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Lesson Reflection 4

Lesson Math lesson Student Alyaa Naser

unit/page Unit of inquiry

MCT Ms. Melissa School GEMS School

Class KG1 Date 11\3\2018

Overall aim and context of the lesson:

1. Match one number up to 10 with objects

2. Describe how 10 can represented in different ways using manipulatives

Choose two aspects from the competency areas to evaluate and discuss (one paragraph
each) according to following:

1. discuss one aspect that you feel you did very well. Try to analyse why you think it
worked well and what hints you would share with other teachers about the
successful strategy/ resource/activity/management style etc.

Positive aspect of the lesson:

I feel that I did very well when I

- Remembering the students about making good and bad choices (asking them what\how we make a good
choice \ bad choices. And how to sit on the carpet and be silent ( criss-cross apple sauce , bubble in your
mouth strategies and rising their hands before they answer\ask). And when it is clean up time , I used
hands on top that's mean stop strategy.
- Asking the students how to count to 10 using our fingers.
- Demonstrating real example that shows how can we put a number in two different groups. I used 5 apples
and let the students count them while I pointing at them. I asked two students to demonstate how to spate
5 apples in two groups.
- Explaining and asking questions about how can they count seeds\caterpillars\circles which is matching
counting to 10 with objects.
- Encouraging the students to try some numbers up to 10 for extending sudents.
- Telling the students to go to the appropriate centers that's depends on their levels such as who is emerging
students to go
- Preparing suitable activities for the student's level of thinking. Preparing extra activities if some students
finish their activites early and avoid getting them bored.
- Walking and observe the students while they work in their centers.
- Asking appropriate questions that's depends on their level of thinking.
- Using different centers and explain each one then let the students choose what they prefer to learn about
- I counted to 5 when it's maze time and most students directly finish cleaning their centers and sit in their
spots on the carpet.
- Giving badges like positive reinforcement for the students who were so knowledgable and principle while
the lesson.

2. elaborate on the aspect identified by you that requires attention. Discuss what the
problem was, why it occurred and what action you intend to take to be more
successful in the next lesson.

Requires Attention:

My problem was when I assessed the students, it was very difficult to their level of thinking and some of them can't
draw petals.

3. outline the personal focus and goal of the next lesson

Personal focus for the next lesson:

I think that in the next lesson I will try to assess them matching or something simple that everyone can do it.

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