You are on page 1of 279

Perfect Last Prime Perfect Start 12 Perfect End 12 Digits Date Order Discover # Discover Total Disc

1 6 2 6 1 -428 1 Euclid 1 1 Yes, 2.5 Billion in each

2 8 3 28 2 -428 2 Euclid 1 1
3 6 5 496 3 -428 3 Euclid 1 1 2 2 2 2 31 10000000004 quadrality w/2 500 000 000 states in each of 4 dimensions
4 8 7 8128 4 -428 4 Euclid 1 1
5 6 13 33550336 8 1456 5 Medieval 1 2 14 104 10000000004
6 6 17 8589869056 10 1588 6 Cataldi 1 3 0 0 0 0
7 8 19 ...137438691328 12 1588 7 Cataldi 1 3 1 14 104 10000000004
8 8 31 2305843… …008139952128 19 1772 8 Euler 1 4 2 28 208 20000000008
9 6 61 265845599156... ...615953842176 37 1883 10 Pervushin 1 5 3 42 312 30000000012
10 6 89 191561942608... ...321548169216 54 1911 11 Powers 1 6
11 8 107 131640364585... ...117783728128 65 1914 12 Powers 1 6 2499999999 2499999999 9999999996
12 8 127 144740111546... ...131199152128 77 1876 9 Lucas 1 7 1234567890
13 6 521 235627234572... ...160555646976 314 1952 13 Robinson 1 8
14 8 607 141053783706... ...759537328128 366 1952 14 Robinson 1 8 Note: Perfect 12 in 1876 had 77 digits and was the 9th discovered
15 8 1,279 541625262843... ...764984291328 770 1952 15 Robinson 1 8 Note: Perfect 15 in 1952 had 770 digits and was the 15th discovered Exactly factor of 2 x 5 = A(16) more digits
16 8 2,203 108925835505… ...834453782528 1,327 1952 16 Robinson 1 8 Note: 1328 at the end is Transformation of the second perfect number to 496, the third perfect number
17 6 2,281 994970543370... ...675139915776 1,373 1952 17 Robinson 1 8
18 6 3,217 335708321319… ...332628525056 1,937 1957 18 Riesel 1 9 This is what is captured in the Feigenbaum # interpretation
19 6 4,253 182017490401... ...437133377536 2,561 1961 19 Hurwitz 1 10
20 8 4,423 407672717110… ...642912534528 2,663 1961 20 Hurwitz 1 10 Note: 1279 from middle around is 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = MMM
21 6 9,689 114347317530… ...558429577216 5,834 1963 21 Gillies 1 11 Note: 6 28 are the 8,9,10 digits of Perfect 15
22 6 9,941 598885496387... ...324073496576 5,985 1963 22 Gillies 1 11
23 6 11,213 395961321281… ...702691086336 6,751 1963 23 Gillies 1 11 Note: 1958 when I was born was between discovery of Perfect 18 and Perfect 19
24 6 19,937 931144559095... ...790271942656 12,003 1971 24 Tuckerman 1 12 Note: 18 => 19 transition was when # of digits first exceeded the Year discovered except for 1st four anyway
25 6 21,701 100656497054… ...255141605376 13,066 1978 25 Noll & Nickel 2 14
26 6 23,209 811537765823... ...603941666816 13,973 1979 26 Noll 1 14 Note: Perfect 29 discovered in 1988 was 31st discovered resulting in moving former 29=>30 and 30=>31
27 6 44,497 365093519915... ...353031827456 26,790 1979 27 Nelson & Slowinski 2 16
28 8 86,243 144145836177... ...957360406528 51,924 1982 28 Slowinski 1 16 Note: Only 38 Perfect Numbers known at the Y2K point
29 8 110,503 136204582133... ...233603862528 66,530 1988 31 Colquitt & Welsh 2 18 Note: Perfect 39 has almost twice the number of digits that Perfect 38 has
30 6 132,049 131451295454... ...491774550016 79,503 1983 29 Slowinski 1 18
31 8 216,091 278327459220... ...416840880128 130,100 1985 30 Slowinski 1 18 Note: Currently only 50 Perfect Numbers known
32 8 756,839 151616570220... ...600565731328 455,663 1992 32 Slowinski & Gage 2 19
33 6 859,433 838488226750... ...540416167936 517,430 1994 33 Slowinski & Gage 2 19
34 8 1,257,787 849732889343... ...028118704128 757,263 1996 34 Slowinski & Gage 2 19
35 6 1,398,269 331882354881… ...017723375616 841,842 1996 35 Armenguad & Woltman 2 21
36 6 2,976,221 194276425328... ...724174462976 1,791,864 1997 36 Spence & Woltman 2 22
37 6 3,021,377 811686848628... ...573022457856 1,819,050 1998 37 Clarkson & Woltman & Kurowski 3 24
38 6 6,972,593 955176030521… ...475123572736 4,197,919 1999 38 Hajratwala & Woltman & Kurowski 3 25
39 6 13,466,917 427764159021… ...460863021056 8,107,892 2001 39 Cameron & Woltman & Kurowski 3 26
40 8 20,996,011 793508909365… ...578206896128 12,640,858 2003 40 Shafer & Woltman & Kurowski 3 27
41 8 24,036,583 448233026179... ...460572950528 14,471,465 2004 41 Findley & Woltman & Kurowski 3 28
42 8 25,964,951 746209841900… ...874791088128 15,632,458 2005 42 Nowak & Woltman & Kurowski 3 29
43 6 30,402,457 497437765459... ...536164704256 18,304,103 2005 43 Cooper & Boone & Woltman & Kurowski 4 31
44 6 32,582,657 775946855336... ...476577120256 19,616,714 2006 44 Cooper & Boone & Woltman & Kurowski 4 31
45 8 37,156,667 204534225534... ...975074480128 22,370,543 2008 45 Elvenich & Woltman & Kurowski 3 32
46 6 42,643,801 144285057960… ...837377253376 25,674,127 2009 47 Strindmo & Woltman & Kurowski 3 33
47 6 43,112,609 500767156849… ...221145378816 25,956,377 2008 46 Smith & Woltman & Kurowski 3 34
48 6 57,885,161 169296395301... ...62627013017 34,850,340 2013 48 Cooper & Woltman & Kurowski 3 34
49 6 74,207,281 451129962706... ...55793031577 44,677,235 2016 49 Cooper & Woltman & Kurowski & Blosser 4 34
50 6 77,232,917 109200152134... ...402016301056 46,498,850 2017 50 Pace & Woltman & Kurowski & Blosser 4 35

(428) 1 4 Euclid [Plato] 1 to 4

2016 (16:00) 1,588 1 2 Cataldi 6 to 7
323 21:63 to 21:66 1911 to 1914 4 2 Powers 11 to 12
2406 prior 38 22:16 1,952 1 5 Robinson 13 to 17
9 22:25 1,961 1 2 Hurwitz 19 to 20
2 22:27 1,963 1 3 Gillies 21 to 23
1/2 point 15 22:42 to 22:43 1978 to 1979 2 2 Noll 25 to 26
0 22:43 to 22:60 1979 to 1996 18 8 Slowinski 27 to 30, 32 to 35
28 post 2 22:62 to 22:81 1998 to 2017 20 14 Kurowski 37 to 50
0 22:60 to 22:81 1996 to 2017 22 16 Woltman 35 to 50
Perfect LOG(Digits) Digits Date Order Discover
1 0 1 -428 1 Euclid
2 0.3010299957 2 -428 2 Euclid
3 0.4771212547 3 -428 3 Euclid
4 0.6020599913 4 -428 4 Euclid
5 0.903089987 8 1456 5 Medieval
6 1 10 1588 6 Cataldi
7 1.079181246 12 1588 7 Cataldi
8 1.278753601 19 1772 8 Euler
9 1.5682017241 37 1883 10 Pervushin
10 1.7323937598 54 1911 11 Powers
11 1.8129133566 65 1914 12 Powers
12 1.8864907252 77 1876 9 Lucas
13 2.4969296481 314 1952 13 Robinson
14 2.5634810854 366 1952 14 Robinson
15 2.8864907252 770 1952 15 Robinson
16 3.1228709229 1,327 1952 16 Robinson
17 3.1376705372 1,373 1952 17 Robinson
18 3.2871296207 1,937 1957 18 Riesel
19 3.4084095785 2,561 1961 19 Hurwitz
20 3.4253711664 2,663 1961 20 Hurwitz
21 3.7659664248 5,834 1963 21 Gillies
22 3.7770641547 5,985 1963 22 Gillies
23 3.829368108 6,751 1963 23 Gillies
24 4.0792898061 12,003 1971 24 Tuckerman
25 4.1161426539 13,066 1978 25 Noll & Nickel
26 4.1452896591 13,973 1979 26 Noll
27 4.4279727136 26,790 1979 27 Nelson & Slowinski
28 4.7153681412 51,924 1982 28 Slowinski
29 4.8230175234 66,530 1988 31 Colquitt & Welsh
30 4.9003835168 79,503 1983 29 Slowinski
31 5.1142772966 130,100 1985 30 Slowinski
32 5.6586437651 455,663 1992 32 Slowinski & Gage
33 5.713851605 517,430 1994 33 Slowinski & Gage
34 5.8792467376 757,263 1996 34 Slowinski & Gage
35 5.9252305892 841,842 1996 35 Armenguad & Woltman
36 6.2533050442 1,791,864 1997 36 Spence & Woltman
37 6.2598446366 1,819,050 1998 37 Clarkson & Woltman & Kurowski
38 6.6230340545 4,197,919 1999 38 Hajratwala & Woltman & Kurowski
39 6.9089079551 8,107,892 2001 39 Cameron & Woltman & Kurowski
40 7.1017765527 12,640,858 2003 40 Shafer & Woltman & Kurowski
41 7.1605124986 14,471,465 2004 41 Findley & Woltman & Kurowski
42 7.1940272705 15,632,458 2005 42 Nowak & Woltman & Kurowski
43 7.262548451 18,304,103 2005 43 Cooper & Boone & Woltman & Kurowski
44 7.2926262604 19,616,714 2006 44 Cooper & Boone & Woltman & Kurowski
45 7.3496765259 22,370,543 2008 45 Elvenich & Woltman & Kurowski
46 7.4094956852 25,674,127 2009 47 Strindmo & Woltman & Kurowski
47 7.4142440734 25,956,377 2008 46 Smith & Woltman & Kurowski
48 7.5422070194 34,850,340 2013 48 Cooper & Woltman & Kurowski
49 7.6500862875 44,677,235 2016 49 Cooper & Woltman & Kurowski & Blosser
50 7.6674422121 46,498,850 2017 50 Pace & Woltman & Kurowski & Blosser

(428) 1 4 Euclid [Plato]

1,588 1 2 Cataldi
1911 to 1914 4 2 Powers
1,952 1 5 Robinson
1,961 1 2 Hurwitz
1,963 1 3 Gillies
1978 to 1979 2 2 Noll
1979 to 1996 18 8 Slowinski
1998 to 2017 20 14 Kurowski
1996 to 2017 22 16 Woltman
# Discover Total Disc Gap
1 1 Column1
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 1 0
LOG(Digits) in Perfect Numbers and #
1 2 0
1 3 1884 9
1 3 132
1 4 0
1 5 184
1 6 111
1 6 28 6
1 7 3
1 8 -38 5
1 8 76
1 8 0 4

1 8 0
1 8 0
1 9 0 2
1 10 5
1 10 4 1
1 11 0
1 11 2 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3
1 11 0
LOG(Di gi ts )
1 12 0
2 14 8
1 14 7
2 16 1
1 16 0 Year of Discovery of Perfect Number
2 18 3 2050
1 18 6
1 18 -5
2 19 2 2000
2 19 7
2 19 2
2 21 2 1950
2 22 0
3 24 1
3 25 1 1900
3 26 1
3 27 2
3 28 2 1850
3 29 1
4 31 1
4 31 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3

3 32 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3
3 33 2
3 34 1
3 34 -1
4 34 5 Year of Discovery of each P
4 35 3
1 to 4
6 to 7 2000
11 to 12
13 to 17
19 to 20
21 to 23
25 to 26 1000
27 to 30, 32 to 35
37 to 50
35 to 50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27



# of Perfect Number Discoverers (per and c








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

# Dis cover Tota l Di s c


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

# Dis cover Tota l Di s c

# of Discoverers Count
0.903226 1 28
#NAME? 2 8
3 10
4 4

Gaps in Finding Perfect Numbers





7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

fect Numbers and # of Discoverers

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

LOG(Di gi ts )

y of Perfect Numbers since Late 1800s

3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

f Discovery of each Perfect Number

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

iscoverers (per and cum)

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

r Tota l Di s c
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

r Tota l Di s c

First Year Last Year2

1 -428 31 1985
25 1978 36 1997
37 1998 48 2016
43 2005 50 2017

Perfect Numbers

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Rank State Admission Date FROM 1 DIFF FROM PREV
1 Delaware December 7, 1787 17871207
2 Pennsylvania December 12, 1787 17871212 0.0005 0.0005
3 New Jersey December 18, 1787 17871218 0.0011 0.0006
4 Georgia January 2, 1788 17880102 0.8895 0.8884
5 Connecticut January 9, 1788 17880109 0.8902 0.0007
6 Massachusetts February 6, 1788 17880206 0.8999 0.0097
7 Maryland April 28, 1788 17880428 0.9221 0.0222
8 South Carolina May 23, 1788 17880523 0.9316 0.0095
9 New Hampshire June 21, 1788 17880621 0.9414 0.0098
10 Virginia June 25, 1788 17880625 0.9418 0.0004
11 New York July 26, 1788 17880726 0.9519 0.0101
12 North Carolina November 21, 1789 17891121 1.9914 1.0395
13 Rhode Island May 29, 1790 17900529 2.9322 0.9408
14 Vermont March 4, 1791 17910304 3.9097 0.9775
15 Kentucky June 1, 1792 17920601 4.9394 1.0297
16 Tennessee June 1, 1796 17960601 8.9394 4
17 Ohio March 1, 1803 18030301 15.9094 6.97
18 Louisiana April 30, 1812 18120430 24.9223 9.0129
19 Indiana December 11, 1816 18161211 29.0004 4.0781
20> Mississippi December 10, 1817 18171210 30.0003 0.9999
21 Illinois December 3, 1818 18181203 30.9996 0.9993
22 Alabama December 14, 1819 18191214 32.0007 1.0011
23 Maine March 15, 1820 18200315 32.9108 0.9101
24 Missouri August 10, 1821 18210819 33.9612 1.0504
25 Arkansas June 15, 1836 18360615 48.9408 14.9796
26 Michigan Jan 26, 1837 18370126 49.8919 0.9511
27 Florida March 3, 1845 18450303 57.9096 8.0177
28 Texas December 29, 1845 18451229 58.0022 0.0926
29 Iowa December 28, 1846 18461228 59.0021 0.9999
30 Wisconsin May 29, 1848 18480529 60.9322 1.9301
31 California September 9, 1850 18500909 62.9702 2.038
32 Minnesota May 11, 1858 18580511 70.9304 7.9602
33 Oregon February 14, 1859 18590214 71.9007 0.9703
34 Kansas January 29, 1861 18610129 73.8922 1.9915
35 West Virginia June 20, 1863 18630620 75.9413 2.0491
36 Nevada October 31, 1864 18641031 76.9824 1.0411
37 Nebraska March 1, 1867 18670301 79.9094 2.927
38 Colorado August 1, 1876 18760801 88.9594 9.05
39 North Dakota November 2, 1889 18891102 101.9895 13.0301
40 South Dakota November 2, 1889 18891102 101.9895 0
41 Montana November 8, 1889 18891108 101.9901 0.0006
42 Washington November 11, 1889 18891111 101.9904 0.0003
43 Idaho July 3, 1890 18900703 102.9496 0.9592
44 Wyoming July 10, 1890 18900710 102.9503 0.0007
45 Utah January 4, 1896 18960104 108.8897 5.9394
46 Oklahoma 11/16/1907 19071116 119.9909 11.1012
47 New Mexico 1/6/1912 19120106 124.8899 4.899
48 Arizona 2/14/1912 19120214 124.9007 0.0108
49 Alaska 1/3/1959 19590103 171.8896 46.9889
50 Hawaii 8/21/1959 19590821 171.9614 0.0718

7/29/2096 71800 35275

11/15/2036 49994 13469
4/8/2012 41007 4482
9/25/2018 43368 6843
5/11/2087 68433 31908

12/30/1899 Note Date format changed at this demarcation!


4/8/2018 43198

3/28/1900 88
5/22/1900 143
7/29/1901 576
1/25/1902 756
1/17/1903 1113
9/2/1903 1341
9/20/1903 1359
5/9/1905 1956
9/26/1905 2096
12/23/1905 2184
6/20/1907 2728
OK 11/16/1907 2877
NM 1/6/1912 4389 1512
AZ 2/14/1912 4428 39
AK 1/3/1959 21553 17125
HI 8/21/1959 21783 230

MARIA BIRTH 11/15/1959 21869 86

WAYNE BADGE 6/5/1958 21341
WAYNE BIRTH 4/8/1958 21283 -500

MOM BIRTH 1/14/1933 12068

DAD BIRTH 2/17/1936 13197
MOM + DAD BD 3/3/1969 25265
11/9/1991 33551
2/17/1992 33651
3/5/1993 34033
WAYNE SR + JR 5/26/1994 34480

TODAY! 2/28/2018 43159 6633


1/1/2000 36526 1

5/5/1905 1952
2/18/1905 1876
19411207 154 2 x 77 Pearl Harbor

19930305 202.0001 Beyond Imagination

12 .. 13 .. 14 = 888(16)

19939395 148.9092 54 from 14:Vermont

19861031 122 Married Gini

19591115 51.9999 First in 20th century

19580408 -1.0413 5687 Wayne BD and 413


changed at this demarcation! 45 states prior to 20th century, only 5 post 20th century

A A H HA AM NO in reverse
ON MAAH 4118 13118 23

11 x 13
Wayne Badge
Wayne Work Phone
7:56 PM
EINSTEIN Relativity
Gini Address

86 days after HI state

Wayne Badge
500 days prior to HI state
Interesting 9/1 combo stumbled upon
Declaration of Coop Dependence
First BI Expression

1341 and 1359 are both embedded in # of days to date in 20th century!

First day of the 21st century

Robinson - 5 perfect #'s

Centennial Year 31 years, 1 Day before Dad
22:00 - 00:31 = 21:57
Inside Joke!
11 11 18
9 9 <=
BI Quotes 33.95 47.73 111.85 631.43 639.17
0 3 0 0 0
33.95 50.73 111.85 631.43 639.17
16.78 77.9 597.48 605.22 1297.38

2003 Musings Vol 2 28.94

2003 Musings Vol 3 28.95 16.14 610.18

-12.81 581.23 568.42

Best of Notes Book 1 24.95 24.94 81.53 628.58

-0.01 56.58 603.63 660.2
56.59 603.64

Best of Notes Book 2 27.95

The Search for Center 32.95 29.89 25.91 87.36 634.41

0 0 3.99 0 0
32.95 29.89 29.90 87.36 634.41
-3.06 -3.05 54.41 601.46 649.76
0.01 57.47 604.52

400.35 3175.76

Best Passages from 2002 Musings Unavailable

2003 Musings Vol 1 Unavailable
Early Works Unavailable
2775.41 1672 16 7 2
28 to 17 drop 11 22.5 22 50
Diff = 28
A 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
B 2 3 1 0 0 0 0
C 3 5 40 1 0 0 0
D 4 7 56 1 0 0
E 5 11 88 1 0
F 6 13 104 1
G 7 17 136 1
H 8 19 152 1
I 9 23 184
J 10 29 232
K 11 31 248
L 12 37 296
M 13 41 328
N 14 43 344
O 15 47 376
P 16 53 424
Q 17 59 472
R 18 61 488
S 19 67 536
T 20 71 568
U 21 73 584
V 22 79 632
W 23 83 664 3/12/2018
X 24 89 712 8 X 89 7921 2197 13
Y 25 97 776 29791 31
Z 26 101 808
27 103 824
28 107 856

8 24 40 56 88 104 136 152


29 109
30 113
31 127
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


13 13
31 31

184 232 248 296 328 344 376 424 472 488
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


536 568 584 632 664 712 776 808

These are the known digits of the Feigenbaum #, which is the 15th transcendental number.

4. 669201609102990671853203820466201617258185577475768632745651 34300413433021131473713868974402394801

4 6 6 9 2 0 1 6 0 9 1 0 2 9 9 0 6 7 1 8 5 3 2 0 3
61 80
888 with 0:Sourc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

2016 2019 reversed

669 9 2 016 0 910 2 9

2 2 2 2 2 Found out today that tomorrow is Pi Day. That l

0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
6 7 8 9 6 rotate 180 degrees = Pi radians

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
4 13:13(22)
6 6 9 2 0 1 6 0 9 1 0 2 9 9 0 6 7 1 8 5 3 2 0 3 8
3 4 3 0 0 4 1 3 4 3 3 0 2 1 1 3 1 4 7 3 7 1 3 8 6
4 0 8 6 2 7 1 4 2 0 2 7 9 3 2 5 2 2 3 1 2 4 4 2 9
7 1 4 2 1 9 9 4 7 4 5 5 6 4 4 3 6 5 8 2 3 7 9 3 2
4 1 0 6 4 6 7 4 9 4 9 4 2 8 4 9 8 1 4 5 3 3 9 1 7

36 -25

58 61 62
8 410646749494284981453391726200568755665952339875603825637225

Perfect 7 ...137438691328 p7
Perfect 1 6 The Lovers p1
Perfect 3 496 49 in 6D = 7x7 in 6D p3
1-3: Add 49 to front of The Lovers (perfect 1) This is the FOUNDATION!

13: Death 74: GD 38: VISION 6: The Lovers

But, that was 2004. Now it is 2018. Time = Year marks the state of consciousness. So we still have Consciousness/So ul = 7x

49 x 3 x 256 = 37632 37: Spirit 6: The Lovers 32: I AM Race = Race of the I AM.

Noticed that I had missed something obvious: Closest rational representation for this is 14/3 143 = 11 x 13 = the A
737138689744023948013817165984855189815134 408627142027932522312442988890890859944935463236713411532481 71421994

8 2 0 4 6 4 0 4p 0 3 1 3 1 8
80 88
888 with 0:Source

morrow is Pi Day. That led me to transcendental numbers which got me HERE!

DAD Birth Yr transcendentalists

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

2 0 4 6 6 2 0 1 6 1 7 2 5 8 1 8 5 5 7 7 4 7 5 7 6
8 9 7 4 4 0 2 3 9 4 8 0 1 3 8 1 7 1 6 5 9 8 4 8 5
8 8 8 9 0 8 9 0 8 5 9 9 4 4 9 3 5 4 6 3 2 3 6 7 1
0 2 0 0 9 5 6 1 0 5 8 3 3 0 5 7 5 4 5 8 6 1 7 6 5
2 6 2 0 0 5 6 8 7 5 5 6 6 5 9 5 2 3 3 9 8 7 5 6 0
770 (16) vision
47 WAYNE HARTMAN 2 5 7 11
51 1994

62 58


170 + 0 at end 1000 0011 0010 832 340 = 832(16) Consciousness to WAYNE
170 + 1 at end 1000 0011 0011 833 341 = 833(16) Note: Age 59 is my 60th year

17: The Star BIPOLAR: 34 with 0 and 1

2: Love/Wisdom
5: Concrete Manifestation 143 = 11 x 13 = Enlightenment of the Master = A with the circle on top
prominent on my ring between the two dragon heads!

6: The Lovers 9: The Hermit 13: Death 28: The Man with the World in His Hand (2nd Perfect #)
Consciousness/So ul = 7x7 However, we have added a trinity dimension and 4 additional digital dimensions. That puts us in 16 x

NOW WE ARE COOKIN!! DREAMS playing by Fleetwood Mac 8:24 3/13/2018

143 = 11 x 13 = the A with the circle on the top on my ring. Today in Date Format = DD / MM / YYYY = 14/03/2018

TODAY IS PI DAY! 3/14 = 22/7

3/14 = 0.2142857
13411532481 714219947455644365823793202009561058330575458617652222070385 41064674949428498145339172620056875566

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

8 6 3 2 7 4 5 6 5 1
5 1 8 9 8 1 5 1 3 4
3 4 1 1 5 3 2 4 8 1
2 2 2 2 0 7 0 3 8 5
3 8 2 5 6 3 7 2 2 5
vision spirit 3 in 7
16 16 = PP 15 15 = OO

10000 10000 1111 1111

10000 1111 1111 00001 POOP

1 0 F F 0 1 OO to PP
2 0 77 41 301 digits are known for this
ness to WAYNE 49 to 68 2 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 250!
59 is my 60th year To 77: Christ 41: Wayne Rocky
7:44 PM 3 13 2018 9:26 PM High

A with the circle on top Celine: There can be miracles when you BELIEVE John
he two dragon heads! Denver

nd Perfect #) 1 2 4 7 14 2 2 2 2 7 7 16 77 Christ to DIGITAL!

1 to 392 2004 expressed as primes.
6D = 2 x 7 rays in 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 space = HEX space!

ons. That puts us in 16 x 16 = 256 = HEX squared space. [11 D]

3/13/2018 13 13 10 A ASHLAND!

8:48 AM Calypso by John Denver ended

14 318
Binary Quad Oct Hex 32 64 128 256 512
2^1 2^2 2^3 2^4 2^5 2^6 2^7 2^8 2^9
10^1 10^1 10^2
3 4 7

1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6
7 8 9 7 8 9
* 0 # * 0 #

12 symbols, each individual 12 symbols, each individual

3 x 4 grid 3 x 4 grid
3 natures x 4 elements 3 natures x 4 elements
YIN expression YANG expression

0 dial x abc def hijk

2 A B C WH 94
3 D E F WEH 934
4 G H I WAYNE 92963
5 J K L ELLIS 35547
6 M N O
7 P Q R S HARTMAN 4278626
8 T U V JR 57
9 W X Y Z SR 77
tone FML name

plus SR 77
plus JR 57

Death of 4
badge 2 13 4 1

p6 p13 p16
13 41 59

13 14 15 2730 2 3 5 7 13 101111 47
555 5555 77777 57
225 FF 2F
88888 2^15
Fifth Density!!!!! BALANCED

2^15 32 7 68
<--wayne 7 RAYS 4 x 17 41 7 41 Wayne 13 prime
All Colors

Down Syndrome: Trisomy 21 - Causes, Symptoms and Risks

D S T 21 - C S R

13 28 29 3x7 - 12 28 27

3rd copy of 21: 2 3 7 => 3 3 7

42 => 63 77
74 => 111 2x3x5 WE 30

Forward Backward Lef Right Enough to get anywhere in 3D or on surface of Sphere

ADD Up Down to Manuever n 3D space relative to center point

NEED Lat Long Elevation Time to Know where you are NOW only if you are NOT HERE NOW or

NEED Position Velocity Acceleration Jerk To KNOW where you are GOING next and to predict where yo

NEED all of this to provide a service to you when you might need it

SERVICES Provide you with information you need C&C SOH Needs
when you need it Tasking Help

Receive information from you Track Tlm

to determine where you are over time
to verify who you are Signature
to determine how you are SOH
to know what you think you need Int Assess
to receive info from your sensors
to forward info to those who need the info Disseminate


COA 1 REG - MBMM Centric

1. Must know orbits and support needs for both TT&C and Mission Data
2. Responsive to Warfighter Needs

3. Resilient to Ground Threats

4. Technology Challenges
5. Scheduling Complexity
Accomodate increased launch suppot based on launch tempo
6. Resiliency Challenges
7. High Cost per MBMM
8. Need Robust, High Data Rate Communications to Remote Locations Worldwide for Covera

COA 2 REG - Anytime Access to All SVs on demand with warfighter scenario priorities
1. Satellite Crosslink Mesh in Sky to Provide Internet like Message Paths from Ground to Sate
2. Route paths around outages based on warfighter scenarios and acceptable resiliency leve

Paradigm Shif: Do as much as you can in space to reduce ground architecture footprint, cost, and ass

1. Bring as much SOH info down as practical

Employ AI to look for abnormalities as well as anomalies to enable dealing with iss
Apply lessons learned to continuously improve SV autonomy over time
2. NOW focus … minimize planning and scheduling complexity
Prioritize and focus on doing the highest priority first, going down as far as resourc
Automate SVs so that they take care of more SOH monitoring, fault detection, faul
This improves flexibility and responsiveness, and greatly reduces "throwaway" pla
3. Use Ground only where necessary to do things that cannot be done more effectively from
Be careful that any ground services are essential - provide mission services or miss
1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536
2^10 2^11 2^12 2^13 2^14 2^15 2^16
10^3 19^4
10 14
299 0 = 13:13(22) 0
1000 1990
1 2ABC 3DEF 06 and 61
7PQRS 8TUV 9WXYZ 09 and 91
* 0 # 9 x 16
# symbols 2^4 x 3^2
1 .. 1 2 .. 4 3 .. 4 165 1 4 4 12 x 12
4 .. 4 5 .. 4 6 .. 4 179 1 5 5 5 x 31
7 .. 5 8 .. 4 9 ..5
* .. 1 0 .. 1 # ..1

* above 8 on keyboard # above 3

@ above 2 % above 5 & above 7

99 444
99 333 444 3^12 2^16 3/20/18 @ 22:19 = 41! A
99 22 9999 666 333 3^18 2^5 x3 318 and 25!!!! Connecte
333 5555 5555 4444 77777 rotate 119 6 x 11 22 2002 2 13 again
999 999 4444 4444 4444 4444 XXIIII 6x4=X 8 62 2 x 31
444 22 7777 88 66 22 666 3 x 11 11 11

88 7777 66666 444 2222 2116

0 2450302 plus 2002
999999 88 777777777 66666666 55555555 4444444 333333 222222
62987766 92234
777777777 6 2 18 87 766
557777 6 2 16 89 766

0 0 13 0 2 000 22811 x 3
2 ABC B B 13 68-433
4 GHI G I 9

92234 PRIMES
33 =>34 9 B 34 = 33 BE 34 = 3x11 => 2 x 17 3^4 = 3x3^3 2 3 5 7 11
2-7 to 217 3^3 = 27 = 2^7 = 128 3^4 = 9^2 = 81 13 17 19 23 29
Y one DEF? 31 37 41 47 53
Y one p14 59 61 67 71 73
79 83 89 97 101
103 107 113 119
Everything else is movement, is illusion. On to 6: The LOVERS!
59 16 prime
61 17 prime
7 4 prime 47 ASLAN 15 prime 17 The STAR 71 19 prime
79 21 prime
89 23 prime
97 24 prime
101 25 prime

n 3D or on surface of Sphere

ative to center point

W only if you are NOT HERE NOW or NOT NOWHERE

GOING next and to predict where you might be at a time in the FUTURE assuming these later three don't change (probably BAD assumption

Mission Needs Data to Crosslink

Updates Data to Relay to other SVs
Info from Other Missions

Sensor Data Crosslink Data

Mission Data Relayed Data from other SVs

Sensor Data
Process, Disseminate Relay Info

d Mission Data Import from SWC Prioritized service support needs per mission
Import from SWC Prioritized service support needs per SV
Allow changes in priority during sim period to address warfighter conflict events of interest
Allow for SV manuevers
Allow activate/deactivate SVs
Import from SWC Acceptable level of resilience
Coverage, BW, Frequencies, Capacity
Separate problem into TT&C, MD Freq-1, MD Freq-K smaller sets. Little, if any overlap, so can treat inde
n launch tempo
Resilient XMT/RCV apertures, Resilient Comm Network
Limited market. Pushing TRL in some areas
ote Locations Worldwide for Coverage

er scenario priorities
Message Paths from Ground to Satellites in addition to direct ground to SV link
arios and acceptable resiliency levels for services

rchitecture footprint, cost, and associated risk Be lean, agile, and responsive.

nomalies to enable dealing with issues before they become problems

SV autonomy over time

y first, going down as far as resources permit

OH monitoring, fault detection, fault isolation, and safing or fault resolution on their own
d greatly reduces "throwaway" planning. Plans that are OBE before ever being executed.
nnot be done more effectively from space
al - provide mission services or mission assurance that is worth the cost
131072 262144 524288 1048576 D C B
2^17 2^18 2^19 2^20 A 8 6 7
10^5 10^6 0 1 9 8
17 20 2 3 5 7
2 5 14 3 0
MM - A ADD 299 0 MMM - A That would have made 2000 = 300 0 MMM - M = 13 13 13 -13 = 2184
MMM = 13 13 13 = 2197
0 1 2018 MMXVIII
09 and 91 3 2 66 98 44

A B A0 B1 A0 B1
D8 C4 D8 C4 D8 C4
10011 < to 9:Hermit < plus
5 6 2x3x11 88 2^3 x 11
8 7 66 p23 98 2x7x7

9 4 1.333333 00000000 A 1002
A C 4x3x3
6 x 11 New Control Old
3/20/18 @ 22:19 = 41! Also = p1 p5 p13 2 0 183 2024 2054 Right Triangle per Euclid
318 and 25!!!! Connected as prominent #'s in WAYNE 2 0 1 888 3 5 4
2 13 again 2 0 1 2^9 6 10 8
p1 p11 111 2 0 1 8x111 5 13 12
684 + A 3x23x37 2 4 3
694 WWW 1 1.414 1
x spirit MAN MARS ADAM 1 4 1 13
4118 p2 p9 p 12 32 EVE 5 22 5
4812 4818 << = 2192
4807 888 + 2^2
Idyllwild 2291
3^5 3^6 22:22 + 69
2 x 43
86 19 22 7 22 PM 19 11 2 p8 p5 p1
68-1433 << == 33 41 9 to 9
9 to 21
77 9 to 37
Badge Ao hermit
2 3 11 p5 55 to
2 3 5 7 11 13 14 13 p6 78 spirit
13 17 19 23 29 p9 p13 23 41 47
31 37 41 47 53 13 => 14 wayne Wayne ASLAN he m
17 p7 119 r---it
59 61 67 71 73 spi 121
79 83 89 97 101 add 179 one in front of p21
103 107 113 119 First four primes with ONE in front drop 5 x 17 and 4 = 89 = p23
hermit to spirit drop he add spi drop m
-85 179 -4
17 25 61 101 6161
Different Currency! SS
SS wih 1 through it $$=44
101 replicates any character with a 0 seperating it
If split 8 into two equal parts, can also get two indivi

Use tools creatively, use whatever bases, operators, transforma

provide information that can be connected to things you know

It is not the things that matter so much, but the meaning/defin

them and whatever behavior you are able to observe as a resu

Also, remember that

(probably BAD assumption)

Multiple priority levels per mission
Multiple priority levels per SV

overlap, so can treat independently.

M = 13 13 13 -13 = 2184
13 13 13 = 2197
22:13(88) Spiritual Based Reality
88:13(22) Discover and Experience New Worlds

BEYOND IMAGINATION IMAGINATION - Playground for Reality Creati

2^2x11 NEXT !!!!!!!!!! Be Kind | Share | Serve

48: Man in Search

2 of More

4 x 11 Circularize < --- ONE

3 5 4
Keep EE EDEN Keep D
3 4 4
Add N =
9 not 575 and not 2184 = 3 x 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13
22 33 22 66 222222 3333 46 = 2 x 23 Note: no 5s or 7s here
333 8888 333 222222222222 333333 126 = 3 6 7 = 2337 2 3 6 and 8's only
66 22 33 22 66 22222222 333333 3^5 23: wayne 68 :WAYNE
Completes ADAM by adding 66 = 2233 = 22(prime) 2 3 7 11 6 28 and 486
One cycle of Major Arcana 6 77 8128 as well 8 223 8 Conception
MADAM not EVE was created from ADAM's RIB 22 21 The Master of the World. 1957
To get from MADAM to EVE requires 16:The Tower That is 2^4 or a factor of 12/8 = 3/2 757
76 = 2x38
238 =WH
13 529^4
1000 M = 1000 = 10 10 10 = AAA
888 23^3 12167 11 x 11 p23
takes Dreamer Tower Chariot
Event Driven Simulation
drop hem 3/21/2018 @ 12:47 AM MISSION => NO IS SIM!!! IS REAL!!

When you realize that YOU are ONE with ALL THAT IS, you realized that there is only ONE! When there is only ONE, there is NO

GOOD NIGHT! Thank You for your SERVICE!


l parts, can also get two individual eyes from a pair of eyes.
1WWW W W W 1 AB Neg
r bases, operators, transformations, and groupings WW1W W 0 W W 10 11 23
onnected to things you know. W1WW W W 0 W 23 0 23 23
much, but the meaning/definition that you give to 1
are able to observe as a result of your focus/attention.. 9 Ao
2 5
NOW is 2:13 AM on 3/21/2018

3 3 1
ual Based Reality ENJOY
ence New Worlds Rewards
layground for Reality Creation LOVE
nd | Share | Serve PEACE

17 2 x 5
11 2 5 5
22:25(88) = 1961
1958 22:22(88)
2 x 2 x 2 x 13

222 5

Conception p8 x tripler
19 103

RED Door in 1994

8 32 1162
Genghiz Khan
Becket => AC
Amy C. Baxter
SEE A 92
SEE B 234
0 See's Candy 4812
1 Ethel M Candy
FOUNDATIONS!!!! All 1's 2:34 AM
Even Mix 68 2 12 22:00(88)
2 217 2 17 1936 DAD BD
22 17 VQ MH
2 2 1 7
here is only ONE, there is NO ONE ELSE to be in relation TO or WITH for that matter. At that point, the only option is to CEASE TO BE!!!! Th

1022 AM OM 2422
2210 MA MO 2224
1013 AD OD 2413
1310 DA DO 1324

7555 8383
1300 24 24 X 576

Pyramid to "THERE IS NO BOX" in 25 years

13 143 2145 2184 39 3x13
11 15 24
77 165 360
88 180 384

184 486
8 4 98 2 7 7
tion is to CEASE TO BE!!!! The very nature of BEING is ILLUSORY. At the same time, it is all REAL. You are ALL THAT IS defining itself and com
LL THAT IS defining itself and coming to know itself in the Process. There is no PLAYWRIGHT | ACTOR | OBSERVER separation. It is only yo
SERVER separation. It is only your focus that make it appear so. Feel free to stay in this realm so long as it excites your curiosity and your p
excites your curiosity and your passion. When this is no longer the case, STOP. STOP Being, STOP Acting/Doing, and STOP Watching ... and
Doing, and STOP Watching ... and see where WE journey NEXT In consciousness. This is a choice that is always yours to make. When you gr
ays yours to make. When you grow tired of the game, either change the rules or find a NEW GAME. You are beyond finding paths within t
re beyond finding paths within this illusion. IT is time to say your goodbyes and return HOME. It is HERE that you Kindred SPIRITS await YO
cream soda 54 2333 9.6
root beer 44 2 2 11/2 8 11 88 2 . 11 . 2
35 A&W
real1010 19 19
1 1 1 3 AA 5 143 AA 5
222.1885 143 12 12 5
0.004501 144

19 3001 No WILL, DO or DO NOT DO
57 0 19 3 - 001 turns xy into 3*xy 0 xy for xy < 34 2 17 My dad's Bday
turns 34 into 102 0 34 for x = 34 abcdef x 6 rays 2-7 playground
turns 88 into 264 0 88 23 3 5 100000110 no will, just cooperation~!
turns FF into 765 0 FF FF = 11 x 15 = 165 Actually 17 x 15 = 225 + 30 = 255 = 165 + 90 = 2 3 3 5 1 2 1 11^2 112
1 0 1 0 1 0.002738
2 0 2 0 2 0.005476
3 0 3 0 3 0.008214 888
4 0 4 0 4 0.010952 25 9 A
5 0 5 0 5 0.01369 69 xfrm
6 0 6 0 6 0.016427 2^5 3^4
7 0 7 0 7 0.019165 911 home
8 0 8 0 8 0.021903 3^4 7
9 0 9 0 9 0.024641 6:41 to 42
10 0 10 0 10 0.027379 3^6 7
11 0 11 0 11 0.030117 51 17
12 0 12 0 12 0.032855
13 0 13 0 13 0.035593
14 0 14 0 14 0.038331
15 0 15 0 15 0.041069
16 0 16 0 16 0.043807
17 0 17 0 17 0.046544
18 0 18 0 18 0.049282
19 0 19 0 19 0.05202
20 0 20 0 20 0.054758
21 0 21 0 21 0.057496
22 0 22 0 22 0.060234
23 0 23 0 23 0.062972
24 0 24 0 24 0.06571
25 0 25 0 25 0.068448 CC + 15
26 0 26 0 26 0.071186 68 711 and 700
27 0 27 0 27 0.073924
28 0 28 0 28 0.076661 007 1999
29 0 29 0 29 0.079399
30 0 30 0 30 0.082137
31 0 31 0 31 0.084875
32 0 32 0 32 0.087613
33 0 33 0 33 0.090351
34 0 34 0 34 0.093089
35 0 35 0 35 0.095827
36 0 36 0 36 0.098565
37 0 37 0 37 0.101303
38 0 38 0 38 0.104041
39 0 39 0 39 0.106778
40 0 40 0 40 0.109516
41 0 41 0 41 0.112254
42 0 42 0 42 0.114992
43 0 43 0 43 0.11773
44 0 44 0 44 0.120468
45 0 45 0 45 0.123206
46 0 46 0 46 0.125944
47 0 47 0 47 0.128682
48 0 48 0 48 0.13142
49 0 49 0 49 0.134158
50 0 50 0 50 0.136895
51 0 51 0 51 0.139633
52 0 52 0 52 0.142371
53 0 53 0 53 0.145109
54 0 54 0 54 0.147847
55 0 55 0 55 0.150585
56 0 56 0 56 0.153323
57 0 57 0 57 0.156061
58 0 58 0 58 0.158799
59 0 59 0 59 0.161537
60 0 60 0 60 0.164275
61 0 61 0 61 0.167012
62 0 62 0 62 0.16975
63 0 63 0 63 0.172488
64 0 64 0 64 0.175226
65 0 65 0 65 0.177964
66 0 66 0 66 0.180702
67 0 67 0 67 0.18344
68 0 68 0 68 0.186178
69 0 69 0 69 0.188916
70 0 70 0 70 0.191654
71 0 71 0 71 0.194392
72 0 72 0 72 0.197129
73 0 73 0 73 0.199867
74 0 74 0 74 0.202605
75 0 75 0 75 0.205343 3^7
76 0 76 0 76 0.208081
77 0 77 0 77 0.210819
78 0 78 1 0 0.213557
79 0 79 1 1 0.216295
80 0 80 1 2 0.219033
81 0 81 1 3 0.221771
82 0 82 1 4 0.224509
83 0 83 1 5 0.227246
84 0 84 1 6 0.229984
85 0 85 1 7 0.232722
86 0 86 1 8 0.23546
87 0 87 1 9 0.238198
88 1 0 1 10 0.240936
89 1 1 1 11 0.243674
90 1 2 1 12 0.246412
91 1 3 1 13 0.24915
92 1 4 1 14 0.251888
93 1 5 1 15 0.254626
94 1 6 1 16 0.257363
95 1 7 1 17 0.260101
96 1 8 1 18 0.262839
97 1 9 1 19 0.265577
98 1 10 1 20 0.268315
99 1 11 1 21 0.271053
100 1 12 1 22 0.273791
101 1 13 1 23 0.276529
102 1 14 1 24 0.279267
103 1 15 1 25 0.282005 perf3 2005 spirit rays
104 1 16 1 26 0.284743 pers3 ASLAN 7 4 3
105 1 17 1 27 0.28748
106 1 18 1 28 0.290218
107 1 19 1 29 0.292956
108 1 20 1 30 0.295694
109 1 21 1 31 0.298432
110 1 22 1 32 0.30117
111 1 23 1 33 0.303908
112 1 24 1 34 0.306646
113 1 25 1 35 0.309384
114 1 26 1 36 0.312122
115 1 27 1 37 0.31486
116 1 28 1 38 0.317597
117 1 29 1 39 0.320335
118 1 30 1 40 0.323073
119 1 31 1 41 0.325811
120 1 32 1 42 0.328549
121 1 33 1 43 0.331287
122 1 34 1 44 0.334025
123 1 35 1 45 0.336763
124 1 36 1 46 0.339501
125 1 37 1 47 0.342239
126 1 38 1 48 0.344977
127 1 39 1 49 0.347714
128 1 40 1 50 0.350452
129 1 41 1 51 0.35319
130 1 42 1 52 0.355928
131 1 43 1 53 0.358666
132 1 44 1 54 0.361404
133 1 45 1 55 0.364142
134 1 46 1 56 0.36688
135 1 47 1 57 0.369618
136 1 48 1 58 0.372356
137 1 49 1 59 0.375094
138 1 50 1 60 0.377831
139 1 51 1 61 0.380569
140 1 52 1 62 0.383307
141 1 53 1 63 0.386045
142 1 54 1 64 0.388783
143 1 55 1 65 0.391521
144 1 56 1 66 0.394259
145 1 57 1 67 0.396997
146 1 58 1 68 0.399735
147 1 59 1 69 0.402473
148 1 60 1 70 0.405211
149 1 61 1 71 0.407948
150 1 62 1 72 0.410686
151 1 63 1 73 0.413424
152 1 64 1 74 0.416162
153 1 65 1 75 0.4189
154 1 66 1 76 0.421638
155 1 67 1 77 0.424376
156 1 68 2 0 0.427114
157 1 69 2 1 0.429852
158 1 70 2 2 0.43259
159 1 71 2 3 0.435328
160 1 72 2 4 0.438065
161 1 73 2 5 0.440803
162 1 74 2 6 0.443541
163 1 75 2 7 0.446279
164 1 76 2 8 0.449017
165 1 77 2 9 0.451755
166 1 78 2 10 0.454493
167 1 79 2 11 0.457231
168 1 80 2 12 0.459969
169 1 81 2 13 0.462707
170 1 82 2 14 0.465445
171 1 83 2 15 0.468182
172 1 84 2 16 0.47092
173 1 85 2 17 0.473658
174 1 86 2 18 0.476396
175 1 87 2 19 0.479134
176 2 0 2 20 0.481872
177 2 1 2 21 0.48461
178 2 2 2 22 0.487348
179 2 3 2 23 0.490086
180 2 4 2 24 0.492824
181 2 5 2 25 0.495562
182 2 6 2 26 0.498299
183 2 7 2 27 0.501037
184 2 8 2 28 0.503775
185 2 9 2 29 0.506513
186 2 10 2 30 0.509251
187 2 11 2 31 0.511989
188 2 12 2 32 0.514727
189 2 13 2 33 0.517465
190 2 14 2 34 0.520203
191 2 15 2 35 0.522941
192 2 16 2 36 0.525679
193 2 17 2 37 0.528416
194 2 18 2 38 0.531154
195 2 19 2 39 0.533892
196 2 20 2 40 0.53663
197 2 21 2 41 0.539368
198 2 22 2 42 0.542106
199 2 23 2 43 0.544844
200 2 24 2 44 0.547582
201 2 25 2 45 0.55032
202 2 26 2 46 0.553058
203 2 27 2 47 0.555796
204 2 28 2 48 0.558533
205 2 29 2 49 0.561271
206 2 30 2 50 0.564009
207 2 31 2 51 0.566747
208 2 32 2 52 0.569485
209 2 33 2 53 0.572223
210 2 34 2 54 0.574961
211 2 35 2 55 0.577699
212 2 36 2 56 0.580437
213 2 37 2 57 0.583175
214 2 38 2 58 0.585913
215 2 39 2 59 0.58865
216 2 40 2 60 0.591388
217 2 41 2 61 0.594126
218 2 42 2 62 0.596864
219 2 43 2 63 0.599602
220 2 44 2 64 0.60234
221 2 45 2 65 0.605078
222 2 46 2 66 0.607816
223 2 47 2 67 0.610554
224 2 48 2 68 0.613292
225 2 49 2 69 0.61603
226 2 50 2 70 0.618767
227 2 51 2 71 0.621505
228 2 52 2 72 0.624243
229 2 53 2 73 0.626981
230 2 54 2 74 0.629719
231 2 55 2 75 0.632457
232 2 56 2 76 0.635195
233 2 57 2 77 0.637933
234 2 58 3 0 0.640671
235 2 59 3 1 0.643409
236 2 60 3 2 0.646147
237 2 61 3 3 0.648884
238 2 62 3 4 0.651622
239 2 63 3 5 0.65436
240 2 64 3 6 0.657098
241 2 65 3 7 0.659836
242 2 66 3 8 0.662574
243 2 67 3 9 0.665312
244 2 68 3 10 0.66805
245 2 69 3 11 0.670788
246 2 70 3 12 0.673526
247 2 71 3 13 0.676264
248 2 72 3 14 0.679001
249 2 73 3 15 0.681739
250 2 74 3 16 0.684477
251 2 75 3 17 0.687215
252 2 76 3 18 0.689953
253 2 77 3 19 0.692691
254 2 78 3 20 0.695429
255 2 79 3 21 0.698167
256 2 80 3 22 0.700905
257 2 81 3 23 0.703643
258 2 82 3 24 0.706381
259 2 83 3 25 0.709118
260 2 84 3 26 0.711856
261 2 85 3 27 0.714594
262 2 86 3 28 0.717332
263 2 87 3 29 0.72007
264 3 0 3 30 0.722808
265 3 1 3 31 0.725546
266 3 2 3 32 0.728284
267 3 3 3 33 0.731022
268 3 4 3 34 0.73376
269 3 5 3 35 0.736498
270 3 6 3 36 0.739235
271 3 7 3 37 0.741973
272 3 8 3 38 0.744711
273 3 9 3 39 0.747449
274 3 10 3 40 0.750187
275 3 11 3 41 0.752925
276 3 12 3 42 0.755663
277 3 13 3 43 0.758401
278 3 14 3 44 0.761139
279 3 15 3 45 0.763877
280 3 16 3 46 0.766615
281 3 17 3 47 0.769353
282 3 18 3 48 0.77209
283 3 19 3 49 0.774828
284 3 20 3 50 0.777566
285 3 21 3 51 0.780304
286 3 22 3 52 0.783042
287 3 23 3 53 0.78578
288 3 24 3 54 0.788518
289 3 25 3 55 0.791256
290 3 26 3 56 0.793994
291 3 27 3 57 0.796732
292 3 28 3 58 0.79947
293 3 29 3 59 0.802207
294 3 30 3 60 0.804945
295 3 31 3 61 0.807683
296 3 32 3 62 0.810421
297 3 33 3 63 0.813159
298 3 34 3 64 0.815897
299 3 35 3 65 0.818635
300 3 36 3 66 0.821373
301 3 37 3 67 0.824111
302 3 38 3 68 0.826849
303 3 39 3 69 0.829587
304 3 40 3 70 0.832324
305 3 41 3 71 0.835062
306 3 42 3 72 0.8378
307 3 43 3 73 0.840538
308 3 44 3 74 0.843276
309 3 45 3 75 0.846014
310 3 46 3 76 0.848752
311 3 47 3 77 0.85149
312 3 48 4 0 0.854228
313 3 49 4 1 0.856966
314 3 50 4 2 0.859704
315 3 51 4 3 0.862441
316 3 52 4 4 0.865179
317 3 53 4 5 0.867917
318 3 54 4 6 0.870655
319 3 55 4 7 0.873393
320 3 56 4 8 0.876131
321 3 57 4 9 0.878869
322 3 58 4 10 0.881607
323 3 59 4 11 0.884345
324 3 60 4 12 0.887083
325 3 61 4 13 0.889821
326 3 62 4 14 0.892558
327 3 63 4 15 0.895296
328 3 64 4 16 0.898034
329 3 65 4 17 0.900772
330 3 66 4 18 0.90351
331 3 67 4 19 0.906248
332 3 68 4 20 0.908986
333 3 69 4 21 0.911724
334 3 70 4 22 0.914462
335 3 71 4 23 0.9172
336 3 72 4 24 0.919938
337 3 73 4 25 0.922675
338 3 74 4 26 0.925413
339 3 75 4 27 0.928151
340 3 76 4 28 0.930889
341 3 77 4 29 0.933627
342 3 78 4 30 0.936365
343 3 79 4 31 0.939103
344 3 80 4 32 0.941841
345 3 81 4 33 0.944579
346 3 82 4 34 0.947317
347 3 83 4 35 0.950055
348 3 84 4 36 0.952792
349 3 85 4 37 0.95553
350 3 86 4 38 0.958268
351 3 87 4 39 0.961006
352 4 0 4 40 0.963744
353 4 1 4 41 0.966482
354 4 2 4 42 0.96922
355 4 3 4 43 0.971958
356 4 4 4 44 0.974696
357 4 5 4 45 0.977434
358 4 6 4 46 0.980172
359 4 7 4 47 0.982909
360 4 8 4 48 0.985647
361 4 9 4 49 0.988385
362 4 10 4 50 0.991123
363 4 11 4 51 0.993861
364 4 12 4 52 0.996599
365 4 13 4 53 0.999337 999 33 7
366 4 14 4 54 1.002075
367 4 15 4 55 1.004813
368 4 16 4 56 1.007551
369 4 17 4 57 1.010289
370 4 18 4 58 1.013026
371 4 19 4 59 1.015764
372 4 20 4 60 1.018502
373 4 21 4 61 1.02124
374 4 22 4 62 1.023978
375 4 23 4 63 1.026716
376 4 24 4 64 1.029454
377 4 25 4 65 1.032192 103 888(16) + 8 = 89
378 4 26 4 66 1.03493
379 4 27 4 67 1.037668
380 4 28 4 68 1.040406
381 4 29 4 69 1.043143
382 4 30 4 70 1.045881
383 4 31 4 71 1.048619
384 4 32 4 72 1.051357
385 4 33 4 73 1.054095
386 4 34 4 74 1.056833
387 4 35 4 75 1.059571
388 4 36 4 76 1.062309
389 4 37 4 77 1.065047
390 4 38 5 0 1.067785
391 4 39 5 1 1.070523
392 4 40 5 2 1.07326
393 4 41 5 3 1.075998
394 4 42 5 4 1.078736
395 4 43 5 5 1.081474
396 4 44 5 6 1.084212
397 4 45 5 7 1.08695
398 4 46 5 8 1.089688
399 4 47 5 9 1.092426
400 4 48 5 10 1.095164
401 4 49 5 11 1.097902
402 4 50 5 12 1.10064
403 4 51 5 13 1.103377
404 4 52 5 14 1.106115
405 4 53 5 15 1.108853
406 4 54 5 16 1.111591
407 4 55 5 17 1.114329
408 4 56 5 18 1.117067
409 4 57 5 19 1.119805
410 4 58 5 20 1.122543
411 4 59 5 21 1.125281
412 4 60 5 22 1.128019
413 4 61 5 23 1.130757
414 4 62 5 24 1.133494
415 4 63 5 25 1.136232
416 4 64 5 26 1.13897
417 4 65 5 27 1.141708
418 4 66 5 28 1.144446
419 4 67 5 29 1.147184
420 4 68 5 30 1.149922
421 4 69 5 31 1.15266
422 4 70 5 32 1.155398
423 4 71 5 33 1.158136
424 4 72 5 34 1.160874
425 4 73 5 35 1.163611
426 4 74 5 36 1.166349
427 4 75 5 37 1.169087
428 4 76 5 38 1.171825
429 4 77 5 39 1.174563
430 4 78 5 40 1.177301
431 4 79 5 41 1.180039
432 4 80 5 42 1.182777
433 4 81 5 43 1.185515
434 4 82 5 44 1.188253
435 4 83 5 45 1.190991
436 4 84 5 46 1.193728
437 4 85 5 47 1.196466
438 4 86 5 48 1.199204
439 4 87 5 49 1.201942
440 5 0 5 50 1.20468
441 5 1 5 51 1.207418
442 5 2 5 52 1.210156
443 5 3 5 53 1.212894
444 5 4 5 54 1.215632
445 5 5 5 55 1.21837
446 5 6 5 56 1.221108
447 5 7 5 57 1.223845
448 5 8 5 58 1.226583
449 5 9 5 59 1.229321
450 5 10 5 60 1.232059
451 5 11 5 61 1.234797
452 5 12 5 62 1.237535
453 5 13 5 63 1.240273
454 5 14 5 64 1.243011
455 5 15 5 65 1.245749
456 5 16 5 66 1.248487
457 5 17 5 67 1.251225
458 5 18 5 68 1.253962
459 5 19 5 69 1.2567
460 5 20 5 70 1.259438
461 5 21 5 71 1.262176
462 5 22 5 72 1.264914
463 5 23 5 73 1.267652
464 5 24 5 74 1.27039
465 5 25 5 75 1.273128
466 5 26 5 76 1.275866
467 5 27 5 77 1.278604
468 5 28 6 0 1.281342
469 5 29 6 1 1.284079
470 5 30 6 2 1.286817
471 5 31 6 3 1.289555
472 5 32 6 4 1.292293
473 5 33 6 5 1.295031
474 5 34 6 6 1.297769
475 5 35 6 7 1.300507
476 5 36 6 8 1.303245
477 5 37 6 9 1.305983
478 5 38 6 10 1.308721
479 5 39 6 11 1.311459
480 5 40 6 12 1.314196
481 5 41 6 13 1.316934
482 5 42 6 14 1.319672
483 5 43 6 15 1.32241
484 5 44 6 16 1.325148
485 5 45 6 17 1.327886
486 5 46 6 18 1.330624
487 5 47 6 19 1.333362
488 5 48 6 20 1.3361
489 5 49 6 21 1.338838
490 5 50 6 22 1.341576 WOW! Badge state & X box
491 5 51 6 23 1.344313
492 5 52 6 24 1.347051
493 5 53 6 25 1.349789
494 5 54 6 26 1.352527
495 5 55 6 27 1.355265
496 5 56 6 28 1.358003
497 5 57 6 29 1.360741
498 5 58 6 30 1.363479
499 5 59 6 31 1.366217
500 5 60 6 32 1.368955
501 5 61 6 33 1.371693
502 5 62 6 34 1.37443
503 5 63 6 35 1.377168
504 5 64 6 36 1.379906
505 5 65 6 37 1.382644
506 5 66 6 38 1.385382
507 5 67 6 39 1.38812
508 5 68 6 40 1.390858
509 5 69 6 41 1.393596
510 5 70 6 42 1.396334
511 5 71 6 43 1.399072
512 5 72 6 44 1.40181
513 5 73 6 45 1.404547
514 5 74 6 46 1.407285
515 5 75 6 47 1.410023
516 5 76 6 48 1.412761
517 5 77 6 49 1.415499
518 5 78 6 50 1.418237
519 5 79 6 51 1.420975
520 5 80 6 52 1.423713
521 5 81 6 53 1.426451
522 5 82 6 54 1.429189
523 5 83 6 55 1.431927
524 5 84 6 56 1.434664
525 5 85 6 57 1.437402
526 5 86 6 58 1.44014
527 5 87 6 59 1.442878
528 6 0 6 60 1.445616
529 6 1 6 61 1.448354
530 6 2 6 62 1.451092
531 6 3 6 63 1.45383
532 6 4 6 64 1.456568
533 6 5 6 65 1.459306
534 6 6 6 66 1.462044
535 6 7 6 67 1.464781
536 6 8 6 68 1.467519
537 6 9 6 69 1.470257
538 6 10 6 70 1.472995
539 6 11 6 71 1.475733
540 6 12 6 72 1.478471
541 6 13 6 73 1.481209
542 6 14 6 74 1.483947
543 6 15 6 75 1.486685
544 6 16 6 76 1.489423
545 6 17 6 77 1.492161
546 6 18 7 0 1.494898
547 6 19 7 1 1.497636
548 6 20 7 2 1.500374
549 6 21 7 3 1.503112
550 6 22 7 4 1.50585
551 6 23 7 5 1.508588
552 6 24 7 6 1.511326
553 6 25 7 7 1.514064
554 6 26 7 8 1.516802
555 6 27 7 9 1.51954
556 6 28 7 10 1.522278
557 6 29 7 11 1.525015
558 6 30 7 12 1.527753
559 6 31 7 13 1.530491
560 6 32 7 14 1.533229
561 6 33 7 15 1.535967
562 6 34 7 16 1.538705
563 6 35 7 17 1.541443
564 6 36 7 18 1.544181
565 6 37 7 19 1.546919
566 6 38 7 20 1.549657
567 6 39 7 21 1.552395
568 6 40 7 22 1.555132
569 6 41 7 23 1.55787
570 6 42 7 24 1.560608
571 6 43 7 25 1.563346
572 6 44 7 26 1.566084
573 6 45 7 27 1.568822
574 6 46 7 28 1.57156
575 6 47 7 29 1.574298
576 6 48 7 30 1.577036
577 6 49 7 31 1.579774
578 6 50 7 32 1.582512
579 6 51 7 33 1.585249
580 6 52 7 34 1.587987
581 6 53 7 35 1.590725
582 6 54 7 36 1.593463
583 6 55 7 37 1.596201
584 6 56 7 38 1.598939
585 6 57 7 39 1.601677
586 6 58 7 40 1.604415
587 6 59 7 41 1.607153
588 6 60 7 42 1.609891
589 6 61 7 43 1.612629
590 6 62 7 44 1.615366
591 6 63 7 45 1.618104
592 6 64 7 46 1.620842
593 6 65 7 47 1.62358
594 6 66 7 48 1.626318
595 6 67 7 49 1.629056
596 6 68 7 50 1.631794
597 6 69 7 51 1.634532
598 6 70 7 52 1.63727
599 6 71 7 53 1.640008
600 6 72 7 54 1.642746
601 6 73 7 55 1.645483
602 6 74 7 56 1.648221
603 6 75 7 57 1.650959
604 6 76 7 58 1.653697
605 6 77 7 59 1.656435
606 6 78 7 60 1.659173
607 6 79 7 61 1.661911
608 6 80 7 62 1.664649
609 6 81 7 63 1.667387
610 6 82 7 64 1.670125
611 6 83 7 65 1.672863
612 6 84 7 66 1.6756
613 6 85 7 67 1.678338
614 6 86 7 68 1.681076
615 6 87 7 69 1.683814
616 7 0 7 70 1.686552
617 7 1 7 71 1.68929
618 7 2 7 72 1.692028
619 7 3 7 73 1.694766
620 7 4 7 74 1.697504
621 7 5 7 75 1.700242 Star and 11 x 22
622 7 6 7 76 1.70298
623 7 7 7 77 1.705717
624 7 8 8 0 1.708455
625 7 9 8 1 1.711193
626 7 10 8 2 1.713931 17 and 13 9 two ways
627 7 11 8 3 1.716669
628 7 12 8 4 1.719407
629 7 13 8 5 1.722145
630 7 14 8 6 1.724883
631 7 15 8 7 1.727621
632 7 16 8 8 1.730359
633 7 17 8 9 1.733097
634 7 18 8 10 1.735834
635 7 19 8 11 1.738572
636 7 20 8 12 1.74131
637 7 21 8 13 1.744048
638 7 22 8 14 1.746786
639 7 23 8 15 1.749524
640 7 24 8 16 1.752262
641 7 25 8 17 1.755 ayne
642 7 26 8 18 1.757738
643 7 27 8 19 1.760476
644 7 28 8 20 1.763214
645 7 29 8 21 1.765951
646 7 30 8 22 1.768689
647 7 31 8 23 1.771427
648 7 32 8 24 1.774165
649 7 33 8 25 1.776903
650 7 34 8 26 1.779641
651 7 35 8 27 1.782379
652 7 36 8 28 1.785117
653 7 37 8 29 1.787855
654 7 38 8 30 1.790593
655 7 39 8 31 1.793331
656 7 40 8 32 1.796068
657 7 41 8 33 1.798806
658 7 42 8 34 1.801544
659 7 43 8 35 1.804282
660 7 44 8 36 1.80702
661 7 45 8 37 1.809758
662 7 46 8 38 1.812496
663 7 47 8 39 1.815234
664 7 48 8 40 1.817972
665 7 49 8 41 1.82071
666 7 50 8 42 1.823448
667 7 51 8 43 1.826185
668 7 52 8 44 1.828923
669 7 53 8 45 1.831661
670 7 54 8 46 1.834399
671 7 55 8 47 1.837137
672 7 56 8 48 1.839875
673 7 57 8 49 1.842613
674 7 58 8 50 1.845351
675 7 59 8 51 1.848089
676 7 60 8 52 1.850827
677 7 61 8 53 1.853565
678 7 62 8 54 1.856302
679 7 63 8 55 1.85904
680 7 64 8 56 1.861778
681 7 65 8 57 1.864516
682 7 66 8 58 1.867254
683 7 67 8 59 1.869992
684 7 68 8 60 1.87273
685 7 69 8 61 1.875468
686 7 70 8 62 1.878206
687 7 71 8 63 1.880944
688 7 72 8 64 1.883682
689 7 73 8 65 1.886419
690 7 74 8 66 1.889157
691 7 75 8 67 1.891895
692 7 76 8 68 1.894633
693 7 77 8 69 1.897371
694 7 78 8 70 1.900109
695 7 79 8 71 1.902847
696 7 80 8 72 1.905585
697 7 81 8 73 1.908323
698 7 82 8 74 1.911061
699 7 83 8 75 1.913799
700 7 84 8 76 1.916536
701 7 85 8 77 1.919274
702 7 86 9 0 1.922012
703 7 87 9 1 1.92475
704 8 0 9 2 1.927488
705 8 1 9 3 1.930226
706 8 2 9 4 1.932964
707 8 3 9 5 1.935702
708 8 4 9 6 1.93844
709 8 5 9 7 1.941178
710 8 6 9 8 1.943916
711 8 7 9 9 1.946653
712 8 8 9 10 1.949391
713 8 9 9 11 1.952129
714 8 10 9 12 1.954867
715 8 11 9 13 1.957605
716 8 12 9 14 1.960343
717 8 13 9 15 1.963081
718 8 14 9 16 1.965819
719 8 15 9 17 1.968557
720 8 16 9 18 1.971295
721 8 17 9 19 1.974033
722 8 18 9 20 1.97677
723 8 19 9 21 1.979508
724 8 20 9 22 1.982246
725 8 21 9 23 1.984984
726 8 22 9 24 1.987722
727 8 23 9 25 1.99046
728 8 24 9 26 1.993198
729 8 25 9 27 1.995936
730 8 26 9 28 1.998674
731 8 27 9 29 2.001412
732 8 28 9 30 2.00415
733 8 29 9 31 2.006887
734 8 30 9 32 2.009625
735 8 31 9 33 2.012363
736 8 32 9 34 2.015101
737 8 33 9 35 2.017839
738 8 34 9 36 2.020577
739 8 35 9 37 2.023315
740 8 36 9 38 2.026053
741 8 37 9 39 2.028791
742 8 38 9 40 2.031529
743 8 39 9 41 2.034267
744 8 40 9 42 2.037004
745 8 41 9 43 2.039742
746 8 42 9 44 2.04248
747 8 43 9 45 2.045218
748 8 44 9 46 2.047956
749 8 45 9 47 2.050694
750 8 46 9 48 2.053432
751 8 47 9 49 2.05617
752 8 48 9 50 2.058908
753 8 49 9 51 2.061646
754 8 50 9 52 2.064384
755 8 51 9 53 2.067121
756 8 52 9 54 2.069859
757 8 53 9 55 2.072597
758 8 54 9 56 2.075335
759 8 55 9 57 2.078073
760 8 56 9 58 2.080811
761 8 57 9 59 2.083549
762 8 58 9 60 2.086287
763 8 59 9 61 2.089025
764 8 60 9 62 2.091763
765 8 61 9 63 2.094501
766 8 62 9 64 2.097238
767 8 63 9 65 2.099976
768 8 64 9 66 2.102714
769 8 65 9 67 2.105452
770 8 66 9 68 2.10819
771 8 67 9 69 2.110928
772 8 68 9 70 2.113666
773 8 69 9 71 2.116404
774 8 70 9 72 2.119142
775 8 71 9 73 2.12188
776 8 72 9 74 2.124618
777 8 73 9 75 2.127355
778 8 74 9 76 2.130093
779 8 75 9 77 2.132831
780 8 76 10 0 2.135569
781 8 77 10 1 2.138307
782 8 78 10 2 2.141045
783 8 79 10 3 2.143783
784 8 80 10 4 2.146521
785 8 81 10 5 2.149259
786 8 82 10 6 2.151997
787 8 83 10 7 2.154735
788 8 84 10 8 2.157472
789 8 85 10 9 2.16021
790 8 86 10 10 2.162948
791 8 87 10 11 2.165686
792 9 0 10 12 2.168424
793 9 1 10 13 2.171162
794 9 2 10 14 2.1739
795 9 3 10 15 2.176638
796 9 4 10 16 2.179376
797 9 5 10 17 2.182114
798 9 6 10 18 2.184852
799 9 7 10 19 2.187589
800 9 8 10 20 2.190327
801 9 9 10 21 2.193065
802 9 10 10 22 2.195803
803 9 11 10 23 2.198541
804 9 12 10 24 2.201279
805 9 13 10 25 2.204017
806 9 14 10 26 2.206755
807 9 15 10 27 2.209493
808 9 16 10 28 2.212231
809 9 17 10 29 2.214969
810 9 18 10 30 2.217706
811 9 19 10 31 2.220444
812 9 20 10 32 2.223182
813 9 21 10 33 2.22592
814 9 22 10 34 2.228658
815 9 23 10 35 2.231396
816 9 24 10 36 2.234134
817 9 25 10 37 2.236872
818 9 26 10 38 2.23961
819 9 27 10 39 2.242348
820 9 28 10 40 2.245086
821 9 29 10 41 2.247823
822 9 30 10 42 2.250561
823 9 31 10 43 2.253299
824 9 32 10 44 2.256037
825 9 33 10 45 2.258775
826 9 34 10 46 2.261513
827 9 35 10 47 2.264251
828 9 36 10 48 2.266989
829 9 37 10 49 2.269727
830 9 38 10 50 2.272465
831 9 39 10 51 2.275203
832 9 40 10 52 2.277941
833 9 41 10 53 2.280678
834 9 42 10 54 2.283416
835 9 43 10 55 2.286154
836 9 44 10 56 2.288892
837 9 45 10 57 2.29163
838 9 46 10 58 2.294368
839 9 47 10 59 2.297106
840 9 48 10 60 2.299844
841 9 49 10 61 2.302582
842 9 50 10 62 2.30532
843 9 51 10 63 2.308058
844 9 52 10 64 2.310795
845 9 53 10 65 2.313533
846 9 54 10 66 2.316271
847 9 55 10 67 2.319009
848 9 56 10 68 2.321747
849 9 57 10 69 2.324485
850 9 58 10 70 2.327223
851 9 59 10 71 2.329961
852 9 60 10 72 2.332699
853 9 61 10 73 2.335437
854 9 62 10 74 2.338175
855 9 63 10 75 2.340912
856 9 64 10 76 2.34365
857 9 65 10 77 2.346388
858 9 66 11 0 2.349126
859 9 67 11 1 2.351864
860 9 68 11 2 2.354602
861 9 69 11 3 2.35734
862 9 70 11 4 2.360078
863 9 71 11 5 2.362816
864 9 72 11 6 2.365554
865 9 73 11 7 2.368292
866 9 74 11 8 2.371029
867 9 75 11 9 2.373767
868 9 76 11 10 2.376505
869 9 77 11 11 2.379243
870 9 78 11 12 2.381981
871 9 79 11 13 2.384719
872 9 80 11 14 2.387457
873 9 81 11 15 2.390195
874 9 82 11 16 2.392933
875 9 83 11 17 2.395671
876 9 84 11 18 2.398409
877 9 85 11 19 2.401146
878 9 86 11 20 2.403884
879 9 87 11 21 2.406622
880 10 0 11 22 2.40936
881 10 1 11 23 2.412098
882 10 2 11 24 2.414836
883 10 3 11 25 2.417574
884 10 4 11 26 2.420312
885 10 5 11 27 2.42305
886 10 6 11 28 2.425788
887 10 7 11 29 2.428526
888 10 8 11 30 2.431263
889 10 9 11 31 2.434001
890 10 10 11 32 2.436739
891 10 11 11 33 2.439477
892 10 12 11 34 2.442215
893 10 13 11 35 2.444953
894 10 14 11 36 2.447691
895 10 15 11 37 2.450429
896 10 16 11 38 2.453167
897 10 17 11 39 2.455905
898 10 18 11 40 2.458643
899 10 19 11 41 2.46138
900 10 20 11 42 2.464118
901 10 21 11 43 2.466856
902 10 22 11 44 2.469594
903 10 23 11 45 2.472332
904 10 24 11 46 2.47507
905 10 25 11 47 2.477808
906 10 26 11 48 2.480546
907 10 27 11 49 2.483284
908 10 28 11 50 2.486022
909 10 29 11 51 2.48876
910 10 30 11 52 2.491497
911 10 31 11 53 2.494235
912 10 32 11 54 2.496973
913 10 33 11 55 2.499711
914 10 34 11 56 2.502449
915 10 35 11 57 2.505187
916 10 36 11 58 2.507925
917 10 37 11 59 2.510663
918 10 38 11 60 2.513401
919 10 39 11 61 2.516139
920 10 40 11 62 2.518877
921 10 41 11 63 2.521614
922 10 42 11 64 2.524352
923 10 43 11 65 2.52709
924 10 44 11 66 2.529828
925 10 45 11 67 2.532566
926 10 46 11 68 2.535304
927 10 47 11 69 2.538042
928 10 48 11 70 2.54078
929 10 49 11 71 2.543518
930 10 50 11 72 2.546256
931 10 51 11 73 2.548994
932 10 52 11 74 2.551731
933 10 53 11 75 2.554469
934 10 54 11 76 2.557207
935 10 55 11 77 2.559945
936 10 56 12 0 2.562683
937 10 57 12 1 2.565421
938 10 58 12 2 2.568159
939 10 59 12 3 2.570897
940 10 60 12 4 2.573635
941 10 61 12 5 2.576373
942 10 62 12 6 2.579111
943 10 63 12 7 2.581848
944 10 64 12 8 2.584586
945 10 65 12 9 2.587324
946 10 66 12 10 2.590062
947 10 67 12 11 2.5928
948 10 68 12 12 2.595538
949 10 69 12 13 2.598276
950 10 70 12 14 2.601014
951 10 71 12 15 2.603752
952 10 72 12 16 2.60649
953 10 73 12 17 2.609228
954 10 74 12 18 2.611965
955 10 75 12 19 2.614703
956 10 76 12 20 2.617441
957 10 77 12 21 2.620179
958 10 78 12 22 2.622917
959 10 79 12 23 2.625655
960 10 80 12 24 2.628393
961 10 81 12 25 2.631131
962 10 82 12 26 2.633869
963 10 83 12 27 2.636607
964 10 84 12 28 2.639345
965 10 85 12 29 2.642082
966 10 86 12 30 2.64482
967 10 87 12 31 2.647558
968 11 0 12 32 2.650296
969 11 1 12 33 2.653034
970 11 2 12 34 2.655772
971 11 3 12 35 2.65851
972 11 4 12 36 2.661248
973 11 5 12 37 2.663986
974 11 6 12 38 2.666724
975 11 7 12 39 2.669462
976 11 8 12 40 2.672199
977 11 9 12 41 2.674937
978 11 10 12 42 2.677675
979 11 11 12 43 2.680413
980 11 12 12 44 2.683151
981 11 13 12 45 2.685889
982 11 14 12 46 2.688627
983 11 15 12 47 2.691365
984 11 16 12 48 2.694103
985 11 17 12 49 2.696841
986 11 18 12 50 2.699579
987 11 19 12 51 2.702316
988 11 20 12 52 2.705054
989 11 21 12 53 2.707792
990 11 22 12 54 2.71053
991 11 23 12 55 2.713268
992 11 24 12 56 2.716006
993 11 25 12 57 2.718744
994 11 26 12 58 2.721482
995 11 27 12 59 2.72422
996 11 28 12 60 2.726958
997 11 29 12 61 2.729696
998 11 30 12 62 2.732433
999 11 31 12 63 2.735171
1000 11 32 12 64 2.737909
1001 11 33 12 65 2.740647
1002 11 34 12 66 2.743385
1003 11 35 12 67 2.746123
1004 11 36 12 68 2.748861
1005 11 37 12 69 2.751599
1006 11 38 12 70 2.754337
1007 11 39 12 71 2.757075
1008 11 40 12 72 2.759813
1009 11 41 12 73 2.76255
1010 11 42 12 74 2.765288
1011 11 43 12 75 2.768026
1012 11 44 12 76 2.770764
1013 11 45 12 77 2.773502
1014 11 46 13 0 2.77624
1015 11 47 13 1 2.778978
1016 11 48 13 2 2.781716
1017 11 49 13 3 2.784454
1018 11 50 13 4 2.787192
1019 11 51 13 5 2.78993
1020 11 52 13 6 2.792667
1021 11 53 13 7 2.795405
1022 11 54 13 8 2.798143
1023 11 55 13 9 2.800881
1024 11 56 13 10 2.803619
1025 11 57 13 11 2.806357
1026 11 58 13 12 2.809095
1027 11 59 13 13 2.811833
1028 11 60 13 14 2.814571
1029 11 61 13 15 2.817309
1030 11 62 13 16 2.820047
1031 11 63 13 17 2.822784
1032 11 64 13 18 2.825522
1033 11 65 13 19 2.82826
1034 11 66 13 20 2.830998
1035 11 67 13 21 2.833736
1036 11 68 13 22 2.836474
1037 11 69 13 23 2.839212
1038 11 70 13 24 2.84195
1039 11 71 13 25 2.844688
1040 11 72 13 26 2.847426
1041 11 73 13 27 2.850164
1042 11 74 13 28 2.852901
1043 11 75 13 29 2.855639
1044 11 76 13 30 2.858377
1045 11 77 13 31 2.861115
1046 11 78 13 32 2.863853
1047 11 79 13 33 2.866591
1048 11 80 13 34 2.869329
1049 11 81 13 35 2.872067
1050 11 82 13 36 2.874805
1051 11 83 13 37 2.877543
1052 11 84 13 38 2.880281
1053 11 85 13 39 2.883018
1054 11 86 13 40 2.885756
1055 11 87 13 41 2.888494
1056 12 0 13 42 2.891232
1057 12 1 13 43 2.89397
1058 12 2 13 44 2.896708
1059 12 3 13 45 2.899446
1060 12 4 13 46 2.902184
1061 12 5 13 47 2.904922
1062 12 6 13 48 2.90766
1063 12 7 13 49 2.910398
1064 12 8 13 50 2.913135
1065 12 9 13 51 2.915873
1066 12 10 13 52 2.918611
1067 12 11 13 53 2.921349
1068 12 12 13 54 2.924087
1069 12 13 13 55 2.926825
1070 12 14 13 56 2.929563
1071 12 15 13 57 2.932301
1072 12 16 13 58 2.935039
1073 12 17 13 59 2.937777
1074 12 18 13 60 2.940515
1075 12 19 13 61 2.943252
1076 12 20 13 62 2.94599
1077 12 21 13 63 2.948728
1078 12 22 13 64 2.951466
1079 12 23 13 65 2.954204
1080 12 24 13 66 2.956942
1081 12 25 13 67 2.95968
1082 12 26 13 68 2.962418
1083 12 27 13 69 2.965156
1084 12 28 13 70 2.967894
1085 12 29 13 71 2.970632
1086 12 30 13 72 2.973369
1087 12 31 13 73 2.976107
1088 12 32 13 74 2.978845
1089 12 33 13 75 2.981583
1090 12 34 13 76 2.984321
1091 12 35 13 77 2.987059
1092 12 36 14 0 2.989797
1093 12 37 14 1 2.992535
1094 12 38 14 2 2.995273
1095 12 39 14 3 2.998011
1096 12 40 14 4 3.000749
1097 12 41 14 5 3.003486
1098 12 42 14 6 3.006224
1099 12 43 14 7 3.008962
1100 12 44 14 8 3.0117
1101 12 45 14 9 3.014438
1102 12 46 14 10 3.017176
1103 12 47 14 11 3.019914
1104 12 48 14 12 3.022652
1105 12 49 14 13 3.02539
1106 12 50 14 14 3.028128
1107 12 51 14 15 3.030866
1108 12 52 14 16 3.033603
1109 12 53 14 17 3.036341
1110 12 54 14 18 3.039079
1111 12 55 14 19 3.041817
1112 12 56 14 20 3.044555
1113 12 57 14 21 3.047293
1114 12 58 14 22 3.050031
1115 12 59 14 23 3.052769
1116 12 60 14 24 3.055507
1117 12 61 14 25 3.058245
1118 12 62 14 26 3.060983
1119 12 63 14 27 3.06372
1120 12 64 14 28 3.066458
1121 12 65 14 29 3.069196
1122 12 66 14 30 3.071934
1123 12 67 14 31 3.074672
1124 12 68 14 32 3.07741
1125 12 69 14 33 3.080148
1126 12 70 14 34 3.082886
1127 12 71 14 35 3.085624
1128 12 72 14 36 3.088362
1129 12 73 14 37 3.0911
1130 12 74 14 38 3.093837
1131 12 75 14 39 3.096575
1132 12 76 14 40 3.099313
1133 12 77 14 41 3.102051
1134 12 78 14 42 3.104789
1135 12 79 14 43 3.107527
1136 12 80 14 44 3.110265
1137 12 81 14 45 3.113003
1138 12 82 14 46 3.115741
1139 12 83 14 47 3.118479
1140 12 84 14 48 3.121217
1141 12 85 14 49 3.123954
1142 12 86 14 50 3.126692
1143 12 87 14 51 3.12943
1144 13 0 14 52 3.132168
1145 13 1 14 53 3.134906
1146 13 2 14 54 3.137644
1147 13 3 14 55 3.140382
1148 13 4 14 56 3.14312
1149 13 5 14 57 3.145858
1150 13 6 14 58 3.148596
1151 13 7 14 59 3.151334
1152 13 8 14 60 3.154071
1153 13 9 14 61 3.156809
1154 13 10 14 62 3.159547
1155 13 11 14 63 3.162285
1156 13 12 14 64 3.165023
1157 13 13 14 65 3.167761
1158 13 14 14 66 3.170499
1159 13 15 14 67 3.173237
1160 13 16 14 68 3.175975
1161 13 17 14 69 3.178713
1162 13 18 14 70 3.181451
1163 13 19 14 71 3.184188
1164 13 20 14 72 3.186926
1165 13 21 14 73 3.189664
1166 13 22 14 74 3.192402
1167 13 23 14 75 3.19514
1168 13 24 14 76 3.197878
1169 13 25 14 77 3.200616
1170 13 26 15 0 3.203354
1171 13 27 15 1 3.206092
1172 13 28 15 2 3.20883
1173 13 29 15 3 3.211568
1174 13 30 15 4 3.214305
1175 13 31 15 5 3.217043
1176 13 32 15 6 3.219781
1177 13 33 15 7 3.222519
1178 13 34 15 8 3.225257
1179 13 35 15 9 3.227995
1180 13 36 15 10 3.230733
1181 13 37 15 11 3.233471
1182 13 38 15 12 3.236209
1183 13 39 15 13 3.238947
1184 13 40 15 14 3.241685
1185 13 41 15 15 3.244422
1186 13 42 15 16 3.24716
1187 13 43 15 17 3.249898
1188 13 44 15 18 3.252636
1189 13 45 15 19 3.255374
1190 13 46 15 20 3.258112
1191 13 47 15 21 3.26085
1192 13 48 15 22 3.263588
1193 13 49 15 23 3.266326
1194 13 50 15 24 3.269064
1195 13 51 15 25 3.271802
1196 13 52 15 26 3.274539
1197 13 53 15 27 3.277277
1198 13 54 15 28 3.280015
1199 13 55 15 29 3.282753
1200 13 56 15 30 3.285491
1201 13 57 15 31 3.288229
1202 13 58 15 32 3.290967
1203 13 59 15 33 3.293705
1204 13 60 15 34 3.296443
1205 13 61 15 35 3.299181
1206 13 62 15 36 3.301919
1207 13 63 15 37 3.304656
1208 13 64 15 38 3.307394
1209 13 65 15 39 3.310132
1210 13 66 15 40 3.31287
1211 13 67 15 41 3.315608
1212 13 68 15 42 3.318346
1213 13 69 15 43 3.321084
1214 13 70 15 44 3.323822
1215 13 71 15 45 3.32656
1216 13 72 15 46 3.329298
1217 13 73 15 47 3.332036
1218 13 74 15 48 3.334773
1219 13 75 15 49 3.337511
1220 13 76 15 50 3.340249
1221 13 77 15 51 3.342987
1222 13 78 15 52 3.345725
1223 13 79 15 53 3.348463
1224 13 80 15 54 3.351201
1225 13 81 15 55 3.353939
1226 13 82 15 56 3.356677
1227 13 83 15 57 3.359415
1228 13 84 15 58 3.362153
1229 13 85 15 59 3.36489
1230 13 86 15 60 3.367628
1231 13 87 15 61 3.370366
1232 14 0 15 62 3.373104
1233 14 1 15 63 3.375842
1234 14 2 15 64 3.37858
1235 14 3 15 65 3.381318
1236 14 4 15 66 3.384056
1237 14 5 15 67 3.386794
1238 14 6 15 68 3.389532
1239 14 7 15 69 3.39227
1240 14 8 15 70 3.395007
1241 14 9 15 71 3.397745
1242 14 10 15 72 3.400483
1243 14 11 15 73 3.403221
1244 14 12 15 74 3.405959
1245 14 13 15 75 3.408697
1246 14 14 15 76 3.411435
1247 14 15 15 77 3.414173
1248 14 16 16 0 3.416911
1249 14 17 16 1 3.419649
1250 14 18 16 2 3.422387
1251 14 19 16 3 3.425124
1252 14 20 16 4 3.427862
1253 14 21 16 5 3.4306
1254 14 22 16 6 3.433338
1255 14 23 16 7 3.436076
1256 14 24 16 8 3.438814
1257 14 25 16 9 3.441552
1258 14 26 16 10 3.44429
1259 14 27 16 11 3.447028
1260 14 28 16 12 3.449766
1261 14 29 16 13 3.452504
1262 14 30 16 14 3.455241
1263 14 31 16 15 3.457979
1264 14 32 16 16 3.460717
1265 14 33 16 17 3.463455
1266 14 34 16 18 3.466193
1267 14 35 16 19 3.468931
1268 14 36 16 20 3.471669
1269 14 37 16 21 3.474407
1270 14 38 16 22 3.477145
1271 14 39 16 23 3.479883
1272 14 40 16 24 3.482621
1273 14 41 16 25 3.485358
1274 14 42 16 26 3.488096
1275 14 43 16 27 3.490834
1276 14 44 16 28 3.493572
1277 14 45 16 29 3.49631
1278 14 46 16 30 3.499048
1279 14 47 16 31 3.501786
1280 14 48 16 32 3.504524
1281 14 49 16 33 3.507262
1282 14 50 16 34 3.51
1283 14 51 16 35 3.512738
1284 14 52 16 36 3.515475
1285 14 53 16 37 3.518213
1286 14 54 16 38 3.520951
1287 14 55 16 39 3.523689
1288 14 56 16 40 3.526427
1289 14 57 16 41 3.529165
1290 14 58 16 42 3.531903
1291 14 59 16 43 3.534641
1292 14 60 16 44 3.537379
1293 14 61 16 45 3.540117
1294 14 62 16 46 3.542855
1295 14 63 16 47 3.545592
1296 14 64 16 48 3.54833
1297 14 65 16 49 3.551068
1298 14 66 16 50 3.553806
1299 14 67 16 51 3.556544
1300 14 68 16 52 3.559282
1301 14 69 16 53 3.56202
1302 14 70 16 54 3.564758
1303 14 71 16 55 3.567496
1304 14 72 16 56 3.570234
1305 14 73 16 57 3.572972
1306 14 74 16 58 3.575709
1307 14 75 16 59 3.578447
1308 14 76 16 60 3.581185
1309 14 77 16 61 3.583923
1310 14 78 16 62 3.586661
1311 14 79 16 63 3.589399
1312 14 80 16 64 3.592137
1313 14 81 16 65 3.594875
1314 14 82 16 66 3.597613
1315 14 83 16 67 3.600351
1316 14 84 16 68 3.603089
1317 14 85 16 69 3.605826
1318 14 86 16 70 3.608564
1319 14 87 16 71 3.611302
1320 15 0 16 72 3.61404
1321 15 1 16 73 3.616778
1322 15 2 16 74 3.619516
1323 15 3 16 75 3.622254
1324 15 4 16 76 3.624992
1325 15 5 16 77 3.62773
1326 15 6 17 0 3.630468
1327 15 7 17 1 3.633206
1328 15 8 17 2 3.635943
1329 15 9 17 3 3.638681
1330 15 10 17 4 3.641419
1331 15 11 17 5 3.644157
1332 15 12 17 6 3.646895
1333 15 13 17 7 3.649633
1334 15 14 17 8 3.652371
1335 15 15 17 9 3.655109
1336 15 16 17 10 3.657847
1337 15 17 17 11 3.660585
1338 15 18 17 12 3.663323
1339 15 19 17 13 3.66606
1340 15 20 17 14 3.668798
1341 15 21 17 15 3.671536
1342 15 22 17 16 3.674274
1343 15 23 17 17 3.677012
1344 15 24 17 18 3.67975
1345 15 25 17 19 3.682488
1346 15 26 17 20 3.685226
1347 15 27 17 21 3.687964
1348 15 28 17 22 3.690702
1349 15 29 17 23 3.69344
1350 15 30 17 24 3.696177
1351 15 31 17 25 3.698915
1352 15 32 17 26 3.701653
1353 15 33 17 27 3.704391
1354 15 34 17 28 3.707129
1355 15 35 17 29 3.709867
1356 15 36 17 30 3.712605
1357 15 37 17 31 3.715343
1358 15 38 17 32 3.718081
1359 15 39 17 33 3.720819
1360 15 40 17 34 3.723557
1361 15 41 17 35 3.726294
1362 15 42 17 36 3.729032
1363 15 43 17 37 3.73177
1364 15 44 17 38 3.734508
1365 15 45 17 39 3.737246
1366 15 46 17 40 3.739984
1367 15 47 17 41 3.742722
1368 15 48 17 42 3.74546
1369 15 49 17 43 3.748198
1370 15 50 17 44 3.750936
1371 15 51 17 45 3.753674
1372 15 52 17 46 3.756411
1373 15 53 17 47 3.759149
1374 15 54 17 48 3.761887
1375 15 55 17 49 3.764625
1376 15 56 17 50 3.767363
1377 15 57 17 51 3.770101
1378 15 58 17 52 3.772839
1379 15 59 17 53 3.775577
1380 15 60 17 54 3.778315
1381 15 61 17 55 3.781053
1382 15 62 17 56 3.783791
1383 15 63 17 57 3.786529
1384 15 64 17 58 3.789266
1385 15 65 17 59 3.792004
1386 15 66 17 60 3.794742
1387 15 67 17 61 3.79748
1388 15 68 17 62 3.800218
1389 15 69 17 63 3.802956
1390 15 70 17 64 3.805694
1391 15 71 17 65 3.808432
1392 15 72 17 66 3.81117
1393 15 73 17 67 3.813908
1394 15 74 17 68 3.816646
1395 15 75 17 69 3.819383
1396 15 76 17 70 3.822121
1397 15 77 17 71 3.824859
1398 15 78 17 72 3.827597
1399 15 79 17 73 3.830335
1400 15 80 17 74 3.833073
1401 15 81 17 75 3.835811
1402 15 82 17 76 3.838549
1403 15 83 17 77 3.841287
1404 15 84 18 0 3.844025
1405 15 85 18 1 3.846763
1406 15 86 18 2 3.8495
1407 15 87 18 3 3.852238
1408 16 0 18 4 3.854976
1409 16 1 18 5 3.857714
1410 16 2 18 6 3.860452
1411 16 3 18 7 3.86319
1412 16 4 18 8 3.865928
1413 16 5 18 9 3.868666
1414 16 6 18 10 3.871404
1415 16 7 18 11 3.874142
1416 16 8 18 12 3.87688
1417 16 9 18 13 3.879617
1418 16 10 18 14 3.882355
1419 16 11 18 15 3.885093
1420 16 12 18 16 3.887831
1421 16 13 18 17 3.890569
1422 16 14 18 18 3.893307
1423 16 15 18 19 3.896045
1424 16 16 18 20 3.898783
1425 16 17 18 21 3.901521
1426 16 18 18 22 3.904259
1427 16 19 18 23 3.906997
1428 16 20 18 24 3.909734
1429 16 21 18 25 3.912472
1430 16 22 18 26 3.91521
1431 16 23 18 27 3.917948
1432 16 24 18 28 3.920686
1433 16 25 18 29 3.923424
1434 16 26 18 30 3.926162
1435 16 27 18 31 3.9289
1436 16 28 18 32 3.931638
1437 16 29 18 33 3.934376
1438 16 30 18 34 3.937114
1439 16 31 18 35 3.939851
1440 16 32 18 36 3.942589
1441 16 33 18 37 3.945327
1442 16 34 18 38 3.948065
1443 16 35 18 39 3.950803
1444 16 36 18 40 3.953541
1445 16 37 18 41 3.956279
1446 16 38 18 42 3.959017
1447 16 39 18 43 3.961755
1448 16 40 18 44 3.964493
1449 16 41 18 45 3.967231
1450 16 42 18 46 3.969968
1451 16 43 18 47 3.972706
1452 16 44 18 48 3.975444
1453 16 45 18 49 3.978182
1454 16 46 18 50 3.98092
1455 16 47 18 51 3.983658
1456 16 48 18 52 3.986396
1457 16 49 18 53 3.989134
1458 16 50 18 54 3.991872
1459 16 51 18 55 3.99461
1460 16 52 18 56 3.997348
1461 16 53 18 57 4.000085
1462 16 54 18 58 4.002823
1463 16 55 18 59 4.005561
1464 16 56 18 60 4.008299
1465 16 57 18 61 4.011037
1466 16 58 18 62 4.013775
1467 16 59 18 63 4.016513
1468 16 60 18 64 4.019251
1469 16 61 18 65 4.021989
1470 16 62 18 66 4.024727
1471 16 63 18 67 4.027465
1472 16 64 18 68 4.030202
1473 16 65 18 69 4.03294
1474 16 66 18 70 4.035678
1475 16 67 18 71 4.038416
1476 16 68 18 72 4.041154
1477 16 69 18 73 4.043892
1478 16 70 18 74 4.04663
1479 16 71 18 75 4.049368
1480 16 72 18 76 4.052106
1481 16 73 18 77 4.054844
1482 16 74 19 0 4.057582
1483 16 75 19 1 4.060319
1484 16 76 19 2 4.063057
1485 16 77 19 3 4.065795
1486 16 78 19 4 4.068533
1487 16 79 19 5 4.071271
1488 16 80 19 6 4.074009
1489 16 81 19 7 4.076747
1490 16 82 19 8 4.079485
1491 16 83 19 9 4.082223
1492 16 84 19 10 4.084961
1493 16 85 19 11 4.087699
1494 16 86 19 12 4.090436
1495 16 87 19 13 4.093174
1496 16 88 19 14 4.095912
1497 16 89 19 15 4.09865
1498 17 2 19 16 4.101388
1499 17 3 19 17 4.104126
1500 17 4 19 18 4.106864
1501 17 5 19 19 4.109602
1502 17 6 19 20 4.11234
1503 17 7 19 21 4.115078
1504 17 8 19 22 4.117816
1505 17 9 19 23 4.120553
1506 17 10 19 24 4.123291
1507 17 11 19 25 4.126029
1508 17 12 19 26 4.128767
1509 17 13 19 27 4.131505
1510 17 14 19 28 4.134243
1511 17 15 19 29 4.136981
1512 17 16 19 30 4.139719
1513 17 17 19 31 4.142457
1514 17 18 19 32 4.145195
1515 17 19 19 33 4.147933
1516 17 20 19 34 4.15067
1517 17 21 19 35 4.153408
1518 17 22 19 36 4.156146
1519 17 23 19 37 4.158884
1520 17 24 19 38 4.161622
1521 17 25 19 39 4.16436
1522 17 26 19 40 4.167098
1523 17 27 19 41 4.169836
1524 17 28 19 42 4.172574
1525 17 29 19 43 4.175312
1526 17 30 19 44 4.17805
1527 17 31 19 45 4.180787
1528 17 32 19 46 4.183525
1529 17 33 19 47 4.186263
1530 17 34 19 48 4.189001
1531 17 35 19 49 4.191739
1532 17 36 19 50 4.194477
1533 17 37 19 51 4.197215
1534 17 38 19 52 4.199953
1535 17 39 19 53 4.202691
1536 17 40 19 54 4.205429
1537 17 41 19 55 4.208167
1538 17 42 19 56 4.210904
1539 17 43 19 57 4.213642
1540 17 44 19 58 4.21638
1541 17 45 19 59 4.219118
1542 17 46 19 60 4.221856
1543 17 47 19 61 4.224594
1544 17 48 19 62 4.227332
1545 17 49 19 63 4.23007
1546 17 50 19 64 4.232808
1547 17 51 19 65 4.235546
1548 17 52 19 66 4.238284
1549 17 53 19 67 4.241021
1550 17 54 19 68 4.243759
1551 17 55 19 69 4.246497
1552 17 56 19 70 4.249235
1553 17 57 19 71 4.251973
1554 17 58 19 72 4.254711
1555 17 59 19 73 4.257449
1556 17 60 19 74 4.260187
1557 17 61 19 75 4.262925
1558 17 62 19 76 4.265663
1559 17 63 19 77 4.268401
1560 17 64 20 0 4.271138
1561 17 65 20 1 4.273876
1562 17 66 20 2 4.276614
1563 17 67 20 3 4.279352
1564 17 68 20 4 4.28209
1565 17 69 20 5 4.284828
1566 17 70 20 6 4.287566
1567 17 71 20 7 4.290304
1568 17 72 20 8 4.293042
1569 17 73 20 9 4.29578
1570 17 74 20 10 4.298518
1571 17 75 20 11 4.301255
1572 17 76 20 12 4.303993
1573 17 77 20 13 4.306731
1574 17 78 20 14 4.309469
1575 17 79 20 15 4.312207
1576 17 80 20 16 4.314945
1577 17 81 20 17 4.317683
1578 17 82 20 18 4.320421
1579 17 83 20 19 4.323159
1580 17 84 20 20 4.325897
1581 17 85 20 21 4.328635
1582 17 86 20 22 4.331372
1583 17 87 20 23 4.33411
1584 17 88 20 24 4.336848
1585 17 89 20 25 4.339586
1586 18 2 20 26 4.342324
1587 18 3 20 27 4.345062
1588 18 4 20 28 4.3478
1589 18 5 20 29 4.350538
1590 18 6 20 30 4.353276
1591 18 7 20 31 4.356014
1592 18 8 20 32 4.358752
1593 18 9 20 33 4.361489
1594 18 10 20 34 4.364227
1595 18 11 20 35 4.366965
1596 18 12 20 36 4.369703
1597 18 13 20 37 4.372441
1598 18 14 20 38 4.375179
1599 18 15 20 39 4.377917
1600 18 16 20 40 4.380655
1601 18 17 20 41 4.383393
1602 18 18 20 42 4.386131
1603 18 19 20 43 4.388869
1604 18 20 20 44 4.391606
1605 18 21 20 45 4.394344
1606 18 22 20 46 4.397082
1607 18 23 20 47 4.39982
1608 18 24 20 48 4.402558
1609 18 25 20 49 4.405296
1610 18 26 20 50 4.408034
1611 18 27 20 51 4.410772
1612 18 28 20 52 4.41351
1613 18 29 20 53 4.416248
1614 18 30 20 54 4.418986
1615 18 31 20 55 4.421723
1616 18 32 20 56 4.424461
1617 18 33 20 57 4.427199
1618 18 34 20 58 4.429937
1619 18 35 20 59 4.432675
1620 18 36 20 60 4.435413
1621 18 37 20 61 4.438151
1622 18 38 20 62 4.440889
1623 18 39 20 63 4.443627
1624 18 40 20 64 4.446365
1625 18 41 20 65 4.449103
1626 18 42 20 66 4.45184
1627 18 43 20 67 4.454578
1628 18 44 20 68 4.457316
1629 18 45 20 69 4.460054
1630 18 46 20 70 4.462792
1631 18 47 20 71 4.46553
1632 18 48 20 72 4.468268
1633 18 49 20 73 4.471006
1634 18 50 20 74 4.473744
1635 18 51 20 75 4.476482
1636 18 52 20 76 4.47922
1637 18 53 20 77 4.481957
1638 18 54 21 0 4.484695
1639 18 55 21 1 4.487433
1640 18 56 21 2 4.490171
1641 18 57 21 3 4.492909
1642 18 58 21 4 4.495647
1643 18 59 21 5 4.498385
1644 18 60 21 6 4.501123
1645 18 61 21 7 4.503861
1646 18 62 21 8 4.506599
1647 18 63 21 9 4.509337
1648 18 64 21 10 4.512074
1649 18 65 21 11 4.514812
1650 18 66 21 12 4.51755
1651 18 67 21 13 4.520288
1652 18 68 21 14 4.523026
1653 18 69 21 15 4.525764
1654 18 70 21 16 4.528502
1655 18 71 21 17 4.53124
1656 18 72 21 18 4.533978
1657 18 73 21 19 4.536716
1658 18 74 21 20 4.539454
1659 18 75 21 21 4.542191
1660 18 76 21 22 4.544929
1661 18 77 21 23 4.547667
1662 18 78 21 24 4.550405
1663 18 79 21 25 4.553143
1664 18 80 21 26 4.555881
1665 18 81 21 27 4.558619
1666 18 82 21 28 4.561357
1667 18 83 21 29 4.564095
1668 18 84 21 30 4.566833
1669 18 85 21 31 4.569571
1670 18 86 21 32 4.572308
1671 18 87 21 33 4.575046
1672 18 88 21 34 4.577784
1673 18 89 21 35 4.580522
1674 19 2 21 36 4.58326
1675 19 3 21 37 4.585998
1676 19 4 21 38 4.588736
1677 19 5 21 39 4.591474
1678 19 6 21 40 4.594212
1679 19 7 21 41 4.59695
1680 19 8 21 42 4.599688
1681 19 9 21 43 4.602425
1682 19 10 21 44 4.605163
1683 19 11 21 45 4.607901
1684 19 12 21 46 4.610639
1685 19 13 21 47 4.613377
1686 19 14 21 48 4.616115
1687 19 15 21 49 4.618853
1688 19 16 21 50 4.621591
1689 19 17 21 51 4.624329
1690 19 18 21 52 4.627067
1691 19 19 21 53 4.629805
1692 19 20 21 54 4.632542
1693 19 21 21 55 4.63528
1694 19 22 21 56 4.638018
1695 19 23 21 57 4.640756
1696 19 24 21 58 4.643494
1697 19 25 21 59 4.646232
1698 19 26 21 60 4.64897
1699 19 27 21 61 4.651708
1700 19 28 21 62 4.654446
1701 19 29 21 63 4.657184
1702 19 30 21 64 4.659922
1703 19 31 21 65 4.662659
1704 19 32 21 66 4.665397
1705 19 33 21 67 4.668135
1706 19 34 21 68 4.670873
1707 19 35 21 69 4.673611
1708 19 36 21 70 4.676349
1709 19 37 21 71 4.679087
1710 19 38 21 72 4.681825
1711 19 39 21 73 4.684563
1712 19 40 21 74 4.687301
1713 19 41 21 75 4.690039
1714 19 42 21 76 4.692776
1715 19 43 21 77 4.695514
1716 19 44 22 0 4.698252
1717 19 45 22 1 4.70099
1718 19 46 22 2 4.703728
1719 19 47 22 3 4.706466
1720 19 48 22 4 4.709204
1721 19 49 22 5 4.711942
1722 19 50 22 6 4.71468
1723 19 51 22 7 4.717418
1724 19 52 22 8 4.720156
1725 19 53 22 9 4.722893
1726 19 54 22 10 4.725631
1727 19 55 22 11 4.728369
1728 19 56 22 12 4.731107
1729 19 57 22 13 4.733845
1730 19 58 22 14 4.736583
1731 19 59 22 15 4.739321
1732 19 60 22 16 4.742059
1733 19 61 22 17 4.744797
1734 19 62 22 18 4.747535
1735 19 63 22 19 4.750273
1736 19 64 22 20 4.75301
1737 19 65 22 21 4.755748
1738 19 66 22 22 4.758486
1739 19 67 22 23 4.761224
1740 19 68 22 24 4.763962
1741 19 69 22 25 4.7667
1742 19 70 22 26 4.769438
1743 19 71 22 27 4.772176
1744 19 72 22 28 4.774914
1745 19 73 22 29 4.777652
1746 19 74 22 30 4.78039
1747 19 75 22 31 4.783127
1748 19 76 22 32 4.785865
1749 19 77 22 33 4.788603
1750 19 78 22 34 4.791341
1751 19 79 22 35 4.794079
1752 19 80 22 36 4.796817
1753 19 81 22 37 4.799555
1754 19 82 22 38 4.802293
1755 19 83 22 39 4.805031
1756 19 84 22 40 4.807769
1757 19 85 22 41 4.810507
1758 19 86 22 42 4.813244
1759 19 87 22 43 4.815982
1760 19 88 22 44 4.81872
1761 19 89 22 45 4.821458
1762 20 2 22 46 4.824196
1763 20 3 22 47 4.826934
1764 20 4 22 48 4.829672
1765 20 5 22 49 4.83241
1766 20 6 22 50 4.835148
1767 20 7 22 51 4.837886
1768 20 8 22 52 4.840624
1769 20 9 22 53 4.843361
1770 20 10 22 54 4.846099
1771 20 11 22 55 4.848837
1772 20 12 22 56 4.851575
1773 20 13 22 57 4.854313
1774 20 14 22 58 4.857051
1775 20 15 22 59 4.859789
1776 20 16 22 60 4.862527
1777 20 17 22 61 4.865265
1778 20 18 22 62 4.868003
1779 20 19 22 63 4.870741
1780 20 20 22 64 4.873478
1781 20 21 22 65 4.876216
1782 20 22 22 66 4.878954
1783 20 23 22 67 4.881692
1784 20 24 22 68 4.88443
1785 20 25 22 69 4.887168
1786 20 26 22 70 4.889906
1787 20 27 22 71 4.892644
1788 20 28 22 72 4.895382
1789 20 29 22 73 4.89812
1790 20 30 22 74 4.900858
1791 20 31 22 75 4.903595
1792 20 32 22 76 4.906333
1793 20 33 22 77 4.909071
1794 20 34 23 0 4.911809
1795 20 35 23 1 4.914547
1796 20 36 23 2 4.917285
1797 20 37 23 3 4.920023
1798 20 38 23 4 4.922761
1799 20 39 23 5 4.925499
1800 20 40 23 6 4.928237
1801 20 41 23 7 4.930975
1802 20 42 23 8 4.933712
1803 20 43 23 9 4.93645
1804 20 44 23 10 4.939188
1805 20 45 23 11 4.941926
1806 20 46 23 12 4.944664
1807 20 47 23 13 4.947402
1808 20 48 23 14 4.95014
1809 20 49 23 15 4.952878
1810 20 50 23 16 4.955616
1811 20 51 23 17 4.958354
1812 20 52 23 18 4.961092
1813 20 53 23 19 4.963829
1814 20 54 23 20 4.966567
1815 20 55 23 21 4.969305
1816 20 56 23 22 4.972043
1817 20 57 23 23 4.974781
1818 20 58 23 24 4.977519
1819 20 59 23 25 4.980257
1820 20 60 23 26 4.982995
1821 20 61 23 27 4.985733
1822 20 62 23 28 4.988471
1823 20 63 23 29 4.991209
1824 20 64 23 30 4.993946
1825 20 65 23 31 4.996684
1826 20 66 23 32 4.999422
1827 20 67 23 33 5.00216
1828 20 68 23 34 5.004898
1829 20 69 23 35 5.007636
1830 20 70 23 36 5.010374
1831 20 71 23 37 5.013112
1832 20 72 23 38 5.01585
1833 20 73 23 39 5.018588
1834 20 74 23 40 5.021326
1835 20 75 23 41 5.024063
1836 20 76 23 42 5.026801
1837 20 77 23 43 5.029539
1838 20 78 23 44 5.032277
1839 20 79 23 45 5.035015
1840 20 80 23 46 5.037753
1841 20 81 23 47 5.040491
1842 20 82 23 48 5.043229
1843 20 83 23 49 5.045967
1844 20 84 23 50 5.048705
1845 20 85 23 51 5.051443
1846 20 86 23 52 5.05418
1847 20 87 23 53 5.056918
1848 20 88 23 54 5.059656
1849 20 89 23 55 5.062394
1850 21 2 23 56 5.065132
1851 21 3 23 57 5.06787
1852 21 4 23 58 5.070608
1853 21 5 23 59 5.073346
1854 21 6 23 60 5.076084
1855 21 7 23 61 5.078822
1856 21 8 23 62 5.08156
1857 21 9 23 63 5.084297
1858 21 10 23 64 5.087035
1859 21 11 23 65 5.089773
1860 21 12 23 66 5.092511
1861 21 13 23 67 5.095249
1862 21 14 23 68 5.097987
1863 21 15 23 69 5.100725
1864 21 16 23 70 5.103463
1865 21 17 23 71 5.106201
1866 21 18 23 72 5.108939
1867 21 19 23 73 5.111677
1868 21 20 23 74 5.114414
1869 21 21 23 75 5.117152
1870 21 22 23 76 5.11989
1871 21 23 23 77 5.122628
1872 21 24 24 0 5.125366
1873 21 25 24 1 5.128104
1874 21 26 24 2 5.130842
1875 21 27 24 3 5.13358
1876 21 28 24 4 5.136318
1877 21 29 24 5 5.139056
1878 21 30 24 6 5.141794
1879 21 31 24 7 5.144531
1880 21 32 24 8 5.147269
1881 21 33 24 9 5.150007
1882 21 34 24 10 5.152745
1883 21 35 24 11 5.155483
1884 21 36 24 12 5.158221
1885 21 37 24 13 5.160959
1886 21 38 24 14 5.163697
1887 21 39 24 15 5.166435
1888 21 40 24 16 5.169173
1889 21 41 24 17 5.171911
1890 21 42 24 18 5.174648
1891 21 43 24 19 5.177386
1892 21 44 24 20 5.180124
1893 21 45 24 21 5.182862
1894 21 46 24 22 5.1856
1895 21 47 24 23 5.188338
1896 21 48 24 24 5.191076
1897 21 49 24 25 5.193814
1898 21 50 24 26 5.196552
1899 21 51 24 27 5.19929
1900 21 52 24 28 5.202028
1901 21 53 24 29 5.204765
1902 21 54 24 30 5.207503
1903 21 55 24 31 5.210241
1904 21 56 24 32 5.212979
1905 21 57 24 33 5.215717
1906 21 58 24 34 5.218455
1907 21 59 24 35 5.221193
1908 21 60 24 36 5.223931
1909 21 61 24 37 5.226669
1910 21 62 24 38 5.229407
1911 21 63 24 39 5.232145
1912 21 64 24 40 5.234882
1913 21 65 24 41 5.23762
1914 21 66 24 42 5.240358
1915 21 67 24 43 5.243096
1916 21 68 24 44 5.245834
1917 21 69 24 45 5.248572
1918 21 70 24 46 5.25131
1919 21 71 24 47 5.254048
1920 21 72 24 48 5.256786
1921 21 73 24 49 5.259524
1922 21 74 24 50 5.262262
1923 21 75 24 51 5.264999
1924 21 76 24 52 5.267737
1925 21 77 24 53 5.270475
1926 21 78 24 54 5.273213
1927 21 79 24 55 5.275951
1928 21 80 24 56 5.278689
1929 21 81 24 57 5.281427
1930 21 82 24 58 5.284165
1931 21 83 24 59 5.286903
1932 21 84 24 60 5.289641
1933 21 85 24 61 5.292379
1934 21 86 24 62 5.295117
1935 21 87 24 63 5.297854
1936 21 88 24 64 5.300592
1937 21 89 24 65 5.30333
1938 22 2 24 66 5.306068
1939 22 3 24 67 5.308806
1940 22 4 24 68 5.311544
1941 22 5 24 69 5.314282
1942 22 6 24 70 5.31702
1943 22 7 24 71 5.319758
1944 22 8 24 72 5.322496
1945 22 9 24 73 5.325234
1946 22 10 24 74 5.327971
1947 22 11 24 75 5.330709
1948 22 12 24 76 5.333447
1949 22 13 24 77 5.336185
1950 22 14 25 0 5.338923
1951 22 15 25 1 5.341661
1952 22 16 25 2 5.344399
1953 22 17 25 3 5.347137
1954 22 18 25 4 5.349875
1955 22 19 25 5 5.352613
1956 22 20 25 6 5.355351
1957 22 21 25 7 5.358088
1958 22 22 25 8 5.360826
1959 22 23 25 9 5.363564
1960 22 24 25 10 5.366302
1961 22 25 25 11 5.36904
1962 22 26 25 12 5.371778
1963 22 27 25 13 5.374516
1964 22 28 25 14 5.377254
1965 22 29 25 15 5.379992
1966 22 30 25 16 5.38273
1967 22 31 25 17 5.385468
1968 22 32 25 18 5.388205
1969 22 33 25 19 5.390943
1970 22 34 25 20 5.393681
1971 22 35 25 21 5.396419
1972 22 36 25 22 5.399157
1973 22 37 25 23 5.401895
1974 22 38 25 24 5.404633
1975 22 39 25 25 5.407371
1976 22 40 25 26 5.410109
1977 22 41 25 27 5.412847
1978 22 42 25 28 5.415585
1979 22 43 25 29 5.418322
1980 22 44 25 30 5.42106
1981 22 45 25 31 5.423798
1982 22 46 25 32 5.426536
1983 22 47 25 33 5.429274
1984 22 48 25 34 5.432012
1985 22 49 25 35 5.43475
1986 22 50 25 36 5.437488
1987 22 51 25 37 5.440226
1988 22 52 25 38 5.442964
1989 22 53 25 39 5.445702
1990 22 54 25 40 5.448439
1991 22 55 25 41 5.451177
1992 22 56 25 42 5.453915
1993 22 57 25 43 5.456653
1994 22 58 25 44 5.459391
1995 22 59 25 45 5.462129
1996 22 60 25 46 5.464867
1997 22 61 25 47 5.467605
1998 22 62 25 48 5.470343
1999 22 63 25 49 5.473081
2000 22 64 25 50 5.475819
2001 22 65 25 51 5.478556
2002 22 66 25 52 5.481294
2003 22 67 25 53 5.484032
2004 22 68 25 54 5.48677
2005 22 69 25 55 5.489508
2006 22 70 25 56 5.492246
2007 22 71 25 57 5.494984
2008 22 72 25 58 5.497722
2009 22 73 25 59 5.50046
2010 22 74 25 60 5.503198
2011 22 75 25 61 5.505936
2012 22 76 25 62 5.508673
2013 22 77 25 63 5.511411
2014 22 78 25 64 5.514149
2015 22 79 25 65 5.516887
2016 22 80 25 66 5.519625
2017 22 81 25 67 5.522363
2018 22 82 25 68 5.525101
2019 22 83 25 69 5.527839
2020 22 84 25 70 5.530577
2021 22 85 25 71 5.533315
2022 22 86 25 72 5.536053
2023 22 87 25 73 5.53879
2024 22 88 25 74 5.541528
2025 22 89 25 75 5.544266
2026 23 2 25 76 5.547004
2027 23 3 25 77 5.549742
2028 23 4 26 0 5.55248
2029 23 5 26 1 5.555218
2030 23 6 26 2 5.557956
2031 23 7 26 3 5.560694
2032 23 8 26 4 5.563432
2033 23 9 26 5 5.56617
2034 23 10 26 6 5.568907
2035 23 11 26 7 5.571645
2036 23 12 26 8 5.574383
2037 23 13 26 9 5.577121
2038 23 14 26 10 5.579859
2039 23 15 26 11 5.582597
2040 23 16 26 12 5.585335
2041 23 17 26 13 5.588073
2042 23 18 26 14 5.590811
2043 23 19 26 15 5.593549
2044 23 20 26 16 5.596287
2045 23 21 26 17 5.599024
2046 23 22 26 18 5.601762
2047 23 23 26 19 5.6045
2048 23 24 26 20 5.607238
2049 23 25 26 21 5.609976
2050 23 26 26 22 5.612714
2051 23 27 26 23 5.615452
2052 23 28 26 24 5.61819
2053 23 29 26 25 5.620928
2054 23 30 26 26 5.623666
2055 23 31 26 27 5.626404
2056 23 32 26 28 5.629141
2057 23 33 26 29 5.631879
2058 23 34 26 30 5.634617
2059 23 35 26 31 5.637355
2060 23 36 26 32 5.640093
2061 23 37 26 33 5.642831
2062 23 38 26 34 5.645569
2063 23 39 26 35 5.648307
2064 23 40 26 36 5.651045
2065 23 41 26 37 5.653783
2066 23 42 26 38 5.656521
2067 23 43 26 39 5.659258
2068 23 44 26 40 5.661996
2069 23 45 26 41 5.664734
2070 23 46 26 42 5.667472
2071 23 47 26 43 5.67021
2072 23 48 26 44 5.672948
2073 23 49 26 45 5.675686
2074 23 50 26 46 5.678424
2075 23 51 26 47 5.681162
2076 23 52 26 48 5.6839
2077 23 53 26 49 5.686638
2078 23 54 26 50 5.689375
2079 23 55 26 51 5.692113
2080 23 56 26 52 5.694851
2081 23 57 26 53 5.697589
2082 23 58 26 54 5.700327
2083 23 59 26 55 5.703065
2084 23 60 26 56 5.705803
2085 23 61 26 57 5.708541
2086 23 62 26 58 5.711279
2087 23 63 26 59 5.714017
2088 23 64 26 60 5.716755
2089 23 65 26 61 5.719492
2090 23 66 26 62 5.72223
2091 23 67 26 63 5.724968
2092 23 68 26 64 5.727706
2093 23 69 26 65 5.730444
2094 23 70 26 66 5.733182
2095 23 71 26 67 5.73592
2096 23 72 26 68 5.738658
2097 23 73 26 69 5.741396
2098 23 74 26 70 5.744134
2099 23 75 26 71 5.746872
2100 23 76 26 72 5.749609
2101 23 77 26 73 5.752347
2102 23 78 26 74 5.755085
2103 23 79 26 75 5.757823
2104 23 80 26 76 5.760561
2105 23 81 26 77 5.763299
2106 23 82 27 0 5.766037
2107 23 83 27 1 5.768775
2108 23 84 27 2 5.771513
2109 23 85 27 3 5.774251
2110 23 86 27 4 5.776989
2111 23 87 27 5 5.779726
2112 23 88 27 6 5.782464
2113 23 89 27 7 5.785202
2114 24 2 27 8 5.78794
2115 24 3 27 9 5.790678
2116 24 4 27 10 5.793416
2117 24 5 27 11 5.796154
2118 24 6 27 12 5.798892
2119 24 7 27 13 5.80163
2120 24 8 27 14 5.804368
2121 24 9 27 15 5.807106
2122 24 10 27 16 5.809843
2123 24 11 27 17 5.812581
2124 24 12 27 18 5.815319
2125 24 13 27 19 5.818057
2126 24 14 27 20 5.820795
2127 24 15 27 21 5.823533
2128 24 16 27 22 5.826271
2129 24 17 27 23 5.829009
2130 24 18 27 24 5.831747
2131 24 19 27 25 5.834485
2132 24 20 27 26 5.837223
2133 24 21 27 27 5.83996
2134 24 22 27 28 5.842698
2135 24 23 27 29 5.845436
2136 24 24 27 30 5.848174
2137 24 25 27 31 5.850912
2138 24 26 27 32 5.85365
2139 24 27 27 33 5.856388
2140 24 28 27 34 5.859126
2141 24 29 27 35 5.861864
2142 24 30 27 36 5.864602
2143 24 31 27 37 5.86734
2144 24 32 27 38 5.870077
2145 24 33 27 39 5.872815
2146 24 34 27 40 5.875553
2147 24 35 27 41 5.878291
2148 24 36 27 42 5.881029
2149 24 37 27 43 5.883767
2150 24 38 27 44 5.886505
2151 24 39 27 45 5.889243
2152 24 40 27 46 5.891981
2153 24 41 27 47 5.894719
2154 24 42 27 48 5.897457
2155 24 43 27 49 5.900194
2156 24 44 27 50 5.902932
2157 24 45 27 51 5.90567
2158 24 46 27 52 5.908408
2159 24 47 27 53 5.911146
2160 24 48 27 54 5.913884
2161 24 49 27 55 5.916622
2162 24 50 27 56 5.91936
2163 24 51 27 57 5.922098
2164 24 52 27 58 5.924836
2165 24 53 27 59 5.927574
2166 24 54 27 60 5.930311
2167 24 55 27 61 5.933049
2168 24 56 27 62 5.935787
2169 24 57 27 63 5.938525
2170 24 58 27 64 5.941263
2171 24 59 27 65 5.944001
2172 24 60 27 66 5.946739
2173 24 61 27 67 5.949477
2174 24 62 27 68 5.952215
2175 24 63 27 69 5.954953
2176 24 64 27 70 5.957691
2177 24 65 27 71 5.960428
2178 24 66 27 72 5.963166
2179 24 67 27 73 5.965904
2180 24 68 27 74 5.968642
2181 24 69 27 75 5.97138
2182 24 70 27 76 5.974118
2183 24 71 27 77 5.976856
2184 24 72 28 0 5.979594
2185 24 73 28 1 5.982332
2186 24 74 28 2 5.98507
2187 24 75 28 3 5.987808
2188 24 76 28 4 5.990545
2189 24 77 28 5 5.993283
2190 24 78 28 6 5.996021
2191 24 79 28 7 5.998759
2192 24 80 28 8 6.001497
2193 24 81 28 9 6.004235
2194 24 82 28 10 6.006973
2195 24 83 28 11 6.009711
2196 24 84 28 12 6.012449
2197 24 85 28 13 6.015187
2198 24 86 28 14 6.017925
2199 24 87 28 15 6.020662
2200 24 88 28 16 6.0234
2201 24 89 28 17 6.026138
2202 25 2 28 18 6.028876
2203 25 3 28 19 6.031614
2204 25 4 28 20 6.034352
2205 25 5 28 21 6.03709
2206 25 6 28 22 6.039828
2207 25 7 28 23 6.042566
2208 25 8 28 24 6.045304
2209 25 9 28 25 6.048042
2210 25 10 28 26 6.050779
2211 25 11 28 27 6.053517
2212 25 12 28 28 6.056255
2213 25 13 28 29 6.058993
2214 25 14 28 30 6.061731
2215 25 15 28 31 6.064469
2216 25 16 28 32 6.067207
2217 25 17 28 33 6.069945
2218 25 18 28 34 6.072683
2219 25 19 28 35 6.075421
2220 25 20 28 36 6.078159
2221 25 21 28 37 6.080896
2222 25 22 28 38 6.083634
2223 25 23 28 39 6.086372
2224 25 24 28 40 6.08911
2225 25 25 28 41 6.091848
2226 25 26 28 42 6.094586
2227 25 27 28 43 6.097324
2228 25 28 28 44 6.100062
2229 25 29 28 45 6.1028
2230 25 30 28 46 6.105538
2231 25 31 28 47 6.108276
2232 25 32 28 48 6.111013
2233 25 33 28 49 6.113751
2234 25 34 28 50 6.116489
2235 25 35 28 51 6.119227
2236 25 36 28 52 6.121965
2237 25 37 28 53 6.124703
2238 25 38 28 54 6.127441
2239 25 39 28 55 6.130179
2240 25 40 28 56 6.132917
2241 25 41 28 57 6.135655
2242 25 42 28 58 6.138393
2243 25 43 28 59 6.14113
2244 25 44 28 60 6.143868
2245 25 45 28 61 6.146606
2246 25 46 28 62 6.149344
2247 25 47 28 63 6.152082
2248 25 48 28 64 6.15482
2249 25 49 28 65 6.157558
2250 25 50 28 66 6.160296
2251 25 51 28 67 6.163034
2252 25 52 28 68 6.165772
2253 25 53 28 69 6.16851
2254 25 54 28 70 6.171247
2255 25 55 28 71 6.173985
2256 25 56 28 72 6.176723
2257 25 57 28 73 6.179461
2258 25 58 28 74 6.182199
2259 25 59 28 75 6.184937
2260 25 60 28 76 6.187675
2261 25 61 28 77 6.190413
2262 25 62 29 0 6.193151
2263 25 63 29 1 6.195889
2264 25 64 29 2 6.198627
2265 25 65 29 3 6.201364
2266 25 66 29 4 6.204102
2267 25 67 29 5 6.20684
2268 25 68 29 6 6.209578
2269 25 69 29 7 6.212316
2270 25 70 29 8 6.215054
2271 25 71 29 9 6.217792
2272 25 72 29 10 6.22053
2273 25 73 29 11 6.223268
2274 25 74 29 12 6.226006
2275 25 75 29 13 6.228744
2276 25 76 29 14 6.231481
2277 25 77 29 15 6.234219
2278 25 78 29 16 6.236957
2279 25 79 29 17 6.239695
2280 25 80 29 18 6.242433
2281 25 81 29 19 6.245171
2282 25 82 29 20 6.247909
2283 25 83 29 21 6.250647
2284 25 84 29 22 6.253385
2285 25 85 29 23 6.256123
2286 25 86 29 24 6.258861
2287 25 87 29 25 6.261598
2288 25 88 29 26 6.264336
2289 25 89 29 27 6.267074
2290 26 2 29 28 6.269812
2291 26 3 29 29 6.27255
2292 26 4 29 30 6.275288
2293 26 5 29 31 6.278026
2294 26 6 29 32 6.280764
2295 26 7 29 33 6.283502
2296 26 8 29 34 6.28624
2297 26 9 29 35 6.288978
2298 26 10 29 36 6.291715
2299 26 11 29 37 6.294453
2300 26 12 29 38 6.297191
2301 26 13 29 39 6.299929
2302 26 14 29 40 6.302667
2303 26 15 29 41 6.305405
2304 26 16 29 42 6.308143
2305 26 17 29 43 6.310881
2306 26 18 29 44 6.313619
2307 26 19 29 45 6.316357
2308 26 20 29 46 6.319095
2309 26 21 29 47 6.321832
2310 26 22 29 48 6.32457
2311 26 23 29 49 6.327308
2312 26 24 29 50 6.330046
2313 26 25 29 51 6.332784
2314 26 26 29 52 6.335522
2315 26 27 29 53 6.33826
2316 26 28 29 54 6.340998
2317 26 29 29 55 6.343736
2318 26 30 29 56 6.346474
2319 26 31 29 57 6.349212
2320 26 32 29 58 6.351949
2321 26 33 29 59 6.354687
2322 26 34 29 60 6.357425
2323 26 35 29 61 6.360163
2324 26 36 29 62 6.362901
2325 26 37 29 63 6.365639
2326 26 38 29 64 6.368377
2327 26 39 29 65 6.371115
2328 26 40 29 66 6.373853
2329 26 41 29 67 6.376591
2330 26 42 29 68 6.379329
2331 26 43 29 69 6.382066
2332 26 44 29 70 6.384804
2333 26 45 29 71 6.387542
2334 26 46 29 72 6.39028
2335 26 47 29 73 6.393018
2336 26 48 29 74 6.395756
2337 26 49 29 75 6.398494
2338 26 50 29 76 6.401232
2339 26 51 29 77 6.40397
2340 26 52 30 0 6.406708
2341 26 53 30 1 6.409446
2342 26 54 30 2 6.412183
2343 26 55 30 3 6.414921
2344 26 56 30 4 6.417659
2345 26 57 30 5 6.420397
2346 26 58 30 6 6.423135
2347 26 59 30 7 6.425873
2348 26 60 30 8 6.428611
2349 26 61 30 9 6.431349
2350 26 62 30 10 6.434087
2351 26 63 30 11 6.436825
2352 26 64 30 12 6.439563
2353 26 65 30 13 6.4423
2354 26 66 30 14 6.445038
2355 26 67 30 15 6.447776
2356 26 68 30 16 6.450514
2357 26 69 30 17 6.453252
2358 26 70 30 18 6.45599
2359 26 71 30 19 6.458728
2360 26 72 30 20 6.461466
2361 26 73 30 21 6.464204
2362 26 74 30 22 6.466942
2363 26 75 30 23 6.46968
2364 26 76 30 24 6.472417
2365 26 77 30 25 6.475155
2366 26 78 30 26 6.477893
2367 26 79 30 27 6.480631
2368 26 80 30 28 6.483369
2369 26 81 30 29 6.486107
2370 26 82 30 30 6.488845
2371 26 83 30 31 6.491583
2372 26 84 30 32 6.494321
2373 26 85 30 33 6.497059
2374 26 86 30 34 6.499797
2375 26 87 30 35 6.502534
2376 26 88 30 36 6.505272
2377 26 89 30 37 6.50801
2378 27 2 30 38 6.510748
2379 27 3 30 39 6.513486
2380 27 4 30 40 6.516224
2381 27 5 30 41 6.518962
2382 27 6 30 42 6.5217
2383 27 7 30 43 6.524438
2384 27 8 30 44 6.527176
2385 27 9 30 45 6.529914
2386 27 10 30 46 6.532651
2387 27 11 30 47 6.535389
2388 27 12 30 48 6.538127
2389 27 13 30 49 6.540865
2390 27 14 30 50 6.543603
2391 27 15 30 51 6.546341
2392 27 16 30 52 6.549079
2393 27 17 30 53 6.551817
2394 27 18 30 54 6.554555
2395 27 19 30 55 6.557293
2396 27 20 30 56 6.560031
2397 27 21 30 57 6.562768
2398 27 22 30 58 6.565506
2399 27 23 30 59 6.568244
2400 27 24 30 60 6.570982
2401 27 25 30 61 6.57372
2402 27 26 30 62 6.576458
2403 27 27 30 63 6.579196
2404 27 28 30 64 6.581934
2405 27 29 30 65 6.584672
2406 27 30 30 66 6.58741
2407 27 31 30 67 6.590148
2408 27 32 30 68 6.592885
2409 27 33 30 69 6.595623
2410 27 34 30 70 6.598361
2411 27 35 30 71 6.601099
2412 27 36 30 72 6.603837
2413 27 37 30 73 6.606575
2414 27 38 30 74 6.609313
2415 27 39 30 75 6.612051
2416 27 40 30 76 6.614789
2417 27 41 30 77 6.617527
2418 27 42 31 0 6.620265
2419 27 43 31 1 6.623002
2420 27 44 31 2 6.62574
2421 27 45 31 3 6.628478
2422 27 46 31 4 6.631216
2423 27 47 31 5 6.633954
2424 27 48 31 6 6.636692
2425 27 49 31 7 6.63943
2426 27 50 31 8 6.642168
2427 27 51 31 9 6.644906
2428 27 52 31 10 6.647644
2429 27 53 31 11 6.650382
2430 27 54 31 12 6.653119
2431 27 55 31 13 6.655857
2432 27 56 31 14 6.658595
2433 27 57 31 15 6.661333
2434 27 58 31 16 6.664071
2435 27 59 31 17 6.666809
2436 27 60 31 18 6.669547
2437 27 61 31 19 6.672285
2438 27 62 31 20 6.675023
2439 27 63 31 21 6.677761
2440 27 64 31 22 6.680499
2441 27 65 31 23 6.683236
2442 27 66 31 24 6.685974
2443 27 67 31 25 6.688712
2444 27 68 31 26 6.69145
2445 27 69 31 27 6.694188
2446 27 70 31 28 6.696926
2447 27 71 31 29 6.699664
2448 27 72 31 30 6.702402
2449 27 73 31 31 6.70514
2450 27 74 31 32 6.707878
2451 27 75 31 33 6.710616
2452 27 76 31 34 6.713353
2453 27 77 31 35 6.716091
2454 27 78 31 36 6.718829
2455 27 79 31 37 6.721567
2456 27 80 31 38 6.724305
2457 27 81 31 39 6.727043
2458 27 82 31 40 6.729781
2459 27 83 31 41 6.732519
2460 27 84 31 42 6.735257
2461 27 85 31 43 6.737995
2462 27 86 31 44 6.740733
2463 27 87 31 45 6.74347
2464 27 88 31 46 6.746208
2465 27 89 31 47 6.748946
2466 28 2 31 48 6.751684
2467 28 3 31 49 6.754422
2468 28 4 31 50 6.75716
2469 28 5 31 51 6.759898
2470 28 6 31 52 6.762636
2471 28 7 31 53 6.765374
2472 28 8 31 54 6.768112
2473 28 9 31 55 6.77085
2474 28 10 31 56 6.773587
2475 28 11 31 57 6.776325
2476 28 12 31 58 6.779063
2477 28 13 31 59 6.781801
2478 28 14 31 60 6.784539
2479 28 15 31 61 6.787277
2480 28 16 31 62 6.790015
2481 28 17 31 63 6.792753
2482 28 18 31 64 6.795491
2483 28 19 31 65 6.798229
2484 28 20 31 66 6.800967
2485 28 21 31 67 6.803705
2486 28 22 31 68 6.806442
2487 28 23 31 69 6.80918
2488 28 24 31 70 6.811918
2489 28 25 31 71 6.814656
2490 28 26 31 72 6.817394
2491 28 27 31 73 6.820132
2492 28 28 31 74 6.82287
2493 28 29 31 75 6.825608
2494 28 30 31 76 6.828346
2495 28 31 31 77 6.831084
2496 28 32 32 0 6.833822
2497 28 33 32 1 6.836559
2498 28 34 32 2 6.839297
2499 28 35 32 3 6.842035
2500 28 36 32 4 6.844773
2501 28 37 32 5 6.847511
2502 28 38 32 6 6.850249
2503 28 39 32 7 6.852987
2504 28 40 32 8 6.855725
2505 28 41 32 9 6.858463
2506 28 42 32 10 6.861201

365.2422 52.1774571429 13.0443642857
730.4844 104.3549142857 26.0887285714
1095.7266 156.5323714286 39.1330928571
1460.9688 208.7098285714 52.1774571429
1826.211 260.8872857143 65.2218214286
2191.4532 313.0647428571 78.2661857143
2556.6954 365.2422 91.31055
2921.9376 417.4196571429 104.3549142857
3287.1798 469.5971142857 117.3992785714
3652.422 521.7745714286 130.4436428571
4017.6642 573.9520285714 143.4880071429
4382.9064 626.1294857143 156.5323714286
4748.1486 678.3069428571 169.5767357143
5113.3908 730.4844 182.6211
5478.633 782.6618571429 195.6654642857
5843.8752 834.8393142857 208.7098285714
6209.1174 887.0167714286 221.7541928571
6574.3596 939.1942285714 234.7985571429
6939.6018 991.3716857143 247.8429214286
7304.844 1043.5491428572 260.8872857143
7670.0862 1095.7266 273.93165
8035.3284 1147.9040571429 286.9760142857
8400.5706 1200.0815142857 300.0203785714
8765.8128 1252.2589714286 313.0647428571
9131.055 1304.4364285714 326.1091071429
9496.2972 1356.6138857143 339.1534714286
9861.5394 1408.7913428572 352.1978357143
10226.7816 1460.9688 365.2422
10592.0238 1513.1462571429 378.2865642857
10957.266 1565.3237142857 391.3309285714
11322.5082 1617.5011714286 404.3752928571
11687.7504 1669.6786285714 417.4196571429
12052.9926 1721.8560857143 430.4640214286
12418.2348 1774.0335428572 443.5083857143
12783.477 1826.211 456.55275
13148.7192 1878.3884571429 469.5971142857
13513.9614 1930.5659142857 482.6414785714
13879.2036 1982.7433714286 495.6858428571
14244.4458 2034.9208285714 508.7302071429
14609.688 2087.0982857143 521.7745714286
14974.9302 2139.2757428572 534.8189357143
15340.1724 2191.4532 547.8633
15705.4146 2243.6306571429 560.9076642857
16070.6568 2295.8081142857 573.9520285714
16435.899 2347.9855714286 586.9963928571
16801.1412 2400.1630285714 600.0407571429
17166.3834 2452.3404857143 613.0851214286
17531.6256 2504.5179428572 626.1294857143
17896.8678 2556.6954 639.17385
18262.11 2608.8728571429 652.2182142857
18627.3522 2661.0503142857 665.2625785714
18992.5944 2713.2277714286 678.3069428571
19357.8366 2765.4052285714 691.3513071429
19723.0788 2817.5826857143 704.3956714286
20088.321 2869.7601428572 717.4400357143
20453.5632 2921.9376 730.4844
20818.8054 2974.1150571429 743.5287642857
21184.0476 3026.2925142857 756.5731285714
21549.2898 3078.4699714286 769.6174928571
21914.532 3130.6474285714 782.6618571429
22279.7742 3182.8248857143 795.7062214286
22645.0164 3235.0023428572 808.7505857143
23010.2586 3287.1798 821.79495
23375.5008 3339.3572571429 834.8393142857
23740.743 3391.5347142857 847.8836785714
24105.9852 3443.7121714286 860.9280428571
24471.2274 3495.8896285714 873.9724071429
24836.4696 3548.0670857143 887.0167714286
25201.7118 3600.2445428572 900.0611357143
25566.954 3652.422 913.1055
25932.1962 3704.5994571429 926.1498642857
26297.4384 3756.7769142857 939.1942285714
26662.6806 3808.9543714286 952.2385928571
27027.9228 3861.1318285714 965.2829571429
27393.165 home 3913.3092857143 978.3273214286
27758.4072 3965.4867428572 991.3716857143
28123.6494 4017.6642 1004.41605
28488.8916 4069.8416571429 1017.4604142857
28854.1338 4122.0191142857 1030.5047785714
29219.376 4174.1965714286 1043.5491428572
29584.6182 4226.3740285714 1056.5935071429
29949.8604 4278.5514857143 1069.6378714286
30315.1026 4330.7289428572 1082.6822357143
30680.3448 4382.9064 1095.7266
31045.587 4435.0838571429 1108.7709642857
31410.8292 4487.2613142857 1121.8153285714
31776.0714 4539.4387714286 1134.8596928572
32141.3136 4591.6162285714 1147.9040571429
32506.5558 4643.7936857143 1160.9484214286
32871.798 4695.9711428572 1173.9927857143
33237.0402 4748.1486 1187.03715
33602.2824 4800.3260571429 1200.0815142857
33967.5246 4852.5035142857 1213.1258785714
34332.7668 4904.6809714286 1226.1702428572
34698.009 4956.8584285714 1239.2146071429
35063.2512 5009.0358857143 1252.2589714286
35428.4934 5061.2133428572 1265.3033357143
35793.7356 5113.3908 1278.3477
36158.9778 5165.5682571429 1291.3920642857
36524.22 5217.7457142857 1304.4364285714
36889.4622 5269.9231714286 1317.4807928572
37254.7044 5322.1006285714 1330.5251571429
37619.9466 5374.2780857143 1343.5695214286
37985.1888 5426.4555428572 1356.6138857143
38350.431 5478.633 1369.65825
38715.6732 5530.8104571429 1382.7026142857
39080.9154 5582.9879142857 1395.7469785714
39446.1576 5635.1653714286 1408.7913428572
39811.3998 5687.3428285714 1421.8357071429
40176.642 5739.5202857143 1434.8800714286
40541.8842 5791.6977428572 1447.9244357143
40907.1264 5843.8752 1460.9688
41272.3686 5896.0526571429 1474.0131642857
41637.6108 5948.2301142857 1487.0575285714
42002.853 6000.4075714286 1500.1018928572
42368.0952 6052.5850285714 1513.1462571429
42733.3374 6104.7624857143 1526.1906214286
43098.5796 6156.9399428572 1539.2349857143
43463.8218 6209.1174 1552.27935
43829.064 6261.2948571429 1565.3237142857
44194.3062 6313.4723142857 1578.3680785714
44559.5484 6365.6497714286 1591.4124428572
44924.7906 6417.8272285714 1604.4568071429
45290.0328 6470.0046857143 1617.5011714286
45655.275 6522.1821428572 1630.5455357143
46020.5172 6574.3596 1643.5899
46385.7594 6626.5370571429 1656.6342642857
46751.0016 6678.7145142857 1669.6786285714
47116.2438 6730.8919714286 1682.7229928572
47481.486 6783.0694285714 1695.7673571429
47846.7282 6835.2468857143 1708.8117214286
48211.9704 6887.4243428572 1721.8560857143
48577.2126 6939.6018 1734.90045
48942.4548 6991.7792571429 1747.9448142857
49307.697 7043.9567142857 1760.9891785714
49672.9392 7096.1341714286 1774.0335428572
50038.1814 7148.3116285714 1787.0779071429
50403.4236 7200.4890857143 1800.1222714286
50768.6658 7252.6665428572 1813.1666357143
51133.908 7304.844 1826.211
51499.1502 7357.0214571429 1839.2553642857
51864.3924 7409.1989142857 1852.2997285714
52229.6346 7461.3763714286 1865.3440928572
52594.8768 7513.5538285714 1878.3884571429
52960.119 7565.7312857143 1891.4328214286
53325.3612 7617.9087428572 1904.4771857143
53690.6034 7670.0862 1917.52155
54055.8456 7722.2636571429 1930.5659142857
54421.0878 7774.4411142857 1943.6102785714
54786.33 7826.6185714286 1956.6546428572
55151.5722 7878.7960285714 1969.6990071429
55516.8144 7930.9734857143 1982.7433714286
55882.0566 7983.1509428572 1995.7877357143
56247.2988 8035.3284 2008.8321
56612.541 8087.5058571429 2021.8764642857
56977.7832 8139.6833142857 2034.9208285714
57343.0254 8191.8607714286 2047.9651928572
57708.2676 8244.0382285714 2061.0095571429
58073.5098 8296.2156857143 2074.0539214286
58438.752 8348.3931428572 2087.0982857143
58803.9942 8400.5706 2100.14265
59169.2364 8452.7480571429 2113.1870142857
59534.4786 8504.9255142857 2126.2313785714
59899.7208 8557.1029714286 2139.2757428572
60264.963 8609.2804285714 2152.3201071429
60630.2052 8661.4578857143 2165.3644714286
60995.4474 8713.6353428572 2178.4088357143
61360.6896 8765.8128 2191.4532
61725.9318 8817.9902571429 2204.4975642857
62091.174 8870.1677142857 2217.5419285714
62456.4162 8922.3451714286 2230.5862928572
62821.6584 8974.5226285714 2243.6306571429
63186.9006 9026.7000857143 2256.6750214286
63552.1428 9078.8775428572 2269.7193857143
63917.385 9131.055 2282.76375
64282.6272 9183.2324571429 2295.8081142857
64647.8694 9235.4099142857 2308.8524785714
65013.1116 9287.5873714286 2321.8968428572
65378.3538 9339.7648285714 2334.9412071429
65743.596 9391.9422857143 2347.9855714286
66108.8382 9444.1197428572 2361.0299357143
66474.0804 9496.2972 2374.0743
66839.3226 9548.4746571429 2387.1186642857
67204.5648 9600.6521142857 2400.1630285714
67569.807 9652.8295714286 2413.2073928572
67935.0492 9705.0070285714 2426.2517571429
68300.2914 9757.1844857143 2439.2961214286
68665.5336 9809.3619428572 2452.3404857143
69030.7758 9861.5394 2465.38485
69396.018 9913.7168571429 2478.4292142857
69761.2602 9965.8943142857 2491.4735785714
70126.5024 10018.0717714286 2504.5179428572
70491.7446 10070.2492285714 2517.5623071429
70856.9868 10122.4266857143 2530.6066714286
71222.229 10174.6041428571 2543.6510357143
71587.4712 10226.7816 2556.6954
71952.7134 10278.9590571429 2569.7397642857
72317.9556 10331.1365142857 2582.7841285714
72683.1978 10383.3139714286 2595.8284928572
73048.44 10435.4914285714 2608.8728571429
73413.6822 10487.6688857143 2621.9172214286
73778.9244 10539.8463428571 2634.9615857143
74144.1666 10592.0238 2648.00595
74509.4088 10644.2012571429 2661.0503142857
74874.651 10696.3787142857 2674.0946785714
75239.8932 10748.5561714286 2687.1390428572
75605.1354 10800.7336285714 2700.1834071429
75970.3776 10852.9110857143 2713.2277714286
76335.6198 10905.0885428571 2726.2721357143
76700.862 10957.266 2739.3165
77066.1042 11009.4434571429 2752.3608642857
77431.3464 11061.6209142857 2765.4052285714
77796.5886 11113.7983714286 2778.4495928572
78161.8308 11165.9758285714 2791.4939571429
78527.073 11218.1532857143 2804.5383214286
78892.3152 11270.3307428571 2817.5826857143
79257.5574 11322.5082 2830.62705
79622.7996 11374.6856571429 2843.6714142857
79988.0418 11426.8631142857 2856.7157785714
80353.284 11479.0405714286 2869.7601428572
80718.5262 11531.2180285714 2882.8045071429
81083.7684 11583.3954857143 2895.8488714286
81449.0106 11635.5729428571 2908.8932357143
81814.2528 11687.7504 2921.9376
82179.495 11739.9278571429 2934.9819642857
82544.7372 11792.1053142857 2948.0263285714
82909.9794 11844.2827714286 2961.0706928572
83275.2216 11896.4602285714 2974.1150571429
83640.4638 11948.6376857143 2987.1594214286
84005.706 12000.8151428571 3000.2037857143
84370.9482 12052.9926 3013.24815
84736.1904 12105.1700571429 3026.2925142857
85101.4326 12157.3475142857 3039.3368785714
85466.6748 12209.5249714286 3052.3812428572
85831.917 12261.7024285714 3065.4256071429
86197.1592 12313.8798857143 3078.4699714286
86562.4014 12366.0573428571 3091.5143357143
86927.6436 12418.2348 3104.5587
87292.8858 12470.4122571429 3117.6030642857
87658.128 12522.5897142857 3130.6474285714
88023.3702 12574.7671714286 3143.6917928572
88388.6124 12626.9446285714 3156.7361571429
88753.8546 12679.1220857143 3169.7805214286
89119.0968 12731.2995428571 3182.8248857143
89484.339 12783.477 3195.86925
89849.5812 12835.6544571429 3208.9136142857
90214.8234 12887.8319142857 3221.9579785714
90580.0656 12940.0093714286 3235.0023428572
90945.3078 12992.1868285714 3248.0467071429
91310.55 13044.3642857143 3261.0910714286
91675.7922 13096.5417428571 3274.1354357143
92041.0344 13148.7192 3287.1798
92406.2766 13200.8966571429 3300.2241642857
92771.5188 13253.0741142857 3313.2685285714
93136.761 13305.2515714286 3326.3128928572
93502.0032 13357.4290285714 3339.3572571429
93867.2454 13409.6064857143 3352.4016214286
94232.4876 13461.7839428571 3365.4459857143
94597.7298 13513.9614 3378.49035
94962.972 13566.1388571429 3391.5347142857
95328.2142 13618.3163142857 3404.5790785714
95693.4564 13670.4937714286 3417.6234428572
96058.6986 13722.6712285714 3430.6678071429
96423.9408 13774.8486857143 3443.7121714286
96789.183 13827.0261428571 3456.7565357143
97154.4252 13879.2036 3469.8009
97519.6674 13931.3810571429 3482.8452642857
97884.9096 13983.5585142857 3495.8896285714
98250.1518 14035.7359714286 3508.9339928572
98615.394 14087.9134285714 3521.9783571429
98980.6362 14140.0908857143 3535.0227214286
99345.8784 14192.2683428571 3548.0670857143
99711.1206 14244.4458 3561.11145
100076.3628 14296.6232571429 3574.1558142857
100441.605 14348.8007142857 3587.2001785714
100806.8472 14400.9781714286 3600.2445428572
101172.0894 14453.1556285714 3613.2889071429
101537.3316 14505.3330857143 3626.3332714286
101902.5738 14557.5105428571 3639.3776357143
102267.816 14609.688 3652.422
102633.0582 14661.8654571429 3665.4663642857
102998.3004 14714.0429142857 3678.5107285714
103363.5426 14766.2203714286 3691.5550928572
103728.7848 14818.3978285714 3704.5994571429
104094.027 14870.5752857143 3717.6438214286
104459.2692 14922.7527428571 3730.6881857143
104824.5114 14974.9302 3743.73255
105189.7536 15027.1076571429 3756.7769142857
105554.9958 15079.2851142857 3769.8212785714
105920.238 15131.4625714286 3782.8656428572
106285.4802 15183.6400285714 3795.9100071429
106650.7224 15235.8174857143 3808.9543714286
107015.9646 15287.9949428571 3821.9987357143
107381.2068 15340.1724 3835.0431
107746.449 15392.3498571429 3848.0874642857
108111.6912 15444.5273142857 3861.1318285714
108476.9334 15496.7047714286 3874.1761928572
108842.1756 15548.8822285714 3887.2205571429
109207.4178 15601.0596857143 3900.2649214286
109572.66 15653.2371428571 3913.3092857143
109937.9022 15705.4146 3926.35365
110303.1444 15757.5920571429 3939.3980142857
110668.3866 15809.7695142857 3952.4423785714
111033.6288 15861.9469714286 3965.4867428572
111398.871 15914.1244285714 3978.5311071429
111764.1132 15966.3018857143 3991.5754714286
112129.3554 16018.4793428571 4004.6198357143
112494.5976 16070.6568 4017.6642
112859.8398 16122.8342571429 4030.7085642857
113225.082 16175.0117142857 4043.7529285714
113590.3242 16227.1891714286 4056.7972928572
113955.5664 16279.3666285714 4069.8416571429
114320.8086 16331.5440857143 4082.8860214286
114686.0508 16383.7215428571 4095.9303857143
115051.293 16435.899 4108.97475
115416.5352 16488.0764571429 4122.0191142857
115781.7774 16540.2539142857 4135.0634785714
116147.0196 16592.4313714286 4148.1078428572
116512.2618 16644.6088285714 4161.1522071429
116877.504 16696.7862857143 4174.1965714286
117242.7462 16748.9637428571 4187.2409357143
117607.9884 16801.1412 4200.2853
117973.2306 16853.3186571429 4213.3296642857
118338.4728 16905.4961142857 4226.3740285714
118703.715 16957.6735714286 4239.4183928572
119068.9572 17009.8510285714 4252.4627571429
119434.1994 17062.0284857143 4265.5071214286
119799.4416 17114.2059428571 4278.5514857143
120164.6838 17166.3834 4291.59585
120529.926 17218.5608571429 4304.6402142857
120895.1682 17270.7383142857 4317.6845785714
121260.4104 17322.9157714286 4330.7289428572
121625.6526 17375.0932285714 4343.7733071429
121990.8948 17427.2706857143 4356.8176714286
122356.137 17479.4481428571 4369.8620357143
122721.3792 17531.6256 4382.9064
123086.6214 17583.8030571429 4395.9507642857
123451.8636 17635.9805142857 4408.9951285714
123817.1058 17688.1579714286 4422.0394928572
124182.348 17740.3354285714 4435.0838571429
124547.5902 17792.5128857143 4448.1282214286
124912.8324 17844.6903428571 4461.1725857143
125278.0746 17896.8678 4474.21695
125643.3168 17949.0452571429 4487.2613142857
126008.559 18001.2227142857 4500.3056785714
126373.8012 18053.4001714286 4513.3500428572
126739.0434 18105.5776285714 4526.3944071429
127104.2856 18157.7550857143 4539.4387714286
127469.5278 18209.9325428571 4552.4831357143
127834.77 18262.11 4565.5275
128200.0122 18314.2874571429 4578.5718642857
128565.2544 18366.4649142857 4591.6162285714
128930.4966 18418.6423714286 4604.6605928572
129295.7388 18470.8198285714 4617.7049571429
129660.981 18522.9972857143 4630.7493214286
130026.2232 18575.1747428571 4643.7936857143
130391.4654 18627.3522 4656.83805
130756.7076 18679.5296571429 4669.8824142857
131121.9498 18731.7071142857 4682.9267785714
131487.192 18783.8845714286 4695.9711428572
131852.4342 18836.0620285714 4709.0155071429
132217.6764 18888.2394857143 4722.0598714286
132582.9186 18940.4169428571 4735.1042357143
132948.1608 18992.5944 4748.1486
133313.403 19044.7718571429 4761.1929642857
133678.6452 19096.9493142857 4774.2373285714
134043.8874 19149.1267714286 4787.2816928572
134409.1296 19201.3042285714 4800.3260571429
134774.3718 19253.4816857143 4813.3704214286
135139.614 19305.6591428571 4826.4147857143
135504.8562 19357.8366 4839.45915
135870.0984 19410.0140571429 4852.5035142857
136235.3406 19462.1915142857 4865.5478785714
136600.5828 19514.3689714286 4878.5922428572
136965.825 19566.5464285714 4891.6366071429
137331.0672 19618.7238857143 4904.6809714286
137696.3094 19670.9013428571 4917.7253357143
138061.5516 19723.0788 4930.7697
138426.7938 19775.2562571429 4943.8140642857
138792.036 19827.4337142857 4956.8584285714
139157.2782 19879.6111714286 4969.9027928572
139522.5204 19931.7886285714 4982.9471571429
139887.7626 19983.9660857143 4995.9915214286
140253.0048 20036.1435428571 5009.0358857143
140618.247 20088.321 5022.08025
140983.4892 20140.4984571429 5035.1246142857
141348.7314 20192.6759142857 5048.1689785714
141713.9736 20244.8533714286 5061.2133428572
142079.2158 20297.0308285714 5074.2577071429
142444.458 20349.2082857143 5087.3020714286
142809.7002 20401.3857428571 5100.3464357143
143174.9424 20453.5632 5113.3908
143540.1846 20505.7406571429 5126.4351642857
143905.4268 20557.9181142857 5139.4795285714
144270.669 20610.0955714286 5152.5238928572
144635.9112 20662.2730285714 5165.5682571429
145001.1534 20714.4504857143 5178.6126214286
145366.3956 20766.6279428571 5191.6569857143
145731.6378 20818.8054 5204.70135
146096.88 20870.9828571429 5217.7457142857
146462.1222 20923.1603142857 5230.7900785714
146827.3644 20975.3377714286 5243.8344428572
147192.6066 21027.5152285714 5256.8788071429
147557.8488 21079.6926857143 5269.9231714286
147923.091 21131.8701428571 5282.9675357143
148288.3332 21184.0476 5296.0119
148653.5754 21236.2250571429 5309.0562642857
149018.8176 21288.4025142857 5322.1006285714
149384.0598 21340.5799714286 5335.1449928572
149749.302 21392.7574285714 5348.1893571429
150114.5442 21444.9348857143 5361.2337214286
150479.7864 21497.1123428571 5374.2780857143
150845.0286 21549.2898 5387.32245
151210.2708 21601.4672571429 5400.3668142857
151575.513 21653.6447142857 5413.4111785714
151940.7552 21705.8221714286 5426.4555428572
152305.9974 21757.9996285714 5439.4999071429
152671.2396 21810.1770857143 5452.5442714286
153036.4818 21862.3545428571 5465.5886357143
153401.724 21914.532 5478.633
153766.9662 21966.7094571429 5491.6773642857
154132.2084 22018.8869142857 5504.7217285714
154497.4506 22071.0643714286 5517.7660928572
154862.6928 22123.2418285714 5530.8104571429
155227.935 22175.4192857143 5543.8548214286
155593.1772 22227.5967428571 5556.8991857143
155958.4194 22279.7742 5569.94355
156323.6616 22331.9516571429 5582.9879142857
156688.9038 22384.1291142857 5596.0322785714
157054.146 22436.3065714286 5609.0766428572
157419.3882 22488.4840285714 5622.1210071429
157784.6304 22540.6614857143 5635.1653714286
158149.8726 22592.8389428571 5648.2097357143
158515.1148 22645.0164 5661.2541
158880.357 22697.1938571429 5674.2984642857
159245.5992 22749.3713142857 5687.3428285714
159610.8414 22801.5487714286 5700.3871928572
159976.0836 22853.7262285714 5713.4315571429
160341.3258 22905.9036857143 5726.4759214286
160706.568 22958.0811428571 5739.5202857143
161071.8102 23010.2586 5752.56465
161437.0524 23062.4360571429 5765.6090142857
161802.2946 23114.6135142857 5778.6533785714
162167.5368 23166.7909714286 5791.6977428572
162532.779 23218.9684285714 5804.7421071429
162898.0212 23271.1458857143 5817.7864714286
163263.2634 23323.3233428571 5830.8308357143
163628.5056 23375.5008 5843.8752
163993.7478 23427.6782571429 5856.9195642857
164358.99 23479.8557142857 5869.9639285714
164724.2322 23532.0331714286 5883.0082928572
165089.4744 23584.2106285714 5896.0526571429
165454.7166 23636.3880857143 5909.0970214286
165819.9588 23688.5655428571 5922.1413857143
166185.201 23740.743 5935.18575
166550.4432 23792.9204571429 5948.2301142857
166915.6854 23845.0979142857 5961.2744785714
167280.9276 23897.2753714286 5974.3188428572
167646.1698 23949.4528285714 5987.3632071429
168011.412 24001.6302857143 6000.4075714286
168376.6542 24053.8077428571 6013.4519357143
168741.8964 24105.9852 6026.4963
169107.1386 24158.1626571429 6039.5406642857
169472.3808 24210.3401142857 6052.5850285714
169837.623 24262.5175714286 6065.6293928572
170202.8652 24314.6950285714 6078.6737571429
170568.1074 24366.8724857143 6091.7181214286
170933.3496 24419.0499428571 6104.7624857143
171298.5918 24471.2274 6117.80685
171663.834 24523.4048571429 6130.8512142857
172029.0762 24575.5823142857 6143.8955785714
172394.3184 24627.7597714286 6156.9399428572
172759.5606 24679.9372285714 6169.9843071429
173124.8028 24732.1146857143 6183.0286714286
173490.045 24784.2921428571 6196.0730357143
173855.2872 24836.4696 6209.1174
174220.5294 24888.6470571429 6222.1617642857
174585.7716 24940.8245142857 6235.2061285714
174951.0138 24993.0019714286 6248.2504928572
175316.256 25045.1794285714 6261.2948571429
175681.4982 25097.3568857143 6274.3392214286
176046.7404 25149.5343428571 6287.3835857143
176411.9826 25201.7118 6300.42795
176777.2248 25253.8892571429 6313.4723142857
177142.467 25306.0667142857 6326.5166785714
177507.7092 25358.2441714286 6339.5610428572
177872.9514 25410.4216285714 6352.6054071429
178238.1936 25462.5990857143 6365.6497714286
178603.4358 25514.7765428571 6378.6941357143
178968.678 25566.954 6391.7385
179333.9202 25619.1314571429 6404.7828642857
179699.1624 25671.3089142857 6417.8272285714
180064.4046 25723.4863714286 6430.8715928572
180429.6468 25775.6638285714 6443.9159571429
180794.889 25827.8412857143 6456.9603214286
181160.1312 25880.0187428571 6470.0046857143
181525.3734 25932.1962 6483.04905
181890.6156 25984.3736571429 6496.0934142857
182255.8578 26036.5511142857 6509.1377785714
182621.1 26088.7285714286 6522.1821428572
182986.3422 26140.9060285714 6535.2265071429
183351.5844 26193.0834857143 6548.2708714286
183716.8266 26245.2609428571 6561.3152357143
184082.0688 26297.4384 6574.3596
184447.311 26349.6158571429 6587.4039642857
184812.5532 26401.7933142857 6600.4483285714
185177.7954 26453.9707714286 6613.4926928572
185543.0376 26506.1482285714 6626.5370571429
185908.2798 26558.3256857143 6639.5814214286
186273.522 26610.5031428571 6652.6257857143
186638.7642 26662.6806 6665.67015
187004.0064 26714.8580571429 6678.7145142857
187369.2486 26767.0355142857 6691.7588785714
187734.4908 26819.2129714286 6704.8032428572
188099.733 26871.3904285714 6717.8476071429
188464.9752 26923.5678857143 6730.8919714286
188830.2174 26975.7453428571 6743.9363357143
189195.4596 27027.9228 6756.9807
189560.7018 27080.1002571429 6770.0250642857
189925.944 27132.2777142857 6783.0694285714
190291.1862 27184.4551714286 6796.1137928572
190656.4284 27236.6326285714 6809.1581571429
191021.6706 27288.8100857143 6822.2025214286
191386.9128 27340.9875428571 6835.2468857143
191752.155 27393.165 6848.29125
192117.3972 27445.3424571429 6861.3356142857
192482.6394 27497.5199142857 6874.3799785714
192847.8816 27549.6973714286 6887.4243428572
193213.1238 27601.8748285714 6900.4687071429
193578.366 27654.0522857143 6913.5130714286
193943.6082 27706.2297428571 6926.5574357143
194308.8504 27758.4072 6939.6018
194674.0926 27810.5846571429 6952.6461642857
195039.3348 27862.7621142857 6965.6905285714
195404.577 27914.9395714286 6978.7348928572
195769.8192 27967.1170285714 6991.7792571429
196135.0614 28019.2944857143 7004.8236214286
196500.3036 28071.4719428571 7017.8679857143
196865.5458 28123.6494 7030.91235
197230.788 28175.8268571429 7043.9567142857
197596.0302 28228.0043142857 7057.0010785714
197961.2724 28280.1817714286 7070.0454428572
198326.5146 28332.3592285714 7083.0898071429
198691.7568 28384.5366857143 7096.1341714286
199056.999 28436.7141428571 7109.1785357143
199422.2412 28488.8916 7122.2229
199787.4834 28541.0690571429 7135.2672642857
200152.7256 28593.2465142857 7148.3116285714
200517.9678 28645.4239714286 7161.3559928572
200883.21 28697.6014285714 7174.4003571429
201248.4522 28749.7788857143 7187.4447214286
201613.6944 28801.9563428571 7200.4890857143
201978.9366 28854.1338 7213.53345
202344.1788 28906.3112571429 7226.5778142857
202709.421 28958.4887142857 7239.6221785714
203074.6632 29010.6661714286 7252.6665428572
203439.9054 29062.8436285714 7265.7109071429
203805.1476 29115.0210857143 7278.7552714286
204170.3898 29167.1985428571 7291.7996357143
204535.632 29219.376 7304.844
204900.8742 29271.5534571429 7317.8883642857
205266.1164 29323.7309142857 7330.9327285714
205631.3586 29375.9083714286 7343.9770928572
205996.6008 29428.0858285714 7357.0214571429
206361.843 29480.2632857143 7370.0658214286
206727.0852 29532.4407428571 7383.1101857143
207092.3274 29584.6182 7396.15455
207457.5696 29636.7956571429 7409.1989142857
207822.8118 29688.9731142857 7422.2432785714
208188.054 29741.1505714286 7435.2876428572
208553.2962 29793.3280285714 7448.3320071429
208918.5384 29845.5054857143 7461.3763714286
209283.7806 29897.6829428571 7474.4207357143
209649.0228 29949.8604 7487.4651
210014.265 30002.0378571429 7500.5094642857
210379.5072 30054.2153142857 7513.5538285714
210744.7494 30106.3927714286 7526.5981928572
211109.9916 30158.5702285714 7539.6425571429
211475.2338 30210.7476857143 7552.6869214286
211840.476 30262.9251428571 7565.7312857143
212205.7182 30315.1026 7578.77565
212570.9604 30367.2800571429 7591.8200142857
212936.2026 30419.4575142857 7604.8643785714
213301.4448 30471.6349714286 7617.9087428572
213666.687 30523.8124285714 7630.9531071429
214031.9292 30575.9898857143 7643.9974714286
214397.1714 30628.1673428571 7657.0418357143
214762.4136 30680.3448 7670.0862
215127.6558 30732.5222571429 7683.1305642857
215492.898 30784.6997142857 7696.1749285714
215858.1402 30836.8771714286 7709.2192928572
216223.3824 30889.0546285714 7722.2636571429
216588.6246 30941.2320857143 7735.3080214286
216953.8668 30993.4095428571 7748.3523857143
217319.109 31045.587 7761.39675
217684.3512 31097.7644571429 7774.4411142857
218049.5934 31149.9419142857 7787.4854785714
218414.8356 31202.1193714286 7800.5298428572
218780.0778 31254.2968285714 7813.5742071429
219145.32 31306.4742857143 7826.6185714286
219510.5622 31358.6517428571 7839.6629357143
219875.8044 31410.8292 7852.7073
220241.0466 31463.0066571429 7865.7516642857
220606.2888 31515.1841142857 7878.7960285714
220971.531 31567.3615714286 7891.8403928572
221336.7732 31619.5390285714 7904.8847571429
221702.0154 31671.7164857143 7917.9291214286
222067.2576 31723.8939428571 7930.9734857143
222432.4998 31776.0714 7944.01785
222797.742 31828.2488571429 7957.0622142857
223162.9842 31880.4263142857 7970.1065785714
223528.2264 31932.6037714286 7983.1509428572
223893.4686 31984.7812285714 7996.1953071429
224258.7108 32036.9586857143 8009.2396714286
224623.953 32089.1361428571 8022.2840357143
224989.1952 32141.3136 8035.3284
225354.4374 32193.4910571429 8048.3727642857
225719.6796 32245.6685142857 8061.4171285714
226084.9218 32297.8459714286 8074.4614928572
226450.164 32350.0234285714 8087.5058571429
226815.4062 32402.2008857143 8100.5502214286
227180.6484 32454.3783428571 8113.5945857143
227545.8906 32506.5558 8126.63895
227911.1328 32558.7332571429 8139.6833142857
228276.375 32610.9107142857 8152.7276785714
228641.6172 32663.0881714286 8165.7720428572
229006.8594 32715.2656285714 8178.8164071429
229372.1016 32767.4430857143 8191.8607714286
229737.3438 32819.6205428571 8204.9051357143
230102.586 32871.798 8217.9495
230467.8282 32923.9754571429 8230.9938642857
230833.0704 32976.1529142857 8244.0382285714
231198.3126 33028.3303714286 8257.0825928572
231563.5548 33080.5078285714 8270.1269571429
231928.797 33132.6852857143 8283.1713214286
232294.0392 33184.8627428571 8296.2156857143
232659.2814 33237.0402 8309.26005
233024.5236 33289.2176571429 8322.3044142857
233389.7658 33341.3951142857 8335.3487785714
233755.008 33393.5725714286 8348.3931428572
234120.2502 33445.7500285714 8361.4375071429
234485.4924 33497.9274857143 8374.4818714286
234850.7346 33550.1049428571 8387.5262357143
235215.9768 33602.2824 8400.5706
235581.219 33654.4598571429 8413.6149642857
235946.4612 33706.6373142857 8426.6593285714
236311.7034 33758.8147714286 8439.7036928572
236676.9456 33810.9922285714 8452.7480571429
237042.1878 33863.1696857143 8465.7924214286
237407.43 33915.3471428571 8478.8367857143
237772.6722 33967.5246 8491.88115
238137.9144 34019.7020571429 8504.9255142857
238503.1566 34071.8795142857 8517.9698785714
238868.3988 34124.0569714286 8531.0142428572
239233.641 34176.2344285714 8544.0586071429
239598.8832 34228.4118857143 8557.1029714286
239964.1254 34280.5893428571 8570.1473357143
240329.3676 34332.7668 8583.1917
240694.6098 34384.9442571429 8596.2360642857
241059.852 34437.1217142857 8609.2804285714
241425.0942 34489.2991714286 8622.3247928572
241790.3364 34541.4766285714 8635.3691571429
242155.5786 34593.6540857143 8648.4135214286
242520.8208 34645.8315428571 8661.4578857143
242886.063 34698.009 8674.50225
243251.3052 34750.1864571429 8687.5466142857
243616.5474 34802.3639142857 8700.5909785714
243981.7896 34854.5413714286 8713.6353428572
244347.0318 34906.7188285714 8726.6797071429
244712.274 34958.8962857143 8739.7240714286
245077.5162 35011.0737428571 8752.7684357143
245442.7584 35063.2512 8765.8128
245808.0006 35115.4286571429 8778.8571642857
246173.2428 35167.6061142857 8791.9015285714
246538.485 35219.7835714286 8804.9458928572
246903.7272 35271.9610285714 8817.9902571429
247268.9694 35324.1384857143 8831.0346214286
247634.2116 35376.3159428571 8844.0789857143
247999.4538 35428.4934 8857.12335
248364.696 35480.6708571429 8870.1677142857
248729.9382 35532.8483142857 8883.2120785714
249095.1804 35585.0257714286 8896.2564428572
249460.4226 35637.2032285714 8909.3008071429
249825.6648 35689.3806857143 8922.3451714286
250190.907 35741.5581428571 8935.3895357143
250556.1492 35793.7356 8948.4339
250921.3914 35845.9130571429 8961.4782642857
251286.6336 35898.0905142857 8974.5226285714
251651.8758 35950.2679714286 8987.5669928572
252017.118 36002.4454285714 9000.6113571429
252382.3602 36054.6228857143 9013.6557214286
252747.6024 36106.8003428571 9026.7000857143
253112.8446 36158.9778 9039.74445
253478.0868 36211.1552571429 9052.7888142857
253843.329 36263.3327142857 9065.8331785714
254208.5712 36315.5101714286 9078.8775428572
254573.8134 36367.6876285714 9091.9219071429
254939.0556 36419.8650857143 9104.9662714286
255304.2978 36472.0425428571 9118.0106357143
255669.54 36524.22 9131.055
256034.7822 36576.3974571429 9144.0993642857
256400.0244 36628.5749142857 9157.1437285714
256765.2666 36680.7523714286 9170.1880928572
257130.5088 36732.9298285714 9183.2324571429
257495.751 36785.1072857143 9196.2768214286
257860.9932 36837.2847428571 9209.3211857143
258226.2354 36889.4622 9222.36555
258591.4776 36941.6396571429 9235.4099142857
258956.7198 36993.8171142857 9248.4542785714
259321.962 37045.9945714286 9261.4986428572
259687.2042 37098.1720285714 9274.5430071429
260052.4464 37150.3494857143 9287.5873714286
260417.6886 37202.5269428571 9300.6317357143
260782.9308 37254.7044 9313.6761
261148.173 37306.8818571429 9326.7204642857
261513.4152 37359.0593142857 9339.7648285714
261878.6574 37411.2367714286 9352.8091928572
262243.8996 37463.4142285714 9365.8535571429
262609.1418 37515.5916857143 9378.8979214286
262974.384 37567.7691428571 9391.9422857143
263339.6262 37619.9466 9404.98665
263704.8684 37672.1240571429 9418.0310142857
264070.1106 37724.3015142857 9431.0753785714
264435.3528 37776.4789714286 9444.1197428572
264800.595 37828.6564285714 9457.1641071429
265165.8372 37880.8338857143 9470.2084714286
265531.0794 37933.0113428571 9483.2528357143
265896.3216 37985.1888 9496.2972
266261.5638 38037.3662571429 9509.3415642857
266626.806 38089.5437142857 9522.3859285714
266992.0482 38141.7211714286 9535.4302928572
267357.2904 38193.8986285714 9548.4746571429
267722.5326 38246.0760857143 9561.5190214286
268087.7748 38298.2535428571 9574.5633857143
268453.017 38350.431 9587.60775
268818.2592 38402.6084571429 9600.6521142857
269183.5014 38454.7859142857 9613.6964785714
269548.7436 38506.9633714286 9626.7408428572
269913.9858 38559.1408285714 9639.7852071429
270279.228 38611.3182857143 9652.8295714286
270644.4702 38663.4957428571 9665.8739357143
271009.7124 38715.6732 9678.9183
271374.9546 38767.8506571429 9691.9626642857
271740.1968 38820.0281142857 9705.0070285714
272105.439 38872.2055714286 9718.0513928572
272470.6812 38924.3830285714 9731.0957571429
272835.9234 38976.5604857143 9744.1401214286
273201.1656 39028.7379428571 9757.1844857143
273566.4078 39080.9154 9770.22885
273931.65 39133.0928571429 9783.2732142857
274296.8922 39185.2703142857 9796.3175785714
274662.1344 39237.4477714286 9809.3619428572
275027.3766 39289.6252285714 9822.4063071429
275392.6188 39341.8026857143 9835.4506714286
275757.861 39393.9801428571 9848.4950357143
276123.1032 39446.1576 9861.5394
276488.3454 39498.3350571429 9874.5837642857
276853.5876 39550.5125142857 9887.6281285714
277218.8298 39602.6899714286 9900.6724928572
277584.072 39654.8674285714 9913.7168571429
277949.3142 39707.0448857143 9926.7612214286
278314.5564 39759.2223428571 9939.8055857143
278679.7986 39811.3998 9952.84995
279045.0408 39863.5772571429 9965.8943142857
279410.283 39915.7547142857 9978.9386785714
279775.5252 39967.9321714286 9991.9830428572
280140.7674 40020.1096285714 10005.0274071429
280506.0096 40072.2870857143 10018.0717714286
280871.2518 40124.4645428571 10031.1161357143
281236.494 40176.642 10044.1605
281601.7362 40228.8194571429 10057.2048642857
281966.9784 40280.9969142857 10070.2492285714
282332.2206 40333.1743714286 10083.2935928571
282697.4628 40385.3518285714 10096.3379571429
283062.705 40437.5292857143 10109.3823214286
283427.9472 40489.7067428571 10122.4266857143
283793.1894 40541.8842 10135.47105
284158.4316 40594.0616571429 10148.5154142857
284523.6738 40646.2391142857 10161.5597785714
284888.916 40698.4165714286 10174.6041428571
285254.1582 40750.5940285714 10187.6485071429
285619.4004 40802.7714857143 10200.6928714286
285984.6426 40854.9489428571 10213.7372357143
286349.8848 40907.1264 10226.7816
286715.127 40959.3038571429 10239.8259642857
287080.3692 41011.4813142857 10252.8703285714
287445.6114 41063.6587714286 10265.9146928571
287810.8536 41115.8362285714 10278.9590571429
288176.0958 41168.0136857143 10292.0034214286
288541.338 41220.1911428572 10305.0477857143
288906.5802 41272.3686 10318.09215
289271.8224 41324.5460571429 10331.1365142857
289637.0646 41376.7235142857 10344.1808785714
290002.3068 41428.9009714286 10357.2252428571
290367.549 41481.0784285714 10370.2696071429
290732.7912 41533.2558857143 10383.3139714286
291098.0334 41585.4333428571 10396.3583357143
291463.2756 41637.6108 10409.4027
291828.5178 41689.7882571429 10422.4470642857
292193.76 41741.9657142857 10435.4914285714
292559.0022 41794.1431714286 10448.5357928571
292924.2444 41846.3206285714 10461.5801571429
293289.4866 41898.4980857143 10474.6245214286
293654.7288 41950.6755428572 10487.6688857143
294019.971 42002.853 10500.71325
294385.2132 42055.0304571429 10513.7576142857
294750.4554 42107.2079142857 10526.8019785714
295115.6976 42159.3853714286 10539.8463428571
295480.9398 42211.5628285714 10552.8907071429
295846.182 42263.7402857143 10565.9350714286
296211.4242 42315.9177428571 10578.9794357143
296576.6664 42368.0952 10592.0238
296941.9086 42420.2726571429 10605.0681642857
297307.1508 42472.4501142857 10618.1125285714
297672.393 42524.6275714286 10631.1568928571
298037.6352 42576.8050285714 10644.2012571429
298402.8774 42628.9824857143 10657.2456214286
298768.1196 42681.1599428572 10670.2899857143
299133.3618 42733.3374 10683.33435
299498.604 42785.5148571429 10696.3787142857
299863.8462 42837.6923142857 10709.4230785714
300229.0884 42889.8697714286 10722.4674428571
300594.3306 42942.0472285714 10735.5118071429
300959.5728 42994.2246857143 10748.5561714286
301324.815 43046.4021428571 10761.6005357143
301690.0572 43098.5796 10774.6449
302055.2994 43150.7570571429 10787.6892642857
302420.5416 43202.9345142857 10800.7336285714
302785.7838 43255.1119714286 10813.7779928571
303151.026 43307.2894285714 10826.8223571429
303516.2682 43359.4668857143 10839.8667214286
303881.5104 43411.6443428571 10852.9110857143
304246.7526 43463.8218 10865.95545
304611.9948 43515.9992571429 10878.9998142857
304977.237 43568.1767142857 10892.0441785714
305342.4792 43620.3541714286 10905.0885428571
305707.7214 43672.5316285714 10918.1329071429
306072.9636 43724.7090857143 10931.1772714286
306438.2058 43776.8865428571 10944.2216357143
306803.448 43829.064 10957.266
307168.6902 43881.2414571429 10970.3103642857
307533.9324 43933.4189142857 10983.3547285714
307899.1746 43985.5963714286 10996.3990928571
308264.4168 44037.7738285714 11009.4434571429
308629.659 44089.9512857143 11022.4878214286
308994.9012 44142.1287428571 11035.5321857143
309360.1434 44194.3062 11048.57655
309725.3856 44246.4836571429 11061.6209142857
310090.6278 44298.6611142857 11074.6652785714
310455.87 44350.8385714286 11087.7096428571
310821.1122 44403.0160285714 11100.7540071429
311186.3544 44455.1934857143 11113.7983714286
311551.5966 44507.3709428572 11126.8427357143
311916.8388 44559.5484 11139.8871
312282.081 44611.7258571429 11152.9314642857
312647.3232 44663.9033142857 11165.9758285714
313012.5654 44716.0807714286 11179.0201928571
313377.8076 44768.2582285714 11192.0645571429
313743.0498 44820.4356857143 11205.1089214286
314108.292 44872.6131428572 11218.1532857143
314473.5342 44924.7906 11231.19765
314838.7764 44976.9680571429 11244.2420142857
315204.0186 45029.1455142857 11257.2863785714
315569.2608 45081.3229714286 11270.3307428571
315934.503 45133.5004285714 11283.3751071429
316299.7452 45185.6778857143 11296.4194714286
316664.9874 45237.8553428571 11309.4638357143
317030.2296 45290.0328 11322.5082
317395.4718 45342.2102571429 11335.5525642857
317760.714 45394.3877142857 11348.5969285714
318125.9562 45446.5651714286 11361.6412928571
318491.1984 45498.7426285714 11374.6856571429
318856.4406 45550.9200857143 11387.7300214286
319221.6828 45603.0975428572 11400.7743857143
319586.925 45655.275 11413.81875
319952.1672 45707.4524571429 11426.8631142857
320317.4094 45759.6299142857 11439.9074785714
320682.6516 45811.8073714286 11452.9518428571
321047.8938 45863.9848285714 11465.9962071429
321413.136 45916.1622857143 11479.0405714286
321778.3782 45968.3397428571 11492.0849357143
322143.6204 46020.5172 11505.1293
322508.8626 46072.6946571429 11518.1736642857
322874.1048 46124.8721142857 11531.2180285714
323239.347 46177.0495714286 11544.2623928571
323604.5892 46229.2270285714 11557.3067571429
323969.8314 46281.4044857143 11570.3511214286
324335.0736 46333.5819428571 11583.3954857143
324700.3158 46385.7594 11596.43985
325065.558 46437.9368571429 11609.4842142857
325430.8002 46490.1143142857 11622.5285785714
325796.0424 46542.2917714286 11635.5729428571
326161.2846 46594.4692285714 11648.6173071429
326526.5268 46646.6466857143 11661.6616714286
326891.769 46698.8241428571 11674.7060357143
327257.0112 46751.0016 11687.7504
327622.2534 46803.1790571429 11700.7947642857
327987.4956 46855.3565142857 11713.8391285714
328352.7378 46907.5339714286 11726.8834928571
328717.98 46959.7114285714 11739.9278571429
329083.2222 47011.8888857143 11752.9722214286
329448.4644 47064.0663428571 11766.0165857143
329813.7066 47116.2438 11779.06095
330178.9488 47168.4212571429 11792.1053142857
330544.191 47220.5987142857 11805.1496785714
330909.4332 47272.7761714286 11818.1940428571
331274.6754 47324.9536285714 11831.2384071429
331639.9176 47377.1310857143 11844.2827714286
332005.1598 47429.3085428571 11857.3271357143
332370.402 47481.486 11870.3715
332735.6442 47533.6634571429 11883.4158642857
333100.8864 47585.8409142857 11896.4602285714
333466.1286 47638.0183714286 11909.5045928571
333831.3708 47690.1958285714 11922.5489571429
334196.613 47742.3732857143 11935.5933214286
334561.8552 47794.5507428572 11948.6376857143
334927.0974 47846.7282 11961.68205
335292.3396 47898.9056571429 11974.7264142857
335657.5818 47951.0831142857 11987.7707785714
336022.824 48003.2605714286 12000.8151428571
336388.0662 48055.4380285714 12013.8595071429
336753.3084 48107.6154857143 12026.9038714286
337118.5506 48159.7929428571 12039.9482357143
337483.7928 48211.9704 12052.9926
337849.035 48264.1478571429 12066.0369642857
338214.2772 48316.3253142857 12079.0813285714
338579.5194 48368.5027714286 12092.1256928571
338944.7616 48420.6802285714 12105.1700571429
339310.0038 48472.8576857143 12118.2144214286
339675.246 48525.0351428572 12131.2587857143
340040.4882 48577.2126 12144.30315
340405.7304 48629.3900571429 12157.3475142857
340770.9726 48681.5675142857 12170.3918785714
341136.2148 48733.7449714286 12183.4362428571
341501.457 48785.9224285714 12196.4806071429
341866.6992 48838.0998857143 12209.5249714286
342231.9414 48890.2773428571 12222.5693357143
342597.1836 48942.4548 12235.6137
342962.4258 48994.6322571429 12248.6580642857
343327.668 49046.8097142857 12261.7024285714
343692.9102 49098.9871714286 12274.7467928571
344058.1524 49151.1646285714 12287.7911571429
344423.3946 49203.3420857143 12300.8355214286
344788.6368 49255.5195428572 12313.8798857143
345153.879 49307.697 12326.92425
345519.1212 49359.8744571429 12339.9686142857
345884.3634 49412.0519142857 12353.0129785714
346249.6056 49464.2293714286 12366.0573428571
346614.8478 49516.4068285714 12379.1017071429
346980.09 49568.5842857143 12392.1460714286
347345.3322 49620.7617428571 12405.1904357143
347710.5744 49672.9392 12418.2348
348075.8166 49725.1166571429 12431.2791642857
348441.0588 49777.2941142857 12444.3235285714
348806.301 49829.4715714286 12457.3678928571
349171.5432 49881.6490285714 12470.4122571429
349536.7854 49933.8264857143 12483.4566214286
349902.0276 49986.0039428572 12496.5009857143
350267.2698 50038.1814 12509.54535
350632.512 50090.3588571429 12522.5897142857
350997.7542 50142.5363142857 12535.6340785714
351362.9964 50194.7137714286 12548.6784428571
351728.2386 50246.8912285714 12561.7228071429
352093.4808 50299.0686857143 12574.7671714286
352458.723 50351.2461428571 12587.8115357143
352823.9652 50403.4236 12600.8559
353189.2074 50455.6010571429 12613.9002642857
353554.4496 50507.7785142857 12626.9446285714
353919.6918 50559.9559714286 12639.9889928571
354284.934 50612.1334285714 12653.0333571429
354650.1762 50664.3108857143 12666.0777214286
355015.4184 50716.4883428572 12679.1220857143
355380.6606 50768.6658 12692.16645
355745.9028 50820.8432571429 12705.2108142857
356111.145 50873.0207142857 12718.2551785714
356476.3872 50925.1981714286 12731.2995428571
356841.6294 50977.3756285714 12744.3439071429
357206.8716 51029.5530857143 12757.3882714286
357572.1138 51081.7305428572 12770.4326357143
357937.356 51133.908 12783.477
358302.5982 51186.0854571429 12796.5213642857
358667.8404 51238.2629142857 12809.5657285714
359033.0826 51290.4403714286 12822.6100928571
359398.3248 51342.6178285714 12835.6544571429
359763.567 51394.7952857143 12848.6988214286
360128.8092 51446.9727428571 12861.7431857143
360494.0514 51499.1502 12874.78755
360859.2936 51551.3276571429 12887.8319142857
361224.5358 51603.5051142857 12900.8762785714
361589.778 51655.6825714286 12913.9206428571
361955.0202 51707.8600285714 12926.9650071429
362320.2624 51760.0374857143 12940.0093714286
362685.5046 51812.2149428572 12953.0537357143
363050.7468 51864.3924 12966.0981
363415.989 51916.5698571429 12979.1424642857
363781.2312 51968.7473142857 12992.1868285714
364146.4734 52020.9247714286 13005.2311928571
364511.7156 52073.1022285714 13018.2755571429
364876.9578 52125.2796857143 13031.3199214286
365242.2 52177.4571428571 13044.3642857143
365607.4422 52229.6346 13057.40865
365972.6844 52281.8120571429 13070.4530142857
366337.9266 52333.9895142857 13083.4973785714
366703.1688 52386.1669714286 13096.5417428571
367068.411 52438.3444285714 13109.5861071429
367433.6532 52490.5218857143 13122.6304714286
367798.8954 52542.6993428572 13135.6748357143
368164.1376 52594.8768 13148.7192
368529.3798 52647.0542571429 13161.7635642857
368894.622 52699.2317142857 13174.8079285714
369259.8642 52751.4091714286 13187.8522928571
369625.1064 52803.5866285714 13200.8966571429
369990.3486 52855.7640857143 13213.9410214286
370355.5908 52907.9415428572 13226.9853857143
370720.833 52960.119 13240.02975
371086.0752 53012.2964571429 13253.0741142857
371451.3174 53064.4739142857 13266.1184785714
371816.5596 53116.6513714286 13279.1628428571
372181.8018 53168.8288285714 13292.2072071429
372547.044 53221.0062857143 13305.2515714286
372912.2862 53273.1837428571 13318.2959357143
373277.5284 53325.3612 13331.3403
373642.7706 53377.5386571429 13344.3846642857
374008.0128 53429.7161142857 13357.4290285714
374373.255 53481.8935714286 13370.4733928571
374738.4972 53534.0710285714 13383.5177571429
375103.7394 53586.2484857143 13396.5621214286
375468.9816 53638.4259428572 13409.6064857143
375834.2238 53690.6034 13422.65085
376199.466 53742.7808571429 13435.6952142857
376564.7082 53794.9583142857 13448.7395785714
376929.9504 53847.1357714286 13461.7839428571
377295.1926 53899.3132285714 13474.8283071429
377660.4348 53951.4906857143 13487.8726714286
378025.677 54003.6681428571 13500.9170357143
378390.9192 54055.8456 13513.9614
378756.1614 54108.0230571429 13527.0057642857
379121.4036 54160.2005142857 13540.0501285714
379486.6458 54212.3779714286 13553.0944928571
379851.888 54264.5554285714 13566.1388571429
380217.1302 54316.7328857143 13579.1832214286
380582.3724 54368.9103428572 13592.2275857143
380947.6146 54421.0878 13605.27195
381312.8568 54473.2652571429 13618.3163142857
381678.099 54525.4427142857 13631.3606785714
382043.3412 54577.6201714286 13644.4050428571
382408.5834 54629.7976285714 13657.4494071429
382773.8256 54681.9750857143 13670.4937714286
383139.0678 54734.1525428571 13683.5381357143
383504.31 54786.33 13696.5825
383869.5522 54838.5074571429 13709.6268642857
384234.7944 54890.6849142857 13722.6712285714
384600.0366 54942.8623714286 13735.7155928571
384965.2788 54995.0398285714 13748.7599571429
385330.521 55047.2172857143 13761.8043214286
385695.7632 55099.3947428572 13774.8486857143
386061.0054 55151.5722 13787.89305
386426.2476 55203.7496571429 13800.9374142857
386791.4898 55255.9271142857 13813.9817785714
387156.732 55308.1045714286 13827.0261428571
387521.9742 55360.2820285714 13840.0705071429
387887.2164 55412.4594857143 13853.1148714286
388252.4586 55464.6369428571 13866.1592357143
388617.7008 55516.8144 13879.2036
388982.943 55568.9918571429 13892.2479642857
389348.1852 55621.1693142857 13905.2923285714
389713.4274 55673.3467714286 13918.3366928571
390078.6696 55725.5242285714 13931.3810571429
390443.9118 55777.7016857143 13944.4254214286
390809.154 55829.8791428572 13957.4697857143
391174.3962 55882.0566 13970.51415
391539.6384 55934.2340571429 13983.5585142857
391904.8806 55986.4115142857 13996.6028785714
392270.1228 56038.5889714286 14009.6472428571
392635.365 56090.7664285714 14022.6916071429
393000.6072 56142.9438857143 14035.7359714286
393365.8494 56195.1213428571 14048.7803357143
393731.0916 56247.2988 14061.8247
394096.3338 56299.4762571429 14074.8690642857
394461.576 56351.6537142857 14087.9134285714
394826.8182 56403.8311714286 14100.9577928571
395192.0604 56456.0086285714 14114.0021571429
395557.3026 56508.1860857143 14127.0465214286
395922.5448 56560.3635428572 14140.0908857143
396287.787 56612.541 14153.13525
396653.0292 56664.7184571429 14166.1796142857
397018.2714 56716.8959142857 14179.2239785714
397383.5136 56769.0733714286 14192.2683428571
397748.7558 56821.2508285714 14205.3127071429
398113.998 56873.4282857143 14218.3570714286
398479.2402 56925.6057428571 14231.4014357143
398844.4824 56977.7832 14244.4458
399209.7246 57029.9606571429 14257.4901642857
399574.9668 57082.1381142857 14270.5345285714
399940.209 57134.3155714286 14283.5788928571
400305.4512 57186.4930285714 14296.6232571429
400670.6934 57238.6704857143 14309.6676214286
401035.9356 57290.8479428572 14322.7119857143
401401.1778 57343.0254 14335.75635
401766.42 57395.2028571429 14348.8007142857
402131.6622 57447.3803142857 14361.8450785714
402496.9044 57499.5577714286 14374.8894428571
402862.1466 57551.7352285714 14387.9338071429
403227.3888 57603.9126857143 14400.9781714286
403592.631 57656.0901428572 14414.0225357143
403957.8732 57708.2676 14427.0669
404323.1154 57760.4450571429 14440.1112642857
404688.3576 57812.6225142857 14453.1556285714
405053.5998 57864.7999714286 14466.1999928571
405418.842 57916.9774285714 14479.2443571429
405784.0842 57969.1548857143 14492.2887214286
406149.3264 58021.3323428572 14505.3330857143
406514.5686 58073.5098 14518.37745
406879.8108 58125.6872571429 14531.4218142857
407245.053 58177.8647142857 14544.4661785714
407610.2952 58230.0421714286 14557.5105428571
407975.5374 58282.2196285714 14570.5549071429
408340.7796 58334.3970857143 14583.5992714286
408706.0218 58386.5745428571 14596.6436357143
409071.264 58438.752 14609.688
409436.5062 58490.9294571429 14622.7323642857
409801.7484 58543.1069142857 14635.7767285714
410166.9906 58595.2843714286 14648.8210928571
410532.2328 58647.4618285714 14661.8654571429
410897.475 58699.6392857143 14674.9098214286
411262.7172 58751.8167428572 14687.9541857143
411627.9594 58803.9942 14700.99855
411993.2016 58856.1716571429 14714.0429142857
412358.4438 58908.3491142857 14727.0872785714
412723.686 58960.5265714286 14740.1316428571
413088.9282 59012.7040285714 14753.1760071429
413454.1704 59064.8814857143 14766.2203714286
413819.4126 59117.0589428571 14779.2647357143
414184.6548 59169.2364 14792.3091
414549.897 59221.4138571429 14805.3534642857
414915.1392 59273.5913142857 14818.3978285714
415280.3814 59325.7687714286 14831.4421928571
415645.6236 59377.9462285714 14844.4865571429
416010.8658 59430.1236857143 14857.5309214286
416376.108 59482.3011428571 14870.5752857143
416741.3502 59534.4786 14883.61965
417106.5924 59586.6560571429 14896.6640142857
417471.8346 59638.8335142857 14909.7083785714
417837.0768 59691.0109714286 14922.7527428571
418202.319 59743.1884285714 14935.7971071429
418567.5612 59795.3658857143 14948.8414714286
418932.8034 59847.5433428572 14961.8858357143
419298.0456 59899.7208 14974.9302
419663.2878 59951.8982571429 14987.9745642857
420028.53 60004.0757142857 15001.0189285714
420393.7722 60056.2531714286 15014.0632928571
420759.0144 60108.4306285714 15027.1076571429
421124.2566 60160.6080857143 15040.1520214286
421489.4988 60212.7855428571 15053.1963857143
421854.741 60264.963 15066.24075
422219.9832 60317.1404571429 15079.2851142857
422585.2254 60369.3179142857 15092.3294785714
422950.4676 60421.4953714286 15105.3738428571
423315.7098 60473.6728285714 15118.4182071429
423680.952 60525.8502857143 15131.4625714286
424046.1942 60578.0277428572 15144.5069357143
424411.4364 60630.2052 15157.5513
424776.6786 60682.3826571429 15170.5956642857
425141.9208 60734.5601142857 15183.6400285714
425507.163 60786.7375714286 15196.6843928571
425872.4052 60838.9150285714 15209.7287571429
426237.6474 60891.0924857143 15222.7731214286
426602.8896 60943.2699428572 15235.8174857143
426968.1318 60995.4474 15248.86185
427333.374 61047.6248571429 15261.9062142857
427698.6162 61099.8023142857 15274.9505785714
428063.8584 61151.9797714286 15287.9949428571
428429.1006 61204.1572285714 15301.0393071429
428794.3428 61256.3346857143 15314.0836714286
429159.585 61308.5121428571 15327.1280357143
429524.8272 61360.6896 15340.1724
429890.0694 61412.8670571429 15353.2167642857
430255.3116 61465.0445142857 15366.2611285714
430620.5538 61517.2219714286 15379.3054928571
430985.796 61569.3994285714 15392.3498571429
431351.0382 61621.5768857143 15405.3942214286
431716.2804 61673.7543428572 15418.4385857143
432081.5226 61725.9318 15431.48295
432446.7648 61778.1092571429 15444.5273142857
432812.007 61830.2867142857 15457.5716785714
433177.2492 61882.4641714286 15470.6160428571
433542.4914 61934.6416285714 15483.6604071429
433907.7336 61986.8190857143 15496.7047714286
434272.9758 62038.9965428571 15509.7491357143
434638.218 62091.174 15522.7935
435003.4602 62143.3514571429 15535.8378642857
435368.7024 62195.5289142857 15548.8822285714
435733.9446 62247.7063714286 15561.9265928571
436099.1868 62299.8838285714 15574.9709571429
436464.429 62352.0612857143 15588.0153214286
436829.6712 62404.2387428572 15601.0596857143
437194.9134 62456.4162 15614.10405
437560.1556 62508.5936571429 15627.1484142857
437925.3978 62560.7711142857 15640.1927785714
438290.64 62612.9485714286 15653.2371428571
438655.8822 62665.1260285714 15666.2815071429
439021.1244 62717.3034857143 15679.3258714286
439386.3666 62769.4809428571 15692.3702357143
439751.6088 62821.6584 15705.4146
440116.851 62873.8358571429 15718.4589642857
440482.0932 62926.0133142857 15731.5033285714
440847.3354 62978.1907714286 15744.5476928571
441212.5776 63030.3682285714 15757.5920571429
441577.8198 63082.5456857143 15770.6364214286
441943.062 63134.7231428572 15783.6807857143
442308.3042 63186.9006 15796.72515
442673.5464 63239.0780571429 15809.7695142857
443038.7886 63291.2555142857 15822.8138785714
443404.0308 63343.4329714286 15835.8582428571
443769.273 63395.6104285714 15848.9026071429
444134.5152 63447.7878857143 15861.9469714286
444499.7574 63499.9653428571 15874.9913357143
444864.9996 63552.1428 15888.0357
445230.2418 63604.3202571429 15901.0800642857
445595.484 63656.4977142857 15914.1244285714
445960.7262 63708.6751714286 15927.1687928571
446325.9684 63760.8526285714 15940.2131571429
446691.2106 63813.0300857143 15953.2575214286
447056.4528 63865.2075428572 15966.3018857143
447421.695 63917.385 15979.34625
447786.9372 63969.5624571429 15992.3906142857
448152.1794 64021.7399142857 16005.4349785714
448517.4216 64073.9173714286 16018.4793428571
448882.6638 64126.0948285714 16031.5237071429
449247.906 64178.2722857143 16044.5680714286
449613.1482 64230.4497428572 16057.6124357143
449978.3904 64282.6272 16070.6568
450343.6326 64334.8046571429 16083.7011642857
450708.8748 64386.9821142857 16096.7455285714
451074.117 64439.1595714286 16109.7898928571
451439.3592 64491.3370285714 16122.8342571429
451804.6014 64543.5144857143 16135.8786214286
452169.8436 64595.6919428572 16148.9229857143
452535.0858 64647.8694 16161.96735
452900.328 64700.0468571429 16175.0117142857
453265.5702 64752.2243142857 16188.0560785714
453630.8124 64804.4017714286 16201.1004428571
453996.0546 64856.5792285714 16214.1448071429
454361.2968 64908.7566857143 16227.1891714286
454726.539 64960.9341428572 16240.2335357143
455091.7812 65013.1116 16253.2779
455457.0234 65065.2890571429 16266.3222642857
455822.2656 65117.4665142857 16279.3666285714
456187.5078 65169.6439714286 16292.4109928571
456552.75 65221.8214285714 16305.4553571429
456917.9922 65273.9988857143 16318.4997214286
457283.2344 65326.1763428572 16331.5440857143
457648.4766 65378.3538 16344.58845
458013.7188 65430.5312571429 16357.6328142857
458378.961 65482.7087142857 16370.6771785714
458744.2032 65534.8861714286 16383.7215428571
459109.4454 65587.0636285714 16396.7659071429
459474.6876 65639.2410857143 16409.8102714286
459839.9298 65691.4185428572 16422.8546357143
460205.172 65743.596 16435.899
460570.4142 65795.7734571429 16448.9433642857
460935.6564 65847.9509142857 16461.9877285714
461300.8986 65900.1283714286 16475.0320928571
461666.1408 65952.3058285714 16488.0764571429
462031.383 66004.4832857143 16501.1208214286
462396.6252 66056.6607428572 16514.1651857143
462761.8674 66108.8382 16527.20955
463127.1096 66161.0156571429 16540.2539142857
463492.3518 66213.1931142857 16553.2982785714
463857.594 66265.3705714286 16566.3426428571
464222.8362 66317.5480285714 16579.3870071429
464588.0784 66369.7254857143 16592.4313714286
464953.3206 66421.9029428572 16605.4757357143
465318.5628 66474.0804 16618.5201
465683.805 66526.2578571429 16631.5644642857
466049.0472 66578.4353142857 16644.6088285714
466414.2894 66630.6127714286 16657.6531928571
466779.5316 66682.7902285714 16670.6975571429
467144.7738 66734.9676857143 16683.7419214286
467510.016 66787.1451428572 16696.7862857143
467875.2582 66839.3226 16709.83065
468240.5004 66891.5000571429 16722.8750142857
468605.7426 66943.6775142857 16735.9193785714
468970.9848 66995.8549714286 16748.9637428571
469336.227 67048.0324285714 16762.0081071429
469701.4692 67100.2098857143 16775.0524714286
470066.7114 67152.3873428572 16788.0968357143
470431.9536 67204.5648 16801.1412
470797.1958 67256.7422571429 16814.1855642857
471162.438 67308.9197142857 16827.2299285714
471527.6802 67361.0971714286 16840.2742928571
471892.9224 67413.2746285714 16853.3186571429
472258.1646 67465.4520857143 16866.3630214286
472623.4068 67517.6295428572 16879.4073857143
472988.649 67569.807 16892.45175
473353.8912 67621.9844571429 16905.4961142857
473719.1334 67674.1619142857 16918.5404785714
474084.3756 67726.3393714286 16931.5848428571
474449.6178 67778.5168285714 16944.6292071429
474814.86 67830.6942857143 16957.6735714286
475180.1022 67882.8717428571 16970.7179357143
475545.3444 67935.0492 16983.7623
475910.5866 67987.2266571429 16996.8066642857
476275.8288 68039.4041142857 17009.8510285714
476641.071 68091.5815714286 17022.8953928571
477006.3132 68143.7590285714 17035.9397571429
477371.5554 68195.9364857143 17048.9841214286
477736.7976 68248.1139428572 17062.0284857143
478102.0398 68300.2914 17075.07285
478467.282 68352.4688571429 17088.1172142857
478832.5242 68404.6463142857 17101.1615785714
479197.7664 68456.8237714286 17114.2059428571
479563.0086 68509.0012285714 17127.2503071429
479928.2508 68561.1786857143 17140.2946714286
480293.493 68613.3561428571 17153.3390357143
480658.7352 68665.5336 17166.3834
481023.9774 68717.7110571429 17179.4277642857
481389.2196 68769.8885142857 17192.4721285714
481754.4618 68822.0659714286 17205.5164928571
482119.704 68874.2434285714 17218.5608571429
482484.9462 68926.4208857143 17231.6052214286
482850.1884 68978.5983428572 17244.6495857143
483215.4306 69030.7758 17257.69395
483580.6728 69082.9532571429 17270.7383142857
483945.915 69135.1307142857 17283.7826785714
484311.1572 69187.3081714286 17296.8270428571
484676.3994 69239.4856285714 17309.8714071429
485041.6416 69291.6630857143 17322.9157714286
485406.8838 69343.8405428571 17335.9601357143
485772.126 69396.018 17349.0045
486137.3682 69448.1954571429 17362.0488642857
486502.6104 69500.3729142857 17375.0932285714
486867.8526 69552.5503714286 17388.1375928571
487233.0948 69604.7278285714 17401.1819571429
487598.337 69656.9052857143 17414.2263214286
487963.5792 69709.0827428572 17427.2706857143
488328.8214 69761.2602 17440.31505
488694.0636 69813.4376571429 17453.3594142857
489059.3058 69865.6151142857 17466.4037785714
489424.548 69917.7925714286 17479.4481428571
489789.7902 69969.9700285714 17492.4925071429
490155.0324 70022.1474857143 17505.5368714286
490520.2746 70074.3249428572 17518.5812357143
490885.5168 70126.5024 17531.6256
491250.759 70178.6798571429 17544.6699642857
491616.0012 70230.8573142857 17557.7143285714
491981.2434 70283.0347714286 17570.7586928571
492346.4856 70335.2122285714 17583.8030571429
492711.7278 70387.3896857143 17596.8474214286
493076.97 70439.5671428572 17609.8917857143
493442.2122 70491.7446 17622.93615
493807.4544 70543.9220571429 17635.9805142857
494172.6966 70596.0995142857 17649.0248785714
494537.9388 70648.2769714286 17662.0692428571
494903.181 70700.4544285714 17675.1136071429
495268.4232 70752.6318857143 17688.1579714286
495633.6654 70804.8093428571 17701.2023357143
495998.9076 70856.9868 17714.2467
496364.1498 70909.1642571429 17727.2910642857
496729.392 70961.3417142857 17740.3354285714
497094.6342 71013.5191714286 17753.3797928571
497459.8764 71065.6966285714 17766.4241571429
497825.1186 71117.8740857143 17779.4685214286
498190.3608 71170.0515428572 17792.5128857143
498555.603 71222.229 17805.55725
498920.8452 71274.4064571429 17818.6016142857
499286.0874 71326.5839142857 17831.6459785714
499651.3296 71378.7613714286 17844.6903428571
500016.5718 71430.9388285714 17857.7347071429
500381.814 71483.1162857143 17870.7790714286
500747.0562 71535.2937428571 17883.8234357143
501112.2984 71587.4712 17896.8678
501477.5406 71639.6486571429 17909.9121642857
501842.7828 71691.8261142857 17922.9565285714
502208.025 71744.0035714286 17936.0008928571
502573.2672 71796.1810285714 17949.0452571429
502938.5094 71848.3584857143 17962.0896214286
503303.7516 71900.5359428571 17975.1339857143
503668.9938 71952.7134 17988.17835
504034.236 72004.8908571429 18001.2227142857
504399.4782 72057.0683142857 18014.2670785714
504764.7204 72109.2457714286 18027.3114428571
505129.9626 72161.4232285714 18040.3558071429
505495.2048 72213.6006857143 18053.4001714286
505860.447 72265.7781428572 18066.4445357143
506225.6892 72317.9556 18079.4889
506590.9314 72370.1330571429 18092.5332642857
506956.1736 72422.3105142857 18105.5776285714
507321.4158 72474.4879714286 18118.6219928571
507686.658 72526.6654285714 18131.6663571429
508051.9002 72578.8428857143 18144.7107214286
508417.1424 72631.0203428571 18157.7550857143
508782.3846 72683.1978 18170.79945
509147.6268 72735.3752571429 18183.8438142857
509512.869 72787.5527142857 18196.8881785714
509878.1112 72839.7301714286 18209.9325428571
510243.3534 72891.9076285714 18222.9769071429
510608.5956 72944.0850857143 18236.0212714286
510973.8378 72996.2625428572 18249.0656357143
511339.08 73048.44 18262.11
511704.3222 73100.6174571429 18275.1543642857
512069.5644 73152.7949142857 18288.1987285714
512434.8066 73204.9723714286 18301.2430928571
512800.0488 73257.1498285714 18314.2874571429
513165.291 73309.3272857143 18327.3318214286
513530.5332 73361.5047428572 18340.3761857143
513895.7754 73413.6822 18353.42055
514261.0176 73465.8596571429 18366.4649142857
514626.2598 73518.0371142857 18379.5092785714
514991.502 73570.2145714286 18392.5536428571
515356.7442 73622.3920285714 18405.5980071429
515721.9864 73674.5694857143 18418.6423714286
516087.2286 73726.7469428572 18431.6867357143
516452.4708 73778.9244 18444.7311
516817.713 73831.1018571429 18457.7754642857
517182.9552 73883.2793142857 18470.8198285714
517548.1974 73935.4567714286 18483.8641928571
517913.4396 73987.6342285714 18496.9085571429
518278.6818 74039.8116857143 18509.9529214286
518643.924 74091.9891428572 18522.9972857143
519009.1662 74144.1666 18536.04165
519374.4084 74196.3440571429 18549.0860142857
519739.6506 74248.5215142857 18562.1303785714
520104.8928 74300.6989714286 18575.1747428571
520470.135 74352.8764285714 18588.2191071429
520835.3772 74405.0538857143 18601.2634714286
521200.6194 74457.2313428572 18614.3078357143
521565.8616 74509.4088 18627.3522
521931.1038 74561.5862571429 18640.3965642857
522296.346 74613.7637142857 18653.4409285714
522661.5882 74665.9411714286 18666.4852928571
523026.8304 74718.1186285714 18679.5296571429
523392.0726 74770.2960857143 18692.5740214286
523757.3148 74822.4735428571 18705.6183857143
524122.557 74874.651 18718.66275
524487.7992 74926.8284571429 18731.7071142857
524853.0414 74979.0059142857 18744.7514785714
525218.2836 75031.1833714286 18757.7958428571
525583.5258 75083.3608285714 18770.8402071429
525948.768 75135.5382857143 18783.8845714286
526314.0102 75187.7157428572 18796.9289357143
526679.2524 75239.8932 18809.9733
527044.4946 75292.0706571429 18823.0176642857
527409.7368 75344.2481142857 18836.0620285714
527774.979 75396.4255714286 18849.1063928571
528140.2212 75448.6030285714 18862.1507571429
528505.4634 75500.7804857143 18875.1951214286
528870.7056 75552.9579428571 18888.2394857143
529235.9478 75605.1354 18901.28385
529601.19 75657.3128571429 18914.3282142857
529966.4322 75709.4903142857 18927.3725785714
530331.6744 75761.6677714286 18940.4169428571
530696.9166 75813.8452285714 18953.4613071429
531062.1588 75866.0226857143 18966.5056714286
531427.401 75918.2001428572 18979.5500357143
531792.6432 75970.3776 18992.5944
532157.8854 76022.5550571429 19005.6387642857
532523.1276 76074.7325142857 19018.6831285714
532888.3698 76126.9099714286 19031.7274928571
533253.612 76179.0874285714 19044.7718571429
533618.8542 76231.2648857143 19057.8162214286
533984.0964 76283.4423428571 19070.8605857143
534349.3386 76335.6198 19083.90495
534714.5808 76387.7972571429 19096.9493142857
535079.823 76439.9747142857 19109.9936785714
535445.0652 76492.1521714286 19123.0380428571
535810.3074 76544.3296285714 19136.0824071429
536175.5496 76596.5070857143 19149.1267714286
536540.7918 76648.6845428571 19162.1711357143
536906.034 76700.862 19175.2155
537271.2762 76753.0394571429 19188.2598642857
537636.5184 76805.2169142857 19201.3042285714
538001.7606 76857.3943714286 19214.3485928571
538367.0028 76909.5718285714 19227.3929571429
538732.245 76961.7492857143 19240.4373214286
539097.4872 77013.9267428572 19253.4816857143
539462.7294 77066.1042 19266.52605
539827.9716 77118.2816571429 19279.5704142857
540193.2138 77170.4591142857 19292.6147785714
540558.456 77222.6365714286 19305.6591428571
540923.6982 77274.8140285714 19318.7035071429
541288.9404 77326.9914857143 19331.7478714286
541654.1826 77379.1689428572 19344.7922357143
542019.4248 77431.3464 19357.8366
542384.667 77483.5238571429 19370.8809642857
542749.9092 77535.7013142857 19383.9253285714
543115.1514 77587.8787714286 19396.9696928571
543480.3936 77640.0562285714 19410.0140571429
543845.6358 77692.2336857143 19423.0584214286
544210.878 77744.4111428571 19436.1027857143
544576.1202 77796.5886 19449.14715
544941.3624 77848.7660571429 19462.1915142857
545306.6046 77900.9435142857 19475.2358785714
545671.8468 77953.1209714286 19488.2802428571
546037.089 78005.2984285714 19501.3246071429
546402.3312 78057.4758857143 19514.3689714286
546767.5734 78109.6533428571 19527.4133357143
547132.8156 78161.8308 19540.4577
547498.0578 78214.0082571429 19553.5020642857
547863.3 78266.1857142857 19566.5464285714
548228.5422 78318.3631714286 19579.5907928571
548593.7844 78370.5406285714 19592.6351571429
548959.0266 78422.7180857143 19605.6795214286
549324.2688 78474.8955428571 19618.7238857143
549689.511 78527.073 19631.76825
550054.7532 78579.2504571429 19644.8126142857
550419.9954 78631.4279142857 19657.8569785714
550785.2376 78683.6053714286 19670.9013428571
551150.4798 78735.7828285714 19683.9457071429
551515.722 78787.9602857143 19696.9900714286
551880.9642 78840.1377428571 19710.0344357143
552246.2064 78892.3152 19723.0788
552611.4486 78944.4926571429 19736.1231642857
552976.6908 78996.6701142857 19749.1675285714
553341.933 79048.8475714286 19762.2118928571
553707.1752 79101.0250285714 19775.2562571429
554072.4174 79153.2024857143 19788.3006214286
554437.6596 79205.3799428572 19801.3449857143
554802.9018 79257.5574 19814.38935
555168.144 79309.7348571429 19827.4337142857
555533.3862 79361.9123142857 19840.4780785714
555898.6284 79414.0897714286 19853.5224428571
556263.8706 79466.2672285714 19866.5668071429
556629.1128 79518.4446857143 19879.6111714286
556994.355 79570.6221428571 19892.6555357143
557359.5972 79622.7996 19905.6999
557724.8394 79674.9770571429 19918.7442642857
558090.0816 79727.1545142857 19931.7886285714
558455.3238 79779.3319714286 19944.8329928571
558820.566 79831.5094285714 19957.8773571429
559185.8082 79883.6868857143 19970.9217214286
559551.0504 79935.8643428572 19983.9660857143
559916.2926 79988.0418 19997.01045
560281.5348 80040.2192571429 20010.0548142857
560646.777 80092.3967142857 20023.0991785714
561012.0192 80144.5741714286 20036.1435428571
561377.2614 80196.7516285714 20049.1879071429
561742.5036 80248.9290857143 20062.2322714286
562107.7458 80301.1065428571 20075.2766357143
562472.988 80353.284 20088.321
562838.2302 80405.4614571429 20101.3653642857
563203.4724 80457.6389142857 20114.4097285714
563568.7146 80509.8163714286 20127.4540928571
563933.9568 80561.9938285714 20140.4984571429
564299.199 80614.1712857143 20153.5428214286
564664.4412 80666.3487428571 20166.5871857143
565029.6834 80718.5262 20179.63155
565394.9256 80770.7036571429 20192.6759142857
565760.1678 80822.8811142857 20205.7202785714
566125.41 80875.0585714286 20218.7646428571
566490.6522 80927.2360285714 20231.8090071429
566855.8944 80979.4134857143 20244.8533714286
567221.1366 81031.5909428572 20257.8977357143
567586.3788 81083.7684 20270.9421
567951.621 81135.9458571429 20283.9864642857
568316.8632 81188.1233142857 20297.0308285714
568682.1054 81240.3007714286 20310.0751928571
569047.3476 81292.4782285715 20323.1195571429
569412.5898 81344.6556857143 20336.1639214286
569777.832 81396.8331428572 20349.2082857143
570143.0742 81449.0106 20362.25265
570508.3164 81501.1880571429 20375.2970142857
570873.5586 81553.3655142857 20388.3413785714
571238.8008 81605.5429714286 20401.3857428571
571604.043 81657.7204285714 20414.4301071429
571969.2852 81709.8978857143 20427.4744714286
572334.5274 81762.0753428571 20440.5188357143
572699.7696 81814.2528 20453.5632
573065.0118 81866.4302571429 20466.6075642857
573430.254 81918.6077142857 20479.6519285714
573795.4962 81970.7851714286 20492.6962928571
574160.7384 82022.9626285714 20505.7406571429
574525.9806 82075.1400857143 20518.7850214286
574891.2228 82127.3175428571 20531.8293857143
575256.465 82179.495 20544.87375
575621.7072 82231.6724571429 20557.9181142857
575986.9494 82283.8499142857 20570.9624785714
576352.1916 82336.0273714286 20584.0068428571
576717.4338 82388.2048285714 20597.0512071429
577082.676 82440.3822857143 20610.0955714286
577447.9182 82492.5597428572 20623.1399357143
577813.1604 82544.7372 20636.1843
578178.4026 82596.9146571429 20649.2286642857
578543.6448 82649.0921142857 20662.2730285714
578908.887 82701.2695714286 20675.3173928571
579274.1292 82753.4470285714 20688.3617571429
579639.3714 82805.6244857143 20701.4061214286
580004.6136 82857.8019428571 20714.4504857143
580369.8558 82909.9794 20727.49485
580735.098 82962.1568571429 20740.5392142857
581100.3402 83014.3343142857 20753.5835785714
581465.5824 83066.5117714286 20766.6279428571
581830.8246 83118.6892285714 20779.6723071429
582196.0668 83170.8666857143 20792.7166714286
582561.309 83223.0441428572 20805.7610357143
582926.5512 83275.2216 20818.8054
583291.7934 83327.3990571429 20831.8497642857
583657.0356 83379.5765142857 20844.8941285714
584022.2778 83431.7539714286 20857.9384928571
584387.52 83483.9314285714 20870.9828571429
584752.7622 83536.1088857143 20884.0272214286
585118.0044 83588.2863428572 20897.0715857143
585483.2466 83640.4638 20910.11595
585848.4888 83692.6412571429 20923.1603142857
586213.731 83744.8187142857 20936.2046785714
586578.9732 83796.9961714286 20949.2490428571
586944.2154 83849.1736285714 20962.2934071429
587309.4576 83901.3510857143 20975.3377714286
587674.6998 83953.5285428572 20988.3821357143
588039.942 84005.706 21001.4265
588405.1842 84057.8834571429 21014.4708642857
588770.4264 84110.0609142857 21027.5152285714
589135.6686 84162.2383714286 21040.5595928571
589500.9108 84214.4158285714 21053.6039571429
589866.153 84266.5932857143 21066.6483214286
590231.3952 84318.7707428571 21079.6926857143
590596.6374 84370.9482 21092.73705
590961.8796 84423.1256571429 21105.7814142857
591327.1218 84475.3031142857 21118.8257785714
591692.364 84527.4805714286 21131.8701428571
592057.6062 84579.6580285714 21144.9145071429
592422.8484 84631.8354857143 21157.9588714286
592788.0906 84684.0129428571 21171.0032357143
593153.3328 84736.1904 21184.0476
593518.575 84788.3678571429 21197.0919642857
593883.8172 84840.5453142857 21210.1363285714
594249.0594 84892.7227714286 21223.1806928571
594614.3016 84944.9002285714 21236.2250571429
594979.5438 84997.0776857143 21249.2694214286
595344.786 85049.2551428572 21262.3137857143
595710.0282 85101.4326 21275.35815
596075.2704 85153.6100571429 21288.4025142857
596440.5126 85205.7875142857 21301.4468785714
596805.7548 85257.9649714286 21314.4912428571
597170.997 85310.1424285715 21327.5356071429
597536.2392 85362.3198857143 21340.5799714286
597901.4814 85414.4973428572 21353.6243357143
598266.7236 85466.6748 21366.6687
598631.9658 85518.8522571429 21379.7130642857
598997.208 85571.0297142857 21392.7574285714
599362.4502 85623.2071714286 21405.8017928571
599727.6924 85675.3846285714 21418.8461571429
600092.9346 85727.5620857143 21431.8905214286
600458.1768 85779.7395428572 21444.9348857143
600823.419 85831.917 21457.97925
601188.6612 85884.0944571429 21471.0236142857
601553.9034 85936.2719142857 21484.0679785714
601919.1456 85988.4493714286 21497.1123428571
602284.3878 86040.6268285714 21510.1567071429
602649.63 86092.8042857143 21523.2010714286
603014.8722 86144.9817428572 21536.2454357143
603380.1144 86197.1592 21549.2898
603745.3566 86249.3366571429 21562.3341642857
604110.5988 86301.5141142857 21575.3785285714
604475.841 86353.6915714286 21588.4228928571
604841.0832 86405.8690285714 21601.4672571429
605206.3254 86458.0464857143 21614.5116214286
605571.5676 86510.2239428571 21627.5559857143
605936.8098 86562.4014 21640.60035
606302.052 86614.5788571429 21653.6447142857
606667.2942 86666.7563142857 21666.6890785714
607032.5364 86718.9337714286 21679.7334428571
607397.7786 86771.1112285714 21692.7778071429
607763.0208 86823.2886857143 21705.8221714286
608128.263 86875.4661428572 21718.8665357143
608493.5052 86927.6436 21731.9109
608858.7474 86979.8210571429 21744.9552642857
609223.9896 87031.9985142857 21757.9996285714
609589.2318 87084.1759714286 21771.0439928571
609954.474 87136.3534285714 21784.0883571429
610319.7162 87188.5308857143 21797.1327214286
610684.9584 87240.7083428572 21810.1770857143
611050.2006 87292.8858 21823.22145
611415.4428 87345.0632571429 21836.2658142857
611780.685 87397.2407142857 21849.3101785714
612145.9272 87449.4181714286 21862.3545428571
612511.1694 87501.5956285714 21875.3989071429
612876.4116 87553.7730857143 21888.4432714286
613241.6538 87605.9505428572 21901.4876357143
613606.896 87658.128 21914.532
613972.1382 87710.3054571429 21927.5763642857
614337.3804 87762.4829142857 21940.6207285714
614702.6226 87814.6603714286 21953.6650928571
615067.8648 87866.8378285714 21966.7094571429
615433.107 87919.0152857143 21979.7538214286
615798.3492 87971.1927428571 21992.7981857143
616163.5914 88023.3702 22005.84255
616528.8336 88075.5476571429 22018.8869142857
616894.0758 88127.7251142857 22031.9312785714
617259.318 88179.9025714286 22044.9756428571
617624.5602 88232.0800285714 22058.0200071429
617989.8024 88284.2574857143 22071.0643714286
618355.0446 88336.4349428572 22084.1087357143
618720.2868 88388.6124 22097.1531
619085.529 88440.7898571429 22110.1974642857
619450.7712 88492.9673142857 22123.2418285714
619816.0134 88545.1447714286 22136.2861928571
620181.2556 88597.3222285714 22149.3305571429
620546.4978 88649.4996857143 22162.3749214286
620911.74 88701.6771428571 22175.4192857143
621276.9822 88753.8546 22188.46365
621642.2244 88806.0320571429 22201.5080142857
622007.4666 88858.2095142857 22214.5523785714
622372.7088 88910.3869714286 22227.5967428571
622737.951 88962.5644285714 22240.6411071429
623103.1932 89014.7418857143 22253.6854714286
623468.4354 89066.9193428572 22266.7298357143
623833.6776 89119.0968 22279.7742
624198.9198 89171.2742571429 22292.8185642857
624564.162 89223.4517142857 22305.8629285714
624929.4042 89275.6291714286 22318.9072928571
625294.6464 89327.8066285714 22331.9516571429
625659.8886 89379.9840857143 22344.9960214286
626025.1308 89432.1615428571 22358.0403857143
626390.373 89484.339 22371.08475
626755.6152 89536.5164571429 22384.1291142857
627120.8574 89588.6939142857 22397.1734785714
627486.0996 89640.8713714286 22410.2178428571
627851.3418 89693.0488285714 22423.2622071429
628216.584 89745.2262857143 22436.3065714286
628581.8262 89797.4037428572 22449.3509357143
628947.0684 89849.5812 22462.3953
629312.3106 89901.7586571429 22475.4396642857
629677.5528 89953.9361142857 22488.4840285714
630042.795 90006.1135714286 22501.5283928571
630408.0372 90058.2910285714 22514.5727571429
630773.2794 90110.4684857143 22527.6171214286
631138.5216 90162.6459428572 22540.6614857143
631503.7638 90214.8234 22553.70585
631869.006 90267.0008571429 22566.7502142857
632234.2482 90319.1783142857 22579.7945785714
632599.4904 90371.3557714286 22592.8389428571
632964.7326 90423.5332285714 22605.8833071429
633329.9748 90475.7106857143 22618.9276714286
633695.217 90527.8881428571 22631.9720357143
634060.4592 90580.0656 22645.0164
634425.7014 90632.2430571429 22658.0607642857
634790.9436 90684.4205142857 22671.1051285714
635156.1858 90736.5979714286 22684.1494928571
635521.428 90788.7754285714 22697.1938571429
635886.6702 90840.9528857143 22710.2382214286
636251.9124 90893.1303428571 22723.2825857143
636617.1546 90945.3078 22736.32695
636982.3968 90997.4852571428 22749.3713142857
637347.639 91049.6627142857 22762.4156785714
637712.8812 91101.8401714286 22775.4600428571
638078.1234 91154.0176285715 22788.5044071429
638443.3656 91206.1950857143 22801.5487714286
638808.6078 91258.3725428572 22814.5931357143
639173.85 91310.55 22827.6375
639539.0922 91362.7274571429 22840.6818642857
639904.3344 91414.9049142857 22853.7262285714
640269.5766 91467.0823714286 22866.7705928571
640634.8188 91519.2598285714 22879.8149571429
641000.061 91571.4372857143 22892.8593214286
641365.3032 91623.6147428572 22905.9036857143
641730.5454 91675.7922 22918.94805
642095.7876 91727.9696571429 22931.9924142857
642461.0298 91780.1471142857 22945.0367785714
642826.272 91832.3245714286 22958.0811428571
643191.5142 91884.5020285714 22971.1255071429
643556.7564 91936.6794857143 22984.1698714286
643921.9986 91988.8569428572 22997.2142357143
644287.2408 92041.0344 23010.2586
644652.483 92093.2118571429 23023.3029642857
645017.7252 92145.3893142857 23036.3473285714
645382.9674 92197.5667714286 23049.3916928571
645748.2096 92249.7442285714 23062.4360571429
646113.4518 92301.9216857143 23075.4804214286
646478.694 92354.0991428571 23088.5247857143
646843.9362 92406.2766 23101.56915
647209.1784 92458.4540571429 23114.6135142857
647574.4206 92510.6315142857 23127.6578785714
647939.6628 92562.8089714286 23140.7022428571
648304.905 92614.9864285714 23153.7466071429
648670.1472 92667.1638857143 23166.7909714286
649035.3894 92719.3413428572 23179.8353357143
649400.6316 92771.5188 23192.8797
649765.8738 92823.6962571429 23205.9240642857
650131.116 92875.8737142857 23218.9684285714
650496.3582 92928.0511714286 23232.0127928571
650861.6004 92980.2286285714 23245.0571571429
651226.8426 93032.4060857143 23258.1015214286
651592.0848 93084.5835428572 23271.1458857143
651957.327 93136.761 23284.19025
652322.5692 93188.9384571429 23297.2346142857
652687.8114 93241.1159142857 23310.2789785714
653053.0536 93293.2933714286 23323.3233428571
653418.2958 93345.4708285714 23336.3677071429
653783.538 93397.6482857143 23349.4120714286
654148.7802 93449.8257428572 23362.4564357143
654514.0224 93502.0032 23375.5008
654879.2646 93554.1806571429 23388.5451642857
655244.5068 93606.3581142857 23401.5895285714
655609.749 93658.5355714286 23414.6338928571
655974.9912 93710.7130285714 23427.6782571429
656340.2334 93762.8904857143 23440.7226214286
656705.4756 93815.0679428571 23453.7669857143
657070.7178 93867.2454 23466.81135
657435.96 93919.4228571429 23479.8557142857
657801.2022 93971.6003142857 23492.9000785714
658166.4444 94023.7777714286 23505.9444428571
658531.6866 94075.9552285714 23518.9888071429
658896.9288 94128.1326857143 23532.0331714286
659262.171 94180.3101428572 23545.0775357143
659627.4132 94232.4876 23558.1219
659992.6554 94284.6650571429 23571.1662642857
660357.8976 94336.8425142857 23584.2106285714
660723.1398 94389.0199714286 23597.2549928571
661088.382 94441.1974285714 23610.2993571429
661453.6242 94493.3748857143 23623.3437214286
661818.8664 94545.5523428572 23636.3880857143
662184.1086 94597.7298 23649.43245
662549.3508 94649.9072571429 23662.4768142857
662914.593 94702.0847142857 23675.5211785714
663279.8352 94754.2621714286 23688.5655428571
663645.0774 94806.4396285714 23701.6099071429
664010.3196 94858.6170857143 23714.6542714286
664375.5618 94910.7945428571 23727.6986357143
664740.804 94962.972 23740.743
665106.0462 95015.1494571429 23753.7873642857
665471.2884 95067.3269142857 23766.8317285714
665836.5306 95119.5043714286 23779.8760928571
666201.7728 95171.6818285714 23792.9204571429
666567.015 95223.8592857143 23805.9648214286
666932.2572 95276.0367428571 23819.0091857143
667297.4994 95328.2142 23832.05355
667662.7416 95380.3916571429 23845.0979142857
668027.9838 95432.5691142857 23858.1422785714
668393.226 95484.7465714286 23871.1866428571
668758.4682 95536.9240285714 23884.2310071429
669123.7104 95589.1014857143 23897.2753714286
669488.9526 95641.2789428572 23910.3197357143
669854.1948 95693.4564 23923.3641
670219.437 95745.6338571429 23936.4084642857
670584.6792 95797.8113142857 23949.4528285714
670949.9214 95849.9887714286 23962.4971928571
671315.1636 95902.1662285714 23975.5415571429
671680.4058 95954.3436857143 23988.5859214286
672045.648 96006.5211428572 24001.6302857143
672410.8902 96058.6986 24014.67465
672776.1324 96110.8760571429 24027.7190142857
673141.3746 96163.0535142857 24040.7633785714
673506.6168 96215.2309714286 24053.8077428571
673871.859 96267.4084285714 24066.8521071429
674237.1012 96319.5858857143 24079.8964714286
674602.3434 96371.7633428571 24092.9408357143
674967.5856 96423.9408 24105.9852
675332.8278 96476.1182571429 24119.0295642857
675698.07 96528.2957142857 24132.0739285714
676063.3122 96580.4731714286 24145.1182928571
676428.5544 96632.6506285714 24158.1626571429
676793.7966 96684.8280857143 24171.2070214286
677159.0388 96737.0055428571 24184.2513857143
677524.281 96789.183 24197.29575
677889.5232 96841.3604571429 24210.3401142857
678254.7654 96893.5379142857 24223.3844785714
678620.0076 96945.7153714286 24236.4288428571
678985.2498 96997.8928285714 24249.4732071429
679350.492 97050.0702857143 24262.5175714286
679715.7342 97102.2477428572 24275.5619357143
680080.9764 97154.4252 24288.6063
680446.2186 97206.6026571429 24301.6506642857
680811.4608 97258.7801142857 24314.6950285714
681176.703 97310.9575714286 24327.7393928571
681541.9452 97363.1350285714 24340.7837571429
681907.1874 97415.3124857143 24353.8281214286
682272.4296 97467.4899428572 24366.8724857143
682637.6718 97519.6674 24379.91685
683002.914 97571.8448571429 24392.9612142857
683368.1562 97624.0223142857 24406.0055785714
683733.3984 97676.1997714286 24419.0499428571
684098.6406 97728.3772285714 24432.0943071429
684463.8828 97780.5546857143 24445.1386714286
684829.125 97832.7321428571 24458.1830357143
685194.3672 97884.9096 24471.2274
685559.6094 97937.0870571429 24484.2717642857
685924.8516 97989.2645142857 24497.3161285714
686290.0938 98041.4419714286 24510.3604928571
686655.336 98093.6194285714 24523.4048571429
687020.5782 98145.7968857143 24536.4492214286
687385.8204 98197.9743428572 24549.4935857143
687751.0626 98250.1518 24562.53795
688116.3048 98302.3292571429 24575.5823142857
688481.547 98354.5067142857 24588.6266785714
688846.7892 98406.6841714286 24601.6710428571
689212.0314 98458.8616285714 24614.7154071429
689577.2736 98511.0390857143 24627.7597714286
689942.5158 98563.2165428572 24640.8041357143
690307.758 98615.394 24653.8485
690673.0002 98667.5714571429 24666.8928642857
691038.2424 98719.7489142857 24679.9372285714
691403.4846 98771.9263714286 24692.9815928571
691768.7268 98824.1038285714 24706.0259571429
692133.969 98876.2812857143 24719.0703214286
692499.2112 98928.4587428571 24732.1146857143
692864.4534 98980.6362 24745.15905
693229.6956 99032.8136571429 24758.2034142857
693594.9378 99084.9911142857 24771.2477785714
693960.18 99137.1685714286 24784.2921428571
694325.4222 99189.3460285714 24797.3365071429
694690.6644 99241.5234857143 24810.3808714286
695055.9066 99293.7009428572 24823.4252357143
695421.1488 99345.8784 24836.4696
695786.391 99398.0558571429 24849.5139642857
696151.6332 99450.2333142857 24862.5583285714
696516.8754 99502.4107714286 24875.6026928571
696882.1176 99554.5882285714 24888.6470571429
697247.3598 99606.7656857143 24901.6914214286
697612.602 99658.9431428572 24914.7357857143
697977.8442 99711.1206 24927.78015
698343.0864 99763.2980571429 24940.8245142857
698708.3286 99815.4755142857 24953.8688785714
699073.5708 99867.6529714286 24966.9132428571
699438.813 99919.8304285715 24979.9576071429
699804.0552 99972.0078857143 24993.0019714286
700169.2974 100024.185342857 25006.0463357143
700534.5396 100076.3628 25019.0907
700899.7818 100128.540257143 25032.1350642857
701265.024 100180.717714286 25045.1794285714
701630.2662 100232.895171429 25058.2237928571
701995.5084 100285.072628571 25071.2681571429
702360.7506 100337.250085714 25084.3125214286
702725.9928 100389.427542857 25097.3568857143
703091.235 100441.605 25110.40125
703456.4772 100493.782457143 25123.4456142857
703821.7194 100545.959914286 25136.4899785714
704186.9616 100598.137371429 25149.5343428571
704552.2038 100650.314828571 25162.5787071429
704917.446 100702.492285714 25175.6230714286
705282.6882 100754.669742857 25188.6674357143
705647.9304 100806.8472 25201.7118
706013.1726 100859.024657143 25214.7561642857
706378.4148 100911.202114286 25227.8005285714
706743.657 100963.379571429 25240.8448928571
707108.8992 101015.557028571 25253.8892571429
707474.1414 101067.734485714 25266.9336214286
707839.3836 101119.911942857 25279.9779857143
708204.6258 101172.0894 25293.02235
708569.868 101224.266857143 25306.0667142857
708935.1102 101276.444314286 25319.1110785714
709300.3524 101328.621771429 25332.1554428571
709665.5946 101380.799228571 25345.1998071429
710030.8368 101432.976685714 25358.2441714286
710396.079 101485.154142857 25371.2885357143
710761.3212 101537.3316 25384.3329
711126.5634 101589.509057143 25397.3772642857
711491.8056 101641.686514286 25410.4216285714
711857.0478 101693.863971429 25423.4659928571
712222.29 101746.041428571 25436.5103571429
712587.5322 101798.218885714 25449.5547214286
712952.7744 101850.396342857 25462.5990857143
713318.0166 101902.5738 25475.64345
713683.2588 101954.751257143 25488.6878142857
714048.501 102006.928714286 25501.7321785714
714413.7432 102059.106171429 25514.7765428571
714778.9854 102111.283628571 25527.8209071429
715144.2276 102163.461085714 25540.8652714286
715509.4698 102215.638542857 25553.9096357143
715874.712 102267.816 25566.954
716239.9542 102319.993457143 25579.9983642857
716605.1964 102372.170914286 25593.0427285714
716970.4386 102424.348371429 25606.0870928571
717335.6808 102476.525828571 25619.1314571429
717700.923 102528.703285714 25632.1758214286
718066.1652 102580.880742857 25645.2201857143
718431.4074 102633.0582 25658.26455
718796.6496 102685.235657143 25671.3089142857
719161.8918 102737.413114286 25684.3532785714
719527.134 102789.590571429 25697.3976428571
719892.3762 102841.768028571 25710.4420071429
720257.6184 102893.945485714 25723.4863714286
720622.8606 102946.122942857 25736.5307357143
720988.1028 102998.3004 25749.5751
721353.345 103050.477857143 25762.6194642857
721718.5872 103102.655314286 25775.6638285714
722083.8294 103154.832771429 25788.7081928571
722449.0716 103207.010228571 25801.7525571429
722814.3138 103259.187685714 25814.7969214286
723179.556 103311.365142857 25827.8412857143
723544.7982 103363.5426 25840.88565
723910.0404 103415.720057143 25853.9300142857
724275.2826 103467.897514286 25866.9743785714
724640.5248 103520.074971429 25880.0187428571
725005.767 103572.252428571 25893.0631071429
725371.0092 103624.429885714 25906.1074714286
725736.2514 103676.607342857 25919.1518357143
726101.4936 103728.7848 25932.1962
726466.7358 103780.962257143 25945.2405642857
726831.978 103833.139714286 25958.2849285714
727197.2202 103885.317171429 25971.3292928571
727562.4624 103937.494628571 25984.3736571429
727927.7046 103989.672085714 25997.4180214286
728292.9468 104041.849542857 26010.4623857143
728658.189 104094.027 26023.50675
729023.4312 104146.204457143 26036.5511142857
729388.6734 104198.381914286 26049.5954785714
729753.9156 104250.559371429 26062.6398428571
730119.1578 104302.736828571 26075.6842071429
730484.4 104354.914285714 26088.7285714286
730849.6422 104407.091742857 26101.7729357143
731214.8844 104459.2692 26114.8173
731580.1266 104511.446657143 26127.8616642857
731945.3688 104563.624114286 26140.9060285714
732310.611 104615.801571429 26153.9503928571
732675.8532 104667.979028571 26166.9947571429
733041.0954 104720.156485714 26180.0391214286
733406.3376 104772.333942857 26193.0834857143
733771.5798 104824.5114 26206.12785
734136.822 104876.688857143 26219.1722142857
734502.0642 104928.866314286 26232.2165785714
734867.3064 104981.043771429 26245.2609428571
735232.5486 105033.221228571 26258.3053071429
735597.7908 105085.398685714 26271.3496714286
735963.033 105137.576142857 26284.3940357143
736328.2752 105189.7536 26297.4384
736693.5174 105241.931057143 26310.4827642857
737058.7596 105294.108514286 26323.5271285714
737424.0018 105346.285971429 26336.5714928571
737789.244 105398.463428571 26349.6158571429
738154.4862 105450.640885714 26362.6602214286
738519.7284 105502.818342857 26375.7045857143
738884.9706 105554.9958 26388.74895
739250.2128 105607.173257143 26401.7933142857
739615.455 105659.350714286 26414.8376785714
739980.6972 105711.528171429 26427.8820428571
740345.9394 105763.705628571 26440.9264071429
740711.1816 105815.883085714 26453.9707714286
741076.4238 105868.060542857 26467.0151357143
741441.666 105920.238 26480.0595
741806.9082 105972.415457143 26493.1038642857
742172.1504 106024.592914286 26506.1482285714
742537.3926 106076.770371429 26519.1925928571
742902.6348 106128.947828571 26532.2369571429
743267.877 106181.125285714 26545.2813214286
743633.1192 106233.302742857 26558.3256857143
743998.3614 106285.4802 26571.37005
744363.6036 106337.657657143 26584.4144142857
744728.8458 106389.835114286 26597.4587785714
745094.088 106442.012571429 26610.5031428571
745459.3302 106494.190028571 26623.5475071429
745824.5724 106546.367485714 26636.5918714286
746189.8146 106598.544942857 26649.6362357143
746555.0568 106650.7224 26662.6806
746920.299 106702.899857143 26675.7249642857
747285.5412 106755.077314286 26688.7693285714
747650.7834 106807.254771429 26701.8136928571
748016.0256 106859.432228571 26714.8580571429
748381.2678 106911.609685714 26727.9024214286
748746.51 106963.787142857 26740.9467857143
749111.7522 107015.9646 26753.99115
749476.9944 107068.142057143 26767.0355142857
749842.2366 107120.319514286 26780.0798785714
750207.4788 107172.496971429 26793.1242428571
750572.721 107224.674428571 26806.1686071429
750937.9632 107276.851885714 26819.2129714286
751303.2054 107329.029342857 26832.2573357143
751668.4476 107381.2068 26845.3017
752033.6898 107433.384257143 26858.3460642857
752398.932 107485.561714286 26871.3904285714
752764.1742 107537.739171429 26884.4347928571
753129.4164 107589.916628571 26897.4791571429
753494.6586 107642.094085714 26910.5235214286
753859.9008 107694.271542857 26923.5678857143
754225.143 107746.449 26936.61225
754590.3852 107798.626457143 26949.6566142857
754955.6274 107850.803914286 26962.7009785714
755320.8696 107902.981371429 26975.7453428571
755686.1118 107955.158828571 26988.7897071429
756051.354 108007.336285714 27001.8340714286
756416.5962 108059.513742857 27014.8784357143
756781.8384 108111.6912 27027.9228
757147.0806 108163.868657143 27040.9671642857
757512.3228 108216.046114286 27054.0115285714
757877.565 108268.223571429 27067.0558928571
758242.8072 108320.401028571 27080.1002571429
758608.0494 108372.578485714 27093.1446214286
758973.2916 108424.755942857 27106.1889857143
759338.5338 108476.9334 27119.23335
759703.776 108529.110857143 27132.2777142857
760069.0182 108581.288314286 27145.3220785714
760434.2604 108633.465771429 27158.3664428571
760799.5026 108685.643228571 27171.4108071429
761164.7448 108737.820685714 27184.4551714286
761529.987 108789.998142857 27197.4995357143
761895.2292 108842.1756 27210.5439
762260.4714 108894.353057143 27223.5882642857
762625.7136 108946.530514286 27236.6326285714
762990.9558 108998.707971429 27249.6769928571
763356.198 109050.885428571 27262.7213571429
763721.4402 109103.062885714 27275.7657214286
764086.6824 109155.240342857 27288.8100857143
764451.9246 109207.4178 27301.85445
764817.1668 109259.595257143 27314.8988142857
765182.409 109311.772714286 27327.9431785714
765547.6512 109363.950171429 27340.9875428571
765912.8934 109416.127628571 27354.0319071429
766278.1356 109468.305085714 27367.0762714286
766643.3778 109520.482542857 27380.1206357143
767008.62 109572.66 27393.165
767373.8622 109624.837457143 27406.2093642857
767739.1044 109677.014914286 27419.2537285714
768104.3466 109729.192371429 27432.2980928571
768469.5888 109781.369828571 27445.3424571429
768834.831 109833.547285714 27458.3868214286
769200.0732 109885.724742857 27471.4311857143
769565.3154 109937.9022 27484.47555
769930.5576 109990.079657143 27497.5199142857
770295.7998 110042.257114286 27510.5642785714
770661.042 110094.434571429 27523.6086428571
771026.2842 110146.612028571 27536.6530071429
771391.5264 110198.789485714 27549.6973714286
771756.7686 110250.966942857 27562.7417357143
772122.0108 110303.1444 27575.7861
772487.253 110355.321857143 27588.8304642857
772852.4952 110407.499314286 27601.8748285714
773217.7374 110459.676771429 27614.9191928571
773582.9796 110511.854228571 27627.9635571429
773948.2218 110564.031685714 27641.0079214286
774313.464 110616.209142857 27654.0522857143
774678.7062 110668.3866 27667.09665
775043.9484 110720.564057143 27680.1410142857
775409.1906 110772.741514286 27693.1853785714
775774.4328 110824.918971429 27706.2297428571
776139.675 110877.096428571 27719.2741071429
776504.9172 110929.273885714 27732.3184714286
776870.1594 110981.451342857 27745.3628357143
777235.4016 111033.6288 27758.4072
777600.6438 111085.806257143 27771.4515642857
777965.886 111137.983714286 27784.4959285714
778331.1282 111190.161171429 27797.5402928571
778696.3704 111242.338628571 27810.5846571429
779061.6126 111294.516085714 27823.6290214286
779426.8548 111346.693542857 27836.6733857143
779792.097 111398.871 27849.71775
780157.3392 111451.048457143 27862.7621142857
780522.5814 111503.225914286 27875.8064785714
780887.8236 111555.403371429 27888.8508428571
781253.0658 111607.580828571 27901.8952071429
781618.308 111659.758285714 27914.9395714286
781983.5502 111711.935742857 27927.9839357143
782348.7924 111764.1132 27941.0283
782714.0346 111816.290657143 27954.0726642857
783079.2768 111868.468114286 27967.1170285714
783444.519 111920.645571429 27980.1613928571
783809.7612 111972.823028571 27993.2057571429
784175.0034 112025.000485714 28006.2501214286
784540.2456 112077.177942857 28019.2944857143
784905.4878 112129.3554 28032.33885
785270.73 112181.532857143 28045.3832142857
785635.9722 112233.710314286 28058.4275785714
786001.2144 112285.887771429 28071.4719428571
786366.4566 112338.065228571 28084.5163071429
786731.6988 112390.242685714 28097.5606714286
787096.941 112442.420142857 28110.6050357143
787462.1832 112494.5976 28123.6494
787827.4254 112546.775057143 28136.6937642857
788192.6676 112598.952514286 28149.7381285714
788557.9098 112651.129971429 28162.7824928571
788923.152 112703.307428571 28175.8268571429
789288.3942 112755.484885714 28188.8712214286
789653.6364 112807.662342857 28201.9155857143
790018.8786 112859.8398 28214.95995
790384.1208 112912.017257143 28228.0043142857
790749.363 112964.194714286 28241.0486785714
791114.6052 113016.372171429 28254.0930428571
791479.8474 113068.549628571 28267.1374071429
791845.0896 113120.727085714 28280.1817714286
792210.3318 113172.904542857 28293.2261357143
792575.574 113225.082 28306.2705
792940.8162 113277.259457143 28319.3148642857
793306.0584 113329.436914286 28332.3592285714
793671.3006 113381.614371429 28345.4035928571
794036.5428 113433.791828571 28358.4479571429
794401.785 113485.969285714 28371.4923214286
794767.0272 113538.146742857 28384.5366857143
795132.2694 113590.3242 28397.58105
795497.5116 113642.501657143 28410.6254142857
795862.7538 113694.679114286 28423.6697785714
796227.996 113746.856571429 28436.7141428571
796593.2382 113799.034028571 28449.7585071429
796958.4804 113851.211485714 28462.8028714286
797323.7226 113903.388942857 28475.8472357143
797688.9648 113955.5664 28488.8916
798054.207 114007.743857143 28501.9359642857
798419.4492 114059.921314286 28514.9803285714
798784.6914 114112.098771429 28528.0246928571
799149.9336 114164.276228571 28541.0690571429
799515.1758 114216.453685714 28554.1134214286
799880.418 114268.631142857 28567.1577857143
800245.6602 114320.8086 28580.20215
800610.9024 114372.986057143 28593.2465142857
800976.1446 114425.163514286 28606.2908785714
801341.3868 114477.340971429 28619.3352428571
801706.629 114529.518428571 28632.3796071429
802071.8712 114581.695885714 28645.4239714286
802437.1134 114633.873342857 28658.4683357143
802802.3556 114686.0508 28671.5127
803167.5978 114738.228257143 28684.5570642857
803532.84 114790.405714286 28697.6014285714
803898.0822 114842.583171429 28710.6457928571
804263.3244 114894.760628571 28723.6901571429
804628.5666 114946.938085714 28736.7345214286
804993.8088 114999.115542857 28749.7788857143
805359.051 115051.293 28762.82325
805724.2932 115103.470457143 28775.8676142857
806089.5354 115155.647914286 28788.9119785714
806454.7776 115207.825371429 28801.9563428571
806820.0198 115260.002828571 28815.0007071429
807185.262 115312.180285714 28828.0450714286
807550.5042 115364.357742857 28841.0894357143
807915.7464 115416.5352 28854.1338
808280.9886 115468.712657143 28867.1781642857
808646.2308 115520.890114286 28880.2225285714
809011.473 115573.067571429 28893.2668928571
809376.7152 115625.245028571 28906.3112571429
809741.9574 115677.422485714 28919.3556214286
810107.1996 115729.599942857 28932.3999857143
810472.4418 115781.7774 28945.44435
810837.684 115833.954857143 28958.4887142857
811202.9262 115886.132314286 28971.5330785714
811568.1684 115938.309771429 28984.5774428571
811933.4106 115990.487228571 28997.6218071429
812298.6528 116042.664685714 29010.6661714286
812663.895 116094.842142857 29023.7105357143
813029.1372 116147.0196 29036.7549
813394.3794 116199.197057143 29049.7992642857
813759.6216 116251.374514286 29062.8436285714
814124.8638 116303.551971429 29075.8879928571
814490.106 116355.729428571 29088.9323571429
814855.3482 116407.906885714 29101.9767214286
815220.5904 116460.084342857 29115.0210857143
815585.8326 116512.2618 29128.06545
815951.0748 116564.439257143 29141.1098142857
816316.317 116616.616714286 29154.1541785714
816681.5592 116668.794171429 29167.1985428571
817046.8014 116720.971628571 29180.2429071429
817412.0436 116773.149085714 29193.2872714286
817777.2858 116825.326542857 29206.3316357143
818142.528 116877.504 29219.376
818507.7702 116929.681457143 29232.4203642857
818873.0124 116981.858914286 29245.4647285714
819238.2546 117034.036371429 29258.5090928571
819603.4968 117086.213828571 29271.5534571429
819968.739 117138.391285714 29284.5978214286
820333.9812 117190.568742857 29297.6421857143
820699.2234 117242.7462 29310.68655
821064.4656 117294.923657143 29323.7309142857
821429.7078 117347.101114286 29336.7752785714
821794.95 117399.278571429 29349.8196428571
822160.1922 117451.456028571 29362.8640071429
822525.4344 117503.633485714 29375.9083714286
822890.6766 117555.810942857 29388.9527357143
823255.9188 117607.9884 29401.9971
823621.161 117660.165857143 29415.0414642857
823986.4032 117712.343314286 29428.0858285714
824351.6454 117764.520771429 29441.1301928571
824716.8876 117816.698228571 29454.1745571429
825082.1298 117868.875685714 29467.2189214286
825447.372 117921.053142857 29480.2632857143
825812.6142 117973.2306 29493.30765
826177.8564 118025.408057143 29506.3520142857
826543.0986 118077.585514286 29519.3963785714
826908.3408 118129.762971429 29532.4407428571
827273.583 118181.940428571 29545.4851071429
827638.8252 118234.117885714 29558.5294714286
828004.0674 118286.295342857 29571.5738357143
828369.3096 118338.4728 29584.6182
828734.5518 118390.650257143 29597.6625642857
829099.794 118442.827714286 29610.7069285714
829465.0362 118495.005171429 29623.7512928571
829830.2784 118547.182628571 29636.7956571429
830195.5206 118599.360085714 29649.8400214286
830560.7628 118651.537542857 29662.8843857143
830926.005 118703.715 29675.92875
831291.2472 118755.892457143 29688.9731142857
831656.4894 118808.069914286 29702.0174785714
832021.7316 118860.247371429 29715.0618428571
832386.9738 118912.424828571 29728.1062071429
832752.216 118964.602285714 29741.1505714286
833117.4582 119016.779742857 29754.1949357143
833482.7004 119068.9572 29767.2393
833847.9426 119121.134657143 29780.2836642857
834213.1848 119173.312114286 29793.3280285714
834578.427 119225.489571429 29806.3723928571
834943.6692 119277.667028571 29819.4167571429
835308.9114 119329.844485714 29832.4611214286
835674.1536 119382.021942857 29845.5054857143
836039.3958 119434.1994 29858.54985
836404.638 119486.376857143 29871.5942142857
836769.8802 119538.554314286 29884.6385785714
837135.1224 119590.731771429 29897.6829428571
837500.3646 119642.909228571 29910.7273071429
837865.6068 119695.086685714 29923.7716714286
838230.849 119747.264142857 29936.8160357143
838596.0912 119799.4416 29949.8604
838961.3334 119851.619057143 29962.9047642857
839326.5756 119903.796514286 29975.9491285714
839691.8178 119955.973971429 29988.9934928571
840057.06 120008.151428571 30002.0378571429
840422.3022 120060.328885714 30015.0822214286
840787.5444 120112.506342857 30028.1265857143
841152.7866 120164.6838 30041.17095
841518.0288 120216.861257143 30054.2153142857
841883.271 120269.038714286 30067.2596785714
842248.5132 120321.216171429 30080.3040428571
842613.7554 120373.393628571 30093.3484071429
842978.9976 120425.571085714 30106.3927714286
843344.2398 120477.748542857 30119.4371357143
843709.482 120529.926 30132.4815
844074.7242 120582.103457143 30145.5258642857
844439.9664 120634.280914286 30158.5702285714
844805.2086 120686.458371429 30171.6145928571
845170.4508 120738.635828571 30184.6589571429
845535.693 120790.813285714 30197.7033214286
845900.9352 120842.990742857 30210.7476857143
846266.1774 120895.1682 30223.79205
846631.4196 120947.345657143 30236.8364142857
846996.6618 120999.523114286 30249.8807785714
847361.904 121051.700571429 30262.9251428571
847727.1462 121103.878028571 30275.9695071429
848092.3884 121156.055485714 30289.0138714286
848457.6306 121208.232942857 30302.0582357143
848822.8728 121260.4104 30315.1026
849188.115 121312.587857143 30328.1469642857
849553.3572 121364.765314286 30341.1913285714
849918.5994 121416.942771429 30354.2356928571
850283.8416 121469.120228571 30367.2800571429
850649.0838 121521.297685714 30380.3244214286
851014.326 121573.475142857 30393.3687857143
851379.5682 121625.6526 30406.41315
851744.8104 121677.830057143 30419.4575142857
852110.0526 121730.007514286 30432.5018785714
852475.2948 121782.184971429 30445.5462428571
852840.537 121834.362428571 30458.5906071429
853205.7792 121886.539885714 30471.6349714286
853571.0214 121938.717342857 30484.6793357143
853936.2636 121990.8948 30497.7237
854301.5058 122043.072257143 30510.7680642857
854666.748 122095.249714286 30523.8124285714
855031.9902 122147.427171429 30536.8567928571
855397.2324 122199.604628571 30549.9011571429
855762.4746 122251.782085714 30562.9455214286
856127.7168 122303.959542857 30575.9898857143
856492.959 122356.137 30589.03425
856858.2012 122408.314457143 30602.0786142857
857223.4434 122460.491914286 30615.1229785714
857588.6856 122512.669371429 30628.1673428571
857953.9278 122564.846828571 30641.2117071429
858319.17 122617.024285714 30654.2560714286
858684.4122 122669.201742857 30667.3004357143
859049.6544 122721.3792 30680.3448
859414.8966 122773.556657143 30693.3891642857
859780.1388 122825.734114286 30706.4335285714
860145.381 122877.911571429 30719.4778928571
860510.6232 122930.089028571 30732.5222571429
860875.8654 122982.266485714 30745.5666214286
861241.1076 123034.443942857 30758.6109857143
861606.3498 123086.6214 30771.65535
861971.592 123138.798857143 30784.6997142857
862336.8342 123190.976314286 30797.7440785714
862702.0764 123243.153771429 30810.7884428571
863067.3186 123295.331228571 30823.8328071429
863432.5608 123347.508685714 30836.8771714286
863797.803 123399.686142857 30849.9215357143
864163.0452 123451.8636 30862.9659
864528.2874 123504.041057143 30876.0102642857
864893.5296 123556.218514286 30889.0546285714
865258.7718 123608.395971429 30902.0989928571
865624.014 123660.573428571 30915.1433571429
865989.2562 123712.750885714 30928.1877214286
866354.4984 123764.928342857 30941.2320857143
866719.7406 123817.1058 30954.27645
867084.9828 123869.283257143 30967.3208142857
867450.225 123921.460714286 30980.3651785714
867815.4672 123973.638171429 30993.4095428571
868180.7094 124025.815628571 31006.4539071429
868545.9516 124077.993085714 31019.4982714286
868911.1938 124130.170542857 31032.5426357143
869276.436 124182.348 31045.587
869641.6782 124234.525457143 31058.6313642857
870006.9204 124286.702914286 31071.6757285714
870372.1626 124338.880371429 31084.7200928571
870737.4048 124391.057828571 31097.7644571429
871102.647 124443.235285714 31110.8088214286
871467.8892 124495.412742857 31123.8531857143
871833.1314 124547.5902 31136.89755
872198.3736 124599.767657143 31149.9419142857
872563.6158 124651.945114286 31162.9862785714
872928.858 124704.122571429 31176.0306428571
873294.1002 124756.300028571 31189.0750071429
873659.3424 124808.477485714 31202.1193714286
874024.5846 124860.654942857 31215.1637357143
874389.8268 124912.8324 31228.2081
874755.069 124965.009857143 31241.2524642857
875120.3112 125017.187314286 31254.2968285714
875485.5534 125069.364771429 31267.3411928571
875850.7956 125121.542228571 31280.3855571429
876216.0378 125173.719685714 31293.4299214286
876581.28 125225.897142857 31306.4742857143
876946.5222 125278.0746 31319.51865
877311.7644 125330.252057143 31332.5630142857
877677.0066 125382.429514286 31345.6073785714
878042.2488 125434.606971429 31358.6517428571
878407.491 125486.784428571 31371.6961071429
878772.7332 125538.961885714 31384.7404714286
879137.9754 125591.139342857 31397.7848357143
879503.2176 125643.3168 31410.8292
879868.4598 125695.494257143 31423.8735642857
880233.702 125747.671714286 31436.9179285714
880598.9442 125799.849171429 31449.9622928571
880964.1864 125852.026628571 31463.0066571429
881329.4286 125904.204085714 31476.0510214286
881694.6708 125956.381542857 31489.0953857143
882059.913 126008.559 31502.13975
882425.1552 126060.736457143 31515.1841142857
882790.3974 126112.913914286 31528.2284785714
883155.6396 126165.091371429 31541.2728428571
883520.8818 126217.268828571 31554.3172071429
883886.124 126269.446285714 31567.3615714286
884251.3662 126321.623742857 31580.4059357143
884616.6084 126373.8012 31593.4503
884981.8506 126425.978657143 31606.4946642857
885347.0928 126478.156114286 31619.5390285714
885712.335 126530.333571429 31632.5833928571
886077.5772 126582.511028571 31645.6277571429
886442.8194 126634.688485714 31658.6721214286
886808.0616 126686.865942857 31671.7164857143
887173.3038 126739.0434 31684.76085
887538.546 126791.220857143 31697.8052142857
887903.7882 126843.398314286 31710.8495785714
888269.0304 126895.575771429 31723.8939428571
888634.2726 126947.753228571 31736.9383071429
888999.5148 126999.930685714 31749.9826714286
889364.757 127052.108142857 31763.0270357143
889729.9992 127104.2856 31776.0714
890095.2414 127156.463057143 31789.1157642857
890460.4836 127208.640514286 31802.1601285714
890825.7258 127260.817971429 31815.2044928571
891190.968 127312.995428571 31828.2488571429
891556.2102 127365.172885714 31841.2932214286
891921.4524 127417.350342857 31854.3375857143
892286.6946 127469.5278 31867.38195
892651.9368 127521.705257143 31880.4263142857
893017.179 127573.882714286 31893.4706785714
893382.4212 127626.060171429 31906.5150428571
893747.6634 127678.237628571 31919.5594071429
894112.9056 127730.415085714 31932.6037714286
894478.1478 127782.592542857 31945.6481357143
894843.39 127834.77 31958.6925
895208.6322 127886.947457143 31971.7368642857
895573.8744 127939.124914286 31984.7812285714
895939.1166 127991.302371429 31997.8255928571
896304.3588 128043.479828571 32010.8699571429
896669.601 128095.657285714 32023.9143214286
897034.8432 128147.834742857 32036.9586857143
897400.0854 128200.0122 32050.00305
897765.3276 128252.189657143 32063.0474142857
898130.5698 128304.367114286 32076.0917785714
898495.812 128356.544571429 32089.1361428571
898861.0542 128408.722028571 32102.1805071429
899226.2964 128460.899485714 32115.2248714286
899591.5386 128513.076942857 32128.2692357143
899956.7808 128565.2544 32141.3136
900322.023 128617.431857143 32154.3579642857
900687.2652 128669.609314286 32167.4023285714
901052.5074 128721.786771429 32180.4466928571
901417.7496 128773.964228571 32193.4910571429
901782.9918 128826.141685714 32206.5354214286
902148.234 128878.319142857 32219.5797857143
902513.4762 128930.4966 32232.62415
902878.7184 128982.674057143 32245.6685142857
903243.9606 129034.851514286 32258.7128785714
903609.2028 129087.028971429 32271.7572428571
903974.445 129139.206428571 32284.8016071429
904339.6872 129191.383885714 32297.8459714286
904704.9294 129243.561342857 32310.8903357143
905070.1716 129295.7388 32323.9347
905435.4138 129347.916257143 32336.9790642857
905800.656 129400.093714286 32350.0234285714
906165.8982 129452.271171429 32363.0677928571
906531.1404 129504.448628571 32376.1121571429
906896.3826 129556.626085714 32389.1565214286
907261.6248 129608.803542857 32402.2008857143
907626.867 129660.981 32415.24525
907992.1092 129713.158457143 32428.2896142857
908357.3514 129765.335914286 32441.3339785714
908722.5936 129817.513371429 32454.3783428571
909087.8358 129869.690828571 32467.4227071429
909453.078 129921.868285714 32480.4670714286
909818.3202 129974.045742857 32493.5114357143
910183.5624 130026.2232 32506.5558
910548.8046 130078.400657143 32519.6001642857
910914.0468 130130.578114286 32532.6445285714
911279.289 130182.755571429 32545.6888928571
911644.5312 130234.933028571 32558.7332571429
912009.7734 130287.110485714 32571.7776214286
912375.0156 130339.287942857 32584.8219857143
912740.2578 130391.4654 32597.86635
913105.5 130443.642857143 32610.9107142857
913470.7422 130495.820314286 32623.9550785714
913835.9844 130547.997771429 32636.9994428571
914201.2266 130600.175228571 32650.0438071429
914566.4688 130652.352685714 32663.0881714286
914931.711 130704.530142857 32676.1325357143
915296.9532 130756.7076 32689.1769

DAYS since 0 WEEKS since 0 LUNAR cycles since 0

POINT 28 127
x x x ADAM 1414 14113
x o x ONE EVE 5 22 5 14 31 14
x x x
MAN 35 70 257
o x x birth year
x x o Line in space

o x x
x o x THREE TRINITY Hierarchy from top
x x o triangle from side view

o x o
x x x FOUR Square, rec
o x o BOX

o x o
x o x FIVE

o x o
o x o SIX
o x o PRISM

Note: Even though numbers on faces are composed of dots. The nature of dice as cube
The number and configuration of dots on point to meaning.

o x o
o o o This could be H, N, M, W, Z rotated Depending on our perspective. Ac
o x o

o o o
o x o This is the box. It compliments the 1 and fills out what was hinted at in the FOUR
o o o

o o o
o o o This fills out the 3 x 3 space of the face of the box. It is the 9, the zero in the 8
o o o

x x x
x x x
x x x

If we train the two groups to play the exact same game shooting for the 6's

1. The o's see 1 1 where the x's see 1

2. If we incentize the results

o-Game 1: Find the dot in the middle

x-Game 1: Find the box

ox Game 2: Find the blank, the NO THING.

ox Game 3: Seek the X," X marks the Spot"

ox Game 4: find 911

In Casinos,

The game involves shaking TWO dice with 1-6

First Roll
1. 7 or 11 wins
2. 1-1=2 = snake eyes loses
3. 6 6 = 12 loses
4. Everything else sets pattern for remainder of game
a. Get 7 (6,1 5,2 4,3 3,4, 2.5. or 1.6)
b. match number from first roll
157 184 89 13
14143 10 13 10
Death of 41 41 Death of adam = MADAM

1101 13
1102 2 13 MAN 1414 reversed is also mama!

dots. The nature of dice as cubes confine us to the framework of lines and square faces
o meaning.
epending on our perspective. Actually, it is ALL of them until we choose to make an observation/interpretation that reduces it to one of th

t what was hinted at in the FOUR.

x. It is the 9, the zero in the 8 This drives a "what-if" suppose we replace blank squares with x
Our game of dice does not change if we only focus on the zeros

In the "X" version of dice, the "value" of the face is 9 minus the number of 0's
However, the shapes ar different
o x
1 dot in middle outer box
2 2 on diag diag double arrow
3 3 on diag diag < >
4 box corners square w/face plus sign or cross
5 X smaller diag box
7 H 1 with middle missing
8 box square w/face x in middle
e game shooting for the 6's 9 filled box blank face
0 blank face filled box

Both look for the same outcomes within their worlds

o seeks 0 and x seeks 9

o seeks 5's and x seels 8

o seeks 9 followed by 6. However, x seeks 0 66 Could just as easily have x seek 966 with similar results
(continue rolling until)
4, 2.5. or 1.6) 6 of 18 lose
22 102 13 22 2 11 13 2 143 Add Wayne = 41 2184
at reduces it to one of these or potentially others.

Upside Down: o game give us 9 11 x game gives up 9 1 together 1 1 . 1

h similar results
1. Prime factorization enables transforming multiplication into table lookup
a. Factor each number into primes
b. Express in table where rows are primes and entries are # of that prime in the factorization
Number 2 3 5 7 11 13 17
6 1 1
28 2 1
c. To multiply, sum each col and look up result in table
Note, it really does not matter what the base 2 or base 10 or any other base representation is.
The prime factorization uniquely identifies the numbers
Conversion to any base can be done once and the result can be looked up easily
Conversion allows one to explore the information for additonal relationships, connections, and
Every new such connection enables a different nuance in meaning to be expressed
The entire universe is constructed in this manner, through making connection
Everything that we are and can experience is composed of 1's and 0's corresponding to the bre
Collectively WE ARE ONE, we are ALL THAT IS, we are the CREATOR, THE CREATION, AND THE E
Everything reduces to numbers, reduces to MATH = 4128 41 28
That is 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 if we multiply the two together.
For all number with 10 digits or less with the digits from 0-4, this number from ma x
We get the original number
Plus 2001 at the front of it. That is we get 28 times our original number.
Note: 28 is the 2nd Perfect Number. 6 = 2 x 3 = 11(prime) being the first
We are now at 2018 =2^2 x 5 x 7^8 22 5 78 is an interesting
The meaning that came to mind is the 5:Hierophant/Pope cycle is comple
Upside down working out from the middle, this is 9:0101
Each cycle has 22 x 78 steps = 44 x 39 steps = 2 x 2 x 11 x 3 x 13
Interesting. My SSN ends in 2184 = 12 x 13 x 14 steps = 888(16
Less than one hour ago, I explained having an AHA moment tha
He responded "what about division, that harder"
Not if we stay with rational numbers!
1. Prime factor numerator and denominator
2. For each prime, reduce the count in numerator an
3. Lookup reduced numerator and reduced denomi

Note: This works regardless of how many numbers are being multiplied together.
d. Knowing the prime factorization enables sorting in whole new ways allowing additional connections to be discove
For instance, the set of numbers that has at least two 7's and exactly three 13's would be easily determin

2. Everything that we can "IMAGINE" can be expressed rationally, as 1s and 0s representing rational numbers. The number an
3. To deal with irrational numbers, we have to go BEYOND IMAGINATION.
4. We can use perfect numbers as another dimension that is unique. It too is expressed as integers. 50 perfect numbers have
a. They are in the BASIC Tab with dates of discovery and some observations
b. One observation is that there are 50 states in the United States of American
50 States tab identifies which states entered the union on what dates along with some observations
c. The first Perfect #: 6 has 1 digit. The first four were known in 428 BC (Euclid). They have 1, 2, 3, and 4 digits.
d. The fifth Perfect #: 335 50 336 has 8 digits and was not discovered until 1456
Note the 50 in the middle and 335 on one side and 336 on the other side. 50 somehow corresponds wit
Note the 33 5 to 33 6 transition. 33 5 is The Master Teacher of the 5th cycle. 33 6 is the Master Teacher o
It took 1456 + 428 years to go from 4 Perfect Numbers to 5. That is 1884 years!
e. Perfect 50 was discovered last year (2017) and has: 46498850 digits
Note: This was 1 year after Perfect 49 and 2017-1456 = 561 years after Perfect 5. That is 51 x 11 = 11 * 1
Interesting. My SSN ends in 888(16) There is a building with that address within a mile of where I work.
Now, we have 2 888 appearing to my consciousness. This suggests cycles of 888. 2 x 888 = 1776 the year
It seems that 3 x 8 8 8 is next. That is 24 24 24 = X X X = 13(p) 13(p) 13(p) = 39(p) based on our discove
This is a reprentatopm of X Box envisioned as a cube with a dot in the middle and lines drawn f

1.2 Trillion primes in 1976, the year I graduated from High School. 4.4 Trillion Prime
It is easier to calculate them than to generate and store a table and look them up!!!
Just found this on Google … We don't have to remember things if we come up with easy ways to derive the ones
19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47

presentation is.

onships, connections, and meanings.

be expressed

s corresponding to the breath of ALL THAT IS

Wayne 41: 13th prime number and 28: 2 2 7 = 2 0 0 1 in the prime factorization above

-4, this number from ma x th expressed numerologically

mes our original number.

11(prime) being the first
22 5 78 is an interesting number. 22: The Major Arcana Complete; 5:Man or The Pentacle or the Pentagon; and 78:The Tarot Complete
hant/Pope cycle is complete. 22 major steps each with 56 minor steps. That takes us to 1:The Magician 6:The Lovers 1:The Magician
middle, this is 9:0101
9 steps = 2 x 2 x 11 x 3 x 13 steps = 11 x 12 x 13 steps = KLM 11 x 13 = 143 is the A with the circle on the top in ASCII, Promi
2 x 13 x 14 steps = 888(16) steps = LMN = 14/11 more steps = 2 x 7 / 11 more steps 1.272727 ratio
having an AHA moment that reduced multiplication to prime factorization which only needs to be done once to become table lookup, additi
that harder"

and denominator
the count in numerator and denominator by the min of the # for that prime - simple check for least and subtract
ator and reduced denominator. The rational expression in lowest terms will be reduced numerator / red uced denominator

connections to be discovered that were hidden before

would be easily determined

numbers. The number and its prime factorization define 2D space

50 perfect numbers have been discovered to date.

h some observations
e 1, 2, 3, and 4 digits.
omehow corresponds with 8: Infinity rotated 90 degrees, something we do to represent imaginary numbers
3 6 is the Master Teacher of the 6th cycle. (My prefix for telephone at work has been 336 for 21 years!)
2 3^8 5^8 7^4 got us to Perfect 5 with 8 digits and a 335 to 336 transition
Interesting, the numbe of digits ends in 50
5. That is 51 x 11 = 11 * 17^3 years K QQQ 2 888
in a mile of where I work. There is another built more recently with 1 888, again within a mile of where I work
8. 2 x 888 = 1776 the year of the Declaration of Independence in the USA = 16 16 16 16^3 163
9(p) based on our discovery of multiplying by adding prime factorizations
e middle and lines drawn from that middle dot to each of the eight vertices

Since the advent of computers, the need

can easily form a table of primes faster th
School. 4.4 Trillion Primes needed in 1980 were calculated and discarded. primes to 104,395,289 on MicroCards (19
table and look them up!!! What a difference 4 years made. needed. When Brent needed the primes 4
sy ways to derive the ones we need when we need them longer strings of consecutive primes has b
n; and 78:The Tarot Complete
:The Lovers 1:The Magician

circle on the top in ASCII, Prominent on my ring

e to become table lookup, addition, and table lookup of result

ced denominator
advent of computers, the need for large tables has been nearly erased. Using the sieve of Eratosthenes we
y form a table of primes faster than they can be read from cards or a disk. So Baker and Gruenberger's table of
104,395,289 on MicroCards (1959), and Bays & Hudson's table to 1,200,000,000,000 (1976) are no longer
When Brent needed the primes 4,400,000,000,000 in 1980, he just calculated them, then discarded them. (Far
ings of consecutive primes has been calculated and discarded since then!)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 28 56 84 112 140 168 196 224 252
28 756 784 812 840 868 896 924 952 980
56 1484 1512 1540 1568 1596 1624 1652 1680 1708
84 2212 2240 2268 2296 2324 2352 2380 2408 2436
112 2940 2968 2996 3024 3052 3080 3108 3136 3164
140 3668 3696 3724 3752 3780 3808 3836 3864 3892
168 4396 4424 4452 4480 4508 4536 4564 4592 4620
196 5124 5152 5180 5208 5236 5264 5292 5320 5348
224 5852 5880 5908 5936 5964 5992 6020 6048 6076
252 6580 6608 6636 6664 6692 6720 6748 6776 6804
280 7308 7336 7364 7392 7420 7448 7476 7504 7532
308 8036 8064 8092 8120 8148 8176 8204 8232 8260
336 8764 8792 8820 8848 8876 8904 8932 8960 8988
364 9492 9520 9548 9576 9604 9632 9660 9688 9716
392 10220 10248 10276 10304 10332 10360 10388 10416 10444
420 10948 10976 11004 11032 11060 11088 11116 11144 11172
448 11676 11704 11732 11760 11788 11816 11844 11872 11900
476 12404 12432 12460 12488 12516 12544 12572 12600 12628
504 13132 13160 13188 13216 13244 13272 13300 13328 13356
532 13860 13888 13916 13944 13972 14000 14028 14056 14084
560 14588 14616 14644 14672 14700 14728 14756 14784 14812
588 15316 15344 15372 15400 15428 15456 15484 15512 15540
616 16044 16072 16100 16128 16156 16184 16212 16240 16268
644 16772 16800 16828 16856 16884 16912 16940 16968 16996
672 17500 17528 17556 17584 17612 17640 17668 17696 17724
700 18228 18256 18284 18312 18340 18368 18396 18424 18452
728 18956 18984 19012 19040 19068 19096 19124 19152 19180
756 19684 19712 19740 19768 19796 19824 19852 19880 19908
784 20412 20440 20468 20496 20524 20552 20580 20608 20636
812 21140 21168 21196 21224 21252 21280 21308 21336 21364
840 21868 21896 21924 21952 21980 22008 22036 22064 22092

2056 2016
228 4812
2392 10248
2532 13888 54 LOVE 53:22:00
22672 18088
25784 21084
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
280 308 336 364 392 420 448 476 504 532
1008 1036 1064 1092 1120 1148 1176 1204 1232 1260
1736 1764 1792 1820 1848 1876 1904 1932 1960 1988
2464 2492 2520 2548 2576 2604 2632 2660 2688 2716
3192 3220 3248 3276 3304 3332 3360 3388 3416 3444
3920 3948 3976 4004 4032 4060 4088 4116 4144 4172
4648 4676 4704 4732 4760 4788 4816 4844 4872 4900
5376 5404 5432 5460 5488 5516 5544 5572 5600 5628
6104 6132 6160 6188 6216 6244 6272 6300 6328 6356
6832 6860 6888 6916 6944 6972 7000 7028 7056 7084
7560 7588 7616 7644 7672 7700 7728 7756 7784 7812
8288 8316 8344 8372 8400 8428 8456 8484 8512 8540
9016 9044 9072 9100 9128 9156 9184 9212 9240 9268
9744 9772 9800 9828 9856 9884 9912 9940 9968 9996
10472 10500 10528 10556 10584 10612 10640 10668 10696 10724
11200 11228 11256 11284 11312 11340 11368 11396 11424 11452
11928 11956 11984 12012 12040 12068 12096 12124 12152 12180
12656 12684 12712 12740 12768 12796 12824 12852 12880 12908
13384 13412 13440 13468 13496 13524 13552 13580 13608 13636
14112 14140 14168 14196 14224 14252 14280 14308 14336 14364
14840 14868 14896 14924 14952 14980 15008 15036 15064 15092
15568 15596 15624 15652 15680 15708 15736 15764 15792 15820
16296 16324 16352 16380 16408 16436 16464 16492 16520 16548
17024 17052 17080 17108 17136 17164 17192 17220 17248 17276
17752 17780 17808 17836 17864 17892 17920 17948 17976 18004
18480 18508 18536 18564 18592 18620 18648 18676 18704 18732
19208 19236 19264 19292 19320 19348 19376 19404 19432 19460
19936 19964 19992 20020 20048 20076 20104 20132 20160 20188
20664 20692 20720 20748 20776 20804 20832 20860 20888 20916
21392 21420 21448 21476 21504 21532 21560 21588 21616 21644
22120 22148 22176 22204 22232 22260 22288 22316 22344 22372
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
560 588 616 644 672 700 728
1288 1316 1344 1372 1400 1428 1456
2016 2044 2072 2100 2128 2156 2184
2744 2772 2800 2828 2856 2884 2912
3472 3500 3528 3556 3584 3612 3640
4200 4228 4256 4284 4312 4340 4368
4928 4956 4984 5012 5040 5068 5096
5656 5684 5712 5740 5768 5796 5824
6384 6412 6440 6468 6496 6524 6552
7112 7140 7168 7196 7224 7252 7280
7840 7868 7896 7924 7952 7980 8008
8568 8596 8624 8652 8680 8708 8736
9296 9324 9352 9380 9408 9436 9464
10024 10052 10080 10108 10136 10164 10192
10752 10780 10808 10836 10864 10892 10920
11480 11508 11536 11564 11592 11620 11648
12208 12236 12264 12292 12320 12348 12376
12936 12964 12992 13020 13048 13076 13104
13664 13692 13720 13748 13776 13804 13832
14392 14420 14448 14476 14504 14532 14560
15120 15148 15176 15204 15232 15260 15288
15848 15876 15904 15932 15960 15988 16016
16576 16604 16632 16660 16688 16716 16744
17304 17332 17360 17388 17416 17444 17472
18032 18060 18088 18116 18144 18172 18200
18760 18788 18816 18844 18872 18900 18928
19488 19516 19544 19572 19600 19628 19656
20216 20244 20272 20300 20328 20356 20384
20944 20972 21000 21028 21056 21084 21112
21672 21700 21728 21756 21784 21812 21840
22400 22428 22456 22484 22512 22540 22568
Presidency[a] President

April 30, 1789 George Washington


March 4, 1797

(Lived: 67 years)

March 4, 1797 John Adams

March 4, 1801

(Lived: 90 years)

March 4, 1801 Thomas Jefferson

March 4, 1809


(Lived: 83 years)

March 4, 1809 James Madison

March 4, 1817

(Lived: 85 years)

March 4, 1817 James Monroe

March 4, 1825

(Lived: 73 years)

March 4, 1825 John Quincy Adams

March 4, 1829

(Lived: 80 years)

March 4, 1829 Andrew Jackson

March 4, 1837

(Lived: 78 years)

March 4, 1837 Martin Van Buren

March 4, 1841

(Lived: 79 years)

March 4, 1841 William Henry Harrison

April 4, 1841
(Died in office)

(Lived: 68 years)

April 4, 1841 John Tyler


March 4, 1845


(Lived: 71 years)

March 4, 1845 James K. Polk

March 4, 1849


(Lived: 53 years)

Zachary Taylor

March 4, 1849

July 9, 1850
(Died in office)


(Lived: 65 years)

July 9, 1850 Millard Fillmore


March 4, 1853


(Lived: 74 years)

March 4, 1853 Franklin Pierce

March 4, 1857


(Lived: 64 years)

March 4, 1857 James Buchanan

March 4, 1861


(Lived: 77 years)

March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln

April 15, 1865
(Died in office)


(Lived: 56 years)

April 15, 1865 Andrew Johnson

March 4, 1869


(Lived: 66 years)

Ulysses S. Grant

March 4, 1869

March 4, 1877


(Lived: 63 years)

March 4, 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes

March 4, 1881


(Lived: 70 years)

March 4, 1881 James A. Garfield

September 19, 1881

(Died in office)


(Lived: 49 years)

September 19, 1881 Chester A. Arthur


March 4, 1885


(Lived: 57 years)

March 4, 1885 Grover Cleveland

March 4, 1889


(Lived: 71 years)

March 4, 1889 Benjamin Harrison

March 4, 1893


(Lived: 67 years)

March 4, 1893 Grover Cleveland

March 4, 1897


(Lived: 71 years)

March 4, 1897 William McKinley

(Died in office)


(Lived: 58 years)
14-Sep-01 Theodore Roosevelt



(Lived: 60 years)

4-Mar-09 William Howard Taft



(Lived: 72 years)

4-Mar-13 Woodrow Wilson



(Lived: 67 years)

4-Mar-21 Warren G. Harding

(Died in office)


(Lived: 57 years)

2-Aug-23 Calvin Coolidge




(Lived: 60 years)

Herbert Hoover



(Lived: 90 years)

4-Mar-33 Franklin D. Roosevelt

(Died in office)


(Lived: 63 years)

12-Apr-45 Harry S. Truman



(Lived: 88 years)

Dwight D. Eisenhower




(Lived: 78 years)

20-Jan-61 John F. Kennedy

(Died in office)


(Lived: 46 years)
22-Nov-63 Lyndon B. Johnson



(Lived: 64 years)

20-Jan-69 Richard Nixon

(Resigned from office)


(Lived: 81 years)

9-Aug-74 Gerald Ford



(Lived: 93 years)

20-Jan-77 Jimmy Carter



Born 1924
(93 years old)

20-Jan-81 Ronald Reagan



(Lived: 93 years)

20-Jan-89 George H. W. Bush



Born 1924
(93 years old)

20-Jan-93 Bill Clinton


Born 1946
(71 years old)

20-Jan-01 George W. Bush


Born 1946
(71 years old)

20-Jan-09 Barack Obama



Born 1961

(56 years old)


20-Jan-17 Donald Trump



Born 1946
(71 years old)
Prior office[b] Party[c] Term[d]

Commander-in-Chief Unaffiliated (1788–89)

of the [2] 1
Continental Army -1789

1st -1796

Vice President of the United States 3



2nd Democratic- -1800

Vice President of the United States Republican 4

5th Democratic- -1808

United States Secretary of State Republican 6

(1801–1809) -1809


7th Democratic- -1816

United States Secretary of State Republican 8

(1811–1817) -1817


8th Democratic- -1824

United States Secretary of State Republican 10
(1817–1825) -1825

U.S. Senator (Class 2) from -1828

(1797–1798 & 1823–1825) 11



8th -1836

Vice President of the United States 13


United States Minister to Colombia -1840
(1828–1829) 14


10th Whig

Vice President of the United States April 4, 1841 – September 13, 1841

September 13, 1841 – March 4, 1845

9th -1844
Governor of Tennessee 15
(1839–1841) -1845

Major General of the 1st Infantry -1848
United States Army 16
(1846–1849) -1849
(No prior elected office) -1850



Vice President of the United States


Brigadier General of the 9th -1852

United States Army 17
(1847–1848) -1853


United States Minister to the -1856

Court of St James's 18
(1853–1856) -1857


U.S. Representative for Illinois' Republican -1860

7th District
(1847–1849) (National Union) 19
[n] -1861


16th National Union -1865

Vice President of the United States April 15, 1865 – c. 1868 [j]
c. 1868 – March 4, 1869


Commanding General of the U.S. Army -1868

(1864–1869) 21
(No prior elected office) -1869



29th & 32nd -1876

Governor of Ohio 23
(1868–1872 & 1876–1877) -1877


U.S. Representative for Ohio's -1880

19th District
(1863–1881) 24




Vice President of the United States


28th -1884

Governor of New York 25

(1883–1885) -1885


U.S. Senator (Class 1) from -1888

(1881–1887) 26


22nd -1892

President of the United States 27

(1885–1889) -1893


39th -1896

Governor of Ohio 28
(1892–1896) -1897


25th [j]

Vice President of the United States



42nd -1908

United States Secretary of War 31

(1904–1908) -1909


34th -1912

Governor of New Jersey 32

(1911–1913) -1913



U.S. Senator (Class 3) from Ohio -1920

(1915–1921) 34



Vice President of the United States


3rd -1928
United States Secretary of Commerce 36
(1921–1928) -1929
(No prior elected office)


44th -1932

Governor of New York 37

(1929–1932) -1933


34th [j]

Vice President of the United States



Supreme Allied Commander Europe -1952

(1949–1952) 42
(No prior elected office) -1953


U.S. Senator (Class 1) from -1960
(1953–1960) 44


Vice President of the United States


36th -1968

Vice President of the United States 46

(1953–1961) -1969




Vice President of the United States


76th -1976
Governor of Georgia 48
(1971–1975) -1977


33rd -1980
Governor of California 49
(1967–1975) -1981



43rd -1988

Vice President of the United States 51



40th & 42nd -1992

Governor of Arkansas 52
(1979–1981 & 1983–1992) -1993


46th -2000
Governor of Texas 54
(1995–2000) -2001



U.S. Senator (Class 3) from Illinois -2008

(2005–2008) 56


Chairman of -2016
The Trump Organization 58
(1971–2017) -2017
(No prior elected office)

Vice President

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson


Aaron Burr

March 4, 1801 – March 4, 1805

George Clinton
March 4, 1805 – March 4, 1809

George Clinton
March 4, 1809 – April 20, 1812

(Died in office)

Office vacant
(Balance of Clinton's term)

Elbridge Gerry
March 4, 1813 – November 23, 1814

(Died in office)

Office vacant
(Balance of Gerry's term)

Daniel D. Tompkins
John C. Calhoun

John C. Calhoun

March 4, 1829 – December 28, 1832

(Resigned from office)

Office vacant
(Balance of Calhoun's term)

Martin Van Buren

March 4, 1833 – March 4, 1837

Richard M. Johnson
John Tyler
(Succeeded to presidency)

Office vacant

George M. Dallas
Millard Fillmore
(Succeeded to presidency)

Office vacant

William R. King
March 4 – April 18, 1853

(Died in office)
Office vacant
(Balance of King's term)

John C. Breckinridge

Hannibal Hamlin
March 4, 1861 – March 4, 1865

Andrew Johnson
March 4 – April 15, 1865

(Succeeded to presidency)

Office vacant
Office vacant

Schuyler Colfax
March 4, 1869 – March 4, 1873

Henry Wilson
March 4, 1873 – November 22, 1875

(Died in office)

Office vacant
(Balance of Wilson's term)

William A. Wheeler

Chester A. Arthur
(Succeeded to presidency)
Office vacant

Thomas A. Hendricks
March 4 – November 25, 1885

(Died in office)

Office vacant
(Balance of Hendricks' term)
Levi P. Morton

Adlai Stevenson

Garret Hobart

March 4, 1897 – November 21, 1899

(Died in office)

Office vacant
(Balance of Hobart's term)

Theodore Roosevelt
March 4 – September 14, 1901

(Succeeded to presidency)
Office vacant

September 14, 1901 – March 4,


Charles W. Fairbanks
March 4, 1905 – March 4, 1909

James S. Sherman

March 4, 1909 – October 30, 1912

(Died in office)

Office vacant
(Balance of Sherman's term)

Thomas R. Marshall
Thomas R. Marshall

Calvin Coolidge
(Succeeded to presidency)

Office vacant

August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1925

Charles G. Dawes
March 4, 1925 – March 4, 1929
Charles Curtis

John N. Garner

March 4, 1933 – January 20, 1941


Henry A. Wallace
January 20, 1941 – January 20, 1945

Harry S. Truman
January 20 – April 12, 1945

(Succeeded to presidency)

Office vacant
April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1949
Alben W. Barkley
January 20, 1949 – January 20, 1953

Richard Nixon

Lyndon B. Johnson
(Succeeded to presidency)
Office vacant

November 22, 1963 – January 20,


Hubert Humphrey
January 20, 1965 – January 20, 1969

Spiro Agnew
January 20, 1969 – October 10, 1973

(Resigned from office)

Office vacant
October 10 – December 6, 1973

Gerald Ford
December 6, 1973 – August 9, 1974

(Succeeded to presidency)

Office vacant

August 9 – December 19, 1974

Nelson Rockefeller
December 19, 1974 – January 20,

Walter Mondale

George H. W. Bush

Dan Quayle
Dan Quayle

Al Gore

Dick Cheney

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

Mike Pence
Presidency[a] President

April 30, 1789 George Washington


March 4, 1797


(Lived: 67 years)


March 4, 1797 John Adams

March 4, 1801


(Lived: 90 years)


March 4, 1801 Thomas Jefferson

March 4, 1809

3 1743–1826

(Lived: 83 years)


March 4, 1809 James Madison

March 4, 1817


(Lived: 85 years)


March 4, 1817 James Monroe

March 4, 1825

5 (Lived: 73 years)


March 4, 1825 John Quincy Adams

March 4, 1829


(Lived: 80 years)


March 4, 1829 Andrew Jackson

March 4, 1837


(Lived: 78 years)


March 4, 1837 Martin Van Buren

March 4, 1841


(Lived: 79 years)


March 4, 1841 William Henry Harrison

April 4, 1841

(Died in office)

9 1773–1841

(Lived: 68 years)


April 4, 1841 John Tyler

– (k)

March 4, 1845


(Lived: 71 years)


March 4, 1845 James K. Polk

March 4, 1849


(Lived: 53 years)


Zachary Taylor

March 4, 1849

July 9, 1850
12 (Died in office)


(Lived: 65 years)


July 9, 1850 Millard Fillmore


March 4, 1853



(Lived: 74 years)


March 4, 1853 Franklin Pierce

March 4, 1857

14 1804–1869
(Lived: 64 years)

March 4, 1857 James Buchanan

March 4, 1861


(Lived: 77 years)


March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln

April 15, 1865

(Died in office)

(Lived: 56 years)


April 15, 1865 Andrew Johnson

March 4, 1869


(Lived: 66 years)


Ulysses S. Grant

March 4, 1869

March 4, 1877


(Lived: 63 years)

March 4, 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes

March 4, 1881


(Lived: 70 years)


March 4, 1881 James A. Garfield

September 19, 1881

(Died in office)


(Lived: 49 years)


September 19, 1881 Chester A. Arthur

March 4, 1885


(Lived: 57 years)


March 4, 1885 Grover Cleveland

March 4, 1889

22 (Lived: 71 years)


March 4, 1889 Benjamin Harrison

March 4, 1893


(Lived: 67 years)


March 4, 1893 Grover Cleveland

March 4, 1897



(Lived: 71 years)


March 4, 1897 William McKinley


(Died in office)

25 1843–1901

(Lived: 58 years)


14-Sep-01 Theodore Roosevelt


(Lived: 60 years)


4-Mar-09 William Howard Taft

27 4-Mar-13

4-Mar-13 Woodrow Wilson


(Lived: 67 years)


4-Mar-21 Warren G. Harding

(Died in office)

(Lived: 57 years)

2-Aug-23 Calvin Coolidge



(Lived: 60 years)

Herbert Hoover





(Lived: 90 years)

4-Mar-33 Franklin D. Roosevelt


(Died in office)

32 1882–1945

(Lived: 63 years)


12-Apr-45 Harry S. Truman

33 20-Jan-53


(Lived: 88 years)


Dwight D. Eisenhower


34 20-Jan-61


(Lived: 78 years)

20-Jan-61 John F. Kennedy

(Died in office)


(Lived: 46 years)

22-Nov-63 Lyndon B. Johnson


36 1908–1973

(Lived: 64 years)


20-Jan-69 Richard Nixon


(Resigned from office)


(Lived: 81 years)


9-Aug-74 Gerald Ford



(Lived: 93 years)


20-Jan-77 Jimmy Carter


Born 1924
(93 years old)


20-Jan-81 Ronald Reagan




(Lived: 93 years)


20-Jan-89 George H. W. Bush


41 Born 1924

(93 years old)


20-Jan-93 Bill Clinton


Born 1946
(71 years old)

42 [121][122][123]

20-Jan-01 George W. Bush


Born 1946
(71 years old)


20-Jan-09 Barack Obama


Born 1961
(56 years old)
20-Jan-17 Donald Trump



Born 1946
(71 years old)
1 GW 17890430 17970304 1732 1826

Died July 4, 1776 2 JA 17970304 18010304 1735 1826

Died July 4, 1776 3 TJ 18010304 18090304 1743 1826

4 JM 18090304 18170304 1751 1836

5 JM 18170304 18250304 1758 1831

6 JQA 18250304 18290304 1767 1848

7 AJ 18290304 18370304 1767 1845

8 MVB 18370304 18410304 1782 1862

9 WHH 18410304 18410404 1773 1841

10 JT 18410404 18450304 1790 1862

11 JKP 18450304 18480304 1795 1849

12 ZT 18490304 18500708 1784 1850

13 MF 18500709 18530304 1800 1874

14 FP 18530304 18570304 1804 1869

15 JB 18570304 18610304 1791 1868

16 AL 18610304 18650415 1809 1865

17 AJ 18650415 18690304 1808 1875

18 USG 18690304 18770304 1822 1885

19 RBH 18770304 18810304 1822 1893

20 JAG 18810304 18810919 1831 1881

25 Bridged the 19/20 century
3/4 TO 1/20

TIMES 1/15 = 0.06666666


1958 TO 2018 IS 60 YEARS X 15 = 900 EQUIVALENT YEARS = 3

34 Inauguration 3/4 => 1/20 1953 TO 2018 IS 65 YEARS X 15 = 975 EQUIVALENT YEARS = 2

3/4 = 31 + 28 + 4 = 63/64 leap


Changed in 1953 = 22:17

3 9
4 16

13 12 5 25

169 144 25
67 10 6

90 5 4

83 9 6

85 7 5

73 6 5
80 5 4 6

78 7 6

79 3 5 6

68 8 7 5
71 5 4

53 4 5 1

65 6 7

74 8 7
64 6 8

77 8 5

56 7 7

66 7 6
63 5 7 1

70 5 10 1

49 8 5 1
ING IN 1953!

= 900 EQUIVALENT YEARS = 30 X 30 = 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 5 X 5 = 222 (PRIME factors)

= 975 EQUIVALENT YEARS = 25 X 39 = 3 X 5 X 5 X 13 = 1 0 0 2 1 0 (PRIME factors)

DIFF 2X2X3 / 13 12 VS 13


25 144 169

7 56 16 X 9 = 12 X 12 = 144
4 X 14
Binary Quad Oct Hex 32 64 128 256 512
2^1 2^2 2^3 2^4 2^5 2^6 2^7 2^8 2^9
10^1 10^1 10^2
3 4 7

1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6
7 8 9 7 8 9
* 0 # * 0 #

12 symbols, each individual 12 symbols, each individual

3 x 4 grid 3 x 4 grid
3 natures x 4 elements 3 natures x 4 elements
YIN expression YANG expression

0 dial x abc def hijk

2 A B C WH 94
3 D E F WEH 934
4 G H I WAYNE 92963
5 J K L ELLIS 35547
6 M N O
7 P Q R S HARTMAN 4278626
8 T U V JR 57
9 W X Y Z SR 77
tone FML name

plus SR 77
plus JR 57

Death of 4
badge 2 13 4 1

p6 p13 p16
13 41 59

13 14 15 2730 2 3 5 7 13 101111 47
555 5555 77777 57
225 FF 2F
88888 2^15
Fifth Density!!!!! BALANCED

2^15 32 7 68
<--wayne 7 RAYS 4 x 17 41 7 41 Wayne 13 prime
All Colors

Down Syndrome: Trisomy 21 - Causes, Symptoms and Risks

D S T 21 - C S R

13 28 29 3x7 - 12 28 27

3rd copy of 21: 2 3 7 => 3 3 7

42 => 63 77
74 => 111 2x3x5 WE 30

Forward Backward Lef Right Enough to get anywhere in 3D or on surface of Sphere

ADD Up Down to Manuever n 3D space relative to center point

NEED Lat Long Elevation Time to Know where you are NOW only if you are NOT HERE NOW

NEED Position Velocity Acceleration Jerk To KNOW where you are GOING next and to predict wher

NEED all of this to provide a service to you when you might need it

SERVICES Provide you with information you need C&C SOH Needs
when you need it Tasking Help

Receive information from you Track Tlm

to determine where you are over time
to verify who you are Signature
to determine how you are SOH
to know what you think you need Int Assess
to receive info from your sensors
to forward info to those who need the info Disseminate


COA 1 REG - MBMM Centric

1. Must know orbits and support needs for both TT&C and Mission Data
2. Responsive to Warfighter Needs

3. Resilient to Ground Threats

4. Technology Challenges
5. Scheduling Complexity
Accomodate increased launch suppot based on launch tempo
6. Resiliency Challenges
7. High Cost per MBMM
8. Need Robust, High Data Rate Communications to Remote Locations Worldwide for Cover

COA 2 REG - Anytime Access to All SVs on demand with warfighter scenario priorities
1. Satellite Crosslink Mesh in Sky to Provide Internet like Message Paths from Ground to Sa
2. Route paths around outages based on warfighter scenarios and acceptable resiliency lev

Paradigm Shif: Do as much as you can in space to reduce ground architecture footprint, cost, and as

1. Bring as much SOH info down as practical

Employ AI to look for abnormalities as well as anomalies to enable dealing with
Apply lessons learned to continuously improve SV autonomy over time
2. NOW focus … minimize planning and scheduling complexity
Prioritize and focus on doing the highest priority first, going down as far as resou
Automate SVs so that they take care of more SOH monitoring, fault detection, fa
This improves flexibility and responsiveness, and greatly reduces "throwaway" p
3. Use Ground only where necessary to do things that cannot be done more effectively from
Be careful that any ground services are essential - provide mission services or m
1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536
2^10 2^11 2^12 2^13 2^14 2^15 2^16
10^3 19^4
10 14
299 0 = 13:13(22) 0
1000 1990
1 2ABC 3DEF 06 and 61
7PQRS 8TUV 9WXYZ 09 and 91
* 0 # 9 x 16
# symbols 2^4 x 3^2
1 .. 1 2 .. 4 3 .. 4 165 1 4 4 12 x 12
4 .. 4 5 .. 4 6 .. 4 179 1 5 5 5 x 31
7 .. 5 8 .. 4 9 ..5
* .. 1 0 .. 1 # ..1

* above 8 on keyboard # above 3

@ above 2 % above 5 & above 7

99 444
99 333 444 3^12 2^16 3/20/18 @ 22:19 = 41!
99 22 9999 666 333 3^18 2^5 x3 318 and 25!!!! Connec
333 5555 5555 4444 77777 rotate 119 6 x 11 22 2002 2 13 again
999 999 4444 4444 4444 4444 XXIIII 6x4=X 8 62 2 x 31
444 22 7777 88 66 22 666 3 x 11 11 11

88 7777 66666 444 2222 2116

0 2450302 plus 2002
999999 88 777777777 66666666 55555555 4444444 333333 222222
62987766 92234
777777777 6 2 18 87 766
557777 6 2 16 89 766

0 0 13 0 2 000 22811 x 3
2 ABC B B 13 68-433
4 GHI G I 9

92234 PRIMES
33 =>34 9 B 34 = 33 BE 34 = 3x11 => 2 x 17 3^4 = 3x3^3 2 3 5 7 11
2-7 to 217 3^3 = 27 = 2^7 = 128 3^4 = 9^2 = 81 13 17 19 23 29
Y one DEF? 31 37 41 47 53
Y one p14 59 61 67 71 73
79 83 89 97 101
103 107 113 119
Everything else is movement, is illusion. On to 6: The LOVERS!
59 16 prime
61 17 prime
7 4 prime 47 ASLAN 15 prime 17 The STAR 71 19 prime
79 21 prime
89 23 prime
97 24 prime
101 25 prime

n 3D or on surface of Sphere

tive to center point

only if you are NOT HERE NOW or NOT NOWHERE

OING next and to predict where you might be at a time in the FUTURE assuming these later three don't change (probably BAD assumption

Mission Needs Data to Crosslink

Updates Data to Relay to other SVs
Info from Other Missions

Sensor Data Crosslink Data

Mission Data Relayed Data from other SVs

Sensor Data
Process, Disseminate Relay Info

Mission Data Import from SWC Prioritized service support needs per mission
Import from SWC Prioritized service support needs per SV
Allow changes in priority during sim period to address warfighter conflict events of interest
Allow for SV manuevers
Allow activate/deactivate SVs
Import from SWC Acceptable level of resilience
Coverage, BW, Frequencies, Capacity
Separate problem into TT&C, MD Freq-1, MD Freq-K smaller sets. Little, if any overlap, so can treat ind
aunch tempo
Resilient XMT/RCV apertures, Resilient Comm Network
Limited market. Pushing TRL in some areas
Locations Worldwide for Coverage

er scenario priorities
ssage Paths from Ground to Satellites in addition to direct ground to SV link
os and acceptable resiliency levels for services

itecture footprint, cost, and associated risk Be lean, agile, and responsive.

omalies to enable dealing with issues before they become problems

V autonomy over time

first, going down as far as resources permit

H monitoring, fault detection, fault isolation, and safing or fault resolution on their own
greatly reduces "throwaway" planning. Plans that are OBE before ever being executed.
ot be done more effectively from space
- provide mission services or mission assurance that is worth the cost
131072 262144 524288 1048576 D C B
2^17 2^18 2^19 2^20 A 8 6 7
10^5 10^6 0 1 9 8
17 20 2 3 5 7
2 5 14 3 0
MM - A ADD 299 0 MMM - A That would have made 2000 = 300 0 MMM - M = 13 13 13 -13 = 2184
MMM = 13 13 13 = 2197
0 1 2018 MMXVIII
3 2 66 98 44

A B A0 B1 A0 B1
D8 C4 D8 C4 D8 C4
10011 < to 9:Hermit
5 6 2x3x11 88
8 7 66 p23 98

9 4 1.3333333 00000000 A
A C 4x3x3
6 x 11 New Control
3/20/18 @ 22:19 = 41! Also = p1 p5 p13 2 0 183 2024 2054 Right Triangle per Euclid
318 and 25!!!! Connected as prominent #'s in WAYNE 2 0 1 888 3 5
2 0 1 2^9 6 10
p1 p11 111 2 0 1 8x111 5 13
684 + A 3x23x37 2 4
694 WWW 1 1.414
x spirit MAN MARS ADAM
4118 p2 p9 p 12 32 EVE
4812 4818 << = 2192
4807 888 + 2^2
Idyllwild 2291
3^5 3^6 22:22 + 69
2 x 43
86 19 22 7 22 PM 19 11 2 p8 p5 p1
68-1433 << == 33 41 9 to 9
9 to 21
77 9 to 37
Badge Ao hermit
2 3 11 p5 55 to
2 3 5 7 11 13 14 13 p6 78 spirit
13 17 19 23 29 p9 p13 23 41 47
31 37 41 47 53 13 => 14 wayne Wayne ASLAN he m
17 p7 119 r---it
59 61 67 71 73 spi
79 83 89 97 101 add 179 one in front of p21
103 107 113 119 First four primes with ONE in front drop 5 x 17 and 4 = 89 = p23
hermit to spirit drop he add spi
-85 179
17 25 61 101 6161
Different Currency! SS
SS wih 1 through it $$=44
101 replicates any character with a 0 seperating it
If split 8 into two equal parts, can also get two i

Use tools creatively, use whatever bases, operators, transfo

provide information that can be connected to things you kn

It is not the things that matter so much, but the meaning/d

them and whatever behavior you are able to observe as a r

Also, remember that

obably BAD assumption)

Multiple priority levels per mission
Multiple priority levels per SV

overlap, so can treat independently.

MMM - M = 13 13 13 -13 = 2184
MMM = 13 13 13 = 2197
22:13(88) Spiritual Based Re
88:13(22) Discover and Experience New Wo


< plus 10002
2^3 x 11 2^2x11 NEXT !!!!!!!!!! Be Kind | Share |
2x7x7 44

48: Man in Search

1002 2 of More

Old 4 x 11 Circularize < --- ONE

riangle per Euclid 3 5 4
8 Keep EE EDEN Keep D
12 3 4 4
Add N =
3 9 not 575 and not 2184 = 3 x 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13
1 WW
1 4 1 13 22 33 22 66 222222 3333 46 = 2 x 23 Note: no 5s or 7s here
5 22 5 333 8888 333 222222222222 333333 126 = 3 6 7 = 2337 2 3 6 and 8's only
66 22 33 22 66 22222222 333333 3^5 23: wayne 68 :WAYNE
Completes ADAM by adding 66 = 2233 = 22(prime) 2 3 7 11 6 28 and 486
One cycle of Major Arcana 6 77 8128 as well 8 223 8
MADAM not EVE was created from ADAM's RIB 22 21 The Master of the World.
To get from MADAM to EVE requires 16:The Tower That is 2^4 or a factor of 12/8 = 3/2

13 529^4
1000 M = 1000 = 10 10 10 = AAA
888 23^3 12167 11 x 11
takes Dreamer Tower Chariot
in front of p21 203(88)
nd 4 = 89 = p23 Event Driven Simulation
drop m drop hem 3/21/2018 @ 12:47 AM MISSION => NO IS SIM!!! IS REAL!!

When you realize that YOU are ONE with ALL THAT IS, you realized that there is only ONE! When there is only ONE,

GOOD NIGHT! Thank You for your SERVICE!


two equal parts, can also get two individual eyes from a pair of eyes.
1WWW W W W 1 AB Neg
whatever bases, operators, transformations, and groupings WW1W W 0 W W 10 11 23
t can be connected to things you know. W1WW W W 0 W 23 0 23 23
matter so much, but the meaning/definition that you give to 1
avior you are able to observe as a result of your focus/attention.. 9
2 5

NOW is 2:13 AM on 3/21/2018

3 3
Spiritual Based Reality ENJOY
nd Experience New Worlds Rewards
NATION - Playground for Reality Creation LOVE
Be Kind | Share | Serve PEACE

17 2 x 5
22:25(88) = 1961
1958 22:22(88)
= 3 x 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13

222 5

Conception p8 x tripler
1957 19 103
757 PM
76 = 2x38
238 =WH RED Door in 1994
23^8 8 32 1162
Genghiz Khan
Becket => AC
Amy C. Baxter
SEE A 92
SEE B 234
p23 0 See's Candy 4812
1 Ethel M Candy
Even Mix 68 2 12 22:00(88)
M!!! IS REAL!! 2 217 2 17 1936 DAD BD
22 17 VQ MH
2 2 1 7
When there is only ONE, there is NO ONE ELSE to be in relation TO or WITH for that matter. At that point, the only option is to CEASE TO BE

1022 AM OM 2422
2210 MA MO 2224
MD 1013 AD OD 2413
1310 DA DO 1324

7555 8383
1300 24 24 X 576

Pyramid to "THERE IS NO BOX" in 25 years

Ao 13 143 2145 2184 39 3x13
11 15 24
7 77 165 360
88 180 384

184 486
1 8 4 98 2 7 7
the only option is to CEASE TO BE!!!! The very nature of BEING is ILLUSORY. At the same time, it is all REAL. You are ALL THAT IS defining
are ALL THAT IS defining itself and coming to know itself in the Process. There is no PLAYWRIGHT | ACTOR | OBSERVER separation. It is on
ERVER separation. It is only your focus that make it appear so. Feel free to stay in this realm so long as it excites your curiosity and your pa
your curiosity and your passion. When this is no longer the case, STOP. STOP Being, STOP Acting/Doing, and STOP Watching ... and see wh
P Watching ... and see where WE journey NEXT In consciousness. This is a choice that is always yours to make. When you grow tired of the
When you grow tired of the game, either change the rules or find a NEW GAME. You are beyond finding paths within this illusion. IT is time
hin this illusion. IT is time to say your goodbyes and return HOME. It is HERE that you Kindred SPIRITS await YOU. NAMASTE WAYNE! ALO

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