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Name: _____________________

Period: _____
America Claims an Empire Test
50 Points
Vocabulary: match the words in the word bank with the definitions below. MISSPELLED

Queen Liliuokalani Imperialism Alfred T. Mahan William Seward Pearl Harbor

Stanford B. Dole Jose Marti Valeriano Weyler yellow journalism
U.S.S. Maine George Dewey Rough Riders San Juan Hill Treaty of Paris
Foraker Act Platt Amendment protectorate Emilio Aguinaldo John Hay
Open Door notes Boxer Rebellion Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary
dollar diplomacy Francisco “Pancho” Villa Emiliano Zapata John J. Pershing

1. _____________________________ Mexican rebel who was the main subject of a year

long manhunt
2. _____________________________ Admiral of the U.S. Navy, believed the U.S. needed
a strong Navy to become a military power.
3. _____________________________ This gave restrictions to Cuba after the Spanish-
American War
4. _____________________________ Letters addressing leaders of imperialist nations
proposing that they share their trading rights with the U.S.
5. _____________________________ This stated that the U.S. could use force in Latin
America to defend its economic interests
6. _____________________________ Ship sent to Cuba to bring Americans home
7. _____________________________ A policy that stated that the U.S. government could
guarantee loans made to foreign countries by American businesspeople
8. _____________________________ The policy in which stronger nations extend their
economic, political, or military control over weaker countries.
9. _____________________________ Volunteer cavalry (part of the Army) during the
Spanish-American War, Lead by Teddy Roosevelt
10. _____________________________ Strategic victory credited to the Rough Riders
11. _____________________________ Naval base in Hawaii
12. _____________________________ This ended military rule and set up a civil
government in Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War
13. _____________________________ Cuban born writer who started revolts in the U.S.
14. _____________________________ A country whose affairs are partially controlled by a
stronger power
15. _____________________________ The rebel leader in the Philippines during the
Filipino rebellion
16. _____________________________ Commodore of the U.S. Navy, Lead the attack on
the Philippines during the Spanish-American War
17. _____________________________ Secretary of State under Presidents Abe Lincoln and
Andrew Johnson, known for buying Alaska
18. _____________________________ Sensational style of writing, which exaggerates the
news to lure and enrage readers
19. _____________________________ A “short cut” through South America to get from
the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans
20. _____________________________ U.S. Secretary of State who issued the Open Door
Questions: Answer the questions below with the space provided.

1. What 3 factors spurred American imperialism? 3 pts.

2. Why was American opinion about Cuban independence divided? 2 pts.

3. Briefly describe the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1898. 3 pts.

4. Why was the U.S. interested in events in Puerto Rico? 2 pts.

5. What three key beliefs about America’s industrial capitalist economy were reflected in
the Open Door policy? 3 pts.

6. Explain the key difference between Woodrow Wilson’s moral diplomacy and Teddy
Roosevelt’s “big stick” diplomacy. 4 pts.
7. Would Cuba have won its independence in the late 19th century if the United States had
not intervened there? Support your opinion with detail from the text. 3 pts.

8. Why was the purchase of Alaska significant? 2 pts.

9. What groups were interested in increasing America’s presence in Hawaii? Why? 2 pts.

10. Where was the Spanish-American War fought? 2 pts.

11. Why did many Filipinos feel betrayed by the U.S.? 2 pts.
12. Why did many people oppose imperialism? 2 pts.

13. BONUS!!! Jose Marti was a Cuban writer who was in exile in the United States and
started revolts to get the U.S. involved in the Spanish American War. Where was he
living at the time? 2 pts.

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