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ps Y713941 QY mustsor teas 4 aa § a COUNTY OF TRAVIS § 8-24-05 (008 P7FOO a ee \ 1, andes eb ef at «cea ut ped te ESRD Jac! Diss Cour, TRAVIS RP 916~-49—-11868 COUNTY, Texas, Chuse Number GV40304), wherem THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE CILY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS.AND 32/C THE TRANSIT AUTHORITY OF BOUSLON, TEXAS, are Plaintiffs, and CORPORATE BUILDING SYSTEMS OF <4¢ AMERICA, ING, ATE Nee Defendants, the said Planuff THESTATE OF at recovered judgment on FEBRUARY 17, 2008, against said Defendant CORPORATE BUILDING SYSTEMS OF AMERICA. INC, whove address appear. as C/o James D. Hardin, Regitered Agent, 2333 Benng, Suite 341, Houston, Harms County, Texas 77057, and against said Defendant JAMES D. HARDIN, A/K/A. JAMIES DARIN MARDIN, wins ons opera 2501 Inn Sage Wy, Las Vegas, Cla Cum, Neva 1083716, ]OINTLY- AND SEVERALLY, forthe sum of TUM pss ATTORNEY'S FEES af 800,00 wih stot co SGPT he pencpe anne em EEDRUAI a0 tv the rte of en percent (10%) per annum. The Defendant JAMES D HARDIN, AKA JAMES DARWIN HARDIN's dnvers Teense number w 14199787 and date of binh is February 20, 1972 The Pini) addres 1s CIO COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, REVENUE ACCOUNTING DIVISION, 111 EAST 17TH STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701. The sard Plauns " jOUSTON, ‘TEXAS, recovered jadgment on FEBRUARY 1 2085, snt sad Defendants CORPORATE BUILDING SYSTEMS Of IN VERALLY, for the A hears of SedSZ OU and Seas 90 so cat ons an Tom EEBAUMRY TIS aac ofr percet (10%) per annum Said judgment 1s recorded in the Judgment Records of said Court, Saxd judgment ss entiled tothe following credits, NONE There 1s now sll due on suid judgment the amounts es hereinebove set out, wnthsnerest from the dates and atthe rates ss hereinabove set out, and $228.00 in cour costs heretofore incured and cour costs which may hereafter be mcurred Thereby venfy, m accordance wath § 52.002 ofthe Texas Property Code, thatthe foregoing is true and correct. COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOYNTS. Revenee AcemteeDiimge FILED FOR RECORD MILE 17" Street 8:00AM ‘Astin, Texas 78774 (812) 463-4555 AUG 2 4 2005 ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS. ican” COUNTY OF TRAVIS, County Clark, Marna County, Texas BEFORE ME, =: 10 KY cornelius Notary Public for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared SUSAN N_ KREGER, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing smarument and aeknowedged to me that he excited Che sas forte puro nd copaeaton term expressed GIVEN under my hand and seal of office ts _I day of. Guigussr ‘AD, 2005. ca “ . ‘SHANIKA CORNELIUS = : . Notary Publ, State of Texas 8 My Commsson Expres Notary Public for the State of Texas MAY 14,2008 * Return To: ‘State Comptroller of Public Accounts Revenue Accounting-Certtications 111 E, 17th Street Haveis ‘Austin, TX 78774 Notary without Bond RP 916—40—-11989 mmo sn ween EU THI Teg aaaler Fe HOBODL OOO Ta grareor Tous Coury or rt ne ara ee so merece tema tate AUG 2 4 2005 @ “as.

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