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Group Proposal



San Francisco, California



This proposal is about building a research facility on LV-246 (Acheron) in order to take

advantage of the opportunity that has presented itself, the Xenomorphs. The estimated budget of

location settlement and construction is 50 billion. The initial setup involves selecting location on

LV-246 (Acheron) which will then be bombed from the orbit to remove any hostile aliens

present. A perimeter will be secured, militarized, and expanded so that construction can begin.

The materials used in the containment and experimental facilities will be screened as to insure

durability against the highly corrosive blood of the Xenomorphs as much so as general strength.

After the main facility is constructed, compounds and off-site locations will be scouted and

secured, trails will be made to minimize danger during alien transport. Once all is said and done

then research may begin.


Table of Contents
1. Title Page ………………………………… 1 (David)
2. Project Summary ………………………… 2 (Caleb)
3. Table of Contents ………………………… 3 (Caleb)
4. Introduction ………………………………. 4 (Caleb)
5. Rationale & Significance ……………….... 4 (Mehmet)
6. Plan of Work ……………………………... 6 (Mehmet)
i. - Scope
ii. - Methods
7. Task breakdown …………………………. 10 (David)
8. Problem analysis …………………………. 11 (Glenn)
9. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) ............... 12 (Everyone)
10. Budget (cost Proposal) ................................ 14 (Glenn)
11. Conclusion …………………………….… 15 (Caleb)
12. References /Appendices (Resources)……. 16 (Everyone)


In this proposal we push forth the notion that a research facility should be set up to research the

Xenomorphs we have encountered on planet LV-246 (Acheron). The reason for this proposal is

that we want to be able to incorporate the unique biological mechanisms of these hostile-

creatures for the benefit Weyland Corporation and, more importantly, man-kind. Though this task

requires a well-designed research station to be built that can provide a safe, proficient, and

secluded workspace for the faculty to reside and study in. The end-goal, in brief, is to have a

fully functioning, state of the art, research facility on the surface of LV-246 (Acheron).

Rationale & Significance

Since the first incident that happened at planet LV-246 (Acheron), our mining and expedition

efforts have suffered a major setback. While our ground team is able to fend off the Xenomorphs

that have been encountered so far, it is evident that as Weyland Corporation we must take

necessary steps to ensure the protection of our crew and teams down there. Our scientists are

able to gather some information about the Xenomorphs, but they require a proper, decent

working lab environment to provide us with better insight about these aliens.

Taking all of this consideration, we are proposing the establishment of a research & experiment

facility with significant security measures. By establishing this research & experiment facility,

Weyland Corporation can learn important details about how these Xenomorphs reproduce, how

they evolve and make scientific experiments in each phase of their life cycles. The end result for

these experiments would be to incorporate these Xenomorphs into the assets of Weyland

Corporation as deadly militaristic weapons. We can even work on creating a Human/Xenomorph

hybrid for our future plans. On top of the scientific aspect of establishing this research &

experiment facility, if we implement substantial security measures as well, it can provide us a

significant advantage over the periodic Xenomorph attacks. By building this facility, Weyland

Corporation would establish a secure foothold on this planet for its future expansion plans.

Figure 1: Mature Xenomorph specimen brought to the lab by security personnel.

Plan of Work

In order to achieve this goal, first we need to establish a safe zone for the crew that will work

down on the surface of planet LV-246 (Acheron). During this time, the security measures should

be at the highest setting. Acquiring the help of private security groups (or mercenaries if no

security group is willing to provide the safety) should be considered for the first phase of

building this facility. Once the secure perimeter is established and outside walls of the facility are

built, the focus should move to establishing laboratories that are suitable for experimentation on

Xenomorph specimens. Considering their extremely acidic blood, laboratory walls, doors and

tools should be made of metal elements that can withstand the corrosive effect of this blood type.

Finally, a secure transport route must be established within the facility for the transportation of

the Xenomorph specimens in and out of laboratories. Security protocols and measures must be

established, including a complete shutdown of the premises with doors sealed off, in case of


● Scope

Due to the time constraints and the necessity of the situation, we will not be building

additional buildings that are usually found in any Weyland Corporation facility. Our main

goal is to establish a research/experimentation facility with proper safety measures. Due

to this reason, we will not construct additional offices, cafeteria and resting/entertainment

areas that are usually found in other Weyland Corporation establishments. The

research/experimentation facility will have its own kitchen that will provide food for the

employees and researchers.

The research that will be carried out in this facility will be towards the militaristic use of

Xenomorphs as controllable weapons in warfare. The research that will be conducted will

include nervous system control, mind control and breeding of the Xenomorphs. As

progression continues, our future plans also include the creation of a Human/Xenomorph

hybrid with limited (and controllable) intelligence. As this is a top-secret

research/experimentation facility, the ethical considerations that are usually enforced by


Weyland Corporation will not be implemented during the experimentation phase. The

progress and results that are achieved will be shared with the management of Weyland

Corporation (with personnel that has highest security clearance) but will be kept off the


● Methods

Weyland Corporation will be carrying out the research/experiments on the established

facility on the surface of the planet LV-246 (Acheron). The process that will be carried

out for the research includes;

1) Establishing Secure Parameters for Construction

2) Building Laboratories suitable for Experimentation
3) Creating a Secure Transport Route for Transportation of Xenomorphs
4) Procurement of Xenomorph Specimens
5) Xenomorph Growth, Development and Evolution Phase Analysis
6) Control and Manipulation of Xenomorph Subjects
7) Creation of a Human/Xenomorph Hybrid

1. Establishing Secure Parameters

Before construction can begin, the designated area is expected to be bombarded from the

atmosphere. This will ensure the elimination of any Xenomorph presence in the area.

Afterwards security personnel will be deployed and protect the established parameter

until the construction is completed.

2. Building Suitable Labs


Laboratories created inside the experiment/research facility need to be made of metal

elements that can withstand the corrosive nature of the acidic blood of Xenomorphs.

Adamantium metal or Vibranium metal found in Wakanda will be used to create

laboratories that can withstand even the harshest conditions.

3. Creating Secure Transport Routes

Experimental subjects will be brought in and out of the facility via secure transport

routes. All of these routes are pre-determined and they have emergency seal off function

in case anything goes wrong. This way infiltration of an escaped specimen into the

facility is minimized.

4. Procurement

The state Weyland Corporation will acquire the Xenomorphs is never certain. They come

in various stages of their lives. Some of them are found inside an egg, some of them are

in the form of face-hugger, chest-burster or they can be acquired in fully developed

mature versions. Depending on the acquired form, the planned procedures will show


5. Growth, Development and Evolution Phase Analysis

Certain specimens will be left as the control group. Other obtained Xenomorph

specimens will be given enhanced drugs and medicines to facilitate a faster growth rate.

Differences in both groups will be observed (in terms of organ and nervous system


Figure 2: Face-hugger specimens contained in capsules for further analysis.

6. Control and Manipulation

Chips designed specifically for nervous system and brain control will be implemented to

the heads of the Xenomorph specimens. Their reactions and compliance will be

measured. The success rates will be tracked, and improvements will be made with future


7. Human/Xenomorph Hybrid Creation

The creation of a viable Human/Xenomorph Hybrid will be the ultimate goal of this

experiment/research facility. Human and Xenomorph genomes from various specimens

will be investigated. The specimens with the most compatible genomes will be chosen.

Task Breakdown

Fall 2158

Week # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Week of 10/22- 10/29- 11/05- 11/12- 11/19- 11/26- 12/03- 12/10- 12/17-
10/28 11/04 11/11 11/18 11/25 12/02 12/09 12/16 12/13

Aim 1: Establishing Secure Parameters

Aim 2: Building Suitable


Aim 3: Creating Secure

Transport Routes

Aim 4: Procurement

Spring 2159

Week # 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Week of: 01/07- 01/14- 01/21- 01/28- 02/04- 02/11- 02/18- 02/15- 03/04-
01/13 01/20 01/27 02/03 02/10 02/17 02/24 03/03 03/10

Aim 5: Growth, Development and

Evolution Phase Analysis

Aim 6: Control & Manipulation

Aim 7: Human/Xenomorph Hybrid


Problem Analysis

The main issues Weyland Corporation will face are how the aliens are stored, the lack of space to

conduct more experimentation and the inability to expand in the current environment. With the

growth in finding and capturing Xenomorphs, our current research facility positioned in the orbit

of planet LV – 246 (Acheron) will not be able to contain more Xenomorphs at this rapid rate. The

ability to expand will allow for more space to store various types of Xenomorphs, along with

understanding the different behaviors when placed under varying environments. The lab will be

placed on LV-246 (Acheron). The location can pose a threat as it is believed to be in a territory

that contains Xenomorph hives. The lab should have an outstanding defense system with security

cameras and armed forces to ensure there are no unauthorized breaches. There must be a

meeting with all hired scientists, space technicians, and expedition crew planning to work on LV-

246, as they will be the common users of the research lab. The meeting will cover new protocols

in the lab such as how to properly store Xenomorphs in the remodeled Weyland Modular

Computing Device. This lab should be capable of securing Xenomorphs and ensure that we can

expand on further behavioral research by placing the Xenomorphs in a simulated natural


Request for Qualifications / Bio Sketch

● Aerospace Engineer
○ Name: Glenn Um
○ Experience: Earned his B.S from UNC Charlotte, M.A.S in Aerospace

engineering at Syracuse University. Worked as an Aerospace Engineer at NASA

for 10 years and assisted in creating the prototype of Heliades.

○ Plan of Action: Aid in the construction of the research/experiment facility.

Provide guidance in how to implement Atmospheric Pressurizers in each

compound along with assisting the maintenance for the building and spaceships.

● Lead Scientist
○ Name: Mehmet Soner Calis
○ Experience: Graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Genetics and

obtained his MSc in Stem Cell Research from Yale University. Has fifteen years

of experience in Omnicorp as the Lead Scientist, excelling in cybernetic

organisms. He is the leading scientist for merging organic and biomechatronic

body parts to create fully functional Cyborgs.

○ Plan of Action: Integrate the use of Cyborgs as assistants in helping human

scientists research and experiment upon the Xenomorphs. Cyborgs will also be

used for dangerous experiments to minimize the civilian casualties. Usage of

cyborgs also decrease the need to provide food for additional personnel.

Additionally, cyborgs will be programmed to maintain the daily routine and

maintenance of the research/experiment compound.

● Bioinformatics Division Leader

○ Name: David Garcia
○ Experience: Spent eight years studying in the fields of computer science and

bioinformatics at Harvard University. One of the first people to sequence the

genome of Xenomorphs and upload the data to a server.

○ Plan of Action: Will implement his extensive knowledge of Human and

Xenomorph genomes to develop the first Human/Xenomorph Hybrid ever

created. Will train upcoming scientists to lead the research/experiments in his

absence. Maintain the precision of the tools used in the laboratories.

● Defense and Security Specialist

○ Name: Caleb Renfrow

○ Experience: 20 years as a commanding officer in the United Systems Military

(USM) and aided in the decision-making process of USM-Auriga which saved

millions of lives.

○ Plan of Action: Coordinate plan to provide a secure working environment for the

initial base of operations and installment of military defense systems. After this

goal has been accomplished we will expand the perimeter to provide a buffer zone

to keep a watch on Xenomorph movement in the area. Military personnel will also

be needed as a precautionary measure in case any of the test-subjects or

employees go AWOL.


The current budget set for the Weyland’s Research Lab is approximately 50 billion. The lab will

accommodate for the following quarters:

1) Housing - Housing will contain atmospheric pressurizers to ensure stabilizing of gravity

for all employees.
2) Kitchen - Contains enough food for all workers to last 12 months, with shipments coming
every 11 months.
3) Laboratory - Contain top of the line equipment, with high security measures in case of
any Xenomorph breaches.
4) Health Center - Contains MEDICs and Anti-Gravity Recovery center to ensure the rapid
recovery rate for any

The quarters will cover approximately 35 billion as they will be used by all employees. They will

provide a calm atmospheric environment, with all the materials needed to conduct research on

Xenomorphs. However, much of the budget is spent on sending workers and materials to build

the facility on LV-246 which is approximately 2 billion USD per trip. There will be an estimated

5 trips to be made to finish the research/experiment facility.


To conclude, we are proposing the construction of a research/experiment facility on LV-246

(Acheron). The potential profit is limitless since Weyland Corporation would have a monopoly

over the plethora of information and products produced/gathered from the Xenomorphs. This

opportunity needs a dedicated facility, which currently has an estimated construction cost of 50

billion USD. We have access to invaluable personnel who will share their expertise with the

management team to aid in the development and success of this project. There is no better time

to act than the present, which is why we should get to work ASAP.


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