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Dylan Keiser

MUSE350 Finger
Observed Teaching #1
MU:Pr6.1.E.5a Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in
Prepared and improvised performances of a varied repertoire of music.
 Students will perform mm. 13-29 of Alpha Squadron with note accuracy (focus on 13-21,
move on if time)
 Students will express through performance and questioning the “slur”
 Students will express through performance and questioning the “marcato”
 Baton; Score of Alpha Squadron; Dry erase marker; (Optional) modeling instrument

Students will be led in the following:

Warm-ups and Sound-before-Sight preparation for Home Days (10 min First Period)
 Standard Breathing Exercises – start at 12, 16, full w/ sips
 B-flat scale exercise – do wholes and halves. Stop!
o Mr. Sterling is going to work with you on Home Days, what kind of music is it?
(write on board, “march” when answered correctly – visual cue)
o Marches are generally played light, and short – model light and short (audio)
o Play B-flat scale quarters and eights light and short (kinesthetic)
Rehearse Alpha Squadron (15 min Second Period)
 What is this thing called? (a slur on the board) What does it mean? (visual)
o Model different things vocally – what is and what isn’t (audio)
o Let’s play the first five notes of B-flat scale slurred (just up) (kinesthetic)
o Are they in our music?... Let’s look at Alpha. Where after m.13 are there slurs?
o Let’s play them – fix any issues as the come up – focus 13 – 21
 What is this thing called? (a marcato) What does it mean?
o Model a couple different ways…
o Let’s play first five notes of B-flat scale marcato
o Are they in our music? (everywhere)
o Let’s play them – again, fix issues as they present themselves
Assessment will be informal – how are the students playing, give feedback, and take note of who
needs extra help. Also, in recognizing the difference in modeling I give, answering questions,
What are these things (on board)? Have class repeat them.

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