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Jan 28, 2018

Dear CTE Scholarship Committee Members,

I am pleased to recommend Max Iwaniec to receive your CTE scholarship. I teach the CTE Introduction
to Engineering class that Max took last year. He was an outstanding student in that class and I’m sure he
will make great contributions in whatever field of work he chooses.

Max is very creative and has great problem solving abilities. He was given many open-ended tasks in my
classes which required him to think up unique solutions to difficult problems which sometimes were
purposely vaguely defined. I’ve been highly impressed with the way Max methodically approaches and
solves these problems. Although the problems I’ve given him have been technical and scientific in
nature, I can tell from his approach to solving them that he would be great at solving any type of
problem, be it social, political, or whatever.

Max is very conscientious and takes great care to get every detail right. The lab reports and engineering
studies that he wrote for my class were thorough, thoughtful and well written. He often came in to talk
with me outside of regular class hours, not because he needed help but because he was interested in
knowing more about engineering and physics. Max genuinely loves learning and is curious to
understand things at a much deeper level than other students do.

Max is not afraid to challenge himself and work toward goals which stretch his abilities. This year Max is
taking a U of U Chemistry class, taught by a U of U professor, which is significantly more difficult than a
regular high school chemistry class. Most other students would not take such a rigorous class out of fear
for what it might do to their grade point average, but Max realizes that taking this class will benefit him
for more than would taking a less rigorous class. I truly admire his courage and good judgement on this
issue. I hope that you will keep this in mind when comparing his GPA with those of other students. A
slightly lower grade in this class is worth much more than a perfect grade in a less rigorous class.

If you have any questions about Max, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Douglas Hendricks
Physics and Engineering Teacher

An Early College High School

Partnered With The University of Utah
5715 South 1300 East · Salt Lake City, UT 84121 · Phone: 801.278.9460 · Fax: 801.277.3527 ·

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