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Virtual Lesson Written Evaluation and Self-Rating

Teacher Candidate: ____Laura Howard__________________________ Semester: __Spring 2018_____

Cooperating Teacher:___Kayla Pruitt, Amy Gray__________________ School: __Girard High School_

Effective teachers are reflective practitioners. One of the best ways to evaluate and see your skills as a
teacher is to videotape a lesson. It can help you to capitalize on your strengths and look for areas to

Directions: ​After the field supervisor’s first field evaluation, you should complete an analysis of your own
teaching of a lesson and submit the written analysis to your supervisor in the Canvas drop box. In videotaping,
follow the policy of the school. If written parental permission is required, be sure it is obtained for each child
before videotaping. If it is not allowed, you can complete the self-analysis using student feedback and a
self-perceived evaluation.​ First,​ write an analysis of your lesson. You should use as a basis the ten domains
found in the​ Virtual Lesson Self-Analysis Guidelines,​ but you do not have to answer every question. ​Second​,
rate yourself on the below ​Pittsburg State Indicators​ based on your video observation or self-perceived
perceptions. Use the scale below.

Rating Scale:
N/A No opportunity provided for performance, not witnessed
1 Novice - Candidate shows awareness and beginning skills
2 Developing - Candidate skills and awareness levels are developing
3 Effective - Candidate consistently demonstrates competence with minimal assistance or prompting
4 Advanced – Candidate consistently demonstrates a high degree of competence functioning independently


Rating The Learner and Learning

3 3. Differentiates instruction appropriately for specific needs of learner​s
3 4. Persists in helping all students achieve success
2 5. Brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including attention to learners’ personal,
family and community experiences and cultural norms
3 6. Designs instruction to build on learners’ prior knowledge and experiences
4 7. Displays consistency in dealing with behavior in the least disruptive manner, utilizing appropriate
positive and negative consequences
4 8. Demonstrates positive rapport with a diverse student population
4 9. Helps all students learn respect for the traditions and cultures of others

4 10. Uses appropriate nonverbal communication

3 11. Provides a learning environment which includes high time-on-task and active engagement.
4 12. Promotes a classroom environment that is caring and supportive to all students
4 13. Organizes and maintains the physical environment of the classroom in a pleasant and orderly
manner conducive to student learning and safety
4 14. Monitors students’ behaviors and activities in the classroom at all times
4 15. Handles multiple tasks, intrusions and distractions while maintaining the flow of the lesson
4 16. Teaches and reinforces classroom expectations, rules, routines and procedures fairly
4 17. Demonstrates content area knowledge
3 18. Effectively uses multiple representations and explanations that capture key ideas in the discipline,
guides learners through learning progressions and promotes each learner’s achievement of content
3 21. Creates opportunities for students to learn and practice content language
3 22. Provides a real world context for lesson content
Instructional Practice
4 24. Creates lessons that encourage students to think creatively and critically and to solve problems
4 25. Develops clear lesson plans which include objectives, materials, activities,
adaptations/modifications and evaluation techniques based on the curriculum
4 27. Selects materials and activities consistent with the objectives of the lesson and students’ diverse
abilities resulting in appropriate adaptations and modifications
4 28. Applies the appropriate scope and sequence of objectives for teaching the curriculum (national,
state and/or local standards)
4 29. Uses available educational technologies for effective instruction
3 30. Provides opportunities for all students to successfully apply or practice knowledge and skills
N/A 31. Designs assessments that align with learning objectives
3 37. Accomplishes smooth and orderly transitions between parts of the lesson
3 38. Communicates clearly to all students the objective and purpose of each lesson
4 39. Conducts class with poise, confidence and enthusiasm
4 40. Maximizes instructional learning time by working with students individually as well as in small or
whole groups
3 41. Gives clear directions
4 42. Provides focus on important points and checks for understanding
3 43. Uses a variety of effective and appropriate instructional strategies and resources
3 44. Encourages participation from all students through effective questioning strategies (e.g., equal
distribution, level variation, adequate wait time, probing and clue giving, and appropriate correctives
and feedback)
4 45. Presents lessons in a clear, logical and sequential manner
Professional Responsibility
4 45. Listens carefully to all students then responds in a professional manner
4 47. Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills
4 48. Maintains a consistently positive and professional demeanor


Attach or paste below your written self-analysis of the lesson using the ​Virtual Lesson Self-Analysis
Guidelines​ as a guide.
Intro - Summary of Lesson Plan
At the time of my recording, my students were in the middle of a research project that asked each
student to research a life that was different than their own. Prior to this lesson, my students had found two
sources and made ten notecards of important information for each source. My lesson focused on a visual way to
organize their notecards to create a logical flow of information. I began my lesson by asking the students to
summarize the goals of the research project and to state how many notecards they needed to have completed at
that time. As they answered, I passed out an ice cream cone graphic organizer. Using the Elmo, I showed a copy
of the organizer on the screen and stood nearby. I made a metaphor between the ice cream cone and their
research projects by saying that the cone was the foundation of an ice cream cone and background information
was the foundation of their research project. Each scoop on the cone became a “cool” fact that they could pull
from their notecards. The topic of each scoop should be broad enough to encompass several cards with a linked
idea (e.g. how dyslexia affects people when they read). When licking an ice cream cone, the scoops mix
together and that mix represents their transition from one idea to the next. The coup de ​grâce​ was the cherry on
top. This is the last piece of the project and it should tie the cone and scoops together as well as state the value
the students gained from their research. With the rest of class period, the students created a tentative layout for
their information and continued creating notecards if necessary. At the end of class, I closed by asking each
student how helpful they thought the graphic organizer was to their project.

Professional Demeanor

I feel that I conducted myself in a professional and approachable manner. At all times, I keep a
professional distance between myself and my students so that I can command the classroom, but I also make
time to speak with students, whether it is about the task at hand or about a story they are itching to share with
me. This specific class has more obstacles than a class at grade level would, but they are willing to work​ for​ me
as long as I am willing to work ​with​ them. I bear that in mind in my approach because they struggle often and
usually require some sort of break. That break may be to get up and stretch or simply to share their weekend
plans. For instance, one student simply could not focus, so I sat with him and asked what his plans were for
Spring Break. That two minute conversation was enough to clear his mind and help him finish the graphic
organizer. My enthusiasm in this class is not an off-the-wall kind of enthusiasm, but a quiet one-on-one support
for my students’ ideas that strengthens their confidence. I see myself as a professional educator because I
understand my students and do what I can to help them succeed.

Classroom Management

Overall, I was happy with the level of control that I saw on the video. I did notice that, while I looked
around the room often, there were some behaviors that I missed. One student who sat by the markerboard slid
her hand across the board and erased a few words, but, had I seen her during the class, I could have redirected
the student and made sure she understood what she needed to work on. Despite the off task student, the room
was mostly quiet and all but three students finished the organizer by the end of class. Moreover, the students felt
free to ask questions and some of the students felt confident enough to answer some of the questions for me.
This combination helped to create a positive learning environment for my students. I did use the lowest tiers of
my discipline hierarchy three or four times to redirect three students that were distracted by friends and a broken
ceiling tile. In each case, my first step was to ask how I could help them and, depending on their answer,
allowing them a short break or clarifying instructions. For those that remained off task, my next step was to
make it clear that the graphic organizer was due at the end of the hour and I would move them if that would
help them finish in time. The students reacted positively and finished the assignment in a timely manner. As a
whole, the class was well-run and had very few issues.

Lesson Construction

I began the lesson by having the students summarize the assignments from the last few days and used
their answers to springboard into the day’s tasks. My anticipatory set was asking my students if they had an idea
for how to organize their notecards and then showing them the ice cream cone graphic organizer. I did model
how I wanted them to fill out the graphic organizer, but I could have been more effective if I had made and
organized my own notecards. I stopped to check for understanding twice during my lesson and once with a
handful of students as they worked through the assignment. My closure was simple; I collected their graphic
organizers and asked how they felt about their project now that they had started outlining. Most felt better about
the project but a few were split between being uncertain about the project and the graphic organizer being
unhelpful. Overall, the lesson was incredibly effective. I noticed that three students in particular would refer to
certain notecards belonging “in the cone” or “in the cherry” because the visual made more sense to them than a
standard outline with introduction, body, and conclusion.

Teaching Strategies

In this lesson, I implemented a whole class discussion about organizing their information, followed by
the students working individually to organize their notecards. The focus of the lesson was to help the students
learn how to logically organize the information they had found. I used a fun graphic organizer to help them
visualize their information. I also checked for understanding each time I transitioned. When I described the
function of the ice cream cone graphic organizer, I stopped to ask the students to explain what each piece was
for. Then, I modelled how to fill in the graphic organizer and transitioned to the individual part of the lesson by
checking to make sure they understood the requirements for the graphic organizer. Finally, I ended the lesson
by checking to see if they knew what was due after break. I was poised and confident during this lesson, but my
enthusiasm was the key. With this class, they need to be reassured that learning can be fun so my enthusiasm
works to engage them with the material.

Time on Task

The students had a task from bell to bell, but part of a research project is about the students using their
time how they will. That said, most of the students were busy organizing their cards and asking for help, but a
few were finding ways to distract themselves. As mentioned before, I addressed those behaviors and redirected
the students to the task at hand. I would say 90% of the class time was devoted to organizing their information
with 10% of the class time being used to introduce the objectives and close the class period. The majority of the
class was on task for the majority of the hour. Several students took short brain breaks, but the whole class
worked for at least 75% of the hour. Had I looked around with more frequency, I could have ensured that the
two students that were easily distracted stayed focused.

Questioning and Praise

Due to the type of lesson, I only asked five or six questions to the group; however, I asked at least two
questions each time I visited with a student about his or her project. Of the questions I asked to the class as a
whole, most were open ended questions that attempted to create an understanding of how to organize their ideas
with some questions being close ended. During my questions, I favored the right half of the room because the
majority of my students were on that side. Despite that, each student was asked questions because I met with
them individually and I needed different information from each student. I had two students that willingly
answered questions which meant that I did not have to answer any of my own questions. I realized from the
video that I need to ask more questions to specific students rather than to the class as a whole.

I offered at least two positive comments each time I met with one of my students. This is a class that, for
the most part, lacks confidence in writing and they are always searching for confirmation that they are on the
right track. That said, I do what I can to alleviate some of that worry by checking their work with a praise
sandwich approach. I start with letting them know what they have done well, then suggest what they can work
on, and end with another positive comment on their work. I am sure I have several flaws as a new teacher, but
giving meaningful praise is one of my strengths.

I only gave the directions verbally, but I wish that I had taken the precaution of writing them down. All
of my students paid attention and understood how to organize their notecards, but I was not as specific as I
should have been in how I wanted them to fill out the graphic organizer. Due to that, some students wrote Card
1 and Card 2 for their background information while others wrote everything that was written on their notecard.
For the assignment as a whole, my instructions were clear and easy to follow and I did check for understanding
and ask if the students had questions, but most of the questions came after they started working on the
assignment. I would say that my directions only failed to be clear when it came to how I specifically wanted the
graphic organizer to be filled out.


I evaluated the students by meeting with them individually and assessing both their understanding and
their needs. In some cases, the students laid out their notecards to represent their organization while others made
groups and organized cards by their groups. Ultimately, I let them walk me through their thought process. As
long as they could answer my questions as to why Card X went here and Card Y went there, I gauged that they
understood how to organize information. I’ve mentioned before that this class is below grade level and that they
struggle with writing. It should also be noted that this is a class of fourteen and ten of them have IEP’s. I
adapted this lesson by making it visually understandable, hence the ice cream cone rather than a concept web. I
also adapted to a particular student by making sure that his para sat right beside him and kept him focused on
completing the graphic organizer. Overall, the students met my objectives for the class period.

Nonverbal Communication

During the class, I moved consistently around the room, but I did struggle right at the beginning of the
lesson. At the beginning, I stood by the screen so that I could gesture to the template, but I realized that I only
addressed half of the class because of the way that I was standing. I adjusted when I realized my mistake and I
made sure to focus on the half that I had cut off when I checked for understanding to make sure that they had
gotten everything they needed from my lesson. While I taught, I varied my speed and spent more time on the
information that I thought they would struggle with while quickly covering information that they have already
been exposed to. Verbally, I informed the students that I would be more than willing to help them through this
part of the project and I matched that with my nonverbal communication. I attended to each student, gave them
my full attention, and helped them to answer their own questions. As a whole, the message I sent my students
was that this was a topic they could grasp with ease, but that I would be there to assist if they needed my help.

Classroom Atmosphere / Relationship with Students

I would describe the atmosphere of my classroom as safe to mess up. The students follow instructions
well and they have a deep drive to learn. They know that they are behind their peers, but they strive to catch up.
During this class, I encourage them to accept their mistakes. I would much rather these students learn how to
cope with failure rather than refrain from trying out of fear of failing. I see myself as a role model because this
class and I are on the same page. They watch me grapple with new lessons, just as they grapple with new skills.
My relationship to my cooperating teacher is the same relationship my students have to their peers: we are
behind. This relationship has given them the opportunity to also see me try. When a lesson flops, I acknowledge
and adapt. My students frequently see that behavior and I hope they will adopt that mindset. Getting better
requires acknowledging the failure and adapting to find success. My classroom is comfortable because it is a
safe place to fail as long as that failure is followed by another attempt at success.

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