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DATE: ____________
NAME : ___________________________________ DNI ____________________

Mension Maestria: __________________________ (voucher N° ___________)

1 Where are you from?, What´s the language in your country?, Whats your phone number?
2 Are you on holiday?, What´s your address?, How old are you?, What´s your last name?
3 What´s in your bag?. How do you spell "nationality"?. Where do you live?
4 Is this your book?, What day is today?, Is it Monday today?, Are you a teacher?
5 What´s your first name?, Where is the stress in "coffee", How do you say "play" in your language?
6 Correct the sentences. Sean Connery is Irish (Scottish)
7 Translations
You are welcome ______________________welcome __________ __________
room ___________business ___________Would you go? __________
holiday ___________again ___________Would you do? __________
morning ___________parents ___________thanks ______________________
pocket ___________worry ___________level ______________________
help ___________please ___________teacher ______________________
who? ___________shoes ___________names ______________________
what? ___________let´s dance ___________let´s play ______________________
try ___________American ___________Purse ______________________
sorry ___________How old? ___________Lipstick ______________________
Where? ___________Age ___________Tissues ______________________
holiday ___________first ___________Keys ______________________



your language?



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