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DVD0010.1177/1474651411435588Bigagli etal.British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease


Lipid and protein oxidation products,

antioxidant status and vascular
complications in poorly controlled
type 2 diabetes


Abbreviations and acronyms
he inter-relationships between glycaemic control,
the progression of diabetes-related vascular compli- ABI ankle/brachial index
cations, oxidative/antioxidative status and inflam- ACR albumin:creatinine ratio
mation, have not been fully understood. We measured AER albumin excretion rate
CRP C-reactive protein
malondialdehyde (MDA) and carbonyl residues, C-reactive
DCCT Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
protein (CRP) and antioxidant systems by means of ferric
EDTA ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid
reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) and superoxide dis- FRAP ferric reducing ability of plasma
mutase (SOD) activity, in well controlled and poorly con- HbA1c glycated haemoglobin A1c
trolled type 2 diabetic patients without complications HDL high-density lipoprotein
(NC) and in poorly controlled patients with microvascular HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography
(MicroVC) and with both micro- and macrovascular com- LDL low-density lipoprotein
plications (Micro+Macro VC). All poorly controlled diabetic MDA malondialdehyde
patients showed higher MDA and carbonyl residues com- Micro VC poorly controlled patients with microvascular
pared to well controlled NC, as did those with Micro+Macro complications
VC compared to poorly controlled NC. The higher CRP and Micro+Macro VC poorly controlled patients with both micro- and
macrovascular complications
SOD activity levels reached significance in Micro VC and
NC poorly controlled patients without vascular
Micro+Macro VC groups. FRAP decreased only in poorly
controlled NC compared to well controlled NC (p<0.05). ROS reactive oxygen species
Glycated hamemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were positively SOD superoxide dismutase
correlated with MDA (p<0.05) and CRP (p<0.001) and VC vascular complications
inversely associated with FRAP (p<0.05) and SOD (p=0.06). Well controlled NC well controlled patients without vascular
An increase in MDA or carbonyl residues could be a complications
marker of high risk for complications in patients with
poorly controlled diabetes and they should be considered
for monitoring the effectiveness of drug treatment.
Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2011;12:33-39
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterised by impaired insulin sec­
retion coupled with insulin resistance, leading to hyperglycaemia.
Keywords: antioxidant status, C-reactive protein, endothelial
If diabetes is not diagnosed early and managed properly, patients
dysfunction, lipoperoxidation, poorly controlled type 2 diabe-
are at enhanced risk of microvascular (neuropathy, renal failure
tes, protein oxidation.
and blindness) and macrovascular complications on an athero-
sclerotic basis.1 Results of randomised clinical trials have shown
that long-term improvement in blood glucose control is effective
1Universityof Florence, Florence, Italy
2Diabetes Agency, Careggi Teaching Hospital, Florence, Italy
in the long-lasting occurrence of both microvascular2,3 and mac-
3Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy rovascular complications of type 2 diabetes.4 The development of
Corresponding author: Dr Elisabetta Bigagli,
complications is complex, and not yet fully understood, but
Department of Pharmacology, University of Florence, involves the direct toxic effects of high glucose levels, along with
Viale Pieraccini 6, 50139 Florence, Italy. abnormal lipid levels, oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.5
Tel: +39 055 4271 321; fax: +39 055 4271 280
Increasing evidence indicates that hyperglycaemia is the initiating
cause of the tissue damage, either through repeated acute

© The Author(s), 2012 Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/1474651411435588    33

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changes in cellular glucose metabolism, or through long-term in-depth examination, an electrocardiogram, measurement of
accumulation of glycated biomolecules and ROS.6,7 Several stud- ABI, and urinary ACR and serum creatinine in the 12 months
ies have shown that elevated blood glucose and an imbalance prior to enrolment. All patients with electrocardiographic signs
between free radical formation and antioxidant defence systems of myocardial ischaemia had undergone an echocardiogram
coexist in diabetic tissues both playing a pathogenic role in diabe- and/or a provocative test for myocardial ischaemia, whereas all
tes-related complications.8,9 In the presence of uncontrolled those with ABI < 0.8 had undergone an echo-colour Doppler
hyperglycaemia, the increased formation of ROS and lipid peroxi- examination of lower limb arteries.
dation products exacerbate oxidative stress and results in a loss of Macrovascular complications were defined as follows: myo-
cell integrity, disruption in cellular signalling and homeostasis, cardial infarction (documented history of myocardial infarction,
followed by inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and micro or and/or electrocardiographic and echocardiographic evidence of
macro angiopathies.10-12 myocardial necrosis); stroke (documented history of previous
Several investigations have focused on antioxidant status stroke requiring hospitalisation, including minor stroke); periph-
and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes. However, the role of eral artery disease (history of gangrene, or ABI < 0.7 with signs
oxidative status and antioxidant defences in diabetes with its of atherosclerosis of arteries of lower limbs at the echo-colour
major complications, is not completely known due to contradic- Doppler examination). Diabetic retinopathy was diagnosed
tory results reported for patients with type 2 diabetes.13-15 We through fundus examination performed by an ophthalmologist,
have previously reported that patients with type 2 diabetes had while nephropathy was defined on the basis of at least two
higher oxidative DNA damage than healthy subjects and FRAP values of ACR > 30 mg/g.
was significantly lower only in patients with poor glycaemic Of the patients enrolled, 15 were well controlled and free
control.16 Moreover, in a small group of patients with type 2 of micro- and macrovascular complications (well controlled
diabetes with poor glycaemic control we demonstrated an NC), while among poorly controlled patients, 28 were free of
increased lipoperoxidation in those with complications but no micro- and macrovascular complications (NC), 17 showed
differences in antioxidant status parameters were found.17 The microvascular, but not macrovascular complications (Micro),
search for early, non-invasive and predictive markers of early and 12 were affected by both micro- and macrovascular
stage vascular disease in patients with diabetes would be of (Micro+Macro). Medications taken by diabetic patients were as
obvious benefit in monitoring the disease progression and the follows (non-exclusive): sulphonylureas (n=12), biguanides
effectiveness of interventions.18 In this context, the assessment (n=46), insulin (n=30), thiazolidindiones (n=2) and meglitinides
of oxidative/antioxidative status in patients with type 2 diabetes (n=4). Of the patients enrolled, 42 were treated with oral drugs
could be of help in the prediction of micro- and macrovascular only, 17 with insulin only, and 16 with combinations of insulin
complications plus oral drugs. Furthermore, 31 patients were also being
To our knowledge, less is known on the evaluation of oxida- treated with statins and 58 with antihypertensive drugs.
tive/antioxidative status and parameters of inflammation in Peripheral blood samples were collected by venipuncture
relation to glycaemic control in the presence of both micro- and into EDTA-treated tubes and all plasma samples were stored at
macrovascular complications in type 2 diabetic patients. To -20°C until analysis, which was undertaken within 30 days. The
further investigate the role of the oxidant/antioxidant status as CRP level was measured with the high sensitivity assay
predictors of hyperglycaemia-induced vascular complications, (Immulite, Diagnostic Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA,
we measured FRAP and SOD activity in parallel with MDA and USA).HbA1c was measured using HPLC (Menarini Diagnostics,
carbonyl residues measurement, CRP and uric acid levels19-22 in Florence, Italy), with a DCCT-aligned standard and upper nor-
a group of poorly controlled patients with type 2 diabetes with mal limit of 5.9% (SI units: 41 mmol/mol). Plasma SOD activity
or without micro- and macrovascular complications as well as was determined by nitroblue tetrazolium reaction.23 The SOD
in a group of well controlled diabetic patients. content, expressed as U/ml plasma, was evaluated by relating
to inhibition by the SOD standard measured at the same time.
Patients and methods The FRAP assay was performed according to the method of
In total, 72 patients with type 2 diabetes with well (HbA1c Benzie and Strain.24 MDA was determined after derivatisation
< 7.0 %) and poor glycaemic control (HbA1c > 7.0 %, > 53 with dinitrophenylhydrazine as described by Mateos et al.,25
mmol/mol; fasting glucose > 7.78 mmol/l) from the diabetology with some modifications.17 Carbonyl residues were determined
unit of the Department of Physiopathology, University of by the method of Correa-Salde and Albesa.26
Florence and the Diabetes Agency, Careggi Teaching Hospital,
Florence, Italy, were enrolled in the study. Statistical analysis
All subjects gave their written informed consent. The study Data were expressed as means ± SEM. Parametric variables
was approved by the local hospital ethics committee. Lifestyle were compared using ANOVA and the t-test using Prism version
and clinical details were collected from each patient. 4.0 statistical software (GraphPad software, San Diego, USA).
The patients’ history of coronary heart disease, peripheral The presence of any relationship between pair variables was
vascular disease and diabetic retinopathy were collected from evaluated by linear regression. Pearson’s correlation coefficient
the hospital records. All patients had undergone at least one r was used to quantify the strength of the relationship. A step-


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Table 1.  Demographic, biochemical and clinical characteristics of patients with well and poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: relationship with the presence of

Type 2 diabetic patients (n=72)

  Well controlled NC Micro VC Micro+Macro

NC (15) (28) (17) VC (12)

Age (yrs) 65.3±3.2 58.7±2.3 67.1±2.8 (##) 70.5±2.3 (##)

Diabetes duration (yrs) 8.1±3.6 9.0±2.2 15.4±2.6 (**; ##) 13.7±1.8 (**; ##)
Glucose (mg/dl) 130.1±12.5 219.8±14.6 (**) 243.2±20 (**) 153.8±20.8 (##)
HbA1c (%) 6.3±0.1 9.8±0.3 (**) 9.7±0.4 (**) 8.6±0.5 (**; ##)
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.0±0.2 0.8±0.06 0.9±0.1 1.0±0.1(#)
AER (µg/min) 3.1±0.8 6.0±0.9 76.2±19.2 (***; ###) 35.2±12.0 (*; #)
Uric acid (mg/dl) 5.7±0.5 5.1±0.1 6.1±0.6 6.1±0.6
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 177.1±13.1 197.5±6.0 218.6±19.9 176.5±16.3
LDL (mg/dl) 104.4±10.8 111.0±6.3 106.8±13.9 106.2±14.8
HDL (mg/dl) 48.7±4.1 45.3±2.5 40.5±2.8 40.4±2.9
Insulin (%)   5 (33)   7 (25)   9 (56)   9 (81)
Metformin (%) 11 (73) 12 (42) 11 (68)   7 (63)
Statins (%)   5 (33)   6 (21)   5 (31) 10 (90)

*p<0.05 vs. well controlled NC;** p<0.01 vs. well controlled NC; # p<0.05 vs. NC; ## p<0.01 vs. NC; AER = albumin excretion rate; HbA1c = glycated haemoglobin
A1c; HDL= high-density lipoprotein; LDL = low-density lipoprotein

wise multiple linear regression analysis to evaluate the associa- whereas mean glucose levels in patients with Micro+Macro VC
tion between HbA1c and CRP, MDA, SOD, FRAP and risk factors were similar to well controlled ones. Moreover, Micro+Macro
or confounding variables including pharmacological drugs such VC patients showed significantly (p<0.01) reduced glucose and
as statins, insulin and metformin, was performed using the HbA1c levels than poorly controlled patients without VC (NC)
STAT graphics statistical package. The entry value for the inde- but had elevated creatinine and microalbuminuria (AER). AER
pendent variable was 0.15. Notwithstanding our small sample was significantly higher in both micro VC and Micro+Macro VC
size, six independent variables were selected for multivariate groups than poorly controlled patients (NC) and well controlled
analysis on the basis of stepwise regression and their effect on NC (p<0.001 and p<0.05 respectively). Uric acid, total choles-
HbA1c levels was investigated. Since the proportion of patients terol and LDL and HDL levels were similar in all groups.
treated with metformin and statins was different across groups,
those therapies were included among potential confounders Lipoperoxidation and carbonyl residues (protein
together with age and lipid profile. oxidation)
Figure 1 shows the trend of increase in MDA levels; all poorly
Results controlled diabetic patients had higher MDA levels when com-
Demographic, biochemical and clinical characteristics of pared with well controlled NC diabetic patients (p<0.05 NC vs.
patients with type 2 diabetes: relationship with the presence of well controlled NC; p<0.01 micro VC vs. well controlled NC and
complications p<0.001 Micro+Macro VC vs. well controlled NC). When ana-
The characteristics of the enrolled patients are summarised lysing poorly controlled patients, a significant rise (p<0.05) in
in Table 1. Poorly controlled type 2 diabetic patients with micro MDA levels was observed only in Micro+Macro VC compared to
VC and with both Micro+Macro VC had a longer history of those without VC (NC). Carbonyl residues, a product of protein
diabetes in comparison to poorly controlled patients without oxidation, were significantly higher in all poorly controlled
VC (NC) and well controlled NC. They were older when com- patient groups in comparison to those who were well con-
pared to NC (p<0.01) but not when compared to well con- trolled (p<0.05 NC vs. well controlled NC, p<0.05 micro VC vs.
trolled NC. HbA1c values were significantly higher (p<0.01) in all well controlled NC, p<0.01 Micro+Macro VC vs. well controlled
poorly controlled diabetic patients than well controlled NC, NC). A weak, but not significant (p=0.067), increase in carbonyl


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Figure 1.  Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in well controlled type 2 diabetic Figure 2.  Carbonyl residues in well controlled type 2 diabetic patients
patients without complications (well controlled NC), in poorly controlled without complications (well controlled NC), in poorly controlled without
without complications (NC), in poorly controlled with microvascular complications (NC), in poorly controlled with microvascular complications
complications (Micro VC) and in poorly controlled with both micro- and (Micro VC) and in poorly controlled with both micro- and macrovascular
macrovascular complications (Micro+Macro VC). * p<0.05 vs. well complications (Micro+Macro VC). * p<0.05 vs. well controlled NC; **
controlled NC; ** p<0.01 vs. well controlled NC; *** p<0.001 vs. well p<0.01 vs. well controlled NC; p=0.067 Micro+ Macro VC vs. NC
controlled NC; # p<0.05 vs. NC

8 p=0.067 vs NC
*** 1.0

Carbonyl residues (nmol/ml)

# *
6 0.8 *
MDA (µM)

* 0.6

0 0.0



















residues content was observed in poorly controlled Micro+Macro Figure 3.  C-reactive protein levels in well controlled type 2 diabetic
VC group compared to NC (Figure 2). No differences in lipoper- patients without complications (well controlled NC), in poorly controlled
oxidation or carbonyl residues were observed between patients without complications (NC), in poorly controlled with microvascular
with or without microalbuminuria (AER) (data not shown). complications (Micro VC) and in poorly controlled with both micro- and
macrovascular complications (Micro+Macro VC). * p<0.05 vs. well
controlled NC; ** p<0.01 vs .well controlled NC; ## p<0.01 vs. NC
Low grade inflammation marker: CRP
Micro VC patients had higher levels of CRP compared to both
well controlled NC and poorly controlled NC (p<0.01) (Figure 3). 10 **
C reactive protein (mg/ml)

Micro+Macro VC group showed a significant increase in CRP ##

levels only when compared to well controlled NC (p<0.05). *
Plasma antioxidant status
A significant reduction in FRAP levels was observed only 4
between well controlled NC and poorly controlled NC (p<0.05)
while the presence of complications did not substantially 2
modify this parameter (Figure 4). The activity of SOD, was
increased in patients with micro VC and Micro+Macro VC com-



pared to well controlled NC (p<0.01; p<0.05 respectively).




Micro VC patients showed a statistically significant difference in




SOD activity, also when compared to poorly controlled NC (p<



0.05) (Figure 5). The presence of microalbuninuria/AER did not


change FRAP or SOD levels in all analysed patients (data not


Multiple regression analysis specified in the statistical methods. With this approach, as
Multiple regression analysis was used to identify any related reported in Table 2, HbA1c levels were positively correlated with
predictors of HbA1c. Notwithstanding our small sample size, six MDA (p<0.05) and inversely associated with FRAP (p<0.01) and
independent variables were selected for multivariate analysis SOD (p=0.067) in all type 2 diabetic patients with VC. The com-
and their relationship with HbA1c levels was investigated, as ponent related to CRP was positively correlated with HbA1c


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Figure 4.  Ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) levels in well controlled Figure 5.  Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in well controlled
type 2 diabetic patients without complications (well controlled NC), in type 2 diabetic patients without complications (well controlled NC), in
poorly controlled without complications (NC), in poorly controlled with poorly controlled without complications (NC), in poorly controlled with
microvascular complications (Micro VC) and in poorly controlled with both microvascular complications (Micro VC) and in poorly controlled with both
micro- and macrovascular complications (Micro+Macro VC). * p<0.05 vs. micro- and macrovascular complications (Micro+Macro VC). * p<0.05 vs.
well controlled NC well controlled NC; ** p<0.01 vs. well controlled NC; # p<0.05 vs. NC

800 6
5 #

SOD activity (U/ml)

* 4

400 3

0 0




















antioxidative status in type 2 diabetes13-17,27-32 but to date
Table 2.  Multiple regression analysis of glycated haemoglobin A1c
results on inadequately controlled patients have not been
(HbA1c ) levels against independent variables in all patients with poorly
controlled type 2 diabetes with vascular complcations extensively published. In particular, a comprehensive analysis on
the relationships between free radicals, antioxidants, inflamma-
tion and glycaemic control in the presence of vascular compli-
Independent Correlation SE p
variables coefficient cations has not been investigated. We previously reported that
only type 2 diabetic patients with poor glycaemic control had a
SOD -0.08 0.05 0.06 significant FRAP reduction in comparison to those who were
MDA 0.11 0.04 0.03 * well controlled16 and that MDA levels were raised in patients
CRP 0.24 0.09 0.0008*** with complications.17 Interestingly, in the present study, we
FRAP -0.003 0.001 0.005** demonstrated that uncontrolled hyperglycaemia determines
Total cholesterol 0.003 0.002 0.28 the rise in MDA and carbonyl residues levels even when CRP is
HDL 0.02 0.01 0.12 close to the normal range and complication have not yet devel-
oped. These results suggest a possible link between severe
* p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001, CRP = C-reactive protein; FRAP = ferric
reducing ability of plasma; HDL = high-density lipoprotein; MDA = hyperglycaemia and oxidative stress even when the lipid profile
malondialdehyde; SOD = superoxide dismutase is normal or near to normal and no sign of angiopathies is
detected. We found a significant FRAP reduction in uncontrolled
uncomplicated patients in comparison to those well controlled
levels (p<0.001). On the contrary, total cholesterol and HDL confirming the hypothesis of the depletion of small molecule
levels did not show any association with HbA1c. Moreover, antioxidants that follows severe hyperglycaemia.16 In our sample
when we investigated HbA1c levels in poorly controlled NC and of inadequately controlled patients with type 2 diabetes, higher
well controlled NC patients with the same approach, no asso- MDA levels are directly associated with HbA1c and with the pres-
ciation was found (data not shown). ence of micro- and macrovascular complications.
Interestingly enough, our results also suggest that lipoper-
Discussion oxidation and protein oxidative modifications may represent the
The pathogenesis of micro- and macrovascular complications of background to the progression of inflammation-based endothe-
type 2 diabetes is partly mediated by oxidative stress. This is sup- lial dysfunction. In fact, MDA and protein carbonylation level
ported by the evidence of an increased free radical production increases precede the rise of PCR and of complications.
and impaired antioxidant systems among patients with type 2 In agreement with our results, Singhania et al.30found
diabetes.27,28 Several studies have evaluated the oxidative/ higher levels of MDA in diabetic patients with macroangiopathy


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in comparison to those without complications, and in type 1

diabetic patients Targher et al.,31 reported a significant rise in
CRP levels as characteristic of patients with micro VC and
Key messages
Micro+Macro VC when a bigger amount of free radicals are
produced as indicated by the higher MDA and carbonyl resi-
dues observed in these patients.
In poorly controlled type 2 diabetes:
Interestingly, an increase in SOD-mediated antioxidant
●● lipid and protein oxidation are increased
response was observed only in patients with poorly controlled
●● the increase of plasma MDA and carbonylated protein
type 2 diabetes with micro VC and Micro+Macro VC. Then,
levels is an early predictor of diabetes complications
SOD activation seems to be a late, adaptive event aimed at
limiting oxidative tissue injuries caused by ongoing oxidative
and inflammatory processes. Accordingly, Turk et al. found a
significant increase in SOD activity associated with retinopathy References
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