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Spring 2018 1


Your Name: Madeline Andrews

Date: 4/23/18 Total Lesson Duration: 35-40 Minuets

Topic: Gathering and comparing data Grade: 1st

Learning Goal(s) (This is to keep your head in the game. As your making decisions
about what to include or not include in the plan or how to engage in the moment,
remember this goal. All your decisions are about whether they move children
toward this.)
 My learning goal for this lesson is for students to be able to gather data from
a given set of objects, and then be able to compare and contrast those
different amounts of objects in the set. Students will understand that
different objects can be compared by gathering data in the world around

Materials & Resources Needed & Plan for Distribution: (I like to visualize the
lesson ahead of time and note the different materials I’ll need. This is also a chance
for me to think about management issues, like how are children going to get
 Materials needed: 23 bags of Lucky Charms marshmallows, graphing sheet,
individual assignment sheet, pencils
 Distribution plan- Have supply helpers for the week make sure that the
material caddies for each table are out. After, I will have one paper passer
pass out graphing sheets, and the other paper passer pass out individual
assignment sheets. After everything has been passed out, I will call students
up one at a time to come get a bag of lucky charms marshmallows and then
they will take them back to their seat with them.

Sequencing of Instructional Formats and Estimated Times for Each: (List how
your students will be working throughout the different parts of your lesson, for
instance: Whole Group(Launch)  Pairs(Explore)  Whole Group(Discussion).
 Whole Group- Review of how to look at data, expectations for using
materials, overview of individual assignment
 Individual- Collecting data and writing it down
 Small group/pairs- sharing information

This is to keep you on track throughout. If your Launch is supposed to be 10 minutes

but you’re still sitting on the carpet at minute 20, it’s time to GO!

Academic, Social and Linguistic Support (Provide 3 specific ways in which you
will use academic, social, and linguistic resources to support the learning of your
Spring 2018 2

students. Locate these ways across the three parts of your lesson (Launch, Explore,
Discuss). These supports should reflect ideas from our course readings)
1. Academic- Supported in launch and discuss portions of the lesson. It the
launch section of the lesson, students will be reviewing and going over
concepts that they have already had the chance to work with and explore.
This review provides scaffolding and support for students about the topic, in
addition to making student feel more supported if they are still feeling
unsure about what to do. In the discussion section, students will have the
chance to talk with their peers about the strategies that they used to find
their answers, and compare findings. They will also be sitting at tables in
small groups, and can use support from their peers to ask for help, or confirm
2. Social- Supported in explore and discussion. In the explore section, students
will have the chance to talk with their peers about their findings, and
compare/contrast their answers. This helps to support students who are
chatty, as they have a chance to talk productively about their findings. The
same can be said about the discussion section; it is similar to what is
happening in the explore portion, but it is done a bit more formally. It also
helps to teach students that there are differences in data and strategy, and
there is no right or wrong way to do things, and that differences in opinion
are okay.
3. Linguistic- Supported in Launch and discussion. In the launch section, we will
be reviewing vocabulary terms that they have already seen in their math
lessons, so students who benefit from more linguistic support will be able to
repeatedly hear the words that they should be using throughout the lesson.
Vocabulary terms will also be paired with visuals (like a graph) to show how
students should be using these words with the materials. In the discussion
section, students will have the chance to explain their thinking and thought
process in their own words, if they have not been able to grasp the
vocabulary presented to them.

LAUNCH (5-10 minutes)

Describe what you will do and say in order to (a) help students understand the
purpose of this lesson and (b) get them interested in the lesson. What are you going
to show them? Ask them? Tell them? How are you going to raise their curiosity?
 Purpose- “We will be doing this lesson to help us learn about how we can
take information from the world around us and figure out the differences and
similarities between them! We’re going to use cereal to look at different
types of marshmallows to see that we can collect information and then
compare and contrast it
 Raising interest- This lesson involves the use of objects all kids love; food!
None of my students have food allergies, so they will all be able to
participate. I thought that this would be a great way to engage them, since
they will be able to work with objects that are relevant in their day-to-day
Spring 2018 3

lives, and they will be able to eat them when the lesson is done! I am going to
tell them that we are using fun materials that they may see every morning,
and ask them for guesses as to what they think our materials may be. If they
guess correctly, I will tell them, if not, once they have finished guessing, then I
will tell them that we are using Lucky Charms! I would then show them an
example bag of marshmallows that I am going to use

What expectations are you going to communicate to them? How are you going to
activate their in-school and out-of-school experiences related to this topic? Feel free
to organize all these things that you will do and say in some order (e.g., list, diagram,
 Expectations
 You will use the materials respectfully and responsibly- This means that you
will use your marshmallows only for math until our lesson is finished, then
you may eat them. We do not steal other people’s marshmallows, we do not
throw them, and we do not touch other people’s work besides our own.
 When we discuss our strategies for solving, it is okay to have different
answers. If someone has a different answer than you, it is okay to share the
way that you solved the problem, but it is not okay to use hurtful words and
tell people that they are wrong, or the way that the did the problem was
 When we are working, it is okay to discuss your work with people at your
table, but we should be using level 1 voices so we can hear our neighbors,
and we need to be out of our seats, rather than walking around to our
friend’s tables just to talk

Your launch may have 2 parts. For example, you might start with a Number Talk to
get everyone thinking and then you might launch what kids are actually going to be
working on. Or you might just begin by Launching the Task.

EXPLORE (15-20 minutes)

Students will be working (describe arrangement) on the following high-level task(s) (include task here
and please attach a photo or screen shot of the curricula from which it’s been taken).
 Students will be working on graphing and collecting data about the amount and type of Luck
Charms marshmallows that they have. After they have seen how many of each type they have, they
will graph them, and then compare and contrast the types of marshmallows that they have and
answer questions about it.
Spring 2018 4

What would you do to keep students engaged? What would you do if a student doesn’t understand the
task at all (e.g., cannot seem to get started)? What would you do if a student finishes early?
 Engagement- I will be walking around to every table and ask students what they are doing to solve
the graph and problems. Students will all have their own individual set of materials, so that way,
they all have the chance to be working with hands on tools, and using kinesthetic processes to help
keep them engaged while learning.
 Doesn’t understand- Spend extra one on one time with the student and re-explain directions, ask
what they are struggling with/need help with, move them to work with a partner who
understands the task and can explain it to them, ask if they want to move to a quieter space where
they can concentrate without noise distractions
 Finishes early- Give them a challenge/extra question to solve about their data, ask them to help a
student who is struggling and be their support buddy, draw a picture or write about what they

What will you be saying to children as you move around the room? (And you will be moving around the
Spring 2018 5

room!) This might include your probing questions, but perhaps you might also anticipate other kinds of
problems you might need to address.
 Things that I will be saying to students:
 “How did you find that answer?”
 “I like that you used this strategy to solve, but let’s go back and double check our answer to make
sure that our information is correct”
 “Can you tell me more about that?”
 “What are you going to do next?”
 “What type of marshmallow did you get the most of? How do you know?”
 “How did you find your answer based on the information you collected?”

What notes will you be taking to guide your closing discussion?

 What strategies students are using
 If there were any common mistakes among the class
 What problems everyone seemed to get right
 What questions students had about the individual work
 General sense of data students collected

DISCUSS (5 minutes)

The purpose of the discussion is to connect what children were doing to the big
mathematical ideas. This is a chance to make connections across children, to attach
language to what children were doing, and to let children put their thinking into

How will you use what you learned in the Explore section in the discussion?
 We will be talking about the data that we collected from our marshmallows,
and the answers to the questions that we found on our individual worksheets

What will the discussion focus on? Will children present solutions? If so, which ones
do you want to see in front of the class (e.g., certain representations, a wrong
answer, a particular strategy, etc.)? Is there an order that would be most effective?
 The discussion will mostly focus on the data that children collected, and what
strategies they used to solve the questions in their individual work
 I would ask students to come up to the board and show their work that
displays a certain strategy, and the process they used to get their answer.
 I don’t know if my class would respond well to having a student with a wrong
answer come up to show their work, so if I were to use this as a discussion
point to see what should be changed, I would claim it as my own work, so the
student would not embarrassed about getting the wrong answer

If the discussion does not focus on solution strategies, what will the purpose be?
What kinds of questions will you ask?
 The discussion does focus on solution strategies. It will also cover the data
that students collected (how many of each type of marshmallow that they
Spring 2018 6


What are your strategies for managing over and under participation during this
 For students who may not feel comfortable sharing, or normally don’t share, I
would make sure that they have talked to a partner at some point during the
lesson, or ask them to share a simple solution, like “how many clover
marshmallows did you get?”
 For students who feel the need to constantly share, I would ask them to come
up in front of the class to share their thinking, that way, they have had a
chance to talk about their knowledge in front of the class and that everyone
has heard what they have to say.

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