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Global growth is projected to slow to 3.1 percent to which their mutual trade and financial flows
in 2016 before recovering to 3.4 percent in 2017. will be curtailed, will likely become clear only after
The forecast, revised down by 0.1 percentage point several years. Adding to the uncertainty is the impact
for 2016 and 2017 relative to April, reflects a more of the referendum results on political sentiment in
subdued outlook for advanced economies following other EU members, as well as on global pressure to
the June U.K. vote in favor of leaving the European adopt populist, inward-looking policies.
Union (Brexit) and weaker-than-expected growth in Important ongoing realignments—particularly
the United States. These developments have put further salient for emerging market and developing econo-
downward pressure on global interest rates, as mon- mies—include rebalancing in China and the macro-
etary policy is now expected to remain accommodative economic and structural adjustment of commodity
for longer. Although the market reaction to the Brexit exporters to a long-term decline in their terms of
shock was reassuringly orderly, the ultimate impact trade. Slow-moving changes that are playing an
remains very unclear, as the fate of institutional and important role in the outlook for advanced econo-
trade arrangements between the United Kingdom and mies (as well as for some emerging market econo-
the European Union is uncertain. Financial market mies) include demographic and labor-market trends,
sentiment toward emerging market economies has but also an ill-understood protracted slowdown in
improved with expectations of lower interest rates in productivity, which is hampering income growth and
advanced economies, reduced concern about China’s contributing to political discontent.
near-term prospects following policy support to growth, In the World Economic Outlook (WEO) baseline sce-
and some firming of commodity prices. But prospects nario, global growth is projected to decline to 3.1 per-
differ sharply across countries and regions, with emerg- cent in 2016, and to rebound next year to 3.4 percent.
ing Asia in general and India in particular showing The 2016 forecast reflects weaker-than-expected
robust growth and sub-Saharan Africa experiencing a U.S. activity in the first half of the year as well as
sharp slowdown. In advanced economies, a subdued materialization of an important downside risk with the
outlook subject to sizable uncertainty and downside Brexit vote. Although financial market reaction to the
risks may fuel further political discontent, with anti- result of the U.K. referendum has been contained, the
integration policy platforms gaining more traction. increase in economic, political, and institutional uncer-
Several emerging market and developing economies still tainty and the likely reduction in trade and financial
face daunting policy challenges in adjusting to weaker flows between the United Kingdom and the rest of the
commodity prices. These worrisome prospects make the European Union over the medium term is expected to
need for a broad-based policy response to raise growth have negative macroeconomic consequences, especially
and manage vulnerabilities more urgent than ever. in the United Kingdom. As a result, the 2016 growth
forecast for advanced economies has been marked
The current outlook is shaped by a complex con- down to 1.6 percent.
fluence of ongoing realignments, long-term trends, Growth in emerging market and developing
and new shocks. These factors imply a generally economies is expected to strengthen slightly in 2016
subdued baseline for growth, but also substantial to 4.2 percent after five consecutive years of decline,
uncertainty about future economic prospects. The accounting for over three-quarters of projected world
main unforeseen development in recent months growth this year. However, the outlook for these
was the U.K. vote in favor of leaving the European economies is uneven and generally weaker than in the
Union. Brexit is very much an unfolding event—the past. While external financing conditions have eased
long-term shape of relations between the United with expectations of lower interest rates in advanced
Kingdom and the European Union, and the extent economies, other factors are weighing on activity.

International Monetary Fund | October 2016 xv


These include a slowdown in China, whose spillovers ramifications for global trade flows and integration
are magnified by its lower reliance on import- and more broadly. Concerns about unequal (and widening)
resource-intensive investment; commodity exporters’ income distribution are rising, fueled by weak income
continued adjustment to lower revenues; spillovers growth as productivity dynamics remain disappointing.
from persistently weak demand in advanced economies; Uncertainty about the evolution of these trends may
and domestic strife, political discord, and geopolitical lead firms to defer investment and hiring decisions,
tensions in several countries. While growth in emerging thus slowing near-term activity, while an inward-
Asia and especially India continues to be resilient, the looking policy shift could also stoke further cross-
largest economies in sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, South border political discord.
Africa, Angola) are experiencing sharp slowdowns or A second risk is stagnation in advanced economies.
recessions as lower commodity prices interact with diffi- As global growth remains sluggish, the prospect of
cult domestic political and economic conditions. Brazil an extended shortfall in private demand leading to
and Russia continue to face challenging macroeconomic permanently lower growth and low inflation becomes
conditions, but their outlook has strengthened some- ever more tangible, particularly in some advanced
what relative to last April. economies where balance sheets remain impaired. At
The recovery is projected to pick up in 2017 as the the same time, a protracted period of weak inflation in
outlook improves for emerging market and develop- advanced economies risks unmooring inflation expecta-
ing economies and the U.S. economy regains some tions, causing expected real interest rates to rise and
momentum, with a fading drag from inventories spending to decline, eventually feeding back to even
and a recovery in investment. Although longer-term weaker overall growth and inflation.
prospects for advanced economies remain muted, Other risks flagged in previous WEOs remain
given demographic headwinds and weak productivity important potential influences on the outlook. China’s
growth, the forecast envisages a further strengthening ongoing adjustment and associated spillovers continue
of growth in emerging market and developing econo- to be pertinent, even as near-term sentiment regard-
mies over the medium term. But as noted in previous ing China has appeared to recover from the acute
WEOs, this forecast depends on a number of impor- anxiety at the start of the year. The economy’s transi-
tant assumptions: tion away from reliance on investment, industry, and
• A gradual normalization of conditions in econo- exports in favor of greater dependence on consumption
mies currently under stress, with a general pickup and services could become bumpier than expected at
in growth in commodity exporters, albeit to levels times, with important implications for commodity and
more modest than in the past machinery exporters as well as for countries indirectly
• A gradual slowdown and rebalancing of China’s exposed to China through financial contagion chan-
economy with medium-term growth rates that—at nels. That risk is heightened by the current short-term
close to 6 percent—remain higher than the average growth-promoting measures on which China is relying,
for emerging market and developing economies as a still-rising credit-to-GDP ratio and lack of decisive
• Resilient growth in other emerging market and progress in addressing corporate debt and governance
developing economies concerns in state-owned enterprises raise the risk of
Both economic and noneconomic factors threaten a disruptive adjustment. More generally, although
to keep these assumptions from being realized and financial conditions in emerging markets have continued
imperil the baseline outlook more generally. In particu- to improve in recent months, underlying vulnerabilities
lar, some risks flagged in recent WEOs have become remain among some large emerging market econo-
more prominent in recent months. The first is political mies. High corporate debt, declining profitability,
discord and inward-looking policies. The Brexit vote and weak bank balance sheets—together with the need
the ongoing U.S. presidential election campaign have to rebuild policy buffers, particularly in commodity
highlighted a fraying consensus about the benefits of exporters—leave these economies still exposed to sud-
cross-border economic integration. Concerns about den shifts in investor confidence. A range of additional
the impact of foreign competition on jobs and wages noneconomic factors continues to influence the outlook
in a context of weak growth have enhanced the appeal in various regions—the protracted effects of a drought
of protectionist policy approaches, with potential in eastern and southern Africa; civil war and domestic

xvi International Monetary Fund | October 2016

Executive Summary

conflict in parts of the Middle East and Africa and concentrate outlays on uses that most strongly sup-
the tragic plight of refugees in neighboring countries port demand and longer-term potential growth. More
and in Europe; multiple acts of terror worldwide; and broadly, accommodative macroeconomic policies must
the spread of the Zika virus in Latin America and the be accompanied by structural reforms that can coun-
Caribbean, the southern United States, and southeast teract waning potential growth—including efforts to
Asia. If these factors intensify, they could collectively boost labor force participation, improve the matching
take a large toll on market sentiment, hurting demand process in labor markets, and promote investment in
and activity. research and development and innovation. As discussed
Upside developments include the orderly repricing in Chapter 3 of the April 2016 WEO, comprehensive
in financial markets after the initial shock of the Brexit policies that combine demand support with reforms
vote; sustained improvements in the U.S. labor market; targeting a country’s structural needs, anchored in
and a modest recent uptick in commodity prices, coherent and well-communicated policy frameworks,
which should ease some of the pressure on commodity can fire up both short-term activity and medium-term
exporters. These developments point to the possibil- potential output.
ity of a better-than-envisaged pickup in momentum, Across emerging market and developing economies, the
which could be even stronger if countries adopt broad common policy objectives are continued con-
comprehensive frameworks to lift actual and potential vergence to higher incomes by reducing distortions in
output. product, labor, and capital markets and giving people
While the baseline forecast for the global economy a better chance in life by investing wisely in education
points to a pickup in growth over the rest of the and health care. These goals can only be realized in an
forecast horizon from its subdued pace this year, the environment safe from financial vulnerability and the
potential for setbacks to this outlook is high, as under- risk of reversals. Economies with large and rising non-
scored by repeated growth markdowns in recent years. financial debt, unhedged foreign liabilities, or heavy
Against this backdrop, policy priorities differ across reliance on short-term borrowing to fund longer-term
individual economies depending on the specific objec- investments must adopt stronger risk management
tives of improving growth momentum, combating practices and contain currency and balance sheet
deflation pressures, or building resilience. But a com- mismatches.
mon theme is that urgent action relying on all policy For countries hardest hit by the slump in commod-
levers is needed to head off further growth disappoint- ity prices, adjustment to reestablish macroeconomic
ments and combat damaging perceptions that policies stability is urgent. This implies fully allowing the
are ineffective in boosting growth or that the rewards exchange rate to absorb pressures for countries not
accrue only to those at the higher end of the income relying on an exchange rate peg, tightening monetary
distribution. policy where needed to tackle sharp increases in infla-
In advanced economies, output gaps are still nega- tion, and ensuring that needed fiscal consolidation is as
tive, wage pressures are generally muted, and the risk growth friendly as possible.
of persistent low inflation (or deflation, in some cases) Low-income developing economies must rebuild fiscal
has risen. Monetary policy therefore must remain buffers while continuing to spend on critical capital
accommodative, relying on unconventional strate- needs and social outlays, strengthen debt management,
gies as needed. But accommodative monetary policy and implement structural reforms—including in edu-
alone cannot lift demand sufficiently, and fiscal sup- cation—that pave the way for economic diversification
port—calibrated to the amount of space available and and higher productivity.
oriented toward policies that protect the vulnerable While essential at the country level, these policies
and lift medium-term growth prospects—therefore for all country groups would be even more effective if
remains essential for generating momentum and adopted broadly throughout the world, with due atten-
avoiding a lasting downshift in medium-term inflation tion to country-specific priorities.
expectations. In countries facing rising public debt and With growth weak and policy space limited in many
social entitlement outlays, credible commitments to countries, continued multilateral effort is required in
medium-term consolidation can generate additional several areas to minimize risks to financial stability and
space for near-term support. And fiscal policy should sustain global improvements in living standards. This

International Monetary Fund | October 2016 xvii


effort must proceed simultaneously on a number of ing resolution frameworks, both national and inter-
fronts. Policymakers must address the backlash against national, are vital, and emerging risks from nonbank
global trade by refocusing the discussion on the long- intermediaries must be addressed. A stronger global
term benefits of economic integration and ensuring safety net is more important than ever to protect econ-
that well-targeted social initiatives help those who are omies with robust fundamentals that may nevertheless
adversely affected and facilitate, through retraining, be vulnerable to cross-border contagion and spillovers,
their absorption into expanding sectors. Effective bank- including strains that are not economic.

xviii International Monetary Fund | October 2016

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