ; vija Ktpavvcp ? Acreu having struck the ship with
aid those who are in travail ; the same as the Roman a thunderbolt. II. Pass, to be rolled up together:

Lucina, later made identical with Diana. to be shut or cooped up in a place, to throng together,
ciXev, ciXcto, 3 sing. aor. 2 act. and med. of alpico. assemble, crowd thicUy together; oXtv vSup water
ctXcv, Dor. for ti\ov, 2 sing. aor. 2 med. of alptoj. collected : — also to draw oneself together, crouch,
cIXcvvto, Ep. 3 pi. imp. pass, of d\i<u. cower; 'Ax^A^a dAei* pivtv collecting himself he
tLXfu) Att. clAcu, lengthd. form of d\<v. waited the attack of Achilles. 2. to go to and fro,

ciXt), ^, * 1X77, a troop, company. go about, Lat. versari. 3. to turn or whirl round,
cIXtj, 7), /2>e sun's warmth : warmth ; see t\rj. revolve, like tlXioooj, 777 tlWopivq (or iKKopivn) the
ciXT|"Ypai, pf. pass, of kayxo-voo. earth turning on its axis.
cLXtj66v and c-LXT)8d, Adv. {u\t)) = 1\t)56v, in troops ECXcos, euros, d, and ElXtoTTjS, ov, 6, fern. EIXcotCs,
or companies. II. (<iA.«cu) oy coiling round. idos :

a Helot, i. e. a serf of the Spartans, employed
cLX"T|Xov0a, cIXt|Xov0€i.v, Ep. for i\r}\v9a, t\r}\v- in agriculture and other unwarlike labours. (From
Otiv pf. and plqpf of tpxopai : cLXTjXovOpcv, Ep. for "EA.os, a town of Laconia, whose inhabitants were en-
tXrjXvdaptv, 1 plur. pf. slaved.)
of \ap&avat.
€iX-r||X|xai, pf. pass, EtXcoreCa, 1), the condition of a Helot, slavery. From
tl\r\<^a, pf. of kap&avai. EiXci>T€v<i>, f. be a Helot or serf.
aoj, (ti\&rrr)s) to

clXtjxci, pf- of Acryxd^cy. €i|ia,aros, to, (Ivvvpu) a dress, garment, cloak : later
cLXiicpivcia, r), pureness : sincerity. From clothing : an over-garment. II. later also a cover,

«iXt-Kptvrjs, ^€1X77, KpivoS) the suns

examined by carpet.
light, tested : hence, 1 . unmixed : pure, uncorrupted,, pf. pass, II pf. pass, of trj-
of twvpu.
Lat. sincerus. 2. distinct, palpable, sheer. 3. Adv. pu. form for jfMit, pf. pass, of tfa.
III. rarer
-vws, of itself absolutely., ctp.aprai, cip.apTO, 3 sing, pf and plqpf. of /xe/po/xat.
ciXikto, 3 sing, plqpf. of tkionw. eiptv, Ep. and Ion. for iafxiv, 1 pi. pres. of (Ipd
clXiKTos, 17, 6v, Ion. for t\iKTos. sum : but €ip.€v, Dor. for tlvat, inf. of cl/u sum.
ciXi£, Ion. for ?At£. clpcvos, part. pf. pass, of Ivvvyu.
ciAi-ttovs, o, t), -7row, to, gen. -iroSos: (ffAcu, troiis), Dor. for ctr/xcV, 1 pi. of ei/u sum: but,
trailing the feet heavily in walking, with rolling walk, Dor. for tivai, inf of elfxi sum.
epith. of oxen. clp.C, Aeol. (from Root *"Efl, sum, esse) ; e7

clXCcro-io, poet, and Ion. for t\iooo). Ep. fls, Ep. and Dor. iooi ; kori Dor. c^Tt plur., ;

€iXt-T€VT|s, is, epith. of the plant aypcoons, (from iofitv Ep. and Ion. dfxiv Dor. tipis tare; elci ;

t\os, TtivoS), s'retcbing or spreading through marshes. Ep. tdai Dor. kvri: —
Imper. "1061, Ep. in med. form
€iAix<*to, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of cA«r ooj. too, iaao, (otw; plur. 3 iarooaav Ep. ioraiv Att.
ctXtctio-a, ciXkWOtjv, aor. 1 act. and pass, of e\K<u. ovtojv : —
Subj. 3j Ep. ceo or iioo Opt. *ir\v Ep. ioifii; —
etXxvcrpxu., pf. pass, of t\/c<v. plur. eit]p.€v, tlr)T( Ep. eTpev, cfTC Infin. ttvai Ep. : —
clAov, clX6p.T|v, aor. 2 act. and med. of alpioj. tfip-fvat, ffipLfv, Iptvai, ffJLev: — Part, wv Ep. iuv,
ctXoxa, Att. pf. of \iya>. (ovaa, etc. :
— Imperf. fjv (late Att. in med. form
ciXv&toi, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of d\v<u. rjprjv), Ep. and Ion. ca, Ep. also jja, tov nx toicov, c$,
cCXvpa, aros, to, (eiXvoj^ a cover, dress, clothing. c, etc. 2 sing. ?)o6a and Ep. Jfyafla
; 3 iing. ^ or ^v ;

ciAvos, 6, {dKvoo) a lurking-place, den. Ep. ?i*v 3 dual jjrrjv or f)Orr)v; 3 pi. ^aav Ep. f craj/.

ciXvto, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of d\v<v. - Fut. toopuu, poet, tooopuai, 3 sing, lootirai from
€iXvi4>d£u>, = €i\vqj, to roll along. II. intr. to roll Dor. taovptai. —
The whole of the pres. indie, maybe
oneself along, whirl about. enclitic,except the 2 sing. it. The other persons are
ciAu4>d<o, — el\v<pafa
Ep. part. d\v<poajv. encht., when dpi is not emphatic. But iari is writ-


EI'AT'fl Att. tlXvo

voao [C] pf. pass. t'Xvpai
: f. : ten tan in cases of emphasis.
to wrap round, enfold —
Pass, to be wrapt or covered; To be, Lat. sum. 2. as Verb Substant. to be, to
esp. in pf. part., dX.vp.ivot \papa6cp buried in the exist, be in existence ; ovk4t' tori he is no more : esp.
sand. II in Pass., also, to wind, creep, or crawl along. to live,ovk to6' ovros uvqp, ovo' toot rat there lives
EI'AH, ciXXu, or iXXco ; also clXcw Att. ctAcco : not the man, no nor will live. II. <0"»*», impers.
from cfXco are formed aor. t\oai Ep. 1 cAcra, inf. with inf., it is possible, lawful. HI. dpi with a
it\acu Pass., aor. 2 takrjv [ct]
; inf. dXrjvai Ep. dArJ- ; gen. expresses descent or extraction ; alparot tls dya-
p.(vai ;
part. dAet's, uaa. iv Ep. pf.. ttXpai from : : — OoTo thou art of good blood. 1. iavrov ttvai to be
siXto) are formed impf tiKtov, Ep. 3 sing. WiKei fut. ; one's own master, Lat. sui juris esse. 3. with the
(iXriao) aor. 2 ti\r)oa
: Pass., aor. I dX^Qrjv :pf. : gen. put partitively H}pov tori be belongs to the

dXijpai.— There are also Ep. impf. 3 sing. Ukti, people, is one of them. 4. also as in Lat., of the

— ;

198 ei/xt flprjvrj.

duty or property of a thing ; avhp6s Ioti it is the part do, Ep. gen. for to, oZ, of him, of her ; dirb (to from
of a man caxppoavvijs iari it is a mark of tem- himself.

perance. IV. c. dat., (<tti fioi, Lat. est mibi, I cloiKvtcu, Ep. part. nom. pi. fem. of toiica.
have; ijx»l bi K(v aofievcp tin, Lat. esset mibi vo~ €ios, Ep. for tws, until.
lend. V. ra ovra, existing things ; rd ovra drra, aor. 1 for the common (Tirov, I said ; see dirov.
tlpnuivai to speak the truth. VI. iartv 6s, tlaiv clircp.€v, Dor. for tlirdv.
01, Lat. est qui, sunt qui, some one, some, many: tartv €i-irep, if at all events, if indeed.
or iaV ore, Lat. est quum, at times, sometimes : ta6' ctirnv, Dor. for tlirdv, see tlnov.
8irn or 6-rrov, Lat. est ubi, somewhere, somehow : icnv €i-iro8€v, Adv. iffrom any place.
oncvs in some way. VII. ttvai often seems re- ei-iroOt, Adv. if. whether anywhere.
dundant, e.g. to vvv tlvai, to a-q^tpov thai, rb avfiirav (Itzqv, J spoke. I said, aor. 2 from a pres. *t"iroj = *tirai:
tlvai, for to vvv, etc. esp. in phrase l«w tlvai.
; imperat. dirt, Ep. 2 pi. (otr(Tt ; inf. (lirttv Ep. (Itripe
€tp.i ^from Root ""in, eo), tls Ep. tloOa, tiai, plur. vai, -("ijkv, Dor. tiirnv part. dnuv. There is also ;

ifitv, it6, tdai or tlai : —

imperat. i0i, itoj, pi. ifitv, an aor I (lira, used mostly in 2 sing, dnas, imperat.
irt, itojoov Att. Iovtojv —
Subj. ioj, ir,s Ep. irjoOa, ty
: (tirov, dirdroj, dvarov, (iirar( : dirt, like dy(, occurs

Ep. fpat :— Opt. toiiii, loirjv, Ep. 3 sing, Win or €07 : also for €tn€T6 before a plural. In Compos, a Med.

Uvai Ep. tyttvai, ifitv: Part, luv: Impf. yttv Ep.
Inf. — form appears, as dirttnaoOai. The pres. is supplied
and ion. ffia, 3 sing. rfit contr. 77c dual tjttjv plur., ; ;
by tyrjiu, \t"f<v, or dyopevoj, the fut. and pf. by ipi-J*,
j7«/*€i/, j(iT(, -r)(aav, contr. j^e". tJtc, ijcrai', Ep.
3 pi. ipJu, (tprjKa.

als > -rjloav, Xaav, and I pi. rjofitv. In Att. the pres. has «iitovto, 3 pi. impf. of (ironai, to follow.
a fut. force, Lat. IBO, I will go : but in Ep. we have €i-itot€, Adv. if ever, if at all, Lat. si-quando. II.

a fut. med. with an aor. I med. dod-

ctao/icu, to hasten, indirect, if or whether ever.
ftrjv, 3 sing. (taaro, iti^aro, 3 dual ktiododnv. A ttov, Adv. if anywhere, Lat. si-cubi.
To go, Lat. eo, ire ; Uvai rivi bid <pi\ias, 81' (\- (t ireos, Adv. // at all, if by any means.
Opas, Bid iroXefiov, etc.. to live in friendship or enmity Dor. for dp-qvij.
with any one ; went through the skin
XP°°$ ( it etpyaOov, poet. aor. 2 of (tpyai.
c. inf. fut., kuadadnv avkt)o(tv they went to plunder. €ipYa<rau,T|V, aor. I med. of (pyd^ofiai, used in act
— It was used also of going in a ship, as, (irl v-qbs sense : €!p-yda0T|v, aor. I pass, used in pass, sense.
Uvai. 2. of birds, to fly, etc. 3. of the motion €ipYao-|xoA, pf. of ipyd^ofuu, used in both act. and
of things; iriXc/evs (lai did Sovp6s the axe goes, is pass, sense.
driven through the beam (ros eloi the year will pass
; elpYpos, Att. €ipYp-6s, 6, (« tfryoS) a prison.
or close —
in Att., Uvai ds ravrov to come together clpYP-o-dwXal, duos, 6, (dpyfxus, <pv\a£) a gaoler.
Uvai (Is \6yovs to come to conference Imperat. i$i : «tpYvvp,i and -vo», = (ipyu, to shut in or up.
817 go then, well then I good I EI"Prfl or €ipY<>>, Att. for the earlier form tpyoj.
civ, poet, for iv, in. clpcarai, Ion. for (ipijvrai, 3 pi. pf. pass, of (pio>.
€iva-«*W|S, is, (tvvea, tros) of nine years : neut. cipepos, 6, ((fp<u) bondage, slavery.
tlva-trts as Adv., nine years long. €tp€<rta Ion. -itj, r),{iptocw) a rowing. 2. any
civ&ctCs, ISos, fem. of tlvatr-qs, nine years old. violent motion, throbbing. II. a complement or
civai, inf. of dfii sum. II. for Uvai, inf. of crew of rowers, Lat. remigium.
tl/xt ibo. €ip€crid)VT|, j), {(Tpos) a harvest-wreath of olive or
tlvai, aor. 2 inf. of trjfii, to send. laurel wound round with wool, borne about by singing
clvdxis, Adv., poet, for tvvd/cts, nine times. boys at the festivals of Tlvavixpta and Sapyr)\ta, and
elvaxio-X&K>i. <w, nine thousand. afterwards hung up at the house-door. The song was
€iva,K 60-101, ai, a, poet, and Ion. for ewaieoaioi. likewise called Eiresione^
civ-dXios, t), ov, poet, for (vaXtos. cipcd>, Ion. for (pitu, to say.
€lvd-vt5x«s, as Adv., {Ivvia, vv() nine nights long. cipTj, $» (dpoj) old word for dyopd, a place of as-
clvds, ados, -r), poet, for ivvias n, the ninth day. %emWy.
«lva.Tcpcs, al brothers' wives, sisters-in-law. cfpT|Ka, -t)p.ot, pf. act. and pass, of ipioi, (pu>.
civdros, 17, ov, poet, for ivvaros, the ninth. eipijv or tpTjv, (vos, 6, (dpa} or tp(co) a Laced, youth
ctvcica, civckcv, Ion. and poet, for tvtua, on account, from his 18th year, when he was entitled to speak in
because of, c. gen. the assembly and to lead an army cf. Att. (<pr]Pos. ;

civC Ep. for the Prep, iv, in. €ipTjvaios. a, ov, (dprjvn) peaceful, in peace.
civ-68ios, rj and o, ov, poet, for hv6bios. €ipT)V€V<0, f. oo), to keep peace, live peaceably, be at
clvoo-C-dvuXXos, ov, {(voais, <pv\\ov) with shaking peace. II. trans, to bring to peace, reconcile.
foliage, quivering with leaves. From
et|a, aor. I of (1k<», to yield. clpT|VT|. ^, peace, time of peace, Lat. pa* ; (Ipr/vrjv
«?£a<ri, Att. for ioi/taat, 3 pi. pf. of *«f«<w, to be like. dyuv 10 keep peace : metaph. rest, repose. (Derir.
«I£oo-k«, 3 sing. Ion. aor. 1 of tl/coj, to yield. uncertain.) Hence
: — — :

elpr]vuc6s — (lady co. 199

ctpijvucos, 77, 6v, of or for peace : peaceful, peace- Prose, tit AfffirjTpot to the temple of Ceres, etc. ; as
able ; — Adv. kuis. in Lat. ad Apollinis, Cas oris ^sub. aedem). II.
eipTjvoiroito), f. 770*0;, to make peace From ok time, 1. until, it ifi, it i)ikiov Karabvvra, tit
eipijvo-iroios, 6v, {tip-qvr), iroiioj) making peace : as ort till the time when . , till morn, till sunset ; it 5
Sub't., tlprjvoiroios, 6, a peace-maker. until ; it I pi up to my time. 2. to determine a
6tpt]vo-4>v\a|, clkos, 6, t), {dpfjVT], <pvka£) a guar- period, for, tit iviavrdvfor a year, i.e. a whole year;
dian of peace. it Oipot, ft oirwprjv for the summer, etc. ; tls dtifor
«lpT)o-o|, fut. 3 pass of
c pia>, ipw. ever tit f/pas up to our time
; tit rp'nm* jjpipav to ;

tlpivtos,r}.ov, Ion. for ipiv tot, woollen, of wool. From the third day, i.e. in three days or on the third
cfpiov, to, yttpot) Ion. for iptov, wool. day. III. OF AN END OR PURPOSE, tlirtlV tit

elpKT«ov, verb. Adj. of fipycu, one mu>t prevent. dyaOov to speak for good, with a good object ; it
cipKTT| Ion. tpKTTj, j), {ti'pyoj) an inclosure, prison. iruktpov 0cvpf)£opat I will arm me for war. IV.
ttpo-KojAos, ov, (tTpos, KOfita}} dressing wool. with numerals it piav (sc. fjovk-qv) (Sovktvttv to

€ipop,ai. Ion. for tpofMi, to ask: see tlpai B. resolve one way or unanimou-ly tit iv ip\taOai to ;

ttpo-iroKos, ov, (tipos, nuKos) wool-fleeced, woolly. agree together with plurals, up to, tit pvpiovs as

ETPOS, to, wool. many as ten thousand tls Svo two deep also of
; ;

cipo-\SpT|S, it, (Tpos, \o-prjvai) delighting in wool. round numbers, about, at most. V. to express
«ipiro|ji€S. Dor. for flpirofitv, I pi impf. of tprrtv. relation, is 6 in regard to which, I. e. wherefore
cipvarat, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of ipvojxcu : —clpvaro, tit ri ; for what ? why ? hence for Adv., it rdxot for

3 pi. plqpf. (in sense of aor.) raxioJt.

eipvu-at, pf. pass of ipvoi. Elt is sometimes parted from its acc. by several
cipvp.cvai [u], poet, for ipvtiv, inf of 'pvct. words, as, tit dpcporipw &i*pr)8tot uppara fir/TTjv. It
ctpvo-as [C], Ion. aor. I part, of ipv<u. is seldom put after its case. The notion is redoubled
€ipvo-<ratTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I opt. of ipvai. in tit dkabt.
€ipvTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, (with sense of aor. a) of Er2, fua, tv, gen. ivSt, ptds, iv6s, Lat. UNUS,
ipito. Engl. ONE: the fern, pia po nts to a second Root,
tipwa, cipvopuu, Ion for 'pv<u, ipvoiiai. which appears wi.hout the init. p in the Ep. masc.

ETTfl (A) : aor. 1 ttpa and ipaa : pf. pass. part. tos, fem. fa: strengthd. tts oTos, pia ola or oft/, a
ip pivot, Ep. >tp pivot: —Lat. SERO, to tie,join,fasten single one, one alone : with Sup., tTs dptaros : tls
together, string • i)kiicTpoioiv itppivot set with pieces tls some one, Lat. unus aliquis : tls tKanros each
of electron. one, Lat. unusquisque : ko.8' £-» ttcanrov each singly,
ETTA (B^: so also in Med.
to say, speak, tell; piece by piece : tls dvi\p, Lat. unus omnium, for one
tipcro, tipovro — but
the Med. generally means to
: man, irktioras ywaiKas tts dvijp most for
cause a thing to be told one, to ask ; see ipw. one man.
EPPftN, wot, 6, a dissembler, one who says less tls, Ep. 2 sing. pres. of tlpu sum. II. a sing,

than be thinks or means. pres. of ttpu ibo.

-iporvela, t), dissimulation, an ignorance purposely of fyfu.
€is, aor. 2 part,

affected to provoke an antagonist, irony, used by So- cto-a,Causal aor. 1 of ifa, i^ofjuu, to put, place, lay;
crates against the Sophists. From OKoitbv tlot he set a spy ko\ov tloav they laid an :

-ipwvevou.a.1, {tipwv) Dep. to dissemble, esp. to feign ambush : part, ttaas, inf. toax, Ep. tacrai. II.

ignorance. also fut. med. iaofiai Ep. taooitai : aor. I tlff&pijv ;

clponaicos, 77, 6v, befitting a dissembler. Adv. -ko>$. pf. pass, tltiai : to found, erect, of building temples
€ipa>rdu> or ciporlo), Ep. and Ion. for iparrdcv. or setting up statues of deities. The other tenses are
EI"2 or T22, Prep, with acc. only. Radic. sense supplied from Wpvoj.
direc'ion towards, motion to, in or into. I. of tur-ayayiLv, aor. 2 part, of tlffdyo).
place, the oldest and most freq. usage but also of curayycXcvs, ^ai», o, (tlaayyikktv) one who an-

persons, with all Verbs implying motion or direction, nounces, an usher, an officer at the Persian court.
and so with Verbs of looking, as. tit Znw IbioBai curaYyeXta, r), an accusation in the Athenian Council
to look in the face sometimes in Att. with the for some public offence : an information. From

notion of hostile direction, Lat. conhra, adversus, — cio'-ayycXXci}, f. -tkcv : for ihe tenses, v. dyyikku:
rp6t. 2. in pregnant uszgtjoined with Verbs which —
to go in and announce (the duty of an usher : see
express rest, when a previous motion is implied, as, is flaayytktvs) generally, to announce, report. II. :

piyapov KaTi$t]K( he brought it to the house, and put to accuse one of a state-offence ; see tloayytkla.
it there : so, iraptivai tls roirov to go to and be at a clo'-&yc(pa>, f. tpw : for the tenses, v. dytipw : to
place esp. in phrase, ow^ttrOai tit rdirov. 3. gather into a place.


ellipt. c. gen., tit 'Atbao [bdpov^, Att t!t"AiSov, to clcr-<i y°-» f £ °* aor a -jyayov pf. -ayf}o\a : : - :

the abode of Hades is 'AOrfvairjt \ltp6v) to the to lead in or into; iadytiv or icdytoOai ywaitca to

temple of Athena, Is Upidpoto [oUov] etc. ; so in lead a wife into one's house. a. to import foreign
— : — : : : :

200 eiaact — d<T€v0<x)ix(9.

wares ; tlffdyeffBai xal l^dyecrBai to import and ex- generally, to go into : of rivers, to empty themselves
port :
— Med. to admit forces into a city: also to into, fall into. 3. also to come to, fall into acci-
introduce into introduce new cus-
a league ; to dentally.
toms. II. as a political term, to lay or bring ticrfid.o'x.s, e<us, 1), (elo&alvoS) an entrance, way of
before an assembly ; elodyeiv is 0ov\-fjv to bring n entering : embarkation.
before the Council. 2. as law-term, tlodyeiv Si/erju eicrfi&Tos, rj, 6v, (elo&aivoS) accessible.
or ypa<p-qv to open the proceedings, state the case. eLr-|3td£, dcoyuai, Dep.
f. to force one's way into.
eUr&ei, Adv. for els del, for ever. €io--J3i|3d£a>, -0iBda<u Att.
f. -@i(Su>, Causal of ela-
eUr-aeipop,ai, Med. to take to oneself. fiaiva}, to make to go into, put into.
ci<r-a9pca>, f. i\ffO), to look in fo, descry. eUr-fiXeirtD, f. upon.
if/<u, to look at. look
€ur-cnpa>, f. Spa/, to lift or carry in. elo-JJoX-r),
ff, (elofiaWa)
a throwing oneself into 11)

tiar-aio-o-bt, eur-axro-w, f. -a'£<y, to dart into. an inroad, invasion, attack. 2. a way of entering,
ct<raiTO, 3 sing. aor. med. opt. of *ei5<u. an entrance, pass : in plur., also, the moutb of a
cl<r-3K0VTi£a>, f. toot Att. iu>, to burl javelins at: river. 3. an entering into a thing, a beginning.
absol. to dart or spout up, of blood. eUr-'ypdcjxo, f. ipoi, to write in, inscribe — Med. to
eur-dKovto, f ffofiai : aor. I -rj/covoa : pf. -0/07*00 have oneself written down ox inscribed; elcrypd<peo$ai
— hearken to ; and, simply, to bear.
to listen, II. is T"$ anovSds to have oneself written or received into
to obey, comply with, give heed to. the league.
cia-aKTeov, verb. Adj. of eladyco, one must bring in. «i<T-S«ptcopat, Dep., with aor. 2 act. elffeSpd/cov :—
eicr-dXAopai, f. -aKovpai aor. -r]\dfjir}v Ep. 3 : 1 to look at or upon, behold, observe.
sing. aor. 2 IctoXto Dep. to leap or spring into :
: : eUr-Stxopai, Ion. «cr-8eKou,ai f. -de£onai : aor. I :

also to leap upon. elcede^dfirjv and eloehex^v. Dep.: to take into, —

da-a\i.dfia> y f. \p<o, to pass in*o. admit.
eurdpvnv, Ep. aor. med. of elp.1 ibo. II. Ep.
I €io--8i8(op.i, used intr., of rivers, to flow into.
aor. I J see.
med. of "
et8oi, «urSox"n,, 1), (f/aSc'xo/iai) reception.
clo-dp/nv, aor. I med. of etna, I founded. eUrSpapeiv, aor. 2 inf. of eioTpex<0.
ci<r-avaj3aCvc>>, aor. 2 ave&r]v, to go up info. «lo-8pop.T|, 1), (elcrSpafietv) an onslaught, assault.
eior-avayKat,<j), f. aaa), to force into, constrain. eUr-ovu or €ia-8vva>, and (in same sense) Med. eUr-
*ia--avdyu>, f. £<y, to lead up into. 8t>opai : f. -Svaopiai : aor. 2 -ebvv : pf. -Sedvtca :
— to
eUr-avetSov, aor. 2 (see elbov) : to look up to. get into, slip into or in ; deivuv rt tvehwe o<pioi a
eUr-dveip.t, to go up into. kind of fear entered in fo them ; ukovtiotvv koovaeai
€uraviSuv, part, of eloaveiSov. thou wilt enter into a contest of archery.
cio-aviuv, part, of el<rdveip.i. tier*, see efoo.
«to"-dvTa, Adv. straight into, into or in the fact. €io-«Pt|v,aor 2 of elo&aivoj'. 6icr«f3-r]cra, causal aor. I.
eicrdirav, A<lv. for (Is &nav, altogether. tlcreypatya, aor. 1 of elaypd<p<u.

€icrdira|, Adv. for els aira£, at once. eUre8e£dp.T)v, €ure8ex0T)v, a or. I of elaUxopai.
tio-S.pdo'O'ta Att. -rr<a, fut. feu, to drive in upon. cio-ISpftKov, aor. 7 of elaSipKOfxat.
eicraTO, tlaaro, v. elcrdfjirjv, elcrdfirjv. curc8pau.ov, aor. 1 of eloTpex *'
«Ut-<j[tt<i>, Att. for elffa acta. 6io--t5vv, aor 2 of elafiva).
flo--avyd£a>,f. a<u, to look at. €io"-€i8ov, aor. 2 (see eldov l, to look on or at.
euravGis, Adv. for us aZdis, hereafter. tevai: impf. elo-peiv: (els, eTfii »6o):—
€io--€iu,i, inf.

euratipiov, Adv. for els avpiov, on the morrow. to go go in: 6<p0a\fioi,s etaeifii I will come into
ciar-ovns, Adv. Dor. and Ion. for elaavdis. his sight dpx^v elaievai to en'er on an office.
; II.

tio~-&$l-T\\x.\., f. -aiprjaco to send into : to let in. as law-term, to come before the court. III. metaph.

cla-acjrficdvco, — elaa<piteveofiai. [dV] to come into one's mind.

eicrafyiKia-Qai, aor 2 inf. of elo~a<piKveofJuu. elai KeXaa, aor. I of elo'Ke'Wa).
ticr-cujHKvtojxat, f. l£ofiai, Dep. to come or go into, €icr€Kv\.Io-a, aor. I of el(XKv\ivSa>.
to arrive at. €i0--«Xauv<0 Ep. -€\d«: fut. -eXdffo) \dC\ Att. - e\u:
eUr-/3aiv&>, f. -/Srfoofiai: aor. 2 ~i07)v<. pf. -0l0rjiea'. for the tenses, v. e\avv<u — to drive in'o or in. II.
— to go into: esp. to go on board ship, embark. 2. (sub. iir-nov or vavv) to row into a place, like Lat.
impersv, elajSalvei pot it comes in o my head. II. appellere.
Causal in aor. I eloe&rjoa, to make to go into, to put «icr€\0etv, aor. 2 inf of elaipxofxai.
into : see efofiifidfa, which serves as pres. in this sense. cut-cAko), f. -i\£a) aor. I -e'tkievcra: — to drag into.
cl<r-{3d\Acd, f. -/9a\fi: pf. -0e0\T}tca. pass. -0e0\r}- €icr-€pf3aCvw, aor. 2 eloevi&r]v, to go on board.
fxai : to throw into — Med. to put on 'board one's excreveyKtiv, aor. 2 inf of ela<pip<u.
ship. II. (sub. eavruP or arpartdv), to throw e\.o~-evi\voxa., pf. of ela<f>epw
oneself into, make an inroad or incursion into, invade:, Dor. lor elffiKdupiev, 1 pi. aor. a subj.
also (sub. vow) to enter port, Lat. appellere. 2. of elffepxopuu.
— : : : — — :

€lcrcv6rjcra — ficros. 201

«t<rev6i)<ra, aor. I of dovoioi. «lo-KoplSY|, 1^, a bringing in, importation. From
eicrciraicra, aor. I of (iairaiw. cicr-Kopi£ci>, fut. iaoj Att. tw : to bring into, im-
«io-«ir«iTa, Adv. for dt iirara, henceforward. port : — Pass, to get into a place for shelter.
«ux€irTaTO, 3 sing. aor. 2 of il riT« €ict-kvkX«(o, f. rjcoj, to turn or wheel inwards on the
*i(T-*pyvvyii or -va>, to shut up into, enclose in a stage, so as to withdraw from the eyes of the spec-
place. tators, v. kKKVK\(<u: — metaph.,
npdyfiara da- Saifiojv
(io-ippvr)v, aor. I (in pass, form) of dapio). K(KVK\rjK(v dt tt)v oiKiav some spirit has brought
cur-cppco, aor. I da-qpprjaa : pf. (iarjpprjiea — to go ill luck into the house.

into, get in. elcr-KvXCvSco, f. kvXicoj \t] : to roll into.

«io--€pvo), aor. I part. do~(pvnat \y], to draw into. ttcTKco : impf. ffioKov : {loot, u'crot) : to make like:
cicr-cpxopcu, fut. -(\(vaofxai: aor. 2 -qKCOof ,—rjk' to think like, liken : metaph. to compare : and so to
Oov: Dep. to :
go or come into, to enter, Lat. in-ire: guess, con,ecture, believe.
metaph. to enter one's mind: absol. of money, to come (lo--\(voo-(o, to look into.
in, as irpuaohoi dar^XOov. II. as Att. law-term,, aor. I (iaffxaa&firjv, Ep. 3 sing. |<rc-
of the accuser, to come into court. Haaaaro% Dor. -d£aro: Med.: {dt, naooa)^ : — /©
€lo--«TV, Adv still yet. touch to the quick. II. to put in the hand to
€io--«\ci), f. -4(a), intr. to stretch into, reach. feel.
€i<r-r)Y(, fut. rjaonai, bring in, intro- eicr-vtopai, Dep. to go into.
Dep. to
duce, propound, bring forward. II. (iwnyuaOai eicr-veco, f. -v(vaofmi, to swim into.
rivi to represent to any one, instruct him. Hence €i<r-vo€(o, f. -qao), to perceive, remark.
6iaT|yr|p.a, frnros, to, a proposition, motion: and €ur-o8os, 1^, (dt, ddot) a way into, entry. II.
€i<rT)Yr|<rts, e<wt, j), a bringing in, proposing, bring' a coming in, entrance, esp. of the Chorus into the
ing forward: and Orchestra: a visit : a right of entrance.
€ioT]YTp-4ov, verb. Adj., one must bring in: and cIc-oikcioo), f. 6)<joi, {dt, ol/cdos) to bring in as a
6io-r|Yr|TT|s, ov, 6, one who brings in, a mover, proposer. friend Pass, to become friend to any one. —
elo"-Tj0«<i>, f. riaoj, to inject by a syringe. cut-oik ceo, f. rfaoj, to dwell in. settle in Hence
€lot-t)ku), f. -r](a>, to be come in : to come in. €io-oiKTjcris, «us, i/, settlement : a dwelling.
cl<r-T|Xti0ov, €i<rfjX0ov, aor. 2 of daipxo/MU. €i<r-oiKi£b), fut. iaot Att. tu>, to bring as a colonist
(ia^kOaia, ?), {(iarj\v6ov) a coming in. into a place Pass, to settle oneself in a place. : —
€io-f|V€YKat, aor. I of do<p(po). ticr-oiKoBoptco, f. Tjucu, to build into.
€lct0cl. Aeol. and Ep. for (It, (T, 2 sing, of dfu ibo. tla oi\v(va a, Aeol. for daoixvovoi, 3 pi. of , ,

ct<r0ai, pf. pass. inf. of Irjfu. €iar-oi\vi(ji, f "qooj, to go into, enter.

ficr-Qfo), f. Otvaoftxu, to run into, run up to. do--0K( or -«v, Dor. elcr-oica, {dt o K() until such
cio--9paxrK&), aor. -(Oopov, to leap into or in. time as : so long as.—
clcrl, e'wrCv, 3 pi. pres of dfii sum. curopxu, fut. of *€?5(uB: ctcrcat, Ep. a sing. II.
tlax, €unv, 3 sing. pres. of (Tfu ibo. Ep. fut of dn> ibo.
tla-tbdv, Ep €i<rv8«iv, aor. 2 inf. of dorfoov. sicrov, imperat. of (Taa.
cUr-tSpvo), f. att) : pf. pass, daifyvfiai : ((It, ttpvo)) : 6icr-6irtv, {dt, oirit) Adv. hereafter.
to build, found in a place. €i<T-oir(o"G>, Adv. in time to come, hereafter.
cl<7-(£opxu., Pass, {dt, tfa) to be seated in, to sit eicroirros, ov, {dauipofMii) looked upon : to be seen,
down in. visible.
fUr-iTjp.1, f. --fiffoj, to send or put into : — Med. to be- €lO-01TTpCs, foot, l), as (IffOWTpOV.
take oneself to : also in act. sense, to admit, let in. «icr-oirrpov, to, {do6\poyjai) a looking-glass, mirror.
cio-iOpT), 7), {(ta-(ifu) an entrance. t Lcr-opdoj,Ep. part. (iaopCoxv, inf med. daopaaoOai
«Lcr-LKVto|, fut. -i^Ofxat, Dep. to go into. the daCrpo^ai and aor. 2 datidov are supplied
«t<r-(, late form of dair(TOfiajL. from other Roots (see opdo;) to look at or upon, :, {dt, KaXa/xij) to haul in with a view, behold : also to look on with admiration, revere,
fishing rod. respect : to look at eagerly : to gaze upon steadily ;
clcr-K&Xcci), f. low, to call in. also of the gods, to visit, punish, behold.
«Lcr-KaTa{3atvci>, f. -Prjaofiai, aor. 2 dcKari^rjv, to go €Lcr-opu.dco, f. rjvoj, to bring forcibly into: Pass, to —
down into. force one's way in'o.
«ur-icaTaT(0T)u,t, f. -B-qow, to put down into. ci<r-oppi£<o, fut. Iffoj Att. tu>, to bring into port :—
€icr-K€, as Pass, of dffTiOijfu, to be put into, lie Pass., with aor. pass, and med., to run into port.
in : to be put on board ship. t'lcr-opouco, f. aoi, torush in.
«io--Kf\Aa), f. -K(\aoj : aor. 1 -lfc(\<ra — to push or c'Ccros, 77, ov [f], Ep. lengthd. form of Taot, alike,
thrust in: (sub. vavv), to put into shore, put to land. equal, used in these phrases: I. Salt itarj the
cl<7-»cr|pv<7-cro> Att. -ttw, f. £<u, to call in by herald: equal banquet, i. e. equally shared. 2. vr}(t iiacu
esp. to call into the lists for combat. the equal or well-balanced ships. 3. acirlt itavroa*

: — — : : — : ,

202 eb6Tc—'EK.
the z\\-even shield, i. e quite round.
Itffrj 4. <Ppt- cio--xeip(gfa>, f. iffoi Att. tw, to put into onfs hands,
vtt ivoov iioai an even mind, that is well-balanced, entrust.
calm, Lat. mens aequa. €io--x«i}, f. -\t w : aor. 1 -i\ta : to pour into —
clcroTC, for tit ort, until. Pass., Ep. aor. 2 tatx^f*V v L
C J» to stream in.
ci<r-oi|ris, tws, 1), a looking upon: a spectacle. From cio-fa>, more rarely taw, Adv. {tit, it) into, within,
cio-6t|/otL<u, fut. of tlaopaw, formed from Root *tla- c. ace, dvvat o6nov "Ai'Sos tiaw : also c. gen., iffoj
oVrO/ttU. fikt<popwv. II. within, inside.
€i<r-iraio>, aor. I tlairraiaa, to burst or dash in. tio~ u;0ca>, fut. -wQ-qaw and -wow, to thrust tnto :—
€ur-inp.irfa>, f. \pw, to send in, bring in : to suborn. Mid. t» force on'self into, press in.
cic-ircpdu), f. aaw [a] Ion. rjaw, to pass over into. €io--&m6s, 6v, (tit, wtp) in face, in front of; elaonrol
€l<T-ir«Tajiai, f. -nr-qaoftai : aor. 2 both in med. lyivovro vtwv ihey came in front of the ships.
form and act. tlaiirrrjv: to fly into.
tlatirrapiTjv — EI'TA, Ion. tlrtv, Adv. of Time, then, after, there-
clor-irnSdci), rjaw or 17(70/101, to leap into, burst in.
f. upon, Lat. d-ini/e. II. like Lat. ita and itaque,

«Ur-ir£irTa), f. -ittaovpxu : aor. 1 -itttaov pf irl- and so then, and then : also in ironical questions, Lat.


mwKa'. to fall or rush into: to be thrown itane? itaw. verot is it so? ay really? indeed?
into. II. to fall upon, attack. cItcu., 3 sing. pf. pass, of twvpu.
cur-mTVio, poet, form of tlairirrrw. €i-rc , tl-rt .
, Lat. sive , sive .
, either .

eic-rrktoa, f. -nktvaopm, Hence or whether

to sail into, enter. or so that several cases are al-
, . . , ;

cunrAoos, contr. cfo-irXovs, 6, a sailing in of ways put in Homer the first tirt is sometimes an- :

ships. II. the entrance of a harbour. swered by fj Kai. The Trag. sometimes leave out the
eUr-irvlfa), f. -wtvaopai, to breathe in, inhale, Lat. first ttrt, or put et instead.
inspirare. II. to breathe upon. Hence €tT€, for €ii]T6, 2 pi. pres. opt. of tlfii sum.
clo"irvT|Xas, 0, one who inspires love, a lover. €iT6v, Ion. for ttra, like twftrtv for Zirtna,
«i<r-rroi«cj, f. t)<joj, to put into the bands of, to give clu, Ep. for iaat.
(a son) to be adopted by another: Pass, to be — €io), Ep. for to), w, pres. subj. of tlfd sum.
adopted. II. to introduce. Hence cifa>0a, pf. 2 (in pres. sense) of the Ep. verb tOc*.
€iair(HT|T6s, 4i, 6v, adopted. cUoOciv, plqpf. (in impf. sense) of i0a>.
cur-tropc wo, f. aw, to lead into — Pass., with fut. €lo>06to)s, Adv. of tttvOa, in the usual way.
med. —tvaopai, to go into, enter. €ifa)v, impf. of kacj.
cio-irpa^is, tws, exaction or collection of taxes.
1), ctfa)s, Ep. for ecus, until.

cicr-Trpao-CTfa), Att. f. fa;, to get in or collect

-rro), ciwoa, Ep. for iwm, 3 pi. of haw.
taxes —
Med. to collect or exact for oneself. *EK, before e, ex, prep, with gen.
a vowel i£, Lat.
cur-pea), f. -ptiaofiai and -pvqoopuxi : aor. 2 -tp- Radio, sense,from out of, away from. I.
pvjju : to stream into. Of Place, out of from forth ; tK navrwv fiaXiara

tlcrrqiceiv, plqpf intr. of urnj/u. chief from among all, o/all. 2. like l£cv, outside
cUrrCdKa, elorCdo-a, pf. and aor. of iaridw. of, beyond; Ik 0t\iwv out of shot ; !* mirvov out of
€icr-Ti0T)|ii, fut. -Oijaw to put into, place in : also
the smoke. 3. with Verbs implying Rest, as, Ik

with or without Is vavv, to put on board ship: Med., iraaaa\6<pi KpipJiatv (poppuyya he hung his lyre from,
ritcva iadiadai (aor. 2 inf.) to put them on board. i.e. on, the peg; avatrrtoOcu Ik nvot to fasten from,
<ur-To£evfa>, f. aw, to shoot or dart into. i. e. upon, a thing. II. Of Time, If ov since,
€i<r-rplx«*> fut. -Spd/iovjiai aor. 2 -iopa'pwv (from from the time when, Lat. ex quo; If apxhtfrom the

*dp4fiw). To run in or into, to run upon. beginning; tK Ovaiat ytviaOai to have just finished
«Ur-4>tpa>, fut. -oiaw from *otw): aor. 1 -fivtyKa sacrifice
If tiprjvrjs voXtptiv to go to war out of,

and pf. -tvffvoxo. (from *ivtyKw)\ cf. <pipw: to i. e. after, peace. — III. Of Origin, tK nvot ytvi-
carry into : to bring in or upon. II. to bring aOai to be born or sprung from one If Iftow 7«Vos ;

in, contribute: at Athens, to pay tax on pro- lotrt thou comest of me by blood. 2. of the
perty. III. to introduce, bring forward, pro- materials of a thing, as irwf*a tK fvXov a cup of
pose. IV. Med. to carry with one : also like wood. 3. of Motive, Occasion, Means, Ik Otcxptv
Act. to introduce. 2. to import. V. Pass. iroktfiifav to war at the gods' instance; fi^vtot If
to rush in. 2. to be imported. d\orjs because of deadly wrath ; I* Kaipvarot in con-
«to*-4>oiTdfa), f. r/ffo), to go continually to, to visit. sequence of the heat Ik /3tas ayeiv * fiiq Aytiv, to :

curdwpd, 1), (tlapipw) a carrying into. II. a lead by force. 4. with a pass. Verb, i<pi\ijdtv I* Aiot
bringing in, contribution : at Athens, a property-tax, they were beloved 5. with a neut.
of or by Zeus.
raised to meet the exigencies of war. Adj., as periphr. for Adv., If dy\ifio\ov for iyxlpo^ov:
cUr-<j> ^pefa>, f. 4\aw, = dacptpw. Ik tov ifKpavoi't and i( ifupavovt for tfupavwt, etc.
cur-cj>pcco, fut. -<pp-qao) and -<pp^aouai: imperat. tlo~ Ik is often separated from its Case by one or more
<pptt: {tit. <pp4w which only occurs in compos., v. words. It takes an accent if it is pecul. emphatic.
tiiafpfa, iK<ppto) : to let in, admit Med. to bring —
In Compos. I* signifies out, away, off: also utterly.
in with one.
: : ;

€K&€pryo$ — &cj8aAAa>. 203

Jk£-«pyos, 6, (i/eds, *€pyoj) epith. of Apollo, work- lK*To\x.-$n\, r), (litardv, $ovs) properly an offering
ing from afar, far-darting, = (ktjPoKos. of a hundred oxen : but commonly a great public
€K(xt)v [d], aor. 2 pass, of Kaio). sacrifice, not always of oxen, nor to the number of a
€K&6ev, Adv. (tKas)from afar:—far off, far away. hundred.
«Ka0Tjpa, aor. I of KaOaipw. €KaTop,-Poios, ov, {(Karov, /3oCs) of or worth a hun-
€K<iA€0-cra, Ep. aor. I of tea\(<x>. dred oxen.
ckclXos, Dor. for (KtjXos. €KaT6p-TTt8os, ov, (kiearSv, irovs) 100 feet long.
tKap.ut/cra, for Karipvoa, aor. I of Karauva). tKaTOu.-rroA.te0pos, ov, — (KarufiiroXis.
ttcdjxov, tKap.6p.Tjv, aor. 2 act. and med. of Kapvu. iKaTOfJi-iroXis, t, gen. ecus, {(Karov, iroXis) with a
«KapTUvavTO, 3 pi. aor. I med. of Kaprvvot. hundred cities.

ttcapu/a, aor. I of Kapcpeu. «KaTop.-irovs, 6, r), vow, to, gen. irohos, (I/cot<5v,
€kAs Att. ttcas, Adv. {(K)far. afar, far off: c. gen. irovs) hundred-footed.
far from, far away from. II. of Time, long after. 4icaT6p,-TrCXos, ov, (ktcardv, irvXrj) hundred-gated.
«KaarT<xTa), Sup. of ends, furthest off, furthest away. 'EKATO'N,ot,ai,Td, indtcl. a hundred, Lzt.centum.
tKacrrax60€v, (JtKaoTos) Adv. from every side. «Ka,TovTa-€TT|s, ($, {(Karov, tTos) of a hundred years,
lKa(rra\6<r€, ((Kaaros) Adv. to every side. a hundred years old.
tKourraxoO, {(Kaaros) Adv. everywhere. €KaTOvra-KdpT]vos, Dor. -icdpdvos, ov, ((Karov, Kd-
IxaoTcpfa), Comp. of (kos, further, further off:— prjvov) hundred-beaded : cf. cKaro-yKpavos.
Sup. (Kaardrea. iicaTOv-TdXavTOS, ov, {(Karov, rdXavrov) worth 1 00
(KaaroQi, Adv. for each or every one. From talents ; ypacpr) kKarovrdkavros an action where da-
"EKA2T02, rj, ov, every, every one, each, each one, mages were laid at that sum.
Lat. quisque, opp. to a number the sing, from its €KaTOVTa-irASo-ta>v, ov, gen. ovos, {kKarov) a bun-

collective sense is freq. joined with a plur. Verb, dred-fold, 1 00 times as much or many.
(Kaaros (iriarao9( ye know each one of you : (Is €KaTOVTa-iruXos, ov, = (KaropntvKos.
ixaaros, Lat. unusquisque, each one; irds (Kaaros, «KaTOvr-dpxT]S, ov, 6, {(Karov, dpx ") <* leader of a
one and all; ol KaQ' (Kaarov each one singly, Lat silt' hundred, Lat. centurio.
guli : lead' (Kaarrjv \fip.kpav\ every aay, daily. Hence eicaTovT-apxos, 6, — (KarovrapxT)*-
€icdoTOT€, Adv. each time, at all times. iKarovrds, doos, r), {kKarov) the number one hundred.
3icaoTOT«pw, Adv. = (Kaarepcv. «KaTOVT-6pYutos, ov, {(Karov, opyvid) of 100 fa-
ctca-rcaro, Ion. for (Kadr/vro, 3 pi. impf. of tedOypai. —
thoms : poet., tKaTOVT-opoyutos, ov.
tKaT€pa.Kis, Adv. {(Kar(pos) at each time. €Kdros, 6, {(Kas) = kieq&oXos.
CKa,T€p0e, before a vowel -6€v, Adv. for k/eaTfpwdev, cKaro -o-Top,os, ov, {(Karov, aroua) bundred-moutbed.
from or on each side, Lat. utrinque. iKaroo-Tos, i), ov, {kKarov) the hundredth, Lat. cen-
*EKA'TEP05, o, ov, each of two, each singly, Lat. tesimus ; i<p' (Karoard a bundred-fold. II. r) km-

uterque. Hence roarr) the hundredth part, a tax or duty at A hens. 1

tKaTtpwOcv, Adv. from each side: and €KaTOorvs, vos, ^, = (Karovrds.

tKciTtpcoGi, Adv. on each side : and cKavo-a, aor. I of teaiaj.
{Kai-cpwo-c, Adv. to each side, each way. (K-pd^o), f. £cj, to speak out, declare.
EKdnj [d], r), ((Karos) Hecate, daughter of Perses €K-J3aivb>, f. -0T]aopxu aor. 7, (£(&rjv: pf. iK&L- :

and Asteria, who had power from Zeus in heaven, 07)Ka —

to step out of, go or come out of: to step out
earth, and sea. Later she was held to be the same of a ship, to disembark. 2. to go out of, depart

as Artemis. 'Fjedrrjs ourrvov, or 'E/cdraia, rd, was from. 3. metaph. to come out so and so, to turn
an offering of purification made to her on the 30th out, Lat. evadere. 4. to go out of due bounds, to
of each month at three cross roads. digress. II. in fut. act. (K0r)o~<v, aor. I ([(fSrjoa,

«KdTT|-P€A«Ti)s, ov, 6, — kKanq&okos. Causal, to make to step out of, put out of a ship, etc.;
ItcdTrj-jSoXos, ov, (l/fa«, &d\\<v) far-throwing, far- cf. (Kfil&dfa.
sBooting, far-darting : —as Subst. the Far-darter. CK-0aicx€va>, f. a<u, to excite to Bacchic frenzy, to
«kcLtv, Att. and Dor. for (ktjti, on account of. make frantic .-—Pass, and Med. to be frenzied, rage.
tKCLTOY-Kdp&vos, ov, {(Karov, Kdprjvov) and ; ck^oXc, aor. 2 imperat. of lK0d\\<u also Ep. for —
licaToy-icc^dXas, ov, 6, {kxar6v, K«paKr)) and;
i£(0a\e, 3 sing. ind.
tKaTo-y-tcpdvos, ov, (ktcarSv, /epavov) : —

€K-pdXXo>, f. -j3dAa>: aor. 2 -i&SXov; pf. -B(0\r)Ka:
beaded. to throw or cast out: to disembark, land; but also
ttaTOY-X €,-P s. ov, (l/arroV, x«/>) hundred-handed. to carry out to sea. 2. v6\(eus (K0d,Wuv to cast
Itcafd-^tryos, ov, {kKarov, £vyov) with 1 00 benches out of the country and so to drive out, banish.
: II.

for rowers. to strike out, Lat. excutere ; Sovpa (K&dWuv to fell

cKaTop.-(3aiwv, Swot, 6, the month Hecatombaeon, the trees, properly to cut them out of the forest. III.

first of the Att. year, answering to the last half of metaph., (-not (K&dWuv to let fall or drop a word
July and first half of August. From so, ItepdWuv bVucpva to drop or shed tears. IV.
— ;
: — : : : — :

204 hflaXciv — €Kbuca((i).

to throw away, depose, reject: to hiss off- the stage, gone

by, elapsed. 2. impers. eicylyvcTai, like ?£-
Lat. explodere. 3. to break open. V. to send eon, it is allowed, it is gran'ed.
out, get rid of, lose. VI. (sub. kavr6v), of a river, cK--yivouai, Ion. and in late Gr. for kicyiyvonai.
to empty or discbarge itself. €KY°vos, ov, (kfcyt-veoOai) sprung, descended from
cxftaXciv, aor. of e/c0a\\tv.
2 inf. any one: as Subst., etcyovos, 6, any descendant, son,
«KJ3ds, aor. 2 part, of fKfiaivcu. grandson : ra enyova offering, posterity.
cK^dcris, ~~<v$, 1), (kK&aivoj) a going out of a ship, a «K-Ypd<J>co, f. \poi, to write out, copy — Med. to write
landing. II. a way out, egress : an escape. out or copy for oneself. II. to strike out, expunge
€K-pdto, Dor. for (K-0aiva). from a list.

tK-fafiai6u>, f. woco, to confirm. CK-8aKpva), f. vow, to burst into tears. [£>]

«K-Pl<i£a>, to force out wrest from. : to €K-8airavda>, f. t)O0), to expend, consume, exhaust.
«K-J3ipd£a>, f. -Pipdoa) Att. #t/3a>, Causal of \k-, pf. pass, of kubtpai.
fiaivb), to make to step out of: esp. to put out of'a ship. cxSeScopUwTai, 3 pi. Ion. plqpf. of CKdojpioofjiai.
«k pifJpwo-Kw, fut. -fipwooj, pf. -£«/3/>a;/ca, fc devour. «k-8€T|s, €$, (eic, bet) defective. Hence
JkPXtjtos, ov, (KfiaWoj) thrown out: rejected, de- eicScia, 17, a falling short, being in arrear.
spised, despicable. ck-8€ikvv|xi, f. -5ei£<t}, aor. I e£4dci£a, to shew forth,
«k pXcbo-Kco, aor. 2 k£-ffxo\ov, to go or come ok/. display.
tK-{3odo>, f. rjoofMi, to call or cry ok/., Ion. for 1/fSe'xo/xat.
«K-J3oT|06ia, a marching out to aid.
?), From eKSegis, ews, \q, (1/fSt'xo/xat) a taking from: suc-
€k-Potj0«o, f. I7<ra\ /o march out to aid: to make a sally. cession.
«K-J3oApi£o>, f. tea; Att. iu, (e/c, £oA/3os) /o />ec/ ojf tK-StpKopai, Dep. to look out from.

from, as the skin ojf an onion €Kfio\Pi£av rtva tuiv ; cx-Sepo), Ion. -Seipco : f. -5epu>: — to skin, flay, strip
KcvSicuv to peel one of his stolen skins. off the skin: hence to cudgel soundly.
€k|3oXt|, r], (kfc&aWa)) a throwing out, throwing Jek-Sctos, ov, (l/cSf'co) fastened to or upon.
overboard, esp. of goods in a storm. II. a cast- *K-8t'xo|xaL, Ion. -ScKouai: f. -b^ofxat: aor. 1 l£e-

ing out, banishment. III. a shooting forth; \k- dfgajATjv : Dep. :

to take or receive from : to take
/3oA.t) oirov the time when the corn shoots or comes up. 2. kKh£x*-o6ai rfjv apxhv to receive the rule
into ear. IV. an outlet, Lat. exitus ; knPoXr) from another: absol. to follow, succeed : ot countries,
vorafiov the mouth of a river etc(3o\ai opovs a defile ; to come next. 3. to wait for, expect, Lat. exci-
leading out of a chain of mountains eK0o\^ \6yov ; pere. 4. to receive at a feast.
a digression. V. (from Pass.) that which is cast €K-8(co, f. -5rjO<u, to bind from, i. e. to bind on or to
out ; kte0o\-) diKtWrjs earth cast out by a mattock — Med. to bind a thing to oneself, bang it round one.
oipda kK@o\r) children exposed on the mountains. «k-8t)Xos, ov, very manifest : conspicuous.
ck^oXos, ov, (itc@a\\a>) cast out, exposed, of a child ck-8t)p.c(o, f. 170-0;, (Jtcdijuos) to go abroad, travel:
abortive. II. as Subst., €«/3oAo», 6, a cape, pro- to be abroad, or on one's travels. Hence
montory. eK$o\a, ra, cast off relics.
2. €K8r)p,ia, t), departure from borne or from life.
«K-Ppdo-<ro>, f. throw out or up, as froth
-fipaoaj, to eK-8-rjp.os, ov, (fie, hrip\os)from borne, abroad.
Pass, to be cast up or thrown on shore, of ships. €K-8iaj3atva>, f. -firjcofjiai : aor. 2 (hSi^ijv : to go
€K-Ppovrda>, f. 170-cu, to strike out by lightning. through out of, pass over.
tK-{3p\), Dep. to bellow forth. €K-8laiTdop.cH, Pass. ((K, biatTaw) to depart from
cK-J3pa>)j.a, aros, to, (ifcffiPpwoKw) that which is one's accustomed mode of life, change one's habits.
eaten out; tic^pufia vpiovos saw-dust. cxSiSa'yp.a, to, prentice-work, a sampler. From
tK-yap-ifto, f. iaco Att. iu>, to give away in marriage: €K-8i8do-KO), f. -didd£o) poet. -SibaaKrjaaj — to teach
— Pass, to be given in marriage, marry. thoroughly, Lat. edocere Med. to have another taught —
<, Pass to be given in marriage. thoroughly: —
Pass, to learn thoroughly.
cK-yavpoouai, ((K, yavpos) Med. to exult greatly in. cK-SiSpdo-Kco, Ion. -8u8pt|crKa> : fut. -SpaaofMi [a]:
tK-yey&a, poet, for k/eyeyova, pf. of eKyiyvofiai aor. 2 kgedpav: — to run away from, escape.
3 dual i/tyeydrijv; inf. t/eyeyafiev [a]; part, iicye- «K-8t8o>pi, f. -Zwaco: aor. 1 fgetiwica: pf. (Kbf&uiea:
yaws, ktcyfyavia. aor. 2 med. e£(56p:T]v: — to give out, give up, Lat.
CK-YtXdo), f. doofiat la] for the tenses, v. y(\aa) reddere to surrender. give out of one's 2. to
— to laugh out,

laugh loud, burst out laughing : me-


bouse; i/cdibovai or (KSiSooOai Bvyaripa to give away

taph. of a liquid, to gurgle out. one's daughter in marriage. 3. to give out for
tK-ytvns, is, (l/f, yivos) put out from one's family, money, farm out, let out for hire: to put out money
without kith or kin. to interest, lend out. II. (sub. iavrov) to issue
-yevfjaopiai: aor. 2 i^yevofirjv. pf. forth from a place; of a river, to empty itself.
citytyova, poet, f/cyeyaa (q v.) Dep. : to grow out of, :«K-8tT|Y*, Dep. to tell to the end, recount in full.
spring from : to be descended from, born of. II. CK-8licd £co, f. oa>, to decide by giving judgment, of a
to have gone by; xpovov exyfyovoros time having judge. II. to avenge. Hence

tKbLKaOTTJS lKd\l(3<t>. 205

^ic8iK<i<rTT|S, ov, 6, an avenger. Ion. kuvws. V. the dat. fern, e/tfivn is also used
€k81k«(o, f. 17™, (ZkBikos) to avenge, punish; (KOiKttv as Adv., I. of Place, there, at that place, on that

nva dno tivos to avenge one on another. Hence road. 2. of Manner, in that manner.

€kSikt)cti.s, ecus, -q, an avenging: vengeance. <K€ipa, aor. I of Kiipw.

ck-SIkos, ov, (etc, Si/crj) without law, lawless, Lat. ttmcre, Att. K€io-€, Adv. ((ku) to that place, thither,
exlex : Adv. IkSikws, lawlessly. II. carrying out Lat. illuc.
justice, avenging: as Subst., enoi/cos, u, an avenger. €K€Kao-ro, 3 sing, plqpf. (in impf. sense) of Kaivvpiai.
CK-8i<)>pevu>, f. aw, to throw from the chariot. €K€K€u0€i, 3 sing, plqpf. of Kevdco.
!k-8iu>ko>, f. {ofiai later £01, to drive away, banish. ckckXeto, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of «c'\o/«w.
ck-8ov€(i>, f. rjaw, to shake out, confound. ^k«, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of icktvw.
IkSoo-is, ews, a giving up, surrender-
17, ((fcoibwpit) tKCKoo-ptaTO, Ion. for eKcictofxqvTO, 3 pi. plqpf. pass.
ing. 2. a giving in marriage. Of KOCfltw.
tKSioo-ou-cu, fut. med of kn8i8wm. ckcXcv, Dor. for ktcfkov, 2 sing. impf. of nkKopat.
«k8ot«ov, verb. Adj. of (Kdibwfit, one must give in eKcXo-a, aor. 1 of tceWw.
marriage. €K€po-a, Aeol. and Ep. aor. I of tedpw.
«k8otos, ov, given up, betrayed.
(e/fStScu/zi) tK€-xeipta, fj, (ex<*>, X 6 '/^ a holding of bands, a
ck8o\)v<u, aur. Iof kKbiowpu.
inf. cessation of hostilities, armistice.
€k8oxt), 17, (t/fScxo/xat) a receiving from another, €K-£«i>, f. -£4aw, to boil out or over : c. gen., tbXiwv
succession. e£e£ea( she ran over, swarmed with worms.
«K-8paKovToojiai, Pass. (l/c, opdicwv) to become a «k-£t|T«o, f. i}OW, to search out.
serpent. €K-£ioirup«0, light up again, rekindle.
f. -qua), to

eK8pap.6iv, aor. 2 of kKTpk\w.

inf. «KTja, Ep. aor. of fcalco. 1

CK8pop.T|, 17, (tKo'pafxftv) a running out, sally, charge: fKijPoXta, 1), a darting from afar, archery. From
— also a band of skirmishers.
Iktj-|36Xos, ov. (ends, fiaWoj) far-darting, far-shoot-
<K-8pop.os, 6, one (bat sallies out, a skirmisher. ing, epith. of Apollo in Iliad.
ItcSvpa, paros, to, (k/tSvw) that which is put off, a cktjXos, ov, collat. form of (vktjXos, at one's ease,
skin, garment. quiet, Lat. securus. II. metaph. of things, as of
«K8vpev, either Ep. for tKOvvai, aor. 2 inf. of kicovw, a field lying at rest or fallow.
or for 1 pi. opt.
T3KHTI Att. ck&ti, Prep, with gen. by means of,
CK-8iiv&>, see knovo). by virtue of, by the grace or help of. II. later =
€k5-uctls, 6<w$, j), a slipping out, escape. From '{vena, on account of, for the sake of. 2. as regards ,
«k-8vo>, f. -dtaw \y] aor 1 kfckbvoa : : to trip off as to, Lat. quod attinet ad.
from another (icduaai avrbv \iTwva to
; strip him of €K-0dXTra), f. rpoj, to warm thoroughly.
his tunic tKOvaat avruv to strip him.
; II. in €K0ap{3(u>, f. riocu, to amaze, astonish : Pass, to be
pres. iitovvw, with Med kudvo/xai, aor. 2 act. «£«5w, amazed, astonished From
pf. c/fSf'Sv/ra, to put off. 2. to get out of, slip out €K-0ap|3os, ov, (!«, 6dn&os) amazed, astounded.
of. 3. metaph. to ge f away from, escape. €£a>, f. oai (€K, d&fivos) to root out, extirpate.
<K-8copi6opai, Pass. \kn, Awpios) to become quite a €K0avov, Ep. for k£i9avov, aor. 2 of (K9vqaKoi.
Dorian. €K-0edopai, f. doopuai, Ion. rjaopjat, Dep. to see out,
ciccao-o-a, Ep. for kneaaa, aor. I of Kcafa. see to the end.
€K«a,TO, Ion. for itctivro, 3 pi. impf. of Keipuu. €K-0€ttTpi£u>, f. aw, {Ik, Oedrpov) to make a spec-
EKEI , Adv. at or in that place, there, Lat. illic. tacle of.
«K€ta Ep. aor. 1 of tcaioj. eK-0eia£o>, f. aw, (kit, Ouov) to deify.
CKcidev, Adv. from that place, thence, Lat. illinc «K0€p.€vai or CK0€pev, Ep. for tKQtivai, aor. 2 inf. of
c. gen., rovKtidtv aKaovs yon side of the grove. iKTiOrj/xi.
€K6i0t, (inei) Adv. at that place, there, Lat. illic : €K06ts, (Taa, kv, aor. 2 part, of UTiOrj^i.
Dor. T-nvuOi. €K-0€pk£o>, f. taw Att. Xw, to mow completely: to cut
ckcivos Ion. kcivos, r), o, Aeol. ktjvos, Dor. Tqvos, down.
Att. also strengthd. ckcivoo-C: demonstr Pron. (e/c€i): €K-0€ppaivto, S.vw, ((K, 6(pfivs) to warm or beat
— that person or thing, Lat ille, ilia, illud : when ov- thoroughly.

tos and ckuvos refer to two things before mentioned, « 0€cr0at, aor. 2 med. inf. of tKTtOrjfti.
k/efivot, ille, refers to the more remote, oi/tos, bic, to €K0€o-is, cws, 17, (fKTiOrjfit) a putting out, exposing.
the nearer. II. used also like ille, to denote €K0€TOS, OV, (kKTl$T)fil) put OUt, exposed.
well-known persons ittivos p.(ya$ dtos, magnus ille
; € -0€(o, f. -Otvoopuu, to run or sally out.
Dens. III. in Att., knfivos precedes the Art. «K-0Tjpdopai, Dep. to hunt out, catch.
when it is emphatic, and follows
as, kmtvos 6 dv-qp : «K-0T|p€vcD, f. ow, — knBr]pdoixai.
the Subst., when it is not emphatic, as 6 dv^p (vet- €K-0XiP(o, f. \pw, to press, squeeze out: metaph. to
vot. IV. Adv. tKt'tvwt, in that way, in that case: crush, oppress.
: : —— : : — :

206 hOinja-KOi — &cK<forra).

fc-OvTJoicco, fut. -Qavovpat : aor. l£l98vov : to be CK-Kcvdco, -Kuvoo), f. dura, to empty out, desolate.
dying, be at the last gasp ; yi\a> or yi\arri kitQavtlv «k-k€vt«i>, f. 170W, to prick out. II. to pierce, stab.
to be nigb dead with laughter. €K-K«p&t£ci>, f. aw, to pillage : to cut off root and
«, f. rjao/jiai, Dep. to eat up, feast on. branch.
ittQopt, for k£i0opi, 3 sing. aor. 2 of lnQpuoito). €KK€, pf. pass, of kitxko) whence :

ck 0pT|vta>, f. -fjaoi, to mourn out or aloud. iKK€\\j\i(ViiiS, Adv. profusely, extravagantly.

cK-dpwo-KO), fut. -Qopovyuai : aor. ifciOopov : — /o /cap tKKexwcrpai., pf. pass, of kitx&vvvpi.
ot// o/, leap forth from. €K-m)paiv(i>, f. aVa), (kit, itrjp) to enfeeble, exhaust.

cK-0vp.ido>, f. d<w, /o 6«r« as incense. eK-KTjpvo-o-a) Att. -ttw : fut. £a> :

to proclaim by
cK-Ovp-os, oi^l/f, 0u/tos) very spirited, ardent, eager: a herald, declare publicly. II. to banish by public
also frantic, like Lat. amens. proclamation.
«k-0vo>, f. uacw 1
u] : for the tenses, v. 0v<w :
to offer CK-Kivc<i>, f. 170-0;, to move out : to put up, rouse.
up, sacrifice : metaph to destroy utterly. 2. Med. €K-KAd£<i>, f. -K\ay£w, to cry aloud.
to atone for, expiate by offerings : of a god, to propi- cK-icAda>, f. -kXclooj [S], to break off.
tiate, appease. (k-kXcicd Ion. -kAtjuo Att. -kXx'co: Att. fut. cK/eXr}-
(Kixeis [1], 2 sing. impf. of «t'x'7/it c^ ^i6eit from ooj : — to shut out: metaph. to exclude or hinder from.
€k-kX€itt<i>, f. ipoj, to remove stealthily, purloin.

<kixt|v [t], impf. of kixvui. ck-kXtjui), Ion. for ktiKXeicu.

CK-ica-yx^c"* & °'£W » t0 burst out into loud laughter. «KKA-qo-ta, 1), (JekkKtjtos) an assembly of the citizens

<K-K&0aipa>, -KaOapai : aor. I i£titaOr)pa

f. to — summoned by the crier, the legislative assembly : at
cleanse out, clear out : to clear away, get rid of. Athens, the ordinary assemblies were called Kvpiat t/e-
€K-Ka0€vSoj, f. -tvZ-qaoi, to sleep out, sleep away KXrjdai, four in each wpvraveia : the extraordinary
from one's quarters. avy/cK-nroi. II. the Church. Hence
cK-Kat-SeKa, ol, at, t&, indecl. sixteen. €KK\-qcrui£ci>, f. ao)\ impf. i)KK\rjaia^ov or kitiikn-
ItcKaiSeicd-Sbipos, ov, (kKKaibtita, Zupov) sixteen cia£ov, but also Qeitkr)oia$ov (as if the Verb were a
palms long. compd. and not derived from iKKXtjaia) ; so aor. I
cKtcaiScicd-Xlvos, ov, (kKKatoeita, \ivov) consisting of i£eic\rioiaoa —
to bold an assembly, debate therein
sixteen threads. absol. to debate. II. to sit in assembly. III.

cKKaiScKo/ros, rj, ov, {iKKaibiKa) sixteenth. to summon to the assembly.

«KKat8€K-«Tr]s, ov, 6, (kiutaiSe/ta, Ztos) sixteen years ckkXjJo-co, Att. fut. of fK/ckfiaj.
old: -Sckctis, tSos.
fern. IkkXtjtos, ov, (tKKaXtoj) called forth, Lat. evocatus:
€K-Kcupos, ov, {kit, Kaipos) out of date. selected to arbitrate on a point.
CK-Kaicj, Att. €KKaoi fut. -itavoaj: aor. I !£4««x:—
: €k-kX£vo>, f. -K\iva>, to to bend down, of
bend aside:
to burn out. II. to set on fire, kindle : inflame. stakes. turn away from: absol. to give
II. intr. to

ck-kclkcw, f. ijao), (l«, nanus) to be faint-hearted. ground, retire. 2. to decline or degenerate into., (Ik, Ka\a/*n) Dep. to pull out with eK-KvaCa>, f. ao), to wear out: metaph. to tease to
afisbing-rod. death, like Lat. enecare; Dor. 3 pi. fut. (Kvaioevvn.
ck-k&Xccd, f. low, to call forth :— Med. to call out to cK-Kvda>, f. i]ao), to rub or cut deeply.
oneself; metaph. to call forth, elicit, excite. €K-Ko{3aXiK€, Dep. (Ik, ic6&a\a) to cajole or
«K-K&Avirru>, f. ^-<y, to uncover, reveal; —Med. to cheat by juggling tricks.
unveil oneself. ck-kokk(£<i>, f. iao) Att. iw, (Ik, kokkos) to take out
CK-Kdp.vci>, f. -K&fiovfxat : aor. 2 k^K&fwv — to be tired the kernel: to pull anything out of its place, dislocate;
out : c. ace. to grow weary of a thing. itcKOKKifav a<pvpov to put out one's ancle; iieicoKKifav
CK-Kapiri£op<u, Med. (!«, icapiros) to yield as fruit. rets iro\as to empty the cities.
€, Med. {kit, /tapirooj) to reap or enjoy «K-KoXdirr<i>, f. xf/oj, to scrape out, erase, obliterate.
the fruit of: metaph. to derive advantage from. CK-KoXvp^db), f. $00), to swim out of.

(K-KoretSov, aor. 2 of k£opaai, to look down from. €KKop.tST|, if, a carrying out or off. From
CK-Kav\tga>, f. ca>, ((k, Kav\6s) to pull out the stalk: CK-Kop.££a>, f. iffoj Att. t&, to carry out : to carry ft)

metaph. to destroy root and branch. a place of safety ; etcKOfufav nvcL Ik irprryftaros to
<K-Kavxdop,<u, f. ijaofiai, Dep. to vaunt aloud. keep one out of trouble. II. to endure.
«K-Kdti>, Att. for tKfcaia). <K-Kopvn-d£u>, f. <xoj, to utter vauntingly.
CKKcas, aor. of «*«ata>.
1 part, <K-Kop,i(/€vop,ai, Dep. (kit, /tofxtf/eijoj) to set forth in
(K-K«.p,ai, used as Pass, of k/tTiOrjfU, to be cast out plausible terms.
or exposed. II. c. gen. to fall from out of. fK-KoWw, f. pf. -itttecKpa: — Pass., aor. 2 i£tic6-
CKKCK0<|>a, cKKCKOpjiai, pf. act. and pass, of kit- wnv. pf. (KKfitofifiai:

knock out: Pass.,to cut out, —
Kotrrot. be bad his eyes knocked out.
1^€k6itij Tu><pOa\fi& 1.
CKKCKw^rjKa, «KKCK<0<t>a>p,ai, pf. act. and pass, of to cut down, fell : to cut off, destroy, Lat. exscin-
ilCKOJCpiQ), dere. 3. to beat offfrom a place, repulse.
: — — — :

€KKOptu> £kAv<0. 207

f »c-Kopf co, f. i5crtw, /o stt>«£ out : to sweep clean. tVXavOdvw, l(ikuCov, to escape no'ice ut>
aor. 2
«-Kopt£ii\ {Ik, Kopit ) to clear of bugs. terly. II. €K-Vr)0dvw with aor. ({ikrjoa Dor. 1

«K-Kopv4>6u>, sum up shortly.

f. wooc, to -ikdaa, Ep. redupl. aor. z tckika0ov, Causal of !/f.
t«-icp*, Pass, /o ian^ t//>o/i, listen attentively to. \av9dva; to make quite forgetful of a thing: Med. —
iK-Kp€p.dwvja.L, f. /cptfuioa) [d] to let bang from : lK\av9dvoyuai, with Ep. redupl. aor. 2 iKktka9ia9ar.
or by: —
Pass, to bang from or upon, cling to. Hence pf. pass. i/ckiknafiai, to forget utterly.
tKKp«|i.T)s, is, banging from or upon. €*X&ird£fa>, f. £a>, = k£akand£cv, to cast out from.
cK-KpTtyivajicu, poet. Pass of iKKpf/MvwfU. €icXdirr)v [ct], aor. 2 pass, of Kkiwrcu.
tK-Kpivta, f. Tvur, to cboose or single out, select. 2. «K-Xdirrto, f. ipopai, to lap up : to drink off.
to expel, reject. 3. to separate, secrete. Hence t Xavcra, aor. I of Kkaioi.
ItcicptTOS, ov, picked out, cbosen ; ittttpirov as Adv., tK-\iyu>, f. £<u: kiyw.— to pick
for the tenses v.
above all, eminently. out, single out: — Med.
choose out for oneself,
j), a beating out, driving away: and
«Ktcpovcn.s, (cos, choose. 7. in Med. also to pick out, pull out one's
€KKpovcTTOs, ov, beaten out: of embossed work, gray hairs. II. to collect tribute.
worked in relief. From rc-XeCirco, xpo) inkikoiwa :
aor. 2 l£iktnov pf.
— f. : :

CK-icpovKi), aw, to beat or dash out.

f. 2. to drive to leave out, omit. abandon, 2. to forsake,
back, repulse : to biss an actor off the stage, Lat. ex- quit. 3. ft tis i£iktwc riv apiOfxuv if any one
plodere. 3. to put off, adjourn. left the number incomplete. II. of ihe sun, to
tK-Kvfjtcrrdo>, f. ^crew, to tumble beadlong out of. be eclipsed; in full, iitkfiwciv tt)v lie rod oipavov
tK~Kvi<>), f. ijao), to bring fortb. tSprjv. III. intr. to leave off, cease, stop. Hence
€k-kvk\€co, f. riao), to wheel out by means of the etc- ocXeivJ/is, ecos,a forsaking, quitting.
1), II. a
KVK\r)fia (q. v.) - Pass, to be brought to sight by this
: disappearance of sun or moon, an eclipse.
means ; dAA* iKKVKKrjOrjn come, wheel yourself out! ckXckt6s, 17, 6v, (iickiyaj) cbosen out, selected; ol
i. e. shew yourself: cf. tioKviekta). Hence (k\€kto'i the elect.
«KKvicXi]p.a, arot, to, a theatrical machine which cicXcX&detv, -«r0ai, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 act. and med.
disclosed the interior of the house to the spectators Of (K\T)$CLV<U.
cf. uaxvK\i<u., pf. pass, of ixXvcu.
ck-icvXiv&co,-KvXloat: aor. I ifctcvktoa :— Pass.,
f. ocXeo, Ep. for i/ckieo, 2 sing. impf. of fcki<».
aor. I h(tKvKio6r)v —
to roll out or off: Pass, to be eK-X*ir«, f. ipco, to free from the shell, to batch.
rolled or thrown out ; i£(Kvkia9r] ite 8i<ppov he rolled «k-Xt|yco, f. £<u, to cease entirely.
beadlong from the chariot: also hence to extricate €K-XT|0dv<i), f. -X-qao), see iicka.v9a.voj 11.
oneself or escape from. €kXt|0t]v, aor. 1 pass, of Ka\co).
tK-Kxyaivdi, {kie, «v/ia) to undulate : to be uneven. IkXtjctis, cojs, i], (tn\av9dvo riat) forgetfulness : for-
ckkwcw, (Ikkwos) of a hound, to quest about. getting and forgiving.
€K-id5vTj-y6T«ij, f. rjao), to bunt down. €K-Xip.irdvco, poet, for 1/cAetrrcy,
ck-kCvos, ov, (kit, kvojv) of a hound, questing about, ckXivOt^^cs, Dor. I pi. aor. I pass, of kXivoj.
no' keeping on one scent. CK-Xiiraivo>, f. avw, to fatten : Pass, to grow fat. —
€k-kvittw, f. \p<u to peep out of: to get out. «i<Xiimv, aor. 2 inf. of i/chuna;.
CK-Ko>iid£co, f. aw, to come forth in the festive proces- «icXtirT|S, is, (iKknruv) failing, deficient: i)\iov !*-
sion : to ru±b madly out. kiwis ri iyivero tickfiipis, there was an eclipse of
CK-K<ixf>€<i>, f. {)<jo), and ck-kci><)>6<i>, f. cWcy, (Ik. Kaxpos) the sun. II. omitted.

to deafen, stun : - metaph., cKKf/t&cpwTai £i<pij the «KXo"yf|, 17, ((K\iy<u) a picking out, choice, election :
swords grew blunt. a levy of troops or taxes. II. a choice selection,
ckXcVvov, aor. 2 of ickafa. as of extracis from authors.
iicAayga, aor. I of K\a{a>. €K-XoYt£, Dep. to compute, reckon, calculate: to
CK-Xayxavo, f. -kfyoficu: aor. 2 i£ikaxov: t0 °°~ consider, reflect on. —
tain by lot or fate. <i<X6p.T|v, aor. 2 of Kikouni.
«icXa0«TO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of ticXavQava}. ck-Xov<i>, f. aoi, to wash out.
«x-XaKTiJu>, f. icrcu Att. tui, to kick out : metaph. to CK-Xoxevo>. f. cra>, to bring forth : Pass, to be —
spurn at. born.
€k-\8Xki», f. ^ctcv, to speak out, divulge. <kX£6co, aor. I snbj. pass, of ittkvoj.
€K-Xau.pdvto, f. -Xfyofiot aor. 2 k(ika&ov for the : ckXtjctis, fus, f), (fKkvaj) a release, deliverance.

other tenses, v. kapPdvco to take or cboose out.

: II. ecXirrrjpios, (1/fAucw) able to release; to tKkvr^piov
to receive, bear. III. to contract to do work, opp. a means of delivering, a release, an expiatory offering.
to l*2t'Jo;/ii (to let it out). «kXvtos, ov, let loose, discharged. From
tVXdp.-rrto, f. iffoj: aor. I «£«Xa/^a: to shine or ck-Xvco, f tJcrcw [v^ for the tenses v. kvoj to loose :

flash forth. II. trans, to make to shine, light up, or set free from : lickvtiv aroyux to give a loose to his
kindle. tongue: — so also in Med. II. to unloose, unstring
: : — : : :;: — : —— :

208 £KAa>/3ciojuiai — ^K7T€/x7ra).

a bow : hence break up, put an end to

to Pass, to — CKvcvCtoiKa, pf. of fieviieaa).
be faint, exhausted, despond. CK-v€vpi£a), f. cos, to cut the sinews : — Pass., pf. l/s-
«K-\, Dep to sustain grievous injuries. Vfv(vpiapiai, to be unnerved.
CK-Xaml^a), f. o<v, (kit, \wttos) to lay bare. CK-vevo), f. coj aor. I (£4vcvaa
: to turn aside, :

itcpayeiov, to, {iKLiayr)vai) the impression of a seal, turn away. II. to sink down. III. to give
a seal; (KLiayttov irerprjs a counterfeit of rock, said — a nod or sign to do a thing.
of a hardy fisherman. ck-vco), fut. -vfvaofmi aor. c£cVcv<ra: to swim out
: 1

cKp&y^vai, aor. 2 pass, of \K\iaoao). or away, escape by swimming : generally, to escape.

c*K-patvu>, f. -lidvu: aor. I k^pnqva: to drive mad — ck-vt|<J)o>,f. ipoj, to deep
off a drunken fit, become
with any passion -niQov tKLifjvai to kindle passiona'e
; sober again.
desire —
Pass, with aor. 2 i^Lidvrjv intr. pf. act. i/c- :

ck-vi£g>, f. -vixpa) (as if from ktcviirTcu): aor. I e£4viipa:

liifxrjva: —
to go mad with passion: to rave, be frantic. to wash out or away.
cKfiaKrpov, to, (kfcfiao-oa)) an impress, image. cK-viKao), f. 170-0;, to conquer completely: to achieve
CK-pavOdvw, f. -Lia6r)ooLiai aor. 2 k£cLiadov: pf. \k- by force.
II intr. to prevail, grow into use; M
pLCLidOnica : to learn thoroughly, to learn by heart f*v6u>d€s (KveviKTjKivat to win its way to the fa-
in past tenses, to have learnt thoroughly, and so to bulous
know full well, perceive. II to examine closely , cVvopios, ov, (e/c, vopios) unusual, unwonted, strange.
search out. Adv. -iojs, Srp. (KvopuwraTa.
CKp3vu>, aor. 2 subj. pass, of eKfuaivofxat. cK-vopos, ov, (i/e, vdfxos) unusual, unwonted: un-
c*Kpd£as, aor [ part, of tKLiaoaoj. lawful : Adv. -luvs, discordantly. —
CK-pap^ou, f. ojooj, (f«, iidpyos) to drive raving cK-vo<rrco), f. r)aw, to return from, to return.
mad —Pass to go raving mad. cK-voo-dugopai, Dep. to take for oneself.
cK-papr&pco), f. rjocv, to bear witness to a thing. ckw£tjto, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of Kvv^aopuu.
( Att. ttci) fut. £(w aor. 1 e£c'/ia£a
: cKopio-o-a, Ep. aor. 1 of KOfxifa.

Pass., pf. iKfit/xayfjai to wipe off: — —

Med. to wipe cicovti, Adv. ^kwv) freely, willingly.
away one's tears. II to mould or model in wax or cKop«r<raTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of Kopiwvpu.
plaster, to take an impression of: to imprint an image. ckovo-ios, a, ov, (fxwv) of one's own free will, volun-
CK-pao*TCva>, f. a<u, to search out. Adv. -iojs ; also i£ tKovo'ias or nad' kicovoiav.
«k-(x€0vo-kco, to make CKirayXeopai, Pass, to be astonished or amazed.
quite drunk. II.
CK-pcipopai, Dep. to have a chief share in a thing to wonder at, admire exceedingly. From
t£(fi(jLop(, Ep. perf., used only in ? pers. sing. cK-r-ayXos, ov, (metath. for cK-TrXa-yos, from 4k-
CK-pcXcrdu), f. tiooj, to train carefully : to practise n\ayr)vai) frightful, terrible, fearful. Adv. tWd-
diligently. yAais, also neut. 4/ciray\ov and exvkaya used as Adv.,
cKpepdOipca, pf. of tKLiavdavo). terribly, fearfully, greatly. II. astonishing, won-
CKpcp-nva, pf. med. of \kluuvw. derful.
CK-pcTpcu, f. i)o<u, to measure out: —
Med. to mea- cKiratScvpa, aros, to. anything reared, a child. From
sure out for oneself : to take measure of. cK-7rai8cva>, f. aco, to bring up from a child : to
CK-pcTpos, ov, {kK, fi(Tpov) measureless, boundless, educate.
Lat. immensus. cK-irat^dco-a), to rush furiously forth.
«K|xf,vcn, aor. I inf. of c/cfxaivo). CK-Traico, f. -TTairjaoj: aor. I i£4ttaioa: to strike out —
tK-p-rjvos, ov, (?£, fiTjv) of six months, half yearly: of a thing, disappoint.
as Subst., (Kfirjvos, r), a space of six monlbs. ck-it&Xcu, Adv. for 4 k rraXat, of old, long ago.
€«-pnpv»opat, Dep., of an army, to defile out of. cK-TrdXXu), to shake out Pass, to spirt out. —
CK-pTaivo>, to pollute. ckitoXto, Ep. for I^cttoActo, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass,, Dep. to imitate faithfully. of (KiraWa).
€K-picr06a>, f. waa>, to let out for hire: — Med. to hire. cK-ir&Tdo-o-G), f. few, to strike out of one's senses.
cKpoXc, Ep. f.-r €£efAok(, 3 sing, aor. 2 of kic&kujOKai. cK-iraTios, a, ov, {Ik, irdros) out of the common
€K-povo-6(o, f. wooj, (f«, fiovoa) to teach fully. path : excessive.
CK-pox6c<o, f. f)aaj, to work out wi'h toil, Lat. elabo- c*K-irau<o, f. ecu, to set quite at rest, put an end to —
rare : to win hardly or by great exer ion, to achieve. Med. to take one s rest.
CK-poxXcvw, f ecu, (itc, fiox^s) to heave with the cK-irciOo), f. ao), to persuade, over-persuade.
lever, to force one's way. CK-ircipd£u>, f. aaa>, to tempt.
c*K-pv£da>, f. i)oa), to suck out., fut. -veipdaopiai [a] : aor. I ^crrct-
CK-pvKTT)pt£<i>, f. aw, (tK, fivKTtjp) to turn up one's paOijv [d] : Dep. :
to make trial of, prove, tempt. 2.
nose at, mock at. to inquire of another.
c*K-vcd£u>, f. ao), (fie, vios) to grow young or fresh. ck-ttcXo), whence impers. (leiriXu, it is allowed., Med. to feed off, Lat. depasci. 2. to CK-ircpTro>, fut. ipcu: aor. I i[£trtLixpa :
— to send out
go forth to feed, go forth. or forth from : of things, to export. 2. to call or
—— — : : : — — :

iKTTffiyjns — ^Kirovta*. 209

fetch out, send for : Pass, to go forth, depart. II. to be hissed off the stage, Lat. explodi. 6. to come
to dismiss, drive away : to divorce. Hence out or forth, sally out : to get out of, escape : to de-
*KTr€fiv|/is, tcos, a sending out ox forth.
77, part from. 7. to issue, result in.
cKircircTaorai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of (Kixerawvpu. ck-itCtvo), poet, for f/cirirTOj.
etc-ire ttXt^yp-cli, pf. pass, of (KnKrjiaof. CKTrAayfjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of (K-nX-fjaaoi.
CKircirovrjuai, pf. pass, of iicirovio). CKirXcdpos, ov, (ef, rr\£9pov) six pletbra long.
CKircir6p0r], pf. pass, of tKiropOto). ck-itXcos, poet. ckitXcios, a, ov, Att. ckttXccds, wv :, pf. pass, of<v, both in (l«, rrAc'cus) quite full : complete, entire : abundant.
med. and pass, sense. CK-irXcoi, f. -vKevffOfiai : aor. 1 If €7rAct/aa : Ion.
ckttcitotcu, 3 sing. pf. pass, of itcirivoj. ckitXuci), f. -irAdWcu to sail out, : go out of port ; c.
CK-rrc-n-OTapai, Dor. pf. of ktenoTaopai. ace, (Kir\etv rcis vavs ds Ti)v tvpvxwpiav to outsail the
CKircirrap.cvos, rj, ov, pf. pass. part, of cKTrcTavvvfJU, ships into the open sea.
expanded, open. Adv. -v<us, extravagantly. ck-ttXccos, a>v, Att. for c/tttAco*.
CKircirrwKa, pf. of (KiriirTa). ckitXt|Yt] v » Ep- a o r - 2 pass, of (KirX-fjaaoj.
CKirepda, cKircpowo-iv, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. offKirepdoj. ck-itXtiyvvui, = (KirK-fjotaoj.

CK-irepaiv<i>, f. avw, to bring to an end Pass, to be — cWXt)ktik6s, 77, vv, {tKTrX-qooo)) striking with terror,
fulfilled. astounding. Adv. -kojs, in amazement.
CKircpdfia, aros, t6, a passing out. From CKirXTjfis, ca>s, 57, ((KirKrjaaoj) panic fear, consterna-
CK-ircpaco, f. aaoj [a] Ion. -qao) : Ion. aor I If circ'- tion ; eKir\r]£is Kanwv terror caused by misfortunes.
prjoa : to pass through or over : metaph., to accom- CK-irXupoft), f. woo), to fill quite up. 2. of ships,
plish. to man completely. 3. to fulfil. II. (Kv\rf-
€K-ir€pSiict£ci>, f low Att. iSf, (l/c, jrcpStf) to escape povv \i/i(va to cross over the harbour, Lat. emetiri
like a partridge, fly away. spa'ium.
cK-ircpd(t>, fut. --nipaoj, to destroy utterly. ck-itXtiowo Att. -TT&) fut. f<w aor. 1 If iir\rj£a : :

CK-irepieip.1, to go all round. to strike out of drive away : to frighten out of one's —
CKircpom, aor. I inf. of kicnipBo). senses, scare, astound. II. Pass., mostly in aor.

CKireo-c, Kp. for IfcVco-e, 3 sing. aor. 2 of i/cmitTO): 2 k£tir\ayqv [a], Ep. 3 sing, and pi. (KirX^yrj, iKtrKrj-
CKirco-cciv, for (Kireauv, aor. 2 inf. yev. later also aor. 1 If fir\"qx^V v to be panic-struck, —, f. -irrrjaonai : aor. 2 both in med. and amazed.
act. forms f^eirrdfjirjv and If eirrtjv : to fly out, forth IkttXoos contr. fcirXovs, 6, ((ktt\£oj) a sailing out,
or away. leaving port.
CK-fTCTawvpA, f. -irtraao) [<£} Ep. aor. I k^firiraffaa: Ik-ttXvvco [v], to wash out. Hence
— to spread out, unfurl, spread : to stretch out.

ckitXvtos, ov, to be washed out.

CKne-nfjoxp-os, ov, (l/ttrcVa/tfii) ready to fly out of the CK-irXuci), Ion. for (KirKiot.
nest : metaph. of a girl, marriageable. ck-hvc(i) Ep. -irvcCo), f. -irvfvffo/Mxi or -ovpxu:
CK-TT€, aor. 2 -tWTQ\l.T)V , - (HTTfTafXCU. aor. IIf iirvtvoa —
to breathe out or forth. 2.
€K-7m'>0opai, Ep. for fiarvvOdvopm. 0'tov (Kirveiv to breathe one's last, expire; and so Ik-
CKirc^evya, pf of (K<pevya>. irviw alone. II. intr., of the wind, to blow out
CKir€<j>ihHai, pf. part. pi. fern. nom. of iic<pvoj. or outwards : to burst out. Hence.
CK-m)8da>, f. ijoopat, to leap out or forth : esp of a CKirvo^j, -fj, a breathing out, expiring.
besieged force, to sally forth. 1. to leap up. Hence CK-iroSciv, Adv. {(k, irobivv) out of the way ; (/citoScjv
CKirT|8ruia, aros, to, a leap out ox forth. laraaOai to stand out of the way ; iicirob'ujv x&ptw Ttvt
CK-irr)vt£<i>,[aw Att. lut, (l/c, irfjviov) to reel off,
f. to get out of his way. Opp to efiirobwv.
wind out: fut. med., iKmjvtuodai ri rivot to wind CK-iroico), f. -fjaai : aor. I If enoirjoa : to put out a
something out of a man. child, give him in adoption. II. Med. to pro-
CK-movopcu, Dep. (l/r, mSvcj) to gush forth. duce, bring forth. III. to make completely, finish
CK-irCp.irX-n,p.i, f. -irXijaoi : aor. r k£fir\r)<ra, pass. If c- off. Hence
ir\rjo-6r)V :—to fill up. fill full of. 2. to sati- CKironjo-ts, caw, a putting forth, emission: and

ate. HI. to finish, complete.

II. to fulfil. CKiroi-nros, put forth, given in adoption.
17, ov,
CK-ir(v<i>[t] : f. -nio/juu aor. 2 i{imov : for the cK-iroKi£a>, f ia<u Att. iw, to pull out wool ox hair.
other tenses, v. irivw. —
to drink out ox off, quaff,

CK-rroXcplb), f. -qao), to excite to war, make hostile.

drain. II. metaph. to empty out, drain. eK-rroXcp.6<o, f. ijaoi. to make hostile, involve in war:
CK-mirpdo-Kco, to sell off. Pass, to become an enemy to.
CK-mirrw, f. aor. If cVcow : pf. I/cttc'-
-irtaovfiat : CK-iroXtopicca>,f.i7<r<u, to take by siege, Lat. expugnare.
irrwKa : to fall out of ox down from.
2. to fall CKirop.irf|, fj, (iKitifxnoS) a sending out ox forth.
from, be deprived Lat. excidere. 3. to be
of, lose. CK-irovlu), f. ^(to; : aor. I l£tir6vqoa to work out, :

driven out of one's country, be banished. 4. to be finish off, execute, bring to perfection. Lat. elabo-
east ashore, to be wrecked, Lat. ejiei. 5. of actors, rare Pass, to be brought to perfection atroe itcve- — .
— — : ::: : — : : —— : : : —
210 iicjropfvay—iKOTparetic*.
irovnp.kvos corn prepared for use ; (K^tirovrjaOcu tcL CK-pa|3S(£co, f. coi, to drive out with a rod.

awfiara have their bodies in good training.

to II. CKpayfivai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of tKprjywpu.
to work bard for, to earn by labour. III. to pre- CKpayrjo-opai., fut 2 pass, of ktep-qyvvpu.
vail on by importunity IV. to search out. V. ctcpayov. aor. 2 of tcpafa.
of food, to digest by labour. CKpdO-qv [a], aor. I pass, of Kepawvpu.
CK-iropeuci>, f. ooj, to make to go out, fetch out — CKpaCaivov, Ep. impf. of ttpaivoj.
Med. and Pass., fut. -vopevaofiai, aor. I ({eiropevOriv, CK-paCvco, f. 8vu> : aor. 1 k£ippdva — to scatter out
togo out ox forth, to go away, march out. from.
€K-iTop0«a>, f. rjaoj, - Itcirepdoj, to pillage : metaph. CKpcpu, for k/cpepao, 2 sing. impf. of tcpipapai.
to undo. carry off as plunder.
II. to Hence CK-pcw, f. -ptvooptu. pf. k^ppvrjica aor. 2 pass, (in
CKirop0T|T<i>p, opos, 6, a ravager, destroyer. act. sense) t£tppvr)V :
— :

to flow out or forth.


2. of
CK-iTopOucvco, f. ow. to carry away by sea. feathers, tofall off. 3. to melt ox fall away. II.
€K-iropi£a>, f. iaoi Att. tSt : aor. I (gfiropiaa — to trans, to shed, let fall.
invent, contrive. II. to find means for doing a CK-pTiyvvpt or CK-pY|o-o-o> : fut. -pri((v : aor. I c£»
thing, to provide, furnish, supply: — Med. to provide 4pprj£a —
Pass., fut. 2 kKpayfjoopcu : aor. 2 k£tppa-
for oneself, procure. yrjv: to break out, break off: — Pass, to snap asun-
CK-iropvcvco, f. oca, to be given to fornication. der. II. in Pass, also, to break ox burst out, to
€K-TTOTO,OpcU, I Oil. for tK-TTiTOpai l DOT. pf C/fTTC- break forth. III. also intr. in Act. to break out
Trurtifmi : Dep. :
to fly out or forth : metaph. to be ox forth.
lifted up or elated. cK-pi£6ti>, f. eOcrco, to root out.
CK-irpdcrcrio Att. -Tree f. £a» aor. t c£inpa£a — CKpiOrjv, aor. pass, of Kpiva).
to do completely, bring about,
: :

achieve, Lat. effi- CK-piirrw, f.


tpw. aor. I t£ippi\pax — to throw out,

cere. II. to make an end of, kill, Lat. con- cast forth.
ficere. III. to exact a fine : to exact punishment CKpoos, contr. cKpovs, 6, (inpioS) outflow, outfall.
for, to avenge. c<-poc)>cci), f. tjooi, to gulp down.
CK-irpavvco, to soothe, mollify. CKpt»|3T]v [y], aor. 2 pass, of Kpvitra).
«K-rrp€irf|s, 4s, {ktenpliro)) distinguished out of all, cK-pvopai, -pvaopat, to rescue, deliver.

pre-eminent. II. (c/c, trpiirov) unseemly, unbe- CKpu4>0T)V, aor. I pass, of tcpvirroj.
coming. ck o-aAdoxrco, to shake violently.
CK-wpc-mo, to be pre-eminent in a thing. CK-o-aoo, f. wgoj aor. 1 i^aawaa :
Ep. for c/ccra>$u. : —
tKTTpeirws, Adv. of tKirptrrfjs n, unreasonably. CK-o-cio), f. oo) aor. e£ea(ioa : to shake out.
: 1

€K-irp4\o-o-<a, Ion. for (Kirpaaaoj. CK-crcvopai pf i^iaavpuai plqpf. (in aor. sense) :


«-irpio), f. -irpiovfMi ; aor. 2 ((enpiov: to saw out. i[ioo\>ixr)v Pass. : (!*, otixu)
: to rush forth from, :, f. rjoopai : Dep. to be very zealous. flee away from.

<K-frpotr]pi, f. fjrra), to pour forth. CK-OTjpaivco, Svw, to signify, denote.

CK-rrpoKaAcopai, f ioopai Med. to call forth to or : CK-ffcydo), f. put to utter silence.

-qaofiai, to
for oneself; Ep. aor. I pari. itcnpoKaKeooapLtvos. ck-o-kolXcvco, f. aoj, to rake out, pull away.
CKirpOKptOcis, aor. pass. part, of i CK-o-KcBAvvvpi, f. -ottehaooj [d], to scatter abroad.
cx-irpoKpivci), f. -ttptviij, to select in preference. CK-o*Kcv<i^co, f. 00), to disfurnisb.
CK-rrpoXciirw, to forsake aor. 2 part, kttirpo- cK-o-pdco, inf. -ap-qv impf. t£*op<uv — to wipe out.
f. ipoj, ;

CK-o-op*cci>, f. ijoa) :

aor. I t£to6f$r)oa — to scare

cVirpoTtpdo, f. -qao), to honour above all. away.
CK-frpo<j>6UYo>, f. <f>tv£opm, to escape from. CK-o"ird<D, f. dcret; [ct] aor. I c^ccriraVra, Ep. part


CK-irpoxcto, ~x f £ to pour forth.

f. med. ifconaooaptvos: 'o draw out, pluck out.
CK-nrepvcro-op^n, Dep to expand the wings. CK-crirfv8o), f. -oneiao), to pour out a* a libation.
CK-TrrTjo-o-o), f. £<w, to scare away from. ck-o-ttcuSco, hasten out.
f. oo), to
CK-HToeo), -qao), = iKTrr^rjou — Pass, to be scared. ck-o-itov8os, ov, (c«, oirovdrj) out of the treaty, e*

f. :

ck-tttuw, f. vow eluded from it.

or voopuxi \p : aor. I i£4irrvoa 1

to spit out : to spit in token of disgust. cK-ardSios, ov, (c^, oraoiov) six stades long., f. -trevoopai : aor. 2 l£etrvd6p.r)V CKOTaoxs, ccy*, 1), (c£iWi7/«) a being put out of its
Dep to search out, makefull inquiry about, bear of.
: place: of the mind, distraction, astonishment: a —
cK-trfipow, f. wow, to burn to ashes, consume. Hence trance : (hence Engl, ecstasy).
CKirupb>o-is, coos, i). a conflagration. ck-otcXXco, f. -arcAa), aor. I c£c'cTCtXa to send :

ck-ttuctos, ov, beard of, discovered. out : to deck out.

CKiro>pa, aros, to, (t/ariva>) a drinking-cup. ck-o-tcc)><i>, f. xf/a)'. aor. I (((arfipa: pf. pass. i£i-

ck ircoTciopai poet, for tierrordopai, (Kitiropai. CTCfipai to deck out with garlands. —
CKpdavOcv, Ep. for iicpavO-qoav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of CK-crr, orcta, 1), a going out on service. From
Kpaivai. cK-o-Tpa-rcvca, f. oat, to march out : to take the field.
: :: — : —— —— :: — : :

4K(TTpaToiT€hevofiai — iKTpaxqkCfa. 211

^K-orTp4TOir€8€'uofiai, f. evffofiai : pf. l£t<JTpa.TO- cktcvus, Adv. earnestly, zealously, assiduously:
irtScvuat : Dep. :
to encamp outside. Comp. ItcTfvtaTfpov more earnestly.
tK-crTpt4>a>, f. iff<u : aor. I k£iorpvpa : to turn Ikt«os, a, ov, verb. Adj. of €X<w, to be held. II.

aside, overturn. II. to turn inside out : metaph. neut. ckt4ov, one must have or bold.
to change entirely : to pervert. €KT€rnKa, intrans. pf. of (ktt)K<u.
cic-<rvpi<r<r<i> Att. -ttw, f. £cu, to whistle or biss off €KT€, pf. pass, of (ktiWoj.
the stage, Lat. explodere. «kt€vs, ((us, 6, (Jektos) the sixth part (sextarius) of
€K-o-upci> [v], to drag out : aor. 2 pass, ({eovprjv [v], (be fieStfxvos, = 8 chcenixes.
*Vo-4>pdYi£u>, f. t'acu Att. «D, /o s*a/ i//>: — Pass, /o €K-T€xvdoji.oi, f. -fjoofiai : aor. I i^fTtxvnadfirjv :

6c siw/ out from. Dep. :

to contrive, devise.
cK-o-wfco, f. ao; : aor. I k£ioo)oa : — /o foe/> sq/J?, pre- €k-tt)K(i), f. £a> : aor. 2 i^iraKov : — ro make melt
%erve — Med. to save oneself, save one's life : — Pass., away: — Pass., with intr. pf. act. cKTtTTjxa, to melt
vjjffov fKOwfrodai to seek for safety in the island. away. II. Pass., also, to slip from the mind, opp.
(K-o-b>pcvo>, f. a<», {(K, ocvpos) to heap or pile up. to €flfi(V€tV.
(kt&, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of ktuvoj. cKTT), for Kim-nfiai, pf. of Kraofuu.
cktAStjv [d], Adv. {tKTtivoj) outstretched. €ktt|o-(i), 2 sing. aor. I of Kraofxai.
cktoSios, rj, ov, (kKTtivoS) outspread. ck-tiOtjpa, f. -0Tjaco : to set out, put outside : — to put
CKxddcis, aor. I part. pass, of i/crtiva). out, expose. II. to set up, exhibit.
€kto0€v, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 1 pass, of ktuvoi. €k-t£kt<d, f. -T«£ar. aor. 2 f^ireKov: — to bringforth.
€KTd9r], fut. I pass, of iicrtivw. €k-t(XX(o, f. -rika/ : pf. pass. eKTtrikfiai :
— to pluck
<KT«p.e, Ep. for ({(rape, 3 sing. aor. 1 of cKrifwoj. or pull out : Pass. , Kofirjv (KTerik/xivos having one's
CKTapcv, Ep. for f/crdvofifv, I pi. aor. 2 of Ktuvta. hair plucked out.
€KTap.T)v, Ep. aor. 2 med. (with pass, sense) oftcreiva*. €K-Tipda), f. rjao), to honour highly.
tK-Tdp-vo), Ion. for (KT(}ivoj. «K-rip.os, ov, (tit, Tifi-q) without honour
cktSv, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 of Krdvai. cK-Tivdo-o-tt,f. £<w, to shake out or off.

ckt&vov, aor. 2 of Kreivaj. €k-t£vg>,f. -riaa) aor. I i£tTioa : to pay off, pay —
«-Tdvv(i>, f. va<u: aor. I l^eravvaa, Ep. -vaaa: in full; (KTiaaibi/cnvlopaytbefullpenilty. II.

aor. I pass. kfcTavvoOrjv : — poet, for (Kreivoj, to stretch Med. to exact full payment for a thing, avenge : to
out in the dust, lay low — Pass, to lie outstretched. take vengeance on.
«K-rdpA<r<ro) Att. -ma, f. £w : aor. I k£tTapa£a : CK-Tvrpwo-Kw, f. -rpwaoj aor. I i^irpwaa to cause :

to disquiet, confound, agitate. a miscarriage. II. intr. to miscarry.

cK-Tdo-o-w Att. -fro, f. £<y, to draw an army out in tKTofcv, Adv. ((Kt6$) Ep. for i^<uQtv,from without,
order —
Med., of an army, to draw up in line. c. gen. : outside.

«kt«xto, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. of teraofjuu. cktoOi, Adv. ((ktos) out of, outside, c. gen.
cktc0cis, aor. I pass. part, of (Kri9r]ut. CK-ToXtiireuo), f. ooj, to wind quite off, to bring to an
«K-T€0pap.|xoi, pf. pass, of (KTp4<pOJ. end.
ck-tcCvcd, fut. -T€vu> aor. I ((iruva pf. l/rTcrd/ra : : «KTop.€VS, iws. 6, ((tertfw<u) one that cuts out : fem.
— Pass., aor. 1 k^trdOrjv : pf. f /frcrd/zat :
to stretch tKTOpiS, L80S.
out, to stretch along, esp. of a corpse hence, to lay : CKTop/f|, 1), {iicrifivoj) a cutting out: castration.
low — along : metaph. of
Pass, to lie outstretched, lie Hence
the mind, to be on the stretch, on the rack. II. (KTop.Cas, ov, 6, one castrated, a eunuch.
to stretch out, extend, prolong. III. to strain to «k-to£€v<i>, f. aw. to tboot out, shoot away : to throw
the uttermost. away. 2. to shoot from a place, shoot arrows.
«k-t€ixi{<», f. iaw Att. Xu>, to fortify completely : to €K-r6mos, a, ov, also os, ov, = I/ctottos.
Build from the ground. €k-toitos, ov, (I*. toVos) away from a place, dis-
€K-T€A€VTd<i>, f. rjooj, to bring quite to an end. tant: hence out of the way, foreign, strange.
«k-t€\€co Ep. impf. ({creXtiov
: f. -nXiaa), Ep. : «K-Top«i>, f. -fjao), to bore through, stab to death.
-TtXtoj : —
fut. med. iicTeXUoOai in pass, sense : to «ktos, 77, ov, (?£) the sixth.
bring to an end, accomplish, achieve. €ktos, Adv. (««) Lat. extrimecus, opp. to ivros : I.

«k-t€At|s, is, (<*, re\os) brought to an end, perfect of Place, without, outside : as Prep, with gen. out of,
ripe, mature. far from : free from. 2. out of, beyond. 3.
<K-T<p.v(i> Ion. -rdfivco: f. repSi: aor. 2 i(cT&fwv'. except. II. of Time, beyond, over.
— to cut out from, cut out : to cut trees out of a wood, tKToat, ((ktos) Adv. outwards*
to cut down. 2. to hew out, hew into shape. II. €KToa0€, «ktoo-0€v, (tKTus) Adv. fromwitbout, with-
to castrate. out, outside:far from, apart from.
cKTcveia, tj, earnestness, zeal. From «K-TpdiT6$os, ov,(i/c, Tpdwtfa) awayfrom or banished
«kt€vt|s, is, {(KT(ivw) stretched out : metaph from the table.
«/, zealous, assiduous. 2. abundant. Hence <ic-TpdxT]Xi{<>>, f. uro Att. iw, of a horse, to throw
— ; : —— — :

212 ^KTpa\vvu) — €K(\)vardui .

the rider over its bead: generally, to throw off" or out of: to carry out a corpse for burial, Lat. efferre
down : — Pass, to break one's neck. also to carry away : to carry off as prize Hass. to be : —
«K-Tpaxv»vw [v], f. vvu>, to make rough. carried out; metaph. to be carried away by pas-
«K-Tp€ira>, f. \paj, to turn off ox aside, divert : metaph., sion. 2. to put out of a ship. II to bring

to turn aside, dissuade : —

Pass, and Med. to turn aside forth, to produce. 2. to accomplish, fulfil : bring

from, to avoid. about. 3. to bring out, put forward, to publish, pro-

€K-Tp*4>a>, f. -Op(ipco aor. I igtOpeipa to bring up claim : to tell abroad, betray.
: 4. to put forth,

from childhood, rear up: — Med. to rear up for oneself. exert. 5. iiopepuv vu\(fiov, Lat. inferre bellum,
^K-Tp«x w f- 9p(£ofMt and dpafiodfxai (from dpi- to begin war.
6. to shew signs of, sbw. III.

pxu) : to run out or forth : to make a sally. 2. to carry out or to the end. IV. intr. (sub. iav-
to run off or away. 3. metaph. of anger, to burst tov) to run out of the course, of race-horses : also to
forth. run away. 2. '0 come to an end.
«K-TpCpco, f. if/oj : aor. I k^erpupa — Pass., fut. 2 *«- €K-<j>eirya>, f. - (p(v£ofiai and -<pcv£ovnai : aor. 2 *£«-
TpitSrjaopm pf Z/tTCTpififiai
: to rub out; :
— irvp tK- (pvyov : pf. (KTT€<p(vya : to flee out or away, escape :

rpitiuv to produce fire by rubbing. II. to rub to flee out of, escapefrom; /3eAos etccpvye 2-
x ei
P° s '

bard. III. to destroy by rubbing, des'roy root to escape from danger; esp. to be acquitted.
and branch ; &iov kurpiPetv to bring life to a wretched «K-<t>T]p.i, to speak out, speak : aor. 2 inf. med. Ik-
end. <pdadai.
CKTphJ/ai, aor. I inf. of t/CTpiQa). €K-4>0€ipo>, to destroy utterly : Pass, to be undone
ixrpoiHj, r], ( 'ttrpittw) a turning off or aside. II. iniper. c K<p6 ipov, begone! aor. part. tK(p65pfis.
a turning oneself from, avoidance: ittTpoirfi odov a — only used in Pass, to perish utterly ; 3 pi.
r«/i»»o'-place tarponi) \6yov a digression.
; pf., they have utterly perished; 3 sing,
€K-Tpvx6co, f. ujacv, to wear out, exhaust plqpf.. (£4<p0iTo olvos vrjaiv the wine bad all been con-
€K-Tp«Yo>, f. -Tpu)£o/xai. to eat up, devour. sumed out of the ships.
€KTpu>p.a, aros to, (tKTiTpwoKO)) a child untimely «k-<J>iX«i>, f. rjtroj. to love passionately.
born, an abortion. CK-<j>\avpi£o>, f. iaoi Att. iu>, = iie<pav\ifa.
«ktvitov, aor. 2 of KTVireoj. iK-$\iy<o, f. £<u: aor. 1 r£t<p\(£a: — to set on fire.
?k tCitos, ov, (!«, tvittoj) beaten out, wrought in re- CK-4>oj3(b>, f. 170-0;, to frighten out or away, affright
lief. Hence —Pass to be affrigh'ed.
€k-tvtt6ci>, work in relief.
f. aVeu, to tK-4>otv(cro-u), fut. £a>, to make red or bloody.
€k-tv<J>\6o>, f. uaa). to make quite blind. Hence «K-<J>oiTdoi, Ion. -«o, fut. r/aoj, to go out or forth.
ctcT\)(j>\w<ris, (a>$, r). a making quite blind. €K<f>opd, a carrying out of a corpse to
17, {(K-Kpfpco)
«kv6i, 3 sing. impf. of Kvico. burial. a blabbing, betrayal.
2. II. (from
(Kvp6., 17, a step-mother, Ep. word for irev9(p&. Pass.) of horses, a running away.
J-icfcpov, aor. 2 of tevpioj. €k <{)op€u>, - (K<ptpoj, to carry out a corpse for bu-
€Ktipos, 6, a step-father, Ep. word for wevOepos. rial : — Med. to take out with one: — Pass, to move
(Denv. uncertain.) forth. II. to carry quite out. III. in Pass.,
€KC<ra, aor. I of Kvvico. to be cast up on shore. Lat. ejici.
«Kv<ra, aor. I of kvoj. €K<f>6piov, to, (fK<p(poj) that which is brought forth,
CK-ifjfi'Yctv, to eat up, devour : only used in aor. 2, fruit, produce ; also rent, tube.
the pres. in use bring kftaOia). ?K<j>opos, ov. ((K(p(pai) to be carried out, export-
CK-^aiSpvvo) [y f. vvS), to make quite clear. , able. II. to he made known.
€K-4>aivw, f. -(pdvu aor. I (gicprjva. to shew forth, :
— €K-4>opTt£opa»., Pass., to be sold like merchandise
bring to light : to betray, make known ; tK<paivtiv iro- hence to be betrayed.
\(fiov to declare war : — Pass, and Med., f. -ipdvovpai cK-<f>p<i£<i>, f. ana), to tell in full.
and -<P&vti<toimii : aor. I c£e<pav07]v, aor. 2 ((€<pavrjv !K-<j>pcc>> poet. «K<j>peico : f. rjao/xat, also i\ao} : {Ik,
[5] : to shine out or forth, to shew oneself, appear, <Ppico which only occurs in compos., v. Sia-<pp4oj, ifc-
come 'o light. Hence <ppico): —
to let out, bring out: Pass, to go out. —
€K<(>avT|s, is, shining forth, manifest. Adv. -vais. €K-<|>povTi£a>, f. iaa) Att. tw, to think out, devise, in-
«K<j><&<r6<u, pres. inf med. of tK<prjp.t. vent, Lat. excogitare.
«K(J>aan.s, «us, »?, (tK<pr}pu) a declaration. €K-<j>pcov, ov, gen. ovos, (Ik, <pp-f}v) out of one's mind,
ck<|>Stos, ov. ($K(pr}pu) beyond power of sppech : — mad, senseless, Lat. amens : zlso, frenzied.
Adv. fKipdrojs. expressly, plainly ; or, beyond words to «K-4>vyY<ivG>, = <K(p(vya>.
express, i. e. impiously. tK^fiye, Ep. for k£t<pvyc, 3 sing. aor. 2 of lK<pevya>.
€K-<f>av\ifo>, f. ia<u Att. Xw, to depreciate. eK-<J>vX<i<ro-<i>, f. £<u, to watch carefully.
iKfoptyiev, Ep. for tK<piptiv, inf. of (K&tpco. «K<J>Ovat, aor. 2 inf. of formed from $K<pvpu..
«»c-(J>€pco, f i£otoa>: aor. 1 and 2 l^rjvfyKa. k^v- ck- 4>vo-<£<i>, f. -qaa), to blow or breathe out : metaph.,
tyftov : — fut. med. ((oiaojuu in pass, sense : to carry (K(pvaav ir6\tfjiov to blow up a war from a spark.
—: —X : — : : : —
: :

fa^o—'EAArNO. 213
Ik-$\ko, I. Causal in pres., in f. (K<pvo<u [u] : tXauov, wvos, 6, (e\aia) an olive-garden, olive-yard,
aor. I (£i<pvaa : produce.
to beget, II. intr. Lat. olivetum — as prop, n., the Mount of Olives,
in pf. (KTTffvKa, aor. 2 e£e(pvv, and in Med. kittyvo- Olivet.
uai : to be produced or born from, grow from, c. gen.: cXdKT)<ra, cXSkov, aor. 1 and 2 of Xdoica).
absol., XdXrjfia (Kne<pvKos a born tattler. €Ad|A<j>0T)v, Ion. for kXrj<pdi]v, aor. I pass, of Aa/i-
CK-<f>a>v€G>, f. rjooj, to pronounce aloud. fidvo).

«K-xaXdd), f. daw [a], to let go from. cX-av8pos, ov, (kXtiv, dvijp) man-slaying.
€K-xaw6a>, f. waco, to puff up, make vain. cXdaa, Ep. for fjXaaa, aor. 1 of eXavv<u: cXd- —
€Kxevia.TO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I med. of tK\koi.
cra.o-K€, Ion. and Ep. 3 sing. tXao-cuaro, Ion. and :

(K-xcw, € & aor 1 *£ e X €a Ep- ^£ 6 X eva P^ <*- Ep. for kxdaatvro, 3 plur. aor. 1 opt. med.
— ~Xpour
f. : - »

Kt\vKa : /o out, Lat. effundo ; to pour forth in tXao-ds, 0, an unknown bird.

vain, lavish, squander. II. Pass., aor. I k^x^ r v \P] l
cXSo-ctp, Desiderat. of kXavvu, to wish to drive.
pf.(KKtxvfMi Ep. forms, 3 pi. plqpf. f^/ff'xwTO, aor. cXcUria, 1^, (kXavvw) riding, driving.

«£«x^ T0 or ^kxvto, part, ticxvpevos to be poured :

— cXdo-C-fipovTos, ov, (kXavvai, (SpovT-q) thunder-burl-
out, to stream out or forth : generally, to spread out or ing. II. burled like thunder.

abroad: to give loose to passion, Lat. effundi in . . . €Xdo--iirrros, ov, (kXavvw, tirnos) horse-driving.
tK-xop€vco, f. ooj, to break out of the chorus. II. eX&oxs, 6<ws, 17, (kXavvw) a driving, riding: also
CKXopev>, as Dep., to drive out of the chorus. rowing. 2. a driving away, banishing. 3. (sub.
«K-xpao), Ion. -xp«o, like drroxpaoj to suffice, be — arparov), a march, expedition ; (sub. i'mrov) riding.
enough for : only used as impers. (Kxpf]0~ei, H*XP r} a *t (Kaaaa, Ep. for ekaaa, ijXaaa, aor. I of (Xavvou.
it will be, was enough or sufficient for. tXao-croco, Att. -tt6o>, f. wo<u aor. I Att. fj\&T- :

CK-xpdo), f. 170-0;, to declare as an oracle. ruaa —

Pass., fut. cKaaaojOrjaofMi, but also f. med.

«tc-xpT)p.aTl£, Dep. to squeeze money from, levy kKacrauaofmi in pass, sense: aor. rjXaacruidijv to :

contributions on. make less, smaller, or worse: to lessen, damage:

cKxtOeis, aor. 1 part. pass, of kKx^to. hence to detract from. II. Pass, to become

€Kxv0Tj<, fut. ind. of tKxkw. smaller, diminish : to come short of, have too little of
iKxvfAevos [v], Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of kKx^ot. a thing c. gen. to be inferior to. From


tKxvro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of kiexka). *Xdo-cra)v ovos:

Att. -ttcov, ov, gen.
f kxvtos, ov, (4/f €(y ) Poured out : unconfined, out- less,fewer, worse; i\aaaov €X € '" t0 nave *be worse:
spread, Lat. effusus : <tK\vroy, to, drink. — — neut. eXaoaov as Adv., in a less degree; also reg.
«K-xwwi)p.i, f. -xwtTQj : pf. pass. kKKex^fffiai : to Adv. tKaaoovojs —
Used as Comp. of /Miepoa, with
raise by heaping up soil : to silt up, of a river. Sup. !Xdxio"rof the Posit. e\axvs is found only in

CK-xupcw, f. -qao}, to go out and away, depart old Ep.

from. 1. hence of a joint, to be
to slip out of: cXcurrp&o, f. i\aoi, Ep. and Ion. for iKavvu, to drive:
dislocated. give way : to give place to.
3. to to row : also to drive about.
€k-4/vxo>, f. £o>, to give up the ghost, Lat. exspiro. «Xdo-o>, fut. of i\avvw. [a]
'EKfl'N, ktcovoa, (hov, willing, voluntary, of free cXdT€Ov, verb. Adj . of IXatW, one must ride.
will. II. often in phrase k/cuiv eTvat (where the EAATH [a], the pine or fir. II. an oar, as
inf. seems to be pleonastic), willingly, purposely. being made of pine-wood : later also the whole ship.
cXda, Att. for kXaia. €XdTT|p, fipos, 6, (kXavvw) a driver, a charioteer;
«Xdav, Ep. for kXav, inf. of IXavvo). kXarijp (Spovrrjs burler of thunder. II. one that

JfX&Pov, aor. 1 of Xaft/Sdvoj. drives away. III. a brodd,flat cake. Hence

cXsOov, aor. 2 of XavOdvtu. cX&rr|pios, a, ov, driving away.
. "EAAI'A Att. eXda, ^, the olive-tree, Lat. olea, «XdTlvos, 17, ov, {(Xcltt]) of the pine or fir : of pine
oliva — proverb., <ptp«j8ai
cktos tGw kXaxbv to run or fir-wood.
beyond the olives, which stood at the end of the Athe- tXaTTov, Att. neut. for tXaaaov, as Adv., less.
nian racecourse, i. e. to go too far. II. the fruit eXaTTOv&o, f. i\ao), (IXaooojv) to have less, have too
of the olive-tree, an olive. Hence lit'le, be lacking.
«XatT)€is Att. -deis, tcrcra, cv, of the olive-tree. eXd-rrov, eXa-Trow, l\&rru>\xja., Att. for kXaoff-.
IXatveos, a, ov, and eXdivos, i\, ov, {kXaia) of the 'EAAY'Nn : fut kXaow \a\, Ep. iXaaow, Att. IXw,
olive-tree, of olive-wood. inf.tXav, Ep. also IXocu :— aor. 1 act. ijXdo-a, Ep. IXd-
cXaio-Xoyos, 6, (kXaia, Xiyai) an olive-gatherer. aa, eXaacra pf. iX-qX&Ka:
—Med., aor. I ^Xaaduijv, —
tXaiov, to, (kXaia) olive-oil, oil, Lat. olivum. Ep. 2 sing. kXdaaio, part. kXaaadfitvot Pass., aor. —
eXaios, 0, {kXaia) the wild-olive, Lat. oleaster. fjXaOrjv and r)Xan$r)v : pf. fXrjXauai and IX^Xac/xai
«Xcuo-4>6pos, ov, (kXaia, <pkpw} olive-bearing. plqpf. 3 sing. rjXijXaTO, Ep. kX-fjXaro : v. tb-du to — —
«Xaio-4>nT)s, (kXaia, <pva>^ olive-planted.
drii e, drive on, set in motion, e<p. of horses, chariots,
€Xai6-<f>tn-os, ov, {kXaia, <pvcu) oHve-flanted. ships. 2. seemingly intrans. to ride, drive, sail,
iXats, tSos, ij, kXaia Att. pi. kXaSct.= : row; iXavvovTfs the rowers : —
in this sense it some-
— : : :

214 i\d<f>€io$ — kktddpenros.

times took a new ace, yaXrjvqv k\avvuv to sail on meter and a pentameter, the metre of the elegy in —
a calm sea iruvrov ikdrais kkavveiv to urge the sea
; plur.= t\tyeia t\(yos.
with oars : —
then really intrans., to advance, proceed, tXcycios, a, ov, {(Ktyos) of the elegy, elegiac.
push on, go on roaovrov fjKaaav they proceeded
; ks ikiyev, Dor. for Ikiyov, 1 sing. impf. pass, of \kyat.
so far. drive away, carry off, Lat. abigere,
3. to eXe^ts, «us, if, (tXtyxc) a refuting, reproving.
properly of stolen cattle ; but Att. also pLvaos, fiiaa/Aa, cAe-yos, 6, a song of mourning, a lament, at first
dyos iXavvtiv to drive away pollution. 4. to drive without reference to metrical form, later always in
into narrow compass, press in battle: Att. also, to alternate hexameters and pentameters.
harass, trouble, annoy. II. to strike, to cut, eXe-yx*"). V> (<^<7X a') a reproach, disgrace.
wound by cut or thrust ; c. dupl. ace, S/fiov tXavvuv IXsyX^Sj "> (<* € 7X 0S ) liable to reproach, shameful,
rivd to wound him on the shoulder. 2. to thrust, esp cowardly: —
irreg. Sup. tkeyxioros.
drive through : Pass, to go through. III. to beat !X€YX°s, to, (e\iyxw) a reproach, disgrace, disho-
out metal, Lat. ducere; dairiSa ihavvuv to make a nour Kan' iKeyxea. base reproaches to your name.

shield of beaten metal. 2. to draw out, to draw; €X«yx os <>» a means of testing, a trial, test, Lat.

k\avvuv 6p\ov dfiir(\idos to draw a line of vines, argumentum : disproval, refutation. II. an exa-
i. e. plant them in line hence generally, to plant,
: mination, scrutiny. From
produce. 3. KoXcyov kkavveiv to prolong, keep up 'EAETXfl, fut. £a> : aor. I ij\(y(a — Pass., aor. 1

the brawl. q\€yxOT]v pf. kKrjKcy fxai

: to disgrace, put to: —
t\d(}>€ios, ov, (2\a<po$) of or belonging to deer. shame, dishonour. II. to convince, refute, con-
c\a<j>T)j3o\ia, {kKacprjPoXos) a shooting of deer.
1), fute, Lat. arguere: of arguments, to disprove: also
tAS<j>T|(36\ia (sub. Upd), rd, a festival of Artemis. to accuse, reprove, reproach. 2. to examine, ques-
Hence tion : to prove, attest.

c\d<J>T)po\iu>v, wvos, 6, the ninth month of the Attic cXc-Sepvas, if, (*?Aa;, Ziuviov) couch-destroying.
year, in which the Elaphebolia were held, answering IXceiv, Ep. for e\tiv, aor. 2 inf. of alpecu.
to the last half of March and first half of April. cXeeivos, in Att. Poets e'Aeivos, 17, ov, (Z\eos) pitiable,
cA&4>T)-j36\os, ov, {t\a<pos, &d\\<u) hitting or shoot' piteous : pitied : generally, wretched, miserable. Adv. —
ing deer: as Subst. a deer-hunter. (\€€ivws, poet. c\€ivws, pitiably : also neut. pi. ikt-
cX&4>o-kt6vos, ov, (iXatyos, ktuvoj) deer-killing. avd as Adv.
*EAA"*02, 6 and 1), a deer; whether male, a hart tXet'u), f. tjoo), (eAcos) to have pity on, shew mercy
or stag, or female, a bind. upon.
«Xd<J>oo--o-otT|, 1), (i\a<pos, ffevoi) deer-bunting. «X6Tjp.o<ruvTj, 1), pity, mercy : an alms. From
cAa<f>pia, %, lightness : thoughtlessness. From cX€T|p,<ov, ov,gen. ovos, (e\(t<v) pitiful, merciful.
'EAA'fcPO'S, a, ov, and 6s, ov, light in weight, Lat. cXeTjTVS, vos, if, Ion. for eAeos, pity, mercy.
LEVIS: metaph. light, not burdensome, easy, ev eka- 'EAeCOvux, 1), = El\eiOvia.
<Pp$ rroieiaOcu to make light of: —Adv. i\a<ppu>s, «X«iv, aor. 2 inf. of alp4oi.
lightly, easily. II. light in moving, nimble, t'Xeivos, Att. for iXceivos.
swift, active; ol k\a<ppoi light troops, Lat. levis arma- IXeio-pdxrjs, ov, 6, («Ao«, fiaiveS) marsh-dwelling.
tura. metaph. light-minded, thoughtless.
III. cXcios, ov, and a, ov, (?Ao*) of or in the marsh.
cXdxurros, rj, ov, Sup. of kKdoooiv, fewest, smallest, «X€iv|/ApT)v, aor. I med. of \u0oj.
least, worst: —
to kKaxtcrov, as Adv. at the least; so ?X€kto, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of Xiyopai, to lie.
neut. pi. as Adv. iXdxiora. Hence comes a new — "EAEAETT or tXtktktv, like dAoAd, a loud cry.
Comp. kXaxiororepos, less than the least; Sup. lAa- cXcXtjOcc, Ion. 3 sing, plqpf. of XavOdvoi.
Xicroraros, the very least. cXcXC^u (A) : f. ^0; Ep. aor. I eAc'Atfa, pass. i\t-

IXdxov, aor. 2 of kayxdvai. \ixOyv : 3 sing, plqpf. pass, (in aor. sense) l\4\ucro
€Xdxv-HT€pv|, vyos, 6, 1), (IXox«J», irrtpv£) short- — Ep. lengthd. form of kkiaooj, to whirl round. IL
winged; of fishes, short-finned. of soldiers, to wheel them round t rally them. III.
"EAAXT'2, «ib, v, small, short, little : Ep. word, generally, to make to tremble or quake: Pass, to —
whence iKdaaojv, iKdxicros are formed. quake, tremble, quiver. IV. in Pass, also to wind
tAaco, rare poet. pres. for k\avvo); Ep. inf. Ixdav, or twist oneself along.
impf. e\aov, cKojv. cXcXfgco (B): f. (a): aor. 1 ^A&.i£a: to cry lAcAcv,
"EAAOMAI, ceXSopcu, Dep. to wish, long: to wish to raise the battle-cry : to raise any loud cry.
for, strive after, covet, desire. Hence cXcXikto, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, (in aor. sense) of t\t-
cXScop, teXScop, rd, indecl. a wish, longing, desire. At'C" (a).
«Xe, Ep. for (t\€, 3 sing. aor. 2 of alpe w. cXcAix&n, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I pass, of t\e\ifa (a).
cXcaipco, poet, for lAeca>, to take pity on. cXcX(-x6<ov, ov, ovos, («A€Aifa>, earth-shaking. x^)
T2AEA' 2, dvros, 6, a kind of owl. tXekoyxtw, plqpf of Xayxova).
cXcycia, i), = tkeyos, an elegiac poem. cX«vds, 1), (t\(iv, vds Dor. for vavs) ship-destroying.
cXcyciov, rd, (lAeyo*) a distich consisting of a hexa- {\c6-0peirTOs, ov, («Ao«, rpi<po>) marsh-bred.
« — — — :

ikeov — k\Ke^CT(ov. 215

IXtSv, Adv. like iXf(iv6v, piteously. cXr|, pf. pass, of cXiyxa/.
*EAEO'2,6, and cXeov, to, a kitcben-table, a dresser. «XtjX«5oto, for kXrjXavro, 3 pi. plqpf. of eXavva).
"EAEOS, ov, 6, also JfXeos, eovs, to, pity, mercy, «Xi\\iy\Lai, pf. pass, of eXio~o~<v.
compassion. II. an object of compassion, a piteous «Xr|\t0a, pf. of epxofuii.
tbinz. «Xt)<|>0tjv, aor. I pass, of XafiBdvet).
IXf-ToXis, poet IX^-htoXis, i, gen. i5o* and «os: eX0€, -ira), aor. 2 imperat. of epxofMit.
(iXftv, wuXis) city-destroying, of Helen. 4X0€iv, Ep. «X0€p.€v, -€|xcvai, aor. 2 inf. of epxo/Juu.
(XicrQai, aor. 2 med. inf. of alpiaj. IXlyBtjv, Adv. (iXiaocj) whirling, spinning.
4Xct6s, 17 ov, (kXeiv) 'bat can be taken or caugbt. cXi/yp.a, fMTOs, to, ^eXiaaaj) that which is rolled : a
<Xcv6cpia Ion. -Ctj, 7), (iXevOcpos) freedom, liberty: curl, ringlet.
freedom from a thing. IXcyp-os, d, {iXicaoS) a rolling, twisting, winding,
cXcvticpios, ov, {kXtvOtpos) dealing like a free man, esp. of a winding passage.
free-spirited, frank, Lat. liberalis: esp. freely-giving, IXiK-dp-irul, vkos, 6, i), {%Xi£, &fiirv£) with a circlet
bountiful, liberal. It bears the same xelation to ( Aev- round the hair.
0epo» as liberalis to //6er. II. as epith. of Jove, 4XiKO-{3X«({>3pos, ov, (?Ai£, BXi<papov) with quick-
the Releaser, Deliverer. Hence moving eyelids, quick-glancing.
cXevdcpionjs, tjtos, J), freedom of spirit, liberality. IXiKo-Spopos, ov, (tXi£, Spa/xeTv) twisting, winding.
<Xtv6eptci>s, Adv. of iXcvOtpios : Comp. -idrrtpov, tXiKTos, rj, ov, (kXiaaoi) rolled, wound, wreathed.
Sup. -turrara. EXtKa>v,«a>J'os, 6, Helicon, a mountain in Bceotia,
cX«v6€p6-Tr<us. iraidos, 6, having free children. the seat of the Muses.
'EAET'eEPOS, a, ov, and Att os, ov, free, Lat. 'EXikuwos, a, ov, Heliconian, of Helicon.
LIBER; iXevOepov fjnap the day of freedom; to 4X(k-<i>iJ/, atnos, o, t), (?At£, wxf) with rolling eyes,
(XevOtpov freedom. 2. free or freed from a quick-glancing: fern. eXiKwms.
thing. 3. of things, free for all to use, open to cXiww or vacj \jf]: aor. 1 eXivvea:
eXtviift}, f. Ion. —
use. II. like (Xcv64pios,fitfor a freeman, free- Verb, to rest, keep peace, enjoy leisure: to sleep. II.
spirited, Lat. liberalis. to be lazy.
cX€v0€po<rrop.cci>, f. rjaoj, to be free of speech. From «Xt|, tKos, 6, fj, (kXiffffot) Adj. rolled, twisted, wind-
cXcv9cp6-arop.os, ov, {ikfvOfpos, arSfw.) free-spoken. ing, spiral: epith. of oxen, probablj from their twisted,
fXcvOep-ovp-yos, ov, ((Xev$epos, tpyov) bearing him- crumpled boms.
selffreely, of a horse. «Xi| poet. cl\i|, Tkos, $, (eXioffaA anything twisted
<Xev6cp6<i), f. uaa), (tXevGtpos) to set free, deliver, or spiral: an armlet or ear-ring: a whirl, eddy, —
release : to free from blame, acquit. Hence whirlwind, Lat. vortex; cXiices o-Tepoirrjs flashes of
tXcvdcpws, Adv. of iXevOepos, freely, with freedom. forked lightning the tendril of the vine or of ivy :

cXcvOcpfaxris, e<vs,
»), a setting free. — the coil of a serpent a curl or lock of bair.

EXcv6w, 60s, contr. ovs, ?), = ElXeiOvia. IAi£6-K€pcos, ojtos, 6, 1j, neut. <w, (kXiooo), Ktpas)
*EXcvo-Cv or TSXcvo-is, tvos, »), Eleusis, an ancient with crumpled horns.
city of Attica, sacred to Ceres and Proserpine : Adv. — eXiirov, aor. 2 of Xciiro).
TSXewCvaSev, to Eleusis; "EXeuoavoOtv, horn Eleusis. €Xto"0"«p.€v, Ep. inf. of kXiffcco.
Hence TSATSSn Att. -TTw, Ep. and Ion. ctXCo-o-co : fut
TSX«vo-iwos, a, ov, of Eleusis. kXi£<»: aor. I ttXt£a: — Pass. aor. I (Ixix^v: pf. eXfj-
cXevoxs, feus, j), a coming : esp. the Advent. From Xiy/MU : 3 sing, plqpf. ftXi/cro : to turn about, turn
cXcwopxu, fut. of tpxo/juu but in Att. Ijm ibo was : round and round, roll, Lat. VOLVO: to whirl, move
chiefly used. rapidly; irXdrav eXiaffUv to ply the rapid oar. 2.
cXe^aCpopoi, Dep. to cheat with empty hopes : hence metaph. to turn in one's mind, revolve. 3. intrans.
generally, to trick, overreach, destroy. to hurry, move quickly about. II. Pass, and
cXe^avrCvcos, a, ov, and tXe^dvTtvos, rj, ov, (4x£ Med. to turn quick round, face about, turn to bay —
<pas) of ivory, ivory, Lat. eburneus. to go toand fro, to be constantly engaged : to wind
cXc^vto Seros, ov, (fX4<pas, S4oj) inlaid with ivory. one's way: to spin round; S/pat iXtaaufievat the
cXc^avro-fiaxta, 1), (c\«pas, fidxofMi) a battle of circling hours.

elephants. IXi-Tpoxos, ov, (kXiaffu, rpox^s) whirling the wheel
'EAE'*A2,avTOt, o, the elephant, Lat. elepbas. II. round.
the elephant's tusk, ivory, Lat. ebur. tXt-xpvo-os, 6, (IXifTffv, xpvoos) belicbryse, a creep-
cXc\Jra, aor. I of Xtira>. ing plant with yellow flowers.
*X*1, i), = €iX77,dAfo, /£* beat or %& o//&* swi. IakoIvw, ((Xkos) to be sore from a wound.
IXfl, 3 sing. act. or 2 sing. aor. 3 med. subj. ofilpto): IXtcecrt-freirXos, ov, (tXxv, iriaXos) trailing the robe,
and tXy, 2 sing. aor. 3 med. subj.
(Xtjou., Ion. for long-robed.
«X-f|X&jca, tATjXdfiai, pf. act. and pass, of iXavvu. IXkc-xCtwv, ojvos, 0, (ZXjcoj, x?t6jv) trailing the tunic,
cXtJXStoi, -to, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. pass, of iXavvoj. with a long tunic.

: : :

216 {X/clco €\ovto.

IXkcco, f. r)a<u, strengthd. for ?A/ra>, drag about,
to in want of, c. gen. : also to come short of, be inferior
tear asunder : — to maltreat, treat rudely. Hence to —
c. inf. to fail of doing. 2. absol. to come
IXktjSov, Adv. by dragging, pulling and : short, fail: to fail in duty. IV. in Med. or Pass.
<Xktj6(jlos, 6, a being carried off, rough usage. to fail of: be inferior to. Hence
?\KT|(xa, aros, r6, \*k\itioi) that which is dragged r), a falling short, defect.
<XX€i\|/is, ecus,
away, a prey. tX-Xeo-xos, ov, {kv, Xioxi) °f common talk.
«Atco-iroi6s, 6v, (t\tcos, irotkoj) making wounds, "EXXtjv, rjvos, 6, Hellen, son of Deucalion : his de-
having power to wound. scendants were the "EWrjves, at first, dwellers in the
"EAKOS, (os, to, a wound: later, a sore, ulcer, Thessalian Hellas ; later, the common name for the
abscess, Lat. ULCUS. Hence Greeks, opp. to fJap&apoi. 2. as opp. to a Jew, a
«Xk6o>, f. wound sorely.
waoj, to pagan, gentile. II. as Adj., = '

EXKtjvikos. Hence
IXntiSpiov, to, Dim. of tK/eos, a slight sore. 'EXXt)vi£<i>, f. law, to imitate the Greeks : to speak
IXtcvoxu [C], aor. I inf. of i Ktctu. Greek: — Pass., 'EWrfviodfjvat tt)v ykwaaav to be
IXKvcn-d£a), Frequent, of t\tc<», to drag about. made Greeks in language.
"EAKfl, f. ?A£<u : aor. I «<A£a, poet. f A£a : but also 'EXXtjvikos, i), uv, {"EWrjv) Hellenic, Greek; to
(as if from *k\tevoj) fut. kKicvooj [0] : aor. I (iXuvoa : 'EkkrjviKuv = 01 "EWrjves, the Greeks. Adv. 'EAA17-
Pass., aor. I tl\icva0nv : pf. t'Cktcvopuai, Ion. iktcvopuu. viKws, in Greek fashion.
To draw, drag, Lat. traho draw ships down
: to 'EXXt|vio8, a, ov, = 'EWrfViKos.
into the sea, Lat. deducere naves : to drag along a "EXXtjvis, iSos, r), ("EAA^v) a Grecian woman. a.
dead body : also to tear : metaph. to carp at. 2. opp. to a Jewess, a heathen or gentile woman.
to draw a bow : to draw a sword. 3. to stretch, 'EXXtjviottis, ov, 0, {'EWrjvifa) an imitator of the
bend sails. 4. to draw or bold up scales to weigh Greeks : an Hellenist, a Greek-Jew.
with. 5. to pull an oar. drink in long
6. to 'EXX-nyio-Tt, ('EWrjvifa) Adv. in Greek fashion
draughts, quaff: also, t\ieetv tcopdatca to dance in 'EWtjvioti £vvievai to understand Greek.
long measured steps. 7. ektcuv 0iotov to drag "EXXTjvo-rapCai, wv, oi, { EWtjv, Tapiias) the stewards
out a weary life. 8. to draw to oneself, attract, of Greece, i.e. officers appointed by Athens to levy the
esp. of the magnet. 9. iktcuv oraQpuov to draw contributions paid by the Greek states towards the Per-
down the balance, i. e. to weigh so much ; absol. to sian war.
weigh €\tc€t irKeiov it weighs more. 10. kXjcvoai *EXXT|o--irovTos, 6, ("EAA?/, novros) the Hellespont
irKivOovs to mould bricks, Lat. ducere lateres. II. or sea of Helle ; now the Dardanelles.
Med., (i<pos tXtctoOai to draw one's sword. a. to eXXtiretv, aor. 2 inf. of kWdirw. Hence
draw to oneself, amass. €XXtinf|s, is, wanting, defective.
cXk-u>8t)s, €5, (?X/fos, elbos) likea wound, ulcerous. cXXlo-o-dpvnv, Ep. for k\iodpLrjv, aor. 1 of \iaaopuu.
IXkcooxs, 1), (eKKua)) ulceration.
ecus, €XXlrdv€VOv, Ep. for, impf. of Ktravcvw.
tXXdfJov, Ep. for (\afiov, aor 2 of Aa/i/Sdiw. cX-Xdpiov, to, {kv, Ao/3os) an earring, Lat. inauris., Pass. {kv, \apnrpvvoj) to gain dis- «X-Xoy«i>, f. f)a<u, {kv, Koyos) to reckon in: to impute.
tinct/on in. 4X-X6*yip.os, ov, {kv, \6yos) whatever comes into ac-
IX-Xdpirw, f. xf/tu, or upon:
[kv, K&finoi) to shine in count, worth reckoning, notable, famous.
—Med. gain glory in a thing.
to be illustrious, eXXomevco, f. ooi, {tKKoxp) tofisb.
'EXXdvo-SiKai, wv, 01, {"EWtjv, titer]) the chiefjudges 'EAAO'S or cXXos, 6, a young deer, fawn.
at the Olympic games. II. at Sparta, a court- 'EAAO'2, i), ov, mute, epith. of fish.
martial to try disputes among the allied troops. !XXo-<t>6vos, ov, {k\\6s, <pivoji) fawn-slaying.

EXXds, ados, r), {"EWtjv) Hellas a city ofTbessaly, 4X-Xoxi£<i>, f. taw, (kv, \6xos) to lie in ambush.
said to have been founded by Hellen. II. that eXXovp, oiros, (cAAos) mute, epith. of fish.
part of Tbessaly in which the Myrmidons dwelt, also «X-Xvxvtov, to, {kv, kvxyos) a lamp-wick.
called Phthiotis. III. Greece. €X|a, poet, for efA^a, aor. I of ?A/rcy.
'EXXds, ados, 6, r), pecul. fern, of 'EWrjviteos. IX^is, €<us, i), (lA/ra;) a drawing, dragging : attrac-
eXXdyov, Ep. for c\axov, aor. 2 of Aa7xd»'a;. tion. II. a draught.

€XX«|3opos, 6, hellebore, Lat. veratrum, a plant used IXoCpav, Dor. for kKoipHjv, aor. 2 opt. med. of alpia.
by the ancients as a cure for madness ; nid' eAAc£o- cXoipa, aor. 2 opt. act. of alpico.
pov drink hellebore, i. e. you are mad. IXoto-a, Dor. for cAoCaa, aor. 2 part, of alpioj.
cXXeSdvos, 6, {et\<u) a band to bind corn-sheaves IXov, IXou/qv, poet, for tlkov, flKoprjv, aor. 2 act.
straw-rope. and med. of alpko).
tXXeipfjLa, paTos, t6, a short-coming: deficiency. •TiJAOS, (os, to, low ground by rivers, a marsh-
From meadow, marsh.
«X-X«Ciro), f. rpo)'. aor. 2 kviXXirov: {kv, XtiiroS): to — cXoOpcv, I pi old Att. impf. of Xovoj.
leave in, leave behind. II. to leave out, pass by, cXovo-a, aor. 2 part. fern, of alptw.
omit. III. intrans. to lack, stand in need of, be cXovto, 3 sing. Ion. and old Att. impf. med. of Aotfai
— ——
: : : — ::

& ffo>fi—- infipifidofjiai. 217

cXoojcn, Ep. for lAdo-otxrt, 3 pi. rut. of 4AaiW «VPd$, d8os [3], ff, ((»&aiva)) a kind of felt shoe,
cXm£a>, fut. iaai Att. IcD, (cAttoi) aor : I ^iriaa :— used by the Boeotians also by old men and poor

Pass., aor. I qKiriadrjV : to hope, expect: also, in bad people.

sense, /o /car : c. ace. to hope for, expect : c. dat. tppas, aor. 2 part, of hfi&aivaj.
to hope in. cp-pSo-lXevo), f. aai, to be king among or over.

'EAHI'2, idos, 1^, hope, Lat. spes : later, expectation eu.p&o-is, ca>», -fj, (c>/3atVa>) a going in or upon : a
either of good or evil, hope or fear. going on board ship, embarking. II. that on which

"EAIin, Causal, to make to hope Med. $\iro(MU — one goes ; c/x/3aais 7ro5os a shoe, like tuf3as. 2. the
Ep. itXiropuai : pf. coAna (with pres. sense\ plqpf. sole, foot, hoof.

tw\iruv (with impf.) : to hope, expect, think, be- €U--Pao-Ta{u), f. aw, to bear on, carry.
lieve; andbad sense, to fear.
in €U,fJST&U(i>, f. (vow, (efi&aTT)s) to step in or on, stand

tXirwpT), 1), Ep. form of c \iris. on: hence to dwell in, frequent, haunt: also to pro-
cXom, tXcras, aor I inf. and part, of ciX<y. tect, watch: c. gen. to set foot upon, II. to enfer

cXvOtjv [y], aor. I pass, of \vw. •n possession of property.

cXvpu, aros, to, (;) the stock of the plough, on eu,/3aT«o, f. 7)00), (l/x/SaTjys) = ififiaTfvoj.
which the share was fixed, Lat. dentale. €p.J3aTT)pios, ov, (!ft/8aT€t$a>) of or for marching
tXvpos, 6, (cAi/a>) a ease, sheath, quiver. (fifiaTrjpiov (^sub. /i«Aos), to, a march-tune, march.
cXirrpov, to, a cover, covering, case, sheath 2. a €p,pd.TT)S, ov, 6, (efifiaivoj) he that goes in or upon, .

place/or holding water, a reservoir. From esp. on board ship, a passenger. II. a kind of

(XtKi>, (ciAa>) to roll round : only used in Ep. aor. boot, cf. (fi0ds. [a]

I pass. kXvo-frqv, to he rolled up, to roll or twist one- €u,j3d<)>ios, ov, (tpfSdirTw) fit for dipping in or into:

self close up. to tuficMpiov aflat vessel, [a]

«A«, aor. 2 subj. of atpiw. c'ppcpdUos, -via, Ep. pf. part, of c/j/kuVar. «u./3«fJa-
cAcov, impf. ot cAda> but cXwv, aor. 2 part, of alpioi. crav, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf.

(Xwp, r6, only used in nom. and ace, (4A«V) 000/y, eppT). Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 ofifi&aivco: cpj3T|TOv, a dual
s/>o»7, II. pi., IlaTpo/cAoio cAa>pa dvoriveiv «p,pT|x)' for
tn$fi, 3 sing. subj.
to pay for leaving Patroclus a prey to all dishonour. €u,-/3tpd£«, f. -0i&do<» Att. -0t0£> :— Causal of ty-
tXwptov, to, =• «Aeup. paivw, to make to step in or upon : to put on board
tftdOov, aor. a of puav6dv<o. ship : to lead or guide to.
cpdvrjv [a], aor. 2 of fxaivo/Mu. tu-PXeu-fia, aroc, to, a looking straight at. From
cp,apvd<r0T)v, 3 dual impf. of fiapvafmi. €u.-pX€Tro), f. \f/o), to look in the face, look at : simply,
cpdpvaro, 3 sing. impf. of to look.
«p,-avTOv, €fx-avTrj$, Ion. in-tanrrov or Iji-cwtov, fjs, «u.-poao), f. rjoonai, to call upon : to shout aloud.
((ftov, airrov) : reflexive Pronoun of first person, of tu-PoXevs, (ojs, 6, {kp.0dWoj) a dibble for putting
myself, Lat. mei ipsius : only used in gen., dat., and in plants.
ace. sing., both masc. and fem. : in plur. separated, €u,poXrj, (efi0aW<v) a throwing in.
if, II. in-

ijpuSjv avrun>, etc. trans. an inroad into an enemy's country, an invasion,

cp$a, for endijOi, aor. 2 imperat of tufiaivw. foray. charge
2. the made by one ship upon another,
cpjpa56v, Adv. (cuPaii/tu) on foot, by land. an assault ; efj,/3o\ai \a\K6orofioi the shock of brasen
t|x-|3aivu>, f. -B-qoopuai aor. 2 ive&qv pf. *nl$i- beaks. 3. an entrance : pass. III. the bead

: :

&T)Ka, Ep. part. lfi(3t(laws — to step in : to step on, of a battering-ram. Hence

go on. 2. to step into, to go into, go on board, cp.p6X1p.os, ov, (c/i^aAAai) thrown in, inserted; nty
embark : to mount on : to be fixed upon. 3. to (/x/3. an intercalary mouth.

tread upon. 4. to enter upon, embark in a tppoXov, to, (4/i/3dAA<u) anything running in ; e/x/3.
thing. II. Causal in aor. I lv€&r)oa, to make to tvs X^PV 5 a tongue of land. 2. a bolt, bar: a

enter, bring in or into — cf. (H0i&a£oj. wedge : the beak of a ship of war. 3. a beam,
f. -/SdAcD
cp.-(3dXX<i>, pf. -PtPKrjiea aor. 2 kv-((35,- architrave.
: :

\ov : — to
throw, lay, put in ; /fdVrrat* 4/zj3aAc'civ (sub. «p.poXos,6, (efj-PdWeJ) anything put in, a wedge. 2.
Xftpa$) to lay oneself to the oar also without k6j- the brasen beak of ships of war. ;

wais, to lay to, pull bard. 2. to pit into (be mind of tpppSXf, Adv. (h, Ppaxvs) «*« h ™f* shortly.
another —
Med., ififSaWtaOai ti 6vpLu> to lay a thing
:, Med. to roar or bluster in.
to heart. 3. (fx0dX\(iv cf* n to throw one into a cp-Pp€<|>os, ov, (h, Pplcpos) boy-like.
thing, involve in. 4. to throw at another. II. cp-pptOTis, Qpieoi) heavy, weighty,
it, (iv, II.

intr. to break, burst, rush in : to fall on, encounter, metaph. grave, stately, dignified, important. 2. in

run against, Lat. Midi, esp. of a ship that falls on bad sense, heavy, grievous, oppressive: of persons,
another with its beak : cf. tfi$o\os. violent, savage, fierce. Ill Adv. -0u>s, firmly.
tu.pap.u-a, arot, t6, sauce, soup. From 4p-PpC6o> [r], f. icr<u, to weigh heavily upon.
cp.-0dimi>, f.
to dip in. cp.-Pplp.dopxu, f. -qaoiMi : Dep. :
to snort with rag*,
: :

218 ifx^povrdai — ijiiraCta.

of horses : of men, to be sore vexed, be indignant, cuucuOws, via, 6s, pressing eagerly on, eager, hasty,
Lat. commoveri : tocharge strictly, censure. ardent : pf part, with no verb in use.
t|A-PpovTaw, f. yaw, to strike with lightning : to <Li-p.rp.ova, pf. with no pres. in use, to be lost in
strike dumb. Hence passion.
«jjLPp6vrrjT0s, ov, thunder-stricken, stupid. cllllcv,cppcvai, Ep. inf. of tlfu sum.
tj-i-ppoxTj i), (ev, fipuxos) a noose, baiter. tppevrjs, is, abiding in : neut. e/ifieves as Adv., un-

cp.-ppv-oiKos, ov, (iv, fipvov, oifc(cv) dwelling in sea- ceasingly. Adv. ifxfxfvws, Ep. and Ion. -ius. From
weed. cp-pevco, f. -fievat: aor. I ivipeiva: to abide in: to —
tp|3ptiov, t6, (ev, Ppioi) the fruit of the womb before abide by, stand by, cleave to, Lat. stare ah aliquo
birth, theembryo, Lat. foetus. 2. a thing newly absol. to continue.
born : a lamb or kid. tp-pc-rptto, f. iioa), to measure in or by.
cu-0v0kos, a, ov, or os, ov, (iv, 0v$6s) at the bottom. cp.-p,eTpos, ov, (ev, fUrpov) in measure, measured,
cu-ptia), f. vato [y], to stuff in, stop up. moderate. II. in metre, metrical.
t|At, ace. of kyw, enclit. pc. Ip-p-rjvos, ov, (ev, fiqv) in a month, lasting a
tp.€yr]pa, aor. I of fieyaipu. month. II. occurring every month, monthly.
tjxt'dev, old poet. gen. for ifiov., Dor. for el fit sum.
cp,ct, Dor. for (fit, as re* for rk (o~i). cLL-p.iYwp.k or -vo», f. -iu'fcw, to mix or mingle
tpciva, aor. of fievoj. I in. II. intrans. to encounter, meet.
cp,c?o, «p.«o, Ep. gen. of €7(0. «p.-pipvto, poet, for ifx-fievoj.
cp.cAAT)0-a, aor. I of itc'AAcu. (p,-pAo-0os, ov, (iv, fuffOos) in pay, in receipt of pay.
cp.cp.T|Kov, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of firjicaofuu. cllliovos, ov, (ififieva)) abiding in, steadfast.
cp.cLUKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of fuyvvpi. eppopa, pf. 2 of fieipofjuu.
cpcpvtaVro, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of fUfiv^ffKU. cp.-p.opos, ov, (ev, fteipo^at) partaking in or of. II., poet, for eofiev, 1 pi. of el/u sum. (iv, fiopos) fortunate., cLtcvat, Ep. for elvai, inf. of eifu sum. cp.-p.0T0s, ov, (ev, fioros) spread on lint.
cp,cv, cp,cvai, Ep. for tlvat, aor. 2 inf. of trjfu. cp.-p.ox0os, ov, (ev, fi6x&os) toilsome, painful.
cp.cvos, aor. part. med. of fyiu. cp-pvtto, f. rjoco, to initiate at the mysteries in.
cp.c-n.tc6s, q, ov, provoking sickness. II. one cpvnou, aor. 1 of fUfxvqaKO).
who uses emetics. From cp,vTjo-Orjv, aor. 1 pass, (in med sense) of fjufurffficcj.
clictos, 6, (ifiiv) sickness, vomiting. cpvcoovro, Ep. for e/ivSrvTO, 3 pi. impf. of /xvdofuu.
<p.ev, Ep. for (fiov, enclit. : Dor. c/xcu*. cp.ol, dat. of ey<i>.

'EME'h, irn^ f. fiiLow: f. f/iiooj Att. l/xw and iftov- cp.o\ov, aor. 2 of fiKwaxa).
ftai : aor. rjfieoa Ep. efteaoa : pf. c/ujttc/ea : — Lat. epos, fj, Adj. of first pers. from iy&,
ov, possess.
VOMO, to vomit, throw up: absol. to be sick; ipuv ifiov,mine, Lat. meus; joined with gen. to strengthen
make oneself sick with a feather.
irriKqt to the possessive notion ifidv avrov mine own ; c/«) d.7-
cpccovTOv, Ion. for (fjtatrrov. ye\iij a message about me ; rb ifxov mine, my part ;
cpTjo-aTO, 3 sing. aor. I of fir/Sofiat. also in plur., ra e/xa, rdfm: r6 ye ifiov, rb — fiiv epov,
cpiynv [?], aor. 2 pass, of fuyvvfju. for my part, as far as concerns me.
cpiKro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of /uyvv/u., fut.of kfiea).
cp.i£a, aor. I of fiiyvv/ju. cpovs, Dor. gen. of ey&.
€p.tx0T)v, aor. I pass, of niyvvfit. cp.irS, Adv., v. efiirds.
cplv. poet. Dor. for efioi, dat. of eydi. «p7raY«is, aor. 2 pass. part, of ipiriiyvv/u.
cp.p&0ov, Ep. for efiaOov, aor. 2 of ftavOava). cp.ird^op.ak, Dep. used only in pres. to busy oneself, Dep. to be mad at. Hence about, take heed of, care for.
tppavfjs, es, mad, frantic, raving. Adv. -vws. cp.-ir<i0T|s, es, (ev, vdOos^ in a state of emotion,
cp-uaircws, Adv. forthwith, immediately, hastily. much affee'ed. Adv. iftiraOws, passionately.
(Deriv. uncertain.) cp/muYpovr). ^. = efiiraiyfios.
«p-pdo-cru>, f. £<u, to impress upon. cuiraiYp6s, 0, a jesting, mocking. From
tp-p-axopai, f. -ftaxioofuii, Dtp. to fight a battle in. cp.-Tra(£u>, f. -irai^ofiai, to mock, Lat. illudere : to
€p-p€i8iato, f. aacu [a], to smile at. trick, deceive. II. to sport in or on. Hence
cpptXeta, 1), (cit/tcA^*) a fcW of dance, accompanied cp/irahcrns, ov, 6, a mocker, deceiver.
by muic: the tune of this dance. cp,irai£ai, aor. i inf. of c/xnxufV
lp.-pcXcTcuo, f. r)0<», to exerche in a thing. Hence, fut. pass of ipiraifa.
cp.LtcXcTT|Lia, fiaros, to, an exercise, practice. cpiraios, ov, (B) « epireipot, knowing, practised in,
cu-ucXtJs, es, (iv, fii\os) in tune, well-timed, har- c. gen. (Deriv. uncertain.)
monious, melodious : generally, regular, agreeable tp/iraios. ov, (B^i bursting upon one, sudden. From
elegant, graceful: weU-ored. Adv. i/i/xcAo/s, Ion. cp-rraiu), f. vaiaoj or -Trairjcoj, to strike in,
-\i<ut. stamp. II. intr. to burst in upon.
: : : —
: : : : —
^junra/croo) iinrobios. 219
ep-nwcTO*), f. aVeu, to close up, caulk. cp.-mKpa(vii>, f. aVa), to embitter :- -Pass, to be bitter
ep-naAdoxroi, f. few, to en' angle in or together, against.
cp-iraXiv, poet, also ep-irdXi, (*y, waAiy) Adv. 6ac&- cp-iripirXT|pi, epmpirpTjpi, v. kfiiriir-.
wards, back. II. contrary to, c. gen. III. m ep-mva>, fut. -iriofiai: aor. 2 ivimov; pf. ifinincjica'.
return. IV. to i^iraXiv, ra ZfinaXiv, by crasis to drink in, drink up ; efimveiv rov alpaTot to drink
Tou/xiraAiV, ra/inaAtJ', /it contrary, the reverse. of the blood.
cu,-irapex<i), f. few, /o put in one's power.
Aantf ovct-, epirtirXijOi, imperat. of kfxmirXrjfU.
ep-ir&s, Ion. and Ep. tp-irns, Adv. (properly eV ep-mirXTjpi, f. -vXrjau: aor. 1 fviitXrjna: to fill —
irauri) altogether, at all events.
II. on the whole, full of a thing: Pass, and Med., ifinifirrXafiat, —
nevertheless, still. III. joined with inp, however aor. I tveirX-fjadrjv Ep. aor. 2 (VfnXr}fj.r)v, to fill :

much, ever so much. oneself, eat one's fill, be satisfied. II. in Med.
i\x.-Tracro~(j) Att. ttu fut. daco [pi] aor. T ivi- also trans, to fill, satisfy: metaph. to have enough


vaaa to sprinkle in or on : metaph. to weave in, of, enjoy.

embroider. ep-irtirpTjpi, aor. I tviTrpyaa to set on fire. —
eu-irar&o, f. r\0(a, to tread in, walk into. «p-irtirTO>, fut. -irfoovfiai aor. 2 kveircaov Ep. lp-


ifx-rreSo-fiOxOos, ov, (efjoredos, puxQos) ever-painful. ireoov: to fall upon: to break in, burst in: aor. 2
cfiircS-opKCO), f. t)oqi, ((fiir(5os, opKos) to abide by part, kfintowv, rushing in violently : also to light on,
one's oath. fall in with.
ep-ireSos, ov, (h, iriSov) in its place, steadfast, un- 'EMIII'2, iSos, j), a mosquito, gnat, Lat. culex.
shaken, i of Time, lasting, continual. II. ep-mrvw, poet, for ffimnrcu, to fall upon.
Advs. ZfiirtSov and cfiireSa, kpwebws,fast, of a surety, cpirXdKf|Vai, aor. 2 inf. of ifiirXtKiu.
truly, certainly. ep-irXdo-oxo Att. -ttco: f. daw [a] aor. I kvcirX&aa:


epire$o-o-0evT|s, is, (efiireSos, cBivos) with force un- to plaster up, daub over wi'b a thing.
shaken. ep.-irXei.os, Ep. for e/x-irXfos.
epireScW, f. &>ffa), (efiirfb'os) to make firm, establish. ep-irXtKO), f. feu, to plait or weave in, interweave, Lat.
cp.ireipap.os, ov, — efiirtpapos. implicare — Pass, to be entangled in a thing. 2.
epireipta, j), experience : experience in or acquaint- metaph. to weave artfully, to render perplexed.
ance with a thing. From ep-irXeos, a, ov, Ep. epirXeios or eviirXewos, t), ov,
ep-impos, ov, {iv, irupa) experienced in, acquainted Att. euirXetos, aw, quite full of a thing.
with, skilful at : proved good by experience : to ifi- ep-irXew, f. -nXivaopai, to sail in.
we ipoTtpov greater experience. Adv., kfitruptus rtvoi euirXT|Y& ] v i Adv. {ifiirX-qaaoS) madly, rashly.

ix ClV to know a thing by experience. epirX-nKTOS, ov, {ffiirX^aaoj) stunned, amazed, stu-
cpircX&86v, Adv. near, hard by. From pified, senseless. II. Att. unsteady, rash:— Adv.

ep-ireXdJw, f. aot aor. i kveniXaaa

: to bring near — kfinXriKTUS, madly.
or close to: —
also intrans. to come near. II. Pass. epirXtipevos, Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, of kfimirXrjfU.
to be brought near, approach. epirXTjv, (kfiirtXafa)Adv. near, close by.€irr]Ya, pf. intr. of tfiirfiyvvfu. eu-irXTjv, Adv. strengthd. for irK-qv, besides, except.
epireirXTjcrpevos, pf. part. pass, of i/iirlirXijfU. epirXrjo-os, -dpevos, aor. I part. act. and med. of
epireiro6icrp<u. pf. pass, of </iiro5t£a>. IfxiriirXrjtu : epirXT|0-aT0, Ep. for ivitrXrjaaTO.
epireirrwica, pf. of ifiniirroj. epirXTjo-0T|aopat, fut. pass, of ipmirXrifii.
ep-irepapos, ov, = €fin(ipos,
acquainted with. ep-TrXT|o-o-<i) Att. -tt<o Ep. eviirX- : f. feu: to
tp-Trfpura-rtu, to walk about in : to tarry among. strike against, stumble upon, fall upon or into.
cp-irepovda), f. tjooj, to fasten with a brooch. Hence epirX-nro, for kvinXrjTO, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of e/x-
cpircp6vr)pa, Dor. -apa, fiaros, t6, a garment fas- irinXrjfjit — epirXTjaro, imperat. of same tense.
tened with a brooch or buckle. epirXoKt), 1), (cfjnrXtKo)) a plaiting of the hair.
epirecov, Ep. for iviirtoov, aor. 2 of ffimirra). epirvevo-o, Ep. for iviirvtvoa, aor. I of kfMirvtoj.
cuirco-ovpai, fut. of ifiwinroj. ep-irveu), poet, -irveic* : f. -irvevaofiai : aor. I eVe*-

ep-mrdvvvpi or -vo», f. -tttrdao) [cf], to unfold and •nvevoa: — to blow or breathe on or in, c. dat.: c. ace,
spread on or out. lariov ifxirvdv to swell the sail : absol. to breathe, live,
epircc^uaaa, Ep. for Ifiirctpvitao'i, 3 pi. pf. of tjjupvu be alive. II. tians. to breathe into, infuse, inspire:
epirec)>via, Ep. part. fem. — to blow into, swell the sail.
i\i-iri\yvv\Li or -wa, fut. -irfi(<»: aor. I kvinrj^a: to — .
cpirvoia, ^, in-breathing, inspiration. From
fix or draft in, c. dat. —
Pass,, aor. 2 (Vfirdynv [3], ep-irvoos, ov, contr. -irvovs, ovv, {iv, irvorf) having
with pf. act. l/iwcn^a, plqpf. -if^uv to stick in. — the breath in one, breathing, aive.
«|A-Trr)8au>, f. r/<ro/«n, to leap or jump in. ep-iroS(£a>, f. tea; Att. ta> : (ev, novs^ '.— to entangle
i\i~Trr]po%, ov, crippled, maimed, deformed. the feet, fetter; ifiir. loya*at to tie together figs by
«p-Trrjs, Adv., Ion. and Horn for tfiiras. their stalks. II. generally, to binder, stop, check.
epmeiv, aor. 2 inf. of kfivivu. I
«p-n-66ios, ov, (tv, vovt) in the way, obstructing.
: : : :;

220 fylTobtoV 2jUK*SvX0S.

i\i-nohutv, Adv. for kv -noalv &v, before the feet, in Prep. I. of Place, before, in front of. II.

the way ; kfnrohwv iJvai to be in the way : with the — of Time, before, earlier, of old Hence
Art., to kfxiroSwv what is in the way, a hindrance. II. tp.--rrp6cr0i.os, ov, front, fore; ol irpocOioi (sub. iroiet)

also, before one, patent. Opp. to kniroScvv. the fore-feet of a quadruped, opp. to ol oirioOioi.
tp-Troito, f. rjaco, to make in, put in, insert. 2. to i\Lirrvu>, f. vaoi [C], to spit upon.
produce or create in, introduce, cause. tp-TTUKCt^co, f. doco. to wrap up closely : — Pass., voos
tp.Tro\cuos, a, ov, (ifiitoK-q) of or concerned in traffic, ol (fiireirvKaarai his mind is veiled, wrapt in mystery.
epith. of Hermes. «p-Triios, ov, (kv, nvov) discharging matter.
tp-rroXdco, impf. fip.itokojv : f. 1/ZTroA.r/cnw : pf. r//*iro- !p-TTtJp€va>, f. on fire.
acu, (kv, irvp) to set

\r)Ka {e/iiToXr]):

to gain by traffic : to earn, gain : ep-irt/pi^Tprrjs, ov, 6, (kv, vvp, &aiv<o) standing on
Med., {3iotov no\itv kniroKocovro (Ep. for j'lpiiroKwvTo) or over the fire, of a tripod, opp. to dirvpos.
they were getting much substance by traffic. II. Ip-irOpos, ov, (kv, irvp) in or on the fire. II.

absol. to be a merchant, traffic. III. to pur- scorched, burnt. III. of sacrificial fire ; Z/iirvpos
chase, buy. Tkx v V tne art °f divination by fire as Subst., rc\ —
tp-TroXtptco, f. T)a<v, to wage war in. (/xnvpa [fcpa] burnt sacrifices or omens from burnt
tp-iroXtpios, ov, of belonging to war, hostile. sacrifices.
cpiroXevs, (cos, 6, (ifiiroKaoj) a merchant, trafficker. IpijKov, aor. 2 of fivfcdopuu.
4p.-iro\T|, r), {kv, rrcvKioj) merchandise : traffic. II. l\ji-$8.y*iv, aor. 2 with no pres. in use (see iaOioi)


gain made by traffic, profit. to put in and eat, to eat up : to eat upon.
€pir6\T)p,a, aros, to, (k fiiroKaxu) matter of traffic, a «p-<f>aXv<o, f. -<pSvu): aor. 1 kvi<pnva :
— to shew, make
cargo : in plur. wares, merchandise. appear: — Pass., with fut. med ifjupSvovfiai, to be seen
«p/»roXT)T6s, r), ov, {kfuroKdaj) bought and sold. in, to be reflected: to appear, shew oneself.
tp-iroXis, ecus, 6, fi, (kv, iro\ts) in the city or state cpd^dvfjvai, aor 2 pass, of kfupaiva:.
6 €fxwo\is nvi one's fellow-citizen. tp4>&vT]s, is, (kfMpavrjvai) appearing in, visible, plain,
«p-iroXiT«va», f. oco, to be a citizen in a state, bold manifest. 2. open, in public. 3. palpable, real,
civil rights in. actual. Hence
cu,iroA6a>VTO, 3 pi. Ep. impf. pass, of 4/mtoAcw. «p4>&vifo>, f. tcai Att. iSj, to shew forth : to make
«p.Trop€vu.a, OTO*, to, an article of commerce. From clear, explain.
tp-rroptvopcu, f. -cvo~o(iai aor. 1 kveiroptvOnv.'Dep.: cp4>Svus Ion. -fu>s, Adv. of ipupav^s, visibly, openly,


((fiiropos): to be on a journey. II. to travel on Lat. palam.

business, be a merchant, to trade, traffic. 1. c. ace. tp4>&cris, tut, r), (kpupaivofiai) an appearing in, re-
to trade or traffic in a thing. Hence flexion : outward appearance.
tprroptvTtov or -«a, verb. Adj. one must go. cp4>cpcia, r), resemblance. From
tp-rropia, j), commerce: a
{efinopos) traffic, trade, tp4>epT)s, «, resembling, similar. Adv. -pus, simi-
trade. goods trafficked in, merchandise.
II. larly, just as. From
tp-TTopiKos, 17, 6v, (epiropos) of or for traffic, mercan- tp-4>t'pco, f. kv-oioo), to bear or bring in. II. to
tile, commercial ; xPVfmTa kfxnopiKa imported goods. object to one, cast in one's teeth.
cpvrropiov, to, ((pnropos) Lat. emporium, a trading- tp-dAt-yo), f. £a>, to light up in.
place, factory, mart. II. ifiiropia, rd, merchandise. cp-<j>\o£, 070s, 6, r), with fire in it.

From cp.-<j>o0os, ov, (kv, (pufios) fearful, terrible. IL

tp-rropos, ov, ((v, vopo$) a passenger on shipboard, pass, frightened, afraid.
Lat. vector. II. a traveller, wanderer. III. tp-4>op|3i6a>, f. waia, (kv, (popfiid) to put on the flute-
one who travels on business, a merchant, Lat. meredtor, player's mouthpiece.
instltor ; metaph., (finopos filov a trader in life. «'p-4>opta>, f. rja<v, like kfuptpw, to bear or bring in
tp-Trop-rrcuo, f. rjaoi, to fix on with a brooch or — Pass, to be borne about or on. Med. and
II. in
buckle —
Pass., (tfiara kvenopiriaTo (Ion. for -tjvto), Pass, to take one's fill of a thing, to make much use
they wore garments buckled on the shoulder. of. III. to inflict on.
"Ep/rrovou, j), Empusa, a hobgoblin assuming various tp-4>p6.crcrw Att. -TTW, f. £<«, to stop Up, block up.
shapes. (Deri v. uncertain ) tp<J>povpt'&>, f. r/cra;, to keep guard in. From
tp-rrpaKTOs, ov, (kfiirpdaaw) practicable. tp-<jjpovpos, ov, (kv, (ppovpd) on guard in a place:
ep/irp€"!TTJs, is,conspicuous in or by a thing. From liable to serve. II. pass, guarded, garrisoned.
cp,-irpcira>, to be conspicuous in or among. II. cp-4»po>v, ov, gen. ovoa, (kv, (pprjv) in one's right
to be conspicuous for. mind: sensible, alive. 2. in one's senses, sensible,
€p-TrpT)0co, f. aw, to blow up, inflate. II. «= lp\- shrewd, prudent.
viwpnju, to burn to ashes. (kfupvw) implanted by nature, innate.
cp,drfT|s, (9,
tpTrpTjcrxs, «cw», jj, {ipLirivpnpu) a setting on fire. tp-4j>u\o$, ov, and cp.-4wXios t iov, (iv, <pvKov) of
tp-irpoOtv, Adv., poet for ifiirpoaOev. the same tribe or race ; ifMpv\iov alpux kindred blood
Jp-irpoo-fov, poet, before a conson. -8«, Adv. and TovfMpvKov at/Mi a kinsman's blood, i. e. murder of a
; — : — :

€n<pvs — tvavrCos. 221

kinsman. II. M or among the people; ardatt tv-dyw, (w, to lead in or into, lead on, urge, per-

(jxtpvKos intestine, civil discord. suade. c. ace. rei, to propose, suggest.


cpdnis, aor. 2 part, of ip.ipvw. cv-&Yom£opai, Dep. to con- end or fight among: of —
tp.-4>0o-du>, f. rjatu, to breathe in or into : breathe upon. a place, (vfitVTjS ivayoivi^toOai favourable to fight in.
cpdnh-os, ov, inborn, innate. From tv-avwvios, ov, (iv, aywv) of or belonging to a con-
t|i,-c})VKi), f. vow [0] : aor. I ivi<pi>ca : in these tenses test, fight or game. 2. ivayuiviot 6toi the gods who

trans, to implant. Med. ipupvo/xat,

II. intr. in presided over the games, esp. Hermes.
with act. pf. f/jiTT((pvKa, aor. 2 ivi<pw, to grow, be on cv-a0Xt'a>, f. -qao), = &6\i<v iv, to contend in or among.
or in : to be rooted in, cling closely to; efi<pvvai xupi cvaipYjCis, €o*aa, tv, = tvaifxos.
to cling fast to his hand. cv-a.1p.0s, ov, (iv, aifia) with blood in it.

cp>4>u>vos, ov, \iv, <p<uvq) with a loud voice. pev, Ep. for ivaipetv, inf. of ivaipoi.
cp>ipo<|>os, ov, noisy, sounding. cvaipco Ep. twaipcu: fut ivaput: aor. 2 rjvdpov, poet.
cp.-4/vxos. ov, (iv, tf'vxv) having life in one, alive,

also eyapov : aor. 1 med. ivqpdp.nv, Ep. 4 sing, ivq-

living. paro: (evapa): — to slay, kill : also of things, to make
f\i-\\iv\6(j}, f. diiw, ((/xipvxos) to animate. away with, destroy.
iv, Dor. and Aeol. for (Is, into. and tv-aicrios, ov, (iv, alaa) fated, sent
'EN poet. cvi Ep. civ, civi, Prep, with dat. I by destiny, Lat. fatalis : in good sense, season-
IN: I. Of place, in, at; iv 'AOfjvno-i, iv able. II. in accordance with fate, seemly, pro-
Tpoin. 2. on, upon; iv ovpeoi on the mountains, per ; and of persons, just, righteous Adv. -ipuus, —
etc. 3. of clothing: iv iadfJTt in (i.e. wearing)* becomingly.
garment ; iv ottXois in or under arms. 4. in the cv-cuxp-a£<i>, f. aw, to wield the spear in.
number of, amongst; iv rols irpuiroi among some of cv-auopcopai, Pass, to float or drift about in.
the very first :
— in presence of, before. 5. within one's cvaxis. Adv. = ivvoLKis.
power, in one's bands; vitcns irfipar' €\ovTai iv ddav- cv&xoo-ioi, ai, a, (ivvia) nine hundred.
aroioi Ofoiat are in their bands; iv ifioi ian it is in my cV&kovcj, f. ovoofiai, to bear in a place.
power. 6. according
accordance with. II. to, in tv aAtiduo, f. to anoint:
\pw: pf pass. ivaXrjXtfAfiai: —
Of the instrument or means, with, by, by means of; Med. anoint oneself or for oneself.
iv itvpl irtfinpavai to burn with fire iv Scoyxy bijoai ; ev-SXC-yidos, ov, like, resembling.
to bind with a bond. III. Of time, within ; iv cv-dXios, a, ov, and os, ov Ep. and Lyr. also civ-


tovtw XP" VCP within this space iv $ snb. xP^w)

T<f ; dXios (kv, aXs)
: in, on, of the sea, Lat marinus.

while, during the time that; iv Ppa\(i in short cvaXXayf^vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of ivaWdaoo).
time. IV. Ellipt. in such phrases as iv 'AKki- €vaXXd£, Adv. crosswise : alternately, Lat. vicissim.
vooio, uv 'AiSao Att. iv "AiSov, etc., where oitccp or From
Sufiois is understood. V. Without case as ad- ev-aXXdo-o-o) Att. -ttco : fut. £<w : aor. I -qXAaf a
verb, therein, moreover: espe-
thereat, thereby, pf. -rjWaxa., pass -T)\\ : to exchange, receive
cially. VI. Position :—kv sometimes in Ep. in exchange : also to divert from one thing to an-
follows its dative, but most freq. in the form ivi, then other. II. Pass, to be changed, to differ from. 2.
written Ivi. VII. In compos., I. with Verbs to have dealings with.
the Prep, retains its sense of being near, at or in. 2. cv-dXXopai, f. -aXovpat: aor. I -r)\dp.nv. Dep.:
with Adis. it expresses either a modified degree, e. g. to leap in or on, to rush against.
(H-vtHpos, (v-\(vkos, rather harsh, whiu'si, etc. ; or cv-aXXos, ov, changed, contrary.
else the possession of a quality, e. g. cv-at/ios, with cv-S\os, ov, (iv, d\s) - ivdXtos.
blood in 3. in compos, iv- becomes ifi- be-
it. fv-ap-'X-yai, f. £u, to milk into.

fore (i n <p \p
u. ly- before y k £ x **"" before X
: > cv-dpiXXos, ov, (iv, d'/xtAXa) engaged in equal con-
and in a few words ip- before p. test with, a match for.
€V, neut. of fit and cva, ace. masc. ; evappevos, Ion. for ivrjpifiivos, pf. part. pass, of
€v-afJpuvop.<u, Pass, to be vain of. ivdir toj.
€v-aYqs, is, (iv, dyos) in or under a curse, polluted, cv-avTa, Adv. opposite, over against, c. gen.
blood-guilty : generally, abominable, accurst. Hence cv-avTi, (iv, dvTt) Adv., ivavnov.
iv&yifa, f. low Att. iw, to offer sacrifice to the dead, cv-avTf{3ios, ov, struggling against: neut. ivavri-
Lat. parentare. Hence fiiov against, in opposition to.
tvayio-pa, aros, to, an offering dead. to the cv-avTtos, a, ov, over against, opposite: face to face,
€v-aYKoXi£opai, Med to take in one's arms. in presence of 2. in hostile sense, facing in fight,

iv-ayKv\aMi, f -qaw, (iv, dyitvkn) to fit thongs to opposing. II. opposite, contrary, reverse; to
javelins to throw them with. havriov the contrary, the reverse. III. neut.
cv-a/ypopevos, Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of ivayftpoj. ivavriov as Adv., against or in presence of. 2. i£
tv-aYX°S, Adv. (iv, dyxO just now, even now, ivavriov over against, opposite. 3. the regul.
lately. Adv. ivavTicus, contrariwise, c. dat. Hence
— :: — : : :

222 haimou* — Ivfictfis.

«vavri6a>, f. hoot, to place opposite: —mostly as Dcp. sacrifices, lv&px*o~Oat rd itavS, to begin the offering, by
<, f. woojmxi : aor. i i)vavT iwOrjv: pf. !t vav~ taking the barley (ovKoxvrat) from the baskets (icava,
Tiojficu poet, iv -: — ft> s*/ oneself against, oppose, with- pi. of kovovv); cf. KarapxofMi.

stand : to be adverse to. 2. to contradict, gainsay, €v-ao~eA'yaXv<i>, — doeXyaivo) iv, to be insolent in: —
deny. Pass, to be treated with insult in a thing.
tvavrtajxa, /jultos, t6, (ivavTt6u) an obstacle. «v-ao-niS6op,cH, Pass, (iv, dams) to Jit oneself with
cvavTiwoas, €cw», i), (epaPTiowj opposition. a shield.
cva|a, aor. I of vdooot. cvao-aa, Ep. aor. I of vaioj.
<vaircddvov, aor. 2 of (vairoOvrjaicw. cvcltos, Ep. and Ion. civoros, 17, ov, (iwia) ninth,

cvairiJKC, Ion. for iva<pi)Ke, 3 sing. aor. 1 of t vacpirjpi. Lat. nonus : rcL ivara (sub. Upd) offerings to the dead
fvairfj'irT*, Ion. for ivacprjwTc, 3 sing. impf. of iv- made nine days after the funeral, Lat. novendialia.
axpdirraj. cv-av\dKTO-<j>oiTis, toot, #, (iv, av\a£, (poirdw)
cv-airoScbcvtyu, to display in a thing :— Pass, to b$ roaming in the fields.
distinguished or manifest. «v-avXi£a>, f. toa> Att. <a/, to dwell or lodge in —
cv-airo0vT|<rKa>, -anoOSvovfJai, to die in.
f. Med. to take up quarters for the night in. Hence
cv-airoicXdco, f. -Kkdou [d], to break short off in. tvavXtoT-qpios, ov, to be dwelt in, habitable.
cv-airoXeiira>, f. ifw, to leave behind in. ev-avXov, to, (iv, auX^) an abode.
cVairdXXvpi and -vo> : fut. -oXiaot Att. -oAw : to cv-avXos, 6, as Subst., L (tv, av\6$) a hollow ]

destroy in or among. channel: a water-course, a torrent. II. (iv, avXrj)

cv-airoji6pYvv|u, f. -ano/ioptoj :— to rub or wipe off a dwelling, shelter; haunt.

upon ; and so to impart. ev-avXos, ov, as Adj., I. (iv, av\6s) on or to

cv-airovC£o>. f. -anov'af/oj, to wash clean in a thing. the flute : still ringing in one's ears, fresh. II.

«v-airorivci>, f. -avoriao), to pay as a penal'y. (iv, av\i)) dwelling in dens : of men, in one's den,
* v-a-rrovJ/Oxw, f. £a», to give up the ghost, expire. at borne.
iv-awrbt, f. xpu, to bind or tie in, on or to Pass, —
€v-av£dvo>, f. -avtfooj, to increase, enlarge.
and Med., pf. ivrjpficu, to be clad in. II. to kindle, «v-avx€vios, os, ov, (iv, aixv v ) * n or on (be neck.
set on fire : Med. to get oneself a light. iv-avui, aor. I inf. iv-avoat, to kindle or light afire:
"ENA-PA, <uv, to, used only in plur. the arms of a — Med. to light oneself a fire.
slain foe, Lat. spolia ; booty, spoil. cv-a^dirrw, f. \f-<u. to fasten up to a thing.
(v-apap(oricci>, aor. 1 kvrjpoa, 10 Jit or fasten in. II. <v-a<j>iT|p,i, Ion. ev-air- : f. -atprjow, to let drop in.
intr. in pf. iv-dprjpa, to befitted in. cv-Sais, atbos, 6, 1), (iv, dais) with lighted torch.
(vapyei, Dor. for iv-qpyu, 3 sing. impf. of ivepyio). cv-8auo, to kindle in — Med. to burn in.

ivapyrfi, ts, (iv, dpyos) distinct, visible, in bodily tv-8dicva>, f. b^ofjuu : aor. 2 ivitSucov: to bite into,
form. 2. bright, brilliant. 3. of words, dis- hold in the teeth.
tinct, plain. Hence cv-SaKpvco, f. vow [v], to weep in.
tvapy^s Ion. teas, Adv. distinctly, visibly. cvSdmos, 0, ov, (tvbov) native of the country.
(vdpecs or cvdpics, oi, a Scythian word, = Greek (v-SaTtopcu, Dep. to divide, distribute, esp. in speak-
dvbpuywoi. ing : hence II. to speak of; either in bad sense,
cvdpijpus, vm, 6s, part. pf. 2 of ivapapioica). to upbraid, reproach, revile: or in good sense, to tell
tvdpt]-4>6pos, ov, (ivapa, <pipw) wearing the spoils. of, celebrate.
<vdpi£<i>, f. £a>: Ep. aor. I
ivdpi£a: Pass., aor. I — cv8c8p.i), pf. pass, of ivSifuj.
Tjvdpioerjv : pf fjvdpianai : (tvapa) : to strip a slain — cvScSvpcvos, pf. part. pass, of ivbvv.
foe, Lat. spoliare; ivapi£tiv rtvd ivria, rev\r} to strip cvSceo-Tcpws, Adv.Comp. of ivbews, in a less degree.
one of bis arms hence to slay in fight, to slay
: Pass., — tv8«T)cro). fut. of ivbia), to be in want.
vv£ ivapi^o/xivamghtbeing slain, i.e. brought to an end. €v8«T|s, «'s, (ivbifo) in need of, wanting or lacking
«Vdpi0p.«o, f. ria<v, to count, reckon in or among: in: inferior to: absol. in want, in need, deficient,
generally, to reckon, account: Med. to make account — —
poor, weak : to ivl**s lack, want, defect. Hence
of, value. cvScia, 17, want, lack of a thing absol. need, Lat. :

«Vdpi9p.ios, ov, (iv, dpi9/xos) reckoned in, counted egestas : in plur. wants, needs, deficiencies.
among. II. taken into account, valued, Lat. in cv8ciYp.a, <zto», to, (ivhuKVvni) a proof.
numero habitus. €v-8€tKvvu.i or -v<i> f. -5ct^a» aor. I iviSti^a —

: : :

€vdpC|i-0poTOS, ov, (ivaipoj, 0por6s) slaying men. Pass., aor. I iviZdx^rjv : pf. ivbcdf lypai to mark
iv-a.pp.6fa and -ttw : f. ooca Dor. 6(<u to Jit in : .
out, Lat. in-dicare: as Att. law-term, to inform
also to fix a weapon in. II. intr. to Jit, suit, to against. II. Med. to declare oneself: to display,
be adapted to. make a show of a thing. 2. to shew, give proof
cvdpov, to, see tvapa. of. Hence
Ivdpov, poet, for ijvdpov, aor. 2 of ivaipo). cvSeigis, «os, ^, a pointing out : a token, evidence,, f. £o(mu Dep. to begin with. 2. in proof: as Att. law-term, a laying information against
: — : — : ;

Zvh€Ka—h>bvvaii6<6. 223
one who undertook an office for which he was legally notfiivce fxrj\a IvHi&aaicov (Ep. impf.) shepherds let
disqualified. their sheep out into the air, i. e. to feed.
cv-ScKa, ol, at, t&, (tv neut. of fit, Sited) indecl.,ivSvoj, to put on :
Pass, to wear.= —
eleven. II. ol tvScica, the Eleven at Athens, -tiwou aor. I iviSwxa
i. e. cv-8i8u>p.i, to give into
f. : :

the Commissioners of police. one's bands, surrender: to give up as lost, throw
lv8«Kd-rrr]xvs, v, gen. tos, eleven cubits long. up. II. to afford: also to allow, grant: to
(v8cKa-irovs, 6, 1), vow, to, gen. vodos, eleven feet cause. III. to shew, exhibit, give proof of. IV.
long or broad. intr. to give in, give up, give way: to flag, fail : of
(vSctcds, ados, ij, (tv-faica) the number eleven. things, to cease. V. of a river, to empty itself.
«v-5iT]p,i, (iv, Stu) foond only in
IvScKaTOS, r\, ov, (tv-dtxa) the eleventh. 3 pi. impf. tvhUaav,
Iv8ck-«tt|s, ov, 6, fern, -ens, iSos, eleven years old. to chase, pursue.
«v-8£, Ion. for ivdixofuu. cv-Slicos, ov, (iv, Zimf) of things, according to right,
<v8c\cx^|S, it, continual, constant. Adv. h8f\cx&'t fair, right, just : legal. II. of persons, righteous,
constancy. just, upright. 2. possessed of right. III. Adv.
cvScpa, t6, (ivSiai) a thing bound on, band. ivSi/ccvs, with right, with justice : Sup. IvoiKwrara.

cv-Sipxa, f. fuD, to wall up —

to build in a place. ?v-8iva, ra, (tvZov) the entrails, Lat. intes'ina.
<v-8c|i6o|juu, Dep. to grasp with the right band, €v8iv€vvti, Dor. for ivhivovoi, 3 pi. of ivSiviu.
clasp, embrace. ev-Sivto), f. 17CCW, to revolve in.
cv-8<£u>s, o, ov, on or towards the right band, from cvSlov, to, a $eat in the air a seat. From •

left to right; neut. pi. ivdi(ia as Adv. %. pro- ?v-8ios, ov, at midday, at noon. 11. in the open

pitious, favourable; iv5i£ta arjiMna right, good air. (From iv, Ai6s genit. of Ztvs, Lat. sub divo or
omens. dio, Horace's sub Jove.)
cvSctos, ov, (h5(oj) bound to a thing, entangled in. cv-8(<t>pios, ov, (iv, $'uppos) sitting on the same seat,, Ion. -Sctcopai : f. -8i£ofjai Dep. : €voo0€v, Adv. (ivhov)from within: from one's heart,

to take upon oneself, Lat. suscipere. II. to ac- of oneself II. within, c. gen.
cept, admit, believe : also of things, to admit, allow cvSoOi, (ivSov) Adv. within : also, at borne,
of: hence 2. ivlix (rat > inipers. it may be, it is lv8ot, Adv. = ZvhoQi.
possible; ovte ivZix* Tai it is not possible; TdivSex "- tv8oid£fa>, = iv Soifi tlvai, to be in doubt, at a loss
fitva things possible; iie twv ivftfxouivwv by every to waver : of things, aor. I inf. pass. iv8oiao9rjvai, to
possible means- Adv. «V5«x oAt «*'a,*» possibly.
: be matter of doubt. Hence
cv-S&a, £ a or. 1 ividrjoa
-frfjcroj : 'o bind in, on or
: €vSoiao"ros, i), 6v, doubtful. Adv. -tuis, doubtfully.
to: to entangle in, implicate or involve in —
Med. to cv8o-pdxT)S, ov, 6, Dor. -X as» {ivhov, fi&xouai)
tie or pack up. fighting or bold at home, epiih. of a dunghill coik.
cv-S(a>, f. -ocqoo), to be in want f: want- cv-86|xi)ous, (ojs, 1), (iv, dofios) a thing built in, a
also to be
ing, to fail. II. impers. ivhtt, there is need or building, structure.
want of: there is a deficiency ; iroXkwv ivibu avr$ cv86-p.vxos, ov, (ivSov, (jlvxos) in the inmost part of
he was in want of many things. III. Pass, to be a dwelling.
in want or need of <v8ov, Adv., and Prep, governing gen , {iv) within,
cvSews, Adv. of ivbcfjs, insufficiently. Lat. intus at h<>me, Lat. domi: in one's own coun-

Sv-StjXos, ov. (iv, SrjXos) manifest, clear: —

Adv. try ; 01 tvtiov those of the bouse, esp. the domestics
htyXojs, clearly, Sup. -6rara. tcL ivftov household affairs.
<v8r)p.c<i>, f rjaa), {(vSrjfios) to live in or at a place. €v-8o£os, ov, (iv, 8o£a)beld in repute, honoured. 2.
cv-8-r)p.o$, ov, dwelling in a place : esp. at home of things, glorious. Adv -£<us.
native, opp. to feVos: attached to home : of war, civil, tv56cri(jLOs, ov, (ivoitiw/ju) sounding the key-note:
intestine. II. of or belonging to a state. to ivSooifiov (sub. fj.i\os) a key-note
«v8idao-KOV, Ion. impf. of ivSiaaj. <V8oTcpos, a, ov, Comp. formed from tvSov, inner:
ivSi&yco, f. (<u, to pass one's time in. Sup. evSdraTOS, 17, ov, inmost.
«, Pass, to play the coquet with, trifle «v-8o\nr«o>, f. tjooj, to fall in with a heavy sound.
with. cV-Spop.c'a), f, tjooj, (iv, Spofios) to run in, fall into.
«'v-8taiTdo[iat, Ion. -topai, f. ijaount, D$p. to live cv-8pop.Cs, iSos, fj, (iv, Spofios) a thick cloak worn by
or dwell in a place. runners after exercise, for fear of cold.
«v-Sia,Tdcrcrw Att. -ttci>, fut. (a>, to arrange in order €v-8poo-os, ov, (iv, Sp6aos) dewy. dank.
throughout. «v-8puov, to", (Iv, Spvs) the strong oaken pin by
€v-8uiTpCl3o) [il, f. ipoj, to spend or consume in a place: which the yoke is fixed to the pole (loTO&otvs).
absol. (sub. xp^vov) to spend or waste time in : also cv8vk((i>s, Adv. zealously, heartily, earnestly. The
to dwell upon. is not found.
Adj. IvbvKTjS(Deriv. uncertain.)
cv-8ldo>, ;4V2<o«) to rest in the open air: to linger in cv-8t3vup6u, f. kcroi, (iv, Svvafus) to strengthen :—
a place. II. trans, to let go into the open air, Pass, to acquire strength.
: : : — —
224 hhvvaoTcvM — h4pyr}fia.
t v-8 uvacrrstKo , f. ato, to have power in or among. II. ivtis, kvuoa, aor. 2 part, of ivinpu.
to prevail by authority. «v«Ka, Ion. and Ep. cvckcv, poei. also ctvcica, ctvc-
cvSvs, voa, vv, aor. 2 part, of ivSvoj. k«v: Prep, with gen., put both before and after it
4v-8v<rH}x«w, f "now, to be unlucky in or with. case, on account of, for the sake of, for, Lat. gratia,
«v-8iJrf|p, %>os, o, (tpSt/a;) as Adj. fit for putting on. causa. with respect to, as far as regards, as

£v8trrf|pios, a, ov, (Jkvb'voS) — (vbvrrjp. for ; ivfua k/xov as far as depends on me. III. by

€v-8vtos, 6v, put on : as Subst., ivZvrov, t6, that means of; rkxvqs «*W*<* by force of art.
which is put on, a garment, dress. II. clad in. cvcKdXvd/a, aor. I of tyicaXvirTa).
From €V€K€ip.T|V, impf. of tyKfifiai.
«v-5vo), f. vow [y] : aor. I ivihvaa ; in these tenses, tveKt'pao-a, aor. of ky/c(pdvvvfu.

trans., to put on another; kvKouv nvd tiput to €v«'icp&YOv, aor. 2 of kyKpdfa.

on one, clothe one in. II. intr. €v8vvu> and in €veicpv\j/a, aor. I of kyKpvirro).
Med. (vhvojMii, with aor. 2 act. l^cSi/f, pf. -SlSvxca: to cvcKvpcra, aor. I of ky/cvpo).
put on oneself, put on, wear. 2. to go in, enter ; cveicvi|/a, aor. I of ty/mitra).

ditovTiffTvv tvBvacai thou wilt enter the contest of cv-eXavvoj, f. -f\da<u Att. -cXw : to drive in or into.
darting. 3. to implicate oneself in a matter : also tvcAtirov, aor. 2 of kWtiirw.
to insinuate oneself into. €v-«Xio-orw, f. £eo, to roll or wrap up in, Lat. involvo.
€vc(3a\ov, aor. 2 of efiPaWa). «V6p.a|dpTjv, aor. I med. of kfifidoooj.
€v«p-rjv, aor 2 of (/xQaivo). cv€p.€iva, aor I of (pifikvoj.

4v€Y«YP airro 3 sm g- plqpf- P ass °f fyypa<pa).

> -
evepco-ara, Ep 3 sing. impf. of ve/xt aaax.
IvcyKcu, and iveyKtiv, aor I and 2 inf. of <f>cpa>. tv-tptco, f. (ooj, to vomit in.
tvcypad/a, aor. I of (yypd(poj. €V6pTJ0Tjv, aor. 1 pass,of vkyuca.
€V€Yvrjo"o, fv^y\n\Ka, ivtyviav, see (yyvdu. (v(\ivrfir(v, aor. I pass of (fifiviai.
cvcSeiga, 4v€8€tx0tjv, aor. 1 act. and pass, of kv- evfvevov, impf. of ivv(vo).
Se'iKvvfju. 4vevT|icovTa, oi, at, ra, indecl., (iwia) ninety.
«v«8Tjo-a, aor. of evSto), to bind in.I €v«vitt€, 3 sing. Ep. redupl. aor 2 of evhra).
cv-cSpa, f], a lying in wait, ambush, Lat. insidiae. «v€vu)KacrL, Ion. for eixvorj/eaoi, 3 pi. pf. of ivvoiay.
(veSpevw, f. ooj (derived from (V(8pa but in the
: : €v€Vo>to, Ion. for (V(vor\TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of
augm. tenses, kv^5p(vov, ivrjfyevoa, (VTjdpevOrjv, ivi}- Xvvokoi.
Spevfuu, as if compd. of kv, e8pcva>) to lie in wait — cvc^opai, fut. med. (with pass, sense) of (V(\oj.
for, lie in ambush, Lat. insidiari — Pass, to be caught 4v€os or €W€os, d, 6v, dumb, speechless : deafanddumb.
in an ambush : to be ensnared. II. to place in €V€"rr<iYTjv [a], aor. 2 pass, of (nirTjyvvfju.
ambush : Med. to set an ambush : Pass, to be set in €v€iraCxOT|V, aor. I pass, of ku-iraifa.
ambush. cvcira£a, Dor. for kvkirnga, aor. I of (nwrjyvvfu.
cv-eSpov, to, = (v(8pa. Ivitracraa, Ep. for kvkir&oa, aor. I of (fiiraooo).
ev-cSpos, ov. (\v, (Spa) an inmate, inhabitant. ivttrtarov, aor. 2 of (fxniirTO).
cveSvo-a, €ve8w, and
aor. I 2 of (v5voj. «v€irtov, aor. 2 of (firr'tvo).

ev-«£op,(u, f. -(Sovpai, Dep. to sit down in, abide or evctrXoKTiv [a], aor. 2 pass, of (fiir\(KOJ.
reside in : cp. (vrjfiai. (V(tt\t\o-9(v, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of (fininXijfU.
cv(T)Ka, Ep. for ivrjica, aor. of kvinju. «v€ir\Tjo-a, cv€ir\T|cr0T]v, aor. I act. and pass, of l/x-

€V€tjv, Ep. for tvfjv, impf. of evafu. mir\T]fu.

iveQv\vi\Qy\v, aor. I of ivOvyikopuau. «v€irv€VO-a, aor. I of (fi-nvko).
€v-«i8ov, aor. 2 with no pres. in use, its place being €v«iropiT€aTO, Ion. for (venupmjvTo, plqpf. pass, of
supplied by kvopaw to see or observe in : absol. to i/fjrooTrda;.

observe, remark. Cf. (TSov. €veiTpT|0ov, impf. of (fiirprjOoj.

cvciKa, Ep. for ffvuxa (Ion. for jjveyita), aor. 1 of €V€TrpTjo-a, aor. I of (fiiriirprjfM.
<p(pa> : inf. kvuieat. €V€irri5o-a, aor. I of ifiirrvoj.
<veiK€p.€v, Ep. for kveyieificv, aor. 2 inf. of (pipoj. €vliro>, poet, also «w£ir<i> aor. 2 evianov, inf. tvi-


cvcikcov, impf. of veiKeco otrtiv : fut. (viorrqooi or (viipoj to tell, tell of, de-
lv-eLW<a and cv-ciXcw, f.
faa), to wrap up in. scribe, relate. 2. to speak to, address, accost. 3.
cveipa, aor. I of vi yun. simply, to speak, say. 4. c. inf. to bid.
cv-eijjwv, Ep. for iv^ayav, 1 pi. of evti/u: but II. ev-epY&topai, fut. ooptai pf. -tipyaapai \ aor. I :

Zveipev, 3 sing. aor. 1 of vkfuv, -(ipyaadfirjv and -(ipydoOrjv Dep. to make or :


«v-€ip,i, f. ivtffo/MU, (kv, dfii sum) to be in a place, create in : aor. I (vupyaoOrjv is also used in pass,
to be within : to be in or among. II. to be pos- sense. 2. to labour, pursue a calling, work for hire
sible; impers., ivtoTi tivi it is in one's power, one may «v*pY«ia, 77, (fu(pyrfs) an action, operation, energy.
or can: part. neut. Ivbv used absol., it being possible. Ivepyittt, f. -qo-oj, {(V(pyos) to work, be active. Henco
fv-«ipu) : pf. p ass# ivtpiuju :— to entwine, interweave. €vtpYTjpa, aros, r6, an effect, work, operation.
— : : :

hcpyys — hBivfc. 225

«v-«pyt|S, is, = ivtpySs. entertain, cherish. II. Pass, with med. tvi-

tv-fepYos. 6v, (iv, ipyov} working, active, busy : of £opai, aor. 2 ivtox^wv, to be held, caught, enmngiea
soldiers, on service, Jit for service : of land, in tillage, in. 111. intr. to enter, pierce into, penetrate : to
productive. Hence press upon.
€v€pY&s. Adv. of ivepyqs or ivepyus, actively: pro- €V€xwpT)cra, aor. 1 of iyx<»pi<»-
ductively. iv-^ivyvv[x.i, f. £«v£<y, to bind fast in, to involve in.

€v-€p€i8a>, f. ooj, to push in, to thrust in. t'vq, 77s, »), see evos 77, ov
iv-tpeuyoi, aor. 2 ivrjpfiyov, to belch on one. €v-T)Pdco, f. spend one's youth in : to amuse
Tjoo}, to

cvcpde, before a vowel -0«v, from beneath: be- oneself in, to be joyful in. Hence
neath. II. c. gen. beneath. 2. below, in the €vtj|3t)tt|Piov, to, a place of amusement.

power of. €V-tj|3os, ov, {iv, rj@rj) in the prime of youth.

tvepptvos, pf. part. pass, of fveipou. €VT)8p€Vcro, -€v8i)v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of kv-
tvtpoi, (uv, ol {(v) Lat. inferi, those in or beneath (bpCVO).
the earth, of the dead and the gods below. €vt)€it),r), (kvf)s) kindness, goodness.

«v«ppddvny[a], €v*ppai|/du.T]v, aor. 2 pass, and aor. I «vtJ€v, Ep. for vijv, 3 sing. impf. of eveifii.

med. of (vpanrw. «vt)T|S, is, gen. iv-qios, kind, friendly, good-hearted.

fvepcris. cojs, r), (kvdpai) a fitting or fastening in. (Connected with dnrjvrjs and irpoarjvqs.')
cvcpTcpos, a, ov, Comp. of evepoi, deeper, lower. evTJKa, aor. 1 of ivir/fii.

«v€o-av, Ep. for ivijerav, 3 pi. impf. of ivu/u. €vrj\aTO, 3 sing. aftr. I of ivaWopxu.
€V€0"ia, r), a suggestion, counsel.
(fvirjfju) evYjXaTOv, to, {kvfXavvcu) anything driven in : in
with pass, sense of ivOKiWa).
cveo-tcX-qica, pf. plur. the rounds of the ladder fixed in the poles or
«v«OTOKTat, 3 sing. pf. pass, of (varafa. sides ; agovaiv ivqkara the pins driven into the axle,
€, pf. pass, of ivariWoj. lincb-pins.
«v6ot€u)tos Ion. for tveoTWTos, gen. of ivtffTws (for €VTjXXaYp,ai, pf. pass, of I vaWaoaai.
iveoTT)Kcvs), pf. part, of iviarrjfii. €vfjXXa£a, aor. 1 of tvaXkaaaoi.
«v€OTTT)ptKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of kvaT-qp'ifa. €VT|XXov, 2 sing, impf of evaWonai.
«veo"X€TO,3 sing. aor. 1 med. (in pass, sense) ofkvixoj. ^, Pass, (really pf. of iv-i£ofw.i), to be seated in.
«v€T(i0T]v [fit, aor. I pass,of tVTiiva). «v-TJp.p,<u, pf. pass, of ivdrrTOJ.
«v6T6i\dp.T|v, aor. I med. of kvTtW.01. ivf\vty\uu,, pf. pass, of (pipaj.
6v€tt|, (hirjfu) a pin, brooch.
r), ivi\voQt, 3 sing, pf., only found in this pers. and in
tvcTpoyov, aor. 2 of ivrpwycu. compds. iir-evf)vo9(, KaT-(vr)voO(, irap-evqvoOe, with
tverpdirnv [3], aor. 2 pass, of k vrpiir<u. the notion of being upon or close to. (The root
€v€Tpd4>T]V [3], aor. 2 pass, of ivrpiepw. tvido) is not in use)
«v€TpiP"r|v [?], aor. 2 pass, of ivrpifSw. evfjvoxa, pf. of <pipo).

«v6Tu\t|a, aor. I of ivrvkiooa). «vT)paTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I med. of ivalpu.

ivirv\ov, aor. 2 of ivrvyxavoj. tvT)cTu>, fut. of kvirjpu.

€v-€v8aip.ov€w, f. r/ooj, to be happy in. €v6a, (li/) Adv., I. of Place, there, Lat. ibi

«v-6v8o), fut. -iv&qoa), to sleep in or on. also as relat. to 061, where, Lat. ubi. 2 in this
€v-€vvaios, ov, (ev, €vvfj) in or on which one sleeps; case or state. 3. with a sense of Motion, tbi/ber,
StpfMi tvtvvatov a skin to sleep on; XV TU kuewaicuv hither, Lat. illuc. II. of Time, when. Hence
for want of bed-clothes. cvddSc, Adv. thither, Lat. illuc: also, there: of Time,
€V€u<ra. aor. I both of vtvw and of via) (B) to swim. here, now.
«v€(}>pa£a, aor. 1 of ipuppdaaoj. €v-0uk€o>, f. f)caj, to sit in or on. Hence
cvc<j>vcra, ivtyw, aor. I and 2 of kfMpvai. cv0dKT]cris, «aw, r), a sitting in ; ivQaicqoie jjkiov a
«v«4>v<rr|o-a, aor. of (fKpvacua. I seat in the sun.
«vcx«i, Ep. evexeva, aor. 1 med. of tyx*cj. €v-9dXir<i>, f. ip<u, to warm in — Pass., IvdakittoQw
«v€x«ipT|cra, aor. 1 of kyx*ipia>- iparri to glow with love.
«v6x«vdp.Tjv, Ep. aor. 1 med. of «7X^ W evOavciv, aor. 2 inf. of ivOvqCKO).
€V€x0T)o-op,ai, fut. pass, of (pipoi. IvdS-Trep, {ivOa, irep) Adv. there where, where.
«v(xOtjti, €V€x6c(t)v, cvcx^w, evcx^vat, aor. I p'ass. f. ipw, to bury in a place.
imperat., optat., subj., and inf. of <pip<u. evOavra, €v9€VT€v, Ion. for ivravOa, IvrtvQtv.
ev€xttpd£a>, f. (ivixvpov) t0 ta ^ e a pledge from
da<u, €v-0«dfcd, f. era, (tv, 9e6s) to be inspired.
one. 2. c. ace. rei, to take in pledge: Pass., ivix v ~ ivQiyav, €v0cp.evai, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of fvriOrjfit.
pd^toOai Td xpvtjUira t0 have one's goods seized for «v0€v, (ev$a) Adv. thence, Lat. illinc; iv$ev kcu Zv$tv
debt: Med. to have surety given one, tokov tor interest. on this side and on that: also as relat. for o$ev, whence,
€v-«xty>°v, t6, {lv, ix vP° s ) a Pledge, surety; iv- whereof, Lat. unde. II. of Time, thereupon,
ixvpov TiOivai rt to make a thing a pledge. after that.
€v-^x»i f. *v*£o) or kvoxj)o<u to keep fast within : cv0cv8c, (iv0€v) hence, Lat. bine.
: : : : :

226 IvOto — hvaerris.

cv0co, Ep. for ivBeoo, aor. a imper. med. of ivriOrjfu. cv-i8pvv<i>, «v-t8pti(i), f. tJ<ra> [vl, to set, settle, or
Iv-Ocos, ov, full of the god, inspired, possessed: found in a place : — Med. to found for oneself.
given by inspiration. cvi-Jcvyvvpa or -liw, poet, for iv£-.
€V-0«ppxuvu>, f. avSt, {kv, $tpp.6s\ to beat : Pass., iv- — 4v-i£a>, f. -i£qooj, {h, 'ifa) to sit in or on.
rt$ipt»avTai itod<p has been heated by passion. €v-iijp,i, fut. -rjooj aor. -rjtca Ep. -kr\Ka pf. -e?*a,
Ivfcots, ««», i), (tvriQripu) a putting in. II. a pass. -tipai — to

send in or into : to implant, inspire:

1 :

pie<-e put in, a mouthful. genera ly, to throw in or among : of ships, to launch
<v-0€to, Ep. for hviOtro, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of tv- into the sea metaph. to urge on, incite to do a

ridrjui. thing. 2. to send in secretly. II. rarely intr.

CV0CTOS, ov, (kvTiOijfu) put in, implanted. to enter.

«v0€vr€v, Adv., Ion. for ivrtvOev. of tvrpefpo).
<vi0pt\|/as, poet. aor. I part,
€v0tj, «v0rjs, «v0ot, evOto, cv0to*v, Dor. for t\0p, t\0ys, hence ivutdrOeo, Ep.
cvi-KaTaTi0T|p.i, Ep. for iyic :

i\9oi etc., aor. 2 of tpxopai. aor. 2 med. imperat. for (yKard6ov.

?v-07jpos. ov, (<k, 6-qp) full of wild beasts. II. cvt-xXdw, f. daw [d], Ep. for €7*-, to break in, break
metaph savage, wild, rough, untended, undressed. off, Lat. infringo.
€v-0vT|crKw, f. -Bdvovpai, to die in : to grow rigid or cvi-kXeCo), Ep. for iy-K\fia).
torpid in. cvi-vai€Tdoo*KOv, Ion. impf. of fv-vaicrdoj.
cvOopc, Ep. for hiOope, 3 sing. aor. 2 of kvOpwoico). Ivi-ot, at, o, (from tvi ol=dalv 01, as ivioTt — iariv
«v0ov, Att. aor 2 imperat. med. of kvriQrjpu. ore} some, Lat. ali-qui.
cv-0ovo id£&>, f. data, or ev-0ovoado>, f. foot, (tvOtos,
€vC-ot«, Adv. for tvi ore = tartv St«, at times, some-
contr. tvOovt) to be inspired. times : Dor. cvi-oKa.
€v0p4d/ao*0cu. aor. 1 inf. med. of fVTpi<po). «vr-frf|, j), ((vinTCj) a reproof rebuke : abuse.
fv-0pi6cii, f. <w, (kv, Optov) to wrap in a fig-leaf, evi-irXetos, ov, Ep. for efivKeos, filled.
enwrap. €vt-jrXT|o-ao-0<u, -irXTjo-0f,vai, Ep. for ip-ir\-, aor.
tv-Opticrieu), f. -Oopovpm : aor. 2 tviOopov Ep. ivBo- I inf. med. and pass, of in-nivKrjpu.
pov :
— to leap into, upon, among. «vi-itXt||ci)(1€v, -wax. Ep. I and 3 pi. for i(t-v\-t
tv-0up.cop.ou, f. rjaopai aor. I \vt9vp.i\Br]v pf iv- aor. 1 subj. of kfJut\ria<T<v.

: :

rtOifirfum : Dep. : («% Ovfius) : to lay to heart, con- tv-t-irirevo), f. o<o, to ride in, on or among.
sider well, ponder. 2 . to take to heart, be concerned «vi-irpfjo-ai, Ep. aor. I inf. of (fiiriirpijpu.

at. 3. to form a plan. 4. to infer, conclude. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 tjvIw&vov,

tvlirrw, fut. ivtyoj'.
Hence or ivtvlvov: to reprove, reproach, upbraid, Lat. ob- —
cv0vp,i)pA, arot, r6, a thought : invention, device, jurgo. II. - iv(ira), to tell of, announce.
stratagem II. an argument in Rhetoric an- «w-o"KTJirro», €vi-orKtp.irTft), Ep. for iva~.
swering to the Syllogism in Logic : and cwott€iv, €vunrqo*o>, aor. 2 inf. and fut. of kviitai.
cv0vp.i)oxs, ton, 7, consideration, esteem. cv-iairo), aor. 2 subj. of (vinw.
cv0vtua, 1), (ivOvfiiofxai) consideration : suspicion. cvCo-o-co, collat. form of kvivroi, to reprove, reproach
cv-0vpu>s, ov, (kv, Ovfiot) taken to heart, weighing also to maltreat, ill-use.
upon the mind', ivOvpuov tori pot, Lat. religio est €v-urr»)p,i, f. -arfjao) : aor. 1 -karr\aa : also fut. and
mibi,Ifeel a scruple. aor. 1 med. -CTr\aopax -faTTjadfxrjv % —Causal in these
<v0vp,ior6s, 17, ov, (vOvfUOS. » tenses, to put, set, place in. 2. to begin. II.
cv-0<Dpaic(£ci>, f. iao), to array in armour : pf. pass, intrans. in Med., with aor. a act. tviorijv ; pf. (vi-
part. tvTfOojpafcto pivot, armed in mail. CTi)/ea plqpf. kveiarvKuv
; to be set in, to stand in —
ivi, post, for iv. of «T«. II. 4vi. dat. or within. 2. to be appointed. 3. to be upon,
?vt, for iveori, it is in : also it is allowed, possible. be close upon, to be at band; rod ivfaranos p.r\v6s in
«viavotos, ov, also o, ov, (cviavros) of a year, one the present month : of circumstances, to arise, occur;
year old. II. yearly, year by year. III. rd \vt<nr\K6ra present circumstances. 4. to oppose,
for a year, lasting a year; iv. /Se/Sa/s gone for a resist, object.
year. II. intr.
ev-urxvo>, f. tJorou [0], to strengthen.
€vtavr6$, 6, (ivos) a year; tear htavrSv yearly, to gain strength.
every year. >. any complete space of time; trot tv-Co"X(o, = eviyej.
%\0( nfpnrXop.ivojv iviavrwv as times rolled on the €vi-Tp«d>cd. «vi-YpCp,irrti>, Ep. for (VT- and l7X~«
year came. <vixptp4>0ets. Ep. aor. of <7XP»A«rra>.
I part. pass,
Iv-tauu, f. -iavaai, to sleep in or among. ev-Xo^vti), f. 001, to carve in or upon.
iviix.% Adv. ((vtoi') in some places. €w4€-rf|p, fjpot, ^, (iwaioj) an inhabitant fem. —
«vt-{3dAX&>, «vi-/3Xoirra>. Ep. for i(i-$d\\<». etc. cvafreipa.
€vi£\a<J>6ei S) Ep. aor. I pass. part, of (p&Kdtmu. cw<K-cTT)pos, ov, = sq.
*v-l8«tv, inf. of aor. a f vei&ov. cwd-€Ttjs. is, (Iwia, lros\ nine years old : neut.
Iv-iSpow, f, Qiij 0it to sweat in, labour at. iwd(Tf$, as Adr.,/or nine years.
: : : — : — ;

cwWttjs— EN02. 227
lv-v&*Tt\%, ov, 6, = iv-vacrfip. «wiD[xi or fwvo), from root fE'Cl, = /TS20fl, Lat.
«w4-«Tt$, iBos, i), fein. of twae-r^s, «/«* years old. VESTIO : f. too) Ep. 'iao<u; Ep. aor. 1 taaa Med. : —
tv-vaiw : Ep. fut. med. cwdcrao/iai, aor. I kvtvaa- tvvvfMn : fut. taofxai Ep. laa&fiijv,
: aor. I tod/jirjv
adfiijv '.— to dwell in : inhabit. —
3 sing, tkaoaro : Pass., pf. tT/Aai, float, cfrat, but Ep.
cwdicis, Adv. (ivyea) nine times, Lat. novies. also 'iaoai, earai plqpf. cfyrjv, but 2 sing, taao, 3

<wSk6o-ioi, v..ivajeoa-. sing, taro Ep. ttaro, 3 dual taOrjv, 3 pi. ttaro to put :

twdo-cravTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I med. of ivvaioj. clothes on another : —

Med. c. ace. rei, to put on one-
Iwdros, false form for tvaros. self, clothe oneself in, put on : Pass, to be clad in, to —
«v-vovm)Y«i>, f. build ships in.
rjaoj, to wrap or shroud oneself in XaXvov taao X'^wva thou ;

*ENNE'A\ indecl. nine, Lat. novem. badst been clad in coat of stone, i. e. been buried.
«wcd-0oios, ov, {iwia, fiovs) worth nine beeves. «wvto, 3 sing. impf. med. of evvvpu.
cwca-Ka(-Seica, indecl. nineteen. Hence «v-vi5x«vo>, f. ao), (kv, vv£) to sleep or lodge in.
(wcaKakSacd-fi/nvos, ov, (/irjv) nineteen months old. €v-vvxios, a, ov, or os, ov, (kv, vv£) nightly, in the
«w«aiccuS€K-«T-r)s, (s, (Itoj) nineteen years old. night, by night. II. dwelling in Night, of the

cwcd-Kpowos, ov, with nine springs, a well at dead.

Athens, called also KaWipporj. Iv-viixos, ov, = (vvvxios.
«wcd-\tvos, ov, {(wta, \ivov) of nine threads. cwwo-ai, -vuxras, Ion. for twoijaai, -voijffas, aor. I
cw«d-p.T)vos, ov, (iw4a, fiqv) 0/ nine months. inf. and part, of kwokat.

«w€d-irnxvs, v, (Jtwia, injxvs) nine cubits long. cv-oSios, a, ov, Ep. clv-68ios, -q, ov, (Iv, 6S6s) in,
cwcds, ados, j), (ivvia) the number nine : a number on, or by the road ; a<pfjKfs tvo&iot wasps that have
of nine. II. the ninth day of the month. their nests by the way-side. II. 0/ or belonging
«w«d-<|>wvos, ov, (fwta, <fwv^) of nine tones or notes. to a journey.
cwcd-xiAoi, <w, a, Ep. for evatcis \iktot, nine ibou- cv-oikco), f. riao), to dwell : to inhabit. Hence
sand. fvobcTjo'is, f cvs, f), a dwelling in a place.
cwcd-xopSos, ov, (Jtwia, X°ptf^ °f n * ne strings. cv-oiict£(i>, fut. iffot Att. (&>, to make to dwell in a

€w«vT|KOVTa, worse form for kvwqKovra, ninety. place : — Pass, to be settled or take up one's abode in.
cwcvnKOvra-cvvca, indecl. ninety and nine. cv-oticios, ov, {(V, oIkos) in the bouse, keeping at borne.
cwcvcaicaox, Ion. 3 pi. pf. of iwokta. cv-oiKoSop.cca, f. tjocv, to build in a place. II.
cwcov, Ep. for iveov, impf. of vtat, to swim. to build up, block up.
€w€-6pYvto$, ov, (ivvka, opyvid) nine fathoms long. Iv-oikos, ov, dwelling in as Subst. a dweller in, an :

«wc6s, false form for kve6s. inhabitant. dwelt in.

II. pass,
cv-vcoo-o-cvu Att. -tt€vg>, f. a<u, to make a nest or cv-oivoxoco), f. ijao), to pour in wine.
hatch young in : c. ace. to hatch. «vov, part, neut.of fr«/u,used absol.,»V being possible.
«wfira>, poet, lengthd. for ivtvoi. cvoirf), }), {ivtiraj) a cry, scream, voice, sound : esp.
iwtaia, 1), see tvtoia. a war-cry, battle-shout.
€v-v€v<a, f. a<u, to nod, beckon or make signs to. €v-6ir\ios, ov, (Jtv, Zir\ov) in or with arms : 6 iv-
ewe-wpos, ov, (twka, wpa) nine years old or long. 6ir\ios (^sub. ^vOfiSs) the tune for the war-dance.
«vWjKovra, Ep for kvtvi\Kovra, ninety. cv-oirXos, ov, («v, oirkov) in arms, armed.
cw-TJpxip, (kvvka, 7}fMp) Adv. for nine days. fvoirrpov, t6, (kvoxf/oytai) a mirror.
«wt)$iv, Ep. for tv-qs, fern. gen. of ivos, as Adv. cv-opdw Ion. -co : f. ivoipofiai (supplied from obsol.
«v-vo€w, f. r\ao> : aor. 1 kvevorjoa Ion. part, twwoas : ivo-moyuai) : aor. 2 tvtibov, q. v. : to see or observe
pf. kwivonita Ion. tvvivwKa : — also inMed., with in a person or thing. II. to look at or upon.
aor. 1 pass. kvevofjOnv — to think of, have in one's «VOpKlOS, OV, — tVOpKOS.
mind, consider, ponder: to take thought, be cv-opKos, ov, (Jtv, opieos) bound by oath, sworn. II.
anxious. II. to understand. III. to intend that to which one is sworn ; ivopitov tlrrtivn to speak
to do, c. inf. IV. to devise, plan, invent, Lat. on oath.
excogitare. Hence «v-opp,CTT|S [t] , ov, 6,(tv, oppos) one who is in harbour.
t woia, J), a thought : an intent, design. cv-6pvvp.i, fut. ivopao) aor. I tvibpaa 3 sing. Ep.

: :

*v-vop,os, ov, {iv, vSfios) within the pale of the law, aor. 2 pass, kvwpro : (iv, opa), opvvfu) to arouse or
lawful, right
the law.
: of persons, just, upright : also, under stir up in — Pass, to arise in or among.
II. (iv, vffxofmt)feeding in, inhabiting. iv-opowo, f. ff<u, to leap in or upon, assail, attack.
cv-voos, ov, contr. -vovs, ow, (iv, vovs) thoughtful, €v-6pxt|S, ov, 6, and ?v-opxis, 10s, 6, ij, = Ij'opx **

sensible — Comp. kwovortpot, Sup. -ovararos. «v-opxos, ov, (Iv, opx'*) uncastrated, entire.
ivvoo-L-yoAOS, 6, poet, for ivoaiy-, (evocis, yrj) the "EN02 or *vos, 6, Lat. ANNUS, Subst. a year:
Eartbsbaker, a name of Poseidon or Neptune. hence ivtavrbs a<p(vos, SUvos, etc.
cwocC-^vXXos, ov, poet, for kvooup-, (ivooit, <pv\- "EN02 or «vo$, ij, ov. Adj. a year old, last year's
\ov) with quivering leaves. tvos Kapir6s last year's fruit: generally, old, by-
Jwox\«i», poet, for ivox^ftt, 2 sing, of tvox^ka). gone. II. ivij koI via (sub. fytpa), the old and
: —:: : : :— : : : : : :::

228 hos — €irr€Tv\iyix4vo$.

new day, i.e. day of the month, so called because

the last to string abow : also to stretch on or over a thing
this $~>tb day consisted of two halves, one belonging to to extend, prolong.
the old, the other to the new moon. 2. in oblique «v^roa<rw Att. -mo, f. £w, to enrol, register in :—
cases • f fern. : gen. ivrjs Ep. (vvq<piv, = Lat. perendie, Pass, to be posted in battle.
the day after to-morrow, avpiov teat $vvrj<piv ; so too, evTavOa Ion. ivQavra, Adv. (( v) = tvda I. of

rf) fry, (Is ivqv. Place, here, there, Lat. hie : also hither, thither, Lat.
«v6s, gen. of ds and %.v, one. hue. of Time, at the very time: then,

«voo-is, (cos, if, (*(v60<u) a shaking, quake. now. 2. like Lat. deinde, thereupon, then. Hence
'Evoo-C-x0o)v, ovos, 6, {(vocrts, x^ uv ) &* Eartb- ivravQi |_t], Att. form for Ivravda.
shaker, a name of Poseidon or Neptune. «VTav0ot, Adv. hither, Lat. hue.
-q, ((Is) unity, concord.
€v6rr)S, t]tos, evT<£4>id£&>, f. ca>, {(vrcupios) to bury. Hence
cv-ovpdvios, ov, (tv, ovpavos) in heaven, heavenly. €VTdc|)tacrp6s, 6, burial.
tv-ovptu), f. rjacp, to make water in. €v-T<i<t>ios, ov, (kv, Ta(pos) ofoi used in burial. II.

iv-ox.\((o, f. r\oai : the augm. tenses take a double as Subst., (vrcKpiov, to, a shroud or winding-sheet;
augm. impf. i)vu>x^-ovv, pass. i)vcux\ov(ir]v aor. I ; tcL lvra<pia, funeral honours, obsequies.
rjVux^ T}°'a pf- i)vujx^T]Ka
to trouble, disturb, Lat. :
— "ENTEA, ojv, rd, instruments, gear, tools of any

molesto : absol. to be an annoyance Pass, to be — kind: arms, armour; (vr(a Sairus appliances for a
troubled or annoyed. banquet; (vrta vrjos rigging, tackle of a ship; ivrta
evoxos, ov, {ivixpfjiai) held in, bound by, liable or iTTirda hoist-trappings, harness.
subject to a penalty : liable to be accused of a crime. «vT€0t»p.T]pai, pf. of (v0vfi(Ofiat.
«v-pdiTTCi>, sew up in.
f. \(/(D, to €VT€0cupa.Kio-pai, pf. pass, of (vOwpaKifa.
ev-pi-yoo), f. waoj, - piyuu kv, to shiver ox freeze in. €v-T€iv<i), fut. -T(vw aor. I (vtruva: pf. (vrirajca:


cv-<rcio>, f. -odoco pf. pass, -okouoyxu to shake

: : — Pass., aor. I (V(raBr\v [a] : pf. ivrkrapyai to
in or into, to drive into, burl or launch at. stretch or strain tight, Lat. intendere; 5i<ppos ipia-
ev-o-rjpatvo), f. av£>, to mean, imply Med. to give — otv (vrkrarai the chariot board is bung upon straps
notice of, intimate. to bend a bow ytcpvpai (VT(rap.(vat a bridge of boats
^v-o-kcXXci), aor. 1 (viatcqXa, to dry up: — Pass., with

with the cables all taut: (vrdvaoOai appuoviav to —

pf. act. tv(OK\r\na, to be dried up. raise it to a higher pitch : (vrdvuv vavv irodi to keep —
cv-o-K€vdJo>, f. aoco, to get ready, prepare — Pass, to a ship's sail tight by the sheet. II. to stretch out
be dressed or equipped : — Med. to dress oneself up. at or against ; kvrdvdv ir\iiyrjv Lat. intendere pla-
€v-o-kt|ttt<i>, f. \poj : Ep. fvtcnc- :
to burl, dart, gam. 2. to entangle in. III. to strain, exert,
launch in or upon. II. intrans. to fall in or on. (fxwjjv (vrdvaaOai hence in Pass, to be eager or ve-

Jv-o-Kip.irT&>, f. xpoi : Ep. «vto-K- poet, form of kv- hement, (VT(Tapi(VOi (Is to (pyov.


OKT)irra), to dash in or upon — Pass, to stick in. (v-r(i\iloi, fut. iaoi Att. t&, to wall in, fortify
tv-cTKippocj, f. uioco, (tv, CKippos) to harden : — Pass. Med. to wall in, i. e. blockade.
to become callous, inveterate. ?v-tckvos, ov, ((v, t(kvov) having children.
tv-cro<J>os, ov, wise in a thing. «v-T€A«vrdw, f. -qcroj, to end one's life in a place.
«v-o-TT€ipa>, f. -a-a(pS), to sow among —Pass, to be €v-t€\tjs, is, - iv T(\a wv, complete, entire, perfect
sown or spread among. — Adv. -Kiarara.
-\S)s, Sup.
ev-o-rrovBos, ov, (iv, airovd-q) included in a treaty : (v-riWa>, mostly in Med., (V-T(Wopuu, to enjoin,
in alliance with under truce or safe-conduct.
: command Pass., (VT(ra\p.tva commands. —
€v-o-to£(d, f. £<w, to let drop in. (VT(\ov\Lai, tut. med. of foreg.
€v-o-T&\a£a>, f. £<w, = (vara fa. €v-t€|xvo> Ion. -r6\\LV(a: f. -T(fjt£>: to cut in, en-
€vo-TaTi)S, ov, 6, (evio~T7)pu) one who withstands, an grave or inscribe upon. II. to cut in pieces, to
adversary. sacrifice. 2. to cut in, shred in.
cv-otcXAw, -CT(\a>:—to dress in: Pass., lirirada
f. €VT€pov, to, (tvros) a piece of gut —
in plur. the —
cto\j)v (V(ara\pL(vos clad in a horseman s dress. guts, intestines, entrails, bowels. Hence
€v-an)pi£o>, f. £<y, to fix in. cvTcpovcia, ^, timber for the ribs of a ship, belly-
ev-orp&TOireSeiia), or as Dep., = OTparoin- timber.
d(vopMi (v, to encamp in. (VTto-i-epyos, 6v, ((VT(a, (pyov) working in harness.
«v-<rrp€<}>(i>, fut. \f/eu, to turn about in — Pass, to turn «vT€Tayp.«vos, of (vraooo).
pf. part. pass,
or move in. 2. c. ace. loci, to visit. «VT€ToAp.€vos, of kvriWo).
pf. part. pass,
iv-<j$payllu> Ion. (v-a-^piyy-, to impress on. €VT6Tap.tvos, pf. part. pass, of ivrdvu. Hence
ivrS.di\va\., aor. I inf. pass, of (vrdva. «vT6Tdp.€Vo>s, Adv. vehemently, strongly.
«vTaK-f|voi, aor. 2 inf. pass, of ivTrjKQt. (vt(, for t^TfTOTO, plqpf. pass, of kvrdvoi.
?vra\p.a, aros. to, ((vt(KKqj) an injunction, precept. €VT€TT]Ka, pf. with pass, sense of (vrijKO).
«v-Tdvvu), f. voa> aor. I inf. kvravvaai : poet, for

ivT(ivu, to stretch or strain tight : to bend or rather

— €VT€Tp-rjp€Vos, pf. part. pass, of (vrkpaxa.
«vr«rii\iYficvo$, pf. part. pass, of ivrvKiaan.
: —
*zrrev0er— 'ENTH'. 229
Jvt«v0«v Ion. ^v6«0t«v, Adv. (ivrav9a) hence or evTpTfl^s, h, rubbed in : metaph. skilled, versed in.
thence, Lat. 2>mc or tZ/tnc. II. of Time, hence- 4v-Tpi0co [t], f. xf/oj, to rub in unguents Pass, to : —
forth, thenceforth, afterwards, thereupon. have rubbed in, to be anointed, painted. II. to

«VT«v6evi [t], Att. for ivrivOev. rub away, wear by rubbing.

3vt«v£is, (ws, i), (ivTvyx°LV0} ) a lighting upon. 2. €v-TpiTO)vif<i>, f. law, {(V, rphos) to mix in a third
converse, intercourse. 3. a petition, intercession, part, temper with a third, with allusion to Iptro-
thanksgiving. 4. reading, study. yiveia.
«v-t€vtX<Iv6ci>, f. woo), (iv, t€vt\ov) to stew in beet. IvrpiiJ/is, «wj, J), (hrpiQaj) a rubbing in.
€v-tt|ko), f. £a>, to cause to melt in, to pour in while «v-rpop.os, ov, (iv, Tpifxoj) trembling, fearful.
molten —
Pass, with aor. 2 kvcraicnv [a], and pf. act. €v-TpoTr&Ai£o(, Frequent, of ivrpiiru), Pass, to
(VTfTTjKa, to be melted in, to sink deep into one piatos keep turning round, keep looking back. ;

ivTtTTjfei fioi ; ivratcfjvai t£> <pi\e?v to be wholly given €VTpoirf|, j), (ivrpinofxai) a turning towards : re-
up to love. spect or reverence for one : also shame, reproach.
Ivrl, Dor. for iari and tlai, from clfii sum. tVTpoma, tj, (ivrpiirofxai) in pi. tricks, artifices.

€V-Ti0rj|xi, fut. (vO-qaa) : aor. 2 ivid-qv, Ep. inf. Iv- €VTpo<f>os, ov, (ivrptcpcv) brought up in, living in,
Bifiev : to imponere : metaph. to inspire,
put in, Lat. among, or with ; ivrp. rivos a nursling.
instil :— Med. put in for oneself, store up, lay by :
to cv-TpvXAif&>, f. law, to whi per in one's ear.
also ivQloOai rtfiri to bold in honour. €v-TpC<}>dci>, f. rjou, (iv, rpvtpif) to revel in, play in :
€v-t(ktci>, f. -r(£ofMii : aor. 2 ivtTeteov : to bear or absol. to be luxurious. II to make sport of.
produce in : to create or cause in. II. pf. part, €v-Tpu>*Y<»>, f. -Tpw£o(Jiat : aor. 2 ivirpayov :
— to eat
intr., (vreroicws, inborn. up greedily, to devour.
4v-TiXaco, f. ijOQ}. to squirt upon. iv-rvyxavoi, f. -T(v£opiai aor. 2 i virvx^v pf- iv m

€v-Tiji.aci>, value in or among.

f. rjo-Q), to rtTv\r}Ka :

to light upon, fall in with, meet with. 1.
?v-Tip,os. ov, (iv, Tifir}) in honour, honoured, prized: to converse with : to intercede with. 3. to read. II.
ra 6eu>v evrifM. what is honoured in the sight of the also - Tvyx avoJ wv iv, to happen to be in.
gods, their ordinances or attributes : Adv., ivri/juus — cv-t&XCo-o-o), f. £<», to roll or wrap up.

(X (lV or a-ycw Ttva to hold him in honour. €v-tvvov, Ep. impf. of ivrvvcu ; but also aor. I imperat.
ivr\it\\ia, aros, to, (ivri fivco) a cut, incision, notch. cvruvb) Jji] : f. ivrvvw ivrvva (evrta):
: Ep. aor. I :

?vro, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of irjfii. — to equip, deck out, get ready, furnish, prepare : c.
«vto\t|, j), (cvtcWoj) an injunction, command. ace. pers., Ivtvvuv tivol to make one ready, urge him
«vrop,os, ov, {(VTtfxvco) cut in pieces, cut up ; ivropn on : also c. inf. to urge to do a thing.
nottiv to offer as victims. «v-rvn-As, Adv. (kv, t^ittou) of Priam, ivrvirns iv
€vtovos, ov, {(VT(ivoj) strained: intense, earnest, X^-a'tvy K€Ka\vfinivos covered with his mantle so as
eager, violent. Adv. vws, violently. to shew the shape of bis limbs.
iv-Tomos, ov, = €vtoitos. €v-Tt5ir6a>, f. cuooj, {iv, tvttos) to stamp, engrave.
cv-Toiros, ov, ((v, ronos) in or of a place. €v-ru4>a>, f. -Ovipoj, to smoke, [v]
€vtos, Adv. (iv) Lat. intus, intrinsecus, opp. to tvTvta, Ep. impf. tvrvov, = ivrvvoj.
iicTut : I. of Place, in within, inside ; also as 'EvvdXtos, o, ('Evvw) the Warlike, epith. of Ares or
Prep. c. gen , ivrbs i/Mvrov in my senses. 2. on Mars in the Iliad; but, in later authors, different from
this side, Lat. citra, c. gen. II. of Time, within, him. II. as Adj., warlike, furious, [a]
in less than, c. gen., ivros ttttocn f/fxepaiv within 20 «v-v|3p(fci>, f. ia<u Att. Xw, to insult one in a thing.
days. Hence cvvSpis, 10s, ii, an otter. From
IvtooOc and before a vowel -0cv, Adv. from within, cwSpo-^ios, ov, living in the water.
within. ?v-v8pos, ov, (kv, vSwp) with water in it, holding
ivrp&ytlv, aor. 2 of ivrpirpa inf. water. II. of water, watery. III. living
cvTpairrjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of ivrpliroj. in or by water.
^vTpa-rrf|o-op,ai, fut. 2 pass, of ivrpiiroj. €vv£a, aor. of viaao).

€v-Tp«irw, f. Tpiip<u, to turn about metaph. to re- : «vvirvid£a>, clow, to dream.

f. From
prove, make ashamed : - Med. and Pass, to turn one- €vvirviov, to, a thing seen in sleep. 2. a dream.
self, turn towards a person to give heed to, listen to, : Properly neut. of ivvirviot.
respect or pay deference to : feel shame or fear. €vuirvios, ov, (iv, vnvos) appearing in sleep.
€v-Tp€<J><i>, f. -Opixf/oj, = rp(<pw Iv, tobring up or train €V-virvos, ov, = ivvnvios.
in : of habits, etc., to grow up with, become natural €VWTa£a, aor. I of v vera £a>.
to, c. dat. tv vc^aivo), f.>, to weave in as a pattern : — Pass.
«v-Tp«x«», f. -$p{£ofjai or -BpHfiovfiai (from obsol. to be inwoven. Hence
Spiuxv) : to run in, to move freely in. II. to evtf4>avr6s, ov, inwoven.
slip in, enter. 'ENTH', 60s, contr. out, 1$, Enyo, goddess of war,
fVTplfJ-rjvot, aor. I inf. pass, of evrpifioj. Hence answering to the Roman Bellona.
: —
: : — : : : : :

230 iv<ofJLOT&pxri$ — k£aK.6cnoi.

«v&>fi.OT-dpxi)S, ov, 6, leader of an (vaporta. «£a-€T-f|S, it, gen. lot, (?£, trot) six years old: fern.
cvci>p,or(a, r), {(vw/motos) properly, any band of sworn «£acns, iSos. — Adv. i£dtTcs,for six years.
soldiers : a division of the Spartan army, being a sub- c£-a0po((, Med. to collect out from.
division of the \d\os and containing 32 men. c£-aid£<i>, strengthd. for aidfa.
iv-wpiOTOs, ov, (ev, 6/Jivvfxi) bound by oath
: a con- <£-<upd<ro-<i> Att. -ttg>, f. £ai, to make quite bloody.
spirator. Adv. -otws, on oatb. c£-aCvi)p.<u, Dep. to take away, carry off".
cvwir&Suos, Adv. to one's face. From c£-a£pcaris, «os, r), {({atpiv) a taking out — a way
€v-o)irf|, r), (iv, wip) the face, countenance: dat. iv- of taking out.
amq as Adv. before the face, openly, Lat. palam. e£-aip€Tcov, verb. Adj. of k£aip4on, one must select.
cvwma, <uv, rd, tbe inner walls fronting those who cf-atperos, ov, taken out, picked out, chosen. 2.
enter properly neut. of tvomios.
: reversely, taken out, rejected, expelled. II. that
Ivwmov, in tbe presence of Lat. coram. From can be taken out. From
cv-unrios, ov, {(v, anp) in one's presence, face to face. {g-aipcca, f. r)ooj : aor. 2 t£u\ov Ep. t£(\ov (sup-
iv&pcra, aor. I of ivopvvfii. plied from obsol. — Med.,
t\<u) : fut. t£c\ovfxai : aor.
iv&pro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass,
of ivSpvvfU. 2 ((uKofxrjV — Pass., pf. t^rjprjpai Ion. ((apaiprjiMii
cvuKra, lou. for tvorjaa, aor. I of voiw. — to take out, take out of: — Med. to take out for one-
cvu>Ti£, Dep. (iv, ovs) to hearken to. self: to unlade, discbarge one's cargo. II. to

T23, Lat. EX, put for (K before a vowel. take from among others, to pick out, choose: — Pass, to
*E3, 01, al, rd, indecl., Lat. SEX, our SIX. be picked out tor a special gift : also to be dedicated,
i^ayaytlv, aor. 2 inf. of i£dyoj. devoted. III. to take away, remove —Med. to
i£-*yyekia>, r), information sent out to the enemy. take —
away from one: Pass, to have a thing taken
From away. IV. in Med. to set free, deliver. V.
€|-oyy«XXo), f. (\S>, to tell out, publish, report : esp. to make away with : to destroy or demolish a city.
to send out information to the enemy : —
Med. to pro- c£-aCpo>, contr. of Ion. form t£-afipoj fut. i£-&pG>
mise to do : — Pass, to be reported as doing; impers., aor. I i£r}pa —
to lift up, lift off lb? earth. 2. to
: :

i£ayyc\\erai it is reported that. Hence raise, exalt, extol. 3. to arouse, stir up, ex-
^-dyY*^ 05 ' 6, r), a messenger who brings news out cite. II. Med. to carry oft for oneself, earn

esp. an informer. II. on the Greek stage the i£alp(o6ai voaov to take a disease on oneself, catch
ayytKos came to tell news from a distance, but the it. III. Pass, to be raised, to rise. 2. to be
i£dyyt\os told what was going on behind tbe scenes. excited, agitated.
il*yy*kros, ov, (ffayytkKoj) told of, discovered. c£-ato%os, ov, (c£, aloa) beyond what is right, trans-
i\-&y(£<a, f. iato Att. i£>, to drive out as a pollution. gressing right, lawless. II. of things, monstrous:

c£-&yiv€<i> Ion. for (£dyw. violent.

«£dyicrTOS,o!', (i£ayi£co) accursed, abominable. II. <£-at<ro-» Att. -axraco, -^ttci>: fut. -at(oj, -$<u:
of things, devoted, mystical. aor. I — ij£a to ruth forth, start out.

<£-aYK<i>vi(<i>, (t£, ayicwv) to nudge with the elbow. e£-<!furrd(0, f. wow, (l£, diaros) to bring to naught,
cl-dyvvpA, f. -d£o), (l£, dyvvfM) to break and tear utterly destroy, annihilate.
away, to rend. c£-aiTC6>, f. r)aw : aor. I e£rJTi]aa to demand from —
c£-&-yopd£<i>, f. daw, to buy from: to redeem. another i£. nvd to demand that he be given up, de-

t£-&Yop€ua>, f. aw, to speak out, publish, divulge. mand his surrender —

Med. to beg for oneself, to
*£" a YP low *• &><**>, (*£» dypios) to make wild or beg a person off, gain his release.
waste : of living things, to make savage, exasperate. €£aiTT)o-is, ecus, r), a demanding from another. 2.
ij- -ay <*>, f. -d£at: aor. 2 -r)yayov —to lead or carry a Egging °ff> intercession.

out of or away from. 2. of things, to carry out, ex- ?£><utos, ov, (f£ ahfoj) chosen, choice, precious.

port ; rcL k£ay6ptva exports. 3. to draw out from, c4-ai4>vr)S, Adv. on a sudden.
set free from. 4. to drive out, expel. II. to bring c£ &iccop<u, fut. iffoficu Dep.: to heal completely,

forth, produce: to call forth, excite. 2. of persons, to apply a cure ; x°*- ov t{ai(taao0ai to appease it ; iv-
lead on, excite, rouse: also to lead on, tempt. III. Seiat (£ajc4oac0ai to make up for deficiencies. Hence
intr. (sub. iavrov) to go or march out. Hence c£aKco-ks, «<u$, r), a thorough cure.
«£ay<i>YT|, "ht <* leading out, drawing out : exporta- !£<k(s, Adv. («£) six times, Lat. sexies. Hence
tion : hence c£axio--xC\ioi, six thousand; and
i£&y<ayiu.os, ov, carried out; to <{ay&ryi/jia exports. <£aKio--p.vpioi, sixty thousand.
<£-&Y<»vi£ op,cu, f. Att. Tovfiat, Dep. to struggle bard. <£-&ko\ov6c<0, f. r)cra), to follow up, imitate.
!£dS-apxos, ov, (k(ds, apx 03 ) leader of a body of six. c£-<lKOVTt£c>, fut. iaoj Att. lot, to dart or shoot forth,
«£-a'8u>, fut. -qaofMt to sing away ; i£<fieiv rhv &iov launch. 2. metaph. to direct away from : also to
to sing away one's life, end it in song, as the swan : — stretch out to: to shoot for"b from one's mouth, utter.
to sing away a spell II. to sing of, descant upon. c£&k6o%oi, at, a, (!£) six hundred, Lat. sexcentu
t£-&«(pu> Ion. for i£aipa>. Hence
— : : — : : :

k^aKO(rioar6s — 2£avbpairobtC(*, 231

l£&ico<rio<rr6s, 17, 6v, six-bundredtb. one for another, pass over from one place to another,
€g-4*o\Ki>, f. -aKovoofiai : aor. I -ijteovffa : to bear withdraw from — Med. to pass out. III. in Med.
esp. from a distance: to listen for. also, to requite, repay.
a sound,
c£-aKpi{36o>, f. wow, to make accurately, finish care- cg-ftp-cAyo), f. (w, to milk or suck out. II. to

fully. II. to inquire accurately. III. «£a- press, as cheese.

Kpikovv \6yov speak distinctly.
to cg-dpeAcw, f. rjoa). to be utterly careless of.
<g-aicpC£u> Att. iw, to reach the top of; i{a-
f. i<r<u Igd-perpos, ov, [t£, fierpov) of six metres : i£apt-
KpLfav aldtpa to skim the upper air. rpos (sub. rovos), 6, the heroic or hexameter verse.
«£aKTcov, verb. Adj. of i£dy<», one must march out. !gd-p/nvos, ov, (*£ nty) lasting six months, Lat. se-

«'£-d\aoa>, f. wo<», to blind utterly; 6<f>0aX/jiuv «£aA.a- mestris : as Subst., Ifaftnvot, 6 or

1J, a half-year.

woat to put out his eye. ?-«RX^i f "h™> to get out of a difficulty, ex-

«g-d\airdg<i>, f. £<u, of a city, to sack, storm : gene- tricate oneselffrom it.

rally, to ruin, destroy : to exhaust. eg dpxXAdopcu, aor. 1 med. rjyuWnad-

f. ijaoftm.


cgdAaro, Dor. for (tfKaro, 3 sing. aor. I of «£<&- firjv, pass. Dep.
r}fu\\-q$i]v to struggle vehe-

Kofuu. mently ; dfjilWas ifafuWrjOtis having gone through

cg&XccurOai, Ep. aor. I med. inf. of (£a\iofMU. desperate struggles. II. to drive out of: to drive
cgdAciirrpov, to, a box for ointment. From out of one's wits. III. as Pass, to be rooted out,
cg-&\ctya>, fut. ^v: aor I -ykuipa : Pass., pf. If. — of the Cyclops' eye.
TjXiUfiai Att. k^aX^XiniMu'.—to anoint thoroughly; «g-«, Med. to ward off from oneself, drive
plas-er over. II to wipe out, erase : nietaph. to away, [v]
destroy utterly, blot out ; l£a\ci<puv nva etc rod xa- eg- Sv<ryicd£a>, f. &a<u, toforce or compel utterly. II.
raXuyov to strike his name
off the list
Med., !£- — to force out, drive away.
aXdipaaOat itdOot cpptvos to blot out the suffering €g-avdY<o, f. -avrryayov -.—to bring out
d£ei/ : aor. 2
from one's mind. of or up from : —
put out to sea, set sail.
Pass, to
«£-a\«', Dep. to beware of shun, escape. cg-avoovopai, Med. with aor. 2 act. -ctvidw to —
cg-&\cvopju, f. aofxai, = i£a\cofiai. rise out of, come from under, emerge from: generally,
*«'£ aXivSa>, only found in aor. I part. i£a\i<ras [t] t to escape from.
pf. i£r)klKa —
to roll out, roll well airayc rov tnnov : cg-avageco, fut. iau, to make to boil up or over: me-
t£a\ioat otxaSt take him home when you have given taph., c(avaCuv x^ov to let his fury boil forth.
him a good roll (see aKivhijOpa) ; ((qXtKat fit Ik tSjv cg-avaipcw, f. fjooj, to take up out of.
ipuunt you have rolled, tumbled me out of my all. cg-avaKpovu, f. atu, to beat back:— Med. of ships,
cgaXXay ^ 1
9» a changing : difference. From backing water.
to retreat by
{g-aXAdcroxa Att. -nw fut. £a>: aor. 1 -^AAofa: €g-avdXC(TK(i>, rut. -avak&iaoj : aor. I -av^Xaxra pf.



pf. -ijAASxa: Pass., aor. — and 2 -yWaxOijv, I pass. avqKwfiai to consume or destroy utterly :
-^nWdyijv: pf. -T/Maypat: to change utterly or — Pass, to be quite used up, Lat. exbauriri.
quite. II. to withdraw or remove from. III. cg-avaAvto, f. vow, to set quite free.

to turn another way ; iroiav [<$8<V"l }(a\\a£Q) which cgavdXcixns, «us, ff, (t£ava\iaieoj) exhaustion.
way shall I lake; t£a\Xaaauv Kcp>ci8a to ply the eg-ovairvto), f. -rrvtvaofjuu, to breathe again, revive.
shuttle to andfro. ig-ovdiTTW, f. rf/oj, to bang up a ihing/rom or by:
l£-dXAo|uu, -UXovnai:
fut. Ep. aor. 1 -rjXafirjv: — Med. to attach oneself. II. to rekindle.
aor. 2 part. ((aXfievos Dep. to spring out of or
: «£-avapirdfo>, f. £<« and oa>, to snatch away.
forth from ; (£aWfa9a.i /card, rod Tfi\ovs to leap «? avaenrdo), f. aaoi [<fl, to tear away from.
down from it. II. to leap up : of horses, to rear, «gavdar«arts, fa». 1), (t£avioT-nni) a removal. 1.
Jg-£\v<rKCi>, f. tf£w : aor. I -^Kv^a : = i(a\iofMU. intr. an uprising from : the resurrection.
ig-SpapTavw, f. -aimp-rqffofuu: aor. 2 -i\yuttprov'.—» «£-avacrT€<f>ci>, f. xf/OJ, to crown with wreaths.
to mistake utterly, err greatly,commit afnvlt against: *gava<rrf|<rci>, «gavo<rrfjo-at, fut. and aor. I inf. of
— mismanaged, wrongly trea'ed. Hence
Pass, to be i(avi<rrrjfu.
<£&pxu>Tia, j}, an utter mistake, error. €$-av<urrpfd>co, f. if/at, to turn upside down: to burl
«£-apAa>, fut. -qau or ^aofjuu: pf. pass, ([font***:— headlong from.
to mow off, finish reaping : me'aph. to cut cg-avaTtXXo), to make spring upfront. II. intr.
off de-
stroy: —
Pass., yhovs awavrot frifav <£ijfir]/Ji{v>s hav- to spring from.
ing the stock of all the race cut «£-<wa<bav86v, Adv. quite openly.
i£-ay.p\6<0, f. -afifiXwao) :
pf. -rtfi&Xojiea — to make cg-ava<t>lpa>, f. -avoioto, to bring up from the
miscarry: metaph., <ppovTiff itfp(i\<uKat you have water. II. intr. to emerge from: to recover
made mv wit miscarry. from an illness.
c£-&fi€(6o>. fut. ^ aor. 1 -r/ucitpa — to exchange cf-avaxup&i), f. fjao). to go out of the way, withdraw,
alter: hence to put off, lay aside : — Med. to take the retreat. II. c. ace. to evade
place of, follow close on. II. of Place, to change 4£-av8p&iro8t(ci>, and Med. {gavSpairo8(£, f.
—— : : —
: : : —
282 2£avhpair6hi<ri$ — ££a/>/clo>.

-taoftai Att. -tovfMt : (If, avhpairohov) : — to sell for €£a-ira\cnoTOS, ov, (?f , trSXaiffT^) of six bands-
slaves, reduce to utter slavery : the Att. fut. IfavSpa- breadths.
noStovfM.i is also used in pass, sense, as are aor. I €£-a.iraXXd<nrco -ttw, f. f<w: aor. I -anri\-
-rjvSpanodiadrjv, pf. -rjvb'paiTob'iafM.i. Hence \a£a to free from, remove from
Med. to remove —
€£av8pSir68uxis. ecus, ij, a selling for slaves. oneselffrom, get rid of.
l£, pf- f^vSpaifiai Pass. to come to :
«£-&iraT&a>, f. tjooj aor. I -nnarrjaa to cheat or
: :

man's years; Kuxos oSvvtojv ocpfos f^vSpcofiivos a deceive thoroughly : to seduce : Pass., with fut. med. —
band having grown to men from the dragon's teeth. -rjaofiai, to be utterly deceived.
€£-av€Y€ipco, f. -fffpui, to excite, stir up. «£-aircvrr|, ij, a gross trick or deception.
«^av€u\6p.T)v, aor. 2 med. of c£avaipia). a deceiver.
«£-fiircVrriTT|p, fjpos, 6, (IfaTraTatu)
«£-dv€ip.i, to rise out from : to go up in. II. to l^-dirdrvWca, Comic Dim. of IfaTrardcw, to cheat a
come back from. little, impose upon.

«£-5v€p6io, f. wotv: aor. I -rjve^xuaa: (l£, avefios): !£-clTrScj>tcrKco, Ep. form of f^-airarAoj aor. 2 Qif-


to inflate: puff up. II. to scatter to the winds, nacpov, part. (£aira<pajv : also 3 sing. aor. 2 med. opt.
bring to nothing. (£aTra<poiTo occurs in act. sense.
e£-avf pxopcu, = i^avfifu. l£d-ire8os, ov, («f, irovs) six feet long.
cjjavto-TTjKa, -T)<ra, pf. and aor. I of €£avio~Tijfu. l£-aim8ov, inf. (£amb'(iv, aor. 2 (with no pres. in
<£, pf. pass, of i£avaaTpe(paj. use), to observe from afar. Cf. eTSov.
«£av€T€iXa, aor. I of IfavareAAcy. I^a-Trrjx^s, v, (?f, ir^x vs ) Sl * cubits long,
c|-avevpio-KCi>, fut. -cvevprjoco, to find out, invent. €£dirtva, Adv., later form of ({amvrjs.
4£ av(\ta, fa>, to bold up or out:
f. intr. to pro- «£a.TrCvcuos, a, ov, = t^ai<pvibios. From
ject. Med., impf. and aor. 2 with double augm.
II. lldiriVTjs, Adv., collat. form for k£ai<pvns. \Y]
i£~V v€l X°t V v -tjv€ox°IxV v
i >
t0 bear up against :
— ila-tr\acrios,a,ov, Ion. -irXTjcrtos, r],ov, («f ) sixfold.
«£ av"n*Y<*Yov, aor 2 °^ f(<u. -
l£d-rrX€0pos, ov, (If , trXiOpov) six itKiOpa long, i. e.
l\avr\Ko., aor. i of i^avirjui. 1 200 feet long.

«£avTp\ti>cra, aor. I of «£ava\ioKO) : «£av"f|X<, pf. Ijj-airXoco, f. tOtrcw, to unfold, roll out : to explain,
pass. c£-airoJ3aiva>, f. fif/ao/Mi, to step out of.
c£-av0ca>, f. •qffu : pf. -4\vQr\Ka : — to put out eg-airoStopcu, Dep. to chase away from.
flowers. 2. to bloom with, to be covered with, to l£-airoSvvco, to put off.
break out with, of sores. 3. metaph. to burst forth, l^-aTroOvricrKti), to be just on the point of death.
break out, flourish. l£d-iroXis, ecus, rj, (?f , no\it) a league of six cities.
<£-av0i£to, f. foco Att. iu>, (If, dvOos) to deck as with e£-air6XXvpA, f. -airoXioa) Att. -airoKw: to destroy —
flowers, adorn, paint. utterly — Med., with perf. 2 act. k£av6\<uKa, intr. to
€£-avCijp.i, f. -avficro) or -avqaofiat aor. I -avrjica perish utterly to perish out of.
— to send out or forth, let loose :

c. gen. to send

e£-cvn-ovcop,cu. Pass, to return out of.

forth from. 2. to let go, dismiss. 3. to IJ-airovCfco, f. vUpco, to wash thoroughly.
slacken, loosen. II. intr. to slacken, relax, Lat. «f-airo£'uvci>, to sharpen well.
remittere. l£-airopcto, also Med. c£, to he utterly at
IJ-avCcm)|ii, -avaoT-qoa), aor. I -avtOTqoa
f. : in a loss, be in great perplexity.
these tenses Causal, to make rise from one's seat. 2. €£-a7rooT«XX<D, to send out or away : to divorce.
to remove from a settlement : make to emigrate, ex- l£-aTroTivto, f. -avoriaoj [t], to atone fully.
pel. 3. to depopulate, destroy. II. Pass, and €£-airocJ>0e(pci>, to destroy utterly.
Med., with aor. 2 act. -avtarrjv, pf. -avkoTnita, plqpf. l£-<iirT&), f. \f/a) : aor. 1 (fijif/a
— to fasten from or
-ciOTr/fceiy, intrans. to rise from one's seat or sta- to : c. dat. to attach to. II. Med. to hang from,
tion. 2. generally, to arise and depart from a cling to a thing. 2. to fasten about oneself, wear.
place to be driven out from one's home.
: 3. to be l£apa(pT), Ion. pf. pass, of k£aip4<».
depopulated. c£-ctpdcro-o) Att. -ttco, fut. fey: aor. I Ifijpafa :
l£-avo£yw, to lay open. dash or knock out, shatter: metaph. to assail furiously.
e£-avop06a>, f. wao), to set upright, restore. €'£-apY«c», f. jjaa;, (If, dp7os) to be quite torpid: —
«£-avTX«a>, f, {jou: aor. I --qvTk-qaa : to draw out, Pass, to be quite neglected.
Lat. exbaurire. II metaph. to endure to the end, *£-apYvpt£oL>, f. iaoj Att. 1S1, and l£-apY*p6ci>, f. tytra;,

see out, Lat. exantlare. to turn into money, sell.

«£ clvvto Att. !£-dvvT<i>, tow [if] aor. 1 i^vvaa c£-a, f. -ap«ao/jai, Dep. to make oneself
— to accomplish, fulfil.
f. :

2. to dispatch, kill, Lat. acceptable to : also to win over, conciliate.

conflcere. 3. of Time, to bring to an end, accom- e£-dpi0p.eci>, f. i\aa>, to count throughout, Lat. enu-
plish: hence to finish one's way to a place, arrive at merare. II. to pay in ready money.
it. 4. c. inf. to manage to do, Lat. efficer* i£-apKco), f. low, to be enough for : impers., Ifap*cf
ut ... 5. Med. to finish for oneself. ftoi it is enough for, satisfies me, c. inf. II. to
: —: — : — : : : :

i£apKJs — $(cuhu. 233

abound in, be content with: c. part, to be satisfied with {£-a4>vo-<7<0, f. i/crou [iJ] : aor. I -fovea — to draw
doing. III. to assist, succour. Hence forth.
«£apKT)s, 4s. enough, sufficient. l£dUm,i, aor. I inf. of k^dirro).
l£apKovvTws, Adv. pres. part, of (£apKi<v, enough, l£l/3a\ov, aor. 2 of kiefldWa).
sufficiently. c£c{3-nv, aor. 2 of tK&aiva) — ?£ef>av, Aeol. and Ep.
<|-apvcop.<u, f. t/cto/jcu : aor. I -rjpvTjadfirjv and 3 pi. for i£i(JT}<rav.

-TjpvrjOijv : to deny strongly. Hence ig-cyyiidtt, f. -qaoj, ((£, I77V77) to free by giving
€£apvY]Tiic6s, rj, ov, good
denying or disowning. at bail — Med. to give bail — h'ass. to be set free on bail.
t£apvos, ov, (lfapi/|o/xai) denying, disowning. Hence
c£-apird£<d, f. -aprta^oi and -apiraaco or -apndaopai : «£€YYvrjo"tS, cojs, ij, a giving bail or surety.

aor. -7ipna£a Att. -rjpnacra pf. pass, -rjpiraafiai

i : : e£-€-y€ipci), f. -(yepw, to awaken : to raise from the
to snatch away from: to rescue from danger. dead: generally, to arouse, excite: to kindle: Pass, —
c£-apTdo>, fut. r)oa), to bang from or upon. II. with Ep. aor. 2 k^ypofx-qv, inf. -typeoOai, and pf.
Pass., with fut. med. lfapT77cro/tfu, pf e£r)pTT}fMu, to act. kgeyprjyopa, to be aroused, to wake up.
be bung upon, bang upon. 2. to have fastened to l£€Ypai|/a, aor. 2 of (Kypdcpoj.
one, be equipt with : cf. t^dmw. 3. to be exposed i^iypovTO, 3 Ep. aor. 2 pass, of k£eyeipoj.
to view. I£«8€i£a, aor. of tKOfl/evvfu.

€£-apTifa>, fut. ia<u Att. tu>, to complete, finish — «£€8€£dp/nv, aor. 1 of tKoixopai.
Pass., pf. If r/prtcr/icu, to be completely furnished. <£cSi8a£a, aor. of kttotSdaKo)

c£-apTVu, f. vow [C], to get ready: to fit out, equip: €£«8oto, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of f/cb'to'ojfii.
— Med. to get ready for oneself, fit out : to prepare, 4£-ISpa, ij, Lat. ephedra, a covered walk in front of
set about —
Pass., pf. i£r)pTVfiai, to be got ready. a house.
c£dpxe, Dor. for Ifj/px** 3 sing. impf. of e£dpx<v. l£l8pau,ov, aor. 2 of tKTpkxoi.
*S" a PX°S, ov beginning. > II. as Subst., t£apxo$, €£«8pd,v, aor. 2 of kudidpaoKa).
6, a leader, beginner, Lat. auctor. 2. the first in c£-€8pos, ov, (If, ZSpa) away from home: generally,
rank, chief Lat. princeps. 3. the leader of the strange, extraordinary. 2. c. gen. out of, away
chorus, = Kopv<patos. from; (£(8pos (pptvuiv out of one's senses. II. of
*£"^PX 0> » f- $<", t0 begin, lead off; t£6px* iv vatdva omens, in a bad quarter.
tivi to begin a hymn to one, address it to him : and c£, fut. of (£(a6ioj.
reversely, |fdpx f *" nvd. \6yots to address one with I£l8tiv, aor. 2 tin iutr. sense) of (novo).
words: — so also in Med. l£ l£l8\io-a, aor. I (in causal sense) of €k5voj.
«£-ao*K«a>, f. 17(700 : aor. I rjaKrjaa : to adorn, deck e£!8a>Ka, aor. I of k/cdidwjAi.
out. II. to train or exercise thoroughly: — Pass. l£«0Svov, aor. 2 of (KOv-qoHO).
to be well trained in. !£€0!p.Tjv, aor. 2 med. of (KTiOijfu.
c£-a,Tip,dJ(o, f. dad), to dishonour utterly. l£e0T]Ka, aor. 1 ot (KTiflrj/xi.
«£-<jiTTW, Att. contr. for Ifaftracu. I£l0opov, aor. 2 of ^nOpa/OKO).
l£-avaivci>, aor. t£r)irqva : to dry up, parch up. l£cdpE«j/a, aor. I of (KTpl<poj.
e£-av8d<i>, f. r)Oto, to speak out: — also in Med. «£6i, for «£ 161, imperat. of £f ei/zi exibo.
c£-av\«<o, f. rjao), to wear out by piping. «£-6i8ov, inf. e£ib(iv, aor 2 without any pres. In use,
c£-avA(£op.(u, f. copai, Dep. to leave one's quarters. : also aor. 2 med. imperat., tftSoo to look out, see far
€£-avTTJs, Adv., for !£ avrrjs [rfjs wpas~\, at the very see well to it. Cf. If oiba.
point of time, at once. !£eiT)S, Adv. (f\<v, tfeu) poet, for If 77s, in order, in
l£-avns, Adv. for (£-av0is, (If, avrts) over again, a row, one after another.
anew. !I. of Place, bac 1' again, backwards. l£-€iicd£&>, fut. ao), to make like: to adapt: pf. part,
4£-ovTop.o\€to, f •fjatu, to desert from. pass. lfr;«o(T/i«Vo$, represented by a likeness or por-
«£-avx«D, f. -qacu aor. I i^rjvx'qaa : to boast loudly. trait.
c£-duci>, aor. I k£-qvoa, to scream or cry out. !£ €i\!b>, f. rjaoj, Lat. evolvere, to unfold.
c£-ac|xupcci>, aor. 2 -acpetkov, med. a<p(tk6/xrjv (from !£eiX\o), = IfiAAtw.
obsol. c\a>) — to take quite away: Med., ^>vxn v — €£eiXov, c£€k\6p.T)V, aor. 2 act. and med. of lfatpl<w.
Tivot i(a<pe\fo0ai to take his life/rom him. <f£-€iua, 2 sing. «fe/ac?a (for Ifft). n f- t(t(vat Ep. '

c£-acj>iT|p,i, fut. -a<pff}aai, to send forth, discharge: to If tfiei/at : impf. If rjeiv : (f/r, tfyu ibo) :
— to go out,
set free from. come out : esp. to march out with an army ; to come
«£-a.du<mr)p.i, to put away: Med., wilh aor. — 2 act. forward on the stage. II. of Time, to come to
-ioTqv, pf. -karr\Ka, plqpf. -cott)K€iv, intrans. to de- an end, expire; orav rb tcaicuv If when the pain ('77

part or withdraw from. cease*

c£-a4>pi£opai, f. iaofjai, Med. (t( , &<pp6$} to foam <£-€ip.i (fl/ii sum), only in impers. If can . q. v.
away from oneself, Lat. despumare; f£a<ppi(*aQcu «£€iv, fut. inf. of t\oj.
pivot to foam or fret away one's strength. c£ctvai t inf. of If cart.
: : :

234 1£(lttov — cf€7rrafa.

Jf-ctirov, inf. ifuiruv, to speak out, to utter, avow c|«|ia|a, «£«u,&yt)v fl*]» aor. 1 act. and aor. 2 pats.
also, to betray : cf. ctwov. of tKftdaoo).
igcCpcro, 3 sing. impf. of c(4pouat. c|«(i€v, Ep. for c( etvat t aor. 2 inf. of Iffy/a.
c£cipvo-a Ep. -€ipvo-o*a, aor. I of i^cpvco. !£, Ep. for c( civ, fut. inf. of Ix*"-
«§-cipa>. to put forth, thrust out. II. to pull out. c£-ep.ea>, f. -€/x«<r<w : aor. 1 c^cpicaa — to vomitforth,
«f curOa, for l£u, i sing pres. of If «/*« ««&o. disgorge. 2. absol. to be sick.
cgcKaOrjpa, aor. I of cKicaOaipaj. eljf p-nya, aor. I of cxuaivoj.
«£cicap.ov, aor. 2 of (kkcluvoj. €*£ep|xop€, 3 sing. pf. of CKpcipoftat.
(^CKeCvcdO'a. poet. aor. t of -kk(Vuoj. c£-cpir€8oo>, f. awra;, /o keep fast or strictly, observe.
«f «k«xwto, 3 pi. plqpf pass, of ckx^<u. c-j-epiroXdw Ion. -ca>, f. ljaai, /o traffic; tcipbot
t^«K\€v|/a, aor. I of ckk\ctttoj. t£(/ji7To\a.v to drive a gainful frarf* ; pf. pass. cfapirS-
i£tK\i]o-laZ ov, c|€K\-r|(ria(ra, irreg. impf. and aor. I \rjuat I am bought and sold, betrayed. II. to
of (KKkrjaiafa. sdl off.
*£«<Xiva, aor. I of c kkKivq). «£ cvaCpco, aor. 2 inf. c( cvapctv, = ({cvaplfa.
i\cKo\u.ora, aor. I of ctc/co/ufa. €5-€vdpt{a>, f. t£«, /o strip or s/o*7 a foe . to slay in
<f (KO(|ra, «£€Koirnv, aor. I act. and aor. a pass, of fight.
(kkoittoj. t\cvcyKarc, 2 pi. aor. I imperat. of cK<pcpot.
t£*Kpt|ia.TO, 3 sing. aor. I med. of cKKpcfjtdvvvpu. c|-cvcir(i>, /o speak out, proclaim.

cgcicpovo-a, c£cicpowr0T)v, aor. I act. and pass, of cjcvewa, aor. 1 of ckvcvoi and also of ckvcw.
iKKpOVCO. «^€v8ois, «£evOwv, Dor. for c£i\9ois, c£c\0wv, aor. 2
c£cKi}\taa,-(ar6i)v, aor. I act. and pass. of IkkvKivScj. opt. and part, of c£cpxofuu.
<£cX&|3ov, aor. i of cic\api&ava>. t£€viKT]cra, aor. of ckvikooj. 1

«|€X<jts, 9, 2 and 3 sing fut. of i£*\avva). c£cvuj/a, aor. 1 of (icvifa.

cj^cX&ons, fats, i), a driving out, expulsion. II. c£-<ir$Sa>, f. -cva'ffouat, to charm away: Pass., If «- —
intr. a marching out, expedition. From wibcoOat <pvaiv to be charmed out of their nature.
«£-cXavvo>, f. -cKaaoj Att. -cKw: pf. -cA^\a*a: c£-€iraipo>, f. -cirapui, to stir up, elate.
also poet. pres. «£eX4u>, inf. i£ t\6.av to drive out, —
c*<iraio-a, aor. I of cKiraiat.
chase out. 2. to beat out, hammer out, of me- cicrr&Toga, aor. I of c KirarA aav.
tals. II. c^ckavvctv arparov to lead out an e£«irovo-a, aor. I. of ctenai'oi.
army : hence (sub. arparov) intrans. to set out on an clcimcra, aor. I of iieirctOa).
expedition, march out. «|€ir€ipo0Tjv id], aor. I of ctcncipaopw.
c£cX&xov, aor 2 °f fKkayx&VQi.
- «|tTr€pv|/a, aor. I of cKirlpmo).
cfcXc, poet, for c£ct\c, 3 sing. aor. 2 act. of Ifcupew: c£€ir^pT|0-a, Ion. aor I of CKircp&u.
also 2 sing, imperat. e|«Tr€0-ov, aor. 2 of ckttivto/.
€|-«X€YX«» f- £M* 'o search out, bring to the test : to tlencTavo-a, Ep. for i^cncraaa, aor. I of tic-nt-
convict, expose, confute: of things, to be proved Tavpv/it.
against one. 2 . ov rovro y c£c\iyxoiAat 1 am t^-6TT€TJxo|xat, Dep. to boast loudly.
not to blame in this. cg-cm-Kai-ScicaTOS, q, ov, = c/CKatdcKaros.
c£cXctv, c^cXco-Oou, aor. 2 act and med. inf. of «£€inov, aor. 2 of iicmvoi.
<(aiptoj. c£-€irio-Tapai, Dep. to understand, know tho-
«£«Xfcrrov, aor. 2 of cK\cina>. roughly. II. to know by heart.

c£-c\cvdepoo-Top^ti>, to be very free of speech. €|-€itittj86S, Adv., = t irtTJjbcs, on purpose, carefully.

f|c\cvo-op.av, t^eX0€lv, fut. and aor. 2 inf. of (£(px°- efeirXdyny [«]> aor - 2 P :iSS °^ *kit\tioooj. -

uai. €£«'irX«vo-a, aor. 1 of aeirKca).

fgeXrjXaKa, pf of c^cKavvot. clc-irk^a, €£€ttXt|X0t]v, aor. I act. and pass, of ck-
c^c\r\Key\iai, pf. pass, of c£c\cyx<». wAijO'O'a*.

<i-€Xwj"<ro> Att. -tto>, f. (o), to unroll, unfold: «£€irXT|o-a, «|«irXT|o*0T|v, aor. I act. and pass, of l«-
metaph. to explain. II. = Lat. explicare, to ex- m^irKrjpA.
pand the front by bringing up the rear men. e£«Trvfvo-a, aor. I of ckitvcoj.
€|eXKT«ov, verb. Adj. one must drag along. From c£ciroii)aa, aor. I of ckitoico).
<£-cXk&>, f. -cKkvoq) [p], as if from c\kvoj: to — t'^iTovaaa, Dor aor. I of cfcnovfeo.
draw or drag out. out from, rescui
2. to draw ^£fTr6pcvo-a,-«v0Tjv,aor. I act. and pass. of iiaropcvu.

from. II. to drag out, prolong, protract. c£eiropiora, aor. of CKitopifa.I

c£cXOaa, aor. I of ctcXvoj. «|€Trpd0ov, aor. 2 of CKirtpdai.
t£«p.d0ov, aor. 2 of cK/iav6avo). «'f
€Trpo£a, aor. 1 of (Kitpaaata.
c£ep.&vt)v [al, aor. 2 pass of iKpuuvu. «£«"n-piov, aor. 2 of CKirpiu.
tf cpa£a, aor. I of exudaao). cgeirrdu-nv or -ojitjv, aor. 2 of cKitcrafmi or -ouat.
f*!c|jLapyw(h)v, aor. 1 pass, of cKfMipySoi. «£«irTa$a, Dor. for c( irrrrita, aor. 1 of iKTrrrjaace.
— — : : : — ; — —
i^iirrrju — l£cTo£a/<ra. 235
I|^imjv, aor. a act. of Imtirapm.. phecies, etc., to be accomplished, come true' generally,
I£lirrfc<ra, aor. i of (Kwrva). to reach its end.
e£6ir606p.T|v, aor. 2 of (Kirvv9avopxu. c£-6po>co), f. fact), to swerve from the course, to shy.
I£cpdua, t<5, a vomit, thing vomited. From c£-cpo>Td(i>, f. ifaoi, to search out : to question.
t|-«pacii, dacw[d]: aor. I lflpd<xa:
f. to vomit forth, i^ta-aaaa, aor. I of (Koa6a>.
Lat. evomere. a. metaph. to disgorge, get rid of; €£co*€U7a, aor. I of tKcdu.
(((pay tcLs \prj<povt to disgorge the ballots/rom the urn. l£-€o-0io), f. -(dopxii
pf. d>T)b'ona :
: to eat away.
c£-cpYd£op.oi, £ -fpyaaofuu : pf. -dpyaaptai used l£-«r0a>, collat. form of foreg.
both in med. and pass, sense aor. I -upyaaOrjv al-
: c£co-(a, ^, (If (i/fu) a sending out, mission.
ways in pass.: Dep. to work out, finish, make com-
c£eo-is, «»s, 1), (Iffy/it) a dismissal : divorce.
plete. 2. to accomplish : to make, cause. 3. to €£ccKc8So'a, aor. I of (K<jK(5avvvfxi.
work well, cultivate. undo, destroy, Lat.
II. to !|€cr|xu>v, impf. of (Kapuaoi.

conficere : to overwhelm, ruin Pass., (£upyaap.(0a — c£€0-6f3T)0-a, aor. I of (koo0(<».

we art undone ; to* i£apyaap.(va desperate affairs «£«<totJto, 3 sing. plqpf. pass, (in aor. sense) of l/r<m'<v.
lir' ((apyao/icvois when all is over. Hence €£co-t&k€vcu, for ({(OT-qKwai, pf. inf. of i^iaTrjpti.
c£cpYa<rruc6s, if, 6v, able to accomplish. I£«<rnivat,inf. pf. of If tany/xi, contr. for Ifeariy/reVcu.
<£-cp-yci> Art. -dpyut, to shut out, exclude from: cfcarciXa, aor. I of (kot(Woj.
to binder, forbid : to drive away Pass., cu/ay/taiy — if vos, pf. part. pass, of (KOT(<po>.
£(ipy(o9cu to be forced to a thing, l£€OTTjKa, Kearny, pf. and aor. 2 of ((ioTtjpu.
c£-€pcc(vti>, to inquire into or after : search or try. «£-«ot%, impers., subj. «ffl, optat. ((drj: inf. (£(tvat:
c|-€pc0t£o>, <£-€pcda>, strengthd. for ip(0i(w, ipiQaj. (£(orai : impf. If rjv ((£, dpi sum) —it is al-
fut. : :

t£-fptiiTo>, to strike or hew off. II. intr. in lowed, it is in one's power, is possible: part. (£ov Ion.
aor. 2 ((rjptirov, inf. If «pnr«tV, and pf. (^piira to If (6v, :

absol. nom., it being possible, Lat. quum liceat.
fall to earth; xairn ((vy\ijs e£(piwovaa the mane €£«aTpAT€vo"a, aor. I of (KOTparevai.
streaming downwards from the yoke : to fall down. l£, pf. of kKOTparoir&v'opm.
c£-«pctryopai, Pass, of rivers, to empty themselves. l£tarTp€\|/a, aor. 1 of (Karpi<p<u.
«|-cpcwdu, f. r)oa}, to search out, examine. !£«rupt|v [C], aor. 2 pass, of (xavpoj [u],
c|-cp«i> Art. contr. -epw, (If, ipico) fut. without l£co-(opcv6p.T|v, impf. pass, of (Ka<up(voi.
any pres. in use, I will speak out, proclaim: hence pf. c£co-o>o-a, 4£eaa>&T)V, aor. I act. and pass, of Ikow^v.
act. ifdprjica ; 3 plqpf. pass. ((dprjTO and fut. If a- I£-€t&£<0, f. k£(raooj Att. Ifcrw: aor. I itfraoa

pr)o(Tcu in pass, sense. The pres. in use is (£ayop(v<o, Dor. Ifi7T<zfa: pf. If^ra/ra: Pass., aor. 1 i^riraaOrjv: —
the aor. If euro?. pf. If^ratr/zot to examine well or closely, to scruti- :

l£-«p«w, Ep. for i(4poftai, to inquire into: inquire of. nise: hence to question, esp. by the torture : of things,
c|-cpi)p.oo>, f. wcoj, to make utterly desolate, desert to search out, to inquire into, sift closely. 2. of
utterly. troops, to inspect, review. II. to prove clearly,
l£-epi£<i>, f. be contumacious, resist. to test: hence to estimate, compare:
iooj, (l£, (pis) to Pass./o be proved, —
c£cpiirctv, aor. 2 inf. of ({tpunaj. to stand the trial : to be examined.
c£cpurrf|S, ov, 6, (If cpi£a>) a stubborn disputant. l£€Ta0T)v [fi], aor. I pass, of (Ktuvoj.
l£-«'popxu, fut. -(prjoopai : Dep. : (If, (popuu): to — I£€tAktjv [a], aor. 2 pass, of (kttjkw.
inquire of: to inquire into, examine: cf. (£(pio). 4£lTap.ov, aor. 2 of ktcripvo).
*£-€piro>, f. -(pi//u : aor. I -dpirvo-a (as if from -(p- llerdwo-o-a, Ep. aor. of kicravioi. I
»va>) to creep out of: absol. to creep out.
: €£€Tavvo-0T]v, aor. of (Kravva). I pass,

Ifceppdynv [a], aor. 2 pass, of (/cprjyvvpu. c£cTdpa£a, aor. I of (Kiapaaaa).

c£cppava, aor. 1 of (tcpaivu. c£cTdo-is, (us, 1), (IfcTd^o;) a searching out: a
*£<PPll a . a <>^ of etcp-fryvvpu.
I military inspection or review.
«£«ppi\|/o, aor. 1 of (Kpiirrej. 4£€TaarvK6s, i\, 6v, (If crdfco) skilful at examining:
<£cppvT)ica, pf. of i/cpioj. absol. inquiring.
c£cppvT|v, aor. 2 pass, (in act. sense) of l/rplai. l£cTciva, aor. I of Ittrdva).
c£-cpp<d, (If, tppoi) to go out: only in imperat.,«ffef>p« c£ctckov, aor. 2 of (kt'iktoi.
yaiat away out of the land. 4£€Te\€iov, Ep. impf. of (ht(K(cj.
c£-€pvKo, to ward off, repel, [v] 4£€T6X€vvto, Ep. 3 pi. impf. pass, of l*reX*a>.
«|-«pv<o, f. vow [0] : aor. 1 If dpSffa Ep. (£lptiaa !£€T€t6£€vto, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of (Kto£cvcj,
and l£(ipvooa : to draw out of, snatch out of, wrest l£€T€XVT)o dp.Tiv, aor. I of (KT(xvaopxu.

from : to tear out. l£€rr)K6p.i)v, impf. pass, of (kttjkoi.

<£-lpXopat, Dep. with fut -(K(vaoptai aor. 2 -iJXB- «£-€tiis, (s, (?f. (rot) six years old.


$ov contr. -rj\6ov pf. -(\ij\v6a : to go out, com* «£-«Tt, (i/e, It() Prep, with gen. even until nam.
out of, march off: to go through: to stand forth. YL «£«Tl<ra, aor. I of (kt'ivo).
of Time, to come to an end, expire. III. of pro- €£cT6£cvaa, aor. 1 of l/rrof (va>.
— —
236 i^€Tpa7r6fjL7]v — l£fjs»

€|eTpSir6p.T]v, aor. i med. of lurpiitoi. «£t)ko<tt6s, 77, ov, (Itf/eovTa) sixtieth, sexagesimus.
tijtTpcipa, aor. of eKTpcnoj. I «£-t|ku>, f. have arrived at a point: of Time,
rtfa;, to —
c£crpulsa, aor. I of (KTpi(3<u. to have run out, expired: of prophecies, to have —
«|€xpu)aa, aor. I of (KTiTpwoKO). turned out true.
I|-€v\aP«op,ai, Dep. to be very cautious of. «^T|Xao-a Ep. «£t|Aa<r<ra, aor. I of «£eAaiW.
t£-€vp.Spt£a>, ((«, (vfiap-qs) to make easy lighten. II. «£t)\Stos, ov, {k£e\avvoj) beaten out, hammered.
Med. to get ready, prepare, Lat. expedire. «£T|\€YX0'nv, aor. 1 pass, of i£«\eyx w: ^tjAeyicTO,
«£«t»p€o-is, ecus, 17, (ifcvpiofcoj) a searching out: a 3 Mng. plqpf.
finding out, invention. €^Tj\€t\|;a, aor. I of t£a\€i<p<».
t^€vp-r)p.a, aros, to, a thing found out, an invention, «£"i,X0ov, aor. 2 of i£ipxofMii.
contrivance. From «£-T)\ui£<i), f. daoj, («£, ip^ios) to set in the sun : to
e£-€vpuxKa), f. -(vprjaoj, aor. 2 -cvpov : to find out, bang in the open air.
discover : to invent. 2. to seek out. 3. to find «£T|AXa£a,aor. 1 of ((aWdaatu: «|TjXXaYp.oi,pf pass.
out, win, secure. «£Y|Ai>o-i.s, «vs, -fj, {l£r)hv9ov aor. 1 of k\lp\oiw.i) a
«!-«vTp€ir{£a>, to prepare. going out a way out.

i^-€\)\o\iai, Dep. to boast aloud, proclaim. II. *£--rjp.ap, Adv. {i£ ^pxip) for six days, six days long.

to pray for. e|TjpapTOv, €|Tju,apTr|Ka, aor. 2 and pf. of k^afiapTdvoj.

€^€<j>aav0Tjv Ep for «£e<|>av0T]v, aor. I pass. of€K<paivw. i£r\\x.p\<t>Ka, pf. of i£anP\6a>.
«£e<j>avT)V [a], aor, 2 pass, of iiccpaiva). e£T]p.€i\|/a, aor. of igafiuPa).

c£€<j>0app.cvos, pf. pass. part, of (K<p0(ip<u. €£-T)u,€p6b>, to tame or reclaim quite:

f. wow, me-
€£«<j>8ivrai, 3 pi. pf. pass, of tK<pOivo). taph. to civilise, humanise.
^*4>0ito, 3 plqpf. pass, of (KcpOivw. €^tju.tjp«vos, pf. part. pass, of i^ayudo).
«£-e<J>iT)pi, mostly used in Med. c£c4>(€, to enjoin, «^T|piAXT]o-Ap.Tjv, -tjOtjv, aor. 1 med. and pass, of
urge, bid. (^afjiiWaofMii.
i^f^vyoy, aor. 2 of in<p(vy<u. <£T)p.oi|36s, ov, (i£anei0a)) quite changed; «£i;/*ot/3<l

«£«4>i)(Ta, «|€<j>vv, aor. 1 and 1 of l«<pvcw. (tftara changes of raiment.

*£*X €a Ep «£«X €VO >
aor -
I °f ««X* £y - e^Tjp-TToXTipai, pf. pass, of i£cjjiiro\d<u.

«S € X°P 6VO"^P- Tl v » aor 1 med. of (Kxopevo). - «|Tjv8pa-iro8io-fihrjv,, aor. I and pf. pass, of

«£*XP 1)°'a » aor x or (txpao). (£avbpairob'i£<v.


i^\vQt\v [v"\,aor. 1 pass, of «/rx«u. «£"fjv8pu>, pf. pass, of (^avSpdofMi.

«£-€x*», f. ^oj, intr. ro starcrf ow/ or project from : *£ 1H V€ 'Y Ka > «£t|v€ykov, aor. 1 and 2 of lK<pip<v.
of the sun, to shine out, appear. «£ir)V€ix6p.T)v, €^Tjv€crx6p.T|v, impf. and aor. 2 med.
«£c)(<iMra, aor. I of tKxwwvui. (with double augm.) of i^avix03 '

c£c\j/v£a, aor. 1 of i/cf/vx^- t'^Ti vtpcoo-a, -co0T|v, aor. I act. and pass, of l^avtyLow.
«£-(i)/a>, f. -(Xprjacu, to boil thoroughly. «|T]v0TjKa, -Tjo-a, pf. and aor. I of c£avde<».
«|-H(3os, ov, {kit, ri^rf) past one's youth. €|T)vrXT|Ka, -tjo-o, pf. and aor. I of k£avrk4a).

«^T|Y a Y 0V aur 2 of (£a~f<u.

' - t^Tjvuo-a, aor. I of k£avvai or l£avvTOJ.
il-r\yy*\\a, i^i\yyi\h\v, aor. I act. and pass, of e£- «^T)£a, Att. aor. I of i£aioooj, t£qooa>.
ayyeAAoi. «^7jir<xTr|Ko, -fjo-a, pf. and aor. I of i^airardo).
€^-T)Y€op,at, fut. -TjcofMu : pf. -7}yr)ftai : Dep. :
— to k^Tta^ov, aor. 2 of i£aira<pioKQ).
6« leader of, c. gen. pers. 2. c. ace. pers. to man- c|-TjTr€poir€va>, f. c<u, to cheat utterly.
age, direct, govern. II. to go first, lead the «|-r|po, aor. I of k[aipa).
way: 2. i£rjytio9ai rtvt to shew one the way t^pappat, pf. pass, of {rjpaivoi.
in a thing ; and so to guide : also to teach ; to com- c|T]pdv0T)v, aor. 1 pass, of (rjpaivoj.
mand. III. like Lat. praeire verbis, to prescribe e£T]pa£a, aor. I of k£apdooa).
a form of words : to expound, interpret. IV. c£t)p&to, 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of h£aipoj,
to tell at length, narrate, describe. Hence «|-T|p6Tp.os, ov, (e£, Ipiaoai) with six oars,
«£tjyt|tt|s, ov, 6, a guide, director, counsellor: gene- ^TjpKOVv, impf. of i£apitioj.
rally, a deviser. II. an interpreter of oracles or €|T|pira|a or -oo-a, aor. I of l£apnd$aj.
sacred rites, Lat. interpres religionum. «£"f|pTTjpat, pf. pass, of (£aprd<v.
e£T)Yp6p.T|v, aor. 2 med. of igfyeipa). €^T)pTio-pai, pf. pass, of ({apTifa.
«|-rjKao-pai, pf. pass,of igaitafa. «gT|pTvpai, pf. pass, of e(apTva>.
€|TjKOVTa, rd, indecl. (?£) sixty, sexaginta.
ol, ai, ij--i)pxero, 3 sing. impf. med. of i£dpxos.
€|T]KovTa-«TT]s, (s, (k£-f]fcovTa, eros) sixty years old. c^T|pa>T)0-a, aor. I of k£cpoj£a).
€|tjkovtAkis poet. -<xki, (k£r)Kovra) Adv. sixty times. il-r\o-Kt)o-a, aor. 1 of *£aa/c«y : c|T|0-KT)p,(u, pf. pass.
t|T)Kovra-TdXavTCa, i],^r]Kovra, rdXavrov) a sum Ep. €|citjs, Adv. (€X<w, f(<u) one after another,
of sixty talents. in order: also of Time, thereafter, next. IL
^nKovTio-a, aor. I of ((atcovTiCaj. c. gen. next to.
: : : :

4£fiTa<ra — e£oA&rat. 237

i^f\rdau Dor. ^-fp-af a, aor. I of «£ct<4£o>. i^Uruniov, verb. Adj. ofttiaow, one must make tjual.
c|fJTr|0-a, aor. or" ((airiw. «£Crr)Xos, ov, (k£iivai) going out, fading : extinct:
i^Tjvqva, aor. of k£avaiva). I forgotten.
Q^vX^o-a, -tjvxovv, aor. and impf. of (Pavx^oi. i «£-tTT|T€Ov, verb. Adj. of tpxivai, one must go forth.
€£Tjd>ticra Ep. <£T)4>vcro-a, aor. I of f£a<f>vaaa>. cg-t/ros, 17, ov, verb. Adj of ipXkvai, to be come out of;
«£-tjX«°» f. sound forth, publish.
you, to rois ovk k£irov ton for whom there's no coming out.
c£f)YJ/a, and pass, of tPainco.
«|t|4>0tjv, aor. I act. «£-iXV€vg>, f aw, to trace out.
€£, f. -iaaopai Ion. -ir\aopai Dep. to cure :
— tg-iXvocncoireto, to seek by tracking out.
f. r\aai,

thoroughly: to make full amends for. lg-u«8iuvos, ov, holding six medimni.
«£l8«iv, inf. of eprioov. - «£-o"yk6<i>, f. wow, to make swell out ; p-nripa rdcpw
cg-lSt6op.<u, Dep. (l£, idios) to make one's own, to e£oyKovv honour her by raising a tomb
to Pass, to :

appropriate. be swelled out : metaph. to be puffed up, elated : ab-
«£-t8uo, law [t], to exude. sol. to swell, rise bigb. Hence

f. vow \y], to place in a resting posture — e£6yKcopa, aros, to, anything raised up : a mound,
Med. to establish oneself. barrow, cairn.
c£lev<u, inf. of e£(ifu exibo but «£i€vai, of e£irjpu. ; 4£-o8aa>, f. rjao), (i£ooos iv) to sell.

€|-iTfp.i, f. -qow, to send out, dhpatcb, in Ep. aor. 2 «£-o8ia, 17, {e£o5os) a marching out, expedition.
inf. k{ip.ev for (pfivai of a sail or cable, to let out or
: «g-68ios, ov, (4£o5os belonging to an exit; to
111) of,
loose: to throw out or forth: to take out of: Med. — the finale of a play. II. as Subst., to t£uoiov (sub.

to put offfrom oneself, get rid of. 2. to send from pt\os), thefinale of a tragedy. At Rome, exodia were
oneself, divorce. burlesques acted after other plays, or travesties on the
«£-i(hiva> [y], to make quite straight. subject of the play itself, like some modern epilogues.
c|-ikct€v<i), f. aw, to beseech earnestly. eg-oSoiiropcco, f. Tjaa), to go out of.
t£-LKv«, f. i£i£opai : aor. 2 (^iKupirjv [t] : Dep. «£-o8os, 17, a going out. 2. a marching out,
—to reach, arrive at. 2. to attain, come up to: to military expedition : a sally. 3. a solemn proces-
be sufficient for. 3. to accomplish, execute. a way out, Lat. exitus.
sion. II. III. also

c£-ikg>, f. Pw, poet, for iprjKW. an end, close : the close of life, de-
like Lat. exitus,, f. -i\daopuxt [a], Dep. to appease com- cease. 2. the end of a tragedy. 3. a piece of
pletely, propitiate. music played at any one's exit. IV. an outgoing,
«£ CXXo), to unravel, disentangle. II. to keep payment of money: hence i£o8dw.
out from, bar from. cg-oSuvdco, f. rjaoj, to pain extremely.
tgipevai, for ipievai, inf. of «£«/« exibo. ejj-6£w, f. -o(rjaw, to smell strongly.
cjj-iiroG), f. a»a<u, to press out, press heavily. ?£-oi8a, pf. without any pres. in use, Att. plqpf. ifcioTj,
c£, later form of tKireTOpiai. to know thoroughly, know well : cf. ({cidov.
I£is, €<us, rj, (c£<u fut. of ex<y) a being in a certain t£-oi8eco, f. rjoo) : pf. -tpdnm :
— to be swollen up.
state, a permanent condition or habit, of body or mind. tg-oiKtco, f.rjow, to leave one's home, to emigrate. II.

€|-iotjs, Adv. for e£ tarjs (sub. pioipas), equally; also Pass, to be thickly inhabited. Hence
c|-urov (sub. fi(Tpov). c£ouc-r|0-ip.os, ov, habitable, inhabited.
«|-ia6o>, f. ma£e ec/aa/ or
(t/a<y, /o even, Lat. *#a*- «£-oiki£u>, f. law Att. Xw aor. 1 -<pKioa to remove :

c/nar* : — Med. to make oneself equal — Pass, to be equal, out from his home, eject, expel: Pass, to go from —
to be a match for. 2. to put on a level. II. home, remove. II. to depopulate, empty.

intr. to be equal or like. c£-oiKo8op.€<i>, f. t)Ooj, to build up, build from the
€|-urrr|fii, f. (Karrjaw, aor. I l£eoT-qoa, in these ground, finish a building.
tenses Causal, to put out of its place, change, alter; c£-oip.b>£b>, f. -oipcj£opLat, to wail aloud.
ipiaravat riva <pp€vu>v to drive one out of his senses: t£ pf. igqivufxai, Pass, to be quite drunk.
hence, simply, e£iaTavai nvd to drive mad, to de- e£-oioT«os, a, ov, verb. Adj. of iK<pipa}, to be brought
range; also to astonish, to bewitch. II. Pass., out. II. i£oioreov, one must bring out.
with aor. 2 act. ipiarrjv, pf. -ioT-qxa, plqpf. -€<rr*/- €£-ourrpda> or -«o>, f. 770*00, to drive quite wild.
K€iv, to stand aside from : to stand out of the way : «£oCcra>, fut. of kiccpipw: med. «£otaop,ai also in —
to make way for one ; also c. ace. to shrink from, pass, sense.
shun. III. c. gen. rei, to retire from: to be de- t£-oixv€to, f. t/o-cu, to go out: Aeol. 3 pi. k^Oi\v€vat.
prived of; (Karrjvai varpos to lose one's father. 2. t^-oixopat, Dep. to have gone out.
<ppwwv ipcoTavai (pf. inf.) to lose one's senses: absol. €§-ok«XX<o, aor. I -AxeiXa, to thrust out of the sea ;
to be out of one's wits, be astonished. 3. generally, to run a ship aground: intr. of the ship, to run
I to give up one's pursuits: also to change one's opinion. aground. II. metaph. to run a person aground,
«!-wrTop«i), f. i\a<o, to inquire into : inquire of. bring him into difficulties : Pass., dtvpo i£oitiWtTat —
<|-urxva», f. vaw [D], to be quite able. the thing is brought to this pass.
«|- wrx w ,= *£tx w : trans, to putforth: intr. to standfortb. «|oXccrai f aor. I inf. of ifoWv/u.
: : : : : : —
238 €^o\L<r6dvoa — Z£o)(os,

c£-oXio~0dv<i>, fut. -oXioOrjow: aor. 2 -w\ioOov: — c£-op06ci>, f. wow, to set upright: Pass, — to statu!
to slip off, to glance off. II. c. ace. to slip out upright. 2. metaph. to amend, restore.
of, elude. c£-cpi£o>, f. iow Att. iw aor. l t£wpioa : to send :

«£-6AX\ipi and -vo>: fut. -oXlow Att. -o\w: aor. I beyond the frontier, banish: to expose a child. II.

(£uj\foa :—to destroy utterly. II. Med. with dWrjv air' aWrjs e£opifav nuKtv to wander from one
perf. 2 e£o\w\a, to perish utterly. city to another. III. Pass, to be an exile: also
<£-oXo0peuci>, f. ow, to destroy utterly. to pass the bounds, come forth. Hence
e£-oXoXv£&>, f. £w, to howl aloud. cf-opivto [t], to exasperate.
c£, fut. med. of ex«. €£-6pioros, ov, expelled, banished.
t|o)XT)p€vcris, cws, i). a demand of hostages. From e£-opici£ci>, f. iow Att. iw, to swear a person, admin'
<£-op.T)pev<i>, f. aa;, /o bind by taking hostages : Med. ister an oa b to him. II. to exorcise, i. e. banish
to take as hostages. an evil spirit. Hence
c£-op.iXca>, f. rjow, to have intercourse, associate, live e£opKto*TT)s, ov,6,onewbo administers an oath. II.

with. II. Med. to be away from one' s friends, to an exorcist.

be solitary. c£-opKos, ov, bound by oath.
€£-6p,iXos, ov, away from intercourse with others: c£-opic66>, f. wow, to make one swear, bind by oath,
foreign, strange. c. ace. pers. : c. ace. pers. et rei, to make one swear by,

c£-op.p.&TOu>, f. wow, ((£, ofifia) to give sight to — t£opitovv riva to Zrvyos vSwp. Hence
Pass, to be restored to sight. 2. metaph to make t£6piciocris, ews, ij, a binding by oatb.
clear or plain. II. also to bereave of sight. c£-oppdw, f. rjow, to set out or start from:
of pain,
i £, f. -o/xovfxat : aor. I -wfiooapijv — to deny to break out. send forth; t£opjMiv r^v
II. trans, to

upon oath. II. to decline an office by an oath that vavv to start the ship; generally, to excite, stir up: —
one has not means or health to discharge it. Pass, to set out, *tart.
c£-op,oidco, f. wow, to make quite like: Pass, to be- — c£-oppI£<i), fut. law Att. iw, to bring out of harbour;
come or be like. ((opfxi^uv es itovtov to down into the
let sea.
<£-op.oXo-yca>, f. T)<j<x), and as Dep. c£op,, f. c£-oppos, ov, sailing from a harbour.
foofMi, to confess in full, admit. 2. to agree, c£-opouci>, f. aw, to spring, leap forth.
promise. II. to make full acknowledgment for c£-opvKro-<i> Att. -tto) : fut. £w : aor. i t£wpv£a :—
praise, celebrate. to dig out ; l£opvooeiv tovs 6<p0a\fiovs to put out the
€£-opopYvup,i, f. -ofi6p£w, to wipe offfrom. II. eyes. II. to dig out of the ground, dig up.

Med. wipe offfrom oneself: hence to impart to an-

to c£-opx<op<u, fut. i\aop\ai, Dep. to dance out, dance
other : to wipe out or purge away a pollution. away : also to go through with a dance. II. to

«£6v, part, from the impers. i£toTi. betray by indiscreet gestures.

«£-ovci8i£ci>, fut. iow Att. iw, to cast in one's teeth, «£-6or8<o, Dor. for i£6fa.
object to one also to reproach b'vterly.
: c£-oo-i6o>, f. wow, to dedicate, devote.
<£-ovop.d£ii>, f. cr<u, to utter aloud, announce. <£-oo-rp&Ki£ci>, f. iow, to banish by ostracism.
<|-ovop.aiv<>>, aor. I -ovofiijva, {i£, ovopui) to name, Hence
speak of by name. €£ooTpaKurp.6s, ov, 6, banishment by ostracism.
c|-ovopaK\T|6T)v, Adv. by name, calling by name. *£6t€, Adv. {(K, ore) from the time when.
€£-6irt0€v and 0€, Adv., poet, for k£6mo0ev. «£-OTpvvw, f. vvw, to excite, arouse.
«£-6mv, Adv. behind. c£-ov8cvoo>, f. wow, = i£ov6tvea>.
€£-6mcr0€v poet. -0c, Adv. backwards, behind. II. f£-ov0€V€<i>, f. rjow, (</c, ov$u$) to set at naught ; pf.
Prep, with gen. behind, after. part, pass., ra k£ov$tvnniva things of no account.
«£-omaa>, («£, owiau) Adv. of Place, backwards, back c£ovXt)S 84/07, 1), an action against one who neglected
again. 2. Prep, with gen. behind. II. Adv. an order of a court, an action for contempt of court.
of Time, henceforth, hereafter. L r] The nom. i(ov\n does not occur.
«£-oirXt{a>, f. ow, to arm completely, accoutre — Pass, c£ova£a, if, (f£eoTi) power or authority to do a
and Med. to arm oneself, go forth armed. gene- 2. thing: —
absol. authority. 2. a magistracy: the
rally, to prepare; pf. part. pass. k£wn\iopivot, all body of the magistrates, the authorities, powers. II.
ready. Hence means, resources. Hence
€£oirXto-Ca, jJ,
a being under arms : and c£ovo%d£b>, f. ow, to have authority over Pass, to —
c£6irXto*is, tws, j), a getting under arms. have authority exercised over one.
«£-oirrdu, f. rjow, to bake bard: to beat violently: — e£-o<}>€XA<i>, to increase exceedingly.
metaph. consume.
to scorch, <£-6<^0aXpos, ov, with prominent eyes.
<£-opd&>, to see from afar: cf. ((eidov. «£ox"f|, ij, (e£ ex 00 ) a standing out, prominence : me-
c£-opYi£o>, fut. iaoi Att. iw, to enrage — Pass, to be taph. eminence ; 01 icar ((oxfy (be chief men.
furious. t^o\os,ov, {((4xo)) standing out, prominent: metaph.
«£-op0id£to, f. ow, to lift up the voice, to cry aloud. eminent, excellent : c. gen., (£0x0$ 'Apytiwv eminent

cfrppifa — eirayycXA.0). 239

amort? or above them. Adv. neut. (£o\ov and ^o\a' t
«£wTaTOS,r/,oi>,Sup. of Ifa>: Adv. e£arra.T<u outermost.
c. gen.. Ifoya ndvroiv far above all. «£u»T€pos, a, ov, Comp of If a; Adv. cfturtpa/. :

i£-vj3pi£o>, f. too) Att. la), /o 6r*a£ out into insolence, c£a»4>cWov, impf of If ocpi Woj
un riot, wax wanton ; tfcvfipiC, iv (Is rode to come to %o, Ep. for ov, gen. of 3rd pers Pron. bis, of him;
this pitch of insolence i£v$pi£(iv navroia to commit
; and to away from him.
all kinds of violence. cot, Ep. for ol, dat. of 3rd pers. Pron. ov, to him.
€|wi]Ka «o-uvTJKa, for (wrJKa avvrjKa, aor. I with lot, Ep. for tirj, 3 sing. opt. of dpi sum.
dupl. augm. of awirjfu. !oi'Yp.€v, syncop. for fo'ueapKv, 1 pi. of eoiiea.
«|-\nravi<rTTjjii, to make to s'art up. II. Pa<s., lotted, as, (, etc., pf. with pres. sense, from ukoj, to
with aor. 2 act., intrans., apubSi^ fMraQpivov i£virav(- be like (see (ixai), Att. 1 pi. toiyp.(v (for (olitapKv),
arn a wral started up from under the skin of the back. fffact (for (oinaai) ; Ep 3 dual (Tktov (for (o'uea-
«£-vir€p0€, Adv (*'f, vntpdt) from above. rov) ; inf. loucevai Att uKtvat ; part ioucws. via, us,
«|-vm]p€T«i>. f. rjao), to assist to the utmost. lengthd. pi. nom. doiievtai A t. (Ikws, tlievtd, dtcos,

l£-\nrv£Ju>, f. rouse from sleep.

iaoj, (*(, virvos) to is also used by Horn.: Ion. ouca. as, (, pan. oIkuis .

If-vrrvos, ov, (l£, virvos) awakened out of sleep. plqpf i^Ktiv, Ep. 3 pi. toiKtoav; of the plqpf. there
«£vhtu££&>, f. au, to turn upside down. is also an Ep pass, form 3 sing, ijikto, and without

c£vpdp.T]v, aor. I med. of (vpw. augm. eiKTo. I. to be or look like. II. to

€|vpT] pf pass, of f u/>«'a>. be fit : Homer has 3 sing, (oitce as impers., it is fit-
t|, pf. pass, of fwu. ting, right, seemly. 2. Homer also uses part ioi-
i|-tJ<^aCvo), f. avw, to finish weaving, Lat. pertexere: kws as an Adj. meet, fitting, right ; (oikoti Ktirat
metaph. to complete, perfect. Hence bXiOpqj he lies in fitting ruin; tlicvia a/coins a suitable
«£v4>ao-|ia oto«, to, a finished web. wife, 'a help meet for him.' III. Att. to seem
I£-v4>t)Y*oucu, f. Tjoojjai, to lead the way. likely, seem ; ioiKi it seems ; us loutt, as it seems, as
e|o», Adv. (If, as €«7<u from (Is) without, on the out- is fitting.

side, La', forts. II. of Motion, outwards, away coucoTcos Att. cikotus Ion. oiKOTws, Adv. of part.
out of the country. Lat. /oras III. like f«Tt/i, Ioikws, (Ikws, oIkws, similarly, like: reasonably, fairly,
with gen., outside of out of reach of; Ifa> 0(\£>v out as was to be expected.
of shot Proverb., Ifa> toO irn\ov ituha cx uv to keep
: coip.i, (ois, toi. Ion. for drjv, (irjs, (irj.
clear o/ difficulties. 2. without, except. IV. loto, Ep. for lot), gen. of IJ*.
of Time beyond, over. cots, dat. pi. of I os.

«|w, fut. of ?ya>. lois, Ep. for 2 sing. opt. of dpi sum.
«f ajSr^Ka, pf. of IfofSca;. coura, Dor for lovcra, ovoa, part. fern, of (Ipd sum.
c£<i>9cv, Adv. ((£<») from without, c. gen., If. o'o'/uvi' loXira, poet. pf. with pres. sense of eArrcw: plqpf.
/rom without the house. II. also = If a;, without. iwX-rmv.
<£-<i>9eo>, f. -wOrjaw and -wow : aor. I t£(<»oa : /o — ?ov, Ep. for jJj>, impf. of dpi sum ; but €ov Ion. for
/An/s^ ow/ : — Pass, /o be thrust out. II. /o thrust iv, part neut
out of the sea, drive on shore. I6v, nom. or ace. neut. of los.
c^coKtcra, aor. I of ({otieifa. covti, Dor. for doi, 3 pi. of dui sum.
<;uXcia, r), utter destruction. From copya, poet. pf. of ipdoj ; 3 pi eopyav for (Spyaciv ;
c£fat\T)S, «, (If oXa>Xa) utterly destroyed, ruined. 2. part, iopyws . Ion. 3 sing plqpf. iopy((.
act mos/ destructive, ruinous. II of persons, copTa£a> Ion. 6pT<l£o>, f. aw. impf., with irreg.
abandoned. augment, kajpra(ov, and iwpraaa: (ioprrj):aor. I —
I ;cou,l8o-irotta, i), (irotla;) /&* making of an (£a)fiis. to keep festival or holiday : to celebrate by a festival.
I^a>ut£aj, f ao>, /o far* »/^ /o *2>e shoulder. From TSOPTH', in Ion. Prose ijprfj, 1), a feast, festival,
«£-cop(s, toot, i), (If, ufios^ a man's
without i/es/ bolday ; prfjv dy(iv to keep a feast.

sleeves, leaving both shoulders bare, or with one sleeve, cos, I17, (6v, Ion. and Ep for os, fj, ov, (lo for ov)
leaving one shoulder bare. possessive Adi. of 3 pers sing., bis or her own. II.

f g-o>v€, Dep to buy off: generally, to buy. in Poets after Horn also 3 pers pi. their; 2 sing, thine.
f|-o>mos, ov, (If, &[>) out of sight of, away from. lous, Boeot. for to, ov, gen. of rd pers. Pron.
«£omXio-p.*vos, pf. part. pass, of i£oir\ifa., Pass, to glory or exult in.
££-upui£ci>, (If, &pa) to leave out of thought, neglect. €TraYY€XCa, 1) an announcement, order. 2. as Att.
«£iop«ra, aor. I of ((opifa. law-term, a denunciation, information. II. a
c|wp(u<7(U, 2 sing. pf. pass, of If opfiifa. promise, an assurance : also the thing promised. From
cg-wpos, ov, (i£, wpa) untimely : superannuated. iir-ayyiXXia, f. (\u> aor. I l7rt;77aXo : pf. act.


l^wpTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of i£upvvfu. (ir^yy(\Ka, pass. iirriyy(\pai to tell, proclaim, an-
f£ukrai, aor. I inf. of Ifcu0«u. nounce, make known. 2. to give orders, command :
«|«<rrr)s, ov, 6, (t(oj$(<») one who drives out: !fa>- c. ace. rei, arpanriv ItrayyiWuv to order an army,

arcu dvtpoi winds which drive ships ashore. Lat. imperare milites. 3. to denounce. 4. /•
— — : —— :

240 cirdyyeXixa — iiraKekfxo.

demand, solicit, make application for a thing. II. «ir-aiv6s, 17, 6v, only in fern, (iraivjj, strengthd. for
Med. to promise, offer: rarely so in Act. 2. to aivq, exceeding awful, dread.
make a show of, profess. Hence cir-aipco Ion. and poet, ciraeipco : fut. iirapa/ : aor.

€irA'YY 6 ^lJLa aT0S T °» an announcement, promise. I en-npa poet, iirdeipa : — Pass., aor. I (irqpdrjv pf.

' >

i-rr-aytipb}, f. -ayepui, to gather together, collect : knrjpimi : to lift up, raise: to exalt, magnify. 2.

Pass., of men, to assemble. Hence to stir up, rouse, excite : to induce or persuade to
«iraYepcris, cos, j), a gathering, assemblage. do. II. intr. (sub. iavruv), to rise up. 2.

ciraynv [£], aor. 2 pass, of ir-qyvvfii. (sub. arparuv), to set out — Pass, to be roused, ex-
iir-8.ylv*v*, Ion. for (irdyai, to bring to. cited : to be elated at a thing.
sir-aYXat^w, f. iocu Att. ia>, to honour still more: — «irtu<r8ov, Dor. for I zai.£ov, impf. of iraifa.
Pass, to pride oneself on, exult in a thing., f. -aiadrjao/xai : aor. 2 -r)o-06firjv :

€7T-aYpvirvcG>, f. T)fra>, to watch or brood over. Dep. :

to have a perceptiom or feeling of a thing, c.

lir-dyco, f. £a) : aor. 2 (Trrjyayov to bring or lead

: gen. : c. ace. to perceive, learn : c. part, to perceive
to, hring upon. 2. to lead on, to set on, let loose that.
hence to instigate, impel : metaph. to bring one to a «ir-ato-o-co Att. -ao-crco or -<jlttco fut. -at£a> Att. :

thing, lead one on. 3. to lay on ; itiaynv Ktvrpov -a£a;: to rush at or upon: to assail, assault, attack: —
to lay on, apply the goad iitayi yvadov lay your Med., CTTai£aoOai diOXov to rush upon, seize the
; —
teeth to it. 4. to bring in, supply, call in aid. 5. prize. II iitaaofiv iroda to move the foot hastily:

to bring in a bill or lawsuit, propose. 6. to bring Pass., x 6 */3 " tnaioaovrai the hands move violently.
in over and above : to add or intercalate days in the eir-aurros, ov, {iiraiw) beard of, discovered, [a]
year. II. Med. to bring to oneself procure for «ir-aitTX', fut. -aicrxwdrjaofiai, Dep. to be

oneself : metaph. to devise, contrive. 2. to bring ashamed of or at.

on oneself 3. to bring in as allies in writing, to «ir-aiT«(i>, f. rjao), to ask in addition : to solicit.

adduce, quote, cite. Hence, f. daofxai [a], Dep. to bring a charge
«TraY<*>YT|' 17, a bringing on, to or in : an invasion, against one, accuse : to lay to one's charge.
attack. II. in Logic, the bringing a number of «ir-aiTios, ov, (lm, atria) blamed for a thing, blam-
particular examples, so as to lead to an universal con- able, culpable.
clusion, the argument from induction. «ir-dico contr. cir-aw f. : iaoj : to bear, perceive,
iniyioyos, ov, (firdycu) bringing on, productive feel. 2. to understand. 3. to profess, be a pro-
of. II. tempting, seductive. fessor.
«Tr-ctYcovi£ouai, *"•
io~ofuii Att. lodfjuii, Dep. to con- c-rr-aicoptco, f. r/ao}, to keep in suspense : — Pass, to be
tend against others. buoyed up or float upon : also to overhang, threaten.
CTr-&Y<ivios, ov,(lire, dyaiv) presiding over the games. cir-OKoXovdc'ctf, f. Tjao), to follow close upon, follow
«ir-ciSa> and poet. <rrd€iSu> f. -aao/Mi
Ion. to : :
after: to pursue as an enemy. 2. to follow in one's
sing to or over. 2. to lead the song. II. to mind, understand. 3. to follow, obey. Hence
sing to, so as to charm : hence to use charms or in- <iraKoXov0T]pa, uaros, to, a consequence : and
cantations ; part, inaeidow, by incantations. €iraKoXov0TjO"ts, (as, n, a following.
«ir-&eipa>, Ion. and poet, for kiraipcu. CTr&icov6s, ov. ((iraKovcj) listening to, attentive.

€tt-&€£<o, to make to grow, enlarge. Itt-okovco, f. -aKovaopiai: aor. I kirrjicovoa'. — to

<fir30ov, aor. 2 of irao~x<v- listen or attend to. II. to listen to, obey.
<7r-a0poC£(o, f. acu, to assemble besides. CTr-aicp(£a>, f. aa> to reach the top of a thing alud- ;

€ ir-auif go, f. £<u, to mourn over : to join in wailing. tojv iirriKpioc he reached the highest point in deeds of
iiT-aiyi£a>. f. act), {km, alyis 2) to rush upon or over. blood.
cir-aiSeopai, fut. aihiaO-qaotiai : aor. 1 -rfZiaBrfV : c-rr-aKpodopai, f. daofiat [a~\, Dep. to hearken to.

to be ashamed : c. ace. to reverence. «iraKTT)p, rjpos, 6, (iirdyojS a hunter, a huntsman.

•iraivecrts, «us, 17, (ciraiveaj) praise : and fir-aKTios, a, ov, (tirl, dier^)) on the strand or coast.
«7r-cuv€T7)S, ov, 6, a praiser, eulogist. «iraKTOs, ov, {kvdyoA brought on or in from abroad,
€iratv€Tos, 17, ov, to be praised, praiseworthy : rb trr- imported. 2. foreign, strange, alien, adven-
aiverov the object of praise. Adv. -twj. From titious.
«TT-aiv«u>, fut. iioj Att. taofxai Ep ijaoj : aor. i CTraKTpCs, Itios, Jf, (firdyaj) a small row-boat, skiff.
irrijvtoa Ep. -rjTa : pf. kiryvaca : — Pass., aor. I kirn- «ir-aX3Xa£to. f (oj, to raise the war-cry.
vtOrjv : (tiri, aiveco) :
— to approve, sanction: c. dat. «irdXaXic«p€V, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of lira\i£a}.
pers to agree with, assent to: to praise, commend, tTT-aXaopat, aor. I iiraKijdrjv, Dep. to wander about,
eulogize. 2. = Trapaivta), to advise, recommend, through, over.
bid. II. in declining an offer, I thank you, Lat. eTr-dXao-T«to, f. fjcca, to be troubled at z thing.
benigne: KdWicrr irraivw T thank you very kindly, €-jr-aXY«co, f. "how, to grieve over.
{iraivijpi, Aeol. for (iraivtai. cir-&Xe(4>ct>, f. ^<w, to smear over: to stop up bf
Iir-aivos, d, (ini, tuvoi) approval, commendation. anointing.
— — : : : : :: : .

kit aX4 £a) — e7rai>ar e AAco 241

c-n--&\c£<o, f. (rjffcu, to defend, aid, help. II. to €iravap\T)86v, Adv. (lirava&dXXa)) thrown over an-
ward, keep off: aor. 2 inf. e iraXaX/euv, Ep. -ipev. other garment.
c-ird\T)9eCs, aor. I part, of er-aAdo/xai. €ir-avaploda>, f. ^aopxit, to cry out at a thing.
«ira\T]0TJ, 3 sing. aor. I subj. of eir-aXdopxu. eiravaYd'yeiv, aor. 2 inf. of iiravdyw.
cir-dX-rjOciKo, f. oa>, to prove true, verify. eir-avaYicdfw, f. dcoj, to compel by force.
«ir-o\T|s, is, (tvi, dAc'a) open to the sun, sunny, [a] iir-SviYKTjs, cs, (tiri, dvdyKrj) only used in neut.
t-ir-aXKTjs, is, (itri, dXicq) stout, strong. indvayfees (sub. tart), it is necessary. 2. neut.
ciraXXdyri, ^, (knaXXdoaoj) interchange, exchange. also as Adv. on compulsion ; ivdvaytecs KOfiwvrcs
cir-aXXd£, Adv. = evaXXd£, crosswise, alternately. wearing long hair by law.
CTr-aM&o-crii) Att. -tto>: fut. a£<v : pf. -TjXXaxa: tir-aviyoptvoi, to proclaim publicly : v. ivavurrov.
—Pass., aor. l -rjXXdxBrjv, aor. a -rjXXdyijv [a] pf. : iir-avdyoi, f. d£cu aor. 2 -av-qyayov : :
— to bring up,
-r)\\aynat to change over, interchange ; iroXipioio
: stir up, excite. 2. to exalt, elevate. II. to

vupap ivaXXdgavrts making the tug of war go now lead or draw back: bring back, to refer to
this way, now that, i. e. fighting with doubtful victory : one. III. intr. to withdraw, retreat. IV.
—Pass, to be closely joined. to put ships out to sea : —
Pass, to put to sea
iir-dXXtjXos, ov, (tiri, dXXrjXojv) one upon another against. V. Pass, to be carried to a place.
continuous. Hence
cir-dXp-cvos, ov, syncop. aor. 2 part, of (<pd\Xopxu. ciravS-ycoyn, 17,a sailing out against, a naval at-
€TroA|ts, ecus, i), \iira\i£a)) a means of defence : bat- tack. II. a recall, return.
tlement, a parapet — generally, a defence, protection. cir-ava8tirXd£<o, to redouble, reiterate questions.
cir-aXirvos, ov, {km, aXirvtaros) happy., f. daoftai [a], Dep. to see again.
cttoAto, 3 sing Ep. aor. 2 of tcpaXXo/Mxi. €ir-ava(pa>, to lift up : — Med. to lift one against
«ir-d\w<rrqs, ov, 6, {kiri, aXodtu) one who drives the the other : — Pass, to rise up.
oxen in threshing., Pass, to be laid upon as a penalty.
<Tr-&||iai, f. fiffofiai : Ep. aor. I (TrafiijadpiTjv iir-avaKkayy&vio, to give tongue again and again.
Med. :
to scrape together for oneself, heap up to- cir-avaxpovco, to drive back :— Med. to draw back.
gether. iir-avaKvinta, f. xpco, to have an upward direc-
iira\i^S.rt\p, fjpos, 6, poet, for kirava^drrjs, (ewava- tion.
/SatVoj)one that rises upon; vdaot oaptcwv ciraju/3a- cir-avaXapf3dvco, f. -XTjipopmi, to take up again, re-
rrjpts maladies growing on the flesh, leprous erup- sume, repeat.
tions. -avaXwoo), to consume besides. cir-avaXio-tcco, f.{3a>, f. if/a), to exchange, barter: — Med.

to continue waiting, stay
to cir-avapcvco, f. —fievut,
change from one to another; viicr] inanei&CTat dvb'pas on. II. to wait for one.

comes in turn to men. cir-avap.ip.vr|o-Ka>, f. -ixvqow, to remind one of, men-

cir-dpcpos, ov, Aeol. for i<p-fincpos. tion again to one.
CTr-ap.p.cvos, Ion. for k<pT]fj./iivos, pf. pass. part, of cir-avavcoo), f. wooi, to renew, revive.
(ipdvTU. €ir-avairavi(i>, f. a<u, to make to rest upon : — Med. to
«TT-ajA|i.€va), poet, for (ir-avaftiva). rest upon.
cirap.oi{3a8ts, Adv. (cira/m/3«) alternately. €ir-avairn8da>, f. r/ao} or ^aofuii, to leap upon.
cir&p.oij3ios, ov, and cir£p.oif36s, ov, (c7ra/zct/8<») in cir-avairXeco, f. -irXevaoftat ; Ion. ciravairXuca, f.

turn, one upon another : in exchange. •^irXwao) — to sail up against. II. to float upon
cir-ap/ircxto, *"• -a-^i^o) aor. 2 itti]\nna\ov, inf. the surface ; eiravairXwtt vpuv circa Hand ill language


lira pir loxtiv to put on besides, or over all : to over- floats up, rises to the tongue. III. to sail back
wrap. again.
lirdjivvTcop, opos, 6, a helper, defender. From cir-avappiirrto and -ceo, to throw up in the air (sub.
«ir-dpvv<j, f. vvu), to come to aid, defend, assist. (avrov) to spring high in the air.
cir-ap.<t>(p(t>, for tirava<pipa>. cTravdceio-is, c<ws, rj, a brandishing of weapons.
C7r-ap,<j>oT€pi£<i>, fut. taw Att. ta>, (ciri, dpupSrepos) From
to be inclined to both sides, to play a double game : cir-avao*c(<i>, f. aai, to lift up and shake, to brandish.
to halt between two opinions. ciravdorficris, cws, j), (kitavioT-qnt)a rising up
cirdv, Conjunct., later form of itrrfv. against, an insurrection.
rir-avaplaivci), f. -^aoym. : pf. -fH&Tj/ca — to get cirovo<rrf|o-op,ai, fut. med. of iitaviari^ni.
upon, mount on horseback. II. to go up inland. cir-avcurrpe^xi), turn back upon, re- \f/w, intr. to
€ir-ava0dAXc0, f. -&d\Cj pf. -fiipX-nica to throw : :
— — Med.
wheel round, return to the charge.
sist : to

on or over : Med. to put on. II. in Med., also, cir-avareCvo), f. -rtvu, to bold up towards ; iitava-
to put off, delay. Ttivttv c\m8at to bold out hopes.
«TT-avaptp4{ci>, f. -0i0dff<u Att. -&i0£> — Causal of cir-avaTcXXw, f. -avaTtXw aor. I -aviretXa to : :

havafiaivoj, to make to mount upon. lift up, raise. II. intr. to rise up, rise, ot the
—: — :

242 ciravarCdrjfiL — kttaprvo).

sun : kiravrcWw Xp6vo$ the time which is coming to with Art., 6 iirdvw ynjpyos the upper tower. II.
light, the future of Time, before. Hence
€ir-avaTi0T)|xi, f. -Qrjaw, to lay upon. «iravu>0€v, poet. -0«, Adv. from above, above: ol {».
cir-ava4>cpa> poet. <ir-au,<}>cpb>, to throw back upon men offormer time.
another, ascribe or refer to. 2. to put into the ac- tir-agios, ov, and a, ov, (fir/, d£tos) worthy, deserv-
count. 3. to bring back a message. II. Pass.
in °/» c - g en • - absol. worthy, meet. 2. worth men-
to be borne up, rise, as an exhalation. tioning: — Adv. iws. Hence
tir-ava^vcrdci), f. -h\ow, to play on the flute in accom- «ir-a£i6o>, f. wow, to think worthy, think right, c. inf.,
paniment. Lat. dignor. II. to expect, believe.
€ir-avax<opea), f. -fjow, to go back again, retreat, re- €ir-a|6vtos, ov, d£wv) upon an axle.
turn. Hence «ird£a>, D >r. 2 sing aor. I med. of irrjyvvfu.
«iravaxwpT]OT.s, «**. "h, a return, retreat. CTraoi8T|, r), ((iraeibw) poet, and Ion. for tnw&jj.
€ir dvcip.i, to go back, return. II. to go up, cirdoi86s, 6, poet, for eirwdos.
arise. «Tr-&imX«a>, f -qow, to bold out a threat to one : to
«irav€ivai, ciraveis, aor. 2 inf. and part, of enaviijfu. add threats, to threaten besides.
«iravetirov, aor. 2, to proclaim or promise openly :-— *-n--aTro8vou,at, Med. to strip and set to work at a
the pres. in use is iiravayopcvw. thing., Ion. for inavfpofjiai. «Tr-airo0vT|(rK<«), f. -Oavovpuu, to die with or after.

€ira.v€\0€iv, ciravcXdwv, a. r. 2 inf. and part, of lir- €ir-aTroirviYo>, f.

£w, to choke besides : aor. 2 pass, tit-
av(p\onai. anewviynv it].
^-rr-Qvtpopai Ion. -€, to question again and cir-airrtt, Ion. for l<pdirrw.
again : generally, to question. «ir-a.Trva), Dor. for iirnnvw.
€ir-av€, -ckfvaofMii : Dep., with aor. 2 act.
f. cir-apd Ion. «ir-apt|, r), (km, dpa) a solemn cvrse
-fj\9ov, pf. -e\rf\v9a (cf. (p^o/iai) :
: to go back, imprecation. Hence
return : to go II. to go up, as-
over, pass over. tir-apdopai, f. doopuu Ep. -qaofMi ; pf. km/papai :
cend. Dep. : to imprecate curses upon ; kirapaoOai Kuyov
«ir-av?|KG>, to have come hack, return. to utter an imprecation.
«ir-av0ta>, f. 17*70;, to bloom, he in flower: metaph of lir-apapio-Kw, f. kirdpow aor. I cirijpoa : to fit to : —
a salt crust forming upon a surface or of down on or upon, fasten to. II. intr. in pf. med indprjpa,
the cheeks : generally, to be upon the surface, appear to
fit well: part, kiraprjpws, close-fitting: so also tv-
plainly. dpfj-cvos, 17, ov.
€ir-av0i£a>. f low Att. tw (liri, av9ot) to deck with tirdpas, aor. I part, of kitaipw
flowers : generally, to make to abound, to cover over cir-&pd<r<r<i> Att. -tto>, f. £<u, to dash to.
with. cirdparos, ov, (inapdopiai) laid under a curse.
«irav0p<J<C8€S, wv, at, small
fl b for frying. From eTT-dpYtpos, ov, (km, dpyepus) of the eye, with a
€7r-av0pa»cifa>, f. aw, to broil on the coals. white speck over it. II. metaph. dim, obscure.
«ir avirjpi, f. avfjow, to let go back, relax, dis- iTr-dpyDpos, ov, (fir/, apyvpoi) overlaid with silver.
miss. II. intr. wiih gen., to relax from: to flag.\yw, f- £*. to come to aid, help. Hence
cir-avT<r6a>, f. wow, to make equal, put on a par. cirdpr)£is, ews, r), help, aid.
«Tr-avt<rTrjp.i, f. -orrjow, to set up again : to make to
tirdpTjpa, -€iv, intr. pf. and plqpf. of firapaploKW.
rise. with aor. 2 act. -aviarnv, pf.
II. Pass., «ir-dpi<TT€pos, ov, (<iri, dpiorepW) on the left band:
-aveorrjiea, intrans. to stand up af'er or at the bid- left-handed, awkward, Frenc gauche.
ding of another: generally, to stand up, rie ; of tirdpKecris, cws, r), aid, help, succour. From
things, to be high, elevated. 2. to rise up against (ir-apKCb), f. low aor. 1 kv-qptcrjoa to ward :
— off",
one, revolt. rivi n something from one. 2. c. ace. rei only, to
«Tr-avop06<i>, f wow : augm. tenses with double binder, prevent. 3. c. dat. pers only, to help, aid,
augm., impf. irr-nvwpOow, aor. I tirqvwpOwaa, etc : protect. II. to supply, furnish, impart. III.
upright : to
to set up, set set up again : generally, to absol. to be sufficient, enough. Hence
amend, improve. Hence 4Trap»covvT<DS. Adv. ^ia part., sufficiently.
ciravopdbxris, (ojs. r), a correcting: amendment. cirdpp,cvos, Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of iirapapiOKW, well-
€Tr-avT«XAa>, poet, and Ion. for firavariWw. v ell-prepared.
«TT-dvTT)$, *s. (ivi, dvra) up-hill opp to KardvTqt. fir-dpovpos, ov, (eni, dpovpd) on the soil, attached to
eTr-avTtaf<u, f. daw, >vfall in wi'b, meet. the soil as a serf, Lat. ad criptus g'ebae.
«'ir-avT\«i>, f.

Pass, to be overflowed ox filled.

-qov, to pump over: to pour over: €ir-apTdo>, f. 7/tcu, to bang on or over — Pass., <p60os
tTff}pTT]Tai tear bangs over, impends.
(Tr-ivvot, f. vow [p], to complete: — Med. to procure €ir-apTT|s,«, (im, dprtw) ready, equipped.
for. itr-aprvw and -apruvc* to fit or fix on. II.
cir-dvw. Adv. (int, avw) above, on the upper side to get ready, prepare : Med. to prepare for — oneself.
: : : : : : — : : :

iimpyia— iircihdv. 243

iirap\ia, %, « prefecture, province. From cir-a<t>, Pass, to be dried up, worn out.
lir-apxos, ov, {km, dp^r)) a commander: a governor cir-a<)>db>, f. r)a<u, to touch on the surface, stroke.
of a country, prefect. cir&^T), 1^, (cira<pdw) a touch, handling.
tir-dpxw, f. £<*>, /o be an cirapxos, governor of a <ir-a4>Ct]p.i, f. -acprjffo), to throw at a thing : to let
province. 2. to rule in addition to one's own do- loose upon.
minions. II. Med. (irapxofw.1, to begin anew, <ir-a<(>pi£a>, f. ow, to foam up or on the surface: me-
afresh ; cirdp£aodai Scirdccoiv to begin with the cups taph. to babble, divulge.
again : generally, to supply, distribute. cir-ad>p68txos, ov, (cvi, 'A<ppob"tTi)) lovely, fascinat-
ciT&puyos, 6, (€irapi77a>) a helper, aider. ing, Lat. venustus.
firapco'vow, impf. of napoivio). «ir-a<J>vo-o"o>, f. vera) [y], to pour over or in addition.
c-rrdo-ap,T)V, aor. I of irarcofiat. eirax0T|S, is, (cm, dx&os) heavy, ponderous : oppres-
c-ir-oo-Kcco, f. ijaco : aor. I -t)qKrjffa :
— to labour at, sive, grievous.
finish carefully. II. to adorn. III. to prac- cir-dx6op,ai, Pass, to be distressed at a thing.
tise, practise oneself in, cultivate. «ir-axAv<o, f. voa> [v], (cm, dx^vs) to be obscure,
«ir-cwro-UT€pos, o, ov, (cm, daaov) one upon another, €iraxvv0T)v, aor. I pass, of va\vv<u.
one after another. circdv, Ion. for cicqv.
cira<nrtT€po-TpipT|S, is, (cvaaavrcpos, rpifiai) fol- «ir<paXov, aor. 2 of tm&dWa).
lowing one on the other.
close tut/Br^v. €Tr«j3r]cra, aor. 2 and I of cm&aiva).
4ir-aoTpdirrw, f. \pw, to lighten upon, flash. circfKuv, aor. of cmfiioco (as
2 if from C7nl3icufxi\
iir-aWra>, Att. for cirataaw, q. v. (ircj3pio-a, aor. 1 of tmfipiOa).
£ir-av8da>, f. 1)00), to say besides — Med. to call upon. «ir-€Yy€Xd&>, f. doopxu [a], to laugh at, deride.
cirav0T]v or «frav<r0T)v, aor. I pass, of iravu. ^ire-YCYpairTO, 3 plqpf. pass, of cmypd<f>a).
€ir-av\&>, f. t)a<u pf. pass. (irrjvKrjfmi (ciri, avKos) iir-cyciput, f. -eyepu, to awaken, rouse up: to excite:
— to play the flute

to, accompany: —

Pass, to be played

—Pass, to be roused, rise: circypcro, eveypofxevos,

on the flute. 3 sing. ind. and part. Ep. aor. 2 pass. II. in-
£ir-av\t£, f. iaofjai, Dep. to take up one's quar- trans, in pf. part. act. circyprjyopws, awake.
ters at a place. cir-eyicfiXcco, f. cata, to bring a charge against.
cir-avXis, cats, j), (iiri, avXts) a place to pass the tir-c-yKdirra), f. if-at, to snap up, devour.
night in : quarters. CTT-cyKcXcvut, f. a<u, to give an order or signal to
«TT-avXos, o, (knt,av\Tj) plur. enavXoi, of, and inavXa, others.
rd, a fold for cattle: generally, a dwelling, home. liriyycav, aor. 2of cmytyv&aiecj.
cir-av£dvfi> or «ir-av|<i>, f. -av^t)ao), to increase, en- €ir«YpeTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of iircycipoj,
large, augment — Pass, to grow, increase. €ir«'ypT|Y P a » see iirtyeipo) 11.

ciravpetv Ep. -^p.«v, aor. 2 inf. of ciravpia/eoftcu. €ircYpdp.cvos, Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of circycipoj.
cir-avp<&>, = (vavpiaKOfUit. eir-€YX« w » f« -X e &' t0 P our ,n uP on or f n addition,

(ir-avpccris, ca>s, %, (cnavpiaKopxu) the fruit, result €irc8c|a, Ion. for cvcbci^a, aor. I of cmScucvvju.
of a thing : enjoyment, fruition. cireBrjo-a, aor. 1 of it (daw.
i-ir-aupiov, Adv., for in' avpiov, on the morrow. cit€860t]v, aor. I pass, of Imhihojpu.
cir-avpt<, Dep. (the Act. ciravpia/coj occurs €irc8pdp.ov, aor. 2 act. of cmrpc^pi*
only once, and the simple avpiatcoj or avpiaKOfMu, to circSpT), 1), Ion. for c<pcdpa.
take, is not in use) : fut. ciravpi\oo\uu. : aor. 2 act. €ir«8vv, aor. 2 of imovoj.
cirrjvpov Dor. cnavpov, 3 sing. subj. iiravprj, inf. cir- circ0T)Ka, aor. I of cmrtorjfu.
avpctv Ep. -cfiev : aor. 2 med. cirnvpSfiijv, Ep. 2 sing, tireC Ep. also «tt€lt|, (cm) Conjunct. I. Op
subj. ciravprjai, 3 pi. -ajvrai to partake of, enjoy a — time, after that, when: from the time when. II.

share of: to reach, touch Med. to reap the fruits — Of cause, since, seeing that, for that. III. circl
of a thing, whether good or bad, c. gen. more freq. : dp, circl dpa, when then, since then. 1. circl oZv
in bad sense, tva irdvrcs ivaipojvrat &aai\ijos that all when then. 3. ivci irep since really.
may have a benefit of their king; 6i<u fur cvavpif- TEHETrn, f. £cu: impf. ijirciyov Ep. litciyov. aor.
ocoOai I think be will feel the consequences. 2. c I tfirctta — Pass., fut. med. circi(ofMu (in pass, sense)
ace. to bring upon oneself. aor. I Tjircixfyv : to press upon, weigh down Pass. —
«irdv<rov, aor. 1 imperat. of cirata> : ciravo-a%, part. to be weighed down. 2. to press bard, press upon,
t-rr-aiJTt'to, f. i\Qfo, to shout at a thing : to make a in pursuit. II. to drive on, urge forward, hasten,
noise beside, [y] hurry on — Med. to urge on for oneself: Pass, to
«ir-avTO<t>u>p<{>, Adv., for cir' avTo<pcupa>, Lat. in ipso baste to do : also absol. to hasten, hurry, speed : part.
furto, in the very theft or very act. circiyoficvos as Adj., swift, impetuous, eager. III.

€ir-avxfwos, ov, {cm, avxhv) on or for the neck. intrans. = Pass, to make baste.
«ir-avx««>, f. t)c<u, to boast of, exult in. CTrciS-dv, Conjunction (ciruof) dv) whenever, so soon
rrr-diJw, f. -avow [v], to shout over or upon. as, after that.
— : : :

244 iiretiri — iircKirkoos,

circt-SV), (cW
b^) Conjunction, I. of Time, after. 2. to come into 01 enter besides: of things, to
since, after that, Lat. postguam. II. of Cause, be imported.
seeing that, since, because : so — circiBfyrep, since circio-c<t>pTio-a, aor. 1 of etreiofpioj.
really, since now. cir-cicrKVKAcco, f. rjao), to roll in or on besides.
cir-ctBov, inf. 2 without pres. in use
evtSeiv, aor. circuroSios, ov, coming in besides, episodic. From
(((popdaj being used instead), to look upon, behold, cir-c(o-o8os, ov, a coming in besides, an entrance.
see. 2. to continue to see, to live to see : to ex- cir-€unra£<i>, f. iraffjaoj, to burst in.
perience. cir-cio-irnSaw, f. ijoo) or leap in upon.
-qcfofiai, to

iirei-f\ or cirei ?j, Adv. since certainly. cir-cio-irCiTTCij, f. -ireaovpai : aor. 2 -eireoov to fall —
circfa), 3 sing. opt. of iireifii. or burst upon : to burst in.
cir-eiK<££a>, f. aa>, to make like to a thing ; Sd/xapra cir-cto-nrXca>, f. -nXevoopai, to sail in after : to sail
r-qvo' ineiitafav Kvpu> ; am I right in supposing her at, attack.
his wife ? II. generally, to conjecture, infer, con- cir-cio-<t>cpb>, -oiou, to bring in besides or after: to

clude; ws or oa' iireucaoai so far as one may guess. entail upon: Med. to bring in for oneself.
circiiccv, circbcc, or fircl kcv, citcC kc, Ep. for eire&v, cir-cio-d^pco), f. 4\a<o, to introduce besides.
eirqv. cir-cwa, Adv. (eiri, cTra) marks the Sequence of
circCX-nc^a, -T), pf. act. and pass, of (mXafx/Sdvoj. one thing upon another : thereupon, thereafter, then,
cir-cipa, inf. eneivai : impf. eyrqv : fut. enecopai Lat. deinde. II. when a clause precedes it is

(eni, elpi sum) : to be upon or at. II. to be emphatic: I. when a partic. of Time goes be-
upon, be fixed upon : of rewards and penalties, to be fore, then ; tireiSf) o<paipr) ireip-qoavTO, wpx f '^V v ^V
imposed. III. of Time, to be hereafter : to be eneira when they finished playing at ball, then they
coming on, to impend. IV. to be set over, Lat. danced. 2. after el, then surely; el S" eredv 07)
praeesse. V. to be added, be over and above. dyopeveis, e£ apa 617 roi lireira Oeol (ppevas cwAc-
cir-cipA, inf. imlvai : Ep. impf. as. e, 3 pi.
kirfjia, oav if so, then of a surety have the gods infatuated
inrjiaav, enfioav fut. cmtioofxai aor. I med. part. thee. III. Interrog., when the question is
kmuaafiivr) : (ciri, ejpu ibo)

to go or come to or — :

founded on some supposition, after irws; el piev 5t)

towards : to come upon : absol. to come near, ap- erapov ye tceXevere p.' avrbv eKeoOai, irSts av eveir*
proach. 2. to come against, attack; ol im6vres 'OSvafjos KaOolfiqv how can I in such a case forget

the invaders, assailants. 3. of events, to come Ulysses ? In Att., it begins the sentence, in an ironical
upon one, overtake. 4. to come on the stage. II. sense, And sot Indeed? IV. then, therefore, much
of Time, to come on or after, to follow, succeed; 1) like oZv. V. and yet, nevertheless, still. VI.
emovffa -fiixt pa the coming day; 6 eiriiiv, like 6 tvx^v, with the Article, the following, the future; 6 titeira
the first comer: rb em6v what occurs to one. III. Xpovos the time to come.
to traverse, pass over. IV. to go over, i.e. count over. cirei-TC, or circt tc, since, for that, because.
cir-cCvvpa, Ion. for ecpewvpit : inf. med. iircLwcrOai, cireiTcv, Ion. for eireira, thereupon, thereafter.
Ion. for ((piwvoOat. circi-TOt, i. e. eitei r 01, for in truth, since truly.
circC-ircp, for (irei vep, Conj. since really, seeing that. cir-cicfBcuvb), f. -fi-qoopm, to go out upon, disembark.
cir-ctirov, aor. 2 without pres. in use, to say besides: cir-€Kf3o-n0ca>, f. "fjooj, to rush out to aid.
to say of another :
— inf. ciruiretv, part, eireiirw. cir-cicSlSao-icco, f. a£<v, to teach in addition.
cimpa, aor. of l ireipoj. cir-CK8iT|Ycopai, Dep. to explain besides.
circCpopai, Ion. for evepo/uu. «TT€K8pou.T), j}, ((irendpafieiv, aor. 2 of eire/erpix<")
timpvo-apcvos, Ion. aor. 1 part. med. of entpvca. an excursion or expedition against.
circiputo/ro, Ion. 3 pi. impf. of veipdopuu. circKca-ro, Ion. for eirexeivro, 3 pi. impf. of eir'uceipai.
circipcoT&i), Ion. for iirfparraoj. cir-cKciva, Adv., for cV k/eeiva, on yonder side of,
cir-ctpomjpa, -tjo'is, Ion. tor eitep&)rr\pa, -rjffis. beyond; ol erreKeiva Eixppdrov those beyond the Eu-
eireura, aor. 1 of ttz'iOoj. phrates ; to eiretceiva Att. rovne/eeiva, the part be-
cir-cio-a-ywyri, 1), (eirl, ela&yoi) a bringing in be- yond ; rd. iireiteiva the parts beyond. 2. of Time,

sides. II. a means of bringing or letting in. ol (iriKetva xp^oi the times beyond or before, earlier
cit-cCotmctos, ov, {(vi, elaayai) brought in from times.
abroad, alien : imported, foreign. cttckckXcto, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of emKikoptu.
cir-curf3<uv<i>, f. -j8^ero/xat, to go into upon: to enter. circKcAo-a, aor. of emtceWat.
cir-€ur(3d\X<0, -&&\S>, to into besides.
f. II. pour c-rrcKCpo-a, aor. I of emfceipw.
intr. to invade again. cit-ck6c(i>, f. Oevaouai. to rush out against.
circurpdrns, ov, 6, (eiracrflaivoj) an additional pas- circKAwo-av, circicX<&o-avT0, 3 pi. aor. I act. and med.
senger, supernumerary on board ship. a] 1 of emK\u0o).
cir-cumpA, to come on besides : to come on the stage. cir-CKirCvw, f. ->iriopai, to drink off after., Dep., with aor. 2 act. -rj\6ov, pf. iir-cKirXoos contr. -ckitXovs, 0, a sailing out
-*\q\v$a: to come in upon or over: to come in against, an attack by sea.
—— — — — — : — : —:

iTTCKTeCva) — cttcoikc. 245

lir-€KTeCvu, -r€vw, to stretch out, lengthen: Pass.
f. — €ir-€v8vva>, to put on over — Pass, to have on over.
to extend beyond: also to reach out towards, grasp at. circvciKai, Ion. for iirtvifKai, aor. I inf. of im-
cir-€KTp€X c»» f- -fKdpafiovfiai : aor. 2 -t£c8pa(AOV (pfpOJ.

(from obsol. dpifion) : to rush out upon or against circveipa, aor. I of cmvifiw.
one, rush out to attack. circvcv0*a, aor. I of imvtva).
cir-€K$cpo>, f. -oia<u, to carry out far. «it€vt|V€ov, impf. of kmVTJVtOJ.
eir-€KX<»p&>>,f. rjou, to advance next or after. «ir-€VT|vo0€, (c7Ti, kv-qvoOe) 3 sing pf., with no pres.
cireXd^rro, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of kmkan&av<o. cirfveOoj in use :
there has grown upon, there is or

eircXaOopvnv, aor. 2 med. of 4 TrtAaivfldVcLi. was upon ; used three times by Horn. :
if/edvti ivev-
«ir«XSo%s, eoos, 1), an attack, assault. From fyoOe Kdxvr) thin downy hair grew thereon; ov\ij
«r-€\avva>, f. -eAaa<w Att. -t\w : aor. I -^Aaaa: iTtivijvoQt Adx^ a thick warm pile was on it: c. ace,
pf. -6A.17A.azfa: Pass., pf. -cA^Aa/xai: 3 sing, plqpf. kire- oXa Oiovs tirevtyoOtv alev kdvras such as appertains
AijAaTo: to drive upon: to lead on or against. 2. to the gods.
seemingly intr. (sub. arpaTov), to march against: also €ir«VT)o-a, aor. 1 of imviu (A).
to sail against : to charge. II. to beat out thin cir-€v0pb>o-K&>, f. -evdopovfMLi : aor. 2 -evt&opov, inf.
upon, as a plate of metal on a shield. -tvdopuv :
to leap upon ; kvevOpwoicnv dv<u to leap
€ir€\€t|3ov, impf. of em\uP<u. up into.
tireXeXeiirTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of tmXetim. «tt€v0wv, Dor. aor. 2 part, of tiripxopiai.
€it€\t|K€ov, impf. of tm\T]K(<». «it€vt40€is, aor. I pass. part, of iitiVTiivot.
«ireXT|\dTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of krrt\avvo). «ir-€VTdvt>ci>, f. vaa> [u], Ep. for cirevTeivoj, to stretch
«ire\T|Xv0a, pf. of (Trepxofjutt. upon, bind fast to.
lir&Tjo-a, aor. 1 of (mkrjOdvco. 4ir €VT€iva>, evrevw, to stretch upon or over; part.

i-ntKQ&v, aor. 2 inf. of (irepxofxai. aor. 1 pass. iitevraOus stretchedupon his sword. II.
tir-cXCo-o-ft), ctt-cXkci), Ion. for k<pt\ioo<o, k<pt\KO). intr. to press on : to gain ground, of a report.
€ire\A<S(3e, poet. aor. 2 of kmkaufSdvoj. «7t-€vt€XX<d, to command besides.
«ir-€\iri£a>, f. ao), to bring to hope, buoy up with hopes, ctt-€vtu<0 and -cvtvvw, to get ready, equip — Med.
cheat with false hopes. II. to hope, «= ( \rrifa. to train oneselffor a thing.
«ir-€ Ep. cm-cXiropai, Dep. to have hopes €ir-€£dYt«), to lead out an army: — intr. to march out.
of, to hope : generally, to expect. Hence
€ir«p.dvT]V [a], aor. 2 of trnfjaivofjiai. €ir€£& yt»>'YT|,
i}, a drawing out against, lengthening., 3 sing. Ep. aor. I of inifxaiofwu. €ir-«£eip.t, inf. - (£tivai : impf. iir(£r}etv :
— to go out
67r-€p.|3fi86v, Adv. step upon step, ascendingly. against an enemy. proceed against, pro-
II. to
cir-€p|3aCvci>, f. -ffrjoofiai : aor. 2 kirevfPijv, part. 4ir- secute. III. to go over, traverse, go through
efifias : tread upon : to stand on, esp. in
to step or hence to detail. 2. kircgicvat rtficvpias fiti^ovs to
pf. iwcu@(0T]Ka Ep. -)8t/3aa, as, oidov eirCfiPtPaajs ; go through with, execute greater vengeance.
also c. dat., vvpyois eir€fj.0ds. II. to trample cir-^eXavvw. f. -e£6Adaa> Att. -€£eAa>: pf. €£«Ai$-
upon, insult. Aa/ca: to drive on against: intr. to ride on against. —
€ir-€p.J3dXX<0, put on or over.
f. -/3aAcD, to
2. to «tt€|€X0€iv, aor. 2 inf. of (ircgtpxoiMu.
throw down upon. 3. to put in besides, in- «V-<=£epYa£, f. ooouai, Dep. to effect besides or in
sert. 4. to put forward. II. intr. to flow in addition: to consummate. 2. to slay over again.
besides, of rivers. cir-€^cpxopai, f. -(\(vo-o/xai, Dep. with aor. 2 act.
(irep.pdTT|S, ov, 6, (tiren&aivoS) one mounted, a horse- -t£f}K$ov t pf. -e£e\r)\vda :— to go out against an
man. enemy. 2. to proceed against, prosecute. II.
€TTep.p€paws, Ep. pf. part, of kirefifiaiva). to go over, traverse. 2. to execute, accomplish. 3.
circpeiva, aor. I of intjj.evcu. to discuss, detail, investigate. proceed to III. to
6ir-€p€\T)0-du.T)v, -^ptXTjO-nv, aor. I med. and pass, an extremity ; u>8' tiie£ipx*oOat Opaavs to reach such
of emfickfofiai. a pitch of boldness.
«-iT€p.T)vaTO, 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of emfiaivofUU, €ir-€|6Tda-is, ecus, -fj, a review over again.
«ir€pi£a, aor. r of itri/uyvvfju. €ir-e£€vpta-ico), f. -evprjau, to invent besides.
cir-cpirnBdoL), f. r\a<a or rjaofjiat, to leap upon, insult. «ir c^TJs, Ion. for ($-e£r}s.
«ir-€pmTTTO), f. -Treoovpai, to fall in or upon, to at- €ir-€£taKxd£<i>, (47rt, t£, "la/cxos) to shout in triumph
tack ; iirtfnriiTTav fiaaiv riv'i to advance one's foot over.
towards a thing. 2. to fall to, set to work. €ir-€^68ios, ov, of a march or expedition : rd. (irc(-
€ir-€v&pi£<i), f. £<u, to slay one upon ano'her. 6dia (sub. «fpd), sacrifices before the march of an
eircvdxeTO, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of tmvqxouai. army. From
cir-€v8t8ci>p.i, f. -Succd, to give over and above. «ir-c£o8os, ij, a march out against, expedition.
€ir€v8vrns, ov, 6, a tunic worn over another, an eir-€OiK€, 3 sing. pf. with no pres. (itukoj in use :

outer or over tunic. From it is like, looks like, resembles. II. it is likely.

: :

246 Mtmcov — kiti^yvro.

reasonable, fitting: —
lircucSra Att. for kireotKora, cire<rK€i(/dpT|v, aor. 1 of kmOKoirto>.
part, pf., what is seemly, fit. tireo-Kido-p-cu, pf. pass, of kmoicidfa.
€ir€iT«rov, aor. 2 of iirtiriirra). Iireo-ov, aor. 2 of mitro).
ciT€irf|Y ei » 3 sm g- P^pf- °f v^yvv/u. Iireo-irov, aor. 2 of k<pivo).
cir«m0p,€V, for kirtTroiOeifiev, I pi. plqpf. of ireiOoi. «Tf€(ro-€TOi, Ep. 3 sing. fut. of (irei/ju (dpi sum).
€ir£jrX<DS, 2 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of kmirXka). cTreaorevev, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of kmotva).
cireiroiOei, 3 sing, plqpf. of irciOto. «Tr«o-o-e\)ovTO, 3 pi. impf. med. of kmaevu.
€ireir6v0€t, 3 sing, plqpf. of vaaxa). of kiriotvw, part, kif*oovplvot.
<irto-crii|xai, pf. pass,

kirkirr&pov, aor. 2 of knnrTaipaj. «ir«o-o~uTO, poet, 3 sing. Ep. syncop.

for kirtovro,
€ir€irT&TO, 3 sing. aor. 2 of kmircTafiai. plqpf. pass, of kniaevu, in sense of aor. 2.
«ir«irvo-TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of vvv0dvofiai. eir6<TT<iX0T)v, €ir€OT<iA.T|v [o], aor. 1 and aor. 2 pass,
«ir-€irci>, Ion. for i<pkir<». of tmoTtWa).
cir-epYd£, f. daofxat, Dep. /o «/or£ wpon land, c-nwraX-ro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of kmarkWd).
till, cultivate. Hence €ir«OTpa<^Tjv [fi], aor. 2 pass, of kniOTpi<pot.
iirtpy&o-la, i), a working of another's land an en- : <-irc(rr€u)s, Ion. pf. part, of i<piffT7jfu.
croachment. II. the right of mutual tillage on «ir«rrr|v, aor. 2 of ((piarijfu.
each other's land. circo-^cpo), Ion. for kiruotykpta.
eir-€p60i£ci>, f. aw, to stimulate. cir-eaxApuos, ov, (km, kaxdpa) on the hearth.
€7T-€pei8a), f. -epuo<», to urge on with all one's force; €ir-«rx€0ov, poet. aor. 2 of kitix *'
kitipuatv Tv' airtXtdpov he applied vast strength to k-n-ioyov, -e<rx6p/nv, aor. 2 act. and med. of kirkx *'
it :

Pass, to lean or bear heavily upon. kirkr&\iov, aor. 2 of kmrkftvu.
CTT-cpc^co, f. iptu, to cover with a roof. «Tr«Taio,€Tr€T<ix^n v » aor 1 act. and pass.oflir»T<J<r<r<w. -

tTT€pTjp€torpai, pf. pass, of kirepdda). €ir-CT€tos, ov, and «ir-er€os, ov, (km, iros) annual,
cir-cpopai Ion. -c( : f. -tp-qaofjun Ion. -cipfi- yearly, every year : changeable as the seasons. 2.
aofxai : aor. 2 kirrjpdfATjv, inf. kirtpioQai : to ask, to annual, lasting for a year.
consult, question. cirereTdx*™, I° n 3 ph P^qP 1 Pass « 0I kmrdaaoj. -

cTr<ppuJ/a, aor. I of kmppiirra). of kmrrjSfvu.

«iT€TT|8€i»o-a, aor. I
cireppwtravTO, 3 pi. aor. I of kirippwo/tai. «Tr«Tr|S, ov, 6, (c7ro/iat) a follower, attendant.
«ir€ppa>o-0T)v, t-rrtpp'oDo-pai, aor. I and pf. pass, of «ir-«TT|o-tos, ov, = kw(TUos,from year to year, last-
kmppwvvvfu. ing the whole year.
«ir«pv«ro-o, Ep. aor. I of errtpvoj. «it€tov, Aeol. for Irttaov, aor. 2 of irlirroi.
€ir-«pva>, f. -tpvcroj [v] : aor. I -dpvaa to draw —
«ir€TO<r<r€, a Dor. aor. 1 without any pres. in use, =
on, pull to : to bring to a place :

Med. to draw on kit krvx*, fell in or met with; part. kmr6aaais = km-
one's clothes. tvxwv, having met with. (Origin uncertain.)
cir-cpxopai, f. -(Xevaofxat, Dep., with aor. 2 act. €ir€Tpdirnv [a], aor. 2 pass, of kmrpivo): circTpA- —
-f/KOoP Ep. --fjkvOov, pf. -c\rj\vQa: —
to go or come to ir6prjv, cirerpdirov, aor. 2 med. and act.
or towards : to come upon, esp. to come suddenly or un- «Tf€Tpd<j>0T)v, Ion. aor. I pass, of kmrpkirai.
expectedly upon. 2. in hostile sense, to come or go t-rreTOxov, aor. 2 of kmrvyx * *-
against, attack. 3. to come forward to speak. II. iittv, Ion. for Ijtou, imperat. of evojjuu.
to come on, come about, return; kirf)\v9ov S/pat the «ir-€v0vvo>, to guide straight, direct.
seasons came round again. III. to come in after cir-cvpCo-KO), Ion. for k<p-cvpioKa).
or over the bead of another. IV. to occur to one, cir-cvd/qpici), f. rfaoj: aor. I -ev^nrjaa: to shout —
come into one's mind. V. to go over a space, assent. II. c. ace. to accompany in singing : to
traverse, visit. 2. to go through or over, discuss, sing in praise of.
recount. 3. to go through, execute. cir-cvxop.<u, f. [ofiai, Dep. to pray to, make a vow
tTr-«pa>T(iu> Ion. iireip-, fut. tjaw, to consult, in- to pray or vow that : in bad sense, topray a curse,
quire of, question, ask about a thing: — Pass, to be imprecate upon. II. to exult or triumph over.
questioned, asked. Hence €ire<J>ovTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of <patva).
«-rr€pu>TT|pa Ion. cireip-, aros, r6, a question : and eir€<j>vov, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of *<p4vai.
cirepumjo-is Ion. eimp-, ftus, 1), a questioning. fir€<f>6p(3€i, 3 sing, plqpf. of <pkpfSo).
circ<ra, rare aor. I of "kiittoi. cirt<j>P&8ov» Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of <ppafa.
?Tf€<rav, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of eircifu (tlfit sum). circ<j>pd<rci>, 2 sing. aor. 1 med. of km<pp&fa.

«ir€<rP<nv<i>, = kirtiafiaiva). CTr<4>paKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of <ppaoooj.

iireo-fioXla, /), a using words at random, hasty cire<j>VKOv, Ep. for kirefv/teoav, 3 pi. plqpf. of <pfa.
speech, unseemly language. From €ir€4>v<rr|TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of <pvaaxu.
circc-^oXos, ov, (ttros, 0d\\w) throwing words <TT€X€vdp,T|V, aor. I med. of kirtxko).
about : rash-talking, scurrilous. eir^x^nv, aor. I pass, of irkica).

eir-c<r6ta>, f. ividofiai, to eat after or in addition to. «rexwTO, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of iirix&k
— : : ;;:

Mx<o —M. 247

€-7T-^xo>, fut. l<p-i£a): aor. 2 kit-i<x\ov t inf. kmax^v, eir-T|U.vci), f. vcrot \y\, to bend or bow down.
poet.tvioxtOov to have or bold upon or to, see
: «irqv Ion. ciredv late Att. krrdv, Conjunct, (kirti,

ivw\aTo: to bold, keep: Pass, and Med. to keep — ay) whenever, Lat. quandocunque.
bold of. II. to bold out, present, offer. III. €ir-i]V€|iio$, ov, (kiri dvcfios) windy. 2. vain.
to bold towards,, to l&p at ; ro£ov o/coitqi kiri- eirrjveov, Ep. impf. of knaiveaj.
X*iv to aim the bow at the mark; ri pot w5' kirix^*', €ir jvecra. Ep. cir-nyTjo-a, aor. of kiraivloj.
why thus launch out against met c. ace, iit6\uv cttt|v0€i, 3 sing. impf. of iiravOi<u.

rovs Tfyeqras to front tbem.face them. 2. kiri- «irnva>p0ow, impf. with double augm. of kiravopOoai
\(tv (sc. roivs dipOakfiovs, rbv vovv) to turn one's so, «irTjvu>p0o)o-a, -<o0tjv, aor. 1 act. and pass. , €ir-
eyes or mind to, to intend, purpose : to attend to, be T)vu>p0o>, pf. pass.
intent upon. IV. to keep in, bold back, cbeck: to cirT)|a, a> r. 1 of irqyvvfit.
stop or binder from. z. intrans. (sub. kavrov) to cirn^tcoo-a, aor. I of kira£io<».

stay, stop, wait, pause, and then to leave off doing €ir-^)6vtos, ov, (kiri, tjwv) on the beach or shore.
c. gen. rei, to cease from. V. to reach or extend €irr|ir€£XT|cra* aor. 1 of kiraneikkoj.
over a space :
— Pass, to be stretched, stretch oneself cir-Tjirvco, f. too* \y~\, to shout to, cheer on.
out, lie at length. VI. to have power over, com~ «ir-Tjp4T0S, ov, (kiri, kpdtu) lovely, plea: ant.
mand : of a wind, to prevail, continue. c-rrr|p€d£<i>, f 0w, (kirrjpaa) to tbrea'en abusively: to

€-TT~Tjf3a<o, Ion. for t<p-Tj0acv. deal despitefully with, oppose wantonly : absol. to be
«ir-T|poXos, ov, (firi, 0aWcv, with ij inserted"} having insolent.
won or gained a thing, Lat. compos : in bad sense, «TTTjpeia, i), wanton insult, contumely.
voffov krrqfioXoi possessed by a disease. II. fitting cir-T)p€, f. t)oa!, (kiri, f)ptfios) to rest after.

or belonging to. €ir-r|p€Tp.os, ov, (km, kpcrfios) at the oar, row-

rtri\y&yov, aor. 2 of kirdyo). ing. 2. equipped with oars.
iirf\yy(\Xa, kiri\yye\Ka, aor. I and pf. of kwayyiWo). cir-t]pe<|>T|S, is, \kiri, fpi<p<u) covering, shading. II.
iirqyipdr\y, aor. of iircyeipu.
I pass, pass, covered, sheltered.
«in)Yiccv(8€S, al, the long planks nailed along the «Trf)p0T|v, aor. 1 of kiraipoj.
upright ribs (cra/iivcs) of the ship: v. sub Upia. 4-mfjpK€cra, aor. of kitapicka).

«r-T|Y P €v<,> or -«>, to say agatnst, object to one. «irfjpo"a, aor. I of kirapapioKoi.
4irfj€v, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of tiret/u (clfu sum). €irj)o-av, Ep. for kirqCaav, 3 pi. impf. of iirei/u
fir-t|«T4v6s, 6v, and 17, 6v, — IvItuos, but always (dpi ibo).
used in a general sense, sufficient, abundant, plentiful; cirrjo-de «v, Ion. 3 pi. aor. 1 opt. of k<p^8oficu.
imjeTaval rpix** thick, full fleeces. €irqo-0iov, impf. of kircaOioj.
€irf|t€v, Ep. 3 sing impf. of (irfifu (cTfu ibo), be went «Trrjo-06p.TjV, aor. 2 of knaiffOdvo/xai.
a/'ter, followed upon : kirqioav 3 plur. €irf|o-KT)p.<u, pf. pass, of firaaKto).
«irr|to-a, aor. I of krratoj. «injTf|s, ov, 6, (tiros) affable, kind, gentle.
irri\uro-ov, impf. of kiratoooj. €iqQTiAoru>, 2 sing. aor. I of kiraindofiai.
«irr|Kav, Ion. for k<p -, 3 pi. aor. I of k<pir}fu. «ir-T|Tptp.os, ov, (kni. rjrpiov) woven on or to : hence
€ttt|koos Dor cttglkoos, ov, (Jtitoxovoi) listening or clo*e, dense, thronged.
giving ear to : within bearing. €irrjTUS, vos, ^, ((mjr^s) a ready address: generally,
€irf|Kpi.ora, aor. I of (irajcplfa. courtesy, kindness.
em\Kp6<avro, 3 pi. impf. of kna/epodofiau cirrjvpov, eirqvpop.'rjv, aor. 2 act. and med. of kirav-
cirrjXa, aor. I of ira*\<». piffKOfJUU.
«irrjX0ov, aor. 2 of kvipxofiai. cirrjvxTio-a, aor. I of kiravxeo*.
€TMr)A<*Yd{tt, (kiri, r'/kvyrj) to overshadow: Med., €irrj<|>i5o'a, aor I of kiratpvcao).
<p6&ov (inj\vya^eff$ai to throw a shade 'over one's ltr-T\x*ta, (. 4\o<a, to resound, to reecho : to accom-
own disguise or conceal it.
fear, pany in shouting.
«irf|Xtft)ov,Ep. for kirfjXOov, aor. 2 of kntpxoftai. cm, Prep, with gen., dat., and acc. Radic. sense,
*irfjAv|, vyos, 6, 1), (kirrjKvydfa) overshadowing; rty upon A. with gen., I. of rest at a place,
vtrpav kv^kvya Xa&ftv to take the rock as a shelter. on, upon, at, by, near. 2. with the person. I'ron.
firnXtfs, Mot, 6, i), (kirqkvdov) one who comes to a !<p* vfifiaw by yourselves, alone; k<p' kavrov, k<p' iavrwv
place: an incomer, stranger, foreigner. by himself, by themselves ; to «</>* kavrwv their own
€ir-*|Xtfo-Ca Ion. -Ctj, 1), (kirijkvQov) a coming over: interest only. 3. with Cardinal Numbers; knl
a bewitching. rpiwv. TfTTcpwv etc., by three or four, three deep or
cir-^Atfais, €a», ij, an approach, assault. in file; kirl tckpais in single file. 4. before, in pre-
rir-rjAvrns, ov, 6, tirqkvs. [i] = sence of, Lat. coram. 5. over, of any one set over
«VqjjLa|evp,«vos. pf. part. pass, of firauaffvo). a special business ; ol *irl ran/ -rrpayfrnroiv those >et
iirr\\LOi^6%, 6v, (iira/idfioj) in turn % alternate; x*- over the business. 6. motion towards a point
Twves ivTjfioifJol changes of raiment. irXuv kvl Xiov to sail for Chios; dittkavvtiv kir' oUov
— — . : : : ;

248 ftri imfMjpevtu.

to go home-wards. of Time, in or in the II. inlfSaQpov, T6,(im0aivai) a roosting-place, perch. II.
course of; in' flprjvns in time of peace. III. of (int&&TTjs) a passenger's fare, Lat. naulum.
the grounds on which a thing happens: inl fxaprvpias €irt-Paiva>, fut. -&T)aofiai : pf. -/36/3?//«z : aor. 2 ln4-
on evidence elwuv in opicov to speak on oath ; in
; &7]v: aor. 1 med. inefinadfiijv (Ion. 3 sing. ine&rjaero,
ot€v on what ground. B. with dat., I. int^aeo)
imperat. I. c. gen. to set foot on,
of Place ; inl x^P a on the spot : esp. where hostility tread or walk upon, to be or lie upon. 2. to get
is implied, opposite or against. II. of the Time upon, mount : to arrive at, come to a place metaph. :

in, on or at which a thing happens inl vvkt'i in the ; to arrive at, reach unto; im&aivuv evoe&tas to take
night in rjimri t£5« on this very day.
; 2. upon one's stand on piety. II. c. dat. to mount upon,
or after an event. III. in addition, over and
YV./or an object or pur-
get on board of: — also, to set upon, attack, as-
above, one on another. sault. III. c. ace. to light upon, Tliepirjv ini-
pose, with a view to; inl Zopncp for supper inl Kaicip ; (iaivciv, of gods descending upon it : simply, to go
avOp&nrov for mischief to man. V. of the ground to. 2. to attack, like infpxopai. 3 im/Haivciv
of doing a thing yeXav ini rtvi to laugh at one
; inl innov to mount a horse. IV. absol. to step
fxiya eppovetv ini nvi to be proud at or of ; \forward or on, advance — to get a footing.
thing. VI. of any condition upon which a thing B. Causal in act. fut. emfirjaa), aor. 1 inifirjaa, to
happens inl Tovrqt, i<p' S>t( on condition, that
; . setone upon, make him mount : metaph. to bring to,
more briefly, *<p' qj or i <p' $tc : in ovfavi on no con make one arrive at. Cf. im&iBafa.
dition ; inl ndoi hiieaiois with strict justice ; in' icots €m-/3d\Aa>, fut. -0ti\S> : aor. 2 -c08\ov I.
on reasonable terms. C. with accus., I. to throw or cast upon : to put on : affix. 2. to lay
of Place ; extending over ; in ivvia Ktiro niXcOpa on, apply : to lay on, impose, as a tax or fine. 3.
over nine acres he lay icXios ndvras in dvOpdunovs
; to add : to add to, increase. II. in rans., im-
glory spread among all men. 2. motion towards fidXXeiv nvi (sub. iavrov), to throw oneself upon, go
or to a place ; nXtiv in Atyvnrov : in hostile sense, straight towards. 2. to fall upon : to attack. 3.
upon, against: —
metaph., in epya, in' Wvv to labour, (sub. vovv), to give one's attention to, think on, apply
to an enterprize esp. to gain or get something, for,
: one's mind to ; aor. 2 part. im^aXuv, absol., when be
after, in quest of; ariXXeiv in dyycX'tTjv to send for thought on it. 4. to fall to one, come to one's
tidings rarely of persons, in' 'OSvaarja rfU
: hence : — share: to imfidXXov [sc. fitpos] one's proper portion
also to denote a purpose, inl rl for what f where- : also impers. to one to do a thing.
it falls HI.
fore f 3. with Cardinal Numbers, in' danldas nivrt Med. upon a thing, grasp at it.
to seize 2. to put
Kol (iKoaiv five-and-twenty deep or in file: with num- upon oneself, put on : metaph. to take upon oneself,
bers, up to a certain number, nearly, about. II. incur. IV. Pass, to be placed upon ; To£6rat
of Time, for or during a certain time inl xp&ov for ; im0€0X7)fJi{voi having their arrows on the string.
a time. 2. up to or till a certain time ; in r/w till 6m-Sap€d>, f. i\aoi, {ini, (3apvs) to weigh heavily on.
morning. III. more generally, inl araQ\im> by tmfjds, aor. 2 part, of imfiaiva).
the line or rule rd in ijj.4 for me, as far as con-
cms, 1), (imfiaivoj) a stepping upon or up-
cerns me. wards. 2. metaph. a step or approach towards a
'Eni may follow its case, and then it is written ini. thing (is riva noulaOai ini&aoiv to make means of

In Compos, ini denotes rest at a place, as in en-upi attacking one.

(ttfii sum), im-0aT(vo) or motion, esp. in a hostile
of im-fiaiv<u, Kaicwv imfia- €iri-pdo-KO), poet. Causal
sense, as in ini-xupiat, int-arpaTeva. of OKtfifv vlas 'Axaiuv to lead them into misery.
Time, after, as in iirt-0t6<v, ini-fUXaoTava). €Tri-Pao-Td{(o, f. aoj, to bear or weigh in the band.
III. _

addition, accompaniment, as in ini-tcrnros, in-av- «m-pST€VG>, f. ao), to take one's stand upon, to lay
\4o). IV. a reciprocal action, as in in-epyaoia, claim to, usurp. II. to be an iniP&Tijs, passenger
lm-yafiia intermarriage. V. with Numerals, or soldier. From
an integer and so much more, ini-rpnos, one and a empdrns [a], ov, 6, (imfiaivai) one who mounts or
third, = $. VI. to strengthen the Compar., as embarks; ol inifiarai the soldiers on board a ship, the
in int-fxaXKov, im-nXtov, etc. fighting men, as opp. to the rowers and seamen : a
?iri, for cnfari, it is there, ready, at hand. passenger. 2. the warrior in a chariot.
€ir-tdXX&>, f. -t&Xw : aor. -irjXa : to send upon, lay cmP&TOS, *7, 6v, (imfiaivoj) that can be climbed, ac-
upon : to bring to pass.
€md\jievos, Ep. aor. 2 part, of i<pdX\ofmi. cirtpSd, as, $, the day after the festival, Lat. repotia:
cm-avSdva>, poet, for icpavd-, to please, gratify.
€Tr-lava>, to sleep among.
— proverb., epneiv npus Tpax*iav inifiSav to come to
a hard reckoning, on the day after the feast. (Deriv.
cir-idxo [5~|, to shout to, cheer: to shout aloud. uncertain.)
i-niPa, for (irifiijOi, aor. 2 irrperat. of ini&aiva>. €TriP«|3T)Ka, pf. of imfiaivai.
4m-/3d0pa, if, (imfiaiva)) a ladder or steps to ascend ImPetopcv, Ep. 1 pi. aor. 2 subj. of im&aivo).
by: a scaling-ladder : a gangway. €mfJt]p.€V(u, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of imfiaivw.
: ; — : : : :

bri(3rj<T€0—eSriyixooxn. 249
im-fi^o-to, Ep. imperat. aor. I med. of im&aivo). <m-P<i>6<b>, Ion. for Im-fiorjBio).
fm-pTjatTO, Ep. for -aro, 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of «irt- tm-pcopAO-o-T&Ttw, f. rjoai, (lirt, (Sa>fji6s, OTrjvai) to
fiabw. stand suppliant at the altar.
I irt-pT|TO)p, opos, 6, (km&aiva)) one who mounts. II. €m-Pu>p.ios, ov, (iiri, /3a;/xo*) on or at the altar.
of male animals, e. g. a boar. «iTtpu)cropat, Ion. fut. of imfioaoj.
€iri-pr0d£u, f. -Ptpacai Att. -/3t/3«, Causal of l»i- «m-P<oo~Tp««>, Ion. and Dor. for im&oaw, to shout
fiaivu, to put one upon. to, call upon, clamour for.
<-Tri-j3t6o>, f. -f3iuo~ofiai: aor. 2 inffiiojv: — /o survive. «irt-P&)Tos, Ion. for ini&orjTOS.
tiu-pXtirw, i//a;, fo /oo£ w/>on, /oo£
fut. if/opai, later <m-P<0T<i>p, opos, 6, an over-shepherd, shepherd.
/o, regard. with envy, Lat. invidere.
2. to eye iiri-yaios, ov, (eirt, yaid, yrj) upon the earth; tcL=
€mf3\T]p.a, aros, to, {tirifSaWo)) that which is thrown iiriyaia the parts on or near the ground.
on or over : a cover : a patch. cm--yap.ppeij(i>, f. a<a, (ini, yaptfipos) to marry a
empX-fis, rjros, 6, (Itti/JoAAcu) a bolt or bar fixed in a widow as her husband's next of kin.
or on a door. €m-yop,€a>, f. -ya/iia<u Att. -y&fiu — to marry be-
cm-pXwo-Ko), f. -fioKov/Mii : aor. 2 evijw\ov : — /o sides imyapuv ritcvois (XTjrpviav to marry and
; set a
come «po», be/all. stepmother over one's own children. Hence
tm-|3oda>, f. -^o-qaofjiai Ion. -/SdVo/iat : — /o caW tm-Y&p.(a, 1), an additional marriage. II. in-

w/>on or /o, cry oh* /o. 2. /o «//«• or sm^ termarriage, right of intermarriage, between states.
aloud. 3. /o cry ow/ against. 4. /0 ca// t/jpon, iiri-y&pos, ov, (ini, -ydfios) marriageable.
invoke; call to aid: —
so also in Med. ciri--yavp6op.<u, Pass, to exult in.
em|3oY)6€ia, 1), a helping, coming to aid, succour. iiriy-hovirita, Ep. for im-Sovnio).
From cin/YC', pf. pass, of (mypa<poj.
«m-|3oT)0&«> Ion. -PcoOcu, to come to aid, succour. «irC-Y€ios, ov, (ini, yia = yi}) on or of the earth.
lm^6r\[La, aros, to, (im&oaai) a call to one. eiri-YeXdo), f. aao nai laugh to or with,
[a], to to
€irip6-r]TOS Ion. -pwros, ov, (km&oaco) cried out laugh in approval, upon : absol. to laugh.
to smile
against, ill spoken of. «m-Y€pcup(»>, to give honour to.
«mj3oXT|, (kmPaWoj) a throwing or putting on; «Tri-Y€vop.oi, Med. to taste of.

imfioKal ir\iv6<uv layers or courses of bricks. II. itn-yr\Qiti>, f. 170*0; : pf. imyiyqOa :
— to rejoice or
an infliction, penalty. III. a setting upon z thing, triumph over : to exult in.
an attempt, enterprise : a hostile attempt. iin-ylyvo\iai, fut. -ytvqaopiai aor. 2 -tyevopvnv

: :

€Tn.-(3op.f3ta), f. 17000, to roar in answer. pf. -yiyova or in pass, form -ycyivrjfjiai to be born
cm-p6o-Kco, f. -^oaieqaa), to feed cattle upon: Med. — after; eapos imyiyvcrai wprj the season of spring
of cattle, to graze ox feed upon. comes next ; ol kmyiyvo/jievot posterity ; yipovov im-
cm-{3ovi<6\os, 6, an over-cowherd, herdsman. yivofiivov as time was going on. 2. to come
€irtj3ov\evp,a, aros, to, (km&ovkevoj) a plan against, upon, fall upon : in good sense, to follow, ensue
a plot, attempt, scheme. upon : also to fall upon, attack. 3. to happen after,
€iripov\€VTT|s, ov, 6, one who plots against, a plot' come to pass.
ter. From €iri-YiYv w <rK<0 mt -yvuaonai
» aor. 2 -iyvonr
» pf. : :

cm-PovAevo), f. coj, to plan or contrive against one -iyvoj/ca : to look upon, observe. II. to recog-

km@ov\tvuv Bavarov nvt, c. dat. rei, to lay plots for, nise : hence to find out, discover : to become con-
to aim at —
Pass, to have snares laid for one. Hence scious of, come to a sense of. III. to come to a

«trJ3o\At], 1), a plan against another, a plot; «£ im- judgment, decide.

(tovkrjs by treachery. €, tm-Ylvwo*Kco, Ion. and in late Gr. for
€m-{3ovX.ia, t) } so km@ov\r). imyiyv-.
cirC-ffovXos, ov, (iiri, PovXtj) plotting against, tm-Y\u> Att. -TT& : fut. i\ao\tai
treacherous. Dep. (liri, yKwaaa) to vent reproaches against,

€m-f3pa5vva), f. vvw, to loiter at a place. to upbraid.
ciri-PpSxv, Adv. for iirl (3paxv,for a short while. €m-Yvap.irr6s, "q* °^» curved, twisted. From
€7n-pp€(jtco to , make to roar : —Med. to roar. II. €iu-Yv&p.irrtt, f. xpo), to curve, bend. II. me-
roar or cry out to.
intr. to taph. to bow or bend another to one's purpose.
«m-Ppl9Y|S, is, burdensome, grievous. From of (iriyiyvwoicoj.
cirtYvoiTjv, aor. 2 opt.
tm-J3pi0w, f. tea) [I], to be heavy upon, weigh •m-Yvovs, aor. 2 part, of (myiyvwaieca.
down. II. metaph. to press heavily. eiri-Yvwp-wv, ovos, 6, 1), {km, yvw/xtj) deciding upon:
tmPpfcmav, 3 pi. aor. I opt. of imfSpiOu. as Subst. an arbiter, judge. II. pardoning.

= ifi-@povT)TOS, thunderstricken.
€irv-ppovTT)Tos, ov, cm-Yvwpt^co, fut. iaai Att. Xw, to make known, an-
Im-Ppvw, va<o [5], to burst forth, as water : of
f. nounce, signify.
flowers, to sprout, burst forth. iiriyvuicns, cws, 1), (imyiyvkaKw) full knowledge.
cm-Pvii), f. vow [y], to stop, caulk tight ciriYvwoxrv, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 subj. of imyiyv&iaicv.
— : : ::: : :

250 HCyovos — ciribiapprjywui.

tirCyovos, ov, (iiriywioOai) born after: generally, cm-5ctirvios, ov, (iiri, betirvov) at or after dinner.
offspring, posterity —
ol Eiriyovot, the Afterborn, sons cirt-Sciirvov, to, an after-meal, second course or des-
of the chirfs who fell in the first war against Thebes. sert.

iiuYOWiStos, ov, on. set upon the knee. From i ttv-S ckotos, r), ov, one and one tenth, 1 + -^ = ££. II.

cin-YovvCs, ibos, f),(kiri,yovva.To$, Ion. gen. of 70^1;) one in ten, a tenth, tithe.
the region above the knee, the tbigh. cm-8cp.vios, ov, (iiri, bipivtov) in or on the bed.
!mYP<S.J38T]v, Adv. (imypcupw) scratching the surface, cm-8cgios, ov,from left to right, towards the right,
grazing. used chiefly in neut. pi. imbi£ia as Adv., which there-
iiriypa\i\ia, arot, t6, (Imyptopw) an inscription, as fore also means auspiciously. 2.a=8c£ios, on the
of the name of the a work of art, or of the
maker on right band; T&mbt(ia the right side. II. of per-
dedicator on an offering. 3. an epigram, a poem sons, dexterous, skilful.
of a few lines, mostly in Elegiacs. cirt-Sc£is, Ion. for inl5(i£is.
«mYp&4>€vs, cms, 6, {iiriypd<p<u) an inscriber : esp. <m-&lpicopxu, Dep. to look upon, behold.
at Athens a clerk who registered property, etc. cm-Sco-pcwo, f. ao), (iiri, biop.ut) to bind up.
(irvypS<l>T|, f/, (iiriypd<poj) an inscription. II. (iiri, 8ea/i6s) a band, bandage.
cm.-Sco-p.6s, 6,
at Athens, a registration of property. cmSe0-p.o-x&pT|S, is, \iiribtafiot, \aip<o) bandage-
«m-YP&<t><», f. tya> ; pf. -yiypaipa, pass, -yiypa/xptai loving, epith. of gout.
—to mark the surface, graze; imypcuf/ai tc\r}pov to f. 6oa>, to be lord over.
put a mark on a lot. write upon,
II. later, to tm-SevTjs, is, poet, and Ion. for i mbefjs, in need or
inscribe: — Pass., of the inscription, to be inscribed want of, lacking. II. lacking, failing in a thing, c.

upon. III. to enter in a public list or register gen.,/Su/s iirtbtviftfailing in strength: also a compar.
esp. at Athens, to register the citizens' property in sense, &irjt iiribevitt Obvafjot inferior to Ulysses
iiriypa<puv Tifirjpa to lay the damages at so much : in strength : absol., iroAAov 5' im5(vtts r) far too
—Med. to register oneself: but, vpocrdrrju imypd- weak were we. From
ifaaOai to enter the name of a patron in the public cm-Scvopai, poet, for iiribioptai (imbfoj b) to be in
register, as all niroiKOi at Athens were obliged to do. want of, to lack : to need the help of. II. to be

tirt-ypviros, ov, somewhat hooked : somewhat hook- lacking in a thing, fail in it.
nosed. cm-Scvw, f. cat, to moisten on the surface.,Dep. (iiri, baita b^ to distribute, offer. cm-Scxop.oi, f. [opxu, Dep. to admit besides or in
«m-8aicrios, ov, (iiri, baia> b) assigned, allotted. addition.
cm-Satcpvco, f. vaoj [p], to weep over or for. cm-Scco (A), f. -bfooj, to bind or fasten on. II.

cm-Sup-os, ov, Dor. for ini-brffins. to bind up, bandage.

«m-8ai|/, f. aopuu, Dep. to lavish upon a cm-8c<i> (B), f. -btfjoa), to want or lack so much of
person, give freely. a number :
— impers. imbti, thereis need of besides

cmScSpopxx, pf. 2 of imrpix *' — Med. to be in want of, cf. imbcvopuii.

£mScT|S, is, (iiribiopxu) in want of: deficient : Att. citC-StjXos, ov, quite evident, manifest : open. a.
neut. pi., imbed. distinguished. II. like, resembling.
c-iri8ciYp.a, aros, t6, (imbtiKvvpu) a specimen : a <m-ST]p.€vci>, f ao), to live among the people. From
pattern, example, lesson. cttiStjpco), f. 170*0;, (firibijpot) to be at borne, live at
cm-8c(cAos, ov, bdkrj) at, towards evening;
(liri, home: to sojourn among people, stay at a place. II.
lirtSctcAa, neut. pi. as Adv., towards evening. to come borne, from foreign travel. Hence
cm-ScticvvpA and -vw, f. -5ei£« aor. 1 -i5ti£a Ion. : tiri8T)|xia, 1), a staying at home, stay at a place.
-c'Scfa : to exhibit as a specimen or pattern : to shew €Trv-8ifjp,ios, ov, {iiri, brjfios) among the people: dwell-
forth, display, parade : —
Med. to display oneself shew
— ing at home; iro\ep.ot imbt)pnot civil war; iirt&r)/uoi
oneself off 2. to shew, point out to shew, prove, ip.iropoi native merchants. II. sojourning at a
demonstrate. Hence place.
cttiScmctikos, 17, 6v, fit for display ; iiribuKTiKol cm.-Srjp.ioupYoC, 5>v, ol, magistrates sent annually by
koyoi speeches for display, set orations, such as were Doric states to their colonies.
frequent among the A h; nian rhetoricians. «ir(-&T]p.os, ov, = imbrifiios, of the people, popular.
lirtSctv. aor. 2 inf. of iirubov. cm-Siafkuvco, fut. -firjoopxit, to cross over besides
fiuSei£ai, aor. I inf. of imbci/cvvfju. or afer another.
cmScjJis Ion. £ir(8«£is, ca>», an -yv&ffopxu
-r), (ivibeiitvvfii) Ion. -yTvwo'kci) : fut.
exhibition, display; it cirlbeifiv rivot diriKiaOai to debate
to or decide afretb.
come within one's view, to his 'knowledge. 2. a cm-8iaipca>, f. t)au, to divide over again —Med. of
pattern, example, Lat. specimen. several, to distribute among themselves.
cm-Scurvcw, f. //no), (hibunvov) to eat after din- cm-8toirX^o>, f. irXevnofiai, to sail across besides.
ner. II. to eat as a second course, eat as a cirv-8iappT)Yvv rU' f- pftv, to tear asunder after:—
dainty. Pass, to burst in consequence of a thing.
: : :; :

£ TTLhtaTda-a-ofxai — eirirjpavos* 251

<m-8iaTd<r<rop<u, Med. to ordain or command be- 1

ness. 2. equity, the spirit as opposed to the letter

sides,. of the law.
tm-Sia4>€, Pass, to go across after. tm-eiKcXos, ov, = eiK(\os, like.

cm-StSdo-KO), f. £<*>, to teach besides. €m-€tKT|s, is, {eiri, eiKus*) fitting, meet, suitable; ws
cm-Si8o)u.i, f. hwow, to give besides, give freely imftites as is meet; ov k' iiritiKts &kov(iv whatever
to give with, give in dowry. II. iiridtduvat iav- [word] is meet for you to hear. II. in Att. fair,

rov nvi to give oneself up or devote oneself to a reasonable : also plausible : if persons, fair, kind, mo-
thing. III. intr. to increase, advance: also to derate. 2. opp. to di/taios, not insisting on strict

improve, prosper. IV. Med., Oeovs imSwfieOa justice, equitable.

let us give or take the gods as witnesses ; cf. ireptSi- 4iti-6ikt6s, 17, ov, (iiri, c'kw) yielding ; oxjk Iitiukt6s
3w/u II. that will never yield, unyielding ; iriv6os ovk iirtencrov
cm S££i)|Aai, Dep. to seek or ask further : to seekfor unceasing woe.
or demand besides. tmtiKws Ion. «us, Adv. of iiri(ifcr)s, fairly, tolerably,
cm-8licdg<o, f aw, to adjudge to one Med. of the moderately.
: — 2. probably, reasonably.

claimant, to sue for a thing at law, lay claim to. tmtijjLfvos, 17, ov, Ion. for i<puph os, pf. part. pass,
Hence of imivvvpi.
im-BlKao-ip-os, disputed at law: generally, much e'meio-dp.cvos, Ion. aor. I part, of iirupi (dpi ibo).
contested. €irieio-op,<u, Ion. fut. of iiru/ju (dpi ibo).
cm-Siveo), f. t)aw, to whirl or swing round, of one tm-fXirou-ai, poet, for iiri\iropai. Hence
in act to throw : — Med. to turn over in one's mind, €iri-€Xirros, ov, to be hoped or expected.
revolve — Pass, to wheel about, as birds in the air <m-ewv|u, Ion. for i<p-ivvvpi aor. 1 iiri-(oa Ep.
ini8ivT}0ivT(, aor. I part. dual. iiri-foca: pf. pass ini-tapai or ini-eipai: —put on
£m-6iop66<i>, f. wow, to correct or set in order after- besides or over — Pass., Ion. pf. part, imupivos &K-
wards. Kt)v,avaibdr}v clad in strength, si amelessness; x^*^
tm-SnrXotfw or -oijio, (iiri, Siir\6os) to redouble. iiriiorai (3 sing, pf.) it was covered in brass, bad
tm-Si4>pids, Ados, i), (iiri, 5i<ppos) the rail in front brass upon it : Med. to put on oneself besides — : gene-
of the chariot-board (5i<ppos), the chariot-rail. rally, to cover or shroud oneself in.

«m-8i<t>pios, ov, (iiri, h'uppos) sitting on the car. «mco-o-ajj.€v, I pi. aor. I of imivvvpi.
cirC-Stx&» Adv. for iiri 5t'xa - 4meorai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of imivvvpi.
cirt-St<0K<o, f. £w, to pursue after : follow up as cm-£dpea>, = iirt(3apiw. —
legal term, to prosecute again. cm-gdd^Xos, ov, (iiri, *£a<pe\os from £a- intens.)
tm-8oK<6>, -SoKTjow and -56(w, to expect.
f. vehement, violent: Adv. iirifa<pe\ws (as if from im- —
cir-iSdvTCS, aor. 2 pi. nom. part, of iirdhov; but £a<pt\fis), vehemently, furiously.
em-86vT€S, of iiriSidw/u. itn-^aoi, f. -£r)ow, to outlive, survive.
€iri-8o£os, ov, (iiri, 86(a) likely or expected to do a ciri-fevYvvp.1 and -vo>, f. -£tv£w, to join or fasten at
thing ; iirido{os yev(o8at likely to prove so of things, top : generally, to tie together, bind fast.
: II. to
likely, probable. II. well-known, illustrious. yoke to.
fin-S6pmos, ov, (iiri, Sopirov)for or of the banquet. £m-£e4>ijpios, ov, = sq., epith. of Italian Locri.
tmSocns, ew$. i), {imdiSwfu) a giving over and above: cm-£€<j>'Cpos, ov, lying towards the west.
a voluntary contribution to the state. II. increase, «m-£«a>, f. -(iow, to boil up or over ; t) veortjs iiri-
growth, progress. (eoi pot my youthful spirit boiled over. II. act.

cmSovvai, t'mSovs, aor. 2 inf. and part, of cirt- to make to boil, beat.
Siiwpu. firl-fnAos, ov, subject to envy : fortunate, prosperous.
«m-8ovir«i>, f. t)aw, to make a noise or clashing. «m-J"f|p.ios, ov, (iiri, ^nftia) bringing loss or penalty
€in8oxV|, (imb'fxotiou) reception of something new.
ij, upon, hurtful. II. liable to punishment. Hence
«mSpdp.«tv, aor. 2 inf. of iirnpixv I «m8pap,tTnv, £m-£T||u6<i>, f. wow, to punish.
3 dual indie. cm-^rjT&o, f ^l°w, to seekfor, seek after,find wanting:
cmSpop-fj, ^, (imSpapHv) a running over. II. to beat for game; ol im^vTovvres the beaters.
a sudden inroad, raid, or attack. III. a place €m-$cSwvp.i, f. -£wow, to bind or gird on : Pass., pf.
for ships to run to, a landing-place. part, iire^wofiivot, with their cloaks girt up.
4ir(-8pop.os, ov, that may be run over or upon ; ret- <m-£c!>ci>, Ion. for iiri^aw.
\ot iiribpopov a wall that may be scaled. «ir£T]Xa, aor. I of imaWw.
im-hwa and -8vvw, f. law, to go down or set upon. cir-C-qpa, Ion. for i<pir]fu.
£m-8u>u,«0a, I pi. aor. 2 med. subj. of imSibw/M. €TriT|v8av€, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of i<pavS&vw.
«ir-i8wv, part, of iirdhov. «Trt-T]pa, r&, (ivi, fipa) things acceptable, pleasing
imSwo-w, fut. of iiri&iSwfu. gifts.
4m«lic«ka, 1), (imuicfi*) likelihood, reasonable- «m-^pSvos, ov, (iviijpa) pleasing. II. warding
ness. II. fairness, clemency : also natural mild- off, assisting, governing.
: :

252 hrCrjpos — iiriKCLTabapdavto.

itrir\po%, ov,only in neut. pi. Imrjpa, q. v. «m-0vto, f. -6vccu [S], to offer sacrifice upon or after:
«in.-0&\dfjuos, ov, {ini, 6d\afxos) belonging to a bri- — to offer sacrifice, offer.
dal, nuptial; rb tTri6a\dfuov (^sub. fxeXos), the nuptial «m-0vo), f. Ovaco [v], to rush eagerly at. 1. c. inf.

song, epitbalamium, sung in chorus before the bridal vehemently to do, desire or long to do,
to strive (v.
chamber. Oioj B.)
eiri-0ctXao-o-i8tos Att. -rriStos, ov, = sq. €m-0copdic(£op,ai, Med. to put on one's armour,
«m-0&\acro-ios Att. -ttios, a, ov, (eiri, ddXaaaa) tm-0wucrcrc>, f. £<x>, to shout or call out.
lying on the sea-shore, maritime. €irt-i8p.cov, ovos, 6, = (mioTQjp.
«m-0Sva.Tios, ov, (<m, Oavaros) condemned to death. <m-t£op,ai, Ion. for l<pl^
€iri-0avaTOS, ov, sick to death, like to die. «m-io-Tcop, opos, 6, acquainted with, knowing.

cm-0apo- va> Att. 0appvvci>, f. vvu>, to cheer on. «m-Ka0a.ip€o>, f. tjooj, to pull down besides.
«iTi-0av|xd£a), f. ecu, to pay respect to, to compliment €m-Ka0€£op.cH, f. -cSou/ttu, Pass to sit down upon.
with a fee (Lat. honorarium). «m-Ka.07]Licu Ion., to sit upon: to press
tm-0€id£<o, f. dtrcw, (em, deos) to call upon in the upon, be heavy upon. II. to sit down against a
name of the gods, to adjure. Hence place, besiege ;

cm0eiacrp.6s, 6, an appeal to the gods, adjuration. tm-Ka0i£o>, f. iacu, to set upon. II. intr. to sit upon.
iiri-9eir\v, 0€ivai, aor. 2 opt. and inf. of kmriB-qfu. ciri-Kaivoco, f. wow, to innovate upon.
€iri0eis, -Oiiaa, aor. 2 part, of iiriTlOijfit. cm-icatpios, ov, (iiri, /caipus) in due season, season-
«m-0€iT6, for -6e'tT)T€, 2 pi. aor. 2 opt. of em- able,opportune: important, critical ; oi imicaipioi the
Tl0T]fXl. chief persons.
«m-0€pair€uco, f. trcw, to court or serve studiously: to ciri-Kaipos, ov, = emicaipios' c. gen. fit, proper, con-
work zealously for. venient for a thing.
cm-0es, -0«to>, aor. 2 imperat. of imriOrjiu. (TTt-Kaicj Att. -icd<i>: f. icava<u: — to light or kindle
«iri0€<ris (&s, tj, (e-MTidtifu) a laying on, imposi-
on a place : to burn on an altar.
tion. II. (from Med. ) a setting upon, attack. tm-tcdAtco, f. «cra/, to call on, appeal to, adjure. II.
cro-6e<rcri£a>, f. era;, to prophesy upon. to call in addition, give a surname to — Pass, to be
€1ti0€tik6s, Tj, 6v, (iiriTidffiai) ready to attack: en- called by surname. III. to bring an accusation
terprising. against, to lay to one's charge. IV. Med. to call
«iri-0€TOS, ov, (krriTi9rjfxi) added, annexed: far- to oneself, call to aid: generally, to invite: also to
fetched, foreign. II. as Subst., tvidtTov, t6, an challenge, Lat. provocare. 2. to summon before one.
epithet. lTTiKakv\L\La, aros, to, a cover, covering: a veil,
cm-0c<i>, f.-Ocv<Tot*ai,lo run upon or at: to run after, cloak, means of biding. From
chase, pursue. itri-K SXvirrta, f. if/cu, to cover up, shroud, bide. II.

«m0T)KT|, 17, (ImriBrifit) an addition, accession: some- to put over. Hence

thing given in or over in a bargain. ciriKdXvtj/is, ecus, a covering, conceclment.

«irl-0T}p.a, aros, to, (imTiOym) anything put on, a iiriKap.trr\, 1), a bend: the angle of a
cover, lid. building iviKafiirfjv noiuaOai to draw up the wings

ciu-0o<££co, aw, to sit as a suppliant at an altar,

f. so as to form angles wilh the centre.
to pray the gods for aid : cf. 9od(<u. ciriicau.irr)S, is, curved, curling. From
cinOopciv, aor. 1 inf. of emOpwOKOj. Im-Kap/TrrG), f. \po), to bend into an angle: —Pass.
«m-0opvp€co, f. rjo-cu, to shout in token of approval. to wheel round the wings, so as to take the enemy in
€m-0pdo-<ru> Att. -ttw, contr. for ivirapaooa). flank.
«iri-0pavci», f. trey, to break besides. «m-Kap.iru\os, ov, bent forward.
«Tn0p«£as, aor. part, of ivnpix 01
1 IttL-k&p, (eirl, itdpa) Adv. bead-foremost.


fTti-9pu)o-Kfi),{.-6opovfiai : aor. 2 iiriOopov: to spring (tTi-Kapcrios, a, ov, (im/cap) properly on the bead,
or leap upon, c. gen. : c. dat. to insult over : absol., bead forwards. II. opp. to opOios, crosswise, at
roaaov imOpuatcovai so far do they bound. an angle ; rd kmicdpoia the country measured along
«iri-0vp.eto, f. i7<ra>, to set one's heart upon
{irtl, OvpSs) (measured inwards at right
the coast, opp. to tcL opdia
a thing, lust after, desire eagerly. Hence angles to the coast) tou TISvtov
: c. gen., Tpirjpeia
eiri0vp.T|jia, aros, t6, the object of desire ; and (niKapaiai triremes forming an angle with the current
«m0wp.T)cris, a longing desire; and
tout, j), of the Pontus.
«iri0vp.T]TT|s, ov, 6, one who desires : a lover ; and 4-iri-KaTaPaivo), f. -(H-fjaofiat, to go down to or upon
€m0vp,T|TiKQS, r), 6v, desiring, coveting. Adv. -kws. a place. II. to go down after or against.
itriOv\iia, ij, (kiti$vfiioj) a desire, yearning, longing: «TTi-KaTa3&\Aco, f. -/3dAa), to let fall down.
in bad sense, desire, lust. ciri-icaTa'Yco, to bring down to land besides Pais. —
tTU-0-up.idp.a, aros, to, an incense-offering : from to come to land with or afterwards.
lm-0C)u<£<i>, f. d<x<u [3], to offer incense. (m-KaraSapOdvw, f. -SapO-qoofiat aor. 2 -48ap0ov: :

<ir-i6vv<0, to aim straight at : to direct, govern. —-to fall asleep at or upon.

: : — — : : : : : :

eViKara/cAvCo)— imKOivoavea). 253

cm-KaTaKAvJu), f. -vaoj, to overflow besides. be extended, spread over oaov r imKiSvarat iJws far

tTTL-KaTaKOL[ Dep. to sleep at or upon a place. as the morning Only used in pres.
light is spread. —
<m-Ka.TaAap.pdva>, f. -X-qipopai, to catch up, overtake. ctti-kIvSOvos, ov, in danger, precarious, insecure. II.

c-rri.-KaTap.cvu>, f. -fitvuf, to stay yet longer. dangerous. Adv. -vws.

€in-KOTaiTiirT&), f. -ireaovfiai, to throw oneself upon. tTTi-KipvTjp.1, poet, and Ion. for fiwetpavvvfii.
ciri-KarApaTOs, ov, yet more accursed. cm-icAd{a>, f. -K\dy£cj, to send forth a sound in
€irt-KaTapptirre<i) and -to>, to throw down after or answer.
upon. cm-KAaico Att. -icAdw f. -xXavaofjuxi :
— to weep
cm-KaTao-<t>d£o> and ttw, f. (a), to slay upon or over. upon or responsively. Hence
ciri-KaTa\{/€vSop<u, Dep. to tell lies in addition. cirticAavTOS, ov, tearful.
cirixaTcBapOov, aor. a of kiriKarahapdavo). cm-icAdcd, f. dau [a], to bend towards — Pass, to b*
cm-KaTclBov, inf. -Kariduv, aor. 2 with no pres. in bent or broken in spirit, angi animo.
use, to look down upon : cf. (J8ov. cm-icAdo), Att. for kmitXaia). \Sl]
cm-icdTCipx, -Kariivai, to go down upon or into.
inf. cttv-kActis, is, (km, KXios) famous.
cm-tcaTCX*"* -KaOi^oi, to detain still.
*"• ctti-kAcio) (A), f. -Kkeiaa), to shut up, close.
tirt-icavTOS, ov, (im/caiw) burnt at the end, Lat. ciri-icAcio) (B), (e7ri, KXios) to extol or praise the
praeustus. more.
ciri-Kdb>, Att. for km-Kaia). [d] ciri-KA-rjtfw contr. -icAr Jo>, Ion. for iirt-KXuo) (b).
cirt-Kciuak, inf. -KtiaOai, serving as Pass, of iiriTi- ciriKATjpa, aros, t6, (im/eaXia)) an accusation.
Orjfu, to be laid upon;of gates, to be put to or citC-kAtjv, Adv. (eniKaXioj) by surname or name.
closed. 2. generally, to be set on or in : to lie ciri-KA'T)pos,o!', succeeding to a patrimony: as Subst.,
over against; at iniKeifievat vijaot the islands off the imtcXrjpos, tj, an only daughter and heiress, who must
coast. 3. to bang over, impend. II. to press by law marry her next of kin.
heavily upon: to press upon, be urgent. III. of ciri-KAr)p6a>, f. wffcj, to assign by lot.
penalties, to be laid on, imposed. IV. to have cttikAtjo'is, «y«, 1), (cffi/caAccu) a surname or addi-
on one.

tional name, and generally, a name absol. ace. C7ri- —
ciri-KcCpo), f. -KtpGi Ep. -Ktpao): to cut down, mow tcXrjaiv by surname, by name ; but also in name only,
down. II. metaph. to cut short, baffle. nominally. II. a reproach, imputation.
tmK€K\6u,T|v, aor. 2 of imtciXofiai. €-itikAtjtos, ov, (ImKaXiai) called upon, called in as
ciruccKAipcvos, pf. part. pass, of imicXiva). allies. 2. specially summoned.
cm-KcAcirSca), f. rjcou, to shout in applause, to cheer. ciri-ieAlvfjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass,of imicXiva).
ciukcAcvctis, ecus, 77, cheering, exhortation. cmicAtW|s, is, (iiwcXivrjvai) sloping, slanting.
t-iri-KcAevo), also in Med. CTri.-KcA6vop.ak, to exhort and c tti-k Atvrpov, to, a thing to lean on : a couch, arm*

encourage, cheer on. chair. From

ciri-KcAAo, fut. -KeKaoj aor. I C7rc«cAcra :to run :
ctti-kACvo) [1] : f. -kXXvCj •
pf. pass. -KiicXXpuu — to
aground or ashore, of ships. 2. intrans. to come lay upon so as to Jit —
put to; iirixticXT-
Pass, to be
to land, come ashore. fiivai aai'idts closed doors. II. to bend towards

crn-KcAopai, Dep. to call to or upon, invoke. — Pass, to be inclined at an angle: pf. part, pass.,
cm-KcvTpi£t»>, f. aw, to apply the spur. ewiKCKXifiivos sloping, oblique. III. Pass, to lie
cm-Kcpdwvp.i, f. -Ktpaoa) [a] : aor. I tirvtipaoa Ep. over against. 2. to recline at table.
-eiefrnoa —
to mix in, pour in again. cm-icAovca), f. i\ao), to stir up to commotion.
cm-KcpSia, <w, t&, {kvi, xipdos) profit on traffic. ctti-kAoitos, ov, (cTrt, teXonri) given to stealing, thievish,
Im-KcproLLCfa), f. f/aai, to jeer at, insult, teaze. wily: c. gen., inlieXovos fxv$(uv cunning in speech.
tiriKtcrGai, Ion. aor. 2 impf. of icpiKviopat. citi-kAvJo), f. vatu, to overflow, flood : metaph. to
cm-KcvGco, f. aw, to conceal, bide; ov a' iiracivooi I overwhelm, ruin. Hence
will not bide it from thee. cirCicAtio-is, caw, 17, an overflow, flood.

cro-KT)Sckos, ov. of or at a burial.

(cirt, Krj5os) ctti-kAvo), to listen to, bear.
cirucrjpvKcia, 1), {iiriKrjpvKtvopai) the sending a herald cm-icAu>6a), f. (bow, to spin to one, assign to one as
or embassy to treat for peace. one's destiny, of the Fates :
— so also in Med.
cmKT)pvKcvLia, aros, to, a message or demand by cm-icvdp.irTG>, Att. for ciri nrw.

herald. From ciri-Kvda>, inf. -tevrjv, to scrape or grate upon a thing.

cm-Ki]pVKct>OLiai, Dep. to send a message by a CTr-iKvcoLiai, Ion. for e<p-ittviopai.
herald : to make proposals for a treaty : generally, to, Pass, with fut. med. -rjoopuu, to fall
proclaim publicly. asleep over.
c-nx-KTjpvo-o-w Att. -tt<i> : f. £<u to announce, pro- :
cm-Koivos, ov, (Jttri, koivos) common
to many, pro-
claim; dpyvpiov kmK-npvooeiv rtvi or ciri tivi to set miscuous : neut. pi. kniieotva Adv. in common.
a price on his head hence to proscribe. : cin.-KOiva>vc<i>, f. i\aoi. to communicate with. 2.
cm-tci8vT)|j.i, to spread over Pass. imiciSv&fMi, to — to share in common with*
: : : — : : 1 :

254 €VLK0fXT:6.C(D—i'niXaiJL^dv(ii.

t7Ti-K0[iiTd£a>, f. co), to boast besides, add boastingly: cm-tcpoTcw, f. 170-0/, to rattle on or over.

to boast or exult in a thing. iiri-KpoTOS, ov, trodden bard, beaten.

tm-Kou.iTtw, f. "qcw, to add boastingly: to boast of. ciri-Kpoixi), f. o<u, to hammer upon or in. II. to
ciriicoiros, ov, (4irifc6irT<v) cut short, lopped. strike or smite upon.
«m-ic6iTTa>, f. \pa>, to strike upon, to knock down — em-KpvirTO>, f. ip<v: aor. 2 -iKpv<pov: to throw a —
Med. to smite one's breast and wail for another, Lat. covering over —
Med. to disguise Pass, to conceal —
plangi. or disguise oneself Hence
c-irtKos, 17, 6v, (tiros) Epic, of Epic poetry ; ol imKoi tm-Kpi34)os, ov, bidden, secret.
the epic poets. tm-Kpol £cj, f. (toj, to caw or croak at one.
«m-Koo-p.tco, f. tjcoj, to adorn with : to celebrate. tm-KTaopcu. f. -Tjoopai, Dep. to gain, win besides;
€itC-kotos, ov, angry, vengeful : malicious, malignant. im/craoOai apxqv to gain additional territory.
'ErriKovpeios, ov. 6, ('EmKovpos) an Epicurean, a €rri-KT€ivci>, f. -jcrevui, to kill besides; ivucrtivuv rbv

follower of the sect of Epicurus. Oavovra to slay the slain anew.

cirtKovpcb), f. rjaoj, (kir'tKovpos) to come to aid, to «ir(KTrjo"Ls, «vs, 7, ((iriKraopai) fresh gain.
help in war: generally, to help at need; c. dat. rei, €itikttjtos, ov, {kiriKraopai) gained besides or in ad-
vuoois (iriKovptiv to aid one against them; kmKovptiv dition ; (niKT'qTT) yr) acquired land, as the Delta of
nvi Tt to keep offfrom one. Hence Egypt kmKT-qTT) a new or foreign wife ; (vucttjtoi

cmxovpT|p,a, aros, to, help, protection ; and <pi\otnewly acquired friends.

fTTLKoupTjcris, «us, i), aid, protection. €m-KT0ir«i>, f.Tjow, to make a noise upon; ImKTVtruv
cnriKovpCa, i), {(iriKovpiaj) a defence or protection Totv iroSoiv to stamp with the feet : to resound with.
against, aid, succour, assistance. II. an auxiliary «m-Kv8"f|s, 4s, (4iri, /cvoos) glorious : brilliant.
or allied force. tm-KvicTKa), to impregnate again — Pass, to become
«mKovpiic6s, tj, ov, auxiliary, allied. doubly pregnant.
cxrl-icovpos, ov, (km, Kovpos) helping, aiding, assist- tm-KvicXcca, f. i)oo), to come round in turn to.
ing: as Subst. an ally: —
ol kmtcovpoi the auxiliaries or <iri-KtiXivSca>, f. KvKiaoj [t] : aor. 1 - Kvklcra :—>
mercenary troops, opp. to the national army. Pass., aor. 1 -ocvKiaOijv : to roll down upon.
<irv-Kov<^t£<i>, f. ioco Att. lu>, to lighten : to relieve of ciri-Kvp.aCvo>, to flow in waves over.
a burden. II. to lift up, support. 2. metaph. €m-Kvirr«,
to stoop down. f. ^<w, to bend oneself over,
to lift up, encourage: in bad sense, to puff up, elate. t Tri-Kvpto) and -Kvpo) f -/cvprjaco and -Kvpao) :

cm-Kpd£c>, f. £cu, to shout to or at. aor. 1 -acvprjoa and -4/cvpaa: to fall or light upon,
c-iri-xpcuvta Ep. -Kpaiaivu f. -KpavS) aor. I 4ir- fall in with : c. gen. to have a share of, partake in.
: :

t/cpava Ep. -4npr va, - (Kpijrjva t

to bring to pass,
— <TTi-Kvp6cj, f. wow, {(vi, Kvpos) to confirm, ratify: to
accomplish, fulfil; vvv noi r68 kiriKprjijvov 44\S<up determine.
grant me now this prayer, fulfil it : generally, to ctriKvpo-as. aor. I part, of 4 micvp4o).
achieve, effect. «irt-KvpTOs, ov, (4iri, Kvpros) humpbacked. Hence
cm-Kpavov, to, ((iri, Kpavov) a coveringfor the bead, *m.-Kvpr6<a, f. uoa>, to bendforward.
a bead-dress. II. the capital of a column. cirv-Kvd/cAios, ov, {tiri, Kvip4\tj) guarding bee-hives.
ciriKpa.T€ia, 1j, (imKparrjs) mastery, dominion. II. fm-K<i)Kva>, f. vow [t>], to lament over.
a government, dominion, province. cmtcwAvo-is, (ous. tj, a binderance. From
cm-KpclTca), f. rjaaj, to rule over, govern, c. dat. : ab- €iti-kcoXvo>, f. va<u [y], to binder, keep in check.
sol. to have power. 2. to prevail over: to get pos- tTTi-Ktupd j<j, f. a.aa>, to make a riotous assault upon.
session of, Lat. potiri, c. gen. absol. to prevail,
— €-in-Kaipios, o, ov, (tvi, Ku/fios) o/ or for a festal
conquer. procession. 2. laudatory.
ciriKpaTcus, overbearingly, impetuously : Adv. of ciri-icamos, ov, ((iri, fcdnrij) at the oar, a rower. 2.
«iri-KpdTT|S, is, (tiri, fcparos) having control or mas- of a weapon, up to the very bilt.
tery over a thing : Comp cm/epaTto-Tepos, superior. «7TiXSj3to-0at, aor. 2 med. inf. of (m\afi$dva).
im Kpa-rrjo-is,(ws, 17, (Int/fparccu) a conquest. €iriXap-r|, ij, ((m\afi0dv<u) a taking bold, grasping:
tTrt-Kp€u,dwvp.i and -vw: f. -Kpfnaaw [&} Att. Kpc- a handle.
fiw:- to bang over, cause to impend — Pass, to over- €tti\&j36u.€vos, aor. 2 med. part, of 4m\afi$ava>.
bang, impend over, threaten, Lat. imminere. 4Tn-\ay\6iVbi, -X^o/zoi, to receive by lot after-

c-m-Kpep.T|S, 4s, ((triKpifw.vvvp.i) overhanging. wards. II. to fall to one by lot, come afterwards.
«7rticpT]ivvov, Ep. aor. 1 imperat. of cmiepaiva). «iri-Xd£i», Dtp. to lay bold of, bold tight.
(irtKpT|vcic, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 opt. of kiriiepaiva). «iriXa0eo-0ai, cm\d6b>|, aor. 2 med. inf. and subj.
«m«pf|Crai, Ep. aor. I inf. of tnut(pawvfu. of (mkavOnvo).
«m-Kpiva>, f. KpivSi, to give judgment upon, decide, «iri-\ap.j3dv<i>, f. -X^o/«n : aor. 2 4ir4\d0ov: pf. -€<-
determine. \rj<pa :
— bold of,
to lay seize, attack. 2. to over-
«ir-(icptov, to, (tiri, icpiov) the sailyard upon a ship's take, interrupt ; vvktos (itiX.afiovarjs rb tpyov. 3.
oust. to attain to, reach, over-livt. 4. to seize and stop;
: : — — —
£7r£Xa/i7TTO$-—^7rt/LteX^o/mai. 255
iirikafi&aveiv rrjs bmaco 6Sov to binder from getting tm-Xi(£o|xai., Pass, to be flooded.
back. II. meuph., iroKvv x^P 0V ( n ^aH(tv to «iri-Xlv€VTif|s, ov, 6, (ciri, \iv(vcv) one who uses nets,
get over much ground. B. Med., with pf. pass. a fisherman or hunter.
indXTjfifuu, to bold oneself on by, lay bold of; iinkap> cir-tXXC£u>, (!jt(, 1\\os) to wink with the eyes t to
fiavav rrpocpdrrios to lay bold of z pretext. 2. to make signs by winking.
attack: — to seize up>m, arrest : —to get possession of, CTU-XoYi£o|iai, fut. ioo/juti Att. tov/iai : aor. I -eAo-
obtain : to come up to, reach. Hence yiaafXTjvand -(XoyioOijv: pf. -\(\6yitJimi : Dep.:
«Tr(Xau.irTOS, ov, Ion for km\r}Ttros, caught, detected. to reckon over, think on, consider; to make account of.
cm-Xapira), ^«» to shine after or upon; imKafi-
f- cmAoYOS, o, {hmkiytu) a conclusion, inference. II.

lf/aaijs -fffiipas when day bad dawned. the concluding speech of a play, epilogue: the perora-
cm-XavOdvto, abr. 2 hitik&Bov, to escape notice, bi tion of a speech.
bidden. II. fm,\T|0ava>, f. -Xrjncu: aor. I -cXrjva: €iri-XoYX°s» ov> (e 7r'» ^yxv) barbed.
Causal, to make to forget. III. Med. cmXavOd- cirCAotiros, ov, ((m\(iira>> still left, remaining: of
vopai, fut. krjaofxai, with pf. 2 act. -XfkrjOa, and pf. Time, to come, future.
pass. -A (Xrjafjuii, to forget; 6<pd\ojv (m\(\7)0a I cm-Aovrpov, r6, the price of a bath.
forgot that I owed :
— Pass., aor. I -(KqaOrfv, to be cmvXvircco, f. -qacv, to trouble, grieve besides. Hence
forgotten. cmXvma, ^, trouble, grief.
cirt-Xdoxs, ((us, t), Dor. for imXrjoit. «m-Xviros, ov, ((iri, \virn) troubled, grieved.
cm-XeaCvu>, f. -\(avcu, to smootbe over; aor. T part., ciriAi/oas, (cvs, i), ((tnKvcv) a release.
kmkeqvas rf)v Sc'p£ca> yvufiijv having smoothed over €7ti-Xvwi>, f. vccv to loose, untie: to let slip dogs:
the opinion of Xerxes, i. e. making it plausible. generally, to release. 2. to solve, explain.
«m-X«Y w » say n addition,
£ £«". add fur-
t0 * to cm-Xa>|3ev<i), f. acv, (cirt, \cv0ij) to mock at.
ther. 2. name.
to call byII. to choose, pick cm-pd£ios, ov, {Ini, fm^Cs) at the breast.
out, select: Med.: Pass., <TiA.cA.c7pivot
so also in — «m-p,a(vopai, Pass , with aor. 2 (yaxv-nv [&], aor. I
or (ir(t\(yfi(vot chosen men. III. in Med. also, med. (fxrivafXTjv, pf. act. -fiifirjva : to be mad after,
to read. 2. to think over, consider. dote upon : to be passionately in love with.
«m-XeCp&>, f. \p<o, to pour upon, make a libation over., fut. -ndaoftai Ep. -fiacraofiai: Ep.
cm-Xciirw, f. \pcv: aor. 2 tireXtirov pf. (iriKiKotira aor. 1 -(yuaaao.\t.r\v Dep. :
to strive after, endeavour

: :

Pass., 3 s ng. plqpf circAcAciTrro : to leave behind to obtain, aim at. II. c. ace. to lay bold of, grasp:
one. II. to fail one, like Lat. deficere ; vScvp fxiv also to touch, feel.
circ'Aiirc the water failed him ; tmKuitd fi( 6 \povos cm-p&XXov, Adv. for *irl fiaXXov, still more.
time fails me: of rivers, ciriAc iitav to f>i(6pov to cmuavSfiAorrov, to, (kni, fiavSaXorros) a wanton kiss.
have their stream failing, to be dried up ; and so CTri-p.av0dvG), f.-fjiaOrjcTofiai, to learn besides or afer.
without fiieOpov, to fail: absol. to fail, lack, be want- trrt-p .prvpica, f. fjcjcv, to bear witness or depose to
ing. Hence a thing. Hence
cmXcupis, (cvs, fj, failure, lack. emp.ap'riipia, 1), a witness, testimony.
cttIXcktos, ov, ((iri\eycv) chosen, picked; ol (iti\(K- «m-p.apTupop,ai, Dep. to take to witness, to call on
toi picked soldiers. as witness, appeal to : absol. to call witnesses, call in
cmXcX-rjo-pai, pf. pass, of tirt\av6av<». evidence. 2. to call on earnestly, to conjure, Lat.
cm-X«irco, f. xf/ai, t" peel, strip of its bark. obtestari. 3. to declare before witnesses. Hence
cm-Xcvo-o-io, to look towards, see before one. «Trt-uapTi)pos, o, a witness to any'hing.
cm Xti0o.vci>, see (TrtXavOavw it. «Tri-pdpTus, gen. -vpos, 6, = (irifiapTvpos.
«irCX"rjdos, ov, (k-niKavddvcv) causing forgetfulness.', Ep. fut. of (mfiaiofiai.
cm-XT|, poet, for imXavOavopai, to forget. cTtt-pdo-o-co, f. £a>, to knead again: — Med. to stroke.
cm-Xrjts, ib'os. ij, (crrt, Acta) obtained as plunder. 6Ta-p,aoT(8ios, ov, fiaarCs) at the breast. {iiri,

«itv-Xtjk«&), f. 171a;, to shout in applause. eiriuaoros, ov, ((mnaiofiai) seeking after or for.
cm-XTVVios, ov, (err*, \t)Vu$) of a, winepress or the cmp.&x<w, f-
V*™* ((TifMiX 05 ) tofightfor one. Hence
vintage. cmufixta > >)» a defensive alliance.
cmATjirros, ov, ((iriXaufSavcv) caught, detected. fm-pax°S» °"» (< 7r '» A^X /"1 ') (bat may easily be at-
cmXTjoas, (cvs, 1), ((iri\av6avo(jm) forge fulness. tacked, assailable, open to attack.
€mXT|0'|AOVT|, 77, ((iri\av6dvofiat) forgetfulness. cmpciSidb), f. aaoj [a], and -p.ciSd<o, f. yaw: — to
cmA*r|o p,<i>v, ov, gen. ovos, ((ntXavOdvofiat') forge ful,
sm ie at or upon.

having a bad memory Comp. ivikrjapovio'Tepos — : Impetvai, aor. 1 inf. of (rrtfiivco.

irreg. Sup. cirtAr/<x/zo>aTos. cmpcXeia, ij, (fmfKkTjs) care, attention, diligence;
ivn\i\a o\iai,
med. of \1r1\av6avcu.
fut. paid to a thing.
lntfi(K(td rivos attention
«iriXT|i|tts, (cvs. 7), {(mKan&avoj) a laying bold of, and cn-i-pcXopai Dep. with : fut. med.
seizure : a finding fault. -fi(\7)rronai, aor. I -(fi(\r]CTafiT)v ; also with fut. pass.
«itv-X(y8tiv, Adv. grazing, scratthing. -fi(\7j$^ao/Mi, aor. I -^(KiiOrjv : (ivi, niKopuu) :—
— : ; : — ::

256 €Tnjic\r)iJLa—€Triviiuos.

to take care of, have charge of: to have the manage- <mp.(£, Adv. (inifuyvvfju) mixedly, confusedly, in-
ment of: to pay attention to, cultivate, c. gen. : also discriminately.
c. ace. et inf. to take care that. Hence Impi£ia Ion. -Ctj, 17, (Imniyvvfu) a mixing with
€TTL|x«Xir)[ia, aros, to, an object of care, a care. others, intercourse, dealings, Lat. commercium.
em.-u€XTjs, €$, {kni, fjL€\o^iai) caring for, anxious cm-pigis, (cvs, fj, = kirifugia.
about: absol. careful, attentive. II. pass, cared itTi-^ia-yca, poet, and Ion. for tm-fuyvvfu, to have
for,an object of care : esp. in neut., as, in-t/xeXts tS> dealings with one in hostile sense, to be brought in

Kvpcu kylvtro it was a care to Cyrus €Tt/«A.c's fioi ;

contact with, clash with : absol. to associate together.
(an I have to care for it; to krri^(\(s rov hpu^ivov,, Ion. for knifiifivqaKOfiai.
the charge of the execution of orders. mpvrjcrcupcOa 1 pi. aor. 1 opt. med. of (mfiiuvrjo-Kca.
emueX-nTcov, verb. Adj. of €mfi(\4ofjuit, one must mp.vr|cr0€Cs, aor. 1 part. pass, of kirifufivrjcjitcv.
take care of, pay a'tention to a thing. m-p.oix«v<»>, f. act), to commit adultery besides.
emucXT|TT|s, ov, 6, {(nifi€\4ofJiai) one who is in m-p-oXciv, aor. 2 inf. of km&XwoKcu. Hence
charge, a manager, overseer, superintendent. m-poXos, ov, approaching, invading., Dep. = kmfxe\(0fjuu. mp,op.c|>T|, ij, (iirifxe/xcpofiai) blame, reproach.
em-pcXTrio, f. \pa>, to sing to. mp.op.cJ>os, ov, {(mut/jupofiai) blameable, unlucky.
emucXtos, Adv. of cnififKrfs. carefully. mp,ovT|, 17, (kviixivco) a staying on : delay.
cmpepvr|ucu, pf. pass, of eninifivrjOKOJ. m-pv£to, f. £<u, to mutter or murmur at.
e'm-pcuova, Ion. and poet. pf. 2 with pres. sense, to m-pv>0ios, ov, (ini, fxvdos) coming after the story;
aim at, desire. to impuBiov the moral oj a fable.
*m-u,t|j.4>ou,ai., f. \popai, Dep. to impute to one as m-pvKTOS, ov, {kmfivfa) scoffed at.
matter of blame, to object against one as matter of m-pwoxo Att. -tto), = imfivfa, to mutter.
blame : c. dat. pers. to blame : absol. to find fault, m-uvto, f. -fivooj [y], to close the eyes at a thing
complain. Hence to wink at, in token of assent.
tiriu.«u.v|/Ls, ecus, r), blame, complaint. m-pcopdopcu Ion. -eoucu, Dep. to find fault with.
im-uc'vto, fut. -fifvio : aor. I in-c/icira :
to stay Hence
on, to abide still. 2. to continue in a pursuit. 3. «mu.cop7]Tos, 6v, blameworthy, blameable.

to abide by. wait for, await, c. ace.

II. to blamed, blameworthy., ov,

em-ucTa-ircuTroptu, Med. to send for besides, send, Dor. for (irifiaiofuu.
for a reinforcement. ciri-vaxopat, Dor. for CTrtnJxo/uii.
cm-ucTpeto, f. T)OQi, to measure out to, assign to — em-vciov, to, (eiri, vavs) a sea-port for the navy,
Pass., 6 imtifTpovfievos airos the corn measured arsenal.
out. II. to measure out or pay in addition. em-v*'uto, fut. -vffxcZ and -ve^crcu : aor. I -ivetfui
cm-p,CTpov, to, something added to the measure, — to allot, assign, distribute. II. to turn cattle
excess. to graze on another's land — Med., of cattle, to feed
t-m-u,T|8o|xai, Dep. to devise or concert against. over the boundaries, to go on grazing : metaph. to
'Em-ptjOcvs, Epimetheus, i. e.
€<us, 6, (iiri, firjSos) spread over; to o.otv the fire spreads
irvp (irivififTai
After-thought, brother of Prometheus or Fore-thought. over the town so, r) vocros enevrffjiaTO ras 'hd-qvat.

<m-p.T)0T|8, c's, (era, fiijSos) thoughtful. emvevrjorpevos, pf. part. pass, of imvicu.
'Em-pTjXCBes, i8(uv, 01, (kni, firjKa) Nymphs protec- em-vevtroptu, fut. of tirivicv.
tors of flocks. cm-vciito, f. ecu : to nod for-
aor. I -eVevtra :

em-p,T|vio«, ov, (cirt, firjv) monthly: Tti knifi^jvia wards. II. to token of command or
nod to, in
(sub. iepa) monthly offerings. approval, to nod assent, to make a sign to another to
im-p.T)vuo, f. iaca [1], to be angry at or with. do a thing : to promise by nodding. III. to in-
<m-u.T|, Dep. to contrive against: to devise cline to or towards.
precautions. II. to devise besides. cm-vcc|>€Xos, ov, (iiri, v«p(\rj) clouded, overcast.
em-pT|x3vos, ov, (kni, prjxavfi) craf'ily devising cm-vc<j>p(Sios, ov, (km, veeppos) upon the kidneys.
reafcevv (mfif)x.avos ipycav contriver of ill deeds. cm- veto (A), {.-vrjocv, to of the Fates.spin to, esp.
cm-uiyvvpi and -lico, fut. -fju£<u: — to mix in or cm-vc"to (B), = (irivijvfcv, to load with a thing pf. :

with : — Pass, knifiiyvvfiai, to mingle with, to have in- part, pass., imvtvijanivos piled up with.
tercourse or dealings with. cm-veto (C), f. -vfvaoftat, to swim, float on the top.
em-pipvr|o-Kto, f. -fivqaca, to put in mind of. II. cm-vif|ios, ov, (firi, vavs) on board ship.
Pass, and Med. kiri-fiifiv^crKOfiai fut. -fivriffofiaiand ciri-vrjvcto, (ini, vicv) to heap or pile upon.
-fivnaffrjaofuxi aor. 1 -(fAvrjacifirfv and -fpvTjaOrjv cm-vr|t|>io, to be sober at or for.
— to remember, recall

mind, think of; \ni\LVriaai-


cm-VTjxoptn, f. -vrj(ofmi, Dep. to swim upon : to

ji«0a xappr)* let us think of battle. III. later, to come to the top, float on the surface. 2. to swim
make mention of: also to quote. to or over to.
<m-fj.lp.vci>, poet, for iirifxivto. cm-viiaos, ov, (iiri, vUcij) of victory. II. as
— — : — — : :

iirtviKos — czmrt/(tt« 257*

Subst. rb iirivltciov (sub. $.Ofia or fii\os), a song of lir-iovaa, 1), part. pres. fem. of eirei/xi (eY/ii ibo), the
victory, triumphal son? or ode. 2. ^sub. Ovfia), a coming day (sub. fjfj.epaK Heme
feast in honour of a victory. tmovo-ios, ov,for the coming day, sufficient for the
€iti-vIkos, ov. = irriviKios. day ;iiriovoios apTos daily bread., fut. -vioofiai, to go over: come upon. tiri-oif/opou, poet, for (iroipofxai.
€m.-vt4>ci>, to snow upon. \yl~\ iirl-Trayxv, Adv. entirely, altogether.
im-voiui, f. -qaw : aor. I iirevor/aa, but also with aor. «m-TraXA<i>, to brandish at or against.
I pass iirevorjOrjv in same sense :
to think on <t of, 4m-irdp.a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (iiri, iriirdfiai pf. of vao-

contrive. 2. c. inf. to purpose, intend. 3. absol. fiai) Dor. for falling to one's share.

to form a plan, design. Hence tirC-wav, Adv. upon the whole, generally, on the
t-n-Cvoia, a thinking of or over a thing, thought
17, average.
power of thought, inventiveness. 2. a purpose, de- «m-irapav«a>, to heap up besides.
sign. II. after-thought. £m-irapao-K€ud£a>, f. aw, to prepare besides Med. —
cmvoucs, Dor. I pi. impf. of irivw. to provide oneself with besides.
tmvo^La, 17, (kitivifxofiai) a grazing on another's tm-Trdpeipa, int. -€ivat,to bepresentator near. II.

lands a right to pasture on each other's lands, of the

: to be present besides or in addition to.
citizens of two neighbouring states. em-Trdpcipx, inf. -livai, to erne upon in flank, to
€ttivou,os, ov, (imvifio/xai) dwelling in the country. march alongside <f. II. to come on to assist. III.
em-wtcTios, ov, (iiri, vv£) by nigh', nigh'ly. to come forward to speak.
€m-wp,<j>i8ios, ov,(iiri, vvjupa) oforfor abride, bridal. eiri-irdo-o-w Att. -nrrui : fut. -irdau [a] :
to sprinkle
€Tri-vuo-o-o) Att. -ttw, f. £<y, to prick on the surface. upon or over. Hence
4m-woTd£a>, f. aw and £a>, to drop asleep over. «m-Traaros, ov, sprinkled on or over: to iiriiraoTOV —
tm-vu>p.da>, f.
^ €0Jt t bring or apply to. II. to a kind of cake with comfits upon it : also a plaster.
distribute, assign. iTri-Tra.Td.yiui, f. t)ow, to make a noise at.
tm-vco t5ios, ov, (iiri, vuitov) on the back. «Trt-ir€8os, ov, (iiri, iridov) on the ground, or on a
«m-vam£w, f. aw, (iiri, vuitov) to put on the back of, level with it, level, flat ; iv iiriiriSw on a level —
to cover with. irreg. Comp. iirtireoeoTepos.
€m-vamos, ov, (iiri, vuitov) on the back. €Triim0T|s, is, obedient, compliant. From
«m-£av0os, tawny, of hares.
ov, inclining to yellow,, f. -ireiao/xai, Pass, to be persuaded,
«m-|€iv6&>, f. wow, Ion. and poet, for im£(v6w. yield to persuasion ; c. dat. to put faith in, comply
crri-jjcvoco, f. wow, (iiri, £ivos) to entertain as a guest: with, obey.
— Pass, to be so entertained, to dwell abroad. 2. Med., im-jxi\o\xai, Dep. (iiri, ireXw) to come towards, ap-
im£cvov{uii ravTa I claim these offices as a stranger. proach ; Lp. syncop. aor. 2 part., iirtirXbfitvov tros the
cm-£«0, f. -£iow, to scrape on the surface. coming year.
em-^Tjvov, to, (iiri, £tjv6s) a chopping-block, like tirt-irep.irros, ov, containing 1 and £ = £ ; Havtia/jia
iiriKoiravov : the executioner's block. iiriirefiiTTOv a loan at the rate of j of the principal,
€iri-£vvos, ov. poet, for iirixoivos. common to many; or 20 per cent.
iirifwos dpovpa a common field, i. e. in which many «m-ir€p.ira>, f. if/ai, to send after or again. 2. of
persons have rights. the gods, to send upon or to, let loose upon. II.

tm-o(vios, (iiri, oJvos) at or over wine. to send besides : to send by way of supply. Hence
em-oivoxocuod, f. aa>, to pour out wine for. «ttC Tcp.\)us, (ws, 17, a sending to a place.
Iiriov, aor. 2 of irivw. «TTiTT€TTTCJKa, pf. of imiriirTU).
€iri-6irrr|S, ov, b, poet, for iiroirTijs. cimrcircoxa, pf. of kmirivw.
cmopKCb), f. rjow aor. I imu/pKijoa (iiriopKos)
: : : em-Tr€pKd£&>, to begin to turn dark, of grapes ripen-
to swear falsely, forswear oneself, irpbs daipovos by a ing.
deity tcLs (laoikrjias ioTias iiriopmiv to swear falsely
; c-rrC-TrcpKVOs, ov, somewhat dark, properly of grapes
by the royal hearth. Hence ripening ; then of the colour of hares.
cmopicia, a false oa'h, Lat. perjuria.
1), €TrnT€o-ot)p,at, fut. med. of imiriirToj.
swearing falsely,forsworn,
£iri-opicos, ov , \iiri,opicos) «irtir€o-div, ovaa, 6v, aor. 2 part, of imiriirTU.
Lat. perjurus ; or of the oath, sworn falsely ; iiriop- €m-TT€Tdwi)p.i,, f. -imaau), to spread over.
kov ofivvvai to swear falsely ; also, iviopnov iirofivvvat eiri-ir« or -ir«rop*n, only found in aor. 2 lire*
to swear a bootless oath. irTafirjv or Irr€irr6fir]v Dep. to fly over : metaph.
: :

«m-opicoawr|, 7), = imopxia. to fly over, come to the knowledge of by flying.

€m-6o-o-op*u, Dep. (iiri, boot) to have before one's iTri-TrT\yvv\ii and -vo>, f. —itri£a), to fix upon. 2.

eyes, foresee. to make to freeze at top : Pass, to congeal. —

«irC-ovpos, 0, (iiri, oZpos) a watcher, guard : c. dat., ciri-irnSdtt, f. i\oo\ixu, to spring upon, rush at.
K/M7T77 iiriovpos guardian, chief over Crete : c. gen., «Tr£-irr|xvs, v, (iiri, irfjxvs) above the elbow.
iiwv iiriovpos chief swine-herd. iiri-irlc£<i>, f. aw, to press upon.
— : — : — : —
258 €TTLirC\vaiJ.aL — iiwrralpa).

ifri-ir(\v&, Dep., used only in pres. and impf., to itn-irvlyut, to choke, stifle. \irvi\
approach, come near. cirtirvoia i), (imirvtw) a breathing r/pnn: inspiration.
i-m-rrip, tXtjpa, f. -irX-fjca), to Jill up with a thing. cm.-ir68ios, a, ov, (km, trovs) upon the feet.
ciri-mvu, f. -iriofxai pf. vtircuiea: aor.
. 2-lmov. — «Tri-iro9«i>, f. i\ao), to yearn or long after, regret
to drink afterwards or besides : to tope after dinner. greatly, Lat. desidero. Hence
lirx-ftl tt(i>, f. -irfaov/Mii : pf. -TttTrrojKa : aor. 2 €miT60Ti]o-is, (ojs, 17, a yearning after : and
-^irctroi': to fall upon: also in hostile sense, to fall €mir60T]TOS, ov, longed for, earnestly desired : and
upon, attack : of accidents, to befall one. cm-iroOta, 1), = 'miroOrjois.
cmirXct (contr. from emirXoa), rd, implements, fur- cm-iroip.T|v, 6, i), an over shepherd or shepherdess.
niture, movables, as opp. to fixtures, Lat supellex. €TTirro\d£a), f. ao), (kmiroXif) to be at the top, lie on
itrmXayxBtts, aor. I part. pass, of ImirXd^v. the surface. II. to rise to the top : metaph. to be

cm-irXd£<i>, f. -TrXdy£w, to make to wander over, to uppermost, to prevail.

drive about —
Pass, with fut. med. -irxdy^ofxat : aor. cin-iroXaios, ov, on the surface : prominent, project-
I pass. imvKd"fX^V v t t0 wander about over. ing. 2. superficial, ordinary. From
cm-nAdo-as, aor. I part, of (mnXdaaa). «irt-iroX f|, 57, {cm, treXoj) a surface: gen. cmiro-

€ * i-irAdcro-o) Att. -tto>, f. —itkdow [a\ : to spread Xrjs, as Adv., at the top, atop : c. gen. on the top of,
a pi 'ster on, fmear over. Hence above. II. al 'EmiroXal, a piece of ground with

rrrtirXao-ros, ov, plastered over: —feigned, false. a sloping surface near Syracuse.
cm-irXclov, Adv. =• emirXiov. cm-iroXlos, ov, growing hoary, grizzled.
cirC-irXctos, ov, Ep. for iir'itrXtos. cirt-iroXos, = rrpuairoXos, an attendant.
«m-irX«ui>v, ov, gen. ovos, still more. cm-iroXv, Adv., for kid ttoXv, generally.
f. £cx>, to plait in 'o a chaplet.
<iri-irX«K(i), cm-irovcto, f. i\a<a, to toil on, persevere.
cm-irXcov, Adv., for ciri ttXtov, still more. cirt-irovos, ov, painful, toilsome : wearisome : of per-

cm-irXcos, a, ov, Att. cmirXcws, gjv, {km, irXeos) sons, laborious, pains-faking of omens, portending :

quite full of a thing. toil and suffering. Adv. kmirovus, Lat. aegre, with
ij, a sailing against;
ciriirXevo-ts, <a>s, tiriirXevffiv toil and trouble, Sup. kmirovwrara.

ix (iV nave
to ^
e P°wer of sailing against, to have cm-iropcvop,<u, f. med. -iroptvaofiat, aor. I pass.
the weather gage. From -itropivd-qv: Dep.: to go, march to: to march over.
cm-irXcci), f. -irXcvaofxai Ion. ciriirXwo, f. -itXuj- «m- ir6pirap.a, yuaros, rd, (km, iropirdu) a mantle


o& Ep. aor. 2 iiri'irXojv, part. imirXws

: to sail upon : buckled on the shoulder.
or over : to float upon. II. to sail against, to «iri-iTOT<, Dtp., lengthd. for imvirofuu, to
attack with a fleet. III. to sail on board a ship to or hover over.
to sail with or in charge of. €iri-irp€ir&>, to be conspicuous. a. to beseem, be
«m-irX«i>s, <w, Att. for imirXfos. befitting.
firwrXijpiw, f wau, to fill up; Med., tmirXrjpovodai, Dep. to go as ambassador any
rty vavv to fill up one's ship's crew, to man her afresh. whither. t. to send an embassy.
«tn-irXT|0'aa) Att. -ttg>, f. £co, to strike at : of words, cm-rrpijijVGJ, Ion. for im-irpaivoj, = irpa*voj.
to rebuke, reprove : to cast a reproach upon : to cast grind [the tee'h] at a thing.
cm-irptci> [tl, to
in one's teeth. cm-irpoB&XXa), {. @aX£>, to throw forward.
«ir(-irXoa, rd, fuller form of imtrXa properly neut. : cmirporqica, Ep. aor. I of (mirpoirj/u.
of eiriirXoos, ov, an Adj. formed from ivi, as bvnXoos ciriirpocp-cv, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of emrrpotijfu.
from afta, SirrXoos from Sis. cm-irpoidXXw, f. &Xa> : aor. I -irpoirjXa : to set out
iiriirX6|A€vos, Ep. for imveXd/xcvos, aor. 2 part, of or place before one. 2. to send out one before or
imwiXofiat. after another.
iirirrXoov, t6, ((mirXiai) the caul of the entrails, cirt-irpotT|p.i. fut. -^irpo^aoj: aor. I -irporjica Ep.
Lat. omentum : also iirirrXoos, 6. -irjita'. to send forth towards or at: to shoot —
cmirXoos contr. cmirXovs, 6, (tmirXia)) a sailing at. II. vfooiatv imirpoirjKt [yavv\ he steered,
against the enemy, bearing down upon him, the attack made for them.
of a ship or fleet. 2. a naval expedition against a cirC-irpoo-Ocv, rarely -0«, Adv. of Time and Place,
place. before : also in preference to.

cm-trXus, part, of lirlirXojv, Ep. aor. 2 of itnirXioj. cin-irpoo^ca) (A), -Bdaoyuu,

to run at or to.

cm-irXwaas, Ion. aor. I part, of kmvXiot. ciriTTpoo-Occi) (B), {ImirpooOev) to be before,

f. "fjaoi,

tm-irAww, Ion, and Ep. for imnXia/. be in the way ; kmirpoaduv rots iwpyois to be in a line
cm-'irveCw, Ep. for kmirvio). with the towers, so as to cover one with the other.
cm-irvcta Ep. -trvcCco fut. -mxvffoftai aor. t itri- cm-irpox««, f. -X € &> t0 P our orib over: to pour f
irvivaa: — to breathe or

blow upon, so as to revive: forth.


— metaph. to excite, inflame : to blow favourably, to em-TrraCpco : aor. 2 iiriirrapov — to sneeze at; vlds
favour, Lat. adspiro. ftoi iiriirrapt irdaiv ivtaoiv my son sneezed as I spoke
: : : : — : — : —

i-nnrrtaOax ^—kitiaiTKr^s. 259

the words, —
a good omen : hence of the gods, to be cmp-pv£o>, f. £cu, (kirl, fivfa) to set a dog on one.
kindly to, favour. emp-pvopcu, Dep. to save, preserve.
«mirrto-0ai, aor. 2 inf. of liriirirofxai. tmppvTOS, ov, (Impplco) flowing in or to: coming
eiriirrfx'fy ^» (^i ittvoooj) an over-fold, a flap. in upon, adventitious. 2. metaph. overflowing,

liri-TTQi\*o\Lai, Dep. to go about, visit, Lat. obire : abundant. II. overflowed, moist.

of a general, to inspect, review : of an enemy, to recon- emp-piowtfpt and -vco : fut. -pwoa) aor. I -£ppa><


noitre. Hence ca : to add strength to, strengthen, encourage, cheer

€mirwXi)o-is, eo>s, t), a going round, visitation. on in a thing: —
Pass, emppuvvfiai but the pf. iirip-;

€-m-TTO)Tdop,ai, = km-iroraofMii. pojfiai, plqpf. -eppwjirjv are used as pres. and impf.
tTri-pap5o4>op€(i3, f. Jjoa), of the rider, to urge a horse aor. I -cppaaOrjv —
to recover strength, be invigo-
by shaking the whip ; or of the horse, to gallop. rated, be of good cheer: also in aor. i, impers., kuvols
cirip-po.&vp.cb), f. rj<iu 7 to be careless about a thing. iirfppwodrj Xkyeiv they took courage to speak.
emppaivci), to sprinkle upon or over. tmp-pwopcu, aor. I -(ppwadp.r)v Dep. to flow :

«mp-pdirra>, t. \po), to sew, stitch on. or stream downwards on a thing : of hair, to fall
frnp-pAo-o-o) Att. -tto), Att. for ivtppr\oo<a. flowing. II. to apply one's strength to a thing,
tmp-pe£<o, f. £<v, to offer sacrifices at a place ; \ttip- work lustily at; rroofftv tireppwcavro they moved
peuKov Ion. impf. 2. to sacrifice afterwards or nimbly with their feet.
besides. cmppcoadeCs, aor. I pass. part, of tmppwwvpu.
«mpp€irT|S, is, leaning, inclined towards, Lat. pro- €, v. impp-.
clivis. From tirtcra, aor. I of miriaica), to make to drink.
cmp-pcirco, f. ipai, to lean towards, of the balance tmcraYpa, aros, r6, (ciriodTT<») a pack-saddle : me-
to fall upon. II. trans., kirippkituv rakavrov to taph., lirioayfia voa-qpuxros a burden of disease.
force down one scale hence to weigh out to one, allot.
: «m-crtiTTco, f. £a>, to pile a load upon. II. to

Imppcir&s, Adv. of imppeirris, favour ably inclined. load or saddle a horse.

€irip-pcfi>, f. -ptvoofiai aor. 2 pass (in act. sense) €7ri-o-€Ui> Ep. cirunreCu f. a<o: to shake at or —
— : :

iirfppvrjv upon the surface, float atop.

to flow 2. against. 2. to wave or beckon on : hence to set at
to flow to or into: of men, to stream on or towards; or upon one.
ovmppicuv \p6vos onward-streaming time, i.e. the cm-owo) Ep. «mo"O"€V0> ;
to put in motion against
future. one, set on. II. Pass, to hurry, hasten towards
€mp-pT)yvvp.i, = hmpprjooo). rush at, attack : esp. in
in hostile sense, to fall upon,
<irtp-pi]o-is, ecus, i), (4jt<, prjais) a reproach. and plqpf. iirtcovprnv as impf.
II. pf. iirioovptm. as pres.,
a spell, charm. or aor. 2, part, iirtoavpuvos, to rush on, hurry, hasten;
emp-pTjo-trco, f.-pi^tu : Att. tirippacrao), f. -pa£a) :— iiTicavpLtvos ireSioio hurrying over the plain of rapid :

to datb against, force upon or to ; Ion impf. kmp- motion, tiriaavro oiwkciv he basted on to follow :

prjaataKov. 2. to rend at or on bearing a metaph. to be in excitement or agitation.

thing. II. intr. /o 6wrs/ forth, of lightning. «m-o-r)p,a, aros, r6, device upon a shield.
c-nxp-p7]Topevci>, f. aw, (iiri, frf}Twp) to speak as an lin-oTrjp,a£vo), f. &vu>, to set a mark or sign upon —
orator to or over. Pass, to be marked, bear a mark. II. to give a

«r£p-pijTOs, ov, cried out against, infamous. sign of approval Med. to give one's approval to a —
cirtp-pucvos, ov, shrunk up. thing.
cmp-pCirrco and -«o : f. yf/oj aor. I -eppuf/a : to :

tm-crn.p.os, ov, {iiri, orjpui) having a mark on it,
cast at or upon. 2 metaph. to commit to, give up bearing a mark or inscription : of money, stamped,
to. II. intr. to fall upon. coined. 2. distinguished, famous, remarkable, Lat.
cmppo-f|, i), {cmppkeo) an afflux, influx, a flood. insig?iis : also in bad sense, notorious. II. ivl-
cmppoGtco, f. ijaw, to roar at, of the waves to echo crjfiov, t6, as Subst. any mark of distinction, a de-

or answer to a sound to shout applause at a thing : vice : a device or bearing on a shield

: the ensign or :

to repeat or second a prayer : but also, to inveigh flag ofz ship.

against. Hence €ir-£oTjs, for kit' tarjs [sc. po'ipos], equally.
<irip-po0os, ov, hasting to the rescue, aiding: gene- «m-o-i£&>, to set on, as a dog.
rally,helping in need, giving aid against. II. ctrC-alpos, ov, (kiri, aijx6s) somewhat flat-nosed.
iirippoOa /eafca reproaches bandied back and forwards t em-o-tpoto, f. uaw,
turn aside one's course.
abusive language. em-OHTi£a>, f. law Att. t£> to furnish with food —
€mp-poif3S«u>, f. jjcrco, to forebode rain by croaking. — Med. to furnish oneself withfood, to forage: c. ace,
Hence kitiairi^toOai rb arpdrevfia to provision the army;
«mppo(J38T]v, Adv. with noisy fury. kmoiTi&oOai apiarov to provide oneself with a meal.
cmp-poi£f<d, f. ijoa), to croak to or at : c. ace. cog- emo-Crto-is, ears, rj, and tiTio-Cno-pa, t6, = sq.
nato, fir. tpvyas rwi to shriek or bode flight to one. €iruxtTio-p.os, 6, (emaiTtfa) a furnishing oneself
•mppvtU, aor. 2 part. pass, of i-nippko). with provisions : a stock of provisions.
: : : — —
: : : : :

260 C7Ti<TKdirra) — ^moTa/x&cos,

«iri-<ncAirTCi), f. \pa), to dig superficially. «TricrKcinJns, €<w*. ij, raillery.
€iri-o-K€8avvup.i, f.
- ojxijow, to rub or smear
dacu [a], to scatter or spread upon. over. «m-crp«dw, inf. -a/xrjv, f.
tm-o-KtXto-is, ecus, ij, <^im, {km, o/xvyfpos - fioytpus) shame-
OK€\os) the first spring «iri-o-p.ijY€p6s, a, ov,
or start in a horse's gallop. ful, sad Adv. kniajxvytpws, sadly, to bis cost. —
€m-crK€irT«os, a, ov, verb. Adj. of cviffKtirTOfuu, to «iri<nra<rTT|p, rjpos, 6, (kmairdw) the handle by which
be considered, examined. a door is pulled to. II. a fishing-line, angle,

€7rt-o-K«irTO[iai, a pres. only used by late authors, ^mo-wao-TOS, rj, ov, drawn upon oneself. II,

which furnishes a fut. to imaKoirko). kniairaaros fipuxos a tight-drawn noose. From

ciri-CTKCiro), to cover over. €iri-airdaj, f. -a-ndaw [a] to draw or drag after one: :

cm~<rK€ud£co, f. daw, to get ready: to equip, Jit out: to bring on, cause. 2. to draw on, allure, induce

tmoKtvaoai to\ xprjjiara topackihe money upon II. so also in Med. 3. kmattdv rr)v Ovpav to pull the
to equip anew, repair, restore. Hence door to. 4. in Med. to draw to oneself, win, obtain.
emo-Kcvcurrfis, ov, o, one who restores. cmcrimv, aor. 2 inf. of k<pkirw.
«m-o-K€VTi, r), a repair, restoration : materials for eirt-o-jmpo), f. epu>, to sow with seed: to sow among.
repairs, stores. t'mcriT€icra.$, aor. I part, of kmairkvSw.
cmcricevj/is, ((us, r), (eirtateeirTOnai) a looking at, in- €ir(crimcris, ews, ij, a libation at a sacrifice. From
spection. 2. consideration, reflexion : inquiry. €iri-<nr«vSa>, f. outlaw, to pour upon or over: absoL
im-crKTjvos, ov, (Irrt, a/tr/vr)) at or near a tent. to make a libation. II. Med. to make a fresh
<iri-o-KTjv6o), f. wow, to lodge in a tent : generally, treaty.
to stay, abide at a place. «mo"ir€pxTis, is, hurried, eager: Adv. ~xws From — -

cm-o-KTiirToi, make to lean upon : make to

f. \pw, to tm-o-iTcpxw, f (w, to urge on, hasten, II. intr.
light upon, impose upon intr. to fall upon, like — to hurry on, rage furiously.
lightning;— Med. to lean upon, rely upon. II. to €iricr7r«cr0cu, aor. 2 inf. med. of ((perrat.
enjoin solemnly upon, lay a strict charge upon, to com- em-<rrr«v8<i>, f. aw, to urge on, promote,further. IL
mand one to do; tooovtov a' tiriatcrjirrw thus much/ intr. to hasten onward.
command thee. III. to prosecute or indict. €mo-irop.«vos, aor. 2 part. med. of k<pinw.
«m-crictd£a>, f. daw. pf. pass. evea/ciaa/Mi to throw . «m<rirovoT), r), (kmeirkvSo/jiat) a renewed or renew-
a shade upon, overshadow, Lat. obumbrare Pass., — able truce, mostly in plur.
\a6paiov 6fXfi iircoKiaancvn keeping a hidden watch. cmo-iropta, ij, (hmoiriipoS) a sowing after.
€m-o-Ktos, ov, (trri, OKid) overshadowed. 2. act. €ir£o-iropos, ov, {kmoireipw) sown afterwards: 61
shading, c. gen. kiriarropoi posterity.
tm-o-KOTrta>, f. -a/etyofiai (from -CKfirrofiai): aor. €iri-o-Trov8a£<i>, f. daw, to urge on, to further, II.

I -€CK€ipafiT)v : pf. -((jK(fj./Mi : upon or

to look at, intr. to make baste in a thing.
inspect, examine : to watch over, pay regard to. 2. €irUnrco, ys, y, «mcnroi.p.i, 01s, 01, aor. 2 subj. and
to go to see, visit — Pass., ovflpois oxjk imoicoirovfjievov opt. of k<pcnw —
iiricnrtav, ovaa, ov, aor. 2 part.
uxxvisited by dreams. 3. to consider, reflect. Hence «m<r-o-€Ui>, emcrcrevti), Ep. for kmatiw, imaevw.
€iri(TKoirT|, i), an overseeing . the office of an over- «ir£ar-<ri5TOS, ov, (kntaav/xai, pf. pass, of imacvw)
seer or bishop : also 2. visitation, punishment. hurrying on, rushing, gushing: vehement: also c.
€iri-cncoiros, 6, (aieorros 1) an overseer, watcher, ace. rushing upon.
guardian — esp. a publicby the Athenians officer sent iiria-cr<tirpov, Ep. for k viawrpov, a tire.
as inspector or overseer of a subject state a : — cirUrra, for kmaraaat, 2 sing of kmarajuu.
bishop. II. a scout, watch. cirurrdSov, Adv. (imarafxai) attentively, earnestly.
«m-cricoiros, ov, (ajeotros 11) bitting the mark : suit- em-ordfa), f. -ard^w, to make to drop upon a thing:
able to, coming up to : — neut. pi. kirioicoira, as Adv., imard^uv X^P IV t0 s bed delight or honour.
successfully, with good aim., Dep. to weigh well, ponder.
€m-crKOT€w, f r)aw, (Jkiri, ok6tos) to throw darkness «ir(-<rTa0|io$, ov, at, belonging to a lodging or station.
or a shadow over., 2 pers. iirlaraoai poet, kitiorq Ion.
€m-cncvfop.<u, Pass, with fut. med. -aKvaojxai, to be (irio-TTj : imperat. Imaraoo Ion. kviarao Att. kiri-

indignant brood over.

at, ar<u : impf. ijviardjxnv Ep. imord\xrjv : fut. med.
«m-cnci)0i$w, f. low Att. iw, to ply with drink like a iiriarrjaojjuat : aor. I pass. ijViarijdrjv : Dep. : (f vi,
Scythian. laTtjfxi). I. c. inf. to know bow 10 do: to be cap-
€in-cn<v0pa>TTa.£o}, f. dew, to look savage. able of doing. II. c. ace. rei, to understand, know,
Im-o-Kiivtov, to, the skin of the brows which is knitted to be versed in a thing in Herodotus, to be assured :

by frowning: hence, like 6<ppvs, Lat. supercilium, used of, to believe but in Att., to know for certain, know

for arrogance, haugb'iness. well: —

pres. part, tniardjitvos, rj, ov, as an Adj.,
ima-Kvo-a-airo, Ep. aor. 1 opt. med. of kmaici^ojuu. knowing, skilful, wise: c. gen., kmardjitvo* iro\4-
€m-o"KwirT<i>, f. ipco, to laugh at, turn into ridicule jxoio skilled or versed in war.
absol. to joke, make fun. Hence «mcrTap.tvws, Adv. (knioTafuu) skilfully, expertly.
: : : : — — : :

kit urrd^ — imcrvvCcrrnfii. 261

frntrrAs, aor. 2 part, of iipitrrrj/u. ImcrroXevs, 4<vs, 0, (tmeroX-fj) a letter-writer, sec-
^irConrdcris, (cjs, r), {((piarrjfu) a stopping, check- retary. II. a vice-admiral.
ing. II. {((picrranai) a resting, staying : a bait iiriarroXJ], r), (fmOTtWaj) a message, command,
in a march. 2. attention, care, diligence: anxiety. commission, whether verbal or in writing ; t£ irnoro-
siTwrTdTCixo, f. aco, and \r)s by command. 2. c. letter, Lat. epistola.
€irwTT<lT€0), f. r)o<u, {imaTarrjs) to have charge of a €iri-0TopAf<i>, f. ia<u Att. iw, (fin, ctu/mi) to bridle,
thing, to be set over, preside over. II. to be chief and so manage a metaph. to curb or muzzle,
horse :

President (iiriffTaTTjs) in the assembly. III. to silence, gag. throw down on the face.
II. to

stand by, be present. em-crTOV<Xx«»>, -£{«, = lviariv<a, of the waves.

emordrns, ov, 6, ((<f>io~Tafiat) one who stands by, a €m-oTop€vvv(u, shorter -or6pvvp.i or -o-TpwwvfU
suppliant. 2. in battle-order, one's rear-rank man, f. -orp&oo) aor 1 -faropeaa or -eorpajoa pf. pass.
: :

the man behind. a chief,

II. one who is set over, - karpoifxai to strew or spread out upon.

master, lord: a manager, overseer; imoraT-ns 6.6\<uv irrurrpdirtia Ion. -tjit|, r), (imaTpaTev<») a march
president or steward of the games. 2. at Athens, or expedition against one.
the chief President of the kiaeXTjaia, cf. vpvravis an : fjuo-TpaTeiKTis, (ws, r), = ImoTpartia. From
inspector or commissioner of any public works. €iri-oTpfiT€tKi>, f. a<u, to march against, go on an
Imcrrans, iSos, r). fern, of kmtTarrjs. expedition against : in Prose mostly in Med.
«irurTcaTai, Ion. for kmaravrai, 3 pi. of fmara/xai. cm-OTp&TTju], Ion. for tmaTpartia.
iirurrlaTO, Ion. for r)niaravro, 3 pi. impf. of erri- cu, to encamp over against.
€iri-o'Tp4TOir€8€iK»>, f.

arafiai. €moTp&4>ets, aor. 2 part. pass. kmaTpi<poj «m- :

€m-<rT€(j3w, tread upon, stand upon.

f. \p<>), to o-Tpad/fjvai, inf. eniarpacpw subj. :

!m-<TT€tx», to go to, along, or over, to approach. €7r(oTp€irTOS, ov, {tmoTpi<poS) to be turned towards
em-OTcXXto, f. -o-tc\w: pf. -e'<rraA.«a: Pass., aor. I — or looked at : hence, to be admired.
-earaXdijv, aor. 2 -taraXrjv [a] pf. -tcrraA/Mi :
— em-orp€4>T|s, cs, turning towards : attentive, careful,
to send to, send by message or letter : generally, to sharp, shrewd. Adv. tniorpeQws Ion. -c<vs, earnestly,
bid, enjoin, command ; rci tirforaXniva orders sharply. From
given. 2. to announce, give intelligence. II. cm-aTped^ci), f. ipco : aor. I err iffrpexf/a — to turn or
to write letters ; cf. kmaroXr). III. to draw in, direct towards. 2. to turn about, turn. 3. to
tighten. turn or convert from an error, to correct, amend. 4.
€irt-<TT€v<i{a>, f. 6£<u, to groan over. to curve, twist, make to writhe. II. Med. and Pass.
em-OT€vdx<"> or -o-T€, = Imarhu. emo-Tp4<po(jiai, aor, 2 -dorpaxp-nv [<£] : to turn one-
«m-o-r&&>, to groan or sigh at : lament over. selfround : to go backwards and forwards, to range
€m-OT€<|>Sv6G), f. 6jo<o, to deck with a garland. or wander over : to visit. 2. to be turned or con-
61tutt€4>tis, is, crowned to the brim; Kprjrrjpas km- verted: to repent. 3. to look towards : hence to
OT€<p4as otvoio goblets brimming over with wine. pay regard or deference to: c. ace. to allude to,
€iu-<rT«dwi>, f- ^«o, to surround with or as with a mean. III. intr. in Act. to turn oneself in any
chaplet; Med., KprjTrjpas trreaTeif/avTO rroroto they direction : to return. IV. pf. part. pass. *we-
crowned the goblets to the brim with drink metaph., CTpafji/xivos, rj, ov, = kmaTpc<pT)S, earnest, pressing,
XocLs lm0T4<p€iv rivi to offer libations as an honour vehement.
to the dead. €mo-Tpo<}><J.8 nv, Adv. (emarpicpa)) turning both ways,

cmor&ovrai, Ion. 3 plur. subj. of ciriarauai. turning right and left.

€1tCot-q, Ion. for trtiaraaai, 2 sing, of trriorajjuai. tirurrpo^n',, r), (kiri0Tpt<pa)) a wheeling about, re-
itn<rri\\it],r),((maTafiat) knowledge, understanding, turn to the charge: also of ships, a tacking or putting
skill, experience, wisdom. 2. scientific knowledge, about. II. ((mo-Tp(<pofx,ai) attention, care, no-
science : in plur. the sciences. tice. 2. a moving about in a place ; doj/MT(uv em-
4irt<mmi, Ion. for \<piarr)\jn. arpo<pal occupation of the palace.
€irwmqp.<i>v, ov, gen. ovos, (IrrlffTafiai) wise, pru- €moTpo<f>os, ov, (tmo~Tp4<pa}) conversant with: con-
dent : skilled in or acquainted with a thing, c. gen. cerned with or in.
generally, learned, well-instructed, scientific. €irt-oTpu>wi)ni, shortened form of imaropivvvfii.
€itt-<mjp(f<i>, f. £<u, to make to lean upon : hence to em-0"Tpu)<f>aa>, f. r/a<v, Frequent, of (marpicpoj but ;

confirm, establish —
Pass, to lean upon a thing. mostly intr., like Med. imoTpf<pofw.i, to visit or fre-
frrwmrjTos, rj, 6v, (IrriaTa/jai) that can be scientifi- quent a place to occupy one's bouse : also to come to.

cally known. €ttCoto>, for krriaraao, 2 sing, imperat. of (vlarafiai.

«m-<rrC\J3<i>, to glisten on the surface. tm-o-wayv, f. a£<u, to gather together again, collect
€ir-t<rru>s, ov, (e7rt, Io~tit)) Ion. for ItyioTios — as and bring to a place. Hence
Subst., «ir-£<mov, to, a dock for ships. lirurwdY^Y^I' ^» an assembling together at a place.
«irt<rroXd8T)V, Adv. {eirioriWoj) girt up, neatly, of €m<rvvT)'Yp.€VOs, pf. part. pass, of krnavvayco.
drest. [3] «m-<rw(«m)p,i, f. ~avorr)ou, to set together
: : — ;:

262 imfrvvrpfyo- —€TTlTrjb€lOS.

against. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act. -iarrjv, pf. CTri-Tdco-o) Att. -TTft), f. £a>: aor. I -ira£a: — Pass.,
-(OTrjica, to conspire against. aor. 1 -€TaxOrjv : pf. -riray/Mi : to set over,put in
«irv-<ruvTp€X<o, f. -bpa^iovfxai, to run together to. command. 2. to enjoin, order : — Pass, to be under
c-trC<rupp.a,aros, r6. anything trailed after one the : orders to do a thing of things, to ; be ordered one
trail of a snake, the track made by dragging. From rd imTacaufjKva orders given. II. to place be-

cirt-trupw, to drag or trail after one. II. to do hind or in reserve also, to place next or beside.

anything in a careless way, to slur over. €7ti-tA<J>ios. ov, {iiri, rd<pos) on or over a tomb;
emoTJOTao-is, ecus, 17, ((mavvioTafuii) a being ga- \6yos (iriTCKpios a funeral oration spoken at Athens
thered together against, a riotous meeting, tumult. yearly over the citizens who had fallen in battle;
tm-o-<J><i£a}, f. £<w, to slaughter over or besides, im- such as that of Pericles in Thuc. 2. 35 sqq.
molate. Im-raxvvo), f. Uva>, to hasten on, urge forward.
tm-o-4>aX-f|S, is, {iiri, c<paXrjvat) prone to fall, un- «mT€iXai, aor. I inf. of €7riT«'AAo;.
steady, precarious. «m-T€ivG>, f. -rtvCj : Ion. impf. iiriTcivcateov: Pass., —
€iri-<r<j>dTT<»>, f. form of (ma<p6.fa.
(<v, later aor. I -traOrjv [a] : pf. -rerafiai : to stretch upon or
€iri-or<i>tYY w » £ 7£o, to bind tight, fasten. over. 2. to draw tight: to increase, heighten: to
cm-<r<j>pu-y(£ci>, f. ia<u Att. lu, to put a seal on, seal urge, excite: —
Pass, to be stretched as on the rack:
up. 2. to confirm, ratify. Hence generally to be tortured, to be on the stretch, strained
<irKr<J>paYi<rTT|s, ov, 6, one who seals or signs. to the uttermost to endure. —
**TTi-<T<t>\>piov, to, {iiri, otyvpuv) mostly in plur. bands €m-T€ix(fo>, f tew Att. iw, to build a fort or occupy a
or clasps which fastened the two plates of the greaves fortified place against one, esp. in the enemy's country:
(fcvn/uScs) over the ancle : a covering for the ancle. c. ace. loci, to occupy with such a fort. Hence
€irv-<rx«86v, Adv. near at band. ciuTcCxtoxs, cods, j), the building a fort on the enemy's
€irarx«0eiv, poet. aor. 2 inf. of iirixu. country, the occupation of it : and
€m<rx€tv, aor. 2 inf. of irrixu. «iriT€(x<-0'lta > ctTo*, t6, a fort placed so as to com-
«m-o-x*pw, Adv. ox f P^ s ) * n a row one after
{iiri, >
mand an enemy's country : and
another. of Time, gradually, by degrees.
II. cin.T6ixwrp.6s, 6, = (mT(ixio~is.
cm<rx€<r(a Ion. -Itj, 1), {inix<u) a pretext, excuse. «m-T€A€or«ov, verb. Adj. one must accomplish.
«iriarx«<rts, «<w», 17, {(irix^) a checking, stopping, em-T€A«i>, f. loo), to complete, finish : to fulfil, ac-
hindrance: delay, reluctance. complish, esp. of vows or promises. 2. to discharge
€ir-iorxv«, f. vow [u], to make strong. II. intr. a religious service. ^ tc pay in full, discbarge
to be or grow strong :
— to be urgent. metaph. in Med., iiriTf\uc9ai tcL tov yqpus to have
€ir-iax<i», collat. form of iirix<», to hold or direct to pay, be subject to, the burdens of old age ; iirtrt-
towards. II. to keep in, bold in, check. 2. \uo0ai Odvarov to pay the debt of death.
intr. to leave off, desist. «m-T€\T|S, is, {iiri, ri\os) brought to an end, ac-
cirurxtov, aor. 2 part, of iirixa). complished, fulfilled.
cirwrwpevw, f. a<a, {iiri, a<upos) to «m-T€XAa>,fut-T€Ati;: aor. I -ircika: pf. -riTaXtca:
heap, pile up.
«irC-o-o>rpov Ep. iiriaa--, to, the metal hoop laid —
to lay upon, enjoin, command, prescribe, ordain : c.
upon the felloe of the wheel, the tire. dat. pers. to give orders to so also in Med. II. —
iirvrS,yr\, "h* an injunction, precept. From intr. and in Med., to rise, of the sun or stars.
iir\.rdiyr(vai, aor. 2 inf. of iirirdaao). em-r«fiv<i> Ion. -Tapvw f. -tc/mv : aor. 2 -irdftov:


ciriTa"Yp,a, aros, to, {iirirdaaoS) an injunction, order. to make a cut or incision into, gash. II. to cut
«itit&8cs, Dor. for iirirrjbis. short : to abridge.
eiUTaKTqp, fjpos, 6, and eirC-r«£, fieos, 1), {iiri, Tticiiv) at the birth, about to
€iriTOKTr|S, ov, 6, {iirirdaaa)) a commander. bring forth.
cirCTOKTOS, ov, (tiriTaaaoi) enjoined, command- «mT€pirT|s, is, pleasing, delightful. From
ed. II. drawn up, behind; ol iiriraKroi, the re- €Tri-T«pTrop,ai, Pass, to rejoice or delight in.
serve in an army. ciutct&jjuu, pf. pass, of iiriruvo).
CTft-rdAaiircopcb), labour or suffer yet more.
f. i\ao), to €TTlTfTT|86VKa, pf. of imTTJOCVOJ.
ciriTdp.T)S [a], 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. of iniTifxvoj. €TriT€TpaTrTat, 3 sing. pass. pf. of imrpimv.
€iri-Tap.vo>, Ion. for imri/xvoj. «mT€Tpd<|>aTai, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of iirirpiiro).
«irt-Tdvv(i>, poet, for iiriTUvaj, to stretch over. em-T€vxco, f. £a>, to make for.
€ttito|is, 6(u»,{imrdaao}) an injunction, order;
r), iir\.-T«xv&o rKai, Dep. to contrivefor a purpose. II.

iirirafis rov <p6pov the arrangement of the tribute. to contrive against. Hence
CTrt-Tdpao-aci) Att. ~rru>, f. £<u, to trouble or disquiet cirvrex^no^s, (us, contrivance for a purpose.

yet more. 17, ov, ^imrijois)

<TriTf|8eios, o, ov. Ion. €iriTT|8€Os,
cirtTappoOos, 6, lengthened for iirippo9os, a helper, made for a special purpose, fit or adapted for it, con-
defender, ally. venient. II. useful, serviceable, necessary; rtL

cirCTdaas, tut, ij, (iirirtiva)) a stretching, straining. imr^oua the necessaries of life. 2. of persons,
: :: : : — —— : : :

lirt,Trjb€i6Tris — &rirpoir«v<ris. 263

serviceable, friendly, well-disposed: as Subst., an in- of one's full rights and privileges as a citizen, opp. to
timate friend, Lat. necessarius. iriftos.
€irvn]8€t6TT)S, rjTOt, i), fitness, suitableness, conve- ijn-rir^ios,ov,(firi,TiT6ij) still at the breast, sucking.
nience for a purpose. f-nx-riTptoo-KO), f. -Tpdfao), to wound on the surface.
tm-n]8eCa)s Ion. -ca>s, Adv. of fmrrjSttos, suitably, im-rlto, f. -riffco, to lay a penalty upon, punish.
serviceably. *im.-r\a\<a. obsol. pres (see TAAft) irr. aor. 2 In-
€m-nj8«s, later €irC-rn8«s, Adv. formed from cvi ir\r)v inf. kmTkfjvai —
bear patiently, submit.

rate, for a special purpose, for the purpose: on pur- €1titXt|T(i», 3 sing. aor. 2 imperat. of *nrir\6oi.
pose, advisedly, Lat. consulto : designedly, artfully. €iutoXt|, »), (kmrtWaJ) the rising of a star the
(mTT)8€vpa, aros, to, (JtmTrjfievoS) that which one season of a star's appearance in the heavens.
pursues, one's pursuit in life, business, custom, prac- €Tn-To\u,<ia>, f. rjff<u, to submit or endure to do.
tice, Lat. studium, institutum. «itCtovos, ov, {imrtivoi) stretched, strained. II.

«mTf|8«vcrts, f<us, 7), attention to a pursuit or busi- as Subst., iirirovos (sub. Iptas), 6, a rope or cord with
ness : the practising or studying of a thing. From which a thing is stretched or tightened, the back-stay
imrnSetKo, f. aev, (imrt)5(s) but the tenses are ; of the mast.
formed as if it were a compd. of iiri with tt/Scicu (which €n%-To£d£o|xai, Dep. to shoot at.
does not exist), aor. 1 iirer^Sfvaa, pf. (iriTeTrjdeviea emT6o-o-cH,s, Dor. part, of tirirofffft.
— to pursue or practise a thing, make it one's busi- eiriTpdireouo-i, Ep. 3 pi. of (mrpiiTO).
ness, Lat. studere rei : also to invent : c. inf. to take em-Tpairw, Ion. for kmrpiiro) : cirerpa^a, tmTpd-
care to do :
— Pass, to be practised, done with pains d/opai, Ion. aor. med. of same.
1 act. and fut.
and care. em-Tp€irT€ov, verb Adj. one must permit. From
€ititijktos, ov, mel'ed or luted to, overlaid: metaph. «m-Tp«irci>, f. ipa>: aor. I -irpepa, aor. 2 -irpSirov:
superficial, counterfeit. From — Med., f. Ion. -rpaipopai'. aor. 2 -erpairopiTjv —
€irt-TT|Ka>, f.
£<y, to melt upon, pour upon when melted. Pass., Ion. aor. I -trpa<pOrjv aor. 2 ~€rpdirr}v [S] :


«m-n]p«i>, f. jjo~<v, to look out or watch for. toturn to or towards : Med. to incline to. 2.
€iri-Ti0Tjp.i, f. -Qi\a<a aor. I -eOijica pf. -riBeitca to give over, commit, entrust to one's charge : to put
— to put or lay upon.

2. to set

upon, turn or in- into another's hand, entrust oneself to Pass, to be —

cline towards. II. to put to, close, as a door or en'rusted; $ imrerpcupaTat \aol (3 pi. pf, for imrt-
covering; rjfilv StvanXivat irvKtvbv vi<pos rjb" imOu- rpafxfieuoi slot) to whose charge they have been com-
vat both to back the thick cloud and put it
roll mitted; "Clpais pcyas ovpavut cmTfTpairrai (3 sing,
to. III. to put to besides, to add. IV. to pf.) ; rfjv dpx^v imrpa<p$eis entrusted with the com-
put on, as a last touch or finish. V. to lay mand Med. : to trust oneself to a person. II. to
upon, impose, inflict, esp. a penalty: also to give a make over to one's heir, leave, bequeath. III. to
name. VI. to give an injunction or message: to give up, yield : to permit, suffer, allow.
send by message. VII. Med. emriOc/xai, aor. 2 €m-Tp€<j>co, f. -Qptyw, to bring up, maintain: — Pass.
-eOfftrjv: to put on oneself or for oneself. 2. to set to grow up after : generally, to grow up.
oneself to, apply oneself to, engage oneself in. 3. em-Tp^x**. fut. I -6pi£optat, aor. I -lOpe£a : also
to set upon, make an attempt upon, attack. (from Root (iridptpuu) fut. -ty&piovpxu, slot. 2 -cSpti,-
cm-rtp.<lci>, f. foco —
to lay a value or set a price pu>v : pf. -8e8pa(*nica, pf. 2 ktrihitpopa : to run at
upon, Lat. aestimare : to value, honour, shew honour or upon : to assault, attack suddenly. II. to
to. 2. to raise in price : — Pass, to rise in run over a space : to graze as a lance Joes a shield
price. II. to lay or estimate the amount of a to overspread, be shed abroad, be diffused. 2. c.
penalty, to appraise. 2. to object to one as blame- ace. to overrun, as an army does a country. 3. to
able: to blame, reprove, find fault with. Hence run over, treat lightly of, Lat. oratione percur-
«i!vrC|M)<ris, ccjs, a reproving, rebuking : and
1), rere. III. to run after: to gratp at, seek for.
ciuti|m)tt)s, ov, 6, an estimator. II. a punisher, cir(Tp€t)rov, ciriTpcil'ai, aor. I imper. and inf. of
cbastiser; kiririfjirjT^s epy<w an appraiser or examiner iiriTpeiroj.
of what has been done. Hence «m-rpCf3o>, aor. 2 pass. iireTpi$i)v [M : to
rnvrTp.'nTUcos, -f], ov, censorious.

rub on the surface: to grind down

afflict, destroy: —
«mTT.p/f|T(i>p, opot, 6, (tmripaoS) an avenger. Pass, to be utterly destroyed. Hence
«irvnp.ia. i). (ivin/ios) the enjoyment of civil rights cirCTpurros, ov, rubbed down, worn away : metaph.
and privileges. rebuke: punishment. II. worn, practised, hackneyed.
«m-T(p,ios, ov, ( Jin, ti /X17) done in one's honour. II. €irC-rptTOS, ov, one and one-third, I + £, or •$ : irrl-

rd iiririfjuov or rcL firirifua, as Subst.. the value or rpirov (sub. SavdfffMi) was a loan at the rate of £ of
estimate of'a thing: the honour due to a person. 2. the principal, i. e. 33^ per cent per annum.
the assessment of damages, penal'y ; rdmrifua rijs cm-rpoiratos. a. ov, { \iriTpoirffi entrusted, delegated.
Zvaot&tiat the wages of ungodliness. e7rtTpoir«Ca, 1), (iiriTpoircvoj) guardiambip.
rn-t-Tipos, ov, (iiri, npJi) in honour : in possession cm-Tp6ir€V<ru$, tajs, i)
= imrpotrtia. Hence
: — : : — : :

264 imrpoircvTiKot—im\a(p(A,
Imrpoircvn.Kd's, if, 6v, fit for the office of guar- — absol. to ensue, follow upon, come after, to happen
dian. after.
4mTpoir€iHi), (inirponos) to be in charge, to be
f. cat, cm-c|>T]|j,(£<ii,f. aw, (fwl, (pfiiArj) to utter words of omen

guardian, trustee, governor. to one, to promise in accordance with an omen. Hence

t-nxTpoirrj, 1), (ivirptimj) a reference of a thing to «m4>T|p.bO"p,a, t6, a word of good or bad omen.
another: a charge entrusted to a person. 2. absol. em-<J>0dvci>, f. daw [a], to arrive at, reach first.
an arbitration. cirv(j>0ds, aor. 2 of kirupQdvw, as if from tm<p$nfu.
€iriTpoiro«, 6, {Imrpinw) one to whom a charge is cm-<t>6fyyop,<u, f. -<p6(y(ofuu, Dep. to utter after or
entrusted, a trustee, steward : esp. a guardian. in accordance, join in what is said.
tmrpoxAS-nv, Adv {cmrpix *) runningly, fluently. «m-<j>0ov€w, f. 4\ow, to grudge or withhold from jea-
*irCi-poxo», ov, (JkniTpix03 ) running easily: metaph. lousy. bear bate against.
II. to

voluble. €ir£-<|>0ovos, ov, liable to envy or jealousy. II.

cm-rpiifco, to murmur beside or over. act. bearing a grudge against, jealous of, hating
«iri-TpwY<i», f. -rpu^ofjuu : aor. 2 -irpHyov :
— to eat working mischief, malignant. Hence
to, wi'b, or after, esp. as sauce or sweetmeat. tm4>86va>s, Adv. so as to provoke envy. II. at

em-nryxavaj, f. -T€v£opm : aor. 2 -Itvxov :—to enmity.

light upon, fall in with, meet with: c. gen. rei, to hit, «iri-4>0v£<i>, to spit at : Dor. part. fern. cmcp9vodoiaa.
reach, attain to : succeed in doing : in aor.
c. part, to €iri-<j>lXoirov«o|iai, Dep. to labour willingly at.
2 part., 6 tmTvx&v, like 6 tvx&v, the first one meets, •m-^Xcyw, f. £<«, to set on fire, burn up. 2. me-
\. e. a common, ordinary person, any one. taph. to inflame, excite: also to make brilliant or illus-
«m-Tvp.{3£Sios, a, ov, (km, rvufios) at or over a trious. II. intr. to blaze up, be brilliant.

tomb. II. of the aested lark, with a crest or 4irC-<|>oPos, ov, frightful, terrible, fearful. II.

top-knot. pass, timid.

rrri-TvuPios, ov, — kniTVfi0tSio$. €Tri-4>oiTdw, f. ijao), to come constantly to, go regu-
€irv-TV(|)(a v] f. -Ovif/w : to kindle, inflame —
Pass. larly to, visit periodically: of foreign goods, to be
to be inflamed : to be furious. regularly imported.
envriixeiv, aor. 2 iuf. of imrvyx&vcj. cmdwpd, 1), (ttTHpepoS) a bringing to or upon: gene-
eirt-rilx^s, 4s, (iirirvx^v) bitting the mark, effective, rally an addition
successful. <m-<t>op€<0, f. i\aw, = tnupipw, to bring and put on.
lir\.$&>f*vt, aor. 2 inf. of I ntadiw. Hence
tm-<J>aiva>, f. -<pSvS>\ aor. I Icprjva: — to shew forth, cm<f>6pT)p.a, aros, r6, mostly in pi., that which is
display. 2. in r. (sub. (pus) to shine upon. II. served up in addition: dessert.
Pass, and Med. to shew oneself come into light, shine cm<f>opos, ov, («in</>€pa>) carrying towards. II. of

forth, appear. ground, sloping. III. prone or inclined to a thing.

cm<j>dvcia, ij, the appearance, manifestation. II. c-rri-<f>pd£<0, f. aw, to say after or besides. II.
the surface, outside, of anything. Med. and Pass., fut. <ppdaofiat : aor. I -appa'adp'nv,
4m<J>dv€is, aor. 2 pass. part, of lm<paivw. and aor. -€<ppdoOr)v : to think of doing, be minded to
«m<j>av€OT€pov, iaraTa, Comp. and Sup. of im- do. reflec upon, devise, contrive.
2. to 3. to
(pavuis notice, observe, to recognise, take notice of.
€m<f>Svf,vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of lm<paivw. Hence rn-id^poxro-alaTo, Ion. 3 pi. aor. 1 med. opt. of kiri-

€m<j>5vT|s, is, (hirHpavrjvai) coming to light, appear- <Ppd£w.

in?, conspicuous, open, manifest. II. metaph. lm-4>pov«o, f. i\aw, to be shrewd, prudent.
famous, Lat. illmtris of things, remarkable.
: «m<J>poowr), 1), (in'uppwv) tbougbtfulness.
«m-dmvia (sub. itpa), wv, rd, (imcpavfjvai) the fes- tm-4>povpos, ov, (iir'i, fpovpd) keeping watch by.
tival of the Epiphany, the Manifestation of Christ to <irt-<j>pa>v, ov, gen. ovos, (tiri, <Ppf}v) thoughtful.
the Gentiles. 4m-<j>t»Xio$, ov, (Irrt, <pv\j)) distributed to tribes.
em-<j>avTOs, ov, (fm^aivofMi) visible, alive. 4m-<j>vXA(s, ibos, <pv\\ov) the small grapes
if, (liri,

fm<|>avws, Adv of kiTi<pavqs, openly. left for gleaners : a term applied by Aristophanes to
€m-<|>a.Tvt8tos, ov, :
( -m, <pdrvrj) at the manger. poetasters, whose names are not mentioned until the
cm-djxLUu, f. aw, (irri, <pdos) to shine upon. list of true poets is exhausted.

«m-<f>€pGj, f. -oiaw. aor. I --fjveyKa: aor. 2 -^vc-y- «m-4>{h-6\)a>, f. aoi, to plant over or upon.
kov : (see <pipw) —
to bring, put or lay upon ; iirupi- 6iri-<j>vco, f. vow \y\ —
to make to grow upon. II.
puv bellum inferre, to make war upon:
irokefxov, Lat. Pass., with act. aor. 2 iiri<pvv, pf. imirecpvKa, to grow
absol. to attack, assail. 2. to throw a charge upon upon, to cling closely to.
one, to impute to. 3. to confer upon, also in bad ciri-(j>(i>v(ci>, f. Jj0w, to tell of mention.
sense to inflict or impose upon : also to offer :^ Med. €iri-<j> 0-koj, (cni, <pws) to grow towards dawn.
to bring with oneself, bring as dowry. 4. Pass., «m-xa£v<i), to gape for.
Im<p(ptrr0ai nvt, to rush upon, attack, assault, pursue: •m-xa(pa>, f.
-xot M <ra'» t0 ™jto ce over c - acc -» ff *
: — — :

iTn\aX.aCda> — ^rroSaim. 265

ftiv tZ irpaoooirr' tmxaipw : but mostly in bad sense, «m-xopT)Y«i>, f. ^ffa), to furnish or supply besides
to shew malignant joy over — so also in aor. a pass. generally, to supply: to aid. Hence
iwixaprjvai. cmxopnYla, fj, <* supply in addition.
{m-x&\a£d», (knl, xdAa£a) to shower bail upon. €irt-xpalv(o, to stain, colour.
im.-\SXa<a, f. aow a], to relax, loosen. itn-Xpa<»t(A), only used in aor. 2 eirixpaov, to attack.
II. intr.

to yield or relent in a thing. «m-xp<itt (B) : i.-xprjaw. aor 1 ixprjoa: to lend —

«*m-xa\K«va), f. coj, to forge upon an anvil: to work besides. II. Med., Ion. -xpcopai

over again. 3. metaph. to forge to one's purpose. f. -xpvooftat, to make use of, esp. to have dealings, be

citC-xoXkos, ov, covered with copper, coppered friends with one.

over. «m-xp^, Dep. to spit upon or at.
imxftp-tivcu, aor. 3 inf. pass, of imxatpoj. «m-xpt<»>, f. iffoj [t], to anoint, besmear: — Med. to
cmx<IpT|S, it, (iwtxaipoj) gratifying, agreeabh. anoint oneself.
im-x&pi£o}icu, f. iaofuu Att. tovjMi Dep. to :
«m-xpvo-os, ov, overlaid or plated with gold.
grant freely besides, to oblige with a present : aor. I «m-xptt>vvvp.i and -wo, f. -xpuoai, to rub or smear
imperat., iirixapirrai (Dor. for kmxapivai) t§ fciv<p over : esp. to stain, colour.
be gracious to the stranger. cmxttOels. aor. 1 part pass, of imxitv-
cm-x&pts, irot, 6, fi, neut. hnixapi, pleading, agree- «irtx 0o"is, €<u», -fj, (kittx* 01 ) ° pouring over: an over,

able, winning: giving pleasure : the Comp. and Sup. flow, flofid.
are kntxaptTdrrfpos, -nirraros, as if from imxapi- ivx-\<api<a, f. ^ooj, to yield, give way. II. inft.

rot, ov. to come over to.

ImxapCTTOi, Dor. aor. I imperat. for hirixo-pioai. €iri~x<»pid£c0, f. &o~o), (hiri, x<»piov) to visit often, to
cirCxapfia, aros, t6, (kmx^poj) an object of malig- be in the habit of coming to, Lat. ventitare.
nant joy : a feeling of such joy. «m-x&>pto$, o, ov, also os, ov, {iiri, x^>Pa ^ in, of be-
cirCxapros, ov, (imxaipw) to be rejoiced at, delight- longing to the country: ol (mx&pioi the people of the
ful. II. to be exulted over; cxfy°* $ eirix a Ta
P country, the natives; to iirt\upiov the custom or fash-
matter of triumph to enemies. ion of the country. Adv. -iws, in the fashion of the
tm-x«iA^|S, is, (ini, x««Xo»)/«// to the brim. country.
ciu-x<i)i.a£(i>, f. o<u, to stay the winter through. €iri-U/&K(££a>, old Att. for hwtxpiKafa.
firi-xcip&D, f. "fjow, (liri,
x (ip) put one's band to
'0 em-\j/dXXo>, to accompany on a stringed instrument.
z thing: to set to work at, make an attempt upon, <m vj/avw, f. ero>, to touch on the surface, glance over:
endeavour to do. upon, attack.
3. to set Hence metaph. to touch lightly on, Lat. strictim attingere.
«mxetpT)|ia, aros, t6, an undertaking, attempt: and cm-\|;cic&£<D old Att. -\|/aicd£a> : to pour drop by
«mx« Colons, eats, 1), an attempt upon, attack: gene- drop upon.
rally, an attempt : and em-\|/€, Dep. to lie still more.
€mx«ipT|T«ov, verb. Adj. one must attempt. «m-\jrrj<J>(fco, f. iao) Att. iw, to put to the vote, put the
^• nX €l P Trn*.
1 °v* °» (tirix^P* *) an enterprising, ad- question: — Med.
to confirm or decree by vote: Pass. —
venturous person. appointed by vote.
to be
«m-x«pov, t6, (M, x €ip) on ty use ^ * n P'« wages of tir£-\|/oyos, ov, exposed to blame, blameable. II.
manual labour. 2. generally, wages, pay, guerdon, act. blaming, censorious.
in good or bad sense, reward or punishment. cir-lwyat, uv, al, (ciri, loiyfj) places sheltered from
4m-x«ipOTOv«i>, f. "(jaw, to ratify a proposed decree, the wind, roadsteads.
strictly, by show of bands. Hence Imcav, part, of tirfifii ((Tjxi ibo).
<mxcipoTov(a, 1), a decree passed by vote of the i-rr\ayxQt]v, aor. I pass, of TrXafa.
people, esp. by show of bands. firXdO-ny [a], aor. 1 pass, of irfXafa.
ImxevoA, Ep. for emx&u, aor. 1 inf. of |7tix«w. eirXdo-a Ep. lirXao-aa, aor. of irXaffffco. 1

«m-x«oi, f. ~XtS>, aor. I -«x«*: Ep. pres. cmx«><», €irXe, for tireXc, 3 sing. impf. of iriXcv so, cirX«o :

aor. 1 -ixcva, inf. ~x*vai to pour over or upon:

: for iiriXco, iiriXov, 2 sing. impf. med. cirXcv for ini- :

shed upon. II. Med. to pour or spread over \(v, eiriXov eirXero for k-niXtro.

oneself or for oneself 3. to have, poured out for lirXc|a, aor. 1 of nXi/cu.
one to drink. III. Pass., pf. /cixvpuit, plqpf. *«- «irXT|Yr| v » aor 2 P ass of rrXfjaaa). - -

Xypriv, Ep. 3 pi. aor. a lirixwro, to come as a torrent, «irXiiVTO, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of irtXa^af.
to stream or flock to a place :-—to spread over like a €itXt|o-0i]v, aor. 1 pass, of mftirXijfu.
flood, inundate. lirXwv, aor. a of nXico, as if from a verb in fit.
€m-x06\aos, ov, or a, ov, (liri, x^av) upon the earth, ?irv€vo-a, €irvevo"0t|V, aor. 1 act and pass, of vvioj.
ol, men on earth.
earthy: as Subst., ItrixOuvioi, €ir-68ia, «ir-o8wif&), Ion. for i(podia, -ia£<».
x°Xos, ov, (ini, x ^) producing bile.
«irC «-ir-o8i» Dep. to lam°nt over.
(m-xopevo), f. cw, to dance to or in honour of z cttoSwkci, reputed to be Ion for *'4>-<i>8<i>ic«i, 3 sing,
thing : to come dancing on. plqpf. of kf'ob6<u, to bring on the way.
: : — —
266 M0T\V — iiro\d Chios.

firoOrjv, aor. I pass, of mvu. €ir-oirT€va>, f. aw : Ion. impf. iiroitrticaKov : (tni,

cir-ouccu, f. i7<ra», to go as settler or colonist to a oif/opuu) : to look over, watch over, take charge of:
place: to settle in a place, inhabit it. 11. to occujy to visit,punish. become an citSvttjs, be
II. to

against for offensive operations. Hence initiated into the greater mysteries, used proverbially
I ir-oiKo8op,c<i>, f. r\o~w, to build upon or besides. II. of attaining to the highest eanhly happiness.
to b"ild up, build again, rebuild. eir-oirrrip, rjpos, 6, = in6irTrjs, ot tu elary gods.
cir-oiicos, ov, settling or sojourning among foreign- «ir-6irTTjs, ov, 6, (cird^ofjuu ) an
overseer, guardian,
ers. II. as Subst. cirottcos. 6, a soourner, stran- watcher. II. one initiated at the greater mys-
ger. 2. a colonist, settler in a colony. 3. a teries.
neighbour. €ir-opdb>, Ion. for l<popaw.
t7T-oiKT«ipci>, to have compassion on. f. £«, to hold out to, offer yet more.
€ir-op£ya>> II.
€tt-oiict(£u>, f. aw, — ciroiKrcip<o. Hence Mid., -optional, to stretch oneselj towards a thing,
fffOiKTwrros, ov, to be pitied, pitiabls, wretched. reach at it; aor. I part. c"Opc£aficvos, having reached
<ir-oiKTOS, ov, (firi, oiktos) piteous. forward to strike. 2. meUph. to be desirous of
cir-oip.w£ci>, f. -oifiw^ofxai, to wail over. more, rise in one's demands.
«ir-oio-o>, fut. of km<pcpa). (tr-opco). Ion. for tcpopdw.
«ir-oixv«u>, f. rjffw, — ciroixofJtat. cir-opOi&gci), f. aw, [}iri, opOtoi) to set upright: intr.
cir-oixofMU, f. -oi\ti<toim.i, Dep to go towards, ap- (snb. ipwvfjv) to up the voice, sb ut at; but ctrop-

proach : to draw near to. 2. to go against, at- (ttafav -foots to lift up the voice in wailing.
tack. II. to go over, go round, visit in suc- cir op9o(3odu>, f. -fio-fjao^at, (cm, op0o&6as) to utter
cession: esp. of Apollo and Artemis, to visit wi:h with a loud .-bout.
death. 2. to go over, get through one's work to : cTr-opKi£b>, Ion. for ((pop/ctfa, to adjure.
setabout ; lorbv iiroixcadat to ply the loom, Lat. per- iir opplu), Ion. for i<pop/x(w.
currere telam. 3. to go over, traverse. <iT-6pvvpi and -vw : fit. -opaw : aor. 1 -
Sipaa (liri,
«ir-o<«XAu>, to run a ship ashore :—of the ship, to opvvfu): — to stir up or rouse against: to stir up, ex-

run ashore. cite : —

Pass, to rise against, assault, fly upon one.
€ir-OKpio€ts, tffffa, tv, uneven, rugged. cir-opovo), f. aw, to rush violently at : of sleep, to
€ir-o\io"0<ivci>, f. -oKtaO-qao), to glide upon. come suddenly on.
€ir-o\o\v{(o, (<v, to raise a cry of triumph at.
f. <ir6pcrciav, 3 pi. aor. I opt. of cvopvv/u.
tiropai, to follow, Dep. from f ira>, q. v. €Tropo*ov, aor. I imperat. of cnopvvfit.
«irop.j3p«u>, f. r}ooj, to rain upon ; and < ir ouX<op>ai > Dep. to dance to a tune.
ciro|i{3pia, •}), abundance of rain or moisture: wet "EII05, cos, rd, a word; tear' ivos word by word,
weather, opp. to avxpo'' (drought). From accurately. II. gem rally, that which is spoken, ut-
CTr-op.fJpos, ov, (In/, ofi&pot) rainy: wet. tered in words, a speech, tale : also a song. III.
<ir-6p.vvpA and -vo>: fut. -ohov/mi : aor. I -dtptoffa : it usfd also of
is I. a prophecy, an oracle: later
— to swear to or upon ; crro^vvvat rovs Ocovs to swear also a proverb, maxim. 2. the meaning, substance
by the gods c. ace. rei, to swear to a thing:
: aor. I — of a speech. 3. cirn in pi. meant poetry in heroic
part., with another Verb, cnopoaas cine he said with verse, epic poetry, opp. to uc\rj or lytic poetry : then
an oath, upon oath. transferred to elegiac verse; and thence generally to
<irop.6orai, aor. 1 inf. of enSuvvfu. verses, poetry.
tTr-op.<J><iA<.os. a, ov, [inij dfup&Kus) upon the navel cirori&a, aor. I of irorifa.
of a shield, on th-. boss. €ir-oToTv{&>, f. ff<u, to yell out, utter lamentably.
€ir6vacra, Dor. aor. I of irovioi. (ir-oTpwo), f. vvw, to stir up, urge on : to stir up
«ir-ov€t8({<»>, to throw reproaches upon. Hence against — Pass, to hasten on.
eiroveCSio-Tos. ov, to be reproached, disgraceful. II. cir-ovpatos. a, ov, (ivi, ovpd) on the tail.
act. reproachful. Adv. -reus, sham cfully. tir-ovpavtos, a, ov, (km, oipavos) in heaven, hea-
£ir-ovop.d£ci>, f. aw, to give another name to, to sur- venly. 2. in plur. as Sub't., = 0co(.
name : generally, to call by a name ; cirovopa(ctv «ir ovpCgco, f. ia<» Att. tu : aor. I -oipioa to blow

ovofxa. t. vot to call upon by name — Pass, to be named favourably upon: metaph. to help onward, to direct
after another. towards a point. II. intr. to sail with a fair wind.
?iroiros, ace. pi. of ciraip. ?TT-ovpos, ov, (ttri, ovpoi) blowing favourably.
<ir-om£ou,ai, Ep. imperat. -oirtffo. Dep., only used crr-o(^ciX(i>, to remain a debtor, continue in debt.
in pres.and impf. to regard with awe or reverence. iir-oxcTCva, f. aw, to bring water by a channel to a
ciroiroi, a cry to mimic that of the hoopoe (ciroif/). place, Lat. derivare.
l-noiroita, $, epic poe'ry. From <iroxe'j>, f. -fjao), (cnoxot} to carry towards or upon:
firo-iroios, ov, ((not, irotcw) writing epic poetry :
— — Pass, with fut. med. ctrox^oouat, to be carried upon,
as Subst., itroirotSs, 6, an epic poet. ride upon.
«ir-OTrrA'4>, f. jaw, to roast besides or after. «ir-ox0i8tos, a, ov, (M, oxfy) on the mountains.

titoypv — fawiioo-a. 267

tnoxov, r6, the saddlecloth, bousing. From 4irrd-iropos, ov, with seven tracks or paths.
liroxos, ov, (kirkx *) mounted upon : metaph., \6- eirrd-irovs, 6, if, neut. trow, sev^nfeet long.
yoi pavias tiroxot words borne on madness, i. e. lirrd-irBXos, ov, [kirrd, irv\ij) seven-gated : epith. oi
frantic. 2. absol. well-seated, mounted: keeping Boeotian Thebes, in contradistinction to Egyptian
one's seat. Thebes, which was kicar6p.irv\oi.
"EIIO ?, onos,
6, the boopoe, so called from its cry, lirrd-irvpYOS, ov, seven-towered.
Lat. upupa. eirrdpov, aor. 2 of irraipoj.
iiv-oij/dofiai, Dep. (kiri, oif/ov) to eat with or as sauce. Iirrdp-poos, ov, contr. -povs, ovv, with seven chan-
€7r-Ov!n8ios, ov, (kiri, 6\pov) used to eat with bread. nels or beds, of the Nile.
tir-ovj/ijios, ov, (kir6ipopai) to be looked on. 4irrd-<rToXos, ov, consisting of seven bodies of men.
t-rr-^vj/ios, ov, also a, ov, (kiri, 6\pis) visible, seen afar, 4irrd-crTop.os, ov, {kirrd,or 6pa) seven-mouthed.
conspicuous : illustrious. II. act. overlooking all "« C^itto, rc?xos) with seven walls.
€irra-T€ux"fl s »
things. lirrdTO, 3 sing. aor. 2 of irkrapat.
cir-o\|n.s, €ou», 6, {itti, oipis) a view over; tiroipis rod Iirrd-rovos* ov, seven-toned.
ipov the view commanded by the temple generally, the
: €irrd-4>0OYY°S, v, (kirrd, <p9oyyfi) seven-toned.
view or sight of a thing. Iirrd-^covos, ov, {kirrd, <p<wr]) seven-voiced.
cir6i|/op,ai, fut of k<popda), formed from *kir6irropai. «TTTdxa, (kirrd) Adv. in seven parts.
t7Tpd&T|v [a], aor. I pass, of mnpaCKco. Inr-crns, cs, fern, kirrkrts, tdos, (kirrd, eros) seven
«irpd0ov, aor. 2 of iripdcu. years old.
firpecra, Ep. shortd. for tirpijaa, aor. I of irpr)9oi. eirrnv, aor. 2 act. of irirapai, as if from irrijpi.
4irpT|0T)V, Ion. aor. I pass, of mirpnaKco. !imr]£a, aor. I of irri\aao).
cirpT)£a, Ion. for tirpa£a, aor. I of irpdaaat. eirrtKa, pf. act., cimo-pai, pf. pass., of irriooo).
tirpTjo-a, aor. I of vprjOoi. €irroiT|06v, poet. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of itrokra.
€TTpid|XT]v, io),, aor. 2 of wviopat. €TTToCTjp,ai, poet. pf. pass, of irroioi.
•EnTA', oi,al,rd, indecl., SEVEN, Lat SEPTEM, €irToCTjo-a, poet. aor. I of irroitu,
Germ. SIEBEN. €irTop.T|V, aor. 2 of ireropai.
4irTa-{36«.os, ov, (kirrd, Buvs) of seven bulls -bides. crr-vBpos, ov, Ion. for ((pvbpos.
Iirrd-poios, ov, (kirrd, Bovs) of seven bulls'-bides. €irt/06p,Tjv, aor. 2 of vvvddvopai.
t-rrrd-YXwo-o-os, ov, (knrd, yKwooa) seven-tongued, ciruXXtov, to, Dim. of tiros, a versicle.
seven-toned. "EIin, poet. impf. lirov : f. t\poj aor. 2 : effirov, inf.
lirrd-Spaxp-os, ov, (kirrd, bpaxpf)) worth seven Gireiv, part, cvwv — Med. iiropai : impf. tinoprjv
drachms. Ep. kir6p.i)V. fut. txpopai: aor. 2 wih aspirate kairu-
kirTa-eri\s, is, (kirrd, eros) seven years old. II. prjv, imperat. oirov Ion. airio Ep. airtio, inf. airi-
of seven years : neut. kirrdtres, as Adv., for seven o6ai : I. Act. to be engaged or with, to be busy

years. about. II. Med. to follow, Lat. sequi : to attend,

cirTd-Jcovos, »v, (kirrd, tyvrj) seven-zoned, of the to obey. 2. in hostile sense, to pursue. 3. to
planetary syswm. follow with the mind, understand; Lat. mente assequi.
€, pf. pass, of irraico. «iro>OT|, J}, contr. from kiraoiZt) (eiraSoj) a song over:
4irrS-Kai-8eKa, ol, at, rd, indecl. seventeen. an enchantment, incantation, charm, spell.
lirraKis, also tirrctKi, (kvrd) Adv. seven times. €ir<$>8iov, r6, Dim. of kirtpbt).

lirTdKi<r-p.vpiot, at, a, seventy thousand. circoSos, ov, contr. of kiraoibos, (kirdSco) singing to
«iTTaKto--xtXtoi, at, a, seven thousand. or over using songs or charms to heal with c. gen.
: ;

lirrd-KXivos, ov, (kind, K\ivrj) with seven couches acting as a charm for or against. 2. sung or said

or beds. after. II. Subst., kir<p5us, b, 1), an enchanter

cirTaxdoaoi, at, a, (kirrd) seven hundred. or enchantress, wizard or witch. III. kir<p56s, r),

liTTa-KdTDXos, ov, {kirrd, KorvXrf) holding seven a lyric poem in couplets, commonly of Iambic Trim,
cotylae. and Dim., but of any longer and shorter measure,
lirrd-KTfciros, ov, seven-toned, with seven chords. except Elegiac; used by Horace.
Iirrd-Xoyxos, ov, (knrd, \6yxv) of seven lances, of €ir-a>8t5vos, ov, (iiri, odvvij) painful.
seven troops of spear-men. ctt-wJo), (kiri, u) to wail over.
4irrd-Xo4>os, ov, (kirrd, \6<pos) seven-billed. €Tr-a)0«0, fut. -wow and -ojd-qaoj, to push upon or into.
fiTTdp.T)v [d], aor. 2 of irirapai. €iru>K€iXa, aor. I of kiroiefWco.
lirTd-p.Tjvos, ov, (kirrd, pvqv) born in the seventh month eir-o)Xcvios, ov, (kiri, w\ivrf) upon the arm.
lirrd-plTOS, ov, (kirrd, puros) of seven strings. €Tr-oj|Aa8ios, ov, (kiri, wpos) on the shoulders.
{irTd-p.tfx°St ov, with seven recesses. €tt-o)|xus, ibos, 1), (kiri, Zpos) the upper part of the
Iirraja, Dor. aor. I of nrrjaao). shoulder : tbt neck and shoulder. 2. the highest
iirrd-irrjxv*. *>. gen. tot, seven cubits long. part of a ship
«irra-Tr68T]S, »v, 6, (kvrd, irovt) seven feet long. cirufioora, aor. I of kir6p.vvju.
— ::

268 lircafioTos — ipyvvu).

lirwpoTOS, ov, (ivofivvfju) on oath, sworn. II !pST£iv6s, •(], 6v, (kpdw) lovely : welcome.
pass, sworn by, invoked by oaths, of Gods. «p&Tt£<D, = kpdw, to desire extremely, be greedy for.
«ira>vt3p.ta, i), (eir&vv pos) a name given after some cpaVros, i\, ov, poet, for ipaoros, beloved: lovely.
person or thing, Lat. cognomen ; kircuvvfiiav *x (iv ^ tpdTo-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ow, (kparos, xpoa)
rivot to have a name after one: but, knojvvpuav — of face or complexion.
<j\uv x&pas to have the naming of it, have it named cp&rufa), Dor. for kp-qrvm.
after one. 2. a name significant offate. II. *Ep8rb>, ovs, j), (kparos) Erato, Lovely, one of the
generally, a name. nine Muses. 2. one of the Oceanides.
e-movvpxos, a, ov, poet, for lirfavvfios. "EPA'H, only found in pres. and impf. with aor. I
t-rr-wviiu.os, ov, (iiri, ovvfxa Aeol. for ovofui) named pass. it paa$rjv used in act. sense: see Zpajiai: — to love:
after some person or thing Ivopa cirdwvpov a name ; of things, to long for, desire passionately: absol., ipwv
given in commemoration or remembrance of some- a lover; 1) kpufiivq the beloved: Dep. tpdopm in —
thing 'A\kv6vt)v KaKttonov \tt6jvv\xov Alcyone they
; same sense is very rare.
called her by name: generally, surnamed, called. II. «PY<i£ou,ai, fut. kpydaofuu Dor. kpya£ovfmi aor. I : one's name to a thing or person at Athens : i\pyaad\i.r\v : pf. upyaapuai Ion. epyaapuu, both in
the first archon was called apx°w eirojvvfios, as giving act. and pass, sense : but kpyaaO-qaopxu, aor. 1 tlpyd-
bis name to the current year. oO-qv always in pass, sense : Dep. : (Ipyov) : to be
cirbmdb), to look over, observe. From busy, to work, set to work, esp. of husbandmen ; to
€ir-«oirT|, rj, (km, uaJj) a spot which commands a wide XPVP-' kpydfcrai the matter works, i. e. goes on. II.
view, a look-out place. trans, to work, do, perform, carry out, accomplish. 2.
cirwirrwv, impf. of kvoirrdw. to work kpyd£co0ai xP vff° v to work in
at or in;
tn-wpa, Ion. for !</>« wpa, 3 sing. impf. of IcpopAcv. gold. 3. to earn by working. 4. to make, build
cirwpcra, aor. 1 of kitupwya. also to produce, cause. III. to work at a trade,

«irwpTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of knopvvui. drive a trade.

«iro)Ti8€S, ihojv, al, (kiri, ovs)beams on each side of ipy&dov, Ep. for f'pyaOov, poet. aor. 2 of upyoj; in£
a ship's bows, where the anchors were let down. ipyaOiiv.
cir-cd^cXcw, f. rjaa), to help in a thing, to be of use «pYd\€iov Ion. -^iov, t6, (ipyov) a tool, instru-
or service in. Hence ment.
circo^cX-qpa, aros, t6, a succour, store. ipya^Xi, Dor. for kpydoei, 2 sing. fut. of Ipyd^opm,.
cir(i><j>e\ia, -fj, advantage.
(kiraxpcXico) help, profit, cpY&o-etu, Desiderat. of kpyd^oftai, to be about to do,
€iru>xftxo, 3 pi. Aeol. and Ion. plqpf. pass, of itrixo), intend to do.
naoai yap [nvAai^ iitwx aT0 aH< were shut to. tpyiaia, 17, (cpya£ofxat) work, toil, Lat. labor: daily
Jir<px6p.Tjv, impf. med. of iiroixo/juu. labour, business, occupation; kpyaoiav 56s take pains
**EPA, 1), the Lat. terra, earth: only found in Adv. to do. II. a working at a thing husbandry, ;

cpagc, to earth. tillage kpyaaia fierdWojv working of mines.

; 2.
"EPA'MAI, Ep. 2 pi. kpdaoOe: impf. jjpaprjv: — workmanship, art, craft : also a work of art. 3.
Pass., fut. ipaaOrjaofuxi aor. 1 TjpaaOrjv : aor. 1 med. gain, earnings, profit.


r)pdadfXT]V : to love, desire, long after. tpyao-ipos, ov, (cpyafafuii) to be worked, that can
cpctvi£(i>, f. a<u, (fpavos) to ask for contributions : to be worked : of land, arable.
collect by way of contribution. II. to give a con- «, Ion. for ftpyafffxai, pf. of kpyafrftai.
tribution. III. to combine. Hence ipyaartov, verb. Adj. of kpyd^ofjuai, one must work
«P<Xviott|S, ov, 6, a contributor to an ipavos or club. the land. 2. one must do.
epawos, "q, ((paw) lovely, pleasant.
ov, €pYacrrT|p, rjpos, 6, (ipyd^opai) a workman, farmer.
tpdvos, 6, a meal to which each contributed his share, «p"Ycio-TT|piov, to, ((pydfafMi) a workshop, manu-
also cvfxffoK^, Lat. symbolum : generally, a feast, fes- factory, shop.
tival. 2. any subscription or contribution : gene- Ipyacmicos, i], 6v, (ipya^ofjuii) fit for working,
rally,a kindness, service. 3. a club or society. bard-working, diligent, busy.
cpacrSe, Dor. for ipafc. cpY&TTjs, ov, 6, (ipyov) a workman, husbandman
ep&crC-p.oXiros, ov, (kpdw, fio\irfj) loving song. a practitioner, worker. II. as Adj. bard-working,
€pacrt-xpT|p.aTos, ov, (kpaoj, xp'fjfM.Ta) loving money, diligent, energetic, [ct]
covetous, avaricious. «PY3tik6s, rj, ov, (cpyd£opxu) = kpyaariitSs.
€pdo-p.ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (kpaoS) lovely, beloved. «PYStivt)s, ov, 6, ~ cpyaTt)S. [f]
cpacrcrai, Ep. for tpaaai, 2 sing, of epapMi. tpy&rXs, 100s, fern, of ipydr-ns, a work-woman : a
lpd.crcra.TO, Ep. for -qpaaaro, 3 sing. aor. I of (pauai. hireling, mercenary woman. II. as Adj. work-
tpa<rT€vco, f. <xa>, =
(paw, to love, desire. ing at. [ct]

€pa<rTT|s, ov, 6, (Ipa/xa*) a lover : metaph. an ad- cpYpa, arot, r6, = <fp70v, a work, deed.
herent, partizan. cpYpa, aros, t6, (ctpyu, tpicot) a fence, enclosure.
^pao-Tos, i\, 6v, (kpdai) beloved, lovely. ipyvvm and -vOp.t, poet, for tlpya}, ipyo), to enclose.
— — — ; : : :

ipyoborrjs — kpto\iai. 269

<pyo-56TT)S, ov, 6, (epyov, SiSojpu) one who lets out ritate. II. later to excite, kindle ; <petpa\os ipe-
work. 6t£6p.evos the kindled spark. Hence
tpYoX&Ptco, to contract for the doing of work ; ep- tpc0to-|xa, aTos, to, a stirring up, exciting.
yokafielv dvdpidvTas, Lat. statuas conducere faciei*- *EPE'@fl, like epedifr, to stir to anger : to raise,
das. From increase.
ep-yo-Adpos, ov, (epyov, \a@eiv) contracting for 'EPEI'AH, f. epeirjoj : aor. I fjpeiaa — Pass., aor. I
work to be done : as Subst., epyu\d0os, 6, a contrac- ripeiodrjv 3 sing, plqpf TjprjpeiOTo
pf. epi}peio puai

: : :

tor, Lat.conductor, redemptor. [a] to make one thing lean against another hence to :

tpyov, to, (*6pyoj = (p8a}) work; a man's business, press, urge, force against ; tpei8eiv vK-qyqv to inflict
employment ; ra aavrrjs epya Kupii^e mind your own a severe blow. 2. to prop, stay, support, strengthen:
business. 2. in the II. mosily epya, works or deeds of — generally, to fix firm, plant. 3. to press bard
war but in the Od. works of industry, works of hus-
; upon. of w;igers. to mach,
4. to dash, burl. 5.
bandry: tilled lands ; epya 'IOclktjs the tilled lands of set one pledge against another, Lat. deponere. II.

Ithaca epya fiouv the fields which the oxen plough

: intr. to lean against, withstand: dWrjKyoiv <pei8ov-
so Virgil bourn labores; epya yvvaitiu/v women's work, aai crowding one another in Att. to set upon, press :

handiwork, esp. weaving: of other occupations, as, bard on. 2. to go to work; epei8e fall to {to
QaXdooia epya fishing or, generally, maritime pur- eat). III. Pass., and Med. to prop or support
suits : —
later of all kinds of works, e. g. of mines, like oneself on a thing, lean on: absol. in aor. I med. part.,
our iron-works, etc. 3. a bard piece of work, a se- epeiadfievos having set himself firm, taken a firm
vere work. 4. often in Horn. opp. to tiros, deed, stand; ov8ei x a * Tai (prjpeharai (3 pi. pf.) the hair
not word; in Att. often opp to \uyos. II. rested on the ground. 2. to be fixed firm; \dt
the following pecul. Att. phrases occur ipyov eari, : epr^peharai the stones were firmly set. 3. in Med.
c. inf. it is bard work, troublesome ; obv ipyov tori, to strive one with another, contend.
c. inf. it is your business to do epya irapex €iv TlV^t ; 'EPEI'KH. 17, heath, heather, Lat. erica.
like trpdyfiaTa irapexuv, to give one trouble. 'EPEITCfl, f. £<v : aor. 1 ijpe,£a :—/o break, tear,
'EPrfl, in Homer mostly cfpyco, Ep. forms for Att. rend; ipentdpievos irepl 8ovpi rent, pierced by the
cipYu or eipyw fut. ep^oi or eip£w aor. I eTp£a pf.
: : : spear : generally, to dash. II. intr. in aor. 2
eepypxu, 3 pi. epxdrai : plqpf. eepyprjv, 3 pi. epxaro fly in pieces.
ijpt/eov, to shiver,
or : aor. 1 pass. part. epxOeis: — to shut in, cpeio, Ep. for epeo, epov, imperat. of epopai.
confine, include; euros lepyetv to enclose within; 7^- epeioi, ol, a word used as a term of insult to the
(pvpai eepypievai bridges well-secured, strong-built, Egyptians.
compact. II. to shut out : exclude or prohibit cpeiopev, Ep. for epecupav, I pi. subj. of epeai.
from a thing: — also to binder or prevent from doing: cpeCmov, to, (epeiiru) a fallen ruin, in plur. ruins;
— Med. to keep oneselffrom, to abstain from. vavTiied ipeima wrecks, pieces of wreck; veicpwv
**EPrn, do work, obsol. root, for which Nthe
to epe'nria dead carcases; iren\(uv epeima remnants of
pres. in use epSu —
hence fut. ep£oj, aor. I ep£a. pf. robes.

eopya, plqpf. ewpyeiv, which serve as the tenses of 'EPEI'Iiri, f. epebptu aor. I r^ec^a : —
Pass., aor. I


ipboj. •qpeicpO-qv : pf. eprjpipipuat to dash down, tear down ;

cpSeo-icov, Ion. impf. of ephoi. epeinei yevws Oewv tis some god dashes down their
"EPAft, fut. ep£oj, etc., see*€p7<w: to work, do, ac- race :
— Pass, to be dashed down, fall in ruins ; retxos
complish; c. dupl. ace, KaKcL epdeiv rivd or absol. epdeiv eptpiirro (Ep. plqpf. for ^prjpt.vro) — Find, has aor. 2
nvd, do one barm.
to 2. like Lat. sacra facere, pass. part, ipiireis, dat. epi-nevri. fallen. II. in-
iepd epSetv to make, offer a sacrifice later, without : trans. in aor. 2 fyiirov Ep. epXirov, pf. 2 eprjpina, to
lepd or Ovoias, like facere or operari in Latin. fall down, stumble : fall prostrate.
6p€{3€wos, i), ov, (Epefios) dark, gloomy. cpcto-ai, aor. I inf. of epeiSaj.
*Ep€p€o-<t>i, TZpefievafyi, v. sub 'Epe&os. epeio-deis, aor. I part, pass of epeiba).
^EPE'BIN0O5, 6, a kind of pulse, vetch, Lat. cicer. tpeicrpa, <ztos, to, (epeibaj) that whichis fixed to
cp6J3o-$t<{>dci> ( (epefios, 8i<pdw) to grope about in support a thing, a prop, support; metaph. of stay,
darkness. persons, &r)pew' epetop: A/cpdyavros Theron pillar of

epefioQev, Adv from Erebos. From Agrigentum, like Lat. columen. II. = tpyua, a
"Epeffos, to, gen. eos contr. ovs, Ion. 'Epej3evs, 'Epe- sunken rock.
fieva<piv : Erebos. a place of nether darkness, above €pe(d/ip.os, ov, ((peiirai) fallen down, in ruins.
the still deeper Hades. overthrowing
€p€ivj»C-TOixos, ov, (ipeiira), rotxos)
"EpcBoo-Sc, Adv. to or into Erebos. walls.
cpcetvw, like epopxu, to ask ; c. ace. pers. to ask of cpcpv6s, ii, 6v, contr. of epe0evvos, black, dark;
one so also Med. epeeivopuu.
: Ipepvi) (pans a dark (i. e. obscure) rumour.
epeOlfa Dor. -l<rSci> f. low Att. tw : aor. 1 rjpeOiaa,
: epef a, aor. I of be (a>.
later -i£a : (epiOv) to rouse to anger, provoke, ir-
cpcopai, Ep. and Ion. form of tpopxu, to ask.
: : — —
: :: : —
270 ipiirrofiai — kpideia.

<p«, Dep. used only in pres. and impf., to feed desolate, also destitute, helpless. a. c. gen. reft
on. (Deriv. uncertain.) of: destitute of, abandoned by; ariycu <pi\ojv ipn-
epcirro), m (p((p(u, to roof over : to crown. p.01. II. as Subst., kpfjjios (sub. 777, X'ty*1 ). 1), a
«p«piirro, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of epciira). solitude, desert, wilderness. III. ipr/pi] (sub. Siiaj),

ipio-Qai, aor. 2 inf. of epo/xai. ij, a trial in which one party does not appear, and lets

'JEPE'22n Att. -rrta : fut. tpiaoi : judgment go by default ; kpi\tir]V b'ucqv kkuv to get
aor. I fjpeaa :

to row. II. trans, to urge by rowing; metaph. judgment by default; ixp\tiv to let it go by de-
of birds, irrcpvyojv kperfioiaiv (pcaoofievoi sped on- fault.
ward by the oarage of their wings, Virgil's remigio «pTjpoo~uvt] , fj, solitude. From
alarum. 2. generally, to ply, urge: Pass, of a —
cp-npoco, f. woo), (Ipjy/xos) to make solitary or desert,
bow, to be plied, handled. lay waste, desolate, devastate. 2. c. gen. to bereave

cp€Trjs, ov, 6, (epfffocu) a rower. of: —

Pass, to be bereft, deprived of. II. to leave,

cpcTfios, 6, or €p6Tp.6v, to, (ipioooS) Lat. remus, an abandon —

Pass, to be left alone, deserted. Hence
oar: in pi. only the neut. kperfid is used. Hence epY|p,b>o%s, «us, 1), desolation, devastation : and
€p€T(j.6co, f. &(jco, to equip with oars, set to row. tpT)pajTT)s, ov, 6, a desolator.
ipirrta, Att. for ipkaaoi. cptjpcSdrai, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of ipti8<v: <pTjpf
TSPETTOMAI, f. (pev£o(iat, Dep. to spit or spew 8aro, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf pass.
out, to disgorge, Lat. eructare : absol. to belch Lat. 4p-f|pippcn, pf. pass, of epdnaj.
ructare. 2. metaph. of the sea, to splash and foam cpr|piira, intrans. pf. of ipci-voi.
against the land, break upon the beach. II. in €pT|TV0€V, Aeol. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of iprjTvo).
aor. 2 act. ifrvyov, inf. kpiyuv, part, ipvywv, to bel- ipryrwa, f. voce [0] : aor. I cprjTvaa (tpveu) : to
low, roar. bold back, restrain, to keep in check, repress: to keep

cpcvOcS&vov, to, madder. From back from.
cpevdcu, f. rjaco, to be red. From €pT)Twao-K€, 3 sing. Ion. aor. I of (prjTvoj.
cpevdos, cos, to, redness, bloom, blushing : from TEPr, insepar. Particle, like apt -, used as a prefix f
'EPET 0H, fut. ipevoai, to make red, stain red. strengthen the sense of a word, very, much.
cpeuva, t)s, ij, {cptoj) an inquiry, search. Hence epi-avx'nv, evos, 6, -fj, with high-arching neck.
tpevvdu), f. tjooj, to seek or search for, search after epi-f36as, ov, 6, (4pi-, £017) clamorous, riotous.
to search, examine. 2. c. inf. to seek or attempt to €pi-pp€p«Trjs, ov, 6, (Ipi-, Ppifuu) loud-sounding,
do. Hence thundering, roaring.
cpeuvnreov, verb. Adj. one must search. tpi-ppepTjS, 4s, = kpifipouos.
cpevo-ai, aor. l inf. of ipevQo), Ipi fjpopos, ov,{lpi-, Ppe/JiM) loud-shouting, roaring.
'EPE'#H, f. \po) : aor. I ijpeif/a : to cover or roof tpi-ppvxnS' ov, Ep. €<y, 0, and cpi-f3pvx°S» ov, («pt-,
in a building. II. to cover with a crown, wreathe 0pvxa.o/w.t) loud-bellowing.
with garlands —
Med. to crown oneself. €pi-f3w\a£, a/eos, 6, i), and tpC-fJo>\os, ov, with large
c'pcX0<», to rend, break, shiver —
Pass., vavs ep(x^°- clods, of rich, loamy soil : hence very fertile, fruitful.
uivq aviiwioi a ship dashed hither and thither by the 4p£-y8otmos, ov, = (piSovnos, thundering.
storm, shattered. (Deriv. uncertain.) eptSatvco, f. (pt&fjow, ((pifa) to wrangle, quarrel: to
cpe\|/a, aor. I of (pi<pa). strive for —
aor. 1 inf. mcd. fplS^aaaOcu.
«p«o, Ion. and Ep. for kpa>. cpCSiov, t<$, Dim. of tpiov.
«p«w, Ep. pres. for Zpofuu, to ask. cpiSpatvcD, ( ( pi fa) to provoke to strife, irritate. II.
ipyyiafa, f. aw, ((pijfxos) to be left lonely, go alone: intr. to contend.
Ion. impf. fprjuA&aicov. cpCSpdTos, ov, (cpi-, o/iTjTot) strongly built : hence
cpT)u.cuos, o, ov, poet, for Iprjuos. strong, excessive.
cp-qpia, i), (tprjfios) a solitude, wilder-
desert, cpt-Sovrros, ov, (epi-, Sovrros) loud-sounding.
ness. II. solitude, loneliness :of places, a being epi£cpevai, Ep. inf. of kpifa.
laid waste, desolation, Lat. vastitas : of persons, de- cpC^w Dor. cpto-Sc*: Ion. impf. IpifyoKov. fut. lploor.
solateness, destitution. 2. generally, want of ab- aor. 1 fipiaa, Ep. 3 sing. opt. (piooeit (tpis) to
: :

sence: also exemption from evil. strive, wrangle, quarrel. 2. to rival, strive, or vie
«p-rip.i<ts, 6.8os, 1), a solitary devotee. with : hence, to be equal, be a match for so also —
<pi)p.o-ic6|iT)S, es, (I/M7/X0*, KOfjtrj) destitute of hair. in Med.
cp-qpo-XdAos, ov, {(prjfios, \SXio)) chattering in the cpC-ijpos, ov, {Ipi-, *ap(u) fitting closely: metaph. as
desert. epith. of kraipos, loving, faithful, trusty : se also in
€pT)p6-iro\is, 1, gen. iSos, (Jlprjuot, ir6kts) reft of heterocl. plur., tpirjpfs iratpoi, ace. Ipirjpas haipovs.
one's city. 1), (ipiOos) a labouring woman.
cpiO&tcCs, fios,
cp-qp.o-v6p.os, ov, (tprjuos, vip<u) haunting the Dor. for tpiOrjX-qs.
desert. cpi-0dXT|S, is,

TSPBTMOS, 17, ov, also os, ov : Att. tp-qpos : of cpiOcCa, 1), (ipiOeva)) labour for wages. II. in-
places, lonely, lone, desert : of persons, lone, solitary, triguing, Lat. ambitus : party-spirit, faction.
— : :

ipL0t]\rjs — *EpiiTJs. 271

lpi-9r\\1\S, it,(lpi riOrjXa) very luxuriant, flourish- cpioTOS, ^, 6v, («p/fa>\ to be disputed or contested.
ing, fertile. (pi-a<t>dpSyos, ov, = ipiafxdpayos. loud-roaring.
cpiOos, 6, also i), a day-labourer, hired servant; in cp(-Tip,os, ov, (ipi-, Ttfxrj) highly prized, precious.
Homer, ipiOoi, of men, are mowers or reapers; of «pL(J>€i.os, ov, («pf<po«) of or belonging to a kid.

women, workers in wool. cp(<j>iov, to, Dim. of (pi<pos. a goat, kid. [t]
cpTjcctv, intrant, aor. 2 inf. of (o(Ikoj. "EPr<l»02, 0, also j), a young goat, kid. ' II.

K\afa) loud-sounding.
<pi-icXd-yKTT)$, ov, 6, (ipi-, ipupoi, ol, Lat. boedi, a constellation which brought
cpt-KXaixrros and -kAovtos, ov, (ipi-, ttkaioj) much- storms ; in stormy weather.
ipi<poit in
weeping. much-wept, bewailed.
II. pass, <plu>\T), ij, a whirlwind, hurricane, tornado; Aristo-
«pi-K*ri/iro$, ov, loud-sounding. phanes gives a fanciful derivation from piov and
€pv-Kv5T|s, is, (ipi-, kv5o$) very famous, glorious. SXkv^ii, wool-consumption.>v [y], ov, gen. ovos, (ipi , tcvpa) full of cpKctos Att. cpKcios, ov, and p, ov, (tptcos^ belonging
young, big with young. to the court or enclosure in front of the house; Zeis
cpt-p.vKOs, ov, (ipi-, fiifwtca) loud-bellowing. 'Eptceios, the household god, because his statue stood
'EPI'NEO'2, 6, the wildfig-'ree, Lat. caprifxcus. in the tptcos; tptcfioi vvkai the gates of the court.
cpivcos, a, ov, (tptov) of wool, woollen. IpicCov, r6, (tpnos) a fence, enclosure.
'EPI'NT'2 (not 'Eptvvvs gen. vos, 1) pi. nom.
1, cpKOs, (oa, to, {epyoj, (tpyoi) an enclosure, hedge,

*Epivvtt contr. -vs, ace. -vat contr. -vt, gen. -wait fence, wall : mostly of the wall round the court-yard,
contr. -vv : the Erinys or Fury, an avenging deity and so a court-yard: dyyicuv tptefa, periphr. for

the names Tisipbone, Megaera, Alecto do not occur ayyq ; acppayib'os tpieos, for atppayis tptcos vSSvtiuv ;

till late. At Athens they were called EvueviSa or the ring-fence of the teeth, for od^vrts the teeth
Ztpvai, by an euphemism. II. as Appellat., fin- themselves. II. a net, snare : the coils of the
rpot ipivva curses from one's mother; <pptva/v ipivvs lasso. III. metaph. any fence or defence, bulwark.
distraction, frenzy : also, blood-guiltiness. <pK-ovpos, ov, (epKos, ovpos) watching an enclosure.
«ptov Ep. and Ion. cipiov, to, (tpos) wool, Lat. lana; «pKTT|, ij, Ion. for (IpKr-q.
also in plur. 2. tpia dirb (v\ov wool from the tree, eppa, oto*, to, a prop, support : mostly of the stays
i. e. cotton ; so in Germ., baum-tuolle. or beams by which ships on shore were kept upright
tpio-iru)\r|S, ov, 0, (tpiov, ir<v\ia) a wool-dealer. metaph., Xpyua. iroXrjos pillar of the state, Lat. colu-
Hence men. 2. a sunken rock or reef, on which a vessel
(pio-ircoXucws, Adv. like a wool-dealer, cheatingly. may strike : also a mound, cairn, barrow on land. 3.
«pio-irwAiov, to, the wool-market. ballast. II. pi(\aivioJV tpp! oSvvaatv, of a sharp
«pi6-<rr«irTOS, ov, (ipiov, ari^at) wreathed wi'b wool. arrow, the foundation, i.e. caue, of pangs. III.
cpi-ovvtos, 0, Homeric epith. of Hermes, from ipi-, tppara, earrings, akin to op/ios generally, a neck- :

hvivrjm, the helper, luck-bringer : also absol. 'Epiov- lace, band : a chain.
nos, Helper, as a prop. n. of Hermes. Tppaiov, to, ('Fpfjtrjs) a windfall, godsend, lucky dis-

<pi-ovpYf<i>, f. rjaa), to make woollen stuff covery, Hermes being the reputed giver of such gifts,

cpi-ovpyos, of, (tpiov, * py<u) working wool. as in Latin Hercules.

cptire, Ep. for fjptirt, 3 sing, intrans. aor. 2 of ipdiroj. TGppalos, a, ov, Att. "Eppaios, ov, ('Epfirjs) of or
«piimv, intrans. aor. 2 inf. of iptinoj. from Hermes. II. 'Epfiota ^sub. Upd), rd, a fes-

<pt-?r\<vpos. ov, (ipi-, vXtvpa) with sturdy sides. tival in his honour.
fpCirvTj or cpt-rrva, 1), (iptiirw) a broken cliff, crag, lpp&T(£<0, {(pfjia) to ballast.
scaur : any sheer ascent. Epp-a4>p68tTos, o, ('Epfirjs, 'A<ppoSirrj) an Herma-
cpiiruv, aor. 2 part, of tptiirco. phrodite : an effeminate person.
*EPI2, ihot, 1) ace. tpiv and tpiSa : pi. tpi8(t, later *Eppd(DV ojvos, 6, poet esp. Dor. for 'Ep/xfjs. [a]
ipfit:- strife, quarrel, debate: esp. rivalry, conten- *Eppcas, 6, poet, for 'Eppifjs, dat. 'Eppifq.
tion : discord, jealousy : also in good sense, tpis dya- *Eppc(as, 0, Ep. for 'Ep^TJs; gen. 'Eppieiao, -civ;
6wv zeal for good. II. as pr. nom., Eris, the dat. 'Epfifia ace 'Epnetav
; voc. 'Eppifid.

Goddess of Strife. cpu.-n.vtla, i}, (ipffnvcvoj) interpretation, explana-

cptcrSev, Dor. inf. of Ipifa. tion II. power of speech.
<, Dor. for ipi^opuv. <pp.r|vcvp.a, oto«, r6, (tppL-nvtvoA an interpretation,
€pi-o*6€vTjs, is, {(pi-, o8ivot\mighty in strength. explanation. 2. a sign, monument.
cpio-pa, arot, to, (ip'tfa) a cause of quarrel. «pp.T|V€VS, ia>i, 6, ('Eppirjt) an interpreter, dragoman:
cpi-o-pdpd-yos, ov, (pi-, Cfiapdyq) loud-thundering. generally, an expounder. Hence
cpuracu, -«iav, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. aor. I opt. offpifa. <ppr]vcvu), f. c<u, to be an interpreter, to interpret,
cpCo-o-CTai, Ep. for ipiarjrat, aor. 1 subj. med. ofipifa. explain, make clear: hence to express, give utter-
«pi-ora<£tiXo$, ov, (ipi-, ardUpv^rj) large-clustering, ance to.
rich in grapes : of wine, made offine grapes. 'Epp.-fjs, 6; Ep. gen. 'Epfiiu; dat. 'Epfiri; ace
(pump, ov, <$, (ipifa) a wrangler, disputer. 'EpiAjjv ; voc. 'Epn7} —Hermes, the Lat. Mercurius.
: :

272 'EpflfoLOV tpVKto.

In Homer, as messenger of the gods, he i$ called 8td- €ppd-mcra, aor. I of fanifa.

KTopot; as giver of good luck, fpiovviot, ajtdicnra; €ppc'0T)v and «ppr|0Tjv, aor.I pass, of Ipio), iput.

as god of all secret dealings, and cunning, 8oAios as ; cppt|£a, aor. Iof prjyvvfu.
conductor of ghosts to Hades, ipvxonofxirus. Later, he Ippl-ya, pf. 2 (with pres. sense) of fiiyiaj.
was tutelary god of arts and sciences also of heralds, ; ippiyr)o-a, aor. I of friyim.
traffic, markets, roads, whence he is 68ios, ivuHios €ppi£a>rai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of fii£6w.
hence any four-cornered post ending in a bust was €pptp,p.evos, pf. part. pass, of {ilirrei.
called 'F.pfif}s. IppuJ/a, aor. I of piirrcj.
'EppiBtov, r6, Dim. of 'Epfifjs, a little figure of ippvr\Ka, pf. of bio) tppvrjv, aor 2 pass. : —
Hermes : in vocat. my dear little Hermes. cp.pv6p.os, ov, in rhythm, time or measure.
I puis or «puiv, ivos, 6, dat. pi. kpuloiv, (tppta) a "EPPfl, fut. ippr)au aor. i fjpprjaa, pf. fjpprjfca : : :

prop, support: a bed-post. to go or walk slowly; properly of a halting gait,
Epp.o--yXvi4>eiJS. «'«», 6, ('Epfirjs, yXvcpoj) a carver whence Vulcan is called tppuv, limping. II. in

of Hermae : generally, a statuary. Hence a bad sense, to go or come to ruin ; Ippoiv \k vaos
cppo-yXvduicos, f), ov, of or for a statuary: a ship imperat. (ppc, or tppt 4«
i) tp/xo- gone or fallen from :

y\v<piK7j (sub. tcx^), Kopaxas, Lat. abi in malam rem, go with a plague
the art of statuary.
tpjxo--yXv4>os, o, = tpfj.oy\v<p€v$. on thee ; ipptroj let him pass, away with him ; \p-
lpu,o-Kom8i)S, ov, 6, CEpfxrjs, kovtoj) a mutilator of peroj "IXtov let Troy perish I tppet rd ua\d the luck
the Hermae. is gone t

"EPN02, eos, r6, a sboot, scion, of the olive and eppcoya, of ffiyvv/u.
pf. 2

palm ; avtSpafxev epvti Taos he shot up like a young tppuuivos, of fowv/u, as Adj., in good
pf. part. pass,
plant. II. metaph. a scion, a child. health, vigorous, stout: Adv. ippajfiivajs, stoutly: irreg.
cp£a, aor. I ot *
ipy<o, = IpScu. Comp. (ppufifviarepos, Sup. -kararos.
or tp^lrjs, o, translation of the Persian
tp£«£-r)s name eppcbovTO, 3 pi. impf. of frwopni Ippwo-avro, 3 pL ;

Darius: from 'tpyco, ep5<u. the worker, doer. aor. I med. ; «ppu>o0T|v, aor. 1 pass.
of *epyaj, = 2p5#.
<p£<i>, fut. cppwo-Ocu, pf. inf. pass, of fowvp*.
cpocis, eaaa, (v, (fpos) lovely, pleasing. epptoo-o, cpptDo-dc, pf. imperat pass, of fi&wvfu.
€potTiv, for ipotfu, pres. opt. of hpio). «pcn\ Ep. t*'pcrq, 1), (&p5w) dew, Lat. ros ; rcdaAvM
"EPOMAI Ion. « : impf. elpofirjv : fut. ipr)- Upar) plenteous dew : in pi rain-drops. II.

oofxai Ion. tlprjao/jiai : aor. 2 r)p6finv, imperat. Ipou metaph. of any young and tender thing, esp. of late-
Ep. tpeio, subj. ipajfuxi, opt. kpoifirjv, inf. tpiadai, born lambs, cp. niraaffai. Hence
part. tp6jj.(vos :
— to ash after ox
ash, inquire : to cpoT|€i$ Ep. ccp<TT|€is, caaa, tv, dewy, dew-be-
for. II. to question, to ash advice of, consult: c. sprinkled : —
of a corpse, fresh.
dupl. ace to ash one about a thing. Jfpo-rjv, (vos, o, Ion. for Aparjv, appr/v.
Ipos, 6, poet, form of tpojt, love, desire. ipvyy&v<a, Att. form of ipfvyopcu, to vomit.
"EP02, €o«, to, wool, Lat. lana. cpfryetv, aor. 2 inf. of kptvyofiat.
«Ptt€t6v, to, (ipir<u) a creeping thing, reptile ; esp. «pvYp.i)\os, 17, ov, (epcvyofMi) loud-bellowing.
a snake ; pi. ipima, as opp. to ireruvd, any animals cpvyuv, aor. 2 part, of kptvyofxai.
that move on the earth. «pv6oivoj, aor. 1 kpvOrjva, poet, for tpvOpalvoj, to
Ipirf)cmr)s, ov, o, (tpir<ui) a creeper, a mouse. redden, make to blush :• — Pass, to become red. Hence
«,jirv»f(i>, f. aw, (epira)) to creep, crawl, drag oneself tpv0T)u,a aros, to, redness on the shin: aflush, blush.

along: always with idea of difficulty or distress. tpvGpaCvo), f. avw, (\pv6p6s) to dye red: Pass, to —
epirvXXos, 6 and r). {tpirw) creeping thyme, Lat. ser~ become red, to blush.
pyllum, an evergreen herb used for wreaths. (pvOpidw, f. ia<u \a], (cpv9p6s) to be apt to blush.
cpirvo-ot, aor. tpmjfa or tpnoj.
I inf. ot «pv0po |3a4>T)s, is, {IpvOput, QatpTJvai) dyed red.
and lpiruo TT|S, ov, 6, (Ip7rt5£a>)
«pirvo-TT)p, rjpos, &, tpuOpo-rrovs, o, if, gen. irooos, (ipvOpot, rrovs) red-

a reptile : a crawling child. footed : the name of a bird, the red-sbanh.

"EPIin, impf cpjrov fut. tpipcj Dor. \p\pw aor. I : •EpYePO'2, d, 6v, red, Lat. RUBER. : II.

t'ipnvaa, formed from ipirvfa (cf. fXiea}, eiAxvaa) :-— 'EpvOpr) OaKaaaa, the Erythraean sea, our Indian
the SERPO, REPO, to creep, crawl, move
Lat. ocean.
slowly of men, to creep, glide, slinh about : epvovra
: cpuKdKov, Ep. aor. 2 of IpvKu, inf. IpvK&Jcltiv.
creeping things. 2. metaph. to creep on, spread, cpvKfivdcd, poet, for fpvKa), to restrain, confine.
as in Lat. serpit rumor. tpvKavowo-t, Ep. for ipvKavwai, 3 pi. of ipvKav&o).
«pTrwp«s. Dor. i pi. pres. subj. of ipiroj. (pdcdvci), poet, for lpvK<o, to restrain. [3]
tpp&yrjv [3], aor. 2 pass, of pJjyvvni. cpuKco, f. [w. aor. 1 fjpv[a Ep. tpv£a'. Ep. aor. 2
cppdo&Tcu, Ep. 3 pi. pf. pass, of fraivov cppdBa-ro, fjpvKOJcov, orwithout augm. Ipvxdjcov, inf. ipvictixltiv:


Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. (tpvaj) to keep in, bold bach, restrain, binder : to
«ppap.jjL«vos, pf. part. pass, of fidvroi. control, curb, keep in check ; yij ipvitu earth confines
: ; — — : : :

£pv/xa — Ipwrda). 273

(the dead) ; fifj pu Ipvite ndxV * eeP me not oac ^ fj\v6ov, syncop. 7)\6ov Dor. 7fv9ov •
later also aor. 1

from figh'. de ai» a guest.

i. to 3. to ward f)K0a : pf (\-q\v6a Ep. d\r]\ov6a, l pi. (Ikr/XovOptv,
off, Lat. arceo. 4 to keep apart, separate, di- part. tl\r)\ov6ws : 3 sing. \ lqpf., Ion. (\t)\v6(( Ep.
vide. II. Pass, to be held back, detained: to be ei\r)\ov6(t:— to come or go : to come back, return : —
kept away. 1. to be guarded, safe. — in Homer with cognate words, as, odvv or Ktk(vdov
tpvpa, aros, t6, (kpvofMi) a fence, guard: a bul- i\6(tv also poet., uyyeXirjv i\6uv to go on a mes-

wark, fort : generally a defence, safeguard. 'V sage. 2. c. gen. loci, irtoioio i\6tiv to go through

€pi»p.a.Tiov, to, Dim. of tpvpui. or across the plain. 3. with fut. part., (pxopiai
€pvp.vo-VG>Tos, ov, with impenetrable back. oloofitvos tyxos I come to fetch a spear like an :

tpvpvos, *7, ov, ((pvopai) fenced, f r ified. Hence auxiliary Verb, epx*^ 1 *p*<w I am going to tell, Fr -

€pvpvonjs, tjtos, fj. .strength, security, of a place. je vais dire. II. later phrases (is \6yovs tp- :

tpwro, i pi. aor. 2 of pvo/xai. XtaOai tivi to come to speech, h.ive an interview,
epvo-aiaro. Ion. 3 pi. aor. I pt. med. of ipv<u. converse with. 2. (irl trdv f\0(iv to try every-
«pi .<7-dpp4T0s, ov, {'pvoj, dppa^ chariot-drawing: thing. 3. irapd pimp v i\6(iv, c. inf., to come
Ep. heterocl. pi. ipvoap parts, -ras. within a little of, be near a thing. 4. with 5icL ."nd

€pCat-0pi£, TpT\os, 6, )), (fpva), 6pi£) for drawing itscase, periphr. for a Verb, as, dici pidxrjs tivi tpy-
through the hair, epith. of a comb. aOai for ixd\ca6ai tivi, 5ioL iro\tfxov tpxeoOai tor
€pv»o-t-VT]ts, tdos, ij, (ipvofMt, vavs^ preserving ships. iroKffiuv, etc.
«pvo-£-TTToXis, o, 1). fpvofiai,ir6\is)protecung the city.
cp4"u, «pvJ/oOp.€S, Dor. I sing, and pi. fut. of ep7ra>.

ifpiioas, teas, a drawing

fj, ((pvcv) dat. of epos, love: see tpws.

cpvcrpos, 6, ( pvopuai) a safeguard. ISPr!' Ion. and Ep. epeco, fut. {(prjui. keyoj and d—o-
ipvo~o~atrQai, Ep. aor I inf. med. of Ipvcv. pa'oj being used as pres. and eTirov as aor. 2): from lie
«pvo-o-op«v, Ep. for ipvaojpKv, aor. 1 subj of ipva). same Root come pf. dprjKa, pass, (fprjfxai, plqpf. pass.

cpvoTos, 17, iv, (tpiw) drawn. etprjfiTjv aor. I pass. (pp-qOrjv and ippiOrjv, inf. prjdrf-


€pvro, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. (with sense of aor. 2) pass, vai ; fut. pass. pr}6r), fut. 3 elprjoofiai I will
of ipvw. say, speak. 2. / will tell, proclaim, announce :
'EPT'n Ion. cipvu: fut. Ipvoai or (pvw. aor. I hence / will promise. 3. I will tell, order him to
(ipvaa Ep (tpvaoa or tpvaa: —
to draw, drag; vacpovs do; ciprjrd 01, c. inf., it had been told him tc
or vftcpov ipvav, ei'hcr of the friends, to drag the do. occurs sometimes in Horn, as a
II. iptaj

corpse away, re cue it, or of the enemy, to drag it pres. = ipofjai, ("pofiat. to ask for or after.

off for plunder, ransom, etc. to drag about, treat : *EPnAIO'2, 6, the heron or hern, Lat. ARDEA.
roughly: hence to drag away, carry off violently: to cpcdeiTO), 3 sing. pres. imperat. of
tear off or down x^ a iv l 9 p*' IV TtV£* t0 P u ^ n m °y
' cpwcci), f. -qotu : aor. \purnaa Ep kpwijoa
I toflowt :

the cloak. II. Med. cpvopai Ion. tlpuopai: fut inf. stream, burst out : to gush out by starts or at inter-
fpvfoBat, but Ep fut. also pvooofia.i: aor. 1 (Ipvadfirjv vals. 2. to retreat, withdraw, cease from, c. gen.
Ep. dpvaodfirjv or Ipvaoapnjv : the foil, forms are absol., vtcpos ovttor' tpwfi the cloud never leaves
pass., pf. (ipSfjuu both in med. and pass, sense, Ep. \ pi. it. II. trans, to drive or force back. (Akin to
clpv&Tai ; 3 sing, plqpf. (with sense of aor. 2) (Ipvro fxvofiai.) Hence
or ipvro, 3 pi. (Xpwro or (ipvaro to draw to one's :
— cp<DT|, i), any quick,
violent motion ; oovptis (pan) the
own side ; £i(pos ipvcoOai to draw one's sword ; kpv- rush or flight of a spear; \i/ef*nTr}pos kparfj the force
(TaaOai t6(ov to draw one's bow to, to string it or swing of the winnower's (shoveH. 1. an im-
ipvtoQai vfjat to launch one's ships, but in pass, sense, pulse, desire. II. a retreat from, rest from;

of the ships, to be hauled ashore. 2. from the sense VO\(flOV ipOJT).

of drawing out from the press of battle, comes the cpcj-qaai, aor. I inf. of fpcuiu epo>r|0"otT6, 2 pi. opt. :

sense to rescue, deliver, and hence to protect, cpa>-p.avc<i>, f. i/aoj, ((pajs, itaivopiai) to be madly in
guard. 3. to keep off, ward off; i) 0' ovk iyx ot love. Hence
tpvTo it kept not off the spear: hence to check, €pa>pSvCa, 1), mad love.
thwart, repress. 4. to keep guard upon, watch, to cpci>p,cviov. to, a little love, darling : Dim. of
keep carefully, conceal : also to maintain, assert, hold cpa>p.cvos, 6, cpcopcvT), ij, pre&. part. pass, of ipdu,
inhonour ; dipnoras (Ipvarai they maintain laws a loved one, one's love.
?PXSt<u, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of (py<u, tlpyoi cpx&- — epos, orrot, 6 : heterocl. dat. tpep (from Ipos^, ace.

to (or «pxaTo), 3 pi. plqpf. (pojv, for regular dat. (pant, ace. (pana : ((pos)
«pX&, Pass, to be shut up. From love: desire for a thing. II. as prop, n., the
«pX*ros, 6, (tpyoj) a fence, enclosure, hedge. god of love, Eros, Amor: in plur. iporr(s the Loves.
«pxaT6<i>VTO, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of ipxardopuu. Hence
tpx9«ts, aor. I part. pass, of fpyco, (tpyat. cp<or<£piov, t<5, Dim. a little Cupid.
"EPXOMAI : impf. ^pxdpajv : — the tenses are ipurrwua Ion. tip -, f. 4\ao) aor. I -qpimjaa
: (fro* :

formed from the Root i\*v8oj : fut. IXtvaopai : aor. ftcu) : to ask, nvd n something of one ; to ipamf-

274 ip(arqfxa — 2<tkov.

Oiv the question. II. to question a person Ill Ovfiov for by his death he very much touched me
to ask solicit, heg. Hence in heart.
tpun-rjpa, aros, Tu, a question ; (purrrjfia rov (vvBrj- io-eirraro, 3 sing. aor. 2 of elcireTapat.
(mcltos the asking for the watchword, the challenge of io-epyvvvai, Ion. inf. of elaeipyoj, eloipyoj.
soldiers. * <r "*PX°r uu » v datpxofMi.

«pu>TTj<Tis, ecus, r), a questioning.

(kparraoj) €o-€o*dxaTO, 3 pi. pl^pf. pass, of cdrra.

cpcuTids, d8os, r), pecul. fern, of (pajTi/eis. ealx vVT0 3 pl- Ep- aor 2 P ass OI dox*ot.
» - -

eptoTiKos, f), uv, (epevs) of or caused by love ; *po*- ea €X U «r-Tj0«i>, v- sub elaex 03 elaijBeoj.
» *

Titer) £vvtvx}0- a love arfair. 2. given to love, fond. €OT|X.aTO. 3 sing. aor. I med. of dodWopat.
Hence fcnjjji'QvavTO, 3 pi. aor. I med. of arjpaivw.
tpumicws, Adv. lovingly, fondly. eoTjva, aor. 1 of aaivoj.

«pa>T{s, 180s, r), epojs) a loved one, darling,

( II. «o-9at, aor. 2 inf. med. of 117/a. 2. pf. inf. pass.
as Adj Ipam'Sts vrjvoi islands of love. of evvvpu.
€p-j)TO-Ypa4>os, ov, (lpa>s, ypd<pw) writing on love. €adccr6ai, Ion. aor. 2 inf. med. of daTt0r)Ht.
«p'j)TO--rrAavos, ov, (ep&s, irKavdw) beguiling love. co-dew, {todrjs} to clothe: — Pass, to be clothed,
tp-oTO-irXotw, f. t)o~aj, (epojs, ir\6os) to sail on love's dressed ; mostly in pf. ijadrjfiai Ion. eaOTj^uu ; hjotjto.
ocean. io6r)p.ivos clad in raiment. Hence
«p otvXos, a darling, sweetheart.
6, (tpajs} II. io-Qh\\La, aros, to, a garment, dress.
as Adj., ipojTvXa^.ubdv to sing love-songs, [if] eo-0T)v, 3 dual plqpf. pass, of Zvvvp*.
€s, Ion. and old A:t. form for els, to: for all com- «o-0T|s, fjTos, 1), {taOai, pf. inf. pass, of fwv/u) a
pounds with f<r see under da-. garment : dress, clothes, raiment, Lat. vestis.
?s, aor. 2 imperat. of fy^u. €O-07]<rts, (ojs, (iodea)) clohing, raiment.

icr-ayytkevs, ecr-a.yyt\\(o, for daayy-. iaOiuj, Ep. inf. kaOiipuv : impf. ijaOtov fut. (So- :

tcr-ay^Lp'-Ji, v. elanydpaj ; in Homer only in 3 sing. pai (from Ep. pres. 'EAfl) : pf. act. fbrjdoKa, pass.
Ep. impf med iaayeipero, Ep. aor. Imed. icaytiparo. I8f) : aor. I pass. r)8io$t]v : aor. 2 act. t<payov
icr-ayoi, v. eladyca. (from Root *$ArCl):—tbe Lat. EDO, to eat: me-
tcr-aifv, (is, aliv) Adv. for ever. raph. to devour, consume, like fire or an eating disease
€cr-a0p€O), €cr-&xovTi£a>, i<r-iKOV(a, v. sub ela-. ioOitiv lavroi/ to vex or annoy oneself ; iodiuv t^v
co-adpTjo-aipi, aor. I opt. of elaaBpeai. X^vvtjv to bite the lip: — Pass, to be eaten; oXkos ia-
«o-&\to, 3 sing Ep. aor. 2 of dadWopai. OUto.1 the house is eaten up.
ta-av, Ep. and Ion. 3 pi. impf. of dpi sum. *E20AO'2, -h\, 6v, Dor. ccrXfis, d, 6v, - dyaOot,
ecrav, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of evvvyu. good of his kind : brave, stout : also noble, wealthy
ecrivTa, v. eladvTa. hind, good. 2. of omens, good, lucky. 3. as
ccr-dirag, Ion. for elaav-, (Is, &ira£) at once. Subst., (o~B\d goods : absol., iodXuv good luck.
Icrairny [al, aor. 2 pass, of arjnoj. €<r0XoT€pos, -aTos, Comp. and Sup. of laOKot.
to- -aiTLKvtopai, Ion. for eloacpucveopai. «r0opov. Ep. aor. 2 of doBpwoKai.
€o--Spdo-o-a>, v. elaapdaaw. ?cr0os, (os, t6, = toQi)s, a dress, garment.
?o-aTO, 3 sing. aor. I med. of (wvpu. «o-0' ot€, for (ariv ot(, Lat. est quum, there is a
eo--dxp«., Anv. for els dxpi, until, c. gen. time when, i. e. now and then, sometimes.
co-dudev, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of aaoai, Ep. for cdifa. tcr-0pwcrK(o, v. (laOpdjffKO).
ia-dojera, aor. I of aauw, Ep. for awfa. co-06), Ep. inf. (a6(fi(vat, impf. foOov, poet, form of
io-{ialT\v, aor. 2 opt. of dofiaivu. laOio), to eat, devour : metaph. to eat up or consume
€o--{3aiva>, «cr {3aXXa>, v. ela&aiva), elafidWoj. one's means.
co-pds, aor. 2 part of elo&aivot. ialydQr\v [al, Dor aor. of ffiydot. I pass,
?ct|3t]v aor. 2 of aPewvpu. tclSciv, for do~i8(tv, of dotiZov. inf.
«o--Pij3d5<o, €o--po\T|, v. da&i&dC<», da^oXij. cox8Io*0tjv, Ep. 3 dual aor. 2 med. of datfSov., Ion for elaZexopvu. eo-if pevai, fern. part. pres. med. of dairjpu.
«<r-8vopav, «o"-8va>, v eloo-.
€o~-8iScop.i, ccri^TfTai, for dai^qTat, 3 sing. subj. of dai^opai.
to-86pevou, €crSu>p€0a, Dor. for e^uuevoi, etyp-eBa. ccr-iT)p.i,, to -Cirrapai, v. da-.

tcreai, etrexat, poet, for eaei or !<rp, iarai, 2 and 3 <<r-KCLTaPa(va>, v. (iOK-.
of elfxi sum.
sing. fut. €crKaT0€TO, for doicaT(9(T0, 3 sing. aor. a med. of
€o-«8pa<ov. aor. 2 of elaStpKopat. dcKaTaTiOTjpu.
cac8pdp.ov, aor. 2 of eiarpexu.' tenet, Ep and Ion. for r)v, 3 sing. impf. of dpi sum.
«r-€ipA, v. eiaeifu. co*Kc8So-a, aor. I of <TK(8diryvp.t.
tcreXevcropai, fut. of elaipxopai., pf. Of CKOIT(O).
€o-6\0€tv, aor. 2 inf. of elaepxopat. f LTKLSvavro, pi. impf. pass, of ffKt8vijfu.
tcr«uacrcrd|XT)v, Ep. aor. I of elapalopcu (cf. tiri- 2o*KXTjKa, intr. pf. of ok(*\o) : €<tkXt|v, aor. 2.
puaiofjuxi), to touch; pdXa yap p.e B&vuiv iaepAaoaro \
Io-kov, Ep. and loo. for r)v, impf. of dpi sum.
— —
tVAo's ka-Tiapxqs. 275
caXds, Dor. for lo6\6t.
icWfipai, pf. pass, of cevoj: coo-vpqv, plqpf. with
ccrp/rjxov, impf. of o/\oj. sense of aor. 2.
capos or tcrpos, o, ("7/"") a swarm of bees : any cWvpcvos, 17, ov, part. pass, of act/cu (in sense and
swarm or flock ; eapol ydXaKros streams of milk. I
accent a pres., but redupl. as if pf.), driven, hurried
to-po-roKos, ov, (eopCs, renew) producing swarms on, vehement : eager, yearning for : hence Adv., ia-
of bees. avpevus hastily, vehemently.
eao, Ep. for taOi, imperat. of eipi. co-crCo, cao-fcro, 2 and 3 sing. Ep. plqpf. pass, of
ia-OlKtlO, CO-OlKlJlO, V. (Iff-. at vcd, with sense of aor. 2.
co-oirros, v. eicrowros. Hence tao-wO-qvat, Ion. for fjoorjOjjvai, v. caaoco.
to-oirrpov, v. etooirrpov. ca"cra>, Ep. fut. of evwpi.
ta-opdu), v. elaopaw. caawv, Ion. for ijaaojv.
caopupcs, Dor. for elaopwpev. *co*Taa, pf. 2 of larrjpi with intrans. pres. sense, to
cooOpcn, Dor. for eaopai, fut. of elpi sum. stand: only in the following forms, dual eardrov,
ia6\\io r ai, fut. of iaopdoj, elaopdw. plur. eardpev, eardre, eordoi inf. eardvat Ep. ;

«'crTTd0qpai, pf. pass, of airaOaa. kardpev, eardpevai part, earaujs Att. contr. caTws

to-rrapnai, pf. pass, of aireipw. Ion. eoTtujs and korrjws, fem. earwaa.
co-ircio-a, aor. I of ancV&u. co-T<u, 3 sing. fut. of dpi s«m ; but II. corai,


fem. of the Adj.
Lat. 3 sing. pf. pass, of evwpi.
ioirtpot: wpa), evening; eawepas (gen.
I. (sub. cordA&TO, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of are\\<u.
of time) at eve; djrd ecirepas after evening; at night- cordX-qv, aor. 2 pass, of oreWa) : co-TaXica, pf.
fall ; els or irpbs eairepav towards evening : in plur. co-Tdpcv, ccrrdpevai [5], see earaa.
the evening hours, eventide. 2. (sub.\wpa), the coTdp.€v, 1 pi. of earaa.
west, Lat. occidens ; rb irpos eo-nepTjs the west country. coTav, Aeol. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 of laTrjpn.
Hence cordvcu, for \o~Tr)Ktvai, v. taraa.
caircptvds, 17, 6v, = ioTTtpios. ccttSotcs, plur. of toraws, v. eoraa.
ea-nepios, a, ov, and os, op, (cWc/ros) of Time, in co-Tdo-av, 3 pi. poet, plqpf. of iotij/ju, they stood, v.
the evening, at eventide. II. of Place, western, caraa: but 2. earfiaav, shortd. for earqaav, 3
towards the setting sun, Lat. occidentalis. pi. aor. I of ioTrjfii, they placed.
!<rrrcpCs, 1801, j), peculiar fem. of eairepios, at even- cotoo-i, 3 pi. poet. pf. of i'arrjfu v. tarcta. ;

ing. II. as Subst., at 'EcirepiSes the Hesperides, co-TdTC, 2 plur., and cot4tov, 2 and 3 dual; see
daughters of Evening, who dwelt on a western island earaa.
of the ocean, and guarded a garden with golden to-ravpcDptvos, pf. part. pass, of aravpcxu.
apples. ca--T6 Dor. co"-tc (cs, tc) Conjunct. /i7/, until, Lat.

*E2HEP02, 6, Lat. VESPER, evening; pivov eitl </o«w. 2. so long, so long as. II. Adv. «/e/i
eanepov e\6eiv they waited for even to come on ir- : /o, Lat. usque.
regul. plur. neut. eairepa, rd, the hours of evening, cotciXo, aor. I of (TtcAAoj.
eventide. 2. of Place, Hesperus, the West, i. e. co-rcp-p-cvos, pf. part. pass, of aricpm.
darkness, Hades. II. as Adj. of or at evening ; co-TcpTipuu, pf. pass, of artpeoi.
eotrepot darrjp the evening-star. 2. of Place, coT€<t>dv<i>TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of ore<pav6o).
Western. tcTTCws, Ion. pf. part, of icttj fu v. earaa.

cottctc, for e'irere, 2 pi. Ep. imperat. of eJirov. caT-rjKa, co-ttJkciv, pf. and plqpf. intr. of ioTijfjii.
co-iropijv, aor 2 or CTopat
- Homer retains c- in all
: ccttiv, aor. 2 intr. of tart] pi.
the moods, imperat. effireadoj, subj. eanojvrai, opt. €OT-f|£(«), caTT|£, fut. intr. of tffTrjfit, I shall or
eoiroiprjv, inf. eaneodai, part, cenroficvos. will stand : cp. redvrj^oj, reOvrj^ofxat from 6vq<jK<u.
cVrrov, aor. 2 of cir<u. co-TTjpucTai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of OTqpifa'. corrjpiKTO,
co-o-a, Ep aor. 1 of evwpi ; cWai, inf (but also 2 plqpf.
sing. pf. pass.) : tcrcrdpcvos, aor. I part. med. coT-qo-a, coTTjo-dpTjv, aor. and med. of tori]pi.
1 act.
cco-ciTot, 3 sing, of iaaovpai, Dor. fut. of elpi sum. co-tttjws, Ion. pf. part, v. earaa.
of iar-qpi ;

«o-o"co*0cu, for eoeadai, fut. inf. of el fit sum. co-Tia Ion. loriT), 7), (efapai) the hearth of a bouse;
caacva, Ep. for eaeva, aor. I of aev<v. the shrine of the household gods, and hence a sanc-
ea-cri, Ep. and Dor. for eh, 2 sing, of elpi sum. el, tuary for suppliants. 2. the bouse itself, a dwell-
co-o-o,Ep. for eao, imperat. of ewvp. II. Ep. ing, home. 3. the household, family. II. as
2 sing, plqpf. pass, of evwpi. nom. pr., *Eoria Ion. larir], the Roman Vesta,
cWopcn, for eaopai, Ep. fut. of elpi sum: but IL daughter of Kronos (Saturn) and Rhea, guardian of
cao*, Ep. fut. med. of ewvpt. the hearth and home, invoked first at festivals.
caadopai, Ion. for ijoodopai : impf. eaoovprjv : coTidpa, aros, to, (karidaj) a banquet,
aor. 1 (o-awOijv : pf. eoacupou Pass. : ijaauv, Ion. for: coTxapxcw, f. rjacu, to be master of a bouse. From
fooojy) : to be beaten. l<rn-apxi)S, ov, 6, (carta, dpx u ) master of a bouse.
: - —
276 itrrCacns — Ircupos.

Icrrtacns, «a», i/, (iariiof) a feasting, banqueting. Ep. part., (<tx<it6<w, Scvaa, of men, lurking about the
c<rru£b>, impf. (iffriajv : f. iffridaw [a] : aor. I (iff* edge of the camp ; of cities, lying on the border.
riaca: pf. elffriam: — Pass., f. (in med. form") (ffrid- «rx<iTia Ion. -it|, 17, (caxaros) the furthest part, the
oo/uai : aor. I (iaridOrjv : pf. (IffTidfiat : {carta.) — to edge, border, verge. II. a remote, retired spot.
receive into one's borne, to entertain hospitably, to feast: «o-x<£tios, ov, poet, for (o~xaro$.
— Pass, to be a guest, be feasted: c. ace. rei, to feast Io-XStos, rj, ov, {(K, t£) the furthest, uttermost, ex-
on; caridodat tvvirvtov to have a visionary feast. treme ; (oxo-Toi dvbpaiv most remote of mankind :
lo-ri-ov\os, ov, (Jkaria, tx 00 ) guarding the bouse or the furthest each way: I. the uppermost, highest,

state. 2. having an altar or hearth. 3. on the Lat. summus. 2. the lowest, Lat. tmus. 3. the
hearth or altar. innermost. Lat. intimus. II. of sufferings, the
c<m.6ci>, f. wow, {karia)
to found a hearth or house: uttermost, utmost, last, worst: as Subst., to iaxarov,
— Pass., dufxacartovrat the family is established. rd (ffxara, the utmost, last, greatest extremity; cffx&T
€ortxov, aor. 2 of ffrcix<". iffxarow nana worst of possible evils Sup., rd ««rx<x- ;

«o-tvx6c«>vto, 3 pi. Ep. impf. med. of ffrtxdo). rwrara the extremest. III. Adv. cffxdrws, to
tarTuSTTjs, ov, 6, fern, -wns, tSos, (karia) of or from the uttermost, extremely: also neut. effxarov as Adv.
the bouse. for the last time: Comp. iaxarwrcpov more extremely,
€<tto, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of cvvvy*. Sup. fffxaruTara, most utterly.
«r-To£€«ii>, =
cio-ro£(va). €cx5t6ci>v, owffa, Ep. part, of eff\arA(o.
coTopYa, of ffripyo).
pf. 6O"xe0ov, poet, for coxov, aor 2 of cx*> Ep. ffxf" ;

ccrropecra, aor. I of aropevvvfu. Oov; imper. (tx^'tw subj. ax*0<*>; opt. ax^otfu;

c<rrpap.pivos, pf. part. pass, of ffrpc<pot. inf.ffx*0*"' Ep. -4(iv part. ax^Ouv.

eo"Tpd4>f]v [a] aor. 2 pass, of arpecpoo. €o--x«w, for tlox*w.

«cr-rpts, (cs, rpts) Adv. until three times, thrice. caxT)Ka, ttrxTipai, pf. act. and pass, of lx«.
c<rrpo)p.cvos, pf. part. pass, of arpwwvfu. «rxt<ra, aor. 1 of ffxKw -

co-Tpuo-a, -<iS0i)v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of arpwv- «rx"J"0"nv, aor. I pass, of ffX^C "'
WfJU., pf. pass, of <J'X'C(W '

«crrpa>TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of arpwvvvpt. ecrx ov t «crxo rl,l v aor 2 act an<^ me(l- of Ix "*
' * *

ecrTfryov, aor. 2 of arvyco). Icrxwv, impf. of ffxdw.

coTwp, opoi, 6, a peg or nail at the end of the pole, «ao) Ep. Icrcrw, fut. of (vvvfii.
on which the ring, KptKos, for fastening the harness c<r(i>, Adv. for (Xcw, within : Comp. ktrarrlpo), more

was fixed. (Deriv. uncertain ) within: inner: —

Sup. ia wtotcw, most within. Hence
«<rxws, Staa, syncop. intr. pf. part, of tarij/u ; v. «cra>0€v and -0€, Adv. from within: within, inside.
iaraa. «aw0T)V, aor. 1 pass, of ffwfa.
€o-vXi)<ra, aor. 1 of avkdu. (crutraros, t], ov, Sup. Adj. from iffa, innermost,
€o-\ivTjKa, irreg for awr\Ka, aor. I of awtrjfu. Lat. intimus. Adv. (aorrdro), v. (aw.
ccrvpa, aor. I of avpeo. tcrwrepos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. from foot, inner, Lat.
tcrvpqv [w], aor. 2 pass, of avpoj. interior : Adv. iawripaj, v. too).
<<r-v<TT€pov, Adv. for (is var(pov,for the future. CTa-yrjv [a], aor. 2 pass, of rdffffco.
tcr^aynv [a], aor. 7 pass, of o<pdfa, a<pdrroJ. f. ffu, (h(6s) to examine, test.
to-$ay\, pf pass, of ocpdfa, a<pdrr<a. I pass, of rdvtu.
tTaOtjv [a], aor.
uto, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of a<patpoo).
«'cr<J>cup IraCpa, 1), fern, of (raipos.
lar$a\r\v [&], aor. 2 pass, of <r<paWai. cTaipeCa or -Ca Ion. -r\ir\, i}, (Iratpos) companion-
«cr<J>a\p,ai, pf. pass, of a<pdW<v. ship : an association, club, brotherhood. 11. at

<cr<|>a£a, aor. 1 of ff<pdfa, ff<pdrru. Athens, a political club or union for party pur-
€o--4>e'pu>, v. (iff-<p(po). poses. III. generally, friendship, intimacy.
3 pi. impf pass, of g<Ptjk6o), fraipctos.a. ov, Ion. -T|tos, rj, ov, {(Taipos) ofcomrades
ccr<j>T|\a, aor. 1 of ff<pd\kot. or fellowship : Zfvs It. presiding over fellowship.
io-$op(<j), v. dff-<pop((u. craipcu, f. i\ffOi, ((ra'ipa) to be a courtesan.
*cr<J>pa"yicru.tvos, pf pass. part, of ff<ppayifa. IratpTjitj, -Tj'ios, Ion. for kraipda, -dot.
'E2XATA Ion. «rxdpTj, 1) : Ep. gen. and dat. I a- €Taip(£<a, f. law Att. tu, ((raipos) to be one's comrade
Xap6<piv :—tbe hearth, fire-place, like ioria ; irvpbs or companion in arms. 2. = kratpio), to be a cour-
iaxapai watch-fires. U. an altar for burnt offer- tesan. II. Med. comrade.
to choose for one's
ings III. a pan of coals: a brasier. Hence trcupucos, "fj, ov, = traiptios,
of or like a comrade,
co~x3pcuv, wvos, 6, in-xapa 1. social ; to (raipiitov = iraipda.
co-x&pios, ov, {(ffxdpa) of or on the hearth. (TaipCs, iSos, 1), = (raipa, a courtesan.
«<xx<ip64>Tv, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, of caxdpa. CTaipCaro'ai, F.p. aor. I inf. of kratpifa.
i(T\9xTa, aor. I of ax"£a). CTatpos Ep. and Ion. crSpos, 6, (%tt)s) a companion,
icrx&Tav, (?<rxaT0< ) t0 oe a* *be edge; only used in comrade, fellow, mate: a brother-in-arms, a shipmate.

kraipotrvvo^ — IWpa>9. 277

a messmate: also a fellow-slave — as Adj. associated; frepo-fnXos, ov, (tnpos. £77X0$) zealous for one side,
Sup. iratforaros. II. tT<upa Ion. fratpTj Ep. partial: Adv. -Aa>s, unfairly. II. devoted to

CTaprj, a female companion, helper, friend.

)). 2. another pursuit
in Art. o/>/>. to c lawful wife, a concubine: a courtesan, €T«po£v y«i>, f. Tjaa), to be yoked with an animal of a

harlot. Hence different kind : be at variance with. Fr< m

tTaipoavvos, t], ov, friendly: as Subst. a friend. €T€p6-£t»Yos, ov {trepos, £vyov) unevenly yoked:

trdicev, «'tAk€to, Dor. for irrjtc^v, irijKiro, 2 and 3 different. 2. unequally balanced.

sing. impf. med. of ttjko}. iTepotos, o, ov, {tnpos) of a different nature or kind.
ir6.Kt]v [51, aor. 2 pass, of ttjko). Adv. -olus. Hence
€to.kov, -6p-r]v, Dor. impf. act. and pass, of rrjKOj. €TCpoi6u>, f. wow, to make otherwise, alter: — Pass, to
CTSXao-o-as, Ep. 2 sing. aor. I of TaAdcu. become changed, alter.
6T&p.ov, aor. 2 of ripvoj. €T€po-KAtvir|s, is, (tnpos, /eXivTJvai) leaning to one
?Ta£a, aor. I of raacroj. side : of ground, sloping.
€Tapa£a, aor. I of rapaaaoj. «T€po-p.Y]KT|s, «» (tnpos, jifjicos) with unequal sides,
€Tdpt£op,cu, Ep. for kraipt^opai. oblong, rectangular.
€Tdpos, €T<ipT|, Ep. and Ion. for kraipos, iraipa. lT€po-p.T|T(i)p, opos, 6, ij, {trtpos, p.TjTt)p) born of an-
€Tdpirr|v, aor. 2 pass of rtpiraj. other mother.
frdp<J>0T)v, Ep. aor. I pass, of r£pir<u. CTCpo-irAoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (tripos, irXiaJ)
tras, ace. of trr/s.
pi. lenton the security of a ship and her cargo, with the
«Td.Tup.os, Dor. for irrjrvfxos. risk of the outward, but not of the homeward, voyage,
€Td<j>T)V [3], aor. 2 pass, of Odirrtu. of money.
tTaxO^v, aor. 1 pass, of raaaw. €T€pop-p€Tnfjs, is, and ercpop-poTfOs, ov, (trtpos,
4T«0airro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of Odrtro). fiiiroj) inclined to one side ; inpoppeni)s Ztvs
«t€0t|V, aor. I pass, of riO-qpi. who makes now one side and now another pre-
«T60T)iT€a, Ep. plqpf. of riOrjira. ponderate.
IriQvro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, (in med. sense) of $vca. "ETEPOS, o, ov, Lat. ALTER, the other, one of
?T6ios, a, ov, {tros) yearly, annual. II. of one two; X e '/" <pipnv kriprj to carry in one of his hands;
year, yearling. tnpoi iripevv dpxovoi the one rule the other; tnpos
irtKOv, €T€Kdp.T|v, aor. 2 act. and med. of tikto). roiovros another such tnpa roaavra as many more,

€T€Xet€TO, Ep. for inkitro, 3 sing. impf. pass, of n\ia). Lat. alterum tanlum; btvnpos tnpos yet a se-
in\io-(h]v, aor. pass, of n\ia>. 1 cond. 2. also like Lat. alter, for divnpos, second;
(T(\tcr<ra, Ep. aor. I of nXioj. f) tripa (sub. Tj/xipa), the second day, i. e. the day after

€T€p,OV, aor. 2 Of riflVQJ. to-morrow. II. put loosely for dAAoj, Lat. alius,
TGt€0-kpt|T€S, oi, (knot, Kprjns) true Cretans. opp., not to one, but to many. III. other (than
*ETEO'2, d, ov, (peihaps from ilfii sum) true, real, usual), different : of other kind, like dAAotbs other ;

genuine : in neut. knuv as Adv., in truth, in sooth, (than good), Lat. sequior, evil. IV. as Adv. in dat.
really, truly, verily, Lat. revera : — Att. in ironical fern., rr\ iTtpq, Oartpq (sub. 65S) otherwise, in another
questions, knov ; sol indeed I Lat. itanef Ion. dat. way, place, or manner; also (sub. X €l P 1 ^ w' 1^ one hand,
fern. iny is also used as Adv., in truth. i. e. with the left band; and (sub. i^ipq) on the next
€T€p-aAK"r|s, ts, (tnpos, aK/cq) giving strength to one day. 2. also neut., rb inpov, rd. tnpa, as cm
of two ; Aavaoicri pnxV s iTtpakKta vi/crjv 5ovvat to Oanpa one or the other way ; be rov km Oanpa from
give victory in battle decided in favour of the Da- the one side, opp. to ils rcL km Oanpa to the other
naans; v'ikt) inpaXtcqs a decisive victory; orjfios cn- side. [The Dor. used anpos [a] for tnpos: whereas
paKKTjs a body of men which decides the victory. II. in Att. anpos [a] was (by crasis) for 6 tnpos gen. :

inclining first to one side then to the other, doubtful, Oaripov, dat. 6artp<v, ace. 0artpov.]
Lat. anceps. €T€p6-Tpoiros, ov, {tnpos, rpotTos) of different sort
€T«p-T|p.cpos, ov, {tnpos, fj^pa.) on alternate days, ox fashion: of different turn or temper. II. turn-
day and day alternately. ing another way ; uncertain, inconstant.
€T€pT)4>t, Ep dat. fern, of tnpos. «T6p6-<J>o)vos, ov, (tnpos, (<p<WT)) of different voice
€T€p6-Y\(ocr<TOS Att. -ttos, ov, (tnpos, yXwcaa) or speech, barbarous.
of other tongue, i. e. offoreign, strange tongue. iripa-iTO, 3 sing. impf. of rkpaopm..
«T€p6--Yvu0os, ov, with one side of the mouth harder €T€p<J>0T]v, aor. I pass, of rkpito).
than the other, of a horse. cT€pu>0€v, (tnpos) Adv. from the other side. II.
€T€po-8t8a<rK8\«o, (tnpos, ottidaicaXos) to teach on the other side, opposite.
other than the truth, to teach errors. tT€pto0t,(tnpos) Adv. on the other side: elsewhere:
fT€po-So|os, ov, (tnpos, $6£a^ of another opinion, tripojOirov \6yov in another part of my story. II.

differing in opinion. 2. of other than the true opin- at another time.

ion, heterodox. tTtpws, Adv. of crept*, differently, otherwise.
— :: :::

278 kr4p(a<r( — evayyckiov.

frtpoxre, (erepos) Adv. to one side, to the other side selves rather to that which is close at hand. 3.
hence another place.
to one's property, Lat. parata. of persons, ready,

€T€pcoTa, Aeoi. for tTtpaiOt, at another time. active, prompt. 2. of the mind, ready, quick, ac-
«t€toAto, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of reAAcw. tive, versatile. III. of things, real, actual, car-
«T€T€vxaTO, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of revx<». ried into effect.
«T€T€v»x €6 > Ion. 3 sing, plqpf. of rvyxdvco. tTOtpoTT|S, tjtos, 7), a being prepared, readiness.
6T€rrjK€iv, intr. plqpf. of tt)koi. €Toip.o-Top.os, ov, (iroinos, T(fjL€iv) ready for
«T€TpaiTTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of rpivca. cutting.
€T€TU.OV, impf. Of T(TfXQ). cToipcos, Adv. of eroifios, readily: Comp. and Sup.,
«t«tv£o, -vkto, 2 and 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of revx**' eroifioTfpov, -orara.
«T€v£a, aor. I of rev^af. «Topov, aor. 2 of Topi<».
€T6ux6tov, 3 dual impf. of revx^' ISTOS, tos, to, a year ; Hard fro* every year ; dvd
4t€X0t] v » aor. I pass, of tiktoj. trdv eros every year ; 5V irovs Trifjnrrov every fifth
tTT)|a, aor. of ttjkcj.
I year ; iros (Is iros year after year.
"ETH2, a kinsman, clansman, cousin.
ov, 6, II. iros, Adv., = €Tcyai'ajs, without reason, for nothing,
Att. a townsman, neighbour : a private citizen. III. in vain : mostly with a negat., ovie iros not without
for u rav or S> 'rav, v. sub rdv. reason —
mostly in questions, ovk iros dp' us e/z*
«n]o-i<u (^sub. dvffxoi), cuv, oi, (iros) periodical winds, fjKOev ov5«Tra>7roT€ ; it was not for nothing then ?
such as the Egyptian monsoons, which blow from the (Deriv. uncertain.)
North during the whole summer: so too of northerly €Tpoyov, aor. 2 of rpdryaj.
winds in Greece, which blew in the Aegean for forty €Tpdirov, CTpaTrrjv, aor. 2 act. and pass, of rpiiro).
days from the rising of the dog-star. €Tpd4>0T)v, Ion. aor. 1 of rpiirot.
e-rqo-ios, ov, (I tos) a year long, for a year. 2. cTpd<j>ov, * Tpddvrjv, aor. 2 act. and pass, of rpitpot.
yearly, annual. crpeaa, aor. I of rptoj.
€TT|Tvp,ix, 7), truth. From tTpeiba, aor. I of rpirroi.
€TT)T0p.os, ov, lengthd. for irvfios, true, genuine, real, cTptij/a, «Tpi<J>0T)v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of rpiffco.
Lat. sincerus. Adv. irTjTVficos, also neut. ir-QTVfjiov txpwo-a, cTpa>0r|v, aor. I act. and pass, of mpwaKoi.
as Adv., in truth, really. «tv0t)V [iJ], aor. J pass, of Ova).

"ET1, Adv., I. of the Present or Past, yet, as CTvpo-Xoyia, t), (Itu/xos, \6yos) the true account 01
yet, still, Lat. adhuc. II. of the Future, yet analysis of a word : its derivation, etymology.
longer, still. III. generally, yet, still, besides, t-rvpos, ov, rarely r/, ov, (ircos) true, real, actual:
moreover, Lat. praeterea; in 5i nay more; ir aXXos neut. pi. irv/xa, truths, the truth: neut. irvpov is

yet another ; trt pdXKov yet more. used as an Adv. like ereov, indeed, of a truth, truly,
CT1061S, «Ti0€i, 2 and 3 sing. impf. of *ri6i<a = ri9rj iu. actually.
«Ti\a, aor. I of t'iWqj. «tutttjv [u], Dor. aor. 2 pass, of rvtrraj.
«Tipdo-a, Dor. aor. I of rifidoj. «tu<J>t]v [C], aor. 1 pass, of rv<pa).
€Ttvax0€v, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of rtvdaaea. «tv<J>0t)v, aor. I pass, of rvrrro).
l-rlo-a, aor. I of rivco. irvxt\o-a, triixov, aor. 1 and 2 of rvyxdvej.
«tXtjv Dor. ItAuv, aor. 2 of the root *t\ooj : but of rtvx01'
rrvxflhrjv, aor. 1 pass,
*t\<Jv, Ep. for irKrjoav, 3 plur. CTw<rio-€pY6s, ov, {(Twfftos, (pyov) working in vain.
€Tp.dyqv [a], aor. 2 pass, of 77197a;. CTwcnos, ov, (iros, Adv.) fruitless, idle, useless.
€Tp.Tj0rjv, aor. 1 pass, of riftvu. €t> Ep. also it. Adv., properly neut. of its, well,
€Tv-T|pt»<rts, fws, 7), (irvos, dpvai) a soup-ladle. opp. to kclkGjs ; «S kcu iniffTafiivojs well and know-
"ETN02, tos, t6, a thick soup of peas or beans ingly: sometimes, luckily, happily: «8 ix fiv or fyw
soup, pudding. to be well off, c. gen., cS ^kuv tov fiiov to be well
CTOip.d£o>, f. dcro), aor. 1 ^roifuxaa : (irotfios) to :
off for living: (Z yeyovws well born. II. as
make or get ready, prepare: —
Med., with pf. pass. Subst.,to (v good luck but also the right, the good

prepare for oneself, make one's ar-

/JToifxaafiai, to cause; to cu vi/cara) may the right prevail. HI.
rangements, get oneself ready : c. inf. to make on* in Compos, it commonly implies greatness, abundance,
ready to do. Hence or easiness.
«TOiu.acria, 7), a being prepared, preparation: cv, Ion. for o5, gen. of reflexive Pron. of 3rd pers.
readiness. €uav*y€Ai£op(u, f. ioofiai Att. tov/mi, Dep. (€ydy-
tToiu-acro-aiaTo, Ep. 3 pi. aor. Ito bring good news, announce them.
opt. med. of yekos) —
2. to

irot/juxfa. preach or proclaim as glad tidings: to preach the

TSTOrMOS or cT-oipos, rj, ov, or os, ov, at gospel —
so also in Act., and then in Pass., to have
band, ready, prepared ; i£ iroiftov immediately, off the gospel preached to one : in Pass, also of the —
band. II. Ta 'iroifta, 1. Lat. quae in promptu gospel, to be preached. 1

sunt; iwl rd troijia pidWov rpiirovTcu betake them- cvKvy-y&tov, r6, (eidyyt\os) the reward of good

cvayyeXionqs — eiryaOys. 279

tidings : Att. always in plnr., tvayyiXta areipavovv cv-dvopCa, 1), Dor. for evrjvopia.
or dvabrjaai riva to crown one for good news brought; €v-dvnjTOS, ov. (dvrdoj) easy to meet, gracious.
tvayyikia Oveiv to orl'er a sacrifice for them. II. cu-dvwp. opos, 6, 1), Dor. for cv-qvajp. [a]
the glad tidings, (be gospel. cv-airaWaxTOS, ov, («v, ditaXXdaooi) easily got rid
€uoYYeXi<rrr|S, ov, 6, (evayy €\i£o prn) a bringer of of: easy to dispose of
good tidings : an evangelist, preacher of thegospel. 2 €u-dirdTijTOS, ov, (e3, avdrdoj) easily cheated.
esp.a writer of one of the four Gospels. €u-airT|ynTos, ov, Ion. for fvacpqyrjTOs.
iv-dyveXos, ov, (e8, dyyikka) bringing good news. eu-a-iro^dTOS. ov, convenient for disembarking.
cu-dyca), f. r\oo}, to be pure, holy. From «v-airOT€tx io"ros, ov t («S» diroruxK01 ) ea&y t0 0€
tv-S.yi]S, is, (cZ, ayos) guiltless, pure, undefiled, Lat. walled offox blockaded.
castus, —
of persons and actions : poet. Adv. ev&yicot. eudpcarca), f. "qaoj, to be well-pleasing. From
tv-iy^S, ^*» C*7a') moving well, nimble. cu-dpeoros, ov, well-pleasing, acceptable. Adv. tv-
tih&y^S, is, = tvavy^s, far-seen, conspicuous ; iSpa apioTOJS, Comp. -roripws.
tvayfjs OTparov a seat in full view of the army. €u-apC@p.T]Tos, ov, (€v, dpi$fi(<u) easy to be counted.
€v-Ayri TOS » ov > ~ f v & yV't hrigbt, clear, [d] cv-apKTOS, ov, («3, dp\(o) well-governed: submissive.
«u-dYKdXo$, ov, (eZ, dyKaXrj) easy to bear in the tu-dpjxaros, ov, (eu, dp(ia\ with good or beautiful
arms. chariot : victorious in the chario'-race.
tv-aytcip, is, (cZ, aykos} with fair valleys or glades. €vap]t,oaria,^,easinessqf temper, good nature. From
cv-d-yopto), Dor. for evrjyopiej. €u-dpp.oo-TOs, ov, (cu, dpp.6fa) well-adapted, accom-
tvaypto-ia, fj, good sport in bunting. From modating. * II. well-tuned, harmonious.
su-aypiui, («5, dypa) to have good sport. Hence eu-apvos, ov, (ev, dpvus gen.) rich in sheep.
evaypta, ij, good sport in bunting, fishing, etc cv-dpoTos, ov, (cv, dpSco) well-ploughed, easy to be
cv-a-ypos, ov, {(Z, dypa) lucky in the cbase, suc- ploughed.
cessful. cv-apxos, ov, (eJ, dpxopuai) beginning well: making
tv-ayotyos, 6v, (cS, dyai) easily led, docile. a good beginning.
tv-ayuv, cuvos, 6, i), (eZ, dywv) belonging to pros- evds, dSos, 6, 1), (eZd) Bacchic, Bacchanalian.
perous or glorious contests, [d] cvao-p.a, aros, to, (cuaftu') a Bacchanalian shout.
cvdSc, Ep. for eaSe, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dvSdva). tvaa-\t.6s,6,(cvd(oi) the cry of tZa, a shout of revelry,
«ud£u> or «utd£a), (cva) to cry tZa in honour of Bac- esp. of Bacchic revelry.
chus : —also in Med. tvd£ofuu. cvdoreipa. 1), fem. of evaar^p.
€u-dT]S, is, (eu, drj/u) with a good breeze, airy. II. €vaoTT|p, rjpos, 6, and ev»ao-TT|s, ov, 6, (wdfa) a
act. blowing fair: —
metaph. prosperous, favourable. Bacchanal.
cv-aOXos, ov, (f5, &0\os) successful in contests. evdrpvos, Dor. for tvrfrpios.
€v-aivTjTO$, ov, (e v, alvioj) much-extolled. €u-avyr|S, is, («5, 01*717) well-lit, bright, conspicuous.
ev-aCp€Tos, ov, (eS, alpioi) easy to be taken. (v-av\r\v, cvos, 6, 1), (fu, av\7)v) with beautiful neck.
ev-aiwv, ojvos, 6, 1), («J, ald/v) of happy life, gene- €v-a«|>T|yil TO S I° n - €vairf|Yn TO S» ov > ( e "t duprjyiofjuu)
rally,happy; tvaiojv virvos blessed sleep. easy to describe.
«u-&ko€(i>, cudicoos, Dor. for (vtjk-. €«-dx^s, €v-dxT| T0 5 [d]i Dor. for fvrjxys, tirfjXV 70 *'
cv-dXdKaros, ov, Dor. for einjK-. €v-PdoraKTOS,oi',(€5,j8ao'Td£cu) easy to carry ox bear.
«u-oXSt|s, is, (<5, dKbaivtu) well-grown, luxuriant. €\5-PdTOs, ov, (<S, Paras) accessible : passable.
«u-dXios, ov, Dor. for tirfjXios. [a] €u-f3\e<f>dpos, ov, (eu, &\i<papov) with beautiful
€v-dXA>tTO$, ov, (eZ, &\.<pirov) of good meal. eyelids.
cv-d\ci>TOS, ov, (tZ, dX&vai) easy to be taken, [d] Ev|3oia, as Ion. ijs, ^, Euboea, now Negropont, an
cv-dpireXos, ov, (tZ, dpwc\os) with fine vines. island lying along the coast of Boeotia and Attica.
cudv, evanl a cry of Bacchanalians, like tZa, dot. €tj(3o\t'to, f. i\a<o, to make a good throw. From
cu-avdicXijTOS, ov, (eZ, dvaKaXiai) easy to call back. €v-flo\os, ov, (c5, Qaketv) throwing luckily. Adv.
cvavSpux, ij, abundance ofmen, store ofgood men. II. cvfiu\a)s, luckily; tvfioKcvs %x civ to ^ e we^ °ff'
manhood, manliness, courage, spirit. From cu^oo-Ca, ^, (evfioTos) good feeding.
ev-avBpos, ov, (tZ, dvrip} abounding in good men «u-f36orpT5x°s, ov, with beautiful locks.
and true. II. prosperous to men. ev-Poros, ov, (eZ, (36okoj) feeding well, with good
cv-dvcpos [a], ov, Dor for evrjvefiios. pasture. II. well-fed, thriving.
cv-dvOcjios, ov, (c5, dvB(fjiov) with fair flowers, €u-P6TpCos, ov, and cv-{3oTpvs, v, gen. vos, (eZ, B6-
flowery. rpvs} rich in grapes.
cvavO&o, f. r\ato, to be flowery or blooming. From cv(3ov\Ca, 1), good counsel : prudence. From
cv-avOfa, is, (<v, dvOos) blooming, budding. II. cv-0ovXos, ov, (€u, fiovk-fj) well-advised, prudent.
rich in flowers, flowery : metaph. flowery, gay. 2. «v-Povs, ow, gen. 00s ((Z, &ovs) rich in cattle.
also blooming, fresh. cv-ppox<>s, ov, (<3, 0p6\os) well-knit.
cv-dwoS; ov, Dor. for tirfjvios. [d] *v-yabi\s, is, and cv-"yd£nTOs, ov, Dor. for evyrjO-.
: — :

280 evyc evcfrnrArnrof

*Z-yt, Adv. for fZ ye, Lat. eugel well done! well cv-fieUXos, ov, {«Z, SieXot for 077X0*) very clear,
said! capital! bravo! far-seen.
€v-y«w>s, ov, (tZ, 777) of or witb good soil: fertile. «v-8€iirvos, ov, (eZ, Stinvov) honoured witb rich
cvryevcia, 7), ^€U7«V77») nobility of binb, high de- feasts. II. evScurot 5afr«« luxurious feasts.

scent. II. nobility of soul, generosity. cvSlpevcu, Ep. inf. of f 05a;.

€u-y«veio« Ep. t|v-, ov, (€?, 7^v«ov) well-bearded. cv-8cv8pos, ov, («J, 5^v5pov) abounding in fair trees.
€u-y«v€ttjs, ov, 6, = sq. cvSco-kov, Ion. impf. of €08a>.
€t»-Y6VT|s Ep. «utj-y«vt|8 and t|v-y«v^|s, is, (tZ, yivos) €0-8t)Xos, ov, (eZ, 877X0*) very clear, manifest.
well-born, of noble race, of bigb descent : also deno- «v8no-0a, Fp. 2 sing. subj. of €08a>.
ting nobility. II. noble-minded, generous. III. €v;8ia, 7), (tvb'Tos) fair weather : metaph. tranquillity,

of animals, bifb-bred, noble. prosperity.

€ti-Y«vta Ion. til, 7), = cvyivaa. cu-Sm£(3&tos, ov, «jsy /o 6* crossed, practicable.
€v-Y€tos, ojv, («5, 777 1 Att. tor €vy«o*. €v-8ialTcpos, o, ov, irreg. Comp of tvSios.
«u-Yn0 jS, is, and cu-yt|0i]tos, 01/, (eu, yn$iw) joyous, «u-8iotTos, ov, ((Z, fiaira) living temperately.
cheerful. cv-8idv6s, 17, ov, — evoios, warm.
cviYnpta, t), («{/7r;pa;s) happy old age. cu8u£(i>, f. r)Ow, (ev5«a) to be calm.
tv-yr\pvs, v, sweet-sounding. €u-8iKia, ?), (eZ, b"iKrj) righteous dealing : justice.
ev-YT|pujs, <wv, {ev, yfjpas)happy in old age. €u-8ivtjtos, ov, {eZ, oTve'a/) easily turning or turned.
«u-yX4y€tos, ov, ev-yk&yi)s, is, and cv-yk&yos, ov, cv-8ios, ov, (fZ, Aids gen. of Zcvs) calm, fine, clear:
(ev, ykdyos) abounding in milk; irreg. dat. tvykayt, genial : of persons, cheerful . —
irreg. Comp. and Sup.
as if from ev-y\a£. evStiarcpos, -ioraros ; also (vhiairfpos.
cv-yXvutos, ov, and «u-yXC<J>t|S, i*, (<w, y\v<pa>) €v-8p.T|Tos Ep. ivB-, ov, (cZ, biuxu) well built or
well carved or engraved. fashioned.
ctryXwo-o-Ca Att. -TTCa, 7), fluency of speech. From cu-8okc(i>, f. 770-0; : aor. 1 tvboicnoa : («5, HokIoS) : —
cu-YXcoo-o-os Att. -ttos, ov, (€v, ykaxraa) witb good to be content or well pleased, to approve of or acquiesce
and ready tongue, sweet-sounding, eloquent. II. in a thing : c. inf. to consent to do. Hence
act. loosing the tongue, making fluent. cuSokCcl, 7), satisfaction, approval.
€\»Yp.a, aros, t6, (tvxofjuii) like 1 5x°*» a boast. II. €u8okI(X€co, f. tJoa»: impf. and aor. I rjvioKlfww,
= €t'x a prayer.
,7 rjvboKtfiijaa, but often without augm. (vo-: ((v&6-
€v-Yvap/nros Ep. ivyv-, ov, {tZ, yvapirroj) well-bent, Ki/xos) : to be of good repute, be in esteem, famous,
easily bent. popular ; ddoKifiuv tv nvt to be distinguished for z
€viYvwp.oo-uvT|, 7), good feeling, candour. From thing. Hence
€u-Yvwp,u>v, ov, gen. oi/o» (*u, yvwfiTj) of good feel- cvSoKtpia, 7), good repute, credit.
ing, indulgent, fair, charitable. II. sensible, €u-8oKipo3, ov, in good repute, highly esteemed.
prudent —
Adv. tvyvwfwvon, prudently. €v8o£ca>, f. 7700;, (eu8o£o«) to be in good repute, be
eu-Yvwo~Tos, 01/. ^ (Z, yiyvwffKO)) well-known, familiar. thought well of, be famous. Hence
€u-Yop,<|>os, ov, («5, yufupos) well-nailed or fastened. cuSo£(a, 7), good report, a good name, credit, glory.
eiryovia, ^,frui fulness, fertility. From €u-8o£os ov, (eZ, 56(a) of good report, glorious.
€v-yovos, ov, (ft5, yovij) fruitful, prolific. €v-8p3KTJs, fs, (eS, 5pa*ffv) sbarp-sigbted
cv-Ypap.p,os, ov, («5, ypauufy well-drawn. cv-8poo-os, ov, well-bedewed, abounding in water.
tv-yp&$-i\s, 4s, («3, ypd<pco) well painted. II. ET^AH, impf. 77u5ov Ep. tvZov : fut. evb-qaot — to
act. writing or drawing well. sleep, lie down to sleep: also to sleep in death. II.
cv»-y<ovios, ov, {(Z, ya/via) well-cornered, regular. metaph. to rest, be still or bushed : to cease,
eu-Sai8aXos, ov, beautifully wrought. eu-c&vos, ov, (<J, ^avo'v) richly-digbt, well-clad.
€uSaip.ove(i>, f. •f/ou, (€v5at/ia/v) to be prosperous, well «v-€8po3, ov, (€»5, ?5pa) well-seated: witb a fair
off or happy. Hence throne. II. pass, easy to sit, of a horse.
€i'8aip6 vT)|aa, aros, r6, a piece of good fortune. €v-<0cipo$, ov, (f5, idupa) fair-baired.
cuSaipovta, 7), (cubaifiovia)) prosperity, happiness. «u-€u8t)$, is, (tZ, fTSo*) well-sbaped, graceful.
€uSaipovifa), (dSaifiwv) to account happy.
f. oa>, cv-ciXos, ov, (tZ, fiKij) sunny, warm, Lat. aprlcus.
€vi8cu|xovi,k6s, 77, 0/ or tending to hap-
ov, (euoaijwyv) co-c(pa>v, ov, gen. ovos, ((Z, flua) well-dressed.
piness : of persons, happy. Adv -*w», happily. cu-€ipos Att. cvcpos, ov, (€u, (Tpos) with or of good
€v»8<up6vws, Adv. of (vSaiuwv, happily : Comp. and wool, fleecy.
Sup. cv5aifiov4oT(pov, -iarara. eti-eX6Y KT °s, ov, (c5, l\iyx<») easy to be refuted.
cu-8aCp.u>v, ov, gen. ovos, ((Z, Satuew) witb a good ev-eXms, 0, »), neut. (vcAtti, gen. (5o», of good hope,
genius or destiny, fortunate, prosperous, Lat. felix: hopeful, cheerful, sanguine; eveKirls tlfu, c. inf. to be
also wealthy, like Lat. o«z>«s ; £a/>/>>. of good hope that.
«u-8aKpvro»», ov, («3, daicpfo) much to be wept, la- cu-e£<£X€iTrTOs, ov, easy to blot out or erastr.
mentable. €v-«|ffir(£TnTOS, ov, (cJ, i^airardoS) easily deceived.
— : : :

cicala — cv0€pdireuro$. 281

eu-«£ia, 1}, (ev, ?£t») a good babit of body, good state «v-fa>pos, ov, (ev, fapSt) quite pure, unmixed, of
of beal'b : generally, good condition, good case. wine Comp. -(cjporepot, also irreg. -iarepot.

cu-c£o8os, ov, easy to get out of or escape from. e\n)-yevr\s, Ep. for evyevrft.
«u«ima, j), beautiful language, eloquence. II. = ev-T\ye<ria, 1), (ev, ^yiofuii) g^od government.
words of good omen.
(ixprjfua, From «u-TjYop«w, f. tjo<v, (eZ, dyop(voj) to speak well of,
«v-€1tt|S, is, («u, twos) well-speaktng, eloquent. 2. praise.
making eloquent, inspiring. II. well-spoken. evnf|9(ia or €vr)0Ca Ion -Ctj, 1), goodness of disposi-
€b-«ma, ?), Ion. and poet, for (viireia. tion, singleness of heart, simplicity: also in bad sense,
€v-«mPov\€VTOs, ov, {(v, (m0ov\ev<v) easy to plot simplicity, silliness. From
against : exposed to treachery. €u-t|6t]S, es, (ev, 1}$us) well-disposed, single-hearted,
«v-«ir(0€TOs, ov, (ev, emTiOefiat) easy to be set upon simple-minded: in bad sense, simple, silly: — Adv
or attacked ; eveirWeruv kari nvt it is easy for one to (v-q$ws, Sup. -iarara.
make an attack. evr\Qlr\, 1), Ion. for evrjOeia.
«v-«irlTaKTOs, ov, (ev, emrdaaoj) easy to arrange €ut]0ik6s, ij, 6v, \ev-qdrjt) of mild, gentle character
tractable. hence simple, foolish. Adv. -kws, in simple fashion.
tvtpytaia, %, well-doing, good conduct. II. a €vht|kt|S, es, (ev, dtcf}) well-pointed, keen-edged.
doing good, a good deed, service, kindness. From <u-T)Koos, ov, (eZ, aKoveo) bearing well: ready to
€vi«py«t«i>, f. rjoai in the augm. tenses, sometimes bear.
tvnpyirow, evripyinjaa, sometimes eiepy- with no €v-T)X&icdTOS Dor. eudXaK-, ov, (eZ, -qXaKaTrf) with
augm. ^evepyirrjt
: to do well, do good.
: II. quick spindle, spinning beautifully.
to do one good, shew kindness to, confer a benefit €v-"rj\&TOS, ov, (fv^Aoww) easy to drive or ride over ;

upon: Pass., evepyerucOai n to have a kindness irediov eii-qXarov a plain fa for cavalry operations.
done one. Hence «u-T|Xios Dor. cvdXios, ov, (ev, fjKtos) well-sunned,
tv*pyert)\ux, arot, t6, a good deed, a service, sunny, warm, Lat. apricus —Adv. -iojs, with bright,
kindness. sunny weather.
«v-*pY«Tr|S, ov, 6, (tZ, *ipy<o) a well-doer, a bene- cu-T)p.cpea>, f. i\aoi, (ev-qnepot) of weather, to be

factor: a title of honour of such as bad done the state fair. 2. of persons, to spend the day cheerfully: to
service. II. as Adj. beneficent. be happy : to be successful in a thing. Hence
«v«py«tt)t«ov, verb. Adj. of evepy erica, one must do cuTtyicpta, fineness of the day, fine weather.
1) II.
good or shew kindness to. good times, health and wealth, honour and glory.
cvcp-yervKos, 17, ov, (evepyirrjt) disposed to do good. cu-T)p,cpos, ov, (ev, ijfiipa) of a fine day : propi-
cv-cpycTis, ibos, fern, of evepyirrjs. tious. 2. cheerful, happy.
€u-*pyt|S, it, (ev, *epyta) well-wrought, well-made, €urjv€p,Ca, ?), a fair wind. From
well-built: of gold, well-wrought, refined. II. well- €u-T|V6p,os, ov, (ev, dvepos) with fair wind. 7. un-
done : hence in plur. evepyea, good deeds, benefits. vexed by winds, sheltered, serene.
tv-epy6s, 6v, (eZ, *epy<u) doing good, upright, vir- €u-T|vtos, ov, (ev, 1}via) obedient to the rein : gene-
tuous. II. pass, well-wrought, well-tilled : also rally, obedient, docile.
easy to work. ctrqvopCa, %, manliness, manly virtue. From
«u-€pKT)s, it, (eZ, tpieot) well-fenced, well-protected: cu-T|va>p, opos, 6, 1), (eZ, dvrjp) giving manhood, in-
ibut'ing close : of cities, well-guarded. spiriting. II. of cities, abounding in brave men.
«v-«pKn|S, ov, 6, poet, for evepyirijt. €u-T|poTOS, ov, (eZ, ipafjuai) much-loved, lovely.
€v»-«pvnf|S, it, (€5, epvos) sprouting well, flourishing. ev-T|p€Tp,os, ov, (,ey, cperftos) well fitted to the oar:
<v-«pos, Att. for (vfLpos. well-rowed, well-pulled.
«v-€otu>, ovt, 1), {ev, eifii sum) well-being, prosperity. eti-T|pT)S, «s, (cu, dpap(iv) well-fitted or put together:
cverrjpta, 1), (ev, trot) a good season. well-poised, easy to handle.
«u-«Tia, f/, «= everrjpia. tu-TjTpios, ov, (ev, jjrpiov) well-woven. II. act.
€v-«vp€T05, ov, (ev, evpio/ctv) easy to find. weaving well.
«\j-t'4>o8os, ov, easy to assail. eu-tix'ns. «*, («5, jJx *) ujell-sounding, tuneful.
«v-£tjXos, ov, emulous in good —Adv. -£^Xa>t. «u-^XTro *» ov well-sounding : loud-sounding.

€v-{vyos Ep. €t5£vYos, ov, (eZ, £vy6v 111) of a ship, eu-OaXaoro-os, ov, (fZ, OaXaaaa) prosperous by sea.
well-benched. cv-6&X-r|s, 4s, (eZ, OdXos) growing well, flourishing.
€v-{v£, vyoi, 6, 1), (eZ, fcvyvviM) well paired or €u-GcLXt]s, it, Dor. for ev0rj\rjt.
matched. cvdapacci), f. ^aot, to be of good courage. From
«u-£cpa, Dor. for tvfata. €u-0apo-r|s, is, (eZ, Odpoos) of good courage: —Adv.
cv-£wvot Ep. «v£wvos, ov, (eZ, S&ivrf) well-girded, -ows. giving courage, safe.
of women. II. girt up for exercise, with one's «u0€vca>, older form of (vdrjvia/.
loins girded, active, as in Horace alte praecinctus cu-0<pdir«vroi, ov, («5, depairtvoj) easily healed. II.
unencumbered, Lat. expeditus. easilywon by kindness or attention.
: :

282 €V0€T€(ti eVKCLlpCO).

cvdcr^o), f. rjffej, (cv$(ros) to be well-arranged, con- bound to do so. II. correction, chastisement.
venient. 2. trans, to set in order, arrange well. Hence
euOerCJo, to set in order, arrange orderly. From cv0vvos, 6, an investigator, auditor, who examined
€v-0eros, ov, (tv, TtOijfu) well-arranged, well-dis- and passed the accounts of magis raes : at Athens
posed: easily stowed or disposed of: convenient/or use. there were ten. II. a corrector, chastiser.
€u0«o>s, Adv. of €vdvs. straightway. €v'0uvrr|p, fjpos, 6, (fi9tvw) a director, corrector. II.

€u-0T)YT|S, is, (e3, 0rjyoj)sharpening well. as Adj.. cbOvvTTjp o1a£ the guiding rudder.
€v-0T|\T|p.a>v, ov, gen. ovos, rare form for fv0r)\^s. «vi0uvTT|pia, 17, the part of a ship wherein the rudder
€u-0tj\t|S Dor. -0uX^s, is, («v, Orjrf) well-suckled: was fixed: fern, from
well-fed, thriving. €u0wTTjpios, a, ov, ((i0vv<u) directing, ruling.
€v-0tj\os, ov, (fv, OrjXfi) with distended udder. eu0\rvTf)S, ov, 6, = evOvvrrjp.
€u0Tjjio<nivT), 17, good order, good management : a 6u0uvb>, fut. vvw, (ev0vs) the Homeric lOvvw, to
habit 0/ good order. From guide straight : to steer sraigbt. 2. to direct, go-

€u-0t)|jui>v, ov, gen. ovns, ((Z, TiOrjfJu) well-arranged, vern. 3. to keep straight, preserve. II. to make
well-made. II. act. orderly, setting in order. straight, as a bent piece of wood : metaph. to rectify,
€v0i)v4ca> and €u0€v«o, to be well off, thrive, flourish: revise. III. at Athens, to call to account, scruti-
to abound in:— so also in Pass., aor. I (v07]V7]0tjv. nise the accounts (evOwai) of a. magistrate: Pass, to
Hence be called to account, and so to be corrected.
«v0-nvia, ^, abundance. cu0t»-Trvoos, ov, contr. -irvovs, ow, (cvfliJ, irviot)

€u-0t|paTos, ov, («{/, 0T]paoj) easily caught or won. straight-blowing.

«v-0Tjpos, ov, (e :'>,
6r)pa) lucky in the chase. II. €u0v-Trop/iros, ov, (evOv, niixiroS) guiding straight.
(drjpes) abounding in game. «£0virop«i>, f. 170W, to go straightforward; irorfwt
cu-0T)<ravpos, ov, well-stored, precious. tvdvnopwv unswerving, infl"xible fate: c. ace. cognato,
€v-0vrjcrtjjios, ov, (fu, Ov-qaKoS) with easy death. ci QviToptiv Bpufiov to go a straight course. From
«v-0oivos, ov, ((Z, Ooivrj) with rich banquet: copious. c£0v-iropos, ov, ((i6v, nop(vofta.i) going straight:
<u-0opvp-nTOS, ov, (tZ, OopvfSiu) easily confounded. met a ph. straightforward, plain-sailing, honest.
ev-0pvyKOS, ov, (Qpiyitos) with good coping or cornice. «u-0t»poros, ov, with beautiful thyrsus.
€\5-0pi| Ep. «u-0pi£, -rplxos, 6, j), (ty, 0pi£) wi'bfine ET'0T'2, tv0ua, ei6v, = the Ion. form I0vs,straight,
hair : of horses, with flowing mane : of birds, w 11- —
moral sense, straightforward, plain, bo-
direct in
plumed. II. made of stout hair, of a fishing-line. nest : —
Adverb, usages, els to evOv &\4ir(tv to look
cv-0povos Ep. «u0povos, ov, («v, Opovos) with beau- straightforward; diro rov tv0ios Xiyetv to speak
tiful seat or throne. straight out; Ik rov (i>0ios at once, immediately. II.

cv-0poos, ov, («u, 0p6os) loud-sounding. as Adv. (t>0vs and (i>0v, of Place, straight to, direct
ev0v, neut. of evOvs, used as Adv. for: also c. gen. straight towards «i0v IltAA^- ,

tvQv-yXtaaro-os Att. -ttos, ov, {tv0v, yXwoaa) of vrjs. 2. of Time, straightway forthwith, at once; ,

straight tongue, honest of tongue. rov 0ipovs (v0vs apxopiivov immedia'ely at the begin-
<v0uSlicta, j), an open, fair trial. From ning of summer — So also the regular Adv tvdtws.
cu0u-8Ckos, ov, or 17, ov, €i/0v, Mktj) judging righ- €u-0uaSvos, ov, («5, 0voavos) well-fringed.
teously. €ti0vn]s, rjros, 1), (ev0i's) straigbtness. II. me-
cu0v8popc(d, f. qao), to run straight: of ships, to taph honesty, justice. [C]
sail in a straight course. From €v0v-Top.os, ov, (fi0v,TCfi(iv} cut straight, straight.
<u0v-8po[ios, ov, running a straight course. cu0v-<)>pa>v, ov, {tv0v, <ppf}v} right-minded.
tpyov) accurately wrought.
«v»0u-€pYT|s, is, (t\t0v, «ij0v-wpos, ov, also a, ov, ((i>0v, &pa) in a straight
€u0u-pdxTjs, ov, 6, and tvQv-\ii^os, ov, {ciOvs, pAr direction : neut. fv0v<vpov as Adv., tv0vs n.
XOfiat) fighting straightforward, fair-fighting. cu-0u>pT)|, tjkos, o, i), (eu, 0wpa£) well-mailed.>>, f. rjoa), (ev9vu,os) to be ofgood cheer. II. «uvdJo», v. cvd^iw.
trans, to make cheerful, cheer — Pass. cb0vfxiofiai, to cvcSkos, r/, ov, (evios) Bacchic : fern, cvt&s, dSot.
be of good cheer. Hence €\;-(«pos, ov, (cZ, UpCs) very holy, hallowed.
cu-0up/nrcov, verb. Adj., one must be cheerful. Evios, 6, Evius, epith. of Bacchus, from the cry
cu0vpia, j), (fvOvfiiai) cheerfulness, fesriviy. (Za evot. II. t&ios, ov, Adj Bacchic, inspired
cv-0Op.os, ov, {(Z, Ovfios) well-disposed, generous, by Bacchus.
kind. of good cheer, cheerful: of horses,
II. €v-iirTros, ov,of persons, delighting in horses, having
spirited. Adv. cvOvfuus, cheerfully; Comp.
III. fine horses of places, famed for horses.

-onpov ; Sup. -oTara. cv-wrros, ov, ((Z, latjfu) of good knowledge.

c\50uva, but mostly used in pi. cvOvvai, al. (tbOvvoS)
1), «u-Co-xtos, ov, ((Z, la\iov^ with beautiful hips.
an examination of accounts, audit ; tvQvvas airairciv cu-iea0aipeTOS, ov, (tZ. Ka0aipeoj) easy to rver'hrow.
to call for one's accounts; tv6vvas HtSCvat to give cv-icd0cKTOs, ov, (<w, Karix*>) *<* sy '° keep down.
tbem in, submit to a scrutiny ; ev0ivat 6<p\tiv to be cvKaipco), f. foot, (tvKaipoi) to have good opportu-
— : : : :

etiicaipia — €v\afteonai.

nity, have leisure — cvieaipuv e?« ri, to devote one's rally, contented, easy, Lat. facilis : good-natured, po-
leisure to a thing, spend one's time in it. pular.
cuKoipta, ij, good season, opportunity, leisure. II. €u-koXitos, ov, swelling beautifully, in goodly
prosperity. From folds. 2. with beautiful bays.

cv-ieaipos, ov, (eu, tempos) in season, seasonable, well- cuk6Xo>s, Adv. of evttoKos, contentedly, calmly.
timed, opportune : of places, convenient. Adv tvtcai- cu-Kop.ioT|S, is, (tZ, Kopub-q) well-cared for.
pws opportunely: at leisure; Comp. -orepov ; Sup. €u-Kop.os Ep. TJVK-, ov, (eu, KOfxij) thick-haired.
-6rara. cv-Kop.iros, ov, loud-sounding.
cv-koXos, €v-KdXCa, Dor. for cvkt)\-. cu-Koiros, ov, with easy labour, easy.
€v-Kap.&Tos, ov, (ev, tcdfiaTos) of easy labour, easy. 2. €v-Koo-p.TjTOS, ov, (eu,Koodoo) well-adorned.
well-wrought : won by noble toils, [a] cuKoo-pIa, orderly behaviour, good order. From
«u-Ka.(xirr)S, is, (eu, Kaftrrrw) well-bent, curved.

€u-Koa-p.os, ov, well-ordered, orderly, decorous: —

6vi-tcdp5ios, ov, (fv, Kapdia) good of heart, stout- Adv. -pus, in good order. II. well-adorned,

hearted, Lat. egregie cordatus : of a horse, spirited, graceful.

of good courage. Adv. -too*, with stout heart. cu-Kpaipos, ov, or a, ov, (eu, fcpatpa) with fine horns.
ev Kap-rros, ov, rich in fruit, fruitful : prolific. eu-tepds, ciros, 6, fj, (cu, fc(pavvvfxt) well-tempered
ev-Ka-rdXXaicTOS, ov, (eu, KaraWaoow) easy to ap- of climate, temperate, mild, moderate. II. mix-

pease. ing readily with.

cu-KarAXiJros, ov, (eu, KaTaXvaj) easy to overthrow. cu-Kpao-ia, j), good mixture or temperament. From
€u-KaTa.4>opos, ov, (eu, Kara^ipopai) prone towards, €u-icpaTOS, ov, (tu, K(pavvvfu) will-tempered, tem-
Lat. proclivis. perate : of wine, mixed for drinking: metaph. —
cv-KaTa<f>p6vr]TOS, ov, (e3, Kara<ppovioS) easy to de- temperate, mild.
spise, despicable. «u-KpcKTos, ov, (cZ, Kpitcoj) well-struck, well-played,
€v-Ka.T€p yao-TOS, ov, (eu, Karepyd^ofiai) easy to work, of stringed instruments. II. well-woven.

of land:
easy to digest —
easy to effect or subdue. cu-Kp-nvos, ov, (eu, fcprjvrj) well-watered.
€v-Kan]Y6p"r)TOS, ov, (ev, Karrjyopioi) easy to blame. eu-KpijTOs, ov, Ion for ev/eparos
€u-k«4tos, ov, Ep. for tv-Kiaaros, (eu, /ceafa) easily «5-Kpi0os, ov, (eu, KpiOrj) rich in barley.
cleft or split. cuicplvcci), f. -qao}, to keep distinct and in order. From
cv-kcXSSos, ov, sounding well, melodious. €t»-KplvT|S, is, (eu, Kpivoj) well-separated, distinct,
«v-K€VTpos, ov, (cu, icivrpov) well-pointed. regular : well-arranged, in good order. Adv. -vu>*
cv-Kcpaos, ov, and cvKCpois, cuv, gen. arros, (e Z, itipas) Ion. -vius.
with goodly horns. €u-KplTOS, ov, (cu, Kpivai) easy to judge or decide
cvKT)\T)T6ipa, i), she that lulls, soothes. From easily discerned, plain, manifest.
€vktjXos Dor. cvkclXos, ov, lengthd. form of ZtcnXos, cu-Kp6TdXos Ep. euKp-, ov, (eu, Kporakov) accom-
tranquil, free from care or fear, Lat. securus. panied by castanets, lively, rattling.
cv-kuto-os, ov, ((Z, iciaous) ivied. eu-KponjTos, ov, (eu, Kporioj) well-welded, well-
ctj-kUov, ov, gen. ovos, with goodly pillars, [t] wrought, of metal.
cv-kXct|S, is, ace. fi>K\eia contr. tvfcXed; also (as if eu-KpuiTTOS, ov, (eu, KpvnTOj) easy to hide.
from cvK\rjs) ace. sing. eu*A.ea, pi. cvukias Ep. ei>- euKTaios, a, ov, (evxo/Mii) of or for prayer, votive:
fcXuat : (eu, K\io$) :
— of good fame, glorious, noble. tcL (VKTaia, wishes, prayers, vows of the gods, in- —
Hence voked in prayer of things, prayed for.

cvkAcUC Ep. cvkXcCi), and in late Poets euKXett], -f), €u-KTfdvos, ov, (eu, tcriavov) with fine possessions.
good fame, renown. Hence 6u-KTfip.o>v, ov, gen. ovos, (eu, Krrjfia) with fair pos-
cvkX€l£<i> Ion. cvkXt)i^(i>, f. a<u, to praise, laud. sessions.
«vkXcit|S, is, Ep. for tinkers : Adv. €u-ktijtos, ov, (eu, Krdofiai) easily gotten.

cv-kXcivos, op, much-fnmed. eiJ-KTip.€vos, rj, ov, (eu, tcrifa) well-built: well-made:
cv-kXt|is or tiJ-KX-fjLs, tbos, 17, (e8, /cXeuu) well-closed, full of goodly buildings.
close-shutting. eu-K-rfTOS, ov, Ep. and Ion. for €vKTiaros, = iv/cri-
cvicXT)pco>, f. ^<ra>, /o £au« a good lot. From fievos.
cv-kXt)PO$, ov, with a good lot or portion. cuktos, i\, ov, (fvxofiai) prayedfor : to be prayedfor.
cv-kX<i>oto$ Ep. cvkX-, ov, (eu, kKwOw) well-spun. cv-kvkXos, ov, well-turned, well-rounded. II.
ev-icW)pAS, Ibos, 6, 1), (eu, Kvrjfjus) well-equipped with moving in a circle, circling.
greaves, with well-wrought greaves : Ep. nom. and ace. cu-KtiXtKOS, ov, (e5, kv\i£) suited to the wine-cup.
pi. ivKvfjfiides, ivKvrjptbas. [I] euXdfjeia Ion. euXafJiT), ij, discretion, caution, cir-
€v-kvtjuos, ov, (eu. KVTjfXTj) with beautiful legs. cumspection. 2. fear of the pods, piety. From
cu-KOivop/qris, 6, fj, taHng common counsel. €u-XdfJco|xai, fut. med rjaofiat or pass -ijO-qoofMi
cv-koXXos, ov, (e3, *oXAa) gluing well, sticky. aor. pass. nvKa^ijdnv or ti\ Dep (clA<i/^») :

: :

cv-koXos, ov, (*Z, k6\ov) of good digestion : gene- to be cautious, circumspect, discreet:— to have a
284 evXa^BrjTL — efytoATreo).

care, beware, fear. IT. c. ace. to beware of. 2. eu-pdpSGos, ov, («5, fiipaOov) abounding in fennel.
to watch for, await quietly. cupdpeia, 1}, easiness, ease, convenience; (vp.aptlq
«u\aP^|0T|Ti, 2 sing. aor. I imperat. of foreg. XprioOai to be in comfort, but also = Lat. alvum exone-
ka&fiv) taking in band cautiously,
«t»-X&p-f|S, is, (eu, rare, to ease oneself. From
cautious, circumspect, discreet. 2. fearing the gods, ev-txapTjs, is, (e5, fidpr} — x €lP^ easy, convenient, with-
pious, devout. out trouble. 2. rarely of persons, easy, gentle.
€u-X&|3(t), see €v\6.0eia. eu-pSpiT), Ion. for dfidpeia.
euXcij3u>s, Adv. of tv\a0r)s, cautiously: Comp. cvp.dpis, i8os, -q, but ace. tvpapiv, an Asiatic shoe or

-coripcos. slipper. (Foreign word.)

ev>Xd£o>, f. £<», old Dor. Verb, to plough. eupfipuis poet. ews, Adv. of tvpuiprjs, gently.
€u-X&i'y£, 4770*. 6, j), = €v\t6os. «v-ix€-y€0T]S, e», (eu, fiiy(6os) ofgood size, well-grown,
cuXdica, ii, old Dor word for a ploughshare. evi-peXavos, ov, (eu, fiiXav) well-blackened, inky.
eu-XdXos, ov, (eu, KaKico) sweet-spoken. «v-p.eXT|S, is, (eu. fxikos) melodious, musical.
€u-Xdx«Svos, ov, (€>\ \axavov) fruitful in herbs. eupeveia, 1), (evpxvrjs) good will, kindness, favour.
cu-Xe.ip.os, and eu-Xeipcov, ov, gen.- ovos, (eu,
ov, €V|i.€v«TT}S, ov, 6, poet, for (ifxivijs, a well-wisber,
\fifiwv) with fair meadows. friend : fern, evfievirdpa.
ev-XeKTpos, ov, (eu, \ixrpov) blessing marriage: cupeveco, f. rjooj, to be propitious, kind. II. c.

happy in marriage. ace. to be kind to, deal kindly with. From

€v-Xe£is, j, (eu, \(£is) with good choice of words. €ti-p.€VT|S, is, (tv, fiivos) well-disposed, kind, gra-

«{»-X6x^s, is, (eu, A.«'xos) well-wedded, blessed in cious, favourable : of men, friendly, also accept'
one's marriage-bed. able. 2. of things, favourable, propitious : also
ET'AH', fj, a worm, maggot. bounteous, abundant.
cu-Xtjktos, ov, (eu, A.777W) soon-ceasing. eu-pevia, 77, poet, collat. form of eu/ieVetet.
6v-XT|irros, ov, ((Z, \afx0dva)) easy to take bold of; EupeviSes (sub. Beat), al, (evfievrjs) the gracious
easy to be taken, seized, conquered. Adv. evXrjnTws, goddesses, appellation ol the Furies, instead of the ill-
so that one can easily take bold : Sup. orara. omened name 'Epivvfs.
evX-qpa, ojv, rd, old Ep. word for ijvia, reins. eupevta, ij, poet, for ti/fiivfia.
«vi-Xifi.€Vos, ov, (eu, XifXTjv) with good harbours. €tipevi£opai, f. ioofxat Att. lovpai, Med., (eifiwfjs)
cuXoycu, f. r\aoi : in augm. tenses, impf. ev\6yovv or to make propitious, propitiate.
rjv\-, aor. 1 ivXuyqaa or 771/A.-: (cvXoyos): — to speak fviicvws Ion. -ews, Adv. of evfitvqs, kindly, gra-
well of, praise. 2. to bless. Hence ciously : Comp. -iorepov or -toripus.
etiXo-yTjTos, f}, ov, blessed. €u-p.€tA|3Xt]tos, ov. and 6v-p.crdf3oXo$, ov, (eZ, fie~
€vXo"yia, r/, (tvXoyia)) good-speaking, fair-speak- TaPdWco) easy to change.
ing. II. praise, eulogy : glory. 2. blessing €u-p.€Ta8oTOs, ov, (cu, fifTadiSojpii) readily impart'
or a blessing, bounty : also almsgiving. ing, bountiful.
ev-\6yio-TOs,ov, (tZ,\oyi£o/Mit) easy loreckon. II. €u-ix€Tax€ipurros, ov, (e5, (ifTaxeiptfa) easy to
rightly reckoning, prudent. manage. 2. easy to deal with or master.

cu-Xoyos, ov, (eu, \6yos) reasonable, sensible : rea- 6u-p.eTpos, ov, (eu, ixirpov) moderate, well-propor-
sonable, probable, fair: to tvkoyov a fair reason : — tioned.
Adv., (vkoyojs ex (iv t0 be reasonable ; Comp. -orri- €v-ixt|ktjs, e», (eu, firJKos) of good length, tall.
pevs. €u-p.T|Xos, ov, (eu, t*.r}\ov) rich in sheep.
eu-Xoei-eipa, 1), (eu, Kovrpuv) with fine baths. €U|XT|pvTOS. ov, (eu, wpvco) easy to spin or draw out.
€v-Xo4>os, ov, well-plumed €vixT)xavia. 17, skill in devising means, fertility of
€v-Xoxos, ov, (eu, \o\tva}} helping in childbirth. resources. From
Dor. euXvpas, a, o, = evXvpos.
€v»-XvpTjs, ov, €u-p.T|xavos, ov, (eu, nrjxovrfi good at expedients,
cv-Xvpos, ov, (eZ, Xvpa) with beautiful lyre, playing skilful in devising: absol. inventive, ready, ingenious.
beautifully on the lyre. €u-p.i<njTOs, ov, (eu, fiioiai) exposed to hatred.
«5-Xut0s, ov, ( e Z, \ijaj) easy to untie, easy to loose. 2. €u-txtTos, ov, wi'bfine or stout threads.
metaph. easy to dissolve or break. eu-p.iTpos, ov, (eu, fiirpa') with beautiful girdle.
eupddeia, 17, docility. «>'p-peXiT|s, 6, Ion gen I fiu,t\t<v, Dor. -Cas, gen.
€u-p.a0T|S, is, (tZ, fJtaOuv) ready or quick at learn- -ia : (eu, /ieA/a) armed with good ashen spear.
ing, Lat. docilis : —
Adv. cvfiaBus, readily : Comp. €u-p.vT|p,a>v, ov, (eu, fivrjur)) easy to remember: comp.
-eoTfpov. II. pass, easy to learn or know, intelli- Adv., (v/j.vr]iJ.ov(OTipojs ix*<- v to he easier to remember.
gible : well-known, familiar. €u-p,VT)o-TOS, ov, (eu, fiifjLVTjaKOfiat) well-remembering,
«Tj-|xa0ta Ion. IT|, jj , = eu/zatfeta. mindful.
cu-p.dicr)s, Dor. for (vfiijKrjs. eu-ixoipos, ov, (eu, fJLoipa) well off" for fortune^
d?-p.aXXos, ov, offine wool. weal by.
eu-ix&Xos, Dor. for evfxt]\o$. eup.oX-rT<'w, f. i\a<o, to sing well. From
— — :: : —: — :

€VfJL0\ir0i' —(VOpKtCD. 285

eu-poX-rros, («J, fio\wJi) sweetly-singing. •uvot'w, f. 170-0*, (tvvoot) to be well-disposed orfriendly:
cvi[i.op4>ia, r), beauty (/form, symmetry. From — Pass, to be kindly treated.
ev-p.op<t>os, ov, {tv, fiop<prj) fair ofform, comely. evvoid, poet, also euvotd Ep. euvotn,, (tvvoos)

tvjxovcrCa, accomplishments.
r), From good kindness; in pi. kindnesses, kind feelings :
«v-povcros, ov. {(v, MoC'ia) skilled in the arts of the — Kar' ivvoiav out of kindness, favourably ; so, fier'
Muses : accomplished in poetry, music, and dancing fvvoias, bit' (vvoias, dvoia. Hence
musical, melodious. €v-voik6s, f), 6v, of kind, benevolent character. Adv.,
tu(j.oxOos, ov, industrious, laborious. (ivotKws (x flV to De kindly disposed.
«v-pv8os, ov, well-spoken, eloquent., f. med. tvvofii\GOfxai : aor. 1 pass, evvo-
tu-pviKOS, 01/ («3, fj.vKo.ofmi) loud-bellowing.
. fi7]0T)v : (svvofios) : to have good laws, enjoy a good
€uvd£a>, f. daeu in augm. tenses, aor.
: (vvao~a or 1 constitution, to be orderly. Hence
t]vv-, pass. (vvaaOrfv or 77UV-: (€1^17): — /o /ay in bed, euvopia Ion. -Ctj, 1), good order, order. From
put to sleep : also to lay in ambush : of animals, to lay cv-vopos, ov, {tv, v6fios) under good laws, well-
their young in a form: of death, to lay asleep. 2. ordered, orderly.
metaph. to lull to sleep, soothe, assuage. II. ev-voos, ov, Att. contr. eu-vovs, ow, pi. evvot : (tv,
Pass, to go to bed, lie asleep, sleep : of birds, to vuos, vovs) well-minded, well- affected, kindly, bene-

roost. III. intr. in Act. to sleep volent —

Comp. txjvoxxjrtpos Ion. -oiorepot; Sup.
cv-vaiCTiiuv, ovca, ov, (tv, vaier&J) well-peopled or -ovararos.
well-situated. €uvovxi£<>>, f. iaw, to make an eunuch of. From
cv-vai.6p.evos, rj, ov, (€u, vaioi) well-peopled or well- €uv-otixos, 6, (evvf), ^x 00 ^ an eunuch : employed in
situated. Asia as chamberlains (whence the name, o2 rffv tvvr)v
cvvatos, a, ov, (tvvrj) in one's bed or couch ; tvvaiot iXOVTts, guardians of the bed).
\ayws a hare in its form ; tvvaiai irrepvyes wings «v)vto, Dor. for kovra, ovra, neut. pi. part, of tlpl
over the nest. 2. wedded. 3. of pain, making sum.
one keep one's bed. II. (fivq 11) of or for an- €t»-vwpas, ov, 6, (<S, vojfiacj) swiftly moving.
chorage : hence steadying or guiding a ship. €u-vcos, Adv. of (vvoos, cvvovs, kindly.
«uvdo-ipos, ov, (cvvdfa) convenient for sleeping in. €v|a(pi)v, aor. 1 opt. of evxoftai.

€vvaoTT|p, rjpos, 6, (wvafa) a bedfellow. Hence €\5-£avTOS, ov, ((v, £aiva>) well-carded, of wool.
tuvd-reipa, €vva.TT|p, euvdrcop, Dor. for evvrjT-. €\5-|cvos Ion. €\5-^€Uvos, ov, («5, £tvos) kind to stran-
«vvaTT|puov, r6, a bed-chamber. gers, hospitable ; avbpwv ev£tvos the guest-chamber :

tuvdu, f. ifou: —
Pass., aor. I evvrjOrjv: pf. tvvnfvai ttovtos tvffivos the Euxine, now the Black sea, called,
(fvvq) : to lull to sleep : also to lay in ambush. 2. before the Greek settlements upon it, d-£cvo$ the in-
metaph. to lull to sleep, soothe, assuage. II. bospi fable.
Pass, to go bed : go to sleep : also
to to be bedded «v-£€o-tos Ep. 4i5^€<rros, ov, ox 77, ov, well-polished.
with : of storms, to be lulled, assuaged. €ti-£oos Ep. cv£oos, ov, Ep. gen. ei£ov, (ev, £tcw) =
€vv€ttjs, ov, 6, (evvf)) = (vvacrrjp or evvrjTTjp. (v£eo~Tos.
ET"NH', 17, a bed, any sleeping-place : the lair of a €v-|v>pP\tjtos, «v-£vpj3oXos, «v>-^vv€Tos, Att. for
deer, the seat or form of a hare, the nest of a bird : fVff-.
also the grave. marriage-bed, wedlock, mar-
2. the euoSco), f. rfoo), (fvoSos) to have a free passage, of
riage. used as anchors,
II. in plur. tvvai, stones running water. Hence
and thrown out from the prow, while the stern was etioSia, 77, a good journey, fair voyage.
made fast to land ; «/c S' ewds efiakov Kara hi irpv- ev-o8pos, ov, (€u, oSfirf) sweet-smelling, fragrant.
fivi\oC torjoav. cv-o8os, ov, («5, 6Soj) easy to travel through : with
euvndcis, aor. 1 part. pass,of evvdu. free passage — Sup. evoSaVraro*. Hence
€vvn?]8€v, (evvr)) Adv. out of bed. cv-o56o>, f. uatu : Pass., f. -ohcuO-qaoftai aor. I


«vvnf)0TJvat, aor. I inf. pass, of cvvdoi. -ajowOr/v : to put in the right way, help on the way
euvrjpa, aros, to, {evvaco) marriage, wedlock Pass, to prosper, be successful.
«uvT|T€ipa, fem. of €vvtjrf)p, a wife. cvot, Bacchanalian exclamation, Lat. evoe 1

tvvryrr]?, r)pos, 6, ((vvdw) a bedfellow, husband. «5-oX|3os, ov, (€u, oA/3o») wealthy, prosperous.
«\j-vtjtos Ep. €tjv-vtjtos, ov, (tS, veto) well-spun or cvioirXtu, f. -qtjo), (tvonkos) to be well-equipt.
woven, offine texture. euoirXCa, r), the being well armed, a good state of
evvrjTpta, ?) , = (vvfjTtipa. arms and equipments. From
€uvT|ra)p, opos, 6, = evvrfTrjp. ev-oirXos, ov, {cv, oirXov) well-armed, well-equipt.
€vvaj4>i, -4»iv, Ep. gen. sing, and pi. of (vvff. «viopYTjo"ia,if, gentleness, mildness of temper. From

evvis, 0. ij, gen. 109 ; in pi. tvvics or evvtocs :

— reft €v-6pyrjTOs, ov, (eu, opyq) good-tempered, free from
of, bereaved of. II. absol. bereaved, desolate. passion. Adv. -revs, with good temper.
cvvts, 100s, r), (fiv^ a bedfellow, wife. evopKcu, f. i\aoi, (tvopKos) to swear truly, take a true
«vv-vtjtos, Ep. for evvtjTQM. oath, to keep one's oath. Hence

286 (vopKrjcrCa — cvttoCkiXos*

cvoptrqo-Ca, ^, an ahiding by one's oath, goodfaith. €u-TT€pui ywyos, ov, (tZ, irtpi&yoS) easily turned round.
tuopK(j., fj, ^(vvpnioj) m=ei>opKij<>ia. From €v-ir€p(YpairTOS, ov,{(Z, ir€piypd<p<u) easy to sketcbout.
cv-opxos, ov, (ev, opttos) true to one's oath : of oaths, *v-TT€plypa$os ov. («v, 7T(ptypa<p7]) «= foreg.
byvvvax (iopKa. (as Adv.) to swear truly; tvopitov €u-ir€pCiraTOS, ov, (ev, ir€pnraT((u) easy to walk on.
[tort] 'tis according to one's oath. Hence etKirepCairoaros, ov, {(Z, ittptov&a)) easy to pull off.
€u6pK<x)(xa, aros, to, afaithfd oath. €v-ir€picrTaTOS, ov, (eZ, v(piioTafiai) easily besetting.
cuopKtos, Adv. of (vopKos, according to one's oath. ev-irepCTpeirTOS, ov, (tu, irfpirpivoj) easily turned
cu-opp.os, ov, with good anchorage : of ships, safe at round, changeable, inconstant.
anchor. €u-ir«TdXos, ov, (€v, itctoKov) with beautiful leaves.
€u-opvts, Wos, 6, f), (fv, opvis) of good augury, au- ei-irema, if, ease ; St' €inr(Teias easily. 2. easi-
spicious. II. abounding in birds. ness of getting or having, Lat. copia. From
cv-6po<|>os, ov, (fv, (ptcpa) well-roofed. €v-irenf|$, ts, (tv, ireouv) falling well or easily
cv-64>da\|xos, ov, with beautiful eyes. II. pleas- hence easy, without trouble, Lat. facilis : abundant,
ing to the eyes. III. specious. plentiful.
cv-o<|>pvs, v, ((Z, b<ppvt) wihfine eyebrows. €u-ir€Tpos, ov, (eZ, irerpa) of good, hard stone.
cw-ox«a>, f. i\cso), (ev, ex* ) t0 treat, tend well. cvircTJis Ion. -«cos, Adv. of cvttctjJ*, easily, amply:
6uox0«i>, f. i\aoi, to be in plenty. From Comp. (vneTtarepov and -pojs.
cv-ox0os, ov, with goodly banks, fruitful, rich. tv-trt]yf]s, es, (eZ, rrqyvvfu) well-made, stout.
tv-irS-y^S, &. («^t irayfjvat) well put together, com- €v-mrjKTOs, ov, (( 5, put together, well-
Tr-qyvvfu) well
pact. built, compact : of cheese, well-curdled, solid.
tvrradeux Ion. t\maQit\, %, enjoyment of good things, €v-itt|\t)|, 17/ros, 6,
-f), with beautiful helmet.

the being ingood case, comfort : in plur. enjoyments, €v-7rnvos, ov, (cv, irqvrj) offine texture.
luxuries; iv tviraOirjai ilvai to enjoy oneself, make cv-injxvs, v, with beautiful arms.
merry. [<X] From €v-iri8a£, twos, 6, jJ, abounding in fountains.
cuiradco), f. rjaw, to be well off, enjoy oneself, make €virt6ca>, = ti/nfiOea). From
merry, live comfortably. From €u-irl0T|S, «*, •= (vir(i8rjs, obedient, submissive.
cv-ira0T|S, is, («5, itaOiiv) well off, in good case, «v-m<rros, ov, easy to believe, trustworthy, credi-
comfortable. ble. II. act. easily believing, credulous : Adv. —
€u-nd0CT|, Ion. for finaOfta. -TU$
cuiraiSCa, i), a goodly race of children. From tvi-mwv, ov, gen. ovot, very fat, rich, [t]
cv-irais, iratbos, A, i), (fv, irais) blest with children, €v--irXaTT|s, e's, («u, irkdroi) of a good breadth.
with many or good children ; y^vos tvirais a noble son. «v-ir\€ios, a, ov, well filled.
€v-ttoktos, Dor. for (vitijktos. €v-ir\€K-f|s Ep. «v-ttX«kt|s, Is, (fZ, irkcKOj) well-
€u-TrdXdpos, ov, (tu, iraXafi-q) handy, ingenious : in- plaited; hiippoi ii)ir\cic4es, see tvirXtiCTOs,
ventive. c\5 itXcktos Ep. «u-ttX«ktos, ov, (*5, ir\(KOj) well-

tv-TTap6\y(oyos, ov, {(Z, irapayai) easy to lead away. plaited, well-netted ; evirKcKTos b"i<ppos a chariot with
cu-Trdpaos, ov, Dor. for ciirAptios, -t)o$. sides of wicker-work.
tu-irap&imoTos, ov, easily led aside. ctiirXoia Ep. evrrXoiTj,
ij, (dirXoos) a fair voyage.

cu-irdpcSpos, ov, constantly attending on, devoted to. ev-irXoK&pos Ep. ivtr\-,ov, with goodly locks : pecul.
cv-tr&pcios, ov, («'\ irapeia) with beauteous cheeks. fern. cuirXoKapCs, tSos.
€u-irAp0€vos, ov, famed for fair maidens. II. €V-irXoKOS, OV, = (VTr\(KTOS.
tvnapQevos AipKrj D;rce\ happy maid I €v-irXoos, ov, contr 6v-irXovs,ow, (fZ,v\i<u) sailing
€«-iTap6£vvTOs, ov, («v, irapo£{v<u) easily irritated. well,having a fair voyage.
€vi-fnipi)<J>os, ov, (e '>,irapv(f>r])witbaband ome border. €ti-irXi)vT|s Ep. €i)irX-, (s, ((Z, irlvvoi) well-washed.
cu-irST(pcia, ij, (<v, irarrip) daughter of a noble sire : €v-irXo)TOS, ov, («S, 7r\u(u) favourable to sailing.
belonging to a noble father. cvirvoia poet. €uirvoti], ij, easiness of breathing. II.

«u-iroTpCSTis, ov, 6, («i), irar-qp) of good or noble fragrance. From

father, of noble family. Athens, the Ev-II. at ev-irvoos Ep. «<5-Trvoos, ov, contr. €v-irvovs, ow, (tZ,
irarpibat, Lat. Optimates, were the
first class, the irvtw) breathing well or freely : good to breathe
yecufit/pot the second, the Srjfiiovpyi'i the third. through. II. sweet-smelling, fragrant, Comp. —
«v-iraTpis, tbos 6, f), {cZ, irar-fjp) born of a noble sire. (iirvwTfpos also irreg. -vvovonpos.
cv-irdrup, opos, 5, if, = evirarpis. cviroSia, 1). (fvirovs) strength or speed offoot.
€v-im0T|s, ts, (€v, ittidopai) ready to obey, obedient, cwroi-nrtKos, rj, ov, (e5, voifa) disposed to be kind,
tractable. II. act. persuasive, convincing. beneficent.
cv-imo-ros, ov, (cv, irfiOofiai) easily persuaded. €v-irou)TOs, ov, also 77, ov, (eZ, iroiiaj) well-made,
cv-irfpireXos, ov, (tZ, vipvnoj) gently leading. well-wrought.
cv-ircv0€pos, ov, with a good father-in-law. «v-iroita, 17, (cZ, iroiiaj) beneficence.
«v-ir«irAos, ov, beautifully attired. cv-itoCkIXos, ov, {tv, voikiXos) much-variegated.
— : —\:

efoofcoy—Er'PI'SKG. 287
rC-irotcos, ov, (fZ, wSkos^ with fine wool, fleecy. cvirpoorciwr^-KOiTOS, rj, ov, (tvirpio-omos. Koirri) lying
cv-ir6\cp.os, ov, good at war. or placed cheerfully ; rv\ i tvirpooajiroKoiTy nfouv to
cv-iropiros, ov, («S, viixiru) well-conducting, propi- with a cheerful posture of fortune.

tious. ev-irpoo-umos, ov, (*Z, irpuoomov) well-looking, with

cvirop&D, f. i\a<o : aor. I fviruprjaa : ((Zrropos) : to fair face : metaph. specious. 2. cheerful, friendly-
be prosperous, be well off: to be well off for a thing, looking.
have plenty of it. 2. to find a way, be able. II. 6u-irpo<J>AoaaTOS, ov, (cZ, irpocpaai^opai) with a good
to supply, provide : Pass, to have plenty of, abound pre'ext, excusable, plausible.
in. Hence cv-irpvp.vo$, ov, (63, irpvpva) of ships, with handsome
cfaropCa, ^iJacility in moving, facility in doing. 2. stern.
readiness of supply : means, resources. 3. plenty, cu-irpcppos, ov, (<?, irpQpa) of ships, with handsome
store : wealth. II. opp. to diropia, the solution proW.
of doubts or difficulties. ev-irrcpos, ov, (cv, iTTtpuv) well-winged, well-plumed:
eu-iropos, ov, (fv, rrupos) easy to pass through or metaph^ evrrrcpoi yvvoutees high-plumed dames of
over. II. easy, ready. 2. of persons, well- quality.
provided with resources, ingenious, inventive. III. €v-irr«pvYOs, ov, («y, irripv£) - cvttTfpos.
abounding in, rich in : absol. plentiful ; ot persons, eu-irropOos, ov, finely branching.
wealthy. cu-TTVpyos, ov, with goodly towers.
«uTr6pcos, Adv. of eviropos, easily : in abundance. €u-iru>Y<i>v, ov, gen. cuvos, well-bearded.
«v-iroTp.os, ov, well-fated, happy. €u-ir<oXos, ov, with fine colts : breeding fine horses.
ev-iroTOS, ov, (cu, irorov) pleasant to drink. cvpdp,T]V, aor. med. of evpo). I

ewirovs, 6, 1), -now, to, gen. -ttoSos, (€v, novt) with evpd£, ((Zpos) Adv. from one side, sideways. IL
good feet, strong or swift offoot. tvpa£ irara£, an exclamation to frighten away birds.
tvTTpayiui, f. -qacu, to fare well, be well off, prosper. cvpca, ace. masc. or neut. pi. of tvpis also Ion. fern. ;

From €vp€9-nv, aor. I pass, of evpicKoj.

*v-irp5.y4\s, it, (cv, irpayos} faring well, flourishing. cvpciv Ep. eiipeficv 1, aor. 2 inf. of evpiaita).

cvirpayia, 17, {(virpayiw) well-doing, welfare. evptTeos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of (vpiattaj, to be disco-
€v-irpaKTOS, ov, («8, irpdoo<v) easy to be done. vered, found out.
cvirpa£(a Ion. *\mpr\£i7\, 1J, = evirpayia, good for- €up6TTjs ov, 6, fern, ripens, iSos, (dpio/caS) a finder
tune, success. II. good conduct. inventor, discoverer.
eu-TTpa£is, fi, poet, for ev-rrpatia. €^p€TO, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of dp'taiea).
cv-irpep,vov, ov, (eZ, irpifivov) with good stem. €iip€T6s, i\, 6v, verb. Adj. of eipiaaoj, discovered : to
cvirpcireia, 1), fair appearance : beauty, comeli- be found out or discovered.
ness. II. specinusness, plausihility. From tvp-qtca, €vpT)|xai, pf. act. and pass. < f (ipionoj.
€v-irpeirT|S, is, {tv, irptTTco) well-looking, goodly, cvp-rjpa, aros, to. ((vpiaKoj) that is found, an which
comely: hence, 2. fitting, becoming: glori- unexpected gain, windfall : hence generally, a gain,
ous. 3. specious, plausible advantage. 2. of a child, a foundling. II.
cv-irp€*irTOs, (cS, trpiiroi) conspicuous. an invention, discovery : a remedy.
cvrrpcirws Ion. -tws, Adv. of tvTtpeirqs, becomingly ; ctip-qv. Dor. for tipeiv.
speciously: Comp. (vrrpdrtOTtpov ; Sup. iarara. cvpijo-i-etrTis, c s, ( tlpioKw, tiros) inventive of words t
cvirpTj£(T|, Ion. for (vnpa£ia. fluent wordy, sophistical.

€virpT|0'o"(i), («5, vprjcau) to arrange or order well: evp-r\vu>, fut. of evpioKa).

Ion. impf. i •irprjacfo-fcov. evpr.Ttop, epos, o, (evpiatcah an inventor, discoverer.
€v-TrpiiCTTOs, ov, (<S. irprjOai) strong-blowing. €\5-pivos, ov, (cu, }>iv6$) of good leather.
«w-jrpT|ttv, <wos, 6, ij, («3, trprjujv) with fair bead- €\5pivos, gen. of tvpis.
lands. ev-piiros, o, ((Z, finrifa) any strait of the sea, where
€v-irp6o-8cKTOS, ov, («u, vpooSixopai) acceptable. the tide is violent: esp. of the strait which separates
«v-irp6a«8pos, ov, = tvnapcb'pos, assiduous, diligent. Euboea from Boeotia the ancients believed that this ;

«v-irpo<rT|Y P S» oy ( € v. npoo-qyopiu) of easy ad-

* ebbed and flowed seven times a day.
dress, affable, courteous. €v-pis, ivos, 6, rj, (cv, pis, fciv) with a good nose, keen-
€v-frpoo%TOs, ov, (cu, irpoaafxi') easy of access. seen' ed : metaph. keen at tracking out a thing.
«v-irp6o-o8os. ov, of good or eay access, affable, Lat. ETfPI'SKfi : fut. €vprja<u: pf. tvprjita or rjvp-:
quifaciles aditus hahet. II. of places, accessible ; slot. 2 tvpov or -qvpov, imperat. dpi, inf. (iptiv :

(inrpoawraTov the ea.iest way of approach. Med., f. (vprjaoptai : aor. 2 €ipo/xr]v or rji/p , later
«u-Trp6o-ourTOS, ov, (ey, irpoacpipoj) easy to be got aor. I fvpafirjv : — Pass., fut. tvpfOrjioptai and (in same
attainable, easy. sense") med. tvp-qaopai : slot, i cvptOrjv or ijvpiOTjv
cuirpoo-anrcw, f -qao), ((inpoaomot) to make a fair pf. ("'prjpai or rjvp-. I. to find, find out, dis-
show, be specious, plausible. |
cover : c. ace. cognato, ttiprj/M tvpio/cuv to make an

288 evpoico — €V<rc7jT0}.

unexpected discovery or gain, a. to devise, in- '

evpv-irpwKTOs, »v, (evpv, ir/xv*Tos) lewd, obscene:
vent. II. to find, gain, get, win, obtain Med. — als>-an aauutrer.
tofind or get for oneself, procure, obtain. 2. of «vpv-irv\"f|S, es, {evpv, irvkrj) with wide gates.
merchandise, etc., to fetch so much money: hence, to evpv-peeOpos, ov, {evpv, f>ee6pov) with broad channel.
be worth, to sell for. evpv-pecov, ovaa, ov, {evpv, p'eu) broad-flowing.
evpoeu, f. r/aoi, (evpoos) to flow well. II. me- ET'PT'2, eiptia, evpv: gen. evpiut, eias, eos: ace.
taph. to flow or go on well. III. to be fluent. sing, evpvv, and sometimes evped: Ion. fern. nom.
ev-poi^rp-os, ov, ((v. oi£ecv) loud-whizzing. evpia —wide, broaa, spacious, far-reaebing, wide-
evpolprp/, evpoipi, aor. 2 opt. med. and act. of ev- spread: — Comp. evpvreposx see evpv.
PLOKOJ. evpv-o~dicrjS, es, {evpv, ad/cos) with broad shield. [S]
cvpo-K\v8o>v, (uvos, 6, (Eypos, k\v5wv) a tempestu- evpv-(r6evT|s, es, {evpv, adevos) wide-ruling, m gbty.
ous wind mentioned in Act. Apost. 27. 14: the name cvpv-o-opos, ov, with wide bier or tomb.
seems to mean a storm from the East. evpv-crrepvos, ov, (evpv, artpvov) broad-breasted., Dor. I pi. aor. 1 of evpiaKO). evpvrcpcds, Adv., Comp. of evpv. more widely.
e^pov, aor. 2 of evploKoi. evpv-Tipos, ov, {evpv, Ti/vff) Jar-honoured.
ev-poos,oe,contr. evpovs, ow,{ev, p'eoj) flowing well, cv-pvTOS, ov, (ev, peoS) full-flowing.
fair-flowing. II. of words, flowing, fluent. evpv-4>dpeTpT]S, ov, 6, {evpv, (paperpa) with wide
€v-poiros, ov, {ev, fiiira)) easily inclining or slipping. quiver
Eupos, 6, the South-East wind, Lat Eurus. evpv-<J>vT|s, 4s, {evpv, <pv<v) growing widely.
evpos, t6, {evpvs) breadth, width, opp. to /mt/kos : ev- evpv-xu.8T|S, es, {evpv, x<*oe?v) wide-gaping, wide-
pos, in breadth, opp. to vipos, in height. mouthed, of cups.
eup-pa<j>T|S, Ep. for eippafr/s, (ev, fiaitTw) well- evpv-xaCrrjs, ov, 6, {evpv, \a.irrf) with wide-spread
stitched. hair.
evp-per|s, es, Ep. gen. evppeios (for tvppeovs), fair- evpv-xopos, ov, shortened
Ep. for evpvx<upos.
flowing. * upvycapia, 17,free space, plenty of room ; ev evpv-
evp-peiTrjs, ov, 6, = evpper/s. X«wpia in the open sea. From
cup-poos, Ep. for evpoos. evpv-x<opos, ov, {evpv, x^P a ) roomy, spacious.
evpv, neut. of evpvs, often used as Adv. ev-pwyrjs, (ev, /5a/£) uch in grapes.
evpv-dymos, a, ov, (evpv, dyvid) with wide streets, evpuS-rjs, es, poet, tor evpvs.
epith. of great cities, in II. usually of Troy and Athens. evpueis, eaaa, ev, {evpvs) mouldering, dank and
eupv-atxpas, o, (evpv, alxH-V^ w^ siout lance. dark, squalid; oiKia evpwevra, Virgil's loca senta situ.
eupv-fjias Ion. and Ep. —/3£-rjs, ov, 6, {evpv, fiia) evptiv, ovaa, ov, aor. 2 part, of evpiiKco.
ruling widely, offar-extended power. ET 'P.Q mi, 17, Europa, Europe, as a geographic
evpv-0<pe0Xos poet. -OepeiXos, ov, {evpv, 0e/Me$\ov) name first in the Homeric hymn to Apollo.
with broad foundations, spacious, extensive. evpeo-rros, i), ov, - evpvs.
evpvOpia, 17, good 'ime or proportion : orderliness, ET'Pfl'2, wtos, 6, mould, dank, decay, Lat. situs,
gracefulness, graceful. From squalor.
ev-pv0p,os. ov, in good 'ime or measure, rhythmical, evpojoT-ta, tj, stoutness, strength. From
Lat. numerosus : — of persons, orderly : well-propor- ev-pwoTOS.oi', (ev, pwvvvpu) stout, strong. Adv.-TW*.
tioned, graceful. evpwTi, dat. sing of evpws.
evpv0po>s, Adv. of evpvO/Mos, in good order, gracefully. ev-pamd<i>, {evpws^ to become or to be mouldy, to
eupv-KoXiros, ov, with spacious bosom. decay ; @ios evpojriwv a coarse, unpolished life.
evpv-Kpeiwv, ovros, 6, wide-ruling. 'ET"*2, 6, good, brave, noble; gen. sing erjos; gea
evpv-Xeipa>v, ov, gen. ojvos, with broad meadows. plur. neut eaajv [a], as if from nom. ed, Oeoi, Sarrijpes
evpv-peSwv. ovtos, 6, wide-ruling. edojv the gods givers of good things.
eupv-perwiros, ov, {evpv, iieramov) broad-fronted. evo-a, Dor. for iovcra, ovaa, part. fern, of el /mi sum.
evpvvai, aor. 1 inf. of evpvvaj. e'*era, aor. 1 of ev<u.

evpvvu>, f. vva>, {evpvs) to make wide or broad; ev- evaePeta, 1), {cvaeP-f/s') reverence towards the gods,
pvvai dywva to make room for the dance ; to iieaov piety, religion, Lat. pietas, 2. credit or character
evpvveiv to leave a wide space in the middle. for piety.
evpv-vcoTOS, ov, {evpv, vu)tos\ broad-backed, stout. evo-e(3c<i>, f. i/oo), (evae^r/s) to live or act piously: to
evpv-6Seia, 7), {evpv, 65us^ with broad, open ways. be pious in a thing : c. ace. pers. to reverence.
€upv-6irT)S Aeol. evpvoirfi, 6, {evpv, oif/o/iat) the far* ev-o-e|3T)S, es, {ev, oe@a>) Lat. pius, pious, religious,
glancing, far-seeing, Homeric epith. of Jove. reverent •
of things, holy, hallowed.
evpv-oip, o, ace. evpvona, - evpvoirr/s. €v-<T€/3ta Ion. -ui, poet, for evoi&eia.
evpv-ire8os, ov, {evpv, ireb'ov) with broad surface. ev-aeXpos Ep. evo-o -, -
ov, {ev, fftA/xa) with good
evpv iropos, ov, with broad ways, of the sea. banks of oars, well-rowed.
cvpv-irp<DKTta, 1), the character of a lewd fellow. ev-o-eiiTOs. ov, (ev, ae&a)) much reverenced, holy.
cvarnfios — €vre'A«a. 289
*\t-o~T}\u>s, ov, (tv, of good omen, auspi-
arjfxa) cuorpa, (two) a place for singeing swine.

cious. II. manifest, remarkable, conspicuous. ev-oTpcirros Ep. €u<rrp -, ov, (tv, crpupoj) well-
•rvicrGevf o, f. t^om;, /o fo strong, healthy. From twisted : easily turned, lissom.
«v-cr0€VT|s, <s, (fu, o^i/os^ s/o**r: strong, firm. €u-crTpe(J>T)s Ep. ttiffip-, «'s, (tZ, arpicpw) well-
tv-o-lTrvos,ov, (tv, oiirua) with full pantry or larder. twisted.
tu-cncavSi^, t/fos, o, 77, abounding in chervil. eu-aTpod^aXcyl, tyyos, 6, 77, well-curled, curly.
cv-crKap0}AOS, 01/, (f5, onaip<v) swift-springing, high- €V-0-TpO<j>OS Ep. fUO-Tp-, OV, ytV, OTpi<pw) Well-
bounding. twisted : easily turning, nimble.
€u-<7K€-rra<rT0s. 01/ («v, 07c67ro£a;) well-covered: Sup.
. €u-OPTpo>ros, ov, (tv, OTpwvvvfxi) well spread with
-oTaTos, serving as the best covering. rugs or clothes, Lat. bene stratus.
tvo~Ktvioj, /o 6* well equipped. From €\5-o"tvXos, ov, with goodly pillars.
cv-o-kcvos, 01/ , (tv, a/feCos) well-efuipped. €u-o-vp.pXTjros old Att. €u-£vp.p\-, ov, ((V, ovufidX-
cv-o-KiaoTOS, oi/, (eu, (T/ftd^cu) well-shaded, shadowy. \<o) easy to infer by comparison, easy to guess.
€\)-<tkios, ov, (tv, c«(d) shadowy. €u-<rup,|3oXos old Att. €u-£vp.{3-, ov, (tv, avjxfioKT})
€\5-ctkoitos Ep. cu-o-kottos, o»/, (tu, aftoiriaj) keen- easy to infer by comparison, easy to guess. II.
sighted, watchful. of a place, far-seeing ox far-
2. easy to deal with, honest, upright.
ieen, commanding a wide view. II. (€u, o~koit6$) «u-o-uv€tos old Att. €u-£vv-, ov, (tv, cvvirjfii) quick
shooting well, of unerring aim. of apprehension, intelligent. II. easily under-
ev-o-oux, 57, a healthy state, prosperity. From stood, intelligible.
ev-o-oos, or, well-secured, safe and well, happy.
€tio-uv€T(os, Adv. of tvavvtros, with quickness of ap-
€w-<rimpT|s, and evcireipos, oi', (eu, o"7refpa) well' prehension : Comp. tvawtrwrtpov.

turned: wreathing, winding. €u-<tvvoittos, ov, easily seen at a glance.

tvo"ix\ay\via, V* goodness of heart. €v-o-(j)vpos Ep. cv<rc)> -, ov, (ivs, ayvpuv) with beau-
e\5-<Tir\aYx v °s, ov ( f S, oir\dyxvov) with bowels of tiful ankles.

compassion, compassionate. €uo-XT)p.oveo-T€pos, -«rra,TOS, Comp. and Sup. of

«u-<nropos, ov, (tv, a-ntipoS) well-sown: rich in seed. fvaxVfMJV '

€uo--<r€Xp,os, Ep. for tvotXpos. 6uo-xTjp,6vo)s, Adv. of tvaxquaiv, with grace, like a
cucr-o-cjTpos, Ep. for tvaarrpos. gentleman : Comp. tvaxquovtOTtpov.
txxrraOeia, f), (tvaTaOrjs) goodness of health. €v-<TXT|p,os, ov, = €vaxquojv.
twrraQiat, f. Tjaoj, to be steady, firm: to be calm, of €u<rxT|p.oo-vvr|, »}, grace of manner, elegance. From
the sea. From «ti-o-XT|p.o)v, ov, gen. ovos, (tv, axVV*1 ) of good bear-
€v-o-tS6t|s Ep. €vo~ra0T)s, is,(tv,ioTaiMu)well-based, ing, graceful, elegant, becoming : in bad sense, good
steadfast, firm sound, healthy.
: in outward show, specious.
«vo-Ta0iTj, Ep. for tvorddtia. €UO"X^|[1COS, = (XJOX^^VOJt.
eu-o-raA.T|s, is, (tv, aTaXijvcu) well-arrayed: ready €u-<rxiOT|s, is, and cu-trxioros, ov, (tv, oxK®) easy
for action, serviceable. to split or cleave.
tv-a-ra\vs, v, rich in ears of corn: fruitful. €uortopa.T(u), f. qaoj, to be sound in limb. From
€u-o-T€<J>avos Ep. ivar-, ov, well-girded or well- €u-o"c£|a<1tos, ov, («S, au>fxa) sound in limb.
crowned : of a city, circledwith towers. ev-o-wrpos Ep. «u<r<r-, ov, (cu, awrpov) with good
6u-o-T€<J>u>s, ov, poet, form
for tvari<pavot. felloes: with good wheels.

«v-<rrip^|s, is, (tv, OTt0eiv) well-trodden. €u-t5kt|s, is, (ev, raiajvai) easy to melt.
cv-oroXos, ov, (tv, (XT(\\0j) = tVOTa\T)S. €UTaKT«o), f. -qaoi, to be orderly, behave well. From
€uoTop,€o>, f. sing sweetly.
rja<u, to II. to use cu-TaKTOs, ov, ( tv, raaaw) well-ordered, well-behaved:
words of good omen, or to preserve a religious silence of soldiers, well-disciplined. Hence
so as to avoid words of ill omen, = tvcprj/jitoj. From cvit&ktcjs, Adv. in good order.
cv-otohos, ov, with good mouth: of
(tv, CTofia) eura|Ca, ^, (cuTa/cWco) good order, discipline.
horses, well-bitted. II. speaking or singing well, ev-rapcros, ov, delicate-footed.
eloquent. 2. speaking auspicious words, or keeping cvt€, Adv. of Time, a poet, form of ore, when, at the
silence to avoid words of ill omen; neut. plur. as time when : seeing that, since. II. *vt' dv, like
Adv., irtpl tovtqjv fiot tvarofia ntio6<u on this let me orav, so often as, whensoever, in the case that.
keep a religious silence; tvarofx tx* peace, be still 1 ti)-rti\-i\s, is, €u-t€(x€OS, ov, and €u-t€Cxt]tos, ov,
cv-aroos, ov, (tv, o~Toa) with goodly colonnades. (tv, rtixos) well-walled, well-fortified, strong.
€u-or6p(hry£, vyyos, 6, J/,from a good trunk. cutckWco, (fvTf/cvos) to have good ox fine children.
*wrro\ia, 77, skill in shooting at a mark, good aim: cvrcKvia, ij, the having good ox fine children.
I quickness at guessing, wit, cleverness. From «v-t€kvos, ov, (tv, ri/cvov) having many ox fine chil-
custtoxos, ov, aiming well, bitting the mark. 2. dren, blest with a goodly progeny ; tvrticvoi (w<vpi$
pass, viell aimed. II. metaph. guessing well, a pair offair children.
sharp, witty, clever. cvrlXcia Ion. ivrcXCij, 1), cheapness, Lat. vilitasf
: :

290 evrckrjs — cv<t>opTos.

trput cvTc\tt)r cheaply ; \^v us evri\ciav yeypa/ifii- •v-tvktos, ov, (tZ, T€iJx«^ well-made, well-wrought;
vos a goose painted on cheap terms. II. thrift, €vtvktov iroictcrOai ti to make ready.
frugality, economy; inl cvrcktiq for economy. €vr0x* c,) *• fact): in au^m. ttnses, impf. tvrvxow or
cv-tcXtjs, is, («5, ri\os) easily paid for, cheap, Lat. 1}vt-, aor.

I ivrvxHoa or r}VT-, etc.: \tvTVxfl*)'. to —

vilis. II. mean, paltry, worthless. III. be lucky, to be well off, to succeed. 2. of things, to

thrifty, frugal. turn out well, prosper : pf. pass, impers., (vrvxTjrai
cutcXit), i), Ion. for cirrikfia. tivi things have gone well with him. Hence
cvT€\u>s, Adv. of cvrckrjs, cheaply, at a cheap rate. «vrux«ws, Ion. for €vtvx<*>*-
tv-Ttptn\s, is, y(Z, ripna)) delightful, charming. €UTVX"mi.a, aros, tu, a piece of good luck, success.
tv-r(xyy\TOi, ov, (tu, r(xynofjuu) wrought with skill. t\)-rHxy\s. is, (€u, rvx*iv) well-off, successful, lucky,
€vrrcxvia, fj, skill in art. From fortunate, prosperous.
«\5-T€Xvos, ov, (fv, t4x v ij) skilful, ingenious. evrOxia, 17, {tvrvxiv) success, good luck, prosperity:
€u-t\t|(jui»v, ov, gen. ovos, much-enduring, steadfast. in plur. successes
tv-Tp/nros Ep. iur\i-, ov, (*Z, TCfivcu) well-cut. cutvxws Ion. -c(os, Adv of (vrvx'f)*, with good for-
cvtokcw, f. Tjaa>, {tiro/cot) to bring forth easily. tune, successfully : Comp. evrvxiortpov, Sap. -iorara.
Hence cv-v&Xos, ov, («5, va\os) with or of good glass.
cu-rotcCa, ij, an easy happy birth.
childbirth, cv-vSpos, ov, (€v, v5a>p) well-watered, abounding in
«v-tokos, ov, (cu, rciceiv) bringing forth easily. water : of a river, with good water : Comp. tvvlpo-

«uroXp.fU), f Tjaoj, (cvTo\fio*) to be daring. Hence TfpOS.

€uroXp.ia, -fj, courage, boldness. cv-vp.vos, ov, celebrated in many hymns.
cv-roXpos, ov, {€v,To\fjui) brave-spirited, courageous. well-woven.
€w-v<J>T|s, is, («5, ixpif)
«v-tovos, ov, (c3, rctVeu) well-stretched, well- strung, 6u-<|)dpCa, cv-4>dp.os, Dor. for twprju-.
sinewy, nervous. Hence €u-4»4p«Tpijs, ov, 6, Dor. -as, a, («u, (papirpa) with
cutovws, Adv. with main strength. beautiful quiver.
«5-to£os, ov, (cv, tu£ov) with good arrows. «u-<f>€Y"yT|s, is, (eZ, <f>iyyos) with char light, bright.
«v-Topv€VTOs, ov, (c5, ropvcva/) well-rounded. «vi4>T]fj.*a), f.T/cra;, (cv<pr)nos)to use words ofgood omen
€\5-Topvos, ov, well-turned, round. or to abstain from words of ill omen: hence I.

«u-Tpdir«£os, ov, («v, Tpavefa) with a good table, to keep silence, to observe a solemn silence; in im-
hospitable, luxurious, sumptuous. perat. cbqrfjuu, ciHprjfjiuTf, bush ! I Lat. fa-
be silent
cuTpdircXia, ij, wit, liveliness, politeness, Lat. urba- vete Unguis. II. to shout in honour of any one,
nitas. 2. coarse jesting, ribaldry. From or in triumph. III. to sound auspiciously. Hence
cu-Tp&ircXos, ov, («3, rpiiru) easily turning: hence cu<j>T]uCa, j), of words of good omen or the
the use
versatile, ingenious, clever. 2. witty, lively, Lat. avoidance of words of bad omen: hence I. solemn

facetus. 3. tricky, dishonest. silence during religious rites. II. praise, worship:

<u-Tpd4>T|s, 4s, (cu, Tpa<pijvai) well-grown, thriv- in plur. songs of praise.

ing. II. act. nourishing. €\i-<t>T)p.os, ov, (e&, <pril*n) of good sound or omen,
€u-Tpeirf|S, is, {tZ, rpino)) ready to turn, prepared, auspicious : of persons, using only words of good
ready. Hence omen or avoiding words of ill omen hence, I. —
cu-Tpemfco, f. iaco Att. i£> : Pass., pf. TjirpimfffMi religiously silent. II. interpreting favourably;
— to make ready, get ready, prepare : to make friendly, rpos rb ev<prjfiov in a good sense
conciliate: —
Pass, to be ready: —
Med. to get oneself «v-4>0o yy°s. ov,{(Z, <p$iYfOfjiai ) well-sounding, sweet-
ready. voiced.
€v-rp€iTTOS, ov, easily turned, changeable. €u-<|>IXt|s, €*, (eu, <pt\i<u) well-beloved. II. act.
cuTpcirws, Adv. of cvrpeir/js, in a state of prepa- loving well.
ration. «u-4>CXt)tos, ov, aiso ij, ov, (eZ, <pi\ia>) well-beloved.
Ep. cvrp-, is, (cZ, rpicpco) well-fed.
eu-rpc<|>T|s «u-<j>lX6-irais, iraiSos, o, f), ((Z, <pi\ia>, mu$)fond of
ev-TptjTos Ep «uTp-, ov, well bored or pierced. children, or pass, beloved of children.
cu-rptaiva, Dor. for ^rjs, 6, (eZ, rpiaiva) with goodly «t5-<j>X«KTOS, ov, («5, <p\iyoj) easily set on fire.
trident. cv4»op£co, f. fjooj, (tv<popoi) to bring forth abun-
ew-Tp'xw, nom. pi. of €\>6pi£. dantly.
ev-rptxos, ov, = *vdpi£. «u-4>6prjTos, ov. (cZ, <popioi) easily borne, tolerable.
•urpoirta, 1), versatility, Lat. versutia. From tv-^ppiyl, <77o«, 6, j), with beautiful lyre: playing
cv-rpoiros, ov, («v, rpiitai) easily turning, versatile. beautifully on it.

cu-rpox&Xos Ep. cvrp-, ov, (eZ, rpix<") running tv-4>opos, ov, («v. <pipoi) well or patiently borne. 1.
well, quick-moving. 2. (fZ, rpox6s) well-rounded. easilyworn, convenient, manageable. II. act.

€tl-Tpoxo$ Ep. «urp-, ov, (tZ, t/x>x<>*) well-wheeled bearing well, hence of a breeze, favourable : of the
or well-rounded. II. running easily. body, sound, healthy.
cv-tDkos, ov, rare poet, form for tvrvKTQt. I
cv-"4>opros t ov, well freighted or laden.
: : — — :

ev<f)6f>a>$ —ETT12. 291

<ti4>6po)s. Adv. of ev<popos, patiently, readily. e\)\epeia, if,readiness of band, dexterity, readiness,
«u<j>pd8€ia, ij, \fv(ppabi}s) correctness of language. skill. 2. proneness or inclination for a thing. 3.
evi-4>p&ST)s is, {fv, <ppa-C<u) speaking well or elo- in bad sense, recklessness. From
quently —
Ep. Adv. «u4>paSta>s, in set terms, elo- €vp-x«p^|s, is, (ev, x flP) ?*"£* or ready of band,
quently. handy, dexterous, expert. 2. in bad sense, reck-
cv4>pd8it), 1^, poet, for tv<ppd8tta. less. II. easy to handle or manage, manageable.
€u-4>pauva> Ep. ivfyp -
: f. ev<ppa.vw Ep. ei(ppavioj Hence
aor. I ev<ppdva Ep. exxppnva'.— Pass., f. evippavOrjaofmi, cuxep&s, Adv. readily: recklessly.
but also with f. med. ev<ppavovfiai in same sense, €vxcT<, Ep. for evxofMt, only used in pres. and
Ion. 2 sing, eippdveai: aor i eiHppavOrjv (evcppojv): : impf.; Ep. inf. evx^daoOai, 3 pi. impf. evx^Toavro:
— /o cfoer, gladden. II. Pass, /o rejoice; c. part., Dtp. : to pray, offer one's vows. II. to boast
optDv eixppaiverai is rejoiced at seeing. Hence oneself, vaunt, profess.
* v)-4>pavriK0s, 4), 6v, cheering, delightful to. *vxi\, 1), (evxo/iai) a prayer, wish or vow, Lat. vo-
€u4>pi"|Vai, Ep. aor. I inf. of eixppaiva). tum. 2. a prayer for evil, a curse, imprecation.
€u-<^pov«'u)v Ep. «£>4>p-, participial Adj. (ev, (ppovico) co-xiXos, ov, rich in fodder. II. of a horse,
well-meaning, well-judging, kindly-disposed. well-fid, in good condition.
tv-$p6vr\, j), (ev<ppcuv) the kindly time, i. e. night, «u-Xtp.dpos, ov, (el, x'Awtpo*') rich in goats.
euphemism for vv£. Hence €v-xXoos, ov, contr. -xXovs, ovv, (ev, x*- ^) mak-
cvid^povi&ns, ov, 6, son of Night. ing fresh and green.
«vcj>p6va>s, Adv. of ev<pp<uv, with good cheer: gra- ET"XOMAI: impf. evx&pnv or 17V- : fut. ev£of*ai:
ciously. aor. 1 ev£a.fiT)v or rjv- : aor. 1 part. cvx^«* in pass,
«v-4>pocrvvT] Ep. «v4>p-, ij, ((v<ppojv) cheerfulness, sense ; so also pf. 1787/xai but 3 sing, plqpf. -nvKjo

mirth, merriment : of a banquet, good cheer : in pi. in act. sense : Dep. :

to pray, pay one's vows, Lat.
glad thoughts, festivities, [v] precari: c. ace. pers. to pray to, pray or beseech
€u-<J>p6o-vvos, ov, (ev<ppwv) poet. form, cheery. one. 2. c. inf. to pray that. 3. c. ace. objecti,
tv-4>pwv Ep. evfyp-, ov, (ev, <ppfjv) cheerful, glad- topray for, long or wish for. II. to vow or pro-
some, merry, light-hearted. 2. act. cheering, mak- mise to do evx^cOai Kara x'/^/xw t0 make a vow of

ing glad or merry, comforting. II. well-minded, goats, i. e. vow to offer them. 2. c. ace. rei, to
well-disposed, gracious. vow or devote a thing to some god. III. to vow
€u-4>vnfjs, is, (ev, <pvij) well-grown, shapely, goodly: loudly, make great promises, boast, vaunt oneself : but
graceful. II. of good natural parts : clever, often, to profess, maintain, assert.
witty ; also of good disposition. Hence €tJ-xopSos, ov, (ev, ^
X 1?) well-strung, harmonious.
cvr^vta, if, goodness of shape. II. goodness of €\>x<>s, eos, t6, (evxopat) a thing prayed for, vow,
disposition or good natural parts, cleverness. Lat. votum. 2. a votive offering. II. one's
€u-<t>v\aicTos, ov, (ev, <pv\daaoj) easy to keep or boast or pride.
guard ; evcpvXoJcroTepa yiyverai it is easier to keep €v-xpt|otos, ov, {ev, xpaofia*) easy to make use of,
watch. serviceable. Adv. -t<us.
*v-$vWo$, ov, (ev, <pvWov) with thick foliage. €v-xpo«a>, good complexion. From
f. -qaoj, to be of a
cudwws, Adv. oiexxpirfft, cleverly: Comp. -viarepov. good complexion.
€t»-xpoT|S, is, poet, for evxpoos, of
cixjxovta, ij, goodness of voice. From cv-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ovv, (ev, XP^a) of good
eu-<jxi>vos, ov, (ev, <ponrq)
sweet-voiced ; loud-voiced. complexion, fresh-looking, healthy Comp. evxpodu- —
€w-xaiTirjs, ov, 6, (ev, X a lTrl) w*b beautiful hair: of repos or -ovarepos
plants, with beautiful leaves. €v-xpv»oros, ov, rich in gold.
cv-xaXicos, ov, (el, xaXt6s) wrought of fine brass, cu-Xpus, ojv, as ev\poos.
or well wrought in brass. «ux«Xt|, 1), (evxo/Mi) poet, form of ei>x^, a prayer,
cu-x^Xkcdtos, ov, well wrought of brass. vow, Lat. votum. II. boasting : a boast, vaunt,
cu-x&pis, neut. evx^pi, gen. trot, (ev, xfy 1 *) pleas- matter of boasting. Hence
ing, engaging : agreeable : popular, Lat. gratiosus.
€ux< >Xtp.aios, a, ov, bound by a vow.

cuxapwrrcw, f. t)ooj, to be thankful, return thanks : tv-v|/dpa0os, ov, with good sands, sandy.
hence to requite. Hence ei\\iv\e(j», f. t)ooj, (evtpvxos) to be ofgood courage. II.
euxipto-Tta, ij, thankfulness, gratitude. II. a eitf/vx^t farewell! inscr. on tombs, like Lat. have pia
giving of thanks, thanksgiving : the holy Eucharist. animal Hence
cu-Xdpurros or -itos, ov, (ev, xap'C /"1^ winning, «tn|/vyta, 77, good courage, stoutness of heart.
agreeable, pleasant. II. grateful, thankful, Lat. «v-i|/oxos, ov, (ev, $vxr}) of good courage, stout of
gratus : Adv., evxapiorojs fiaKuaOai irpos riva to be heart, Lat. animosus. Adv. -x**, with good courage.
gratefully disposed towards him. ET"f2, f. evaa to singe : metaph. of
evrroj : aor. 1 :

«v-x«tp, upos, 6, ij, ready of hand, handy, dexterous. a scolding wife, evei drep 5a\ov dvb'pa she roasts her
€v-x«tpwros, ov, (el, x e «P<>«') easy to overcome. husband without the help of a fire.
: — :: : — —
292 (vcabrjs — i^hroa.

*vu&t\s, «*, («5, 38a>8a pf. of 5£<u) sweet-smelling. grasp, touch: to seize bold upon, claim. 2. to reach,
Hence attain to, Lat. attingere ; so Ion. pf. part, pass., ttotot
€vb>8Ca, ^, a sk/«< smell, fragrance. knapuxkvos possessed of beauty. Hence
cu&>8u>0T)V, aor. of tvohooj.
i pass, «4>-app.6£w, f. ocu, to fit on or to, to suit, coincide
cu-wXcvos, ov, (ev, w\ivrj) fair-armed. with. II. trans, to fit one thing on or to another,

«u-u)vv|xos, ov, (^ S, ovofia,} of good name, honourable: to adapt, accommodate.

0/ good omen. II. euphemistic for the ill-omened «4>apu,6o-8iov, Dor. for k<papfi6^iuv.
word apiOT(p6s, left, on tbe left band or side; c£ t'4>apu.6cro-€i€, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I opt. of k<papfiu£<».
cucwu/*ov (sub. \up6s) on /2>* /*/"/ hand. c4>-app.0TTCi>, Att. for k(pap(iofa.
eu-wrris, *8os, fern, of tvwnp, fair-eyed ox fair-faced. c4>ap£dp.-nv, k<^6.pxQr\v, Att. for k<ppa£afiT]v, k<pp6,~
cv-omos, ov, (tv, un[>)fair to look on, friendly. X0»/v, aor. 1 med. and pass, of <ppaooa>.
€u-u>Xew, f Tjoa), (tZ, 6X«) 'o treat well: to entertain €<J>oto, ?4>o.vto, 3 sing and pi. aor. 2 med. of <prjni.

hospitably, feast — Pass., with fut. med. -r\aoyuax, aor. c<j>-c8pa Ion. circSpi], ij, a sitting at or by : a siege,
and pf. pass., iv<axr\0r\v\ -ijfMi, to be well entertained, blockade, Lat. obsessio.
to be regaled, fare sumptuously ; c. ace, tcpia cv<vx°v c<t>-c8pd<o, f. -qao), (kni, %opa) to sit or rest upon.
make merry on your meat generally, to relish, enjoy. : €<j>-eSpeta, 1), a sitting upon. II. a lying in

Hence wait, Lat. insidiae. From

svu>Xia, i), good cheer, feasting. €(|>€8p€va>, f. ocu, to sit or rest upon. II. to lie
cu-ui]/, wnos, 6, ij, (tv, &p) fair-eyed or fair-faced, by, lie in wait : to wa'ch for — also to halt. From
goodly. on; \(6vr<uv ecpeopos
€(|>-e8pos, ov, (kni, topa) sitting
i$a, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of (fmpd. seated on a chariot drawn by lions lying by or
ccj>ddv9i]V, Ep. aor. I pass of (paivco. near. II. lying by and watching, lying in wait

?<j>-u{3os, €<j>a.piic6s, Dor. for k<prj$-. for an enemy. HI. posted in reserve, of a third
*$-&yio'T€V(ti, f. ooi, (kni, 070$) to perform sacred combatant who sits by to fight the conqueror: an
rites over a thing. avenger, a successor.
«4>-<ryvi£w, f. lata Att. icD,/o mafo offerings on a grave. «4>-*'£op,ai, fut. -fdovfxai: Dep. : to sit upon. 2.

t^dyov, aor. 2 of lofli'a; see <payuv. : to sit by or near.

t<j>-cupto|iai, Pass, to be chosen in addition or in c4>£n,ica, Ep. aor. 1 of k<p'iijfu.
succession to another. €<j>e(i]v, rjs, 77, aor. 1 opt. of k<pirjfu.

c4>-d\ios, of, {kni, a\s) = t<pa\ot. c<j>€ip.€vos, pf. pass. part, of k<pkvwpu.
«<j>-dXXop,ai, fut. ((paXovfiai : Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 ln- <<j>€ivai, aor. 2 inf. of k<pir]pu.
o\to part. kmaX/ievos or knakpevos Dep. : /o —
t4>€icrdpT)v, aor. 1 of (pdbofjxii.

spring upon, to assail : without hostile sense, kniaX- c<j>ctci>, p«, p, Ep. aor. 2 subj. of k<piijfu.

fjifvot tvnojv having leaped upon or into the chariot ?<J>-cktos, ov, (kni, cktos) I + £ = & : toko$ £<£e/rroi
absol., Kvoat fuv kmaXfitvos he kissed him having interest at tbe rate of % of tbe principal, = i6| p. cent.
leaped upon him. l<\>-tklao~u, f. £cj, to roll on or along.
<4>-&\os, ov, (kni, aAs) on or by tbe sea. €<j>€\ictio-ai [p], aor. I inf. of t<pi\icoj.

«<j>d\6<i>, Dor. for k<pn\6<a. €<J>-€Xkvotik6s, tj, ov, drawing on, attractive. From
c<j>dpav [a], Dor. for ecpafxi/v, aor. 2 med. of <prji*i. «<J>-«\ko> Ion. c-ttcXku : fut. k<pt\£a), but the aor. I

«<^-aj&a£€iKi>, (km, &fjui£a) to drive wains over: Ion. in use is kcpelXtevaa (formed from *k<p(\icvw) to :

pf. part. pass. twqpa£tvpivot traversed by wains. draw on or towards : to drag or trail after one of a :

c<t>du.cpios, ed^dpepos [d], Dor. for itpr/fi-. ship, to tow after. 2. to drink off, drain. II.

c<j>-djuXXos, ov, (kni, afuWa) a match for, rivalling, Pass., -nobis (<pe\K6fievoi feet dragged or trailing
vying with. 2. pass, to be striven, contended for. along; of an army.
01 kneXieofitvoi tbe stragglers III.

<<|>&v, 3 pi. aor. 2 of <prjfii. Med. to draw or drag after one kcp&Kcro fiuktvov ;

<4>-avSdv<0, impf. -avov, to please, be grateful or wel- €7x0* be trailed along the spear (which was stuck in
come to : Ep. also c-iriavSdvo), impf. km-qvbavov. his foot) ; k<pe\jt(rai avopa aidrjpos iron draws men
€<J>avrjv [d], aor. 2 pass, of <paiv<u. after it, i. e. attracts them, tempts them k<p(\K(a9at ;

€<j>dv6hrjv, aor. of (paivoj.

1 pass, Tt)v Ovpav to pull to the door. 2. to bring on, en-
c4>avTO, 3 pi. med. of <prjfxi.
aor. 2 tail consequences. 3. to claim, assume.
a.Tra£, Adv. once for all : at once. c<J>, Ep. for k<puvai. aor. 2 inf. of i<plijfu.
c<j>-airX6fa>, f. waoi, to fold or spread over. «4>-twv>|Ai, = more freq. kmiwvpn.
€>J>-&iTTa> Ion. tirdiTTti) : f. k<f>a\pw : aor. I k<pf)ipa c<|>-€|tjs Ion €it€£tjs poet. €<}>«£€Ct]S, Adv. (kni,
pf. pass. i<pTjfifMi : to fasten on or to : hence to fix *X l*a-i) in order, one after another, in a line. II.

/irmly, decree. II. Pass, to be bung over, impend of Time, successively : thereupon.
»7, (knex*1 ) an excuse, pretext.
over, in pf.
and plqpf. ((prjnrai, ktpfjnro, like Lat. im- <4>€£is, €<w$,
mtnet, imminebat ; Tp&eaai tefiSc' ((prjtrrat woes im- c4>-cir<i> impf k<ptinov Ep. e<pfnov Ion. k<pin(0KOV.

pend over the Trojans. III. Med. to lay bold of, fut. i<pl\p<x>: aor. 2 knionov: inf. kmctntiv: part, km-
— — : ;

— i<f>(rj[ii. 293
tnr&v : to go
after, follow upon, pursue. 2. to ?4>-T|fios Dor. ?4>&/3os, ov, (ini, arrived at rj&r})
drive on, urge on. 3. to follow a pursuit, busy manhood or man's estate, which was, at Athens,
oneself about, manage. 4 to seek out, search, tra- eighteen. Hence
verse. 5. woTfiov (iriandv, Oavarov tcai rrurfiov e4>i]|3oo-wr|, 7), the age of an €</>i//9o», manhood.
iiriairttv, Oavtfiv na\ iroTpov imonetv to seek out one's t4>-T]Y<o|Aai, Dep. to lead against one. II. to
fate or death, bring it on oneself, incur it. II. lead to a place, give information.
Med., impf. c<ptui6(ir)v : fut. k<pi\popxu : aor. 2 i<p(- <4>-T|8op,<u, Pass, to exult over.
a-nofiijy, inf. ktnaitkoOai : to follow, pursue : to ac- €<j>-rJKa, aor. I of ((pirjpu.
company, attend upon : to obey, comply with. e<f>-T|ico>, to have arrived at — to extend or reach to.
«4>-6pirv£w, late form for icpepnoj. e4>-TJ\t£, Ikos, 6, r), - tcptj&os.
<<^-«pirc0, f. i(peptpa): aor. I e<pcipirvo~a, inf. -tpirvaai «4>-"nA6o>, f. ajcrtu, iliri, r)\os) to nail on, nail firmly:
(formed from ((pepvvfa) to creep upon or to- : — metaph. in Pass., it is fixed or determined.
wards. II. to come upon gradually or stealthily : «<|)-T), Pass, to sit on, at, or by.
absol., \p6vos i<ptpn<vv advancing time. «4>T]u,ep£a, r), a daily order or course. From
<ty«s, aor. 2 imperat. of i<pir}fu. c<j>-r|p.€pios Dor. €<J)ap.-, ov, also a, ov, (tni, r)fi(pa)
«4><o-ip.os Si/cn, a suit, in which there was the right for or during the day, the whole day through ; <prj- «

of appeal to another court. From Hipia tppovfiv to take no thought for the morrow: of
<4>eoas, tats, r), (c<pir]/u) a throwing at. 2. as Att. men, e<prjfi(pioi creatures of a day, ephemeral: hence
law-term, an appeal to another court. generally, lasting but a day, short-lived.
«4>-tcrTr€pos, ov, (irri, tavtpa) western. c4>-T]p.€pos Dor. €<f>ap.- Aeol. rrrap.-, ov, («iri,
«4>-tcriTop.a.i, poet, for ccpenopMi. ^fi(pa) lasting or living but a day, short-lived. H.
(4>co-a-<u, Ep. for i<piaai, aor. I inf. of f<pifa. daily.
cdtto-o-ai, Ep. aor. I imperat. med. of c<plfa. e<}>T|p.oawr|, r), (k<pir)ni) a command, behest.
«4>«oxrdn€vos, Ep. aor. 1 part. med. of (<ptfa. <4>T)va, aor. I of (paivo:.
<4>, Ep. fut. med. of i<pifa. e^Tjirrat, c^fjirro, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. pass, of
«4>6o*to6t€s Att. -u»r«s, nom. pi. pf. part, of t<pl- i<pcCirr<u.

O'TTJfU. €<J>T]o-a., aor. I of (prffii.

«<J>€OT{L<nv, for (<pc<jT-qKaoiv, 3 pi. pf. of icpiffrijfit. ?<j)T|o-0a, for €<pr)s, 2 sing. aor. 2 *f <pr}fil.

t4>-€anos Ion. eirCo-rios, ov, {kni, karia) by one's *<$>r\o-bs , fut. of ecpirjpu..

own hearth or fireside : having a hearth and borne: c<f>0a£a, Dor. for i<pdd.oa, aor. I of <p6dvoj.
with Verbs of motion, towards home. 2. sitting at t4>, pf. pass, of <p6dp<v pi. tydaparcu. ; 3
or by the hearth, of suppliants; i<p&OTios Sufxcuv a c$0&0-a, aor. of <pdava>. I
suppliant inmate of the house. II. of the bouse €<j>0«Y£aTO, 3 sing, aor I of (pdtyyofiai.
or household: hence, (<p€OTiov Ion. k-n'iariov, t6, a ?<j>0€ipa, aor. 1 of <p0€ipaj.
household, family ; 6(ot ((piorioi the household gods, «4>0-Tf]p[u.€pT]s, (kma, r)/xtfi(pr)s^ containing seven
Lat. Lares or Penates : also of gods, presiding over halves, i. e. 3!: esp. in metre, of three feet and a half,
hospitality. as the first 3^ feet of a Hexameter or Iambic Tri-
(4>-€CTTpC8iov, to", Dim. of ((pearpis. meter : Cf. ITfvOrjfUfMpTIS.
t<^-«OTpi$, idot, r), {((ptvvvfii) an upper garment, e4>0t]v, aor. 2 of <pdavai (as if from (pOrjjju).
wrapper, cloak, mantle. *'4>0ia.TO, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. or aor. 2 pass, of <p6ivoj.
t'4>€crTws, for t<pe<7TT)fcujs, pf. part, of (<pi<TTT)fu. <<j>0icv, 3 sing. impf. of <p6ioj = <p6iva).
€<J>«tt)S, ov, 6, (f<pir)fii) a commander. II. ol l<pi- €<j>0i0«v, Ep. 3 pi. aor. pass, of <pdiv<u. 1

rat, at Athens, a special court to try criminal cases. «d)0T,TO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. of <p6lva).
«4>«TfiT|, 7), (i<pir)fju)a command, behest. <4>0opa, pf. med. of <p9tipa>.
ityeula, aor. 1 of <ptvfa (not of <p(vy<u). <4>06s, i\, ov, verb. Adj. of fy<a, boiled, dressed.
«4>€vp6TT|s, ov, 6, an inventor, contriver. From e<{>-i£dvci>,= (<pifa, only used in pres. and impf.
«<$>-€ vpio-tca> Ion. eir- fut. k<p(vpt)o~aj aor. 2 e<ptv- «4>lfai Dor. ccjao-Sci) impf. (<pt£ov Ion. itpi£(OKov :
pov :
— to find by chance, find


: generally, to intr. to sit upon, at, or by.


II. Causal in Ep. fut.

discover, invent, find out: also to detect one doing. med. (<p(aaofuu, aor. I inf act. and med. i<pio~oai,
€4>€U>dcr6u), poet. aor. I imperat. med. of c<p4ir<u. i<p4croao0ai, to make to sit upon, set upon.
i$-*tylao\ux\., Dep. 10 mock or scoff at, ridicule. c<f>-(T|p.i, fut. icprjooj; aor. 1 t<pr)ica Ion. and Ep.
«4>«ipdTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of t<popcuv. tcpirftca: aor. 7 imperat. ecfxs, Ep. subj. i<ptioj: there
f4>ca>p(ov, Ion. impf. of t<popaxu. is also a 3 sing. impf. i<pi(i (as if from *i<pii<u) to :

t4>-T|f3(io>, f. t)oa>, to come to mans estate. send to one. 2. to send against, launch, or send
«4>TjPeta, r), (i<frn(iivaj} manhood, man's estate.
«4>T)P«ios, a, ov, (t<pT)&0M) youthful.
at: to set on, to do a thing
hands on him. 3. of events, to send upon one
icptivai x^P ** 4 TIVI t0 ^
€4n)piic6s, i), 6v, Dor. €<$>o0ik6s, a, 6v, of or for a t<ptivai vSorov Tivi to permit one a return. II.
young man : to e<pi)0i K 6v the body of youth. From to let go, loosen : metaph. to give a rein to : to gtv$
: : —— : :: : ; :: —
294 tyiKveofiai — $<f>pa£a.

up, yield: also intr. (sub. Iavr6v), to give oneself up €<$> -6810s, ov, (eirt, &$6s) of or for a journey — as
to. 2. to permit, allow. III. to put the male Subst., e<p68tov, t6, Lat. viaticum, supplies for travel-
to the female, Lat. admittere. IV. as law-term, to ling (mostly in pi., e<p6ota) an ambassador's tra- —
refer to a higher judge, to appeal ; cf. ((peats. V. velling expenses: generally ways and means, supplies.
Med. e<piepuou, fut. (<f>T)oofxai, to lay one's command «4>-o8os, 1), (em, 686s) a way towards, approach : a
or bebest upon : to enjoin, command : to intrust to means of reaching, access. II. an onset, attack.
one : to allow one to do a thing. 2. to aim at, «?4>-o8os, 6, one who goes the rounds, an inspector.
long after, desire. «4>-o8os, ov, {iiri, o56s) accessible : Sup. -wrarot.
c<|>-iKvco|Aai Ion. €ir- : fut. e<f>i£ofxa,t : aor. 2 e<piteo- €<f>oiTT|, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of <ponaw.

\ir\v : pf. (ipty/iai : Dep. :

to come up to, reach, attain «4>6\kcuov, t6, (((pektcw) a rudder.
to, c. of things, to bit exactly : metaph., e<ptKe-
gen. : c<J>6Akiov, to, (t<pt\fca>) a small boat towed after a
o6at \eywv or \oytp, to touch the right point in ship —
generally, an appendage.
speaking : absol. to extend. II. to come upon, c^oXkCs, 1), (i<p4\K<u) a burdensome appendage.
visit, c. ace. tnifcicrOai (Ion. aor. 2 inf.) fwariyi
; «4>oXk6s, 6v, (i<pi\jc<») drawing on or towards, at-
trXrjycls rbv 'YXK-qaitovrov to visit the Hellespont with tractive, enticing. II. drawling: absol. a laggard.

blows. Hence c<t>-o|A.apT<ci>, f. 170-cu, to follow close upon.

«4>ikt6s, i\, ov, verb. Adj., easy to reach. «<j>-oir\i£a>, f. aw : Ep. aor. 1 inf. e<pon\iaaa.i : to
<<{>i\a0€V, <<f>i\acra, Dor. for e<pi\rjaa, e<piXi]0ev. equip, get ready, prepare : so also in Med.
«<^i\&to, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 1 med. of <pi\t<v. «4>opu.Tucos, 4\, 6v, looking over, watchful of. From
•^CX-nOev, Ep. 3 plur. aor. 1 pass, of <pi\ia). <<j>-opd<i> Ion. €ir-: impf. e<pewp<w Ion. 3 sing. ««r-
£<j>-(|j.€pos, ov, (liri, tfiepos) longed for, desired: de- wpa f. (iroipofMu Ep. imorpopuu : aor. 2 etrtlbov
: to —
lightful, agreeable. [F] look over, oversee, observe. 2. generally to look on,
«4>ijxu)0t)v, aor. 1 pass, of <pifi6a). view —
Pass., oaoi' 'etyewparo rfjs vqaov as much of
*4>-iirmos, ov, (iiri, tirvos) of or for a horse or the island as was in view. 3. to look out for, choose.
riding: rb e<pimriov (sub. orpa/jia), Lat. epbippia, a c^opeia, "fi, \k<popev<a) an overlooking: the office —
saddle-cloth, a horse's harness. or dignity of e<popos, the epboralty.
«<^-Mnros, ov, (em, trrnos) on horseback; K\vhajv <4>opeiov, to, the court of the ephori. From
tyiwiros a rushing wave of horses. t'4>opfiKi>, f. aw, = ((popaxu. II. (e<popot) to hi

«4>, late form of emveroftai. an ephor.

Dor. for i<pifava), t<pi(ai.
<<j>-t0-8dvco, <4>-i<r5w, <4>opiic6s, i\, of or for the ephori.
6v, (tyopos)
«<j>-to-TTjjj.i A. Causal in pres., impf.,
Ion. cir- «<j>-opios, a, ov, (em, opot) on the frontier.
fut., and aor. 1 litearnaa to set or place upon : to : «<j>-opp.aiva>, to rush on.
impose. 2. to set one person over another to ap- : «<j>> Ion. 4it-: f. rjacu: aor. I -&p/inaa: to —
point to an office. 3. e<piaravoA rivi aywva to stir up, rouse against one, urge on, set in motion. 2.
found or institute games
in honour ofz person. II. intr. to rush upon, attack. II. Pass, and Med.,

to set by or near. HI. to check, make bait. IV. aor. I i(pojpfj.Tj(ra./jir)v and i<p<op\i.i\Q-f]V to be stirred \

i<ptoravai rbv vovv, to attend to, Lat. animum ad- up, roused: to rush furiously on: to hurry, rush for-
vertere : absol., etyiaravai to attend. ward. 2. to make a dash at.
B. Intrans. in Pass, and in aor. 2 act. \itkarr\v, pf. c^-oppew Ion. «ir-, f. 170W, to lie at anchor over
l<pioTT)ita, plqpf. i<peffTr}Kfiv — to stand upon : to be against, to blockade an enemy : generally, to watch :
imposed. 2. to stand or float on the top ; rb i<pi- — Pass, to be blockaded.
craficvov rov ydXaKTos, i. e. cream. 3. to be set «4>-opp.T), tj, (ttri, bpiirj) an entrance, access. II.

over, Lat. praeesse; pf. part. Ion. ol kirtareSnet Att. ol an attempt upon a place, attack.
kcpearSfres. those in authority. II. to stand by or «4>opp.T]0€i€v, 3 pi. aor. t opt. pass, of k<poppAaj.
near: absol. to stand by. 2. to stand over against, c<j>6pp,T)o-ks, «<**, 1), {$<popfic<i)) the lying at anchor
oppose: metaph. to impend, be close at band, Lat. so as to blockade an enemy, a blockade.
instare ; Krjpes e<peoTaoiv Oavaroio the fates of death «4>-opp.i£{D, f. iao) Att. i&, (km, opfios) to bring a
are close at band. III. to bait, stop. IV. to ship to her moorings — Med. and Pass, to come to
attend to. anchor.
?4>\a8ov, aor. 2 of <p\6.fa. *4>-oppos, ov, (em, tpfiot) at anchor.
«4>6pT)0ev, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of <po$eot. t <j>-oppos, 6, = i<p6pnr)oit, a blockade.
<<j>-oSevoi, f. ffoj, {em, 606s) to visit, go the rounds, l(j>opos, ov, (i<popaa)) overseeing. II. as Subst.,
patrol: also of an officer who visited yearly at Satrapies (<popos, 6, an overseer, guardian, ruler. 2. at
of Persia : generally, to superintend, watch over. Sparta, ol i<popoi the Ephori or Overseers, a body of
«4>-68io, ra, see i<p6dios. five magistrates, who controlled even the kings.
c<j>oSid£<o Ion. «ir-, f. aaoi, to furnish with supplies {^-ocov, Adv. for i<p taw, in so far as.
or stores for a journey Med. to supply oneself with — c<f>paordpav, Dor. aot. I med. of <ppa£<».
or receive for one's supplies. From €<j>po|a, aor. I of <ppo\acw.
: —
I<frn£a—"EXI2. 295
?<J>pifa, aor. T of (ppicrcrcu. cxOapTlos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Ix0aipa>, to be hated.
«4>pua£a, aor. i < f <ppv>-cffOJ. <X0<S» Adv., - x^<*» yesterday.
f 4>pv|a, aor. I of (ppvyat. €X0iotos, 17, ov, irreg. Sup. of kxfyos, fonned from
€<j>-vPpiJo), f. «r<v Att. iw, /o insult over one, add Subst. «?x0o*. as tipStaros from KtpSos mo*/ : — 2>ctfea\

insult to injury : also in Med. mos' hateful : as Subst. o»e's bitterest enemy.
*4>rJ-yov, aor. 2 of ipfirya;. cxOtwv, ov, gen. ovo*, irreg. Cornp. of <xfy>u«, formed
<<J>-v8pio.s, dbos, i), of the water.
(tiri, t/oVyp') from Subst. «x^°*» as xtphioiv from leiptios : — more
<4>-v8pos Ion. «ir-, ov (km, vbup) wet, rainy, bring' /&a/«f : more hostile.
ing rain. 2. abounding in water. €<8oSo-rr«a) l f. ^oa>, /o cause hatred. From
«<J>-vp.vea>, f. 170-0;, to sing or chant after : to chant «x0o8oir6s, ^, ov, (cx^ *) hatful, hostile.
over. II. to sing a dirge or mournful strain. III. "'EXOOS, eo*, to, bate, hatred, enmity, Lat. odium;
to sing of, descant on. txQ°* "fivot hatred for one. II. a bated object.

*4>vv, aor. 2 of <pvoj also Ep. 3 pi. Z<pvoav. : cxOpa Ion. ^X^P^t ^ hatred, enmity ; f'x^pa t<vo*
<4>-vTT€p0€, before a vowel -0€v, Adv. from above: hatred for one; 5t* (xfy at /-wAtfv or aspitciaOai tivi
above, on atop, 01 er. to become a/ enmity with one.
"E^TTA Ion. -p-rj, 1J, Epbyre", old name of Corinth «X 0pa(va), f. 5va), ( x ^P^* 'o fca/e : to be at enmity with.

€<j>upo-a, aor. I oi tyvpoi. €x0po-8aiu.a)v, ov, gen. ovoj, («x^P^*» 5ain<w) bated
?4>tKTav, 3 pi. aor. of <pva>. 2. 3 pi. aor. 2 of <pva).
1 of the gods : ill-fated, miserable.
*$wrt\, Dor. for kcpvoa, 3 sing. impf. of (pvacuu. [p] cx0p6-|€vos, ov, ((xfy^s, £«'vos) unfriendly to guests,
*<j>-vo-Tept£oj, f. aa>, (Ijti, varepos) to be later, come inhospitable.
after ano'ber. 4xOp6s, 6, ov, (€X^o«) bated, hateful. II. act.
«4>-va>, f. i/<r<u [v], (lir«, Sou') /o ram upon — Pass, to hating, hostile, at enmity with. III. as Subst.
be rained upon, exposed to the rain ; pf par . ((pvo/xcvos. t cxfyos, 6, one's enemy, Lat. inimicus. Besides <x^po- —
c<J>* cp, «$' yrc, i. e. eirl rovrtp ware, on the condi- repos, «x^P" TaT0S » tne > rre g- Comp. and Sup. lxQ l0JV *
tion that. eX&l0 r0 *> were in common use.
(km, wpa) in season,
£<|>-fc»pios, ov, ripe, mature. "EX©!!, /o bate .-—Pass, to be hated, hateful. Only
<X*5ov, aor. 2 of xavoava;. and impf. used in pres.
€X*vov, aor. 2 of xat"<y or x^ ffK0J cxt-Sva, 1), («fx**) a viper, adder.
- Hence
«'xdpT]v [S], aor. 2 pass, of x<"pa>. cxiSvaios, a ov , of or like a viper. .

«XSplcrap.T|v, txfipurOrjv, aor. 1 med. and pass, of 'EXTNAI, wv, at, islands in the Ionian sea, after-
Xapiiofuu. wards callt-d 'Extva5<s.
€X«a, aor. I of x&"- €xivws, 01, a kind of mice with rough bristling hair,
in Libya. (Deriv. unknown.)
ing given security, responsible: trustworthy, faith- EXI"N02, 6, the urchin, hedgehog: also the sea-
ful. II. having received security, secure. urcbin. of the sea-urchin, often used as
2. the shell
«X«-0vp.os, ov, ^x "' Ovfios) controlling one's tem- ajar: hence, II. like Lat. testa, a jug, pitcher, vase,
per, under self-control Lat. echinus. 2. the vase in which the notes of evi-

<X<-p.v6(<0, 1
^x* !
pi>0os) to bold one's peace. Heuce dence were sealed up. III. part of the bit of a
lx*\ivQLa, 1), silence. bridle, studded over with points to make it severe.
«X«-vT)ts, -vijtSos contr. ^X^-viis. -vjioo*, 1), (?<a\ "EXF2, 10s and (ojs, 6, a viper, adder.
vat)*) holding ships fast. «XM-a, aros, r6. {ex 03 ) that which holds : I. a

€X«-tt«vk^|s, c**, (,ex<w, "wo^ epith. of a dart, bitter hindrance, obstacle. z. c. gen. a bulwark, defence

or sharp, piercing. against. II. a bold-fast, stay, support; txhaTa

<X'-<rapKos, ov, (Ixeu, oop£) fitting to the body. vtjwv props, cradles for tbips ; €x^taTa v^prj$ sup-
«X«o*kov, Ion. impf. of e\a>. ports of rock, i. e. solid rock txfiaTa irvpyow sup-

«X^-o"tovos. ov, («xa, arCvot^ bringing sorrows. » porting towers.

ix*r\.'n, t),(eX <u ) ?be plough-handle, Lzt.stiva. Hence
Ixotara, Dor. for lx ovaa
•X*1"^ 1!* 1*. taaa, ev, of the plough-handle. ix°w, impf. of x^y see x ojvvvlu ' •

?X€u, Dor. imperat. pass, of Ix*"- tXpava, aor. I of xpoivet;.

«X«va, f-P- aor I of x«'<w: med. €X«vapvnv.
- cXpTjo-a, aor. I of xp "w ( -

«X«4 P 0V « a> (lx* PPav ) t0 oe sensible or shrewd.

«XP Tlo-0'r) v » aor. 1 pass, of xp<* n f<uu-
ixt^povvvri, 17, ^oorf sense, shrewdness. From ?Xpio*a, aor. I of XP" -

«X«- <£p wv w
g en o*' *. (^X "' ^P1?") sensible, shrewd.
» . - ^Xv0iiv [v], aor. 1 pass, of x^a*.
«Xp<^v». Ep. 3 sing. subj. of Ix "- tXwro, «x^r°, 3 pi. and sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of x*<».
«X0atpw, f. Ix9 ^'- aor J tfxOvP f^ **d- ^X**" -
' m ,v,,

€X p6s, d,6v, (Jx<a ^firrn strong, secre. safe: \v ixv-


povyuai in pass, sense: (<x^ *^ — '° ba'c, be an enemy p" clvai to be in safety: also fristwortby. Haice
to: c. acc. cognaro ixflot fx^ a P flV t0 oear hate: tX^'P^** Adv. securely : — Comp. ixvp&rrtpov.
Pass., (xOaiptaOm in rivot to be hated by one. "EXfl: impf. €?xov Ep. ixov ^ on - ix (<r* *'- fat

296 fyanm — t&fitv.

t£<y,or (in the sense of holding) <rxn ao> ' P 1 Ka "*

^xV bear, wear, carry for oneself, or what is one's own
Ep. oxwica (in compd. (7i/j'oxa'*t>T6 ) : aor. 2 c<rx 0,, » also to carry or conduct oneself; «x €0 tparepS/s bear
imperat. <rx«'*, subj. (rx<*>, opt. axoirjv, inf. o*x«>/ Ep. thyself resolutely. III. to keep oneself back, abstain,

ax*!1 **'* P art ^X^" P°6t. also iax^ov, inf. <rx f ^ f "^
- I
: refrain from : absol., ox*°> <*X* a 9* held/ cease!
Pass, and Med. tx°^ai impf. elxtftrjv ^ut Hoyucu '• : - «X«vti, Dor. for ex 000 1 -

and xqaoyai aor. 2 eax°f V v Ep. 3 s ing- GX* ro

ff : il
i\<j»ara, aor. I of x™ vvvV*'
imperat. orxoi>> inf <T\4o9cu, part, oxopevos. kyj&a-ajTO, 3 sing. aor. 1 of x^o/aw.

A. Trans. : Radic. sense, /o &av«, AoW I. /o

i\u>a-0y\v, aor. Iof x^vv/xt.
iave, possess; oi e\ovTes those that 2>at/*, i.e. Ate €i|/<iXaT(u, Ion. 3 pi. pf pass, of ipdWa).
wealthy: — Pass, /o 6* possessed by, belong to. 2. to «ij/-av8pa, t), (fip<v, avqp) boiling men, epith. of Me-
have to wife :have in one's house, to entertain : c.
to dea, from her restoring old Aeson to youth.
ace. loci, to dwell in, inhabit: iv yaarpl %x uv (sub. cv|/av<ra, aor. I of ipavcu.
(ipecpos), to be pregnant, be with child. 3. of a f\j/c£a, aor. I of ^€70;.

State or Condition yrjpas (X fiv t0 have reached old

«i|/€vo-Ap.T]v, aor. 1 of if/tvSofiai.

age, = the simple Verb yr/pdaKuv, etc. so, kv oro- ; cdrrjpai, pf. pass, of \pd<u.
(juxti $x (iv t0 b e always talking of. 4. to imply, e\J/Tjo%s, fews, »), (<tipto) a boiling: generally, cookery.

infer; alaxvvrjv $x €iv t0 imply disgrace. 5. like 4d/T|0-ft), fut. of €l//£W.

Lat. teneo, to know, understand, comprehend. II. lv|rrjTT|p, fjpos, 6, (eip<u) a pipkin, pan for boiling.

to hold, keep : to holdfast : to keep with one, retain, «4;tjt6s, 17, 6v, (<^(u> boiled, sodden.
detain : to bold tight, grip, grasp, of the hold of eij/ia Ion. <i|/(t|, ^> (^"*» ipctd) a game played with

wrestlers. 2. to bold up. bear up, sustain: hence to pebbles : generally, amusement, pastime. Hence
bold out or bear up against, to resist, in which sense (iptdojxai, Dep. to play with pebbles : generally, to
Homer uses fut. axv a(iv an0 med. oxnatoOai. 3> disport, amuse oneself: to entertain oneself with.

to direct to, aim : to guide, steer : in fut. ax^ aa) an ^ c\|;idupCo 8op.€s, Dor. I pi. impf. of tpiOvpifa r

aor. ax f ^v, to land. 4. to hold in, check, stop: also «vj/io-p.€vos, pf. pass. part, of ypifa.
to keep fast or close, as a baT does a gate : to allay «i|/vYnv \y], aor. 2 pass, of \pvx<».
pain : c. pen. to stop or binder from a thing. 5. to "JaWd: impf. fyov (Ion. Irpeov as if from irpiu) .

keep, ward off: hence to guard, keep safe: of armour, to fut. (iprjo-w: aor. I fjiprjaa:— Med., fut. krfrfjoopixu :

protect. 6. to keep doing or making, cause. III. Pass aor. I f/\pr}0T)v: pf. tfipijuai: to boil, seethe, opp. ,

to have means or power to do a thing, to be able, like to dirrdej'. of metals, to smelt, refine: metaph. to
Lat. habeo: ovk tx<», followed by ottos, irus, irov, etc., cherish, nurse.
/ know not how, know not where, etc. €o>, Ion. for S>, pres. subj. of cfytl sum.

B. Intrans., to hold oneself, to be or keep in a *2>, contr. for (do)

certain state : esp. with Advs., (v «x 6t *a ^&* or ta- «<£, contr. for tdoi, 3 sing. opt. of (dot.

kuis c?x 6 '» Lat. bene, male se habet, it is going on well, cw, dat. of kus.
etc. ; a gen. modi is often added, fv (X eiv tivos to be «;«, Ion. for $>, aor. 2 subj. of irjfii.

well off for a thing, abound in it; fcaXuis cx ftv T77* (to, gen. and ace. sing, of ecus, the dawn,
fi($r)S to be pretty well offfor drink. 2. to be so «<aya, pf. 2 of otyvvfii, to open.
and Kayos *x H tne story goes, prevails.
so, be 3. cco-ypcu, pf. pass, of oiyvvjxt.
to keep one's ground, stand fast or firm. 4. to ?co0a, €u>0ea. Ion. pf. 2 and plqpf. of iBo).
stand up, jut out, rise, project ; tclovfs vrpoa'
€X 0VT€S «w0€v Ep. T|(o06v, Adv. («ws) from morn, at earliest
pillars rising high. 5. to point towards, glance dawn, at break of day.
at, be directed towards
t\9pa tx ov<xa ; % s 'A.9rjvaiovs co)0tv6s, 17, ov, (ecus) in the morning, early; to eojOi-
enmity directed towards the Athenians : of Place, to vov as Adv. early in the morning; «£ ewOivov *= toj$€v.
extend, reach unto : also, cx (iv a-htyi or irtpi n to be ccoOow, impf. of w$4aj.
about, busy, occupied with. 6. in Att.. ?x (W IS t'cpK€tv. plqpf. of eoi/ea.
joined with aor. part, of another Verb; Kpvipavrcs IcoXo-Kpao-Ca, 0, (t(u\o8, xpaffis) a mixture or com-
ix ov<Jl f° r K€Kpv<paari ; dironXdaa* ?x ft * f° r diroicl- pound of dregs of wine: metaph., (cuXoKpaaiav rfjs
K\eina$. the part. ex*n> with the pres., adds a
7. irovrjpias KaraoKehdoai rivos to empty the stale dregs
notion of duration to what is being done ; ri hrjra of his villany over one.
Hiarpi&fts 6X<w; why then keep wasting time? Xrjpets ?o)Xos, ov, (t<us) a day old, kept till the morrow: of
Ix ™ you keep on trifling. food, stale : hence out of date, obsolete.
C. Med.
hold oneself to, hold on by, eling to,
to cwXirci, 3 sing, plqpf. of %\ir<v.
make fast to: metaph. to hold to one, depend upon, be «.ou€V, in II 19. 4^4, iitti \' l£>l**v iroXcfioto when
closely connected with : hence to lay hold on, claim, we have enough of war: — commonly considered as
take possess ion of. 2 of Place, to be dose, border aor. 2 subj. oftrj/u but sometimes referred to cci>™
on, next to; 6 (\6n(vo$ that comes next or nearest; <f<y, to satiate.
to (xofitvov (rot the year next ensuing. II. to twptv, contr. from (dope v, I pi. of kdw.
: :

*(3jLii — feoTo's. 297

{Afxt, contr. from idoifu, I sing. opt. of tact. ZA- -, Aeol. for Sid: also as insep. Prefix with intensive
f'uv, Horn, and Ion. for wv, pres. part, of dfxi sum. sense, like apt , ipi-, dya , as in fa-$€os.fa-p.wfjs, etc.
tumju-ai, tu)VT|fnjv, pf. and plqpf of ojvioyxLi. gdyxXov, to, a reaping-hook or sickle, Lat. falx.
ttovoxoei, 3 sing. impf. with double augm. of olvoxoio). (Old Sicilian word.)
«cp£a, aor. I of otyvvfii. £d-t|s, is, ((a-, drjfii) strong blowing, stormy, gusty;
tcjios, o, op, also os, 01/, poet, ctoios Ep. tioios, (caw) farjv, irreg. ace. for fata, far}.
m Ata morning, at early dawn, at day-break. a. (d-6eos, a, ov, also os, ov, very divine, holy, hallowed.
eastern, Lat. £6ws. £d-6epT)s, is, (fa-, Qtpos) very hot.
cuipa, )), collat. form of alwpa, a being suspended, {aUv Att. £w 6V 3 » pi. opt. of faco.
banging in the air, oscillation. II. a noose for £a.Kopos,o, - 8idfCTopos,8idtcovos, a minister, servant.
banging. {d-KOTOS, ov, very wrathful.
cupd, 3 sing. impf. of dpdeu. £dXi), 17, (aKs) surge, spray: a storm: metaph. trou-
cwpdica, cupupai, pf. act. and pass, of upaot. ble, distress. (Akin to ad\os, Lat. salum.)
ecopyei, for iipyu, 3 sing, plqpf. of epyat. £uXoi<ra, Dor. for fa\ovaa.
cu)p€<i>. collat. form of aiojpia), whence aor. I part, £dXos, £dX6u>, £aXarr6s, Dor. for fa\—.
fern., iwpTjoaoa rov/iuv q\i\ul having raised aloft mine £dp.€vco>, f. fiao), to be very violent, exert all one's
strength. From
!u>pTa£ov, IwpTao-a, impf. and aor. 1, with irreg. {d-p€vf|s, is, (Ca-, uivos) very strong or mighty:
augm., of ioprdfa. raging, violent.
3 sing, plqpf. pass, of deipcj.
ttttpro, for fjopro, £upia, Dor. for fan'ta.
Iwpcov, impf. of opdoj. Zdv, Zavos, 6, Dor. for Zrjv, Ztjvus, old form of
?<os, Att. for Ion. ,\6js, morn. Zeis, q. v. Hence Lat. Janus.
"EH2 Ion. and Ep. cio>s Ep. «tos: I. as Con- £d-ire8ov, to, fidireSov. =
junction, while, so long as, Lat. donee, properly rela- £a-rrXT)6T|S, is, (fa-, irkrjOos) very full ; faTr\r]$r)t
tive to the autec. rims Ep. rciws. 2. riajs, for = ytvuds a busby beard full-sounding. :

a time. 3. till, unil, until such time as. 4. £d-irXovros, ov, very ri b.
= d», onus, tva, that, in order that. II. as Adv., £d-irupo$, ov, (fa-, vvp) very fiery.
toss ore, Lat. usque dum, till the timewhen : so too, {atcucra, Dor. for farovaa.
iewt o» ; %ois irore; Lat. quousquet bow long? 2. £dT€va>, £arpeiov, £aTpevo>, Dor. for far-.
with Advs. of Place, %<us c&Se, 2<ys taw or e£a>, «/> to {a-rp€<j)T|S, is, (fa-, rpiqxu) well-fed, fat.
this point, till within, etc. Ja-<J>X«yr|s, is, {fa , <p\iycu) full offire, fiery.
luxra, «0Krdp,T|v, aor. and med. of uOioj.
1 act. Jd-\oXos, ov, very wrathful.
twcri, Ion for wo~i. 3 pi. pres. subj. of elfii um >> ' £d-xp«tos, ov, (fa-, xP (ia very needy; faxpaos 65ov '

cuon, contr. for kdovoi, 3 pi. pres. of kdw. one who wants to know the wav.
€(i)<, pf. pass, of d>9ia>. £a-xpT|T|S, is, (fa-, XP™* B ) attacking violently, fu-
lucr-irep, strengthd. for t<vs, even until. rious : of warriors, eager, fiery.
ta)o--4>6pos, ov, (Jews, <pip<u) morn-bringing : as Subst., £d-xpwos, ov, rich in gold.
6 'Eoja<p6pos the Morning-star, Lat. Lucifer. ZA'H Ep. {wgi, in later Poets £6co, Att. contr. £w,
Iuvtov, €<dvt€<i>v, Ion. for iavrov, iavrwv. £< s, £0 ; imperat. (rj or fadt ; opt. fa>T)v ; inf. faav
contr. (ijv impf. tfav (as if from (rjfu), tfas, tfa,

but 3 pi. 2£«v : fut. Cv aa} anc* (yo~o/jiai aor. I ifaaa


pf. tfaita : to live, breathe ; £u>v alive : £rjv diro rtvos

to live off or on a thing, cf. dwo^fjv : c. ace. cognato,

Cv v fav v > &i° v ' II- nietaph. to be in full vigour:

to be fresh, strong, efficient: part, fajv, as Adj., active,
£*% {» £q T<i. T 6> indecl., sixth letter of Gr. Alphabet powerful, efficacious.
as numeral £' =» \irrd and ?/35o/xo* (the obsol. r', i. e. -£«,insepar. enclitic Particle, denoting motion towards

f or vau, being retained to represent ((), but ,£= a place, ( being written for ao, as, 'Adifjvafa, Ovpafa,
7000. Z is compounded of a and 6, = <r5, whence in for 'hO-qvaaot, Ovpaadf.
Aeol. and Dor. fiovoioB<v xpiOvpiahw are written for £«Y<;pt«s, a Libyan word, a kind of mice.
fwvaioQ) xf/tOvpifa. In Ion. 8 was changed into fa, ZEIA', ij, zea, a sort of grain, used as fodder for
and £ easily passed into 5, as appears in iraifa vathv6s, horses, prob. a coarse wheat, spelt.
dkandfa aXavabvos, etc. : it also melted into i, e. g. gcC-Scopos, ov, (faid, tiajpiofiai) zea-giving, fruitful.
£op£ topKos, fayuv jugum. £tipd,7), a wide upper garment, girded about the loins
Zeta, being a double conson., makes a short vowel and falling over the feet. (Foreign word.)
before it long by position. But there are two proper {e(o>, poet, for £ia), as irveuu for trviot.
names in Homer, before which the vowel is retained \'i crcra, Ep. for Ifaffa, aor. I of £i(o.

short, aorv ZtXevqs, vK-fjeaad. ZdxvvOos. $€<rr6s, i\, 6v, (Ci<u) boiled, boiling, hot*
— : : : : ; .

298 (evy&piov— Qorj.

JevyApiov, to, Dim. of frvyos, a puny team of oxen. f-nXaios, a, ov, (C^\o») jealous.
JcvyqXdTto), f. *7<ro\ to drive a yoke of oxen. From tr\kx\\uav, ov, gen. ovos, \(t}\{<») jealous.
£€vy--qXdn]S, ov, o, {{evyos, lKavva>) a driver of a {tjXo-8ott|P, fjpos, d, (^Aos, fiSojfu) giver of bliss.

yoke of oxen. ^T]Xo-pSvT|s es, (C7A.0J, fMvfjvat) mad with jealousy

OvyCttjs [t], ov, 6, (^vyos) yoked together, two and {f,Xos, 0, ^ico) eager rivalry, emulation, in good
two, in pairs. II. (evyirat, ol, yeomen, the third sense, opp. to <p$6vos (envy). any strong pas-
of Solon's four classes of Athenian citizens, so called sion, esp. jealousy : zeal or emulous desire for a
from their being able to keep a team (fftryos) of oxen: thing. II. pass, the object of emulation or ri-
the first class being called irevTaKoatopib'iptvoi, the valry, happiness, blessedness.
second iirirets, and the fourth Orjres. fqXoairvq, 1^, poet, for £i}Ao».
fevyXi) poet. JevyXa, *>, the collar or loop of the fnXoTihr€w, f. 4]ao3, {(rj\6rviros) to emulate, rival,
yoke (£vy6v), through which the oxen's heads were be jealous of. 2. to envy. 3. to affect, pretend
put, so that the £vyuv had two ftifyXat. II. the to. Hence
rudder-hands ; see irnSaXiov. {nXoTdiria, 77, rivalry, jealousy, envy.
(ev'yp.a, aros, to, ({evyvvpu) that which is linked to- JtjXo-t&ttos, ov, {tfj\os, tvtttoj) jealous.
gether, a band, bond : ^evypa rov \tfj.4vos a boom or £t]X6ci), f. d>a<u, ((f}\os) to rival, vie with, emulate,

chain across the mouth of the harbour. Lat. aemulari : c. ace. rei, to desire emulously, strive
£«vyvvp,€v, -vpevat, Ep inf. of {evyvvpu. after. 2. to be jealous of, envy. 3. to emulate,
ZETTNlhVII or va> impf. 3 pi. e^evyv^aav (£p. envy, admire, commend. Hence

(eiryvvoav) or e (evyvvov (Ep £evywov) : fut. £ev£a): £-f|Xa>p.a, <xto*, r6, the object of emulation: in pi. high
aor. 1 e(ev£a: —
Pass., aor. e^evx9r}v, more frequent fortunes.
1 II. rivalry, emulation.

aor. 2 e^vyqv [Cl : to join or link together, yoke —

£t|Xc»>oxs, (us, 57, (£77X00;) emula'ion, imitation.
Med., litnovs ^evyvvoOai to yoke horses for oneself, {nXttTrjs, ov, 6, (£17X00;) a rival, zealous imita-
put to one's horses ; also to harness. II. gene- tor. 2. a zealot.
rally, to join or fasten together, make fast ; cavities fnXa>TOS, i\, 6v, (£7X00/) to be emulated, worthy of
ifcvyfiivat close-shut doors. 2. to join in wedlock, imitation. 2. enviable, happy, blessed.

marry, unite: Med. of the husband, to wed Pass. —
?TjpCa /), loss, damage, Lat. damnum, opp. to xepSos;
to be married. 3. to join f>y bridges, throw a bridge <pavepa (rjpia a clear loss. II. a penaly, esp. in
across. 4. to undergird shi|
with ropes. s money, a fine ; Oavarov (nfiiav irporiOivai to make
{evyos, a yoke or team of beasts,
(os, to, {(evyvvfju) death the penally. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence
a pair of horses. 2. the carriage drawn by a team, $Tjpi6w, f. (Loo;, to cause loss to one, do one damage
a chariot, plough : any pair or couple. II. of or hurt: to punish; esp. in m^ney, to fine. Pass., —
more than two things or persons joined together, e. g. with fut. med. ^jfituaofmi or pass. ^ijfuojO^aopxu,
(evyos rptitdpOevov three maiden sisters. aor. I l£qiuwOr)v, to befined.
{cvKTrjpta, 1$, afastening, band; see nrjSaktov. From *Zi\v, 6, gen. Zrjvos, poet, for Zeis, q. v.
£<VKTT|pios, a, ov, (fayvv/u) Jit for joining or yok- Zrjvo-8oTT|p, rjpos, 6, (Z17V, SiSoj/ii) = Zrjvo<f>pojv.

wg; to ^tvKTqpiov ay>ke.


Ztjv6- 4>p*i>v, ov, g n. ovos, (Z77V, efipjjv)knowing the

£ev£ai, aor. 1 inf. of {evyvv/u : £<v£eicv, 3 pi. opt. mind of Zeus, revealing the will of Jove, of oracles.
j€v|ov, in.perat. £t|o-ou.<u, fut. of £doj.
g€\)£is, €<us, ({evyvvpt) a yoking or manner of
-t), JnT€v&>, poet, for foriee.
yoking oxen. 2. a joining by a bridge. ZHTE'Xl, f. tjo-oj, to seek, seek for, seek after. 2.
ZET'2, 6, voc. Zev ; but genit. A'6s, dat. Ait, ace. to search out, inquire into, examine, investigate: c.
Am as if from Ais: poet. Ztjvos, Zrjvi, 7,rjva, Dor. inf. to seek to do. 3. to have to seek. Hence
Zavos, etc., as if from Z17V, Zdv '
Zeus, Jupiter,— jT|n)p.a, oto*, t<5, that which is sought: an inquiry,
king and father of gods and men, son of Kronos (or question.
Saturn) and Rhea, hence called Kpovidrjs, Kpoviw. frjTTjo'ip.os, ov, (£t)T4<u) to be searched; ra, (rj-rfjat/jui
ruler of the lower air (0170); hence rain and storms places to be beaten tor game.
come from him, as Zexis vet. {rp-qats, e<us, %, {(rjTe<v) a seeking for, searching
Zt^vpCij (sub. irvo-q), ?}, = Ze<pvpos, the west wind. after : a searching out, inquiry, investigation.
Z<<f>tipos, 6, Zephyrus, the west wind, or properly the fqrqTtos, a, ov, verb. Adj of tnrea), to be sought. II. .

northwest. (From $6<pos, darkness or the West, as ^rjTTjriov. one must seek out.
Evpos from ecus, morn or the East.) j-q-rqi-qs, ov, 6, {(rjreoj) a seeker, searcher, inquirer,
ZE'fl, fut. (eaoo : aor. 1 e£eaa Ep. £eooa to boil, examiner. — II. at Athens, the faTTjrai were com-
seethe : generally, to boil up, esp. of hot springs : also missioners to inquire into stae-offences.
simply to be hot, throb with h^at; x 6 ^
<C« f tne earth fqTqr6s, 17, 6v, verb. Adj. of {jit4cj, sought for.
was hot: metafh. to boil with passion, like Lat./jr- Jifdvtov, t<5, a weed that grows in wheat, darnel,
vere. II. trans, to make to boil, beat. Lat. zizanium, lolium. (Eastern word.)
£tj, £f)0i, imperat. of (da>. (6tj, Ion. for £oifj.
: : : :

£ota — (yov, 299

lota, Aeol. for £<v^. £<i>Ypa4>iic6s, 1), 6v, skilled in painting. From
£o6s, d, 6v, poet, for £a>6s, C^** J co-vpa4>os, ov,(£aov, ypdcpw) painting animals, paint-
{opicds, d8o», i), =
dop/cas : also {6p£, (op/cds, jj. ing from nature : as Subst., £a>ypd<pos, 6, a painter.
to4>€p6s, oV, (^<5<po$) Janfr, dusky, murky, gloomy. £u)ypei, ((oypcirc, pres. imperat. of
ZO'402, «5, darkness, dusk, gloom: esp. 0/ the $co-Yp«o>, f. tjcoj, {favs, dypevai) to take alive, take
netber world : hence the land of darkness, the nether prisoner in war, to give quarter to. II. to restore
world itself: — Homer divides the world into a light and strength, revive. Hence
to life
and dark side, where £6<pot the dark or night side, the gwypia Ion. -itj, 1), a taking alive, taking prisoner.
west, opposed vpos 'HcD t' He\i6v re, the light
is side, £b>8iaKOS, i\, ov, (feSios) of ox containing animals;
the east. Hence. 6 fabiaKus (sub. kvk\os) it** Zodiac.
£o4>6o>, f. uaoj, to darken Pass, to be dark.— £cp8iov, t6, Dim. of (wov, a small figure, painted or
£o4>-<o&t]s, ( s, (£o\pos, tlSos) dusky, gloomy. carved.
£6o», for (dcu. £<ocp.€v, £co«p.€vai, for faeiv, inf. of fao = (dw.
Ivyatrrpov, to, (£evywfu) a chest or box of boards £u)€ctkov, lorn impf. of £6m.
strongly fastened together. £u>t) Dor. £«& Ion. and poet. $6tj Aeol. Jota, ^,
tvyds, aor. 2 part. pass, of ((vywpi, (Cda>) a living, means of living, subsistence, goods,
{frffjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of (cvyvvpi. property. II. life.

£t» YT]-4>6pos, ov, poet, for £vyo<p-, bearing the yoke. ga>-0d\|uos, ov, {{an}, OdWoS) giving vigour of life.
£vytos, a, ov, (£vyov) of or for the yoke; {vytos tir- fco'iKos, (], 6v, (£<vov) of or for animals.
vot a draught-horse, wheeler. £J>p,a, aros, r6, (^uivvvfii) that which is girded: the
{iryCnjs, ov, 6, (£v*yoV) one of the rowers who sat girded tunic worn under the armour : the armour
on the second of the three banks or benches, those on girded by the faar-fjp. II. also = £d/vtj, or fa-
the lowest being daka/urai, those on the highest crijp, a girdle, belt.
Opavirai. [t] £wp.€vp,a, aros, to, broth, soup. From
{i/vo-Scap-ov, t<5, {£vy6v, htapus) a yoke-band or £<i>>, f. co), (fafjios) to boil for broth, seethe.
band for binding the yoke to the polo. gcopiSiov, to, Dim. of fayxds, a little sauce.
Zvyo~\L&xib>, ((vyov, fidxo/icu) to struggle
f. rjaoj £u>p.6s Dor. 8td|x6s, 6, (£ioj) broth, soup, esp. sauce
with one's yoke-fellow, to quarrel. to eat with other dishes.
ZTTO'N, t6, also {fryos, 6, but in pi. always Ctryd: £u>vt], 1), (£a/v!'v/u) a 6«//, girdle, properly the lower
— Lat JtLgum, yoke or cross-bar tied by the (vyo-
the of the two girdles worn by women, the man's belt being
Scffftot to the end of the pole, and having (evyKat faaTTjp <pepciv virb {dnnjv and Tpt<puv $vt6s £d/vnt

(collars or loops) at each end, by which two horses, to bear or nourish under the girdle, i. e. in the womb.
mules or oxen were put to the plough or carriage Later, the girdle was used to keep money in, whence
metaph., to bovKiov £vyov the yoke of slavery ; /card in Horace, zonam perdere to lose one's purse. II.
£vyd in pairs. II. the cross-bar, Lat. transtil- the part round which the girdle passed, the waist,
lum, joining the two horns of the <p6pfiiy(. III. loins. III. anything that one girds on. a garment,
the cross-planks of a ship, joining the two opposite armour.
sides, the benches or thwarts, Lat. transtra. IV. Zfi'NNTTMI or -vo>: fut. (ojcoj: aor. Zfaaa: —
the beam of the balance, in pi. the balance itself. V. Med. (cwvvpMi, fut. (uoojiai : aor. I ifaoanrjv —
the cross-straps of sandals. Pass., aor. 1 k^wadrjv : pf. cfacrfiai — to gird. esp. to
{ttvos, v - su b (vydv. gird for battle. II. Med. to gird oneself, gird
\vybd\w, Ep. gen. of (vyov. up one's loins for battle or for work : c. ace, (wvrjv,
£vy6u, f. iiata, (CiryoV) to yoke a pair, join together: XoXkov {duvvvaOai to gird on one's belt, sword.
metaph. to bring under the yoke, subdue, tame. Jwwwkcto, Ion. 3 sing. impf. med. of £<bwvfu.
£vY(i>6pt£<i>, to lock up. From £ojo-y\v4>os, ov, ({(vov, y\v<poj) carving animals:
(trywdpov, r<5, ((vyow) the bar or bolt of a door. as Subst., (<uoy\v<pos, 6, a sculptor : cf. £ojypa<pot.
{try&iros, 17, ov, (Cvyow) drawn by a pair of horses. £ci>o-yovc<i>, f. produce, propagate ant'
iicoi, to
gvp.i), ^, (C««) leaven, [u] Hence mals. II. to preserve alive. From
{vp,tTrjs, ov, Adj. masc. leavened, [t] £<i>o-yovos, ov, (Cyov, ytivofMt) producing animals:
JOfiou), f. uaoj, ((vjiT}) to leaven, make to ferment. life-giving.
^wdypia, cuv, ra, (£<vo$, aypa) a reward for life saved: f a>o-Ypd<t>os, ov, poet, forfay-.
also like OpetTTjpta, a reward for nursing and rearing £wov, t6, properly contr. from (mov, a living being,
one, offerings to Aesculapius for recovery from illness. animal, Lat. animal. II. the figure of an animal,

£cixrypios, ov, (C<wo», dypa)for saving life. but also any figure or image ; £aia ypaxpciv or ypd-
£cpdpiov, t6, Dim. of faov, an animalcule. [X] <pea6ai, for {ojypacpctv, to paint: and in Herodotus,
£o>-apKT|s, ^», ({off}, dpK (oj) maintaining life. with a second ace. of the thing painted, as, ($>a
(wypd^cca, f. Tjooj, ({ojypatpot) to paint from life. ypaxpaoOai t^v £(v£iv tov Boo-rropov to have the pas-
((«Ypd(j>Ca, ^. the art of painting, painting. sage of the Bosporus painted.
; — : — ;

300 foo7roi£ft> fjficaos.

£a>o-iroua>, (faos, woiioj) to make alive, quicken.

r\nta, the breathings. 77 was most in use among the Ion.;

(coos, 77, ov, (Caa>) alive, living; fabv k\tiv Tiva to in the Attic dialect, it often passed into d, as Ion.
take one prisoner, i. e. give quarter to him. np-qoaco, Owprj^ are in Att. irpdaaoj, Od>pa£. In later
£o)6-oro<|>os, ov, (£a"7» o~o<pos) wise in life. Att., «t and rfi were not seldom changed into $, e. g.

£o)o-<J>6pos, ov, {faos, (pepco) lifegiving. II. KkuOpov k\, dpov, Hrjprjidfs Hrjp'dfS.
(C<woy, (ptpoj) bearing animals; 6 faocpopos (sub kvk- r\ poet. t|€, Conjunction with three chief signfs., dis-
kos) =6 faSiaxus. junctive, interrogative, comparative: I. 77 disjunct-
twoc^rh-tco, put forth live shoots. From
f. fjaa}, to ive, or, Lat. aut ; and doubled, r/ . . , ij . . , either . .

£gj6-4>vtos, ov, (Ccuos, 0^cu) producing plants. or , aut ...

Lat. aut II. rj .
. : , interrogative
£co-irov€cij, f. 770-cu, (£a;os, TTOvioi) to represent alive. in indirect questions in a subjoined clause, eiiri ij say . .

£u>irvptci>, f. tioq}, to kindle into Jlame : metaph. to whe'her ; and doubled.77 , 77 whether , or 1 . . .
, . .

set on fire, provoke. From Lat. utrum , an .7 2. also with direct ques- .

£u)-irupov, to, ((cous, itvp) a spark, a piece of hot tions, like Lat. an; t'mt d\r]\ov0as; tj iva v"(ipiv
coal: a match to light afire with. 1877 'Aya/iifivovos why hast thou come ? is it that ;

JuipOTTOTtctf, f. rjaa>, to drink sheer wine. thou may'st see ? III. % comparative, than,
{wpo-iroTT|S, ov, 6, (fapos, irivoj) drinking sheer as, like Lat. quam, after a Comp. Adj. : also ?fter
wine, drunken. positive Adjs. which have a comp. force, dAAo ti
£ cup 6s, 6v, sheer, unmixed, of wine without water ij , some other thing than ij , con- . ; ivavrios
— as Subst. £o>p6s (sub. olvos), 6, or as neut., fapuv, trariwise than not so much as ; ; oi8' ooov ij . ,

to, Lat.merum, sheer wine: Homer uses only Comp., so after Verbs, PovKopm 77 to wish rather than . . .

fapoTtpov Kepait mix purer wine, i. e. pour in less <p6dvo} ij to come sooner than ...
. 2. ij some-

water. As the Greeks used to dilute their wine with times joins two Comparatives, when they both refer
water, faponpov mvav came to mean not only to to the same subject; iravrfs k dprjaaiar i\a<pp6rcpoi
drink purer wine than common, but generally to drink ir68a$ thai, fj d<pvei6repoi all would then pray to be
hard, he a drunkard. (Prob. for fa:pos from faus.) light of foot rather than rich ; Ta\vTipa ij owpurnpa
£a>s, neut. £d>v, gen. £w, rarer f< >rm for £<wos. more quickly than wisely.
£ukmi, aor. I meJ. imperat. of (wvvvfii. [When fj ov, ij ovk come together in a verse, the
{o)o-TT|p, ({wvvvfu) the warrior's belt or
rjpos, 6, two words coalesce into one syll. : so too fir) ov.]
baldric, which secured the body-armour, (wvrj being an exclamation, to call one's attention to a thing;

the woman's girdle but later, any belt or girdle.

77, 77, ffiajna what ho, be silent 1

£wo*Tpov, to, (favvvfu) a belt, girdle. fj, Adv., with two signfs., strengthening and ques-

tarrlKOS, 17, ov, ((da) of or for life. U.full of tioning I. to strengthen or confirm, in truth,

life, lively, vivid, Lat. vivax : of works of art, true truly, verily, of a surety ; 7] /X77V, Ion. 7$ fiiv, intro-
to life ; to* £<vtikov (paiveoQai ttvjs (V(pyd^r) rots dv- duces the very words of an oath, to give greater so-
Spidaiv how do you make that look of life appear in
; lemnity. II. in interrog. sentences, = Lat. nutn?

your statues? sometimes it may be rendered, whatt prayf or can

£o>v(j>iov, to, Dim. of £'2ov, = £<y8iov. it be? ij ov ; Lat. nonne f . . .

£a>-<J>i>TOS, ov,[faus, <pvoj) producing plants, fruitful. •fj, for ecpT], 3 sing. impf. of -qpi.

Jwci>, Ep. and Ion. fur (da>, to live. f\, for 77V, sing. impf. of clfii sum

q, 3 sing. pres. subj. of elfii sum.

tj, of Artie. 6.

% of relat. Pron. os, Ij, o, who, what?


H ^, dat. fern, of possess. Pron. os, 77, ov, bis, her.

t], dat. sing. fern, of relat. Pron. 5s, 77, o : also used

a, seventh letter of the Greek

to*, indecl., adverbially I. of Place, which way, where, whi-

alphabet as oktuj and 07500*, but jtf

numeral 77' ther, in or at what place. 1. of Manner, bow, as;
= 8000. The uncial form of Eta (\-\) was a double ti 6(fiis iari as is lawful and right. 3. joined with

E3> au d prob. it was so pronounced, as 8f}\os, (rj\os, Sup., 77 Svvardv fwXiara as much, as
ixdXiara or 77

from oe(\os, £4(\os. The old alphabet had only one far as possible as quick as possible.
; 77 ra^tora
sign (e) for the sound of e both long and short, till •fja, •f|€v, Ep. for
fy, 1 and 3 sing impf. of efyu sum.
the long vowel 77, with w, was introduced from the T\a, contr. of ffia, for yew, Ep. impf. of «7/« ibo.

Samian into the Athenian alphabet in the archonship TjaTO, Ion. for fjvro, 3 pi. impf. of t^/xat.
of Euclides (B. C. 403) together with <u, £ \f/. The , T|Pat6s, d, ov, Ion. for fiaiot, little, small, poor,
sign H, before it represented long e, was used for the sligb' mostly with a negat., ov ol ivi <ppeves, ouS*

rough breathing, as H02 for os, which usage remains Tj&aiai no sense is in him, no, not the slightest : in
in the Latin H. When the same H became a vowel, neut. as Adv., ovo' r/fiaiov not in the least, not in the
it was divided, so that I- represented the rough -i the slightest degree; without a negat., 77/80*01/ and aveiovs
smooth breathing, whence came the present signs for a little from the cave.

; ; : —
f)(3d(TK(»> — rjyoivCaKa, 301
riPdo-KO), Inceptive of f}@d<», to come to man's estate, f]Y € rJ-^
VV0S > *7> ov, belonging to a leader: rd 7)7*-
come to one's strength, Lat. pubescere. fioavva (sub. l(pd), thank-offerings for safe-conduct.
-f]|3d(i>, f. tjooj : aor. 1 i}0r)oa : pf. f/ffrjKa : (ji&rj) :
T|Y € ru*)V > tvos, 6, a leader, Lat. dux 1. a guide
to be at man's estate, to be in the flower or prime of to shew one the way, fjytuwv 65uv — generally, one
youth, Lat. pubescere ; dvfjp fidka rjpcvv a man in the who does a thing first, Lat. princeps, auctor ; yyefiwv
full vigour of youth ; so of plants, fj^ifpls f}&wa)cra a yiyveodai tivi to be one's guide or authority. 2.
young, luxuriant vine. II. nietaph. to be young, the leader of an army, a commander, captain, chief.
fresh, vigorous : also to be full of youthful joy, to be From
full of passion. f|Y<, f. ^yrjaofiai : aor. I fjyrjodnTjV : pf. 77777-
*HBH, 7), mans estate, manhood, youth, Lat. puber- fiai (sometimes used in pass, sense) : Dep. : (0170;) :

tas; also the strength and freshness of youth : — as a to go before, lead the way, opp. to shew
(irofiai : to
legal term 77/377 was the time just before manhood, at the way, guide, conduct. 2. to lead an army, and
Sparta fixed at 1 8, so that ol Sena d<p' jj^tjs were men
dat. it has the orig. so to command, rule: — with
of 28, T(TTapa.Kovra d<p' 77/377* men of 58.
of 2. sense of going before, with gen. the derived one of
metaph. freshness, vigour, youthful passion, fire, leading, commanding: absol. to be the first, to be a —
spirit. 3. a body of youth, the youth, hzt.juven- guide, leader, chief; 6 rjyovfMvos a leader, ruler,
tus. II. as fern. prop. n. "H^tj, Hebe, wife of chief. II. like Lat. dvcere, to suppose, believe,

Hercules, cup-bearer of the gods. Hence hold; fjycladai riva pacrikea to bold or regard as
tj{3t]86v, Adv. in the manner of youth. 2. itavrts king fjyuoOat Ocovs to believe in gods, like vopi^uv. ;

fjfi-qb'uv all from the youth upwards. TjY€p€, Ep. form of dyeipo/iai Pass., to be ga-
t)Pt|TT|p, 7700s, 6, -F|Pt]tt|s, ov, 6, {rj&cuu) in the prime thered together, only in 3 pi. pres. and impf. 77760*-
of youth. Oovrai, 7)y(p(6ovTO.
t)Pt|tik6s, 17, ov, (TjPaoj) of or Jit for youth, youthful, T)Ytp€, Ep. form of dyt'tpofxai Pass., to gather,
Lat. juvenilis. come together, only in pres. inf. rjyepieoOat.
•f|P6s, rj, ov, (77/377) youthful. t)Y€p0ev, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of dydpoj.
t)Pov\ti0tjv, TJj3ov\6p.T]v, for I/3-, aor. I and impf. T\Yr\kd£<i}, Ep. form of rjy to fiai, to guide; also, like Lat
of Povkopai. agere, Kaicov fiopov 7)777 Ad£*tj/ to lead a wretched life.
-q|3v\Xid<i>, Comic Dim. of r)/3d<u, to be youngish. TjY'Hr10 1 ' '
P 1 of ^yio/juu.

f]Pa>Tjv, Att. opt. of rj&aa). r\yr\riov,veTb. Ad).of^yeofiai,one must lead. II.

T)fjJ»p.L Ep. of fifiaoj.
Y]{&>oip.i, opt. one must suppose.
f]pwcov. Tjfjioiocra., Ep. part, of rjfiao). TJY Tl TinP» VP 0S >
O, Y|YT)TT|$, OV, O, TlY n T<,> P» °P°*» i
TrydcurOe, Tyy^P-'nv. v. sub dyafiai. (fiycopjxi) a leader, guide. 2. a leader, com-
t)YaYOv, T|-yaY6|XTiv, aor. 2 act. and med. of ayo). mander, chief; JjyrjTopes j)5e fi(8ovT($ chiefs in field
tjy^cos, 77, ov, {dyav, 6e6s) hallowed, most holy. and council.
rJY<5vov, to, Ion. for rrjfavov. fjY lao"H-* v0S » P 1^ P art P ass of d7td£a>.
- «

^•ydirsw, Dor. for ^ydnajv, impf. of dyairao). f|Y^ veov » impf. of dylvtw.
^yda-o-aro, 3 sing. aor. I of dydofitai. f|Y KaA»-o'a,H-'nv, TjY K dA lo"u. al > aor. I med. and pf.
nyyeika, aor °f dyytkkw. - l pass, of dyfca\i£o(Jiai.
TjYYiKo-, T)YY lo a pf> ana< aor of dyKvplfa.

» J of «77'Ca
- '- •x\yKvp\.<ra, aor. I

tiyY^ ! 1 * 01 . -"^^
1 J,' a,'• pf act an(* P ass °f eyyvdoj.
- -
•f\y\aio-a, slot, i of dykatfa.
•i\yyvr\a-a, -tjOtjv, aor. I act. and pass, of iyyvdw. pf P a ss. of. 017a;.
TJYP- at »
"f\yy\Kov, impf. of Iyyuoo;. f|Y V0T Ka T|Yvo11 cra Pf an<^ aor
1 of dyvoioi. ' -

tjY €t P a » a °r. I of dytipaj. T\yv\.<ra.\., of dyvifa.

2 sing. pf. pass,
r\yt\t.6vfv\ia, to, {nyffiovfva}) a leading : a leader. 4\yvoow, impf. of dyvoiu.
tiy € H- ov€1JS, gen. ecus Ep. 7)05, o, poet, for -qyeiiwv. TJY£ a aor. I of dyx<».

T\y*\kovtv<ii, f. ocu, (rjyffiduv) to go before : to lead the tJY ov impf. of dycu.


way, guide on the way. II. to lead in war, to rule, T|Y P°' a0^«» -ocovto, Ep. lengthd. for ijyopdaQt,
command, c. gen. pers. absol. to be ruler. : -wvto, 2 and 3 impf. of dyopdofxai.
fjY € HLOV ' a V* {vy f f ^JV ) a leading the way, going
JL< T)Y°P* Ka T|Y f P<*°" a > pf-
anc^ aor - x °f d7opd£a;.
T|Y P €VKa » T|Y P 6VO a '

first. II. chief command, sovereignty : the sw- °f dyoptvcv. P^ anc* aor - '

premacy of one state over a number of subordinates tjy°Wi Conj. 70UV) that is to say, Lat. scilicet.

rjytnovia, rrjs 'Ekkddos the supremacy of Greece. T|YP^ va aor. I of dypialvoj.


T)Y€p.oviKos, 4i, 6v, (fiyeuwv} fit for guiding, ready

Y|Yptci>Ka, r\ypluo-a., pf. and aor. I of dypi6oj.
to guide. II. Jit for commanding, chief, leading, fiYpop-Tiv. Ep. for qyf pofXTjv, aor. 2 med. of tydpoj.
Lat. princeps. T|YpuTrvT)o-a, aor. 1 of dypwnvioi.
f)Y«p.dvios. a, ov, (7)76/^1/) of or belonging to a •f)YX ov aor 2 ar, d impf. of d7x<w.
» -

guide : 6 ^ycfioviot, name of Hermes, as the guide TjYwviuKa, -Caora, -Ccjv, pf., aor. I and impf. of
of departed souls. dyowidoj.
— :

302 riyuivia&y^v — fjtpocibrjs.

t|y<ovlo-<L(it)v, aor. I med. of dyajvi^oyuai. TjSvpos, ov, poet, for rjSvt, sweet, pleasant.
Try«vio d'i)v,
r\yJiVitr\jLai, aor. I and pf. pass, of dyot- •t\Bwd\ir\v, Att. for ibvvdfiTjv, impf. of bvvafjuu.
vi^ofxai. t|8wtj0t]v, Att. aor. I pass, of Svvapxu.
T|-Se, (r). Si) and: if Kal follows f)8i, it takes the •f|8vv{i), f. t/vu> : aor. I f)8vva : (j)5vs) :
— to sweeten,
sense also, e. g. i)dk kcli and also. II. when it season.
answers to i)fiiv it means, as also. tj8v-oivos, ov, (iJStJt, oJvos) producing sweet wine.
r\ht, fern, of o8t. •f|8vocrp.ov, t6, the sweet-smelling herb, mint. From
ffSea, Ion. resolved form of pSj;, plqpf. of *eTSco. f|6v-ocrpos, ov, (^5vs, 6ap.i}) sweet-smelling.
•rjSeiv, €ts, «, plqpf. (with impf. sense) of *«t5<w: 3 •f|8vira()€ta, ij, pleasant living, luxury. From
pi t/5«o'cu' or rjbeoav. T|8t»ir&6e<i>, f. rjuco, ("f)5vira0r)s) to live pleasantly
flSeo-apirjv, aor. 1 of alSiofiat. enjoy oneself, be luxurious. Hence
t|8€0-0t)v, aor. 1 pass, of iaOia>. ^8tm-d0T)ua, aros, to, enjoyment. [5]
p8c(r6i]v, aor. I pass, of albio/xat. T|8v-ird0irjs, is, (170*1$*, iradttv) living pleasantly.
i]Sco>s, Adv. of fjSvs, sweetly, pleasantly, gladly, f|8v-Trvev<rros, ov, (i)8«/s, irviai) = f/hvirvoos.
i)8£oj$ i\uv to be kind : Comp. fjbtov, Sup. fjdiara. T)8v-irvoos, ov, contr. -^irvovs, ovv, (i)8vs, rrvori)
"HAH, Adv. of Time, like Lat. jam, already, by, sweet-breathing : sweet-smelling.
or from this time, now, presently, forthwith : also of f|8v-iroXws, 10s, and tut, also tos, 6, i), (i^Svs, iro\is)
Place, diro ravrrjs 17817 Aiyvirros after this lake directly dear to the people.
begins Egypt. •f|8u-iroTT)S, ov, ("f)8vs, nivu) fond of drinking.

fj8i), jj57)0'6a, jjdrj Att. for jjSeiv, plqpf. (with impf. f|8v-7TOTOS, ov, (t)8vs, vivoi) sweet to drink.
sense) of *tthoi. f|8vs, ^Scfa, -fjdv Ion. fern. rjSiS, Dor. aSia ; Dor.

t|8ik€ov, TJ8iKT)Ka, TJ8iKT)<ra, impf., pf., and aor. I ace. sing, adia, for -fjSCv Comp. ^hiojv, Sup. ijSioros: — —
of d5iK( oj. later, also, jjdvrepos, JjSvraTos (fjdo/Mii) sweet to : :

T|8Co)v, tjBurros, 17, ov, Comp. and Sup. of ijou*. the taste, smell, or hearing metaph. sweet, plea- :

T|8oX«o*x€Ov, impf. of dhoKta\io). sant. II. of persons, pleasant, welcome, dear,

"HAOMAI, fut. J)a0r)ao}uu aor. 1 fjoOtjv, rarely glad.

in med. form T}oa(iT)v : Dep. :

to enjoy oneself, take fjSvo-p.a, aros, t6, (i)5vva>) that which sweetens ot
one's pleasure: with partic., r}o$T) dieovaas be was flavours, seasoning, spice, sauce.
glad to have heard often used in dat. of partic, i)5o-
: f|8£-o-u>p&TOs, ov, (fyo'v's, acD/io) of sweet form.
fiivy yiyvcrai fioi rt I am well pleased at the thing f|S£-4>dr|s, is, {^8vs, <pdos) sweetly-shining.
happening, like dafiivq), ftovKofiivy. Hence Tj8v-<j>p«v, <ppovos, 6, 17, (17SVS, (ppijv) sweet-minded.
T|8op.€Vb>s, Adv. pres. part, of ijdo/jai, gladly. T]8v4>a>via, ^, sweetness of voice. From
t|8ovtj, 1), (?}8os, ijdo/xai) delight, enjoyment, plea- fj8iJ-4>a)vos, ov, (fjSvs, (pavrj) sweet-voiced.
sure, Lat. voluptas ; irpbs or Ka&" "qhovi)v Kiyttv to f|8i5-xapT|S, is, (rjdvs, \apfivai) sweetly joyous.
speak so as to please another. Tj8v-xpoos, ov, contr. -XP°vs, ow, {ffbis, "xpoa)
vjSos, eos, to, (i]5ofw.i) delight, enjoyment, pleasure. of sweet complexion : j\5v\po\iv, to, as Subst., a kind
8' 8s, said be, for tyrj iieuvos, v. i)pl. of perfume.
q8v-(3oTis, ov, Dor. - |36as, a, 6, (176V*, fioij) sweet- tjc, Ep. for ^, or.

sounding. for yti, 3 sin p. impf. of etfu ibo.

qSv-ydp-os, ov, (^5vs, ydfios) sweetening marriage. ^€i, 3 sir.g impf. of ftfii.
flSv-yeAcas, <w, gen. 0), (r)ovs, yi\<us) sweetly- T)Ci8ov, TJciara, impf. and aor. I of deiSea.
laughing. TJeCSeiv, Ep. plqpf. (with impf. sense) of *ttbw.
r\tv-y\u>o'a-os, ov, (ijtivs, y\waaa) sweet-tongued. tjcXios, 6, poet, and Ion. for 7/A10*.
•qSu-yviopajv, ov, gen. ovos, (iJ5t/s, yvwp.r)) of plea- qcXkuris, Ep. for %\twris.
sant mind, of kindly sentiments. fyv, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of elfil sum.
f|8v-€irr|s, is, (i)5vs, tiros) sweet-speaking : sweet- fjl-irep, poet, for ^7Tfp.

sounding: poet. fern. Y|Sv€ima. r\ipa, Ion. and Ep. ace. of d^p.
TjSv-Opoos, ov, contr. -Opovs, ow, (i)6vs, Opoos) TJepc0op,ai, lengthd. form of dfipopxu Pass., to hang
sweet-strained. floating or waving in the air: metaph., ovkoripojv
f|8v-XT)irros, ov, (i)5i's, XapfidvoS) taken with pleasure. (ppivfs Tjfpidovrat young men's minds are flighty.
qSv-Xoyos, ov, (tjSvs, KiyoS) sweet-speaking : flat- T)(p0T]v, aor. I pass, of ddpa).
tering, fawning. T|«pi, Ion. and Ep. dat. of drjp.
f|8i)-Xupi]S, ov, 6, (jySvs, Xvpa) singing sweetly to the Tjtpios, o, ov, Ep. for dipios (drip) early, at morn,
lyre. at day-break, when all things are yet wrapt in
•fjS-O-jjLeX-qs, 4s, (^8vs, piKos) sweet-singing. (dr)p). 2. high in air.
TjSv-fxcXC-d^do-yYOS, ov, (fjdvs, fie\i, <p66yyos) with, pf. pass, of ddpoj.
honey-sweet voice. r\t po-8CvT|s, «», (drip, diviu) wheeling in mid-air. [f
4)8ft-|i.lY?j$, is, (ijZvs, luyqvaC) sweetly-mixed. Y)cpo-ci8YJs, is, Ion. and Ep. for dtp-, (&fy>, cftos)
: :

if(po€i$ — rjAaro. 303

cloudy look, clouded, dark, murky cloud-capped, of *HKA, Adv. of Sound, low, tranquilly. II of
hills dim, gray.
: Motion, slightly, a little : softly, gently. III. of
T|cpoeis, taaa, cv, Ion. and Ep. for dtp-, (dr)p) Sight, smoo bly, sleekly. [5]
clouded, dark, murky. Y|ica, aor. I of irjfu.

T|«p60ev, Adv., Ion. and Ep. for dtp -, {dr)p)from air. |J<a{ov, Att. impf. of dicdfa.
T|f pos, Ion. and Kp. gen. of dr)p. ?)Kaip€io-9c, 2 pi. impf. oiditaiplofiai.
T|cpo-4>oms, j8o*, r), fem. Adj. (dr)p, <poirdaf) walk- jJKaaa, -pKaa^v, Att. aor. I act. and mcd. of
ing in darkness. tltcdfa.
Tjep6-dHovos, ov, (df)p, <pwvf)) sounding through air, ig <ao-p,ai, Att. pf. pass, of ( Ucfa.
loud-voiced. i]K&x<, 3 s » n g- aor 2 of dxta).

T|€pra£ov. impf. of dfpTa£<u. r\Ktaaro, 3 sing. aor. I of cutiofuu.

qcpTrjo-a, T|«'pTr], aor. I act. and pf. pass, of dtprdo). tj-kcotos, rj, ov, for a-K€CTos, (a privat., Ktvrcw)
•n€o-ov, 3 pi. impf. of (Tfu. iho. unloaded : free from labour.
tjtjv, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of ei/t» sum. ifJKT|, r), Ion. for did), ojccvkt).

T|T|p, r), formed

a late nora. after ',ipos, f)ipi, yepa, ij-.Tio-Ap.Tjv, aor. I med. of alie'ifa.
the Ep. and Ion. cases of drip. T)Kio-0ijv,, aor. I and pf. pass of alftlfa.
TjOaios, o, ov, Dor. for ifiuoa. TjKtorros, 77, ov, Sup. Adj. f om the Adv. jj/ra, gent-
"t\9ds,dbos,6,r),lnn. for i6dt (^Oos) used, accustomed, lest, slowest.
habituated to a thing. II. wonted, accustomed. tjKta-TOS, 17, ov, Sup. of Comp. r)aawv, the worst, least,

TJOctos, a, ov, {^6os) honoured, respected : voc. rjOue, poorest, meanest : —Adv. IJKiara, least (jtojtut or fu-
Sir, as a term of respect from a younger to an elder Kput is used as positive).
brother. TJKp.&o-a, aor. I of d«/xd^u.
TiO&TjKa, T)6cAT]0-a, pf. and aor. I of kdi\cu. TJKoXovOijora, aor. I of dicoXovBia).
tjOcXov, impf. of i9l\<u. TjKOvrio-a, aor. I of dKovrifa.
Tpeos, o, r), Att. for rjiOcos. fj-icov, Ion. and Dor. for i)vov.
n©E'H, f. rjoai, to sift or strain. T)Kouo-a, aor. of ojcovoj.

TjOitcos, t), 6v, (t,$os) of ox for morals, ethical, moral, TjKovo'p.aL, pf. pass, of okovoj.
opp. to intellectual {ZiavorjTiKot). II. expressive •fjKpou)p.Tjv, T)Kpoacrdu.Tjv, impf. and aor. I of dxpo-

of moral character. dofMi.

tjGXtjko,, tj0Xtj<ra, pf. and aor. I of d$\iat. T|Kpu>TT]piacra, T|Kpa>TTT|, aor. i act. and pf.
qOp-os, o. (^0«a>) a s'rainer. pass, of uKparrrjpiafa.
fjOos, <ot, t<5, (c0o«) an accustomed place : hence in "HKX2, impf. f^Kov: fut. t)£oj: — properly I have come,
plur. ^0«a, $*a/s, haunts, abodes, first, p/ beasts, but am adsum ; the impf. taking a plqpf sense,
here, Lat.
afterwards of men. II. custom, usage, habit: in pi., I bad come, was here, Lat. aderam then loosely to —
like Lat. mores, the disposition, temper, character. come. have come to, reached a point ; (Is
II. to
gOov, imp. of a?0a> tovto r6\pvqs fjKuv to have reached this pitch of au-
qGpotcra, aor. I of dBpoifa. dacity. 2. with gen. and an Adv., «u t)kuv rivot
qOpoUHhjv, T), aor. I and pf. pass. ofd9potfa. to be wrll offfor a thing, have plenty of it. 3. to
rjta contr. •{ji. to, (qia, contr. pa, impf. of «7ui *6o) have come to, to relate or belong to.
provisions for a journey, Lat. viaticum : generally, t|X(i0tjv [51, aor. I pass, of e\avv<u.
f >od,meat. II. chaff, busks, [f] nXaivo), Ion and poet, for d\aiv<u, (dXaofiai) to wan-
Tj'ia, Ion. for rjtiv, impf. of c7/« ibo : 3 sing. #"«, der, stray : to wander in mind, be mad.
3 pi. '.[lov or 17*00*' T|Xd.KdTa, ojv, rd, the wool on the distaff.
T|-d«os Att. contr. j[6€os, 6, a yon/a come to man- T|XdKd/rrj, t), a distaff, Lat. colus : also a spindle
hood, but not yet marr ed, a bachelor, answering to later of things of the same shape, as II. the joint

the fem. irapQlvos; —

rare'y in fem. i)tO(n, a young girl. of a reed or cane. III. an arrow, like drpajCTOS,
K ikto, 3 sing. Ep. plqpf. of ioaca (as if from fjtypLrjv). Lat. arundo.
f ija, aor. I of diaaoj. T|XdXa£a, aor. of dAaXd^a;.1

T 'io€is,
«roa, (v, (I'jdjv} with high, steep banks. tjXoXkov, poet. aor. 2 of d\c£oj.
mov, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of tt^i ibo. TjXdu»Tjv, aor. I mrd. of dWopm.
tjuos, d, epith. of Phoebus, from the cry r), r). -nX5o-a, T|Xdo-0nv, aor. t act. and pass, of fXavvoj.
r\urav, Ep. for rjfoav 3 pi. impf. of (Tpu ibo. T|XacrK<i£u), (dKdouai) to wander away from; ifxov
T)UTKOV, impf. of ilOKOl. fiivos r)Ka<T/ed^(i he flees from or shuns my wrath. II.

fjuraov, impf. of dtaaoj. and fro.

trans, to drive to
tjixO tjv, aor. of dtoav.
1 pass, Ep. form of dXdoftat, dkaivw, to wander,
'Hlfl'N Att. -qwv Dor. duLv, 6vot, r), a sea-bank, stray, roam about.
the shore, beach : also a river-bank. J] rjXdo*T«ov, impf. of dAatrWa;.
tjtwv, ovot, r), (dteu) a hearing, report. tjXoto, 3 sing. impf. of dXdofuu
: : :

304 ijXdrroxra — ijAt/inos.

fjAATTwo-a, VjXaTTwOrjv, aor. I act. and pass. of *HAIB, Xkos, t, 1), of the same age, Lat. aequalis:—
lkaoo6w. as Subst. a fellow, comrade, mate.
fjXyqo-a, aor. I of 6Xyia>. I|Xi6-PXtjtos, ov, (IjJuos, 0&Wu) sun-burnt.
YiXyvva, tjXyvv0i)v, aor. I act. and pass, of 6\yivo). •nXio-Kar|s, is, (fjXios, k6m, koIbj) sun-burnt.
f)\5dv«, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dA&uVcu. qXto-xaucrros, ov, fjKio/eaijt. =
fjXcdfit]v, aor. Iof ixiofuu. qXio-fiSv^s, doting on tbe sun,
is, (rjXios, fuxvTjvai)

^XfyX^. aor. 1 pass, of Ixiyx**- mad for love of tbe sun.

{jXcuj/a, T)Xci4>di]v, aor. I act. and pass, of a\ei<pcv. TjXtos Dor. aAios poet. rjcXios, 6, (tXrf Lat. sot) tbe
i}X<KTpov, t6, and 4}X«KTpos, 6 and 1), {^Ximojp) tun ; trpos 'Hut r' 'HeXidv t« toward the morn and
electron, mentioned in the Odyssey along with copper, rising sun, i. e. tbe East, opp. to irpbs (6<pov, the land
gold, silver, and ivory,a metallic substance consisting of darkness or West ; so also Herodotus opposes vpbs
of gold alloyed with silver —
in Ar. Eq. 5^ 2 licmir- r}a) re teal tfkiov ivarokas to irpdt iavipnv. 2.

rovoujv rwv fjXitcrpojv, it seems to mean, the pegs of day, like Lat. sol. 3. ol fjkioi tbe sun-beams, like
bis lyre inlayed witb electron. II. amber. Lat. soles. II. as prop. n. Helios, tbe sun-god,
TiXeKTpo-^aTis, is, {fi\(Krpov,<paos) amber-gleaming. who after the time of Aeschylus was identified with
T|X6crwp, opos, 6, tbe beaming sun: as Adj., ^Ximup Apollo or Phoebus.
*¥ir«/>«w beaming Hyperion. (Deriv. uncertain.) f|X«.o-o-r<cpT|S, is, (fjkios, orepio)) sbadingfrom tbe sun.
T|Xcp.&TOS Dor. dX-, ov, (ijXeos, ijAc*) distraught, •qXto-ortpT|S, is, (fikios, onfitiv) sun-trodden, ex-
silly, trifling, vain. posed to tbe sun.
^Xc6«, ^, 6v, (ifjXSs) wandering in mind, distracted, 4|Xi6b>, f. Lata, (fjXios) to warm in tbe sun — Pass, to
crazed. II. act. distracting, crazing. bask in tbe sun, be lighted and heated by tbe sun.
of &kia>, to grind.
fljXco-a, aor. I TjXto-a, tj XCo-0i)v, aor. 1 act. and pass, of aktfa.
T|X€vaTo, Ep. for TjXtvcraro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of n Aicra, fjXltca. aor. I and pf. of Akivdcu.
aXevouai = aXiopai. r\\lrov, aor. 2 of aXiraivo).
tjXt|Xcivto, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of I \aivat. YjXtTo-ep-yos, 6v, (aXiTalvojJpyov) missing tbe work,
T|XT|XaTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of tkavvcv. failing in one's end or aim.
^XtiXCp.p.T|v, plqpf. pass, of aX(i<poj. T|XtT6-p.T)vo*, ov, (iXiraivoj, ftfjv) missing tbt right
4fX8ov, contr. of 1jXv0ov, aor. 1 of lp\o\ia\. month, untimely born.
$|Xi&£a>, = ^\i6w, (ijXios) to warm in tbe sun. II. t|XC(|)tjv [f], aor. 2 pass, of ixdepw.
Med. J)\iA£ofMi, to sit in tbe court 'HAia/a. 'HAI^F, tnos, 6, said to be a Dorian shoe.
fjXiata, 1), akia) at Athens a ball in which
(dx-fjs, •f|> uoo-a, aor. 1 both of aXiSu and of j)Xt6oj.
the chief law-court was held : tbe Heliaea or supreme qXuin-ns, ov, 6, fern, -urns, tCot, poet 4\«K~, (IjXios)
law-court. of or belonging to tbe sun.
nXul!«i, Dor. 2 sing. fut. of ^ktA^ofiat. fjXicqo-a, aor. 1 of iXicioj.

nXwurrfis, ov, 6, (j)ki6.£ojjuti) a juryman in tbe court JjXkoju.^vos, pf part. pass, of iXjtSw.
Heliaea, a Heliast. Hence qXXAyrjv, -X^v, aor. 2 and I pass, of dWAoffc*.
qXtaorucos, ^, 6v, of or belonging to a Heliast. TjXXaYp.«vos. pf. part. pass, of iXXiffaat.
TjXC^dros, ov, steep, abrupt, precipitous : bigb, huge, 4]XXa|a, aor. I of dXXdffffai.
enormous. II. like Lat. altus, deep, profound. •qAXotwo-a, TJXXo(a>|i<u, aor. 1 act. and pf. pass. 0/
(Deriv. uncertain.) aXXoi6a>.
fjXlOa, Adv. (&Xis) enough,sufficiently : abundantly. TjX6i]cra, Ep. j}Xolr}oa, aor. 1 of 6X060.
speak or act idly, foolishly.
T|Xt0ui{<«>, to From •fjX6Kio-pai, pf. pass, of 6\oiclfa.
TjX(0tos Dor. dXCO-, a,ov, ($X6s, Jjkc6») idle, trifling, TIAOS, 6, a nail, stud: more for ornament than use.
vain, foolish, silly. Adv. -ton. Hence ifjX6$, t/, 6v, (aX.17) wandering, crazy, silly.
^Xltnow, f. 6001, to make foolish, to distract, craze. ftXtrtTO, 3 sing. impf. of fairo/juti.
qXticCa, 1), (^Ai£) time of life, age. 2. tbe vigour fjXirlo-a, T|Xiri<r0T]V, aor. I act. and pass, of iXirtfa.
or prime of life, manhood; ol iv i)kiKiq, men of age i?|Xo-A|i.T|v, aor. 1 med. of ttkaj.
fit for service : —youthful beat and passion. II. TiXvyq [if], 1), (»$Av£) shadow, darkness: metaph.,
as Subst., - ol jjktKfs, those of tbe same age, fellows, Mkijs ^kv^yij tbe darkness or obscurity of a law-suit.
comrades, mates. III. generally, age, time: later tjXvOov, Ep. for ?ikBov, aor. 2 of tpxofjuu.
an age, Lat. seculum. IV. of the body, stature, 4|Xv£, vyos, 6, darkness, only found in compd. liri}Xv(.
growth, bulk. Hence (Formed from with a
Xiuyrj, prefix.)
rjXlKuinjs, ov, 6, fern. -&n«, tios, an equal in age, t]Xv£a, aor. I of oAiWoj.
fellow, comrade, Lat. aequalis. "HXvoxov ireSiov, t6, (iktvaopai, fut. of tyxoficu)
y|XCkos, i), ov, Relat. to r-nKitcos or rrjkiKovros, as tbe Elysian fields : later without irc&ov, Elysium.
Lat. quantus to tantus, as big as, as tall as, as great Homer places it on the west border of the earth;
as. 2. in indirect questions, bow great or strong Hesiod and Pindar in the ftaieapajv vrjooi.
also bow old, at what age : as old as. [r] From ^Xvo-tos, o, ov, coming : or Elysian. Iff] From

ij\v(ris — i)(x£bov\os. 305

fjXt><rts, (us, j), (i\fvffouai, fut. of epxonai) a com- -rjp.€pia, 1), = ^fifpa.
ing : a step. 2. a coming event, the future. •f|p.epfv6s, <jV, = f)p.(pT}oios.
17, by day, opp. to vvkt(-
"fj\4>ov, aor. 2 of d\<paivat. pivos by night dyy(Aos f/ptpivus a c/ay-messen-

f)X<i)Ka, Ion. for idXot/Ka, pf. of dXiaKopiai. ger. II. = e<pT)t*(pos, for the day, perishable.
T|XwfiT]V, impf. of dXiofiai. -f|p.cpios, ov, also a, ov, (Jjfxipa) of a day, lasting or
tjXwv, Ion. fo idXcuv, aor. 2 of aXioKo/ living but a day.
•fjjia, t6, (Inpu) that which thrown, a dart, javelin. is T|p.cpCs, i5os, 1), fern, of fjfiepos, cultivated, opp. to
T|p.&0o€is, (aaa, (v, (dpxiQos) Ion for dp:-, sandy. dypios, wild : — as Subst. the vine.
', fjaai, fjrai, 3 pi. ffvrai Ion carat Ep. (larai; f]pepo-8p6u.os, ov, (fjpiipa, Spafiuv) running the live-
imperat. ^no, r)ad<», etc. ; inf. tfoOai part, fjfi vos ;
long day : as Subst. a day-runner, a courier.
impf. 77/xT/v, ^<ro, ^oro, 3 pi. fjvro Ion taro Ep. «faTo T|pcpo-0dXT|S, ts, Dor. for sq.
— only used in pres. and impf. (which are properly pf. T|p.6po-0TrjXTis, is ddkhoi) gently-sprouting.
and plqpf. of tfrnai), to be set, to sit : often with col- T|p.€p6-KoiTOS, ov, (fifiipa, koitt]) sleeping by day, i.e.

lat. sense to tarry, linger, lover: r\p.tvos x%> os 'ike » awake by night, epith. of a thief.
tiap\ivn, a low, sunken place. It is rarely used c. ace, •flp-epo-XcySov, Adv. (jjulpa, \iycu) couning every
fjoBat aiXjja to sit on a bencK. day, day by day, every day.
Jju^ip Dor. ap-ap, Sltos, to, poet, for fjpiipa, day; f|p.€po-Xo'yf&>, (ijnipa, KiyoS) to count by days, register.
ataifiov tfMp, /jLopaifiov fjfiap the day of destiny, day -rjp.epo-XoYiov, to", {Jjfxcpa, \iy<u) a calendar, alma-
of death ; (XtvOepov, 5ov\iov tffiap 'be day of freedom, nack.
of slavery, i. e. freedom, slavery itself; of the seasons, "HMEP02, ov, also a, ov, tame, reclaimed, domestic,
ovojpivuv, xciptpiov rjfjxip autumn, winter time; eir* of animals ; of trees, cultivated : — opp. to dypios,
fiyLari day by day, daily, but kir' ?)fiap by day ; icar' wild. II. metaph. of men, gentle, civilised.
fjpap day by day; -nap fjfjiap every other day, Lat. alter- ilpfpo-CKoiros, 6, (ijixipa, okott(oj) watching by day :

nis diebus: also, tfpap as Adv., by day, opp. to vvtcrajp. as Subst. a day-watcher.
Tmap-rnKa, -rjp.dpTT)o-a, pf. and aor. 1 of dpuapravfa. T|p.€p6-4>avTOS, ov, (fifxtpa, (paivfMii) appearing by
Y|(xapTov, aor. 2 of apxiprdvoj. day.
fip.d-n.os, a, ov, (Snap) poet, for rjpeprjoios, by day f|U,epo-4>vXa.£, clkos, 6, (finlpa,<pvka£) watching by day.
day by day, daily. T|p.€p6-<j>a>vos, ov, (fjnipa, <p<uviai) epith. of the cock,
-np.dT(i), pf. pass, of aiuarSoj. herald of day.
fj(xf3\coKa, T|p.p\cocra, pf. and aor. I of d/i/3Xi<r/«w. •f)u.€p6co, f. woo), (rjfj.epos) to tame, make tame, re-
Tjp-PpOTOv, inf. dfiQpoTfiv, Ep. aor. 2 of dpuxprdvu. claim: of trees, to cultivate. 2. metaph. of men,
T]LLe5air6s, 17, ov, {^fieis) of our land or country, to soothe, conciliate : also to tame by conquest, subdue.
native, Lat. nostras. TJpcs, Dor. inf. of dfii sum.
•qp-ets, T)pds. nom. and ace. pi. of iyw. f]p.€Ttp€ios, a, OV,=J)fA€8aTr6s.
TJp.€X"yov, impf. of dpii\yw. -f|p.(T€pos, o, ov, (77/ms) our, Lat. noster; us yp-ire-
T)(j.€\T|p€vcos, Adv. pf. pass. part, of dpieKioj, in a neg- pov (sub. 5&fxa) to our house.
lectful manner. T)pc<ov, Ion. and Ep. gen. pi. of iyw.
Tjp.eXXov, Att. impf. of piiXXu. ijp.T]v, rare Att. form for ^v, impf. of dfti sum.

T|-p^. . , T|-8t ,
(ij, fiiv) poet, for Kai . , Kai . .
, T|pT|v, impf. of fj/iai.

as well . . , as also . . , Lat. et .

, et . . : also disjunc- T|pi, the same I say, Lat. inquam ; vat. iffxi,
as <prjfu,
tive, if..,oxif.., whether . . , whether. . , Lat. v?l .
. irax boy, I say, boy 1 —
impf. I and 3 sing., r/v 5' iyilj
vel , or sive .
, sive . . . said I, 7) 8' os said he, are freq. in Att. Homer has
?jp.€v, 1 pi. impf. of clfu sum. only 3 sing. impf. 7^, he spoke.
f|p.ev, Dor. for tlvai, inf. of elpd sum. 1IMI*-, freq. as a prefix, half-, Lat. semi- : the
'HMETA Ion. Tip-cpt) Dor. dp.*pa, ij, day : the Adj. is ijfiiavs.
light of day ; dpi ijnipa or dpa rfj ijp-ipq. with dawn T|p.t-av8pos, o, (17/it— , dvrjp) a half-man, eunuch.
of day, with day-break ; 5Y tipipas all day long ; did •flpx-dvOpamos, o, = fjp.idvSpos.
rpirns ijpiipas every lhird day, Lat. tertio quoque die; T|p,i-Pp6XT|S, is, (i7A" - » /3p«'xo/iat) half-watered.
i<p' ijp.ipav sufficient for the day, or daily; Kad r/piipav T)pi-j3pws, cjtos, 6, 1), and T]pi-f3pa>TOS, ov, if^u-,
day by day ; pitO' jjptpav by day, Lat. interdiu ; 6\pl PiffpcuoKO)) half-eaten.
TTjt rj^tpas late in the day ; trpos rjpiipav towards or f|pi-Y«v€ios, ov, (fjfu-, yiveiov^ with but half a beard.
near day. II. metaph. life : tiakaid ijpiipa old f|pi--yvpvos, ov, {"fjpj.-, yvpvos) half-naked.
i age; via f/piipa youth. Hence T)p.i-8aT|s, is, (^/xt-, b\iioj) half-burnt.
'n.p.cpevu, f. aaj, to pass the day ; ffp.fpddv fuutpds -qp-i-SapcLKov, to, (j]pu-, SapfiKos) a half-daric.
1 Kf\(v6ov to rest the day after a long journey. 2. Tjp.i-8€T|S, is, (^fu-, oico) wanting half, half-full.
to pass one's days, live. •f|p.i-8i'rrXot8iov Att. contr. -oi8iov, r6, (i)/«-, 8i~
f]pepT|cn.os, a, ov, also ot, ov, (r/nipa) of oxfor the day, irXots)a half-shawl, or shawl doubled in half.
by day. II. a daylong; ^^eprjoiaubotadays journey. T)pC-8ovXos, ov, a half-slave.
— : . :

306 f)fll€KT€OV ijV,

qpi-CKT/ov, t6, a balf-kttTcvs, i. e. a twelfth part of

HMT2T2, «to, v ; Ion. fem. jjpioia : gen. i/platos
a medimnus. rarelv -tais, fem. ifpuatias Ion -co* . nom. pi. ffpi-

fjfU-eXXTjv, rjvos, 6, >), a half-Greek. cec* Att. -fit : half, Lat. SEMIS : in plur it some-
-rjfi,t-€pYT|S, is, and Tjpi-cpyos, ov,(j)ni-,*epy<u) half- times agrees with the Subst., as tipioas Kaoi balf the
made. people ; in Att. the Subst. is commonly in genit., but
v|fjLi-€(j>9os, ov, (i)/«-, Zipoj) half-boiled, half-cooked. gives gender and number to the Adj., as al f/pi-

Tjp.i-9d\T|S, is, ^J7/Xi— , OaAciv) half-green. o~uat tuiv vtwv balf the ships ; ao also, ijpiovs \6yos
fjpi-9dvr|s, is, ($pu-, Oavuv) half-dead. balf the tale ; fjpiav tcixos balf the wall ; neut. sing.
?]fju-0€os Dor. dp,-, 6, ia//" a god, demigod. Ijpiov as Subst. a balf, balf, rjpiav rtprjs.
T|pi0vT|s, rjros, 6, 17, (7/it-, 0dVefv) half-dead. fjpt-TdXavTOv, to, a half-talent, as a weight ; rpirov
TjpC-OpauoTos, ov, (ijfju -, Opavoj) half-broken. •fjpuTCLkavTov two talents and a balf(c&. Lat. sestertius);
?|pt-Kdicos, ov, a rogue by halves, half a villain. but, Tpia tfpuT&kavTa three half-talents
Tjpi-icXT|ptov, to, {^pu-, KKijpos)half the inheritance. T|plTcXcia, i), (jy/XiTcAiy*) a remission of balf
T)pC-Kpaipa, j), half (be bead or face •f|pt-T€X€OTOS, ov, (ft
pi-, TtXiai) balf-finished.
•f|pi-\enTOS, ov, {fjpu-, Kiirco) half-peeled, balf- qpt-reXTjs, «'*, (Jipu -, tcAos) balf-finished, half-
batcbed. accomplished, half-perfect; Sopot ^puT(\^$ a house
•f|pi-\«vtcos, ov, half-white. but balf complete, i. e. wanting its master.
fjpiAXT|0T|v, 'ipCXA-rjpai, aor. I and pf. of dp.iWa.opat. f|pl-Topos, ov, (17/w-, TCpLerv) balf cut through ; cut
T|pi-pdvT|S, is, (fiyu , pavrjvai"\ half-mad. in two : t6 fjpuTopiov a balf.
-r)u.i-p,dpavTOS, ov, (^p*~, papaivopai) half-withered •T|p,iTv/3iov, to, a strong linen cloth, towel, napkin.
or faded, [d] (Prob. an Egypt, word.)
Tjpi-p€0T|s, is, (i/fju -, fi«^') half-drunk. -7|p.k-<f>&T)s, it, {ftp*-, <paos) half-shining.
T|p.i-pvaios, a, ov, (fyu~» (iva) of, amounting to a T)pi-<j>iXaicpos, ov, balf bald.
balf-mina : Jjpipvcuov, r6, as Subst. a balf-mina. flpC-^avXos, ov, half-knavisb.
fjpiv or rjptv, dat. pi. of iyw. f|pi-<|>XcKTos, ov, (f)iu-, <p\iyw) half-burnt.
-qpi-g-npos, ov, half-dry. f)p.ib>f3oXiaios, a, ov. worth half an obol. From
-^pioXia (yavs), 1), a light ship with one and a half f]pi-<i>36Xtov or w^tXiov, to, a half-obol. From
bank of oars. Fem. from i)tu-<oj3oXov, t<5, ('fjpu-, 6&o\6s) a half-obol.
o\os) one and a half half
f||xi-6Xios. a, ov, (i)/*t-, -fjpi-wpiov, t6, ())/«-, &pa) a half-hour.
as much again tov rort koOiotutos pirpov
; fjpioXiai fjppai, pf. of Sltttoj.
half as large again as the customary size ; J)pio\tov ^jpos Dor. dpos, poet. Adv., relat. to rrjpLos as ort
ov npWtpov (<pepov one half more than they used to to tot€ : when, while, so long as.
receive before. Y|u,irco~x6pT)v, aor. 2 med. of dptnixot.
T|pi6v€kos a, ov, (f/plovos) of a mule; dpa£a 1)pi- Tipos, 17, ov, Aeol. dpos, for J)p.tTtpot,
ovcia a car drawn by mules ; £vyov rjpuoveiov a team ijpow. impf. of ipiioj.
of mules. TJpireSow, impf. of ipineooat.
f|pioviic6s. 17, 6v, = JjfUOVC 10S. Tjp7r6XT|Ka, -Tjo-a, pf. and aor. I of tpvoKao).
or <J, (f)fu -, 6vos)a half-ass, a mule.
-?)p(-ovos, ?7 II. of kpnroKaoj.
f|pir6Xci>v, impf.
as Adj., @pi<pos fjpuovov a mule-foi\. qp-n-XaKov, aor. 2 of dpmKaKiOKOi.
qpi-oiros, ov, (tJ/u -, oirf)) with half its proper num- T]pvva, aor. I of dfivvcu.
ber of boles; i/piovoi ai\oi flutes with only three boles. TJpvorcic, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of jj/ivco.

T|pC-oirros, ov, balf-roasted. •qptioTUca, pf. of dpLvarifa.

Y|p.i-ire\€Kicov, to, (? pi-, iriKexvs) a half-axe, a singU TJp.v<i>, f. vcoj [v] : aor. I ijptvoa : (pvaf) — to sink,
edged axe, opp. to dp<pnri\(KKov. droop, bow down ; fjpLvoc tcdprj his head dropped, of a
T|pC-irXe9pov, t6, a balf-it\i6pov , i. e. zpfeet. dyingman ; of a corn-field, fjixva doraxvcoai it bows
YjpA-rrXivOiov, to, tfpi-irkivOoi) a balf-plintb,abrick, down with its ears of cities, to
; totter to their fall
Lat. semilaterium. later to fall, perish.
qpC-irvoos, ov, contr. -^irvovs, ow, (ftp*-, irvioj) Tip^cyvoTjo-a, tip4>«yv6ow, aor. I and impf. of dp>
half-breathing, half choked. <piyvoiai.
•f|pv-mjp(i>Tos, ov, (fjm-, irvp6<u) half-burnt, [tf] TJp<f>«o"P-f|TOw or iqp4>wr ~» impf. of dpxpiofirjTia).
f|pCo-€€s, nom. pi. of fjpiovs. YJp<j>€o-pT|Tr)o-a or T|p<t>ur-, aor. I of dpKptofiijrioi.
fipio-ewi, ij, a balf, fern, of fjpuovs. Tip<J»i€cra, aor. Iof dpuptiwvpu,
Y)u,(-o-o<t>os, ov, balf-wise. T|u<j)C€crpai, pf. pass, of d/uptivvvpu.
Tipl-o-irao-ros, ov, (f)pi-, oirdw) half torn down. Tipcov, contr. impf. of dfiioj.
T|pi-OTa8iatos, a, ov, (r)pt-, crdoW) of balf a sta- Tjpcov, ovot, 6, (irjui) a thrower, darter, slinger.
dium. riv, contr. from idv, conditional Conj., always fol-

fipA-o-TpdTu&TTjs, ov } 6, a half-soldier. lowed by Subj. if. in case that; fy prf unless : in in-

rM-OTp6yyi>ko%, ov f
r\ half-round. direct questions, if, whether.
: : :

rjv— ?}?r«po'a). 307

ftv. Interject, see I see there ! Lat. en t charioteer, who drove while the warrior (irapai&aTijs)
t[v, i and 3 sing. impf. of (Ifii sum. fought. 2. metaph. one who guides or controls.

f\v, impf. of rjfu = <prjfii. T|vlirair€, 3 sing. aor. 2 of hnirro).

tjv, ace. fem. of relat. Pron. os, who. fjvts, tos, t), nom. pi. rjvls, (tvos) a year old, yearling.
t]v, ace. fem. of possess. Pron. 6s, cos, bis. [ace. Ijvlv.]
TjvaivcTO, 3 sing. impf. of dvaivofuii. Tjvtx0T)v, aor. 1 pass, of alviaaopuu.
T|vaAucra, rjvdXciHca, later forms for dvaX-, aor. I tjvov, impf. of dv<u.
and pf. of dvaXioKw. T|vop€a Ep. and Ion. -«tj, 1), (dvrjp) manhood
T|vavTiu>0T|v,, aor. 1 and pf. pass, of h'amtda. TJvo»j;, oiros, 6, tj, in Horn, always in phrase, ijvom
T|vapia©ijv,, aor. 1 and pf. pass, of ivapifa. Xa\Ku> with glittering, flashing brass. (Deriv. un-
tjvupoy, aor. 2 of ivalpoj. certain.)
YJv8av«, 3 sing. impf. of dvSdvo). invTepoXijo-a, aor. I of dim&o\ia).
Tjv8pair68wo-o, -£o-0i)V, -».o-|iai, v. avSpavobi^at. tjvt€Ov, Ion. impf. of avrdoj.
4jv€-yi«a, aor. Iof <pepw. T)vrta£ov, fjvrtfiara, impf. and aor. 1 of dvndfa.
tiv€Vkov, aor. 2 of <pipai. t|vt\tjkws, pf. part, of dvrXioj.
T|V<0t]v, aor. I pass, of alviai. fjvro, 3 pi. impf. of %imi.
TjvciKa, Ion. aor. I of <p4pa). f viJKa,, pf. act. and pass, of dvvoj, dvvroi.
T|V€ix6p.T|v, impf. med. of dvix "- Tj worpov, To,(dvvoj) tbe/ourtb stomach of ruminating

n vcKa, Att. pf. of alvioj. animals, in which the digestion was completed.
qvciens, is, (*kveicoj, v. <p4poj) continuous, long. Tjvfcro, 3 sing. impf. pass, of dvvfu.
TJvcftocis, tooa, tv, (av(fios) windy, airy, high, ele- TJvuyca, Ion. plqpf. of dvojya.
vated. II. light as air, subtle ; <ppovt]fia rjvtfioev TJvwyeiv, plqpf. (with impf. sense) of avarya.
airy, winged thought. T|vwp0ow, impf. of dvopQoo).
pvtov, -rjvecra, Att. impf. and aor. I of aivioi. TJvwx\i)Ka, TJvwxXtjo-a, and aor. I of kvox^ioj-
TJV€<rx6p.T)v, aor. 2 med. of dvix 01 ' rjvwxXow, -ovpvrjv, impf. act. and pass, of ivoxXtoj.
t)v€to, 3 sing. impf. pass, of dvu. f&a, aor. I both of efyu to lead, and dyvvfu to break.
T|v«xfrnv, aor. I pass, of <p(fx». $;a, aor. I of daow (conti. from dtaaw).
T|v«j>Y a » Att. pf. of dvoiyvvpu. f||cts, "?||w,Dor. for ri£tit, %£<», fut. of jj#a>.
fjvrjpai, pf. pass, of alvecj. T||Ca), pf. pass,of d£iocu.
T|vr|vdp.T|v, aor. I of dvaivofuu. 'Hot, dat. of 'Ho;*.
Tjvrjo-a, aor. 1 of aivtoj. tjoios, o, ov, ('Hci;*) = ^yo*, k(pos, in the morning
Tiv0urp.cvos, pf. part. pass, of dvQifa. toward morning, eastern, Lat. orientalis, opp. to ta-
t)v0op.€s, Dor. I pi. aor. 2 of tpxofuu. vipiot. II. as Subst., f/oirj (sub. wpa), ij, the
7/vOov, Dor. aor. 2 of epxopai. morning ; vdaav fjoirjv all the morning.
TJv6pdicci>, pf. of dvOpafcoofJw. nopcv, 1 pi. impf. of eTftt ibo.
tjvC, Interject., = ijv, cf. i)vibe. tjovios, o, ov, (fi'iwv) contr. from -fjiovtos, on the shore.
r\via, 3 sing. impf. of dvidoj. t], aor. 1irqaao6at to mend.
inf. of 7

?|vla, iojv, rd, the reins : Homer uses this neut. form *H1IAP, &ros, to, the liver, Lat. jecur : represented
only, and always in plur. : cf. fyia, 1). as the seat of the passions, esp. anger and love.
"HNI'A, -fj, a
a rein : metaph., xaAdacu rds
bridle, T|ir<J.Tr|Ka, -nirdTijo-a, pf. and aor. I of dirardw.
•f/vias rots \6yots to give a free rein to one's words, niroTiov, to, Dim. of ffnap.
Lat. immittere babenas. II. any leathern thong, TjiTd^e, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dndcplaKOj.
a shoe-string. YJ-ircSdvos, rj, 6v, weak, infirm : maimed, baiting
pviyp-ai, pf. pass, of alvioao^ai. c. gen. void of. (^Deriv. uncertain.)
T^v-t8€, Interject., (fiv, 18c) see ! see there I •fjireiXijaa, aor. I of dneiXtoj.
^vCtcd, Adv., relat. to Tiyvitea or rornviKa, when, at ^ir€tpo-Y€VT|S, <*, (Jjvtipos, *7«V«) living on the
which time, at the time when ; c. optat. whenever. mainland.
pva|dp.Tjv, aor. 1 of alviaaojmi. nireipovS*, Adv. (ijirupos) to the mainland.
f|vioiroi€iov, to, a saddler's shop. From Tl-impos, for ditupos (sc. 7^), 1), the mainland, con-
T|\ao-iroi6s, 6, (fyia, irouaj) a bridle-maker, saddler. tinent, of the land, as opp. to the sea ; fear' ijrrupov by
f|wo(rrpo4>€o>, f. jjow, to guide by reins, to drive. land; hence even an island is called ^vupos. II.
From the mainland of Greece, as opp. to its islands : part
fjvio-o-Tpo^os, ov, (tjvia, o~Tpt<fxu) guiding by reins of which was afterwards called "Hirupos as n. pr.: Asia
— as Subst. a charioteer. was specially called 1) jjirtipos the Continent ; and ai
i|vt-ox€VS, ton Ion. rjot, poet, for ijvioxot . biaaal fjirtipoi, the two continents, are Europe and
fivt-ox^v" an d -«w, to be charioteer, bold the reins, Asia. Hence
drive. II. to bridle, govern, control. From TJTrcip6o>, f. dfffoi, to make into mainland — Pass, to
•qvi-oxos, 6, (fjvia, ix<u) holding the reins, a driver, become so, when an island is joined to the mainland.
— : : — :

308 rprciptarqs — fjpKa.

TjTrcipwnjs, ov, 6, fem. -wrvs, iSot, (ffircjpos) o/ A&« vocat. 'HpacXtit is commonly an exclamation of sur-
mainland, born or /ii/mg' thereon; r)vttpa>Tis {vfifMi- prise or disgust. Hence
xia alliance with a military power, opp. to vavrticr) llpdicXcios, a, ov, also os, ov, Ep. 1IpaicXf|cios, 17,
tv/ifiax"*' U< Of or on *&* mainland of Asia, ov :

of or belonging to Hercules ; &irj 'UpajcX-qtirj the
Asiatic. might of Hercules, i. e. Hercules himself; 'HpaKXticu
vjircipcimicos, ^, oV, (iJirfip&T^s) of or /or the inha- arrjXai the pillars of Hercules, the opposite headlands
bitants of the mainland, continental. of Gibraltar and Ceuta : rb 'HpaxXtwv Ion. ~i)Xov,
ii-irep poet. Tj«-irep, Conj. (^, ntp) than, than even. the temple of Hercules; Td'UpcucXtia bisfestival. II.

fl-irep, Adv., properly dat. of oairtp, in the same way 'HpanXua Xovrpd hot baths.
as, just as. TIpaKXfjs, contr. from 'Hpa/cXtrjt.
TJ-ir€poir€vs, gen. tats Ion. r)os, 6, = f)irtpo7rtvrr)t. T|pd|XT|v, aor. I med. of a'ipa> : —
also impf. of tpapuii.
TJir€poir€VTQS, ov, d, a cheat, deceiver. From tjpdpov, ts, «, aor. 2 of apapiaKO).
T|ircpoircv(i>, f. 000, to cheat, deceive, cozen. Y|p&o-dp.i)v, aor. 1 med. of tpdofjuu.
a mender, cobbler.
TJirriTtis, ov, 6, (rjiraofMn) •f|pdo-(h]v, aor. I pass, (in med. sense) of ipdofmi.
TJirtdXcd), tohave a fever or ague. From TJpdo-aaTO, Ep. for fjpaaaTO, 3 sing. aor. I of kpdopai.
TJm&Xos (sub. irvperos), 6, a fever attended with f|paTO, 3 sing. aor. I med. of alpoj.
shivering, ague. II. the nightmare. TipaTO, 3 sing. impf. of apdofiai.
TJirto-8tvT)TOS, ov, (ijiriot, Sivtw) softly-rolling. Tpc0T]v, aor. I pass, of alpia).
f|m6-8a>pos, ov, (r)mos, Su/pov) giving welcome T)pe6ov, impf. of tpiOa).
gifts. fipcv, 3 sing. impf. of alpia).
r|iri6-0vp.os, ov, (tfmot, 9v/j.vs) gentle of mood. rjpeicra, aor. I of tptiSa).
"HIII OS. a, ov, Att. os, ov, gentle, mild, kind. II. T|p£p.&and Tip€|xds, Adv. gently, quietly, calmly,
act. soothing, assuaging, calming. softly:a little, slightly slowly. The old Adj. fjptpoi,

T|m6-x€ip, o, r), (nmos, xtip) with soothing hand. from which it is derived, is only found in Comp. i)pt-
inirCcos, Adv. of ijmos, gently, mildly. fiiortpos ; i]p( fiaws being used instead.
TjirXaicov, for TJfjmXaicov, aor. 2 of dfiirkafcioita). riptpatos, a, ov, (j)pifia) soft, gentle, quiet. Adv. -ft».

H-irov, or r) rrov,Adv. or, as, or perhaps, as perhaps. T|€pos, 0, ov, irreg. Comp. of ijtcpLaiot, see

fyrov or 1\ irov, Adv. of a truth, doubtless, I pre- r\pt\ux : Adv. ^ptpLtartpajs.

sume : after a negat., much less. II. in a ques- T|p€p.€o>, f. "qo<o, (rjptfta) to be still, keep quiet.
tion, is it then T rjpcpX [t], Adv. for fjpifia, gently.
^jirrai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of fimrw. Tjptpta, ^, (fjpina) stillness, calmness, rest.
tjirvrd [y], 6, Adj. masc. calling, crying; i)irvra TJpcp.C^o>, f. aw, (Jipifia) to calm, quiet Pass, to be —
icqpv( the loud-voiced herald: in form like ImoTa. still, at rest. II. intr. to be at rest.
From fjptcra, aor. I of aptOKO).
TJiruc* Dor. diruo> [a] f. va<o [C] aor. 1 fjiwca Ttp«Tto-a, aor. I of aiptrifa.
(jttrot, ciirtiv) — :

to call on, call out or forth, in-


Tjpew, Ion. for rjpovv, impf. of alpiu.

voke. II. absol. to call aloud, shout, speak; of "Hprj, Ion. for "Hpa.
the lyre, to sound; of the wind, to bowl, roar. Up-qpai, pf. pass, of alpico.
*HP\ to, poet, for tap, spring, Lat. : gen. and VER rjpT|pA)0-a, aor. 1 of tprj/iSo).
dat. r]pos, ^pt are the only cases used in Prose. TJpY)pci, 3 sing, plqpf. of apapioKo).
rjpa, 3 sing. impf. of ipdoi. T|pT|p€to"TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of tpdb'oj.
fjpS, I sing. aor. I of aipru. i]p0T|V, aor. I pass, of etipcu.

Tjpa (fipapov aor. 2 of dpapiaicoj) always joined with fjpi, (ftp) Adv. early, at early morn ; &(m ^pi tow
<piptiv or its compds., to bring what is pleasant, to do Btpovs early in the summer.
a kindness ; cp. imijpa. Hpt5dv6s, 6, Eridanus, a river, first mentioned in

"HP Ion. "HpT|, r), Hera, the Roman Juno, queen Hesiod. mostly for the Po;
Later authors took it

of the gods, sister and wife of Zeus. Hence others also for the Rhone or the Rhine.
Upaios, o, ov, of or belonging to Hera : to 'Hpatov, Tjpi0p€ov, impf. of aptOnio).
(Itpov) the temple of Hera, Heraeum : to Hpata, TJpi9p.T), pf. pass, of dpiOfiio).
(It pa) her festival. fjplK€, 3 sing, intrans. aor. 1 of iptiKoi.
*HPAKAE'H5 contr. *HpaKXT]S, o: gen. *Hpa- T|ptvos, 17, ov, (ftp) = tapivSs, of or in the spring:
Kkitos contr. 'HpaicXiovs Ep. 'HpaxXfjos: dat. 'Hpa- neut. rjpivov and Adv., in spring.
i)pivd as
K\it'i contr. 'Hpankia 'HpaicXti Ep. 'HpaKXfj'i: ace TIPrON, to, a mound, barrow, tomb.
'Hpa/eXtta contr. 'HpafeXtd Ep. 'HpaKkrja rarely 'Upa- T^ptirov, aor. 2 of tpdiraj.
kXt) later also 'HpaieXijv : voc. 'HpaxXt ts, 'Hpa.K\ti$ : TJpi-iroXT), rj, fem. Adj. {r)pi, iroXioj) early-stirring:
in Ion. also declined 'Hpa/cXios -KXtvs, 'HpatcXti, 'Hpa- as Subst. the morn, dawn.
K\i& :Heracles, Lat. Hercules, son of Zeus and T)pto*a, aor. I of ipi£<».

Alcmena, the most famous of the Greek heroes : ike ^pKa, tjpnai, pf. act. and pass, of alpw.
: :;

rfpfj^vos — rjri&acrOt. 809

T)p(j.«vos, pf. part. pass, of dpapiaxej. ™r06p.i|v, aor. 2 oi aloBdvofitu.
^jpveiTO, 3 sing. impf. of apveopuu. T|o-0ov, impf. of toBai.
T|pvrjo-ap.Tjv, aor. I of dpvio/jai.
•f|o i-€irf|S, (s, (ir)fii, tiros) a babbler.
T)p60rjv, aor. I pass, of dp<j<o. T]o-K€iv, contr. for rjaKcev, 3 sing. impf. of datcta.
-rjpop.qv, impf. med. of aipot. «no-p,cu, Att. pf. pass, of ddb<v.
jjpira£a or Tjpirao-a, aor. I of dpvdfa. no-p-cv, Att. for jj8(tfi€v, 1 pl. plqpf. of otba.
qppqo-a, aor. I of cppw. fjo-o, 2 sing, imperat. of Jjimii.

•?jpcra, aor. I of apapiatcco. II. also of apfo). fjo-o-a Att. TJTra, rjs, -r), a defeat, discomfiture: c.

f|prr]p.«vos, pf. part. pass, of dprdu. gen. defeat by, yielding to. From
^IpTVvovTO, 3 pi. aor. i med. of dprvvw. Tjo-crdopat Att. t|tt&ou,<u : fut. both med. and pass.
^pvyov, intrans. aor. 2 act. of epedyofiai. fjTTqaopLai, fjaoTjOrjO-o/xat : aor. 1 ^aa^Brjv : pf. t^ttj;-

TJpvK&K€, 3 sing. aor. 2 of cpvttco. fiai — Ion., see the word Pass. (fjaaajv)

: :

T|px6p.Tjv, impf. of Zpxofuu: also impf. med. of dpx*>« weaker, inferior to another to be beaten,
to be less, :

Tjpu, 2 sing. impf. of dpdopiai. worsted, discomfited : to give way, submit : absol. to
TJpa>, poet, for tyxw, dat. of rjp<us ; fjpa), ace. be beaten or defeated : as law-term, to lose one's cause.
fjpix €lOV, TO, — fjp'fOV. Hence
T)pujT|o-a, aor. I of tpcueoj. •f|0-OTT|Tlos, o, ov, and, in neut. plur. f)cror)rea, verb.
•fipcoiKos, rj, 6v, (fjpojs) of or for heroes, heroic i Adj. one must be beaten, submit.

fjpa&Kbv fierpov, the heroic verse, hexameter. «cnrov, Att. impf. of dtooo).
T)pu>tvT] \t], contr. qpa>vr|, fern, of fjpws, a heroine. Tjoro-cov, Ijaaov, gen. ovos Att. tjttwv : Ion. co-ccov


•fjpuiios, a, ov, = ijpaJiKos. less, weaker, inferior : c. gen. pers. weaker than
Tipuns, tSos, i), — rjpojivi], a heroine. another, unable to contend with, yielding to a thing.
T]pu>p.T]v, impf. of dpdofmi. (Used as irreg Comp. of Positive /caicos probably :

to, the temple or shrine of

•fjpaiov, a hero: neut. from formed from j)/m, rJKiaros being the Sup.)
Y]paios, a, ov, contr. of fywtos, of or for heroes, •Jjorat, 3 sing, of fjfuit.
heroic: 6 fjpyos (sub. fivBpius), the heroic measure, frrre, Att. for tfbeiTf, 2 pi. plqpf of *«T8<u.
hexameter. From Tjo-rnv, for rjrtjv, 3 dual impf. of tlpi sum.
TJpa>s, o: gen. tfpwot Att. fjpoj- dat. fjpwi contr. ijpa): t|0-tt)V, Att. for tj8(itt)v, 2 and 3 dual plqpf. of *«7oa>.
ace. fipaxi contr. ^pou: pi. nom. ripwts, ace. -as, rarely t|OTO, 3 sing. impf. of J)/juu.
contr. ijpwt: —a Homer not restricted to
hero: in fjorov, for ijTov, 2 dual impf. of elfit sum.
warriors, but applied to all free men of that age, "nOTtoo-a, aor. I of di'oroa;.
as to the minstrel, the herald, the leech, etc. II. f]<rv\a, neut. pl of ijavxos, used like i^avx^-
Hesiod makes the Heroes the Fourth Age of men, who T\<rvxa£<0, f. <ra>, (rjovxos) to be still, quiet, at rest;
fell before Thebes and Troy, and superior to the pre- to f/oi>x°-{ov tt]$ vvktos the quiet time of night, dead
sent race. III. Pindar represents them as a race of night.
between gods and men, demigods, t)/jii0coi, whether f|crux a i°S»
a ov, poet, for Tjavxos, still, quiet, at rest.

those born of one divine parent, as Hercules or qo-Ox^T^pos. a, ov, irr. Comp. 01 fjavxos, tjovxofos.
Aeneas, or those who, like Theseus, had done great qo^X'q Dor aavx a Adv. of fjcvxos, quietly, gently.
- »

service to mankind. IV. the heroes were in later qoH>x^ a Dor. aavx-, 1), {Ijavxos) stillness, quiet,
times inferior local deities, patrons of tribes, cities, peace ; jjovxiav &yav or <tx (iv to keep quiet, be at
etc.; as at Athens, the ijpues (irdn'vpioi were the heroes peace or at rest. 2. rest, leisure, Lat. otium.
after whom the ten <pv\ai were named. The founders •qo-ux i P« s Dor a<rv\-, ov, poet, for ijovxos.
of a city were worshipped under this name. r\o-v\ios, ov, rarely a, ov, poet, for ijavxos.
\s, Dor. for %v, 3 sing. impf. of dfii sum. "H2TX02 Dor. aa*xos, ov, still, quiet, at rest;
jo-o, Att. aor. I of abco. ix' tfo'vxos keep quiet. 2. quiet, gentle. II.
jo-a, aor. 1 of ijSco. Comp. and Sup. were irreg. JjavxaiTfpos, -airaros
Joui, 2 sing, of ^//«u. but also -&T(pos. III. Adv. -x^*. also ^ ffVXV>
l°" av » 3 pl- impf- of dpi sum. and neut. fjavxa as Adv. [C]
?<rav, Att. for rjbtaav, 3 pl. plqpf. (in impf. sense) no-xyytca, pf. of alo'x^ va} -

olba. II. for rj'ioav, •no-xvp,p,oi, pf. pass, of alaxvvo).

3 pl. impf. of dfu ibo.
ijo-aTO, 3 sing. Ep aor. 1 of ^hopuai. Tjo*xvva, aor. 1 of alaxvvw.
no-civ, fut. inf. of trjpu. T)O-<0, fut. oftrjfit.
fjofla, Aeol. for %s, 2 sing. impf. of dpi sum. •q^r€ or tj tc, Conj. or also.
•r|o0(u, inf. of fjftai. f|-T€ or rj tc, Adv. surely, doubtless.
tjo-0€vow, impf. of daOcfoj. «t€, f< impf. of ttpi ibo.
r rjciTC, 2 pl.
TJo^hrjv, aor. I pass, of ijbofmt. TjTTjKa, -rjTqo-a, pf.and aor. I ofairiaf.
po-Orjv, Att. aor. I pass, of ddbw. titt)v, 3 dual impf. of tlfit sum.
tjoOvov, impf. of koO'uu. •QTidacrOc, ^ti6«dvto, Ep. 2 and 3 pl. impf. of ahtdopeu.
— — —
310 jiriaa-dfirjv — Oaicfo.

jjnfio-du/qv, lJTCajiot aor. I med. and pf. pass, of c. ace. cognato, &xfTv vftvov, k<vkvt6v to utter, send
alndofjuu. hymn or wail. From
forth a
tJ-toi, Conjunct.: 11.=^ rot, full, surely, TTXH' Dor. dxa, 17, a sound :
the tumultuous noise
verily. III. =^ rot, either in truth, followed of a crowd, the roar of the sea, etc. ; in Trag. usu.
ij. .
, either . ., or .. . like laxrj, a cry of sorrow, wail.
•?]To(, pf. pass, of krotfjiafa, in med. sense. tiXtj* 1 *. toaa, tv, (jixti) sounding, roaring, echoing.
*HTOP, to, only used in nom. or ace. :
the heart. TJX^lP-ai cltos, r6, (^x €<w ) a sound.
Dor. drpiov, to, the warp in a iveb of tixt^S. °v* °» an d T|XTn>K °Sf Vt &v = ^X^ TV $ >

cloth (the woof being KpCitrj) in pi. ijrpta, a thin,

1 Ep- f° r
Adv. where.

fine cloth: hence, fjrpia &vfi\ojv leaves made of strips faQeTO, 3 sing. impf. both of axOofuu and ix^ /*** 4,
of papyrus joined crosswise. tjX^IF101,1 ' pf> P ass °f (X^ /101*. -

JJTpov, to, (J/Top) the belly, Lat. abdomen. Tjx0T]v, aor. 1 pass, of etyu.
fiTTa, T|TT<£op,ai, tJttcov, etc., Att. for i)aff-. nx^lP a aor J °f €X^a 'P a, » - «

r\r<a, for iarw, 3 sing, imperat. of dfii sum. TjXl^ocra, aor. I of a<x/*d£o>.
•qv, neut. from r)bt. In compds. with ev- or 4i)-, TtXos, <*, = M-
this is often lengthd. Ep. into rfv- ; v. sub cv-. t|x<J> Dor. oxw, "fj, gen. -60s contr. -ov», = ^x^» a
y\v&r\<ra, T)uSr)Ka, aor. I and impf. of avSdu. reverberated sound, an echo. II. as prop. n. 'Hx^,

T)uSoKip,ow, impf. of (vdoKifxioj. Echo, personified as an Oread.

t)u8<i)v, Att. impf. of avdoM. ftvJfOTO, 3 sing. aor. I of airroftcu.
TjvXtjaa, aor. I of avXiw. T)\jrn,o-a, f|d/*r|0t)v, aor. I act. and pass, of t\p<».

T|v»Xio-0tjv, aor. 1 pass, of av\i(a>. rjuOcv Dor. duOcv Att. ccoOcv, Adv. (f,ws)from morn,
T)v|dp.T]v, aor. I of tvxofxat. from peep of day, at dawn.
Tpj£avov, impf. of av£dv<v. f|«L0i, old Ep. gen. of rt ws, -qwOi vp6 before dawn.

tjv^Otjv, T)v£T|, aor. 1 and pf. pass, of av£dvcu. tjcov, 6vos, 6, Att. contr. for i)'iwv.

t|v|tjko, i)\5|T|<ra, pf. and aor. I of av£dv<o. qtios, a, ov, at morn, at break of day. II. east-

ijvpov, i)vpc0rrv, aor. 2 act. and aor. 1 pass, of evpioiccti. ern. From
tjvs, neut. rji, Ep. for its, good, brave. Hfl'2, 1), gen. i}oo« contr. rjovs: dat. $61 contr.
Tjvcra, aor. I of di5a>. [v] TjoT: ace. r]6a contr. r)w: —
Att. etas, gen. ?<o, ace. ?<w
ryurt, Ep. Conjunct, as, like as. II. for ij, than; or eojv: Dor. dws: — Aeol. dvo>s: —
the day-break,
only once in Homer, vi<pot fxe\dvT(pov ijitrc viaoa, dawn, morning, opp. to /itoov fjpuip mid-day, and
blacker than pitch. [C] fttKT) evening ; ace, r/ft) the whole morning long; ap'
Tjurpf -iricrp-ai, pf. pass, of (vrpenifa. $01 at day-break. 2. the East, opp. to (txpos. 3.
Tjuxop/ny, impf. of €vxo/xat. as the Greeks counted by mornings, r)ws came to
*H<|>a(oT€ios, o, ov, ('H<paiffTOs) of or for Vulcan, mean a day: also the light of day. II. as prop,

Lat. Vulcanius: rb 'Hipaiorfiov or 'H<paiaT(tov (sub. n. Hcis, Eos, Aurora, the goddess of morn.
Itpov) the temple of Vulcan : rcL 'H<paiaTua (sub. Upd),
bis festival, Lat. Vulcanalia.
'H^aurro-TTovos, ov, CH<paio~rot, iroviw) wrought
by Vulcan.
"T3<J>oicttos, ov, 6, Hepbaistos, the Lat. Vulcanus, 0, 0, 0TJTa, to, indecl., eighth letter of the Greek
son of Zeus and Hera, lame from his birth, god of alphabet: as numeral & — kvvia, twarot, but j& —
fire, master of the arts which need the aid of fire, esp. 9000. In Doric, $ was often changed into a, as
of working in metal. Lacon. otios 'AoAva oauai, for Ouos 'Adava 6aw: so
*H<(>aioT6-T€VKTOS, ov, and "H^aicro-revx-fis, «s, also in Ion., fivoous for f3v66s. © was also changed,
("H<paiOT0S, rfvxtu) wrought by Vulcan. Aeol. and Dor., into <p, as <pfjp <p\aw <p\i0oj for $rjp
TJ4>6d, Dor. 3 sing. aor. 1 pass, of anrto. 6\a<v $\tf$oj. Lastly, 6 sometimes stood for the rough
Tj<j>i, Ep. for
p. breathing, as 0a/xa for dyja, QaKaaaa for aXs. —On the
^<|>i6, for depitt, 3 sing. impf. of dcpiijfii (as if from ballots of the judges at Athens, stood for Odvaros.
dxpiu). Oddco-w, Ep. for Qaoooj, to sit, only in pres. and Ep.
ij<J>tow, impf. of axpiT]fu (as if from d<pitaj). impf. Qaaocov.
T|<j>ticra, aor. t of a<pvaao). OaetTO, 3 sing. impf. of Dor. Oaioftat.
T|<J>voro-6pT|V, impf. med. of d<pvoao). 0d«o, imperat. of 66.0/
f|X a pf- of dyoj.
», Dor. for Att. Ofaoftai Ion. Orjiofxai. Hence
t|x€0"kov, Ion. impf. of fix* 03 - 6dr)p.a, t6, Dor. for Ota^a, a sight, spectacle.
tix^s. ov, 6, Ep. T|X« T <*» (^X^) clear-sounding, 0cLt|t6s, ii, ov, Dor. for 6ijrjr6s, 6tar6s.
chirping, epith. the grasshopper :
of as Subst. the — 0aip.dTta, crasis for rd ifidna.
cbirper, i. e. the grasshopper, Lat. cicada. 0AIPO'2, 0, the binge of a door or gate.
tjxew Dor. dx«w [d] : f. ijaa> : to sound, ring, peal; 0&kc6>, f. i\a<o, (Qditot) to sit, esp. as a suppliant, to
: . :

6&K7)fia — $afji€€9. 311

take a seat : c. ace cognato, tZpas irayKparus Oaxuv 0&X«0<i>, poet, for OdXXw,
bloom, flourish.
to sit on imperial throne. Hence OdXeta, 1), blooming, luxuriant, bounteous, \v}
6dmr]fia, aros, to, a sitting as a suppliant : a seat. OaXriy at the boun'eous feast. It is fern, of an obsol.
Odirnais, «us, i), (Odxioj) a sitting, sect. Adj. OaXvs, derived from OaXuv. II. as prop. n.

GdKos, 6, {Odaow) a seat : Ion. Ouikos. QaXua, ff, one of the Muses, the blooming one: later
04Xdp,o|, cutos, 6, = OaXayuT-qs. esp. the Muse of Comedy.
BsXd\uv\ia, aros, t6, — OaXaftos, a dark chamber or 0aXclv, aor. 2 inf. of OdXXw.
dwelling-place. 0&Xep6s, d, 6v, (OaK(tv) blooming, fresh : vigorous,
0&Xdp.-n, i), (OdXapos) a lair, den, bole. [#] active. II. luxuriant, copious, large, abundant.

0&XSp.T]ios, 17, ov, (OdXafios) of ox for a chamber or 0&\ep-h>ms, tBos, 1), (0aX(p6s, unp) with bright eyes.
dwelling; : Jit for building one. 0uXcco, Dor. for OrjX(<u.
OaXajiij-rroXos, ov, (OdXa/xos, itoXtopai) waiting in ©dX-ns, b, gen.>, dat. ©cAn, ace. ®aXrjv but :

the lady's chamber. II. as Subst., OaXaftrjtroXos, also ©aXqros, r\ri, rjra, and ©aAov Tbales of Mile- :

6 orif, a bridegroom or bridesmaid. tus, one of the Seven reputed Wise Men of Greece.
0&Xdp.ios, a, ov, {OdXtiLpos) belonging to the chamber. 0&Xia, i), (OaXeiv) bloom : metaph. good cheer,
As Subst. I. OaXdfjLios, 6, •*0dXa pirns II. wealth, plenty : in plur. festivities, a feast.
OaXayua Ion. -Irj (sub. Kurnv), the oar of the OaXa- 0aX\T|o-a>, a doubtful fut. of OdX\w, for OrjX^au
fiirrjt. 2. (sub. 61117) ^e bole in the ship's side from OrjXio).
through which oar worked, the port-bole.
this 0aXX6s, 6, (OdXXoA a young shoot, twig: 6 rrjs
04X&u,i-rns, ov, 6, (OaXafios) one of the rowers on (Xaias OaXXus the olive-branch used at festivals; also,
the lowest bench of a trireme, who had the shortest Ikt^ip OaXXos th$ branch carried by suppliants.
oars and the least pay cf. (vytTijs. OpaviTjjs. [t]
: 0a\Xo-4>6pos, ov, (OaXXus, <pipoi) carrying olive-
9dXau6v8c, (OdXapos) Adv. to the bed-chamber. branches, as the old men did at ihe Panathenaea.
©A'AATMOS, 6, an inner room or chamber: I. ©A'AAH, fut. OSXw: aor. 2 (OaXov: pf. reOijXa
the women's apartment, inner part of the bouse. 2. (in pres. sense), part. t(0ij\ojs, Ep. fern. T(0&*via; 3
a bed-room, bride-chamber. 3. the storeroom. II. sing plqpf- reOrjXci —
to bloom, flourish, to shoot out,
any chamber or abode : a fold, pen for sheep. III. to swell, be rich in a thing the part. reOqXws is used

the lowest part or bold of the ship, in which the OaXa- absol. as Adj. swelling, rich, abundant. 2. metaph.
fMTat sat. to bloom, flourish, prosper : to be at the height.
OdXao-o-a Att. -rra, fj, (&Xs) the sea : Herodotus 0A'AO2, (os, to, like OaXXos, a young shoot or
calls the Mediterranean KaO' fjiids branch, twig, esp. an olive-branch : metaph. a child,
fjbc j) OaXaaaa, "fj

OaXaaaa, low OdXaaaa, (as the Latins called it nos- scion, Lat. stirps.

trum mare), and the Ocean j) l£o> OdXaaaa: metaph., 0a\mdo», Ep. part. 0aXiri6<uv, (OaXiraJ) to be or be-
OaXaaaa tca/ewv a sea of troubles.' *
2. a well of come warm, warm oneself
salt or brackish wa'er. Hence 0a\irv6s, T), ov, warming, fostering. From
GaXacrcraios, a, ov, = OaXdaaios. OdXiros, (os, to, (OaXrrw) warmth, beat, esp. summer-
QsXaa-o-ivu}, (OaXaaaa) to be at sea, go by sea. beat ; t<1 OaXnrj the sun's rays, Lat. soles. 2. me-
OSXdo-oaos, a, ov, also os, ov, (OaXaaaa) of, in or taph. a sting, smart, tingling.
on the sea, belonging to it, Lat. marinus OaXdaaia
; 0oXiTTT|ptos, ov, warming. From
ipya s«z-affairs, the sea, also fishing : OaXaaaia ani- ©A 'AIIQ, f. rpo)'. aor. I iOaXipa:

— Pass., aor. I
mals living in the sea. opp. to x (P°'a*a. 2. skilled kOaXcpOrjv: pf. inf. T(Qa\<pQai: to warm, beat. II.

in the sea, nautical, maritime. metaph. to beat, inflame. 2. to footer, cherish, warm
0d\a0"O"o-KOTr&i>, f. 170*0, (OaXaaaa, kSvcoj) to strike in one's bosom in bad sense, to cheat.
: Hence
the sea with the oar, make a splash: metaph. to make 0a.Xir<opT|, a warming : metHph. a comfort.

much ado about nothing. OdXvicpos, a, ov, (OaXira) warm, glowing.

O&Xao-o-o-Kp&Tcu, f. ijcca, (OaXaaaa, Kparia)) to be 0SXwia (sub. Upa), iojv, to., (OaXeiv) the firstlings
master of the sea. of the harvest, offering offirst-fruits. \v\ Hence
GSXao-ao-KpdTCjp, opos, b, %, (OaXaaaa, Kpariot) 0&X\)o-ids, d5o*, ij, fern. Adj., of ox for the offering
master of the sea. offirs 'fruits.
QsXaAra- 6-ir\ayKros, ov, (OaXaaaa, irXdfa) sea- 0ap.d, Adv. (&fxa\ together in crowds, close, thick. II.
driven, tempest-tossed. of Time, often, oft-times, frequent.
04Xo<ro-6-irXTjKTOS, ov, (OaXaaaa, vXrjaaw) sea- 0au,dicTs. Adv. = Oafia 11
beaten. 0ap.3atvb>, to be astonished at. From


OaXaacro-iropos, ov, (OaXaaaa, vcpns) sea-faring. 0ap.3«o, f.-^aoj: pf. T(Odfj.0rjKa: (Odfj.$os): to be
04\ow<r-ovpY6s ov, (OaXaaaa, *(pyai) working at a^fonhhed or amazed : c. ace. to marvel at a thing.
tea : as Subst., OaXaaaovpyut, 6, afl berman. 0dp.f3os, (os. to, astonishment, amazement, Lat. stu-
OdXaTTo, OaXdmos, Att. for OaXaaa-. por. (From Root TA*-. see Ti-Orjira.)
OdAea, rd, {OSXhv) good cheer, comforts, delights. Qi\iUs, 01, al, dat. Oapiai. ace. O&fikas, (Oajxd)
— : :

312 0aiA(i6$—06.\lrivo$.

poet. pi. Adj. (with no ring. Bapvs), crowded, close, 0<iporrjoas, ws, i), confidence in, reliance on.
thick. 0AT2O2 or 0PA2O2 Att. Odppos, to, courage,
05jj.ei.6s, d, 6v, (Oafid) crowded, close, thick. boldness, confidence: in bad sense, over-boldness, dar-
0apt£o>, f. come often, Lat. frequen~ ing, presumption : in pi., rd Odparj grounds of con-
CO), (Oafid) to

fare : —to be often or constantly engaged with a thing, fidence.

c. dat. to be wont to do, c. part.
: 0apo-ovvT(i>s Att. 0appovvro)s, Adv. of pres. part, of
0Sutvd, neut. plur. of Oauivot, as Adv., = Oafid. Oapotw, boldly, courageously.
0ap.tv6s, t), ov, = Oaftcios. 0apcruv€o-Kov, Ion. impf. of Qapnvvo).
0apvos, 6, (Oapivos) a bush, shrub. 0ApoTJVos, ov, relying on a thing.
0dvao-tp.os, ov, (Odvaros) deadly: —Adv. -(tats, with 0apcruvco Att. 0appwa>, f. vvSi, (Odpaos) to encou-
deadly blow, mortally, i of, belonging to death.
. II. rage, cheer. II. intr. - Oapaiv, to be of good

pass, subject to death, mortal : also dead. courage, [v]

0avaT&a>, Desiderat. of Ovri<TK<u, to wish to die. 0ao-av, Dor. aor. I imperat. of Odofiai.
0avSrrj4>opto, 1^, a causing of death. From 0doxio-0ai, Dor. aor. I inf. of Odofiai.
0avSTn,-4>6pos, ov, (Onvaros, <pip<u) deatb'bringing. 0ao*6p.€vos, Dor. for Orjaufievos, fut. part, of Odopuu.
©SvaTido), Desiderat. of OvqaKO), to wish to die. 0doios, o, ov, (&daos) from Tbasos, Tbasian : 7)
04v(Jt6€is, eao~a, ev, (Odvaros) deadly. Qaoia (sub. d\pin), pickled sea-fisb; dva/cvKav &aoiav
Odvaxov-Se, Adv. to death. to mix this pickle.
OdvdTos, 6, (Oavetv) death; Odvarov Karaytyv&oreeiv 0A'S2Tl Ep. Oadararo), to sit, sit idle.

nvos to pass sentence of death on one pi. Odvaroi, :

— Odo-o-biv Att. OdrTcov, ov,
Comp. of raxvs,
Adv., more quickly.
kinds of death, usually of violent death. II. swifter : as
as prop, ®nvaros, Death, the twin-brother of
n., 0drepov, Oa-rtpa, see tripos.
Sleep. a corpse.III. 0dTTtov, Att. for Odaaaiv.
0dvd/rovo-ia (sub. Upa), iojv, rd, (Odvaros) a feast 0avpa Ion 0covpa or 0>ipa, aros, t6, (Odopat) a
of the dead. wonder, marvel, wondrous thing; Oavfia IbiaOat a
0aVaToa>, f. how, (Odvaros) to put to death: metaph. wonder to behold so, Oavfux dtcovoai, paOuv : rd

to mortify. II. to condemn to death. Oaiftara jugglers' tricks, strange gambols. II.

0dvov, Ep. aor. 2 of Ovrjoicoj. wonder, surprise, astonishment.

0av€iv Ep. 0av«€iv, aor. 2 inf. of Ovrjoicoj. 0avpd£a> Ion. 0a>vp- or 0a>p- fut. -daofieu Ep. :

0av6icr0ai Ep. 0avteo-0ai, fut. inf. of Ov-qCKO). -doaofiai, later in act. form -daw aor. 1 kOavfi&aa : :

0avoio*a, Dor. fem. part. aor. 2 of Ovtjoko). pf.TcOavfiatea: —

Pass., fut OavixaaOrjaofuuizoT liOav-
0avovpat, fut. of OvqoKa). fidaO-nv (Oav^m) :— to wonder, be astonished.
: 2.
©A'OMAI, f. Orjaofiat Dor. OdaofMu : inf. iOrjad- c. ace. to wonder at: like Lat. mirari, to regard with

firjv Dep.
: to wonder at, admire.
II. to gaze wonder or 3. c. gen. to wonder
esteem, to admire.
upon, look at, see. at. II. looked at with wonder: c. part.,
Pass, to be
0airreov, verb. Adj. of Odnrw, one must bury. Oavudfrftai fifj vapdrv my absence is wondered at.
©ATITft, fut. edif/a: aor. I iOaxjja' pf. rirS.<pa'. 0a.vp.aiva>, fut. aVw Ep. Uvea), (OavfM.) to wonder at.
Pass., fut. 2 Tacp-fjaofjuxi, fut. 3 rcOdipofiai: aor. I iOd- davpdoxos, 0, ov, Ion. Ocoiip,- or 0copdo*ios, (Oav-
(pOrjv, aor. 2 (Td<pT]V [&] riOanfJUu, Ion. 3 pi. t«-
: pf. fid^w) wondrous, wonderful, marvellous —admirable,
Od(parai : 3 sing, plqpf. kreOairro to perform fune- :
— excellent. Adv. -itus, marvellously.
ral rites to the dead to bury, inter, entomb.
: 0avpdo-i-ovpY€w, f. f}oa> (Oavfmaios, epyov) to work
0apyf|\ia, <uv, rd, a festival of Apollo and Artemis, wonders, perform curious tricks, of jugglers.
held at Athens in the month Thargelion. Hence, Ep. fut. of 0at>/tti£<y.

©apynXtwv, wvos, 6, the nth month of the Attic 0avpaaT€OV, verb. Adj. of Oavpdfa, one must won-
year, from middle of May to middle of June. der, marvel.
0appa\«os, 0app*a>, 0dppos, etc., Att. for Oapa~. 0avpao-Tos Ton. 0<ovp- or 0o>p-, 17, ov, (Oavfin^oS)
OapaSXcos, a, ov, (Odpaos) bold, daring, courageous, to be wondered at, wondrous, wonderful, marvellous:
confident : in bad sense, over-weeninsr, presumptuous: admirable, excellent —
Adv. -tuis, wonderfully.
rb QapadXeov confidence, safety : of things, cheering,, Pass. (Oavfw.) to be regarded as a
encouraging: —
Comp. OapaaXtwrtpos. Adv. -4<as, wonder.
with confidence. 0avufiTOiroi«<i>. f. t)aw, to do wonders. From
0apo-€wa, Dor. fem. part, of Oapo(a). 0avpaTO-irot6s, ov, (Oavfia,iroUcj) wonder-working:
Oapo-cu Att. 0appcu> f. t)aw : (Odpaos) to be of as Subst. a conjurer, juggler.
: :

good courage, be of good cheer, be confident, assured; 0avpar6s, t), ov, Ep. for Oavftaaros.
Oapati take courage! be of good heart I in bad sense, —
0avp3TOvpv«a), f. -fjau, = OavfxaroiroUa). From
to be overweening, presump'uous: c. ace rei, to feel —
©avp&T-ovp-yos, 6v, (Oavua, *ipya>) - OavfjaronoiSs.
confident about, have no fear for c. inf. to believe —
0d\|;ai, aor. 1 inf. of Od-trroj.
confidently that. Hence Odtjrtvos, t), ov, yellow-coloured, sallow. From
0&yj/os — 6€\£(<f>pa>v. 813
0d\Jro«, t), a plant or wood used for dyeing yellow, 0cikcXos, = OiffKcKot.
from the island of Thapsos. 06t\6-ir€8ov, to, (eiA-Tj, itihov) a place in the sun-
*0A'n, Ep. for the prose frrjXafa: aor. i inf Orjaat: shine, where things were put to dry.

•—-to suckle, feed : —Med., pres. inf. 0fj<r0at, to suck, 0eifji€v, for de'njfifv, 1 pi. aor. 2 opt. of riPnfu.
milk, (irr]€Tavuv yd\a Orjadai milk to suck the year 0«ivai, aor. 2 inf of riBvfii: — also aor. 1 int. ot Beivej.
round : 3 sing. aor. 1 , Br^aaro na(6v be sucked the breast. OEITtft, fut. 6evu>: aor. I e$uva: aor. 2 tBtvov,
*0do>, Lacon. adto, to see: — see Oaat/uu. only in imperat. Bive, subj. Bivtu, inf. Btvttv, part.
0<d, r), fern, of $6os, a goddess: r& 0ed (Att. t<w Bed)), Bevwv.—to strike, dash.
in dual, are always Ceres and Proserpine ai ffffivai : 0eio-8op,os, ov, (Beios, Htfuv) god-built.
Oeai the Eumenides or Furies. Oeiopev, Ep. for Btoofiev, Bwptv, 1 pi. aor. 1 subj. of
Oca, j), (Otaofjttn) a looking at, view. II. a thing riOrjui.
seen, sight, spectacle. 0€tov Ep. Oteiov, to, (Btios) brimstone, Lat. sulfur.
dcdO-fjvai, aor. 1 inf. pass,of 6cdo/jicu. Octov, to, neut. of Btios, used as Subst., the Divine
0<aiv&, i), poet, for Bid, a goddess. Being. Deity. II. to* Qua, the acts or attributes
06-a(TT|TOS. ov, {Btus, airiiu) asked of the gods. of the gods. 1. religious observances.
©tapa Ion. 0rr|p.a, aros, to, (BedofMi) a sight, 0cZos, a, ov, (0c6s) of or from the gods, Lat. divinus.
spectacle. sent or caused by a god, appointed of God. 2. in
6edp.a>v, ovos. 6, ff, (Btdo/Mii) a spectator, [a] honour of a god, holy, sacred. 3. godlike, super-
Ocdopai, f. Oedorofjtat [a], Ion. Beqaofiai aor. I human, extraordinary, excellent.


lOtaodfirjv: pf. reOe&fiai : Dep.: (Bdofxai): to view, @EIT>2, 6, one's father's or mother's brother, uncle,
gaze at, behold; ol B&ufxevoi the spectators in a Lat. patruus and avunculus: fern. Btia.
theatre :
— aor. I kdtdd-qv in pass, sense, to be seen. 0eioT«pu>s, Adv. Comp. of Beioos.

See Odofjtat, Brjtofiai. 0€iqtt|S, t;tos, 7), (O(tos) divine nature, divinity.
Oe&pds, 0, Dor. for Btwpos. 0ei6-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ovv, {6uov, xpoa)
Gearys Ion. 0«TjTf|S, ov, 6, (Bfdonai) a spectator. brimstone-coloured.
Beards, 17, ov, (Bf do fiat) to be seen. 0€i6<o Ep. 0€€i6o>: f. bow, (0t?ov):-—to smoke with
6eaTpi£<i>, (Btarpov) to bring on the stage: to
f. ecu, brimstone, fumigate: hence to purify.
make a show of, bold up to ridicule or shame. 06is, Oeicra, 6iv y aor. 2 part, of riOrjfu.
Oearpov Ion. 0«jTpov, to, (Bedouai) a place for 0cit€, Otioav, 2 and 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. of riOrj^u.
seeing, a theatre. 2. collectively, the spectators, 0€ito, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of riOijfu.
the audience. 3. = Oiapa, the piece represented, a 0€io>, poet, for 0«y, to run.
show. 0€io>,Ep. for 0ea>, 0u>, aor. 2 subj. of ri0t]/u.
0€-€l8t)s, is, (Beos,fTdos)=0foubris. 0€1-w8t)s, €$, (^croi/, 6?5o») brimstone- like, Lat. st//-
0ceiov, to, poet, for Beiov, brimstone.
6<€io$, 77, ov, Ep for Bfios, divine. 0«ias, Adv. of ^ffos, oy divine providence : Comp.
OeeiovTai, 3 sing. pres. pass of B(cioa>. 0(toT(pojs, by more special providence-
Oceioco, Ep. for Buooj, to smoke with brimstone. 0€\-Y6o-C-p,v0o$, ov, (0i\yw, fw0os) of soft, persuasive
0€6<ncov, Ion. impf. of Bioj. speech.
0€T|, ?}, Ion. for Bea. QtXytcrKOv, Ion. impf. of 0e\yoi.
0€T|ios. 77, ov, Ion. for Bteios, Buos, divine. 0«X-yT|Tpov r To, ^«A7<w) a charm or spell.
6c-t|XStos, ov, (Of 6s, k\avva>) driven or pursued by ©E'ATfl, f. £<»: aor. I(0(\£a:— Pass., aor. I tO(\-
a god. 2. sent, caused by a god. II. built \0y)v :
— to stroke with magic power, to charm, en~
by a god or for the gods. chant, spell-bind, Lat. mulceo : to cheat, cozen.
9(T)p.a, to, Ion. for Oiayua. 0c\eos, ov, (0(\<u) willing, voluntary.
Oer\-y\S.\Ui., t), 0er|-p.dxos, ov, poet, for 0«©/i-. Q(\r\\ux, aros, to, (04\<u) will.
6cT)pxi>v, ovos, 6, t), Ion. for Bcdfjuw. 0«Xt|o-is, firs, ?). (0(\a>) a willing, will.
0€T| iroX«i), 0€T]-tto\6s, oV, poet, for 6tov~. 0€XKTT|p. rjpos, 6, (0(\-yt») a charmer. Hence
0€T)cr«ai, Ion. 2 sing. tut. of BedofMii. 0eXKTTjptov, to, a charm, spell, enchantment, means
0«jj<n, Ep. 3 sing. subj. of Bi<». or power of charming : from

0rrjTT)S, ov, 6, Ion. for Beards. 0€XiCTT)pios, ov, (^^A7<w charming, enchanting.

©rrjros, 0«T)Tpov, 0€Tjro)p, Ion. for Otar-. 0«XKTpov, to, = 0€\tcTripiov, a charm.
0€ia,r),fem. of Btios, one's father's or mother's sister, Of XtCTWp, opos, 6, »), = 0€\Kr4jp.
aunt, Lat. amita and matertera. 0«X|ai, aor. I inf. of 0i\ya>.
0€id£ci>, f. ooj, {duos) to practise divinations. Hence 0cX|€i, Dor. for 0t\((i, 3 sing. fut. of 0(\y*».
0eia.o-p.6s, 6, practice of divinations. 0€X£t-voos, ov, contr. -vovs, ow, (0i\yo), voot)
e€i0a06v, 6«i0u0«., Aeol. for ©tj/S-. charming or witching the heart.
0et«v. 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. of riBijfu. 0cX£C-mKpos, ov, (04\y<u, mnp6s) deliciously bitter.
0«(tjv, aor. 2 opt. of riBnfu. 0cX£i-4>po}v, ov, gcn.ovot, (0(\yw, (pprjv) = Of K^ivoos.

314 O&oura — 0eo7roiea>.

OcXoicra, Dor. for OlXovaa, fem. part, of Oikot. from Zeus, from the gods. Originally -Ocv was the
0t\, t<4, = OcpcOka. genit. termination, as appears from cficOcv, acOcv, cOcv.
6E'An, impf. cOcKov. fut. Ock-qam aor. I cOcXrjoa: 0<v&p, dpos, t<5, (Ocvoj, Oc'ivoj) tbe part of tbe band
shortened form of c9c\oj. with which one strikes, tbe flat of tbe band: dXds Oi-
0«pc0\a, r&, (riOijfu) tbe foundation, tbe base or vap tbe surface of tbe sea.
bottom of a thing, the roots of a mountain, etc. ; 'Afi- 0«o, Ep 2 sing. aor. 2 med. imperat. of tiOij/u.
^om'oj OificOXa the sbrine of Araraon. 0€O0\a(3cci», to sin against tbe gods. From
0cp,ciAia, t<4, Ep for OcpcKia, = Oc/icOka ; OcfictXta 0€o-pXa{3tis, cs, (Ocos, PXaprjvai) stricken of God,
Ocaav or irpo&akovTO they laid the foundations. visited with judicial blindness, reckless.
0tp.tXi.69ev, Adv. /row* /&? bottom, Lat. funditus. 0€o-Y€wf|S, yevva) begotten of a god.
is, (Ocos,

0cp,cAiov, to, as sing, of OcuciXia, the foundation : Qeo-y\<oo-<ros, ov, (Ocos, yXwoaa) with tbe tongue
tA Otfxfkia = 9(/j.d\ia, OcficOXa. From of a god.
OtptXios, ov, (riOrjfu) belonging to the foundation. II. Ocoyovia, 17 tbe generation or genealogy of tbe gods,
as Subst., Ocfickms (sub. Xi^oi), o, a foundation stone; the title of a poem of Hesiod. From
ol OcftcXioi, tbe foundations. Hence ©co'-yoyos, ov, (Ocus, *ycvwi) born of God.
0<p.eXi6u>, i.u)G<t), to lay tbe foundation, found firmly: 0«o-8tYjxwv, ov, gen. ovos, (Oc 6s, 5«'xofteu) receiving
— have tbe foundations laid.
Pass, to a god.
0t[x€v, 0ep,€vai, Ep. for Ocivai, aor. 2 inf. of TiOrjfU. 0€O-8'fjX'nTOs, ov, (6c6$, SrjXiofUu) hurtful to tbe
0<|xcvos, aor. 2 med. part, of riOrjfit. majesty of tbe gods.
0cp.ep6s, 6v, (tiOtj/xi) grave, serious, steadfast. 06o-8i8aKTOs, ov, (0c6s, SibaaKv) taught of God. [t]
0ep.cp-J>ms, toot, j), (Ocfi<pos, anf>) of serious counte- 0e6-8p.t]TOS, ov. Dor. -8p.dTOS, 0, ov, (Ocos, Scuqj)
nance, honest. god-built, made or founded by tbe gods.
0cpl£ci>, (Oc/jus) to regulate,punisb, control : Med., 0«6-8otos, ov, = Ocoahoros.
poet. aor. I regulatefor oneself, con'rol.
OcfuaaaoOat to 0co-ci8t|S, cs, (Oc 6$, clSos) divine ofform, beauteous
0c)u-ir\6KTO$, ov, (Ocfus, ir\tKa)) woven of right; as tbe gods, godlike : irreg. Sup Ocaihcararos.
$efiiir\(KTos <rr4<pavos a well-earned crown. 0€O-cikcXos, ov, {6* 6s, eiK(Xos) godlike.
0E'MI2, J), Ep. gen. Ocyaaros, ace. Oc/uv: in — 0eocx0pta, 17, a being bated by tbe gods. From
Homer as prop. n. Ocpxs, Qcfitaros, ace. Qcfuara 0c6-cxvpos, ov, (Ocus, i\0p6s) bated by tbe gods.
but Att. gen. Qcfuros, sometimes also ©f'/uoo*, ace. 0€o0cv, old gen. of Ocos, used as Adv., from tbe gods,
€>({uv Ion. gen. Qcfuos, voc. ®cpi :
; I. law, Lat. divinitus.
right, agreed on by common consent or prescription, Ocoio-a, Dor. for Oiovoa, fem. part, of 04oj.
opposed to statute-law, Lit. jus or fas, as opp. to lex; 0€ok\€tc<0, f. rjooj, to call tbe gods to aid. to invoke
Ocfus tori 'tis meet and right, Lat. fas est ; 17 Ocyns divine vengeance : to call on, conjure. From
tori as 'tis right, as the custom is. II. pi. Oc- 0€o-kXvtos, ov, (Oeis, kXvoj) calling on tbe gods.
puarcs, sanctions, laws, ordinances. 2. tbe rigb's 0e6-KpavTOS, ov, [Ocos, Kpaivu) wrought by the gods.
of the chief, prerogative, privilege, authority : hence 0co-KpiTOS, ov, (Ocus, Kpivco) judging between gods.
dues, tribute, etc. 3. existing laws or ordinan- 0€6-KTUTTOS, OV, and 0€O-KTtTOS, OV, (OCOS, KTtfa)
ces. 4. law-suits : also courts to administer jus- created by God.
tice : judicial sentences. III. Qc/us as prop, n., 0eo-pavT|s, is. (Oeos, pMvfjvai) maddened by tbe gods;
Themis, goddess of law and order, Justice. \vo~aa 0<ouav7)s madness caused by tbe gods.
©eju-aKoiros, ov, (Ocfiis, aitonc*)) keeping order. 0c6-p.avris, cvs, 6, {Ocos, fxdvris) one who has a spirit
0«|jucr-»cpttov, ovros, d, reigning by right. of prophecy.
0tp.urra, -<xs, Ep. ace. sing, and pi. of Ocfus. 0€opSxco>, to fight against God: and
0«p.iOT€ios, a, ov, (Ocfus) lawful, righteous. 0eopdxia, t), tbe battle of tbe gods, as certain books
0«p.wrr€vco, (OefuoTot) to give law, lay down
f. ooj, of the Iliad were called, esp. the loth. From
ordinances, give oracles : to order, govern. 0co pdxos, ov, (0c6s, /xdyo/xat) fighting against God.
0€|i,urT«0v, Ep. gen. pi. of Ocfiis 0€O-p/r|OTrcop, opos, 6, {Ocos, fi^ffroup) like tbe gods in
0€|iurro-ir6Aos, ov, (Oifus, iroX«u) ministering law counsel.
and right. 0€O p.Tar|s, cs, (0c6s, fuocai) bated of tbe gods.
0ep,io~T6s, ^, 6v, (Ocftlfa) sanctioned by law, lawful. 0c6-p.opos Dor. 0€vji-, ov, (Oc^s, ftopos) destined or
0€|xIt6s, 17, 6v, Ep. for Ocfuaros. allotted by tbe gods. II. blessed by tbe gods.
©EMO'fl., an Ep. Verb only occurring once in 0€o-p.op4>os, ov, (Ocos uopQrj) ofform divine.
aor. I, vrja Oifuuoc \kpaov Iic4o0at b'e forced the ship 0eo-p.i5o-f|s, cs, (Ocos, /vaos) abominable before the
to come to land, or set it so ac to come. g^ds-
-0ev, insep. Particle, affixed to Nouns denoting 06o-irois, vaiSos, 6. 1), (Ocos, irais) child of tbe gods
motion from a place, opp. to Sc, as, oikoOcv, oi- 0f6-ir€p.irros, ov, iOc's. vcfiiru) sent by tbe gods.
pavuOcv, from home, from heaven more ran ly : 0€6-irv€Vo~ros, ov, (Ocvs, nWa>^ inspired of God.
affixed to names of persons, as AioOcv, 0c66cv, 0coiroila> t to make into gods, deify. From
— : —
OcoiroiSs — dtpifa. 315
0«o-ttoi6«, 6v, (0(6*, iroiieo) making statues of gods. 0co-^6pY)TOS, ov, (0(6*, QopioS) inspired by a god. II.
0«6-n op/rros, ov, (0(6*,
irifiiroj) god-&ent. act. carrying a god or goddess.
0«o-tt6vi]tos, ov, {0(6t, itovia)) wrought by a god. 0€o-<{>6pos, ov, (0(6*, <pip<u) bearing a god. II.

0€o-iTp€irf|S, is, (0(6*, npiir<u) befitting a god. Adv. 0(6<popos, ov, borne or possessed by a god, inspired.
-wwt. 0e6-<f>pu>v, ov, gen. ovo*, (0(6s, <pprjv) godly-minded,
prophesy, in part. 0(oirpovi<w; and
Oto-n-po-irtu), to godly, devout, Lat pius.
6coirpoir(a, i), or -tov, r6, a prophecy. From 0€o<«),f. boat, (0(6t) to make into a god, deify.

Gto-irpoTros, (0(6*, itpivoi) prophetic, boding, divin- 0€pdiraiva and -vCs, iSo*, i), fern, of 0(pdncuv, a
ing : as Subst., 0(cmp6vot, 6, a prophet. II. a waiting-maid, handmaid.
public messenger sent to inquire of the oracle, cf. Ocpdircta Ion. -tjit|, if, (0(pair(voS) a waiting on, ser-
d(ojp6s. vice, attendance: 0(pairda 0(wv divine worship, 2.
0€6-imKTTOS, ov, (0(6*, irrvcu) abhorred by the gods. a fostering, nurture: tending in sickness, medical
0e6-irOpos, ov, (0(6s, vvp) kindled by the gods. treatment. 3. a courting, paying court. II. a
04-opros, ov, (0(6*, opvvfjuu) sprung from the gods. body of attendants, suite, retinue.
eEO'2, o, Lat. DEUS, God: in Homer either God, 0cpdiTCvp.a, ixaro*, to, (0(pair(va>) service done, at-
as, S(6* 5wau God will grant or, 0(6* ti* a god, tendance, nurture : medical treatment.

some particular god: later the Deity, like to Odov 0€pdir€VT«ov, verb. Adj. of 0(pair(vco, one must cul-

ffvv 0c<p, ciiv 0(oit, ov/c 6v(v0( Otov, Lat. non sine tivate : also one must cure.
diis, by the will of God ; vvep 0(6v against his will 0€pSir€VTT|p, rjpot, 6, and 0epair€vrf|s, ov, (Otpa-
— as an oath, trpb* 0(wv by the gods, in God's v(vu) an attendant, servant. 2. one who attends to
name. II. fern. 0(6*. for 0(d, Oiaiva, a goddess anything : a worshipper of the gods : a physician.
esp. in Att. phrase to; 0(w the two goddesses, i.e. 0cpdir€VTVK6s, i\, 6v, (Ofpan(vw) inclined to serve,
Ceres and Proserpine. III. as Adj. in Comp. attentive, obedient: courteous. 2. able to cure; J}
6(drrepot, more divine. 6(parr(VTiicf) (sc. ri\vn) the healing art.
9 too- -8 otos, ov, {9 (6s, hiZwfu) given by the gods. 0epSircvo), f. am, (O(pdnojv) to wait on, attend, serve:
0c6o-&i>pos, ov, poet, for 0(ohwprjTO*. to be an attendant : to do service to the gods, to wor-
dcoo-l^cta, the worship or fear of God.
i), From ship : to serve, attend, pay observance to. 2. to
0«o-<r€pT|s, is, {0(6*, ai&ofiai) worshipping God, re- pay court to, to flatter : also of things, to consult, at-
ligious, devout. Adv. -&u>s, religiously. tend to, Lat. inservire commodo. 3. c. ace. rei, to
dco^reirros, ov, (0(6*, aifio/juu) worshipped as a god. take care of, provide for ; 0(pan(v(iv rb irapov to
Oeo-crtTTTOjp, opos, 6, - 0(oa(^rj*. provide for the present ; Oepairtvav f^iipr^v to observe
6€o<r-<x0p(a, i, (0(6*, (\0p6t) hatred of the gods, a day, keep it boly. 4. to tend the sick, to treat
ungodliness, impiey. i medically, to heal, cure. 5. of land, to cultivate,

9(6o--<TijTO%, ov, poet, for 0(6avrot, sent by the gods. till.

0co-<rTTjpucTO$, ov, {0(6*, oTTjpi(<u) supported by God. 0€pdfrntn, Ion. for 0(pairria.
0«o-OTipTjs, 4*, {0(6; ctiP(iv) trodden by God. 0€pdmfjios, tj, ov, Ion. and poet, for 0tpair(VTii<6t.
0eo-<rrtTpns, ^», (0(6t, aTvyiu) bated of the gods or 0€pdirvT), fj, poet, f >r 0(p6.natva, a handmaid: and, —
of God, abominable. II. act. hating God. 0cpairvts, iSot, 1), poet, contr. from 0(pairatvi*.
0«osrruyi)TOS, ov, bated of the gods. 0€pdirovTts, foot, ij, (O(pairojv) of a waiting-maid.
0€6-o-Otos, poet, also 0«6o--<rvTO$, ov, {0(6*, ff(va>) ©EPATinN, ovtos, 6, an attendant, servant, differ-
sent by the gods. ing from 5ov\o*, as implying free service : in Homer,
Q(6-Ta\jpos,6,(6t6t, ravpot) the god-bull, a name for a companion in arms, comrade, though inferior in
Zeus changed into a bull. rank, as Patroclus was the Ofpdirojv of Achilles so, ;

0co-tc(xi)S, «», walled by the gods.

{0(6*, T(?xot) kings were Aid* 0(panovT(s, warriors 0(pdnovT(*
0«o-t€victos, ov, {0(6*, T€t5x<w) made by God. 'Apr/of, poetsMovodwv 0(pdirovr(9. II. in Chios,
©corns, rjro*, i), {0(6*) divinity, divine nature. the 0(pdirovT(* were slaves.
0«)-Tvp.T|TO$, ov, {0(6*, rifiaw) honoured of God. 0<pad/, 6, rare form for 0(pdir<uv, only found in ao
0«6-Ttpos, ov, honoured of God. cus. Oipawa, nom. pi. Oipaira.
0«6-Tp*irTO$, ov, (0(6*, rpiiroj) directed by the gods. 0«pcios, a, ov, (Oipo*) of, belonging to summer, in
0co-Tp«}>T|s, (*, {0(6*, rpi<poj) feeding the gods. summer ; aixH-b' 0. summer-drought ; j) Oipua, Ion.
0«ov8cta, i), tbejear of God, holiness. 0(p(irj (with or without wpa), summer-lime, summer.
0<ov8t|s, it, {0(6*, hio*) fearing god, godly. Hence 0cpcu>, Ep. for Otpcj, aor. 2 pass, subj of Oipo).
0co-^dvia isub. l(pd), rd, {0(6*, (pavfjvat) a festival 0€pi£ci>, f. iota Att. tai : aor. 1 iOipiaa syncop.
at Delphi, at which the images of the gods were shewn tOpXaa: — Pass., aor. I l0<p'io~0r)v : pf. T(Oipianat:
to the people. (Oipo*) : to mow, reap, cut, harvest corn : — metaph.
0*©-<t>lM|S, it, {0(6*, <pi\i<u) beloved of the gods. to mow down, cut off, slay : also to cut the hair. 3.
0«64>iv, Ep. ^en. and dat. sing, and pi. of 0(6*. esp. also to pack up. II. intr. to pass the summer;
in phrase, Qttxpiv yA\ar<ap drdXavro*. cf. (api^ai, xd/jidfa.
: — ; :

316 0€pCv€o? — 0t(nrupft/a>.

0cp(v«os, o, ov, = Otpuos; rpoirai $epiveaitbe summer 0c<r-Kc\os, ov, (6eos, (totco), f<r/t<w) godlike : but ge-

solstice, i.e. the 21st of June, [r] nerally, marvellous, wondrous, always of things, 0«o-
0eptvos, "f), ov, (6tpos) prose form for 6ipeios, of, tiicekos being used of persons ; Occiecka epya works
in,or during summer. of wonder ; neut. as Adv., tiicro bi Oeonekov avry he
Oepicrpos, 6,(9tpi{<v)a mowing, reaping, harvesting. was wondrous like him.
0€pwrrf|s, ov, 6, (Ocpifa) a mower, reaper, harvest-man.$ Dor. T€0paos, ov, (flcoyzo*) according to
0cpi<TTpiov or (Mpurrpov, to, (Oepifa) a light sum- law, lawful, legitimate : eioyna, ra, as Subst. laws,
mer-garment, opp. to x.ttfiaOTpiov. customs, rites.
6ep(i.aivco, f. avu> : aor. i iOcpfirjva : (B(pn6i) to
: Q*cr\xo-Q(Tr]s,ov,d,(0fO'fi6s,Ti(h}ni)a lawgiver. II.

warm, beat: — Pass, to become warm or bot, grow the dtopoOirai at Athens were the six junior ar ebons:
bot, glow: metaph., 0tpfiaivto6ai kkirioi to glow with after their year expired they became members of the
hope. Areopagus.
0«pp-T), "h, (Oepfios) beat, feverish beat. II. Qkp- 0carp.o-Troilb), f. rjffoj, (0(fffJi6s, iroi€<v) to make laws.
pMi, al, bot-springs, Lat. thermae. 0eap.o-ir6\os, ov, (Oeo/xut, vokicu) conversant with
0€pp,6-{3Xvoros, ov, (6(pfx6s, ftkvcu) hot-bubbling. laws or customs.
0€p p.6-(3ou\os, ov, (6(pfx6s, @ov\r])bot in counsel, rasb. 0€o-jx6s Dor. TtOpos, 6 : irreg. pi. $€Ofm, r& : (rl-
0€pp.o-86TTis, ov, o, fem. 0epp.6-SoTis, tbos, i), (0«p- Orjfti): —alaw, rule, ordinance, Lat institutum: a
fios,biSojfit) one who brought the bot water (Lat. rite, form, institution. 2. at Athens, Draco's laws

calda) at baths or sacrifices, Lat. caldarius. were called Oeofioi, because each began with the word
Oeppo-epyos, 6v, = $(pfiovpyos. Oeo-fxos ; Solon's laws were named vofxot. Hence
8epp6-vovs, ow, (Oepfjios, vovs) heated in mind. 0«ap.oawr), i), justice, like biKaioovvij.
0€pp.o-rru\ai, wv, al, (Otpfius, irvkrj) Hot-Gates, a Qtar\x.o^6pia,<w,rd,(6fcruo(p6pos) the Tbesmophoria,
narrow pass, in which were hot-springs, the name of an ancient festival held by the Athenian women in
the famous pass from Thessaly to Locris ; also called honour of Demeter ®eop:o<p6pof. it lasted three day?
simply Tlvkai. [i/] from the 1 1 th of Pyanepsion. Hence
OtpfAos, rj, 6v, also poet. 6s, ov, (Oepoi) warm, bot, 0eo-p.o<{>opid£ci>, f. ow, to keep the Tbesmophoria ; al

boiling. II. metaph. bot, hasty, rasb, reckless, i. &(a yuxpopidQovoai, a play of Aristophanes.
active, ready. III. to dtpfiov, beat, Lat. color 0«crpo4>6piov, t<5, the temple of Demeter Gcfffto-
also, $(pfidv (sub. v5<up), bot drink, Lat. calda : ra) <popos.
Ofp/id (sub. x "^' )' ^ ot places, or (sub. XovTpo), hot 0ecr|AO-4>6pos, ov, (OtafMus, <p«'p<y) law-giving: epith.
baths. of Demeter, Lat. Ceres, as the goddess of tillage and
6E'PM02, o, the lupine. civilised life ; tcL 6fOfio<p6p<u Ceres and Proserpine,
6<pp,o-Tp& yca>, a
f. ijaoj, (Oipfios, Tpdrya/) to eat lupines. who were worshipped together at the Thesmophoria.
Ocpp.-ovp'yos, ov, (Otpfjius, *epya)) doing bot and 0eo-p.o-<t>v\a£, ajtos, 6, mostly in pi., Ocff/io-tyvka/ccs,
hasty acts, rasb, reckless, impetuous. like vofio-tyvka/tcs, guardians of the law, a magistracy
0«'ppu>, only used in pres. imperat. and in impf. {Oipw) at Elis. [C]
to warm, make hot: Pass, to grow bot.
beat, —
0€o--ir«o-ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (9t6s, tiros) of the
Ocpos, to, ($ipo>) summer, summer-time: summer' voice, divinely sweet. II. more than mortal or

heat: to Oipos, absol., during summer; tov Otpeos in human : unspeakable, ineffable, and generally = Ouos,
the course of summer. II. a harvest, a crop. divine : dat. fem. dfantairj (sub. flovkfi) as Adv., by
©E'PXi, fut. Qtpoo}, to warm, beat — Homer uses the will of God. 2. wondrous, marvellous, excel-

only Pass. Otpopat, with fut. med. Qipaofxai, aor. a lent. 3. of anything sent by God, and so, awful,
iOiprjv in subj. $tpia> for Ofpat: to become warm, fearful. Hence
grow bot, warm oneself; vvpbs 6tp(odcu to be burnt 0€O"ireo-C<i)s, Adv. in divine manner; $effrrtaiws \<p6-
with fire, (IrjOtvthey trembled unspeakably.
0€S, aor. 2 imperat. of riOrjfu. 0€O-irt-8dT|S. &, (Ola-nit, baioj a) kindled by a god;
Oco-av, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 of Tt$r)fM. 6(airi5ah irvp supernatural, furious fire.
0€o-0cn, aor. 2 inf. med. of ridrj/u. 0€o-m-«ima, fem. Adj. (Oiovis, tiros) prophetic.
0ca0o}, 0ecr0c, 3 sing, and 2 pi. aor. 1 imperat. med. 0eo-irt£<i>, fut. io<u Att. tw. Ion. inf. Ofomitiv. aor. I

of TiOrjm. kdiomoa Dor -i£a : (Oiams) — to declare by oracle,

0co-is, ecvs, i), (jiBrjfu) a setting, placing, arranging; prophesy, divine.
iniajv dtais a setting of words in verse, poetry. II. 0€o-irl£ao-a, Dor. for deamoaffa, aor. 1 part. fem. of
a deposit of money, earnest-money. III. adoption foreg.
as the child of some one cf. Qctos. IV. (from
; 0«rmos, ov, = Otairioiot.
Pass. riOeoOat) a being placed, position, situation. 2. 0€'o--Tris, tos, 6, 1), (6(6s, ciros) inspired, prophetic, sa-
a position or thesis to be proved. V. in metre cred. II. = Oeiot 11, divine, wondrous, awful.
the last half of the foot, in which the voice falls, opp. 0ccrmo-p,a, otos-, to, (dtoirifa) an oracle.
to theirs* half (apms), in which it rise$. 0«rm<p8l<o, f. -fjao), to sing in prophetic strain. From
— —
deariTHpbos — drjKalos. 317
0€o-m.-cpS6s, 6v, (Oioms, qfi-fj) singing in prophetic 0tu)pLKos, 17, 6v, (6«vp6t) of or belonging to spec-
strain, prophetic. tators or to the sacred ambassadors (6t<vpoi). II.

Oco-o-dXos Att. 06TtoX6s, 6, fern. 0€<r<raA£s, ibos, a to $((Dpifea r^sub. \p-qpuiTa) be money, which, from
Thessalian: also as Adj., QtoonXov aotyiayua. a Tbes- the time of Pericles, was given from the treasury to
salian trick, from the faithless character of the people. the poor citizens, to pay for their seats at the theatre
6t<xcra.cr0ai, to pray for : a defect, poet. aor. I, of (at 2 obols the seat), but also for other purposes.
which we find only 3 pi. Oiooavro, part. OiotdpLfvos. 0co)pis, idos, i), with and without vavs, a sacred ship
(Origin uncertain.) which carried the $€<vpoi to their destination used ;

0co-<|>4tti-A6'yos, ov, (6io<paros, \(y<u) prophetic. also for other state-purposes. From
0€o--<|>dTOS, ov, {8fus, <pr}n'i) spoken by God, decreed, 0€<op6s, o, (0€os, wpa) a spectator, observer, one who
appointed, destined, Lat. fafalis : as Subst., Oiatyara, travels, to see men and things. II. an ambassa-

tcl, oracles. II. like Octos. made by God, divine. dor, sent by the state to consult an oracle: — the
SeriZtiov, to, the temple of Thetis. From Athenians sent 6i<upoi to the Delphic oracle, to Delos,
0€Tts, 180s, ff y Thetis, one of the Nereids, wife of and to the four great Hellenic games, the O.ympian,
Peleus, mother of Achilles. Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian.
0«to, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of TiOrjpu. 0€UTcpos, a, ov. Comp. of 9(6s, more divine.
0€t6s, i\, ov, verb. Adj. oiriOrjpu, placed, set. II. 0rjfid-Y«vT|s, e's, (®rj&7), ycveaQat) sprung from
adopted as one's child. Thebes, born at Thebes, Tbeban.
06V, Dor. and Ion aor. 2 imperat. med. of 7itijpn. 0T||3d0i, Adv. at Thebes.
0cv-popos, ov, Dor. for 6(6p.opos. 0^|3a£€, Adv. to or towards Thebes. From
06\is, 6 and 1), Dor. for Oeos, a god. 0HTBAI, osv, al, poet, also 0t|Pt), 1), Thebes, the
0€, / will run, fut. of 6(oj. name of which the most famous are
several cities, of
0cv~4>opia, jJ, Dor. for 0€o<popia. the Egyptian, the Boeotian, and another in the Troad,
0E'.fl Ep also 0€ioj fut. OtvaofMii
: to run ; 6Uiv : all in Homer, who uses both sing, and plur. of all.

irtbioio to run over the plain vcp"t rpinobos ditiv to

; Hence
run for a tripod vcpl fpvxrjs 'Ektooos 6e€iv to run €h)Pai--y«v^s, es, = (d-qfiaytvfjs : and
for Hector's life ;

later also, Oittv tov irtpl ttjs ipvxqt 07)|3ai€vs, tats Ion. tos, 6, ep. of Jove, the Tbeban : —
(sc. bpSpLov) to run for one's life. II. of birds, to so 0T|{3aios, a, ov, and 0t)P<uk6s, t\, ov, Tbeban.
fly: of ships, to run; of the running wheel, of a 0t)j3ats, loos, 1), (QijQai) the Thebaxs, i. e. territory
rolling stone. III. of things which run in a con- of Thebes. II. the Tbebaid, a poem on the siege
tinmous line, though not actually in motion of any- ; of Thebes.
thing circular, which seems to run round into itself, 0T|Pacr8€, poet. Adv., = Qri0a£e.
avrv£ fj ltvparr] Oiev aanioos the rim which ran round 0T)fjTJ, v. &T)0ai.
at the verge of the shield. 0tJ3tio-iv poet. 0t|Ptjotv, (e^jSai) Adv. at Thebes.
0«u, contr. for Otaov, imperat. of 0(aofMi. 0T]"yoA€Os, 0, ov, {Oriya)) pointed, sharp. II.
0cup.ev, Ion. for Quipiev, 1 pi. aor. a subj. of ri- act. sharpening.
«T)fU. ©tjy&vt), 17, (Oriyoj) a whetstone : metaph. anything

0«i>p«*>, f. rjaoj, (Occvpos) to look at, view, behold, ob- to whet one's fury, a provocative to rage. [d]
serve : esp. to bea spectator at the public games and 0T]-ydv<i>, = Qjjyo).

festivals. of the mind, like Lat. contemplari, to

2. f. 0HT&,
6-f)£a>: aor. 1 (O^a:— Pass., pf. re-

contemplate, consider. II. to be a 6e<up6t or state Orjyuai: —

to sharpen, whet': Med., oY'pv 0r]£ao6ai —
ambassador to the oracle or at the games. III. to whet one's spear. II. naetaph. to sharpen,
Causal in Soph. O. C. 10^4, dfwpfjoaaa rcvfiov 6/j.fxa provoke, irritate.
having made my eyes behold ; but see iojpia>. Hence 0tj€ito, 3 sing. impf. of Qniopuai.
0€u>p-r)ua, arot, to, a sight, spectacle. II. a 0T), f. -ijao/iai, Ion. form of Qtiopuu Dor. 0a- :

thing contemplated by the mind, a principle deduced: «'ou,ai to look on, gaze at, observe, admire: impf.,

in Mathematics, a theorem. 3 sing. (Otjuto Ep. Otjuto, Ion. 4 pi. iOrjtvvTO Ep.
0€U)pT|TT|ptov, to, (6(cup(<v) a seat in a theatre. OijevvTo; iOntvpeoBa Ion. I pi.; dntvpuvos Ion. part.:
06<i>pt)tik6$, J7, ov, (Otajptoj) of or for speculation, Orjrjo-aio, -airo 2 and cf Odo/mt.
3 pi. aor. I opt. :

theoretic. Otjtjs, Ep. for Oris, 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. of TiO-nfJii.

06<a>pia, i), (Otcvpioj) a looking at, viewing, beholding, 0T)T)TT|p, rjpos, o, Ion. for iiar-qs, (drffofiai) one who
observing ; $ta.pias (tv(K(v for the purpose of seeing gazes at, an admirer.
the world: esp. the being a spectator at the public 0tjt|t6s, 17, ov, Ion. for Ofnros, gazed at, to be looked
games. 2. of the mind, contemplation, reflec- at or admired, wondrous.
tion. II. the sending of 0(aipoi or state-ambas- 0^l'iov, to, Ep. for dfiov, brimstone.
sadors to the t racle or games als the body of 6«v-
: • 0T)tos, Ep. for 6tios, divine.
pei themselves. the office of 6*<upus.
2. III. 0rJKa, Ep. aor. 1 of riOnpu.
pass, a sight, spectacle. 0t]koao*, o, ov, like a chest or coffin, belonging to a
: — — — : — :

318 6rfKrj—3r]p(ov.

sepulchre of the dead ; dlicrjyn 9t)KaTov a burial vault. 0T|v, an Ep. enclitic Particle, rare in Att. Poets, surely
From now . n 077V in very truth ; ov 9m> surely not.
0T|Ktj, 7), a case to put anything in, a box,
(Ti9r)fii) 0T)£<4.o-0<i>, 3 sing. aor. 1 imperat. med. of 9r)yoj.
chest: a place for putting corpses in, a grave, vault. 0T]oto, Ep. for 0e£o, 2 sing. opt. of Oijioficu.
0tjkt6s, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of drj-yo), sharpened. ©HP, Oripus, Ep. dat. pi. 9r\ptaai, 6, a wild beast, a
0T]\(i£oj, fut. daw Dor. a£w (#77X77) to give suck,
: : beast of prey: joined with a Subst., as 0t)p \iojv. 2.
suckle. II. of the child, to suck ; Or)\afav sucking. any monster, as the sphinx; often of the centaurs:
0T)X«a, Ion. fem. of OfjKvs. also satyrs.
0T)Xca> Dor. OdXttJ, f. 770-01. (077X77^ to flourish. abound; 0^|pa Ion. 0r|pT], a bunting, pursuit
—eager pursuit of anything. of wild
7), (9r}p)
c. gen., \etfiu)v(s tov r)S( atXivov 9rjKtov the meadows beasts, the chase II.
wer* rich with violets and parsley. II. to make in collective sense, the beasts, the game, quarry.
to bloom. 0Tjp-oYp€rr|S, ov, 6, (Orjpa, dyptvoj) a hunter.
0tj\t|, t), (ri$r)\a) the part of the breast which gives 0-rjpau.a, otos, to, (OripaoS) that which is caught, prey,
suck, the teat, nipple. booty.
0tjXv-y«vtjs, is, {6rj\vs, yeviwdat) of female sex. 0T]pdari|jLos, ov, 6-qpdoS) to be caugh' or won.
0t]Xv-yXci)o-otos, ov, (OrjKvs, yXcuaaa) with woman's 0T|paT€os, a. ov, verb. Adj. of 9-qpdoj, to be caught or
tongue. won. II. Brfpariov, one must catch or win.

0T]Xv8pias, ov, i, Ion, -Ctjs, (9t)\vs) an effeminate 0ir)parr)s, ov, 6, (^7?pda>) a hunter, burner after.
person. 0i)pdTiKos, 77, ov, of or for the chase, devoted to
0T|Xv8pt-u>8T|S, €«, (9r)\vdpias, ctSos) of womanish bunting ; ra dTjpaTiKcL rwv <pi\<uv the arts for winning
kind, effeminate. friends.
0T^Xv-Kp4-nf|S, is, <
9r)\vs, teparioS) swaying women. 0T|parpov, to, (6-qpcut)) a thing to catch with, a net, trap.
0tjXv-kt6vos, ov, (9rj\vs, *TetVa>) slaying by women's 0T)pdu, f. daoj or drjpdaofjuai : (9-qpa) : to bunt wild
bands. beasts, to chase, pursue, catch. 1. meiaph., like
0TjXv-pdlvT|s, is, (OfjXvs, pMvfjvai) mad for women. Lat. venari, to hunt after a thing, pursue, seek it
0i]Xv-p,€Xvis, is, ^9fjKvs, fii\os) singing in soft eagerly. II. the Med. drpwuai is used in Act.
strain. sense, to bunt after, seek for: also in Pass, to be bunted,
0T]Xu-p.iTpTjs, ov, 6, (OfjKvs, furpa) with a woman's pursued.
bead-dress : fem. 0-nXvp.i/rpus, tbos, 6, 7). 0f,pf, dual nom. of 9fjp.

0i)Xv-p.op4>os, ov, iO<,Kvs, p.op<prj) woman-shafed. 0r}pcios, ov, {tr/p) of, belonging to wild beasts, Lat.
0T]Xv-voos, voov, contr. 0rjXvvovs ovv, (dfjXvs, vevs) ferinus : 9T/p(ia fiia, periphr. for 6r)p, the centaur.

of womanish mind. 0T)peacri, Ep. frr Orjpai, dat. pi. of Ory).

©tjXvvcd, f. vvu : aor. I iO-qkvva : to make weak and 0T|p€vpa,aTos,T<), (9riptv(u) spoil, prey, game. II.

womani b — Pass, to become so. hun'ing.

0rjXv-irovs, 6, 7), Trow, to, gen. irohos, (9tj\vs, itovs) 0T|pevo-is, (ojs, 77, (firjpfvoj) a bunting, the chase : me-
9tjKvttovs (Saois the tread offemale foot. taph. a bunting after.
befitting a woman.
07jXv-Trp«irT|s, is, (OijKvs, irpi-na) 0rjp€VTT|s, ov, 6, (OTjpevoj) a hunter; Kvvtam nal av~
0f|Xvs, ua, u, also Ep. and Ion fem.
fem. 6fjKvs : Zpaoi 9t]pevr^OLV with hounds and huntsmen : also
9r)\ca, ace. 9i)\<av, pi. OrjKeat, -fas (ri9rt \a) : afisher. Hence
of female sex. female, opp. to apprjv 9rj\aa Otos a ; 0ijP€vti.k6s, 77, ov, of, belonging to the chase or bunt-

goddess; df)\€tai tiriroi mares. 2. general y, ofot ing: Kvvts bunting dogs, bounds: 77 077petm/«)(with
belonging to women ; to 9rj\v the female sex. IL and without rixvn), the art of hunting, the chase.
of things, \. fruitful, prolific, nourishing. 2. 0T)pevw, f. aw \9rjp) = 9r}pa<u, to bunt, run down,
tender, delicate : in bad sense, womanish, weak, effemi* catch : to bit, strike : meiaph. to bunt or seek after —
nate. the Cornp 0-qhvTtpos, a, ov [y], is
III. Pass, to be bunted : also to be preyed upon.
used like the Positive in the phrases 9rj\vTepai 0cai 0T)pco), Ion. and Dor. for 9rjpda>.
or yvvutKfs. 0T|pT|pa, to, Ion. for 9-qpapa.
0TjXv-o-TTOpos, ov, (9fj\vs, oirtipai) born of woman; 0irjpT|TT)p, rjpos, and 0t]p-r)T<Dp, opos, 6, Ep. and Ion.
yivva OrjXvotropos a race offemales. for OrjpaTTjs, a bun'er.
0TjXvT€pos, a, ov, v 6r) vs sub fin. ••
0T)piop&x< <<>> f V aa3 (0Vpi° v A^X^A40") a flgbe w
> > ^
0tjXv-t6kos, ov, (9rj\vs, t(kuv) bearing girls. wild beasts. From
0TjXv-4>p(ov, ov, (QfjKvs, <Pffjv) of woman's mind. 0rjpio-p.<ixos, ov fighting with wild beasts.

0T)Xfi-xiTtov, gen. ojvos, o, 7), (0fj\vs, x«toV) with a 0-rjpiov, to, in form a Dim. of 9rjp, but vsed for it
woman's frock or dress, [t] almost always in Prose, a wild animal, beast ; esp. of
0TjfjLtp^, by crasis for ttj fipipq. such as are hunted, game: a beast, brute as opp. to
0^p€T«pov, by crasis for rov -qpuripov. birds and men. II. as real Dim. of 9-qp, a little

0Tjpwru, by crasis for to 77/xiav. animal. III. as a term of reproach, beast I like

0TJP-WV, ojvos, 6, (jidijfu) like 9ojfi6s, a heap. Lat. bellua, w hu\6raTov ov Oroiov.
: : — :

07jpi(abr]S — dvrjaKCO, 319

full of wild beasts, in-
0T]pi-<o$iTS. (M,(6i}piov, «7So«) |
-01, insep. affix, added to several Nouns, denoting
fested by them, Lat. belluosus II. bru al in the place at which, as, uypdOi, oikoOi, in the fields, at
manners or nature, wild, savage, Lat. bellninus. home, t.ike 0ev, it was originally a genitive termi-
0T]pof3o\«'u>, f. rjaoj, to strike or kill wild beas.'s. From naiion. as in "IXiuOi irpj, r)wOi trpd
0T)po-06\os, ov, (0-qp. Bd\\<v) killing wild beasts. 0tdo--dpxTjs, ov, b, (Qiao os, apx<») the chief or leader
0t)PO-P6tos, ov, yO-qp, Bvokoj) fed on by wild beasts. of a sacred band of revellers.
0rip6-.0vp.os, ov, (Orjp, Ovfjius) with brutal mind, brutal. dtSo-cia, 17, revelling. From
0rjpo-KTOvos, ov, (Orjp, KTfit'Oj) killing wild beasts. 0i 3 Jtvu), (Oiaaos honour wi'h sacred revelry :
to —
0Tjp-o\€TT)S, ov, 6, (Orjp. r\\vfit) a slayer of beasts. Pass., OiaotvfTcu \pv\dv be has his soul imbued with
07]po-vop.os, ov, O-qp. viiMti) feeding wild beasts. Bacchic revelry.
©Tjpo-o-KOTros, ov, (Oi)p, OKoni<v) looking out for wild 0IA2O2, 6, a company or procession of persons
beasts. dancing and singing in honour of a god, esp. of Bac-
©Tjpoo-vvTj, ^, (O-qp) bunting, the chase. chus, a band of Bacchic revellers. 2. any company
0t)po-t6kos, ov, (Oqp, T(Kfiv) producing wild beasts. or troop. Hence
0T)po-Tp64>os. ov, wild
(Orjp. Tpf(p<u) feeding Oldo-ow, to make into a festive company.
beasts. II. proparox. 0i]puTpo<pos, pass, fed by Ovao-cos, Dor ace. pi. of Oiaaos.
beasts, feeding on them. 0tacr<oTTjs, ov, 6, (0iaa6<o) the member of a company
0T)po-<f)6vos, ov, also r), ov, (tfijp, *<pev<v) slaying of revellers ; c. gen., OiaouiTai rov "Eparros worships
wild beasts. pers ox followers of Love.
0Tjpo-£, dat. pi of Orp Qiyyavm, Ungthd. form of Root ©IT- (which ap-
0T)P<iov, crasis for to fjp-7<ov. pears in aor. 2 and in te-tlgi,pf. of tango): fut. 9t£o-

0H'2, OtjtSs, 6, a serf or villain, who is bound to pxii : :

touch lightly, just torch, less
aor. 2 lOXyov to
the soil, ascripus glehae. : also a hired labourer. strong than airroftai ; then generally to touch : to
They formed the last of Solon's four tribes, the other touch, attempt : to reach, gain.
three being the nwraKoni.oyL*hi\ivoi, inntis, {tvyiTai. Qiytlv Ep. OtyV^' aor * 2 ,n ^ or ^lyydvo). "

This class took in all whose property in land yielded Oi-yTjp-a, fiaros, to, (Oiyuv) a touch.
less than 1 50 medimni they were generally excluded
: ©L^ojjLai, fut. of Oiyydvoi.
from public service, but were employed as light-ar ned 01'2, gen. a heap of sand on
OivCs, Ep. 6, later

troops and seamen, and, in case of need, as heavy- the beach hence the beach, shore, strand : in pi.

armed. II. fern. 0Tjo-o-a Att. 0-qTTa, j), a labour- Oivcs, sand-heaps, sand-banks :— then any heap ; Oives
ing girl. 2 as Adj Orjaaa rpdirffa a menial's fare.
. , vetcpuiv heaps of dead 6cTe6<ptv Bis a heap of ;

0fjo*ai, aor. I int. of Odoi, to suckle. bones. 2. the sand at the bottom of the sea ; 61$

0rjo-aCaTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I opt. of Odofxai = Of do/MU. Kfkaiva a dark, mud y bottom : metaph., &s fiov Tor
0T)o-du,evos, aor. p.rt. med. of Od<u, to suckle.
1 Oiva TapaTTUS how thou troublest the very bottom
©tiouto, 3 sing. aor. med. of Oda>, to suckle.
1 of my heart.
0T)O'avpi£a>, f. iaoj, (OrjoavpLs) to store or treasun dXaoros, 17, ov, crushed, bruised. From
up, lay by: of fruits, to lay up in store, preserve. Hence 0AA'H, inf. 0\av fut. 0\aoo) [a? : aor. ! (9\S.aa


0T|o-at>purp.a, aros, to, a store, treasure. Ep. Okdoaa : — Pass., pf. TtOXaopai : to crush, bruise,
0T)O-avp6s, o, {O-qca), fut. of Ti-OT]fit) a store laid up, pound, bray.
treasure. a store or treasure-bouse
II. : any re- ©AI'BH [fl: fut. OXtyoj-. aor. 1 (OXiipa : —Pass.,
ceptacle for valuables, a chest, casket. aor. I i0\i<p6rjv, aor. 2 (OKiBrjv [f] : pf. TfOKififiat :

Orjo-etov, to, {Qrjafvt) the temple of Theseus, a sanc- — to press, press bard, gall — Mid, OXixptrai wpovs
tuary for runaway slaves. II. t« Grjoeia (sub. be will rub bis shoulders. 2. metaph. to oppress,
i'«pd), the festival of Theseus. afflict, distress : pf. part. Tt9\ifXfi€vos, hemmed in,
0t]O-«is, ©tjo-w, Dor. 2 and I sing. fut. of tiOtj/u. confined, narrow. Hence
07)O"«Co), Desiderat. of TiOrjfii, I wish to place. 0XiU/is, fus, j), a pressing, pressure. 2. metaph.
0T)O-t|A«VCU. 0TJO-«p,«V, Ep fut. Of TtOr](H.
II if. oppression, affliction.
0T]O-cvu.c0a, Dor. I pi. fut. med. of riOtjfu. Gvao-KO). Dor. for OvqeK<u.
0t)O"€vs, i(t)t, 6, Theseus, the most famous of the 0var6s, Dor. for OvrjT^s.
heroes of Athens. (Prob. from ri-Oijfii, the Settler, Ovtjo-kw, lengthd. from Root ©AN- fut. O&vovfiai, :

Civiliser.) Ep. inf OavitnOat aor. 2 tOaiov, Ep. inf. Oavitiv


0ijo-0ai, pres. inf. pass, of On<u, to suckle. pf. TtOvntta, whence syncop. pi. TtOvayav. TiOvdrt,
©Tjo-o-a Att. 0f,TTo, fern, of Otjs. rtOvdat impera
; TtOvaOi opt. TtOvalrjv ; inf. t<-
. ;

0t|o*<i), fut. of TiOrjfii. Ovdvai [d] Ep T(,Tt6va,(Afvai a?, rarely Tf Ova-

0rp-«Ca, 1), (OrjTfvcv) hired service. vat ;
part. TtOvfcus, TtOvtuoa, Tt0v«vs (or reOvfos)
0tjt«vko, f <ra>, (0t7»^ to be a menial, serve for hire. Ep. T(0vr)<ijs. gen. utos Ep. also TtOvnoros 3 pi. :

0tjtvk6$, ^. ov, (O-fft) Jit for menial service, menial. plqpf. irtOvdiaav : — from TtOvnita arose the Att future
Att. for Or\aaa. forms Ti9vq[a), Tt9vq£o/Mii — to be dying, to die, Lat.
: — : )

320 dirqroyarqi — $pa<r6\ivQos.

morior: perf. ri9vrjKa I have died, am dead; so too trans, to trouble, disturb with noise or tumult : Pas*. —
aor. 2 iBavov I died, am dead; part Bavwv dead, to be troubled : to be in disorder or confusion. Hence
Lat. mortuus. II. metaph. of things, to die, 0opu|3T|TiK6s, i], 6v, inclined to riot, tumultuous.
perish. ©(XPTTKXS, 6, the noise of a crowded assem-
0vtjTo- y«VT|S, is, {Bvnr6s,y(vio9m.t) born of mortals,
bly, 1. in token of approbation, applause,
of mortal race. cheers. 2. the contrary, a clamour, uproar,
0VT]TO-€t8T|s, is, (9vt)t6s, tidos} of mortal nature. groaning.
0vt]t6s, rj> °^» a so °»» &v Dor. 0v<it6s, d, 6v, 0opu>v, aor. 2 part, of 9pwOKO).


(9vt)Okoi) mortal,
: opp. to dBdvaros BvtjtoI mor- 0ov, Att. imperat. aor. 2 med. of TtV^/tt.

tals. 2. of things befitting mortals, human. 0ov8wp, 0ouSaTos, by crasis for to v8wp, rov vSaros.
0od£o>, (9o6s) trans, to move quickly, ply rapidly, ©ovpi6-pavTis, (ojs, 6, (Qotpiov, pawns) a Tburian
dispatch. 2. intr. to move oneself quickly, hurry prophet, generally a soothsayer.

along. II. =*9dooa), 9o)itia), to sit. 0ovpis, ihos, ff, fern, of sq.
0olp.ctrt8i.ov, by crasis for to lyuarihiov. 0oijpos, 6, (9opdv) leaping, rushing, impetuous,
©olpoTtov, by crasis for to ifidriov. eager —
fern. 0ov>pis, toos, mostly as epith. of d\jcfj,
0oivd£o>, (9oivn) = Qotvdoj, to/east. Hence impetuous might ; 9ovpls dorris shield of impetuous
0oivapa, aros, t6, a meal, feast. warrior.
0otvaTT|p, rjpos, 6, (Boivdoj) afeaster. 06<i)kos, d, Ep. lengthd. from 9uikos, a seat. 2. a
0oivdTT|pios, ov, (Boivdw) of or for a feast. sitting, assembly.
6oiv&tik6s, fi, 6v, (Boivdxu) of or for a feast. 0ous, Adv. of 9o6s, quickly, soon.
0otva.Ta>p, opos, 6, -= Boivar-qp. L
o] 0pij[KT) Ion. 0pT)tKT| poet. ©p'rJKTj, 1$, Thrace.
0oivda>, f. i\aoi, to feast on, eat. II. to feast, ©polios, a, or, Ion. Oprjuaos poet. ©p-rjiaos, (®pa£
entertain : —hence in Med. or Pass., with fut. med. of or belonging to the Thracians, Tbracian.
Boivdoofiat, aor. i pass. t9oivq9nv, pf. rtfoivdum : 0pav€uo), f. oo), (Bpdvos) to stretch on the tanner's
to feast : to feast on, eat. From board, to tan : Bpavfvoofiai, fut. med. in pass, sense,
OOI'NH, i),a meal, feast, banquet, dinner : gene- to be tanned.
rally, foo d, provender. 0pdviov, to, Dim. of Bpdvos, a small bench, stool.
0oivf|TG>p, o, Ion. for 9oivdra)p. 0pavtrr|S, ov, 0, (Bpdvos) one of the rowers on the
0oivi£u), f. oo), (9oivrj) to feast, entertain. topmost of the three benchesin a trireme, who had the
0oito, for 9uto, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. med. of riOrjfJu. longest oars and most work; cf. (vyirijt, daXa/A-
0o\ep6s, d, 6p, (BoKos) muddy, thick, troubled, Lat. Tt)S. [I]

turbidus, properly of water. II. metaph. troubled ©pavirts, toos, 1), fem. of Bpav'tTtjs.
by passion, turbid, agitated. 0PA~NO2, o, a bench, form : esp. the topmost of
0o\(a, (BoKos) a round bat t© keep the sun off.
i), the three benches in a trireme.
0O'AO2, i), a dome or circular vault : generally, 0p$j, Qpateos, 6 ; Ion. ©ptji£, Qp-qiicos, poet. ©pfl£,
any round or vaulted building. 2. at Athens, the Gprficos, a Tbracian.
round chamber in which the Prytanes dined. 0pd|ai, 0pd£ov, aor. I inf. and imper. of 9pdooo).
©OAO'2, d, mud. II. the dark juice of the 0pdo-e<i>s, Adv. of Bpaovs, boldly: Comp. Bpaovrepov,
cuttle-fish (sepia), which it emits to hide itself, Lat. Sup. -vrara.
loligo. Hence ©PA'202, cos, r6, *s Bdpoos, courage, confidence
0oX6ci>, to make muddy, turbid
f. how, : metaph. like in bad sense, over-boldness, daring, rashness, pre-
Lat. perturbare, to trouble, disquiet. sumption, impudence, [d]
0o6s, ij, 6v, (Bio)) quick, active, ready; Boij vv( quick- 0p£o-o-a Att. ©p<jiTTa, j), Ion. and poet, ©pfjoraa
ly-passing night ; Ootj Gais a hasty meal. II. Dor. Spi'iaa-a, a Tbracian woman.
sharp, pointed, of rocky islands or headlands. 0pd<ro-o> Att. 0pdTTCi>, fut. £a), Att. contr. from va-
0o6o>, f. woo), {Bo6s) to make sharp or pointed. pdoow, to trouble, disquiet, disturb.
06p€, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of Bpuotea). ©pdav-yw *' ov, (Bpaovs, yviov) relying on strength
0opetv, aor. 2 inf. of 9p6)OK0). of limb.
0opt|, i), - Bopos. 0pdo-v-Kdp8tos, ov, (Bpaovs, /capSia) bold of heart,
06pvvpcu and 0opvvou,cu, Dep., collat. form, of stout-hearted.
9po)OKO), to leap, esp. to pair, mate, couple. 0pdo-v-p€}jiv<ov, ov, gen. ovos, (Bpaovs, fiivo)) bravely
0op6s, o, (Bopuv) the semen genitale of the male. patient; cf. fAifivoiv.
0opovp,ai, fut. of 9po)OKO). cs, (Bpaovs, fifjdos) bold of device,
©opvfieOo-iv, Dor. 3 of Bopv$io). pi. daring, resolute.
0op{)j3c(i>, f. rjoo), (B6pv&os) to make an uproar, 0pao-v-pT)Tis, lios, 6, 1), (Bpaois, ufjns) = BpaovfJLTjbrjs.
mostly of a crowded assembly, in token either of 0p&o-$-p.Tix&vos Dor. -pdxavos, ov, (Bpaovs, fitj-
approbation or the contrary : hence, I. to cheer, X av^l) bold in scheming or contriving.
applaud. a. to groan, murmur at one. II. 0pdcrv-pv0os, ov, {Bpaovs, fw9os) bold of speech.
: — :

dpaavvai — dponfiutbrjs. 321

fipdcruvo), f. vva> {Opaavs) like tfaptrvva;, to make ©prjKios, tj, ov, Ion. for ®pqtcios, Tbracian.
bold,encourage —
Pa>s. and Med. to be bold, ready, 0pTjvca>, f. riaoi, {Opr^vos) to wail, lament, mourn:
courageous ; OpaavvtaOai tivi to rely on one. doibr/v Oprjvtiv to sing a dirge or lament. Hence
0pao-v-ir6X«p.os poet. 0pao-VTrr6\€p.os, ov, {Opaavs, 0pTjvT)p.a, aros, to, a lament; and
w6\(fiot) bold in war. 0pTjvTjTT|p, rjpos, o,0p7jvrjTTjs, ov,o,a mourner, waiter.
©pAcru-irovos, ov, {Opaavs, trovos) bold at work. 0pf,vos, 0, {OpkoS) a wailing, lamenting : a funeral-
©PA'TT'2, (ta, v, bold, spirited, resolute: in bad song, dirge, like the Gaelic coronach.
sense, rasb, venturous, presumptuous. II. of 0pfjws, vos, 6, {Opdvos) a footstool. 2. a bench;
things,causing confidence, safe Oprfvvs kma-noons, the seven-foot bench, the seat of
0p4<ru-o-irXaYX v °s, ov, {Opaavs, atrXdyxyov) bold- the helmsman or the rowers
bearted. 0pjj£, p/ros, 6, Ion. for ®pq£.
0pd<ru<rTop.«j>, to be over-bold of tongue. Hence 0pT)o-Kc£a Ion. -Tjtij, 1), {OprjoictvoS) religious wor-
0p4o-iKTTop.Ca, 9/, licence of speech, insolence. From ship, service, observance : religion.
0pdo*v-<rTop.os, ov, {Opaavs, arufta) over-bold of 0pT)o-K6vo>, f. a<v, {Oprja/cos) to observe religiously,
tongue, insolent. bold scrupulously.
0p4o-uTT)S, tjtos, i), {Opaavs) over-boldness, rashness, ©prjo-KTjiTj, Ion. for Oprjaterfa.
audaciousness. [p] 0PH2KO2, ov, religious.
0pd<rv-X«ip, X tl P 0S < °> (Opaavs, X €tp) *)> °°ld of band. ©pTJacra, Ion. for Gp-jaaa.
Bp<ji-rra, Att. for Qpiaaa. ©plat, a>, at, the Thrtae, Parnassian nymphs, nurses
0pdTTa), Att. for Opdoaco. of Apollo.
0pav0--dvru£, vyos, 6, ij, {Opava), avrvf) breaking flpiaufjevoj, f a<u, {Opia/x$os) to triumph. II. to

wheels. lead in triumph. III. to make to triumph.

Qpavoyux, to, that which is broken, afragment From OpiapfJiKos, 17, ov, triumphal. From
©PAT'fl, f. a<u : aor. I iOpavaa to break, break
0p(apJ3os, 6, a hymn to Bacchus : also a name of
in pieces, shiver, shatter. II. metaph. to break Bacchus. II. used to express the Roman tri-

down, enfeeble. umpbus, a triumph.

0p«, aros. t6, {rpicpo}) that which is reared or GpiYKlOV, TO, Dim. Of OplfKOS.
tended, a nursling : a creature. ©PirKO'2, 6, the coping, eaves, cornice, which
0p«|cwrKOv, Ion. for tOp(£av, 3 pi. aor. I of Tp€^a>. projects beyond the of the vrA\ OpifKus Kvdvoio
rest ;

0pc|opiai, fut. of rpix 03 - a cornice of blue metal :— metaph. the coping-stone,

0p«irrctpa, ^, fern, of Opcrrqp. last finish. II. generally a wall, fence. Hence
0p«irr«os, ia, kov, verb. Adj. of rpi<pw, to be OpiYKow, f. aVa> to surround with a coping ; avXijv
fed. ©peirreov, one must feed.
II. 2. (from (OpiyK<va(v dxkpbq> he fenced it at top with thorn
Pass.) one must be fed. bushes: — metaph. to build up even to the coping-
0j«irrqp, fjpos, 6, {rpkcpw) a feeder, rearer. Hence put the finishing stroke to.
stone, to Hence
©peTTTTjpios, feed, feeding, nourish-
ov, able to GpiYKcopa, to, a coping, cornice.
ing. II. Opcmrfpta, ra, rewards for rearing, esp. 0PI'AAH, aVfos, r), lettuce, Lat. lactaca. [r]
the returns made by children for their rearing. 2. 0pi£a>, poet, syin-op for Otpifa.
food, support. ©piv-atcCa Ep. itj, ^. and Bplv-aicpts, 180$, ^, {OpT-
©peirrpa, ra, {rpk(p<u) like OpenT-qpia, the returns va£) the trident-land, sub. 777 01 vrjaos, an old name
made by children for their bringing up, filial duty. of Sicily from its three promontories, Lat. Trinacria.
0p«Trav€A6, a sound imitative of the citbara. 0piva£, ajcos, 6, (for Tpivaf, from Tpt's) a trident,
0peTT€, to,= to Oappakkov or Odpaos, barbarism in three-pronged fork.
Ar. Eq. 7, ovk ivi fioi t6 Opkm the spirit 's not ©PI'H, gen Tpix^s, d»t. pi. Opt£i: the hair, both —
in me.

of man and

sheep's wool : also of the beard:


0p€<£0rjv<u. aor. 1 pass inf. of rpk<p<u. Proverb., 0pi£ dvci utaaov only a hair's breadth off.
0p€v|/a, poet, for tOp'ipa, aor. 1 of Tpk<pw. 0PION, to, a fig-leaf II. a kind of omelette,
0p«v|/aio, 2 sing aor I med. opt of rpk<po). so called because it vas wrapped in fig-leaves.
0ptv|/oj. fut of Tpc<pa>. 0PIO2, 6, one of 'be reefs or little ropes on the
OPE XI, only used in pres. and impf. med., to cry I wer part of the sail, used to take it in.
aloud, sbri'k out, wail, lament. 0piir-T|8€OTOs, ov, {Opi\p, tb<v) worm-eaten.
0pT)'ucCT|, j), Ep. for Qpiicr}. Qpl\\>, gen. OpTnos, 6, {rpiBw) a wood-worm.
BpT|iKios, tj, ov, Ep. for QprJKios. QpaKics. 0po«o>, {Opoos) to cry aloud, shriek forth
©p-ft*, Tkos, 6, Ion. for ©p £ ©pi£.
f. 17*70;,

generally, to -peak, declare II. to frighten: —

0pT]i<ro"a, 7), Ion. for ©p aaa, &p~aaa. Pass, to ^e frightened or troubled.
©p-nK-rj. r), Ion. for ©pa*?;. HenC'- 0PO'MBO2. o, a lump, piece, Lat. grumus: a clot
BprjtcT]0«vAdv. from Thrace: and or gout of hlood.
Oprjm)v8c, Adv. to Thrace. 0pop.fJ-GjO7]s, <», {0p6fjilSos, (Toos) curdled, clottea.
: : — : — . : :

322 Opovov — 0v/xiaa>

0p6vov, t<$. only in plur. 9pova, flowers or patterns tempest; vxipbt 0vtWai storms of lightning; &tij$
embroidered on clotb. 11. later. 0p*va are flowers dvtk/^ai storms of woe.
or for&s k**/ charms. (Deriv. uncertain.)
aj> Ovtwv, gtn. pi. ot 0vot.
©PO'NOS, 6, a seat, chair. II. a ciaj'r of state, 0vr)-S6xos, ^0vo«, 8*'x<ty*ai) receiving incense. •

/2>ro»e : the chair of a judge, teacher, etc. in pi. the : 0vtj«is, €*oa, €»/, {0vo$) smoking with incense, fra-
king's estate or dignity. grant.
Opoos Att. contr. Opovs, 5, (0pe<u) a confused noise, 0vt)Xt|, ^, (0jW) A&* part of the victim burned: a
tumult, murmuring. il. a report, Lat. rumor. burnt-offering or sacrifice.
0puaXXi5iov, to, Dim. of SpvaWis. 0VT]iroX«a>, f. you, to busy oneself with sacrifices
ePTTAAAi'X t'Sos, ij, a wick. — Pass, to be filled with sacrifices And
OpuXcu (vulgo OpvWta* f. ijaa;: pass. pf. Ttfyv-
: OvrjiroXia, j), a sacrificing. From
KrjfMi (0pv\os)

to make a noise, to keep bab- ©vrj-iroXos, ov, {0vw, irokioA busy about sacrificing;
bling. II. c. ace. rei, to keep talking about a sacrificial: as Subst. a sacrifice, a priest.
thing, make a great talk of: Pa>s. to be the common— 0fnf]-<J>d'yos, ov, {0vos, <payuv) consuming offerings.
talk, to 0pv\ovfLtvov or T(0pv\rjfitvov what is in every 0via or 0tJa L 0],
r), (from 0v<u to smell) a sweet- :

one's mouth. scented Afncan tree, perhaps a kind of cedar.

0pvXi£o (vulgo 0pv\\ifa), f. law. (6pv\os) to : 0viai, wv, at, — 0viab($.
make a false note in playing on 'be citbara. Gvtds or 0vds, gen. aoos, %, {Ova/) a frantic or in-
0pv\£o-0-<i> ^vulgo OpvKKioau) to break in pieces: spired woman. Bacchante.
— Pass, to be shivered ; Rp. aor. I 0pv\lx^r]v. (Akin ©vivos, rj, ov, made of the wood of the tree 6via.
to Opavo), $pvnT<v.) Hence 0vi(i), = 0vw, to rage, be inspired.
0PT"AOS (vulgo OpvKKos), 6, a confused noise, 0vXdiuov, to, Dim. of 0v\a/cos, a small bag.
shouting, tumult, murmuring. 0T'AA"KO2, o, a bag, pouch, commonly of lea-
0pvp,p.a, aros, to, yQpvtrTOj) a piece broken off, a bit, ther. II. in pi. the loose trousers worn by Eastern
piece, morsel. nations.
0PT'ON, to\ a rush, Lat. juncus. OvXtopcu, f. rfaofMi, (0vr)\^) Dep. to offer. Hence
OpvTTtKos, i), 6v, breaking, crushing. II. pass. 0vXr]pa, to, that which is offered; 0vA.i7/jara cakes,
easily broken : metaph. effeminate, enervated. From incense, etc. [w]
epr'irrn, f. 0pfy<w. aor. i tepv^a -.— p^s., fut. 0Cpxx, aTos, to, (0v(v) a sacrifice, offering; iray-
med. in pass, sense, dpityopuu : aor. 2 trpvcpTjv [o 1 : Kapna 0vftara offerings of all fruits.

pf T(6pu/XfMit —
to break in pieces, crush : — t'ass. to 0vp.oivw, f. avu>, (0vjjiL,s) to be wroth or angry.
be broken, crushed. II. metaph. in ''ass. to be 0vp.-aAYT|S. \0vfw», ukyioj) heart-grieving.

enfeebled, enervated. III. in Pass, also, to be 0vp.dXb)Vp, (unos, 6, (tv<i><v) a piece of burning wood
give oneself airs, look languishing : generally,
affected, or charcoal, a hot coal or ember.
to be conceited ; 0pvttTto0al tivi to feel pride in a 0vp.upca>, to be well-pleased. From
th'ng. Hence 6vp.-dpTjs [a], (s, \0vp6s, up-i.pttv) suiting one's
0pvi|/is, «cws, a breaking in pieces.
17. II. me- mind, well-pleasing.
taph. softness, weakness, effeminacy. 0T'MBPA. ff, a bitter herb, savory.
0pta>o-Ku>, lengthd. from the Root 0OP which ap- , 0vpPp-€m-$€tirvos, ov, (9vpL($pa, iiti, ounvov) eat-
pears n fut. and aor. 2
fut. 0opov^at Ion. OopeofMu ing the herb savory, living poorly.


aor. 2 iOopov, inf 0npeiv Ep 0> piety: to leap, spring, 0vpPpids, aoos. fj a nymph of the Tfier. From
as the arrow from the string, or the lot from the hel- ©vp-PpiS, loos. 1), the Tiber, Lat. Tiberis.
met. 2 foil, by Prep., to leap or pring upon one, 0upj3po-<t><i yos. ov, 6vu0pa, <payciv) eating the herb

to attack, assault. II. trais. to mount, impregna'e. savory; 0vu@po<p6yov Bkeirtiv to look as if one bad
0pfa><rp,6s, 6, (OpwoKcu) a fringing or rising, as of eaten avory, make a wry face.
a hill from the plain. 0vp.r'XT),iJ (0v<u) a place for i-acriflce, an al'ar. II.
0v~pids, oSos, 17, an<1 0-'/3pts, i5os, j), = QvuB-. in the Athen. theatre, an altar-shaped pla form in the
©TTA'THP, }). gen. 0vyarlp s conir. 0vyatp6s, middle of the orchestra a raised stage or seat. :

dat dvy&Tkpi dvy^Tpi, ace. Ovydrtpa Ep. 0vyarpaf Hence

voc. Bvyarep a daughter. Hence
0vp.eXiic6s, rj, 6v, of or for the thymeU scenic.
0CYaTplS"q, 17, a daughter's daughter, grand- 0vu.-T|Y€p€<o, f. r}(T<u, (0ifios. dytipo}) to collect one's
daughter. spirit, recover courage, he oneself again.
©vyaTplBovs, ov, Ion. - iSt'os, iov, o, a daughter's 0vp.-T|SY|s, <*, K0vfjios, Tjdos) well-pleasing, dear.
son. grahdton. 0vpidfi.a Ion. -ijp,a. aros, t6, (0vfiiaoj) that which is
Qv -QTpiov, to, Dim. of 0vyarnp, a little girl burnt as incense, incense.
0vcia, 17, (0v<u) a mortar. Htnce 0i)|xiaTT|puov Ion. Tj-nqpiov. t6, (9vui6oS) a censer.
0*«i8iov, to. Dim. of dvf'ta. 0vp.tda>, f. 6.00), [cD Ion. aor. i0i>ninoa (9vfui,

: 1 :

0v«XXa, 1), (jBvu) a storm, a hurricane, whirlwind. 9vai) : to burn so as to produce smoke to burn as
: : ;

OvfiCbiov Ovpoc 323

incense: — Pass., Ion. 3 sing. Ovfu^rat, for -drat, to Ovwocricoir&i), f. 170-0;, to watch for tunnies. From
be burned. 0VVVO-O-KOTTOS, OV, (OvVVOt, OKOIT(Co) WOtcbillg fot
OvpiSiov, to, Dim. of Ov/ios. [f5] tunnies ; esp. of a man on a high place who looked
0vpiT)p.a, Ion. for Ovfiiana. out for the shoals of tunnies.
OvfUTJTtu, Ion. 3 sing. pres. pass, of Ovpuaaj. 6uw-u>8t)S, <«, (Ovvvos, cldos) like a tunny-fisb, simple.
0VfiM]Tfiptov, to, Ion. for Ovpnar^piov. 0vwo>s, Dor. for Ovvvovs, ace. pi. of Ovvvos.
Ovptvos, t], ov, (Ovpos) made of or with thyme, [u] 0vv&), (Ovai B) to rush or dart along, [v]
OvpCi-ns, ov, 6, (Ovfios) seasoned with thyme. 0uo-86kos, ov, (Ovos, Sixofuu) receiving incense,
6vpo-pdpT)s, «*, (dvfios, fiapus) heavy at heart. fragrant with incense.
0vp,of3opcu>, f. -qoci), to gnaw or vex the heart. From Ovoeis, tooa, (v, (Ovos) laden with incense,fragrant.
0vpo-{3opos, ov, (Ovp.Cs, fiifipwOKcu) heart-eating. 6vov, to, (Ova)) a tree, prob. the same as Ovia.
9vp.o-S&KY|S, is, (Ovfios, daitav) biting the heart. OuovTi, Dor. 3 pi. of 6va>. 1. dat. sing, of part.
0v(xo-€i5t)s, is, (Ovpus, tlbos) high-spirited, coura- Ovarv.
geous, Lat. animosus. II. hot-tempered, passion- Ovos, <os, to, (Ova)) a sacrifice, offering.
ate : of horses, restive, wild. Qvocr-Ktui, (Ovos, Kto) = Kaia)) to offer burnt-sacrifices.
0vp,o-Xco)v, ovtos, 6, (0vp.6s, \iajv) lion-hearted. Hence
0Op.6-|AavTvs, tats, 6, 7), (Ovpos, fidvris) of prophetic Ovoctkoos, ov, 6, the sacrificing priest.
soul. 0v6cd, f. woo), (Ovos) to make fragrant : pf. part. pass.

6vp.o-p.Sx «•>> f-
V°~ 0, i (Ovpius, fidxofnai) to fight with cXaiov rtOva)p\kvov fragrant oil.

all one's heart and soul. 0TTA Ion. Ovp-rj, j), Germ. THUR, our DOOR;
0vpo-Tr\T|0T|S, «'*, (5u/io», vkrjOos) wrathful. Ovprjv imriOivat to put to the door, opp. to dvajeki-
0\jpo-pdtcrrT)s, ov, 6, (Ovfius, paiwi) life-destroying. vttv; Koitrtiv, Kpovtiv Ovpav, Lat. januam fmlsare, to
0vp6s, d, (Ova)) the soul ; also, the life, breath, Lat. knock at the door ; kvl rats Ovpats at the doors, i. e.
anima; Ovfiov a<pt\io0ai, dKioai to take away, de- close at band. 2. the door of a carriage. 3.
stroy the life. II. the soul, heart, Lat. animus ;
Ovpn KarairaKTif a trap-c/oor. II. generally, an

dvaryti /i€ Ovpuis, i]Qe\( Ov/xos heart bids me

my III. boards put together like a
entrance, access.
Kara Ovfiov after my heart's desire; and Ovpov against
door, a frame, raft. Hence
one's heart's desire; tie Ovptov or Ovp.S> <pikietv to love 0upa£«, for Ovpaohf, Adv. to the door, outside the
with all one's heart; I/iy HtxapiOfiivt Ovfiy most pre- door : then like Lat. foras, out ; kit pvqpov hopv 2>ot
cious to my sou/. 2. of any vehement passion, an- Ovpafr he wrenched the spear out of his thigh.
ger, wrath, and in good sense, spirit, courage. III. Oupddcv Ep. -t|0€, (Ovpa) Adv. from without, with-
/&* mtW, will, purpose ; «oW£«to Ovpus bis mind or out, outside; 01 OvpaOtv foreigners, aliens.
purpose wavered. 0vpatos, a, ov, also o«, ov, {Ovpa) outside the door,
Ovpos [0], ov, 6, or tot, t<5, (0wu) thyme, Lat. abroad; Ovpatos ol\vtiv to go out of the door; Ovpaxot
thymus. 2. a mixture of thyme with honey and l\Ouv to come from abroad; avtipes Ovpatoi stranger
vinegar. men oA/3o* Ovpaiot the good fortune of other men.

0vpoo-o<J>iKos, rj, 6v, of or like a man of genius, OvpuoL, -<nv, Adv. {Ovpa) at the door, outside the
clever. From door, abroad, Lat. J oris.
9up,6-cro4>os, ov, (Ovfiot, oo<p6t) naturally clever, a QvpavXita, to be out of doors, live in the air. And
man of genius. 0upavXCa, ^, a living out of doors. From
6vpo4>0opcu), f. i\a<a, to break the heart. From 0vp-av\os, ov, (Ovpa, av\r)) living out of doors or
(Hip.o-4>0opos, ov, (Ovfios, <pd(ipw) life-destroying; in the open air, keeping the field.
OvpuxpOupa ypafxpuxra deadly characters, i. e. fatal to 0vp€-ao-ms, »8o», j), (OvpcCs, dams) a large shield.
the bearer Ov/Mo<p06pa (papfxana poisonous, deadly
; Qvptos, 6, (Ovpa) a great stone put against a door
drags of persons, heart-breaking, most irksome.
: to keep it shut. II. a large oblong shield, Lat.

0vp.6<i>, f. u/acu, (Ov/u>t) to make angry Pass., with scutum. —

fut. med. -waopai, aor. 1 iOvfuvodfiTjv and iOv\utiOr\v\ 0vpcTpov, r6, = 0vpa, a door. [C]
pf. TfOvfUJpuu —
to be wroth or angry : to be wild or 9vjn), 1), Ion. and Ep. for Ovpa.
restive ; to Ovfiovfxfvov, passion. 0tipT|0€, Adv., Ep. for Oipatitv.
9v\i*>&r)s, ($, = Ovfioubrjt. 0vpT)4>i, Ep. dat. of Ovpa also used as Adv. outside, :

0vp,(o0ei$, aor. 1 part. pass, of 6vu6o). without.

Ovpupa, aTot, to, (Ovfiow) wrath, passion, [y] 0vp(Siov, to, Dim. of Ovpa.
Ovvr'w, Ovvoi. 0vptov, to, Dim. of Ovpa, a little door, wicket.
0wvd£co, f. doo), (Ovwot) to spear a tunny-fish : to Of'pis, iSos, 1), Dim. of Ovpa, a small door: window.
strike with a harpoon. 0upOKOTr(b), f r)oa), to break a door open. From
0vw€uos, a, ov, (Ovwot) of the tunny-fish. 0vpo-Ko-iros, ov, (Ovpa, k6itto)) knocking at the door,
0vwcutuc6*, i], ov, fit for tunny-fishing. From for alms.
0vwos, 6, (Ovva), &VQJ) the tunny-fish, Lat. tbunnus. 0vpow, f. uocu, (Ovpa) to furnish with doors, bar ciosi.
: : :

324 dvpa&fa — "!•

0upcra£u>, L aeon. inf. 0vpo~a&tioav, (Ovpffos) to bear 0wKos, Ep. lengthd. 06cokos, S, Ion. for Oaxos, a
or brandish the thyrsus. seat, chair. II. a sitting, assembly ; OwKuvht to

0vpcro-p.dvT|S, is, (Qvpaos, fiavrjvai) raving with the the sitting.

thyrsus. 0u>p,a, 0a>p,d£o>, 0iop.acri.os, Ion. for Oavfi-.
Ovpo-os, &, with heterog. pi. Ovpaa, rd, (Ova)) any light, @tl MJTS, 1770s, 6, a cord, string, esp. a bowstring.
straight shaft: commonly the thyrsus, a, wand wreathed 0a)pi£u>, f. £oj, to whip with small cords, scourge.

in ivy and vine-leaves with a pine-cone at the top, 0up.icrv, by crasis for to fjiiiav, the half.
carried by the devotees of Bacchus. Ocjpos, a heap.
6, (TiOijfju)
0up0-o4>optco, bear the thyrsus ; 0. Oi&oovs
f. rjooi, to Ocoircla, 1), a flattering, flattery.

to assemble with the thyrsus. Fr<<m 0wTT€upa, aros, to, (Oamtvo)) a piece of flattery, a
0vpo-o-4>6pos, ov, {Ovpaos, <pipa)) thyrsus-bearing. caress.
0upo-o-x<SpT|S, is, (Oupaos, x a4>W ai ) delighting *m 0toTr€vpctTtov, t6, Dim. of Ownevfia, a bit of flattery.

the thyrsus. OcoTrcuoa, f. ao), (Odnf/) toflatterjawn on, cajole,wbeedle.

Oupo>pa, arot, r6, (Ovp6a)) a room tenth doors to 0<i>iriic6s, 17, 6v, (OaAp) fawning, flattering.
it. II. a door with i's frame. 0u>irAa, crasis for ra oir\a.
Ovpwv, ojvos, 6, (Ovpa) the door-way: a ball, ante- 0torTTT(i>, f. lf/O),=.0am(VO).
chamber, Lat. atrium, vestibulum. 0b>pdK€iov, to, (Owpa£) a breastwork.
Ovpcopos, 6, j), (Ovpa, aipa) a door-keeper, porter. 0u>pdict£&>, f. iao), (Owpa{) to arm with breast-
0v>crai, aor. I inf. of Ova). plate. II. generally, to sheath in armour, cover
0wdv6eis Ep. 0ucro"-, taaa, ev, tasseled, fringed. with armour.
From OwpdKO-iTOLos, 6v,(06)pat,iroi4a)) making breastplates.
OWdvos, 6, (Ov<») a tassel, tuft, or tag: in pi. tassels, 0(opdKO-<f>6pos Ion. 0ci>pT)K-, ov, (Oujpa£, <pipo)) wear-
fringe : esp. of the aiyis. [u] ing a breastplate, a cuirassier.
Ouo-dvoJTOS, 17, ov, (0vo~av6ai) tasseled, fringed. 0u>pa£, clkos, Ion. 0a>pr)£, ijkos, 6, a breastplate, cui-
0iicr0\a, ojv, rn, (Ova)\ the sacred implements of Bac- rass; dinkoos OwpTj£ a double cuirass, consisting of
chic worship : Bacchic worship. breast and back piece joined with clasps, Lat. /o-
Overt a, 7), (Ovoj) sacrificing, the mode of sacrificing: rlca. 2. the part covered by the breastplate, the
in pi. Ovaiat, sacrifices. II. the victim itself. chest. II. the breastwork of a wall : also the
OvcriacTTTipiov, r6, (Ovaia) an altar. strong, outer wall.
Oucrlpos, ov, (Ovai) Jit for sacrifice. [p~\ 0utpT)KO-4>6pos, ov. Ion. for 9ajpaieo<p6pos.
Ouorcravoeis, (oaa, (v, Ep. for Ovffavous. 0o>pTjKinfjs, ov, 6, (Owfyqoao)) armed with breastplate
©wards, dSos, 1), (Ova)) of or for sacrifice, sacrificial; or cuirass.
Ovords Boil the cry uttered in sacrificing ; Ovarddes 0wpT)£, ijkos, 0, Ion. and Ep. for 06jpa£.
Knai the prayers offered with a sacrifice. 0u>p-i]f 0,1, aor. inf. of sq.
0vcru>, Dor. fut. of Ova). 0a>pT]£ou€v, 1 pi. fut. of Ocop-fjccra) ; but also Ep. for
Ovreov, verb. Adj. of Ova), one must sacrifice. Oa)p-fi£a)fxcv, aor. I subj.
Otrnrjp, fjpos, 6, (Ova)) a sacrificer, slayer. Hence 0copT)crcrco,
f. (Owpa£) to arm with a breastplate

0VTT|piOV, to, = Ovpa. or cuirass, generally, to arm, harness Pass. Otup^a- —

9v\\tai, Ovdno, aor. 1 inf. and fut. of ti5</xu. aofuu, f. -(6fMu : aor. 1 (Oojp^x^V v t0 arm oneself, '•

0T ft (A), fut. Ovaa) [v] aor. I tOvoa-. pf. riOvKa:

. put one's armour on. II. in Act. also, in Ion. and
— Med., fut. Ovao/Mii, also used in pres. sense: — Pass., Poets, to make drunk Med. to get drunk. Hence —
aor. 1 irvOrfv [p"\: pf. riOvfiat, also used in med. sense: 0o>pt)x0eis, 0ci>pTjx0TJvai, aor. pass. part, and inf.
— to offer, sacrifice, slay a
victim : also absol., Ovtiv 0IV5, 0o>6s, 6 or 1), the jackal.

Otois to sacrifice to the gods : later, to celebrate with 0<i>vKTT|p, rjpos. 6, (Oojuaaa)) a barker, roarer.
sacrifices, ydfiovs Ovuv; €vayyi\ta Oveiv kicarbv Bovs 0<i>vp,a, Oeoupafa),, 0a>vp.<icrrns, 0wvpa-
to acknowledge the good news by sacrificing a hun- ffr6s, less correct Ion. forms for Ouifta, Oajfidfa, etc.
dred oxen. II. Med. to have a victim slain: hence 0covcrcra>, f. (oj, of a dog, to bark, bay, growl ; of a
to take the auspices. gnat, to buzz, bum: generally, to cry aloud, shout
0T'H (B), f. Ovaa) [y], like Ovvoj, Ovvia), of any out —
c. ace. to call on, call.

violent motion, to rush on or along, dart along: &£l ,y¥, gen. Oanros, 6, a flatterer, fawner, cajoler.
generally, to storm, rage
0C-a>crns, «f , (Ovos, (Tb~os) like incense, sweet-smelling.
0va>p,a, aros, to, (Ovuoj) that which is burnt as in-
cense, in pi. spices.
0u>, Orjs, Ofj, aor. 2 subj. of tiOtj/u. I
0ci>t|, 1), (TiOrjfii) a penalty; 0anr) 'AxaiSiv a penalty

imposed by the Achaeans. I, t tclTa, tc\ indecl., ninth letter of the Greek alpha-
6a»tt«ca. Ion. for Oojiia), to sit. From bet. As numeral, 1 — 10, but / = 10,000.
: — ——
! :

'IA'-.MX o>. 825

The subscriptum was always adscriptum or written
i lav, 0, pi. 'lavts , contr. for *Idwv, Idovts, an Ionian
by the side, not under (as run, not t£), till the 13th IdvGriv, aor. I pass, of iaivai.

century. In Capitals it is still so written, as Tfll. lA'OMAI, fut. Idaofiai Ion. l-qvonai : aor. 1

f was easily exchanged with ft, whence forms like laadfirjv Ion. \r\ad\jLr\v : Dep. :
to heal, cure : me-
tfAcu iW.o), ukr) tkrj t was sometimes exchanged
: taph. to remedy, heal, correct. II. aor. I lddr\v

with t, iaria larin but more frequently it is in- [d], and pf. idfiai, in pass, sense, to be healed, to
as :

serted to lengthen the syll., as in dv us £uvos kuv6s recover.

biai napai for kv is [ivos Ktvos Sid irapd. IdovaO, barbarism for the vocat. of 'Idtuv.
The Quantity of 1 varies. Tdoves, pi. of 'Ida*'.
-i, iota demonstrattvum, is attached to all cases of lATITH, f. \[/cti, to send, drive ; of missiles, to send
demonstr. Pronouns in Attic, to strengthen their force, forth, shoot, discbarge : to set in motion ; Idnruv bp-
e. g. ovrooi, airrrjt, rovri, Lat. hicce, baecce, bocce, XVhaTa t0 begin the dance. 2. to assail, handle

iituvooi, obi, rovroyi, etc. : also demonstr. Advs., as roughly, hurt. II. intr. (sub. iavrov), to rush,

ovrwgi, wb"i, ivOabi. Those that end in at take the hurry, speed.
v i<pe\KUOTitc6v before a vowel, as ovroaiv, iicuvooiv, TATIITE Ion. Tf|Trv|, vyos, 6, the north-west or
oxrrtuaiv. In all these, the last syll. is long, and takes west-north-west wind.
the accent ; a long vowel or diphthong in penult, is 'Ids, dbos, rj, Adj. fern, of "lew, Ionic. II. as

shortened, e. g. avrjjt, ovroTi. Subst. (sub. ywT)), an Ionian woman. 2. (sub.

1A' Ion. it|, r), £017, a voice, cry. yXwaaa or oidXttcros), the Ionic dialect.
la, i-fjs, it), lav, old Ion. fern, of eis for pia, fiids, etc. Ido-l, 3 pi. pres. of ti/u ibo.
la, rd, irreg. pi. of lus, an arrow, [t] Idcri, for liaoi, 3 pi. of trjfu.

la, rd, pi. of tov, a violet. ldcrtp.os, ov, (IdofMt) admitting of cure, remediable:
ld9-f]cro|, fut. of Idofiai. pass, —appeasable.
iai, exclani. of triumph. Ido-is Ion. i7)ot.s, ecus, t), (Idofiai) a cure, remedy.
icu/Bol, strengthd. form of alBot, to express disgust. I A2ITI"2, 180s, r), a precious stone, jasper.
'IAI'Nfl, fut. lavw: aor. 1 tnva: aor. 1 pass. IdvOrjv: laoT-l, Adv. ('Ids) in the Ionic fashion or dialect.
— to warm, beat. 2. to melt, so/ten by heat me- Tacru), gen. 60s, contr. ovs, 7), (Idofiai) Idso, tbi

taph., Ovfiov laivuv to melt the heart. 3. to warm, goddess of healing and health.
cheer, refresh, recruit: c. dat. to take delight in a idTT|p Ep. iT|TT|p, rjpos, 6, poet, for larpus, a cbtrur-
thing. geon, surgeon, leech, physician. [1]
'IaKxa£(i>, {latcxos) to raise the cry of Iaccbus. ioIto, 3 sing. impf. of idoyuat.

TaKx«co, f. TjOQi, = 'Ia*x n Ccu idropia, 17, ddrajp) the art of medicine.

'Iokxos, 6, (iax<") Iaccbos, mystic name of Bacchus, IdTos, t;, ov, (ido^ai) curable.
as the god of shouting and revelry. 2. the Bac- IdTpciov, to, (larrjp) a surgery.
chanalian shout. LaTpiKOS, r), ov, (iarpos) of or for the art of healing
IdXep-t^u) Ion. itj\-, f. ioa>, (IdktfMos) to bewail. Hence •fj larpiic^i (sub. ri\VTi), surgery, the art of healing. Ion. a wailing woman. itjA.-, r), laTpo-p-avTis, ecus, i], (larpus, fxdvns) the physician-
IdXcuos [a] Ion. iT)\eu.os, o, {Id) a wail, lament, seer, of Apollo and Aesculapius.
dirge. II. as Adj. melancholy, plaintive. uvrpos Ion. iTjTpos, 0, ddofxai) = lar-qp, a surgeon,
loXXco, f. laXtu : aor. I lrj\a, inf. irjKai — to send leech, physician : metaph., iarpus Kanwv, opyrjs, etc.,
forth ; in' bv tiara X ft7>a » "ia\Xov they put forth their a healer.
hands to the dishes; wept x ei P l burfj-bv irj\a put laTpo-Tcxvns, ov, 6, (larpus, rixv-q) a practiser oj

chains on thy hands. 2. to attack, assail; dri^ir}- the healing art.

aiv iaXKuv Tivd to assail one with insults. 3. to iaTT&Tai, la-rrfiTaiaf, Interj. ah, woe is me 1
send. II. intr. (sub. iavruv), to send oneself on, laTojp, opos, 0, Ion. i-qreup, poet, for larpus. [Fa]
to flee, run, hurry, \t] Hence lav, a shout in answer, bo ' holla
CoXtos, jJ,
ov, verb. Adj. sent, dispatched. lavoi, exclamation of joy, bo! bo! [t~\

Idua I< n. Itjua arot, r6, (Idoftai) a means of heal- iaub>, f. oqj : aor. I tavaa avoj): : to sleep, to pas>
ing, treatment, re,nedy. the night : hence to dwell in a place : laieiv iroba to
lauffctos, ov, (JapBos) in iambics; rb lafxBtiov iam- rest the foot.
bic verse. i-a4>€Tns, ov, 0, (16s. a<pinni) an archer, [t]

iap£wi£u>, f. dao), and lau.pi£oo, f. iVa>, (fa/z/9o«), to ld<J)0T|v, aor. I pass, of iditroj.
assail in iambics : generally, to lampoon. taxaios, a, ov, (laxq) glad-sounding.
TAMB02, o, an iambus, a metrical foot consisting ldx*w, f- T/aaj, — Idxco,
to shout, cry aloud.
of a short and long an iambic
syll., as (70;. II. laxT], rj, (Idxoj) a cry, shout: a wail, shriek: gene-
verse, the trimeter or senarius, first used by the sar- rally, any loud sound, id]
castic writers Archilochus and Hipponax; and then in idxT)p.a, aTot, to, {laxtoj~] a cry, shout, [fd]
the Attic Drama. laxw, f. laxfow: pf. iaxa, fern. part, laxvia: (M):
. — : :

326 'Idicov Xhpvoa.

— of joy or lamentation
to cry, shout, ei fter in sign who has ; larpbs not Ibiorrrjs a mediciner or an un-
c. ace. to sound, proclaim. II. of things, to re- professional man; voitjt^s f) poet or a
ISiwttjs a
sound, reecho ; of the waves, to roar ; of hot iron in prose-writer : c. gen. rei, unskilled or unversed in
water, to biss. [ta] a thing. 1. an ill-informed, common-place fel-
'IAwv, wot, 6, Ep. for "lew, an Ionian. low. III. ifawTot one's countrymen, opp. to
10WS, gen. Iob. tPios Att. tfrbos, ace. TjBtv, j}, the £ivoi. Hence
ibis,an Egyptian bird, to which divine honours were i8ui)tik6s, 17, ov, of or for a private man, private or
paid. It is scarlet, of the stork kind. personal, opp. to public. a. commonplace, trivial,
"IT AH or lySis, i), a mortar. awkward.
ly\na.i, part, lyntvos, pf. of itcviofiat. tSucv, Ion. and Dor. for tafiev, 1 pi. of olba. IL
iyv\n\, i), (70VU) the hollow or binder fart of the knee, Ep. for elbivat, inf. of olba.
Lat. poples. \y] tSuevai, Ep. for eibivai, inf. of olba.
lyvus, iot v\. 1), = lyvvn,ace. lyvva or Xyvw. i8p,oo-vvi), i), knowledge, skill. From
18a Ion. *I8i), j), Ida, a mountain in Phrygia near tSpwv, ov, gen. ovos, (tbfievai = €lZivai') practised,
Troy : another in Crete.
also II. a thick wood, versed in a thing.
wood, copse. 2. timber; Ibrj vavwnyrjoifios timber TANO H, f. woa, to crook, bend: Pass, to double —
for ship-building, [t] oneself up, writhe, esp. for pain.
ISdXiuos, ov, (iSos) causing sweat. ISvwOrjv, aor. I pass, oilbvoai.
18c, Ion for r}$€, and. [t] ISoCaro, Ion. for Xboivro, 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. of *eibo).
C8« or U>«, imperat. of eTdw, aor. 3 of *«??«;, /o, oe- t8oto-a, Dor. for Ibovoa, aor. 2 part. fern, of *€?5<w.
Ao/rf. [r] t8ov, Ep. for ttbov, 1 sing, and 3 pi. aor. 2 of
?8€,Ep. 3 sing, of «7W, aor. a of *«5<w. [f] *tib<u.
I8«a Ion. -€i), 1), (iiuv)form. 2. generally, the IA02, eos, to, sweat, perspiration. 2. violent beat.
look 4>r appearance of a thing, as opp. to its reality, l8ofl, imperat. med. of (Tdov. II. as Adv. written
Lat. species. 3. a nature, kind, sort; a way, man- ISov, lo! behold! see there! in giving a thing, there!
ner, fashion, [f] see there! 2. well! as you please! 3. ironically
I8«tv Ep. I8cciv, inf. of eTSoi', aor. a of *(J8o). in repeating another's words, ibov y axparw yes to
iStVOcu, inf. med. of elbov, aor. a of *€iboj. be sure, sheer wine.
iSco-kov, Ion. for €78oi', aor. a of *e7?S<y. [r] iSpeia Ion. iSpeiT) or itpir\ [t]. ^, (ibpis) knowledge,
18«d, Ion. subj. of of *ff5o>.
<rSoi', aor. a practice, skill ; Ibpeirj iroXipoto skill in war.
i8i)ai, Ep. 3 sing, of dbofirjv, aor. a med. of *€?8<y. [T] CSpis, gen. tbpios Att. iSpeajs, 6, 17, neut. tbpt, (?S/xc-
18t)o*u, for (/5^<ro>, Dor. fut. of eiS<u. [f] '
vai, = eibtvai) experienced, skilful: as Subst., ibpit the
1819, v. sub i5tos. provident creature - fivpfirj^, the ant.
ISiaiTcpos, iSiairaros, Comp. and Sup. of tbios, I8p6s, o, poet, for ISpws. [t] Hence
formed from Idiq. l8p6<o, f. woo:, to sweat, perspire, generally from toil,
1810-povXcvw, f. a<u, (iSios, j3ovA«5a>) to follow one's but also from pain or fear. This Verb, like friyCoi,
own counsel, take one's own way. is contracted into cw and (p instead of ov and 01 (as if it

"IAI02, a, ov, Att. also os, ov: one's own, personal, were ibpdw), hence 3 pi. pres. iZpwoi, 3 sing. opt. 15-
private, Lat. privus, privatus : opp. to public {br)fi6- pqhj, fern. part. Ibpwoai.
aios). 2. one's own, opp. to dWorpios; to tbiov iSpvpa, to, (ISpioj) a thing founded, built: a temple,
or rd tdia private property or concerns. 3. pecu- a statue, image . ibpvyua iro\«vs the stay, support of
liar, separate, distinct : hence strange. II. dat. the city, like Lat. columen rerum.
ibiq is used as Adv. privately, opp. to typooiq: ; Ibitf l8pvChrjo"av, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of ISpvw.
<ppevos away from one's senses. 3. o« on«'s own ISptrrcov, verb. Adj. of iSpvoj, one must found, esta-
account. III. irreg. Comp. and Sup. IStaiTtpos, blish : one must inaugurate a statue. II. pass.
IdairaTot (formed from Ibia). oix ibpvT(ov one must not 5// still, loiter.

ISio-onryxpto-ia, 1), (1810s, avyKplvoj) a peculiar tem- I8pv<i>, f. voo) u] : aor. 1 ibpvaa — Pass., aor. I
perament or habit of body, idiosyncrasy. IbpvOrjv [5] not Ibpvvdnv : pf. tbpvfuu : (Jfa) : Causal —
18C&>, f. io<u [t] : aor. 1 tbloa (180s) to sweat: to :
— of t£ofM.i, to make to sit down ; Ihpvoai arpartrfv to
sweat with fear : in Prose usually ihp6a>. encamp an army :
— Pass, to be seated, sit still : pf.
ISiws, Adv. of i5to«, privately. part. pass. Ibpvpivos firmly seated, steady, secure. II.

ISiwTcCa, j), {iSiwTTjs) private life, a business. to fix, found, establish: to set up statues, dedicate tem-
IBiwTtvco, f. aa), to live as a private man. II. to ples : — Med., with pf. pass., iopu/wu, to found or set
be without professional knowledge, be a layman. From up for oneself. III. to fix, settle, establish persons
ISiarrns, ov, 6, (tbios) a private person, one in a pri- in a place; "Apj; IfjKpvXiov ibpvoai to give footing to,
vate station, opp. to OTpaTrjyos, a priva'e soldier: introduce, intestine wax : — pf. pass, tfpvpai, to be
also an individual, opp. to vo\i$. II. one who placed, situated; IbpvoOai els t&itov to settle in a
has no professional knowledge, a layman, opp. to one place :
— Med. to found or establish for oneself.
—: — :

lfy><3 l£avco. 327

tSpA, I8p$, Ep. for Itipwra, lapwri, ace. and dat. of sacred things. II. Subst. the sacred recorder sent

iSpo/t. by each Ampbictyonic state to their Council along with

I8parr|v, opt. of ifyooj. the wvKayopat.
ISpws, arrof 6 Ep. dat. and ace. ityy, l$pa> (tSos)
, : upov, to, v. Up6t 11.

sweat, perspiration. 2. the sweat of trees, resin or Upo-vtKtis, ov, 6, (Upot, viieaw) conqueror in the games.
g'ura. II. metaph. anything earned by the sweat Icpo-iroios, 6v, (Up~t, noitoj) managing sacred rites:
of one's brow. at Athens, the Uponoiol were ten officers, one from
ISpiLo-ai, pres. part. fem. of Itipoco. each tribe, who saw that the victims were without
ISvio, i), Kp. for elbvia, part. fem. of oTSa (v. *(tb'ojS, blemish.
in phrase /ovipat vpairidtaoiv, with knowing, sensible t€po-rrp«irT|S, it, {Upot, irpcircu) beseeming a sacred
heart. place, person or matter : holy, reverend.
C8a> Ep. tSwpi, aor. a subj. of *cf5«. 'IEPO'2, Ion. and Ep. also lp6s,
a, ov, also 6t, ov :

I8wv, I5oC<ra t uV, aor. 2 part, of *tf5a;. i\, ov : gods, Lat. sacer.
of or relating to the
l«, C«v, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of elfu ibo. holy, hallowed, consecrated, of any place, person or
t«, 3 s ng. Ion. and Att. impf. of fr//u (as if from i«o). thing under the protection of a god Upot teal oaiot ;

Uitj, Ep. for cot, 3 sing. opt. of tTpu ibo. sacred and profane; v. sub oaiot. II. as
Itis, Uiaa, Uv, pres. part, of fy/zt. Subst.: 1. Upjv Ion. Ipiv, to, a temple. 1.
Ulax, 3 pi. ofirjm. Upa Ion. Ipd, t&, offerings, sacrifices, victims : UpcL
ttpat, pres. pass, and med. of f^/u. fie&iv, Lat. sacra facere or operari, to do or offer
U'p€v, Upcvoi, Ep. for Joau, inf. of Xrjpn. sacrifice afterwards, the entrails of a victim, and so

Upcvos, t], ov, pres. pan. pass, ofirjfu. the auspices : generally, sacred things or rites, Lat.
kv, Aeol. for Uaav, 3 pi. impf. of irjfu. sacra. Ill special phrases I. Upo\ viaot,
irvai, pres. inf. of «*/« 160. the sacred, i. e. the great or mysterious disease, prob.
Uvot, pres. inf. of Itj/u. the epilepsy. 2. 1) UpcL 6o6t the sacred road to
UpuKLo-Kos, 6, Dim. of Itpaf, a small hawk. Delphi : from Athens to Eleusis.
also that 3. ^
"IETAH, cJcot, Ion. t«'p"Ti contr. tpTj£, tjkos, 0, a Upn Tpi-fiprjt the sacred ship sent from Aihens to Delos.
bawk, falcon. iepo-OTcnros, ov, (Up6v, OTi<poS) wreathed in holy
Updopai Ion. lp-, Pass. (Upot) to be a priest or fashion.
priestess. UpoavXcci), f. fjoo), (UpoffvXot) to rob a temple, steal
UpuTcla,1$, (UpaT*v\») the priest's office, priesthood. sacred things, commit sacrilege. Hence
UpaTevpa, aros, t6, (UpiTevcv) the priesthood, body UpocrvXta, 7), temple-robbery, sacrilege.
of priests. Upo-o-vXos, ov, (Up^v, av\atu) robbing temples, sa-
Updrcvo), f. aoj, (Up(vs) to be priest or priestess. crilegious : as Subst. a sacrilegious person, Lat. sa-
Upcta Ion. tpcia, 1), fem. of Uptvt, a priestess. crilegus.
Upciov Ion. Uprjiov or IpTjiov, to, (lipvs) a victim, Upovpytoi, f. "fjaoi, (Upovpyot) to perform sacred : generally, a slaugh'ered animal. rites; Upovpytiv to fiiayyiKiov to minister the gospel.
Uprus, iws Ion. Ipevs, tj»s, 6, (Up6s) a priest, Hence
sacrificer. Upovp-yCa Ion.lpo«pYiTj,^,r«/ig'zott5 service,worsbip,
UpcuTO, Upevero, 3 sing. impf. pass, of
for sacrifice.
lepevw Ion. ipevet, {.aw, (Upot) to offer, sacrifice. 2. Up-ovpyos, 6v, (Upot. epyov) sacrificing: esp. as
to kill, slaughter. II. intr. to be a priest. Subst. a sacrificing priest.
Up-fj, 1^, = Itptia. Upo<pavTca>, f. tjo-oj, to be an initiating priest. From
UpT]iov, to, Ion. for Uptiov. Upo-<J>avrr|S Ion. lp-, ov, 6, (UpSt, <paivoj) one wbu
Upia, /}, Att. poet, form of Uptia. expounds sacred things: an initiating priest. Hence
t€po--yXC$iic6s, ^, oV, {Upot, 7Xu</>a>) hieroglyphic, Upo<pavTUc6s, ^, ov, of or for an initiating priest.
expressing ideas by sacred symbols instead of letters. Adv. -Kut.
Up«-"ypap.p.a.T€vs, tout, 6, (Upot, ypafipxLT(vt) a sa- tepo-4>vXa|, ajeot, 6, (Upot, <pv\a£) a keeper of a
cred scribe, one of a lower order of the Egyptian temple or of the sacred vessels in it, Lat. aedituus [v]
priesthood. Up6-x0<dv Ion. lp-, 6, if, (Up~t, x9wv) of hallowed
Upo-86*os, ov, (Upov, i(ycnai) receiving sacrifices. soil.
Up6-0©ros, ov, (Up6t. Oioj) sacrificed to a eod; l(- lepou, f. &ffoj, (Up'i) to hallow, dedicate.

poQvrot Karrv6$ smoke from the sacrifices. tep-iiW'pos, ov, (Up^t, ovofjta^ of holy name.
Up*-Xo-y«i>, (Upot, \iy<u) to discuss sacred things, Upoxrri, (Up^t) Adv. in holy manner, piously.
Upo-XoyCa Ion. IpoXoyiT]. jj. mystic language' Upwovvrj Ion. tp-, ij, (Upot) the office of prtest,
Upo-p/rjvia. 1J, or Upoprpaa. to, (Upot. u^v or pries 'bood : a priest's salary.
the holy moon, or the holy-das of 'be
ftf/vr}} mon'b. Uo*0rrv, » dual impf med. offrjut.
UpopvT)(jLOv«u, f. rjaai, to be Upop.vqfxaiv. From l*Q, an ironical exclama'ion, Lat. but!
Upo-pvT)p«v, ovot, 0, (Upot, fiv^fuuv) mindful of Ifdvw, (Tfou) Causal, to make to sit, seat. \l.
: — : : ;

328 IZX2 \kclv6s.

intr. to stt. 3. of soil, to settle down, sink in, Lat. nuine, of the good old stock. II. of some mouths
sidere. of the Nile, naturally formed, original, opp. to
"IZfl, impf. l(ov Ion. I&okov: for the aor. I, r. OpVKTCL.

tloa : later tut. 1(t)ooj, aor. I 'i£qoa : I. Causal, 'IOATCH, t), Ithaca, the home of Ulysses, an island
to make to sit: see € oa. II. intr. to sit, sit down; on the West coast of Greece. Hence
tfav is 9p6vov to take one's seat : tfav of soldiers, to IddKTivSc, Adv. to Ithaca : and
place themselves in ambusb, to encamp: also to sit 10aKT)o%os, a, ov, of Ithaca, an Itbacan.
still: —
Pass.iCo/iat also occurs in same sense; i£co9ai I0€d, t). Ion. fern, for Wtia, v. I9vt t]

iv r<j> TrjvytTq) or es to Trj&ycTov to take post at Ideas, Adv. of I9vs, directly, straight, Lat. recta via.
Taygetus. 2. of earth, to settle down, sink in, Lat. i0t, imperat. oftlpu, come, go, begone: as Adv. come —
sidere. on ! forward I
U\, io! exclam. of joy. [l"\ lOjjta, aros, to, (cTfii) a step, movement.
It|, i), Ion. for id. voice, sound. I0v, neut. of i9vs, used as Adv., like i9la>s.
Itjios, o, ov, also os, ov, (ty) wailing, mournful, !0v-8ikt)S, ov, 6, (I9vs, hinrj) giving simple justice.
plaintive; irjios 0od a cry of woe. II. epith. of i0v-8p6p.os, ov, (Wvs, Spafxtiv) straight-running.
Apollo, the god invoked with the cry 0). i0u-0pi£, rptxos, 6, 7), (Wvs, 9pi£) straight-haired,
t-rjXa, inf. lij\ai, aor. I of iaXXoj. opp. to ov\C9pt£, woolly-haired. [W]
tn\«p.os, t-nXepigo), it\\t\dtrrpia, Ion. for idkep-. I0vp,&xta, »), a fair, stand-up fight From
t-rjpa, To\ = fa//a. t0v-p.axos, ov, (I9vs, fidxopai) fighting fairly and
Itffx, fys, t-not, imperat. f«; subj.
3 pi laoi or UToi', honestly.
lib opt. Uirjv ; inf. tivat Ep. Ufxevai or /«/xev : part.
I0v-voos, ov, (I9vs, voos) honest.
t«* : —
impf. trjv, Aeol. 3 pi. Uv : fut. 1jow aor. I — — tOwTaxa, Ep. Sup. of i9iws, most straight, most
fjica Ep. Jfrj/ra : —
aor. 2 ?jv, of which the ind. is only rightly.
used in compds. imperat.
; %s, subj. 5>, opt. eirjv, inf. i0vva>, f. Cj/a>: aor. t9vva: — Pass., aor. I 19vv9tjv: —
(tvat, part. «»: — pf. elica: plqpf cficct*'. Pass, and Ion. and Ep. for cv9vva>, to make straight, straighten,
Med., pres. Uftai impf. : Uftrjv: aor. 1 pass, c0j7i/, also direct, rule: —
Pass, to become straight or even; to.
tlOrjv: aor. I f)Kdfir}v: aor. 2 med. «/xt?i/ or tfuprz 8* \9w9-qTqv they ran even with one another. 2.
pf. pass, cljwu : plqpf. «t/n??i/. Causal of flfu (ibo), to to guide in a straight line, to direct or steer straight,
make go, set agoing
to : hence I. to send, send to send or shoot straight; I9vvuv lirnovs to drive the
away, let go, dismiss. 2. of sounds, to send forth, horses straight : —
Pass, of a boat, to be guided,
utter, emit. of things at rest, to set in motion,
3. steered. 3. to guide, rule: of a judge, to rectify,
send, let fly, throw, burl : c gen. pers. to throw at correct : also to chastise.
one: the ace. — is often omitted, so that tr/fu is i0t»--rr6pos, ov, (i9vs, TTopcvofuu) going straight on.
seemingly intr. to of water, to
throw, shoot. Mte-iTTfov, ojvos, 6, t), (i9vs, TrcTO/iOt) straight-flying,
let flow, let burst forth : and without ace, vora/xis of an ashen s< ear-shaft, [rf]
iiri yatav fijffiv ihe river flows over the land of 10T'5, Weia, i9v, Ion. fern. Wea : Ion. and Ep.

tears, to let fall : metaph., KaS Si adprnros Ij/ce KOftxu form of the Att. fi9vs of motion, straight, direct, : —
she let her hair^zW down from her head. 5. ge- going straight in moral sense, straight, upright, —
nerally, to put, place. II. Med. to feel an impulse just, true Comp. and Sup. Wvrtpos, Wvraros : in — —
towards a thing, long for, yearn after ; part. Ufievos, Adverbial usage, ace. fern, rijv Weiav (sub. 656v),
longing for : c. inf. to desire to do. 1. the 3 pi. straight on, Lat. recta via : so, Ik ttjs I9(it]s, straight-
aor. 3 med. tvro is used by Homer only in phrase iirfl forward, openly. II as A<iv., I9vs or I9v, straight

itoaios kcu (drjTvos f£ ipov ivro when they had put at, straight towards; I9i>$ paxiouoOai to fight fair,
away, i. e. satisfied, desire of meat and drink. openly and aboveboard. 2. of Time, straightway.
fijva, aor. of laivoj.
1 Hence
'lT)-iratT|(i»v, ovos, 6, epith. of Apollo from the cry tdvs, vos, t), Homer only in ace. I9vv, an impulse,
It) iraidv: also a hymn sung to him. Hence purpose, plan, undertaking, endeavour : but also dv
iT]-irai<0Vi£(i), f. iao), to cry It) vatwv or iraidv ! I9vv, = dv 6p96v, straight upwards. [1]
uiaao-Oai, Ion. aor. 1 inf. of idopuu. I0i}-T€v^|s, 4s, (I9vs, Ttivw) stretched out, straight, [f]
ij\ox, Ep. for tp, 3 sing. pres. subj. of ttpu ibo. 10V-TOVOS, ov, (I9vs, Tcivoj) = i9vTCVTjt.
itjox, 3 sing. pres. ind. of trjpu. UK»-rplx«s, ol, at, plur. from I9v9pi£.
iT|cn.p.os, tijcris, Ion. for lao-. lOwo, f. voo) aor. I i9vaa [y] (I9vs) to go : : : :

Itjo-ovs, ov, dat. also ov, ace. ovv, Greek form of straight, press right on : c. gen., Wvot veds drove
the Hebrew Joshua, Saviour. right against the ship. II. to be eager to do,
li)TT|p, %>oj, 6, Ion. for iar-fjp. bent upon doing : hence to desire, purpose.
iTjTopCtj. lTfrp6s, iT|TO)p, Ion. for tar-. irc&vos, -fj, ov, (lK-eo9ai) befitting, becoming: I.

tOa-YevT|s poet. l0ai-ycW|«, it, (idvt, yivos) of honest of persons, competent, able to do a thing
birth, lawfully begotten, legitimate : of a nation, ge- Uavot larpiKrjv sufficiently versed in medicine : absoL
— — : — ;

LKaVOTTJi 1\.77. 329

considerable, respectable, tolerable. II. of things, Ikoiuolv, Dor. for aor 2 opt. of licviofjtai.

sufficient, enough: large or long enough; lieavo'v "IKPIA, rd, the half-deck of an Homeric ship:
Xp^yov a long time ; to l/cavov Xafi(3dvetv to take generally, a boarded plaform, scaffold, benches.
security or 6a//, Lat. satis accipere. Hence iKTap, Adv. (ikw) at once, close together. II.

iKavoTTjs, 77x0*, r), sufficiency, fi'ness. of Place, clo*e to, bard by, c gen
Uavow, f. a-aco, /o make Jit, make sufficient, qualify. iK-rqp, rjpos, 6, (jlkoj) a suppliant. II. Ztvi
Udva) [a], Ep. lengthd. for (*<u, i/cveo/iai, only iKT-qp, the protector of the suppliant.
used in pres. and impf., to come: to come to, arrive iKTTjptos, a, ov, syncop. for liceT-qpioa.
at, reach: also Med. ixavofiat. iKTiSeos, a, ov, (Iter is) of a weasel, of weasel-skin, in
Ikovws, Adv. of licavos, sufficiently, Lat. satis; lua- Homer leriSfos. II. as >ubst., l/cndta, contr
vuis i\ (iv to De sufficient : Sup. itcavwraTa. IktiStj (sud. 5opd), r), weasel-skin.
'Lcdpios, a, ov, {bcipos) Icarian, name of that part TKTTN02, 6, a kite, Lat. milvus.
of the Aegaean sea which is between the Cyclades and "TKTT2, tdos, r), the yellow-breasted marten-cat.
Caria, where Icarus the son of Daedalus was said to Ikto, 3 sing, plqpf. of i/cveofjuii.
have been drowned. *IKfl, impf Ikov aor. 2 l£ov root of Iicviouai, a
. :

uccAos, 7), ov, poet, form for tiiaXos, like, [t] Hence form used in Ep. poetry: to come: to come to, arrive
uccXoo), f. wow, to make like at, reach a certain point, wheiher of Place or Time;
Uto-0 it, aor. 2 inf. of iKveouai. tcL ad yovva i/eu/xeOa we come to thy knees, in token
Ikco&i), 3 sing. aor. 2 imperat. of Itcviofmi. of supplication (cf. l/cveofiat 2, Ik4tt]s) metaph. to : —
Uecria, f/, {IkIttjs) the prayer of a suppliant. II. reach, arrive at. manhood, old age, etc. ; v0pi$ rt (3ir)

as fem. of inloiot, a female suppliant. T6 ath-qptov ovpavov fact violence and force are reach-
Uto-ios, a, ov, also os, ov, {Ik4tt]$) of, for or presid- ing even to heaven. 2. conversely of circumstances,
ing over suppliants, epith. of Zeus. II. suppliant, conditions \p( tw i'tcu
; /*« necessity is upon me ; U7rvos,
supplicating. yrjpas, i/cdvet /xf come upon or over me.
Ik€to.-86kos. ov, (lK€Ttjs t hixoftai) receiving or pro- iKuipcu, aor. 2 subj. of iicvkoyjax.
tecting suppliants. i\a, Dor. for iXrj. [t]
UcTcCa, j), =» lictoia, q. v. IXdSov, Adv. (fA.77) in troops, in bodies, in companies,
iKcrcvua, arot, to, (J/cfTtvu) a mode of supplication. Lat. fu^matim : in abundance [t]
Ik6t«vt€OS, a, ov, proper to be supplicated. Fiom tXdOt, pres. imperat. of IXtj/ju.

Ikct«ki>, f. aw : aor. I Itcirfvoa [i Att., T Ep.], Ep. for IXaaKOfjun.

(Ik{ttis) : to approach as a suppliant, to supplicate, "IAAOS, ov, Att. t\ecos, onr, nom. pi. tXtoj, neut.
entreat, beseech. I\«z : — «>f gods, propitious, gracious: of men, gra-
U«TT|pios sync. tKTT|pios, a, ov, ( Ikcttjs) of or fit cious, kindly, gentle: also cheerful, gay. 2. i\eojs

for suppliants. II. r) iKCTTjpia (sub. tXaia), ao'i, (sc. iaroi 6 &e6s) God be gracious to thee, i. e.
the olive branch which a suppliant held in bis be it far from thee.
band. IXdpia, 7), cheerfulness, gaiety. From
Iic«tt]s, ov, 6, {IttiaBai) one who comes to seek pro- LXdpos, a, ov, (J\aos) cheerful, pay, joyous, mirthful,
tection, a suppliant ox fugitive. II. the protector Lat. bilaris. Adv. -pais. Hence
of the suppliant. Hence IXdpoTns, 777-0$, 1), gaiety, Lat. hilaritas.
Ik6tt|ot,os, a, ov, protecting the suppliant, of Zeus. l\do-Kop.<u, fut. Ep. iXaaaoyuai Dor.
iXao-ofMi [a]
Ix^ns, toot, r), fem. of Ik€ttjs. l\a£ofjiai : Dep. (tXaos^ :— to ap-
aor. I : :

uctjcu, Ep. for I/cv, 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. of l/cvtonat. pease, propitiate, reconcile to oneself, of gods but : —
and iKpaivc), to moisten. From
l»cud£ci> also to conciliate a man. II. re expiate, atone

TKMA'2, doos, r), moisture of any kind. for. III. aor. I imperat. pass IXaaOrjTi, in pass,
Ckucvos or Ttcpcvos, only in the phrase "iKfitvos ovpos sense, be gracious. Hence
a fair breeze, (from Itcvio/Mt), a following and so LXacruos, 6, a means of appeasing : a propitiation,
favourable, wind. Lat. ventus secundus. sacrifice, [t]
iKV(, lengthd. from "IKCl [t] fut. t£ouai Dor. : LXacrarduevos, Ep. aor. I part, of IXdaKOfiai.
l£oviuu aor. 2 iteofirjv
: pf. ly^ai, part, lyptvos : to : IXdcro-cai, Ep. lor IXdarj, 2 sing. aor. I subj. of IXd-
come : to come to, arrive at, reach. 2. to come as (TKOfiai.
a suppliant (ItciTrjt) to one, to beseech, entreat iXcuTTT|pios, o, ov, (IXdoKouai) propitiatory
him. 3. impers. in pres. and impf., it becomes, be- esp. II. as Subst., lXaarf)pi.ov, to, propitiation
beseems; rov$ fjuLXtara bcvhrat whom it most
fits, or the mercy seat.
concerns ; t6 licvtvfxevov that which is fitting, tXca, Att. neut. pi. of tXao».
proper. iXeus, Att. for iXaot
IkvcOvtcu, Dor. for Itcvovvrat, 3 pi. of iKviofxat. iXtj or ciXtj Dor. iXa, r). ("iXXoj, (tXoj) a crowd, band,
Ikvovu4vo>s Ion. Itcveop.-, lxv«vp,-, Adv. part. pres. troop, company. 2. a troop of horse, squadron,
of iicviouai, fittingly, aright. Lat. turma, ala, strictly of 64 men generally, a troop,
! — : ::

330 TkrjOi — Ivtobrjs.

company. 3. at Sparta, a certain division of the tp.STvcrp.6s, 6, (IfMTifa) clothing, apparel. rfl
youths. tpeipto Ae<>l. tpcppcj, (ipi(pos) to lonjf for, yearn for
tXijdt, impcrat. of tKrjfu. or after, desire; c. inf. to I n* or wish to do. — More
lXt)ko), (^Aao») to be gracious, propitious, in 3 sing, freq as Dep., aor. I med. ipeipdpiqv,
subj. l\Tj/er)<ri, and 2 sing. opt. iXtjkois. pass. IpipO-qv.
tXTjjtt, = Ikf/Hat, esp. in imperat. i\r)$t Dor. tXSBi, be Tp,ev, 1 pi. of iipn ibo.
gracious, propitious tp.6v, ipevcu, Ep. for Uvai, inf. of eTpu ibo.
'IXiis, ados, fj, pecul. fern, of "IXiaKos. II. as lp,6po-8epKT|S, «, (tp-fpos, dipKopuii) looking long-
Subst. IXias, l (sub. 777) the land of Ilium. 2. ingly.
(sub. yvv-fj), a woman of Ilium. 3. (sub. iro'vnwis), tpcpocis, tcroa, tv, (tficpos) exciting love or desire,
the Iliad, of Homer. lovely, charming.
L\iYY<-da>, f. ffcu : ".or. I IXiyyiaaa : to have a swim- tpcpo-duXT|S, cs, (tp.(pos, rtOrjXa) Dor. for IpapoOrj-
ming in the bead. From Xrjs sweetly growing or blooming.
iXiyyos, 6, (tAAcu, tfXoj) a spinning round: a swim- "IMEP02 [«], o, a longing or yearning after a per-
ming head, Lat. vertigo : a swoon. I
in the son or thing, Lat. desiderium : absol. love, desire.
IXiy^, tyyos, ?), (fAAa;) a whirling, whirlpool. tpcppco, Arol. for tfifipoj.
TXioOev A iv. ("IAtos) from Troy. tpcpTOS, 77, ov, (ipicipco) longedfor, lovely.
1X1661, old Ep. gen. of 'IAios, Adv. at Troy. tppevai, poet, for iptvai, Uvai, inf. of (Tpu ibo.
'IXtop-pato-TTjs, 6, ("IA10*, faico) destroyer of Troy. Ipovtd, 1), (Ipuis) the rope of a draw-well : ace. Ipo-
TAtoija, old Ep. gen. oClXios. vidv, abs 1., a rope's length, i. e. as long as a bucket
"IAIOS, ov, ?), or "IXtov, to, Ilios or Ilium, the city takes to go down and come up a well.
of Ilus, also called Troy. iv, Dor. for € of 3rd pers.
ace. of Pron.
IXXds, 6.80s, ?), (tAAcu, «f\<y) a rope, band. IN A", Conjunction :— that in order that, = ovojs,
tXXos, 0, v.tAAart squinting. Lat. ut: I. with Subj. mood after tenses of present

"IAAn, v. sub tiXa>. time ; rj/teis, Iv' iSjis thou art come that thou maya-t
TAY'2, vos, j) marf, s/j'm*. dirt. [genit. 1AD01 see. 2. with Optat. after renses of past time; IlaX-

Homer, la'er fAvo*.] \as ?5<u/c6 p.ivos, 'iv' (KtyXos ytvoiro Pallas gave him
tp,avr«o-ox, Ep. dat. pi. of ifids. strength, that be might become conspicuous. 3.
IpavTiSiov, to, Dim. of Ipds with the past tenses of the Indicat., to imply a conse-
tpavrlvos, 17, 01/ , (ipds) of leathern toongs. quence which is now impossible ; iv' jjv rv<p\6s in
tpavnov, to, Dim. of (fids. which case be would have been blind. II. tva prj,
ip.avTO-ir«8ij, ?}, (I pas. iridij) a leathern band : me- that not, lest, Lat. ut ne. III. elliptic with other

taph. one of the feelers of 'he polypus. Irf, Particles, tva tva irep, 7va ti (sub. yevnrai) ; to
TMA'2, dvTos, 6, dat. pi. Ifidai Ep. Ipavrcavi what end? :

a leathern strap or thong ; in pi. the straps or harness Adverb, I of Place, = oirov, Lat. ubi, in

of a chariot the thong or lash ot a whip.

: 2. /<&« what place, where; tv' trpa<ptv 1)0* iyivovro where
c«/«s of boxers, consisting ot lea'bern straps put they were bred and born c. gen. loci, tva yrjs, x^P05 : .

round the hand : 3. the magic girdle of Aphro- etc., Lat. ubi terrarum. 2.-oiroi, I. at quo, to
dite, Lat. caestus. 4. a latch, by which the bolt what place, whither ; Iv' oix«tcu whither he is gone.
was shot home into the socket: also a shoe-la 'chet ivSdXXopai, Dep., only used in pres. and impf.
later the rope of a draw-well. —
Proverb I puis kvvhos (flSdXifios, clbaWoixai)
, to appear, to appear like; :

(art he 's as tough as a thong of doeskin. with double dat., IvHaWcro acpifft UrjKuojvi he
lp.d<r9\T), ?}, (Iftas. pdaaai) the thong or lash of a seemed to them like the son of Peleus absol. to ap- :

whip, generally a whip, [r] pear, seem.

ipdercrca, fut. Ifwocj [d] aor. I i'pacra (tpns) : to IvBikos, (}, oV, (*Iv5 's\ Indian.
: :

flog, scourge : also to smite. IvS-oXfrns, ov, 6,('lv86s, b\io9ai) the Indian-killer,
iu.5-n.Sdpt.ov, to, Dim. of Iftdrtov. [t/x-Stl] cpith. of Bacchus.
lp.aTC8tov, to, Dim. of ipudriov. TNAO'5, 6, an Indian: — as Adj. = 'IrtWs, In-
ip&Ti£a>, f iacj, (Ipukriov) to clo'he : pf. part. pass. dian. II. the river Indus.
IfMTtOfiivos, clothed. TLVSwos, a, ov, = 'Ivdinos.
tp&Tio-icd-rrnXos, &, (Ipuinov, KamjKos) a dealer in Ivts, pi. nom. of is.

clothes. tvtov, to. ("*) the muscles at the back of the neck
Ip-dnov, to, in form only a Dim. of (Jpa, an outer generally, the back of the head, nape of the neck. [Iv]
garment, cloak or mantle worn above the xnuiv, an- TNI2. o, a son, child.
swering to Homer's xkoxva\ tpuxna, ra, generally, Ivw 60s. contr. ovs, 17 Ino. daughter of Cadmus,
clothes II. a clob. afterwards worshipped as a sea-goddess by the name n-4»^XaK«w, f. r)p<v, (Ipuinov, <pv\cuc4<») to take of Leucothea.
care of clothes. iv-w5tjs, €*, (?*, tiSos) sinewy, fibrous, [t]
— —
TfaXos tmr€Los. 88]
f|4\o$, ov, (from atneoj, as if contracted from di£»- TovSaurp.6s, (lovSaiot) Judaism.

Xot) epith. of the wild goat, bounding, springing. tovXls, loot, j), a red fish.
t|«o-0at, fut. inf. of licviofiai. tovXos, ov, (ovXot) down, thefirst growth of the beard;
l|€vrr|S, ov, 6, {l£(v<v) a fowler, bird-catcher, snarer. virb Kpora<potoiv tovXot the young bair beneath the
i|cvo>, f. ooj, (l{6s) to catch birds by birdlime. temples, i. e. the whiskers.
l£oj3o\ta>, f. 770-cu. to catch birds with lime-twigs. From lo-xecupa, j), (I6t, x a 'V cw ) delighting in arrows, or
t|o-(36Xos, ov, (l£6$, /SaAAeu) setting lime-twigs. (from x^ ") showering arrows.
i£o-«pyos, 6, (t^o*, *ifr(Oj) one who uses birdlime, a iirvo-K<iT)s, it, (iirvos, Karjvai) baked in the oven.
fowler. lirvo-XipTjs, T)Tot, 6, (Irrvut, XiBrjs) a boiler, caldron.
l|o(A«,l, fut. of 'iKVtOfMU. lirvo-iroios, 6v, (lirvvt, iroii<v) working in an oven or
I|ov, Ep. aor. 2 of ikoj. furnace ; as Subst. a potter.
'IHO'2, 6, Lat. V1SCUM, misseltoe : also, A&<? mi's- 'J.llNO'2, 0, an oven orfurnace, Lat. furnus. II.
sel toe-berry. II. birdlime prepared from /it nus- the place of the oven, kitchen. Ill a lantern.
seltoe-berry, Lat. viscus. tiros, d or 1), (lirTopuai) in a mouse-trap, the piece of
t|o-<J>opet»s, €<*;*, 6, (/£<>*, <pipco) bearing misseltoe. wood that, falls and
mouse generally, a
catches the ;

TET'2, vot, r) : dat. l£vi contr. l£vi: /i« waist. trap a heavy weight.
; Hence
'I6-0o.kxos, 6, (lit, /Sd/cx 6 ) Bacchus invoked with the f. wow, to press down:
l-rr6fa>, Pass, to be pressed —
cry of lw a song beginning iw Bate x« 1
: down or crushed; tlotyopals lirovpuvos squeezed hard
lo-6\«4>5pos, oj/, (tov, 0Xi<papov) violet-eyed. by taxes, [t]
lopoXew, f. 77<rcu, to shoot arrows. From tirir-crYp«T<u, wv, 01, (iirirtvs, aye'ipoS) three officers
lo-fJoXos, ov, (16$, BaXXaj) shooting arrows. at Lacedaemon, who close 300 youths to serve as iV-
io-^6<rTpi»xos, ov, (lov, BCorpvxot) dark-baired. 7r«s or body-guard for the kings.
lo-5€TOS, ov, (lov, 5(cu) violet-twined. lirir-S'ycoYOS, ov, (lumos, dyoj) carrying horses : lit-

io-Sokos, ov, (lot, oixopuii) holding arrows. irayaryoi (sub. vavs) at, transport-ships for horses.
io-€i8t|s, it, (tov, etdos) violet-coloured, of the sea., aooyuai Dep. (iWos) to drive or
loeis, tooa, (v, (tov) violet-coloured, dark. guide a horse, to drive a chariot : later, to ride ; lit-
Ioitjv, Att. for toipu, opt. of (ifu ibo. ira^taOai \wpav to ride over a country. II. as
loicrai, Dor. for lovoat, part. fern, of elfii ibo. Pass, of a horse, to be driven or ridden ; also to he
topev, Ep. for tatficv, I pi. subj. of etpii ibo. broken in.
io-yXft\s, it, (lus, fiiyrjvat) mixed with poison. Cirir-aixp-os, ov, (tirirot, alxpfi) fighting on horseback.
L6-p*)pos, ov, (lov, fxopot) dark-fated, miserable. iinr-dXeKTpvwv, ovos, 6, (tWos, dX(KTpvwv) a horse-
ION, to, the violet, Lat. viola, [r] cock : a gryphon, dragon.
tov, Ep. form of impf. of elfii ibo. iirir&XtSas, ov, 6, poet, form for l-mrfvt.
lovOds, d6#«, j), shaggy, hairy. From tiriraTraC, (timot) cry of the knights to each other in
?ov6os, 6, the downonthej"ace. (Deriv. uncertain.) [?] comic imitation of the seaman's cry pvimairaL
*I6wos, a, ov, ('Id;) of lo; 'Ivvios KoXnot the ISnian tirrr&piov, to, Dim. of innot, a little horse, pony.
sea, the sea between Epirus and Italy, at the mouth of i7rir-app.ooTT|S, ov, 6, (tirirot, ap/xooTrjt) Lacedae-
the Adriatic sea, across which she was said to have monian word for imrapxot.

swum, not to be confounded with the I5nian sea. iTnrapx*w, f. i\oo}, to he a general of cavalry, to
l6vT€S, part. pi. of dfu ibo. command the cavalry. Hence
!o-rrX6K&p,os, ov, (tov, ir\6ica(iot) with violet locks, lirirapxia, 1$, the command of the cavalry.
dark-haired. [X] lirirapxiKos, ov, of or for cavalry.
17, From
ios [*], 6, with irreg. pi. la, (livat inf. of eJfu ibo) Tirrr-apxos, and l-rrir-iipX'ns, ov, 6, (lirnot, a.px<*))
an arrow. ruling the horse, epith. of Neptune. II. a gene-
10'2, 6, rust, verdigris, Lat. aerugo. ral of cavalry ; at Athens there were two.
10'2, o, poison, esp. of serpents. liriras, d5o», if, fern, of bnriKut ; nr7rd* aroXrj a
tos, la, Ep. for els, fua ; dat. lq> for evi. riding-dress, horseman's cloak. II. as Subst. (sub.

io-orr«4)dvos, ov, (tot, ori<pavot) violet-crowned. rafit), the order of knights : the knights' tax.
iott|S, TjTOt, j), will, resolve ; mostly in dat., Qtuv l-mrdo-ta, j), (lirird^oficu) riding, horse- exercise. 2.
ItiTTjTi by the will or pleasure of the gods. chariot-driving.
Io-tOitt|s, it, (I6t, rxmrivai) struck by an arrow. lirirAoapos, 17, ov, (lirrtA^opai) fit for horses or for
tov, a cry of woe, Lat. beu 1 seldom, like Iw, a crv of riding: easily ridden.
joy. [t] lirrraoT-fip, fjpot, and lirTrao-TT|S, ov, 6, (lirna^optai)
Iov8at£u, f. ov to live as a Jew. From
, a horseman. II. as Adj. fit for riding.
IovSculkos, t), 6v, of or for the Jews. Adv. -icwt. lirireia, ^, (lirirtvo}) horsemanship, riding, driving,
From esp. racing. II. cavalry.
TovScuot, a, *v, •ftbe tribe ofjndah : as Snbst. : I. tinr«io$, a, ov, (tirirot) of a horse or borses ; lirauot
a Jew. 3. 'lovbaiai (sc. 777) the land of Judaea. \6<pot a crest of borse-bair.
— :: ::

332 finrcpo? iTriroiroTafxos.

tirir-epos, i, (iiriros, tpos) love for borses, a horse- tiTiro-Y«pavoi, ol, (Tttitos, ytpavos) crane-cavalry.
fever. liTiTO-yu'n-oi, ol, (i'mros, yvif/) vulture-cavalry.
iirirevp-a, aros, to, (lirircva>) a ride on horseback, tiTir6-8apos, ov, {ittttos,>) borse-taming : as
expedition in a chariot. Subst. a tamer of borses.
lirirevs, (ojs Ion. rjos, 6, (ittttos) in Homer, either a !iriTO-8dcr€ia, as fern., without any masc. Iirir68aavs
driver of borses, warrior fighting
charioteer, or the in use, (ittttos, Saovs) epith. of Kopvs, thick with borse-
from the chariot. a horseman, rider.
2. II. bair, with rough horse-hair ere A.
at Athens the tmreis Att. imrrjs, Horsemen or Knights, t-mro-Seo-pa, ojv, rd, a baiter.
(ittttos, 8(o~fxos) reins,

were the 2nd cUss, according to Solon's constitution iTTiTO-BeTrjs, ov, 6, (ittttos, dioj) a baiter.
they were required to possess 300 medimni and a linro-SuiKTTjs, ov, 6, Dor. -Tas, (f7T7ros, Siwkoj) a
horse : see irfvTaKoaiofiidifivot. 2. at Sparta, 300 driver or rider of borses.
chosen men, who formed
the king's body-guard, but tiriro-8popta, r), (lirir68pop:os) a horse-race or chariot-
did not serve on horseback see imiayptTai. ; race. Hence
lirireuTTjp, fjpos, 6, and iirir€vnf|s, ov, 6, a rider, iTnro-Bpopaos, ov, of the horse-race. II. epith.

horseman : from of Poseidon, delighting in the speed of borses.

lirirc'ua), f. ecu aor. I tirirevaa
: (Ittttcvs) to be a : :
— liTTr6-8popos, o, (i7T7ros, 8p6fji.os) a race-course.
horseman, to ride : metaph. of the wind, Z«f>vpov lirTro-8p6p.os, d, (ittttos, dpapieiv) a horse-courier.
irvoais ImrevaavTos when Zephyr rode with his gales, iiTiToOev, Adv. (ittttos) forth from the borse.
as in Horace Eurus equitavit per undas. II. to i7Tiroi.iv, Ep. dual gen. of ittttos.

serve on horseback. iTriTO-KdvGapos, 6, (ittttos, /cdvOapos) a borse-beetle,

iirrrfjas, Ep. pi. ace. of linrevs. monstrous beetle.
liriniSov, Adv. (ittttos) like a horse. II. like a lirn-o-KcXevOos, ov, (tiriros, k4\(v9os) driving borses:
horseman. as Subst. a charioteer, rider.
lirirT|€0"OT., Ep. for 'nnrevai, pi. dat. of iirwtvs. tiTiTO-K€VTavpos, o, (t7T7ros, Ktvravpos) a borse-cen-
tTnr-TjXdo-ios, a, ov, cKavvoj) fit for riding
(ittttos, taur, balf-borse half-man.
or driving ; lirrrqKaaia 686s a chariot road. iiTiro-Kopea), f. t)ooj, to keep or groom borses ; liriro-

lirin)XdT4, 6, Ep. form for linr-q\a.Trjs. KOfjLfiv KavOapov to groom one's beetle. From
lirirr)\ST«&>, f. 170*0;, to ride or drive. From liTiTO-ic6p.os, ov, (iiriros, KOfiicv) keeping or grooming
liriT-'rj\dTT]S, ov, 6, Ep. i-rrirrjXaTa, (ijtttos, k\avvoj) borses. II. as Subst., iiriroKOfios, 6, a groom, one
a driver of borses, one who fights from a chariot, who attended the Athenian lirirfvs in war.
epith. of honour, like our Knight, [a] iiriro-Kopos, ov, (iiriros, koutj) decked with borse-bair.
liTTr-T|X.fiTOS, ov, (ittttos, (Kavvai) fit for horsemanship linro-Kopvcrrqs, ov, 6, (ittitos, KopvoooS) one who is

or driving. furnished with a horse, a horseman, knight.

lirir-'qp.oXYoC, u>v, 01, (ittitos, dfii\y<v) the Mare- liriTO-Kp&Ttw, f. r)oco, (ittttos, Kpario)) to be superior
milkers, a Scythian or Tartar tribe : — as Adj. milking in horse : Pass, to be inferior in borse. Hence
mares. liriTOKpSTta, 7), victory in a skirmish of borse.
lirm-dva|, aicros, dva£) chief of horsemen.
(ittitos, tiriTO-KpTjpvos, ov, (iiriros, tremendously
Itttukos, t), of a horse or borses ; dyuiv
ov, (ittttos) steep ; linroKpTjfxvov pfj/M. a neck-breaking word.
iiririKos a horse or chariot race. II. of or for tiriro-KpoTos, ov, (ittttos, KpoTioi) sounding with tbe
riding or horsemen, equestrian : skilled in rid- tramp of borses.
ing. 2. t) ImriKf) (sub. t4\vtj), horsemanship, Iitit6-Xo<{>os, ov, (IW<*, \6<pos) with borse-bair crest.
riding. III. to Itttwcov the cavalry. IV. iTTiTO-pfivT|S, 4s, (irrvoSy fiavijvai) mad for borses
Adv. -ku>s, like a horseman. luxuriant. II. as Subst., lirnoixavis, ios, t6, an
tirmos, a, ov, (ittttos) of a horse or borses. Arcadian plant, which makes borses mad. 2. an
t7ririo-xaiTT)S, ov, 6, (iirmos, x a ^ TT}) s ^ aggy with excrescence on tbe forehead of new-born foals, used
borse-bair. as a charm also a humour which falls from mares.

inmo-xdpp-qs, ov, 6, (iirmos, x^-pr17)) one who fights Hence

from a chariot. 2. a horseman, rider. liriro-p-fivCa, r), a mad love for borses, racing, etc.
linTo-j3dp.-ov [a], ov, gen. ovos, (iirnos, fSaivai) going iiriropSx*"' f- '7 <w (ivvpaxos)
to fight on horse-
on horseback, equestrian. 2. metaph , ptjfiara lir- back. Hence
iro0afiova bigh-paced words, bombast. iiriropfixta, r), a borse-figbt, skirmish of borse.
lir-TO-pdTTjs [a], ov, 6, {ittttos, /3aiVa>) a horseman. iTTiro-paxos, ov, (ittttos, fiaxofmi)fighting on horse-
l-n-iro-PoTqs, ov, e, ('ittttos, (HuokoS) a feeder of horses back : as Subst., (7T7ro/idxos, o, a trooper.
in Chalcis of Euboea, the 'iTnroiSurai were the knights, tiriro-vto^as, ov, 6, (ittttos, vojiidoj)driving horses.
nobles. Ittito-itoXos, ov, (ittttos, ttoA i opal )busied with borses
liriT6-P»Tos, ov, (ittttos, fUSoKoS) fed on by borses, as Subst., iV7ro7roAos, 6, a rider or driver of borses.
good for grazing, rich in cattle. liriro-iroTapos, 6, (ittttos, iroraix6s) the river-horse of
urrro-/3ovK6\os, 6, (ittttos, /3o»*oAo») a borsekeeper. Egypt, hippopotamus: in Herodotus, iiriros irordfJUO$.
— : : : — ;

'innos—'IoBiuokos. 333
*IITII02, a borse, mare, Lat. equus, equa: the
o, t), lpT|tov, Ion. for UpeTov.
pi. iimoi is the pair of horses in the chariot, and hence ipT)v, (vos, 6, Ion. for tlp-qv.

also the chariot itself; a<p' iirirajv from the chariot; ipT)^, tjkos, 6, Ion for iipa£.
\aos t( xal imroi the foot-soldiers and tho*e who fought ipia, Dor for Uptia.
in chariots ; tniroi teal irt£oi borse and foot. II. ipis, 100s, t) ace. "ipiv as well as ipiba
: the rain- :

t) ilttttos, the borse, cavalry, Lat. equitatus, always in bow, in Homer, as in ihe Bible, a sign to men (Ttpas
sing., as, x»^"7 «wrro» a thousand horse. III. faros fxfpuTrcw avdpwTTQjv). II. impersonated 'Ipts, 100s,

morufuot the hippopotamus. IV. in Compos., any- t), ace. Mpti/, voc. *\pi. Iris, the Rainbow, as a mes-
thing large or coarse, as in our borsecbestnut, horse- senger of the gods. esp. from the gods to men Hesiod :

laugh, v. iirvo-KpTjfjivus, etc. makes her daughier of Thaumas (the Wonderer).

liriro-o-oas, ov, 6, (ittttos, aevoj) driver of horses. fpuraiv, Ep. for ipiaiv, dat. pi. of ipts.
liriro-aoos, a, ov, horse-driving. ipo-8pop.os, 6, (Ipos, dpapitiv) Ion. for Upoop-, run-
liTiro-OTdais. (irrnos, Croats) a stable : me-
feus, r), ning in the sacred races. [i~\
taph., 'A«Ajov Kvt<paia imrooTaois the dark stabling- Ipo-epYiT), Ion for ttpovpyta.
place of the sun, i. e. the West. ipov, tv, Ion. for Upuv. [t]
iiriroo-vvr), r), (imros) the art of driving or, later, of Ipos, 17, uv, Ion. for fcpJf. [t]
riding : the art of horsemanship. II. the borse Ipo-cpdv-rns, o, Ion. for Upocp-.
of an army, cavalry. IpcocrvvT]. Ion. for UpcuovvT], priesthood.
lirirocruvos, rj, ov, - Ittttikos, "12, r), gen. Ivus, ace. Tva pi. noni Tvts, dat. tvcffi :

iirrroTd, Ep. for Ittttuttjs. Ep. ivfoai —

Lat. VIS, strength, force, nerve, tbew
i-TTiro-rrjs, ov, 6, (ittttos) a driver or rider of horses, and sinew : very freq. in periphr. like Pir), as, is T77-
a horseman, knight: Homer always uses Ep form itt- Xtfi&xoio ihe strong Telemachus. II. a muscle:

trora, esp. of Nestor. II. as Adj., \(ws Ittttottis the neck, [t]
the horse-folk, horsemen. i<ra, i'o-a, neut. pi. of Taos, iaos, used as Adv.
iTMTo-To|6Trjs, ov, 6, (Ittttos, to£6tijs) a mounted io--a.YY«\os, ov, (taos, dyyeXos) like an angel.
bowman, borse-arcber. io--aht\$os, ov, {toos, a8(\<p6s) like a brother.
lirTTOTpo<f>«i), f. breed or keep horses. And
rjaoj, to io-d(a>, f. now, (taos) to make equal Med. to make —
lirirorpo^io, r), a breeding or keeping of horses, esp. or bold equal to another, c. dat.
for racing. From 10-uu.i, Dor. for iotj/xi.

linro-Tp6<J>o$, ov, (ittttos, rpecjxu) borse-feeding io--du.i\Xos, ov, ('iaos, dfiiWa) equal in the race.
breeding or keeping horses. urav, 3 pi. Ep. impf. of elfii tbo. II. Ep. for
tiriro-TO^Ca, 17, (ariros, Tv<pos) excessive pride. rjo-av, rjtftoav, 3 pi. plqpf. of ti8<v.
*lTnrov-KpT|VT), r), Hippocrene, the horse's well on io--a.vep.os, ov, (100s, dvtfios) swift as the wind, [a]
Helicon, sacred to the Muses, said to have sprung out faovTi, Dor. for toaai, 3 pi. of 'iaijftt.
where the hoof of Pegasus struck the earth. lo--dpYfcpos, ov, (taos, dpyvpos) as good as silver,
iirir-ovpts, ibos, 7), (iirnos, ovpa) fern. Adj. decked worth its weight in silver.
with a horse-tail, with crest of horse-hair. icras, Dor. part, of lorjfM.
tiriro-^opptov, to, (f7TTros, <p(p@aj) a stable. II. Co-do-t, p!. of ioTj/ii, and of oftta (v. «*5a> b).
a troop of horses. iardo-K€TO [t], Ion for ioafao, 3 sing. impf. med. of
linro-<|>opp6s, 6v, (ittttos, <p(pP<u) a horse-keeper, lodfa, she likened herself.
trainer. iffdTi, Dor. for tarjai, sing, of \ar\yn. 1,

lTTiro-x<ipp.tjs, ov, 6, {ittttos, x^Pf V^

JL — ^ n Tl0 X°Pfir} s -
ia-TjYop«a) and Med. - copai, (iaos, dyop(voj) to speak
tirir-iuSTis, (s, (Ittttos, ethos) horse-like. on equal terms, with equal freedom. Hence
iirm&v, Sjvos, 6, (ittttos) a place for horses, a stable: lo-Tj-yopia, t), equal right of speech : generally, equa-
a baiting-place, station. lity mthe eye of the law.
ItTTrtuvt ta, r). a buying of bones. From l(T-'r]\i^, ikos, 6,t), (iaos, t)\i£) of the same age with.

Itiwrln, f. tjocv, to buy horses. From io*-T*p,cpios, a, ov, {iaos "fjfitpa lasting an equal time. *

l-n-rr-<ivTjs, ov, 6, (ittttos, uvtofxai) a buyer of horses. "I2HMI, / know: a — pres. only used in the Dor.
iTTTdp-at, a late form for ntTOfiat, to fly. forms, sing, iadfii, iodn ;
pi. iadfifv, iadai or iaavTt
iirropxii, f. fyofiat : (Tiros) Dep.
to press bard, pan. iaas.
oppress : generally, to hurt, barm. lo--T|p6Tpos, ov, (iaos, (p(Tfxos) with as many oars.
tpd, tcl. Ion. for Upd. ia-T)pTjs, ts, (taos, dpaptlv) equally fitted, equal.
!po|, ajtot, 0, contr. for lipa£, a hawk. fa8i, know, imperat. pf. of * ub<u. II. i<r0i, be,, Ion for Up^oyuai. imperat. of «/«' sum.
tp«Ca, Ion. for iiptta. 'I<x6u.ia (sub. Ifpd), ojv, rd, (laB^ios) the Isthmian
lpeu€o-Kov, Ion. impf. of Updo). game--, holden on the Isthmus of Corinth. Hence
Ipcus. t)os, 0, Ion. for Uptvs. 'lo-0u-id£<i>, f. daoj, to attend the htbmian games.
lp«v<i>, Ion. for itptvai. 'Io-0p.idKos, 17, ov, (iadfuov) of the Isthmus.
— : ;

334 'lardfjuas — laocpap^Ca).

1<rO\ixa%, aZos, pccul. fem.o{"la6fuos:al 1o0fud5e$ to-ovoptopai, Pass. (J<roVo/*ot) to have equal rights.
(sub. ioprai), the Isthmian games. Hence
uxSptov, t6, (Io9/j.6s) a necklace. icrovouia, 1), equality of rights, political equality.

1cr0|xios, a, ov, also o$, ov, (io0/j.6s) of the Isthmus, Itro-vopos, ov, (toos, vofios) having equal rights,
Isthmian. enjoying freedom.
'Io-0p60€v, Adv. from the Isthmus; and iao-irais, natb'os, 6, 1), (toos, irats) like a child.
'Icr0p.60t, Adv. on the Isthmus ; and io*o-ir<l\aiOTOs, »v, (toos, rraXatorr)) a span long.
TcrOjiot, Adv. on /2>e Isthmus. From io-otrdXc<i>, f. rjow, to be a match for. From
tcr0|xos, oO, o, ((Tfii any narrow pas-
ibo) a neck : io-o-ira\T|s, is, (toos, ttclXtj) equal in the struggle,
sage. 2. a neck of land between two seas, an isth- well-matched, on a par with : equal.
mus : esp. as prop. n. the Isthmus of Corinth. lao-iraXos, ov, = looira\T)S.
io-0ji-o>8t)s, es, (ladfios, (Toos) like an isthmus. uro-ir€8ov, to, level ground, a flat : neut. from
*Io*ids, ados, fem. Adj. of or belonging to Isis. From lo-o-ireSos, ov, (toos, -aioov) of even surface, level.
lo-is, 57, gen. "loioos Ion. "lotos : dat. "lot : ace. lo-o-irXdTT|S, es, (toos, ttKcltos) equal in breadth.
*Ioiv : —
an Egyptian goddess, answering to the
Jszs, lo-o-irX&Ttov, cjvos, 6, (toos, TWarajv) a second Plato.
Greek Demeter, Lat. Ceres. lo-o-irXi)0T|s, is, (toos, vKrjdos) equal in number or
"I2KH or I ictko). /o mai< /ife ; ?<r«6 ^«i55€a iroWcL quantity.
\iycuv irvfj-oioiv 6/j.ota speaking many lies be made Lo-6- irp€a|3vs, v, (toos, irpiofivs) like
an old man.
them like truths. II. to hold or think like ; i/xe icroppo-rria, -q, equipoise, equilibrium. From
oot toKovres thinking me like you: absol., to/tetv exa- lo-6p-poiros, ov, (ioos, ponrj) equally balanced, in
otos avr\p each man imagined or supposed. III. equipoise : equally matched.
in late Poets, tone, ioK(v, = (K€yev, be spake, said. I202, Ion, Xoov, Att. to-os [f], ton, toov, Ep. also
urpcv, I pi. of oTha, for which Homer always uses ficros [I] equal to, the same as, like ; toa irpos toa

t5/ ; v. €/5a» B. measure measure ; toos nol

for equally with toov . .
, ;

i<ro-|3apT|S, is, (fcros, )3apos) o/ equal weight. iuoi equally with me. II. equally divided or dis-

lo-o-SaCpwv, oj\ gen. ovos, (loos, 5aifx<uv) godlike, tributed, equal ton fiotpa an equal portion, also ton

equal to a god. II. equal in fortune or happiness. alone (sub. fiotpa) to toov and tcL toa, an equal ;

io-o-8CaiTOS, ov, (toos, oiaira) living on an equal share, fair measure ; vpoorvyeiv tuv ioa/v to obtain
footing. one's dues hence fair, reasonable, toos avi\p a fair,

uxo-$t)Y'fls, is, (toos, (vyjjvat) equally balanced: upright man. 2. at Athens, of the equal division
equal. of all civic rights ; to toov equality ; ^ ton (sub. ti-
lao-Ocos, ov, (toos, 0eus) equal to the gods, godlike. fxatpia) punishment equal to the offence, condign
lo-o-KivSvvos, ov, (ioos, k'ivovvos) equal to the danger. punishment toat (sub. if/rj<pot) votes equally di-

icto-kXtjpos, ov, (toos, Kkrjpos) equal in property. vided. III. of Place, even, level, flat, Lat. aequus;
lo"0-Kp<iTT|s, is, (toos, KpaTos) of equal might or tis to toov KaraPaivftv, Lat. in aequum descendere
power, possessing equal privileges with others. Hence Si' toov at an equal distance or interval. IV. Adv.
lo-OKpdTCa, 17, equality of power and rights, political toojs, q. v.: but neut. sing, and pi. toov Att. toov, Toa
equality. Att. toa, are also used adverbially : in Att. toa gene-
Lcr-6u.dXos, ov, (toos, dpaXus) equally level, nearly rally means equally, tows perhaps so also k£ toov —
equal. equally (K tov toov on an equal footing ; (V toy

lo-o-pdTwp, Dor. for loo-fi7)Ta>p, opos, 6, 1), (toos, \ir\- equally; cp. (iriorjs. V. Att. Comp. ioairepos.
rrjp) like one's mother. Io-oo-k€Xt|S, is, (toos, OKiXos) with equal legs ; ioo-
lo-6-paxos, ov, (toos, fjAxv) equal the fight. *'» otceXts rpiyajvov a triangle with two sides equal.
ia-o-ji6"y*0Tl s » «, (toos, fitytOos) equal in size. icroTtXeia, 57, (ioort krjs) equality of taxation.
icro-jicTOJiros, ov, (toos, fiirojirov) with equal fore- lao-TtXeoTos, ov, (toos, Tt\i<u) accomplished for all
bead or front. alike.
equal in length.
to-o-p.T|K-i]S, es, (i'oos, fifJKos) io-o-t€Xt|s, is, (toos, ri\os)paying alike, paying the
have an equal share:
io-o\ioip(a>,{. TjO<u,(i 06 fioipos) to same taxes Athens the iooreXus were a favoured
: at
to take a share in a thing with another. Hence class of fxiroiKot, who needed no patron (TrpoffTaT^s),
10-opoipla Ion. -Ctj, ij, a sharing equally, equal and paid no alien-duty (fMCTOtKtov), but had to pay
partnership. taxes with the citizens.
icro-poipos, ov, (toos, fioipa) having an equal share icra-T€VTjs, is, (toos, rdvcu) equally stretched.
of a thing; yijs loSfxoipos a-qp earth's equal partner !o-6tt)S, rjros, 17, (ftros) equality.
air. 2. generally, equal, close, resembling; <paos laoTipCa, equality of honour or privilege. From

o/toTqj loo/xotpov light close akin to darkness. lo-6-Tipos, ov, (toos, Tifiri) held in equal honour:
icro-popos, ov, (toos, uupos) ioufxoipos. resembling. having the same privileges.
tcr-ovtipos, ov, (toos, ovapos) dream-like, vacant. ioo-4>aptfa>, (loos, <pipoS) Ep. Verb only used in pres.
io-6-vcKvs, vos, o,T), (toos, viicvs) dying the same death. to match oneself with, cope with, vie with ; ioo<papifav
; :

la ocpaptcrbw — tor tap. 335

nvi tpya with one in accotipSshments : gene-
to vie up a person in brass, raise a brazen statue to
rail v, to be equal to. him 2. to raise, raise up, stir ; ipiv arfjaat
lcro4>apicr8€v, Dor. inf. of lacxpaplfa. to begin a quarrel. 3. to set up, appoint, estab-
icro-4>6pos, ov, (loos, <pipa>) bearing equal weights, lish. IV. to place in the balance, weigh; ti
equal in strength. irpo» Ti one thing against another.
i<to-x«iAt|s, is, or lo-6-x«iAos, w, (taos, x f ^ os ) B. Intrans. to s'and, be set or placed; with an
level with the edge or brim. Adv. to be in a certain state or condition ; 'iva \puas
Lao-xvoos, ov, (taos, xyoos) equally woolly with. taraficv in what need we are: arrjvai (Is —
Icro xpovtto, f. "fjo-cu. to be con emporary with. From trapd . , to set oneself towards, go to. 2. to lie, be

lao-xpovos, ov, {taos, xpuvos) equal in age or time. situated. II. to stand still, take one's stand : to
lo-o\\)T)$La, 1), equal right to vote From island firm, remain fast, be fixed : to cease. III.

Ur6-\Jn]<J>os, ov, (taos, \prj<pos) having an equal num- to stand upright, rise up, be set up: of a horse, tara-
ber of votes. II. having an equal vote with aOai upO's to rear up. 2. generally, to arise, be-
others, equal in deciding of states, equal in fran- '
gin ; tapos vkov larafiivoio as spring was just begin-
chise. III. equal in numerical value, of words ning ; tov fitv <p6ivovTos firjvos tov 5' larapivoio
the letters of which make up the same sum as one month ends and the next begins thus in —
to-6-\J/vx°S» ov, {Jo os, fax*)) of equal spirit or soul: Homer the month is divided into two parts, pr)v lard-
xpdros lauipv\ov power of like spirit with men. H(vos and <p9iv<uv in the Attic Calendar the month,

Io-ocj, wow, {taos) to make equal; lawaas rl<pia(i

f. which consisted of 30 days, was divided into three
to\ ripfiara having made the winning-post even parts of ten d.ys each, called respectively, (xr)v lard-
with the starting-post, i. e. having run the whole fifvos, fi(aciv, <p6ivwv. 3. to be appointed.
course :

Med., owxas x*Tpa* r( lawaavro they made toTiT), Ion. for tor la.
their nails and hands alike, i.e. used them in like man- lo~nf,o-0ai, Ion for (laridadai, pf. inf. pass, of kandw.
»er :
— Pass, to be made like or equal to. UrrvnToptov, To, Ion. for (otiot-.
Urrdp.«v, torajievai, Ep. for lardvai, inf. of tarrjiu. a thing woven, a web, cloth,
tcrrCov, to, {lards')
to-raco, pres. imperat. pass, of tart)pi. sheet: a sail, Hxpoiai xPVoOat lariois to keep the
terrain, rare collat. form of tarrjfu, in 3 sing. pres. sails reefed.
tora, and 3 sing. impf. tara. to-Ttop-pd<|>os, ov, (lariov, ftdirroS) sail-patching:
Iot(, 2 pi. of 6l5a. v. ' (tbw B. metaph. a meddling, cheating fellow.
loT^arou., Ion. for taravrai. to-Tio-<}>6pos, »v, {lariov, <pipu) carrying sails.
urrrjpA Jengthd. from *2TA'n) : the tenses of —
UrTO-f3ocvs, gen. £<vs Ion. -ijos, 6, (Jarus, fSovs) the
lor-qyu are divided into causal and intrans.: A. Cau- plough-tree or pole. —
sal, to make to stand, pres. loryfu, impf. larrjv, fut. Ioto-Potj, ^, foreg.
arqaw, and aor. 1 iarrjaa, of Act. B. Intrans. Ioto-Sokt], 1), (t<TTu«, Sixofio-i) the mast-bolder, a
to stand, in aor. 2 iarrjv, pf. tarrjKa, plqpf (or-q- rest on which the mast was laid when lei down.
Kttv, together with pres. pass, tarafuu, impf. lard- iotov, 2 and 3 du il pf. of *(i8oj.
firjv,fut. aTaOrjaopMi (as also fut. med. ar-qaofxai, lo-TO-ir#>T), -f), daros, v(5r]) a bole in the keel for
fut. 3 ka-rh£oyuai), aor. 1 kardOijv [&], pf. (ardyuai, fixing 'be mast in.
plqpf. \ardp\t\v. But the pres. torafmi, impf. lard- Ictto-ttovos, ov, (loros, Trovia)) working at the horn.
pr)V, as well as aor. 1 (arrjadfiTjv, must also be re- urrop«w, f. -qao), (iorwp) to learn by inquiry : to in-
garded as med., in which case they take a causal quire of, question, c. ace pers. of things, to inquire ,

sense, to place. about mething.

sr II. to narrate what one has

Epic forms: 3 sing. impf. laraaxc pi. aor. 1 t. learnt, narrate historically. Hence
Ep. (oraoav for tarrjaav syncop dual and plur. : loropCa, j}, a learning by inquiry: knowledge or in-
perf. iar&Tov, (ardpav, tarbvrt (or ioTTjrt), earaat formation obtained by inquiry. II. a narration

imperat. tarOBi; subj. larw; opt. iarairjv, inf. kard- of what one has learnt, historical narrative.
van Ep. iardfitv. iardfuvai [&] part. karws korwaa, : to-Tos, o, {tarrjm) a ship's mast; Iotov arrjaai or
iarws (or haras), gen. karwros Ion. ioT(ws, wros, aTr)oaa9ai to set up the mast : generally, a rod or
also korrjajs { Homer uses gen. lardoros, ace. (ar&6ra, pole. II. the web-beam of the loom (which in
nom. pi. iar&uTts} : aor. 2 ardaKov, ts, (, 3 pi. iarav, ancient looms stood upright^, the loom ; laruv kiroix*-
ardv [dl ; 2 and 3 sing. subj. orfjys. ar-fjT) for arris, o0ai »o be bu^y about the beam, and so to weave. 2.
arn, 1 plur. ariwfi(v and erdofitv for arwy.(v : inf. the warp that was fixed to the beam : the web.
aTrjfifvai for arrjvai. Io~t6-tovos, ov, (Iotos, T(iv<v) stretched on the web-
A. Causal, to make to stand, set, place. II. beam.
to make to check: to make fast,
stand still, s'op, to-T-ovp"y«(o, f. tow, (lares,* (pyai) to work at the loom.
fix. III. to set up, set upright, to raise up, as the lorci), 3 sing,imperat. pf. of *(t5at.
mast in a ship: to raise or erect buildings, to set up a torci, Dor. gen. of larus but lory, dat. of the same,

statue in one's honour ; laravai rivd. xa*Jt °v y t0 *** torwp or HTTwp, opos, 6, rj, knowing, acquainted
— : —
: : : : :

336 Itry&hiov — Ixdvoeibrjs.

with, versed in : as Subst. one who knows law and Tt4\(8t)s, ov, 6, poet, for 'iToAicirnjt.
right, a judge. TrdXiKos, 7], ov, ("IraKos) Italian.
i<rx<i5iov, to, Dim. of laxos. [&] 'ItoXis, ifos, pecul. tern, of 'ItoXikus.
icrxfiSo-ircoXis, 180s, ?), (iax"* s > itojKtcu) a woman 'IraXiwrns, ov, 0, an Italiote, one of the Greek in-
who sells Jigs. habitants oj Italy : fern. TraXiams, iSos, Italian.
t<rx-ai[ios, ov. (?ax<w, afjta) quenching blood: tax ai ~ 'ITA~AO'2, 6, an Italian — as Adj. Italian.
\jlov, to, a styptic. ItSjios, 17, 6v, (ittjs) headlong, hasty.
iaxalvu), f. 1. for lax vaiva} - TTE'A and -citj, 7), a willow, Lat. sa-
Ion. -«tj
i<rxdX«os, a, ov, poet, for laxvos, dry, dried. lix. a wicker shield, a target.
II. Hence
urxavdo., Ep. 3 sing, of ia\avaa:. It&vos, 17, ov, of willow, made of willow, wicker.
t<rx3vAo), Ep. lengthd. form of lox<*v<o, lax 01 * t0 !t«ov, verb. Adj. of (Tfxi 160, one must go.
bold back, check, binder Pass, to check oneself, — ittjv Ep. 3 dual impf. of eljxi ibo.
wait. II. intrans. to hold on by, cling to a thing, ittjs, ov, 6, (cTfii ibo) ba.ty, impetuous: impudent.
and so to desire eagerly. Itos, 77, ov, (elfju ibo) passable.

laxctvo), — iVxamcu, to check, binder : c. gen. to keep IrpCvcos, a, ov, like honey-cake. From
back from a thing. [5] iTptov, to, a cake, made of sesame^ and honey.
Urx&s, ados, i), (laxvos) a dried Jig. !tt<d, Boeot. for ioto), 3 sing. pf. of 'ttboj; Jtto*
urX*fA€v, iarxi\L€vai, Ep. inf. of tax '' Zevs Zeus be witness !
f<rx€o, imperat. med. of tax 01 - "ITT'S, vos, r), the edge or rim of anything round,
lo*xCov, r6, {U, Io~x<js) the socket in which the tbigb- the felloe of wheels : the outer edge of the shield the :

joint turns, the hip-joint —in pi. the hips or loins. round shield itself.

uxxvaivw, (iaxvos) to

make thin, dry, withered — ito>,3 sing, imperat. of tlfu ibo.

Pass, to become so: —
metaph., o-cppiyuivra 0vfidv iraiv, 3 dual and Att. 3 pi. of dpi ibo.
iaxvaiviiv to bring down the proud stomach. lvyi\, r), (ivfa) a bowling, shrieking, yelling.
icrxvo-irapcios, ov, ijaxvos, irapeia) with withered luypos, 6, (lv{<») a shouting, shout of ioy : also a
cheeks. cry of pain, scream, shriek.
I<rxv6s, i\, 6v, (io-x<») tbin, lean, withered, mea- fvy£ or tvy£, tvyyos, r), (ivC<u) the wryneck, so called
gre. of style, poor, meagre.
II. from its cry : the ancient witches used to bind it to
lo"xv6-<J><i>vos, ov, (lox v os, <p<ui if) with tbin or weak a wheel, which they turned round, believing that they
voice. II. stut'ering, stammering. drew men's souls along with it and charmed them to
Icrxvpif ojxai, f iaofiai Att. lovpxu : aor. I icrxv/rt- obedience it was used to recover unfaithful lovers

aa.fX7]v : Dep.
(laxvp^s) to use all one's strength,
: hence metaph. a love-charm, witchery: strong de-
to insist strongly, contend stoutly : esp. to affirm ob- sire.
stinately : —
Pass, to be strengthened, gain greater force. TT'Zfl, fut. Iv£oj: aor. 1 lv£a: — to shout, holla:
io-xiip6s,a, 6v, {laxvw) strong, mighty, powerful. 2. also to bowl, shriek. (Formed from the sound.)

stiff firm, lasting, hard.

, 3. severe, great, excessive: ivktt|s, ov, 6, (Ivfa) one who shouts or cries : a
Kara lo~x vP" v ty violence, force, opp. to 8u\q>. Hence singer, whistler, piper, [t]
laxvpuis, Adv. strongly, stiffly, exceedingly, Lat. i4>0ip.os, r\, ov, also os, ov, (T(f>t) strong, mighty,
vebementer —
Sup. lo~x vP° TaTa most certainly. >
stout, stalwart : of women, goodly, comely.
lo-xws, vos, f), (is, tax *) strength, force, might, esp. *I*I, Ep. Adv. strongly, stoutly, with might or force,
bodily strength. 2. a force of soldiers. valiantly : old poet. dat. from It.
iar\wa, impf. laxvov: 1 to~xvca [v]:
f. laxvcroj; aor l4>i-Y€V€Ld, »), {t<pt, yivu) Tphigeneia, Agamemnon's
(laxus) : mighty, powerful: to have
to be strong, daughter, called by Homer 'Icpiavaaoa.
one s full powers, be in health and strength. tyios, a, ov, (J<pi) strong, mighty: of sheep, goodly.
t<rxw, a form of exo>, only found in pres., and in impf. *I*TON, to, a kind of pot-herb.

Xaxov: to bold, check, restrain: intr. to stop: Med. — iX0vd£ou.cH, Dep. = IxOvaw.
to bold oneself in, check oneself: 1o~x*o bold! be still! IxOvdw, f. aaoj, (Ix^vs) to fish, angle : Ep. 3 sing.
c. gen., "toxfoOai rivos to desist from a thing; iax* T0 IxBvda, impf. ix^vaaaxov.
kv Tovr<f) (impers.) here it stopped. II. later like i\Qv{io\i<o, f. -fjaoj, to strike fisb, spear them. From
€X<w, to bold or possess. 2. to have to wife. iX0v-(36Xos, ov, (IxOvs, /3aAA(w) striking or spearing
io--<uvia, 7), (la os. divq) a fair price. fish; T\0. dfipa a spoil of speared fisb — as Subst,
io--wvvp,os, ov (Xaos, ovofia) bearing the same name. ix9v&6\os, an barpooner, spearer.
to-a>s, Adv. of toos, equally, in like manner. II. iX0v-J3otos, ov, (l\6vs, 06aK<»)fed on by fisb.
{airly, equitably. III. probably, perhaps : in Att. IxGvSiov, r6, Dim. of Ix^s, a little fisb.
often joined with ay or Tax* &v. IV. with nu- ix6iJ-8oKos, ov, (Jx^vs, dixofjuu) holding fisb.
merals, about. tX0VT)pos, d, 6v, (IxOvs) fishy, scaly, foul.
lo-waraip/qv, aor. 1 med. opt. of laou. iX&vo-0oXc<i>, ixduo-06Xos, = IxOvfi-.
IraKia Ion. -Ctj, #, Italy, [first syll. long in hexam.] iX0So-«i6t|s, 4s, (IxM*, cT&ot)fisb-sbaped,fisb~lih.
: — :

iX^vofts Kdbfxos. 337

[x&Co<is. *o~oa, tv, (lx(hjs)full offish, fishy. II. 1o>vik6s, t), ov. (*Ian>) Ionic, Ionian —Adv. -kws,
consisting offish. in the Ionic fashion, softly, effeminately.
{\(h>o-vr\pr\'rr\p, rjpos, 6, (IxOi's, Srjpdoj) a fisherman. iuto, the smallest letter in the Greek alphabet,
lxOvo-Xv(XTjs. ov, 6, (jxBis, MfiT)) the plague or de- hence in N. T. an iota, a jot.
struction offish. lu»xp-6s, o, = luict), av l<»xji6v in chase, pursuit.
iX0vo-<J>aY°S, ov, QxOvs, <p8.yuv) fish-eating ; el

*lX&* 0<pdyoi avhpa the Fish-eaters, a tribe.

ix(Hj-Tr4yr| s ' 4t, ('X^*« ^ayffvai) fish-piercing.
TXeT'2, vos, 6 : ace. IxOvv and later l^Ova the :

nom and ace. pi. Ix^va, IxOvas are contr. into

Ix&vs : —
a fish, Lat. piscis. II. plur. ol I > 6v(s, K
the fish-market, [v in sing. nom. and ace, v in genit.
and in all compds.l 1Y, k, icAirn-a, t6, indecl., tenth letter in Greek Al-
Ixtoav-X-rjurrfip, rjpos, 6, (Jx^vs, \r}CTt)s) a stealer phabet. As numeral k' = 20, but k = 20,000. « is
offish. near akin to 7 and x hence the older Att. changed

iX&v-dxrycs, ov, = lx9vo<pdyos. [3] XVuos into kvSos, yvdrrra/ into kvolitto/, piyx 01 hit©
iX0vho5t]S, es, ^X^*» «*8«*) = lx^ V9fl H s
foil °f fiey/cu; so the Ion. xirdw into KiOwv, StxofMi into

iXvatos, a, ov, (txyos) following on the track.
Si/eo/Mu, etc. 7 before k, as in dyna$(v, is pro-
nounced like our ng.

lxv«Ca, t), (lxy€t<u) a casting about for the scent. ko, Dor. for the Ion. K(, = the Att. av.
l\v-(XaTr\^, ov, 6, (ix vos «A.avV(u) one who follows > K&fJfjaAe, Ep. for Kart&aXt, aor. 2 of KaraffaWa/.
in the track, a tracker out Kafjfias, poet, for Kara^ds, aor. 2 part, of /taror
iXV€vp,*)v, ovos. 6, {Ixyevv) the tracker: an Egyptian Paiva/.
animal of the weasel kind, the ichneumon or Pharaoh's Kdpeipoi, 0/, /£* Cabeiri, divinities worshipped by
rat, which hunts out crocodiles' eggs. the Pelasgians in Lemnos and Samothrace they were :

txveuots, «vt, r), (lxv(va/) a tracking. represented as dwarfs, and were called sons of He-
Ixvcvrrjs, ov, i, a tracker, hunter. 2. the ichneu- phaistos or Vulcan, as being masters in the art of
mon: and working metals.
IxveuTiKOS, T), 6v, good at tracking. From Kd-y, Ep. for Hard before 7, as KoVy y6vv.
ixvcixft, f. aw, (i\vot) to tract' or trace out. hunt after. tcdyic&vos, ov, (Kaiw) fit for burning, dry.
txviov, t6, (Jxv^ a track, trace, footstep. Kay\d£to, fut. daw, = icaxdfa. Hence
Ixvo-ttcStj, 17, (fxvos, vcb]} a kind offetter or trap. Kay\dXdb), to laugh aloud, Lat. cacbinnor ; Ep. 3
TXN02, (»*, to, a track, footstep: metaph. a pi. KayxaXdwaiv Ep. part. uayxcJ^ooiv, -oojoxl. ;

track, trace, mark, clue. Kdyxpvs, see icdxpvs.

iXvo-o-KO-rrc*). (tx^os, oicoirloS) to examine the track. Ka-ycu, crasis for ical (yd/.
TXtlT, wpot, 6, ichor, the fluid that flows in the Ko.6, Ep. for Hard before S, as Kai $4.
veins of gods Ep. ace. lx&, for ix&pa. Ka88pS0rrr|v Ep. for uaTtSpaetrnv, 3 dual aor. a

Id/, o, gen. IrrSt, nom. pi. fire* (tvrofioi) a worm of KaTa&apQdva).


that eats born and wood, [t] Ka85vvapiv, Ep. for KareL bvvafuv.
Cvj/ao, 2 sing. aor. I of tirrofwu. Ka88vo*ai., Ep for /caraoviai, nom. pi. aor. 2 part,
iu>, snbj. of (tfu too. of Karadvo/.
Id, contr of idopmi.
for laov, imperat. KaSepwv, Dor. for fcrjoffiaiv.

lut, tot O
an exclamation of joy, as in Lat. jo tri-
! KdSCaKOS, d, Dim. of icddos : the balloting-urn.
umpbe ! but Att. also of fear, sorrow, etc., ob! KaSpcios, a, ov, (Kddftos) Cadmean ; ol K aofxf tot
lu>, uav, iwyci and luvya,, Boeot. for tyu, iyd/v, and the Cadmeans or ancient inhabitants of Thebes r) ;

lywyc. Kaffida the citadel of Thebes. Proverbial, Kaofitia

i<ayt\. r), (Uvai^ shelter; Bopiv vir' iaryf? under shelter v'ua\ a Cadmean victory, i.e. dear-bought victory (from
from the north wind. the story of Polynices and Eteocles).
i&rf|. r), (Id, uiA any loud sound; the sound of the KaSpeCcov, cjvos, 6, (KdSfios) a descendant of Cad-
lyre the roaring or whistling of the wind; the sound mus, Theban.
of footsteps. Ka8u.Tf£os, 77, Ep. and Ion. for Ka6>«fo«.
uoKa, heterocl ace. of lo/Kt), as if from ld/(. Ka8pt)ts, and Ion. fern, of Kao>«o*.
thot, Ep.
icDK-q, r), (did/Kiu) (be battle-din, the rout, pursuit. Ka8pos, 6, Cadmos ; son of the Phoenician king
vdw, tiovyo., v. Id/. Idjv. Agenor, brother of Europa, founder of Thebes in
"ION, ojvom, 6, Ion, son of Xuthus (or Apollo) and Boeotia, who brought from Phoenicia the old Greek
Creiisa, from whom sprung the Ionian race ol 'low(t; alphabet of sixteen letters, hence called Ka5fit)l'a ypd/x-
the Tonians. [r] fiara, which was afterwards increased by the eight
Ut/vui, at, r), (tov) a violet-bed. Lat. violariutn. Ionic, rjo/QiPxii^-
: : — : — :

338 KtSbo? — Ka0€L(ra.

k&Sos, (xafeiv) a pail, jar, cask, Lat cadus

6, II. part.) fastened or attached to a noose. 3. = KaOan-
an urn or box for collecting the votes. \j£\ Topai, to lay bold of II. Med., fut.
kcLSos, (os. To. Dor. tor terfios. -aipojjai —
to lay bold fasten upon, esp. to accost
Kdcipa, 7), ftm. of Kap, a Caric 1 woman. II. one. a. to assail, attack, upbraid. 3. to ap-
Adj. fm. for KapiKt), Canan. peal to one as witness, claim as a witness, Lat.
tcaeis, aor. 2 part. pass, of xai<v. antes 'ari.
Kdrip-cvat, Ep. aor. 2 pass. int. of mica. Kd0ap€VT«ov, one must keep clean, be pure, rtvot
KaY), fut. 2 pass, of icata). from a thing verb Adj. from

Kd0d, Adv., contr. from Kara, a, according as. Kd0dp€vu, f. aw, (Kadaput) to be clean or pure : esp.
KaQ-ayifa, f. iooj Att. iw, {Kara, ayifa) to devote or to be clear or free from guilt.
dedicate by fire. II. to burn as a sacrifice, burn Kd0dpigo>, fut. iaew Att. tew, « ua$aipaj, to cleanse,
as incense : devour. Hence purify, make clean.
Ka0oY<.crp.6s, o, a devo ing or dedication byfire. II. Kd0dpios, ov, (/taOapSs) cleanly neat. Hence
a burning of a dead body : funeral rites. Kd0dpLOTT]S, rjTot, r). cleanliness, neatness.
Ka0-aYvi£t»>, f. low Att. iw {Kara, ayvis) to make KaOdpicrpos, 6, {Ka6api$oS) a cleansing, purifying.
pure, cleanse, hallow. II. to offer as an atone- Ka0apu,a, aros, to, (KaOaipv) that which is thrown
men' or exriafion. away in cleansing : in pi. offscourings, defilement. II.
KaOaip-aKTOs, Cv, bloodstained bloody. From metaph. a worthless fellow, castaway, outcast. III.>, f. £<v, {Kara, aijxdecw) to make bloody, a space purified with proper rites ; ivros Ka.9dfpa.Tot
stain with blood. within the purified ground.
Ka0-at(jiSr6a), = Kadaifxaanoj. Ka0-app.6£<>>, f. aa>, to join or fit to.
Ka0aCpfO-ts, tojs. r), {KaOaiptoS) a putting down, de- KdGappos, 6, (Kadaipaj) a cleansing, purifying. 2.
stroying : a pulling down, demolishing. an a'onement, expiation.
Ka0aip«T«os, ia, tov. and Ka0atper6s, d, 6v, verb. KA~0A~PO'2, a, Cv, clean, pure spotless, unsoiled,
Adj. of KaOaiptcv, to be put down : to be accomplished. of garments. II. clear, open, free; ivKa.6a.pqj
Ka0aip€T7js, ov, 6. a destroyer. From (sub. Tuira)) in an open space, in a place clear from
Ka0-aip(a> Ion. Karaipcco fut. rjau fut. 2 KafeKw: : dead bodies ; iv KaOapy r)\io) in the open sun, opp. to
aor. Ka9(T\ov, inf. tsadeKctv to take down ; Kad- : the shade. III. in moral sense, with clean bands,

t\uv laria to lower the sails ; u<p9aXfiovs KaQtktiv to pure, free from offence. IV. pure, bright, clear;
close the eyes of the dead ; KaOaiptiv oekrjvrjv to bring hence genuine, true. V. generally, perfect, com-
down moon, Lat. coelo deducere lunam : generally,
the plete, effective
; to Kafapov tov OTparov the portion
down any hing bung up; hence Med., KaOax-
to take of the army fit for service. Hence
puaOai to. ru£a to take down one's bow from the Kdddp6rTis, tjtos, r), cleanness, purity.
pig. 2. to tah down by force, pull down, over- Ka0-apira£u>, fut daoo or d£a>, to tear or snatch down.
power : also to bumble, re-
also to demolish, destroy
: KaGdpoTos, ov, (na9aipcu) cleansing, purifying, ex-
duce : esp. of a decree or resolution, to
to depose : pia ory. II. as Subst., t6 KaQdptimv (sub. itpov),

cancel, rescind it as Itw-term, to condemn.

: 3. to an expiatory sacrifice : purification, expiation.
bring to an end, accomplish, achieve: Med., xovrai- icdOapo-is, e<us, r), (na6aipa)) a cleansing, purification.
pfeaOai u,(ya\a irpayfiara to achieve great feats. 4. Kd0apTT|s, ov, 6, (naOaipa)) a cleanser, purifier.
like alp iv, to take and carry off, seize. KaOeSoOu-ai, fut of xafif^opm.
Ka0aipo), fut. KaOapCj; aor. I ^KaO^pa Pass , aor. I — Ka0-c8pa, (xara, ihpa)r), a seat; 7) teatiopa rev Kayw
tKadapdrjv: pf. KoedOappat: (Ka9ap6s): to make pure — the hare's seat or form. II. a sitting still, loung-
or clean, cleanse : pu-
in religious sense, to cleanse, ing, delaying.
rify, purge: Med. to have oneself purified. II. Ka0-f £ : impf. KaOf^/ir/v, but also iKa0e(6pLt)V
to purge off, wash away, to cleanse away, atone for, (as if the Verb were not
a compd.): fut. KaO*Zovpuu
expiate. aor. I Ka6«j$(it Dep. : to sit down, sit still,
part. :

Kd0-a\Aou,cu, fut. aXovpuxi aor. KaOijKdfirjv: Dep.: to linger, tarry: to sit as suppliants of an army, to
— to leap down, Lat. of a storm, to rush down.
desilire :
: r

sit down in a country, take up a position.


Kr'i0apu.a, aros, to, (KaOarrroj) anything tied, a knot, KaOcTjica, Fp. and Ion. aor. I of KaBirjpu.
Ka.9ap.fia Kvav \6yov to untie a knotty point. Ka0€ta.TO, Ep. for (KclOtjvto, 3 pi. impf. of icdQrjpm.
Ka.6-o.vva>. Att. for Karavvaj. Ka0eiXov, aor. 2 of Ka6aipioj.
Ka0-aira|, Adv. once for all: altogether., pf pass, of KaOirjpu..
Ku0d-Tr€p Ion. KaTdircp, Adv. - KaQa with enclit. Ka0-€(pyvvp.i and KaQtipyu, Att. for /wit-: f. -(ip£o>:
v(p. even as, just as. aor. I -up£a: (/card, tipyw): to shut up, enclose, —
Ka0atrr6s, f), 6v, fastened on or to ; KaOairrtt hopatt confine.
clad in sKins. From Ka0-6is, for xa6' eTt, one by one, one after another;
Ka0-dirra>, f. xpoj : aor. T KaBrppa : (icara, &irr<u) : also eit Ka6(is, for tit icaO' tva.
to tie or fasten en — Pass., &p6\V xa6Tjp.pi.ivot (pf. Ka6eio-a, Ep. aor. I of KaBifa.
— : — : — :

Ka$€KTos — KadiaTciva). 339

KaOcKTos, 17, oV, (fearixoi) to be held bach. (Ka0r)ixr)v : — properly perf. of Ka$i£ofiai, to have seated
KaOeXciv, aor. 2 inf. of Kadaipeoj. oneself to be seated, sit : of judges, to have taken their
Ka9-*\laro~ii}, f £cv, to wrap round, in/old: Ion. plqpf.
seats in court : generally, to take up one's abode, so-
pass. KaT(i\ixa-TO, for KaOuXiypivoi
journ, dwell : in bad sense, to sit idle, be listless, lie
kci(M\ku>, f. -t\£<u or -ikicvaoj (as if from -cXkvoj): unemployed : of an army, to encamp : to lie in wait.
aor. 1 Ka6(i\Kuaa pf. KaOttK/cvica
: Pas., aor. I Ka- —
Ka0-T)ucpios, a, ov, also Ka0T)u.epivbs, f), 6v, {icatt

0( iXkvcOtjv pf. Ka6fiKnva^ai:

: to cfrau/ down, esp. —
fjljL(pav) happening every day, daily.
of ships, /o launch, Lat. deduco. Kd0flpa, Ep. fur i/cddr/pa, aor. I of /cadaipa).
Ka0c\oLcra, Dor. for KaOtXovoa, fem. of Ka$e\ujv. K<i0T]O-06, 2 pi. of KaOrjfiai but Ka0i cr0€, 2 pi. Ep. :

Ka0cXu>, fut. of Kadaiptaj. impf. of same.

KaOcXwv, aor. 2 part, of KaOatpeu. Ka0T)o-o, imperat. otudOrj/xai kcUJtjoto, 3 sing. impf. —
Ka0-twOp.i, /o c/o/fo ; see Karaivvvyu. Ka0Tjv8ov, impf. of icaOcvdw.
KaOc^TJs, Adv. (#aTa, €X<w) in order, in succession. Ka0-i8pvo), f. vaoj [v] :— Cnusal of KaOt^ofiai, to
Kafclis, ecus, 17, (/fart x<w) a holding, keeping bold of. make to sit down, set down : to establish, institute: of
Ka6e£a>, fut. of Karix 01 - sacred things, to consecrate: Pass, to sit down, settle. —
K<a0-€p^.a, aros, to, {Kara, tpfia) a necklace. Ka0-tcpai, Pass, of KaQ'vnpu.
Ka0-«pTru), f. -epirvoa) (as if from -epirvai) : aor. I Ka0-t€p6o>, f. w<ioi, to dedicate, consecrate, devote,
KaOfipirCca : (/rara, €/)7ra») :
to creep or s^a/ cfow/« hallow.
metaph. of the first down, to steal down the cheek. Ka0-i£dvb), {nard, i^oS) to sit down.
K(i0€s, aor. 2 imptrat. of Ka9ii]fii. Ka0i£eo, Dor. for Ka$i£ov, med. imperat. of sq.
KaGecrOeis, aor. I part. pass, of Ka6((ofiai. Ka0-i£b> : impf. m0t£ov or tedOi^ov Att. tied6i£ov (as, Ep. 1 pi. pf. of KaOiarrjui. if the Verb were not a compd.) : fut. Kadiacv Att. tca-
Ka0€<rTT)Ku>s, wo, 6s, pf. part, of Ka6i.CTT)fu. 0iu> Dor. Ka$i£w: aor. I tiedOToa Dor. Ka0i£a. Ep.
•ca0€o-TY)£ci>, fut. 3 of KaQioTTjfxi, with inir. sense. part. xaOiaaas another Ep. form of aor. I is KaQeiaa,

Ka0co-TaVra, ojv, rd, syncop. part. pf. plur. neut. of also written KaOiaa, always used in Causal sense:
KaOiarrnu, existing laws, customs, usages. (Kara, 'ifa): I. Causal, to make to sit down;

Ka9-€v8cu : impf. Ep. Ka6evBov, Att. also KaBrjvb'ov dyopds KaOlaai to make an assembly be seated, i. e.
and f/eddevSov: fut. KaOevbrjaoj: to lie down to — sleep, open one generally, to set, appoint, constitute.
: 2.
sleep, slumber : metaph. to rest, be at rest. to place or settle in a place, establish. 3 to place one .

Ka0-cvp 10-Kb), f. -prfaoj, to find out, discover. in a certain condition, make one so and so. II.

Ka0-e4"-cio(icn, f. -rjaofiat, (Kara, (if/idojMi): Dep.: intr. to sit down, be seated, sit, esp. to sit at meals
— to mock at, deride ; Ep. 3 pi. KaTfif/ioojvrai. of an army, to sit down in a country, encamp.
KaG-td/fc), fut. t\p-qo<o, (tcard, eipcv) to boil down, di- Ka0-tT)pi, fut. Kadrjao}-. aor. I Ka9r}ica Ep. naOirjKa:
gest. II. metaph. to soften, temper. pf.KaOtixa, pass. {Kara, trjfit) : to send

•cd&g, Att. for KaOrjaai, 2 sing, of KaOrjfJuii. down, let down, let fall, Lat. demitto; KaOiivai ttjv
Ka0T|"y€p.iov, uvos, 6, r), {Kara, r)y€^ajv) a leader, guide. aytcvpav to let go the anchor KaQuvai Karairupr}- ;

ita0-t) Y«, f. -rjaofMi {Kara, Jjyeopai): Dep.: Trjplrjv to let down a sounding-line, hence absol., Ka-
— to lead the way, be guide: hence to shew the way in

Oievai to sound: — metaph to put forward, attempt

doing a thing, to establish, ordain, to dictate, prescribe, — Pass, to be carried down, reach or stretch down sea-
Lat. praeire verbis. Hence wards; Kaduro rd Ttixr) the walls were carried down
a leader, guide, teacher.
KaOrjYTjTTjs, ov, 6, to the sea. II. to send down into the place of
Ka0T)Yura, aor. I of Ka9ayifa. contest, enter for a contest. III. intr. to come
Ka0TjYvuro, aor. I of Ka$ayvlfa. down upon, attack.
Ka0-T)Sv7r£0cu>, f. -qa<u, {Kara, ^hxmaOiw) to squander kcl0ik<o, 2 sing. aor. 2 of KoBiKvlofxai.
in luxury. Ka0-lKCT€va>, to intreat earnestly.
Ka0TJKa, aor. I of nadir) yn. Ko0-iKv«opai, fut. -i£of*ai aor. 2 -Tk6ht)V (Kara, : :

k<i0-t)kco, f. (<u, {Kara, come or go doivn, go

r\K<u) to iKveopMi) : Dep. to come down, come to, reach to:

down to fight. 2. to come down to, come or reach hence to touch, probe.
to, extend to. II. to reach as far as, to suffice or Ka0-ipdo>, f. Tjoou, {xard, Ifidco) to let down by a rope.
be enough for a thing: to be meet, proper. 2. part., Ka0(gas, Dor. for KaOiaas, aor. I part, of Kadifa.
to KaOfjicov, ovtos, and rd KaOrj/eovra, that which is kci0l£t), Dor. for KaOiog, 2 sing. aor. 1 of Ka6tfa.
meet or proper, one's duty: but also to Ka6r)Kovra = Ka0-iiTTrd£, f. -doofwt Dep. to ride down, :

rd Ka9(o-Twra, the present state of things, circum- overrun with horse : generally, to trample down.
stances. Ka0-iirir€vco, f. aa>, to ride down, trample underfoot.
Ka0-T)Xid£*), {Hard, fj\io$) to bring the sun in upon, Ka0icra, Att. aor. I of KaOifa.
to illuminate. KaOtora.or -ttj, for KaQioraQi, imperat. of KaBtarrjfu. : imperat. nddrjao ; subj. Kadojfiai ; opt Ka0-icrrdvw and ica0-urrd<i>, forms of the pres. koB-
Kaeointjv ; inf. tcae^a6cu ;
part. KaG-q^vot : impf. iarrjfM.
— : —— — : ::

340 KaOCcrrrjiAL — kcl( k€.

Ka0-Ccmr)fn L in Causal sense, pres. Ka9i- Ka0-virv6a>, f warn, to he fast asleep : also in Med.
arijfxi, impf. KaOloTijv, fut. Karaor-qaw, aor. I Kark- Ka0-uiroKpivop,ai Dep (Kara, viroKp'ivopai)
: to :

OTijoa : so also of the Med., pres. KaOiordpat, impf. deceive by false appearances. II. c. inf. to pretend

KaOiOTdfXTjv, aor. I Karcarqadfi-qv to set down, put : to be other than one is, personate some person or thing.
down :bring down to a place and set there Kara- ; Ka0-v4>CT)p.i, i.-vcpiicra): (Karn,v<pir)fju) :
— to let loose,
arrj iai vrja to bring a sh p to land, put in. 2. to let go, hence to give up, betray. 2. intr. to slacken
se'tle, ordain, appoint, establish, put in train : gene- one's exertions. 3 Med., Ka9v<pieff9ai rivt to give
rally, to set in order, arrange: also to restore: Med. — way, yield : also '0 slacken in one's exertions.
to appoint for oneself, choose: to make or render so KaGcopai, subj. of k69tj^juh,
and so, bring into a certain state. II. Iutrans. Ka0us, Ad^. {Kara, ws) according as, as.
in aor. 2 Kartarrjv, pf. Ka9karrjKa, plqpf. Ka9corr}K(iv, KAI', Conjunct., and, I. joining words
and in all tenses of Pass. :
to be placed, set down and sentences, like Lat. et, while enclit. rt answers
to settle oneself. 2. to be set, established, ap- to Lat. que : when in Prose two w rds or clauses are
pointed. stand quiet or calm ; jrvevfw. itaO-
3. to closely combined, re Kai are of; en used, dpitroi re
tar-qKus a calm of persons, to become calm and com-
: Kal Keovres bears and lions, both as creatures of one
posed. 4. to be in a certain state; fZ Karaarrjvai kind : 9avfxd£ovrai ws ao<poi re teal evrvxeis yeyevn-
to come to a good issue. 5. to be usual or custom- fxivot they are a. 'mired both as wise and fortu-
ary ; to be or become : Ka9(arijKws Ion. Kareorews, nate. II. also, used to make a single word or
existing, established; rd KadtarOira existing laws, clause emphatic, iirtird pit koX \liroi alwv then let
customs, usages. life also forsakeme. 2. with Participles or Adjec-
Ko0iOTwvT€S, pres. part. pi. of KaOiaraoj. tives, Kai mav
be rendered by though, although, al-
ko.0-6, Adv. for KaO' o, in so far as, according as. beit, as, "EKTopa, Kal fiefxawra, ptd.XV s 0'XV <reo'^at <w ^
ko.0oXi.k6s, 17, 6v, (/ca0oAo») general, universal. Hector will 1 keep away, bow much soever or although
Ka0-6Xov, for Ka9' oKov, as Adv. on the whole, in he rage. 3. even, to increase or diminish the force
general, generally. of words, esp. with a Comp., as, 9c s Kal dpeivovas
Ka0-o|xoXoY«», f. ^0-0;, (Kard, 6pi»\oykv) to con- tnirovs dwprjaatro Kai is often used in this way be-

fess. II. to promise, engage. fore owtos; with neut. pi., Kal ravra and that, and
Ka0-o-rrXi£a>, f. iooi Att. iu>, to equip or array fully. besides, especially; ri ynp Seivorepov hiKaarov, Kai
Ka0-opda>, f. Karuipofuu formed from Karoirro/xat ravra yipovros; for what is worse than a judge, and
pf. KaOcopdtca : aor. 2 Kartibov, inf. /caridtiv (cf. cf- that an old one (i. e. especially an old one). 4. so also
oov) : to look down. II. trans, to look down in diminishing, lepevos Kal Kairvdv diro9pw0KOvra vorj-
upon : generally, to view, see, behold : to perceive, aat he longs to see even the smoke rising, i. e. were it
observe. but the smoke, only the smoke ols jjb* Kal \eyeiv
;, f. Tjcroj, to set in motion, impel. with whom 'tis sweet only to speak. III. as,
Ka0-oppi£co, f. law Att. lib to bring into harbour, :
after ofxoios, taos, 6 avros. like Lat. ac, atque after
bring to anchor or moorage: and in Pass., with aor. I aeque, simul, perinde, etc.; yvwpngai ixpeovr* opLoir)o~i
med. KaOcupfiiadfiijv, to come into harbour, put in. 2. Kal av they held the same opinion as you. IV.
generally to bring into a certain condition. of number, about Kal es k&h»piriKovra about to the

Ka0-oo-i6o), woto, (koto., oatos) to offer sacrifice

f. number of 70.
— so also in Med. to offer on one's own part. KaidSas, ov, Dor. a, 6, a chasm or underground ca-
Ka0-6n, used as Adv. for Ka9' on, in what manner. vern at Sparta, into which state-criminals were thrown,
KaOov, for KaOiio, aor. 2 med. imperat. of Ka9iijfii. like the Athenian fidpa9pov. (Lacon. word.)
Ka0-v|3pi£a), f. law Att ia>, to treat despitefully, to Kal yap, for truly, to confirm a prop, which of itself
insult wantonly. II. absol. to wax insolent. is tolerably certain; Kal ydp 5^ for of a surety.
Kd9-vSpos, ov, {Kara, v8ojp)full of water; tcd$v5pos Kat ^6, and indeed, Lat. et quidem, to introduce
. .

Kparrjp a cup of water, periphr. for water itseif. someihing more emphatic; Kal \irjv Ketvos ye (01->, f. r\aoi, to sing of, to descant upon. Kori Kflrai 6\*6pco and indeed very deserved. Ve is
Ka0-virep3KOVTi£<i>, f. law, (Kard, vnep-aKovrlfa) — always separated from Kai by one or more words.
to shoot beyond another, excel in shooting. Kal 8t|, and even, also even. II. and indeed,

Ka0-<'ircp0€, before a vowel 0€v, (Kard, vnep9t) certainly : in answers, yes indeed, by all means, Lat.
Adv. from above, down from above. 2. on the upper et certe, et vero. III. supposing it to be the case,
side, above; c. gen., Ka9\nttp9t Xio* above Chios. 3. hzt.fac ita esse. IV. Kal 81) Kal and besides
of Time, before. that also, and moreover.
Ka0-{;ircpTCpos, a, ov, Comp. of iea6vir(p9c, upper, Kal el, even if, although, supposing that, where the
higher, above: of persons, having the upper band, thing may really exist or not whereas with el koI :

superior. Sup. KaOvirtpTaros, 17, ov, highest, up- the thing is supposed as existing.
permost. Kai€p.€v, Ep. for Kaitiv.
Ka0-vTrio-xv€opai, Dep. to promise earnestly. Kat K6, KaC K6V, Ep. for xal av, Kay.
;; : : : ;

KGU/cla? KCLKla. 341

KaiicCas. ov, 6, the north-east wind. I opportunus : — also lasting for II. of a season.
Kal (xdXa, Kal p.dAa y*, aye and very much. I
of the parts
Place, in or at the right or critical place ;

Kal p.T)v, and verily, and certainly. Lat. et vero. II. of the body, vital ; Hard tcaipiov in a
kv Kaipiq) or
and further, and besides. III. in answers, well, vital part —
of wounds, deadly, mortal ; itaipia (sub.
be it so. I rrXrjyq) a mortal wound : generally, rd /caipia acci-
kcuvi£co, f. iaoi Att. iS>, (/eaivSs) to make new, to dents. Hence
have new ; /cai ri Kaivifa arkyij the house has some- I Kaiptcos, Adv. seasonably. II. mortally.
thing new about it ;Kaivtoov £vyov bear thy new yoke KAXPO'2, o, due measure, right proportion,fitness
Kaivioai evx&s to offer strange, new-fangled prayers. i
Kaipov v4pa beyond measure, unduly. II. of
(caivo-irS^s, 4s, (koavos, iraOeiv) newly suffered, Time, the right season, the right time for action, the
never before suffered. critical moment, Lat. opportunitas : generally, conve-
Kaivo-Tn\y-i)s, 4s, {jcaiv6s, irqyvvfu) newly fastened, nience ^advantage, profit ; rrpbs Kaipov, or absol. Kai-
new-made. pov, at the right or proper time, in season, opportunely;
Kaivo-iTT||jui»v, ov, gen. ovos, {icaiv6s, irrjvut) newly kv KaipZ rivi ilvai or yiyvtodai to suit one's conve-
suffering, new to suffering. nience, be of service to him ; Kard KaipSv in due
Kcuvo-iroiea), f. i)oo), (koxv6s, iroUoi) to make new, season, Lat. dextro tempore ; but, dw6 or avev Kaipov
renew : in Pass., ri KaivorroirjOtv \4ycis what new
; or irapd out of season, Lat. alieno tem-
phrases art thou using ? Hence pore. of Place, the right point, right spot:
KaivoirotTjTT|s, ov, 6, an inventor of new pleasures. also a vital part of the body.
KAJNO'2, rj, ov, new, fresh, Lat. recens
; Kaivol KATP05, 6, the webbing or thrums to which the
\6yoi news ; eu Kaivrjs (sub. dpxv s ) anew, afresh, Lat. threads of the warp are fastened. Hence
de novo. II. newly introduced, newfangled, Kaipocrewv, a gen. pi. in Od. 7. 107, Kaipoo~4<uv 660-
strange; Katvoi Oeoi strange gods. vkosv dvoXeiBerat vypov e\aiov from the close-woven
Kaiv6-T&4>os, ov, (icaivos, ra<pos) of a new tomb. linen-cloths trickles off" the liquid oil. It seems to be
icaivorns, ijtos, j). («at vos) newness freshness : novelty. for Kaipoioaojv, gen. pi. fern, of Katpoeis.
Ka.ivoTOjj.ta), f. -qaco, {jcaivorofios) to cut fresh into Kaipo-<pu\&KCb>, f. rjaco, (Kaipos, <pv\aKij) to watch
in mining, to open a new vein : metaph. to begin for the right time, Lat. tempora observare.
something new, institute anew ; to make innovations Kal ravTa, and that, and besides, especially.
in the state, Lat. res novas tentare. Hence KaC toi or Ka£-TOi, and indeed : and yet, although.
Kai.voTou.ia, J7, a cutting anew : innovation. KAI'H Att. Kaco [a] impf. txaiov Att. 4ko.ov Ep. :

Katvo-TOfxos, ov, (icaivos, rcfxeiv) cutting newly : be- k eiov fut. Kavaw aor. 1 eKavaa, Att. also l««a, Ep.
: :

ginning something new, innovating. 6*170 or (K€ia (or without augm. icfja, Kfia) Pass, : —
Kaivovp-y«o, f. rjcoj, (icaivovpyos) to make new. II. aor. 1 (Kav9t]v aor. 2 iKanv pf. KtKavfiai L : :

to innovate, make innovations. Hence to burn, kindle, set on fire: Med. to kindle fires for —
Katvovp-yLa, ^
innovation. oneself: Pass, to be set on fire, takefire, burn. —II.
tcaiv-ovp-yos, ov, (xaivos, * epycu) making new, inno- to burn up, consume : to scorch, shrivel up.
vating : to fcaivovpyov a novelty. ko\k, Ep. for Kara before k, as in kojc Kt<paKrjs.
Kaivoco, f. woo), (naivos) to make new, innovate : kcik, crasis for kox 4k. —
Pass, to becomefond of novelty or innovation. II. K&K-dYYcAos, ov, (KaK&, ayy4\\a}) bringing ill
to devote anew, consecrate, dedicate. tidings.
Kai vij ice, and now perhaps. KaK-d*yy€\TOS, ov, (/ca*d, dyy4\\oj) caused by ill
KAI'NTMAI, impf. Uaiv^rjv [v] : pf. (in pres. ; KaKayyeXra axn the* sorrow of ill tidings.
sense) Kknaayjax Dor. KtKabfjuxi, plqpf. (in impf. sense) KaK-dyopos, Dor. for Kaicqyopos.
iKfKaayLrjv, formed as if from icafa: — to surpass, KaK-av8pCa, (KaKos, dvqp) unmanliness, coward-

excel ;(Katvvro <pv\' dvOpojnojv KvBepvrjaai be sur- ice.

passed mankind in steering 4yx fl V fteKacrro TJav4\- ; KaKct, by crasis for Kai 4kci, and there, there also.
\rjvas be excelled all the Greeks in throwing the spear; KaKCivos, kokcivov, by crasis for Kai 4kuvos, etc.
so in part., 8u\oio~i KCKaafjikvos surpassing all in wiles; K&K-earriti, ovs, 5), (KaKos, dpi sum), ill-being, opp.
but K(ieacrfi4vos also well-fur nished. to evtori) well-being.
Kal vvv, and now even now. Kaici], 1), (KaKos) badness, baseness : cowardice.
KAI'Nfl,, fut.> aor. 2 Ikomov, inf. k&vuv pf. KSKT)Yop€(<>, f. rja<u, (Kaiefjyopos) to speak ill of, abuse,

KfKova —
to kill, slay slaughter.
: :

slander. Hence
Ktu-irep, (xai irtp) although, albeit. K&KT)YopCa,i}, evil-speaking, abuse, slander, calumny;
Kal irws and bnw f but bow T when a thing is sup-
; KaKrjyopias diKt] an action for defamation.
posed to be impossible : only interrog. KiK-Tiyopos. ov, (KaK6s, dyoptva)) evil -speaking,
Kai pa, Ep. and then, and so.
KaCpios, a, ov, also os, ov, (icaipSs) : in season, sea-
abusive, slanderous, calumnious irreg. Comp. and —
Sup. KOKiryopiartpos, -iararos.
sonable, happening at the right or critical time, Lat. I
KOKCa, ^, (KaKos) badness, baseness, cowardice, Lat
: ; ;


malitia. wickedness, vice, Lat. pravitas.

i. II. K&Kc-Opoos, ov, contr. -©povs, ow, (lea/eSt, 0p6os)
disgrace, dishonour. speaking ill; \6yos KaicoBpovs a slanderous word.
k3kC£ci), f. io<u Att. iSi, (kcikus) to make or think had, K&ko tX.!.os, 17, = KaKi) "JXios,
evil or unhappy Ilium.
to abuse, blame, reproach. II. to make cowardly: KaKOK«p8«ia, base love of gain.
17, From
— Pass, to behave basely, play the coward to be — k5ko-kcp8t]s, t's, {Kanos, Htphos) making base gain.
worsted. KaKo-icvap.os, ov, (Kaxos, icvr/fir)) Dor. form, thin-
Kaicurros, rj, ov, irreg Sup. of hclkos. legged.
kSkCov, ov, gen. ovos, irreg. Comp. of ica/cus. [t Ep., KdKO-Kpto-ia,fj, (/cattos, Kpivaj) a bad judgment.

t in Att. poets.] KdKo-Xo-ycu, (itaKokuyos) to speak ill of, rail at.

KaKtcda), (jcaKKrj) the Lat. cacare. Hence
KaKKeiai, Ep. for KaTatteiai, aor. I inf. of tcdKoXoyia, j), evil-speaking, railing, abuse.
KaxK€iovT€S, Ep. KaraKciovTfS, part, of tcara/cuo). KdKO-Xoyos, ov, («a«o«, Keyw) evil-speaking, railing,
KaK-K€<J>dX-r)s, better divisim kcLk K((paXrjs, Ep. for slanderous, abusive.
uara KfcpaXfjs. KdKo-p.avTis, ecus, 6, 7), = ita/cbs ndvns, prophet of ill.
KA'KKH, human
ordure, dung.
j), KdKO-p.cX«TOS, ov, (kokCs, fiiKos) ill-sounding.
KaKK-rjai Ep. KaraKijai, aor. 1 inf. of HaTaieaia). KdKop.crpco), f. rjaoj, to give bad measure. From
KdKKopvOa, KaKKopu4>T|v, better divisim kolk tcop- t KdKo-|i<FTpos, ov, {tcaicos, fi(Tpov) in bad measure.
Ep. far Kara Kopvfia, Kara Kopvcprjv. KdKO-p.T)8T|S, «'s, (kokos, fx.Tjb'os) contriving ill, crafty.
KaK-Kpvnrra), Ep. for Kara-tcpi/ino). KdKO-p.T)TTJS, OV, 6, («a*u$. fJLTJTls) = KCLKOfJ.Tjb'TjS.
KaK-Kt5v7]Y«Tis, 180s, 1), for KaraKvvnyeTis. KdKop.Tixaveo), i.-qo<u, («a/fO/i^xavo *) t0 Practise base
kSko-Pios, ov, (ita/tos, (iios) living badly, living a arts. Hence
bard life, faring hardly. KdKop.T)xdvia, i), a practising of base arts, ingenuity
fiovXtvopai, Med. to act unwisely.
ko.k From in mischief
kSko-|3ovXos, ov, (ica/cos, fSovXrf) ill-advised, unwise. KdKo-p.T)xdvos, ov, (tca/cus, ftrjxavf}) mischief-plotting,
k&ko-ycitwv, ov, gen. oves, (/ca^os, ydrajv) a bad mischievous, malicious.
neighbour, or a neighbour in misery. K&Ko-p.oipos, ov, (tca/cos, fioipa) ill-fated.

KaK6-YX(oo-o"OS, ov, {tcatcos, y\waaa) ill-tongued K&x6-p.op4>os, ov, (lea/eos, fiopcprj) ill-sbapen.

po^l KaKuykojffo-cs a cry full of misery. i. slan- k ate 6- void, »}, {icaKuvovs) illwill, malice, opp. to cv-
derous. voia.
K&Ko8aip,ovd<i>, (KaKotkxifMJv) to be tormented by an KdKOvojiCa, ^, a bad system of laws, a bad constitu-
evil genius, be like one possessed. tion, bad government. From
Kdico8atp.ovtu>, f. i\a<i), (icaKobaifJuav) to be unhappy K&Ko-vop.os, ov, (icaicos, vofios) with bad laws, with
or unfortunate. Hence a bad constitution, ill-governed.
K&Ko8ai|jiov[a if, unbappiness, misfortune. II. k&ko-voos, ov contr. -vovs,
; ow, pi. Kauovoi
a being possessed by a demon, raving madness. (nanus, voos) ill-dhposed: disaffected: bearing malice
KotKo-oaifjicjv, ov, gen. ovos, (m/cus, oaifxajv) having against one. Comp. and Sup. leaKovovarepos, -vov-
an evil genius, ill-starred, ill-fated, unhappy, 0T0.TOS.
wretched. II. as Subst. an evil genius. KdK6-wp.<f>os, ov, (/caxSs, vv/juprj) ill-wedded. II.
K&KoSo£ca>, f. -fjaoi, («a/co5e£os) to be in ill repute. as Subst., fcateovv/Mpos, 6, a bad or unhappy bridegroom.
KaKo8o|ia, j), (/caKoSogos) ill repute, infamy. KdKo-£evos Ion. -jj«ivos, ov, (jcaic6s, (ivos) having
k&ko-So£os. ov, (Hands, 86(a) in ill-repute, without illguests : irreg. Ep. Comp. KaKo£etvwr(pos. II.

fame, unknown. II. infamous. unfriendly to guests, inhospitable.

Kdico-SpopXa, ^, (kcuc6s, 8pufios) a bad passage. Kdico-£vv€TOs, ov, (kokos, (vv€t6s) wise only for evil.
Kaxo-€ifxu)v, ov, gen. ovos, (na/c6s, ef/xa) ill-clad. KdKoird06ia, 1), (KaKoiradrjs) ill plight, distress.
KdKocpyia, i), p .et. for /caic-ovpyia, ill-doing. From KdKOirddcco, f. rjaoi, to suffer ill; to be distressed.
k5ko-«py6s, ov, (naKos, *€py<v) doing ill ; /caitoepyds From
yaorrip the importunate sumach, like Lat. fames im- KdKO-ira0T|s, is, (jtaicot, iraOetv) suffering ill, dis-
proba. tressed.
K&ico-gota, i), (nan6s, £ota poet, for (adj) a miserable K&ico-irdpdcvos, ov, {khk6s, irapBivos) unbecoming a
life. maid.
k&kot)0€i«., ij, badness of disposition, malicious- KdKo-iraTpLs, tbos, 6, 1), (tea/cos, var^p) having a
ness. II. bad manners or habits. From low-born father, of low descent.
KdKO-T)0r]s, €$, (k&kqs, fjOos) of ill habits, ill-dis- KdKO-mvTjs, cs, (kolhvs, vivos) foul and loathsome.
posed, malicious : rb KaieStjOes an ill babit, Lat. scri- k£koitoic<i>, f. T]<ja), (xaKoitoios) to do ill, be a
bendi cacoetbes, an itch for writing. rogue. II. trans, to hurt, spoil, lay waste. Hence
KdKO0T|ao<nivT]..i), disorderliness. From KdKO-n-oita, ij, ill doing, damage.
KdKo-0T)p.wv, ov, gen. ovos, (kukos, riOijfu) ill-ar- Kdico-rroios, 6v, (mk6s,itoUo)) doing ill, mischievous.
ranged, disorderly, careless. KdKo-iroTp-os, ov, {kok6s, irorftos) ill-fated.
— : : :


k&k6-ttov%, 6. vow, t6, gen.
t), irob'os, (ica/cos, itovt) k&kottjs, rjros, r), (ica/cos} badness, baseness, coward-
with bad feet ', weak in the feet. ice, like Kajtn. Ii. moral badness, Wickedness,
K&KO-irpa-Y<<i>, f. Tjtra;. (ica>c6s, irpdyos) to be ill off, wortblessness. III. evil, distress, suffer ng.
fare badly, fail in an enterprise. Hence KdKOTpoirCa.r), bad habits, maliciousness, wickedness.
K&KOirpCLyia, 7), ill-success, failure. From
K4Ko-TTpa.Yp.cov, ov, gen. two*, (icaicSs, irpdypa) rfoiagf K&Ko-rpoiros, ov, (ica/cos, rpuiros) of ill habits, mis-
«//7, mischievous. chievous, malignant.
KiKo-iTTepos, or, (icaic6s, irrep6v) ill-omened. kSkotOxm . f. r)0~a). to be unfortunate. From
K&KOp-pA4>Ca, t), ^*a/fu«, ^airr-aO contrivance of ill, K4KO-Ti3xT|S, is, ^Kanus, rvxrj) unfortunate.
miscbievousness. 2. ill contrivance, unskilfulness. K&<ovpyiu>, f. t)trty, {tca/covpyos) to do evil or mis-
K*<op-pT|pcov, ov, (miicus, f>fj pa) evil-speaking. II. chief to be an evil-doer: c. ace. to do evil to one, to
telling of ill. ill-omened. damage, hurt, barm: to ravage a country. Hence
K&Kop-po0cci>, f. rjaw, (icaicSs, p*60os) to speak evil: K&tcovpYia Ep. Kaico€pYiT| [t], r) the character of an
tospeak evil of a person, abuse, revile him. evil-doer, wickedness, villany. From
Kaxop-ptrrros, ov, (icaiCuS, fiviros) foul andfdtby. K&K-ovpjos Ep. KtiKO-epYos, ov, (kmc6s, *ipya))
K A'KO 2, t), 6v, bad. ill, evil, bad in Us kind, worth- doing ill,knavish, villanous : as Subst. an evil-doer,
less: ugly, as opp. to icaXus. 2. bad at one's trade; knave : an offender, criminal. II. doing barm

kolkos dXrjTrjs a bad beggar : cowardly,faint-hearted; j

to one, damaging, bur'ful.
cf. Ha/en. 3. of low birth, mean, vile. 4. in a j
KfiK-ovx*to, f. i)aa), (kokos, Ix ") t0 treat ill, wrong,
moral sense, bad, wicked. 5. of things, bad, bur\ injure.
evil, Hence
evil, mischievous : of omens, unlucky, ill-boding : of KdtouxCa, 7), ill-treatment, ill-conduct; fcaxovxia
words, evil, abusive, foul. II. as Subst. icaicSv, XOovos the devastation of a country.
to, evil, ill. mischief: also woe, distress, loss k&ko-<|><Stis, i5os, 7), {ica/cos, (parts) sounding ill, ill-
also bodily ill, injury. 2. in moral sense, evil, omened.
vice, wickedness; naicov n epScivdo evil or
to KaKo-cJ>p58T)S, is, (kokos, <ppa£opai) devising ill,

ill to any one. III. Degrees of Comparison :

thoughtless, foolish. Hence
irreg. Comp. kokiojv, ov, Sup. leaxiaros, rj, ov. but K&<o-<}>p<£Sia Ion. -C-rj, 7), folly, thoughtlessness.
Xtipajv x ( ip iffr°i' fioaojv ijiciaros are also used as K&Ko-<j>povca>, f. 4\ao}, to be ill disposed, to bear ill-will
Comp. and Sup. of IV. in Compos, it
icaicos. or malice. From
sometimes expresses the fault of excess, and so=* K<fc6-<t>po>v, ov, gen. ovos, (nanus, <ppi}v} evil-minded,
0701', Lat. nimis : but commonly it gives a collat malicious, malignant. II. thoughtless, heedless.
notion of hurtful unlucky, - Sva-, as in icaico-aivos 1 K<X<6-xapTOS, ov, (/caic6s, xc "'/J(U
) rejoicing in the ills

sometimes it marks defect of a property, as in tcaxd- of others, malicious.

maros sometimes it is used like the simple Adj., as KffKO-xpacrp.u>v. ov, gen. ovos, (kokos, xpaofiat) with

KcLKo-ikios for fcafcos *l\tot. scanty means, poor.

k&ko-o-kcAtis, is, (icaicSs, oici\os) with bad legs. kSk6-i|/oyos, ov, (kokos, lpiyai) malignantly blaming.
k4ko-<txtjvtjs, is, {icaic6s, ar/eijvos) of a bad, mean body, k&koco, f. a/era;, (kokos) to treat badly, ill-use, mal-
Kax-ocrpos, ov, (icaicos, oapJ]) ill-smelling, treat : of things, to barm, destroy — Pass, to be ill-

K&K6-o-rrAaYX v °s, ov, (icaicos, avXdyxvov) faint- treated, distressed, to suffer : in pf. pass. part. k(ko-
hearted, cowardly. Kvpivos, disfigured, befouled.
K&ico-<nrop(a, 7), (icaicos, airopos) a bad crop. Ko.KTap.cvcw, Ep. for KaraKTapcvai, KaraKT&vai, inf.
K&KOOTopcco, f. i\a<u, to speak evil of. From of KariicT-qv, aor. 2 of Kara/cre'iva).
k Ko-crTop.os, ov, (kcucos, aropa) evil-speaking Joul* Kax-j&ve, Ep. for KaTOLKTav e, aor. 2 imperat. of /cara-
mouthed. KT(ivo); also for leari/crave, 3 sing. ind.
K&Ko-orp&rros, ov, (kokos, ffrpdivvvpu.) ill-spread, kAkt€iv«, Ep. for KariicTfive, 3 sing. impf. of xara-
rugged. KTflVOJ,
K&KO-o-vvOeTOs, ov, (kok6s, ffwri$r}pu) ill put toge- KATCTOS, t>, the cactus, a prickly plant.
ther, ill composed. KdKvvto, f. vvio. (Katc6s) to damage, injure: —Pass.
k£ko-oxoXos, ov, (kcucSs, cxoXt)) inactive, idle, to behave badly, act basely; of soldiers, to muti-
lazy. II. act., Kanuax ^ 01 wool winds that ny. II. to revile, reproach Pass to be reproached. —
wear men out in idleness. Kcucxevai, Ep. for «arax«u, aor. I inf. of «arax«<w.
k&kot€xvc<0, f. Tjtro;, (icaic6TcxV0 *) t0 practise bad KaKws, Adv. of kokos, ill, badly : with difficulty,
arts, be guilty of mal-practices, act basely, Lat. mali- scarcely. Comp. kcuciov, Sup. Kajctara.
tiose ago. Hence kAkuoxs, *ws, -ff^KaKua)) ill-treatment: a distressing,
KdKorexvla, 7), the practice of bad arts, mal-practice, wearing out : damage, misfortune.
esp forgery, malversation. KdKtoTcpos, Ep. Comp 1
xatc J* : cf. KaKiaiv.
k4"6-tcxvo$, ov, (icaicos, rixyrj) using bad arts or k&A&Oictkos, 0, Dim of KaXaOos, a small basket.
mal-practices, artful, wily. KA'AA'OOS, 6, a basket, a wicker band-basket,

344 KaXa'Cvos — KaXKiemjs.

Lat. calatbus. II. a cooling-vessel, cooler: also I. to call, summon : c. inf. to call on, summon
a kind of cup. to do a thing. 2. to call to one's bouse, to invite,
K&Xdtvos, rj, ov. coloured like the tcaXaXs, between Lat. vocare ad coenam. on or invoke ihe
3. to call
blue and green, of changeful hue. From gods. 4. as law-term, in Act. of the judge, KaXitv
KdXai's, o, a precious stone of a greenish blue, the riva to cite, summon before the court ; in Med. of
topaz or chrysolite. the plaintiff, KakiioOai nva to sue at law, Lat. vocare
KcLXap.aia, 1), (MaKa/xT)) a kind of grasshopper. in jus. II. to call by name, address by name,

KdXd.\i€\rr{\$, ov, 6, {icdkafios) a reaper, mower. II. generally, to name; fcaAuv riva 4mK\rjaiv to call by
an angler. name: — named, receive a name; and in
Pass., to be
KAAA'MH, fj, a stalk of reed or corn, Lat. cala- have been named, and so to be called:
pf. K4fc\T}fiai, to
mus, stipula : a fishing-rod. II. stubble : the pf. pass. freq. means simply to be ; as, rdbt luv
metaph. the residue, remnant, remains: of an old Tlfpawvmard KaKurai these are called (i e are) the
man, KaKdfirjv y4 a' otofiat tloopdojvra ytyvdjafcetv faithful counsellors of the Persians.
thou may'st still, I ween, perceive the stubble {i. e. the K&XT|p.€vai, poet, for koXuv, inf of koX4oj.
relics) of former strength. Ka\-f|TT|S, Dor. and Att. for KTj\r)TT]s.
KaXa|XT)TO|xia, j), a cutting of stalks, reaping. From k4Xt|to>p, opos, 6, (/ta\4a)) a crier.
KOXdp,T)-rop.os, ov, {icaA&fiT), rcpetv) cutting stalks, K&Xtd Ion -i-f|, r), (ted\ov) a wooden bouse, but,
reaping. cabin, cot : a barn, granary : a bird's nest : a wooden
K5\6.\it\-$6\yos, ov, (na\dpt), <p8.yuv) devouring shrine for a statue.
stalks, mowing or cutting them. K&Xt&s, ados, r), = /ca\i&, a but.
KdXSp.T)-4>cpo>, ov, (KaXd/XTj, <pipai) carrying reeds KdXivScopcu, Pass., with fut. med. KaXtvSrjo-ofiai, m
or canes. aXiv54ofjiai, Kv\ivb4ouai, to lie rolling or wallowing:
K&\ap.iv(h), ij, (ko\6s, fdv0a) mint Hence metaph. to be busy with a thing, to be constantly en-
KdXd|x(v0ios, 6, Minty, name of a frog. gaged with it. Hence
KdXdplvos, rj, ov, (KaXanos) made of reed »r cane. KaXiv5T)0pa, r), = aXivi-qOpa, a place for horses to
kSX&pas, ioos, i), (ied\afjLos) a fishing-rod. roll in after exercise.
K&Xdpio-Kos, 6, Dim. of KaKa/xos. KaXXaia, rd, a cock's wattles, Lat. palea : also a
KdXa^iTts, iSos, i), {KaXaiios) a kind of grasshopper. cock's tail.
KdXdp.o€is, fcaa, cv, of reed; HaXa/ioeaaa ia.\d the KaAAciiro), Ep. for MaraXfiiro).
sound as of a reed-flute. From icaXAi-, in compd words, either gives the additional
KA'AA"M02, <$, Lat. calamus, a reed or cane, Lat. idea of beautiful to the simple word ; or is like a mere
arundo : an arrow of reed : a reed-pipe, reed-flute Adj. with its Subst., as KaXXiirais koXt) irats.
a wrtting-reed, used as a pen, generally, a pen, a KaXXi-pX€'4>apos, ov, (tcaWi-, PX4<papov) with beau-
fishing-rod. II. generic term for any plant, which tiful eyelids or eyes.
is neither bush (v\ij), nor tree (tevtyov). Ka\Ai-f36as, ov, 6, (/caWi-, 00%) beautiful-sounding.
K&\&p.o-o~T€<J>T|s, €*, (KaXa/ios, or4<p<u) crowned or KaAAt-f3oTpvs, v, gen. vos, (koWi , fiorpvs) with
covered with reed. beautiful clusters.
K&X5p.6-<t>0o-yY°s, ov, (ndXafies, <p04yyopm) played KaXX£-(3u)Xos, ov, (xaXXi-, fiwXos) with rich soil.
on a reed. KaXAi--yd\T)vos, ov, (jcaKKi-, y&\f)vrj) sweetly-tran-
KaXdcrlpis, ios, j}, a long Egyptian garment with a quil.
border of tassels or fringe. (Egyptian word.) KaXXC-Y&p-os, ov, happy in marriage.
K&\avpo\|/, ottos, r), a shepherd's staffox crook, thrown KaXXiytv€ia, j), (koXXi-, y4vos) bearer of a fair off-
so as to drive back the cattle. spring, mother of beauteous things, the name by which
kSXcco-kov, Ion. impf. of koXIoj; Ep. 3 sing. impf. Ceres was invoked in the Thesmophoria.
med. KaXlaKcro. KaXXi-yvvail, gen. aitcos, 0, t), {koXXi-, ywtf) with
KoX«ovrt, Dor. for KaXiovai, 3 pi. of na\4<v. beautiful women or maidens : the nom. seems never
KaXto-as, aor. I part, of koX4cj. to have been used. [iJ]
«aX«crao-0€, 2 pi. aor. I med. imperat. of Ka\4u. KaXXt-5i vrjs, ov, 0, (icaXki-, Uvrj) flowing with beau-
KdXco-o-a, Ep. aor. I of tea\4oj. tiful eddies. [St]
KaXcOvrai, Dor. for KaXovvrai. KaA\t-S»J>pos, ov, with beautiful chariot.
kolXcvvto, Ep. and Dor. for kicaXovvro, 3 pi. impf. koXXi-66vo|, aitos, 6, j), with beautiful reeds,
pass, of koX4oj. icaWi-IXaios, 6, (itaWt-, cXaia) the cultivated olive,
KAAE'H : Ion. impf. ita\4cfficov: fat. naX4aoi Ion. opp. to dypi4\aios.
and Ep. xaXioj Att. tca\u> aor. I IxAXfoa Ep. l/cd- icaXAi-circa), to speak in fair set terms, in
— -fjao),

\caaa or /ca\4oaa : pf. K(K\r]Ka (for KfKaXrjKa) : high-flown phrases; K(Ka\Kumjti4vot \6yoi high-
Med., fut. teaXioonai Att. tea\ovfuu aor. I knaXfaa- : wrought speeches. From
prjvpoei.KaXfoaafirjv: —
Pass.,fut.*Xi7^(ro/«ii,paullo- KaXAi-€irr|s, 4s, («aAA<-, tiros) beautifully speaking,
post f. K(K\4iooi*ai: zox.i 4ic\i)6riv: pf. k4k\t}(mu. elegant.

KdWupew — /caXXfiOTTKr/zcfe. 345

icaXX-kp&iJ Ion. KaXX-ip&o, f. -fiffoj, (*aXXt-, Up6v): KaAAi-Trpajpos, ov, (tcaXXt-, irpwpa) with beautiful
— to have favourable signs in sacrifice, Lat. litare, prow, of ships metaph. oi men, with beautiful face.

perlitare ;—c. ace. to sacrifice with good omens. 2. KaXXC-irCXos, ov ,{KaXXi-,irvXrj) with beauteous gates.
of the offering, to give good omens, be favourable, KaXXi-irupyos, ov, with beawiful towers, towering.
propitious. KaAXt-irvp'Ywros, ov, (jtaXXi-, rrvpy6<u) built with
KaXXi-£vyf|S, es, (koXXi-, (vyrjvai) beautifully-yoked. beauteous towers.
KoWL-lwos, ov, (m\At-, fyvrj) with beautiful KaXXi-irwXos, ov, with beautiful steeds or colts.
girdles. KaXXi-pc€0pos, ov, (/caXXi-, pitdpov) beautifully
KaXXl-0pi£, rpTxos, 6. 1), (/caXXi-, Opi£) with beauti- flowing.
ful hair or mane : of sheep, with fine wool. KaAA-Lptco, Ion. for tcaXX-icpiai.
KaMi(toT«<i>, f. ijow, to offer auspiciously. From tcaXM-poos, poet, for fcaX\ip-poos.
Ka\Xi-0iJTOS, ov, (koXXi-, Ova) with beautiful or koAAl^ oos, ov, contr. xaXXip-povs, ow, (tcaWt-,
auspicious sacrifices. beautifully flowing.

KaAAt-Kapiros, ov, with fine fruit, rich in fine KdAXio-ra, Adv. Sup. of koXws, most beautifully.
fruit. KaXXi-crrdSios, ov, (itaAAt-, crabiov) with a fine
KaWC-Kcpcos, arros or ot, 6, j), (/raAXt-, Kepas) with race-course.
beautiful horns. ko\Xiot€iov, r6, (Ka\\iffT(vw) the prize of beauty
KaXXi-tcoXwvT), -fj, Fair-hill, a district near Troy. or excellence
: in pi., = dpiarua, the meed of vnlour.
KaXXi-K6p.T)S Dor. -fias, 6, f), and koAAikojaos, ov, KaXXCoT€vp.o, to, the prime of beauty : the first-
(«oXA(-, Kofirj) beautiful-haired. fruits of beauty, the offering of choicest beauty.
KoXAi-Kp-nSep-vos, ov, (tca\\i-, Kp^Sf/xvov) with KaXXtoT€uo), f. ao), {kclXXiotos) to be the most beau-
beautiful fillets or hair-bands. tiful, be esteemed so: generally, to be the most beautiful
Ka\XC-Kpi]vos Dor. -Kpavos, ov, (*aXXi-, icpjjvrj) among others, exceed in beauty.
with a beautiful spring. KaXXu-ore^fivos, ov, beautifully crowned : of cities,
KaXXi-Xap.irlTTjs, ov, 6, (koXXi-, XAfiirai) beautiful' crowned with beauteous towers.
tbining. k<£XXicttos, "n, ov, Sup. of KaXSs.
KaXXt-Xcy&D, («oAAt-,X67(«) to express a thing ele- KaXAt-0-<|>£pos, ov, (acoAAi-, c<pvpov) with beautiful
gantly : — Med. to give a fair name to a thing. feet or ankles.
KaXXi-p.op<j>os, ov, (/raXXt-, pop<p-fj) beautifully KaXAl-To£os, ov, (mXXt-, ro(ov) with beautifiA bow.
shaped. KaXXiTpixas, ace. pi. of icaXXiOpi£.
KoXXlfLos, ov, poet, for tca\6s, beautiful. tcaAAid/, for K&XXiirc Ep. for KariXiirt. ,

KoXXC-v&os, ov, (koXXi-, vow) beautifully flowing. KaAAi-4>€yyifjs, &, (jcaXXi-, ^6770*) beautiful-
kolXXC-vikos, ov, (/fo\Ai-, v'ucrj) with glorious vic- shining.
tory, triumphant. II. crowning or ennobling kaXXC-<J>0OYYOS, ov, (ica\\i-, (pBiyyojiai) beautiful-
victory ; rb koWivikov the glory of victory. sounding.
koXXiov, neut. of KaWuvv, Comp. of tcaXos used : KaXXi-<!>Xo£, <pXoyos, 6, %, beautiful-blazing.
also of Adv., more beautifully. KaXXC-4>vXXos, ov, (/caXAi-, <ptiXXov) with beautiful
KaXAuomr) poet. KaAAi-6-rma, ^, (/raAXi-, 6\fi) Cal- leaves.
USpe, first of the nine Muses, the beautiful-voiced. KaXXt-xopos, ov, Ep. for tcaWi-x&pos, with beautiful
•eaXXt-irais, traiHos. 6, i), with beautiful children. II. places. II. (xopos) of or for beautiful dances:
— koAt) irais, a beautiful child. beautiful in the dance.
KaXXi-'rrdp'QOS, ov, (/caXXi-, irapud) beautiful- KaAAtcov, ov, gen. ovos, Comp. of jea\6s.
cheeked. koXXovt|, ^, (k&XXos) beauty.
KaXXi-irdpdevos, ov, of, with beautiful maidens or KdXXos, gen. eos Att. ovs, t6, (icaX6s) beauty. II.

nymphs. a beauty, beautiful object: in pi. KaXXea, KaXXr], beau-

KAXXtirov, Ep. aor. 2 of KaraXurr<o: inf. fcaWtiriciv. tiful works KaXXea KTjpov beautiful works of wax.

KaXXt-ir«8iAos, ov, (ttaXXi , nebiXov) with beautiful KaXXoo-uvrj, ^, poet, for koXXos, beauty.
sandals. KaXXvvu, f. vvS), (tcaX6s) to beautify; metaph. to
KoXXi-TreirXos, ov, beautifully robed. gloss, colour over — Med. to adorn oneself, plume
icaAXt-ir€TT]Xos, ov, (/eaXXi-, ittT-qkov) with beauti- oneself on a thing.
ful leaves. KoXX-omt^b), f. iau Att. tcD, («dXXo«, anp) to make
KaXXi-mrixvs. v » g en €a>«> with beautiful elbow.
- theface beautiful, to beautify, embellish, give a fair
KaXXi-TrA^Kdp-os, ov, with beautiful locks. appearance to a thing :

Med. to adorn oneself, to
koAXI-itXovtos, ov, adorned with riches. pride oneself, glory in a thing : absol. to make a dis-
KaXXC-lroXis, (us, ij, beautiful city. play. Hence
KdXXtirov, Ep. for KariXittov, aor. 2 of KaraXuirai. KaXXu>mo-p,a, aros, r6, embellishment ; and
KaAAi-Trovos, ov, beautifully wrought. KaXX<i>mo*p.6s, o, an embellishing or adorning on*-
•caAAi-TTOTdp-os, ov, of beautiful rivers. self, making a display.
: : :

346 Ko\ohib&(TKa\os— KA'MNXi.

koXo SiSAo-koAos, 6, = tca\ov Stbaa/caXos, a teacher metaph. to search in the depths of one's mind, to pon-
of virtue. der deeply.
KoAoic&Ya0£a, ij, nobleness and goodness. From KdXxas, avTos, 6, Calcbas, the Greek Seer at Troy:
k&Xo-k i yS.96s, xakos kcu dyaOus, beautiful
ov, i. e. properly the Searcher.
and good, noble and good. KA AXH, ^, also ydXtcrj, the murex, purple limpet,
koXov, to, («ata>) dry, seasoned wood. from which a purple dye was obtained.
KaXo-ir«8rXa, rd, (icdXov, ireSiKov) wooden shoes, koXu>, fis, «, Att. fut. of KaX(o).
used to keep a cow still while milking. k&XwSiov, to, Dim. of koXojs, a small cord or rope.
K<£\o-iroic<i>, f. rjao), (icakos, iroica}) to do good. koXus, Adv. of Ka\6s, beautifully, well; koXws ix (iv
kSXo-itovs, 6, fj, trow, to, gen. voSos, (/caAos, irovs) or Trp&TTCiv to be well off, fare well; c. gen., koXS>s
with beautiful feet. *X (IV Tivv* to be well offfor a thing. i. = irdvv,
KA AO'2, 17, ov, beautiful, fair, Lat. fulcer; 'A\ki- right well, altogether, entirely. 3. in answers, well
PioZtjs 6 KaXut Alcibiades the fair ; to koXuv, like said I bravo I Lat. euge : but also to decline an offer,
koXXos beauty. II. serving a good purpose, fair, thank you I like Lat. benigne.
good; icaXos \ipjjv a fair harbour; iv KaXy (sub. KA'AfiS, o, gen. koXoj ace. kciXojv: Ep. and Ion.
Toirqt or xpuiAy") in good time or place. 2. of sacri- icdXos, ov, 6 :
—a rope, a cable ; dirb koKw irXuv to
fices,good, auspicious. III. morally beautiful, sail at a cable's end, i. e. to have the ship towed
good, right, noble : to ko\6v moral virtue, Lat. bo- koXojv KaTttvat to let down a sounding-line: — also a
nestum. IV. Degrees of Comparison Comp. : — sail-rope, reef; proverb., irdvTa koXojv k£taoi they arc
KaWiow, ov, Sup. KaWiOTOS, rj, ov. V. Adv. ita- letting out every reef, i. e. are using every effort.
AcDs, q. v. :

but neut. koXov is often used as Adv. by KaX<i>-OTp6<pos, 0, (koXojs, aTpi<pw) a rope-twister.
Poets, beautifully. icdp, Ep for xard before /*, as /cdfi fiiv for Kard piv.
KaXos, Ep. and Ion for ttdXcjs, a rope. KSp-cLK tvos, ov, made of brittle wool. From
tcaAoOpai, u, urai, Att. fut. med. of koXcoj. KA'MA3, &kos, 1) or 6, a pole, stake, a vine-
K A'AITI2, ib" os, 1), ace. ted\mv or ndhmba a — Prop. II. the shaft of a spear.
vessel for drawing wa'er, a pitcher, urn: a drinking- KAM ATA, /), Lat. camera, anything with a vaulted
cup : an urn for drawing lots : an urn for the ashes or arched covering, a covered carriage. [«fi/*fi]
of the dead. Kapao-fjvcs, ol, a kind offish.
k&Xv0t), (KaKvirru) a but, cabin, cell, [y]
J}, K5p.dTT)p6s, d, 6v, toilsome, troublesome, weari-
KaVufJiov, to, Dim. of KaXv^rj, a small but. some. II. pass, broken down, worn out. From
KaXvKeom, poet, for k&\v£i, dat. pi. of ko\v£. Kafiaros, 6, (Kdfivw) toil, trouble, labour. 2. wea-
K&XuKO-0TC<f>&vos, ov, (/cdAv£, ffTt<pavos) crowned riness, distress. II. that which is hardly earned;
with flower-buds. JjpeTfpos KOfxaros our bard-won earnings, [led]
KoXvic-wms, ibos, 1), (*dAt/£ , w\f) like a /lower-bud, Kdp&r-w&ns, €*, (KdfjuxTos, (Tbos) toilsome.
blushing, roseate. Kap.-j3aivci>, Ep. for /carafiaivat.
icdXvppa, aros, t6, (leaXvirTai) a covering, a bood Ka|x«, Ep. for txafif, 3 sing. aor. 2 of icdpvu.
or veil. 2. a grave. K<!p.€, crasis for koi Ipi.
icdXv£, ij/cos, (koXvittw) the cup or calyx of a
-ff, Kap-tiv, aor. 2 inf. of itdfivoj.
flower, a flower-bud; koKvkos \v Kox^vpaai when the Kap.ciTai, 3 sing. fut. of K&fivo).
fruit is setting. II. in pi., Kakvias are women's Kdp,T|Xos, 6 and 1), a camel 1) «d/i7}\os, like — ^ tn-
ornaments, made of metal, so called from their iros, the camels in an army. (From Hebr. Gdmal.)
shape. Kap.!vevTT)p, fjpos, 6, (Kdfuvos) one that works at a
KlXvirmpa, %, like KaXvrrrpa, a veil. furnace; av\os Kapivevr'fjpihe pipep/a smith's bellows.
KS\virT6s,i7,oi', verb. Adj. of koAvutcj, covered. II. k4|i.iv€vtt|s, ov, 6, - Kafuvtvri)p.
wrapped round : enveloping. icapivot, dat. of Kapxvw.
KdXviiTpa Ion. -frTpi), fj, a woman's veil ; Svofapd Kdp.lvos, 1), (/eaiaj) an oven, furnace, or kiln. Hence
KaKvirrpa the mantle or veil of darkness. From K&p.tvu, ovs, dat. a furnace-woman.
of, ij,
KA AT'IITfl, f. \flpo) : aor. 1 Uakwpa :—to cover, Kap.p.£v, or better k6\\x, Ep. for /rard filv.
vvkti KoXityas having covered with night ; yata i/cd- K&\i\xts, crasis for kcu defies, Aeol. for koI %fuit.
kvxpe viv earth covered him. 2. to cover, con- Kap, ptcrcrov. Ep. for «ard /x«Vov.
ceal. 3. to cover with dishonour. II. to put KappC^as, Ep. for Karaui^as, aor. I part, of tcara-
over as a covering, throw over or around. fuyvvfjit.
KaXvU/aro, Ep. 3 sing, aor I med. of koXvitto). Kap-povCt), ^,Ep. for KaTafiovfj, staunchness in battle,
K&\v\p<o, gen. -60s contr. -ovs, ^, Calypso, a nymph, patience, endurance.
daughter of Atlas, who lived in the island Ogygia, Kap-popos, ov, Ep. for Kardpopot, ill-fated.
and concealed {ixaXinff) Ulysses on his way back Kap-pvco, Ep. for xaTa/Jvu.
from Troy. KA MNfl, fut. K&ftov/Mi, (T, ttrat : aor. a frra/zoy,
KaXxa(vo), (k&Kxv) to starch for the purple-fish: inf. Kapiciv, Ep. redupl. subj. Ktiedfw: pf. icticpqiia,

K&liol KCLVttiV. 347

Ep. pf. part. KCKfiTjdjs, k(khtju>ti, k(K{at}£>to., ace. pi. k&v&x«». t- i70"o>, to ring or clash, clang, of metal
KocfirjuTas : I. intr to be weary, tired, exhausted, to plash, of From
or worn out : c. part., nd/uiet iroKefxi^ajv, i\avvaiv k&v&xt|, (fcavdooaj) a sharp, ringing sound, esp.

one is weary of fighting, rowing. 2. to/eel trouble the ring or clash of metal; also of the tramp of mul s;
or annoyance ; ovk enafiov ravvav I found no trouble Kavax^l oSuvtojv the gnashing of teeth; Kavaxcu av-
in bending the bow. 3. to be worsted or beaten. 4. \wv the shrill sound of flutes. Hence .

to be sick or ill, generally, to be afflicted, distressed, Kav&XT)8a, Adv. with a sharp, ringing noise.
harassed. 5. oi Kafxuvres and oi KfK^.T]KuT(s kSv&xt|S, 4s (Kavdooo)) making a sharp, ringing
Ep. KtKurj6ret or KfKfirjwrfs, Lat. defuncti, those noise: of water, plashing.
who have finished their labours, the dead : but, oi KavaxTjat, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I ot Kavax4oj.
KafivovTfs the sick; and KeKp-qKorss are also the Kavdxife, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of Kava\ifa.
spirits of the dead, Lat. dii manes. II. trans, to K&vaxL£a>, f. iooj, - Kavax^oj.
work bard at, to bestow labour upon. 2. to work icdvBus, vos, 6, a Median garment with sleeves, also
out, earn by toil; in aor. 2 med., vfjaov \nayuovTO they Kavdvicr}. (Median word.)
worked, tilled the island for themselves. icdveov Ion. tcdvetov Att. contr. Kavovv, r6, (Kawtj)
kcL(jloi, by crasis for ko\ kfioi. a basket of reed or cane, a wicker basket : a bread-
KAMIIH', jj, (Kafiirraj) a bending, winding, as 0/ basket, Lat. canistrum, used esp. for carrying the
a river. II. the turning in a race-course, turning- sacred barley (ov\ai) at sacrifices.
post : metaph., fxvdov ks Kafiin,v aytiv to bring a k4v€?v, aor. 2 inf. of Kaiva).
speech to its middle or turning-point. III. /ra/i- Kavrj, -fj, a rarer form of Kavva. [5]
irai, in Music, turns, tricks, quavers. Kovfjv. Dor. for Kavuv, aor. 2 inf. of Kaiva.
Kau.-mu.os, rj, ov, (Kafiirr)) bent, turning, double. K&VT)4>opco>, f. 170-0;, to carry the sacred basket in
Kap.iTTT|p, fjpos, 6, a bend, an angle. II. the procession. From
turning-point in a race-course. Kovr)-4>6pos, ov, (k&v(ov, <p4pa>) carrying a basket :
KAMTETfl,, fut. Kdjitpcu: aor. I tua/Mfa: Pass., aor. Athens a maiden
1) Kav7)<pL,pos the Basket-bearer, in
I kKdfupOrjv: — to bend, bow: — esp., I. yuvv and who
on her head a basket containing the sa-
yovvara Kapiirreiv to bend the knees so as to sit cred th ngs in processions at the feasts of Demeter,
down and rest, to take rest. 2. yovv Kafinrciv to Bacchus, and Athena.
bend the knee in prayer. 3. y6vv Kayntrav to bend KAN0ATO2,
6, Lat. cantharus, a kind oi beetle,
the knee in running, to run. II. to bend, turn, worshipped in Egypt. II. a sort of drinking-

guide anything. 2. absol. to turn round a point; cup, Lat. cantharus. III. a kind of Naxian
/cajjiirTuv aKprju to double a headland; Ka/iirTdv kuK- boat. IV. a mark or knot resembling a beetle,
trov to skirt the bay metaph., KdfiiTTtiv fiiov (o on the tongue of the Egyptian god Apis.

turn the middle point of life, i. e. to draw near to KU.vpT|Xia, wv, rd, Lat. clitellae, a pack-saddle, or
its close ; cf. Kafiirq. III. like Lzt.flecto, to bend, the large panniers of a pack-saddle.
move by entreaties, soften, make relent : generally, to •cavOtjXios, 6, a large sort of ass for carrying bur-
bend, bumble. dens, a pack-ass.
Kau.Tru\os, rj, ov, (Ka.fiTrT<v) bent, curved. [C] icdvGov, uvos, 6, (Knv$os) = Kav0f}\ios, a pack-ass.
Kau.<t>6cis, Kau-c^OfjVai, aor. I pass. part, and inf. of KA*NNA or kclvvt], rjs, 17, a rerd or cane, Lat.
KafMirra). canna : hence anything made of reeds, a reed-mat, a
Kau.i|/tu.€v, Ep. fut. inf. of KapntTO). reed-fence.
Kap.vj'i-irovs, 6, j), now, to, gen. itooos, (K&fxirru, Kownptvos, rj, ov, hempen, made of hemp. From
vovt) bending the foot, swif -running. KATsTNA'BIS, j) , gen. 10s, ace. 18a, also gen. ew$
KQu.vj/LS, «vs, fj, {Kdfiirroj) a bending, curving. *—bemp, Lat. cannabis. II. anything made of
KafJUdV, aor. 2 part, of Kafxvoj. it, tow.
icdv, crasis for teal dv: —
also for xal tfv, and if, even if. nawevaras, Ep. for Karavtvaas.
kAv, crasis for Kal iv, and in. Kawrj, 1), = Kavva.
icdv, Ep. for Kara, before v, as kclv vofiov for Hard vo/xov. Kaw6p.ov, better ko\v vdpuov, Ep. for koto\ v6fwv.
icdvadpov or icdwaOpov, to, (kovt]) the body of d kovovis, tbos, /), (Kavwv) a ruler.
wicker carriage : a cane or wicker carriage. kcLvo vio-pa, to, poet, for Kavwv, a rule : also a ruler.
KavaviTTjs, ov, 6, Syriac word, of which the Greek kSvoOv, Att. contr. of Kaveov.
ZrjXarr^s, Zealot,is a translation not to be con- : Kdveiv, aor. 2 inf. of Kaivaj.
founded with Xavavatos, a Canaanite. KdVix), fut. Of KOIVOJ.
KANA 22H, f. (<u, to make a gurgling sound with Kdvu^os or Kdvomos, 0, Canobus, a town in Lower
water. (Formed from the sound.) Egypt, no'orious for its luxury.
KdvotTTpov, to, (Kavrj) a wicker basket, Lat. cani- Kdvwv, ovos, 6, (Kavij, Kavva) any straight rod or
strum. II an earthen vessel, disb. bar : in Homer, Kavuvct are two rods running across
Kav&-^6pos, Dor. for Kayrypopot. the hollow of the shield, through which the arm wai
: ;: — : : :

348 Km>4v— KA'PAAMON.

passed, to hold 2. a ro^ used in weaving
it by. Kainro-4>6pos, ov, (/rawira, flpo)) of a horse, marked
the shuttle or quill by which the threads of the woof with a KCLTTira cf. Koirnarias. :

(rrqviov) were passed between the threads of the warp Kair-TTijpC{<i), poet, for Karanvpifa, (Kara, irvp) to

(fiiros). 3. a carpenter's rule: metaph. a rule or catch fire.

level ray of light. 4. the beam or tongue of the Katrpdw, (tcanpos) to be lewd or lecherous.
balance: pi the keys or stops of a flute. II. me- Kdirpios, o, poet, for Kairpos, a wild boar. II.

taph. like Lat. norma, a rule or standard of excel- as Adj. like a wild boar.
lence: —so, the old Greek authors were called icavovfs, KATIP05, d, Lat. APER, the wild-boar.
rules or models of excellence, classics; and the books KOTTpo-<}>6vos, ov, (Kanp6s, *<p(vaj) killing wild boars.
received by the Church as the rule offaith and prac- KA'IITn, fut. Koxpoj; aor. I iKaxpa: Ep. pf. part.
tice are called the Canon or canonical scriptures. KtKatyrjws, for KtKatp&s to eat quick, swallow :

Kavu>v, aor. 2 part, of Kaivu. greedily, gulp down. II. xdirreiv dvfiov to gasp

Kdvwiros, 6, see Kavwfio*. for breath.

icd£, crasis for ko.1 If. Kairupds, d, 6v, (KaiweS) dry, dried. 2. act. dry-
kAtt, Ep. for koto, before it or <p, as Kcin vtolov for ing, parching. II. metaph. of sound, loud and
Kara rrfbiov. clear, distinct.
Kuirctra, by crasis for /cal hrtira, and then, and next. Kdiruaro-a, Ep. aor. I ; see airoKarrvat.
•caircros, ij, CKaneros) a ditch, trench,
(aKnitroj, for Ka?T-<t>dAapa, better Kan <pa\apa, for KarcL <pd\apa.
Lat. fossa: a vault, grave: generally, a bole. icdp, Ep. for Kara before p, as K&p f>6ov for KarcL poov.
KATIH, 17, a crib, manger. KA P, Kapus, t6, the hair of the bead, akin to ndpa;
K&irrjXciov, to, the shop of a itairn\os, a tavern, Lat. rioj 51 fiiv kv xapus aioy I v.ilue him but at a hair's
caupona. From worth. II. also for Kctpa, Kaprj, bead, as in Itti

kSttt)\€U(i>, f. aco, (k6.wt)\os) to be a retail-dealer, xdp bead-long.

drive a petty trade : metaph. to hawk about, biggie Kdp, o, gen. Kapus, pi. Kapcs a Carian, in later —
in ; icairn\tv(iv (tax 7}" t0 make a trade of war, Ennius' times despised as mercenaries Proverb., iv Kapi or

bellum cauponari —
also, to adulterate, give out as iv rS> Kapi Kiv8vvcvav to make the risk on a Carian,
genuine, palm off".
Lat. experimentum facere in corpore vili — Fern.
k&ittjXikos, 17, of or like a petty trader:
ov, (/tairrjKos) Kdttpa.
tricky, knavish. Adv., Kant]\iKu>s ex fiV to P^y ro~ KA'PA" Ion. Kapi] [S], rd, indecl. the bead: gene-
guisb tricks. rally, the bead, top, summit of anything : the brim of
•cairnXts, loos, fern, of KanrjKos, Lat. copa. a cup : it is used, like KecpaXrj, Lat. caput, to express

icdirnXos, 6, {Ko.nTQ}) a retail-dealer, petty trades- a person, as Oloinov Kapa for OlSiirovs used by —
man, huckster, higgler, Lat. caupo, opp. to (fxnopos Horn, only in nom. and ace sing. later, the defec- ;

esp. a tavern-keeper. II. a cheat, rogue, knave. tive cases were supplied, viz. Kapijs, Kapn, Kaprjv. In
Katri, by crasis for /cat iwi. Ep. we find lengthd. forms of gen. and dat. Kapnros
ko.tti.9t), tj, (K&itToi) a measure containing two x°l- KaprjTi, Kaprjaros Kaplan.
VlKfS. Kapaj3o-irp6<ra>TTOS, ov, (Kapa0os, irpSaamov) with
Kanvq, (KawvSs) a smoke-bole, chimney.
j), the face of a crab.
Kairvi£b>, f. iau Att. tw, (Kairvus) to cause smoke: to KA'PA BOS, o, a kind of beetle, the stag-beetle, Lat.
make or light a fire. II. to smoke, blacken with scarabaeus. a prickly kind of crab.
smoke. Hence K&pu-SoKcco, (Kapa, ookcijcj) to watch with
f. i\ooi,
Kdirvao-fxa, jjuitos, r6, a smoke-offering : incense. outstretched bead, watch eagerly or expectantly.
icdirvuro-av, Ep 3 pi. aor. I of Kanvifa. Kapavwrrfip, fipos, 6, {Kapa) touching the bead, be-
Kairvo-86xT) Ion. 86kt|, j), {tcairvos, oeyopxit) a heading.
smoke-receiver : a bole in the ceiling or roof for the icdpavov, to\ Dor. and Att. for Kaprjvov.
smoke pass through.
to icdp&vos, 6, (Kapa) a bead, chieftain, chief. Hence
KAIINO'2, 6, smoke, Lat. fumus. Hence Kfipuvoo), f. waw. like K«pa\ai6oi, (Kapavov) to ac-
Ka-n-v6u>, f. wa<u, to turn into smoke: Pass, to be — complish, achieve, complete.
burned into smoke, burnt to ashes. K&pd-Top.os, ov, (Kapa, rtfiuv) with the bead cut off
Ma/irv-w&ns, €*, (icairvos, tloos) like smoke, smoky: beheaded. 2. cut from the bead
generally, dark, dusky. Kdpf3dvos, ov,=0ap(3apo$, outlandish, foreign, bar-
Kairot, Dor. for tcfjiroi. barous. (Foreign word.)
Ka-rros, 6, Dor. for Ktjiros. KAPBATINAI or KopirdTwov, at, shoes of un-
icdirtTa, r6, v. sub K. dressed leather, brogues, mocassins.
KairmSSoKCf <o. f. arao, tofavour the Cappadocians. II. Kap8&u££<i>, f iota) Att. iw, (mphauovS to be like cress;
to play the Cappadocian, i. e play 'he rogue. From metaph. sharp or pungent; ri Kap8ap,ifas: why
to look
KainrdBof , okos, 6, a Cappadocian. chatter so much about
cress (i.e. about nothing)?
icdim-co-ov, Ep. for Kartit-, aor. 2 of Kararrivret. KA'PAATKON, to, a kind of cress, Lat. nastur-
: — ;

KAPAI'A — KaprioTos. 849

Hum : also the seed, KapTrdo-os, ^, with heterog. pi. Kap&aoa, ra, a fine
which was eaten by the Persians I

like mustard. —
metaph. Ka.phap.ov fikeiruv to look flax grown in Spain, Lat carbasus. (hastern word.)
cress, i. e. to look sharp and bitter. Kapm£ci>, f. low Att. iw (Kapnus) to pluck or gather
KAPAI'A, poet. KpoBla Ion. KapSCtj, Kp48tij, r), fruit : —
Med. to enjoy the fruits of, reap the re-
(be heart, Lat. cor; drro Kapbias \6yav,
ex like Lai. turn. II. to make fruitful, fertilise.
animo, to speak from (be heart. II the stomach. Ka.pmp.os, rj, ov, (Kaprros) bearing fruit, fruitful.
KapSi&icos, rj, ov, {KapSia) of the heart or stomach KOpiro-Y«v€0Aos, ov, {jcapirCs, ytviQKrj) producing
hence. II. dyspeptic. fruit.
Kap8kO-yvu)OTT]S, ov, 6, (Kapb'ia, ytyvwaKOj) hnower Kapird-Seo-p.a, <uv, ra, (Kaprros, 5(crjj.6s) chains for
of hearts. the wrists or arms, armlets.
Kap8i6-8i]KTOS, ov, (Kapb'ia, ZclkvoS) gnawing theheart. Kapiro-iroids, ov, (Kaprros, rroiiai) producing fruit.
xapSi-ovAicca), (Kapbia, ik/tat) to draw the bean out KArPIIO'2, 6, fruit; Kaprros upoiprjs corn, but also
of a victim at a sacrifice. of wine; oi Kaprroi the fruits of the earth, corn. II.

Kap8oir«iov, to, the cover of a kneading-trough. II. metaph. the fruits, produce, returns, profit of a thing.
a muzzle. From KAPIIO'2, 6, the joint of the arm and hand, the
KAPAOII02, r), a kneading-trough, any trough. writ, Lat. carpus.
Kdpeo-o-i, dat. pi. of Hap. Kapiro-T€\T|s, €s, (Kapn6s, T€\«<y) bringing fruit to
KapT], Ion. and Ep. for xapa, the bead. perfection : fruitful, prolific.
KapY]aTOS, Kap-qari, Ep. gen. and dat. of napa. Kap-rro-TOKOS, ov, (Kapnos, tckuv) bearing fruit.
Kap-r||3dp€La Ion. Ct|, 17, heaviness in the bead : top- Kap-iTO-^d'yos, ov, {Kaprros, <pdyciv) eating fruit.
heaviness. From Kapiro-<j>G6pos, ov, (Kaprros, <p$eipoj) spoiling fruit.
KdpT|(3ap€a), f. rjaw, to be heavy in the bead, top- Kap-rro4>opco>,f. rjooj, to bear fruit. From
heavy, r-rom KapTro-<)>6pos, ov, (Kaprros. <p4poj) fruit-bearing.
K&p-r]-f3apT|s, (S, (Kaprj, fiapos)heavy in the bead. Kap-rro-(j>vXa|, aKos, 6, {Kaprros <pv\a£) a watcher of
KdpT]-Kop6wvT€s, or better KapT) Kopowvrcs, oi, with fruit, [u]
hair on the bead, long-haired, of the Achaians, opp. Kaptroco, f. waco, (Kapnos) to bear fruit: later to offer
to the Abantes, who wore their hair only at the back fruit. II. Med. Kaprroojuxi to gather fruit or reap

of the head, and so were called omOtv koji6ojvt€s. crops from land: to exhaust, plunder. 2. to enjoy

tcofiuajvres is Ep. part. pi. of kojiow but there is no the interest of money
; to reap the fruits of, enjoy :

Verb Kaprj>. a thing.

K&p-f,v<u, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Kcipoj. icdpTru>p.a, otos, to, (Kaprrooj) fruit : produce, profit.
KopTjvov, to, mostly in pi Kaprjva, {Kaprj) the bead; Kap-sruo-is, cojs, r), {Kaprroo /xat) a reaping the fruit
dvbpwv Kaprjva, ~-dvbpes; @oun> Kaprjva so many bead of: use, profit.
of cattle. metaph. a mountain-top, peak, crest
II. Kappe£ovo-a, Ep. for Karoppe^ovoa.
of a hill : also of a town, the citadel. KapT<S Adv. (Kapros) very, very much. Lat. valde
KapT)ros, KapijTi, Ep. gen. and dat. of Kaprj. Kat to Kapra very much indeed, really and truly.
KuptKO-cpyns, «'*, (Kapt/cos, epyov) of Carian work. KapTtpeco, f. rjaco, (KapT(pL>s) to be steadfast or pa-
Kupltcds, rj, vv, {Kap) Carian: KapiKr) jxovaa, rj, a tient. 2. c. acc. to endure manfully. 3. wiih a
kind oi funeral song, a wail or dirge. Prep, to bold out or bear up against a thing. 4.
KAPI'2, gen. fSos or ibos, 17, Dor. also Kovpis or with part, to persevere, persist in doing. Hence
Kupis, a shrimp or prawn, Lat. squilla. j_d] KapT€ptjo"ts, «us, fj, a bearing patiently, patience,
Kapxaipw, to ring or quake, of the earth. (Formed endurance.
from the sound.) KapTcpCa, r), = Kaprepnais.
KAPKI'NOS, o, with heterog. pi. KapKiva, t6l, a KapTeptKos, f), ov, (Kaprtpos) enduring, patient.
crab, Lat. cancer : also Cancer, the Crab, as a sign in KapT€p6-0t)p.os, ov, {Kaprtpus Ovjios) stout-hearted.
the zodiac. II. a pair of tongs, [r] tcapTfpos, a, ov, (Kapros) — KpaTtpos. strong, staunch,
tcapictvo-xcipes, ow, pi. Adj. (jtapKivos, x ft P) w ^
brave, mostly of persons, but also of .things; Kap-
crab's claws for bands. Ttpa epya valiant deeds Kaprtpos opKos a binding ;

KA'PNEIA or Kdpvca, ra,a festival held in honour oath. 2. of places, strong, in a military sense. 3.

of Apollo Kapvuos by the Spartans, during nine days master of a thing, lord of. 4 master of oneself;
of the Attic month Metageitnion, hence called Kat£- steadfast, patient, constant : also obstinate. II.

Besides the regul. Comp. and Sup., the forms most

VtlOS fJLTJV. in

Kapos. Dor. for icnpos. use are Kpfianojv, KpaTiffTos.

Kdp-rrdOos, 17, an island between Crete and Rhodes, KapT€pd-x«ip, 0, r), (teaprfpSs, x € 'P) stronS °f
called in Homer Kpaira9os. hand
KapiraCa, t), a mimic dance of the Thessalians. icapT€p&s, Adv. of KaprfpSs, strongly; tcaprtpa/s

Ka.p7rdAtu.0s, ov. (apirafa, Lat. carpo) tearing, swift, vrrvovnQai to sleep sound.
rapid. Adv. KapnaXipuojt, rapidly. KapTurros, 17, ov, Ep. for Kpdnarot.
: ;

350 ica'pros— KATA\

icapTOs, cos, t6, Ep. and Ion. for updrot, strength, KA'SES, tot, 6 or 1) : vocat. ttdci : a brother or
vigour, courage. Hence sister, [d]
Kaprvva), Ep for Kparvvoi, to strengthen; aor.
med., I Kao-o-tTeptScs, ojv, al, the Cassiterides or tin-islands.
(Kaprvvaro <pd\ayyas they strengthened their ranks; KA22I'TEP05 Att. KaTTCxcpos, 6, tin, Lat. stan-
XCtpa* i/caprvvavTO they strengthened or armed their num; \(vfxa Kaoonkpoio a plating of tin.
hands. icdo-avpa Att. Kdrr-, aros, to, anything stitched or
K&pv&TtScs, cjv, al, (Kapvai) the women of Caryae sewed, the sole of a shoe or sandal : generally, a lea-
in Laconia. II. in Architecture, Caryatides are ther sole or shoe. From
female figures used as bearing shafts, [a] K
A22T'f2 Att. Karruo), to stitch, sew together. II.
KdpuKT), ij, a rich Lydian sauce made of blood and metaph. to stitch up, i. e. to concoct, a plot, [»>]
rich spice. [0] Hence Kdo-Tov, by crasis for kcu (Ctov.
KdpvKivos, ov, of the colour of KapvKij, blood-red.
rj, KaoTopeios, ov, (Kdoreup) of or for Castor; Ka-
KdpOKO-iroicfa), f. jjooj, (jcapvicn, rroiiai) to make a ordpuos vopos, a warlike air for the flute, mostly used
rich savoury sauce. in Sparta.
K&pv£, Dor. for Kr}pv£. KaoTopCScs, al, (Kaorcwp) a famous Laconian breed
K A PTON. the nut ; k TlfpatKov the walnut ; ft. of bounds, said to be first reared by Castor: also ica-
Ev0oik6v the chestnut ; k. YIovtikov thefilberd. OTupiai KVViS.
K<lptio-vavTT)S, ov, 6, {Kapvov, vavTtjs) one who goes Kao-Topvwa, Ep. for KaraaTopvvaa, pres. part. fem.
to sea in a nutshell. of KaTaoTCpvvjit.
Kapwo-u, Dor. for /cnpvooa). Kdo-Twp, opos, 6, Castor, son of Zeus (or Tyndarus)
Kap4>dXt'os, a, ov, (jcdp<p<u) dry, parched : of sound, and Leda, brother of Pollux.
hollow. KA'2TnP, opos, v, the beaver.
Kdp<f>T), i), a dry blade of grass.
(icdp<pw) Kao-xede, Ep. for KaTioxtOt, 3 sing Ep. aor. 2 of
Kap4>i)p6s, a, 6v, (Kd\p<pot) of dry straw. KaT€X<V.
Kap<j>t-rns f] ov, 6, {icdp<pos) built of dry straw. Kdo-wptov, to, a brothel. From
icdp4>os, «os, to, (icap<pa)) any dry particle, a dry Kdo-upts, i5os, j), = icaffa\0ds, a harlot.
stalk or chip, Lat. palea : dry twigs, straws, bits of KATA', Prep, with gen. and ace: A. oe-
wool, such as birds make their nests of: in pi. bush, nit. : denoting motion from above, down

chaff, Lat quisquiliae. 2. the dry sticks of cinna- from. II. down towards, down upon; Kara
mon were also called icdp<pn. \0ovbs ofifjaTa nr}£ai to fix the eyes down upon the
KA'P«fcn, f icap\(/o), to make dry or withered: Pass. — ground of a dart, /card, yalrjs <px ero it went down to

to wither away. the ground —

so, to£(vciv Kara rtvos to shoot at one
Kapx&Xcos, a, ov, (napxapos) rough in throat with (because the arrow falls down upon its mark); iraitiv
thirst, Virgil's siti asper. Kara rivos to strike at one dfioaai Hard nvos to ;

Kapxap-oSous or -68o>v, 68ovros, 6, i), (icdpxapos, swear upon a thing. III. against, in opposition
6Sovs) with sb-rp jagged teeth. to; \6yos Kara nvos, Lat. oratio in aliquem, a speech
icdpx&pos, ov, (xapdaacu) sharp-pointed or jagged: against one accused but, irpus rtva, Lat. adversus

generally, sharp, biting. aliquem, a speech in answer to an opponent.

K°PX"n8a>v, 6vos, i) Carthage: KapxT)S6vios, a, ov,
, B. Accus.: I. of motion downwards, /card

and KapXT)8oviaK6s, 17, 6v, Carthaginian. (tdov down the stream. 2. of motion or extension,
KapxTjo-kov, to, a drinking-cup or goblet narrower over, throughout, among, at, about, over, as KarcL
in the middle than at top and bottom. II. the yatav, v6utov: throughout, all along: also of Place,
masthead of a ship. (Deriv. uncertain.) upon, 0d\Aciv tear daniba. 3. generally, of
icdpibe, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of Kdp<p<o. Place, as, Kara ytjv kcu Hard ddXarrav by land and
Kap<j>, Dor. for KTjpa). sea. of a whole dividtd into
II. distributively,

K<ls, by crasis for teal els or ical is. parts ; Hard

<pv\a, /card (pprjrpas by tribes and clans;
K&cra\(3a£fa>, f. aoi, to abuse in harlot's language. Hard a<pias by themselves so, of time, /kit' iviavrov

From year by year; and of numbers, ifar' dKiyovs few at a

KdcraXj3ds, dbos, ij, a harlot, strumpet. time. III. of object or purp se, vKtiv Kara

•cdo-as, Kaads
or Kao~r,s, ov, 6, a horse's caparison on a business; ir\d(<.o$at teard Xrjtba to
npr}£iv to sail
or bousing, a carpet or skin to sit upon. (Akin to rove in search of booty. IV. of fitness, ac-
kws, fewas.) cording to, answering to ; Kara 6vp.6v according to
KA 21 'A Ion. -Ctj. j). cassia, an Arabian spice, an one's mind so, lead' fjiiirepov vuov after our liking

inferiorkind of cinnamon. Kar avOpamov according to the capacity of a man

Kdor-YvtJTT), 17, a sister :fern, of KaoiyvrjTos. /card (pvoiv naturally ; tcard bvvafiiv to the best of
Kdo-C-yvijTOS, d, (icdois, ytvvdw) a brother: then — one's power ; Kara rd avyKfi/xtva according to the
any blood-relation, a nephew or niece. II. as Adj. terms agreed upon. 2. in relation to, concerning;

Maaiyvijro$, ij, ov, brotherly, sisterly. rd Kara noktfiov all that belongs to war; to ktl6' vfids
— : :: : —— —

xard — Kara/3pvKcu. 351

as far as concerns you; Hard, rovro in this way; a place and leave there: — Med. to lay as a founda-
wrel ravra in the same way. V. of num- tion, ground, found.

bers, nearly, about; Kara i£rjKuOia irta about 600 KOTa-pdirrci), f. if/oj, {Kara, Bavrai) to dip down or into.
years. VI. of Time, throughout, during, in the KaTa-Bdptu), f. "qaoj, {Kara, Bdpos) to weigh down,
course of; Kara rdv v6\(/xov in the course of the overload.
war; /caret "Afiafftv about the time of Amasis; ol Karats, aor. 2 part, of KaraBaivoj.
iea$' iJa*o* those that live about our time, our contem- KaxdfiScris, (qjs, 17, (KaraBaivoj) a going down, de-
poraries. VII. the Comp. is follow, d by fj Kara , . scending. 2. a way down, a descent: the entrance
when the qualities of things are compared ; fi(i(ov 1j to a cave.
Kar' avdpamov greater than is suited to man, too great KaTa-f3ao-p.6s, Att. for KaraBaOfios.
for man ; fid^oj ^ Kara, Sd/epva. greater than to call Karapdrw 3 sing. aor. 2 imperat. of KaraBaivoj.

for tears, too great to weep for. icaT<i{3av£<i>, f.bark or bay at, nv6s.
£<», to
Position ; when Kara follows its case, it is writ- KaTa-j3ef3ai6o|xai, Dep. to affirm positively.
ten Kara. KaTaPcpATjp.€Vos, pf. pass. p-*rt. of KaTa/3dAA<u.
As Adv., like Karw, downwards, from above, down. KaTdpeiopev, Ep. for Kara0u>fi(v, I pi. aor. z subj.
In compos. : I. downwards, down, as in Kara- of KaraBaivoj.
fSaivoj. II. over against, in answer to, as in Kar- KaTafJT]|.«vai, Ep. for KaraBfjvat, aor. 2 inf. of Kara-
qSat, Lat. occino. III. against, in hostile sense, Baivoj.
as in Kar-rjyopioj. IV. often only to strengthen koto|3t|0-€0, Ep. for KaraBrjaai, 2 sing. aor. I med.
the simple word, Kara-K vitroj, Kara-<payetv.
as in imperat. ot KaraBaivoj.
Kara as a Prep, was shortened by Poets into Kay KaTaj3T)oropai, fut. of KaraBaivoj.
before 7, kclk before k, before fi, kAv before v, KaTa-f3t|3d£o>, f. -/3i/3d<7<y Att. -/3i£w, Causal of Kara-
Kan before it or <p. nap before p, Kar before r or 6. Baivoj, to make to go down, bring down.
In compd. Verbs, Kara sometimes changes into kcz/3, KaTa-|3i/3pu>o-Kw, fut. -BpojaopMi: aor. 2 KariBpw.
«oX, Kap, Kar, as KaBBoX(, KaXkiire, Kappifrvoa, — Pass., aor. I Kar(Bpw6t)v : pf. -/Se'jSpw/zai :
to eat
Kardavt. up, devour.
Kara, Ion. for KaO' &. Kara-ptou, f. -woofjuxi : aor. 2 Kar(0iojv : to bring
K$ra, cfasis for Kal (Tra, and then. an end, pass life.
life to

Karafia., for KaraBrjOi, aor. 2 imperat. of Karafiaiva). Kara-pXaKsvw, f. aw, to treat carelessly, mismanage.
KaTa^d8-r)v, Adv. {KaraBaivoj) going down: below, KaTa-p\dirro>, f.-fiXaipoj, to damage.
down-stairs, opp. to avaBahrjv. [0a] KOTa-pXTjTiKos, i], 6v, (KaraBaWoj) likely to throw off.
Ka,Ta6a0p.6s, 6, {KaraBaivoj) a descent: the name of xaTa-fj\T)xdopai, f. i\o~o\iax, Dep to bleat aloud.
the steep slope which separates Egypt and Libya. Kara-pXcjcncG), f. -fio\ovfxai : aor. 2 Karifj.o\ov :

Karafial-r]v, aor. 2 opt. of togo down or through, pass through.

KaTa-Saivo), f. -firjaofiai: pf. -BeBrjKa: aor. 2 kot- KaTa-^odu), fut. -Borjaoftat Ion. -Buaofiai — to cry

i&rfv, Ep. I pi. subj. Karafido/KV, for Karafia/fitv down, cry out against, exclaim against, c. gen. II.

KaraBS. imperat. (for Kara0T)0i): aor. I med. Kare&r}- c. ace. to outcry, silence. Hence
ffnfirjy, Ep. 3 sing. Kar(B^c(ro, Ep. imperat. KaraBrj- KaTaJ3oT), a cry or outcry against one and
77s, 1), :

0(0 : to ~~- or come down, Lat. descendere : c. gen. icaTaj36T)0-is, «&>*,ij, a crying out agaimt.

to go down from ; KaraBaivav 8'uppov to come down KaTaPoX-q, j), (KaraBaWoj) a laying down: a foun-
from a chariot c. ace. to go down to; Oakapov «a-
: dation, beginning. 2. a paying down. 3. a
r(B-i\aaro she came down to her chamber; but also, periodical at tack of illness, a fit.
KXifiaKa KaraBaivav to come down the ladder and ; icaTa-pdo-Kw, f. -Boaicqaoj, (Kara, 06okoj) to feed
absol. to come down stairs. 2. to go down to the flocks upon a place : —
Med. to feed upon.
sea. 3. to go down into the arena, to fight, con- KaTa-p6<TTpt>x°S» ov W'tb long flowing locks.

tend. 4. metaph. to come to a thing, arrive at, KaTa-PpdPcuo>, f. coj, to decide against one, deprive
e. g. in speaking. II. rarely in Pass., tinros Kara- one of ones right —
Pass, to be unfairly cast in
Baiv(rai the horse is dismounted from. a suit.
KaTa-{, Pass. {Kara, BaKxiooS) to be full KaTa-Pp«xo», f. -Bpt£o>: Pass -» aor 1 icar(Bp(X eTl v: -

of Bacchic frenzy. — to wet through, drench.

Kara-BdXXca, fut. -BaXuf aor. 2 KartBaXov, Ep. 3 KaTa-ppC0d> [f|. f. -Bpiooj: to weigh or press down:—


sing. KafJBaXc pf. -BiBKrjKa, pass. -B(B^rjnai

: to meraph. to outweigh. II. intr. to be heavily laden,

throw down, cast down, overthrow, lay low ; Kara- weighed down by a thing. \t\
BaWuv (Is yovv to throw on the knee, of wrestling *KaTaPp6x<«>, aor. I KartBpo(a, opt. KaraBp6(tia, to
to let fall, drop down: also to lay or put down. 2. gulp or swallow down: cf. avaBp^x 01 -

to strike down, and so to slay. 3. to bring or carry KaTa-Ppox0££o>, f. iaoj Att. tcD, {Kara, 0p6x9o*) to
down, esp. to the sea. 4. to put down, pay down : gulp down.
hence to pay off, discharge. 5. to put down into Kai a-PpvKu [t>], f. fa>, to bite in pieces, eat up.
— — — ——
:: : : —— :

352 KarajSpwo-oftat — KaraheCKWui.

KaTappaxro(xai, fut. of Kara&ifJp&ffKOJ. Ka,T-6.yv%\u, fut. KaTafoj: aor. I *arc*afa, pa*
KaTa-pvpaoco, (/card, fivpoa) to cover over with bides. Havana* : pf. (in pass, sense) Kariaya Ion. tcari-nyf
KaTa|3wo-op.(u, Ion. fut. of fcara0o6xu. aor. 2 pass. Kartdyrjv [a], inf. KarayTJvai : to breu
Kard-yaios Att. y €ios ov (Kara, yaios) under- > >
in pieces, shatter, shiver weaken. II : to break,
ground, subterraneous. II. on the ground; in Pass., and in pf. act. Kariaya, to be broken ; Kar-
Karayaioi orpovdoi birds that run instead of flying, edyivcu or Karayrjpai rty te«paXT)v to have the head
tstricbes. broken.
KaTOYY«X«vs, caw, (KarayyeXXa)) a proclaimer. 6, KaTayvo>cn%, «vs, ij, (KaTayiyvuffKai) an unfavour-
KaT-a-yYcXXo), f. *Xw, to announce, proclaim, de- able opinion. II. condemnation.
clare; KarayyiXXtiv ir6X(fiov to declare vox. 2. Kara- yo-htcvo), f. aa>, to enchant, bewitch : to cheat,
todenounce, disclose, betray. Hence impose upon.
ko,t-Ayy€Atos, ov, denounced, betrayed. KaT-oY°p€tiu>, f. <7<u, to denounce.
KaT<i-Y««.os, Att. for Kardyatos. •caTaYpityos, ov, engraved, embroidered. From
KoTa-Y«Xa, 17, (/card, yeXn<u) Comic name of a sup- KaTa-Yp&4>b>, if/a), to mark or scratch deeply : to

posed town, Tc\a ical KarayiXa. engrave: to pat., over, fill with letters. II. to

Karo-Y«XaoTOS, ov, ridiculous. From write down : to register, enroll.

Kara-YeXaco, f. daofxai [a] aor. I KareyfXaffa : — KaT-aYP«w. f-
au '>
t0 catch, overtake.
Pass., aor. I KareyeXdaOrjv pf. -y^yiXaapuai : to : Ka/ra-Yvp.vdf a>, fut. daa>, to exercise constantly.
laugb at: absol. to laugb scornfully, mock. Kar-dyw, f. a£o> aor. 2 Karijyayov : to lead ji —
Kard-YcXcos. arros, 6, {Kara, yeXws) ridicule, mock- carry down, Lat. deducere: to lead or carry to a place,
ery: also absurdity. es] tr the sea-coast. 2. to bring down from the

KaTaY"nv<u aor > - 2 inf- P ass - °f" icardyvvfu. high sea to land: —
Pass, to come to land, opp. to dvd-
KaTa-YT)pdo"Ko>, f. -yTjpdaa) or dcrofiai aor. I iear- : yeoOai (to put out to sea). 3. to draw out, spin. 4
ty-qpaoa or -(yrjpdva pf. -ytyqp-nta to grow old,
: : to bring down, lower. II. to bring back, esp.

pass one's old age, Lat. senesco ; 3 sing. impf. Kar- from banishment, to recall, restore. Hence
(yrjpa (from KaTayrjpdcu), or aor. 2 (as if from a Verb KaTdYWY'n. ^. a bringing down. II. a putting

in fit, cf. yrjpdo-KOj) : to grow old, Lat. senesco. a ship into harbour, landing. 2. a landing-place:

Kara-YtYdpTiJo), f iaoj, (Kara, yiyaprov) to take out hence 3. a resting-place, lodging-place.

the kernel : metaph. for stuprare. Kariyu>y\.oy, to, (nardya) a place to lodge in, rest-
KaTa-Y^ }
1011 * f* -yevqooiim : to stay or reside ing-place, inn.
at : also to busy oneself about a thing. KaT-dYfa>v££, fut. -iaopai Att. -ioS/iCu, Dep. to
KaTa-YiyvcocrKO), f. -yvduaopm : aor. 2 Karkyvtav — struggle against, prevail against.
to remark, observe, discover, esp. with a view to find-,
f. -baiaofuu, Pass, to devour.

ing fault. 2. to lay something to one's charge, c. Kara-SaKvu), fut. -bfyopMi, to bite in pieces.
gen. pers. et ace. rei, as, KarayiyvwaKUv twos dvav~ KaTa-SaKpvxlci>v, ovaa, better divisim, /card hdizpv
bpirjv to lay a charge of cowardice against him :
Xtanr shedding tears.
Pass., KarayvcuaBfls irp-qoouv being thought or sus- Kara-Saicpvia), f. acu, to bewail or lament bitterly:
pected to be doing. 3. to give judgment or sen- lbsol. to weep bitterly.
tence against a person KarayiyvwoKeiv tivos 6dva- KaTa-5<5p.d£a), f. daeu aor. I inf. med. narahayA-
rov to pass sentence of death on one, Lat. damnare

traadcu :
— to subdue utterly.

aliquem mortis; Karayiyvwotcuv biierjv to adjudge or, = ^araSa/xd^bi;.

decide a suit. KaTa-8airaVd<i>, f. faa), to squander, waste utterly.
KaT-SY^ w . Ion. for KaOayifa. KaTa-8dirTU), f. -8n^a>, to rend in pieces, devour.
Kar-aylvfot, for Kardyoj, to lead or carry
Ion. Ka.Ta-5ap0dva>: aor. 2 KaridapOov, by poet, metath.
down. bring back.
II. to KaribpaBov also, in same sense, aor. 2 pass, /care-


KaTa-Yivojiai, -yivuxTKa. later forms for mnayiy-. dnpOrjv, poet. subj. Karabpaffw, part. xarabapOeis to
KOT-aYXSifa), f. ioca, strengthd. for dyXatfa. sleep soundly, fall asleep.
KaTa-YX&ynifctf, f t<rcu Att. iu>: pf. pass. KareyXirr- KaTa-SaTtou-ai, f. -Saffopiai, Med. to divide among
nafxai'. (Kurd, yXwrra):- to kiss by joining tongues : — themselves.
HtXos vaTtyXarrrio fitvov a wanton, licentious KaTaSeT|s, 4s, (naTabioj) wanting or failing in some-
song. II. to use the tongue or speak against thing, lacking of: hence poor, needy ; Comp. Kara-
one. III. to talk one down, silence him. Hence Stfortpos, weaker, inferior, see Karabews.
KOTOYXwrno-fia, to, a wanton kiss. Kara-Sei, impers. there is wanting : see Karabio).
KaT-aypa, aros. to, (Kardyco) wool spun out: a Kara-SciSa), f. -deiaw : aor. 1 Karibttaa : to fear
piece or flock of wool. very much, be in great terror of.
KaTa-Yvd(4,irrci>, f. rpu, to bend down. •caTa-Seiicvvpi and -vco, -dei£w aor. I KaT-i8u(a
KaTaYvoCnv, aor. 2 opt. of KarayiyvfaoKa). Ion. -ede£a — to shew

clearly, point out,


make known:
KCLTaYvovs, aor. 2 part, of KaTayiyv&otcai. c. inf. to shew bow to do : to establish, prove.
: —— : : —
: — — :

/caraSeiXiaco — /carafleio/uicu. 353

KaTa-8«iAiaa>, f. daw [a] : to shew signs of/ear or Kara-Speiro), f. -dpiipoi, to strip off.
cowardice. Kara8popT|, 1^. (KaTadpafxtiv) an overrunning, in-
KOToSt^ai, Ion. aor. of Karaodfcvvfu.
I inf.road, raid. Hence
Ka.Ta-5fO|Aai, f. -Serjaofiai, Dep. to want or need KaTctSpopos, ov, overrun, wasted by a raid.
very much : to intreat earnestly, Lat. deprecari., cltos, to, a tearing or rending. From
Kaxa-StpKopai, aor. 2 act. KartdpaKov, and in same KaTa-SptiiTTW, f. Spvipoj, to tear in pieces, rend.
sense pass KaTeSepxOrjv : Dep. to look down, to look
: KaraSOvai, aor. 2 inf. of KaTaovca.
down u»on. KaTa-8t5vacrT€\»o), f. aco, to exercise lordship or sove-
a magic knot, love-knot. reignty over, overpower, oppress.
Ka-ra.-8eo-p.os, 6, a tie or band:
Kara-Btwa, f. am, aor. I KaTthtvaa, to wet through : Kara-8vvci>, =» kotoZvo) in intrans. sense.
to wafer. KaraSvs, aor. 2 part, of KaTahvca.
KaTa-8«x°P- at f- -b"e£onai Dep. — to receive, ad-
» : KardStfcris. (as, t), (KaTaSvcu) a going down under

mit. 2. to receive back, take borne again. water : of the stars, a setting : generally, a descent.
KaTa-8«a> (A), f. -brjaa), to bind on or to, bind fast KaTa-Svo-wrrto), to put quite 10 the blush, esp. by
Med. to bind to or for oneself. 2. to put in bonds, earnest intreaty.
imprison. 3. metaph. to convict of a crime. II. KaTa-8uo> and KaTa-8vva> fut. -Sv^<u aor. 1 /care : :

to tie down, shut up, close, check. Svaa aor. 2 /cartb'vv : I. Causal, in pres. tcara-

KaTa-8co> (B), f. -brqou, to want, lack, need, be 5va), fut. -8voa>, slot, t -eHvaa to make to sink, :

lacking in a thing, esp. of numbers KaraSei, impers. Lat. merger*; KaTaSvoat vavv to sink or disable a

there is need. ship. II. intrans. in pres. act. KaTadCvoj and in

Ka.rah'tCiS, Adv. of Karabe-qs. in defect: Comp. nara- med. KaTaSvofiai, with aor. 2, pf., plqpf. act., KaTtSvv,
SeeaTtpcvs ex €iv t0 De very °ff-
M -Sedvtca, -deo'v/cav to go under water, sink, set, of :

Kard-8-nXos, ov, very plain or manifest. the sun a/x' fj(\iw KaradvvTi with sunset. ; 2. to
KaTa-8-r)p,o(3op€(i>, f. tjow, {Kara, Srjfio&upos) to con- go down into, to steal or creep into : to get into the
sume publicly. midst of; T(vx €a fcaraSvvai to get under, i. e. put on
KaTa-StaiTao), f. "qacti, to decide as arbitrator against, arms. 3. to keep bidden, lie bid.
togive arbitration against, tivos. KaT-a'8o> Ion. -ctetSco : f. -aaofuu : rarely -daw: —
KaTa-8iaXAdo-cra> Att. -ttcd, fut. -afa>, to reconcile to sing to, to charm by singing, Lat. occinere : absol.
again. to sing a spell, charm. II. to deafen by singing.
KaTa-8(Scopi, f. Swooj, of rivers, intr., to flow or KaTa-Sa)po8oK€b), f. rjcr<v, to accep presents or bribes.

empty themselves into. KaT-aeiSco, Ion. for KaTqha).

KaTa-8tKa£b>, f. daco : Pass., aor. tcaTfSiKdoOrjv pf. tcaTa-eipcvos, pf- part. pass, of KaOevvvfti, clothed,


KaradtdiKacfxai to give judgment against, pass clad, covered. II. pf. part. pass, of KaOirjfu, let
sentence upon, tivos : absol. to condemn — Med. to down, banging down.
get sentence given against another, procure his con- KOTa€ivOo-av, 3 pi. impf. of KaOivvvpi.

demnation : Pass., KaraSfdiKaapLfPos one who has Karafia-aTo, Epic 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of /car-
judgment given against bim. et fit.

Kara-Siicr], r), {/card, di/cn) judgment given against icara-cwvin, poet for KaOivvvpa : impf. Karauvvov:
one, condemnation, sentence : a fine, [r] to clothe, cover, overspread.
KaTa-8iK0s, ov, (Kara, di/cn) condemned. KaT-a£aCv<i> : Ion. aor. 1 KaTaCfavaanov : (/cara,
KaTa-8ta>KCi>, f. £cu or £ofiai, to pursue closely. afaivw, afcu) : to make quite dry, parch up.
KaTa-8oKCb>, f. -5o£oj, to suppose a thing against or KaTa-£aa>, inf. KaTaffiv, to live one's life out.
to the prejudice of another, to suspect : to think, sup- KaTa-^evyvvpi and -v(o, f. -£(v£cu: to tie or yoke —
pose also in aor. I part. pass. KarahoxOui being sus-
: together, yoke — Pass, to be bound fast, straitened : to
pected. be imprisoned.
KaTa8o£d£o>, daw, = KaraboKtoi.
fut. KaTafT)vao-K6, 3 sing. Ion. aor. I of KaTafaiva).
KaTa-SovXou, uav, to reduce to slavery, enslave:
f. Kara-fwwvpt and -wo, f. -£woai, to gird fast : Med.
also as Dep., with fut. and aor. 1 med. -SovkwoofMi, to gird oneself,
-edovKojcdfirjv, pf. pass. -ScoovAayiat. Hence KaTaO&veiv, aor. 2 inf. ot teaTaOvqaiea).
KaraSovXuKris, t<vs, 1J, a reducing to* slavery, en- icaTa-6dirr<i>, f. ip<u, to bury, inter.
slaving. KaTa-Oapcruva), to embolden or encourage against
KaTa-8ovirca), t. with a heavy sound.
i\o<u, to fall — Pass, to take courage, behave boldly, [v]
KaTa-8oviroi, <uv, ol, {Kara, Soviros) the Cataracts tcara-Oeaopai, f. daofmi [a], Dep. to look down
of the Nile also the parts of Ethiopia in which they
: upon, watch from above, observe.
are called by Cicero Catadupa as neut. pi. KaTa0€tvai, aor. 2 inf. of KaTaTtdrf/u.
tcaTo8oxT|,1), (KaraSfxofMxi) a receiving, admitting. KaraOcto, 2 sing. aor. 2 opt. med. of KaTaTiOrjfU.
KaTa8pS9fa>, aor. 2 subj. pass, of KarcdtapOdvu. KaTaOetopai, Ep. for -0t<vfiat, aor. 2 subj. med. ot
KaTa8p&p.civ, aor. 2 inf. of Kararpixof- HaraTi0T]iu.
: : : : : : —
354 KoraQttoiitv — Karate €ip(i).

Karadcioficv, Ep. for -Oiwpfv, i pi. aor. 2 subj. of •caT-aiKi£ci>, f. law Att. iu>, to wound severely: to
KaTariOrjui. ill-treat, disfigure.

KaTa-GtXy'A f- £<*>, to subdue hy charms. Hence icaT-atveo), f. kaw poet, -qaw —agree to, assent to,
KaTa0€\£is, ews, r), enchantment. approve of; tcaraivuv iiri tivi to agree to a thing on
KaTd0cua, aros, to, {KaraTidr] fii) an accursed thing. certain conditions. II. to grant, promise : to

KaTa-0€uaTt£o», f. aw, (/caTatfc/ta'l to curse. promise in marriage, betroth.

Kara6<cr6ai, aor. 2 med. inf. of KaTariOrjiu. icaT-aipcfa), Ion. for xaOaipiw.
Kard6eo%s, ews, if, (KaTari&nfii) a putting down: a KaT-aip<i>, fut. -apu>, {Kara. alpw\ to take or put —
paying down, discharging. down. z. intr. to put into port : of birds, to go
KaTa-0€'j>, f. Oevaofiai —
to run down : of ships, to down to a place, light upon it.
run in'o harbour. II. to make inroads or incur-, f.-a«70r;<ro/Mu, Dep. to comprehend
sions : c. ace, KaraOetv \wpav to overrun a country. fully.
KaTa-06u>pc<o, f. T/cra>, 'o contempla'e from above. Kar-aCo'ios, ov. (Kara, aiatos) righteous.
koto-O^y^ f. (w, to sharpen, whet. KaTaiaxwTT|p, 7700s. 0, a dis^racer. From
KaTa-0T|\vvw, (Kara, Orj\vs} to make womanish. KaT-aio*xvvci>, f. vvw, to shame, disgrace, dis-
KaradifcrJ}, Dor for Kara9r\(rw, fut. of KaTariOrjfu. honour. II. Med. to feel shame before another,

KaTa-Ovrjo-KO), fut. -BdvovfMi : aor. 2 KariOSvov Ep. to reverence.

Kar0dvov : pf. -ridvrjKa, part -T(9vtjhcjs or T€0i/fd/» KaTa-to*xw, poet, for KaTia\w.
Ep -TfOvrjws, wtos, inf. -TtflvaVai Ep. —reOvdfiev, f. aao/iai [a], Dep. to accuse, ar-
—ro a*/e away, be dying : in aor. 2 and pf. /o 6* raign, blame find fault with: c. ace. to lay to one's
dead, deceased. Hence charge, object 'o one impute II. the aor. 1

Kara0vTjT6$, t}, ov, mortal. part. KarairtaOus occurs in pass sense, accused, put
KaTadopciv, aor i in of KaraOpwoitw.
. on one's defence.
KaTa-0opvfJco>, f. ijcrou, to cry down. KOTaiTv£, vyos, 7}, a low helmet or skull-cap without
Kara-0pi]v((t), f. T;<ra>, /o bewail, lament. a crest. (Deriv. uncertain.)
Ka.Ta-0pfa>arKu>, f. -Oopovyuii : aor. 2 KariOopov, inf. KaT-aui>, Pass. {Kara, a rwpiw) to bang down.

-Oopuv. to /«x^ or jump down: c. ace, tcaraOpw- KaTa-KaYX a £<">- f- now, to laugh loudly at.
okuv tt)v alfxaairiv to leap down from the wall. KaTaKa-fjpev, Dor. and Lacon. for KaraKarjvai, aor., f. r/o-cu, (ifara, advfxfw) to lose all heart, 2 inf. pass, of learatcaiw.

to be very much dejected. Ka.Ta.Kaitu.6v, Ep. for Karaieaiuv.

KaTa-0vu.ios, ov, also rj, ov, in or upon the mind, at KaTQ-Kaivoo, fut. -K&vw: aor. 2 KariKavov: Hke —
heart ; firjb't ri toi ddvaros tearaOvfuos ecru let not *OTa«T€iV<u, to slay.
death sit heavy at 'by heart. II. according to Kara-Kaib) Att. -Kaa> [a] fut. -kovow : aor. I teari- :

one's mind, welcome, well-pleasing. Kavaa Ep. KartK-qa : aor. 1 pass. KarticaiOrjv, aor 2
KaTa-0uo>, f. vaw [y], to sacrifice: to offer, dedi- KarfKCLTjV —
to burn, burn down, consume by burn-
cate. II. Med., KaraOveaOai riva to compel one's ing . —
Pass., Kara nvp (kcltj the fire bad burned down
love by magic sacrifices. or out.
KaTa-0u>puKi£a>, f. law Att. tut, to cover with a coat KaTa-K&Aco*, f. (ffw, to call down, summon, in-
of mail, arm at all points. vite. II. to call upon, invoke.
KaTaC-fjSoas, ecus, i), poet, for Kardfiaais. KaTa-K<lXviTTci>, f. ^cu, to cover up, envelope Med. —
KaTat-pdrns, ov, 6, poet, for Kara&aTns, (tcara- to veil oneself.
0alvw) one who comes down or descends, of Zeus KaTa-Kap/iTTtt, f. -Ka^npw, to bend down : to bend or
descending in thunder and ligb'ning : also of the turn by enlrea'y ; KaraKafiirTCiv tA.Tr/5a* to bend down,
thunder-bolt, burled down, descending. 2. epith. break down hopes
ofAx^owv, to which one descends, downward, infernal. KaTa-Kdp$<o, to dry up, parch Pass, to wither, —
KaTai-j3&ros, rj, ov, poet, for Kara&ards, giving a fall into the sere.
passage downwards ; 6ipai Karai&aTal avOpumotat icaTaKawas, aor. I part, of Karaitaiw.
gates by which men descend. xara-K vxdouai, f. ijao/xat, Dep. to boast against,
KaT-ai8cou,ai, Dep. with fut med. -aiHeaopm, aor. exult over, vaunt at.
I pass. -rf&eo07]v :

to feel -borne or reverence before KaTaKctai, Ep. aor I inf. of /caraicaiw.
another, to reverence, respect : c. inf. to be ashamed KaTaK€icp,€v, E pres. inf. of Karajcaiw.

to do a thing. KaraKcCcTC, 2 pi. of tearaKfiw.

Kor-aiOaXoco, f. d/crw, to burn to ashes. Kard-Kcipav, f. -icrfoofxai, Dep. to lie down : to lie
KaT-ai0Wo-<i>, f. fa>, of motion, to float or hover bid: to lie stored up, to be laid by. 2. to lie
over ; ir\dieafiot vu/tov KaraiOvaaov his locks floated sick. 3. to recline at meals.
down his back. KaTaKeCopev, another form of xaraxr/o/xc^, q. v. :
KaT-a(0o), to burn down, burn to ashes. 2. to light but also Ep. for KaraKuwfjifv, pres. subj. of Karatetiw.
up, ignite, illumine. KaTa-Kc(p<i>, f. KtpSt, to cut down, waste, consume.
: : — — : — : : — : — :

KaraKtCa} — KarcLKpLfxa. 355

Kara-Ktid), Desiderat. of Kara/it, to wish to lie over, deluge, inundate : to fill full of water. II.
down : ttaKKtiovrts, Ep. part, for KaraKtiovTit. to wash down or away: also to wash out, efface. Hence
KaTaKcicXloro, 2 sing, plqpf- pass, of KaraKXiva. KaTaicXvo-p.6s, 6, a deluge, flood.
KaTaK€KpdtcTr|S, ov, 6, {KCLTcucpafa) a brawler. KaTa-icA&dcs, al, (KaraKXwOw) the weird women
Kara-KcXctKi), give the word of command:
f. oa>, to who spin thread, a name of the goddesses of Fate,
of the k(X(vo~tt}S, to give the time in rowing. MoTpai, Lat. Parcae.
Kara-KcvTcw, f. ijacu, to pierce through, sting severely. KaTa-icXuOa), f. -kXwcw, to spin out, of the Fates.
Kara-Kcpawoo), f. wow, to strike down by thunder. KdTa-Kvdw, f. -KVTjaw: aor. I Karinvqaa —
to scrape
KaTa-Kcp8aCva>, f. avw or rjaw, to make a gain of* or grate down : to cut piecemeal.
thing wrongly or meanly. KaTa-KVT)6o>, = Karatcvdoi.
Kara-K€pTop.tu), f. tjoo), to rail violently: to mock at, KdTa-Kvijio, f. too)', aor. I Karifcvlffa: — to pull to
KaTatcT], Ep. pres. inf. of KaraKaiw. pieces, Lat. velllco : — Pass, to itch.
KaTa-KT)X<a>, f. i\aw, to soothe by charms : to enchant.>, f. 170a*, like KaraKOifii^w, to put to
KaTatcY|oucv, Ep. for KaTcucfjwfiev, i pi. aor. I subj sleep, lull to sleep : aor. I inf. pass. Karateoifi-nO^vai,
of Karajeaioj. to go to sleep, fall asleep, sleep. II. to sleep
KaTa-icT)poii>, f. wax. through, sleep out; KaraKoifi^acu rijv <pvXa.Ki)v to sleep
wooj, {Kara, icrjpSs) to cover with
Kara-irr|pv0-o-<i> Att. -rrw, proclaim or out the watch.
f. v£a>, to
command by herald. KaTa-KOipi £<m, f. law, = KaraKoifidoj, to lull to sleep.
Kara- Kip vr|iu, poet, for /taraKcpavvvfu, to mix well: Kara-Koivdivcio, f. yaw, to make one a sharer, giv*
—Pass, to be well mixed. one a share.
KaTa-Kixroros, ov, (Kara, Kioaot) ivy-wreathed. KaT-dicoXov0€Ci>, f. i\ow, to follow closely.
KaTa-tcXaU) Att. -icAdtt [a] fut. -nXavaofiat : to Kara-KoXirCgb), f. law Att. iSr, ^teard, koXvos) to run

bewail or lament loudly : absol. to wail aloud. into a bay or gulf.

KaTaicAa£ao~0 n, Do aor. I inf. med. of KaraKXuo),. KaTa.-Kou.toTj, ?}, a bringing down to the sea-shore,
KaTO-icXdui), f. aao) [d] : aor. I KarixXdaa : — Pass., exportation. From
aor. l KaT€K\da&T]y break down, break short off,
: to Ka.Ta~Kou.tfoD, f. iaw Att. iw : to bring down, esp.
snap. II. metaph. to break down, overcome, to the sea. 2. to bring to land or into harbour
enfeeble, of sorrow, fear, or illness. to bring into a place of refuge.
KaTaKAaxOrjvai, Dor aor. I pass. inf. of KarajcXtioj. KaTa-Kouos, ov, (Kara, Kupvn) with falling hair.
KCTa-tcAdw, Att. for HarajeXaicj. [a] Kar-dKOvd, 1), {Kara, attovrj) destruction.
KaTaicXcCs, cioo*, Ion. and Ep. tcaTaic\T)ts, rjtSos, j) KaTa-KovStiXCf u>, f. iaw, to buffet severely.
(KaTaKXtioj) a fastening for doors. KaT-dKovrtf a>, f. iaw Att. iw, (/card, djcovri^eo) to
Kara-KktUa Ion. - kXtj ud old Att. -kXtj'c* f. -xXci- : strike down with darts.
au Dor. tcXq£oj —
Med., aor. 1 KaTfKXuodpujv Dor. KaTa-Kdirrco, f. \pw. aor. I tcariicoxpa: Pass., p. —
KartKXa^dfiijv —
Pass., aor. KareKXeiodijv Ion. -ckXtj- post f. KaraKtHorpofiai aor. 2 KartKoirqv :
: to cut in
todrjv Dor. -(KXdxOrjv (not -(tcXaoOrjv) to shut up, : pieces, cut up : to kill, slay. II. to stamp with
shut fast. i. to shut up in a fortress, to blockade. a die, coin into money.
Ko.Ta-K\T]po8oT€u>, f. tjow, (/cXrjpos, Hihwju) to dis- KaTa-Kocrutu), f. 1700;, to arrange, set in order; ivl
tribute by lot. vevpi) yalv to fit the arrow on the string: ge-
KaTa-tc\T)povop.«»>, f. -fjaoi, to inherit, obtain by in- nerally, to furnish, adorn.
heritance. KaT-uKovco, f. -aKovcofxai, to bear and obey, be sub-
KaTa-tcXT)povx«(D, f. 170-0;, to receive as one's allot- ject to. II. to hearken give ear to, bear plainly.
ment. II. to assign to another as bis lot, giv* KaTa-Kpdfa>, fut. -KtKpa£ofiai, to cry down, outdo
to inherit. in crying.
KaTaicXlOt)vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of KaraKXivo). KaTa-KpdTcco, 1700*, to prevail over, subdue:
f. —
KaT<ucXlvT|S, €», (KaTOKXivrjvai) lying down, stretched absol. to prevail,become master : to become current.
at length. II. doping, steep. KaTa-Kpcp.du.ak, Pass, to bang down, bang suspended.
KaTa-KAlvo-J3fiTT)s, is, {icard, KXivn, /3atVa>) making KaTa-Kpeuavwui or -uw, fut. -Kptpudou [d] aor. 1


one lie abed. KarrtKpkpiBuaa. to bang to or upon, bang up, attach

Kara-icXtva) [*], f. -kXXvw : aor. I KartHXlva: to — to or by.
lay down, to make to lie down or sit at table : also to KaTa-Kpcovp-yco), f. ^oa>, to cut up like a butcher.
lay upon a couch, to lay the sick on couches in the KaTO-KpfjOcv. (Kard, Kapa) Adv. from the bead down-
temple of Aesculapius: Pass, to lie down, esp. at— wards Jrom top to bottom metaph. entirely, utterly. —
table. II. to lay low, overthrow. Hence or, = Ka.Ta.tcpi pa. fMi.
KardicXUns, «a>«, j), a making to lie down or sit at KaTa-Kprjuvtfw, f. iau Att. iw, (Hard, Kprjfivds) to
table : 77 xarcucXiats rod ydpov the celebration of a throw down a precipice, throw headlong down.
marriage. KaTd-KpT)U.vos, ov, precipitous.
koto-kAv^w, f. vow [p] : aor. 1 mxTixXUffa — to wash KaTaKptp-a, arot, to, condemnation. *'-*:nct. From
— — : —
: :: : : —a —
356 KaTOLKpivoi — araXo
k k l £oj .

Kara-Kpivco, f. -KptvS) : aor. I Kariieplva : to give KaTa-Xdp-ira), f. -XApapd), to shine upon : to shine.
judgment against : to condemn, sentence. [I] Hence KaT-aXyta), f. rjau, to suffer greatly, be in great
Kardicpto-is, condemnation.
€<us, if, pain.
Kara-KpvirTCi), to hide away, conceal, keep
f. \p<a, KaTa-Xt -yco, f. -X(£at aor. I pass. KareX4x^V v > aor
hidden : part. KaKiepvnTOJV Ep. for KaraKpvvTOiV . II. 2 tcartKiyqv to lay down, put to bed, make lie — : *

intr. to me concealment, dissemble. Hence down —

Med., with aor. 1 KaTtXt^d/x-nv, to lie down,
tcara-tcp v$r\, i) , a hiding : metaph. a subterfuge. sleep : in this sense occur KareXitcro, 3 sing, of Ep.
Kara-Kpw^to, f. -Kpw£<u, to croak at. aor. 2 pass. KareXiyfinv, inf. KaraX^xOai, part. Kara-
Kara-Krap-ev and -KTap.eval, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of *a- Xcypevos. II. to pick out, choo.e out of many,
TaKTeivoj. to cnoose as soldiers, levy, enlist, enrol. III. to
KaTa-KTaopai, fut. -KrJjffofuii : aor. I -CKTijffd/iTjv: tell or count up, recount, reckon up : to go over, re-
Dep. to get or gain for oneself: in pf. KaraKiKTTjfiut, peat, detail, e. g. a pedigree.
to possess. Kara-Xti/3 j, f. xpu, to pour down, let drop: to shed
Ka.Ta.KTds, Ep. aor. 2 act. part, of tcara/cre'ivo) : pass. tears Pass, to run or drop down. —
ica.Ta.KTdp.evos. KaTaXeippa, to, (/caTaAetiro;) a remnant, residue.
Kara-KTcivu, fut -tcrevwlon. -/cravuiEp. -ktSv^oj: KaTdXeiiTTOS, ov, (/earaXc'Kpw) anointed.
aor. I fcartKTetva : aor. 2 KareKravov poet. Karinrav, KaTa-X«iirto, f. \f/u Ep. forms, pres. KaXXciirw, fut. :

as, a, Kp. imperat. tcd/trove, inf. Karatcrdpiev, -d/xe- KaXXtiif/oj; aor. 2 kclXXXttov to leave behind, leave as :

ycu, part. «aTa/CTds: pf. tcartfCTova: Pass., aor. I —

an heritage, bequeath. II. to forsake, abandon :

KaT€KTa.0Tjv: Ep. aor. 2 tcareKTapLqv, part. KaTa/crdfie- to leave or give up to anotker. III. to suffer,
vos : med. (in pass, sense) KaraKrevieoOt
2 pi. fut. — allow.
day, put to death.
to kill, KaTa-AeiTovpYtw, f. 170*0;, to spend one's substance
KaTa-Kuffcuu, f. a<u, (/card, kv($os) to lose by the dice, in bearing public burthens.
gamble away. Kar-dXc <j>ti>. f. if/oj, to smear on or over.
Kara-KtiXivSu), f. io<u [r]: — Pass., aor. I -cKvXiff0ijv KaTaXe£w, Dor. for KaTaXe£a), fut. of KaraXiyai.
pf. -KftcvXtO/xai : to roll down: — Pass, to be rolled KaTa-XsirroAoY^w, f. 170*0;, to wear away by fine
down or distinctions.
»caTa-KvirTa>, f. i//a>: aor. I to bend down, Ka/ra-Acvcd, f. o~cv, (icard, Xcvw) to stone to death,

stoop : to stoop and peep into. KaTa-X«xOai, Ep. aor. 2 inf. pass, of KaraXeyoj.
KaTa-Kvpicv<i>, f. ow, to exercise authority over. KaT-dXcfa), f. iooi, to grind down.
Kara-K-OpocD, (/card, /ci pes) to ratify: aor. I part. f- KaTa-X'f|Y w >
£ u t to leave off, stop, cease.
KaraKVfKudtis ** KaT»Kpi8tis, condemned to something. KaTa-XT|0opai, Pass, to forget utterly.

Kara-KuXvu, f. voco
\y\ to hinder from doing: to
KaTaXijTrTtK6s. ^, 6v, (KaTaXapt&avoj) able to grasp
detain, keep back. *>r check, able to keep down.
Ka.Ta-Ktopd£a>, f. Aau, to burst riotously in upon, to KaTaXijTTTOS, rj, 6v, verb. Adj. of KaTaXapifi&voj, to
attack with a drunken band. be grasped or seized, within reach, attainable. II.

KaTaxcoxT), incorrect form for KarnKOJX^- act. seizing upon.

Ka.TaAa.ptiv. aor. 2 inf. of KaraXapfidvoj. Kar6Xy\i\fis, «os, ij, (fcaraXafifiavoj) a grasping, seiz-
KaT-dXa£ov€vopai, (/card, dXatyv) Dep. to boast or ing, winning. II. an attacking, assaulting.
brag largely. KaTa-Xi0d£a>, f. do a), (/card, Xi6os) to stone to death.
KaTa-XdXf'w, f. 170*0;, to babble, chatter. II. to KaTa-XiTrdpcb), f. 170*0;, to entreat earnestly.
talk or rail at, slander. Hence KaTaXXdY-f|, ^, exchange, profit made on ex-
KaTaXdXid, 1), evil report, slander : and change. II a change from enmity to friendship,
KaraXaXos, ov, slanderous. reconciliation, mostly in plur. From
KaTa-Xappdvco, f. -Xi)\f/opuai Ion. -Xdpaf/ouai : aor. KaT-aAXdao-a) Att. —tt<i> f. d£w aor. 1 KarijX- : :

2 tcariXa&ov : pf. KareiXt]<pa Ion. KaraXtXaPrj/ca Xa£a to change : :

Med. to exchange, give in ex- —
Pass., aor. 1 KaTeXfi<p0T}v Ion. KartXdpupOijv to 5«z« change. : —
II. to change from enmity to friendship,

«/>o«, Jay AoW o/, take possession of: to seize: —

Med. reconcile: Pass., with aor. I KarrjXXdx^rjv, aor. 2 —
to seize for oneself: to preoccupy. II. to hold /carrjXXdynv [a], to become reconciled.
in, keep down or under, check : hence to put an end KaT-dXoao>, f. rjaoj, to crush in pieces, destroy.
to, stop: to settle, conclude. 2. to bind by KaTa-Xovifopat, fut. -iaopuu Att. -tovpai : Dep. :
oath. III. to catch, overtake, come up with: to count up, reckon, consider : also to impute a thing
hence to discover, detect, find. 2. of events, to to one. II. to count or reckon among.
come upon, befall, happen to one : impers., tcaraXap.- KaTdXoYos, 0, (*aTa\€7o>) countingup, enrolment:
(idvtt it happens to one; rd KaraXafSovra = ra\ avp> the catalogue or list of persons liable to serve in the
fiavra, what had happened, the circumstances of the army; ol iic icaraXdyov those on the list for service.
case. Hence MaTd-Xoiiros, ov, left, remaining.
icaTaXapTTTtos, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be clucked. kot-&Aoki(<i>, f. iaoj, to cut into furrow*.
: : — —
. : : : :

Karakwuto — Karavfjtrai. 857

Hcmi-Aovo), f. aat, to wash completely: Med., Kara- — Kara-p.ep(£<i>, f. (era; Att. iu>, to cut in pieces : to dis-
Kovtiv rbv (iiov to spend one's life in bathing. tribute.
KOTa-Xo<pdSeia, Adv. = Kara \u(pov, on the neck. KaTa-p6Tp€a), f. T)o<v, to measure or mete out to : to
icaTa-Xoxi^. f- ooj, to distribute into troops. Hence measure.
KaraXoxtcrp-os, 6, distribution into troops. Ka.Ta-pT|X6a>,f. d»ao>, (Kara, fifar)) to put in the

pcaxa-Xoco, old Att. pres. for KaraXovoj. probe metaph., Krjfiov Harafjajkovv to put the ballot-

KaTa-Xupa, {/card, \vw) an inn, lodging. box like a probe down another's throat, i. e. make
KaTa-X\ip.aCvopai, Dep. to ravage, destroy. him disgorge stolen goods.
KaTaXvo%|xos, ov, (icaTa\v<u) to be made an end of. KaTa-p,Tjvva>, f. vow [y], to give information ar
KaraXvcriS, «vs, fj, (KaraKvu) a dissolving, putting gainst. 2. to intimate, make known.
down, making an end of: of an army, a disbanding: KaTap.T|craTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I med. of Karafidoj.
KaraXvais tov noXtfiov an ending of the war gene- : KaTa-ptaivoo, f. avw to taint, defile, pollute Pas. —
rally, a conclusion, finishing. II. a resting, lodging: to wear unwashen garments in sign of grief, Lat.
also = KaraXvfxa, a resting-place, inn. squalere.
KaTaXvTTjs, ov, 6, one who lodges in a place. From KaTa-p-iyvupt or va>, f. -fii£<v: aor. I Kartfit^ a, Ep.
Kara-Xvw, f. -Xvaw. a or. I to dissolve, KariXvoa: — part. Kansas — to mix, mix up, compound.
put down, make an end of, destroy, cancel: to put KaTa-pXcryo), = Kara fiiyvv \it.
down a form of government to depose from com- : KaTa-p,icr6o4>opc<i>, f. r\a<a, to spend in paying public
mand : to dissolve, dismiss, disband. 2. to bring officers.
toan end, terminate; KaraXvuv iroXfpov to end a KaTapop4>os, ov, (tcara (icfxpofiai) faulty.
war :

Med. to come to terms with one, make peace KaTa-povds, (Kara, fiovos) Auv. alone, apart.
with him. II. to unloose, unyoke: hence absol. KaTa-p.ovop.axcw, f. 170-0;, to conquer in single combat.
*o take up one's quarter*, halt, rest, lodge. KaT-ap.Tr«x&> and -aprricrxa), to encompass, cover.
Ka,Ta-Xu)(J>a.oj, f. "qcw, to rest from a thing. KaTap.v£aTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I med. of KarayLvaao).
KaTa-paY«ua>, *"•
ffa} > (/card, fiayos) to bewitch. KaTdpvcris, fevs, 17, (tcarafivoj) a closing of the eyes.
KaTa-uaX&Ki£u>, f. iaoj Att. iw — to make soft or KaT-fip-vcro-a) Att. -tto>, f. £o>, to tear, scratch, rend.
effeminate —
Pass to be or become so. KaTa-p.vTTa>T€va>, f. ecu, (Kara, /ivttqjtuv) to make
tcaTa-poXdcrcrai Att. -tto), f. d£<», to soften much, mincemeat of.
appease, pacify. Kara-pva), f. vaoi [u] aor. I tcartfivaa, poet. inf.


KaTa-(j.av0dva>, fut. fi&OrjffofMii : aor. 2 -ifxaOov: Kafifivaat to shut or close the eyes : to nod, drop
pf. -fiffiaOrjKa: — to learn or observe well: to under- asleep, dose: also to die.
stand : to consider well. KaT-ava y Kd£a> f aooi, to force down , . into a place. XL
Kara-\iapyd<a Ion. -«o : f. 170-0*: to be stark tooverpower by force, constrain, confine: coerce.
mad. KaT-avd0cp.a, otos, to, a curse. Hence
KOTO-p.dpirTO»,t. -n"p\p<», to catch hold of, catch. KaTava6epdT(£<i>, f. ioat, to curse.
KaTa-papTtipcu), f. ijooj, to bear witness against :— KaTa-vatcD, to make to dwell, settle: only used in Ep.
Pass, to have evidence given against one. aor. I act. Kartvaooa med. KaTtvao-adfArjv Pass, to —
Ka.Ta-|, Med. to wipe off. take up Karfvaodnv.
one's abode, dwell, only in aor. I
Kar-ap-do), 1. 7ja<u, (Kara, dfiaw) to pile up, heap up: KaT-avaXio-KO), f. -avaXwotu aor. I Kar-qvaXwaa : :

Ep. aor. med. KaTdfirjadn-qv.

I — to spend lavishly, us ti upon a thing Pass., with :

KaT-apPXvvu, (Afard, afi0\vvaj) to take the edge off, pf. act. KaTavAXcoKa, to be lavished.
make blunt or dull. KaTa-vapKaw, to be slothful towards, press heavily
KaTa-p,€0vcrKu, f. -ficOvoaj [{/], to make drunk with upon.
sheer wine. KaTa-vdo-crco, f. -vd£(», to beat down firmly.
KOTaueivai, aor. I inf. of Karafievoj. KaTa-vavpdx* 0> » fut. 170-0;, to conquer in a sea-fight,
KaT-Sp.eXeo>, f. rjau, to give no heed to, neglect: ab- beat at sea.
sol. to be heedless — Pass, to be neglected. Kara-vtpa), f. -vffxw, to distribute, allot, assign a-
KaTa-peXlToco, f. aVo>, {Kara, (i(\i) to shed honey mong. II. Med. and Pass, to divide among them-
over, of the nightingale's voice. selves, partition out:hence to take possession of 2.
KaTdpcpiTTOs, ov, blamed by all, abhorred: neiit. pi. to feed orgraze land with cattle, Lat. depasci.
as Adv. so as to give cause for blame. From KaTdvevcris, «vs, ij. a nodding to, assent. From
Kara-p,<p,4>, f. -/te^o/wit aor. med. -tpcfi- : i KaTa-vevw, f.-v(vaonai: Ep. aor. I part. Kavvevoas:
ipafirjv, pass. -ffi(fi(p0T]v Dep.: to blame, accuse,
: — to nod assent, opp. to airovevw, viriax €T0 Kar ^~ ^
find fault with. vevaev he promised and confirmed his promise by a
KaTdp.ep.iJns, e<vt, i), a blaming, finding fault, ac- nod : to make a sign by nodding the bead.
cusing. KaTa-v€<f>6u>, f. waoi, to overcloud.
KaTa-ucvo), f. -fjLevw, to stay behind: to remain, con- KaTa-v«i> Ion. -vTjto, f. -vqaai, to heap or pile up.
tinue in a state. KOTavTjcrai, aor. I inf. of Karavioi.
: : : : :: : : — —
358 KaravBpa kCQo — KaTair\dar<ro».

KaT-avOpdK(£tt, f. ioai, and KaT-avOpdKow, f. -koo\uii Kara-irdrco), f. ^<ra>, to trample down, trample under
(/tard, av$pa£) —
to burn to cinders
: —
Pass, to bi foot : metaph. to trample on.
burnt to asbes. Kardiravpa, aros, to, a check, hindrance; and
KaTa-vCdKi), f. —vhp<o, to snow upon or over : impers., KaT&iravo-is, cos, i), a putting a stop to, putting
Karavi<pu it snows; Kartviif/f \ l ° Vi T *i v ®p4'erl v down, deposing. II. (/rom Pass.) a calm. From
snow fell all over Thrace. KaTa-irawo poet. Kair-7ratK«> : f. aw: — to put to rest,
KttTa-votu, f. qoo), to remark, observe, perceive : to calm, assuage. 2. to make one stop from a thing,

understand, learn, know : to consider. binder or check from: to stop, binder, keep in check:
Kar-dvopai, Pass. (Kara, avoi) to be used up or — to put down, depose one from power. II. Pass,

wasted. The Act. is supplied by Karavvai. and Med. to leave off, cease, rest.
KaTa-voTt£a>, f. toot Att. tw, to bedew. KaT-Sir«Xc(i>, f. rjaoj, to threaten loudly ; Kara-nti-

Kdr-avTd, Adv. of KardvTijs, downwards. A«fv tirq to use threatening words.

KaT-avrdo), f. i\aa>, to come down to, arrive at. Kara-ircipdrr|pia Ion. -impijTrjpCi), 1), (jcara, ir«-
KaT-dvrns, ft, {tcard, ovto) down-bill, opp. to ay- paw) a sounding-line.
dvrrjs. Ko.Ta.-Tr«\Td£a>, fut. -dco/iat, to overrun with light-
KOT-dvnj<rn.v, Adv. (/card, Avrdw) opposite. armed troops (nfXraoTai).
KaT-avTVKpv, (Kara, avri/cpv) straight down from. II. KaTaircpirrcos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of itaranifiira/, to
over against, right opposite, facing. 3. absol. out- be sent down.
right, downright, [t of the penult, long in Horn., KaTa-trcp.ira>, f. ip<u, to send down to the sea.
short in Att.] Kara-ircvOcci), f. i\ao), to mourn for.
KaT-avrCov, Adv. over against, opposite, fronting. KaTairlirrj'Ya, intr. pf. of Karair-qyvvfu.
KaT-avnir«pas, Adv. right over against, opposite. Karaireimyvla, Ep. pf. part. fern, of Karairrijaaai.
Ka,T-avT\«'a>, f. fotu, to pour upon or over. Kar-direp, Ion. for icaOdvep.
Ka,T<iw£is, (ojs, q, stupefaction, slumber. From KaTCMircp8<i>, mostly in Med. -irtpSopai: aor. 2 nar-
Kara-vvo-o'co Att. -ttco, f. £<o, to prick — Pass, to ivaphov : pf. Karanivopba to break wind at one.

be pricked at heart. II. in Pass, also to lie in a Kara-n (o-ao> Att. -tto) : fut. -iriif-v: — to boil down
deep sleep, to slumber. or digest : metaph. to digest, keep from rising.
kot-Svvw Att. -vt(i> f. vaot \y] aor. I Karqvvaa : KOTair«<rwv, aor. a part, of Karamirrej.
— :

to bring to an end, finish a journey: to arrive at a


KaTa-fr«Tdwt>p.i or -vu>, fut. -vtrdao) [2] :

to spread
place ; c. gen., <pi\rjt irpo£evov tcarqvvaav they have out over. spread or cover with.
II. to Hence
reached the bouse of a kind hostess. 3. to accom- KaTaircTao-pa, aros, to, a curtain, veil.
plish, perpetrate., fut. -mrqaofuu aor. a KaTfirrdfiqv,


KaTu-vcDTtgopat, fut. -Iffofuu, Dep. (icard, varrifa) part. Karairrdfifvot: to fly down.
— to carry on one's back. KaTa-TrcTpoci), (nard, itirpa) to stone to death.
f. djffa),

tcaTa-£aiva>, i.-£avS>: aor. I Kar^Tjva: Pass., aor. — icaTa-Tr«TTCi>, Att. for Karairiaaw.
I Kart^avOrjv : pf. tcar^afiuai: to card or comb — KaTa-rrf 4>vu>v, part, of aor. a Kariir«pvov.
well: to tear in pieces, wear away, reduce to nothing. KaTaircU/Tj, 3 sing. aor. I subj. of Karairiaao).
tcaTogcpcv, Ep. for Karafuv, fut. inf. of Kardyoj. KOTa-rrriY^r11 an<* -^»: fut. -irq£ej: aor. I hot-
KaTa-£cv6ci>, f. boo*, (/rard, (ivos) to receive as a 4irn£a: — to stick fast in the ground, fix firmly: —
guest, entertain. Pass., with intr. pf. act. Kara-trfirrjya, 3 sing. Ep.
icaT-a£ios t ov, quite worthy of. Adv. -too*. Hence aor. 2 KariinjKTO, to standfast or firm in, be firmly
KaTa|i6<0, f. ha<a, to deem worthy, esteem, ho- fixed in.
nour. II. to bid; iroWd
xai eiV (vfupopatt Ka- Ka.Ta-irr|8(ia>, f. -t^co/iai, to leap down from.
raftSi I bid a long farewell to calamities. 3. to KaTa-?rtp.Tr\T)pi, f. -rrAf/ffeu, to fill quite full.
resolve or determine on a thing. KaTa-TrlpirpT)pi, f. -vp^ao), to burn to asbes.
Kara-^wo, f. vaai [0] : Pass., pf. -t£vopm — to scrape Kara-rrCvft), fut. -trio/Mi : aor. a Karimov Ep. k&w-
down, to scratch or mark. iriov — to gulp or swallow down, absorb. 2.
Karo-opos, Dor. for tcarrjopos. metaph. to drink in, imbibe. 3. to swallow up, us*
Kara-iraC£a>, f. -naifo/iai, to jest at. up, consume.
KaTa-rraKTos, •q, ov, (/earair^yvviu) fastened down KaTa-rrvn-pdo-KCi), to sell outright.
or downwards ; Kararraicri) Ovpa a trap-door. KaTa-Tr(TrTa>, fut. -neaovfiai aor. a Karlirtoov Ep.


Kara-TrdXaCo), f. aoi, to throw in wrestling. itditittaov : pf. -iriirrwica to fall down : metaph. to
xaTa-TrdAAu, to shake down —
Pass., in 3 sing. Ep. fall, sink, subside.
aor. 3 KarlvaXro, to vault or leap down. KOTo-TTto-o-6o> Att. -tt6o> : f. -iiaoi, to cover with
Kara-ir6.o-crui Att. -ttw, f. -iraau [d] aor. I iear- pitch, pitch over to keep out the air.
4irdaa: —
to besprinkle: to sprinkle or strew over.

KaTdirXacrpa, aros, t6, that which is spread or

Hence smeared over, a plaster. From
••OTdirooTO*, ov, besprinkled with, embroidered. tcaTo-TrXdo-ca) Att. -fro : f. -vXdaoj [d] : aw. X
— : ,: : : : : : —— —
KaTairkaaTos — Karapi.yrjk6s. 859
KariirXHaa to spread or smear over, plaster witb
: negat., and in bad sense ov Karairpot- 1. absol.,

— Med., Kara-nXaoataOai r^v nt(pa\-qv to plaster one's [todai ((pTj he said tbey should not get off free, witb
own head. Hence impunity ; ov Karaitpoi£u you shan't do it for no-
KciTa-n-XaoTos, if, oV, plastered over. thing, a. also with part., ov \u0ijad/i(vos i/ii
tcaTa-ttXacrrvs, vos, ^, Ion. for KardirKafffta. KaTavpot£erat be shall not escape for having thus in-
KaTa-irXcicd), f. (a>,to entwine, plait: metaph. to im- sulted me ov Karairpoi(u tovto Spwv thou {.halt not

plicate, entangle. a. tojinisb twisting, and so to escape or get offfor doing this. 3 c. gen. pers.,
bring to an end, finish. ifxtv 5' (kuvos ov Karairpot(tTai be shall not use me
tcard-irXcos, ov, also a, ov Att. -ir\«i»$, wv, gen. ill for nothing.
<u {xara, w\4os)
— :

quite full of a thing : soiled or Kard-TTpcoKTOS, ov, = Harairvyoiv.

stained witb it. Karairraxtov, ovros, aor. a part, of Karam-qaao).
xaTa-TrX«'w, f. -irKcvaoftai aor. I KariirXtvoa :— Kard-nrcpos, ov, (Hard, irreptv') winged.
Ion. pres. -ttXwo — to sail

down, as, to sail from tbe Ka.T<vivTT|o*ojiai, fut. of KarartfTOfUu.


bigb sea to sbore, put into port, put in: to sail down KOTa-irrr|<raa), fut. -irrq£a): Ep. aor. a Kardimjv,
stream. II. to sail back. 3 dual Karaitr-qTrjV ; another poet. aor. a part, koto-
Kard-irXcios, ojv, gen. a», Att. for\tot. irrajc<av occurs: pf. KarivTijKa or -x<x, Ep. part. Kara-
KaT<£irXT)£, 17701 6, (KaranX^aaoj) terror-stricken.
1), irtnTtjws — to crouch or cower down, to lie crouching
KaTdirXi)|is, tut , 7) , amazement, consternation. From or cowering.
Kara-irXTjcrcru) At. -ttw : f. £a>: aor. I KarirrKij^a: teaT-d-TTTopai, Ion. for Ka0awTo/juu.
— Kartirkdynv [&) Ep. KarfirK^yijv :—
Pass., aor. 1 KaTdiTTvoros, ov, also t), ov, (KaTairrva)) to be spat
pf. -TtvXrrypuu —
to strike down : metaph. to strike upon, abominable, despicable.
witb amazement, astound, confound: Pass, to be — KaTa-irri5xT|S, «*, (icard, irrvxff) witb ample folds.
panic-stricken, be amazed. Kara-Trrvw, f. vaoj [C] : aor. 1. Karinrvaa to spit :

Kard-rrXoos contr. -irXovs, o, (KarairXtoS) a sail- upon or at, as a mark of abhorrence and contempt.
ing down to land, a putting ashore, putting into bar- KaTa-HTw<ro <0, = Karairr^aau.

bour. II. a sailing back, return. tcaTairvYOcrvvT], 1), lewdness. From

Kara-irXovTi£ci>, fut. iaat Att. tS>, to make very ricbt KaTa-rrvYwv, ovos, n, neut. wuyoVtijcaT&^vvyf^lewd,
enricb. lustful, brutal.
KaTa-irXvva> [ff|, to ba'be witb water. Hence Kara-^rvOo), f. i/«ro; [0] : aor. tcariifiaa : to makt
KaTdirXfans, ton, ij, a bathing in water. rotten — Pass, to become rotten.
KaTO-irXwa), Ion. for /caTav\4a). Kard-irvKvos, ov, very thick.
tcara-irvcCctf, Ep. for Karanvioi. Kara-rrHpiiu, f. iaot, (icard, irvp) to catch fire.
KaTa-irvco, f. -wevao/juu : aor. I Kariirvcvaa to — KaTa-irvpiroX&a), f. rjaat, to consume with fire.
breathe upon or over. a. to inspire, instil. Hence Ko/r-dpa Ion. -dptj [i], ^, an imprecation, curse.
Korairvo^i, 1), a breathing or blowing. KaTapau>T)p,cvos, Ion. for leaOijpnutvos, pf. part pass,
teaTa-irooa and Kcn-a-iroBas, Adv., for /card, »<55a, of KaOatpfoi.
icard wobat, upon tbe track, quickly, straightway., f. -dooftai Ion. -fooftat: Dep.: tc
KaTairoOrj, 3 sing. aor. I subj. pass, of mramva). invoke upon one, mostly in bad sense iroAAd Karrj- ;

KaTa-froXcucco, f. i\au, to war down, wear down at be uttered many curses: to pray for evil to one,
overcome in war, Lat. dehellare. curse, utter imprecations upon: pf. part. Karrjpa- —
KaTa-iroveu), f. ijoo), to wear out by toil or suffering. ulvos, in pass, sense, accursed.
KaTa-irovT^ei), f. iau Att. i£>, Kar-Spdao-u Att. -ttw, f. £a>, to dash down, smash,
(Kara, itovros) to throw
into the sea, plunge or drown break in pieces, to burl down.
therein. Hence
KaToirovnoT*r|s, ov, 6, one who throws into tbe sea, tcardpaTOS, ov, (Karapaofiai) accursed, abominable.
of pirates. KaT-apyew, f. ^<r«, {icard. apyCs) to leave unem-
KOTa-rrovTOw, f. itaoj, = KarairovTtfa. ployed: hence to make barren. II. to make use-
Kara-Tropveikd, f. -tvoo), to prostitute. less or void: Pass, to be abolished: to be set free. —
Kara-rrpdo-o-u Att. -nxo, f irpa^u, to effect, ac- KaT-apyi£ci>, f. iaat, (Kara, &py6s) to make to tarry.

complish, achieve: —
Med. to achieve for oneself. KaTapYpa, aros, to, {tcarapxouai) in pi. tA : —
KaTa-irpijW|s, is, bead foremost, witb the forepart KarapynaTa, tbe beginnings of tbe sacrifice, introduc-
downwards ; x ei P* taratrprfvu with the hand moved tory rites.
downwards, i. e. witb tbe flat of the hand. Hence Kar-apyvp6<>>, f. 6)ao), to cover or plate witb sil-
KaTairpt]v6<», f. how, to throw down headlong. ver. II. to buy or bribe witb silver.
KaTa-rrpbi) [1] aor. I KariirpToa:
: to saw up or in —
Kar-dpSco, f. dpnw, to water : esp. metaph. to be-
pieces : to cut or tear in pieces. sprinkle witb praise.
•caTa-rrpo8(S<i>p.i, f. npofi&aoj, to betray. KaT-aplopxu or cwp-ai, Ion. for Karapdo/Mi.
Ko/ra-Trpoto-o-ouai, f. -irpoff o/iai Att. vpolfopai :— KaTa-piynAos, 1J, 6v t (/card, fnyiu) making one
«'• do
for nothing, i. e. With impunity, always with shudder, horrible.
— : — : : — :

360 KaTapiBfiid) — KaTa<rK€bdvwfU.

Kar-ttpi6p,lci>, f. ^a<u, to count or reckon among. 1. to furnish completely: Karrfprifffiivos (pf. part, pass.)
to count up : — Med. to recount. well furnished, complete. Hence
KaT-apK&i>, f. rjaoj, to be fully sufficient. KaTopTio-is, (ws, 1), a restoring, restoration : a
KaT-ap|i.6£ci>, Ion. for KaBap-. making perfect, educating.
KaT-apv€op,ai : Dep. with fut. med. -apv-qaofuu, aor. KaTapTumqp, fjpns, 6, («oTapTtfo>) one who adjusts:
I pass deny stoutly.
--qpvqOriv : to a mediator, reformer.
KaT-&p6<i>, f. -apuooj, to plough up. Kar-aprvbi, f. vacu [v] : pf. -Tiprv/ta pass. -^prvfMii
KOTappS-y^vai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Karappriyvvpi. aor. 1 pass. -rjpTvdrjv [6] : to prepare, dress : to ar-
KaTap-p<>, f. "qaoj, to lose or miss from care- range, put in order — Pass, to be trained or disci-
lessness: — Pass., pf. part. rcL KareppaOvfirjufva things plined. II. KaT-nprvKuis, pf. part. act. in in-
carelessly lost. II. intr. to be very careless or idle. trans. sense, of suppliants, having performed all the
Ka.Tap-p3<c6(i>, f. wao), (Kara, paicos) to tear into rites.

shreds : Pass., pf. part. KareppaKUfxivos, in rags or KaTd-piJros, ov, poet, for Kardppvros.
tatters. Kar-apxds, Adv.for Kar dpxds, in the beginning.
KaTapp<£icTT]S, ov, (KaTappTjyvvfti) as Adj. broken, Ka,T-dpx<«>, (Kara, apx<v) to make a beginning
f- £<",
precipitous. II. as Subst., KarappdKTrjs, d, a of a thing : c. gen., 6Sov Kardpx* lead the way c. :

waterfall, Lat. cataracta. ace. to begin a thing; Kardpxtiv rbv \6yov. 2.

Karap-pa-irTo), f. \p<v, to stitch up, to cover over : me- Med. to begin the rites of sacrifice ; Uiorcvp x*P vl &<*
taph. to plot, devise, compass. Hence r ov\o\VTas tc Karripx^ro Nestor began [the sacri-
KardppS^os, ov, sewn together, patched. fice! with the washing of hands and sprinkling the
KaTap-p «ja>, f. £<u Ep. aor. l Karipc£a : to pat barley on the victim's head later c. gen., Karapx*-
: :

with the band, to stroke, fondle, caress : aOai rod Upeiov to make a beginning of the victim,
Ep. for Karappt^ovoa. consecrate him for sacrifice by cutting off the hair of
Karap-pcirw, f. xpoi, to make to sink or fall. his forehead to sacrifice, immolate.
: 3. to lead
Karap-pco), f. -ptvaouat and (in pass, form) -pwfj- the danc- in honour of one, to celebrate, honour.
aofiai pf -fapvrjKa aor. 2 in pass, form tcartppv-qv KaTa-o-p«vvup.v and -vo> f. -aPioco : aor. 1 Kark-

: : :

— to flow down : c. dat. to run down or drop with a ff&eoa: to put out, quench, extinguish: metaph.,
thing: metaph. to rush down. 2 to fall or slip OdXaaaav KaraafSioat to dry up the sea Haraofiioai ;

down : aor. 2 part. pass. Karappvus, fallen. 3. to I3ot}v, ipiv to quell noise and strife. II. Pass.,

come to, fall to the lot of. II to run down with with intrans. aor. 2 act. naria^nv and pf. KaTta&rjKa,
wet and in Pass, to be wet with a thing. to be quenched, go out.

Ko.Tap-p'fiYwpi an<* -w« f. -pr}£w: to break — Kara-crtiu), f.-auaoj: pf. -aiauua'. to shake and —
down. 2. to tear in pieces, rend Med., MaTap- — throw down ; KaTaotUiv ttj x eiP l i0 s *gn w ' 1 ^ ^
pr)£avro robs mduivas they rent their coats. 3. to band, beckon.
break up, put to confusion, of armies. II. Pass., KaTaato-rcira, intr. pf. of Karaa^-noi.
esp. in aor. 2 Kareppdyrjv [a~\, to fall or rush down: Kara-< Ep. aor. 2 Kareaavfjinv: Pass, (/card,

to break or burst out, gush forth: so also intrans in — O(voj) to rush down or back into.
pf. act. Karlppaiya to break out, burst forth. KaTa-<TT|ircD, to make rotten, let rot. II. Pass.,
tcaxap-p tvao) or -iu>, f. fjaai, to file down : Kartppi- aor. 2 KaT-todmjv with intr. pf. act. Karaaeanna.

VTffiivov ti Xtytiv to say anything polished or well- to grow rotten, rot away.
turned. .
KaT-ao-06v«o), f. i\aw, (xard, dadevtoj) to weaken.
f. ipw, to throw down, overthrow.
KaTop-pCirrci), Ka.T-ao-6p.aiva>, to pant or snort against.
Kardppoos contr. xaTappovs, ov, 6, {uarappifo) a Kara-alydto, f. "qoopuai, to become silent.
running from the head, a catarrh. icaTa-o-lKeAt£<i), f. o<u, (nard, 2iKfKo$) to Sicilise,
Karap-pcxjx'c*, gulp or swallow down.
f. -qaoj, to i. e. make away with.
KaTappvf,vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of Karappia). Hence KaTa-aiT€opai, f. -rjaoftat, Dep. to eat up, feed on.
Ka.TappuT|s, h, flowing down, falling away, ebbing. Kara-o-Wirdb), f. ~-qaoyuu,to be silent about a thing:
Kardpp&ros, ov, (KaTopptcv) overflowed, watered, c. ace. rei, to keep silent, pass over. II. trans, to

irrigated. II. carried down by water : formed make silent, silence, c. ace. pers.
by depositions from water, alluvial. KaTa-o-Kdirrci>,f. \pa), to dig down, rase to the ground,
Kar-appcoScco, f. rjaaj, Ion. 'for Karopptubioi. demolish : aor. 1 pass. KarcoKdcpijv. Hence
Karapp<d£, aryos, 6, %, (Kartppaiya) broken, rugged. Karo<rK<i4>Y|, 1^, a rasing to the ground, demolish-
KaTapo-is, cais, j), (tcaraipa)) a landing-place. ing. II. in plur., burial : also a grave.
Kar-aprda), f. i)Oa), {Kara, dprdoj) to fasten, attach, KaTacrK&^TJvat, aor. 2 inf. pass, of KaraaKd-mo).
or adjust fitly ; xPVt""1 Karr)pTn\ikvov (pf. part, pass.) Hence
a well-adjusted, fi', or convenient thing. KaTaxrK&<t>Y|s, 4t, dug down, deep-dug.
KaT-apT(£a>, f. loot, to adjust, put in order again, re- KaTa-o*Kc8dwvpA and -vo>, f. -ontSdow [l£] : aor. I
store, repair: to settle by mediation, reform. II. KaT«(jKf5dca \-—to scatter upon or over : also in bad
: : : : : : : — : :

M. TCLCTK /A AtO AC aTaOTOpivWfll. 861

sense xaratTKeSdoai tpjurjv Tivds to spread a report
; sow or plant thickly : metaph. to beget, II. to
against one. besprinkle.
KaTa-o-Kf'XAco, to parcb up. II. Pass., with pf. Kara-o-ircvBo), -airfiau aor. I KaT(o~iruaa pf
f. :

act. KaTtoKXrjKa, to wither away. -ioirtuca: — I -eanua$T]v: pL-coiruafxat:

Pass., aor.

KaTcwnceira), {/card, aKtitas) to shelter, cover up. to pour as a drink-offering or libation : absol. to pour
KaTa-o-Kev<i£ci), f. daou. to prepare, furnish, equip drink-offerings : generally, to pour upon one. II.
again or anew. a, to get ready, build Med. to — to honour with libations.
build, construct a bouse Pass, to be furnished or — KaTa-o"TT€px<«>, f. £<«, to urge on, stimulate.
provided with a thing 3. to put in a certain state, Kara-o-iroSeci), f. rjooj, {Kara, oiroSos) to throw down
render so and so : —
Med. to prepare oneselffor doing, in the dust, make bite the dust.
be ready to do. Hen^e KaTa-o*irovSd£, Dep., with aor. I pass, -co-rrov-
KaToo-Kcvao-pa, aros, r6, a contrivance, device : and SdaBrjv, pf.-eavovbaa uai ; {Kara, oirovSdfa) : to be —
Ka,Tao-K«vacrp.6s, 6, contrivance. earnest about a thing absol. to be very serious.
Kara-<rK€VT|, 1), any artificial prepa-
(leard, otcevfj) KaTa-ord£<D, f. £<w, to let fall in drops upon, pour
ration, Lat. apparatus any kind offurniture that is
: upon : to let drop, shed. II. intr. to drop down,
fixed or lasting, opp to what is movable or tempo- trickle; vooat learaoTafrtv irdSa to have one's foot
rary {irapaoKtvfj) ; a building : also any furniture, running with a sore. 2. to bedew, wet, moisten.

as the baggage of an army. II. the state or con- KaraaT&deCs, aor. I part. pass, of Kadiarrjfu.
stitution of a thing. KOTaoTas, aor. I part, of KaBiarr\\n.
KaTa-o-KT|vd<jd, f. Jjaa>, = Karaa/cnvooi. KaTa-crTclcn.d£<D, f do<u, toform a counter-party. II.
KaTa-cTKT]v6iD, f. uiaeu. {Kara, aicrjvq) to pitch one*s Pass, to be beaten by party olfaction.
camp, take up one's quarters, encamp : to rest, settle. KOTdor&o-is, (tus, rj, a settling, appointing, estab-
Hence lishing : an appointment, institution. 2. a bringing
KaTao-KT)vwfxa, aros t6. a covering, veil : and of ambassadors before the assembly, a presenta-
KaTao-KT)vu>o-is, fan, i), an encamping, an encamp- tion. II. intrans. a standing fast, a fixed or set-

ment : a resting-piace, a nest. tled condition : a state, condition : the nature of a

Kara-<rKT|irrci), rush down or fall upon, light
f. ipo>, to thing the constitution of a state.

upon, be burled down upon : of lightning, of sudden KaTao-rSTeov, verb. Adj. of KaOioTrjpn, one must
attacks of sickness, etc. II. Xirais KaTaotcrjirruv appoint.
to assail or importune with prayers. KaTa<rrdTtjS, ov, 6, (KaOlarrjut) an establisber.
KaTa-o-Ktd£u>, f. -OKiaoa), to overshadow, cover KaTa-<TT€"Yd£co, f. da oi, to cover over. Hence
over. KaTacrTtYacrpa, aros, to, a covering.
Kara-oxtdo), poet, for ttaraoKiafa. KaTd-arc'yos, ov, {Kara, OTcyt)) covered in, roofed.
KaTa-o"Ki8v5fxai, used as Pass, of KaraaKcSavvvfu. KaTa-OTtCPco, f. ip<». to tread on.
Kard-o-Ktos, ov, (Hard, crxid) overshadowed. II. KaTOOTctXai, aor. I inf. of KaraoriWo).
overshadowing. KaTa-<rrc\Xu>, f. -artKw, to put in order, arrange
icaTa-o-KoiT«i> (tenses formed from Hara-aKenTOfiai): clothe, dress, array. 2. to keep down, check.
f. -OKfipofuii : aot. I -iOKtxpdnrjv : -€CK(fifJUn:
pf. — KOTa-crrcv*), to sigh over or lament, c. ace. a. to
to view closely : to spy out : to reconnoitre. Hence sigh for or about one, c. gen.
KaToxncoiTTi, ^, a viewing closely, spying. Kara-<rrc<)>av6(i>, f. waa>, to crown.

KaTd-o-KOiros. ov, (Kara, OKOirot) spying, exploring: Ka.TaoT€<|>'f|S, 4s, wreathed, crowned. From
as Subst. a scout, spy. KaTa-o-rtc}>a>, f. tpat : aor. I Kariarerpa — to wreathe,
KaTa-ox&iTTG), fut. -aKdApOfiat, to make jokes upon, crown.
banter: to jeer or mock. KaTa-<rrqXiT«va>, f. atu, (tcard, arif\rf) to expose one
KaTa-o-fiiKpuvcD. f. vvw, to lessen, abridge Pass. — to infamy by posting up his name.
to become less. KaTacr-rT|p.a, aros, to, (KaOioTq fu) a state, condition.
Kaxa-crpvxw, f. (a> —
to burn with a slow fire — KaTa-OTTjpCfw, f. i£oj, to support, prop, sustain.
Pass, to smoulder away. KOTaoT-rjaai, KaTdorT)o-ov, aor. 1 inf. and imperat.
KaTa-o-oc^ifopat, t.-icrofiat Att.-iovfiai, Dep. to con- of tcaOiaTijfu Karao-T^aw, fut. of same.

quer by 'rickery, circumvent, outwit a*lso as Pass, to — KaTa-oTi£<o, f. (oj, to cover with punctures. Hence
be outwitted. Kaxd-o-TtKTOS, ov, spotted, speckled, brindled, dappled.
KaTa-o-TT&pdcrcrco Att. -TTW, (a), to pull to pieces. KaTa-orCXPeo, to beam brightly.

KaTa-<nraTaXdu>, wantonly.
f. 17 oat, KaTao-ToX-q, ij, (icaTaoTiW<u) an arranging, dress-
to live
KaTa-cirdo), f. do<u [&], to draw or pull down ; fcara- ing : equipment, dress. II. quietness, moderation.
oirdv nva run/ rpix^fv to drag one down by the hair KaTO-orovSx«0, f "qaoi, to sigh over, bewail.
of ships, to haul down, set afloat. II. to quaff KaTa-o~rop«wvp,t and -vco, fut. -CTOpiaot aor. 1 :

or swallow down. KartoTLpiaa to spread or cover with a tning. II. :

KaTo-o-ircCpo), f. -aittpSi : aor. 1 feariaireipa :— to spread or strew on the ground: to overthrow, lay
: — : : — : —
: ::

362 KaTaoTp&TTTO) — Kororpi)9a)

low ; KaraffTopfocu Kvpara to smooth the waves, Lat. KaTOT€0vaiT], 3 sing. pf. opt. of KaraOvrjniea).
sternere aequor. KaraTeOvcus and Ep. -rj&it, gen. wtos, pf. part, of
KaT-oorpdirno, f. \pa), to burl down lightning, flash Karadv^aKOJ.
ligb'ning : absol.. KaracrpavTU it lightens KaTa.T€0vTjKa„ pf. of KaraOvrjaKO).
KaTa-<rrpSTOirc8cvo>, f. oat, to make to encamp, sta- Kara-rcCvu, fut. -rtvS) pf. -rirSxa.
— to stretch or
tion : —Med. to fake up one's quarters, encamp. draw tight : metaph. to strain, force : also to strain
KaTa-crrpc^w, f. ipco, to turn over the soil, Lat. ara- or *xert. II. intrans. to stretch or strain oneself:
tro vertere. II. to upset, overturn. 2. Med. to stretch or extend towards, Lat. tendere in . . a.
to subject to oneself, subdue: Pass, to be subdued; — to strain or exert oneself, strive earnestly.
KaTtcrrpafifMit ojcovuv I am compelled to hear. III. KdTa-Tf p.vco Ion. and Dor. Tdp.vo> : f. -r(fta> : aor.
to bring to an end, close : intrans. to come to an end, 2 KarirSLfjiov KaraTfTfirjKa, pass. KaTaTiTfirjfuii :

end. — :

to cut in pieces, cut up ; Karar4fiVfiv rtvcL Karri-

KaTCurrptyas, of Karaarpk<po).
aor. I part, para to cut him into strips ; Kararcr/jtnvro rdcppoi
KaraoTp^ovTW, Dor. 3 of Karaarpecpa).pi. fut. trenches bad been cut.
KaTa-o-Tp-qvidw, to behave insolently towards. Kard-T€Xv0S » ov, {Kara, rix vV^ artificial.
Ka.TcuTTpo4>T|, 1), (jtaraoTpij*)) an overturning, icaTa-r^Kco, f. £a> : aor. I Karirrjfa :
to make melt
overthrowing. 1. a subduing, reduction. II. away, to thaw : to dissolve, make liquid. II.
a sudden turn : an end, close in the drama, the — Pass... with pf. act. KararirrjKa, to melt or be melting
catastrophe or turn of the plot. away, to thaw : to pine away.
Kardo-Tpajfia, aros, t6, that which is spread upon KOTa-Ti0Tjp,i. f. Ofjooj pf. -riOqica aor a KariOrjv,
: :

or over : in a ship, the deck. From Ep. pi. KarOepev, KarQtrt. KarQfoav KaraOuoptv, ;

Kara-crTpwwOpt and -vco, f. -arpwa<o : aor. I kotc- Ep. subj. for tcaraOwpev hp. inf KarOipw, and in;

arpaxra - Kfiraaropivvvfu.
: Med., KaT$(/jLt$a, itarOiaOrjv, Kar$tptvoi, Ep. for
Kara-ortiytw, f. -fjaai: aor. 2 Karfarvyov: to be — KariOffifv, etc. ; Karaduopai, Ep. subj. for
horror-struck —
c. ace. rei, to shudder at, abhor. pai —
to place, put or lay down ; KaraOuvai dc0\ov
KaTa-o~ru4>«Xos, ov, very bard or rugged. to put down, propose a prize. 3. to pay down :
KOTa-<rrci>p,v\Aa>, to have a glib tongue: pf part, generally, to make good, to perform. 3 KaraOc ivai .

pass in act. sense KaTcaTO)fiv\p4vot, a chattering rial rt ft pkaov to communicate a thing to others,
fellow. give them a common share of it. II. Med. to

KaTa-o-upo), aor. I -iavpa, to pull down and carry lay down for or from oneself, put down, lay aside
off, to ravage and plunder a country, Lat. diripere. to put away, get rid of. 2. to deposit, lay up in

Ka.Taxr$\, r), a slaughtering or killing. From store : metaph., KarariQtoBai k\4os to lay up a store
Kaxa-cr4>ti£<y or - cr<f>d-rTW : f. £<v: aor. 3 pass. of glory ; X°^P IV itaTariOeoBcu nvi to lay up a store of
-fapdyijv [a] : to slaughter, murder. gratitude/or oneself with one. 3. to lay up in
KaTa-o-^p&yt^ci}, f. law Att. iS>, to seal up, put under memory.
seal : pf. part. pass, KaTca<ppayio pivot, sealed up, se- KdTo-TlXdoa, f. i\a<a, to befoul, Lat. concacare.
cured. KaTa-Tvrpwoxo), f. -rpwaw, to cover with wounds,
Ka,TO<rxe0ctv Ep. -Uiv, poet. aor. 2 inf. of learix**' wound mortally.
KaT<urx«tv, aor. a inf. of icarlx KaroTOp.^, 1), (fcaraTifwoj) a cutting into : outward,

Kardoxccns, «us. 1), (mrix01 ) a

holding back, hin- fleshly circumcision.
dering. II. a holding fast, possession. KaTa-To£€Vo>, f. era, to strike down with arrows,
KOTa<rx«TOS, ov, (/caT«x<w) held back, kept back. II. shoot down, slay with arrows : shoot through.
possessed. KararpHytlv, aor. a inf. of KaTarparyej.
Karo-<rxC{co, f. ioco, to cleave asunder; KaraaxK(t¥ KaTa-Tpaup.aTi£<i> Ion. -rptopd-rljco f. iaoj Att. ta>


ras irvkat to burst the gates open. to cover with wounds, wound all over : of ships, to
K<LTa-<rxo\d£b>, f. aaoj, to loiter, tarry : c. ace, \p6- disable utterly, cripple.
vov rt KaTaax°^C€lV t0 tarry somewhat too long. KOTa-Tplx w » f- -Sp&novfiai : aor. a Kar4bpS,fwv
KdTocrxwp,€v, 1 pi. aor. 2 subj. of Kar4x«. (formed from obsol. dpifuj) to run down : of a :

kotcutxwv, KaTaorx6p.€vos, aor. a part. act. and ship, to run into port. II. to run down upon, at-
med. of Karixv. tack. III. to run over : to overrun, ravage, lay
KaTa-auxu, to rub in pieces, bruise, pound, bray. waste.
KaTa-rdfivco, Ion. and Dor. for Kara-rifivoi. KaTd-rpCj3o), f. rf/oj tor. 3 pass, -erpifirjv \t] pf. : :

KaTa-T&vvw, f. vow [u], — Kara-reivu. -TfTptfiftai : to rub down, wear away with rubbing
KaraTaf «iSj Dor. for /carar^fe «, 2 sing. fut. of tcara- of persons, to wear out, weary, exhaust : of property,
to waste, squander Pass, to be worn out. 2. of —
Kara-rdo-o-oj Att. -tto>, f. (at. to draw vp in order, Time, to wear away, get rid of it, Lat. diem ferere :
arrange: to put in its proper place, classify, di- —
Pass., esp. in pf. -rlrpipiMii, to spend one's life, live
gest. 2. to appoint. one's whole time, [t]
— — : — : :

KCLTarpCfa — KaTayalpa). 863

i-rpCJco, to squeak,scream shrilly. Ka.Ta-<t>0lvu0ci>, — KaraqtOlw. [If]

Ko.Ta-rpoxci£e>, aaw, to run down or over.

f. Kara-<j>0Cva> aor. I KaTtq>Oivnoa pf. fcarfqjOivrjKa
: : :

icaTa-Tpv£ci>, f. vow, to chatter against. — to waste away, decay, perish.

KOTa-Tpvx«, to rub down, wear out, exhaust, [v] KaTa-<j>6ib>, I. Causal in fut. Kara<p$iaco [;],

KCLxa-TpcoY 40 . fut. -Tpw£oficu : aor. 2 icaTeTp&yov: — aor. I xariipOiaa, to ruin, destroy, kill. II. in-

to gnaw in pieces, eat up. trans. in pf. pass. Kariq>6Tiiai, Ep. aor. 2 KaT(q>OiiJLrjv
Ka.Ta-Tpa>(AaTi£a>, Ion. for Kararpavfi-. [r], inf. -q>6io0at : to be destroyed, ruined, waste
KaTa-Tvyx* vt,) . ^ut - -rcvfoftai, to bit one's mark, away, perish ; ws Karaq>$ioOai wqxXfs O that thou
reach, gain, obtain : absol. to be successful. hadst periihed : part. Kara<p6ifi(vo%, dead, departed.
KaT-avaivoj, to dry, parch, or wither up. Ka.Ta4>6opd, 77, {KaraqtOtipw) destruction, ruin, death:
KaT-av"yd£a>, f. daw, to illumine or light up — Med. metaph. confusion, distraction.
to gaze at. Kara-drfXcu), f. f)aw, to kiss tenderly, caress.
KaT-avB6.u>, f. ijow, to speak aloud, declare. Kara-c^Xtyoj, f. (w, to burn down, consume.
icaT-avOt, or better Kar' av0i, Adv. on the
1), (tcaTaq>\tyw, v6\it) inflamer
spot. Ka.Ta4>\e£i-TroAis, o,
Ka.T-av\«i>, play upon the flute to one:-— of cities.
f. tjcroj, to
Pass, to have the flute played to one : to resound with KaTd-<|>Xc|kS, tws, •/}, (Karaq>\€yw) a burning.
the flute. II. c. ace. to overpower by flute- KaTa-<j>oP(o>, f. ijaw, to strike with fear or dismay
playing generally, to strike dumb.
: —Pass., with fut. med. qtoftrjcofiat, aor. 1 Kar(q>ofirt-
Ka.T-av\t£, f. iaoftai : aor. i med. icarnvXtffa- be afraid of.
(h)v, to
firjv and pass. KarrjvXiaOrjv : Dep. :
to take up one's KaTa-<J>oiTdw Ion. -&>, to come down regularly.
quarters, encamp, settle, lodge. Kara-<j>ovcvo>, f. aw, to slaughter, butcher, slay.
KaT-avrCico, better KaT' avriKa. tcaTa-<j>opc<i>, f. 4)Q~w, to carry down or along : of a
lcaT-avT60i, Adv. on the spot, for ott' avrSOi. river, to carry down with the stream Pass, to be so —
icaT-avx€vtos, a, ov, (Kara, avxfy) on or over the carried down.
neck. Ka.Ta-<j>pd£<i>, f. aw, to declare. II. Med., with
Kar-avx&D. f. r>aw, to exult much in. fut. -q>paaofiai, aor. I med. -cqjpaaafirjv, pass. -*q>pa-
KaTa-^dyciv, aor. 2 inf. of Karea$iw, to eat up, de- odrjv: — to think upon, reflect upon: to remark,
vour. 2. to consume in eating. observe.
Ka.Ta-4>cuv<i>, f. -<p8vS), to make visible. II. Pass. Ko.Td<J>pa.KTos, ov, covered, decked: shut up in. From
to become visible, appear. 2. to be clear or plain. KaTa-<f>pdo-o-G> Att. -tt<i>, (w, to cover, fence in.

KaTa<f>&vY|v<u, aor. 2 inf. pass, of Karaq>aivw. Hence KOTa-<j>pov«ci>, f. -qow, to think slightly of, disdain,
Ka.Ta4>avT]s, «*, clearly seen, conspicuous. 2. ma- despise : to scorn, contemn. II. to fix one's
nifest, clear. thoughts upon, think of : also to aim at, Lat. affec-
KaTa4>apKTOs, ov, old Att. for Kardq>paKTOs. tare. III. to think arrogantly, to presume: and
Kcrra 4>app.&K€va), f. aw, to anoint with drugs: to simply to think, suppose. Hence
charm, bewitch. KaTa4>p6vT]u.a, aros, r6, contempt of others ; /x^
Kara-<|>app.<&o-<ro>, f. £<y, to poison. q>pl)vr\\ia fiovov, aXka KarojppovTjjja not only spirit,
Ka.Ta-4>a.u\i£ci>, f. aw, to depreciate. but a spirit of disdain : and
KaTa4>epT)S, is, {Karaq>ipofuu) sloping, slanting; KaTa^pdvrjoxs, cws, 1), a low opinion of others : pre-
tvrt av KaTaq>tpf)s yiyvrjrai 6 fjkios when the sun is sumption : and
near setting. II. inclined to a thing. KaTa<|>povT]TT|S, ov, 6, a despiser : and
icaTa-4>«pa>, f. Karoiaw or ttaroiaofiai aor. I Karfj' Kara<j>povir)TiKos, i), 6v, contemptuous, disdainful.

veyKa : to bring down : —

Pass, to be brought down, Adv. -kws, scornfully.
as by a river : to be weighed down by sleep. II. KaTa-4>povr(£<i>, f. law Att. ta>,» to think or study z
to bring down from the high sea, bring to land: thing away. —
Pass, to be carried or driven down to a place. koto-4>pvy<">» £ £<u t0 hum away.
KaTa-4>€i>Yu>, f. (ofxai aor. 2 Karkq>vyov :to flee KaTa-<j>vrv*ydva), = Karaqxvyw.
— .

for refuge or betake oneself to, to have recourse to. KaTadrfyctv, aor. 2 inf. of icaTaq>evyw. Hence
Hence KaTacj)!) yr], j), a refuge, place of refuge.
KaTo-4>cvKT«ov, verb. Adj. one must betake oneself. KOTa-<J>u\a86v, Adv., for Kara q>v\as, in tribes, by
KaTd-4>«v£is, twt, jj, flightfor refuge. 2. a place tribes or clans.
of refuge. Ka-ra-fyvXaarcrtji Att. -TTW, f. £w, to guard well.
KaT<£~4>T)p.i, to say yes, assent to. KaTa-dwXXopocci), f. 4)Ow, to shed leaves : to decay.
KaTa-<j>T]u.t£w, f. aw and (w, to spread a report, an- Kard-<j>irros, ov, {Kara, q>vr6v) well-planted.
nounce, proclaim. KaTa-4>a>pdco, f. d<r<w [a], to catch in a theft : gene-
KaTa-4>6&Tcop,ai, Dep. (*ard, q>0ariw or qAaraw = rally, to catch in the act, detect, discover.
q>$avw) -: to take first possession of, occupy. KaTo-4>fc>Ti{<o, f. taw Att. iw, to illuminate, light up.
Kora-^OcCpiA, f. -q>6tpw, to bring to nothings ruin. Kara-xaCpo), f. -\apovnai y to exult over one.
— : : :

364 KaraxaXaCdca — KaT€Cba>.

KaTa-x5Xa?aw, f. foa), to shower down like bail on Kara-xcopCgw, f. i<reo Att. im, to set or place in,
one. a place or spot.
establish in
Ka/Ta-xaXicos, ov,(Kard, x^Xkos) covered with brass; KaTaxicrai, aor. 1 inf. of KaTax&wv/u.
KaraxaX/cov itcdiov the plain gleaming with brasen KaTa-d/aKa£fe>, Att. for Kara^e/cdfa.
armour. Hence Ka.Ta-i|/ati>, f. -tfrjow, to stroke with the band.
Kara-xaXicoG), f. 6jo<o, to cover with brass. Ka.Ta-d/€K<if<i> Att. -i|/aKci{ci>, f. da<u, to drop down
KaTa-x3p(£op.(u, f. iaofjuu Att. toO/xcu, to do or give on, bedew.
up a thing out of courtesy : generally, to flatter, curry Kara-i(/, f. copai, Dep. to feign, invent;
favour. KaTa\pe6hto6ai nvos to tell lies against one : to say
tcardxapiia, aros, t6, (/faraxat/xu) a mockery, Lat. falsely, pretend.
ludibrium. Kara-\|/€v8opapT£p«o, f. ijoo}, to bear false witness
KaTa-x«£co, f. -xiao^m, to befoul, Lat concacare. against Pass, to be borne down by false witness. —
KaTa-X€ipoTOV€G>, f. rjoco, to vote by show of bands KaTdd/€vo-TOS, ov, (KaTa\p(vb'ofiJii)feigned,fahulous.
against: generally, to vote against. Hence KaTa-i|/r|<{>i£opai, fut. iooyjax Att. loC/xat, to vote
KaTax«' porovia, 17. condemnation by show of bands. against or in condemnation of: as Pass, to be con- —
KaTaxetioi, Ep. aor. I inf. of Karaxtoj. demned.
KOTa-X€o> Ep. -x€va> fut. ~X ( & aor l Karex (a
: KaTa-uVqxtO' f. -\f/Tj£oo, to rub or grate down:
' - Pass. —
Ep. Kartx eva —
Pass., aor. I Karfxv9r]v [t/] : Ep. aor. to crumble away.
II. metaph. = /«rra^da;.

1 KarcxvvTjv [y], 3 sing, and pi. kot^x^ 70 X aT *X vv ~ KaTa-ipvxct), f. £a>, to cool, refresh. [0]
to: — to pour down, shed upon or over,

to shower KaTfa-Ya, pf. of Kardyvvfu : — KaTcdynv [a], aor. 2

down : to throw, cast down : to let fall upon. 2. pass.
to melt down. II. Med. to let flow down, esp. KaT€fi-ywo-iv, 3 pi. aor. 2 subj. pass, of xardyvvfu.
of the hair. 2. to have or cause to be melted down; KaT«x£a, aor. I of Kard-yvv^i.
Xpvobv KaraxtaoQai. KaT€a|b>, late fut. of Kardyvvfti.

KaroxT|VT), (KaTaxaivoj) derision, mockery.

ij, KaT€aTai, Ion. for KaO-qvrai, 3 pi. of
Kara-XT]pcva), f. ecu, to pass in widowhood. KaTcaTO, Ion. for (/tdOrjvTO, 3 pi. impf. of naOrjiiai.
icar-ax^s. "» Dor. for Kar-qx^s. KaTe|3a, Dor. 3 sing. aor. 2 of KaraPaivoj., Pass, to be grieved or distressed. KaT€(3av, for KaTi&rjoav, 3 pi. aor. 2 of /cara/Haivct.
koto-xOovios, ov, (Kara, x^wv) subterranean, t/i- KaT€p-rjv, aor. 2 of KaraPaivoj.
fernal. KaT€pT|o-€TO, Ep. for -OLTO, 3 sing. aor. I med. of
Kara-xopScvto, f. croj, to cut in strips. KOTafJaiva).
Kara-xpaCvopai, Dep. to spot or t-prinkle. KaT€p\fiK€vp«vos, Adv. pf. pass. part, of /cara&Xd-
KaTa.-xpa.opai, f. xpV^ 1 Dep. ^
to make use of, Ktvoj, slothfully, sluggishly.

apply : to use to the uttermost, use up, consume. 2. KaT-«YY*°' {0 f- V acj {tard, lyfurj) to pledge, be- » :

to misuse, misapply. 3. of persons, to make away troth. II. as Att. law-term, to make responsible,

with, destroy, despatch. II. the Act. Karaxpaoi compel to give security or bail.
is only used impers in 3 sing., Kardxpa, it is enough, KaT-«YYvrj, "h, bail, security given.
it suffices; so impf. Kari\pa it sufficed; fut. «ara- KaT6Y«Xcdv, impf. of Koraye\d<».
Xpriou it will suffice : once with a nom., dvrl \6<pov KareyTipa, 3 sing. impf. or aor. 2 ; see yrjpdffKQ).
ij \o<pii) KarixP the mane sufficed, served as a crest.
- kot-€yx«», f- ~X 6 ^» t0 P our down into.
KaTa-xpeioopai, Pass, to be ill treated. KaTe'STrjcra, aor. 1 of KaraSia) (a).

KOTa-xp«pirTopai, Dep. to spit upon or at, in sign KarcSopai, fut. of KoreaO'iai.

of contempt. KarcSpaOov, for KarcdapOov, aor. t of xarafapOdvoj.
KaTa-xprjcTTeov, verb. Adj. of Karaxpaofiai, one must Ka-rtopapov, aor. 2 of Kararpixof.
use or abuse. KoreSw, aor. 2 of Karaovvoj.
KaTa-xpvcros, ov, covered with gold, gilded. Hence kot-«8o>, Ep. for Kar€o6iaj.
KaTaxpvo-oco, f. d>o<u, to cover with gold, to gild. kot€tjyws, Ion. pf. part, of Kardyvvfit.
KaTa-xpwfto, also -xpwwvpi and -vco f. -xpouffQ) KaT«0evro, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of KaTariOrjiu.

— to colour, tinge : to soil, tarnish. KaT«0TiKO, aor. 1 of KarariOnfu.

KaTaxvBtjv, (/caTax«u) Adv. pouring down, i. e. pro- Kar-clpto, poet, for icaTa\*if$a), to let flow down,
fusely, lavishly, [u] shed: Med. to flow apace, trickle down: metaph., —
KaTCix vo"P a aTOS T o. (Karaxcaj) that which is poured alwv Karel&fTo life ebbed or passed away.
» »

on or over: in pi. handfuls of nuts and figs, which KareiSevai, inf. pf. of *«aT€i5a;.
were showered over a bride, or any new-comer, in sign *KaT-ct8co, I. in aor. 2 KareiBov, inf. KanZuv

of welcome. (which serves as aor. 2 to icaOopdoS), to look down

KaTa-xcovcuco, f. oca, to melt down. upon, contemplate, observe; so also in aor. 2 med.
KaTa-x&>wvpt or -vto, fut. -xwcrcu, to cover with a KaTfiSofirjv, inf. KaTihioOai. II. in pf. /cdroiba,

heap or mound, bury, inter. inf. /careidtvai, to know well, to be assured of.
— : : : : —
KaTtCbuikos- -KaT€p€vy(o. 365
KaT-€i8aAos, ov, (koto., dS<v\ov) given to idols. kot-«vovtCov, also Kar-fvovrt, Adv. (fcard, ivavrios)
KaT-eiKa^w, f. daw, to liken to —
Pass, to be or be- over against, opposite, fronting.
come like. II. to guess, surmise, conjecture : of KaT-€v&p(£b>, f. £<», strengthd. for tvapifa, to kill.
evil, to suspect. Karivaa'aa, Ep. aor. of Karavaioj.
KaT-ci\(o>, f. rjaco, to force into a place, coop up KarevexfcCs, aor —
P ar *- P ass of Kara<p4p<u. - •

Pass, to be cooped up. Kar-€vf\vo6c, pf. with no pres. in use, it was upon, it
KaTct\T)4>a, KaTcCX-r|, pf. act. and pass, of kcltcl- lay upon, Kuvis KarivqvoOiv w/xovs cf. ltr-tvr)VoQe t :

\afi0nvcu. irap-wqvo6( the simple tvqvoOc does not occur. ;

icaT-€iACo-<r*>, Ion. for Ka6t\iooa). KaT«W)paTO, 3 sing. aor. I of Karfvalpopuxi.

KdTtiAixotTO, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of KaOckiaao). ko,t€v0€iv, Dor. aor. 2 inf of Karipxopiai.
KaT-eiXva), f. vow [y], to cover up, wrap up. Ka,T€VVYT)°-<iv [0], 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of Karavvoaoj.
KaT-f ijxt Ep. aor.
: med. Karauadfirfv: {koto., cf/xt
i Kar-tvomd and Kar-evwirtov, Adv. (*aTa, ivwtrq)
ibo) to go or come down : to go down to the sea but right over against, right opposite, fronting.

also, to sail down from the high sea to land ©fa river, KaT-e^aviaTdp-at, Pass., with aor. 2 act. -e£avinr)v,

to flow down : of a wind, to sweep down. II. to to rise up against, contend against.
come back, return : of exiles, to return borne. KaT€JjavTai, 3 sing, pf pass, of Kara^aivca.
Karcivai, Ion. for KaOuvai, aor. 2 inf. of xaO'fnpu. ko.t€|€vci>u,€VOS, 6, received as a guest, pf. part. pass,
KaT-civvpt, Ion. for KaOtvvvpLi. of KaTa£tvu(u.
Kareiira, aor. I = Karunov. KaT-c^ovo-idfto, f daw, to exercise authority over.
KaT€iirov, inf. Karuirilv, without any pres. in use KaT-6Tra"yy«, Med. to make a contract or en-
(ward, (Tirov) to speak against, to accuse, charge.
: II. gagement with one.
to speak out, declare, tell plainly. 2. to denounce, KaT-errd-Yw, f. d£a>, to bring down upon, bring one
tell, to infirm of. thing gwckly upon another.
KaT€ipva06p.T|v, poet. aor. 2 med. of icarupya). KaTC-rrdXp.€vos, Ep. aor. 2 part, of KaT«pd\\ofw.i.
KaT-cip-yvOfju and -vto, = Karupyco. KaT€iroXTO, 3 sing. Ep aor. 1 pass, of KaravdWoi.
KaT-tipyco Ion. -€pY&), f. [w, to shut in, enclose, con- KaT-cirtt-yw, f. £cu, to press down, oppress. 7. to

fine : to press bard, reduce to straits. II. to binder. urge, impel, stimulate, hasten ; to tcaTenuyov urgent
KaT-€ipv&), Ion. for Kartpvoj. necessity. II. intr. to hurry, make baste.
Ka-r-tipwvt vopat, Dep. to use irony towards, banter : KaTtircaov, aor. of Karam-nTO). 2

to dissemble. KaT6TT€0-nr|v, aor. of tear t<pi<JTT) fit. 2

KaT-tio-dyw, f. d£oj, to bring in to one's own loss, [a] KaT€TT€<j>vov, redupl. acr. 2 of Karatyiva).
KarcKcipa, aor. I of KaraKfipoj. KaT«irr|KTO, 3 sing. Ep aor. 2 pass, of Karav-qyvvpu.
KaTCK-rja, aor. I of Karatta'to). tcaT«irr|£a, aor. I of KaTavfjyvvfit.
icarf K\dcra, aor. of KaraKXao).
l Ka.T«irXacra, aor. I of KaraTrhdooa).
Kar€icXdo-0T]v, aor. I pass, of KaraicXaoj. KaTtirXcvo-a, aor. I of KaranXfOJ.
Ka.T€ic\dx0i]v, Dor. aor. I pass, of KaTafc\(ia>. KaT6irXT|YTl v aor » - 2 P a S °f KaTairXfjaaroi).
- -

KaTctcXvo-a, aor. i of Karaxkifa. Karifrrijaa, aor. I of KarairTiiw.

KarcicXwv, contr. impf. of KaraKKdw. KaT-«pYdl|, fut. -doofiai: aor. I tcaTtipydoOTjv:
KaT6KpC0rjv, aor. I pass, of KaraKpivw. pf. Kardpyaafxai : Dep (but aor. 1 and pf. are also
KOT€KTav, Ep. aor. 2 of Kara/crt'iva. used in pass, sense) :
to effect, accomplish, a-
KaTCKTdOcv, Aeol. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of Kara- chieve. 2. like Lat. conficere, to make an end of,
KTi'lVQ). destroy, despatch hence to overpower, conquer : pf.
: —
icaTtKTavov, aor. 2 of KaTa/crdvaj. in pass, sense, to be overcome. 3. in good sense,
KaTcXd^ov, aor. 2 of KaraKa^dva}. to prevail upon, persuade, influence : aor. I in pass, —
•car-cXavvu fut. -tkacrtu Att. -tkw : aor. I Karr/- sense, to be prevailed on. 11 to work in, make;
\aaa : to drive down : to master. KaT(pyd((o9ai fxi\i to make honey: abo o manufac-
Kar-eXiyx^, f 77^, to convict offalsehood: to belie. ture. III. of things, to earn, to acquire by labour:
KaT«\€KTo, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of KaraXtyw. absol. to go to work.
KaT-€A«, fut. of Kartpxofxai. Kar-tpYw, Ion. for Kardpycu.
KaTeXTj<|>0T]v, aor. r pass, of KaTaXajx&avaj. KaTcpciK-ros or - cpiKros, ov, bruised. From
KaTcXOciv Ep. -0€p.€v, aor. 2 inf.of /caWpx /""- Kar-cpciKCi), to tear, rend: — Med. to rend one's gar-
KaT-cXCo-CTii), Ion. for KaOtKiaaoj. ments. II. to bruise or grind down; metaph.,
icaT-€Xici}a>, Ion. for KaOfXuvoj. KarepuKtiv 0vpi6v to wear away one's mind.
KaT-eXmfw, hope confidently.
f. too), to Ka.T-€p«iira>, f. xpw, to throw or cast down : to de-, Ion. I of Kadirjfu.
pi. aor. 2 molish, dismantle, lay waste. II. intr. in aor. 2
KaT-€, Dep., with aor. med. KaTtvrjpd- 1 KaTTjpinov, pf. KartpTjpina, to fall down, fall in.
fMrjv, and also aor. 2 act. KaTqvapov to kill, slay, — KaT<pe£a, Ep. aor. I of Karapptfa.
daughter. Kar-tptvytii, f. ( at, to belch at or upon.
— —— — : : :;

366 KaT€p4<f)(o — Kant] XK&ydr\v,

KaT-*p€4**. (•
fw, to cover, roof: —Med. to roof over Karcwdo, f. i\oo), to put to sleep, compose to sleep
for oneself. — Pass, to fall asleep.
Kar-cpco), Ion. for tctLTcptb, serving as fut. (with pf. Ka.T€WT)o-aijj,i, aor. 1 opt. of Kartwdta.
KaTuprjKa) of the aor. Karairov to speak against, : KaT-cvTpen-i£<i>, f. cat, to get ready, set in order,
accuse, c. gen. : also c. ace. to denounce, impeach, ar- prepare.
raign. 2. to say plainly, speak out : Pass., Karet- KaT-€vdvn p.ea>, )
praise loudly, extol.
f. ija<a, to

pfocrai it shall be declared. KaT-€v<f>paIva>, gladden or delight much.

f. SvSi, to
Ka-rcp^|ptira, intr. pf. of Kartpeiiro). KaT€vx^, i), a wish, prayer, vow. From
KaT-epTjTvo), fut. -tprjTvaw [v] : (o keep in, detain , KaT-€vx°H- at *• -^A"1 *. Dep. to pray earnestly : to

confine. pray to one absol. to make a vow, pray.

: 2. to pray
Kareppwya, intrans. pf. of Karapp^yvvfu. for evil on one, invoke a curse. II. to boast.
RdTCpvicavcD, poet, for KartpvKQi. [fi] KaT-€vcjx*, Pass, to feast, make merry.
Kar-cpvKta [v], f. £<u, to bold back, detain. KUTt^d-yov, used as aor. 2 of Kartadio).
KOT-«pvw Ion. -«tpva>: f. vaw [iJ] : aor. I fcarcipvaa: KdT-€<f>, Dep. to spring down upon, rush
Pass., pf. Kartlpvo-fiai : to draw or haul down : of upon ; KarftraKfifvos, Ep. aor. 2 part.
ships, to draw down to the water, launch, Lat. dedu- kcit€4>01to, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of Kara^Oio).
cere naves. KaT-€<|)LcrTap,ai, Pass., with aor. 2 act. KaTeireartjv,
Ka.T-«pxop.<u, fut. KaTC\(v(To/un : aor. a Kar^XvOov pf. KaTc<p4cTTjica, to rise up again.
contr. Karrj\dov, inf. KaT(\0ttv : Dep. :
to go down, Kai-cdrf-yov, aor. 2 of Kara<p€vy<o.
esp. to the coast : of things, to fall down : of a river, Kariytfrro, kotcxwto, 3 sing, and pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass,
to flow or run down. II. to come back, return of Kara\iw.
of return borne.
exiles, to Ka.T-ex»» fut. Ka0t£aj and KaTaax^ ff0) aor « 2 lt^LT" •

Kartpd, v. sub Kanptoj. to\ov poet. -ia\t6ov : I. trans, to hold, keep

KaTf o-J36o-a, aor. I of KaTaofSlvvviu* back, withhold: to check, restrain: — Pass, to stop,
KdTccrpTjKa, Korco-p-qv, intrans. pf. and aor. 2 of cease. II. to possess, occupy, keep, dwell in : to
Karaa$€vvv/u. occupy with soldiers.
seize, take possession of, 2. to
KaT-€<r0Ui>, f. KariZoftai : pf. Karth-qZoKa Ep. tear- cover, encompass : also in Med., irpoowna *aW<rx«TO
iSr^Sa : pf. pass. KaTtdrjoeapm : to eat up, devour, she covered her face: generally, to hide, keep con-
prey upon. cealed. III. intrans. to check oneself: to bold,
KaTf o-tcappai, pf. pass, of KaraaKavrw. stop, cease. 2. to come from the high sea to shore,
KaTCO'Kevaap.ak, pf. pass, of KaraoKtvafa. land, touch, put in. 3. to come to pass, happen
Ka,T€o-K€\J/<ip.T]v, aor. I med. of KaraaKoirioi. ev Karaa \rjau it will turn out well. 4. of a
KaTco-icXi]Ka, intr. pf. of KaraaKeWoj. report, to prevail, be frequent have the upper : to
KaTco-impa, of Karaaitdpo).
aor. I band. IV. Med. to keep back from oneself, em-
KaT<o"ircura, aor. of Karaa-nivho). I bezzle : also to blind.
KaT«roirro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of Karaafvofmi. Kainfj-yaYov, aor. 2 of Kardyw.
KaTe<rr40€v, Aeol. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of ica- KaTi\yyi\y\v, aor. 2 pass, of KarayyiWw.
9iarr]fu. KOLTnytyuav, KaTT), etc., Ion. for leaOijy-.
KaT€, of KaraOTtWo).
pf. pass, KarrrveTO, 3 sing. impf. pass, of fcardycj.
KaT€OT«tvJ/a, aor. of Karaareifio).
I KaT-Tj-yopcw, f. yaw, (ftaTqyopos) to speak against,
KdT€crr€a>s, Ion. pf. part, of Kadiar-qpn. to accuse, arraign. 2. to lay a thing to one's
KaT«<mjv, aor. 2 of KaOiaTijfii: KaT«rn)<ra, aor. I. charge: —
Pass., KaTijyopedrai n riv6s a charge is
Ka,T€o*TT|o-avTO, 3 pi. aor. I med. of KadioTrjpu. brought against him. 3. absol. to be an accuser,
KaT€o~r6p€ora, aor. 1 of Karaaropivvvfu. appear as prosecutor. 4. generally, to signify, in-
•caTcorpadMiTO, Ion. for KaTeaTpafifiivoi fjaav, 3 pi. dicate, prove, intimate. Hence
plqpf pass, of KaraoTpetpoj. KaTtjYopia, fj, an accusation, charge.
Ka.T«orrpa>o-a, aor. of Karaorpuvvvfu.I Kcmf|Y P s, o, {/card, dyopevu) an accuser: betrayer.
Kariarvyov, aor. 2 of KaTaarvyioj., pf. pass, of Karauctfa.
Kai-crdiccTO, Dor. 3 sing. impf. pass, of KaraT{\Koi. KttTT|KOos, ov, (Kara/cova) listening to, attentive: as
KOTt-nr]! a, aor. I of Karari\KO). Subst. a listener, spy, eavesdropper. II. hearken-
KaT€TpC^T)v [f\ , aor. 2 pass, of Kararpi^to. ing to, obeying : as Subst. a subject. III. hearken-
K&T«vY|Aa, To,(KaT(vxofMai) a vow, wish, prayer: esp. ing to, giving ear to.
for evil, an imprecation, curse. II. a votive offering. ko,t-t|k<i>, Ion. for na0T]tco).
Ka.T-tvQv or -«v0vs, Adv. straightforward. KaTTjXOov, aor. 2 of KaT(p\o{M.i.
KaT-€v0vvci), f. v vS>, to make straight, set right : to KorfjXid/, tyos, -fj, the upper story of a house: a stair-
guide, direct, conduct. case or ladder. (Deriv. uncertain.)
Kar-cwdga), fut. daw, to lull to sleep — Pass, to lie KaTT)XXAx^n v icaTijXXdynv [d], aor. I and 2 pass,

down to sleep ; Aeol. 3 pi. aor. I nanvvaaOtv. of KUTaWdaaoj.

: : :

KarrjXoyiaj — KaroCao^ai. 367

Kar-^Xo yio>, f. fov, (tcard, \6yos) to make of small Karfl&Hhjv, Ep. 2 pi. aor. 2 med. of KarariOrj/u.
account, slight, despise. KaT-tdiTTw, f. \pa), to harm, hurt, damage.
icaTT|AvOov, uncontr. form of KarrjKOov. Hence KarCda-i, 3 pi. of Kdrtiyu (fT/xi ibo).
KOTT|Xi)<ns, (us, r), a going down, descent. KdTi&crv, Ion. for KaOtdai, 3 pi. of KaBiijpu.
•cd-n^fiai, Ion. for KaOrjpxu. k<it18«iV, aor. 2 inf. of KaOopdo*
Karr]p.cXi)ficvos l pf. part. pass, of icara/icXta). KaTt5«r0ai, aor. 2 inf. med. of KoOopdu.
Karnvap urfajv,, aor I and pf. pass, of Kar- kot-i£ci>, Ion. for Ka6ifa.
arapifa. KaT-t7]fAi, Ion. for tcaOirjfu.
Kcm'.veyica, aor. I of Kara<pipcj. kot-I0vvci», I. n. for tcarevOvvai.
i KcmjvOpaicw&ijv,, aor. l and pf. pass, of tear- KaT-tK«T€va>, Ion. fi»r /ca0iK€TCva>.
uvBpaKoo}. kot-iXvci), f. vaoj [v], (/card, l\vs) to fill witb mud
KaTTivCo-a, aor. T of Karavvot. or dirt.
KaTT|opos or Kai-rjopos, ov, Dor. -dopos, (/card, mi- Kari\itv, Ep. inf. of ndruyn ((Tpu ibo).
opia)) banking down : banging on or to. KaTiTTTrd£, KOTipdco, KaT(crTT|p.t, Ion for nad-.
Ka.T-Tjm.aci>, f. a\ao), {Kara, ijmos) to sootbe, assuage icdno-Ot, 2 sing, imperat. of KarotSa, v. */caT«/5ai.
— Ep. 3 pi. impf. pass. KarrjiriCojVTO. kot-io-xvcUvcd, to make to waste away, bring down.
KaTT|pap.£vos, pf part, of Karapdo/jiat. KaT-io~xv<i>, vooj [y] to have
f. . power over, prevail
tcaTT)pdcru) [a], 2 sing. aor. I of KarapdofHU. against, overpower, c gen. II. intr. to come to, 3 sing. impf. of Karapdofiai. one's full strength, be in full vigour.
KaT-T)pcp.t(ci>, f. iao), to calm, appease, quiet. KaT-(arx<i>, collat. pres. form of Karixc, to bold
(Kara, tpi<pw) covered over, over-
icaT-T)p€ct>T)s, is, back, hold in, restrain, Lat. defineo Med. — to keep
banging, overarcbed; hcupvyoi /earrjpHpit oversha- by one. II. to possess, occupy. Ill to guide
dowed with laurels ; KarrjpeQTJ iruba nOivcu to keep or steer for a place. IV. intr. to light upon ; ai-
the foot covered by the fall of tie robe, of one who \at Kariax^i i( oipavov the light comes down upon
stands still, opp. to bpOov iruba rtOivai. 2. c. gen. the place from heaven.
covered witb, laden witb. Karuov, ovaa, 6v, aor. ? part, of Karfi/M («7/u 160).
icaT-Tipijs, €», {Hard, up&pciv) fitted out, furnisbed, icdr-oSos, Ion. for ndOobot.
supplied : of ships, furnished witb oars. •caT-oiSa, pf. of **aT€«5a;.
Kan)pi0p.T|p,lvos, pf. pass. part, of tearapttftiai. inhabit:— Pass, to be
tcaT-oiKtco, f tjacu, to dwell in,
KaTf|ptirov, aor. 2 of Karfpe'iiro). dwelt in, inhabited: of persons, to be settled in a
Kcm)pT£o-<i>, 2 sing. aor. I med. of Karaprifa. place. 2. of a state, to be administered regulated.
KaTT|, pf. pass, of /caraprifa. Hence
KaTfJoro, Ion. 3 sing. impf. of KaOrjuai. Ka-roltcTjo-ts, cut, »), a settling in a place : dwelling.
KaTT)cf>€ia Ion. —«£»], t), {Karrj<fyr)s) a casting the eyes KaToiKT|TT|pios, a, ov, (/earoiKicj) fit for inhabiting;

downwards : dejection, sorrow, shame. KaToiKTjTJjpiov (sub. xojpiov), to, a dwelling-place.
KaTT)4>c<i>, f. t/<ra», to be downcast, struck dumb. From KaroiicCa, 1), (Karoiicitu) a dwelling, habitation. II.

kotti-^^s, is, (icard, <pdos) witb downcast eyes, de- a colony.

jected, downcast, struck dumb. Hence KaT-oiic(£<i>, fut /ctoj Att. t£>, to bring or remove into
KaTT)4><i>v, ovos , 5, one who causes shame, a disgrace. a dwelling persons as colonists — Pass, to be placed,
icaT-T|x«co. f. -fjao), to resound. II. to sound a settled. II. to of places,
colonise a place :— Pass.,
thing in one's ears, din it into one : Pass, to be in-— to have colonies planted there, to be colonised or estab-
formed of a thing. i. to teach by word of mouth, lished. III. to bring home, restore to one's country.
teach the elements of religion : - Pass, to be instructed Hence
in these elements ; aor I KarrjxfjOrjv, pf. KaTt)xr)uai. Karotictcris, tats, »), a planting witb inhabitants, colo-
KaT-T|XT|S. it, (Kara, ^x o$ ) sounding, resounding. nisation.
icaTiix^TV, aor. i pass, of Kardyoj. Kar-oiKoSopici), f. rjaoj. to build on or in a place.
KdrQ&vov, Ep. aor. 2 of KaraOvfjaKai. Ka-r-oiKos, ov, {teard, olfeos) dwelling in, inhabiting:
icaT6«, fut. of KaraOvijaKa). as Subst., /edroiKos, 6, an inhabitant.
KaT0d4/ai, Ep. aor. I inf. of Kara9dirr<». KaT-oiKTc(p<o, to have compassion on. II. intr.

KaT-0«t-rjv, poet. aor. 2 opt. of KaraTi9r)pn. to feel compassion, shew pi fy.

KaT^cfJtcv, Kp. for KaraOtivat, aor. 2 inf. of Karari- KaT-oiKT(£«>, f. iow Att. to), to have compassion on
9rjfu : but Kd-HDeu-cv, Ep. I plur. aor. 2 of same. another : — Med., with aor. I pass. KarcuKiaOijv, to pity
icdT0€T*, KarQio-av, Ep. 2 and
3 pi. aor. 2 of tfara- oneself, to bewail, lament. II. to cause or excite
ri9rjfu. pity. Hence
KaT0cu,e0a, Ep. and I pi. aor. 2 med. of KararlOrjui. KarobcTloxs, a pitying, compassion.
<ou», 1),
KarOcpcvos, Ep. of Karar'tOym.
aor. 2 part, med KaT-oip.<ti£u, fut. -d>f«/iajto bewail, lament
Kartico, Ep. for xardOov, aor. 2 imperat. med. of icdr-oivos, ov, (/card, olvot) drunken witb wine.
mrariBrjfu. KaToCo-opuu, fut. of Karatptpaj.
— —

K<vr-oCxo|xa.i, fut. -otxhoofuxi, Dep. to have gone KaT-ou8a!os, ov, (/card, ovSas) under the earth.
down ; ol Karoixvpfvoi, he departed. Kar-ov\6u>, f. wrraj, (Kara, ov\r)) to make to cica-
Kar-OKveoj, f. rjao), to shrink from doing a thing. trise ox form a scar over: —
Pass, to cicatrise, heal over.
Ka.TOKa>xT|, "h, (/carcxcw) a being possessed, posses- KaT-ovpcco, f. "qaai, to make water upon.
sion. Hence «aT-ovpi£a>, f. iau Att. iu>, to waft with a fair
KaroKcjxip-os, ov, held in possession, detained. II. wind. II. intr. to sail before the wind, come safe

capable of being possessed, frantic. to port.

Ka,T-o\iar0ava>, f. okioOyoa), to slip down. Kar-oupoco, f. u/ooj, = ttarovpifa.
KaT-oAACpai, Pass., with pf. act. -oAwAa: (/card, 6\- KaT-o<t>, (Kara, 6<ppvs) to contract the eye-
Kv/m) to perish
: utterly. brows, frown.
KaT-oXo\v£a>, f. v£aj, to shriek over. KaToxifj, 1), («ar€x<w) a holding fast, detention. 2.
KaT-o\o<t>, Dep. to bewail, lament, [yi] possession by a god.
Kar-op,j3pea>, t -qaoi, {Kara, o/x/3pos) to rain upon : KaToxipos, ov, incorrect form of tcaro/thx1 ? 09 -

— Pass, to be rained upon : to be wet as with rain. Kdroxos, ov, (/carexeu) holding fast. II. pass.
Kar-6fivt}|u and -xto>: fut. -ofiovfiai: aor. I -wpoffa: held fast, overpowered, constrained. 2. possessed,
— to swear confirm by oath.
to, 2. c. ace. pers. to inspired.
call to witness,swear by. 3. c. gen. pers. to take Kar-oduos, ov, (/card, orpis^full in sight, opposite.
an oath against, accuse on oath. KaTod/opai, used as fut. of KaBopaw.
KaT-ovCvrjp.1, fut -ovr\aoi, to be of use, profit, advan- KaT-Ta, Kar-TdSc, Dor. for Kara rd, KarcL rdht.
tage: — Med. to have the benefit of, enjoy. [yX~\ KaT-TdvtJoxiv, Ep. for KaTtrdvvoav, 3 pi. aor. I ©f
Kar-6vo|iai, Dep. to blame, slight. Kararavvoi.
kAt-o£«js, em, v, (/card, d£vs) very sharp, piercing. KOTTtTepos, Att. for Kaaairepos, tin.
Kar-oirdjw, f. dcrco, to follow after. KdrTvpa, KaTTuco, Att. for ndoavpa, Kaoovai.
KaT-omv, Adv., - Karomadf. kot-tw, Dor. for Kara rod.
KaT-6irt<r0€, and before a vowel -0cv, («ard, 6vio~0t) Ka.T-vf3pt£b>, KaT-viT€p0«, tcaT-vircpTcpos, Ion- for
Adv. of Place, behind, after, in the rear. II. of KaO-.
Time, hereafter. KOT-vrrvoci), Ion. for KaOxnrvooi.
KOT-oirrcvo), f ecu, (Kardirrjjs) to spy out, observe. tcd-ru, Adv. (Kara) down, downwards. II. be-

KaT-oirrTjp, fjpos, 6, {Kara, oirr-qp) a spy, scout. neath, below, underneath, opp. to dvo). 2. ol koto),
KaT-6irrr)S, ov, 6, = Haroirr^p, those in the nether world, the dead : also, dwellers on
kAt-otttos, ov, (teard, oipoftai) to be seen, visible: c. the coast or in the plain, as opp. to those inland or on
gen. to be seen from a place, within sight of I the hills. 3. aval xcu kcltoj, or dva> /carat upside
KaTOirrpC£a>, f. ia<u Att w, to shew as in a mirror: down. III. c. gen. under, below: down from. IV.
Med. a mirror.
to behold oneself in 2. in Med. Comp. Kararripo) Sup. KaruraTO). :

a mirror.
also to reflect as in From Kar-wycios, ov, Att. KOTto-ytus, ojv, gen. <u, = teard-
icaToirTpov, t6, (Kdrorrros) a mirror, Lat. speculum, yuos.
anciently of polished metal. tcdTa>0€, before a vowel -0€v, Adv. (Kdroi) from
Kar-opdu, Ion. for tcadopaw below, up from below. II. below, beneath.

KaT-opY&vt£b>, f. iaoj, to sound with music through. ko.t-<00€<i>, f. -ljaa; : aor. I -«Wa, to thrust down.
KaT-op06a>, f. wa<u aor. I KarwpOojoa : to set up-
: K&rco-icdpa, Adv. (ko.toj, /edpa) bead downwards. [k&]
right, erect. 2. metaph. to keep straight, set right: KaT<pKT|o-a, aor. 1 of /caroi/cia.
to direct or manage well : absol. to be right in a KaT(|>Kur0€v, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of Karouclfa.
thing :
—Pass, to succeed, prosper : also to be well de- KaT-wu.d8i.os, a, ov, (Kara, uifxos) down from the
termined or purposed. II. intr. to be successful, shoulder, Sioxos Karaipdhiot a quoit thrown down
go on prosperously. Hence from the shoulder. II. borne on the shoulder.
KaTop0<i>p,a, aros, r6, that which is done rightly: a Kar-copfi86v, Adv. (/card, 2jpu>t)from the shoulder,
right action. 2. a success. with the whole arm.
KaT-opovo>, f. aw, to rush downwards. KaTwpoo-Ca, 1), (KarSfivvpu) an oath taken against
Ka-r-oppuScu) Ion. tcarapp-, f. ^001, to be dismayed one, accusation on oath.
at, dread. II. absol. to be afraid. KaTu-vdKT), ij, (koto;, vdxos) a coarse frock with a
Kax-opuo-o-w Att. -ttco: f. £w. fut. I pass. -opv\- border of sheepskin (yajcos). \ya\
Orjtrofjiai, fut. 2 -opvxqoopiai: — to bury, inter: to bide KaT-a>p(it£ou,ai, Ion. for KaOupat^oftai.
in the KaTu>p0<i>o-a, aor. I of tcaropdocu : but KaTwp0axrai t
KaT-opx«opcH, f. -"qaoyxn, Dep. to dance in triumph 2 sing. pf. pass.
over, Lat. insultare : hence to treat despitefully, in- KaT-wpv£, vx os > °» ^t (tcaropvffaoj) imbedded in the
sult. II. to charm by dancing. earth. II. buried, bidden in the ground, under, Dep. to contemplate, behold. ground. III. as Subst., tcaruipv^, 1), a pit, cavern.

iccvr-OTt, Adv. Ion. for koB' o ti. Kcvrrfn-aros, 17, ov, (Kdrcj) the lowest.
: :

naT(OT(kra) —KErMAI. 369

KOTu>TdTu, Adv. Sup. of K&rto, at the lowest part. tcax-oppuria, 17, («a/tcS, bpfxt^oi) ill harbourage.
Karon-epos, a, ov, {kcltoj) lower : of Time, later. Kaxpvs, Hot, 1), = Kayxpvs, parched barley.
KaTun-epco, Adv. Comp. of kcltoj, lower than, fur- Kdx-vn-oirTOS, ov, (kokos, vrtotrros) suspecting evil,

ther downwards. meanly suspicious.

KaTw-d^a-yas, ov or a, 6, (k&toj, <payuv) glutton, the KA^A, 1^, a box, chest, case, Lat. capsa.
name of a bird in Aristophanes. Kdo> [a], Att. for mioj, to burn.
KaTu)-<J>€pT|s, it, {koltco, (pipojiai) hanging down- KE, and before a vowel icev, Ep. and Ion. for dV,
wards, precipitous. Dor. Kd: dv kc kw
dv, are sometimes found together:
KaT-axpac), f. ijaa;, (Kard, i)\pus) to turn very pale. ke is always enclit.
Kava£ais, for Kaffa^att (with the digamma), 2 sing. Kcd£a>, f. dooj : aor. I (Kf&aa Ep. (ulaooa, vtaaa,
Ep. aor. I opt. of Kardyvvfu. and ttkaaoa : Pass., aor. I tKfdaOrjv Ep. KtaoOrjv
KavXtvos, rj, ov, made 0/ stalk or stick. From (k4oj, K(ioS)'. — to split, cleave : of lightning, to shiver,

KATAO'2, 6, a stalk, stem. 2. a handle, shaft: shatter: generally, to sever, separate, divide forcibly.
spear-shaft : the hilt of a sword. KcSp, apos, to, Lat. cor, the heart: contr. lerjp, q. v. —
Kavua, aros, t6, (koioj) burning beat, as of the sun; K€as, part, of Att. aor. I of koioj.
KavfMxros, absol. in the beat. II. feverish beat. KCCKra, Ktacro-a, Ep. aor. I of Ked(a>.
Hence kcotcu, kcSto, Ep. and Ion. 3 pi. pres. and impf. of
Kavp-dT^co, f. loot, to scorch, wi'ber by beat. kulwli.
Kawdterjs, ov, 6, a Persian garment, [a] (Foreign k<(3\tj or Kef3\T|, contr for K€<pa\fi, the bead.

word.) K«j3\T|-irupvs, («€/3X^, vvp) a bird called the redcap.

KAYNO'S, 0, a lot. Kt-yxpwu *. a, ov, (Ktyxpos) of the size or shape of
Kavo-Ca, 1), (xaiaj) a beat-shade, name of a broad- a grain of millet.
brimmed Macedonian hat. K€-yxp«"r|S [*]» ov &t fern, -ins, t
tSos, (Keyxpos), Me
Kavo-tuos, ov, (Kaioj) fit for burning, combustible. millet, full of small grains.
Kavcrvs, (co«, rj, (xaioj) a burning: burning beat. K€YXP°-J3d\os, ov, (Kiyxpos, jBdAAco) scattering
Hence millet.
Kav<r6o(tai, Pass, to be on fire, intensely hot. KETXP05, 6, and 1), millet, Lat. milium : hence
Kavo-TCipa, fern. Adj. with no masc. in use, burning. any small grain : also the spawn offish.
KavoTTjptov, see Kavrqpiov. Kcyxp^paTa, ojv, rd, (Ktyxpos) things of the size of
Kavcrco, fut. of Kaioj. millet-grains : eyelet-boles in the rim of the shield.
KavKratv, ojvot, 6, (naioi) burning beat : a scorching KcSdwvpi, f. Ktbdaoj : Ep. aor. 1tKiZaooa : aor. 1
KavTT|p, rjpos, 6, (/caicw) a burner.
pass. (KcSdodrjv —
break up,
: poet, for OKthdwvLu, to scatter,
disperse, break in pieces.
Kavrnpid£u>, f. dooj, to sear with red-hot iron: — KcSaadcCs, aor. I pass. part, of KeSdwvfu.
metaph. in Pass, to be seared in conscience. From kcSvos, i), ov, (Krjdos) careful, discreet, trusty. II.

KavTT)piov, to, (iwxteo) a branding-iron. pass, cared for, dear : of things, valued, prized.
Kavrrjs, ov, 6, = Kavrqp. K&plvos, rj, ov, (Kidpoa) of cedar, made of cedar.
Katrros, by crasis for nal avrot. KcSpts, l8os, (Ktdpos) the cane of the cedar-tree

icauxdouai, fut.-^coluu pf. KtKavxqjjiai Dep.

: : also a juniper-berry.
— to boast or vaunt oneself. (Akin to avxi<v, cv- KE'APOS, 1), the cedar-tree, Lat. cedrus. II.

X 0Ltm -) anything made of cedar; a cedar coffin or chest.

Kauxdcrai, for Kav\a, 2 sing, of KavxdofMU. K€8po>T6s, ij, 6v, (KfSpot) made of, or inlaid with,
KavxT] 1), = KavxV 171 *' a boasting, vaunting.
KavxTjua, aros, to, (/tavxao/Mu) a vaunt, boast. 2. KttcrGai, Ion. inf. of KciLtai.
a subject of boasting. kcctcu, Ion. 3 sing, of kuluii.
KavxTtyuw, ovos, 6, ij, (Kavxdopxu) boastful. K«ta, Ep. aor. 1 of fedoj.
Kavxf]o-n, (cot, ij, (Kavxdo/uu) a boasting, cause of kcuLucvos, Ep. aor. I med. part, of kclioj.
boasting. KcCavrcs, Ep. aor. I part. pi. of kouu.
K&xa(b>, f. d£oj Dor. a{u>, to laugh loud, Lat. cacbin- KtCdTcu, KcCdro, Ep. 3 pi. pres. and impt. of kuluu.
nor : to laugh scornfully. (Formed from the sound.) K€i0€v, Adv., Ion. and Ep. for tK(i9(v, thence.
Kdk\aay.6s, 6, (/caxd£cw) a loud or mocking laugh. K«t0i, Adv., Ion. and Ep. for (K(i9i, there: tbitber.
K&x-craipcCa, 1), (kojcom, kratpos) ill company. KEF
MAI, Kfiffat, Kurai Ion. k4(tcu ; 3 pi. kuv-
Kax-T|p£pos, ov, (Kojcot, %Liipa) living sad days, toi, Ion. and Ep. Kiarai, Ep. also Kciarat and Ion.
wretched. KtovTat so 3 pi. impf. iKtivro Ion. (Klaro Ep. Ktl-

KaxXdfoj, f. daw, redupl. from x^^C<w t0 dash, plash, &to, kIoto

subj. K(ojluu, K4y, Kfrjrai Ep. KrjTai

bubble, of the sound of liquids. opt. KeotLinv inf. KttaOai Ion. kUoQoi part. Keiiu-
: :

KdxXi)£, rjKot, 6, a pebble: collectively, gravel, vos: —

fut. Kciao/uu Dor. kuo*vluh. Used as Pass, to
shingle. (Akin to x<***f •) rlOrjiu.
: :

370 K€CfJLaV K€Kp&KT7}S,

Radic. sense, to be laid, to lie : to lie down, lie KcxSp-ov, Ep redupl. aor. 2 of ic6.fiva>: — sub}. «Kdu*>,
asleep. 2. to lie idle or at ease, be inactive : also 3 pi K«Kctu.u>cri.

to lie still, rest; icaicov Kfi/jtevov abated, allayed iccicdpdai, pf. inf. pass, of Ktipoi.
evil. of many conditions, as to lie sick, lie in
3. KCKo.pp.cvos, pf. part. pass, of Ktipo).
weakness or old age : to lie dead, like Lat. jacere : KCKao-|i<u Dor. kcko.8u.cii, pf. pass, (in pres. sense)
of things, to be destroyed, overthrown, lie in Of KdlVVfWl.
ruins. 4 of a corpse, to lie unburied : also to lie KCKavpai, pf pass, of Kaioj.
uncaredfor, neglected. II. of places, to lie, be kckovxtjucu p£ °f Kavxaofuu.
situated. 2. of things, to be in ox at a place, where kck&4>t)ws, Ep. pf. part, of Kairrai.
continuance is implied. Ill generally, to be in kckcivwucu, Ion. pf. pass, of KCVvOJ.
a position, be laid or placed, stand. IV. to be kckcvOci, 3 sing Ep. plqpf. of KevOat.
laid up, laid in store : rd fcti/xtva deposits. V. KCK\, pf. pass, of ftXaiw.
to he fixed, settled, laid down : kutoi v6pos the law kckXccitcu, Ion. 3 pi. of KttekTjpai, pf. of aaXitu.
is fixed, laid down; Kurai {quia the penalty is fixed; KctcXciuai or -<rucu, pf. pass, of teXe'ia.
tceirat acOkov the prize lies ready, is proposed. 2 kckXcio-oucu, paullo-p. fut. pass, of k\u<u, to shut.
freq. in Homer, lavra dtuiv kv yovvant /curat these kckXcpjuli. pf. pass, of k\Iittoj.
things rest on the knees of the gods, i. e. depend kckXcto, Ep. 3 sing aor. of tc4\ofiai. •

upon the gods xtiodai tv rivt to be dependent on a

; kckXyj&to, Ion. and Ep. for iK(K\ijvT0, 3 pi. plqpf.
person. pass 01 KaXioj.
KCip.dv, Dor for ftctinijv, impf. of tctipuii. kckXtj-vo, part. iccic\rry&s, pf. of jrXct£o/, whence is

K€i[XT]\iov, t(5, (KttfMi ) anything stored up, a treasure formed a pres. part. K(K\JiyovTft, as if ftom KetcKfj-faj.

or valuable : heirloom. kckXt)kci, pf. of tcaXta}.

KCC)XT|V, Ep. impf. Of KUfMl. kckXt|U.oi, pf. pass, of KaXtoj : opt. K(/i\rjfi7}V, -po,
kcivos, Kfivrj, kcivo, Ion. and poet, for Ikuvos, that, -f/TO inf. KtK\rja9at : part. K(K\r)ftivo$.

be, she, ; dat. fern. Ktivn, as Adv. on that road k«kXt), Att. pf. pass, of K\(im, KAyai.
also in that way or manner. k€kXt)ctou,cu, paullo-p. fut. pass, of icaXiaj.
K€tv6s, i), 6v, Ion. and poet, kckAi&tck, Ion. and Ep. for kIkKivtoi, 3 pi. pf. pass,
for icev6s, empty.
kcCvws, Adv , Ion. for tKtiv<us, in that way. of kXivo).
Kcios, &, (Kcus) a Ceian, a man from the island KCKXtpai, pf. pass, of kXivoj.
Ceos : see Xfo*. kckXCto, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of kXivoj.
Keipacrdai, aor. I inf. med. of tctipoj. kckXou.cvos, poet. aor. 2 part, of KtXofjuu, calling
iceipta, q, (Kfipoj) a bandage, roller, a swathing- out to one, to cheer him on, c. dat.: but c. ace. call-
band. II. the cord or sacking of a bedstead. ing on one, calling him for help.
KeipvXos, 0, for KijpvXos, a kingfisher, [u] •c<icXo<f>a, pf. act. of kXIvto).
KEI'Pfl. fut. KtpS) Ion. Ktpioj Ep. Ktpcroj: aor. I kckX&Oi, Ep. rrdupl. aor. 2 imperat. of kXxxo.
CKcipa Ep. (Kfpoa: —
Med., fut. tctpovpnt Pass., —
K€kXvctu,cvos, pf. part. pass, of kKv^oj.


aor. I ixipO-qv aor. 2 i/eapTjv [fil

: pf. fti/capfmi
: to k«kXvt€, 2 pi poet. aor. 2 imperat. of hXvoj.
clip, cut short, tsp the hair: —
Me*i. to cut off one's KfKp-rjKa, pf. of Kdfivo).

own hair or have it cut off: Pass., KiKapOai tcLs Kt- k€ku.tju>s, gen. Snot or 6tos, Ep. pf. act. part, of
<pa\ds to have their heads shorn. 2. to cut out, Kafxvoj.
hew off. II. to ravage, waste a country, esp. KCKvaicrpxu, pf. pass, of Kvaio).
by cutting down the fruit-trees. 2. generally, to KCKOM.p,ai, pf. pass, of *oirTW.
cut up, devour, waste, consume, destroy. K€KOvidp.cvos, pf. pass. part, of leovinu.
kc's, contr. for Kal tls. K€KOvtp.€vos. pf. part. pass, of Kovioj.
Kcto-c, Adv., Ion. and Ep. for (/teiac, thither. kck6vito, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. of kovioj., Dor. fut. of xtifiai. kckoitws, pf. part, of kSvtoj.
Keicro, Ketcr6a>, 2and 3 sing, imperat. of kujmii. KCK6pT)(tai, Ion. for K(K6peff/uu, pf. pass, of Kopewv^u.
Kclcropcu, fut. of tcufiai. K€KopT)<os, 6ros, Ep. and Ion pf. part (with pass,
Kctto, Ep. Desidevat. of KfTftai, to wish to lie down or sense) of Kopivvvfii hence dual KtKopijorf.

sleep; fir} he went to lie down.

Kfiojv K€icopv$p.€vos, Ion. and Ep. for Kticopvoplvot, pf.
KEI'H, form of vtafa.
to cleave, radic. part. pass, of Kopvooo).
K€KaOT)o-op.<u, Ep. fut. pass, of K7]5oj. KCKOTTjus, gen. 6tos, Ep. pf act. part, of Korioj.
K€K&5T|crfa>, Ep. fut. of KCKpdavrcu, KCKpdavro, Ep. 3 sing. pf. and plqpf.
x^C "- 3

KCKaSucu, Dor. for Kt/caafiat, q. v. pass, of Kpaivo), Kpaaivoi.

k€kA8ovto, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 med. of x<*C(W ' KcjcpciYa, pf. (with pres. sense) of Kp&fa. Hence
K€K&8u>v, Ep. aor. 2 part, of x^fa- KCKpaYpa, aros, r6, (icpdfa) a scream, cry.
KeKaXvuucvos, pf. part. pass, of KaXvvroj. K«Kpayp.6s, a screaming, crying.
KCKdXxnrro, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of M/tt\vtrrej. KCKpdKnjs, ov, i, (xpdSw) a crier, bowler.
— ::: — :

KtKpaixai — K€fxdy. 371

tclicp&pai, pf. pass, of Kipavvvyu. KcXcai, Ep. 2 sing, of rcikopiai.
K€Kpa£, clvtos, 6, {KtKpaya, d&fwxv) be who kcXc^t), 7), vessel : an urn or pail.
a drinking
conquers all in bawling, the blusterer. KcAeovres, {K&Xov, /cfjkov) the beams in tbe
cuv, oi,

K€Kpd£op,ai, paullo-p. fut. (with act. sense) of icpafa. loom between which the web was stretched.
KtKpaxOk, imperat. of Kexpa^a, pf. of tcpafa. KtXero, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of /cikopiai.
KCKpiya. pf. 2 of Kpifa. KeAevG'tyrns, ov, 6, (icektvdot) a wayfarer.
K€(cptp.«vos, pf pass. part, of Kpivu. KcXevdo-iroios, ov, (tcikcvOos, ttoUoj) road-making.
KcKpomSai, wv, oi, (be sons or descendants of Ce- K€X€v0o-ir6pos, ov, {iclkevOos, irupos) a wayfarer.
crops, i. e. the Athenians. KeXevOos, t), with neut. pi. iclktvda, but also Kikev-
KcKpo-rrtos, a, ov, (Ke/cpoip) Cecropian, i. e. Athe- 0oi: —
a road, way, path, track, either by land or
nian Kctcpoiria. (777), 7), Attica ; oi KtKpiirioi, the
; water ; KtkevOoi WKrot t« zeal {jfiarot tbe ways of
Athenians. night and day, i. e. night and day. II. a travel-
Kctcpoirls, i'Sos, pecul. fem. of KfKpSmos. ling, journey, voyage : an expedition. III. a
KCKpoTapcvos, Dr. pf. part. pass, of Kporicu. mode of walking, gait: metaph. a way or walk of
Kctcpotj/, oiros, 6, Cecrops, an ancient king of Athens. life also a way or course of doing.

KCKpvppcvos, pf. part. pass, of /epvirroj. KfXcuo-pa or KcXcvp.a, aros, r6, («cA.€tJ(w) an order,
K€Kpv4>dXos, 6, (Kpvirra)) a woman's bead-dress, made command : word of command in war tbe call of
tbe :

of net, to confine the hair, Lat. reticulum. II. tbe K(\€varr)t, which gave the time to the rowers.
the poucb or belly of a bunting-net. III. part of KcAevo-p.os, 6, (kc\(vco) an order, command,
tbe headstall of a bridle. KeXevapocrwrj, 7), Ion. for Kekevapot.
KeKpv$aT<u, Ion. and Ep. 3 pi. pf. pass, of Kpvirroj. KtXevo-nrjs, ov, 6,(jct\evoS) a commander, fugleman
KCKTT], pf. of Kraoyuai : inf. KtierijaOai. on board ship, tbe man who by his call (leikcvafMi)
K€KTJ0a)crt [y], Ep. 3 pi. redupl. aor. 1 subj. of KtvOo). gives tbe time to tbe rowers, a boatswain.
KCKv\, pf. pass, of /cvkivfu. kcXcvottos, i], ov, (icektvw) ordered, commanded.
K<KV<|>a, pf. of kvvtoj. tceXcvTkdo), Frequentat. of tcekevaj, to be continually
kcXS8civ6s, 77, ov, Dor. Kc\a8cw6s, bidding or urging on.
<£, 6v, (nikaSos)
murmuring, noisy, boisterous : also clear-toned. KtXtvw, f. a<u : Ep. aor. I icikevoa (tcikkco) : to :

KcXdSccd, f. rjao) also i\aoyai Ep. aor. I KekaStjaa

: urge on : to exhort, bid, command, order : to beseech
(xikabot) : to murmur, roar, like the rushing of urgently:— of the /eekwar-qt, to give time to the
water. 2. to utter a cry or sound. II. trans. rowers by bis call. II. c. dat. pers. to call to,
to sing of, celebrate loudly: to call to, invoke. Hence order.
Kt\d5T)p.a, arot, to, a murmur, din, roaring. kcXcwv, 6, obsol. sing, of Kskiovrtt.
KcXd8i]TT|S, ov, 6, fem. -ijtis, 180s, (Kckabtw) loud- kc\t]S, titos, 6, (jciXXai) a courser, race-borse, driven
sounding, vocal, harmonious. or ridden singly. II. a fast-sailing vessel, with
KE'AA A02, 6 a noise, as of tbe wind or of rush- one bank of oars, Lat. celes, celox.
ing waters : tbe din or tumult of battle, a shouting K€X-r), fut. of KikofMU.
rarely of tbe sound of music. Hence K€\t)tC£(o, f. /crew, (ftikrjt) to ride a race-borse, gene-
KtXdSoj, = KfKaSia), to murmur, roar, esp. of water. rally, to ride : esp. of a man who rode two or more
KeXaiv-cyx^! <*» {ttkaiv6t, iyx *) w ^
dark, horses leaping from one on another.
bloody spear. k«Xtjtvov, to, Dim. of tcikrjt.
KeAai-ve4>T]s, it, (iccXaivot, vi<pot) black with clouds: KE'AAft, f. Ktkocu aor. 1 intkaa : I. trans, :

cloud-wrapt. 2. cloud-black, livid. of seamen, to drive on, push ashore ; vija icikoai to
KcXaivo-ppciH-os, ov, (K(\aiv6s, fSi&pwoKoj) gnawed run a ship ashore. II. intr. of ships, to run
black. ashore, put into harbour: generally, to reach a haven. —
KcXaiv6s, J/, oV, cognate form of fiikat, black, swart: KtXopcu, f. KekrjcrofMi : aor. 2 KtKkopqv and (Kt-
dark, gloomy: murky. Kkdfiijv, 3 sing. KtKkero, 1/citckcTO, part. Ke/ckdfifvot
KeX<uvo-4>dT|S, it, (/cckaiv6t, <p6.oi) dark-shining, (tcikka)) : —
poet, for Kekevcv, to urge on, exhort, cheer
murky. on, command. II. also like icakio), to call, call
K€Xcuv6-4>pa>v, ov, (tefKatv6t, <pp-f)v) black-hearted. to : to call by name.
KeXaivo-xpws, wrot, 6, 7), (ictkaivlt, XP&*) black- KcXo-ai, aor. I inf. of tcikka).
coloured. KcXtoC, oi, tbe Kelts or Celts; later Kikrcu. Hence
KeXaivou, (KtXxuvot) to make black: — Pass, to be- KeXTurrC, Adv. in Keltic or Celtic, in tbe language
come black. or after tbemanner of tbe Kelts.
KeXaiv-unrns, ov, Dor. -«&irds, 6, fem. -&ms, iSot KcAityos, tot, t6, a busk, rind, pod, shell : metaph.
(Kfkaivot, &n\i) : —
black-faced, swarthy, gloomy. of old SiKaarai, dvTOjfwaiwv «eAtj<p77 mere afhdavit-
KtXaiv-ajvJ/, unrot, 6, 7), — * tkaivirirnt. busks. (Deriv. uncertain.)
KtXdpvf co Dor. -<r8<i>, = KeXabio), to babble, murmur. KE'AXIP, ojpot, 6, a son.
KcXdpwScv, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of Kfkapvfa. K«pds and xcpjids, dSot, 7}, a young deer.
: : — : : : :

372 K€V KCpdpiOV.

k«v, before a vowel for *«. k^vto, Dor. for (leiKcro : cf. yivro, IjvOov.
K€v-ayyi\s, es, (k*v6s, dyyos) emptying vessels, breed- kcvtow, false form for /cevrpuoj.
ing famine, hungry. K€VTp-11V€KT|S, €*, (K€VTpOV, kvifKOj) goaded On.
KcvavSpCa, i), lack of men, dispeopled state. From KcvTpi^co, f. ia<a, {jtivrpov) to prick, goad, spur.
Kcv-av8pos, ov, (K€v6s, av-qp) empty of men, dispeopled. k€vtpo-8t|At)tos, ov, {KtvTpov, br)\io/tai) goaded. 3.
K6v-ovxt|S or Ktve-avxTjs, is, (Ktves or Ktvt6s, avxv) act. goading, stinging.
vain-boasting, braggart. KcvTpo-pfiv^s, es, (jcivrpov, pavrjvai) spurring to
K€v«'/3p€ios, ov, dead: in pi., Ktvi&pua, t&, carrion. madness.
(Deriv. uncertain.) KiVTpov, to, a point, prickle,
(jttvTioS) spike, sting
K€v-f p.{3&Ttw, f. rjcroj, (jcev6s, kfifidrijs) to step into a a horse or ox-goad : a spur : proverb., irpus nkvrpa
bole, stumble. Ka/tTifav to kick against the pricks. 2. an in-
K€ve6s, 17, ov, Ion. for Ktvos, empty. strument of torture. 3. metaph. a spur, in-
Kcvc6-(j>pfa>v, ov, (iteveos, (pprjv) centive. II. the point round whick a circle is
kcvcuv, Sivos, 6, (Ktvus) the hollow between the ribs described, the centre.
and the hip, the flank. II. any hollow space. KevTpo-TiJir^s, is, (nivrpov, rvnrjvai) struck by a
k«v-o8ovtCs, idos, fern, of Ktvobovs. spur.
Kcvo8o£ta, 1), vain-glory, vanity. From K6VTp6b>, f. 6joo), to furnish with a sting Pass, to —
Kcv6-So£os, ov, (icevos, do£a) vain-glorious. be so furnished. with a goad.
2. to strike
kcv-68ovs, ovtos, 6, 1), (kcvos, obovs) toothless. Kcvrpcov, wvos, 6, (nivrpov) a rogue that has been
KENO'S Ion. k«iv6s, ^, 6v ; Ep. kcvc6s : empty branded, a spur-galled jade.
empty-banded. II. fruitless, vain, idle : Kivia Kcvrupuov, ojvos, 6, the Lat. centurio.
as Adv. in vain. III.exhausted: c. gen. void, KcvTcop, opos, 6, (Kivreo)) a goader, driver.
destitute, bereft of: absol. of a lioness, bereaved of her K€VvLs, Adv. of Kfvos, vainly, idly.
young. IV. Com p. and Sup. nevurfpos, -ora- K601U.TJV, Opt. Of KClfldl.
ros : but also regular Ktv6jrtpos, -forarot. Ktop-cu, Ep. and Ion. collat. form of kh/juu, whence
K€vo-Td4>€co, (nevus, r6mpos) to honourwith a cenotaph. 3 sing. K€«tcu, 3 pi. niovrai.
Kevo-rd<j>kov, t6, {Ktv6$, r&cpos) an empty tomb, Kcos, j), Ion. for Ktcus.
cenotaph. KE'II*02, 6, a light sea-bird of the petrel kind:
Kcv6-<t>p(i>v, ov, (kcv6s, <pp$v} empty-minded. metaph. a light-beaded simpleton, a noddy.
K€vo4>u)vCa, »), vain talk, babbling. From K€pda<r0€, Ep. 7 pi. pres. med. of Kepaoj.
K€v6-((>(ovos, ov, (Ktv6s, (fxuvq) empty -sounding, Kcpdco-ox, Ep. dat.
pi. of Ktpas.
prating. Kcpala,
a born. II. anything like a
i), {jcipas)
Kcv6fa> Ion. tc€iv6ci) f. &aa), aor. I inhaica Pass., —
born, a yard-arm, Lat. cornu antennarum: a pro-

: :

aor. I iKevwOrjv: pf. KeKtvajficu (jcev6s): to empty jecting beam or timber.

: 2. a born or promontory
out, drain : forsake, desert —
Pass, to be emptied of of land. 3. a small dot in writing, 'a tittle.'
a thing, c. gen. also to be left empty, deserted.
: II. anything made of born, e. g. a bow.
to make void or of no account Pass, to become vain, — K€p&t£<i>, f. too), later i£qj: aor. I iiccpaicra: (fcepas):

of none effect. to lay waste, ravage. II. of persons, to kill,

Kcvcrai, Ep. aor. I act. inf. of Ktvrioj, as if from *kIv- slaughter : to disable ships.
tcd. II. also aor. I med. imperat. of Ktvrioj. Kcpdts, iSos, 1J, (Ktpas) a worm that eats horn.
K^vTacre, Dor. 3 sing. aor. 1 of Ktvria). Kep&urrr|S, ov, 6, (tccpatfa) a ravager, robber.
Kcvravpcios, a, ov, (Ktvravpos) Centaurian, of or Kcpauo, Ep. for icepaai, the Root of Kfpdwvfti, to
for Centaurs. mix ; faporcpov tcipait mix the wine stronger.
KcvTavpiStjs, ov, 6, (Kivravpos) descended from K€pSp.eiKos, 17, 6v, (ictpafios) earthen.
Centaurs. Kep&u.€tic6s, 0, (Ktpafi(vs) the Potters' Quarter in
Ktvravpucos, ^, 6v, (Kivravpos) like a Centaur: Athens, where two places were called Cerameicus, one
savage, brutal. Adv. -ku>$. within and the other without the Thriasian Gate.
KevTavpo-ir\T)9TJs, is, {Kivravpos, irXfjdot) full of K€pdu.eios, a, ov, (K(pafws) of clay, earthen.
Centaurs. tcep&ficvs, to**, 6, (Ktpapoi) a potter proverb., *€- —
Kcv-Tavpos, 6, (/ctvrioj) a Centaur, properly a pafiivt iccpafiu KOTtd potter envies potter.
Piercer, Spearman: they were a race of savage Ktpdp€uw, f. oa>, (xepafios) to be a potter, work in
horsemen, dwelling between Pelion and Ossa in Thes- earthenware : metaph. to botch or patch up the state.
saly, extirpated in a war with their neighbours the K€pSp.T)ios, tj, ov, Ion. and Ep. for Ktpa/xeios.
Lapithae. II. later, they were believed to be Kcpau.T)ts, fios, pecul. Ep. fern, of Kfpdfieios.
monsters of double shape, half man and half horse. Kepdptvos, 17, ov, and K€pap,vic6s, 17, 6v, = /repd/xctot,
KENTE'fl, f. T)cra> aor. I iicivTrjoa : inf. niveau of earthenware or clay.
as if from *icivrw : — :

to prick, goad, sting: to wound, Kcpdpxov, to, (/ctpafiios) an earthenware vessel, a pot,
stab, pierce. jar, pipkin, Lat. testa.
: : —
KfpCLfxfc K€pjJLaT (((0. 373
Kcp&pts, Tool Att. ilos p], j), (iclpaift) a tile: also Kcpawo-p.dxi)S, ov, i, (Kfpawos, fiix^fMu) fighting
a tiled roof. with the thunderbolt.
KE'PAW M05, 6, potter's earth, potter's clay. II. KEPATNO'2, 6, a thunderbolt, thunder and light-
any earthen vessel, a pot, jar: also is collective sense, ning, Lat. fulmen thunder by itself was $povri\, Lat.

earthenware, pottery. III. a /j'/« ; collectively, tonitru, and the flash of lightning aartpoirq, vrtpoirh],
the tiles; rqi Kipa^qj (HdWttv to strike with tiles, never hzt.fulgur: plur. Ktpawol, thunderbolts.
in plur. IV. x a *-**V ^ Ktpdfjuv seems to be in Kepauvo-<J)dT]s, is, \jctpavv6s, <paes) flashing like the
a brasen prison. thunderbolt.
Ktpdwvfii and -vo>: fut. xtpaooj [3]: aor. I tKtpdaa Kt paw 6ta, f. boo), (Ktpnw6s) to strike with a thun-
Ep. Ktpaaaa —
Med., Ep. 3 sing. aor. I Ktpdaaaro
: derbolt.
— Pass., aor. I tKtpdaBrjv and (KpaOrjv [a] pf. xetf£> KEPA'fl, Ep. Radic. form of Ktpdwvpi, to mix.

paa/xai and KtKpdpuai (KtpdoS) /o mix, mingle, often

: : —
Kcppepos, 6, Cerberus, the dog which guarded the
of diluting wine more freq. in Med., as, Kprjrfjpa Kt- gate of the nether world ; ace. to Hesiod, the fifty-

pdaaoOai to mix oneself a bowl; Pass., *vA.t£ foo^ headed son of Typhaon and Echidna later, repre- ;

tay KiKpayikvi) a cup mixed half and half. 2. /o sented with three heads.
temper or coo/. 3. metaph. to 6/*»tf together, tem- KfpSaCvco, f. KtpSavS) Ion. —t<u: aor. I ixiptiava
per, regulate, tone down. II. generally, to mix, Ion. tKtpb'rjva fut. also KtpSrjow, KtpSJjaofiai aor. I : :

compound, Lat. attemperare. tKtphrjoa (KtpSos) to gain, make gain or profit : :

Kep<£o-£6os, ov, (Ktpas, £t<v) polishing born, working from : absol. to gain advantage, be benefited. 2.
in born ; esp. for bows. hence to traffic, make merchandise. II. in bad

Kepctos, d, uv, (Ktpas) horned. II. made of born. sense, like diro\av<u, to gain a loss.
Kcpa-ovxos, ov, (Ix 40 ) Ktp-ov\os. K6p8a\€os, a, ov, (KtpSos) with an eye to gain, crafty,
K<pas, to; gen. Ktparos Ep. Ktpaos Att. contr. «;'- cunning: shrewd. 2. of things, gainful, profitable:
pas ;dat. Ktpdri, Ktpal, Ktpq —
dual Ktpat, itipd, Adv. Ktpda\i<us, to one's profit.
gen. and dat. Ktpdotv, Ktp<pv plur. itipaa, n<pa gen.
: K€p8ci\e6-4>pa)v, ov, (KtpSaXios, <ppijv) crafty-minded.

Ktpdwv, Ktpurv; dat. Ktpdai Ep. Ktpdai and Ktpdtaoi: KepSdvns, 2 sing. aor. I subj. of KtpSaiva>.
— Ion. declension Ktpas, Ktptos, Ktpt'i (akin to K«p8i0TOs, rj, ov, Sup. of KtpSiwv (with no Posi-

K&pa) - the born of an animal : hence born, as a tive in use), formed from KtpSos, most cunning or

material for working. II. anything made of born; crafty. II. mosr profitable.
esp. a bow : later, a born for blowing : also a drink- KepStcov, ov, gen. ovos, Comp. (with no Positive in
ing-horn, or a goblet in the shape of a born. III. use), formed from KipSos, more profitable.
a born or guard at the end of a fishing-line, to pre- KE'PAOS, (os, r6, gain, profit, advantage : desire
vent the fish from biting it. IV. an arm or of gain. II. in pi. cunning arts, wiles, tricks.

branch of a river, so called from its shape. V. KcpBooruvTj, f), (KtpSos) cunning, craft, shrewdness :
the wing of an army or fleet; km Ktpas Att. kid dat. KtpSoavvT} as Adv. cunningly, shrewdly.
Ktpws, in single file, in column, i.e. one after another, KepSco, 60s contr. ovs, ^, (KtpSos) the wily one, or
not abreast. VI. the sail-yard of a ship. VII. the thief name of a fox
any projection or elevation, as a mountain- peak, Kcp8a>os, a, ov, (KtpSos) bringing gain.
born. Ktpta, Ion. for Ktpaa, icipara, pi. of Ktpas.
Kcpocce, Ep 3 of Ktpdwv jm.
sing. aor. I K€p€<o, Ion. for KtpS), fut. of Ktipat.
K€poo-TT|S, ov, 6, {Ktpas) horned. K€pKi£co, f. iaw, to close the w'eb with the KtpKis. From
icepaoTos, 17, ov, (Ktpdwvpii) mingled, tempered. KcpKis, iSos, 1), (KtpKO), KptKco) — cTirdOt], a staffox rod
Kcpao*-4>6pos, ov, (Ktpas, <ptp<u) born-bearing. to make the web close the weaver's comb : the shuttle

•cepo/rca or Ca, j), {Ktpas) the locust-tree: its fruit containing the spindle, Lat. radius. II. any taper

was Ktpdriov. rod, of wood, ivory, etc., as the quill with which
KCpdrlvos, 77, ov, (Ktpas) of born, made of born. stringed instruments were struck, Lat. plectrum. 2.
Ktp6.rx.ov, to,Dim. of Ktpas, a little born. II. a measuring-rod, Lat. radius.
the fruit of the Ktparia or locust-tree. KE PROS, 17, the tail of a beast, Lat. cauda.
KCp-avXt]S, ov, 6, (Ktpas, av\t<v) a born-blower. KcpKOvpos or KcpKOvpos, o, a boat, pinnace.
icepavvcios, ov, (Ktpavvus) thundering. KcpKvpa, j), the island Corcyra, now Corfu : hence
Kcpavvios, a, ov, also os, ov, (Ktpavvus) of a thunder- Keptcvpcuos, o, a Corcyraean: Adj. Kcpicvpaucds, ^,
bolt. II. thunder-stricken. 6v, of ox for Corcyra.
K€pawofjoX«w, f. tjooj, to burl the thunderbolt : to KcpKu, rarer collat. frrm for KptKOi.
strike with thunderbolts. From Kcpp-a, aros, to, (Ktipw) a slice : in plur. small coin,
tc«pawo-|36Xos, ov, (Ktpavvus, fiaXXoi) burling the small change : small wares. Hence
thunderbolt, smiting with it. Kcpp.&Ti£a), f ia<u Att. iw, to mince up. II. to

K«pawo-Pp6vrns, ov, 6, (Ktpaw6s, fipovrdw) the coin into small money : to change large coin for smalL
tightener and tbunderer. Hence

374 K€piiaTi(nr)S' -K€\apOVTO.

K€p\Lan<rrf]s, ov, 6, a money-changer. as impf, I concealed, contained. II. intrans. to
K€po-{3<4.T7|S [3], ov, 6, {jcipat, fiaivoi) born-footed, be concealed, lie bidden.
born-hoofed, epith. of Pan. KC<}>aX<ji, Dor. dat. of Kt<pa\ri.
K€po-0oas, ov, fj, {icipas, &oaa>) sounding with born, K€<j>d\aios, a, ov, (icc<pa\-f]) of or belonging to the
of a flute tipped with horn. bead: metaph., like Lat. capitalis, principal,
Kcpo-Scros, ov, (rctpas, Sew) bound with horn. chief. II. Kf<pd\atov, to, as Subst., like K«pa\T),
Kcp6cis, 6(oaa contr. ovaaa, 6tv, (jcipat) horned. the bead, as K«pa\aiov fiatpavidos the bead of a radish :

Kcp-o£a£, cueot, 6, (icipat, ola£) a rope belonging to the chief or main point: in money, the capital-
the sailyards ; cf. k (pat vi. sum. 2. a summary, the sum of the matter; tv
K6po-Ti/'ir€a), f. -qaoj, (tcipat, tvhtcu) to butt with the K«paXai<f> »r iv K«pa\aioit fiireiv to speak summa-
born ; generally, to dash or knock about. ry • 3- generally, the crown, completion, finish of
KCp-ov\ic6s, if, 6v, (jcipat, iXjcw) drawing a bow of a thing. Hence
born. 2. of the bow, drawn by the horns. k«4>&Acu6o>, f. wao), to bring under beads, sum up,
Kcpovndo), (icipat) to toss the horns or bead. state summarily. II. to smite on the bead, slay.
Kcp-ovxts, «8o», fem. of sq. Kc<)>dXai-fa}8i)s, ft, (KHpaX-fj, elSot) principal, capital.
KCp-ovxos, ov, (xipat, €X«>) having horns, horned. K€<j>&\a(<i>p,a, aros, to, (K€<pa\ai6ot>) the sum total.
Ktpo-4>6pos, ov, (Ktpas, <pipoi) horned. k€<J>&\-o\yy)s, (s, {Kt<pakq t aXyot) causing pains in
Ktpcras, £p. aor. I part, of Kfipw. the bead. Hence
Kcpac, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of Ktip<u. k« 4x1X0X710., 77, bead-aci*.
Kcpropiu, f. tjcrai, (Ktpropos) to taunt, to mock or KE*A"AH', ^, the bead, Lat. caput; it v6bat U
jeer at a person absol. to sneer, scoff.
: Hence itf<pa\rjs from bead to foot ; «iri K^paX^v bead fore-
K€pTop.T]o-is, cut, fj, jeering, mockery. most. 2. the head, as the noblest part, for the whole
K€pTO|Aia, i), « KfprSfiijais. person, just as Lat. caput is used : esp. in salutation,
Kep rop-ios and Ktp-Top-os, ov, (jciap, rifivoi) heart- <pi\r) tcecpaXr], Lat. carum caput; in bad sense, S> «a-
cutting, stinging; Kepropta irtrj or absol. Kfpro/ua, Kai KC<paXai. 3. the life, Lat. caput, as we use
stinging, reproachful words. mocking, delusive.
II. bead ; napOtficvoi K*<pa\at setting their beads on the
K *PXVH> ^» ( K *PXv<tt ) a kind of hawk, so called from cast; tit K«pa\ty TpkvoiT ifwi on my bead be
its hoarse voice, the kestrel. it 1 bead or upper part of anything : the
II. the
Kcpxvrjts, rjtdos, and Kepxv^s, fjtot, t) , collat. forms coping of a wall in pi. the bead or source of a

of Kep\vn. river. III. K«pa\}j irtpiOtTot a wig or bead-

KE'PXNft, to make rough or hoarse. II. intr. dress. IV. metaph. the point, sum, conclusion.
and in Pass, to be hoarse, of the voice. k«4>&Atj4>i, K€<paXx;<pi, Ep. gen. and dat. of KtfaX-q.
Kepw, fut. of Ktipo). K«<j>a\ts, ihot, 1), Dim. of K«pa\r), a little bead or
Kcpwv, part, of Kfpdwvfu. bulb. II. a bead, chapter, division.

Kcponnrcu, Ep. 3 pi. subj. pass, of Ktpaa). K€<J>aAA-f|v, fjvot, 6, a Cepballenian hence —
kcs, v. sub teas. Kc<j>aXXT)vCa. 7), Cepballenia, an island in the Ionian
Kto-Ktro, Ion. 3 sing. impf. of tcctftai. sea, now Cefalonia.
k«ot6s, i), 6v, (jcwrioj) worked, embroidered; KtOTot Ktx&kaoyLai, pf. pass, of x a Xaoj.
Ifias of the girdle of Venus hence : II. as Subst. KcxavSa, pf. of xavb^voi, whence part. neut. pi. *«•
k(ct6s, i, a girdle, Lat. cestus. Xavbora, 3 plqpf. Ep. KtxavZti.
KCOTpa, j), (k€vt€<u) a pickaxe, poleaxe. II. a K€xapa-yu.€vos, pf. part. pass, of xar^ Cffa>'
kind offish, a pike, or a conger. Kexdp-nKa, pf. of x<«p<»-
KcvOdvo), poet, for Kfv$a>. K€x<ipT], P^ P ass of X '^- -

K«v0p.a, aros, t6, and K6v0jx6s, 6, KtvOfiuv. = Kcx&pT)or£p.€V, Ep. fut. inf. of x ^ "-
tcevOpuv, Swot, 6, (kcvOoj) any secret place, hole, Kcx&p'qo', Ep. paullo-post fut. of yaifioj.
biding-place, den; the lair of a beast. 1. of the KcxdpT)TO, K€xapi)VTO, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. plqpf.
nether world, the abyss. ^. = abvrov, the inmost pass, of x '^ "-
place, sanctuary. KcxSpTjws, Ep. pf. part, of \aip<a.
KcvOoura, Dor. for KevQovoa, part. fern, of *et/0ty. K«x*P<-crp.evos, pf. of x^pK9 hvat ^ agreeable,
K€v8os, tot, t6, (KevOoj) = KevOfiwv : in pi., KtvOea winning, charming : Adv. Kfxa^ l<Tfl ^V(US charmingly,

70/77* the depths of the earth. gracefully.

KET'0XI, kcvcoj: aor. 1 IkvBw, Ep. redupl.
fut. K€xdpurTO, 3 of xapt'C /**"*
sing, plqpf.
smbj. k€/cv9oj nUtvOa : plqpf. tKC/eevOuv Ep. «€-
pf. K(\d.pXT(jo\i(vos, pf. part. pass, of xaP tT0^J Adv.

: -

KfvOeiv : to cover up, bide, conceal, shroud Pass. : — /f€X a P' Ta, /z *'' a'*' agreeably, welcome.
to lie bidden. 1. to keep bidden or secret, conceal,, pf. pass, of x ai pv-
disguise with dupl. ace, kcvQciv nvd
: to keep a n KcxSpoCaTO, Ep. for Kex^P 0lVT9 3 P^ ^-P- redupL t

thing concealed from one. 3. the pf. ieiiecv0a is aor. 2 med. opt. of x ^-
used as pres., I keep concealed; and plqpf. *KtKtv9*iv KcxdpovTo, 3 pi. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 med. of yoif«.
^ : ::

Kfywa— Kirnos. 875

»rfXT)va, pf of \alvoj or x affK0J to gape. Hence * KH'AH, f make anxious, give concern:
KcxTjvaioi, oiv, oi. Gapers, comic for 'A0rjvaioi. hence to trouble, annoy, distress. II. in Pass.,

KcxX&5a>s, pf. part, of " x^C

there is also an ace.
: with Ep. fut. KUcd.b'rjO'OfMii, pf act. KtKijSa: to be —
pi. Ktx^no'ovTas, as if from /f«xXd5a>, like KacXrjyov- troubled, distressed, annoyed : part, KT)86fievos. rj, ov,
rat from KtK\r)yws. distressed, in trouble: c. gen. to be anxious or con-
KcxXia-yica, pf. of xX*atva>. cerned for ; oiiKfTi Aavawv K(Ka5r)o6fie8a.
KtxXl&ws, pf. part, of x^""- kt)S(i)K€, by crasi* for ical ehwKe.
«xo\wo-0cu, \ f. inf. pass, of xoXSoi. kt,€v, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 1 of Kaioj.
KCXoXuxropxti, paullo-post fut. of xoA6*a». irr)6&piov, to, a vessel into which the lots were cast,
K*xpr\\kam.o-\Livo$, pf. part. pass, of xfVI MT '
C0)' a ballot-box. (Deriv. uncertain.)
iccxp'Hp.cvos, pf. part, of xpaofiat. kt|k. Dor. for kuk, by crasis for koI Ik.
KlxtyuUt pf- P ass ot X""- -
KHKI'2, matter that oozes or exudes from
idos, r)

kIx*to, k€Xwto, 3 sing, and pi. Ep plqpf. pass, of a burnt moisture: ink.
sacrifice: juice, Hence
kt]k(o). Ep. impf. ktjkiov to gush or ooze fnr'b :

KtX^P^aTai, Ion. 3 pi pf. pass, of x^fK01 ' also in Med., alfias tcrjKiOfiiva k\itiajv clotted blood
Kcx«»o-p.€vos, pf. part. pass, of x«wv/«. oozing fromiiis wounds. [T Kp., 1 Att.]
k&o, Ep. collateral form of Ktiai. ktiXcos or kt)Xcios, ov, (Kaiai) burning, blazing.
K«i>|UU, SUbj Of KftfiCU. KHAE n, f. 4)003, to charm, bewitch, fascinate : ge-
Ktuis Ion. Kfos, Ceos, an island in the Archipelago. nerally, to wheedle, beguile, seduce.
ktj, Ion. for vrj (interrog.) : but ktj enclit. tor irn. KH'AH, 1$, a rupture, Lat. hernia.
K-fjai, Ep. aor. I inf. of ieai<u : but kt|<h, 3 sing. opt. KT)X-r|0p.6s, 6, (KT)\caJ) rapture, fascination.
K7)dp.*vos, Ep. aor. I part, of /cat'ew. KT)X-r]|xa, otos, t6, (icn\iw) a magic charm, spell.
ktiy^ or kt|Y»v, Dor. for K&yw, i. e. ical lyfa. ktjXtjot-S, f<y«» ^, (icnXtoj) an enchanting, charming.
io)8eCa, 1), (ktjSos) care for the dead obsequies. : II. KT)XT|TT|ptos, ov, (KTjXioj) charming : appeasing.
affinity,connexion by marriage. KTjXi86a>, f. wooi, (icr/Xis} to stain, sully : metaph. to
ktjScios, ov, (icfjoos) cared/or, dear, beloved. a. stain, dif honour, disgrace.
careful for. II. of ox for a funeral, sepulchral. KHAT'2. 180s, t), a stain, spot : a blemish, disgrace.
KT)8cp.OV€«S, {oJt, 6, (KT)84(U) = KTjStfACUV. KBTAON, to, the shaft of an arrow an arrow.
one that bas charge of a
tcT)8cp.wv, 6v>t, 6, (icrjbio)) KTiXwv, ojvot, 6, (icfjKov) a swipe or machine for
persoa, one who
cares for the dead, a mourner a — drawing water from a well.
protector, guardian. II. a relation by marriage, KT|Xwv€iov Ion. T|'iov, t6, = Kr)\03V.
Lat. affinis. K-rjp.a\rr6v. Dor by crasis for Kal ijxavr6v.
KT|Seos, ov, = KTjhtlOS. kv\i(, Hor by crasis for ical ifxi.
ki]8€o-ic«to, 3 sing Ion. impf. pass, of KrjSoi. KHMO'2, o, a muzzle or halter, put on a led
KTjSeo-Kov, Ion. impf. of Kr)bo). horse. 2 the funnel-shaped top to the voting urn
icr)8«OTT|S, ov, 6 (/cfjbos) a connexion by marriage, (kclBos^ in the Athenian law-courts, through which
Lat. affinis : a son-in-law, also afather-in-law, brother- the ballots (ifn)<poi) were dropped in the urn.
in-law. Hence KTjpow. f. 6joo), (icrjfius) to muzzle a horse.
icnSea-rCa,, 1^, connexion by marriage, affinity. kt v. Dor. for k<1v, i. e. ical iv : but ktjv for ical dv.
KTj5fv|xa, cltos, to, (Krjteva)) alliance by marriage, jct)v0€, Dor. by crasis for ical ?vOe (i.e. nal r,\8e).
affiniy. 2. one who is so connected, a connexion, ktjvos, Aeol. for iceivos, cicfTvos.
Lat. affinis. icf vo-os, 6, the Lat. census, an assessment : tribute.
kt|5€vu>, f. tfoj, (/0780s) to take charge of, care for, KH'3, icrjKus, 1). a sea-gull, sea-mew.
tend. 2. to pay the last offices of the dead: — Pass. KT|op.6v. Ep. for KT)Q)(jLfv, I pi. aor. I subj. of Kaioj.
to have there last offices paid one. II. to ally tcQTTt, Dor. by rrasis for ical cine.
oneself in marriage to a person :
— Pass, to be so K-qireC, KTJiretTa, Dor. for tcaird, KairtiTa, i.e ica) lit-.
allied. 2. to make a person one's kinsman by mar- KT|Tr€vp.a, aTos, to. (tctjiTfioA that which is reared in
riage. a garden, a garden-herb or flower.
ktjBtio-w, fot. of tcrjbw (as if from tcnleoj). KTjircus, 6o>$, 6, (ktjtos) a gardener.
ktjSuttos, rj, ov, Sup. formed from Krjboi, like icep- cqircuco, f. aoj, (icrj-nos^ to rear in a garden : me-
hiarot from Ktpbot, most cared for, dearest, most be- taph. to tend, cherish, foster.
loved. II. most nearly allied by marriage. KT|ir(. Dor. for *£•»»', i. e. ical lirl.
ktjSos Dor. k&Sos, fos, to, (icfjboj) Dim. of tcrj-not, a small garden, par-
care, concern, ktjitCov, to.
regard for another. 2. trouble, sorrow, affliction, terre : metaph a decoration, ornament.
distress : —mourning for one d<ad : hence a fune- kdtto-Xoyo ;. ov, KTjiros, \tyoj) teaching in a warden. 1

ral. 3. an object of care, a care. II. con- KHTT02 Dor tca-n-os, 6. a garde", an orchard or
nexion by marriage, Lat. affinitas. plantation : also 'be enclosure for the Olympic games
KT)6«<ruvos, ov, (tcfjiot) anxious. ot 'AoojviSos Kfinoi, cresses and other plants grown
:: :

376 KrjirovpSs — Kiyy6vu>.

quickly in pots : —hence proverb, of amusements and KHPT'22ft Att. -ttw: f.

f«: pf. KtKTjpvxa:—
pastimes. Pass., fut. KijpvxO'fjaofMu, but also fut. med. tcrjpv^opjcu
KT]ir-ovp6s, 6, (ftijiros, ovpos) a gardener. in pass, sense pf. K(Kr)pv"ffMi to be or act as:

KH'P, t), gen.Krjp6s, ace., the goddess of herald: to make proclamation as a herald, summon,
death or offate hence: doom, death, destruction. 2. convene as herald. 2. impers., leqpvooti (sc. 6 kt)-
the goddess of mischief or evil : hence bane, mischief, pv£) notice is given, proclamation is made. II.
evil itself. II. any evil fate; disease; and, of to proclaim, announce : to extol. 2 to put up or
moral evil, disgrace. advertise for sale. 3. to call on, invoke. HI.
KBTP, to, gen. Krjpot, ace. icrjp, contr. from Ktap, to preach or teach publicly.
the heart, Lat cor. The dat. Krjpi is in Homer freq. Ki)pvx(Kjv<u, aor. I inf. pass, of Krjpvoato.
used as Adv., like K-qpoOi, with all the heart, heartily. KTipcopxi, a.Tos, to, (/crjpuo)) anything waxed over: a
KTjpaCva), f. av5>, (fcrjp, r)) to barm, hurt, destroy. waxed tablet for writing. 2. an unguent used by
K-qpalvo), f. avu>, (/njp, to) to be alarmed, disquieted. wrestlers. Hence
Kijpecrari-<J>6pT)TOS, ov, (Kf)p, <popta>) borne on by KT|pcop.8Tuc6s, rj, ov, anointed with /rqpayia.
the Krjpcs or fates. ktjp<dt6s, t), ov, (Kijpooj) waxed hence, as Subst., —
tcfjptvos, rj, ov, (Krjpos) of wax, waxen. Ktjpwrov, t6, or KT|po>TT|, r), a cerate or ointment.
KTjpto-KXeirrrjs, ov, 6, (Krjpiov, K\4nT<u) stealer of k-qs, D< r. for ml els.
honeycombs. icfjTai, Ep. for KerjTai, 3 sing. subj. of KetfMu.
KTjpiov, to, (icTjpSs) a honeycomb, Lzt. favus. II. KTjTtio s, o, ov, (ktjtos) of sea-monsters.
a waxen tablet. KHT02, (os, to, any sea-monster or huge fish : in
KT)pi-Tp€<J>T|s, is, (/njp, Tpt<po)) born to die. Odyssey, a seal or sea-calf: later a whale, Lat. cete.
RTjpo-8«TTjs, ov, 6, Dor. KTjpo8«ras, * KrjpoStTot. kt)to-<J>6vos, ov, (ktjtos, *<piv<u) killing sea-monsters.
in)p6-8«TOS, ov, (icr]p6s, Si<u) bound together by wax. kt|t<ocis, caoa, cv, only as epith. of Lacedaemon,
KT)>, f. t)o~oj, (KTjpus, SifMj) to build with wax. koiXtj Aaicndaifiojv ienTUt«oa, either (from ktjtos as
K-*)p60€v,Adv. (KT]p)from the heart. implying hugeness) vast, spacious; or (from ktjtos as
K7)p69i, Adv. [Krjp) in the heart, with all the heart, if = Kaiadas. a gulf, abyss) sunken, hollow.

heartily. ktju, by crasis for kcu «5.

Kijpo-iraYf|*» ^*» (*V<5». irayrjvai) fastened with wax. Kiqv|, Okos [v], 6, (kt)() a sea-gull.
KTjpo-irX<ioTT|S, ov, 6, (icnpot, vkdao'cj) a modeller KTJ4>fi,Dor. by crasis for kcu e<pn.
in wax. KH4>HN, fjvos, 6, a drone-bee, drone, Lat. fucus:
KTjpo-irXaaTOS, •v,(Kr)p6s,ir\aoff<v) moulded of wax, metaph. a drone or lazy fellow, who will do nothing
waxen. II. = /erjpodfTos. for his bread ; also of an old, decrepit person.
KHPO'2, 6, bees-wax, wax, Lat. cera. KTjdvfjves, ol, Cepbenes, old name of the Persians.
KT)po^rp6<J>os, ov, (icqpus, Tpt<poj) wax-producing. KTJ4>0d, Dor. by crasis for ko) fjipOrj.
ict|PO-xitci>v, ojvos, 6, t), (mjpot, xiTibv) clad with wax, K-qdno-os, 6, the Cepbisus, a river in Boeotia ; hence
KTjpoxvT*", f. ijooi, to mould in melted wax : to fern. Xifivrj KrjQioit. II. a famous river of Athens

make waxen cells. From also a river in Argolis and in other places.
KTjpo-xvros, ov, (KTjp6s, x^) moulded of ox in wax. kt)u>St)S, €*, (Kauu) fragrant, sweet-scented.
KT)pv Ypa, aros, t6, (Krjpvaau) a proclamation by he- kt)u>cis, «c<ro, tv, = KT}d)iT}s, fragrant.
rald, public notice; Ik KrjpvyfUiTos by proclamation. KldOco, Att. lengthd. for k'ku, to go. [£]
KTjpuKaiva, t), fern, of Kr)pv£, a female herald. ki^8t|Xcv(i), f. cot, {Kt&h]\os) to adulterate, alloy. II.
KT|pvKcia Ion. -rjtt], r), (fcr}pv£) the office of herald. metaph. to pass off, palm off.
KTjpvKciov Ion. -^iov, t6, a herald's wand, Lat. ca- Kip&nXia, 17, (Kifi5rj\os) alloy, base metal : metaph.
duceus. [v] Properly neut. from fraud, dishonesty.
tcqpuiceios, a, ov, (feiy>v£) of or for a herald, [y] kC^8t)Xos, ov, (/ri/3S«s) adulterated, spurious,
KT)pvK«arax, Ep. for Kr)pv£i, dat. pi. of Kijpv£. base. II. metaph. of men. base, false. 2. base-
KTjpviccvpa, a.Tos, to, (ieijpvK€v(u) a herald's procla- born, bastard. 3. deceitful, ambiguous, of oracles.
mation, public notice, [v] KTBA02, t), dross, alloy.
KTjpvKevu, f. aoi, (KT]pv£) to be a herald, give public ic(j3tcas, t), a pocket, wallet, scrip.
notice. II. trans, to proclaim, give notice of. Kl(3o>Tdpiov and KifJwTiov, t6, Dim of Ki&orr6s.
icr)pvicntr|, -kt|iov, Ion. for -cia, -uov. KTBHTO'S, t), a wooden box, chest, coffer.
KT)pv\os Att. K«ipvXos,o,a sea-bird, the halcyon, [i/] KiyicXi^a), f. iffoj, (KtyKXos) to wag the tail like the
Kt)pvg, vkos, 6, (KTjpvo-aoj) a herald or pursuivant, Ktyn\os : metaph. to change constantly.
whose chief duties were to summon the assembly, to KITKAI'2, ibos, t), the Lat. cancelli, a latticed
separate combatants, to carry to and fro messages be- gate or partition, fencing off the courts of justice or
tween enemies. They carried wands (oyn/wTpa) : their council chamber, the bar.
persons were inviolable, and they were regarded as the KITKA05, 0, a water-bird, a kiid of wagtail.
messengers and mder the protection of Jove. Ktyxdva) [£], Att. for kix^oj [o].
: : :

Kfovanai— K (picrj. S77

KtSvSfiai, Pass., poet, for OKibdwvuan, to be spread. kivSOvcutIov, verb. Adj. one must venture ; and
KT0A'PA Ion. -tj, also KiOapis, tot, i), Lat. ci- kiv8vv€vtt|s, ov, 6, an adventurous person : from —
tbara, a lyre, harp or
the <pvpfuy£ or Xvpa.
lute, like KivSvvevo), f. act), to be daring, venture into danger,
Ktdftp-aoiSos contr. -<o86s, 6, (xidapa, dotSos) one run a risk, hazard. a. absol. to make a venture,

who plays and sings to the lyre or barp, a harper — do a daring thing: so with ace. of the danger, k.
Sup. KidapaoihoraTos. [a] Kivbvvtviui to venture the risk. II. from the no-
icl0jpi£<i>, f. /aa; Att. Utf, {KiOapts) to play the lyre or tion of running a risk, Ktvbwtvoj c. inf. comes to
lute : it is also used of the <popfuy£ and Ai'pa, so that mean, to run a risk or chance of doing, be likely to do
the KiOapa, Xvpa, and <p6pfuy£ must have been nearly so and so; Kivdwtvovffi oi &v6pamot o'vroi yorjrts ttvai
the same. they run a risk of being reputed conjurers hence Ktv- :

Kid&pis, 101, 7), ace. KiQapLV, = KiOapa : also music, Swevu as impers. it seems to be, is likely Pass, to —
harping, playing. be hazarded, exposed to danger. From
Kt9&pio~rT|s, ou, <$, (iciOapifa) a player on the lyre KTNAT~N02, 6, a danger, risk, hazard, venture,
or a harper.
i»ar/>, Hence Lat. periculum: an experiment, trial; tcivSwov noiuv,
Ki0apurrpis, iSos, /), fern, of KiOapio-rfjt. Lat. periculum facere, to make an experiment.
icrtapurrvs, vos, fj, (Ki$apifa) a playing the lyre or kivcv, Dor. for Ktvov, pres. imperat. pass, of Kiviai.
barp, the art 0/ playing it. kivco), f. tjooj, (kioj) to move, set in motion, set a-
KtOSpcpSiKos, 17, 6v, of ox for barp-playing. From
going, urge on: to move a thing from its place; hence,
Klddp-cp86s, 6, contr. for KiOapaoiSos. to meddle with things sacred to change, innovate. a.

KiQuv, cupos, 6, Ion. for x'Tarc'. to set in motion, originate, be the author or contriver
KLKtiv, inf. of a poet. aor. 2 Zkikov see /a*a>.
; of a. thing. 3. to stir up, arouse: to move to anger,
kCki, To,x=fcporuv. II. /£« 6*rry of the Kporouy, provoke. 4. Kiviiv irdV xprjua to set every engine
castor-berry. at work, turn every stone. II. Pass., with fut.

KTKINN05, 0, a curled lock of hair, a ringlet of med. Ktu-qaofxat and pass. Kivn6rf<Tofiai,zox. I (KivfjOijv:
hair, Lat. cincinnus. to be put in motion, to be moved, to move; of an earth-
KiKK&ffav, a cry in imitation of the screech-owl's quake, as, (KtVTjOt) ArjXot.

Dote, toowbit, toowboo. kivtjOtjv, Ep. aor. 1 pass, of Kiviw.

KTKK05, S, the busk, shell of fruit, Lat. ciccus. KlvT)0p.6s, b, = Kivnais, motion.
kikXt|ctkcu, poot. redupl. form of /eakico, to call, kCvtjo-is, €«», »), (Kivi<v) a moving or being moved

summon, invite: to call on, invoke: also in Med. II. motion. II. excitement, commotion : a move-

to accost, address. III. to name, call by name. ment, disturbance. [ki]

KiKpdci), Dor. for ttepavvvfu, Kipvdm. KivT)Tf|p, »7po«, 6, = Kivnrfjs. Hence
KITCT^, 7), strength, vigour. KiVTjrripios, a, ov, liable to move or excite.
KI'Kn, a verb only found in aor. 2 IkXkov, inf. kivt)tt|s, ov, 6, {Kivia) a mover, author.
icXkhv, and Dor. aor. I tKi£a, med. (Ki^afirjv: to — kivi)tik6s, 17, 6v, (jeivtoS) putting in motion: stirring
make to go, move, toss. (Akin to kioj and dtieuv.) up, exciting.
KiXCkios, a, ov, Cilician. From Kiwdp.wp.ov, t<5, cinnamon, a word introduced by
K(Xt|, ticot, 6, a Cilician. \X) Hence the Greeks from the Phoenicians.
KiXuro-a, rjt, 7), a Cilician woman. 3. as Adj., KtwYpa, aros, r6, (Ktvvoffofiai) a floating or hover-
fem. of Ki\'ikios. ing body, a phantom, [t]
KiXXC-^as, avrot, 6, a trestle, stand or support for Kivvpai, Ep. Pass, (from an obsol. Act. /civv/u), = ki-
anything, esp. for a shield. (From tciWot, ass, 0aiv<v : move, march, [f]
viofjuu, to be in motion, go,
so Germ, our *as«/ and horse.) [f]
esel, kCvwto, Ep. for ckivwto, 3 pi. impf. of tcivvftai.
KTAACX2, an ass. (Dor. word.)
d, Klvvpopai [v], Dep. to utter a plaintive sound, moan,
Kifificpioi, ot, the Cimmerians, a people supposed to lament: c. ace. cognato, xa^ lV0* Kivvpovrcu <povov the
dwell in perpetual darkness later, a people about the : bridles ring or clash murderously. From
Palus Maeotis. Klvtipos, d, 6v, wailing, plaintive. (Formed from
Klp*>XCa Cimolian earth, a kind of white
(777), »), the sound.)
clay, like/?///*r's earth, from Cimolus in the Cyclades. Ktvw<r<i>, = Kivioj, to put in motion: — Pass, to waver;
KTNA'BPA, t), the rank smell of a goat. Hence be swayed to and fro.
Rlva3p<&«>. to smell like a goat. Kivw, ovs, Dor. for xivrjaie.

riv&Sos, tot, to vocat. KivaSt, as if it were masc:

: Kio-Kpdvov, t6, = KiovoKpavov.
— Sicil. word, a fox: metaph. a wily fellow, a cheat. itCoptv, Ep. for tcioufjLfv, 1 pi. subj. of taw.
ctvdOio-pa, orot, r6. a rustling motion, rustling. k(ov, Ep. for eiciov, impf. of kioj.
(From Kivadifa. = Kivlai.) [v&] Klovo-Kpdvov, t<5, {k'uuv, Kpav'iov) the capital of a
iciv-d <iipa, >}, (ttivioj, ax&pov) a kind of bag or sieve column.
for bolting flour. Kiooa, dat. pi. of kiojv, a pillar.
»w6vvw|ia, arot, t6, a rhk, venture, enterprise; and KipK-rj, r), Circe, an enchantress who changed
: : : : :

378 wpirrjAaros —KAAI'X2.

Ulysses' companions to swine, v. Odyss. lib. io, Hor. KlXTJjt€Vai, KtXT|H«VOS, v. sub kix&u.
Epist. i 2, J 3. kCx'HP- 1, v sud ttxavw.

KipK-T|\Sros ov, ikavva) chased by a hawk.

(Kipicos, Kixt|, fut. of fttxavw.
KITK02, 6, a kind of bawk or falcon, which Hies kixov, aor. 2 of kix"V<».
in wheels or circles. 2. a circle, ring, mostly in Ki'XAH, 1), a thrush ox fieldfare, Lat. turdus.

form KfiKot. Hence KixXiJw, f. tow Att. iS), to titter, giggle, formed like
KipKoo, f. wow, to hoop in, secure by rings. myx*-"{°> from the sound. II. (/tt'xA.17) to eat
Kipvdoj and -rjp-t, poet, forms of /cepawvfu, to mix Kix^ai, to live daintily
wine with water :

from Kipvaxu comes 3 sing. pres. KtxXio-BovTt, Dor. for Ki X\iCovat,
3 pi. of tcixMCa.
Kipv$, 3 sing. impf. iicipva from tcipvijfu, Ep. 3 sing, : KixXio-p,6s, o, (*ix A «C*') a tittering, giggling. II.
impf. Ktpvij, part. Kipvas. (icixKTJ) dainty living.
KI'2, 0, gen. kios, ace. *«', a worm in wood or m K ^XP 1lrtl » fut XPV ff0}: aor. 1 exP 7}™'- (see xpdoic. 11):


corn, the weevil, Lat. curculio. /o /<?«</. II. Med. Kixpafiat, fut. xpfaoiMi :

Kionqpts. €o», (km) rfw pumice-stone, Lat. pumex.

17, aor. 1 (xpT)ffa./ir)v :—
&av* /e«r /o o«*, to borrow.
KT22A Att. kCtt«, 1), a chattering bird, the Kl'fl, to go, pres. not used in indicat. ; subj. xtu,
jay. II. A&* longing of pregnant women, a crav- Ep. I pi. kiojxcv; opt. /(t'oi/xt, part, kiwv, Ktovaa: impf.
ing for strange food. Hence €/ftoi/ Ep. k'iov :

to go : of ships, to sail.
Kio-o-&{3C£a> Att. KiTrapiJo), f iaa>, to scream like a jay. KI'HN, and ij, a pillar, column.
ovos, 6 II. =
Kicro-du) Att. kittAo), f. i7<r<w, (/ciaaa 11) /o crave for a gravestone, Lat. cippus. [f]
strange food : generally, to long or yearn after. /o j'/w KXayyAvci), collat. form of ic\afa, of hounds,
Kicr<rT)pT|S, es, (Kiaaos) ivy-clad. of birds, /o scream, screech. tongue :

Ktao-Trjpis, «a», i/,=Kiar)pi9, q. v. •cXayyevvTt, Dor. for teKayyovat,

3 pi. of
icCo*ortvos, »7, ok, (*t<r<ros) of ivy. K\aYY«' w = *A.d£a;, of hounds, /o give tongue. ,

Kurao-8<TT)S, ov, 0, Dor. -5tras, (kktcus, fi<u) bound KXayyTi, ^, (*Xd^<w) any sharp, quick sound, as the
or crowned with ivy. twang of the bow, the scream of birds, A&« hissing of
Kurcro-K6p.T]s, ov, 6, (tciffo-os, k6/xjj) ivy-tressed, serpents, /&* barking or baying of dogs : also the
crowned with ivy. grunting of swine. Hence
KI220 2 Att. kittos, 6, ivy, Lat. bedera. kXoyy»)Oov, Adv. tw'A& a clang, noise, din.
Kicro-o-crr^avos, ov, and Kicr<ro-o~T€<t>^s, is, (iciff- tcAaycpos, a, 6v, (tcXdfa) screaming, screeching,
ffut, arl<pavos, OT(<pai) ivy-wreathed. icXdygas, aor. 1 part, of /c\dfa.
Kicrcro4>optci) Att. kitt-, to be decked with ivy. From KXS8dp6s, d, ov, (*A.d<w) broken, fragile, brittle.
Kicro-o-4>6pos, ov, (kioo6s, <p(poj) wearing ivy, ivy- icXdSas, irreg. ace. pi. of ickadot.
crowned : luxuriant with ivy. KXfSas, Dor. for /e^fidas, ace. pi. of tc\(i$.
Kvacrou) Att. kitt-, f. waoj, (iciaa6s) to deck with ivy. icX(j[8t, Dor. for tckab't, dat. of wAe/*.
Kioo-OPiov [C], to, (Kiaffut) a drinking-cup either icXdSiov, to, Dim. of kKclSos.
made of ivy-wood or with ivy-leaves carved on it. •cXdSCo-Kos, 6, Dim. of kKclSos.
KurvcoTos, 7f, ov, (Kiavoaj) decked with ivy. KXdSos, ov, 6, (K\da) a young slip or shoot of a tree:
KT2TH, ij, a box, chest, Lat. cista. a young branch or s&oor, esp. an olive-branch, which
KtcTTvs, foot, 1), Dim. of Ktarr), a little chest. was wound round with wool and presented by sup-
KTTPE'A or KiTpCa, i), the citron-tree. pliants.
tcCrptvos, 17, ov, (/cirpov) of citron. KA A'Zfl, f. Kkdyfa : aor. 1 t*\ay(a Ep. aor. 2 :

KiTpov, r6, the fruit of the Kirpia, citron. (KA&yov, inf. *Aa'y«<i': pf. with pres. sense tcUXayya
Kirra, KiTT8fK£a>, tan-da), Att. for Kiaa-. and KtKXrjya, part. Ke/ckrjydjs, 0V01, also KtKkrjyajv,
kittos, 6, Att. for kioo-. ovros (as if from a new

pres. leacX-fiyo)) — Pass.,
Kixdvco [0"), used only in pres. and impf. indie, paullo-p. fut. K(K\ay£ofjtat sharp, quick to make a
in inf. kix&vuv, and Med. xtxavofiat : most of the sound; of arrows in the quiver, to clash, clang, rattle;
other moods and tenses being formed as if from tel- of birds, to scream, screech : of dogs, to bark or bay
Xiy* —
Ep. subj. Kixcta>, opt. Kixfirjv, inf. Kixfyai
of the wind, to rustle: of men, to shout aloud, halloo,
Ep. Kixfin*vai, part. /«x e " ar>d Med. ««x i7At€,/0 * : so shriek forth, cry out.
impf. (kI\ijv, 2 sing, iieixcis (as if from kixw); I pi- kXoXcctkov, Ion. impf. of tckaiu.
xixrj/ifv,3 dual tfiX^Tiji': fut. /fix 1? /"" 1 aor 2 «*'"
KXat$,gen.«Xd?8of,i), Dor for KKrjts, fc\(ls,Lzt. clavis.
Xov Ep. a«\o*', part, kix&v. aor. 1 med. kKix^dfxijv icXatorpov, Dor. for KKuarpov, te\ti$pov.
Att. tfryxaww [S], q. v.: — fo light upon, meet with, KAAI'n Att. teXdeo [d] : f. teKavaofjiat Dor. tcXav-
find : to arrive at. ffovfxai : also k\cu^(tw Att. tcKarjooj ixXavaa : aor. I
Ktx<it|v, opt. of Ktx&a). Ep. tcKavaa —
Pass., paullo-p. fut. K(K\avaofuu : pf.
Kt\tis, pres. part, of Kixqm^Ktx&vo). KtKKavfWn and KtitKavotm to weep, lament, wail: :

KixcCop^v, Ep. for Ktx&fitv, Ep. I pi. subj. of *t'x7A«- hence Att. phrase, xXaucfrai he shall weep, i. e. be
KlxTjXa, 1), Dot for slx^l- shall repent it, have cause to rue it : so, xKaiwr at
: — : — ;

*Aa£— KAETITO. 379

your peril, to your sorrow; kX&tiv at Xiyto, Lat. kXcivos, ij, 6v, (nXioiS famous, renowned, illustrious.
plorare te jubeo. II. transit, to bewail, mourn, KXtt|ai, aor. I inf. of itXttfa, Dor. for KXrj{<u.
deplore: —
Pass, to be mourned for or lamented; also kXcis, 1), gen. kX(i86s : ace tcXfiSa Att. nXt tv pi. :

K(x\avfi(vo$ bathed in tears, weeping. nom. KXeidfs, ace. tcXuSas contr. kXus : Ion. kXt]16,
•cXc/l, $k6s, i), Dor. for ieX(is, a key. gen. kXtjio'os, ace. KXT)i8a : old Att. kX-qs, gen. tcXy-
k\o.£u>, Dor. fut. of Kkeia), to shut. 86s, ace. KXf)5a: —
a thing to close the door with: I.

icX&irijvai, aor. a inf. pass, of kXIvtoj. a key, by which the bolt (dx«;«) was shot or unshot
tcXdptos, ov, (icXdpos) apportioning by lot. [a] from the outside : if the door was fastened on the in-

icXapos, pcXapoa), »>, Dor. for KXr,p-. side, there was a latch (ifias) by which the bolt was
I kX&o-c, Ep for tKX&ce, 3 sing, aor I of teKa<v. made fast to the handle (Kopuvrj). 2. a bar or
4cX4<rl-PcoXa|, ojcos, 6, tj, (k\6w, (3u>\a() clod-break- bolt, commonly of wood, drawn across the door. 3.
metaph. of silence, kXtjs irrl yXdioo-n a key on the
KA&ns, tws, $, (/cXdw) a breaking. [ct] tongue, as if from some weight pressing it down
ic\do-p.a, aros, to, (teXaw) that which is broken off", kX das cx fiy * n ^ e KXr)8ovx*iv, to watch, have the
a fragment, piece, morsel. charge of. II. the book or tongue of a clasp. III.

K\do-or«, icXdo-o-aTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 act. and med. the collar-bone, Lat. jugulum ; kXtjU dnotpyu ai>x^a
of kXcuu. T« orrjOut T€ locks the neck and breast together. IV.
kX<mtt<££ci>, f. aoa), (kXocj) to prune a vine, Lat. pam- a bench for rowers. V. a narrow strait or pass,
pinare : metaph. to bring down, bumble. such as we call the key of a country; mostly in pi., as,
KAaor6s, tj, 6v, (kXow) broken in pieces. KActoes t?7» Kuwpov.
kXJctu), Dor. for icXda<v, fut. of kXcloj. kXcis, contr. nom. and ace. pi. of icXeis, xXfibot.
PcXa.v0p.6s, 6, (K\ala>), a weeping, wailing. Hence kXcuttos, old Att. kXijotos, Ion. kXt)io-t6s, ij, oV,
»cXav0pvpC{co, f. co), to make to weep. Hence to be shut or closed.
icXav6pv)ptcrp6s, o, a crying like a child. eXcio-Tpov, to, (kXci<u) a bolt, bar, Lat. clau strum.
ttXaOfta, aros, to, (kXcucu) a weeping, wailing. II. kXcit6s, ^, oV, (kX('io) b), renowned, famous : of
a trouble, misfortune. things, splendid, excellent.
tcXavcrdpa, by crasis for kXavou dpa. [era] KAEI'H (A), f. tcXuau: aor. 1 itcXfica :—Pass.,
•tAavcrc, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of kXclioj. aor. 1 (KXeioBrjv : pf K(KXciOfiai and KixXft/iat :

»cXavo%cui}, (ie\avoi$) to wish to weep; to Ovpiov Ion. and Ep. pres. fcX-qtcd, f. KXrjtcaj : aor. I itcXfjioa
QOcyyopevov aXXa* xXavcnq. the door is like to weep, Ep. KXrjiaa — old Att. kXtju>, f. tcX-now : aor. 1 tic-

i. e. shall suffer, for creaking without cause. Xyffa : pf. pass. zce/cXy/Mii : — Dor. fut. tcXq(S>. Lat.
icXavcri-YtXcos, orrot, and ot, 6, (*Xcuo>, y4Xwt) smiles CLA UDO, to shut, shut up, close, keep fast : to con-
and tears, [r] fine : — Pass, to be shut up.
tcXavo-i-p-ix '. ov > (*Xai«, n&xt) parody on the kXcCw (B), poet, for kX(oj, to celebrate.
name of Lamacbus, Rue-the-fight. KX«ico, ovs, i), (tcXios) Clio, the Celebrator, the Muse
tcXawopcu, fut. of xXaioj —
Dor. KXavcroOpai. of Epic Poetry and History.
kXoottos or icXavr6s, i\, ov, (kXcucu) wept, bewailed: cXtp-pa, aros, r6, (kXcwtoj) a thing stolen : a
to be bewailed, mournful. theft. 2. a trick, device, stratagem.
KAA CI, f. kKchtoj [4] : aor. t ticXtiaa Ep. /cXdaa, kX«os, to, only used in nom. and ace; Ep. pl.«X<a,
K\aaaa : aor. 2 part, /ckds, as if from kXtj/u Pass., 1 — xXtfa :—a rumour, report, common fame,
icXeia for
aor. I (KkdoOrjV. pf. KeicXaonai : to break, break off, news ; abv teXtos news of thee : a mere report, opp.
break in pieces : of plants, to prune : — metaph. to to certainty ; %uets oi teXtos otov OKovoynv, obdi rt
weaken, enervate. thfitv we hear a rumour only, but know not any-
kXoud, Att. for KXaio), as icao) for Kaiat. [o] thing. II. good report, fame, glory : also repute,
icXta, Ep. shortd.form of icXtfa, plur. of nXiot. whether good or bad: — in plur., *X«'a Ivhpwv dniltiv
kXcciv6s or kXccwos, 6v, poet, for kXuvos,famous.
-fj, to sing the glorious deeds of heroes ; xAc'os apiadas
KXrr)8wv, Ep. for /tXpSwv. to win honour.
icXcta, contr. of icXtea, nom. and ace. pi. of icXiot. KXeirrav, Dor. for kX4ittt)V, ace. of tcXiimji.
kXciSCov, to, Dim. of kXu$, a little key. kXcittwv, verb. Ad), of kX(tttcj, one must withhold.
kXccSoux&d Att. kX-qB-, to bold the keys, have the kX€itt€o kov, Ion. impf. of /eXiirTW.

charge or custody of; icXubovxctv Otdt to be priestess kXcitttip, fjpos, 6, and icXcirrns, ov, 6, (jcXivTO)) a
of a goddess —
Pass, to be watched.
From thief: generally, a rogue, deceiver.
kXciS-o-Dxos Att. kXtj8-, ov, (icXds, $x w ) holding the tcXsirrtcrTOTOS, r), ov, Att. Sup. formed from *\£-
keys, having charge or custody of: of a goddess, tutelary. ittt;» (be most arrant thief.
icXckSo-4>vXa£, axot, 0, if, (kX€i$, tyvXaf) «= foreg. kXctttov, v. KXiirrot.
icX«t{o>, f. *X«ffcu,Dor. for kXjj(<». tcXtirTOowrj, j), tbievisbness, knavery. From
itXclOpov Att. icX^Opov Ion. icXTj'Cflpov, to, (icXtioj) KAE'IITn, f. tyo), or med. icXtyofiai aor. 1 **• :

a bolt or bar for closing a door. —

Xe^o: pf. KiicXo<pa: Pas«., aor. I i/cXi+6T)v: aor. a
:• :

880 K\€yffC(f)p<i)V—K\lfl<LKlOV.

tKX&irrjv [31, inf. Kkairfjvai : pf. KiKXffi/xai :

— KXT|po-iraXirjs, it, (xXrjpos, ir&XXoj) distributed by
to purloin : of women, to carry off
steal, filch, shaking the lots.
part. kXIittojv, ovoa, ov, thievish; kXIittov (3Xenci he KX-ripos Dor. KXdpos, ov, 6, a lot: twigs, potsherds,
has a thief's look. II. to cozen, cheat, beguile, or even a clod of earth was used for the purpose. In
deceive: hence to mislead. III. to withhold, con- Homer each hero marks his own lot, and they are
ceal, keep secret, disguise. IV. generally, to do thrown into a helmet the first which came out was

a thing stealthily or treacherously : so c. part., KXitr- the winning lot. 2. a catting lots, drawing
tojv noifi he does it secretly. lots. II. an allotment, portion, often of con-
K\€vj/(-4>pa)v, ov, gen. ovos, (KXiirro), <Ppr)v) of de- quered land : an inheritance, estate, property : gene-

ceptive mind, dissembling. rally, lands. III. the clergy, as opp. to the
KXevj/i-xwXos, ov, (K\enT(o, x<w*<k) disguising lame- laity.

ness, [fl kXtjpovx«w, fut. 170-0*, (KXrjpovxos) to possess or bold

(*A«tt<w, vda'p) a water-clock, with a
K\evJ/-vp5pa, r), by allotment, to have allotted to one. Hence
narrow orifice through which the water trickled, (in- KXT|povxCa, 17, the allotment or portioning out of
stead of sand, as in our glasses) used to time ; — land in a foreign country among the citizens of a
speeches in law-courts. state. 2. the body of citizens among whom it was
KAE'fl Ep. kXcCco (k\(os) «= leXrjfa, to tell of, cele- divided. —
An Athenian KKrjpovxi-a differed from a
brate, glorify, extol: Pass, to be famous. — II.— colony (anotKia), in that the K\rjpovxoi were still
na\4a), to call. citizens of the mother-country, instead of forming an
kXtjBcs, Att. for KKuSfs, nom. pi. of kXtjs. independent state.
kX-tiS^v, Adv. (KaX(cu) by name. kXtjpovxikos, 17, oV, (icXrjpovxia) of or for a kXtj-
icXT)86vurp.a, aros, t6, (kXtjScjv) a sign or omen. povx'ia or apportionment of land.
kXt)8-ovx«<>>, kXtjB-ovxos, Att. for KXab"-. kXt|P-o0xos, ov, (teXrjpos, ex o} ) holding or possessed
kXt]8u>v, ovos, r), Ep. kXct]8u>v and kXtjt|8cjv: (kX4o)): of an allotment of land ; esp. of land in a foreign
an omen, presage, boding. II. a rumour, report: country portioned out among the citizens : as Subst.,
reputation, glory. III. a calling, invocation. KXrjpovxos, 6, a portion bolder. 2. metaph., iroX-

kXtJ£o> (A), f. T70-CU : aor. I eicX-noa : pf. pass. KtKXrj- Xwv irwv KXrjpovxos possessed o/many years, i.e. ad-
ffpai: -Ion. pres. kXtji^w Dor. kXci^o): (kX4os): — to vanced in years.
make famous, to celebrate. II. to name, call .•— kXtjpoo), f. wow, (KXrjpos) to choose by lot, and gene-
Pass, to be spoken of, be mentioned. rally, to choose: of the lot, to fall on one, designate:
kX-q£o> (B), f. oo), late form for kXtjoj, xXeio), to — Pass, to be chosen by lot — Med. to cast lots for a
shut. thing, to have a thing allotted one. II. to allot,
KXT|T|8a>v, Ep for KXrjhwv. assign, apportion: — Pass., KXrjpovoOai SovXrj to be al-
KXTjOfjvai, aor. I inf. pass, of teaXea). lotted as a slave, to have slavery for one's lot. Hence
KAH'0PA Ion. tcX-nOpi), r), the alder, Lat. alnus. kXtipowtis, «us, 77, a choosing by lot.
Kkvfipov, to, Att. for Ion. KX7)i'$pov,—KX(i0pov. kXtjpwtos, f), 6v, (KXrjpuo)) appointed by lot.
icXT|t8€<r0-i, Ep. for kXtjioi, dat. pi. of KXrjts. icX-rjs, KXfj86s, old Att. for kXcis, kXciSos.
icXT|tf&>, f. too), Ion. for itXjjfa. kXt^o-is, (ojs, t), (koX4o)) a calling : a calling into

KX"n,i0pov, to, Ion. for itXyBpov, KXeiOpov. court, legal summons, citation : hence an indictment,
kXtus, tSos, r), Ion. for tcXtis. impeachment. 2. a calling or invitation to a
kXt)i<to, Ep. aor. I of KXrjto), kX(Io). feast. 3. a name, appellation.
kXt]i<tt6s, 17, ov, Ion. for kXtjo-tos, kXuctt6s. kXtjctis, (o)S, r), (kXtjo) = kX(Ioj) a shutting up, clos-
kXtjiw, f. too), Ion. for KXeioj, to shut. ing, blockading.
KXfjp,a, aros, to, (kXcloj) a shoot or twig broken off kX-qo-ci), fut. of KXrjo) = kX(io) also of KXrjfa. : —
to be grafted on another tree, a slip, cutting : esp. a kXt)T€vo>, f. co), {mXio), kXtjt6s) to cite or summon
vine-twig, Lat. pdlmes. Hence into court. II. to be a witness, give evidence.

kXt)p,<4.tivos, tj, ov, made of vine-twigs. kXtjttip, fjpos, 6, (KaXiu) one who calls, a sum-
kXtj^StCs, 180s, rj, Dim. of KXrjfia mostly in pi. moner. II. a witness, called to prove that this

brushwood, fagot-wood. legal summons has been served.

KXfjpiov, to, Dim. of itXrjpos, a small portion. kXt]t6s, i), 6v, (kclX4o)) called, invited: welcome:
icXir]povop.€<i), f. tjooj, (KXrjpovopos) to obtain a por- called out, chosen.
tion or lot : to receive a share of an inheritance, to kXti<d, old Att. for kXcIo), to shut.
inherit. Hence KXtpdv(Tr|S, kXC|3<Ivos, v. sub Kpi&av-.
icXT]pov6fiT)p.a, aros, r6, an inheritance : and KXr0TJvoi, aor. I pass. inf. of kXivoj.
tcX-qpovojjua, r), (KXrjpovou4o)) an inheritance, patri- kX£u.o. [r], t6, (kXIvoj) an inclination, slope. It.

mony : generally, possession, property. a region or zone of the earth, clime : climate.
kXT]po-v6|ios, ov, (teXrjpos, vifiofxai) receiving one's icXtp.dKiov, t6, Dim. of K\ipa£, a small stair or
portion : as Subst., tcXrjpdvofiot, 6, an inheritor, heir. ladder, ajligbt of steps.
: — : : ::

KXinanrfp —KATJL 381

•c\lp.aKTT|p, rjpos, 6, («A?/aa£) the step of a staircase, Att. (tXcpos : (kX(ioj) :
a dog-collar : esp. a largt
round of a ladder. wooden collar : hence also a pillory.
icXip.a|, cUios, r), {kXivoj) a ladder or staircase, flight kXovcci), f. /yaw, (kX6vos) to drive in confusion, to

of steps, from leaning aslant: a scaling-ladder: a

its confound, agitate, distract —
Pass, to flee in confu-
ship's ladder. II. an instrument like a ladder, sion, rush wildly: to be beaten by the waves.
on which persons were tortured. III. in Soph. KAO'NOS, 6, any violent motion, esp. the press of
Trach., KXipucvcts dpupivXiKTOi seem to be twistings battle, the battle-rout: generally, a tumult, throng.
or grapplings of two bodies entangled with each kXottcuos, a, ov, (xXwip) stolen : furtive, stealthy.
other. IV. in Rhetoric, a climax, a gradual as- icXoirevs, (cus, 6, (kX(tttqj) a thief: a secret doer.
cent from weaker expressions to stronger, as in Cicero icXoirrj, r), (kXIttto}) theft. II. a stealthy act,
against Catiline, abiit evasit erupit. fraud ; -nohow xXoirav apioOai to steal away on foot.
icXivav, Ep. for ticXivav, 3 pi. aor. I of kXivoj. tcXomos, a, ov, (kXo-ittj) thievish, artful.
kXlvtj, r), (kXivoj) that on which one lies, a couch, kXottos, 0, (kXititoj) a thief.
bed: also a bier, [t] tcXoTOirctiw, to deal subtly: a lengthd. form of
kXT.vt)v<h, aor. 2 inf. pass, of kXivu. kXIttto), kXojtt€voj.
pcXrvrjpTjs, <*, (kXivtj, dpdpuv) bed-ridden. kXv8o>v, ojvos, 6, (/cXvfa)awave, billow, surge. II.

teXiv6r\v, Ep. aor. I pass, of kXivoj. metaph., kXvSojv kokujv a flood of ills. Hence
kXiviSiov, to", Dim. of kXivt], a small couch. KXvSa>vt£, Pass, to be tossed by the waves.
kXivCs, t'Sos, r), Dim. of kXivtj, a small couch. kXvSwviov, to, Dim. of kXvSojv, a little wave, rip-
icXlvo-ir€TT)S, is, {kXivtj, irtotiv) bedridden. ple : but often like kXv5ojv, a wave : a surging sea.
tcAlvo-xdpTjs, it, {kXivoj, xo-PWai)fond of bed. KAT'ZXl Ion. impf. kXv£(okov fut. kXvooj [i5]: :

icXiVTT)p, rjpos, 0, (kXivoj) a couch, bed, so/a. Ep. kXvoooj: Pass., aor. 1 (kXvgOtjv: pf. ttinXvojiai
KAI'NH [t], fut. kXXvSj: aor. 1 cKXiva: pf.Ke/cXiKa: —
to wash or dash against, break over Pass, of the —
— Med., aor. I iKXlvdji-qv —
Pass., aor. I k/cXivOrjv sea, to be stormy, dash high : so intr. in Act., Kv/uara

and ifcXiO-nv [f], aor. 2 (kXivtjv [t]: pf. KefcXifiai: —

kXv&okov kir' j'/ivvos the waves dashed, broke against
to make slope or slant, incline. 2. to make one thing the shore. II. to wash off" or away : to wash
slope against another, prop or rest it against. 3. out. 2. icioovfiiov KtKXvanivov Kapcf> a wooden
to turn aside; oaat -naXiv kX'ivuv to turn back the vessel washed or coated with wax.
eyes. 4. to make recline or sit down, esp. at kXvOi, aor. 2 imperat. of kXvqj.
meat. II. Pass, to be bent: to bend aside, kXv(x€vos, ij, ov, (kXvoj) = kXvtos, famous, [tfj
swerve. 2. to lean, rest, support oneself against a tcXuo-p.a, to, (kXvfa) a liquid used for washing out
thing. 3. to lie down, esp. at meals, Lat. discum- a clyster or drench. II. the part washed by the
bere. 4. of Places, to be sloping; Xifivrj KfKXififvn waves, the beach.
sloping towards the lake. 5. to wander from the kXvo-ttjp, fjpos, 6, (kXv£oj) a clyster-pipe, syringe.
right course. III. Med. to decline, verge: so kXijtc, 2 pi. aor. 2 imperat. of kXvoj.
later in Act., 6 fjXios nXivti the sun declines; kXivuv KXvr6-8c»'8pos, ov, (kXvtos, dtvdpov) famedfor trees.
inl to x*ipov to fall away for the worse. KXih-o-ep-yos, 6v, (kXvtos, epyov) famous for work.
icXtaia Ion. -Ctj, a place for lying down
t), (kXivoj) KXvro-Kapiros, ov, (kXvtus, Kapiros) famous with
a but, used by herdsmen in time of fruit.
tent, cot, or cabin,
peace, and by soldiers in time of war as they were KXvr6-p.T|Tis, i, (kXvtos, jiTji is) famous for skill.

of wood, an army on breaking up did not strike the kXuto-jiox8os,oi', (kXvt6s, fi6x6os) famous for toils.
KXiaicu, but burned them on the spot : the collected kXvt6-voos, ov, contr. -vovs, ow, (kXvt6s, voot)
icXiaiai formed a camp. II. a couch, bed. III. famous for wisdom.
a company of people sitting at meals. KXvr6-irats, naidos, 0, ij, (jcXvrot, vais) with famous
icXundScs, ojv, at, (kXivoj) folding-doors or gates : children.
metaph. an entrance. Prob. better /cXuaidSes, from kXCt^-ttcuXos, ov, (kXvtos, vuiXos) famous for horses.
kXuoj to shut. kXvt6s, ij, ov, also 6s, 6v, (kXvw) beard of, to be
kAIo-it]0€v, Adv. (KXiaia) out of a cot or tent. beard of, famous, glorious, renowned. 2. of things,
tcAlaiT)v8«, Adv. to a cot or tent. glorious, noble, splendid, beauteous.
kACo-vov, to,
(KXTaia) the outbuildings round a KXtrro-Ttx^S, ov, 0, (kXvtos, T€X vv) fotnous for
herdsman's lodge. art, renowned artist.
tcXicris, «a>»,r), (kXivoj) a bending, inclination. II. kXvto-to£os, ov, {kXvt6s, to^ov) famous for the bow,
a lying down, reclining, [f] renowned archer.
icXta-p.6s, 0, (kXivoj) a couch or chair for reclining. KAT'H :impf. or aor. 2 (kXvov, imperat. sing, and
kACtos, to, = KXipa II, a clime. \t] pi. (as if from hXvjii), kXvOi, kXvt(, Ep. redupl. Kt-
kXitvs, vos, ij, ace. pi kXitvs (kXivoj) a sloping : kXvOi, —
k(kXvtc to bear, to give ear to, listen to,
place, slope, hill-side, Lat. clivus. hearken to : but also c. gen. to obey. 2. to bear,
kXoi6s, 6, with irreg. pi. tcXoid, a* well as tcXoioi : learn by bearing, ascertain. 3. generally, to per-
: : — :

382 KA&30'2 kvlwtos.

ceive. II. to bear oneself called, be called so icvfj, Ep. for itcvn, 3 sing. impf. of kvcuo.
and so, like Slkovoj, Lat. audio kclkuis k\vuv to be
, KVTjdo), f. fcvrjo oj, {kvom) to scratch. 11. to
ill spoken of. tickle: — Pass, to itch.
KAftBO'2, 6, a cage, bird-cage. KvrjicCas, ov, d, v. sub kvtjkSs.
k\<i>YK-6s, 6, (k\w(gj) the whistle or sound which a KNHK02, 17 Lat. cnecus or cnlcus, a plant of the
rider uses to his horse. tbis'le kind.
KAXl'Zn, f. k\w£oo, to croak, bave a boarse note, Kvirjicds, 17, ov, Dor. Kvoxds, d, 6v, (kvtjkos} pale yel-
properly of jackdaws. low, whitish yellow, hence the goat is called 6 kvolkoiv,
KAft'OXl, fut. kXwooj, to twist, spin, esp. of the and the wolf 6 icvrjicias.

goddesses of fate. Hence KVT|p>apYos, ov, (kvtj/it), dpyos) white-legged.

KXu0u>, ovs, f), Lat. Clotbo, one of the three Motpai KNH'MH, rf, the part of the leg between the knee
or Fates, who span the thread of life. and ancle, the leg, Lat. tibia.
K\<i>p,aK6eis, cooa, cv, stony, rocky,
rugged. From KVT|p.iSo-<}>6po$, ov, (KVTj/nis, <pipoj) wearing greaves
KAfi'MAS or Kpup,a£, clkos, o, a heap of stones. to protect the leg.
kXwv, gen, kKcuvus, 6, (kackv) = K\ddos, a young KVT), tSos, 17, (Kvrjfir)) a greave, leg-armour,
shoot, sprout, twig, Lat. surculus. reaching from knee to ancle ; the KvijfxiBes consisted
kXcjviov, Dim. of tt\u>v. of two parts, and were fastened with silver clasps
k\u»6s, Att. for k\ol6s. (imo<ptpia) ; but fiuuai fcvijfuZes are 600/s or leg-
KXwirevo), f. aw, = kKottcvoj, to steal. gings of ox-hide, to protect the legs.
kXojttikos, i), 6v, (K\u*p) thievish, fur five. KVT)p.ds, 6, (Kv-qfiTj) the slope or shoulder of a moun-
KXfaMro-irdTwp, opos, 6, f],{K\uflp, varrjp) of a tbievisb tain ; as it were the leg, opp. to irovs (the fooi).
or unknown father. [&] KVTjcriduj, f. dau, Desiderat. of tcvdu, to wish to
kXwo-tt|p, ijpos, o, (k\oj8oA a thread, yarn, line. scratch, to itch.
kXcihttos, f], ov, (kKwOo)} >pun, twisted. Kv-fjcrpa, to, (kvcloj) an itching.
kXcm]/, kXojttCs, o, (K\(irraj) a thief, Lat./«r. KVTJ rp.OVT|, ^,=KVTJOfta.
Kvaio), = Att. tcvaca, like Kaiai for Att. /edoj, etc. Kvfjorts, ecus and 10s, 17; contr. dat. kvtjOti: (kvJkd)
icvaKajv, ojvos, o, Dor. for kvtjkojv, the goat : see kvtjko*. a knife for scraping, a rasp, grater.
Kvdp.a, Dor. for KvrjyLn. kviSt], t), (wifw) a ne'tle, Lat. urtxea. [t]
Kvdp.6s, Dor. for fcvrjfius. Kv(8ios, a, ov, Cnidian, of or from Cnidos. From
Kvdp.irr<i), old Att. for yvafiirroj. KvC8os, 17, Cnidus.
Kvairrw or yv6.irr<a f ipoj; (kvckv): to scratch: esp. kvi^tj, r)s, fi, = fcvi&n. From
to tease, card or comb wool, to full cloth, from the tea- Kvi£a>, f. Kvioo) aor. I tKvtoa Dor. tievi£a :

sel or comb (tcvatyos) which was used. II. me- Pass., aor. 1 inviaB-nv (kvcloj): to scrape or grate, :

taph. to mangle, tear, lacerate. rasp. II. to make to itch : hence metaph. to

Kvao-aio, 7 sing. aor. I opt. med. of kv6u». tie fie, tease, chafe, vex: Pass, to be teased, chafed, —
Kvdo'it), Kv&o-ai, Dor. for tcvqaco, tcvrjaai, fut. and fretted.
aor. inf. of tevdoj. Kviiros, ov, (icvifa) scraping, niggardly, miserly.
Kv&4>etov Ion. -T)'iov, to, (kvclittoj) a fuller's shop. KNT2A Ep. kvuttj, t)$, tj, Lat. nidor, the smell or
kv&4>€v>s or Yva 4>€ ^s, icus, 6, Lat. fullo, a fuller, savour of a victim, steam of a burnt sacrifice. II.

cloth-carder or dresser, clo'bes-cleaner. the fat-caul, in which the flesh of the victim was
Kvd4>evu>, f. aoj, {KvaQfvs) to full or card clotb. wrapped the fat itself. Hence

icvS(j>T)iov, Ion. for Kva<ptiov. Kvio-dcis, tooa, (v, Dor. for Kiia-qut.
Kvdd^os, o, (kvooj) the prickly teasel, Lat. spina ful- KvurdvTi, Dor. for KViadcvri, dat. of Kviaatit.
lonica, a plant used by fullers to card or clean cloth Kvio-dw, f. qua, {/cvica) to Jill with the steam or sa-
hence also a car ding-comb ; also used as an instru- vour of a burnt sacrifice. II. intr. to raise the

ment of torture. steam of sacrifice.

KNA'fl, Att. 2 and 3 sing, kvt,*, icvrj, inf. tcvrjv; Kvur5u>, Dor. for icvifa.
impf. 3 sing, c/cvn Ep. kvt} (used in the sense of aor. KvioT|€is Dor. k vicrdeis, taaa, tv, (icviaa) full of the
a) : fut. tcwqoai : aor. eKvr/ara to scrape or grate,
1 :
— steam of sacrifice, steaming.
Lat radere : to scrape off: metaph. to wear down, Kvicrpa, to, (tcvifa) that which is caused by itching:
scrape away —
Med., KvdaBai rh wra to tickle one's ears. a scratch, scraping.
KV€<J>d£a>, f. aoo), (tcvicpas) to cloud over. Kvurpos, 6, (kvi£oj) an itching of the skin, tickling,
KV€<j>aios, o, ov, also ot, ov, (icvi<pas) dark, gloomy, irritation, fretting.
murky. 2. in the dark, either at nightfall or be- Kvicro-Sluicrns, ou, 6, (icviaa, SiajKoj) bunting after
fore daybreak. the smell of roast mea', name of a mouse.
Kvc<t>&s, to. Att. gen. icvt<povs; dat. icvi<pq poet. Kvurcra, icvio"<rdci$, less correct forms for KvToa-
Kvt<f>(i : (vi<pos) darkness, dusk at nigh fall, also the Kviaaas, etc.
morning twilight or dawn, Lat. diluculum. kvictu>t6 s , -t) , 6v,(jcvio6o)) steaming with burnt sacrifice.
— ;

Kvty KOlVX>\oy4oflCLL. 383

icvCtlr, 6, also f), gen. mrl-nds, pi. wives, (kvi£<») a the belly, Lat. venter. 2. the contents of the belly,
kind of emmet, whic gnaws figs. the bowels : tripe : black-puddings.
icvvfdl, contr. for Kuvuyi. KoiXio-TrwX'ns, ov, 6, (Koikia, nouk^tu) a tripe or
KVu£dop.<u and to\xax, Dep. only used in pres., to black-pudding seller.
whine, whimper, of a dog also of children. (Formed
; KotXo-Ydcrrwp, opos, 6, ^, (Koikos, yaor-qp) hollow-
from the sound.) Hence bellied: hence hungry, ravenous.
kw^0(x6s, o, a whining, whimpering. KoiXd-ircSos, ov, (Kotkos, niSov) lying in a hollow.
kvv£t)u,o., to, = kvv£t)6/j.6s. KOI A02, T), ov, hollow, hollowed; Koikat vfjts,
tewjoo), f. a/aw, /o di>figure, make dim and dark. for the early ships were hollowtd out, like canoes
icvvo), f. vaa) [v] (tevdw) to scratch or /owci
: later, Koikr) vavs or Koikrf alone was the hollow or bold

gently. of the ship of Places, lying in a hollow or vale : of


tcvu)8d\ov, to", any dangerous animal, a monster, a road, cut deep, overhung: Kolkov, t„, a hollow place,
beast. (Deriv. uncertain.) hollow, recess ; Koikos \pvads gold made into hollow
kvuS<i>v, ovtos, 6, (odovs) a sword: pi. KvwSovrfs. vessels, i. e. plat :.

two projecting on the blade of a hunting spear;

teeth KoiX-6<)>0aXp.os, ov, (koi* os, 6<p$akfi6s) hollow-eyed.
(t(f>ovs dtnkot KvwSovres a cross-hilted sword. koiXo-x€iXtjs, «, (Koikos, x«Aos) hollow to the rim.
KNn'22fl, only used in pres. to nod, slumber, sleep. KoiXda), f. u>a<u, (koiaos) to make hollow.
KodXejios, a stupid fellow, booty, [a]
6, koiX-uStjs, ts, (Koikos, tldos) hollow-looking.
icodf , Comic word formed to imitate the croaking KOiXfa>p.a, fiaros, to, {/eoi\6a>) a hollow.
of frogs (5p<KeKe*t£ ko »£ Kod£. KoiX-aWu£, vx os ' ^i ^» (koTKos, 6vv£) hollow-hoofed.
KOO.U), V. KOtOJ. KoiX-toirns, ov, 6, fern. koiXwttis, tSos, = KOikomos.
KO^CXiKcvfta, r6, a knavish trick. From KotX-wnos, %oJ', {tcoiXos, w\p) hollow-looking.
KoplAtxcva), to play the knave. From Koip,aro, Ep. 3 sing. impf. pass, of /coifiau.
KoffoXos, 6, an impudent rogue, an arrant knave: Koi|xdw Ion. -«<i), fut. rjaot, (Kttfxat) o lull to sleep,
neuf. Adj. tco&aXa, knavish tricks, rogueries. (Deriv. put to sleep, put to bed. 2. generally, to lull, still,
uncertain ) calm, tranquillise, soothe, assuage. II. Med. and

KOTXH, ij, a muscl" or cockle, Lat. concha : also Pass., fut. Koifirjaofiai, aor. I med. (Koifinadfirjv, pass.
a muscle-shell. II. the ca>e round a seal attached iKoifirjBrjv


to fall asleep, go to bed: of animals, to
to documents : (hence dvaKoyxv^&fa)* to unseal). lie down ; fcoif*f)0~aTO KiOV virvov he slept a brasen x^
Koy\os, o, also i), = KoyxV' a mw ' c^ or cockle. sleep, i. e. the sleep of death. 2. to sleep the sleep
KOyxv\t\, -r},=zKoyxy- [v] Hence of death, befallen asleep.
koyx^^ttjs (sub. kiOos^, ov, 6, a shelly marble. [d~\ Koip.€w, Ion. for Koipucua.
Koyx^Xiov, to, (Koy\v\7)) a muscle or cockle: also Koip.T)0i vat, aor. 1 inf. pass, of KoifjAm.
its /hell, generally, a bivalve-shell, [u] KOi|XT)p.a, to, (Koi/ida}) sleep; Komrntara avroyiv-
KoSpdv-nrjs, ov, 6, Greek form of the Lat. quadrans, vrjTa intercourse of the mother with her own son.
= \ of an as, about |d. English. Koip.Y|o-aTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of Koifidu.
KOE'H or Kodw contr. kow, Ion. for voiai, vou>, to KOip.T)o-is, (us, ij, (ftotftdw) a sleeping: also 2.
mark, perceive, bear, observe. rest, repose.
KoBtv, Ion. for iruOtv. Koip.i£o>. f. io~co Att. ia), = KOtfidw, to put to sleep: —
KoOopvos, o, Lat. cothurnus, a buskin or high boot, to lay asleep, of the sleep of death. 2. generally,
covering the whole foot and reaching to the middle to lay to rest, to quench; to appease, assuage. Hence
of the leg. liced in front, and with thick soles. 2. Koip.un"fjs, ov, 6, one putting to sleep.
the KoOopvos was worn by tragic actors thus it : KOivdv, dvos, 6, Dor. for koivuv, koivojv6s.
became the emblem of Tragedy, as the soccus of KOivav€o>, Dor. for Koivwvico.
Comedy. i. since the buskins might be worn on KOivd(, Dor for tcoivdiaofmi, fut. of xoivdo).
either foot, o KuOopvos was a nickname for a trimmer KOivdo-avTCS, Dor. for koivwoovtis, aor. i part, of
or time-server in politics. KOIVUOI.
Kodovpos, ov, = KoKovpos, without a sting. koiv'q, dat. fern, of koivos used as Adv., in common,
KOI"1 sound to express the grunting of young pigs.
, by common consent. 2. publicly.
koi£o>, f. iacu, (koi) to grunt like a young pig. Koivo-ffouXco), [jcoivds, fiovkij) to deliberate in com-
kol-tj, Ion. for noia, dat. sing, of iroios, Ion. koios, mon.
used as Adv. bowf in what manner? in what respect? Koivo-pa)u,(a, j), (koivos, ficjfws) community of altars,
KoiAaCvu, fut. &vu/ aor I tKoikrjva, irjf. Koikrjvai,
: of gods who are worshipped at one common altar.
Att. (Koikava, Koikdvai : pf. pass. K(Koikao~fMu :
inf. KOivd-XeKTpos, ov, (koivos, k(KTpov) having a com-
(Koikos) : to make
hollow, scoop, hollow out. mon bed, a bedfellow, consort.
ko(Xt), j), a hollow, properly fern, of Kotkos; the koivo-X€xt|S, €*, (koivos, kix os ) sharing the same
name of a Stj/jlos or borough in Attica. bed, a paramour.
KotXi* Ion. -Ci], i), (/foiXo*) the hollow of the belly, icoivo-Xo-yto|iai, Dep., with fut. med. -^aoftcu, aor. I
: ;

384 koivottKoos — /coAAa.

med. (KotvoXoyrjadfirjv and pass. -f)9rjv : pf. k*koivo- nest. II. sleep, the act of going to bed; tt)$ koI-

\6yr)iiai (koivos, \6yos)

: :
— to take common counsel ttjs wprj bed-time.
witb, to consult together. koitos, 0, = koittj . 2. a going to bed: sleeping,
Kotvo-irXoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (koivos, irKtoi) sleep. Hence
sailing in common : making a joint expedition. koltwv, wvos, 0, = (koittj) a bed-room, bed-chamber.
koivo-ttovs, now, to, gen. ttoSos, (koiv6s, irovs)
b, r), kokkTvos, tj, ov, scarlet, Lat. coccineus. From
witb common foot, coming together. KO'KKOS, r), a kernel, a berry: esp. the kermes-
KOINO'S, f), 6v, also 6s, ov, common, shared in berry, used to dye scarlet.
common. II. common to all the people, public; kokkv, properly of the bird's cry, cuckoo : hence a
rb Kotvbv dyaOov the common weal. 2. rb koivov cry or call to a person ; kokkv, ficBeire, quick, let go.
the state, Lat. respublica ; dirb tov koivov by public kokku£o> Dor. kokkuctSu) f. vaoj pf. KtKoKKVKa

: :

authority, on the part of the state : also the public (kokkv£) to cry cuckoo: of the cock, to crow. II. :

treasury; —
tcL koiv6l the public moneys, public af- to cry like a cuckoo or cock, give a signal by such cry.

fairs. III. of persons, impartial, affable, acces- kokkv£, vyos, 6, (kokkv) a cuckoo, from its cry.
sible. 2. of common origin, kindred. IV. of kokkw8u>, Dor. for kokkv^w.
forbidden meats, common, profane. Hence k6kku>v, wvos, 6, (kokkos) a pomegranate-seed.
koivottjs, tjtos, 17, a sharing in common, fellow- KOKvai, 01, ancestors. (Deriv. uncertain.)
ship. II. affahility. KoXd, 2 sing. fut. med. of Ko\d£w.
koivo-tokos, ov, (koivos, TfK(tv) born of common KoXa£c>, f. KoKao-Qj aor. 1 eKoKaaa also in Med., : :

parents. fut. Ko\doofiai, Att. contr. koKwjmu, Ko\a: aor. I

koivo-4>K\tjs, «, (koivSs, <pi\ecj) loving in common. (KoKaodfJiTjv : — Pass., fut. Ko\ao~0f)ao(iai : aor. I tKo-
Koiv6-<j>pa>v, ov, gen. ovos, (koivos, <ppf)v) like-minded. \doOrjv pf. KCKoXaojiai (ko\os, akin to ko\ovw)
Koivoco, f. wow Dor. fut. Kotvdaojjiai, aor. 1 tKoi- — :

to prune, retrench : metaph. to bold in check, keep

: :


vaoa (koivos)
: to make common, communicate, im-
: in, confine : then to chastise, correct, punish Pass. —
part : to make a sharer in. 2. to make common to be punished.
or unclean, to pollute : Med. to deem common or un- KoXaivis, idos, r), epith of Artemis. (Deriv. and
clean. II. Med. to communicate, like the Act. 2. meaning uncertain.)
take counsel, consult. 3. to be par faker or sharer KoXSKcCa, r), (KoXaKevw) flattery, fawning.
in a thing, c. gen. also c. ace rei, to take part or
: KoX£ic€vp,a, to, (KoXaKfCu) a piece offlattery. [X]
share in. III. Pass, to bold communion, have koXSkcvtcos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of KoXaKtvw, to be
intercourse with. flattered.
Koivwv, wvos, Dor. koivSv, dvos, 6, = koivuvos. koX&k€vtuc6s, ty. 6v, (KoXaK(voi) flattering, fawning.
Koivwvco), f. r)ooi, (koivojv6s) to be a partaker, have koXSk€V(i>, f. aw, (k6\o£ ) to flatter, fawn on: Pass. —
a share of, to take part in ; kowojvuv tivi to have to be flattered.
dealings witb a man. Hence KoX&K-uvtip.os, 6, (k6\o£, ovofxa) parasite-named,
Koivu>vT]p.a, jmros, to, a communication : and Comic distortion of a real name Kleonymos.
KOivoma, r), communion, fellowship, intercourse. KO'AAH, djcos, 0, a flatterer, fawner.
Koivtov.Kos, 17, ov, communicative, social. From KoXa-iTTT|p, rjpos, 6, a chisel, graver. From
koivuvos, 6, also r), (koivos) a companion, partner, KOA A'lrm, f. ^«, to hew, cut, chisel : of birds
fellow, associate. II. as Adj. = koivos. to peck.
koivus, Adv. of koiv6s, in common, jointly : by com- koX&o-is, €<us, r), (ko\&(<u) a pruning : a checking,
mon consent. 2. publicly. punishing, correction, chastening.
koios, 77, ov, Ion. for voios, a, ov. KoXao-uia, to, (KoXafa) chastisement, punishment.
KOipSvcco, f. 170-cu, (Koipavos) to be lord or master, to KoX<£<rr€ipa, r), fern, of Ko\aaTf)p.

rule, command. 2. c. ace. to lead, arrange. Hence KoXa<rrr|pios, ov, (Ko\a<rTr)p)fltfor punishing. II.

Koipavia Ion. Ctj, t), lordship, rule. as Subst., KoXacTTjpiov, t6, a prison. 2. a punish-
KoipSvC8i]s, ov, 6, = Kolpavos. ment, punishing.
KOI'PA'NOS.o.a ruler, leader, commander, either KoXcurrf|p, ijpos, 6,^Ko\aaTt)s.
in war or peace a lord, master.
: generally, KoXa<mf|S, ov, 6, (Ko\d(<u) a cbastiser, punisher., Pass. (Koiovpa) to live like Coesura KoXdo-rpia, t), fern, of Ko\ao~Tr)p.
(wife of Alcmaeon), i. e. live a gay, fashionable life. koX&4>i£6), f. [aw Att. 1G1, (K6\<upos) to give one a
Koi-r<i£<i>, (koittj), to put to bed : Med., with Dor. box on the ear, buffet, cuff.
aor. I KoiTa£afiT]v, to go to bed, sleep. KoXd<j>os, 6, (Ko\dirT0j) a box on the ear, cuff.
Koiraios, a, ov, ( koittj) lying in bed, abed, asleep. 2. koXcov Ion. kovX(6v, to, = Ko\f6s, a sheath.
as Subst., T0 KonaTov the lair of a wild beast. koXc6s, o, or KoXeov, t6, kovXcov, t6, (koi\os) a
koCtt], r), (KUfiai) a place to couch: lie down in, bed, sbeatb or scabbard of a sword.
the marriage-bed; ko'vttjv tx (iv to De pregnant; KoXcTpdco, f. i)o~a), to trample on.
Kotrai in pi. lewdness. 2. of animals, a lair, den, KoXXa Ion. KoXXtj, rjs, r), glue, Lat. gluten.
— : ;
: *

icdWafios — Kopihij. 385

«c6XXS0o», 6, = KoXXcxp. II. a kind of wheaten (kSXvos) swelling infolds.
KoXirCas, ov, S,
cake, named from its shape. KO'AIIOS, 0, the bosom, lap : later also the mo-
KoXXdw, f. tjooj, (/toAAa) to glue, cement. 2. to ther's womb. II. the lap or fold formed by a loose
inlay : to weld. II. to join together, unite —
garment, sometimes used for a pocket. III. any
Pass, to be joined to, to attach oneself to, cleave to. lap or hollow; OaKaaorjS koKitov vttoZvvai to go
ko\\t)€is, tooa, ev, («oAAo) glued together, dost- under the lap of ocean, i. e. the deep hollow between
joined. two waves. 2. a bay or creek of the sea. It cor- —
k6XXt]o*is, (ojs, i), (teoWa<v) a gluing, cementing: responds in all senses to the Lat. sinus. Hence
koWtjois oibrjpov a welding of iron. koXit6ci>, f. ko<», to form into a lap ox fold: to make
KoXX-nros, 17, or, (icokKacv) glued together, cemented, a sail belly or swell.
closely joined, well-fastened. tcoXir-ioS-ns, «, (koXitos, eldos) embosomed, embayed.
KoXXiKO-4><i'Yos, ov, (k6Wi(, <p&yeiv) roll-eating. KOATMBA'Xl, f. -qa<u, to dive: to swim. Hence
KO'AAIH, Zkos, 6, a long roll of coarse bread. KoXv|xpT)Opa, 77, a place for diving, a swimming-
KO'AACVF, onos, 6, the peg or screw of a lyre, by bath : and
which the strings are tightened metaph., KoWoira : KoXvp.0t]TT|p, rjpos, 6, and KoXvp,pT)TT|S, ov, 6, (ko-
opyrjs dvcivai to unscrew your passion. Xvfifiacv) a diver, swimmer.
Ko\Ai)Pto-TT|$, ov, 6, (kuWvPos) a money-changer, KoXvp.j3ts, iSos, t), (KoKvu&acv) a sea-bird, a diver.
KO'AATBOS, 6, a small coin. 2. in plur., ko\~ KoXvp.(3os, 6, (koXv/a&cioj) a diver, swimmer. II.
\v&a, rd, small round cakes, [y] = ko\vh0j}0is, a diving, swimming.
KoXXvpa, r), — ko\\i£. [u] K6X\os, 6, a Colcbian hence Adj. KoX\<.k6s, 17, —
tcoXXvpiov, to, Dim. of KoWvpa, eye-salve, Lat. 6v, Colcbian; pecul. fem. KoXx^s, i8os.
collyrium, so called because it was made up in small KoXcodco Ion. -€o>, f. rjaoj, (ko\<v6s) to brawl, scold.
cakes, [u] tcoXjWpcvos, Att. contr. fut. part. med. of icoKafa.
koXo(36s, 6v, (k6\os) docked, curtal, Lat. curtus: of KOAH'NH, 7), a bill, mound: esp. a sepulchral
animals, sbort-borned : also maimed, mutilated. Hence mound, barrow, cairn, Lat. tumulus.
KoAo06b>, f. wau, to dock, curtail, shorten. KoXcovCa, the Lat. colonia, a colony.

KoXoi-dpxos, ov, 6, (koKoios, apxu) a leader ofjack- koXuvos, 6, (jcoXwvrj) a bill ; ko\<uvos \1601v a heap
daws, a jackdaw-general. of stones. II. Colonos, a demos of Attica lying
KoXoidxj, f. aa<u, (koXoios) to scream like a jackdaw. on and round a hill, sacred to Poseidon, the scene of
koXolos, 6, a jackdaw, Lat. graculus : proverb., the Oedipus Coloneus of Sophocles.
1 ko\oi6$ vorl koXoiov = * birds of a feather flock to- koXg>6s. ov, 6, (koKoios) a brawling, wrangling.
gether.' KO'MATOS, 6, and 17, the strawberry-tree, arbutus.
KoXokdo-Ca, j), KO|i.apo-4>d-yos, ov, (Kufmpos, (payuv) eating the
or koXokclo-iov, t6, the colocasia or
Egyptian bean, a plant resembling the water-lily, found fruit of the arbutus.

in the marshy parts of Egypt. Kop.a.w Ion. -co), Ep. part. ko(i6ojv : fut. 170*0; aor> I :

KoX6-Kvp.a, to, (ko\os, /cvfUL) a large heavy wave iieouTjo-a {/tour)) to let the hair grow long, wear
: :

before it breaks, the heavy swell before a storm. long hair: as long hair was a sign of birth, it meant to
koXokvvOtj or -kvvttj, tjs, q, the round gourd or plume oneself, to be proud, haughty, arrogant; ovros
pumpkin, Lat. cucurblta. Hence li<6\ir\o*. tiii TvpavviHi be aimed at the monarchy.

KoXotcwOids, ados, r), food prepared from pumpkins. Originally the Greeks seem generally to have worn
KoXoicvvdivos, rj, ov, made from pumpkins. their hair long, whei ce Kaprj kojjloojvtcs 'Axatol in
koXov, to, the colon or lower part of the bowels. From Homer. At Span a the citizens continued to wear
KO'AOS, ov, docked, curtailed, stunted, Lit. curtus long hair but at Athens it was worn only by youths ;

ko\ov bopv a spear broken short off: esp. of oxen, etc., until the 18th year. II. of horses, to be decked

hornless, short-horned. with manes. III. metaph. of trees, plants, etc., to

KoXocrcros, 6, a colossus, gigantic statue; also simply have leaves or foliage.
a statue. The most famous Colossus was that of Kop,(€<rKe, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of KOfxta).

Apollo at Rhodes seventy cubits high, made in the f. -now, to take care of, attend to, tend.
time of Demetrius Poliorcetes. KO(j.«o>. Ion. for KOfiaw.
KoXoo-upros, 6, a rabble or noisy crowd: uproar. KO'MH, 17, the hair, Lat. coma ; icdpaoOai Kofirjv
koXoucj, f. ooj: aor. 1 iicokovoa: —
Pass., aor. I (ko- I
to have one's hair cut close in sign of mourn-
\ov8tjv and -ovaOrjv : pf. Kt/cokovfiai and -ovofiai \ ing. II. metaph. like coma, the foliage, leaves,
(tcokos) : to dock, clip, curtail, cut short, abridge of trees.

metaph., tiros fieaarjyv fcoXovttv to cut short a word I

Kop.T)T-dp.vvCas, ov, 6, ( o/xtJtt;*, 'Auwias) Coxcomb-
in the middle, Lat. praecidere, i.e. leave it unfinished; Amy nias.
iwpa KoKovfiv to abridge, limit gifts also : 2. like Kop.Tprns, ov, 6, (/co/ioW) long-haired; lbs KOfi^Tjjs a
Ko\dfa, to check, restrain, put down. feathered arrow. 2. leafy, grassy. II. a comet.
KoXo4><t>v, wvot, 6, a top, finishing, end, . kouaBtj, t), (*o>u£ai) attendance, attention, care: adso
— :; : : :

KOIMltifl KOVl&O).

the management, care of a garden. II. a bringing rix vV v t0 boast one's art Pass, to be made a boast, :

or carrying of supplies, a procuring of supplies, Lat. be r nowned.
commeatus frumenti, a gathering in of harvest: also —
Kopirao-cvs, o, Comic word, one of the borough
provisions, stores. 2. vfrom Med. Ko^opuxi) a Ko/i7ro», a Bragsman.

carrying away for oneself, a rescue, recovery. 3. Kop-rrao-pa, t6, (*o/«rd£<y) a boast: in pi. boasts,
(from Pass, KopdCopiat) a going or coming: a return, vaunts, braggart words.
means of getting back. Kopirco), f. -qaw, (Kufiiros) to ring, clash, rattle. II.

kojaIBq, dat. of ico nib-h] used as Adv., wi'b care, care- metaph. to utter high-sounding words, talk by boast,
fully, exactly : wholly, altogether . absolutely, quite vaunt —
Pass, to be boasted of.
in answers, tcofudn pitv ovv very much so indeed, just Kopiro-X&xccD, f. tjo-oj, {ic6piirot, \ajtiaj) to talk big,
so,ay and more than that. be an empty braggart. Hence
KopicupeOa, Dor. for /ro/uot//xcda, 1 pi. contr. fut. icopiro\uKV0T)S, ov, o. braggart, boaster. [5]
med. of Koyufa. KO'MIIOS, 6, a noise, din, clash, as of a boar's
KO|u£a>, f. iarcv Att. ia>: a or. I (Ko/xiaa Ep. tKoyuaaa tusks : the stamping of dancers' feet the ringing of :

tndKopuooa: —
Med.Att.fut./iro/iroG/iat: Ep.aor. 1 Iko- metal. II. metaph. big words, boasting : a boast,
luoaannv and Koyuana.fjfnv —
Pass., f. /cofuo-frfjoofiai vaunt.

aor. I tKo\u.ci8m> KtK6\uayjxi\

: pf. (ico/xcew): to take Kopir6s, 6, (Kopmloi) a boaster.
care of, provide for. supply — Med. : to receive hospi- Kopiro-4>SKcXop-pTjpo)V, ov, gen. ovot, (/f<5/m>t, <pa-
tably. of things, to take care of, take heed to, K(\os,^rjfjux) pomp-bundle-worded, epith. 01 Aeschylus,

mind; rd avrqt cpya Kuui£e mind thine own because of his long compound words.
affairs. II. to carry away, in order to save Kop-rr-iiS-rjs, es, (/coVtoj, (loos) boasful.

vdcpdv tcofiifav to carry away a corpse Med. to —

Kopipeia, ?), (KOfiipcvco) elegance, refinement : affec-

carry with one, rescue, save, cf. Zpvofjuu ; Kofucai fie tation.
convey me away, rescue me. 2. to carry off" or Kop\p-cvpimKus, Adv. (itopxpU, Evpimbrja) with the
away, bear off: —
Med. to carry off as a prize: also prettiness or affectation of Euripide*.
to get, gain, receive. 3. to bring to a place : to Kopv|/cv<i>, f. oco, (KOfjaf/os) to make elegant, refine;
gather in corn to introduce, import.
: 4. to con- Ko/Mpfve r^v So£av refine on your suspicion, like Lat.
duct, escort. 5. to fetch back, redeem : Med. to argutari —
Med. to refine overmuch Pass, to play — —
get back, recover. III. Pass to be carried, to the exquuite.
convey oneself journey, travel, voyage: to betake one-
Kopvj/o-irpcirr)s, it, (jeopipU, irpeiro*) dainty-seem-
self. 2. to come back, return. ing., Att. con r. fut. med. of KOfiifa. tcop\p6s, -h], ov, (KOfi(oS) well-dressed, neat, fine, Lat.
KopCcraio, 2 sing. aor. I med. opt. of KOfiifa. comptus : hence a prettyfellow. Lat. bellus homo. 2.
Kopicra and koluo-o-o., Ep. aor. I of /copufa. of words and things, elegant, pretty, clever, witty, ex-
KOLLicrrcos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of /copiifa, to be taken quisite, affected. Hence
care of, to be ga'bered in. •copij/ws, Ac v. pretily, exquisitely: Comp., Kopaporl-
Kouurrr|p, rjpos, 6, - Kopuarq$. pcus Ix*"' t0 be better in health.
kouiott|s, ov, 5, (itofufa) one who takes care of, a *o^ dj^fco, f. "quo), (Kvvafios) to resound, clash, ring:
protector, guardian. II. a bringer, conducor. to re-ecbo. Hence
KOjiicrrpa, rd, (ico/ufa) rewards or payment for Kovaj3rj86v, Adv. with a clash, ringing.
saving. KOvd(3i£u>, f. law, — KovafHiu.
•copuo, Att. contr. fut. of Kouifa. KCNA*B02. 6. a clashing, ringing.
Koppa, to, (koittoj) that wb cb is struck or cut, the KCNATTAOS, o, a knuckle: in pi. th» knuckles.
stamp or impression of a coin: proverb., novrjpov Kop\- Kovcco, f. ifao), (kCvis) to raise dus', to hasten.
fxaros of bad stamp. 2. generally, coin. II. kovlo. Ion. and Ep. kovitj, t). (k^vis) dust, a cloud
a short clause in a sentence, Lat cnmma. Hence of dust, as stirred up by men's feet iroduv i/irivepOe ;

KoppanKos, if, ov, framed in short clauses. icovirj tarar' aeipo/iivn from beneath their feet the
KO'MMT, to, gum, Lat. gummi ; indecl. dust sroo>l rising: —
freq. in plur. noviai, in collective
Kopp6s, ov, 6, (Kuitro)) a striking: esp. like Lat. sense, like Lat. arenae; viirrfiv iv Koviynt to f 11 in
planctus, a beating of the breasts, in sign of lamen- the dust. 2. d, it or sand. II. cinders or
tation, hence a lament, wail, dirge II. in the ai>b°s, also in plur., like Lat. ciwres. III. a fine
Att. Drama, a song sun? al'erna'ely by an actor and powder, sprinkled over wrestlers' bodies af er being
the chorus, mostly a mournful dirge. < iled, to make them more easily grasped by the op-
cop6wvT«, Kopocdvrcs, Lp. part, dual and pi. of ponent. \f in Homer ; in Att. mostly f.]
KOftcua. Kovr aTos, 4\, ov, plastered, whitewashed. From
Kopocmm, Dor. f r Kouwai, 3 pi. of honam. KOvid<i>, pf. pass KfKovidfmt (koviu^ to plaster

Kopird(b>, daw, (fcu/uros) to varm*, boast, brag: c.
f. with lime, to plaster, Lat. dealbare; Teapot Ktxovta-
ace, ttopndfay \6yov to speak big words; KOfivd^tiv p.kvoi plastered, wbited sepulchres.
— — ;

KOvt(a> — KOpivwyn, 387

kovC£(i>, a mistakes form, originating in the wrong icoirpt£<i), f. iaw Ep. laaw, (jcdirpos) to dung, manure.
forms iKovioaa, Ktnuviojjuai ; see noviu. KOirpo-Xoyos, ov, (Kuirpos, Ktyw) collecting dung or
Kovi-opros, o, {Kovis, opvvfii) dust stirred up, a cloud manure : hence a dirty fellow.

of dust: Koviopros v\tjs KCKavfjLivrjs a cloud of wood- KO'nPOS, 17, dung : manure : filth, dirt. M.
ashes. II. metaph. a dirty fellow. a dung-yard, a cattle-stall or stable.
kovios, a, ov, {kqvis) dusty. f. yaw, to carry dung :
KOirpo<t>opcci>, to cover with
KO'NDS, 10s Att. ecus, r) : dat. kuvi for kovu : = ko- dung or dirt. From
via, dust. II. the dust of a*bes, asbes. III. KOTTpo-4>6pos, ov, (Koirpos, <plpoS) carrying dung
the powder with which wrestlers were sprinkled after Ko<pivos Koirpo<popos a dung-basket.
being oiled, cf. kov'ux metaph. of toil, [t]
j Koirpwv, wvos, 6, (Kovpos) a place for dung, privy.
KOvur&Xos [l], 5, (.Kovts) dust, a cloud of dust. Koirroura, Dor. for Kdnrovaa, part. fern, of kuittw.
kovuo, fut. iaoi [i] : aor. I IkovIoo. : — Pass., pf. koittos, t), ov, (koittw) beaten, bruised, pounded.
Kt/cuvificu Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. kckCvito : (kuvis) : to KCIITn, f. Koxpoj: aor. 1 tKoxpa: pf. K(Ko<pa, Ep.
make dusty, cover, fill with dust: — Pass., KCKOvifievos part. KtKoirws :
— Pass., aor. 2 (Kuirqv pf. xe'/ro/i/zcu
— :

all covered with dust, i. e. in the greatest haste : s« to strike, smite, cut. 2. to knock down, fell,
in Med., Kovtaai Xa&wv make haste and take. 2. slay. 3. to cut off, chop off; Zivopa kSittuv to
to sprinkle or cover as with dust, strew over. II. j
cut down, fell trees; hence absol., kovtuv ti)v x&pw
intr. to raise dust, make baste, speed. country waste by cutting down the trees : to
to lay a
Kow(&>, contr. kovvw, = ytyvwatea). j
damage, hurt ; <ppevwv KeKOfipevos deprived of
KCNN02, 6, the beard. 2. KoWe», as the pr. n. sense or reason. 4. to hammer, forge : also to
of an insignificant person; Kuwov \jnj(pos, proverb, of stamp, coin money, Lat. percutere nummos : — Med.
something worthless. I
to coin oneself money. 5. koittuv rty Ovpav to
kovt6s, ov, 6, a pole, esp. a punting-pole, Lat. corf knock or rap at the door, Lat. pulsare. 6. to cut
tus. the shaft of a pike.
2 j
small, chop up. 7. of birds, to peck at, strike with
ko vTo-4>6pos, ov, (kovtos, <ptpoj) carrying a pole or the beak: of a horse, to jolt, shake: also, to tire, stun,
pike : burling a pike. deafen. II. Med. Kairrofiai, to beat or strike
KCNTZ A contr. icvv£a, rjs, 17, fleabane, pulicaria.

oneself, in sign of grief, like Lat. plangere : also,

icoird£<i>, t. daw: aor. 1 tKoiraaa: {koitos): to — KoirrtoOal nva to mourn for any one, Lat. plangere
grow tired or weary : generally, to abate, lull.
koitSvov, to, (jcqvtoj) an instrument for braying, a •cop&Kivos, 0, (Kupa£) a young raven.
pestle: also 2. = Konis,
an axe. KO'PAH, okos, 6, a raven or crow: Proverb., Xev-
KOirctv, aor. 2 inf. of koittw Koims, aor. 2 part.
: pass. I koI Kopaxis, like * black swans,' of anything unusual
koit«t6s, 6, (tfoirro/ioi) a wailing, mourning. eppc ks Kopaxas, or is KopaKas alone, like Lat. pasce
icoir€VS, cws, 6, (koittw) a chisel. corvos, go and be hanged! f3d\\' h Kcpaxas hang
Komfj, %, (koittw) a striking: a cutting in pieces, him hang it
! II. anything booked like a raven's

slaughter. beak, as, I. an engine for grappling ships. 2.

Komd<i>, f. daw [a]: aor. I (Koiridaa: pf.KCKOiria.Ka: a booked handle of a door, like Kopojvrj. 3. an in-
(kovos) : —
to work bard, work till one is weary. II. strument of torture.
to be tired, grow weary ; kowi&v biro ayaOwv to be Kopdonov, to, Dim. of Koprj, a little girl, damsel.
exhausted by good things. Kopawa, J}, a barbarism for Kupr/.
Koms, ca», 6, (koittw) a babbler, wrangler. Kopj3av, 6, indecl., Hebrew word, a gift offered to
koitCs, iSos, -q, (kovtw) a chopper, cleaver, bill- God, a consecrated offering. 2. the treasury of the
book. Temple.
ttoiros, ov, 6, (koittw) a striking, beating. II. KopS&Ki£a), f. law, (Kcp£a£) to dance the Kupha£.
toil and trouble, suffering, pain, weariness. Hence Kop8a.Kia-p.6s, 6, the dancing the K^pSaf.
kottooj, f. woo}, to weary : — Pass. = Komdoj. KO'PAAH, dKot, 6, the cordax, a low dance belong-
Koiriro, to, a letter of the ancient Greek alphabet, ing to the Old Comedy ; KopbaKa k^icvaai to dance
which was not received into the later Athenian alpha- the cordax, from slow„ trailing movement.
bet its sign was
f cf. Koirirarlas. In the alphabet
KOPAT'AH fj, a cudgel, truncheon : also a
Koppa stood between ir and p. like the Lat. q, and swelling. II. a covering for the bead, head-dress ;
was retained as a numeral = 90, as were also arai whence kyK€Kop5v\r)p(vos wrapt or rolled up.
and adfim, qq. v. Hence Kopcci, Ep. 3 sing. fut. of Koptvvvfu.
KOinr8Ttas, ov, 6, tirrros, a horse branded with the KopcwOui, f. Kopiaw Ep. Kopiai: aor. I (Kopeaa Ep.
ktter Koppa ( ? ) as a mark. Cf. oauxp6pas. Kuptooa: —
Med., aor. t eKopfadfiijv Ep. iKopcoadpqv
KOirpdYO'ycci), f. i^aw, to carry dung. From and Koptaodfirjv: —
Pass., aor. I (KopiaBijv: pf. KCKope-
KOirp-&YWYOS. 6v, (Koirpos, dyw) carrying dung. a/xai Ion. KfKi'p-rj/.taL also pf. act. part, with pass, sense,

Koirpeios, a, ov, (Koirpos) full of dung, filthy. KfKoprju/s, 6to$: («opo$): to satisfy, glut, ox fill with
ftoirpta, ^, (*o*rpo«) a dunghill. a thing :
— Pass, and Med. to be glutted with a thing,
: — —— : : — : :

388 KOp€(raCaro — jcopv^aib;.

have one's Jill of z thing, c. gen. <pv\6m$os Kopi^a-; Kopos, 6, the Hebrew cor, a dry measure containing
aOai to have one's Jill of strife ten Attic medimni, or about 120 gallons.
Kopca-aiaro, 3 pi. aor. I med. opt. of Kopivvvfu. tcopo-q, r). later Att. xoppq Dor. Koppa, (tcapa) the
Kopco-dcCs, aor. l part. pass, of Kopivvvyn. side of the forehead ;
on titl Kupptjs ira.Ta.aauv to slap, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of Kopiwv/u. on the temples.
the face. II. the hair
KopevjAo., to, maidenhood. From Kopv|3avT€ios, a, ov, (Kopv&as^ Corybantian.
Kop«ito(xat, f. teopevOrjaofiai Pass. (Kop-n) to be
: Kopuj3avTida>, f. da<u, (Kopv&as) to celebrate the
: :

a maid, grow up to maidenhood. rites of the Corybantes : to start up like a Corybant.

KOPE'Xl, f. rjaoj, to sweep, brush: Kopetv rfv 'E\- Kopi)|3avTt£co, f. iaoj, (Kopv&as) to purify by the
\doa to sweep Greece clean, empty her of people. rites of the Corybantes.

KOpCU>, Ep. fut. Of KOptVVVfU. KoptipavT-wS-ns, ts, (Kopv0as, eToas) Corybant-like,

Kopq Ion. Kotipt] Dor. Kcopa, of Kopos, kov- frantic.
f), fern,
pos, a maiden, maid, girl, damsel, Lat. puella : some- KopvjBds, avTos, 6, a Corybant priest of Cybele in
times of a newly-married woman, young wife, like Phrygia. \y]
vvf*<p7], Lat. puella, nympba. 2. with the gen. of KopuSoAAq, -aXXCs, -aXAos, = Kopvtios.
a pr. name added, a daughter, as Hvfjxpai, Kovpat ic6pv8os, 6, and KopuSos, 1), (/c<lpvs) the crested or
Aius. II. a puppet, doll, Lat. pupa. 2. the tufed lark, Lat. alauda cristate.
pupil of the eye from the small images seen in it, ic6pv£a, 17s, »), (tcuppij, Kopvs) a cold in the bead, a
Lat. pupa, pupilla. III. a long sleeve reaching running at the nose, catarrh, Lat. pituita. II.
over the hand. metaph. drivelling, stupidity. Hence
Kopq Ion. Kovpq, -r), was the name under which Kop u£dco, to have a running at the nose, to have a cold.
Proserpine was worshipped in Attica, the Daugh'er KopvGa, KopvOas, ace. sing, and pi. of Kopvs.
(of Demeter) hence the two are often mentioned
; •copv0-Ai£, iKos, Kopvs, afoocti) belmet-sbaking t with i

together, as rrj MrjTpl kqa rrj Koipj;. waving plume, [a]

Kopqdpov, to, (tcopioj) a besom, broom. Kop{j0-ai6\os, ov, (fcopvs, al6\os) with glancing helm.
Kopqpa, to, (Kopia) sweepings, refuse. 2. a be- Kopvp^os, 6, pi. Kopv/xQa as well as Ktpvfi0oi (Ko- :

som, broom. pvs, Kopv<pri): —

the top, peak, summit; Kopvu&a vrjaw
KOpOvvo, = Kopdvca. \v\ the high poops of the ships. II. the cluster of the

Kopdvs, vos, r), (Kopvs) a rising, heap. ivy flower : generally, a cluster offruit or flowers.
KopOtico or -vvw, (KopOvs) to lift up, raise, shew its Kopwaci), f. t)a<u, to put forth knobs or buds. From
crest —
Pass., icvfta KopOverai the wave is lifted up, Kopvvrj, 1), (Kopvs) a club, often shod with iron for
rears its crest. righting, a mace : also a shepherd's staff. [»]
KOPI'ANNON, t6, coriander, the plant or seed. KopiivT|Tr|S, ov, 6, (Kopwaw) a club-bearer, one who
KopiSiov, t6, Dim. of Kup-n - nopaoiov. fights with a club or mace.
tcop£{, f. -iaofiai, (Koprj, K^piov) : Dep. to KopvvT]-<t>6pos, ov, (Kopvvrf, <pipco) club-bearing:

fondle, caress, coax. KopvvT)<p6pot, oi, club-bearers, the body-guard of Pei-

KopCvdios, a, ov, also Koptv9ia«6s, t), 6v, and fern. sistratus, instead of bopvfopoi.
KopivOids, ados, 77 Corinthian.
: From Kopwidco, s= Kopwdoj in Ep. part., Kopvvi6owTa iri- :

Kopivdos, 1), Corinth, the city and country: anciently TT)\a sprouting leaves.
'E<pvpr] :Adv. Kopiv069i, at Corinth. KopvTrrCXos, 6, one that butts with the bead, [t] From
icopiov, to. Dim. of Kupn, a little girl. KopvuTO), f. i{/<v, to butt with 'be head. From
KO'PIS, 10s Att. feus, 0, a bug : pi. tcuptis, ol. ic6piJs, vBos, 77, ace. KopvOa and Kopvv, (Kapa) a hel-
tcopioxiov, to, Dim. of nipt). met, helm, casque. II. the bead. Hence
KopKopos or icopxopos, 6, a poor vegetable, growing icoptio-o-a>, fut. Kopv£<u Med., aor. I eKopvaaaurjv, : —
wild in the Peloponnesus, a kind oi pimpernel. (De- part. Kopvaadfitvos Pass., pf. KCKopvOfmi to arm — :

riv. uncertain.) with a helmet : generally, to arm, equip, array : —

KopKopvyTj, fj, the rumbling or grumbling of the Pass, and Med. to arm oneself: to do battle, fight
empty bowels any hollow sound, din, tumult. also of things, 8ovpc KCKopvO^iva xa ^"f<? spears

(Formed from the sound ) headed with brass. 2. generally, to furnish, pro-
Kopp.6s, 6, (/eeipa)) the trunk of a tree with the vide. II. to make crested; Kopvoat KVfM. the
boughs lopped off, a log. river reared his wave to a crest Pass, to come to a —
KOP02, ov, 6, one's Jill, satiety, surfeit, Lat. satie- crest or bead, rear its head, as a wave does. Hence
tas; x6pov %x* iv fivot to have enough or too much of KOpvo-TT|S, ov, 6, a man armed with a helmet, an
a thing: in bad sen^e, satiety, surfeit: hence II. armed warrior.
insolence, petulance irpbs Kupov insolently. Koptiifxua, (Kopvcprj) the bead- stallof a bridle.
Kopos, ov, 6, Ion.

Kovpos Dor icupos, {/ceipaj) a boy, Kopti<j>aiov, to, the


upper rim of a bunting-net —

lad, youth, stripling. with genit. of name«, strictly neut. from sq.
a son. Cf. Koprj.
2. pr.
icop£<t>aio$, a, ov, (Kopv<pi}) at the bead: — 6 Kopv-
: : ::.

KOpV(f)TI KOrrv\Y)b(0V. 889

<pa?os tbe foremost man, leader, chief; in the Att icoo-ptorns, rjro$, f), propriety, decorum, orderly be-
Drama, tbe leader of the chorus. haviour.
Kopv<|>T|. ij, (fcSpvs) tbe bead, top, summit: tbe crown Kocrpio>s, Adv. of Koapnot, regularly, decently:
or top of tbe bead. i. tbe top or peak of a moun- Comp. Kofffiiurrfpov ; Sup. -urara.
tain. 3. nietaph. tbe highest point, acme, prime. Koo-po-Kop-ns, ov, 6, (KoopLfot, KofiTj) dressing tbe
Kopv<j>6(o, f. ajact), a bead, make
(KopvcpT]) to bring to hair.
peaked: — Pass., Kvfxa Kopvcpovrxu the wave rises to a Kocrp.o-Kpd.Tiop, opos, 6, (/cuffpLos, Kparioi) ruler
crest. II. like K«pa\ai6oj, to bring to an end, this world. [5]
sum up. Kocrpo-rrXoKos, ov, (teofffios, ir\iKco) framing or
Kopcov-CK&jS-r], 1), (Kopwvr), 'Eko/St]) an old woman as holding together tbe world.
old as a crow and Hecuba. [&] Koo-pos, ov, 6, (/co/x&y) order , tcard /cdapiov or k6o-
Kopuvccos, <u, -fj, of a raven-gray colour. From fuv in order, duly; obdevl Koofiw in no sort of
Kopuvr], 7), (fcopwvos) a kind of sea-fowl, sea- order. 2 . good order, good behaviour, decency.
crow. 2. a crow or raven, Lat. comix. II. a set form ororder : of states, government. 4. tbe
anything booked like a crow's bill, as, I. tbe mode oxfa.bion of a thing. II. an ornament,

handle on a door. 2. tbe tip of a bow, on which decoration, dress, raiment: plur. ornaments. 2.
the bowstring was hooked. 3. tbe tip or projection an honour, credit. III. tbe world or universe,

of tbe plough-beam, upon which the yoke is hooked. from its perfect arrangement, Lat. mundus.
Cf. Kopa£. Koo-po-<J>06pos, ov, {icoofjios, fpdeipw) world-destroy-
Kopumdo), f. aoca, (Kopdn/rj n) tc bend, curve : of a ing.
horse, to arch tbe neck. koo-os. t), and Aeol. for iroeot.
ov, Ion.
KopovCs, ibos, ?}, (fcopuvrj n) as Adj. crook-beaked kottoQos.
Koo-crdfjos, o, Ion. for
generally, crooked, curved, bent, booked. 2. of KOTT-, 6, a blackbird.
k6o-o"u<)>os Att.
kine, with crumpled horns. II. as Subst. any- koto-ivo), = Korioj, to bear hatred against.
thing curved I a wreath or garland, Lat. co-
. k6t« and kot€, Ion. for iroTt and itotL
rona. 2. a flourish with tbe pen at the end of a KOTepov, ic6T€pa, Ion. for voTtpov, TroTipa*
book : generally, tbe end, completion. kot€(o, Ep. aor. Kortaa: Ep. pf. part. KtKOTij&s:
1 —
KOpo>vo-|36Xos, ov, {Kopwvrj, &a\€iv) shooting crows: Med., KOTcopai Ep. 3 pi. impf. Korkovro, tp. fut.

— as Subst., KopowofSokov, to, a sling or cross-bow KOrkaooyuai Ep. aor. I kKoriooayLr\v, K0Tcaodfj.rjv

for crow-shooting. (kotos) :

to bear a grudge or spite, bear malice
Kopuvos, 17, ov, (>c6pa£) curved, bent : of kine, with against, envy, Lat. invideo: proverb., Kfpa/xtvs Ktpa-
crumpled horns. p.€i kotUi, cf. icepapievs.

icocnctvnBov, Adv. (kockivov) as in a sieve. kott|€is, tooa, (v, (/cot«u) angry, wrathful, jea-
KO<r«lv6-p.avns, 10s Att. ecus, 6, and »), (kookivov, lous.
puivris) a diviner by a sieve. KOTlvTj-4>6pos, ov, (kotivos, <plpw) producing wild
KO'SKTNON, -to, a sieve. olive-trees.
KOO-KvXp.aTta, <uv, tcl, (okvMoj) parings or shreds KOTI N02, 6 or »}, the wild olive, Lat. ole-
of leather: metaph. of tbe scraps of flattery of tbe aster.
tanner Cleon. KOTivo-Tpd-yos, ov, (kotivos, Tpdyuv) eating tbe wild
KOo*pc<i>, f. fjO'Qj, (Kocrpios) to order, arrange : esp. olive.
to set an army in array, marshal it; and in Med., tcoa- Koropvos, 6, Ion. for KoOopvos.
firjaap.(vos iro\ir}Tas having marshalled bis country- KOTOS, ov, 6, a grudge, spite, rancour, ill-will
men oCfrnov Koap.(iv to arrange a repast.
II. also, anger, wra'b : later, envy, jealousy.
to order, rule, govern. III. to deck, adorn, trick KOTT<lpi£ft>, f. icon Att. id), {KoTTafios) to play at tbe
out, embellish. 2. of persons, to honour them, cot tabus.
adorn, be an honour or ornament to. IV. in Pass. kott&Pos and old Att. icoo-o-ajSos. 6, tbe cotta-
to be assigned to, be classed under. bus, a Siciliangame, much in vogue at the drinkiug-
Koo-p-ndev, Aeol. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of uoapiecj. parties of young men at Athens. The simplest mode
KOO-U.TJV, Dor. inf. of koo~hco). was when each threw the wine left in his cup smartly
Koo-p.'n T-n.s, ov, 6, (Koopitaj) an orderer, arranger.
2. into a metal basin ; if all fell inside the basin, and the
an adorner. sound was clear, it was a favourable sign. The game
KOO-p-nT6s, -f}, 6v, (Kofffi(oj) well-arranged, regular. was plaved in various ways. (Deriv. uncertain.)
Koau.T|Ta)p. opos, 6, (ieoo-fi*<v) a commander. KOTTA-NON, a small fig, Lat. cottanum.
Koo-fjuxos, f), ov, (KoOfios) of tbe world, earthly, KOTY'"AH, 17 a small cup or vessel. 2. a liquid

worldly. measure containing 6 KuaOoi or a £ (fOTTjS, nearly a

Koorpios, a, ov, also o», ov, (Koopos) well-ordered, £ pint. II. tbe cup or socket of tbe bip-bone.

moderate, regular : of persons, orderly, well-behaved, Hence

modest ; rb xdapuov order, decorum. Hence Ko-rtXn&wv, 6vo$, 1), any cup-like hollow : in pi. tbe
: :: : : : — : ::

390 KOTvXrjpvros — K PA YNQ»

suckers on the feelers of the polypus, Ep. dat. KorvKrj- to lighten, assuage, relieve: of persons, to relieve them
S»vo<piv. II. the socket of a joint. from burthens. Hence
KO-rtX-^ptiros, ov, (kotv\ij, dpvoj) that can be Kov4>tcri$, uvs. 1), a relief, alleviation.
drawn in cups, i. e. flowing copiously. Kovduo-p.a, aros, to, (icov<pi£oj) that which is lifted
kotCXCs, i5os, ij, -uxkuov, to, and -Cotcos, o, Dimi- up. 2. a lightening, relief.

nutives of kotvXt), a small cup. KOVK^oXoyta, 1), light talking. From

kotOXos, 6, = kotv\tj. Kovd^o-Xoyos, ov, (ieov<pos, \4yoj) lightly-talking.
kov, by crasis for koi ov. KOT~^02, rj, ov, light, nimble : neut. pi. icov<pa as
kov and kov, Ion. for irov and ir»v. Adv., lightly. 2. metaph. easy, light empty, vain, —
kovkctl, by crasis for teal ovuiri. idle. Hence
kovXcov, kovXc6s, Ion. for KOKtOV, K0\t6$. Kovduos, Adv. lightly: Comp. Kov<p6rcpov, more
kov|u, Hebrew word, arise. lightly,with lighter heart: Sup. Kov<poiaTa, most
Kovpd, as, i), (tcupoj) a clipping or cropping of the lightly.
hair or beard, as a sign of mourning. II. a lock KO'*rNOS, o, a basket.
cut off. KoxXias, ov, 6, (kox^os) a snail with a spiral shell,
Kovpciov, t6, (xovpa) a barber's shop. Lat. cochlea. II. anything twisted spirally, a
Kovpcvs, evs, 6, (iceipw) a barber, bair-cutter, Lat screw : a spiral stair.
tonsor : hence a tatler, gossip. koxXCov, to, Dim. of kSx^-os, a small snail.
Kovpt), i), Ion. for Kopij. II. also Ion. for Kovpa. KO'XA02, ov, 6, a sbell-fisb with a spiral shell
Kovp-qios, 17, ov, Ion. for Kopuos, youthful. the shell itself, sometimes used as a trumpet, like Lat.
KovpTjxcs, <w, ol, (icopos, icovpos) young men, young concha.
warriors. Koxt38«o, Ion. impf. KoxvhtOKt to stream forth —
Kovpt)T€S, ojv, ol, the Curetes, inhabitants of Plewon copiously. (Reduplicated from xiw, \vhr]V.)
in Aetolia. KOXIl'NH, 1), dual Ko\uva, the hams.

novpCas, ov, 0, (icovpa) one who wears his hair short. Koibaro, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 med. of Konrai.
Kovpidw, f. aoa>, (icovpa) to wear untrimmed Kov|/txos, 6, = Koaov<pos, a blackbird.
hair. 3. of the need clipping.
hair, to KdwvSc, Adv. (Koojs Ep. for Ku>s) to Cos.
KovpCSios, a, ov, (icovpos, Kovprj) wedded, lawfully KpdaTOt, Kpian, Kpdara, lengthd. forms of Kparot,
wedded; icovpioiot trocis her wedded husband; then, Kpari, Kpara, gen., dat., ace. of icpds — icapa, a head.
as Subst., (without voots), Kovpihios <pi\os her dear Kpdf3J3&TO$, b,a couch, Lat. grab at us. (Maced. word.)
husband. 2. more frequently of the wife, Kovpihirj Kpdyov, Adv. (icpdfa) with loud cries.
&ko\ot his lawful, wedded wife, as opp. to a concu- Kp&Souvw, (Kpabaw) to swing, brandish, shake Pass. —
bine (iraWaKis) so, 3. Kovpihiov \i\os the bed of to vibrate, quiver.

lawful marriage. 4. nuptial, bridal; icovpibiot KPA'AA'H, to brandish, shake.

Xtrunr the bridal robe. KpdS-r), %, (icpabdoj) the light quivering spray at the
KOvpC£a>, f. laoj, (fccpos, icovpos) intr. to be a end of a branch : generally, a branch, esp. of a fig-
youth. II. trans, to bring up to manhood. tree : hence a fig-tree, [fi]
icovpipos, tj, ov, also os, ov, (icovpa) fit for cutting tcpdSta, Dor. for xpadirj, Kaptila.

or shaving hair, trenchant. II. pass, shorn, crop- KpaSiT), Ion. and Ep. for icapSia.

ped, clipped —
as Subst., Kovpifios, 1), a mask with the KPA'Zfl, fut. Kpa£a), but Att. in paullo-post

hair cut short. form K€Kpa£o}uu : aor. I iKpa£a aor. 2 (icpayov pf. : :

Kovptg, Adv. (jcovpa) by the hair. with pres. sense iciicpdya, 1 pi. contr. ickicpayp\sv,
no vpo-popos, ov, (icovpos, fii0pajo-Ka>) devouring chil- imperat. KiKpaxOi, part, icticpay&it, inf. icacpaytvat —
dren; icovpofiopos irax*t} the blood of eaten children. to croak, properly of the raven generally, to scream,

Kovpos, 6, Ion. for icopos, a boy, youth, son. screech, cry : hence c. ace. to call out or clamour for
Kovpoovvi], j), (icovpos) youthful prime, youth: hence a thing.
youthful spirits, mirtbfulness. Kpd6cis, aor. I part. pass, of Kepavvvpu.
KOvpoTcpos, o, ov, Comp. of icovpos, younger, more KPAI'Nfl, fut Kp&vw: aor. I ttcpava Ep. ticprjva:
youthful. — Pass., fut. KpavQrjoopuai, but also Ep. fut. inf. in pass,
Kovpo-roKOs, ov, (icovpos, Tactiv) bearing boy-chil- sense KpavUodai : aor. I kicpavO-qv : Homer mostly
dren. uses the Ep. forna icpaiaivai, 3 sing. impf. kicpaiaivtv
tcovpo-rpodws, ov, (icovpos, rpi<pco) rearing boys aor. I imperat. Kp-fjrjvov KprjrjvaTf, inf. Kprjrjvat : 3
so Ithacais called dyaOr) tcovporp6<pos a good nursing- sing. pf. pass. icticpaavTai, and plqpf. icacpaavTO : to
mother of boys. accomplish, bring to pass, fulfil, execute : Pass, to be —
KovcrrooSta, 1), the Lat. custodia, a watch, guard. accomplished, brought to pass; ov piot Soxtti Trj54
Kov<f>t£ci>, fut. iaoj Att. iu, (icov<pos) : I. intr. to 7* 66& KoavifoOai it seems to me that it will not be
be light. II. trans, to lighten : to lift up, raise accomplished by this journey; icUpavTai \fni<pos the
tcowplfav iKpm. to make a light leap. a. metaph. vote bath been determined; also of workmanship.
: :

KPAIIIA'AH— Kpartp. 891

Xpv<T$ hi x«k«a Kf/epaavrai the edges are finished |
KPA'2IIEAON, t6, the edge, border, margin, hem
q^with gold.II. intr. to have the ruling power: of a thing. Hence
later c. gen. to reign over, govern : c. ace. cognato, tcpao-nreSow, f. (ua<o, to surround with a border or
tcpalveiv o/cfjirrpa to sway the sceptre. III. intr. fringe.
also to come o an end 01 result in a thing. Kpao*(T(i>v, ov, Dor. for tcpeaaajv, Kptiaaojv.
KPAIIIA'AH [d], ^, a debauch and its conse- Kpdra, to, indecl., = icapa but also Kpdra, t6v, : —
quences, nausea, sickness, and headache, Lat. crapula.; ace. of Kpat.
(K Kpaiira\r}t after the debauch was over. KpaTa-|36Xos, ov, {jtparaibt, /3dXAo>) burled with
Kpai-ird\6-KO>p.o$, ov, (KpaiirdXr], /cu>fxos) rambling violence.
in drunken revelry. Kp&Tai-yv&Xos, ov, (xpaTcuoY yvaXov) with strong
tcpcuirvos, i\, ov, (Apir-afa, like back and breast piece, strongly arched, of a corslet.
rapidus from rap-io)
tearing, sweeping, rushing: cf. KapiraXifiot. 2. KpSTcuts, i], = Kparot, only of the stone of Sisyphus,
swift, rapid. 3. metaph. hasty, hot, impetuous. tot' anooTpiipacKt Kparaits dirts then did mighty
icpoAirvd-oSrros, ov, (Kpaiirvut, ccvo/juu) swift-rush- force turn it back again. II KpHraits, as pr. n.
tng. Crataeis, the mighty one, name of the mother of the
Kpaiirvo-4>6pos, ov, (KpaiirvSt, <p(pw) swift-bearing. sea-monster Scylla.
KpaKTv«6s, t), ov, (Kpdfa) clamorous. KpdTaC-Attos, ojv, gen. <w, (xparatos, \ds) stony, rocky,
KPA'MBH r), cabbage, kail, Lat. crambe. rugged.
KPATVIB05, f), ov, dry, parched, shrivelled. 2. KpdTai6s, a, ov, (/cparos) poet, for Kpartpb't, mighty,
metaph. clear, loud. strong, resistless.
*cpap£o-4>d-Yos, ov,(KpafiPi],<pa'y(tv) Cabbage-eater, icpdraioo), f. waa>, later form for Kparivat.
name of a frog. KpdTaC-ireSos, ov, (KparaiSt, vibov)witb hardground
Kpdvdr|-irc8os, ov, (icpava6s, iriSov) with stony soil. or soil.
Kpdvai, Dor. pi. of Kprjvrj. icpdrai-irovs, 6, r), -trow, r6, gen. -rrobos also icap- :

KPA"NAw O'2, 1), ov, hard, rugged, rocky, stony, of Toiirovs {tcparaios, irovs) stout-footed, surefooted. : :

Athens, from its soil, cf. \cirr6ytatt : ol Kpavaoi the KpdTai-plvos, ov, {jcparaiot, f>ivos) strong-shelled.
people of Attica. KpdTcp-aCxp.T|S, ov, 6, also Kapr-, {KparepCt, o*xM)
tcpdvtecrGai, Ep. fat. inf. med. (with pass, sense) of mighty with the spear, warlike.
icpaipoj. KpdTepos poet. Kaprcpos, d, 6v, (tepards, KpartoS)
Kpdvcvd Ion. -dr\, r), (itpdvov) the cornel-tree, Lat. strong, stout, mighty, valiant ; but also bard-hearted,
cornus : it was used for spear-shafts and bows : hence cruel, harsh, rough : so, \wpot Kpartpot bard, solid,
a spear. ground. 2. also strong, violent.
Kpdvctvos, rj, ov, (fcpavov) made of cornel -wood, Kpa- KpdT€po-<j>pci>v, ov, gen. ovos, (Kparepds, <Ppt)v) stout-
vtivov ojtvvriov, cf. Virgil's spicula cornea. hearted, dauntless.
icpdva, r), Dor. for Kpr)vrj. [a] icpdrcpd-xeip, X €t/>°*» &i ^» (lepartpSt, x tu> ) stovt °f
Kpav&TJvai, aor. I inf. pass, of upaivoj. hand.
Kpdvtds, KpcLvCs, Dor. for Vprjvtdt, Kprjvit. KpdT€p-wwg, v\ot, 6, j), (Kparcpdt, 6vv£) strong-
Kpavvov, to, (napa) the upper part of the bead, skull. hoofed, solid-hoofed of lions, with strong claws.

KPA'NON, t6, the cornel-tree, Lat. CORNUS. Kparepws, Adv. of Kpartpot, strongly, stoutly : sternly,
Kp&voiroicco, f. rjao), to make helmets : to talk big roughly.
and warlike. From Kpdrf o-<jh, Ep. dat. pi. of Kpas. [a]
Kpdvo-irotos, ov, (jcpAvot, iroiiai) making helmets : as KPA TETTAI', uv, ol, the forked stand or frams
Subst., Kpnvoiroi6t, 6, a helmet-maker. on which a spit turns.
Kpdvos, eo$, to, (tcapa) a helmet, [d] KpdTCco, f. i)a<u (KpnTos*)

to be strong and mighty:
KpdvTCipa, 1), fern, of Kpavrrjp. to rule, bold sway : c. dat. to rule among, avlpaoi /cal
icpavrf|p, rjpos, 6, (Kpaivu) one that accomplishes, a Ofoiai KpaTcTv. 2. c. gen. to lay bold of, become
doer, performer. master of, to be lord of, ruler over; also to conquer,
KpdvTup, opot, 0, {icpaivoS) a ruler, sovereign. subdue : absol. to prevail, get the upper band ; of re-
KPA'2, 6, collat. form of Kparot (which
icapa, gen. ports, to prevail, become current. II. c. ace. pers
is sometimes fern.), dat. Kpari, ace. Kpdra plur., gen.
: to prevail against, vanquish, master : also to surpass,
Kparajv, dat. Kpaoi Ep Kpdrca<pi in Horn, also a : excel. III. c. ace. rei, to bold fast, seize,
lengthd. gen. and dat., Kpadrot, Kpdbvrt, pi. nom. Kpa-
— secure. IV. to order, command — Pass, to
&ra : the bead : metaph. a top, peak, height. obey.
Kpdo-vs, tut, r), (Ktpdwvfu) a mixing, compounding, I
KpaTT|p Ion. icpT)TT|p, fjpot, 6, (Kfpdvvvfu) a mixing
blending. II. the temperature of the air, climate, vessel, a bowl, in which the wine was mixed with
Lat temperies. III. in Gramm., crasis, when the water, and from which the cups were filled KpTjrijpa ;

consecutive vowels of tw words melt into one, e. g. Kcpdaaadat to mix a bowl. II. any hollow, a
tovvojm for to ivo\ta, avi\p for 6 avi\f. \
basin in a rock : the mouth of a volcano, crater.
— — :: —
l :

892 Kparq<rCfj,a\os — Kptoir^Xrjs.

lcp8TT)o-t-|i8xo *> ov f (Kpat(ej,fiaxrj) victorious in the not alive, than living blind. U. too great for,
fight. exceeding; thpos Kpetooov tKirnty/iaros a height too
Kpdrr|<rC-Trovs, 6, i), irow, to\ gen. irooos, (Kparlat, great for leaping out ; of evil deeds, Kptiaoov' dy\6-
novs) victorious in the foot-race. vtj$ too bad for hanging. III. superior to, master

KpST^cr-iTriros, ov, (xparia), tirnos) victorious in the of; Kpuaaojv xpVtlaTajy superior to bribes. IV.
horse-race. in moral sense, better, more excellent, {ttpeiooojv is

KpaTt, dat. sing, of /epos. used as irreg. Comp. of dyadus, Kpdros being the
KpSTurrevo), f. a<o, {Kpariffros) to bebest, most ex- Root, whence also Sup. ftpdnoros.)
cellent,supreme : to excel. KpeCrrajv, Att. form of foreg.
Kp&Turros Ep. tcApTwrros, rj, ov, and as irreg. Sup. KPETflN, ovros, 6 fem. tcpttovcra, ^ : a ruler,:

of dya&6s, being formed from icpdros, as tcipoiorot lord, master: a general title of honour, like

from KtpSos: strongest, mightiest, fiercest. 2. &va£.
best, most excellent. —
The Comp. in use is itpuff- KpcUov, Ep. for KpeSnt, gen. pi. of tepias.
crojv. 1
4] KpeicdSia, <w, rd, (KpeKoj) a kind of tapestry.
KPATOS poet. K&pTOs, «o», t6, strength, might, tcpcKTOS, i\, ov, struck so as to sound, of stringed in-
prowess : force, violence ; ir6\iv e\fiv /card, tcparos to struments ; played, sung. From
take a city by open force, by storm ; also, /card tcparot KPE'Kfl, f. £<u: aor. i Zitpf{a :—to strike, beat: to
with all one's might ; so also, dvd tepdros up to one's strike the web with the weave. 2. shuttle, to
full power, with all one's might. II. generally, to strike with the plectrum, to play on an instru-
might, power, rule, sway, dominion : c. gen. power ment. 3. generally, to make any sharp sound, to
over. III. mastery, victory. rustle.
icpaTOS, gen. of Kpas. Kpcpddpa, 5), (Kpcpidvvvni) a basket to bang things
KpS-rvvw Ep. Kapruve* : f. vva> (itpaTos) :
: to — up in.
strengthen, confirm : Med. to strengthen for oneself, Kp!p&|juu, short d. pres. pass, of KptyAwvpn ; subj.
(KOprvvavTo <pa\ayyas they strengthened their ranks Kpe/xcufxai
; opt. Kpcfiai/inv ; inf. Kp4p.ao6ai : impf.
— Pass, to become strong, be strengthened. 2. to k/tpcfidfiTjv : fut. (in pass, sense) Kpt/irjoopiai.
harden. II. to rule, govern, c. gen. 2. to Kpcpdwvpi rarely -vo> : fut. Kptpudaa [3] Att. Kp(-
become master, get possession of: to conquer, [v] Ep. lengthd.
puj, as, a, /cpffiooj : aor. 1 (Kpkfidoa Ep.
Kpfirvs, masc. Adj., only found in nora., (tcparos) Kpefidoa: —
Med., aor. I €Kp(fxaodp.T]v : — J
ass., Kpt-
strong, mighty. [C] fiavvvfiat fut. KptpuaoOiiaopuu aor. I (Kptfidodrjv

: :

Kpavyd£c», fut. ao<o, (jtpavyfi) to scream, shriek. to bang, bang tip, let bang down : to bang up by
KpavydcrtB-ns, ov, 6, {jtpavyq) Croaker, name of a a thing, c. gen. ; xpefidoai rty doiriba to bang up
frog. one's shield, i. e. give up war : so in Med., mjbaXiov
Kpavyq, ^, (tcpafa) a crying, screaming, shrieking. Kpf/xdaavOai to bang up one's rudder, i. e. give up the
tcpe-Aypa, 6, {Kptas, dypeaj) a flesh-book. sea. II. Pass, to be bung up or suspended, to
Kpc-aYpiS, ioos f), » uptdypa. swing from, bang down from. 2. metaph. to be in
KpedSiov, to, Dim. of Kptas, a slice offlesh. suspense.
Kpcdvopcw, f. i\0(u, (Kpeavopos) to distribute flesh, to Kpcp.dcras, aor. I part, of KpcfMin/v/u.
divide the flesh of a victim amongst the guests : KpepxurOeCs, aor. 1 part. pass, of Kpfpidvvvfu.
Med. to divide among themselves. Hence Kpepcurros, {tcpcp-avvvpi) bung up, bung,
"h], 6v,
Kpcdvojita, i), a distribution of the flesh of a victim banging : bung from or on a thing Kpipua,-
c. gen. ;

amongst the guests, Lat. visceratio. ttrbt av\4vos bung by the neck.
Kp€a-vou.os, ov, (tcpias, vepuv) distributing the flesh Kpepdorpa, -q, = tepcpiddpa.
of victims : as Subst., Kpeavopos, 6, a carver, Lat. dis- Kpcpdw, Root of Kpfpavvv/xi, to bang, bang up.
pensa'or. Kp€p.|3&Xldfco, f. d<ra>, {Kp(fi0a\a) to keep time with
KPE'A2 Dor. *p-fjs, rd ; gen. tcplots plur. /cp4a : castanets. Hence
gen KpewvEp. KpttG/v, dat. icpi&oi Ep. tcpUooi flesh, : KpepP&Xtaarus, vos, i), a rattling with castanets, to
a piece of meat meat. :2. a carcase : a body, person. give the time in dancing.
KpcT]-8oKos, ov, and Kpeio-S6icos, ov, (uptas, dfx°~ KPE'MBA'AA, rd, castanets.
puu) containing flesh. Kp€p.-f|o-opai, fut. med. (in pass, sense) of Kpiputpuu.
icptiov, to, (icpcas) a meat-tray, dresser. Kpep6o>, Ep. for Att. Kpt\iu), fut. of Kpefidvvvpu.
KpcCovaa, fern, of Kpeia/v, q. v. icpe£, 1), gen. xpetcos, Lat. crex, (xpeKOj) a bird with
Kpeio-o-6-T€icvos, ov, (Kpfioaojv, retevov) dearer than a sharp notched
bill, a rail.

children. Kp6o-(3oTos, ov, (tcpeas, ^uokoS) fed on flesh.

Kpdrrcav Ion. *p6r-
Kpticro-cDV, ov. gen. ovos, Att. Kpfo~8aiT7)S, ov, 6, (xptas, Sai<u) (be carver at a
<r«v Dor. icdppcov : - btnmger, mightier : better, public meal.
braver : used with t lyX sum and part as KptioGuw KpcoKoirta, Att. for KpewtcoirfO).

ydp %o0a pajntr' &rv ^ £5/v rv<^\6s tho« wert better Kpeo-'irwX'ns, ov, 6, (fcpias, itatKiui) a butcher.

Kpeovpytoi — KPI'NXl.
KpeovpY&>>, f- fi"<», (fcptovpySs) to cut up meat like Kp-qo-ai, Ep. for Ktpaoai, aor. I inf. of Ktp&vvvpu.

a butcher : to butcher. Hence KpTjo-4>VY*TOv, Tci, a />/ac* o/ refuge or security,

Kpcovpyr]86v, Adv. like a butcher : in joints or rereat, resort.
pieces: and Kpr|TTj, t), the island Crete, now Candia. Hence
Kpcovpyta, i). a cutting up like a butcher, butchering. KpT)TY)0ev, Adv. from Crete; and
icpt-ovpYos, uv, (tcpiaM, tp-fov) cutting up meat : as KpT|TT)v8«, Adv. /o Cr«te.
Subst., Kp(ovpy6s, 6, a butcher or a carver icpcovp- — KpTj-nqp, Ep. for Kparijp : dat. pi. Kpnrfjpffi.
•vol/ Ijpap a day of/easting. Kp-r)Ti£a>, f. ecu, {t^prjs) to lie like a Crcan.
Kpto-4>dvos, ov, (icpias, <p&ytfr) eating flesh, carni- Kp-rjTtKos, i\, Cretan, of the island of
ov, {KpTjTT})
vorous. Crete: — Adv. -kws, in Cretan fashion. II. KprjriKov

tcptcro-wv, ov, gen. ovos, Ion. for Kpeioawv. (sub. Ifidriov), to, a garment of Cretan fashion. III.

Kp«ov, ovrot, xpdojv. KpT)Ti/c6s (sub. irovs), 6, a metrical foot, e. g. 'Avrf-

tcpewv, gen. pi. of Kptas. <pwv [-w-] called also amphimacer (<pip:aKpos).
KpTjyOos, ov. good, agreeable. II. true, real. Kp-rjTurpos, ov, 6, (KprfTifa) lying.
KpTj-8«p.vov Dor. KpA-Sep-vov, to, (icdpa, Si<u) a sort Kpl, t6, Ep. shorter form for Kpid-fj, barley.
of bead-dress, like a veil or mantilla with lappets. II. Kpt|3&v(rr)S baked under a pot or pan :
[l\, ov, 6, —
metaph. in plur. the battlements which crown the Kpi(3aviTT)s (sub. apTos}, 6,a loaf so baked. From
walls. III. the lid of a vessel. Kpifjdvos, 6, Att. for K\i(3avos, a covered earthen
KpTjrjvai, aor. I inf. of Kpaiaivat, Ep. for lepaivoj. I vessel, a pot, pan ox^pipkin, in which bread was baked
Kptprjvov, aor. I imperat. of Kpaiaivoj, tp. for Kpalvoi. , by putting hot embers round it. [t] Hence
Kpf,0ev, Adv. (fepas from the bead, from above. k pI(3avcords, "q, 6v, «= Kpi&aviTrjs.
Kp-npvds, part, of Kpr\p.vnp.%. KPI'Zfl, f. (w: aor. 2 txpiKov: pf. /cttcptya: — to
KpT|p.vdcj and KpT|p.vr)p.i, — Kpe/xdwvfii, to let down creak, Lat. stridere : to screech, squeak. (Formed
from a height, east down, bang down:— Pass, xp-f)- from the sound.)
fja/dfiat, to bang down, be suspended : to float or hover KpiT)86v, Adv. (Kpios) like a ram.
In air. KplOaia. 1), (tcpiOr)) a mess of barley pottage.
Kp-qp-VT). for KfrfifivaOi, imperat. of Kfrfjuvijfii. Kpiddo), f. rjorw, {KpiO-q) to be over -fed with barley, to
»epHp.vo-pdrns [3], ov, 6, {Kprjfivus, fiaivoi) haunter be restive.
of the steeps. KplfMs, aor. 1 pass. part, of fcpivoj.
KpTjp.vo-iToi6s, 6v, (Kpr]fiv6s, rroi i<u) talking precipices, Kpi0ev, Aeol. 3 pi. aor. 1 pass, of icpivtt}.

using big rugged words, of Aeschylus. KPI0H, 1), and in plur. tcpiOai, al, barley; olvos kit
KpT]pvos, 6, (Kpffxawvfu) an overhanging steep, a KpiOiojv (Ion. gen. pi.) wine made from barley, i. e. a
beetling crag : also the steep bank or edge of a river kind of beer : also roasted barley, [t]

or trench. npt0TJvat, aor. I inf. pass, of Kpivtv.

Kp-qp-v-wcVrjs, «, (Kprjfjvot, eTSos) precipitous, steep. Kpi0iao-is, eus, ij, («pi0r)) a disease of horses, caused
Kpf,vav, aor. I inf. of Kpaiva). by feeding them with barley, Lat. bordeatio.
icpnvaios, a, ov, (Kprjvrj) of or from a spring or Kpi0££co, f. aw, (KpiOif) to feed with barley.
fountain ; Kpr)voxov v5ap >pring water. Kpi0lvos, rj, ov, (KpiO-q) made of barley.
KPinra Dor. Kpdva,
a well, spring, Lat. fons
i), : KplQo rpdyos, ov, {KpiBri, rpayuv) barley-eating.
in pi. water. II. a source, fountain-bead. Hence Kpi0u>, aor. I subj. pass, of Kpivoj.
KpTvvr)0€v, Adv. from a well or spring; and KpC<c, Ep. for inpiKt, 3 sing. aor. 1 of Kplfa.
Kp^vrjvBc, Adv. to a well or spring. KpiKos, 6, = Kipicos, a ring, circle: also an eyelet-
Kp7]vids, dSos, i), pecul. fern, of KprjvaTos, of or from bole, a deadeye, in the comer of a sail.
a well or spring: Dor. KpdvtdSf*, Nymphs of a spring: Kpip.a, not Kptpa, aros, t6, (Kpivw) a judgment,
so too KpaWSfs. sentence. 2. a matter for judgment : an accusa-

KpT]VLS, r5o», ^, Dim. of Kp-qvrf. [t] tion, charge, Lat. crimen.

Kp-fjvov, aor. I imperat. of upaivoj. icp(p.vov, to, {Kpt, KpiO-q) coarse barley-meal.
KPHIU'S. Tbos, 1), a kind of mans boot : in Theo- Kpipv-<o8T)s, <*, (Kpifivov, tloos) like coarse meal;
booted men.
critus, KprjirTbts poet, for II. gene- Karaviipfi KpifivwSrj it snows thick as meal.
rally, a groundwork, foundation, basement, of a temple Kptvas, aor. I part, of Kpivoi.
or altar: metaph., i) kyKpareia operas tcprjiri* self- KPI'NON, to, a lily: irreg. pi. Kpivea, dat. Kpivtai,
command is the foundation of virtue. 2. /£* su/« as if from a nom. Kpivns. eos, t6. [f]
of a river iwVi a coping to it, a y«ay, Lat. crepido; KPI'NH [i], fut.Kpivw: aor. 1 tKplva: pf. KUpX-
generally, an edge, \t] ku: — Med., fut. Kpivov/Mi: aor. I iKplvafirjv: Pass., —
icp^s, Dor. for Kptas. fut. KpWrfaofMii : aor. I (KpiBrjv [f], older lKp[vBr\v,
Kp^s, 6, gen. Kpr/rot : pi. KpjjTtt, gen. KprjTwv :— whence part. Kpiv$d$: pf KtKprfiai, inf. KfKpiaOai: -
a Cretan : Kptjo-aa.
fern. Hence the Lat. CERNO, to separate, divide, put apart:
KpT|0-vo$, a, cv, Cretan. hence to pick out, choose; and in Med. to pick out
: — ::: : : ;

894 Kpi$6s — Kporriv.

for oneself, choose, prefer — KpoKtis [iTI, vSos, 1), (Kp6iaf) the flock, nap, pile of
Pass, to be chosen or dis-
tinguished. decide a contest or dispute, e. g. cloth: generally, a piece or flock of wool.
2. to
for a prize ; OKoKids Qipuatas Kpivtiv to judge crooked KpOKomSiov, to, Dim. of icpoicarros, a short, saf-
judgments, to ju.lge unjustly:
i.e. Pass, and Med. fron robe. —
at variance, contend, fight : to dispute,
tcpivofiai, to be kpokcot6s, ^, dv, (/cpoKoai) saffron-dyed or co-
quarrel. 3. to judge of, estimate : hence to ex- loured. II. as Subst., KpoKonCt (sub v{n\ot),

pound, explain : c. inf. to judge, pronounce that a 6, a saffron-coloured robe for state occasions, as for
thing is. 11. to question, examine, bring to trial, the festivals of Bacchus.
accuse, arraign : — Pass, to be brought to trial, f. -qaco, to wear a saffron robe.
tcpotcuJTO 4>op«oj, From
tried. 2. to pasr. sentence upon, to condemn: — KpOK(i>ro-4>opos, ov, (KpoKarros, <pip<u) wearing a
Pass, to be judged, condemned. saffron robe.
Kpi£6s, 0, Dor. tor xptoods, nipaot. Kpopp.{;-o!$-p€Yp.Ca, fj, (KpSfifivov, o£os, tpcvyftds)
icpto-|36Xos, ov, (xptdt, &d\Aa>) ram-slaying. a belch of onions and vinegar.
Kpto-irpoo-uiros, ov, (jtpids, vpoaoinov) ram-faced, KPCMTTON or •cpop.p.vov, rd, an onion.
KPI~0'S, d, a ram, Lat. aries. KpovtS-ns, ov, 6, patronym. from Kpuvos, son of Cro-
2. a battering-
ram, because it butted like a ram ; generally finished nos or Saturn, i. e. Zeus cf. Kpoviojv, Yp6vos. \t]
in the snape of a ram's bead. Kpoviicos, 17, 6v, (Kpovos) old-fashioned, antiquated,
Kptora, rjs, J}. Crisa or Crissa, a city in Phocis, not out of date, cf. sq.
far from Delphi —
Adj. Kptcraios, o, ov, Crissaean.
Kpovios, a, ov, (Vpovos) of Cronos or Saturn; rd
xpto-is [X , (us, ij, (Kpivai) a separating, putting apart KpJfta (sub. Upd), rd, his festival celebrated at
hence a picking out. choosing. 2. a deciding, de- A hens on the twelfth of the month Hecatombaeon
termining; a judgment, sentence. 3. a trial. II. Kpoviojv ofav to smell of old times, to smack of anti-
a dispute, quarrel. III. the event, issue, decision. quity.
icptTTJpiov, to, (KpiT-fjs) a means for judging or try- Kp6v-tirTro$, 6, (Kpuvos, Xirrros) an old fool, old
ing, a standard, test. 2. a court of judgment, dotard.
tribunal. KpovCov, (5, gen. iovos [t], but also Kpovtojvos, patro-
»cptTT|s, ov, 6, (icpivcA nym. from Kpuvos, son of t ronos or Saturn, Zeus.
a discerner, judge, arbiter:
at Athens of the judges in the poetic congests. 2. Kpovos, o, Cronos, Lat. Saturnus, son of Uranos j

Kptrijs ivvirviwv an interpreter, expounder of dreams. and Gaia, husband of Rhea, father of Zeus: his time
Hence was the golden age. II. a name given at Athens

KplrtKos, i), 6v, able to discern and decide, critical. to a superannuated dotard.
Kplros, rj, uv, verb. Adj. of tcpivcu, picked out, cho- KPO'22AI, wv, al, battlements on walls. 2. the

sen : choice, excellent. courses or steps in which the Pyramids rose from
Kpoatvoj, Ep. for Kpovo), of a horse, to stamp or strike bottom to top.
with the hoof. KpoT&\(£a>, f. low, (leporaXov) to rattle castanets:
KpoKci, he erocl. ace. sing, of Kpotcn. generally, to make to rattle.
KpoKoX-r), i), — Kpuicr) ii : in pi. the sea-shore, beach, •tpoT&Xov, to, (/(porta)) a rattle, castanet. IL
strand, [a] metaph. a rattling, chattering fellow.
Kp6(c«os, ov, (tcpuKOi^ saffron-coloured. KpoTct<J>os, 6, (Kporeoa) the side of the forehead: in
icpoiccs, at, heterocl. nom. pi. of npiien. pi. the temples, Lat. tempora : also the sides of the
KpoKi), with heterocl. ace. tepv/ea and nom. pi. face. 2. metaph. the brow of a mountain.

Kpuicts, as if from a nom. *pJ£ : («/>* k<u) : the woof KpoTcc*, fut. i)Ooi (icpdros)

to make to rattle or
or weft, Lat. subtemen, opp. to ct^/jlouv the warp clash. II to knock, beat, strike: of a smith, to
generally, a thread : in pi. wool. II. a rounded hammer or weld together, forge Pass, to be worked —
stone or pebble. with the hamner, welded, forged ; tiOvs vo itpaypa
Kpo<T)tos, 17, ov, poet, for Kpo/ceos, saffron-coloured. Kporeiffdojlet the matter be struck at once, i. e. 'strike

tcpoKo-pairros, ov, (tcpoKos, jScmttoj) saffron-dyed. while the iron is hot.' 2. to strike together, clap

KpoKO-(3d$T|S, is, {KpljKos, 0a<pTJvai) crocus-dyed, of the hands, in token of applause: absol. to clap, to
crocus-hue, i. e. purple, red, not yellow (see tcpo/cos). ap'laud. III. iutr. in Act. to rattle, make a

icpoicoSciXos, 6, a lizard. II. name given by clatter. Hence

the Ixnians to the crocodile or alligator of the Nile KpoTT)o-p,6s, 0, a striking, beating.
in full, KpoKutuXos 6 nordfuos, called by the na- KpoTTjTos J), dv, verb. Adj. of Kporia), stricken,
tives \dp)pa. smitten, sounding with blows. 2. rattled or whirled

icpo * oeis, €<r<ra, tv, (tcpo/cos) saffron-coloured. II. rat' ling along. 3. played with the plectrum.
as Subst., KpoKufis (sub irevkos) 6, a robe of saffron. Kporos, ov, 6, (tepnvoj) the sound of striking ; uporot
icpo«6-ircir\os, ov, (icpuicos, ncvKos) saffron-rohed Xtipuv a clapping of hands generally, a loud rat- :

KPO K02, ov, 6. the purple crocus. II. saffron tling or nose.
(which is made from its stamens). KpoTwv, G/vos, 6, a tickt Lat. ricinus. II. the
— — : —
Kpovfia— Kriavov. 395
palma Christi or ricinus, which bears the castor-oil tcpvordAAtvoi ov, (KpvffraXXot) of crystal.
, tj,

berry. KpvoraAAo-TrritcTOS, ov, or Kpvo-TaAAo-'n"f|£, 7770*,

KpoOfia, aros, to, (*poi/'a>) a beat, stroke. 2. a 6,j), ^«pt;o"ToAAos, iTTj'yvvfj.i) congealed to ice, frozen.

sound produced by striking a string, a note. KpvcrTaXXos, 0, (Kpvos) clear ice, ice, Lat. gla-
KpovvicrjjLa, aros, to, a gushing or stream. From des. 2. extreme cold, torpor. II. 6 and 17,

KPOTNO'2, ov, o, a s/»n«^, well-bead: in pi. crystal, rock-crystal.

streams: metaph. a torrent of words. Hence Kpv<f>&, Adv. (KpvTTToS) secretly from, without the
Kpowo-xvTpo-\T|paios, 6, (npowus, \vrpa, \rjpos) knowledge of, like Kpvfiba, c gen. [C]
a pour er forth of weak, washy twaddle. Kpv<{>aios, a, ov, and os, ov, (/tpvirTw) secret, bidden,
Kpovov-S-i]p.<u>, f. rjao), (tcpovai, 5^/xo«) to play upon covert. Adv. -<u*.
the people, impose upon ihem. Kpv^T) Dor. -<J>d, Adv. (ftpvirTw) secretly, in secret.
tcpovorts, tojs, j), {/cpovw) a striking : a playing on KpvdvnSov, Adv. = foreg.
a stringed instrument. Kpv<j>0T|, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I pass, of Kpvirrw.
Kpovoreov, verb. Adj. of /cpovoj, one must knock at. Kpvdnos, a, ov, also os, ov, (Kpvvrai) secret, bidden,
KpovcrrvKos, 17, 6v, fit for striking. II. metaph. clandestine, [y]
striking, astonishing forcible ; to KpovariKov striking
Kpv<{>6s, 6, (tcpvirroS) concealment, obscurity.
eloquence. From Kpv»4>co, late form of Kpvitro).
KPOT'fl, f. aai : aor. I Upovaa :— Pass., pf. ict- Kpvi|/ai, aor. 1 inf. of Kpimra).
icpovfiai and -oyuai to knock, strike, smite ; Kpovtiv
: Kpv\|;t-p.cT(i)iros, ov, (/{pvirroj, fiiranrov) biding the

X*ip°-* '0 clap the hands Kpoveiv iroba to strike the forehead.

foot against the ground in dancing. 2. to strike Kpvv{/i-voos, ov, contr. -vovs, ovv (/cpvirroj, vuos) : :

with a plectrum; generally, to play any instru- biding one's thoughts, reserved, dissembling.
ment. 3. xpoveiv rty dvpav to knock at the Kpvvj/is, ews, i), (Kpvirra)) a biding, concealment: the
door. 4. Med. Kpovtadai vpvfxvav to back stern art or means of concealing.
foremost cf. dvafcpovcu.
; KPnBT'A02, 6, a roll of hair gathered to a knot
icpv0S&, Adv. (Kpinrroj) without the knowledge of; on the crown of the bead. II. the crest on a hel-

Kpv&ba. Aiot, Lat. clam Jove. met, [u]

•cpvpSrjv Dor. -8av, Adv. (fcpvnraj) secretly, covertly: Kpwy p.6s, 6, (tcpwfa) the croaking or cawing of a crow.
— also, like Kpv&ba, without the knowledge of. KPii'Zn, f. Kpu)£a), to croak or caw like a crow,
Kpv{3f)vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of tcpvirroj. Lat. crocitare. II. of men, to croak out. ^Formed
Kpvcpos, a, ov, (tcpvos) icy, chill, chilling. from the sound.)
Kpvp.6s, 6, (icpvos) icy cold, chill, frost. tcpwcrcrai, Ion. for Kpoaaai.
Kpv\i-ix>br\s, €s, {Kpvfios, €i5os) icy-cold: frozen, icy. Kpuiaraiov, to, Dim. of Kpaiaa6s.
Kpvo€is, eaaa, ev, = itpvepos, icy-cold, chilling. KPn520'2, ov, 6, a water-pail, pitcher, jar. t.
KPT05, to, icy cold, chill, frost : metaph. an in- a cinerary urn.
ward chill, shudder, horror. kto, for ticra, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of KTeiva>: optat.
icpvirraSios, a, ov, also os, ov : (jcpvitroi) : secret, ktoCtjv; inf. kto. vat; part, ktols.
bidden, clandestine. KTaivfa), Dor. for *T€tV<w.
Kpvirrdjcj, f. oooj, collateral form of Kpvuroi. KT&p.€v, Krdftcvai, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of ktuvoj. [&~]
rpvrrrao"K€, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of KpvnTcv. KTap.cvos, Ep. aor. 2 part. med. (with pass, sense) of
icpxmTcia, ?), (KpvnT(voj) a secret service or commis- KTt'tVOJ.
sion ; at Sparta intrusted to the young men, to sea- KTavc, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of ktuvo). [5]
son them against fatigue. ktov0€v, Aeol. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. 1 pass, of ktciVoj.
icpviTTtov, verb. Adj. of Kpvitro), one must conceal. KTA'OMAI Ion. kt€ou,cu fut. Krrjoojjiat paullo-: :

KpvnrT€\Hrt, f. act), (KpvirT<u) to conceal, bide. II. p. fut. KCKTrjaofiai aor. I (KTTjvd/jnjv : pf. K(KTT}pMi

to bide oneself, lie concealed. III. Pass, tcpvn- Ion. iKT-npuai, subj. Ki/CTwyai, opt. K(KTr)p:T]V or oifirjv:

rtvofuu, to have snares laid for one. j

plqpf. (K(KTrinr)v Dep. to ge' for oneself, gain, be

Kpvirnr), >), a covered place, vault, crypt. From J

in the course of acquiring or procuring: also to bring
Kpvm-os, T), 6v, verb. Adj. of tcpvirra), bidden, secret. upon oneself, incur. 11. in pf. KtKTTjfuu or «/c-
KPT'irrri : Ion. impf. Kpvirraoicov : fut. Kptnpaj rrjfiai,and paullo-p. fut. KfKTqaopuu, to have acquired
aor. I (Kptnpa : pf. KtKpv(pa : — Pass., fut. 2 Kpv&rjao- or got, and so, to possess, to have or bold; 6 k(ktt]-
fuu, paullo-p. fut. K( slot. I i/cpv<p6r]v: aor. fUvos an owner, master : hence as Subst. c. gen., o
2 iKpv&rjv [0] pf. K(KpvfxpMi
: to bide, cover, con- : e/iou K(KT7)fitvos my master; ^ ifij) KfKnjfiivr) my
ceal : —
Pass, to bide oneself, lie bidden. II. mistress. III. aor. 1 \ktt\Qt\v is used in pass,
metaph. to conceal, keep secret or covered over; with sense, to be gotten, obtained, acquired.
dupl. ace, yA\ fit tcpvifrps tovto do not bide this KTacrOai, Ep. aor. 2 inf. med. (with pass, sense) of
from me. tcrtivoj; but, II. KraaOcu, inf. of terdofiot.
icpvoTaXAl£u, f. loot, {tcpvaraXXos) to be like crystal. KTt&vov, 6, (KT&Qficu) m KTTJfjui : but mostly in pi.
: : ; — :

396 KTf&rcipa — KvavaiyCs,

possessions, property; Ep. heterocl. dat. Kreartocri, flock. \

II. belonging to one's own bouse, do-

as if from leriap. mestic, Lat. penetralis; Krrjoiot Oeoi household gods.

KTcdi-cbpa, »), fern, of KTcarrjp, sbe that puts one in •erf ,ais, e<us, 1), {tcraopiai )an acquiring, getting. II.
possession of. [a] (from pf. pass. Kf/errjpiat) possession ;— as collective,
KTcdnjp, rjpos, 6, (KT&ofiai) a possessor. possessions, property.
kt€&tI£o>, f. iaw. Ep. aor. i KTt&Tiooa: (jcrtap): — kttjtos, ii, ov, verb. Adj. of Krdopuu, that may be
to get, gain, win : pf. pass, with med. sense, «/ct€oti- gotten or gained. II. acquired, held as properly,

afxai to gel for oneself. Hence possessed.

kt€<Itvotos, i\, ov, gotten, won, acquired. KTTjTtop, opos, 6, (ktoo/mu) a possessor, owner.
KTtivu) Ion. impf. KTtiveoicov
: f. ktcvw Ep. *tc- ktIScos, o, ov, {ktIs) - iKTtbiot, of a marten-cat,

vtu or Kravtoj aor. I tKTUva aor. 2 ctrravov pf. made of its skin. \t~\
: : :

eKTOva : — Pass., aor. 1 \ktqvQi\v : pf. l/cra/ia* :

— the KTI'Zn, f. iaco aor. 1 f/crtaa Ep. iierivoa, fcriaaa:


following Ep. forms are freq. in Homer, 3 sing, and Pass., aor. 1 iKTtaOrjv pf. (/crtafiai : to people or :

pi. aor. 1 cK-rtf, from fcrrjfii) ; subj. ktcoj,

etcrav (as if occupy a country of a city, to found, plant, build:
: —
I pi. KTtojfitv inf. KTaftev, Krapavat [a], for jrrdVai
of a festival, to institute, establish. II. to pro-
part, /cto* aor. 2 med. (with pass, sense) fKT&pirjv
: duce, create. 2. generally, to make or render so
[a], inf. KTacOat part. Krapavos also Aeol. 3 pi. and so. 3. to perpetrate a deed.

: :

aor. I pass. tKTadtv: to kill, slay: of animals, to KTI'A02, ov, gentle, tame. II. as Subst., ml-
slaughter. \os, 6, a ram. [F] Hence
kt€ivci>}u,Ep. pres. subj. for Krtivoi. KTiAow, f. wow. aor. I med. ifcriXwoayunv to tame, —
KTEI'2, o, gen. ktcvos, a comb. 2. the weaver's civilise : to win the affections of.
comb, Lat. pecten or radius. 3. a rafo, barrow. 4. KTip,€vos, 77, ov, Ep. part. aor. 2 pass, of /crifa, built,
/£* &a»a\ tt/t'/A the fingers spread open. Hence founded: only in compd. iv-KTifitvo*. [i"]
ktcvcoi, Ion. fut. of KTeivo). ktIs, 1), = Ikt'is, a marten-cat, marten.
KTCvi£w, f. ia<u, to comb : to curry horses : Med., —
ktio-is, ecus, ij, (KTifa) a founding, settling, founda*
KTtvi£(o9ai /capias to comb one's hair. tion. 2. a making, creating : the creation of the
kt€v£ov, to, Dim. of KTfis, a small comb. universe. II. the world or universe itself. 2.
KT€Vko-p6s, 6, (tcrevifa) a combing. a created thing, creature. [1]
KTeopuxi, Ion. for ttraopai. KTio-p.o, oto*, to, (kt<£o>) a created thing, creature.
KTtpas, arot, to, {Kraopai) = /criavov, Krrjfia. Kriaraa, Ep. aor. 1 of tcrifa.
KTtpca, to, {KT&ofiai) properly = KTr\\tara, posses~ KTionjs, ov, 6, (KTifa) a founder, establisber.
sions, property : but mostly of favourite possessions, KTio-nis, vos, ij, Ion. for kt'hjis.
such as pieces of armour, burnt with the dead: gene- KTi<rrci>p, opos, 6, Kriarrjs. =
rally, funeral honours, obsequies; see tcrtpcifa, ktittjs [r] ov, o, (/crifa) a founder, colonist: gene-
KTtpifa. rally, an inhabitant.
KT€p€t£<i>, f. t£w, lengthd. for /crepifa, to bury with KTi57r«a, f. yaw: aor. 1 iicrv'irqoa poet. Krvmjaa:
due honours — with ace. of cognate sense, KTtpta aor. 2 (ktvitov Ep. ktvwov : {ktvitos) : I. intr.

KT(pci((iv to pay funeral honours ; see tcrcpifa. to crash, as trees falling to ring, resound, echo. II.
KTep(£w, fut. fcrepiai: aor. I f/criplaa: (KT(pca): —
to resound: trans, to
Pass, to ring, resound. make —
to bury with due honours: —
with ace. of cognate Hence
sense, KTtpea KTtpifav to pay funeral honours, Lat. KTvjrr|pa, otoj, t6, a sound, a crashing: a clapping
justa facer e, exequias facere. of the hands. [0]
KTcpiovox, 3 pi. fut. of KT(pi£a>. ktvitos, ov, 6, (rvmoS) any loud noise, the crash of
KTepio-para, to, (trrepifa) = irrepla. thunder, rattling of chariots, clash of arms. [C]
ktc(i>, KTcwftcv, I sing, and pi. Ep. aor. 2 subj. of kvSOos, 0, {icioS) a cup for drawing wine out of the
KTflVOJ. Kparffp or bowl. II. an Attic measure holding

KTT)0t|v<u, aor. 1 inf. of fcrdoftai, used in pass, sense. two Kdyx "* about of a pint. III. a cupping- &
KTfj|ia, oto*, to, (KTaofiai) anything gotten, a pied glass.
of property, possession —
in pi. HT^fMira, possessions , KtttpcuTOS, i\, 6v, (ievan«voj) chosen by beans, i. e. by lot.
property, goods. II. a thing, like xprjput. Ktdp.€V(D, f. aw, {Kvanot) to choose by beans or lot.
kttjvt)86v, Adv. (ferrjvot) like beasts. Kiiap-taios, a, ov, (Kva/xos) of the size of a bean.
kttjvos, €o», to, (tfrdo/iai) properly, like KrrjfUt, a KT'A-M02, 0, a bean. II. the lot by which
piece of property ; chiefly used in pi. mijvta, contr. public officers were elected at Athens; 6 Kvdfup kaxvv
KT-qvrj, property in herds or flocks, cattle : rarely in an officer chosen by lot, = K\rjpoxr6$.
sing, of a single bead of cattle, an ox or sheep. K$&po-Tpw£, wyos, 6, {ie6apos, rpiryoS) bean-eater.
icrf|<raiTO, 3 sing. aor. opt. of tcraofxai. 1 K«ap.o-4>&Yia >)» {Xvapios, <payuv) eating of beans.

KTT]<rios, o, ov, also os, ov, {Krr^ait) of or from One's a bean-diet.

property; tcr-qaiov fioruv a sheep of one's own Kvav-ai-yCs, idos, ij, (ittavoi, atyit) with dark Aegis,
: ;

KVavd^LTTV^ — /cWco. 897

rudv-dp.irv£, vtco$, 6, fj, {icvavos, ajiirv£) u/itb dark icOpioT-ijT^ip, ijpos, 6, (icv&iOTaoJ) a jumper headfore-
blue band or margin. most, a diver: a mountebank tumbler.
Kvdv-avYTjS, is, {icvavos, aiiyfj) dark - gleaming, KT'B02, 6, Lat. cubus, a solid square, a cube. II.

murky. a cubical marked on all six sides for the game of

Kvdv«ai {ic. vrjaot or irlrpai), at, the Dark Rocks, dice the Greeks threw three dice rpls $£ flaXtiv to
: ;

two small islands at the entrance of the Euxine ; also, throw three sixes, i. e. to throw the highest throw,
Kvdvtai ^vfinKrjydSfs. [&] have complete success xpiveiv ti kv icvfiois to decide

(ct»&v-«p.{3o\os, ov, {icvdvcos, 1/ijSoXov) with dark a thing by the dice, i. e. by chances.
blue prow or peak. KvSd£o), no fut. in use, (k'voos), to revile, abuse: —
icvdvfos, a, ov, {icvavos) dark blue : generally, dark, Pass, to be mocked, insulted, {/cvbafa is used in bad,
dusky, murky, [y] Kvbaivaj in good sense.)
Kvdvo-pX«4>Spos, ov, {icvavos, 0\4cpapov) dark-eyed. KvSatvo), f dvui: aor I 'acvodva Ep. Kvorjva: {icvdos):

kv&vo-«ioy|s, «, {icvavos, eldos) dark blue, deep — to honour, do honour to, glorify, praise : also of
blue. the outward appearance, to beautify, adorn : to glad-
K-uav6-6pi£, rpixos, 6, i), 'icvavos, Opi£) dark-baired. den by marks of honour. II. seldom in bad sense,
Kvdv6-Tre£a, i], {icvavos, ir«'£a) with feet of cy anus. to flatter. See icvbafa.
Kvdvo-irtirXos, ov, {icvavos, iri-nKos) dark-veiled. Kv8dXip.os, ov, {kv5os) glorious, renowned, famous
\jcv-, metri grat.] KvSakifiov tcijp noble heart.
icvdvo-irpcppeios and tcvdvo-irpiopos, ov, {icvavos, kv8&vo> |d], = Kvbatvoj, to honour, bold in ho-
vpypa) with dark blue prow, dark-prowed. nour. II. intr. = KvStdoj, to vaunt aloud, boast.
Kiidvo-irT«pos, ov, {icvavos, impuv) with dark blue Kv5f,vat, aor. I inf. of icvSaivoj.
or black feathers, dark-winged. kvStjvcv, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of Kvbaivu.
KT'A~N02, ov, 6, cyanos, a dark blue substance, used kvSt|€is, coca, tv, {kvSos) glorious, noble.
in the Heroic age to adorn works in metal, perhaps itvSi-dvcipa, 17, {icvbos, dvrjp) fem. Adj like &vti~
blue steel. II. the blue corn-flower. dvfipa, as from a masc.
if in -dvojp, man-ennobling,
rudvo-oroXos, ov, {icvavos, aroKrj) dark robed. bringing glory to men.
itudv-odjipvs, v, gen. vos, {icvavos, 6<ppvs ) dark-browed. tctiStdw, Ep. part. kvSwojv, no fut. in use : {kvoos) :

icvavo-xcurrjs, ov, 6, {icvavos, xaiT-q) dark-baired; — to vaunt or pride oneself, Lat. gloriari : hence to
of a horse, dark-maned. exult, rejoice.
•cDdvo-xpoos, ov, XP^S, orros, 6, ^, {icvavos, xP^t Kv8lp.OS, OV, =
XP<*>*) dark-looking, of dark colour or complexion. KvSiotov, Ep. part, of icvSidoj.
ict)dv-<i>irns, ov, 6, {icvavos, uAp) dark-eyed: fem. icu8iotos, fj, ov, Sup. of icvfipus (formed from kvoos,
Kvdv-iims iSos. as ato'x t0"ros from alaxos), most glorious, most ho-
KripSd, Adv. {Kvirroi) witbtbebeadforwards, stooping. noured, noblest : the greatest.
K$0€ia, ij, {/cv&tvoj) dice-playing, dicing, gambling: KuSC<i>v [t], ov, gen. ovos, Comp of icvopos (see kv-
hence height, trickery, deceit. oiotos), more glorious, nobler : generally, better.
Kvj3«Xt], i), Cybele, a Phrygian goddess, worshipped KUSVOS, T}, OV, = KVOpuS.
throughout Asia Minor, also at Greece, and later at KftSoiSoirdu, f. ijau, {Kv8oip6s) to make a hubbub
Rome, under the name of the ldaean Mother. or uproar.
KT~BEPNA'n, fut. taw, Lat gubtrno, to steer : KvSoip.€o>, fut. T/aai, {KvSoifMut) to make an uproar,
metapb. to bold the helm of the state, guide, govern. spread confusion and nlarm. II. trans, to drive
Hence in confusion.
KviPtpvT,o-is Dor. -d<rts, caw, %, a steering, pilotage: KTAOIMO'2. 6, uproar, confusion, tumult, hubbub.
meuph. a guiding, governing. KT' A02, cos, to, glory, fame, renown, esp. in war:
KtiPtpvfjTa, VOC. Of KV0tpVT)TT]S. kvoos dpiaOai to win glory ; of a hero, ptya icvbos
K\/^cpW|Tcipa, i), fem. of Kv^tpvq-rqp. 'A-xonSw the great glory or pride of the Achaeans,
form for icv&tpvh\Tr\*.
icuj3«pvT]TT|p, fipos, 6, rarer like Lat. decus.
a steersman, helmsman,
Kvj3«pvTjTr|S, ov, o, (Kvptpvaaj) KvSpos, d, 6v, {Kvbos) glorious, illustrious, noble
Lat. gubernator: metaph. a guide, governor. Hence of a horse, proud, stately.
Kv0€pvT)Tiic6s. ^. ov, skilled in steering or governing. Kv8o>v or KfiSoma, 1), Cydonia, a city of Crete.
Kvfivoiti, f. oqj, {icvfios) to play at dice : to run a Kv8amdco, to swell like a quince. From
hazard, take the chances. a. trans, to set upon a KvSwvios, a, ov, {KvSojv) Cydonian, i. e. Cretan
throw. /ifjKov KvSdjviov the quince. II. metaph. swell-
Kv^uTTdo), f. Jjaoj, (/cvVrw) to throw oneself bead- ing like a quince, round and plump.
foremost, tumble headlong : to plunge headlong into Kviv, older form for kvoj, impf. iicvow: fut. Kvqaoi:
water, dive : to tumble, turn heels over bead, turn a aor. I iinrqaa I. trans, to bear in the womb, to
summerset, of mountebanks. Hence be pregnant of, Lat. gestare. II. intr. to be preg-
KV0urn]tia, arot, to, a summerset. nant, to conceive.
: —
KV'0 € _. KTAI'NAfl.

kvO«, Ep. for (K$Qe, 3 sing. aor. 2 of k(v0oj. kvkXo-ttoico), f. rjaoi, (kvkXos, iroiiw) A. make into
KvQipeia, 17, Cytberea, surname of Veuus, from the a circle, form like a circle.
city KvOrjpa in Crete, or from the island KvOrjpa. KY'KAOS, ov, 6, also with irreg. pi. KVKXa, a ring,
Kv6t)pa, ojv, tcl, Cytbera, an island on the south of round, circle: kvkXoj as Adv. in a circle, round
Laconia, now Cerigo. about : also like a Prep., c. ace, kvkKqj cfjfia round
Kv0T]po-8iKTjs, ov, 6, (KvOrjpa, 5'ikt)) a Spartan ma- about the monument and c. gen., kvkXoj rod arpa-

gistrate sent annually to govern the island of Cytbera. toitcSov. II. any circular body : as, I. a
Ki>0Tjp60«v, Adv. (Kvdrjpa) from Cytbera. wheel. 2. a place of assembly ; also like Lat. co-

KvOpa, -8pivos, -Opos, Ion. for X^ TP~- rona, a crowd of people standing round, a ring or
KviarKui, only used in pres. (kvoj, kv(<u) to impreg- circle of people. 3. the vault of the sky : the
nate : — Pass, to become pregnant, conceive. moon's disk. 4. the circle or walls surrounding a
icuic&vdco, collat. form ot kvkcloj, to confound. city, esp. of Athens. 5. a shield. 6. in pi. the
KT K A H, f. rjcw, to mix up, beat up and mix. II. balls of the eye. UI. any circular motion, or-
like Lat. miscere, to stir up, mix together: to throw into bit or revolution.
confusion, confound: — Pass, to be confounded, panic- kvkX6o-€, Adv. (kvk'aos) in or into a circle, around.
stricken: also of the mind, to be disquieted, agitated. kvkXo-o-oPco), f. ri'io), {kvkXos, ao&eoj) to drive
kSk€wv, wvos, 6 ace. KVKtuiva, shortd. Ep. kvk t£» and
: round in a circle, whirl round.
KVKfiw (kvkcuu) a mixture, a mixed drink, refresh-
: kvkXo-t€pt)s, es, (kvkXos, TilpoS) made round by
ing draught, tankard, compounded of barley-meal, rubbing or turning, circular; KVKXortpts to£ov irei-
grated cheese and wine. vfv he bent the bow into a circle.
KVKTjOfjo-av, 3 pi. aor. 1 pass, of kvkclo). kvkXoci), f. wa<u, (kvkXos) to encircle, surround ; but
KvKT)0pov, t6, (KVKaoj)a ladle for stirring: metaph. in this sense mostly in Med. II. to drive round

a turbulent fellow, agitator. [0] and round, whirl round. III. to form into a
KtJKTJO-C-T«4>pOS, OV, (KVKCLO), T(<Ppd) circle: —
form a circle, be bent round; also
mixed Up with Pass, to
ashes. wheeling into a crescent shape.
of a fleet
KVicXdpXvos, ij, cyclamen, sow-bread, a bulbous plant, KiiicAwpu, aros, to, (kvkXooi) anything made into a
with a fragrant flower used for garlands. circle, as a wheel. 2. &voo6tovov kvkXoj/mj a circle
icvtcAds, ados, 17, (kvkXos) encircling : al KvKXafas with hide stretched over it, i. e. a drum.
(sub. vrjaoi), the Cyclades, islands in the Aegaean sea, KvicAcoimos, a, ov, (KvkXoj^) Cyclopean, of or be-
which encircle Delos. II. of Time, circling, re- fitting the Cyclopes, commonly used of the ancient

volving. architecture attributed to them (also called UtXaa-

kukAccd, f. rjaoj, (kvkXos) to move a thing round yiKos).
and round, wheel along; woSa kvkXuv to walk round Kvk Aomin 6s, i], 6v, of or like the Cyclops. Adv. -k&s.
and round —
Pass, to surround, encircle. II. KvicXumov, to, Dim. of KvKXoxp.
intr. to revolve, come round and round. KvicAbWios, a, ov, - KvKXumeios: — pecul. fern. Kvk-
kvkXuxs, ados, -q, {kvkKos) fern. Adj. round, circular. Awms, ihos.
kvkAikos, tj, ov, (kvkXos) circular. II. those kvkAcoo-is, (<vs,i), (kvk\6oj) a surrounding, enclosing.
Epic poets were called ei KvkXikoi, whose writings kvkAwtos, i\, rounded, round.
6v, (kvkXooj)
collectively formed a cycle or series of heroic legends KvkAo>4», omos, 6, (kvkXos, cfy) a Cyclops, i.e.
down to the death of Ulysses. Round-eye ; as Hesiod says, KvKXoires 8' ovofi' %o~av
KvicXio-SlSdo-KdXos, 6, (kvkXios, SiSdaKoi) a teacher eirwvvfwv, ovv^k' dpa a<pt<uv KVKXoTfpfp 6<p0aXfiis
of the cyclic chorus, a ditbyrambic poet. Zeis (VfKeiro fi€Tumqj : —
of Polyphemus ; but
in sing,
kvkAios, a, ov, also os, ov, (kvkXos) round, circular: Hesiod mentions three Cyclopes, Brontes, Steropes, and
neut. T«i kvkXiov, as Subst. a circle. II. kvkXioi Arges, who forged the thunderbolts for Zeus.
X<>poi, ol, circular or cyclic choruses, dancing in a kvkvcios, a, ov, (kvkvos) of or like a swan.
ring round the altar of the god ; chiefly appropriated KVKv6-pop4>os, ov, (kvkvos, fioptyq) swan-shaped.
to those of Bacchus, ditbyrambic choruses; hence, KT'KN02, 6, a swan, Lat. eyenus. II. me-
KvtcAia ji€\t} dithyrambs. taph. from the swan's dying song, a poet.
KvicXo|3opcci>, f. -qaoi, to roar like the torrent of kvkv-oi|/is, (ojs, 6, ij, (kvkvos, 6\pis) like a swan.
Cycloborus. KT'AA, ojv, to,, the parts under the eyes.
KuicAo-p6pos, 6, (kvkXos, QippwoKw) a mountain- KttAivSccd, f. i]ao), late form of kvXivSoj. Hence
torrent in Attica. Ki)AivST)6pa, 1), = dXivSrjOpa and:

kvk\o-6i(dktos, ev, (kvkX»s, hiwKoS) driven round kvAiv8tj<tis, (ojs, 17, a rolling, wallowing. 2. ex-
in a circle, [f] ercise, practice.
kvkXocis, taaa, tv, (poet, for kvkXikos) circular. KT'ATNAn, fut. KvXio-o) [r] : aor. I iievXlaa, inf.
kvkX60cv, Adv. (kvkXos) in a circle all around. KvXtcrat : aor. I pass. ckvXioOtjv : — older form of kv-
kvkXo-|x6Xi|3Sos, d, (kvkXos, fi6Xi&Sos) a round XivSioj, to roll, roll on or along. II. Pass, kv-
lead-pencil. Xivoofuu, to be rolled or roll along, to roll or toss, like
: :

KTfAIE— Kvvodapcrns. 899

a ship at sea : to roll or wallow in the dirt. i. to Kv(io-StYp.o>v, ov, gen. ovos, (kv(m, i(x°lia receiv-
be circulated, be much ing or meeting tbe waves.
talked of, like Lai. jactari. 3.
to be employed on a thing, like Lat. versari. Kvva, Kvvas, ace. sing, and pi. of kvojv.
KTAI3 iv , Xkos, 1), a cup, drinking-cup. KwuY«o-£a, KwavtTas, Dor. for icvvny-.
KvXto^rj, 3 sing Ep. aor. 1 pass, of kvKioj. Kuv-dyos, 6v, Dor. for tevvnyus, but the Dor. form
to is always used in Att. poets: (kvojv, dyoj)
Kv\ur\ia, O.T0S, to, (kvKivo'oj) a roll: also a place dog-lead- —
roll in. [y~\ ing : hence as Subst. a hunter, huntsman.
KtiXCxvii, 1), (kv\i() a small cup. Hence KCv-dYX"n» $> (kvojv, ayxofuxi) cynancbe, a bad kind
KvXixvtov, to, a little cup or box. of !-ore throat. II. a dog-collar.
icvXio) [t], late form for kv\iv5oj. Kvv-&y<i>y6s, 6, (kvojv, dyoj) a dog-leader, huntsman.
KvXXoo-rts Ion. kvXXtjotis, tot, 6, Egyptian bread KiJV-aXtiiTT]!, (Kos, 1), (kvojv, d\wirrj£) a fox-dog,
made from 6\vpa. mongrel between dog and fox •
applied as a nickname
kvXXt|, j), see kv\\6s. to Cleon.
KvXXtjvt], j), Cyllene, a mountain in Arcadia: Kt'vd-pvia, ij, (kvojv, ftvta) dog-fly, shameless fly.
whence Hermes was called KvXXtjvios, 6. Kvvdpiov, to, Dim. of kvojv, a little dog, whelp,
KvXXo-iroBfov »], ovos, 5, (*vAA<$», vovs) maimed puppy, [an
offoot, baiting, Ep. name of Vulcan. Kvvds, aios, Adj. of a dog, Lat. caninus.
fern. II.

kvXXos, 17, ov, crooked, crippled, bait. 2. Kv\\i) as Subst., Kvvds (sub. 6pi£),-f), dog's bair, of a bad fleece.

X«tp is tbe band with the fingers bent to make a hol- Kvvdu), f. tjooj, (kvojv) to play tbe Cynic
low for alms; 2/x/SaA.c /n/AAjj (sub. X uP l ) P ut ** mt0 kCv€tj, Att contr. kwt]. (properly fern, of Kvveot,
tbe hollow of tbe band. sub. Sopa), J), a dog's skin, a leather cap or bonnet, a
KvX-oiSidw, (KvKa, olbaoj) to have a swelling below soldier's cap : a helmet of any kind : a bonnet.
tbe eye, from blows or from sleepless nights. Kvvei, Ep. for (Kvvei, 3 sing. impf. of Kvviot.
Kvp.a, aro$, to, (kioj) anything swoln, tbe swell of kvvcios, a, ov, also os, ov, (kvojv) of a dog
the sea, a wave, billow, surge: collectively, ws t6 kvvcos, a, ov, (kvojv) of or like a dog : metaph.
kvim. ioTfxuro when tbe waves abated. II. like shameless, unabashed.
icvqfia, tbe foetus in tbe womb, embryo. Kvves, nom. pi. of kvojv.
Kvpaivu, f. avui, (Kvfta) to swell or rise in waves, KTTNE'Xl. fut. Kvvrjaonat, but also iciou [if], poet
surge, seethe : so also, metaph., of passion. Hence kvoooj aor. I i/cvoa Ep. Kvoa, ticvaoa, tn'aoa
: to —
Kv(jLdTias, ov, 6, Ion. ins, (kv/jul) surging, billowy. 2. kiss: of doves, to bill. 2. to intreat, beseech.
act. causing waves, stormy. kDvtj, fj, Att. contr. for icvvin.
K\>\L&TO-ayrfi, it, (KVfia,dywfu) breaking like waves, KWTiY€o-Ca, ij, = Kwrjyfoiov.
ttormy. kCvt|Y€oxov, to, a bunting establishment, bunf .man
KvyAr6ft%, fooa, (v, poet, for KVfunias. and hounds, a pack of bounds. II. tbe bunt, chase:
KOjtdTO-irXTil, fjyos, 6, 1), (Kvua, vXrjaooj) wave- a hunting-ground. III. that which is taken in
beaten. bunting, tbe game. From
Kujidrow, f. uaot, (Kvpa) to drive tbe waves over: — KvVr)Y€T«ci>, f. i\oo), to bunt : to chase, pursue. 2.
Pass, to rise in waves, to swell, of the sea. to persecute, harass. From
Kv\L&r-toyT\, 1), (KVfia, dyvvfu) a place where tbe kvv-t]y«ttjs, ov, 6, Dor. KwaY«ras,
(kvojv, iftiopm):
waves break, beach, strand. a hunter, huntsman. Hence
Kvp,f3&Xi£u, f. Urn, (kvu&oXov) to play tbe cymbals. kvvt]Y€tiic6s, 17, oV, of or for hunting.
Kvp.f3&Xov, to, (/a'/i/3o») a cymbal, Lat. cymbalum. Ktiv-T|Y€Tis, ib~os, 1), fern, of KvvrjytTns, a huntress.
tcup.pax°Si ov, (kvittoj) bead-foremoit, Lat. pro- KCvrjYia, %, a hunt, chase. From
nus. II. KVfi&axos, 6, as Subst. tbe crown or top kvVtjyos, v. sub Kvvayos.
of a helmet, in which the plume is placed. kvvtjSov, Adv. (kvojv) like a dog, greedily.
KT MBH, 6, a hollow vessel: 1 a drinking vessel, KfivTiiroBes, ol, (kvojv vi, novs) tbe fetlocks of a horse

cup, bowl. II. a 60a/, Lat. cymba. Hence KvvOos, 6, Cyntbus, a mountain in Del< s, birthplace
KV(xpCov, to, Dim. a small cup. of Apollo and Artemis whence Apollo is called Kvv- ;

rujiiv8i$, Ion. name of the bird xa***», the night- Oios, Cyntbian, and KwOo-Yonqs, Cyntbos-born.
hawk ; XO^t'fa KlK^TjOKOVOl 6toi, dvhptS hi KV- KtiviStov, t6, Dim. of kvojv, a little dog.
udvbiv. kvvikos, i\, ov, (kvojv) of or like a dog, Lat. eaninus.
rtyiivevco, f. a<u, (/evpivov) to strew with cummin. cfcvCa-KT), ^, (ki'ojv) a bitcb-pupfy.
KYTttTNON. to, cummin, Lat. cumxnum. kCvCctkos. 6, (ki'ojv) a young dog, wbelp, puppy:
ctyuvo-irpCoT-ns, ov, 6, (kv^uvov, nploi) a cummin- metaph. a little Cynic.
splitter, i.e. a skinflint, niggard, churl. Kvvo-Spopcw, f. i\o~o), (kvojv, fipafiftv) to run down,

KCp.ivo-trpwrTO-Kap8dp.o-YXv4>os, ov, (KVfuvoirpi- chase with dogs : metaph to hint after

arrjt, Ktipbafioy\v<pot) a cummin-splitting cress- Kvvo-0apoTf|$ or -$powrr|S, is, (kvojv, Qappioi) impt*
tcraper, of an excessive miser. [0] dent as a dog.
— ; —
400 KWOK€<j)a\o y aupfotroi.

tcvvo-rK^aXos, ov, (kvojv, Kf<pak-q) dog-beaded. «. forward; often in aor. 1 part, with another VerW, $4ti
as Subst., KvvoKt<pa\os, o, the dog-beaded ape. kv\Jjo.s runs wi'b the head down; Kvipas ko$iu eats

kCvo-kXoitos, ov, {kvojv, tckfrrTOj) dog-stealing. stooping, i. e. greedily.

Kvvo-KOirea>, f. t\ooj, ^kvojv, kuittoj) to beat like a dog. Kvppas, avTos, 6, shortd. form of Kopv&at.

KWOfAuia, = Kwdpvia. Kvpf3&o-(a 1), a Persian bonnet or bat, with a peaked

icuvo-irp6o"(0'TTOS, ov, {kvojv, irpooojwev) dog-faced. crown. The king alone wore it upright.
Kvvo-pai<mf|S, ov. 6, {kvojv, paiat) a dog-tick. KT/PBEI2 or KvpPics, gf n. Kipfieojv, dat. KvpBtci,
kvvos, gen. of kvojv. triangular tables, forming a three-sided pvramid turn-
Kvvoo-apY^s, cos. to, Cynosarges, a gymnasium out- ing round on a pivot ; the few early laws of Athens
side the city of Athens, sacred to Hercules, for the us« were written on the three sides. II later, any

of those who were not of pure Athenian blood. pillars or tablets with inscriptions. III. the sing

Kw6o--(3diOS. 17, {kvojv, fidros) dog-tborn, a kind of Kvp0is is used later of a pettifogging lawyer.
w'ud rose. KTPE'ft and KYPft C] impf. Uipow [if! and :

Kvvocr-ovpa, 17, {kvvos, oi/pd) a dog's tail : esp. the iKvpov with Ep. 3 sing. Kvpe: fut. Kvpfiaaj and Kvpau:
Cynosure, name of the constellation Ursa Minor. aor. I cKvprjoa [v\, inf. Kvprjcai, part, tcvprjoas ; and
Ktivo-<nrapaKTOS,oi', (kvojv, onapdaaoj) torn by dogs. Ep. eKvpoa, inf. Kvpaai, part. Kvpaas: I. followed
kuv-oOxos, o, {kvojv. tx 01 ) a dog-bolder, dog-leash, by a case, 1. dat. to hit, light upon, reach, attain:
slip II. a dog-skin sack, used in hunting. to meet with, fall in with;
as kiojv awyucm Kvp-
dog-minded, aas.
KCv6-<f>pa)v, ov, gen. ovos, {kvojv, <pprjv) 2. dat. with km or hv, as, kiajv knl awyuan

sordid or shameless of soul. Kvpaas = \4ojv atapxni Kvpaas. 3. gen to reach to,
KvvTcpos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. formed from kvojv, more as far as : to arrive at, gain, win, obtain. 4. ace.
dng-like, i. e. more shameless, more audacious: —
Sup. to reach, obtain; also to find by chance. II. in-

KVVTO.TOS, rj, ov, most shameless. trans. to happen, come to pass, turn out. 3. absol.
kww, ovs, 17, {kvojv) a she-dog, bitch. to be right, bit the exact truth; with part., t6o' av ki-
Ktiv-fa>irn,s, ov, 0, {kvojv, wip) = kvvos op/jar €\'a»', yojv KvpTjaais you would be right in saying this. 3.
the do^-eyed, i.e. shameless one: — Kt)v-ums, as auxil. Verb, like Tvyxdvoj with partic. to turn out,

ibos, it, the shameless woman; also fierce-eyed, terrible. prove, happen to be so and so tcvpet &v be happens ;

Kxmcupos, Dor. for Kvirapos. to be.

Kimdpuroavos Att. -ttIvos, 17, ov, (icvifdpioaoi) K£pT]P<££a>, f. daw, (akin to tcvpiaau) to butt with the
made of cypress wood. horns : generally, to strike. Hence
KT-IIA'PI2202 Att. -ttos, 17, a cypress, Lat. Ki5pif)Pao-£a, 77, a butting : fighting.
cupressus. KTPH'BIA, wv, tcl, chaff, busks, bran.
KT'IIEIPON, t6, or icvimpos, o, a marsh-plant, Kvp-nvatos, a, ov, of Cyrene. From
used to feed horses, galingal. Kvpt\YT\, i[, Cyrene, the name of a Greek colony in
Kt»ir€XXo-p,Ax°S. ov, {kvitcWov, fiaxopai) at which Africa, famous for its breed of horses.
they fight with cups, cf. Horace's scypbis pugnare. Kvipia, ij, the mistress, lady.
KviTfXAov, t6, (icvirn) a capacious drinking-vessel, KvtpidKos,
"q, ov, {Kvpios) of, belonging to a lord or

a beaker, goblet, [y] master; esp. belonging to the (CHRIST*): LORD

KVirepos, 6, Ion. for Kvnapos. hence 1) Kvpiaici) (sub ^pepa), the Lord's day, dies
Kvirrj, it, mt yvmj, a bole, hollow. dominica : to KvpiaKov, the Lord's bouse, whence our
KvirpiStos, a, ov, (Kvirpis) of or like Cypris, lovely, kyrk, cburcb,
tender, delicate. [tS] Kvpievo), f. aw, to be lord or master of. From
Kvirpios, a, ov, (Kvirpos^ of Cyprus, Cyprian. Ktipios, o, ov, also os, ov, of men, (icvpos) : I .

Kvirpis, tSos, i), ace. Kvirpiv and KvirpiSa, Cypris. a having power or authority over, lord or master of, c.
name of Venus, from the island of Cyprus, where she gen. Kvpios eifu c. inf., / have the right or am en-

wa6 most worshipped. II. love. titled to do. of things, decisive, valid: cri-

KvTrpo--y«VT|s, is, {Kvnpot, 'yivoj) Cyprus-born: tical. 2. 3. of times l€/f*«rf,

authorised, ratified.
fern. Kv7Tpo-"y«v€ia Ep. ~Y€v«a, 17. appointed, regular : at Athens, Kvpia kKK\rjaia an
KvirpoOev, Adv. from Cyprus : and ordinary assembly, opp. to avyKkrjTos (KKXrjcia (one
KiiirpovBe, Adv. to Cyprus. From specially summoned), 4. principal, chief. 5.
KviTpos, ov, %, Cyprus, a Greek island on the south- esp. of language, strict, literal. III. as Subst.,
ern coast of Asia Minor. (Hence Lat. cyprium, our Kvpios, 6, a lord, master : an owner, possessor : 2.
copper.) 6 K^os^Hebr. JEHOVAH, THE LORD: in N.T.
icvirrdfw, f. daaj: Frequentative from kvittoj, to keep of CHRIST. Hence
stooping, to go poking or pottering about a thing. Kt)piOTT)s, ijtos, j), power, rule, dominion.
KTTTTfl, f. Kv\poj : aor. I tKvxpa : pf. nikv<pa : to Kvpio-o-u Att. -tto), fut. i£oj, (Kopvs) to butt with
bend forward, stoop : to bow down under a burden the horns : also to strike or dash against, of floating
Kffta KocufioTa is to f/iirpoaOfv horns growing bent bodies.
: — — ;

Kvpkus — KcaKrj. 401

KOpU*, Adv. of icvptos, lilt* a lord or master, au- in labour with a thought.
II. Causal in aor. T
thoritatively. 2. rightfully, fitly. of the male, to impregnate, make to con-
act. iievoa,
Kvpicavduj. rare form for KVKavaoj. ceive but in aor. I med. (Kvadfirjv, to conceive.

*vp\ux, arot, t6, (icvpoj) (bat which one lights upon. KT'flN, 6 and ^, gen. kvvos, dat. kvv'i, ace. icvva,
% godsend, booty, prey, spoil.
TP05, (os, t6, supreme power, authority, II.
voc. kvov :

plur. nom. Kvvts, gen. kvvoiv, dat. kvo'i
Ep. Kvvtaoi, ace. kvvos : —
a dog or bitcb ; kvv(s rpa-
validity, security. Kvpos, 6 Cyrus,
III. as pr. n. n((r}ts house-dogs, that fed while their master was at
the founder of the Persian empire. Hence table ; Kvvts Orjptvrai bounds, of which the Laconian
Kvp6fe, f. wow aor. I itcvpouaa. — Pass., aor. kiev- breed was famous, and later the Molossian. II.
— I

piMhjv •
pf. Kcicvpwuai to make valid or sure, Lat. a dog, bitcb, as a word of reproach, to denote shame-
ratum facere : to settle, accomplish : to confirm, ra~ lessness or audacity. III. this term is often ap-

tify: — Pass, to be ratified, fixed, settled; c. inf., k/texv- plied to the faithful or watchful servants of the gods
fQJTO Wfi&aWeiv it bad been decided to engage. so the eagle is Aius wrrjvos kvojv the griffins also are
tcvpcrai, Kvpaas, aor. I inf. and part, of tcvpoj. Znvos Kvvts. IV. a sea-dog. V. the dog-
KVpO-Ci), fut. Of KVpOJ. star. VI. the fetlock-joint of a horse.
icvpT€VTTjs, ov, o, (KvpTt)) a fisherman. koj, Ion. for ttoj.
KTTTH, 77, a fishing-basket, weel, Lat. nassa. Kuas, later contr. Kuis, t<5 : irreg. pi. nom. and ace
rupTOs,— /cipTr).
6, Kwta, dat. Kueai (K<ifiat) : :
—a soft fleece, sheepskin.
KTPTO'2, 6v, curved, 17. bent, arched; tjfioj Kvprdj Kci)8apiov, to, Dim. of kw8iov. [a]
round, bumped shoulders: convex, opp. to concave. KuSeia, i) the bead : the bead of a poppy.

KvpTOto, (Kvpr^s) to curve, bend, arch. kwSiov, to, Dim. of Kuas, a fleece, sheepskin.
KT'Pfl, = Kvpiai, of which it is the Radic. form. Kfl'AflN, ojvos, 6 Att. ij, a bell : in fortified towns
K-upcoo-is, (qjs. 1), {Kvp6oj) a ratification : hence exe- a bell was passed round at night from sentinel to sen-
cution, accomplishment, [y] tinel to secure their being at their post ; rov kojSojvos
tcva-a, Ep. for (Kuoa, aor. of Kvveco I : inf. kwm. irap(V(\6(VT0s as the bell went its rounds. 2. an
Kvanp.evrj, aor. I part. med. of Kvot. alarm-bell: metaph. a noisy rattlingfellow. II. the

kvctQos, 6, (kvo)) any hollow. mouth of a trumpet : also the trumpet itself. Hence
rGo-C, dat. pi. of kvojv. K0)8a>vi£a>, f. too) Att. tat, to try or prove by ringing.
KXta-a-a, Ep. for t/cvaa, aor. l of kwIoi. KuScovo-KpoTOS, ov, (kojSojv, KpoTtoi) ringing or
kwtvs, ecus and wt, j) (*va>) = kvcttj, the bladder : jingling as with bells.

generally, a bag, pouch. Kb>8(i>vo-(j>dXSp6-iro)Xos, ov, (kwSojv, <pa\apa, irah

Kvcru, fut. of kwcoj. \os) with bells on bis horses' trappings.
KT'T1"202, 6, cytisus, a shrubby kind of clover. K(i)8(i>vo-<t>opco>, f. -fjaoj, (kojo^vv, <pipoj) to carry bells :
KVTp.Cs, ioot, J), a kind of plaster. to go the rounds (cf. kwSojv) so in Pass., atravra :

Ktrro-yaCTTcop, opot, 6, j}, {/euros, yaoTTjp) with ca- Ko)6ojvo<popeiTai everywhere the bell goes round, i. e.
pacious belly, capacious. the sentinels are challenged.
kvtos, (os, t6, (/n/a>) a hollow : a hollow vessel, a Kbita, kucox, Ep. nom. and dat. pi. of tauas.
vase, jar, pot, urn. II. the body, the skin, Lat. cutis. Kn'0HN, ojvos, 6, a Laconian earthen drinking-
tnnpa, KVTpos, Ion. for xxirp-. vessel : generally, a cup, goblet.
•cuTTSpov, t6, m sq., a pine-cone. KCdOwvLov, to, Dim. of kwOojv.
KVTTdpos, 6, (kvtos) any hollow or cavity; Kxmapot KutXos, a, ov, Aeol. for koi\o$.
ovpavov the vault of heaven, Lat. cavum coeli : the Kujlos, a, ov, contr. K<j>os, q. v.
cell of a honeycomb: the cup of an acorn: a pine-cone. Ku>Kvp,a, aros, to, (kojkvoj) a shriek, wail, lament.
Kv^-Hyuiybs, o, {Kv<p6t, dyoj) with arching neck. kcokvtos, 6, (kojkvoj) a shrieking, wailing. II.

Kv>4>a\«'os, o, ov, poet, for tev<p6s. as pr. n., Kojkvtos, 6, Cocytus, the river of wailing,
kv4>6s, i\, 6v, (Kticwpa, pf. of kvvtoj) bent or bowed one of the rivers of hell.
forwards, stooping. Hence KflKTTl, f. vaoj [y] or vcofiai : aor. l (KWKtiaa Ep.
kv<J>u)V, ojvos, 6, a crooked piece of wood, esp. the bent KWKvaa to shriek, cry, wail, lament. :

yoke of the plough. II. a sort of pillory in which Kco\-ciYptTT]s or -atcp«TTjs, ov, 6, (so called Ik tov
animals were fastened by the neck. 2. one who has dyupftv rds kojXcls) the collector of the fragments :

been in the pillory, Lat. furcifer. at a sacrifice, name of an ancient magistracy at
rOu/at, Kvij/as, aor. I inf. and part, of Kvirroj. Athens, originally entrusted with the charge of the
cvuVfXt), j), (Kvmj) any hollow vessel: a chest, box, finances afterwards they only had to see after the :

hin (whence Cypselus was called). public table in the Prytaneium, and the payment of
KvyVcAtSat, ol, the descendants of Cypselus. the dicasts.
KT'fl, to bold, contain : i.e. ace, like Kvtoj, to KcoXdpiov, t6, Dim of kuXov.
carry in the womb, Lat. gestare. 2. absol. to be ko)\t|, i), contr.koj\(6. or KaAta, (kw\ov\ the
big with young, be pregnant, conceive: metaph. to be tbigb-hone with the flesh, hind-quarter, bam.
: : :

402 K(i>kif\r — K<airq.

kco\i]«|/, tjtros , r), (kwXov, kwXt}) the hollow or bend K&pos,

merrymaking,ov, 0, (tctofirj) a revel, carousal,
of the knee*. Lat. comessatio, with music and dancing
it enaed ia :

KwAids (sub. aicpa), &Sos, r), Colias, a promontory the party parading the streets with crowned heads,
of Attica, with a temple of Venu» there. and with torches, singing and dancing: there were
KfVAON, t6, a limb, member of a body. II. also Ku/fioi. festal processions, in honour of several
generally, a member or part of anything. I. of a gods, as Bacchus, and also in honour of the victors at
building, the side or front. 2. one limb or half of the games. II. the band of revellers ; metaph.
the race-course. 3. a member or clause of a sen- any riotous band or company. III. the Ode sung
tence. at one of these festive processions.
KuXvu.a, aros, t6, (kcoXvoj) a hindrance, obstruction, Kco(t(p8cb>, f. f)a<u, (/eajfjupfos) to represent in a come-
Lat. impedimentum. II. a defence or precaution dy : to ridicule, caricature Pass, to be so satirised. —
against a thing. Kti>|jupSta, r), (KQjfx(fb(CL<) a comedy : a mirthful spec-
KwXvp.1), r), = KajXvfia. [y] tacle or exhibition. There were three periods of Attic
KcoXvo-C-Spojxos, t], ov, {kq}\v(u, Spofios) checking the Comedy, the Old, the Middle, and the New. Henct
course. KcujjKpSiKos, t), ov, of or for comedy, comic.
kcoXvtcov, verb. Adj. of k<u\vo), one must hinder. K<i>jjupS6-YeX<i>s, euros, 6, (icojjxq>86s t ytXojs) a comic
Kti>\vrf|s, ov, 6, (kojAvoj) a binderer. actor.
kojXvtikos, 17, 6v, (koj\voj) hindering, preventive. Ku)|jup8o-Ypd<)>os, 6, (Ka)fMpl>6s,ypa<poJ) a comic writer.
kcoXijco [0], f. vtro) Ji] : aor 1 iicwXvoa : — Pass., fut. Kwp.cpSoStSao'K&Xta, ?), the rehearsing a comedy with
KcoXvOrjo-ofiat, but also f. med KuXvoopm in pass, the actors : generally, the comic poet's art. From
sense : aor. I ckcoXvOtjv : pf. /teicwkvfini : (/tokos) :— Kcap^pSo-SlSdo-K&Xos, 6, (Ka>fi(y56s. SibaaieaXos) a
akin to koXovoj, to cut short : hence to let, hin- comic poet, because he had the charge of teaching and
der : 1. c. inf. to binder one from doing, forbid to training the actors, chorus, etc.
do. 2. c. gen. rei, to let or binder one from a kwu,u>So-Aoix«cl>, f f)aa, (/ewfuptios, Aeix«>) to play the
thing. 3. c. ace. rei, to binder, prevent a thing. 4. parasite and buffoon.
absol., esp. in part., kwKvocuv one to binder, a pre- Kojpcj>8o--rrotT]TT|s, ov, 6, and
venter to kqjKvov a hindrance ; also ov Kaj\v(t there
; Kci>^a>5o-rroL6s, 6, (KUfjupSos, iroiiai) a maker of co-
is no hindrance. II. Pass, to be hindered. medies, comic poet.
Kuj(ia, aros, t6, (/ceifuu, Koifidu) a deep, sound sleep, aoiSos) a comedian
Ka)fjL-a>o6s, 6, (tca/fiT), I. a
Lat. sopor. 2. a lethargy, a trance comic actor. a comic poet
Ka>|i.a£co, fut. aaoj or aaopai aor. I (Kupaaa : pf. : Kb>|io>8o-Tp&YC()Sia, tj, {nojfMf56s, rpayyoia) a tragi*
K(Ku>fw.Ka Dor. pres. ttcopdo-So), f. a£ofMu, aor. I comedy.


(KWfxafa : (ku>(ios) : to go about with a company of KH'NEION, t6, hemlock, Lat. cicuta. 2. hem-
revellers, revel, make merry. 2. to celebrate a lock juice, a poison by which criminals were put t«
Kcjfios or merrymaking, honour of the victor at the
in death at Athens.
games, to join in these festivities : to honour or cele- Komov, to, Dim. of kojvos, a small cone.
brate in or with the ku>(ios. 3. generally, to visit k(i)v(tt)S [t], ov, 6, fern, -ins, 180s, extracted from
or break in upon in the manner of revellers : to burst pine-cones.
in, force a way in. Kn~N02, ov, 6, a pine-cone, fir-cone —
as fern, a
K<i>|j.-dpxT)S, ov, 6, (xd/ftij, apx<») the bead of a village. pine or fir tree. 2. the cone or peak of a helmet.
Kcopdo-Su). Dor. for Kojfiafa. Kwvo-<J>6pos. ov, (kwvos, <pipoi) cone-bearing, as pines,
Kwpao-rT|s. ov, 6, (Kojfmfa) a reveller, merrymaker: etc.: alsoof the thyisus, which had a pine-cone on the
— of Bacchus, the jolly god. point.
KO)p,AoTO)p, opos, 6, poet, for Kajfiao'Trjs. Kovwrreiov, t6, = Kttivomt&iv, Lat. conopium.
KflTMH, f), = Lat. vicus, an unwalled village or Kcovwrrcuv, uvos, 6, (K&jvofip) an Egyptian bed or
country town, a Dor. word the Att. br)[ios; KaraL litter with mosquito-curtains.
Kwuas ol/teiodai to dwell in villages, as opp. to walled KH N£l¥, anros, 6, a gnat, Lat. culex.
towns. II. of a city, a quarter, ward, district. Kwos, a, ov, of, from the island Cos, Coan. II
Hence 6 Kb>os, often written kwos (sub. @6\os), the highest
Kfa>p,T]S6v, Aiv. in villages, Lat. vicatim. thr'-w with the dice, counting six, opp. to Xtos, which
k««>ji.t|T7)S,ov °» KKUPH ) a villager, cor/n'ryman.
' II. counted one : hence the proverb, K9J0J irpos Xtov.
in a ci?y, one of the same ward, Lat. vicinus gene- Kwircvs, iojs, 6, (icwirn) apiece of woodfit for an oar,

rally, an inhabiant. a spar for an oar.

KO)p.f,Tis, tbos, fern, of Kaifir/rijs. KbJircvci). f aoi, (Kwirn) to propel with oars. 2. to, Dep. to .-peak like a comic poet. From fit out with oars.
ica>u.tK:6s, f), 6v, (tcuifxos) of or for comedy, comic. Ktoirr). j), (from Kairru, capio, as Kafir) from \ap-

Kb>u.6--rroXis, tws, 6, (Ku/fiTj. *6\is) a village-town, a @ava)) any handle, as the handle of an oar : then, the
town built in a straggling way. oar itself. 2. the handle or baft of a sword, the
bilt, Lat. manubrium. 3. the handle of a key 4 to o£tiv, 65-cub'ivai. VI. in some words y and A
thehandle or baft of a torch. Hence are interchanged, as in fwy is and fxokis. VII. v
taoa, (v, billed.
k<iott|€is, before A becomes A, as in avKKa^dvu vaXlWoyos
KuirrjXSTfu, f. -qaa}, to row : to move like an oar, iWfinoj.
move backwards and forwards. From AA", insep. Prefix with intensive force (like Am-,
tcam-T]XATT)S, ov, 0, (/cum], t\avv<v) a rower, Lat. A<-, da-, £a-), e. g. in ka-pax * very warlike, Ka-tcar-
remex. dparos much accursed.
KU)ir-TipT]S, (tcdmrj, dpapttv) furnished with
is, AA"A2, o, gen. Ados, dat. AdT, ace. \dav : plur.,
oars. holding the oar.
II. gen. \dojv, dat. \dto~t Ep. kdioai : — in Att. also
Ktitiriov, to, Dim. of kwvtj, a small oar. contr. nom. Xds, ace. \av : — a gen. Adou also occurs:
Kwpa, Dor. for tcovpi], Kvp-q. Lat.LAPIS, a stone. II. a rock, crag.
Kwpiov, Dor. for xovpiov, tcdpiov. X&Pciv Ion. XaptCLv, aor. 2 inf. of KafiPdvw.
KtLpos, Kupos, Dor. for Kovpos, Kovprj. Xafjtv, Dor. for \afieiv, aor. 2 inf. of kafifSdvcj : but
KH'PT^KOS, 6, a leathern sack or wallet with pro- XdjJev, Ep. 3 sing.
visions : also a large stuffed sack or bag for tilting XdfJtaKOv, Ion. aor. 2 of kapifidvoj.
at, like the quintain. X«|3t|, 1), (AatfetV) the part to bold by, a handle, baft,
KwptKos, Corycus, a promontory of Cilicia, with
6, bilt; Kafity bovvcu to give one a grip or 2>o/J, me-
a famous cavern ; there was another at Delphi. taph. to give one a handle, something to lay bold of,
Kus Ep. K6o>s, j), gen. Kw, the island Cos, in the Lat. ansam praebere. II. the act of grasping,
Aegaean sea, opposite Caria. a taking, acceptance.
kws, Ion. for iruts but enclit. kus, Ion. for vws.
: XoPtjv, Dor. for \af!fiv, aor. 2 inf. of Xaufidvu.
K<«mXAo(<rai, Dor. part. pi. fern, of KorriWai. Xdp-rjo" 1 . Ep- 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of \afiPdv<u.
KHTTAAn, to prate, chatter, Lat. garrire: to Aafjoicra, Dor. aor. 2 part. fern, of Xapfidva).
wheedle, coax. II. trans, to chatter to, talk over. \a.$p-S.ybpt\<i, ov, 0, Att. -a-yopas, (Ad/3po«, £70-
Hence pevw) a bold, rash talker, braggart.
kwtlXos, 7], ov, chattering, prattling : of a swallow, XdfJpa£, attos, 6, (Aa/9pos) a sea-wolf.
twittering. II. coaxing, wheedling, [r] Xappevopai, Dep. (\dfipos) to talk boldly, brag,
Ka>4>do), f. rjaaj, (tcaxpos) to make deaf or dumb. II. vaunt.
to dull, blunt. Xa0po-ir68i)S, ov, 6, (\dfipos, rrovs) rapid of foot,
k<o<^6$, 17, 6v, (te&irroj) blunt, opp. to 6£v*. II. impetuous.
of the senses, 1 dumb, Lat. mutus ; xaxpev xvfia
. Xappo-TTOTtci), f. iiaw, to drink bard. From
a noiseless wave, before it breaks of men, dumb, XaPpo-TrdrrjS, ov, 6, (Aa/3po», irivu) a bard drinker.

mute, speechless ; also insensate, unmeaning. 2. AA

BP02, ov, furious, boisterous, blustering, vehe-
also dull of bearing, deaf, Lat. surdus. %. dull of ment. 2. of persons, boisterous, furious, turbulent:
mind, stupid, obtuse. also gluttonous, greedy.
K<pX €TO D y crasis for teal <^x""0, impf. of otxpfuu.
» Xappo(, (\a0p6arofios) to talk boldly. Hence
k£v|/ov, by crasis for teal 6\pov. XaPpooTop.ia, ij- bold, rash talking.
Xaf3p6-OTOu.os, ov, (Ad/3po», aro/ta) talking rashly.
XoPpooiivTj, 1), (Ad/3pos) boisterousness : also greedi-
XoPp6-<Hrros, ov, (\d0pos, oevai) rushing furiously.
Xd0pws, Adv. of Ad/3po«, violently, greedily.
Xd^vpivOos, 0, a labyrinth, maze, a large building
A, X, Xdu.(3Sa or XdpSa, to, indecl., eleventh letter with intricate passages intersecting each oiher the :

of the Greek alphabet: as a numeral A' = 30, but earliest was that of Crete. II. anything of spiral

/. = 30,000. The A upon their

Lacedaemonians bore or twisted shape. (Foreign word.)
shields, as the Sicyonians 2, the
Messenians M. XfiPvpiv0-u>8T)S, «*, (\a(3vpiv6os, uSos) like a laby-
Changes of A 1. Dor. into v, as ijvOov <plv-
: rinth, intricate.
raros for ^XQov <piXraros whereas the Att. prefers : XafJcj, Xa^wv, and part, of \afifidvoj.
aor. 2 subj.
A, as, Xirpov vKfvfxcuv for virpov mxvpuw. II. X&Y«lpi£a>, (Xayapos) to make slack or hollow:
f. aoj,
Ion., X beginning a word is dropped, as tt(S<u for — Med. to become hollow or gaunt from hunger.
Kd^oj, Kanpyput.
ahf/-qpCs for III. Ep. poets use X&-ySp6s, a, ov, slack, hollow, sunken. II. slack,

AA for A, esp. after the augment, as eAXa/3* for *Aa/3e; pliant, flexible. (Akin to \airap6s.) Hence
and in compds., where the latter part begins with A, XdY&poo. — Kayapifa: Pass, to become slack or
as in rp/AAiO-TOt. IV. Att., A is sometimes loose.
changed into p, as tcpi&avos for Kkiftavos, vavxpapos XAyStjv, Adv. (Ad£u, \atrrlfa) = \d£, with the beel.
for vavtcKrjpot. V. Aeol , $ is sometimes changed Xdycios, ov, also a, oy, {Kayos, \ayuis) of or from a
into A. as Lat. lacryma corresponded to hdxpvov, olere bare.
: — :

404 XayfTrjs—-Aat/Aorcfyxos.
X&-Y^nr|S, ov. Per. Xay^as, a, 6", (Aao*, ^ykopm) Ad£ou,ai, Dep. poet, for kafiQdvw, to take, seize,
leader of the people. grasp, catch, bold ; kd&oOai riva dyicds to take one
AATHN02, 6, a flagon, Lat. lagena. in he arms : metaph., pivOov ndkiv kd{ta$ai to taht

Xdylvos, r}, ov, (kayws) of or from a bare. back one's words, retract.
Xdytov, to. Dim. of ^070;$, a leveret. Xd£vuai, collat form of Xdfofuw.
XayvcCa, lewdness, lust, desire. From Xdda, -fj, Dor. for kr)9rj.
AA TN02, ov, lewd, lustful. Xd0-dv€u.os, ov, {krjOi), dvefxos) Dor. for krjOdvefios,
\i^o-SaiT-t]s, ov, 6, {kayos, Saioj) bare-devourer. escaping tbe wind.
X4yo-0r|pas, ov, 6, {kayos, 9r]paxu) a bare-bunter. Xd0e. Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of KavOdvoj.
Hence Xa*0cp.€v Ep. aor. 2 inf. of kavOdvw.
XSyo0T|pca>, t0 bunt bares. X&0co-0ai, aor. 2 inf. med. of kavOdvw.
k&yoKTOvto, f. rjaat, to kill bares, rrom Xd0t-icT|OT|S, €S, {ka$uv, Krjhos) banishing care.
AATO'2, form of kayws, a bare.
ov, 6, collat. XdOi-irovos, ov, \\ti9oj, tivvos) forgetful of sorrow,
Xdyvvos, 0, also if, — kdyqvos. [Later also v.~] grief; fiioTos o8wdv kadiitovos a life forgetting, i.e.
AATXA'Nn fut. kr)£opo.i Ion. kd£oimt aor. 2 : exempt from, pain.
l\5.\ov Ep. eWdxov : pf. etkrjxa poet. AcAo7xa : XaOi-<|>0oyyos, ov, {kaOeiv, <p6oyyrj) robbing of voice
Pass., aor. 1

e\Jix9yv pf ti\r}ynai : /o obtain by striking dumb, epith. of death.
lot or /ate : generally, to obtain, get possession of: XaOoCaro, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. opt. of kavOivw.
c. ace. cognato, vaKov Aax««/ to have a post assigned XdOos, (os, to, Dor. for kfjdos, =\rj6t).
one oy /o/. •2. /o iave assigned to one, to have for Xd0pa, v. sub XdOpr). Hence
one's sbare; esp. of the gods K%> \a\« yeivofievov XaOpatos, a, ov, also os, ov, secret, bidden, stealthy,
Fate iarf him given over to her at his birth hence covert. Adv. <us, Sup. XaOpaiurara.

to protect as tbe tutelary deity of a place also of XdOpT], Ep. and Ion. Adv., Att. Xd0p& (kaQ*iv\ :

men, to obtain for one's sbare: later, to obtain y in- secretly, by stealth, covertly, insensibly : c. gen. without
heritance, succeed to. 3. absol. to draw lots : to one's knowledge; Kabpaiajv XdOpa without tbe know-
obtain an office by lot, to cast lots for : c. inf., \o- ledge of the Cadmeans.
Xtt/v voKtfiapxtuv be wbo bad tbe lot to be polemarch: Xa0pTj86v, Adv. = \d6pt).
absol., 01 Kax^VTd those on whom tbe lot fell. 4. Xa0pC8ios, a, ov, poet, for Xadpios. Adv. -cus. \t]
as Att. law-term, kay\dvuv Siktjv rivi to sue ene at Xd0ptos, ov, (\d6pa) stealthy, secret, furtive.
law hence. Kayxavfiv rov Kk-qpov (sc. Siienv) to sue
: Xa0po-f36Xos, ev, (kdBpa, (lak(tv) bitting secretly.
for one's inheritance. II. with partitive gen. to Xa0po-8aKVT)S, ov, 6, (kdfpa, hdicvto biting secretly.
receive a sbare of, become possessed of a thing. Ill, XaOpo-rrovs, o, 17, -vow, to, gen. -iro5o», \kdQpOy
Causal, in Ep. rednpl. aor. 2 \e\&x ov '° put in pos- rrovs) stealthy-paced, silent-footed.

session of; XcKaxctv rtvd irvp6s to grant one tbe right Xd0<», X&0u>v, aor. 2 subj. and part, of kavOdva).
of funeral fire. IV. intr. to fall to one's lot or Xat-, insep. Prefix, with intens. force, like ka~ 01
share : to be assigned by lot. Aj-. found in few empds., as kai-fjuepyos.
X&Y<o-f3o'Xov, to, {kayws, /3dAA<u) a staff for fling- Xdty£, iyyos, 17, Dim. of Adas, a pebble.
ing at bares, also used as a shepherd's crook, Lat, XaiO-apyos, ov, = krjBapyos.
pedum, and XaiKa^u, f doopuai, {krjKuA to wencb.
AdywSdpiov and Xfrycp'Siov, r6, Dim. of kayats, a XaiKao-TY|S, ov, 6, (kaixdfa) a wencber : fem. Xai-
leveret. KdcrTpia, a harlot.
AA rn'N, ovos, ij, also 6, poet. dat. pi. Kayovtoffi, AAI AA¥, Smos, ff, a tempest, storm, hurricane.

any hollow : Ktvtwv, tbe hollow part below

esp. like Xaipa, to, Comic word coined as a pan on krjfui,
tbe ribs, tbe flank: in pi. \ay6ves, tbe flanks, alfia, and Aa*/zo».
loins. Xai-p.apyos, ov, (Aat-, /idpyts) greedy, glutton-
Xdywo-iSoXos, ov, {kayojus, Qakeiv) bitting bares. ous. II. talkative.
AATOO'2, ov, 6, Ep. for Kayus, \ay6s, a bare.> Att. -ttco, (Aatudt) to swallow greedily,
XSywos. a, ov, contr. for \aywuos, {kayws) of or bolt, devour : intr. to be greedy.
from a bare —
ra Aa/yf-a (sub. Kpia} bare-flesh, roast Xaiu.t)-r6p.os, ov, poet, for AaiUOTouo*.
bare, and generally, dainties, delicacies. Xaiu,o-8&K-T|s, «'$, (Aat/xo*, baicuv) throat-biting.
AATO'2, d, grn. \ayd>, ace. kaywv and kayw: Xaip.oirc8T), 4. (Xaiuo«, vidt)) a dog-collar. II.

Ep. nom. XSy^os, ov. Ion. also Xayos —

Lat. LEh'US, a springe for catching birds.

a bare. Xaip,o-pi>T6s, ov, (Xaiftot, ftioi) gushing from tbe

XdSdvov, t6, =\if8avov. throat.
Xd«, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of kaoj, to see. AAIMO'2, ov, 6, tbe throat, gullet.
Xoe, dual nom. of Kaas a stone. Xaip.o-Tp.TjTOs, ov, (kaifios, twi/to*) with tbe throat
Xdecro-i, Ep dat. pi. of Kaas a stone. cut or severed.
Xaf cv, Dor. imperat. of Adfo/jai. Xaj.jiO-r6p.os, ov, (Xat/idt, rc/iciv) ibroat-cutHng. H.
Xatvtos — \afi36voo. 405
pass. Aaiu.drop.os, ov, witb the throat cut, severed by A&k<ov(£o>, f. Iffot, to imitate the Lacedaemonians in
the throat. manners, dress, etc. : hence to speak laconically. II.
Xdivtos, a, ov, — \aivot. [T~\ to be in the Lacedaemonian interest. Hence
Xdi'vos, Tj, ov, (Ada*) of stone, stony ; Xdivov %aao A(Xkcovik6s, 4), ov, Laconian to Aa/ccwiKuv
; the
XtTa/va thou hadst put on coat of stone, i.e. thou Laconian people : — 1) AaKajvixTj, (sub. 717),
1. La-
hadst been buried in stones, stoned to death. conia. 2. (sub. Kp-qvis), a kind of man's shoe.
Aaiov, r6, Dor. for Krfiov. AdKcovCs, 180*, fem. of AaxcuviKos, I. (sub. fwif), a
Aaios, a, ov, left; kaias \upus on the left hand so Laconian woman. Laconian land.
a. (sub. 717), the
irp6s \aiif. x*P l \ M \aiov on the left.

A&k<i>vio-|i6s, 0, (AaKowifa) the imitation of the La~

Xai.o-Top.tu), f. ^aoi, (\cuov, Ttfxtiv) to plough land. cedaemonians in manners, dress, etc. II. a being

Xaurf|tov, t6, (\dffios) a shield or target lighter in the Lacedaemonian interest, Laconism.
than the doiris, covered with raw hides. AdKamorTT]s, ov, 6, (Awcojvifa) one who imitates or
AAITMA, t6, the deep sea. takes part witb the Lacedaemonians, a Laconizer.
AAT^OS, to, a tattered garment, generally, a AaKu>vo-p.av€u>, (Acuccuv, fiavfjvai) to be mad after
garment : also a piece of cloth, a sail. the Lacedaemonians, to have a Laconomania.
Xoii|rr|p6-£pop.os, ov, {\at\prfp6s, Spa/ietv) swift-ru/t' AaXcryevvTcs, XaXayevvTi, Dor. for KaXayovvTCs,
ning. \a\ayovffi, pres. part, and ind. of \a\ayioi.
Xou«|nr]pos, d, 6v, (Aat-, ipaipw) light-footed, swift. X&Xd-ycw, f. ^001, (AaA^y) to prattle, babble: of
X&ko£ci>, = Xatctaj, kaoKai, to shout, bowl. birds, to chirrup, chirp. Hence
Adtcaiva, i), fern, of Aokqjv, Lat. Lacaena, LacO' X<iXdyr|p.o,aTO*,T(J, {XaXayioj) a prattling, babbling.
nian. a. (sub. ywif), a Laconian woman. XdXd£u>, to prattle, babble, of water. From
AaKaivav, Dor. gen. pi. of Aajcaiva. AdAa|, (AaA«'<w) a prattler, babbler.
XdKdvT], late form for XtKavq. AaAevpes, Dor. pres. ind. of AaA«'a>.
Xd-KaTairvytuv, ov,( Aa-, Karamrfojv) very lustful, [v] AA~AE'fl, f. rjcroj, to prate, chatter, babble : of birds,
XaK€, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of Ad<r/ra>. to twitter, chirp : properly, to make an inarticulate
A&KcSaCpxov, ovos, 1), Lacedaemon, the capital of sound, opp. to articulate speech : but also, generally,
Laconia ; also Laconia itself. to talk, talk of. Hence
X&kciv, aor. a inf. of AdoTrcu. XdX-r)p,a, to, talk. II. a talker, prater.
Xdiccpu£a, 1), (\ajti<u) one that cries ; Xa/ctpvfa ko- XdXijT€OS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of AaAcou, to be talked •/.
pcjvrj a cawing crow \ajcipvfa kvcjv a yelping dog.
; X4XTjnf|s, ov, 6, (AoActu) a talker, prater.
XdKcci>, Dor. for XrjKtco. X&Xtjtikos, i\, ov, (AaA«<w) given to talking.
X&kt)ox0, fut. of Kdateoj. XdArp-pis, i5os, 1), fem. of AoAtjtjJs, a gossip.
Xdxi^co, f. too) Att. 1S1, to rend, tear. XdXid, 1), (AoA^a>) talking, chat, gossip. H. a
X&xis, iSos, %, {XdcKoj) a rent, tearing, rending; form of speech, dialect.
Kaxibtt •uiitKojv ragged robes, tatters. XdAios, a, ov, poet, for AdAos.
Ad»ao-pa, otoi, r6, (Xbjcifa) that which is torn : in XdXXai, al, (\a\foj) pebbles, from their babbling in
pi. rags, tatters. the stream.
X&kuttos, i\, ov, (Xaxifa) torn, rent ; fi6pos Xwciard* AdAos, ov, (AaAlw) talkative, chattering : of wings,
death by rending. flapping. —
Irreg. Comp. KaXioTtpot, Sup. AoAiVtoto*.
XaKtco-TrpcjKTOs, ov, (KaxKot, TTpaiKToi) a lewd per' Aau-d, Heb. for what J wbyf
son, an adulterer. Aajiax-tirmov, to, (Ad/xaxot, Imtiov) name for
XaKKo-iruyos, ov, (\6jckoi, trvyq) = KaK/tdirptoKTOt. Lamachus, little jockey Lamachus.
AA'KKOS, 6, any hollow, a bole, pit: a cistern, \d-p£x°*> °". (^«-t f^XV) very warlike, name of
tank : also a cellar, storehouse : a pond : also a stew an Athenian general.
for water-fowl, Lat. vivarium. Aap.(3dvo>, fut. KrjTpofxai Ion. Kafjof/Ofuu Dor. Aa^oO-
X&kos, wrong form of Xclkkos. fjuu, —
-fv/uu : aor. a i\3.fiov Ep. «AAa/3ov Ion. AdjSc-
XaK-wi-rnTOs, ov, (Aaf varico) trampled underfoot, okov, imperat. A&jSl, inf. Aa/3eiV, part. \a&wv, ovoa,


trodden down. [*&] ov :

pf. (t\rj<pa Ion. \€\a&r)ica plqpf. fi\^<puv : :

Xcuct{£<i», f. iffot Att. iw, (Ad£) to hick witb the heel Med., aor. a i\a06firjv, Ep. redupl. inf. KfKafiiaOai :
ox foot, stamp or trample on ; KaKri^av rhv ntoovra Pass., fut. Xri<p6r)Oonai : aor. I i\J)<pOr)v Ion. i\a/jup-
to trample on the fallen. 2. absol. to kick ; Aa/r- 0t)v: pf. «i\nfi/iai poet. \4\ij/itMt Ion. A^Aa/x/ieu.
ri£(iv np6i Ktvrpa to kick against the pricks also to : To lake, take grasp, seize ; when this action
bold of,
struggle convulsively, throb. Hence refers to a part, the part is put in genit., as, t)jv mrl-
Xdic-rvo-pa, to, a kick : a trampling on. pvyoe \dfiev he caught her by the wing metaph., :

XaicTurrT|S, 6, (Aa/mfaj) one who tramples;
ov, <pp(vl ka&tlv to grasp with the mind also, absol. to ;

kajrrio-rtjs Krjvov a treader of the wine-press. understand, comprehend: —

Med to keep bold of,
AaKuv, tovot, 6, a Laconian or Lacedaemonian; and grasp tight : also to get bold of, make one's own :
»» Adj. Laconian : fem. Aaxauva. Hence metaph., \a&iodai twv 6pSjv to take to the hilk. XL
: ——:
; — — —— ::

406 A^/5fio—-AAO*2.
to catch, come upon, overtake: of things, to take away, come clear-sighted. 2. to be or become clear, evi-
carry off. 2. Att. to meet with, find, find out, de- dent, notorious.
tect. III. to take in, receive hospitably, enter- Xapirpws, Adv. of kafnrpos, brilliantly : Sup. kap-
tain. IV. to gain, win, procure, acquire. V. irpoTara.
kapfiavf.iv rivd bpitioioi to bind one by oath. VI. Xapirrcos, ov, Ion. for krjirrios, verb. Adj. of Xo/*-
metaph. to take a thing in a particular sense. VII. Bdvw, to be taken.
to have given one, receive, get : in Med. to have to Xap/irrfjp, ijpos, 6, (kdfiiru) a stand or grate for
wife. 2. of a woman, to conceive. 3. hiicrjv burning wood in: a beacon-light watch-fire : a torch,

\a$(tv to receive, i. e. exact, a penalty, Lat. sumere lamp.

poenas : but also in the opposite sense, to suffer pun- Xa|xirrr|p-ovxCa, 1), (ka/nn-qp, tx<v) a holding of
ishment, Lat. dare poenas. torches ; kapurrripovxiai the beacon-watches.
Xduf38a, t6, indecl., v. sub X. Xap.irrf]po i, dat. pi. of kafiirrrjp.
A data, if, {kdfios) a fabulous monster said to feed AATVUin, f. }po) aor. 1 ikay^a pf. XeXa/twa :
: :

on man's flesh, a vampire, a bugbear to children. to shine, to be bright, brilliant, radiant. 2. of sound,
Xap.TTd8T)-8pop.Ca,iJ,(Xa/iTra», Spufios) the torch-race, to be clear, ring loud and clear. 3. metaph. to
an Athenian ceremony at the festivals of Prometheus, shine forth, be conspicuous or illustrious. II.

Vulcan and Minerva, in which the runners carried trans, to make to shine, light up : Pass, to shine.
lighted torches from the joint altar of these gods in X&pvpos, d, ov, (Xd/ios) yawning, profound. II.

the outer Cerameicus to the Acropolis. After the voracious, gluttonous. III. metaph. bold, wanton:

Persian war Pan received a like honour. of women, coquettish : wayward, arch. Hence
Xap,-iT&8T)4>op(a, i), a carrying of torches, — Xapira- Xapvpuis, Adv. greedily: Comp. kafivportpov.
tydpofiia. From Xap<t>6f)vai, Ion. aor. I pass. inf. of kafiBdvo).
Xap/ir&8Tj-<t>6pos, ov, (kapirds, <p€pcu) torch-bearing Xdpvj/opai, Ion. for kyif/opai, fut. of kafiBdvu.
as Subst., kafiirab'T)<p6pos, 6, a torch-bearer. XavOdvaj or AH'eH, whence the tenses are formed:
Xap-ndSio v, to, Dim of kafiirds, a small torch. II. fut. k-qaoi Dor. kaow aor. 2 tk&dov pf. kekijOa

. : :

a bandage for wounds. plqpf. tkekr)6eiv: to escape or elude notice, to be

XapfrdS-ovxos, ov, (kafivds, Ix00 ) torch-carrying, unseen, unnoticed; c. ace. pers., kdOtv "E/eropa he
bright-beaming, flashing. escaped the notice of Hector. 2. with part., kav-
Xapiras, ados, i), (kd/nira)) a torch : also a light, Odvei KklitTwv he escapes notice while stealing, i. e.
lantern, lamp. 2. the torch-race, like ka/xvahj- he steals without being seen, (where kavOdvw is best

Spofiia. II. as Adj., poet. fern, of ka/nrpos, gleam- expressed by an Adverb, unawares, secretly) : also
ing with torches. with a pass, part., as, /it) 5ia<p6apdt kd0y lest he
Xdp.ir6<rK€, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of kdftna). perish without himself knowing it ; also with the ace.
Xap/irerdb), poet, for kd/uroj, to shine, flash, only in of the pers. pron. added, as, caw aavrbv kd(h)t Siap-
Ep. part. kafiireToojv. paytis until thou mayest not observe thyself having
Xapir«TT|S, ov, 6, fern. Xaptrens, iSos, (kdfiiroj) the burst in twain, i. e. mayest burst without being thyself
lustrou s one. aware of it. II. Causal, in pres. Xi)0dvci>, aor. I

AATVlllH, 1), the scum or coating which gathers on ekrjaa, redupl. Ep. aor. 2 kikSBov, subj. kfkdOr) : to
liquors left to stand. make to forget : hence, III. Med. and Pass.
X'jp,irn8a>v, oVof, 1), (kdpiroj) lustre. or Xt)Oopai : fut. k-qaopai Dor. kaaev-
Adp-n-os, 6, (Xd/Mra;) one of the horses of Morn, ftai paullo-post fut. ktkrjaofiai : aor. 2 med. ikS$6-
Bright. fiijv: aor. I pass. kkrjoOrjv: pf. kik-qafiai, Ion. and
Xdfxir-ovpos, ov, (kafAirai, ovpa) bright-tailed: as a Ep. ktkacfiai part, kekaoptvoe : to forget, lose the
dog's name, Firetail. memory of
Xau/irp6s a, ov, (kdfiirej) bright, brilliant, radiant
T Xavos, Xavw, Dor. for krjvdt, k-qvov.
kapirpbv vhwp limpid water. 2. of the voice, clear, AA'H, Adv. with the heel or foot ; Xd£ varetaOcu to
distinct. 3. of the wind,/m&, keen. 4. metaph. be trodden underfoot.
evident, clear, manifest. II. of men, illustrious, Xaf €vt6s, i\, ov, hewn in stone. From
brilliant, magnificent, splendid. Hence Aagcvw, (Aa», (4<u) to cut stones : to hew in stone.
Xap-irpoTrjs, rjrot, if, brilliancy, splendour II. Xd|is, (kd(onai) an allotment of land.
metaph. distinction, splendour: munificence. Xa£is, 10s, 0, Dor. for X^tt, cessation.
XapirpcxjHovia, r), loudness of voice. From Xd|, Ion. for kftopai, fut. of kayxdva.
Xap.irp6-4><0vos, ov, (kaftirpos, <p<wfi) loud-voiced. Xao-8dpas, avros, 6, (kaos, Safmu) man-subduing.
XapiTpvvco, f. vvw : Med., aor. I kkafiitpvvdp.r]v : Xao-£6os, ov, (kaa$, f«a>) stone-cutting : as Subst.,
Pass., 3 sing. pf. kekd/iitpwrai —
(kapirpds) : to kao£oos, 6, a sculptor.
make bright or brilliant. II. Med. to pride one- Xao-rra0T|s, 4$, (ka6s, iraOtiv) suffered by the people.
self on a thing : to distinguish oneself in. III. Aao-rr6pos, ov, (kaot, n6pos) conveying the people.
Pass, to become bright; ka(iirpuvca$cu 6{ifui<riv to be- AA"0'5, ov, 6X Ion. Atj6s Att. A«J»s the people
— — :

Xaos kaxavqXoyos. 4©7

—m the H. /£« soldiery, host, army ; also a /a«rf- AA'ZOH, ^, mockery, insult.
arm> °PP- to * ^ eet I a k° the common men opp. to Xa<r6rj(i€v, Dor for XaaOrjvat, Xt]c6fjvai, aor. I pass.
their leaders, II. in plur. Aaot, the subjects of a inf.of XavBdvu.
prince. Xa<n-avx"nv, «vo», (Adato*, av\^v) with shaggy neck.
Xaos, irreg. gen. of Adas, a stone. Xdo~i6- t£, rptxos, 6, 1), ^Adojo*, fyi£) sbaggy-
X&o-c<J3t|S, it, {Xa6t, ot&ofuu) revered by the people. baired.
\doo--cr6os, w, {Xaut, O(vcu) rousing or stirring Xdo-ios, o, ov, Att. ot, ov, shaggy with hair or wool,
nations. hairy. II. shaggy with bubbes, busby. (Akin to
Xao-T€KT«i>v, ov$, i, (Xaat, tIktcjv) a worker in iaovs.) [d] Hence
stone, mason. \ao-i6-OTCpvos, ov, (Xdatos, aripvov) with hairy chest.
Xao-rtvaicTOt, ov, (Ada*, rivdaooi) stirred by a stone. AA'2KH, (the tenses formed from obsol. *Ad**'<u,
\b\9-rp6$os,ov,(\a6s,Tpi<pa)) nourishing the people. Xdtccu) :fut. XdjcfjoofMi aor. I iXdieqoa [d] : aor. 2

Xao-rviros, ov, {Xaos, rxnrrcu) cutting stones: as (\Sjcov, inf Ad*«V: pf. XiXatia Ion. XeXqica, Ep. part.
Subst., Aorrviro*, 6, a stone-cutter, stone-mason, fem. AeAd/cvtd : —
Med., aor. 2 kXS.Kofii]v, Ep. redupl.
Xdo~<f>06pos, »v, (Aao*, <pfieipaj) ruining the people. Xt\aKufj.T]v, whence 3 plur. KcKclkovto [_d] : to ring,
A&o-<j>6vos, ov, (Aa»*, <p(v<u) slaying the people. clash, crash, crackle : of axles, to creak : commonly
Aao-<j>6pos Att. X«j~4>6pos, ov, (Aao*, <pepat) bear- of things, but also II. of animals, to shriek,

ing people ; Xao<p6p»s ohus a road, highway. scream : of dogs, to bowl, bay. III. of men, to
Ad-rrdfw, f. £a>, = dAaird£iu, to plunder, spoil, pillage: speak loud, shout, shout forth : rarely to sing.
also, to carry off. Xdo'w, Dor. for K-qoot, fut. of XavQdva).
Xdirdpd Ion. -ptj, 1), the soft part of the body be- AA'TAH, Srfos, %, a drop of wine.
tween the ribs and hips, the flank, loins, Lat. ilia. AaTO-v€VT|s, «'*, (Aarw, *ycvw) born of Latona.
Properly fem. of AaTropo*. XdTOuco), f. ^oa>, {XarSfios) to quarry stones. Hence
Aa-Trdpos, a, 6v, (Aajrd£<y) slack, loose, relaxed. XdTOuCa, j), a stone-quarry.
AA'llH, j), phlegm, Lat. pituita : metaph., avqKicp Xd-rottOSjO, (Ad*, refivu) a stone-cutter, quarry-man.
Xdrra in sunless damp, cf. Virgil's loca senta situ, [d] XarpcCa, ij, (Xarptvoj) hired labour, service, servi-
Aairfjvai, aor. 2 p*ss. inf. of Xdirrot. tude : esp. the service of the gods, worship.
Ad-rridoi, ol, the Lapitbae, a Thessalian people in the Xdrpevua, to, hired service, servitude : esp. service
heroic age, conquerors of the Centaurs, [r] paid to the gods, worship. II a slave. From
Adirru), fut. ifw aor. I iXatpa: pf. \(\a<pa
: : to lap — XaTpcvco, f. ff<v, (Xdrpis) to work for hire or
with the tongue, like Lat. lambo : generally, to drink, pay. 2. to serve, be bound or enslaved to. c. dat.
drain, suck. (^Formed from the sound.) pers. : but also c. ace. pers. to serve. 3. to serve
Aapivos, ^, ov, (Xaput) fatted, fat. I
the go's, c. dat.

Xflpis, (So*, rj, = Kapos, a gull. j

Xdrpios, a, ov, of a servant or service. From
Adpio-a Ion. Arjp-, i), Larissa, name of many old Adrpts, 10s, 6 and ij, a hired servant, Lat. latro
Greek cities, esp. of one in Thessaly. Hence generally, a servant, slave.
Adpio-atos, a, ov, Larissaean, of or from Larissa. AATPON, to, pay, hire; Xdrpav artpOe without
AapictStov, to, Dim of Xdpieot. [*f] j
rent or quittance.
AATK02, 6, a basket for charcoal, a coal-basket. AaviKdvLT), %, = \at{i6t, the throat. (Deriv. «ncer-
AATNA3, d*o«, j), a coffer, box, chest: a cinerary tain.)
urn : an ark. AATTPA
Ion. XavpT), 1), an alley, lane, narrow
AAT02, o, a ravenous sea-bird, the gull, a cormo- passage between bouses : also a pass between rocks,
rant, [a, except in one passage.] ravine, defile. II. a sewer, drain.

AA —
PC2. d, 6v, dainty, sweet, pleasant: irreg. Xd^vyuds, 0, (Aa<pt5o-o-a;) greediness, gluttony.
Sup. AapdrraTo*: but the reg. Comp. \aporcpov oc- AA'^T"PA, to, s/oi7s taken in war, Lat. spolia,
curs as Adv. Aa^vp-aywyea), f. rjou, to make booty of From
XopvYyvdu, (Adptry£) to scream, screech. Xad^Op-aycoyds, 6v, (Xacpvpa, ay<v) carrying off booty.
X&pvyytiw, Att fut ia), (\dpvy() to bawl, bel- Xa4>vpoirci>X£ci>, f. -fjaoj, to sell booty. From
low. outdo in shouting.
II. to Xa<j>vpo-rra>XT)$, ov, 6, {Xdcpvpa, vtuXtu) a retailer
AA'PTTH, gen. vyyot 6, the larynx or upper part of booty, Lat. sector.
of the windpipe : also the gullet, throat. Xa^vo-ow Att. -tto), fut. £«, (AdirToo) to swallow
X&*, Kaot, 0, a stone, Att. contr. for Add*. greedily, eat up, devour: of men, to eat gluttonously,
AA'SA'NON, to, always in pi. a trivet or stand for gorge, Lat. belluari. Hence
a pot, a gridiron. II. Lat. lasanum, a night- Aa<J>voTXOs, a, ov, gluttonous.
stool [Ad] AA XAI'Nfi, f. &vw aor 1 iXd\rjva
: :
— to dig.
Xao-Sco, Dor. for Ad£ov, imperat. of Xa^ouat. Aaxavevw, f. o<u, {Xa\avov) to plant with potherbs
Xdo-cOuat, Dor. for A^ao/xai, fut. med. of XavQavoi : — Med. to gather herbs.
I pL Xaoruu«r6a, for XrjffdptBa. XaxavT)-X6yo$, ov, {Xdxavov, Xiycu) gathering herbs.
: : : ;

408 XaxavCCofxai — Acidity.

Xd\dv( Jopai, Dep. (\6,xavov ) t0 gather herbs. Hence aor. 2 ikeynv: Ep. aor. 2 pass. Ikiyprjv, 3 sing.
Xdxovio-fxos, o» a gathering of herbs. \(Kto: pf. etkeyfjuai or XeXcy/tfu I. Act. TO

\<tx*vov T °> (\axaiv<u) mostly in pi. \a\ava, rd,

» LAY, to lay asleep, lull to sleep: — Pass, and Med.
garden-herhs, opp. to wild plants, potherbs, vegetables, TO LIE, to lie down. II. to lay in order, ar-
greens, garden-stuff, Lat. olera. 2. rd kdxava the range, and so to gather, pick up:— Med. to gather
vegetable-market, the green-market. for oneself: hence to choose, pick out. III. tt
Xdxdvo-ird>XT|S, ov, 6, (kdxavov, ir<u\i<u) a green- reckon, count, tell or reckon up. IV. to recount,
grocer: {em.\d\8.vo-m»\-{yrpia, and Xdxdvo-irwXis, tell, relate : hence to speak, say, utter : also of ora-
toot, ^, a woman who sells garden-stuff. cles, to say, declare : it is used later to express any

Adx«, Ep. for«, 3 sing. aor. 2 of kayxdvoj. communication by word of mouth; keyciv Kara nvos
Xdx«ta, either for ikaxfta, fem. of (kaxvs, smnll; to accuse one : c. inf., kiyctv nvci irouiv rl to tell,
or fem. of an Adj. kaxvs (from kaxaiw) well-tilled, bid, command; kiyciv rl, to say something, i.e. to
fertile. speak to the purpose; opp. to kiyttv ovofv, say f
\d\civ, aor. 2 inf. of kayxdvo). nothing to the purpose: also, like Lat. dicere, to speak
Adxeoxs, gen. tats Ion. ios, 1), (kdyuv) Lachesis, of, mean, refer to, as, (taw KOfii^ov ov, Kaadvopav
one of the three Fates, the disposer of lots. II. kiyo) go thou within, / mean Cassandra Pass. Xe- : —
lot, destiny, fate. yerai, it is said, on dit; ro keyopevov, absol. as the
XAXI. $. {^axalvof) a digging. saying goes.
Xaxvatos, a, ov, woolly, hairy, downy. From XcnXdcrla, i), a driving off booty, pillaging. From
AA'XNH, ^, soft woolly hair, down : the soft nap XenXdTcw, f. joa), to drive away booty, drive cattle,
or pile on cloth : sheep' s-wool. Hence to make booty : hence to plunder, despoil. From
Xaxvfjeis, taoa, fv, woolly, hairy. Xc-tjXAtijs, ov, 6, (Xcm, ikavvoj) one who drives off
Xaxv6-yvios, ov, (kdxvrj, yviov) with hairy limbs. booty, a plunderer, marauder, [d]
Xdxvos, 6, = \axyri, wool. Hence AEI'A Ion. Xijtt), 1), booty, plunder, esp. of cattle

Xaxvou, f. iiou, to make hairy: Pass, to grow hence what can be driven off as booty.
downy. Xciaivo), fut. keiaveaj, Ion. and Ep. for keaivoj.
Xaxv-iooijs, ft, (kdxyrj, (loos) like down, downy. AEI'Bfi, \/jo): aor. 1 $k*i\f/a:— to pour, pour forth:
Adxotnv. Art. for K&xoifu, aor. 2 opt. of kayxdva). mostly like awivdat, to pour a libation. II. to
AA'XOS, to, (Xdx«") one's lot, fate, destiny. II. let flow, shed Med. to flow, run, trickle ; Xci£c- —
the portion obtained by lot, a lot, share, portion, [d] o6ai Sajcpvots to melt into tears: hence to melt or
X&x&v, aor. 2 part, of kayxdva). pine away —
Pass, to be moistened, bedewed.
Aa\|/c(jp,ai and XaU/ottpcu, Dor. fut. of ka/i&dvoj. Xet^opcu, Ion. and poet, for kijifrftai.
Xdij/o>v, fut. part, of kdirro). Xct-nvav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 1 of k(aiva).
Xav|»f), Dor. 2 sing. aor. I med. subj. of \ap0avoj. XciT|vas, Ep. aor. I part, of XccmVw.
AA'll, — /3XeVa/, to see, behold, look at; old Ep. Xctp.a£, ajcos, ^,-Xfi/w, a meadow : a garden.
word used by Horn, in part. kdcuv and Ep. 3 sing, Xctpp.a, aros, t6, (ktiira) a remnant, remains.
impf. Xdc. [d] Xeip.u»v, wot, 6, (kei&a}) any moist grassy place, a
*AA'fi, = 0i\w, to wish : see \5t. meadow, mead, Lat. pratum.
Xtatva, 1), fem. of XcW, a lioness. Xcipww&s, aSos, poet. fem. of kftfxwviot; vvfuprj ku-
Xcatvca, f. kt&vw Ep. kti&vtoj: aor. I (khrjva Ep. fjLwvms a mtfarfott^nymph.
Xirjva: (kttos): —
to smooth, polish, work smooth; Xcipuiwios, a, ov, (keiuwv) of a meadow.
keaivdv KtKtvOov to smooth the way. II. to XapxavCs, ioos, poet. fem. of kttfuwio*.
rub smooth, bray or pound in a mortar: to de- Xcip.<i>v69cv or -0c, Adv. (kdfxwv from a meadow. ,

stroy. III. metaph. to smooth away, smooth or Xcio-ycvcios, ov, (Xcfos, yevuov) smooth-chinned.
soften down. Xcio-Kvpcov, ov, (ketos, icvpa) with gentle waves.
Xcdvrcipa, 1), fem. of Xtavr^p. Xei.6-p.tTos, ov, (kuos, fiiros) smoothing the threads
Xeavnfjp, rjpos, 6, (\calva)) a polisher. of the warp.
X£0i)S, rjros, 6, (kclfioj) a kettle, caldron. II. Xctovrfj, 1), poet, for keovrfj, a lion's skin.
the basin in which the purifying water {x^Pvttfd was XciovTO-pdxt)S, ov, 6,(k4<uv, fidxv) P ©1 * f° r Xcoir-,
handed round : but also, a sort of basin which was a lion-fighter.
struck like a cymbal at the funerals of the Spartan XciovTO-iTdXijs, ov, 6, (XcW, irdXi;) poet. forXcovr-,
kings. III. a cinerary urn. wrestler with a lion.
Xcyc&v, Sjvos, if, Gr. form of the Lat. legio, a legion. AEr02, 0, ov, or os, ov, Lat. LEVIS, smooth:
Xcyop.cs, Xcyovrt, Dor. for \4yofxev, kiyova, I and of the ground, smooth, level, fiat; of the sea, smooth:
3 pi. of k4yo). c. gen., kuos irerpaaiv level and free from rocks. 2.
AETfl, f. Aifw: aor.1 e^cfa: pf. cfXox<* :— Med., with a smooth chin, beardless. 3. metapk. smooth,
fut. k4(ofxai : aor. 1 —
ik^dfirjv : Pass., fut. kcxfyoo*
soft, gentle.
l*cu: paullo-post fiat. XcXc*£o/jcu: aor. 1 pass. Ixlx^v, |
Xciotijs, 17x0*, ij, (k(iot) smoothness.
— : — —
Acfov<n—-Afffo. 409
X«Cov<rv, poet, for kiovat, dat. pi. of kiojv. AETC02, (0$, t6, a dish, plate, pot, pan.
Xeiirrtov, verb. Adj. of ktiira), one must leave. Xcictikos, i], 6v, (ktycu) good at speaking, fluent,
AEITIH, Kftycj: aor. 2 act. iktitov, inf. kttrtiv;
f. eloquent. II. suited for speaking.
(aor. I (ktiipa only in late writers) pf. kikoitra
: Xi'TO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass of \4y<v.
Sled., fut. Kttyofiai in pass, sense: — Pass., fut. kfi«p- Xcktos, -q, ov, (ktyu) gathered, chosen, picked
Q^ao^ai, panllo-post fut. ktketyopm : aor. I tkei<p- out. II. uttered, spoken, said : to be spoken.
Otjv: aor. 2 ik'nrqv \f\: pf. kikei/xfiai: plqpf. ektkdfi- X«KTpov, t6, (kiyoj) a couch, bed, Lat. lectus : klic-
Ixt)v\ — Lat. LINQUO, to leave, leave remaining: of rpovie to bed. 2. in pi. the marriage-bed, marriage.

dying persons to leave behind, bequeath : so in Med. — XeXap«cH)at,, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 inf. med. of kafijiava.
to leave behind one, bequeath, leave as a memo- XcXd|3r)Ka, Ion. pf. of kap.&avo).
rial. 2. to desert in danger, abandon, for- XeXdfrrj, 3 sing. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 subj. of kav06va>.
sake. II. Pass, to be left, left behind, left re- XtXdOovTO, XcXaOco-Ou, XeX&0co-0ai, 3 pi. indie, 3
maining. 2. to be left behind in a race: pf part. sing, imperat., and inf., aor. 2 med. of kavOavai.
\(\(ififx(vos, left behind, lingering behind, inferior XcX&xa, pf. of Ad<r*a>.
to: absol. to stay behind. 3. c. gen. to be left XeXd« ovto, 3 pi. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 med. of kaatcoj.
without: to come short of ,be inferior, worse, weaker
. XeXdUvTa. Ep. pf. part. fern. o( kaoKat.
than another. 4. to be wanting or lacking. III. X«Xau.pat, Ion. pf. pass, of kafifinvu.
intr. in Act. to be gone, fail, disappear : to be want- XeXao-pcu, Ion. and Ep. pf. pass, of kavOavo).
ing, cease, Lat. deficere. \i\dL\ov, Ep- redupl. aor. 2 of kayx&vca.
\cipi6cis, tooa, tv, {ktipiov) of or like a lily, lily- XtXdx^o, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 subj. of kay\avat.
wbite, delicate. XeXeiTfTO, Kp. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of keliro).
AEI'PION, to, a lily, the white lily, Lat. lilium. XeXct<)>0at, pf. pass. inf. of kdiro).
Xetoros, see Ai/toro*. XtXetxp-OTts, nom. pi. irreg. pf. part, of keix».
XIitos or Xcitos, ov, (ka6t, ktws) of the people, Ion. \i\(va\iai, rf. pass, of k(vo).
for Att. fyfiuoios. XeXcx*1 011 i° n 3 P' P^ P ass °f ^eyV'
. - -

XeiTOvp-yta), f. 1)00), (kdrovpyos) to perform public X«Xt|0o, pf. of kavQava).

duties, to do the state service —
at Athens, to serve XtX^Ka, Ion. pf. of kaona) part, kek-n/tiii. :

public offices at one's own cost: cf. kciTovpyia. II. X€\-r|, poet, pf pass, of Ka^avcu.
to minister as a priest, officiate. Hence \k\t\a-y.a\., Ion. pf. pass, of kavOavo)'. but XtX-rjo-pai,
Xtirovpyla.,-}), a public service: —
at Athens a liturgy, pf. pass, of krjifafjuu.
i. e. a burdensome public office or charge, which the XcXCt], old Ep. pf. of kikaiopmi, (and therefore
richer citizens discharged at their own expense, properly properly kekikrjfiat). to strive eagerly, long for, be
in rotation, but also voluntarily or by appointment. II. zealous for: participle kektrjpivos, zealous, hasty y

divine service, whence our word Liturgy. jager.

XeiTOvp-yv-' os, 17, ov, performing public service, mini- X«Xiu,p.€vos, pf. part, of kiirrouai.
stering. From XcXo-yurpcveas, Adv. pf. pass. part, of koyi^ofjuit, de-
X€iT-ovp-y6s, ov, (kiiTot or kftros, epyov) perform- liberately, advisedly.
ing public duties, serving the state. II. a priest, \e\oyx<x, pf. of kayx&voj.
minister of God. \ek6y\t\, po8t. for ikek6yx<i, 3 « n g- plqP 1 °^ "-

AEIXH N, rjvot, 0, a tree-moss, lichen. II. kayxava).

hence a lichen-like eruption on the skin, scurvy : of XlXotiro, pf. of kflvoj.
the ground, a blight, canker. XeXovptvos, pf. part. pass, of kovo).
AEI'Xn, f. £<u aor. 1 i\ei£a :— Lat. LINQO, to XeXvpxio-pai, pf. pass, of kvpalvofuu. [C]
lick : to lick up : hence irreg. pf part. kfkdxM^res. X4Xwrat, 3 pi. pf. pass, of kv<u X4Xvvto, Ep. for :

XeiiJ/as, aor. I part, of k(tJB<v. ikikvvTO, 3 pi. plqpf. pass.

XeiuVavrj-Xoyos, ov, {kttyavov, kiyoj) gathering XcXOto, Ep. for A.c\t;otTO, 3 sing. pf. opt. pass, of kvoj.
remnants. XeXa>{3T|, pf. in pass, sense of kajfiaopxn
XeivJ/Svov, to, (\(iir<u) a piece left, remnant, relic, AE MB02,
6, a small boat with a sharp prow, a
wreck : remains, remnants, Lat. reliquiae.
in plur. felucca.
A«id/-v8piov, to, (ktincv, vbwp) an ill-watered dis- Xcppa, aTos, to*, (kfiroj) that which is peeled off, peel,
trict near mount Parnes in Attica. busk, skin, scale.
Xcicdv, 6, poet, for keav, hence Ep. dat. ktiovcti. X«vriov, t6, the Lat. linteum, a linen cloth, napkin.
XetcdvT], 7), (kiteos) a dish, pot, pan. [3] Hence X££eo, Ep. for ki(ai, aor. I imperat. med. of A^yo-
Xck&vis, j), Xe<dviov, t6, X(*iviaKt], -fj, Diminutives ftat, to lie down.
of ktKavT) a little dish or pan, platter.
X€|is, (cut, -f), (kiyai) a speaking, speech. 2. a way
X€«cl0o-Trd)XT]S, ov, 6, fern. -rrwXis, ib"os, (keitt0O», of speaking, diction, style.
9*>k4ai) a pulse-porridge seller. X«£o, Ep. for Ae'fat, aor. I med. imperat. of kiyo-
AETtreOS, t>, pulse-porridge. yuai, to lie down.
: : — :::

410 kiovrir) — Xcvkmtttos.

X«ovt«tj contr. X«ovt?J (sub. Sopd), %, a lion's skin, X«itt6tt]s, tjtos, ^, (X«itto») thinness, fineness, slight'
properly fem. of Kcovrtos. ness, leanness. metaph. subtlety.
Xc6vt€ios, a, ov, (Kicuv) of a lion : lion-like. Xtirrovpyito, (Karrovpyos) to do fine work
f. tjffoj,

X«ovt6-oi4>pos, ov, (Ki<w, oi<ppos) in chariot drawn hence to refine overmuch, deal subtly, quibble.
by lions. XeirT-ovp-yns, is, (Karros, (pyov) finely worked.
XeovTO-K«<f>aAcs, ov, (Kiojv, Kt<pa\tf) lion-beaded. XeirT-ovpYos, ov, (Karros, epyov) producing fine
X«ovT6-irovs, 6, t), vow, to, (a «'«,, vovs) lion-footed. work.
X«ovro-$6vos, ov, (Kiwv, *<piva) lion-killing. Xeirro-v^s, is, (Karrds, v<paiv<u) finely woven. [C]
X«ovTO-4>6pos, ov, (Kiiuv, <p€fK») lion-bearing. X«iTTo-v|;dfjia0os, ov, (Kfirr6s,ipdfta6os) wi 'bfinesand.
X€Ovro-4iHf|S, is, (Kiojv, <pvt)) of lion nature. Xeirrvvo), f. wu>, (Karros) to make thin : to thrash,
XeovTd-xXauvos, ov, (Kiwv, x^ a* va ) clad in lion*s beat out — Pass, to grow lean.
skin. X«rrJ>s, Adv. of Ke irrds, slightly : subtly.
AETIAANON, a broad leather strap or band,
r6, X«irupiov, to, Dim. a small busk, thin rind. From
fastening the yoke round the neck, and passing be- XeirOpov, rd, (Kirros^ a shell, busk, rind.
tween the fore legs to join the girth (imaxo^Kiar-qp). AE'ILQ, fut. \fja> aor. 1 iKtfya to strip off the : :

Xcrratos, a, ov, (Kiiras) of a scaur or crag: cra<*gy. husks or rind, to peel or bark.
Xiir-apyos, ov, (Kirros, dpyos) with white skin of Acpva, t), Lerna, a marsh in Argolis, the abode of
feathers. the Hydra hence Aepvatos, a, ov, Lernaean.
: —
Xc-rras, to, (Kiiru) a bare rock, scaur, crag. Aeo-J3id£&>, to imitate the Lesbian women. From
Xeirds, ddos, i), a limpet, Lat. patella, from its cling- Aco-^ids, ados, r), (Aiafios) a Lesbian woman.
ing to the rock (X«itoj). Aeo*pC£(o, = Ato@id(oj.
Xeiracrrrj, t), (Kims) a limpet-shaped drinHng-cup. A«r ios, a, ov, (Aio-0os) Lesbian, of Lesbos., Pass. (Ktnis) to be covered with scales. A€crj360ev, Adv. from Lesbos. From
Hence Ato-pos, 77, Lesbos, a large island on the coast of
X€itISo>t6s, t), 6v, scaly, covered with scales; \ ondat- Asia Minor.
ras 0wpt)£ scale-iimoxiT. II. Subst. a fish with X€<rxd£o>, (Kirtxy) '0 chatter, gossip.
large scales. \ior\r], 1), (Kiyoj) a place where people resorted to
XcirCs, ibos, t), (Kiirai) a scale, husk, shell. talk and bear the news, a lounge, place of public
Xcirpa Ion. Xtirpij, lj, (Aarpos) the leprosy. resort : also a council-ball. II. talking, gossip

Xcrrpds, d5os, r), poet. fem. of Karpos, rough. in good sense, conversation, discussion, debate ; irpos
Xcirpos, a, 6v, (Kiiros) scaly, rough: leprous, mangy. ifi^v Kia\r)v to conversation with me. Hence
XeirraVlvos, t), 6v, poet, for AeirraAcos. \ta\y\vtv(i}, chat or converse with.
f. aa>, to

XcirrSXcos, a, ov, (Karrds)fine, slender, delicate. XevydXcos, Kvyp^s) in sorry plight,

a, ov, (akin to
Xeirr-eiri-Xeirros, ov, thin upon thin, thin as can be. wretched, pitiful, melancholy, dismal.
X€irT6-"y€tos, ov, Att. \avroyna%, <uv, (Karros, ycua, Aevfrnjs, ov, 0, one of the tribe of Levi (Aevf), a
•p}) of a thin or poor soil. Levie. [x] Hence
\eirro-yv<a\ui)V, ov, gen. ovos, (Karrds, yvw/iij) subtle AeuiTucds, t), ov, Levitical.
in mind. Xcv«aCvo), (KfvKos) to whiten, blanch, bleach. 2.
XewTo-Ypap-pos, ov, (Karr-s, ypafi/it)) drawn fine. to make bright or light.
X€irr6-'Ypa<^os, ov, (Karros, ypd<pa>) written fine. Xevxdv, Dor. for Ktv/twv, gen. pi. of Ktvxos.
X€irTO-8op.os, ov, (Keirros, Sifiu) slightly built Xeu aval, aor. I inf. of KivKoivoi.
slight. X6VK-av0r|S, is, (KevKos, avOos) white-blossoming,
X€ittoXoy«i>, f. ijca;, to speak subtly, to chop logic, wbi'e, blanched, pale ; KtvKavQts ledpa a white head.
quibble : so too XeirroXoYcop-at, as Dep. From XevK-av6C£b>, {Kcvk6s, avOos) to have white blossoms:
XeirTO-Xoyos, ov, (Karros, Kiyoj) speaking subtly, generally, to be white.
subtle, quibbling. Xcvicds, d8os, poet. fem. of Kevtcos, white, chalky
XeiTT6-p,tTOS, ov, (Karros, furos) of fine threads. hence the promontory of Epirus was called Acvicds.
X€itt6v ^sub. vu/JUOfMi), to, a very small coin, about Xcv<ds, Dor. gen. fem. of K(vkos.
a fourth of a farthing, a mite 0,1), (Kcvkos, doiris) white-shielded.
X«VK-ao-irts, ISos,
Xeirros, t), 6v, (Kiirw) peeled, cleaned of the husks : (K(vk6s) the white leprosy.
XevK-q. 1), II. the

— hence, generally, thin, fine, slender, delicate: in bad white poplar, Lat. populus alba, used for chaplets.
sense, thin, lean, meagre. II. strait, nar- Xcvx-ripcTftos, ov, (KtvttLs, ipa-pos) with white or
III. slight, small, insignificant; rd Kfvr6\ foaming oars
rwv npoffdrcuv small cattle, i.e. sheep and goats, XevK-TJpijs, es, (Kcvcds, dpaptiv) white, blanched.
Ktvrd vKoia. small craft of sound, light, slight.
: IV. AcvKiirrrCSes, al, daughters of Leucippus, nymphs
metaph. fine, subtle, refined ingenious : of the voice, worshipped at Sparta.
fine, delicate. Xcvk-iititos, ov, (K(vkos, tniros) riding or driving

Xwrrotrwri, 1), = \arr6rijs. j white horses : famous for white horses.

: :

Agvk(tt)s — XrjOapyo?. 411

X«VKCnrs [t], ov, &,=\<vk6s. stoning; kfvaifwi ipal curses that will end in stoning;
A«uKO-rca, i), (ktv/cq, 0(d) the white goddess; the kevaipLot biicq the penalty 0/ death by stoning.
name by which Ino was worshipped as a propitious Xevo-jios, ov, 6, (kevt, kevw) a stoning.
sea-goddess. X«vo*axo, fut. kfvao) (only in late authors), to look
Xfw6-0pif rptxot,
, 6, $, (k*vtc6t, $pl£) white-haired. or gaze upon, see, behold. a. absol. to look; 6 /xt)

XevKO-0cupa£, atcot, 6, j), (\tvxu$, duipa^) with white ktvaooiv he that sees not, 1. e. one that is dead.
cuirass. X6VOTT|p, fjpot, 6, (ktvt, k(vai) one vJbo stones or
Xewo-Eov, to", (kcvrcdt, lov) the stock or wall-flower. deserves stoning; —
as Adj., ktvarf p yMpot death by 4

X«VKO-icvfU0v, ov, gen. ovot, (kwKut, icvfui) white stoning.

with waves, surfy. [D] Xcvto, f. a<v, aor. I pass. ikevffOrjv: (ktvt): to stone. —
Xruico-Xlvov, to, (kevtcdt, klvov) white flax for ropes \*X*-iroLr\, i), (kixot, woia) with grassy couch, grassy,
and rigging, used by the Phoenicians. meadowy.
\«uko-X6 fcas, ov, 6, and X6v>c6-Xo<j>os, ov, (XevxSt, Xcx-^P'nSj <«» (*«X 0, &p°P f iv) bed-ridden.

kd<pot) white-crested: —
X€v*6Xo4>ov, t6, a white hill. Xex^U, aor. I of kiyca.
part. pass,
Xcvico-6ira>po$, ov. (\tvtc6s, dirupa) with white au- X«x°S» tot, t6, a couch, bed.
(kiya> i) 2. a
tvmn fruits. bier. II the marriage-bed : a marriage. Hence
Xcvtco-irap«tot Ion. -iripjjoj, ov, (\tv/c6$, rrapeid) X«x°°"5€, Adv to bed.
fair-cheeked. X«Xf 9 s, o, ov, slanting crosswise, oblique. From
X«vico-ir«irXo$, ov, (kcv/eSt, irinkot) white-robed. AE'XPrS, Adv. slanting, crosswise, athwart.
\tVK6-^rr\\v%, v, gen. tut, {kevicot, in}x v *) white- Xex<£>, oot contr. ovt, i), (X^x *) a woman in child-bed.
armed. Xexwios, ov, (Xex**') of, belonging to child-bed.
XciMto-irXTjd-fjs, it, (keviedi, nkijBot) filled with white A«o)-Koptov, to, (A«^«, icSpa) the temple of the
or with persons in white. daughters of Leos.
X€vk6-!tovs, 6, j), vow, t6, gen. iro5o«, (kevicot, iro*>»> AETiN, oi'toj, 6, Ep. dat. pi. kclovot, Lat. LEO, a
white-footed: barefooted. lion metaph. of Artemis, Ztvs at kiovra ywat£i

XevKo-irp€irT|s, it, (ktvitot, irpivoS) white-looking. Ofjfc* Zeus made thee a lion toward women, i.e. their
X«v>c6-irT€pos, ov, (ktvtcot, /rrtpJv) white-winged. destroyer.
XcvKO-irwXos, ov, (kwicdt, rtSikos) with white horses Xe-ci>py6$, 6v, (Adv. k4<vt, tpyov) all-daring, auda-
rising a white horse. cious : as Subst., kecvpyet, 6, a knave, villain.
AETKO'2, ij, 6v, light, bright, brilliant, clear: of X«os. 61, 6, Att. for kaot, nom. pi. k«u, people;
water, bright. II. white, gray, hoary; of the skin, dtcovfTe k«p hear O people, the beginning of Athenian
white, fair, but also, blanched, pale, wan. i. X«u- proclamations.
xbt xpvout pale (i. e. alloyed) gold, opp. to drr«p$ot X&ds, Adv., Ion. for ktav, entirely, wholly.
or refined. 3. metaph. fair, happy, joyful, gay. 4. X€<o-o-4>€T€pos, ov, (kfws, <j<piT(pot) only in Hdt. 9.
of sound, clear, like kaftnp^t. 33, Xca'o"<p€T€pov liroiijaavTo liaaynvdv they made
XcvKO-OTfd^s, it, (ktvicCs, ari<p<u) white-wreafhed. him one of their own people.
Xtwt6-<rnicT05, ov, (ktvKvt, <m'£cu) speckled with Xcci>-$6pos, ov, (Xctw«, <pip<u) bearing people, fre-
white, grizzled. quented: Xcftxpt'po* (sub. 656t), 1), a thoroughfare.
X€VKo-o*4>{>pos, ov, (ktvtcdt, a<pvpov) white-ankled. Xfj, 3 sing, of *kd<u, kw.
XruK6-rpodj>os, ov, (kfv/cut, rpicpoj) white-growing. Xt|Y c'pt vai, XTjY€p,«v, Ep. inf. of kfaej.
Xcvko-4>£t|S, it, (ktvtcdt, <pdot) white-gleaming. AHTH, f. f<w, to LAV, allay, abate, like irai'<w: c.
XcvKO*4>opos, ov, (kcvtcSt, <ptpa>) white-robed. gen., kfftuv x f *Pa * <pdvoto to stay one's hands from
XcvK-od)pvt, t>, (Xcvxot, 6<ppit) white-browed. murder. II. more freq. intr., to leave off, or cease

XtVKO-xtrwv, wot, 6, 1), (kevKot, x ir ^JV ) tubite- from, k-fjytiv tpthot to cease from strife c. part., X^- ;

coated. (Y] 7<w (vapi£ojv I cease slaying also absol. to cease, —

Xcvtco-xpoos, ov, contr -xpovs, ow, (ktvKot, xp<*0 make an end.
white-coloured : heterocl. ace. k(vx6xpoa X-r|8dvov, t<5, (Xfjbov) gum ladanum, gum masticb.
\<vK6-xp<o%,orros. <'»
^, (kfvKot, \pcjt) wbite-ikinned. X-fjSdptov, t6, Dim. of kybot, a light dress. [&]
Xcvkocj, f. iiaw, iktvitot) to whiten: to paint white: AH" AON, t6, the masticb. a shrub on the leaves of
— Med., X (VKovaOai 8wka to whiten their shields. II. which the gum >^avov is f/>und.
kevKovv vdba. to bare the foot. Xfi8os. tot, t6, (ktios) a tbm cloth, light dress.
Xcvk-u>X<vo$, ov, (kevKot, iikivrj) white-armed. Xfjtouxii, Att. for knt^oftat.
XruKUfia, t6, (kfvxut, ktvrcdto) anything whitened: Xt)0(uos or XtjOatos, 0, ov, (X^?;) of or for for get-
a white tablet for public notices, Lat. album. fulness, ob'ivious. II. of or from Lethe, L'tbean.

Xrupos, 6., ov, (ktiot) smooth, level, even. II. XT)9dvc»>, Causal of kavOdvtu see kavQdioj u. ;

smooth, polished. X-q^ap-y^'ids, 17, ov, drew y, slot Jul. From

•AETr 2, 6, » kaat, hence a stone :X-f|0apYO«, op, (krj$n) forgetting, c. gen. : absol
Xtuatfios, ov, stoning; ktvcipot Odvarot de-th by forgetful, lethargic.

412 Xrj0€bav6s — ArjroyevTJs.

Xt]6cS&v6s, i], oV, (\rj$dvu) causing forgetfulness. as god of the wine-press. 2. Af/vaia (sub. ltpd\ tA,
Xt)0c8u>v, ovos, ij, poet, for \r)9r}. (beLenaea, an Athenian festival held in the month
Xt)0t] Dor. XdOa, J), (A^0o/wu) a forgetting, forget- Arjvaiuv in honour of Bacchus, at which there were
ulness, Lat. oblivio. II. Lethe, the river of obli- dramatic contests, esp. of the Comic poets. 3.
vion in the lower world. Arjvatov, to, the Lenaeum, or place at Athens where
XfjOos, r6, Dor. kados, = \^0rj. the Lenaea were held.
AH'0£i, X.T|0op,ai, older form of \av6avat, \av0av- Anvatrris, ov, 6, — ArjvatKos.
tyuai, whence the tenses are formed ; see XavOava). A-qvauwv, wvos, 6, old name of the Att. month Ta-
Xtjt-dvetpa, ij, (Ktj'is, avrjp) mailing prey of men. HqXiwv in which the Athenian Lenaea were held, the
Xtjkxs, abos, poet. fern, of XijiStos, captive. latter part of Jan. and former of Feb. the seventh :

Xi]i-|3oTT|p, rjpos, 0, fem. X-r]i-j36T€ipa, {k"f]tov, j9o- month of the Attic year.
arKo:) crop-devouring. AHNO'5 Dor. Xuvos, ov, ^ or 6, a trough, Lat.
Xt)l8los, a, ov, {krjis) /afo» as ooo(y, captive. alveus: I. a wine-vat. 2. a trough for water-
Xt]l £opai Att. X;'£ : fut. Krjioofiai Ep. X-qiaco- ing cattle. 3. a kneading-trough.
imi : aor. I (Kqiadfxrjv Att. tXyadfirjv, Ep. 3 sing. AHN02 Dor. Xavos, cos, to, Lat. A, wool. LAN
KrjiaaaTO : — Pass., pf. \i\riapai Dep. : (A-^s) to :
: — X-f|£cuu.i, aor. I opt. of A1770;.

s«'ze as fcoo/y, mafe s/>oi7 o/: generally, /o


g */ or ^am Xtj£is, ecus, fj, (Ai^a;) a cessation, end.

by force. II. /o plunder, ravage a country. III. Xtj£is, ecus, if, (\rj£o{w.i) appointment by lot, allot-
pf. AiApa/iai occurs in pass, signf., to be spoiled, ment. II. as law-term, a written complaint lodged

taken as booty. with the arcbons, a plea or accusation. 2. \rj£is tov

Xtjitj, Ion. for A« la. fcXrjpov an application for one's lawful inheritance.
X-nv-v6p.os, oi/, (A^tov, vtfMj) dwelling among the XT|£op,ai, fut.of Kayxavoj.
corn-fields. Xtjos, rare Ion. form for Aao*.
AH'ION, to, a crop, crop of corn: later, a corn-field. Xtjitt€OS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of \an$avoj, to be
XtjCs, ibos, 1), Ion. for Acta, booty, spoil. 2. a taken. II. neut. KijvTtov, one must take bold: one
herd or flock, cattle. must take or accept.
\r\ia-a-aro, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of \.iji£o/mi. Xtjittos, ov, verb. Adj. of Xaft&avoj, to be taken

Xtjuottip, 1700s, 6, (\7)l£ofiai) Ep. for Att. K^ar^s. or comprehended.

XTjumf|s, ov, 6, Ion. for kjiarrjs. X-qpcto, f. rjaa), (\fjpos) to be foolish or silly, behave
Xf)to"Ta)p, opos, 6,=*\moTT)p. foolishly; Xrjpei <tx 0JV be keeps on acting foolishly.
XTjio-ros or XciYrros, 17, 6v, (\tjl£opat) carried of as AH~P02, 6, idle talk
: frivolousness, nonsense.

booty, to be won by force. Xrjpos, ov, 6, a small trinket, Lat. leria.

XijtOTVs, vos, 7), (kijifyfjiai) plundering, spoiling. Xfjs, 2 sing, of 'Aaa;, \a>.
Xijms, tSo*, 17, (\r)is) she who makes or dispenses X"r|o-Cp>fJpoTOS, ov, (Kijda), /3poTO«) taking men un-
booty, epith. of Athena. awares, a cheat.
Xtjitov [r], to, Achaian Athen. irpvra- name for the Xtjo-|aoowij, /}, forgetfulness. From
vtlov, the town-ball. Properly, neut. of Xtjitos. Xr|ap,o)v, ov, gen. ovos, (\tj6<u) forgetting, unmindful.
X^jitos, t), ov, (Atan, Aaos) of the people, public. Xr)CTopai. fut. med. of \av6dvoj.
AHKE'fl Dor. XcLkcu, to sound, = Aaa/ca;. Hence Xxjo-TcCa, j), (\rjaT(VQi) a course of plundering, rob-
X-nKivSa, Adv. sounding ; iraifav A. to beat time. bery, piracy, Lat. latrocinium.
XtjKt'iOiov, to, Dim. of \tjkv6os, a small oil-flask. Xx|OT€vo>, f. aw, (\tiott]s) to be a robber or pirate:

AH'KT0O2, 57, an oil-flask, oil-bottle: a casket. [C] c. ace. to plunder, sack.

Xfjpa, to, ("Adcu, Xu>'\ wish, will, purpose : in good Xx|0-TT|piov, to, a band of robbers. From
sense, spirit, courage: in bad sense, pride, arrogance. Xx|o-rrjs Ion. Xt)io-tt|S, ov, 6, (\y£ofiai) a robber,
XnpaXtos, a, ov, (\rjfir]) bleared, purblind, of the plunderer : esp. a pirate.
eyes, Lat. lippus. Xx|Otik6s, 17, ov, (\t]ottis) inclined to rob, piratical:
XTipSTidw, (/77/ia) to be spirited or resolute. to Xtjgtikov piracy. Adv. -kSis, in the manner of
Xnfxaco, (Ai7/i»7) fo be bleared: to be purblind. pirates : Comp. \-QOTiKUTipov more after the manner
AH'MH, ij, Lat. gramia, a humour that gathers in of pirates.
the eye, rheum : al A^/xat, sore eyes. Xtjo-tis, i), {X.r}8oS) a forgetting.

X-qpfia, to, (cikijfifiai) anything received, income, XflOTO-KTovos, ov, (A770-T17*, ktuvoA slaying robbers
receipts : gain, profit, Lat. lucrum. XflorpiKos, 17, iv. = ApaTi/fo*, piratical; t6 KyffTpi-
Arjpvios, a, ov, of Lemnos, Lemnian. From Kuv a pirate-vessel.
Atjjxvos, if, Lemnos, an island in the north Aegaean Xflo-TpCs, idos, pecul. fem. of KyaTpi/cSs.
sea, sacred to Vulcan, because of its fires. volcanic Xt|o-ui, fut. of XavOavo).

Atjv<K 6s, ov, (Afyaia) belonging to the Arjvaia.

i\, Atjto--y€vt|s, is, Dor. AoLt-, (Aijtw, *fivo)) born of
Xijvaios, a, ov, (\qv6s) belonging to the wine- La'ona, of Apollo and Diana : fem. Aaro-yivaa, of
press : 1. Arjvcuos, Lat. Lenaeus, epith. of Bacchus Diana.
: ; '

ArjTot^rjs — \i6o\6yos. 413

Atjto<8t]S Dor. A&t-, ov, 6, (Ajjtoi) son of Leto, of Xlyv-Opoos, ov, cc-ntr. -Qpovt, ovv, (\iyvt, $p6os)
Apollo. L
r] clear-singing.
At]t«, 60s contr. ovs, r), Leto, Lat. Latona, mother XlY^-p-oXiros, ov, (\iyvs, p-oKv^)) clear-singing.
of Apollo and Diana gen. Ajjtovs, dat. Atjtoi, ace.
Xiyv-p-vOos, ov, {\iyvs, fivOos) clear-speaking.
At/tw, voc. Atjtoi. Xlyv-irvtiw, ovros, (\iyvs, vviw) shrill-blowing,
At]t<j»os Dor. Aut-, a, 3K, (A^tcw) 0/ «r born of whistling, rustling.
Latona : fem. also Atjtojis, i'5os. Xt-yu-Trvoios, ov, (\tyvs, irvoif)) > Kiyxrrvtiojv
Xt]4>0€is, aor. 1 pass. part, of kafi$dv<u. Xt-yv-nrepuYos, ov, {\iyvs, Trr4pv£) chirping with
X^dns, 1}, (At^-o/wu, fut. of Aa/i/Jdvco) a taking, the wings, of the cicada.
seizing. 2. an accepting, receiving. Xl-yvptfo), f. aa), {\1yvp6s) to sing loud or clear.
\yy\fo\iai, fut. of \afipdvQ}. Xtyvpos, d, 6v, (\iyvs) shrill, sharp, piercing, of
AT-, insep. Prefix with intens. force, cf. Aa-, \at-. sound: also clear, sweet, clear-toned. II. later,
ATA'ZOMAI, aor. I iXidoOrjv : Pass. : to bend pliant, flexible.
sidewards, swerve, withdraw: of the waves, to retire, Xlyvpuis, Adv. loudly, clearly.
recede: to vanish, of a vision." II. to bend down- AITT'S, Xiytia, \tyv, of sound, clear, sharp,
wards, down, fall; part, \1a06us having fallen
slip piercing, shrill : also clear-toned, sweet : also of grief,
irrtpd itvkvcL \1a06tv the thick wings drooped. clamorous and of the nightingale, thrilling. \t]

Xiav Ion. Xitjv, Adv. (Ai ) too much, over-much, Ai-yvs, vos, 6, r), a Ligurian. one who lived in Ligu-
like the later dyav, Lat. nimis. II. very much, ria ^ north of Genoa).

exceeding, right well, [t both long and short.] Xt-yv-^Oo-yYOS, ov, (\iyvs, <pdoyyr)) clear-voiced,
Xidpos, d, uv, ma %\iap6s, warm, lukewarm : gene- clear-toned.
rally, soft, mild. Xl-yv-dwvos, ov, {\iyvs, <pojvr)) clear-voiced, scream-
Xiao-deis, aor. of Xid^ofiai.
I part. pass, ing.
XiaaOcv, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 1 of Aid£b/«u. AI'ZH, f. £a>, (akin to Aft'x<u) to graze, scratch,
Xlf3d$w, f. ooj, (Ktpds) to let fall in drops — Med. wound slightly : hence \iybrjv and km-\iy5rjv.
to run out in drops, trickle. Xitjv, Adv., Ion. for Xiav.
Xi/3&vos, 0, the frankincense-tree, producing \tfiavaf- Xt0d£<o, f. o<u, (\idos) to throw stones. 2. to stone.
tos. \l.=Kt0avarrvs, frankincense. X(0a|, a/fos, 6, r), (\iOos) stony, rocky. II. as
Xlf3avo-4>6pos, ov, = Xiflavarroipopos. Subst. \iOa£, ?/, a stone.
Xt|3ava)Tos, ov, 6, (Kl&avos) frankincense, the gum XiOds, dSos, ^, (\iOos) a stone : collectively, a shower
of thetree KljUavos. II. a censer. of stones.
Xlj3dva>To-4>6pos, ov, (ktfiavajTos, <pipo)) bearing XCdcos, o, ov, (\i0os) made of stone, stony.
frankincense. Xl0T)-Xo"YT|S, «i (At6o$, Af7o; 11) built of stones.
Xi{3ds, dbos, 7), (\ei/3<v) anything that drops or XtfKSiov, to, Dim. of Ai'0os, a small stone, pebble.
trickles: a spring, fount or stream : in pi. water ; !
Xidivos, 7), ov, {\iOos) made of stone, stony. Adv.
banpv<uv Xifiabts streams of tears. -vws, like stone, with stony look.
Xif3«pTivos, 6, ihe Lat. liber tinus, and XCj&pros, 0, Xi06-PXtjtos, ov, (KiOos, /SdAAtu) stone-throwing,
the Lat, libertus, a freedman. pelting. II. set with stones.

XC0os, to, = Ai/3ds, tears : but Xi^os, gen. of \ty. Xt0oj3oXco), f. you, to pelt with stones, stone. From
Xifipos, d, 6v, (Ae/^cu) dripping, wet. Xt0o-J36Xos, ov, (/3aAe«') throwing stones, pelting with
Ai/jvtj, r), Libya, the north part of Africa, west of stones; ol \i6o&6\oi stone-throwers, slingers. II.
Egypt, first mentioned in the Odyssey. \iOu0o\os, ov, pass, struck with stones, stoned.
Ai|3vs, vos, 6, {em.Alf}vo-aa,(AifivT])aLibyan: also Xt0o--yXv<f>os, ov, (XiOos, y\v<poj) carving stone ; as
as Adj. Libyan. Hence Subst., \i9oy\v<pos, 6, a sculptor. [C]
AiPvoTucos, 17, ov, of ox for Libya, African. Xt0o-8cpKT)s, «'s, (Atflos, 5«p«o/xai) with stony look,
A1TA Adv. of Xiyus, as wxa of ojkvs, loudly,
, looking one to stone.
clearly, tbrillingly, shrilly, [r] Xl06-8p.T)TOS, ov, (Ki6os, b(fuu) stone-built.
XtYatvu, (Kiyvs) to cry out with clear loud voice : to Xl0o-S6p.os, ov, (\iOos, bifxeo) building with stone :

shriek, scream : also to sound, play, sing. as Subst., \i6o56fj.os, 6, a mason.

Xiy-yw. (Au-yi/'s) only found in Ep. aor. I, Ary£« /3io» Xt0o-«pYos, 6v, (Kidos, *(pyoj) turning to stone.
the bowstring twanged. X#o-k6XXt]tos, ov, (\160s, Ko\\d<v) wrought with
Xiy&tjv, Adv. (At'£a;) scraping, grazing, Lat. strictim. stone, inlaid with precious stones : bard as stone.
Xi/y«<*> v . poet, for Xiyawv, gen. pi. fem. of \tyvs. Xt0o-KTOvla, 7), {\iOos, KT(ivoj) death by stoning.
Xlyiuts, Adv. of \iyvt, loudly, clearly, shrilly. X106-X«votos, ov, o, (At'0os, k(vcv) stoned with stones;
AIPNY'2, vos, r), smoke mixed with flame, murky \i96\cvotos "Apijs death by stoning.
flmme. Xt0oX6yr|p.a, aros, to, a stone building. From
Xty^*, 3 sm g- Ep. aor. I of \lyyoj. Xt0o-X6-yos, ov, (Aj^os, A«7a; ii) picking out stones
^Y^xfo. «'». (Xiyvt, r)yt)) clear-sounding. and laying them together not shaped or hewn; c£
: :

414 k*6o£6os -Ai7ra.

XoyaZrjv ; as Subst., XiOoXoyos, 6, a mason, = Xi9o- a haven, retreat, refuge. 3. a gathering-place, rt-
b\j flOt. ceptacle.
Xt0o-|6os, ov, (XiOos, {ecu) polishing stone : as Subst., XiUTjpos, &, 6v, (Xtpos) hungry, starved, famished.
Xi9o£oos, 6, a marble-mason. Aipvcu, al, (Xipvij) a quarter of Athens near the
Xl0o-irou6s, ov, (XiOos, itoiiai) turning to stone. Acropolis, in which stood the Lenaeum.
\t06p-pivos, ov, (Xidos, piv6s) with stony skin. Xipvaios, 0, ov, (XipLVTj) marshy, if or from the
AI'0O2 [<"], ov, o, a stone : of stupid people, XiOoi, mere, <"pvi0es Xipvatoi water-fowl : stagnant.
blocks, stones : proverb., XiOov tipfiv to boil a stone, Xipvds, ados, 1), poet. fem. of Xipvcuos.
i. e. to lose one's labour. 2. stone as a sub- Xipvai-ns [0], fem. -arts, Dor. for XipvifTrjs, -rfris.
stance. II. XiOos. ij, mostly of some special stone, XCp-vrj, if, (Xci0<v) a large pool of standing water
as marble or the magnet ; ff Siacpavtfs XiOos a trans- a lake, mere, esp. a marshy lake. 2. in Homer, the
parent crystal used for a burning-glass. III. at sea. <. a basin or artificial reservoir for water.

Athens, Xidos was a name for various blocks of stone Xtp.vT|Tr|S, ov, 6, fem. - tjtis Dor. -dns, tbos, (Xip.vrf)
used for rostra or pulpits, to speak fr<>m; as the living or growing in marshes.
Bema of the Pnyx. IV. the piece on a draught- Xtpvo-4>wfjs, is, (Xiuvrj, (pi'oj) marsh-born.
board. Xiu.v-J>St|S, e*, (Xipvrj, ttdos) like a marsh, marshy.
Xt0o-o-irS8T|s, is, (XiOos. ffrrdoj) rent in the stone, Xip.o-0vTjs, rjros, 6, rj, (Xipus, OvrfOKw) dying of
made by tearing out a piece of rock. hunger.
XlOo-o-Tpwros, ov, (Xi9os, arpwvvvpi) paved with AOIO'2, ov, 6, alsohunger, famine.

stones, inlaid with stones: as Subst., XiOuarparrov, to, Xlp.o-({>op€vs, o, (Xtpas, <pipco) a bringer of hunger.
a tesselated pavement. XCp.-o)8i]S, «s, (XIpos, clfios) like hunger, famished.
Xt0oTop.ia, if, a cutting or quarrying of stones.: a Xipwo-o-w Att. -rria, (Xip.6s) to be famished.
stone-quarry. From Xiveos, a, ov, contr. -ovis, rf, ovv, (Xivov) of flax,
Xi0o-Top.os, ov, (Xi0os, ripvoj) cutting stone. flaxen, linen, Lat. lineus.
XlQovpyiu), f. rjaoj, to work in stone : turn into stone. Xtv€trrT|S, ov, 6, {Xivov) a hunter with nets.
XlO-ovpyos, 6v, {XiOos, ' ipyoS) working in stone : as Xlv6-8€crpos, ov, (Xivov, Seopos) = Xiv65(tos.
Subst., XtOovpyus, 6, a stone-mason, also a sculptor Xtv6-8«TOS, ov, (Xivov, b(<u) bound with flaxen bonds
hence, aih-qpia Xi0ovpya a stone-masons tools. or bands. 2. tied by a thread.
Xi0o<f>3pcci>, f. ifoai, to carry stones. From Xtvo-0T)pas, ov, 6, (Xivov, 0r}p6xu) a hunter with nets.
Xi9o-4>6pos, ov, (Xi0os, <ptpa>) carrying stones. Xtvo-0a>pT|£, t)kos, 6, if, Ion. for XivoOupa£, (Xivv,
Xi0-u>5t]s, €*, contr. for Xi0oei5rfs, {Xidos, tUos) like 6wpa£) wearing a linen cuirass.
stone, stony. XXvo-kXwo-tos, ov, (Xivov, kXu9w) spinning flax.
XiKjiaios, a, ov, of or for winnowing. From Xtvo-KpoKOs, ov, (Xivov, KpkKoi) flax-woven.
XiK|xda),f. r\ao), (Xitcpos) to winnow corn. 2. AI NON, to, anything made offlax : a flaxen cord
metaph. to sca'ter like chaff. Hence metaph. the thread spun by the Fates. 2. a net,
XtKp.7|TT|p, rjpos, 6, a winnower of corn. fishing-net. 3. linen, linen cloth : in pi. sail-cloth ;

Xucp/rjTos, o, (Xucpdw) a winnowing. linen garments. wick of a lamp.

4. the II. the

AIKMO 2, ov, 6, -- X'ikvov. plant that produces flax, lint, hzt.linum; Xivv aireppa
AI'KNON, to, a wicker fan or basket for throwing lint-seed. [1]
the corn against the wind, so as to separate the chaff Xtvo-ircirXos, ov, (Xivov, irirrXos) with linen robe.
from the grain, a winnowing-fan. II. a fan- Xtvo-iropos, ov, (Xivov, irop(vu) sail-wafting.
shaped basket, used at the feast of Bacchus, called by Xtvo-rrrdopcu, Dep (Xivoirrrjs) to watch the nets.
Virg mystica vannus Iaccbi. III. a cradle of Xlv6-irrepos, ov, (Xivov, irr(p6v) sail-winged.
wicker-work. Xtv-oimjs, ov, 6, (Xivov, o\f/ one who watches
Xiicvo-<j>6pos, ov, (Xikvov, <plp<u) carrying the sacred nets to see whether anything is caught.
winnowing-fan in procession. Xtvop-p&4>T|s, is, {Xivov, 'airrw^ sewed ifflax; i6p»s
Xiicpl<)>is, Adv. crosswise, sideways, athwart. (From Xivoppa<pr)S a ship having her sails of linen.
Xixpis, Xixpios.) Aivos, ov, 6, Linos, a minstrel, son of Apollo and
XtXaiopat, (At-, XfXirjuai') Dep. to long, crave ; of Urania. II. as appellat., AtVos, o, the song or lay
a lance, XtXaiopivrj xp° ,JS o\aai longing to taste flesh: of Linos; in Homer sung by a boy while the vintage
c. gen. to long or thirst for a thing. is going on. Cf. alXivov.
Xi|xatva>, (XipCs) to hunger, be starved, famished. Xtvoo-T&o-Ca, if, a laying of nets. From
Xipcvtcro-iv, Ep for Xtpeaiv, dat. pi. of Xtprjv. Xivo-otot«co, f. rjao), (Xivov, larnpu) to lay nets.
Xtp.eviTtjs [t], ov, 6, fern, -ins, iSos, (Xtp-riv) of the Xtvovs, 77, ovv, contr. for Xivtos.
harbour : presiding over the harbour. Xivo-<j>06pos, ov, (Xivov, <p6eipoi\ linen-wasting.
Xtp.€v-oppXrr)S [t], ov, 6, (Xipvqv, bpuifa) stationed? XCira, to, an old word used by Homer in the phrases
in the harbour. &X(iif/ai and aXetyaaOai Xiir' tXa'«p, probably used as
AI'MH'N, ivot, o, a harbour, haven. 2. metaph. an Adv. unctuously, richly. (Cf. Xtiros.) [J]
— : : :

XLiraCvo) — XiriaOai. 415

XTitoIvw, f. ava>, (X/wr«, X/iro*^ to oil, anoint : me- Xlir6-irvoo», ov, contr. --irvovt, ow, (Xuvtiv, wvofi)
taph. to make fat enrich: — Med. to anoint oneself. scant of breath, breathless, dead.
\Xv&p-6.\nru£,vKus,u,1}, ^nrap^t, apiirv{) with bright Ai. E[02, to, grease, whether animal, as fat, lard,
fillet or tiara. tallow ; or vegetable, as oil : metaph., Kirrot aliuxrot
Xiir&pcw, f. bold out, persevere ; c.
17CC0, to persist, a clot of blood.
dat. to persist in a II. to beg or pray
thing. XlTroo-opKTjs, it, (\iiruv, cdp£) wanting flesh,
earnestly, to be importunate, ask pertinaciously : c.inf., meagre.
\iwaput rvxtiv thou art earnest to obtain. From Xliro-ore<|>Svos, ov, (\w(tv, or i<pavot) failing from
AJTII .VPH 2, it, persisting or persevering in a thing, the wreath.
earnest, pertinacious. II. earnest in praying, im- Xtiro-orparia, fi, and Xtiro-orp&Ttov, t6, (Xivftv,
portunate. orparia) desertion of the army.
Xi7r4pT|T€Ov, verb. Ai). of kiirapicu, one must be im- Xtiro-Ta£(a, 1), and Xliro-rd|iov, to, (\11rav, rd£it)
portunate, beg hard. a leaving one's post, desertion.
Xiir-pia, 1), {\nrapioj) perseverance, importunity. Xtiro-TptxTls, it, (\11rt1v, 6pi£) scant of hair, bald.
Xlir3p6-£cdvos, ov, (\nrap'*t, ^wvrf) bright-girdled. XlTro-d/vx«D, f. ijooj, (Xurtlv, ipvxq) to be lifeless
Xt-rrdpo-Gpovos, ov, {Xiiraput, Op^vot) bright-throned. i. e. senseless, to faint, swoon : to die. II. to lack
Xlirdpo-KpT|8«pvos, ov, (Xinap6s, Kprjbffivov) with spirit.
bright head-band or fillet. XtTr6o>v, Ep. part, of \11raa).
Xiirdpo-rrX6»cap.os, ov, (\11rap6t, ir\6icafjios) with Xtirropai, Dep. with pf. pass, \i\tfxfuu : (formed
sbinin* locks. from prefix X< ): to be eager: c. gen. to be eager
Xlir&pos, a, 6v, (XiVa* or \inot) oily, shining, for, long for : in pf. part., K^Kififiivot t*axV s tug*1

anointed with oil : later/a/, greasy. II of the for battle.


skin, shining, sleek, in good case, Lat. nitidus : me- Xittwv, ovoa, 6v, aor. 2 part, of Xftircu.
taph. sleek, comfortable, easy. of things,
III. Xis. 6, ace. \iv, F p. for \i<uv, a lion — later nom.
bright, brilliant, costly : ample. IV. of soil, fat, and dat. plur. \i(t, Kitooi.
rich. Xis, 17, Ep. apocopate form for Xiaot), smooth ; Xi*
Xtir4p6-xp«os, ov, contr. -\povs, ovv, and -xpcos, virp-n a bare, smooth rock.
UTOt, 6, t), {kiiraput. \p»a, XPW*) with sleek, shining Xio*ai, aor. 1 imperat. of kiaaofiat. [1^
body or skin. Xio-q, 2 sing, fut of \iooofiai. [f]
XttrdlptLs, A<W. of XTir&pos, sleekly, comfortably. Xlorros, rj, ov, (Xiooijt, \eiot) smooth, polished.
XlTfSpois, Adv. of \incLpT)s, earnestly, importunately. Xto-o-ai, hp. aor. of \iaaofuu I in.perat.
Al'IIA'S, aot, to, = \itrot,fat, oil. [t~\ Xio-ads, fern of \toovt, smooth
o.oot, pecul. as —
Xlir-aTryTjs, it, (Xintiv, avyrj) deserted by light, blind. Subst., \io<7at, a smooth bare cliff; cf. \1006t.

Xlirdd>, {\ivat, \11rot) to be fat and sleek. Xiao-to-KfTO, 3 sing. Ion. impf of Xtaaofjuu.
Xiir«, XCircv, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of Kuiru. AI'220MAI: aor. I fKto-afniv Kp. iKKXaapiriv :

Xiimv, aor. 2 inf. of Kuitoj. a«*r. 2 iklTufiijv, opt. \iT»ifi7]v, inf. XiriaOat Dep.
Xtir«pvT|TTjs, ov, 6, fern, --tjtvs, 180s, (\ittuv, <pipvrj) — to beg, pray, intreat, beseech, either absol., or c. ace.

wi'bout dowry, destitute. pers. : c. inf., \ioat cdai fit] irpodovvi to pray one not
Xlir6-Y&p>os, ov, (\11ruv, yafiot) leaving a wife or to betray.
husband, adulterous : t) the adulteress. Xto-o-os, {Knot, Xiairot) smooth; \iO0^ virprj
i\, ov,
Xliro-yvwpttV, ov, gen. ovos, (Xitrfiv, yvw/xxuv) of a smooch, bare tf. \100at. cliff;
horses, without the tooth which marks their age : hence Xco-tos, 17, 6v, {Xio-oofjiat) to be moved by prayer.
generally, of unknown a*e. Xio-Tpevu, f. ooj, to dig, hoe ; <pvrbv Kiarptvuv to
Xliro-yvios, ov, (Xivtiv, yviov) wanting a limb, dig round a plant. From
maimed. XioTpov, to, (KiaaCt) a tool for levelling or smooth-
Xiiroura, Xtiro(<xav, Dor. for \iirovoa, Kiirovaav, ing, a shovel, spade, hoe.
aor. 2 part, of Xf'mo). Xito, to. in Homer, smooth, plain clothes; v. sub Kit 11.
Xtiro-p.'fjTwp, opos, 6, 1), {Kirtuv, ntjTTjp) without a XlTatvu, ^Xit^ to pray, entreat : supplicate.
mother, orphan. XLTavcvxTopev, Ep. for -cufitv, aor. 1 subj.ofXiTavfi/cu.
Xliro-vavs Dor. also Xlir6-vas, 6, t), (Kntt.iv, vavs) XtTdvevo), f. ecu : — the atigm. tenses are used in Ep.
leaving the ship, deserting the fleet. with XX metri grat., impf. iKXiravtvov. aor. 1 «XXi-
Xtiro-vaurrjs, ov, 6, (Xiiruv, vavTTjt) leaving the ravtvoa : {\ittj) :
— to pray, entreat, beseech, conjure,
sailors. supplicate.
Xtir6-v€a)S, ojv, = \inovavt. XtTdvos, rj, ov, (KiTt)} praying, suppliant : as Subst^
Xl-rri-rraTpis, loot, o, jJ,
(Kiirtiv, rrarpit) causing to \irava, Td\, = \nai, prayers.
forget one's country. XtTapY^w, f ooj, to hasten, run, hurry. From
Xtiro-iraT&>p, opot. 6, r), (\iirtir, vaTqp) a deserter, XiT-ap*yos, ov, (X<-, apy6t) running quick.
forsaker of one's father. XlT«V0ai, aor. 2 inf. of kioa<*iuu.
: : :

416 Xlttj — Ao'yos.

Xt-rfj, r), (\iff<TOfuu) a prayer, entreaty, supplica- learned, esp. learned in history : as Subst., k6yio$, 6,
tion. II. AiTcu, Prayers, personified as goddesses, a writer of annals, chronicler, prose-writer, as opp. to
in II. Q. 502, sq. iroiT)Tf)s. II. eloquent.
Xtroipynv, aor. 2 opt. of \iacropxn. XoYio-p-os, 6, (\oyi£o/mi) reckoning, computa-
Xiropiai |_r], rarer pres. for \ioaopuii, to pray. tion. II. consideration, reasoning, reflexion : a

Xitos, f), 6v, (\uos) smooth, plain, Lat. simplex. conclusion.

Xlros, (kiooopm) praying, supplicatory.
17, ov, Xo-yio"tt|s, ov, 6, (\oyi£opat) a calculator, com-
Xirpa, as, r), Lat. libra, a pound: as a weight, = 12 puter. II. in pi. auditors : at Athens, a board

ounces. Hence of ten, to whom magistrates going out of office sub-

Xirpaios, a, ov, worth a \irpa. mitted their accounts.
XCrpov, to, Att. f^r virpov. Xo-yto-TiKos, i), 6v, (\oyiarf)s) skilled in calculat-
AtTu«poT)S, ov, 6, Dor. -aas, Lityerses, a son of ing. II. skilled in reasoning or arguing.
Midas, from whom was named a song sung by reap- Xo 70 Ypa<J>La, r), prose-writing, opp. t> > poetry. From
ers ; cf. A.ivos, M.avtp<us. Xo-yo-Ypd^os, ov, (\6yos, ypdup<u) writing prose : as
XCtvov, to, the Roman lituus or augur's rod. Subst., \oyoypd<{>os, 6, a chronicler, annalist. II.

XtxSvos, 6V, (Act'xw) licking: as Subst., Aix<xvos writing speeches, esp. for others to deliver.
(sub. 56jctv\os), 6, the fore-finger. XoYO-Xeoxns, ov, 6, (A070S, Aeo'x'?) a prater.
\v%rp, rjvos, 6, v. sub \a.\r)v.««, (Xoyon&xos) to strive about words.
Xixp-&£<<>, f. aaa), (A€tx<u) '0 Hch. Hence
Xixp-ao|xai, Dep. (A«x<w) '0 lick, to play with the XoYopSxia, r), a war about words.
tongue, esp. of snakes. XoYo-p.axos, ov, (A. .70s, pax*}) tvarring about words.
Xixveia, r), daintiness, greediness. XoYOiroitw, (Ao707rotos) to make words, invent sto-
Xixvo-Popos.op, {\lxvos,ftopa.) nice in eating, dainty. ries, fabricate reports. Hence
Xtxvos, rj, ov, (A.«x<u) dainty, lickerish, greedy. 2. XoYoiroua, 7), invention of stories, tale-telling.

metaph. curious, eager. XoYO-iroios, 6v, (\6yos, iroi(<u) word-making as —

gen. Xl&us, (\ufico) theSW.wind, Lat. Africus.
Xiij/, 6, Subst., Ao707rotos, 6, a writer of prose, a chronicler,
Xuj/, 6, gen. Ai/3os, ace. \i(ia, (\uQcu) any liquid annalist, prose-writer. 2. a writer offables. II.
poured forth, a drop, libation, drink-offering. at Athens, one who wrote speeches for others to deli-
\o', for \6e ; see \ovoi. ver. 2. an inventor of stories, tale-teller, news-
Ao|36s, ov, 6, (Aeircu) the lobe or /ower /ar/ of the monger.
ear —
the lobe of the liver. 2. a pool. Xoyos, o, (Ac7<w) I. the word by which the in-

XoYaBijv, Adv. (\oyas) picking out, esp. of stones ward thought is expressed : also II. the inward

picked out for building, without being squared. [3] thought or reason itself.
Xoyas, ddos, 6 and r), (\iyoS) gathered: picked, I. Lat. oratio, vox, that which is said or
chosen, esp. of soldiers. spoken : 1. a word, in pi. words, language; ws
Xo-ydu, (\6yos, Aeycu) to be fond of talking. riiretv \6ycp in a word: —
in Att., talk, pretence;
Xo"y€iov, to, (\070s) a speaking-place : in the Att. rep Koycp in pretence, opp. to tpyep in reality. 2. a
theatre the front of the stage occupied by the speakers saying, expression : an oracle, maxim, proverb. 3.
or actors, Lat. pulpitum. conversation, discussion ; els \6yovs kKOetv to have
Xo-yia, r), (\iyoi) a collection for the poor. a conference or interview. 4. a speaking or
XoyiBiov, to, Dim. of \6yos, a little fable, [r] talking about a thing; Xoyov a£tos worth talking
XoYi£op,ai, f. ioopat Att. toC/xat aor. 1 med. cAo-
of, worth mention : a —
report, rumour ; Aoyot
yiadp.r)V, pass. kXoyiaO-qv pf. Kckoyiffpuu : Dep. (cri or !x«i, so the story goes, Lzt.famafert. 5.


(\6yos) to count, reckon, calculate, compute ; diro a tale, story, opp. both to mere fable {pvOot) and to
\eipos \oyi£eo~0ai to calculate off hand. II. to regular history (taropia) : a. fictitious story, fable,
take into account, consider : c. ace. to count or con- such as those of Aesop. b. a story, narrative,
sider as so and so. 2. c. inf. to count or reckon mostly in pi., history, chronicles : in sing, one part of
upon doing. 3. to calculate, reason : also, to con- the narrative. 6. Ao70t, prose-writing, prose,
clude by reasoning, infer. III. the pres., and the opp. to noirjCis, a book. b. at Athens, speeches : a
aor. 1 and pf. ikoyioBnv, \(\6yiapMi, are also used speech; the power of speaking, oratory, eloquence. 7.
in pass, sense, to be computed or calculated. the right or privilege of speaking, Lat. copia dicendi,
Xoyticos, (\070s) belonging to speech or speak-
f), 6v, \6yov rtvl dtSdvai to give one the right of speaking,
ing. II. belonging to the reason, rational. 2. i. e. a hearing. 8. like ffTJpia, the thing spoken of,

fitfor reasoning: hence r) koyiicr) (sub. rex"*}), Logic. the subject of the \6yos.
X6yip.os, rj, ov, also 0*, ov, (A070S) worth mention, II. Lat. ratio, thought, reason; Kara \6yov
remarkable, considerable. agreeable to reason : reflexion, deliberation : \6yov
Xoyiov, to, a declaration, oracle : neut. of \6yiot. iavrcp diS6vai to allow himself reflexion, i. e. to think
A6y«>s, o, ov, (\6yo$) skilled in words: I. over a thing. 2. account, consideration,
: : ;

AOTXH—Ao0ctbir. 417
regard; X6yov iroitiaOal nva to nmke one of ac- opp. Euboea ; the Epicnemidian, on the Maliac Gulf;
count; Xoyov nvot e\tiv to make account of a per- tbe Epizepbyrian, in the South of 1 aly.
son ; opp. to tv ovbtvt Xoyc iroitiaOal nva to make Ao£ias, ov, 6, epith. of Apollo, from Xlyeiv, X6yo$ t
one of no account; iv avSpos X6y<p tx (iv to regard in as being the Interpreter of Zeus.
the light of a man. 3. calculation, reckoning: the Xo|jo-|3dTT|S, ov, 0, (Xo£os, f3aivoj) walking sideways.
account or reckoning : Xoyov Sid6vai to give an ac- AOHO'2, 17, ov, slanting, crosswise, Lat. obliquus :

count. 4. relation, proportion, analogy. 5. a Xo£uv or Xo£d fiXiirtiv rivi to look askance at one,
reasonable ground, a condition, esp. in the phrase lirl Lat. limis oculis spectare; av\iva Xo£bv $x uv to nan g
Tcp \6y<p or ciri rots Xdyois upon condition ; 6 X6yos down the head, Lat. stare capite obstipo.
aljKi it stands to reason that. Lat. ratio evincit. Xo|o-Tp6x«-S, iSvs, fern. Adj. (Xo£os, rpixoj) oblique-
III. in N. T., *0 AOT02, the LOGOS or running.
WORD, comprising both senses o{ Word and Reason. X6ov, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of Xovoj.
AOTXH, ij, a spear-bead, javelin-bead, Lat. spicu- XoTTT8-apTra-yC8T|S, ov, 6, {Xoirds, dpirdfa) a disb-
lum: in pi. tbe point with its barbs. II. a snatcher.
LANCE, spear, javelin, Lat. lancea. III. a XoirdStov, t6, Dim. ot Xoirds, a little dish, plat-
troop of spearmen. ter, [a]
Xoyx-TlP^s, «> (^7x7, dpapttv) armed with a spear. AOITA'2, ddos, %, a fiat dish, plate ox platter.
XoYX^Stov, to, Dim. ot Xoyxrj. Xoirts, ioos, tj, = Xtiris.

X6yxtyL0S ov (^"fXV^ °/ or «"''* a

' t
s P ear - Xoiros, ou, or X6iros, ov, 6, (Xtirui) a shell, busk,
\o*f\o-'no\.6%, 6v, (Xo7x»7, ^otico) making spears. bark, peel.
^°YX°"4 op os ov (^°yXV> Qepv) spear-bearing
» >
— Xoti€u>, Ep. for Xovoj.
as Subst., Xoyx<><p6pos, 6, a spearman, pikeman., Att. for Xovofiai, Pass, of A.ova>.

Xo-yx^roSt t), 6v, (Xuyxy) lance-beaded. Xovo-avTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I med. of Xovoj.
\6yoiS, Dor. ace. pi. of X070S. Xovcrev, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of Xovoj.
Xd«, 3 sing Ep. impf. of Xovoj. XovcrOcn, contr. inf. pass, of Xovoj.
Xotcro-as, Xoeo-ordp-cvos, Ep. for Xovaas, Xovaapa- Xovcrw, Dor. fut. of Xovoj.
vos, aor. I part. act. and med. of \ovo). Xotmdco, Desiderat. of \oi;cy, to wish to bathe.
Xo«', Ep. for Xovaopxii, fut. med. of Xovoj. Xotnrpiov, to, (Xovcu) water that has been used in
Xo«rp6v, XocTpo-xoos, oldest form of Xovrp-. a bath.
Xocu, Ep. form of Xovoj. Xovrpo-SdiKTOs, ov, (Xovrpov, dat£<u) slain in tbe
Xoif3T|, 1), (XttfSoj) a pouring: a drink-offering, liba- bath.
tion, Lat. libatio. Xovrpov Ep. Xoerpov, r6, {Xo4oj, Xovoj) a bath, bath-
Xoiyuos, lov, (Xoiyos) pestilent, deadly. ing-place. II. water for bathing ; iv Xovrpy
AOITO'2, ov, 0, ruin, mischief, dea'h : plague. while bathing. III. libations.
Xoi8opcu, f. rjaoj: aor. I iXoioop-qoa Med. and — XovTpo-<popos, ov, {Xovrpov, <pipcu) bringing water
Pass., f. -rjao/iat aor. 1 iXoiSopnadpiijv and iXoi- for bathing or washing, esp. at a marriage Xovrpo-

: ;

lopTjOrjv: (Xo'iSopos)- to rail at, abuse, revile: against (popos x^V the marriage -ceremony.
the gods, to blaspheme: — Med. XovTpoxoIco, to p07tr water into the bath.
to rail at one another; From
but the med. and pass, forms are commonly used in Xovrpo-xoos, ov, Horn. Xo«Tp-, (Xovrpov, Xoerpov,
same sense as Act. Hence X«cu) pouring water into tbe bath, preparing it.
XoiSop-r|0-u.6s, 01!, 6, a railing at, abusing. Xovrptiv, wvos, 6, {Xovrpov) a batbing-room, bath.
XoiSopia, 1), (Xoibopioj) railing, abuse, reproach. AOTT1, fut. Xovooj Dor. Xovo~u>: aor. I tXovaa
XoiSopos, ov, railing, abusive. Ep. Xovaa Med., f. Xovcropiat aor. I iXovoaprjv, — :

AOIMO'2, ov, 6, a plague, pestilence, Lat. pestis. Ep. 3 pi. Xovaavro: Pass., aor. I iXovoOrjv: pf. — —
Xoittos, 17, ov, (Xt'tnoj) remaining, surviving, Lat. XiXovfiai. From the uncontr. form Xotco come the —
reliquus ; rov Xoiirov (sub. yp6vov), for tbe rest of Ep. impf. Xocov, aor. I inf. and part. Xoiaaai, Xoia-
tbe time, henceforward ; ol Xoitroi all tbe rest, Lat. aas: Med., fut. Xoioaofiat 3 sing. aor. 1 ind. and :

ceteri ; rb Aoi7roV tbe remainder, Lat. quod superest; part. Xoioaaro, Several forms also —
rd Xoivd tbe rest, residue, Lat. cetera. come from X6o>, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. impf. Xoc, X6ov
Xour0T)tos, ov, Ep. for XolaOios, XotaOos; XoiaO-qiov Ion. and old Att., pi. impf. iXovfitv (contr. from iX6-
dtOXov the prize/or tbe last in the race. ofx(v), pres. med. Xovfxai, Xovvrai impf. «XoCto, ;

XotcrOios, a, ov or o», ov, = XoiaOos. cAoCi'to, inf. Xotodai, XovaOai. To wash, esp. to
Xourflos, ov, (Xoiwot) left behind, last: Sup. XoiaOo- wash tbe body: Med. and Pass, to wash oneself, bathe;
rarot, last of all. c. gen., XcXovfiivos 'ClKcavoio (of a star just risen)

AoKtc-n (not Xotcn), 1),a cloak. fresh bathed in Ocean. II. to wash off or away.

Acpi.s, i'5o«, fern. Adj. Locrian. II. as Subst. XocJ>d<o, f. rjam, (Xo\pot) to have a crest. 2. to be
(sub. 717) Locris. From sick, ill of a crest.
AoKtoC, ol, tbe Locrians : tbe Opuntian Locrians Xo4>*iov, r6, (X6<po$) a crest-case: any case.
— : : :

418 \o(f>i& — AvburrC.

Xo<f>l<i Ion. -tt|, ^, (\6<po$) the mane of animals,esp* X6xu.ios, ov, also a, ov, dwelling in the coppice. 3.
of horses, the bristly back of boars ; dvrl \6<pov i) as Subst., \6xpia., rd, a thicket, coppice.
Ko<pif] k 'Ttxp** 'he mane served for a crest. II. Xoxu.-w8tjs, €«, (X<$xA"7» ftSos) overgrown with copse-
the ridge of a bill, a bill wood, busby.
Xo<J>iTjrns, ov, o, (\u<pos) a dweller on the hills. X6xov8c, Adv. to ambusb, for ambuscade. From
\o<jms, iSot, i), (\4iru) a torch of vine-bark. X6xos, 6,(A«7« 1, Xiyo/juu) a place for lying in wait,
Xo<j>o-rroi6s, ov, (\u<f>us, noitaj) making crests : as ambusb or ambuscade: the lair of wild beasts. 3.
Subst., Kocpoiroius, 6, a cres -maker. the act of lying in wait or the men that form the
AO'4>02, ov, (5, the back of the neck, the neck, esp. ambusb: \u\ov t'aat to place an ambuscade; Xo-
of draught-cattle : metaph vir> frycv Ku<pov i\tiv
, XovZi icplvuv dvSpas dpiorijat to pick out the best
to have the neck under the yoke. II. a ridge men for an ambuscade. 3. any armed band, a
of ground, the brow of a bill, Lat. jugum, dorsum: a company, commonly reckoned at 1 00 men among :

bill. Ill the crest of a helmet, Lat. crista, com- the Spartans a Xox°» w *s the fourth or fifth part
monly of horse-hair. 2. a lift of bair on the of a udpa (q. v.): generally, any body or company
crown : the crest or tuft on the bead of birds, Lat. of people. II. a lying in : child-birth like >,

crista, a cock's comb. Aox*«*.

A6<j>wo-i$, ij, (K6<pos) the wearing a crest : the crest Xoxoojvtcs, XoxooMTi, Ep. pres. part, and 3 pi. ind.
itself. of Aoxaoc.
Xox-aytrns, ov, o, Dor. and Att. for Xoxrjyirrfs, = X6o>, -- kovoj; from it come several Ion. and old Att.
koxayus, q v. forms ; v. Xoi5a>.
Xoxiyfcu, Dor. and Att. f<>r \o\7jy(u, (\o\ay6s) to Xvd, fj, (Xi/cu) dissolution : faction, riot, sedition.
lead a \6\ot or company. Hence Atfcuos, 6, (\v<u) the looser or deliverer from care,
XoxoyCa, i), Dor. and Att. for \o\ijyia, the rank or epith. of Bacchus, Lyaeus; cp. Lat. Liber.
office of Koxnyot. Xvy8t|v, Adv. (\vfa) with sobs.
Xox~Sy os » °"» ^» (A^X°*» &yai) Dor. and Att. for XvySCveos, a. ov, and XvyStvos, 17, ov. of white mar-
koxfyos, the leader of a \6\os, the captain of a com- ble. 1. white as marble, dazzling white. From
pany, Lat. centurio- AYTA02, 6, a dazzling white stone, white marble.
Xox&£ci>, as \o\doj. ATTH, 1), shadow, darkness, gloom. [5]
Xox^cj, f. -4\o<a and -foo/juii : aor. I (\6xqffa 3 pi. XtiYi£a>< f. foot Dor. \vyi[G> : Pass., aor. pass. l\v-

: 1

Ep. pres. koxfaai, part. pi. Koxoojvtcs (Ao^o*) :

yiX0yv pf X«Xiry«ff/io« (\vyos) to bend, twist, to

to waylay, lie in wait, lay wait for , c. ace. pers. II. throw in wrestling. II. Pass, to bend or twist

absol. to lie in wait or ambusb. III. c. ace. loci, oneself, to writhe. 2. to be thrown or mastered.
to beset with an amhush. Xvytvos, rj, ov, (X1/70*) of willow or witby% Lat.
Xox<ta, >), (\ox*vw) child-birth. II. a child. vietus.
Xox*ios, a, ov, (\6xos) of or for child-birth. II. Xvyif €iv, Dor. fut. inf. of \vyifa.
t<1 Kox^ta (sub. x^P"1 )* a birth-place. Xtrywrp.6s, ov, 6, (Xvyifa) a bending, twisting: me-
Xox«6s, ov, 6, A<$xo», a«
-= ambusb. taph. the winding and twisting of a sophist.
X6x«vp.a, T(5, (Xoxfvu) that which is born, a Xvykclos, a, ov, (A.vy£, 0) lynx-like.
child. II. child-birth : metaph., koXvkos \ox«v- ATTH, XvyKvt, 6, a lynx.
fiara the bursting of the bud. Xvy£» Xvyyot, i), (AtJ^lwl a hiccough or hiccup.
Xox«vo>, f. aa>, (X«5x°* v ) t0 bring forth, bear. 2. ATT02, j). any pliant twig or rod, a willow twig,
to attend in child-birth, bring to the birth. II. with, Lat. vimen. II. a willow-like tree, a withy,

Pass, to travail, bear children. 2. to be brought agnus castus. [v]

Lat. vitex
forth, born. 3. generally, to lie imbedded. Xvyo-tsvx^s, &, (Xvyo*, revx *) made ofwitbs.
^°XTlY«'n|S» -^lY* 1Y *» * on *° r ^°X°Y~«
** -1 Xvyoco, f. ojocd , = kvylfa.
Xox-ncrcH, aor. I inf. of Koxdai. ATrPO'2, d. 6v, mournful, sad, gloomy, dismal
Aoxia, ij, fem. of X<5x«>», name of Diana, as the tpapfMita Xvypd baneful drugs; ctjuaro \vypd sorry
goddess of child-birtb. garments and neut. pi. alone, Xvypd, bane, misery,

Xoxtfeu. f. hat, (\6xot) to waylay, lie in wait or ruin. II. of men, baneful, mischievous. 2.
lay wait for. 2. to place in ambusb. II. sorry, weak, cowardly. Hence
to arrange men in companies, draw up in order of Xvyp&s, Adv. sadly, sorely.
battle. AvSCa, 1), Lydia, the kingdom of Croesus in Asia
Xox">s, a, ov, -XoxfTos, of or for child-birth. Minor, afterwards a Pershn satrapy.
Xox£tt|S [f], ov, 6, fem. -m$, iSos, (\6xot) one of A\iSi£<i>, f. loot, (At/Sot) to imitate the Lydians.
the same company, a fellow-soldier, comrade. Lydian: $ AvSia \l9os, a
AvSCos, o, ov, (Kvtei)
Xoxficuos, a, ov, haunting the woods. From stone used to test gold, like 0daavos.
X6xri r), 4* (^X os ) a thicket, lair of wild beasts:
Av&httI, Adv. (AvSos) in the Lydian tongue &i
generally, copse-wood, a coppice. Hence fashion.
: —
Avboira/Wjs —Aw«cu/. 419
AvSo-rrdfrfjs, /*, (Auoo*. na9t?v) luxurious as a bits of hard-moutHed horses, Lat. lupi, lupata, from
Lydian. their resemblance to the jagged teeth of a wolf.
AvSos, ov, 6, a Lydian. V>k6-(J>u>s. vts, 6, (\vK7j, <pwi) twilight, both of
AT'Zfl, f. £<u, to have the hiccough or hiccup. II. morning anu evening, the gloaming, Lat. diluculum.
to sob, Lat. singultire : to whine, whimper. Xukoco, f. wa<u, (Xvkos) to tear like a wolf: Pass, to —
Xv0«v, Aeol. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of kvot. II. be torn by wolves.
\v0«'v, aor. I part. neut. pass. X0|i.a, fiaros, to, filth or dirt removed by washing:
Xt)0T)vai, aor. I pass. inf. of Xvoi. also the dirty water, washings, offscourings. II.

XvOpov, t6, or XvOpos, o, filth, defilement, esp. of moral defilement, disgrace, infamy. III. an aban-

blood: gore, impure blood. (Akin to \vfjaj.) doned man. (From \ovaj, Lat. luo.)
XvOpw&ijs, €», (\v9pov, (Hot) like %ore, defiled with XupaCvopai, f. Kvfi&vovfMii: aor. 1 i\vfir)v6.firjv: also
gore. aor. 1 pass. ikvftavOijv pf. \e\vfMionai, but 3 sing. :

X0icd-f3as, avros, 6, (*Xvfcrj, fiaivoj) the path of light, XeKvfMivTai Dep. {\vfnj) to treat with indignity :

: :

the sun's course the year. II. as Adj. making up or con'umely, outrage to maltreat, maim, mutilate,
the year, KvieaPavrioes wpat. spoil, destroy : also,*/o persecute. II. the pres.

Xvicaiva, (\vkos) a she-wolf. Rf)

1), \vpaivofiai, with aor. I and pf. pass, are sometimes
Aficaiov, t6, Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia. used in pass, sense, to be maltreated, destroyed. Hence
Afcxaios, o, ov, Lycaean, Arcadian, epith. of Ju- Xiip.avTr|p, fjpos, 6, a spoiler, destroyer : and
piter. II. as Subst., Avkoaos, 0, or Avkoiov, Xu|xavTT|pios, a, ov, injtirious, destructive : a gen.,

t6, a mountain in Arcadia. 2. Avnaia (sub. Upa), ruining another.
ra, the festival of Lycaean Jupiter: also the Roman — Xvp.avHjs, ov, 6, = \vf*avTr)p.
Lupercalia. Xt'ipao-is, fj, = Kv/it]. [y]
Avkoowoti, Adv. in the Lycaonian language. Xvu-twv, wvos, 6, (kvfi-n) a destroyer, spoiler.
X«K-avYT|S, of ot at the gray twi-
it, ('Xvict), aiiyfj)
u], 17, outrage by word or deed, an affront,
light : as Subst., Xvitavyit, to, early dawn. disgrace: generally, maltreatment, maiming, mutila-
Avkolwv, ovot, i, a Lycaonian, inhabitant of Lyca- tion, destruction tvl Ai//zp for the sake of insult. ;

onia, in the South of Asia Minor. Xvp/nv, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of \v<u.
Xvk€T], Att. contr. Xvktj (sub. Sopa), 1), a wolfs-skin: Xvu.Tjvdp.evos, aor. I part, of kvpaivo/jai.
a helmet of it, cf. icvvirj. Xwto, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of Xww.
Avtcciov, to, the Lyceum, a gymnasium with covered XviTcto, f. -qaoj, (Xvittj) to give pain to, to pain, dis-

walks in the Eastern suburb of Athens named aftertress, grieve, annoy : of light troops, to harass, an-
the neighbouring temple of Apollo Avieeiot. —
noy : Pass., with f. med. \vwfjO-ofuu, to be sad, to be
Xvkcios, a, ov, (\vko$) epith. of Apollo, of doubtful griev ed.
meaning, either, I. from \vxot, wolf-slaying, like AT'IIH [C], %, pain, either of body or mind, Lat.
XvKOKTovot 2. from Avxia, the Lycian god, like dolor : grief, distress, suffering, sad plight.

Avfrrrytvrjs or, ; 3. from *\vicfi (light), the god Xvirrjuxt, oto», to, {\viriaj) pain, distress.
of day. Xvttqv, Dor. inf. of Xvirico.
Xtiicf], 1}, Att. contr. for \vk4ij. Xtfrnipos, a, ov, (Xvirioj) painful, Lat. molestus.
*AT'KH, light, an obsol. Root, whence come \vk&- XvmjT€OV, verb. Adj. of kvniofiat, one mustfeel pain.
fiat, \vKo<pajs, \cvk6s, Lat. luceo, lux, etc. Xihrpos, a, ov, (kviritu, \vvr]p6s) wretched, distressed,
At>icr)-'Y€VT|s, i*, (Avtcia, yivot) epith. of Apollo, poor, sorry. II. painful, distressing.
Lycian-born. ATTA [v], i), Lat. lyra, a lyre, a Greek musical in-
Xfcicn86v, Adv. (XvKOt) wolf-like. strument of seven strings, like the Kidapa and <poppuy(.
AvKia, fj, Lycia, in the South of Asia Minor: Av- — Xvp-aoiSos, 6, (\vpa, dotSos) one who' sings to the
k(t|0€v,Adv. from Lycia: Avict-nvSe, Adv. to Lycia. lyre.
Afcicto-€pYT|S contr. -ovpyris, is, (Av*ta, tpyov) of X£p(£o>, f. lew, (Xvpa) to play the lyre.
Lycian workmanship. XupiKos, 17, oV, (A.0pa) singing to the lyre: as Subst.,
Xvito-tpy-qs, it, (Xvkoi, tpyov) wolf-destroying, Lat. XvpiKut,6, a lyric poet.
lupos conficiens ; irpo&oXoi \vxofpyiet javelins for Xvpiov, to, Dim. of kvpa.
killing wolves. Xi5po-yr)0T|S, it, (Xvpa, yqOicv) delighting in the lyre.
XvKO-0apo-T)s, {Kvkos, Oapaoi) bold as a wolf.
is, XCpo-06X"yT|S, is, (Ai'pa, 0i\f<v) charmed by the lyre.
XiJKO-KTOvos, ov ,{\\>Kot, tct uvoj) wolf-slaying : epith. Xupo-KTuma, fj, (\vpa, Krwioi) a sounding the lyre.
of Apollo, the wolf-slayer. XCpo-iroios, ov, (Aopa, itoiioj) making lyres.
XtfKOp-paloTTjs, ov, 6, (\vKot, foucv) a wolf-worrier. X0p-w8T|S, <*» (Xt'po, tUos) adapted to the lyre,

ATCKOS, 6, a wolf: proverb., Xmov Ibtiv to see lyrical.
a wolf, i.e. to be struck dumb, as was believed of those XftpcpSos, h, contr. for XvpaoiSot.
at whom a wolf got the first look; so in Virgil, Moe- Xvkr-dvCas, ov, 6, (Xvoj avia) ending sadness.
rim lupi videre prior**. II. in pi. spikes on the Xvcrttav, 3 pi. aor. I opt. of Xv<u.
: — ;;

420 \vo-Cyaiws— X a>/3 &ofxai.

\wri-y&\LOS, ov, (Aveu, ydfiot) dissolving marriage. Xvrpaxrvs, cat, ^, (XvTpoaj) a ransoming. 2,
XiKri-£u>vos, ov, or rj, ov, (Ava;, (d^vij) loosing the Redemption.
zone : cpith. of Diana, who lightened the pangs of Xvrpci)TT|S, ov, 6, (\vrp6oj) a ransomer. redeemer.
travail. Xvrra, Xvrrdco, Att. for Xvaaa, Avoodw.
Xvo-C-k&kos, ov, (Aixo, Kaic6v) ending evil. Xv»xva, rd, irreg. pi. of \vx vos -

Xvo%-p,&x°S> "t or rj, ov, (Xv<w, pdxvi) ending strife. Xuxvciov or Xvxviov, to, (ki>x vos ) ™ Xvyyla.
Xvo%-u,€Ay|S, es, (Awu, p.i\os) limb-relaxing. Xvxv«o)v, twos, 6, (\vx vos ) a fl ac e f o keep lamps in.
Xvo-i-p.tpip.vos, ov, (Xvo), (i(ptfiva) driving care away. Xvxvta, 17, {Kvxyos) a lamp-stand.
Xwlpos, ov, (kvais) able to loose or relieve. XvxvCSiov, to, Dim. of Xvxvot, a small lamp.
Xvo-t-iro0os, ov, (Aww, iroOos) delivering from love. Xvxvo-Kata, 1), {\v\vos, KaioS) a lighting of lamps,
Xtio-C-irovos, ov, (\vo), vdvos) freeing from toil. illumination, a festival at in Egypt in honour of
Xvo-is [C], gen. €<u* Ion. 10s, j): (Aww): a loosing, set* Minerva, like the Chinese Feast of Lanterns.
ting free, esp. of a prisoner, release, ransoming: de- Xvxvo-irot6s, oV, (\vx vos ot< cu ) making lamps or
> 7)

liverance ; Kvois xptidiv liquidation of debt a. lanterns.

means or power of releasing or loosing. \vxv6-1roX1S, $, (Ai$\ vos, ttu\is^ ci'y of lamps.
XfariTtXtw, f. tjoo), = \vu t«Ao» (which is found in Xvxvo-irtoXTjS, ov, 6, (\vx vos > ^^i a dealer in
Sophocles) to pay dues or tribute to: to be useful or lamps or lanterns.
advantageous to: impers., \vaire\ei, it profits, bene- Ai"XN02, 6, pi. Xvxyoi and Xvxva, a lizbt, lamp:

fits : with a comp. force, reOvdvai \vaire\u fj tfjv ircpl Kvxyojv acpds about the time for lamp-lighting,
it is better to be dead than alive ; ov At/o*tT«A« fioi i.e. at dusk.
it profits me not ; neut. part, to" \vctit(\ovv, to\ Xvxvo4>opco>, f. ifaoi, (Xvxvocpopos) to carry a lan-
XvantKovvra profit, gain, advantage. From tern : Lacon. part. Kvxvocpopiovres.
XOo-i-tcX^s, is, (Awu, rikos) paying dues, indemni- XvXvo-<}>6pos, ov. (Kvxyos, <ptp<u) carrying a lamp.
fying: profitable, advantageous: also, cheap. Comp. AT'H, fut. Xvoo) \y], aor. I cAOoa: pf. A«\C«a —
-tor epos, Sup. -iararos. Pass., fut. kvOrjaofiat and paullo-post fut. keKvoopai
XvcrtT«XoiivT«s, Adv. pres. part, of \vont\ia), use- [t>] : : Ep. aor. 2 pass. Xvpujv [p], a
aor. I (\v9rjv [v]
fully, profitably. sing. Kvro, 3 pi. Kvvro: pf. XiKvpuu, plqpf. (\€\v^tjv
Xvo*i-4>X6J3t|$, is, (Aucu, <p\(\f/) opening the veins. [v], 3 sing. Ep. opt. AcAuto, for AcAvoito. To loose: —
Xvou-<j>p<>>v, ovos, 0, 1J, (Awu, <pp-qv) setting free the to loosen, unfasten, untie, slacken; \vciv 6<ppvv to un-
mind. bend the brow; A. oro'/xa to open the mouth; etc.:
AT'22A" Att. XvttS, j), rage, fury, esp. in war, Med. to loosen or undo for oneself. 2. of horses,
martial rage: raging madness, raving, frenzy. Hence to unyoke, unharness. 3. generally, to loose, re-
Xvo'O-aCvw, to be raging-mad, to rave. lease, set free. 4. to release a captive on receipt
Xvo-o-As, aZos, i}, (AlWa) raging-mad, raving. of ransom, to bold to ransom, release Med. to re- —
Xvo*ard<i> Att. Xv-rrdw, (AtWa) to be r aging, furious t lease by payment, ransom, redeem. II. to loosen,
esp. in battle. 2. to be raging-mad, to rave. weaken, relax; Xvuv yvia, yovvara to loose the limbs,
Xvo-o-rjp-a, to, (\vaoau) a fit of madness : in pL knees, i. e. unnerve, enfeeble, and often in Homer, to
ravings. slay, kill. III. to dissolve, break up. 2. to
Xvo-ariv, Dor. of Kvaadu.
inf. break down, lay low, demolish. 3. generally, to
Xvo-o-rjTT|p, 1700s, and Xvo-o-rjTT|S, ov, d, (\vaadw) undo, do away with: of disputes, to put down: of
one that is raging or raving-mad : a madman. laws, to repeal, annul; \veiv avovSds to break a
Xvcrcro-p.4vT]s, c», (AtWa, pavrjvai) raging-mad. treaty. 4. to dismiss, assuage, calm. 5. to
Xvo*cr-a>8T|S, e«, (AlWa, clbos) like madness: raging- undo, atone, make up for, Lat. luere, rependere ; so
mad, raving. \vciv afxaprias. IV. in Att., tc'Aj;, puo6oi>$ Kiifiv
Xvr«ov, verb. Adj. of Xfa, one must loose. to pay rates or taxes : hence, 2. \vuv ri\rj = \v-
XvTT)p, ijpos, 6, (Awu) one who looses, a deliverer, ciTfXetv, to profit, avail ; ov \vei rihrj it boots not
releaser. II. an arbitrator, settler. also \vctv, absol. without rekt], to profit.
XvTTjpios, a, ov, or os, ov, (Kvcu) loosing, releasing: Xw, contr. from Xdw, I will, wish or desire, a Doric
c. gen. delivering or setting free from. defect. Verb only used in sing. Aa;, Afi*, Afj, 3 pi. Aft^Ti
Xuro [C], Ep. 3 sing. Ep. aor. a pass, of \vw ; but subj. Afj», Afj ; opt. \<pij ; inf. \ijv ; also part. dat. rip
Xvro, contr. for Ai/cto, Ep. impf. pass, of \v<u. XUVTI.
Xvrpov, to, (Ai5<u) the price paid : 1. a ransom, Xci>(3dop.<u Ion. -ioyjox : f. -ifaopai Dor. Kufidaov-
price of redemption, mostly in pi. a. an atone- par. aor. 1 med. (\<u&T)odpiT}v: (but aor. I i\<v^6r]v
ment. and \t\wfiripai in pass, sense} : Dep. : (Ato/fy):
XvTpoco, f. <2jo<u, (Xvrpov) release on receipt of ran- to treat despitefully, to insult, maltreat: to maim, mu-
som, to bold to ransom. 1 Med. tt release by pay-
tilate: to dishonour. 1. absol. to act outrageously
ment of ransom, to ransom, redeem. 3. Pass, to be or despitefully. II. pf. part. ktkuPrjpUvoe, in
ransomed. pass, sense, mutilated.
: :: :

Xa>£etfa> — /xayeip*ibi>. 421

Xa>P«\>a>, f. <w, (\4>&ri) to mock, make a mock of. XcorA, Dor. for Karrov, gen. of X&rrSs.
AH'BH, i), ill-usage by word or deed, despiteful Xa>4>du> Ion. -«o, f. "fjooj, (\6<pos) to rest from toil,

treatment, outrage, contumely, indignity: mutilation, take rest: c. gen. to have rest, abate from. 2. to
maiming. i. of a person, a disgrace, opprobrium. abate, of a disease or of wind. II. trans, to
Xu>P7]$qvai, aor J n f- °^ kv&aofMU.
' lighten, relieve, release.
Xu^TjTCipa, fem. of Koj&rjTrjp. Xci>4>T)o-€i€, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of Kaxpdat.
\u>Pt)tt)p, fjpof , o«£ u/fco treats despite-
<J, (Xtv/Sdo/tfu) Xa>4>Tjcris, i), (Kaxpdaj) rest from :
— remission, cer
fully, a foul slanderer: generally, a destroyer: muti- sation.
lator, murderer. II. pass, a worthless wretch. Xcpuv, neut. Kcfov, Att. contr. for Xokcw, Kwiov.
X&>J3t|tt|s, oO, 6, = kw$i]T7)p ; \<v0t]T^s T(x v V a d* s~

grace to his trade.

Xa>p-nr6s, 17, oV, (\a>(idofiai) ill-treated, outraged,
dishonoured. II. act.

Xd)PT|TO)p, OpO», 6,^\Q}^T}TTJp.

insulting, abusive: baneful.
Xtoia, XuCrcpos, v. XanW.
Xutuv, 0^0$, 6, 17, Xukov, t<5: Att. contr. XaJcov, ]VI, p., pfl Ion. pw, to, indecl., twelfth letter of the
XaJov : neut. pi. XetHOva, syncop. Xuia : (\u> to wish) Gr. alphabet: as numeral, ft' = 40, but = 40,000. ^
— more desirable; better : — Sup. \uhctos, rj, ov, contr. Changes of fi, esp. in the dialtcts : I. Aeol. and

Kyoros. — There is also a second Comp. Xtvlrtpos, ov. Lacon. into ir, as fttrd into ircSd. II. Aeol. fi

A,Q~MA, aros, to, the hem or border of a robe. doubled, e. g. djififs vfifits, for ijp:us vfius. III.
Hence ft becomes v, as, fiiv Dor. viv ; firj, Lat. ne. IV. /z

XcopdTtov, to\ Dim. a fringe, flounce. is often added or left out, 1. at the beginning of
Xwvtv, 3 pi. of Dor. verb Xa>, to wish. a word, as ta fila, 6ox<>* /^o"X°*> o\Kfvs fio\K€vt,
Xwirq, 1), (\iircu, \ovos) a covering, mantle. 2. "Aprjs Lat. Mars. 2. in the middle of a word, as
a skin, busk, shell. irifiirKrjfn mirKrjfit, irifiirprjfu iriirprjfM, dfifiporos d/3po-
Xcomf a), f. iaoj, (\u)irn) to cover, wrap up. tos, 6p.0pip.os oPptfios, etc. V. fi sometimes has
XcoTToSvTto), f. -fjaco, to steal clothes : hence trans, to a or prefixed, as, fitKya) dfiiKya), fi4pya> dfttpya),
rob, plunder. From fiopyvvpu bpopyvvpu. VI. a is added or left out
Xwrro-o' vttjs [0] ov, 6, (Xanros, ova;) one who slips into
, before opApayhos pdpaybos, afiaw fida>,
p., as, oyuitpbt
another's clothes or strips him of them, a clotbes-stealer funpos, cpvytpus fioytpos.
generally, a thief robber, footpad. \l, apostr. for fit. II. very rarely for fioi.
Xwttos, 0, = Kwirq. pd, a Particle used in strong protestation and
X^rros, rj, ov, Att. contr. from \inarot, Sup. of oaths, either affirmative or negative ace. to the con-
\oitojv, most desirable, best. text: I. in affirmation; vol fid r68e aKrjirrpov yea

X(ut«vvto, Ion. ace. neut. of Xarrdfis. pi. by this sceptre. II. in negation; ov fid yap 'AiroX-

Xa>r(g<i>, f. iao), (\eur6s) to pluck flowers Med. X<y- — Xcuva nay by Apollo. III. Att. fid is used absol.,
ri£ofMii, to cull flowers for oneself, choose the best. fid Ala by Zeus ! IV. in common discourse, the
Xcarlvos, rj, ov, (Karros) of lotus. name of the deity sworn by was often suppressed, vol
Xumo-pa, to, {Karrifa) a flower: metaph. the flower, fid toV, ov fid rov (sub. Aia). V. fid. is some-
choicest, best. times omitted after ov ; as, ov rbv Aia, ov rov 0c6vt
Xon-otis, effffa, tv, (Karr6s) overgrown with lotus; no by Jove, etc.
vtbia Karrivvra, Ion. for X.arr6tvTa, /o/«s-plains. pa, Aeol. and Dor. shortd. for fidrrjp fi^rrjp, as fta
AflTO'2, ov, 6, the lotus, name of several plants : I. yd for firjrep yrj cf. 0a, 6w, X?.

the Greek lotus, a kind of clover or trefoil, on which pa-ydSiov, r6, the bridge of the magadis. [3] From
horses fed. II. the Cyrenean lotus or jujube, an pdyaSis, ?), gen. idos irreg. dat. fiaydSi ace. fid-
African shrub, the fruit of which was eaten by certain yadtv —
the magadis, a harp with twenty strings.
: :

tribes on the coast, hence called Lotopbagi : the fruit paY"ydv€vua, r6, a piece ofjugglery: pi. juggleries,
was honey sweet, /jLtKin&fjt : in size as large as the mountebank's tricks : and
olive, and in taste resembling the date. III. tht payyavevTT|S, ov, 6, a juggler, mountebank. From
Egyptian lotus, the lily of the Nile. IV. there p.aYY<Ivev<i>, f. au, (fidyyavov) to cheat by sleight oj
was also a lotus-tree growing in Africa, distinguished hand: to bewitch. 2. intr. to play tricks.
by its hard, black wood, of which flutes were made MATTA~NON, r6, any means for tricking or 6*-
hence Karros is used poet, for a flute. witcbing, a philtre, drug: a juggler's apparatus. II.

Xorro-rpo^os, ov, (KarrSs, rpi<pa>) growing lotus. *=ydyya/iov, a bunting-net.

Xa>To-4>d"yov ov, (Xtvrdi, <pdyeiv) eating lotus: as pdYtta, 1), (fiayevu) the religion of the Magi. 1.
Subst., Sorro<pdyot, ol, the Lotus-eaters, a peaceful na- magic, art.
tionon the coast of Cyrenaica. paycipciov, t6, (pAyapot) a place for cooking, a
X»rp6v, Xfa>rpo-x6os, Dor. for Kovift-. cook-shop. II. Maced. a pot, kettle.
: — ::

422 fjiaycipiKos —MA'KAP.

]i&y*ipiK6s,ri,6v,(yd'yeipos)fitfor a cook or cookery: pS0T)Ttdu), Desiderat. of yavBdvw, to wish to become
% naytipiKT) (sub. rixvTj), cookery. Hence a disciple. II. to be a disciple or pupil.
pa-yapi-Kws, Adv. in a cook-like way, artistically. P&0t|t6s, r), 6v, (ya&eiv) learnt, that may be learnt.
p.a.Y€tpos, 6, a cook: also a butcher. (From ydaoo), paOtprpua, i), fem. of yaB-qrqs, a female pupil.
/xd£d, because the baking of bread was originally the pddoio-i, Dor fem of yaBwv, aor. 2 part,
chief business of the cook.) pddov [a], Ep. aor. 2 of yavBdvoj.
pdyevua, t6, (ydytva) a piece of magic art : in pi. pddos [a], to, poet, and I<>n. tor yd0rjfft$.
charms, spells. p.d0a>v, aor. 2 part,of yavBdva).
p.dy*v(j>, f. cat, (Mdyos) to be a Magus or a magi- MATA, fj, good mother, dame. II. a nurse,

cian ; yaytvav yi\rj to sing incantations. II. foster-mother, mother. III. a midwife.

trans, to enchant, bewitch, charm. Mala, ij, Maia, daughter of Atlas, mother of Her-
Mayv^s, tjtos, 6. fem. Md-yvrjo-aa, a Magnesian, a mes also Maids, dbos, rj.

dweller in Mayvrjoia in Thessaly : also MaYvrprqs, MaiavSpos, 6, Maeander, a river in Caria noted for
fem. MayvrJTis. II. \i6os Mayvfjris, %, the mag- its windings.

net, also called \iOos 'HpaKkeia. paicuopai, f. ooyai, Dep. (/«ud in) to serve as a
MAT02, ov, 6, a Magus, Magian, one of a Me- midwife : trans, to batch.
dian tribe. II. one of the wise men or seers in Maip,aKTT)pu>>v, wvos, i), the fifth Attic month, an-
Persia who interpreted dreams. III. any en- swering to the end of November and beginning of
chanter, wizard : magician : in bad sense a juggler, December, so called from the festival of Zeus Mat-
quack, [a] yaKTf\% held in it.
p.&yo-<|>ovia, rd, (Mayos, <p6vot) the slaughter of Maipdicrns, ov, 6, (yaiydoooj) epith. of Jupiter, the
the Magi, a Persian festival. boisterous, stormy, in whose honour the Maemacteria
(la-vwrepos, a ov, Comp. Adj. formed from fxdyos, were kept at Athens in the first winter month, as

more magical. being the god of storms, etc.

pdSdpos, a, 6v, (yab'dw) of flesh, flaccid, loose: of paipdo-o-o), = yaiyaoj, to burst forth.
the head, bald. paipdco, Ep. 3 pi. yaiywuai, part, yaiywow, -wojaa:
pdSdto, f. rjoco, {yaoot) to be moist or wet, to melt f. uaat: Ep. aor. I yaiyrjaa: (redupl. of yaw, as irot-
away : of hair, tofall off, Lat. defluere: hence to be bald. <pdoo<x< from <pda)) to be very eager, to pant or

pd88a, Dor. for ya^a. quiver with eagerness : c. gen. to be eager for.
*M A AO'2, i], 6v, the Root of yaodw, etc., = yaSapot. patvds, dSos, J), (yaivoyat) mad, raving, fran-
pd£a, i), (ydocoj, to knead) barley-bread, a barley- tic. 2. as Subst. a mad woman : a Bacchanal, a

cake, opp. to apTo*, wheaten bread ; pafav yfyd\ut Maenad. II. act. causing madness.

having baked him a cake, with a pun on ydxn. MAI'NH, fj, maena, a small sea-fish, like our her-
p.o{urKT), i), Dim. of ya(a, a barley-scone. ring.
p.a£o-v6po$, 6, (ydfa, vi/juu) a wooden trencher for paw(s, ioo$ [r], i$, Dim. of yaivn, a sprat.
serving barley-cakes on : generally, a large platter or paivoX-ns, ov, 6, fem. paiv6\is, i6ot, {yaivoyai)
charger, Lat. mazonomus. raving, frenzied.
MAZO'2, ov, 6, one of the breasts (cripvov being patvoXios, a, ov, = yaivoXrjt.
the whole breast or chest), mostly of women, but also paivopat, fut. ydi'Tjaoyat and y&vovyai : pf. with
of men. yaaros differs from ya£6s only in dialect. pres. sense yk^r\va, also (in pass, form) ycydvrjyat
pSdctv, aor. 2 inf. of yav6dv<a. aor. I med. iyr\vdyr\v, aor. 2 pass, iyavnv, part, yd-
pdGevpai, Dor. for yaBrjaoyai, fut. of yavOdvoj. vtis, inf. yavrjvai —
(*ydv) : to rage, to be furious,

pd&rjpa, arot, to, (y&6uv ) that which is learnt, a in war: also to raw with anger: to be mad with wine,
lesson. 2. learning knowledge — in pi., rd ya$rj- be madly drunk, and of Bacchic frenzy, yaivdytvot
yara mathematics. Hence Aiovvoos the frenzied Dionysus : metaph. of things,
p£0T]p£TtK6s, t), ov, fond of learning. II. be- to rage, riot —
yaiveoOai vrto rov Ocov to be driven
longing to the sciences, esp. to mathematics : % yaOn- mad by the god :

Att. phrase, irXttv ^ yaivoyai
fxanKT) (sub. imaTrjyrj), mathematics : 6 yadrjyariKot more than madness, i. e. utter distraction. II.

a mathematician. Causal in aor. l act. tytjva, to make mad, madden.

|xd6r|o%$, i), (ydOctv) the act of learning, acquiring MAI'OMAI, fut. ydaoyai [a], Dep. to endeavour,
information. 2. desire or power of learning. strive : to seek, seek to compass : cf. imyaloym.
p.&0T|o-opai, fut. of yavBdvoj. paidopai, f. =u)<Toyai, Dep. = yaifvoyai.
p£(h|Tcos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of yav$dvw, to be Maipa, i), (yap-yaipoj) the Sparkler, i.e. the dog-star.
learnt. II. neut. yaOt^riov, one must learn. Matomori, Adv. in Matotic (i.e. Scythian) fashion.
p40r}T€VKo, f. aw, to be a pupil or scholar. IL MA'KA'P [yd], dpos, 6 fem. ydftap or ydxatpa: —
trans to make a disciple of one, instruct. From blessed, happy, properly of the gods, opp. to mortal
pa&Tjrrjs, ov, 6, (yadtfv) a learner, pupil, Lat. dis- men: absol. yweapts, the blessed ones, i.e. the
cipulus : a disciple. gods. II. of men, supremely blest, fortunate
— : : . : :

fjuiK&pecro-i —MA'AA. 423

bat prosperous wealthy.
also, III. the dead were pcucpo-fftos, ov, (paxpdt. fliot) long-lived: ol Ma-
esp. called paxapts, the blessed, as beii g beyond the Kpufiiot an Ethiopian people south of Egypt.
reach of pain: paxapcjv vrja^i the islands of tbe blest, paxpo-{3iOTOS, ov, (poxpCt, ftiorot) long-lived, of
(placed by the later Greeks in the <>cean at the ex- long duration.
treme West).— Comp. and Sup., paxaprtpos, -rarot. paKpo-yqpcas, ojv, gen. at, (paxpos, yrjpat) very old,
paicdpeo-ox, Ep dat. pi. of pdxap. in advanced age.
p&K&pta, if, (paxop) happiness, bliss. II. tbe paicpo-8p6pos, ov, (paxpSt. bpapuv) far-running.
abode <f tbe blessed. paKp60cv, Adv. (paxpot^ from afar.
}iaK&pi£<i>, fut. low Att. iw, {pdxap) to call or esteem paxpo(Kipeu>, f. r)ao3, {paxp60vp< t) to be long-suffer-
happy : to bless. ing, patient ; na.Kpodvfj.tiv us rtva to be forbearing
pSicdpios, a, ov, or os, ov, collat. form of pdxap, or long-suffering towards one. Hence
blessed, happy, fortunate — in Att. one of tbe upper paKpoOvpCa, r), long-suffering.
classes : — Comp. and Sup. paxapidurepot, -rarot. paxp6-0vpos, ov, (paxpot, 6vfi6s} long-suffering,
p&x&pio-p6s, ov, 6, (paxapifa) a pronouncing or forbearing : patient. Adv. -/juus, patiently.
esteeming happy, a blessing. paKpoXo yt ii), f. 4)00), (paxpo\6yos) to spea k at length
p&K&pioros, r},6v,(paxapi^oj) deemed or pronounced c. ace. rei, to speak long on a subject. Hence
happy by others : absol. enviable. Adv. -rut. paxpoXo-yia, r), a speaking at length.
(j.4K4piTT|S [i], ot', d, like pdxap in, one in a state of u-aKpo-Xoyos, ov, (paxpot, \iyoj) speaking at length.
bliss, i. e. one dead : fem. p&K&piTis, iGot. paKpo-irvoos, ov, contr. -irvovs, ow, (paxpot, vrvloj)
p&KapT6s, -fj, 6v, = paxapiarot. long-breathed: long-lived, lasting long.
u&tceSvos, 4), ov, (prjxot) tall, taper. patcpos, a, 6v, (/id/cos, prjxot) long, whether of Space
M&ceSov{£<i>, f. <toj, (Maxtbdrv} to be on tbe Mace- or Time: I. of Space, long, far-stretching. 2,
donian side : or, to speak Macedonian. tall, lofty : also deep. 3. far, far distant ; paxpot
Mok«S6wos, a, ov, and -owkos, rj, ov, Macedonian. (mPofjOuai succours from a distance: irrl paxpdv far,
From for a long way; taov ltd paxpdrarov as far as pos-
M&kcSwv, 6vot, 6, a Macedonian. sible. 4. dat. fiaKpy is often used, like vo\v, by
pdxcXXa, poet, also paiccXi], t), (pia, k(Woj, as far, much; paxpy irpSjrot by far the first. II.

bite (KXa from Sit, X(\Xm) a pick-axe with one point. of Time, long : long-lasting, enduring ; oici ftaiepov
pdiccXXov, t6, Lat. mdcellum, a slaughter-house, (sc. XP^ V0V ) after a long time; fit (w.icp6v for a long
shambles, market. time. 2. long, tedious; bid. pumpuiv at great

puK«o-rf|p, f,pot, 6, (paxot) used as Adj., pvOot pa- length. III. regul. Comp. /jia/cpdrtpos ; Sup. /ux-
xtarijp a long, tedious tale. Kporarot Irreg. Comp. paaouv, paaaov Sup. p4\-
: ;

M&JcrjSwv, ovot, 6, poet for Mcutf d&tv. KtarosDor. paKtoros, formed from ftrJKOt,zs ataxtcrot
patoo-Tos, Dor. for prjxiarot, {/itjkos) irreg. Sup. of from aloxot. IV. the neut. pi. /micpa is used as
paxpot, = plyiorot, greatest. Adv., iwjtpa pi (las taking long strides ; /xo/rpd ntpv-
paxKoiu), f. aoo), [d], to be stupid: pf. part, ptpax- kws loudly bellowing ; paicpd Ttpoatx>x^o6ai to make
ko&kujs, dreaming, mooning. long prayers :

so also neut. sing., fiaicpbv Avrttv to
patcos, to, Dor. for prjxot, length: ace. paxot as shout aloud.
Adv., = paxpdv, afar. pdKpos, tot, r6, = ficucot, firJKot, length.
poxpd (sub. ypappf)), r). tbe long line which the St- paKpo-Trviov, ovrot, 6, 1), (pa/epos, rdvof) far-
Kaorrit drew upon his tablet in token of condemna- stretched, long drawn out.
tion, opp. to the short line (/3pax«a), which was in patcpoTt'pav, Comp. of paicpav, q. v.
token of acquittal. paKpo-Tovos, ov, (fjaKp's, rdvajS «= /*o*poT ivoxv
paKp-auiw, ajvot, 6, r), (paxpot, aldrv) lasting long paKpo-4>dpvy£, vyyos, 6, f}, (fMtep6t, <papvy£) with
of persons, long-lived ; ol paxpaiojvtt tbe immortals. long throat or gullet.
pcucpdv Ion. paKpTjv, ace. fem. of paxpot, used as paicpo-<pXvapT|TT)S, ov, 6, (pxucpSs, <p\vapio)) a te-
Adv. at a distance, afar off, far: Couvp. paxporipav, dious prater.
farther, to a greater distance. 2. also of Time, at pa.Kpo-xp6\aos, ov, (fiaiepSs, xp^os) long-enduring.
length, tediously; paxpdv tltrtiv to speak at great pdKrpa, 1), (fidaaaj) a kneading-trough
length : also long, paxpdv tfjv to live long. pdKTpov, to, (fjuaoooj) a towel, napkin.
poxp-avxTj v tvot, o, r), (paxpdt, avxfy) long-
. paKuvco, Dor. for (xtjkvvoj.
necked. pdKwv, old poet. aor. 1 part, of firjieaofMU.
\La.Kp-T]yopiu>, f. i)aoj, (paxp6t, dyoptvoi) to speak at pdiccov fd], ojvos, Dor. for fxijKOJV, ojvot.
great length. Hence MA'AA", Adv. very, very much, exceedingly,
paKpTiyopta Dor. paicpaY-, r), long-windedness, quite: 1. strengthening 'he word with which it
prolixi'y. prosing stands: fjAXa voKXa very many; pA\' (Z right well;
paicp-T)p«pla, r), (jjaxp6t, r)pipa) tbe season of long paX' avTttca, quite directly; p&Ka hiapvtpit right
days. through ; ov paXa by no means, on no account. 2.
: : : —— ;

424 HaX&PaOpov— MAN0A'NO.

strengthening a whole sentence ; ,
^ /«£\a 8^ now
. .MA'A© A" or pdX&rj, ^, a mixture of wax and
m wry /r«A& with a part., fidka irep (ic/M&t pitch for calking ships.
; so, 2. Ata wax laid over writing-

though desiring never so much. II. Comp. fiak- tablets.

kov, more, more strongly : also rather, Lat. po- paX6dic(£a>, f. iao) Att. ta>, = fiaka/clfe, /o so/^« ;
tius. 2. too much, far too much. 3. fidkkov is Pass. *o 6* softened : to be remiss.
sometimes joined to another Comp. ; fair epos /mk- paXGdiavos, ij, ov, poet, for fiakQaxos.
kov more easier i\0icuv fiaXkov etc.
; 4. fiolkkov
; paXOdiao-Tcov or -ca, verb. Adj. of fta\$aici£ofJXU,
rj is often followed by ov (^where ou seems redundant), one must be remiss.
as, irokiv okrjv hicupdeipuv /idXkov ij ov rovs airiovs p.aX0&Kos, "r), ov, = ftaka/cos (with 6 inserted),
in this case fidkkov fj ov is preceded by another soft. II. soft, gentle, mild : in bad sense, soft,

negat. 5. travrbs fidkkov more than anything, weakly, effeminate.

i. e. by all means. III. Sup. fidktara, most, most paX0dK(2)s, Adv. softly : gently, mildly.
strongly : most of all, especially ; kv rots fidktffTa p.aXOdo-0-co, f. £a), — fiakdaa<u, to soften, soothe:-—
(sc. ovai), Lat. imprimis, as much as any; ks ra fia- Pass., fiakOaxOyvai vrrvtp to be unnerved by sleep.
ktorafor the most part, mostly: fidkiara is sometimes pdXivos, a, ov, Dor. for fi-ffkivos.
added to another Sup., as «x^t<rT ° 5 fidktara. 2. in pdXiov, to, (fiakkds) hair, a lock of hair. [d]
numbers, fidkiara is often added to shew that they MaXts, ioos, -tj, Dor. for Mrjkis, {fiakov, = firjkov) a
are not exact, at the most, at most ; irevrrfKovTa fid- nymph who protects the flocks (fiffka).
ktara fifty at most, where the real number is forty- p-dXiora, Adv., Sup. of fiaXa : v. fiaXa m.
nine : hence about, pretty near, ks fikaov fidktara pdXXa, by crasis for fjtfj dkkd, nay but.
about the middle. 3. kox fidktara most certainly, p.aXX6-SeTOS, ov, (fjakkos, 8ia>) bound with wool.
Lat. vel maxime. jxaXXov, Adv., Comp. of jjudka : v. fidka 11.
p.aXd(3a0pov or paX6{3a0pov, r6, malobathrum, the M AA
AO'2, ov, 6, a lock of wool, the wool of sheep,
aromatic leaf of an Indian plant, the betel or areca. a fleece : of men, a lock or braid of hair.
p&X&xaC-irovs, 6, ff, trow, to, gen. nodos, (fiakaK6t, p.aX6|3a0pov, v. nakdfiadpov.
novs) softly treading. paXov, Dor. for firjkov B.
piXftKia, %, (fuxkaicdt) softness, tenderness: of men, p.aXo-irdpT)os, ov, Dor. for finkoTrdpyot.
effeminacy, weakness. p.aX6s, tj, ov, white. (Origin uncertain.)
pftX&xidw, (ftakaicia) to be soft or tender. |i.aXo-4>6pos. p.aXo-<|>vXa£, Dor. for fit]ko<p-.
p.aA&Ki,£a>, f. ooj, (ftakaKos) to make soft, ener- p.dpp.5 and p.dpp.T|, rj, a child's attempt to call to its
vate. II. Pass, and Med. ftakaKt^ofiat, f. -iaofiat mother ; like dirTra, dir<pd, arra, irdmra. II. =

Att. -tovfMii aor. I med. kfidkaKtadfirfv, pass, k/ia- firjTTjp, mother. Ill later a grandmother.
kaieio(h)v — :

to be soft or tender, weak or effemi- Mappdicftdos, 6, proverb, word for a blockhead.

nate. 2. to be softened or appeased. p.ap.p.av alrfiv, to cry for the mother's breast, of
ti&X&Kiov, ojvos, 6, (fiaka/cut) a darling, [/cf] young children before they can articulate.
\i5XdkKo-yvut\uav, ov, gen. ovot, (/Jtakaieos, yvdffirj) \ia\i\iia, if, (fidfifia) a mother.
gentle of mood. Map-p-cuvas or Map.covas, ov, 6, Mammon, the Sy-
MA"AA KO'2, -f), 6v, Lat. MOLLIS, soft; fiaka/cbs rian god of riches, = Greek Tlkovros: hence generally,
ktifttuv a soft, grassy meadow. II. soft, gentle, wealth, riches.
mild. 2. in bad sense, soft, effeminate : easy, care- p.dv, affirm. Particle, Dor. and old Ep. for fi^v.
less, remiss. MA'NAPA, i), a fold, byre, stable, Lat. mandra :

paXSKo-xeip, X*V°*» ^ #» (fiakcueoM, X e(fi) sofl~ also the setting of a seal, Lat. pala, funda.

banded, soothing. pavSpSyopas, ov, 6, mandrake, a narcotic plant.

p&XdKuvw, — nakaKifa, to soften Pass, to be soft — pttveis, eiaa, iv, aor. 2 part, of fuiivofiai.
or weakly, to flag. Mavcpcos, 6, Maneros, only son of the first king of
p.&X&Kws, Adv. of fiakanos, softly: easily, care- Egypt : also a national dirge named after him, iden-
lessly : Sup. fiakaicwrara. tical with the Greek Aivos.
jj.a\daora» Att. -tto), fut. £<u, (ftakafcos) to make p-dvts, Dor. for firjves, pi. of fir)v.

soft, softenof leather, to make supple, curry : and

: pSvf,vai, aor. a of fiaivofMU.

metaph., jiakdaaetv rtvd to give one a dressing, MANGATNXi, fut. fide-fjaofxai Dor. n&Bev/Mi: aor.
curry him. II. metaph. to soften by entreaties, to 2 cfiaOov, in Homer either without augm. pdOov, or
pacify : also to relieve. — Pass, to be softened : c. gen. with double ft, inpadts, tfifjtade : pf. (itfidO-nica : to
to be relieved from. learn by inquiry, to ascertain : in aor. to have learnt,
tioXdxT),j), (ftfikaxSa) a mallow, Lat. malva. i. e. to understand, be acquainted with. II. of the

p&Xep6s, d, ov, (fidka) very strong, mighty, raging, attempt, to ask, inquire ahout. III. to perceive,
of fire metaph. glowing, vehement.
: understand, comprehend, like Lat. teneo ; ptavOdvui
MA'AH, 1), the arm-pit, Lat. ala: only in the do you understand? Answ., ttdvv fmvOdvw, perfectly
phrase inrb /iaXrja or fcird jtdkrjv, under //&« arm. — c. part., pdvQavf &v know that you are. IV.
— — :: :

Havla—yiapnTis. AStb

in Att., rt fm9dv; come* to mean wherefore? properly, pdopai, see fialouat.

having ascertained what? for what fresh reason? p.Sircciv, Ep. aor. a inf. of fidprrrfo.
almost = Ti mOuv ;
p-dpayva, ^, = fffxdpayva, a lash, whip, scourge. [fiXJ
p&via Ion. -it), {fiaivofuu) madness, frenzy.
f), II. pdpdOov, t<5, Dor. and Att. form of fadpaOpov.
generally, mad passion, rage, fury. III. «n/£«- MATAOPON, rh, fennel, Lat. maratbrum. [pA\
siasm, Bacchic frenzy. MSpSOwv, wvot, 1), Marathon, a plain on the cast
pavlds, <i5o», (/wuvo/iaO fern. Adj. frantic, mad, coast of Attica, celebrated for the defeat of the Per-
frenzied: joined with a neut. pi. Subst., yuaviaaiv \va- sians, so called from its being overgrown with fennel
aJjfiaai with mad fits of raving, like victricia arma. (fidpaOov).
pavttcos, ^, oV, (fiavia) inclined to madness, mad; Map46o)vo-pdxT)S, ov, 6, (MapaOujv, fMt.\Ofiai) one
&\iirav ftaviKov to look mad. Hence who fought at Marathon : hence a brave veteran.
[uivikus, Adv. in mad fashion, madly. MA'PATNfl, t.>: aor. I ifidprjva Att. -dva: —
pdvis, rSos, Dor. for nrjvis. Pass., aor. I l fjApdvBrfV : pf. iKfidpafifiai or fiffxdpaa-
|iavui>, Dor. for firjvioj. fxai : to put out, quench, extinguish — Pass, to die
piva-tb5i]s, <«, (fuxvia, «75o«) mad-like, mad: to away, burn low. metaph. to quench : to II.

jjavteuo*** madness. weaken, make to waste or pine away Pass, to die —

MA NNA\ ij, a morsel, grain. 2. manna. away, waste away, languish.
MA'NN02 or pdvos, 6, Lat. monile, a necklace, papdv d0d, Syriac, the Lord cometb, sc. to judgment.
collar. (lapYoivu, only in pres., (ftdpyos) to rage furiously.
|i.awo-4>6pos, ov, (fidwos, <pipai) wearing a collar. pap-yapiTT|S [t], ov, 6, a pearl Lat. margarita.
MANO'5, 17, ov, Lat. rarus, thin, loose, slack, flac- uapYdo), only in part., (fidpyos) to rage furiously.
cid. II. of number, few, scanty. See fiavws. Mop-yCTris [t], ov, 6, (fiapyos) Margites. hero of a
(j.avTtCa Ion. tjCt), j), (/«xvT€uo/xat) prophesying, mock-heroic poem ascribed to Homer.
power of divination: also /& mo<fc of divination. II. MAT?r02, 17, ov, or os, ov, raging mad, Lzt.furi-
a» oracle, prophesy. osus. 2. greedy, gluttonous. 3. lustful. Hence
p.avT€iov Ion. -^wv, r6, (fiavrts) an oracle, p-apyfirris, tjtos, 17, rage, madness. 2. greedi-
i. e., I. an oracular response. II. the seat ness, gluttony. 3. lust.
of an oracle. MA PH, = X«lp, 1), a band. (Hence €v-iiapj}s.)
pavTCios, a, ov, or o«, ov, Ion. -fyos, rj, ov, (ftavrit) MATI'AH, %, the embers of charcoal, [t]
oracular, prophetic. p.dpi\o-ir6rr|S, ov, 6, (uaplkr), IIO- Root of some
p,dvT€vp.a, aros, t6, an oracle. From tenses ot mva>) gulper of coal-dust.
(xavT«, f. —ffofjuu : aor. I ifiavrtvadfirfv : pf. MAPMATPil, only in pres. and impf, to flash,
fiffiavTfVfiai : Dep. : (^tdvrts) : — /o divine, prophesy, sparkle, glisten, gleam, mostly of metal; 6fifiara
deliver an oracle. 2. to presage, forebode, surmise: fiapftaipovra sparkling eyes. Hence
of animals, to scent. 3. to seek divinations: to con- pappdp«os, a, ov, (fxappalpaj) flashing, sparkling,
sult an oracle. II. aor. I kfiavrtvOrf, impers. in glistening, of metals also of the sea. :

pass sense, an oracle was given : and pf. part, rd fit- uapfidptvos, n, ov, {fxdpfiapos) of marble.
fuivrfvfifva, the oracles delivered. Hence |iapp.3pocis, eaoa, «v, = fiapfiipeos, brigbt,gleaming.
jiavT«VT«ov, verb. Adj. one must divine, prophesy. p.dpp.&pov, r6,=fxdpfiapos.
(lavTCUTOs, 17, 6v, (fiavrevofxat) foretold or ordained pdppdpos, ov, 6, (fiapfxaipai) any stone or rock, with
by an oracle. sparkling crystals in it also as Adj., irirpos fidpfxapos

jiavnrjtTj, -rr|tov, -tt|io8, Ion. for fiavrtia, etc. a sparkling stone. II. fidpfxapos, 17, Lat. marmor,

p.dvTt, voc. of fidvrit. marble: also a work in marble, a slab or tablet of

pavnicos, 4i,
6v, of or for a soothsayer or diviner, marble.
prophetic : as Subst., fiavriicq (sub. Tkyyrj), 1), the art pappdpCyT|, i), (fiapfiapvaaa)) a flashing, sparkling
or faculty of divination. Adv. -huh. of any quick motion, fiapfiapvyai irod&v the quick
(xavTlTroXfu), f. 4)Ooj, to prophesy. From twinkling of the dancers' feet.
|iovTi-ir6\o«, ov, (fidvrit, voXtoi) inspired, frenzied. pap p.ap-ojTf6s, 6v, (ftdpftapos, unf) with sparkling eyes.
pdvrls. 6, gen. (ojt Ion. tot: (fiaivofiai): a diviner, MA'PNA'MAI, aaai, arai, imperat. ftdpvao, subj.
soothsayer, seer, prophet : also as fern., a prophetess. 2. fiapvajfiai, opt. fiapvoifirjv, inf fidpvaaOai, part, flap-
metaph. a foreboder. II. a kind of locust or grass- vdfitvos ; impf. Ifiapvdfirfv, ao, aro, dual (fiapvdoOrjv:
hopper. no other tenses in use Dep. to fight, do battle,:

jtavTtxruvT), f&* art of divination, divining, [u]

1$, contend: —
of boxers, to contend, encounter. 2. to
jiavTOo-Dvos, 77, ov, (^ovtis) oracular, prophetic. quarrel, wrangle. 3. metaph. to struggle, strive.
jiavTwos, o, ov, = fiavruos. p.apvap.€voiiv, Ep. part. gen. dual of fiapvafiat.
|Advva>, fjiavvTT]s, jidvOoas, Dor. for firjv-. p.dpvaTO, p.dpvovTO, Ep. 3 sing and pi. impf. d
pav<2t, Adv of fiavot, rarely: comp. /uzvdrtpov, fxdpvafiai.
Us* often. p-ap-m-Cs, 6, (jidpitroi) a seizer, ravisber.
: : : : : : : : ::

426 MA'PnTX2 — fzarevo).

MATITTfl. fut. li&ppo): aor. I ipuapipa: Ep. re- p.<urrf|pio$, a, ov, searching.
dupl. aor. 2 fttfioptrov
: and a shortd. aor. 2 ip&irov, paorrycu, false form for pnoTiyha.
inf. pAitUiv, whence 3 pi. opt ptfiairoifv : pf. part. \La.o~TiyLa$, ov, 6, (/*do"Ti£) one who deserves whip-
H*(iapirws —
to grasp, bold, catch: to lay bold of, ping, a worthless slave, sorry knave, Lai. verbero.
<eize : to embrace, clasp : to reach, overtake, catch.>6pos, ov, (/a<£o"ti£, <p4poj) carrying a whip
MAT2TII02, a bag, pouch, Lat. marsupium. as Subst., fiaaTiyo<p6pos, 6, a sort of constable.
Af Vpos, and if, Aeol. for pJuprvt. Hence \Lao~rZy6<a, f. wau : aor. I ipiaariyvaa : — Pass.,
papT$pc<i>, f. j]<ra>: — Pass., fut. 1 puapTVprfOrfOopm, fut. med. in pass, sense ptaonyojaopiai
— : pf. picputaTiyat-
but also med. in pass, sense, puxprvprfaopiat aor. I pun (puiaTt£ whip, flog, beat. Hence

f. : : :

i fmpTvpfjOrjv : pf. papuxpTvprfptai to be a witness : \uxarrlyiaa lr\os, ov, that deserves whipping.

to bear witness : pvaprvpitv rivi to bear witness in paarrlYon-cos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of ptaanyoo), to be
favour of another : c. ace. rei, to bear witness to a whipped, deserving a whipping
thing, testify to : c. inf. to testify or declare that a p-aon-t £0, f. (v : aor. I kpA<TTi£a Ep. ft&arifa
thing is :

Pass, to have witness borne to one. II. ^/«io-Ti£ ) : — /o whip, flog.
later, to be or become a martyr. Hence pcwrriKTo)p, opos, 6, (ptacTi^aA a scourger.
(tapTvp-qpa, aros, to, testimony. p^io-rt|, iyos, %, {now, puxoaoj) a whip, scourge ; Xtt»
papTvpia, if, (ptapTvpiat) a bearing witness. 2. irov pAari£ a horse-v/bip. II. metaph. a scourge,

witness, testimony, evidence. plague ; pidaTif TluOovs the lash of eloquence.

pap-rvpiov, to, a testimony, proof : in pi., fiaprvpia, p-acrrloov, Ep. part, of puaar'w.
Ta, evidence, [p] From (tdoTts, tos, if, Ion. for ptAffri^ ; dat. pAxyrl.
paprvpopai [0], f. Spovpm : aor. I iptapTvpapvnv |iaar(o-Sa>, Dor. for ptaorifa.


Oep. : (fiaprvs} to call to witness, invoke . absol. paorlxdu), {piaoTa£) to gnash the teeth, only in Ep.
puaprvpopvu, I call witnesses, I protest. part. dat. pukttix^ojvti.
pdprvpos. 6, Ep form of ptdprvs, a witness. pxurrCu, collat. form of pvaorifa, to whip, scourge,
M A'PTTT'S, 6 or gen. ftdprvpos, ace. pvaprv'pa, as
1), beat, lash —
Med., puKTrUrai wKcvpcie ovpQ [the lion]
if from fiaprvp, but also ace. ixaprvv : pi. paprvpts, lashes his sides with his tail.
dat. fi&pTCffi poet. paprvffOi a witness. — pao~ro-8€Tov, t6, (pLaarSs, Sioi) a breast-band-
p.apvtcdopai, p-uputajpa, Dor. for ptrjpvK-. of the breasts of a woman, later form
u,acrT6s, ov, 6, one
papvopai, Dor. for piTjpvopxu. forHorn pa(us. II. metaph. a round bill, knoll. III.
p.dp\pai, aor. 1 inf. of pvapmto. a piece of wool fastened to the edge of the nets., f. ijoouai, Dep., {paw, pvaaaoi) to chew. pxurrpoireta, if, a pandering. From
[L&aacrdtu. [al, aor. 1 inf. of Root *pvaoi, to touch. pcurrpoirtvw, f. ov, (pnffTpon6t) to be a pander,
pdaSa, pacrSos, Dor. for ptd(a, pn(6t. play the pander : c. ace. to seduce.
pdcrflXi), if, — tfida9\rj, a leathern thong. Hence paorpoiros, & and if, {puxco, ptaar^p) a pander, pimp,
pdcrOXTjs, rjros, 6, a leathern thong. II. metaph. Lat. leno, Una.
a supple, slippery knave. pacrx aXr\ ij, (/idXi;) the armpit, Lat. ala, axilla, [x*]

pao-Oos, 6, a Dor. form of pulctos, /tatfs. paorx&\(£ci>, f. iaoj, (putax^v) t0 P ut under the arm-
\t.aoi, Dor. for pvtjai, dat. pi. of prffv. pits : to mutilate a corpse, since murderers fancied,
pdcopat [&], fut. of '
fiaco n. that by cutting off the extremities, and placing them
Mao-o-aXCa, if, Lat. Massilia, Marseilles. Hence under the armpits, they would avert vengeance. Hence
Macro-aXuo-rns, ou, 5, a man of Marseilles. pcurx&\io*rr)p, rjpot, 0, a broad strap passing behind
pouro-dop-ai, etc., = puiaaopuxt. the horse's shoulders and fastened to the yoke by the
pda-aaj Att. pd-rra) : fut. ftdf a : aor. 1 !;«i£a : pf. \iira5vov : generally, a girdle, band.
fit/t&Xa. — Pass., aor. I kpuixOrfv : pf ptipvayptat p&Td£<i>, (piarnv) to act unmeaningly ox foolishly.
(*fido>) : — to fowci>, handle. II. /o wont twVi /fo p,uTOid£a>, (/uzratos) parafa.
bands, to knead dough, Lat. pinso Pass., airos p.t- —
paraioXoyCa, 1), idle talking. From
puaypilvos dough ready kneaded. p-dTato-Xoyos, ov, (puxraios, \4yw) idly talking.
pdo-crwv 6, ^, neut. fiaaaov, gen. pvkaaovos, irreg. pdratos [fll, 0, ov, or o«, ov, (fiarr}) idle, foolish, un-
Comp. of pLwtpos for puvcp6Ttpo$, longer, larger. meaning, trifling. II. thoughtless, rash, wanton,
pdoTa|, ajtos, j), (^uxaae/xcu) /Aa/ with which one profane. Hence
chews or eats, the jaws, mouth. II. /&a/ which is P.&t<u6tt)S, »;to», if folly, vanity.
chewed, a mouthful, morsel. pdraCws, Adv. of ptdraios, idly, without reason.
pxurr&pvgu or t£a>, /o mumble, of an old man. A'X2, f. i)oa), {pidrij) to be idle, to loiter, linger,M AT
(Formed from the sound.) lag ; ov pvarq, rovpyov the work lags not. II. to
pdoretpa, if, fem. of paar-qp. be in vain, fruitless.
paorevw, f. cat, = par wot, to seek : to seek or en- pdT€uo>, f. ao) aor. I ipidrfvaa (*pi6w) to seek, : :

deavour to do : to seek or search after. search : to seek to do. 2. to seek or search after:
paorijp, Tjpos, d, (*pv&ai) a seeker, searcher. Hence to search, explore.
. — :

pdWu, rare form for fiartvai. II. Aeol. form p.dx o r* ai l° n YLaX^°VMX PG» Ep. part. fiax*t6fttvos

of waria), to tread on. and fiaxeovptvos; fut. fiaxcoopai Ep. yuax4aaoyjan or

MATH, j),-paria, a folly, a fault. [d] Hence fiaxrjo-ofMi Att. fiaxovfiai : aor. 1 l/iax«ad/«7i>, Ep.
pdrrjv Dor. paTav [d]. Adv. in vain, idly, foolishly. inf. fxaxeffaaaOai or fiaxyo~acdat pf. /u/id^/zm : :

Lit. frustra. 2. senselessly, at random, Lat. te- Dep. : (/idx»?) : — /o ,/Jgitf, coiumd in battle ; c. dat.
mere. 3. idly, falsely, Lat. f also. Originally ace. pers. /o ./fgitf Utt'/A, i. e. against ; but, aw nvt u///a
of hence (is fxa.rr\v at random, [d]
fJianj, /a* sanction of; Hard, ocpias ftdxtoOai to fight by
^.aTTjp, Dor. for firjrnp, Lat. mater, [d] themselves : but, /tad' Jya ftdxeaOai to fight one
Harris, Dor. for fiar^s. against one, in single combat. II. generally, /o
pdria Ion. -(ij, 1), (fiar^!') a wim attempt. quarrel, wrangle, dispute: hence, /o oppose, with-
paTp-aScX^los, p.aTpo-8oKos, etc., Dor. for nyrp-. stand one. III. to contend for the prize in the

jjwittvtj, 1), a nca, bigb-seasoned dish, Lat. mattea games : to measure oneself with.
and mattya. (Foreign word.) MA?, Adv. tit vain, idly, fruitlessly ; poif, 6p6aai
pxnrvo-Xoixos, ••% (fttiTTva, Ktlxoi) licking up to swear lightly, unmeaningly. II. thoughtlessly,
dainties. rashly, indecorously.
\tA-rw, f. £<t), Att. for yuaaato. p.a\\i-avpai, uv, at. (fi&if^avpa) squalls, gusts of wind.
(xavXis, i5os or tos, %, a £/»*/<?. p.a\|/C8ios, ov, (ix&if) vain, false, idle, useless. Hence
u.avpoo>, like d/iat/poa;, /o darken ; metaph. to make, Adv., = fiarf/ Joolisbly, thoughtlessly : with-
powerless, to make obscure or forgotten : — Pass, to out reason : recklessly.
become dark or obscure. \ia^\-\6yo% ov, {neap, \4y<v) idly talking.

\ia.xaipa [/xd], t), a large

knife, worn like a dirk next p.a\J/l-T6ico$, ov, \fid\p, rticuv) bringing forth in
the sword-sheath. II. as a weapon, a short sword vain.
•r dagger : a sabre or scimitar, opp. to £i<pos (the, ov, 6, (n&ty, vXaKTw) idly yelping, re-
straight sword). III. a kind of rasor; StirXrj peating again and again. [Xd]
nax ai Pa scissors. Hence *MA'Xl, a Root, only used in pf. act. and in
|xaxcupi8iov, to, Dim. a sbort sword or dagger. Med. I. fi4fiaa, pf. with pres. sense, 3 pi. pt-

p.4x ai pts, iSos, ij, Dim. of naxoupa, a sma// fiaaai, often in the syncopate forms, dual p.4(JuSrov,
ini/Jf. 2. a small rasor. fiffi&fiev, nip&Tt ; 3 sing, imperat. pnuno) [&] 3 pi. .

p.dxcupo-rroi€iov, to, a sword or knifefactory. From plqpf. ftffidUrav but most often in part, /zf/idtt/t, fit- ;

pdx cup o-rro 1.6s, 6v, (/uixaipa, woiecu) a cutler. (jL&via, /AffiawTos, fiffiduvres, but also fi(fia.6res, pffia-
u.dxcupo-4>6pos, ov, (nax<upa,<pip<»)wearing a sabre. ore to strive after, long for, desire eagerly, mostly

(jLdxoiTas, 6, Dor. for /iaxV T V s - c. inf. also absol., irp6aa<u fiCfxavtai pressing for-

Mdx&cov [ 5]t o"o»» 0, Macbaon, son of Aesculapius. ward; ntfMoTts i^x il V ai Pressing forward with
p.dxck6p.cvos, Ep. part, of fxaxoyai. their spears. 2. to wish or claim to be. II.«o^<u, Ion. for /xaxo/zat. Med., (Jtaofiai, fiSffMi, part. yMi\uvos, inf. fuuoOai, im-
pdx«ovp.€vos, Ep. part, of yuaxopai. perat. fiueo, to seek after, covet.
(jtaxeo-KfTo, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of fi&xofiai. pi, enclit. ace. of ky&.
u.dx<v, Dor. for uaxov, pres. imperat. of fi&xofjuu. p.<-yd, neut. of fiiyas.
MA'XH [d], 1), a battle, fight, combat ; properly a» p.c-yd-0apo-TJs, 4s, (ji4yas, Bapaos) very bold.
engagement between armies, but also, a single combat; p.c-yd0os. Ion. for n4y€0os.
(tax 7)" vucav to win a 6a//fc ; but /tfixp vi*aV nvd to \Ltya-Qv\jLOS, ov, (fi4yas, 0vfi6s) high-minded, mag-
conquer one m
battle. II. a quarrel, strife, nanimous.
wrangling III. an amicable contest, as tor a p.tyalpu, aor. 1 (fi4yr)pa, (fi4yas) to look on a thing
prize in the games. IV. a mode of fighting, way as too great : hence, to grudge a thing to another as
of battle. V. afield of battle. Hence too great for him, and generally, to refuse or deny,
p.dxT|p.u>v, ©v. gen. ovos, warlike. withhold from envy to object, complain. :

H-^XT^I*' °v> ^> (/^X^) a fighter, warrior ; as Adj. p€-yd-KT|-rr|S, (s, (/Ji4yas, ktjtos) huge, unwieldy.
warlike. Hence p.«Ya-icX6Tis, 4s, declined (as if from fifyaKK^s) pt-
p.dxT]TiK6s, ^, 6V, of ox for fighting, pugnacious. yait\4os, -4t, -4a, -4(s, cf. (vkKctjs (fi4yas, k\4os) : :

p.dxtu.os, »/, oj/, {u£xy) disposed for battle, warlike: very famous. —
2. pr. n. of several of the family
ol fidxif^oi or rd paxipov the soldiery, the effective of the Alcmaeonidae at Athens.
force. p.€Y*' K ^TIs *'*» (^yos, kvSos)
much renowned.

p.dxtp.-<iST)S )
et, (/idx«/xo«, (foot) warlike, conten- p-c-ydXa, neut. pi. of (t4yas.
tious. p.cydX-dvopia, p-cydX-dvcop, Dor. for fifyaXrjv-.
uaxXds, d8ot, poet. fern, of /idx^of p.€"ydX-avx«w, f. rjao), (fi4yas, o.vx4qj) to boast highly,
MA'XAOS, wanton.
ov, lewd, lustful Hence
: speak haughtily to boast oneself
: — Med.
jioxXoo-uvT], 1), lewdness, lust, wantonness. p.«-ydX-avxT|TO$ and p,eY<iX-avxos, ov, (ft4yas, aih
|tax o ^aTO I° n f° r ru*X 0lVT0 3 pl- op 1 of
> - > -
X4<») very boastful, vaunting, arrogant.
: : ::

428 fieyakeios — ficyavxys.

licySXctos, a, ov, (ftiyas) magnificent, splendid of |L€Y&\o<f>poo-wi], »}. greatness of mind: in bad
•nen, haughty. Hence sense, pride, haughtiness.
li€-y&X.<k6TT]S, tjtos, i), grandeur, splendour, majesty. p.cY&\6-4>pc»v, ovos, d, r), (fiiyas, <pp^v) high-minded,
}ic-yaA*i<os, Adv. of fieya\uos, magnificently. noble, generous : in bad sense, proud, haughty.
p.€-Y&\T)Yop£u>, f. Tjaoj, (fieyakriyopos) to talk big, p,€Y&\o$<ov(a, r), big talking, vaunting. From
boast. Hence p.€Y&\6-4>ci)vos, ov, (fiiyas, <p<uvrj) loud-talking.
^e-y4A.T)Yopia, J}, big talking. p.€Y&AovJ/vx£a, j), greatness of soul, magnanimity
\i.ey8\--i\yopos, ov, (fityas, dyopevoS) talking big, in bad sense, arrogance. From
vaunting, boast/id. p.€Yo\6-iJri)xos, ov,(fxiyas,i[wxh) higb-souled,great-
^Y^Xtjvopia, i), manliness, courage. 2. in bad bearted, magnanimous.
sense, haughtiness. From p,€Y&\vvo>, (fiiyas) to make great or powerful :-—
fjwydX-Tivwp, opos, 6, -fj, (fityas, dirfjp) heroic, high- Pass, to be exalted. II. to extol, magnify. 2.
minded. 2. in bad sense, haughty. to exaggerate or aggravate a crime.
p.«Yd\-T|TO)p, opos, 6, t) , (fiiyas, fjrop) great-hearted: |i€Y&\-wvijp.os, °"» (/«7as ovofia) giving a great »

magnanimous. name, conferring glory.

)ieyd.\L£<ji, {/xeyas) to magnify : — Pass, to be exalted, ]ity 6\u>%, Adv. of fiiyas, greatly.
to bear oneself haughtily. pcyakayo-rl, Adv. of fiiyas, over a large space
p.6"Yft\oYvwp.oo-uvT|, ij, loftiness of sen'iment. From greatly, hugely : also magnificently.
peySXo-yviapuav, ov, gen. ovos, \fi4yas, yvcjfxt)) of p.«Y*^ a,<r"VTl> ^» (/"T*1 *) greatness.
lofty sentiments, high-minded. p.«Y av acc masc. of fiiyas.
> -

p,€Y4\6-8o|os, ov, (ptyas, 56£a) very glorious. p.€Y-avo)p, opos, 6,1), (fiiyas, dvrjp) manly, heroic, [fi]
jjL€Ya\oScopia, t), munificence, liberality. From Mc'Yapa, ojv, rd, Megara Meyapcvs, 4ws, 6, a —
p,€Y*^o-8<«>pos, °- »
(,/*^'yct*j bwpov) making rich pre- Megarian. Hence
sents : munificent. MsY&pi£co, f. icroj Att. iw, to take part with the
p,€Y&X-oiTos "« Ca'^T *' o7to$} very wretched. Megarians, speak their dialect : cf. AaKowlfa.
p,€Y*\o-K€v0T|S, cf (fityas, teev6<») concealing much MeY^piKos, 1^, 6v, {Meyapa) Megarian.


hence capacious. McYapis, toof. fern. Adj. Megarian: as Subst.

p,€Y<lXo-Kp<lTT|s, is, (fA.4yas, Kparos) far-ruling. (sub 777), the Megarian territory, Megarid.
\Ley8\6-\M\Tis, i, (iiiyas, firjris) of high design, am- McY<ip66«v, Adv. (Miyapa) from Megara : and
bi.ious. McYapot, Adv. at Megara.
p.€YC\, ov, (fieyas, fuoOds) receiving large p-f'-yapov, to, (fiiyas) a large room or chamber, the
pay- hall. a woman's apartment.
2. 3. a bed-

p.«Y*^°"',r *T P os »
ov > {H-*y a *> irerpd) on the vast chamber. II. a bouse, mansion, mostly like Lat.

rock. aedes, a bouse in plur. III. the sacred chamber in'-TTokis, i, gen. tos Att. ea>s, (/xeyas, ir6\ts) the temple at Delphi, the sanctuary, shrine : in this sense
joined with the name of a place, as, 'AOrjvai ficyako- always in sing., like Lat. aedes, a temple. Hence
rrokies the great city of Athens. p-t'-yapovSe, Adv. homewards, borne.
p,6Y3\o-irpdYp.(uv, ov, gen. ovos, (fiiyas, Trpayfid) META*2, fxeyd\r} [a], fiiyd : gen. fifyiXov, tjs,

disposed to do great deeds, forming great designs. ov : dat. n€yd\<p, 77, o>, acc. ixlytiv, /ueyaXTjv, fieya :
peydXoTTpfireio,, rj, splendour, magnificence. From dual fi€ya\<u, a, w p!ur. pcyaKoi, at, a, etc., like a

p.€YaXo-'""p«TrTlS, is, (fityas, Trpiircv) befitting great- regul. Adj. in os but the regul. form MErA'AOS is

ness magnificent, splendid, sumptuous.

: Hence never used in sing. nom. and acc. masc. and neut.:
p,€Y*^°'n'P €,n s l° n _€&) S, Adv. magnificently
- large, big, great: — hence, 1. great, vast,
Comp. fieyaKoT.perriaTfpov, Sup. -iarara. tall. 2. spacious, wide. 3. long. II. of
p.eYa\os, v. fieyas. degree, great, powerfid, mighty: weighty, impor-
\uydXo-aQiv-i\s, is, (fiiyas, oOivos) of great strength. tant. 2. strong, violent. 3. of sounds, loud. 4.
p.€Yot\6-a irXaYX vos ov > (/^7as otrkayxyov) high- bad sense, over-great, excessive; /ieya fpovfiv to

» »
spirited. have too high, presumptuous thoughts. III. be-

P€ySX6-o"tovos, ov, (piiyas, arivoS) very piteous. sides the Adv. fieydkcos and fityakevari, the neut.
pLtydLKoavvT). r), = piyedos. sing, and pi. piya and fityaXa are used as Adv., very
p€Ya\o-orxT|p.u)v, ov, gen. ovos, (fiiyas, axVf"1 ) °f much, exceedingly. 2. of Space, far. 3. with
large form, magnificent. Adjs., far, fity' dfifivojv far better. IV. Comp.
fxeY a X6-ToXp.os, ov, (fiiyas, roXfta) greatly daring, fiei(<uv, neut. fiu^ov, gen. fxeifavos; in Ion. prose
enterprising, adventurous. fj.c£cw, ov ; Dor. ufodajv, Bocot. fiiao<uv greater, :

p« <dXo4>povca>, f. 770-0;, (fi(ya\6<ppcvv) to be high- larger : also too great, more than enough. Sup. /xc- —
minJed : in bad sense, to be proud haughty. ytaros, 77, ov, greatest, largest.
p.«Y iXo$p6v<os, Adv. of fi€ya\6<ppuv } generously, p.€Ya-o-6€\nf|s, 4s, (fiiyas, <j8hos) very mighty.
proudly. p,€Y-avxT|S, ct, (fityas, ai>xioj) vaunting, braggart.
— : :

HCyC0OS jJL€0CoTT)lll. 429

p.fy«0os Ion. p-fyaOos, eo«, r6, (jiiyas) greatness, p.t04ira), impf. fitOuwov Ep. fiiBcvov fut. n(6(\pa>: :

height : magnitude, bulk, size ; ficyaOei o/Mt<pot poet. aor. 2 puriortov, inf. paraairdv, part. fitTaondjv:
small in size; /j.tyd0ti ptyat large in size: — the ace. aor. 2 med. yurta-n6\inv fo follow after, follow
: —
fifyddot used absol. as Adv., in size, or like fityd-
is closely, bard upon, chase, Lat. insequi. 2. to seek
Xo/s, greatly, Ai/ijrovrw ptyados shining greatly : so or search after. 3. /o i/i'siV. 4. metaph. /o
too in pi., rrora/ioi ov Kara rbv U(i\ov iuvret iityd- manage, dispose ; ax$os virr<p \xt0kttojv disposing a
0(a rivers not bearing any proportion to the Nile in burden on his back. II. trans., IvbfiSrjv fiiOeatv

size. Xirnovt be turned the horses in pursuit of Tydides.

fj.«YT]pas, aor. I part, of fjfyaipai. }L60-epp.T]V€vu>, f. aoi, to translate.
\ity-i]pdLTO%, ov, {fiiyas, kpards) passing lovely. pe0to~n]Ka, of fj.€0iaTTjfU.
p.c-yi<rT&vcs, ol, (ntyiGTos) the nobles, chief men. jju'07], 7), (fJii$v) strong drink. II. drunkenness.
\t.*y\.OT6-TTo\\.s, i, gen. 10s Att. ta>s, (fxiyioros, it6- fieOfjica, aor. I of fi(0irjfM.
Kit) making cities greatest or most blest. pc0-T|KO), /o &at/e come i» y««/ p/.
\i(yurros, r], ov, Sup.
of ficyas. pt0-T), properly pf. of fj.€0-t(ofiai, to be seated
(icyuTTO-Tip.os, ov, (plyioTot, Tipi}) greatest in among.
honour. rut) T|p.€plv6s, ^, ov, (/i«T<£, f/fiipa) happening by
p,*S t'wv, ovrot, &, = /xcoW, one that cares for or rules, day, in open day-light, Lat. diurnus.
a guardian, ruler, of guardian gods "Ib-qOtv fifStajv ; p.60 TJpepiOS, OV, — (J,(0T)fA(piV 6s.
guardian of Ida. 2. fem. fiebtovaa, = fitSovoa, p.€0tjuoo~uvT], 1), remissness, carelessness. From
always of guardian goddesses : ruling, presiding p.eO-Tjp.cav, ov, gen. ovos, (/ztflfy/w) remiss, careless.
over. Properly the part, of an old Verb, fitdeu, to, pf. pass, (in med. sense) of fieO-
rule. apuofa.
u.€5r], fut. of ftt'So/xcu. p60T)cr€p.€vai, p.€0T)crr'p€v, Ep. fut. inf. of fJ.(6ir]fj.i.

MEAIMN02, 6, Ion. also i), the medimnus or com- peGUv, Ep. for fieOieoav, 3 pi. impf. of fieOinfii. [t]
mon Attic corn-measure, containing 6 ticrus, 48 \oi- ptO-LTjpi, inf. jjiOiivai part. fitOids : fut. paOrjaoi :

vi/ets, and 192 kotv\cu, = 6 Roman modii nearly ia aor. I /j,(6rJKa Ep. /j.(0tT)Ka : aor. 2 inf. fxtdtivai part.
gallons. fj,(0fis: — Med. (j,c0i(fiai: f. fj.e0r)OO}jai: 3 sing. aor. 2
ME AOIVIA I, fut. fitbT]aofw.i Dep. : to give heed to,
: fj.(0uro, inf. fj,€0(o0ai. — Homer uses 2 and 3 sing.
attend to, think on ; c. gen., iroktfiow fiebeoOai to be pres. fi(0i(is, fj,e0t€t (as if from fj.(0i(cu), Ep. inf. fi«0-
thinking of, preparing for battle. II. to plan, «//*»'. fit0Uuevai : 2 and 3 sing. impf. jj,€0Uis, fie0iu
contrive or devise. (as if from jj.€0i(a>), 3 pi. fj.€0itv (for pa0Uaav) : aor. 1
ptSovoa, fem. of fiibojv, like /iebiovoa, a ruler fie0r}Ka and fj.(0iniea : aor. 2 subj. fjtOdaj for /xe0cD,
hence as name of the Gorgon, Medusa. inf. fx(04fj.(v for fi(0tivai :
— Herodotus has 3 sing.
p.*5u>v, ovrot, 6, one who rules over : a guardian, pres. ficriu (not fitTiet), and also 3 sing. impf. pass.
lord. Properly part, of an old Verb fjitSv, to rule. UtTUTO Or €/l€Tt6TO (for fl(0i(To) ', fut. paSS. ft€T^-
p.c£ea, ojv, rd, — /x^foa, the genitals. ao/zat ; pf. pass. part, fiffifrifjivos (for fj.(0eifj.i-

H«£6va>s, Ion. Adv. of pi^aw. vos). I. trans, /o se/ /oose, /*/ g-o, I. c. ace.
ut'£u>v, ov, Ion for ficl(ajv, Comp. of fiiyat. pers. /o /*/ /00s*, release: to set or fcat/« a/ /«'-

p.€0-aipt'w, aor. 2 fiedtikov Ion. fi(9t\toKov —to 6er/y. 2. c. ace. rei, throw;
to let go, let fall,
catch in turn. fie0Uvai x^ov to let go, give up one's wrath (i(0- ;

ptG-aAAopcu Ep. syncop. aor.

: 2 part. pass, fit toA- itvai bd/epva to let tears flow, i. e. shed them fit0- ;

(Afvos : to leap or rush upon. II. to rush after, Uvai ykwaoav TlfpaiSa drop, utter Persian
to let
overtake. words. 3. to release or relieve from. 4. to give
p.€0-dp€pios, Dor. for fitO-rjutpiot. up, resign : also c. dat. pers. et ace. rei, to give up to
p.€0-app.6£u>, f. aw : aor. 1 puOr.pnooa /o dispose : — or for another. 5. to neglect, regard lightly. 6.
differently, to correct, reform : —
Med., with pf. pass. to forgive, excuse one a fault. II. Med. fi(0i(-
pLfOrjpfioafUu, to alter one's way of life ; fj.t6dpjj.oaai a0ai, to loose oneself from, let go bold of, vaibos ov
(aor. imperat.) viovs rponovs adopt new habits.
1 fi(0r}ao/jai ; the Act. takes the ace. to let go, rraiba
p.€6cT)Ka, Ep. for fj,(&T)Ka, aor. I of fj.(6ir]fu. ov \it0i\ao). III. intrans. in Act. to relax one's
p.€0€iT]v, aor. 2 opt.of ntBtTjfu. efforts : in war, to slacken, be lukewarm : generally,
p-€0«iXov, aor. 1 of fj,t6aiptco. to be remiss or careless, to be idle, loiter. 2. c.
p.€0€ivai, p.€0tis, aor. 2 inf. and part, of utOlrjai. gen. rei, to cease from, abandon : c. gen. pers. to
p-tOtuo, Ep. for fifOtw, fi(6u>, aor. 2 subj. of p.(6ir]fu. abandon or neglect one. 3. c. part., tcKavoai ical
p.€0«KT«ov, verb. Adj. of fxtrixco, one must share in. ddvpdfifvos (j.t0tr)K( having wept and bewailed he left
p.€0t\«o-K«, Ion. for /« fofXc, 3 sing. aor. 2 of pLcOaipecu. off [t in Att.; t in Ep., except metri gratia.]

p.«0«p.€v, Ep. for pfOftvai, aor. 2 inf. of fieO'iTjfu. p.«0-iordva>, collat. form of firftaTTjfii.
\Lf6tv, Dor. for kpidtv = €/io£), gen. of iyfa. p.«0-Co-TTjp.i, I. Causal in pres. and impf., fut. :

*w0«£, fut. of /*€T«'x(w. fifTa-oTTjau : aor. I act. fifT^arijaa and med. -tarn*
— : : — : ::

430 litOofcta — /xctpaKicf airarrjs.

adprjv : to place in another way : to substitute, pc0upev, 1 pi. aor. 7 subj. of pt$it]pi.
change. 2. to put away, remove; generally, to \iei-&yu>yi<a, f. cat, (pcTov, dyojyos) to bring too lit*

remove from one place to another : I so too in aor. tie ; puayojyuv rpayyoiav to weigh tragedy by
med. to remove from oneself. II. intrans. in scruples, weigh scrupulously : see ptiov.
Med. and Pass., pres. ptOioTdpai impf. pfOiffTdprjv M EIAA'fl, f. t)oo) aor. I kpuh-qoa Ep. pcibnaa


aor. I n€T€0Ta9r]v [a] and in intr. tenses of Act., aor. to smile: for "Xapbdviov pudrjaat, see 2ap5dviot.
2 ficTeoTrjv, pf. fieOtaTTjfca, plqpf.

pcOcOTTjKfiv :
— to Hence
change one's place, withdraw, retire ; haipojv OTpaT<$ peCS-qpa and peiStdpa, arot, to, a smile, smiling.
fitOicrTTjKf fortune bath changed for the army to go : p€iSida>, f. doa> [a], collat. form of pubdw, to smile
over to another party, to revolt : hence generally to Ep. part, peiStoojv.
change, either for the better or for the worse. pei£6vo>s, Adv. of pei(oJV, in a greater degree.
pedoScta, r), craft, artifice. From pei^orepos, later form for fiti(jar.
p.€0o8euu>, f. aai, (piQobos) to work by method: hence p.€i£cov, ov, irreg Comp. of peyas, greater.

to deal craftily with. pttXavi, Ep. for dat. of pe\as.

pJ0-oSos, ij, (perd, 686s) a following after: a scien- pctXta, ian>, to, (peiKiaaoj) anything that pacifies or
inquiry or treatise : method, system.
tific pleases, bridal gifts, a bridal dowry.>, f. rjcro}, to associate with, mix with. peiXtYpa, aros, r6, (pukiaffoj) anything to soothe
ii«0-6ptos, a, ov, (pcrd, epos) bordering on, forming or gladden; peiXiypara Ovpov scraps to appease
a boundary; rcL ptOopia (sub. x<upia), the borders, hunger. 2. in pi. a propitiation offered to the dead,

frontier. Lat. inferiae. 3. a fondling, darling, Lat. deli->, f. 7)aw, (perd, oppdu) to urge in pur- ciae. 4. a soothing song.
suit : — pe6wppr)6rjv, to follow closely,
Pass., aor. I |X€w\tKTT|pios. ov, (ptiXiooo)) able to soothe, propitia-
pursue eagerly; peOopprjOcis following close. tory; fitikiKTTjpia (sub. Upd), rd, atonements.
p€0-oppl£o>, f. to remove
iooi Att. iu>, ships from one
pcCXtvos, T), ov, poet, for piKtvos, ashen.
anchorage to another, properly trans., but often intr. p.€iA(o-<rci>, f. £<u : (p4\i) to make mild, to soothe, :

with vtat omitted metaph. to remove from one please: to treat kindly: to appease, propitiate
: Pass. —
place to another —
Pass, to sail from one place to to be soothed, grow calm: Med. to use soothing —
another. words; prj84 ri p' albopevos puKioaeo ptjb' kXeaipatv
ME'0T", ttoe, r6, wine, Lat. merum. extenuate not aught from respect or pity.
pt0-v8pids, dbos, Jj, (pcrd, d5<vp) of or from the petXtxCa Ion. -it), r), (pu\ixo*) mildness, gentle-
water, epith. of Nymphs. ness : but also backwardness, lukewarmness in battle.
Mc0-v8piov, to, (perd, v5wp) a place between waters, peiXixtos, a, ov, also ot, ov, (puKioaoJ) mild, gentle,
a place in the heart of Arcadia, whence the waters ran soothing: in neut. pi., irpoaavbav fiei\i\ioiffi (sub.
different ways : cf. Lat. Interamnia. firitffot) to address with soothing words : cf. tceprd-
p*0v-irtSa£, Sjcos, 6, r), {ptOv, iriSaf) gushing with pua. II. of persons, mild, gracious.
wine. |A€i.Xlx6-YT]pvs, v, (uetXixos, yypvs) soft-voiced.
p.€0v-ir\T)£, 1770*, 6, r), (peOv, v\r)oow) wine-struck, pciXtxo-Stopos, ov, (/iclAtxo*, bwpov) giving plea-
drunken. sing gifts.
p.€0-viro8copai, Med. (pcrd, virobiopm) to change pctXtxos, ov, (fieiXiffooj) mild, gentle, kind.
shoes, put on another person's shoes. peivcu, aor. I inf. of pivoi.
p,€0t»cns, r), (fi€0v<v) drunkenness. jieivav, p.etv6, Ep. 3 pi. and sing. aor. I of pivot.
p.€0vo-Ko>, f. vaoj (v), aor. 1 4>e0{J<ra Causal of :

p.ctov, ovos, t6, neut. of pttiojv, less, too small. II.
/tf Ova), to make drunk with wine, to intoxicate: Pass., —
fjLfiov, to, name of the lamb which was offered at
in pres. to get drunk; in aor. 1 iptevoOnv, to be the Athenian Apaturia; since, if not of a certain
drunk. weight, it was rejected as puov, too light I see pu-
H€0Octo-k6ttc&|3os, ov, (piOvoos, KoTra&o*) drunk ayojyiai.
with playing at the Korrafiot. p.€lOV-€KTCCi>, f. f)oOJ, (p€WV, ^X ") t0 ^ ave t0° e * t0 ^^
p.c0fcros, n, ov, also os, ov, (piOv) drunken. be poor : c. gen. rei, to be scant of a thing. Hence
p,e0-vo-T€pos, a, ov, later, living after; ol peBvorepoi pciovegta, r), disadvantage.
Posterity: neut. yaQvartpov as Adv. afterwards, later. p.6i6vws, Adv. of fitfav, in a less degree ; pudvoM
pe0vo-Tr)S, ov, 6, (pe9voj) a drunkard.
%X UV to De f0 ° mean.
ixe0v-o*4>3\^|S, (S, (peOv, o<pa\r)vcu) reeling-drunk. pfioo), f. ojooj, (peiojv) to make smaller, lessen, di-
p«0v-Tp6($>os, ov, (peOv, Tpl<p<x>) producing wine. minish. 2. to lessen in honour, degrade. 3. to
pc0va>, only used in pres. and impf., the other tenses extenuate. II. Pass, to become smaller, to de-
being supplied by the Pass, of ptOvaicoj : (pc$v) to crease. —
2. to become worse or weaker ; c. gen. to
be drunken, be given to drinking. II. metaph. to fall short of.
be drenched, steeped in any liquid. 2. to be intox- \Lcip8.K\.-e£,&'tr&-n\s, ov, 6, (juipdjtiov, l^-avardof) a
icated with passion : to be stupefied with blows. boy-cheater. [3]
— : :

p«ip&ici<, Dep. (fitipaf) to be a boy to be idle ptAap.pa4>T|S, is, (fiikas. (Ja<prjvai) dark-dyed.
or mischievous, Lat. adole.^centunre. p.€\dp.-0u\os, ov, {fjiikat fiwkos) with black soil.
|A€ipdiciov. to, Dim. of f*(ipa{, a lad, stripling. p-tXap-fTuYi'is, is. Dor. for fitkafimjyfis, {/xikas,, Dep. {fitipa^) to be a boy or lad. irrryvvfii) black-clotted : generally, black, discoloured.
p.€ip4KicncT], Dim. of p(ipa£, a little girl.
<), |ieXdp.-ircTrXos, ov, (fiikas, irinkos) black-robed.
|j.€LpdKicrKos, 6, Dim. of fieipa£, a lad, stripling. jieXap-irrraXos, ov, (pikas, irirakov) dark- leaved.
p.€ipdxtJXXiov, to, Dim. of fMtipa£, a mere lad. |A€Xdp,-TrT€pos, ov, (jiikas, vTtpuv) black-winged.
METPA3, o, and j), a boy or ^W, lad or /ass. li€Xa,i-4>&Y)S, is, (fiikas, <pdos) with darkness for
MEITOMAI: pf. tfifiopa. pass, (i/xapfiai : Dep. I. light.
in pres. ro receive as Jw*; c. ace,
one's portion or peXdu.-4>vXXos, ov, (fiikas, <pvkkov) dark-leaved:
fjfuov fitipeo rifirjs take half the honour as thy with dark foliage, dark-wooded.
due. II. in pf. i/j/j-upa, to have or obtain one's pt'Xdv, dvos, to, (neut. of pikas) black dye, ink.
share of a thing c gen., ififiope Tiprjs be bath gotten
; jicXdv-acyCs, ibos, 6, i), (fii^as, alyis)witb dark aegis.
bis share of honour. Ill the pf. pass, is used peXdv-avyrjs, is, (jiikas, avyq) dark-gleaming.
as impers. fifxaprai, it is allotted or decreed hy fate; |i€Xdv-8«TOS, ov, (fiikas, bi<u) bound or mounted with
plqpf. eifiapTo it was so decreed: —
also in part, tifiap- black ; odtcos yakdvbtTov an iron-rimmed shield.
Htvos, rj, ov, allotted, decreed; i) (l^apfiivrj (sub. ucAav-SoKos, ov, (pikav, bixofiai) holding ink;
fioipa), that which is allotted, destiny, like niirpoj^ivrj kIott) fitknvSuKos an mi-stand.
from wiirporrat. peXdv-Spvov, to, (nikas, Spvs) heart of oak.
p.€is, o, Ion. and Aeol. for firjv, a month. pcX&v-eipLiov, ov, (fiikas, tifta) with black raiment.
p.c(up,a, a.Tot, to, (/x«to<u) a diminution: a fine. pcXdvei or pcXavti, a 3 sing, without any other part
tteiuv, ncut. fitiov. gen. puovos, used as Comp. of of the Verb in use, either to make dark (from /xcAdvoi
punp.% and okiyos. mtfiekdivoj), or to grow dark ^from fitkavect)).
\itkay-y<u.os, ov, \xika.y-ytios, ov, and p-eXdy yecDS, |icX-avdr|S, is, (fiikas, dvOos with black blossoms : >

wv, gen. a>, (fiikas, yaia^yrj) with black soil, loamy. generally, black-coloured.
p,cXd-y-K€pa>$, gen. <u, (/it'Aas, tcipas) black-horned. pfXdvta, 1), (/xc'Aas) a black cloud.
licAay-Kopu^os, o, (pikas, Kopvtp-q) with a black p.tXdvo-$v|, vyos, 6, ij, (nikas, (tvyvvfxi) with black
bead : as Subst., fitkayic^pvipos, d, a bird, the blackcap. benches.
licAd-y-KpoKos, ov, {/j.ikas, Kpittoj) woven with black: peXavo-Kap8ios, ov, (pikes, icapS'ia) black-hearted.
of a ship, with black sails. jicX v-dpp-dTOs, ov, (/xe'Xas. opfxa) black-eyed.
p,€A<ry-X<UTTlS> ov, 6, (/xt'Aas, xaiTrf) black-haired. p.€Xdvo-v€Kt5o-«Cp.u)v, ov, gen. ovos, (pikas, vims,
y.t\a.y\i\.\Lo.. <w, ra, dark spots in snow. From (ifia) clad in black shroud.
p.cXd'yx'P'OS. ov, black, dark. ( Formed from /xcAas (i«X4vd-irT€pos, ov, and p-cXSvo-trrcpul, vyos, o, i),

with lermiuauon bvo-xi^os froni Sva -).

X'M *. as (jiikas, -mtpLv, -mipv^s black-winged.
\iekay-xir<av, ojvos, 6, t), (fiikas, x'Ttuv) with black acXdv-oaaos, ov, {jxikas, 6oo() black-eyed.
raiment : hence gloomy, dark-brooding. jieXdv-ooTOS, for futkavuoTeos, ov, (fiikas, dariov)
p-eXdY-xXaivos, ov, (fiikas, x^ a ^va ) black-cloaked black-boned.
ol M(kdyxkaj.voi a Scythian nation. ptXdv-ovpos. ov, fem. p.€X4v-ovp£s, itos, {fiikas,
pcXayxoXdo), (^ttAx^xoXos) to be jaundiced or me- oipd) black-tailed.
lancholy. fieXdvd-xpoos, ov, = pekdyxpoos.
pcXdyxoXos, ov, (fii>as. x°W
with black bile, p.cXCLv6-xpws, 00s, 0, if, = fjL*kdy\p<vs.
jaundiced. II dipped m black bile. p.€Xav-T€tXTjS. is. (/x*Aas, tuxos) with black walls.
p.eAa Y-XP<HTls, is, (fif^as. XP 01(*) = ^(kdyxpoos.

p.eXdvT€pos, a, ov, Comp. of fiikas.

^cAdy-xpoos, ov, contr. XP 0V*. ovv Kftikas XP°°) p.€Xav-Tpd-yT|S, «,(^t'Aaj, Tpayiiv) black when eat»n.

black-skinned, sun-burnt, bronzed, swarthy: there is ueXav-uBpos, ov, {fxikas, vbocp) with black water. [&]
an irreg. nom. pi. fitkdyxpofs. ME
AA"2, Aeol. p.cXavs, pikaiva, fxikdv: gen. pi-
ptXa^-xp^s, wtos, 6, -fj, (fiikas, XP&*) — P&G-y- Xavos, nfkaivqs, pikavos etc. cf. Takas black,
; : :

Xpoot. dark, gloomy, dusky, murky. II. Comp. fifkdv-
pcAaOpov, to", (fiikas) the cross-beam or rafter in a Tfpos. a, ov.
room, so called from being blackened with smoke, ME'AAP.. only used in pres. to melt, make liquid
hence the ceiling : also the projecting beam outside a —
Pass, fxikbofuxi, o melt, grow liquid.
house, the cornice. II. generally, a roof: in pi., \L(\t, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of fiikcu.
like Lat. tecta, a house. \ki\t, « p«Xe, as a familiar address, my friend, my
u.t\a0p64>iv, poet gen. of pikaOpov dear: Ep. vocat., of which no other part remains
peXaivu, f. ava> :
— ififkavOrjv pf. /ze- in use
i'ass., aor. I

nikaauxu {fiikat)
: to blacken, make black :
: Pass. —
p.tXe5atvci>, (fiikoj) to care for. be cumbered or anx-
to grow black or dark, turn black. ious about, c. gem II. to tend, attend upon, c

p.tAofi-f3d0T]s, it, {jUkas, (iddos) deep in darkness. ace. Hence

432 fxfkfbrjfjia —fxcXtrroTpd^oy.
}ieX«87j|xa, aros, t6, care, anxiety, concern, II. p.cXi-T)8T|s, is, (pti\i, ijb'vs) honey-sweet: metaph.
the thing cared for. Hence sweet to the soul, pleasing.
|Xc\c8t)^ui>v, ov, gen. ovos, caring for, anxious ixeXi-OpeiTTOs, ov, (pi\i, rpicpoj) honey-fed.
about. II. busy. peXi-dpoos, ov, contr. -Opovs, ovv, {p.iki, Opoicu)
pcAcSwv, wvos, if, = fifKfSdjvr}. sweet-sounding.
ptXcSiovevs, o, poet, for /ifAcScwos. pcXC-K-qpov, t6, (f*i\i, tempos) a honeycomb.
pcXtScov-n, i), like u«Ae6W,(/z€A€5aiVa>)car*, sorrow. peXi-KO(XTros, ov, (fic'Ai, Kopinioj) sweet-sounding.
peXtSuvos, o, and i), v/xeAe5aiV<u) one who fakes care p.cXl-KpUTOS Ion. -KpTJTOS, ov, (/i«Ax, K(paVVVfAl)
>/, a guardian, steward : a keeper or tender. mixed with honey : pa\i-KprjTov Att. -Kparov, to, a
p.cXci, impers., see fti\oj. drink of honey and milk offered as a libation.
peXeurTi, Adv. (ufAfi'fa;) limb from limb. p.eXucTT|s, ov. Dor. psXucTcis, a, 6, (/xeAt£w) a singer,
\ie\eo-ir&.0-i]S. is, (jte'Acos, iraOuv) suffering misery. player, esp. a flute-player.
p.e\€6-irovos, ov, (/x« Aeos, wovos) labouring in misery. p,€XC-X&>Tov, t6, also ficXC-XuTOS, d, (/xcAi, Awros)
ptXtos, a, ov, also os, ov, (/xt''i fruitless, vain, melilot, a kind of clover, so called from the quantity
:mpty: neut p.i\eov as Adv. vam. m
2. «»- of honey it contained.
bappy, wretched. MEAI'NH, ij, millet, Lat. panicum in pi. millet- .

peXto-^pcov, ovos, o, i), (/xtAeos, <pprjv) wretched in fields, [ri

mind. ps'Xivos Ep. txcCXivos, tj, ov, (ftcAia) ashen, Lat.
p.eXeo-1-irTepos, ov, (/«Aos, vrtpov) singing with its fraxineus.
wings. MeXivo-^A-y 01 ot, (ficXivr], <p&yuv) the Millet-eaters,

p.tA€Tcu, 3 sirg. pres. med. of fii\<v. name of a Thracian tribe.

pcXerdco, f. ijacu —
/o care for, c gen.
: II. c. peXt-irais, vatdos, and j), (/*«At, wars) with honey-
ace. to study, prosecute diligently, Lat. excolere : to children, epith. of the bee-hive.
court: to practise, exercise; fitKerav o~o(piav to prac- peXC-irvoos, ov, contr. -irvovs, ovv, (/x«Ai, irvioj)
tise wisdom :also c. dat. rei, /xeAerdv to£o> to prac- honey-breathing, sweet-breathing.
tise with the bow: absol. to practise, exercise oneself; ptXip-poos, ov, (/*«' At, pi<a flowing with honey.
ev t£ /xi) h(\(twvti (dat. part, for inf.) by want of peXtp-pi/TOS, ov, /i(\tppoos =
practice: absol. to take heed, take thought. 2. c. peXCo-8w, Dor. for ftcKifa : pcXCo-Sev, Dor. inf.
ace. pers. to exercise or train one. From pt'Xio-pa, otos to, (a«Ai£a>) a song, chant : a tune.

p.€X€TTj, ^, (/xeAo/xat) car*, attention 2. practice, pcXto-aa Att. peXirra, (/x^At) a bee.
tjs, 1). 2.

exercise. II. car*, anxiety. a priestess of Delphi. honey itself. II.

p.€\€Tr|p.a, aros, to, (/xeAerda/) a practice, study. |xeXuro-€ios, not paXiaaios, a, ov, (at \100a) of, be-
p.eAeTT]p6s, a, ov, (/zeAfTaeu) practising diligently. longing to bees ; p^Xiaauov icqpiov a honeycomb.
p-cXernTtov, verb. Adj. of fie\€Taoj, one must p.eXioro-6-PoTOS, ov, (pi4\ioaa, 06aK<v)fed on by bees.
practice. jj.6Xuro-o-v6p.os, ov, (pitXiaaa, vipuu) keeping bees. II.
peX*Td>p, opos, o, (fxikoS) one who cares for, a (ix«Atao*a 1. 2 ) a priestess.
guardian, avenger. p-eXwro-o-irovos, ov, (tx^Ataaa, irovicv) tending bees.
peXTjSwv, ovos, f}, = (itXcSdiv, fj.c\edwvr}. p.€Xi0-o-o-o-6os, ov, (fi(\<aca, aooi) guardian of bees.
\xi\r\\ia, aros, to, (/xi\co) an object of care : a be- u.eXicra-6 -tokos, ov, (/xc'Ataaa, reitetv) produced by
loved object. II. a charge, duty : care, anxiety. bees, honied.
\it\r\o- i\Ltv, Ep. for nfXrjcrfiv, fut. inf. of fxikoj. p.€Xurcro-Tp6<j>os, ov, (fi€\iaaa, rpicpai) feeding bees.
p.«X"r]0"£|i.-PpoTOs, ov, (utA^o-is, ftporus) cared for p-cXico-wv Att. p,€XiTTciv, wvos, 6, (/xcAtaaa) a bee-
by men. house, apiary.
MeX-nTlB-ns [r.ou, o, proverbial name at Athens for pcXi-OTSYfjS, is, (fiikt, arayrjvai) dropping honey.
a blockhead, as if patronym. from Mi\t]Tos. peXC-oraKTOS, ov, = fieKtardyns.
ME Ar, Xros, to, Lat. MEL, honey. p,eXiT€ia, 17, (/x«At) a herb, baulm, Lat. apiastrvm.
pcXia Ion. - £tj, t), the ash, Lat fraxinus : from its p.€Xt-T€pirr|s, is, (pi\t, ripnoj) honey-sweet.
toughness it was used for spears. II. a spear. McXitiStjs, false form for McA^TtSiys.
p.eXt-(36as, 6, (/*«Ai. #017) u/t7£ honey-tone. p.cXtTocis, (aaa, ev, (pikA honied, sweet. II.

p,cXi-f3pop,os, ov, (fitKt, $pi\xxu) honey-toned. made of honey: as Subst., /xfAiToeaaa Att. /xcAitoCtto
p.eXi-Y8oviros, ov, (/«At, doxmioj) sweet-sounding. (sub. p-afa) ^, a honey-cake.
p.€XC-YTjpvs Dor. -yapvs, vos, 6, 1), (fii\t, yfjpvt) pcXtro-irwXt)S, ov, 6, (//&.«, va>A€a;) a dealer in
boney-voiced, musical. honey.
p.cXC-'yXcoa-o-os, ov, (/tiki, ykwaaa) boney-tongued. p.6XtTOVTTa, V. fiC\lTO€lS.
pcXiypa, otos. to, (pekifa) song: a pipe. pcXlToa), f. wa<v, (fiiki) to sweeten with honey.
pcXi£<i> Dor. p€.\(cr8a), (/zt'Aos) to modulate, warble, piXiTTa, 1), Att. for fii\i( aa, a bee.
play: so also in Med., with Dor. fut. paXi^opuu. 2. ixeXCrTiov, to, Dim. of p.i\irra, a small bee.
trans, to sing of, celebrate in song. p.*XixTO-Tp64>os, Att. for ptKtaoorp-.
:; :

fieXiTTOvpySs — iiefxare 433

peXk-rr-ovpyos, -ovpY&o, vpyla, ij, Att. for fie- p,€Ao-iroi6s, 6v, (ptXcs, iroiioj) making lyric poems :

\ioo-. as Subs ., p.ekonoi6s, 6, a lyric poet.

(X€\It-u)8t]s, <», (fiikos, eTbos) like boney. ME'AOS, to, a limb; Hard, ptkfa limb by
|i.«XiTa)(i.a, aTot, to, ^/ztXjTua/) a boney-cake [T] limb. a song, strain; plur. pekrj lyric poetry,

p,«X(-4>floyyos, ov, (>«Xi, <p6oyyfj) boney -voiced, choral songs. 2. tbe music to which a song is set,
sweet-toned, bonied. an air, melody.
peXi-<{>pu>v, ovos, •, i), (/^Xi, <ppr/v) sweet to tbe mind, p.€\o-Tvir«a>, f. 4}O0}, (fiekos, TvitToi) to strike up a
delicious. strain, chant.
p.«AX-<{>vpTOS, ov. (fieki, <pvpa>) mixed with boney. p.€'Xirn0pov, t<5. (p.ikira)^ the song and dance, fes-
\it\i-\\u>poi, ov, (fieki, x^P"*) yellow or />a/* as tivity, spurt; p.iknr)9pa tcvvwv a sport for dogs.
boney, tawny. MeXirop^vr], 77, Melpomene, tbe Songstress, the Muse
p.eXi-xpoos, t>v, contr. -xpovs, ow, (fieki, \p6a) of Tragedy. From
honey-coloured, tawny. u.tX.iTU), f. if/cu : aor. I (p.e\ipa: (p.ekos) :
— to sing,
p.eXiXp-u>8r]S, ts, (fitklxpovs. yellow as boney.
etb'os') celebrate. 2. intr. to sing. II. s> also p.«X-
p-tXi-xpcos, arros, 6, j), (fiekt, xpws) = fieki\poos. iropcu, fut. -if/opai, as Dep. ; p.e\neo6ai Ki6api£ojv to
pcXX-qu-a, arot, to, (^teXXa;) a delay: in pi. oV sing to the harp ; p.ikiteo6ai to dance in honour of
/ays. Mars, i. e. to fight bravely. 2. c. ace. to sing,
p«XX"rjo-a, Ep. for (fiikkrjaa, aor. I of fiekka). celebrate.
\ie\Xr\a\s, (/i«XXa>) a being about to do, intending peXtiSpiov, t6, Dim. of fiekos, a ditty.

or threatening to do : an intention. II. an un- ME'Afl, fut. fiek-qaa) to be an object of care or —

fulfilled intention, a delaying, delay. thought; naffi fieka) / am a care to all. 2. mostly
p-eXX-qTcov, verb. Adj. of fiekku, one must delay. in 3 sing. pi\ei, impf. efieke, fut. fiekrjaei, pres. ant
p.eXX"nTT|S, ov, 6, (fifWai) a delayer. fut. inf. fj.(\fiv and fiekifoeiv something is a care :

\LtWo-ydi\Los, ov, yafjeu) betrothed.
(/zt'XXai. to me, an object of thought, anxiety, Lat. curae est
p-eXAo-SeiirviKos, 17, ov, (ftt'XXew, huirvev) played at mihi; of a pursuit, fiikei fioi Tr6kep.os war is a care
the beginning of dinner, of music. to me : so in inf., 001 xpr) rabe fiekeiv it is right that
peXXo-viKuuo, (fiekka). viK<i<v) to put off conquering these things should be a care to thee. 3. peket is
with a pun upon ihe name of Nicias. often impers. ; fiekei p.01 toOo€ there is a care to me
p.e\A6-wp.4>os, ov, (fiekka), vvfuprj) about to be for this, I care for this. II. pres. and fut. Med.
wedded: also, in wider sense, whoever is of mar- fiikerai, (lekrjoeTai, are also used in 3 sing, for jiika,
riageable age. ptekr/afi as tfiol be ice ravra fiek-qaerat but these

ME'AAfl, impf. efiekkov fut. fiekk^aa) aor. I things shall be my care.

: : 2. pf. act. fiefxrjke with
ep-eWnoa in Att. the augm. is doubled, fjfiekkov, pres. sense, for Att. fiefxekrjKe, and the plqpf. nefirjKei,

JlniWrjOa :

to be on tbe point of doing, to be about with impf. sense, to be a care, be thought of; fie/xrj-
to do or suffer: hence to intend, design, purpose. II. kora tpya carefully tended works. 3. Ep. pf. and
to be fated, destined to do ; T<i ov rekeecrdai efiekXov plqpf. pass. fxifi&keTat, fiefifikero, shortd. for /xefxi-
which were not destined to be accomplished. 2. to krjrai, (fiefx^krjTO, also occur in pres. and impf. sense;
be likely, to be certain, often best rendered by must ?J
vv toi ovKeri nicker' 'Axikkevs surely Achilles is
p.ek\o) vov direxOeaOai Atfr vaTpt it must be that 1 am no longer a care to thee; /«'/*£* ""o ol reixot the
hated by father Zeus. 3. to mark a probability; wall was a care to him. III. the Act. fiekoj,
to. Si fiekker' dxovefiev you are likely to have heard Med. fiekofiai are also found in trans, sense, to care
of it 061 irov fiekkovaiv apioroi (3ovkas (iovkevetv for, take care of, tend, c. gen., fiiketv Pporuiv to take

where the best are likely to be holding counsel. III. care of mortals so in pf. part., nroke^oio fiefirjkd/s ;

to be always going to do, meaning to do, without busied with war also in aor. I pass. fiekrjOrjvai, to :

doing: hence to delay, put off, hesitate, scruple. IV. care for, take care of.
pekka) often stands without its infin., and so seems to p.eX<p8c<i>, f. Jiooj, (fxeXa>b'6s) to sing. Hence
govern an ace, which depends on the inf. omitted peXojSua, ^, a singing.
6 Ti pekkere [sc. vpaTreiv] evOvt trparrere what p.cX-(p56s, 6v, (fi^kos, 0)617) singing, musical.
you are about [to do], do quickly the part. piikka/v : p.€U.aa, pf. of *naa> 3 pi. fiefiadai. :

is also used so, as 6 pekkarv \povot the future time; p€|jL<i0T|Ka [fui], pf. of navQava).

1) pekkovaa avrov Svvaput his future power esp. in p.€p&Kvia, : Ep. pf. part. fern, of fiijK&ofiai.
neut., to" fiekXov, tcL fiikkovra things to come, tbe p.cp.dp.€v, Ep. for fiefxaofiev, 1 pi. pf. of */x<£ai.
issue, result. p,tp.dvT)p,ai [/«*], pf. of fmivofMu, formed as if from
u.t\Au>, ov*, ^, poet, for pekkrjcit. * fiaveofiat.
p*\o-yp&4>la, 1), song-writing. From p€u.doT€s, pf. part. pi. of *fu4a>.
u.t\o--ypd4>os, ov, (p,ikoi, ypcupw) writing songs. p.ep^£iroicv [/*£], 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 opt. of nSfvrot.
p«\o"Troi«a>, f. -fioo), (fiekoiroios) to make lyric poems. pepapirus, pf. part, of \iAptrro).
p.cXoiroiT}TT|s, ov, 6,=pekonoi6$. pipdTC, Ep. for fte/idere, 2 pi. pf. of *yJu».
: :

434 H^axa—ME'NOS.
|X€|J.&X a > Pf- or f-daaa).
may be expressed by on the one band . , on the other;
pep-dais, pepai^a, pf. part, of *fida): \i(\iaSnt%, p.€- as well . . as. while can never stand
; fiiv, like hi,
pouoras, lengtnd. for fit/tauTes, fiefiaoras, nom. and first in a clause fiiv is not always answered by Si,

ace plur. but by other Particles, as by dXkd, drop, ivura, avre,

p.€fi,p\€Tat, |Xf)l(3\6TO, Ep. for flffli\r]Tai, (fl€fli- av9is ; also by fiivrot, etra. Miv is often f und
Ktjto, 3 sing, pf and plqpf. pass, of fiika). without Si expressed, as, ws fiiv kiyovai as they say,
ptpPXcoKa, pf. of fSkwoica). (but as I do not believe). Miv was orig. the same
pepfipava, -ft, Lat. membrana, a parchment, sHn. as fifty, and 1j fiiv is retained in Ion. for j$ fifty as a
MEMBPA'2, dbos, ft, a small kind of anchovy. [_5J form of protestation. II. fiiv before other Par-

pcpt'X-qKa, pf. of fiika). ticles: I. Ep. fiiv f\a, accordingly, and

fiiv dpa,
(X6fA€VT]Ka, pf. Of fl(VO) so. 2. fiiv ye or
ye, yet at least, certainly,
pepc-ripevos, Ion. for fie0eifiiv»s, pf. pass. part, of Lat. certe. 3. fiiv S4f however. 4. fiiv oZv or
fl(6lT]fll. fievovv, Lat. imo vero, ay indeed: rather, nay rather:
peprpews, pf part, of fxrjKaoyim. so too, fiiv ovv ye or fievovvye, yea rather. 5.
pe'pnXe, Ep. 3 sing. pf. of //eAcu, with pres. sense, fiiv roi Ep., Att. fiivToi, certainly, at any rate. b.
also p.6(AT)\€i, plqpf with impf. sense. to recall what has gone before, now. c. to mark
|X€pT]va, pf. of fiaivofiai. an objection, or exception, yet, however, still, never-
|xep.T]x&vT] ri.€V6>s, Adv. pf. part, of firfxa-vdopai, theless.

craftily, by jj.€valxttf)S, ov. 6. {fiiva), al\jift) sustaining the fight,
pepiacrpcu, pf. pass, of fiia'tvo). resolute, unflinching.
pfpiypai, pf. pass of fiiyvvfu inf. fiefilxtoii' : jxtveaivw. only used in pres. and impf, (fiivos) to
pcpvdpevos, Dor. pf. part, of fUfivftaica). desire earnes ly, to be bent on doing : c. gen., fievt-
ptpveo, Ion. pf. pass, imperat. of fiifivftaKai. aiveiv fidxrjs to long for battle. II. to be angry,
p«pv«'u)To, Ion. lor fikfivtpro, 3 pf. opt. pass, of rage, be furious : — to be convulsed in death.
p-fv-^YX1! 5 * ". {ptvo), tyxos) steadfast in fight.
pepvrjpai, pf. pass, of fJUfivftwea), inf. pefivrjcrQai. (jl€V€-8t|ios,ov (fiiva), S-ftios) standing one's ground
(X«U-VT)U.T]V, p-€U.V -ppTJV, pf. Opt. paSS of fUfluftoKO). against the enemy, staunch, unflinching.
p,€p.vT)o-T€vu,€vos, pf part, p-iss. of fivrjorevo). K€VCT|, Ep. I pi. aor. I of fieveaivo)., pf. subj pass, of yupvftaKOfuxi. Icvc-Xdos, Att. MevcXecds Dor. McvcXas, 6, pr. n.,
bx*y.\i>v ,»vos,o,(>.iva)\Me "inon,\)\o\<e.T\y tke Resolute. (fieva), \aus) Menelaus, i. e. withstanding men.

pep6\vy»ca, -vo-pai. pf. act. and pass, of fiokvva). peve-TTToXspos, ov, (fiivoj, v6\cfws) staunch in
pt'pova, poet, and Ion. pf pies, sense, without battle, steadfast, resolute.
any pres. in use (*fida)) : to wish, long, yearn, — McvcaOcvs, ias, Ion. rjos, 0, (fiivu) Menestbeus, i. e.
strive ; dix^d 8i fioi Kpahirf fiifiove my heart longs the Abider.
with a twofold wish. p.€v«T€ov, verb. Adj. of fiiva), one must abide.
|X€p.6pTjTai, poet 3 sing. pf. pass, of fifipofMi. p,evcr6s. ft, ov, (fiivoS) standing one's ground, stead-
pepopuypevos, pf. part. pass, of fiopvoooi. fast: also patient, longsuffering ; oi itaipot ov fieveroi
pepovvupcu, Ion. pf. pass, of fiovva) opportunities will not wait.
p,€p/nT6s. ft, ov, fiifi<j>ofiai) to be blamed, blame'
1 pevc-dwXoms, 10s, 6, -ft, (fiiva), <pv"\ovit) — fievcirrd-
worthy, contemptible. II. act. blaming, bearing X6/X0*. [C]
a grudge against. p.€V€-x&pp.T]S, ov, &, and p.ev«-xapp.o$, ov, (jiivw,
\L(\t.vKa, pf. of fiviedofiai also of fiio). : XdpfiT)) staunch in battle, resolute.
ME'Mf>OMAI, fut. /itfiipofMi aor. 1 med. ifitfi- p.evo-€iKT|s, is, (fiivos, flxut from *€"ko)) suited to

ipdfxrjv, pass (fjLc/MpOrjv Dep

blame, upbraid,
: : — to the desires, sa isfying, plentiful: generally, agreeable,
reproach, find fault with, c. ace. pers. or rei ; c. gen. pleasant, suiting one's taste.
rei, to complain of a thing c. ace. rei et gen. pers., ; p.evoivda>, f. ftao) Ep. impf. fievoiveov
: : Ep. pres.
fxaKiara fiifKpovrai fjfiwv which is the chief com- p.€voivu)Ci>, 3 sing, fievoivda Ep. aor. ! fifvoivrjo'a,


plaint they make against us. II. c. dat. pers. et 3 sing. opt. fievoivftaeie : (fievoiv-ft) to desire eagerly,
ace. rei, to object a thing to another : reproach him long strive for. 1. to purpose, intend.
with it : c. dat. pers. to find fault with. pevoiW), ^, eager desire.
ptpdn-poipos, ov, (n4iMpofMit fwipa) complaining of ucvoivcoco, Ep. for fifvoivdw.
one's fa e, repining, discontented. ME'NOS, cot, to, force, strength of body, prow-
p-eu,\|/is, €cos .
$ (fiifupofiai) a blaming, reproach, re- ess. of animals, strength, fierceness, spirit.
2. 3.
proof. 2. a complaint. of things, strength, might, force: hence of the blood
ME'N, conjunctive Particle, used to distinguish the as giving strength fiiXav fiivos a flow of black

word or clause with wlvch it stands from something blood. II. spirit, ardour: fiivti, dat. wubfury,
that is and commonly answered by Si in
to follow, violently. 2 wish, bent, purpose. 3. generally,
the corresponding clause. Generally, fiiv and Si temper, disposition. III. fiivos is also used m
— : :

fiivovv — ix taokaftrjs. 435

periphr. like fSir/, U ; as itpov jxtvos 'AXicivoow the p.«o-a-Pov, to", (fifo-os, fJov$) a leathern strap, by
sacied Alcinods himself. which the yoke was fastened to the pole, Lat. sub-
(j.€voOv, p«vTOi., etc sub fikv H. 4, , v. 5. jugium.
ME'Nfl : Ion. impf. fiivtoKov fut. : (xevui, Ep. un- p.€o--dYKv\ov, t<5, (fieaos, aytcvXt)) a javelin with a
contr. puviai : aor. I ifxtiva : pf. fiffxivrfKa : to stay, thong tor throwing it by.
wait, Lit. MA NEO : to abide, stand one's ground. 2. pecrai-TToXios. ov, (fiiaos, no\i6s) poet, for fxtoc-
to stay at borne, tarry. 3. to stay behind, linger, nokios, half-gray, grizzled, middle-aged.
dally. of things, to be lasting, to remain,
4. p-to-aiTaros, t), ov, Ion. Sup. of fxlaos, the midst,
stand. of condition, to be unchanged, continue,
5. middlemost — Comp. p.eo-aiTepos, rj, ov, more in the
bold good. 6. to abide or stand by an opin- middle.
ion. II. trans, to await, expect, abide, await u.€o--ciktos, ov, (fitaos, clkt-q) midway between two
steadfastly: —
await for; fikvov 5' inl to-nepov
to shores, in mid-sea.
ik$uv they waited for evening's coming on also to : pto--ap|3piTj, j), Ion. for fj.tcjTjfj.ppLa.

watch for. pecr-apPpivos, ptcr-aptpios, Dor. for /utffrjfi-.

|Mpi£o>, f. iaoj Att. iw: Dor. pepicrSco, f. £cj: (fi(pis): ptadnos, ov. pco-frros, 17, ov, poet, for fiioot: so
— divide parts.
to into II. to divide, distribute: also Ep. fiiaadTos and pKocaTios.
— Med. divide among themselves.
to pt'cr-auXos Ep. pccro-avXos Att. p^xavXos, ov, in-
pcpipva, j), (
fiepis, n(pl£aj) care, thought : anxious side the av\rj or ball —
as Subst., p.fccra'uXos, 6, or
care or thought, trouble, disquietude. II. the p«o-o-avXov, to, the inner court. II. in Att. ficTav-
thought, mind. Hence Xos (sc. 6{pa), J}, the door between the court-yard and
pepipvaw, f. Tjoaj, to care for, be anxious about, inner part of the bouse, the inner door.
upon ; iroWd
think earnestly fitptfivdv to be cumbered pcaScov, ov, Dor. for pifav, fiei^ojv.
with many cares. Hence p.€<rrjyu, and before a vowel -vs, Ep. \itaay\yv,
pfptpvT|pa, aros, to, anxious thought, care: and -lis, Adv. of Space : (fxiaos) in the middle, be- : —
one who is careful about things.
p.epip.vTjTT|s, ov, 6, tween. 2. c. gen. in the middle of, betwixt. II.
pfpipvo-roKos, ov, (jitpifiva, TtKtiv) giving birth of Time, meanwhile, meantime. III. as Subst.,

to care. paarffv, to, the part between, interval: to fiforjyv

p6pifJLVO-4>pOVTlCTTT)S, OV, 6, (fJ.(piflVa, (ppOVTtfa) QTl TjfiaTos midday, noon.
over-careful thinker. peo-T|€is, taaa, iv, (piaos) middle, middling.
pcpCs, ibos, t}, (fj-tpos) a part, portion, share. II. p.6o---npPpia Ion. pecr-apppCi], 1), (for fie07)fj.(pia,
a part, class : a party, faction, Lat. partes. from utoot, midday, noon, when the sun is
pepio-pos, 6, (fitpifa) a partition, dividing, distri- at the meridian ; ptarfix&pla [ararat 'tis high
buting. noon. II. the country towards the meridian,

ft6pwrTT|S, ov, 6, (nepifa) a divider or distributer. the South. Hence

pepirris, ov, 6, (pupis) a partaker, [f] p.€o--T)p.Ppt<i£a> and -Aw, to pass the noon, Lat. me-
pt'ppepos, ov, (fitpifjLva)full of care, causing anxiety, ridiari.
mischievous, baneful: neut. pi. fiipfitpa, mischiefs, pecrTju-Pptvos, Iv, commoner form for fitarjfxt-

troubles. Hence pios, (fKorjufipia) belonging to noon, noontide; 6aXirrj

p.*' pu-ripd, rj, poet, for fiipifwa, care, trouble. Hence fxfarjfifSpivq noonday heat. II. southern

p.epp.T]pt£(i>, f. i£oj: Ep. aor. i fifp^-qpi^a: — to be peo-Tjptpios, ov, = fj,(ffTjfif3ptv6g.

anxious, thoughtful, to fonder, think earnestly : hence, pcc-Tip-ns poet. p.€0-OT|pT)S, «, (fJ-ioos, dpSpuv) set
to be perplexed, to hesitate. II. trans, to think in the middle, midmost; "Xupios in fitorjpTjS Sirius is
of, devise. still in mid-heaven.
MEPMI2, TQot, i$, a cord, string, rope, line. psCTiTfua), f. crew, to be or act as a mediator.
p«poTTT]tos, ov, (fjL(po\p) human. From
ME'POS, fos, to, a part, share: a portion, heri- p.«o-iTT]S, ov, 6, (fitaos) a mediator, intercessor, [t]

tage, lot. 2. a share in a thing with others, hence, peo"iTis, tSos, fern, of fieciTns.

each person's turn ; iv i in turn ; so, dvcL fxipos or -"y«.os, ov, also a, ov, also p.€o 6-'Y€a>s,
or KarcL fxipos in turn, successively; Kara to tfiov fik- ojv, {fiioos, yfj, yaia) inland, in the heart of a country:
pos as far as concerns me, Lat. pro rata ; but tov/xov as Subst., 7) fifcoycla (sub. X^P"). ^e interior.
or to aov fxkpos as to me, I at. quod ad me at- p.eo-6-SpT], ^, {fiioos, bifM», as if for fifaobofxr)) pro-
tinet. 3. (v fxipti Tivbt Tidtvat. to put in the class perly, something built between; hence the part between
of .. consider as so and so, like iv Koytp rtoiuoOai,
two upright beams, a panel. 2. koiKt) fitoohfir]

Lat. in numero habere. the cross-plank of a ship, with a pole through it, for
ptp-oip, oirot, 6, {fxtipofiai, oi/<) dividing the voice, the mast.
i. e. endowed with speech, articulate-speaking, epith. p*aoi, poet, pio-o-oi, Adv. (fiiaos) in the middle.
of human beings. p€o-o-Xa{3T]S, tt, (jiioot, Xa/3ta ) held by the middle,
(m, Dor. for pUv. I
: : — :

436 pcadhevKos — fxerafiaCvai.

|tc<r6-XevK0$, ev, (plaot, Ktvteos) middling white, (i.€crcro-traXT|s, pco-ao-iropos, poet, for ptaov-.
half white. ptcroros, 17, ov, poet, for piiaos.
\ucr-6\Ji$8\os, ov, (jiiaos, 6pupa\6s) in mid-navel, ME2TO'2, i 6v, full, filled, filled full :—c. gen.
central, midmost, of Apollo's shrine at Delphi, from full of, filled with a thing metaph. sated, disgusted

the prevalent notion that it was the centre of the with a thing : c. part., fttords %v 6vpu>vpitvos he bad
earth. bis fill of anger.
)j.(o-ov, t6, see /iiaos ra. pecTToo), f. 6jco), (p*ot6s) to fill full, glut, cram
(ico-o-vvKTtos, ov, (fxtoos, vtJf) of or at midnight —Pass, to be filled or full of.
neut. fiioovvKTiov as Adv., at midnight. u,«o-4>d, poet. Adv. for pixPh **'#. until, c. gen.;

r\ia o-7rS.yr['i Ep. peoxxoir-, is, (piiaos, trayrjvai)


ftio<p' ijovs till morn : piia<p' otc until.

driven to the middle. pco-cos, Adv. of piiaos, middlingly, moderately.
|j.6cro-Tra\T|s, is, Ep. p-eo-o-oir-, (p<oos, vaXrjvai) META', poet. peraC, Dor. ircSd or ir&a :
— when
swung or poised by the middle. placed after its Subst., it is written piira : — Prep, with
[xecro-iTopos, ov, (uiaos, iroptvo/Mi) in the midway, gen., dat., and ace.
traversing the centre. with gen. in tbe midst of, among, between. II.

peo-o-irordpaos, a, ov, (piioos, rroraftos) between in common with, with tbe help ox favour of; pur
rivers : as Subst., j) MeaonoTapia (sub. x&P )' Meso- 'Mrjvai-qs with the help of Athena. III. with, by
potamia, the land between the two rivers Tigris and means of; as per' dptrrjs irparrevfiv.
Euphrates. with dat. only poet, properly of persons, among,
(leoo-miXi], i}, — p.iai] vvXtj, the middle gate. [t7] in company with: sometimes, besides, over and above;
ME'202 Ep filao-os, r], ov I. middle, in the
: mifjaTos fiCTcL oTs and ahove his
iraipotaiv last over
middle, Lat. medius ; piiaov ?ipap mid-dzy in Att. : companions. of things, in the midst of, with, as,
also c. gen. between, midway between : proverb, from— ynTo\ vrjvai, icvpaai, darpdat so also, picrd nvoi,,s ;

the wrestling ring, ix fTai M

ffos ne > s caught by the dvip.010 in company with U>e winds.
middle. II. middle or mean be'ween two ex- with accus. of motion, coming into or among, as
tremes, middling, moderate, of middle rank. III. pierd <pv\a 0€u>v,/jicTa\auv: generally, after, in quest
as Subst., fiiffov, to, the middle, the space between : or pursuit of, either in hostile or friendly sense: hence
also, common ground; is uiaov rtOivat rivi ri to with a view to, looking to; ir6\c/iov piira Qo)pi\aaovTO
set a prize before all, in public, Lat. in medio ponere; they armed for the battle. II. of Place, after,

so, is piiaov duxporipois dwdfav to jui'ge fairly or next after, behind; perd ktiKov larttTo fif}\a the
impartially for both; itc rod piiaov KaOifaOai to sheep followed after the bell-wether. 2. of Time,
remain neurral; did piiaov between; and of Time, after, next to ; pitrd ravTa thereafter: also, paO' fjp.i- —
meanwhile, in the meantime. IV. neut. piiaov, pav in tbe course of the day, Lat. interdiu. 3. of
as Adv. in the middle, like piiaws, moderately. V. order of Rank, next to, nexf afer, after; k&Wiotos
poet. Comp fieaaircpos, Sup. peaaiTaros. dvi)p uer' dp.vp.ova TlTjkdajva the fairest man after
p.€o-o-o-xt8T|s, is, (piaos, o-\i(<u) split in two. the son of Peleus. III. after, according to ; plctcL
i), (fiioos) a middle, a mean between
\ie o-6-njs, tjtos, abv /cat ifidv KT)p as you and I wish. IV. among,
two extremes, Lat. mediocritas. in, between, as with dat. ; /*6Td, itdvTas aptaros best
p.€o*6-TOixov, to, (piaos, to?xos) a partition-wall. of all, among all.
pecroTopto, to cut through the middle, bisect. From as adv. among them, with them. II. and then,
|X€o-6-Topos, ov, {jxiaos, Tfpieiv) cut through the next afterwards. III. thereafter, afterwards;
middle, cut in twain. find yap ical aXyent TipireTat dvrjp one feels pleasure

p.€o*-ovpdvT)p.a, aros, to, {piiaos, ovpavos) the meri- even in troubles afterwards.
dian or zenith. i the mid-heaven. M.ira is often used for fiirfart, q. v.
p.eo6ci>, f. uaoj, (piiaos) to be in the middle, be half In compos. /i€T<z implies community or participa-
over, to reach the height, culminate ; "f)pi*pa peaovaa tion, as in u(Ta-8i8ojpi. II. interval of space or
midday, noon; Oipos pnaovv mtrfsummer. 2. c. time, between, during, as in puT-aixp-iov. III.
gen to be in the middle of, paaovv tt)s dva&doios to j
succession of time, as in paT-avTiKa. IV. to-
be in the middle of the ascent. wards, in pursuit, following, as in p.(Ta-8i&/ca>, par-
ME'2IirAON, to, tbe medlar-tree : a medlar. oixopai. V. letting go, as in pad-tTjpu. VI.
p«crcr&Tos, 17, ov, = fiiaaros, poet for piiaos. after, behind, as in ptTd-<ppevov. VII. back-
ptcra-auXos, 0, or p,e<ra"-avXov, to, poet, for p.ioav\-, wards, back again, reversely, as in pifTa-Tpiiroj, pura-
jjieo-oTjyu, (i€croT)Yvs, poet for piforry-. OTpicfxv. most
of change of place,
VIII. freq.
p.€0"o--T|pT|S, «*, poet, for pea-qprjs. condition, mind, etc. as in pi€Ta-(iaiva), fifTa-fJdWa),
MccrcrCas, ov, 6, Heb. tbe Messiah, i.e. tbe Anointed. p.(Ta-yiyvwaKOJ, etc.
p«<xcr60«v, Ep. for pnaoQtv, Adv. (piiaos) from tbe p.€Td(3&, for p.€Td(iT)0i, aor. 2 imperat. of pLtTafiaivoi.
middle. ptra-fjaivoj, f. -fUjOopiai aor. 2 pari fJrjv pf. pura-

: :

p.ccr<r60l, Ep. for fica6dt, Adv. (piiaos) in the middle. fiifirj/ca to pass over, to pass on: generally, to pass
: : :

fi€Tap6Xk(a — fieraKa\4a>. 437

from one place to another. II. Causal in aor. I p.fTa-5T)|juos, ov, (fieri, tirjuot) in the midst of or
fMTtprjca, inf. fifTapTJoai, to carry over or away. I among the people : hence, native, at borne.
p.cTa-(3a\Au, f. -/3&A.U/: aor. 2 nfri&aXov: pf. fxera- fj.eTa-8taLTa.a), f. {[lira, diaira) to change one's

fifdKrjxa, pass. -&ifi\T]}uii —

to turn quickly or sud- way of life.
denly ; fitrafiaWeiv yrjv to turn, i.e. plough, the p.era-SC8a>|u, fut. -hiiaoj, to givt part of, give a
earth, Lat. novare. 2. to turn about, change, alter, share. II. to give after.
reverse ; ficra&aWeiv rd vbara to change the course I p.€Ta-8(o|xai, Dep., = fMTadi&ieej.
o/the water; iMrafSakkuv htairav to change one's diet !
[x€Ta8ia>xTos, ov, chased, overtaken. From
or way of life. II. intr. to undergo a change, be- a€Ta-8tu)Kw, f. -&iw£o(mii later Sicj^oj, to give chase
come changed, alter: to change one's purpose. III. to, pursue closely. II. intr. to follow close after.
Med. to change for oneself, exchange, traffic. 2. to p.€Ta-8oK«co, f. -8o£a> aor. 1 -t?>o£a : pf. pass. -8^-


turn oneself, turn about: to change one's mind or pur- I

Soyfitu : change one's opinion : inipers. fieraSoKft,
pose. 3. to turn one's back, turn or wheel round. I
fi€Tt8o£(, one changes, one changed one's plans or
|x«Ta-|3<iirrti>, f. ipw, to change by dyeing : to stain, purpose absol. in pf. pass. part.. fifraSeSoyfiivov fjtoi

dye : metaph. to change one's complexion. fif) arpareveaOai my purpose is changed so as not to

(j.€To.pds, aoa, av. aor. 2 part, of ^ra^aivoj. march.

p-trdpacris, j), (fiCTaPaivaj) a passing over, shifting, p.tra-86pmos, ov, (fieri, SSpwov) during supper, or
changing. II. change, alteration. after supper.
p.«ro-8€flTj»co, pf. of fi€Ta0aivo). peraSos, aor. 2 imperat. of fierahih^ufu.
jjL«rdpT|dv, aor. 2 imperat. of fifrafiaiva). fiCTdSo<ns, j), (/xeTadidaj/u) the giving a share, im-
p.«ra|3T|0-opxu, fut. of /x€Ta(3aivo). parting.
p.«ra-{3i|3d£a>, f. -Pttlaaoj Att. -0i0£>, Causal of (jL€Ta8o-uvai, aor. 2 inf. of fierdb"if>ejfii.

pfTa&aivo), to carry or convey over, bring into another p.€Td-8oviros, ov, (fierd, bovirioj) falling between,
place. useless.
\ierafio\i\, (fi(rafiaWaJ) a change, changing: in
-fj, fj.€Ta-8po|id8T)v, Adv. (fieri, SpSfios) running after,
plur. changes, vicissitudes; but c. gen. change from a following close upon.
thing, as (lera&okf) icaKwv change to another party,
: p.€Ta-8pop.T], 1), {fieri, Spafieiv) a running after,
fitrafioK^ h
rovs "EKKijvas going over to the pursuit, chase.
Greeks 2. fieraf3o\^ 7-77* ^fjifprjs an eclipse. |X€Ta-8p6uos, ov, (fieri, fpafietv) running after,
p.era-{3ov\€VC>, or as Dep. p,€TO0ov\, to alter pursuing, bunting down, taking vengeance of.
one's plans, change one's mind. p.(Ta£c, Adv. (fieri) afterwards.
^€tA-{3o\jXos, ov, (iitTa, (HovXij) changing one's \Lera-tevyw\Li, f. -£ev£<v, to unyoke and put to an-
mind, changeful, fickle. other carriage.
|A€Ta.8u>, ft, fi,
aor. 2 subj. of nerafialvoj. p.€Td0€crLs, 1), (fieTariOrjfii) transposition : change
ji*T-ayy«X<>5, ov, 6 and 1), a messenger between two of opinions, a going over. II. the power or right
parties, a go-between, Lat. internuncius. of changing.
M€to-Y€Itvuov, Swot, S, (ficra, yeirojv) the second pera-Occo, f. -Bevao/xai, to run after, chase.
month of the Athenian year, answering to the La- ucTaC, poet, for fieri.
conian Kapvuot, the latter half of August and first p.«Ta-t{o), poet, for fitOifa, to take one's seat beside.
of Sept. ; so called because then people flitted and p,€rat£as, aor. I part, of fierataaot.
changed their neighbours. p,€T-atpa>, to lift up and remove; \f/-q<piafia fierai-
y.€Ta-Y<.'YV" <rK0) I° n - an<jl m ate Gr. -ytvtoo'Kw fut. ptiv to repeal a statute. II. intr. (sub. iavr6v)

' :

-yv&o-ofiai : aor. 2 fieriyvajv to ascertain after or to go away, depart.

too late. II. to change one's mind : c. ace. to p.€T-aur<ro>, f. (at, to rush after, rush upon : to rush
alter, repeal a decree. 2. to repent : c. ace. to re- upon, attack.
pent of a thing. p.€T-aiT«i>, f. -qaoj, to demand one's share of z thing:
\ur6.-yvoii, 1), — pxrAvota, repentance, remorse. to beg. 2. to beg of, ask alms of, nv&.
\Ler6\ywo\9, tut, 1), (fitrayvun'ai) change of mind. p.€T-a£Tios, ov, also 0$, ov, (fitrd, oXriot) being in
HfTa-Ypd4>u>, f. ipw, to write differently: to alter, cor- part the cause ; fierairtot <povov an accomplice in, ac-
rect : also, to interpolate, falsify. 2. to translate cessory to, the murder.
Med. to get a letter translated. p.cT-aCxp.ios, ov, Aeol. ir«8-, (ficra., al^M) between
}ttT-<&Y<i>, f. -dfa; : aor. 2 ficrfyyayov : —
to convey two armies : /icraixfuov, r6, the space between two
from one place to another. II. seemingly intr. armies; also, a disputed frontier, debateable
to change one's course. ground. 2. generally, midway between, in mid air.
p«Ta-£a(v5p.i. f. -baio-opai, Dep. to share the feast u€Ta-Ka0€£opxu, f. -tSovfiat, Med. to change one's
generally, to partake of. seat or place.
|ieraSc6oY)ixii, pf. pass, of fifraioKiu. pera-tcaivlf co, f. av, to model anew.
prrarSfce, f. -tyou, to tie differently : to untie. uera-KdXfo, f. iccv, to call away: to call back, retail
:: — :

438 peraKi&da) — (itTavCorrnjLi,

p.€T4-Ktd0co, only used in impf., to follow after : i fiiraXXa gold and silver mines. (From per dXXa, in
either absol. to give chase, or c. ace. to chase. II. quest of other things; cf. /*€toAA<hu.)
to go to visit, c. ace. III. irdv rrebiov fiereKiaOov )jkCTaXX6-xpvo-os, ov, (pfraXXov, xpvaos) contain-
they were marching over the whole field. ing gold ore.
(jLCTa-Kivcco, f. T}ao), to remove : to change, alter :— (j.€T<L\|j.€vos, Ep. aor. 7 part. pass, of fi(0dx\ofjuu.

Med. to go from one place to another. Hence |j.€Ta-p.d£t.os, ov, (/icrd, fia£6s) between the breasts :

lieraKivnTos, 17, ov, transposed, changed: to be /itrafm^iov, to, the part between the breasts, chest.
changed or disturbed. ji€Ta-(j.aio|xai, Dep. to search after, chase.
pcTa-icXatco, f. -/eXavaofiat, to weep or wail after- p.cra-|xavddv(D, f. -/xdtfijao/xai : aor. 2 /AtrinaQov:
wards. 2. to weep for. tu learn differently : to unlearn one thing and learn
|i€Ta-K\d&>, to break and so change. another, Lat. dediscere.
|x€Ta-K\Cvo>, f. -kXXvoj, to turn in a new direction p.€T-d|i.«i|3co, f. \p<u, to exchange, dya6bv xarcov good
— Pass, to take another course, set the other way. for evil ; also in Med. 2. to change, re-
p,«Ta-KOip.t£a>, f. oo), to lull to sleep. II. Med. to change one's condition, escape
p,€Td-KOivos, ov, (fitTa, Koiv6t) sharing in common, from; fieraiJiufiofievot in turns.
partaking pcTa-pcXci, fut. -ntXijau : aor. 1 pcrcniX-not : I.

u.€Ta-Kopi£o>, f. iffo), to transport, carry over. I impers. it repents me, rues me, gen. rei, c. dat. pers. et
pcTa-icvXivScci), f. i\o~oi, to roll away ; /xera/cvXivSuv !
jxfTafitXei fioirov irerrpay/iivov^zt.poenitttmefacti:
avrov to roll oneself over. I also, fierafitXa not ovtws ditoXoyqaafiivfp I repent of
p.cra-Kvp.ios, ov, (fierd, kv(mx) between the waves; having so defended myself: absol., ntrantXu yuot it
aras pLera/wfuov between two waves of woe, i.e. bring- repents me ; and in part., fitra^.tX6v fwi, Lat. quum
ing a short lull or pause from woe. [t>] poeniteat me. II. also with a nom., rqi 'Apiarwvt
ji€Ta-Xayxdvco, f. -X-q^Oftm, to get a share of. fi(T(ftfX( towhat had been said caused
p.CTa-Xap.(3dvti>, f. -Xrjif/ofiai : pf. -eiXrj<pa pass. sorrow to Ariston. Hence
-uXrjmuu :
— to have or get a share of, io partake

in peTapeXcia, #, change of purpose, regret, repent-

— Med., fieTaXa/i^dveaOai nvot to claim a thing to ance.
oneself, assume. II. to take instead, take in ex- p.CTa-p.cXi]TiK6s, 17, 6v,full of repentance, repentant.
change, as noXe/iov &vt dp^vrjs fitraXafiffdveiv
\itra-\L(\o\Lox, puraptX-qaoiuu, aor. 1 pass.
vaXr6v to take a fresh dart. 2. to inter- fi(T(fi€X-q$T]v: Dep. (/i€rd, niXw) to feel repent-
: :

change. ance, to rue, regret : absol. to change one's purpose.

p.€T-aX"Y€o>, f rjooi, to feel remorse, to repent. |X€Td-jA«\os, 6, (perd, piXo/iai) repentance, regret.
|i«to-Xt|Yw Ep. |i€TaXXT|-y<0, rut. £<u, to leave off, p.CTa-|, Dep. to sing or dance among.
cease from. yLtTa-\iiyvv\Li, f. -/«'£«, /o mix among, confound with.
[iCTaX-rjU/is, fj, (fieraXafifidva)) a partaking of, com- p,€Ta-p.ury<i>, = fajra/uyvvfu.
munion in a thing. p.€Ta-jjLop4>6o}Aat, Pass. (perd, pop<pri) to be trans-
(jLCToXXSyfj,{utraXXdoau) a taking in exchange, formed : to be transfigured.

a changing, change; /xfToAAeryij rijs ijpepat an p.€T-ap.<f>id£a>, f o<u, to change another's dress, to
eclipse. transform : Med. to change one's own dress.
tuToXXaicrds, i), 6v, verb. Adj. of fitTaXXdaau, \Ltr-&yLOivios, ov, {nerd, avefios) borne by the wind
changed, altered. vain, idle, bootless ; fitrafuuvia fidfav to talk idly.
|iCTdXXa|is, ij, = /xctoAAot^, a change. persuade one to change bis \Ler-avayiyv<l)o-K(t>, to
|i€T-aXXdo-<ra> Att. -ttci> : f. £o> aor. 1 /xc-rrjX\a£a : purpose :
: Pass, to be changed in purpose. —
to exchange, to change, alter. 2. to change to, lake (iCTa-vaicTaco, to dwell with.
in exchange. 3. to change from, leave, quit. 4. p.€Ta-vai«T7js, ov, 6, (fard, vaiu) a settler in a new
intr. to undergo a change, change. place, a wanderer.
ji,€T-dXXaTOS, Dor. for fi€rdXXrjTos. jirr-avdoTdoT.s, 1), (fteravtaTO/iat) migration.
pcT-aXXdco, f. fiaw, (/t€T* dXXa) to search after other H€Ta-vdo*n]S, ov, 6, (/x€Td,vai<u) one who has changed
things, to explore, inquire curiously: to question : also bis home, a wanderer, emigrant, opp. to an original
to ask about, ask after. Cf. niraXXov. inhabitant. Hence
|LcraXXevo>, f. au, (peraXXov) to produce by mining: |iCTavdo"nos, ov, like a wanderer, wandering.
to dig mines. II. = fi€TaXXd<v, to explore. pcravdoTpia, fern, of ynravd<jTr\s.
ji€TaX-XT|Yw Ep. for /xtTaX^yo).
i p.€TOveYvwo^ijv, aor. 1 pass, of fitTaytyv^ff/eo).
p.€TaXA.TJcrai, aor. I inf. of /zcraAAda. (wr-av€on)Ka, -avtonjv, pf. and aor. 2 of /ict*
ficrdXXi)TOs, ov, verb. Adj. of pcraXXdw, to bt aVlCTTJfll.
searched, sought out. p.eTa-vCo-<ro)juu, Dep. to go over, pass over to the
pcTaXXucds, i\, 6v, of ox for mines. From other side. II. trans, to go after, pursue.
p.«T-aXXov, t6, a mine, quarry ; &\6$ ftiraXXov z |ji€T-avCaTTip.v, f. -CT-^aoj, to remove another from his
uk-pit, tilt-mine : mostly in pi., xpvota teal dpyvpta country. II. in Pass., with intr. tenses of Act
— : —

fieravotto — fMeraTptoo}. 439

tor. 2 ptTavloTrjv, pf. fttravkoTTjKa, to move off else- (i€Tapcn.6(o f. dfcra;, to raise aloft, lift up.
where, to migrate. E, . p,eraa-o-€vop,ai : Ep. aor. 2 fxe-
(ic-ra-voco), f. foco, to perceive afterwards or too Ttoovfirjv, 3 sing. fieriaoiiTO Pass. :
to go along
late. 2. tochange one's mind or opinion. 3. with. II. to rush after: c. ace. to rush
to repent. Hence upon.
lierdvoia, 1), after-thought : change of mind on re- p.€Ta-cric€vd£a), f. daw, to fashion differently : to
flection, repentance. transform : to disguise.
p.€T-avrXta>, f. ijaco, to draw from one vessel into p.cTa-(nrda>, f. daw \fC], to draw over from one side
another. to another, persuade, convince.
p.€Ta£v, Adv. (fjKTa) Adv. of Place, betwixt, be- fi€Too"ir6p,€vos, aor. 2 part. med. of fxeOiirw.
tween ; to ficra£v the space between : of Time, be- — p,€Tacrird»v, aor. 2 part. act. of fifOiirw.
tween-wbiles, afterwards. II. as Prep., with gen., ji-tTacroat, al, lam^s coming midway between the
between : —
of Time, during. vpuyovoi and tpoai, the middle-born lambs, summer
pero-iraiSeva}, f. a<v, to educate differently. lambs. (From fxerd, as ir(pia«r6s from wept.)
p.€Ta-iravo^ai, Pass, to rest between times. Hence p-€Ta<r-o*€vop.av, Ep. for fifraaevonai.
jj.«Ta-irav atuX-f) between times.1), rest p.€Tacrra0w, aor. 1 subj. pass, of fifBiarrffU.
ficra-n-ciOd), f. 00). to change by persuasion, win over. peTao-rds, daa, dv aor. 2 part, of fitQiaTrjfii.
p.€, Dep. to try in a different way. ixerdordois, (ws, ij, (fitOio~Tafiai) a removal from
p*raireji.irT€os, a, ov, to be sent for : and one place to another; /uerdaraais j)\iov an eclipse. 2.
jierdirep/irTos, ov, sent for : from
verb. Adjectives fxeTaaraois f3iov departure from life absol de- :

|WTa-ir«^iro», f. \pai, to send for, summon, Lat. ar- cease. II. a changing, change. 2. a change

cessere : the Med. is more frequent in same sense. of political constitution, revolution.
[Kra-iriro^iai, f. -irrqaofiai : aor. 2 -cirrSum' ; Dep. p,€Ta-OT€lxa>, to go after or in quest of, pursue.
to fly away. p,«ra-<rT€XXo|i,oi, Dep to send for, summon.
liera-irnS&co, f. f\oo\tax, to leap from
one to another. \ieroxrriva, to bewail or lament afterwards : so also
jiera-irtirTw, f. -vcaovnat : pf iri- : aor. 2 -iirtoov in Med.
wrojxa :

tofall differently, undergo a change, change jwTao-Hjoras, p.€T<Mrrf|0'co, aor. I part., and fut., of
suddenly. 2. of votes, tn change sides. 3. of fjLcOiarrjfu.
conditions, to change for the worse, to decline : but jiCTa-OTOixef or -C, Adv. (fitrd, otoi\os) in a line
also to change for the better. one after another.
jifTa-rrXdcro-u), f. -vXaau [3], to mould differently, p.€Ta-aTOvSx^w t to sigh or wail aftenvards.
remodel. pera-o-TpftroireScixi}, and Med. -evop,<u, to shift
|MTa-froi&i>, f. "fjaoi, remodel, cast anew, alter:
to — one's camp.
Med. to pretend to, make pretence of a thing, c. gen. |xeraoTp34>T|0'op.(u, fut. pass, of ficTaorpt<pw.
p-rra-rromos, ov, {fitrd, TOiirfj) punishing after- p.€Tao-Tp€4>9«is, aor. 1 pass. part,of ficraarpicpw.
wards. p.€Ta-orp4<|>a>, f. ipw, to turn about, turn round: —
p.«Ta-irop«, fut. med. -cvaofiat : aor. I pass. Pass., aor. nfTcorpityO-qv, aor. 2 utTearpatyrfv [<t],

fifrcwopfvOrjv : Dep. :
to go after or in quest of: to to turn oneself round, whether to rally or to flee;
follow up, punish. II. to emigrate. often in aor. 1 part. /ucraaTpfcpOfis. 2. to turn
H*Tairp«irf|S, it, distinguished among. From round upon, retort. 3. to change, alter. II.

jiera-irpfiTG). only used in pres. and impf. to be con- intr. to change one's course. 2. to care for, regard,
spicuous or distinguished among. c. gen. 3. to turn round upon, to visit with ven-
p^Tairrdftcvos, aor. 2 part, of yarankropuax. geance.
H*TO-irTOi.&0, f. rjffu, (/i€Td, wroiioj) intr. to cower p.€T<Krx€iv, aor. 2 inf. of fieriyw.
or crouch from fear. p.eTdo^€oas, fws, 1), (/i€T«x<w) a participation, shar-
p.era-mjpYvov, t6, (fieri, irvpySs) the wall between ing in.
the towers, the curtain. p.€ra-o-XT]p£TC£<i>, f. law Att tw, (a»ct<£, axVr10) t0
jwr-dpCOpj/**, ov, (nera, Apidfi6t) counted among. change the form of, alter, transform.
|i€Tap-piirT(o, f. rf/w t to turn upside down. p.€Ta-Tdo*oxj Art. -ttu, f. aw, to change the order
p.«rap-pvdp.i£a>, f. Iffo), to change the form or fashion of arrange differently : — Med. to change one's order
of a thing, to remodel : esp. to reform, correct. of battle : to go over to the enemy.
|i*Tap<ru>-Xe<rx!<i>, f. if am, (fxerdpaios, kiax 7]*) t0 p.€Ta-Ti0rjp.t, f. -6ijaw: aor. I fieriBrfKa: to place —
talk on lofty subjects. Hence among. II. to place differently, change, alter : —
jwrapoioXeo-xCa, a talking on -fj, lofty subjects. Med. to change for oneself: change one's opinion,
(irrdpoxos, ov, also a, ov. Dor. ireSdpoT.os : (/x<- retract; fitTariOtaOat rijv yvkp.nv to change to a new
raipo) raised aloft, high in air : metaph. scattered to opinion.
the winds. 2. floating in air, unsteady : zho airy, p-eTO-rdcTCi), f. -ri£ofiai, to bring forth after.
empty. II. like /iCTwupot, out at sea. Hence |MTa-Tpfnxi>, f. \p<u, to turn round —Med. to turn
: : — :

440 fieraTp€\cor—fx€T4axr]Ka.

oneself round, turn back. 2. to turn and look after, sum) — to be among, live with, associate with. II.
to care/or, regard, take care of. impers., pinari roi rtvot I have a share of a thing;
jjteTa-TpfX". f- -Ope£oftai : aor. 2 pitrlhpapiov (from part. neut. absol ptr6v there being a share or clcim :
obsol. 5p4n<u) :
— to run after. —sometimes

with a nom., p4r(ari vaai rd Xaov

p.€Ta-TpoirdAC£, Pass. (pitrd, rpiira)) to keep equality is shared by all.
turning about, in a retreat. ptT-eipt, (perd, dpi ibo) to go between or
a turning round or back:
p,6TaTpoirT|, if, (ncraTptnoji) among. II. to go after or behind, follow. 2.
a vengeance for a thing.
visiting, to go after or for, fetch. pursue, visit with 3. to
HeTarpoma, »), — peraTpom). vengeance. 4. to go to, approach, draw near
p,€T<4,Tpoiros, ov^ixtTarpiiroj) turning roundor about: to. III. to pass over, go over to the other side.
of an enemy, turning round upon ; Zpya. pierdrpoira p.€T-€tirov Ep. peT€€iirov, used as aor. 2 of /icra-
deeds that are visited with vengeance. <pr]fu : (ptrd, ctirov) : to speak among. 2. to speak
jieTa-Tpwirdw, f. tjooj, poet, for pfTarpiiro}. thereafter, afterwards.
p.eT-au-yd£a) Dor. ir«8-, /o /oo/fc about for. p«T€is, Ion. for peOeit, aor. 2 part, of ptOlrjpi.
p.cT-av8a(i>, f. iJiTew, /o spsai among, to address, c. p,€T€io-<lp.€Vos, Ep. aor. 1 part. med. of pirn pi (dpi
dat. plur. II. later, to accost, address, c. ace. ibo).
-aims, Adv. afterwards, thereupon.
p,€T-axi0ts Ion. p€T€to), Ep. for ficrw, subj. of pireipi (dpi sum).
peT-avrbca, Adv. forthwith, thereupon. p.€T-€K|3a(vu>, to step outof one thing into another.
p.€Ta-4>*pa>, f. fi(roiaa), to carry from one place to peTf KCdOov, impf. of ptraieldOcD.
another, transfer. 2. to change, alter: to pervert p.€T€A<K0ov, aor. 2 of peraXap&dvei.
— Pass, to change one's course. p,€T«XSxov, aor. 2 of peraXayxdvai.
peTa-4>-r](xt, impf. or aor. 2 per^cpt/v, to speak among. pereAcvo-opai, fut. of perlpxonat.
p,6Ta$opa, i), (peTa<pcp<u) a carrying from one place |*fr€\de, p€T«X0u»v, aor. 2 imperat. and part, of per-
to another. II. in Rhetoric, a transferring to (pXOfxai.
one word the sense of another, a metaphor, trope. per«pd0ov, aor. 2 of ptrapavBdvco.
p,€ra 4>op* a), = pCTa<pepa>. p,€T-ep.paCvb), f. -ftfio-opai, to go on board another
peTa-<j>p<i£, f. ffofMu, Med. to consider after. ship.
pe-ra-4>p€vov, to, (perd, <pph\v) properly, the part be- p.€T-€pplpd{«, f. -Pifidffoj Att. -/3t#D, Causal of
hind the midriff {(ppeves), the broad of the back. fitT€fj.fiaiv<v, put on board another ship.
p.€To-<J>a)v«(«), f. r\aoi, to speak amon*, address. p.CT€p.€\c, p.crcp.cX-rjO'C, impf. and aor. I of ptra-
p.€Ta-xeipi£<*>, f. iow, or more often as Dep. prra- piKu.
X€ipi£opai, f. iaofxat Att. tovpai aor. I p*rex fiP l ~ peT€pp.€vai, Ep. pres. inf. of pirupt (dpi sum).


aanrjv : to have in one's bands, handle. 2. to p.CT-cp.<t>tiros, ov, (pcrd, ip<pv<o) engrafted afresh.
take in band, manage, Lat. administrare ; peraxu- ;x€T-€v8vo), f. Svooj, to put other clothes on a per-
pi(e oOai irpdypa to conduct an affair. 3. to have son. II. Med., with aor. 2 ptr-tv&w, to put on
in band, pursue, practise, Lat. exercere. 4. to other clothes.
handle, treat in a certain way. p,€T€VT|voxa, Att. pf. of ptra<pipo).
p.«Ta-xp6 vios, a, ov, = ptrdxpovos. II. in Poets, p,€T€vCo-o-6TO, 3 sing. impf. of picravlffffopm.
— perdpoiot, aloft, on high. p.cT-€w£iro>, to speak among.
pcrd-xpovos, ov, (pcrd, xpovoi) after the time, done p,CT-c|aipcopxii, to take out and put elsewhere.
afterwards. pcT-€gaviorap,ai, Pass, to move from one place to
p€Ta-xwp«co, f. i\aw,togo to another place, withdraw-: another.
to migrate, of birds of passage. p,«T-6£-er€pov, at, a, (purd, If, (repot) some others.
|X€Ta-i|/aipo), to brush against. p,€T«ov, Ion. for parov, neut. part, of phupu (jtipi
p.€Tcdo-t, Ep. for peruat, 3 pi. of pfrupi. sum).
p-€T«|3a\ov, aor. 2 of pera(idW<o. p,€T-lir€iTa, Adv. afterwards, thereafter.
P-€t«|3tjv, aor. 2 of pcra&aivoj. p,€T€ir€o-ov, aor. 2 of perairiirro).
p.€T-€YYpd4><0 » f- ^a>, to enroll or enter on a new re- p.«T-cpxo(Juu, f. pifrfKevaofMu Dep., with aor. a
gister, in fut. 2 pass. pfTfyypacprjaeTai. act. -yXOov, pf. -c\r)\v$a to come among. —

p.6Teyv(ov, aor. 2 of perayiyvwatcot. to go between the ranks. 3. to go in among, at-

p,€Tc5o£a, aor. of pfraSoicioj.
1 tack. II. to go to another place, go away. III.
IMtcSukcl, aor. of perabiSojpi.
I c. ace. to go after, to go to seek, go in quest of: hence
p.CT<ciirc, pcrlciirov, Ion. and Ep. for fierciirt, etc. to seek for, aim at. 2. of things, to go after, at-
\i€T(v\ax, Ion. for pcrrj, 3 sing. subj. of pireipi. tend to, manage. as an avenger:
3. to pursue, visit
li€TC$r)Ka, aor. 1 of utrariQrpu.. in legal sense, to prosecute. 4. to approach with
p,€T€i\T]<^a, -T]|j.pai, pf. act. and pass, of ptraXap- prayers, supplicate. 5. to court or woo.
fidvm. ptrlo-cHh-o, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of pxraafvopuu.
)t£r-ci|H, f. ptrioopai. Ep. -iaaopax'. (ptrd, dpi |Mr£oxi)ica> pf- of /ict^x8"*
;: :

y.ercvypiw.1 — perpiOTTdTrp. 441

fi«T*«vx H- ai *• -*v£opai, Dep. to
' change one's zvisb p-fr-oiicos, ov, (fieri, tlicoe) changing one's abode,
or prayer, to wish something else. settling elsewhere. II. at Athens, /a4toiko$, 6
ji.€T«(j>T],3 sing. impf. or aor. 2 of yitTa<pr)\u. and 1), a foreign an alien who was suffered to
(i.€T-«xa>, f. nt0(£<u, to partake of, have a share of, settle in the city on payment of a tax (ptTo'uctov), yet
c. gen. : also c. ace. rei, ntrix flV "iaov ( sc h*p *) without enjoying civic rights, Lat. inquilinus.
dyadwv nvi to enjoy an equal share of good with an- p,<TOuco-<j>v>Xa£, Hkos, 6, 1), the guardian of the /**' t-

other. oikoi or aliens at Athens.

(A«T€0), Ion. and Ep. subj. of fiircifu (flfti sum). p.6T-oixo(xai, f. -oixhoopiai, Dep. to have gone after,
p.«T«Dpi£cj, f. iatv, (fierioupos) to raise to a height, to be gone in pursuit. 2. to have gone among or
raise, lift up : Pass., fitreupiaOfit iv r<p vfKayu through.
keeping out on the high sea. II. metaph. to buoy p€TOLcrco, fut. of ficra<pip<».
up or excite : to buoy up with false hopes. peT-oicXdJa>, keep shifting one's knees, ef a
f. aa>, to
p.cTca>po-KOir&i>, f. tjcoj, (utriojpos, kovtoj) to prate coward crouching
ambush. in
about the heavenly bodies. p.eT-ovop,dgc0, f. aw, to change the name, call by a
jjieT€0)po-Xe<rxT]s, ov, 6, = fitT«vpo-\6yos. new name —
Pass, to take a new name.
p.€T«opoXo-y«o, f. ijao), (ficrewpoKoyos) to talk of fjt€T-6irtv, Adv. = fieromaOt.
high things, or of the heavenly bodies. Hence H€T-6m<r0€, and before a vowel -6«v, Adv. of Place,
prrtupoXoyia, f), a treatise on the heavenly bodies. from behind, backwards: —
of Time, after, after-
p-fTtajpo-Xoyos, ov, (fiereojpos, \iyej) talning or wards. II. as Prep, with gen. behind.
treating of the heavenly bodies. p,€Toir<i>ptv6s, 17, 6v, of or like the end of autumn,
p,CT-CO)pOS Ep. p.€T-T|OpOS, OV, (fXfrd, CWpa OT alupa) verging on winter, autumnal. From
suspended in mid air, aloft, raised on bi^b, high in per-oirupov, r6, (/*€rd, brrwpa) the season after
air. 2. of a ship, on the high sea, out at sec. II. dnwpa, late autumn ; cp. <pOivuirwpov.
metaph. of the mind, excited, in suspense, L,.it. spe p.€T-opp.i£co, Ion. for ftfBopfiifa.
erectus : hence wavering, fluctuating. III. t<J p,«r-6pxiov, to, (/xcrd, opx°*) *be space between rows
furtwoa, things in the air, the heavenly bodies, mete- of vines.
ors, natural phenomena; generally, abstruse, lofty p.€T-ovo-(a, fi, (fxerovaa part. fern, of /itrtt/xi inter-
speculations. sum) participation, communion : possession, enjoyment.
p*T6a>po-o-o<J>iCTTT|S, o, a meteorologiral philosopher. p.€ToxT), 1), (/*€T€'x<w) a partaking of, communion.
H.eTtcopo-4>€va£, d/ros, 6, a meteorological quack. p.€T-oxXtJco, law, (nerd, ox^os) to remove by a

jicrfiYa-yov, aor. 2 of fitmyoj. of the way.

lever, hoist out
y^TfjXOov Ep. p.€TT|Xv0ov, aor. 2 of /ifripxo/jat. peroxXio-acie, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I opt. of /ifT«x*iCw -

ji6TT|XXa|a, aor. I of fifTaWdaara}. p.«Toxos, ov, (fteTtx<*>} partaking of: as Subst. a —

p.€T-T)V€pAos, ov, (nerd, av(fjios) stvift as the wind. partaker, partner, accomplice.
u.€T-T|opos, older Ep. form for fiertajpos. pcTpcw, f. 17CCW, (nerpov) to measure : I. of Space,

p,€Trjpa, aor. I of fieraipw. to measure, e. pass over, Lat. metiri, emetiri:- Med.,

p,«TT|o-€<H)ai, Ion. for pa6r)cr(a6ai, fut. inf. med. ©f fx(Tp(tadat txvt] to measure the footmarks with the
fi€0ir)fju. eyes. II. of Number, to count : to measure out,

|a*tt|v8g>v, as, a, impf. of neravhao). dole out. 2. of Size, Value, etc., to measure, esti-
jmtUi, Ion. 3 sing. impf. of neOirjfu also 3 sing. pres. mate, compute.
; Hence.
fj.€rteTO, Ion. 3 sing. impf. med. of fifO'trjfu. (i€TpT]u.a, aros, t<5, that which is measured out: I.
y.eT-iT]|ju, p.w-io-TTjp.t, Ion. for fieO-. a measured distance. 2. a measure, dole.

Ji,€T-Co*X(i), — fl€TtX<»- p.cTpT)o-is, if, {fitTptw) a measuring, measurement.

p^ToiKCCia, 1), = fteroiKia 1. 2. the Captivity of p.€Tp-r|TT|s, ov, 6, (fierpfw) - Afxfopfvs, Lat. metreta,
the Jews. From at Athens the common liquid measure, holding 12
\itTOiKHa, f. i)0(u, (fiiroiKos) to change one's abode, X<$«, or 144 KorvKai, about 9 gallons English the :

remove to a place, c. ace. c. dat. loci, to settle

: Roman amphora held # of a fifTpijr^s.
in. II. absol. to be a fitroiKos or settler. Hence p.€Tpr|T6s, 4\, 6v, (fi(rpioj) measured, measurable.
U.fTOLKT]Cn.S, (CVS, fl y ~HtTOlKia I. p,CTpld£o> f. (to), (ix(Tpios) to be moderate : to be of
p,croiic(a, 17, change of abode, migration. H. an even temper, be calm, unruffled. II. trans, to

a settling as p-iroiKOt, a settlement : society. 2. moderate.

the condition of a fiiroiKot or sojourner. perpioTT&dcco, f. ljaa>, to be moderate or merciful to-
p£T-ouc[£co, f. low Att. »o», to lead to another abode wards. From
— Pass, to be led to another country, to emigrate. p.€Tpio-Tr<(K|s, it, (fiirpios, itaOuv) bearing mode-
rrroucixfa, -fj, 6v, (fiiroiKot) of or for a fiiroiKos rately.
UtroiKiieov the list of nirotKoi or aliens. p.«Tpio-rr6Tr)S, ov, 0. (nirpios, HO- Root of some
P*toIklov, t6, the tax of twelve drachmae paid by tenses of mvoi) a moderate drinker, moderate in po-
the piroiKoi at Athens. From tations : Sip. fitTpioworiaTaToe.
: ! ;

442 /xerpios-

ulrpios, within measure,

a. ov, also ot, ov, (fierpov) they perish not.
3. with infin., as, rb
dXyvvetev dv the noMcnowing would grieve
irv$4- ^
moderate : of Size, of average or ordinary height. II. fi*

of Number, few. III. of Degree, holding to the me. 4. with the Participle, as, /if) dveveutas = el
mean, moderate: of middle condition or rank: rb
Utrpiov the mean. 2. tolerable. 3. of Persons,
fi^l dirffveiKe, if he had not carried away.

isfreq. in independent clauses containing a com-

II. ^
moderate, temperate : also fair, reasonable. 4. mand, when, like Lat. ne, it stands first in the sen-
suitable. — The neut. fierpiov, fiirpia are often used. tence: 1. with the pres. imperat, fij) \eye. 2.

Adv. = fierpius. with the subjunctive aorist, fir) Kefos. 3. with the
|lctpi6tt]S, rjTos,1), (phpioi) moderation.
optat. aor. to express a wish, jiff yap oy' e\9oi dvtjp
uerpuos, Adv. of fierpios, moderately, in due O that he may not come
limits or measure. 2. modestly, temperately : on B. ut|, Conjunction, that not, lest, Lat. ne : I.

fair terms. —
Comparative fierpiwrepov, Superlative with aor. subjunct. subjoined to a Verb in pres. or
-tt/TOTa. fut., as, ^>€V7<y fiff \r)<pOS> I flee lest I may be
ME'TPON, t<5, a measure or rule; a standard. 2. caught. II. with optat. after principal Verb in
the contents or thing measured, as well as the measure past tense, as, tyvyov /it) XijcpOeirfv I fled lest I might
itself. 3. any space measured or measurable ; fie- be caught. III. after Verbs expressing/ear, as,
rpov opuov the size of the harbour ; filrpov fjfSrjs the icboiKa fiff yevrjrai, Lat. vereor ne fiat, I fear lest it
full measure or prime of youth. II. the mean happen, i e. I fear it will happen. For this subj, —
between two extremes, proportion, due measure : fit- the Att. also use indie, fut. IV. fxfj is used with
ness. III. metre, opp. to /ie\os (tune) and f>vO- inf. vehement negations or affirmations; iffrm
fi6s (time). Zei/s fi^i fiev
x ( ?p' irreveiKat Jove be witness that I
ucrqf tcicra, aor. I of ptToiicifa. have not laid on hand so after negat. wishes, 80s /iff

ucr-owfuCa, if, change of name: in

{fiira, ovofia) 'OSvfforja oi/ead' Ueodat. V. fiif is used after all
Rhetoric, the use of one word for another, metonymy. Verbs which have a negative sense, such as apvetoBai,
p.€T-<i>irT|86v, Adv. (uctmitov) with the forehead fore- KuKvetv, eipyetv, Qeiyeiv, as, ApvetaOat rb fti) rrotetv
most, fronting: of ships, in line; opp. to eirl tctpass, to deny the doing a thing: also after Nouns of like
in column. sense, as KuKvfux or Adverbs, as efirrobuv.

jjwTomiSios, ov, (fitranrov) on or of the forehead. C. As Interrogat., in direct questions, where a

(MT-wirtov, t6, = h€Tojitov, negative answer is expected, ij fi-q irov
the forehead. <pdc$e . .

u&r-Gmov, t<5, surely ye did not say ?

(fieri, &ift) the space between the eyes, 2. fii\ is also used with the

the forehead, front. II. the front ot fore part of indicative subjoined to another Verb, when it may be
anything : the front or face of a building: the front expressed by whether, as. Seidai uif 5t) irdvra vnfieprla
of an army. elirev 1 fear as to whether she has sp ken all too true,
p.<TU)-rro-cra>4>pG>v, ov, gen. ovos, (fiirarrrov, aw<ppoov) i. e. I fear she has spoken all too true.
with ingenuous countenance. utj y£p, an used in emphatic denial,
elliptic phrase,
act), Kp. and Ion. gen. of eydt. no certainly, Lat. nullo modo, where an imperat. or
ME'XPr*, rarely |x«xpts even before a vowel : I. optat. Verb must be supplied from the foregoing pas-
Prep, with gen. until, unto, to a given point, 1. of sage to which the denial refers, as, ftf) Keyeroj rb
Place, fit\pi BaXaaarft as far as the sea. a. of ovofia let him not say the name; Answ. fiij ydp
Time, reo fifXP 1 * until when ? fiexpis ov ; fii\pis [Xeyeroj] no, certainly.
oaov; until when? how long? fiixP 1 ftvSt for a utj ye, not at least, strengthd. for fi-ff.

space fiexP 1 fovbe until now.

: II. in Ion., fie xpt UT)5-Sud and utjS-£ut|, Adv. of firjbaftSs, no-
08 is sometimes followed by another gen., as, fiexpt where. II. in nowise, not at all.
o5 6ktw trvpyuv as far as eight towers, instead of UT)Sffu66€v, Adv. (fiTfbarfs) from no place; ftrjba-

ui-xpis ov 0KT(b irvpyot elaiv. III. Conjunct, until, fioOev aWoOev from no other place.
with indie, fiixP 1 ^
lyivero till morning came;
with dv and subj., fie\pi av tovto tStufiev till we see
UT|?&u60t, Adv. nowhere: and
UT)8auot, Adv. nowbither. From
this: also, fiexpt ov in same sense. ut)8-£u6s, if, 6v, for fiijSe dfi6s, not even one, not
MH Adv. not, used where the Negation depends
. any one. no one, none. Hence
on some Condition, either expressed or implied, while ut|8Suov, Adv. nowhere.
ov denies absolutely fiif expresses that one thinks a
: UT], Adv. of ^rjhafios, in no way, not at all.
thing is not, ov that it is not : hence fifi always fol- UTj-Se, Adv. (firf, bi) but not, and not, nor, Lat. ne-
lows el, lav, ffv, orav, iiretSav, eus dv, because these que, nee. 2. at the beginning of two fo'lowing
speak of a thing not as a fact, but a» a supposition clauses, firjBi firjbe. , neither
. nor. . , Lat. ne- .

whereas inei, iireibrf are joined with ov, because thev que neque ...
. . II. strengthening the negative,
refer to a fact. 2 ^
also is used af er the final which is always the sense when joined with a single
Conjrnctions tva, us, oitojs, &o~Tt, because these are word or phrase, not even, Lat. ne quidem.
in their nattre contingent, as, us fiij oKojvrat that. . UTjB-eCs, ftrfb-efilS., fiij8-iv, gen. pnhev6t, fir]befuas.
: : :

fi776e7r07€ fJL7l\0V\0S. 443

mrjb'evbs, etc. :
— declined like «ft uia tv, (prjdi, *U) — to lengthen, prolong. 2. to protract : to delay,
not even one, no one, none, Lat. nullus. 2. 6 or rj put off; /xt]Kvv(iv kuyov to speak at length; also
firjSiv (sc. wv, ovaa), one who is a mere nothing, a without Kbyov, to be lengthy or prolix. 3. fxnuv-
nobody — rb prjb'iv a nothing, a useless or worthless vtiv &07)v to raise a loud cry. 4. Med. (natcviavro
person. 3. neut. fiTjSev often as Adv., not at all, ituKoooov erected a tall statue.
by no means. MH'KHN Dor. pdiciov, ojvos, %, the poppy. 1.

}iT)8«-iroT«, Adv. not or nor at any time, never. the head of a poppy. 3. poppy-seed, prepared for
jiTjSc-irw, Adv. nor as yet or not as yet. food.
^TjSt-iramoTC, Adv. not yet at any time, never yet. pvqXca, 1), (u,t}\ov) an apple-tree, Lat. malus.
H"q8-«T€pos, a, ov, tripos) neither of the two.
{tirjb'i, p.T]\eios, ov, also a, ov, {firjKov) of or belonging to
jii]8-«T«f)&)or«, Adv. to neither side. a sheep.
8tj, nay do not. MtjXuxkos, 4\, bv, of or for Melis or Malta.
I-qSt^w, f. atu, (M^8»s) to imitate the Medes in M-qXidSes or Mt|XC5t|S, at, (htjKov a or b) nymphs
manners, language, or dress : esp. to side with the of the flocks or of the fruit-frees. 2. nymphs of

Medes, opp to 'EWrjvifa. Melis or Malta in Trachis cf. MtjKkvs. :

Mt]Sik6s, i\, bv, (M^Sos) Median: ra Mrjbuea (sc. MtjXicvs, 4cos, b, an inhabitant of Melis or Malia
vpayfjtara) the Median affairs, esp. the great Median in Trachis. II. as Adj., M-nKiei'S koKitos the
or Persian war. II. MrjSiKf) iroia, berba Medica, Maliac gulf.
a kiad of clover, lucerne. p.T]Xtvos, rj, ov, Dor. piXivos, a, ov, ((ifjKov b) of an
MtjBis, foot, 1) , fem. of MrjSifcbs, a Median woman. apple-tree.
M-r]Sko-p,6s, b, (MijSlfa) a leaning towards the MrjXios, a, ov, of or from the island of Melos,
Medes, the being in their interest. Melian.
MttjBo-ktovos, ov, (MrjSos, Kruvoi) Mede-slaying. M-nXts, foot, ij, with or without 777, Melis or Malia
p.T|, f. firjaopat: aor. 1 (fnjadfj.T)v: Dep.: {fiTJ- in Trachis.
bos) :— to devise, resolve, counsel, advise. 2. to pvnXo-PoTtip, rjpos, 6, and p/rjXo-PoTrjs, ov, 0, Dor.
plot, scheme, bring about, contrive. -tos, {urj\ov, (SboKO)) a shepherd.
p,T)8-oirOTcpos, a, m, {pirjbi, birurcpos) neither of the pTjX6-PoTOS, ov, {/tT]\ov, 06o-K(t>) grazed by sheep.
two. p,T)Xo-S6ico$, ov, (fxfjkov, Sc'xo/iat) sheep-receiving.
MH A02, tot, r6, only used in plur. /ii^Sca, coun- pvrjXo-OvrrjS, [w\ ov, b, (pi^Xov, 6ia>) a sacrificer of
sels, plans, schemes: cunning, craft. 2. like /ifj- sheep, a priest ; Pojfibs htjXoQvttjs a sacrificial altar.
ri$, care, anxiety; aa fxrjdea care for thee. II. in utjXoXovOk], ^, a kind of beetle or cockchafer.
pi. also, like Lat. virilia, the genitals. MET AON, ov, to, (A) a sheep or (sometimes) a
p.Tj5-oo~rvo"ovv, neut. {jitjSotiovv, for ftnSi ooris oxrv, goat : dpocva nrjXa rams, wethers : the pi. fifjXa
fajSi 6 rt oZv, no one whatever, nothing whatever. means flocks of sheep or goats, small cattle, opp. to
utjSocnJvt], i), (u.fjb'os) counsel, prudence. 06a.
Mti8o-<£6vos, ov, = M.Tjd0KToV0t. MH"AON, ov, rb, (B) Dor. MA" AON, Lat. MA-
LLTjtUis, neut. ftrjOev, a later form for firjSus, pvnbiv. LUM, an apple; generally, any tree-fruit, as, firjKov
MHKA'OMAI, Dep., with aor. 2 part, ptcbcwv: Ep. KvSuivtov the quince, pLrjXov Tlfpoucbv the peach, /xrj-

pf.with pres. sense, \ik\ir\Ka, part. fifurjKws, shortd. Xov Mrjbticbv the orange or citron. II. metaph. in
fem. fiepJucvta (so (iifipvxo., p-e^vxa from PpvxdofJM, pi. of a woman's breasts; or of the cheeks, Lat. mdlae.
fWKaotuu) also impf., formed from pf., ifii^-qKov p.T)Xo-vop.€vs, eats, Dor., a,
or p.T)Xo-v6p.T)S, ov,


to bleat, of sheep : of fawns and hares, to scream, 0, (firj\ov A, viuxu) a shepherd, goatherd, herdsman.
shriek, cry. p-rjXo-vopos, ov, (/i^Xoy A, vipuo) feeding sheep or
P-t]k4s, dbot, ^, (nqKaoiMi) fem. Adj. bleating, epith. goats.
of she-goats : a bleater, she-goat.
as Subst. pvrjXo-irApcios, ov, Dor. paXoirApTjos, (htjKov B,
jii)K-€tx, Adv. (^17, in) no more, no longer, no further. vapun) apple -cheeked, ruddy-cheeked.
p.T|icuTTOS, t;, ov, Dor. and Att. paKurros, \a\, a, ov, pTjXo-o-Koiros, ov, (fif/Kov a, OKOirecv) fit for watch-
(fiijKos), Sup. of yuaxpot, but formed from fxfJK-'S, as ing sheep from.
aiaxiOTtit from ala\os, the longest, tallest, or gene- pT|X6-o-Tropos, ov, (/jLTJKov B, crirupoi) planted with
rally, greatest. II. neut. piTjKiarov, pi. fi^Kiora, fruit-trees.
as Adv., for a very long time or in the highest degree: p.T|Xoo--o"6os, ov, poet, for /jujKoaoos, (i*r}\ov a, cdt-
very far — also at length, at last. fa) sheep-protecting.
MB. K02, :(os, rb, length
also height, tallness, pTiXoo-4>aYtcj. f. rjooj, to slay sheep ; IfpcL nr]\oo~<pa-
stature. of Time, a long space, length.
2. 3. of yfiv to offer bbeep in sacrifice. From
Size or Degree, greatness, magnitude. II. rb ftrj- pTjXo-o-<t>aYOS, ov, (nijkov a, acpafa) slaying sheep.
kos or htjkos, absol. as Adv., in length or greatness. uT]Xo-Tp6^>os, ov, (u,f}Kov a, Tpityaj) sheep feeding.
p/ff-KOT*, Adv., Ion. for urjirort. pTjX-ovxo*, b, {pirjKov B. ii, tx w ) a girdle that con-
fupcvvu, f. -vvw Ion. -vviw. Dor. patcvvw: (pifJKos): fines the breasts.
: . ,

444 HT)\o<f>6vos — ixrjpvKaofiat.

|at)\o-4>6vo$, ov, (ptjkw A, *<pivoS) sheep-slaying. MHNT'fl Dor. p.avv« : f. fitjvvffu [0] : aor. I i/*tj-
p.Tj\o4>op«o), f. rjao), to carry apples. From vvaa:- Pass., aor. I ifiijvvdtjv L v\: pf. fiffitjvvfiai:—
[njXo-^opos, ov, (fitjkov b, (ptpoj) bearing apples. to disclose, reveal, make known : betray. II. at

p.Tj\o-<^vXa|, Slkos, 6, and i), (/1T7A.01/ A or B, <pv\a£) Athens, to inform or lay public information against
one who watches sheep or apples. [0] another : impers. in Pass., fitjvvtTou information is
|a,t)Awtt|, t), (^ijkov a) a sheep's skin. laid: but in Pass, also of persons, to be informed
\Lr\\-w\\>, ottos, 6, t), (fxrjkov b, an{>) looking like an against.
apple, yellow, golden. \vt\ circus (an ellipse for fit) vvoKdfftjre otron

p/?| p,av, nay verily. followed by dAAa, do not suppose that .. , but . ; not
\l4\ \iiv. Ion. for fit) /idv. only not so , but. . .

jitjv, Dor. and Ep. p.ov, a Particle strengthening p.T| on, «- /it) ottojs, followed by a\Xo, not only not

affirmation, yea, indeed, verily, truly, in sooth; r) fit)v so , but

. ; not to mention that
. , let alone, Lat . .

or i) fidv, in very truth, yea verily, used at the begin- ne dicam.

ning of an oath ical fiijv, Lat. et vero, and yet, nay
: \i.r\ ov, are joined I. with the subjunctive, aftel

more : dAAd fitjv yet truly, Lat. verutn enimvero : ov Verbs of fearing, doubting, and the like, as diSoixa
fitjv assuredly not, so too /it) \ii\v; ri fi-qv; what then? /mt) ov yivtjTat I fear it will not be, opp. to SiSoiKa fit)

i. e. of course. II. — fiivroi, however. M.rjv was — yivijrai I fear it will be. Here both negatives have
orig. the same as fiiv, but after the introduction of their proper force : but, II. with the Infinitive,

the long vowel ij it became the more emphatic form: after Verbs of denying, doubting, etc., as ovSeis aoi
but t) \iiv, fit) fiiv, were retained in Ep. and Ion.,=« dvriXiyet rb /xj) ov \i£uv no one disputes your right
Att. r) (lt)V, fit) /ITjV. to speak (where /it) ov may be translated by Lat.
MH N, 6, gen. fitjvos : dat. pi. fitjai, Aeol. and Dor. quin, quominus), nemo te impediet quin dicas. 2.
pets :— Lat. MENSIS, A MON-TH: Kara /itjva generally, after all clauses in which a negat. is ex-
month by month, monthly. In earlier times the month pressed or implied, as, after ov Zvvapax, ovk iari,
was divided into two parts, fi^v iardfievos, the month etc.; as ov oikCs ion AQjjvaiovs fit) ov Sovvat Sitca* it

rising, and fii)v <p6ivoiv the month waning. The Attic is not reasonable that the Athenians should «or .

division was into three, fit)v Iardfievos, neoSiv, <pQiv<w: Lat. non potest fieri quin ; so also, with a negat.

the last division was sometimes reckoned backwards, implied, as, Setvuv tbo/eei ov \afiuv it seemed
as fitjvbs rerdprtj <p9ivovros the fourth day from the strange not to take. III. with a Participle, Sv-

end of the month sometimes onwards, as rfj rpir-n

; adXyqros ydp r)v, /it) ov KaroiKTeipajv for I were un-
lit' d/tadi on the three-and-twentieth day of the feeling, did I not pity. —
In n. and in. /itJ might stand
month. II. -« fiifvioicot n. without ov.
p^vas, dZos, t), mmfi^vrj, the moon. p,ir\ iroXXdKis, perchance, Lat. ne forte.
p/f|vaTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of fialvofiai. p.T)-iroT€, = fijj I. with subj. that at no
p.T|V€o-t, corrupt form of fitjcri, dat. pi. of fitjv, fitjvos. time, lest ever, Lat. ne quando. 2. with infin. never.
p/f|VT), t), (fit)v) the moon, Lat. luna. Hence p/f| irov, lest anywhere : lest perchance.

pTjviatos, a, ov, monthly. p/f|-irti>, = lit) troj, not yet, Lat. nondum : fiTjirco ye

pvnvi0p,6s, ov, 6, (fitjvioS) wrath. nay, not yet.

p.TjvT.u.a, aros, t6, (fitjvlw) the cause of anger; fitjvifia ir<oiroT«, never yet.

Otwv the cause of divine wrath. 2. guilt of blood, p.T|-7rus, = fit) irtus, lest in any way, lest any how, lest
blood-guiltiness. perchance. II. in case of doubt, whether or no.
MHTJIS Dor. p-avis, tot, t), Att. gen. fitjvtb'oi, p-T|pd, t<£, = fitjpia, thigh-bones.
wrath, anger : also, malice. p.T)piS, rd, never used in sing., (fitjpos) the thigh-
pTjvuxKos, o, Dim. of fitjvr], a crescent, Lat. lu- bones, which by old usage they cut out from the leg
nula. II. a crescent-shaped body, to protect the (kit fitjpia rdfivov), and wrapped in two folds of fat

bead of statues. (fitjpia Kvifft) ixdXvipav, hinTv\a voit)aavT(t) : they

p/nvtiti Dor. pavtco : f. firfvioto [t] : aor. I ifitjvlaa were then laid on the altar and burnt. II. «/xr?-


(fiijvis) wrath, be wroth against: also to

to cherish poi, the thighs.
declare one's wrath against a person. p/r)ptaios, a, ov, (fitjpos) of or belonging to the thigh,
p/T)vo-€iOT|S, is,(fxt)vtj, elbos) crescent-shaped, Lat. /«- Lat. femoralis : t) fitjpiaia, the thigh.
natus : of the sun and moon when partially eclipsed. p/r|piv0os, ov, t), (fitjpva)) a cord, line, string; pro-
p.T|vviu,a, aros, to, (fiijvvai) an information. verb., t) fitjpivOos ovokv iatiaoe the line caught nothing,
p,T)vvTT|p, rjpos, 6, (fitjvvoS) an informer, guide. i. e. it w as of no avail.

P^vvttjs, ov, 6, (fitjvvco) masc. Adj. bringing to MHPO'5, ov, 6, the upper part of the thigh, the ham.
light. II. as Subst. an informer, Lat. delator. p.T)po-TpS4>T|S, is, (fitjput, Tpa<pijvai) nursed in the
p/rjvvrpov, r6, (fitjvvoS) the price paid for informa- thigh, epth. of Bacchus.
tion, reward: almost always used in plur. p.Tjpo-Tvirt]s, is, {prjpoe, rvtnpfai) striking the thigh.
p/qvvrwp, opos, 6, = fitjvvrt]p. [y] From pTjpxiKaopxu, Dep. to chew the cud, Lat. ruminare.
: — .: —
MHFTOMAI—nrjx<u"lTiKfc. 445
MHPTTOMAI, f. -vaofxai [0]: aor. i (firjpvadfirjv: p.T]Tp60cv Dor. p.a.Tp60«v, Adv. (fi^rrjp) from the
— to draw up or furl sails to draw up an an- mother, by the mother's side.
chor. weaving, KpuKa iv arrj/wvi fxrjpvaa-
2. in p.TjTpo-Ka<rtYVT|Tif), tf, {n7jrnp, KaaiyvfjTT)) a mother's
o$cu to weave the woof into the warp. II. sister.

prjpvonai is sometimes used as Pass., Kiaabs nypvcrai p.T)TpOKTOvl<i>, f. Jjacv, to kill one's mother, to be a
vtpl x^V vv IS t****d around the edge.
i matricide. From
p.T]crao, pTjo-a-ro, Ep. i and 3 sing. aor. of y.i)boixm. 1 p,T]Tpo-KTOvos, ov, (^17x77/), ktcivo)) killing one's mo-
jx^crfai, Ep. 2 sing, of firjaofuu, fut. of fi-qSopai. ther, a matricide. II. /iTjTpuKTovos, ov, pass.
p,T]<rTO, Ep. 3 sing, contr. aor. 1 of /xijSo/xai. killed by one's mother.
jxTjo-rxop, cupos, b, (jirjdoftai) an adviser, counseller; p.T|TpO-p.T|T<Op Dor. pAr<op [a], OpOS, »), = fiTJTpb*
firjffToop pax 7]* foe adviser or leader of battle. fi^Ttjp, one'smother's mother, grandmother.
p/f|^re, — n-q t«, and not. II. repeated, firjTt . p.iyrpo-'ini.Twp |fi], opos, 6, *- prjTpbs var^p, one's
/«7T€, neither . . nor. mother's father, grdndfa her.
MHTHP Dor. MA'THP, fj, gen. y.i\rkpos, contr. p.T]Tp6-iro\is Dor. p.arp-, («*, 1), (fi^rrjp, w6\is)
fitjrpds: ace. firjTepa, pi. fiijTtpas: — Lat. MATER, the mother-state,from which colonies were sent
MOTHER : of animals, a
metaph. of lands, dam : out. II. generally, a metropolis, a capital. III.
fiTjTTjp H^Konr mother of flocks; 777 firjTrjp Mother one's mother-city, mother-country, home.
Earth :
— 77 Mi/TTip sometimes Ceres, sometimes Rhea p/qTpo-iroXos, ov, (firjTijp, Trok(Ofiai) tending mothers.
or Cybele. p.T]Tp6p-pwirTOS, ov, (/iijTTjp, fiivTOj) rejected by one's
p.t|Tt, neut. of fiq-Tis, firjrivos. mother.
jiTjri, contr. for firfTu, dat. of firjris, htjtios. p/r]Tpo-4>06pos, ov, (firjTTjp, <f>0(lp<v) motber-mur-
p.T)Tidacr0ai., p/nrniao-fo, Ep. for firjTidaOai, /xTirta- dering.
ad(, pres. inf. and 2 pi. pres. ind. of fiijTinoi. p.T]Tpo-<p6vos, ov, also rj, ov, (prfjT-qp, *<pivoi) mother-
p.T]Tuia), f. fiijTidoa) : {fiTJris) : to meditate, intend, murdering, matricidal.
plan a thing : absol. to deliberate, and in Med. to de. p,TjTpo-<j>6vnjs, ov, 6, (fiTjTrip, *<p(vai) a matricide.
bate in one's own mind. II. to devise, contrive, p/nTpvui, as, Ion. p.TjTpviTj, rjs, fj, (fxrjTTjp) a step-
bring about. mother, Lat. noverca: metaph. a rocky coast is called
\iiyrlen\s Ep. jitjtCctS, ov, 6, (htjtis) counseller. pjjTpvia ve£jv.
p.T]Tio€ts, taaa, tv, (wtis) wise in counsel: also, pvnrp&os Ep. pvnTpaaos, a, ov, (ft^Tjyp) of or belong-
skilful, skilfully chosen. ing to a mother, maternal.
p.T}, f. -iaofuu [t] : aor. 1 kjxr)Tiacninv : Dep. pTjTpcos, b ; gen. \1i\rpa10s and a> ace. firjrpcM. and ;

(/«7Ti«): — /o invent, contrive, devise. ojv; ri^ T VP) a maternal uncle.

(< 2. any relation by
pvnrlowv, Ep. for finnwv, part, of fiTjTtaa. the mother's side.
p-t]Tvo<i><rv, -oojvto, Ep.
3 pi. pres. act. and impf. med. p.T)xavda<r0ai, -<£ao-0«, Ep. for firjxa.vda6cu, -aoQt,
Of fJLTJTiao). pres. inf. and 2 pi. ind. of firfxavaopuu.
MHTI5, 10s, Att. gen. tSos Ep. dat. ftijrt for p.T), f. -tjaofxai : aor. I ifirjxavTjadfiijv: pf.
firjru ; ace. fir/riv
1) ;

— counsel, wisdom,

skill, cunning, Hfjirixdvqyiai'. Dep.: (fiTjxwfl) Lat. machinari, to '•

craft. a plan, enterprise.
II. make by art, put together, construct, prepare. 2.
jiTj^rts, o, 1), fiTjrl, to, gen. y^rXvos : (/z^, rls) :
— to contrive, devise, scheme. II. as Med. to pro-
lest any one, lest anything; that no one, that nothing, cure for oneself.
Lat. ne quis, ne quid. II. /jltjti is freq. as Adv. lest p.Tjxo.vdo}, — \ir]xo-va.opxu., found in act. voice in Ep.
by any means, that by no means : also separately, pirj part. fit]xa.v6<uvTas but perf. ^t/ii/xd^/icu is used in :

t* :in an indirect question, whether perchance. pass, sense.

p/fj^roi, stronger form of fi-q, in nowise, nay : ftfjToi lAT)xavocj>p.T)V,-oVo, ~6q>T0, Ep. for rirjX^Vr1 !^ P res -

y* nay upon no account. Opt. Of fJLTJXO-^O/JUU.

(AT|Tp a TT Lat matrix, the womb. p.T)xavcopxu, Ion. for firjxavdoijuu.
fy (ri )p)
. -

p.T)Tp-dYvpTTjs, ov, 6, (HrjTrjp, iyvpTT)*) a begging p.Tjx4v-f|, j), (iif)x os ) Lat. macbina, an instrument
priest of Cybele, a sort of mendicant friar. machine for lifting weights 2. an engine of :

p.T)Tp-aS€A4>«6s or p.T]Tp-d5cX<}>os, and ij, Dor. war. II. any artificial means, a contrivance,
p-OTp -, (fiTjTTjp, a8ek<p6s) a mother's brother or sister, device; generally, a way, means: ^.rixo^ai, arts, —
an uncle or aunt. wiles : c. gen., urix^ taKuv a contrivance against
p-"»|Tp-4\oias or p/nrp-aXcpas, ov, 6, {pA\Ti\p, dXoi- ills: fiTjbtHiji Mxavj by no means whatsoever, by no
&t») striking one's mother, a matricide. contrivance.
H-Vpn,. »), Ion. for fxrjrpa. p.TjxavT]p.a, aros, t6, (/it/xavdo/iai) an engine. II.

pT]Tpids, dSot, t), pecul. fern, of fi^rpiot. a subtle contrivance or device, art, trick.
p.Ttrpt8tos, a, ov, (firjTpa) fruitful, prolific. p.T)xavT)T«ov, verb. Adj. of nrjxavdopuu, one must
|XT)Tp6-OOKOS Dor. p-OTp-, OV, (j*TjTT]p, 5«x°fJUU ) re
' contrive.
ceived by the mother. 1«1X4vTTWc6«, *i,
6v, (jjii)xay6<>rvl") = flT}Xayi *°t -

446 ILriyaviKOs — fiCX lov.

|1t)X&vik6s, t), 6v, {urj\av4j\ inventive, ingenious, f. 2 /ityrjconat, f. 3 n(ul£ouat : aor. I iulxBrjv, aor. 2
clever, II. as Subst., i) fiijxaviicrj ^sub. rix vrl)* c/«777V L
r] ; 3 sing Ep. aor. pass, ifjutcro, (jukto pf. :

mechanics. fii/xiynai: Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. fiifUKTo: Lat. MIS- —

injxfcviuiTTjs, ov, 6, poet, for A"7X a */T7 x17*- CEO, to mix, mix up, mingle, properly of liquids,
fi^Xivo-Si^Tjs, ov, 6, (niyxavrj, dlcpdoj) inventing e. g. oTvov ical vdojp. 2. generally, to join, bring
contrivances or artifices, ingenious. together, bring in contact wi'b. 3. to make ac-
\iy]Xd.vo€is, eaoa, tv, {firjxauri) inventive, ingenious. quainted with, unite with : also, fu£ai Ttva dvOtat to
jnjXOvo-iroLos, ov, {fxrjxo.vr), voteoj) making machines: cover one with flowers. II. Med. and Pass, to

as Subst., ^rjxavoitoius, o, an engineer, maker of war- be brougb' into contact with, to be mingled with, to
engines. reach ; kKio'i 01 niyrjvat to reach the tents : to come
\ir\\ivoppS,<\>i(o, f. /jew, to contrive craft, deal subtly, to, to be present at: hence to meet, live, associate

craftily. From with : but also in hostile sense, to encounter : more

p.7]<dvop-pdc|>os, ov, (A"7X a,/ ^» fidirroj) contriving rarely fuoyeoOai es 'Axaiovs to go to join the Achae-
devices, crafty-dealing, craft-contriving. ans 2. to lie with: to have intercourse with, to be

|iTjxflv-ovpYos, (fjiijxo-vr], Zpyov) = ftrjxwo-

ov, united to.
rroios. cunningly contrived.
II. pass, jii-yvvw, = fuyvvfit.
|U)xav6covTai, -6g>vto, 3 pi. pres. and impf. of fiij- H-ifyxj, ,\ sing. aor. I subj. of fiiaivm.
X<ivaofjuxi. jiiTj-^ovos, ov, = fuaHpCvos.
u-fjx a P» T<^» = MVX 0S a means, - contrivance. p.iKKos, a, ov, Dor. for fiucpSs, little.

MH'XOS, to, a means, expedient, contrivance. pIicp-avAag, &kos, 6, 1) (pi/cpos, av\a£) with small
\ild, r) ; gen. fuds Ion. fjui}s ; dat. fxia, fiiy ; ace. furrows : hence small, scanty.
fiiiv : — fem. of as, one. plKp-ep.Tropos, 6, (fu/cp6s, tfiiropos) a pedlar.
MIAI'Nn, f. fxtdvu: aor I en'irjva Att. efxiava: pf. piKpoXo-yeopat, f. -rjooyuax, Dep., {fuicpo\6yo$) to
/xt play tea: — Pass., aor. 1 i/iidvOrjv pf. fif^uaa/uu or examine or discuss with extreme minuteness. Hence
-anfjai :
— to paint over, stain, dye, colour, Lat. vio-

paKpoAoyia, 1), minute discussion, frivolity.

lare. 2. to stain, defile, soil. plKpo-Xoyos, ov, {fiiKpot, \iyoi) reckoning trifles :
3. metaph. to
taint, defile, pollute. caring about petty expenses, penurious, mean. 2,
p,tai<^ovcb), f. rjaoj, (fiiai<p6vos) to be blood-stained, :

cavilling about trifles, captious.
bloody, murderous. Hence p.lKpo-TroXC"rr|S J], ov, 6, fem. -ins, t8os, >), (ju/cp6s,
|j.Laicf>ovia. j), bloodguiltiness. iroK'n-qs) a citizen of a petty town or state.
p.tai-4>6vos, ov, (fitaipw, <ptva>) blood-stained, bloody: MTKPO'2, Ion. and old Att. crp.iKp6s Dor. |ukkos,
defiled with blood, blood-guilty: —
Comp. -urtpos; d, 6v, small, little : petty, mean, trivial, insignificant:
Sup. -<Sjto.tos. of Time, little, short. II. Adv. usages : gen.
p.idv0t)v, Ep. for iuidvOrjv, aor. I pass, of uiaivu. fxiKpov (sub. bet) it wants but little, almost: -dat. —
pXapia, 1), (uiapos) brutality. II. defilement. fitKpy by a little : ace. fu/cpuv a little. 2. with
\Lld.p6-y\<i>cr(Tos, ov, (uiapos, y\waaa) foul-mouthed. Preps., em fiiKp6vfor a little, but a little; tcard (we-
plapos, a, ov, (/juatvw) defiled with blood. 2. puv little by little, or into small parts ; fitTfi fUKpov
generally, polluted, abominable, foul, Lat. impurus after a little; vapd /xiKpdv within a little, almost. —
brutal, coarse, disgusting. Adv. fiiapws, brutally. Besides the regular Comp. and Sup. fwcpuTcpot, /«-
placrpa, otos, to, (/ucuVa>) a stain, defilement; of KpuTaros, the irr. forms k\daacuv, iKdxiGTOS, peiojv
persons, a pollution. fxetffTos, fieujTtpos fiuuTaros are used.
u,tacrp.6s, ov, 6, {fiiaivco) pollution. p tKpo(J>tAoTlpia, 1), petty ambition. From
p-tdo-TCDp, opos, 6, (niaiv<u) a guilty wretch, one who p.iKpo-<|>rAoTip.os, ov, (fjuitpos, <j>i\6tihos) ambitious
brings pollution, Lat. homo piacularis. II. dAo- of petty distinctions.
orojp, an avenger of such guilt. p.lKpovpt»xCa, 6, littleness of soul, meanness of spirit.
|iiya, Adv. (fuyvvfit) mixed or blended with. From
|u-yd£o|iai, Dep. poet, for fAyvv/juai. piKpo-ij'vxos, ov, (fufcpSs, ^vx ?) Uttle-souled, nar- 1

fil-yds, nSos, o, r), C/x/ya) mixed up, promiscuous. row-minded, paltry.

p-iySa and jiCy^ t v Adv. promiscuously.
» P-ikto, 3 sng. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of filyw/ju.
p\yevt\v, aor. 2 opt. pass, of u'tyvvfu. P,uct6s, 17, 6v, (juyvvfju) mixed, compound.
p-i-yeis, aor. 2 part. pass, of fiiyvvfu. p.i\a£, Slkos, 1), Att. for afuKa^, the yew-tree, II.

\i.Lytv, for efuyrjoav.

3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of uiyw/u. a convolvulus.
p.iyTip.€vai, Ep. aor. 1 inf pass, of uiyvvyn. MlA^o-ios, a, ov, of ox from Miletus. From
pilyipai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of n'lyvvfu. MiXtjtos, j), Miletus, a famous Greek city in Caria.
Slypes., aros, to, (piyvviii) a mixture, compound. (iiXidpiov, to, a milestone, the Lat. milliarium. IL
riTNTMI and -vo>, also MI'2m f. /*#« aor. I a copper vessel for boiling water in.
: :

intfca, inf. (ii£ai —

Med. and Pass, fuyvvfjuu and fu-
: p-tXiov, r 6, a Roman mile, Lat. mille passus, — 8
tyojMu: fut. med. fju^ofuu, fut. I pass, iux&h 00!" ** stades, — 1680 yards, i.e. 80 yards less than our mile.
— :

Iml\t(Iov — ixHTCLfntcXos, 447

juXt<iov. t6, a vessel for keeping fii\ros in. through genders, for ovt6v, avr-qv, avr/>
all always :

juXt T]Al4>T]s, i$, {h'iXtos, vL\nf>fjvai) painted red. enclitic: Dor. and Att. viv puv ovtov himself; but, :

fiiXTO-irdp-rjos. ov, (/u'», irapttd) red-cbeeked : of qvtuv ynv oneself, for tavruv. II. rarely as t. pers.
ships, ivitb the bows painted red. pi., for avrovs, auras, avrd. III. — the reflex.
MTAT02, j), red eartb, red cballt or ocbre, ruddle, Prou. kavrov.
Lat. rubrica. II. vermilion, Lat. minium. MFN0O2, 6, human ordure, dung. Hence
p.iATO-<f>t)pT|S, 4s (/ziAtos, (piprjuai) smeared with
pivGoco, f. dung.
woo), to befoul with
ocbre. Mtvuat, Minyans, a race of noble? in Orcho-
ol, the

juAt6o>, f. <i>aa> : pass pf. /i(/wA.T<y/«u : (/u\tos): — menos Adj. Mivvetos, o, ov, Ep. Mivvtjios, of the

/o colour wib ocbre, paint red

axoiviov /*«/*«At<w- ; Minyans.
fiivov a rope smeared with red paint, with which MI NY'©fl [Cj, Ion impf. iaivvQiokov, Lat. minuo,
they swept the Agora at Athens, and drove the idlers to diminish, lessen, curtail, weaken. II. intr. to

to the Pnvx. decrea e, decline, fall away, be wasted. Hence

juXt-«8i]s, 6», {juKros, (t5ot) of the nature or colour u,Cwv0a, Adv. a little, very little : of Time, a short
of fiiXros. time. Hence*
u.ipxipKvs, ij, a kind of bare-soup. (A foreign word.) p.tvw0d8ios, a, ov, lasting a short time, short-lived:
M[jjuxs, avros, 6, a rocky promontory of Ionia. Comp. fiivw$a8iwT(pos.
MI"ME'OMAI, f. -T) aor. I kfxifiijadfxrjv: p.tvvpi£o>, f. ioco, ( fxiwp6s) to moan, whine : also to
pf. fitfjLifiTjfMi : Dep. :
to imitate, mimic, copy : pf. bum, chant in minurire
a low Hence
tone, Lat.
part. fKfu^rjfiivos. in pass, sense, made exactly like, p.lvvptcru,a, aros, r6, a warbling, bumming.
made in imi'ation of. II. of the fine arts, to re- jxtvvpio-p.6s, 6, (fiivvplfa} a moaning : warbling.
present by means of imitation. Hence ptvupopat, Dep. = fuvvpifa, of 'he nightingale, to
p.ip.T]X6s, r], ov, imitative. warble: generally, to bum a tune, chant in a low
p.(p.-qpxi, aros, to, (fUfitofuu) an imitation, copy. tone. v\
p.ip.T]o-is, j), {fu/j.ioftai) imitation. MTNTTO'2, a, 6v, complaining in a low tone,
pip/nrtos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of fiififoaai, to be imi- moaning, wbininsr, whimpering.
tated. II. fUfiijTtov, one must imitate. fitvC-idpios and juvv-capos, ov, (juvvOw, wpa) short-
p.IjiT]TT|S, ov, 6, (muto/wi) an imitator, copyist. lived.
p-TpnTiKos, Tj, 6v, (fjupeofiai) imitative. Mivo>s, 6, Minos, king of Crete : gen. Mivojos and
\iZ\lt\t6s, -q. ov, (mutonai) to be imitated or copied. MtVcu; dat. MtVcwt, Mivqj : ace MtVaxi, also Mivoj and
pip-vd^, Frequent, of pufivoj, p\kvw, to keep staying, f/livojv —
hence Adj. Mivw'Cos Att. Mivios, a, ov, of
to stay, remain. II. trans, to expect, await. Minos.
nrfoai : aor.
}U)ivt)o-kci>, fut. 1 tfivrjaa : (nvaa>) :— p.t|at, aor. I inf., pC^«o-6at, fut. inf. med. of piy-
to remind, put in mind. 2. to recall to the memory vvp.i.
of others. II. Med. and Pass. fUfivrjrrKouat, with p.t|is, (cut. fj, (/i*V <y fa*- °f piyvvf11 )' a mixing, min-
the older form MNA'OMAI, pwwpjai, whence the gling. II. intercourse or commerce wib others.
tenses are formed fut. med. fivfjao/juu, f. I pass.
: UA£o-f3dpPapos, ov, (fii£o) fut. of /xryvv/u, (Hapfiapos)
tu>7)a6T)(TOfiai, f. < fiffurqaofiat : aor. I med. ifivrjaa- half barbarian half Greek.
fiT]V, pass. (fiv-qoO-nv : —
the pf. \ikyLVt)\im is both med. ju£6-0Tjp, 6, f), (nl(o), O-fjp} half beast.
and pass., in Att. with pres. sense like Lat. memini, |ii^6-0poos, ov. (fii£a), Bp^os^ with mingled cries.
2 sing, fiffivrj, shortened from fxlfivrjaai imperat. |n£6-Xevico$, ov, (ni£co, \tvie6s) mixed with white.

fitfivnoo [on. fttfjwco; subjunct. nffivcvfiai; optat. pdjopcu, fut. med. of piyvvfu.
fiffjivrj^rjv, but also uf fwoifi-nv wo, (pro, Ion. pcfjivi- pi^op-PpoTOS, ov, for m£6-Pporos, (ufa, (5por6s)

wto : infin. fie^ivrjaOai : Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. i/xefjivtaTo : half mortal.

—to remind oneself, remember : c. gen. a\/crjs fivq- pi£o-vou.os, ov, (iii£<v, vifxaj) feeding promiscu-
aacBai to bethink one of one s strength: also, c. part., ously.
HfUVTjfMi i\6wv I remember having come. 2. to p.i|o-Trdp0€vos, ov, (fxi^oj, irapBivos) half a maiden,
mention, make mention of. 3. to give heed to, half woman.
judge of p.t£fa>, fut of fiiyvvfii.
p.(p,vovTi, Dor. for nlnvovai, 3 pi. of fii/xvu. 1. \ilaayaQia, 17, ha 'red of good. From
dat. pres. part, of the same Verb. p.ur-dY a 0°S, 7. ov (vtcros, dya$^s) hating good.

p.t|xvco, for u-t-ptvo), rt-dupl. form of nlvw, to remain, pIcr-a0Tivatos, ov, (fiiaos, 'AOrjvaios) bating the
stay, wait : c. ace. to await. Athenians.
p-tp-O-XoYOS, ov, {vi^os, \tya>) mocking one's p!cr-ct\d*a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (fxtoos, dxd^ojv) bating
word-. II. as Subst. a writer of mimes. boasters.
MI"M02, an imitator, copyist : an actor,
ov, 6, |xlo--d\«£av8pos, ov, (fMaos, 'AXt^avSpos) bating
mime. a mime, a kind of drama.
II. Alexander.
|iCv [t]. Ion ace. sing, of the Prou. of the 3rd pers. pia-dp.-rrtXos, ov, (jucos, dfivcXos) bating the vin*.
— : — : — .

448 IAL<r<&0pamos —MfSOS.

p,l<r-<£v0pamos, ov, (fuffos, avQpomot) hating man- mercenaries; /uo$o<popot rpi-fjpat galleys manned with
kind, misanthropic. mercenaries.
fiury-AY K€wa V< > (/it <7 7a; »
d'ytos) & place where several pto-0ood, f. wcoj : aor. 1 ffxio~6woa pf. fttfilaOuKa :

mountain glens (017*17) meet, a meeting of glens (fiiaOos) to let out for hire, farm out, Lat. heart
: •

plo-yeo-Oat, pres. of ployo). inf. pass, fXiaOovv rov vrjbv rpirjKoai<av toX&vtojv e£(p-
c. inf.,

ptcryowrai, Dor. pres part. pi. fem. of pioyo* ydaaaOai to let out the building of the temple for 30c
Ml'Srfi, see fiiyvvfu. talents, Lat. locare aedem exstruendam. II. Med.\T|v, tjvos, 6, (fxioos, "Ek\rjv) a hater 0/ f. niodwcrofjtat aor. 1 ijxiaOouadfjLTjv pf. (in mec
— :

the Greeks. sense) ^(fiiadoj^ai to engage or hire at a price,

p.iar€cj, f. f]o~a): pf. nfuio-qKa: — Pass., f. med. in Lat. conducere : to retain, as an advocate or physi-
fass. sense fitarjoofiuu : aor. 1 \^ioi\0r\v : pf. ixifiiarj- cian; fxiadovadai riva raKavrov to engage bis ser
ftai : (uinos) : to hate — Pass, to be bated. vices at a talent c. inf., jiiaOovaOai vtj6v i£oitcooo-

a charm for producing hatred,

p.Conrj0pov,To,(^to-«<u) [irjoai to contract for the building of th: temple, Lat.
opp. to <pi\rpov from <piKt<v), which caused love. conducere aedem aedificandam. III. Pass., aor. I

picrr|pa, aros, to, (fiicta)) an object of bate. (fiiodwOrjv: pf. ^in pass, sense) fitjxiadufMi : to be
|Xurnr«os, verb. Adj. of fiioecu, to be bated. hired for pay. Hence
p.ianrjT(a, 1), (/wcecy) hateful lewdness or greedi- picrOcupa, otos, to, that which is let for hire, a hired

ness. house. II. the price agreed on, the contract-

p.Icnr|T6s. T}, ov, (niatco) bated, hateful, odious. price : rent.
{xto-nrpov, to, *= nio-qOpov. picr0J)cripos, ov, (fiiaduu) that can be hired.
p.ia0aTro8ocrCa, fj, payment of wages, recompense. pao-0a>o-ts, e<vs, j), {fuodow) a letting for hire. II.

From (fucrOuofjiai) a hiring. III. = jiiadojfxd, rent.

aior0-airo86rr|S, ov, 6, (nio~6os, dirobiSojfit) one who |iiar0o>TT)S, ov, 6, (/iioOooj) one who pays rent, a
pays wages, rcwcrdcr, recompenser.
.2 tenant.
(xio-Gdpiov, to, Dim. of fiiaOos, a small fee. pio-0a)TiKos, 17, 6v, (fiiaBuco) mercenary.*0apvca>, f. "fjaa, (fiiadapvos) to work or serve for picrOtoTos, 17, ov, (fiio9(!>aj) hired or to be hired : as
hire, receive pay. Hence Subst. a hireling, mercenary, of soldiers.
pto-0apvia, rj, a receiving of wages, hired service. pio-6-Yapos, ov, (fxiaos, ydfxos) marriage-bating.
pio-0-apvos, 6, (piodus, apvvfMu) a hired servant. u.lo-6-YeAcos, euros, 6, i}, (jxioos, y(\<us) laughter-
purO-apxtS-rjs, ov, 6, (fiiaOos, dpxv) » Comic Patro- bating.
nymic, son of a placeman. bating imposture.|S, ov, 6, (fuaos, ydrjs)
picrOios, a, ov, also os, ov, (fiioOos) hired, salaried. plo-oSripia,hatred of democracy.
ij, From
pio-0o8ocria, ij, payment of wages. From pio-o-Sijpos, ov, (fiicos, brjfios) bating the commons,
pLo-0o8oT«a), f. pay wages.
rjoo), to From bating democracy.
ptcrOo-SoT-rjs, ov, 6, (inoOis, bidojfii) one who pays pioro-0eos, ov, (uiaos, 0(6s) bating the gods, godless.
wages, a paymaster.|pos, ov, (fuaos, drjpa) hating the chase.
MI20O'2, ov, 6, wages, pay, hire: fuaObs faros pio-o-Kaiaap, dpos, 6, (fuaos, Kaiaap) bating Caesar
fixed wages : im nioOcp for hire ; Sibovai raXavrov puro-Xdicwv, qjvos, 6, (fuoos, Ad/caw) a Laconian-
fitjvosuioOov to give ;. talent as a month's pay. 2. hater, [a]
at Athens the pay of the soldiery also, jiioQbs /3ov- : pio-o-Xdp&xos, ov, (ixioos, tudfiaxos) hating Lama-
\evriKus the pay of the council of 500, a drachma cbus. [Ad]
each for every day of sitting jiioObs SiKaoriKus or ;
pioroXoyia, ij, hatred of argument. From
flXtaOTiKot the wages of a dicast or juror (at first one pio-o-Ao-yos, ov, (fiiaos, \6yos) bating argument.
obol, from the time of Cleon three) for every day he p!o-6-vo0os, ov, (fxiaos, voOos) hating bastards,
sat on a jury juadbs avvnyopiKvs the pay of a public
piflro-trais, 7rai8os,o, f), (fiiao$,irais) hating children.
advocate, one drachma for every court-day. 3. plcroir€ponrjs,ov, 6, (yufa os, Uiparjs) a Persian hater.
generally, recompense, reward: in bad sense, punish-, tos, 6, 17, (uioos, ir6\is) hating the state.
tnent, retribution. p.uTOirovT)pcco, f. 170-a;, to bate the bad. From
pio-6o<t>opd, ij, (fuo-6o<p6pos) receipt of wages; wages p.uro-ir6vr|pos, ov, (fxiaos, vov-qpos) hating the bad.
received, wages, pay, salary. pio-o-irovCa, ij, {uiaos, vdvos) hatred of work.
pio-0o<)>opc<i>, f. rjaoj, (fxiaOocpopos) to receive wages, piaro-Tropiraj;, d/cos, 6, if, {pioos, iropirafc) bating the

to serve for hire : c. ace. rei, to receive as pay. shield-handle, i. e. bating war: Sup. ulaoiropiraici-
Hence OTaros.
ptcr0o4/op7]TfOv, verb. Adj. one must keep in pay. pio-6-iTTwxos, ov, (fuaos, irrcoxds) bating the poor.
iuo~0o<j>opia, 17, (jiiodotyopiw) service for wages or pio-o-pa>paios, ov, (jiiaos, 'Pojfiatos) Roman-bating.
pay, hired service. MT202, t6, bate, hatred: I. pass, bate borne

p,urCo-4>6pos, ov, (fiiaOos, <pip<u) receiving wages, one. 2. act. a bating, a grudge, strong dis-
serving for hire; ol juaQo<p6poi hireling soldiers, like. II. a hateful object, = fjuan/Mx.
: : — ;

IXKTOOTjWaS IXV7]OT€ij(0. 449

ptl<ro-<niXXas, ov, 6, (uiffos, TEvWas) bating Sylla. pvTjptlov Ion. -T|iov Dor. pvdptiov, r6, (fxvrjfjui)
plcro-rupawos, Lat. monimentum, a memorial, remembrance, record
ov, (picus, rvpavvos) tyrant-baing.<piAnrrro$, ov, (fucros, $i\imros) bating Philip. o/a person or thing: of one dead, a monument'qcrTOS, ov, (/aioos, x/^otos) bating the good. H,vini11|i #» (^vavfMii b) remembrance, memory, recol-\\itvb'r\s, ts, {fuaos, iftvb'os) bating lies. lection. 2. the faculty of memory; pivqfirjs viro from
MLSTT'AAH, f. v\u>, to cut up meat before roasting. memory. 3. a memorial, monument. II.
(xtTO-tpYos, ov, {niros, *epya>) working the thread. mention or notice of a thing.
pl-rop pd4>T|S, is, (fjuros, pa(pf}vai) sewn with thread, p.vT]p.T|iov, t6, Ion. for pLvrffieiov.

having mesbes of thread., f. aco, {fivqfKuv) to remember, call to mind,

MIT02, ov, 6, a thread of the warp, Lat. tela — recollect.
call to another's mind, mention, 2. to

generally, a thread: a web. [t~] Hence memorare. say, Lat.

II. Pass., with f. med.

P-Itou), f. wow, to stretch the warp in the loom: -(vaoftai and pass. -cvOrjaopuxi aor. I ipwqixovtidrjv
Med. to ply the loom : metaph., <p66yyov furuaacrdai '0 be remembered, bad in memory, mentioned. — :

to let one's voice sound like a harp-string. p.VT)povtKos, tj, ov, (fivrjficjv) oj ox for remembrance
or memory; rb fivrjfioviKov = fJLvrjfiT), memory.
ptTpa, Ep. and Ion. p.£TpT|, r), (niros) a linen girdle II.

or band, worn below the 6u>pa£ of persons, of good or ready memory.

generally a girdle :

zone. II. a headband, a snood. pvT)p.oviKws, Adv from or by memory, readily.

2. a Persian
cap, like icvp&aoia. p.\o]p.oo-vvT), r),{nvrmcuv) remembrance, memory, Lat.
MiTpa, 77s, r), the Persian Aphrodite or Venus. memoria. II. as prop. n. Mnemosyne, the mother

p.iTpT)-<J>6pos, ov, (fArpa, <p£pcu) wearing a purpa, of the Muses; because before the invention of writing
whether girdle or bead-dress. memory was the Poet's chief gift.
p.iTpo-S€Tos, ov, {filrpa, Seat) bound with a nirpa. p.vrjp.oo-trvov Dor. pvun. -, to, (fxvf)fjxw) a remem-
p.iTpo4>opco>, f. 170-0;, to wear a ptirpa. From brance, memorial, record of a thing: also a reminder,
piTpo-<$>6pos, ov, = furpr](pt,pos. refresher. 2. honourable mention, fame.

MFTY~A02 or jivtIXos, tj, ov, Lat. mutilus, cur- p.vT|p.(ov, 0, r), neut. fivrjfiov, (fivaojxai b) mindful,
tailed, esp. hornless, [f] remembering : c. gen. mindful of. 2. ever mind-<i8TjS, (t, (hitos, ttbos) like thread,of linen. ful, unforgetting.
\ilxfrt),Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 pass, of puyvvpu. |ivT)o-ai, aor. I inf. and aor. med. imperat. of pu- 1

p.tx0T|p.€vai, Ep. aor. 1 pass. inf. of pxyvvyn. pLvr)aK(o.

Hix0TJvai, aor. I inf. pass, of uiyvvfu. p-vojo-aioTO, Ion. for par/jaaivro, 3 pi. aor. I med. opt.
MNA" Ion. p.v«a, fj ; gen. fxvds ; nom. pi. pvax:-— Of (llflVTjOKOJ.
the Lat. MINA, I. a weight, = 100 drachmae pvTjoacrGai, aor. l inf. med. of pufivf)aKa).
= 15 oz. 83^ grs. II. a sum of money, also = p.vr|ordo-K6TO, Ion. for €fivf)aaro, 3 sing. aor. I med.
100 drachmae, 4/. is. $d. :
—60 Airaf made a talent. of fiifj.vf)aK<u.
pvdfj.a, p.vap.€iov, p.vap.oo~uvr|, Dor. for fivrjpt-. |Avir)o-0TJvai, aor. I pass. inf. of (juuvtjaica).
MNA'OMAI (A), contr. ywlhyjai, used in the contr. p.vf|o-0T]Ti, 2 sing. aor. 1 imperat. pass, of ui/xv-qaKoj.
forms 3 sing., and 3
fivarai, fivd>fx,(0a, fivouvrai;
1 pi. p.vT)o-l-8u>p«i) Dor. p.vd<r-, f. 1700, ypvr)nit, Supov)
imperat. 3 sing. pvcwQaj; inf. pwaoOai; part, pivw- to bring presents in token of gratitude : to be graeful.
pavot also in Ep. resolved forms, 2 sing, fivaq. inf.
: p.vT)o-iK&K<6>, f. r)oo), to remember old injuries : to
/ivaaoOai 3 sing. Ion. impf iivaoKtro for, bear ill-will or malice; oi pvrjoiKaittiv to bear no
Ep. 3

pi. fjvdicvro, part, ycvajoyavot — to woo to wife, malice, pass an

act of amnesty. II. also c ace.
woo, court. II. generally, to court, sue for, solicit, rei, rrjv r)\iKiav /ivrjotKaicuv to remind of the ills of
canvass for, Lat. ambire. age. From
MNA'OMAI (B\ contr. fiva>fiai, to remember, Ep., ov, (nv&ofiai B, Kaicov) remembering
and Ion. for puuvr/aitofjuii. old injuries, bearing malice.
pvdo*6ai, of fivdopxii to woo.
inf. p.vTjcrl-'iriripxov, ov, gen. oi'ot, (fjUfivfjffKa), irr)p:a) re-
p.vAo-00), 3 sing. pres. imperat. of fxvaofMi to woo. minding of misery.
pvdo-opai, Dor. for fxyfjaofuii, fut. med. of pujivfjCKOi. p.vr|0-is Dor. p.v&o-is, cms, r), (hv6.0/mu b) remem-
p.vaor-rf|p, o, fern. p.vdo~reipa, Dor. far fivr/ar-. brance, memory.
p.vdo-ns, r), Dor. for fivrjam, q. v. pv-qaopai, fut. med. of fiipiVTjaKO).«, Ion. for p,VT|OT€ipa, r), fern, of p.vr)OTi)p, (fivaofjiat a) a
p.v«ia, r), (fivaeuat b) remembrance, memory. II. bride. fem. Adj. (pvaofiai b) reminding of.
mtn'ion ; pviiav iroifiafiui Tivos, Lat. mentionem p.vT)OT«up.a, otos, t6, {jtvqartvoj) courtship, wooing:
facere. in plur., espousals.
u.vTjpa Dor. pvdp,a, qt»i, to, (fivaofiai b) Lat.
p.vT|o-T«vto, f. aoi aor. mo-
(tivfjorcvoa : (uv&o/mi b) : 1 :

nimentum, a memorial, remembrance, record of a Pass., aor. tfivrjo-TcvO-nv —

to woo, court, seek in 1 :

person or thing a memorial of one dead, a monu- marriage to espouse : Pass, to be courted.
: II. :

II. — itvi)nr), memory. to promise in marriage, betroth : Pass, to be betrothed.

: : .

450 lwrj<nifip—-fio\vvoTrpaynov€Oixat.

p,vi)(rTY)pDor. pva<rrf|p, rjpos, 6, {fi.y6.ofun a) a poiptSios, a. ov, also 0*, ov, (uoipa'S allotted by ale f
wooer, suitor: later, a bridegroom. A. (fivdo- or doom, destined, fated, Lat fa'alis.
fuu b) calling to mind, mindful of. poipo-tcpavros, ov, {poipa, Kpaivw) ordained by fate,
|i.vTj<TTT|p€o-<rt, Ep. for fivqarrfpat, dat. pi.of foreg. fated, destined.
pvqcrrts Dor. pvdorts, tos, t), \fivdofmi b) a remem- Motcra, tj, Aeol. for Mot/era :Msurav, Aeol. for
bering, remembrance. II. reputation, fame. Movouv pi. gen.
pvTjoTos, rj, 6v, (pv&ofjiai a) wooed, wedded. Moio-aTos, a, ov, Aeol. for Movaeins.
pvTjorvs, v»s, if. Ion. for fivrjartia, a wooing, court- poix-ovypia, rd, (notx^s, dypa) only in pi. the fine
ing, seeking in marriage imposed on one taken in adultery.
pvTjoTcop, opos, 6, (jwaoimi b) mindful of, poix&Xts, i'Sos, j), irreg. fern, of /wixo*. an adul-
pvnfjo-u, fut. Of filfiVi'/CKOJ. teress, Lat. moecba : as fern. Adj. adulterous.
uvtSpos, a, 6v, mossy, soft as moss. From poix&s, abos, 7, fern, of fioixts, an adulteress.
MNI'ON, to, moss, sea-weed. poix&w, f. 170W, (noixos) trans, to commit adultery
pv6os con'r. pvovs, 6, fine down. with ; fioixdv rffv OdXarrav to bold dalliance with the
pvupcvos, part, of fivdofxai, to woo, sea. II. intr. to commit adultery, Lat. moechari.
pvujvrai, 3 pi. of fivaofjai. to woo. poixrua), f oa>, to commit adultery with, to seduce, c.
pvtooprvos, Kp. part, of fivdofxai, to remember. ace. II. intr. to commit adultery, La', moechari.

pvwovTO, Ep. 3 pi. impf of fwaofxat a and B. poixCSios, a, ov, (noixos) born in adultery.
poytpos, d, oV, of persons, labouring, distressed, poixtos, a, ov, adulterous. From
wretched : of things, toilsome, grievous. From MOIXO'2, ov, 6, an adulterer, paramour, seducer,
poycb>, f. r/aoj, (fioyos) to toil, labour, be in trouble Lat. moecbus ; ttetcdpdat /loix^v fuq f*axalpa to have
or distress : pres. pan. fioyituv = fioyis, with trouble, the head shaven with a rasor like an adulterer's;
hardly; fxoyiont diroKivrfoaoice with much toil he since persons taken in adultery had their heads close
moved, hardly he moved. II. to labour at. shaven by way of punishment.
po-yt XdXos, ov, (fioyis, \S\iw) speaking with diffi- MOAET N, aor. 2 inf of BX^Kto.
culty, stammering or dumb. po\tJ3-ax(K|S, is, (fioKifios, &xOos) loaded with lead.
poyis, Adv. (fioyos, fxoyia)) with toil and trouble poXlpos, ov, 6, poet, for fi6\vf3bos, lead.
hardly, scarcely : like the later fioKts. Hence poXts, Adv., later form for poyis, hardly, scarcely,
MO TOS, ov, 6, toil, trouble hardship, pain, sorrow. with difficulty ; oil fi6\ts not scarcely, i. e. quite, ut-

po-yocr -tokos, w, (p6yo$, renuv) helping women in terly.

bard travail. poXo|3p6s, ov, 0, a glutton, greedy beggar.
p68i.cs, 6, a dry measure, Lat. modius, = of a me-
SoXotara, Dor for fio ovaa, fern, of fioXwv.
dimnus. = 2 gallons. loXoo-aos Att. -ttos, ov, Molossian; kvojv Mo-
MO'0O2, d, battle, the battle-din ; fiotos tirnuv the XottikU the Molossian dog, a kind of wolf-dog used
noise or trampling of horses. by shepherds. II. o fiokoooos (sub. iroi;*\ in

poduv, qjvos, 6, at Sparia, a name for the child of a Prosody, the Molossus, a foot consisting of three long
Hrlot : such children being brought up as foster- syllables, e. g. irpvfivrjTrfS.
brothers of the young Spartans. 2. from their poXoVpCU, fut. Of fiAOJO-KCD
insolence, fiLQaiv meant an impudent fellow : hence poXir&gu, {fnoXirff) to sing of, Lat. canere. Hence
invoked as the god of impudence. 3. a rude dance. poX-mMTTT|s, ov, 6, a minstrel or dancer.
pot, enclit. dat. sing, of kyu>. poX-mf|, f), (fii\ir<v) in H< m. dancing to music : any-
poipa. gen. as Ion. rjs, 1) : (ftfipofMi) : a part, por- thing done in time: generally, play, sport, properly
tion, divLion, as opp. to the whole : a division of an when sii ging and dancing formed part of it. II.

army. II. a part or party in a state, Lat. par- generally, singing, >ong, opp. to dancing. Hence
tes. III. the part or portion which falls to one, poXirnSov, Adv. with singing.
esp. one's portion of the spoil one's inheritance, pa-
: poXTriyns Dor. -arts. 180s, 1), (t/oXirij') a songstress.
trimony. 7. one's portion in life, lot, destiny : esp. poXOpSatva, 77, (fi6\vf3fos) a piece of lead, esp. the
like nCpos, one's fate, doom. 3. that which is one's lead to sink a fishing-line. 2. a plummet, a leaden
due; generally, that which is meet and right ; /card ball or bullet.
noipav Utnes thou hast spoken fitly, rightly ; fioipav poXv0Stvos. rj, ov, (fioXvPSos) leaden, of lead.
v€fxav nvl to give one bis due : hence 4. due poXvfftts, i8os, ij, (/x6\vf3bos) like fio\vf3Zenva, the
reverence, consideration ; iv fuAprf dytiv nvd to hold leaden weigh' on a net. II. a leaden ball or bullet.
one in proper raped. MO
ATBAOS, ov, 6, lead. II. plumbago,
Moipa, as prop, n , Moira, the goddess offate : later black lead : hence a blacklead pencil.
there were three, Clo'bo, Lacbesis, Atropos. poXvpSo-xoew, f. ifou, {fx6\vf3hos, x&«) to fix with
poipdco, f. acoj [a] Ion. Ijooj : (fioipa) to share,— melted lead.
distribute : Med to sbnre among- themselves. po\vvo-irpaYpov€opai, Pass. (fioXvvo), vpdyfM,) :—
poiprj- y«vT|s. is, {jxoipa, yivos) fated from birth. to bemixed up in a dirty quarrel.
: :: :

MOAT Nn—ixovovLTos. 451

MOAT'Nn [C] : f. vvw : pf. pass. ft(p6Xvafiai — pova-KtX-ns Ion. pxwo-K-, ijtos, 0, (fi6vo$, k(Xt)s) a
/o stain, sully, defile, corrupt : also to seduce a wo- single horse.
man : — Pass, to be or become vile, wallow. pov6-Kcpo>s, ojv, gen. -tttpcj, ace. -Kipwv, (putvs,

poXvcrpos, o, 1/joAww) defilement, pollution. itipas) one-horned: as Subst. a unicorn.

poXcov, oO<ra, dv, aor. 2 part, of fiXwoKOj. [xovo-kXcivtos, ov, (p6v$, K\ai<u) with one mourner.
pop4>Tj, i), (fiifjupofjiou) blame, reproof, complaint — povd-icXt.vnv, t<5, (p6vos, kXivtj) a bed for one only,
a cause of complaint. a coffin.
pdva, Dor. for jwvr}. povo-KoiT«o, f. fjao), (fi6vos, Ktirioi) to sleep alone.
povd£u>, f. aw, (^/tovos) /o 6« alone, live in solitude. povo-icpY|ms, ilos, 0, ij, (n6ws, nprjiris) with but one
povapiruKia, j), for 6 novafiw^, a race-borse that sandal.
runs single. povo-KpoTos, bv, (p6vs, Kporioj) with one bank of
pov-dp.irv£, vkos, 6, i). (/iovo», afiitv£ n) having one oars.
frontlet; fiovafurv/cts nwXoi horses that run single, povd-tccoXos Ion. pw-, ov. (pi6vs, ko/Xov) with but
racehorses : also of a bull, having no yokefellow. one limb of building's, with but one room : ntp 080s

jxovapxta Ion pow- : f. ijaa; : (fiovapxos) — to be p.ov- kcvXos a sentence consisting of one clause.

monarch or sovereign ; km tqvtow piowapxi^vras in povo-KcoTTos, ov, (piovs, Kojirrj) with a single oar
this king's reign. Hence with a single ship.
povapxla Ion. p.ow-, ^, absolute rule, sovereignty, povo-XtOos Ion. pnvv-, 0v, (ja6vs, \i0»s) made out
monarchy. of one stone.
pdv apxos Ion p,ow-, ov, (puvos, apxpS) ruling povo-paTwp, opos. Dor. for /tovofjiriTwp. [a]
alone, sovereign. povopax«c»,' Ion. p.o\rv-, f. rjao), (fiovofxax *) to fig^t
(j.ova.s Ion. powds, d5oi
(pCvos) properly a fem.
. f], in single combat: of the Athenians at Marathon,
Adj., solitary, single: also masc of a man, alone, by p.ovvi novvouax^avrfs r<p Tlipaji having fought
oneself. II. as Subst., novas, a unit.
ij, single-banded with the Persian. Hence
p.ovdx'Q, Adv. properly dat. fem. of pcvaxos, in one povopaxia Ion. p.owop,axCT|, 1J,
single combat.
way only : singly or alone. povopdxiov, to, — fiovo^axio..
Hovixos, "h- &*t (nov«$) solitary; — as Subst. fiova- povo-pdxos, ov, (/mvos, frnxofMi) fighting in single
Xos, 6, a combat : wielded in single combat.
pov-*p£rn,s Ion. pw-, ov, d, (fiovos, (pirrjs) one povo-p-r)TO)p, opos, 6, ij, (ftSvos, piT/r-np) left alone by
who rows singly, a sculler. one's mother, deprived of one's mother.
(xov-f), i$, (uivoj) a staying, abiding, tarrying. 2. povo-vtrxi Ion. p.»w-, Adv. (piovos, vt{) in a single
a place to stay in. mansion. night.
pov-Tjpcpiov, t6, (p6vos, f/uipa) a bunt of one day. povd-gfiXos, ov, (piovos, [vKov^ made from a single
p,ov-T|pT|S, (s, (ftovos, dpaptiv) single ; vavs pfv^pn$ log. II. made of wood only.
a ship with one bank of oars. p.ov6-irais, -iratSo*, 6, i), (fiovos, irats) act. having
pdvtpos, ov, or t), ov, (fiovif) staying, fixed : of per- but one child. II. pass. — fiovos irats, an only child.
sons, steadfast, constant. 2. of conditions, abiding, povo-irdX-ns Ion. pw-, ov, 6, {fiovot, iraXrj) one
lasting, Lat. stabilis. who conquers alone in wrestling. [4]
pov-iinros, ov, (ftovos, Twos) with one horse, a povo-ircXpos, ov, (povos, viXpa) with but one sole.
horseman, opp. to a charioteer. povo-ireirXos, ov, (fiovos, niirXos) left without a robe,
(jLOvo-(3a|jLa)v, ov, gen. ovos, (fiuvot. fiaivoi) walking clad in a tunic only : v. -iireirAo*.
alone: of metre, consisting of one foot. [/3a] pov6-Trovs, 6, i), -irow, r6, gen. -vooos, (fi6vos,
povd-y^pos, ov, (fiovos, yafjtaj) marrying one wife. noils') one-footed.
povo-ytvcia Ion. po'/voy-, "fj, pecul. fem. of sq. povo-iroXos, ov, (fiAvos, iruXns) with one horse.
povo-"yevT|s Ep. and Ion. powoy-, is (uuvos, yivos) pov-opvxT)S, ov, 6, (fji6vos, opxrfyvai) digging with
only-begotten : born from one and the same mother. one point. \y]
pov6-"yXT|vos, ov, (uovos, yX-qv-q) one-eyed. MO'NOS Ion. povvos, rj, ov, Dor. pwvos.a.oi', alone,
povo-SdicrCXos, ov, (p.6vos, SatervXos) one-fingered. left alone, forsaken : c. gen., fiSvos gov reft of, de-
povo-BfpKTrjs, ov, 6, (/io'i'os. oipnouai) one-eyed. prived of thee. II. alone, only : often with gen.

povd-Sovrros, ov, (fiuvoi, boviros) of unvaried sound, added, povvos iravrcw dvOpuiircov alone of all
monotonous. men. III. like Lat. unus for unicus, standing
pov-dSovs, -Ihovrot, 6, j), (fxovos, 0801V one-toothed.

alone, single in its kind, unique. IV. Sup p\ovii-

povd-Spo-rros, ov, (fivvos, tpiirai) plucked from one raros, the one only person, one above all others, cf.
%tem : cut or carved from one block. aiiruTaros. V. neut. p.ivov as Adv., alone, only,
povo-€iOT)s, is, (u-Cvob, (ihos) of one kind, simple. merely ; piuvov ov, Lat. tantvm non, all but, well nigh.
and povd£v£, vyos. 6, i), (fiovos, £v-
povo-^fr-yris, is, povo-aiSTjpos. ov, (/jluvos, aihrjpos) made of iron only.
Yrjvai)having one horse yoked : generally, single, alone. povocriTta), f. fja<u, to eat but once in the day. From
jiovo-T)p.cpos, ov, (jidvos, -q pipa) lasting but one day. pov6-o*iTOS, ov, (fiovos, oitos) eating but once a day.
: ! :

452 HOVoaKrjirrpoi — /xo<r)(09.

jiovi-fricTjirTpos, ov, (novt , ovrijirrpoi') wielding the popios, a, ov, poet, for fiop&ws. —For Zcvs Mopto*
seep 're alone, absolute. see nopiai.
jtovo-<rTtpif|s, is, (fiuvos, anfiuv) walking alone, pop|xo\ij<€?ov, t6, a bugbear, hobgoblin. From
unacco mpanied., Dep. (fxopfiw) to fright, scare.
jjLOvo-<rrtx°s, ov, (fn6vos, ffrixos) consisting of one poppop-omos, ov, (fiopfxdj, w\f) hideous to behold.
verse. poppvpeo [i)l, formed from fivpeu. as irop<pipc>j from
jjiovo-otoXos, ov, (fiovos, aroXft going alone : ge- <j>vpoj, of water, to roar, boil, Lat. murmuro.
nerally, alone, single. MOPMH', gen. 60s, contr. ovs, 1), a hideous sbe-
povo-oTOpOvyl, vyyos, 6, %, (jtSvos, ar6pdvy£) monster, to frighten children with ; a bugbear, hob-
carved out of a single block. goblin. II. in Aristophanes, a mere exclamation,

\Lovo-<rvWd.fios,ov,{fji6vo$. auAAa/3^) of one syllable, fiopficb rod Opaaovs a fig for his courage
dealing with monosyllables. popoeis, ecraa, cv, skilfully or richly wrought; or
pov6-T«vos, ov, {ftovos, T(icvov') with but one child. glistening, shining. iDeriv. unknown.)
povo-Tpdire£os, ov, (uovos, rpanefa) at a solitary MO'PON, t6, the black mulberry.
board, eaten apart. popos, 6, (fiupofiat) like p-oipa, one's appointed lot,
povo-Tpoiros, ov, (novos, rpuiros) solitary, unsocial. fate, doom, destiny ; vnip fiopov beyond one's doom,
jj,ov ov&tos, ov, (fiovos, ovs) one-eared : with one against fate. 2. esp. an unhappy lot, ruin, death,

handle. Lat. fatum, in Homer always a violent deatk.

|j.ovo-4>dYos, ov, (povos, <payuv) eating alone or once popcrTpos, ov, (/^opos) appointed by fate, doomed,
a day : i'reg. Sup. fiovo<payioraTOS. destined, Lat. fatalis : foredoomed, destined to die:
|Aov-64>9a.Xu.os Ion. pow-, ov, (/xovos, 6<p9aXfx6s) hence fiopaifiov r\pjop the fated day, the day of doom
one-eyed. to fiupaifiovfate, doom, destiny.
p,ov6-<j>povpos, ov, (fiovos, <ppovpa) watching alone. MOPT'22fl, to soil, stain, defile, sully : pf. pass,
povo-<j>pa>v, ov. gen. ovos, (f*6vos, <ppqv) single in part. fi€fj.opvyfxfvos, soiled, defiled.
one's opinion, standing alone, single. pop(f>a, pop4>dv, Dor. for fiopcpri, itopQ^v.
povo-4>v-r)s Ion. potiv-, ('*, (fiovos, <pvrj) of simple popcf>a£a), (/xop(/)i7) to make gesticula'ions.
nature : made of one piece. pop<f>aco, f. i\o<u, (fiopcprj) to shape, fa: bion, mould.
povo-xT)Xos Dor. -xaX«s, ov, (p6vos, xvrf) solid- Mop<}>fvs, icus, 6, Morpheus, son of Sleep, god of
hoofed. dreams: propei ly thefashioner, moulder, so called from
Dor. -tpa<{>os, ov, (ft6vos, iprjcpos) voting
u.ov6-v|/T)<)>os the shapes he calls up before the sleeper. From
alone singular in one's vote or purpose.
: MOP«£H 17,/orm, shape, figure : a beautiful form,

povo x» Ion. pow - f. wo~a> aor. I ifiovuaa Ep.

: : beauty, Lat. forma. 2. generally, form, fashion,

uovvcuaa Pass., aor. — i{iovu/0T)v, Ion. part, fxovvoj- appearance. a form, kind, sort.
3. Hence
$eis : pf. u(fi6va)/jai

Ion. y&novv<uva.i : (fi6vos) :

— to pop4>r]€is, €<r<7a, fv,formed, fashioned, shaped : well-
make fiovvovv yeverjv to give an
single or solitary ; shaped, comely, Lat. formosus.
only son in each generation Pass, to be left alone, : — p6p4>vos, ov, (epith. of the eaglet of colour, dusky,
to be forsaken : also to be taken apart, without wit- dark, — opepvus (from opfpvrj), Lat. furvus.
nesses : c. gen., pefiovvojutvoi ovynkaywv deserted by pop<|>6(i>, f. wacu, (fiopcprj) to form, give shape to.

allies. Hence
povcpStu), f. r\o<o, (fiovySos) to sing alone, to sing a p6p4>(opa, otos, to, form, shape, figure : the outline
monody. Hence of a figure.
povwSta, i), a song sung alone, a monody, solo, opp. pop4>u)cris, j), {fiopcpooi) a shaping : form, semblance.
to the song of the chorus. pop4>arnf]p, i,pos, 6, (/xop«/>ocu) one who shapes : fern, —
pov-a>86s, ov, {novos. cytirf) singing alone. popdjun-pia avuv popipuiTpia changing men into

povco0e(s, aor. I pass. part, of ^ovvcj. swine.

povcas, Adv. of fiuvos, only. p6oxrw or p6aw, vvos, 6, a wooden house or tower.
pov-wip poet, povv , cDn-os, 6, 17, {fiovos, wip) oni-eyed. Moao-uv-oiKOu or Moo-i>v-oikoi, oi, {pCoovv or fio-
popa, 7, (ntipofiai) = fioipa 2. one of the six avv, oIk(cd) an Asiatic race near the Black Sea, neigh-
divisions of the Spartan infantry. bours of the Colchians, living in wooden bouses.
poptai (^sc. fXafeu), al. the sacred olives in the Aca- poo*x€ios, a, ov, (fj.6ax os ) °f a ca !f' i*-6o~x CiOS KV~
demy, so because they were supposed to be
called vovxos a calf-skin leash . as Subst., fxocrx eiov > T(^» a
parted or propagated {pupo/ievai, fif/xoprj^xivat) from calf-skin.
the original olive-stock that grew in the Acropolis. poo*X€tl(>>, f. aw, (fxSaxos) to plant a sucker, propagate.
Hence Z«t»s Mopios as the guardian of these sacred poo^((8tov, to, Dim. of fx6o~x os a young sucker, [f]

olives. II. ftopia [*], = pupta, folly. poo^xtos, a, ov, (/io<rx os ) n ^e fiua\(ios, of a calf.
p6p?pos, ov, poet, for [wpoi/ios. poo"xo- "'Ot«a), f. rjaou, fiSaxcs, iroUoS) to make a calf.

popiov, r6. Dim. of yn-pos, a small piece, generally, pocrxos, o.also ij, the young shoot of a plant, a sprout,
<J piece, Portion. sucker, scion. II. metaph. of the young of ani-
— : ,:

fxowd$ — fivyn6s. 453

mals, a calf: also a young butt : a heifer. 7. a |aovo-o-ttoi68, 6v, (povaa, iroiioS) making poetry
boy : more often a girl, maid, Lat. juvenca. 3. fiovaoiroiSs, j), a poetess : aUo singing or playing.
any young animal. p.ov<ro-rr6Xos, ov, {fiovaa, iroktw) serving the Muses:
pow<i£, Adv. {fxovvos) singly, alone. as Subst., fiovaoiroKos, 0, a minstrel.
powapxtw, Ion for povapx^w. povo-o-irp6o-coiTOv, ov, (fiovaa, irpuoanrov) musical'
povvos. Ion. for n6vos For all Ion. forms begin- looking.
ning with now see under fiov -.
povo-ovp-Yta, »), a making poetry, singing. From
Mowvxia, t), Munycbia, a harbour at Athens, ad- p,ovo--ovp y6s, vv, con;r. for povao-fpyot, (novoa,

joining Piueeus II. epith. of Diana, who was tpyov) devoted to the service of the Muses, playing,
worshipped there. Hence singing: —
as Subst., povcrovpYos, »), a singing-
MowV>xt a£ e Adv. to Munycbia : and
Mowvxfoo-v, Adv. at Munycbia. p,ovo-o-e}>(\Tjs, ov, 6, and pouo-6 4>lXos, ov, (fiovaa,

Movvvxtcbv, wvos, 6, Munychion, the tenth Attic <pi\(w) loving the Muses.
mon h, in which was held the festival of Munychian povo-o-xdpT|s, <*, (fiovao, x^P03 ^ delighting in the
Artemis, = the latter part of April and beginning of Muses, delighting in music or poetry.
May. poucrocu, f. woo), {fxovaa) to devote to the Muses —
powcoOeis, Ion. aor. I part. pass, of fiovoo). Pass, to be well educated, accomplished, elegant.
aow-toib, Ion. for fiovwip. p-oxOevVTas, Dor. part. ace. pi. of fiox0(<u.
MOT~5A, 77s, Aeol. Mourn Dor. M&o-a Lacon. poxOeco, f. T)0~<», (fj.6x0os) to be weary with toil, be
Mia, as. -fj, the Muse, goddess of song, music, poetry, sore troubled or distressed, to suffer greatly : c. ace.
danciv.g, and t'ie fine arts. There were nine Muses, cognato, fxox9 f w ^>xOovs, tt6vovs to undergo hard-
Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, MelpomSne, TerpsichOre, Erato, ship, toils ; fiox^tiv futO^fxara to toil at learning.
Polymnu or Polyhymnia, Urania, and Calliope. II. Hence
later, music, song: also eloquence; and in pi. arts, poxfajp-a, aros, t6, toil, hardship.
accomplishments. pox0T|pia, 17, wretchedness, poor condition : mostly
Movo--d YfT-r)S, ov, 6, Dor. for Movarry-, (Movaa, in moral sense, badness, wickedness. From

fyyiofiat}, the leader of the Muses, i. e. Apollo. p.ox0T|p6s, a, ov, (fxoxOfO}) in sore distress,
Movo-ciov, to, the temple of the Muses, seat or haunt wretched. 2. of things, toilsome, laborious: but

of the Muses : hence a school of arts and learning, a also in sorry plight. II. in moral sense, knavish,

Museum : metaph., fjtovofia dprjvrj/Mio't £vvwda\ halls villainous, rascally, Lat. pravus. Hence
resounding with lamentat'ons ; fiovatia \(Kihovojv p.ox0T)pu>s, Adv. in sorry plight, miserably.
places where swallows twitter. Properly neut. of poxOirjTeov, verb. Adj. of fxoxOfw, one must labour.
Mot/cmo*. p.oxdi£o>, f. aw, - uoxOiw, to toil, labour : also to
Movo-eios Dor. Mourcuos, a, ov, also os, ov, (uovaa) suffer greatly.
of or belonging to the Muses, sacred to the Muses. poxOos, 6, (/xoytw) toil, hardship, distress, trouble :
p.o\jo-i£, Dep. (fiovaa) to sing or play. in pi. toils, troubles, hardships :— puxOos differs from
povaiKos, rj, Cv, (fiovaa) of the Muses or the fine irovos, in that ftuxOos always implies distress, bard-
arts, devoted to the Muses. II. as Subst., I. ship, Lat. aerumna, while nwos is merely work, la-
povrwe^s, u, a musician, poet, a lyric-poet : generally, bour, Lat. labor.
a man of letters, a scholar, an accomplished person, \io\\(vrr]s, ov, 6, one who heaves up by a lever;
opp. to dfiovaos. 2. fJLOvand) (sc. Ttyvn}, 1), any BaXaaarjS fiox^cvT-ffs he who makes the sea to heave
art over which the Muses presided, esp. music or lyric Kaivwv kirwv /xoxAeuTiJs one who heaves up new words.
poe'ry set and sung to music, — one of the three From
branches of Athenian education, the other two being poxXcvoo, f. aw, (/zoxXos) to prise up, to heave up or
ypau^iara, 'yvfivaoriKT) :— generally, arts, letters, ac' wrench by a lever.
complisbments. III. Adv. -kws, harmoniously, poxXcco, f. 170*0;, Ion. for fio\\tvw.
elegantly : Sup. -Kwrara. UOxXtov, to, Dim. of /j.ox^6s.
povo-io-Sco. Dor. for fiovmfa. MOXAO'2, ov, 6, a lever or bar for prising or
povao-Scpos, ov, (uovaa, oipw) built by song. heaving up, a crowbar, Lat. vectis. II. any bar

povcropaV«u>, f. rjaw, to be Muse-mad, smitten by the or stake :— the bar < r bolt of a door, Lat. obex.
Muses. From MT' or MT\ an imitation of the sound made by
powo-paVT]s, «**, {fiovaa, pavTJvai) smitten by the murmuring or muttering with closed lips. II. to
Muses. imitate the sound of sobbing.
povcro-pavns, foot, 6, 1), (fwvaa, fiavris) of pro- pti-aYpa, 7), (f*vs, ayoa) a mouse-trap.
phetic wng. piiaw, (uv) to bite or compress the lips.
pouao-unrcop, opos, r), (fiovaa, prfrrr)p) the mother pv-'ydVn,, (fivs, yak(-n) the field-mouse, shrew-mouse,
of the Muses and arts. Lat mus araneus.
povo-o-n-oitw, f. f}crcu, to write poetry about. From pvypos, ov, 6, (pv(w) a moaning, muttering.
: —— :

454 fivhakioi — iivXocihrjs,

p.OSaX«os, a, ov, wet, dripping, soaked, II. the subject of conversation, the matter itself. III.
damp, mouldy. From advice, a command, order. IV. a purpose, design,
p.C8da>, f. damp, wet, drip- plan.
i)Oo) t {fjLvdos) V. a tale, story : afterwards, ftvOus was the
to be
ping. II. to be damp or clammy from decay. poetic or legendary tale, as opposed to the historical
MT'AOS, 6,damp: clamminess, decay,Lnt.sttus. [y] account. 2. a tale, story, fable, such as Aesop's
p.v8poKTuir€&), f. 171a;, to forge red-hot iron. From fables.
puSpo-KTViros, ov, (pLvSpos, KTvwioj) forging or p.v0-u>ST)s, «*, (fivOos, (T5os) like a fable, legendary,
welding red-hot iron. fabulous.
MT'APOS [C~], 6, any red-hot mass; fivhpovs atpuv Att., 1), a fly, Lat. musca. MTFA
\tpotv to lift masses of red-hot iron in the hands, as pvio-cropT], 1), (fivia, aoliioi) a fly-flap.
an ordeal also any lump or mass of metal.
: Kvio-cropos, ov, {fxvta, oo&i<u) flapping away flies,
pvtXlvos, 17, op, (five\us) = |iv«Xo6t». IT~KA'OMAI, f. --qoofxat: Ep. aor. 2 ipvicov.\o6is, €aaa, fv, (p.v(\6s) full of marrow. Ep. pf. pikyVKa (so fttfipvxa, ncurjica from Ppvxdo/Mt,
MTEAO'2, ov, 6, Lat. MEDULLA, marrow: me- prjKaofMii) Dep. Lat. MUG1RE, of oxen, to bel- :

taph. of strengthening food, as wine and barley, low : also of other animals, as of asses, to bray, of
which are called pvekus dvbpaiv. 2. the marrow dogs, to growl, etc. of things, to grate, jar, roar :

of the skull, the brain. 3. generally, the inmost also to groan from exertion. (Formed from the
part, core, [v in Horn., v in Att.] sound of oxen, as fi\T)Kao/jiai, (iijK&ofMi from that of
\ivi<a, f. 170W: aor. I invnaa: —
Pass., aor. I ipv- sheep and goats, ^pvxdo^ai from that of bulls, etc.,
ifOijv: pf. fAtjfivrjfioi: (/ww) to initiate into the fipajfMOfxai from that of asses.)

mysteries. —
Pass, to be initiated; c. ace. cognato, p,VK€. Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of fivitaoiiai.
jivfioOai tcL KaPtipcvv opyia to be initiated in the p.vtcrj0p.6s, 0, ((ivKao/Mi) a bellowing: and
mysteries of the Cabiri pvttffQai ro\ p.iydXa to be
pvKTjpa, aros, to, a bellowing: the roar of thun-
initiated in the great mysteries. 2. generally, to der, [v]
instruct. MvKT)vatos, ov, of or from Mycenae. From
pvifa), f. pv[a), (fiC) to murmur with closed lips, Mv*tjvt), 1), and MtiKTjvai, at, Mycene, Mycenae, an
moan : to mutter. II. to drink with closed lips, ancient Pelasgic city, superseded by the Doric Argos:
to suck in. — Adv. MvKT]VT)0€v,/rom Mycenae.
pvOcojxai, Ep. 2 sing. fxv9fiai, contr. for fj.v6((ou, MC«TjvCs, t'5o», 1), pecul. fern, of Mvicrjvatoi.
and omitting one t, pivOiai : 3 pi. Ion. impf. /xv8i- MT'KHS, 17T0*, o, also pvKTjs, ov, 6, a mushroom,
okovto : f. nvdqoonai : aor. I «nvdr}oafir)V, Ep. 3 Lat. fungus. II. any round body, shaped like a

sing. pivB-qaaTo : Dep. : (fivffos) : to say, speak, tell, mushroom, as, I. the cap at the end of a sword's
name. II. to say over to oneself, like <f>pd(o/Mu, scabbard. 2. the snuff oi 2, lamp-wick, supposed to
con over, consider. forebode rain; cf. Virgil's putres concrescere fungos.
pv0«v, Dor. for fivffov, imperat. of fivOiopiai. p.i)KT|Tlvos. 17, ov, (pLitcTjs) made of mushrooms.
pv0€vpcu. Dor. for pivOionai. pvKTT|p, fjpos, 0, (nv(<u) the nose, snout : in pi. the
pv0€ vo), = fivOtonat —
Pass, to be the subject of a nostrils. Hence
story, to be talked of. p,vKTT)p(£<i>, f. tea), to turn up the nose or sneer at,
p.v9T)ara£p.T|v, aor. I med. opt. of fiv04o(MH. Lat. naso adunco suspendere.
pv0id£opai, Dep. = fivOeofUU. p.vKTT)p60€v, Adv. {p.vKTijp') out of the nose.
pv0i8iov, to, Dim. of /iv$os, a short tale or fable. p.VKTr)p6-icop.Tros, ov, (fiVKTrjp, Kufinos) sounding
Dor. -Co-8a>, later form for /xvOeo/xai.
p.i)0l£a> from the nostril.
pdOiKos, i\, 6v, (fiv9os) mythic, legendary. pvXaios, ov, (nv\rf) working in a mill.
pv0Co-8oj, Dor. for nvOifa. pvXaKpts, ibos, j), (nv\i]) of a mill ; nvXaicplt Xaat
p-OOo-XoyctKi), (nv6os, \iyoS) to tell word for word. a millstone.
p.v0o-XoY«<«>, f. Tjoa), (fivdo\6yos) to tell mythic tales p.uXa£, aicos, 6, (fiv\t]) a millstone, any large rouna
or legends : also to tell as a legend:— Pass, to be or stone.
become mythical. 2. to tell tales, talk. Hence p.vX-«pY<5iTr|S, ov, 6, (/wA.17, fpydrrjt) one who works
p.v0oXoYT|T«ov, verb. Adj. one must tell legends. in a mill, a miller. [&~\

p\J0o\oYia, ^, (fivOo\oyt<v) a telling of mythic tales p-vXtj [C], 1), a mill, Lat. mSla, a hand-mill. II.

or legends, mythology. Hence the nether millstone.

p.v0oXoYttc6s, i\, ov, versed in mythology. pvXif]-4>aTOS, ov, {nvXrj, iri<paf»ai pf. pass, of *<f>4vw)
P,v0o-X6yos, ov, (pvOos, \4yw) dealing in mythic le- bruised or crushed in a mill.
gends : as Subst., piv6o\oyos, 6, a teller of legends. pfcXtdoj, (fivXr)) to gna>h or grind the teeth.
Kv0o-rrX6icos, ov, (uiiOos, itXiicoj} weaving tales. pCXiKos, i\, ov, (fiv\r)) of or for a mill; XiOot /iv~

IT~0O2, 6, anything delivered by word of mouth, \ik6s a millstone.

word, speech: as opp. to tpyov, a mere word, without p,t)XXci>, (fivXij) to crush, pound, Lat. molire.

the deed: a speech. II. talk, conversation: also, P*»Xo-«i8t|s, is, {fivKos, (Ibos) like a millstone.

pv\os— -nfoav. 455

pvXos. a millstone ; Ep. Sviicus [v]
6, (fi^Xrj) p.iipio-T€vx'fjs, is, (fivpioi. T(vxot ) w*tb ten thousand
p,vXu>0pos, 6, (fivKrf) a miller, a master miller. armed men.
(xvXciv, wvot, u, a mill-bouse, mill, Lat. pistr'mum; |ivpio-<j>6pos, ov, (uvpioi, <pipai) of ten thousand
(3aX\(tv (Is fivXSwa, Lat. detrudere in pistrinum, to talents burthen.'
condemn [_a slave] to work t e mill. p.vpio-<j>6p-ros, ov, = fivpio<popos.
p."vrj, r), (d/ivvoj) an excuse, pretence, pretext, [u] p.upi6-<j>a>vos, ov ,( fivpios, (pojvff) with countless voices., Dep. (fivvrj) to make excuses : to put off. jivpC-irvoos, ov, couir. -irvous, ow, (fivpov, rrviaj)
p.v£&, r), (fivfa, fiv£oS) the discharge from the nose, brea bins; of unguents or essence.
mucus, phlegm. (ivpi-wiros, ov, (fivpios, cty) with countless eyes.
p.v|<i>nf|p, rjpos, b, — fivKrr\p, a nose, nostril. pvpp.ij<iA, as, if, (fivpfirjf) an ant's nest, ant-bill.
(jlCo-kt6vos. ov, (fivs, kt(ivoj) mouse-killing. got from ant-bills.
p,vpp,T|Kias, ov, 6, (fivpurjt)
pvpaiva, r), (fivpos) Lat. muraena, a sea-eel or lam- MTTMH3,
ijkos, 6, the ant, Lat. FORMICA. II.

prey : also a sea-serpent. a beast of prey in India. III. a sunken rock on

p,vpu£icis, Adv. (fivpios) ten thousand times. the Thessalian coast between Sciaihus and Magnesia.
fj.vpi-d|x4>opos, ov, {fivpios afjxpvfxvs) holding ten Mvpp?S6ves, 01, the Myrmidons, a warlike people of
thou and measures (dfKpopus). Thessaly, subjects of Peleus and Achilles.
p.vpi-dpXT)S, ov, 6, and p.vp(-apx<>s, 6, (fivpios, dp- |xtfpo-p6o~rpuxos, ov, (fivpov, f36orpvxos) with per-
X<«) a commander of 10,000 men. fumed locks.
pvpids, ados, f). Att. gen. plur. fivptaXwv, (fivpios) p£p6eis, (oaa, (v, (vvpov) anointed, scented.
the number 10,000, a myriad: when fivpids, fivpi- —
Svpopcu, v. sub t*ipa). y]
a.5(s are used alone of money, Spaxn&v must be sup- IT PON
[u], To, sweet oil extracted from plants ;
plied ;when of corn, fifSifivarv. generally, sweet o>l, an unguent, perfume, bal-
p.vpt-6TT|S, is, gen. 4os, (/xvpios, (tos) lasting ten sam. II. the place where «nguents were sold,
thousand years : of countless years. the perfume-market. 111. metaph. anything sweet
p,ttpi£u>, f. iooj pf. pass. [Kfivpiafuu : (fivpov)
: to or charming. —
anoint. p.vpo-irvoos, ov, contr. -rrvovs, ow, (fivpov, irvita)
MTTTKH [r] , r), Lat. myrica, the tamarisk. Hence breathing of unguent.
u-vp ittivtos, a, ov. of the tamarisk ; and |i,i5po-irtl>XT]S, ov, 6, fem. -irwXis, i&os, r), (fivpov,
u-vipiKtvos, t), ov, of the tamarisk, [t] ircuKioj) a dealer in unguen's, a perfumer.
pijpio-Poios, ov, (fivpios, (3ovs) with ten thousand p.r5p6p-pavTOS, ov, (fivpov, fhaivw) wet with unguent.
oxen. p.t»po-4>€Y-YT|s, is, (fivpov, <j>(yyos) shining with un-
p.vpi-68ovs, 6fiovros t 6, r), (/ivpios, ddovs) having guent.
immense teeth. p.fcp6-Xf»«rTOs, ov, (fivpov, xpt^To*) anointed with
pAJpio-Kap-rros, ov, (fivpios, Kapirus) bearing count- sweet oil.

less fruit.
Svpo<j>, f. &aa) (fivpov) to rub with unguent, anoint.
u.vpio-<puvos, ov, (fivpios, Kpavov) with numberless IT'PPA, if, the juice of the Arabian myrtle, Lat.

beads, many-beaded. myrrba, murrba.

p,vpio-XcKTOs, ov, (fivpios, X(yw) said ten thousand u.vppCvrj [t], if, later Att. for fivpa-,a myrtle twig
times. or wreath. II. fivppivat, al, the myrtle-market.
u.vpi6-p.op($>os, ov, (fivpios, fiopfr)') ofcoun'less shapes. pupptvos, T), ov, (fivppivt)) of myrtle, Lat. myrteus.
p.vpi6-p.oxdos, os, (fivpios, fiuxOos) of endless toil. p/upptvdSv, uivos, 6, (fivppivrj) a myrtle-grove, Lat.
pupid-vavs, aos, 6, 1), (fivpios, vavs) of numberless myrtetum.
ships. MTPSI'NH [r] later Att. fivppivrj, r), the myr-
p.vpi6vT-apxos, ov, = fivpiapxos. tle. II. a myrtle-branch. \\\
\Lvpio-TTa\ai, Adv. (fivpios, nd\ai) time out of mind. |ivpo-tvo-€iOT|S, is, (fivpoivr\, dSos) myrtle like.
p.vpio-irXdo-Cojv, ov, gen. ovos, (fivpios) ten thousand jtvprov, ov, to, the fruit of the myrtle (fivpros), the
fold : infinitely more than. myrtle-berry, Lat. myrtum
p-vpto-irXTjO-ris, (s, (fivpios, n\rj9os) of infinite num- MT'PTOS, r), the myrtle, Lat. myrtus.
ber, countless. MT/PH [y], only used in pres and impf., to flow,
MTPI'OS, a, ov, numberless, coun'less, of Number run, trickle, stream. II. Med. fivpofiat, to melt
mos ly in pi., but often shed tears, weep.
in sing., as fivptov atfia, \a\- into tears : to 2. trans, to weep
kos, e:c. 2. of Size, huge, vast, immense, infinite; for, bewail, lament.
axos fivplov infinite sorrow. 3. of Time, endless, p-upupa, aros, r6, (fivpvaj) plaster.
infinite. II. as a definite Numeral in pi., fivpiot, MT"2, 6, gen. fif>us, ace. fivv, voc. fiv, a mouse, Lat.
eu. a, ten thousand: in some phrases the sing, may be MUS : fivs dpovpaios a field-mouse. II. a musci*

used, as. trrvos fivpirf • 0,000 h r>c- v\ of 'he body, Lat mnsculus.
pvpiocrros, if, 6v. (fivpios) the \0,OOOtb. p-VTayp-a, aros, to, (fivaaTTOftai) » fivoos.
jivpioo-rus, vos, r), (fivpioi) a body of ten thousand. pvcrav [v], Ep. 3 pi. aor. I of fiiiw.
; .

456 liv<rap6$ — n&<rQai.

p,Ccrdp6s, 6,, 6v, (ft6aot)/oul, loathsome, abominable, his wounds 2>av* closed. 2. of persons, rt> sfo// /&«
Lat. impurus : to fivaapov an abomination. I
eyes, keep one's eyes shut : absol., fivaas with one's
p.vcra.TTopxu, f. pvaaxOrio'Ofiai : a.r. I ifj.vxrdx^V y eyes shut. 3. metaph. to be lulled to rest, to

Dep. : (fivoos) : /o loathe, abominate. abate. II. tr;ms. to shut, close.

pvcros [C], t(5, (nvfa) anything that causes disgust: jxviov, Sjvos, 6, (fivs) a knot of muscles, a muscular

metaph. an abomination, defilement, Lat. piaculum. part of the body.

MOcros, 6, a Mysian. p.vwv, gen. plur. of fivs.
p-vcr-rroXew, (fivs, no\ta>) to run about like a p.{koird£c0, (jxvo/ip) to be purblind, to see dimly.
mouse. p.vcom£<i>, {fivanp) to spur, prick with the spur,
pvorriptKos, r), 6v,for mysteries, mystical. From goad. II. Pass, to be teased by flies.

pvcmrjpiov, to, (fivarrfs) a mystery, secret rite: p-fc-onros, 6v, (fiva), uflf/) = fjv&Ap 1.
mostly in pi. fivarr)pia, rd, the mysteries, religious |iv-coi|s, uiros, 6, r), \fiva), wtp) closing the eyes, short-

celebrations, the most famous of which were the sighted. II. as Subst., fivanp, cottos, 6, the horse-

Eleusinian mysteries of Demeter or Ceres. 2. any fly or gad-fly. 2 a goad, spur, [y]
mystery or secret thing : a mystic history or dis- Mwa, r), Lacon. for Movaa.
pensation. |xu)\os. 6, a toil, esp. the toil or tug of war : battle,
p.voTT)pis, iSo$, pecul. fern, of fivarrfpiKSe. war : a struggle, contest : generally, a quarrel,
p,vo-njpu»n]s, ov, 6, fern. -naTts, toot, {fivarr)piov) broil.
belonging to the mysteries. MATAT, Co*, t6, moly, a magic herb with a black
pA«rrns, ov, 6, (u.vcaj) one initiated. Hence root and white blossom, given by Hermes to Ulysses,
[Avtrrlxos, r), 6v, of or for the mysteries : secret, as a counter-charm to the spells of Circe.
mystical. MA'A^lSr*, ojttos, 6, the mark of a blow, a weal,
pu<rrlA(iofjww, Dep. to sop bread in soup or gravy to bruise.
eat it with. From p.o), Ion. -copai : f. -r)aonai : aor. Ifxtufirf-

MT2TFAH a crust of bread hollowed out as

[t], f), Dor. poet. 3 sing, yua Dep.: (/jwpos):

a spoon, to sup soup or gravy with. — to find fault with, blame, chide, c. ace. aor. pass. :

|ivo~rt-ir6Xo$, ov, (fivCTijs, iroKfOj) solemnising the ifuupAfOrfV in pass, sense, to be blamed.
mysteries. \tMV.€\xo, f. aw, (/iw/xos) to blame, chide, find fault, ov, (hvottjs, oixofjuu) receiving the with.
mysteries, receiving the initiated. pcopynros, r), 6v, (pjwiMOfiat) blamed, blamable.
p.tKrro-86Tt)S, ov, 0, (fivaTTjt, Siocvfu) initiating, in- p.u>|xos, ov, 6, (/xepupofuu) blame, censure, dis-
troducing into the mysteries. grace. II. personified, Momus, the god of
P-vtCXos [f], 6, (/«/») the fish muscle, Lat. myti- blame.
lus. p.wv, Adv., Dor. contr. for fir) ovv, used in questions
jivtt<i>t€vw, into mince-meat. From
f. am, to make to which a negative answer is expected, it is not, is ill
MTTTHTO'5, 0, a mess of cheese, honey, garlic Lat. numt e. g. ftSiv kari ; Answ. ov drjra.
. Some-
beaten up together, mince-meat. times however it asks doubtingly, Lat. num forte?
|ivX&ros, 17, ov, irreg. Sup. of ixv\iot, formed from and may be answered in the affirmative.
fivx^s, as fiiaarot from fikoot. [y] jxiivos, a, ov, Dor. for fiovvos, fwvos.
p/uxOt£<i>, f. aoi, Dor. p.vx6Co-8w, (ftv{o)) t0 breathe fjiw-w£, 0x os » °» "ht (ftAvos, oVt/£) with single, solid,
hard through the nostrils, to snort or moan from pas- uncloven hoof, Lat. solipes, epith. of the horse.
sion. 2. to make mouths at, sneer. Hence pwvvxos, ov = fxa>vv£.
p.ux0icr|x6s, 6, a snorting : sneering. pxopaivo), f. &va> aor. I (ptupot) to be : : :

pvxtos, a, ov, {fivxus) inward, inmost, most retired, silly, foolish, to play the fool : c. ace, irupav fMipai-
Lat. intimus : irreg. Sup. fivxoiraros. vtiv to make a senseless attempt. II. to make

(ivxp-os, 6, (fivfa) moaning, groaning. foolish, convict offolly. 2. to make tasteless: Pass.
\ivXoQtv, Adv. \fivxos)from the inmost part of the to become so.
bouse, from the women's chambers. p.o>pavdcCs, aor. 1 pass. part, of fjojpaivto.
\ivxolraros, *7» ov * (m^X^*) in^g- Sup. of f*uxiot * p.<i>pta, r), (fJMpos) silliness, folly, absurdity.

/ii»X°* TaT0 * «C« ne sat tn the farthest corner. pcopoXo-via, r), a speaking foolishly, idle talk. From
\iv\6vBt, Adv. (fivxos) to the far corner. uxopo-Xoyos, ov, (fxojpos, Xe'ycu) speaking foolishly.
\1v\6s, ov, 6, (/xu<y) the innermost place, inmost nook MflPOS, d, ov, dull, heavy: generally, stupid,
or corner, a recess, Lat. sinus : the inmost part of a silly, foolish. 2. tasteless, insipid.
bouse, the women's apartments, Lat. penetralia. 2. p.o>p6-o-o<f>os, ov, (fubpos, o o<f>6s) foolishly wise.
a bay or creek running far inland. pcopws, Adv. of fuvpus, foolishly.
MT'Xl, f. pvao) aor. tuvaa pf. ucfivxa
: I. : Micro., j), Dor. f <r Movaa.

intr. /o 6e s&w/ or closed, esp. of the lips and eyes pwcrOai, inf. of fiutfjxu, v. sub. */x6.oj c.
but also of wounds; avv 0' t\Kta iravra plfivicw all
: : :

N—NA'22X2. 457
valco (B), — v&o}, to flow, overflow.

lus. [a]
7), a goat-skin : a sheep's fleece, Lat. vel-

^, v, vO, r6, indecl., thirteenth letter of Gr. alpha- vdicos, r6, laterform of vdjen. [a]
bet : as numeral, v = 50, but y = 50,000. vdua, aros, to, {yaw) anything flowing, a currem
Changes of v : I. into 7 before the gutturals stream, spring; v. irvp6s a stream of fire. Hence
7. *' X» £» as (y-fovos, ey-Kaipos, iy \wpios, I7- vdfxartaios, a, ov, flowing, running.
£t'cu. II. into fi before the labials 13, it. <p, ft, if/, vap,cpTT|s, vap.«pT€ta, Dor. for vrjft-.
as ovp-Pios, avfi-voTT/s, avft-<ptrqs, ift-ftavr)s, eft-ipv- vav, Dor. for vavv, ace. of vavs.
%os. III. into X, before X, as i\-Kuirw. IV. NA~N02, 6, a dwarf, Lat. nanus.
into before p, as avp-pdmw. V. into 0* before vdvo-dvfrqs, is, (ydvos, <pvq) of dwarfish stature.
a, as ava-anos. VI. v is inserted in aor. 1 pass, Nd£ios, a, ov, (Na£os) from the isle of Naxos
of some pure Verbs, as ISpvvdrjv from ihpvw. Nd£ioi, ol, the Naxians : Na£t'a \i$os or rrirpa a kin<
The vv €<p*kicvoTiKuv or final v is found with dat. of whetstone, Lat. cos Naxia.
pi. in at, as avftpaoiv for di/Spdci; 3 pers. pi. of verbs Na|i-ovpY^|s, is, (Nd£ios, epyov) of Naxian work.
in ai, as tlKt)<paoiv for el\rj(paai ; 3 pers. sing, in e Na£os, 7), Naxos, one of the Cyclades, ancientl;
and t, as iicravtv htiicvvoiv, for e/eravc Sd/cvvai called Dia.

with the local termin. -at, as ABrfvyaiv 'OKvftma- vao-rroXos Ion. VTjo-ir6Xos. ov, (vaos, 7roX«u) dwell
civ the Epic termin. <pi, as 6<jT€o<f>iv
; with the ; ing or busied in a temple : as Subst., vaoirokos, 6, tb.
numeral «t/roo"*i/ for ukooi the Advs. v6o<piv nipv- ; keeper of a* temple, Lat. aedituus.
aiv, for vo(7<pt iripvoi with the enclit. Parts, xev
; vd6s Ion. vnos Att. vcu>s, 6, (vaiw) the dwelling qj
vvv, for /rl vv. It is used to avoid hiatus where a a god, a temple, Lat. aedes (in sing.). 11. tbi

vowel follows. inner part of a temple, the cell, the shrine in which
vocs, vdas, Dor. nom. and ace. pi. of fow. the image of the god was placed.
v4€TT|p, rjpos, 6, and v&crqs, ov, 6, {vaiw) an inha- vd6s, Dor. and Att. poet. gen. of vavs.
bitant, dweller. vairalos, a, ov, (yam)) of, in a wooded vale or dell
Na£apnvos and Na£o>paios, 6, a Nazarene, inha- NA'IIH, ij, a woody dell or glen, Lat. saltus. [d]
bitant of Nazareth. vdiros, to, later form of vatrr/.

vat, Adv., used in strong affirm., yea, verily, Lat. NATIT, vos, ro, = aivam, mustard.
nae : with an affirmative clause : but in answers the vap8o-Xiirf|S, is, (ydpdos, Xt'iros) anointed wit)
Att. use vol by itself, yea, yes, aye. nard-oil.
vdt, Dor. and Att. poet. dat. of vavs. vdpSos, if, nard, spikenard, Lat. nardus. II.

Nutate 6s, (NaTdi) of ox for a Naiad.

if, 6v, nard-oil.
Niitas, a5os, 7}, mostly in pi. Nai'dScs Ion. N?;id5e», vapOtjKO-irXTipcoTOS, ov, (vap0ij£, -nKrjpooS) filling the
(yaw) a Naiad, a river or water-nymph. hollow of the vap0r)£ or reed.
vaieo-tce, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of vaiw. vap0T)KO-(j>6pos, ov, (yap9-q£, (pipai) carrying a staff
vatCTOao-KC, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of van tow. of reed (vap$7)£),—0vpoo<p6pos: a rod-bearer.
vatCTOii) Ep. part. fern. vaitrdwna, Ion. impf. vaie-
77*05, 6, a tall umbelliferous plant, Lat.
Taeoicov: (vaiw): I. of persons, to dwell, inhabit: ferula, with a pithy stalk, in which Prometheus con-
generally, to live, be: —
c. ace. loci, to dwell in, in- veyed the spark of fire from heaven to earth : a reed.

habit, a. of places, to be situated, lie : and so in The stalks were used for wands, canes, rods : also, as
pass, sense, to be inhabited. splints.
voiov, Ep. impf of vaiw B. vaptcdw, f. -r)o(t>: Ep. aor. I v&pK-qoa: — to grow stiff,
vdios, a, ov, Dor. for vrjtos. numb or dead, Lat. torpere, to be rigid. From
vcuoicra, Dor. for vaiovaa, pres. part. fern, of vaiw A. NATKH, »), stiffness, numbness, Lat. torpor.

Nats, t8os, ?), Ion. Hrjis, (vaw) = Hatds. [t] vdpKicro-os, 6, the narcissus. (From vapKaoi, because
va£x^, Adv. for vol, like ov\i for ov. of its narcotic properties.)
NAI'Xl (A) I. intr. in pres. and impf, I. vdpos, d, ov, (yaw) flowing, liquid.
of persons, to dwell —
c. ace. loci, to dwell in, inha- vds, r), Dor. for vavs.
bit, a. of places, to lie, be situated. II. vdo-0T), Ep. 3 sing. aor. 1 pass, of vaiw, v. vaiw 11. 2.
Causal, in Ep. aor. I evaaaa or vdaaa, for tv5.aa, to vdowras, Dor. for vrjaiwr-qs.
make inhabited, give to dwell in ; icai \i oi "Apyel vao-u6s,o, (vaw) a flowing current: a stream, spring.
vaaaa voXiv I would have given him a town in vdcros, Dor. for vfjaos.
Argos/or bis home. 2. to make a person dwell in vdcraa, Ep. for iv&aa, aor. I of vaiw.
a place, to settle him —
in Ep. aor. 1 pass, and med.,
vdoxra, Dor. for vrjaaa, vrjrTa, a duck.
to settle, dwell ; irar^p tftbs "Apyd vaoOrj my father vdcro-aTO, Ep. for ivaoaro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of
settled at Argos vdoaaro ayx 'EXt/cwvos be settled
; vaiw : v. vaiw 11. a.
near Helicon. NA'52n. f. va{w: aor. 1 $va(a: pf. pass. vivaafMU
: : —
458 vacnos — rauoToAea).

or vtvaynai — to press or squeeze close, stamp down, vavKoxos, 6, with irreg. pi. vavXoxa, an anchorage,
compress : to pile up. Lat. statio navivm.
va<rr6s, 17, ov, (vaaaoS) close-pressed, firm, well- vavpdx«co, f. 170-0;, (vavuaxos) to fight in a ship, to
kneaded. II. as bubst., vaoros, 6, a well- fight by sea : generally, to fight or contend with.
kneaded cake. vavpdxia, 1), a sea-fight.
votto), Att. for vafroa). vav-pdxos, ov, (vavs, naxofxai) of, for or suited to
vavu.v«a> ion. v xtrq-y : f. qaot: (vavayos) : — to suffer a sea-fig t ; (vara vavfmxa boarding pikes. II.

sbirwreck, be shipwrecked : to crash, smash, of cha- parox. vavuaxos, ov, act fighting at ea.
riots. Hence va\mr\ye<a, f. 1700;, (vavirnyos) to build ships —
va.vCi.Yia Ion. vain^yOn,, 'fj shipwreck, wreck. Med., vavs vnvirrjyeeoOat to build oneself ships :

vavayiov Ion. va T|yiov, to, a piece of a wreck, Pass, of he ships, to be built.

wreck ; vavayia iirm/ca the wreck of a chariot. From vavrrr|YT|0'ip,os, ov, (vavnijyecu) suited for ship-
vav-uyos Ion vavrj^s, ov, (vavs. ayvvfii) ship- building.
wrecked, stranded, Lat. naufragus : generally, ruined, v\vtrr\yla, ij. (vavirnyecu^ ship-building.
wrecked. vavirrjYiov, to, a place for ship-building, a dock-
vavapx<&>, f. rjo-a), (vavapxos) to be admiral of a yard, r rom

fleet. Hence vav-mrjvos, 6v, (vavs, 7rrjyvvu,i) building ships: as

vavapxta, fj, the command of a fleet, office of admi- Subst., vavnijyos, 6, a ship-builder, shipwright.
ral. 2. the period of bis command. vav-iropos, ov, (vavs, ir6pos) traversed by ships, na-
vav-apxos, 6, (vavs, apx«) the commander of a val. II. parox vavitopos, ov, propelling a ship.

fleet, an admiral. NAT'S, f), Lat. NAV-IS, a ship; vavs uaicpa. a

vaua-rns, ov, 6, po*H. for vavr-qs. [&] long ship, ship of war. Att. dec lens vavs, vei)s, — ,

vaw-Parqs t d], ov, 6, {vavs, (iaiv<u) one who emharks vrjt, vavv dual gt-n. veoiv pi. vrjes, vewv or v-qwv, ;


in a ship, a seaman. II. as Adj. nautical, of vavci, vavs: Ion., vqvs, veos, vni, via, pi. vies, vewv,
sailors. vrjvai, veas : —
Rp. vrjvs, vrjSs, vrji, vija, pi. vrjes, vrjuiv,
vav-5«rov, t6, (vavs, Stat) a ship's cahle. v-nvai or vrjeocri, vija, (but al*o gen. and ace. veos,
vavrj-yos, vavrj-ytca, vavrj-yta Ion. for vavay-. vea, pi. vets, vewv, veecroi, veas) :— D^r. vavs, vdos,
vavK\T)pcw, f rjaoj, (vavitXtjpos) to be a ship-owner, vox, vavv, pi. vaes, vaow vava'i or v&eaai, vaas
master of a ship. II. metaph. .0 manage, govern. vavo-6X6o>, con r. for vavoToXeco, to carry by sea.
Hence Med. to take with one by sea to hire a ship for one-

vavtcXijpia, %, the life and calling of a master of a self: — Pass., with fut. med. vavodXkooum, to go
ship, a seafaring life. 2. poet, a voyage: gene- by sea.
rally, an enterprise. 3. also a ship. vavcria Att. vavrla, 1) (vavs) sea-sickness, qualm-
vavicXT)puc6s, 17, ov, (vavicXrjpos) of or for the master ishness, retching, Lat. nausea. Hence
of a ship. vaucrido) Att. vavrido), (vavaia) to be qualmish, to
vau-icXijpos. 6, (vavs, KXfjpos^ 'be owner or master retch, suffer from sea-sickness.

of a ship, who carried goods or passengers. 3. vauoT.-KX«iT6s, i\, 6v, (vavs, /eXeiTos) renowned for
poet, a seaman. ships, famous by sea.
vav-Kpdpos, o, the same with vatj/cXrjpos. II. at vavo-i-icXirros, ov, = vavaiKXenos.
Athens, the member of a division \vavicpapia) of the vavarl-ir'8T), 1), (vavs, irebr}^ a ship-cable.
citizens : in Solon's time there were 1 1 in tach of the vavo-I-iT«paTOS Ion. VTjvovn-«pi)TOS, ov,(vavs irtpdco)
4 tribes, 48 in all when Cleisthenes increased the
: to be crossed by a ferry or traversed by ships, navigable.
number of the tribes to 10, there were 5 vavupapoi vavci-ir6p'iros, ov, (vavs, irifiirw) ship-wafting; vav-
belonging to each tribe, 50 in all. ffiirofjiwos avpa a fair breeze. \t]
vavtcpSTcci), f. rjaoj, to have the mastery at sea, to vavo-(-iropos, ov, (vavs, irCpos') = vat5iropo», traversed
command the sea : — Pass, to be mastered at sea.
by ships, of a river, navigable. II. parox. vavox-

From Tropos, ov, act. going in ships, seafaring. 2. pro-

vav-Kpdfijs, eo», 6, 1}, (vavs, Kpareai) having the pelling a ship, ship-speeding.
mastery at sea, commanding the sea. vavo-C-o-Tovos, ov, (vavs, arivoi) lamentable to the
vav-Kparwp, opos 6, 1), (vavs, Kparecv) commanding ship
the sea. II. master of a ship. |d]
as Subst. the vavo-I-^op-nTOs, ov, (vavs, <popeai) carried in a ship,
vavXos, 6, or vavXov, to, (vavs) passage-money, going by ship.
fare, Lat. naulum. 2. also a freight. vav-o-Ta.6u.ov, to", (vovs, araOfiSs) a harbour, an-
vav\ox«b>, f. ^<ro>, (vavXo\os^ to lie in a harbour chorage, roadstead, Lat. statio navium.
or creek : to lie in wait, so as to sally out upon ships vavo-ToXcoj, f. i70-a\ (vavaroXos) trans, to carry or
passing c ace. to lie in wait for.
: convoy by sea: —
Pass., with fut. med. vavaTitXrfaofuu,
vav-Xoxos, ov, (vavs, x6\os) affording safe at* to go by sea. 2. to guide, govern. II. intr.,

tborage, having a good roadstead. II. as Subst., like Pass., to go by sea, sail. Hence
vav(rr6\r)fj.a — vciKeoo. 459
vav<rT6XT)na, aros, r6, a voyage. vedvis Ion. v«rjvts, gen. i&os, ace. vedvtha and vedviv,
vovo-roXia, ij, (vavoroXcoj) a going by ship. fern, of veavias, a young woman, girl, maiden. II.

vov-o-t6\os, ov, (vavs, ariWoj) sending by ship, as Adj. youthful : new.

voyaging, sailing., Dep. (veavioKos) to be in one's youth,
va\m\s,ov,6,(vavs)Lzt. nauta, a seaman, sailor. II. be a stripling.
one who goes on shipboard, a companion by sea. vcdvio-KOs I»n. v«tjv(o"kos, o, (veavias) a youth,
vavrla, va\mdo>, Att. for vavaia, vavaidoi. young man.
vavrvKos, J], ov, (vavs, vavrrjs) of or for a ship; ve-doiS6s, 6v, (vios, doiSos) singing youthfully.
vavTiKus arparhs a sea-force, opp. to wcfos : also, vedpos, a, ov, (vios) young, youthful : fresh, new,
vavriKuv, t6, a fleet ; vavrifcd, rd, naval affairs, na- recent, late.
val power. 2. of persons, skilled in seamanship, vcapo-<paT|s, is, (veapos, <paos) coming fresh to light,
nautical. new-appearing.
vavrlXCa, f), (vavrl\*s) sailing, seamanship : v«as, Ion. and Ep. ace. pi. of vavs.
in pi.
voyages. Hence v«dTOS Ion. vtidTOs, 77, ov, irreg. Sup. of vios, as, Dep. only found in pres. and impf. to fiiaaros from fiiaos, the last, uttermost, lowest, ex-
go by sea, make a voyage, sail. treme; iroKis vedrr) Tlv\ov a city lying on the border
vovtCXos [I], 6, (vavrijs) a seaman, sailor. 2. of Pylos! II. of Time, latest, Lat. novissimus.

Adj. of a ship, naval % II. the nautilus, a shell- vtdros, 6, the ploughing up offallow land. From
fish, furnished with a membrane which serves it for vedco, f. d<ro;, (vios) to plough up fallow land, to till

a sail. anew : veojfiivr] (sc. yrj\ 1), land ploughed anew.

vavro-Xoyttt, f. ifffo), \iyw)
(vavrijs, to enlist sea- v€|3pt86-ir€irXos, ov, (yefipis, irin\os) clad in a
men, take on board : generally, to receive. fawn-skin.
vav<p0op(a, j), shipwreck, loss of ships. From v€pp(£a>, f. oa), to wear a fawn-skin, to run about it
vav-<f>0opos, ov, {vavs, (pdeipai) shipwrecked; vavtyto'
the feast of Bacchus. From
pot oto\t) the garb of shipwrecked men. vefjpts, ioos, rj, (vefipos) a fawn-skin, worn at the
va€<pi, vattyiv, Ep. gen. and dat. pi. of vavs. feasts of Bacchus.
vav>-4>paxTos Att. vati-^opKTOS, ov, (vavs, (ppdffffcS) NEBPO'2, ov, 6, the young of the deer, a fawn.
ship-fenced, ship-girt; vav<ppaKTOv (SXiiruv to look vies, Ion. and Ep. nom. pi. of vnvs.
like a ship of war. veeo-ox, rarer Ep. dat. pi. of vavs.
NAT1, only found in pres. and impf. to flow. V€Tjat, Ion. for viy, 2 sing. pres. subj. of viofMi.
via, Ion. ace. sing, from vavs. ver\-yeyrf\s Att. and Dor. v€<ry€VT|s, is, (vios, yivos)
v*-6.yyt\ros, ov, (vios, dyyi?^\a)) newly told. new-born, just born.
v*a-y€vi\s, is, (vios, *yiv<v) newly born. V€tj-04Xt|S, is, (vi»s, 6a\etv) fresh-shooting, fresh-
ved£<i>, only found in pres. (vios), intr. to be young blown.
or new : to be the younger of two. ?. to act or v€-t)k^s Dor. vedK^s, is, (vios, d/r^) newly whetted
think like a youth. 3. to grow young, grow young or sharpened.
again. V€-t]kovt|S, is, (vios, aicdvn) — vei]tcf)s.
v«-aip€TO$, ov, (vios, alpioi) newly caught. v€-t|X&tos, ov, {vios, ikavvai) newly pounded, fresh
veaiTcpos, irreg. Comp. of vios : vcaCraros and ground; as Subst., ve-qXara, rd, cakes of fresh flour.
v«itos, irreg. Sup. v«-T)Xiis, vSos, 6, 1), (vios, ij\vats) one newly come,
v€-dicovT]TOS, ov, (vios, cuiovdoS) newly-whetted, keen- a new-comer, Lat. advena.
edged. v€tjvCtjs, ve-TJvts, Ion. for veavias, veavis.
vedX-rjs, is, (vios) fresh with youth: generally fresh,
, vctjvCo-icos, ion. for veaviaicos.
vigorous. v«Tj-4>dTOs, ov, (vi*s, <pr}fd) fresh-uttered, new-
vt-dAurros, dX&vai) newly caught. [d]
ov, (vios, sounding.
v«-av0T|S, is, (vios, dvdiu) new-budding, blooming. vel, Boeot. for vq.
vcdvCas, ov, Ep. and Ion. v€T)v£tjs, €<w, 6, (vios) a vetat, Ep. 2 sing. pres. of viofiai.
young man, youth: often with another Subst., as, velaipd Ion. veiaCpT), 1^, irr. fern. Comp. of vios, as
avdpes venviat, irats verjvirjs. II. as masc. Adj. vci&Tos for viaros in Sup., latter, lower; vtiaipn iv

youthful : fresh, vigorous, impetuous. yacrrpi in the lower part of the belly.
vedvUvopuu, Dep. (veavias) to be a youth: to act like v€i4tos, t), ov, Ion. for viaros, Sup. of vios.
a youth, behave wilfully or impetuously, to make youth' vciKclb), v6iKeCf|0-i, veiiceUo-Kov, v. vei/tio).
ful boasts. veiKCOT^ip, ripos, 6, (vtiiciaj) a wrangler, disputer,
vedvttcos, i\, 6v, (veavias) youthful : fresh, impetuous, brawler; c. gen. one who wrangles with.
vigorous. 2. high-spirited, noble. 3. in bad vciKCvon., Aeol. for vukovoi, 3 pi. of v(i>cia).
sense, hasty, wanton, insolent. 4. generally, great, v€iK€u>, Ion and Ep. vciKcCbi, Ep. 3 sing. subj. vei-
mighty, strong. KtirjCTi, Ion. impf. vt'iKdov and vtiKtUoKOV. Ep. rat.
vtdvlKws, Adv. of veavuc6s, vigorously. vfiKiacu, Ep. aor. I veitctaoa (vukos) to quarrtl,
: : —
:: —
460 veiKr} — j/c/A€o-i£b/t4ai.

wrangle, dispute with : also c. ace. cognato, ve'ucea veicpo-iropir6s, 6v, (veicpSs, irifiiro)) conducting the
vfiKtlv : part, vtiiciojv. holding out obstinately, con- dead, ferrying the dead over the Styx.
tentiously. II. trans, to vex, annoy, esp. b) word, veKpos, ov, 6, (ve/evs) a dead body, carcase, corpse,
to taunt, upbraid, to accuse, criminate. cor>e: in pi. the dead. II. as Adj., vticpus, d,
— vutcos.
VCIKT), i), ov, dead.
NEI K02, to, a quarrel, wrangle, dispute : strife vcKpo-o-ToXcw, (ycKpo\, ariWcu) to ferry over the
a taunt, reproach.
esp. railing, 2. a strife at law, dead.
debate, dilute before a judge. 3. also, battle, v€Kp6<o, f. waoj, (yc/cpos) to make dead : Pass, to be
fight. II. the cause of strife, matter or ground put to death, become lifeless. 2. metaph. to deaden,
of quarrel. mortify.
NcuXaicvs, 6, (NeiXos) a native of the Nile. veicpwv, Swot, 6, (y expos) a place for dead bodies, a
NeiXatos, a, ov, (NetXos) of ox from the Nile. burial-place.
N6t\o-Y«VT|S, (s, (NeiXos, ytviaOai) Nile-born. vcKpucris, ^, (ycKpooj) a making dead. II. pass.

NctXo-6epT|s, is, (N«t>o», 6 tpw) fostered by the Nile. a becoming dead, death : deadness.
NtiXop-pvTos poet. NeiXo-pvros, ov, (NeiXo*, /5c'a>) NE'KTAP, dpos, ri. «ectar, the drink of the gods,
watered by the Nile. as ambrosia was : in Homer the nectar is
their food
NetAos, 6, the Nile, the great river of Egypt, called red (ipvQpov), poured like wine by Hebe, and, like it,
in Homer Atyvwro*. drunk mixed with water. Hence
NeiXcots, tSos, (NetXos) built on or by the Nile.
-fj, veicrdpeos, o Ion. ij, ov, like nectar, scented, fra-
NeiAun-ns, ov, 6, fem. -urns, tSor, (H(t\os) living in grant : generally, divine. [5]
or on the Nile ; \6wv Net Kwns the land of Nile. ov > {viicvs, ay<u) =v(Kpoirofiir6s, conduct-
v6Kt>-tj-Y 0S »
veipas, aor. I part, of viyw. ing, guiding the dead.
vetpev, 3 sing Ep. aor. I of vkyuo) vetpav, 3 pi. : veKvo-pavretov Ion. -T[iov, t6, (viicvt, fmvruov) an
veipov 2 sing, imperat. oracle of the dead, z place where the ghosts of the
veioOev, Ion. for vtoOtv, Adv. (vios) from the bot- dead were called up and questioned.
tom; vtiuBtv tK KpaSirjs from the bottom of his vckvo-otoXos, ov, (yi/evs, areXXw) ferrying the dead.
heart. II. an w. NE'KTS, vos, 6, Ep. dat. sing, vinvi : Ep. dat. pi.
v€i60t, Ion. for veodi, Adv. (yeos) at the bottom, in vtKvcaoi contr. vticvaai : ace. pi. viicvas contr. veins:
the inmost part. — a dead body, a corpse: in pi. the dead. II. as

vtio-Kopos, 6, 1), Ion. for vecvKopos. Adj. dead, lifeless. [C]

veiopcw, Ion. for vtofxat. Ncpta Ion. -€T|, ij, Nemea, a place between Argos
veio-irotea), f. rjou, (v(ws, irouoi) to let a field lie and Corinth; cp. N«*/i€a, ^d.
fallow, or to take a green crop off it, s« to prepare it Ncpca poet. Ncpcwa, to, the Nemean games, cele-
for corn. brated in the second and fourth years of each
v€i6s, ov, %, (ytot) new land, land ploughed up anew, Olympiad.
a fallow, fallow ground, Lat. novdle. Ncpeos or Nlpcios, a, ov, of or from Nemea.
veios, Ion. for vios : Sup. vciotcltos, 1;, ov. vtu,€0o), poet, for vtfuu, in 3 pi. impf. med. vtfii-
veto-ropevs, 6, (vctos, T(fifiv) one who breaks up c Oovro, Ep. for (vlfxovro, they grazed, fed.
fallow. vcpco-do>, Ion. impf. vcpioaoicov : fut. i\o<o : Ep. aor.
velpa or vetpa, contr.for vuaipa, the belly, stomach. I vfjiiarjaa: — Ep. pres. vc/Macraoj, f. vt\u.aai\ooi, etc.:

veiTai, contr. for vUrai, 3 sing, of viofiai. (y(fi€0ts) : — to feel just indignation, properly at
veicds, adot, ij, (yiicvs) a heap of slain : Ep. dat. pi. undeserved good fortune, generally, to be angry,
pfKaZtaai. vexed. II. Med. and Pass., vefieaS>/mi : f. -%ao-
vcKp-dyyeXos, ov, (vc/epos, ayyt\os) messenger to /xai : aor. I pass. (vcfi€OTj(h]v Ep. vefi.(aar]Or}v ; Ep
the dead. aor. I med. opt. vffKaa-qaaiTO to be displeased ox

vtKp&ywyiv, f. 17*0;, to conduct the dead. From vexed with oneself: to be ashamed, be filled with
veKp-dywyos, ov, (vtupus. dy<u) conducting the dead. shame. 2. c. ace. rei, vfntooarai tca/ca ipya be

j), (vitcput, 'Axadij/xua) a school of

V6Kp-dKd8-r|p.eCa, shews just displeasure at, visits, punishes evil deeds.

the dead. Ncpco-cia, (sub. Upd), rd, tbefea>t of Nemesis.

v€«pl»c6s, i\, 6v, (y expos) of or for the dead. vep.eo~n.T6s Ep. vepeo"OT|T6s, r), 6v, (yffxfcrdu) caus-
vcKpo-p&pY|s, 4s, (yeicpus, (iopos) laden with corpses. ing indignation ox wrath, worthy of it; ovroi vtpKor)-
vacpo-ScYpxw, ov, gen. ovos, (v(Kpu$, 5(xo/mu) re- tov it is not a things?/ to raise indignation. II.

ceiving the dead. to be regarded with awe, awful.

vcKpo-8oKos, Ion. for Att. -86xos, ov, {v*icp6t, 8i- veu,eo-i£op<u, Dep. only found in pres. and impf. to
Xo/xat) receiving the dead. Hence become or be displeased with : to chafe ox chide at a
vecpo-6ox«iov,To,a receptaclefor the dead, cemetery. thing : absol. to be angry, surprised. II. like vt-

v«Kpo-(W|icr|, 1), \v input, &tjktj) a receptacle for a fifaaofiai, to be ashamed, feel dread or awe : c. ace,
corpse, coffin. 6(oi>s vcfitoi(fTO be stood in awe of the gods. From

ixfcwty—NE'OMAI. 461
V€(X€<n.s Ep. v tuberous, «us, i), (vcficj) just ox de- V€o--yvT|S, is, = v(oyv6s.
served indignation, anger at anything unjust, right- V€0--yv6s, ov, con v(6yovos, new-born.
r. lor
eous resentment. 2. indignation at undeserved veo "yovos, ov, ytviaOat) new-born.

good fortune : jealousy, vengeance, esp. of the gods : v€o-Ypairros and veo-ypft^os, ov, (vios, ypa<pa>)
of men, grudging, envy. II. that which causes newly painted or written.
or deserves just indignation, the object o 4 just resent- v€6--yvtos, ov. (yios, yviov) with young, fresh limbs.
ment ; ov vipKais [Ioti] there is not cause for indig- v€o-8ufjLw8-T)s, «$, a Spartan word, lately made one of
nation. III. in one's own person, a sense of sin, the people (vios, Sa/xos - Srjp.os), newly enfranchised :
remorse. hence those Helots were called HfobapwUfis, who
Ntjxeo-is, 1), as prop, n., voc. N«/x«7t : Nemesis, were set free in reward for services in war.
personified as the goddess of Retribution, who brings veo-SapTos, ov, {vios, bipaj) newly stripped off, newly
down all immoderate good fortune. flayed.
v€(X€o-o-aTd, Dor. for vefnaanrr]. vco-8C8aKTOS, ov, (vios, StSaoKO)) newly taught : of
v€(jL€'o-cra, Ep. for vesica, imperat. of ve^t adw. a play newly brought out, newly exhibited.
ve|i,€crorda), f. r)o~<u, Ep. for vffieoao). -q, and v«6-8(itjtos, ov, (vios, 5a-
v€o-8p."fjs, rJTOS, 6,
v€p.€O-crr|0«is, Ep. aor. I part. pass, of vffieaaoj. fidcj)newly tamed or broken in : metaph. newly-
vcp.€o-oT]0J>)i€v, Ep. 1 pi. aor. I subj. pass, of ve- wedded.
fifaaw. v€o-8p.T)TOS Dor. -8paTos, ov, (vios, Sifxu) new-
v€|X€cto-t]t6s, 1), 6v, Ep. for V€fiear}r6s. built.
v4p.e<ro-is, Ep. for vifaais.
ij, V€6-8p«irros, ov, (vios, Spiir<u) fresh plucked or
vcpcTcop, opos, 6, (vefxaj) a dispenser of justice, a cropped : wreathed wi'b fresh leaves.
judge, arbiter. v€o-8po|j.os, ov, (vios, bpap.uv) just having run.
v€|i.os, eos, t6, (vifioj) a wooded pasture, grove, Lat. ve6-8poiros, ov, = vtohpenros.
nemus. V€0-£€UKtos, ov, (vios, fcvyvvfu) — vto^vyqs.
NE'Mfl, fut. vffiw, later vifi-qaai: aor. I evet/xa vto-£vyi\s, is, and vto-Jvyos, ov, (vios, £vyr}vat)
Ep. vfipa : pf. vtvffjL7)Ka : — Med. viftofiai : f. v*nov- newly yoked : metaph. newly married.
ftai, later vcfiT/aofMu: — Pass., aor. I ivepi-qd-qv : pf. vc- V€6-£v£, vyos, 6, %, = vfo£vyT/s.
vip\r\\xai(but these tenses are also used iu med. sense) veo-OdXvjs, is, Dor. for vcoOr]\-f)s.
— to deal out, distribute : to apportion, assign, al- vc60€v, Adv. (vios) anew : newly, lately.
lot. II. Med. vifio/iai, c. ace, to distribute V€o-0tj\t|s, is, (vios, riOrjKa) fresh budding or
among themselves, hence to possess, enjoy, have in sprouting : metaph. fresh, cheerful.
use. 2. also to dwell in, inhabit, occupy. III. veo-O-nXos, ov, = veodi]\T)s.
later also in Act. to bold, possess : Pass, of places, to v6o-0tj^, rjyos, 6, J), (yios, Qrjy<v) newly sharpened.
be inhabited. a. to sway, manage, wield, con- V€O-0XiPtjs, is, (vios, Oktfirjvai) newly pressed.
trol. 3. like vofiifa, to esteem, consider. vcoit], fj, (yios) poet, for vforrjs, youthful spirit.
B. viyuu, of herdsmen, to pasture, drive to pas- v«-ovkos, ov, {vios, olKioi) newly built on.
ture, Lat. pascere : more freq. in Med. viptoOai, of v€0-Ka,T&o"T4TOS, ov, {yios, KaB'tart]^i) lately estab-
cattle, to feed, go to pasture, graze, Lat. pasci: hence lished or settled.
to eat,feed on : metaph. of fire, to feed on, devour, V60-KT)8"fjs, is, (yios, tdjb'os) having afresh grief.
consume : also Pass., rrvpl x^^ vi/ifrai tne l anQl " v€o-kXtjpovo|jios, ov, having lately inherited.
consumed by fire. II. later in Act., oprj vipuv v€6-kXo)o-tos, ov, (yios, k\uj6<v) newly spun or woven.
to graze the hills (with cattle): metaph., nvpl vipeiv V€0-k6vt)tos, ov, (yios, newly shed ; veo/covn-
w6kiv to waste a city by fire. III. in Med. also rov alfia \tpolv *x.av to have newly-shed blood upon
of ulcers, to spread. his hands.
vtvao-^uu, pf. pass, of vaaata. vco-koittos, ov, (vios, kSittoj) fresb-cbiselled.
vcvcgltcu, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of vioi, to heap. vcokotos, ov, (yios) strange, unheard of: generally, —
V€Vcp.T|Ka, pf. of fresh, new.
V€vr|Ka, pf. of vitu, to spin. vco-icpds, 3.TOS, 6, ti, (vios, K(pa.vvv/M) newly mixed;
vc\ap.pai, v€viirrai, 1 and 3 sing. pf. pass, of vifa. vtuKpas <pi\os a newly made friend., pf. pass, of vo/JLtfa. v«6-ktvotos, ov, also rj, ov, (yios, kti^oS) newly
vt'vuuai, vevwuevos, Ion. and Dor. for vzv6t\\uu, founded or built : new-made.
Vf.va3p.iv0s, pf. pass. ind. and part, of voioi. v«6-ktovos, ov, (vios, kt(ivw) just killed.
veo-dXwros, ov, (vios, aXivvai) = v€oXojtos. veo-XaCa, 1), (vios, Kaos) a band of youth, the youth
vco-apOT|S, is, (vios, dpb<u) newly watered. of a nation, Lat. juventus.
veo-Yapos, ov, (vios, new-married: as Subst., v«6-Xovtos poet. veoXXovros, ov, (vios, kovofnai)
veoyapios, 6 or 1), a bridegroom or bride. just bathed.
veo-Y€VT|s, is, (vios, yeviaOai) new-born. NE'OMAI contr. vevfuu, t and 3 sing, vuai, vii-
v*oyTX6s,-fi,6v,new-born t young. (Deriv. uncertain.) ,
tcm : inf. vitoOai contr. vuaOai : Dep., only used in

462 vto\xr\vla V€Vpij(f)L.

pres. and impf. to go or come : commonly with a ling, chicken.

: 7. any young animal, as the young
rat. sense, to go away or back : also to go to the war: of a crocodile: a young child: in pi. a swarm qf
of a stream, to flow back. young bees.
veo-ptp/ia contr. vovp.T)v(a, i), (vios, \ii\v) the time of vcoacrtos, Dor. for vtoaaovs.
the new moon, the beginning of the month. v€o-a-Tpo<j>os, ov, (vios, arpi<p(u) newly twisted.
veo-ira9T|S, is, (vios, iraOtiv) suffering from a late V€0-o-<|>o"yT)S, is, (vios, o<payrjvai) newly slaughtered.
calamity. V€6toLs, aros,1), Dor. for vtorrjs.

V€o-irev0^|s, is. (vios, iriv6os)fresb-mourning. II. v€0-t€vktos, ov, and v€o-tcvxt|S, is, (vios, TtVX")
pass, lately mourned. newly wrought or fashioned.
v€0-mf)yf|S, i*, (vios, rr^yvvfu) newly congealed or vcottjs, rjros, 1), (vios) youth : also 2. youthful
frozen. spirit, rashness. II. a body of youth, the youth.
v€6-irAovTOS, ov, (vios, vXovtos) newly enriched, Lat. juventus.
vainglorious, ostentatious opp. to dpxoi6ir\ovTOS.
; vco-rpijTos Dor. -Tp«aTOS, ov, (vios, riuvu) newly cut.
v«6-irXuTOS, ov, (vios, irXtvu) newly wasben. v€6-tokos, ov, (vios, TCKe?v) new-born. II.

vco-itokos, ov, (vios, vinai) newly shorn. veoruKos, ov, act. having just brought forth.
veo-irpwrros, ov, (vios, npia)) fresh-sawn. v€6-Top.os, ov, (vios, T€fi(iv) fresh cut or ploughed;
Neo-rrToAcfios, 6, (vios y irrdXtfios) New- to-war, veurofxa ir\T}yuara blows newly inflicted. II.

surname of Pyrrhus son of Achilles, because he came fresh cut off, plucked.
late to Troy. veo-Tpe<|>T|s, is, (vios, rpi<p<u) newly reared, young.
v€6-iTToXts, ^, (vios, irrvkis) newly founded. V6OTT6V0), V€OTTld, Vc6tTIOV, V€OTTOS, Att. for
v€6p-pavros, ov, (vios, fiaivw) newly sprinkled : fresh- veooff-.
reeking. V60TTO-Tpo4>€o», (v€ott6s, rpi^poS) to rearyoung birds.
V€Op-ptfTOS, ov, (vios, fiiaS) fresh-flowing. v€ovpycci>, f. yew, to make new, renew. From
veop-pvTOs, ov, (vios, p"v<u)just drawn. ve-ovp-yos, 6v, (vios, *epy<») making new, renewing.
ve-opros, ov, (vios, opvvju) newly risen, generally, V€-ovt&tos, ov, (vios, ovtcloj) lately wounded.
new, late. v€0-<J>oitos, ov, (vios, (poirdo}) newly trodden.
NE'OS, via Ion. virj, viov, Art. also os, ov : Ion. v€o-(j>ovos, ov, (vios, *<piv<v) lately killed: fresh-shed.
V€ios, rj, ov : —
of men, young, youthful : as Subst., viot, V6o-<j>i;TOs, ov, (vios, <pvco) newly planted. II.

young men, youths ; etc viov from a youth, from youth a new convert, neophyte.
upwards, Lat. a puero. 2. suited to a youth, youth- vco-x&paxTOs, ov, (vios, x&p&aao)) newly impressed
ful, Lat. juvenilis. 3. of things, new, fresh, re- or imprinted.
cent : but also, strange, unexpected. 4. of Time, vcoxpos, ov, (vios) new, fresh. 2. novel, unusual,
Ik viov and in vias anew, afresh, Lat. denuo : hence strange, revolutionary. Hence
viov Ion. viiov, as Adv., newly, lately, anew : i) via v€oxp6a>, f. iiaa, to make new, esp. to make political
(sub. oiX^vrf) the new moon for ivn teat via, see : itinovations.
tvi] II. the degrees of Comp. are ve&repos, vco-xvoos, ov, (vios, x?6os) with the first down.
veurraros Ion. vuoraros, v. V€ios. Hence ve6ci>, f. how, (vios) to renew, renovate, change.

veos (sub. 717), 1). fresh land, fallow, Lat. novale. V€iro8es, <w, 01, children ; an old Epic word.
veos, Ion. gen. of vavs. vcpOe and vcpdev, Adv., = €vtpde, under, beneath:
vco-o-C-ySXos, ov, (vios, aiya\6ets) new and spark- also from below. II. c. gen. under, beneath.
ling, glossy. vepTtptos, a, ov, (viprtpos) underground, Lat. in-
vco-o-kvXcvtos, ov, (vios, aievXevoS) newly plundered. ferus.
v€6-o"p/T|KTOS, ov, (vios, Ofi^x 01) newly cleaned. vcprcpo-8p6p.os, ov, 6, (viprepos, Spofios) the courier
veo-o-irdS-qs, is, and veo-o-mis, abos, 6, 1), (vios, of the dead.
oiratu) newly plucked or gathered. vIpTCpos, a, ov, = \viprtpos, lower, nether, Lat. w-
veo-o-iropos, ov, (vios, oircip<v) newly sown. ferior, a Comp. without any Posit, in use : but also
v€ocro-«vo> Att. vcottcvo) or vottcvo) : f. ooi : (vco<r- as a Posit. — vepriptos, nether, infernal, underground;
06s) :

to hatch ; pf. part. pass, vevooaevfiivos. olviprepoi the dwellers in the nether world, the gods
veoo-ord Ion. -it| Att. vcottvA, 1), (veooaSs) a below or the dead, Lat. inferi.
nest of young birds, a nest : the 0, a bird of prey.
brood of young NETTOS,
birds. v€vpa, aros, r6, (vfvcu) a nod or sign : a command.
veOcnxiov Att. v€6ttiov or v6rnov, t6, Dim. of ve-Op-ai, Ep. and Ion. contr. pres. for viofuu.
vtoaaos, a young bird, nestling, chicken. NETPA' Ion. vcvp«f|, ij, a sinew, tendon. II. a

vcoo-o-is Att. vottCs, 180s, 1), fem. of vcoffff6s, a string or cord of sinew; I. a bow-string. 1,
chicken. a musical string or chord.
veoo-o-o-icopos Att. vcott-, ov, (veoooot, KOfiiaj) vevptrr] 1), poet, for vtvp&.
rearing young birds or chickens. vevpTj, 1), Ion. for vtvpa.
vco<r<ros Att. v«ott6$, 6, (vios) a young bird, nest- vcvpf|d», vcvpTJ4>tv, Ep. gen. and dat. of vfvfrf.
: — ! —
vevpo\6Xos — lrfjyperos. 463
vcvpo-XdXot, ov, (ytvpov, \&\ia)} with sounding NE'ft (B\ impf. tvtov Ep. Iwtov : fut. vtvaouai
strings. and vevcovfiai aor. I tvtvaa :
: /- swm, Lat. —
NETTON, r6, Lat. nervus, a sinew, tendon : esp. ndre 2. of shoes that are too large; vuv iv tpi-
in pi. vfvpa, the vtvpa ri^vtiv
tendons of the feet ; fiaoiv to swim or slip about in one's shoes.
to hamstring, disable. 2. metaph. strength, vigour, NE'H (C), fut. VT]oa>: Ep. 3 pi. aor. I med. vrjoavro:
nerve. a string, cord, lace made of sinew
II. aor. 1 pass. ivrjOnv : to spin, Lat.
hence 2. a bowstring : also cord of a sling. 3. NE'il (D). fut. vfjcroj : Ion. vrjto, vtjcco, vr\v(u> : pf.
a musical string or chord. pass. vivrjfMii or vivrjapiai :
to pile, heap, heap up.
v«vpo-irX«KT|s, is, (Vfvpov, irXiKoS) plaited with sinews. vecoicopcco, f. rjaaf, (yea/tcCpos) to be a bedel, to have
vcvpoppa^co), f. you, to stiicb with sinews : to mend charge of a temple. II. metaph. to keep clean
shoes. From and pure. Hence
vevpo-pd^os, ov, (vevpov, fidirra)) stitching with vccoKopCa, 1J,
the office of a bedel.
sinews : as Subst. a cobbler. veco-Kopos, 6, {v«bs, Kopiai) properly one who sweeps
veupo-OTr48 f)S, is, (vfvpov, ciraw) drawn or strained

a temple : hence one who has charge of a temple, a

back wifb a sinew or string ; v€vpoaira8r s drpaieTos t
bedel, verger, Lat. aedituus. II. a title of cities,
the arrow drawn back with the string, i. e. just ready which bad built a temple in honour of their patron-
to fly. god hence Ephesus was called veoiKipos''AprifjiSos.

v€vp6-<nra<rTOS, ov, (vtvpov, cndoj) drawn by vetov, gen. pi. of vios but vtdv, gen. pi. of vavs. :

strings ; dyaXpuara vevpuanaara puppets moved by v€«v. wvos, 6, (vavs) a dock or basin for ships.
strings. V€-o>vi)tos, ov, (vios, uviouai) newly bought.
V€vpo-T€VT|S, 4s, (vcvpov, T(tvoj) stretched by sinews. ve-<opT|s, is, (vios &>pa) new, fresh, late.
vcupo-x&piS, is, (vfvpov, xapijvai) delighting in the vc-aipiov, t6, (vfa>p6s^ a place where ships are over-
bowstring. hauled, a dock-yard, arsenal.
vtvo-opcu or v«, fut. of via) B. v«u»s, w, 6, Att. for vaos, a temple, like \td>s for Kaus.
v«\Krr<i{(tf, (vcvat) to nod, Lat. nuto; vevardfav v€o)s, Att. gen. of v<ivs.
KdpvOi to nod with the crest, stride with nodding v€wo--oitcos. 6, {ytws gen. of vavs. oTkos) literally a
crest ; vevordfav K«pa\rj to nod with the head of ship's bouse, a slip or dock in which a ship was built
one fainting; vevardfav 6<ppvot to make signs with or repaired : a store-bouse, being a p irt of the vtwpiov.
the eyebrows. vewcrri, Adv. of vios. lately, just now, recently.
NET'fi, f. vfvacv, to nod, beckon, as a * gn or com- vivrra, Adv. of vios. Aeol. for vioioe, viarrc, next

mand. 2. in token of assent, to nod, bow, promise, year for next year ; also, els vicvra.
confirm by a nod. 3. generally, to nod, hend for- ve&Taros, rj, ov, Sup. of vios Adv. vtaWara, most :

ward ; Vfvuv Karat to stoop ; vfveiv /ce<pa\ds to bow recently.

down, droop the head vevuv ris ri to incline towards
; vecurfpifo), f iaoj Att. ia>. (ve&Tfpoi) to make changes
a thing. 4. metaph. to decline, fall away. or alterations : to make innovations or revolutionary
v«<|>€Xt], 1), (vi<pos) a cloud, mass of clouds, Lat. movements. II. trans, to change entirely ; vea>-
nehula : metaph. the cloud of death ; dx^os vt<pi\rj a repifciv rr)v iroXirdav to revolutionise the state.
cloud of sorrow. II. a fine bird-net. v€o>T€piKos, T), 6v, {vios) natural to a youth, youthful.
ve^cX-Tj-yeptTo. Ep. for -rrjs, 6, only used in nom. vcci>Tcpio-p.6s, ov, 6. (ytarrtpifyj) innovation.
and gen. v«pt\ey pirao, (v«pi\rj, dycipat) cloud- V€o>Tcpoirotta, 1). innovation, revolu'ion. From
gatherer, cloud-compeller. v«<«>T€po-iroi6s, 6v, (vfd/Tfpos, iroii<v) innovating,
N«4>€Ao-K«vravpos, 6, (y€<pi\rj, Kivravpos) a cloud- revolutionary.
centaur. v«u>r«pos, a, ov, Omp. of vios, younger : newer,
'N*$*ko-KOKK$y(.a,j).(v«p(\T] kokkv£) Cloud-cuckoo- fresher : in bad sense, strange, unusual ; rd vtkripa
town, built by the birds in Aristoph. Aves. Hence or vfirrcpa irpdyixara, revolutionary movements, Lat.
Ne^cXo-KOKKvyicvs, o, citizen of Cloud-cuckoo-town. res novae. Adv. vtanipwt. more recently.
vc<f>cX6a), f. difro), (v«pi\r]) to make cloudy. Hence vtj-, insep. Prefix, being a strei gthd. form of dva-
v«4>€\a>r6s, 4) % 6v. made of clouds. privat., as in vn-irfvOrjs cf. Lat. ne in ne-fas, etc.
v€4>o-«t8"f)s. ft, {vi<pos, (Tbot) like a cloud. NH', Att. Particle affirming strongly, with ace. of
NE'402, cot, t6, a cloud, mass of clouds, Lat. the person invoked ; vj) Ata or vij riv Ata, also vi)
nebula : metaph. the cloud of death, Oavdrov fii*av fid tov Ata yea by Zeus
vi<pot ; so, vi<pos 6<ppvajv a cloud upon the brow. 2. vtjo, vt]os, Ion ace. sing and pi. of vavs.
metaph. also, a cloud or dense throng of men, birds, vt)y<4.t«os, ov, (for vcijydTos by transposition of
rj, (
etc and 77, fom vios, yiyaa,) new-made.
v«$pm.s, »oot, (v«pp6t) fern. Adj. o/or in the kid- vfj-ypwos, ov, (vtj-, iytipoj) unwaking ; vfryptrot
neys ; 1) v«pp4Tis (sc. v6noi), a disease in the kidneys. twos a sleep that knows no waking, a sound deep
NE^PO'2, ov, 6, mostly in pi. the kidneys. sleep : later also of death : neut. as Adv., vrryptrov
NE'fl (A), to go, v. sub viopuu. without waking.
: :

464 vrjbvia — vr)crCs.

vtiSuia, <uv, t&, (vqovs) the entrails, bowels, Lat. in- VTjvcco, = vqi at, Ion. and Ep. for via), to heap.
testina. vt, vis, 10s, r), coutr. for veavis, a girl, maiden.
vt]8vi64>iv, for vq5v6<piv, Ep. gen. of vqb'vs. vij£ts, (ojs, q, (vqx<») a swimming.

vTj8up.os, ov, Homeric epith. of virvos: either like VT|£op.(U, fut. Of VT)XOfW.l.
vqyptros, sound, deep sleep ; or from qdvs, sweet, de- vav-^drqs. [#]
VT)0-|3a-rr|S, ov, 0, Ion. for

ligbful, as if for qbvp'S. VT|0--ir6Xos voo-, ov, (yrjus - vaos, irokiaj)

NHAT'2, vns. i), be stomach, or the belly, paunch: busying oneself in a temple : as Subst., vqoirokos, o, a
the womb —
also the bowels, entrails ; k£e\eiv rijv vq- priest, temple-keeper, Lat. aedituus.
hvv to take out the entrails, disembowel. VT)o-irop€<i>, f. qoai, (vavs, irCp»s) to go in a ship.
vt|€OV, Ep. impf. of vqioi. vn6s, v, 6, Ion. tor va6s, a temple.
v-fjes, nom. pi. of vavs. vtjos, Ion. gen. of vavs.
vt)€o*o-i, Ep dat pi. of vavs. vtjo-o-oos poet. vtj6o--o-oos, ov, (vavs, aaooi) protect-
vtj€o>, fut. vqqaaj, Ion. and Ep. for vita, to heap or ing ships.
pile up. II. to pile, load. v7]o-<J>6po<s, ov, (vavs, <pip<v) bearing ships.
vt|T|o-av, Ep. 3 pi aor. I of vqi<u: — vrj-rjo-dcrOw, 3 vt]-6xos, ov. (vavs, €X W ) holding ships.
sing. aor. I imper. med. free from sorrow.
VTj-ir€v0T)s, is, {vt)~, itivOos) II.

vr|9w, (vico c) to spin. act. soothing or assuaging sorrow.

vi]i, Ion. dat. sing, of vavs. vrjuCa Ep. vrjmda and vrjirtcTj, 1J, (vqirios) child-
NtjiAs, dSos, 1), Ion. for Sai'ds. hood, infancy : in plur. childishness, folly.
vfjios, q, ov, Dor. vd'ios, a, ov, also os, ov, of, be- vr)md£o>, f. "qc<u, = vqiriax(va>.
longing to a ship ; bupv vqiov s&i/>-timber. vrjirtaxevo), to be childish, play like a child. From
NtjCs, ibos, ^, Ion. for Hats. vrjmSxos, ov, poet, lor vqmos, childish.
vtjis, 180s, 6, j), (vq-,lduv) unknowing, unlearned: VTjmtTj, ^, Ion. for vnnia.
c. gen. unskilled in a thing. vrjmos, o Ion. -q, ov, Att. also os, ov, (vrj-, tiros) pro-
vTjiTrjs, ov, 6, {vavs) of or belonging to a ship, con- perly, not speaking. Lat. infans ; vqma riicva infant
sisting of ships, [t] children : also vqma alone, the young of an ani-
VTj-K€poT|s, is, (vq-, xipdos) without gain, unprofit- mal. metaph. childish, senseless
II. : without
able. forethought, weak, helpless.
vnq-K6po>s, arros, 6, ?), Ep. Wj-Kepos, ov, (vq~, xipas) vrjTrioTTjs, rjros, -r), - vnnia.
not horned, without horns. vy|-itX€ktos, ov, (vt)-, irKiKoj) not plaited : with un-
vt|-k€o*tos, ov, (vq , d/ciofMt) incurable. braided hair.
VT)-Kovoreo>, (vq-, okovoj) to give no heed to, dis- vrj-iroivci or -I, Adv. of vqiroivos, Lat. impune, with
obey : Ep. aor. I vqnovorqaa. impunity.
vtj-\€T|s, is, dat. and ace. vq\i'i, vqKia, as if from vt|-itoivos, ov, (vq-, iroivfj) unpunished, unavenged,
vqXqs, (vq-, eKeos) without pity, pitiless, ruthless, re- with impunity : but, (pvrwv vqiroivos without share of,
morseless ; vqXcts 7/xap the ruthless day, i. e. the day unblest with, fruitful trees.
of death. II. unpitied. VT)7rvTt€, Dep. to behave childishly. From
VT)\€iT|S, is, Ep. for Adv. vqXetws. VT)-iruTi.os, a, ov, (vq-, airvoS) childish, infantine ;

VTj\66-0vp.os, ov, (vq\eqs, dvfius) of ruthless spirit. and as Subst. a child, like vqmos, Lat. infans —me-
vnAeo-iroivos, ov, (vqKtqs, irotvq) punishing ruth- taph. childish, thoughtless, heedless.
lessly. NT)p€is Ion. NtjptjU, thos, q, a daughter of Nereus,
vnXc&s, Adv. of vq\eqs, without pity. hence a Nereid or Nymph of the sea, always in pi.
vt]\t|s, is, see vqKtqs. HqpqiScs they were fifty in number. Cf. Noud».

vrjXiirovs, 6, 1), -vow, t6, gen. -irdSos, = dv-rj\ivvs, Nijpeus, gen. iais Ion. qos, 6, Nereus, an ancient
unshod, barefooted : hence needy, abject, [r] sea-god. He was eldest son of Pontus (the sea), hus-
vr|-XtTT|s, is, (vq-, aktrtiv) guiltless, harmless, band of Doris and father of the Nereids. Hence
unoffending. N-rjpT|, poet, for "Sqpqis.
Yx\v.a, aros, t6, (via) to spin) that which is spun, NT|pT|Cs, idos, i}, Ion. for Hqpets.
thread, yarn : the thread of a spider's web : the thread VT|-pi0pos, ov, (vq-, dpiO/ius) countless, numberless.
of the Fates. vr|-piT05, ov, poet, form of vqpiOfios.
vT)-p«pTT|s, is, (vtj-, aftapTHv) unfailing, unerring, v-qo-oi, aor. I inf. both of vi<u (c) to spin, and via
infallible; vqfitprts ivioiruv, vqfitpria dirtiv to (d) to pile up.
speak infallible truths. vrjo-aios, Ion. q, ov, (vqaos) of or for an island,
vrjvtpCa Ion. -U|, tj, stillness in the air, a calm : — insular.
yakqvq $ir\tro vqve/jdq there was a calm and perfect v^jaavro, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I med. of via) (c) to spin.
stillness. From vtjo-Uhov, to, Dim. of vqaos, an islet.
vY|-v€p.os, ov, (vq-,&vcfios) without 'wind, breezeless, vrjaCov, to, Dim. of vqaos, an islet.
calm, tranquil. VTjats, thms, q, Dim. of vqaos, an islet.
— :

vr)(r(njs — vi<f)4fBokos. 465

vt\o-Iti)S, •t>, i, (vfjaos) of or for an island : fem. prevail, carry the day ; ij vatwoa yvu^rj the prevail-
VTJO-ITIS, ibus, i). [I] ing opinion, vote of the majority. 3. as law-ierm,
vt]o-Iwt-i]S, ov, o, fem. -uns, t8<»», 7), (vtJoos) an to win in a suit, gain a cause. II. trans, to con-

islander. II. as Adj. 0/ an islander: insular, quer, vanquish, overcome, overpower: —

Pass., vt.Ka.nQai
living, situated on an island. Hence to be vanquished, overcome by another to be inferior:

vrjo-lumxds, 17, 6v, of oxfor an island or a« islander; to, give way to. III. c. ace. cognato, viktjv vikov

TO vrjo-iarriKuv insular situation. to gain a victory ; vau/jax»av va-j/*ax«v to win a sea-

vT]cro-|A&xtci, »?, (v^oos, fiax*)) an island-figbt. fight.

NH"202 Dor. v&cros, ok, t), an island, Lat. insula: vixeios. ov, (vikos) victorious.
also, a peninsula, applied to the Peloponnese. NI'KH [t], ij, victory, conquest, Lat. victoria: the
vrjo-o-a Att. vfJTTo. 7), (v«a> to swim) a cfec^, Lat. anas. fruits of victory.
vrjo-adptov Att vtjtt-, to, Dim. of vrjaaa, a duckling. vi<t), Aeol. and poet, for eviica, 3 sing, impf of vikcuj.
VTioreia, -fj, (vrjarfvoj) fasting, a fast. vikt|€is Dor. vitcdeis, too~a, tv, (vikt)) victorious,
vr)<7T6va>, (vijcms) to fast
f. a<u, ; vqoreveiv nvus conquering.
to fast from, abstain from a thing vuc-ndcis, aor. 1 part. pass, of vacaoj.
vrjcms, 10s or ecus, 6. and 1): nom. pi. vqorits or viKtjp.1, Aeol. for vikooj. \t]

F^aTtis (1/77
: f aOicu) not eating pasting.
, 2.
: vuctjctclwv, Ep. for vikt)0-uv, fut. inf. of VlKOM.
act. causing hunger, starving. vi*tjt€ov, verb. Adj. of one must conquer.

vrjo-u8piov, T(5, Dim. of v>,oos, an islet. a conqueror. Hence

viktjttjp, rjpos, 6, like vncnrr/s,
vt)-titos, ov, (vtj-, TtVco) unavenged, unpunished. vncijTTjptos, a, ov, belonging to a conqueror or to
vttjtos, 17, oV, (v«u to heap) heaped up, piled up. victory. II. as Subst. viKj^rrjpiov (sub. a0A.ov), to",

vtjtos, 17, ov, (v&y to spin) spun, twisted. the prize of victory. 2 vi/crjTrjpia (sub. i(pd), rd, a
VTyrra, 1), virrrdpiov, to, Att. for vrjacr-. festival in honour of victory ; viKr\rr\piov tonav to
vryOs. ^, Ion. for vavs. celebrate the feast of victory.
vtjv<tC, Ion. dat. pi. of vavs. viktjttjs, ov, 6, (vi/taoj) a conqueror.
vrjvoa-irfpTjTOs, ov, v. vavoi-TTtparot. v!kt]tuc6s, 17, ov, (vt/cdoj) likely to conquer, conducing
VT|-vrp.os, ov, (vn-, avrfirf) breathless. to victory.
VT)<J>&Xl€VS, 6, = VT]<p<iXlOS. vi«T|T&>p, opos, 0, poet, for viKnr^p, a conqueror.

vT]4>aAu>s, a, ov, also 0*, ov, (vi7^xw of persons, ) vLKT)4>op€a>, f. rjoaj, {viicncpopos) to carry off as prize,
drinking no wine, sober: of drink, without wine; win. Hence
vr](paXia /i€tX<7/iaTa, of the offerings to theEumenides, viKT)<bopCa, ij, a conquering, victory.
which were composed of water, milk, and honey, [a] viKT)-4>6pos, ov, (yinn, <p(pw) bringing victory.H.
trfjdxxn, poet, for vfypovoi, dat. pi. part. bearing off the prize, conquering, victorious.
NH'$Xl, f. vl^a;, /o aVm£ no wine, to be sober, live vik6-0ovAos, ov, (vt*do;, PovXij) prevailing in the
soberly. Council.
vT|-xi>T»s, ov, (V7-, x^ ") not merely poured, full- viKo-pdxds, ov, 6, (vi/caw, fidxv) conqueror in the
flowing. fight.
vt)x w Dor. vdxo>, f. £cj, (vta>) to swim: also as vikos, tos, t6, later form for vi*i7, victory.
Dep. W|, f. fo/iai, aor. I tvnfdjinv. viKwcv, Att. contr. for vticaoitv, 3 pi. opt. of vi.k&o).
rrjwv, Ion. gen. pi. of vavs. vCv, Dor. and Att. enclit. ace. of 3rd pers. Pron., for
vt}u>s, Dor. for vaovs, ace. pi. of va<5». auTov, avr-qv, avr6, him, her, it; never used reflex-
vlyX&pos. 6, a small fife, pipe or whistle, used by the ively: of all genders, both sing, and pi., but the pi. is
KtKevo-rfjs to give the time in rowing. mu<-h more rare Horn, and Ion. writers use fiiv. :

"Nl'Zfl, f. vixf/o) aor. 1 Ivixpa Med., f. viif/ofMu :

: —
viirrrip, fjpos, 6, (v(^cu) a washing vessel, basin, laver.
aor. I kviypanqv pf. v^vtfi/xat /o wash, esp. the

viirrpov,T6,(yifa)waterfor washing : mostly in plur.
hands and feet vtyaoOai dAot /o u/asi one's bands vCtttw, later form for vifa.
with sea water generally, to purge, cleanse, pu-
:, f. vlao^ai [f] = vio\uii, to go, to go away.

rify. II. to wash off. vlfa is properly used of —NI'TPON, t6, in Herodotus and Att. XiTpov, car-
washing part of the body, Xovofjxu of bathing, irKvvo) bonate of soda, soda.
of washing clothes. vCtbo, t*7V, snow, irreg. ace. of vi<pds, as if from a
vuca£&, Dor. for viich\ao). fut. of vucaa. nom. *viip.
w«cur«tv, Dor for vacqaiiv, fut. inf. of vitcdu. vtc{>ds, dhos, 1), (vl<pa>) a snow-flake: in pi. snow-
viicaTT|p, 6, Dor. for vncrjTr)p. flakes, a storm of snow. 2. generally, a shower:
viicdTcop, opos, 6, Dor. for vi/r^Tcup. —
metaph., vi<pcLs iro\ifiov the storm or sleet of
vucda>, f. r)<rw, (vt*?;) ro conquer, prevail, get the war. II. as Adj., fem. of vi<p6tis, snowy, snow-capt.

upper band; T& x ( P ( ' ova viko. the worse prevails; vitbcpcv, Ep. inf. of vlcpai.
to (Z vik&to) let the good prevail ; vikov nvi to win vt<j>fT6s, ov, 6, (vi<p<v) a shower of snow, a snow-storm.
in the judgment of another. a. of opinions, to vl4>6-/3o\os, (yUpa, 0dWu) snow-beaten, wintry.
: : : 7 ;

466 vi<t>o€is — vofxoOtriai.

vt4>6eis, tooa, ev, (vi<pa) snow-covered, snow-capt. vopiovs vo/jievuv to feed down the pastures with oxen,
vI<J>o-cttiPt)s, is, (yi<pa, <ni&(iv) thick with .snow. Lat. depascere.
NI'4»X2 J], f. viipai, intrans. to snow ; b 6tbs v'upfi, fj, (yifjuu) a pasture, pasturage : fodder,
or vi<pu alone, it *>nows. II trans, to cover with food. 2. a feeding, grazing. II. division, dis->

snow : Pass, to be snowed on, covered with snow. Cf. tribution ; esp. of an inheritance.
VCD, VO/Mll. vop.'fjcs, Ep. for vop.€is, nom. pi. of vopevs.
vivj/ai, vCiJ/aaOai, aor. I inf. act. and mei. of vifa. vopi£a>, fut. vofiiau Ion. vopuico Att. vofxiw
fut. of vifa, and also of vicpa).
vi\j/u>, pf. vevofitfca —
Pass., aor. I (vofuadrjv pf. v(vb-


vocpos, a, ov, (voos, vovs) intellectual. fiio/Mii : (yofios) to bold or own as a custom
votu), fut. votitoj I<<n. vwfT<v: aor. I ivorjaa Ion. or usage : said of things recognised by convention or
hxnoa. : pf. vevorjua Ion. vivcuita : —Med., Ep. 3 sing, prescriptive right; vo/ufav roiis 0(ovs to recognise
aor. vorjaaro Ion. part, vaxrafjicvos — Pass., aor. 1 the gods acknowledged by the state ; but, vofiifav
(vorjdrjv : — Pass., aor. I tvo-qO-qv : pf. vevorjjMii Ion. 9(ovs to recognise the existence of the gods gene-
vivoofMii : Ion. plipf. ivevcvfiijv : (voos) : — to see so rally : —
Pass, to be in esteem ; vo/xifcrai it is the cus-
as to remark or discern, distinguished from merely tom, is customary, is usually recognised; t& vofu£6[icva
seeng, as, rbv Si lb"wv Ivor/ae when he saw him be or v(vopuapiiva, customs, usages, laws, Lat insti-
perceived who be was : tn notice remark. II. to tuta. 2. to adopt, practise a custom or usage
think: absol. to be minded: hence, to purpose, in- "EWrjvfs air' AiyvirTicov ravra vfvofUMaffi the Greeks
tend: c. inf. to intend to do a thing: in part, votatv, have adopted these customs from the Egyptians. 3.
dLcreet, though ful. 7. of words or expressions, to to own, acknowledge, recognise as ; roi/s tcatcovs \pr}-
mean, imply, have a certain sense. III. to think o~toIs vopu£(iv : —
in Pass., tov 0(u>v vofu^erat ; to
out, devLe, contrive. IV. to think or deem that which of the gods is it held sacred 4. absol. to
a thing is so and so. be accustomed. 5. Pass, to be governed after old
voijpa, aros, to, (voicv) that wbieb is thought, a laws and customs. II. c. dat., like xprjaOat, to
thought. II. a purpose, design, resolve. III. be accustomed to a thing, practise it hence to make ;

generally, thought, unders'anding, mind. Hence common use of, use ; and in Att., to use as a current
voT|>v, ov, gen. ovos, thoughtful, sensible : also in coin. III. c. ace. et inf. to expect that a thing
one s right mind, opp. to irapa<ppoveajv. will be.
votjo-is, (cos, 1), (i/o(co) thought, intelligence. voplicos, t), ov, (v6fios) of or for the laws : resting
votjtikos, rj, 6v, (voioj) intelligent. on the authority of law. II. learned in the law
votjt6s, 77, 6v, (vo(oj) perceptible, intelligible. as Subst., vofttKos, 6, a lawyer.
vo0a-yc%nqs, is, Dor. for vo6rjy(vr)S, (V^Oes, yevi-, t], ov, (vofios) conformable to usage or law:
odai) basr-born. hence 1. conventional, prescriptive. 2. lawful,
vo0o-koXAoo-uvt|,i), (vu0os,k6.\\os) spurious charms. legal. 3. in neut. pi. vbpufMi, usages, customs;
NO'002, rj, ov, Att. also os, ov, illegitimate, born VofitfM iroiftv, of funeral rites, to pay the customary
out of wedlock; v66os vlbs a natural son, opp. to offices, Lat. justafacere. II. of persons, observant
yvqaios, Lat. legitimus. II. generally, spurious, of law. Hence
counterfeit, adulterated. voplpws, Adv. according to law : Comp. vopufiw-
voCStov, to, Dim. of voos, vovs, a little thought, a rtpov.
notion. vopuos, a, ov, also os, ov, (yofiSs, vo/xt)) belonging
vopatos, a, ov, (vofxos) roaminz, roving, ranging. to shepherds, pastoral.
vopcuos, 0, ov, (yoyos') customary, conven'ional : rt\ v6pto-is, 1), (yopiifa) usage, prescription : also, a
vbpuxia, like vopupia, customs, usages, Lat. instituta. mode of esteeming.
vop,-dpxT)$, ov, 6, (vofius, apxoi) the chief of an vopurpa, aros, rb, (vo/iifa) anything recognised by
Egyptian province (vofxus): also among the Scythians. established utage, viz., I the current coin of a

vopds, ados, 6, 3), (yo/xus) roaming, ranging, wan- state, Lat. nummus : cf vofii^oj, fin. 2. an estab-
dering from one place to another : No/tti5«*, ol, pas- lished weight or measure, legal measure. 3. any
toral rribes that r< ved about with their flocks, Nomads; institution or custom.
and as prop. n. Numidians, Lat. Numidae. II. vop.o-yp&<|>os, ov, {ybtios, ypdepat) writing laws : as
grazing, feeding. Subst., voftoypcupos, b, a lawgiver.
v6u.€vp.a, aros, r6, (vofievoj) that which is put to vopo-ScCK-rns, ov, b, {ybputs, Sdievv/u) an explainer
graze, a flock or herd. of the laws.
vopevs, cars Ep. rjos, 6, (vifua, vofios} a shepherd or vopo-SlSdo-KOXos, b, (vbfios, SiSiffxaXos) a teacher
herdsman. II. a dispenser, distributer. III. of the law : so, vopo-BiBdicnjs, ov, b.
plur. vofxlts = (fieoi\ia, are the ribs of a ship. vop.o0co(a, ^, law-giving, legislation. From
vopcvox, dat pi. of vofifvs. vopoOcTcco, f. t)au, (vofioOfTrjs) to be a law-giver,
vopevo-u), Dor. for vofX(ia<u, fut of vofi(vco. —
make laws : Pass, to have a code of laws : Med. to
vopcvb), (vojxevi) to pasture,feed, drive afield; fiovaX make laws for oneself. II. to ordain by law. Hence
: : ;

voixodtTTjiia- —vow€\ri$. 467

vop.o0tTT||xa, parol, t6, a law, ordinance. voo-TT|<r€i€, Aeol. 3 sing. opt. aor. I of voarioi.
vop.o-0«Trjs, ov, 6, (v6fio$, TtBrjfu) a lawgiver. voott]0-€(1€v, Ep. inf. fut. of voarioi.
vou,6v8e, Adv. (vofios) to the pasture. voorip-os, ov, (vootos) of ox belonging to a return;
vojaos, ov, 6, (v(fxaj) a pasture, place for cattle to voarifiov ?inap the day of return. 2. returning, that

graze; vofios vKtjs a woodland pasture. 2. pastur- will or may return, surviving, safe, Lat. salvus.
age, herbage: generally, foo d. 3. metaph., iniajv voo-tos, ov, 6, (vtofMi) a return home or homeward:
vo\l$ voyJjs ample pasture, a wide range for c. gen. loci, return to a place. 2. generally, travel,
words. II. an abode allotted to one, a district, journey; vootos <pop(3i}s a journey to bring food home,

department, province, satrapy, Lat. praefectura. i. e. in search, in quest of food.

v6|j.os, ov, 6, (vtfuv) anything assigned or appor- before a vowel or metri grat. v6o*<|>tv
v6o-<f>t, : I.

tioned, viz., I. an usage, custom, convention : a as Adv. of Place, afar, aloof, apart ; hence aside, se-
positive enactment, law, ordinance, Lat. institutum; cretly, furtively : voo<piv onto, c. gen., like v6a<pi 11,

voyqi, conventionally, opp. to <pvou, naturally at — aloof from. II. as Prep. c. gen. far from, alonf
Athens v6fioi was the name given to Solon's laws, in or away from, mostly of Place : hence without, sepa-
contradistinction to those of Draco, which were called rate from. 2. of mind or disposition, vuo<piv
Otapoi. 2. \cipwv vofios the law offorce or might, 'Axaiwv apart from the Achaeans, i. e. differing from
opp. to Suajsvopos; iv yjtipwv vofup oia<pdiipeo6ai to them. 3. besides, except.
die in the fight or scuffle; \upwv vopiov om/ceoOai
Is voordnSios, a, ov, (v6o<pi) taken away, abstracted.
to come to blows. a musical strain : a song,
II. voo-<j>t£a>, f. ioai Att. voa<piu>, (v6a<pi) to put away,
ode ; vopoi iro\tpuKoi wn-songs. remove, part. II. Med. and Pass. voo-<t>t£op,cu,
vop.o-4>v\a|, ajcos, r6, (yojios, <pv\a£) a guardian f. -loofjuu aor. I med evoa<ptardfirjv Ep. voa<picdfxr]v t
of the laws. [y~\

Ep. part. Poa<pioadfi(vos aor. 1 pass. ivoo<plo0T)V


voo-itXt|ktos, ov, (v6os, irXiJaaa?) striking the mind, to remove oneself, withdraw, retire: and in act. sense,
mind-distracting. to leave, forsake, abandon. 2. metaph. of the
NO'02, voov, contr. vovs, vov, later also gen. mind, to become estranged or alienated. III.
vo6t, dat. vot, ace. v6a, nom.

mind, Lat.
pi. voes: — act. to abstract, steal : c. dupl. ace. to rob one of a
mens ; vCa> or avv v6y mindfully, prudently ; iraptK thing —
Med. to appropriate.
1. to make away
voov without sense ; dvOpumcuv v6o$ the mood or tem- with, despatch.
per of men Ik ttovtos voov with all his heart ; /caret,
; voo-duaOcCs, aor. I part. pass, of voo<pi§a).
v6ov according to one's mind. II. a thought, voa-dno-0-du.evos, Ep. aor. I part. med. of voa<pi(oj.
purpose, resolve. III. the sense or meaning of a ddos) sickly, ailing: generally,
vo<r-u)8i)S, «*, (voaos,
word or expression. diseased. unwholesome, unhealthy.
II. act.
voaepos, d, ov, (voaos) sickly, ill. voTcpos, d, 6v, (votos) wet, damp, moist; voTtpos
voo-«'u>, f. fan, (v6aos), to be sick, ill, sickly, to ail, Xfi/idv a storm of rain.
whether in body or mind. 2. metaph. to be dis- voTia, ij, wet, damp, moisture, rain; voriai tlapivai
tressed, suffer, be afflicted. spring rains.
vooTjXeta, ij, (vowqXww) matter discharged from a f. iacu, (votios) to moisten :
voirifw, Pass, to be wet. —
running sore. v6tIos, a, ov, also os, ov, (votos) wet, damp, rainy
vootjA€1xi>, (vooiai) to tend a sick person. v\pov 0' iv voTiqt ttjv 7' wpfiioav they moored her [the
v6<rr)p.a, aros, to, (voaiu) a sickness, disease, plague, ship] far from land in the sea, opp. to the beach. II.
malady. 2. metaph. a disease, disorder, affliction. southern, southerly.
vo<rr)p.dT-u>S'ns, (s, (voa-qpa, tToos) sickly. voTts, iSos, ij, (votos) moisture, damp, wet.
voo-rjpos, o, ov, (voaiaj) unhealthy, unwholesome, of NO'TOS, ov, 6, the south or south-west wind, Lat.
places. Notus. II. the south or south-west quarter.
NO'202 Ion. vowos, 1), sickness, disease : a ma- vott€v<i), vottCov, etc., contr. for vtoTT-.
lady, ailment. metaph. distress,
II. affliction, vov-fJvoriKos, "fj, ov, (vovs, fiv<v) choke-full of wit,
evil. 2. disease of mind, esp. madness. 3. gene- crammed with Adv. -kws, cleverly.
cleverness, clever.
rally,a plague, bane, mischief. vovQ*ala,T), a warning, admonishing: reproof From
vocro-4>6pos Ion. vovo--, ov, (voaos, <pipw) bringing f. tjooj, (vovs, TiOrjfii) to bring to mind:
sickness or disease. to remind, warn, advise, admonish, chastise. Hence
vo<ro-cv<d, contr. for vfoaatvoj, to hatch. vov0«TT]p.a, otos, to, an admonition, warning.
voo-cui, 7), and voao-Cov, to, Att. contr. for vtoaa-. vov0€ttjt«os, 0, ov, verb. Adj. of vovOtrtoj, to be
voo-aCs, ihos, 1), Dim. of voaaos, Att. contr. for warned, advised.
vtooais, a little bird : also a young girl. vov0«tvkos, i\, 6v, (yovBtTicti) admonitory.
voo-o-o-rpodjKw, contr. for vtoao~oTpo<pta}. vov-p.Tjv£a, 1), Att. contr. for vtofiijvia, the new moon:
voortu, f.(v6aros) to return, come, or go back,
i\o<u, the time of the new moon, the first of the month.
to one'shome or country. 2. to return safe after vow-ex^*, is, (vovs, (X&) having understanding,
danger. 3. generally, to go, come, travel. sensible, discreet. Adv. -X^*» discreetly, prudently.
: : : ;

468 vovs—NrM<J>H.
vovs, o, contr. for voos, mind. YMK-ro^S.\la, ^, a night battle, a battle in the dark.
vovaos, j), Ion. for vioos. wxTO-ireptTrXdvqTos, ov, {yv£, irtpnrK&vdoi) ram-
vovo-o-4>6pos, ov. Ion. for vooo<p6pos. bling about at night.
vti, see vvv, vvv. WKTOirop«a>, f. -qoo), to go or travel by night. From
vvyStjv. Adv. (vvcocj) by pricking, Lat. punctitn. WKTO-iropos, ov, {yv£, rr6pos) travelling by night.
vvyels, aor. 2 part. pass, of vvoooi. WKTO-<f>aT|S, 4s, (yv£, <pdos) giving light by night,
WKT€pc(oaos, ov, = vvKT(pr}<rios, nightly. shining by night.
vukt-«p«tt)S, ov, 6, (vv£, ipiooco) onewboriws by night. wkto4>vA2kcg), f. -fjooj, to keep guard by night, to be
w<T€p«mic6s, -fj, dv,fit for watching by night, fit a night-watch. From
for bunting by night. From WKTO-<|>vXa|, axos, 6, 1}, (yv(, <pv\a() one that keeps
WKTcpcvw, f. aw, (yvKT*po$) to pass the night : to watch by night, a warder, Lat. excubitor.
keep watch, mount guard by night, bivouac : also to wktuov, to, (Nv£) a temple of Night.
hunt, fish, etc., by night. wkt-witos, 6v, {yv£, ttnp) with the look of night, i. e.
WKT€pT|o-ios, ov, (yvKTtpos^ nightly. murky, obscure.
vuicTepivos, 17, ov, (vv£) nightly, by night, Lat. noc- vvKTcop, Adv. (vvf) by night, Lat. noctu.
turnus. vvp4>d, poet, for vvft<pij, in voc. vvfupa <pikn.
w*T€pCs, iSos, 1), (vv£, vvKTepos) a night-bird, a bat, Dor. for vipupr).
Lat. vespertilio. wp.<^-dY w Y°S' ov, (yvpuprj, dyai) the leader of the
vvKTCpos, ov, (vv£) nightly. bride ; esp. one who leads her from her home to the
WKT€p-<i)ir6s, ov, {vvKTtpos, unp) night-faced, dusky. bridegrooms bouse: the friend of the bridegroom.
WKT-ijYop€o> or in Med. vwT-T]"yop*, (vt5£i wp.<[>aiov, to, a temple of the Nymphs, Lat. Nym-
dyopa) assemble by night.
to Hence pbaeum. From
WKrr|Yopta, 1), a nightly assembly or discourse. vvp4>aios, a, ov, (yvn<prj) of or sacred to the Nymphs.
wict-tip«$t|$, c», (yv£ , ep4<poj) shrouded by night, vv(a4>&v, Dor. gen. pi. of vvfupa.
gloomy. wp-4>€tos, a, ov, {yvn<prj) belonging to a bride, bridal,
WK-K-fJpop.os, ov, (vv£, ftpefxaj) roaring by night. nuptial. II. as Subst., vvpupdov (sub. dui/jia),

w>nl-yd.\L05, ov, (vv£, ya/ifoj) marrying by night or to, the bridechamber. 2. vvfi<p(Ta (sub. Upd), rd,
clandestinely. nuptial rites, marriage — but, also, the bride herself.
WKTl-lcXf 1TT»|8. OV, d, = VVKTOK\(irTt)S. vup,<)>cv|j.a, t<5, (vvfjxpfvoj) marriage, espousal. II.

wKTt-Kopa|, ojcos, 6, (vw£, Kopa£) the night-jar, goat- the person married, a match.
sucker also the screech-owl.
• wp.<|>€VTT|pios, a, ov, (yvn<ptvoS) bridal, nuptial.
WKTl-Aa0paio-4><i"yos, ov, (yv£, KaOpatos, <pa"yeiv) wp.<j>€VTT|s, ov, 6, (yvjjupevoj) the friend of the bride-
eating secretly by night. groom, = irapavvfi<pios. a bridegroom, husband.

wktI-XAXos, ov, (yv(, \a\i<u) nightly-sounding, se- wp,<|>€VTpia, "f/, (vvfjupcvT-qs) a bridesmaid. II.

renading. the bride herself.

wKTi-Aap.irfjs, is, (vv£, \dfiiroi) illumined by night vv[x4>€va>, f. aoi, (vvpuprj) to give a daughter in mar-
alone, i. e. gloomy, murky. riage, to betroth, lead to the bridechamber. 2. to

vvktios, a, ov, (vv£) nightly. marry, mostly of the woman, Lat. nubere : but also
WKTt-TrSTai-irXdYios, ov, (vv£, irarioj, v\dyios) of the man, Lat. ducere. II. Pass., with fut. med.

roaming about by night. [S] vvfupfvoofiai, aor. I both med. and pass. (vv/x<pevod-
WKTC-irXaYKTOs, ov, (yv£, wXdfa) making to wan- firjv, ivvn<p(vOt)V — to be given in marriage, marry,
der by night, disquieting, disturbing: also 2. pass. of the woman. III. Med., of the man, to take
WKTiirKayirros cbvij a bed from which one wanders to wife.
by night, a restless bed. NTTVf4>H, 1), voc. also vv/i<p&: a bride, Lat. nupta:
WKTt-irX4vrjs, and vuicrC-irX4vos, ov, (vv[, v\a-
4s, hence, 2. a young wife. 3. any married
vdoi) wandering, rambling about by night. woman, like Lat. nympha. 4. a marriageable
wktI-ttoXos, ov, (yv(, voXiw) roaming by night. maiden. II. as pro^. name, a Nymph, a g< d-

wktC-o-cjavos, ov, (vv£, oc/ivos) solemnised by night. dess of lower rank, called in Homer 0cal Vtipupat
vvrcTv-<J>avT|s, «, (yv£ <pavrjvai) shining or appear-
, they presided over springs, trees, seas, mountains, etc.,
ing by night. and were distinguished by special names: spring-
vvK-r£-<J>avros, ov, (vv(, <paivo/Mt) appearing by night nymphs were Naiads, "Natb'fs; sea-nymphs, N»;pT;i8f*;
nightly. moM»/at«-nymphs, Nv/z^xu opforidSes or opcdScs
WKTi-<f>povp-nTOS, ov, (vt;£ , <ppovp(<v) keeping night- tree-nymphs, from the oak their favourite tree, Apv-
watches. dfes, 'AfxaSpvadcs, 'AipvaSes ram-nymphs, Hvfupat ;

wKTO-0Tjpas, ov, 6, (vi£ Orjpdw) one who bunts by night.

, vddfs meadow-nymphs, Hvpxpcu Xtifiojvidb'fs rock-
; ;

wkto-k A «ittt)s ov, 6, (vv£ KXitrroS) a thief of the night.

, ,
nymphs, Nt$fi</>ai irerpaiat. 2. the Muses are
WKTO-|idx^»t f- fao), (yvf, n&xv) to fight by night. often called Nymphs : hence all persons in a state of
Hence j
rapture were said to be caught by the Nymphs, vv/m

wn<f)Cbios— -V(O<T&ll€V09. 469
<p6\r}irroi, Lat. lympbati. III. the chrysalis or right side turned round and returned by the left it

pupa of moths. side the same as Ka^vT-qp, Lat. meta : as the near

wp.4>i8ios o, ov, (yvfupT}) of or belonging to a bride: horse was turned sharp round this post, iv vvnar) y-
bridal, nuptial. Xpin<p6v vai meant to make a sharp turn, graze the
W|J.4>Ik6s, i), OV, = WfUplSlOS. turning-post. 2. the starting-post, pillar. 3.
wu,4>£os, 6, (vvfixprj) a bridegroom, husband. II. generally, a partition-wall.
as Adj v\i|i4>kOs, iov, newly-wedded : bridal. NT'22£2 Att. vvttu fut. vv£a> : aor. 1 tvv£a :

, :

wp.$6-icAa.VTOS, ov, (vx/pcpr], kKoioj) deplored by Pass., aor. 2 kvvyrjv, inf. vvyrjvcu : to prick, spur,
brides or wives. pierce, puncture.
wp.4>OKop.€(o, f. rjacu, to dress oneself as a bride. II. worajto, fut. data and d£ta: to nod, esp. in sleep, —
to dress a bride, lead borne as bride. From hence to slumber, sleep: also to be sleepy, drowsy, Lat.
wp.4>o-Kop.os, ov. (vvfupn, KOfi(Oj) dressing or taking dormlto : also to bang down the bead. Hence
care of a bride : bridal. woTaKTT|S, ov, 6, as Adj. nodding, drowsy.
wfi4>6-\T]irTO$, ov, (vvfuprj,' XapfidvcoS possessed by vvTTco, Att. for vvaatu.
Nympbs, i. e. rapt, entranced, Lat. lympbatus. vt»xS, Adv. (vv£) = vvKTwp, by night, [y]
wp,4>o-<rroX«D, f. Tjocj, {vvfKprj, ct(\X<u) to escort vvx-€YP 60^ a » *)» (
v ^£t *y*ip<») the being roused at
the bride. night, rising by night.
w|x4>6-tT[aos, ov, (vvfjL(pr],TtfidcS) honouring the bride;vvx€vp.a, aros, to, a nightly watch, Lat. pervigilium.
ptKos WfxtpoTifiov the song in honour of the bride. [C] From
w^4>wv. wvot, 6, (vvfiipri) the bridechamber. vij\tvu>, f- <r<w ( v i'0 t0 watch the night through. >

NT~N, enclit. wv Ep. w, Adv. now, at this very wx<M)p.6pov, to", (yv£, r)n*pa) a day and night.
time, Lat. nunc ; ol vvv avOpomoi men of the present vvxtos [iJ], a, ov, also os, ov, (yv£) I. act. doing :

day ; o vvv \povos the time present. 2. with the a thing by night : as if asleep. 2. dark as night,
Article, to vvv or to. vvv, tovvv or ravvv, as to the pre- murky.
sent, i. e. at the present moment, a stronger form of v<o, for vtai, nom. and ace. dual of kyw, we two.
vvv. II. vvv also denotes the immediate follow- vio-86s, i\, 6v, (vr/-, doovs) toothless, Lat. e-dentulus.
ing of one thing upon another in point of Time, then, vwSvvla, 7), ease or relieffrom pain. From
thereupon. 2. also an Inference, then, therefore ; vgjSvvos, ov, (vr)-, obvvrj) = dvwbwos, without pain,
fir) vvv noi ve pear) acre now do not, do not then, be pleasing, grateful. II. act. soothing pain.
wroth with me. 3. in enclit. form vvv, used to vui«, poet, for vaii.
strengthen a command, as, bevpo vvv quick then I NH0H'2, is, gen. cos, sluggish, lazy, torpid: dull,
<p€pe vw, dye vw come then. stupid. Comp. vaiOiaTtpos.
vvv( Att. vvv, strengthd. like ovroai for oStoj, new, vwOtjtv, Ion. contr. for vor)$rjTt, aor. I pass, imperat
at this moment. of vocou.
vvv ore, » eariv 5t«, at times, sometimes. vcoOpds, d, ov, = V(a6t)s, sluggish, lazy, dull.
NT'H, vvktU, r), NIGHT, Lat. NOX, whether the NXl'I", nom. and ace. dual of iyw, we two, us two,
night-season or a night ; vvktos by night, Lat. noctu ; Att. vw : poet, vwe gen. and dat. dual vativ, of us

vvfera during the night, the night long: so also — two, to us two; Att. vwv. Hence
with preps., dvd or bid vvtcra all night long; Sid. vtotrcpos, a, ov, of, from, or belonging to us two. [T~\
vvktos in the course of the night; l/c vvktos just after vo>Xcp.cs, Adv. unceasingly, continually, without in-
night-fall ; so also vvd vv/cra voppcj rfjs vvktos far; termission. (Deriv. uncertain.)
into the night. II. gloom, darkness, murki- VO>\€p.C(i>S, Adv. — VOj\€fX(S.
ness. 2. the night of death, i.e. death itself. 3. vu>\ia, to, Ion. for vorjfui.
the nether world. III. Nv£, as prop, n., the god- vcou-do), f. r\ao>, (vifuv) to deal out, distribute, dis-
dess of Night, daughter of Chaos. IV. pi. vvk- pense. II. to direct, guide, control : I. of
Tft, the hours or watches of the night : from Homer weapons, to manage skilfully, wield, sway, ply. 2.
downwards, the Greeks divided the night into three of the limbs, to ply nimbly. 3. metaph. to revolve
watches fitaai vvierts midnight.
; V. the quarter in the mind : to think on, observe, remark.
of night, the evening-quarter of heaven, i. e. the West, vwv, Att. for vwiv ; see vui.
as opp. to the dayspring in the East. vu>wp.vos, ov, Ep. collat. form of vdvvfios, like o7-
vv|€, Ep. for tvv£(, 3 sing. aor. 1 of vvaooi. bvfivos for bibvfios, drraXafiVos for dvdXafios.
NT~0'2, ov, r), a daughter-in-law : generally, any vcivvp,os, ov, (vr)-, ovvfia Aeol. for ovo/m) without
female connected by marriage, as yaftfipos meant a name, i. e. unknown, inglorious. II. c. gen. with-
man connected by marriage. II. generally, a out the name of, i. e. without knowledge of.
bride, mistress. vdpo\\i, oiros, 6, r), only in dat. and ace, v6jpom
vvo-o-a, (vvaaoj) a post or pillar on a race-
rjt, r), \a\Kcf, vwpoira x^^v
flashing, gleaming brass.
course, viz., 1. the turning-post so placed at the V(DO-dp.cvos, vworcurOcn, Ion. aor. I med. part, and
end of the course, that the chariots driving up the inf. of votoj.
: — : : :

470 vo)Tay(*>y£a) — favacos.

vwT&yuyiai, f. i\ow, (vwtov, aywyos) to carry on chestnut mares. II. Bdv0os paroxyt., as prop.

the back. n., a stream of the Troad, so called by gods,


vu>T-a.Kp.wv, ovos, 6, i), (vwtov, d/cfiwv) with mailed by men Scamander. i. a horse of Achilles.
back. £av0o-<J>fcT|s, it, (£av06s, <pvfj) yellow by nature.
van-talos, a, ov, (yctfTOf) of or belonging to the back; |av0o-xtTwv, wvos, o, jJ,
(£av06s, x^wv) with yellow
vwriaia apOpa the joints of the back, the vertebrae. coat.
vom£<o, f. law, (vwtov) to make to turn the back, put |av06~xpoos, ov, ((av06s, XP&S ) with yellow skin.
to /light. II. intr. to turn one's back, turn and jjdvT?]s, ov, 6, fem. £dvrpiS, (£euVa>) a wool-carder.

flee. III. to cover the back of another : vovtov Jeiv-airdTrjs, ov, 6, Ion. for £(vaira.TT)i.
vojTiaai to skim the sea. leivrj, ij, Ion. for ((vtj.
vuto-^Stcco, f. r\aw, {vwtov, f3aivw) to mount the |«ivt]-86kos, ov, poet, for f (ivo8-.
back. II. to walk on the back or ridge of. ^eivrjiov, to, ((eivos) Ion. for ( cvciov, a host's gift,
Nfl'TON, to, the back, Lat. tergum: the plural presented on parting, mostly in pi. also provision :

vwTa often used for the sing., like Lat. terga, e. g. made for a guest, and generally, friendly gifts.
tcL vwra Sovvai to turn the back, flee, like Lat. dare |€ivi£b), Ion. for £fvi£w.
terga; kotcL vwtov from behind. II. metaph. jjeivi-r], |€ivi.k6s, Ion. for £ev-.
any wide surface; evpia vwra 0aXdaorjs the broad £e(viov, t<5, £eivios, £ €v-.»7, ov, Ion. for
back or surface of the sea : also large tracts of land, Iciviaai, Ep. for £*vioat, aor. of (evifa. I inf.

plains. 2. any back or ridge. Jeivio-o-sv, Ep. for i£iviotv, 3 sing. aor. 1 of [evifa.
vwTO-<J>6pos, ov, (vwtov, <pipw) carrying on the back. £civo-$okc<i>, £civo-86kos, ov, Ion. for fevob-.
va>X€Xif)S, «*» moving sluggishly, slothful, inactive. |€lVO-KTOV€0), Ion. for £tVOKTOV*W.
(Deriv. uncertain.) Hence £tivos, t], ov, Ion. for £lvos. Hence
va>xeXta Ep- -fy. *J»
laziness, sluggishness. |€ivoon»vT), 1), Ion. for £tvoovvn.
£civoci>, Ion. for £cvow.
|€v-a-y«Tijs, ov, 0, (£ivos, ayiTtjs) one who takes
charge of guests.
£cvaY<b>, f. i\aw, ((evayos) to be a guide of strangers:
— Pass, to be conducted to see sights. II. to levy
or lead mercenary troops.
A, £, £t, t6, indecl., fourteenth letter of the Greek ^cv-a-yos, 6v, ((ivos, -qyiojMu) conducting strangers
alphabet as numeral £ ', 6o, but £, 6o,ooo.
: It was — or guests. II. as Subst., fevayos, 6, the leader
a double consonant, compounded of ya, ko, \ a 1° - of a body of mercenaries.
Att. Greek, ( came in with the Samian alphabet (see |€v-airdTTjs ov, 6, poet. $€iv-, (£ivos, airaraw) one
H, rj) ; before this it was represented by x ff - H« who deceives guests or strangers. \j£\
£ in Aeol. and Att. is interchanged with k and a, as, £€v-apKT)s, «», (£ivot, ap/itai) aiding strangers.
koivos (w6s. and Dor. fut. and aor. K\q£w for /tXrjow, I'vri. Vt fem of {evos: - I. (sub. ywif), a female

vat£ai for vaiaat, etc. III. ( also is often inter- guest: a foreign woman. II. (sub. x<wpa or 717),

changed with ao or tt, not only in the fut. of Verbs a foreign country.
in -aow and avaoow, dvdfw, but also in
-tto;, e. g. IcvTjX&aCa, 1), at Sparta, a measure for keeping
words like Ziaoos Tpiooos Ion. 8i(6s Tpi£os. £ was — foreigners out of the country. From
most. freq. in Dor. and old Att. dialect. [Vowels be- £ev-t\\8.T*ia, (£evos, e\avvw) to banish foreigners.
fore ( are always long by position.] |cvCa Ep. £€vii) Ion. £civit), 1), (£ivos) the state or
EAXNXl, f. t&vw aor. I ifava : Pass., aor. I l£- : — privileges of a guest, hospitality : hospitable reception,
dv0r\v\ pf. (£a/ifmi —
to scratch, comb: esp. of wool, entertainment. 1. a friendly relation between two
to card, so as to make it fit for spinning. 2. of princes or states. II. the state or rights of a
cloth, to full, clean. II. metaph. to treat as in foreigner, as opp. to a citizen: £tvias <ptvy(iv (sc.
fulling, to thresh, mangle, lacerate. ypa<f>T]v) to be indicted as an alien for usurping civic
£av6ds, Dor. for £av0r}s, fern. gen. of (av06t. rights.
|av0i£<a, f.iaw Att. iw, (£av06s) to make yellow or gev(go> Ion. Icivigw : fut. (evicw Ep. £tivi(rooj : aor.
brown : to roast or fry brown. I If evioa Ep. i£civiaaa or £tivicoa : (£tvos) to —
£dv0io-p,a, aros, t6, (£av0i£w) that which is dyed receive a guest or stranger, to entertain hospitably,
yellow. Lat. bospitio excipere — aPass, to be entertained as
£av06-Y«u>s, ft*', (£av06s, yrj) of yellow soil. guest. II. to a foreigner.
be or speak like
f av06-0pi£, Tplxot, 6, i), ({avOos, 0pi() yellow-haired. £eviicos, i), ov, also 6s, ov, Ion. £«ivuc6s : ((bos)
£av9o-Kop.-ns, ov, o, (£av06s, fc6firj) - £av060pi(. — of or for a stranger, foreign. 2. of soldiers,
£av06s, if, 6v, yellow of various shades, golden or mercenary, hired for foreign service; to £tvui6v, — oi
pale yellow; also red-yellow, chestnut, auburn, Lat. £ivot, a body or army of mercenaries. II. strange,

flaws; favfal rpi\is golden hair; £av0as tiruovt foreign, outlandish.

— . : : :

(cvios— EI'<I>02. 471

£cvu>s, o, ov, gcCwos {£lvos,
Att. also o», ov, Ion. treaty of hospitality with one. 2. to be lodged as
ftfvo*') belonging to a guest, hospitable, belonging
: a guest, to be entertained. 3. to be in foreign parts,
to hospitality ; £lvt6t tivi bound to one by ties of hos- to be abroad : to go into batisbment.
pitality. II. £ivta (sub. Swpa), rd, a guests £evu>v, twos, 6, (£ivos) a guest-chamber.
gifts friendly gifts.
: £cv<os, Adv. of £ (vos, strangely : £iv<us %x (iv to ^e
£cvfons, i), (£tvifa) the entertainment of a guest. strange.
£€wo-(i6s, ov, 6, - [kvioit. £(vci)cns, 1), (£ev6<v) estrangement : innovation.
£«vIt€vki>, (£ivot), or £evi,T«vop,(u as Dep., to be a HEPO'2, d, 6v, Ion. for fopus, dry ; irorl £tp6v to
foreigner: to be a mercenary in foreign service. dry land.
£evo-64urn]S, ov, 6, (Jivos, Saifa) a murderer of a that which is smoothed,
£to-p.a, aro*, re, (£&w)
guest. a statue or image.
polished : hence = £oavov,
£€vo-5o£tt|S, ov, 6, (£evos, oa«y) a devourer of £eo-p.da>, ({ecu) to rub off", wipe out.
guests or strangers. f «o-cr«, Ep. for €^«ff€, 3 sing. aor. I of £&u.
£cvo-8okciov and -x«?°v, r6, a place for strangers £«rrqs, ov, 6, a liquid and dry measure, corrupted
to lodge in, an inn : from from the Lat. sextarius, nearly = a pint hnglish.
£«vo8ox«o Ion. IcivoSokcco, (£ cvob'Sxos) to entertain, £€or6s, 17, *ov, {£eoS) scraped, planed, smoothed,
lodge guests or strangers. Hence polished.
£*voh'oxLa.,J},tbe enertainment of a guest or stranger. EE'fl, f. {tow Ep. (faou: aor. I tfco-a Ep £iaoa:
{evo-8oxos, ov, Ion. £eivo-S6tcos, (£^vo», S^x /"1 ') —
to scrape, to polish by scraping or planing. II.
entertaining guests or strangers : as Subst., £uvo- /o carve or u/or& in wood or stone.
Sokos, 6, the host, opp. to £tivos, the guest. £tjvas, part. aor. I of £aiv<».
|evo-Su>TTjs, ov, 6, (£ivos, Sidwfu) the lost. £-qp<uv<i>, f. &vu> : aor. I i^pdva — Pass., aor. 1 i(ij-
£€v6eis, *oaa, «v, (£4vos)full of strangers. pavOrjv : pf. €£rjpaa(Mii or i^pafifxai : ({rjpus) —
£€voktovc<i> Ion. £€ivokt-, f. faa, to slay guests or to parch up, dry up — Pass, to become or be dry,
strangers. From parched. empty, drain, dry, Lat. siccare.
2. to
|€vo-kt6vo$, ov, (£ivos, rrrdva)) slaying guests or £i]p-d\oi4>€a>, dWclcpoj) to rub with
f. 4)00), (£r)p6s,

strangers. dry unguen's, to use oil unmixed wLb water : a term

EE'NOS Ion. £elvos, i, a guest or host, Lat. hospes: used by wrestlers.
either as I. the friend, with whom one has a £-qp-ap,ir«\tvos, 17, ov, (^ijp6$, afiire\os) of the colour
treaty of hospitality : in this sense both parties are of withered vine-leaves, a sort of scarlet, hence Lat.
£ivoi, and the relation was hereditary. II. in testes xerampelinae.
Homer mostly the guest, as opp. to the host. a. £T)pavO«Cs, aor. 1 pass. part, of (rjpaivtv.
any stranger, as being entitled to the rights of hospi- HHPO'2, a, 6v, dry, parched, of the channel of a
tality. 3. later, S> five. stranger, was a common river, also of the air: of persons, withered, hag-
term of address. 4. from meaning a stranger (i- gard. II. like Lat. siccus, fasting, sober, austere,

vot came to signify a hireling, who entered into barsb. III. generally, drained, exhausted. IV.
foreign service, a mercenary soldier, e. g. of the as Subst., fapd {sub. -yrj), 1), dry land, opp. to vypd; so
Greeks in Persian pay. 5. simply for &dp0apos also rd (rjpuv.
a foreigner. £tjp6tt]s, 17TOS, 1), (£rjp6s) dryness or soundness of
As Adj. £evos, 17, ov, Att. os, ov, Ion. {elvos, rj, ov, timber.
foreign, strange. a. c gen. rei, strange to a thing, ^po-d^S-yeci), f. i\aa), ((rjp6s, <pay(Tv) to eat dry food.
unacquainted wi'h, ignorant of it. £t<j>-TjpT)S, (s, (£i<po$, apap(tv) armed with a sword,
{evo-ordoT-s, i), (£«voi, iarrjfu) a lodging for guests sword in band.
or strangers. £ldvrj 4>6pos, ov, (£i<pos, <plpai) bearing a sword:
£evoo-WT) Ion {civ-, 1), ((ivos, ((tvo$) hospitality, sword in band.
the ties or rights of hospitality £t<t>(Siov, to, Dim. of £i<pos, a small sword, a
£6v6-Tip.os, ov, (£«Voi, Tifiaw) honouring, guests or danger, dirk, [r]
strangers. £t<f>o-8TjAT)TOs, ov, (£*0o», Sij\eop:at) slain by the
Irvorpo^x'o), f. 4)0~<u, to entertain or maintain guests: sword : of wounds, inflicted by the sword.
esp. to main'ain mercenary troops. From £14>o-kt6vos, ov, (£i<pos, KT(ivoj) slaying with the
|6vo-rp64>os, ov, (£(Vo«, rp(<pu) entertaining guests: sword. II. proparox. £l<Poktovos, ov, pass, slain
esp.maintaining mercenaries. by the sword.
£cvo$ov«i>, f. "fjaaj, to murder guests or strangers. £t<^o-p.dxaipa, 1), (£i<pot, fjA\atpa) a sword slightly
From curved, between a straight sword and sabre : cf. sq. [a]
£cvo-46vos, ov, (£ivot, *<P(voj) murdering strangers. 314*01 Dor. o-ic(cf)Os, tot. to, a sword: in Homer
£cv6<» Ion {fivow, f. (Law, {£ivot'< to make or fr«i/ described as large an«J sharp, and two-edged : later,
as one's guest: to entertain. II. Pass., wiih fut. £i<pot was distinguished as the straight sword, from
med. fcv&aonat : aor. 1 i£tv&0i]v : to enter into a the sabre, n&yaxpa. [t]

472 £i<f>ovA.K6$ — (vtrrk.

£t<p-ovXic6s, bv, (&<poa, %\koo) drawing a sword. £wdY«£paTo, Ep. for cwrjyclparo, 3 sing. aor. I
£t(j> ovpYos, bv, {£i<pos, ipyov) making swords. med. of avvayeipai.
£6&vov, to, (£«'«) an image carved of wood the : £vv<iv, dvos, 6, - (vvda/v, £wf)anr, q. v.
statue of a god. |vvdwv, ovos, 6, Dor. for £vvtjcjv. [a]
godvo-iroita, i), (£6avov, voice*) a carving of £wca£a, aor. 1 of owdyvvfu.
images. £vv-€ciko<tv, Ep. for (we'ucofft, ffwcbcoffi, (£tiv, cf-
gots, toos, %, (£f<u) a sculptor's chisel. kooi) twenty at a time, twenty together.
|ov06-iTT€pos, ov, (£ov$6s, irrcpuv) having dusky £vvtT)*a, Ep. for (wrjiea, aor. l of [witjfu.
wings. IwckX-qov, old Att. impf. of avyicXeioj.
EOT0O'2, i\, 6v, akin to (av06s, a colour between £wcXdo-<u, aor. I inf. of ( wtKavvai.
£av66s and itvppds, yellowish, tawny, dusky, mostly of £vv€s, aor. 2 imperat. of {vviijui.
colour; but al»o of sound, shrill, thrilling; tItti£ £wca>v, Sjvos, 6, Ion. for £vvq<uv.
£ov9d \a\Sjv the cicada with its shrill note. £wfj, Adv., = koivti, in common, properly dat. fern,
I V YY~» f° r a ^ wor ds so beginning, v. sub ovyy-. of £wos.
\vyK\y\<T\&, ecus, ij, old Att. for ovyicXeiait. £wth-os, t/, ov, Ep. for £vvuos, (£w6s) public, com-
IvyxXflw, f. rjoat, old Att. for o-vy/c\tia>. mon : as Subst., ^vvqia, rd, public property.
|vt|\tj, i), (£va)) = Kvr}oTis, a tool for scraping or £wfjica, aor. 1 of {wirjui.
filing wood, a plane or rasp. II. a curved dagger, £wf|<i>v, ovos, 0, Dor. £vvd<i>v [a], Ion. £vv€«v Dor.
used by the Spartans. £w<iv (fw6s) a joint owner, part proprietor, part-
: :

|C\t)y«<«>, f ifaa>. to carry wood or timber. From ner : a\s (wdojv the salt on the common table.
|v\-t]Y 0S ° v ((v\ov, dyw) carrying wood.
» ,
£wte, pres. imperat. of £vvtT)fii, as if from *£wioo.
£vXi£, Dep. (£v\ov) to carry or gather wood, £vvUi,pres. imperat. of £vviijfjn, as if from *£wttai. [T~\
Lat. lignari. £uvlov, Ep. for £wUoav, 3 pi. impf. of (yvirj/u. [v]
£vXivos, t), of wood, wooden, [if]
ov, (£v\ov) £vv6s, ^, ov, {£vv) = koivus, from which it only dif-
£vXX-, words so beginning, v. sub avXX-.
for all fers in dialect, common, public, general, belonging to
£tiXo-ic6iros, ov, ((vKov, kStttco) hewing, felling all in common; £wa \4ytiv to speak for the common
wood. 2. as Subst., £v\ok6itos, 6, a wood-cutter. good: dat. fern. £vvtj as Adv. - koivq, in common;
£vXov, r6, (£va>) wood ready for ust,firewood, timber, so too neut. pi. £vvd. Hence
etc. :in pi., £vha vqia ship-timber. II. a stick £i)v6-<ppci)v, ovos, 6, if, {£w6s, <ppfy) like-minded.
or piece of wood : a stick, cudgel. 2. a collar of £vvo-xSpY)S, <s» Qvvos, xaPV vai ) rejoicing with all
wood, put on the neck of the prisoner to confine him, alike.
Srjoai nva ev fuAy the vevreffvpiyyov (v\ov con-
: £vv<i>v(a, 1), = Koivwvia, partnership, fellowship.
sisted of a wooden collar with stocks to confine the £vov, Ep. for i£vov, impf. of (vat.
arms and legs. 3. a bench, table, esp. a money- £vpda> or -coi: f.^aoj: (£vpov): to shave; proverb., —
changer's table. 4. irpurrov £v\ov, the front bench £vptiv kv XPV i0 &ave to the quick. Med , with pf. —
of the Athenian theatre, and so nearest the act- pass, i^vprjixat: to shave oneself or get oneself shaved:
ors. III. later, a tree ; cp. tipiov. also c. ace, £vp*ioOai ic«pa\'f)v to shave one's head or
£i>Xo-r6p,os, ov, (£v\ov, rcpeiv) cutting wood: as get it shaved.
Subst., (vKorofios, o, a wood-cutter. £i}p-T|Kqs, €5, (£vp6v, d/cfj) keen as a rasor, with a
£u\ovpY«o, f. -fjou, (£v\ovpy6$) to work wood. rasor's edge. II. close-shaven.
Hence £vpo-SoKq and £i5po-86xTj, 1), (£vpov, S^xoa*<m) <*

£fcX-ovp-y£a, 1), the working of wood. rasor-case.

fcX-ovp-yos, ov, (£v\ov, tpyov) working in wood £fcpov, t6, Qvcj) a rasor: proverb, of critical situa-
as Subst., £v\ovpyus, 6, a joiner, carver of images. tions, iirl £vpov lOTarai aKfj.rjs .... 6\c$pos rjt fii&vai
£vXoxi£opai Dor. £, Dep. to gather death or life stands on a rasor's edge ; so, iirl (vpov
wood. From ttjs d/<fj.TJs €X«Ta« fjfjLiv T<i irpdyfuxra our affairs rest
£vX-oxos, 1), (£v\ov, <fxa>) a thicket, copse: hence on a rasor's edge.
the lair of a wild beast. £tipo~4>op«»>, ijoo), (£vp6v, <pipcS) to carry a rasor.

£vX6o>, f. d>oa>, (£v\ov) to make of wood. Hence £vpp-, words so beginning, v. sub avpp-,
for all

£vXo>oas, tj, the wood-work, framework of a bouse. £vpo>, = £vpdw aor. I med. (fvpaiiijv.

|vp,paCt], 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of £vn@aivco. |vcrai, aor. 1 inf. of £v<w.

£up.pX-f|p.€v<u, Ep. aor. 2 pass. inf. of ffvpi&aXka) : £vo-0«is, aor. t pass. part, of £i5o>.

£vp|3X-nTo, |vp.pXTjVTO, 3 sing, and pi. Ep. aor. 2 |vo-p.a, naros, r6, 1), (( voj) that which is
and £vo-^ f|,,

pass. ind. scraped or planed off", filings, shavings.

£vp.p. , for all words so beginning, v. sub avfiftr-. £vorf|p, rjpos, 6, (£va)) a graving tool, Lat. seal-
BT'N, used in old Att. for the later and more com- prum.
mon £vv seldom occurs in Homer.
orvv; For all £vorCs, Hot, Att. £wrris, tSot , ij, (f ww) a robe with
compds. of £w-, v. sub aw-. a sweeping train.
: :

£voTo{36\o$ O. 473
£v<rTO-p6\os. ov, (£var6v, $a\eTv) spear-darting, famous son of Tydeus "Sfcrajp 6 yipaiv Nestor, that ;

burling the javelin. aged man. II. without a Subst., be, she, it, as,

£vcrr6v, to, (£v<») the polished shaft of a spear, in Ho- ydp rj\0t for be tame. III. peculiar uses as

mer once men ioned as twenty-two cubits long. i. Pronoun: I. befure relat. Pronouns os, oaos, olos,

like 56pv, a spear, dart, javelin : generally, a pole, it serves to recall the attention to the foregoing noun,
shaft. (Properly neut. of the Adj. £v<ttus.) as, e<pdfiijv at rrfpi <ppivas (fifxevai d\\<uv, rwv, 00001

|vot6s, 6, {£ixv) a covered colonnade in gymnasia or Avkitjv vaierdovaiv I thought that thou wert in sense

schools of exercise, where athletes exercised in winter, far above the rest, namely those who, etc. 2. 6

serving also for a walking-place, so called from its fiev.. , 6 oi , from Homer downwards a very com- .

smooth and polished floor. II. in Roman villas, mon phrase, sometimes in opposition (where 6 /jiiv
a terrace with a colonnade, also xystum. (Properly refers to the former, 6 54 to the latter), sometimes
masc. of the Adj. £var6s, sub. 8p6fios.) expressing different parts of a thing, the one. , the
£vot6s, ov, (£va>) scraped, polished, Lat. rasus. other.., Lat. hie, ille : in neut. to ficv . , to
|voTO-<|>6pos, ov, (£var6v, <pepw) carrying a spear. 8( in adverbial sense, partly.. partly.. also rd
£vorpa, r), = £voTp'is. \ikv

. rd —
'O 5^. often occurs without 6 fiiv..
, oi. .

£uorp(s, (£wu) a tool for scraping or rubbing

loos, j). before. On
the other hand ol ptv. is often answered
off, the scraper or strigil used after bathing. by some similar word, as dAAd, or by trtpos 6i. , .

aT'H : impf. e£vov Ep. (vov f. £vtoj aor. I t£vo~a: ivtoi oi , etc.

: : . .

— Pass., aor. I (£vc9t)v : pf. t^vayuii: to scrape, B. 0, ij, t6, the definite Article, the, the indefin.
plane, smooth or polish. 2. generally, to make Pron. being tis, rl. The use of d, ij, to, as the Ar-
smooth or fine, to work finely or delicately. 3. ticle, is later th^n its use as the Pronoun, and sprang
£vaai and yijpas oKoiov to rub away, get rid of sad from it, as rov apiorov, him that was bravest, came
old age. to mean simply bravest ; <pi\ovs iroiuaOat to
make friends, but tov* <pi\ovs itoitiodai to make the
friends one does make.
Peculiar usages of the Article. I. it may stand
with prop, names, as 6 'Soj/tpdrt}* ; but not when
some attribute with the Article follows, as 2<u/cpdrj/»
vJ, i. e. short o, (in opp. to h fiiya
0, 6 p.iKp6v, little, 6 <pi\6ao<pos. 2. before the Infinitive, used as a
great, long and double 0, a> being for 00) fif-
i. e. : neut. Subst., in all cases, as, to thai the being, toC
teenth letter in the Greek alphabet as numeral 0', : etvat, etc. 3. before Adverbs, which thus take an
70, but p, 70,000. Adject, sense, as, to vvv the present ol totc &v6po>- ;

O came very near to diphth. ov, as appears from iroi the men of that time. The Subst. is often omitted,
their frequent interchange as in Aeol. /3oA.o/xai for ; as, ol Tort (sc. av6p<unoi), 1) avpiov (sc. i)fi(pa) the

ftovKopuu, and Ion. fiovvos vovaos for fxovos vCaos. morrow. 4. before any word or phrase cited, the
Aeol., o is often changed into v, as ovvpua fivyts Art. is used in neut. gend., as, to avOpamos the word
for ovofjui fiuyis. II. Dor. often for 01, as dyvouoi or notion man to kiyoj the word Xiyu, etc. so
; ;

vroiio) moid for dyvoio) irroioj irvod. III. like before a whole sentence, as, to firjb'eva ctvai tSjv
o, o is often rejected or prefixed, as k(Woj oKeKKoj, fauvrojv o\(5iov the fact or statement that no living
hvpopm oSvpofjLOi. IV. in compds., esp. Adjec- man is happy. 5. absol. with Adverbs of time
tives, o, if it comes before the second member, is and place, where the Adv. retains its adverbial force,
changed by Poets metri grat. into a long vowel, usu. and the Art. only serves to strengthen it, as roi vvv
rj, as dtoytvqt Qtobotcot [t<po<p6pos, into di-qytvija now, to wptV formerly. 6. before the interrog.
(Dor. Ocayevrjs) OtrjhuKot ^i<prj<p6pos. Pron., ris or irotos, mostly in neut. sing., to rl to ;

*0, *H, TO', is, A. demonstr. Pronoun; B. the de- 7roroi' ; to make the question more precise. II.

finite Article; C. accentuated in masc. and fern, in elliptic expressions 1 . before gen. of a prop,
sing,and plur. 0, rj, t6, relative Pronoun for os, 77, 6. name, d Atos the son of Jupiter, Arjrovs the daughter -fj

Gen. tov, ttjs, tov dat. tu>, ttj, t<$> ate. tov, ttjv,
: : of Latona, where vlot or dvydrr/p is to be supplied

t6: dual nom. and ace. rdj, rd, t6j: gen. and dat. but this form al60 includes other persons, which
roiv, raiv, toiv : — plur. nom. ol, al, ra : gen. rwv : must be supplied from the context, as brother, wife,
dat. Toft, ratt, rots: ace. tovs, rat, ra. Homer has etc. 2. before a neut. gen. it indicates any rela-
also gen. sing, roio for rov, nom. pi. roi, rai, gen. pi. tion to a thing, and often alters the meaning but
fern, tcuw [a], dat. pi. roiai, t#» and ryot, as de- little, as to ttjs ir6\ta>s that which belongs to the

monstr. Pronouns. state, nearly the same as irokit so, rci tutv 'EAA^- -f) ;

A. 6, lj. T<5, DEM«N8TR. PRONOUN, for ofa, fjof, ToSf, vojv, tcL rwv Tlfpaaiv the affairs or power of the
in Homer the usual sense. Homer uses the Pronoun Greeks, Persians, etc. ; Td ruiv 'A0r)vai<uv <ppovtiv to
chiefly in two ways:joined with a Subst. I. hold the sentiments of the Athenians, i. e. be on their
not as the Article, but like Lat. ille, 6 Tvociorjt the side so, with neut. of possess. Pron,, rd iuAv, to o6v
— : : : — :

474 £ (Hypos.

what regards me or thee, my or thy part, often put 6Pptp.o-ir&TpT), 4j, (o0pifX9$, warty) daughter of a
for ky&, ov, etc. mighty father, epuh. of Mmeiva.
Absol usage of single cases : I. ttj of Place, "OBPJrMOS, ov, also tj, ov, strong, mighty.
there, that way, here, tbh way, Lat. bac. 2. with oySods, d5os, 4j, (oktu)) the number eight.
a notion of motion towards, thither. 3. of Manner, oySodTOS, t], ov, poet, for 07800s (like rplraros for
Tr,trep in this way, thus. 4. repeated r?5 piv , rplros), the eighth: — ij dyfodrr} (suk. 4)pipa), the
rf) 5i ., of Place, here
. , there : also on the one
. eigh'h day.
part .on the other
, . 5. relative, where, for -q, oySotjkovto,, ol, al, ra, indecl. (oktov) eighty.
only Ep. II. ra>, dat. neut., therefore, on this ac- 6y8oTjKovT&-€Tfjs, is, or 6y8otjkovt-ovtt)S, ts, (07-
count. 2. thus, so, in this wise, only Ep. III. So-qKOVTa, tros) eighty years old.
to, acc. neut. (like Att. neut. from os), where- oySo-nKOOTTOS, i\, ov, (dydorj/covra) the eightieth.

fore. IV. rov, gen neut. wherefore. V. oySoos, Tj, ov, (oktw) the eighth, Lat. octavus.
with Prepositions, of Time, in rov ever since, Iv t$ oyStoKcvTa, ol, al, ra, indecl., contr. for 6yho4]Kovra,
whilst. eighty, Lat. octoginta.
C. o, If, to, accentuated through all cases, relative oy8wKOVTS-€TTjs, is, contr. for 6y5oijKovraer4is,
Pronoun, for os, fj, 6: very freq. in Homer, also Ion. eighty years old.
D. the and dat. tov, to>, are used for
enclitic gen. o-ye, ^~7«, ru-yt. the demonstr. Pron. 6, ij, r6, made
rivus, nvi, from the indefinite Pronoun rls rl. So more emphat. by the addition of yt, Lat. bicce, baecce,
Ion. t«o, contr. rev: dat. tcoj: gen. and dat. pi. reojv, hocce, he, she, it. 2. fem. dat. Tr,7«, used as Adv.
reois tcoioi but tov —
Ion. rco rev for rivos; ; ; ; of place, here, on this spot. 3. acc. neut. ruyt on
interrog., wherefore? dat. ria> for rivl; pi. gen. riant; this account, for this very reason.
dat. riots, rioioi. "OyKtt poe; 'OyKaCi), 4), a name of Minerva in
t, Ion. and Dor. relat. Pron. for os ; v. 6, 4/, r6 c. Thebes : a gate in that city was called from her
8, neut. of relat. Pron. 5». 'Oyaaioi or 'OyKaidrjs.
66., woe ! Lat. vae I [o&~\, f. -4\aopat, Dep. to bray. Hence
"OA P, o&pos, 7, a consort, mate, wife: gen. pi. bdpojv : 6"YKT]6p.6s, 0, a braying.
contr.nom. 2>p, with dat. pi. wptooi. Hence oyK-rjpcs, d, uv, (07/cos) bulky, swollen. II. me-
6&pi£to contr copifw, f. aoi, to converse familiarly, taph. stately, pompous. 2. grievous, troublesome,
bold converse with. Hence Lat. molestus.
6Spurp.6s, ov, 6, familiar converse, fond discourse. oyKTjTfis, ov, 6, (oy/catftai) a brayer, i. e. an ass.
64pt<TTT|S, ov, 6, (oapifa) a companion, mate, bosom- oyiciov, t6, (oyxos) a case for barbed arrows, etc.
friend. "OrKOS, 6, (A), (017KOS) a bend, curve, hence a
odpurrus, vos, 4j, Ion. for oaptOjM, (dapifa) fami- book, barb, esp. of an arrow or spear-head.
liar converse, fond discourse. 2. generally, inter- "OrKOS, 6, (B\ bulk, mass; oyaos <ppvyav<av a
course. a band or company.
3. heap or pile of faggots. 2. a particular way of
*OAw P02, = dapio/xos, familiar converse, fond dressing the hair; which was gathered up into a
discourse, and generally, converse, discourse, words, busby knot or roll, to give the appearance of height
mostly in plur.; but also in sing, talk, discourse. to the person. II. metaph. bulk, weight, im-
"Odo-ts, 4), Oasis, a name of the fertile spots in the portance, dignify : but also in bad sense, arrogance,
Libyan desert. conceit. 2. trouble, difficulty.
60e\uncos, 6, Dim. of 60e\6s, a small spit : any oyic6b>, f. uaoj : aor. I wyicwoa — Pass., aor. I &y-
pointed instrument, the leg of a compass. II. a kq)9t)v : pf. wyKatiMi : (07*0* b) : to make bulky,
pointed pillar, obelisk. enlarge —
Pass, to be heaped up, swollen. II.
6j3eX6s Ae«»l. and Dor. oScXos, ov, 6, a spit: also metaph. to exalt, raise to bowur : but also, to puff
any pointed instrument. II. a pointed pillar, obe- up with pride —
Pass, to be puffed up, swoln, elated.
lisk. (60e\6s, = fii\os with prefixed.), Pass., = 6yK6ofMi.
6(3oX6s, ov, 6, collat. form of ofifXot, an obol, a coin o-yic-<&8T|s, fs, (oy/cos B, eldos) bulky, swollen,
worth 8 \a\K01, $th of a o/xzx/«7, rather more than rounded: turgid.
three halfpence. II. also as a weight, the sixth heaped up. 6yiccoT6s, 4), 6v, (07*00;)
part of a drachma. a straight line, of6y\L(vu, f. -fiffa;, to trace
6PoXootot«o), f. 4)00), to practise petty usury. From ploughers, reapers, or mowers of an army, to defile, :

6po\o-oTaTTjs, ov, 6, (d@o\6s, tarrj/u) a weigher of &ypevov avrS> they were marching in file before him
obols : a petty usurer, pawnbroker. [d] metaph., byyavtw cri&ov to trail one's weary way,
"OBPI A, ra, the young of animals. of a lame man From
opplKdXa, ra, = 6fyia [C] oyp.os. 6, (070/) any'hing traced in a straight line ;
6Pprp,o-«py6s, oV, (60pifto$, tpyev) doing deeds of a furrow in ploughing: a swa he in reaping: a row
violence or wrong.- or line: a path; esp. the path of the heavenly
60ptp.6-(H)p,os, ov, (of*pi pot, 0vp6s) strong-minded. bodies.
— — ;
; : : — :

'OrXNH—68o'a>. 475
'OrXNH, }, a pear-tree. II. a pear. 68u.-fj Ion. 6<r|Wj, (ofa) a smell, scent, a sweet

iS-a-yos, o, Dor. for bbrrySs. odour : also a bad smell stench, stink.
68aios, a. ov, (bbos) belonging to a way or jour- 68oiir\dvco), f. rjau, to stray from the road, wander
ney. II. bbaTa, to., goods with wbicb a merchant about, lose one's way. From
travels, merchandise. 68ot-irXdvT|S, is, (bbos, irhavaouai) straying from
68d|, Adv. (5d/rva> with o euphon.) with the teeth, the road, wandering about, roaming.
by biting, Lat. mordicus. Hence oSoiiropcc* impf wbonr^povv f. -qaa) pf. wbot-

: : :

6Sd|ci) or as Dep. 6Sd| impf. u)ba t ov: pf. pass. iroprjKa (bbotirCpos)
: to be a wayfarer, to travel,
wbayfioi : to feel a biting pain, feel irritation. II. journey, walk. Hence
in act. sense, to bite, nibble, sting. 6801-iropia, j), a journey, way : a journey by land,
?>5du), f. ijcw, (65u») ro export and sell, traffic in*: — opp. to a sea-voyage.
Pass, to be carried away and sold. oSouropiKos, r), ov, of ox for a journey. Adv. -kws,
o-8f, fj-ot, rC-bc, demonstr. Pron., formed by adding like a traveller.
the enclit. -bt to the old demonstr. Pron. 6, j), to, oSoiiropiov, r6, provision for a journey. From
and declined like it: Ep. dat. pi. masc. and fern. oSoi-Tfopos, ov, {bbbs. nopos) travelling, journeying
roiabeaai, ToTobtooiv, as well as roiobt Att. more : as Subst., 6boirr6pos,6, a wayfarer foot-traveller : also, ,

emphat. bbi, -fjbl, robi, 3tc. robe is

[t] : ode, f,b( a fellow-traveller or guide.
much the same is more emphatic,
as ovros. this, but 686vTa, 68dvTas, ace. sing, and pi. of bbovs.
this one here, Lat. bicce, baecce, bocce: as opposed to 68ovro-<})6pos, ov, {bbovs, <pipw) bearing teeth; koo-
otrot, obt marks what is t^ follow, while ovtos refers fios 6b. an ornament consisting of strings of teeth.
to what has been before mentioned. II. it often 68ovTO-4>tiins, is, {bbovs. <pvoj) sprung from teeth.
seems to stand, like Lat. bic, as Adv. of Place, here, 68ovt6<«>, f. d>ou, (o5ots) to furnish with teeth.
there, but always with its noun, as. ty\os Hence
fi(y rubt K(iTat tirl \0ov6s here lies the lance upon 68ovtcot6s, t), 6v, furnished with teeth.
the ground; 'Ax«AA€t;« iyyvs obc /cKoviojv here is 6Soiroicu> : impf. wboiroiovv f. wacu pf. pas* ubo-

: :

Achilles nigh at hand routing. 2. with a pers. voiTjfw.t: (bboiroios) to make or level a road: to :

Pron., ob' (Ifil, bb' «7a> rjkvdov here am I. 3. with make a path for oneself: Pass., of roads to be made —
t<», tis bb( Jtavaucaq enfrai who is here following fit for use.
; 2. to make practicable or pass-
Nausicaa? 4. also with Verbs of motion, like able. 3. to put one in the way, guide, to set
btvpo, hither. IN. t© Advs. of Place and Time forward on a journey Pass, to make one's way, —
this Pron. adds precision, just, very ; avrov TyS* hi advance, Lat. progredi.
briny here amid this very people. IV. ob' avrus, 68oir«ita, ij, road-making, the duly of a pioneer.
stronger form for 6 avros, the very same, this very From
rovb' avrov XvicafSavros this very year. V. in 68o-iroi6s, 6v, (&b6s, iroiioj) making roads : as
Att. dialogue, the masc. and fern. Pron. often refer to Subst., 6boiitot6s, 6, a road-maker, pioneer : a road-
the speaker, 55* bvr\p, or 6b( alone, this man here, surveyor.
the man before you, i. e. myself, emphatic for 686s, ov, 6, Att. for Ion. ovbus, a threshold.
iyd). VI. ellipt. with gen., is robe xP^vov t0 'OAO'2 Aeol. ou86s, ov, 1), a way, path, road, high-
this point of time. way : a track, pathway : an entrance, approach : the
B. abso). usage of some cases rrjbc of Place, here, course, channel of a river
: the path of the heavenly :

on the tpot, La*, bae. 2. of the Way or Manner, bodies: wpb ubov further on the way ; tear' bbbv by
thus. II. ace. neut. r6bc, hither, to this spot. 2. the way. II. a travelling, journey, or voyage:

therefore, on this account. III. ace. neut. pi. r&bf, also a march or expedition : o'iojvwv bbei the flight of
on this account. 2. thus, so. IV. dat. neut. birds Koyiojv bbus the way, i. e. meaning, of the

pi. roiobt Toiaibf on this wise, after this fashion

, oracles. III. metaph. the way, means, or man-

also, with these words. ner of doing a thing. 2. a way or method : also,
oStXos, b, Aeol. and Dor. for 6fi(\6s and 6/3ok6s. a way of thinking, mode of belief, esp. used of the
68«vrf|*, ov, 6, a wayfarer, traveller From Christian Faith.
&Scv<i), f. o~oj, (u5J») 10 go, journey, travel. 68-oOpoi, ov, (obos, oZpos) watching or guarding
ol>T|"y««, f. ijooj, to lead one upon bis way, to shew the road : as f Subst., bbovpos, j), a conductress. m
one the way, guide, act as guide. From 'OAOT'2, in Ion. Prose 68u>v, b, gen o5oVto»: dat.
68-T)"y6s Dor. bf>-*y6s, b, (obus, ayw) a guide. pi. bboiet —
a tooth, Lat. dens ; tpKos bbuvruv, see

681, )jbi, robi. Att. for obe, f)b(, robt, q. v. [f] tpKOt.
58ios, 9¥, (6b6t) belonging to a way or journey 68o-4x$Ka|, ajcos, 6, (bbbs, <pv\a{) a watcher, patrol
auspicious for the journey. of the roads, [v]
Z£ur\ia, aros, to, (
'80O a means of passing, wny. 686a>, f. diva} : aor I ubwaa : (bbos) : to lead into
o8C"rr|$, ov, b, (bbbs) a wayfarer, traveller : Dor. the right way : to put in the way : c. inf., wbuat (5po-
•cc. bltrav. [t] tovs (ppovtiv be guided mortals to be wise ; also to
— ; : !

476 6hvva<rai — olbdvio.

bring, send: — Pass, to be brought on the way, ad- head. II. often used impers., 8£(t r)$v rfjs yp6at
vance, succeed. there a sweet smell from the skin l/iariuv o(t)oh
is ;

o8wao-<u, for 6bw$, 2 sing, pres pass, of obvvnoj. b(£ioTijTo$ there will be an odour of wit from your
68vvdo>, f. ^a<u, to cause pain, to pain, distress :— clothes.
Pass, to feel pain, suffer. From 50€v, Adv. (6s) whence,
from whence, Lat. unde:
'OAT'NH, ij, Lat. dolor, pain of body, but also, 2. also of persons, fromwhom r which. 2. also like

of mind, grief, distress. [S] an Adv. of Place,

ov, as odi, birov, where, but only
68vvT)p6s Dor. -opos, <£, dv, {obvvrj) painful. 2. as relative to a word implying motion from. II.
grievous : distressing. Adv. -pais. in Att. also, wherefore, on which account.
68t5vT|-<bftTOS, ov, (obvvrj, ire<paTai, 3 sing. pf. of oOt, relat. Adv., poet, for o5, where, Lat. ubi.
<pivw) killing assuaging) pain.
(i. e. stilling, oOveios, a, ov, also os, ov, (%0vos) strange, foreign.
oSvppa, aros, t6, wailing, lamentation : and "O0OMAI, Dep., only used in pres. and impf., to
oSvpp.6s, 6, a wailing, lamenting. From have a care or concern for, take heed, regard; c. part.,
'OAT'POMAI, Trag also Svpopai
ovk odero pt£ojv be recked not that he was doing c.
Ion. 3 sing,
: :

impf. oSvpeaKfTO fut. obvpovftai gen. pers., ovb' oOojiai kotcovtos I do not heed him
: aor. I wdvpdfirjv,


part. odvpafMvos to bewail, mourn for, lament, c. when he is angry.


ace. c. gen. pers. to mourn for, for the sake of: c.

: 'O0O'NH, 17, mostly in plur., fine white linen : a
dat. pass, to wail to or in answer to another absol. fine linen veil, a linen garment : also, sail-cloth, a

to wail, mourn, [y] Hence sail : also, a sheet, linen cloth. Hence
6SvpTos, f), 6v, mourned for, lamentable: obuprd, 606vtvos, 17, ov, made of linen.
as Adv., lamentably. 686viov, to, Dim. of oOuvt), a piece of fine linen, in
68wavTO, Ep. for wivcavro, 3 pi. aor. 1 of obvff- pi. linen bandages for wounds, or lint.
aofMi. 60-ovv€Ka, for orov tvtiea, because : sometimes also
'OSvo-o-efa, r), the story of Ulysses, the Odyssey. for on, that, Lat. quod.
From 6-0pv£, gen. orptxos, poet, for dft6-6pi( t 6, r), (i/tov,
'OSvo-o-evs, iws, 6, Lat. Ulysses or Ulixes, king of 0pi£) with like hair.
Ithaca, whose return from Troy to Ithaca forms the OI*\ exclam. of pain, grief, pity, astonishment, oh
subject of the Odyssey: Ep. declens., 'Obvaaevs, -r)os, ah I Lat. beu or vae : sometimes c. nom., el tfu:
-rji, -r)a : Ep. nom. also 'Obvoevs : Aeol. gen. 'OSiJ- mostly c. dat., 01 fioi.

fffVS. masc. of Art. 6. ot, nom. pi.

*'OAT'220MAI, Dep., used only in aor. I med.
masc. of reiat. Pron. is. 01, nom. pi.

uibvoaprjv, Ep. 2 and 3 sing, wbvaao, wbvoaro, Ep. 3 01, dat. sing, of third pers. Pron., masc. and fem.,
pi. obvaavro, part. dSvacrafKvos, and 3 sing. pf. pass. for avrcp airy, to him, to her : more rarely used in
dbwbvarai (redupl. for wbvorai) to be grieved or the reflexive sense himself, as the Ep. koi is always

wroth at, c. dat. used often also 61 ai>T<p, to himself. The Nom. is

o8o>8a, pf. ^with pres. sense) of o£a>. wan jng, gen. ov, ace. I.
oSuSei, 3 sing, plqpf. (with impf. sense) of o£a>. 01, relat. Adv., properly dat. of relat. Pron. os,
6S<iiSt|, t), {6£o>) smell, scent, odour, also the sense of whither, bow far, Lat. quo : often c. gen., 01 kokSiv
smell. to what a height of miseries.
6Sb>8uorT<u, 3 sing. pf. (with pres. sense) of obvff- oIuki£o> Ion. oiTjK-, f. aw, (efa£) to steer, manage.
aofMu. oia.Kicrp.a, to, (oiaicifa) the act of steering or go-
68 civ, 6vtos, 6, Ion. for bbovs, a tooth. verning [a]
68uvt6s, f), ov, (680a;) passable : practicable. oidKO-vopos, ov, (oia(, v4/juu) holding the helm,
6(o-o-i, Ep. dat. plur. of ois, ots. steering : as Subst. a pilot, ruler.
6£&\«os, a, ov, (6£os) branching. olaKoo-Tpo<J>cci>, f. 170-01, to turn the helm, steer. From
6£y|o ci>, fut. of ofa.
oidKo-OTpocpos, ov, (ota£, arpk<poi) guiding the helm,
'0£6\ai, 01, the Ozolae, a tribe of the Locrians. steering.
"OZOS, ov, 6, a bough, branch, twig, shoot. II. OF
A3, 5.K9S, Ion. oit)£, i\K9S, 6, the tiller, handle
metapb. an offshoot, scion; 6{o« "Aprjos scion of Mars: of the rudder, the helm. 2. pi. otrj/tes, the rings of
cf. epvos, QaXos. the yoke, through which pass the cords for guiding
6£6-o-Top,os, ov, (o(<», arSfia) with bad breath. the oxen.
"OZH. fut. b£qooi: pf. with pres. sense obaiba: plqpf. OIotis vopos, a pasture in the Attic deme Ofa.
with impf. sense wbwbuv, Ep. 3 sing, obwba: to smell, — oi-ywpi or -vo>, lengthd. from OlTfl f. ot£a) : : aor.
to have a smell, whether pleasant or not : c. gen. to I <p(a Ep. wi£a, part. oi£as — Ep. 3 pi. impf.
smell of a thing, o^eiv iojv to smell of violefs metaph. : wiyvwTo: aor. I (px^V v:
— i0 open, unlock: of a cask,
to smell or savour of a thing, Lat. sapere aliquid to broach.
Kpovtojv 6£av to smell of antiquities c. dupl. gen.,
: ot8a, 1 know, pf. with pres. sense of 'ttboj, r. «8wb.
ttj* ttffaXrjt 6£(v jxvpov I smell of ointment from the olSdvu [«] or ol8«Cva>, (olbioj) to make to swell,
— —
— : : : : :

o75as olKrJToap. 477

swell, Lat. tumefacere : Pass, to be swoln, swell, Lat. jitting, suitable : naturally suited to a thing TO ol-

tumere 11. intr. «=oi5«'a>. Kfiov sb to Ka6r)nov, what is suitable, befitting.

oiSas, 2 sirg. of o?6a, for the Att. oTo9a. oikciottjs Ion. oiKijtoTrjs, »/tos, r), relationship: in~
018(b), -qoai aor. I (pbrjcra pf. cpbrjita (o75o$) : timacy, friendship : also marriage.

: :

intr. /o swe//, swell up, become swoln, Lat. tumere, oiKcioco Ion. oiKTjiob) : f. wocu : (o'ik(ios) : to make
turgere ; oibttv tw nodt to swell in the feet, i. e. to one's own : hence
person one's friend
to make a
have swollen feet. II. metaph. to be inflamed or Med. to make a person one's friend, win his re-
troubled; irpdyfiara o'tbiovra unsettled, disordered gard. 2. to make one's own, appropriate : Med.

circumstances. Hence to claim, reckon as one's own.

a swelling, tumour.
oi8-q|xa, to, oiKcibis, Adv. of o'tKftos, in a friendly manner, fa-
OISi--it68t]S, ov, 6, properly patronym. of Qlbiirovs, miliarly; oIkcicds (X fiv ^pos nva to be intimate with
son or descendant of Oedipus : but commonly poet, one. 2. as if it was one's own. 3. properly,
for OlSinovs, Oedipus himself. naturally : dutifully.
Oi8i-irovs, nobos, 6 ace. -iroba and voc.
: now : oiKcico, poet for oikIoj.
-Troy*, more rarely -rrov (oiSe'cu, vovs) Oedipus, : : oiKcicoais, r), (oitcuucu) a taking as one's own, ap'
i. e. the swoln-footed : poet. Oi8iiros, ov, 6. [t] propriation.
0*80.0., aros, to, {olbfoj) the swell of the sea, a wave, oiKCTeCa, r), the household, the servants, Lat. familia.
billow II. the swelling of the wind. From
OPAOS, t6, a swelling, tumour. oiKCTcvo), f. am, to inhabit. From
otcos, a, ov, yoU) of or from a sheep ; r) olirj (sub. oIk«tt]S, ov, u, {oIk(oj') an inmate of one's bouse : a
bo pa.) a sheepskin. house-slave, menial, domestic, Lat. verna — in pi. oi-
6i«rax, Ep. dat. pi. of oi». Ktrai, one's family, women and children.
oi-frrjs, (s, {dfius, (tos) contr. for 6p.0€T7js, equal in oikctis, 180$, r), fern, of olKtrrjs, a female domestic
years, of the same age : cf. 66pi£. or slave. II. the mistress of the house, housewife.

6t£v5os, ov, = 6i£vp6s. oik€vvt€S, Dor. for ol/eovvrfs, part. pi. of oIk(oj.
6'i£\jp6s Att. ol£vp6s, 6., 6v, (6i'£vs) woful, pitiable, oIkcvs, an inmate of one's
(ojs Ion. fjos, 6, (ot««<w)
miserable, woe-begone of things, toilsome, dreary, : bouse. a domestic servant.
painful : also sorry, wretched, poor. Ep. Comp. and oiKcco, impf. qjKfov contr. -ovv Ion. otiefov fut. oltcqaw. :

Sup. ol£vp<jjT(pos, -urraros, for -orepos, -Sraros. aor. I cvKT/aa: pf. cpKr/Ka: Med., f. oltcqcropai in —
6i£vs Att. oljvs, vos, r), as dissyll.: contr. dat. 6i'£vf pass, sense :
— Pass., aor. 1 cvktJOtjv : pf. (p/cquai Ion.
for oi£vi (oT) : : —
woe, misery, distress, hardship, [y owr/pai : (oikos) : I. trans, to inhabit : hence to
in trisyll. cases, in dissyll. D.j Hence possess, occupy — r) oiKovpivr) (sub. 777), the civilised
oit,\Hx> Att. oijvw (as trisyll.) f. vatu [u] : aor. I world, the whole habitable globe. 2. like okifiu,


otfroa : to wail, mourn, lament. II. c. ace. rei, to place or settle persons in a place ; in Pass., to be
to suffer : absol. to be miserable, or to suffer. settled: the pf. pass. cvKrjfiai Ion. oiKrjpai is used as
ou)0-nv<u, aor. 1 inf. of oto pai. pres. to be settled; c. ace. to inhabit ; of cities, to be
oitjiov, to, = oitj£, oia£, a rudder, helm, [f] placed or situated. 3. like SioiKtai, to manage,
oiTjKtJo), Ion. for olaitifa. govern. II. intr. to dwell, live, to have as
oit]£, tjkos, Ion. for ota£, duos. one's abode. of states, to be settled, situated,
OlTjO-Op^lL, fut. Of OlOfJUll. lie —also to be managed, governed, r) iruKis o'utu
oils, ibos, r), poet, for ois, a sheep : ace. ot'iba. kcikojs the state is ill managed.
ouca, as, t, Ion. for toiica. oiK-fjas, Ep. for olieus, ace. pi. of ol/tcvs.
oucdSe Dor. oik&Sis, Adv. (oTkos) = oTnuvbt, to one's oIktjios, r/, ov, Ion. for ol/teios.
bouse, borne, or country, home, homewards. II. = oiktjiottjs, tjtos, r), Ion. for oinei6TT]S.
of/tot, at home. OLKTJIOCO Ion. for OlKflOOJ.
oliccaTai Ion. for cpK-nvrai, 3 pi. pf pass, of olxtaj. oiKTjpa, to, (oIk(cv) a dwelling-place, a dwelling-
ooccios, a, ov, also os, ov Ion. olKfjuos, ov, {oTkos) bouse, a chamber in a bouse, the story of a bouse,
— belonging
: 77, :

a bouse or household affairs, domestic:

to a cage or pen for animals. 3. a temple, fane
— rd oitcua household affairs, a household; also, a prison.
household goods, Lat. res familiaris. II. belong- oucf|V, Dor. for olntiv, pres. inf. of oIkI<»
ing to a family, akin, intimate, Lat. familiaris ; ol oiKT|o*ip.os, ov, habitable. From
oIkuoi friends, relations, connexions ; Ion. Sup., ol oikt|o-is, r), (olKfoj) the act of dwelling, II. a
oUrjiurraToi nvos one's most intimate friends : to place for dwelling, a bouse, dwelling.
oIkuov relationship. III. belonging to one's o!kt)tt)p, 7700s, 0, = oIktjttjs.
bouse or family, one's own, private: so of possessions, oiKT)TT]ptov, to, (o'lKtcu) a dwelling.
one's own. peculiar; r) olxtia r) oiK-qi-q (sub. 777), oIktjtt]s, ov, o, (olKew) an inhabitant, dweller.
one's own land, one's country : hence of corn, home- o'iktjtos, f), 6v, (oIk(co) inhabited : habitable.
grown, opp. to imported. IV. proper to a thing, oikt)tu>p, opos, 6, — o'ucrjTrjp, -tt)s, an inhabitant,
: c:< — : :

478 oUCa — HKTeCpOd.

oiKCa Ion. Itj, »}, a bouse, dwelling.

(oiitot) II. household or family : generally, administration, go-
a household : aUo the inmate* of the bouse, Lat. fa- vernment of a state.
milia. III. a house ox family from which one is oi.Kovop.iKos, 17, 6v, conversant with the management
descended. Hence of a household or family : generally, practised in
oikI&k6s, 17, ov, of one's own bouse,
domestic. managing, thrifty, economical: 77 oiKovofii/crj (sub.
ouaStov, to, Dim. of oTkos, a small bouse. T *X V '?) domestic economy; also to\ oiKovopuicd, do-
oIki£co, f. iaa> Att. iu> : aor. I wKioa Ion. oikioo. :
— mestic qjfairs. Adv. kws. From
Med , fut. o'uciovuai : — Pass., fut. cliuffBfaojMu : aor.

0i.K0-v6p.0s, ov, (oIkos, vifxoj) managing a household
or family : as SuDst., olKovopot, 6, a bouse-keepert
1 <^Kiadr]v: pf wxio^at Ion oiKiOfMu: {oikos): to

build a bouse: to found or establish a new settlement: manager, steward.

to people a country, to colonise. II. /o se///* or ouco-ircSov, to, (oiteot, irioov) the site of a bouse,
Lat. area domus. the bouse itself.
/?# as a colonist or inhabitant: to remove, transplant: II.

— Pass, to settle or establish oneself in a place: also oiko-itoios, 6v y (olKot, itoiioj)

a bouse.
making or constituting
c. ace. to inhabit.
oitctov, t6, (o?kos) always used in pi. oiKia, ra\, like oiKoptos, o, ov, Dor. for oiKovptot.
Lat. aedes, a bouse, dwelling, abode : esp. a palace OirK05, ov, 6, a bouse, abode, dwelling : any place

containing ranges of buildings. 2. a den, lair, etc., to live in; tear' oikov or Kar o'Uovs at borne. 2.

of animals a nest. :
part of a bouse, a room, chamber : hence oikoi in pi.
oiKto-ts, »), (olKi£a)) the building or settlement of a often stands for a single bouse, like Lat. aedes. 3.

colony : colonisation. a temple. II. household ajfairs, bouse-wifery

household property, bouse and goods. III. a

oikictkos, 0, Dim. of oiKos, a small bouse or room
a cage, coop, pen. household, family. IV. a bouse, race, family.
oiKicrrai, Ion. for (p/ciarai, 3 sing, pf pass, of ol/cifa. oucos, Ion. for toiicds, pan. neut. of toi/ca.
oliao"TT]p, 7700s, 6, poet, for oiKKrrrjS. oiko-0-itos, ov, {oikos, onoi) feeding at home, living

oIkwtttis, ov, 6, (oiuifa) a settler, colonist. at one s own cost. II. living in a bouse.
oiKO-ycvTis, is, {oIkos, ytviodai) born in the bouse, oiKo-Tpl0Y|s, is, (oTkos, Tpifiijvai) ruining a bouse
home-bred, domestic : of animals, tame. or family.
oiko8co"itot<<i>, f. -qow, to be master of a bouse, to ouco-TpuJ;, ifios, 6, (oTkos, Tot/3a>) a slave born and

manage the household. From bred in the bouse, Lat. verna.

olKo-Sco-iroTns, ov, 6, {oikos, SfairSrTjs) the master oiKo-rvpavvos, 6, ^of/cos, Tvpavvos) a domestic tyrant.
: the good-man of the bouse.
oikotws, Ion. for (oikotojs, Adv. of ioiicwi (part, of
of a bouse or family
oiKoBojjuu), f. 7700;, ^oi/cobofios) to build a bouse. 2. (OiKa), reasonably, probably.

generally, to build, construct: — Med., olKo5oficta$ai oucovpcvi) (sub. 777),

oiKovpcto, tjooj,

{o'ueovpos) to
v. sub oiicia>.

watcb or keep the

3. metaph. to build
oiKrjfia tobuild oneself a house.
or found upon. 4. metaph. to edify. Hence bouse : c. ace. to guard, order, govern. II. to

oiKo8op.-rj, j), = olKobofirjo-is, the act of building — keep within doors, stay at home. Hence
oiKovpT)u.a, to, the watcb of a bouse: generally,
building, edifice. 2. metaph. edification, improve-
ment, instruction. watcb and ward; oiKovprjfia £ivojv watcb kept by
su angers. il. one who keeps bouse, a stay-at-home.
oiKo86p.T|p.a, to, (oiKoSoniaj) a bouse built, building.
OLKo86(i.T|cris, 17, = olicob'ouia. oixovpta, r), (oiKovpia>) a keeping at borne: inac-
oucoSopta, 1), (olfcoSontai) the building of a bouse, tivity.

a way of building, structure. 2. a building, oiKOtipios, ov, belonging to housekeeping; hence tcL
oixovpiu ^sub. twpa), wages for housekeeping. II.
oLko8o|aik6s, i], ov, (ot*o8o/ito*) skilful in building: keeping within doors : iraipai oiKopiai (Dor. for oi-
r) otKo5ofj.iKTj (sub. rixvij) architecture. Kovp- female bouse-m&tes. From

oixo-86pos, ov, (oIkos, Stfuw) building a bouse: — oiK-ovpos, ov, (oIkos, ovpos) watching or keeping the
a builder, an architect. bouse. II. staying at home, domestic : as Subst.,
as Subst.. olKobufios, 6,
oikoOcv, Adv from one's own bouse, from
(dittos) oiKovpos, 7), the mistress if the bouse.

home. 2. from one's own fortune or means, from

oUo<|)Oopta>, f. tjooj, (o'iKo<p66pos) to ruin a bouse or
one's own nature, of oneself; ovk c?x<>v oiko$€v I had family, consume one's substance — Pass, to lose one's

it not of my own. fortune, to be ruined, undone. Hence

oikoOI, Adv. (oikos) at home, Lat. domi. oiKO<t>0opia, 77, ruin of a bouse or family.
oucoi, Adv. (o?kos) at home, Lat. domi: ret oIkoi oiKO-4>06pos, ov, (oIkos, (pOtipev) ruining a bouse:
one s own affairs. as bubst., oifco<pd<jpos, 6, a prodigal.

oik6v8«, poet, for oinaSf, (oTkos) homeward, borne. ou<o-4>v\a£, a«os, 6, 7), (oi«os, <pv\a£) a house-guard.
oucovopew, f. i\aoi, {oi/tov6pios) to be a householder oiKT€ipT]pa, to, and oiKTCip-qcvs, r), pity. From
or steward. 2. c. ace. to manage, order, arrange. oucT€ipci>: impf.cjjKTtipovlon.oiKTtipov: iut.olnTOu):

oiKovopla, r), {o'tKovofitu) the management of a aor. 1 (pKTupa, (oIktos) : to pity, have pity or
: — :

olKT((a>—olv6<f>\v£, 479
passion upon, commiserate, c. ace. pers. ; olicr. nvd oiv-av0ls, iios, ^, - olvdvOrj.
TivSt to pity one/or or because of a th ng. oivdptov, t6, = otvapov.
oitcTifu), f. /ow Att. id) : aor. I (p/criaa: {ot/cros) •
olvdpi£a>, f. a<u, ^otvapov) to strip off vine-leaves.
/o grieve for, pity, commiserate — Med. /o express oivdpiov, t<5, Dim. of olvos, weak, poor wine.
grief, mourn : to bewail, lament. otvdpov, to, (oivt)) a vine-leaf, Lat. pampinus.
oticn.pp.6s, ov, 6, {olicrtipa)) pity, compassion, Ol'NH, 1), the vine, Lat. tofts. 2. « otvos, wine.
oucTtpfUi>v, ov, gen. ovos, {oiicrtipa)) merciful. olvT]pos, <£, 6v, {o'vos) of wine, addicted to wine, Lat.
oiK-ncrpxi, aros, r6, (olftTtfa) lamentation. vinosus. II. containing wine. III. of coun-
oi«Ticrp.6s, oi, 6, (olxTifa) lamentation. tries rich in wine.
oiktvotos, ij, ov, irreg. Sup of o'ncrpos ^formed from oiv-T|pvcrts, 1), {otvos, dpvoj) a vessel for drawing
oTkto$, cf. aiaxj>6s, atax 10"7 ' "
t> ut tne Comp. is wine.
oltcrportpos) :
— mo; t pitiable, miserable,

lamentable : olv(£o>, {otvos) to smell of wine. II. Med. to

neut. pi. oticriara as Adv. most miserably. procure wine by barter, buy wine.
OI'KT02, ov, 0, pity, compassion. 2. the ex- oivo-j3<Xp€uov, 6, an Ion. participial form (as if from
pression of pity or grief weeping, wailing. oivo-fiapia)) = olvofiaprjs. Frnm
oucTp6-/3ios, ov, (oucrpus, 0ios) leading a pitiable olvo-p&pTjs, ts, {otvos, Qapvs) heavy or drunken with
life. wine, Lat. vino gravis.
otKTpos, a, 6v, {ottrros) pitiable, lamentable: pi'eous, olvo-Pp€XT)S, ts, {otvos, Pptx*") soaked in wine, i. e.
mournful. Comp. and Sup. oltcrp^Ttpos, oltfTpoTaros, drunken.
also irreg. Sup. oiktiotos. oivo-Sokos, ov, {otvos, 8^x°/*a receiving or hold-
oucrpo-xo«i), {ol/crpus, x* 03 ) t0 pourfor'b piteously, ing wine.
oiKTpws, Adv. of" ol/erpos, piteously : Sup. o'ntrp Srara. oivo-86tt]S, ov, Dor. -86ras, 0, 0, {otvos, Sibojfu)
oucu>$, via, 6s, Ion. for ioiKws, part, of toifca. giver of wine, epith. of Bacchus.
oIk-o><^cXt|s, is, (ot/cos, u<pt\ta)) profitable to a bouse. olvocis, -vtooa, -6tv, contr. oivcug, -ovoaa Att
oUcixbcXia Ion. -it). 1), (olKaxptKrjs) profit to a bouse: -ovrra, -ovv, (otvos) made of or with wine. II.
hence thrift or carefulness in household matters, of a as Subst., oivovrra, 1), a cake or porridge of pearl-
home-life, as opp. to the life of a warrior. barley, water, oil and wine, esp. for rowers.
oijxa, aros, to, {*oto) = <pip(u) an impetuous attack, oivo-fieAt, Ttos, to, {otvos, piki) honey mixed with
the spring of a lion, swoop of an eagle, Lat. impetus. wine, mead.
oi(, Att. contr. from otouat. olvo-ircBirj, j), and oiv6-ire8ov, t6, {otvos, ntb'ov) land
oifido), f. 4\ot>}, {otfxa) = opixau, to dart upon, to fit for growing wine, a vineyard.
pounce or swoop, of a bird of prey. oivo-ireBos, ov, {otvos, iribov) fit for the growth of
OrMH, 1), = otpos, a way, path: metaph. the course the vine, abounding in wine.
of a tale or poem the tale or poem itself.
: olvo-7r«TTavTos, ov, {otvos, irciraivo)) ripe for making
oip.01, exclam. of pain, fright, pity, anger, surprise, wine.
woe's mel otfioi is used with a nom., as, oi/ioi iyw ah oivo-irCirns [tl, ov, 6, (otvos, oimttcvoJ) gaping after
me woe's me or with a gen., as, oi/xoi raw /ca/twv wine, formed like the Homeric ir< pOivoTriirrjs.
! !

alas for my misfortunes ! oivo-itXt)0t|S, ts, {otvos, 7t\t}$oj) abounding in wine.

OrMOS, ov, 6, a way, road, course, path. 2. a oivo-ttXt|£, rjyos, 6, 17, {otvos, irXrjao-u) wine-stricken,
stripe, layer. 3. a strip of land. 4. metaph. i. e. drunk.

like oifirj, dlpot doibrjs /be course or strain of song, oivoiroTd£u> and oivoitot«i>, {o'ivoit6tt)s) to drink
a song, lay. wine.
oiyuay-t], 77, (olfiwfa) properly a crying ot^oi, weep- oivo-ircrfip, rjpos, 6, and oivo-it6ttjs, ov, 6, fern.
ing and wailing, lamentation. oIvo-tt6tis, iSos {otvos, nO- Root of some tensts of<yp.a, aros, to, a cry of lamentation, wail: and mva)\ a wine-drinker, wine bibber.
oip*>-vp.6s, o, a lamenting. Frt'm OITtfOS, ov, 6, Lat. VINUM, wine; iv ofvy, tit
oip.u)fa>. fut. ol(j.u>£oiiai later olfjuxifaj; aor. I <piuv£a: otvo), nap' otv(v, over wine, Lat. inter pocula. 2.
(ot(ioi):—to cry otfioi, ^as alafa to cry at, nt), to wail, the fermented juice of ajples, pears, etc., cider, perry
lament ; oipojfr, as a curse, gn bowl ! plague take otvos in KpiOwv bzrtey-wine, a kind of beer: palm-
you ! Lat. abi in malam rem I so ovk oluw^trai ;
wine, lotus-wine, also occur as distinguished from
shall he not bnve to cry out? i. e shall be not rue grape-wine (otvos dynriXivos).
iff II trans, to pity, bewail, c. ace. oivo-rp6<f>os, ov, (otvos, rptcpoj) producing wine.
04U0KTOS, (olnwfa) to be pitied or bewailed.
-f], ov, oivovs, oivovaoa Att. -ovrra, -ovv, comr. for oivutts,
oipa>t«i€, 3 sing Ep. aor. I opt. of ot^wfa. taaa, tv.
ow-dvfh), t), (oivrj, dv9rj) 'be first shoot or bud of the oivo-cjpa^ta (otvos, <paytTv) a consuming of wine.

vine: then, like Lat. pampinus, the vine-stock, the oivooJ)XirYta, a Inve rf drinking, drunkenness. From

vine. 2. the down of the vine-leaf: metaph. the oivo-<f>Xt>£, vyos, o, 1), {otvos, <p\vo)) given to drink-
down on the cheek, Lat. lanugo. ing, drunken.
: : — : : ! —:;

480 olvo<t>6pos — altos.

olvo-4>6pos, ov, (olvos, <ptptv) carrying, holding wine, pres. bko has sometimes t in the middle of the
as Subst., oivocpbpos, 6, Lat. oenopborus, a wine-cask. verse.]
oivo-x4pr|S, is, (olvos, x aPV VCLi ) rejoicing in wine. otov-cC, for olov (I, as if: Dor. olov al.

olvo-xapa)v, ovtos, 6, (olvos, Xdpcw) the Wine-Charon, 010-vop.os, ov, {olos, vipta/) feeding alone: lonely.
a nickname of Philip of Macedon, because he killed olo-vopos, ov, (ols, vipxa) feeding sheep : as Subst.
his enemies by poisoning their wine. a shepherd.
oivoxocucd, Ep. form of olvo\io), to pour out wine. olov^re, possible; ovx olbvrt impossible : v. oUs m.
oivoxoto : 3 sing. impf. a/voxdfi Ep. ia/voxdfi : f. oio-rroKos, ov, (oh, vfKo/) shorn from a sheep.
qaca : aor. I inf. olvoxorjaai : (oivoxdos) : to be a oloTToXcu, f. rjao/, to roam or haunt alone. From
cup-hearer: to pour out wine or like wine; vi/crop oio-ttoXos, ov, {olos, irikopm) being alone : lonely,
kwvoxoei she was pouring out nectar for wine. solitary. S. (ols, voKio/) tending sheep.
oIvo-xot), r), (olvos, x«'a>) a cup or can for ladling olop, Scyth. for dvr)p. Hence
wine from the bowl (/cpaTf)p) into the cups. olop-iraTa, Scyth. word in Herodotus, — dvapoKrbvoi.
oivo-x6os, ov, (olvos, x^) pouring out wine to 01*02, oirj, olov, alone, by oneself lone, lonely : it

drink : as Subst., olvoxoos, 6, a cup-bearer. can often only be rendered by an Adv., alone, only
oivo-x^tos, ov, (olvos, x^) poured of or with wine; strengthd., fls olos, p.ia ovn one alone, one only: also
no/pa oIv6\vtov a draught of wine. in dual, 8vo ota/, and in pi., Svo otovs. 2. c. gen.,
oiv-oi|/, ottos, o, = oivoif/, wine-coloured, wine-dark. ran/ olos left alone by them olos Qfwv alone of

olvou), f. wo~a) — Pass., aor. I a>vd/6r]v pf. cpvatpxu all the gods olos 'Arpfibwv apart from the sons of


Ion. oiva/pai : (olvos) : to make drunk with wine — Atreus. II. singular, peculiar of its kind, unique,
Pass, to get drunk, be drunken. Lat. unicus.
oivwv, u/vos, 6, {olvos) a wine-cellar, wine-shop. olos, ota Ion. oft), olov, (os) such as,
of such sort,
olv-umos, r), ov, or 6s, cv, and olv-w\b, Sjjtos, 6, r), manner or kind as , Lat. qualis ; relat. Pronoun,
. .

(olvos, an//) wine-coloured. answering to iroios interrog. and indef., and to de-
oi£as, aor. i part, of otyvvpu. monstr. rotes; ooaos olos rt, Lat. qualis quantusque:
olo. Ep. for ov, gen. of possess. Pron. os, bis, her. c. ace, olos apfTi)v what a man for virtue often :

o16-P<Xtos, ov, (oi os, (3aiva/) walking alone: lonesome. only to be rendered by an Adv., as, olos pLtrfiat trb-
oio-pouKo\os, ov, (olos, @ovko\os) herdsman of a \fp6v8f bow he rushes into war.
single cow. Olos in an independent sentence often expresses
olo-pu)Tas, b, (olos, fiooKa}) one who feeds alone; astonishment, being often strengthd. by 677, olov 8r)
(ppevus oio&wTas feeding his mind apart, self-willed. rbv pvQov eemas what a word hast thou spokenl
ol6-yap.os, ov, (olos, yap.fa/) married only to one. the neut. olov is often used as an Adv., olov df) vv
ol6-£ci>vos, ov, (olos, £wvr))witb one girdle, i. e. single- Ofovs flpOTol airiuo/vTai bow do men now find fault
handed, alone. with gods II. implying a Comparison, the

oloOev, Adv. (olos) from one side alone, hence gene- anteced. rotos or roibahf being often omitted ; olos
rally, alone ; olu9cv olos all alone. darr)p tloi like as a siar wanders; and so as an ex-
OI y OMAI Ep. oiopai impf. <pbp.r\v, Ep. 3 sing. : clam., ol' dyoptveis what art thou saying 1 old pi'
a/it ra fut. oir)
: aor. I Ep. wiaOrjv part. b'iaQfis,
: eopyas what hast thou done to me 1 2. olos often
Att. a)f)9rjv inf. oirjOrjvai part. oir/Ofis Ep. aor. I introduces a reason for what has gone before, 817

med. modpuiv, 3 sing, btaaro part, oiadfifvos. The being sometimes added to express certainty ; olos 8f),
Act. olo/ or diet/ is also found Dor. pre*, old/. The
olov df), such as all know.
: 3. if the Comparison
Att. also use a contr. pres., impf. cvpiriv. is general, Homer uses oibs rf, in some such way as,

To suppose, think, believe, as opp. to knowing, olos Tf Trf\u/pios tpx*Tai "Aprjs some such one as
always of the fut. of good, to hope, anticipate; of Ares so, oivs ris the sort of person.
: 4. when a ;

evil, to fear —
often used absol., alfl bUat thou art Comparison involves Time, olos on is used, like as
ever suspecting ; and so in the sense to deem, believe, when. 5. olos is used in many brief Att. expres-
expect; Qvpibs bicarb p.01 my heart foreboded it: it sions, as, ovbiv olev d/eovfiv avrov rov vbp.ov there's
is also once found impersonal, b'ifrai p.01 dvd 6vp.6v nothing like, i. e. so good as, hearing the law itself:
there comes a boding into my heart. 2. to be it adds force to the Superl., x 0) l0V 0iOV
P —
X a^ fir^"
minded, to mean, purpose to do a thing. 3. also totov, in full roiovrov olbv ion x^piov, ground the
used parenthetically in first person, tv rrpa/roiaiv (bio/) most difficult possible. III. olos c. inf. implies
KtiofTai among the first (metbinks) will he be lying Fitness or Ability, olos erjv rt\faai tpyov Tf tiros rt
so in Att., the contr. olpai impf. (Spvnv, I think, I how ablewas he to make good both deed and word
suppose, I believe, is put without any grammat. con- olos irjv fiovKtvfpifv r)8f pax^oOai bow able was he
struction in the sentence also in phrase, iru/s otti ; : to counsel and to fight in this sense olos tc is more

ira/s oteaOf ; how think you f usual, olus T6 dpi iroiftv I am such a man as to do
[When the diphthong is resolved Ep., the t is it, i. e. I am able to do it : in neut. sing, and pi., olbv

long in all tenses, bio/, blaaro, etc. : only the act. ri ion and old re cart, it is possible. 2. absol.
: ; : : :

olos—oitoviorrjpiov* 481
in ne\»t., oTbv re larl it is possible; ov\ oTbv t( oio-TpTjp,a, aros, r6, (olarpaw) the smart of a gad-
ioTi :
s im-possible. IV. olos is in Att. often fly's sting : a fit of madness, raving.
repeand in the same clause, as, oV tpya bpdoas ola olo-Tpo-Po\ew, f. ijao}, {oTorpos, &a\(iv) to strike
Kayx^vfi kokcl having done what kind of actions, with a sting, esp. of love.
what kind of sufferings he receives diav av6' oiqjv 6v- ! oiorpo-SivTjTOs, ov, (olarpos. bivtaj) driven round
fxdrojv \apiv what thanks, for what offerings V. ! and round by the gadfly : driven wild.
as Adv. in neut. sing, olov, also in pi. ola, bow ourrpo-Sovrp-os, ov, and -8ovos, ov, {otorpos, So-
also with Adj. oTov teporjas bow fresh. 2 in viet)) driven by the gadfly : driven wild.

Comparisons, as, like as, just as : olov 8re as oi<rrpo-irA f|j;, Vy° s °* $» {otorpos, v\{/ao~oj) stung


when. 3. as. like, for instance. 4. about, bard by a gadfly, driven mad.
upon, Lat. quasi, olov 5i/ea orabiovs about ten stades. Or2TP05, ov, 6, the gadfly, breese, Lat. asilus,
016s, 616s, gen. of ots ois. an insect which infests cattle in Poets of the fly that :

oi6-<J>pa>v, ovos, 6, 7), {olos, (pprjv) single in one's tormented Io. II. metaph. a sting, goad, any-

opinion : generally, lonely. thing that torments : the smart of pain, agony. 2.

oio-x^tcov. qjvos, 6, 7}, {olos, xiTart') with nothing but any vehement passion : madness, frenzy.
a tunic on, lightly clad. oio-Tpo-<f>6p«s, ov, {otorpos, <peptu) maddening.
ol6d), (o7os) to leave alone; Pass, olbofiai, Ep. aor. 1 OI'ST'A, 77, a tree of the osier kind. Hence
oIcj$t]v, to be forsaken. oio-vivos, 77, ov, of osier, made of wicker-work.
*OI~2, 6 and 77, gen. oios ace. oiv ; plur., nom. oi'es oia-virrj, 7), = oiairrj.
gen. oiqjv, dat. oUot Ep. bUoot shortened otooi; ace. oUHjirrjpos, a, bv, {olovvos) greasy, dirty, esp. of
oias ; contr. nom. and ace. pi. ois Att. nom. oh : — unwashed wool, Lat. lana succida.
gen. oios, dat. oil, ace. oiv : pi. nom. otts, gen. olwv, oto-viros, 6, {ois) — oicrrrj, oiffvirrj.

dat. oiai, ace. olas ; nom. and ace. pi. also oh. Lat. oio-co Dor. oUrw, of (pepou, from Root *ofo>;
OVIS. a whether ram
sheep, though some- or ewe; whence is formed Ep. imperat. oloe, inf. olaificv,
times the gender is marked by a word added, as, ois oiaeiv.
apvtibs or dpcrrjv a ram ; ois Or}\vs a ewe. OrTOS, ov, 6, fate, lot, doom: in Homer ill fate,
ouraTO, 6'Co-dp.evos, Ep. aor. I med. of oiofuu. [t] doom, ruin, death ; naicbv otrov dirbWvo$ai to die a
oto-c -€tw, -«T€, fut. imperat. of (pepcu. sad death., oUrcp.cva.1, Ep. for oiaeiv, fut. inf. of <ptpco. OiT6orvpos, <5, the Scyth. name of Apollo., Dor. for oiaouev, I pi. fut. of <p4pw. olx«°, = olxofuu, q. v.
oloGa, thou knowest, 2 sing, of oTSa. olxvecj, Ion. impf. oi\viaKov, = olxoyo-i, to go,
6"Co-0€is, aor. I pass. part, of otouai. come ; of birds, to fly — generally, to walk, live.
oux0T|, fut. pass, of <p(paj. OrXOMAI, Dep.: impf. tp\6iinv: fut. olx^o-ofjicu:
otcrou-at. fut. med., with pass, sense, of <pipoi. pf. <pxnpjai Ion. oixnpjai : also <jjx&Ka Ion.
0r2liM, 77, the grease in unwasben wool, greasy oixoJKa : Ion. 3 sing, plqpf. oix&K* <• The pres. ol-
wool. Xfofjxu Ion. olxevpMi also occurs I. of persons,
our-iram], t), {ois, oh, irdros) the dirt on the binder to be gone, to have gone, and so opp. to 77/fa; to have
part of a sheep. come : c. o?x«tcu <pcvy<uv he has fled and gone;
oio~r«os, a, ov, verb. Adj. of <p«fxu, to be borne. 2. oix^rai Oavwv be is dead and gone : c. ace. coguato,
neut. olariov one must bear. bbbv oixco-Qai (0 be gone on a journey c. ace. pers. :

6iOT€VT"f]p, ?7po*, 6, and 6utt€vtt|S, ov, 6, {biarevoj) to have escaped from. 1 for $vf)crK<v, to be gone .

a bowman, an archer. hence, to have departed, be deceased; Att. part. ofx<>-

6ioT«v<o, f. aw, {biords) to shoot arrows : aor. 1 fifvos the departed. 3. pf. ^x w/fa . ^^ e o\<u\a, to
part, biorevoas. II. trans, to shoot with an be undone, ruined. II. of things, as of darts,

arrow. etc., to rush, sweep along. 1. of strength, to be

6urro-hiy\ui>v, ov, gen. ovos, {bioros, bexouai) hold- gone, lost, vanished.
ing arrows. oib> and otco, used by Ep. Poets for oiofuu.
oUrr6s, 77, 6v, {o'ooS) that must be borne, endurable. *oiu>, see (ptpoj.
o'tirros Att. oUrros, ov, 6, {otoai, fut. of <ptpw) an ouS6t]v, aor. I pass, of oiboi.
arrow, Lat. sagitta. oui>v(£, Att. fut. tovfjuai : Dep. : {oicovds) — to
oiorrpdci) or ourrp«i> : f. f)0~<ti : aor. 1 act. tparprt]Oa take omens from the flight and screams of birds, Lat.
inf. oioTprqoai — Pass., aor. I QjoTp^Orjv inf. oXarpr)- augurium capere. II. to look upon as an omen,

drjvai : {otarpos) :
— properly of a gadfly, to torment forebode, Lat. augurari.
by stinging : generally, to sting or goad to madness : oLcovurpa, otos, t6, {olojvi£ofiai) divination by the
Pass, to be driven mad. II. intr. to go mad, run flight or cries of birds, Lat. augurium.
wild, rage. ouimo-Tqpiov, rb, {oi<uv'i^ofw.i) a place for watching
ourTp-T|X4TO$, ov, {otorpos, ikavvu) driven by the the flight of birds, Lat. templum augurale. IL
gadfly, driven mad. the omen or augury itself.
— —
482 olaiviorrjs — 6\f3i6iwipos.

ouimcrrris, ov, 6, (oiojvi(ofian) one who foretells from oKpioovro, Ep. for otepiuvro, 3
impf. of itcpidcu. pi.

the flight and cries of birds, an augur, diviner. a jagged point, a

OKpts, 10s, i), like diepts, cucpa,
ol(a>vo-6<TT|S, ov, d. {oiojvut, TiOrjfu) an interpreter of crag. II. as Adj. 6npis,i8os, 6, J), rugged, jagged.

auguries, an augur. 6*pvo€is, tooa, tv, (icpvotis, with eupl.on.) = ttpv-

olo>v6-0poos, ov, {ol<uv6s, Opoot) of the cry of birds. tpU, cold, chilling : fearful, dreadful, horrible.
ouovo-ktovos, ov, (olcjvvs, Krtivai) killing birds. 6kt<4.-P\u>u.os, ov, (>jhtw, 0\<»fi6s) consisting of eight
oiu»vo-|xav-n.s, f cos. 6 and j), (oiwvot, ixavrit) an in- mouthfuls ; oKrd^Xojfios dprot a kind of loaf which
terpreter of the flight and cries of birds, an augur. was scored in eight equal parts.
ol<i>vo-ir6\os, ov, (otofl/J*, woX.ioj) observing (be flight OKTa-BAierfXos, ov, (fork, Sd/crv\os^ eight-fingered.
and cries of birds: as Subst., oiwvoirokos, 6, an augur. oKT&-T|p€pos, ov, (oktw, ijnipa) for eight days: on
olu>v6s, ov, 6, (o7o*^ a solitary bird, esp. a bird of the eighth day.
prey, such as a vulture or eagle. II. a bird of oici-dicis, Adv. (6/crw) eigb' times.
omen or augury, because the greater birds of prey 6KT&Kio--p.vpioi, ai, a, eighty thousand.
were observed for the sake of omens; and so dis- OKT&Kicr-xtXioi, ai, a, eight thousand: it is also used
tinguished from the common birds, opvidtt. III. in sing., lirnos oicraKiax^n = dicraKiffx&toi Imrttt,
an omen, presage, Lat. auspicium or auzurium ; tU 8000 horse.' '

oiuv >$ dpicrros, dfivvtoOai trtpl itdrprjt the one best 6ktA-kvtjp,os, ov, (bicrd), levf/fir)} with eight spokes.
omen is, to fight for one's country olcuvol ayaOoi ; okt&k 60-101, at, a, (6«tw eigh' hundred. n

good omens. OKTa-p-nvos, ov, (oicrw, fify) eight months old, in the
oiuvooxoircu, f. ^<xw, to watch the flight or cries of eighth month, [d]
birds, to take auguries, practise augury. From OKTa-irc8os, ov. Dor. for otcrdnovt.
otojvo-o-Koiros, ov, (oluvCt, oicovia)) watching birds, OKTatrXdoxos, a, ov, and oKTairX&afov, ov, gen.
taking omens from their flight or cries : as Subst., ovos, (vierw) eightfold, Lat. octuplus.
olojvoffKuiros, 6, an augur, soothsayer. OKTS-iroBTjs, ov, 6, (oktw, vovt) eight feet long.
oiojs, Att. Adv. of o ot, olos &v otatt ?x €t * I being oktA-itovs, 0, 1), vow, r6, gen. volot, (juktw, vovt)
such a man in what a sta'e art thou Ieight-footed. II. eight feet long.

ok& poet. okk4. Dor. for ort, when. oKTap-pi£os, ov, (uttTui, pi£a) with eight roots: of a
'OKE'AAG, aor. I u>Kti\a, inf. dxtiXat, = KtWto, stag's horns, with eight points or tynes.
nautical term, I. trans, of the sailors, to run a oK-rap-pvpos, ov, (oKTw,pvfj.6s) drawn by eight pairs.
ship aground, run it on shore, strand it. II. intr. 6kt6>tovos, ov, (bicrdj, rtivw) eight-stretched; tkiKtt
of the ship, to run aground. ojcrdrovoi the eight arms which the cuttle-fish stretches
5kt|, Ion. for omj. out to catch its prey.
okkJ poet, for oxa. 'OKTH', oi, ai, rd, indecl. eight, Lat. OCTO.
oic-xa or ok ica, for ort Ktv, like kcUc Kt(paXfjs for oKT<i>-8dxT&Xos, ov, with eight fingers.
Karci KdpaXrjt. OKTw-Kat-ScKa, ol, ai, rd, indecl. eighteen.
oic\&S(as (sub. hi<ppoi), ov, 6, (6ic\a£aj) a seat with OKTWKaiofKa-Spaxpos, ov, (licrojKaiStKa, hpaxHT})
folding joints, a folding-chair, camp-stool. weighing or worth eighteen drachmae.
'OKAA'Zfl, f. aw. aor I uJuXaoa to sink on one's: OKTtoKai&c* Stos, T), ov, the eighteenth : dicro/icaiot-
knees, to crouch down, cower: generally, to bend, sink Kdrrj (sub. Jjntpa.}, the eighteenth day.
down : to sink from weariness, to sit down to oKTWKaiScK -c-rns, ov, 6, (6/cruKaib'tKa, trot) eighteen
rest. 2. to leave off through weariness, to flag, years old: — fern. oKTUKaiScK-fns. iSot.
slacken, abate. II. c. ace. to let sink, to bend, OK\i(a, poet, form of ox&u, to bear, convey, carry.
lower ok\os, o, poet, form of 6\ot, a chariot.
OKvdXcos, a, ov, (okvos) poet, for oxvypot. okus, Ion. for oitws.
okvcui), poet, for 6kv4<u. otccoxa, old pf. of Ix "' whence the compd. dual
6kvco> poet, okvciu: impf wievttov: f.^au: (&kvos): ovvoyfUKort.
— to shrink from doing, scruple or hesitate to do a 6XpC(o), f. io<v Att. tS>: aor. I wX&ioa: — Pass.,
thing. aor. 1 wkf3i<T0T}v : pf wX^ia^ai : (o\/3o«) : to make
OKvrjpos, a, 6v, (oicvot) shrinking, hesitating, un- bapp* : to deem or pronounce happy, like fuueapifa
ready. II. of things, grievous, troublesome. and tvdaifiovifa.
"OKNOS, 6, a shrinking, hesitation, unreadiness : 6X{3io-8a(p<i>v, ovot, 6 and 17, (5kfiiot, baifuuv) of
cowardice. blessed lot or fortune.
okoOcv, okoios, otcooos, 6k6t«, 6KOTepos, okov, 6Xpt6-8<upos, ov, (okfitot, bwpov) bestowing bliss,
Ion. for oirdQtv, dnoiot, etc. bounteous.
oKptdu), (oiepis) to make rough or jagged : metaph. 6Xpto-8(oTrjs or -86ttjs, ov, S, fern. -^wTts, ifot,
m Pass, to be exasperated. (5\(iios, biS(u^.t) bestower of bliss.
oKplocis, (ooa, tv, (o«pi») rugged, jagged, of un- oX^ko-cpyos, 6v, (o\&tot, tpyov) making happy.
hewn stone. 6Xj3k6-p.oi.pos, ov, (oA/Stot, poipa) of happy fat*.
: : — :

<J\/3ioy— '0AIT02. 483

iX^ios, ov, or a, ov. (8X0os) happy, blest, esp. with 6\XyavQpuynla, scantiness of people.
1), From
worldiy goods, prosperous, wealthy, rich, Lat. beatus: 6\ly-avvpuytros,ov, {bXiyot,av$panrot) scant ofpeople.
generally, happy, blessed : Homer only uses neut. pi., 6\{y-apxioyiai, Pass. (bxiyoi, apx°>) to be governed
as oX@ia 8ovvai to bestow rich gifts 8wpa 8\&ia ; by a few, be subject to an oligarchy. Hence
wottiv to make gifts blessed: so in Adv. oXfiia £wtiv oXlyapxta, 1), an oligarchy, government by a few
to live happily. Irreg. Sup. 6X@io~tos, formed families or persons.
rj, ov, Hence
directly from oX&os, as aiax i(JT0S >
t(p8iOTOt from oXlyapxiKos, rj, ov, oligarchical: inclined to oli-
alaxot, fcfpSos: the reg. Sup. bX@iurraTot also occurs. garchy.
Adv. -too*. oXly-aOXaf, djcot, 6, J/, (oXiyot, auAaf ) having few
6X/3i6-<f>p<DV, ovos, 6, ij, (oA/3tos, ^p^v) leaning
furrows, b ving but little land for ploughing.
wards the rich. oXlyUxoQfv, Adv. (oXiyot) from few parts or places;
6\{3toTos, t], ov, irreg. Sup. of oX0iot. a gen., dXiyaxoOfv rfjs 'Aoirjt from few parts of Asia.
6\J3io>s, Adv. of oA/Sjo*, happily, blissfully. 6Aly»)ir€X«i>v, tovoa, (participial form, as if from a
6Xj3o-8oTTjp, %os, d, and 6X/3o-86tt)S, ov, <$, fem. pres. oXiyrjwfXia)), having little power, powerless.
oXJ3o-£6rckpa, (oA/3o«, 8i8wfu) giver of bliss ox pro- From
sperity. oXlyrj-ireX'rjs, it, (bXiyot, iriXofiai) powerless. Hence
"OAB02, ov, o, happiness, bliss, wealth. oXlynireXia Ion. -It), i), feebleness.
6X{3o-4>6pos, ov, (oAJSos, <ptpa>) bringing bliss. 6Xtyr)pios, ov, = oXiyot, small, little.

oXceaOai, Ion. for bXuoOai, fut. med. inf. of oXXvfu. 6\ly-r[poa-ir\,Ji, (oXiyot,apoci^ want of arable land.
6\i(o-Kt, Ion. 3 sing, aor 2 of oXXvfu. 6XtYTj-o-£irCos, ov, {oXiyot, olirva) with a small corn-
oXc'Opios, ov, also a, ov, (oXtdpos) destructive, bin : with little corn.
deadly; bXiepiov Ijfiap the day of destruction: c. oXIyiotos, tj, ov, irreg Sup. of oXiyot, least.
gen., yrifwt oXiOptoi <pikojv a marriage destructive to dXiYoyovia, 1), scantiness of produce, barrenness.
one's friends. II. pass, lost, undone. From
oXcOpos, d, (SXXvfu) rt/m, destruction, undoing; oAT-yo-yovos, ov, (oXiyot, *yiva>) producing little,
oik fit okfOpov (sc. tpprjcfis) wilt thou not go to unfrui'ful, barren.

perdition t i. e. ruin seize thee, answering to Comic oXiYoSp&vcwv, fovoa, participial form, as if from a
phrase ovk is Kopajcat ; II. like Lat. pernicies, pres. oXiyoSpav ioj, able to do little, feeble, powerless.
that which causes destruction, a bane, plague, pest. From
okfi, oXeiTai, 2 and 3 sing. fut. of oXXvpu. 6XtYO-o*p&vT|S, it, (oXtyos, Spaivu) of little strength,
oXcKpavov, to, = u\iKpavov. powerless. Hence
'OAETtn, only used in pres. and impf. oXexov 6XlYo6pSvCa, 1j, feebleness.
(without augm.), collat. form of oXXvpu to ruin, —
6XIyo-«tt|S, ft, {bXiyot, trot) of few years. Hence
destroy, kill —
Pass, to perish, die. oXiYotrCa, if, fewness of years, youtbfulness.
oXtaai, oXtcras, aor. 1 inf. and part, of oXXvfu. 6XIy6-£vAos, ov, (oXiyot, fuAov) with little wood.
oXco-eie, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of 8\Xvfu. 6XtY6-irurTOS, ov, (oXiyot, iriont) of little faith.
6X«r-T|vup, opot, 6, j), {oXXvfii, arfjp) man-destroying. '0AIT02, 17, ov, of Number or Quantity, few,
6Xtcr0ai, aor. 2 inf. med. of oXXvfu. little, opp. to iroAvY The governing body in Oli- —
oXeo-t-Otjp, rjpot, 6, ij, (oAAv/n, Orjp) destroying wild garchies was called ol oXiyoi, the Few, opp. to to
beasts. vXrjOot or ol itoXXoi (the Many, the People). 2. c.
6Xeo-Cp.-{3poTos, ov, (ok\vfii,0poTut) man-destroying. inf. too few to do a thing. of Size, small, II.

oXeoa-Tvpawos, ov, poet. oXeo-ovr-, (oXXvpu, ti/- little, opp. to fiiyat the neut. dXiyov as Adv., little,

pawot) destroying tyrants. a little, in a small degree: so also dat. 6A179;. III.

oXcaxb), collat. form of oXXvfii. special phrases dAi'701; 5« there wants but little, i.e.

oXco-trai, oXco-o-as, Ep. for bXioai, bXioat. almost ; dXiyov tbirjof learaXafifiv it wanted
c. inf.,
6Xtcro-€, Ep. for aiXtof, 3 sing. aor. 1 of oXXvui. but little to overtake, all but overtook hence dXiyov :

oXto-aet, Ep. for bXiofi, 3 sing. fut. of oXXvju. alone (8ft being omitted), within a little, all but,
of oXXvfu.
6Xc<r(i), fut. nearly, almost. 2. 81' dXiyov at a short distance;

6X€T«ipa, fem. of bXfrrjp, a murderess.

ii, or of Time, after a short space, shortly after but —
6X«TT|p, ^pof, 0, {oXXvfu) a destroyer, murderer. 81' oXiyajv in few words. 3. iv 6Xiy<p in a small
oX«ns, t8os, ^, = 6\(Tfipa. compass ; and of Time, in short, briefly : also, like
oXTjai, 6X-r|Tai, 2 and 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. med. of dXiyov, almost. 4. ^» dXiyov, = irap' dXiyov. 5.
SXXvfu. I tear bXiyov by little and little : but the Adj. is often
oXtYaicls, Adv. (oXiyot) but few times, seldom. [&"] put in the gender and number of its Subst., as, ovtoi
oXl-y-ap-ircXos, ov, (oXiyot, a^nrfXot) scant of vines. Kar bXiyovt yiyvoutvoi ffi,ax»VTo these fought form-
oXiYovSptu). (uXiynvb'pos) to be scant of men. Hence ing themselves into small parties. 6. 7rap' bXiyov
oXiYavSpta, ij, fewness of men. within a little, all but, almost. IV. Degrees of
6XiY-av5pos, ov, (bXiyot, clvtjp) scant of men. Comparison : ptiojv, ov, gen. ovos, as also fXaoowv,
: —
484 6\Lyoatri\Ca — 6ko(r<f>vprjTos,

is used f»r the Omp. i. Sup. bXiytarot, rj, ov : kill. 2. to lose. —The Act corresponds in its two
bXiyiarov. genit. u-ed Adv. (see bKiyot ui> very nearly. senses to Lat. perdere. II. Med. to perish, come
oXtyoartxia, i), the consisting offew lines. From to an end, die: okoio, okoiro, 6\oia$t, e.c, may'st
6Xty6-<rrfxos, ov, {bKiyot, ari\ot) consisting offew thou, may be, may ye perish I — to be undone,
lines or verses. ruined. 2. so pf. 2 oAcuAa, I am undone, ruined;
6Xtyo<rr6s, -q, 6v, (bxlyos) one out of a few, opp. to oi o\<u\6tcs the dead.
VOXkOOTut. oXXvs, vaa, vv, pres. part, of oWvpi.
oAiyorrjs, rjros, (b\iyos) fewness, smallness.
if, oXpos, b, (cfAcw, Lat. volvo) a round smooth stone,
oXiyorpo^cci), to give little nourishment. From a roller. 2. a mortar. 3. a kneading-trough.
6Xiyo-Tpo<t>os, ov, {p\iyos, rpi<poi) giving little oXoeis, taoa, (v, = b\o6t, destructive.
nouri bment. 6Xo0pevTT|s, ov, b, (bXoOptvoS) a destroyer.
oXiyo-^iXia, ij (bXiyos, <pi\os) fewness offriends. 6Xo0p€tKt>, f. (vaw, (6\(dpos) to destroy.
6Xiyo-xp6vios, ov, also a, ov, (dAiyos, xp^vos) last- oXotios, ov, poet, for sq., like bfwiios for op.01.os.

ing but little time, of >bort duration. oXoios, 6v, poet, for b\oos, destructive
6\iyo\\!v\((j3 (6\iy6if-vxos), to be faint-hearted. 6Xol-Tpoxos or 6XoC-Tpoxos, 6, Ep. 6X00C rpoxos,
Hence (prob. fr<>m u\<u volvo, rpoxos) a rolling stone, a
6Xiyo\J/vxta, fj,faint-beartedness. round stone, such as the besieged rolled down on the
oXlyo-vptixos, ov, {oXiyos, ifoxv) faint-hearted. enemy: also as Adj. round, globular.
oXry-wXai. cutos, 6, 17, = dAtyavAa^. oXoKavrco), f. ijao), to bring a burnt-offering. From
6Xtya>pca>, f. rfaoj, {b\iy<upos) to regard lightly, 6X6-KO.VTOS, ov, {o\os, KaioS) burnt whole: as Subst.,
make small account of, c. gen. Hence bXuKavTov, rb, a burnt-offering. Hence
oXtyupta, fj, a regarding lightly, slighting, contempt. oXoKavroci), f. uooj, to burn whole: to make a burnt-
oXiy-copos, ov, (u\iyos. upa) little caring, lightly re- offering. Hence
garding, sli'ib'insf, despising: contemptuous. Hence 6XoKavTd>pa, aros, rb, a whole burnt-offering.
oXi-ywpcDS, Adv. carelessly; bKiywpois %X UV or ^ ta" oXoicXT)p{a, 1), soundness in all parts. From
Ktiodai to be careless, heedless. \X\ 6A6-kXt)Pos, ov, (oAos, K\rjpos) complete in all parts,
oXiyus, Adv. of oXiyos, a little. entire, sound, perfect, Lat. integer.
oXiaOdvw and later -aiv&> Alt. bKio&qoo) aor. I : : 6XoXvyT|. 1), (b\o\vfa) any loud crying, esp. of
wkiad-qaa pf. uiKiaOrjKa aor. 2 &\ioOov, part. b\i- women. Lat. ululatus : usually a cry of joy ; but also

: :

oQwv, inf. oKtaOuv (8\t<r0os) : to slip, slide, fall : of lamentation.

suddenly; vrjbs bkiaOwv having slipped horn the ship. oXoXvyp-a, aros, to, (oAoAv£a>) a loud cry, usually
oXio-0e, Ep. for uKiaOe, 3 sing. aor. 2 of bXxaOavw. of joy.
oXurdeiv, aor. 2 inf. of bKioOavcu. oXoXvypos, ov, b, (b\o\v£<») a loud crying, usually
6Xlct0tj€is, (oaa, fv, = b\io0rjp^s. in honour of the gods, expressive of joy.
6Xio-6r]p,a, paros, t6, (oKiaOeiv) a slip, fall. oXoXvyciv, bvos, %, an animal, named from its note,
6Xio-0T|p6s, a, ov, {okioOciv) slippery, sliding. the tree-frog. From
6X«r0o--yva>jAov«i> {bXiodiiv, yvufirj), to make a slip 6XoXv£u>, f. -v£opat : aor. wAoXwfa : to cry aloud
or error in /udgment. to the gods, usually of female voices, Lat. ululare. II.

"OAI20O5, 6, a slip.
slipperiness : to utter a loud cry, usually in sign of joy. (Formed
6\<ds, ados, 77, a ship which is towed,
(eXh-co, oXjcrj) from the sound.)
a ship of burthen, merchantman, trading vessel. oXop/nv, oXovto, Ep. for w\~, aor. 2 med. of oKXvpi.
6Xkt), j), (iKKco) a drawing, trailing, dragging. II. oXool-Tpoxos, 6, poet, form of bXoirpoxos.
a being drawn towards a thing, attraction. oXoos poet. oXoios, 6Xo£to«, T), ov, (oAAw^u) de-
oXkos, ov, (tKKoS) attractive.
-fj, structive, destroying, hurtful, deadly; b\o<k (ppoveiv
oXkos, ov, 6, (cA/mo) as an Instrument, that which to design ill: — Comp. and Sup. bXoantpos, bKourra-
draws or hauls ; 6\koi machines for hauling ships on ros. II. pass, destroyed, lost, undone, Lat. per-
land. 2. a strap or trace for drawing. II. ditus.
a track made by drawing, a furrow, track, Lat. sul- oXo6-4>pcov, ovos, b and ij, (b\oos, <pprjv) meaning
cus : the trail of a serpent. III. periphr., oKkoi mischief, baleful. II. crafty, sagacious.
5 '(pvns drawings of laurel, i. e. laurel-boughs drawn oXotttu, f. if/a>, to pull, pluck out: to strip off.
al>n%. (Akin to Aowds, AeVaj.)
"OAAT"MI and oXXvw: impf &KKw. f. dA«ra;Ep. "OAOS Ep. ovXos, 7], ov, whole, entire, complete,
bxioao) Ion okeoj Att. b\u> : aor. I &\taa Ep. d/A- Lat. solus, solidus; rcL b\a one's all. 1. entire,
(aaa, 6\caaa: pf. bXuktita Med. oWvpxu, Ion. : — utter ; o\ov apapr-qpa an utter blunder in neut., as :

fut. bkcofMi Att. bkov(Hu : aor. 2 wkoftnv : pf. 2 Adv., o\ov and rb o\ov altogether. II. whole,

8\aj\a : plqpf. w\w\t tv —

ovkbptvos, properly aor. 2 i.e. safe and sound, Lat. integer.
part. med. for b\6p.evos, became a mere Adj., v. sub 6Xo-o-4>vpi)Tos Dor. -crdwparos, ov, (5Ao», a<pvpa)
voce. I. Act. to destroy, make an end of, to hammered all through, made of solid metal, opp. to cast.
: : —

oXooxfprjs — 6\xaprria€i€v. 485

4Xo-<rx«pTis, (*, (5X»», <rx*p6') whole, entire, sound, is called also simply 'OAiJ/itrtot; 'OXvfiiria fii/putra the
complete, Lat. integer. 2. relating to the whole, mansions of Olympus.
important, considerable. II. Adv. -pws, com- "OXvp.ir6v8€ Ep. OvX-, Adv. to or towards Olympus.
pletely, entirely. "OXvuiros Ep. and Ion. OvXvp/iros, 6, Olympus, a
6Xo^t6\t|s, is, (oAos, rikos) quite complete, perfect. high wall on the Macedonian frontier of Thessaly.
oAovpat, fut. med. of 6\\vfu. It was believed to be the abode of the gods, and that

6Xo-<J>vyo\»>v, ovot, i), (oAos, <pvoi) a large pimple, the approach was guarded by a thick cloud.
pustule. "OATN0O2, b,afig which grows during the winter,
6\o4>v8vos, 17, 6v, (6\o<pvpofiai) lamenting, wailing.' but seldom ripens an untimely Jig, Lat. grossus.

— neut. pi. dkcxpvSvd, as Adv., miserably. "OAT"PA, 1), mostly in pi., a kind of grain, spelt,
6\o4>vpu.6s, ov, 6, a lamenting, lamentation. From mentioned as food for horses along with barley (*/>?);
'OAOfrTTOMAI [C], Dep.: f. oXwpvpovfiai: aor. used in Egvpt for making bread.
I w\o<pvpaixrjv , Ep. 2 and 3 sing. 6ko<pipao, bXocpvpa- oXcoios, collat. form of okoos, 6Ao<os.
to . aor. 1 part. pass. 6Xo<pvp6eis, in same sense. I. oXcoXa, pf. med. of oXXv/m.
intr. to lament, wail, moan, weep. lament or
2. to oXtoXtKa, pf. of oXXvpn.
mourn for others, to feel pity : c. gen. to have pity 5Xcos, Adv. of oAos, wholly, altogether, on the whole:
upon. beg with tears and lamentations.
3. to II. in short, Lat. denique : ov\ oAous not at all, I -at. om-
c. ace. to lament over, bewail, weep for, mourn. 2. nino non.
to pity. Hence 6p.a, Adv. Dor. for Sfirj.

oXodwpcrts, 1), lamentation. op-dStco, f. r\a<o, (ofxab'os) to make a noise or din.

6Xo<j>coios, ov, lengthd. for 6Xo6s, 6Xui6s, destructive, op&Sos, 6, (opus) a noise, din, made by many voices
deadly ; 6\o<pwia (ISws versed in pernicious arts. together. II. a tumultuous crowd, throng. III.

"OAIIH, Tj,a leathern oil-flash, used in the palaestra. the din of battle, the battle-throng.
"OAIII2, 10s and 180s, 17, = okirrj. 6p.aCp.10s, ov, related by blood, kindred. From
'OXvp.irCa, 1) Olympia, a round the
district of Elis op.-aip.os, ov, (6(*6s, al/xa) of the same blood, related
city of Pisa, where the Olympic games were held by blood, akin, Lat. consanguineus : as Subst., ofia.ifj.os,

properly fern, of 'OXvfiirios (sub. 777 or \uipa). 6, 1), a bro'ber or sister. Hence
'OXvp.iria, rd, the Olympic games, established by 6p.aip.oo-uvT), 1), relationship by blood.
Hercules and renewed by lphitus, held at intervals of 6p.-aCp.cov, ov, gen. ovot, = ofiaifiot :
—Comp. bpat-
four years in honour of Olympian Zeus by the Greeks fiov(OT(pos, more nearly akin.
assembled at Olympia in Elis 'OXvfima vucav to
; 6p.aixp-Ca, 1), a fighting together : a defensive al-
conquer at the Olympic games : also, 'OXvfima dvt- liance, league. From
XioOai or avaiprj/ttvai to have carried off the prize 5p.-aixp.os, ov, (6fx6s, al\f^) fighting together : as
at the Olympic games. Subst., ofxaixpos, 6, an ally.
'OXvp/mdJe, Adv. ('OAv/iTrta, %) to Olympia. 6uSXt|s, is, (d/xaAo*) even, level: rci bfMxXrj level
'OXvp.irCclOcv, Adv. {'OXvfiiria, 1)) from Olympia. ground.
'OXvumds, ados, 1), pecul. fern, of 'OXvfxmos, Olym- 6p.&Xi£ci>, f. tra;, (6fiaX6s) to make even or level, to
pian, epith. of the Muses generally, a dweller on
: level : to equalise.
Olympus, a goddess. 2. 'OAvtimas i\ata the olive- opdXos, 17, to 6fiaX6v level
ov, (o/Jios) even, level;
crown of the Olympic games. II. as Subst., I. ground. of equal, like degree; d/mA< < ydfiot
the Olympic games. 2. a victory at Olympia (sub. marriage with one of like degree. 3. metaph.
; 'OXvfiiridSa avaiptiadai, vucav to gain a vic- middling, average, ordinary. Hence
tory in the Olympic games. 3. an Olympiad, i. e. 6paA6-rps, tjtos, j), evenness, equality.
the space of four years between the celebrations of the 6p.aXcos (ofiaXos), Adv. evenly ; dpaXuit fialvuv to
Olympic games : the first Olympiad begins 776 B. C. march in even line.
'OXvuirCdtrt, Adv. ('OAu/Mrta, ^) at Olympia: cf. 6p.-apTcco impf. kfiaprovv Ion. -tw: f. Sfiapr^aat:

Ovpdai. aor. 1 Cjp&pTrjoa: {pitov, dpTaoj) : to meet; I.

'OXvp.mdcn. [a], dat. pi. of *OA Vfjiiri d». in hostile sense, to meet in fight Med. to attack in —
*OAvp,m«iov or 'OXvp.m«iov, to, ('OAv/zino«) the fight. 2. to walk together, esp. in part., firjoav
temple 0/ Olympian Zeus. &fiapT-h\aavT(t they walked in company: to keep pace,
', ij, ov, CO\vfjiiro$) Olympic; 6 *OAi//x- equal in speed: c. dat. to walk beside, accompany. 3.
wticot dydiv the Olympic games. to pursue.
'OXvp.irT.o-vCic-ns, ov, 6, ('OXvfjurta, vikooj) a con- ouapTTJ or 6[xapTp, Adv. together, jointly, another
queror in the Olympic games, [vi] form of afiaprrj, Afiaprrj.
'OAvumo-vucos, ov, \'OXvfxvia, vikoau) conquering 6p.dpTn, Dor. for ofxdpru, 3 sing. impf. of 6fxapri(u.
in the Olympic games. 6uapT"r]cravTO, Ep. for a//*-, 3 pi. aor. I med. of
'OAvp.mos, ov, ('O\v/xiro«) Olympian, dwelling on dfiopriu.
Olympus, epith. of the gods above, esp. of Jove, who 6jxapTT|cr<icv, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 1 opt. of dftaprioi.
: :: :;

486 b\iaprf\T(\v — SufjLCLToao.

i|xapTT|TT)v, Ep. for &/*-, 3 dual impf of bpuaprio). op-ijpos, ov, (bfiov, dpapttv) joined together, united,
gji-ao-ms, ibos, 6, jJ, {bnov, dairis) allied in arms wedded. II. as Subst., opvqpos, 0, a pledge to
as Subst., ojMicnus, 6, a comrade, fellow-soldier. preserve peace, a surety, security, hostage.
6p-av\a£, &kos, 6, 1J, (opov, avka£) with adjoining 6u,iAdS6v, Adv. (o/u\o$) in groups, bands, Lat. tur-
furrows or lands. matim : in crowds.
opavXta, 1), a dwelling together, union. From 6piX«o>, f. jaw : aor. 1 upuXrjaa : (o/uXos) :

to be
op.-a.vAos, ov, (o/xou, av\rj) living together: hence, together or in company with ; /x«t' 'Axatofs bfiiKuv
neighbouring. to associate with the Achaeans ivl npwroioiv bfu- ;

op-avXos, ov, (dfiov, av\6s) playing together on the \uv to be in company among the foremost irtpl ve- ;

flute, harmonious, blending, in unison. Kpov b/xiXuv to throng about the corpse. 2. absol.

6pf3pc<0, f. -qao}, (Jop.Bpos) to rain. II. trans, to to come or live together. II. in hostile sense, to

rain or shower down upon : to bedew, wet. meet in encounter: absol. to meet one an-

6ppp-r)p6s, 6\, 6v, (6fi(3pos) rainy, watery. other. of social intercourse, to bold converse

op.pplp.os, ov, — bBpi/xos. to live familiarly with, associate with: to have deal-
opPpios, ov, also a, ov, (ojiBpos) rainy : of or be- ings with. 2. absol. to befriends. IV. of
longing to rain, Lat. pluvialis ; vhfop opiBpiov rain- pursuits or business, to be conversant with, engaged
water. in, attend to. 2. of things, to be present to one, to be
6p{3po-SoKos, ov, (ofiftpos, dixofiai) holding or re- at band. V. of a place, to come into, be in : to
ceiving rain. haunt, frequent a spot.
opppo-KTiiiTos, ov, (5n&pos, KTviriai) striking with 6pi\T)86v, Adv. — bpuKabov.
rain. 6pl\T)cr€iv, fut. inf. of bpukiu.
"0MBP02, 6, Lat. IMBER, a storm of rain, a oplA-rjTTjs, ov, b, (bpuXiaj) a scholar, hearer.
thunder-shower, rain. 2. generally water. II. opi\T)TOS, 17, 6v, (ufu\4a>) to be conversed with ; ob\
metaph. a storm or shower of tears, darts, etc. dfu\t)Tos unapproachable, savage.
6pppo-4>6pos, ov, (opBpos, <plpw) rain-bringing. 6ptXta, (ofukos) a being or living together, inter-

opeirai, 3 sing. fut. of opvvpn. course, converse, dealings with another; ^ e/ii} bpukia

6p-co"rvos, ov, (dftov, (aria) sharing the same hearth. converse with me dfuKia \$ov6s intercourse with a

6p-€W€Ti]s, ov, 6, fem. opcwcTts, ibos,"Ofuvvos. country. 2. instruction.II. a meeting, as-

iyL-tvvos,ov,(6nov,€vv^) sleeping together : as Subst., sembly; vabt bfiiXia ship-mates.

Hfifwos, b, 1), a bedfellow, consort. op-iAos, 6, (ofiov, fx-n) an assembled crowd, a throng
6p-«u/ios, b, %, (dfiov, (if/ia) a playmate. of people, mob, multitude. II. the throng of battle,
opt) or opt], Adv. {ofius) poet, for bfiov. tumult.
6p--q7€pT|s, is, (ufivt, dycipw) assembled together. opixcfa), f. rioa), = 6fitx°>'
6pT]vvpi£opai, f. iaopuit, Dep. /o assemble, call to- 'OMI'XAH Ion. 6ptxXi] Dor.
ipCxXa, ij, misty air,
gether. From a smoke, steam.
mist, fog. Hence II. also

6p-r)Ytipts Dor. opay -. 10*, lj, (6/xds, dyvpis) an as- 6pixX'f|cis Ion. 6pixA-, cooa, ev, misty.
sembly, meeting : a throng, company. 'OMTXn, to make water, Lat. MINGO, [t]
op-n\fcta Ion. -Ctj, jJ, (bp:rj\i£) equality of age —
oppa, aros, t6, (wfipxu, pf. pass, of bpaej) the eye;
as Collective Subst. those of the same age, one's friends, ofi^an \o£<f> Ibetv to look with eye askance at ; opp.
playmates, comrades. II. of a single person, =» to opdols ofif/aaiv tpdv or !£ IpBwv by.pJvrw, Lat.
bfirjki£. rectis oculis videre, to look straight at ; «ot* ofifta
op-fjXi|, Tkos, 6, 1), (6fju>v, %\i£) of the same age, esp. face to face, in full sight ; &s dV bpmdrojv to judge
of young persons as Subst. an equal in age, comrade,
: by the eye, Lat. ex obtutu; iv o/i/iaai, Lat. in oculis,
playmate. II. of like stature. before one's eyes ; so also imp' oftua, irpd dppnrojv
opijpcia,^, (6nr}p€vu) a giving hostages or securities II. that which one sees,
i( 6/jifidTojv out of fight.
a security, pledge. aa phantom, image offancy.
sight. 2. III.

'OpT|pcios, a, ov, COfirjpos) of Homer, Homeric. 6p.pM vvktos, i. e. the moon ; so 6/ifia aiOipos, of the
op-qpcvo-ai, Ion. for bp.r)povoat, part. fem. pi. of sun ; generally, light ; ofipa ^prjs the light of happy
dfiTjptoj. tidings. IV. metaph. anything dear or pre-
opijpeuo), f. ff<u, (ofirjpos) to be a hostage, serve as a cious. V. periphr. of the person, d/x/ia ire\eia$
pledge or hostage. II. trans, to give as a hostage, for irtKtia, 5/xfia vvfupas for vvp.<pa; cf. tcdpa.
pledge or security. Hence
op-qpco), f. rjaa), (ofirjpos) to meet. 2. metaph. to oppdnov, t6, Dim. of ofi/ia, a little eye.
accord, agree. 6ppdTO-OT€pTjs, Is, (bnpia, (TT(p4(u) deprived of
'OpupCS-rjs, ov, b, mostly in plur. 'Ofiypibai, ol, the eyes. II. act. depriving of eyes : blighting, canker-

Homerids, a family of poets in Chios, who pretended ing, esp. the buds of plants.
to trace their descent from Homer, and recited his opp&r6co, f. worn pf. pass. djppAroj^ai (S/tpui) :— : :

poems : generally, the admirers of Homer. to give eyes to: —

Pass., <ppi)v ufifiarotfiivrj a mind
: : — —

*OMNTM I—o/io&oy. 487

quick of sight. II. metaph. to make distinct, 6po-tjXtf XKot, , 0, 1}, (dfiov, $\i[) of the same aget
explain Lat. aequalis.
"OMNTTMI or 6pvvo>, imperat. SfivvOi or 6nvv, 3 6p60«v. Adv. (6 ftdt) from the same place, of the same
pi. oyarvvrajv : impf. w\ivw or wpvvov fut. 6/ioG/tat, origin : 6 dfivOtv a brother. II. from near at

ft, (irai, inf. 6ficio6at, later fut. 6/i6ao) : aor. I wfiooa band, band to band : close upon.
Ep. ofwca, ofioaaa : pf. 6/*o;/to/«x : plqpf. optunoKtiv : 6p6-0povos, ov,(d/iov,0p^vos sharing the same throne,
— Pass., aor. 1 Wfi6a9r/v or wnoOrjv . pf. b\nw\t.oo\xai, 3 partner of one's throne.
pers. 6fiwfioaTai or bfiwnorai : — ro swear; optcov 6/zo- 6p.06up.d86v, Adv. wi'h one accord. From
aat to swear an oaih : fo swear /o a th ng, affirm, ;
6p.6-6vp.os, ov, {dfiov, 0vfM,t) of one mind, unani-
confirm by oath : foil by inf. to swear that one will : . mous.
ij /z^v is often inserted before the inf. tor the ske of opoid£o>, f. ooj. (onoiot) to be like, resemble.
emphasis freq. in part., as, tlirtiv bfxoaat to say with
opouos, Fp. for ofioiot. [? Ep.]
an oa'b. II. to call as witness of an oath, invoke, 6poio-KaTaXt)KTOS, ov, (o/ioiot, KaTaX^yoj) ending
swear by. alike, of verges.
opo-fkbpios, ov, (ofiov, $a}ftus) having one common 6poioirS0&o. f. 7)001, to be in like case, to be similarly
altar, like Ceres and Proserpine. affected, sympatbie. From.
opo--yaAa£, a/crot, 6, r), (opus, y&\a) suckled with 6poio-ira9«fjs, it, (ofioiot, waOot) being in like case,
the same milk : a clansman. having like affections, sympathising.
6(j.6-"y5|Aos, ov, (ufiov, yafiia)) married together, as opoio-irpcirfjs, ft, {ofiows, irpenoj) of like appearance
Subst. a husband or wife. wi'h.
opo-ydo-Tpios, o\-, [pfxos, yaffrip) from the same opoios, a, ov, Ion. and old Att. 6poios, 17, ov, Att.
womb, born of the sam* mot/.er ; Kaoiyvqrot 6/xo- also 05, ov ; Ep. cpottos, ov : (dfidt) : like, re- —
yaffrptos an uterine brother. sembling, Lat. similis : Proverbs, wt aid rdv bfiotov
5p.o-Y€v«Twp, opot, 6, born of the same parents, a ayci $(ot wt rbv duoTov 4 birds of a feather flock to-
brother. From gether;' to bnoTov uvrairoStoovat, Lat. par pari re-
op.o-'yevTjs, €s, of the same family ferre, to give like for like, pay tit for tat.
(o/ioO, *yivoS) 2. shared
generally, kindred, akin. II. act. engendering with. alike, common, mutual. 3. equal in force, a match
op-o-Ycpcov, ovtos, 6, (6/toG, yipcuv) a contemporary for one, Lat. par. 4. in unison with, agree-
tn old age. ing. 5. dpoia (sub biKrj or \aptt), r^v 6/miav 17"

opoyXfaxro-cw Att. -ykvrrrkv, to speak the same biSovat, dnootbovai to pay any one like for like, to
tongue. From make a like return t))v dfioiav <pipto$ai to have a ;

6p.6-YXo>o-<ros Att. -yXcottos, ov, (6u6t, yXwaaa) like return mate one; tV tor) koi 0/10/9 on fair and
speaking the same tongue or language with. equal terms. 6. iv dfioiq) tr>tuo9ai rt to hold a thing
opo-yvtos, ov, contr. for bixoyiviot, (onov, yivot) of in like esteem. II. of the same rank or station :

the same race. II. presiding over kindred; o/xo- ol ofioiot, all citizens with equal privileges : peers. —
yvioi 9eoi gods who protect a race or family, Lat. Dii The person or thing to which another is like is com-
gentilitii. monly in dat., but also like Lat. similis in genit. :

opo-vvcopoWci), f. 170-0;, to be of one mind, to league also followed by a Relat., onoiot wairtp .
, like as ;

together : to agree with, assent to. From onotot Kol , Lat. aeque ac , like as .. ; cf. o/xo/o;«.
b\LO-yvu\iMV, ov, gen. ovos, (bjwv, yvwfit]) of one 6poiOTT]S, rjTot, r), {Ofioiot} likeness, similitude.
mind, like-minded. Adv. -fivvws. opoto-Tpoiros, ov, (o/<oto*, rpCiroi) of like manners
6p.6-yovos, ov, (dfiov, yovr}) of the same family. and life. A'iv. -itojs. in like manner with.
6p6-Ypappos, ov, (dfiov, ypofifir)) of or with the opoiou), f. who* : aor. 1 w^oioina : — Pass, and Med.,
same letters. inoioionfuu and wOr)aoftai (in same sense): aor. I
6p.6-Sup.os, Drr. for o/ioo^o*. wixoiwOrjv : (ofioiot) — '. to make like, assimilate : esp.
6po-8cpvios, ov, (dfiov, S(fAViov) sharing one's bed. to liken, compare — Pass, to be made like, become
6uo-5t)uos Dor. -8apos, ov, (dfidt, br)fiot) of the like, dnoHvOrjfjtcvat &vTrjv to be made like before
same people or race. one. II. Med. to make a like return. Hence
6po8o£cb>, to be of the same opinion, to a^ree. From 6poi<i>0r|pev<u, Ep. for 6(ioi<v0r)vai, aor. I inf. pass.
6p6-So£os, ov, (dfiuv, 8u£a) of the same opinion. of OfJ-OlUOJ.

6p6-8ovXos, ov, (dfiov, b"v\<>s) a fellow-slave. opoCupa, arot, r6, that which is made like, a like-
6po-8pop(a, r), (d/iav, bpdfiot) a running together ness, image.
or mee'int*. 6poCb>s, Adv. of oVoioj, in like manner, like, alike
6po-f 0vt]s, it, (dfiov, t&vot^ of the same nation. the neuters o/tocov and Ofioia, Ion. dfiotov, u/xoia, were
ouo-^fryos, ov, (dfiov, {vyfjvai} yoked together : as a'so common as Adv. bttoiwt wt , like as
; so,
Subst. a yokefellow. II. yoked in wedlock, dfjL-iwt Kai , Lai. aeque ac perinde ac ; ofwiov ,

married. wart , like as ; 5/iota to?* /azAioTa on a par with

6p*>-T|<K]«, it, (dfiov, r)$ot) of the same character. the best
: — :: — : :

488 6fio(co<ris — 6fid<rro\os.

opoicoo-is, ^» (ifiotStu) a making like, likening. II. mind, agreeing in sentiments, unanimous, Lat. eoneort.
a becoming like. 2. a likeness, image. Adv., dfiovocus, unanimously.
opo-icXapos, Dor. for dfioKXrfpos. op.o-ira0T)s, cs, (dfiov, traOos) having the samepassions.
0|AO-«\<iaj, 3 sing. impf. dfioicXa, = 6poic\ioj. 6p.o-irdTpv.os, ov, (dfiov, varijp) by the same father.
6|i.oK\«w, f. $00) aor. I dfioKXrjaa, Ion. 3 sing, Sfio-
: opo-irXacrjs, «'s, (dfiov, irXtKai) inter-laced.
K\TjO~aoKt — to call out, shout to, either to encourage, 6p6-irXoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (dfiov, vXdos)
cheer on, or to upbraid, chide ; mostly in latter sense sailing together or in company.
c. inf. to command with a loud shout, call to one to 6p6-7ro\i.s poet. opotrroXis, ecus, 6, 1}, (dfiov, 7roA.1t)
do. From from the same city or state.
&P.o-k\t|, if,a calling out together,
(dfiov, Ka\eaj) 6p6-irT€pos, ov, (dfiov, -mkpov) with the same plum-
shouting of several persons : the harmony or concert age : of like feather, akin, alike : generally, ol dfid-
of flutes any loud calling or shouting, whether to
: iTTfpoi birds of the same feather, comrades ; vatt bfid-
encourage or upbraid. irrtpoi eo«sor/-ships, i. e. that sail in company.
6p.6-icAT)pos, ov, {dfiov, KXrjpos) having an equal lot, 6p6-irroXis, poet, for dfidiroXis.
share or portion, esp. of an inheritance : as Subst., 6popY<i£a>, *s bfidpyvvfii, to wipe off.
6fi6ic\i]pos, 6, a coheir, Lat. consors. 6a6pYvu, Ep. for uificpyvv, 3 sing. impf. of
ipotcX^o-ao-Ke, 3 sing. Ion. aor. of dfioicXio). 'OMO'PrNT'MI, fut. 6fi6p£<»:— Med.,aor. 1 djfiop-

ohokXtji^ip, fjpos, 6, (6fj.oK\(oi) one who calls out to, t&firjv to wipe, to wipe off, dry up Med. to dry : —
a cbeerer on, encourager. for oneself; Satcpva bfiop£aoOai to dry one's tears.
6p6-icXivos, ov, (dfiov, k\ivt]) reclining on the same 6pop£dpevos, aor. I part. med. of bfiopyvvfit.
couch at table. 6»iopca) Ion. opovpcw, to have the same boundaries
opo-Xctcrpos, ov, (dfiov, Xi/crpov) sharing the same with, to border on. From
bed. op-opos Ion. opovpos, ov, (dfir>v, opos) having the
b\io\oyioi, f. -qaa) &fioX6-
: aor. I ufio\6ynaa : pf. same borders, bordering on, Lat.finitimus as Subst., —
yniea —
Pass., aor. I wfioXoyrfOrjv : pf. &fwX6yrjfiai
: ofiopos, d, a neighbour, borderer : rb ofiopov neigh-
(dfioXoyos) to speak together, to speak one lan-
: bourhood.
guage. bold the same language, to agree
2. to 6poppo0co>, f. -qao}, to row together : generally, to
with : of things, to be in accordance with. 3. to agree with, agree together. And
make an agreement, come to terms, esp. of a surren- 6popp60ios, ov, rowing or swimming together. From
der k-rri run on certain terms.
; 4. to agree to a 6pop-po0os, ov, (pnov, boOioi) rowing together : ge-
thing, allow, admit, confess; dfioXoyw aot I grant nerally, acting together.
you. 5. to agree, promise to do. 6. to be con- 'OMO'2, ff, 6v, one and the same : belonging to two
nected with, bear affinity to. II. Med. to agree, or more jointly, common, joint, Lat. communis. (Akin
assent to; much like the Act. III. Pass, to be to ana hence ofioios, ofiws, ofiws, dfiov, dfirj, dfiodev,

allowed or granted ; esp. in part. pres. tcL dfioXoyov- dfiuae.)

fieva and pf. part. difioXoyrffieva, things granted, ac- opoo-ai, 6p6aas, aor. I inf. and part, of ofiwfii.
knowledged principles. Hence 6p6o*€, Adv. (dfids) to one and the same place, to the
opoXoyrjpa, fiams, t6, a thing agreed on, a postu- same spot : 6/x6o€ Uvai, in hostile sense, to come to
late ; and close quarters, Lat. cominus pugnare; o/jlocc Uvai
SpoXo-yia, 1), agreement. 1. an agreement made, rots (xGp"is to go tomeet the enemy.
compact : in war, terms of surrender. 3. an assent, 6po-o-06VT|s, ts, (onov, aOevos) of equal might.
admission, confession. 6poo-tT€to, f. -qoo), to eat or live together with. From
6p.6-Xo^os, ov, (dfiov, XiyoS) assenting, agreeing, 6p6-o-iT0S, ov, (dfiov, ciTos) eating together.
admitting. 2. of things, suitable, in accordance 6p6-crK€vos, ov, (dfiov, oKtvfj) arrayed in the same
with: —
Adv. -70*, confessedly, avowedly. way.
ipoXo-yovpevcos, Adv. pres. part. pass, of dfioXoyio), opoo-KTjvCa, 1), a living in the same tent. From
agreeably, conformably to : confessedly, avowedly. 6p6-orKTjvos, ov, (puov, aKijvT)) living in the same
6p.o-p,aorTiYias, ov, d, (dfiov, fia.OTi£) one flogged tent, Lat. contubernalis.
with another, a fellow- slave. opo-o-K-nvou, f. iiao), to live in the same tent with.
6p.o-p,TjTpio$, a, ov, (dfiov, fj.-fjT7)p) born of the same opo-o-irXaYxvos, ov, (dfiov, airXdyxva) from the
mother, an uterine brother or sister. same womb, of the same mother.
6po-v€»cpos, ov, (dfiov, v(Kpos) companion in death. 6p6-o-irov8os, ov, (dfiov, airovh'-ff) sharing in the
opovoeca, f. 4foa>, (dfiovooa) to be of one mind, agree drink-offering, sharing the same cup : bound by treaty.
together, have sentiments in common. Hence 6p6-o-iropos, ov, (dfiov, otreipoS) sown together:
6p.ovoTjTiic6s, condvcing to agreement.
if, 6v, sprung from the same parents or ancestors.
opovota, 1), sameness of mind, agreement in senti- 6p.6axra.i, 6p6o o*as, Ep. for dfidaai 6ji6aa$.

ments, unity, Lat. concordia. From opo-artx&w, (dfiov, ordxo}) to walk together with.

Vo-voos, ov, contr. -vovs, ow, (dfiov, v6ot) of on* opo-aroXos, ov, (dfiov, ariWoi) sent together with,
: : : —
6fi6ra<f>09 — dv&piov. 489
in company with. II. (dfiov, oroXij) clad alike 6p<j>&ictas, ov, 6, (ofMpa£) wine made from unripe
of the same kind. grapes. II. metaph. as masc. Adj. harsh, austere,
6|a6-t44>os, ov, (dfiov, raxpos) buried together. bitter, crabbed.
6fi6^T€xvos, ov, {dfiov, rix vri) practising the same 6p,<)>dKO-pd£, dyos, d, if, (5fi<pa£, fi&£) with sour or
craft: as Subst., dfidT€\vos, d, a fellow-workman. unripe grapes.
6p.6-riM.os, ov, (dfiov, rifirj) equally honoured, held 6|x<J)d\ios, ov, (dfupa\6s) belonging to the navel : as
in equal honour : ol dfiorifioi among the Persians, the Subst.. dficpaXiov, To,*=6fi<pa\os. 2. having a boss,

chief nobles who were equal among themselves, the like a boss.
peers of the realm. 6p<f>&\6€is, taaa, (V, (6fi<pa\6s) having a navel 01
6\i6-roi\os, ov, (dfiov, toT\os^ having one common boss ; donls dn<pa\ueooa a shield with a central boss.
wall, separated by a party wall : metaph. hardly 'OM$A AO'2, ov, d, the navel, Lat. umbilicus. II.

different from. any king like a navel : the raised knob or boss in
6p.o-Tpdir*£os, ov, (dfiov, rpancfa) sitting or eating the middle of the shield, Lat. umbo. 2. a knob
at thesame tabic with. on the horse's voice to fasten the reins to. 3.
ipo-Tpoiros, ov t (dfiov, rpdiros) of the same habits : the centre : so Calvpso's island Ogygia is called dfi-
dfiurpoira ijOea like habits : — as Subst., dfidrponos, 6, <pa\ds 6a\6\oar)s, (he navel or centre of ihe sea and :

a comparison. Delphi was called 6fi<pa\ds as the navel or centre of

6p,6-Tpo4>os, ov, (dfiov, rpicpoj) brought up or bred Ear'h.
together with ; dfi6rpo<pa roioi avOpurnoioi 6-qpia beasts OM<£AH, &kos, if, an unripe grape. 2. metaph.
brought up with men. a young girl.
opou, Adv. (properly neut. gen. of d/xds), together, 6p<f>Y], if, a divine voice, opp. to 0:6817 : a prophecy,
of Place —
also together, at once ; yaiav dfi v teal
: oracle,warning voice: any token conveying divine
vuvtov earth and sea together. 2. together wi'h, imimation: later, tuneful voice, melody. II. fame,

along with; c. dat., dfiov ve/cvecrvi wifb or among report; aij 6fi<pif the report about thee.
the dead. 3. bard by: nearly, almost.
near, 4. 6[xco0fjvai, aor. 1 inf. pass, of dfido).

dfiov tcai, in like manner as, just like as, Lat. aeque ac. 6p-u>\a£, aicos, 6, jj, = dpav\a£.
6u,0VU.CU, fut. of OflVVfU. opupoica, pf. of dfjvvpu.
opovpeu, opovpos, Ion. for dfiopecv, oftopos. opupoo-pai, 3 sing. dfi&fWTai, pf. pass, of ofivvfii.
6p.6-4>oiTOs, ov, (dfiov, <poiraoj) going together with: op-covvpios, a, ov, and 6p-u>vCpos, ov, (dfids, Lvofia)
as .-lubst., 6fi6(poiTos, 6, a companion. having the same name —
as Subst., dficuvvfios, d, if, a
6po4>povcc0, f. rjao), (6fiC<ppojv) to be of one mind with; namesake. II. ambiguous, eqvivoral.

iruKtfios vfwcppoveojv a war resolved on unanimously. 6p-u>p6(j>ios, ov, and 6p-a>po<j>os, ov, (dfiov, dpo<pif)
6po<|>poo~uvr|, a being ofthe same mind, unity. From
if, living under the same roof with.
6u.6-c|>pci>v, ovos, 6, if, {dfiov, <ppf]v) of one mind, opus, Adv. of dfids, equally, alike, in equal parts,
agreeing in sentiments, united. Lat. pariter. 2. like dfiov, together, at once,
of the same age or nature.
6u.o-4>vt|s, is, (dfiov, <pvrj) alike. II. c. dat. like as, equally with, Lat. pariter
6p6-<j>v\os, ov, (dfiov, <pv\ov) of the same race or ac; (xfy^ s dyJhs 'Atoao irvX-pot hated like the gates
people: as Subst., dfiu<pv\oi, ol, men of the same race: of Hell.
to dfuxpv\ov sameness of race. Spcos, Conj. (dfios) nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet,
6u.o4>covtcj, f. -qaw, to speak the same language Lat. tamen; ofuus fxifv or fiivroi but still, for all

with. 2. to chime in with. From that — ofiws is in Att. often joined with a part., Lat.
6u.6-4>(dvos, ov, (dfiov, <pwf)) speaking the same lan- quamvis, k\v0i fiov voowv opuus hear me although thou
guage with. 2. agreeing in tone, in unison with. art diseased.
6p,o-xpoCa, ff, (dfiov, xpda) sameness of colour. II. 6p-o>X«rr)S, ov, d, (duds, Ix ") holding or dwelling
smoothness of surface : the surface, skin. together; $col dfiwxirai gods worshipped in the same
6p.oxpov«i>, f. ifoa), to keep time with. From temple.
ojxoxpovos, ov, (dfiov, xpdvos) of the same time with. ov-ayos, d, Dor. and Att. for 61/1770*.
6u.6-xpoos, ov, contx. -xpovs, ow, (dfiov, xpoia) of ov-a-ypos, 6, (ovos, dyptos) the wild ass.
the same colour. 6vaCpT)v, 6vato, ovairo, aor. 2 med. opt. of dvivr/fii.
6p6-i|rr)<f>os, ov, (dfiov, iprj<pot^ voting with. II. "ONA"P, rd, a dream, vision in sleep, opp. to a
having an equal right to vote with. waking only used in nom. and ace.
vision (un-ap) :

opou, f d/ou, (dfids) to join together, unite: — Pass., (Zvfipot and ovupov being used
in the other cases'):
aor. I wfiwOrjv, to be united. proverb, of anything fleeting or unreal, okicis ovap the
"OMIINH, if, corn, food. dream of a shadow. II. in Att., ovap was mostly
6pirwaic6s, if, 6v, = 6fiirvint. used as an Adv., in a dream, in sleep ; ovH 6vap not
opmaos, a, ov, (dfitrvrf) or from corn, nourishing, even in a dream : often opp. to vrrap, ovap virap
thriving, large: — 'Ofiwiaof [4Q, if, a name of Ceres, tfjv to live in a dream or awake.

as the mother of corn. ovdpiov, rd, Dim. of ovos, a young ass.

: ::: — : — ::

490 <Wet—"ONOMAI.
ovaorct. Dor. for bvfjtru, 3 sing, fut of bvivrj/u. ovCa, 1), Aeol. for avla.
ovacrGai, aor. J med. inf. 01 »vivij/u. oviSiov, to, Dim. of ovos, a little ass, donkey.
ovacrts, Dor. for ovqais. 6vik6s, of or for an a>s ; ovikos fiv\os
17, ov, (5vi>s)
ovciap, to, g.-n. bvtiaros, (bvivrjfju) anything that a mill-stone turned by an ass, larger than the stones
profits < r h helpful, advantage, succour : a refresh- of the common hand-mills.
ment, refection : plur. bv tiara, food, victuals. ovivripx, bvivrjs, bvivrjai, inf. bvtvavai \_bV\, part, bvi-
ovctSeios, ov, (ovudos) reproachful : disgraceful. vas : fut. bvqaa) : aor. I wvqaa : as if from obsol.
ov«i8t£co, f. aor. I wvudiffa
iaai Att. ia> pf. d;v(i-
. 'ONE'fl iWed. and Pass, bvivifiai, impf. wvivd^v
• : —
6ina — Passwith fut med. (uvudos)
, fut. uvrjaofiai aor. 2 wvrjfiTjv, -rjao, tjto, or uvanrjv
: : ;

— to throw a reproach upon, cast in one's teeth, object imperat. bvrjao, opt. bvaifirjv, inf. ovao$ai, part. bvfj-
or impute somethng to one, Lat. objicere. 2. to ftews : aor. wvr\Br\v. I. Act. to profit, benefit, I

reproach, upbraid. help, support ; and, like Lat. juvo, to gratify, de-
ov€iSio-|ia, to, (bvuSlfa) a reproach. light. II. Med. to have profit or advantage, to

6vei8iorp.6s, 6, (bvuotfa) a reproaching: reproach. enjoy help ; esp. to have delight or enjoyment : c. gen.
6vci8ioTT]p, rjpos, o, (bvuoifai) a reproacber, up- to enjoy, have enjoyment or pleasure of a thing. 2.
braider: as masc. Adj reproachful. freq. in aor. 2 opt. bvain-qv, aio, airo, to express
"ONEIAOS, to, any report or character, whether good wishes, ovtojs bvai\ii)v so may I thrive ! bvato,
good or bad, like Lat./araa ; but commonly, reproach, Lat. sisfelix I may est thou be happy! also with xa/>»"»
blame. 2. matter of reproach, a reproach, disgrace. ovaio rod yevvaiov x aP tV ^ ess thee f<T thy noble
ovctos, ov, (ovos^ of an ass; ovuov ya\a ass's milk. spirit: so also in phrase ia$\6s fioi ooku uvai, bvff-
ovcipdra, ra, used as pi of bvupov. ftevos (sub. ut) or earcu), he seems brave, may be be
ovcipcios, a, ov, (ovupos) dreamy, of dreams ; iv fortunate ! also ironical, ovaio fiivrav «f ris kicn\v- —
bvttptirjoi irvKyat at the gates of dreams. vui ffc you would however be the better for it, if one
6vcipo-KpCTT)s, ov, b, (ovupos, Kpirfft) an interpreter were to wash you.
of dreams. 6vCs, iSos, 1), (ovos) ass's dung.
6vcipo-p.avns, uus, 6, $, (ovupos, yuavris an inter- ovoito, 3 sing. pres. opt. of ovofuu.

preter of dreams. "ONOMA, Stoj. to, Ion. ovvop.a Aeol. ovCpa :

ovcipov, to, collat. form of ovupos, a dream : the Lat. a name: ovofxa $uvai tivi to give NOMEN,
pi. most y in use is bvupara, -drew, -aat and from one a name; ovoyua <p(p(a0at to bear a name; ovofta

these a sing gen. and dat., bvuparos, -OTtwere formed, KaKuv rtva to call one by a name. II. name,
as if from a nom. ovupnp. fame, report, whether good or bad. III. name,
ovcipoiroXcco, f. "fjaoj, to be absorbed in dreams : c. as opp. to reality, esp. opp. to ipyov, like \o7o*. 2.
ace. to dream of, as, inirovs of horses. II. to a false name, pretence, pretext ; kif bvbfxan under
cheat by dreams. From the pretence. IV. ovopui is also used with the
ovcipo-iroAos, ov, (ovupos, iroKiaA versed in dreams names of persons, for the person, like icdpa, as e& <ptA-
as Subst , ovtipoituXot, b, an interpreter of dreams. rarov ovo/ia TIoXwukovs. V. a word, expres-
"ONEIP02, a dream: also the subject of a sion : a saying. VI. in Grammar, a noun, Lat.
dream: cf. ovap, ovtipov. 2. as prop, n., "Ovupos, nomen, opp. to pijfta, Lat. verbum, a verb.
god of dreams. 6vop,<££(i> Ion. ovvop.d£<i> : fut. bvoyuaoo) Aeol. bvv-
ovcipo-o-Kotros, ov, (ovupos, OKoiriaS) an interpreter /xo^od: aor. I uvbfjaaa: pf. fa/uftaita: — Pass., aor. I

of dreams. wvofidaOrjv : pf. uvofjuaayuai: (bvofta) :

— to name,
6vcip6-4>avTOs, ov, (ovupos, ipaivofiai) appearing in speak of call or address by name. 2. to name or
dreams, haunting one's dreams. speak of, as opp. to doing, as ovofia opp. to !/>-
ovcip6-<f>pb>v, ovus, b, i], (ovupos, <pp-qv) understand- yov. 3. to call one by a name, bvofinfav nvd ti;
ing dreams. also owpiOTty bvofid£ovaiv rbv avSpa uvai they call
ovcipwaro-oi Att. -tt<i>, (ovupos) to dream. the man a sophist by name: bvoyA^uv dirb or Ik twos
6vcv(i>, (ovos u) to draw up with a windlass, to to name or call from or after another ; so also liri
haul up. rivos or tivi : —
Med. to have one called by a name,
ov-t^os Dor. 6v-<vv6s, 6, (ovos, i^yiofxai) an ass- name : Pass, to be called by a name.
driver. "ONOMAI, 2 sing, bvoaat, 3 pi bvovrat ; imperat.
6v-ijXAtt)S [2], ov, 6, (5vos, ikavvoj) an ass-driver. ovoao, 3 sing. opt. ovotro : fut. bvoaofuai Ep. bvba-
6vT|p.6vos, aor. 2 part. med. of bvivij/u ; 6vr\<ra, tp. aofiat : aor. I djvoad/irjv. opt. bvoaaipijv, aio, atro, Ep.
far wvrjoa, aor. 6vr)aci, 3 sing. fut.
1 ; inf. bvbooaoOai ; also aor. I pass. favboQ-nv : Homer
6vTjon|i.os, ov, (ovrjais) useful, profitable: aiding, has also Kp. 2 pi. pres. ovvurOt, 3 sing. aor. I wvaro
succouring. Dep to blame, reject, find fault, be discontented

oVrjaxs, «vs, j), (dvlvrjm) profit, advantage, service with, scorn : c. gen., oib" ws ae loAiro bvCaaujOat
enjoyment, delight. KaKuTijros not even thus do 1 fancy that thou wilt be
*ONe02, 6, dirt, dung. discontented with thy ill fortune.
: : :

6vofiaCv(a — 6£vppoTros. 491

6vo(xaCvo>, fut. bvopAvm Ion. ovvofiaviej: aor. I wv6- 'OHT'A or 6£vtj, 1), a kind of beech. II. a s/*ar*
fir]va Ep. 6v6fiijva : {ovofm) :
— poet, for ivofiafa, to
name, Lat. nomino: also, to give a
siq/ir made from its wood : generally, a spear.
name, call by 6£t>-pd<f>o)v, t<5, (6£vs, /Sdirreo) a vinegar-saucer, Lat.
name to, call by a name. 2. to promise to do. 3. acetabulum a shallow dish or saucer.

to name, appoint. 4. to pronounce, utter. oIC-PcXtjs, &, (6£t5», fiiKos) sharp-pointed: gene-
6vo|ia-ic\T|S-nv,Adv. (ovofta, leakiai) calling by name, rally, pointed, rough.
by name, Lat. nominatim. 6£ti-f36as and 6£C-/36t)S, ou, 6, (6£ts, fiodw) shrill-
6vop.a-)cAvT6s, ov, (ovofia, kKvtos) 0/famous name, screaming : sbarp-buzzing.
renowned. II. act. celebrating. 6£v-yoos, ov, (6£vs, yuos) shrill-wailing., Adv. (dvopafa) by name, Lat. nominatim. o|fi-S€pKY)s, is, (6£vt, SipKo/iai) sharp-sighted, quick-
ovopcurros Ion. ovv-, ij, 6v, (6vofi6.£<») named : to sighted: Sup. 6£vb€pic4oTaTo$.
be named, to be mentioned. II. of name or note, 6£v-Soviros, ov, (6£t/s, Soviros) sharp-sounding, shrill-
famous, glorious : of things, memorable. sounding.
ovofiaTO-X&yos, 6, (ovopa, \iya>) one who tells 6£v-€0«ipos, ov, (6£i5», iOtipa) with sharp, pointed
people's names, Lat. nomenclator. hair: irreg. plur. b£vi$uptt.
6v6p.T]va, Ep. aor. I of bvo\uuv<o. 6£v-0tjktos, ov, (6(vt, Orjyoi) sharp-edged, sharp-
"ON05, 6 and %, an ass, Lat. asinus, asina. Pro- pointed : metaph. sharply goaded.
verbs : wepl ovov OKtas for an ass's shadow, like Lat. 6£tt6vp.c<i>* f. ij<r<y, (6£v0vfios) to be quick to anger,

de lana caprina, i. e. for a mere trifle : ovov ir6ieai quick-tempered: —

also as Pass, to be provoked. Hence
ass's wool, like SpviOwv ya\a, of something not ex- o£i)0vp.ia, 1), quickness to anger, cboler.
isting. II. from the ass being a beast of burden, 6£v-6vp.os, ov, (d(vs, Bvfios) quick to anger, quick-
the name was applied to, 1. a windlass, cranet tempered, passionate, choleric.
pulley. upper millstone.
2. the III. a beakert 6£$-K<ip8ios, ov, (6£i5», Kapbia) quick-tempered.
wine-cup, prob. from its shape. 6£iJ-icCvT]T0S, ov, (6£vs, Kiviw) moved quickly, [t]
6voo-<rdp.cvos, Ep. aor. 1 med. part, of Svoftai. o£v-KO|tos, ov, (d£vt, tcdfirj) with pointed hair: of
6v6o-<r€cr0cu, Ep. for bvoatodat, fut. inf. of ovofuu. plants, with prickly leaves.
ovocTOS, -fj, 6v, (oVo/xat) to be blamed or scorned. o£&-ko>kvtos, ov, (6£vs, KMKvaJ) loudly wailed.
6vord£<0, like ovofuit, to blame, rail at. 6£vXa{3«D, (5£v\af3T)$) to seize quickly : to seize the
ovotos, i\, ov, for bvoarot. opportunity.
6vo-4>op86s, 6v, (pvos, <p4p(3a}) an ass-keeper. 6t-%-\8fi-i\s, is, (6£t;s, XafSav) seizing quickly.
ovto, t<x, pi. part. neut. of (I/ju, the things which 6£v-A<£Xos, ov, (o£v», AfiXew) glib-tongued.
actually exist, the present, opp. to the past and future: o£$-p.€\-rjs, is, (6£vs, fi(Kos) clear-singing.
— also reality, truth. II. that which one has, pro- 6££-p,cpip,vos, ov, (o£vs, /iipipva) keenly laboured or
perty , fortune. studied.
ovtcjs, Adv. part, of tifd sum, really, actually. 6£C-p.TjvlTOS, ov, (6£vs, firjvia)) quickly roused to
6vtip.a, t<5,
Aeol. for Svofta. Hence wrath ; <pvvos 6£vnqviTot murder in hot blood.
2v£Jia£o>, 6w|aafvci>, Aeol. for hvop-. 6£v-p.oXiros, ov, (o£v», fiokirq) clear-singing.
ovv£, Cx°*» ^» dat. pl- ow£i Ep. bvv\foci : 1. in 6£v-pxi>pos, ov, (d£vs, (xwpos) pointedly foolish — as
pi. the talons of a bird of prey: also in sing., of beasts Subst., blvfuupov, t6, a remark that seems to contradict
of prey, a claw; of human beings, a nail, Lat. unguis; itself, a paradox, such as, insaniens sapientia or con-
of cattle, a hoof; 6vv\o-t in a/epovt arrjvai to stand cordia discors.
on tiptoe, Lat. summis digitis. 2. i£ aitaXSjv 6pvxw, d£w6eCs, aor. I part. pass, of b£vv<o.
Horace's de tenero ungui, from a tender age. II. 6£wTT|p, ijpos, 6, a sharpener. From
a gem streaked with veins, an onyx : also any vessel o£vv<i>, f. vvG), {b£vs) to make sharp or pointed, to
made of it. sharpen. 2. metaph. to spur on, stimulate, sharpen:
ovvxeo-ox, Ep. dat. pi. of 6vv£. also to provoke —
Pass, to be provoked.
6£-aX|AT], ^, (o£ot, &\pv) a sauce made of vinegar 6£ti6cis, eooa, iv, poet, for 6£vs, sharp-pointed; or
and brine. from 6£va with beecben shaft.
6£«a, Ion. for 6£(?a, fern, of 6£vt — 6£tcrv, dat. pi. o£ti-6orp&Kos, ov, (6£vs, tarpaKov) with a sharp
6£((0S, Adv. of 6£vt, sharply. jagged shell.
of-qpos, i, 6v, (o£ot) of or for vinegar ; Kipa/wt o£v-irayf|S, it, (o£vt, irayfjvai) sharp-pointed.
l£t)p6$ a jar for vinegar. 6£i5-irevKT|S, is, (6£vt, v(vktj) sharp-pointed.
6{C\nrj$[l], €», (o£ot) sour, of wine. 2. metaph. 6£v-irovs, 6, ij, vow, t6, gen. iroSos, (o£v», irotJs)

tour-tempered, crabbed. swift-footed.

6£ts, ibot, -f), (6£ot) a vinegar-cruet, Lat. acetabu- 6£v-irp<ppos, ov, (b£it, wpypa) having a sharp prow:
lum. II. a sort of shrimp. generally, with a sharp front or point.
6£o%, €ot, r6, (4£t«) sour wine : vinegar, Lat. aci- 6£*-p€irr|S, it, poet, for 6{vppetrfit, = &[vppoirot.
££vp-poiros, ov, (d£t;t, f>iir<») quick-turning, nicely
: —— : —
492 'OSTfS 6m(T06ypa<f)OS.
poised, of a delicate balance; easily swayed: metaph. OTracro-tai, Ep. for biraoti, 2 sing. fut. med. of
easily roused or led on, Lat. propensus. 6ira£co.
'OHT'2, d£eia Ion. o£ta, b£v, sharp, keen, pointed; 6-iraTpos, ov, for S/iS-irarpos, {ofios, vari\p) by the
\iOos o£vs a sharpened stone for a knife; is 6£i) anry- same father.
fiivov brought to a point ; to d£v the sharp point or oirduv [a], ovos, Ion. oirtoov, -earvos, 6, (6ira.£<») like
vertex of a triangle. of impressions on the
II. a companion, comrade, esp. in war later a
OTTTjb'os, :

senses, sharp, keen, piercing; of the sun, like rapidus servant, attendant.
sol in Virgil, dazzling. 2. of sight, keen, piercing; "OHEA'S, dros, r6, an awl, Lat. subula: Aeol.
6£vTaTov StpKtaOai to be most keen of sight 6£v ; vireas, which is the usual form.
aieovtiv to be quick of hearing. 3. of sound, sharp, oirep, Ep for ooirep.
shrill, opp. to fiapvs. 4. of taste, sharp, pun- 6-rrtcov, ojvos, 6, Ion. for oiracov.
gent. 5. of pain or grief, sharp, piercing. III. 'OIIH', fjs, 7), an opening, bole : a bole in the roof,
quick, sharp, keen, hasty, esp. quick to anger. IV. for a chimney.
of motion, quick, swift. —
Besides Adv 6£«us, the neut. omrj Ep. oTrrrr) Dor. oira Ion. Jktj, Adv. of Place,
6£u, and pi. o£ea, are often used as Adv. sharply, etc. by which way, Lat. qua, and so where, like oirou, Lat.
6£v-o-Top.os, ov, 6$vs, orb fxa) sharp-toothed : of the
ubi : also like oiroi, whither, Lat. quo. 2. c. gen.,
gad-fly, sharp-stinging ; of a sword, keen-edged. onrj yds, Lat. quo terrarum f to which part of the
6£v-T€VT|S, f's, (o£vs, tuvcj) = o£vtovos. land ? also like Lat. ubi terrarum 1 where t II.

6£vtt)S, t}tos, 77, {6£vs) sharpness, pointedness. II. of Manner, in what way ? bow t
of sound, highness of pitch or tone. 2. of taste, pun- oirnSco), Dor. diraoiaj, to follow, accompany, attend,
gency. III. metaph. sharpness, cleverness. 2. go with another. From
of action, quickness, haste. 6irn86s, ov, Dor. 6na86s, (6ird£a>) accompanying,
6£iW6p.os, ov, (o£vs, rcfifiv) sharp-cutting, keen. attending : and as Subst. 6771780*, 6, an attendant.
6£v-tovos, ov, (d£vs, tuvos) stretched to a point: oirnyiKet, Adv. when, at what time. II. since,
sharp, piercing : violent. II. having the acute Lat. quoniam.
accent, i. e. accent on the last syllable, oxytone. 6irCas, ov, 6, (6ir6s) cheese made from milk curdled
6£v-ropos, ov, {6(vs, Tfiptu) piercing, pointed, prickly. with fig-juice (6v6t) : in full rvpbs oirias.
6£u-<J>0oyy°s, ov, (o£vs, (pOoyyos) = b£v<p<wos. 6m£opai, f. -iaoyuai: Dep. : ^oiris): to have re-
6£v-<j>p<i>v, ovos, 6, 77, soft's, (pprjv) sharp-witted. spect for, care for, regard: to stand in awe of,dread,
6£v-<j><ovos, ov, (6£vs, <p<wq) with clear, shrill voice. fear : also to reverence, honour, obey.
o£v-xeip, X clP"*i 0, j), (o£vs, x flP) quick of hand. 2. 6m06 and 6it10€v, Adv., poet, for omaOt, omodtv.
6£t>X € 'P
trviros a sound of quick-beating with the hands. 6iTt06p-|3poTos, ov, poet, for bviaBufi^poros, ^omdi,
6£v-xo\os, ov, (o£vs, xuhos) quick to anger. fipoTus)coming after a mortal; dmdofifiporov avxV/*
6|v-toirf|S, (S, {o£vs, aty) sharp-sighted. the glory that lives after men.
oov, Ep. for ov, gen. of 0$ or 0. 'OirvKot, ol, the Opicans, an ancient people of Italy:
o-rra, Dor. for 0V17. Adj. 'Ottikos, 17, ov, ancient, barbarous, Gothic.
6iraS«a>, o-naSos, Dor. for inrrjoio) : 6irnS6s, an at- oTrnrrtwa, f. atu, (*6vTopxn) to look around after,
tendant. gaze curiously at : generally, to observe, watcb.
'OIIA'Zfl, f. ovaao) Ep. ondaaoj: aor. I wir&aa Ep. oirls, Idot, 7), ace. omv or ott^o, {6if>) regard paid

—— I. in bad sense, vengeance,

oitacoa: Med., Ep. fut. diraacro/xai, Ep. aor. I oitaa- to a person or thing;
aay.T]v to make to follow, give as a companion or punishment; 6ms Otwv the vengeance of the gods.
: 2.
follower ; rro\vv \adv dirafav rtvi to give him much in good sense, reward, favour, regard. 3. awe, ve-
people to follow, i. e. make him leader over many : neration, respect, Lat. reverentia.
Med. to make another follow one, take as a com- oTrio-Oa, Adv., Aeol. and Dor. for omoOt.
panion or follower. of things, kvoos 6ird((iv
II. 6mo-0«, and before a vowel omaOev, Ep. oirlfc,
tivi to give him glory to follow: to add, attach y — oit10€v (6ms) Lat. pone
: : I. of Place, after,

annex to : generally, to give, grant, bestow ; ipyov behind, opp. to npooQ* in front ; ol omaBe those left
irpbs aoirioi ownfav to put a work of art on the behind; ol 6mo6e \6yoi the remaining books; to or
shield. III. to follow, pursue, press bard: absol. tcL omaBev the binder parts, rear, back; (is rovm-
to force one's way —
Pass., \ufiappovs OTra^ofiCvot o9(v back, backwards. 2. as Prep, with gen., be-
Aids 6fi0pq> 2 torrent forced on (i. e. swoln with) hind : also inferior, second to. II. of Time, after,
the rain. in future, hereafter.
oircuos, a, ov, (d-irq) with a bole or opening : as 6irCo-0ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (omaOi) binder, Lat.
Subst., onatov, to, a bole in the roof. posticus : 6n. <jfce\(a the hind-legs.
6-rraviKa, Dor. for oTrrjviKa. 6mo-0o-pdpxov, ov, gen. ovos, (ovicOe, 0aivoj) walk-
6-rrdcraipi, aor. I opt. of drrafa. ing backwards, [a]
6-naoro-t, 6ir6.o~o-a.To, 3 sing. Ep. ao>. I act. and med. 6mo~06-Yp<tyos, ov, (6mo0e, ypa<poj) written on tbt
of urrd^a*. back or cover.
: : : — : ;

<W0d6cTos—'OnO'2. 493
6mcr06-86TOS, w, (8m<r9t, Sic*) bound behind or a man-at-arms : opp. to light-armed troops, xpiXoi or
backwards. yvfivrJTfs, yvfivfjTai. Hence
6irur06-8ap.os, o, (6Vier0€, 5o/*os) the back chamber ottXitikos, r), ov, of or for a heavy-armed soldier
of a temple at Athens the cella <i the old temple of
: rb oirXiTticdv, = ol dirXtTai.
Athena in the citadel, used as the treasury. o-rrXou-at, Med. {oirXov) poet, for birXi^opuai, to get
6mo-0o-vop.os, ov, (omoOt, vtpw) grazing back' ready for oneself
wards, of certain cattle with large horns slanting oirXopSvcco, f. tjooj, to be madly fond of arms, have
forwards. a mania for war. From
omo-Oo-vvyTiS, is, (oirioQt, vvyijvai) pricking from|s, is, {oirXov, fjiavrjvai) madly fond of
behind. arms.
omo-06-irovs, 6, r), -now, to, gen. iroSos, (ovioOe, 6irXop.axCa, r), the art of using heavy arms : gene-
vovs) walking behind, following, attendant. rally, the art of war, tactics. From
OTTioQofyvXaKtii), f. "fjaa), {6mo'9o<pv\a£) to guard oirXo-ji&xos, ov, \oirXa, fidxopai) fighting in heavy
the rear, form the rear-guard. II. to command arms. II. one who drills soldiers.
the rear-guard. Hence "OIIAON, to, any tool or implement I. a
omo-Oo^t'XcUic,, r), the command of the rear. ship's tackling, cordage, cables, ropes, cords; ovXa
6mo-0o-<J>vXa|, Sjcos, 6, r), (omoOe, (pv\a£) one who \o.KKr]ia a blacksmith's tools; dpovpijs oirXov a sickle;
watches behind : ol 6irio$o<pv\aKis the rear-guard of oirXov y€povTi/c6v a staff. II. mostly in plur.

an army. implements of war, arms whether offensive or defen-

oirCo-o-tt, Adv., Ep for birioai. sive, harness, armour ; rarely in sing, a weapon : iv
omoTOTOs, rj, ov, (oiriodi) hindmost, Lat. postre- oirXois pivdv under arms.
to remain 2. in sing,
mus. mostly the heavy shield used by Greek foot-soldiers,
6ir(o-<o Ep. 6mo-o-&>, Adv. (oirts) of Place, behind, whence the name onKtrai. 3. rd oirXa, = 6irXtTai,

backwards : to oviou, contr. Tovirioo), also (Is tov- heavy-armed soldiers. 4. to. onXa also, the camp,
iricoj, backwards. 2. as Prep, with gen. after, be- quarters.
hind. II. of Time, afterwards, hereafter. III. oirXoTcpos, o, ov, and oirXoTaros, 17, ov, Comp. and
over again, again. [X] Sup. without any Posit, in use poet, for v(WT(pos, :

oirXas, Dor. for 6ir\r)s, gen of birXt). vcwTaTos (oirXa) those more or most capable of : :

6irX«o, (oirKov) poet, for 6ir\i£cu, to make ready. bearing arms, the youth, the men fit for service, opp.
6ttXt|, r), (oirkov) a hoof, properly the solid hoof of to the old men and children then, generally, of age, :

a horse but also the cloven hoof of horned cattle.
: 6irXoT(pos ywef) younger by birth, Lat. minor natu :
6itXt)«is, (ooa, (v, (oirXov) armed. —
also, dvSpes bir\oT€poi men of later days.
DitXtjtcs, ol, = oirXfrat, name of one of the four 6irXo<j>opca>, f. r)aw, to bear heavy arms, be a heavy-
old tribes at Athens. armed soldier Pass, to have a body-guard. From —
6irXt£(i), f. ia<u Att. iSi aor. wirXiaa Ep. SnrXiaaa :
: oirXo-<J>6pos, ov, (oirXa, <pipoj) bearing arms,
— —
Med., Ep. aor. I unrXiaadpirjv: Pass., aor. I djirXi- armed: as Subst., 6irXo<p6pos, 6, an armed man, a
90t]v, Ep. 3 pi. 6ir\io6(v: pf. wirXiapjai to make or warrior. —
II. one of the body-guard.
get ready: of meats, to dress: so in Med., SCpirov 6iro8dir6s, f), ov, (iroSairos) relat. Adj. what sort
6ir\i£co0ai to prepare one a meal of horses, to get of a person, esp. of what country, Lat. cujas.

ready, harness : of soldiers, to equip, arm, harness 6tt66€v Ep. 6irir60€v Ion. 6k60€V, relat. Adv. whence,
also, to train, exercise. 2. to arm as oirKtTCu. II. from what place.
Pass, to get ready, be ready: to arm, prepare for oir60t Ep. 6irir60t, relat. Adv. (itoOi) where.
battle. Hence 5irot Ion. 8koi, relat. Adv. of Place, whither, thither
oirXto-is, r), a preparing for war, equipment, accou- where; oiroi votI whithersoever ; /x«x/>< ovoi up to
trement, arming. what place, how far. 2. c. gen., oirot yrjs whither
5irXtorp.a, <ztos, t6, (6ir\i£<») equipment, armour. II. in the world, Lat. quo ttrrarum. II. of Manner,
an army, armament. for onus, how, bow far.
ottXio-|a6s, 6, (dirXifa) = BirXiois. oiroios, a, ov, Ep. oiriroios, 17, ov, Ion. okoios, 17, ov:
ottXiot«ov, verb. Adj. of oirXtfa, one must arm. (itoios) relat. Adj. of what sort, kind, or quality, Lat.
©irXurrrjs, ov, 6, (dirXifa) of a warrior. qualis. II. the correlat. of oiroios is toios rotot ;

&n\lT-&y<iiy6s, ov, (oirXiTTjs, dyw) commanding the .. oiroios such as; oinroiuv k (iirrioOa tiros, toiov k

heavy-armed. liraKovoais such word as thou hast spoken, such shalt

orrXlrtviii, f. a<u, to be an dirXiTrjs, serve as a heavy- thou hear again. III. oiroios tis refers to a special
armed soldier. From subject ; oiroius what manner of man was
tis r)

oirXCTTjs [t] , ii. 2) heavy-armed, armed in

ov, 6, (oirXov he. IV. oiroios ovv of what kind soever, Lat.
full armour; arparos an armed host.
oirXiT-qs II. qualiscunque. V. Adv. oiroCus also in neut :

as Subst., birXiT-ns, ov, 6, a heavy- armed foot- soldier, pi diroia, like as, Lat. qualiter.
who carried a pike {bopv), and a large shield (oVAov), 'OITO'2, ov. 6, juice, esp. of trees or plant!, the milky
: : ; . :

494 6ir6s 0770)5.

juice, resin, or gum

: the acid juice of the Jig-tree — exposure to the sun. 4. metaph. of love, to
metaph., birus fjfirjs the juicy freshness of youth. scorch, burn.
ottos, gen. of 6\p. 6irT€vp.€vos, Dor. for birrw/xevos, pres. pass. part, of
oirocraKls, Adv. (birooos) as many times as .
, as dlTTOCD.

often as .. . [fi] 6itt€V(i), = bpdu, to see.

oiToo-dx 1!. Adv. (Siruaos) at as many places as .. . OTTrrjp, fjpos, 6, (oif/o/Mi) one who looks after a thing,
orrocre Ep. 6iriT6a€, Adv., poet, for oiroi, whither. a spy, Lat. speculator.
o-rrocros, rj, ov, Ep. oiriroaos, 6it6o-o-os, ottttocto-os OTTTTjpios, a, ov, (oipo/xat) of or belonging to sight;
Ion. okootos: (nbaos): relat. Adj., I. of Number, to. cnTTqpia (sub. Supa), presents made by the bride-
as many, as many as .. , Lat. quot. II. of Space, groom on seeing the bride without the veil: generally,
as large, as large as , Lat. quantus. . presents upon seeing or to see a person.
oiroT-dv Ep. 6irrr6T-Sv, for biror dv, (iroYc): Conj. otttiXos [t], 0, {oxpopuai) the eye; Dor. also bvriXKos.
followed by subjunctive, whensoever, Lat. quando- *6irTopxii, obsol. pres. whence the tenses of bpdoi
cunque. are formed : see bpdu.
6ttot« Ep. Otttt6t« Ion. 6k6tc, relat. Conj. when, Lat. otttos, t}, ov, (bnrdu) roasted : generally, prepared
quando. II. in causal sense, for that, because, since. by fire, baked; i<p9d /col birrd boiled meats and roast:
OTTOTtpOS, O, 0V, Ep. OTTTTOTCpOS, T), OV \ (iTOTCpOs) '.
also of pottery, etc., baked or burned.
—which of two, whether of the twain, Lat. uter : also 'OIlTm Att. 6itvw, f. vow [v] : I. Act. of

which of us two, which of you two. 2. bnorepo- the man, to marry, wed, take to wife, have to wife
aovv and bvorepos SrjnoTt, whichever of the two, Lat. birv'iovT($ married men, opp. to the unmarried (r}i-
utervis, uterlibet, utercunque. 3. neut birbrepov 6eoi). II. Pass., of the woman, to be married,
and dvoTtpa as Adv., for dnortpws, in whichever of become a wife.
two ways: also for irbrtpov, whether, Lat. utrum, 5ir<i>ira, Ion. pf. med. of bpdu : Dor. 3 sing, dvamrj.
when there is choice of two things. II. one of OTTttirfi, ij, (oiruira) poet, for oif/is, a sight, view, vi-
two, Lat. alteruter. Hence sion. II. sight, power of seeing.
oiroTcpcodc, -c»0ev Ep. &1TTT0T-, relat. Adv. from 6iT<tfirr)TTjp, rjpos, b, {oiruira) a spy, looker out.
which of the two, from whether of the twain. 'OTICL'PA Ion. oiraipT), t), properly the part of the
oiroTcptos, relat. Adv. in whichever of two ways. year between the rising of Sirius and of Arcturus,
oiroTcpcixrc, relat. Adv. (bnbrcpos) to which or which- the end of summer : it was the rainy and stormy sea-
ever of two sides ; in which of two ways. son. II. from being the fruit-time, bnwpa also

Sirov Ion. 8kov, relat. Adv. where, Lat. ubi. 2. means the fruit itself, esp. tree-fruit. III. metaph.
also c. gen., Sirov 777$ where in the world, Lat. ubi ter- the vigour of life, ripe manhood.
rarum. 3. 10O'. Sirov there are places, where. , i. e. . dirwpieuvTCS, Ion. for birupiovvrts, part. Att. fut. of
in some places, somewhere, as Lat. est ubi , for ali- bvupifa.

. .

cubi. 4. OTTov dv or onovntp dv, wherever: f. lau Att. tu, (oirwpa) to gather fruits.
6 Troop if <i> , II.
ovovovv, oTTovdrj, bnovSr)irort, wheresoever, Lat. ubi- togather fruits qffz tree.
cunque. II. of Time, like Lat. ubi, when, at the oirtoptvos, 17, 6v, (bvupa) of or at the time of early
time when. III. of Manner, bow. IV. Cau- autumn, autumnal; dorfjp birupivbs the summer-stir,
sal, because, since, Lat. quando, quoniam. (Really dog-star, also "Xtipios, whose rising marked the begin-
gen. of an old Pron. *ovos.) ning of oirwpa. long Ep., when last syll. is long.]
[* is
Sirira, Adv. poet, for otto, Dor. for Svrj. oTrojpo^opto), f. tjou, to bear fruit. From
©'iriraTa, Dor. for op.yja.ra. 6irci>po-4>opos, ov, (oirwpa 11, <pipw) bearing fruit.
oirmr), Adv., Ep for own. Situs Ep. Sitikos Ion. okws: —
relat. Conj. of Man-
oinroOev, 6iTiT60t, Ep. for birbOev, biroOi. ner, how, in what way or manner, Lat. quomodo. 2.
oiTiTotos, Siriroo-e, Ep. for biroios, birboc. sometimes put for olos, as, roiov fit edrj/cev, Situs
oinroKa, Dor. for 6it6tc. t6€\ct, for ofoi> (6(\u, he has made me such as he
6ttit6o-os, t}, ov, Ep for birooos. wills. 3. oitojs €X« as I am, i. e. immediately,
iirnrorav, iiriroT' dv, Ep. for birorav, birbr' mv. on the spot. 4. c. gen., crovaOc Situs itoSwv (sub.
omr6T€, Ep. for birore.
?X CT€ )» Tun as y° u are °fffor feet, i- e. as quick as
6irir6T€pos, oiTiroTepwOev, Ep. for bvor~. you can. 5. bnuaSrj, bvataovv, biruaSijiroTovv,
oVirws, Ep. for onus. birwariovv, howsoever, in what manner soever; so,
oitt&Xcos, a, ov, (dnrdu) roasted : also baked. ov5* bttwoTiovv, not in any way whatever, not in the
oirrdviov, t6, (bnrdu) a kitchen. least. 6. ovk tad' onus it is not (i. e. cannot be)
r), (6\(/o/juu) a sight, a vision. that ; but, ovk ioO' Situs ov, Lat. non fieri potest

'OriTA'il, impf. wtttuv. f. Sirrt)au:

— quin , it cannot but be that.
Pass., aor. .

II. like Lat. ut,


I unrrJiOr)v : pf. anrrrj/iai to roast or broil meat of Time, when, as, so soon as; Tpwts ippiynaav, Situs
opp. to tyu, to boil. 2. to bake bread also of ihov aio\ov S<piv the Trojans shuddered when they

pottery, to bake or burn. 3. to bake, harden by saw. III. like ws and Sn, Lat. quam, with Sup.
! ; : : ;

Sptias— 'OPET&. 495

•f Adv. Svojs rdxiara as quickly as possible, Lat. seen to be wretched rci dp&peva things visible.
: III.
yuam celerrime ; ovojs dpiara as well as possible of the mind, to discern, perceive.
B. ovojs as final Conjunction, an end or 6p yd£u>, f. aaoj: aor. tupyaoa; pf. pass, wpyaapai


purpose, (bat, in order that, so that, Lat. quo, ut, fol- (opyaoj) : to soften, knead, mould, Lat. subigo.
lowed, I. by the Subjunct. when the anteced. opyaivo), f. avw : aor. 1 wpyava : (opyt)) — to make
Verb of pres. time, as, opa ovojs yivrjTai he is look- angry, enrage.
is II. intr. to grow or be angry. •

ing that he may be vtipa, ovojs ttev "iKijai keep try- opydviov, to, Dim. of opydvov, a small tool or in-
ing that thou miyest come: —
also elliptically (sub. strument.
Spa, Spare, etc.) to express a caution, usually with opydvov, t6, (epyov) an instrument, implement, tool,
fir], as, ovojs tovt6 ye pr) voit)ar)s, [see] thou do it engine; kaivea Apupiovos opyava the Siony works of '

not so also with indicat. fut ottos dvbpts taeaOe Amphion, i.e. the walls of Thebes.
; , II. a musi'
see that ye be men II. by the Opiat., if the cal instrument. III. the material of a work. IV.
anteced. Verb be of past time, whether imperf. or tbe work, product itself.
aor., as, ikeyov (dvov) oitojs yivono I kept speak- opydvos, 7), ov. (*tpyoj) working, fashioning.
ing (spoke) (bat it might be done. III. by the opyds (sub. 717), ddos, 7), \vpyaoj) a well-watered,
Indicat. of fut. Otkyet ottojs 'lOmcrjs Hik-qaerai she fertile tract of land, a meadow.

beguiles him wi'b tbe view tbat he should forget opydco, {opyt)) to swell or teem wi'b moisture : of
Ithaca :also to convey a caution, 8e? a' oVcus Sct- soil, to abound, swell with produce of fruit, to swell :

£«i». IV. in Att. occurs the phrase oux oitojs, as it ripens ; c. inf., opyj. dpdaOai [the crop] 1$ ripe
dkkd or dXAa koi not only not so, but , ov\ ottojs for cutting. . II. of animals, to swell with lust,
\api.v aurots <fx«t», dkXd, teal Kara* tovtojvI vokirevct wax wanton, be at beat: to be excited, passionae. 2.
you not only are not grateful to them, but you are c. gen. to yearn or long for.
even taking measures against them in full, ov keyoj —
cpyecov, Sjvus, Ep. opyciwv, 6vos, <5, (opyta) a priest.

ovojs I do not say tbat, etc.; so, oux ovojs, dAA' obSt opyf\, r). (opiyoi) impulse, feeling : the temperament,
not only not so, but not at all. V. Zvojs ut), ihe dispo ition, temper, esp. in pi upyal darvvvpot social ,

Conjunction fit): generally used only with aor. 2 subj., dispositions. II. any violent emotion or passion,
or wi h indicat. fut. anger, wra'h; bpyr\ \po.aOai to indulge one's anger;
opdas, Ep. for opis, 2 sing, of opdoj. dpyijv aKpos prone to an^er, passionate: 6pyi as
Spuria, r6, (upax») tbat which is seen, a view, Adv. in anger, in a passion : so also di' opyfjs, tear
tight. 6pyr)v, per ipyrjs p<js 6pyi)v. 2. Tlavds opyai
opapvos, 6, later form of opdlapvos. panic pas: ions, .error .

opucas, (ojs, r), {upaaj) seeing, tbe sense of sigbt. op-yta, iojv, rd, {Zpyov) only used in pi., secret ri'es,

6pu,Tos, t), 6v, (ypaxu) to be seen, visible ; to. upard secret worship, practised by the initiated alone at the
visible objects. secret worship of Demeter at Eleusis also tbe rites :

'OPA'H, impf. Att. iojpojv*. Ion. 6pta> impf. Sjptov. of Bacchus, orgies. II. any ri es, worship, sacri-

Ep. also cpocu: pf iupauta la er iajpcuea, pass, topapat fice. 2. any mysteries, without reference to reli-
I later koipayuai. Other tenses are supplied from the gion. Hence
Root OI1T-OMAI, fut. oipopai, with a rare aor. I 6pyTd£co, f. daw, to celebrate orgies. II. to so-

uipd/xTjv Pass., fut. 6<p6t)aopai aor. I w<p9r)V inf. lemnise or celebrate any sacred rites.

! 6ff>$7)vai

: pf. wppat, 2nf>ai, wvrai,


inf. w<p6ai : there 6p*yi£b>, f. iaoj Att. iu> : aor. I wpyina : (opyt)) —
is med. ovoma, plqpf. dvdmfiv from
also in Ep. a perf. to make angry, provoke anger, irritate. to II.

the same Koot. Lastly, from the Root "IAH are Pass with fut. med. opyiovpai. but also pass 6pyt-
upytapat: —

formed also aor. 2 act. fTbov inf. ihtiv aor. 2 med. : adt)aopai: aor. I wpyioOrjv: pf. to grow
I flSopiTjV inf. ihioOai : pf. with pres. sense olda, oToOa, angry, be wroth.
1 know, etc., inf. tltitvai (see o75a). opyiXos [f], 17, ov,(upyr)) prone to anger, passionate.
To see, to look; /car avrovs aUv opa (}> Ep. impf.) opYio-djxivnjs, ov, 6, (upyia, <paivoj) one who ini-

I be kep' looking continua ly at them. 2. to bave tiates others into orgies.

sigbt, like $kivoj, opp. to pi) opdv to be blind oa' ; opyvvd or opyvui, r), (formed from opiyoj, as dyvid
&v kiyoipu, vdvO' upwvra ke£opai my words shall from dyoj) tbe length of tbe outstretched arms. 2.

bave eyes, i. e. shall ave meaning iv ckutoj orpoiaro

; as a measure of leng h, = 4 vr)x^i or 6 feet I inch,
may tbey bave sigbt <n darkness, i. e. may they be about our fathom : 100 opyviai make one stadium.
blind. 3. to see, look to, take beed, beware, mosly Hence
1 in Imperat. opa tl 4. c. ace. cognato, upav
. opyuiaios, o, ov, a fathom lon% or large.
&Xkov to look prowess, look like a wanior. 5. opeyp-a, aros, to, (opiyoj) a stretching out : a hold-
trans, to see. look at, heboid, perceive, observe, c. ace. ing out, offering.
Ipdv <pdos 'Htkioio (Horn.), and <pws 6pav {An.) to see 6p€yvup.t, = dpeyoj, whence 6p(yvvs (part, pres.)
the light, i. e. to be alive. II. Pass, to be seen, 'OPETft fut. op((oj: aor. 1 wpe{a:—to reach,
ilso to appear; c. part., oxp&qpev 6vrts ddkioi we were stretch out, extend, Lat. porrigo : to stretch out tne
: .

406 6p€tdp\r]S — opdobpofieco.

hands in entreaty. reach out, band, offer,
2. to 6p€o-o T-'Y€VT|s, is, and 6p*o-oi-yovos, ov, (5pos, yi-

give. II. Med. bpkyopai, with aor. I med. &pe vos, ybvos) mountain-born.
(dpnv, and pass. djpix^V v P*- P ass bp&peypat'• to —
opccrcrl-vopos, ov, {opos, vipuv) Ep. for bpuvbpot,
stretch oneself out, reach out; x e P°~* bpi£aa0ai to feeding on the mountains, mountain-haunting.
reach with the bands ; bpi£aoOai eyx*? to lunge, 'OpeoreCa, ^, the tale of Orestes, the general name
thrust out with the spear vooalv bpcupix^rai (pf.) for the Agamemnon, Choephoroe and Eumenides of

no\epu£tiv of horses, they stretched themselves with Aeschylus, being the only extant Trilogy.
their feet (i. e. went at full gallop) to the fight ; bpi- opco-Tcpos, a, ov, (opos) poet, for bpuvbs, moun-
£<zt' lijv he stretched himself as he went, i. e. went at tainous, dwelling in the mountains.
full stride. 2. c. gen. to reach at or to a thing, opeorids, ados, ij, (opos) = 'Opu&s ; Wipupai bpcari-
grasp at: to reach at, aim a blow at: metaph. to dSes, the mountain-nymphs, the Oreads.
reach after, grasp at, desire. 3. c. ace. to reach, opead*, -<J>iv, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, and pi. of 6pos.
gain one's end : also to reach with a weapon, strike, opevs Ion. oupevs, tois, 6, (&pos a mountain) a mule.
wound: to band to oneself, reach for oneself optus, Dor. for optos, gen. of opos.
6pci-dpxT)S, ov, 6, (opos, apx 03 ) lord of the mountains. 6pt\Qtdi, f. tjooj, = opiyofiou, to stretch oneself; also,
opcids, ahos, 17, (opos) pecul. fern, of optios, of or to beat fast, pant, quiver, of the heart, etc. fiocs ;

belonging to mountains. II. sub. Nvpuprj, an 6p(x6* ov a<pa£6p.evoi the steers lay stretched, or qui-
Oread, mountain-nymph. vered conviduvely, as they were slain : daXaaaav lot
6pei(3&Tco), to roam the mountains. From vorl xipaov opex^W (Dor. inf. for bpexOetv) let the
opei-pd-rns, ov, 6, (opos, fiaivoj) mountain-ranging. sea stretch itself (i. e. roll up) to the beach.
opeiSpouia, 1), a running wild over the bills. From 6p«o pi. 6pcopcv, Ion. for opaw, 6pa.op.ev.
6pci.-8pop.os, ov, (opos, hpamiv) running on the bills. Sp-ncu or op-fjcu, poet. 2 sing. pres. med. of opaa).
6p€k-v6pos, ov, (opos, vipoj) feeding on the moun- op-qpi, Aeol. for opaw, inf. oprjv, part, dpeis.
tains, mountain-ranging. 6pijT6s, 4], 6v, Ion. for Sparks.
opeivos, 17, ov, (opos) mountainous, billy. II. op0cu, inf. of wpfxrjv, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of opvvpu.
on or of a mountain : as Subst., bpuvos, 6, a moun- opdcvo), f. aw, (bpOos) = bp$6a>, to set upright: set
taineer. straight
opcio-v6pos, ov, = bpeiv6pu>s. 'Opdla, i), name of Diana in Laconia and Arcadia.
opeios, a, ov, also os, ov. Ion. ovpcios, (6pos) moun- 6p0ia, neut. pi. of 6p0tos used also as Adv. aloud.

'ainous, hilly : also, living on the mountains. 6p0id8c, Adv. (bpOios) straight up, upwards.
6peio-x&pr|S, is, (opos, x apl vai ) delighting in the 6p0ia£o), f. daoj (opdios) to speak in a high tone of
hills. voice or in a high key, speak loud. II. to set
opcC-irXayKTOS, see bpirrkayicTos. upright.
op€t-TV»TTOs, ov, (opos, tvitto)) working in the moun- 6p0iao-p,a, aros, r6, (bpdi6.$t») a high pitch of the
ains, i. e. felling timber, or quarrying stone. voice, a loud shout or cry.
opei-dwiTns, ov, (opos, <f>oiTocu) mountain-ranging. opdios, a, ov, Att. also os, ov, (Sp96s) straight up,
opet-xaAxos, 6, (opos, xo^.k6s) Lat. oricbalcum,fine rising upwards, steep ; bpdiov vopeveaOai or rrpas op-
copper ore and the brass made from it: also,fine brass. diov ttvai to march up bill ; rcL 6p0ia the country
opewo-rrjs, ov, 6, (opos) a mountaineer. from the coast upwards. 2. upright : of animals,
6pcKr6s, 17, 6v, (opiyoi) stretched out, presented: standing upright, rearing. 3. straight, right. II.

ilso, to be presented. of the voice, higb-pitched, loud, shrill, clear; vupos

6pe£dp,cvos, 6pc£as, aor. I part. med. and act. of opdios a stirring, thrilling air : in neut. pi. as Adv.,
opiyoj. 8p$ia fjvac she cried aloud. III. 6p9toi \bxot,
6pe£ts, €<t)s, ij , (bpiyo)) a longing or yearning after Livy's recti ordines, as a military term, battalions in
a thing, desire for it. column or file, whereas in <pa\ay£ the men stood in
6peo-Kopos, ov, incorrect form of optcofcopos. line; bpOiovs robs \6xovs dytiv to bring the com-
optovTO, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 med. of opvvpu. panies up in column. IV. generally, like 6p$6s,
opeoiroXto), to haunt the mountains. From straight, opp. to crooked.
opto-iToXos, ov, (opos, vo\((u) mountain-haunting 6p0o-pdT«i>, (bpOos, PaivoS) to go straight on or
6p€<rt-rpo4>os, ov, (opos, Tpi<pai) mountain-bred or upright.
reared, epith. of the lion. 6p06-f3ov\os, ov, (6p96s, fiovkri) right-counselling.
6p«-o-Ktos, ov, (opos, ffKid) shadowed by mountains. 6p0o-8&T|s, is, (bpQbs, daijvai) knowing rightly bow
opccr-icoos Ep 6peo--K&os. ov, (opos, tctipai) lying to do, c. inf.
on mountains, mountain bred, wild. 6p0o-Sticaios, ov, (6p66t, Sltcaios) righteously
6p<W-avXos, ov, (opos, av\rj) dwelling in the judging.
mountains. 6p0o-S£icas, Dor. for 6p$oSi/cT]s, ov, 6, (6p$6$, ft/tdfa)
6peo~ari, Ep. for Sptai, dat. pi. of opos. a righteous judge, [f]
optorcrt-Sd-rns, ov, 0, = bpttj&aTT)*. [dC] op0oSpop.4ci>, to run straightforward.
: — ; : : : :

SpOobpojios — 6p££a>. 497

op0o-8p6u.os, ov, (bpObs, Spafxetv) running straight to set straight — Pass, to he aimed straight. II.

forward. metaph. to raise up, restore to health, safe'y, etc. 2.

6p0o-€ir€ia, f], {bpQus, enos} correct language. to exalt, honour, exol. 3. bpOojaat ijfxvov to raise
6p06-0pi£, rpixos, b, 7), (bpOus, Opi£) with hair up- the lofty song 4. to guide aright. III. Pass,
standing, or making ^tand on end.
the hair of actions, to succeed ; prosper to bpOovptvov suc- ;

6p06-Kpaipos, with straight or

a, ov, (bpOos, itpaipa) cess of persons and places, to flourish, prosper.
: 7.
upright horns, epith. of horned cattle with upright : to be right, be true. 3. to be upright, deal justly
beaks, of the two ends of a galley which turned up or uprightly.
so as to resemble horns : Ep. gen. pi. fern. bpOo- op0pcvoicra, Dor. for -tvovaa, part. tern, of
Kpa.Lpa.ajv. 6p0p6vo>, f. aeo, (opOpos) to rise or wake early.
6p06-Kpdvos, ov, (bpObs, tcpdvov) having a high 6p0piSios, a, ov, poet for opOpios. [t]
bead or crown : with a lofty mound. 6p0pt£ci>, f. aoj, (opOpos) to rise, wake early.
op0ou.avTeia, ff, true prophecy. From op0piv6s [r], r\, ov, (opOpos) later form for opOpios
6p06-u.avns, ea/s Ion ios, 6, j), (bpOos, fxdvTis) a opGplos, a, ov, also os, ov, {opOpos) at daybreak, at
true prophet. dawn, in the morning, early : irreg. Comp. and Sup.
6p0o-irdAT),if, (bpOos, irdX-q) wrestling upright. [tt] bpdpiaiTfpos, airaros . —
Neut. to vpOpiov or opOpiov,
6p06-ir\oos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (bpOus, ir\ioj) as Adv. in the morning, early.
sailing straight be/ore the wind : generally, suc- op0po-{36as, ov, 6, (opOpos, ftodoj) the early caller,
cessful. Chanticleer, i. e. the cock.

6p0oiroScci>, (bpOorrovs) to walk straight or uprightly. 6p0po-<y6i], 17, (opOpos, yodw) early-wailing, of the
op96-iro\ks, ecus, 6, -q, (bpOus, xroAts) upholding cities. swallow.
6p06-irovs, 6, j), -vow, to, gen. -irodos, (bpOus, ttovs) op0po-\d\os, ov, (5p0pos, AaAe'cu) early-twittering.
with straight feet : standing upright. II. uphill, "OP0PO2, 0, the time about daybreak, dawn, early
steep. morn; tov opOpov, absol., in the morning ; so, opOpov
'OPOC^S, 4), 6v, straight, Lat. rectus : in height, ycvofievov at dawn ; and apa opOpoj, es opOpov, KaT
upright, standing erect. II. in line, straight, opOpov, wept opOpov ; but itpbs opOpov towards dawn
straight forward, in a straight line; bpOos avr' -qt- opOpos fiaOvs early morn.
\ioio rtrpapmivos turned straight to front the sun 6p0po-4>oiTO-crvKO<j)avTO-8tKO-Ta\ai<n-cupos, ov, (op-
bpObv noda ridevai to put the foot straight out, as in Opos, (poiraa), ffvKO<pa.VTT]S, biKTj, Takaiirojpos) bpO.
walking, opp. to Kar-qpe<pr]s when it is covered with Tpbitot early-prowling base-informing sad-litigious
the robe from not being in motion 0\eveiv bpOd to plaguy ways.;

see straight or well. III. metaph. right, safe, 6p0u>0els, aor. I pass. part, of bpOboj.
prosperous. 2. right, true, exact; opO' aaoveiv to 6p0-covvu.os, ov, (vpOos. ovopxx) rightly-named.
be rightly called bpOcp \6ycp in strict terms, in very
: 6p0ws, Adv. of bpOos, rightly: uprightly, justly:
truth : so Adv., bpOws \iyeiv to speak true. 3. truly, really.
true, genuine, real. 4. upright, righteous, just, 'OpQuxria, 1), = 'OpOia.
Lat. rectus ; narcL to bpObv Si/cdfav to judge right- 6p06>TT|p, rjpos, b, (bpOooS) one who sets upright, a
eously. 5. on tiptoe, in eager expectation, Lat. restorer.
erectus animo. IV. f) bpOrj (sub. irruais) the opt-pdTijs, ov, 6, dub. for bpct&aTrjt.
nominative, Lat. casus rectus, as opp. to the oblique 'OPITA NON, to, and opiy&vos, 1), an acrid herb,
cases. marjoram : bpiyavov fiXs-new to look origanum, i. e.
6pGo-crT(i8T)v, Adv. (bpOot, arrjvai) standing upright, to look sour or crabbed, [t]
in a standing posture., Med., with fut. -fjaopai, aor. I pass.
6p9o-o-Ta.TT]S, ov, 6, (bpOos, arfjvat) one who stands wpiyvqOnv. (bpiyoftat): — to stretch oneself out. 2.
upright. II. an upright shaft, pillar : as Adj., c. gen. to stretch oneself after a thing, reach at,
K\ifM./cesopBoararai upright ladders. grasp at. III. a sort
of cake used in funeral oblations. [fi] 6pi£o>, fut. bpiaoj Att. bpiai aor. I &pioa Ion. ov- :

6p96raTO, Adv. Sup. of bpOws. piaa : pf. uputa Med., fut. bpiovpat aor. 1 wpioa- : — :

6p0onjs, Tjrot, t), (bpObs) straigbtness, upright pos- Pltjv Pass., fut. bpiaOrjaofMi : —
aor. I wpiaOrjv pf. : :

ture. II. metaph. rigbtness, fitness : the right wpiapxu (sometimes used in med. sense) : (opos)
sense. to divide or separate one part from another, to divide
6p0o-Tou.tco, (bpObt, ripvw) to cut straight : handle as a boundary ; noTafibs ovpi£et ttjv t( IkvOik^v koI
aright. t^v Nfvplda yrjv a river is the boundary between Scythia
6p06(o, f. (t/aeu aor. 1 wpOojaa
— : : —
Pass., aor. 1 <bp6u>- and Neuris Pass., of a country, to be bounded. : —2.
fhjv : (bp06$) : to set straight: I. in height, to bplfav tivcL dirb 777s to part, banish one from the
set upright, set up: of buildings, to raise, restore, land. II. to mark out by boundaries, lay down,
repair : hence, bpOtuBtit raised up, set on one's legs mark out : to limit, define Med. to mark out for —
again —
Pass, to stand or sit upright. 2. in a line, oneself, set up, dedicate. III. generally, to deter-
: : : : :;

498 SpiKds — dpfxCCa).

mine, appoint : to settle. i. to define a word. 3. 6ppS0ctv, an aor. 2 form of Sp/xdw, to rush, whence
to assign, upi£tiv xpr^pov to give a vote. IV. intr. subj. upfiatiw: but 6ppu6g is Dor. for op^rjOp, 3 sing,
to border upon. aor. 1 suuj. pass, of upfida).
opticos, 17, 6v, (opevs) of or for a mule. 6pp&06s, ov, 6,(op)jio$) a row, chain, cluster or string
opivOciTjv, aor. I pass. opt.of opivca. of things hanging one from the other.
opivu, aor. wpiva tp. oplva
1 Pass. 3 sing. impf. — — —
oppaivw, unpl. upftaivov: aor. 1 wppunva: (6pftdw):
ajplvcTo: aor. wpivOrjv Ep. dpivOqv
1 (opvvju): to : to move or turn over or revolve a
stir violently; to
stir, raise, Lat. agitare : metaph. to move, excite, af- plan in the mind, to ponder or muse upon it : to de-
fect the mind : — Pass to be stirred, roused, disquieted: bate, consider. 2. to long for, desire. II.
to be affrighted,thrown in'o confusion. later, 1. trans, to drive, urge on: to excite, in-
opiov, ro, = opos, a bound, goal: opia, rd, bound- flame. 2. intr. to hasten, hurry, be impatient.
aries, borders, frontier. 6ppcia>, f. ijo<t>'. aor. 1 wp/irjaa: pf. wpn-ntca:
Spios, ov, (opos) of or presiding over boundaries. (opi*q) : I. urge on,
trans, to set in motion,
optcrpa Ion. ovp-, to, (opt'£a>) a boundary: in plur. rouse : to stir up. II. intr. to hurry or rush on

the borders, frontier. c. inf. to be eager to do, to start or essay to do absol. :

opurrfjs, ov, 6, (upifa) one who marks boundaries to be eager or foremost. 2. to rush headlong, esp.
one who determines. at one, c. gen. III. Pass, with rut. med. bpnif
6pi-rpocJ>os, ov, (opos, Tpicpco) mountain-bred. aofmt aor. 1 med. opix-qaaadai and pass. opiirjOrjvai

opicdvT], j), = tpKavrj, tptcos, from €py<u, etpyw, an en- pf. pass. wpfAijfiai
: —m
same sense as intr. act. : I.
closure, fence : a trap or pitfall [S] to hurry, hasten, start off eagerly : generally, to be
6pK-diraTTjs, ov, 6, \opicos, dvarcuu) an oath-breaker. eager, to long or purpose to do. 2. to set off or

[«] proceed from a place, to begin from ; of a general, to

opK^a), f. iW,
(op/cos) to make one swear, adjure. make a place bis base of operations : dv tXaaauvw
opiciov, to\ (opicot)an oath: also a pi edge, surety. II. dpfAWjicvos setting out from or beginning with smaller
mostly in plur., opicia, rd, things sworn to, articles of means. 3. absol. to rush on, make a desperate
a treay, a treaty ; opKia mard rafiuv to conclude a attack, to be eager: generally, to make a start, go;
binding treaty, Lat. foedus ferire, icisse foedus : of 6 \6yos &pfirjrai the report fiies abroad.
two parties, in Med., Zpicta rdfiveaOat to make a treaty 6pp.ta.To, Ion. tor wpjiijvro, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of oppAu.
between them ; Spteia hfjK^aaaOai, bvlp op/cia SrjK'fjaa- 6ppcwd, {j, - dpjjud.
o8ai to violate a solemn treaty: so too, opKia oxry- oppevos, aor. 2 part. med. of opwpi.
X«uat, optcia iptvaaaOai, opp. to Sptcia <pvkdoauv or oppcw, f. 4}ocu,(opnot) :— /o be moored, lie at anchor,
TTjpSv. 2. the victims sacrificed on taking these of a ship: proverbial, ivl Svoiv dtytcvpatv opfittv to
solemn oaths, like Upd. ride two anchors, as we say • to have two strings to
optctos, ov, more rarely a. ov, (Zpico*) of or for an your bow :' meiaph. to anchor one's hopes upon, de-
oath : sworn, bound by oath. 2. that is sworn by, pend upon.
adjured as witness to an oath ; opxioi Ocoi the gods 6pp.cwp.cvos, Ion. part. pass, of bpyJuo.
invoked at an oath ; £i<pos optciov a sword which is opp/f), rt , (vpvvfii an assault, attack, the first shock
sworn hy. or onset in war, Lat. impetus ; mostly of things, as,
OPKOS, ov, 6, an oath; optcov d/iSoat to swear an tyX*os up^Tj the force of a spear ; irvpus opfifj the rage
oa b ; op/cos 9cu>v an oath by the gods opicov Aa/*#d- of tire Kvpiaros dp\xt\ the shock of a wave.
; ; a. the
veiv to accept an oath from another dvoSiduvai to beginning or first start in a thing a struggle or effort

take it oneself. 2. the witness of the oath, the power to reach a thing. 3. eagerness, violense, passion,
or object adjured, as the Styx by the gods. II. impulse; jxia opfiy with one accord; c. gen. eager
"Op/cos, personified, son of Eris, who visits the trans- desire for a thing. 4. a start, setting out on a
gression of an oath, {op/eus was orig. equiv. to tpieos, march, etc.
as opKovp s to ipitovpos.) opp/nOcls, (taa, iv, aor. I pass. part, of dp/idea.
opK-ovpos, 6, = kpKOVpOt. op pi] pa, t6, (opfidaj) any violent impulse, passionate
opKow, f. &)<j<u, (opitos) to make one swear, bind by desire.
oath —
Pass, to be bound by oath, to swear. 6pp/f|o-cic, 3 Ep. aor. I opt. of bp\Uua.
SpKwpa, t6, (6pfe6a>) an oab. oppTjTrjpiov, t6, (upfidaj) any means of exciting, a
opKujioo-Ca, 1), (optcwfioT iw) a swearing, an oath. stimulant, incentive. II. a starting-place, station,
6pKwp.6oT.ov, r6, the place of an oath. II. in bead-quarters.
pi. asseverations on oath. From oppxd, rj, {fyfios) a fishing-line of horse-hair, Lat.
opKcoporea), f. ^atu, to take an oath, swear; Spuoj- linea. [l~]
fioruv 0'ovs to swear by the gods. From 6pp(£w, fut. -ioa> Ep. -iaau Att. -iS> aor. 1 &p-


OpK-<i>p6TT]S, OV, 6, (OpKOS, OpLVVfll) - 6pKOJT7JS. fuaa (fypos): to bring to anchorage, bring into
6pko)tt|s, ov, 6, (opKow) one who administers an harbour, to moor, anchor. 2. generally, to make
oath. fast or sure. II. Med., with fut. med. ap^uovyjox,
: : . :: : : : : ;

6pjjLir}(36\o s — opovo) 499

aor. I med. wpfiiadfiTjv and pass. wpfilcOrjv : pf. pass. opvix os, -X a . Dor. gen. and ace. of opvis : poet. dat.
wpfxiafiai: —
to come to anchor, anchor; bppi^toOai pi. cpvix«crcri.
irpus widov to come to a place and anchor there. 2. opvv0i, vtou, pres. imperat. of opvvpn.
metaph. to be in haven, to reach the harbour, i.e. to be opvvptv, 6pvup.€vat, Ep. for bpvvvai, pres. inf. of
at rest; bpni^todai in tivos to be dependent on a thing. cpvvpii.
op(XLT)-p6Xos, ov, (bp/xid, BdWv) throwing a line, 6pvup.cvos, rj, ov, pres. med. part, of opvvpn.
angling. opvvp.i or opvvw
[p], lengthd. form of Root *"OPCL:
6pji.o-SoTT|p, rjpos, b, (opfios, oiSwjii) a bringer into imperat. opvvOi, vtoj, etc. : impf. wpvvov : fut. ipou :
harbour, a pilot. aor. I wpaa, part, opoas, Ion. 3 s
ng. bpaaoice :
Spfios, 6, ((tpw) a cord, chain, necklace, collar ; art- sing, redupl. aor. 2 ipaipe — Med. cpvvfxai, imperat.
<pdvuv op/xos a string of crowns. 2. a kind of opwao, vadw, va0(, part, bpvvyavos impf. wpvv/jiijv, :

dance performed in a ring. II.a roadstead, 3 sing, and pi. wpvvro, wpvvvro fut. opaofiai, also :

anchorage, Lat. statio navalis : the inner part of a bpovpuai, 3 sing, bpitrai : aor. 2 wpjp-nv, 3 sing, wpero
harbour, as opp. to \i^v. 2. generally, a haven, contr: wpro, 3 pi. without augm. bpovro also bpkovro
place of shelter or refuge. 3 sing. subj. opnrai ; imperat. bpao or opato Ion. contr.
6pvair«Ttov, t6, Boeot. for cpvcov. opotv ; inf opdai, contr. for bptaOai ; part, oppievos, 77,
opvcov, to, —
opvis. II. rcL Lpvta, the bird-market. ov, for bpofifvos —
pf. bpwpa, in intr. sense 3 sing,
6pv€6-4>oiTOS, ov, (tpvtov, (poiraoS) haunted by birds. subj bpwprf3 sing, plqpf. bpwpd, also wpwpd. I.

opviO-apxos, 6, (opvis, dpxos) king of birds, [i]


Act., to rouse, stir, stir up: to set on, let loose upon —
opvideios, a, ov, also os, ov, (opvis) of or belonging Med., with pf. opcupa, to move, stir oneself; ilobict
to a bird; icpla bpvidua birds' flesh. Hoi <pi\a yovvar' ipwppn while my limbs have power
6pvI0€VTT|s, ov, 6, a bird-catcher, fowler. From to move. 2. Act. to make to arise, call forth: of
opvlOevco, f. a<u, (opvis) to catch, net, snare birds. animals, to rouse, put up, start, chase Med. to —
6pvi0tas, ov, (opvis) masc. Adj., a name given to start up, arise : esp. to wake out of sleep, to spring
the north wind in spring, which brought the birds of up : also c. inf. to rise to do a thing, set about. 3.
passage ; x (l tiwv bpviOias a storm of birds. Act. to stir up, rouse, encourage, cheer on Pass, —
opviOucos, 17, ov, (opvis) of ox for birds. and Med. to be roused, stirred in mind, excited, in-
opviOiov, r6, Dim. of opvis, a little bird : a nestling, flamed. 4. Act. of things, to call forth, cause,
chicken. [vi~\ excite, Lat. ciere Med. to come on, to arise, Lat. —
6pvi06-Yovos, ov, (opvis,* yivoS) sprungfrom a bird. oriri.
6pvI0o-0T]pas, ov, 6, {opvis, Orjpdw) a bird-catcher, SpviJTO, 3pvuvT0, Ep. for wpvvro, wpvvvro, 3 sing,
fowler. and pi. impf. of bpvvpu.
6pvl0o-X6xos Dor. opvix-, 6, (opvis, \o\om) a bird- "0P0B02, 6, the vetch, Lat. ERVUM.
catcher, fowler. opo-yma, ^, poet, for bpyvid.
6pvT.0op.Svca>, f. -qau, to he mad for birds. From 6po8apvis, 180s, -q, Dim of bpbdapvos, a sprig.
6pvi0o-p.dvtjs, is, (opvis, fuxvrjvat) mad after birds. opoSapvos, 0, a bough, branch.
a snare or ginfor birds.
6pvi0o-irc&Tj, ^,(''pvis,TT(brj) opo-0€o-ia, 1), (opos, ri6r]fu) thefixing of boundaries,
opviGos, gtn. of opvis Ep. dat. pi. opviOtaoi.
: boundaries.
opviOo-o-Koiros, ov, {tpvis, okow(oj) observing the 6po0vvb) Ep. impf. bpodvvov : also aor. I imperat.

flight and of birds, Lat. augur, auspex ; Oolkos

cries cpuOvvov '. —
like opvvfu, to stir up, rouse, urge on.
bpvi6oo~Ko-nos an augur's seat, Lat. templum augurale. opot-Timos, ov, = bpeiTviros.
6pv!0o-Tpo4>ia, f/, (opvis, Tp(<pw) bird-keeping. opopca, Dep. (ovpos a guard) to watch, keep watch
opvlos, ov, also os, ov, poet, for bpviOuos. and ward, be on guard.
'OPNI5, 6, but also 1) : gen. opvidos, etc.: ace. sing. opo-pdXCScs, ai, (bpos, fxrjXov) Dor. for bponrjXib'es,
opvlda and ipviv: opvWes, etc.: Att. pi. opvus,
pi. a kind of wild apples.
gen. bpvtaiv, ace. opveis Dor. forms, gen. opvlxos, 'OPO'2 or oppos, 6, whey, the watery or serous part


pi. opvlxos, etc, as if from a Norn. 6pvi£ a bird of milk, Lat. serum. 2. the watery parts of the blood.
often added to the names of birds, as opvis arjb'wv, "0P02 Ion. ovpos, (os, to, a mountain, hill: a range
opvis Tr<p8i£, the nightingale, the partridge. II. or chain of bills.
also like oi<uvbs, a bird of omen, Cpvis /caxos a bird of "OP02 Ion. ovpos, ov, 6, a boundary, limit, frontier,
evil augury : hence, like Lat. avis for avgurium, the border : esp. a land-mark. 2. ovpoi, plur., are
omen or prophecy taken from the flight or cries of marking or monumental stones bearing inscriptions,
birds: in bad sense, an omen, fateful presage. III.

tables set up on mortgaged property, to serve as evi-

in Att., opvis, b, a cock; opvis, j), a ben. IV. in dence of the debt. II. a rule, standard, limit,
pi. sometimes the bird-market, cf. opveov. V. measure. III. the definition of a word.
poet. Movawv opviOts the birds of the Muses, i. e. 'OpoadyYat, ol, Persian word for the Benefactors of
poets. VI. proverb-, bpviOojv yaXa ' pigeon's milk,' the King, «= (ifpyirat.
i. e. any marvellous good-fortune. bpovio, fut. a<u: aor. I opovaa: (opvvfu): — intr. to
!— — : : : :: :

500 6po<f>ri
— op<f>vi.vos.

rush violently on or forward, to hasten, dart or start 6p-riJ-yo-p.TJTpa, ij, (oprv(, fi^rrjp) a bird which mi-
forward. grates with the quails : applied to Leto the Ortygian
opo<f>t|, i), (tpi<poj) the roof 01 ceiling of a room : the mother : cf. 'Oprvyia.
roof of a house. "OPTT3, vyos, 6, the quail, Lat. coturnix, -icis.
6po4>T]-<j>4*yos, ov, (dpo<fyq, fayeiv) roof-devouring. opCYfjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of vpvaaoj.
6po4>T)-<j)6pos, ov, ( po<prj, <p(pw) bearing a roof. opvyp-a, to, (opvoooi) a place dug out, a pit, ditch,
opo<j>ias, ov, o, living under a roof; fivs bpo<pias the hole, trench, Lat. scrobs : a mine, tunnel : at Athens
domestic mouse, opp. to fivs dpovpaws (the field = 0dpaOpov, the pit into which criminals were
mouse) 6po<pias u<pis a tame snake. thrown. II. = pv(is.

opo<f>os, 6, (eptcpa)) the reeds used for thatching I opvyp.&S6s, o, late form for opv/zcryoos.
bouses. II. a roof' in pi. a bouse, temple. opVKTOS, rj, ov, (upvoooS)
dug, formed by dig-
6p6u>, Ep. for upaoj; part, opocov for pwv. ging. II. dug out, quarried,
opocovri, Dor. for opuiai, 3 of bpaoi.
pi. I
6pvpay86s, b, a loud noise, rumbling, roaring, any
"OPIIH2 Att. opTTTjl, Dor. opira£, SLkos, 5:
T]/cos, tumultuous sound, not of the human voice.
— a sapling, young shoot or plant a rod or pole : a
6pv£, vyos, 6, (opvaaai) a kind of gazelle or ante-
lance. II. metaph. a scion, descendant. lope, in Egypt and Libya, so called from its pointed
opp&vos, 6, Aeol. for ovpavot. boms.
oppo-iruyiov, to, (
ppos.irvyq^ the tail or tail-feathers 6pu£ox, aor. i inf. of tpvnao).
of b rds. 2. the tail-fin offish. 3. the tail or opvjjis, «us, ^, ( -'pvoaai) a digging.
rump of any animal, t] !
opvs, vos, u, an unknown wild animal in Libya.
"OPPOS, j, the end of the os sacrum -•
the tail, rump. 'OPT 22H Att. -TTco •
fut. bp^o): aor. I wpv(a
'OPPO'2, 6, opus, whey, serum. Ep. 6pv£a pf. up<jjpvx a ' plqpf- wpojpvx^v — Pass.,
oppcoStw Ion. dppo>8- f. -qao) to shudder at,
: : aor. I a/pvx^V v
P '• 1- bpwpvyfiai plqpf. wpwpvyfirjv
shrink from, dread, Lat. borreo, c. ace. c. gen. rei, : 1 —to dig, Lzx.fodio. 2. to dig up : Med \i9ovs ,

to fear for or because nf a hing. Hence bpv£aodai to have stones dug or quarried : Pass., 6
6ppu>Sia, ^, a shuddering at, shrinkingfrom, affright. bpvaauyavos \ovs the soil that was dug up. 3. to

opaas, aor. 1 part, of opvvpu. dig through, make a passage through, burrow. 4.
6pcrao-K€. Ion. for &pot, 3 sing. aor. 1 of opvvpi. to bury.
opeco, 6po-€v, Ep. for opaai, aor. 1 med. imperat. op4>av€vp.a, to\ orphan sta'e. From
of opvvfu. 6p<j>ftv€Vb>,aw, (iptyavW) to take care of orphans,

6po-t-KTviros, ov, (opvvfii, ktvitos} noise-arousing; tend rear them —

Pavs. with fut. med. -evao/Mu, to
Ztvs opa'iKTvnos the rouser of thunder. be an orphan, be in an orphan state.
6pcrt-v€4>T|S, is, {opvvfu, ve<pos) cloud-raising. 6p4>dv(a, if, (bp<pav6s) orphanhood: generally, be-
opat-irovs, -troSos, 6, i) (oprv/ii, irovs) raising the reavement, dettution.
foot, light-footed. 6p4>dv(£o>, f. a<u, (bp<pavos) to make orphan : to be-
opcro, Ep. for opaai, aor. I med. imperat. of opvvpn, reave, deprive — Pass to be left an orphan
bestir thee ! up ! arouse thee 6p4><£vtic6s, 17, 6v, (
pepavus) orphan, fatherless; Ijfiap
6pa-o-9vpr\.^,(Cpvvp:t,$vpa) a raised door approached bp(pavtfc6s the day which makes one an orphan.
by steps, iv) op<|><ivu>s, ov, - bp<paviKus.
opo-oXoirctKi)and -&o, to provoke, attack Pass., — 6p<j>dvt<TTT|s, ov, 6, (vp<pavifa) one who takes care of
Ovpbs bpaoKoirurai mv heart is troubled. From orphans, a guardian.
opcroXo-iros, ov, provoking strife, turbulent. ^Deriv. •OP*A'NO'2, ii, 6v, Att. 6s, 6v, Lat. ORBUS, left
uncertain.) orphan, without father or mother, fatherless. 2.
opaos, Lacon. for 6p66t. c.gen. reft or bereft of a thing ; bpcpavol yevcas reft
6po-o-TplaivT]s TpiaCvas, a, 6 ; a poet. nom.
Dor. of offspring, childless.
-rpCotva : (opvvfu, rpiaiva) : wielder of the trident. op<)>Svo-4>v\a£, Hkos, 6, (bp<pav6s, <pv\a£) the guar-
opcrco, fut. of opvvfu. dian of an orphan, [p 1

oprd£ci>, Ion. for toprafa. 6p4>av6a>, f. wow, (opepavos) to make orphan — Pass.
opr&Xis, ioos, ij, (cpvvfii) the young of any animal, to be bereft of a thing.
Lzi.pullus: a young bird a chicken. Hence "Op<J>6tos, a, ov, of Orpheus. From
6pT&\txevs and oprdXlxos, 0, a bird, fowl : a do- 'Opd^iis, icjs, 6, Orpheus, a famous Thracian bard.
mestic fowl, chicken. opdwaios, a, ov, (opcpvij) dark, dusky, murky. II.

6pTT|, j), Ion. for lopr^. nifbtly, by night.

'Opn'-yia, (oprvf) properly Quail-island, the an-
1), *OP4>NH Dor. 6p<f>vd, f), darkness, night : gloom.
cient name of Delos : also part of the city of Syra- Hence
cuse, called also Hdaos or the Island. opdmvos, n, ov, dark dusky; 6p<pvivov \pwna a
6pr&Yo-K6iros, ov t K.°P TV£t tebirrw) playing at knock- colour mixed of black, red and white, between nop<pv-
ing down quails. ptos and <poiv'tKivot,
:; : : :

6fKt>vlrr]$ — 6<rta. 501

6p<£v£ty|S, ov, 6, (5p<pvrj) dusky, [f] by attraction, as, ttjs ytvtrjs, ^t Zevs hwitt, for ^v
'OP«K)'2 Att. 6p<|>u>s, 6, a kind of sea-percb. Zeis bwtc€
used to refer to sentence* : the neut. 5 is

opx&f-os, b, (upxos) the first of a row, a file-leader, where no antecedent is expressed, as, o 5« irdvTow
fugle-man : the Coryphaeus or leader of the cborus. piyiOTov, 6 Si iravTwv Suvototov, etc., but what is
opx&TOs, 6, = opxos, a row of trees. II. a piece greatest of all, what is most strange of all, etc. The
of land enclosed and planted, Milton's orcbat, an or- Relat. Pron. also stands for fva, as in Lat. qui for ut,
chard, garden. (From opxos, like (icoaros from to express an end or intention, as, dyyeXov ffKav, 6s
fiiaos.) dyyuXtu yvvaifci they sent a messenger to teil, Lat.
6p\(o\iaiJ.rjcrofMi: aor. I &pxv°'^f V v Dep.: (dp- nuncium mherunt, qui nunciaret.


Xot : to dance : c. ace. to represent by dancing or The Relat. Pronoun is used absol. in some cases : I.
gestures ; bpx^Oat Kv/tXcuna, Lat. Cyclopa moveri, gen. sing., of Time, «£ ov (sub. xp^vov) from tbe time
to dance the Cyclops. 2. to leap. when, since : also o5 alone, when ; $otiv ov some-
opxtjSov, Adv. (opxos) one after another, all in a times, at times. 2. of Place, of which place, i. e.
row, man by man, Lat. viritim. where; cotiv oZ in some places. II. dat. sing,

6pxi)6p.6s Ion. 6pxT)o-p.6s, 6, (bpx^ofuu) a dancing, fern, p, of Place, Lat. qua, at which place, where —
the dance. later, of motion to a place, whither in full t, , $ —
6pXT|p-a, to, (opxiofuii) a dance, dancing. there, where tbi'ber, whither . 2. of the Way .
, .

opx^oxs, ij, (opx^ofjuu) dancing, the dance : panto- or Manner, like otto;*, as Lat. quomodo ; 17 6(/us \ot'w
mimic dancing. as is right: so far as, Lat. qua, quatenus. 3. with
6pxT|crp.6s, 6, Att. for bpx^Ofibs. Sup. Adv., 17 fxaXiffTa, 77 dpiCTov, etc., like ws /idXiaTa,
6px"n<rTTip, ffpos, 6, and 6pxT]<rrT|S, ov, 6, (opxiopai) etc., Lat. quam maxime, etc. III. ace. sing. neut.

a dancer. Hence o, for 5i* 0, that, because, Lat. quod. 2. wherefore,

6px'narTUc6s. 17, 6v, of, fit for dancing. Lat. quapropter.
6pxT|OTo-Sl8do-K&\os, 0, (opxeopiai, 8io'6<jk«\os) a The Relai. Pron. is modified by having particles
dancing-master. joined with it I. bs ye, Lat. qui quidem or

6px »)OTo-p.av€<i>, f. i\aoi, (opxeofiai, /Jtavrjvat) to be quippe qui, gives the Relat. a limiting force, who at
dancing-mad. least, since itwa± be who ... II. os Kt or niv Att.

6px"n<rrpa, ff, (opxcopai) an orchestra, in the Attic os dv, is used in case of uncertainty, Lat. quicunque,
theatre a large semiciradar space on which the cborus whosoever, who if any
danced. II. generally, a place for dancing B. "0» is also used as a Demonstr. Pron., for ovros
opxTjorpts, foos, -q, fern. o(6p\rjaTrjs,a dancing girl. or bb( f this, that; chiefly in nom. masc. os or 01,
opxTjaTrrs, vos, 1), Ion. for ipxijais, (upx*onai) e & sometimes in fem. fj and neut. 5 : this is chiefly
dance, dancing; contr. dat. bp\rjaTvT. found in Homer, and later in dialogues of Plato, »} o*
'OPXTAOS, 6, a bird, prob. the wren, [t] os said be. II. in opposition, of .
, of . these .

opxtireSdw, f. i\ao), (bpxiirfbov) to seize the testicles. those , the one party, tbe other : Att. bs fttv .
, 6»
opxl-irfOT), 1), (opxts, iridrj) impotence. o« tbe one. .
, tbe other: & /lev ,4 o7 partly ,

opxt-ircSov, to, in pi. dpxiireb'a, ra, (bpxis, irebov) partly ... III. 6s nal 5s such and such a person,
the testicles, Lat. testiculi. so and so.
"OPXI5, 10s and cewt, 6, pi. opx €4 » or fy>X'* I° n - °P~ C. There
is also a Possessive Pron., os, 1j, oV,

X«**» a testicle, the testicles. mostly of the third person, for los, bis, her: Ep. gen.
'Opxoji€v6s, ij, the name of several Greek cities, ofo. II. of the second person, for abs, thy,

the most famous of which was 'Opxofifvbs Mivvuos thine. III. of the first person, for (fibs, my, mine.
in Boeotia. 6ordici Ep. 60-0-dia, Adv. (Jbcos) as many times as,
"OPXOS, b, a row of trees ; cf. opxaros. as often as, Lat. quoties.
6 pupa, pf. of opvvpu. oo-cltios, a, ov, Ion. oo-o-dTios, poet, for oaos. [it]
opwpei, 3 sing. Ep. plqpf. of opvvpu. 6o"dxo0, Adv. (oaos) in as many places as.
opwperai, Ep. 3 sing. pres. pass, of opvvfu, equiv. to oo-Sos, Aeol. for 6£os.
opojpf : subj. opupTjTai. 6cr6c»), Dor. for ofa.
opupcxaTGik, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of bpeya). 6o--T)p,€pai, Adv., for taai f/pipat, as many days as
opcoptXa-TO, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of upeyai. are, i. e. daily, day by day, like Lat. quotidie for quot
opupvKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of bpvaaoi. dies.
opwpvxa, pf. of bpvaaoi. bo-La Ion. -Ctj, fj, properly fem. of oaios, divine law,
"OS, fj, o; gen. ov, fjs, ov, dat. q>, $, y ace. ov, rjv, o: ; tbe law of nature, answering to Lat. fas: hence oi>x
pi., nom. 01, at, a gen. wv ; dat. of*, als, ols
; ace. ; bait) Att. oi>x baia, c. inf., it is .against the law of
ovs, at, &. There is also an Ion. gen. oov, fern, erjs nature to do iroWfjv baiav tov irpdyfiaTos vofiiaai

and Ep. fern. dat. pi. ps and pat. to hold the full lawfulness of a thing. II. tbe
A. Relat. Pronoun, who, which or that, Lat. qui serviceof God, rites, offering; imPrjvai to
tho Relat. Pron. often takes the case of the Anteced. perform tbe due rites. III. proverb., ocias tvcica
;;, — :;

502 oaios — SorpcLKCvba.

voitioOal n
to do a thing forform's sake, for the sake oo-oo--irep, oarj-irtp, oaov-irtp, however great or much,
of the propriety of the thing, Lat. diets caussa. [f] as great or as much as.
ocrtos, a, ov, sanctioned or approved by the law of oo--ir€p, ij-irtp, o-vtp, (Ep. also oirep masc, as rt
nature, opp. to I'ucaios (established by human law) masc. for oart), who, which, indeed, the very man who
rcL oaia things of divine and human ordi-
ical ditcaia or thing which, Lat. qui quidem.
nance. 2. as opp. to Upus (sacred, reserved to the "OSHPrON, to, pulse, beans : vegetables.
gorfs), Saios means what is not so reserved, i. e. ap- "022AT, a rumour, Lat. fama : a divine voice or

propriated or permitted to man's use; Upd koI oaia sound. II. generally, a voice. III. a
the property of gods and men, Lat. sacra et profana sound, tone, of the harp the din of battle.
: IV.
Zoiov xvplov a place not set apart to the gods, lawful an ominous or warning voice, prophecy, boding : cf.
for man to enter, and so = 0i0rjkos, Lat. profanus. II. 6ft(pi).

more rarely of persons, pious, devout, scrupulous, re- Scro-a, Ion. neut. plur. of Saos.
ligious ; c. gen., Itpuiv itarp<p<av oaios scrupulous in ooxraict, Adv., Ion. for bodici. [3]
discharging the sacred rites of his forefathers ; Batai oo-o-Atios, Ion. for badrtos. [fi]

X*ipt* P ure clean hands.f

"022E, tu, neut. dual, the two eyes, often with pi.
oo-toTrjs, rjTot, i), (poios) observance of divine law,

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