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A Cartography of the Ecstatic and Meditative States

Author(s): Roland Fischer

Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 174, No. 4012 (Nov. 26, 1971), pp. 897-904
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
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Accessed: 13-03-2018 21:41 UTC

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26 November 1971, Volume 174, Number 4012 SCIENCE

talented mystic, of course

need to go through every in
step to attain ecstasy.
The mutually exclusive re
between the ergotropic and
ihe~ ~ ic systems (8) justifies
A Cartography of t] he ception-meditation con
creasing trophotropic aro
Ecstatic and Meditative Stat es arousal) that is continuous with, and
to the right of, the perception-halluci-
nation continuum (Fig. 1). The course
ff a of
The experimental and experiential features c our second trip, therefore, will take
us in the opposite direction, along the
perception-hallucination continuum are considei
red. tranquil perception-meditation contin-
uum, where man may symbolically in-
Roland Fisi cher terpret his gradually increasing tropho-
tropic arousal as Zazen, and, ultimately,
That the two continua in Fig. 1 rep-
resent two mutually exclusive states of
In this age so concerned with travel marked by a gradual turning inward arousal has been well documented by
in outer as well as inner space, it is toward a mental dimer Ision at the ex- Hess (1) and Gellhorn (8, 9). The
strange that, while we have detailed pense of the physical.rhe
1 normal state mutual exclusiveness of the ergotropic
charts of the moon, we have no of daily routine, our point of depar- and trophotropic systems can also be
cartography of the varieties of human a aroused, crea- illustrated by characteristic changes in
ture, is followed by ar
of state, which canbe
experience. In order to draft a map tive I characterized the frequency of the small, involuntary,
inner space, I am ready to be your data content (a micronystagmoid movements of the
by an increase in both
travel guide and take you on two ind
description of space) a rate of data eye. These rapid scanning movements
voyages: one along the perception-hal- processing ["flood of inner
i sensation" (with a mean frequency of one per
lucination continuum of increasing ergo-(3), or most intense tiime] (4). How- second and an amplitude of 5 to 10
sed state on the minutes of arc) are regarded as a
tropic (1) arousal, which includes crea- ever, in the next arous
tive, psychotic, and ecstatic experiences;continuum, the acute a schizophrenic prerequisite for the fixation of an object
and another along the perception-med- [or rather, "hyperphre nic" (5)] state, in physical space-time (10). The fre-
itation continuum of increasing tropho- a further increase ir i data content quency of saccadic movements is in-
tropic (1) arousal, which encompassesmay not be matched 'y ab correspond- creased five- to eightfold in response to
the hypoaroused states of Zazen anding increase in the rate of data process- the ergotropic arousal induced by mod-
Yoga samadhi. ing. While the state is condu- erate doses of mescaline, psilocybin, or
Along the perception-hallucinationcive to the evolution o f novel relations LSD (D-lysergic acid diethylamide)
continuum of increasing arousal of the and new meaning, the psychotic (10). This increase is also present with-
sympathetic nervous system (ergotropic "jammed computer" sta te interferes with out drugs in acute schizophrenics (11)
arousal), man-the self-referential sys- the individual's creativ re interpretation [that is, patients in a state of ergotropic
tem-perceptually-behaviorally (corti- of the activity of hiscentral nervous arousal, the "alarm reaction" (12)
cally) interprets the change (drug-in-system (CNS). At the peak of ecstatic stage of Selye's general adaptation syn-
duced or "natural") in his subcortical rapture, the outside ( physical) world drome (13)1.
activity as creative, psychotic, and ec- "retreats to the fringe if c consciousness" On the other hand, 0.9 gram of al-
static experiences (2). These states are (6), and the l
individual reflects himself cohol per kilogram of body weight,
in his own "program.' " One can con- and even sleepiness and fatigue, de-
The author is professor of experimental ceptualize the normal,creative, "hyper- creases saccadic frequency (14); more
psychiatry and associate professor of pharma- phrenic," and ecstatic states along the precisely, 0.01 milligram of Valium
cology at the Ohio State University College of
Medicine, Columbus 43210. (Address after 1 1 continuum as (diazepam) per kilogram of body
January: Drug Treatment and Research Center,
Veterans Administration Hospital, 50 Irving
the ledges of a homeo)static step func- weight reduces the saccadic frequency
Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20422.) This ative person may by 9 degrees per second (15). Such a
tion (7). While the cre;
article is adapted from a paper presented at the
travel freely between L "normal" and progressive decrease seems to be a
AAAS symposium on "Mood, Behavior, and
Drugs" in Chicago, Illinois, 28 December 1970, creative states, the chronic schizo- characteristic feature of trophotropic
and from a seminar given on 20 January 1971
at the department of psychiatry, Johns Hopkins
phrenic patient is s tranded in the arousal along the perception-medita-
University, Baltimore, Maryland. "jammed computer" state. And the tion continuum. That the alpha rhythm
26 NOVEMBER 1971 897

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appearing on the electroencephalogram see the "Three Wise Men" (Fig. 2). (20), in volunteers during a psilocybin-
(EEG) appears to be phase-locked Two of the three wise men dream with induced waking-dream state.
to the onset of saccades (16) may eyes closed, while the third, with eyes The techniques for measuring hand-
also be of significance, since states open, hallucinates the angel who carrieswriting area (S) (in square centime-
of progressively greater trophotropic all three away from the "real" world ters), as well as for obtaining handwrit-
arousal along the perception-medita- into a mental dimension. ing pressure (M) (in 104 dynes averaged
tion continuum are characterized by We can describe verifiable percep- over time), with an indicator that op-
EEG waves of progressively lower fre- tions, therefore, by assigning to them erates on a pressure-voltage-to-frequen-
quencies (measured in hertz) (17) low sensory-to-motor (S/M) ratios cy basis, have been described elsewhere
(see Fig. 1, right). Moreover, since a (20), while nonverifiable hallucinations (20). Using these two parameters prior
complete arrest of saccadic frequency, and dreams can be characterized by to in-(T1) and at the peak (T2) of a
[for example, by optical immobilization creasing S/M ratios as one moves along psilocybin-induced experience [160 to
of the retinal image (18)] results in the perception-hallucination or percep- 250 micrograms of psilocybin per kilo-
periodic fading, disintegration, and tion-meditation continuum toward ec- gram of body weight], we found in a
fragmented reconstruction of the image, stasy or samadhi, the two most halluci- sample of 47 college-age volunteers a
we may postulate that reduced saccadic natory states (21) (Fig. 1, left and 31 percent (T2 - T1) increase in mean
frequency may be linked with the Yogi's right, respectively). Moderate doses of S/M ratio.
comment that, at the peak of a medita- the hallucinogenic drugs LSD, psilocy- I should note that the standard de-
tive experience, he can still see "ob- bin, and mescaline (22) can get one viation on handwriting area at T1 is
jects," but they have no predicative"moving" along the perception-halluci- significantly related to the S/M at T,
properties (19). nation continuum, whereas minor tran- (r = 0.4888, P < .01, N = 47) and that
quilizers and some muscle relaxants the standard deviation is a simple and
may initiate travel along the perception-useful indicator of the ensuing drug-
What Are Hallucinations and meditation continuum. induced increase in S/M ratio (r =
If high S/ M ratios do, indeed, re- 0.372, P<.01, N=47). Moreover,
How Can They Be Measured?
flect hallucinatory experiences, as my subjects with a large standard devia-
The hallucinatory or waking-dream definition of hallucinations would im- tion on handwriting area at T1 (that is,
states along the perception-hallucina- ply, it would be important to quantify"variable" subjects), tend to be "per-
tion continuum can best be described S/M ratio as a measure of hallucinatoryceivers," whereas volunteers with a
as experiences of intense sensations intensity. In fact, a quantitative mean- small standard deviation at T1 ("stable"
that cannot be verified through volun- ing has been given to the S/M ratio by subjects) tend to be "judgers," in terms
tary motor activity. Note that such a measuring the components of a psycho-of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
definition does not differentiate between motor performance, specifically, hand- This self-reporting, Jungian-type per-
dreams and hallucinations; for example, writing area and handwriting pressure sonality indicator yields simple, con-

t I"
r r



4 -0 ('


-Yoga samadhiJ

"Self" "Self"
Fig. 1. Varieties of conscious states mapped on a perception-hallucination continuum of increasing ergotropic arousal (left) and
a perception-meditation continuum of increasing trophotropic arousal (right). These levels of hyper- and hypoarousal are inter-
preted by man as normal, creative, psychotic, and ecstatic states (left) and Zazen and samadhi (right). The loop connecting ec-
stasy and samadhi represents the rebound from ecstasy to samadhi, which is observed in response to intense ergotropic excitation.
The numbers 35 to 7 on the perception-hallucination continuum are Goldstein's coefficient of variation (46), specifying the de-
crease in variability of the EEG amplitude with increasing ergotropic arousal. The numbers 26 to 4 on the perception-meditation
continuum, on the other hand, refer to those beta, alpha, and theta EEG waves (measured in hertz) that predominate during,
but are not specific to, these states (17).
898 SCIENCE, VOL. 174

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tinuous scores on four dichotomous
scales: extroversion-introversion, sen-
sation-intuition, thinking-feeling, and
judging-perceiving (23). The perceivers
also overestimate or contract time more
than judgers do at the peak of a psilo-
cybin-induced experience (4); this im-
plies that perceivers move faster and
farther along the perception-hallucina-
tion continuum than do judgers, who
apparently require a larger dose for a
comparable experience.

Space and Increasing

Hyper- and Hypoarousal

We call man's symbolic interpreta-

tion of his CNS activity "perception-be-
havior" and regard creative, "hyper-
Fig. 2. Gislebertus' "Three Wise Men," in the Cathedral of Autun in the south of
phrenic," and ecstatic states, as well asFrance, dramatizes the intense sensations and concomitant loss of voluntary motor
Zazen and samadhi, as perceptual-be-activity which are the common features of both hallucinations (see the wise man with
havioral interpretations of ergotropic eyes open) and dreams (see the two dreaming wise men).
and trophotropic arousal, respectively.
We may now consider some of the per-
ceptual-behavioral changes, or trans-finding revealed that the preferred level of perspective in the drawings of
formations, that gradually develop as of (the constancy of) brightness in- schizophrenic patients, finds the acute-
the level of arousal increases and de- creases under the influence of hallu- ness of a schizophrenic episode to be
creases along each continuum. One cinogenic
of drugs (26), but only in significantly related to the height of
the most conspicuous transformations "variable" subjects (20, 27)-that is, the horizon in the patient's drawings.
is that of "constancies" (24), which those
in subjects whose large standard In fact, using a ruler, Rennert can
the normal state of daily routine form deviations
a on a variety of perceptual predict remission or relapse from the
learned structure of primary ordering and behavioral
of tasks indicate a large position of the horizon in a drawing:
space and time "out there." Although and varied interpretive repertoire. How- the more severe the schizophrenic epi-
the newborn infant's only reality, ever, in the in "stable" subjects, who are sode, the higher the position of the
beginning, is his CNS activity, hecharacterized
soon by small standard devia- horizon-ultimately, it may even dis-
learns, by bumping into things, to tions
erectand, thus, by smaller and moreappear. At the same time (see cover),
a corresponding model "out there." Ul-
predictable interpretive repertoires, the a map-like perspective, or bird's-eye
timately, his forgetting that his CNS
level of preferred brightness decreases view, of the landscape results, with
activity had been the only reality when
willthey are under the influence of houses and other significant figures ap-
be taken by society as proof of his hallucinogenic drugs. In addition, near- pearing in the foreground. The cover
maturity, and he will be ready to con- by visual space was found to gradually etching, made during an acute (hyper-
duct his life "out there" in (container) close in as subjects moved along the aroused) schizophrenic episode, demon-
space and (chronological) time (4). perception-hallucination continuum un-strates the contraction of nearby visual
This gradually learned and projected der the influence of moderate doses of space, resulting in a raised horizon.
model, then, is the re-presentation ofpsilocybin.
a This contraction of nearby Note that the elevation of the horizon
world ordered and stabilized by self- visual space was observed with two forces the animals to walk at a steep
programmed invariances. The adult different techniques: monitoring the angle. Compare with the low horizon
interprets his CNS activity within thisapparent fronto-parallel plane (28), in another etching by the same patient
structure of similarity criteria, or "con-and handwriting measurements (29). after remission (31).
stancies," and thus experience can be The transformation of constancies I have also observed that the just-
said to consist of two processes: the under ergotropic arousal-specifically, noticeable difference (JND) in taste,
programmed (subcortical) CNS activi- as manifested in the psilocybin-induced expressed as Weber fraction, becomes
ty; and the symbolic or perceptual-be- contraction of nearby visual space- smaller with increasing ergotropic
havioral (cortical) interpretation, or can also be observed in acute schizo- arousal: subjects need fewer molecules
metaprograms, of the CNS activity. phrenics under "natural" ergotropic of a sapid substance (such as sucrose,
I have studied the transformation of arousal (that is, without hallucinogenic quinine, and so on) to taste a JND in
certain constancies along the percep- drugs). The transformation of con- sweetness or bitterness. On the other
tion-hallucination continuum and find, stancies during acute psychotic episodes hand, under the influence of tranquil-
for example, that the ability to readapt apparently gives rise to a "verticalizers dis- of the phenothiazine type, the
to optically induced spatial distortions, placement of the visual angle," which Weber fraction becomes larger: more
or to maintain the constancy of the is implicit in a contraction of visual molecules are needed to taste a JND
visual world, gradually diminishes as space and which results in an elevation (32). Since the Weber fraction is con-
a subject turns inward under the in- of the horizon (30). Rennert (30), stant at levels of arousal associated with
fluence of psilocybin (25). Another who for years has studied the angle daily routine (within the customary
26 NOVEMBER 1971 899

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middle range of taste sensitivity) (33),state (Fig. 1), the more complete is pands) by the maximizers, the subjects
I interpret the above as examples of the transformation, or "unlearning," of with a small standard deviation, who
arousal-induced transformations of con- the constancies of the physical dimen- prefer to increase data content and its
stancies. Because the number of mole- sion. Input, or outside information in rate of processing at drug peak.
cules necessary to elicit the sensation general, is gradually reduced along this Such contraction of time parallels the
of a JND gradually decreases duringcontinuum.
a Thus, Saint Teresa of Avila already described contraction of nearby
voyage from the physical to the mental tells us in her autobiography that, at visual space. By "time-contraction," I
dimension along the perception-hallu- the peak of a mystical experience, ". .. mean an increase in data content within
cination continuum, it might be extrap- the soul neither hears nor sees nor a chronological time span, or, in experi-
olated that no sapid molecules at all feels. While it lasts, none of the sensesential terms, "the flood of inner sensa-
are needed for the experience of taste perceives or knows what is taking tion" (3); and I imply that, during such
during ecstasy, the most hyperaroused place" (6). Space, then, which was an experience, the subject, if without a
hallucinatory state. gradually established in ever-widening watch, would arrive early for an ap-
It should be emphasized that the pro-circles during childhood, gradually con- pointment. Under the impact of an
jection of our CNS activity as location tracts with increasing arousal and ulti- acute, hallucinogenic drug-induced ex-
in the physical dimension of space and mately disappears. perience, the subject usually compares
time "out there" was learned at, and is the time-contraction or increased data
hence bound to, the lower levels of content of the mental dimension with
arousal characteristic of our daily sur-Time and Increasing his past and present routine perform-
vival routines. That this projection is ance in physical space-time and has,
Hyper- and Hypoarousal
gradually learned can be supported by therefore, to conclude that "time"
Bender's observation that schizophrenic A gradual contraction and ultimate passes slowly. Note, for instance, Hof-
children "do not experience hallucina- disappearance is also the fate of chron- mann's classical description of riding
tions of the projected type like adults,ological time in the physical dimension home on his bicycle under the influence
but only of the introjected type. They(of the "I" state) as one progresses of LSD: "The trip is about four miles
hear voices inside their head or other along the perception-hallucination or
and I had the feeling of not getting
parts of the body, feel that they origi-
the perception-meditation continuum.ahead, whereas my escort stated that we
nate inside themselves and do not feel
In particular, we find that LSD (37)were rolling along at a good speed"
persecuted by them" (34). and psilocybin (4) cause an overesti- (38). By comparing the usual rate of
The constancy of corporeal aware- mation of time, the magnitude of which revolution of the spokes, as well as the
ness also undergoes transformations is
as related to a subject's variability on ausual rate at which the roadside "passed
one moves along the perception-hallu'perceptual or behavioral test before him by," with his experience of an in-
cination continuum. For instance, phan-
ingesting the given drug. The greatercreased data content or "flood of inner
tom sensations [that is, readaptationa subject's variability before ingestingsensation," he had to conclude that he
phenomena compensating for and cor- a drug-for example, the retest-vari- was not getting ahead and that time
recting distortions of corporeal aware-
ance on his quinine taste-threshold or was dragging. Thus, there is only an
ness in physical space-time (35)] grad-
the standard deviation on his hand- apparent contradiction in terms: while
ually diminish and disappear as one writing area-the greater will be his experience is shifting from the physical
moves into the mental dimension under contraction or overestimation of time at
toward the mental dimension, physical
the influence of hallucinogenic drugs
drug peak [that is, 150 minutes after theor chronological time becomes less and
(36). Depersonalization phenomena, on
oral administration of 160 to 200 micro- less important. Still, this transitional
the other hand, manifest themselves as
grams of psilocybin per kilogram of state can only be described in Aristo-
changes in body image, and usuallybody weight, when 63 minutes of chron-telian [dualistic, or two-valued (true-
accompany the dissolution of ego ological time (in geometrically increas- false)] terms of chronological time (39)
boundaries during creative, psychotic, ing intervals) are estimated and recorded and by comparing experimental with
ecstatic, or meditative states-whether (4)]. Moreover, the greater the subject'sexperiential data. This contradiction re-
"natural" or drug-induced-as well as variability, and thus his contraction of
solves itself at the peak of ergotropic or
while falling asleep. All of this is totime, the greater will be his "rebound
trophotropic arousal, since these purely
say that the constancy of the "I" iseffect" 24 hours after; that is, his under- mental states are timeless and spaceless
interfered with as one moves alongestimation or expansion of time (4). and in no need of comparative verifica-
the perception-hallucination continuum Dividing people, according to the tion.
from the "I" of the physical world tomagnitude of their perceptual variabil-
the "Self" of the mental dimension. ity, into "maximizers" ("stable" sub-
Analogously, the perception-meditation jects) and "minimizers" ("variable" sub- Increasing Cortical-Subcortical
continuum (Fig. 1, right) also involves jects) assists one in resolving the hotly
a departure from the "I" to the "Self." debated question of whether time Integration with Increasing Arousal
These two continua can thus be called "flies" or "drags" during a hallucino- If we assume that man, the self-refer-
"I-Self" continua. As will become clear genic drug-induced experience. Actual- ential system, creates experience through
later, the "Self" of ecstasy and thely, as we have found, it does both: it is the cortical (that is, perceptual-behav-
"Self" of samadhi are one and the overestimated (it "flies" or contracts) by ioral) interpretation of his subcortical
same "Self." the minimizers, the subjects with a large activity, we may ask about the extent
The further we progress on the standard
per- deviation, who prefer to de-of freedom, or relative independence,
ception-hallucination continuum fromcrease (visual) sensory data content and of the mind (cortex) from the subcor-
the normal through the creative, psy-
its rate of processing at drug peak; and tical substratum. Indeed, man is to a
chotic, and, ultimately, to the ecstatic
it is underestimated (it "drags" or ex- large extent free to interpret his sub-

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cortical activity in a variety of ways at the coefficient of variation (see trast the co-to normal controls, do not habit-
levels of arousal associated with daily efficient of variation values for statesuate to these stimuli (51). Since the
routine. That this freedom is implicit in ranging from relaxation to catatonia in alpha rhythm is not altered or blocked
the functional independence of the lim- Fig. 1) (46, 47). Increasing stereotypyby flashing lights, sounding gongs, or
bic and neocortical systems is dramat- also manifests itself as an increase in the touch of a hot test tube during the
ically demonstrated by the fact that the the S/M ratio (20), thus indicating an deep meditation of Indian Yoga masters
electrical discharges resulting from hip- intensification of inner sensations, ac-(53), the Yoga samadhi apparently
pocampal seizures are confined to the companied by a loss in the ability to
represents a more intense state of troph-
limbic system (40). verify them through voluntary motorotropic arousal than Zazen does and
We can find no relation between the activity. Such high S/M ratios are im-must also express a greater inability to
extent of psilocybin-induced perceptual plicit in the statements uttered during function in physical space-time than
and behavioral (or cortical) change and both drug-induced hallucinations and Zazen does. In fact, a Yoga master
a drug-induced increase in pupillary the hallucinations of schizophrenics: "of denies noticing any outside stimuli dur-
diameter (41), which is a drug dose-de- being hypnotized," "of being not free,"ing deep meditation, whereas control
pendent parameter of autonomic activity "of being overpowered," "of being par- subjects show alpha-blocking with as
(20, 42). This lack of a relation points alyzed," and so on, and in the mystic'slittle stimulus as a flashing light (as do
to a large degree of freedom of cortical inability to experience the subject-ob-the Yoga masters themselves when not
interpretive activity, even under mod- ject dichotomy of daily routine in themeditating).
erate hyperarousal. physical dimension.
The cortical-subcortical independence Apparently, then, an increase in ergo-
"Self": The Knower and Image-Maker;
at the level of daily routine and even tropic arousal is paralleled by a restric-
moderate levels of arousal is also im- tion in the individual's repertoire of and "I": The Known and Imagined
plicit in the results of Marafion's (43) available perceptual-behavioral inter-
and Schachter and Singer's (44) experi- pretations. This restriction implies that We have seen that the departure from
ments, in which the set and setting certain levels can only be interpreted as the physical dimension during a voyage
determined the particular cortical inter- creative (artistic, scientific, religious) oron the perception-meditation continu-
pretation (from "good trip" to "bad psychotic experiences (48). Although a um is accompanied by a gradual loss of
trip") of each subject after his sub- religious interpretation is a common freedom, which is manifested in the in-
cortical activity had been altered by an feature of catatonia (49), ecstasy, whichcreasing inability to verify the experi-
injection of 0.5 cubic centimeter of a is the mystical experience of the One-ence through voluntary motor activity
1 : 1000 solution of epinephrine. ness of everything, results from a cre-(53). At the peak of trophotropic
It is now common knowledge that ative breakthrough out of catatonic hy- arousal, in samadhi, the meditating sub-
the set and setting, as well as the per- perarousal. During the ecstatic state,ject experiences nothing but his own
sonality, decisively influence the corti- there is neither capacity nor necessityself-referential nature, void of compel-
cal interpretation of hallucinogenic for motor verification of the intense ling contents. It is not difficult to see a
drug-induced changes in subcortical sensations. In the mental dimension, insimilarity between the meditative expe-
activity (45). What is not fully realized contrast to the physical, the all-perva-rience of pure self-reference and St.
is that set, setting, personality, expecta- sive experience of absolute certaintyTeresa's description of her ecstasy: in
tions, and past experiences determine does not require further verificationboth timeless and spaceless experiences,
the cortical "effects" of most of the (50) and will be structured according the mundane world is virtually ex-
psychoactive drugs when they are used to current mythology or the belief sys- cluded. Of course, the converse is true
in medically endorsed dosages. In fact,tem of a St. Francis, Pascal, or Rama- of the mundane state of daily routine,
except for the anesthetics and hypnot- krishna. What is one man's loss of free- in which the oceanic unity with the
ics, there are no drugs that selectively dom, therefore, may be another's gainuniverse, in ecstasy and samadhi, is vir-
direct human cognitive (psychological,in creativity. tually absent. Thus, the mutual exclu-
or, in our terms, cortical) functions. An increasing stereotypy can also besiveness of the "normal" and the ex-
With rising levels of ergotropic andobserved along the perception-medita- alted states, both ecstasy and samadhi,
trophotropic arousal, however, percep- tion continuum of increasing tropho- allows us to postulate that man, the
tion-behavior becomes increasingly de- tropic arousal (see Fig. 1, right); thisself-referential system, exists on two
pendent upon (or less free of) the sub- enables one to gradually exclude stimu-levels: as "Self" in the mental dimen-
cortical substratum that generates it. A lation from without and turn attention sion of exalted states; and as "I" in the
cat responds to ergotropic hyperarousal inward. Continuous trains of alpha objective world, where he is able and
with rage, while at the peak of tropho- waves accompany these changes, and willing to change the physical dimen-
tropic arousal the animal always yawns, the dominant frequency of the alpha sion "out there." In fact, the "I" and
curls up, and falls asleep. But man may pattern decreases toward the alpha- the "Self" can be postulated on purely
be compelled to interpret these two ex- theta border region, until some subjects, logical grounds. See, for instance,
treme states of hyper- and hypoarousal in a state of reverie, produce long trains Brown's reasoning (54) that the uni-
as ecstasy and samadhi. This increasing of theta waves (51) [see the beta, verse is apparently
stereotypy (loss of freedom) with in- alpha, and theta waves (52), measured . . . constructed in order (and thus in
creasing ergotropic arousal can be ob- in hertz, in Fig. 1, right]. According tosuch a way as to be able) to see itself.
served, for example, as a decrease inGreen et al. (17), the "alert inner- But in order to do so, evidently it must
the variability of the EEG amplitude, focused state is associated with the pro- first cut itself up into at least one state
which Goldstein and others have mea- which sees, and at least one other state
duction of alpha rhythm"; in this state
which is seen. In this severed and muti-
sured with a Drohocki integrator (46). Zen masters show an alpha-blocking lated condition, whatever it sees is only
A decrease in variability is expressed as response to auditory clicks, but, in con- partially itself . . . but, in any attempt to
26 NOVEMBER 1971 901

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All use subject to
see itself as an object, it must, equally un- would intersect successive and corre- the separateness of object and subject
doubtedly, act so as to make itself distinct gradually disappears and their interac-
sponding hyper- and hypoaroused states.
from, and therefore, false to, itself. In tion becomes the principal content of
The intersected states represent levels
this condition it will always partially elude
of gradually diminishing subjectivity the experience. This interaction, again,
(less "Self") and increasing objectivity
is a reflection of the gradually increas-
In our terminology, the "Self" of ex- ing integration of cortical and subcor-
(more "I"), until eventually the objec-
alted states is that which sees and tive "I"-state of the world is reached. tical activity. In this state of Unity, the
knows, while the "I" is the interpreta-each level of water would con-
Thus, separateness of subject and object that
tion, that which is seen and known nectin a hyper- and hypoaroused state is implicit in dualistic, Aristotelian logic
the physical space-time of the with world a specific subjectivity/objectivity and language becomes meaningless;
"out there." The mutually exclusive (or "Self"-to-"I")
re- ratio, implying a sim-only a symbolic logic and language can
lation between the "seer" and the ilarity between those pairs of hyper- andconvey the experience of intense mean-
"seen," or the elusiveness of the "Self" hypoaroused states that are connecteding. Apparently, then, meaning is
and the "I," may have its physiological by gradually raised levels of water. This"meaningful" only at that level of
basis in the mutual exclusiveness of the
similarity might, for example, be used arousal at which it is experienced, and
ergotropic and trophotropic systems (8).to account for the success of the widelyevery experience has its state-bound
A discernible communication between practiced narcoanalytic technique of meaning. During the "Self"-state of
abreacting a traumatic, hyperarousedhighest levels of hyper- or hypoarousal,
the "Self" and the "I" is only possible
during the dreaming and hallucinatoryexperience in a hypoaroused state of this meaning can no longer be expressed
states, whether drug-induced or "nat- sim;lar "Self"-to-"I" ratio. The similar- in dualistic terms, since the experience
ural." These states can be located ap-ity between corresponding hyper- and of unity is born from the integration of
proximately between coefficients of var- hypoaroused states could also account interpretive (cortical) and interpreted
iation 10 and 13 on the perception-hal-for the hypermnesic phenomena of the (subcortical) structures. Since this in-
lucination continuum (Fig. 1, left) andhypoaroused elderly, who clearly recall tense meaning is devoid of specificities,
in the 9 to 12 hertz EEG range on thethe hyperaroused experiences of theirthe only way to communicate its in-
perception-meditation continuum (Fig.youth, but do not recall more recent tensity is the metaphor; hence, only
1, right). Such "I"-"Self" communica- experiences (59). through the transformation of objective
tion is the creative source of art, sci- During the "I"-state of daily routine,sign into subjective symbol in art, lit-
ence, literature, and religon. the outside world is experienced as sep-erature, and religion can the increasing
In spite of the mutually exclusive re-arate from oneself, and this may be aintegration of cortical and subcortical
lation between the ergotropic and troph- reflection of the greater freedom (that activity be communicated.
otropic systems, however, there is a is, separateness or independence) of The transformation of sign to symbol
phenomenon called "rebound to super- cortical interpretation from subcortical is also apparent in the visual realm,
activity," or trophotropic rebound, activity. With increasing ergotropic andwhere the constancies of space and time
which occurs in response to intense trophotropic arousal, however, this sep- are replaced by geometric-ornamental-
sympathetic excitation (55), that is, at arateness gradually disappears, appar- rhythmic structures, the "hallucinatory
ecstasy, the peak of ergotropic arousal ently because in the "Self"-state of ec- form constants" of Kliiver (61). In the
(56). A rebound into samadhi at this stasy and samadhi, cortical and subcor- light of my own experience, I would
point can be conceived of as a physio- extend Kliiver's observations to include
tical activity are indistinguishably inte-
logical protective mechanism; Gellhorngrated. This unity is reflected in the ex- hyper- and hypoaroused hallucinatory
(8, 9) was among the first to notice thatperience of Oneness with everything, experiences
a in general, whether elec-
the rebound of the trophotropic system Oneness with the universe that is one- trically (62), "naturally," or drug-in-
is not confined to the autonomic self. duced (63). The hallucinatory con-
branches, but also causes significant stancies are "magical symbols," visible
changes in behavior. Thus, repetitive or audible metaphors within a structure
stimulation of the reticular formation in
Sign-Symbol-Meaning Transformations of symbolic logic and language, the lan-
the midbrain increases the arousal level guage of hyper- and hypoaroused hal-
in awake cats, but this phase is fol- The separateness of subject and ob- lucinatory states, and are at the base
lowed by one in which the animal ject during the daily routine levels of of the general tendency toward geo-
yawns, lies down, and finally falls arousal (in the "I"-state) has been elab- metric-rhythmic ornamentalization. For
asleep. This rebound phase is associated orated in our customary, rational, Aris- example, both the rose windows of
with the appearance of theta potentials totelian logic and language-a two- Gothic cathedrals and the mandalas of
in the hippocampus (57), just as the valued (either-or, true-false) logic that Tantric religious art (64) are ritualized
corresponding human trophotropic re- discounts the interaction between ob- hallucinatory form constants. The tend-
bound-samadhi-is characterized by server (subject) and observed (object)ency toward ornamentalization, how-
theta potentials (17) (see Fig. 1, right). (60). This separateness of object andever, is not reserved to visual imagery,
These rebound or reversal phenomenasubject, as we have seen, is a reflectionbut also governs the order of poetic and
between ecstasy and samadhi (8, 9) are of the relative independence of cortical musical rhythm, imposing an all-perva-
illustrated by the loop (58) connecting interpretation from subcortical activity sive metrum and harmony on the hallu-
the two extreme exalted states in Fig. 1.and is of survival value in the "I"-state, cinatory creative-religious states (65);
The "Self" of ecstasy and samadhi where the subject t must make decisions the rhythm of music, poetry, and lan-
are one and the same, as if the reflect-of life and death by manipulating ob- guage corresponds to the geometric-
ing surface of a lake in Fig. 1 embracedjects (through voluntary motor activity). ornamental rhythm of the visual realm.
both exalted states. If the level of water But when we depart along either con- Therefore, the manneristic (66) hallu-
in such a lake were gradually raised, it tinuum from the "I" toward the "Self," cinatory-creative style of art and liter-
902 SCIENCE, VOL. 174

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References and Notes
ature is regarded as a projection and called "state-dependent learning" (71)
1. W. Hess, Das Zwischenhirn und die Re-
elaboration of the geometric-rhythmic- (implying that the individual was con-gulierung von Kreislauf und Atmung (Thieme,
ornamental fabric of hyper- and hypo- fronted with a learning task), extended
Leipzig, 1938); Das Zwischenhirn (Schwabe,
Basel, 1949). Ergotropic arousal denotes be-
aroused states. practice, learning, or conditioninghavioral
is patterns preparatory to positive action
not necessary for producing "state- and is characterized by increased activity of
the sympathetic nervous system and an acti-
boundness." On the contrary, a single
vated psychic
state. These states may be in-
State-Boundaries experience may be sufficient to establish
duced either naturally or, for example,
through hallucinogenic drugs. Trophotropic
state-boundness. arousal results from an integration of para-
Inasmuch as experience arises from Deja vu experiences tand the so-called sympathetic with somatomotor activities to
produce behavioral paterns that conserve and
the binding or coupling of a particularLSD flashbacks are, I believe, special restore energy, a decrease in sensitivity to
state or level of arousal with a partic-cases of the general phenomenon of external stimuli, and sedation. During ergo-
tropic and trophotropic arousal, "alterations
state-boundness. Note that neither focal
ular symbolic interpretation of that in autonomic activity are not confined to the
lesions nor molecules of a hallucino-
arousal, experience is state-bound; thus, visceral organs, but induce changes in cor-
tical activity" [W. Hess, cited by Gellhorn
it can be evoked either by inducing genic drug are necessary for the induc-
2. R. Fischer, in Psychiatry and Art, vol. 2,
tion of 'a flashback-a symbol evoking
("naturally," hypnotically, or with the Art Interpretation and Art Therapy, I. Jakab,
aid of drugs) the particular level of a past drug experience may be sufficient
Ed. (Karger, Basel, 1969), p. 33.
to produce an LSD flashback (72). 3. R. Gelpke, quoted by A. Hofmann, in Son-
arousal, or by presenting some symbol derabdruck aus dem Basler Stadtbuch (Basel,
of its interpretation, such as an image, 1964).
An 18-year-old boy had a "bum trip"4. on
R. Fischer, in Proceedings of the 4th Interna-
melody, or taste. "Acquired aversions
"acid" and could not "come down" for tional Congress of Pharmacology (Schwabe,
to tastes following illness are common-
two weeks. After he drank wine with a Basel, 1970), vol. 3, p. 28; Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci. 138, 440 (1967).
place in humans. The knowledge that group of friends and was told by one 5.
ofThe word "hyperphrenic" was suggested to
them that the wine contained a high doseme
the illness was caused by the stomach by Dr. Alfred Bader, Lausanne, Switzer-
flu and not the Sauce Bernaise does not of LSD (which it did not), he experiencedland.
6. Saint Teresa, The Life of Saint Teresa, J. M.
hallucinations continuously for 14 days. Cohen, Transl. (Penguin, Baltimore, 1957),
prevent the sauce from tasting bad in
p. 142.
the future" (67). And here is the story of a "flashback" 7. W. Ashby, Design for a Brain (Wiley, New
Alcohol induces the state of arousal involving no drugs whatsoever (73). York, 1960), p. 88.
8. E. Gellhom, Psychol. Forsch. 34, 48 (1970).
necessary for the recall of 'a state-bound 9.---- , J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 147, 148 (1968).
I was in love with a college classmate, but
experience in the film City Lights. Here, 10. E. Hebbard and R. Fischer, Psychophar-
he married someone else. I also married, macologia 9, 146 (1966).
Charlie Chaplin saves a drunken mil- and even after four years and a beautiful 11. J. Silverman and K. Gaarder, Percept. Mot.
lionaire from attempted suicide, andbaby so I still dreamed about this fellow. Skills 25, 661 (1967).
12. R. Fischer, J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 119, 492
becomes his good friend. When sober, Whenever I saw a car like his, my heart (1954).
however, the millionaire does not re- would pound even though he had left 13. H. Selye, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 6, 117
member Charlie. However (68): town years before and I knew it couldn't
14. M. C. Franck and W. Kuhlo, Arch. Psychiat.
possibly be his. Nervenkr. 213, 238 (1970).
. . . the millionaire does not stay sober 15. J. Aschoff, ibid. 211, 325 (1968).
It follows from the state-bound na- 16. K. Gaarder, R. Koresko, W. Kropfl,
long. When he is drunk again, he spots
Electroencephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 21,
Charlie and treats him like a long-lost ture of experience, and from the fact 544 (1966).
friend. He takes Charlie home with him, that amnesia exists between the state 17. E. Green, A. Green, E. Walters, J.
but in the morning, when he is again Transpersonal Psychol. 1, 1 (1970).
of normal daily experience and all other 18. R. Ditchbur and D. Fender, Opt. Acta 2,
sober, he forgets that Charlie is his invited
guest and has the butler throw him out.
states of hyper- and hypoarousal, that 128 (1955). Immobilization is accomplished
by attaching a tiny mirror to a contact lens
what is called the "subconscious" is but in such a way that the image will follow
Evidently, consciousness extends eitheranother name for this amnesia. There- the micronystagmoid movements of the eye.
Also see R. Pritchard, W. Heron, D. Hebb
between states of drunkenness, or be- fore, instead of postulating one subcon- [Can. J. Psychol. 14, 67 (1960)].
tween states of sobriety, but there is
scious, I recognize as many layers of 19. (Dover,
K. Behanan, Yoga, A Scientific Evaluation
New York, 1937), p. 223. The cobra
complete amnesia between the two dis-self-awareness as there are levels of has fixed eyes to begin with; therefore, to
continuous states of sobriety and drunk-arousal and corresponding symbolic in-compensate for the lack of scanning eye
movements, it must sway its head rhythmically
enness, states with characteristic and terpretations in the individual's inter- to fixate the image of its victim. (If nothing
different "Self"-to-"I" ratios. else, one practical application of this paper
pretive repertoire. The many layers of may be the following: whenever you meet
Charlie's story has been recently re- self-awareness, each with its character- a cobra, swing along with him and he won't
be able to locate you.)
modeled and scientifically validated by istic "Self"-to-"I" ratio, remind one of
20. R. Fischer, T. Kappeler, P. Wisecup, K.
Goodwin et al. (69), who had 48 sub- the captain with girl friends in many Thatcher, Dis. Nerv. Syst. 31, 91 (1970); K.
Thatcher, T. Kappeler, P. Wisecup, R. Fisch-
jects memorize nionsense syllables while ports, each girl unaware of the exist-er, ibid., p. 181.
drunk. When sober, these volunteers ence of the others, and each existing
21. R. Fischer, ibid. 30, 161 (1969). J. Strauss's
evidence also supports this concept of the
had difficulty recalling what they had only from visit to visit (that is, from continuous, nondiscrete nature of perceptual
learned, but they could recall signifi- state to state). This is how multiple and hallucinatory experience [Arch. Gen.
Psychiat. 21, 581 (1969)]. Our definition of
cantly better when they were drunk existences become possible: by livinghallucinations or dreams as experiences char-
again. Bustamante et al. (70) also ob- from one waking state to another wak- acterized by a high S/M ratio is free of
value judgment, thus implying that halluci-
served amphetamine-induced (20 milli- ing state; from one dream to the next;natory experience can be labeled pathological,
grams) excitatory, and amobarbital-in- one amobarbital narcoanalysis sessionartistic, religious, and so on, according to
one's taste [and taste threshold: see R.
duced (200 milligrams), "inhibitory," to the next (74); from LSD to LSD Fischer, in Gustation and Olfaction, G. Ohloff
state-dependent recall of geometric con- (75); from epileptic aura to aura (76); and A. E. Thomas, Eds. (Academic Press,
New York, 1971), pp. 187-237].
figurations. His volunteers both memo- from one creative, lartistic, religious, 22.
or The cross-tolerance between LSD, psilocybin,
rized and later recalled the configura- psychotic inspiration or possession toor mescaline [H. Isbell, A. Wolbach, A.
Wikler, E. Miner, Psychopharmacologia 2,
tions under one of the two drugs. I sub- another creative artistic, religious, or147 (1961); A. Wolbach, H. Isbell, E. Miner,
mit, however, that while remembering psychotic experience; from trance toibid. 3, 1 (1962)] as well as the characteristic
square-wave pattern of saccadic movement
from one state to another is usually trance; and from reverie to reverie. they elicit [E. Hebbard and R. Fischer, ibid.
26 NOVEMBER 1971 903

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9, 146 (1966)] mark these drugs as the 46. L. Goldstein, H. Murphree, A. Sugerman, C. the two. Therefore, no taster, no bitterness
hallucinogenic, psychotomimetic, psychodelic, Pfeiffer, E. Jenney, Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (just as there can be no image or sound of
or psychodysleptic drugs. It is implied, there- 4, 10 (1963). a falling tree without a viewer or listener).
fore, that any state which can be induced 47. K. Thatcher, W. Wiederholt, R. Fischer, [See R. Fischer, Dis. Nerv. Syst. 30, 161
by one of these drugs can be duplicated by Agents Actions 2, 21 (1971); G. Marjerrison, (1969)]. The interactional nature of reality is
the others as well. A. Krause, R. Keogh, Electroencephalogr. already implicit in the fact that the brain
23. R. Corlis, G. Splaver, P. Wisecup, R. Fischer, Clin. Neurophysiol. 24, 35 (1967). is the only organ that develops through
Nature 216, 91 (1967). 48. R. Fischer, in Genetic Factors in "Schizo- experiencing itself. [See H. Ey, La Conscience
24. "Constancies" assure the recognition of iden- phrenia," A. Kaplan, Ed. (Thomas, Spring- (Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1963),
tity; they refer to what Piaget meant by the field, Ill., in press). p. 64.]
"conservation" of area, distance, length, vol- 49. B. Pauleikhoff, Fortschr. Neurol. Psychiat. 61. H. Kliiver, Mescal and Mechanism of Hallu-
ume, and so on [J. Piaget, B. Inhelder, A. 37, 476 (1969). The distinction between a cinations (Phoenix, Univ. of Chicago Press,
Szeminska, The Child's Conception of Geom- genuine religious and a psychotic religious Chicago, 1966), p. 66.
etry, E. A. Luzer, Transl. (Routledge, London, conversion experience is pointed out by H. 62. M. Knoll, J. Kugler, D. Hofer, S. Lawder,
1960), p. 390]. For example, wearing prism Weitbrecht [Beitrdge zur Religionspsycho- Confin. Neurol. 23, 201 (1963).
spectacles results in a variety of visual dis- pathologie, insbesondere zur Psychopathologie 63. W. Keup, Ed., Origin and Mechanisms of
tortions which, due to the cortical transfor- der Bekehrung (Scherrer, Heidelberg, 1948)]. Hallucinations (Plenum, New York, 1970),
mation of subcortical (retinal) information, His four schizophrenics experienced a re- pp. 95-210.
gradually disappear with time. Perceptual-be- ligious conversion during their psychoses. Al- 64. A. Mookerjee, in Tantra-Kunst, R. Kumar,
havioral constancies can be formalized as in- though after remission they had insight into Ed. (Basilius, Basel, 1967-1968), p. 11.
formation (or signal to noise) ratios; that is, the diseased nature of their psychoses, they 65. R. Fischer, Confin. Psychiat. 13, 1 (1970).
as dimensionless quantities [R. Fischer, F. continued to regard their conversion experi- 66. See L. Navratil, Schizophrenie und Kunst
Griffin, R. C. Archer, S. C. Zinsmeister, P. ences as valid turning points. We conceptua- (Deutsches Taschenbuch Verlag, Miinchen,
S. Jastram, Nature 207, 1049 (1965)]. lize conversion experiences as confrontation 1965), p. 35; Schizophrenie und Sprache
25. R. Hill, R. Fischer, D. Warshay, Experientia and dialogue between a man's wordly "I" (Deutsches Taschenbuch, Miinchen, 1966), p.
25, 171 (1969). and his ecstatic (or meditative) "Self," result- 162.
26. R. Fischer, R. Hill, D. Warshay, ibid., p. 166. ing in the creation of a more consistent per- 67. M. Seligman, Psychol. Rev. 77, 416 (1970).
(1969). sonality-one that has "found its style" 68. G. McDonald, M. Conway, M. Ricci, Eds.
27. R. Fischer, P. Marks, R. Hill, M. Rockey, [R. Fischer, Confin. Psychiat. 13, 1 (1970); The Films of Charlie Chaplin (Citadel, New
Nature 218, 296 (1968); R. Fischer, in Origin ibid., in press]. York, 1965), p. 191.
and Mechanisms of Hallucinations, W. Keup, 50. Pascal recorded, at the peak of his decisive 69. D. Goodwin, B. Powell, D. Bremer, H. Hoine,
Ed. (Plenum, New York, 1970), pp. 303-332. religious illumination: "Fire./God of Abra- J. Stern, Science 163, 1358 (1969).
28. R. Fischer, R. Hill, K. Thatcher, J. Scheib, ham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,/not of 70. J. Bustamante, A. Jordan, M. Vila, A.
Agents Actions 1, 190 (1970). the philosophers and the scientists./Certainty. Gonzalez, A. Insua, Physiol. Behav. 5, 793
29. R. Hill and R. Fischer, Pharmakopsychiat. Certainty." [M. Arland, Pascal (l'Enfant (1970).
Neuro-Psychopharmakol. 3, 256 (1970). Poete, Paris, 1946), pp. 120-121]. 71. R. Fischer, Dis. Nerv. Syst. 32, 373 (1971);
30. H. Rennert, Confin. Psychiat. 12, 23 (1969). 51. A. Kasamatsu and T. Hirai, Psychologia 6, - and G. M. Landon, Brit. J. Psychiat.,
31. L. Navratil, ibid., p. 30. 89 (1963); Folia Psychiat. Neurol. Jap. 20, in press. The latter paper also includes an
32. R. Fischer and R. Kaelbling, in Recent 315 (1966). extensive discussion of state-dependent learn-
Advances in Biological Psychiatry, J. Wortis, 52. It is likely that these parietal, low-frequency ing in human beings and animals. Note that
Ed. (Plenum, New York, 1967), vol. 9, p. EEG waves are related to dendritic field- this term could just as well be "state-depen-
183; R. Fischer, L. Ristine, P. Wisecup, potential charges. dent adaptation," since learning and adapta-
Biol. Psychiat. 1, 209 (1970). 53. B. Anand, G. Chhina, B. Singh, Electro- tion are as indistinguishable from each other
33. R. Fischer, H. Dunbar, A. Sollberger, encephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 13, 452 as hallucinations and dreams.
Arzneimittel-forschung 21, 135 (1971). (1961). 72. L. Tec, J. Amer. Med. Ass. 215, 980 (1971).
34. L. Bender, in Psychotomimetic Drugs, D. 54. G. Brown, Laws of Form (Allen, London, 73. From "Dear Abby," in Citizen Journal,
Efron, Ed. (Raven, New York, 1969), p. 267. 1969), p. 105. Saint Teresa elegantly ex- Columbus, Ohio, 13 January 1971, p. 21.
35. R. Fischer, Perspect. Biol. Med. 12, 259 pressed this partial elusiveness: "There re- 74. Primarius Dr. Raoul Schindler, Vienna, in-
(1969). The loss of a limb or an organ, mains the power of seeing and hearing; but formed me at Linz in 1969 that a patient's
for instance, can be regarded as a distortion is as if the things heard and seen were at thread of thought in narcoanalysis resumes,
of corporeal awareness; the phenomenon a great distance far away" [in E. Underhill, after an injection of amobarbital, exactly
that corrects for this distortion results in a Mysticism (Methuen, London, 1912), p. 450]. where it left off at the end of the previous
very real feeling that the lost limb or organ 55. E. Gellhorn, Acta Neuroveg. 20, 181 session.
is still there, but this is only a phantom (1959). 75. Dr. Hanscarl Leuner, G6ttingen, Germany,
sensation. 56. Such rebound would be called "inhibition" also confirms (1970) that his patients in LSD-
36. S. Kuromaru, S. Okada, M. Hanada, Y. in Pavlovian terminology [I. Pavlov, in C. supplemented or psycholytic therapy regard
Kasahara, K. Sakamoto, Psychiat. Neurol. Murchison, Psychologies of 1930 (Clark Univ. each LSD experience as a continuation of the
Jap. 64, 604 (1962). Press, Worcester, Mass., 1930), p. 213], and last.
37. R. Fischer, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 96, 44 "phase of resistance" by Selye [Stress (ACTA, 76. M. Horowitz, J. Adams, and B. Rutkin [Arch.
(1962). Montreal, 1950), pp. 15-43]. It can also be Gen. Psychiat. 19, 469 (1968)] report from
38. A. Hofmann, in Discoveries in Biological accounted for within the frame of Wilder's the case history of an epileptic girl that the
Psychiatry, F. Ayd and Blackwell, Eds. Law of Initial Value, which states that imagery of every aura consisted of "pigs walk-
(Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1970), chap. 7. "the higher the initial value of a measured ing upright like people." In early grade school
39. R. Fischer, in The Voices of Time, J. Fraser, function, the lower is the tendency of the the girl would rip open her blouse during a
Ed. (Braziller, New York, 1966), p. 357. system to respond to furthering stimuli, while seizure, but, of course, she would not re-
40. P. MacLean, J. Neurosurg. 11, 29 (1954); the highest as well as the lowest values tend member this after the seizure. Nevertheless,
Amer. J. Med. 25, 611 (1958). to result in a reversal of action (italics mine)" her classmates called her a pig, and it was
41. The mean increase in pupillary diameter [J. Wilder, J. Psychother. 12, 199 (1958)]. this pig which she saw "walking upright" in
induced by 160 micrograms of psilocybin per 57. P. Parmeggiani, Brain Res. 7, 350 (1968). each aura.
kilogram of body weight in 34 college-age 58. The "loop" in Fig. 1 has also been in- 77. Supported in part by National Institute of
male volunteers was 0.93 millimeter, standard dependently suggested to me (on experiential Mental Health grant 1 R03 MH17633-01 and
deviation _= - 0.52; whereas in 13 females, grounds alone) by both Dr. J. H. M. White- general research support grants. I am in-
the mean increase was 0.56 millimeter, man, University of Cape Town, South Africa, debted to Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Basel,
standard deviation = -? 0.27. and Marilyn Delphinium Rutgers, Glen-Ellen, Switzerland, and to Dr. John A. Scigliano,
42. R. Fischer and D. Warshay, Pharmakopsychiat. California. I am gratefully indebted to them, former executive secretary, FDA-PHS Psycho-
Neuro-Psychopharmakol. 1, 291 (1968); R. as well as to Primarius Dr. Leo Navratil, tomimetic Agents Advisory Committee, Be-
Fischer, Perspect. Biol. Med. 12, 259 (1969). Gugging, Austria, for sharing with me their thesda, Maryland, for generously providing me
43. G. Marafion, Rev. Fr. Endocrinol. 2, 301 intuition and scholarship. with psilocybin (under IND-3530). I am also
(1924). 59. This example was suggested to me by grateful to Dr. Peter Gwynne, James Scheib,
44. S. Schachter and J. Singer, Psychol. Rev. 69, Primarius Dr. Leo Navratil, Gugging, Austria. and Pamela Furney for their devoted compe-
379 (1962). 60. For example, neither quinine molecules nor tence and to my creative artist wife, Trudy,
45. H. Lennard, L. Epstein, A. Bernstein, D. a subject's taste receptors are bitter per se- for vital perceptual as well as cognitive
Ransom, Science 169, 438 (1970). bitterness results only during interaction of illumination.

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